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10 choses incontournables à faire à Zante (Zakynthos) en Grèce

Que faire a Zante Zakynthos

Zante (ou Zakynthos en grec – ζάκυνθος) fait partie de l’archipel des îles Ioniennes , ces îles situées à l’Ouest de la Grèce continentale comme Corfou , Céphalonie , Leucade , Ithaque , Paxos … Cette île est certes très touristique en été (envahie notamment par les touristes britanniques), elle n’en reste pas moins sublime.

Si vous le pouvez, allez-y hors saison afin de découvrir ses magnifiques plages aux eaux turquoises , ses grottes sous-marines, ses falaises abruptes qui plongent dans la mer et ses paysages montagneux et boisés à l’intérieur des terres. Zante (Zakynthos) est aussi connue pour être le lieu de reproduction des tortures caouannes aussi appelées tortues caretta caretta .

Nous sommes allés à Zante (Zakynthos) au moment de Pâques et c’est une île que nous avons beaucoup aimée. Alors, nous partageons ici notre top 10 des choses à faire à Zante (Zakynthos). Les incontournables ainsi que nos coups de cœur. Avant tout, si vous voulez savoir où loger à Zante, on vous a fait une sélection d’hôtels et autres logements dans notre article Où dormir à Zante .

1- Admirer la plage du Naufrage

2- visiter la ville de zante (zakynthos), 3- admirer le coucher de soleil depuis le cap keri, 4- le parc national marin de zante (zakynthos), 5- bateau, plongée, snorkeling : les plaisirs de la mer, 6- marathonissi ou l’île des tortues.

  • 7- Les grottes Bleues ou Blue Caves (Galazia Spilia en grec)

8- Les plages de Zante (Zakynthos)

9- les villages de zante (zakynthos), 10- découvrir l’intérieur des terres et les oliviers millénaires.

Que faire a Zante - que faire a zakynthos -

Été 2024 : La plage de Navagio sera fermée au public en raison des craintes de glissements de terrain.

Si vous ne deviez voir qu’une seule chose de Zante (Zakynthos), ce serait évidemment la plage du Naufrage. Une merveille ! Certains disent qu’il s’agit de la plus belle plage du monde et nous ne sommes en effet pas loin de penser qu’ils ont raison.

C’est d’ailleurs LA plage la plus photographiée de Grèce , une véritable image de carte postale. Nous avions beau l’avoir vue en photo des dizaines de fois, nous en avons quand même eu le souffle coupé lorsque nous l’avons vue « en vrai ».

On admire ici une baie aux eaux tellement bleues qu’on dirait qu’elles ont été retouchées sur Photoshop. Entourée de falaises blanches abruptes, sur cette plage de sable blanc repose l’épave rouillée du  Panayotis qui a donné ce nom à cette plage.

En effet, en 1983 un navire qui faisait de la contrebande de cigarettes s’est échoué ici . L’équipage a filé avant l’arrivée de la police, laissant la bateau et la marchandise sur le sable.

Comment y accéder ?

La plage du naufrage est visible depuis un promontoire qui surplombe le site (en voiture, suivez les panneaux «  Ship-wreck view  »). Attention, en plein été, il faudra s’armer de patience pour avoir le privilège de voir l’épave depuis la passerelle installée en au haut de la falaise.

Le seul moyen d’accéder à la plage elle-même est d’utiliser un bateau-taxi depuis le port voisin d’Agios Nikolaos ou de prendre un caïque à Porto Vromi, Limni Keri ou encore Kokinou. Attention cependant car plage est souvent fermée au public, vous ne pourrez pas fouler le sable blanc.

Nous avons aussi repéré cette excursion à la journée qui permet de visiter en bateau la plage de Navagio et les grottes bleues . Ou encore cette excursion privée vers les grottes bleues et la plage du naufrage . Ces balades permettent d’explorer la sublime baie du naufrage et de nager dans des eaux cristallines d’un bleu vibrant.

Que faire a Zante - que faire a zakynthos

Zakynthos-ville est la capitale de l’île. Elle a malheureusement été dévastée par un tremblement de terre en 1953 qui a détruit la quasi totalité des monuments anciens.

Si la ville n’a rien d’exceptionnel, elle mérite néanmoins le détour. Voici les principaux points d’intérêt :

  • la place Dionysos Solomos baptisée ainsi en hommage au compositeur de  l’Hymne à la liberté , l’hymne national grec, originaire de l’île (1798-1857).
  • Le musée byzantin  qui abrite notamment une maquette de ce qu’était Zante avant le tremblement de terre de 1953. Nous avons trouvé intéressant de voir à quoi ressemblait l’île avant le séisme. Le musée abrite aussi des sculptures, des fresques et des icônes religieuses de plusieurs monastères et églises de la région.
  • la place Agios Markos avec ses façades de couleur pastel. Très animée le soir, car on y trouve des bars et restaurants
  • la colline de Bokali  surplombe la ville. Au sommet, on trouve une forteresse vénitienne appelée «  kastro  » (ouverte du mardi au dimanche de 8h à 14h). De là, on bénéficie d’une vue imprenable sur la ville de Zante (Zakynthos).
  • Romas Mansion  : ce magnifique hôtel particulier construit dans les années 1660 fait partie des rares bâtiments historiques n’ayant pas été détruit par le tremblement de terre de 1953. Hébergeant autrefois les gouverneurs britanniques pendant le protectorat anglais avant de devenir la résidence de la famille Romas, ce manoir a été transformé en musée en 2007. Rempli de livres, de meubles d’époque et de portraits de famille, il donne ainsi aux visiteurs un aperçu de la vie des anciens aristocrates.
  • l’Eglise Agios Dyonisos , ornée d’un haut campanile. Le Saint patron de l’île est d’ailleurs enterré ici. Allez admirer le plafond recouvert de fresques et les superbes vitraux.

Zakynthos est une île qui se prête plutôt bien à la balade en vélo, Baja Bikes propose des locations de vélo mais également des tours guidés en vélo électrique.

Si vous souhaitez l oger dans la ville de Zante, faites un tour sur le site  Booking où vous trouverez de nombreux logements (hôtels, appartements, maisons…), ou alors sur Abritel .

Que faire a Zante - que faire a zakynthos

Le Cap Keri est, avec la plage du naufrage, l’un de nos coups de cœur à Zante (Zakynthos). C’est un endroit superbe, tout au sud de l’île. L’idéal est de venir ici le soir pour admirer le coucher du soleil depuis le phare (situé à 2km du village). Suivre les panneaux «  faros keriou  » ( φάρος κεριού ).

Pour une version plus confortable, vous pouvez aussi admirer le coucher du soleil depuis la bien-nommée taverne Sunset , tout de suite à droite à l’entrée du village de Keri. Depuis la terrasse, le panorama au soleil couchant est joli. En plus, on déguste ici des viandes rôties à la broche pendant plusieurs heures, moelleuses et délicieuses.

Nos enfants ont eux aussi aimé Keri mais pour une toute autre raison : parce qu’on trouve ici le plus grand drapeau grec du monde (homologué par le Guinness Book ). Un grand drapeau bleu et blanc de 670m² flotte dans le ciel, en face du phare.

Tortues à Zante - parc marin de Zakynthos

La baie de Laganas abrite le parc national marin de Zante (Zakynthos). Créé en 1999, ce parc a été développé pour aider à protéger les tortues  caretta caretta .

Le parc national marin de Zante est le plus important lieu de ponte des tortues  caretta caretta en Méditerranée . Plus de 500 femelles viennent pondre sur les différentes plages du sud de l’île chaque été. Malheureusement la reproduction des tortues  caretta caretta est menacée par l’exploitation touristique. Les bruits et les lumières artificielles la nuit effraient les femelles qui prennent la fuite et meurent en mer. En outre, les œufs sont fragiles et peuvent être détruits par les vacanciers qui s’installent sur les plages où les tortues viennent pondre.

Pour en savoir plus sur le parc national marin de Zante, consultez le site internet du parc marin.

Enfin, si vous souhaitez voir de près des tortues, nous vous conseillons cette croisière d’observation des tortues marines , ou alors cette excursion guidée avec bateau à fond de verre .

Faire du bateau à Zante

Incontournable pour découvrir les merveilles de Zante (Zakynthos), invisibles depuis les terres, une balade en bateau s’impose. Les paysages sont vraiment superbes.

Plusieurs options s’offrent à vous : un tour complet de l’île, la visite des grottes bleues et/ou celle de la baie du naufrage.

Vous trouverez diverses agences sur l’île : sur le front de mer de la ville de Zakynthos, à Agios Nikolaos, à Porto Vromi, etc. Vous pouvez aussi réserver vos excursions à Zante en ligne . En haute saison, il est d’ailleurs préférable de réserver avant votre arrivée sur l’île pour être sûrs d’avoir de la place.

Et si vous avez envie de partir 2 semaines en croisière sur un voilier (avec ou sans skipper), nous vous recommandons VoiliVoilou , une agence tenue par un franco-grec qui propose des départs depuis Lefkada . Pour les locations de petits bateaux à moteur (sans permis), vous pouvez le faire en ligne sur le site Click&Boat (testé et approuvé par nos soins).

Et pour les adeptes d’activités sportives, nous vous recommandons alors vivement le site Manawa qui propose des activités très sympas à Zante comme la plongée ou le snorkeling par exemple. Un régal ! Retrouvez ici les différentes activités sur l’île .

Que faire a Zante - que faire a zakynthos

Si vous avez le temps, n’hésitez pas à aller faire un petit tour à Marathonissi ou « l’île des tortues » , juste en face de la plage de Keri. On rejoint ce gros rocher en bateau. Sur la plage de Keri, vous pouvez louer un petit bateau à moteur sans permis. Très facile à conduire, même pour des novices. Prix variables selon les agences, le nombre de personnes et le type de bateau souhaité. Vous pouvez également réserver votre bateau en ligne sur le site Click&Boat .

Si vous venez entre fin mai et septembre, vous aurez sûrement la chance de voir des tortues marines .

Sur l’île, il y a deux plages non aménagées, avec sable blanc et eaux turquoises. De temps en temps, passe cependant un bateau-bar qui propose des boissons et quelques snacks.

Notre conseil : allez-y tôt le matin (vers 9h-10h) avant qu’il y ait du monde.

7- Les grottes Bleues ou Blue Caves ( Galazia Spilia  en grec)

Que faire a Zante - que faire a zakynthos

Les grottes bleues sont une merveille naturelle de l’île de de Zante (Zakynhtos). Nous avons beaucoup aimé ces paysages de falaises blanches percées de grottes aux eaux azur . En réalité, il ne s’agit pas de grottes à proprement parler mais plutôt d’arches creusées par la mer dans les falaises. La mer y est turquoise et on ne se lasse pas d’admirer les effets de lumière sous-marine causés par la réflexion du soleil qui rebondit sur les murs de la grotte et sur l’eau située au-dessous . Ils donnent l’impression que l’eau est éclairée par le fond.

On visite les grottes bleues en caïque depuis les ports d’Agios Nikolaos ou de Porto Vromi (prix : autour de 20€/adulte). La plupart des excursions comprennent des arrêts baignades. N’oubliez pas de prendre votre maillot de bain et un masque si vous en avez un. Nous avons adoré nager dans cette eau incroyablement azur (nos enfants nous ont même demandé si quelqu’un avait mis du colorant dans l’eau pour qu’elle soit aussi bleue).

Notre conseil : allez-y le matin, la couleur de l’eau est magnifique… et il y a moins de monde qu’en milieu de journée.

Vous trouverez différentes compagnies qui proposent cette excursion sur le site Get Your Guide .

Que faire a Zante - que faire a zakynthos

Vous trouverez de très belles plages tout autour de l’île . Les plages du Sud-Est sont les plus réputées car elles sont superbes… mais un peu trop fréquentées et aménagées à notre goût. A titre personnel, nous avons préféré les plages et petites criques au Nord et à l’Ouest de l’île. Peut-être moins spectaculaires mais plus charmantes.

Les plages du Sud

  • La plage de Gerakas : c’est certainement la plus belle plage de Zakynthos, bordée de falaises rouges et blanches. En partie aménagée et en partie sauvage, les naturistes l’occupent partiellement. Ici, on aime l’eau parfaitement propre, c’est un bonheur de nager dans la mer translucide. Il s’agit de l’une des plages de ponte des tortues et par conséquent son accès est interdit du coucher au lever du soleil des mois de mai à octobre. Vous trouverez sur les abords de la plage des consignes visant à protéger les tortues.
  • Banana Beach  : une longue plage de sable malheureusement surpeuplée en été. Le cadre naturel est certes joli (décor de dunes et de pins) mais le tourisme de masse a abîmé cette baie. Vous trouverez ici de nombreuses activités (pédalos, jet-ski, jeux gonflables, beach-bars etc).
  • La plage de Kaminia
  • La crique Porto Roma (accessible en voiture), entourée de petites falaises, relativement calme.
  • La plage de Dafni : une grande baie calme accessible par un chemin de terre difficilement praticable. Cette plage est réservée en partie aux tortues caretta caretta qui viennent ici pondre leurs œufs.
  • Laganas  : une belle plage mais envahie de restos, hôtels, bars, salles de jeux….

Les plages au Nord et à l’Ouest de Zante

  • Les nombreuses criques  : souvent accessibles en bateau uniquement
  • La plage Ammoudi  : paisible, dotée d’une taverne
  • La plage de Makris Gialos : une petite plage de sable et de galets, aux eaux translucides (non aménagée, prévoir de quoi s’abriter du soleil et de l’eau).
  • La petite plage de Porto Vromi avec ses galets et ses eaux transparentes

Pour plus de détails, jetez un œil à notre article Les plus belles plages de Zante (Zakynthos) .

Les villages de Zante Zakynthos

Certes, ils ne sont pas spectaculaires, mais si vous les traversez, arrêtez vous quelques instants pour en savourer l’atmosphère.

  • Le village de Keri (au sud de l’île) : un village perché sur la montagne, authentique et paisible. Une église, des maisons en pierres, une petite place, ainsi que quelques tavernes.
  • Le village de Volimes (au Nord de l’île) : ruelles paisibles, maisons préservées du tremblement de terre, petites églises
  • Kambi (ou Kampi) , un village perché en haut d’une falaise et qui offre une jolie vue au soleil couchant. Là, nous vous recommandons la taverne Mihalis.
  • Limni Keri  (au sud) : un joli port de pêche paisible et isolé qui invite aussi à la douceur de vivre
  • Kiliomeno (centre de l’île): un village en pierres. On trouve ici, dans une maison réputée pour être la plus ancienne de l’île, une taverne simple et rustique dénommée Alitzerinoi.
  • Le village de Louha (centre de l’île) et sa taverne
  • le village de Maherado (centre de l’île) où les grecs viennent admirer l’icône de l’église Agia Mavra
  • Exo Hora  (à l’Ouest) où se trouve le plus vieil olivier de l’île. Il aurait 2500 ans.

Que faire a Zante - que faire a zakynthos

Enfin, n’hésitez pas à aller explorer le centre de l’île. Certes les routes sont parfois étroites et elles « tortillent ». Mais elles traversent de jolis paysages d’oliviers centenaires, de pins et de vignes . Nous avons particulièrement apprécié le contraste entre les côtes aux eaux turquoises et l’intérieur des terres montagneux et boisé . En outre, si les abords des plages sont très touristiques et construits (avec malheureusement karaoké, salles de jeux, mini-golfs et diverses attractions pour touristes), l’intérieur de l’île demeure en revanche calme et authentique . Avec des airs de campagne, on y croise d’ailleurs par moments des tracteurs, des fermes avec des poules, des dindons, des chèvres et des moutons.

Si vous n’êtes pas véhiculés ou que vous avez envie de profiter d’une journée Off à vous laisser guider, nous avons repéré cette excursion qui pourrait vous intéresser :

  • Visite en jeep hors-route Durée : 7h. Une sortie originale pour découvrir Zakynthos par des sentiers difficiles d’accès. Vous commencerez par le point culminant de l’île pour une vue imprenable, puis, la plage de la célèbre épave de Zante ainsi que la plage de Makris Gialos. Ici, vous pourrez soit vous baigner soit partir en excursion en bateau voir les grottes bleues (excursion en option). Enfin, vous terminerez la journée par la visite d’une ferme biologique. Visite en anglais, mais l’avantage de prendre avec Get Your Guide, c’est que l’annulation est gratuite jusqu’à 24h avant.

Pour aller à Zante, vous pouvez par ailleurs réserver vos billets de ferry sur le site Ferry Hopper .

Et pour en savoir plus sur Zakynthos, consultez également nos articles :

  • Informations pratiques pour savoir comment aller à Zante, en quelle saison, ainsi que combien de temps y rester, etc
  • Où dormir à Zante ? Notre sélection d’hôtels et logements
  • Mais aussi Les plus belles plages de Zante
  • Louer une voiture ou une moto à Zante

Enfin,  si vous cherchez un logement à Zante, faites un tour sur le site Booking , ou encore sur Abritel .

Mis à jour le 26 Juin 2024

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Zante Guide 2024

Zante guide: events.

  • Zante Events

Zante is renowned for having an array events possible to pick from.   Selecting what to book is always a challenge but our team has been to every single event, multiple times, what’s your taste? Cheap & cheerful? VIP? Boozy? Enter here to have the best Zante guide possible selecting your Zante events.

Zante is renowned for having an array events possible to pick from , selecting what to book is always a challenge but our team has been to every single event, multiple times, what’s your taste? Cheap & cheerful? VIP? Boozy? Enter here to have the best Zante guide possible selecting your Zante events.

Zante Guide: Nightlife

Nightlife in zante.

Zante nightlife is some of the best known in Europe. With hundreds of bars & clubs all with different styles to pick from. Selecting your favourite to go to is a mission itself. Every bar has a different drinks deal every night and you will see thousands of people descend onto the Zante strip trying to find there perfect place for the night

Zante Guide: Restaurants

Restaurants in zante.

If you are looking for somewhere to dine or just something quick to head home with before getting ready for a night out. Zante has it all, Greek, Italian, Mexican or Chinese plus many more. We obviously have favourites and the Zante Bible supplies discounts either certain places. But we also are well travelled and can tell you everywhere good and bad!

Restaurants In Zante

Zante guide: best hotels, best hotels in zante.

Zakynthos has everything bed wise. Hotels & Villas are located on every section of the island. A large selection of online websites make booking somewhere to sleep very simple alongside your flights and transfers. Some provide all inclusive and some can sort you caterers for your villas. Inside this we will detail everything you need to know to make selecting where to sleep

Zante Guide: Things To Do

Things to-do in zante.

Explore the rich mosaic of Zante’s tourist attractions beyond its beaches. Wander through ancient ruins at the Venetian Castle and marvel at breathtaking views from Bohali. Discover the island’s natural beauty with turtle spotting in Marathonisi. Shop for local treasures in charming Zante Town.

Things To Do In Zante

Explore the rich mosaic of Zante’s tourist attractions beyond its beaches . Wander through ancient ruins at the Venetian Castle and marvel at breathtaking views from Bohali. Discover the island’s natural beauty with turtle spotting in Marathonisi. Shop for local treasures in charming Zante Town.

Zante Guide: The Zante Strip

Zante strip laganas.

The Laganas strip has appeared on multiple tv shows showing the good and bad sides of the night life in zante. We have carefully put together an incredibly well informed section letting you know the do’s and don’ts for the zante strip. However these are our recommendations but when your on your holiday rules are meant to be broken

Zante Guide: Best Beaches

Best zante beaches.

The beaches in zante are know world wide as been some of the most spectacular in the world. With zante being an island it play host to multiple nesting spots for the famous caretta caretta turtles. Beach’s range from pebbled to lush white sands. If it’s a small touch of paradise that you’re looking for then Zakynthos is what you’re looking for.

Best Beaches In Zante

Zante guide: zante weather, weather in zante.

With zante being in the heart Aegean Sea you can find temperature ranging from 25 degrees up to 35 degrees. May, August and September you can see some small showers of rain but through out June and July it’s full time sunshine. With this being said make sure you back your sun cream you don’t want to be one of those lemons hiding in your room with sun stroke.

Zante Guide: Zante Rent a Boat

Zante rent a boat.

With so many beautiful views to see around the island renting a speedboat is our number 1 recommend thing to do. So in this section we will tell you where to take yourself self drive or rented speedboat. With zante been a costal island you’ll find yourself seeing dolphins, seals and turtles whilst cruising along in the sky blue seas.. Top Tip: ZanteSpeedBoats Rental

  • Zante Mega Deal
  • Tidal Boat Party
  • Full Moon Pool Party
  • Champagne Spray Pool Party
  • Zante Nightlife
  • Zante Restaurant
  • Zante Hotels
  • Zante Beaches
  • Zante Weather
  • The Zante Strip
  • Zante SpeedBoats


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Greek Island

Greek Island

copines de voyage zante

Visiting Zante: Everything You Need to Know

posted by Sofia Mavromatis on June 14, 2023 // last updated on June 15, 2023

Nestled in the enchanting Ionian Sea, the captivating island of Zante, also known as Zakynthos, is a holiday haven for beach lovers and party enthusiasts seeking the perfect escape.

Rich in fertility and nobility, Zante was once hailed as the “Flower of the East” by the Venetians who recognised the island as the jewel of their empire. Its stunning landscapes, iconic attractions, and vibrant atmosphere make it an unforgettable destination for travellers from across the globe.

One of Zante’s most remarkable features is its breathtaking coastline graced with pristine white-sand beaches and crystal-clear waters.

The famous Navagio Beach, or Shipwreck Beach, is the epitome of this beauty, showcasing a dramatic cliff backdrop and a mysterious shipwreck at its heart.

Besides its mesmerising beaches, the island is also home to diverse wildlife, such as the endangered sea turtles known as Caretta caretta, which can be spotted on the island during their nesting season.

While Zante might be small in size, it packs a punch when it comes to things to see and do. From the lively resorts boasting an electrifying nightlife to the charming traditional villages that exude timeless allure, Zante promises a well-rounded experience for all travellers.

With just a week of exploration, you can cover all the major attractions and hidden gems – ensuring an unforgettable and fun-filled holiday on this sun-kissed paradise.

Getting to Zante

Zante, also known as Zakynthos, is a popular holiday destination in Greece. To help you plan your trip, this guide provides information on how to get to Zante by air and sea.

During the low season, the primary way to reach Zante is by taking a plane from Athens. This flight takes approximately 50 minutes. There are typically several flights per day, so you should be able to find a suitable option for your travel plans.

During high season, you might also find direct flights from various European cities to Zante (Zakynthos) International Airport. It is always a good idea to check with your preferred airline or search for flights online to find the best connections.

Alternatively, you can travel to Zante by ferry. This is a popular option if you are travelling from Cephalonia Island, the Greek mainland or Italy.

  • From Cephalonia Island : There are daily ferry services between Cephalonia and Zante, taking around 1-1.5 hours.
  • From the Greek mainland: Ferries depart from the port of Killini on the mainland to Zakynthos, taking about 1 hour. You can reach Killini by bus from Athens, which takes approximately 4 hours.
  • From Italy: During high season, there are also ferry connections from Italy to Zante, though some of these services are limited and subject to change. It is recommended to check with the ferry companies for the most up-to-date information.

To find the most convenient ferry for your trip, be sure to check the schedules and book your tickets in advance. Enjoy your journey to the beautiful island of Zante!

Best Time to Visit

Zante, or Zakynthos, is located in the Ionian Sea, and its Mediterranean climate makes it a great holiday destination throughout the year. However, the best time to visit would be between May and September, as the weather is warm and sunny, with temperatures usually ranging between 16°C and 30°C.

During May, the island starts to warm up as the summer season begins, with temperatures averaging around 20°C. June, July, and August are considered as the hottest months, with the average temperature reaching around 25°C to 30°C. September is still warm with temperatures averaging about 24°C, yet the weather might be more pleasant as the humidity starts to decrease.

Peak Season

Peak Season in Zante is from July to August when the island is the busiest and most crowded. Prices for flights and accommodation during this time tend to be higher in comparison to the off-peak months. However, the lively atmosphere, pleasant weather, and extensive events make it a popular time to visit.

During the peak season, visitors can enjoy a wide range of activities, such as:

  • Exploring the picturesque Zante Town and its rich history
  • Discovering beautiful white beaches, such as Navagio Beach (Shipwreck Beach)
  • Joining one of the many boat tours around the island
  • Observing the rare loggerhead sea turtles in their natural habitat at Laganas Bay

For those who prefer a more relaxed experience, it’s recommended to consider visiting during the shoulder season, which lasts from May to June and September. These months offer a slightly less crowded environment, more comfortable temperatures, and lower prices for accommodations.

Accommodation Options

Visiting Zante, also known as Zakynthos, offers a variety of accommodation options to suit different preferences and budgets. From hotels and villas to apartment rentals, you can find the perfect place to stay during your holiday on this stunning Greek island.

Zakynthos is home to numerous hotels that cater to families, couples, and solo travellers. For first-time visitors, staying in Zakynthos Town can be a great choice, as it provides a range of eating, shopping, drinking, and sightseeing options without being overwhelming. The town has seen a recent expansion in hotel rooms, particularly in the seaside village of Argassi, which is only 4 km away and popular amongst families, couples, and teenagers.

Some popular hotels in Zante include:

  • Argassi : Known for its extensive offering of hotel rooms and proximity to Zakynthos Town.
  • Porto Zante Villas & Spa : This luxurious coastal resort offers 10 villas, each with a private pool, marble bathroom, and private terrace facing the ocean. Additional amenities include a waterfront spa, chic cocktail bar, and Mediterranean restaurant.

If you’re seeking a more exclusive and private experience while visiting Zante, consider staying in a villa. Villas often come with added luxuries, such as private pools and exquisite views of the ocean. The Porto Zante Villas & Spa mentioned above is an excellent example of a high-end villa resort on the island.

Apartment Rentals

Apartment rentals can be a budget-friendly accommodation option, as well as providing a more authentic and local experience. They can also be an excellent choice for longer stays and larger groups. A variety of apartment-style accommodations are available throughout Zante, with platforms like Airbnb offering numerous options to suit different tastes and budgets.

In summary, Zakynthos has a wide range of accommodation options to suit various preferences, from luxurious hotels and villas to budget-friendly apartment rentals. No matter your choice, you will be able to enjoy the island’s stunning landscapes, amazing food, and warm Greek hospitality.

Top Attractions

Zante, also known as Zakynthos, is a beautiful Greek island with stunning landscapes, crystal clear waters, and unique spots to explore. In this guide, we’ll cover some of the top attractions to visit during your trip to Zante.

Shipwreck Beach

Also known as Navagio Beach, Shipwreck Beach is one of the most famous and picturesque beaches in Greece. Hidden in Smuggler’s Cove on the island’s west coast, this beach is home to an old shipwreck that adds an air of mystery to the scenic landscape. Surrounded by dramatic cliffs and featuring electrifying blue waters, this beach is a must-see for any visitor.

To access Shipwreck Beach, you’ll need to take a boat trip, as it’s not reachable by land. Several tour companies offer excursions to this iconic spot, making sure you’ll have a memorable experience.

The Blue Caves are a natural wonder located on the northern tip of Zante. Known for their mesmerising bright blue waters and unique rock formations, the Blue Caves are perfect for exploring by boat. Many boat trips depart from nearby ports, allowing you to admire the caves from the water or even enjoy a refreshing swim.

When visiting the Blue Caves, make sure to bring your camera to capture the incredible colours and fascinating geological features. The best time to visit is in the morning when the sunlight enhances the vibrant blue hues of the water.

Turtle Spotting

Zante is home to the endangered loggerhead sea turtles, also known as Caretta caretta. These magnificent creatures can be spotted nesting on the island’s pristine beaches, particularly on Laganas Beach in the south. To protect their delicate ecosystem, certain areas are designated as National Marine Parks, and visitors are encouraged to respect these conservation efforts.

If you’re interested in getting up close with these gentle giants, several eco-friendly turtle spotting tours depart from Laganas and Keri, providing a responsible and enlightening experience for all ages. Remember, it’s essential to follow the guidelines provided by your tour operator to ensure a respectful and sustainable interaction with these amazing animals.

Remember to enjoy these beautiful attractions responsibly and help preserve the natural beauty of Zante for future generations to enjoy.

Activities and Experiences

Zante offers a myriad of activities and experiences for visitors to enjoy. From water sports to hiking, and boat tours, travellers can find something for everyone.

Water Sports

The island is well-known for its stunning beaches that provide excellent opportunities for water sports enthusiasts. Some popular activities include:

  • Jet Skiing: Feel the adrenaline rush as you zip across the water on a jet ski.
  • Parasailing: Soar above the crystal clear waters and take in the breathtaking views of Zante from the sky.
  • Banana Boat Rides: Gather your friends and family to ride a giant inflatable banana towed by a speedboat.
  • Scuba Diving and Snorkelling: Discover the vibrant marine life and underwater beauty as you dive or snorkel around the island.

Zante’s landscapes offer picturesque hiking trails for nature lovers to explore. Some notable trails to check out are:

  • Marathia Trail: This trek takes you along the panoramic coastline and through lush green woodlands.
  • Venetian Castle Hike: Begin this hike in the charming village of Bohali and make your way to the Venetian Castle, a historical gem with stunning views of Zakynthos Town.
  • Skopos Hill Trail: Ascend the summit of Skopos Hill for a panoramic view of the island and a visit to an ancient monastery.

A visit to Zante is incomplete without a boat tour. Boat tours offer you the chance to explore the island’s coastline, stop at hidden beaches and visit iconic sites like Shipwreck Cove. Some popular boat tours include:

  • Navagio Beach Tour: Visit the famous Shipwreck Cove, also known as Navagio Beach, and marvel at the turquoise waters, white sand, and shipwreck.
  • Turtle Spotting Tour: Spend an afternoon watching the adorable loggerhead turtles in their natural habitat at Laganas Bay.
  • Keri Caves Tour: Explore the picturesque Keri Caves, with crystal clear waters and dramatic limestone formations, perfect for snorkelling.

Enjoy these activities and experiences during your visit to Zante, creating lasting memories of the beautiful island.

Food and Nightlife

Local cuisine.

Zante offers a variety of traditional dishes to try during your visit. Local cuisine usually includes plenty of meat options, such as pork, chicken, veal, and lamb, but there are also fish and vegetable dishes available. Some popular local dishes to try include:

  • Kuneli : a rabbit-based dish
  • Gouvetsi : lamb cooked with pasta
  • Spetsofai : sausage and peppers combination

Make sure to sample a variety of these traditional dishes to get a true taste of Zante’s culinary delights!

Bars and Clubs

Zante is known for its lively nightlife, particularly in the areas of Laganas and Argassi. These areas offer a variety of bars and clubs to suit all tastes and party preferences.

Laganas is the hotspot for wild nightlife, where you can find fishbowl cocktails, foam parties, and DJ sets catering to those looking for a vibrant party scene. In contrast, Argassi offers a slightly more relaxed atmosphere, providing a selection of bars to explore without the same intensity as Laganas.

The Barrage Club in Zakynthos can be considered one of the best nightclubs on the island, hosting popular events like White Tuesday and the Elegant Party (held every Friday). For a more unique experience, check out Cameo Island , a small private island accessible by a wooden bridge, known for its happy hour offerings.

Local Customs and Etiquette

When visiting Zante, it is important to immerse yourself in the local customs and etiquette of this beautiful Greek island. There are a few key aspects to consider that will make your trip more enjoyable and help you gain a better understanding of the local culture.

Firstly, Greek people are known for their hospitality, and this is no exception in Zante. Locals are welcoming and will often go out of their way to make tourists feel at home. When entering a shop or cafe, it is polite to greet the staff with a friendly “Yassas” (hello).

Dress code is generally relaxed on the island, however, when visiting religious sites such as churches and monasteries, it is important to be respectful and cover your shoulders and knees. In addition, it is polite to remove your hat when inside a church.

When it comes to dining in Zante, it is customary for meals to be shared among the table. You may notice that utensils are not always provided, as it is common to eat with your hands, particularly when enjoying traditional Greek dishes like souvlaki and gyro. Tipping is appreciated, and you can leave around 10% of the bill if you are satisfied with the service provided.

If you are lucky enough to be invited to a local’s home, it is important to be punctual and bring a small token of appreciation, such as a bottle of wine or chocolates. Additionally, remember to praise the food, as Greek cuisine is a point of pride for the locals.

Finally, when visiting Zante, it is essential to respect the environment and the island’s natural beauty. Try to minimise your waste and avoid disturbing the local sea turtles that breed in the island’s enchanting azure waters.

Following these etiquette tips while visiting Zante will not only make your trip more enjoyable, but also help foster a deeper connection with the island’s culture and people.

Safety Tips

Visiting Zante is an exciting experience, but it’s essential to prioritise safety while exploring this beautiful Greek island. Here are some safety tips to ensure a worry-free holiday:

  • Beware of jellyfish on the beaches, particularly around Laganas Beach. The purple jellyfish in this area can cause painful stings and leave scars if touched. Always pay attention to your surroundings when swimming or walking near the water.
  • During the peak summer months, temperatures in Zante can soar above 30°C, making it crucial to stay hydrated and protect yourself from the sun. Wear sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat, and take breaks in the shade whenever possible.
  • Keep in mind that a northerly wind called the ‘meltemia’ can be present during the afternoons, helping to cool things down. However, strong gusts can be hazardous to those on boats, so be cautious.
  • On the subject of transportation, avoid using quad bikes as they can be unsafe, particularly for inexperienced riders. Instead, consider renting a car, scooter, or bicycle, but do ensure to follow local traffic laws and wear necessary safety gear such as helmets.
  • Zante is known for its vibrant nightlife, and while it’s great to have fun, remember to drink responsibly and never leave drinks unattended. Stick to well-lit areas and travel with a buddy or in groups when exploring the island at night.

Following these simple safety tips will allow you to make the most of your time on Zante, creating cherished memories while staying safe and sound.

Leaving Zante

When planning your departure from Zante, it’s important to be well-prepared and have all your belongings sorted. Make sure you’ve double-checked your accommodation for any forgotten items, and have packed souvenirs you may have purchased during your stay on the island.

It’s recommended to visit local shops for last-minute gifts, or even something to remember Zante by. There are numerous shops around Zante Town, where you can find local products like olive oil, honey, and handmade crafts. Don’t forget to also try some local delicacies like mandolato, a delicious nougat with almonds, before leaving the island.

As you make your way to the airport, ensure you have booked your transportation in advance to avoid any last-minute hassles. Taxis and airport shuttles are available and can be pre-booked for a smooth and stress-free journey. If you rented a car during your stay, be sure to return it in a timely manner to avoid any additional charges.

At the Zakynthos International Airport, allow yourself ample time for check-in, security checks, and potential delays. The airport can get busy during peak tourist season, so arriving at least two hours before your flight is advisable. While waiting for your flight, you can take advantage of the facilities available at the airport, including shops, restaurants, and a small lounge area.

As you board your flight, take the time to reminisce about your Zante holiday and the wonderful memories made. We hope you enjoyed your stay on this magical island and will keep that experience alive by sharing your favourite moments with friends and family. Until we meet again, safe travels home!

Frequently Asked Questions

Best time to visit.

The best time to visit Zante, also known as Zakynthos, is during the shoulder seasons of May-June and September-October. During these months, the weather is pleasant, and the island is less crowded than during the peak summer months of July and August.

Top attractions?

Some of the top attractions in Zante include:

  • Navagio Beach (Shipwreck Beach), famous for its stunning turquoise waters and the iconic shipwreck.
  • Blue Caves, a series of geological formations accessible by boat.
  • Marathonisi (Turtle Island), a small island famous for its sea turtle population and nesting beaches.
  • Zakynthos Town, the island’s capital and main port, offering a variety of shops, restaurants, and cultural attractions.

Where to stay?

There are many accommodation options on Zante, catering to various budgets and preferences. Popular locations include:

  • Laganas: Known for its vibrant nightlife and long stretch of beach.
  • Tsilivi: A family-friendly resort area with numerous hotels, restaurants, and activities.
  • Alykanas: A quieter, more traditional village offering a mix of hotels and self-catering apartments.
  • Kalamaki: A popular resort area near the airport, with a beautiful sandy beach and protected sea turtle nesting area.

Getting to Zante?

Zante is accessible via its international airport or by ferry from the mainland or neighbouring Ionian Islands. Numerous airlines, including budget carriers, offer seasonal flights from UK airports. Alternatively, visitors can fly to Athens and take a domestic flight or ferry to Zante.

Transport options?

The island offers a variety of transport options, allowing visitors to get around with ease:

  • Car rental: Renting a car or scooter is a flexible option to explore the island at your own pace.
  • Public buses: The island’s bus system connects main towns and popular tourist areas.
  • Taxis: Taxis are widely available in Zante, with fixed rates for most destinations.
  • Boat trips: Boat tours are a popular way to explore Zante’s coastal attractions, such as Navagio Beach and Blue Caves.

Hidden gems?

Some lesser-known yet charming spots on Zante include:

  • Porto Limnionas: A scenic bay with crystal-clear waters, perfect for swimming and snorkelling.
  • Bochali: A picturesque hilltop village overlooking Zakynthos Town, offering stunning views and a peaceful atmosphere.
  • Keri Lighthouse: A scenic vantage point, offering panoramic views of the Keri cliffs and the Ionian Sea.
  • Exo Chora: A small village known for its traditional stone houses and ancient olive tree, estimated to be over 1,000 years old.

Sofia Mavromatis

Born and raised on the sun-drenched island of Crete, Sofia Mavromatis is a seasoned traveler and writer with a deep-rooted love for Greece’s vibrant culture, stunning landscapes, and rich history.

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Island Hopping in Greece

22+ Amazing Things to do in Zante in 2024 + Travel Guide

Zakynthos island, known by many as Zante, is one of seven Ionian islands on the East coast of Greece. There are plenty of fantastic things to do in Zante.

Zante is well known to Europeans as a package holiday destination and one of the party capitals of Europe, with its famous Laganas strip and ‘White Party’. Zante also has beautiful beaches and scenery for a more laid-back trip and is one of the best islands in Greece for families .

The island also has some of the best beaches in Greece for families . Often missed off the traditional routes around the Greek islands of Mykonos, Santorini, and Athens, it is well worth a visit, and there’s plenty to do and see.

This post will help you plan the perfect trip by describing some of the best things to do in Zakynthos, some of the best beaches in Zakynthos, where to stay in Zakynthos, and some fantastic day trips from Zakynthos.

navagio, navagio beach, beach

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How to get to Zakynthos

How to get to zante by plane.

Zante has one main airport that serves flights from around Europe. Significantly more flights run in the summer months. In the winter, it may be necessary to fly to Greece’s capital, Athens, and board a flight to Zante.

To get to Zante from outside Europe, you will usually have to change at Athens International Airport. You can also fly into Athens and board a ferry.

How to get to Zante by ferry (Athens to Zakynthos)

Ferries run from the mainland port of Kylinni to Zante. It’s best to hire a car in Athens and drive to Kylinni for this option.

he ferry is very comfortable, with indoor seating, toilet facilities and a bar. Check ferry prices and availability for your dates here.

A Map of the Best Things to Do in Zante

Things to do in Zante Travel Guide

1. explore zakynthos town.

Top-quality restaurants , mesmerising churches and a beautiful seafront walkway , Zante town is becoming increasingly popular with visitors. Zakynthos town is well worth a visit as both the capital and commercial hub of the island.

A visit to Zante town should start in Saint Marcus Square. Once the centre of social and political debating, the square is now home to excellent cafes and restaurants.

A seafront promenade is a great place for a walk. Stroll along the vast port promenade for 1.5km, passing the monastery of Strofades and the church of Agios Nikolaos on the way. Both Saint Marcus Square and the promenade are a great way to take in the atmosphere of Zakynthos town.

bochali, zakynthos, greece, Things to do in Zakynthos

2. Laganas – Things to do in Laganas

The busiest and most popular resort in Zakynthos, Laganas, is popular with families and young people. It’s an excellent resort to stay in as you explore Zakynthos, with plenty to see and do:

3. Experience a night out on the Laganas Strip

Laganas is one of Greece’s party capitals, famous for its strip of cheap bars and legendary clubs. The resort attracts millions of party-goers every year. Make sure you pay a visit to Zeros, one of Zante’s superclubs, which hosts some of the main events on the island.

4. A day at the beach

Laganas Beach is one of the best beaches in Zante and one of the longest, too (9km). I’ve also chosen the beach as one of the best beaches in Greece for families. There are plenty of sun loungers to hire. Sit back and relax as you take in the crystal clear waters and the views out to sea.

If you return in the evening, there’s a long strip of restaurants at the back of the beach. There are PRs outside each venue, so make sure you find the best deal before deciding! I recommend choosing a restaurant with live Greek dancing to get insight into Greek culture.

5. A walk to Cameo Island

Well known as the wedding venue in Mamma Mia, Cameo is a small island attached to Zakynthos by a small bridge. Once on the island, you can relax on the beach with stunning views of Laganas Bay or sip a cold drink at the bar.

Entrance to Cameo Island costs 5 Euro, with a free drink at the bar included in the price.

zakynthos, greece, greek island, Things to do in Zakynthos

6. A boat trip to Marothinissi

Visible from Laganas Beach, Marathonisi (Aka. Turtle Island) is an uninhabited island just off the coast of Zakynthos. Marathonisi is part of a national marine park that aims to protect loggerhead turtles. Boat trips can be booked to view Marathonissi and some turtles close up.

turtle, water turtle, portrait

7. Tsilivi – Things to do in Tsilivi

Located on the northeast coast of Zakynthos, the resort of Tsilivi (also known as Planos ) is one of the best places to stay on the island. The resort is popular with those who prefer a quiet break but with many activities.

copines de voyage zante

8. Explore Tsilivi Town

Tsilivi town is home to a wide range of souvenir shops traditional tavernas, and cuisine from all over the world. Take a slow walk through the town and take in the atmosphere.

9. Zante Waterpark. Tsilivi

A water paradise for kids and adults alike. There are so many slides to choose from. There’s something for all the family, from the black hole to the space and the younger kids’ octopus and pirate boat.

I first visited Tsilivi water park in 2014 on a day trip from our base in Argassi. We returned to stay at the Aqua Bay hotel inside the water park for the following two years.

We also visited Zante’s other water park in 2014, and although it’s much bigger, the quality of the Tsilivi water park is much better. The neighbouring Planos Bay Hotel also has free access to the water park.

Whether you decide to stay at the Aqua Bay hotel or visit the water park on a day trip, make sure you try the lazy river—it’s my favourite part of the park!

I’ve visited with family previously, but I plan to return with my daughter in the future.

copines de voyage zante

10. Try your hand at Greek dancing

Greek dancing is a very old and popular tradition throughout Greece. Each island and mainland area has its own interpretation. Why not spend the evening with Greek musicians playing traditional Greek music and Greek dancers? You’re welcome to join in and have a go.

Get your guide offers a ‘Dinner with Greek dancing tour’ where guests can enjoy  Enjoy a night of traditional Greek food, free-flowing wine, music, and dancing in an idyllic setting. Free-flowing wine and traditional Greek meal are included, along with return transfers to your hotel for 11PM. Click here to book tickets in advance.

11. Eat at a Traditional Taverna

Greece’s cuisine is famous throughout the world. Each island has its own dishes and interpretations. Take a look at this article by BBC Good Foods, which explains the must-eats in Zakynthos.

Once you’re familiar with what foods to try, it comes down to finding the best taverna to eat at.

The Greek dinner with dancing tour as above offers a three-course meal at a traditional taverna consisting of  ‘tzatziki (garlic, cucumber and yoghurt dip), spinach pies, cheese pies, stuffed vine leaves, sausage pies, and Greek salad. T

he main course will include a mix of pork souvlaki and roast chicken with oven potatoes or a vegetarian option of either stuffed tomatoes or spaghetti Neapolitan. For dessert, you can enjoy fruits of the season or a traditional Zakynthian sweet. Click here to book tickets in advance with get your guide .

If you want to explore Zante’s tavernas without a guide, then take a look at this guide , explaining the best tavernas in each area of Zakynthos.

12. Keri Caves

 Keri Caves is a paradise of crystal clear waters and caves just off the Keri Cape. You can swim through some of the caves and admire the reflections on the cave ceiling. Many divers and visitors on boat trips visit the area.

13. Blue Caves

The blue caves are located below the lighthouse in Cape Skinari, north of Zakynthos. They are one of Zante’s most popular attractions, with thousands of visitors travelling to them each year. The reflections turn the water into an amazing shade of blue when inside the caves!

The best way to visit the blue caves is in a small boat, especially a glass-bottom boat. Bigger tour boats do visit the blue caves, but they can’t enter them.

underwater caves during daytime, things to do in zante with kids

14. Shipwreck Beach (Smugglers Cove)

Shipwreck Beach (Aka Navagio Beach) is the most well-known shipwreck globally not to mention one of the most well-known sights of the Greek islands and the most popular tourist trip in Zante.

The beach became an impromptu ship graveyard when the MV Panayiotis washed up on its shores in October 1980.

If you take a boat trip to Navagio beach, you can explore the rusty shipwreck of the Panayiotis, enjoy a walk on the white sand beach and swim in the clear blue waters.

You can also view the shipwreck from the cliff above. Why not get that perfect Instagram shot?

navagio, navagio beach, beach, Things to do in Zakynthos

15. Banana Beach

Banana Beach is the longest beach in Zakynthos. It is very commercial, as is Laganas Beach, with an array of sunbeds and umbrellas to hire and scattered beach bars. Banana Beach is famous for its huge array of watersports, including paragliding, banana boating, pedaloes, and canoes. For more information on watersports at Banana Beach, visit Banana Watersports.

To reach Banana Beach, it’s easier to drive. The beach offers free parking. However, if you don’t have access to a car, tour buses can take you to Banana Beach in the morning and pick you up. Free coaches run from Zakynthos own and Argassi.

16. Argassi

A popular resort close to the capital, Zakynthos town, in the South-East region of the island. I stayed in the Katerina Palace hotel on my first visit to Zakynthos in 2014.

The resort is an excellent place to base yourself if you don’t have access to a car. There’s a free bus to Banana beach and a regular tourist train to Zakynthos town. The resort is good for nightlife but not as wild as Laganas with a good selection of bars and restaurants.

17. Xigia Beach

A picturesque and pebbly beach on Zante’s North-West coast famous for its high sulfur content. The water has hidden qualities to relieve aches and pains.

18. Venture Inland

Away from the beaches and tourist resorts of the coastal areas of Zante, the centre of the island has a lot to offer too. The mountain villages of Kambi, Volimes and Anafonitria are almost untouched by tourism.

Many locals harvest grapes to make wine and olives for olive oil. Venture inland and see a huge range of vineyards and olive tree plantations. You’ll understand Zante’s real history and culture before tourism, that’s still thriving today.

copines de voyage zante

19. Visit an Olive Oil Factory

The Aristeon olive oil factory is a family run business located in Lithkia and produces some of the best olive oils in Greece. The olive oil museum and factory is accessible to visitors all year round, portraying the process of olive oil making from the 18th century to today. You can even try the oil and the olives! If you like what you see, there’s a shop where you can stock up on supplies of olive products for your return home. For more information, visit the official website .

20. St Dennis Monastry

The St-Denis monastery or Monastery of Theotokos Anafonitria  is well worth a visit. You’ll find out more about religion and culture on the island. Heather on her travels has written an excellent blog post on visiting the monastery .

Day Trips from Zante

21. ancient olympia.

Olympia is located on the Greek mainland. Olympia is an extensive area of Greek ruins, including athletic training areas, a stadium and a temple. It’s possible to visit from Zakynthos for a long day.

You can also visit The Archaeological Museum of Olympia, where you will find a statue of Hermes attributed to the sculptor Praxiteles.

The town of Olympia is also worth a visit; wonderful for cut-price gold, leather goods, books and souvenirs. You can also visit the medals museum, which is dedicated to the 1986 Olympics held in Olympia.

To reach Olympia, you must catch a ferry from Zakynthos town to Kylinni port on the mainland. Olympia is a 50-minute drive from Kylinni.

Many tours leave Zakynthos to Olympia each day. This is by far the easiest way to visit Olympia from Zakynthos without the worry of missing connections. This tour takes you from Zakynthos to Olympia in a day. It’s also possible to visit by car if you use a car ferry to Kylinni and drive to Olympia.

22. A Day trip to Kefalonia from Zante

Kefalonia is also possible to visit from Zakynthos in a day. Ferries depart from Agios Nicholas in Skinar, and the ferries take around one hour.

Make sure you visit Dragorati cave, where you can take a boat ride under stalagmites and stalactites. The cave was revealed in 1953 after an earthquake. Argostoli , the capital of Kefalonia, is also well worth a visit. The town is built on a hillside overlooking a marina.

To get an insight into local life, why not visit the fishing port of Agio Efimia? Don’t miss the perfect photo opportunity at Myrtos Bay!

I visited the beautiful towns and villages in Kefalonia on a day trip from Zakynthos in 2015. It was surprising how much of the island could be seen in a day.

Myrtos Bay, Kefalonia

Getting around Zante

By Car – Hiring a car is the easiest way to get around the Greek islands. Cars can be hired in Athens and driven around the islands by car ferry. Alternatively, you can hire a car at Zakynthos airport on arrival.

By public bus – Buses are a cheap way of getting around Zakynthos. Buses connect the main tourist resorts together rather than attractions. Although buses can be unreliable, they’re a good way from getting from A to B if you want to visit another resort.

By taxi – Taxi’s are easy to come by in Zakynthos. Any hotel will be happy to call one for you, and there’s a taxi rank at all major resorts and at the airport. Taxi transfers can also be booked in advance with Holiday Taxis. See the transfer prices for your dates here.

By Tour – Booking tours is one of the best ways to get around Zakynthos. Many include hotel pickups and a mixture of a bus tour, boat tour and experiences with local knowledge that’s hard to replicate on your own. Click here to view the tours available in Zakynthos. I recommend booking in advance.

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copines de voyage zante

Sylvie Simpson is the founder and editor of the Island Hopping in Greece blog. She has spent many months exploring the Greek islands solo, with friends and with family. Sylvie is on a mission to help people plan and make the most of their island hopping adventure in Greece and helps thousands of people every month with their Greek trips.

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Les 10 bienfaits et avantages du voyage pour une femme 

Saviez-vous que le voyage procure bien des bénéfices à toutes celles qui l'expérimente ? Découvrez ce qu'il peut vous apporter.

Deux femmes de dos face à la mer en train de discuter

Maman voyage, papa garde les enfants

Envie de prendre le large et de laisser votre charge mentale de maman à la maison ? Cet article est fait pour vous !

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Discutez avec les copines

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  1. Zante, la rayonnante

    Informations importantes. Hébergement. Vous partagez votre chambre avec une Copine de voyage (chambre twin), en hôtel 4*. Les chambres sont disponibl... Bien préparer votre séjour. Destination. Zante (ou Zakynthos) est une île grecque de 400 km² faisant partie des îles Ioniennes composées de sept îles ...

  2. Copines de Voyage

    Rejoignez la communauté Copines de Voyage. En vous inscrivant, vous acceptez nos conditions générales d'utilisation. Nos garanties. Service client à votre écoute (+33) 4 20 88 02 63. De 8h à 18h du lundi au vendredi, et de 9h à 18h le samedi. Agence de voyages ...

  3. Vivez un rêve éveillé à Zante À...

    Vivez un rêve éveillé à Zante À partir de 709€ bit.ly/2403Zante Au programme : Une virée en 4x4 hors des sentiers battus Une excursion en...

  4. Copines de Voyage

    Copines de Voyage - Hello Travel. Immeuble les Pleïades, Park Nord 74370 Annecy, France Immatriculée au registre des opérateurs de voyage sous le numéro IM074160010

  5. Comme une saveur estivale à Zante ☀️ 8...

    Comme une saveur estivale à Zante ☀️ 8 jours sous le soleil bit.ly/2404Zante @zakynthos.paradise Comme une saveur estivale à Zante ☀️ 8... - Copines de voyage

  6. Retour en images sur le séjour...

    Retour en images sur le séjour d'Émilie, la Super Copine à Zante Dernière place dispo juste ici bit.ly/1808Zante @letsgotops

  7. 10 choses incontournables à faire à Zante (Zakynthos) en Grèce

    3- Admirer le coucher de soleil depuis le Cap Keri. 4- Le Parc national marin de Zante (Zakynthos) 5- Bateau, plongée, snorkeling : les plaisirs de la mer. 6- Marathonissi ou l'île des tortues. 7- Les grottes Bleues ou Blue Caves (Galazia Spilia en grec) 8- Les plages de Zante (Zakynthos) 9- Les villages de Zante (Zakynthos) 10- Découvrir ...

  8. Zante

    Vassilikos. Le guide Zante : Lieux incontournables, idées de séjour, itinéraires, infos pratiques et culturelles de Zante et les bonnes adresses du Petit Futé pour se restaurer, sortir, se loger et organiser son voyage à Zante.

  9. Copines de Voyage on Instagram: "NOUVEAU Direction Zante, le diamant

    698 likes, 13 comments - copinesdevoyage on May 5, 2022: "NOUVEAU Direction Zante, le diamant des îles grecques www.copinesdevoyage.co ...

  10. The Ultimate Zante Guide 2024

    Zante Guide: Things To Do. Explore the rich mosaic of Zante's tourist attractions beyond its beaches. Wander through ancient ruins at the Venetian Castle and marvel at breathtaking views from Bohali. Discover the island's natural beauty with turtle spotting in Marathonisi. Shop for local treasures in charming Zante Town.

  11. Visiting Zante: Everything You Need to Know

    Zante, or Zakynthos, is located in the Ionian Sea, and its Mediterranean climate makes it a great holiday destination throughout the year. However, the best time to visit would be between May and September, as the weather is warm and sunny, with temperatures usually ranging between 16°C and 30°C. During May, the island starts to warm up as ...

  12. On ferait bien une petite pause en...

    On ferait bien une petite pause en Grèce, vous aussi les Copines ? Direction Zante bit.ly/2102Zante @giorgianegrophotography

  13. 22+ Amazing Things to do in Zante in 2024 + Travel Guide

    The Blue Caves, Zakynthos (Image Credit: @Maxvdo) 14. Shipwreck Beach (Smugglers Cove) Shipwreck Beach (Aka Navagio Beach) is the most well-known shipwreck globally not to mention one of the most well-known sights of the Greek islands and the most popular tourist trip in Zante.

  14. Avis agence copines de voyages

    Bonjour les voyageuses!Je vous fais un retour concernant mes vacances avec l'agence COPINES DE VOYAGE durant l'été 2019. Je vous déconseille fortement de partir avec cette agence même si ...

  15. Mon avis sur l'agence Copines de voyage

    Bonjour les voyageuses! Je vous fais un retour concernant mes vacances avec l'agence COPINES DE VOYAGE durant l'été 2019. Je vous déconseille fortement de partir avec cette agence même si ...

  16. Copines de Voyage (@copinesdevoyage)

    274K Followers, 4,393 Following, 3,610 Posts - Copines de Voyage (@copinesdevoyage) on Instagram: " ️ Des voyages 100% féminin Partagez vos photos avec #copinesdevoyage Découvrez les séjours "

  17. Se soigner avec le voyage

    Les bénéfices du voyage sur la santé mentale des femmes. 1. Réduire le stress et l'anxiété. Le voyage, en offrant une rupture avec le quotidien, est un excellent moyen pour réduire le stress et l'anxiété. En effet, l'évasion permet de se déconnecter des tracas habituels et de se ressourcer. Lorsqu'on voyage, notre cerveau produit de ...

  18. Copines de Voyage

    Copines de Voyage - Hello Travel. 3 Esplanade Augustin Aussedat 74 960 Annecy Immatriculée au registre des opérateurs de voyage sous le numéro IM074160010

  19. Combiné Zante et Céphalonie en 7 ou 10 nuits

    Des prix exclusifs et des réductions jusqu'à -70%. Consultez notre rubrique d'aide 24h/24 et 7j/7. En savoir +. Spécialiste de la vente privée sur internet en ️ vacances haut de gamme et en séjour de luxe, ⭐ profitez de réductions exclusives jusqu'à -70 % en tant que membre. du Combiné Zante et Céphalonie en 7 ou 10 nuits.

  20. Le concept

    Copines de voyage est une agence de voyages online consacrée au voyage communautaire 100 % féminin. L'agence met en relation des femmes qui souhaitent explorer le monde et qui partagent des valeurs, ainsi que des idées communes. Copines de voyage, c'est la promesse de voyager en petits groupes de 3 à 12 personnes max, avec des femmes ...

  21. Copines De Voyage

    En attendant de découvrir nos voyages, découvrez notre concept unique : Voir le monde : Voyager et s'épanouir... Parce qu'il n'y a pas de plus beau projet que celui de la découverte. ... Les voyages préférés des copines So Crète story en Grèce à partir de 759€ 4.5・317 voyageuses parties ...

  22. Les 10 bienfaits du voyage chez les femmes

    C'est un véritable remède aux instabilités émotionnelles et psychiques, un booster de confiance en soi et un moyen efficace de réduire le stress. Découvrez les 10 bienfaits du voyage d'après notre team d'expertes du voyage au féminin. 1. Développer sa confiance en soi et contribuer à son développement personnel.

  23. Psycho : les pouvoirs du voyage chez les femmes

    Copines de Voyage - Hello Travel. Immeuble les Pleïades, Park Nord 74370 Annecy, France Immatriculée au registre des opérateurs de voyage sous le numéro IM074160010. suivez-nous . Instagram; Pinterest; Youtube ; Facebook; à propos . Le concept; Programme de fidélité ...