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Matilda House

The most haunted places in Singapore

Time for a good spook with some paranormal activity spotting at these eerie haunts in Singapore...but only if you dare

In our land-scarce Lion City that hardly sleeps, even the deceased can’t always find a proper resting place. Growing up with so many tales about ghost-sightings or places feeling eerie, it's natural for so many of us to be curious about the haunted places across the island. Take note, while some are free and easy for you to explore, a handful of these spots are located on state land or private property so we wouldn't recommend checking them out – lest you get caught by something scarier than the ghouls: the police. Happy hantu -hunting!

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If you dare to go exploring

Pasir Ris Red House

1.  Pasir Ris Red House

Haunted by Rumours say the house was used as a temporary nursery and shelter for children during the Japanese Occupation from 1942-1945. A massacre may have happened where the children and teachers were burnt alive or bayoneted in the house. Or there was a murder case where a man killed his wife and children then hung himself. The spirit of the family resides at a big old tree that used to stand beside the house. Apparently, it’s called Red House because paranormal-seekers said they saw blood-stained interior walls. Other famous tales are a doll sitting on a rocking chair, and if you try to remove it, you’ll hear a scream, or a pair of Chinese guardian lion statues with glowing eyes and turning heads, white shadows in the compound and the sounds of children running around and, even, evil laughter.

The story behind it Situated in the former fishing village of Kampong Loyang, the house was built in 1938. The first owners were Sir Percy McNeice, a British civil servant, and his wife, Lok Yuen Peng, also known as Lady McNeice, in the late 1940s. Sir Percy was known for his contributions to housing, family planning and social welfare in Singapore. Lady McNeice was the daughter of Loke Yew, British Malaya’s richest man before the Second World War and sister to the founder of Cathay Organisation, Loke Wan Tho. Lady McNeice used her house as a community area where kampong residents nearby gathered and she provided free meals and education for them. In 1964, the house was sold to Tang Choon Keeng, or CK Tang, the owner of the Tangs Department Store. Shortly after, it was mysteriously abandoned, remained derelict for many decades and became a thrill-seeking spot for ghost-hunters, especially in the 90s. 

Accessibility 191 Jalan Loyang Besar. In the early 2010s, the house was bought over by Odyssey Preschool. It was renovated, spruced up and the lion statues and big old tree removed. In 2014, the preschool officially opened giving the compound a new lease of life.

Woodleigh MRT

2.  Woodleigh MRT

Haunted by The train station was built under what used to be Bidadari Cemetery – enough said. Commuters say they saw white figures when the train whizzed past the station from Serangoon to Potong Pasir when it was closed to the public. 

The story behind it Woodleigh MRT station was built in 2003 but stayed closed and deserted until 2011. The area it’s built on is the old Bidadari Cemetery where around 147,000 graves were exhumed to make space for the development on 18ha of land. It was once Singapore’s largest grave site. In space-scarce Singapore, this isn’t unusual but gulp. Apparently, the spirits weren’t happy about the redevelopment so ghostly figures were sighted there. I mean, can we blame them?

Accessibility Woodleigh MRT (NE11) sits on the North East Line.

Hillview Mansion

3.  Hillview Mansion

Haunted by There’s tons of conspiracy theories behind this haunted estate. One of them is the mistress who used to stay in the house.

The story behind it It was said she died from a fall off the unfinished balcony while she was viewing the construction's progress. Over the years, those who wandered into the property have claimed to hear sounds of a lady weeping at night. The mansion was ordered to be demolished in 2006, but a landslide hit the area in the same year. Stabilisation works were attempted on the land but another landslide hit in the same year, burying parts of Hillview Mansion. 

Accessibility Located at Bukit Batok, Hillview Mansion can be found at the end of Jalan Dermawan.

Matilda House

4.  Matilda House

Haunted by  No one actually knows! There were rumours that there was a lady with long hair in the trees in the surrounding area and that some workers actually died while working at Matilda House.

The story behind it  Matilda House was built in 1902 by Irish lawyer Alexander Cashin for his wife – and was named after his mother . The house stayed in the Cashin family for a while until it was left abandoned before the government acquired it. Legend has it that the house 'refused' to be demolished with stories saying unexplained forces would always get in the way of tearing down the house or any major renovations.

Accessibility In the end, Matilda House was incorporated as the clubhouse of a private condominium in Punggol. We haven't heard any spooky stories... yet. 

Caldecott Hill

5.  Caldecott Hill

Haunted by Ask the Mediacorp staff and they have plenty of horror stories to share. The place is haunted by various spirits lingering in the area.

The story behind it It is no secret that this former Mediacorp headquarters is spooky. Staff there have reportedly seen disembodied heads looking through windows and spirits messing with the costumes. The staff there have mentioned that they worry about accidentally bringing a spirit home. The stories behind how the spirits got there is unknown. 

Accessibility Located along Thomson Road, you can get there via public transportation. The area is currently waiting for future development.

Yishun Dam

6.  Yishun Dam

Haunted by Headless ghosts and a faceless lady with long hair

The story behind it While it is a great place to chill with friends at night, this place has an eerie history behind it. The area is known as a site for mass beheadings during the Japanese Occupation, which explains the sightings of headless ghosts around. Many have also spotted a faceless lady with long hair. She usually disturbs unsuspecting anglers there.

Accessibility Most drive to Yishun Dam , but you can get there easily by public transport. Take bus 117 or 103 and alight just before Shell Aviation.

Jalan Mempurong

7.  Jalan Mempurong

Haunted by Multiple spirits, apparently. Some people even spotted a pontianak flying in this area. 

The story behind it Lost souls of people who were forced to leave the fishing village are believed to be haunting the area. Also, local shamans are said to release dark entities that they have caught. These spirits that dwell are aggressive and known to inflict harm. So, visit at your own risk.

Accessibility Pass the residential blocks near Admiralty Road and you'll be greeted with a small lane that trails into a bend. Follow the narrow road and you’ll find yourself at Jalan Mempurong.

Former Brunei Hostel

8.  Former Brunei Hostel

Haunted by  No one knows. 

The story behind it  In the early fifties, Brunei sent over some of its brightest students to make up for its lack of a proper education system back home. The Tanglin Brunei Hostel was built to house these students, as well as government officials on training programmes. In its heyday, the hostel hosted sports events and festivals, but was closed in 1983 after Brunei set up its own education infrastructure back home. Today, the hostel is abandoned and in disrepair – making it a favourite haunt of paranormal seekers in Singapore. 

Accessibility  The abandoned hostel is located at the end of Tanglin Hill. There is a 'no trespassing' sign at its gates – which tells you all you need to know. 

Lim Chu Kang Road

9.  Lim Chu Kang Road

Haunted by Lingering spirits here, because.. of the cemeteries nearby.

The story behind it   A brutal murder is said to have taken place here back in 2016, however, the body of the female victim was never found. Only clumps of hair, burnt fabric and a burn mark have been discovered. It is said that the burn mark can still be seen today. Also, you wouldn’t want to wait here alone at night. Lonely and eerily quiet, this road tends to be deserted on most nights. There have been multiple accounts of taxi drivers picking up spirits that appear as humans, which vanish when they step out of the vehicle. Drivers have also claimed to have seen spirits lingering at the bus stop or crossing the roads. There’s also a sinister atmosphere, adding to the uneasiness you feel in the area.

Accessibility It starts of the junction of Sungei Gedong Road and ends at the junction of Ama Keng Road.

Spooner Road

10.  Spooner Road

Haunted by  Disturbances, weird unexplained sounds and sightings in the flats, darting shadows, the list goes on.  

The story behind it   The HDB blocks at Spooner Road are some of the oldest in Singapore. The few blocks were built in the mid-1970s and  were formerly used as the quarters to house personnel of the staff and families who worked at the nearby (now defunct)  Tanjong Pagar Railway Station. The flats were left empty for years when operations ceased at the railway station but are currently  used as rental apartments for low-income residents. There have been many stories from residents and explorers about the eerie things they experienced at Spooner Road. 

Accessibility   Spooner Road is quite easily accessible from Kampong Bahru Road in Tanjong Pagar or by the Rail Corridor. Do note that residents are living there so be respectful of their space. 

Sungei Api Api and Pasir Ris Park

11.  Sungei Api Api and Pasir Ris Park

Haunted by  A band of mischievous p ontianaks.  

The story behind it   While there's no macabre history in Pasir Ris Park, there are rumours that Sungei Api Api is infamous for being a place where murders and suicides have occurred. Other stories include the area to be where black magic was practiced in the past because it used to be heavily forested. 

Accessibility   Sungei Api Api is now part of a park connector and is a popular jogging spot and one of the many entrances to Pasir Ris Park. Jog at your own risk – especially if its going to be late at night!

Nee Soon Rubber Estate

12.  Nee Soon Rubber Estate

Haunted by Pontianaks – waiting on residents’ balconies and doorsteps, calling out to those fishing at the canal, or staring at people crossing through Sembawang Park.  

The story behind it Sembawang is where the Nee Soon Rubber Estate used to sit. Yup – that’s a whole field of rubber trees, which are known to be the favoured residence of these restless female vampire ghosts. They sure love those trees – their spirits apparently still remain even though the estate has since been cleared to make way for flats and industrial buildings.

Accessibility The rubber plantations covered a vast area around Yishun, Sembawang and Seletar, but your best bet is to take a night walk in Sembawang Park if you dare.

Pulau Tekong

13.  Pulau Tekong

Haunted by Among many others, the ghost of a disembowelled recruit, a white, long-haired figure at Jacob’s Ladder and a grandma and grandson duo who wander the bunks at night to disturb sleepless recruits.

The story behind it There’s no saying if the ghost stories have roots in the early history of the island when it was inhabited by a majority Chinese population, or if they sprang up after Tekong was taken over for military use. But these spooky stories have become something of a rite of passage for fresh recruits – just ask anyone who’s gone through National Service and they’ll have a tale or ten to tell you about Tekong.

Accessibility Fall in recruits, there’s no escaping this one. The rest of us might have the chance to visit if we’re sending a family member off for Basic Military Training.

Old Tampines Road

14.  Old Tampines Road

Haunted by Pontianaks (yup, more than one apparently!), the vengeful spirits of women who have died during their pregnancy or childbirth that continue to linger in the area.

The story behind it   While there is no official recorded history – as with most ghost stories – many riders and cyclists have said to feel 'extra weight' when passing through  the long and quiet stretch late at night. On top of that, there is always a sweet, floral scent lingering in the air during these incidents. 

Accessibility  The road has been upgraded and a lot of the spooky trees have been cut down but you can cruise through at 2am if you dare.

Every Singapore school

15.  Every Singapore school

Haunted by Spirits of girls who committed suicide in toilets, shadowy figures (especially in the Design and Technology block), Pontianaks with a penchant for education. 

The story behind it   There really is no science behind it but every school in Singapore seems to have its own spooky stories. Just ask your friends about their own school horror stories and you'll notice there will be some parallels. 

Accessibility  You won't walk into someone else's workplace so don't be dropping by other people's schools. 

National Museum of Singapore

16.  National Museum of Singapore

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Haunted by The wandering spirit of former museum director, British doctor and naturalist Carl Alexander Gibson-Hill whose death was regarded as suicide. 

The story behind it  We don't know the exact tale but many have claimed to have seen and felt unnatural forces at the notorious Victorian-style spiral staircase which has a reputation for being the most haunted spot in the century-old museum. 

Accessibility Visit the museum all you want but the staircase are closed off to visitors. We wonder why.

Bedok Reservoir

17.  Bedok Reservoir

Haunted by   The restless souls that took their lives at this infamous reservoir.

The story behind it   Considered a suicide destination, Bedok Reservoir has met six suicides between 2011 to 2012 where the sixth body was found on the morning of an inter-religious blessing ceremony. The blessing ceremony was organised to rid the evil that surrounds the area.

Accessibility Still a popular jogging spot, with a bunch of suicides to its name.

Kubur Kassim

18.  Kubur Kassim

Haunted by The 'Orang Bunian' – a s upernatural human-like creature from Malay folklore. It's also said that a Pontianak resides here and was the inspiration behind the Malay classic film Pontianak .

The story behind it If the name doesn't strike you as uncanny, get this: 'Siglap' literally means 'the dark one'. Aptly named after an incident that involves a solar eclipse in 1821, the quaint neighbourhood has a dark, creepy past and is home to Kubur Kassim, a 90-year old Malay cemetery. And if you look hard enough, you'll be able to spot grave plots dedicated to the 'Orang Bunian'.

Accessibility We recommend sticking to visiting hours.

Sentosa Island

19.  Sentosa Island

Haunted by   The ghostly soldiers that are seen at quieter spots on the island.

The story behind it   Sentosa was formerly known as Pulau Belakang Mati which translates to 'Back Island of Death'. Many executions took places on the island's pristine beaches during World War II when Singapore was under the Japanese Occupation which explains the sightings.

Accessibility It's the State of Fun, how can we resist.

Woodneuk House

20.  Woodneuk House

Haunted by Creepy sightings that include random shadows, spirits, poltergeists and even  phantom scents .

The story behind it Previously known as Istana Woodneuk, this now-abandoned house is located in the deep woods of the Holland Road and Tyersall Road area. It was once occupied by a Sultan of Johor, but now remains empty and covered in vegetation and decay. What's creepier is the fact that the spot is not charted on the map of Singapore and is, therefore, out of bounds. Unless you've got stellar hunting skills, of course.

Accessibility  Don't do it, the house is state property and you can (and will!) be caught for trespassing.

Old Changi Hospital

21.  Old Changi Hospital

Haunted by The restless souls of those who were tortured to death or executed by the Japanese during World War II, as well as a security guard who used to work there. The story behind it Used by the Kempeitai  (Japanese military police) to hold more than 50,000 Allied prisoners-of-war and as a torture chamber during the Japanese Occupation, it was vacated in 1997, four decades after it was first built, when the new Changi General Hospital was opened. The abandoned building still stands and occasional ghost tours are held there, which has added to its reputation of being one of the spookiest places in Singapore.

Accessibility Don't get caught for trespassing! But you can still observe from afar or from Raintr33 Hotel (which used to be part of the hospital). 

Amber Beacon at East Coast Park

22.  Amber Beacon at East Coast Park

Haunted by The restless spirit of a young woman who was supposedly raped and murdered there still lingers on the steps of the spiral staircase. The story behind it A local couple was stabbed by two unknown assailants while chatting on the steps of the tower in 1992. The woman, then only 21, died before the police arrived, although there was no evidence to suggest that she was raped. The murder remains unsolved to this day. 

Accessibility The tower is still there if you want to check it out.

Bukit Brown Cemetery

23.  Bukit Brown Cemetery

Haunted by Pontianaks, Singapore's favourite female spirit.

The story behind it Bukit Brown Cemetery, otherwise known as Kopi Sua, is one of the oldest Chinese cemeteries in Singapore and is home to over 100,000 tombs. So it makes sense that this place will give you the heebie-jeebies. 

Accessibility Overgrown and hidden, it's not easy to get to most parts of Bukit Brown. If you're game, download the self-guided trail  from Singapore Heritage Society and get exploring. 

Neo Tiew Estate

24.  Neo Tiew Estate

Haunted by A pontianak (a spirit of a banana tree – one of the scarier supernatural beings in Malay folklore) who has been trapped there since a gambler refused to remove the seven pins placed in the tree to coerce it into helping him win the lottery. The story behind it Named after the businessman who helped develop the Lim Chu Kang area in the early 20th century, the abandoned estate – comprising a trio of three-storey blocks, a wet market and a playground – was built in 1979 and is currently used for urban warfare training by the Singapore Armed Forces after being sold en bloc in 2002.

Accessibility The area is now restricted but you can still look at it from afar. Still creepy, we admit.

Syonan Jinja

25.  Syonan Jinja

Haunted by The spirits of the Japanese soldiers who committed mass ritual suicide via seppuku (literally ‘bellycutting’) to preserve the shrine’s sanctity. The story behind it Built in 1942 by British prisoners-of-war and Japanese soldiers, the shrine was dedicated to the Shinto sun goddess Amaterasu and used to commemorate fallen Japanese soldiers. It was demolished following the Japanese Imperial Army’s surrender but legends persist that a massive treasure – most popularly believed to be the fabled Yamashita’s gold plundered during the South-East Asian campaign – remains hidden there.

Accessibility This area is also closed off to the public now.

Bishan MRT

26.  Bishan MRT

Haunted by Phantom passengers who do not cast any reflections on the windows and, according to construction workers who built the station, a funeral procession on the train tracks with a headless ghost. The story behind it The station and the surrounding housing estates were built on the site of the former Kwong Wai Siew Peck San Theng, one of the largest Chinese cemeteries in Singapore before it was exhumed in 1982.

Accessibility Some of us go through the station every day.

Haw Par Villa

27.  Haw Par Villa

Haunted by As if they weren't scary enough during the day, the wax statues depicting condemned souls are said to come to life at night, filling the infamous Ten Courts of Hell exhibit with tortured screams. The story behind it The Burmese Aw brothers, who made their fortune selling the Tiger Balm heat rub, lent their first names Haw (‘tiger’) and Paw (‘leopard’) to the theme park, where children could learn about traditional Chinese myths through the vivid wax dioramas. It’s truly one of the more bizarre corners of the island – no wonder people think it’s haunted.

Accessibility It's still a popular and interesting place to visit if you like exploring offbeat Singapore.

The Devil’s Bend @ Old Upper Thomson Road

28.  The Devil’s Bend @ Old Upper Thomson Road

Haunted by The spirits of drivers who were killed while trying to navigate this tricky hairpin bend. The story behind it Part of the race route of the original Singapore Grand Prix – which was held from 1961 to 1974 until it was discontinued due to its high fatality rate – the poorly-lit stretch is still a favourite haunt for illegal street racers and thrill-seekers. The most recent accident claimed the lives of two passengers when the car they were travelling in plunged into a ditch in 2008. 

Accessibility Sure you can drive through the area but please be alert and careful.

Novena MRT

29.  Novena MRT

Haunted by Numerous sightings of headless apparitions have been reported at the underpass linking it to the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore building. The story behind it Another MRT station built on the grounds of a former cemetery. In this case, its history is tied to its name, which originated with the weekly Catholic novena prayer sessions held at the nearby Church of St Alphonsus (also known as the Novena Church). It was used as a Jewish cemetery until its exhumation in 1985. 

Accessibility Ride all you want through this station. 

Changi Beach

30.  Changi Beach

Haunted by The screams and cries for help of the civilians executed by Japanese soldiers during World War II. The story behind it In one of the first massacres carried out during the infamous Sook Ching operation (literally ‘cleansing purge’ in Mandarin), 66 Chinese men were executed by firing squad at the water’s edge on February 20 1942. 

Accessibility A popular spot for families, the picnic crowds and just to chill out. There are several beach areas to hit and parking lots if you're driving.

The most haunted places in Singapore: according to the experts

Seekers Paranormal Singapore

Seekers Paranormal Singapore

Ghost hunting isn’t exactly your usual pastime but these guys take it seriously. 

Singapore is haunted.  And it must be true – with volumes upon volumes of books published about schools inhabited by dark shadows, long-haired female spirits that flag down taxis and the souls of those who died a violent death... the list goes on. We reached out to Seekers Paranormal Singapore , established in 2011, to find out more about Singapore's spookier side. They are a group of individuals who have more experience (and guts) than us with the other world. Whether you take this as a ‘to explore’ list of places to avoid at all costs, here are the most haunted places in Singapore according to the experts.

Lim Chu Kang

Lim Chu Kang

FACTS Following a fight between a couple, there was a murder here in July 2016. Clumps of hair, pieces of burnt fabric and a burn mark on the ground were found at the scene, but the full body of the female victim remains to be found till today.

ENCOUNTER The Seekers Paranormal team state that the burn mark is still present on-site and its surroundings are quiet and spooky. They also found a banana tree with its blossom – known as a heart – intact. It is believed that banana trees with its heart attached are a favourite haunt of pontianaks, or vengeful female spirits.

Neo Tiew Estate

FACTS There are many abandoned buildings in Lim Chu Kang including Neo Tiew Estate, a cluster of uninhabited HDB blocks. The whole area underwent en-bloc in 2002 and its residents moved to Jurong West. Once it was vacated, the estate fell into disrepair. It is currently used as training grounds by the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF).

ENCOUNTER Before the SAF took over the grounds, the team dropped by to investigate the hauntings. While they were there, it was a hotbed of paranormal activity. They heard a baby crying, sounds of someone cleaning up the area and things dropping on the floor. These days the location is protected by the SAF so don't even try to sneak in.

Jalan Kubor Cemetery

Jalan Kubor Cemetery

FACTS Jalan Kubor Cemetery is the oldest Muslim cemetery in Singapore. It contains the graves of many prominent Malays and Muslims from the 19th and 20th centuries. The cemetery is made up of three sections: one plot reserved for Malay royalty, an adjoining site for Muslim burials that came under the care of the Aljunied family, and a third area originally designated for Indian-Muslims that became popular with Bugis and Banjar merchants.

ENCOUNTER At first look, the cemetery is not that big. Still, the team didn’t manage to enter the premises as there was a huge python on the cemetery gates. They tried to shoo the python away but it wouldn’t budge. Because snakes feature a lot in dark magic and the occult, the team believe that it was not an ordinary python but a guardian of the cemetery, forbidding them from entering as the grounds are sacred.

Pulau Ubin

FACTS If you didn’t already need know, the famous Pulau Ubin summit is called Puaka Hill – which translates to haunted hill. There’s also the mysterious German Girl Shrine, creepy mangrove swamps, abandoned kampong houses and more to be discovered. With more wildlife than people on the island, there's bound to be ghostly tales and sightings, especially after the sun sets.

ENCOUNTER While mainland Singapore only has one last remaining kampong (Kampong  Lorong Buangkok), Pulau Ubin still houses multiple kampong clusters. The team investigated an abandoned kampong, which the local residents claim to be haunted. As soon as they entered one of the houses, they heard the voice of an old lady telling them to go away in Mandarin. Most of the houses are still furnished although

Ghost hunting tips  by Arai, head team operations of Seekers Paranormal Singapore

Ghost hunting tips by Arai, head team operations of Seekers Paranormal Singapore

1. At all times, we don’t call each other by our real names when we’re on location. We go with a call sign pre-assigned to each person.

2. Minimal light or no light is better unless there is an accident during the exploration or if someone is possessed.

3. Communicate via walkie-talkies because there is a high chance the group will separate or break up to explore different areas.

4. Don’t run if you hear or see anything during the exploration as it could be dangerous.

5. It’s going to be dark and you can’t see your surroundings clearly. Always have one person stationed at the base or have a location assigned for when accidents occur or when things go awry.

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Singapore's Creepy & Haunted Tour, includes Cemetery visit with licensed Guide

haunted house tour singapore

  • Use of ghost hunting equipment
  • Air-conditioned vehicle
  • Bottled water
  • Professional Licensed Guide
  • Entry/Admission - Kent Ridge Park
  • Hotel pick up and drop-off (Guest can opt for hotel pick up at additional costs)
  • Food and Drink at the famous Adam Road food Centre
  • Haw Par Villa, Singapore Exit A of Haw Par Villa MRT Station
  • Adam Food Centre, 2 Adam Rd, Singapore 289876 We will end the tour at Adam Road Food Centre. Visitors can try some local food at this famous food centre at their own expense.
  • Not wheelchair accessible
  • Service animals allowed
  • Near public transportation
  • Confirmation will be received at time of booking
  • No heart problems or other serious medical conditions
  • Travellers should have a moderate physical fitness level
  • There will be some walking involved. Total walking distance for the entire tour is about 1 km
  • This experience requires good weather. If it’s cancelled due to poor weather, you’ll be offered a different date or a full refund
  • This is a private tour/activity. Only your group will participate
  • For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours in advance of the start date of the experience.
  • Reflections at Bukit Chandu

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haunted house tour singapore

  • You'll start at Haw Par Villa Singapore Exit A of Haw Par Villa MRT Station See address & details
  • 1 Kent Ridge Park Stop: 40 minutes - Admission included See details Pass by Reflections at Bukit Chandu
  • 2 Labrador Nature Reserve Stop: 45 minutes See details
  • 3 Bukit Brown Cemetery Stop: 60 minutes See details
  • You'll end at Adam Food Centre 2 Adam Rd, Singapore 289876 We will end the tour at Adam Road Food Centre. Visitors can try some local food at this famous food centre at their own expense. See address & details

haunted house tour singapore

  • Jacqueline K 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Book this tour Tang was amazing , his knowledge was excellent , funny and informative . The food was certainly premium , we are so pleased that we booked as we learnt so much and ate fantastic food in places that we probably would’ve walked straight past ! Definitely recommend Read more Written 28 March 2024
  • Lorin M 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Highly Recommend This tour was everything and more than we thought it would be. Tham was great. She was informative, interesting and extremely knowledgeable. She is an asset to this tour. We learned more about the food of Singapore and Chinatown than we thought possible. We tried some amazing dishes. Highly recommend this tour and Tham. Only suggestion we could suggest is to update the meeting point. With 2 addresses for us North Americans was confusing. To say “the corner of Upper Cross and North Bridge by the MRT” would be much clearer for us to understand. Fortunately Tham waited for us as we were late getting to the meeting point. Read more Written 23 March 2024
  • Ruben Vladimir J 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles This foodie says 5 out 5 stars. I highly recommend this tour group and specifically loved out tour guide Tan Tang was phenomenal, he guided us through a culinary experience that I won’t forget. His knowledge of the city, history & culture was incredible Read more Written 28 December 2023
  • 324sharonn 0 contributions 1.0 of 5 bubbles Food Tour Singapore Trip Advisor didn't pass on our booking to the company so nobody met us and we didn't get to go on the tour. Waited but it didn't happen!!! Read more Written 22 September 2023
  • waynek655 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Great experience. Tour guide, Andros enhanced a great food experience. His cultural history knowledge, communication & interpersonal skills were of the highest order. Highly recommend this insight into Singapore cuisine. Read more Written 21 July 2023
  • Franklin N 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Excellent especially if you’re a foodie. We had a excellent tour very enjoyable and interesting. We were lucky to have Andros as our tour guide so full of knowledge and fun. We highly recommend this tour, ask for Andros to be your guide as we would have to say he is one of the best from the best guides that we have had. Read more Written 18 July 2023
  • ShereeHsu 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Take this tour! Our tour guide Jasmine was fantastic, so knowledgeable and friendly and shared with us so much about Singapore, the history, the different pockets of culture and how it ties back to the food. I highly recommend! Read more Written 21 June 2023
  • L3731ROjanec 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Singapore Michelin Sam was fabulous, he introduced us to food we had not tried,, he explained the significance of the foods resulting in their status and was incredibly knowledgeable about Singapore & generous in sharing this . We had a great time 😀 Read more Written 17 May 2023
  • SoloShona 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Divine Delights What a morning - good food, good company and a brilliant guide. Marcus was very knowledgeable and got us food from the best hawkers. Not a tour to be missed. Go hungry!! Read more Written 17 March 2023
  • Yuma M 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles batik painting and Kampong Glam We have joined the batik painting and Kampong Glam tour from the Oriental Tours and travel. I enjoyed and the tour guide Ayob was so professional and an expert in Singapore history. All the personal touched detail was excellent as well. Read more Written 19 December 2022
  • 108jemmab 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Fantastic Very enjoyable and would highly recommend shown plenty around china town definitely worth doing Sam have so much knowledge of the areas we visited Read more Written 24 November 2022
  • rebeccapeters1 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Great experience! Sam was informative and well prepared. It was a great mix of history and food he catered well to our allergies Read more Written 25 October 2022
  • Agbridger 0 contributions 1.0 of 5 bubbles Terrible foodie tour Singapore teems with great food outlets. This tour was terrible. We didnt visit any of them!!! Did not live up to advertised expectations at all. Michelin as a food standard is falsely used. We started at a modest resturant with broth and it went down hill from there. Positives. There were none. Three hours of my life I won't get back. Negatives. Nothing delivered as advertised. Temple was shut. It was raining but no umbrellas provided. No drinks provided not even water. We were taken to scungy dining areas and served a plate of rice. Next some coloured muck that my dog wouldn't eat. And on it went. There were four of us. Nearly $500 in sales. Food value $20 total. Drinks $0. We have done foodie tours all over the world and operate a 5 star resturant. I have never written such a scathing review ever. Be warned. Read more Written 26 August 2022
  • JessRose1991 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles A brilliant experience! We had such a brilliant time with Cathy around Chinatown. She knew all the history and the best places to try the most traditional dishes. It was a really good balance of the two. We had a great time and would highly recommend to all! Read more Written 16 August 2022
  • Sheilion 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles History through food Really enjoyed learning about Singapore and its history through food. The local dishes were great and Cathy was a phenomenal guide. Also, as a bonus, we found some great photo opps and Cathy took some very memorable photos. Read more Written 5 July 2022

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Singapore's Creepy & Haunted Tour, includes Cemetery visit with licensed Guide provided by Oriental Travel and Tours

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SIngapore Famous Murder Story & Ghost Tour

  • What to Expect

Things to Note

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  • A fun and chilling night tour, incorporating Crime and Ghost Stories
  • Get chauffered in the comfort of our vehicle, as the tour brings you from a murder scene to several other famous haunted places in Singapore
  • Play the role of a Paranormal Investigator using ghost detecting devices
  • Learn about the gruesome murder that shocked Singapore in the 1980s.
  • Visit several haunted places in Singapore , including the Old Changi Hospital

What to Expect?

Explore a local neighbourhood where a gruesome murder took place and visit several haunted places in singapore using ghost hunting equipments..

Singapore’s Famous Murder and Ghost Story tour

Singapore is well known as a safe country with very low crime rate. However, low crime doesn’t mean no crime. In 1981, we saw one of Singapore’s most gruesome murder, a sensational murder that shocked entire Singapore where 2 young children became victims of some “Ritual Killings”.

Join us on this tour as we learn more about the religious rituals and the beliefs that led to the gruesome murders. We will explore the neighbourhood where the murders took place and we will walk in the trails of the murderer and his victims.

Next, we will invite our participants to be Paranormal Investigators for the night. We will visit several famous “Haunted Places” in Singapore and that includes the Old Changi Hospital. We will share ghost stories about the places and our participants will be using Ghost Detectors to help detect the presence of spirits. Participants can then decide for themselves if these places are haunted or not.

So, if you love crime and ghost stories, be sure to sign up for this tour now! This night tour brings you to 4 different places in Singapore (Transport Provided), one murder scene and three different haunted places in Singapore.

Learn More About Singapore Famous Murder and Ghost Story Tour

Watch the video of the "SIngapore Famous Murder Story & Ghost" tour:

  • English-speaking guide
  • Usage of Ghost Hunting Equipments
  • Transportation between the different locations

Duration: 4 Hours

Time: 7:15 PM GMT/UTC +8 Please be punctual as the tour will start on time!

Meeting Point: Braddell MRT Station "Exit A" (Ground Level)

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You will be redirected to your dashboard shortly. We will also call you back in 24 hrs .

  • 10 Top Haunted Places In Singapore That Will Make You Suffer From Insomnia

The Land of the Merlion is a glossy and colorful one, full of culture, art, and nature. And while the beautiful Gardens By The Bay and Sentosa Island are some places that you would have definitely heard of, what you probably would have not are the 10 death-defying haunted places in Singapore .

Recently started attracting tourists towards it in a huge number, these ghostly places have stories that would actually make you cross the borders to test your guts. Don’t believe us? Dare and start scrolling down!

10 Haunted Places In Singapore That’ll Send Chills Down Your Spine

From an old hospital to a beach house, these 10 cursed places in Singapore can leave even the brave-hearted souls shivering. Take a look!

1. Old Changi Hospital

one of the most haunted place

Image Source

This world war old hospital is considered to be one of the most haunted places in Singapore . The hospital was constructed to support the British soldiers, but then the Japanese troops used it to house the prisoners of war. The screams and moans of those prisoners are still audible. A former soldier once said that during their training days, they were sent to march through the place at night as punishments.

Timings: Open for 24 hours Location: ‎Changi Singapore, Singapore

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2. Changi Old Beach House

wailing sounds are pretty common here

Suggested Read: Best Of Nightlife In Singapore: 15 Attractions You Mustn’t Miss

This beach house, well is not a decent option to rest like the other ones in the city. Many visitors have reported violence there and have left the beach house with scars. It was the place where the conspicuous Sook Ching Massacre had taken place. And so witnessing bloodstains and wailing sounds are pretty common here.

3. Pasir Ris Tower

infamously known as the suicide tower

This tower is infamously known as the suicide tower. A legend says that a boy who had the power to see spirits saw someone at the top and as he climbed up, he was pushed down by someone or something. The locals and ghost hunters also claim to sight people there who got strange vibes near the tower, which stopped them from their ghost searching expeditions.

Timings: Open for 24 hours Location: Chinese Cemetry Path 17, Singapore

4. German Girl Shrine

symbolized by a female doll kept at the altar

Suggested Read: Night Safari In Singapore: Experience The Adventure!

This is a small shrine which was erected around the 1970s. Around the first world war when the British troops detained a German family, this girl had escaped and was found dead some days later. This place has makeup items and the girl is symbolized by a female doll kept at the altar. Though, people make offerings to her for fortune.

Timings: Open for 24 hours Location: Lalang grass of Pulau Ubin

5. Amber Beacon Tower

possessed by the spirit of a young woman

This tower is believed to be possessed by the spirit of a young woman who was murdered brutally with her boyfriend. She was gang-raped and then stabbed to death by a gang of thugs. One paranormal expert even claims to have talked to her and says she’s an amicable ghost, full of sadness.

Timings: Open for 24 hours Location: 920 East Coast Parkway, Singapore 449875

6. Bukit Brown

one of the most unexpected haunted place

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Bukit Brown is one of the most unexpected haunted places in Singapore . It is a haunted cemetery. It is located in a biodiversity park and after the government attempted to modify it for better, disturbed spirits started getting sighted and moaning sounds started becoming prevalent. The ghosts even started visiting their descendants in their dreams too.

Location: 36C Lor Halwa, Singapore 298637

7. Tanglin Hill Brunei Hostel

nothing deadly or violent is experienced here

This place is popular for its weird and strange vibes. A lot of people and photographers have visited the place and experienced the unusual. Though, nothing deadly or violent is experienced here. Of all the ghostly places, this one was good enough to visit if you’re a faint-hearted. But unfortunately, it has been shut now.

Timings: Open for 24 hours Location: 40-60 Tanglin Hill, Singapore 248054

a very popular haunted place in Singapore

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There are a bunch of eerie tales about Tekong. It’s been shot in movies and is a very popular haunted place in Singapore, even more than the haunted places in Singapore’s Yishun town . There’s a tale about how one of the recruits had his intestines spilled out next to him and how he is still believed to be roaming out there.

Timings: Open for 24 hours Location: Tekong Island, Singapore

9. Haw Par Villa

painful screams from the area at night

Suggested Read: Gurpreet’s Family Trip To Singapore And Malaysia Will Unleash The Child In You!

The Haw Par Villa mimics the Chinese 10 courts of hell from mythologies. It is believed that the villa is one of the doors of hell, and the statues are in fact real humans covered in wax. The guards claim to hear painful screams from the area at night and a lot of tourists & locals avoid going to this place even for fun.

Timings: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM Location: 262 Pasir Panjang Road, Singapore 118628

10. Choa Chu Kang Cemetery

haunted place

Further Read: This Couples Trip To Singapore & Malaysia Was A Sweet Dose Of Adventure, Fun, & Excitement

The Choa Chu Kang is quite similar to the haunted places in Singapore’s Kranji area and other cemeteries, only much terrible. The passers-by have reported many sightings of ladies attempting to get in their vehicles. The taxi drivers claimed to carry many passengers to the cemetery where they vanished right before their eyes. Spooky, isn’t it?

Timings: Open for 24 hours Location: Chinese Cemetery Path 17, Singapore

These haunted places near Singapore are only for the brave-hearted. So, if you’re one of them, and are planning a holiday in Singapore anytime soon, make sure you get in touch with the locals to find out more about these places.

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  • 15 Haunted Places in Singapore

Haunted Places in Singapore

Here are the list of haunted places in singapore:, quick navigation.

Naruto: The Gallery

Old Changi Hospital

Old Changi Hospital

One of the most haunted places in Singapore is a hospital named Old Changi Hospital. This place was constructed years ago to take care of British soldiers. Later Japanese troops took over and used the hospital to house the war prisoners. It is said that the screams and moans of these prisoners can still be heard. A former soldier once disclosed that they were sent to march through the hospital as one of the punishments. For several years now, the place has remained completely vacated. Location: ? 24 Halton Rd, Singapore 506997, Singapore Also Checkout:  Best Restaurants in Singapore   Click Here To Book:  Singapore Zoo Tickets

Amber Beacon Tower

Choa chu kang cemetery.

Choa Chu Kang Cemetery

Changi Old Beach House

Changi Old Beach House is the place where the marked incident of the Sook Ching Massacre had taken place. Post this incident, the beach house has turned into a scary place and has found its place in the  list of Haunted Places in Singapore. Those who had visited this place after the incident have reported violence, and have witnessed wailing sound and bloodshed. Some of them have even come out of the place with scars. Those near the place at night have complained of women wailing and also hearing doors opening and shutting non-stop. Location: Changi, Singapore Book Now:  Ducktours Singapore

Bukit Brown Cemetery

Bukit Brown Cemetery

Another one of the well-known scary places in Singapore is Bukit Brown Cemetery where you can find 100,000 traditional Chinese graves dotted in the midst of a beautiful 233ha rainforest. The place also has the 600 sqm grave of 19th-century business supremo Ong Sam Leong. Bukit Brown Cemetery is the city’s oldest as well as the largest cemetery and its first grave dates back to 1833. The cemetery also has graves of many Singaporeans as well and is also a prime spot for nature lovers and birdwatchers, with several endangered species housing in this place. Being an old cemetery and now abandoned, the place has been reported to be haunted and has a spell of spookiness about it. Location: 36C Lor Halwa, Singapore 298637 Must Checkout:  Science Centre Singapore

If you are planning a honeymoon to Singapore, you must Checkout:  Singapore Packages For Couples

Nee Soon Rubber Estate

One of the scary places in Singapore that are said to be haunted by Pontianaks is Nee Soon Rubber Estate. The rubber plantation covers a vast area around Sembawang, Yishun and Seletar and the area which comes under Sembawang Park is known to be haunted by Pontianaks, the restless female vampire ghosts. The Pontianak prefer to be on trees and love to remain on the plantation even after the area has been cleared. If you dare to take a night walk through the area, you may find one of them staring at you or even calling out to you. Location : Sembawang, Singapore Click here to book now:  Singapore Science Centre Tickets

                                           Family Trip To Singapore

Jewel Changi Airport

Neo Tiew Estate

Neo Tiew Estate was once a self-sufficient small town with two four-storey residential slab blacks with shophouses, a playground and a wet market around them. The tiny town was vacated in the early 2000s and gradually turned into ruins and soon rumors of it being haunted began to be known. An interesting story associated with this place is that a gambler once stuck seven needles in a banana tree and forced the spirits living in the tree to provide him with the luck to win a lottery. He won the lottery but instead of removing the needles, he killed the tree and this angered the spirits. Soon after the place got added to the list of haunted places in Singapore. Location: 151 Lim Chu Kang Rd, Singapore 719414 Book Now:  Singapore Botanic Garden Tickets  


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Pasir Ris Tower

Pasir Ris Tower

Pasir Ris Tower has been infamously named as the suicide tower. The place has a legend of a boy who had the power of sensing and seeing spirits once saw someone on the top of the tower and climbed to the top to get a better look at things. When he reached the top, he was pushed down by someone or something. Several ghost hunters and locals also made similar claims of sighting people on the tower. As they approached the tower, they got a strange feeling which stopped them from proceeding further. Needless to say, the place appears on the list of scary places in Singapore. Location: Chinese Cemetery Path 17, Singapore Read More:  Islands in Singapore


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German Girl Shrine

The list of Haunted Places in Singapore also includes the small shrine of a German girl with a mysterious story. What is known of the story is that during World War 1, British troops had detained a German family but this girl had escaped but was found dead after a few days. The story got known and people constructed a shrine of this girl around the 1970s and the girl was symbolized by a female doll that is kept at the altar till date. Local people and also tourists still visit the place and make offerings of make-up and other items to her for good fortune. Location: Ketam Mountain Bike Park Suggested Read:  Places to Visit in Singapore with Family


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Bedok Reservoir

Bedok Reservoir

You can make a stop at the Bedok Reservoir, one of the scary places in Singapore. Considered as a suicide destination, the reservoir had six suicide cases between 2011 to 2012. The sixth body was found on the morning of an inter-religious blessing ceremony that had been organized to drive away the evil surrounding the area. Since then, the place is known to be haunted by these restless souls who gave their lives here. In spite of its rumors, the place is frequented by visitors who love spending peaceful time in this spot rich with natural beauty Location: Bedok Reservoir Road, north of Bedok New Town, Singapore Click here to book now:   Singapore Flyer Tickets

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Spooner Road

Spooner Road

Spooner Road used to have two blocks of HDB flats which used to serve as quarters for railway employees and their families. However, in 2011, the flats were converted into smaller units to be rented for short-term use. Soon it came to light that some of the unoccupied flats had attracted spirits to live in. If you visit this tiny estate, named “The Most Haunted Estate in Singapore”, you will hear stories of paranormal activities faced by the locals such as whispering sounds, shuffling footsteps in the corridor etc. Location: Spooner Road, Singapore Learn More:  Free Things to Do in Singapore

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Tanglin Hill Brunei Hostel

Another one of the Haunted Places in Singapore, known for strange and weird vibes is Tanglin Hill Brunei Hostel. Lying in a state of ruin lies the hostel which has been abandoned for more than 25 years. Although nothing violent or deadly was experienced in this hostel, people visiting this place have shared their experience of unusual encounters, weird feelings and experiences such as suddenly seeing a figure standing somewhere. So, if you are faint-hearted but still want to get a dose of paranormal activities, this is the place you can visit. Location: 40-60 Tanglin Hill, Singapore 248054 Click here to book now:  Surfing in Singapore Tickets

Chinatown, Singapore

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One of the very popular haunted places in Singapore is Tekong. The place is known to be haunted by the spirits of a recruit, a white, long-haired figure, who had his intestines split out next to him and is known to be seen hanging around Jacob’s Ladder. If you ask anyone of National Service about this tale, they will tell you in great detail their version of the story. There is another pair of ghosts, the grandma and grandson pair,  who can often be seen wandering around the bunks at night to bother the recruits who are still awake. Location: Tekong Island, Singapore  Click here to book:  Mega Adventure Park Singapore Tickets

Haw Par Villa

Haw Par Villa

The Haw Par Villa which mimics the Chinese 10 courts of hell from mythologies, has wax statues that are said to be in fact real humans covered in wax. Even during the day time, the graphic presentation of this place looks rather scary and in the evening, the villa gives an eerie and creepy vibes. These wax statues of the 10 courts of Hell area have been reported to come to life at night. The guards who watch the place at night claim to hear painful screams coming from that area at night. Location : 262 Pasir Panjang Road, Singapore 118628 Must Checkout:   S ingapore Philatelic Museum

Old Upper Thomson Road

Old Upper Thomson Road

Drive carefully if you are traveling through Old Upper Thomson Road in Singapore. Not only is the road poorly lit and has a tricky hairpin bend, but they also are known to be haunted by the spirits of drivers who were killed on this road. There was a time between 1961 to 1974 when this road was a part of the original Singapore Grand Prix circuit and was a challenge for every driver. When accidents and deaths in this circuit became very high, the route was discontinued. Since then, those passing through the road had claimed to have seen the ghost of the drivers killed on the road. Location: Old Upper Thomson Road, Singapore Recommended Read:  Things to Do in Singapore Today

People Also Ask About Singapore

Which are the best places to visit in singapore at night.

1. Night Safari : Embark on a nocturnal adventure of a Night Safari experience through a dense forest abode. Board the tram after dusk and relish the experience by spotting various species of birds, reptiles and animals in the night jungle scene and learn more about them through the running commentary inside the tram. 2. Nee Soon Rubber Estate: Take a night walk through the Sembawang Park area of Nee Soon Rubber Estate, one of the haunted places in Singapore and chance upon finding a Pontianak staring at you or even calling out to you during your walk. 3. Show at Wings of Time : A perfect way to end your day in Sentosa is to catch the Wings of Time show. This entertaining show is based on the theme of friendship and bravery and is performed against the backdrop of the sea, with waterworks, fire and laser works created by 3D projectors and robotics. Book Now   Wings Of Time Tickets, Singapore

4. Night Luge Sentosa: Those looking for an adrenaline-pumping adventure may want to go for a night luge in Sentosa, where you travel through a mixture of mystical forests, natural splendor and dazzling lights. Feel exhilarated as you hurdle down winding tracks with challenging hairpin bends. Click Here To Book:  NERF Action Xperience Ticket in Singapore

Which are the best adventurous things to do in Singapore?

1. Snorkel at the Sister Island: Feel excited as you go for a snorkeling experience at Sister’s Island, the first marine park of Singapore. Marvel in exploring the underwater world, observing the vibrant coral reefs along with colorful sea creatures such as sponges, seahorses, clams, etc. 2. Go Scuba Diving: Your Singapore vacation will remain incomplete if you do not opt for a scuba diving experience. The three beautiful islands of Pulau Redang, Pulau Tioman, and Kapas islands will invite you both to take a dive underwater and swim along with yellowtail kingfish, parrotfish, and similar beautiful creatures. 3. Ride the Singapore Flyer: Feel an adrenaline rush as you Go up as high as 165 meters and then come rushing down in the largest ferris wheel in Asia. Adding to your experience will be the breathtaking view of the surroundings which you will be able to view while coming down.  4. Bukit Brown Cemetery: Visit the oldest and largest cemetery of Singapore whose first grave dates back to 1833. Enjoy the natural beauty of the place and look out for endangered species of birds at this place, listed as one of the most scary places in Singapore. Also Checkout:  Best Hotels in Singapore

What is Singapore famous for?

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What is the best time to visit Singapore?

What are the best activities in singapore that you can book via thrillophilia.

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East Coast Park Cycling, Singapore

Singapore Top Attractions


The Universal studios Singapore is a uniquely designed studio thematically planned based on the popular Hollywood movies produced by the studio. Established in the year 2010 with 7 themed sections featuring innumerable rides and shows this destination is the ultimate zone for great rides and shows.The theme park is a property of the Resorts World Sentosa development and is among fun places to visit in Singapore. The park is based in a sprawling 18 acre property which has 18 original attractions inside it. The Hollywood Boulevard will take you to Hollywood when you revisit the famous Hollywood titles on display here. Here you can click photos with your favorite stars and show it off to your friends.For lovers of science fantasy the sci-fi features some great rides including the interlocking roller coaster ride. Madagascar is the most popular zone suitable for all ages. It features some great rides and shows with wonderful sound and video effects.The Universal studios in Singapore city is just not about the park with rides and entertainment, you can also find some lip smacking dishes served here at the restaurants stationed here. If you are a shopping freak, you will be tempted to choose from enviable collection of T-shirts, key chains and other little attractive thingies offered.You can access your favorite film, get royally welcomed by Shrek and explore the lost world without fearing the gigantic Dinos coming your way.Get a piece of the great Hollywood movies here with 24 rides, all designed innovatively and maintained extremely well. If you are up for some adventures in Singapore like breathtaking rides, thrills down your spine, then spending a day at Universal Studios Singapore will be an exhilarating experience. The cinematic experience and 4-D experience will sway you by your feet, wanting you to come back again to witness nerve racking action and adventure.Learn More: Outdoor Things to Do in Singapore

Gardens By The Bay

Recreation with elements of nature is how this place can be defined. With intense greenery and gardens that unveil a variety of flora, this garden is a manifestation of how nature should be. Gardens by the Bay in Singapore has perennial vegetation; however, you will be wonderstruck as everything looks natural. It has two air-conditioned conservatories called the Flower Dome and Cloud Forest. It is here that you will see the perfect amalgamation of technology, management, flora, and other natural elements that transform together into this piece of visual craft. If you're planning to visit, consider exploring Singapore tour packages from India for a seamless travel experience.The place is sprawled in about 250 acres of reclaimed land that has numerous unique attributes that are a hallmark of delightful series. No wonder this place has been awarded many accolades for its unique concept, structure, and the best-themed destination. This being distinctive from other Asian parks, it is often full of visitors, not just tourists but even the locals. The place attracts people from all over the world solely for its greenery and conservatories. The entry to the Supertrees and adjoining gardens is absolutely free; however, you have to pay for is the OCBC Skyline and conservatories (Flower Dome and Cloud Forest) this place has. The OCBC Skyline gives you an overview of entire Singapore and the conservatories situated in the Bay South Garden. The Supertrees and the skyline are the main attractions including the light show. The supertrees are something that you will feel overwhelmed about. They are large vertical trees providing shade and then spectacularly emanate light in the evenings. Trip to Singapore wouldn't be complete without visiting this originality.Learn More: Restaurants in Gardens by the Bay

Singapore Flyer

Embark on an unforgettable journey with the Singapore Flyer, one of the world's tallest observation wheels, offering breathtaking vistas of Singapore's skyline and iconic landmarks. Step into the spacious capsules and be captivated by the 360-degree panoramic views, spanning from Marina Bay to the surrounding lush landscapes. Whether you're enjoying a day or night ride, the Singapore Flyer promises a unique experience of the city's grandeur and beauty. A must-visit attraction for travelers seeking to immerse themselves in the charm of Singapore's skyline and savor the wonder of soaring high above the city, capturing memories that will last a lifetime. Don't miss the chance to enjoy this iconic landmark during your visit to Singapore, especially for those planning Singapore tours from India.Suggested Read: Places to Visit in Singapore.

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Get ready to scream: Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios Singapore is back after a two-year hiatus


The yearly ghostly affair at Universal Studios Singapore is back with more – besides the usual horror houses, visitors to the theme park can look forward to a new laser tag challenge, zombie scare zones and a horror-theme dining experience.  

Universal Studios Singapore's Halloween Horror Nights is back – it will run on selected nights from Sep 30 to Nov 5. (Photo: Resorts World Sentosa)

haunted house tour singapore

Sharon Salim

Universal Studios Singapore’s Halloween Horror Nights is finally back for its 10th edition this year. Its last instalment was in 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic. From Sep 30 to Nov 5, on selected nights, scare-seekers can explore three haunted houses, two scare zones, a laser tag challenge, a “horrifying” dining experience, among others.


In addition to its series of haunted houses, which fans of the popular Halloween event have come to expect, visitors can opt for add-ons (at extra cost), such as the Monsters & Manifestation (S$38) experience. The tour, hosted by a character called The Keeper, no less, takes a look at the technical magic that goes on behind the thrills. 

haunted house tour singapore

Fans of laser tag and escape rooms will appreciate the laser tag challenge (S$38). Here, groups of five people have to band together to tackle puzzles to escape from blood-thirsty villains. 

And this year, for S$105 a person, you can even share a somewhat macabre meal with “dead guests” at the theme park’s KT’s Grill restaurant. 

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haunted house tour singapore

Ghostlore: In this made-in-Singapore video game, you get to fight hungry ghosts and pontianaks


Halloween isn’t quite Halloween without a horror house or two. Or three, as is the case at Halloween Horror Nights. This year's "headlining" house, Killustrator: The Final Chapter, was created as a tribute to some of the scariest moments from the event’s previous nine editions. 

haunted house tour singapore

Plus, get ready to be scared out of your wits in a zombie apocalypse, and a tour of a luxurious – but haunted, obviously – mansion once home to a rich tycoon and his wife. 


What’s a horror night without scare zones? Keep your friends close as you explore two scare zones in the park. Astrology gets a horror twist with The Dark Zodiac, and you can also be part of a livestream challenge to trap the pontianak, a ghost synonymous with Southeast Asian folklore.  

Halloween Horror Nights 10 will take place from Sep 30 to Nov 5 at Universal Studios Singapore, Resorts World Sentosa. You can buy your tickets here ; regular tickets cost S$78 for peak nights and S$68 for non-peak nights, per guest.  

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Halloween Horror Nights 11 Event Guide

USS HHN11 Halloween Horror Nights 11 Event Guide by Dejiki

Get all the info you need about the upcoming Halloween Horror Nights 11 at Universal Studios Singapore here, including details on new haunted houses, scare zones, and ticket prices, before all hell breaks loose!

◂ HHN11 Overview ▸

HHN11 Event Calendar | Admission Ticket Prices | HHN11 Express Pass Prices HHN11 RIP Tour Info | Rides open during HHN11 | HHN11 Park Map and ‘No Express Pass’ strategy HHN11 and The Weeknd Merchandise | HHN11 Soundtrack Playlist

HHN11 tickets are now available for purchase . This developing story is based on currently announced information.

NEW : Discover the terror in my FULL REVIEW of Halloween Horror Nights 11

Bookmark this page and come back often for updates!

HHN11 – Haunted Houses

Haunted Houses are walkthrough attractions in enclosed, ‘maze-like’ spaces. The HHN11 house line-up features a mix of IP and original houses:

The Weeknd: After Hours Til Dawn Nightmare (IP House)

Universal Studios Singapore HHN11 Guide Halloween Horror Nights 11 The Weeknd After Hours Til Dawn Nightmare facade

Wander around the harrowing corridors of a night club, and into the sinister mind of The Weeknd in a twisted experience filled with haunting remixes of the music from ‘After Hours’ and ‘Dawn FM’. Visit The Weeknd: After Hours Til Dawn Nightmare Haunted House Tour article to see more →

This is a new production at USS, with 5 new rooms inspired by the ‘Dawn FM’ album, enhancing the original The Weeknd: After Hours Nightmare house from the 2022 Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios Hollywood and Universal Studios Florida.

Netflix’s All Of Us Are Dead (IP House)

Universal Studios Singapore HHN11 Guide Halloween Horror Nights 11 All of Us Are Dead

For the first time ever, the All of Us Are Dead horror series will be adapted into a haunted house at Halloween Horror Nights. You’ll get to explore memorable scenes from the Netflix series, such as the zombie-infested library, classrooms and medical bay of Hyosan High. See more at the All of Us Are Dead Haunted House Tour article→

Rebirth of the Matriarch

USS Halloween Horror Nights 11 BTS Media Preview Rebirth of the Matriarch Courtyard Scene

The Matriarch from Singapore’s very first Halloween Horror Nights (2011) is returning from the dead, offering you a chance to explore her family home again. Witness the ritual of her dark return at the Rebirth of the Matriarch Haunted House Tour article →

Grimm Encounters

Universal Studios Singapore HHN11 Guide Halloween Horror Nights 11 Grimm Encounters Pied Piper

Fairy tales take a sinister twist as the Pied Piper’s deadly music lure you into a forest rife with danger. Discover more in the Grimm Encounters Haunted House Tour article →

DIYU: Descent into Hell

Universal Studios Singapore HHN11 Guide Halloween Horror Nights 11 DIYU Descent Into Hell King Yama

Face King Yama’s judgement as you make your way through the depths of the netherworld (Di Yu) at this supernatural house inspired by Chinese mythology. Sink into the depths at the DIYU: Descent Into Hell Haunted House Tour article →

HHN11 – Scare Zones

Scare zones are thematic outdoor zones that are filled with performers.

Universal Studios Singapore HHN11 Guide Halloween Horror Nights 11 The Hacker

A sentient A.I. has taken over humankind, creating a hellish cyberspace. Enter this dark future in The Hacker Scare Zone Feature article →

Dead Man’s Wharf

Universal Studios Singapore HHN11 Guide Halloween Horror Nights 11 Dead Mans Wharf Madame Dragon

Meet ghastly pirates and the fearsome Madame Dragon at the park’s iconic (but now terrifying) wharf. Uncover your destiny in the Dead Man’s Wharf Scare Zone Feature article →

This is a unique production at USS, not to be confused with Dead Man’s Wharf (2016) or Dead Man’s Pier: Winter’s Wake (2022) at Universal Studios Florida’s Halloween Horror Nights.

The Cursed Kiramam

Universal Studios Singapore HHN11 Guide Halloween Horror Nights 11 The Cursed Kiramam Agni

A once lively village is now tormented by a curse of the gods. Endure the suffering at The Cursed Kiramam Scare Zone Feature article →

This is the 3rd ‘Village’-style zone, and it is likely held at Jurassic Park. See the past: Forbidden Forest (2013) and Hungry Ghosts (2015)

HHN11 – Shows

Judgement day (opening scaremony).

Universal Studios Singapore HHN11 Guide Halloween Horror Nights 11 Judgement Day

Fans can expect each event night to kick off with a thrilling Opening Scaremony. See more photos and watch the full show video in the Judgement Day Opening Scaremony Show article →

The Hacker: Game Over

Universal Studios Singapore HHN11 Guide Halloween Horror Nights 11 The Hacker GAME OVER

Three unlucky players are challenged with The Hacker’s sinister videogames, but the odds are stacked against them.

The Hacker: Game Over Show Times Non-Peak Nights: 8:30PM, 10:00PM, 11:30PM Peak Nights: 8:30PM, 10:00PM, 11:30PM, 1:10AM

HHN11 – Special Experience

Die-ning in hell dining experience.

Universal Studios Singapore HHN11 Guide Halloween Horror Nights 11 DIE ning in Hell ambiance

Themed dining experience returns to Halloween Horror Nights, now with a underworld twist! This year, brave souls can take their chance on a 3-course thematic dining experience connected to DIYU: Descent into Hell .

Universal Studios Singapore HHN11 Guide Halloween Horror Nights 11 DIE ning in Hell courses

The experience is approximately 80 minutes long, and will be held in the reconfigured Hollywood China Arcade. Read more about DIE-ning in Hell in my HHN11 MEGA Review .

Note: The park has adjusted the availability of DIE-ning in Hell on non-event nights.

Other Attractions open during HHN11

Battlestar Galactica: HUMAN, Battlestar Galactica: CYLON, TRANSFORMERS: The Ride, Accelerator, Revenge of the Mummy, Enchanted Airways, Treasure Hunters, Waterworld

*Attraction Line-up subject to change.

HHN11 – Event Calendar

Event Calendar for Universal Studios Singapore Halloween Horror Nights 11 - Read all about it at Full USS HHN11 Event Line-Up and Ticketing Information

HHN11 – Ticketing Info

Halloween Horror Nights is a special ticketed night event at Universal Studios Singapore. All day-time Universal Studios Singapore tickets do not include admission to Halloween Horror Nights.

18 August: Tickets for HHN11 are now available for sale from RWS and Klook . After the Early Bird Promotion, prices have remain the same, just that non-Early Bird Tickets do not include the HHN11 souvenir.

Purchases made via the affiliate links will help support at no extra cost to you. Just click on the links above and proceed with your booking by selecting from available package options.

USS HHN11 Express Passes

HHN Express Passes are add-ons, and a Halloween Horror Nights admission ticket is required for entry to the park during HHN11 event nights. To purchase the HHN Express Passes from RWS website, you must first add your HHN admission ticket to cart.

On Klook , you can select the HHN Express Passes separately; make sure you have a valid HHN admission ticket as well.

HHN Express – Participating Attractions – The Weeknd: After Hours Til Dawn Nightmare – Netflix’s All Of Us Are Dead – Grimm Encounters – Rebirth of the Matriarch – DIYU: Descent into Hell

– Battlestar Galactica: CYLON – Battlestar Galactica: HUMAN – TRANSFORMERS: The Ride 3D – Accelerator – Revenge of the Mummy – Enchanted Airways

Note: HHN Express Passes are dynamically priced, and the prices will increase with demand.

R.I.P. Tour Experience

The R.I.P. Tour is back, offering you and your friends a memorable 4-hour guided tour around the park, with expedited access to HHN11’s terrifying haunted houses and park rides – all via VIP lane (which bypasses the standard and express queues). After the tour, you can head back to the houses and rides with the Express lane, using the HHN Express Unlimited perk. With an invitation to King Yama’s DIE-ning in Hell experience included in the package, the RIP Tour provides an enjoyable and complete HHN11 experience.

Universal Studios Singapore HHN11 Guide Halloween Horror Nights 11 RIP TOUR

Read my review of the HHN11 RIP Tour to learn more about this experience!

HHN11 Park Map & Strategy Guide

Halloween Horror Nights 11 Event Guide by Dejiki 2023 Event Park Map of haunted houses and scare zones special experiences

HHN11 Haunted House ‘No Express Pass’ Strategy

With 5 houses this year, you will need to work harder to complete them all before the end of the night. As always, the key is to arrive early so that you can be among the first waves of guests entering the park. You will likely have a less ideal view of the Opening Scaremony, so you may wish to view it here instead .

After the park opens after 7:35PM, just keep moving as guided by park crew, following either these routes:

The simple strategy to complete all houses from the back of the park first: 1. The Weeknd: After Hours Til Dawn Nightmare 2. Rebirth of The Matriarch 3. Grimm Encounters 4. Netflix’s All of Us Are Dead 5. DIYU: Descent Into Hell (alternatively, swap #3 and #4)

The alternate strategy is to do the houses from New York: 1. Netflix’s All of Us Are Dead 2. Rebirth of The Matriarch 3. The Weeknd: After Hours Til Dawn Nightmare 4. Grimm Encounters 5. DIYU: Descent Into Hell

The houses with the highest wait times are expected to be Netflix’s All of Us Are Dead and The Weeknd: After Hours Til Dawn Nightmare .

HHN11 Show Times and Other Important Timings

Park Turnstiles open for HHN at around 7PM Day Operations will end at 5PM. Guests may queue in front of the park gates ahead of HHN11 Opening.

Judgement Day (Hollywood) 7:30PM

The Hacker: Game Over (New York) Non-Peak Nights: 8:30PM, 10:00PM, 11:30PM Peak Nights: 8:30PM, 10:00PM, 11:30PM, 1:10AM

Halloween Horror Nights 11 merchandise

Universal Studios Singapore Park Update HHN11 Halloween Horror Nights 11 Retail 2023 merchandise collection overview

This year, the park offers an extensive selection of merchandise, from unique HHN items to a collection of items related to The Weeknd: After Hours Til Dawn Nightmare haunted house.

Universal Studios Singapore Park Update HHN11 Halloween Horror Nights 11 Retail 2023 merchandise The Weeknd After Hours Til Dawn Nightmare collection T shirt 2 and hoodie

‘After Hours’ (In Your Eyes) The Weeknd T-shirt (White or Black) – S$70 ‘After Hours’ The Weeknd Hoodie – S$230

Universal Studios Singapore Park Update HHN11 Halloween Horror Nights 11 Retail 2023 merchandise The Weeknd After Hours Til Dawn Nightmare collection T shirt 3

The Weeknd Signature Red Blazer Costume Set (Blazer, Sunglasses, Black Gloves) – S$180 ‘After Hours’ The Weeknd T-Shirt (Black) – S$70

Universal Studios Singapore Park Update HHN11 Halloween Horror Nights 11 Retail 2023 merchandise The Weeknd After Hours Til Dawn Nightmare collection T shirt 1

The above items are branded with The Weeknd’s XO label, and not Halloween Horror Nights 11.

HHN11 Merchandise

Watch this video for an overview of the display and HHN11 items available:

Universal Studios Singapore Park Update HHN11 Halloween Horror Nights 11 Retail 2023 merchandise DIYU complete

DIYU: Descent Into Hell Baseball Cap – S$20 DIYU: Descent Into Hell Sports Towel with Carabiner – S$20

DIYU: Descent Into Hell All-Over-Print T-shirt – S$35 DIYU: Descent Into Hell Black T-Shirt – S$35 Grimm Encounters Grey T-shirt – S$35

Universal Studios Singapore Park Update HHN11 Before Dark 2 Halloween Horror Nights 2023 merchandise collection lanyards

DIYU: Descent Into Hell Lanyard – S$12 Grimm Encounters Lanyard – S$12

Universal Studios Singapore Park Update HHN11 Before Dark 2 Halloween Horror Nights 2023 merchandise collection tote bags Grimm Encounters design

Grimm Encounters Tote bag – S$20

Universal Studios Singapore Park Update HHN11 Before Dark 2 Halloween Horror Nights 2023 merchandise collection button pins DIYU Descent Into Hell and Grimm Encounters

DIYU: Descent Into Hell Button Pin Set (3 pieces) – S$12 Grimm Encounters Button Pin Set (3 pieces) – S$12

Halloween Horror Nights 11 Park Soundtrack – Spotify Playlist

Relive terrifying moments from USS HHN11 as you listen to music heard around Universal Studios Singapore during Halloween Horror Nights 11, including The Weeknd: After Hours Til Dawn Nightmare haunted house, and THE HACKER scare zone! Note: This is an unofficial compilation. Exclusive

Check out the most complete archive documenting Singapore’s most terrifying event here:

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attractions , guide , halloween , halloween horror nights , hhn11 , hhn2023 , universal studios singapore , uss

10 Responses to Halloween Horror Nights 11 Event Guide

haunted house tour singapore

No Mastercard discount this year?

haunted house tour singapore

During the early bird sales period, there are no credit card promotions.

haunted house tour singapore

will coming after early period?

haunted house tour singapore

I’m trying to purchase “early bird” online tickets for HHN using a foreign credit card but the transaction won’t go through. So far I’ve tried two of my cards and also a friend’s card. Each time the security check comes back with a “Suspicious transactions. The card has fraudulence risk.” error. Have you heard of this being a problem from other foreign guests in the past? Do you know of any workarounds? Thanks….

Readers had shared that they were successful (in the past). The booking portal might be glitchy on the first few days, please try again!

haunted house tour singapore

I had the same. You will need to come out from any firewalls or VPN you may have on. Then it worked for me. Joe, Australia.

haunted house tour singapore

Can’t wait! Looking forward to your reviews.

I wonder what the 5th house’s theme will be. Maybe something related to water, to match the Dead Man’s Wharf zone?

It’s likely to be standalone.

haunted house tour singapore

Will there be BEFORE DARK series for HHN11?

haunted house tour singapore

First time seeing this LED interactive wrist band. What is it for?

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