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Galaxea Coral Care: Placement, Feed, Frag, Growth and Colors

  • by Alison Yang
  • January 19, 2024

Polyps of a Galaxea fascicularis enjoying the moderate flow

Welcome to the space coral! Sorry, I mean the Galaxea coral! This beauty of the saltwater world is known for its aesthetic resemblance to the stars. Don’t let its good looks fool you since they are quite aggressive and have a few specific requirements to ensure a peaceful aquarium.

The benefits of corals in your tank is that they are not as delicate as many fish so you will be able to improve the appearance of your saltwater paradise without too much work (as long as you choose the proper tankmates).

This guide may not teach you about planets, but you will learn a lot about successfully caring for your Galaxea coral. Let’s dive in! 

Quick Facts

Table of Contents

Species Summary

The Galaxea fascicularis (scientific name), commonly referred to as Galaxy coral, Tooth coral or Starbust coral, is a stony coral known for its unique appearance and aggressive nature. Native to the Indo-Pacific region, this species is admired for its intense coloration and challenging care.

When considering Galaxea for an aquarium, it’s essential to note that they possess sweeper tentacles that at night can extend up to twenty times, reaching 6 to 12 inches, contributing to their aggressive temperament when defending space.

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Endowed with both stunning beauty and a formidable presence, Galaxea Corals add a striking element to marine aquariums, provided their specific care requirements are met to ensure a healthy and thriving environment.

Galaxea Coral is recognized for its distinctive and expressive appearance. You will notice that it exhibits a variety of vibrant colors including green, purple, and blue. The polyps of this coral possess long, slender tentacles that can extend well beyond their base, giving the coral a fuzzy and bristled look, especially when fully extended.

In particular, Galaxea Coral tentacles often have contrasting white tips, which can add a striking visual effect to the coral’s overall appearance . Here are some notable features:

Tentacles: Typically long with potential for extended reach.

Colors: Ranges from green and purple to blue with the possibility of other hues.

White Tips: Many of the tentacles feature prominent white tips.

When caring for Galaxea Corals in home aquariums, owners enjoy their dynamic and textured presentation, which can serve as a captivating focal point. 

Author Note: It’s vital for us to consider their aggressive growth patterns, as their appearance can change based on their surrounding environment and the space they have to expand.

The tentacles’ pulsating movement contributes to its unique and lively aesthetic, reinforcing why we regard Galaxea Corals as a visually engaging species in the marine aquarium hobby.

Popular Galaxea Coral Species

When it comes to maintaining a vibrant reef aquarium, the inclusion of Galaxea corals is a favored choice among enthusiasts. As specialists in the care of marine invertebrates, we’ve observed several sought-after species that exhibit both aesthetic appeal and adaptability to captive conditions.

  • Galaxea fascicularis , commonly referred to as the Galaxy Coral or Tooth Coral, stands out as the predominant species in the Galaxea genus. It is famous for its star-like polyps and crystalline texture. What makes it appealing is its wide color palette, ranging from shades of green and brown to more exotic hues.
  • The Battlestar Galaxea deserves a notable mention for its unique appearance. It exhibits a dynamic color contrast that can be spectacular under the right aquarium lighting conditions. Their polyps have a remarkable ability to catch light, creating a glistening effect that resembles a starry night sky.
  • In the more premium spectrum, the Gold Galaxea Coral garners attention for its rare and exquisite golden polyps. Due to its unique coloration, it’s highly prized by coral collectors and often seen as a centerpiece in many reef tanks.

We emphasize that these species can be aggressive and possess extended sweeper tentacles . These are used to sting and keep competing corals at bay. Therefore, it’s crucial to provide sufficient space for each specimen in the aquarium to flourish and prevent altercations with other inhabitants.

Galaxea Coral Care

Caring for Galaxea coral involves specific requirements for tank size, water parameters, tank setup, and acclimation to ensure a thriving environment. Our guide provides a straightforward approach to maintain the health and growth of your Galaxea coral.

For Galaxea coral, a minimum tank size of 50 gallons is recommended due to their aggressive nature. While they may not need an entire galaxy, they do require ample space to expand without contacting other corals, as they may engage in chemical warfare with their neighbors.

Water Parameters

Proper water parameters are crucial for Galaxea coral health. Aim to maintain the following levels:

  • Water Temperature : 75-82°F (24-28°C)
  • pH Levels : 8.1-8.4
  • Specific Gravity (Salinity) : 1.023-1.025
  • Alkalinity : 8-12 dKH
  • Calcium : 380-450 ppm
  • Magnesium : 1250-1350 ppm
  • Phosphate : <0.05 ppm
  • Nitrate : <20 ppm

Conduct regular tests to ensure these parameters remain stable.

Make sure to consider what species you already have in your tank since the Galaxea coral could harm them, so plenty of space between them is recommended to keep a friendly aquascape. The following factors will also help keep a colorful coral for years to come. 

Moderate lighting with a PAR level of 100-200 is ideal . Be cautious of high light intensity as it can harm the coral.

Filtration/Water Flow

Establish a strong filtration system with moderate water flow to mimic their natural habitat and keep the water clean. 20 to 40 times water turnover would be a good range to start with.  

Substrate and Aquascaping

Use a mix of sandy substrate, island rock, or live rock to encourage natural behavior and growth. Ensure robust aquascaping to provide stability for the coral structure.


When introducing Galaxea coral to a new environment, a slow drip acclimation process is recommended to adjust the coral to the tank’s specific water conditions. This can take several hours but is crucial for the coral’s long-term health.

A Galaxea Coral in a saltwater aquarium

Growth Rate and Size

The Galaxea Coral exhibits a steady growth rate when kept in optimal conditions. Each polyp of this coral can reach up to 6mm in diameter . These corals have the ability to grow both vertically and horizontally across the substrate (that’s why we recommended plenty of space in the previous section).

When it comes to the growth rate, Galaxea Corals can expand their polyps and increase their size noticeably over the months. Here’s a snapshot:

  • Tiny Frags : New fragments start off small and begin showing new polyp growth within weeks.
  • Juvenile Colonies : Within several months, these frags can develop into small colonies.
  • Mature Colonies : In a few years, a single frag can transform into a substantial colony that becomes a central feature in a reef tank.

Fortunately, fragging Galaxea corals is not extremely difficult as long as the following two tips are part of the process:

  • Use a bone cutter or a frag saw for a clean cut and to minimize damage. 
  • Attach the fragment to a rock or a ledge far away from other corals. 

Galaxea Corals are somewhat fragile, so make sure to handle them with extra caution during maintenance and fragging procedures. While they can endure fragging well, this process should be undertaken delicately to avoid damage.

In case you are looking to frag corals on a regular basis and need more detailed information, check our Coral Fragging Guide .

Author Note: It’s important to note that the size of a Galaxea Coral in captivity largely depends on tank conditions and space availability. Larger tanks allow for more significant growth, while captive corals in smaller aquariums may have restricted growth due to space constraints.

Galaxea corals receive most of their nutrients through their symbiotic relationship with photosynthetic algae, but it is recommended to supplement their diet with additional feedings for optimal health and growth.

Meaty Foods: Finely chopped seafood, such as shrimp or fish will be perfect for your coral to capture with its stinging tentacles. It’s important to provide these meaty foods in moderation to avoid polluting the tank. Feedings of this sort are best done 2-3 times per week.

  • Beneficial Additives: To promote health, you can also try benepets which are reef-safe nutritional supplements. These provide a balanced mix of amino acids and other beneficial compounds vital for coral growth.

Powdered Coral Food: Another option is powdered coral food designed for LPS (Large Polyp Stony) corals. This can be mixed with tank water and introduced to the corals directly or broadcast into the tank, ensuring the coral has access to the nutrients.

Author Note: Be careful not to overfeed as this can lead to water quality issues. Watching how the coral reacts during feedings will give you insights into its health and will help you adjust the quantity and frequency of feedings accordingly. Moreover, strong water flow should be momentarily reduced during feedings to enhance the coral’s ability to catch and consume the food provided.

Compatibility and Tank Mates

Understanding the compatibility of Galaxea corals with other species is crucial. These vibrant members of the LPS (large polyp stony) corals possess a notably aggressive nature, primarily due to their sweeper tentacles.

Recommended Fish: Choose fish that don’t typically interact with corals like some from the list below. 

  • Blennies like the Scooter Blenny
  • Damselfish (we like the Domino Damsel )
  • Dartfish also known as Fire Dartfish
  • Gobies (how about the Bumblebee Goby? )
  • Hawkfish so try the Longnose Hawkfish
  • Dwarf Lionfish
  • Puffers (the Dwarf Pea Puffer is a good looking one)
  • Wrasses like the Fairy Wrasse or the Christmas Wrasse

Other Corals: It’s crucial to provide ample space between Galaxea corals and other coral species to avoid contact with the Galaxea’s stinging tentacles. Hardy corals placed at a safe distance will work.  

Invertebrates: Many invertebrates, such as Shrimp (like Cleaner Shrimp ), Snails , and Hermit Crabs , can coexist with Galaxea corals as they generally don’t interfere with corals. There are a few large starfish that might climb over and disturb the coral, so these should be avoided.

Starfish and Urchins: These can also be good companions as they typically don’t interact directly with corals.

Tank Mates to Avoid: There are fish that enjoy a nice meal of coral polyps so stay away from angelfish and butterflyfish . Moreover, small clams and certain types of worms might settle too close to the Galaxea coral running the risk of being stung.

The journey of caring for Galaxea corals is both rewarding and challenging, offering a splendid spectacle for any reef aquarium enthusiast. These corals, with their star-like polyps and radiant colors, not only enhance the beauty of your aquatic setup but also serve as a testament to your dedication and skill in reef keeping. 

They might not be a starter coral due to its aggressive behavior but if you are up to the challenge, maybe start with just a few tank mates and go from there. This way you can slowly monitor the response of your coral and any new fish before it becomes a wild west with everyone fighting for survival. 

Another cool LPS coral to learn about is the Lobo Coral which only needs a 10 gallon tank. We hope you enjoyed this guide and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out to us . Ha! And don’t forget to tag us on Facebook when sharing good looking photos of your coral.   

How to avoid bleaching of your Galaxea coral? 

Adjust the position of the coral within the tank based on the lighting strength to avoid bleaching—lower placement for high-intensity lighting and higher positions for weaker lighting setups.

How to manage the aggressive sweeping behavior of Galaxea coral in a reef tank?

Maintain a distance of at least 6 inches and up to 12 inches from neighboring corals and creatures. This precaution minimizes the potential for damage caused by the coral’s defensive mechanisms.

What placement within the aquarium is best for Galaxea coral to thrive?

Position them on a rock or elevated ledge, adhering to the mentioned spacing guidelines to provide the moderate flow and lighting they need. These measures allow for proper waste removal and feeding.

galex coral tours

Alison Yang

Alison is passionate about the intricate web of life on our planet, she's an Ecology and Evolutionary Biology graduate dedicated to creating impactful content that educates, inspires, and fosters change. As an educator, she has a proven track record of simplifying complex concepts, making them accessible to a broad audience. When she's not diving into the world of science or teaching, you can find her at the local animal shelter, offering her time to care for and advocate for our furry friends. Feel free to reach out to Alison to: [email protected]

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Galaxea Coral Care – How to Grow This Aggressive LPS


The Galaxea Coral commonly referred to as the Starburst, Crystal, Star, Tooth, or Galaxy Coral is a beautiful LPS (large polyp stony) coral popular with beginners because of its hardiness. 

Their colors are “out of this world” with awesome color combinations including tan, brown, green, pink, gray, purple, and many more! Perhaps that’s where they got their common name from, or from their long “alien-like” tentacles that can extend several inches at night. When keeping Galaxea Corals, you must note that they are aggressive. When active, your Galaxea will reach around, stinging and potentially damaging neighboring corals, which is why placement is key.

In This Article

  • Common Name: Galaxea Coral
  • Scientific Name: Galaxea fascicularis
  • Family: Oculinidae
  • Origin: Indo-Pacific
  • Care Level: Moderate
  • Temperament: Aggressive
  • Lighting: Moderate-High (PAR 150+)
  • Water Flow: Medium
  • Placement: Any

Galaxea Coral Care

Galaxea Coral is a hardy coral that fits into a variety of aquarium setups. Even though they are a hardy LPS coral, extra care must be taken when handling them, as Galaxea Corals have a very fragile skeleton that can easily be damaged. 

Galaxea Corals have been widely imported and aqua-cultured for aquarists as they tend to be much hardier than corals imported from the wild. They also seem to tolerate a variety of aquarium conditions, however, you should always keep the following water conditions within range.

Ideal Water Conditions

  • Temperature: 72° – 78 °F
  • pH: 8.1 – 8.4
  • Salinity: 1.023 – 1.025
  • Alkalinity: 8 – 11 dKH 
  • Nitrates: <10 ppm
  • Phosphates: <0.10 ppm
  • Calcium: 400 – 450 ppm
  • Magnesium: 1200 – 1350
  • Strontium: 8 – 10

Feeding Your Galaxea Coral

Galaxea Corals rely heavily on the symbiotic algae that live within their tissues, called zooxanthellae. You may not be able to see them, but they play a vital role in your coral’s health and nutrition.

The zooxanthellae that live inside your Galaxea Coral provide your coral with food and in return, the Galaxea Coral gives them a cozy home to stay protected from predators. 

Although the zooxanthellae provide your coral with the nutrition they require to survive, your Galaxea will benefit from some meaty foods 2 to 3 times a week. You can give them a variety of planktonic coral foods, brine shrimp, mysis, anything meaty that will fit in their mouths. Galaxea Corals will also benefit from some supplements, just like how vitamins benefit your health. Additional calcium, strontium, and trace elements will help build their exoskeleton, enhancing their growth!

Galaxea Coral Placement

With such beautiful coral like the Galaxea, I am sure you will want to show it off, but there are a few things to consider before you add it to your aquarium.

Because of their aggressive nature, your Galaxea will appreciate being placed on an island rock away from neighboring corals. This gives them a unique position in your aquarium and ensures neighboring corals are safe from their long sweeper tentacles. As their tentacles can extend at least 4 inches during the evening, ensure you leave at least 6 inches (12 inches recommended) between other corals otherwise they will start chemical warfare, and your Galaxea will most likely win…

Placement for your Galaxea coral also depends on the lighting you provide. When kept under moderate lighting, you should place your Galaxea in the middle to the top part of the aquarium reef. If you opt for higher lighting, then you should place your coral between the middle and lower region of the reef, and if your aquarium has very intense lighting, they will best be placed on the substrate. 

Galaxea Coral Aggression

As mentioned, your Galaxea Coral is notorious for its long sweeper tentacles that can sting neighboring corals. To minimize aggression, give your coral plenty of space for them to extend their tentacles without nearby corals falling victim to their powerful sting. 

Remembering to feed them meaty treats is also a good way to prevent them from stinging other corals. If they have a full tummy they will spend less time searching for food with their stinging tentacles. 

Galaxea Coral Sweepers & Water Flow

Water flow plays an important role in your Galaxea coral’s sweeper tentacles. The stronger the water flow, the longer their sweeper tentacles usually extend, but do not blast the water flow directly at them, as they may close up. If you keep the water flow low to moderate your Galaxea may only extend their tentacles around 1-2 inches. 

So, for your Galaxea to thrive, varied medium water flow with random bursts is best. Providing this water flow pattern will remove waste products generated by organisms in your aquarium and bring enough feeding opportunities for optimum growth and coloration for your Galaxea Coral.

Galaxea Coral Lighting & PAR

Compared to SPS (small polyp stony) corals, Galaxea Corals do not require as much light and can live in a variety of lighting conditions. Unlike most corals, your Galaxea Coral can be kept under regular fluorescent lighting and still stand out from the crowd!

You must however alter their placement depending on the lighting you have. If you have chosen Metal Halides, it is recommended to place your Galaxea Coral in the low to the middle region on the reef, and with other lighting fixtures such as T5’s and LEDs, place the Galaxea between the middle and higher region. 

Galaxea Coral Growth Rate – How Fast Will Your Galaxea Coral Grow

Expect your Galaxea coral to grow pretty fast! These corals do not hang around when it comes to spreading out, however, if you are having problems with their growth, feeding often speeds up the process. 

Some hobbyists have issues with their Galaxea taking over inside the aquarium. If this happens you can try to chip off parts of the colony, however, as they are full of nasty biological warfare proteins, be prepared for many water changes. An alternative would be to remove the colony and cut parts off outside the aquarium. Do not worry, they will be fine exposed while you do that. With the cut-off frags, you can give them to a friend or sell them. 

Galaxea Coral Not Opening

Firstly, many corals do not open 24 hours a day, so monitor them for a couple of days or set up a camera, as you may be sleeping when they decide to open up. 

Secondly, check your water parameters and perform a water change if needed. 

If they continue to close their polyps, you may want to move them further up in the aquarium, so they can receive more light. Also check you are not blasting them with too much direct water flow, as your coral may not open fully to protect their polyps. Remember that Galaxea corals are very easy to become damaged as their tentacles and skeleton are very sensitive.

Galaxea Coral Dying

Galaxea Corals do not die for no reason. This coral is prone to brown jelly infections, STN/RTN (slow tissue necrosis/fast tissue necrosis), and tissue recession when they become weak. To prevent this, check your coral’s health and place it in a coral dip before adding it into the aquarium for the first time. 

Although rare, in severe cases the following issues can result in your Galaxea Coral dying:

  • Excessive debris and waste collecting between their polyps. 
  • Breaking of their skeleton, exposing their tissues to infections, and compromising their immune system. 
  • Incompatible fish (usually parrotfish and angelfish are the culprits!) that will munch on your coral’s tissue. 
  • Transport – stress, and damage can kill your Galaxea Coral, therefore keep your coral’s polyps clean and use a coral dip before you place it inside the aquarium. 

On a more positive note, your Galaxea’s polyps have wide spacing between one another, so if one polyp becomes infected or dies, then there is some hope of saving the whole colony.

Whether you are a new hobbyist looking for a coral that’s easy to care for, or you are a reef expert after a coral that has an “out of this world” appearance, the Galaxea Coral ticks both those boxes! 

Roy Lee

I have an unhealthy obsession with reef keeping and maintaining successful tanks. If you haven't noticed from the website, I love everything related to saltwater tanks like coral, fish, and everything else in between.

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  • ALSO CONSIDER: December-May has warmer calmer seas with better visibility, but some rain. June-November is cooler and drier, but with cloudier skies.

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9 Galápagos Travel Surprises

GeoEx's Don George with his family on a panga in the Galapagos Islands

Galápagos Family Adventure: The Trip That Changed Our Lives

Travel Stories edited by Don George


South Florida on the Cheap

Free Biltmore Hotel historic tour in Coral Gables

Josie Gulliksen

The City of Coral Gables known as “The City Beautiful” is a wonder of Mediterranean architecture and rich history. 

One of its most iconic and beloved sites The Biltmore Hotel is a 1920s marvel and a shining example of historic preservation so who better to host free weekly guided tours there than Dade Heritage Trust.

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For more than 40 years the organization has been leading the charge cultural, architectural and historic preservation.

Tours are every Sunday at 2 p.m., led Dade Heritage Trust guides. Meet the guide at the fireplace at the east end of the Main Lobby for a walking tour of the hotel. The tour focuses on the architecture, history and cultural heritage of the Biltmore Hotel.

The  National Landmark Hotel is at 1200 Anastasia Avenue in Coral Gables.  Participation is limited to 20 , please register in advance by clicking here.

To keep up with latest news, sign up for the daily  Miami on the Cheap newsletter.  You can also  follow us on Facebook ,  Twitter  and  Instagram .

Other events and things to do in coral gables:.

Family Day on Aragon

Gables Gallery Night

Floral park in Coral Gables

More Miami-Dade events

Biltmore hotel.

1200 Anastasia Avenue Coral Gables , FL 33134 (855) 311-6903

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Costa maya excursions tours experts.

Coral Go! Experience invites you to join us to explore and discover the best of Costa Maya, Mahahual and Bacalar with our friendly guides. There are so many things to do in Costa Maya and we bring you the very best with Mayan ruins tours from Mahahual, Bacalar boat tours

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Isidoro Trejo

Coral Gables Museum


The Coral Gables Museum (CGM) is the official Visitor Center for the City of Coral Gables, a planned community of the 1920s featuring Mediterranean style historic buildings, fountains, plazas and grand entrances surrounded by lush landscaping and Miami­-Dade’s most majestic tree canopy, earning it the nickname the City Beautiful.

CGM offers exhibit, walking, cycling and canoe tours. A self­ guided, cell phone audio tour is also available in both English and Spanish.

To book a group tour of the exhibits or city, call 305.603.8067.

Urban Sketch Crawl – Bimonthly at 6 PM

Gables bike tours – third sundays at 10 am, downtown walking tours, the historic riviera.

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Coral Gables Museum


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The City Beautiful’s Premier Hub of Civic Arts. #coralgablesmuseum

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Tropical Oasis Garden Tour

March 2, 2024

The 31st Villagers’ Garden Tour will take place from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, March 2, in the Coral Gables and High Pines area.

The "Tropical Oasis" theme will be vividly on display in each specially curated garden. Villagers and garden experts will be on hand to explain the special features and plantings at each location.

Tickets are $50 and can be purchased from Villagers' members or through Eventbrite at . Throughout February, tickets will also be available for sale at The Villagers' booth at Coral Gables Farmer’s Market on Saturdays February 17 and 24. On the day of the tour, tickets will be available for $55 at two Coral Gables check-in locations: St. Thomas Episcopal Church, 5692 N Kendall Drive, and one of the gardens at 1230 Catalonia Avenue.

A gift boutique at St. Thomas will feature unique artisans, vintage jewelry, garden-related gift items, and plants. The boutique will be open from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m., an hour after the tour ends. A Rita Tennyson pop-up café will also be on-site, offering food for purchase.

Additional Event Information

  • This is a no-smoking event 
  • Venues cannot accommodate wheelchairs, walkers, or strollers. 
  • Commercial photography is not allowed. 
  • Carpooling and comfortable, flat walking shoes is encouraged. 
  • Ticket holders will drive their own vehicles between the properties and will receive a map to guide them, as well as detailed information about landscaping highlights. 
  • There are no refunds and no rain dates.

Proceeds support The Villagers’ historic preservation projects and university scholarships for students studying historic preservation.

About The Villagers

Since 1966, The Villagers have awarded close to 250 grants to more than 80 organizations and 200+ university scholarships to advance historic preservation. Through educating, advocating, fundraising, restoration, and documentation, The Villagers work to preserve the cultural and architectural heritage of local historic sites and neighborhoods. For more details about the Garden Tour, projects funded, scholarships, membership opportunities, and the full scope of The Villagers’ legacy, visit .

More community events

87th annual royal poinciana fiesta.

This event features tours to see the best Poincianas of the season, lectures on the history of the trees, a “cocktail party with a paintbrush," displays by young artists, scholarship awards, and mo

Fewell Park Native Planting

Join us on Friday, June 28, from 10 a.m.

Gables Bike Tours

Join BikeWalk and Coral Gables Museum for fun, educational bike tours around the city. 

Coral Travel & Tours, Ltd.

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Why wait? Call us TODAY for your free, no-obligation group quote at 1-866-267-2511 .

Christian Israel Tours

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Best christian israel tours.

In business since 2000, Coral Travel & Tours is your #1 resource for Christian travel to Israel and beyond. Coral Tours specializes in providing the best  Christian Israel Tours , Messianic Israel Tours , Catholic & Protestant Israel Tour  itineraries for churches, bible study groups, leadership teams, students, worship teams and more.

For the past several years Coral has designed and implemented Israel pilgrimage tours for IPHC Bishop Douglas Beacham Jr., New York Times Best-Selling Author Rabbi Jonathan Cahn and WND founder Joseph Farah among others.

Coral would like to assist you with creating the most memorable, fully  customizable Bible themed Israel group tour  to meet all your wishes. If you’ve dreamed of seeing the land where Jesus lived, taught, and ministered, call us today to find out how we can help make your dream a reality.  Call us toll free 866.267.2511 for your free, no obligation Israel Tour group quote.

If you’re a pastor, associate pastor, bible study leader, worship leader and you’ve never been to Israel before but would like to consider leading groups to Israel we have the  best Christian Israel tours  for you. Our  Israel Familiarization tours  are specifically designed for leaders of the Christian and Messianic communities to equip them to lead tours to Israel. Come study the land and become equipped to share what you’ve learned with others all while getting to know us here at Coral. These  Israel Familiarization Tours  are vendor subsidized and as such are offered at greatly reduced rates compared to regular tours. Learn more about our  Israel Pastors Familiarization Tours .

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    GALEX CORAL TOURS, Tonalá, Jalisco. 1,889 likes · 9 talking about this · 6 were here. Somos una Agencia con la Misión de brindar los mejores precios de la plaza, con la garantía de una Estadía...


    VIAJES GALEX CORAL TOURS ⛱TE INVITA A CONOCER NUESTRO PLAN PREMIUM EN LA RIVIERA NAYARIT⛱ PLAN PREMIUM $2,200 pesos adulto en habitación triple!!! Riviera Nayarit, Playa Los Ayala. Hotel...

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  5. Galaxea Coral Care: Placement, Feed, Frag, Growth & Colors

    The Galaxea fascicularis (scientific name), commonly referred to as Galaxy coral, Tooth coral or Starbust coral, is a stony coral known for its unique appearance and aggressive nature.Native to the Indo-Pacific region, this species is admired for its intense coloration and challenging care. When considering Galaxea for an aquarium, it's essential to note that they possess sweeper tentacles ...

  6. Galaxea Coral Care

    As their tentacles can extend at least 4 inches during the evening, ensure you leave at least 6 inches (12 inches recommended) between other corals otherwise they will start chemical warfare, and your Galaxea will most likely win…. Placement for your Galaxea coral also depends on the lighting you provide. When kept under moderate lighting ...

  7. 4301 SE 18th Pl, Cape Coral, FL 33904

    Zillow has 50 photos of this $3,750,000 4 beds, 6 baths, 3,760 Square Feet single family home located at 4301 SE 18th Pl, Cape Coral, FL 33904 built in 2023. MLS #224039937. 3D Home Tour Available!


    Tour Gables Ponce. Tour in person. Schedule tour. OR. Send message. Gables Ponce (786) 361-1423. Nearby Rentals. 1 / 34. $2,290+ /mo. ... and offering Variable lease terms. Gables Ponce is located in Coral Gables, the 33146 zipcode, and the Miami-Dade. The full address of this building is 310 Granello Ave Coral Gables, FL 33146. Join us. Become ...

  9. Cool Tours Galveston

    Saturday & Sunday - 11:00, 12:30, 2:00, 3:30. We are happy to take advance reservations for groups and charters at any time. We recommend that you call 4 for the current day's schedule in the event of road closures, weather closures, etc. Prices. Single ticket prices are as follows: Single Ride. 24-Hour Hop-On Hop-Off.

  10. Gladex Travel and Tours Corp.



    GALEX CORAL TOURS, Tonalá, Jalisco. 1,956 likes · 3 talking about this · 6 were here. Somos una Agencia con la Misión de brindar los mejores precios de la plaza, con la garantía de una Estadía...

  12. Galapagos Expeditions: Luxury Tours, Island Cruises, & Trips

    Cruise Island to Island, Meeting Sensational Wildlife. Long before they took the name of their native tortoises, the Galápagos were known to whalers and pirates of the Pacific as Las Islas Encantadas—the Enchanted Islands. The old name still rings true today. This GeoEx voyage visits many of the bewitching archipelago's 19 islands ...

  13. Gables Bike Tours

    May 19, 2024 · August 18, 2024. Coral Gables Museum, 285 Aragon Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33134. Recreation Arts/Culture Green Initiatives. Tickets and More Information. Hop on for fun, educational bike tours through The City Beautiful. They take place every third Sunday of the month. Each tour offers a different theme and route! Tours start at ...

  14. Galaxea Coral Care Guide: Galaxea fascicularis

    Common Names: Galaxea coral, Tooth coral, Star coral, Crystal coral, Starburst coral, Brittle coral, Galaxy coral, Scalpel coral, Durian coral. Scientific Names: Galaxea fascicularis. Size: Individual polyps reach up to 6mm in diameter. Minimum Tank Size: 50 Gallons (189L) Aggression Level: Aggressive. Compatibility: Provide a wide berth around ...

  15. Free Biltmore Hotel historic tour in Coral Gables

    Meet the guide at the fireplace at the east end of the Main Lobby for a walking tour of the hotel. The tour focuses on the architecture, history and cultural heritage of the Biltmore Hotel. The National Landmark Hotel is at 1200 Anastasia Avenue in Coral Gables. Participation is limited to 20, please register in advance by clicking here.

  16. The Best Excursions and Tours in Costa Maya and Bacalar

    Find the best cruise shore excursions, tours and things to do in Costa Maya and Bacalar at the best Prices. Book with us and have all the fun! For Further Inquires : +52 (998) 159-9190. Home; ... Costa Maya Excursions Tours Experts. Coral Go! Experience invites you to join us to explore and discover the best of Costa Maya, Mahahual and Bacalar ...

  17. Tours

    GUIDED TOURS. The Coral Gables Museum (CGM) is the official Visitor Center for the City of Coral Gables, a planned community of the 1920s featuring Mediterranean style historic buildings, fountains, plazas and grand entrances surrounded by lush landscaping and Miami­-Dade's most majestic tree canopy, earning it the nickname the City Beautiful.

  18. Tidal Gardens

    Neon Green Galaxea. Galaxea or Galaxy Corals are a hardy stony coral that grows additional heads quickly. Please be aware that Galaxea have long sweeper tentacles and need plenty of space to themselves. Frags of this coral will be 1/2"-1". Galaxea is an aggressive stoney coral with short tentacles tipped in white.

  19. Gate 1 Travel

    Gate 1 Travel offers a variety of travel styles to accommodate all types of travelers. Many of our destinations include escorted tours, small group tours, river cruises, walking tours and independent travel packages to explore on your own. Choose from any of our travel styles and experience the best of a destination in a way that is suited for you.

  20. Tropical Oasis Garden Tour

    March 2, 2024. The 31st Villagers' Garden Tour will take place from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, March 2, in the Coral Gables and High Pines area. The "Tropical Oasis" theme will be vividly on display in each specially curated garden. Villagers and garden experts will be on hand to explain the special features and plantings at each location.

  21. Exploring Israel: Around The Sea of Galilee

    As your exploration around the Sea of Galilee wraps up, the adventure through Israel's wonders continues with the Coral Travel & Tours, your partner in customizing unforgettable tours tailored to your unique interests. Whether you're drawn to intimate family tours, adventurous day trips, or comprehensive vacation tours, Coral Travel & Tours ...

  22. Israel Christian Tour

    Call us TODAY for your free, no-obligation group quote at 1-866-267-2511. In business since 2000, Coral Travel & Tours is your #1 resource for Christian travel to Israel and beyond. Coral Tours specializes in providing the best Christian Israel Tours, Messianic Israel Tours, Catholic & Protestant Israel Tour itineraries for churches, bible ...