
  • Feb 15, 2023

A Beginners Guide to Lenormand

Lenormand is a form of cartomancy: the practice of using cards as a tool for divination. A Lenormand deck is made up of 36 cards that, like the Tarot, each have a unique meaning. Although Lenormand may not be as popular in the mainstream as tarot and oracle cards, it has a rich history and can be a powerful divination tool.

tarot lenormand tour

The History of Lenormand

The earliest version of Lenormand cards originated in Germany in the late 1700s, though their use was popularized in French salons. At the time they were not called “Lenormand,” but rather known as “Coffee Cards” because their symbols were based on those from coffee ground fortune telling. The oldest surviving deck is from 1799 and can be found in the British Museum in London.

The 36-card deck was used in a parlor game (another similarity to the Tarot) known as “The Game of Hope,” in which the 36 cards were arranged into a 6x6 square to essentially create a game board. Two dice were then thrown to see how many cards a player would move their marker across. Each card had bonuses or penalties for landing on it, with the goal of the game being to land on the second to last card, the Anchor.

Lenormand cards transitioned from playing cards into divination tools through the influence of French psychic Marie Anne Lenormand, also known as Madame Lenormand. Born in Alençon, France in 1772, Marie Ann Lenormand worked as a fortune teller and bookseller in Paris during the 18th century. In addition to other divination tools, Marie Ann began using coffee cards during her readings, adapting the meanings into symbols for divining. Marie Ann was very successful as a psychic, even earning enough acclaim to attract the interest of political figures such as the revolutionary Robespierre, Tsar Alexander I of Russia, and Empress Josephine, the wife of Napoleon Bonaparte—all of whom became her clients.

Although Marie Ann was known for cartomancy, there were no official Lenormand Decks published during her life. The first Lenormand deck, Grand jeu de Mlle Lenormand , was created in France in 1845, two years after her death. Interestingly, the Grand jeu de Mlle Lenormand was a 54-card deck that bears little similarity to what most contemporaries think of as Lenormand. Rather, most modern Lenormand decks are modeled after the Petit Le Normand , published in Germany in 1846 and modeled after the 36-card deck from “The Game of Hope.”

Although we do not know the exact card deck Marie Ann Lenormand used for her readings, her name and reputation were powerful enough to inspire the creation and publication of the official divination cards that would continue to be used today.

Lenormand & Tarot & Oracle, Oh My!

Now that we’ve briefly covered the history of the Lenormand, you may be wondering how Lenormand is different from other forms of cartomancy like Tarot and Oracle? To make it simple, let’s look at the unique aspects of each:

Lenormand – A Lenormand deck has 36 cards, the names and meanings of which are the same across any standard deck. Lenormand cards create a story; during a reading multiple cards are arranged so that the positions of the cards in relation to one another specify their message. Generally, Lenormand deals with more tangible, straightforward events and issues, whereas Tarot and Oracle tend to delve more into the emotional and psychological.

Tarot – A Tarot deck has 78 cards, the names and meanings of which are the same across any standard deck. Like Lenormand, tarot cards tell a story and can read upright or reversed, as well as with a spread or without one. The Tarot tends to deal with the emotional and psychological in addition to the tangible world, and the four different suits of the Tarot help contextualize this during a reading.

Oracle – Unlike Lenormand or Tarot, there is no standard deck for oracle cards—each deck is entirely unique, with the card amounts, meanings, and themes being determined by their individual creator. Oracle cards generally serve better for singular messages; they convey ideas rather than telling a complex story the way Lenormand and Tarot are designed to.

Lenormand, Tarot, and Oracle are all fantastic tools for cartomancy. As they have some inherent differences, you may find that one is easier for you to learn or read with than another. However, many people also use these different decks together during divination.

Learning to Read Lenormand

If you’re interested in learning to use a Lenormand deck in your divination practice, here are a few ideas of how to get started.

1. Find Your Deck – There are many Lenormand decks to choose from, and though they will all include the same 36 cards, the style and artwork will vary. Especially because cartomancy is such a visual divination technique, it’s important that you resonate with the imagery of the deck you choose. A deck with images that spark your imagination will be easier to connect with intuitively. At Downtown Tarot Company we have a selection of Lenormand decks available that can be browsed in-store or online.

2. Read A Book – Many books have been published about Lenormand, with topics ranging from beginner’s guides, to spread ideas, to in-depth analyses of the cards. One of the books we recommend at Downtown Tarot for those looking for an introduction to the practice is Learning Lenormand: Traditional Fortune Telling for Modern Life. For those interested in both Lenormand and Tarot, the book Cartomancy With the Lenormand and the Tarot may be an interesting read.

3. Find Spreads – If you prefer a more hands-on learning approach, a great way to dive right into reading is to find some spread to practice with. Spreads are essentially a template for arranging the cards, where each position has a designate meaning. Spreads can range from simple 3-card arrangements to complex arrangements like the famous Grand Tableau: a spread that uses all 36 cards and covers multiple areas of your past, present, future, and overall life. You can find books on Lenormand spreads as well as many online resources.

4. Take A Class – At Downtown Tarot we host fun, collaborative Lenormand classes, ranging from beginner to advanced levels. Our classes allow you to learn from a professional reader as well as practice with other students. Our next Learning Lenormand level 1 class begins on Sunday, February 26.

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Lenormand vs Tarot: What’s the difference and which should you choose?

For centuries, people have sought answers and guidance from divination methods, and two of the most popular ones are Lenormand and Tarot. While both practices involve using a deck of cards to gain insight into the past, present, and future, there are some key differences between them that are worth exploring. If you’re looking to venture into the world of divination, it can be challenging to decide which method is right for you. In this article, we’ll compare Lenormand vs Tarot and discuss their unique features and characteristics, to help you make an informed decision on which one to choose.

Whether you’re a seasoned reader or a curious beginner, this comparative study will provide valuable insights into these two divination practices.

What is lenormand?

Lenormand is a type of cartomancy, or fortune telling, that uses a deck of 36 cards. It is named after the 19th-century French fortune-teller Madame Lenormand, who popularised its use. Each card in the deck has a distinct meaning and can be interpreted in a variety of ways depending on the question being asked. The cards can be used to provide insight into a person’s life, relationships, career, and other matters. Lenormand can be used on its own or in combination with other forms of divination such as astrology or tarot readings.

What is tarot?

Tarot is a form of divination, or a way of seeking knowledge and insight through the use of symbolic cards. It has been used for centuries as a way of understanding the future and gaining insight into the present. Tarot cards can be used as a tool for self-exploration and personal growth, and for gaining insight into our own lives. They can also be used to gain insight into the lives of others. Each card in a tarot deck has a different meaning and can help to provide guidance and clarity when dealing with difficult situations.

Key differences between Lenormand and Tarot

  • Number of Cards : Lenormand decks typically consist of 36 cards, while Tarot decks usually consist of 78 cards.
  • Symbolism : Lenormand uses everyday symbols and is more direct and specific, while Tarot uses more abstract imagery and is open-ended, allowing for various interpretations.
  • Focus of Readings : Lenormand readings focus on the near future and often provide answers to specific questions, while Tarot readings offer a deeper look at the overall situation and can explore past, present, and future aspects.
  • Learning Difficulty : Lenormand is generally considered easier for beginners to learn due to its smaller deck and more straightforward symbolism, while Tarot is more complex and can be challenging to master.
  • Reading Speed : Lenormand readings are typically quicker and more concise, while Tarot readings are longer and more detailed.
  • Interpretative Flexibility : Lenormand has less interpretative flexibility and is usually interpreted more consistently, while Tarot allows for different spreads, techniques, and interpretations.
  • Aesthetics : Tarot cards often have more complex and visually appealing imagery and artistry , while Lenormand cards tend to have simpler designs.
  • Popularity : Tarot is more popular and has a more established history and tradition, making it easier to find resources and experienced readers, while Lenormand is less popular.
  • Type of Guidance : Lenormand readings focus more on practical matters and everyday life, whereas Tarot readings delve deeper into subconscious, relationships, and personal growth.

Key similarities between Lenormand and Tarot

  • Divination Tools : Both Lenormand and Tarot are methods of divination, which involve using a deck of cards to gain insight into the past, present, and future.
  • Card Readings : Both practices involve interpreting the cards drawn in a reading to provide guidance, answer questions, and offer insights into various aspects of life.
  • Symbolic Imagery : Lenormand and Tarot cards both contain symbolic imagery that conveys specific meanings, which are used to interpret the messages behind the cards.
  • Learning Process : Both Lenormand and Tarot require time, practice, and dedication to learn and master the art of interpreting the cards and their meanings.
  • Intuition: In both Lenormand and Tarot readings, the reader uses their intuition to interpret the cards and provide insights to the querent or individual seeking guidance.
  • Personal Growth : Both Lenormand and Tarot can be used as tools for self-exploration, personal growth, and gaining insight into one’s own life or the lives of others.
  • Spreads : Both Lenormand and Tarot readings can be conducted using various spreads, which are specific card layouts that help answer different types of questions or provide insights into various aspects of a situation.
  • Complementary Practices : Both Lenormand and Tarot can be combined with other forms of divination, such as astrology, for a more comprehensive and insightful reading.
  • Spiritual Connection : Both Lenormand and Tarot can help individuals connect with their intuition, higher self, or spiritual guides, enhancing their spiritual journey and personal growth.

Pros of lenormand over tarot

  • Lenormand is generally considered to be easier for beginners to learn than Tarot. This is because Lenormand decks are typically smaller and more straightforward than Tarot decks.
  • Lenormand readings are more focused on practical matters than Tarot readings. While both decks can be used to get a more in-depth look into the future, Lenormand readings tend to be more focused on everyday life and specific questions.
  • Lenormand readings are typically quicker and more concise than Tarot readings. This is because Lenormand decks have fewer cards, which makes it easier to get a direct answer to a specific question.
  • Lenormand readings can also be used to play games such as the Grand Tableau . This is a fun way to practice your Lenormand skills and gain insight into your life.
  • Lenormand readings tend to be more straightforward than Tarot readings. This is because the cards are more literal and less open to interpretation than Tarot cards.

Cons of lenormand compared to tarot

Lenormand is a popular divinatory tool with its own unique set of symbols, but it has some drawbacks when compared to tarot:

  • The Lenormand deck is much smaller than a tarot deck, containing only 36 cards compared to the 78 cards of the tarot.
  • The symbolism of the Lenormand cards is extremely straightforward, so it can be difficult to interpret the cards in a nuanced way.
  • The lack of archetypal symbolism present in tarot means that Lenormand readings can be more difficult to interpret.
  • Lenormand readings are typically more literal and focused on the present rather than the past or the future.
  • Lenormand readings are not as popular as tarot readings, so it can be more difficult to find experienced readers.

Pros of tarot over lenormand

  • Tarot has a larger range of cards, often up to 78 cards, compared to the 36 cards in Lenormand. This gives tarot a much larger scope of interpretation and adds more depth to readings.
  • Tarot has a more established history and tradition than Lenormand, making it easier to find resources and guidance.
  • Tarot cards are often more aesthetically pleasing than Lenormand cards, with more complex imagery and artistry.
  • Tarot often has more interpretative flexibility, allowing for the use of different spreads and techniques.
  • Different tarot decks often have different interpretations associated with them, while Lenormand is usually interpreted in a more consistent way.

Cons of tarot compared to lenormand

  • Tarot cards are often more expensive and harder to find than Lenormand cards.
  • Tarot cards have a greater variety of symbols, which can make them more confusing and difficult to interpret.
  • Tarot card readings tend to be longer and more detailed than Lenormand readings.
  • Tarot card readings often require more spiritual or ritualistic elements than Lenormand readings.
  • Tarot card readings are often more complex and require more knowledge of symbolism and numerology in order to understand the meanings.

tarot lenormand tour

Situations when lenormand is better than tarot

  • Lenormand cards can provide concrete and specific answers to questions, whereas tarot can often give more abstract responses.
  • Lenormand is great for predicting the future, whereas tarot is better for exploring a particular situation in the present.
  • Lenormand cards are simpler to learn, so they are a great choice for those new to divination who want to get started with a system quickly.
  • Lenormand is better at providing guidance in day-to-day matters and is often used to make decisions.
  • Lenormand cards are also better at reading into the energy of a situation or person, while tarot is better at providing insight into the feelings and emotions of a person.

Situations when tarot is better than lenormand

Tarot and Lenormand are both popular forms of divination, but there are some key differences that can make tarot a better option for certain situations:

  • Tarot is often better than Lenormand when it comes to in-depth readings, exploring one’s subconscious, understanding relationships, and exploring the future.
  • Tarot can also be better in times of deep personal reflection, as it has the ability to explore the nuances of a situation and help the reader gain insight into the complex emotions they may feel.
  • Tarot is often better when looking for advice or guidance on a particular situation, as it can provide a wide range of potential solutions that can be tailored to the individual’s needs.
  • Tarot can be better in times of crisis or transition, as it can provide a unique perspective and help the reader find clarity and a sense of purpose.

Lenormand vs Tarot Summary

Lenormand and Tarot are two distinct divination methods, each with its unique strengths and features. While both practices offer insights into different aspects of life, they differ in their approach, structure, and symbolism. Ultimately, the decision on which method to choose comes down to personal preference, intuition, and the purpose of the reading. As with any divination practice, it’s essential to approach it with an open mind, a clear intention, and a willingness to explore the possibilities that it presents.

By gaining a better understanding of the differences between Lenormand and Tarot, you can make a more informed decision on which practice resonates with you and helps you find the answers and guidance you seek. If you have any questions, please leave a comment and we will be glad to answer!

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A Little Spark of Joy

Update on July 11, 2023

The Ultimate Lenormand Beginners Guide

Written by Wille | Edited by our Editorial Staff

Have you ever wanted to try reading other cards than tarot cards? Or are you not drawn to tarot cards at all, but still want to practice fortune-telling? If so, I’ve got good news for you! Apart from tarot and oracle cards , you can also read the Lenormand cards .

Many readers are more familiar with tarot cards than with Lenormand cards. The two types of card reading do have many similarities: the practice of asking a question before drawing cards, interpreting symbols on cards, and finding patterns in spreads to gain insight into your life. 

However, Lenormand cards and tarot cards have different symbols and invite different approaches to divination. In this article, I will teach you how to read the straightforward yet seductive Lenormand cards.

Table of Contents

Lenormand cards history.

First, let’s talk a bit about the history of the Lenormand deck. The Lenormand cards bear the name of Marie Anne Lenormand , a French fortune-teller who supposedly advised leaders of the French Revolution. After her death, game-makers released the Grand Jeu (“Big Game”) and Petit Jeu (“Little Game”), both inspired by her divination practices.

The Grand Jeu requires a full deck of playing cards, but the Petit Jeu uses just 36 cards. The Petit Jeu, based on a game of chance designed by a German businessman, borrowed Lenormand’s name and gained popularity in the 1800s.

When people say “Lenormand cards,” they are most likely referring to the Petit Jeu, which I discuss below.

Lenormand Cards Meanings

Each of the 36 cards in the Lenormand deck features a well-defined symbol. Just like tarot cards, Lenormand cards are interpreted in combinations. As you will learn, each card often represents a noun (person, place, or thing) or an adjective (a description or modifier).

The chart below gives key nouns and adjectives for each card. You’ll notice some overlap with the Major Arcana of the tarot deck! For example, the Star , the Moon , and the Sun all appear in the Lenormand deck and carry the same basic meaning.

And even though most symbols differ, you will also find some similarities with the Major Arcana in the progression of card meanings.

Patterns of Lenormand Cards

Tarot card readings tend to draw out a querent’s inner feelings and motivations in order to predict events, but Lenormand cards more often represent concrete or external things.

Looking down at a Lenormand cards spread is a little like looking down at a map of someone’s life in one specific moment.

Where is that person located? Who is around him or her? What or who affects the current situation?

Remember that there are infinite card combinations and therefore infinite interpretations! As you gain experience as a card reader, your interpretations may also differ from the basic ones offered in the chart above.

As you’re learning, you can refer to the chart as you look for the basic patterns listed below.

The Significator

The significator is the card that represents a querent (or you, if you’re reading yourself). A significator is especially important in the Grand Tableau spread, which uses all 36 cards in the deck, described in more depth below.

Finding the significator is like finding the spot on a map you’d like to study, and the arrangement of cards around the significator will tell you important information about a querent’s life. 

The most basic significators are the Man and the Woman. If you identify as a woman, the Woman represents you. If you identify as a man, the Man represents you. If you want to gain insight into a particular part of your life, you can choose a different significator.

For instance, you might choose the Crossroads if you are on the verge of a big decision.

Some readers like to choose an appropriate significator for themselves or their querents before completing readings. More commonly, readers find the significators in the cards they draw, whether they draw three cards or 36 cards.

To interpret a pair of Lenormand cards, many readers call the first card a person, place, or thing, and the second card becomes a word or phrase that modifies this noun. You can use the chart in “Lenormand Card Meanings” to find appropriate nouns and adjectives.

As an example, let’s say you draw the Sun, and then you draw the Letter. This pair could be interpreted as a widely communicated or broadcasted success because the Sun provides the noun (success), and the Letter gives us the adjective (communicated).

If the cards were flipped (Letter + Sun), the interpretation differs slightly. The Letter becomes the noun, which could be a conversation or document.

The Sun represents a successful or happy thing. Therefore, the Letter + Sun might mean a successful conversation or even a new publication!

Mirroring is a more advanced technique for pairing cards that are not next to each other in a spread.

To mirror, imagine that you draw vertical and horizontal lines that divide the spread precisely in half. Then, imagine folding the spread along each line. Whichever cards would be positioned on top of one another are mirrored.

In a 3-card spread, the horizontal axis won’t matter because the spread only has one row of cards. However, the first and third cards in the spread are mirrored along the vertical axis.

In a Grand Tableau that contains four rows of nine cards, you will want to find the two cards that mirror the significator.

Mirroring gives you more information about what affects the significator or influences the focus card. 

Let’s say you’re curious about your love life, so you pick the Heart as your significator in a Grand Tableau. Along the vertical axis, the Heart is mirrored by the Rider, which tells you that a new love interest will enter your life soon.

Along the horizontal axis, the Heart is mirrored by the Garden, which provides the additional information that you might meet this love interest at an upcoming gathering or within your community.

A card “knights” a significator when it creates an L-shape with the significator, the way a knight moves in a game of chess. Knighting is one of the most advanced reading techniques, and it’s typically used to reveal hidden influences.

The number of cards that knight the significator will depend on the placement of the significator in the spread.

In our example above, the Heart mirrored the Rider and the Garden, representing a new love interest at a community gathering.

If the Heart were also knighted by the Snake and the Mountain, we have new information: obstacles and deception. In this case, the love interest could be hiding something, like his or her involvement in another relationship.

Lenormand Spreads

Now that you know some of the patterns to look for, you can apply your knowledge to a spread.

You can get creative with your spreads, and you may already feel comfortable branching out in tarot readings.

The three spreads below, however, are common foundations, and you can build on each one to progress to the next.  

3-Card Lenormand Spread

This spread is a classic for any cartomancer.

Follow these basic steps to perform a 3-card reading for yourself:

  • Shuffle the deck while thinking of a question, conflict, or focus area.
  • Draw three cards, placed in a row from left to right.
  • Turn over the second card, which represents the focus or theme of the spread. If you want, you can think of this card as the significator.
  • Read the first and second cards as a pair. Then, read the second and third cards as a pair. These give you insights into what directly influences you or your problem. By sequencing these interpretations, you can create a story.
  • Finally, to determine the next steps or predict events, mirror the first and third cards. This step tells you how the people, places, and things in your life might be influencing each other. Considering how the two things interact could help you make important decisions.

3×3 Lenormand Spread

This spread involves three rows of three cards, which makes knighting possible for most card positions.

This spread isn’t the best for fast answers, but it provides more depth than a 3- or 5-card spread. Try these steps:

  • Draw nine cards, laying them out in three rows from left to right and top to bottom.
  • Read the center card (or fifth card) as the significator.
  • The first column represents the past, and the third column is the future. Therefore, pair the center card with the fourth card to learn about recent past events. Pair with the sixth to learn about what’s coming.
  • The top row represents people, places, and things you’re aware and can currently influence, and the bottom represents things in your subconscious that have yet to come to light. Pair the center card with the second card to learn about your highest potential. Pair with the eighth card to learn about what’s motivating you that you might not fully understand.
  • Mirror the fourth and the sixth cards to learn how your past is influencing your future. Mirror the second and eight cards to see how your subconscious may help or hinder your greatest potential.
  • Notice the general tone by counting how many positive and negative cards are present in the spread. If any card stands out to you or confuses you, knight it with another card or cards to learn more about hidden influences.

The Grand Tableau Lenormand Spread

Grand Tableau is French for “big picture,” and this spread is indeed large. It won’t be quick, but by using all 36 cards, it will provide the most detail.

The Grand Tableau offers many interpretative possibilities, but these steps outline the basics:

  • Lay out all 36 cards in four rows of nine cards, moving from left to right and top to bottom.
  • Find the significator. This could be either the Man or Woman, depending on how you identify, or you could pick another card that represents your current concern. It’s helpful to choose your significator before you draw cards so that you aren’t influenced by the pattern you see!
  • Pair with the cards the the left, right, above, and below the significator just as you would in a 3×3 spread.
  • Mirror the significator to find the two cards that represent direct influences on the situation.
  • Knight the significator to discover the hidden influences.
  • Determine the “house” of the significator. To do this, imagine all 36 cards arranged in the Grand Tableau in order. Which card in the original order does the significator correspond with? This corresponding card is the significator’s house. For example, let’s say the Heart (your significator) is in the sixteenth position. The sixteenth card is the Stars, which tells you that your love life is aligned with your dreams, and you are feeling hopeful or optimistic about coming closer to what you want.

Living the Lenormand Life

There’s so much more to learn about Lenormand, but I hope you now have some excellent ideas about where to start! What questions do you still have? What are you most excited to try? What tips or tricks have you learned?

About Wille

Leaving a bit of sparkle everywhere I go! My aim is to create content that inspires you, supports you, challenges you, and brings happiness into your life. Here you'll find the tools to connect to your spirit and activate your soul.

Reader Interactions

November 25, 2021 at 7:07 pm

I just need help understanding these layout. I’m on the dense line about a relationship. But the man is a celebraty but I’ve been talking to him for a little while and he asked me to do something I need to know what to do it’s a fish heart and letter

November 26, 2021 at 12:58 pm

Hey, don’t do anything you don’t want to do!

tarot lenormand tour

website logo - an owl with an blue background.

Intuitive. Insightful. Inspired.

Athena's Lenormand

  • Arrow Down (Light)

What is Lenormand?

The Basics of Lenormand

Lenormand readers use a deck of 36 cards to answer questions on topics ranging from daily outlooks to relationship guidance and life decisions. Founded in the late 1700s by Marie Anne Adelaide Lenormand, it combines the ordinary with the mystical practice of cartomancy. I believe Lenormand can help you glean insights about yourself that you otherwise might not see. The best part is that the deck uses intuitive imagery that we can easily recognize. You’ll see cards like the man and woman, the moon and sun, the fox and the bear. Rings, letters, storks. All of these symbols are immediately recognizable. But when combined in a spread, they offer unique meanings specific to your questions.

tarot lenormand tour

As a reader, I like to give my clients as much information as possible. You can expect:

Alternative readings for card combinations.

Tarot and oracle card complimentary readings.

A documented PDF with the reading summary and recommended meditation questions.

Why Athena?

Proactive, Not Reactive

Outside of being a family name, Athena is one of the most well-known deities, commonly referred to as the goddess of wisdom. But when we say “wisdom,” we actually mean “good counsel” and military strategy. In other words, Athena favors the ability to take knowledge and turn it into action. While I don't advise on specific actions you can take, the hope is that the reading can help guide you to better understanding yourself. And once you have that insight, you can feel more comfortable doing your own thing. Now, Lenormand can’t take the place of legal counsel, doctor’s advice, or any other sound practice. However, it does invite us to look deeper into our subconscious.

tarot lenormand tour

Short Reading

Portrait Spread

Great for all types of questions that can be resolved in 1 to 6 months. Ask about anything from romance to career.

tarot lenormand tour

9 Lenormand card spread + 6 Tarot + 1 Oracle

7-10 day turnaround

Ask anything

$120 per reading

  • Get Your Reading

Comprehensive Reading

Grand Tableau Spread

A comprehensive, one to two-year review of your life on all accounts. Perfect for a new year or birthday reading.

tarot lenormand tour

36 Lenormand spread + 10 card Tarot spread + 4 Oracle Cards

10-15 day turnaround

Specific and general questions covered

$230 per reading

Learn more about Lenormand

Have a question?

Just an email away.

Don't be a stranger. Feel free to ask me more specific questions before booking a reading. If you have paid for a reading, please send me an email with your question below.

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Tour Petit Lenormand : la carte 19 et ses significations en tirage de cartes

La tour du petit lenormand aussi appelée haute tour représente un bâtiment ou une structure. en voyance, la carte 19 incarne ainsi l’autorité, l’austérité mais également l’ascension vers les sommets. non déterminante dans le tirage de la grande image, le voyant garde néanmoins un œil sur cette lame. quant au tirage en croix ou à 3 cartes, ce sont souvent les associations de cartes de la tour qui révèlent sa véritable prédiction., carte 19 tour : sens général et signification.

Dans le Petit Lenormand la Tour ou haute tour porte le numéro 19, cette grande bâtisse arrive après la carte du Chien dans ce tarot divinatoire . Comme toujours, une carte du jeu classique est associée cette haute tour.

Le 6 de Pique en cartomancie est synonyme de petites complications. Pourtant cette bâtisse est un lieu sûr et solide, quelle va être la prédiction du médium quand elle sort du jeu de cartes ?

Carte d’ambiance, la Tour du Petit Lenormand est accompagnée d’une phrase explicative sur le jeu de cartomancie d’origine : «  haute tour : preuve sûre qu’heureuse vie dure, à moins que des nuages de leur noirceur l’ombragent « .

La phrase prend son sens dans le grand tableau ou tirage 36 cartes du Petit Lenormand. Mais en tarologie , cette Tour permet aussi d’avoir des pistes d’interprétation pour les autres tirages.

Tour dans le Gilded Lenormand

Gilded Reves du Petit Lenormand Tour

Dans le Gilded Lenormand la Haute Tour porte bien son nom ! C’est une bâtisse dont les sommets taquine le ciel qui a été dessiné sur cette lame pour suggérer sa signification. On comprend alors que la carte 19 se fait l’écho du pouvoir et de l’autorité.

Est-ce une contrainte ? Est-ce la représentation de votre évolution ? Ces possibilités vont bien sûr traverser l’esprit du médium , tout comme le rôle que va jouer ce bâtiment pour votre avenir. Il n’est en effet par rare que la Tour incarne une institution ou une administration.

Pour la cartomancienne , elle peut être l’entreprise dans laquelle vous travaillez, voire celle où vous espérer vous faire une place. L’avenir dira si le chemin qui mène à elle s’ouvre à vous mais sans attendre, on devine un cheminement compliqué. Cette illustration ne cesse en effet de le rappeler : la Tour du Gilded Lenormand n’est pas un bâtiment facile à prendre !

Pour inspirer vos interprétations lorsque la carte 19 parait dans un tirage, je vous recommande d’avoir ces mots clés à l’esprit : obligation, autorité, formalité, isolement mais aussi domination .

Tirage en croix Lenormand : interpréter la Tour selon sa position

Le tirage consiste à faire parler une lame dans un contexte particulier. Pour réussir cet exercice d’interprétation, il est préférable d’avoir bien en tête les significations de la Tour du Petit Lenormand.

Lorsque c’est chose faite, le tarologue peut se lancer dans l’analyse du tirage à 3 cartes ou du tirage en croix sans se fourvoyer. Les pistes suivantes sont alors envisager pour interpréter la Tour du Petit Lenormand :

– passé (à gauche) : quand elle se situe dans le passé, la Tour peut renvoyer à un modèle. Le tarologue peut alors envisager que cette structure est une référence pour le consultant vis à vis de sa question du moment. Avec la Lettre ou le Cavalier à la place du présent, ce pourrait être l’incarnation d’une autorité administrative.

– présent (au milieu) : Avec la Haute Tour qui s’impose dans le présent, la lame représente aussi le consultant ou la consultante. Le message des oracles a ici de quoi rassurer l’individu qui est montré comme quelqu’un de fort et solide.

– futur (à droite) : Quand la Tour du Petit Lenormand représente le futur, les voyantes devinent souvent une transformation. L’individu est appelé à se structurer, ce qui en voyance est favorable à tous les domaines. Travail, amour, ou finances, tout cela est appelé à se renforcer.

– ce qui pèse (en haut) : Si la Tour est pesante, dans le tirage du tarot elle est à même de représentre une forme d’autorité administrative. Pour le voyant , elle vient clairement compliquer la vie du consultant.

– l’atout (en bas) : A contrario la Haute Tour du Petit Lenormand est un point positif en divination sous la carte consultant. Quelle que soit sa problématique, la base et les fondations sont solide. Voilà une prédiction aide forcément à avancer sereinement.

Tirage de la grande image avec la Tour

Petit Lenormand Haute Tour 19

Concernant le grand tableau du Petit Lenormand, le célèbre tirage de la grande image à 36 cartes , la Tour y tient le rôle de carte d’ambiance. Dès lors, elle n’apporte que des précisions sur un contexte. Sa localisation n’est donc pas prioritaire pour prédire l’avenir du consultant ou de la consultante.

Mais parce que sa phrase de prédiction invite à la vigilance, la cartomancienne garde néanmoins un œil sur cette Haute Tour. Quand cette lame est à proximité de cartes maitresses du Petit Lenormand , elle ne doit pas être proche du Nuage sous peine de noircir les prédictions du domaine concerné.

Tour du Petit Lenormand en résumé

Ordre : La Haute Tour est la dix-neuvième de votre oracle du petit Lenoramand. Sa notion de temps est imprécise mais les médiums ont tendance à un y voir un pont entre passé et futur. Entendez par là que cet édifice est là depuis longtemps et perdurera demain. En numérologie le 19 donne 10 et 1, vous pouvez utiliser cette approche en datation.

Nature : Carte d’ambiance dans le tirage en grand tableau, la Tour n’est pas cruciale pour explorer votre destinée. Proche de certaines cartes maitresses, elle vous assure de dominer les autres (Le Renard au travail) ou de bâtir du solide en amour (avec le Coeur).

Phrase prédictive : Haute tour : preuve sûre qu’heureuse vie dure à moins que des nuages de leur noirceur l’ombragent.

Polarité : Sa prédiction bien que bonne en fait pas de la carte 19 une lame positive. Considérez là plutôt comme neutre car dans certains cas, elle incarne l’administratif voire la sanction (Tour + Verge par exemple).

Compagnie : Avec son 6 de Pique elle peut vous sembler inquiétante mais le Pique a du bon dans ce jeu. Au fond c’est un peu comme si c’était un trèfle en cartomancie classique. Dès lors, c’est plutôt un période incertaine ou difficile que la cartomancienne lit dans cette carte.

Mot clés : édifice, institution, hiérarchie, délai, limitations et isolement sont des significations à attribuer à la Tour du Petit Lenormand.

Carte renversée : Les significations de la Haute Tour renversée vont compromettre les notions que ce bâtiment suggère à l’endroit. Pour le tarologues cela peut aussi bien signifier perte de confort qu’obligation non respectée. Le consultant pourrait aussi verser dans l’illégalité si le Renard, les Souris et le Serpent sont de la partie.

Associations de cartes avec la Tour : toutes les prédictions

Les associations de cartes avec la Tour du Petit Lenormand représente les autorités au sens large. Après le Chien ami fidèle, l’intervention de l’administration dans vos vies n’est pas toujours faites pour faciliter le quotidien.

Souvent austère, les cartes du tarot utilisent également la Haute Tour pour symboliser des lieux ou des attitudes qui suggère une forme d’austérité.

Ainsi, pour chaque carte qui va se trouver en contact avec la Haute Tour du petit Lenormand, le médium est en mesure de faire des prédictions d’une grande précision. Voici ce qu’il faut retenir de ses associations de cartes…

Tour + Cavalier (1) : C’est la prédiction que l’administration vient vous contrôler (fisc, allocations).

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kartomanta oeil

L’interprétation de la Tour n’a plus de raison de vous poser de difficultés alors continuez à découvrir les arts divinatoires avec le Petit Lenormand et le Jardin . Que vient prédire cette carte dans le jeu de cartomancie qui rend hommage à la célèbre voyante Mademoiselle Lenormand ?

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Capricorne ascendant Gémeaux, né le jour des rois. Tire les cartes depuis 1995 et pratique aussi la géomancie. A toujours sur lui son Oracle de Belline et des tarots plein son bureau. Signe particulier ? Également Dragon de feu, qu'on se le dise !

Lenormand Oracle Cards

Lenormand cards are a 36-card divination deck that originated in France in the 18th century. They are named after Marie Anne Lenormand, a famous French fortune-teller who is said to have used them.

Lenormand cards are similar to tarot cards in that they are used to gain insights into the past, present, and future. However, they are different in a few ways. Lenormand cards are more focused on everyday matters, such as love, career, and finances. They also use simpler imagery, which makes them easier to interpret.

There are many different ways to read Lenormand cards. The most common method is to lay out the cards in a spread, or pattern. The meaning of the cards is then interpreted based on their position in the spread and the relationships between them.

Lenormand cards can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

♠ Getting guidance on a decision

♣ Gaining insight into a situation

♥ Predicting the future

♦ Helping to manifest your goals

If you are interested in learning more about Lenormand cards, this site contains detailed descriptions of the 36 cards of the Lenormand deck, their meaning in combination with other cards and insights into how to apply their meaning to your specific question. 

Lenormand Card Numbers

by Diana Lightner | September 1, 2023 | About | 0 Comments

Tarot vs. Lenormand

Marie lenormand – herstory.

by Diana Lightner | August 31, 2023 | About | 0 Comments

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Play Video HERE.

Stop the video. Note the card.

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Now read the two cards together (see list below).

Learn the Lenormand Card Meanings

Get the Lenormand card combination calculator here.

The Lenormand consists of 36 cards. Click on the cards to see the card combination in the Grand Tableau (read more about the Grand Tableau at the bottom of this page). 

lenormand card 1 the rider

What is Lenormand

The Lenormand card deck is named after Marie Anne Lenormand who interestingly never used this deck. After her death her name appeared on many decks, including the 36 card deck we see today. The 36 lenormand cards were published in 1799 as part of a bigger production called the game of hope by Johann Kaspar Hechtel. The Lenormand is often referred to as the illustrated Petit Lenormand card deck.

How to read with Lenormand cards

Reading with the Lenormand cards are different from reading with the Tarot cards in that the Lenormand is a method of reading the card combination rather than looking at individual cards in a spread, the latter being the Tarot approach. It is easier to read with many cards together in Lenormand and look at the card combinations they create.

The Petit Lenormand House system

The rumour has it that this is how Ms. Lenormand read her cards, not using the Petit Lenormand, but with ordinary playing cards (the ace, the king, the queen, the jack, the ten, the nine, the eight, the seven and the two of hearts, diamonds, spades and clubs). The cards are laid out in a 9 x 4 fashion called houses. The houses are similar to the 12 houses in the Zodiac tarot spread. Each position has a meaning and the card that falls on a certain house gives it it’s interpretation. For example heart in coffin position can mean end of a relationship. The stork in the house position can mean a relocation. This method is called the Grand Tableau. If a card falls in it’s own house it means the energy is intensified. For example whip in whip position can mean the arguments will be many and retribution harsh (unless you change course of action).

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Lenormand Card Meanings and Combinations List

A guide to all 36 lenormand cards, start learning lenormand, our email course contains easy guides, worksheets, an app and more..

We'll take you through working on increasingly complex Lenormand spreads, culminating in the 36-card Grand Tableau.

Lenormand Cards and Combinations

A deck for everyday matters.

Lenormand Cards are an alternative system of cartomancy, similar to Tarot but also different in purpose, feeling and structure. Unlike Tarot, Lenormand is a much more practical deck - focusing somewhat less on psychological feelings and instead on everyday happenings. You'll notice when reading with Lenormand decks, that these cards tend to focus on practical matters - Tarot focuses on the "why", while Lenormand tends to focus on the "how".

With 36 cards in the deck, the Lenormand system generally gives more clarity when using pairs of cards instead of individual drawings. When combined with Tarot meanings, these two systems create a powerful effect - giving you a clearer overall picture of the reading.

The Heart Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

The Heart Meaning and Combinations

✦  ✦  ✦ Love, Amicability, Romanticization, Forgiveness, Reconciliation, Softness, Charity Full Lenormand Meaning

The House Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

The House Meaning and Combinations

✦  ✦  ✦ Home, Establishment, Safety, Tradition, Custom, Privacy, Conservation Full Lenormand Meaning

The Letter Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

The Letter Meaning and Combinations

✦  ✦  ✦ Document, Email, Speech, Conversations, Expression, Information, Communication Full Lenormand Meaning

Mice Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

Mice Meaning and Combinations

✦  ✦  ✦ Dwindling, Deficiency, Depletion, Destruction, Defect, Flaw, Disease Full Lenormand Meaning

The Mountain Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

The Mountain Meaning and Combinations

✦  ✦  ✦ Difficulties, Problems, Obstacles, Impairment, Hurdles, Struggles, Challenge Full Lenormand Meaning

The Ship Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

The Ship Meaning and Combinations

✦  ✦  ✦ Departure, Farewell, Distance, Voyage, Travel, Journey, Adventure Full Lenormand Meaning

The Tower Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

The Tower Meaning and Combinations

✦  ✦  ✦ Authority, Solitude, Loneliness, Isolation, Aloofness, Ego, Arrogance Full Lenormand Meaning

The Whip Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

The Whip Meaning and Combinations

✦  ✦  ✦ Conflict, Discussions, Arguments, Debate, Scolding, Opposition, Objection Full Lenormand Meaning

The Cross Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

The Cross Meaning and Combinations

✦  ✦  ✦ Duty, Conviction, Suffering, Burden, Intolerance, Principles, Indoctrination Full Lenormand Meaning

The Coffin Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

The Coffin Meaning and Combinations

✦  ✦  ✦ Ending, Dying, Funeral, Loss, Grief, Mourning, Sadness Full Lenormand Meaning

The Child Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

The Child Meaning and Combinations

✦  ✦  ✦ New Beginnings, Child, Toddler, Play , Inexperience, Innocence, Immaturity Full Lenormand Meaning

The Bouquet Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

The Bouquet Meaning and Combinations

✦  ✦  ✦ Flattery, Social Life, Pleasantness, Cordiality, Etiquette, Politeness, Appreciation Full Lenormand Meaning

The Bear Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

The Bear Meaning and Combinations

✦  ✦  ✦ Power, Leadership, Dominance, Influence, Short temper, Strength of character, Boss Full Lenormand Meaning

Clouds Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

Clouds Meaning and Combinations

✦  ✦  ✦ Confusion, Unclarity, Misunderstanding, Insecurity, Doubt, Hidden Secrets Full Lenormand Meaning

The Fox Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

The Fox Meaning and Combinations

✦  ✦  ✦ Selfishness, Self Care, Trickery, Suspicion, Cunning, Caution Full Lenormand Meaning

The Dog Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

The Dog Meaning and Combinations

✦  ✦  ✦ Loyalty, Friendship, A Follower, Devotion, Obedience, Support Full Lenormand Meaning

The Stork Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

The Stork Meaning and Combinations

✦  ✦  ✦ Change, Transition, Movement, Recurrence, New Cycle, Yearning Full Lenormand Meaning

The Clover Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

The Clover Meaning and Combinations

✦  ✦  ✦ Luck, Lightheartedness, Small Happinesses, Opportunity, Being Untroubled, Comedy Full Lenormand Meaning

The Garden Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

The Garden Meaning and Combinations

✦  ✦  ✦ Public Affairs, Society, Culture, Teamwork, Fame, Social Networks Full Lenormand Meaning

The Snake Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

The Snake Meaning and Combinations

✦  ✦  ✦ Desire, Seduction, Deception, Craving, Attraction, Sexuality, Wisdom, Forbidden Knowledge Full Lenormand Meaning

The Key Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

The Key Meaning and Combinations

✦  ✦  ✦ Openness, Revelation, Unlocking, Achievement, Liberation, Resolution Full Lenormand Meaning

The Man (Animus) Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

The Man (Animus) Meaning and Combinations

✦  ✦  ✦ Male in Querent’s Life (Male Friend, Partner, Family Member), If the Querent is Male, The Querent, Masculinity Full Lenormand Meaning

Birds Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

Birds Meaning and Combinations

✦  ✦  ✦ Worry, Excitement, Gossip, Chattering, Nervousness, Anxiety Full Lenormand Meaning

The Fish Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

The Fish Meaning and Combinations

✦  ✦  ✦ Finances, Business, Wealth, Values, Gain, Abundance Full Lenormand Meaning

The Anima (Woman) Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

The Anima (Woman) Meaning and Combinations

✦  ✦  ✦ Female in Querent’s Life (Female Friend, Partner, Family Member), A Female Querent, Femininity Full Lenormand Meaning

The Sun Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

The Sun Meaning and Combinations

✦  ✦  ✦ Happiness, Victory, Success, Power, Warmth, Truth Full Lenormand Meaning

The Moon Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

The Moon Meaning and Combinations

✦  ✦  ✦ Subconscious, Intuition, Emotions, Fears, Desires, Fantasy Full Lenormand Meaning

The Scythe Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

The Scythe Meaning and Combinations

✦  ✦  ✦ Accidents, Hasty Decisions, Danger, A Warning, Speed, Reckoning Full Lenormand Meaning

The Anchor Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

The Anchor Meaning and Combinations

✦  ✦  ✦ Stability, Restraint, Security, Resilience, Durability, Laying Foundations Full Lenormand Meaning

The Ring Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

The Ring Meaning and Combinations

✦  ✦  ✦ Commitment, Promise, Honor, Partnership, Cooperation, Cycles Full Lenormand Meaning

The Lily Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

The Lily Meaning and Combinations

✦  ✦  ✦ Sensuality, Sex, Virtue, Morality, Ethics, Wisdom Full Lenormand Meaning

The Book Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

The Book Meaning and Combinations

✦  ✦  ✦ Secrets, Knowledge, Education, Information, Research, Studies Full Lenormand Meaning

The Star Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

The Star Meaning and Combinations

✦  ✦  ✦ Hope, Inspiration, Optimism, Spirituality, Dreams, Progress to Goals  Full Lenormand Meaning

The Crossroad Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

The Crossroad Meaning and Combinations

✦  ✦  ✦ Choices, Many Opportunities, Travel, Separation, Hesitation, Decisions Full Lenormand Meaning

The Tree Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

The Tree Meaning and Combinations

✦  ✦  ✦ growth, grounded, past connection, personal growth, spirituality, health Full Lenormand Meaning

The Rider Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

The Rider Meaning and Combinations

✦  ✦  ✦ Energy, Passion, Speed, Activity, News, Messages Full Lenormand Meaning

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  1. A Beginners Guide to Lenormand

    A Beginners Guide to Lenormand. Lenormand is a form of cartomancy: the practice of using cards as a tool for divination. A Lenormand deck is made up of 36 cards that, like the Tarot, each have a unique meaning. Although Lenormand may not be as popular in the mainstream as tarot and oracle cards, it has a rich history and can be a powerful ...

  2. An Introduction to Lenormand Cards: Plus Lenormand Card ...

    The Lenormand is another divination tool with a similar history (and purpose) to that of the Tarot. It is a 200 year old system from the heart of Europe; a deck of 36 cards that has held its place in the living rooms and salons of France and Germany for several generations.

  3. The Differences Between Tarot Cards and Lenormand Cards

    For anyone already familiar with Tarot, the name Lenormand probably rings a bell by now.We wrote a little post about its origins and a overview of each of the symbols within the Lenormand deck in an earlier post. This little deck of cards has seen a great increase in popularity in the English-speaking world and a surprising number of readers seem to be expanding their trusted 78 cards to ...

  4. How to Read the Grand Tableau: A 36-Card Lenormand Spread

    Advertisement. With all 36 cards of the Lenormand laid out before you, it is very likely you may feel intimidated at first, having no idea where to begin. Still, there is no need to fear. The truth is - if you can read a Line of Five, or a Nine Card Spread - you can read the Grand Tableau. Just to remind you of some of the basic principles ...

  5. Learning the Lenormand Card Meanings

    The Lenormand Cards are a set of 36 cards that pre-date the Tarot, and owe their origins to a combination of Tea Leaf Reading symbols, Playing Cards, and a card-based game called The Game of Hope.The name 'Lenormand' is actually the last name of Mme. Lenormand, a popular fortune-teller of 18th Century France, who read for big shots like Empress Josephine (wife of Napoleon), Tsar Alexander ...

  6. The Lenormand Guild Website

    The Lenormand Guild Website. "Because sometimes the cards can tell you what others will do, a year before they even know it themselves ..." Buy the Learning Lenormand Book Here. Learn More Lenormand Here. Purchase the Original Lenormand Deck Here. Join the Tarosophy Tarot Association and be a Year Ahead of Everyone Here.

  7. Lenormand vs Tarot: What's the difference and which should you choose

    Lenormand is generally considered to be easier for beginners to learn than Tarot. This is because Lenormand decks are typically smaller and more straightforward than Tarot decks. Lenormand readings are more focused on practical matters than Tarot readings. While both decks can be used to get a more in-depth look into the future, Lenormand ...

  8. Introducing: Lenormand Cards

    The Lenormand Cards are a set of 36 cards that pre-date the Tarot, and owe their origins to a combination of Tea Leaf Reading symbols, Playing Cards, and a card-based game called The Game of Hope.The name 'Lenormand' is actually the last name of Mme. Lenormand, a popular fortune-teller of 18th Century France, who read for big shots like Empress Josephine (wife of Napoleon), Tsar Alexander ...

  9. Starting With The Lenormand: Your First Lenormand Deck

    The Lenormand Cards are a set of 36 cards that pre-date the Tarot, and owe their origins to a combination of Tea Leaf Reading symbols, Playing Cards, and a card-based game called The Game of Hope. The name 'Lenormand' is actually the last name of Mme. Lenormand, a popular fortune-teller of 18th Century France, who read for big shots like ...

  10. The Ultimate Lenormand Beginners Guide

    Patterns of Lenormand Cards. Tarot card readings tend to draw out a querent's inner feelings and motivations in order to predict events, but Lenormand cards more often represent concrete or external things. Looking down at a Lenormand cards spread is a little like looking down at a map of someone's life in one specific moment.

  11. Athena's Lenormand

    A comprehensive, one to two-year review of your life on all accounts. Perfect for a new year or birthday reading. 36 Lenormand spread + 10 card Tarot spread + 4 Oracle Cards. 10-15 day turnaround. Specific and general questions covered. $230 per reading. Get Your Reading.

  12. Tarot & Lenormand: What's the Difference?

    A traditional Tarot deck will often boast 78 cards, while a traditional Lenormand deck will tend to have 36 cards. In a Tarot deck, cards are split between the Major and Minor Arcana as well as four different suits, whilst a Lenormand deck does not split its symbols into separate categories or suits and presents each of its 36 cards and symbols ...

  13. How to Read Five-Card and Seven-Card Lenormand Spreads

    Method 1: Reading A Sentence with the 5-Card or 7-Card Lenormand Spread. The way to go about it doesn't differ much from the previously discussed three-card reading. The best technique for a beginner may be to read it straight through, as if it were a sentence, with each card being a single word or expression.

  14. Tarot Madame Lenormand

    Share your videos with friends, family, and the world

  15. Tour Petit Lenormand : la carte 19 et ses significations ...

    Carte 19 Tour : sens général et signification. Dans le Petit Lenormand la Tour ou haute tour porte le numéro 19, cette grande bâtisse arrive après la carte du Chien dans ce tarot divinatoire.Comme toujours, une carte du jeu classique est associée cette haute tour. Le 6 de Pique en cartomancie est synonyme de petites complications. Pourtant cette bâtisse est un lieu sûr et solide ...

  16. Lenormand For Beginners

    Learn the basics of Lenormand and start performing readings today! This trusted guide will help you to: 🐍 Understand the history of Lenormand and appreciate how the cards are different from systems like Tarot. 🦊 Discover the Lenormand card meanings. 🐟 Perform Lenormand readings using classic spreads such as Strings, Squares, and Grand ...

  17. Lenormand Wiki

    Lenormand Oracle Cards. Lenormand cards are a 36-card divination deck that originated in France in the 18th century. They are named after Marie Anne Lenormand, a famous French fortune-teller who is said to have used them. Lenormand cards are similar to tarot cards in that they are used to gain insights into the past, present, and future.

  18. How to Read Nine-Card (Portrait, Box or 3x3) Lenormand Spreads

    Reading the Nine-Card Lenormand Spread Vertically. The second step in interpreting a 3x3 spread is determining the time frame - what has come to pass and what stands before us. The first column consisting of cards 1-4-7 belongs to our past. 2-5-8 represents our present. 3-6-9 signals what awaits us in the near future.

  19. Lenormand

    Discussion of Lenormand decks, individual cards and card groupings. Reviews Forum Store Mail. TAROT REVIEWS FORUM STORE NEWSLETTER. Beyond Tarot ... Anyone totally give up tarot for lenormand. Replies 15 Views 5,202 . Differences in decks -- accuracy. Replies 10 Views 4,905 . Original Design. Replies 5 Views 2,814 . how do you do for a choice ...

  20. Lenormand

    Get the Lenormand card combination calculator here. The Lenormand consists of 36 cards. Click on the cards to see the card combination in the Grand Tableau (read more about the Grand Tableau at the bottom of this page). 1. Rider: News. 2. Clover: Luck. 3.Ship: Travel. 4.House: Home.

  21. Tarot & Lenormand Café

    Dobro dosli na moj kanal Tarot & Lenormand Café! Radicemo razna otvaranja, Tarot, Lenormand I Oracle karata kako bi dosli do mnogih odgovora, a prvenstveno komunicirali i bili podrska jedni ...

  22. Lenormand Card Meanings and Combinations List

    Unlike Tarot, Lenormand is a much more practical deck - focusing somewhat less on psychological feelings and instead on everyday happenings. You'll notice when reading with Lenormand decks, that these cards tend to focus on practical matters - Tarot focuses on the "why", while Lenormand tends to focus on the "how". ...


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