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How trek the himalayas has become the best trekking company of uttarakhand.

Uttarakhand is a beautiful Indian state wrapped in the embrace of the Himalayas. The state boasts of unrivaled natural splendor and a deep-rooted connection to divinity. It's also a hub for adventure activities, with snow-capped mountains, meandering rivers, and verdant valleys painting a canvas of serenity and adventure.

Trekking in Uttarakhand offers a wonderful experience, allowing everyone to immerse themselves in nature's raw beauty while ensuring optimum safety. There are vast trekking opportunities in Uttarakhand, so choosing the best trekking company is vital. It's the difference between a mundane journey and an unforgettable adventure, between a mere trek and an enriching experience that leaves an indelible mark on the heart. Amid the myriad options, Trek The Himalayas stands out as the best trekking company in Uttarakhand .In this article, we will unravel what makes Trek the Himalayas stand out as the best trekking company of Uttarakhand.

How Trek The Himalayas has Become the Best Trekking Company of Uttarakhand?

Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS)

Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) commonly occurs in individuals ascending to high altitudes, typically above 2,500 meters (8,000 feet), due to the body's struggle to acclimatize swiftly to decreased oxygen levels. Symptoms include headache, nausea, fatigue, dizziness, and shortness of breath. Though usually mild and self-limiting, AMS can escalate into severe forms like High Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE) or High Altitude Cerebral Edema (HACE), posing life-threatening risks if not promptly addressed.

Generally, trekkers come for high-altitude Himalayan treks and they are not aware of altitude sickness.  Trek the Himalayas  has collected some information and our experience to share about altitude sickness to help Himalayan trekkers. Altitude sickness generally refers to a condition known as  Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) . It affects people in areas of high altitude, which means areas at around 2,500m above sea level. Altitude sickness is more common, and becomes more severe, with increasing altitude.

Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS)

Mera Peak Expedition - A Hidden Gem in Nepal

Embark on the thrilling Mera Peak Expedition , a hidden gem nestled in Nepal's majestic Himalayan ranges. Standing tall at 6,476 meters, Mera Peak offers a challenging yet rewarding journey for adventure enthusiasts. Trek through lush forests, pristine glaciers, and picturesque villages, immersing yourself in the rich Sherpa culture along the way. Conquer the summit for breathtaking 360-degree views of four towering Himalayan giants. With careful preparation and determination, this epic adventure promises an unforgettable experience of a lifetime.

The interest in exploring the Mera Peak region was first sparked in the 1950s after the successful expedition to Mt. Everest. The peak was climbed for the first time on May 20, 1953. The standard route to climb the peak is via the north face, however, it can also be climbed from the west and south faces. However, the latter two are more technically challenging routes. From the summit of the peak, you can see close-up views of 4 tallest mountains in the world — Mt. Everest (8848 m), Kanchenjunga (8586 m), Lhotse (8516 m) & Cho Oyu (8201 m).

Mera Peak Expedition - A Hidden Gem in Nepal

Why Choose Trek The Himalayas for Your Trekking Adventures

We are committed to sustainable and responsible tourism, minimizing our environmental impact and supporting local communities. By collaborating with eco-friendly lodges and employing local guides and porters, we contribute to the economic development of the regions we visit. Additionally, our unwavering dedication to safety includes thorough risk assessments, well-maintained equipment, and emergency evacuation protocols. With Trek The Himalayas, you can embark on your adventure with confidence, surrounded by breathtaking landscapes and creating memories to last a lifetime.

Trekking as an adventure sport has gained immense popularity over the years. More and more people are becoming interested in stepping into the realm of the mountains. Organized trek trips are a burgeoning industry and every other day a new trekking organization is popping up in the country. Trekking tour operators make your journey so much easier and more convenient and as such it is essential that you choose the trekking organization cautiously.

Why Choose Trek The Himalayas for Your Trekking Adventures

Our Top Picks Of Summer Treks in Indian Himalayas

Discover our top summer trek picks in the Indian Himalayas for an unforgettable adventure. Journey to Uttarakhand for the legendary Roopkund Trek, boasting challenging terrain and breathtaking Himalayan vistas amidst vibrant wildflowers. Alternatively, explore the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Valley of Flowers Trek, a floral paradise embraced by snow-capped peaks and glistening streams. These treks promise unparalleled experiences, blending nature's beauty and the thrill of adventure in the majestic Indian Himalayas.

With the winter first all around,  do you find yourself eagerly anticipating the warmth of summer? Are you yearning to witness the transformation of everything that stood still, thawing under the gentle caress of the summer sun? In the Himalayan slopes, summer heralds a spectacle of melting snow, vibrant valleys adorned with an array of wildflowers, melodious tunes of exotic birds, and a night sky painted with a celestial wonder. 

Our Top Picks Of Summer Treks in Indian Himalayas

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School, College & Corporate

Outbound Learning Programs

Our experiential learning program is meticulously designed to impart a diverse range of experiences to the students of schools and colleges with an immersive and hands-on technique.

Our experiential learning program spans various levels tailored to different age groups, ensuring activities are both age-appropriate and safe. From campus-based adventures for younger students to high-altitude treks for college-level participants, each level offers unique challenges and opportunities for growth.

The programs include different activities including team building activities and leadership development, environmental education programs, Outdoor skills training, and adventure-based learning activities appropriate to each age group.

The outcome of the program focuses on goal setting, social development, emotional development, building self-confidence, developing collaborative leadership, and a more responsible connection with the environment

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Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

How to register/create an account with tth.

To register with TTH, visit our website - www.trekthehimalayas.com and create your account. To create your account you will need to use your email address and fill in all the details, set your unique password and your account is ready to use.

How to book a trek?

  • To book a trek with TTH, you first need to register with us and create an account.
  • Choose the trek that you want to do and click on available dates.
  • You will land at the login page, fill in the required details.
  • Add Participants, choose add-on services click on the Pay now button, choose your preferred payment method, and make the payment. TTH accepts multiple payment options, including credit/debit cards, net banking, and UPI.
  • You will receive a confirmation email from TTH with all the necessary details about the trek, including the meeting point, transportation, accommodation, and other important instructions.

Made a payment but did not receive any confirmation.

please send an email to us at [email protected] or reach out to the numbers provided in the Help and Support section of your Trek Page. We will ensure that your issue is promptly resolved.

How to book off-load luggage and transportation?

To book services such as off-load luggage and transportation, you can find them listed as add-ons. These additional services can be booked at the time of your initial booking. If you miss booking add-ons during the initial reservation, you can log in anytime and easily book 4 days before the departure date add-ons through the platform.

If I have booked the wrong trek or date, how can I make changes?

In such a situation, please log in to your account and transfer your trek or date to the desired one within 12 hours or drop us an email at [email protected] 10 days before the departure date of the trek. After the initial 12-hour period, any changes will be processed according to the cancellation policy.

I am a beginner and confused which trek to book.

We recommend visiting our "Suggest Me a Trek" page. By filling out the form, our experts will contact you with the best possible trek options based on your preferences and experience level. Alternatively, you can reach out to us via email at [email protected] or give us a call using the numbers provided on our website for personalized assistance and recommendations.

Are trek poles, Jackets and other equipment available for rent from Trek The Himalayas?

Yes, we do provide gears on rent. You can book it using you TTH account directly.

Who will be with us on the trek from Trek The Himalayas?

Mountaineering qualified Experienced and first aid certified Trek Leader, First Aid Certify local guide, Cook, helpers and supporting staff.

Who can not join the trek?

People suffering from Bronchitis, Asthma, High blood pressure, Epilepsy (got faints), TB , Heart problem or on higher BMI side are strictly not allowed to go on any Himalayan trek. Apart from this if you had any medical history, please let us know.

When it gets really cold can I consume alcohol?

No. Alcohol and smocking isn’t allowed while on trek. It is totally misconception that it will keep you warm. Your body need to acclimatize properly and for that eat properly and drink enough water; these things will keep you warm.

What type of toilet facility is TTH providing at the trek?

Toilet tents provide a convenient solution for answering nature's call in the great outdoors. Dry toilets, in particular, offer a highly sanitary approach. By digging a pit and utilizing mud and a shovel, you can easily cover up your waste. This method ensures cleanliness and hygiene while camping or exploring in the forest. 

Remember to pack essential toiletries to complete your outdoor bathroom kit and maintain proper personal hygiene during your adventures. With these practices in place, you can enjoy nature while also respecting it.

How do I manage the negative temperatures on the trek at higher camps? Do I need special jackets?

Layer Up From Head To Toe Eat Full Meals, never sleep empty stomach You can keep warmee (if you’re more susceptible to cold). Use sleeping bag in right way and don’t leave free space in sleeping bag.

For upper body – Thermal layer – T-shirt (full-sleeves) – Fleece T-shirt (for extreme colds) – Fleece layer – Thick Jacket/Down Jacket – Waterproof or Windproof layer (outermost layer, when it is snowing or raining) - For Lower Body – Thermal layer – Hiking pants (normal) or Winter hiking pants

Based on how warm you feel you can skip any of the above layers. Your outer later should be windproof since it is windy at high altitude. The idea behind layering is that the more insulation you have the less cold you feel, and instead of wearing a very thick jacket if you wear multiple layers, your body will be better insulated against the cold.

Do you provide crampon/micro spikes and gaiters?

Yes, we provide micro spikes and gaiters, if required.

What documents need to carry on trek?

Mandatory documents: 2 xerox of ID having address (addhar card/driving license), 2 Passport size photographs, hard copy Medical form signed & sealed by doctor, disclaimer form sign by trekker and high altitude insurance.

If we come prior the trek date, Do you provide accommodation?

No. We don’t but we can suggest you good hotel/Stay nearby pick up location.

What kind of shoes we should buy for the trek?

You should buy shoes which has these three features –Good grip, Ankle Support and additional water resistant layers. Generally, we advise Quechua Trek 100, MH 500 and MH 100.

What happens if some members of the team need to turn back before the summit?

No one is forced to go on. There is always enough staff to split the party according to need and regroup later at the camp. Most people have no trouble reaching the highest campsite. If some members decide not to climb the final distance they can wait for the climbers to come back down the same way or take a lateral path to the descent route.

How is family trek different from regular trek?

Family treks differ from regular treks by focusing on ease of difficulty, offering shorter durations for younger participants, Kid-friendly and easily digestible foods, child-friendly activities, maintaining a higher guide ratio for diverse age groups, and implementing additional safety measures for families.

Ideal treks for children.

Family Trek with Kids recommendation Only Dayara Bugyal and Chopta Chandrashila Trek.

Minimum age for children to trek with TTH.

Minimum age for TTH treks is typically 7 years, though this may vary depending on the specific trek.

Can we take children to high altitudes with their guardian?

Yes, you can take a kids to a high-altitude trek with a parent. Discuss with a trek expert before booking a trek.

Can we send kids without Parents/guardian?

Junior trekkers (below 15 years) should have a company of parents/guardians.

Trekkers between 15 to 18 years can come solo with the disclaimer form signed by parent/guardian.

Medical & Disclaimer Form (Mandatory Documents) Click here to download medical and disclaimer form

How to prepare a child for a high altitude trek?

Physical Fitness: Ensure your child is physically fit. Engage them in regular exercise, outdoor activities, and hikes to build stamina and endurance. Hydration: Emphasize the importance of staying hydrated at high altitudes. Encourage your child to drink water regularly, even if they don't feel thirsty. Proper Nutrition: Provide a well-balanced diet with sufficient carbohydrates for energy and foods rich in iron to prevent altitude sickness. Adequate Sleep: Ensure your child gets enough sleep in the days leading up to the trek. Quality rest is crucial for altitude adaptation. Educate on Altitude Sickness: Teach your child about the symptoms of altitude sickness, such as headache, nausea, and dizziness. Encourage them to communicate any discomfort immediately. Appropriate Clothing and Gear: Dress your child in layers to adjust to changing temperatures. Ensure they have appropriate trekking gear, including sturdy footwear. Positive Mindset: Foster a positive mindset. Encourage your child, and let them know it's okay to take breaks when needed. Medical Check-Up: Schedule a medical check-up before the trek to ensure your child is fit for high-altitude activities. Consult with a healthcare professional about any potential health concerns.

Kind of food will be served during the trek for children.

TTH takes special care to provide wholesome and nutritious food for children on treks. Here are some of the foods that are typically served for children: Breakfast: For breakfast, TTH serves a variety of options like porridge, cornflakes, bread, butter, jam, honey, boiled eggs, omelettes, and pancakes. Children can choose from these options to fuel themselves for the day's trek. Lunch: For lunch, TTH serves lunch which includes rotis, vegetables, rice, dal, and salad. The rotis are usually made fresh on the trek and are a good source of carbohydrates. The dal and vegetables provide protein and other essential nutrients. Snacks: TTH provides healthy snacks like fresh fruits, dry fruits, energy bars, cookies, and biscuits to keep the children energized throughout the day. Dinner: For dinner, TTH serves a hot and wholesome meal which includes soup, rice, dal, vegetables, and a non-vegetarian dish (if requested in advance). Children can also choose from a variety of desserts like custard, jelly, and fruit salad. Dietary requirements: If a child has any special dietary requirements, TTH can cater to those needs as well. For example, if a child is lactose intolerant or allergic to nuts, the kitchen staff can make arrangements to accommodate those requirements.

How to choose the right trek?

Choosing the right trek for a beginner can be a bit overwhelming as there are many factors to consider such as distance, elevation gain, terrain difficulty, weather, and time of year. Here are some tips that can help you choose the right trek for a beginner:

1. Determine fitness level:  Assess the fitness level of the beginner to understand their physical capabilities. This will help you select a trek that is challenging but not too difficult.

2. Choose a well-traveled trail:  A well-traveled trail will have more amenities such as signposts, water stations, and shelter. It is also safer as there will be other hikers on the trail.

3. Consider the length of the trek:  For beginners, it is recommended to start with a shorter trek that can be completed in a day or two. This will help them get acclimatized to trekking and build their confidence.

4. Look for gradual elevation gain:  Choose a trek with a gradual elevation gain rather than steep ascents. This will make the trek easier and more enjoyable.

5. Check the weather:  Check the weather forecast before selecting a trek. Avoid treks during the monsoon season or winter when the trails can be slippery or dangerous.

6. Research the trail:  Read about the trail to get an idea of the terrain, altitude, and difficulty level. This will help you select a trek that is suitable for the beginner.

7. Consult with an expert:  If you are unsure about which trek to choose, consult our trek expert Mr. Nitin (+91 70600 59773) between 10 AM to 6 PM (Tuesday - Friday). Mr. Nitin will provide you valuable advice and guidance.

Overall, it is important to choose a trek that is enjoyable, challenging but not too difficult, and suitable for the beginner's fitness level and experience.

Can a beginner choose a tough trek?

It is not recommended for a beginner to choose a difficult Himalayan trek. Trekking in the Himalayas can be physically and mentally challenging, especially if you are not used to the high altitude, steep slopes, and rugged terrain. Choosing a difficult trek without the proper experience, fitness level, and preparation can be dangerous and put you at risk of altitude sickness, injury, and other hazards.

If you are a beginner, it is recommended to start with an easier trek and gradually build up your skills and experience. This will help you understand the challenges of trekking in the Himalayas, and also prepare you physically and mentally for a more difficult trek in the future. It is also important to choose a trek that matches your fitness level, experience, and interest.

What is the age limit for a beginner trekker?

There is no specific age limit for a beginner trekker. However, it is important to consider your physical fitness, health condition, and personal interests before embarking on a trek. Trekking in the Himalayas can be physically and mentally demanding, and requires a certain level of physical fitness and endurance.

If you have any pre-existing medical conditions or are above a certain age, it is recommended to consult with a doctor before embarking on a trek. It is also important to listen to your body and take breaks as needed during the trek to prevent exhaustion or injury.

If I am solo, can I join the trek in a group?

Yes, you can join the trek. We have fixed departure groups where you can simply book your trek and we will take care of curating a group.

How does my family get updated about my Trek?

Before you start the trek, it is recommended that you make all the necessary phone calls as during the trek you may or may not receive network coverage, once you come back to the Base Camp, you can reconnect with your family via phone once again. You can share your trek coordinator contact detail with your family members to get the latest updates about your trek batch.

What food can I expect?

At TTH, we provide wholesome and nutritious meals during the trek. The food is vegetarian and includes a variety of dishes such as rice, dal, vegetables, chapati, paratha, pasta, noodles, and soup. We also offer snacks such as biscuits, and salty, and dry fruits during the trek. Special dietary requirements such as vegan, gluten-free, or Jain food can also be arranged if informed in advance.

I am allergic to some foods.

If you are allergic to some foods, you need to let us know in advance so that we can make arrangements accordingly.

Do we get enough water for drinking?

Yes, trekker must carry 2 water bottles 1 litre each so they can refill it at campsite for drinking and keep themselves hydrate.

How safe is trekking with TTH?

TTH is a trekking company that prioritizes the safety of all its participants, including women trekkers. They have a comprehensive safety system in place, which includes a dedicated team of experienced and trained trek leaders and support staff who are equipped to handle emergency situations and provide first aid.

TTH also takes specific measures to ensure the safety and comfort of women trekkers. They have a separate tent accommodation for women trekkers, female trek leaders, and support staff. They also provide separate toilet facilities for women and encourage a safe and respectful environment for all trekkers.

Moreover, TTH has a strict policy against any kind of harassment and has a zero-tolerance policy towards such incidents. They have a designated Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) to investigate and address any complaints related to harassment or misconduct. Overall, TTH has a good reputation for safety and responsible trekking practices, and women can feel comfortable and safe while trekking with them.

How TTH will manage if I am the only woman in the group?

In case you are the only women in the group, we provide a single sleeping arrangement. Also, during the trek, the trek leader will always remain by your side to provide optimum safety and reassurance.

How can I know that other women are in the batch?

You can reach out to the trek coordinator to inquire about the number of female trekkers and their respective states who have booked the trek. Please note that the trek coordinator cannot disclose personal details of any trekker. Once you've confirmed your booking, a WhatsApp Group will be created for all the trekkers in your batch. This allows you to connect with fellow trekkers before the trek begins.

Can I know in advance, which trek is led by a women Trek Leader?

While many of our treks are led by female trek leaders, however, it is not possible to know which trek leader is assigned to which group. But nonetheless, whether the trek leader is male or female you can be completely assured of your safety and security with us.

Can I trek with periods? If yes, then where can I dispose of the sanitary pad?

Yes, it is possible to trek with periods. However, it is important to take some extra precautions and preparations to ensure a comfortable and safe trekking experience.

Here are some tips that can help you trek during your period:

1. Use menstrual hygiene products that you are comfortable with, such as tampons, pads, or menstrual cups. It is recommended to carry enough supplies for the entire duration of the trek.

2. Pack wet wipes, hand sanitizer, and plastic bags to dispose of used hygiene products.

3. Wear comfortable and breathable clothing that allows for easy movement and reduces friction. Avoid wearing tight or restrictive clothing that can cause discomfort.

4. Carry pain relief medication, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, in case of menstrual cramps.

5. Stay hydrated and maintain a balanced diet to support your energy levels and overall health.

6. Take breaks as needed and listen to your body. If you feel uncomfortable or experience any unusual symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.

It is also recommended to consult with a doctor before going on a trek during your period, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition or are taking medication. By taking necessary precautions and being prepared, you can have a safe and comfortable trekking experience even during your period.

We provide proper disposal facilities for sanitary pad disposal during the trek.

How will the accommodation be during the trek?

We offer three person tents with twin-sharing for optimum comfort. A woman trekker will share a tent with another woman trekker and if you are the only woman in the group, you will be given a single accommodation for your comfort and privacy.

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Everest Base Camp trek experience by our fellow trekker.

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Lydia Sangma

Dayara Bugyal is my first ever trek and I think will be the most memorable trek of my life. The view from maggie point and.....

Swati Mone

I have just finished my Kedarkanth trek with TTH. It was really an unforgettable experience for me. It's my first solo trek but really they.....

saurabh makhija

Just completed my 1st trek ( Pangarchulla)with TTH team and what an amazing experience it was. Great trek leader (Sudhanshu Sir), excellent support staff (.....

Vivekanand Vellanki

I went on the Phalut Sandakphu trek along with family with TTH. The experience was great. The entire team was very helpful and made the.....

Supriya Phadke

The trek was amazing. The team was wonderful especially team leader Mr. Ravi. The food and all arrangements were great. Thank you TTH.....

Naveen Banala

This my 3rd trek with TTH. It was amazing experience to trek with TTH to Sandakphu. Had lot of fun playing with snow.. the climate.....

Anil Lobo

Thank you TTH, especially Pemba, Munesh, Bikram and the rest of the team, for an awesome Sandakphu trek. Despite inclement to bad weather, every effort.....

Leena Raut

Just completed kuari paas trek with TTH ,had awesome experience with them . Trek leader Ashish sir and Mayank sir was so supportive and helpful,.....

Keshav Daruka

I've been on 2 treks (Kedarkantha and Brahmatal) with TTH, and the experience on both had been great. They have amazing Trek Leaders, Guides and.....

Dilruba N

I did EBC trekking with TTH. The most organised trip I have ever been to! We had the best trek lead Sudhanshu, and Sherpas who.....

Gaurav Gangwar

Had a great experience with the TTH Team. The trek was challenging but the experienced Trek Leads made it a breeze. Food was tasty and.....

Ritika Agarwal

I did the Chopta Chandrashila trek with Himanshu and Ishab from Trek The Himalayas from 16th-20th December. I made so many memories and had a.....

mansi munshi

I have been for the Kuari pass trek with TTH in the 31st Mar to 5th Apr batch. This is my 3rd trek with them......

nisha ahlawat

One of the best trek of my life , outstanding experience, great food , great trek leaders with professional training.thanks to our trek leaders who.....

Yognik Baghel IRS

Excellent experience with TTH. We were a team of 25 trekkers and each person could do the Kedarkantha summit thanks to the brilliant management by.....

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Address: Trek The Himalayas, Kaintura Plaza, Badrinath Road Tapovan, Rishikesh - 249201 Uttarakhand

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homes on hill top before distant mountains and branching river streams

How to plan the ultimate adventure in the Himalayas, from beginners' hikes to Everest base camp

Home to the world's tallest peak, this is a mountain range that none other can match — and you don't have to be a hardcore mountaineer to go. From Everest Base Camp to Bhutan’s Tiger's Nest, here are some of the best routes.

Draped across the very top of the Indian subcontinent, the Himalayas are the stuff of trekking legend. Every hiker worth their boots has likely dreamed of tackling this range’s trails, which carve out the craggy routes between remote villages and mountain monasteries, in the formidable shadows of the world’s highest peaks.

In the high-altitude valleys of Nepal, Bhutan and India, trekkers face sights that many may believe are reserved for mountaineers: the aquamarine lakes in their valleys, the alpine meadows dusted with wildflowers and the snow-capped mountains themselves.  

And in the rugged landscapes between the peaks live bands of indomitable people — nomadic yak herders, enlightenment-seeking monks, mountain-climbing Sherpas. You’ll find culture in abundance here, too, whether you stay in local teahouses or trek off-grid. And there are ways for even beginners to experience all of this.

The reality is that with so many destinations to choose from, trekking in the Himalayas can be as challenging or as comfortable as travellers want it to be. On a camping expedition in Bhutan, supported by guides, cooks, tent-assemblers and even packhorses, trekkers are largely unburdened save for perhaps a camera or hiking poles. Meanwhile, at the opposite end, prize views are open to anyone looking for a real challenge and willing to do all the heavy lifting. Hardy trekkers can find the kind of solitude normally reserved for snow leopards in remote valleys, where the only sound comes from tinkling streams of meltwater and the soft breezes that drift down from the high mountains in whispers.  

To help you make sense of the region, choose between two long-distance treks in Nepal or Bhutan, which are suitable for fit beginner or intermediate hikers, or try an easier introduction to the Himalayan foothills of India in search of rare birdlife.

Itinerary one: Everest Base Camp, Nepal

There are 14 peaks higher than 8,000m in the world, and eight of them are found in Nepal — including Mount Everest (Sagarmatha), which, at 8,849m, is the loftiest of them all. The two-week trek to Everest Base Camp takes breathless walkers to heights above 5,000m, with thrilling views every step of the way.  

distant picutre of the the Stupas line, featuring distant mountains and misty skies

1. Namche Bazaar It takes two days to hike from the tiny mountain airstrip at Lukla to Namche Bazaar. This thriving amphitheatre of stone lodges gazes towards the lofty peaks, with ancient shrines, Gore-Tex gear shops, yak steak restaurants and even an Irish bar, where trekkers toast to their success after tiring days on the trails. Pause here for short acclimatisation hikes to the fascinating Sherpa villages of Khumjung, Khunde and Thame, where you can get a taste of local life.

2. Ama Dablam   Everest may be top dog, but 6,812m-high Ama Dablam is arguably the most perfect peak in the central Himalayas — an isolated sentinel almost mirroring the pyramid-topped Buddhist stupas that line the Base Camp trail. There are stupendous views of the snow-encrusted summit between Namche Bazaar and the Buddhist monastery at Tengboche.

3. Tengboche The Buddhist monastery at Tengboche holds a special place in the hearts of visitors to the Himalayas. The resident monks have welcomed everyone from Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay, the first to conquer Everest in 1953, to record-breaking Nepali climber Nirmal Purja. Millions of trekkers have also been drawn by its traditional architecture and vividly colourful murals. It’s one of the loveliest stops in the Everest region, with epic views over a ridge of snowy peaks and comfy lodges crowning a grassy plateau.  

4. Everest Base Camp The base camp used for ascents of Mount Everest is perhaps the most legendary trekking destination of them all. Amid scattered boulders and tooth-like pinnacles of ice, you’ll find mountaineers huddled around dome tents and satellite phones, acclimatising for the push to the summit. Grab a slice of hot apple pie from the world’s highest bakery before trekking downhill to the teahouses at Gorak Shep.  

5. Kala Patthar The summit of Everest is hidden from view at Base Camp, behind the rocky shoulder of 7,861m-tall Nuptse. For incredible vistas of the world’s highest peak, hike from Gorak Shep to the summit of Kala Patthar (5,645m) — a blackened crag with uninterrupted Everest views. It’s a breathless two-hour ascent to reach the top, but from here, the black summit of Everest stands clear of its companion peaks, rising majestically above the Khumbu Glacier.

Itinerary two: Jhomolhari, Bhutan

The Jhomolhari trek is to Bhutan what the Everest Base Camp trek is to Nepal. Rising through wind-scoured valleys, this week-long camping trek takes its name from 7,326m Jhomolhari, the sacred mountain abode of one of Bhutan’s five protector goddesses and the defining landmark on the route.

active monastery within the mountains

1. Taktshang Goemba   According to legend, Taktshang Goemba — aka the Tiger’s Nest — was anchored to the side of a sheer cliff wall using the hair of angels. Perhaps Bhutan’s most famous monastery, here pilgrims chant mantras, prayer flags dance in the Himalayan breeze and prayer halls are adorned with legions of Buddhas and bodhisattvas   (enlightened beings). The steep four-hour hike here from Paro is a perfect primer for the more ambitious climbs that await on the Jhomolhari trek.  

2. Drukgyel Dzong This ancient dzong (fortress) set high on a hill is en route to the starting point of the Jhomolhari trek, Sharna Zampa, and many trekkers still pause here to admire the view before lacing up their hiking boots for the main event. After a devastating fire in 1951, the ornate prayer halls and woodcarvings of the historic fortress are being restored using traditional Himalayan construction techniques that have been preserved through the centuries.  

3. Jangothang   Reached via a two-day trek from Sharna Zampa, the campground at Jangothang sits around 750m below the highest point on the trail, with Jhomolhari’s summit rising at the end of the valley. Linger here for gentle acclimatisation hikes to higher viewpoints, turquoise lakes and the ruined fortress that once guarded traders moving between Bhutan and Tibet.  

4. Lingzhi   The village of Lingzhi sprawls across a grassy valley speckled with yaks and wildflowers, with the face of Jhomolhari peering over its shoulder. This mountain outpost is dominated by a timeworn hilltop dzong, built to commemorate Bhutan’s victory over Tibet in 1667. It’s a soothing spot to rest or explore before the big push to the Yeli La.

5. Yeli La Marked by a lonely cairn decked with prayer flags, and offering sweeping views over a rugged landscape, the highest point on the trek sits at 4,820m — it’s barely a small hill compared to the surrounding peaks, but still a draining endeavour at high altitude. Keep your eyes peeled for Himalayan blue sheep and marmots while you make the long descent onwards into the Wang Chhu valley towards Thimphu and your end point.  

( A practical guide to hiking the Himalayas.)

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Ace the Himalaya

Trekking in Nepal, Peak Climbing, Mt Biking and Tours in Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet

Everest Base Camp Trek - 14 Days

Ebc trek with helicopter return - 12 days, everest base camp luxury trek - 14 days, everest base camp with island peak - 19 days, everest three passes trek - 20 days, annapurna base camp trek - 13 days, annapurna circuit trek - 19 days, ghorepani poon hill trek - 9 days, manaslu circuit trek - 15 days, gokyo to everest base camp trek - 17 days.


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Everest Base Camp Trek

Enjoy an exciting journey across the Khumbu region's trails with the stunning vistas of mountain peaks and the world's highest peak, Mt. Everest.

EBC Trek with Helicopter Return

Get the most scenic and iconic helicopter ride from Gorakshep to Lukla in this after trekking to the base camp of the world’s tallest mountain.

Everest Base Camp Trek without Lukla Flight

Everest Base Camp Trek without Lukla Flight - 17 Days

Trek to Everest Base Camp in an old fashioned way by driving to the trailhead instead of taking flights to Lukla.

Everest Base Camp Helicopter Tour

Everest Base Camp Helicopter Tour - 1 Day

Experience the Everest Base Camp Helicopter Tour. Soar above Khumbu, capture Everest's beauty and enjoy breakfast at Hotel Everest View.

Annapurna Base Camp Trek

Embark on a venture to the Annapurna Base Camp Trek while exploring and experiencing the diverse terrain and the enthralling mountain vistas.

Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek

Ghorepani Poonhill Trek is the most popular short trek in Nepal for its magnificent Annapurna Panorama and sunrise view from Poonhill.

Everest Base Camp with Island Peak

Trek to the world’s famous Everest Base Camp and climb to the summit of Island peak. Enjoy the magnificent views of Mt. Everest and other giant mountains of the Everest region.

Everest Three Passes Trek

Get the chance to cross the three passes of everest region, the Kongma La Pass, Cho La Pass and Renjo La Pass witnessing the remarkable views of Gokyo valley and Khumbu glaciers.

Manaslu Circuit Trek

Trek through the reasonably untouched trekking circuit of Nepal; the Manaslu Circuit. Explore the beautiful, least crowded trekking trail and make memories lasting lifetime.

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Mount Amadablam with Stupa

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Trekking in Nepal

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Climbing and Expedition in Nepal

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Cultural Tour & Sightseeing in Nepal

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Mountain Biking in Nepal

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Luxury Treks in Nepal

Luxury Tours in Nepal

Luxury Tours in Nepal

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Day Trips in Nepal

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Trekking in Bhutan

Cultural Tour and Sightseeing in Bhutan

Cultural Tour and Sightseeing in Bhutan

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Cycling and Mountain Biking in Bhutan

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These full and frank reviews are from travelers who have traveled with Ace the Himalaya previously. The reviews and experiences shown here are from reputable travel websites like TripAdvisor, Google and Trustpilot

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Rod McGregor

Trip of a lifetime

The epc trek with the best guide, gokyo to ebc: 10/10 experience, ebc with madan & team, go with ace the himalayas, 10/10 experience with the best guide, i have done the ebc 14 day trek twice…, great experiences both trekking and sightseeing, ebc and gokyo ri trek 2023, everest circuit april 2023, incredible experience led by the…, we had an amazimg tour guide with…, trekking regions in nepal.

Explore the Himalaya and unravel the beauty of trekking in Nepal along these regions.


Everest Region


Annapurna Region


Langtang Region


Manaslu Region


Mustang Region


Dhaulagiri Region


Dolpo Region


Kanchenjunga Region

Top 10 treks in nepal.

Embark on the ultimate Himalayan trekking experience with Nepal's Top 10 Trails

Everest Base Camp Luxury Trek

Everest Base Camp Luxury Trek offers Luxury Lodge and hotel accommodations - Explore Kalapatthar & Everest Base Camp in a Luxury way.

Annapurna Circuit Trek

Walk amid the staggeringly beautiful Himalayas and roam through verdant pine forests of the Annapurna region amidst off-beat villages and snowcapped mountains.

Gokyo to Everest Base Camp Trek

Also known as Everest Circuit Trek, this adventurous trek goes sideways into the majestic Gokyo Valley, offering one of the best views of the Everest region and more.

Best of Bhutan

Uncover extraordinary voyages with Bhutan's incredible adventures.

Bhutan Vistas Tour

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Visit the last Himalayan kingdom in this short tour and have a spectacular cultural experience and enjoy its largely intact landscapes and Buddhist culture.

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Following the ancient high-level route between Paro and Thimpu, the “Bhutan Trek & Tour” which is also called as Druk Path trek.

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Bhutan Multi Sports Tour

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Bhutan multi sports tour is perfect for thrill seekers, adventurers, active lifestyle enthusiasts and for those interested in immersing into the cultural delights of this unique Himalayan Kingdom.

Bhutan Biking

Bhutan Biking - 8 Days

Ever since the government opened the country for tourists, Bhutan biking has slowly gained pace. Biking in Bhutan is a very rejuvenating experience.

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Ebc trek with helicopter return.

Experience the ultimate convenience on your Everest Base Camp trek with our carefully curated itinerary, offering an EBC trek with helicopter return option. Designed for those seeking to optimize...

Frequently Asked Questions by Travelers

Why trek with ace the himalaya.

Ace has a reputation for successfully leading treks with knowledgeable leaders and staff taking care of all your travel needs. We are a certified sustainable travel company that also endorses the idea of giving back to the community by participating in various philanthropic activities. Here are 17 reasons why you should choose Ace the Himalaya for your next adventure!

Is Nepal open to travelers following the Covid-19 pandemic?

Indeed, Nepal is entirely open. Travelers are welcome in Nepal without any restrictions. Arriving travelers can obtain a visa on arrival at the Kathmandu airport as well.

What are the conditions to travel to Nepal post Covid-19?

Traveling to Nepal is now hassle-free. You don’t need a vaccination certificate or negative PCR test, but check with your airlines and transit countries for any specific requirements.

We suggest you look at the Nepal immigration site https://www.immigration.gov.np for the most up-to-date information.

What are the main reasons for Lukla flight delay or cancellation?

Bad weather conditions are the major reason for Lukla flight delay and cancellation. Other reasons can include congested air traffic at the Kathmandu Airport, staffing shortages, and other difficulties cause flight delays/cancellations.

Is there a possibility of flying to Kathmandu from Lukla by plane directly after the trek?

The flight to Kathmandu from Lukla depends on the trekking season. Direct flight may not be possible during peak trekking season (March, April, May, October, and November) due to heavy air traffic in Kathmandu. Therefore, the flight arrives at the Manthali airport, Ramechhap.

What is the Internet availability in the Everest region?

For internet usage, the Everest region has a network “Everest Link” which can be bought for around NPR 600-800(USD 5-7) for 6GB that can be used at one destination, or you can pay NPR 2500(USD 21) for 10GB data that can be used in the regions that have access to Everest link.

The purchase is valid for one device only. Some teahouses will have internet access and offer Wi-Fi hotspots for a charge. These are usually unreliable and not all teahouses will have connections, so it is recommended you purchase Everest Link or a 3G/4G SIM card to use for the duration of your trek.

Is the food in the mountains prepared to international standards in terms of safety?

Indeed, the guesthouses follow international guidelines while setting up the food and serve you clean, protected, and warm meals .

Is it possible to obtain a visa for Nepal upon arrival at the airport?

Yes, you can obtain a Nepal visa upon your arrival at the airport. There are kiosks in the arrival hall that you use to complete the necessary forms.  The cost is USD 30 for a 15-day tourist visa, including numerous entries, or USD 50 and USD 125 for a 30-day or 90-day tourist visa including numerous entries respectively. You should carry cash (USD) with you to pay your visa fees quickly and easily, as digital payments are frequently unavailable.

What kind of physical training is necessary for trek preparation?

For trekking, you must prepare your body to walk over uneven, hilly landscapes while carrying a backpack. Walking at an incline, jogging, cycling, and going for long-distance hikes are all good ways to exercise. You should work out for at least one hour four to five times a week for at least two months before trekking.

What is your cancellation policy?

Notice should be provided 20 days before the trip start date in case of cancellation. The trip can be canceled for justifiable reasons. Once the trip is canceled, a fee of 30% of the trip cost is retained for administrative costs.

However, the trip amount is entirely non-refundable if the cancellation is not made before the 20 days as per our terms and conditions. For submitting a claim to your insurance company after the cancellation, we can assist with documentation such as a receipt of monies paid. Refund will not be provided for unused accommodation in case of trip cancellation caused by personal reasons/sickness/weather.

More information about our cancellation policy can be found here in Terms and Conditions page.

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If you have any questions or concerns while booking a trip with us, please don't hesitate to reach out to our experts from various countries for assistance.


Blog from the Himalayas

Winter Treks in Nepal

Winter Treks in Nepal

Buddha Jayanti: A Celebration of Peace and Enlightenment

Buddha Jayanti: A Celebration of Peace and Enlightenment

Everest Base Camp Trek with Kids: A Family Adventure

Everest Base Camp Trek with Kids: A Family Adventure

How to Prepare for Annapurna Circuit Trek?

How to Prepare for Annapurna Circuit Trek?

Trekking in Nepal Creative Trip Designer

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Climbing and expedition, cultural tour and sightseeing, cycling and mountain biking, luxury treks, luxury tours, multi country tours, voluntourism trips, extend your trip.

  • Everest Panorama Trek – 9 Days
  • EBC Trek with Helicopter Return – 12 Days
  • Everest Base Camp Trek – 14 Days
  • Gokyo Lake Trek – 13 Days
  • Gokyo and Renjo La Pass Trek – 14 Days
  • Everest Base Camp Trek without Lukla Flight – 17 Days
  • Gokyo to Everest Base Camp Trek – 17 Days
  • Everest Base Camp with Island Peak – 19 Days
  • Everest Three Passes Trek – 20 Days
  • Everest High Passes and Island Peak – 23 Days
  • Classical Everest Base Camp Trek – 21 Days
  • Langtang Valley Trek – 10 Days
  • Langtang Valley Ganja La Pass Trek – 14 Days
  • Langtang Helambu Trek – 17 Days
  • Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek – 9 Days
  • Mardi Himal Trek – 10 Days
  • Annapurna Base Camp Trek – 13 Days
  • Himalayan Highlights – 13 Days
  • Nar Phu Valley Trek with Annapurna Circuit – 18 Days
  • Annapurna Circuit Trek – 19 Days
  • Tilicho Lake Trek With Thorong La Pass – 19 Days
  • Khopra Danda Trek – 11 Days
  • Shivapuri-Chisapani Trek – 4 Days
  • Upper Mustang Trek (Drive & Trek) – 16 Days
  • Tsum Valley Trek – 16 Days
  • Manaslu Circuit Trek – 15 Days
  • Dhaulagiri Circuit Trek – 21 Days
  • Upper Dolpo Trek – 25 Days
  • Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek – 29 Days
  • Yala Peak Climbing – 13 Days
  • Island Peak Climbing – 15 Days
  • Mera Peak Climbing – 19 Days
  • Everest Base Camp and Lobuche East – 18 Days
  • Tent Peak Climbing with Annapurna Base Camp – 18 Days
  • Pisang Peak and Thorung La Pass – 21 Days
  • Ama Dablam Expedition – 29 Days
  • Kathmandu Cultural Heritage Tour – 3 Days
  • Kathmandu Heritage – 3 Days
  • Inheritances of Kathmandu – 4 Days
  • Glimpses of Kathmandu & Nagarkot – 5 Days
  • Kathmandu and Pokhara Unveiled – 5 Days
  • Explore Kathmandu – 6 Days
  • Glimpse of Nepal – 8 Days
  • Nepal Heritage Tour – 10 Days
  • Nepal Adventure Tour – 11 Days
  • Nepal Multi Sports Adventure – 11 Days
  • Nepal Vista – 10 Days
  • Nepal Highlights – 14 Days
  • Experience Nepal – 15 Days
  • One Day Biking Trip – Kathmandu – 1 Day
  • Annapurna Circuit Biking – 14 Days
  • Upper Mustang Biking – 16 Days
  • Kathmandu Valley Rim Biking – 8 Days
  • Annapurna in Luxury – 9 Days
  • VVIP Everest Base Camp Trek – 10 Days
  • Everest View Luxury Trek – 11 Days
  • Everest Base Camp Luxury Trek – 14 Days
  • Everest Base Camp Deluxe Trek – 16 Days
  • Mt Everest Base Camp to Gokyo Trek – 19 Days
  • Kathmandu Luxury Tour – 3 Days
  • Kathmandu and Pokhara Luxury Tour – 5 Days
  • Nepal Multi Sport Luxury Adventure – 11 Days
  • Best of Nepal – 14 Days
  • Trishuli River Rafting – 1 Day
  • Everest Base Camp Helicopter Tour – 1 Day
  • Everest Base Camp Heli Tour with Gokyo Extension – 1 Day
  • Langtang Heli Sightseeing – 1 Day
  • Pokhara and Annapurna Heli Sightseeing – 1 Day
  • Paragliding in Nepal (Pokhara) – 1 Day
  • Scenic Mountain Flight (Everest Flight) – 1 Day
  • Ultra Light Flight – 1 Day
  • Jamacho Day Hike-One day hiking trip – 1 Day
  • Kathmandu Uncovered with Nagarkot – 1 Day
  • Day Tour to UNESCO Heritage Sites – 1 Day
  • Nepal and Tibet – 15 Days
  • Nepal and Bhutan – 15 Days
  • India, Nepal and Bhutan – 19 Days
  • Nepal, Tibet and Bhutan – 20 Days
  • Arupokhari School Volunteer Program – 14 Days
  • Rebuild Home Volunteer Program – 9 Days
  • Bardiya Jungle Safari – 4 Days
  • Chitwan Jungle Safari – 3 Days

Festival Tours


  • Druk Path Trek – 8 Days
  • Chomalhari Trek – 12 Days
  • Laya Ghasa Trek – 18 Days
  • Bhutan Vistas Tour – 5 Days
  • Cultural Heartland Tour – 10 Days
  • Hidden Valley – 11 Days
  • Bhutan Multi Sports Tour – 11 Days
  • Paro Tshechu Festival – 8 Days
  • Punakha Tsechu – 9 Days
  • Trongsa Lhuntse Tshechu – 9 Days
  • Bumthang Tangbi – 11 Days
  • Bhutan Ura Yakchoe – 12 Days
  • Tamshingphala Choepa – 12 Days
  • Mongar and Trashigang – 16 Days
  • Bhutan Biking – 8 Days
  • Bhutan Motorcycle Tour – 12 Days
  • Tibet Advance Everest Base Camp – 21 Days
  • Cho Oyu Expedition – 45 Days
  • Shishapangma Expedition – 47 Days
  • Everest Expedition via North Side – 63 Days
  • Kathmandu and Lhasa Tour – 7 Days
  • Tibet Heritage Tour – 8 Days
  • Overland Tour to Everest Base Camp – 10 Days
  • Mount Kailash Mansarovar Lake Tour – 15 Days
  • Everest Base Camp Biking Tour – 21 Days

10 of the best treks in Nepal

Shafik Meghji

Dec 23, 2023 • 7 min read

treks himalaya

Follow a trekking route in Nepal for views of the world's highest peaks © Matteo Colombo / Getty Images

From the high Himalayas to the lush green foothills, from arid plateaus to shimmering glaciers, Nepal offers an incomparable array of hiking trails. If there's a better – and easier – place to trek anywhere in the world, we've yet to find it.

Many of Nepal's most celebrated treks pass through national parks or protected areas, but permits and national park fees are mostly inexpensive . Teahouses and trekking lodges are commonplace along most of the popular trails, but some routes involve camping, and many treks that pass close to internal borders can only be attempted as an organized trek arranged through an approved agency.

Whether you fancy a short, relaxed hike on a fleeting visit to the mountains or a challenging multi-week expedition over high passes, Nepal has treks for all levels of fitness and experience. Here are the best hikes in Nepal.

1. Everest Base Camp

Best for Everest views 130km (80.7 miles); 14–20 days; hard

The most famous trek in Nepal – if not the world – is the two-week trip to Everest Base Camp , which draws thousands of trekkers every year. Starting and finishing at the precariously balanced airstrip in Lukla, this high-altitude epic provides some fascinating insights into the Sherpa culture of the Solukhumbu region, and the chance to gaze on the tallest mountain on Earth – known as Sagarmatha in Nepal, and Chomolungma in neighboring Tibet.

High-quality lodges line the entire route, but the trails can get very busy, particularly during the October–November high season , though few who complete the two- to three-week route are disappointed by the experience. If you want a calmer trek, consider some of the less crowded routes that snake through the foothills around Everest, including the stunning trek to Gokyo and the Three Passes Trek.

Two trekkers descend from the Thorung La pass on the Annapurna Circuit Trek

2. Annapurna Circuit

Best for diverse scenery 160–230km (99.4–142.9 miles); 10–17 days; hard

The most popular trek in Nepal, the Annapurna Circuit is stunningly varied. As you walk, you'll encounter plunging valleys, deep gorges, rivers, lakes, glaciers and snow-topped peaks, as well as Gurung, Manangi and Thakali villages. Accessed from Pokhara , the route is dotted with comfortable lodges and important Buddhist and Hindu pilgrimage sites. Its high point – literally and figuratively – is the 5416m (17,768ft) Thorong La, a mountain pass that transports you from the green foothills to the arid Trans-Himalayan plateau. 

Best walked counter-clockwise, this trail has numerous options for extensions and side trips, such as the highly rewarding week-long trek to the villages of Nar and Phu. Note that the Annapurna Circuit gets very busy in the peak season. Because of road building, some sections are more developed than you might expect, and the route gets shorter every year as the road reaches new villages.

3. Manaslu Circuit

Best alternative to the Annapurna Circuit Around 180km (111.8 miles); 16 days; hard

Travelers seeking a quieter trail than the renowned Annapurna Circuit but a similar range of dramatic scenery should try the Manaslu Circuit, which lies to the east of the Annapurna massif. An excellent all-rounder, this teahouse trek is centered around the eponymous Manaslu, the world’s eighth-tallest peak at 8163m (26,781ft ).

The Manaslu Circuit trek covers everything from steamy jungles to breathless mountain passes, natural hot springs and tranquil villages. En route, you'll cross gorges on precipitous suspension bridges and hike through emerald-green foothills lined with rice paddies.

4. Annapurna Sanctuary

Best for mountain scenery Around 115km (71.4 miles); 10–14 days; moderate to hard

Few sights in the Himalayas compare with the magnificent Annapurna Sanctuary, an elevated, amphitheater-like plateau north of Pokhara, encircled by a crown of looming glaciers and sky-piercing mountains. This lofty basin is the centerpiece of an enjoyable teahouse trek, which showcases some of the finest mountain vistas in Nepal. Along the trail, you'll pass Gurung villages, terraced rice fields, natural hot springs and densely forested hills. Just bear in mind that the Annapurna Sanctuary is a popular route, so don’t expect to have the trails to yourself.

5. Ghandruk Loop

Nepal's best short trek 25km (15.5 miles); 3 days; easy

If you’re a novice hiker or simply pressed for time, head to Pokhara, the starting point for several short but rewarding treks in the foothills of the Annapurnas. One of the standout routes is the Ghandruk Loop, which takes you through rice paddies, forests of rhododendron trees – which bloom spectacularly in the spring – and Gurung villages, where accommodation ranges from simple teahouses to well-equipped lodges.

The first day mirrors the opening section of the Annapurna Sanctuary Trek, and there are superb mountain views all along this relatively steep route, which can be comfortably hiked in the winter, as well as in fall and spring, thanks to its low altitude.

Suspension bridge above a river canyon on the Gosainkunda route

6. Langtang Valley

Best one-week trek Around 65–80km (40.3–49.7miles); 7–8 days; moderate

The popular trekking route through the gorgeous Langtang Valley , which resembles a super-charged version of the Alps and lies close to the Tibetan border, packs in a lot of trekking wonders over the course of a week. It's also conveniently close to Kathmandu and accessible by public bus, reducing your carbon footprint.

From the trailhead at Syabrubesi, this teahouse trek takes you from pastureland, bamboo groves and waterfalls to soaring mountains and creaking glaciers. If you have a few extra days to spare, it's well worth extending the trek to the sacred lakes at Gosainkunda, ringed by ice-capped mountains at an altitude of 4400m (14,436ft).

7. Tamang Heritage Trail

Best cultural trek Around 55km (34.1 miles); 6 days; moderate

Nepal’s trekking routes are renowned for immersing travelers in jaw-dropping Himalayan scenery, but the Tamang Heritage Trail is focused on rich cultural insights – though the views are pretty spectacular too. The trek starts at Syabrubesi and loops through the hills to the north, linking a series of traditional Tamang villages.

Many of these villages have homestay accommodation, offering a chance to learn more about Tamang Buddhist culture, which has its origins across the border in Tibet, and the lives of the people who thrive in this far-flung region. There are also beautiful Buddhist temples, monuments and sacred sites to visit along the way.

8. Kanchenjunga Base Camp

Best for escaping the crowds Around 220km (136.7 miles); 14–28 days; hard

If you are looking to escape the crowds that throng the Everest Base Camp and Annapurna trails during the high season, the little-visited foothills of 8586m (28,169ft) Kanchenjunga in the far east of Nepal fit the bill perfectly. This wild, remote corner of the country sees just a handful of trekkers every season, and it can only be visited on an organized trek. 

Two tough but spectacular trails lead to the northern and southern base camps used by mountaineers climbing the world’s third-tallest peak. Along the way, you’ll camp or stay in rustic teahouses in isolated villages and climb through empty valleys, pastures and mountain forests. There are plenty of high passes to cross before you bask in front of majestic views of Kanchenjunga, and you'll rarely have to share the experience with a crowd.

Village with terraced fields

9. Nagarkot to Dhulikhel

Best day hike in Nepal 20km (12.4 miles); 1 day; easy

The fringes of the Kathmandu Valley are ribboned with easily accessible trails that are ideal for half- or full-day hikes – and most are accessible by local bus or taxi from Kathmandu. One of the best trails links the ridge-top village of Nagarkot with the pretty Newari town of Dhulikhel , both famous for their glorious views of the Himalayas, especially at sunrise.

Part of the longer Kathmandu Valley Cultural Trekking Trail, this route can be augmented with worthwhile side trips to Panauti , one of Nepal’s oldest towns, and the Buddhist center of Namobuddha . No permits or national park fees are required.

10. Great Himalayan Trail

Best epic adventure 2500km (1553 miles); 50–160 days; hard

For travelers with lots of time, a big budget, boundless energy and a giant sense of adventure, the Great Himalayan Trail is the ultimate challenge. Running the length of the Nepali Himalayas, this once-in-a-lifetime route was designed to encourage trekkers to get off the beaten path and spread the financial benefits of tourism to a wider range of communities.

Crossing the country from Kanchenjunga all the way to the far west of Nepal, this trek is as much a logistical puzzle as a physical feat, not least because you have to arrange a number of time-limited trekking permits in advance. Rather than doing the trail in one go, a more attainable goal is to break it up into segments and complete it over several years.

This article was first published Feb 3, 2022 and updated Dec 23, 2023.

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The Ultimate Guide to Trekking in the Himalayas

trekking in the himalayas

Trekking in the Himalayas is a dream come true for outdoor enthusiasts and adventurers. The towering peaks, breathtaking landscapes, and rich cultural heritage make this region a must-visit for those seeking an unforgettable experience. In this ultimate guide, we will delve into the various aspects of trekking in the Himalayas, from understanding the terrain to preparing for your adventure, choosing the right route, and navigating cultural etiquette.

Understanding the Himalayan Terrain

Before embarking on a Himalayan trek, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the unique geography of this region. The Himalayas, known as the “Roof of the World,” span several countries, including India, Nepal, Bhutan, and Tibet. These mountains are home to some of the highest peaks in the world, including Mount Everest and Kanchenjunga.

Within the Himalayas, you’ll encounter diverse landscapes, ranging from glaciers and snow-capped mountains to lush valleys and alpine meadows. As you ascend in altitude, the terrain becomes more challenging, with steep slopes, rocky paths, and narrow ridges. It is essential to be physically and mentally prepared for the demanding nature of the trails.

The Unique Geography of the Himalayas

One of the remarkable features of the Himalayas is the presence of deep gorges and high passes. These natural formations pose both challenges and scenic beauty for trekkers. Crossing these passes requires careful planning and an understanding of the potential risks involved, such as altitude sickness and unpredictable weather conditions. The correct equipment is essential. However, the awe-inspiring views from these vantage points make every effort worthwhile.

The Himalayas are also home to numerous rivers and glacial lakes, which add to the enchantment of the trekking experience. The pristine waters of these lakes and rivers not only offer picturesque views but also serve as a source of freshwater for the local communities residing in these remote areas.

Weather Patterns and Climate Zones

One of the critical aspects to consider while trekking in the Himalayas is the weather patterns and climate zones you will encounter along your journey. Due to the immense size of the mountain range, the climate can vary significantly from one region to another. It is essential to research and understand the weather patterns of the specific area you plan to trek in.

The Himalayas have distinct climate zones, including tropical, subtropical, temperate, and alpine. As you ascend in altitude, the temperatures drop, and the air becomes thinner. It is crucial to dress in layers and carry appropriate gear to adapt to the changing weather conditions.

Flora and Fauna of the Himalayas

The Himalayas are not just a visual spectacle; they are also home to a rich biodiversity of flora and fauna. The region boasts a stunning variety of plant species, including colorful rhododendrons, orchids, and junipers. As you trek through different vegetation zones, you’ll witness the transition from dense forests to alpine meadows.

Moreover, the Himalayas house diverse wildlife, such as snow leopards, red pandas, Himalayan tahr, and musk deer. If you’re lucky, you may spot some of these elusive creatures during your trek. It is crucial to respect the natural habitats of these animals and follow established guidelines to minimize your impact on their ecosystems.

Preparing for Your Himalayan Trek

Preparing adequately for your Himalayan trek is essential to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. Here are some key factors to consider:

Physical Fitness Requirements

Trekking in the Himalayas requires a reasonable level of physical fitness. The steep ascents and descents, coupled with high altitudes, can put strain on your body. It is recommended to engage in regular aerobic exercises, such as jogging or cycling, to build stamina and endurance. Additionally, incorporating strength-training exercises and practicing hiking with a loaded backpack will help simulate the challenges you may face during the trek.

Essential Gear and Equipment

Having the right gear and equipment is crucial for a successful trek in the Himalayas. This includes sturdy and comfortable trekking boots, suitable clothing for various weather conditions, a reliable backpack, a sleeping bag, a trekking pole, and a headlamp. It is also essential to carry a first aid kit, water purification tablets, and high-energy snacks to sustain yourself during the trek.

Health and Safety Considerations

Prioritizing your health and safety should be a top concern during your Himalayan trek. Acclimatization is crucial at higher altitudes to avoid altitude sickness. It is recommended to include rest days in your itinerary to allow your body to adjust to the changing altitude gradually. Staying hydrated, eating nutritious meals, and avoiding excessive alcohol and caffeine consumption are also important for maintaining your well-being.

Additionally, it is essential to obtain comprehensive travel insurance that covers high-altitude trekking and medical emergencies. Familiarize yourself with the emergency evacuation procedures of the region you plan to trek in and carry relevant contact information.

Choosing Your Trekking Route

With numerous trekking routes to choose from, selecting the right one can be overwhelming. Here are some factors to consider:

Popular Himalayan Treks

• everest base camp trek, • annapurna circuit trek, • langtang valley trek, these treks offer a balance of stunning landscapes, cultural immersion, and a moderate level of difficulty. they are well-established and cater to both novice and experienced trekkers., off-the-beaten-path treks, • manaslu circuit trek, • kanchenjunga base camp trek, • dolpo trek.

If you’re looking for a more remote and adventurous experience, these off-the-beaten-path treks are worth considering. They offer a chance to explore lesser-known regions and interact with local communities that have retained their traditional way of life.

Assessing Difficulty Levels

Each trek in the Himalayas has its own set of challenges and difficulty levels. Factors such as altitude, distance, and terrain contribute to the overall difficulty of a trek. It is important to assess your abilities honestly and choose a trek that aligns with your fitness level and experience.

Consider consulting with experienced trekking companies or guides who can provide valuable insights and advice based on your preferences and limitations.

Navigating Cultural Etiquette

While trekking in the Himalayas, it is essential to respect the local customs and traditions. Here are some guidelines:

Respecting Local Customs and Traditions

The Himalayan region is culturally diverse, with each community having its own set of customs and traditions. Educate yourself about the local culture and norms before embarking on your trek. Dress modestly, be mindful of your behavior, and seek permission before taking photographs of people or religious sites. Engaging in cultural exchanges with the locals can enrich your experience and foster mutual understanding.

Interacting with Local Communities

The hospitality of the Himalayan communities is renowned. Interacting with locals can offer valuable insights into their way of life and contribute to a more meaningful trekking experience. Ensure that your interactions are respectful and considerate. Supporting local businesses, such as homestays and locally-owned tea houses, helps sustain the local economy and promotes responsible tourism.

Sustainable Trekking Practices

As a responsible trekker in the Himalayas, it is crucial to minimize your impact on the environment. Follow established trekking trails to reduce erosion and preserve the fragile ecosystems. Dispose of waste properly and avoid single-use plastics. Furthermore, support organizations and initiatives that promote sustainable tourism and conservation efforts in the region.

In conclusion, trekking in the Himalayas is a transformative experience that combines natural beauty, physical challenges, and cultural immersion. By understanding the unique terrain, adequately preparing for your trek, choosing the right route, and navigating cultural etiquette, you can make the most of your Himalayan adventure. Embrace the majesty of the mountains, connect with local communities, and leave a positive impact on this awe-inspiring region.

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Naturally Nepal

Nepal trekking.

Nepal trekking offers some of the most breathtaking trekking experiences in the world, attracting trekkers of all levels of experience. Whether you seeking challenge of high altitude passes, remote valleys and diverse landscapes.


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Helicopter tour in Nepal indeed offer a remarkable opportunity to experience the stunning beauty of the country's landscape, including its majestic Himalayan range with popular destinations for helicopter tour.


Peak Climbing in Nepal

Peak Climbing in Nepal is one of the well liked adventure activities in the planet and there is no other country other than Nepal which offers array peaks for climbing seekers from any separation of the planet.


About Treks Himalaya

Treks Himalaya is a government register indoor and outdoor reputated trekking company based in Nepal, specializing in organizing trekking and adventure trips in the Himalayan region. Nepal is renowned for its spectacular landscapes, diverse cultures and challenging trekking routes, making it a popular destination for adventure enthusiasts from around the world.

We offers a wide range of trekking options, including popular route of Annapurna Base Camp where you can see view in 360 degree angle with sunrise and sunset is one of them marvelous pure nature scenery which you never seen, so once is not enough. We organize trekking peaks expeditions, cultural tours, jungle safaris and others unbelievable spectacular adventure activities in Nepal.

The company typically provides experienced well trained and professional employees to ensure we provide the best service to our clients, and logistical support to ensure a safe and enjoyable trekking experience for their clients. Additionally, they often emphasize responsible and sustainable tourism practices to minimize environmental impact and support local communities. The combination of well-trained staff, knowledgeable guides, and a dedication to customer satisfaction sets we are apart as a reputable choice for those looking to explore Nepal's wonders.

Importance of working emphasize with a trusted company, reassuring potential clients that will be good throughout their journey. Offering unforgettable experiences at affordable prices is a charming procedure for creating lasting memories and encourage repeat visitors. More......

Krishna Adhikari

Popular Destination


Annapurna Trekking


Langtang Trekking


Everest Trekking


Manaslu Trekking


Helicopter Tours


Annapurna Base Camp

Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) is a popular trekking destination located in the central region of Nepal where you can see view 360 degree angle with sunrise and sunset. It is in the Annapurna Conservation Area, which is a protected area for the conservation of Himalayan flora and fauna. The base camp is situated at an altitude of 4130 meters above sea level and provides stunning views of the Annapurna mountain range.

Annapurna Sanctuary

Annapurna Sanctuary is a popular trekking destination located in the central region of Nepal. It is in the Annapurna Conservation Area, which is a protected area for the conservation of Himalayan flora and fauna. The sanctuary is situated at an altitude of 4130 meters above sea level and provides stunning views of the Annapurna Himalayan range.

Nepal Exclusive Holidays

Annapurna Base Camp Trekking

Annapurna Base Camp Trek 13 nights / 14 Days

Annapurna Panorama Trekking

Annapurna Panorama Trek 9 nights / 10 Days

Ghorepani Trekking

Ghorepani Trekking 6 nights / 7 Days

Mardi Himal Trekking

Mardi Himal Trekking 11 nights / 12 Days

Jomsom Muktinath Trekking

Jomsom Muktinath Trekking 10 nights / 11 Days


Annapurna Circuit Trek 17 nights / 18 Days

If You Want To Book a tour

Treks of Himalaya


Himalaya's largest treaking organization

About treks of himalaya.

With over two decades of experience and expertise in trek leading, mountaineering expeditions, high pass crossings, learning-based camp programs, cycling tours, snow skiing, and more, we are the Top-rated trekking company in the Himalayas. Our qualified and experienced team of local guides, trek, expedition leaders, and cooks is dedicated to providing exceptional service during your trekking and peak climbing expeditions in Himachal Pradesh.


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India's Leading Trekking Platform

We are local leaders for himalayan trips throughout the entire himachal pradesh that we 100% trust. our specialty is we plan the program according to what our valuable clients as par like to do., our gallery.

summit point view himachal

Outdoor Adventures for Young People

No matter clients are beginners or professional mountaineers we are here for their physical and mental safety, that's our first preference., check our upcoming treks, recommended camps by our instructors.

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Our Treaks Gallery

Why trekkers love treks of himalaya, at treks of himalaya, our primary goal is to provide authentic and adventurous experiences of nature to our clients. our expert team members are always prepared to deliver just that..

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Too Young for Adventure Treks?

Dream. explore. discover, expert local guides.

Our team consists of expert local guides who hold MOI and wilderness qualifications and have a minimum of 5 years of experience in outdoor activities. Rest assured, our guides are well-prepared to offer you the best possible experience during your trek or expedition.

Excellent Food

We take pride in offering delicious and nutritious meals throughout your journey, ensuring that you are well-fed and energized for the trekking ahead.

Happiness Guaranteed

We guarantee your happiness because our programs are customized to meet the preferences and needs of each individual client. Rest assured, we prioritize your satisfaction and enjoyment throughout your entire trekking or expedition experience.

Personalized Itineraries

We work with our clients to create customized itineraries that cater to their specific interests, abilities, and schedules, ensuring that each trek or expedition is tailored to meet their unique needs.

Tales from the Mountains

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Rani Sui Lake

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Bhrigu Lake


The Himalaya Treks

Our himalayan treks.

cover photo

Base Camp Trek Everest

cover photo

Base Camp Trek Annapurna

cover photo

Circuit Trek Manaslu

cover photo

Lake Trek Gokyo

Background Photo

About The Himalaya Treks

The Himalaya Treks specializes in crafting personalized experiences for those looking to trek the Himalayas. If you’re drawn to some of the best treks in Nepal , our focus on quality, safety, and enjoyment ensures a memorable journey.

Our guides are seasoned professionals who prioritize your safety and are dedicated to providing you with an enriching and enjoyable experience during your trek. We offer treks tailored to individual interests and abilities, ensuring a personalized adventure that resonates with each traveler’s unique desires.

Safety is paramount in our Himalayan hiking experiences, and our team adheres to rigorous standards, utilizing top-notch equipment to guarantee a secure trekking adventure.

We take pride in our commitment to sustainable tourism , reflecting a deep respect for the environment in the regions we explore. Our 24/7 support accompanies you throughout your journey, providing peace of mind and seamless coordination.

From booking the right accommodation to suit your comfort and budget, securing necessary trekking passes, arranging reliable transportation, and even providing specialized equipment if needed, we handle it all .

Our packages are designed to let you focus on the adventure ahead, knowing that every logistical aspect has been planned and executed.

With us, all you need to do is pack your bags and set your sights on the breathtaking vistas of the Himalayas; we’ll handle the rest.

6 Tips for Trekking in the Himalayas

Trekking in the Himalayas is an experience like no other, but it requires careful planning and consideration . Here are some essential tips to ensure a safe and enjoyable adventure:

1. Choose the Right Trek for You

The Himalayas offer a diverse range of trekking experiences to suit every adventurer. From the iconic Everest Base Camp Trek to the serene Annapurna Base Camp Trek , the stunning Gokyo Lakes Trek , or the off-the-beaten-path Manaslu Trek, we have options that cater to various interests and fitness levels. Consider your experience and what you hope to achieve when selecting the trek that’s right for you.

Hiker on the trek in Himalayas, Anapurna valley, Nepal

2. Hire a Professional Guide

A certified guide with local knowledge can enhance your safety and enrich your experience. They can help with navigation, first-aid, and provide insights into the local culture.

Gokyo Lake, Everest Area, Nepal

3. Understand Altitude Sickness

Treks in the Himalayas often reach high altitudes. Educate yourself on how to recognize, avoid, and treat high-altitude illnesses . Consider attending one of the Himalayan Rescue Association’s free daily altitude clinics on popular trekking routes.

Trekker resting in height mountain

4. Prepare for Weather Changes

The weather in the Himalayas can be unpredictable. Check reliable weather forecasts like www.mountain-forecast.com and www.meteoexploration.com, and pack appropriate clothing and gear.

Mount Everest, Mt Ama Dablam, Lhotse peak, three hikers

5. Stay Connected

Good communication is vital for safety. Consider renting a satellite phone for emergencies, as mobile phone service can be unreliable.

View of Mount Everest and Nuptse with buddhist prayer flags from kala patthar in Sagarmatha National Park in the Nepal Himalaya

6. Respect Local Customs and Environment in Nepal

Embrace the local culture and adhere to sustainable practices. Be mindful of local customs , and follow eco-friendly guidelines to preserve the natural beauty of the region.

Gorak Shep village with prayer flags

Remember, preparation is key to a successful trek in the Himalayas. Whether you’re exploring the iconic Everest Base Camp or the hidden gems of the Annapurna Circuit, these tips will help you make the most of your Himalayan adventure .

Journey Through the Himalayan Wonders

Experience the thrill of trekking in the Himalayas. Our carefully curated adventures take you through some of the world’s most stunning landscapes , from towering peaks to lush valleys.

Whether you’re seeking the challenge of conquering high-altitude trails or the serenity of exploring hidden paths, the Himalayas offer an unparalleled trekking experience. Connect with nature, immerse yourself in diverse cultures, and discover the beauty that lies in every step of the journey.

With The Himalaya Treks, explore a well-organized, safe, and enriching trekking experience in the world’s most majestic mountain range.


Expert local guides, trusted by many, unbeatable support.

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Dates out for the only trek that is more dramatic than Rupin Pass, Buran Ghati and Kashmir Great Lakes!

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Why trekking with Indiahikes is different


Do you go through this? You find yourself stuck in a situation that doesn't allow you time for adventure. The lack of excitement in your daily life leaves you restless. You long for something more meaningful. 

This is where our treks make a difference. Our outdoor leaders conduct sessions that weave mindfulness into your journey. In the lap of the mountains, they engage in thought-provoking exercises that help you reflect and contemplate. Very often, the person you are before and after a trek is different.

Our leaders teach you new outdoor skills that give you the confidence to trek alone anywhere in the world. 

All of these happen in the most stunning mountain scenery that you will see in the Indian Himalayas. Our treks are transformative journeys.  

Arjun Majumdar

Founder, CEO, Indiahikes

Trekker Reviews

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Deepak Gaur

Air Vice Marshal, Indian Air Force Veteran Consultant Aerospace Medicine Vasant Vihar, Dehradun

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Founder, Harmony INC Sustainability Professional with two decades of work experience in CSR and ESG space Mumbai

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Dr Amit Thadhani

AGM (O&M) Mahindra World City Jaipur

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Tarin Patel

Co-Founder Breaking Brand Hyderabad

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Akshayarka Alammyan Deka

Senior Data Engineer Becton, Dickinson and Company, Guwahati, Assam

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Darshan Shah

Manager, Deloitte Hyderabad

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Indu Harikumar

Teacher and Educator, Hyderabad

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Rittu Panda

Owner Rittu's Fitness Hub Ahmedabad

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Aboli Kulkarni

SharePoint Consultant Rotarex Engineering PVT LTD, Panvel

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Manoj Prabhu

Data Science/Business Intelligence Freelancer, Aarhus, Denmark

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Member of Technical Staff, MachEye Inc Bangalore

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Lijeesh M K

Hardware Engineer Juniper Networks, Bangalore

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SDE2 at Optmyzr Chennai

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Dr Anne Wilkinson

Associate Professor Pathology NKPSIMS & RC and LMH, Nagpur.

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Harsh Kataria

Engineer, Cisco Systems Gurgaon, Haryana

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Rahul Adwani

School Leader iTeach Schools Pune

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Retired from DuPont as Business Leader Gurgaon

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Tamás Csizmadia

Automotive Safety Engineer at Marquardt GmbH, Trossingen, Germany

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Sabyasachi Mukherjee

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Bengal Institute of Technology, Kolkata

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Vishal S. Somvanshi, Ph.D.

Principal Scientist Division of Nematology Indian Agricultural Research Institute PUSA Campus New Delhi

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Animation Supervisor at Mikros Animation, Bangalore

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Senior Consultant Capgemini Thrissur, Kerala

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Preethi Viswanathan

Chennai Station Master, Indian Railways

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Atreyee Pal

Project Manager Tata Consultancy Services Ltd Kolkata

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Aakash Tolani

Business Owner, Tolani Travel Assistance Ahmedabad

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Nishant Gupta

Sita Ram khushal chand HPCL PETROL PUMP Panipat, Haryana

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Atika Tantiya

Developer at SAP Labs India, Bangalore

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Geetika Doomra

Deputy Manager, Dhanuka Agritech Ltd. Gurugram, Haryana

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Maj Prateek Verma (Retd)

Dinesh hinduja, frequenty asked questions.

Many trekkers call and ask us this question. You may notice that our trek fee is marginally higher for some treks, and you may wonder why you have to pay more for the same trek. The answer is straightforward. There's a very big difference in the quality of the experience you will have with Indiahikes compared with anyone else. You'll notice a stark difference in three areas:

1. Safety: Indiahikes is known to be India's safest trekking organisation. There's a reason for this. In the mountains, there are no better safety experts than Indiahikes trek leaders and the Indiahikes team. Whether it is our people, our processes, our equipment, or our protocols, they are watertight. So much so that other organisations come to Indiahikes when there's an emergency in the mountains. This is the level of safety we give our trekkers, and the marginal difference in the trek fee is something you pay for a very big benefit.

2. A mindfully designed trek: When you go on a trek with us, you don't blindly trek from Camp A to Camp B. There are a lot of mindful activities and experiences conducted throughout the trek. Our trek leaders are professional outdoor facilitators who can help you feel connected to yourself and nature. They are of a much higher caliber, and you'll notice this when you meet them.

3. A premium experience: We want trekkers to have a comfortable, premium experience in the mountains. You will notice this in the quality of our facilities. Right from the time you reach the base camp, you stay at our beautiful community campuses and not at cramped lodges. The equipment you use is expedition-grade and made to order by Indiahikes for Indiahikes. The food you eat is freshly cooked and part of a nutritious menu that our team has designed with your health and taste in mind.

There are multiple other aspects, like our hygiene practices, our bio-toilet systems, and our sustainability practices, where you are not harming the environment when trekking with us. There are many differences you'll see in your trek with Indiahikes.

With all these benefits, our trek fee is marginally higher. Many trekkers come back and tell us that our fee must be higher and is not high enough for the kind of experience we design. Yet, we will not veer in that direction because our philosophy is that Everyone Must Trek. After all, we know how good it is for society.

Yes, absolutely. Many solo trekkers join our teams and have wonderful experiences. They end up meeting like-minded people on the trek and don't feel like they have come along on the trek anymore.

Our pre-trek experienced team ensures that you know your entire team well much before you actually head out on the trek.

Additionally, we have several women trekkers who join us solo as well because of the safety they get with the Indiahikes team. You're welcome to join us as a solo trekker too.

Our answer to this is straight. When trekkers say Indiahikes is the safest trekking organisation in India, they are also referring to safety of women. You are going to be completely safe with us for the following reasons:

1. 35% of our trekkers are women. So you will be trekking with many other women in your group.

2. Our accommodation is separate for men and women. You will be sharing your tent / staying space with other women.

3. More and more solo women are trekking with us, so much so that you'll see a solo woman trekker in almost every group. This number is only growing. So you're not alone.

4. We ensure you e-meet your trekkers much before meeting them, in a pre-trek briefing as well as on a Whatsapp group. So you're not meeting strangers on the trek. You already know them.

5. 35% of our trek leaders are women. You might just have a woman trek leader!

6. Our male trek leaders are also trained and sensitised to handle any situations sensitively, including your periods. You're free to approach them for anything.

It is because of all these reasons that more and more solo women trekkers choose to trek with Indiahikes. Our own women team members live and work in the mountains, leading groups and living in a male-dominated industry. It is completely safe, you'll see for yourself.

Many trekkers call us and complain that our groups get filled too quickly. They never get the slots they want. Unfortunately, this is the hard reality. We have observed two things.

(1) It is the more challenging treks that get filled very quickly. Like the Rupin Pass trek or Buran Ghati trek. This is because when it comes to challenging treks, trekkers are very cautious about choosing the right organisation. They know that safety is of utmost importance on such treks and don't want to compromise. That is why you will see these treks getting filled almost 6 months in advance. You too, must plan these treks at least 5 months in advance.

(2) The popular treks always get filled in advance. Treks like Kashmir Great Lakes trek, Tarsar Marsar, Kedarkantha in winter, Deoriatal-Chandrashila in spring, these are blockbuster treks of our country, which you have to plan in advance.

Our advice is that you plan your trek at least 5 months in advance. This gives you three benefits:

a. It gives you a comfortable choice of choosing your most preferred dates, vs the dates that are leftover.

b. It gives you a good cushion in case you need to cancel / reschedule your trek. Your cancellation fee will be almost non-existent, depending on how early you change plans.

c. You have a good amount of time to prepare for the trek and become as fit as a trek leader.

So plan in advance, you'll have the best experience.

It’s wonderful that you’re planning to start trekking in the Himalayas. You’d be happy to know that around 70% of our trekkers are beginners and always get hooked to trekking after their first trek!

Having said that, you must choose your trek wisely — something that is not too difficult, yet will allow you to experience the grand settings of the Himalayas.

These are the treks we find best suited for beginners:

  • Manali Kaisdhar Trek
  • Chirbatiya Weekend Trek
  • Benog Tibba Weekend Trek
  • Nag Tibba Weekend Trek
  • Dayara Bugyal
  • Deoriatal-Chandrashila
  • Kedarkantha

If you're in Bangalore, we highly recommend opting for our treks near Bangalore as preparatory treks for the Himalayas. These are the best treks you can do around Bangalore:

  • Channarayana Durga Trek
  • Minchukallu Betta Trek

If you're unfit or obese, then you must choose the right treks to do. We recommend choosing from our "easy" treks. The Manali Kaisdhar trek is the best one, because the trails are completely flat and will not test your endurance. It is a good stepping stone into the world of trekking.

On the other hand, if you're able to work on your fitness and meet the fitness criteria for any of our treks you're welcome to join our other treks too.

Every trek of ours, starting from our easy-moderate treks, has a certain fitness requirement. Our Experience Coordinators do fitness checks before allowing trekkers on treks. If you're able to get on a fitness routine and share proof of your fitness, you're welcome to join us.

There's a reason why we have strict fitness protocols on our treks. This video will tell you what happens if you're not fit.

On the other hand, several trekkers ask us what is the fitness approval process. Take a look here.

High-altitude trekking is a team sport. When a team of 18 is trekking to the summit, every single trekker's fitness matters. The team is only as strong as its weakest trekker. Often, unfit trekkers slow the team down, drain resources since they need a guide / trek leader constantly with them, they slow the team down.

On the other hand, every high-altitude trek comes with a set of challenges. Steep ascents and descents, uneven terrain, snow walks, stream crossings, pass crossings, and summit climb. Even the easiest of treks have some of these challenges if not all of them. Without fitness, trekkers struggle, get injured easily, lag behind, or simply fail to complete the trek. 

At Indiahikes, we take pride in the fact that our trekkers are among the fittest in the country. Those who do not meet the fitness requirements are often sent back. Our philosophy is that trekking and fitness go hand in hand. Without fitness, there’s no trekking. 

We have two kinds of waivers and scholarships at Indiahikes.

1. Scholarships for children: At Indiahikes, we strongly believe that children must trek. Children aged 14 and below qualify for a 30% trek fee scholarship. Reach out to us before payment to avail of this offer. Check out this article to  learn more.

2. For every ten adult members (aged 15 and above) of the group, we waive off the trek fee for one person. Indiahikes will reimburse the said trek fee after you complete your trek.

The answer for this is not a yes or no. If you have any kind of health issues, please speak to us on a call before registering for a high altitude trek. Whether you can trek depends on the severity of your issue. We'll be able to speak to you and give you some guidance.

On the other hand, please take these two steps first:

1. Watch the "Ask Dr Sree" series, where Dr Sreelakshmi Thirumoorthy, a high altitude trekker and a practicing doctor, covers several health-related topics in her show. Trekkers find her videos to be very helpful.

2. Speak to your doctor about taking on a Himalayan trek and ask them if it is advisable. If they give you a green signal, nothing like it.

Once you're on the trek with us, we will have a safety check-in on the first day of your trek. During this check-in, disclose any health issues that you have to your trek leader, so that they can take extra care of you. Please also carry your medications along on the trek.

This is a big worry among trekkers. But what we have seen is that most trekkers start their treks by worrying about toilets but return feeling so comfortable with the toilets that they want the same toilets in the cities!

We have bio-toilets, researched and designed by Indiahikes for high altitudes. These toilets are designed with two things in mind: (a) your comfort and (b) care for the environment

What are bio-toilets? Biotoilets are deep pits dug into the earth, on which we place wooden planks. You squat Indian-toilet style and do your business in the pit, after which you use toilet paper to clean up. Once you're done, you use sawdust to cover up the human waste and leave the toilet clean for the next person. (In case you cannot squat, request your trek leader for a toilet seat. They can make it available.)

How are they comfortable? These toilet tents are placed at a slight distance from the campsite. There is no sight or smell once you enter the toilet. The sawdust doesn't allow any smell to escape and also absorbs all the moisture, keeping the toilet dry and odour-free. It also speeds up decomposition. On the other hand, our toilet tents are sturdy, with zips and good privacy. So you can do your business comfortably.

They are environmentally friendly: These are dry toilets, where we don't use water. There's a reason behind this. Our toilets are designed after extensive research on the decomposition of human waste at high altitudes. Using too much water slows down the decomposition by many months, which is not favourable in such fragile eco-systemsecosystems. (You can read more about the design of the toilet system here ).

5 Reasons Why Indiahikes

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When we brought out new trails in Indian trekking, safety came with us. Back in 2012, we were the first to introduce microspikes, and two years later, pulse oximeters became standard thanks to us. Nobody does safe treks like Indiahikes. In the mountains, emergencies don't care who you're with – everyone knows that when trouble hits, you look for the yellow tents of Indiahikes.

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We are pioneers in trekking. Since 2007, we have brought out treks that have become India's most famous treks: Roopkund, Rupin Pass, Buran Ghati, Kedarkantha, Kashmir Great Lakes, Tarsar Marsar, Brahmatal, Phulara Ridge—the list goes on. In 2023 alone, we brought out five new treks in Indian trekking. We know treks better than anyone . This comes directly from the reason why Indiahikes was born: to bring out trek information and enable trekkers to trek on their own.

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More than 25,000 people trek with us every year. We are the largest trekking organisation in India. 24% of our trekkers come back to trek with us every year. Over 4,000 students from the top educational institutions trek with us every year. Aside from this, families with children choose to trek with Indiahikes knowing that our treks are the safest. We have taken over 8000 children trekking so far, and the number continues to grow.

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We focus on designing transformative experiences. Our trek leaders conduct thought-provoking exercises that help you reflect and contemplate. This impact stays with you for a long time. Trekkers return feeling energised, more confident, or developing abilities to deal with difficulties. Many have changed careers, rethought their core values, become more humble, shown gratitude to others, or started a new fitness journey.

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Since 2012, we have pioneered sustainable practices that have become standard in trekking. Using eco-bags, our trekkers have cleared over 120 tonnes of litter from the mountains. We do not carry packaged foods; instead, we serve freshly made food. We do not light campfires; we carry coal to light angethis to keep you warm. Our bio-toilets not only keep our toilets odour-free but also enrich the soil. When you trek with us, you leave mountains better.

The Indiahikes Advantage

You’re guarded with our trek again philosophy

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If you are unable to complete a trek, or if you love a trek, you can repeat it with us anytime. You don’t have to pay us for it. See our thoughts behind this here.  

Get expert guidance even before you start the trek

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Get personalised support from our expert Experience Coordinators. From registration to departure, they'll prepare you every step of the way.

Join any group, they are all women-friendly groups 

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With around 30% of our trekkers being women, all women, including those travelling solo are comfortable to join any of our groups.

Meet like-minded trekkers

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Indiahikes carries with it a strong spirit of trekking, one that comes with fitness, minimalism, mindfulness and a deep love for nature.

Avail a 30% scholarship for children aged 8-14

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We want to see more children trekking. Indiahikes will sponsor 30% of your child’s trek fee. Let them explore nature, build confidence, and create memories.

Trek Together, Save Together: 10+ Group Waiver

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Sign up for an Indiahikes trek with 10 or more trekkers, and one lucky member gets their trek fee waived entirely! You only pay for 9.

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Trek Himalayan is a leading adventure travel and outdoor company specializing in a wide array of services throughout the Himalayan regions of Nepal , Tibet, Bhutan and India. If you are looking for an exciting holiday trip in the spectacular Himalayas, we deliver outstanding, specialized, packages to suit your interest, time, and budget.

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Adventure Travel to a captivating destination with breathtaking snowy views is something that everyone should explore and rejoice about. An enchanting view of snow-peaked mountains with a fresh chill breeze is the trademark of the Everest region. We organize tours all across the country but our specialization lies in the Everest region where we have spent over 20 years of our career. We are known for Everest base camp trekking, Manaslu circuit trekking, and Langtang Valley trekking. 


A wonderful experience

If you want to experience the rich history and culture of this ancient city then this is the tour you must do. I was collected from my hotel by my driver and guide Sharmila at 8am. Spent the next 11 hours touring the 7 World Heritage sites. Sharmila's knowledge and experience was amazing. She took the time to thoroughly explain every aspect of each site visit without any sense of urgency or rush. I can't fault this tour for supplying what was promised and value for money. Highly recommended


A Trip of a Lifetime Experience!

Just want to share my experience with all & was WOW''

If you want a trip of a lifetime this is the trip surely for you! This trip starts in Kathmandu where you will spend your first night in the city exploring everything Kathmandu has to offer. Same this trip people doing minimum 12 days trek but of course this is helicopter fly and was only few hours,  at morning our flight 2 hours Daley because of not 100% cleared weather but when we left from Kathmandu weather being amazing,

This trip I think not only for Himalayan View & Mt. Everest' I seen so beautiful valley of Kathmandu, river view, green jungle view, high Himalayan villages, supper exciting helicopter tour with Himalayan Scenery treks,

Peoples' if you have time & money do not miss this amazing trip, you will be in good hands of HST team, very highly recommended.


My best flight to Everest region!

We did the best Everest helicopter landing tour with HST. This was really one of my first trips in the high Himalaya, I did with my child this Helicopter tour,  I was nervous about taking a helicopter tour to the Everest base camp with child, but the organizer HST team' helicopter staff and pilots were incredibly reassuring and put us at ease. The flight itself was incredibly smooth. Really amazing to land in Lukla – Phiriche – Kalapatthar & Everest view hotel, the scenes from the aerial view were marvelous, and the mountains looked like a work of art. It was inspiring to see the mountains up close and to experience the thrill of being so close to the world’s peak. This tour would be favor for who has short time in Kathmandu, This tour is a must-do for anyone traveling to Nepal, The real lifetime experience with reasonable cost with HST trek.

10/10 for Everest Base Camp trip guys!

In April 2019, our party of 12 from the UK were led on the trip of a lifetime for 12 days by Gokul and Narayan of Himalayan Scenery Treks and Expedition. I can't praise these amazing people enough for the adventure they took us on. I literally can't think of anything they could have done any better than they did for us. Every day they ensured we were all safe and together, and ensured we reached every point of our destination on time. They ensured we made the most of every moment and view, and experienced it to the maximum. They organised and ordered breakfast, lunch and dinner for us every. The checked our oxygen levels every day and made wise suggestions to ensure everyone's health was maintained. In addition to Gokul and Narayan, I must also thank the lovely team of porters that were employed by the trekking company. These guys carried our overnight bags up and down the mountain with a smile and made our trek so much easier because all we had to carry was a small backpack. Thanks again guys, we will recommend you without hesitation to anyone else looking for an Everest Base Camp Trek - or any Nepalese trek for that matter - they do many others too!

Nick Barrett

Not a holiday but a challenge!!!

Trekked to EBC. One of the hardest things I have ever done but also one of the most memorable. From start to finish the trip was amazing and well organised. Our guide was Narayan and I don't think we could have been given a better guide. He is knowledgeable and attentive. He cared about our wellbeing and regularly checked in with us to make sure we were acclimatising. He checked our oxygen every evening. He had the patience of a saint as I moaned constantly about everything from the cold, the food, the climb and feeling ill. On part of our trek he played some 80s music on his phone which boosted our morale during a 7 hour slog.  We were a group of 5 and we all got on splendidly and helped each other get to EBC.  For me the trek was a once in a lifetime adventure. Narayan and his counterpart Gopal made it so. I would very highly recommend them as guides!


Incredible Experience

Last January, I had a wonderful trekking experience in Nepal which became possible only via Himalayan Scenery Treks and Expedition. Everyone from this company is really helpful and friendly. In fact, what they care is just the comfortability and amusement of their tourists. They provide all the necessary stuff that a Trekker or a visitor would seek in order to make his/her vacation hilarious. I really enjoyed the service they provide. On top of that, they provide info and every minor details about the place that I traveled. In short, my tour went really memorable last New Year. I would recommend all the travelers to consult with this company if they are planning to visit Nepal and spend vacation there. Lastly, Nepal is really a beautiful country with mountains, lake forests and parks. I think everyone should make it a travel destination and learn about the diversity of this country.


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9 easy treks in Uttarakhand for beginners

Precious Rongmei , TIMESOFINDIA.COM , TRAVEL TRENDS , UTTARANCHAL Created : May 15, 2024, 10:00 IST

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Uttarakhand offers numerous trekking options suitable for beginners. These treks provide a mix of natural beauty, cultural experiences, and moderate physical challenges, making them ideal for beginners. Always remember to check weather conditions and be adequately prepared before undertaking any trek. Here are 9 easy treks in Uttarakhand:

Trek to Deoria Tal

This trek starts from Sari village near Ukhimath in Uttarakhand and leads you through lush forests and meadows to the pristine Deoria Tal (lake) situated at an altitude of about 2438 meters. The trail offers stunning views of the Himalayan peaks including Chaukhamba, Neelkanth, and Bandarpunch.

Chopta-Chandrashila Trek

Starting from the picturesque town of Chopta, this trek takes you through dense forests of rhododendron and oak, gradually ascending to Tungnath Temple, the highest Shiva temple in the world. From Tungnath, the trail leads to Chandrashila peak which offers breathtaking panoramic views of the Himalayan ranges including Nanda Devi, Trishul, and Chaukhamba peaks.

Nag Tibba Trek

Located near Mussoorie, Nag Tibba trek is often referred to as the "beginner’s delight". The trail takes you through dense forests, quaint villages, and lush meadows with stunning views of the Himalayas. At an altitude of around 3,022 meters, Nag Tibba offers panoramic views of peaks like Swargarohini, Bandarpoonch, and Gangotri.

Kedarkantha Trek

Starting from Sankri village in Uttarakhand, the Kedarkantha trek is graded as easy to moderate and is perfect for beginners. The trail passes through dense pine forests, remote villages, and vast meadows adorned with snow during winters. The summit offers breathtaking views of the Himalayan peaks including Swargarohini, Bandarpoonch, and Black Peak.

Har Ki Dun Trek

Har Ki Dun, situated in the Garhwal Himalayas, is a classic trek known for its scenic beauty and moderate difficulty level. The trek takes you through ancient villages, lush forests, and verdant meadows with views of snow-capped peaks like Swargarohini and Jaundhar Glacier. The trail also offers insights into the local culture and lifestyle of the villagers.

Roopkund Trek

Roopkund trek, although slightly more challenging due to its altitude, is still manageable for beginners with a moderate level of fitness. The trek leads to the mysterious Roopkund Lake, famous for its human skeletons and surrounded by snow-clad peaks and alpine meadows. Along the way, trekkers pass through dense forests, gushing streams, and charming villages.

Pindari Glacier Trek

Pindari Glacier trek is one of the easier glacier treks in Uttarakhand, offering breathtaking views of snow-capped peaks, dense forests, and the massive Pindari Glacier itself. The trail starts from Loharkhet village and gradually ascends through charming villages, lush meadows, and rhododendron forests. The trek offers a close encounter with nature.

Kuari Pass Trek

The Kuari Pass trek is renowned for its enchanting views of the Himalayan peaks, including Nanda Devi, Kamet, Dronagiri, and Trishul. Starting from Joshimath, the trail takes you through lush meadows, dense forests, and charming villages, offering glimpses of the local culture and lifestyle. The pass, situated at an altitude of around 3,650 meters, provides panoramic views of the surrounding peaks.

Dayara Bugyal Trek

Dayara Bugyal, one of the most beautiful alpine meadows in Uttarakhand, offers breathtaking views of snow-capped peaks including Bandarpoonch and Draupadi ka Danda. The trek starts from Barsu village and ascends through oak forests and meadows adorned with vibrant flowers. The vast expanse of Dayara Bugyal presents a surreal landscape, perfect for camping under the starry sky.

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9 easy treks in Uttarakhand for beginners

Uttarakhand offers numerous trekking options suitable for beginners. These treks provide a mix of natural beauty, cultural experiences, and moderate physical challenges, making them ideal for beginner...

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Mount Everest's summit is blown by high winds.

Two Climbers are Missing After a Disaster Near Mount Everest’s Summit

A collapsing section of ice sent six climbers tumbling down the world’s highest peak, and rescuers have yet to find two. The disaster occurred during a busy period on the mountain.

Mount Everest's summit is blown by high winds.

Heading out the door? Read this article on the Outside app available now on iOS devices for members! >","name":"in-content-cta","type":"link"}}'>Download the app .

Update, May 23:   The number of fatalities on Mount Everest continues to climb, as Nepali officials have confirmed the deaths of two other climbers in the last 24 hours. On Thursday, May 23, Base Camp officials announced the death of Kenyan climber Joshua Cheruiyot Kirui, 40. Kirui and his guide, Nawang Sherpa, 44, disappeared on Wednesday, May 22. According to multiple reports, Nawang Sherpa is still missing.

Kirui was attempting to become the first African to ascend Mount Everest without the use of supplemental oxygen. Rescuers from expedition company Seven Summit Treks discovered his body just below the Everest summit.

Kirui’s death was confirmed shortly before Base Camp officials announced another fatality on the peak: Nepali climber Binod Babu Bastakoti. According to  The Himalayan Times ,  Bastakot reached Mount Everest’s summit on Wednesday, May 22, but then died on the descent. His body was found just above Camp IV at 26,000 feet. Bastakoti was climbing with expedition company Booking Own Pvt, the newspaper said.

The deaths brings the confirmed fatality total to five for the 2024 season, with three others missing. That number expected to rise as officials wait to confirm the deaths of Daniel Paul Peterson and Pas Tenji Sherpa, and searchers continue to look for Nawang Sherpa.

Original story, May 22: Two climbers are presumed dead and several others are lucky to be alive following a terrifying disaster near the summit of Mount Everest .

The accident happened on Tuesday, May 21 at 7 A.M. near the section of the route formerly called the Hillary Step , a steep, razor-thin ridge of rock and ice located at 28,839 feet, just a few hundred feet from the top. Guides told Outside  that a large traffic jam formed as climbers returning from the summit met a line of others heading for the mountain’s highest point. As the groups navigated the bottleneck, the ice ledge they were standing on broke free and tumbled down the peak’s northern side.

Eyewitnesses told Base Camp officials that six climbers fell on the mountain’s sheer Kangshung Face, which towers over Tibet. Four were saved by a rope.

Climbers stand on the sheer edge of Mount Everest.

“Three or four people were left hanging on the safety rope and our team helped bring them back to safety,” Nga Tenji Sherpa of Summit Force Expeditions said. “They didn’t know it at the time but two people went missing.”

Nga Tenji was not on the peak, but the scene was relayed to him by guides and Sherpas working for his outfit. He said the climbers who were clipped into safety ropes dangled some 35 feet below the route on the exposed slope. Guides from Summit Force Expeditions and other companies worked together to pull them to safety. After those climbers were saved, guides realized that two climbers fell down the peak. Whether or not they were connected to the rope is not known.

“There were many other people and climbing Sherpas that assisted,” he said. “But in the accident there were definitely two deaths—they were returning from the summit.”

On Wednesday,  The Himalayan Times reported that the missing men are Daniel Paul Peterson, 40, from the United Kingdom and Pas Tenji Sherpa,23, from Nepal. They two were climbing with guiding company 8K Expeditions, and both had reached the summit of Mount Everest at approximately 4:40 A.M. on Tuesday, Nepali officials confirmed. After the disaster, six guides were dispatched by 8K Expeditions to search for the missing climbers. “Additionally, all other expedition team members are requested to assist in the search and rescue operation,” the Neapali tourism department said in a statement.

Climbers walk along the exposed ridge on Mount Everest.

On Wednesday, a representative from 8K Expeditions told  Outside that the search had come up empty.

The two missing climbers’ chances of survival are slim, officials told  Outside.  The Kangshung Face on Everest’s northern side plunges 11,000 vertical feet down to a glacier. Officials have yet to declare the two men dead—their deaths would represent the fourth and fifth on the peak this year. Last week two Mongolian climbers died at 27,000 feet after descending from the top. On Monday, May 20, a Romanian climber named Gabriel Tabara was discovered dead in his tent at Camp III on his way to the summit of 27,940-foot Lhotse.

The disaster came amid a busy period on the world’s highest peak, as hundreds of climbers and guides ascended from Nepal and made their pushes for the summit. Officials have net to confirm the number of climbers to reach the summit during the two-day period starting on Sunday, May 20. ExplorersWeb estimates that between 150 and 200 people reached the top. On May 19,  The Himalayan Times reported that 100 people reached the top that day alone. From May 19-22, multiple expedition operators posted updates online about their respective teams.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Michael Hamill (@climbingthesevensummits)

“100 percent success rate for all of our Everest south side teams,” wrote Furtenbach Adventures. 8K Expeditions listed 17 clients and 21 Sherpas who reached the top in an Instagram post. Nepali company 14 Peaks Expeditions named 17 climbers and guides who reached the top. Climbing The Seven Summits listed 14 clients and guides who were part of the company’s third wave to push for the summit.

“59 total Everest summits for CTSS this season—woohoo!” the company wrote on Instagram.

The disaster again raises questions about the potential for overcrowding on the world’s highest peak, and the dangers that arise from traffic jams along the route. The Hillary Step and summit ridge are often the site of traffic jams during busy times on the mountain. In 2019 a dramatic photo of a traffic jam along this section of the route circulated online.

Ben Ayers and Tulsi Rauniyar contributed to this report. 

This is a developing story. Stay tuned to OutsideOnline for updates. 

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At least 3 climbers believed dead on Mount Everest

Image: mountain mount everest base camp

Amid the tail end of the climbing season on Mount Everest , at least three people are believed to have died this week, according to officials and those close to the men.

Cheruiyot Kirui, a senior relationship manager at African bank KCB Group (previously known as Kenya Commercial Bank), died during his trek on the mountain, his employer said .

His body was found on Mount Everest, according to Khim Lal Gautam, a Nepal government official at base camp. It was unclear when the body would be recovered because it would be difficult to carry at that altitude due to the low oxygen level.

KCB said he died “while summiting” Everest. It reported the death took place Wednesday or Thursday.

Kenya’s principal secretary for foreign affairs, Korir Sing’Oei, said on the social media platform X on Thursday that Kirui was “my friend.”

“He is a fearless, audacious spirit, and represents the indomitable will of many Kenyans,” he said. “We shall miss him.”

Nawang Sherpa, a guide who was with the banker, was also reported missing.

Two other climbers, Daniel Paul Paterson of the U.K. and Pastenji Sherpa of Nepal, are feared dead after reaching the summit and descending on Tuesday, according to a joint post Thursday from the Instagram accounts for Everest guide Lakpa Sherpa and 8K Expeditions.

They were missing after a cornice collapsed near Hillary Step, and their bodies have not been recovered, the accounts said. Their deaths have not been confirmed by government officials.

Paterson listed himself on social media as co-owner of England’s Wakefield CrossFit gym, and was described in the Thursday post as someone known for his “uplifting personality, and strong determination.”

Pastenji Sherpa worked with 8K Expeditions, which said he was one of the Himalayas’ busiest guides. He was a dedicated climber from his youth who had previously climbed Everest, as well as other well-known peaks.

“We remember and honor their enduring spirits and extend our deepest condolences to their grieving families,” the Thursday post stated.

Two Mongolian climbers died last week while descending from the summit. Additional climbers and guides on Mount Everest have been reported missing, according to numerous accounts, but official word of their status was unavailable late Friday.

Officials said more than 450 climbers have scaled Mount Everest from the Nepali side of the peak this season. The spring climbing season on the world’s tallest mountain shuts down at the end of May. The Himalayan peak sits on Nepal’s border with China.

Jean Lee is an associate reporter with NBC News’ Social Newsgathering team in Los Angeles. She previously reported for the NBC News consumer investigative unit.

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Dennis Romero is a breaking news reporter for NBC News Digital. 

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The Unique Burial of a Child of Early Scythian Time at the Cemetery of Saryg-Bulun (Tuva)

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Pages:  379-406

In 1988, the Tuvan Archaeological Expedition (led by M. E. Kilunovskaya and V. A. Semenov) discovered a unique burial of the early Iron Age at Saryg-Bulun in Central Tuva. There are two burial mounds of the Aldy-Bel culture dated by 7th century BC. Within the barrows, which adjoined one another, forming a figure-of-eight, there were discovered 7 burials, from which a representative collection of artifacts was recovered. Burial 5 was the most unique, it was found in a coffin made of a larch trunk, with a tightly closed lid. Due to the preservative properties of larch and lack of air access, the coffin contained a well-preserved mummy of a child with an accompanying set of grave goods. The interred individual retained the skin on his face and had a leather headdress painted with red pigment and a coat, sewn from jerboa fur. The coat was belted with a leather belt with bronze ornaments and buckles. Besides that, a leather quiver with arrows with the shafts decorated with painted ornaments, fully preserved battle pick and a bow were buried in the coffin. Unexpectedly, the full-genomic analysis, showed that the individual was female. This fact opens a new aspect in the study of the social history of the Scythian society and perhaps brings us back to the myth of the Amazons, discussed by Herodotus. Of course, this discovery is unique in its preservation for the Scythian culture of Tuva and requires careful study and conservation.

Keywords: Tuva, Early Iron Age, early Scythian period, Aldy-Bel culture, barrow, burial in the coffin, mummy, full genome sequencing, aDNA

Information about authors: Marina Kilunovskaya (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Candidate of Historical Sciences. Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Dvortsovaya Emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected] Vladimir Semenov (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Candidate of Historical Sciences. Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Dvortsovaya Emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected] Varvara Busova  (Moscow, Russian Federation).  (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences.  Dvortsovaya Emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected] Kharis Mustafin  (Moscow, Russian Federation). Candidate of Technical Sciences. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.  Institutsky Lane, 9, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected] Irina Alborova  (Moscow, Russian Federation). Candidate of Biological Sciences. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.  Institutsky Lane, 9, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected] Alina Matzvai  (Moscow, Russian Federation). Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.  Institutsky Lane, 9, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected]

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