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Chakotay was a Human Federation Starfleet Officer and former Maquis leader who served as first officer of the USS Voyager during its seven years stranded in the Delta Quadrant. Upon Voyager's return to the Alpha Quadrant, Chakotay was promoted to Captain and took command of Voyager.

Chakotay was born in 2329 on Trebus to Kolopak and an Unamed mother. Chakotay has one younger sibling, a sister by the name of Sekaya.

  • 1 Early Years
  • 2 Starfleet Academy
  • 3 Early Career
  • 4 The Maquis
  • 5.1 Beginings In the Delta Quadrant
  • 7.1 Alternate Realities & Timelines

Early Years [ ]

Being of Native American descent, Chakotay's tribe - mainly because of the intrusion of more technological societies - left Earth to find their own home on another planet near the Cardassian border. His father tried to impart his values on Chakotay in many ways, such as taking him on hikes to nearby forested worlds of their ancestors. In 2344, Kolopak was insistent upon finding his ancestors' home in Central America. He took Chakotay on a quest through the Central American rainforest, looking for the descendants of the ancient Rubber Tree People, who were ultimately the ancestors of the Mayans. Chakotay was initially very resistant to learn about his father's connection to their ancestral lands and spirits. He even refused to go deer hunting with him. All this left Kolopak rather disappointed about his son's lack of enthusiasm regarding their ways.

Chakotay, who was fifteen years old and had his sights already set on Starfleet, shocked his father by telling him that he himself would be leaving the tribe to enter Starfleet Academy. Chakotay believed that their tribe lived in the past of fantasy and myth, which he did not want to be part of; he wanted to be like all the other tribes that had embraced the 24th century. His father disapproved of his son's decision but, at that time, was unable to convince him otherwise.

Starfleet Academy [ ]

Thanks to a sponsorship from Captain Sulu, Chakotay entered Starfleet Academy in lat 2347. During the first few weeks in the Academy he became friend with Svetlana "Sveta" Korepanova from Russia. He also became unlikely friends with a late assigned roomate, an unflappy cheerful Bolian named Chert.

At the end of his first year at the Academy, Chakotay considered leaving, and returned to Trbus to undergo his first vision quest using the akonnah. As a result of his vision quest he decided to continue his Academy education.

During his first year at the Academy, Chakotay underwent intensive pilot training in North America. Shortly afterward he underwent training on Venus, followed by a semster training in the asteroid belt located between Mars and Jupiter.

Whilst studying at the Academy, Chakotay became a proficient light-heavyweight boxer, and scored a record of 23 wins wins and only two losses, which were both to a Nausicaan.

Early Career [ ]

Chakotay graduated from the Academy in 2351, and by 2353 he served on board the USS Vico, as an aide to Captain Roger Hackney holding the rank of Lieutenant. It was aboard the Vico that he had his first encounter with a Cardassian warship that had violated the Federation bhe first officer.

At some point, Chakotay began to serve on the USS Heritage. A female officer by the name of Grant was the first officer. During this time, Chakotay and Grant began a romantic relationship, on of which Grant noted in Chakotay's starfleet record.

In 2362, Chakotay transferred to the USS Gage. He stayed aboard the Gage for four years, during the conflict with the Cardassians. Following the end of the Federation-Cardassian War, Chakotay was granted an extended leave of absence on Trebus.

By 2368, Lieutenant Commander. Chakotay was serving aboard the USS Gettysburg, under the command of Captain Madolyn Gordon.

In March that year, Chakotay decided to resign his commission, so upon his return to Earth he handed in his resignation to Admiral Nimembeh at Starfleet Headquarters. He then returned to Trebus.

The Maquis [ ]

In early 2370, Chakotay visited his old Academy friend "Sveta" on Bajor. "Sveta" informed Chakotay that there was a new resistance group against the Federation-Cardassian Treaty of 2370 called the Maquis. "Sveta" requested that Chakotay join this group and help defend his colony and others that found themselves in the Demilitarized Zone, and subject to Cardassian rule. He supported the group, but needed time to consider his options.

A few weeks later, Chakotay's life was changed forever when his village on Trebus was destroyed by a Cardassian thermalite weapon. He joined the Maquis, and was placed in command of a ship dubbed the Liberty.

Chakotay and his father were not on good terms when Kolopak was killed while defending his Trebus against Cardassians. When the news reached Chakotay, he was unsure about how to reconcile their differences and heal their old wounds. It was then that he took the mark, the tattoo, on his forehead in order to honor the memory of his father and to signify his Native American heritage. He finally began placing great faith in his spiritual background by taking pride in the stories and accomplishments of his people. He often embarked on vision quests to help guide his life and spirit and to commune with his father's spirit. He also used a medicine wheel to heal himself both spiritually and physically.

One of his first contacts in the Maquis was a Bajoran woman by the name of Seska, who Chakotay became very close to. A few weeks later, Chakotay rescued B'Elanna Torres from a Bolain freighter that had been attacked by Gul Tancret and the Cardassians. After saving her, Chakotay took her to Riva Prime and Torres joined the Maquis and became the chief engineer of the Liberty.

Around stardate 47582, Chakotay and Torres encountered the Cardassian prototype weapon, Dreadnought in the Badlands. While the self-guided weapon was meant to destroy a Maquis weapons base, Torres reprogrammed the weapon to attack Cardassian planets.

A few weeks later, the Libert was destroyed, but all crewmates managed to survive. Shortly after, his team managed to salvage an old freighter from a Federation surplus depot and they named the ship Geronimo. Ther Geronimo herself was lost in 2371, after she was destroyed by Tharia ch'Ren, a former crewmember who had siezed control of the third Malkus Artifact. Thankfully, Chakotay and his crew were rescued by Cal Hudson.

Following this event, Chakotay was given command of the Ju'Day-Class fighter Spartacus. In early 2371, the Spartacus discovered the plauge ridden planet Helena in the Demilitarized Zone. Chakotay's crew, along with Lieutenant Thomas Riker, succeeded in defeating the disease, and the mixed-race inhabitants of the planet.

A few weeks after this event, Chakotay assumed command of another Ju'Day-Class fighter named the Val Jean. He was to lead a large Maquis task force from the base on the Terikof Belt to attack the Cardassian Montee Fass shipyards in the Oliv System. However, plasma storm activity in the Badlands forced the attack to be called off, but instead they launched an attack on Opek Nor and succeeded in destroying the station.

The Val Jean was pursued by the Galor-Class vessel the Vetar, under the command of Gul Aman Evek, into the Badlands, where she was disabled in the plasma storms. Captain Chakotay didn't get to savour his victory, as shortly after his vessel was hit by a mysterious displacement wave created by the Caretaker, to carry them to the far reaches of the Delta Quadrant.

Aboard The USS Voyager [ ]

Beginings in the delta quadrant [ ].

Shortly after arriving in the Delta Quadrant, Chakotay and his crew were transported to the Caretaker's Array, and examined for the viability to act as the Caretakers successor. Three weeks later, the USS Voyager was transported to the Delta Quadrant by the same displacement wave and underwent similar examinations. For the sake of finding away to return to the Alpha Quadrant, Chakotay teamed up with Captain Kathryn Janeway. In the battle with the Kazon around the Caretaker's Array, Chakotay sacrificed the Val Jean to destroy the lead Kazon ship by transporting his crew over to Voyager and setting a collission course with the Kazon vessel. When Captain Janeway decided to destroy the array to save the Ocampa, Chakotay supported her decision and the former Maquis joined Janeway's crew with Chakotay serving as her first officer.

Initially, Chakotay had a difficult job trying to merge his former Maquis crew with the crew of Voyager. In the first weeks, B'Elanna Torres and Joe Carey were competing for the position of Chief Engineer. Several of his former crew had immense problems adjusting to Starfleet ways, and upon Chakotay's suggestion, they underwent a crash course in Academy training from Lieutenant Tuvok.

Commanding The USS Voyager [ ]

After returning to Earth, Chakotay was promoted to Captain, after the promotion of Captain Janeway to Admiral and given command of Voyager. Tom Paris, who was also promoted two steps in rank, was Chakotay's choice to become Voyager's first officer. He was, however overuled by Staarfleet Command and Commander. Andrew Ellis was assigned to be Voyager's first officer. When Commander. Ellis was revealed to be a renegade changeling Paris was transferred to the position of first officer.

In June 2379, Chakotay met Admiral Janeway for dinner. The two talked about work and also possible romances before finally admitting a romantic interest in each other, which developed into a romantic liason. Janeway and Chakotay agreed to meet each other in Venice the following year, following Voyager's return from the Yaris Nebula.

In June 2380, Chakotay kept the date and waited for Janeway in Venice, only to be met by her former fiancé, Mark Johnson, who broke the news of her death. Following this revalation concerns about Chakotay's menatal and emotional state were raised by Voyager's crew, culmanating in an incident in August when Chakotay gave an order to detroy and Orion ship, which, although not an illegal order, was widely regarded as a merciless one and one which was out of character.

Voyager was one of the vessels dispatched to the Azure Nebula to provide reinforcements to the USS Aventine and USS Enterprise-E during the Borg Inavasion of 2381. When both vessels traversed a subspace tunnel, Chakotay was left in command of the fleet, coordinating the efforts of several allied vessels in opening other tunnels. He had just recieved word of the discovery of the proper frequency to open the other tunnels when aperture 26 opened, allowing seven thousand Borg Cubes through. The borg fleet overan allied forces, and Voyager emitted a distress call to Earth.

When the Borg fleet emerged from the subspace corridoors in the Azure Nebula, Chakotay was frozen in shock on the bridge, traumatised by the sight of thousands of Borg Cubes appraoching the fleet. Following the destruction of the allied fleet at the apex to the corridoors, Chakotay entered a comatose state on the bridge, remaining unresponsive to all external stimulus, forcing Tom Paris to take command of the repair efforts.

Following the Azure Nebula incident, Chakotay requested an open-ended leave of absence from Starfleet, which was granted. During this time Voyager was refitted with a slipstream drive and assigned to the Project Full Circle fleet, which was preparing to return to the Delta Quadrant. Concerned about Chakotay's command ability, Admirals Kenneth Montgomery and Willaim Batiste ordered him to under a psychological evaluation and, aware of the difficulties between them, assigned Counselor Hugh Cambridge to perform the evaluation. During the course of the conversation Chakotay and Cambridge developed a deep but mutual respect for eachother and Cambridge not only recommended that Chakotay remain as Captain of Voyager, but that his remaining in post was essential for the success of the mission. His decision, however was overturned and Montgomery and Batiste, who assigned Afsarah Eden as Commanding Officer in his place. Devastated by the decision, and increasingly concerned about the physical and mental health of Seven of Nine, Chakotay resigned from Starfleet.

The next time Chakotay visited Seven, he found her in a conscious but vacant and unresponsive state. He enlisted the help of Icheb and Sveta to undertake a vision quest, through which he was able to reach her. He then accompanied her to rendezvous with the Project Full Circle fleet. He was met with suspicion by Admiral Batiste and Captain Eden and, when evidence of sabotage was discovered aboard Voyager, initial evidence pointed to Chakotay. It was soon discovered, however, that Admiral Batiste himself was the sabateur and a member of Species 8472. Negotiations between Chakotay, Eden and the Species 8472 operative known as Valerie Archer allowed Batiste to return to fluidic space.

Following her report to Admiral Montgomery, Captain Eden was reassigned as commander of the Full Circle Fleet. She also informed Chakotay that his resignation had not, in fact, been accepted by Starfleet and invited him to resume his duties - once again as Captain of Voyager - which was accepted.

Alternate Chakotay's [ ]

Alternate realities & timelines [ ].

  • In on timeline presented in the episode ('VOY:Timeless') Chakotay and Harry Kim were the only members of Voyager's crew to make it back to Earth after a test of the ships new Slipstream Drive failed causing Voyager to drop out of the slipstream and crash landing on an Arctic planet, killing the crew upon impact. Fifteen years after the incident and the eventual discovery of Voyager's whereabouts, Chakotay and Harry Kim 'Fixed' history by preventing Voyager's initial test of the drive.
  • In the episode ("Before & After") in which Kes experiences an alternate timeline, Chakotay took command of Voyager after the first encounter with the Krenim Imperium resulted in the death of Captain Janeway and B'Elanna Torres.
  • During the "Year of Hell" conflict with the Krenim, Chakotay and Tom Paris were captured by Annorax, the Commander of the Krenim Timeship. At first, Chakotay helped Annorax, who promised to return Voyager intact to its original timeline if Chakotay gave him enough detail about Voyager's time in Krenim space, so that Annorax could have the right calculations to use in his temporal weapon. but after Annorax destroyed a species to try to restore the timeline, Chakotay helped sabotage the ship by transmitting its location to Voyager and taking its weapons offline. This allowed Janeway to set a collision course with the Krenim Timeship, destroying it and restoring the original timeline.
  • In the alterate timeline witnessed in the episodes ("Endgame Parts 1&2") where voyager took another 16 years to reach home, Chakotay married Seven of Nine, who later died on an away mission, Chakotay himself later died in 2394, the same year as Voyager's return.
  • In the alternate timeline presented in the novel Star Trek: Myriad Universes: Places of Exile, Voyager was forced to remain in the Delta Quadrant due to series damage to the ship and Chakotay became a statesman in the Vostigye Union, which had become Voyager's new home. In This timeline, Chakotay and janeway were romantically involved and had a daughter named Shannon Sekaya Janeway.
  • 2 Kathryn Janeway

Today Chakotay looks to his spiritual Mayan background for inner comfort - and doesn't mind sharing that belief with others, when asked, or even enduring some good-natured ribbing about it from Torres and Paris, among others. He uses a spririt guide summoned by his medicine bundle, prays to speak with his father for guidance, and uses a Mayan-descended medicine wheel for self-healing. With amother suffering from ongoing neck muscle spasms, he is also reportedly an excellent masseuse.

However, he didn't always have such reverence for his ancestors' ways. His father Kolopak was insistent upon finding their peoples' ancestral home and did so in the Central American jungle in 2350, when Chakotay was 15. But the young man had already been casting his lot with Starfleet crews patrolling the border, and stunned his father on that trip with the news he'd be leaving the tribe to attend Starfleet Academy after his newfound aquaintance Captain Sulu agreed to sponsor him at Starfleet Academy, even at his young age. Despite that resistance, Chakotay dis learn many survival skills from his father, such as building log cabins and fire-starting.

Chakotay's piloting skills trace back to extensive and early Starfleet Academy training. From a freshman course over adjacent North America, he went to Venus to master atmospheric storms and had yet another semester dealing with asteroids in the Sol asteroid belt.

The virtual estrangement between father and son lasted until 2371 when Kolopak died defending his home in the early days of Cardassian harassment, even as the final border treaty was being signed. Chakotay took to wearing his tattoo, a symbol of those jungle descendants, to honor his father, who wore it also; even his own name is a cherished gift from his tribe. Later Chakotay reported considering archeology as a second occupation, either in the field or in academics.

Chakotay's people, tracing their lineage back past Mayans to the Rubber Tree People of Central America, resisted the intrusion of more technological societies until the devleopment of warp drive in the 21st century allowed them to leave Earth and find their own home for good. One 20th century forebear he knows of was a schoolteacher in Arizona.

Even today its members avoid modern devices such as transporters wherever they can, and he was taught that nothing is personally owned save the courage and loyalty in one's own heart. Despite his tribe's move, the adult Chakotay means Earth when he thinks of "home" - from the Arizona desert and the Baja California peninsula over to the Gulf of Mexico.

Known members of Chakotay's Maquis crew include B'Elanna Torres, Lon Suder, Kurt Bendera, Kenneth Dalby, Mariah Henley, (First Name Unknown) Ayala, (FNU) Hogan, (FNU) Jackson; Bajoran nationals Seska, Gerron and Jarvin; and a Bolian, Chell.

With an undercover agent from the crew of Captain Kathryn Janeway aboard, Chakotay's craft disappeared in the Badlands a week before Janeway's new U.S.S. Voyager itself was lost on SD 48307.5 and presumed destroyed.

The former Maquis leader has had his share of pains before: the revelation that Tuvok was Janeway's spy; the death of Kurt Bendera in a Kazon battle, after he'd helped in out in a brawl on Telfas Prime; and the defection of his former lover Seska - whom he's further shocked to realize was a Cardassian spy all along in his Maquis crew, and who continues to manipulate that guilt.

Despite such trials, and his Maquis sympathies, Chakotay's own moral courage rings out as strongly as mine when the chips are down - and it is to his credit that he has accepted my command and enforced the embracing of Starfleet ways among his old crew fully and with vigor, including assuming equal discipline - and, I've heard, a right cross if necessary. And I am especially indebted that he convinced me to gamble on his nominee for chief engineer - although I must take the blame in overriding my convictions in seeking an alliance with the Trabe or Kazon as he'd suggested.

The convictions of both his people and Starfleet served him well when keeping his life and dealing with the Kazon boy Kar and his elders - and putting his own safety on the line to fake his death, saving Kar's naming honor. He apparently has more than one medicine bundle made up, or else he thought to take it with him in the rush to beam out with Kar.

Chakotay had seemed to be on the way to mending fences with Tom Paris when our ruse that couldn't include the commander had to be hatched to trap our Maquis informant to Seska; I know he was not only annoyed at the act but miffed that he was left out of the loop, but it did further the performance beautifully.

Seska is dead. Having secured our vessel once and for all from the recent short-lived Kazon take-over, I note not only Chakotay's heroics in securing our planetside position with the suspicious but sentient natives, but also his mixed mood in learning that Seska's child, presumed to be his, proved not to be. I only trust that Seska's demise will allow the commander to leave this phase of his life behind without guilt and manipulation.

I write this after having spent six weeks quaratined alone with the commander on an immunizing Class M planet under threat of carrying a viral epidemic to the crew. While personal log are not the purview of this file entry, I feel compelled to comment on Chakotay's survival skills and his commitment to easing our personal burdens alone, before we had any hope of seeing our ship again. We likely have a long journey ahead of us, and I feel somehow invigorated that he and I have fostered such a smooth relationship. Where our personal feelings lie beyond that is an issue that must not interfere with crew safety and security, but there are times when I believe the commander, depite his best effort, gets downright jealous or giddy. --KJ

Star Trek: 10 Things You Never Knew About Chakotay

He was Star Trek: Voyager's leading Maquis-turned-Officer, but how well do we really know Chakotay?

Chakotay Pips

Chakotay was a first in many ways for Star Trek. He was an officer who had left the service, only to return when the situation demands. He was to have touched the lives of many regular names and faces, and also serve as an ambassador for Native American people in the franchise. The genesis of his character is both fascinating, and riddled with issues.

Originally introduced, albeit not by name (or appearance) in Star Trek: The Next Generation, Chakotay was one of the main characters in Voyager for its first few seasons, before settling into more of a supporting role once season four dawned. Robert Beltran, who played him, has never been shy in airing his opinions on Chakotay's journey, or lack thereof.

However, with both the actor and character confirmed as returning in a recurring role for Star Trek: Prodigy, now is the time to revisit not only the genesis of Starfleet and the Maquis' #1 in the Delta Quadrant, but also where the character ended up by the time that Star Trek: Voyager came to a close. What's next for the man who made the term Acoochimoya famous?

10. He Was The First

Chakotay Pips

The character who became Chakotay was one of the first sketched ideas for the then-unnamed Star Trek: Voyager. He was inspired by the positive response to the character of Uhura in the Original Series and more specifically the positive representation for African-American people that came with the character.

'Chakotay' was to serve in this same role for Native American people, though it took quite a while to settle on exactly how best to depict him. Initially, the Tribe from which he originated wasn't chosen, and he was a far more 'mystical' man. He was also written to have a prior connection with Captain Janeway.

That element was dropped, as was much of his mysticism. The character bible switched the word 'mystic' to 'complex' instead. It also changed another aspect, namely in that it hadn't been him specifically that chose to abandon Earth, but his people as a whole. That way, his return to Starfleet was, for a time, a means of differentiating himself from his Tribe.

The writers settled on Chakotay's people being descendants of the Rubber Tree People, which was later explored in the episode Tattoo.

Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick

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  • Maquis personnel
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Chakotay was a Human Starfleet officer and Maquis leader in the 24th century . Chakotay served as first officer of the Federation starship USS Voyager during that vessel's harrowing seven- year journey in the Delta Quadrant .

  • 1.1 Early life
  • 1.2.1 Starfleet Academy
  • 1.2.2 Early career
  • 1.3 The Maquis
  • 1.4.1 In the Delta Quadrant
  • 1.4.2 Return to Earth
  • 1.5 25th century
  • 1.6 Alternate realities
  • 2 Starfleet service record
  • 3.1 Connections
  • 3.2 Background
  • 3.4.1 Appearances
  • 3.4.2 References
  • 3.5 External link

Biography [ ]

Early life [ ].

Chakotay was born on Trebus in 2329 , the son of a man named Kolopak and a woman named Tananka . By the age of 6 , Chakotay wanted to go against his family traditions and be a paleontologist. ( VOY novel : Pathways ; VOY episode : " One Small Step "; VOY novel : Old Wounds )

Young Chakotay also had an independent nature, and often went exploring on Trebus. In 2341 , Chakotay raided a junkyard on the planet and became trapped in the wreckage of an old shuttle pod; fortunately, he was later rescued. ( VOY novelization : Equinox )

Despite his independent nature, in 2344 and 2345 , Chakotay accompanied his father to Central America on Earth to visit the homelands of their ancestors. During his time there Chakotay learned of the Sky Spirits and began to respect his cultural heritage. ( VOY novel : Pathways ; VOY episode : " Tattoo ")

In 2345, 15-year-old Chakotay was seriously considering entering Starfleet , and often spent time around the Starfleet personnel on the planet, led by Captain Demora Sulu . Sulu sponsored Chakotay's applications into the Academy, but Chakotay had to lie to his father and state that Captain Sulu was a man in order to protect his feelings. ( VOY - Tales from the Captain's Table short story : " Seduced ")

Service in Starfleet [ ]

Starfleet academy [ ].

Thanks to the sponsorship of Captain Sulu, Chakotay entered Starfleet Academy in late 2347. During his first few weeks at the Academy he became friends with Svetlana "Sveta" Korepanova from Ekaterinburg , Russia . He also became unlikely friends with his late-assigned roommate, an unflappably cheerful Bolian named Chert .

At the end of his first year at the Academy, Chakotay considered leaving, and returned to Trebus to undergo his first vision quest using the akoonah . As a result of his vision quest he decided to continue his Academy education.

During his first year at the Academy, Chakotay underwent intensive pilot training in North America . Shortly after, Chakotay underwent training on Venus , and later underwent training for a semester in the asteroid belt located between Mars and Jupiter . ( VOY episodes : " Future's End, Part II ", " Blink of an Eye ")

Also during his time at the Academy, Chakotay became a proficient light-heavyweight boxer, and scored a record of 23 wins and only one loss, which was to a Nausicaan . ( VOY episodes : " The Fight ", " Tsunkatse ")

Early career [ ]

Chakotay graduated from the Academy in 2351 . By 2353 he served aboard the USS Vico , as an aide to Captain Roger Hackney and held the rank of lieutenant . It was aboard the Vico that Chakotay had his first encounter with a Cardassian warship that had violated the Federation border. ( VOY novel : Pathways )

At some point, Chakotay began serving on the USS Heritage . A female officer named Grant was the first officer . During this time, Chakotay and Grant began a romantic relationship, one which Grant noted in Chakotay's Starfleet file. In 2375 , the crew of the USS Voyager held a "roast" of Chakotay for his birthday. Parts of his Starfleet record were read aloud, including Grant's note about their relationship. ( VOY short story : " Isabo's Shirt ")

In 2362 , Chakotay transferred to the USS Gage . He stayed aboard the Gage for four years of conflict with the Cardassians. Following the end of the Federation-Cardassian War , Chakotay was granted an extended leave on Trebus.

By 2368 , Lieutenant commander Chakotay was serving aboard the USS Gettysburg , under the command of Captain Madolyn Gordon . ( VOY novel : Pathways )

In March that year, Chakotay decided to resign his commission, so upon his return to Earth he handed his resignation into Admiral Nimembeh at Starfleet Headquarters. He returned home to Trebus. ( VOY episode : " In the Flesh ")

The Maquis [ ]

In early 2370 , Chakotay visited his old Academy friend Sveta on Bajor . Sveta informed Chakotay that there was a new resistance group against the Federation-Cardassian Treaty of 2370 called the Maquis . Sveta requested that Chakotay join this group and help defend his colony and others that found themselves in the Demilitarized Zone , and subject to Cardassian rule. He supported the group, but needed time to consider his options.

A few weeks later, Chakotay's life was changed forever when his village on Trebus was destroyed by a Cardassian thermalite weapon. He joined the Maquis , and was placed in command of a ship dubbed the Liberty . One of his first contacts in the Maquis is a Bajoran woman named Seska , who Chakotay became very close to. A few weeks later, Chakotay rescued B'Elanna Torres from a Bolian freighter that had been attacked by Gul Tancret and the Cardassians. After saving her, Chakotay took her to Riva Prime and Torres joined the Maquis and became the chief engineer aboard the Liberty . (VOY book Pathways , VOY episode : " In the Flesh ")

Around stardate 47582 , Chakotay and Torres encountered the Cardassian prototype weapon, Dreadnought in the Badlands . While the self-guided weapon was meant to destroy a Maquis weapons base, Torres reprogrammed the torpedo to attack a Cardassian planet. ( VOY episode : " Dreadnought ")


Chakotay, commander of the Val Jean in 2371 .

A few weeks later, the Liberty was destroyed, but all crewmembers managed to survive. Shortly after, his team managed to salvage an old fighter from a Federation surplus depot and they name the ship Geronimo . The Geronimo herself was lost in 2371 , after she was destroyed by Tharia ch'Ren , a former crewmember who had seized control of the third Malkus Artifact . Thankfully, Chakotay and his crew were rescued by Cal Hudson . ( VOY - The Brave and the Bold, Book Two novella : The Third Artifact )

Following this event, Chakotay was given command of the Peregrine -class fighter Spartacus . In early 2371, the Spartacus discovered the plague-ridden planet Helena in the Demilitarized Zone . Chakotay's crew, along with Lieutenant Thomas Riker , succeeded in defeating the disease, and the mixed-race inhabitants of the planet. ( TNG - Double Helix novel : Quarantine )

A few weeks later, Chakotay assumed command of a Ju'day -class fighter, the Val Jean . He was to lead a large Maquis task force from the base on the Terikof belt to attacked the Cardassian Montee Fass shipyards in the Oliv system . However, plasma storm activity in the Badlands forced the attack to be called off, but instead they launched an attack on Opek Nor and succeeded in destroying the station.

The Val Jean was pursued by the Galor -class vessel Vetar , under the command of Gul Aman Evek , into the Badlands, where she was disabled in the plasma storms. Captain Chakotay didn't get to savor his victory, as shortly after his vessel was hit by a displacement wave created by the Caretaker , to carry them off to the Delta Quadrant . ( VOY - The Brave and the Bold, Book Two novella : The Third Artifact ; VOY episode : " Caretaker ")

Aboard the USS Voyager [ ]

In the delta quadrant [ ].

Chakotay, 2377

Commander Chakotay in 2377 .

Shortly after their arrival in the Delta Quadrant, Chakotay and his crew were transported to the Caretaker's Array , and examined for the viability to act as the Caretaker 's successor. Three weeks later, the USS Voyager was transported to the quadrant and was similarly examined. For the sake of finding a way to return to the Alpha Quadrant , Chakotay teamed up with Captain Kathryn Janeway . In the battle with the Kazon around the Array, Chakotay sacrificed the Val Jean to destroy the lead Kazon ship, and he and his crew beamed over to Voyager . When Captain Janeway decided to destroy the Array to save the Ocampa , Chakotay supported her decision and the former Maquis joined Janeway's crew with Chakotay serving as her first officer . ( VOY episode : " Caretaker ").

Initially, Chakotay had a difficult job of trying to merge his former crew to the crew of Voyager . In the first weeks, B'Elanna Torres and Joe Carey were competing for the chief engineer 's job, which at one point came to punches. The situation was resolved and Torres became chief engineer. Several of his former crew had immense problems assimilating, and upon Chakotay's suggestion, they underwent a crash course in Academy training from Lieutenant Tuvok . ( VOY episodes : " Parallax ", " Learning Curve ")

Return to Earth [ ]


Chakotay in 2377 .

Chakotay finally returned to Earth at the end of 2377 when Voyager traveled inside a Borg sphere through a transwarp conduit into the Alpha Quadrant . ( VOY episode : " Endgame ")

After settling back into life in the Alpha Quadrant , he resigned his commission eighteen months later. Together with B'Elanna Torres, Chakotay journeyed to the Demilitarized Zone to honor the memory of their fallen Maquis comrades. Later Chakotay spent an extended time traveling across North America , exploring both historic and contemporary sites significant to Native American culture. His travels also extended to various colony worlds that have been settled by Native Americans. ( VOY reference : The Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway )

Later Chakotay became captain of the prototype starship, USS Protostar . Chakotay and the Protostar 's crew had dissapeared by the year 2383 when the Protostar was found on Tars Lamora . ( PRD episode : " Kobayashi ")

25th century [ ]

In a 2385 interview with Jake Sisko , Annika Hansen said that Captain Chakotay was one of the people who inspired her to join Starfleet because of their "honor and competence." When asked whether she maintained contact with him, Hansen responded that she did not understand the question's relevance.

By 2401 , Chakotay has reached the rank of admiral . He was one of a few Starfleet officers that asked the Federation Council to reconsider the decision not to get involved in the Klingon-Gorn War . He predicted a long war in the future and the Klingons were right about the Undine threat.

He participated in the 2404 opening of the Alpha Centauri system transwarp hub. Two years later , Chakotay was promoted to head of Starfleet Intelligence . He promised more accountability and to be open in the posting. One of his earliest briefings involved him admitting the belief that at least 30 Undine infiltrators were in high-level posts and Starfleet. ( ST website  : The Path to 2409 )

Alternate realities [ ]

In an alternate timeline in which the USS Voyager was forced to turn back from its journey home to Earth, Chakotay became a statesman in the Vostigye Union . He and Kathryn Janeway became lovers and would eventually have a child, Shannon Sekaya Janeway . ( VOY - Myriad Universes - Infinity's Prism novella : Places of Exile )

In an alternate timeline created by Wesley Crusher in which the Maquis never existed, Chakotay did not resign his Starfleet commission and was serving as the first officer of the USS Lakota under Captain Erika Benteen in 2373 . ( TNG short story : " Gods, Fate, and Fractals ")

In another alternate timeline, Chakotay became the captain of Voyager after Janeway was killed in a Krenim attack in 2373 . He was still in command of the ship in 2379 . ( VOY episode : " Before and After ")

Starfleet service record [ ]

Appendices [ ], connections [ ], background [ ].

  • Even though he is always referred to as a commander during his tenure as Voyager 's first officer, Chakotay wore the provisional rank of lieutenant commander. ( VOY episode : " Caretaker ")
  • See: category:Memory Beta images (Chakotay) .

Appearances and references [ ]

Appearances [ ], references [ ].

  • PIC novel : Firewall

External link [ ]

  • Chakotay article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
  • 1 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
  • 2 Odyssey class
  • 3 Akira class
  • VisualEditor
  • View history


Chakotay is a Starfleet Admiral and head of Starfleet Intelligence. He is best known for his tenure as First Officer aboard the USS Voyager during it’s unscheduled seven year expedition in the Delta Quadrant during the 24th Century .

  • 1.1 Early years
  • 1.2 U.S.S. Voyager
  • 1.3 Later years
  • 2 Personal relationships and crew
  • 5 External links

History [ | ]

Early years [ | ].

USS Voyager

Chakotay served as Voyager' s first officer during her journey through the Delta Quadrant

Chakotay was born in 2329 on a Federation colony world near the Cardassian -Federation border. Around 2344, Chakotay joined Starfleet Academy and succesfully graduated from it a few years later. His career saw him on a variety of assignments, including archaeological excavations and diplomatic first contact missions. He also became an instructor at Starfleet's Advanced Tactical Training program.

In 2368 Chakotay's homeworld was annexed by the Cardassian Union and his father was killed defending the planet. Subsequently, Chakotay resigned his Starfleet commission and joined the Maquis resistance cell. He became one of the Maquis' leaders, and his particular cell a target of both Federation and Cardassian infiltration.

U.S.S. Voyager [ | ]

In 2371 Chakotay'y Maquis ship was transported by the Caretaker from the Badlands to the Delta Quadrant . A few days later his ship was joined by U.S.S. Voyager . When his Maquis ship was destroyed in a battle with the Kazon , Chakotay's crew agreed to join the crew of Kathryn Janeway , Chakotay becoming the Captain's first officer. Chakotay spent seven years in the Delta Quadrant aboard Voyager , until the ship's return to Earth in 2378 .

Later years [ | ]

With the Maquis gone and the conflict with the Cardassians over, Chakotay officially rejoined Starfleet and eventually rose to the rank of Admiral by 2401 . He was one of a few Starfleet officers requesting the Federation Council to reconsider the decision not to get involved in the Klingon-Gorn War. He predicted a long conflict in the future and that the Klingons were right about the Undine threat.

Chakotay participated in the 2404 opening of the Alpha Centauri transwarp hub. In 2406 , Chakotay was promoted to head of Starfleet Intelligence, promising more accountability and transparency. One of his earliest briefings involved him admitting the belief that at least 30 Undine infiltrators were in high-level positions in Starfleet.

Personal relationships and crew [ | ]

Chakotay's Maquis crew included B'Elanna Torres and Tuvok , who worked undercover for Starfleet. Chakotay also knew Tom Paris prior to their time on Voyager , as the latter had also joined the Maquis for a short while. Chakotay was romantically involved with an undercover Cardassian agent, Seska , who once claimed that her Cardassian-Kazon son, Sessen , was fathered by Chakotay. During the end of Voyager' s journey through the Detla Quadrant, Chakotay was also romantically involved with Seven of Nine , though the relationship seemingly ended after their return to Earth.

Notes [ | ]

  • Together with Kes , Chakotay is the only Star Trek: Voyager main character not to appear in-game, although B'Elanna's was not voiced by Roxann Dawson
  • Chakotay's backstory between 2380 and 2409 is told in The Path to 2409 .
  • Whether or not Chakotay and Seven of Nine resumed their relationship following their return to Earth is left open: When Jake Sisko conducted an interview with Seven in 2385 , she saw no relevance in the question whether she and Chakotay still had contact. Seven acknowledged, however, that Chakotay was one of the people who inspired her to join Starfleet.

See also [ | ]

  • U.S.S. Voyager
  • List of canon characters

External links [ | ]

  • Chakotay at Memory Alpha , the Star Trek Wiki.
  • Chakotay at Memory Beta , the non-canon Star Trek Wiki.
  • 2 Playable starship
  • 3 Infinity Prize Pack - T6 Ship

Memory Alpha

  • View history

Cavit was a Human male who served as a Starfleet officer in the late- 24th century .

In 2371 , Cavit held the rank of lieutenant commander and was assigned as Captain Kathryn Janeway 's first officer on the newly-commissioned USS Voyager .

During Voyager 's maiden voyage to the Badlands to locate the Maquis raider Val Jean , Cavit manned the bridge tactical station alongside Ensign Rollins , in Lieutenant Tuvok 's absence, as he was undercover in the Maquis . Cavit also had to interact with Tom Paris for the mission, who was brought on board Voyager to act as a mission observer . Cavit, like several other officers, immediately displayed contempt for him, believing his criminal past did not afford him the right to be on board. Cavit readied Voyager and coordinated its departure from Deep Space 9 to head to the Badlands. There, it was hit by a massive displacement wave , later found to have been generated by the Caretaker's array . As a result of the impact , Cavit was killed instantly and Voyager became stranded in the Delta Quadrant .

Cavit was later replaced as first officer by Chakotay . ( VOY : " Caretaker ")

Appendices [ ]

Background information [ ].

Cavit was played by actor Scott Jaeck who, despite having dialogue, received no screen credit for this appearance.

He filmed his scenes on Tuesday 6 September 1994 , Wednesday 7 September 1994 , Friday 9 September 1994 , Thursday 22 September 1994 , and Friday 23 September 1994 on Paramount Stage 8 . His work from the second and third day had to be re-filmed due to the replacement of Genevieve Bujold . This took place on Monday 17 October 1994 on Paramount Stage 8. He also filmed an additional day on 2nd unit on Wednesday 9 November 1994 on Paramount Stage 8 and some bridge re-shoots on Friday 18 November 1994 on Paramount Stage 8 and is listed as "Cavit" on all call sheets .

Apocrypha [ ]

The novelization of Caretaker states that in the year 2358 he served on the USS Kingston , a Federation colony-relief transport, during which time his commanding officer was killed by the Orions. It also notes that, during the events of the episode, Captain Janeway makes a mental note to speak to him regarding his attitude towards Paris on the basis that he is a Starfleet officer and needs to act more professional.

Cavit also appears in the The Brave and the Bold, Book Two novella "The Third Artifact", which gives his first name as "Aaron". The story recounts the Voyager 's shakedown cruise in the year 2371. Cavit is revealed to have had a romantic relationship with USS Hood first officer Dina Voyskunsky before an acrimonious breakup in 2359 . When the Hood comes to the Voyager 's assistance following a series of system malfunctions, the two of them agree to get together at the conclusion of their current missions. Unfortunately, due to the events of "Caretaker", this never happens.

The Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway mentions Cavit, giving his first name as "John".

In an alternate timeline featured in the Star Trek: Myriad Universes novella A Gutted World , Voyager was never stranded in the Delta Quadrant and Cavit served as its first officer until it was destroyed by the Cardassians in 2373 .

His name was spelled "Cavitt" in the short story The Ones Left Behind .

External links [ ]

  • Cavit at StarTrek.com
  • Aaron Cavit at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • 2 ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701)

Screen Rant

Voyager’s chakotay & what happened to starfleet hero in star trek: prodigy.


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6 Ways Star Trek: Voyager Failed Chakotay (But Prodigy Won't)

Bridgerton season 3's daphne "replacement" is actually the complete opposite (& that's a good thing), evil season 4 has a massive challenge after the horror show’s 5-year rotten tomatoes streak.

WARNING: Contains SPOILERS for Star Trek: Prodigy season 1.

  • Star Trek: Prodigy season 1 reveals the life of Commander Chakotay after Star Trek: Voyager and the mystery surrounding his disappearance.
  • Prodigy season 2 will continue the search for Chakotay as Admiral Janeway recruits her young charges for a rescue mission.
  • Captain Chakotay and the USS Protostar crew are stranded on the Vau N'Akat home world, and Admiral Janeway plans to save them in season 2 with the help of the USS Voyager-A.

Star Trek: Prodigy season 1 has revealed details about the life of Commander Chakotay (Robert Beltran) after the end of Star Trek: Voyager . The animated Star Trek series is a stealth sequel to Voyager , focusing on a group of young misfits who find themselves in command of an experimental starship, the USS Protostar. In Prodigy 's season 1 opener, Dal R'El (Brett Gray) and his fellow slaves find the abandoned Starfleet vessel buried within the Tars Lamora prison colony. It soon transpires that the Protostar was originally under the command of Captain Chakotay who, along with his crew mates, is now missing.

The mystery of Chakotay in Star Trek: Prodigy is resolved by the end of season 1, but that resolution only sets up more questions about the Star Trek: Voyager hero. Prodigy season 2 will continue the search for the missing Chakotay as Admiral Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) recruits her young charges for a rescue mission. With Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 coming to Netflix later in 2024 , it's a good time for a refresher on Chakotay's command of the USS Protostar, and the circumstances surrounding his disappearance.

Star Trek: Voyager resoundingly failed Chakotay as a character, but despite his story issues, Prodigy has a chance to turn Chakotay around.

Captain Chakotay & Protostar’s Original Delta Quadrant Mission

Star Trek: Prodigy season 1, episode 11, "Asylum" opened with a flashback to the launching of the USS Protostar, under the command of Captain Chakotay. Equipped with a revolutionary proto-drive, the Protostar was able to traverse vast distances in record times. This new technology would allow Chakotay to return to the Delta Quadrant, where Admiral Janeway hoped he could fix some of the problems caused by the USS Voyager . Although Janeway harbored no desire to return to the Delta Quadrant, she was represented aboard the USS Protostar by a training hologram which could also assume command of the ship in an emergency.

The USS Protostar was a prototype, so the original Delta Quadrant mission was also a means to prove the new starship's abilities. Unfortunately, the Protostar's mission to the Delta Quadrant was quickly derailed when they encountered a temporal anomaly. Before the start of Star Trek: Prodigy season 1, the USS Protostar fell into the temporal anomaly and went missing, triggering a search and rescue mission led by Vice Admiral Janeway.

How Chakotay & Protostar Get Trapped On Vau N’Akat’s Homeworld

After it fell through a temporal anomaly, the USS Protostar found itself in orbit above the planet Solum at some point in the 25th century. Solum is the home planet of the Vau N'Akat, a species that endured a bitter and devastating civil war. The Vau N'Akat, including the Diviner (John Noble) blamed Starfleet for the civil war, as first contact between their species and the wider galaxy created a huge gulf between those who wished to be part of a larger universe and those who wanted Solum to remain isolated. When the USS Protostar arrived above Solum, the Vau N'Akat saw a way to change their tragic past.

A boarding party led by the cybernetic Drednoks boarded the USS Protostar, overwhelming Captain Chakotay and his crew. The Vau N'Akat wished to use the USS Protostar as a trojan horse to destroy Starfleet before they could make first contact with Solum. The crew of the Protostar were all captured by the Drednoks and a sentient weapon called the Living Construct was fitted aboard the ship. Once the Protostar made contact with another Starfleet ship, it would turn the entire armada against each other, as seen in the Star Trek: Prodigy season 1 finale .

Captain Chakotay and his first officer, Commander Adreek-Hu (Tommie Earl Jenkins) broke free from their imprisonment and attempted to deactivate the Living Construct. Unfortunately, they were unable to do so, and so Chakotay conceived an alternative plan. He made the decision to send the unmanned USS Protostar back through the anomaly, hoping that it would remain lost forever. The Vau N'Akat set off in pursuit of the USS Protostar, sending 100 Drednoks after the remotely piloted starship. With no means of returning to the 24th century, Captain Chakotay and the USS Protostar crew were stranded on the Vau N'Akat home world.

Star Trek: Prodigy Season 2 Is About Janeway Saving Chakotay

Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 will see Admiral Janeway lead the search for Captain Chakotay and his missing crew. Although the stable temporal wormhole that allowed the USS Protostar to travel to the 25th century was closed, Hologram Janeway was able to create another. Using this new wormhole, and the distress signal sent by Captain Chakotay, Admiral Janeway hopes to be able to travel into the alternate future and save her former Number One. Given that Janeway rescuing Chakotay is basically how their relationship started, the Admiral has chosen an appropriate starship for the rescue mission - the USS Voyager-A.

She'll be accompanied on this mission by Star Trek: Voyager 's EMH Doctor (Robert Picardo), who will fulfill the mentor role of Hologram Janeway from Star Trek: Prodigy season 1. The Doctor will be mentoring the young Star Trek: Prodigy cast through what will likely be a dangerous mission into the unknown. The Protostar was immediately seized by the Vau N'Akat on arrival over Solum, but this time, the USS Voyager-A will be prepared for this eventuality.

At this stage, it's unclear whether Chakotay and the Protostar crew made it off Solum. Voyager may arrive above the Vau N'Akat home world to discover that Chakotay and Adreek-Hu have already rescued their fellow crew mates and are looking for a way back to the 24th century. This seems like the most likely outcome for Star Trek: Prodigy season 2, as it will allow the show to further expand the mystery of what happened to Chakotay after Star Trek: Voyager ended.

Star Trek: Prodigy season 1 is streaming now on Netflix.

Star Trek: Prodigy

Star Trek: Prodigy is the first TV series in the Star Trek franchise marketed toward children, and one of the few animated series in the franchise. The story follows a group of young aliens who find a stolen Starfleet ship and use it to escape from the Tars Lamora prison colony where they are all held captive. Working together with the help of a holographic Captain Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew), the new crew of the USS Protostar must find their way back to the Alpha Quadrant to warn the Federation of the deadly threat that is pursuing them.

  • Star Trek: Prodigy (2021)
  • Star Trek: Voyager (1995)

star trek voyager chakotay first name

8 Alpha Quadrant Things Star Trek: Voyager Found In Delta Quadrant

  • Star Trek: Voyager finds familiar things from the Alpha Quadrant in the Delta Quadrant, sparking important questions and connections.
  • Encounter with Ferengi negotiators leads Voyager crew to stop their interference in a pre-warp civilization for profits.
  • Janeway and crew discover humans abducted by aliens in the 1930s living in the Delta Quadrant, including Amelia Earhart.

For a show with the conceit of being so far from home, Star Trek: Voyager found a surprising number of things in the Delta Quadrant that originated in the Alpha Quadrant, including several from Earth itself. The USS Voyager, commanded by Captain Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew), and Commander Chakotay's (Robert Beltran) Maquis raider Val Jean were both brought to the Delta Quadrant in 2371 by the Caretaker (Basil Langton). After Janeway destroyed the Caretaker's array to save the Ocampa , Voyager and the Val Jean were left without a ticket back to the Alpha Quadrant, and banded together to make the long journey.

Finding something familiar in an otherwise totally alien corner of the galaxy brought a sense of familiarity to the USS Voyager crew and viewers at home alike, but the presence of something from the Alpha Quadrant in the Delta Quadrant inevitably raised important questions , like how familiar people and objects traveled 70,000 light years from home in the first place, and whether the find could lead Captain Kathryn Janeway towards a quicker path home to Earth.

Star Trek: Voyagers 20 Best Episodes Ranked

A pair of ferengi negotiators, arridor and kol, star trek: voyager season 3, episode 5 "false profits".

The USS Voyager encounters a pair of Ferengi negotiators, Arridor (Dan Shor) and Kol (Leslie Jordan), who claim to be the prophesied Great Sages of the Takarians, a society with Bronze Age level technology. The Ferengi have no Prime Directive to deter them from interfering with the Takarians' development , so they're performing "miracles" with a standard replicator to reap the monetary benefits of the Takarians' worship. Voyager's crew know the Ferengi reputation well enough to know they're no Sages, so they must figure out how to put a stop to Arridor and Kol's grift.

"False Profits" serves as a Star Trek sequel episode to Star Trek: The Next Generation season 3, episode 8 "The Price", as Voyager catches up with Arridor and Kol (formerly played by J. R. Quinonez) seven years after their Delta Quadrant arrival. The Ferengi took a test flight through the supposedly stable wormhole near Barzan II, which was supposed to emerge in the Gamma Quadrant, but instead stranded the Ferengi in the Delta Quadrant, where they made the best of their situation as only Ferengi can.

Star Trek: Voyager Season 3, Episode 23 "Distant Origin"

"Distant Origin" opens on Forra Gegen (Henry Woronicz), a scientist who discovers that his people, the Voth, share certain genetic similarities with the humans aboard the USS Voyager. While this confirms Gegen's theory that the Voth are the descendants of a species brought to their homeworld millions of years ago , religious leader Minister Odala (Concetta Tomei) refuses to accept the truth. Even with Commander Chakotay present as a living specimen of humanity, Odala pushes Gegen to recant, because Gegen's theory goes against the Voth Doctrine that keeps Odala in power.

After meeting Gegen's assistant, Tova Veer (Christopher Liam Moore), Janeway and the Doctor use the holodeck as a research guide to extrapolate how hadrosaurs might look in the 24th century if they'd been able to evolve into a humanoid form with comparable intelligence. The result resembles Veer, so Janeway and the Doctor conclude, like Gegen, that the Voth evolved from hadrosaurs into a highly advanced species on Earth , then fled to the Delta Quadrant in spacefaring vessels instead of being wiped out with the other dinosaurs.

The Friendship One Probe

Star trek: voyager season 7, episode 21 "friendship one".

By Star Trek: Voyager season 7 , the USS Voyager is in regular contact with Starfleet Command, and Starfleet gives Voyager a mission to retrieve a 21st-century Earth probe, Friendship One . The probe proves difficult to find, but once discovered on an alien planet suffering devastating climate collapse, the implications of Friendship One's launch become clear. Besides the irreversible damage to the planet's climate, the inhabitants are all suffering from radiation sickness, and bear understandable hostility towards Earth, because the aliens believe humans orchestrated their destruction with the Friendship One probe.

The United Earth Space Probe Agency was one of the early names for the organization the USS Enterprise belongs to in the Star Trek: The Original Series episode, "Charlie X".

Friendship One was launched in 2067 by the United Earth Space Probe Agency with the intention of making friends with whomever found it, as the name implies. Although Friendship One, the 400-year-old Earth probe, traveled for centuries carrying messages of peace, musical recordings, and ways to translate languages, the people who discovered Friendship One in the Delta Quadrant took a greater interest in the antimatter it used to travel across space. Without the proper knowledge of its use, antimatter proved devastating to the planet and its people, resulting in death and disease for generations.

Dreadnought, a Cardassian Missile

Star trek: voyager season 2, episode 17 "dreadnought".

The USS Voyager discovers a dangerously powerful, self-guided Cardassian missile in the Delta Quadrant, which Lt. B'Elanna Torres (Roxann Dawson) recognizes as one nicknamed "Dreadnought" . When B'Elanna was with the Maquis, Torres had actually reprogrammed the missile herself, with the intention of turning the Cardassians' own weapon against them. Without a Cardassian target in sight, the artificially intelligent Cardassian Dreadnought targets a heavily-populated Class-M planet , Rakosa V. B'Elanna determines she must be the one to keep Dreadnought from hurting anyone else, and boards the missile to convince it to stand down.

While no concrete reason is given for exactly how the Dreadnought wound up in the Delta Quadrant, its last known location in the Alpha Quadrant was the Badlands, the same rough patch of space where Voyager and the Val Jean, Chakotay's Maquis raider, fatefully met. Because of this, Torres theorizes that Dreadnought arrived in the Delta Quadrant the same way that Voyager and the Val Jean did , courtesy of the Caretaker.

Star Trek: Voyagers BElanna Is More Klingon Than TNGs Worf Ever Was

A klingon d-7 class cruiser, complete with klingons, star trek: voyager, season 7, episode 14 "prophecy".

The USS Voyager certainly never expected to find a Klingon ship in the Delta Quadrant, but more surprising is the fact that the crew of the Klingon D-7 Class Cruiser believes their savior, the prophesied kuvah'magh, is aboard Voyager . Janeway assures the Klingon captain, Kohlar (Wren T. Brown), that the Federation and Klingon Empire have been allies for the past 80 years, and offers Voyager's own half-Klingon, Lt. B'Elanna Torres, as proof their societies are working together now. The kuvah'magh is Torres' unborn daughter, who does save the Klingons, but not the way they expected.

Centuries ago, Kohlar's great-grandfather set off on a quest to find the kuvah'magh, and the Klingon D-7 Cruiser became a generation ship that is now crewed by the descendants of its original crew . The quest begun by Kohlar's great-grandfather brought Kohlar and his crew to the Delta Quadrant after four generations of searching. Whether B'Elanna's child is actually the kuvah'magh or not, Kohlar desperately wants the baby to be their savior, so that his people may finally rest.

Amelia Earhart

Star trek: voyager season 2, episode 1 "the 37s".

The discovery of a 1936 Ford truck, seemingly disconnected from any parent vehicle, leads the USS Voyager to a nearby Class-L planet, where they find eight humans who have been in cryo-stasis since they were abducted by aliens in the 1930s. Among them are one of Janeway's personal heroes, legendary American aviator Amelia Earhart (Sharon Lawrence) , who disappeared without a trace while attempting to fly around the world, and Earhart's navigator, Fred Noonan (David Graf). Earhart and the other preserved humans are known by the planet's inhabitants as "The 37s", and revered as sacred.

Originally thought to be aliens, the natives of the unnamed planet are the descendants of humans. A species called the Briori abducted the natives' ancestors, along with Earhart and the other 37s, from Earth centuries earlier , and took them to the Delta Quadrant. Once held as slaves, the humans who weren't in stasis revolted to free themselves from the Briori, and developed a thriving, Earth-like civilization in the Delta Quadrant. Voyager's crew consider staying with the humans in their little slice of home, while Janeway also offers a ride back to Earth to anyone who wants it, including Amelia Earhart.

The USS Equinox

Star trek: voyager season 5, episode 26 & season 6, episode 1 "equinox".

The crew of the USS Voyager believe they're the only Starfleet vessel in the Delta Quadrant until they find the USS Equinox, five years into their journey home. Captain Rudolph Ransom (John Savage) and the Equinox crew have had a harder time in the Delta Quadrant than Voyager, with more damage, fewer starting resources, and fewer opportunities to make friends along the way. Ransom's survival tactics include sacrificing innocent nucleogenic life forms for a more efficient form of fuel, which Janeway finds hard to stomach, and decides that Ransom needs to be held accountable for defying Federation ideals, regardless of how badly the Equinox is damaged.

Although Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan) suggests that the Equinox might be in the Delta Quadrant on a rescue mission to find Voyager, the USS Equinox's specs don't fit the profile of a starship that would be assigned to a long-range mission. The explanation of how the Equinox arrived in the Delta Quadrant in the first place seems fairly simple, because Captain Ransom tells Janeway that the Equinox was also abducted by the Caretaker , just like Voyager, but the Equinox has only been in the Delta Quadrant for 2 years, and Janeway destroyed the Caretaker's array 5 years earlier.

Seven of Nine

Debuts in star trek: voyager season 4, episode 1 "scorpion, part 2".

When Captain Kathryn Janeway allies with the Borg in order to secure safe passage across Borg space, Janeway refuses the cursory assimilation that the Borg want to use to communicate with Janeway and Voyager's crew, and instead requests a speaker for the Borg, citing the existence of Locutus (Patrick Stewart) as precedent. Seven of Nine , Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix 01, is selected as the Borg drone to act as liaison between the Collective and Voyager, likely because Seven of Nine had once been a member of Species 5168, like most of Voyager's crew -- in other words, human.

Voyager season 5, episodes 15 & 16, "Dark Frontier" provides even more detail of the Hansens' fateful journey.

After Seven's link with the Collective is severed, more information about Seven's human origin comes to light. In Voyager season 4, episode 6 "The Raven", when Voyager nears the Hansens' ship, the USS Raven, memories of Seven's early life surface, revealing that Seven had been six-year-old human Annika Hansen , the daughter of Magnus Hansen (Kirk Baily) and Erin Hansen (Laura Stepp), Federation scientists who were studying the Borg when they were assimilated. Voyager season 5, episodes 15 & 16, "Dark Frontier" provides even more detail of the Hansens' fateful journey, showing the Raven arriving in the Delta Quadrant by following a Borg Cube through a transwarp conduit.

10 Ways USS Voyager Changed In Star Treks Delta Quadrant

Star Trek: Voyager links back to the greater Star Trek universe with people and starships from the Alpha Quadrant. Connections to the familiar were especially important early on, because Voyager 's place in the Star Trek franchise was established and aided by the legitimacy these finds offered. Later, when the USS Voyager used the Hirogen communications array to communicate with Starfleet Command, links back to the Alpha Quadrant were plentiful again, not only to prove that the USS Voyager was closer to home, but to help Star Trek: Voyager maintain connections to Star Trek and carry the franchise in its final years.

Star Trek: Voyager is available to stream on Paramount+.

Star Trek: Voyager

Cast Jennifer Lien, Garrett Wang, Tim Russ, Robert Duncan McNeill, Roxann Dawson, Robert Beltran, Kate Mulgrew, Jeri Ryan, Ethan Phillips, Robert Picardo

Release Date May 23, 1995

Genres Sci-Fi, Adventure

Network UPN

Streaming Service(s) Paramount+

Franchise(s) Star Trek

Writers Michael Piller, Rick Berman

Showrunner Kenneth Biller, Jeri Taylor, Michael Piller, Brannon Braga

Rating TV-PG

8 Alpha Quadrant Things Star Trek: Voyager Found In Delta Quadrant

8 Coolest Starships in Star Trek: Voyager

When it comes to the most interesting starship designs, the following ones stand out as the coolest from Star Trek: Voyager.

Star Trek: Voyager broke new ground when it debuted in 1995. In addition to featuring the franchise's first female protagonist (Kate Mulgrew's Captain Janeway), it also went where no one had gone before: the mysterious Delta Quadrant . However, despite these innovations, Voyager retained many aspects of earlier shows, like The Next Generation 's mostly standalone episodes and the focus on cool ships and technology seen throughout the franchise.

8 Coolest Starships in Star Trek: The Original Series

The early CGI used for Voyager does somewhat detract from its inventive starship designs, as even the most interesting can look a little dated. However, many of these ships have stood the test of time. From lost science ships to rebel transports, Voyager has something for every breed of starship fan.

8 The Val Jean

First appearance: "caretaker" (season 1, episodes 1 & 2).

The Val Jean may be small, but in many ways, this Maquis fighter is responsible for everything that happens in Star Trek: Voyager . While fleeing from a Cardassian ship in the Badlands, Chakotay (Robert Beltram) and his crew are dragged into the Delta Quadrant by the godlike Caretaker . Janeway's Voyager is assigned to locate the Val Jean, a mission that results in the Federation vessel's unexpected voyage through the Delta Quadrant.

That the Val Jean is destroyed shortly after arriving in the Delta Quadrant has profound implications for the series. It forces the Maquis rebels to work with Voyager 's Starfleet crew (although the show's writers seem determined to ignore the dramatic potential of this set-up). Nor does the little ship go out without a fight—Chakotay uses it to ram a Kazon warship, buying Voyager time to escape.

7 The Baxial

First appearance: "the chute" (season 3, episode 3).

Neelix is one of Star Trek 's most divisive characters, with many fans questioning the appropriateness of his romantic relationship with Kes, a three-year-old Ocampan from the Delta Quadrant. Less controversial, however, is the Baxial , Neelix's personal freighter. This small starship may not look elegant, but it demonstrates significant speed and agility on multiple occasions, making it a vital tool in Voyager 's repertoire during the vessel's seven-year journey home.

8 Coolest Starships From Star Trek: The Next Generation

Despite only making a handful of appearances in Star Trek: Voyager (the Baxial 's exterior isn't even seen until the show's third season), Neelix's ship enjoys an unexpected afterlife in another classic sci-fi series. It can be seen docked to a space station in "War Stories", an episode of Joss Whedon's short-lived Firefly ; the freighter may be a footnote in Voyager itself, but its legacy casts a long shadow.

6 Dreadnought

First appearance: "dreadnought" (season 2, episode 17).

The Delta Quadrant may be many light years away from the Federation, but that doesn't stop familiar ships and technology from making occasional appearances in Star Trek: Voyager . In "Dreadnought", Belanna Torres (Roxann Dawson) must confront her past when a Cardassian missile threatens a planet in the Delta Quadrant. Torres had planned to use the missile ship (nicknamed Dreadnought) against the Cardassian Union , only for it to be pulled into the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker.

The ATR-4107 Dreadnought may only be an unmanned drone, but its advanced defensive capabilities make it more than a match for both Voyager and a fleet of alien ships. It can also carry a maintenance crew, supports an advanced tactical computer, and is powerful enough to devastate whole planets. Luckily, Torres is able to destabilize the Dreadnought's warp core, destroying the ship before it obliterates the world of Rakosa.

5 "Alice"

First appearance: "alice" (season 6, episode 5).

Star Trek may be a science fiction series, but it occasionally dabbles in the supernatural . In "Alice", Tom Paris (Robert Duncan McNeil) enters into a twisted relationship with the eponymous Alice , an alien shuttlecraft with a mind of its own and a sinister side. Alice uses an advanced neurogenic interface to interact with its pilot, allowing for unprecedented navigational input. However, this interface has a drawback: when the rogue ship is attacked by Voyager , the neurogenic technology causes Paris to feel pain when Alice is damaged.

The ship is also home to a ghost in the machine. Taking the form of a beautiful woman, Alice's computer seduces Paris and uses him to pilot the ship towards a dangerous anomaly. Indeed, despite Alice 's sentience, the shuttle is entirely dependent on an organic pilot and is destroyed following Voyager 's rescue of Paris.

4 USS Relativity

First appearance: "relativity" (season 5, episode 24).

While Kirk's Enterprise makes frequent trips back and forth through history , time travel is something of a rarity in the wider franchise. As such, the appearance of a Federation ship specially dedicated to time travel in Star Trek: Voyager is notable. In "Relativity", the crew of Voyager finds themselves contending with some time travel shenanigans when a version of the Relativity 's captain travels back through time in a misguided attempt to change history.

In addition to being able to travel through time as well as space, the Wells -class starship possesses advanced systems appropriate to its 29th-century origins. Many of the starships seen in the franchise have transporters, but Relativity outdoes them: it can transport crew members anywhere in history thanks to its temporal transporters. However, overuse of this technology can have negative side effects for the traveler.

3 USS Equinox

First appearance: "equinox" (season 5, episode 25).

The short-range survey vessel Equinox finds itself out of its depth when, like Voyager , it is accidentally pulled into the Delta Quadrant. Things go from bad to worse when most of the crew are immediately killed, an event which drives the ship's Captain Ransom (John Savage) towards a desperate course of action. Ransom plans to use an alien lifeform as fuel in order to expedite his return to the Alpha Quadrant, much to Janeway's disgust.

The design of the Nova -class starship is interesting, as it combines Voyager 's aesthetics with those seen in The Next Generation movies (particularly the starship's nacelles ). The Equinox may be one of Starfleet's more immoral vessels, but it still makes a memorable contribution to Star Trek history.

2 Species 8472 Bio-Ship

First appearance: "scorpion" (season 3, episode 26).

The Borg may represent one of the greatest threats to the Federation, but the cybernetic race isn't actually at the top of the Delta Quadrant's pecking order. In "Scorpion", Voyager discovers a war between the Borg and the mysterious Species 8472—a war that the Borg are losing. In order to secure safe passage through the region, Janeway must ally with the Borg. However, even the combined might of the Federation and its greatest foe may not be enough to overcome the bio-ships of Species 8472.

Star Trek: Voyager's Most Bizarre Episode

Constructed from the same biological matter as their creators, these ships are capable of regenerating any combat damage. Offensively, the bio-ships pose a considerable threat: just one is capable of destroying a usually impregnable Borg cube, while several bio-ships could work together to destroy whole planets. Voyager 's crew develops innovative new weapons based on Borg technology in order to counter the vessels, forcing them back into Species 8472's native fluidic space.

1 USS Voyager

The titular USS Voyager is an Intrepid -class science vessel designed for long-term exploration. While far smaller than many Starfleet vessels, Voyager possesses many innovative technologies, including super-efficient variable geometry warp nacelles and bio-neural circuitry which allows for faster and more efficient computational work than was possible on previous starships. However, the latter technology can be a curse as well as a blessing: in "Learning Curve", cheese made by Neelix nearly destroys Voyager after its bacterial cultures infect the ship's bio-neural gel packs.

Voyager has one of Starfleet's most impressive track records, as it makes contact with numerous species in the Delta Quadrant. Admittedly, some fans have their doubts about the ethics of Voyager 's captain , but this does nothing to detract from the vessel's incredible legacy. It's no surprise, then, that several other vessels also bear the Voyager name, as seen in Star Trek: Picard and Star Trek: Discovery . It may not be as iconic as the Enterprise -D or as punchy as the Defiant , but the USS Voyager is still one of Star Trek 's coolest ships.

Star Trek: Voyager


  1. Star Trek: Voyager's First Officer

    star trek voyager chakotay first name

  2. Chakotay

    star trek voyager chakotay first name

  3. Commander Chakotay

    star trek voyager chakotay first name

  4. Star Trek: Voyager's First Officer

    star trek voyager chakotay first name

  5. Whatever Happened to Robert Beltran, Chakotay From 'Star Trek: Voyager

    star trek voyager chakotay first name

  6. Chakotay

    star trek voyager chakotay first name


  1. Star Trek: Voyager Revival Finally Happening?

  2. Chakotay, Tuvok, and Paris Board A Hirogen Vessel

  3. Rumors (Janeway/Chakotay)

  4. Star Trek Lower Decks

  5. Star Trek: Section 31 Begins!

  6. Seven breaks up with Chakotay (fanmade voiceover scene)


  1. star trek

    Chakotay is a mononym. Robert Beltran (the actor who portrays Chakotay on Star Trek Voyager) was asked this question in a fan interview session. Although his reply seems mischievous, his lack of a genuine response strongly implies that his character only has one name. Interviewer : What is Chakotay's first name in the Voyager series? Beltran ...

  2. Chakotay

    Chakotay / tʃ ə ˈ k oʊ t eɪ / is a fictional character who appears in each of the seven seasons of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: Voyager.Portrayed by Robert Beltran, he was First Officer aboard the Starfleet starship USS Voyager, and later promoted to Captain in command of the USS Protostar in Star Trek: Prodigy.The character was suggested at an early stage of ...

  3. Chakotay

    Captain Chakotay was a 24th century Human male of Native American descent who served as a Starfleet officer before joining the Maquis. After his ship, the Val Jean, was transported and subsequently destroyed in the Delta Quadrant, he joined the crew of the starship USS Voyager as its first officer under Captain Kathryn Janeway during their seven-year journey back to Earth. (VOY: "Caretaker ...

  4. Does anyone know What Chakotay's First Name is? : r/voyager

    I sarcastically and quite humorously mimic the word "ChaKOtAY" in a sort of protest and minor disgust at the poor writing. It's likely also an expression of my general disdain for this pretty terrible Trek instalment. ChaKOtAY is, imo, an excruciatingly bland and uncharismatic character, and frankly doesn't deserve a first name.

  5. Did Chakotay have a first name? : r/startrek

    No. Chakotay is the character's full name. For that matter, don't think we ever got more than one name for characters such as Kes, Worf, Data, Quark, Rom, Nog, or Neelix. Technically, Worf's last name is Rozhenko. "Son of Mogh" and "Of the House of Martok" are both family name styles for Klingons.

  6. Star Trek's Chakotay Voyager & Prodigy History Explained

    In the early days of Star Trek: Voyager, there was romantic tension between Janeway and Chakotay. This potential romance was never pursued due to Kate Mulgrew's belief that Star Trek's first female Captain having a romantic relationship with her First Officer would undermine the character. However, the two officers were extremely close, and ...

  7. Star Trek: Voyager's First Officer

    Chakotay, as a former Starfleet officer, rides his own Maquis hard to get them to follow Starfleet regulations. And while he and Janeway do not always (or even often) agree at first, Chakotay keeps the possibility of mutiny at bay as Voyager's combined crew slowly learns to trust one another.

  8. Chakotay

    Chakotay was a Human Federation Starfleet Officer and former Maquis leader who served as first officer of the USS Voyager during its seven years stranded in the Delta Quadrant. Upon Voyager's return to the Alpha Quadrant, Chakotay was promoted to Captain and took command of Voyager. Chakotay was born in 2329 on Trebus to Kolopak and an Unamed mother. Chakotay has one younger sibling, a sister ...

  9. Chakotay

    Chakotay. - Status: Maquis commando and felon. - Full name: Chakotay. - Species: Human. - Year of birth: 2335. - Parents: Son of Kolopak. - Education: Starfleet Academy, 2350-54. - Marital status: Single A Native American descendant, this onetime Starfleet lieutenant commander resigned from his position as an instructor in Starfleet's Advanced ...

  10. Star Trek: 10 Things You Never Knew About Chakotay

    10. He Was The First. The character who became Chakotay was one of the first sketched ideas for the then-unnamed Star Trek: Voyager. He was inspired by the positive response to the character of ...

  11. Chakotay

    Chakotay /tʃəˈkoʊteɪ/ is a fictional character who appears in each of the seven seasons of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: Voyager. Portrayed by Robert Beltran, he was First Officer aboard the Starfleet starship USS Voyager, and later promoted to Captain in command of the USS Protostar in Star Trek: Prodigy. The character was suggested at an early stage of the ...

  12. Chakotay

    This article is about Chakotay in the prime timeline. You may be looking for Chakotay in the First Splinter timeline. For the mirror universe counterpart, see Chakotay (mirror). Chakotay was a Human Starfleet officer and Maquis leader in the 24th century. Chakotay served as first officer of the Federation starship USS Voyager during that vessel's harrowing seven-year journey in the Delta ...

  13. Why does Chakotay only have one name? He would be the only ...

    Totally explains why Voyager's attempt to portray Chakotay's Native American culture always felt like it was pulled out of someone's wormhole and not based on any lick of reality. Reply reply more reply. more reply. More replies ... Sulu gets his first name in Star Trek VI during his captain's log at the beginning of the movie.

  14. Robert Beltran

    Relatives. Louie Cruz Beltran (brother) Robert Adame Beltran (born November 19, 1953) is an American actor known for his role as Commander Chakotay on the 1990s television series Star Trek: Voyager. He is also known for stage acting in California, and for playing Raoul Mendoza in the 1982 black comedy film Eating Raoul .

  15. Star Trek: What Happened To Chakotay After Voyager

    The Star Trek: Voyager series finale provided viewers with a potential tragic future for Commander Chakotay, as well as a few other clues about what might have happened to the character after the show ended. Star Trek: Voyager was the 4th series in the Star Trek franchise and ran from 1995 to 2001. The show focused on Captain Kathryn Janeway and the crew of the USS Voyager after the ship ...

  16. Initiations (Star Trek: Voyager)

    Star Trek: Voyager. ) " Initiations " is the second episode of the second season, and eighteenth episode overall of the American science fiction television program Star Trek: Voyager. The episode originally aired on September 4, 1995, and tells the story of Commander Chakotay 's capture at the hands of a young Kazon.

  17. star trek

    Chakotay's tribe and their beliefs were referenced in numerous episodes. Per this Memory Alpha page linked by Paulie_D. (emphasis added). Chakotay's tribe was a group of Native Americans descended from the ancient Rubber Tree People...Their ancient language, also shared with their cousins in Central America, appeared almost unchanged from that of the Sky Spirits.

  18. Chakotay

    Chakotay is a Starfleet Admiral and head of Starfleet Intelligence. He is best known for his tenure as First Officer aboard the USS Voyager during it's unscheduled seven year expedition in the Delta Quadrant during the 24th Century. Chakotay was born in 2329 on a Federation colony world near the Cardassian-Federation border. Around 2344, Chakotay joined Starfleet Academy and succesfully ...

  19. Star Trek Voyager's Chakotay Native American Controversy Explained

    Chakotay stands as a serious missed opportunity for Star Trek: Voyager, and he was arguably the least compelling First Officer in all of Star Trek.Chakotay was in many ways the embodiment of Voyager's overall problems, a bland character who felt like a poor copy of other, better Star Trek characters. There were opportunities to improve the character, such as introducing some tension between ...

  20. Cavit

    Cavit was a Human male who served as a Starfleet officer in the late-24th century. In 2371, Cavit held the rank of lieutenant commander and was assigned as Captain Kathryn Janeway's first officer on the newly-commissioned USS Voyager. During Voyager's maiden voyage to the Badlands to locate the Maquis raider Val Jean, Cavit manned the bridge tactical station alongside Ensign Rollins, in ...

  21. Origin and Meaning of First Name Chakotay

    In modern times, Chakotay has gained visibility through popular media, most notably as the name of a prominent character in the Star Trek franchise. Chakotay, the fictional character, is a Native American Starfleet officer who becomes a central figure in the television series Star Trek: Voyager.

  22. Chakotay

    Chakotay is a fictional character who appears in each of the seven seasons of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: Voyager. Portrayed by Robert Beltran, he was First Officer aboard the Starfleet starship USS Voyager, and later promoted to Captain in command of the USS Protostar in Star Trek: Prodigy. The character was suggested at an early stage of the development of the ...

  23. Voyager's Chakotay & What Happened To Starfleet Hero In Star Trek: Prodigy

    Summary. Star Trek: Prodigy season 1 reveals the life of Commander Chakotay after Star Trek: Voyager and the mystery surrounding his disappearance. Prodigy season 2 will continue the search for Chakotay as Admiral Janeway recruits her young charges for a rescue mission. Captain Chakotay and the USS Protostar crew are stranded on the Vau N'Akat ...

  24. 8 Alpha Quadrant Things Star Trek: Voyager Found In Delta Quadrant

    By Star Trek: Voyager season 7, the USS Voyager is in regular contact with Starfleet Command, and Starfleet gives Voyager a mission to retrieve a 21st-century Earth probe, Friendship One. The ...

  25. The Coolest Starships in Star Trek: Voyager

    Star Trek: Voyager broke new ground when it debuted in 1995. In addition to featuring the franchise's first female protagonist (Kate Mulgrew's Captain Janeway), it also went where no one had gone ...