Akiba's Trip: Undead and Undressed Review

Stripped bare.

By Josiah Renaudin on September 10, 2014 at 9:41PM PDT

The fact that a game called Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed isn’t completely tasteless might be its greatest accomplishment. This is a beat 'em up in which the ultimate goal is to strip all enemies of their clothing--a premise that proves a difficult hurdle to leap. The camera draws attention to the skimpy underwear and bouncy breasts of your bloodthirsty foes as you methodically expose their bodies, but--believe it or not--it goes beyond simple eye candy. The goofy story does its best to justify the sheer volume of bare skin, and the equal spread of male and female characters means you'll see just as many lacy undergarments as you do tighty whities. Unfortunately, Akiba's Trip just isn't any fun to play, and that makes the incessant panty shots and uninspired humor even more difficult to stomach.

Bear with me as I explain the convoluted narrative. You enter Akihabara, Tokyo's electronics district, during an outbreak of vampiric foes called Synthisters. These powerful enemies were once human, but now roam the streets hoping to suck the life energy from the city's unsuspecting residents. Your customizable protagonist, along with a medley of colorful freedom fighters, commit themselves to cleaning up their home the only way they know how--by stripping the opposition down to their undergarments. Like actual vampires, Synthisters are sensitive to the sunlight, so revealing their skin causes them to burn and return to human form.

The yarn unravels to expose seedy corporate involvement and a series of unlikely villains, but it isn't enough to mask the disquieting nature of Akiba's Trip. You spend the bulk of your time ripping off as much clothing as possible to expose nearly naked anime bodies to the world, which is intended to be the real draw here. Stripping bosses will often lead to more detailed views of their often unrealistic, hand-drawn figures, so if it's scantily-clad anime bodies you're looking for, you'll find them here in spades. The unremitting innuendos within the dialogue only weaken the already thin narrative justifications for the partial nudity, and while the focus on bare skin isn't the only attraction, I still felt uncomfortable with what was being asked of me.

You can party up with both male and female freedom fighters when patrolling the streets, but most of your time will be spent impressing your buxom allies. How you choose to respond during conversations determines whose affection you garner, and there's even a set cast member who can provide updates on which woman in your life has become the most smitten with you. It's a mostly shallow mechanic that leads to extraneous exchanges during otherwise heated scenarios. Talk of how you're going to save your city or discover the source of the Synthister menace is often followed by awkward complimentary phrases aimed at your busty childhood friend.

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Even if you manage to overcome the fact that Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed is about stripping enemies down to their skivvies, you won't be rewarded with much more than a mindless brawler.

The carnal themes and prosaic dialogue would be a bit more palpable if the game played well, but repetitive combat and a painfully inconsistent framerate muddy the action. In battle, you're often surrounded by five or more enemies at once, swinging a weapon at each foe's head, body, and legs in order to score a knockout. A combination of high, mid, and low attacks damage the different pieces of clothing to their breaking point, making it easier to strip them right off of someone's body.

You can combo these strips together if multiple articles of clothing are weak enough to remove, but this strategy isn't enough to spice up an otherwise tedious process. Breaking down the pants, shirts, and hats of a swarm of foes as you protect the durability of your own wardrobe is a chore, and your ability to restore your clothes to full strength during battle by holding down a single button removes any semblance of tension. The systems aren't broken, and less populated arenas tend to produce smoother, more enjoyable action, but I had less and less fun with the mechanics as additional enemies flooded the screen.

The combat's lone saving grace comes in the form of upgradeable weapons, each of which has its own set of unique combinations. Heavier objects like arcade monitors deal serious damage, but your character lumbers with each swing. Boxing gloves, on the other hand, allow for more nimble striking--though you'll often focus on a single enemy at a time instead of the full group. It's enjoyable to find, buy, and upgrade different objects with varying attributes, and the same can be said for your clothing. Whether you prefer to go into battle sporting a three-piece suit or nothing more than a tattered pair of brown slacks, you’ve got options.

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There's little to do outside of the nonsensical story and lackluster battles. The main quests often take you from the home base to a different segment of Akihabara that's been invaded by Synthisters, while the side missions drag you through dull fetch quests and additional combat scenarios to earn extra spending money. There's a New Game Plus feature that opens up fresh character customization options, but I had more than my fill of Akiba's Trip well before the story’s resolution.

Even if you manage to overcome the fact that Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed is about stripping enemies down to their skivvies, you won't be rewarded with much more than a mindless brawler. The monotonous combat only grows more tiresome as you progress, and it's almost too easy to predict the twists and turns of the formulaic plot. Akiba's Trip has a bizarre concept that might turn a few heads, but once you strip away the promiscuity, there's little left to keep your attention.

  • Leave Blank
  • Equipment upgrades greatly vary combat
  • Action often grows tedious
  • Stripping mechanic is just uncomfortable
  • Story beats are easy to predict
  • Poor framerate kills flow of battles

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Josiah Renaudin

  • @JosiahRenaudin

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Akiba’s Trip: Undead and Undressed Review (PS3)

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It’s very hard to describe a game like Akiba’s Trip: Undead and Undressed. The nearest comparison I can give is that it is similar to Sega’s  Yakuza series.  Instead of Shinjuku, you will explore the Otaku mecca: Akihabara or Akiba. The trip however is not without its flaws.

Platform(s): PS3 (reviewed), PS Vita, Ps4 Publisher: Xseed Games Developed by: Acquire Genre(s): Adventure, Beat ’em Up, RPG Release Date(s): August 12, 2014 (Ps3,PS Vita)/ December 2014 (PS4) Rating: M for Mature

My recent history with Beat ‘Em Up’s is with Sega’s Yakuza series and it was a incredible beat ’em up. With it’s brutal finishers, and near replica of Japan’s Shinjuku district. It was like a virtual tour in Japan. When I heard that this game would be similar in that aspect, but with the famed Otaku Mecca of Akihabara or Akiba, I just had to see if that would hold up to that promise. That was the preconceptions I had when going into  Akiba’s Trip (or Akiba Strip, take your pick. )  In short, it does keep that promise somewhat.


Vampire, Otakus, and Stripping, Oh my!

The story itself is not too great, but I can’t help but feel absorbed into the world. You play as an Otaku, (default named Nanashi meaning “No Name”)  who was lured with the promise of a limited edition figurine. Needless to say, things go sour real fast. You wake up being tied up to a table and you’re about to have your essence stripped from you and not in the good way. Here, you get your first dialogue choices like in a Visual Novel game. This gives you an insight into what your character is seemingly portrayed as.  Xseed’s localization team pokes fun at the Otaku stereotype, either by depicting you as a materialistic person who follows his desire as an Otaku or as a normal  Otaku who retains his common sense. Mostly, the dialogue choices are divided into either the normal, the expanded/suave, or the downright silly/perverted responses.

Thankfully, you get saved by a cool beauty named Shizuku Tokikaze and get your first tutorial mission. This is where it starts to get ugly. Combat is simple, but very stiff. You attack: either a high, mid, or low attack. Each targets either the head, body, or feet. There is no health bar  like in other typical Beat ’em-ups. Instead, your clothing is the health bar. Each time you damage any article of clothing worn by your enemy, you raise the chance of it being to be stripped.  Yes, stripping clothes is the main focus of this game. Since your enemies are  “Synthisters,” the only way to destroy them is to expose them to the sun through destroying their clothes

This also applies to you well. If you take too much damage, you can be stripped and it’s game over. Thankfully, you can retry again if you do. They won’t penalize you for it, so if you die, don’t worry. Also, when you hold L1, you can fix your clothes and regain all your clothes HP.  A nice feature to have.

Another bad point is the camera. It doesn’t adjust to you when fighting. The camera would just stay in the angle that you put it. For example: if you attack an enemy and push that enemy towards the screen, it doesn’t adjust to place the camera behind you. Therefore, you can’t see the enemy.  You have to adjust the camera manually with the right stick in battle. That is just no good. It feels awkward and in battle, you can’t afford to do that. There is something to help relieve that but it is not perfect. R1 resets the camera behind you but is also your defensive stance, which automatically dodges any any attack,  except heavy unblockable attacks. When you hold it once, it goes to the stance, so you would have to double tap R1 quickly in battle. This gets real troublesome, especially when dealing with a crowd of opponents. Personally, this doesn’t feel right because I believe you need to have a camera that works with you, not solely dependent on you. Sega’s Yakuza games are  prime examples of a Beat ’em-Up that has great camera.


To sum up the intro, you protected Shizuka from a blow and were gravely injured in the process. She made a blood contract with you by kissing you with her blood, drinking her blood in the process and saving you. That said, You are now a familiar of Shizuku. It then shows you that you are a part of the Akiba Freedom Fighters, A volunteer group who patrols Akiba and keeps the peace. You also get introduced to your shut-in sister: Nana , which the script for her is just funny overall. You then meet your comrades in the group. Your Childhood Friend: Touka Sagisaka. A Finnish exchange student who works as a maid: Kati Raikkonen.  The Manger of the base/game bar of MOGRA: Kihachi Sugiyama or Pops as people call him. Lastly, the Tachibana Brothers. Kaito is the older sibling who is enthusiastic about protecting Akiba but lacks the brain power. While Yuto, the younger sibling, is more composed and is the brains of the group. You then go learn who is this organization, who are the Synthisters, and finally put a stop them.

There are more character’s introduced but it is up to you to find them. The characters themselves are okay, even if they follow the usual anime tropes that we know. Besides the main heroines, who you can have an ending with, the characters are pretty forgetful. Story is not deep, so don’t expect a riveting complex story. To sum it up, Akiba’s Trip: Undead and Undressed  is average and the only reason to go through it again is to get the multiple endings with the girls.

The Sights and Sounds of Akiba

When you explore the town of Akiba through the main mission or the side quests, there is a good amount to see. The towering ads and the stores depicted are real in Japan.  The world also has flyer girls like in Japan.  So if you want to get a feeling of what Akiba is like, this is as close as you can get in a video game without a plane ticket.


The locations are separated into their own areas. This is another down side. Every time you go to another area, there is a loading screen.  This can be annoying. Also as you can tell, it’s not detailed with specks of dust or cracks on the sidewalks. Backgrounds or alleyways are simple copy paste pictures of their real life counterparts. Another critique is about the people roaming about. Usually there are at most 5 types of characters you see which loop spawns when you’re in the area. In some areas, it can just be simply empty and barren. Xseed said that this is fixed in the PS4 version, so wait if you want the improvements.

When fighting or travelling in these areas, the frame rate drops and becomes jagged. This is especially true when there are multiple people on screen. There are even rare  times of freezes as well. I’ve only had two freeze ups in my first play through of 30 hours. It is wise to save when you have a chance.

 Acquire decided wisely to go with an anime, cartoon  model look for the visuals. The highlight of the visuals are the conversations that come up in the story. Like with the Disgaea series, the portraits of the characters are great. The CG sets keep the feel of the moment well. If you like Disgaea , this is right up your alley.


A big plus is the voice acting. The game is dual audio so if you want to keep the original Japanese voice cast, you can. Surprisingly, the dub is very well done. When the moment asks for it, the actors really capture the moment of the scene. So kudos to them and give the English voice cast a chance. There has been hate on Nana’s English voice acting, saying it is too monotone and flat. Not like with the Japanese counterpart of bubbly and cute. I say give it a chance. For me, it grew and I appreciated it in due time.  Again, it’s all preference.

Fan Service to Go Around

This game is Otaku bait, as I like to call it. You will like this game if you are a gamer, an admirer of Japanese Culture, or an Anime/Manga lover and so forth. Other audiences may find themselves alienated or disgusted by this game.  This game is about stripping people’s clothes off, after all. Some may even say that this is the “ most despicable game ever. “, which is not true. You have to understand the cultural difference between the US and Japan. Besides, we have seen far worse than this in the game industry.

One thing I like to point out is that this game is pretty much self aware. If you seen any anime of late or familiar with the culture, you will recognizes the these ads .


They also have game adverts ranging from themselves to Disgaea 4 .

Akiba's Trip 2

Even the side quest themselves pay tribute to the past. One example is one quest giver directly quotes Final Fantasy 10 line of: “Listen to my story. This may be our last chance.”  Also in one dialogue choice, it even says “Well EXCUSSEEE~ me Princess.” The script of this game is full of references and laugh out loud moments which I love and thank Xseed’s localization team.

Another fan service tribute is the finishing strips.  There are about 10 strip styles. One style even pays tribute to Fist of the North Star , which you do Hokuto’s Fist of Penitence. Again, there is a lot tributes and parodies to all anime and games here, so see if you can spot them all.


Then there’s of course the “ecchi” fan service. You will be stripping both male and female down to their underwear Even to the point of stripping them of their underwear. When you strip chain more than 8 articles of clothing, you will do a sentai style finish and blind them to the light, literally.


Xseed said that they will include both Male and Female strip portraits in the game, so it would be fair on both sides. So yeah….

And for the Ladies…

akiba's trip ps3

Up to you to decide if the fan service is a good or bad thing.

What You’ll be Doing During Your Stay

Overall, this is a short game. You will explore the city, do some side quest in between main quest, after finish with side quest you go to the main quest, head back to MOGRA, trigger next story cut scene and repeat. There is also an encyclopedia to fill up, so if you want to complete it, more replay value for you. A small detail to take note is your weapons and clothes. You can use hand drills, wooden swords, a sniper rifle, capsule machine, all sorts of weapons. You can then upgrade it by heading to your sister Nana and synthesis the material. For your fusion, you will get the title: Alchemist. Yes, that is a Full Metal Alchemist reference there. This can also be done for your clothes as well. But like with any RPG, you will only go for the one that has the highest stats, so the clothes and weapons are generally cosmetic.

I finished my first play through in 30 hours. I did most of the side quests, completed the battle arena, and story. There is a bit of grinding if you so wish to choose to do so. Overall, it’s a pretty mundane flow when you play though the game.  When you finish and gain New Game +, you can change your model to a women and play as one. However, the story will still perceive you as a guy. Strip Skills, Titles, Encyclopedia, and Strip Portraits are carried over, so you will want to play more than once if you want to get 100%.

So with all that said and done, is Akiba’s Trip: Undead and Undressed worth the trip?


A Flawed, But Fun Trip.

There is so much potential and bits a pieces that make this trip worth going. However, it’s held back by graphical limitations, frame rate drops, a stiff combat system, questionable camera, and basic game flow. The encylopedia, and the multiple endings will make you come back for more and the dual voice over will make you want to listen to both sides.It has good humor and a decent story, just not well on gameplay aspect. Best to get this on a bargain or rental. A valiant effort. But when it comes to having a virtual tour of Akiba, there is no other game like this one.

Pros: + Great Voice Acting + Virtual Tour of Akiba + Good Customization + Great Humor + Good Side Quest System

Cons: – Stiff Combat – Frame Rate Inconsistent – Camera – Bit Too Easy – Nana’s Conversation Minigame

  • 7.5/10 Good - 7.5/10

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Philosophical, Gaming, Otaku, at your service! Born in Nintendo’s golden age, his blood runs on Mario and Nintendo. With his philosophical degree, he learns to see the big picture, other points of views and tries to make unbiased thinking and judgments. Former Substance Abuse Case Manager, Full time gamer, Otaku and Student of life.

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Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed (PS3)

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About this item.

  • Key features: Faithful Recreation of Japan's Electronics MeccaLike a virtual tour of Tokyo's Akihabara ward, all major outdoor locations from the town have been painstakingly recreated, with over 130 real-life shops accurately represented.Unique and Customizable Brawler-Style CombatAnything can be a weapon, from baseball bats to comics to motherboards, and individual clothing items may be targeted, stripped, and added to the player's own inventory.Satirical Story with Divergent Paths and Multiple EndingsPlaying off common anime and video game tropes for social satire, the player's choices determine how the story progresses, leading to one of many unique endings.Modern Day Setting Enhances Gameplay Options and Adds Pop Culture FeelThe in-game smartphone is used to check email, read comments on "Pitter," take sidequests, catalog ad flyers, launch apps to identify the undead, and much, much more.

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About the game: AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed is an open-world action RPG in which players undertake numerous missions in a virtual recreation of Akihabara, Tokyo's popular "Electric Town" district. The player's goal is to identify vampires called "Syntheses" with the help of an in-game smartphone app, then engage them in battle to strip their clothes off so their bodies are fully exposed to sunlight. Boasting a unique combat system in which everyday objects become weapons, multiple story routes, a varied cast of characters based on common anime and video game tropes and a narrative dripping with social satire and subtle nods to Japanese pop culture, AKIBA'S TRIP is a present-day supernatural adventure for the gamer in all of us.

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Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed – Guides and FAQs

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  • Guide and Walkthrough by  CO_Mel VITA v.1.7, 482KB, 10 months ago *Most Recommended*

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  • Game Script by  WongYeangChiong VITA v.2.0, 29KB, 2015

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Akiba's Trip: Undead and Undressed review: clothing optional

By Alexa Ray Corriea on August 25, 2014 at 3:30pm

Akiba's Trip's setting can't make up for its shortcomings

Akiba's Trip: Undead and Undressed would work better as an anime.

Japanese developer Acquire provides an intimate look at otaku culture, the fandom and fervor surrounding Japanese anime, manga, video games and fashion in Akiba's Trip . The graphics may not be the prettiest, but the semi-accurate scenery of real-world landmarks was a powerful nostalgia trigger for my memories of living in Japan.

This wrapper is conceptually cool. Akiba's Trip is unapologetic of its weirdness, but the detail put into the game's aesthetic doesn't extend to its tedious combat and mission structure, detracting from some entertaining dialogue and stories about the characters' relationships.

In Akiba's Trip , players enter the otaku world of Akihabara — a.k.a. Akiba — a ward in Tokyo that has become the mecca of electronics and pop culture. The real world Akiba attracts fashionistas and collectors of anime goods. The game version attracts the same crowds, but also a group of energy-sucking sun-allergic vampires called Synthisters.

At the game's beginning, the player character is turned into a Synthister and rescued from his new ilk by a young woman named Shizuku. The player character and Shizuku — along with the protagonist's ragtag band of anime-loving best friends — begin systematically taking down groups of Synthisters throughout Akiba, attempting to unravel the mystery of their existence.

As the main character, players select their own dialogue responses to other characters. The three options available break down roughly into three personality types: considerate and kind, womanizing jerk and classic otaku. The latter weaves statements about anime and manga into each answer, while the rude middle option paints every woman as a sex object. Different choices will make others perceive you in certain ways, and as time goes on characters will approach you differently depending on how you've acted. This means the mechanic has some actual meaning and made me consider how flippant my responses could be based on who I was speaking to. I liked this element, as it gave me at least one meaningful goal to work towards — good relationships with the people around me.

But the quest to discover the cause of and defeat the Synthisters is less intriguing than the relationship-driven subplots. One of these subplots involves the protagonist taking one of his lady friends as a love interest. Players can choose one of these four girls to take on missions. The more face time between you and any one of the leading ladies, the greater the romance, which rewards players with some pretty hilarious and awkward scenes of teenagers trying to flirt.

There are dozens of optional side missions that involve running errands or helping other characters, but everything ends in a fight against groups of Synthisters. I stopped completing side quests because I couldn't stomach the combat anymore. Running around between loading screens and getting into lengthy fights for a paltry bit of in-game currency wasn't worth it.

There are a few fun moments that play into the game's otaku aesthetic. In one mission, my friends entered a cosplay contest as a group of popular anime characters. During the contest, a group of Synthisters attacked them, and my friends kept in character with the cosplays they wore while they fought. This piece of the main storyline is just one small instance of the game taking mandatory time out from its "serious business" vampire storyline to tell a silly story around otaku culture — and the game's lack of self-awareness makes this lampooning enjoyable to watch. Building more severe situations like boss fights within funny fluff moments such as the cosplay contest made me want to stick around through the otherwise uninspiring combat and storyline sequences.

The time spent not trying to strengthen your romance (or bromance) in Akiba's Trip is taken up fighting Synthisters in hand-to-hand combat. Controls are streamlined, with only three attack button options available. These allow you to target the head, torso and legs of an opponent. Repeatedly attacking one area will weaken the clothing your opponent is wearing, eventually allowing you to rip it off. Once all head pieces, shirts and pants or dresses are ripped off, your enemy dies. If your own clothes are all ripped off, you die.

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Fashion Sense

People spend a lot of time naked in Akiba's Trip . But the game never treats the act of being without one's garments as something to be embarrassed about, or even slavered over. In Akiba's Trip , the naked body is just that — a body without clothes. Clothing is ripped off in combat with a visual flourish, but beyond that there is no drooling over jiggling breasts or nosebleeds over lanky dudes running around in boxer briefs. "Strip" maybe be in the title of the game, but the emphasis on nudity is not as a feature to be ogled or bring in players desperate for a glimpse of side-boob. After so many Japanese games have treated nudity and sex as titillation, it was refreshing to me to see it handled as a normal part of life and maturing into adulthood.

In this way, clothing is utilized like armor, with each piece adding boosts to different stats. Clothing pieces can be upgraded for even greater boosts, and while sometimes you can buy the items at stores within Akiba, you have a better chance of scoring more high-quality pieces in post-combat loot drops. The idea of using clothes as magic armor is a neat idea, but the system lacks any real depth or draw. The satisfaction of visually customizing characters to my liking just wasn't there because my lack of interest in combat made it hard for me to care about the clothes.

I struggled to find a rhythm in combat between the occasionally buggy AI and the difficulty of successfully landing attacks. No matter how much I leveled up, it never got easier. I weathered boss fights that dragged on for nearly half an hour because I couldn't get someone's hat off. And thanks to the lack of visible health bars, I couldn't track whether I was making any meaningful progress. Most combat scenarios ended in me wanting to scream. It felt like my skill level had nothing to do with how well I did.

Combat isn't the only main component of Akiba's Trip lacking luster. The mission structure requires players to run from one area on the map to another in an endless series of fetch quests, making for dull progression through the main story. Missions start and end at a manga cafe, where players can take the time to talk to other team members and learn about them. Events sandwiched in between involve little other than searching for an item or person and punching Synthisters. For hours, every new mission I got followed this formula and as gameplay descended into monotony, I very quickly stopped caring.

At least I didn't have to spend time running around areas on foot. Early on, players are given the ability to teleport between areas, which makes manual exploration an unnecessary time sink. Individual areas don't have maps, making player placement within them confusing. I found myself repeatedly taking a south exit when I wanted to take an eastern one, necessitating I backtrack and tromp through the area to find the other exit I needed. And even though areas are very small, they're constantly broken up by interminable loading screens. Moving around manually became frustrating, and I always hated having to go to new areas because it was such a pain in the ass to get to them on foot.

But Akiba's Trip could be most problematic for players that don't read Japanese. Most shop signs have not been translated and are left in kanji or katakana. In order to locate some shops, players will have to go down streets talking to every vendor, which necessitates another loading screen to open that vendor's purchase menu. It can get tedious if you can't just read the signs to locate the right shop.

However, the rest of the localization in Akiba's Trip is great — dialogue progresses smoothly and can be funny at times. With conversation so cleverly done, it's a shame that environment signs couldn't be translated so non-speakers didn't have to waste more time on the world map.

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Akiba's Trip is just as confused about its identity as its teenage characters. It's a cool look at Japanese otaku culture, and it has some well-written moments. But the writing and setting can't make up for its core pitfalls. Its mission and combat systems are so tedious that I struggled to find motivation to keep playing. The core idea of Akiba's Trip is more interesting than the game itself and is too mired in boring interactive elements to get off the ground.

Akiba's Trip was reviewed using a pre-release retail copy provided by Xseed. You can find additional information about Polygon's ethics policy here .

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Akiba's Trip

Akiba's Trip

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Akiba's Trip 2

Akiba's trip festa, akiba's beat.

Akiba's Trip

The wiki focuses about the about the games Akiba's Trip for PSP, PS4, Nintendo Switch and PC, Akiba's Trip 2 for PS3, PS Vita, PC, PS4 and Nintendo Switch, Akiba's Beat for PS4, PS Vita and Akiba's Trip Festa! for mobile and PC browser that anyone can edit.

The name Akiba is short for Akihabara ( 秋葉原 ) which is a a district in the Chiyoda ward of Tokyo, Japan. The name Akihabara is a shortening of Akibagahara ( 秋葉が原 , "autumn leaf field") , which ultimately comes to Akiba ( 秋葉 ) .

In Akiba's Trip , players roam the Japanese geek paradise Akihabara while battling vampires by stripping them down to their underwear. In addition to the main plot, they can also engage in activities typical of the district, such as purchasing cosplay and visiting maid cafes.

In Akiba's Beat the story alters from the previous installations of stripping characters, instead focuses of rhythmic battles and roles into a team role-playing game in which the player views the story of seven main characters unfold.

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AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed

AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed

  • Remote Play supported
  • PS4 Version DUALSHOCK 4 vibration

ESRB Mature

Global player ratings

Explore the supernatural mysteries of Akihabara in AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed. A dark conspiracy plots to consume Japan's pop-culture mecca with an army of synthetic vampires. As a fugitive from their experiments, it's up to you to hunt these 'Synthisters' down, brawling with them in the streets and tearing off their clothes to roast them in the harsh light of day. Roam free through an authentic recreation of Japan's famous Electric Town. Fight alongside your otaku (obsessive nerd) friends, wielding everything from rolled-up posters to replica laserswords in a battle for dorky dominance. Four potential love interests await you, each with her own unique endgame. In addition to the dual audio from previous versions, this PS4™ system edition includes a 'Toybox Mode' that starts you off with one of every item, a 'Visual Editor' to customize the look of Electric Town as you see fit, chat commands that allow livestream viewers to directly influence your game, 1080p HD support and more.

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Product Identifiers

  • Publisher XSEED Games
  • UPC 0853466001681
  • eBay Product ID (ePID) 182744518

Product Key Features

  • Rating M - Mature
  • Genre Role Playing
  • Platform Sony PlayStation 3
  • Game Name Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed

Additional Product Features

  • Release Year 2014
  • Country/Region of Manufacture USA
  • ESRB Descriptor Sexual Themes, Strong Language, Violence

Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed Video Games

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  1. Akiba’s Trip: Undead & Undressed (PS3 / PlayStation 3) Game Profile

    akiba's trip ps3

  2. Akiba’s Trip

    akiba's trip ps3

  3. Jogo AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed para PlayStation 3

    akiba's trip ps3

  4. Jogo AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed para PlayStation 3

    akiba's trip ps3

  5. AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed Game

    akiba's trip ps3

  6. * Akiba Trip 2 sur PS3, tous les jeux vidéo PS3 sont chez Micromania

    akiba's trip ps3


  1. Akiba's Trip PS3 Dynamic Theme

  2. Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed Gameplay (PS Vita) on Android

  3. Akiba's Trip

  4. Akiba's Trip

  5. Always Right Reviews

  6. Akiba's Trip PS3 다이나믹 테마


  1. Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed

    Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed, released as Akiba's Trip 2 in Japan, is a 2013 action-adventure video game for the PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and Microsoft Windows by Acquire.It is the sequel to Akiba's Trip on the PlayStation Portable. A third game in the series, Akiba's Trip Festa, was released in November 2016. A "Director's Cut" of the game was released in Japan in ...

  2. Akiba's Trip Guide

    Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed takes players on an eclectic trip through Tokyo's "Electric Town" electronics district in which they will battle vampire-like foes in over-the-top, highly ...

  3. AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed

    Steam. GOG. Play-Asia. AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed is an action adventure video game developed and published by Acquire. It is published by XSEED Games in North America and Marvelous Europe ...

  4. Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed

    Completion Notes - The Item/Equipment Lists have been filled out. Yay. September 7, 2014 : Walkthrough section is Administratively Complete. Lists will need to be filled in at a later update. March 5, 2014 : Akiba's Trip 2 is being localized as: Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed <- This title amuses me greatly. PROFOUND JUBILATION AND LULZ!

  5. Akiba's Trip

    Akiba's Trip is a Japanese video game franchise by developer Acquire. ... They released the game on PS3 and PSVita on August 12, 2014, on PS4 on November 25, 2014, and on PC on May 26, 2015. Additionally, NIS America released the game in Europe. Akiba's Trip Festa!

  6. AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed

    AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed is an open-world action RPG in which players undertake numerous missions in a virtual recreation of Akihabara, Tokyo's popular "Electric Town" district. The player's goal is to identify vampires called "Synthesizers" with the help of an in-game smartphone app, then engage them in battle to strip their ...

  7. Akiba's Trip: Undead and Undressed Review

    By Josiah Renaudin on September 10, 2014 at 9:41PM PDT. The fact that a game called Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed isn't completely tasteless might be its greatest accomplishment. This is a ...

  8. Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed for PlayStation 3

    Description. Explore the supernatural mysteries of Akihabara in AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed. A dark conspiracy plots to consume Japan's pop-culture mecca with an army of synthetic vampires. As a fugitive from their experiments, it's up to you to hunt these 'Synthisters' down, brawling with them in the streets and tearing off their clothes ...

  9. Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed (2014)

    Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed (PlayStation 3 Game) first released 12th Aug 2014, developed by Acquire and published by XSEED Games.

  10. Akiba's Trip: Undead and Undressed Review (PS3)

    It's very hard to describe a game like Akiba's Trip: Undead and Undressed. The nearest comparison I can give is that it is similar to Sega's Yakuza series. Instead of Shinjuku, you will explore the Otaku mecca: Akihabara or Akiba. The trip however is not without its flaws. Platform(s): PS3 (reviewed), PS Vita, Ps4 Publisher: Xseed

  11. Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed (PS3)

    Product Description. About the game: AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed is an open-world action RPG in which players undertake numerous missions in a virtual recreation of Akihabara, Tokyo's popular "Electric Town" district. The player's goal is to identify vampires called "Syntheses" with the help of an in-game smartphone app, then engage them ...

  12. Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed

    Playing through 90 minutes of Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed on the Playstation 3. Also known as Akiba's Trip 2 in Japan.Game: Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undre...

  13. Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed

    You can write and submit your own guide for this game using either our full-featured online editor or our basic text editor. We also accept maps and charts as well. For Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed on the PlayStation 3, GameFAQs has 2 guides and walkthroughs.

  14. AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed

    Fight to save a near-perfect replica of Japan's anime and game mecca from man-made vampires the only way you know how: by stripping them so they melt in the ...

  15. Akiba's Trip: Undead and Undressed review: clothing optional

    Akiba's Trip: Undead and Undressed would work better as an anime. Japanese developer Acquire provides an intimate look at otaku culture, the fandom and fervor surrounding Japanese anime, manga ...

  16. Akiba's Wiki

    The wiki focuses about the about the games Akiba's Trip for PSP, PS4, Nintendo Switch and PC, Akiba's Trip 2 for PS3, PS Vita, PC, PS4 and Nintendo Switch, Akiba's Beat for PS4, PS Vita and Akiba's Trip Festa! for mobile and PC browser that anyone can edit.. The name Akiba is short for Akihabara (秋葉原) which is a a district in the Chiyoda ward of Tokyo, Japan.

  17. AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed

    Explore the supernatural mysteries of Akihabara in AKIBAS TRIP Undead Undressed. A dark conspiracy plots to consume Japans pop-culture mecca with an army of synthetic vampires. As a fugitive from their experiments, its up to you to hunt these Synthisters down, brawling with them in the streets and tearing off their clothes to roast them in the harsh light of day.

  18. World of Longplays Live: Akiba's Trip: Undead and Undressed (PS3

    Akiba's Trip: Undead and Undressed played by Tsunao on PS3.A game involving vampires essentially and you defeat them by stripping them. Let's take a tour t...

  19. Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed (Sony PlayStation 3, 2014)

    Silent Hill HD Collection PS3 Brand New Game (Action/Adventure Compilation 2012) $70.00. $37.41. $12.00. Perky Little Things [Nintendo Switch] [Bonus Artbook!] Brand New Sealed. $2.00. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed (Sony PlayStation 3, 2014) at the best online prices at eBay!

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    4.5/5 Based on 14 Reviews No Booking Fees Dedicated Travel Advisor. Fully Guided Coach Group Rail Scenic Bernina Express Glacier Express. Our Price From 4,517 Per Person. Exclusive Savings 107 Per Person. Check Availability. Trip Length. 9 Days. Trip Starts. Zurich.

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    When Zurich Travel Assist is notified of a medical emergency, its multilingual staff will establish contact with the local attending physician and assist with arranging appropriate care. We will maintain contact with the attending physician and with your family and business associates until the situation is resolved and you are able to resume ...

  22. Zurich Switzerland Travel Guide

    Join us for a walk in Zurich Switzerland!Did you guys know that Switzerland is declared to be the happiest place in the world, according to The World Happine...


    Austrian Trip Report on a Bombardier Dash 8 from Vienna to Zurich on a cloudy autumn morning.A very comfortable trip on the Austrian Dash 8 to Switzerland. W...