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celebrity eclipse alaska hubbard glacier cruise

Hubbard Glacier

Nature’s drama experienced daily.

Among the many scenic gems on Alaska’s southeast coastline, Hubbard Glacier is the most dramatic. Comprised of the longest river of ice in North America, beginning in Canada and flowing 76 miles to Russell Fjord, the glacier itself originates at Mount Logan, North America’s second-tallest mountain. And, while 95% of the world’s glaciers are retreating, Hubbard Glacier is still advancing.

As the largest advancing tidewater glacier in North America, Hubbard Glacier’s terminal face is the dramatic end of a process that began 450 years ago as snowfall on the slopes of Mount Logan. The blue wall of ice rises 350 feet above the waterline and extends 250 feet below the sea. Movement of up to 36 feet every day results in daily calving—breathtaking moments where ice cleaves off the wall, and can be the size of ten story buildings.

With calving occurring on a daily basis, Hubbard Glacier offers the best opportunity to observe glacial processes as they unfold—a truly once-in-a-lifetime experience. Your captain will slowly turn your ship into Yakutat Bay, navigating the awe-inspiring wall of ice. Enjoy incredible picture-perfect views from just about anywhere on the ship as our dedicated onboard Naturalist narrates the experience and keeps an eye out for the whales, harbor seals, and otters that hunt in the bay’s waters. With its dramatic and massive 7-mile-wide face, and ever-changing wall of ice, Hubbard Glacier lives long in the memory of any visit to Alaska

  • Celebrity Cruises

7 Night Alaska Hubbard Glacier Cruise on the Celebrity Eclipse - July 31, 2022

By OttawaJohn , August 8, 2022 in Celebrity Cruises

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Cool Cruiser

Full review and thoughts below but for a TL;DR summary.

We LOVED the cruise itself.  Alaska is an experience beyond words and if you have any interest in nature or wildlife, and can make it happen, you should.

Celebrity was more hit and miss.  End result, we liked it but didn't love it.  If we see an itinerary we love or a great deal, we'd sail with them again, but won't be seeking them out as our first choice.

Now, on with the details!

We flew out to Vancouver from Ottawa the day before.  With all the challenges of late, we were concerned but our flight left only 30 minutes late.  We did carry-on only, due to the issues around baggage of late.  Problem is, everyone else seems to have had the same idea but we were able to secure overhead space for our bags thankfully.  Many had to gate check them we saw.  And honestly it was a bit of a pain.  All week we kept wishing we had another outfit or something we used on previous cruises but didn't have space for.  And had to pass up a few souvenirs we wanted due to no space.  Still, all worked out and we got to Vancouver

without issue.

Hotel was insanely busy due to the Pride parade in the area the next day, and the Canadian holiday on the Monday.  Combine that with the heat in Vancouver hitting 98 or so, and we opted to take it easy and just chill before our cruise.

Embarkation was pretty simple at Canada Place, the port in Vancouver.  Lots of walking, which made the carry-on decision seem questionable again, but still fluid. 

We rarely were standing still for more then a few minutes, the queues kept moving and everything was well directed.

Having never sailed with Celebrity before, we were thrown a bit when we started to board the ship without key cards, worrying we'd somehow missed a step.  Asking a staff member, they explained they are waiting on our doors, which makes sense actually, but was new.  The other lines we'd sailed with, NCL, Disney and Princess, always gave them out during check in.  It was something that made sense, but like a few things on the cruise, was never explained.

Still, we found our way to our cabin, a sunset veranda on the 8th deck, aft.  An interesting note about our cabin was that it had a door in front of the two cabin doors, ours and our neighbours.  I guess the idea is that, if it's a family or friends traveling together, you can close the outer door and leave the cabin doors open so you can go back and forth.  Again though, something not explained.

We went into our cabin and dropped off our bags and got changed quickly to go for a swim, to beat the heat.

After a quick dip in the pool, which was heated surprisingly enough, given the 40C temperature, I got out to grab a bite at the Mast Grill.  I got a hot dog while my wife stayed in the pool.  Putting the plate down to get a drink, a seagull immediately dove in and stole the dog.  Well, just the bun, it couldn't carry the full thing but still.  Was hilarious and consistent.  Almost every cruise we've done, we had a seagull incident with food.  This one just started early 🙂

Sadly, it's at this point that things went downhill in our experience that day.

Heading back to the cabin, the outer door was closed.  And our keys didn't work in it.  I was able to find someone passing by and he explained the purpose of the outer door and asked if we were a family or traveling with the guests next door.  When I explained no, he said our keys wouldn't work then.  He called for our cabin steward to come and open it.

Ten minutes later, while we're standing there dripping wet, the same staff member walked by again and wondered where our steward was.  So did we.  I understand, it's embarkation day, but when you have wet guests locked out of their cabin, someone should be able to pop by and help.

It took over twenty minutes for the steward to come by and let us in.  He again asked if we were family with the cabin next door and when I said no, said 'ok, we'll set the door to remain open.'  I'm confused why it wasn't already, since they should have known we didn't book together with the people next door but all right.

Going in, we got changed and started to organize things.  I heard our neighbours arrive and went to explain about the door to ensure they didn't run into that as well.  

While putting things away, I checked the fridge to ensure I had put my wife's medication in it and noticed it was still hot.  I called the steward again and he said he'd look into it.  I also mentioned the room itself was boiling hot (hotter then outside it felt) and he said he'd get someone to look at it.

We left to explore the ship and came back two hours later.  The room was still boiling hot, the outside door still closed and the fridge still broken.  I called the steward again and asked for an update, and was told 'ok, ok, we're working on it.'  I explained my wife's medication needed to be refrigerated and it had already been hours since it was at proper temp, in very hot weather.  He said he understood and would get it fixed.  

We went on deck since it was cooler then our room and poked around a bit longer.  Returning an hour later, still no fix or updates.  I called again and was told again 'ok, ok, we're working on it.'  I explained that's not acceptable, and I need a resolution or for them to store my wife's medication.  And by the way, the room is so hot we're sweating just sitting there.

Giving up on him, I call Guest Services where I wait on hold another 30 minutes for someone to answer.  The woman there keeps interrupting me when I try to explain the situation and says the steward should have called them.  But it seems she's blaming me for the fact he didn't, which I didn't appreciate.  Finally I asked to be moved to another aft cabin if they can't resolve these issues soon and she puts me on hold to talk to her manager.  Ten minutes later, she's back and offers me another cabin.  The numbering though indicates it's not aft, though she assures me it's 'an aft cabin and still a sunset veranda.'  She encourages me to check it out, so I do.

Well, yes, the AC works and so does the fridge, but it's midship.  I paid extra for this view for the Alaskan cruise for a reason.  I go back and call her back and explain 'I wanted an aft cabin for this cruise' and she responded 'it is aft.'  Apparently some people on ship have a different view of aft.  

I explain I don't want to lose the view and can't they just fix these issues.  She sends an electrician who says the AC is working, evidenced by when you put your hand on the vent, you can just barely feel air.  I point out it's not working well then, and perhaps they could fix it?  He grumbles but leaves.  Another one comes by to look at the fridge and says, guess what, it's working.  I check and no, it's not.  A bottle of water I put in 3 hours ago is still boiling hot, as is the medication.  I ask how it can be working if it's not cooling anything and he repeats again 'it's working.'  I get back on the phone with guest services and she calls him and he gets annoyed and takes the whole fridge, saying he'll replace it.

By this time, we've missed the sail away and dinner reservations are coming up.  So we get changed and leave for dinner, having been promised by the time we get back, it'll all be fixed.  As we leave, I notice a third electrician has taken the wall panel outside our room off and is replacing a part in the functioning AC.

Dinner at least was a treat.  After the horrible customer service, with people literally lying to my face, the staff at dinner in the MDR was great as was the food.

And by the time we returned out our room, the AC was working and a new fridge was as well.

I get embarkation day is insane for the staff.  But this was just poor service, topped off by multiple people lying to me.  I have a lot of patience for support people, I worked in the customer service field for twenty years now and teach 'soft skills' to agents and techs for a living.  But lying and refusing to give clear and simple updates, even if it's just 'we're not sure of the timeline' really ticks me off.

Finally at the end of the day, as we were turning in, the steward stopped by asking if the fridge was working.  When I thanked him for the help (what little he did) and mentioned I looked forward to seeing him through the week, he responded 'your room is at the end of my rotation, so I may not always get it done.'  Which would prove true.

Not an auspicious start but thankfully the rest of the trip was less eventful.

We woke on the first full day going down the inside passage and wow.  The views.  My God, I'm so glad we didn't swap to that midship she kept pushing.  In another thread, I had asked if we should take a complimentary upgrade to Aqua and most said no, due to the views.  They were right.  I don't care how good the food in Blu was, it couldn't match these views.  We'd continue to be amazed at this our whole cruise, especially at Hubbard Glacier when we could sit and enjoy the views for hours in comfort.

The cabin itself was quite large, one of the larger non-suites we've done.  The balcony was big, though I wish it had more of a roof for the occasional shower we had.  Still, amazing.  The bed was very comfortable and I LOVE the rounded corners.  All beds should have these!  We also loved the fact the bed was beside the balcony.  In other ships, they have a couch next to the door.  We loved lying in bed and just looking out over the water.

The dining on the ship was good but not spectacular.  I wonder if the restaurants for special guests, like Blu or Luminae were a bit better?  The buffet was decent and the MDR was good each night but little blew our socks off.   We ate one night in Tuscan and found it not as good as the MDR, with wait times for food and service far too long.

I prefer ships that have little diners or pubs you can grab something in.  This just seemed a bit too concentrated in one or two areas only.  Still, to each their own and some passengers we spoke to loved the food.  I just would have liked more variety I think.

The bar staff, like on any ship, are way to overwhelmed.  It'd be nice if there was someone at the bar just doing simple things like a can of pop or bottle of water to expedite it.  Speaking of, I LOVE that they give you cans, not just tiny glasses that are 80% ice when you order soda.  And the aluminum bottles for water were great.

For the issues we had, we received an OBC for 100$.  We spent it mostly on gelato, which was delicious 🙂

Kept our eyes out on the cruise for whales and saw three.  Two breaching a bit but not much and a burst of water from a blowhole one morning at breakfast.  Still, we had a planned excursion for whale watching so weren't to bummed at not more sightings.

The ship's decor is... classy I guess is the right word.  It feels a bit like old school classic.  String quartets, pianos, crystal everywhere.  It's a simple elegance which was nice.

The WiFi on the ship is a mixed bag.  We had the basic, which is really basic.  Most websites would time out but could check email when I wanted.  Of course, we're in the Pacific Ocean, surrounded by ice and mountains, so the signal probably not the best 🙂 And I did do this trip to unplug, so outside of checking in on my mother a few times, I mostly stayed offline.

There are a lot of things about the ship I really loved.  The maps of the ship in the elevator, showing quickly what was on what deck.  The ample seating.  Just everywhere, seems you turn a corner down a hall and there are chairs.  It was nice and random.  The blankets they had on deck.  Lots of little things to just make it a bit nicer for everyone.

One odd thing, after so many years of doing the Caribbean or Bahamas, this is I think the first cruise I've ever worn long pants on.  Feels odd 🙂

We did three excursions, two of which were mind blowing.  

A Whale Watch and Seafood Feast in Icy Strait, where on top of the Humpback we saw, we were luckly enough to observe an Orca pod (6-9, hard to count) including young ones for almost an hour.  

In Juneau, we did the Mush Camp and rode with the dogs and then got to help socialize the puppies, aka get lots of licks from them!  They were so cute!  It was amazing.

We also did a trolley in Ketchikan, which went to the Native village as well so we could see and learn more about totem poles.  It was interesting, but not fair to compare to the wildlife.  I felt bad a bit, I think we'd have been more interested if it was first, not last.  

A few other small gripes about the cruise.  

The photo center was open really odd hours, one day just for 1.5 hours.  

The app is great but often I found the times it listed for hours for services or dining differed from what was in the daily planner.  Wasn't sure which was right.

On the first day, there was a lot of upselling, trying to get us to upgrade drink packages, book excursions, book specialty dining, etc.  I get it, but it was a bit aggressive.  We got stopped four times on the way to our muster station for drill by people trying to get us to buy stuff.

There was a bit of an attitude among some staff that if you didn't want alcohol, you weren't worth their time.  Both waiters and bar staff rolled their eyes at me more then once when I just asked for water.  In the MDR, the sommelier on our second night after we again declined a drink said 'hopefully you'll drink something tomorrow.'  What, he not get paid if we don't drink?  Just rude.  We have reasons for not drinking alcohol, leave us be about it.

Still, the cruise was great, and Celebrity was ok.  Didn't hate the line, didn't love it.

Everyone has their own tastes in what they want and I think Celebrity just isn't us.  Again, if we find a great itinerary (there is an Italian Riviera and a Japan one we have our eyes on) or a great deal, we'll sail with them again.  They're just not our first choice I think.


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Thank you for your review. The pictures are lovely,

27 minutes ago, sunviking90 said: Thank you for your review. The pictures are lovely,

It's so hard to choose just a few pics to represent the whole.  Seriously, it's majestic beyond words.  Every picture was like a postcard.

3,000+ Club

Barwick Cruiser

Thank you for this review. Glad you mostly had a good time and saw lots of wildlife. Don’t blame you at all for being frustrated and upset with the embarkation fiasco…def not a nice way to start a long awaited holiday and glad it seems to have improved.   

Interested in your ISP excursion, was that a ship tour or something you booked privately?  We’re on the Eclipse in a few weeks for the last sailing and haven’t anything planned yet for that port. We did a whale watch last time there and it was very good but looking for something different this time and the seafood feast part sounds interesting. 

1 hour ago, Barwick Cruiser said: Thank you for this review. Glad you mostly had a good time and saw lots of wildlife. Don’t blame you at all for being frustrated and upset with the embarkation fiasco…def not a nice way to start a long awaited holiday and glad it seems to have improved.    Interested in your ISP excursion, was that a ship tour or something you booked privately?  We’re on the Eclipse in a few weeks for the last sailing and haven’t anything planned yet for that port. We did a whale watch last time there and it was very good but looking for something different this time and the seafood feast part sounds interesting. 

It was the Whale Watching and Seafood Feast, 209 USD, 3.5 hours.  It was booked direct via Celebrity as an excursion.  Not sure if they use the same service each time, there were two boats that did our sailing it seemed, both from the same company.

The feat was pretty festive.  Fresh king crab that looked like it was caught that day, 2-3 each I think.  The shrimp was tasty as well.  The rest was kinda meh, bit too much water from the seafood all over it so the sausage was wet and the corn a bit soggy.  But the seafood was amazing.


Thanks for your review- I’m sorry it was such a dreadful embarkation day for you. I recall myself sitting in the corridor of another Celebrity ship on embarkation day because the aircon in the cabin just wasn’t working properly and it was stifling. As you say, persistence is key, and like you, an engineer did eventually come by and remove the panels and fix it.  It does make you wonder how the previous occupants of that cabin survived? Or do they just put up with it!

I haven’t cruised with Celebrity for a few years now, so I hope they still have sone sparkle and excitement to offer when I get on board next month.

Alaska is stunning- glad you had such an amazing trip. Your photos are fabulous 

Were you on the Millennium?  

We had the same response from Guest Services when we were missing things from our cabin.

No daily activities paper in our cabin - Guest Relations response (Why not?)

No delivery of prebooked excursion  tickets - GR - Why not?

It was also the first cruise where our cabin was never serviced before 1 PM. 

No Captain Club invitations - GR- Why not?

No debarkation information or luggage tags - well, that was different - GR - you respond to the information request about your plans that was left in your cabin. Uh, we didn't receive a request - GR - Why not?

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celebrity eclipse alaska hubbard glacier cruise

Alaska: Alaska Hubbard Glacier Cruise

7-night celebrity eclipse cruise.

From $452 per person* Additional government taxes, fees and port expenses per person: $0

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Celebrity Cruise experience - Hubbard Glacier

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  • Hubbard Glacier

This is the largest tidewater glacier in North America. You can hear the "thunder" of him calving... read more

celebrity eclipse alaska hubbard glacier cruise

Views are unbelievable - serene and majestic. Visited on a cruise which would not be our‘thing’ but... read more

celebrity eclipse alaska hubbard glacier cruise

Celebrity Cruise experience

This was an amazing experience. The cruise ship went quite close to the majestic glacier and stayed there for a good couple of hours - sufficient to enjoy and absorb the experience. Though the decks were crowded, we got excellent views of the glacier, especially in the later part when the crowd thinned and the weather also got clearer. We saw some sections of the glacier edge 'calve'. The bluish hues were spectacular. We took multiple photographs as each time the experience seemed different! They also served hot drinks and soup in the ship below the deck and this was welcoming. Warm and water-proof clothing are must and beware of slippery floors. But this was an experience of a life-time - highly recommended.

Hubbard Glacier was the highlight of our 10 day cruise with Celebrity Millennium up the inside passage. The sound of the glacier breaking is rather surprising and heartbreaking as well. Alaska is just beautiful, each snow capped mountain is breathtaking in itself. A must see!

The Captain got us up close to the Glacier. I was amazed at the sounds coming from the Glacier, the sight was incredible, but the sounds were a surprise to me.

Like what hundreds of other reviewers described, it was "WOW" experience. The pics posted are exactly what you see. We were fortunate to have good weather and had a clear day to view the glacier. The thunder noise (when ice breaks) added to the overwhelming awe and magnificent experience. Highly recommend people to do an Alaskan cruise to view these glaciers before global warming melts them all.

We sailed on board the Celebrity Infinity Cruise Ship on a 7 day trip through the inside passage to Hubbard Glacier Alaska. Extremely impressive, viewing the glacier was like looking at our ancient past. Our ships captain cut the engines and we could hear the enveloping silence broken from time to time with the thunderous cracking of the glacier. A once in a life time experience that is truly a must on any travellers bucket list. our ship the Infinity was a little tired. We had booked a Deluxe Ocean View Cabin with a Veranda 2C.The cabin was very small and baggage stowing was very difficult. We had sailed a number of times before on different cruise lines and were very aware to check on line to make sure that our view was not obstructed by life boats etc. When booking a cruise be aware that cheaper outside veranda cabins are not cheap because of obstructions.

We visited as part of our Celebrity cruise. As we approached the glacier the number of ice floes increased. They looked quite small from a distance, but they weren’t. Several had small groups of seals sitting on them, watching us pass by! We were so lucky with the weather and the captain was able to take the ship within a mile of the glacier. He then, very slowly turned the ship through 360 degrees so that everyone was able to see the glacier clearly. Owing to the scale of the glacier, it looked much closer. So hard to believe that the glacier is 7 miles wide and about 600 feet high at it’s face. You could hear the ice creaking and, on several occasions, you could see calving along the face of the glacier. The ice was the most beautiful blue colour. High mountains surround the glacial valley, each with their own smaller glaciers. When the sun catches the ice, the scene is stunning. Certainly one of the highlights of Alaskan cruise.

celebrity eclipse alaska hubbard glacier cruise

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Alaska Hubbard Glacier


†Taxes, fees and port expenses $250.76 USD *

At Celebrity Cruises®, we believe choice matters. That’s why we’ve pre-packaged our most popular amenities—drinks, and Wi-Fi— Tips charged separately. So you can now choose the most convenient way to get the best value from your cruise.


Choose from an incredible array of beers, spirits, cocktails, liqueurs, frozen drinks, wines by the glass, sodas, juices, specialty coffees and bottled water.


We know staying in touch is important, so we’ve included internet access for all guests. Browse the web, check email, and use messaging apps.

Cruise Itinerary

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Vancouver, British Columbia

Sun, May 4, 2025

Departs: 4:30PM

Inside Passage (Cruising)

Mon, May 5, 2025

Icy Strait Point, Alaska

Tue, May 6, 2025

Docked: 1:30PM to 9:00PM

Hubbard Glacier, Alaska - Cruising

Wed, May 7, 2025

Juneau, Alaska

Thu, May 8, 2025

Docked: 7:30AM to 7:00PM

Ketchikan, Alaska

Fri, May 9, 2025

Docked: 2:00PM to 8:30PM

Sat, May 10, 2025

Sun, May 11, 2025

Arrival: 6:00AM

See Full Itinerary

Popular excursions at this port

About This Ship

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Celebrity Solstice along Tracy Arm Fjord

Celebrity Solstice along Virgin Islands

Aerial shot of Celebrity Solstice


Onboard Features

Grand Épernay Restaurant

The airy Main Restaurant offers exquisite menu selections, which change nightly to give you a variety of classic and contemporary choices. And the service? Legendary.

Vibrant, crisp and bold flavors, exclusively for AquaClass guests.

The exclusive restaurant for Guests of the Retreat. Select and cutting edge, the globally inspired menus at Luminae are not available in any other restaurant on board.

The Martini Bar

Sit back and relax, listening to up-tempo tunes and enjoying a collection of rare vodkas and a portfolio of fine caviars.

Ensemble Lounge

Ensemble Lounge is the ideal setting for an aperitif en route to an extraordinary dining experience, or a digestif afterward.

Sky Observation Lounge

A unique music venue with spectacular ocean views. The perfect daytime spot to gaze over the sea with a cocktail in hand and dance the night away after the sun sets.

The Retreat is an unparalleled vacation experience that includes every stunning suite, a private restaurant, and an exclusive lounge that rivals any high-end resort.

Say "Ahh" in spa-inspired staterooms designed just for you. Savor clean eating at Blu and escape to the Relaxation Room.

Tailored services and amenities await you in these exceptionally appointed staterooms. We're here to help you make the most of your time on board and on shore.

Fortunes Casino

Relax, recharge, and play the hottest slots and table games at Fortunes Casino. It offers a sophisticated ambiance and a captivating atmosphere that comes alive with plenty of action.

Camp at Sea

For our Camp at Sea program, we’ve designed more than 500 activities that make every sailing a brand new experience and an unforgettable memory for our junior cruisers.

Fitness Center

Bring your workout routine along on your modern luxury vacation and enjoy a variety of new fitness classes and seminars along with world class cruise fitness amenities.

Shops on Solstice

Celebrity's European-inspired piazza and elegant galleria hold riches of chic sophistication. Marble walkways lead you to modern boutiques and fine jewelry stores.

Art Gallery

When you visit the Art Gallery, you'll be surrounded with one of the world's largest permanent collections of contemporary art, accompanied by a complete art program.

The Lawn Club

Who said grass can’t be on a ship? Enjoy a friendly pick-up game of leisure sports like Croquet, Bocce, golf putting, Blongo or Baggo.

Jogging Track

Built around the ship’s top deck, the jogging track let’s you take in breathless ocean views while you workout. It’s so mesmerizing, you’ll forget you’re breaking a sweat.

Adults-only Solarium

A serenely beautiful adults-only pool and hot tub experience, The Solarium let’s you relax and daydream of the next destination you’ll be exploring.

Food and Drink



Price is per person and applies to selected sailing, lowest available fare stateroom category, based on double-occupancy, reflects any promotional savings, and is subject to change and availability until booked. Additional terms and conditions apply to offers. Full deposit must be paid by deposit payment required due date. Standard full deposit penalty is applied if booking is cancelled within final payment period; see Celebrity’s cancellation policy for details. Non-Refundable Deposit Bookings (“NRDB”): To qualify for the lowest available cruise fare, guest must choose a non-refundable deposit. All deposit payments for NRDB made after 03/02/23 are non-refundable from the time of booking. NRDB are applicable to groups at prevailing rates. Not applicable to incentive, contract, or charter groups. Nonrefundable deposit offers are applicable to sailings within final payment, however full deposit is due at time of booking. 

Celebrity Edge® Series Iconic Suites, Edge Villas, Penthouse Suites, Royal Suites, Celebrity Suites, AquaClass® Sky Suites, and Sky Suites (and Family Suites during Holiday sailings) require double the deposit amounts listed.

All Included  pricing applies to sailings booked and departing on or after October 4, 2023, excluding Galapagos cruises, in an inside, ocean view, veranda, Concierge Class, or AquaClass stateroom (“Eligible Bookings”). All guests within an Eligible Booking who choose “All Included” pricing, will receive a Classic Drinks Package and an unlimited Basic Wi-Fi package. All guests in the same stateroom must choose the same rate.  Please visit for further information on available beverages and full restrictions and for further information on wi-fi.

All Included pricing applies to new individual bookings only. Changes to booking may result in removal of Offer. Prices and Offers are subject to availability and change without notice, may be withdrawn at any time, and not applicable to charters or contracted groups. All Included pricing is non-transferable and not combinable with certain rates including, Travel Agent, Interline, Net, Exciting Deals, or worker cabins.  Single occupancy guests paying 200% cruise fare are eligible for All Included pricing. Refer to and the Cruise Ticket Contract for additional terms and conditions. Celebrity Cruises reserves the right to cancel offer at any time, correct any errors, inaccuracies, or omissions, and change or update fares, fees, and surcharges at any time without prior notice.

Imagery and messaging may not accurately reflect onboard and destination experiences, offerings, features, or itineraries. These may not be available during your voyage, may vary by ship and destination, and may be subject to change without notice.

*Port sequence may vary by sailing date.


Departing May 04, 2025

$597 USD * Avg Per Person

DAY 1 - Sunday , May 04

DAY 2 - Monday , May 05

DAY 3 - Tuesday , May 06

DAY 4 - Wednesday , May 07

DAY 5 - Thursday , May 08

DAY 6 - Friday , May 09

DAY 7 - Saturday , May 10

DAY 8 - Sunday , May 11

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Alaska Cruise Tours:

A cruise tour is a voyage and land tour combination, with the land tour occurring before or after the voyage. Unless otherwise noted, optional services such as airfare, airport transfers, shore excursions, land tour excursions, etc. are not included and are available for an additional cost.

celebrity eclipse alaska hubbard glacier cruise

Alaska: Alaska Hubbard Glacier Cruise

7-night celebrity eclipse cruise.

From CA $ 2,343 per person* Includes government taxes, fees and port expenses of CA $ 0 per person

Digital Costco Shop Card

This booking includes a Digital Costco Shop Card which will arrive by email one to two weeks after you return from your vacation. The Digital Costco Shop Card is a convenient payment option in our warehouses and on

Ship Rating

5 of 5 stars

An outstanding luxury cruise experience with an exceptional level of attention to detail. Expect superb service from all levels of officers and staff.

4.0 of 5 stars

A very good quality all-around cruise experience aboard a ship that offers a range of facilities and services.

3.0 of 5 stars

A decent, unpretentious cruise experience, with a moderate amount of space and quality in furnishing and fittings.

2.0 of 5 stars

A modest quality cruise experience with less attention to detail and service.

1.0 of 5 stars

Expect a very basic cruise experience with minimal attention to service, hospitality and finesse.

0.5 of 5 stars

Offers some, but not all, of the amenities and services associated with the next highest star rating.

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  1. 7 Nights Alaska Hubbard Glacier from Vancouver, British Columbia

    celebrity eclipse alaska hubbard glacier cruise

  2. Celebrity Cruise Hubbard Glacier Alaska Cruises Eclipse Frontier Canada

    celebrity eclipse alaska hubbard glacier cruise

  3. Celebrity Cruises Announces 2023 Alaska Schedule

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  4. The Magnificent Hubbard Glacier in Alaska

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  5. celebrity-solsttice-HUBBARD-GLACIER-ECLIPSE-1132x560

    celebrity eclipse alaska hubbard glacier cruise

  6. Celebrity Cruises

    celebrity eclipse alaska hubbard glacier cruise


  1. Vancouver ➡️ Alaska 🛳 ⚓️

  2. Celebrity Eclipse

  3. Celebrity Eclipse Deck Walk Around

  4. Panorama of Hubbard Glacier from Disenchantment Bay

  5. Hubbard Glacier Timelapse (2 of 2)

  6. Sapphire Princess Cruise to Alaska Part 2: Hubbard Glacier @CurachaGomez


  1. Top Alaska Cruises For 2024

    Cruise Critic makes it simple to research & compare deals for cruises to Alaska. The world's largest online cruise resource helping you find and plan your perfect cruise.

  2. Alaska Hubbard Glacier

    Set sail on the Celebrity Eclipse for 7 Nights and experience the best of Alaska on the Alaska Hubbard Glacier. Book your Celebrity Cruise today! Visiting from Germany? Go to site . Favorites. 1-888 ... Alaska Hubbard Glacier. From VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA - onboard CELEBRITY ECLIPSE. Departing Jul 23, 2023 ...

  3. Alaska Hubbard Glacier

    DAY 6 - Friday , May 26. Ketchikan, Alaska. Docked: 2:00PM to 8:30PM. DAY 7 - Saturday , May 27. Inside Passage (Cruising) DAY 8 - Sunday , May 28. Vancouver, British Columbia. Arrival: 6:00AM. Set sail on the Celebrity Eclipse for 7 Nights and experience the best of Alaska on the Alaska Hubbard Glacier.

  4. Hubbard Glacier

    Among the many scenic gems on Alaska's southeast coastline, Hubbard Glacier is the most dramatic. Comprised of the longest river of ice in North America, beginning in Canada and flowing 76 miles to Russell Fjord, the glacier itself originates at Mount Logan, North America's second-tallest mountain. And, while 95% of the world's glaciers ...

  5. 7 Night Alaska Hubbard Glacier Cruise on the Celebrity Eclipse

    7 Night Alaska Hubbard Glacier Cruise on the Celebrity Eclipse - July 31, 2022 Please Read: COVID-related Discussion. 7 Night Alaska Hubbard Glacier Cruise on the Celebrity Eclipse - July 31, 2022. By OttawaJohn, August 8 in Celebrity Cruises. Share More sharing options... Followers 1. Recommended Posts. OttawaJohn. Posted August 8.

  6. Celebrity Eclipse

    7-night Celebrity Eclipse cruise. From. $1,839. per person*. Additional government taxes, fees and port expenses per person: $0. Check Price & Availability. Package ID: CELECLALK20230521LMC. Find exciting cruise vacations and last-minute cruise deals with the help of Costco Travel. Our exclusive member values are available aboard popular cruise ...

  7. 7 Night Alaska Hubbard Glacier Cruise on Celebrity Eclipse from

    See details and pricing for the Celebrity Eclipse 7 Night Alaska Hubbard Glacier Cruise sailing July 16, 2023 from Vancouver. Book Celebrity Cruises online or call 1-800-427-8473 - ... 2023 departure of the Celebrity Eclipse. If Celebrity Cruises modified this itinerary for weather or operational reasons after departing , the ...

  8. Alaska Hubbard Glacier

    Docked: 2:00PM to 8:30PM. DAY 7 - Saturday , Jun 17. Inside Passage (Cruising) DAY 8 - Sunday , Jun 18. Vancouver, British Columbia. Arrival: 6:00AM. Set sail on the Celebrity Eclipse for 7 Nights and experience the best of Alaska on the Alaska Hubbard Glacier. Book your Celebrity Cruise today!

  9. Celebrity Cruise experience

    A must see. Hubbard Glacier was the highlight of our 10 day cruise with Celebrity Millennium up the inside passage. The sound of the glacier breaking is rather surprising and heartbreaking as well. Alaska is just beautiful, each snow capped mountain is breathtaking in itself. A must see!

  10. Alaska Celebrity Eclipse Alaska Cruise Reviews

    Celebrity Eclipse Alaska Cruises: Read 188 Celebrity Eclipse Alaska cruise reviews. Find great deals, tips and tricks on Cruise Critic to help plan your cruise. ... "Hubbard Glacier was great to ...

  11. 7 Night Alaska Hubbard Glacier Cruise from Vancouver

    7 Night Alaska Hubbard Glacier Cruise from Vancouver. Ship: Celebrity Eclipse. Cruise Line: Celebrity Cruises. ... Want to book Celebrity Eclipse 85 Departures. Starting from $287 View Sailing Dates. Itinerary; Day by Day Summary and Map. Day 1 - Sunday - Jun 11, 2023. Vancouver, Canada ...

  12. Celebrity Eclipse Cruise Review by EduardoFerrari

    7 Night Alaska Hubbard Glacier (Vancouver Roundtrip) Sail date: July 24, 2022. Ship: Celebrity Eclipse. Cabin type: Balcony. Cabin number: 9200. Traveled as: Family (young children) Reviewed: 1 year ago. Cruise was excellent. After having an average experience at Disney and Royal Caribbean we decided to try Celebrity after reading reviews.

  13. Celebrity Eclipse Cruise Review by DJWILSON

    Verified Review. 7 Night Alaska Hubbard Glacier (Vancouver Roundtrip) Sail date: May 28, 2023. Ship: Celebrity Eclipse. Cabin number: 2118. Traveled as: Couple. Reviewed: 11 months ago. I write this review with a heavy heart. Finally taking my BFF to Alaska aboard the Celebrity Eclipse, I hoped to recreate my last seventeen-day adventure there ...

  14. Celebrity Eclipse Cruise Review by minitaur1

    7 Night Alaska Hubbard Glacier (Vancouver Roundtrip) Sail date: June 18, 2023. Ship: Celebrity Eclipse. Cabin type: Balcony. Cabin number: 8326. Traveled as: Couple. Reviewed: 11 months ago. I enjoyed privately relaxing and enjoying the view via our balcony, while my husband enjoyed roaming the ship and exploring.

  15. Celebrity Eclipse Cruise To Alaska: Hubbard Glacier

    Join us in our series of videos onboard Celebrity Eclipse cruise ship for our cruise to Alaska.In this video we join our cruise on Day 4, where we arrive at ...

  16. Celebrity Eclipse Cruise Review by Zargar

    Celebrity Eclipse Cruise Review to Alaska - Inside Passage Share. Tweet. Zargar . Contributor Level: Purser Cruises: 4-6 cruises. Review: 1. Helpful Votes: 15. Overall rating: 4 out of 5. Verified Review. 7 Night Alaska Hubbard Glacier (Vancouver Roundtrip) Sail date: July 23, 2023 Ship: Celebrity Eclipse Cabin type: Balcony

  17. Alaska Hubbard Glacier

    DAY 6 - Friday , May 09. Ketchikan, Alaska. Docked: 2:00PM to 8:30PM. DAY 7 - Saturday , May 10. Inside Passage (Cruising) DAY 8 - Sunday , May 11. Vancouver, British Columbia. Arrival: 6:00AM. Set sail on the Celebrity Solstice for 7 Nights and experience the best of Alaska on the Alaska Hubbard Glacier.

  18. Celebrity Eclipse

    Alaska: Alaska Hubbard Glacier Cruise 7-night Celebrity Eclipse cruise From CA $ 2,343 per person* Includes government taxes, fees and port expenses of CA $ 0 per person Check Price & Availability Package ID: CELECLALK20230521LMC Digital Costco Shop Card. close This booking includes a Digital Costco Shop Card which will arrive by email one to ...

  19. Alaska Hubbard Glacier Cruise

    Read 3 reviews and enjoy exclusive savings on Celebrity Cruises's 8 Day Alaska Hubbard Glacier Cruise beginning and ending your journey in Vancouver. 1000-25 season departures. ... Celebrity Apex Celebrity Ascent Celebrity Beyond Celebrity Constellation Celebrity Eclipse Celebrity Edge Celebrity Equinox Celebrity Flora Celebrity Infinity ...

  20. Celebrity Solstice Cruise Review by stevendrowe

    Read the Celebrity Solstice review by member stevendrowe from May 19, 2024 of the 7 Night Alaska Hubbard Glacier (Vancouver Roundtrip) cruise. Cruise review , rated 2.7 out of 5 stars by member stevendrowe