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How to appeal a visa refusal

drapeau français administration

If the French consular authorities in your country of residence reject your request for a visa, you can ask them to review their decision or appeal to the Commission charged with visa refusal appeals.

Express or implicit visa refusal and informal appeal

A visa refusal may come in two forms. It is express if you receive a written notification of refusal from the Consulate; the refusal is implicit if you do not receive a response within two months of the submission of your request.

Since November 1st, 2016, the French consular authorities are required to justify their decisions to refuse visas for foreign students. So don't hesitate to file an informal appeal with the French Consul in order to learn the reasons for the refusal and to request that the decision be overturned.

The Commission charged with visa refusal appeals

If the informal appeal is not accepted, you can appeal to the Commission de Recours contre les décisions de Refus de Visa d'entrée en France (CRRV - the Commission charged with visa refusal appeals). This procedure is a mandatory preliminary before any appeal to an administrative judge. It must be made within 30 days of the express or implicit refusal of the visa .

You may appeal to the CRRV in person, through a lawyer or through a family member with a mandate. Your request must be in French and be sent by regular mail to the following address:


Commission de recours contre les Décisions de refus de visa d’entrée en France BP 83609 44036 NANTES Cedex 01

Appealing a visa refusal to an administrative tribunal

The Commission de recours contre les refus de visa d'entrée en France may recommend that the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of the Interior grant your visa. They may also expressly (in writing) or implicitly (by not responding within two months) reject your appeal.

If the CRRV rejects your appeal or if the Ministers confirm the visa refusal despite the recommendation of the Commission, you can, within the next two months, lodge an annulment appeal with the administrative tribunal of Nantes .

Related contents

  • Visit the official website of the French administration for further information

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Faruse blog

How to appeal a rejected french visa application.

  • 30 Aug 2022
  • By Rohan Singh
  • in France Guide for Expats

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Welcome to Faruse, your premier recruitment services provider connecting startups with exceptional English-speaking and multilingual talent. We understand that a rejected French visa application can be disheartening, but don't lose hope just yet. In this comprehensive blog, we will guide you through the process of appealing a rejected French visa application, providing you with valuable insights and tips to increase your chances of a successful appeal.

1. Understand the Rejection Reason

When your French visa application is rejected, the first step is to understand the reason for the rejection. Common reasons include incomplete documentation, insufficient funds, or failure to meet specific eligibility criteria. Once you know the grounds for rejection, you can address them in your appeal.

2. Review the Appeal Process

Each French consulate or embassy may have its own appeal process. Review the guidelines and procedures for appeals carefully to ensure you follow the correct steps. Pay attention to the deadline for submitting the appeal, as missing the deadline may result in further complications.

3. Gather Additional Evidence

For your appeal, gather any additional evidence or supporting documents that address the reason for the rejection. This may include updated financial statements, new invitation letters, or any other relevant information that strengthens your case.

4. Draft a Persuasive Appeal Letter

Your appeal letter should be well-crafted and persuasive. Clearly state the reasons for your appeal and provide a strong argument as to why your application should be reconsidered. Be concise, factual, and respectful in your tone.

5. Seek Professional Guidance

If you are unsure about how to proceed with your appeal, consider seeking professional guidance. Immigration consultants or legal experts can provide valuable advice and ensure your appeal is well-prepared and meets all the necessary requirements.

6. Submit Your Appeal

Once you have gathered all the required documents and prepared your appeal letter, submit the appeal to the appropriate authority within the specified timeline. Ensure that all the necessary documents are included and that your appeal is complete.

7. Be Patient

The appeal process may take time, so be patient and wait for a response from the authorities. During this waiting period, avoid making repeated inquiries that could hinder the review process.

At Faruse, we understand the importance of a successful visa application for your travel to France. While a rejected visa application can be discouraging, don't give up. With determination and the right approach, you can appeal the decision and increase your chances of obtaining the visa. If you need assistance with your appeal or have any other recruitment-related inquiries, don't hesitate to contact us at Our expert team is here to support you in connecting with the finest English-speaking and multilingual talent for your startup's success.

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Can I hire a service to assist me in appealing my rejected French visa application?

Yes, you can hire our professional service to assist you in appealing your rejected French visa application. Our experts are experienced in navigating the appeal process and can provide guidance to increase the chances of a successful appeal.

What are the benefits of hiring a consultant to guide me through the visa appeal process?

Hiring a consultant for your visa appeal offers several benefits:

  • Expert insights into the reasons for the rejection and guidance on addressing them.
  • Formulation of a strong appeal strategy to present your case effectively.
  • Increased understanding of the appeal process and requirements.
  • Improved chances of a successful appeal outcome.

How much does it cost to rent the services of a professional to help with my visa application appeal in France?

The cost of our professional services to assist with your French visa application appeal may vary depending on the complexity of your case. For accurate pricing information and tailored assistance, please reach out to us at

Can you provide a step-by-step guide on how to appeal a rejected French visa application and the necessary documents required for the appeal?

We have prepared a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the process of appealing a rejected French visa application, along with a list of necessary documents for the appeal. To receive this comprehensive guide and document checklist, please contact our expert team at We're here to support you throughout the appeal process.

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About the Author

Rohan singh.

Founder of  Faruse

Rohan Singh, a resilient 2X bootstrapped founder, and full-stack marketing expert, established Faruse with a vision to bridge the gap between recruiters and international talent while enabling job seekers to find English-speaking jobs in Europe effortlessly, transcending language barriers. His unwavering passion for technology, nurtured since his early days, led him to create a cutting-edge platform powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning. With Faruse's innovative approach, Rohan strives to redefine talent acquisition and empower individuals and organizations to unlock their true potential in a globally interconnected world.

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  • How to write a French cover letter for a Art position in France
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  • How to write a French cover letter for a Automotive position in France
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France Visa Rejected? How To Appeal France Visa Refusal

If a French visa application gets rejected, most of the time applicants do have the option to appeal this decision. However, appealing is a complex process, and ensuring that the correct procedures are followed is critical.

Having legal representation when you appeal a claim is critical to its success and can make a massive difference. This is why those who are appealing a France visa refusal can contact one of our legal teams at Total Law. Just give us a call at +44 (0)333 305 9375 to get assistance with your appeal.

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  • Common Reasons French Visa Requests Are Rejected

The decision for a French visa to be refused and the reasons for the refusal will be noted to the applying party via a standard form. The notification of this will include the reasons for the refusal and why this was, as well as directions, procedures, and deadlines for the applicant to submit an appeal.

There are several reasons why a visa may be rejected in France. It is important to avoid common mistakes that can be made, which would result in rejection.

These are the most common reasons for a French visa to be refused:

  • The French visa application form was incomplete or incorrect. For example, if applying to visit family, those who have not provided sufficient evidence of the family members’ relationship may have their visa refused. Additionally, documents that are not adequately translated will also be refused.
  • Weak documentation was provided.
  • The applicant overstayed on a previous Schengen visa.
  • There are insufficient means of substance. This means they cannot prove that they have the funds for the duration of their stay and to return to their home country; necessary bank statements or similar documents may not have been provided.
  • The time the visa application was made is too close to the date of travel, and the visa cannot be processed in time.
  • The individual failed to prove that they would return to their home country, such as with documents from an employer such as an employment contract or school or a home contract.
  • The individual has insufficient travel insurance coverage. This should include hospital treatment as well as repatriation to the country of residence.
  • The applicant has a lack of proof of a proper itinerary. The applicant has not booked accommodation, flight tickets, or travel tickets.
  • The individual presents an invalid, damaged, or soiled passport. Or if the passport does not have enough remaining time to be valid. Passports need to have a valid period of three months after the visit as well as two blank pages. Passports should also not be over 10 years old.
  • The applicant is considered to be a threat to the Schengen country, or they have been involved in some fraud cases in the past.
  • Applicants who have previous charges of child abuse, terrorism, drug abuse, addiction, and other major crimes will be refused. A criminal record will often result in a visa rejection.

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The letter of refusal obtained by the applicant will state whether they are allowed to appeal. There is no fee to appeal, but fees for obtaining legal assistance may be expected.

It is worth noting the following information regarding an appeal:

  • The appeal must be received within two months of the date of the letter of refusal.
  • Should the appeal be late, the original visa decision will not be changeable. However, applicants can submit and pay for a new application if they so wish. In some instances, an individual may be unable to appeal a decision and may be unable to apply for a visa for up to five years.
  • This can be the case if you have submitted misleading or false information based on the original information.

All of the above will be stated on the refusal letter if this applies to you.

Age Requirements

Those wishing to appeal a decision who are over the age of 18 can appeal their visa decision and can do so on behalf of another person if they have authorised you to do so, as a family member, legal representative, solicitor, friend, or family member.

Those under 18 years of age cannot appeal their own visa decision. Visa application decision appeals need to be made by a parent or legal guardian if the applicant is under 18 years of age.

If the French consular authorities in the applicant’s country of residence reject the application, the applicant can ask for the decision to be reviewed. Alternatively, they could contact the Commission for Appeals against Visa Refusal Decisions.

A refusal can occur in one of two ways. It is considered express if the applicant receives a written notification of the refusal from the consulate. The refusal of visa applications will be considered implicit if the applicant does not receive a response within two months of the submission request.

How a visa should be appealed will be different depending on whether the visa is a short-stay or long-stay visa application.

Short-Stay Visa Application

A short-stay visa can be appealed as an informal appeal before the consular authorities in France or to the Deputy Director of Visas. This appeal is mandatory to be able to appeal to the administrative judge.

Appeals to the Deputy Director need to be made within 30 days of notification of the refusal decision or 30 days from the acknowledgement of receipt of the visa if there has been no reply from the consular authorities.

Long-Stay Visa Application

A long-stay visa can be appealed as an informal appeal before the French consulate authorities. Or an appeal can be made to the Commission de Recours contre les Décisions de Refus de Visa in Nantes. An appeal in this regard, made to CRRV, is necessary to be able to appeal before the administrative judge.

This appeal must be made within 30 days of the notification of the decision or acknowledgement of receipt of the application if the consulate authorities have not given a response.

CRRV may recommend the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of the Interior grant the visa; however, it can also reject the visa.

You do not get a visa appeal reviewed in your home country. Applicants need to be aware of how to appeal, as all appeals reviewed must be done in French courts.

The Commission for Appeals against Visa Refusal Decisions can recommend that the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of the Interior grant a visa. However, it may also reject the appeal, expressly or implicitly. Should CRRV reject the appeal or if the ministers confirm the refusal despite the Commission being in favour, you can file an appeal for annulment in the two months after this. This must be directed to the administrative court of Nantes.

Should the voluntary appeal not find a positive outcome, applicants can contact the Appeals Commission against decisions to refuse entry visas to France (CRRV). This is essential before an appeal can be made before an administrative judge and must take place within 30 days of there being a denial, expressly or implicitly, of the visa.

CRRV can be contacted directly by you, a lawyer, or a family member with a mandate. It is then possible to appeal before the Nantes Administrative Court; this must be done within 2 months of the Commission’s rejection.

The Administrative Judge’s control over refusals is limited; however, he can annul a refusal if the administration has committed a ‘manifest error of assessment’.

The applicant will need to show in their appeal that their reasons for travelling to France are correct and are not motivated by a desire to divert the object of the visa issued or to use it illegally.

The visa appeal process is standard for all types of visas; if you appeal the visa denial in time, your visa will be accepted with the possibility of appeal, and you may have to apply again. It is very important to always include all necessary documents for an application. During an appeal, if documents are missing, it is sometimes possible to submit them when you appeal.

Here at Total Law, we can offer representation and advice on appeals, as well as application interview procedures and assistance with your application. If you need legal advice as to whether you have the right to appeal, or if you have questions regarding how we can legally represent you during an appeal, give us a call today at +44 (0)333 305 9375.

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Related pages for your continued reading.

France transit visa, immigrate to france, french business visas, france visa types, france entrepreneur visa, how to start a business in france.

Disclaimer: Total Law operates under different capacities in the various countries we cover, including as immigration consultants or lawyers; We connect clients with our network of immigration lawyers if we are not registered as a law firm in a particular country

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France Visa Appeal Process

Are you planning to visit the beautiful and culturally rich country of France but faced a setback in your visa application? Don’t lose hope just yet! The France visa appeal process offers an opportunity to re-evaluate your application and present additional information to overturn the initial decision. In this in-depth article, we will guide you through every aspect of the appeal process, equipping you with essential knowledge and tools to navigate it successfully.

France Visa Appeal Process: Understanding the Basics

Before delving into the appeal process itself, let’s briefly understand what a visa appeal entails and the common reasons why visa applications may get rejected.

What is a Visa Appeal? A visa appeal is a formal request made by an applicant who has been denied a visa to re-evaluate the decision. The appeal process allows applicants to present new evidence or clarify any misunderstandings in the initial application.

Common Reasons for Visa Rejection

  • Incomplete or incorrect documentation
  • Lack of sufficient financial resources
  • Failure to meet eligibility criteria
  • Security concerns

Eligibility for Appealing a France Visa

Who Can Appeal a France Visa Decision? Any applicant whose visa application has been rejected can file an appeal, except in cases where the decision was due to an omission on the applicant’s part, such as missing documents or non-payment of fees.

Timeframe for Appealing The appeal must be lodged within a specific timeframe, usually within two to four weeks from the date of the visa rejection.

Step-by-Step Guide to France Visa Appeal Process

Review the Rejection Letter Carefully analyze the rejection letter sent by the French consulate. It will provide insights into the reasons for the denial and outline the appeal procedure.

Identify Grounds for Appeal Determine the specific grounds on which you can base your appeal. Common grounds include providing additional documentation or clarifying any misunderstandings.

Prepare a Strong Appeal Letter Craft a compelling appeal letter addressing the issues outlined in the rejection letter. Clearly explain the reasons why you believe the initial decision was incorrect and provide any new or missing information.

Gather Supporting Documents Collect all relevant supporting documents that strengthen your case. This may include financial statements, travel itineraries, accommodation bookings, and any other pertinent information.

Submit the Appeal Send your appeal letter along with the supporting documents to the appropriate French consulate or embassy by the designated deadline.

Pay Attention to Additional Requirements Some consulates may require specific forms to be filled out or additional fees to be paid for the appeal process.

Wait for the Appeal Decision The appeal process can take several weeks to months, depending on the complexity of the case and the workload of the consulate.

Expert Tips for a Successful France Visa Appeal

Be Thorough and Organized Pay close attention to detail and ensure all your documents are well-organized. A well-prepared appeal will demonstrate your commitment to complying with the visa requirements.

Seek Professional Assistance If you find the appeal process daunting, consider seeking help from immigration experts or visa consultants who have experience in handling such cases.

Provide Genuine and Credible Information Honesty is crucial. Provide accurate and truthful information in your appeal letter and supporting documents.

Highlight Strong Ties to Your Home Country If your intention is to return to your home country after your visit to France, emphasize strong ties, such as employment, family, or property ownership, to show your commitment to returning.

Address Previous Concerns If your initial application was rejected due to specific concerns, ensure that your appeal directly addresses and mitigates those issues.

Can I file an appeal if my visa application was rejected due to insufficient funds?  

Yes, you can appeal the decision and provide additional evidence of your financial capabilities, such as bank statements, sponsorship letters, or income certificates.

Is there a chance of visa approval on appeal if my application was rejected once?  

Yes, the appeal process allows you to present new information, and many applicants have been successful in obtaining their visas on appeal.

Can I apply for a different type of visa during the appeal process?  

Yes, you can apply for a different type of visa if you believe you meet the requirements for that category.

What if my appeal is also rejected? Can I apply again?  

If your appeal is unsuccessful, you can apply again with a new application, addressing any previous concerns.

Is hiring an attorney necessary for the appeal process?  

While it’s not mandatory, having legal representation can increase your chances of a successful appeal, especially if your case is complex.

Can I expedite the appeal process?  

The appeal process follows a specific timeline, and expediting it may not always be possible. However, you can inquire about the expected time frame with the consulate.

The France visa appeal process is an essential recourse for applicants who face visa rejections. Remember, thorough preparation, honesty, and providing credible evidence are key to a successful appeal.

Do you need assistance with your France visa appeal?

Contact our team of skilled immigration lawyers to discuss your visa and immigration needs. Call us on +234 812 5505 986 or WhatsApp us at +234 818 1547 085 for immediate assistance with your situation. We are available to assist you in person, over the phone, or online.

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If you feel that the consulate has made an error assessing your situation, you can dispute the decision through the different forms of appeal, let us explain it all to you 😊 🔍 There are 3 different ways to challenge the decision of a rejected visa:

  • Recourse to the same consulate,
  • Recourse before the commission of refusal of visa of entry in France located in Nantes
  • Litigation before the administrative court of Nantes

💡 Informal appeal An appeal is a request for a review of the decision. It is free of charge and must be sent on plain paper, stating the reasons for your appeal. Explain the reasons of law and the facts that lead you to contest the decision taken, you can join a letter of motivation and any additional justification in order to defend your appeal. Always keep a copy of your appeal request, as well as the documents attached and the proof of their sending, since these documents will be useful in case of a later legal action.

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If your VISA has been rejected for this reason, our housing certificate can help you! 

📜 The commission of appeal against VISA refusal decisions  If your appeal failed, you may appeal to the "Commission de Recours contre les décisions de Refus de Visa d'entrée en France (CRRV)". This is a mandatory step before any appeal to an administrative judge. It must be done within two months after the visa has been denied or implicitly denied. The CRRV can be contacted by you, your lawyer or a member of your family. Your application, written in French, must be sent by mail to the following address : Commission de recours contre les Décisions de refus de visa d'entrée en France BP 83609 44036 NANTES Cedex 01 🏢 Contesting a VISA refusal at the administrative court.  The Commission for Appeals against Visa Refusal Decisions can recommend to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of the Interior to grant you a visa. It can also reject your appeal expressly (by written notification) or implicitly (by not answering you within two months). If the CRRV rejects your appeal or if the ministers confirm the visa refusal despite the Commission's favorable opinion, you may file an appeal for annulment with the Administrative Court of Nantes within two months.

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Appealing a visa refusal

Sometimes your visa for France is rejected. The reasons for this refusal decision must be given, in accordance with the provisions of French and European law. You have the right to appeal a refusal of a visa for France and three options are available to you: a graceful appeal, an appeal to the CRRV and an appeal to the Administrative Court of Nantes.

france tourist visa refusal appeal

What are the rates of visa refusals for France ?

According to figures from the Ministry of the Interior, in 2017, the number of visa applications for France was 4,002,677, of which 537,479 were refused, i.e. 13.4% of refusals. In 2018, the number of applications was 4,289,211, of which 675,078 were refused, i.e. 15.7 % of refusals. The demand is constantly increasing each year, as is the refusal rate, hence the imperative need to secure the services of a specialist lawyer to appeal against a visa refusal for France.

Appealing a Visa Refusal for France: What are the Recourses ?

In any case, you are strongly advised to consult a specialist lawyer. Indeed, the procedures are delicate and the slightest error or the slightest breach will not allow you to win your case. MFV works with partner lawyers who are specialists in this sector and whose success rate is two to three times higher than average. If you have been refused a visa by the French Embassy, you have three types of recourse :

1 - Graceful Appeal

You have two months to file a request for a graceful appeal. This file is filed with the consular or diplomatic authority that took the decision to reject your visa. You must write a letter to the service concerned by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to keep proof that the appeal has been sent. This letter explains the reasons for the request for your visa and contains the supporting documents that may be used to substantiate your argument. In the event of rejection, you must contest a visa refusal for France by contacting the CRRV.

2 - Appeal to the CRRV - The Appeal Commission against Visa Refusal Decisions

In order to appeal against a visa refusal for France, you have two months to present your case before the CRRV. Before you go before the administrative judge, you must prepare a file of appeal beforehand. A specialized lawyer sent by MVF will accompany you in its drafting – obligatorily in French – which must motivate your request. The file is then examined by the competent authorities. Within two months of the filing date, you must receive a notification informing you that your visa has been accepted for issue. Otherwise, if you do not receive anything within two months, you will have to send another appeal to the Administrative Court of Nantes.

3 - Appeal to the Administrative Court of Nantes

The last recourse to appeal against a visa refusal for France is to go to the Administrative Court of Nantes. This is an appeal for annulment of the visa refusal, or even an injunction to issue it if it was illegally refused. You have two months from the date of notification of the Commission’s rejection decision or the decision of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of the Interior. Again, you are strongly advised to consult an MVF lawyer to ensure that your application is properly formulated and accepted. There are three ways to appeal against a visa refusal for France. They all involve the creation of a new file and it is preferable that they be written by a specialized lawyer to give you the best chance of success.

Our Visa Refusal Appealing is Efficient Fast All inclusive Tailor made

france tourist visa refusal appeal

Preparation : Study and Writing of the Appeal

Our specialized partner lawyers study your file and write your appeal based on the documentary evidence and the merits of the claim.

france tourist visa refusal appeal

Action : We Send Your Appeal to the French Embassy AND to the CRRV

Once your appeal has been drawn up by our specialist partner lawyers, we send it to the French Embassy of the country concerned and to the Appeal Commission (CRRV) as well.

france tourist visa refusal appeal

defense speech by Our Partner Lawyers

If necessary, our partner lawyers will plead to the Administrative Court of Nantes to defend your case, travel and pleading expenses included.

A "classic" refusal appeal is expensive.

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  • Clear and seamless communication : our specialist lawyers will keep you informed of each stage of the procedure initiated, whether it is an appeal to the CRRV or the Administrative Court of Nantes.
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france tourist visa refusal appeal

France visa denied: the common reasons

When you apply for a visa, the fear of getting your France visa denied is real. I fully understand you. Unfortunately, it just happened to you, and you don’t know what to do. There are solutions for you!

I’ll explain here the different  legal options  available to you to lodge one or several appeals to make your dream of moving to France a reality.

Requesting a visa is not easy and there can never be a  100% guarantee  to have it approved. No one can give this guarantee, not even a lawyer. To be honest I wouldn’t trust anyone giving such a guarantee. Only the consulate can approve or reject a visa request.

Be prepared for a lot of legal technicalities in this post! 

france visa denied

Table of Contents

What are the reasons for visa rejection?

Here are examples of common visa refusal reasons from the French consulate:

  • A criminal record or an alert for refusal of entry in the Schengen Information System (depending on the visa type you are requesting): the authorities have considered that you are a danger to security and safety in the territory
  • A suspect travel document : the consular services consider your passport to be false or invalid
  • Insufficient explanation and evidence of the purpose of your stay: you have not provided the required documents or they do not correspond to the purpose of travel stated on your form. For example, you indicated that your reason for travel was “tourist”, whereas you attached a certificate of reception at a family member’s home. You should have indicated “family visit” on the form
  • Invalid supporting documents : such as a certificate of reservation for a return ticket bought or downloaded from a fraudulent website or an unconfirmed hotel reservation. It could also be a marriage or birth certificate that is not certified or translated by a translator sworn in by the authorities.
  • Insufficient means of subsistence : this reason is related to your financial means or those of the person hosting you, which have not been deemed sufficient. For a Schengen France visa, these means must be 65 euros per day if you are staying in a hotel or 33 euros/per day if you are being hosted.
  • An unfavourable or inadequate Schengen visa history : This applies to short-stay visa requests. This means that you have already stayed on the territory of the Member States for more than three months during the current six-month period and must therefore wait six months after the date of your last return to apply for a new Schengen visa.
  • The absence of a valid travel insurance certificate (for certain visa types)

What to do when you get your France visa denied

If the visa application is not successful, you will have the possibility to lodge several  appeals . The preparation of these appeals will be facilitated if the consulate has replied to the visa application with the  France visa refusal reasons . Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen in practice.

If the appeals do not result in the visa being issued, you will have no choice but to submit a  new visa application .

You can also choose to submit another visa application form, making sure you correct and adjust your visa request file. There is obviously very little chance the same consulate grants a visa based on the same visa application request after a visa denial.

Do France visa denials happen often?

Visa refusals are still frequent, especially for short-stay visas but not only. Also, there are also disparities between French consular offices abroad.

In 2022 , there were 500,433 France visas denied. 

There are unfortunately no detailed data per visa type and per consulate.

When should a visa application be considered rejected?

A visa application can be considered to be rejected in two cases:

When the Consulate has sent you a letter rejecting your visa request (this is the best situation that rarely happens):

  • the refusal of the application is called express.

When the consulate has not replied to the application and a period of two months has passed since the application was submitted.

  • This is an implicit decision to reject . 

france tourist visa refusal appeal

What is the processing time for visa applications 

For short-stay visas.

The Community Code on Visas (CCV) adopted on 13 July 2009 by the European Union sets the maximum time limit for examining applications at 15 days .

The CCV provides that “in special cases”, where a more thorough examination of the application is necessary, this period may be extended to a maximum of 45 days . In cases of individual urgency, the decision must be taken without delay.

For long-stay visas

In theory, the Consulates have a period of  2 months  to examine the application.

The consular authorities may extend this period for a period of  4 months  to verify the civil status records. Birth certificates and marriage certificates are the documents that usually delay most visa request responses. If these verifications are not completed within this period, the administration may extend the time limit up to 4 months.

Also, the consulates are required to decide as soon as possible on applications for long-stay visas for  French spouses  and  students .

FYI : French spouse visa can be rejected in three cases: fraud, marriage annulment or threat to public order.

In the event of an implicit France visa rejection , you must request by letter to the consulate the rejection reasons.

What appeals can be made against a visa refusal?

Administrative appeals, which administrative appeal to file .

From the time of the express or implicit visa refusal, you may contest this France visa refusal  within two months .

There are two types of administrative appeal: 

  • an appeal to the French consular authorities and 
  • an appeal to the  Commission de recours contre les décisions de refus de visa d’entrée en France .

It is compulsory to lodge an appeal with this Commission to refer the matter to the competent judge in France. This will be done to Nantes Administrative Court. This appeal is called “contentious”.

Even though it is not required to make an appeal with an immigration lawyer, I’d strongly recommend getting assistance from one. You will have all the chances on your side. 

france tourist visa refusal appeal

Appeal before the consulate

Time limit for lodging an appeal.

An appeal must be lodged within two months of either the notification of the visa refusal decision or the acknowledgement of receipt of the complete visa application file if the consular authorities have not given any reply after two months. The purpose of this appeal is to challenge the decision to reject the visa application before the consular or diplomatic authority that took the decision.

The form of the appeal

An appeal letter must be sent to the French consulate where the visa application was submitted, preferably by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt in order to keep proof of the sending of the appeal.

In this letter, you should explain in detail the reasons for the visa application, the documents attached to the application and any supporting documents that may help to substantiate the application.

You should also attach either a copy of the letter rejecting the visa application or a copy of the application or any other proof of submission of the application in the case of an implicit refusal.

The outcome of the appeal

In case of rejection of the informal appeal, you will have no other solution than to refer the matter to the Commission for appeal against visa refusal decisions, before being able to lodge a legal appeal.

You may also choose to submit an informal appeal (to the Consulate) and an appeal to the Commission at the same time.

The appeal before the Commission of Appeal against decisions to refuse a visa to enter France

This appeal to the Commission must be submitted within two months either from the notification of the visa refusal decision or from the acknowledgement of receipt of the visa application if the consular authorities have not given any reply.

If no acknowledgement of receipt mentioning the time limits and appeal procedures has been given, the appeal to the Commission may be lodged at any time, even after the two-month time limit.

If you do not appeal to the Commission or do not appeal within the time limit, you will lose all possibility of challenging the visa refusal decision before the administrative judge.

The appeal must be sent by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, presenting your arguments and all useful documents to the following address

Commission de recours contre les refus de visas


This Commission may itself reject the appeal. In this case, you may only refer the matter to the Administrative Court of Nantes as a last resort. Or it may accept the appeal, but in this case, it can only recommend to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and to the Minister of the Interior to grant the requested visa.

 It will then be up to the Ministers to take the decision BUT they are not obliged to follow the Commission’s opinion.

french visa documentation

Litigation before the administrative courts

An appeal for annulment allows you to request the annulment of a visa refusal or even an injunction to issue the visa if it has been illegally refused.

In case of urgency, a request for suspension of the refusal decision may be submitted to the interim relief judge.

The annulment appeal

If the appeal lodged with the Appeal Commission is rejected, you may submit a contentious appeal with the Administrative Court of Nantes, provided that the appeal to the Appeal Commission against visa refusals has been lodged within two months of the visa refusal.

The appeal must be lodged within two months of the notification of the decision of the Commission or the decision of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of the Interior, but it can also be lodged within two months of the referral to the Commission if the Commission has not made a decision.

You should know that the French authorities abroad have wide discretionary power and may base their decision not only on grounds of public order but also on any consideration of general interest.

The appeal does not have to be prepared by a lawyer.

The judge’s control over visa refusal decisions is necessarily limited: he nevertheless agrees to annul them when the administration has committed a “manifest error of assessment”.

The arguments that can be invoked by the applicant are the following:

It must be demonstrated that the reasons given for coming to France are correct and that the application was not motivated by a desire to divert the purpose of the visa issued or to make illegal use of it.

It is possible to invoke the violation of a fundamental right guaranteed by an international convention (for example, Article 8 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms: “Everyone has the right to respect for his or her private and family life…”).

Suspension proceedings

It is possible to request while waiting for the judgment of the administrative court of Nantes on the cancellation of the visa refusal, the suspension of the contested decision.

To do this, there must be serious doubt about the legality of the contested decision and the decision must be justified by the urgency of the situation.

The administrative judge will rule within 48 hours. 

If the appeal lodged with the Appeals Commission is rejected, you may submit a contentious appeal with the Nantes Administrative Court, provided that the appeal to the Appeals Commission against visa refusals was lodged within two months of the visa refusal.

france tourist visa refusal appeal

Submitting an appeal in case of a France visa being denied can be challenging. Even though it is not legally required, I strongly recommend you get the assistance of an  immigration lawyer registered with a French Bar . This lawyer can be registered at the Bar of any French city since the process of visa appeal is centralised in Nantes and no process in person is required.

I can recommend you contact Me Yannis Lantheaume registered at Lyon’s Bar from me if you find yourself in this unfortunate situation. 

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france tourist visa refusal appeal

How to appeal a Schengen visa refusal

How to appeal a Schengen visa refusal

So your Schengen-visa application was rejected. What’s next? It’s important to remember that being rejected for a Schengen visa is not the end of your Schengen journey. Anyone who is denied a Schengen visa after applying for one has the right to appeal the refusal. Read on for more information about what to do if your Schengen visa is rejected. The following blog will provide an overview of the Schengen visa refusal appeal process and include basic information like the Schengen visa appeal processing time, as well as guidelines for how to write an appeal letter. 

What to do if your Schengen Visa is Rejected

You have several options if your Schengen visa is rejected: 

Apply for a new Schengen visa

  • A common question newly rejected individuals and couples ask is “ Can we apply for a Schengen visa again after rejection ? ” The answer to this question is always yes. 
  • Therefore, instead of appealing your rejected Schengen visa (or if your appeal fails), you could simply apply for a new Schengen visa. 
  • While you might feel overwhelmed by starting the whole process over again, this could be a good option for those find themselves in a stronger position (either financially or professionally) after having already submitted an application. (Keep in mind that Schengen visa appeals cannot contain new information, so if you recently got a larger salary that will increase your ability to afford your trip, you will only be able to include this info on a new Schengen visa application.
  • This option is also good for those whose travel plans have changed, and who therefore may want to apply for a Schengen visa through a different Schengen country. For example, say you applied for a Business Schengen visa to Germany to attend a professional meeting, but after you applied the venue was changed to Spain (making Spain the country in which you will be spending the most time on your trip). As you cannot change countries on an already-submitted Schengen visa application, you will have to apply for a new Schengen visa after you are rejected on your original application. 

Apply for a National Visa to a Schengen country

  • National Visas are non-Schengen visas. Because of this, and because the visas are country-specific, the application process is therefore entirely separate from the Schengen visa process. 
  • This is a good option if you are only trying to go to a single country in the Schengen area. For example, if you applied and were rejected for a Schengen visa from France, you could apply for a National Visa from France. 
  • Your Schengen rejection will have no bearing on the National Visa approval process. 

Appeal your rejection 

  • The path most people who are rejected take, this is the easiest and most basic step for those faced with a Schengen visa rejection. The process will be discussed below:   

Schengen Visa Refusal Appeal Process Overview

  • All Schengen visa appeals must be sent to/processed by the same country that issued your rejection. For example, if you applied (and were rejected for) a Schengen visa to Germany, you should file your appeal with the same German Embassy/consulate you originally applied through.
  • While all Schengen countries offer rejected applicants the right to appeal, different Schengen countries have different appeal processes. 
  • The specific process you must undertake should be outlined in the rejection letter you receive. All rejected applicants receive a letter from the country that rejected them, explaining why they were rejected and how to proceed with the appeal process. 
  • Letters should be sent to the address specified in the rejection letter. 
  • Different countries also have different deadlines for processing rejections. Most appeals should be submitted within 15-30 days of receiving your rejection letter. 
  • Applicants who appeal will likely be subject to a fee. Relatives of EU citizens/certain other applicants may be exempt from this fee. 

Steps to Appeal: 

1.  receive your rejection letter .

  • What is a refused letter?  Remember that the Schengen visa refusal appeal process begins once you receive your rejection (or refused) letter. Follow the specific steps outlined in your rejection letter, which will also include a timeline for the appeal process. 

2.  Write your appeal letter 

  • How to write an appeal letter : Schengen visa appeal letters should mainly address the reason why you are appealing (essentially why you believe the initial rejection was wrong). 
  • Please note that you cannot include as a reason any materials/information absent from your original application. For example, if, after submitting your application, you received a salary increase that will better position you to financially afford your trip, you cannot submit this as evidence that your rejection should be reversed.  
  • You can only work with the information that you previously included on your application, which means that Schengen visa appeals are generally arguments about interpretation – how you feel the evidence you provided was incorrectly interpreted by authorities who rejected you. You should therefore strive to make a compelling argument as to why the rejection is incorrect, using the information you have. 
  • Schengen appeal letters are generally accepted in English or the official language (or recognized language) of whatever country you are applying to (certain embassies may accept other additional languages).
  • For example, if you are applying to appeal a Schengen visa rejection from the Netherlands, your appeal may be written in Dutch, German, English, or French. 
  • If you wish to write your appeal in a language not accepted by the embassy/consulate you are applying through, you may do so, so long as you also supply a certified and signed translation of your appeal into one of the accepted languages. 
  • Appeals should either be type-written, printed out, and signed by the applicant, or written in clear handwriting (and also signed by the applicant). 

3.  Mail (or drop off) your letter 

  • Mail (or drop off in person) your appeal to the address specified in your visa rejection letter. Most initial appeals are sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of whatever country you applied to. It is this ministry that considers your appeal. 
  • Make sure you mail it within the timeline (as specified in your initial letter). 
  • Make sure you include your Schengen visa appeal fee (if requested within the original rejection letter). Appeals that fail to include mandatory payments will not be considered until payment is rendered by the applicant.  

4.  Receive the results of your appeal 

  • If you receive a Schengen visa appeal success, you may proceed with your Schengen trip. 
  • You should be able to file a second, final appeal, to the country’s administrative court or other administrative body.   

Schengen Visa Appeal Processing Time

  • For those wondering, “how long does Schengen visa appeal take?” The answer is usually under 60 days, although different countries have different processing times. 

Can we apply for Schengen visa again after rejection?

  • As previously stated, individuals and couples may apply for a Schengen visa after being rejected. 

As you know by now, the Schengen visa appeal process can differ from country to country. To help you visualize this process better, we will provide an overview of what the appeal process would be like for someone who receives a Schengen visa rejection from the Czech Republic.  

How to Appeal a Schengen Visa from the Czech Republic 

1.  receive refusal .

  • Receive your standardized rejection letter, read the directions, and compose a written response within 15 days. 

2.  Submit your appeal 

  • Send your appeal to whatever Czech Embassy/consulate you applied through. They will send it to the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), which will issue a decision. 
  • Note that the Czech Republic allows applicants to either mail or drop off appeals at the consulate/embassy-so long as you personally submit them. 
  • Your letter should follow the guidelines outlined above and contain your signature. 
  • Most appeals for the Czech Republic must be inclusive of a €60 fee (however, personal relatives of either Czech citizens or EU citizens are usually exempt from paying any appeal fee).

3.  Receive a response to your initial appeal 

  • The Czech MOFA will take a maximum of 60 days to respond to your appeal. 
  • The results of your appeal will be relayed to you by the Czech Embassy/consulate through which you submitted your original appeal. 
  • Congratulations! You’re ready to finish planning your trip to the Czech Republic. 
  • If your initial appeal is rejected, you have the option of filing a second appeal. 

4.  (If rejected) File the second appeal 

  • After receiving your first rejection, you have 30 days to file a second appeal, via judicial review.
  • This judicial review will be heard in a Czech district court. You would file the appeal in the court under whose authority you would be in the event that you successfully entered the country and had to declare your residency (so the court nearest your stated would-be residence in the Czech Republic).

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  1. Appeal France visa refusal

    france tourist visa refusal appeal

  2. How To Write An Appeal Letter For Visa Refusal

    france tourist visa refusal appeal

  3. How to Appeal for a French Schengen Visa Refusal

    france tourist visa refusal appeal

  4. France Tourist Visa Approved After 1 Refusal

    france tourist visa refusal appeal

  5. My First Schengen Tourist Visa Experience [Rejected, Appealed

    france tourist visa refusal appeal

  6. why France embassy Reject MY Visa|French Refusal Letter|appeal or apply again|Schengen visa denied

    france tourist visa refusal appeal


  1. France Tourist visa .Packing job for I'd holder

  2. France Tourist visa

  3. Why Italy Reject Visa| Important documents verification| Step by Step process details

  4. France tourist visa I visit visa France I france tourist visa process

  5. Impossible de prendre un rendez-vous visa pour la France ? Le Consul répond

  6. Comment Contester un refus Campus France ? (Le recours gracieux ça marche )


  1. How to appeal a visa refusal

    This procedure is a mandatory preliminary before any appeal to an administrative judge. It must be made within 30 days of the express or implicit refusal of the visa. You may appeal to the CRRV in person, through a lawyer or through a family member with a mandate. Your request must be in French and be sent by regular mail to the following ...

  2. France Visa Refusal Appeal Process: What You Need to Know

    Your appeal letter plays a crucial role in convincing the French authorities to reconsider your visa application. Write a clear, concise, and persuasive letter explaining why you believe the refusal was unjustified. Address the specific reasons for refusal and provide a detailed account of your circumstances. Be honest and avoid providing false ...

  3. Frequently asked questions

    Before the Commission for Appeals against Visa Refusal Decisions in the case of a long-stay visa (CRRV - BP 83609 - 44036 NANTES CEDEX 1). This prior appeal, which must be justifiable, written in French and signed, is mandatory before any appeal to the administrative judge.

  4. How to Write an Appeal Letter for Schengen Visa Refusal

    As stated in Article 32(3) of the Visa Code of the Schengen Agreement those who have been refused a visa have the right to appeal the decision. This can be done through a Schengen visa appeal letter. An appeal letter for Schengen visa refusal is a formal written document that an applicant submits to the relevant embassy or consulate of a Schengen country to request a review and reconsideration ...

  5. Where do I send my appeal letter for France visa refusal?

    Be honest, concise, and provide new information if possible. Addressing the Appeal Letter. Address your appeal letter to the appropriate authority responsible for visa appeals. Make sure you have the correct address and reference your original visa application. Gathering Additional Documents.

  6. How to Appeal a Rejected French Visa Application

    At Faruse, we understand the importance of a successful visa application for your travel to France. While a rejected visa application can be discouraging, don't give up. With determination and the right approach, you can appeal the decision and increase your chances of obtaining the visa.

  7. France Visa Rejected

    Having legal representation when you appeal a claim is critical to its success and can make a massive difference. This is why those who are appealing a France visa refusal can contact one of our legal teams at Total Law. Just give us a call at +44 (0)333 305 9375 to get assistance with your appeal.

  8. France Visa Appeal Process

    Step-by-Step Guide to France Visa Appeal Process. Review the Rejection Letter Carefully analyze the rejection letter sent by the French consulate. It will provide insights into the reasons for the denial and outline the appeal procedure. Identify Grounds for Appeal Determine the specific grounds on which you can base your appeal.

  9. How to Write an Appeal Letter for Schengen Visa Refusal?

    If they reply with a positive response, you can continue to write your appeal letter. Step 3. Analyze and Address the Reasons for Your Visa Refusal. In your refusal letter, the Member State will state the reasons why your Schengen visa was refused, so it is important that you address the reasons in your appeal letter. Step 4.

  10. My VISA application got rejected, what should I do

    📜 The commission of appeal against VISA refusal decisions If your appeal failed, you may appeal to the "Commission de Recours contre les décisions de Refus de Visa d'entrée en France (CRRV)". This is a mandatory step before any appeal to an administrative judge. It must be done within two months after the visa has been denied or implicitly ...

  11. Appealing a Visa Refusal

    KEY ADVICE On average, a French Visa refusal appeal at the Administrative Court of Nantes is charged between 1500€ and 2500€ by the so-called classic law firms, excluding travel and pleading expenses. The experience of our specialized partner lawyers and our way of working allow us to offer you unbeatable rates, lower than those offered by ...

  12. France visa denied: the common reasons

    From the time of the express or implicit visa refusal, you may contest this France visa refusal within two months. There are two types of administrative appeal: an appeal to the French consular authorities and ; an appeal to the Commission de recours contre les décisions de refus de visa d'entrée en France.

  13. france

    For the rest, the procedure to appeal should be explained on the refusal letter. If it mentions a specific address in France (perhaps that of the Commission de recours contre les refus de visa d'entrée en France?), it's important to send the appeal there. That's an area of the law with a lot of procedural traps, it's very easy to see you ...

  14. How to Write an Appeal Letter for Visa Refusal?

    Here you should present yourself as well as the reason why you are writing the letter. Include your full name, home address, place and date of birth and passport number. After clearing up the reason for writing the letter, mention the date when you applied for the visa and why you wish to visit this particular country.

  15. What to do if your application for a visa to France is denied?

    Litigation to contest a visa refusal for France. The appeal for annulment : this solution is adopted in case the administrative appeal fails. This solution is to be used two months after the decision of rejection of the appeal before the appeal commission or in case of non-decision of this one in a period of two months. This appeal is made to ...

  16. France visa refusal and Appeal

    asked Apr 28, 2023 at 22:09. Stark. 69 4. 1. A refusal from France doesn't automatically harm an application to the UK. If I were you I'd apply for the UK visa and explain the circumstances regarding the French refusal. UK Immigration can likely check such things out with the French authorities. - Traveller.

  17. How to appeal a Schengen visa refusal

    Appeals should either be type-written, printed out, and signed by the applicant, or written in clear handwriting (and also signed by the applicant). 3. Mail (or drop off) your letter. Mail (or drop off in person) your appeal to the address specified in your visa rejection letter.

  18. How to appeal for your rejected France visa

    Ans - The appeal letter to contest France visa rejection must include: • Personal details such as name, surname, passport number, current address, date and of birth, etc. • The date when your France visa application was rejected. • The reason behind your visa refusal.

  19. France Tourist Visa: Requirements in 2024

    France Tourist Visa refusal appeal. Appealing a France tourist visa refusal can be a complex process, but it's an option available to individuals who believe their application was unjustly denied. The appeal process involves several steps and requires a thorough preparation to increase the chances of a successful outcome. Here's a guide on ...

  20. France visa refusal appeal. Anybody got success

    Spirited-Clue-1769. • 8 mo. ago. There would also be a legit reason, its just that we are not aware of it. I had my Schengen visa refused twice last year, one from Swiss and one from France. Then I switched my visa agent and he gave me proper advise and then got a spanish business visa despite prior rejections.

  21. Visa refusal (Short stay tourist, France) : r/Europetravel

    The applicant who has been refused a visa may contest the decision within 30 days by lodging an appeal : Before the Commission for Appeals against Visa Refusal Decisions in the case of a long-stay visa (CRRV - BP 83609 - 44036 NANTES CEDEX 1). This prior appeal, which must be justifiable, written in French and signed, is mandatory before ...

  22. French Visa Rejection & Appeal : r/SchengenVisa

    French Visa Rejection & Appeal. URGENT: Hi all! Was hoping to get some feedback from anyone whose been through the process but I got a refusal for my French short stay visa on grounds of "reasonable doubt on hotel booking" and I think that's because my confirmation was wildly expensive for one person. To give you some background I ...

  23. Visa refusal (unclear) appeal? : r/france

    Hi, I just got a refusal lettee for my visa application today. I supplied all the documents. However, I got the below rejection cause "There are reasonable doubts as to the reliability, the authenticity of the supporting documents submitted or the veracity of their contents." Also, did you anyone manage to appeal?

  24. French journalist describes India's permit denial as a 'slap in the face'

    A French journalist forced to leave India after authorities declined to renew his journalism permit has described the action as "a slap in the face." Sébastien Farcis, a correspondent for ...


    Jehovah's Witnesses filed an administrative appeal of a government report, ... Missionaries from countries not exempted from visa requirements must obtain a three-month tourist visa before traveling to the country. All ... but 67 refused and were sent home. On October 16, schools commemorated the third anniversary of the killing ...