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Global cinema attendance is rebounding but not back to historic levels

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  • 29 Feb, 2024
  • Author Keith Nissen
  • Theme Technology, Media & Telecom

With the exception of China, cinema attendance has been gradually returning to near historic levels. However, the percentage of frequent movie-goers varies greatly across the markets surveyed in S&P Global Market Intelligence Kagan's Asia, Europe and US Consumer Insights surveys.

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➤ Cinema attendance in China has remained very stable over the past four years, according to Kagan's Consumer Insights surveys. Most other surveyed markets in Asia, Europe and the US showed a steep decline in 2020 (due to the pandemic), followed by a gradual increase in attendance in each following year.

➤ The percentage of frequent movie-goers (those attending the cinema more than once a month) varies greatly from market to market, ranging from 49% in India to only 15% in the US.

➤ With the exception of India, the percentage of frequent movie-goers has remained essentially flat or has declined over the past four years. China (-29 percentage points) and Sweden (-20 percentage points) showed the largest declines.

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Cinema attendance has been challenged over the past decade as more and more titles have become accessible for at-home viewing. On top of this, in many markets around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic halted film production, temporarily closed movie theatres and delayed new releases. With this as a backdrop, Kagan international and US Consumer Insights surveys conducted over the past four years can be used to highlight and compare cinema attendance trends in key global markets.

The historic survey data from China shows that cinema attendance has remained extremely strong over the past four years, with 9 in 10 internet adults reporting attending the cinema over the previous 90 days. Movie theatres in China did not close countrywide during the pandemic and as a result, cinema attendance showed only a marginal drop during 2020.

In South Korea, the US and European markets, where the pandemic forced widespread closure of movie theatres at various points, the historic survey data shows cinema attendance falling by half in 2020 compared to the previous year. The data indicates that cinema attendance has gradually rebounded in subsequent years, but as of 2023, it still has not returned to pre-pandemic levels. In South Korea, 79% of internet adults attended the cinema in 2023, compared to 84% in 2019. In Germany and the US, 68% and 57% of internet adults, respectively, attended the cinema last year, both representing an 11 percentage point decline from 2019.

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While the majority of internet adults in all surveyed markets report attending the cinema during 2023, the frequency of movie-going varies from market to market. For example, in India, approximately half (49%) of surveyed internet adults cited attending the cinema more than once a month (frequent attendance) during the previous three months in 2023. In China, the majority (52%) of surveyed internet adults revealed they attend the cinema once a month or less (infrequent attendance). In Italy, the percentage of frequent and infrequent movie-goers is split fairly evenly, compared to France, where those indicating infrequent attendance outnumber frequent movie-goers nearly 2 to 1. The variance in frequency of cinema attendance is even more pronounced in the US, where only 15% reported visiting a movie theatre at least once a month, compared to 42% attending on an infrequent basis.

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The historical data also reveals a trend toward declining numbers of frequent movie-goers across nearly all surveyed markets. Even though overall cinema attendance in China was unaffected during the pandemic years, the percentage of frequent movie-goers dropped 7 percentage points year-over-year and 11 percentage points since 2019 to 58%. In the US, the percentage of frequent movie-goers has declined 8 percentage points since 2019, while in Sweden, frequent movie-goers have declined by a substantial 20 percentage points, dropping to only 13% in 2023.

In contrast, Italy is an example where the percentage of frequent movie-goers has remained stable over the past four years. India was the only surveyed market where the percentage of frequent movie-goers increased, growing from 41% in 2019 to 49% in 2023.

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As mentioned earlier, access to in-home viewing of new movie releases has detrimentally impacted cinema attendance. The 2023 survey data shows that in China, half (50%) of movie-goers said they typically view new movie releases at the cinema and another 36% typically stream new movies online. By comparison, only 19% of movie-goers in Sweden indicated they typically will view new movie releases in the theatre and 56% view new titles online. Across all surveyed markets, the data shows that at least 7 in 10 movie-goers will typically view new movie releases either in the theatre or online and very few will wait to buy a DVD of a new title before viewing.

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There are also a variety of reasons why consumers do not attend the cinema. For instance, in France, 59% said that going to the cinema was too expensive. Among Americans who are not movie-goers, the cost of movie theatre tickets (52%) was also a top reason for not attending. About one-third of non-movie-goers in Italy, China and US said they prefer watching new movie releases at home instead of at the cinema. A portion of non-movie-goers in Poland (20%) and China (24%) also cited health concerns, suggesting the residual effects from the pandemic may still be somewhat present.

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The Kagan European and Asian Consumer Insights surveys were conducted during December 2019-2023 with each wave consisting of approximately 1,000 internet adults per market in the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden and Poland, as well as China, South Korea and India. Each survey has a margin of error of +/-3 ppts at the 95% confidence level. Kagan US Consumer Insights surveys were conducted during the third-quarter of 2019-2023, consisting of approximately 2,500 internet adults per wave. Each US survey has a margin of error of +/-1.9 ppts at the 95% confidence level.  Percentages are rounded to the nearest whole number. Survey data should only be used to identify general market characteristics and directional trends.

To submit direct feedback/suggestions on the questions presented here, please use the “feedback” button located above, directly under the title of this article. Note that while all submissions will be reviewed and every attempt will be made to provide pertinent data, Kagan is unable to guarantee inclusion of specific questions in future surveys.

Consumer Insights is a regular feature from S&P Global Market Intelligence Kagan. This article was published by S&P Global Market Intelligence and not by S&P Global Ratings, which is a separately managed division of S&P Global.

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  • Keith Nissen
  • Technology, Media & Telecom

Cinema Audience Demographics Analysis: Insights & Data

Going to the movies is a beloved pastime for many, but have you ever wondered who makes up the audience at your local cinema? This article dives into the demographics of moviegoers, exploring key factors like:

  • Age groups and their movie preferences
  • Gender differences in movie interests
  • Income levels and their impact on movie attendance
  • Ethnic and racial diversity among moviegoers
  • Urban vs. rural moviegoing habits
  • Education levels and movie tastes
  • Family status and its influence on movie choices
  • Technology's effect on movie consumption

By understanding these demographic insights, cinema owners and marketers can:

  • Create targeted advertising campaigns
  • Select movies that appeal to their audience
  • Offer experiences tailored to different groups
  • Find new ways to attract more moviegoers

Whether you're a cinema owner looking to boost ticket sales or a movie buff curious about who's sitting next to you at the theater, this article has something for you. Let's dive into the data and uncover the fascinating world of cinema audience demographics!

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Knowing what age groups go to the movies is important for movie theaters to sell more tickets. By looking at data on different age groups, theaters can:

  • Make ads that appeal to certain ages
  • Pick movies those ages will like
  • Make the movie experience better for those ages
  • Find new ways to get more people of those ages to come

Here's an overview of what movies different age groups tend to like and how often they go to the movies.

Young Moviegoers (18-24)

Young moviegoers aged 18-24 are often drawn to action-packed, visually exciting films. They tend to like genres like:

  • Science fiction
  • Superhero movies

Big movie franchises like the Marvel movies and series like "The Lord of the Rings" are very popular with this age group. These movies often have:

  • High-stakes adventures
  • Special effects
  • Big, heroic characters

According to a survey, 50% of people aged 18-34 said they went to the movies often or sometimes, showing that young people go to the movies a lot.

Middle-Aged Moviegoers (25-39)

Middle-aged audiences aged 25-39 like a mix of different movie genres, including:

This age group enjoys movies that are entertaining but also have meaningful stories and relatable characters. They are more likely to watch movies that explore:

  • Relationships
  • Family dynamics
  • Personal growth

In the same survey, 45% of people aged 35-44 said they went to the movies often or sometimes, which is a bit lower than younger audiences but still a good number.

Older Moviegoers (40+)

Older adults aged 40 and above tend to prefer movies that have:

  • Emotional depth
  • Mature themes

They often like genres such as:

  • Historical films
  • Heartwarming comedies

Movies that explore complex relationships, life experiences, and social issues tend to appeal to this age group. However, the survey found that 30% of people aged 65 and over said they never went to see a film in theaters, suggesting that older adults are less likely to go to the movies.

By understanding what movies different age groups like and how often they go to the movies, theaters can better target their marketing, choose the right movies, and improve the overall movie experience for their audiences.

Gender Preferences

Knowing what kinds of movies men and women like is important for movie theaters. This helps them choose the right movies and market them well.

Men at the Movies

In the past, men were often drawn to action movies and thrillers with:

  • High-speed chases
  • Epic battles
  • Explosive scenes

A survey found that 46% of adult men in the U.S. go to the movies regularly.

However, recent data shows that men's interests are becoming more diverse:

  • Dramas and romantic comedies are gaining popularity among male viewers
  • Men are watching a wider range of genres beyond just action movies

This suggests that men are now appreciating movies with emotional depth and strong character stories.

Women at the Movies

Traditionally, women have favored genres like:

  • Romantic comedies
  • Romantic fantasies

These movies often have intricate relationships and character-driven stories, which appeal to many female viewers. However, the survey found that only 37% of women frequently or occasionally went to the movies, slightly lower than men.

Interestingly, women are now exploring different genres too, including action blockbusters. This shows that women's movie interests are expanding.

Both men and women are breaking away from stereotypical movie preferences. By understanding these changing interests, movie theaters can choose and market movies that appeal to diverse audiences, making the moviegoing experience better for everyone.

Income Levels

How much money people make affects how often they go to the movies and what kinds of movies they like. Movie theaters can use this information to better serve different income groups.

Higher-Income Groups

People with higher incomes (over $100,000) tend to go to the movies more often. A survey found that 53% of people in this income group said they went to the movies often or sometimes. They have more money to spend on entertainment like going to the movies.

Higher-income moviegoers may also be willing to pay more for a better experience, such as:

  • IMAX or 3D showings
  • Luxury seating options
  • VIP lounges or private screening rooms
  • Gourmet snacks and drinks

By offering these premium options, movie theaters can attract and keep higher-income customers who value comfort and exclusivity.

Lower-Income Groups

On the other hand, only 36% of people with incomes below $50,000 said they went to the movies often or sometimes. Having less money can make it harder to go to the movies as often.

Lower-income households often look for cheaper ways to watch movies, such as:

  • Streaming services like Netflix or Hulu
  • Discount days or matinee pricing at theaters
  • Second-run or budget movie theaters
  • Waiting for movies to come out on DVD or digital rental

With streaming services, people with lower incomes can now access a wide range of movies at a lower cost than going to the theater. This has changed how some people watch movies, especially those with less money.

By understanding how income affects moviegoing habits, theaters can develop strategies to serve different income groups. This could include offering a range of ticket prices, promoting special deals, or partnering with streaming services to provide a variety of movie experiences for all audiences.

Ethnic and Racial Diversity

People from different ethnic and racial backgrounds go to the movies. Understanding their movie interests is important for movie theaters to get more people to come.

White Audiences

White people have been the biggest group of moviegoers. In 2017, they bought 55% of movie tickets, which was around 682 million tickets. They like many different types of movies.

Hispanic, Black, and Asian Audiences

Hispanic, Black, and Asian people also go to the movies. They have their own movie preferences and want to see movies that show their cultures and experiences.

Hispanic Audiences :

  • Bought 23% of movie tickets in 2017 (around 285 million tickets)
  • Like movies that show their cultural experiences and identities

Black Audiences :

  • Made up 12% of movie attendance in 2017 (around 149 million tickets)
  • Want to see movies that show their stories and experiences

Asian Audiences :

  • Bought 7% of movie tickets in 2017 (around 86.8 million tickets)
  • Enjoy movies that show different cultural perspectives and stories

Having movies that show different cultures is important to get these groups to come to the movies. Movie theaters should:

  • Show films with diverse casts and stories
  • Promote movies that relate to specific cultural experiences
  • Reach out to diverse communities through marketing
  • Make the movie experience welcoming for all audiences

By showing movies that represent different ethnic and racial groups, movie theaters can get more people to come and help make the movie industry more inclusive.

Urban vs. Rural Areas

Where people live affects what movies they like and how often they go to the movies. This section looks at the differences between urban and rural areas.

Urban Areas

People living in cities tend to like a wider range of movies. This is because cities have more movie theaters showing different types of films. The diverse mix of cultures in cities also means people have varied movie tastes. Urban moviegoers enjoy everything from big blockbusters to smaller independent films.

People in cities are also more likely to watch foreign language films and documentaries. These types of movies are more easily available in urban areas with specialized theaters and diverse audiences.

Rural Areas

In rural areas, people tend to prefer more traditional or family-friendly movies. There are often fewer movie theaters in these areas, so the selection of films is more limited. Movies that appeal to families and mainstream tastes are more common.

Rural moviegoers have fewer chances to see independent or foreign language films because of the limited number of theaters and focus on mainstream releases.

According to a survey by the Motion Picture Association:

  • 68% of urban residents visited a movie theater at least once a month
  • In rural areas, only 45% of residents visited a movie theater monthly

This data shows that people in cities have more frequent access to a wider variety of movies compared to those in rural areas. Movie theaters in cities can cater to diverse tastes, while those in rural regions may focus on family-friendly and mainstream content to attract their target audience.


Education levels.

The level of education someone has can affect what kinds of movies they like and how often they go to the movies.

College and Higher Education

People with college degrees or higher education tend to like a wider range of movies. They are often interested in:

  • Thought-provoking dramas like "The Shawshank Redemption" or "Parasite"
  • Independent films like "Moonlight" or "The Florida Project"
  • Foreign language movies like "Amelie" or "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"
  • Documentaries like "Free Solo" or "The Social Dilemma"

Those with higher education are more likely to seek out movies that:

  • Challenge their thinking
  • Spark discussions
  • Offer unique perspectives

They may also attend film festivals, art house cinemas, or special screenings that show diverse and niche content.

High School and Lower Education

On the other hand, people with a high school education or less often prefer more mainstream movie content. They tend to enjoy:

  • Blockbuster action movies like "Fast & Furious" or "Jurassic World"
  • Romantic comedies like "The Proposal" or "Crazy Rich Asians"
  • Family-friendly animations like "Toy Story" or "Despicable Me"
  • Horror films like "The Conjuring" or "A Quiet Place"

This group is more likely to enjoy movies that offer:

  • Escapism and relaxation
  • Familiar stories and characters
  • Easy-to-follow plots
  • Well-known actors and franchises

They may be less interested in niche or arthouse cinema, and instead prefer mainstream releases at regular movie theaters.

Understanding these differences in movie preferences based on education levels can help movie theaters:

  • Choose the right movies to show
  • Offer a variety of content for different audiences
  • Create promotions and loyalty programs for specific education groups
  • Make the movie-going experience welcoming for all education levels

By recognizing and catering to the unique movie interests influenced by education, movie theaters can attract a broader range of moviegoers.

Family Status

Whether you have kids or not makes a big difference in what movies you like and how often you go to the movies.

Families with Children

Families with kids usually go for animated movies and movies that are good for the whole family. These movies often have:

  • Fun stories that teach good lessons
  • Bright, colorful animation
  • Positive messages
  • Jokes that kids and adults can both enjoy

Parents want to find movies that are suitable for all ages, so they tend to pick G or PG-rated movies. Disney, Pixar , and DreamWorks are popular choices because they make a lot of successful animated movies for families.

Families with young kids go to the movies more often than other groups. According to a survey, families with kids under 12 went to the movies an average of 4.9 times per year, compared to the overall average of 3.7 times.

Individuals and Couples without Children

People without kids have more freedom to choose what movies they want to see. They can pick movies with more mature themes, complex stories, and different subjects.

Some popular movie types for this group include:

  • Independent films
  • Foreign language movies

Without having to think about kids, they can choose movies based on their own interests. They may also go to film festivals, art house cinemas, or special screenings that show unique or experimental movies.

However, people without kids may not go to the movies as often as families. Without regular family outings to the cinema, they might prefer other activities or watch movies at home through streaming services.

For movie theaters, it's important to understand how having kids or not affects what movies people want to see and how often they come. By offering a good mix of movies and marketing to different family types, cinemas can attract more customers.

Technology's Effect on Movies

Streaming services and digital platforms have changed how people watch movies. This has led to shifts in who goes to movie theaters and how theaters market their movies.

More Access to Movies

Streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime , and Disney+ offer large libraries of movies and shows that can be watched anytime, anywhere, on different devices. This convenience has allowed more people to watch movies, including those who:

  • Don't have much free time
  • Live far from theaters
  • Can't afford movie tickets
  • Have accessibility issues

Streaming has made movie-watching easier for people of all ages, incomes, and locations. This has created a more diverse movie-watching audience.

Data as of 2021

Changing Movie Habits

With the option to watch new movies at home, some people are less likely to go to theaters. To compete, theaters now offer experiences you can't get at home, such as:

  • IMAX and 3D screenings
  • Luxury seating
  • In-theater dining
  • Immersive sound systems

Theaters have also changed how they market movies to attract audiences. Some strategies include:

  • Emphasizing the social aspect of going to the movies
  • Offering loyalty programs and subscription services
  • Partnering with streaming platforms for exclusive content
  • Using social media and targeted advertising

Technology has significantly impacted who watches movies and how they watch them. To stay relevant, theaters must adapt to the changing landscape and find new ways to attract audiences in the age of streaming.

Effective Marketing Strategies

Knowing who goes to the movies is key for getting more people to come. By using data on things like age, gender, location, and movie tastes, cinema owners and marketers can create ads that speak directly to different groups.

Targeted Advertising

Cinema owners and marketers can use demographic data to make ads that appeal to specific groups. By looking at factors like age, gender, location, and movie preferences, they can create ads that connect with each group's interests.

For example, when promoting a family movie with animation, marketers can target ads to areas with lots of families with young kids. They can use bright colors, fun language, and highlight themes like friendship and adventure to attract this group.

When advertising a romantic comedy, they can focus on reaching women aged 25-44, who often enjoy this genre. They can emphasize the heartwarming story, relatable characters, and popular actors to appeal to this demographic.

By creating ads that speak directly to each group, cinema owners and marketers can get more people interested and sell more tickets.

Showing Diversity

Promoting movies with diverse casts and stories is important for getting a wider range of people to come to the theater. When people see themselves represented on the big screen and in ads, they are more likely to connect with the film and want to watch it.

Cinema owners and marketers should:

  • Highlight films with diverse casts and stories
  • Feature actors from underrepresented groups in ads and posters
  • Work with diverse influencers and community leaders to promote films
  • Create inclusive marketing campaigns that celebrate diversity

For example, when promoting a film with a mostly Black cast, marketers can:

  • Show the talents of the Black actors in trailers and posters
  • Partner with Black influencers and media to create buzz
  • Host special screenings and events for Black community groups
  • Create social media campaigns that celebrate Black culture and experiences

By embracing diverse representation in movie marketing, cinema owners and marketers can:

  • Attract a wider range of people to the theater
  • Make moviegoers feel included and welcome
  • Show their commitment to diversity and representation
  • Stand out in a competitive entertainment market

Diverse representation in movie marketing not only helps get more people to come but also contributes to a more inclusive and fair film industry overall.

By using demographic data to create targeted ads and promoting diverse representation in movie marketing, cinema owners and marketers can effectively get more people from different groups to come to the theater. These strategies not only help sell more tickets but also make the moviegoing experience more inclusive and engaging for everyone.

Understanding who goes to the movies is very important for cinema owners and marketers to sell more tickets. By looking at data on things like age, gender, income, location, education, and family status, cinemas can learn about their different audience groups and make better plans to reach them.

  • Different age groups like different types of movies and go to the movies more or less often. Younger people tend to like action and fantasy movies and go to the movies more. Older people prefer other genres and don't go as much.
  • Men and women have different movie interests. Men often like action and thriller movies, while women prefer romantic comedies and dramas. But both men and women are starting to watch a wider range of movies.
  • How much money people make affects how often they go to the movies and what they want to see. Higher-income groups go more often and want premium experiences, while lower-income groups look for cheaper options.
  • Hispanic, Black, and Asian audiences make up a big part of moviegoers. They want to see movies that show their cultures and experiences.
  • People in cities have more movie choices and go to the movies more often than people in rural areas, who have fewer options.
  • People with higher education tend to like thought-provoking and independent films, while those with less education prefer mainstream movies.
  • Families with kids go to the movies more often and choose family-friendly animated movies. People without kids have more freedom to pick different types of movies.
  • Streaming services have changed how people watch movies and made it easier for more people to watch movies at home. This challenges theaters to offer unique experiences.


Divide your audience : Use data to identify different audience groups based on age, gender, income, location, education, and family status. Make your marketing messages and promotions fit each group's interests and habits.

Show diversity : Promote movies with diverse casts and stories to attract more moviegoers. Highlight diversity in your marketing campaigns and work with diverse influencers and communities to show inclusivity.

Offer different experiences : Provide a variety of movie experiences to match different groups' preferences. Consider premium options for higher-income groups, family-friendly screenings for parents with kids, and independent or foreign films for educated audiences.

Use technology : Use social media, targeted ads, and partnerships with streaming platforms to reach and engage different audiences through your marketing.

Adapt to new habits : Recognize that streaming services have changed how people watch movies and adapt your offerings. Emphasize the social and immersive aspects of going to the theater that you can't get at home.

Keep analyzing data : Regularly collect and look at data on your audience and their preferences to stay up-to-date on changing trends and behaviors. Use this information to improve your marketing strategies and offerings to stay relevant and competitive.

By understanding and using cinema audience data, cinema owners and marketers can create marketing plans that effectively reach different moviegoers and sell more tickets. Paying attention to data and adapting to changing audience preferences will be key to success in the movie industry.

Who goes to the movies the most?

According to surveys, the age group that makes up the largest share of moviegoers in North America is 25-39 years old, accounting for 36% of the audience. In 2019, the U.S. box office generated around $11.32 billion in revenue.

What's the split between men and women at the movies?

In 2020, females made up 46% of the movie audience in the United States, while males made up 54%.

Which age group visits movie theaters most often?

A survey found that moviegoers aged 60 and above had the highest per capita attendance rate of 7.8 visits per year. Millennials (18-34 years old) made up 33% of the overall movie audience.

Do men or women go to the movies more?

According to a survey, almost half (46%) of adult men in the United States said they went to the movies often or sometimes. For women, the combined share stood at 37%.

Which age group is most likely to be frequent moviegoers?

The most common age range for frequent moviegoers is between 18 and 34 years old. Action and adventure films tend to be the most popular genres among this age group.

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  • Number of cinema admissions in the major countries: ~ 1.45 visits per person
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  • UIS 2007, Culture and Communication , , United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture Institute for Statistics, Canada, viewed 26th October, 2009, < http://www.uis.unesco.org >.
  • Screen Australia 2009, Research and Statistics , International comparisons, Screen Australia, Sydney NSW, viewed 26th October, 2009, < http://www.screenaustralia.gov.au/research_and_statistics/GW_Research-And-Statistics.asp >.
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Attendance frequency per capita (AFP)

Average number of cinema visits per capita (population aged between 5 and 79 years old).

Source definition

UNESCO Institute for Statistics

Calculation method

The number of admissions divided by the number of inhabitants (population aged between 5 and 79 years old).

Data required

Number of tickets sold to all films screened during the reference year

To identify the occurence of cinema visits per inhabitants

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  • Deadpool & Wolverine
  • Inside Out 2
  • Despicable Me 4
  • Bad Boys: Ride or Die
  • Madeline’s Madeline
  • A Quiet Place: Day One
  • Fly Me to the Moon
  • Five Nights at Freddy’s
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Average number of cinema visits per capita (population aged between 5 and 79 years old) in the last 12 months.

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Number of cinema visits per year in Germany 2001-2023, by age group

This statistic shows data on the number of visits to the cinema per year in Germany from 2001 to 2023, by age group. In 2023, Germans aged 30 to 39 years went to the cinema an average of just over four times every year.

Average number of visits to the cinema per year in Germany from 2001 to 2023, by age group

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2001 to 2023

11,823 people from the Continuous Consumer Panel (2023)

10 years and older

The figures for 2001 to 2013 were taken from previous publications.

Other statistics on the topic

  • Most-viewed films in theaters in Sweden 2021
  • Number of movie tickets sold in selected countries in Europe 2019-2023
  • Box office revenue in Europe 2019-2023
  • Cinema attendance in Europe 2019-2023

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Statistics on " Film industry in Sweden "

  • Change in box office revenue in selected European countries 2023
  • Global box office revenue distribution 2023, by region
  • Domestic films' share in cinema attendance in selected countries in Europe 2019-2023
  • Box office revenue in Sweden 2013-2023
  • Number of feature films released in Sweden 2011-2023
  • Distribution of theatrical movie releases in Sweden 2021, by origin
  • Distribution of foreign feature films released in Sweden 2021, by genre
  • Number of feature films produced in Sweden 2010-2023
  • Number of fictional feature films produced in Sweden 2011-2021
  • Distribution of domestic feature films released in Sweden 2021, by genre
  • Distribution of domestic feature films released in Sweden 2021, by target group
  • Number of cinema screens in Sweden 2019-2023
  • Cinema attendance in Sweden 2009-2023
  • Distribution of movie viewers in Sweden 2021, by platform
  • Market share of film distributors in Sweden 2020
  • Number of employees in the film, video, and TV program industries in Sweden 2019-2023
  • Salary of movie and theater directors and producers in Sweden 2014-2022, by gender
  • Distribution of leading roles in movies in Sweden 2021, by gender & production origin
  • Share of funded short movies with a woman in a key position in Sweden 2023
  • Share of funded feature-length movies with a woman in a key position in Sweden 2023

Other statistics that may interest you Film industry in Sweden

  • Premium Statistic Box office revenue in Europe 2019-2023
  • Premium Statistic Change in box office revenue in selected European countries 2023
  • Premium Statistic Global box office revenue distribution 2023, by region
  • Premium Statistic Cinema attendance in Europe 2019-2023
  • Premium Statistic Number of movie tickets sold in selected countries in Europe 2019-2023
  • Premium Statistic Domestic films' share in cinema attendance in selected countries in Europe 2019-2023
  • Premium Statistic Box office revenue in Sweden 2013-2023
  • Premium Statistic Number of feature films released in Sweden 2011-2023
  • Premium Statistic Distribution of theatrical movie releases in Sweden 2021, by origin
  • Premium Statistic Distribution of foreign feature films released in Sweden 2021, by genre
  • Basic Statistic Most-viewed films in theaters in Sweden 2021

Domestic movies

  • Premium Statistic Number of feature films produced in Sweden 2010-2023
  • Premium Statistic Number of fictional feature films produced in Sweden 2011-2021
  • Premium Statistic Distribution of domestic feature films released in Sweden 2021, by genre
  • Premium Statistic Distribution of domestic feature films released in Sweden 2021, by target group

Movie theaters and moviegoing

  • Premium Statistic Number of cinema screens in Sweden 2019-2023
  • Premium Statistic Cinema attendance in Sweden 2009-2023
  • Premium Statistic Distribution of movie viewers in Sweden 2021, by platform
  • Premium Statistic Market share of film distributors in Sweden 2020

Workforce and gender equality

  • Basic Statistic Number of employees in the film, video, and TV program industries in Sweden 2019-2023
  • Premium Statistic Salary of movie and theater directors and producers in Sweden 2014-2022, by gender
  • Premium Statistic Distribution of leading roles in movies in Sweden 2021, by gender & production origin
  • Premium Statistic Share of funded short movies with a woman in a key position in Sweden 2023
  • Premium Statistic Share of funded feature-length movies with a woman in a key position in Sweden 2023

Further related statistics

  • Premium Statistic Seaworld California theme park attendance 2009-2023
  • Premium Statistic Busch Gardens Tampa Bay theme park attendance 2009-2023
  • Premium Statistic Number of visitors to the U.S. from Russia 2011-2022
  • Basic Statistic Mobile internet use via laptops in Great Britain 2019, by demographic
  • Premium Statistic Change in number of visitors from Mexico to the U.S. 2018-2024
  • Premium Statistic Universal Orlando Islands of Adventure theme park attendance 2009-2023
  • Basic Statistic Foreign exchange earnings from tourism in India 2000-2022
  • Premium Statistic Doctor visits in Germany - number per capita 1991-2021
  • Premium Statistic National park visitor spending in the U.S. 2012-2022, by trip type
  • Premium Statistic Economic contribution of national park visitor spending in the U.S. 2012-2022

Further Content: You might find this interesting as well

  • Seaworld California theme park attendance 2009-2023
  • Busch Gardens Tampa Bay theme park attendance 2009-2023
  • Number of visitors to the U.S. from Russia 2011-2022
  • Mobile internet use via laptops in Great Britain 2019, by demographic
  • Change in number of visitors from Mexico to the U.S. 2018-2024
  • Universal Orlando Islands of Adventure theme park attendance 2009-2023
  • Foreign exchange earnings from tourism in India 2000-2022
  • Doctor visits in Germany - number per capita 1991-2021
  • National park visitor spending in the U.S. 2012-2022, by trip type
  • Economic contribution of national park visitor spending in the U.S. 2012-2022


  1. U.S.: moviegoing frequency 2022

    Premium Statistic Number of cinema visits per year in Germany 2001-2023, by age group Premium Statistic Frequency of going to the movies in the U.S. 2022, by region

  2. Frequent US movie goers are back, infrequent attendees not so much

    Results from Kagan U.S. Consumer Insights surveys conducted from 2018 to 2022 show that, traditionally, about 20% of U.S. internet adults attend the cinema more than once a month with a dip in frequent movie goers in 2021. The 2022 survey shows that the percentage of frequent movie goers (22%) has fully recovered from the effects of the pandemic.

  3. U.S.: moviegoing frequency by generation 2022

    Premium Statistic Number of cinema visits per year in Germany 2001-2023, by age group Basic Statistic Consumers who saw or heard of the movie "Get Out" in the U.S. 2018

  4. Towards a new normal? Cinema attendance in Europe keeps growing, up by

    According to initial findings compiled by the European Audiovisual Observatory, cinema attendance in wider Europe rose to approximately 859 million admissions in 2023. This reflects a positive year-on-year rise of 18.1%, signifying an increase of 131.8 million tickets compared to 2022.

  5. Global cinema attendance is rebounding but not back to historic levels

    The historical data also reveals a trend toward declining numbers of frequent movie-goers across nearly all surveyed markets. Even though overall cinema attendance in China was unaffected during the pandemic years, the percentage of frequent movie-goers dropped 7 percentage points year-over-year and 11 percentage points since 2019 to 58%.

  6. Cinema Audience Demographics Analysis: Insights & Data

    By creating ads that speak directly to each group, cinema owners and marketers can get more people interested and sell more tickets. ... A survey found that moviegoers aged 60 and above had the highest per capita attendance rate of 7.8 visits per year. Millennials (18-34 years old) made up 33% of the overall movie audience. Age Group Attendance ...

  7. Movie Theater Industry Statistics Statistics: Market Data Report 2024

    The average spending on snacks and drinks per cinema visit in the US is $9.59. In 2020, the average revenue per cinema screen in India was ₹4,170. ... On average, only 10-20% of independent films made each year get distribution in theaters. The global premium large format (PLF) cinema market size is estimated to reach $2.6 billion by 2027.

  8. UNIC

    European cinema admissions increased by an estimated 36.4 per cent in 2021, with almost 590 million visits across the region. Box office reached €3.7 billion, an increase of 40.8 per cent on the previous year.

  9. PDF Theatrical Market Statistics

    Male Female. In 2016, 18-24 year olds had the highest per capita attendance (6.5), followed by 12-17 year olds (6.1). 18-24 year olds had the largest increase in per capita attendance, up 0.6 from 2015. Per capita attendance also increased for 25-. 39 year olds and 50-59 year olds compared to the previous year.

  10. Movie Theater Attendance Far Below Historical Norms

    WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans watched an average 1.4 movies in a movie theater over the past 12 months. This includes a historically high 61% who did not visit a movie theater at all, 31% who saw between one and four movies, and 9% who attended five or more. Gallup has tracked U.S. adults' movie attendance using this question periodically ...

  11. Global number of movie tickets sold 2017-2026

    Get in touch with us now. , May 22, 2024. The source estimated that movie theaters across the globe would have sold 5.7 billion tickets by the end of 2022, up 73 percent from the previous year ...

  12. Number of Cinema Admissions per Person by Country, latest available year

    This chart shows number of cinema admissions per person in each country. Number of cinema admissions in the major countries: ~ 1.45 visits per person. Last updated: 15 years ago.

  13. What Motivates Movie Theater Attendance? Part 1

    A frequent moviegoer is one who watches 12 or more movies in a theatre per year and an occasional moviegoer is one who watches six to 11 movies theatrically per year. ... (2012, January 7). Identifying Key Factors Affecting Consumer Decision Making Behavior in Cinema Context: A Qualitative Approach. Retrieved February 29, 2020 from http ...

  14. Cinema Industry Statistics Statistics: Market Data Report 2024

    The average cost to produce and market a major studio movie was around $100 million in 2019. Statistic 28. Streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime spend billions on original content each year. Statistic 29. China has the largest number of cinema screens in the world, with over 75,000 screens. Statistic 30.

  15. Attendance frequency per capita (AFP)

    To identify the occurence of cinema visits per inhabitants. DefinitionAverage number of cinema visits per capita (population aged between 5 and 79 years old).Source definitionUNESCO Institute for StatisticsCalculation methodThe number of admissions divided by the number of inhabitants (population aged between 5 and 79 years old).Data ...

  16. UNIC

    Admissions per capita and national films' share. Admissions per capita for all UNIC territories (where data was available) remained stable at 1.5 average visits per year. Ireland and France (at 3.3 and 3.2 respectively) again experienced the highest rates of cinema-going, followed by Estonia (2.8), the UK (2.7), Denmark and Spain (both at 2.3).

  17. The Numbers

    The yearly amounts on our Theatrical Market pages are based on box office years. Each box office year starts on the first Monday of the year, so the previous year ends on the Sunday before the first Monday. For example, the "2017 box office year" started on January 2, 2017 so the "2016 box office year" ended on Sunday, January 1, 2017.

  18. U.S.: moviegoing frequency by gender 2022

    Number of cinema visits per year in Germany 2001-2023, by age group; Frequency of going to the movies in the U.S. 2022, by household income; Preferred place of movie consumption in the U.S. 2018 ...

  19. Attendance patterns

    The proportion of Australians attending the cinema at least once per year has averaged 66 per cent since 2000, with an average of about seven visits per year per person. The drop in both attendance rates and frequency in the mid-1980s is usually attributed to the upsurge in video hire in Australia from 1982. Attendance levels dropped from 67 ...

  20. Cinema attendance frequency

    Average number of cinema visits per capita (population aged between 5 and 79 years old) in the last 12 months. Average number of cinema visits per capita (population aged between 5 and 79 years old) in the last 12 months. ... Cinema attendance frequency Commission. Vision, mission & history. Member States. Governing bodies. Secretariat ...

  21. U.S. per capita movie attendance by age 2021

    Visits to the cinema per year and person in Germany 2002-2023 Number of cinema tickets sold during winter holidays in Denmark 2007-2017 Number of movies seen each month in the U.S. in 2019, by gender

  22. Cinema visits per year and person Germany 2023

    Mar 12, 2024. This statistic shows the number of cinema visits per year and person in Germany from 2002 to 2023. In 2023, the Filmförderungsanstalt (FFA) registered an average of 1.13 visits to ...

  23. Cinema visits per year by age group Germany 2023

    Kasia Davies. This statistic shows data on the number of visits to the cinema per year in Germany from 2001 to 2023, by age group. In 2023, Germans aged 30 to 39 years went to the cinema an ...