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15 Best Things to Do in Olomouc (Czech Republic)

Think of Olomouc as Moravia’s own version of Prague . It’s of the Czech Republic’s best places to visit for architecture, culture and religious heritage and there’s a historic preservation zone here that is surpassed only by the Czech capital for size and wealth of buildings.

Olomouc goes all the way back to Roman times and has a host of monuments that have stood the test of time through hundreds of years of turmoil and war. What’s great for you and me is that this university town doesn’t attract a great deal of tourism despite having two World Heritage Sites and being the capital of Moravia right up to the 1600s. Let’s explore the best things to do in Olomouc !

1. Holy Trinity Column

Holy Trinity Column

Central Europe has many plague columns that were built to commemorate outbreaks and credit God for stopping them, but the Holy trinity Column is surely the most splendid you can find.

It’s a World Heritage monument, was built in the early-1700s, and the people who know at UNESCO say that it’s unmatched in its baroque design.

One of the things that makes it special is that every stonemason, artists and master craftsman who worked on the column was local to Olomouc. Within the column is a small chapel with highly-detailed stone reliefs depicting events from the bible, including the crucifixion.

2. St. Wenceslas’ Cathedral

St. Wenceslas' Cathedral

To give you an idea of scale, this gigantic cathedral, at more than 100-metres in height, is the fourth-tallest building in the Czech Republic. It’s second only to the equivalent cathedral in Prague when it comes to size, and is the largest cathedral in Moravia.

Originally the building had a romanesque design, having been founded right back in the 1100s. 19th-century restorations gave the building its intricate neo-gothic appearance, but the interior layout has remained unchanged since medieval times.

In the 20th century both Mother Teresa and Pope John Paul II visited St Wenceslas’.

3. Hradisko Monastery

Hradisko Monastery

It is advisable to book a tour to see the interior of this grand building, but many will be happy just to get a picture of its spires, towers and ornate gateways from the outside.

It started out as a Benedictine Monastery in the 1000s, and when the Benedictine Order was expelled from the city in the 1200s they were replaced by the Premonstratensians, who remained until the monastery was closed in the 1700s. After that it became a Napoleonic prison camp and then a hospital, which it has remained since.

If you do manage to join a tour you’ll see some wonderful sculptures, reliefs, chandeliers and ceiling frescoes.

4. Olomouc Town Hall

Olomouc Town Hall

With its white stucco facade and towering black spires, this is gothic structure is easily the most cherished secular building in the city.

For six centuries it has dominated economic and political life in Olomouc, and still houses the city council and offices. As it’s a working building access can be restricted, but you can join a guided tour in the summer to see the various chambers and the gothic chapel that is connected to the building.

Every working day at 11:00 and 15:00 you can also scale the town hall’s 76-metre tower to look out over the city.

5. Astronomical Clock

Olomouc's astronomical clock

On the north side of the Town Hall, Olomouc’s astronomical clock was first built in the 1400s, but after picking up damage in the Second World War it underwent a few interesting changes. Communism had just arrived in Olomouc, so the clock was redesigned in the social realist style. Now, instead of saints there are depictions of workers and engineers, while the dial displays the birthdays of Lenin and Stalin, as well as the International Day of the Worker. Much of the communist paraphernalia around Olomouc disappeared after the Velvet revolution, so this clock represents an off-beat memorial to the city’s soviet years.

6. Baroque Fountains

Arion Fountain

Olomouc has a collection of six ostentatious fountains, dating to the late-1600s and early-1700s. They are a source of great civic pride here, and have survived so long thanks to the foresight of the city’s planners.

After Olomouc’s buildings where piped up to the water supply, these fountains would have been obsolete, but were retained as emergency reservoirs to fight fires. The fountains have a Roman theme, five depicting mythological figures and one devoted to Gaius Julius Caesar on horseback, who, legend has it, founded Olomouc 2000 years ago.

The historic fountains are joined by modern additions, like the Arion fountain in the main square, which recounts the legend of a poet thrown overboard from a boat and rescued by a dolphin.

7. Kroměříž Castle and Gardens

Kroměříž Castle and Gardens

Easily reached to the south of Olomouc, Kroměříž is a typical Moravian town, with a fine collection of historic buildings. The most prestigious is Kroměříž Castle, which is where successions of the Archbishops of Olomouc lived from 1770 onwards, and where scenes from the 1984 movie Amadeus were shot.

After a previous version of the building had been wrecked  by the Swedes the influential Liechtenstein family commissioned the Italian-Swiss architect Filiberto Lucchese to build a new palace in the Baroque style, complete with pleasure gardens.

Today the building is a UNESCO site, as the baroque garden, with its neat, formal hedgerows, has hardly been altered since it was first laid out.

8. Church of St. Moritz

Interior of the Church of St. Moritz

The battle-ready tower of this church, which goes right back to the 14th century, looks like it belongs to a fortress, with its square, crenellated walls. Inside there’s lots that makes the church special.

The big story is the church’s Engler organ because you won’t find many larger in Europe. Every autumn there’s an international organ music festival in the city and naturally this piece, which was installed in 1745 and has more than 10,000 pipes, is at the centre of the event.

Other than to admire the church’s preserved architecture, the other reason to visit St. Moritz is for the fine panorama of old Olomouc from the top of that castle-like tower.

9. Helfštýn Castle

Helfštýn Castle

These commanding ruins are right at the top of the list for daytrips from Olomouc. Helfštýn is a fortress on a scale that is almost unmatched in Central Europe. Helfštýn, which saw off the Swedes, Danes and Turks in its time, is only 35 kilometres east of Olomouc and stands at the summit of a hill next to the River Bečva.

The castle goes right back to the early-1300s and blends gothic elements with a more refined renaissance style.

Head inside for exhibitions on medieval metal-based crafts like blacksmithing and minting, while the castle’s long ramparts make fantastic viewing platforms today, as they did centuries ago.

10. Svatý Kopeček

Svatý Kopeček

At 400 metres this hill, a few kilometres from the centre of Olomouc, means many things to many people. For the religious it’s been a pilgrimage site for hundreds of years.

At the top there’s a monastery with a magnificent baroque Basilica of the Visitation, which welcomed Pope John Paul II in the 90s. Alternatively you could simply visit Svatý Kopeček for the exercise, wandering through the forest around the hillsides.

Olomouc Zoo is also here, and it has made great use of this natural setting, housing everything from giraffes to lions in spacious enclosures, while in the aquarium you can see sharks on the prowl.

11. Archdiocesan Museum

Olomouc Archdiocesan Museum

This is Olomouc’s essential museum. It integrates parts of Olomouc Castle, as well as the former Bishop’s Palace which has some precious romanesque stonework.

These are the oldest pieces of architecture in the city, with elements such as windows and archways that date way back to the 12th century. The museum is the place to learn about Olomouc’s history as a spiritual centre.

Over three floors you’ll be able to browse hundreds of religious artefacts, artworks and sculptures that have been collected since the 1600s.

12. The Moravian Theatre

Olomouc Moravian Theatre

Easily spotted on Horní náměstí, this venue has dominated Olomouc’s cultural scene since the 1920s. It is home to the Moravian Philharmonic, which is the region’s premier orchestra.

The Philharmonic takes part in the many events on the city’s social calendar, such as the International Organ Festival and Dvořak’s Olomouc, which is a series of concerts devoted to the famous Czech composer in May and June.

When you visit the city, check the listings to see what’s on at the Moravian Theatre – there’s a lively schedule of of ballets, operas, musicals and plays.

13. Ice Hockey

Hynaisova Stadium

Next to football Ice Hockey is a Czech national sport. If you’re from western Europe then there’s a good chance you won’t have seen Ice Hockey supported with the kind of intensity you’ll find in Olomouc.

So get down to the stadium in Hynaisova, where Hockey Club Olomouc battles it out against rivals from across the Czech Republic. After a long spell in the 2nd division Olomouc won promotion to the country’s top league in 2015, so is back in the big time.

The Czech Extraliga season runs throughout the winter and these fast-paced, full-contact matches are a fine way to see how many of Olomouc’s locals get their kicks on the weekends.

14. Olomouc’s Parks

Smetana Park

If you check a map you’ll see that Olomouc’s parks encircle the city where the fortified walls used to be. In Bezrucovy Sady a large fragment of the old walls is still standing and you can climb up to the ramparts to walk between a couple of the towers.

This park is also decorated with statues, the oldest of which are four baroque sculptures of Hercules from 1757.

Smetana is a more formal park, with a long and elegant avenue flanked by tall and perfectly-trimmed hedges. You can track down the stately pavilion here for a cup of coffee at the cafe, or potter around the botanical greenhouses belonging to Palacky University.

15. Bouzov Castle

Bouzov Castle

This is a classic fairytale castle, around 30 kilometres northwest of Olomouc. There’s been a fortress here on a knoll overlooking deep forest since the 1300s.

For centuries it belonged to the Teutonic Order, but during this time gradually fell into disrepair. So in the 1800s it was restored by a Bavarian architect to match an idealised vision of medieval courtly life, and this is what makes Bouzov Castle a useful shooting location for Czech and German movies.

All the elements of a romantic castle are here, with a moat, crenellated walls, drawbridges, bastions, and a watchtower eight storeys high that you can climb for panoramic countryside views.

15 Best Things to Do in Olomouc (Czech Republic):

  • Holy Trinity Column
  • St. Wenceslas' Cathedral
  • Hradisko Monastery
  • Olomouc Town Hall
  • Astronomical Clock
  • Baroque Fountains
  • Kroměříž Castle and Gardens
  • Church of St. Moritz
  • Helfštýn Castle
  • Svatý Kopeček
  • Archdiocesan Museum
  • The Moravian Theatre
  • Olomouc's Parks
  • Bouzov Castle

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  • Kalendář akcí
  • Turistická karta
  • Informační centrum

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Co hledáte?


Olomouc, the metropolis of the Haná region, is the administrative centre of the Olomouc Region and has always been one of the most important cities of the Czech state. Thanks to its location, its ancient university, its spiritual, cultural and craft traditions, it has been the natural centre of Moravia for several centuries, attracting artists, scholars and merchants. Olomouc, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2000 thanks to the Holy Trinity Column, is the second largest monument reserve in the Czech Republic after Prague.

Thanks to its location, long-standing university, and spiritual, cultural and craft traditions, it has been the natural centre of Moravia for several centuries and has attracted artists, intellectuals and merchants. Today, it is the second largest conservation area in the Czech Republic after Prague, and boasts a number of historical and architectural gems, among them a UNESCO-listed memorial (The Holy Trinity Column).

Thanks to its atmosphere, Olomouc is a popular centre for many cultural, social and sports events. The Flora Olomouc international gardening exhibition has existed for more than forty years. Popular events include the Autumn Festival of Sacred Music and The International Organ Festival. More recent events also have their fans - Beerfest, The Flamenco Festival, and The Olomouc Half Marathon. Several opportunities to relax are provided by large parks full of greenery, a modern aqua park, swimming pool, and large zoo on Holy Hill (Sv. Kopeček).

The internationally-respected travel guide Lonely Planet has repeatedly declared Olomouc to be the most beautiful town in the Czech Republic and is one the fi fty hidden treasures in Europe.


Holy trinity column.

This unique sculptural work built from 1716-1754 was initiated by Václav Render. It is 32m tall and there is a chapel in the bottom section. The column was listed in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage in 2000.

The bottom section of The Holy Trinity Column hides a chapel that is seasonally open. A guide is available from Tuesdays to Saturdays 9am - 5pm during the summer season.

Town Hall and the Astronomical Clock

The Town Hall is the dominant feature of the Upper Square (Horní náměstí). A bay window from St. Jerome Chapel projects from the southern facade and a Renaissance loggia can be found on the eastern side. Objects of interest include the Olomouc astronomical clock, whose current appearance refl ects socialist realism; it was based on a design by K. Svolinský. The Town Hall building contains an exhibition of the town's history, the astronomical clock and the Town Hall.

All exhibitions are freely accessible during the magistrate's working hours and within the "Olomouc in a Nutshells with a Guide" tours, which also allows you the opportunity to climb the Town Hall's tower. The astronomical clock runs every day beginning at 12pm.

Caesar Fountain

Caesar Fountain is the most popular and artistically-unique fountain in Olomouc. Its sculptures present the town's great founder - Gaius Julius Caesar.

St. Maurice Church

The church is one of the most valuable buildings in the Late-Gothic style in Moravia. This real unique structure includes a Late-Gothic sculptural group called Christ on the Mount of Olives from the mid-15th century located by the church's southern wall. The organ, which dates back to 1745, was made by Michael Engler, the master from Vratislav.

Mercury Fountain

The Mercury Fountain from 1727 is considered to the best artistically of all the Olomouc Baroque fountains.

Hercules Fountain

This fountain from 1687 is decorated with a statue of the fabulous ancient hero Hercules.

Arion Fountain

This fountain from 2002 completes the group of Olomouc Baroque fountains inspired by ancient mythology. It was built by a famous Olomouc native living in France, sculptor Ivan Theimer.


Neptune fountain.

This fountain from 1683 shows Neptune, the Roman God of the Sea.

Marian Column

The Marian Column is the dominant feature of the Lower Square (Dolní náměstí). It was built after a plague epidemic in Olomouc (1713 - 1715) and was initiated by stonemason Václav Render.

Jupiter Fountain

This fountain is the last of the Olomouc Baroque fountains (1735).


St. michael church.

The oldest mention of it dates back to 1260; the new Baroque building was built by G. P. Tencalla between 1676 and 1699. The accessible areas include the cloister, St. Alexius Chapel, the Paradisiacal Yard with a children's play area, the cellar vault with an underground lake and hermitage and the tower with a parish museum.

St. John Sarkander Chapel

On the site of this Neo-Baroque chapel, a town jail where priest John Sarkander was interrogated and tortured to death in 1620 once stood; he was canonized by Pope John Paul II in 1995. It was rebuilt into its current appearance by architect E. Sochor between 1909 and 1912.

Villa Primavesi

This Art-Nouveau-style villa of Viennese origin is based on an English layout. There is a restaurant in the building.

Jesuit College

The artistic centre of Palacky University, it contains the Corpus Christi Chapel.

Our Lady of the Snows Church

This Baroque church was built in 1712 as part of the Jesuit University. In 1778, it was passed over to the administration of the Olomouc garrison; it was temporarily used as a barracks and a warehouse. Religious services were resumed at the beginning of the 20th century. The interior decorations were created by K. J. Harringer, J. K. Handke, J. Thomasberger, and J. Sturmer.

Triton Fountain

The fountain was built after the town fire in 1707.

Archbishop Palace

This magnificent Early-Baroque palace has been the seat of Olomouc bishops and archbishops since its inception, Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I, among others, was crowned there. It is currently the only archbishop's seat in central Europe accessible to the public.

Olomouc Castle

This former castle of the Premyslid family has been a national cultural monument since 1962. The Olomouc Castle, considerably modified by later additions and renovations, is located on Wenceslaus Hillock. The most important parts of the castle are the Gothic St. Wenceslaus Cathedral and the partly-preserved Romanesque Bishop's Palace with architecturally valuable window openings.

Try a ride on the Oloslap - a mobile bar where a group of up to 11 people sit, pedal and drink beer. It's a great opportunity for visitors and locals alike to learn about the history of the town, have fun with friends over a good regional beer and take away an unusual experience. We also recommend Ololodí sightseeing cruises on the Morava River.

Tips in the area

Tourist destinations.

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Where to eat and drink, tourist information.


Do you know

  • Olomouc has been repeatedly named the most beautiful city in the Czech Republic and the best of the fifty hidden treasures of Europe by the world-renowned Lonely Planet guidebook.
  • Olomouc was also an important defensive centre in the past, as evidenced by the preserved fortresses and remains of the town's military fortifications. Many of the buildings of the former Imperial-Royal Olomouc Fortress are now open to the public.
  • The history of Olomouc is connected with personalities of world importance. For example, Sigmund Freud, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Pope John Paul II, Emperor Franz Joseph I and Maria Theresa stayed here.

Famous personalities

  • Sv. Pavlína


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  1. Tourist portal | Olomouc Tourism

    Official tourist portal of the statutory city of Olomouc. Information about the city, sights, sightseeing tips, events calendar, accommodation and restaurants.

  2. Tourist Information Portal of the Olomouc Region

    Visit the historic centres of Olomouc, Šternberk, and Prostějov. The castles, chateaus, and caves near Litovel and Hranice. Wherever you go, you can choose from a wide selection of social and cultural events.

  3. 15 Best Things to Do in Olomouc (Czech Republic)

    Think of Olomouc as Moravias own version of Prague. It’s of the Czech Republic’s best places to visit for architecture, culture and religious heritage and there’s a historic preservation zone here that is surpassed only by the Czech capital for size and wealth of buildings.

  4. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Olomouc - Tripadvisor

    Things to Do in Olomouc, Czech Republic: See Tripadvisor's 12,792 traveler reviews and photos of Olomouc tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in July. We have reviews of the best places to see in Olomouc. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions.

  5. Turistický portál města Olomouce | Olomouc Tourism

    Oficiální turistický portál statutárního města Olomouce. Informace o městě, památky, tipy na prohlídky, kalendář akcí.

  6. Olomouc - Tourist Information Portal of the Olomouc Region

    Olomouc, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2000 thanks to the Holy Trinity Column, is the second largest monument reserve in the Czech Republic after Prague.