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open road tour eger

Open Road Tour Egerben

Az Open Road Tour szervezőit fogadta pénteken Eger polgármestere, a Dobó téren. A Harley-Davidson Budapest szervezésében valósul meg a motoros túra, amely szinte az egész országot átszeli, és amelynek egyik állomása a hevesi megyeszékhely lesz, május 27-én. A találkozón Mirkóczki Ádám polgármester úgy fogalmazott: ez egy logisztikai lépése a szervezésnek, a résztvevők a túra Eger környéki útvonaláról, az egri megálló programjairól, és az aznapi rendezvényekről egyeztettek.

Open Road Tour Egerben

Intézze ügyeit elektronikusan!

THE 10 BEST Eger Tours & Excursions

  • Wine Tours & Tastings
  • Historical & Heritage Tours
  • Private Tours
  • Sightseeing Tours
  • Walking Tours
  • Cultural Tours
  • Ports of Call Tours
  • Multi-day Tours
  • Self-Guided Tours & Rentals
  • Motorcycle Tours
  • Archaeology Tours
  • Up to 1 hour
  • 1 to 4 hours
  • 4 hours to 1 day
  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 2.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • The ranking of tours, activities, and experiences available on Tripadvisor is determined by several factors including the revenue generated by Tripadvisor from these bookings, the frequency of user clicks, and the volume and quality of customer reviews. Occasionally, newly listed offerings may be prioritized and appear higher in the list. The specific placement of these new listings may vary.

open road tour eger

1. Private Full Day Tour to Eger - History, Culture and Wine

open road tour eger

2. Thermal bath at Egerszalok and Eger town private tour

open road tour eger

3. Full-Day Private Tour in Eger with Thermal Bath in Egerszalók

open road tour eger

4. Aggtelek Caves UNESCO site and Eger town private tour

open road tour eger

5. Eger Private Full-Day Wine Tasting Tour and Sightseeing from Budapest

open road tour eger

6. Sightseeing And Wine Tour In Eger

open road tour eger

7. Private wine tasting and sightseeing in the historic towns of Eger and Gyongyos

open road tour eger

8. Nice Vinous Day Private Tour from Budapest to Eger and Tokaj

open road tour eger

9. HOLLÓKŐ UNESCO World Heritage site + Eger Castle Private guided tour

open road tour eger

10. Eastern Europe Motorcycle Tour - Best of the Balkans

open road tour eger

11. NEW! Private Cultural and Wine Tasting Tour in Eger

open road tour eger

12. Hiking in the Bükk Mountains near Eger

open road tour eger

13. UNESCO Holloko and Eger Castle Private Tour with Transport

open road tour eger

14. Grand Wine Tasting Tour of Eger and Tokaj

open road tour eger

15. Holloko UNESCO site and Eger Castle and town tour

open road tour eger

16. Eger Data eSIM 0.5GB daily to 50GB 30 Days

open road tour eger

17. Eger Christmas Market and Castle visit

Keep the fun going with other experiences in the area.

open road tour eger

Budapest Card: Free Public Transport, Spa & Museums with Delivery

open road tour eger

Budapest Private Transfer from Budapest Airport to City centre

open road tour eger

Miskolc Data eSIM 0.5GB daily to 50GB 30 Days

open road tour eger

Private tour in Vác by local guide - Magical vibe of an charming baroque town

open road tour eger

History of Vác with a young local historian

open road tour eger

Private 2-Day Wildlife Watch Excursion with 4x4 Vehicle in Kosd

open road tour eger

Ferenc Liszt Intl Airport to Budapest - Arrival Private Transfer

open road tour eger

Speed boat cruise on Budapest Danube river and private airport transfer package

open road tour eger

Budapest Danube evening cruise and private arrival airport transfer supersaver !

open road tour eger

Budapest Ferenc Liszt Airport BUD to Budapest-Round-Trip Transfer

open road tour eger

13-Day Tour of Budapest, Vienna, Prague and Poland

open road tour eger

The only Wine Cocktail Club in Tokaj, Lunch & Fun, Hungary

open road tour eger

2 day Boat Trip and City Tour in Tokaj Hungary with Wine Tasting

open road tour eger

Half Day Tokaj Wine Tasting Tour in Mád Hungary with lunch

open road tour eger

2 day luxury wellness in Tokaj with wine tasting, boat trip, food

open road tour eger

2 Days Tokaj Wine Tour in Mád Hungary with Meals

open road tour eger

Day Boat trip and City Tour in Tokaj Hungary with Wine Tasting

What travelers are saying.

M. Carney

" data-lang-hu="​OPEN ROAD DAYS "> OPEN ROAD DAYS

2024 / június/ 27-29, ugly kid joe, takács vilkó, mystery gang, open road riders community.


Harley-davidson budape​st

Szezonzáró & open road party, 2024 / október / 12, budapest / bázis, 2024 open road tour, 2024 / május / 23-26, budapest -> békéscsaba.

E-mail:  [email protected]

1112 | Budapest | Neszmélyi köz | 3 ÁSZF | Adatvédelmi tájékoztató | Házirend | Süti kezelése  

Részletek hamarosan!

Hírlevél feliratkozás

open road tour eger

Open Road Tour Egerben

Az Open Road Tour szervezőit fogadta pénteken Eger polgármestere, a Dobó téren. A Harley-Davidson Budapest szervezésében valósul meg a motoros túra, amely szinte az egész országot átszeli, és amelynek egyik állomása a hevesi megyeszékhely lesz, május 27-én. A találkozón Mirkóczki Ádám polgármester úgy fogalmazott: ez egy logisztikai lépése a szervezésnek, a résztvevők a túra Eger környéki útvonaláról, az egri megálló programjairól, és az aznapi rendezvényekről egyeztettek.

Open Road Tour Egerben

Intézze ügyeit elektronikusan!

Margit, Gréta

Nagy zúzásra készül a Road a Dobó téren

Vágner Ákos (fotó: Nemes Róbert)

Megosztás Viberen

Péntek este 20:30-kor csapnak a húrok közé az Open Road Tour ingyenes kísérőrendezvényén.

open road tour eger

Mint tudott, Road koncert lesz Eger főterén, a Dobó téren, péntek este. Ez az Open Road Tour egyik állomása Eger, ahol a több száz motor látványát kiegészítik koncertek és gasztró élmények és persze egri borászatok.

  • 17.15 CSIKK
  • 18.40 ALLSUCKALL
  • After: DJ HÜTTER

– Mit várhat a közönség – kérdeztük Mátétól, a Road frontemberétől.

open road tour eger

– Tulajdonképpen az Egerben történő koncertezés egyfajta ünnepszámban megy nekünk. Heves megyei srácok vagyunk, Eger a fővárosunk, ahogy mondani is szoktuk. Igazán kultikus és méltó helyen állhatunk színpadra, ahol még sosem játszottunk. Voltunk anno a Más Klubban, a Máraiban, Bolykinál, mondhatni minden helyet körül jártunk, de ez egy misztikus helyszín, amire régóta vágytunk már. Talán egy van, amire jobban vágyunk, az pedig a vár. Reméljük, hamarosan azt is bevehetjük „koncertügyileg”. Szóval, ennek megfelelően nagyon készülünk, különleges hang- és látványshow kerül a színpadra. Reméljük, hogy azok számára is izgalmas lesz, akik most látnak minket először, illetve azoknak is, akik már „régi csibészek” és akikkel sokat lehet találkozni az együttesünk koncertjein.

– Milyennek ígérkezik az idei fesztiválszezon? Tele a naptár most, hogy végre „szabad” a nyár?

– Az elmúlt két évhez képest elég szép számmal lesznek koncertjeink, reméljük, hogy most már semmiféle vírus- avagy egyéb világbéli történés nem befolyásolja a 2022-es fesztiválszezont. Nem csak hazánkra gondolok, hanem egész Európára, mert több nagykoncertet szeretnénk megnézni mi is. Valamint itthon is vannak olyan fesztiválok, ahol nemzetközi húzónevek lépnek fel. Több is akad, de hogy egyet kiemeljek, a Fezen keretében majd a Nightwish előzenekara leszünk. Biztos hogy ott, és más helyszíneken is maradandó élményeket zsákolhatunk majd be. Ahogy a legtöbb magyar zenekarnak, nekünk sincs annyi fellépésünk, mint 2019-ben, vagy előtte, de határozottan több van, mint az elmúlt 3 évben. Ez a legerősebb szezon azóta, borzasztó hálásak vagyunk és bizakodóak, hogy sem semmiféle vírus- vagy egyéb helyzet nem befolyásolja már ennek a biztonságát. Visszatérni látszik a régi kerékvágás…

– Az Aerosmith előzenekara lettetek volna Budapesten, de a komplett turné elmarad, épp még mindig a járványhelyzettel indokolva. Mekkora a hiányérzet? A sok-sok koncert kitölti az űrt?

– A világ egyik legismertebb, talán legöregebb rock- hardrock zenekar vendégének lenni bárki számára megtisztelő, aki csak egyszer is gitárt fogott a kezébe, vagy 20 éve a színpadon áll. Mi is elképesztően vártuk, már készültünk, hogy milyen ajándékokat vigyünk, milyen programmal készüljünk, amikor lefújták a turnét. Nem beszélve a szakmai dolgokról: sok kérdésre kaptunk volna választ, ha a színpad mellől nézhettük volna végig az Aerosmith koncertjét. Persze megértjük a döntést. Nem mai srácok az együttes és a roadcrew tagjai, mindenkinek első az egészség és biztonság, tudomásul vettük, bár szomorúak vagyunk. Több száz fő kell egy ilyen monumentális show színpadra állításához, nem lenne jó, ha bárki kiesne ebből a csapatból. Reménykedünk, hogy 2023-ban pótlásra kerülhet a koncert és marad a meghívás. De a legfontosabb mindig a következő koncert, úgyhogy pénteken találkozunk Egerben, a Dobó téren!

Közben az egyik előzenekar, a Csikk egy vadonatúj klippel rukkolt elő szerda reggel:

Legyen zaj! – Itt a Csikk együttes új klipje

open road tour eger

Továbbiak Kult kategóriában

Premier: egri dj hozza el idén a „balatoni nyarat”.

Dj Deka és Miss Chrisstyn átiratában szólhat a főszezoni bulikban a BALATONI NYÁR! Az egri lemezlovas...

open road tour eger

Nyárköszöntő koncertet ad az Agria Vegyeskar

Az Agria Vegyeskar nyárköszöntő koncertet ad június 8-án az egri Civil Közösségek Házában. A jelenlegi vegyeskar...

open road tour eger

Pély Barna koncertezik pénteken a Nemzedékek terén

Az Egri Lokálpatrióta Egylet szervezésében 2024. június 7-én (pénteken) 17.00 órától a felsővárosi Nemzedékek terén a...

open road tour eger

Most mindent megtudhatunk a citerákról a könyvtárban

Számos programot kínál erre a hétre is a Bródy Sándor Könyvtár. 2024. június 5., szerda 10.00 Körös-körül –...

open road tour eger

A Lóci játszik zenekar frontemberét ismerhetjük meg a Kokában

Csorba Lóránt lesz a portrésorozat következő vendége, június 5-én, szerdán 18 órakor. A beszélgetés mellett természetesen...


  • Fideszes polgármesterrel fideszes többségű közgyűlés alakul Egerben 2024.06.09 - 23:29
  • Számolják a polgármesterjelöltekre leadott voksokat. Mutatjuk az állást! 2024.06.09 - 22:05
  • Országos átlaghoz közelít az egri részvételi arány 2024.06.09 - 20:08
  • A választópolgárok több mint fele szavazott Egerben 2024.06.09 - 18:52

Miről Beszél Eger - Küldje be hírét!

Ön mit szól ahhoz, hogy az egykori Ifi ház, ma Kepes Központ újra kinyitotta kapuit a fiatalok előtt?

  • Kiváló ötletnek tartom, nagyon hiányzik nekik egy valódi közösségi tér.
  • Nem tartom jó ötletnek, bőven elég nekik az, ami jelenleg is van Egerben.

Eredmények megtekintése

Legtöbbet olvasott

open road tour eger

Toszkán életérzést varázsol a komor falakra az egri Petrucz Viktória

open road tour eger

Útlezárásokra kell számítani a Mátrában a hétvégén

open road tour eger

Erősre sikeredett a délutáni zivatar – képek, videók!

open road tour eger

Régészkedés, ágyúöntés és íjászat is lesz a hétvégén az Egri várban

open road tour eger

Két új telefonszámon is elérhető az egri kórház rendelőintézetének kartonozója



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Eger Travel Guide: 16 Amazing Things to do in Eger, Museums and History

December 19, 2023 | Posted in: Hungary

Eger is located in northern Hungary, 130 kilometers (80 miles) from the capital Budapest. It sits in the valley of Eger Stream, between the Bükk and Mátra mountains, in Heves County. Eger serves as its region's economic and cultural center and is one of Hungary's most important historic towns, with a population of 55,533 people as of 2023.

Eger has been inhabited since the Stone Age, but its recorded history began in the 10th century when King Stephen I of Hungary established a bishopric and cathedral there. The town was devastated by the Mongol invasion of 1241 but revived and thrived in the Middle Ages, eventually becoming an important border fortress. Eger Castle was successfully defended from a vastly larger Ottoman Turkish force, an event regarded as a heroic national defense. Eger's history includes the Mongol invasion wiping out early growth, the 1552 Siege boosting prominence, nearly a century of Ottoman occupation, a vibrant 18th century rebuilt in Baroque style, political unrest in 1848 and recovery from major 20th-century wars to become a modern Hungarian destination.

Eger Travel Guide

Eger offers numerous compelling attractions and activities for visitors. A must-see is majestic Eger Castle, a Gothic and Baroque hilltop fortress with palace ruins, museums and views overlooking the town. The iconic minaret and winding cobblestone streets around Dobó Square showcase Eger's Ottoman occupation legacy and charming Baroque architecture. The Valley of the Beautiful Women features over 150 wine cellars carved into its hillside that welcome visitors to taste Eger's prized “Bull's Blood” red wine. Interactive exhibits at the Kepes Institute and a tour of the ornate 18th-century furnishings of the Archbishop's Palace. Eger is in the Central European Time Zone, UTC+1. It observes Daylight Saving Time from late March to late October when clocks are set 1 hour ahead to UTC+2.

Listed below are the things to do in Eger.

  • Eger Castle. Eger Castle was built in the city center of Eger, in the 13th century. It is most famous for being the site of the Siege of Eger in 1552, where a small Hungarian garrison led by István Dobó defended the castle against a much larger Ottoman army. Their victory became a symbol of Hungarian patriotism. Visitors of all ages can walk around the extensive castle grounds, see the museums and exhibits and take in the architecture and views.
  • Bolyki Winery and Vineyard. The Bolyki Winery and Vineyard is located in Eger and sits on an old stone quarry transformed into a unique winery and event venue. Visitors can explore the estate on foot, discover historic wine cellars, taste and purchase exclusive Eger wines, join guided tours to learn about wine production and view bottling operations on-site.
  • Beatles Museum in Eger. The Beatles Museum in Eger is in Eger and holds the only Beatles memorabilia collection in Central-Eastern Europe. Visitors are given a high-tech, chronological overview of the Beatles' history through exhibits, films, interactive elements and guided tours. Key highlights include the Yellow Submarine room, replicas of the band's instruments visitors can play and a showcase of the Sgt. Pepper's album cover.
  • Dobó Square. Dobó Square is in Eger and is a popular gathering place for locals and tourists. Visitors can shop at stores and restaurants while sitting at cafés or take photos of Eger’s iconic Baroque architecture. The square often hosts markets, concerts, wine tastings and festivities in which travelers can participate.
  • Valley of the Beautiful Women. The Valley of the Beautiful Women is located in Eger. Visitors can wander from cellar to cellar, sampling and purchasing the great wines of Eger. Many cellars offer free tastings, while others charge a small fee per glass. The valley has a central park, restaurants and a flea market.
  • Church of Anthony of Padua. The Church of Anthony of Padua is in Eger, considered one of Hungary’s most beautiful Baroque churches. The facade features pairs of Corinthian columns surrounding the intricately decorated main entrance. Its unique semicircular facade sets it apart from other Baroque churches in the country.
  • Archbishop's Palace. The Archbishop’s Palace is in Eger and has been a public museum since 2016. Visitors can see parts of the building decorated as they were when archbishops resided there, as well as exhibitions showcasing the archdiocese's history. Significant collections include the Palace Painting Collection, which includes works by renowned artists, an exhibit of precious religious vestments and artifacts and the Palace Library, which contains rare books and manuscripts.
  • Eger Minaret. The 40-meter Eger Minaret in Eger, is the northernmost Ottoman minaret in Europe. The tower provides views across Eger’s old town center and
  • Eger Castle. The current stone spire cap was added to replace the prior wooden roof. The minaret has been declared a protected historical monument, attracting visitors interested in climbing its internal staircase leading to a panoramic balcony.

1. Eger Castle

Eger Castle is located in Eger, Hungary, at Vár 1, 3300. Eger Castle has a rich history dating back to the 13th century when it was built during the Mongol invasions. It is most famous for being the site of the Siege of Eger in 1552, where a small Hungarian garrison led by István Dobó defended the castle against a much larger Ottoman army. Their victory became a symbol of Hungarian patriotism. The castle later fell under Ottoman control from 1596 to 1687, when it was reconquered by the Habsburgs. The castle features a reconstructed complex with Gothic and Baroque architecture. The István Dobó Museum inside the former Bishop's Palace explains the dramatic history of the siege through models and drawings. There is also an art gallery displaying works by famous painters. The iconic statue of Captain Dobó stands on the grounds, along with the still-standing minaret dating from the Ottoman occupation. The recently rebuilt Dobó Bastion terrace offers beautiful panoramic views over Eger.

Visitors of all ages can walk around the extensive castle grounds, see the museums and exhibits and take in the architecture and views. Guided tours are available for more in-depth explorations. There are often special events and temporary exhibitions as well. The 3D cinema and wax figure exhibition at the Panoptikum provide extra entertainment. Eger can be reached by car or bus from other cities in Hungary. Once in Eger, the castle is located right in the city center. Local buses 11, 12 and 14 also stop at the castle entrance. Entrance tickets to the castle grounds cost 1400 HUF (4€, $4, 2£) for adults. There are discounted rates for children and students. This ticket includes access to the permanent museum exhibits. An extra fee for temporary exhibitions and other attractions like the 3D cinema is charged.

Eger Castle

2. Bolyki Winery and Vineyard

The Bolyki Winery and Vineyard is located in the center of Eger, at Bolyki Valley. The winery is on the site of an old stone quarry that had been abandoned until 1998. János Bolyki, a first-generation winemaker, had the vision to transform the dramatic landscape into a one-of-a-kind winery and event venue. Bolyki has expanded the winery to include nine cellars across the quarry's 5 hectares, with four large mine pits connected by a series of tunnels carved into the hillside. Bolyki features natural scenery coupled with its rustic-chic wine cellars and venues. The towering 30-meter-high quarry walls surround grassy knolls and vineyards, creating a unique juxtaposition of natural and manmade elements.

Visitors can explore the estate on foot along gravel paths and wooded areas, discovering historic wine cellars at every turn, each offering a unique space for tastings, dining and events. The venue hosts concerts, arts events and weddings for up to 6,000 visitors and more intimate tastings and tours. Visitors can taste and purchase the winemaker's exclusive selection of Eger wines, including Kékfrankos, Cabernet Franc, Sauvignon Blanc and the winery's signature “Bull's Blood”, an elegant local red blend. Visitors can also join guided tours of the cellars, learn about wine production and view bottling operations on-site. The winery offers catering services and dining options to perfectly pair with wines, from small plates to elaborate multi-course meals. Bolyki welcomes all types of visitors, including handicap-accessible facilities, providing playgrounds for kids and park spaces. The best way to reach Bolyki is by car or taxi from the center of Eger. Buses run regularly from the city center to the winery. Most buses stop within a short walk from the venue. The winery can also arrange private transport. Entry to the grounds is free, but cellar tours and wine tastings range from 1,500 HUF (4€, $4, 2£). The winery accepts credit cards and Hungarian Forint in payment.

Bolyki Winery and Vineyard

3. Beatles Museum in Eger

The Beatles Museum in Eger is located in the heart of the historic town of Eger, at Csiky Sándor utca 30 in the basement and wing of the Hotel Korona Eger. The museum opened on May 15, 2015 and was founded by two passionate Beatles collectors, Gábor Peterdi and Gábor Molnár. The museum holds the only Beatles memorabilia collection in Central-Eastern Europe. It features 2,500 relics and memorabilia spanning two floors and 450 square meters and has become one of Eger's most popular attractions. Only four other similar museums exist worldwide, in Liverpool, Halle, Alkmaar and Buenos Aires.

Visitors are given a high-tech, chronological overview of the Beatles' history and musical journey through films, news reports, interviews, concert recordings, contemporary garments, books, photos, posters, limited edition items and life-size models. There are interactive elements like games and photo booths transporting visitors back to the 1960s. Visitors can view exhibits at their own pace with informational panels in English and Hungarian and listen to music at listening stations throughout. Guided tours providing extra details and insights are also available. Some key highlights include the replica Yellow Submarine room, replicas of the band's iconic instruments visitors can play, a brick from the original Cavern Club and a monumental showcase of the iconic Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album cover.

Beatles Museum in Eger

The museum appeals to all generations, from young kids to die-hard fans who lived through Beatlemania. Big fan groups, school groups and international tourists frequently visit the museum. Famous Hungarian musicians and bands have also paid their respects to the comprehensive collection. The Egri Road Beatles Museum is in the pedestrian city center, making it easily walkable from hotels, restaurants and other nearby sights. The museum is closed on Mondays but is open Tuesday to Saturday from 10 am to 6 pm and Sundays from 10 am to 2 pm the rest of the week. Ticket prices are 3500 HUF (8€, $9, 7£) per person. Guided tours are included with admission. The Egri Road Beatles Museum has become an unmissable attraction for Eger residents and visitors seeking an interactive, world-class tribute to one of history's most influential bands.

4. Dobó Square

Dobó Square (Dobó tér) is in the heart of the historic old town of Eger. Dobó Square sits at the intersection of Dobó István utca, Széchenyi utca and Bajcsy-Zsilinszky utca in the northern part of central Eger. Dobó Square is a popular gathering place for both locals and tourists. The large open plaza provides space for various events, markets and festivals throughout the year. The square underwent a major renovation in 2014, which expanded the size to accommodate crowds better. The square's main focal point is a monument to István Dobó, the heroic military captain who led Eger's army in fending off a massive Ottoman invasion in 1552. The statue, created by sculptor Alajos Stróbl, shows Captain Dobó raising a sword alongside figures depicting the resilient Eger warriors. It was erected in 1907 to commemorate the famous siege. On the south end opposite this monument stands another statue, “Warriors of Eger Castle”, sculpted by Zsigmond Kisfaludi Stróbl in 1967.

Visitors to Dobó Square can shop at the various stores and restaurants while sitting at one of the small cafés or take photos of Eger's iconic Baroque architecture. The square often hosts markets, concerts, wine tastings and other public festivities in which travelers can participate. The area is busy day and night, with tourists, students, families and locals gathering or passing through. Dobó Square can be reached on foot from most hotels or attractions in central Eger. For those coming from farther areas, buses stop along nearby Széchenyi utca. Entry to the square is free and open to the public at all hours. The space accommodates visitors of all ages and interests, from families with kids to solo travelers. Dobó Square offers a historic and modern vibe in the heart of Eger's old town.

Dobó Square

5. Valley of the Beautiful Women (Szépasszony-völgy)

The Valley of the Beautiful Women (Szépasszony-völgy in Hungarian) is located in the wine region of Eger. It sits in a green valley surrounded by vineyards, with over 150 wine cellars dug into the hillside in a horseshoe shape. This atmospheric valley has a long history intertwined with wine; since the 18th century, the former archbishop of Eger allowed vineyards to be planted and cellars to be carved out of the soft tufa rock. The valley gets its curious name from various legends. Some refer to ancient pagan fertility goddesses once worshipped here, while other tales speak of a beautiful woman who lived here long ago, drawing admirers from across the region with her wine.

The Valley of the Beautiful Women is extremely popular among tourists and locals. Visitors can wander from cellar to cellar, sampling and purchasing the great wines of Eger. Many cellars offer free tastings, while others charge a small fee per glass. Signature wines to try are Egri Bikavér, the famous Bull's Blood red blend, as well as whites like Egri Leányka and Egerszóláti Olaszrizling. The cellars range from rustic, traditional spaces to elaborate wine bars. The valley has a central park for picnics, outdoor concerts, restaurants serving Hungarian fare and even a flea market. The lively, communal atmosphere, especially on summer evenings, is a huge part of the appeal. The valley is suitable for adults of all ages looking to discover Hungary's wine culture in a unique setting. The affordable wines and casual environment also make it suitable for college students or young travelers. The valley can easily be accessed year-round by walking from Eger's main square or by mini-bus leaving the square hourly. There is no admission fee to enter the valley and taste wines for free in the various cellars.

Valley of the Beautiful Women (Szépasszony-völgy)

6. Church of Anthony of Padua in Eger

The Church of Anthony of Padua (Minorite Church or Minorita Templum) is located in the heart of Eger's old town center on Dobó István tér 4, 3300 Hungary (47°50′10′′N, 20°20′9′′E). The Church of Anthony of Padua is considered one of Hungary's most beautiful examples of Baroque church architecture. Its construction was completed in 1771, with the interior decorated until 1792 by prominent artists. The structure was designed by renowned Czech architect Kilian Ignaz Dientzenhofer. The facade features pairs of Corinthian columns surrounding the intricately decorated main entrance. Its unique semicircular facade sets it apart from other Baroque churches in the country.

Visitors can admire the ornate altars, ceiling frescoes depicting scenes from the life of St. Anthony and the main altarpiece showing the Virgin Mary holding the infant Jesus. Visitors of all ages and interests are drawn to the Church of Anthony of Padua. Visitors can quietly admire the church's ornate decoration, artwork and grandeur. Photography is allowed, but flash and tripods are prohibited. Guided tours may be available depending on the season. The Church of Anthony of Padua is a highlight when visiting Eger. Its central location, free admission and beautiful architecture make it a must-see for those exploring Eger. Tourists can easily reach it on foot from hotels or attractions downtown. Buses stopping along nearby Széchenyi utca also provide access for those from farther areas.

Church of Anthony of Padua in Eger

7. Archbishop's Palace of Eger

The Archbishop's Palace is located in the heart of Eger, along Széchenyi István Street. Eger has a long history as an important religious center in Hungary , serving as the seat of the Bishopric of Eger since the 11th century. The imposing Baroque-style palace that stands today was constructed in the mid-18th century to serve as the residence for the Archbishops of Eger. Archbishop's Palace, a beautifully restored building, has been open to the public as a museum since 2016, as a cultural center and tourist attraction. The palace contains several fascinating permanent exhibitions that offer a glimpse into the archdiocese's history and archbishops' everyday lives over the centuries. Significant collections include the Palace Painting Collection, which includes works by renowned artists, an exhibit of precious religious vestments and artifacts and the Palace Library, which contains rare books and manuscripts.

Visitors can see parts of the building decorated and furnished as they would have looked when archbishops resided there, like the lavish ceremonial hall. Visitors of all ages would appreciate visiting the Archbishop's Palace to take in the architecture, artworks, artifacts and history on display. It is ideal for visitors interested in Catholic church heritage, Hungarian history and culture and Baroque art and architecture. The museum offers engaging indoor and outdoor spaces for both individuals and groups. Eger and the Archbishop's Palace are very accessible. The palace can easily be reached on foot from the main square. Entry to see the permanent exhibitions generally costs 1,600 Hungarian Forints (4€, $4, 2£) per adult. Special programs or temporary shows may have additional fees. Visitors under 18 enter free. Discounts are also available for seniors over 70 and students with valid ID cards.

Archbishop's Palace of Eger

8. Eger Minaret

The Eger Minaret (Egri Minaret) is in the heart of Eger's old town center on Knézich Károly utca, 3300 Hungary. The 40-meter-high Eger Minaret is the northernmost Ottoman minaret still standing in Europe. It was built before 1664 as part of the Djami mosque and Kethüda complex during the Turkish occupation of Eger, which lasted over 90 years until 1687. The mosque no longer exists, but the minaret remains a prominent remnant of Ottoman influence on the city. Its red sandstone construction makes it easily visible from all around town. The minaret underwent restoration work led by István Möller. The current stone spire cap was added to replace the prior wooden roof. The minaret has been declared a protected historical monument, attracting visitors interested in climbing its internal staircase to a panoramic balcony 26 meters high. The narrow balcony provides unparalleled views across Eger's old town center and Eger Castle on the hilltop.

Visitors of all ages and abilities can access the internal staircase and climb the 98 steps to reach the balcony. There is a small admission fee to enter, with discounted rates available for seniors and students. The compact staircase can accommodate only a few people moving in a single file at one time. The Eger Minaret is suitable for visitors of all ages and abilities who can climb the 98 steps to reach the panoramic balcony. However, the narrow staircase inside can only accommodate a few people at a time, moving in a single file. There is no elevator access, so it is not wheelchair accessible. The Eger Minaret is in the heart of Eger's old town center, within easy walking distance of most hotels and central attractions. Entry just to view or photograph the exterior is free. The Eger Minaret can be reached on foot in just a few minutes from most hotels or attractions in central Eger. For visitors coming from farther areas, buses stopping along nearby Széchenyi utca also provide access. The tower also offers features for Eger's unique multicultural history from Turkish and Hungarian control over the years.

Eger Minaret

9. Archdiocesan Library in Eger

The Archdiocesan Library is located in Eger, at Eszterházy tér 1 in the Lyceum building. The library was established in 1793 by Bishop Károly Eszterházy, who intended for it to be open to the public, which was very rare at the time. He had begun collecting books for the library in the 1760s. Several private collections were added to the library, including Eszterházy's collection after his death. The library's collection has grown to 170,000 volumes.

The library building was built in a late Baroque style. The main library room has an impressive ceiling fresco depicting the Council of Trent by Johann Lukas Kracker. The interior walls are completely covered in bookshelves filled with text. Some of the library's most prized possessions are on display here, including the only surviving handwritten letter by Mozart from Hungary, a 1048 manuscript by Pope Leo IX and a rare Dante manuscript.

Visitors to the Archdiocesan Library can explore the main library room and enjoy taking in the historic Baroque architecture and book collections. The library also frequently hosts concerts in its courtyard during the summer months. Guided tours are available to provide more detail about the library's history and collection highlights. Tourists can also visit the library's second-floor balcony for free. It offers a great overview of the space. The Archdiocesan Library welcomes all visitors who appreciate history, architecture, books and music. Its beautiful interior and rare collection provide a glimpse into the world of 18th-century scholarship. Tourists interested in Hungarian and church history will find it especially worthwhile. Visitors should note that the library has limited hours, generally open only Tuesday to Sunday in the summer season and Saturday to Sunday in the off-season months. Guided tour visits may need to be scheduled in advance by contacting the library. Visitors can take a train from Budapest to the Eger train station, a 2-hour journey. Regular trains are running this route. From the Eger station, the library is a 20-minute walk or a short taxi ride. The library is located right in the heart of Eger's town center at Eszterházy tér 1, inside the historic Lyceum building. Tourists can also ask local residents to point the way. There is no cost to access the balcony area overlooking the library. Special guided tours may have an additional fee. Concerts hosted in the library courtyard in summer require purchased tickets.

Archdiocesan Library in Eger

10. Eger Thermal Bath

The Eger Thermal Bath is located in the heart of the historic town of Eger, at Petőfi tér 2, 3300. The spa is next to Eger's main square and historic city center. It is one of Hungary's most beautiful and renowned spas. The Eger Thermal Bath spans 5 hectares and features 13 pools fed by the area's natural thermal springs and their mineral-rich waters.

Eger Thermal Bath features a variety of pools and other amenities across its large park-like setting. Visitors can enjoy outdoor and indoor pools of varying sizes and depths, including dedicated pools for relaxation, swimming laps or play. The complex has special thermal water pools thought to provide health benefits, such as a large “pebbly pool” with radon mineral content bubbling up from its stone bottom. The bath also contains two rare types of thermal water—radon curative water and sulfur thermal water—which visitors can experience in specific pools. Beyond the pools, the spa features playgrounds, sports fields, water slides, massage jets, bubble beds, waterfalls and fountains.

Visitors to the Eger Thermal Bath have many activity options to enjoy. Visitors can relax in warm mineral water, swim laps in cooler pools, plunge exciting water slides or play in bubbling children's areas. The complex contains dedicated pools for aqua-fitness classes and an adventure island play area with climbing walls over the water. Massage services, weight baths and other spa treatments are also available. Visitors can play sports on fields, stroll through the spa's lush park setting or enjoy food and drink at on-site cafes and bars. The Eger Thermal Bath can entertain all ages and interests. Families appreciate the children's pools and playgrounds. Sports enthusiasts use the lap pools and fields. Health-seekers soak in the mineral-rich thermal water. And adventurous types climb the park's water features. The spa's large size and range of amenities provide something for everyone. The Eger Thermal Bath is located in Eger's town center, just a 5-10 minute walk from the main square. Visitors can also take local buses or taxis to the spa. Entry fees are around 3,000 Hungarian forints (7€, $8, 5£) to access all pools and amenities for a 2.5-hour visit.

Eger Thermal Bath

11. Hagymási Winery Eger

The Hagymási Winery is located at Szépasszony-völgy 19 (Valley of the Beautiful Woman #19) in Eger. The Hagymási Winery spans two cellar locations (17 and 19) that welcome visitors for tastings, meals and events. Hagymási Winery features beautiful cellar spaces and quality wines. Its cellar at number 19 is one of the valley's largest and most visually impressive. The two-story stone cellar features arched ceilings, wrought iron chandeliers, a gallery and seating for over 100 visitors. It contains a wine museum displaying historic winemaking tools. The winery's second cellar at number 17 has a more modern interior with concrete and glass materials.

Visitors can taste or purchase wines like Egri Bikavér (“Bull's Blood”), Egri Csillag, Cabernet Franc, Kadarka and Chardonnay. Visitors can pair wines with cheese and charcuterie boards. The cellars also serve Hungarian spirits called “pálinka”. Visitors can take cellar tours, have meals, attend wine tastings and workshops, reserve spaces for private events or shop the wine merchandise. Hagymási Winery appeals to all adult visitors interested in wine. Its rustic cellar ambiance and Hungarian hospitality attract foreign tourists. The quality wines also impress wine connoisseurs. Couples enjoy the romantic atmosphere. The spacious cellars work well for larger special events. The winery has something for everyone. The Hagymási Winery is located in Eger's town center, a 10-minute from Dobó Square. Visitors can also take local buses or taxis to the winery. There are no admission fees to enter the winery's cellars at numbers 17 and 19. There are costs to purchase wines by the glass or bottle during tastings and meals. Cellar tours and workshops may also have additional fees.

Hagymási Winery Eger

12. Dűlő Chocolate & Wine

Dűlő Chocolate & Wine is a wine shop and tasting room located in the heart of Eger, on Hibay Károly Street 16 (3300 Eger). Dűlő offers two temptations. Hungarian wines and artisanal chocolates. Visitors are enveloped by the rich aromas of cocoa beans and oak barrels once they enter the shop. Rows of elegantly packaged truffles and chocolate bars tempt from behind glass cases while bottles of Eger's finest boutique wines line the shelves. Dűlő focuses exclusively on local wine labels, including hard-to-find bottles from small family-run wineries. The knowledgeable staff hand-selects exceptional wines that capture the terroir of Eger's volcanic soils.

Dűlő offers tastings paired with chocolate in their candlelit stone-walled cellar. Visitors can sample 3 to 4 wines while learning about the history of winemaking in Eger and the unique traits of grapes like Kékfrankos and Bikavér. Silky chocolates made from single-origin cocoa beans complement the bold fruit flavors of each vintage. Visitors with more time can reserve spots at one of Dűlő's lively wine dinners held throughout the year, featuring multiple courses expertly matched to different poured wines. Dűlő stocks locally-made craft spirits like Barack pálinka, an apricot brandy traditionally sipped as an aperitif. Their gift shop also carries wine-inspired items like grapeseed soaps and beeswax candles. Dűlő entices all types of travelers. Wine enthusiasts flock to discover a unique batch of Hungarian vintages unavailable elsewhere. Chocoholics and foodies come to sample pairings that amplify flavors. Families can stop in for gifts and a quick tasting while history buffs learn about Eger's deep roots in viticulture. Those seeking a unique night out in a striking cellar setting find Dűlő a romantic choice for a special occasion. Dűlő's location right on Eger's main pedestrian thoroughfare makes it extremely convenient to reach on foot. Visitors staying anywhere in the walkable town center can easily access Hibay Károly Street in a few minutes. Many hotels, like the Hotel Senator Ház, offer packages that combine accommodation with activities like tastings at Dűlő. No admission fee is required to browse Dűlő's shop and make purchases. However, tastings range between 3,000 HUF (7€, $8, 6£) and 8,000 HUF (20€, $21, 17£) per person, depending on the wines selected.

Dűlő Chocolate

13. Archbishop's Garden (Szmrecsányi Lajos Kert)

The Archbishop's Garden, also known as Szmrecsányi Lajos Kert, is located in the heart of Eger. Originally a natural forest used as a hunting ground by Eger's bishops since the 13th century, the area was fenced off in 1783 by Bishop Károly Eszterházy to create the private garden. Public pressure led the church to open the gates to the 12-acre park in 1919. Archbishop's Garden features a beautiful landscape blending elements of French and English gardens. Visitors enter through two ornate wrought-iron gates created by Henrik Fazola that still stand on the north and west sides. Gravel paths lined with statues and flower beds in geometric shapes pass through shade trees and lush lawns. A central decorative fountain creates a focal point inside the garden's ring of tree-lined walkways. The park also contains a small pond in the northwest corner spanned by a stone bridge, which is a popular spot for locals to relax on its grassy shores.

Visitors can take strolls along curving garden paths and tree-lined promenades. People picnic on the lawns and pond area while children play on the large playground in the southern section. Joggers and walkers exercise on the track that circles the park's perimeter. Visitors also enjoy feeding ducks in the pond and stream running along the eastern edge. Several small cafes and a bicycle rental shop just outside the garden entrance provide refreshments. The Archbishop's Garden appeals to all ages and interests. Families with children, tourists, couples and locals frequent this “green lung” of Eger. Its proximity to Eger's main square and attractions makes it a convenient stop during sightseeing. The Archbishop's Garden is located in Eger's pedestrian city center, just a 5-10 minute walk from Dobó István tér (Eger's main square). Visitors can also take local buses or taxis to the spa. There are no admission fees to enter the Archbishop's Garden and all amenities inside are free, including the playgrounds, exercise track and pond area.

Archbishop's Garden (Szmrecsányi Lajos Kert)

14. Kepes Institute

The Kepes Institute Modern and Contemporary Art Centre is located in the historic center of Eger, at 16 Széchenyi István Street. The Kepes Institute is a museum built to showcase the artistic legacy and oeuvre of György Kepes (1906 to 2001), an internationally renowned Hungarian-American artist and theorist. Kepes was a pioneering figure in combining art, technology and science and founded the Center for Advanced Visual Studies (CAVS) at MIT. A foundation was created in Eger in Kepes's hometown region after he died to house a permanent collection of his diverse artistic works spanning painting, photography, graphic design, sculpture and more. Kepes Institute opened in 2012 after an extensive renovation of the 19th-century building. The Kepes Institute contains over 2,700 square meters of exhibition space, making it the largest art museum in Northern Hungary. Its main attraction is the permanent exhibition “New Image of the World”, which provides an overview of Kepes's career through a selection of works from his photo archive, oil paintings and photograms. It utilizes an interactive display incorporating augmented reality technology and holograms to bring the artwork to life. Kepes Institute has permanent exhibitions of renowned artists Vera Molnár and Attila Csáji, who worked in a similar experimental, technology-influenced style as Kepes. Temporary contemporary art exhibitions are also held in the spacious galleries.

Visitors to the Kepes Institute can appreciate these avant-garde artworks across media, experiment with the interactive technologies integrated into the displays and learn more about Hungarian art history. With appeal for art enthusiasts, tourists interested in learning about Eger's famous native son György Kepes or even those looking to admire beautiful architecture, the museum is an engaging destination for all ages. The Kepes Institute is easily accessible by car or public transportation and is just a few minutes walk from Eger's city center. Both the Eger bus station and train station are under a 10-minute walk away. There is paid street parking nearby and a public parking garage within walking distance. Entry tickets to the permanent collection and any special exhibitions cost 1,200 Hungarian Forints (3€, $3, 2£). The Kepes Institute is open Tuesday to Saturday from 10 am to 6 pm.

Kepes Institute

15. City Under The City in Eger

The City Under The City is in Eger, a historic town in northeastern Hungary. After Eger was liberated from Ottoman rule in the late 17th century, the city's bishops did not want to live in Eger Castle. So Bishop György Fenessy bought land in the town center to build a new palace. The building material used was rhyolite tuff, a volcanic rock mined from the hillside behind where the palace was being built. This created an extensive system of cellars, tunnels and corridors underneath the construction site and town, stretching over 4 kilometers from the northern to the southern gates of Eger. This cellar system stored the annual tithe of 11-12 million liters of wine for the bishops. It was used for storage until it was abandoned in 1947. In the 1970s, parts of the dangerous, deteriorating cellars were stabilized with concrete, but much was left untouched. In recent years, parts of the cellars have been restored and opened for guided tours as a tourist attraction called the City Under The City. Visitors can access the cellars through an entrance on the right side of the main stairs leading up to Eger Basilica.

Tours of the underground cellars take 45 minutes and cost 950 HUF (2€, $1, 1£) per person. Tours take place daily from 9 am to 7 pm between April and September, with fewer and shorter tours from October to March. The cellars have a constant cool temperature year-round, so warm clothing is recommended. Visitors walk through the caverns and corridors, seeing different examples of archaeological finds and historical reenactments related to the history of Eger. The most impressive area is the Column Hall, with its chessboard-like pillar structure. The underground cellar system appeals to visitors interested in history, archaeology, winemaking and unusual destinations off the beaten track. Visitors can take buses 10, 11 or 12 from Eger train station or Eger's main square, Dobó tér. The entrance is to the right of the main stairs leading up to Eger Basilica, near a statue of St. László. Guided tours are offered in Hungarian only and require a minimum of 5 participants, so non-Hungarian speakers may have difficulty fully appreciating the experience. The intriguing setting and reenactments help convey the history. The City Under the City offers an affordable and one-of-a-kind activity to enhance any visit to Eger.

City Under The City in Eger

16. Cathedral Basilica of St. John the Apostle in Eger

The Cathedral Basilica of St. John the Apostle, also known as the Eger Basilica, is located in Eger, at 1 Pyrker tér, 3300. Construction on the neoclassical-style cathedral began in 1831 under the direction of Archbishop János László Pyrker, who commissioned the plans from architect József Hild. The basilica was consecrated in 1837. With its monumental Corinthian columns, lavish dome ceiling and ornate chapels, the Cathedral Basilica is considered one of Hungary's most beautiful churches. The main facade is designed like a Greek temple with a triangular tympanum, fronted by 17-meter-high Corinthian columns. The tympanum bears the inscription “Venite Adoremus Dominum” (Come Let Us Adore the Lord). Statues of Hungarian saints, including St. Stephen and St. Ladislaus, line the entrance. Inside, the basilica contains a central dome rising 40 meters over the transept, intricately painted frescoes by István Takács depicting biblical scenes. The side chapels showcase additional ceiling artwork, gilded altars and sculptures like the ornate Weeping Mary Chapel. The basilica's organ, dating from 1864 with over 3,000 pipes, is considered one of Hungary's finest.

Visitors to the Cathedral Basilica can admire its soaring architecture and lavish adornment through self-guided or group tours. Visitors can see the dome's vivid ceiling fresco and other interior artwork. The ornate Weeping Mary Chapel and Saint Michael's Chapel contain artistic highlights. Visitors may also sit and pray in the quiet sanctuary or light candles at one of the side chapels. The basilica frequently hosts concerts that allow guests to hear its renowned organ. Guided tours provide history and context for the cathedral's art and architecture. The Eger Basilica appeals to various visitors. Its impressive architecture and ceiling frescoes attract art and history lovers. Music fans come for organ recitals. Religious visitors can pray, light candles or attend Mass. The basilica's guided tours also draw tourists wanting to learn about Eger's culture while seeing a top site. The Cathedral Basilica is located in Eger's pedestrian city center, just a 5-10 minute walk from Dobó Square. Visitors can also take local buses or taxis. There are no admission fees to enter the basilica, but concerts, tours and other special events may have additional costs.

Cathedral Basilica of St. John the Apostle in Eger

What are the best museums to visit in Eger?

Listed below are the best museums to visit in Eger.

  • Beatles Museum in Eger. The Beatles Museum in Eger holds the only Beatles memorabilia collection in Central-Eastern Europe. It features 2,500 relics and memorabilia spanning two floors and 450 square meters and has become one of Eger's most popular attractions. Only four other similar museums exist worldwide, in Liverpool, Halle, Alkmaar and Buenos Aires.
  • Kepes Institute. The Kepes Institute in Eger contains over 2,700 square meters of exhibition space, making it the largest art museum in Northern Hungary. Its main attraction is the permanent exhibition “New Image of the World”, which provides an overview of Kepes's career through a selection of works from his photo archive, oil paintings and photograms. It utilizes an interactive display incorporating augmented reality technology and holograms to bring the artwork to life.
  • Archbishop’s Palace. The Archbishop's Palace is an 18th-century Baroque residence that once housed Eger's archbishops. Its rooms display a wealth of church treasures like jewel-encrusted chalices, manuscripts and artistic religious robes and textiles from across the centuries. The palace is also home to the historic Archbishop's library and houses a permanent exhibit of paintings by renowned Hungarian artists. Visitors can take a guided tour to learn about the church artifacts and the ornate period furnishings.
  • Eger Basilica. Eger Basilica is the city's immense neoclassical cathedral museum, noted for its grand Corinthian columns, frescoed dome ceiling and side chapels with ornate altars. The basilica gives visitors a glimpse into Hungary's 19th-century church art and architecture, seen in the soaring nave and marble accents. Music lovers come to attend organ concerts on the basilica's renowned instrument, which has over 3000 pipes.

What are the best things to do in Eger with kids?

Listed below are the best things to do in Eger with kids.

  • Eger Castle (Egri Vár). This imposing medieval fortress in Eger dates back over 700 years and features museum exhibits on medieval weapons and torture devices that fascinate kids. Families can explore the Gothic palace ruins, climb the ramparts for views and see relics from the famous 1552 Turkish siege.
  • Valley of the Beautiful Women. Valley of the Beautiful Women is a street in Eger's Old Town lined with wine cellars and vineyards that produce the region's famous Egri Bikavér (Bull's Blood wine). Kids will enjoy sampling grape juice as parents taste wines and the charming architecture makes for a lively atmosphere.
  • Eger Minaret. The 40m high Eger Minaret Tower remaining from Ottoman occupation makes for great family photos. Brave kids can climb the 97-step spiral staircase to the top for far-reaching views or play in the park around its base.
  • Archbishop's Garden. Families appreciate the Archibirshop’s Garden, a peaceful park near Eger's main square with ponds, streams, ducks, playgrounds and walking paths to enjoy. Kids can feed the ducks, play on equipment or run around the green space.

What are the best activities for a business traveler in Eger?

Listed below are the best activities for a business traveler in Eger.

  • Explore the Wine Culture. Business travelers can take a day trip to the Valley of the Beautiful Women (Szépasszonyvölgy) to explore the wine cellars and taste the famous Egri Bikavér (Bull's Blood of Eger) and other local wines. This would be an excellent team-building activity with colleagues, learning about the winemaking process together. Many cellars also offer delicious Hungarian meals paired with wines.
  • Historical and Cultural Immersion. Visit sites like Eger Castle, Eger Cathedral and the Basilica of Eger to take in the impressive architecture and history. The Dobó István Castle Museum could provide insights into the region's battles that could spark interesting strategic discussions. Exploring these sites would enable gaining cultural perspectives to bring back to business meetings.
  • Thermal Baths for Relaxation. Spend time at the Eger Thermal Bath to indulge in the mineral-rich thermal pools and rejuvenating spa treatments. This would be ideal for relaxing and unwinding between business meetings or conferences. The positive effects on wellness could improve focus and engagement in subsequent work activities.

Where is Eger?

Eger is located in northern Hungary, 130 kilometers (80 miles) from the capital Budapest. It sits in the valley of the Eger Stream, between the Bükk and Mátra mountains, in Heves County. The town has an area of about 92 square kilometers (3.5 square kilometers) and an elevation of 165 meters above sea level. Eger is accessible by road, rail and bus, with regular connections to Budapest and other major Hungarian cities. Eger serves as its region's economic and cultural center and is one of Hungary's most important historic towns.

What is the history of Eger?

Eger has been inhabited since the Stone Age, but its recorded history began in the 10th century when King Stephen I of Hungary established a bishopric and cathedral there. The town was devastated by the Mongol invasion of 1241 but revived and thrived in the Middle Ages, eventually becoming an important border fortress. Eger Castle was successfully defended from a vastly larger Ottoman Turkish force, an event regarded as a heroic national defense.

Eger fell under Ottoman rule from 1596 to 1687, leaving architectural remnants like the minaret. Eger prospered again in the 18th century as new buildings were constructed in Baroque style. It was stormed during uprisings in 1848 but began industrializing after the 1867 Compromise. Eger suffered damage in both world wars but emerged as a prosperous, tourist-friendly town. Essential chapters in Eger's history include the Mongol invasion wiping out early growth, the 1552 Siege boosting prominence, nearly a century of Ottoman occupation, a vibrant 18th century rebuilt in Baroque style, political unrest in 1848 and recovery from major 20th-century wars to become a modern Hungarian destination .

What language is spoken in Eger?

The predominant language spoken in Eger is Hungarian. Hungarian is the official national language and the native tongue of over 90% of residents living in Eger. Hungarian, also known as Magyar, is a Finno-Ugric language unrelated to most other European languages. It has about 13 million native speakers worldwide, most located in Hungary. The Hungarian vocabulary and sentence structure are vastly complex and difficult for foreigners. Many Egerians, especially those working in industries like tourism, hospitality and culture, also speak English from learning it in school. German and other European languages can also be heard around Eger from tourist visitors. Signage in Eger is primarily in Hungarian, with some English or German translations at major sites like the castle and basilica. Knowing key Hungarian phrases or traveling with a Hungarian phrasebook can be invaluable during your stay.

What time zone is Eger in?

Eger is in the Central European Time zone, UTC+1. Hungary does observe daylight saving time and the local time in Debrecen is UTC+2 during the summer period. The time zone abbreviation for Central European Time is CET. The time in Debrecen is CET (UTC+1) during winter and switches to CEST (UTC+2) along with the rest of Hungary during summer.

How many people live in Eger?

The total population is composed of 55,533 Egerians as of 2023. There are 26,465 men and 28,968 women currently living in the city. In terms of age breakdown, there are 7,898 people aged 0-14 years old, 8,864 aged 15-29 years, 11,193 people between 30-44 years old, 12,399 residents aged 45-59, 9,942 aged 60-74, 4,638 elderly aged 75-89 and 395 people over the age of 90. Eger has a fairly balanced male-to-female ratio. The median age is 44 years old. The city has a sizeable working-age population between 30-59 years old. Eger also has a notable elderly population of over 5,000 senior citizens aged 75 and above. This breakdown offers insights into the demographic composition and trends within this Hungarian city.

What are the most interesting facts Hungary and Eger?

Listed below are the most interesting facts about Hungary and Eger.

  • Currency. The official currency of Eger and all of Hungary is the Hungarian Forint (HUF). Banknotes come in 500 HUF, 1000 HUF, 2000 HUF, 5000 HUF, 10,000 HUF and 20,000 HUF. Coins come in 5 HUF, 10 HUF, 20 HUF, 50 HUF, 100 HUF and 200 HUF denominations.
  • Time Zone. Eger is in the Central European Time Zone, UTC+1. It observes Daylight Saving Time from late March to late October when clocks are set 1 hour ahead to UTC+2.
  • Language. Hungarian is the official language spoken by over 98% of the population. Other languages like English, German and Russian are spoken, especially in tourism, business and education. Some basic Hungarian phrases are still helpful to know.
  • Power Plugs. The power sockets used in Eger and Hungary are the standard European Type C and Type F with 230 V and 50 Hz frequency. Visitors outside Europe need a power plug adapter and sometimes a voltage converter to charge their electronic devices.

How many days are needed to see Eger?

It is recommended to stay for 2 to 3 days, which is enough time to see the highlights of Eger.

Eger's top attractions, like the iconic castle, historic churches, Lyceum and Valley of the Beautiful Woman for wine tasting, can be done in a two to three-day itinerary. Visitors can indulge more in the town's thermal baths, explore the narrow streets and colorful Baroque architecture, visit outlying sights like the Bukk Mountains and enjoy the cafes and restaurants at an unhurried pace. Two to three days in Eger would allow for a deeper immersion into its history and culture, permitting stops at smaller specialty museums, day trips to villages and natural areas nearby, attending concerts and other events and getting a well-rounded experience of daily life in Eger.

Is Eger worth visiting?

Yes, Eger is worth visiting. Eger has a rich history and architecture. Eger has a well-preserved medieval old town with baroque and classicist architecture. The city is dominated by a historic castle and has many churches, cathedrals and other historic buildings to explore. Eger is at the heart of one of Hungary's central winemaking regions, known for its full-bodied red “Bull's Blood” wine. Near town, the Valley of the Beautiful Woman offers picturesque wine cellars to sample great local vintages. Eger has several renowned thermal bath complexes, some dating back centuries to the Turkish occupation. These mineral baths are great places to unwind. Eger offers museums, natural sites like the Bükk National Park nearby, Hungarian food and folk crafts and much more. There's something for all interests. The city is a great base from which to explore Northern Hungary. Eger is close to other interesting towns and sites like Tokaj, the historical city of Sárospatak and Hollókő village. Eger makes for an excellent Hungarian destination that should not be overlooked. The perfect blend of culture, nature and hospitality makes it very worthwhile to visit.

Is Eger expensive to visit?

No, Eger is considered an affordable destination for travelers. Accommodations, hotels and apartments in town can be booked for as little as 30€ ($32, 25£) to 56€ ($61, 48£) per night on average. Local restaurants serve up-filling, authentic Hungarian meals starting from 5€ ($5, 3£) to 10€ ($11, 9£). Many attractions in Eger, like the majestic hilltop castle or medieval town square, are inexpensive. The real bargain is Eger’s wine-tasting opportunities; glasses of the region’s famous Egri Bikavér red wine at local cellar bars cost 2£ ($2, 1£). Leisurely activities like thermal bath entrance fees or tickets for exhibitions and shows remain under 10€ ($11, 9£). Eger offers plenty of free walking sights, inexpensive dining and lodging options and ultra budget-friendly wine tastings and nightlife. Eger delivers maximum Hungarian cultural immersion and enjoyment without emptying your wallet, making it one of Europe's most affordable tourist destinations. Prices is Hungary and Eger are considered to be affordable in all aspects.

Is Eger safe to visit?

Yes, Eger is very safe to visit. Eger is generally considered a very safe city to visit. Eger sees many foreign visitors every year without major safety incidents. The city center and tourist areas have low crime rates, even at night and violent confrontations are rare. Travelers should follow basic precautions in any city, like being aware of the surroundings and not leaving valuables unattended. Issues with pickpocketing and petty theft do exist but are relatively uncommon. The compact Old Town layout and welcoming local community enhance the secure environment for visitors. Eger's safety extends to families and solo female travelers who should feel at ease exploring the city.

Is Eger easy to visit with kids?

Yes, Eger is easy to visit with kids. Eger is wonderfully conducive for families traveling with kids. Must-see attractions like the castle, museums and thermal baths cater well to children's interests. Kids can enjoy hiking in majestic nature, riding trains and bikes, interacting with farm animals and immersing in folk traditions. Parents appreciate Eger's affordability, safety and relaxed vibe in discovering a fairy-tale Hungarian town.

What is Eger famous for?

Eger is a historic town in northern Hungary best known for its castle, thermal baths and winemaking tradition. Secondly, the city is famous for heroically repelling an Ottoman invasion in 1552 against all odds, with just 2,000 Hungarian defenders holding off a massive Turkish force of over 100,000 men. This event is commemorated by Eger Castle, which still stands watch over the town today. Thirdly, Eger is renowned as a hub of Hungarian viticulture and winemaking, with over 200 wine cellars in the “Valley of the Beautiful Woman” just outside town. Visitors flock to sample the famous “Egri Bikavér” (Bull's Blood of Eger) red wine. Finally, the town's numerous thermal baths—some dating back to the Ottoman occupation in the 16th and 17th centuries—attract tourists and locals seeking relaxation and the purported healing powers of the mineral-rich waters. Eger offers an enticing blend of culture, nature and hospitality.

Who are the most important people born in Eger?

Listed below are the important people born in Eger.

  • Rudolf Serkin. Rudolf Serkin was born in Eger. He was an acclaimed concert pianist and taught at music schools. Serkin was renowned for his interpretations of Beethoven's works. He helped found the Marlboro Music Festival and school. Serkin died on a Saturday in 1991, leaving a legacy as one of the 20th century's greatest pianists.
  • Balthasar Neumann. Balthasar Neumann was born and baptized in Eger on a Sunday. He was an influential German Baroque architect who designed many famous buildings. Neumann's designs include churches, palaces and monasteries across German-speaking Europe. His most famous work is the Pilgrimage Church of the Fourteen Holy Helpers. He died on a Monday in 1753.

What to eat in Eger?

Listed below are what you can eat in Eger.

  • Töltött káposzta (stuffed cabbage). Töltött káposzta (stuffed cabbage) is a beloved Hungarian dish of cabbage leaves wrapped around a filling of rice, tomatoes, onions, parsley and minced pork, then simmered in a paprika-tomato sauce. It is a specialty in the region and the city of Eger. Töltött káposzta dish is one of the best food to eat in Hungary .
  • Hortobágyi Palacsinta. Hortobágyi Palacsinta are sweet or savory stuffed pancakes filled with cottage cheese, sour cream, beef goulash or minced meat originating from the nearby Hortobágy region but are also popular in Eger. They make for hearty, comforting meals. Hortobágyi Palacsinta is one of
  • Lecsó. Lecsó is a rich vegetable stew made from tomatoes, peppers, onions and paprika that can feature eggs, sausage or pork chops. Lecsó can be found at many restaurants around Eger.
  • Rétes. Rétes is a traditional Hungarian strudel dessert with sweet fillings like apple, cherry, cheese, poppy seed or nut inside flaky phyllo dough. Rétes from Eger tend to be made with homemade strudel sheets stretched paper thin.
  • Fisherman's soup (halászlé). Fisherman's soup (halászlé) features carp, green peppers and paprika in a rich broth and is a typical Hungarian soup you'll find on menus across Eger. Locals like to add hot paprika paste to give this soup an extra kick.
  • Egeri Sausage. Egeri Sausage is a spicy, paprika-flavored pork sausage made with mangalitsa pork and special spices according to a traditional Eger recipe. It is usually grilled or fried and served with bread, vegetables or rice.
  • Paprikash Stews. Paprika stew in Eger uses the city's famed red gold and paprika spice to build flavor. Iconic variations feature chicken, veal or game that simmers with onions, bell peppers and plenty of paprika into a comforting, velvety stew. It is served with small dumplings.
  • Kőrömpörkölt. Kőrömpörkölt starts by rendering fatty meat drippings down and melding it with onions into a rich sauce, then served spooned over soft potato pieces to soak up the lingering flavors from the caramelized drippings. This local delicacy is a must-try in

What are the best places to eat in Eger?

Listed below are the best places to eat in Eger.

  • Macok Bistro. Macok Bistro, located right at the foot of the iconic Eger Castle, infuses traditional Hungarian dishes with modern flair and an international twist. The stylish and inviting interior provides a relaxed backdrop as diners indulge in delicacies like roasted duck breast with berry sauce or catfish stew with saffron broth. Known for utilizing high-quality local ingredients, much of the produce comes from small farms in the surrounding region. The wine list offers a journey through Hungary's celebrated vintages with knowledgeable staff providing perfect pairings. Macok Bistro offers a memorable fine dining experience in the heart of Eger. It is also one of the best restaurants to eat in Eger.
  • Il Padrino Pizza Club. Il Padrino Pizza Club in Eger has been a local favorite for thin-crust pizzas bursting with generous toppings for over 15 years. The cozy interior seats only a handful of visitors, but a steady stream of patrons stop in to pick up pizzas or have a quick meal at one of the few tables. Friendly staff whip up tasty pizzas with imported Italian ingredients in minutes and for an affordable price. Il Padrino also offers a range of pasta dishes and salads prepared with care. With its hidden location adding to its charm, Il Padrino Pizza Club is the perfect spot for mouthwatering pizza in a casual setting.
  • HBH Sörház és Étterem. HBH Sörház és Étterem in Eger is widely considered an institution that offers classic Hungarian fare paired with one of the region's most extensive beer and wine selections. Hearty dishes like wild boar stew and roasted goose leg reflect Hungary's cherished culinary traditions, while the lively atmosphere speaks to the convivial dining culture. Locals pack the long wooden tables inside while tourists admire views of the Gothic Minorite Church from patio seating. HBH Sörház és Étterem encapsulates Eger's vibrant social dining scene.
  • Palacsintavár Étterem. Palacsintavár Étterem brings a touch of Parisian to Eger. The quaint restaurant sits on a cobblestone pedestrian street near the southern end of Dobó István tér, Eger's main town square. Colorfully painted walls, mismatched chairs and artwork celebrating Hungary's beloved pancakes exude playful whimsy. The menu features traditional Hungarian pancake varieties alongside inventive contemporary options.

What are the best areas to stay in Eger?

Listed below are the best places to stay in Eger.

  • Old Town/City Center. The Eger's historic Old Town City is where most tourists want to stay. The old town has cobblestone streets lined with colorful Baroque architecture, shops, restaurants and cafes. Key attractions like Dobó Square, the Lyceum and the Minorite Church are here. This neighborhood is ideal for solo travelers and families wanting to be near the city’s proximity.
  • Szépasszony Valley/Wine Region. This is home to Eger's famous wine cellars and vineyards producing Bull's Blood and other wines. It has a local vibe and a slower pace. These are good options for those looking to focus on wine tasting. Visiting alongside a group or on a wine tour is better than traveling there solo.
  • Castle Hill Area. This neighborhood area in Eger allows easy exploration of the castle and its museums and ruins. Castle Hill Area’s neighborhood features guesthouses, hotels and apartments that provide castle views but are still an easy walk down to the city center attractions and restaurants. This area is generally safe for solo travelers.

What are the best accommodations to stay in Eger?

Listed below are the best accommodations to stay in Eger.

  • Basilica Hotel. Basilica Hotel is an elegant 4-star hotel on Dobó Square in Eger and offers convenient access to Eger's top attractions. The stylish rooms of the Basilica Hotel come with free WiFi, satellite TVs and minibars. Visitors can unwind at the on-site wellness center featuring a sauna, hot tub and massage services. There is also an airy breakfast room and 24-hour front desk service. Basilica Hotel is one of the best hotels to stay in Eger, given its service and proximity to tourist spots.
  • Dobó Vendégház. Dobó Vendégház is located 0.3 kilometers (0.1 miles) from Eger Castle. This guesthouse has a peaceful backyard garden and a shared kitchen. The rustic-style rooms are fitted with wooden furnishings, private bathrooms and free WiFi. Visitors can relax in the common lounge area or explore the Old Town's Baroque architecture. The friendly staff can offer tips on area sights.
  • Agria Hotel. Agria Hotel features panoramic views of Eger. This modern hilltop hotel provides a sauna, indoor pool, hot tub and contemporary rooms with free WiFi. Visitors can enjoy international dishes at the trendy on-site restaurant or sip cocktails at the lobby bar. There is also 24-hour reception service, On-site parking and a convenient location near the Old Town.
  • Senator Ház Hotel. Senator Ház Hotel features Baroque-style architecture beside Eger Castle's historic northern ramparts. Senator Ház Hotel is a 4-star hotel in Eger that offers elegant rooms with free WiFi and minibars. Visitors can dine at the gourmet on-site restaurant, relax on the garden terrace with castle views or access the 24-hour front desk. Modern amenities include a fitness room and meeting facilities.
  • Panoráma Panzió . Panoráma Panzió is an affordable bed and breakfast in Szépasszony Valley in Eger and provides free WiFi, satellite TVs and air-conditioned rooms near the famous Egri Bikavér wine cellars. Visitors of Panoráma Panzió have access to a shared lounge, kitchen and outdoor hot tub with vineyard views. The friendly staff can help arrange winery tours and tastings.

How to get from Eger to Budapest Ferenc Liszt International Airport?

There are a few ways to get to Budapest Ferenc Liszt International Airport from Eger. These are by train, bus and driving. Firstly, take a train from Eger railway station to Budapest Keleti railway station. The journey takes 2 hours 20 minutes. At Budapest Keleti station, take the 200E airport shuttle bus to Budapest Airport. Secondly, take an intercity bus from Eger bus station to Árpád híd bus station in Budapest, which takes around 1 hour and 50 minutes. At Árpád híd station, take the 200E airport bus or metro line M3 to Budapest Airport. Lastly, drive from Eger to Budapest Airport via Route 21 and then Highway M3. Follow signs for the airport. Expect a 1.5-2 hour drive time. Parking is available at the airport. Driving directly can be the fastest way at 1.5 to 2 hours travel time.

How to get from Eger to Budapest?

There are a few ways to get to Budapest from Eger. These are by train, bus and driving. Firstly, take a train from Eger train station to Budapest Keleti railway station. Trains run frequently and the journey takes 2 hours 20 minutes; then, take the 200E airport shuttle bus to Budapest Airport. Secondly, take a bus from Eger bus station to one of Budapest’s bus stations, like Stadion bus station. Buses run regularly and the trip takes 2 hours. At the Budapest bus station, take the 200E airport shuttle bus to Budapest Airport. Lastly, drive from Eger to Budapest Airport via Route 25 South and Highway M3 and expect a 1.5-2 hour drive time, depending on traffic. Parking options are available at Budapest Airport. Driving is the most convenient and fastest way to reach destinations across Budapest .

Where to go shopping in Eger?

There are several great places to go shopping in Eger. These are Agria Park Shopping Center, Szinvapark Shopping Center, Downtown/City Center, Specialty stores and markets. Firstly, Agria Park Shopping Center is one of the finest shopping centers in Eger, with shops, entertainment, restaurants and more. Major stores include Tesco, New Yorker, H&M, C&A and Decathlon. Secondly, Szinvapark Shopping Center is a large 3-story shopping mall in the heart of Eger with top brands like Media Markt, Interspar and Chili, plus a food court. Thirdly, the downtown area along Kossuth Lajos utca and Dobó István tér has some souvenir shops and confectioneries like the Zsolnay Store, Sárvári Confectionery and Dobos Confectionery. Fourthly, specialty stores for high-end and unique items, visitors can visit the Herend Porcelain store for luxury tableware, Bortársaság wine shop for Hungarian wines or the Vass Shoe store for handmade leather shoes. Lastly, markets like the Sunday Klauzál Market offer local handicrafts, antiques, clothing and other goods in a classic flea market setting.

What festivals or events are taking place in Eger?

Listed below are the festivals or events that are taking place in Eger.

  • Frontier Castle Festivities. The Frontier Castle Festivities occur every year during the last week of July at the Eger Castle. Participants wearing medieval costumes parade through the streets of the Eger city center while playing music and singing. There are reenactments of battles from the 1552 siege of Eger with over 200 actors. There are also knight trials, craft demonstrations from blacksmiths and potters, concerts and other immersive events. The festival aims to recreate the atmosphere of Eger's medieval past and attracts thousands of visitors.
  • Eger Castle Day. Eger Castle Day is an annual event held on October 17th at Eger Castle to celebrate the victory over the Ottomans in 1552. There are exhibitions about the history of the castle, guided tours, medieval reenactments of the battle, archery contests, music performances and craft demonstrations. The celebrations also include a ceremony honoring the heroes of Eger. Eger Castle Day gives visitors a glimpse into the castle's rich history.
  • Eger Wine Festival. The Eger Wine Festival is a 4-day event held every September in the scenic Szépasszony-valley just outside Eger. Dozens of local winemakers set up stands to showcase their wines from traditional Hungarian grape varieties. Visitors can taste a wide range of Eger wines while enjoying folk music and dance performances. There are also special tasting seminars about the history of Eger's vineyards and winemaking traditions. The festival celebrates the cultural heritage of the Eger wine region. It is one of the much-awaited festivals in Hungary .
  • Eger Art Days. Eger Art Days takes place for three days every October. Contemporary art exhibitions featuring paintings, sculptures, photographs and other works from regional artists are displayed in galleries and public spaces around Eger. Musicians, theater groups and dance ensembles from the area also give special performances. The festival aims to highlight Eger's thriving arts scene and give local artists an opportunity to showcase their talents.


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Crazy photos show ‘catastrophic collapse’ of major road near yellowstone.

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A massive chunk of a major road into Jackson, Wyoming — the gateway to Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Tetons — crumbled away in a landslide just as the busy summer tourist season is kicking off.

Dramatic photos captured the gradual collapse of the Teton Pass road, which went from having a few small cracks to losing a large chunk of the pavement completely in a matter of days.

It began on Thursday when Wyoming Route 22 briefly closed as crews worked to repair a crack and drop to the road that had contributed to the crash of a motorcycle.


Geologists and engineers sent to examine the road noticed “that crack and that drop started to move a lot,” according to Stephanie Harsha, a spokesperson for District 3 of the Wyoming Department of Transportation.

A paving crew temporarily patched the road and it reopened later that night.

However, the road’s troubles only worsened Friday morning when it was shut once again due to a dramatic mudslide, the  Wyoming Department of Transportation wrote on social media .

Crews then noticed that the roadway’s damage had become more pronounced. Photos shared by the Department of Transportation show major cracks, but mere hours later the road had “catastrophically failed.”

 Teton Pass road

“We were very, very lucky that no crews were harmed. No equipment was damaged,” Harsha said. “So now, engineers and geologists are doing geological assessments on the pass. They’ve been looking at it all day.”

It was not immediately clear how long it would take to reopen the highway, which is a vital road for people who live across the border in Idaho and work in Jackson, a popular tourist attraction that serves at the gateway for many visitors to Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Park.

Wyoming Department of Transportation Director Darin Westby addressed these concerns in a statement and said that the catastrophic failure could not have been avoided.


”We understand this highway is a lifeline for commuters, deliveries, medical care access and tourism, especially with limited alternatives and the summer season upon us. WYDOT engineers, surveyors and geologists mobilized quickly to try to maintain highway viability as long as possible, but catastrophic failure could not be avoided,” Westby said.

“WYDOT remains on site decisively engaged on fixing the road and restoring connectivity to the Teton Valley. Safety is our utmost priority, and we ask that recreationists and curious residents avoid the area until it can be stabilized.”

An alternative route between Jackson and the area of Victor, Idaho, goes more than 60 miles out of the way and adds “quite a bit to any commute,” Harsha said.

Gov. Mark Gordon signed an executive order declaring an emergency, which his office says will help the state access additional resources from the Federal Highway Administration to begin necessary repair work.

With Post wires.

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Road koncert

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  • Oldal nyomtatáss
  • Open Road Tour 2022
  • 2022. május 27. 20:30
  • Dobó tér, Eger 3300

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Road koncert Eger város főterén, a Dobó István téren.

Az Open Road Tour egyik állomása Eger, ahol a több száz motor látványát kiegészítik koncertek és gasztró élmények és persze egri borászatok.


 16.00 FRACTURA ZENEKAR Ízelítő:  https://youtu.be/mV0jeLTt54o  17.15 CSIKK Ízelítő:  https://youtu.be/VnwKWTzmcUY  18.40 ALLSUCKALL Ízelítő:  https://youtu.be/5xSzHaUInwA  20:30 ROAD Ízelítő:  https://youtu.be/99NILFRk5WM  After: DJ HÜTTER

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A borkóstolás első számú helyszíne Egerben.

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Török fürdő

Az egri Török fürdőben autentikus török hangulat, gyógyvíz, hammam masszázs és wellness szolgáltatások várják a látogatókat.

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Világhírű természeti képződmény a falu határában: 5 km távolságra Egertől.

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Páratlan szépségű természeti adottságok: 20 km távolságra Egertől.

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Magyarország egyik legszebb fekvésű települése: 6 km távolságra Egertől.

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Cyndi Lauper announces farewell tour

Cyndi Lauper  is retiring from the road. The “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” singer-songwriter announced a farewell tour Monday morning, setting one last national jaunt that will take her to arenas in 23 cities in North America this fall before she calls it a day as a touring artist.

Lauper did not release any statement explaining her reasons for deciding to do a farewell tour now, although she is expected to talk about it later this week as she promotes a new documentary about her career, “Let the Canary Sing,” that premieres on Paramount+ Tuesday.

The Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Farewell Tour, which is being described as her first major road trip in a decade, will begin Oct. 18 in Montreal and end Dec. 5 at Chicago’s United Center.

Cyndi Lauper announces farewell tour

Arena dates she’ll be playing along the way include shows at New York’s Madison Square Garden on Oct. 30, Nashville’s Bridgestone Arena Nov. 1, L.A.’s Intuit Dome Nov. 23, the Acrisure Arena in Palm Desert Nov. 24, and San Francisco’s Chase Center Nov. 26. She will also be doing a non-arena show at Detroit’s Fox Theatre Oct. 24. (Scroll down for a complete list of tour dates.)

Tickets go on sale with an artist presale Tuesday, followed by other presales before the general on-sale begins Friday at 10 a.m. local time at LiveNation.com.

Opening acts will be announced at a later date.

“Let the Canary Sing,” directed by Alison Ellwood, which had its premiere at Tribeca last year, will begin showing on Paramount+ in the U.S. and Canada on Tuesday. That same day, Lauper will participate in a handprint ceremony at the TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood before attending a private local premiere of the film at the theater complex, to be followed by a Q&A. On Wednesday, she’ll be discussing the documentary and the farewell tour on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!”

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Cyndi Lauper Announces Farewell Tour

By Chris Willman

Chris Willman

Senior Music Writer and Chief Music Critic

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CYNDI LAUPER farewell tour

Cyndi Lauper is retiring from the road. The “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” singer-songwriter announced a farewell tour Monday morning, setting one last national jaunt that will take her to arenas in 23 cities in North America this fall before she calls it a day as a touring artist.

Lauper did not release any statement explaining her reasons for deciding to do a farewell tour now, although she is expected to talk about it later this week as she promotes a new documentary about her career, “Let the Canary Sing,” that premieres on Paramount+ Tuesday.

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Tickets go on sale with an artist presale Tuesday, followed by other presales before the general on-sale begins Friday at 10 a.m. local time at LiveNation.com.

Opening acts will be announced at a later date.

“Let the Canary Sing,” directed by Alison Ellwood, which had its premiere at Tribeca last year, will begin showing on Paramount+ in the U.S. and Canada on Tuesday. That same day, Lauper will participate in a handprint ceremony at the TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood before attending a private local premiere of the film at the theater complex, to be followed by a Q&A. On Wednesday, she’ll be discussing the documentary and the farewell tour on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!”

The Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Farewell Tour dates:

Fri Oct 18 | Montreal, QC | Bell Centre

Sun Oct 20 | Toronto, ON | Scotiabank Arena

Thu Oct 24 | Detroit, MI | Fox Theatre

Sat Oct 26 | Boston, MA | MGM Music Hall at Fenway

Sun Oct 27 | Washington, DC | Capital One Arena

Wed Oct 30 | New York, NY | Madison Square Garden

Fri Nov 01 | Nashville, TN | Bridgestone Arena

Wed Nov 06 | Tampa, FL | Amalie Arena

Fri Nov 08 | Hollywood, FL | Hard Rock Hollywood

Sun Nov 10 | Atlanta, GA | State Farm Arena

Tue Nov 12 | Dallas, TX | American Airlines Center

Thu Nov 14 | Austin, TX | Moody Center

Sat Nov 16 | Houston, TX | Toyota Center

Tue Nov 19 | Phoenix, AZ | Footprint Center

Wed Nov 20 | San Diego, CA | Viejas Arena

Sat Nov 23 | Los Angeles, CA | Intuit Dome

Sun Nov 24 | Palm Desert, CA | Acrisure Arena

Tue Nov 26 | San Francisco, CA | Chase Center

Sat Nov 30 | Portland, OR | Moda Center

Sun Dec 01 | Seattle, WA | Climate Pledge Arena

Wed Dec 04 | Minneapolis, MN | Target Center

Thu Dec 05 | Chicago, IL | United Center

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Cyndi Lauper Announces 23-City Farewell Tour

By Greg Evans

NY & Broadway Editor

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Singer Cyndi Lauper has announced a farewell tour that will take her to 23 North American cities beginning this fall.

Although the dates are billed as the Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Farewell Tour, Lauper did not indicate why she’s leaving the road after all these years. A new documentary about the True Colors singer-songwriter, Let The Canary Sing , debuts tomorrow on Paramount+.

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Opening acts will be announced at a later date.

See the full tour itinerary below.

On Wednesday, Lauper will be a guest on Jimmy Kimmel Live!

The Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Farewell Tour dates:

Fri Oct 18 | Montreal, QC | Bell Centre

Sun Oct 20 | Toronto, ON | Scotiabank Arena

Thu Oct 24 | Detroit, MI | Fox Theatre

Sat Oct 26 | Boston, MA | MGM Music Hall at Fenway

Sun Oct 27 | Washington, DC | Capital One Arena

Wed Oct 30 | New York, NY | Madison Square Garden

Fri Nov 01 | Nashville, TN | Bridgestone Arena

Sun Nov 03 | Columbus, OH | Schottenstein Center

Wed Nov 06 | Tampa, FL | Amalie Arena

Fri Nov 08 | Hollywood, FL | Hard Rock Hollywood

Sun Nov 10 | Atlanta, GA | State Farm Arena

Tue Nov 12 | Dallas, TX | American Airlines Center

Thu Nov 14 | Austin, TX | Moody Center

Sat Nov 16 | Houston, TX | Toyota Center

Tue Nov 19 | Phoenix, AZ | Footprint Center

Wed Nov 20 | San Diego, CA | Viejas Arena

Sat Nov 23 | Los Angeles, CA | Intuit Dome

Sun Nov 24 | Palm Desert, CA | Acrisure Arena

Tue Nov 26 | San Francisco, CA | Chase Center

Sat Nov 30 | Portland, OR | Moda Center

Sun Dec 01 | Seattle, WA | Climate Pledge Arena

Wed Dec 04 | Minneapolis, MN | Target Center

Thu Dec 05 | Chicago, IL | United Center

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