Star Trek VI The Undiscovered Country

1991 · Film

On the eve of retirement, Kirk and McCoy are charged with assassinating the Klingon High Chancellor and imprisoned. The Enterprise crew must help them escape to thwart a conspiracy aimed at sabotaging the last best hope for peace.

Gene Roddenberry , Nicholas Meyer , Denny Martin Flinn , Leonard Nimoy , and Mark Rosenthal

  • Science Fiction
  • Paramount Pictures

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star trek 6 transcript

Star Trek Minutiae: Exploring the Details of Science Fiction

Sometimes it really helps to go back to the original source! But watching the episode—or even skimming it—can be time consuming. So why not let the computer search the text for you? I’ve collected the scripts of every episode of The Next Generation , Deep Space Nine , and the first 10 movies.

All episodes are stored in plain text format.

Archivist’s Note: All of these scripts were obtained from other published sources; the complete scripts for TOS, Voyager , and Enterprise are not available right now. (Please don’t ask me about getting more scripts added, I’ve posted all the files I’ve found.)

Star Trek: The Movies

All Movies [ZIP file, 612 KB]

  • Star Trek: The Motion Picture
  • Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
  • Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
  • Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
  • Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
  • Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
  • Star Trek: Generations
  • Star Trek: First Contact (Draft Version)
  • Star Trek: Insurrection
  • Star Trek: Nemesis

Star Trek: The Next Generation

  • Episode 1-2: “Encounter at Farpoint”
  • Episode 3: “The Naked Now”
  • Episode 4: “Code of Honor”
  • Episode 5: “Haven”
  • Episode 6: “Where No One Has Gone Before”
  • Episode 7: “The Last Outpost”
  • Episode 8: “Lonely Among Us”
  • Episode 9: “Justice”
  • Episode 10: “The Battle”
  • Episode 11: “Hide and Q”
  • Episode 12: “Too Short A Season”
  • Episode 13: “The Big Goodbye”
  • Episode 14: “Datalore”
  • Episode 15: “Angel One”
  • Episode 16: “11001001”
  • Episode 17: “Home Soil”
  • Episode 18: “When the Bough Breaks”
  • Episode 19: “Coming of Age”
  • Episode 20: “Heart of Glory”
  • Episode 21: “The Arsenal of Freedom”
  • Episode 22: “Symbiosis”
  • Episode 23: “Skin of Evil”
  • Episode 24: “We’ll Always Have Paris”
  • Episode 25: “Conspiracy”
  • Episode 26: “The Neutral Zone”
  • Episode 27: “The Child”
  • Episode 28: “Where Silence Has Lease”
  • Episode 29: “Elementary, Dear Data”
  • Episode 30: “The Outrageous Okona”
  • Episode 31: “The Schizoid Man”
  • Episode 32: “Loud as a Whisper”
  • Episode 33: “Unnatural Selection”
  • Episode 34: “A Matter of Honor”
  • Episode 35: “The Measure of a Man”
  • Episode 36: “The Dauphin”
  • Episode 37: “Contagion”
  • Episode 38: “The Royale”
  • Episode 39: “Time Squared”
  • Episode 40: “The Icarus Factor”
  • Episode 41: “Pen Pals”
  • Episode 42: “Q Who?”
  • Episode 43: “Samaritan Snare”
  • Episode 44: “Up the Long Ladder”
  • Episode 45: “Manhunt”
  • Episode 46: “The Emissary”
  • Episode 47: “Peak Performance”
  • Episode 48: “Shades of Grey”
  • Episode 49: “The Ensigns of Command”
  • Episode 50: “Evolution”
  • Episode 51: “The Survivors”
  • Episode 52: “Who Watches the Watchers?”
  • Episode 53: “The Bonding”
  • Episode 54: “Booby Trap”
  • Episode 55: “The Enemy”
  • Episode 56: “The Price”
  • Episode 57: “The Vengeance Factor”
  • Episode 58: “The Defector”
  • Episode 59: “The Hunted”
  • Episode 60: “The High Ground”
  • Episode 61: “Déjà Q”
  • Episode 62: “A Matter of Perspective”
  • Episode 63: “Yesterday’s Enterprise ”
  • Episode 64: “The Offspring”
  • Episode 65: “Sins of the Father”
  • Episode 66: “Allegiance”
  • Episode 67: “Captain’s Holiday”
  • Episode 68: “Tin Man”
  • Episode 69: “Hollow Pursuits”
  • Episode 70: “The Most Toys”
  • Episode 71: “Sarek”
  • Episode 72: “Ménage á Troi”
  • Episode 73: “Transfigurations”
  • Episode 74: “The Best of Both Worlds, Part I”
  • Episode 75: “The Best of Both Worlds, Part II”
  • Episode 76: “Family”
  • Episode 77: “Brothers”
  • Episode 78: “Suddenly Human”
  • Episode 79: “Remember Me”
  • Episode 80: “Legacy”
  • Episode 81: “Reunion”
  • Episode 82: “Future Imperfect”
  • Episode 83: “Final Mission”
  • Episode 84: “The Loss”
  • Episode 85: “Data’s Day”
  • Episode 86: “The Wounded”
  • Episode 87: “Devil’s Due”
  • Episode 88: “Clues”
  • Episode 89: “First Contact”
  • Episode 90: “Galaxy’s Child”
  • Episode 91: “Night Terrors”
  • Episode 92: “Identity Crisis”
  • Episode 93: “The Nth Degree”
  • Episode 94: “Qpid”
  • Episode 95: “The Drumhead”
  • Episode 96: “Half a Life”
  • Episode 97: “The Host”
  • Episode 98: “The Mind’s Eye”
  • Episode 99: “In Theory”
  • Episode 100: “Redemption, Part I”
  • Episode 101: “Redemption, Part II”
  • Episode 102: “Darmok”
  • Episode 103: “Ensign Ro”
  • Episode 104: “Silicon Avatar”
  • Episode 105: “Disaster”
  • Episode 106: “The Game”
  • Episode 107: “Unification, Part I”
  • Episode 108: “Unification, Part II”
  • Episode 109: “A Matter of Time”
  • Episode 110: “New Ground”
  • Episode 111: “Hero Worship”
  • Episode 112: “Violations”
  • Episode 113: “The Masterpiece Society”
  • Episode 114: “Conundrum”
  • Episode 115: “Power Play”
  • Episode 116: “Ethics”
  • Episode 117: “The Outcast”
  • Episode 118: “Cause and Effect”
  • Episode 119: “The First Duty”
  • Episode 120: “Cost of Living”
  • Episode 121: “The Perfect Mate”
  • Episode 122: “Imaginary Friend”
  • Episode 123: “I, Borg”
  • Episode 124: “The Next Phase”
  • Episode 125: “The Inner Light”
  • Episode 126: “Time’s Arrow, Part I”
  • Episode 127: “Time’s Arrow, Part II”
  • Episode 128: “Realm of Fear”
  • Episode 129: “Man of the People”
  • Episode 130: “Relics”
  • Episode 131: “Schisms”
  • Episode 132: “True Q”
  • Episode 133: “Rascals”
  • Episode 134: “A Fistful of Datas”
  • Episode 135: “The Quality of Life”
  • Episode 136: “Chain of Command, Part I”
  • Episode 137: “Chain of Command, Part II”
  • Episode 138: “Ship in a Bottle”
  • Episode 139: “Aquiel”
  • Episode 140: “Face of the Enemy”
  • Episode 141: “Tapestry”
  • Episode 142: “Birthright, Part I”
  • Episode 143: “Birthright, Part II”
  • Episode 144: “Starship Mine”
  • Episode 145: “Lessons”
  • Episode 146: “The Chase”
  • Episode 147: “Frame of Mind”
  • Episode 148: “Suspicions”
  • Episode 149: “Rightful Heir”
  • Episode 150: “Second Chances”
  • Episode 151: “Timescape”
  • Episode 152: “Descent, Part I”
  • Episode 153: “Descent, Part II”
  • Episode 154: “Liaisons”
  • Episode 155: “Interface”
  • Episode 156: “Gambit, Part I”
  • Episode 157: “Gambit, Part II”
  • Episode 158: “Phantasms”
  • Episode 159: “Dark Page”
  • Episode 160: “Attached”
  • Episode 161: “Force of Nature”
  • Episode 162: “Inheritance”
  • Episode 163: “Parallels”
  • Episode 164: “The Pegasus ”
  • Episode 165: “Homeward”
  • Episode 166: “Sub Rosa”
  • Episode 167: “Lower Decks”
  • Episode 168: “Thine Own Self”
  • Episode 169: “Masks”
  • Episode 170: “Eye of the Beholder”
  • Episode 171: “Genesis”
  • Episode 172: “Journey’s End”
  • Episode 173: “Firstborn”
  • Episode 174: “Bloodlines”
  • Episode 175: “Emergence”
  • Episode 176: “Preemptive Strike”
  • Episode 177-178: “All Good Things...”

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

  • Episode 1-2: “Emissary”
  • Episode 3: “A Man Alone”
  • Episode 4: “Past Prologue”
  • Episode 5: “Babel”
  • Episode 6: “Captive Pursuit”
  • Episode 7: “Q-Less”
  • Episode 8: “Dax”
  • Episode 9: “The Passenger”
  • Episode 10: “Move Along Home”
  • Episode 11: “The Nagus”
  • Episode 12: “Vortex”
  • Episode 13: “Battle Lines”
  • Episode 14: “The Storyteller”
  • Episode 15: “Progress”
  • Episode 16: “If Wishes Were Horses”
  • Episode 17: “The Forsaken”
  • Episode 18: “Dramatis Personae”
  • Episode 19: “Duet”
  • Episode 20: “In the Hands of the Prophets”
  • Episode 21: “The Homecoming”
  • Episode 22: “The Circle”
  • Episode 23: “The Siege”
  • Episode 24: “Invasive Procedures”
  • Episode 25: “Cardassians”
  • Episode 26: “Melora”
  • Episode 27: “Rules of Acquisition”
  • Episode 28: “Necessary Evil”
  • Episode 29: “Second Sight”
  • Episode 30: “Sanctuary”
  • Episode 31: “Rivals”
  • Episode 32: “The Alternate”
  • Episode 33: “Armageddon Game”
  • Episode 34: “Whispers”
  • Episode 35: “Paradise”
  • Episode 36: “Shadowplay”
  • Episode 37: “Playing God”
  • Episode 38: “Profit and Loss”
  • Episode 39: “Blood Oath”
  • Episode 40: “The Maquis, Part I”
  • Episode 41: “The Maquis, Part II”
  • Episode 42: “The Wire”
  • Episode 43: “Crossover”
  • Episode 44: “The Collaborator”
  • Episode 45: “Tribunal”
  • Episode 46: “The Jem’Hadar”
  • Episode 47: “The Search, Part I”
  • Episode 48: “The Search, Part II”
  • Episode 49: “The House of Quark”
  • Episode 50: “Equilibrium”
  • Episode 51: “Second Skin”
  • Episode 52: “The Abandoned”
  • Episode 53: “Civil Defense”
  • Episode 54: “Meridian”
  • Episode 55: “ Defiant ”
  • Episode 56: “Fascination”
  • Episode 57: “Past Tense, Part I”
  • Episode 58: “Past Tense, Part II”
  • Episode 59: “Life Support”
  • Episode 60: “Heart of Stone”
  • Episode 61: “Destiny”
  • Episode 62: “Prophet Motive”
  • Episode 63: “Visionary”
  • Episode 64: “Distant Voices”
  • Episode 65: “Through the Looking Glass”
  • Episode 66: “Improbable Cause”
  • Episode 67: “The Die Is Cast”
  • Episode 68: “Explorers”
  • Episode 69: “Family Business”
  • Episode 70: “Shakaar”
  • Episode 71: “Facets”
  • Episode 72: “The Adversary”
  • Episode 73-74: “The Way of the Warrior”
  • Episode 75: “The Visitor”
  • Episode 76: “Hippocratic Oath”
  • Episode 77: “Indiscretion”
  • Episode 78: “Rejoined”
  • Episode 79: “Starship Down”
  • Episode 80: “Little Green Men”
  • Episode 81: “The Sword of Kahless”
  • Episode 82: “Our Man Bashir”
  • Episode 83: “Homefront”
  • Episode 84: “Paradise Lost”
  • Episode 85: “Crossfire”
  • Episode 86: “Return to Grace”
  • Episode 87: “Sons of Mogh”
  • Episode 88: “The Bar Association”
  • Episode 89: “Accession”
  • Episode 90: “Rules of Engagement”
  • Episode 91: “Hard Time”
  • Episode 92: “Shattered Mirror”
  • Episode 93: “The Muse”
  • Episode 94: “For the Cause”
  • Episode 95: “The Quickening”
  • Episode 96: “To the Death”
  • Episode 97: “Body Parts”
  • Episode 98: “Broken Link”
  • Episode 99: “Apocalypse Rising”
  • Episode 100: “The Ship”
  • Episode 101: “Looking For par’Mach in All the Wrong Places”
  • Episode 102: “...Nor the Battle to the Strong”
  • Episode 103: “The Assignment”
  • Episode 104: “Trials and Tribble-ations”
  • Episode 105: “Let He Who Is Without Sin...”
  • Episode 106: “Things Past”
  • Episode 107: “The Ascent”
  • Episode 108: “Rapture”
  • Episode 109: “The Darkness and the Light”
  • Episode 110: “The Begotten”
  • Episode 111: “For the Uniform”
  • Episode 112: “In Purgatory’s Shadow”
  • Episode 113: “By Inferno’s Light”
  • Episode 114: “Doctor Bashir, I Presume?”
  • Episode 115: “A Simple Investigation”
  • Episode 116: “Business as Usual”
  • Episode 117: “Ties of Blood and Water”
  • Episode 118: “Ferengi Love Songs”
  • Episode 119: “Soldiers of the Empire”
  • Episode 120: “Children of Time”
  • Episode 121: “Blaze of Glory”
  • Episode 122: “Empok Nor”
  • Episode 123: “In the Cards”
  • Episode 124: “Call to Arms”
  • Episode 125: “A Time to Stand”
  • Episode 126: “Rocks and Shoals”
  • Episode 127: “Sons and Daughters”
  • Episode 128: “Behind the Lines”
  • Episode 129: “Favor the Bold”
  • Episode 130: “The Sacrifice of Angels”
  • Episode 131: “You Are Cordially Invited...”
  • Episode 132: “Resurrection”
  • Episode 133: “Statistical Probabilities”
  • Episode 134: “The Magnificent Ferengi”
  • Episode 135: “Waltz”
  • Episode 136: “Who Mourns for Morn”
  • Episode 137: “Far Beyond the Stars”
  • Episode 138: “One Little Ship”
  • Episode 139: “Honor Among Thieves”
  • Episode 140: “Change of Heart”
  • Episode 141: “Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night”
  • Episode 142: “Inquisition”
  • Episode 143: “In the Pale Moonlight”
  • Episode 144: “His Way”
  • Episode 145: “The Reckoning”
  • Episode 146: “ Valiant ”
  • Episode 147: “Profit and Lace”
  • Episode 148: “Time’s Orphan”
  • Episode 149: “The Sound of Her Voice”
  • Episode 150: “Tears of the Prophets”
  • Episode 151: “Image in the Sand”
  • Episode 152: “Shadows and Symbols”
  • Episode 153: “Afterimage”
  • Episode 154: “Take Me Out to the Holosuite”
  • Episode 155: “Chrysalis”
  • Episode 156: “Treachery, Faith, and the Great River”
  • Episode 157: “Once More Unto the Breach”
  • Episode 158: “The Siege of AR-558”
  • Episode 159: “Covenant”
  • Episode 160: “It’s Only a Paper Moon”
  • Episode 161: “Prodigal Daughter”
  • Episode 162: “The Emperor’s New Cloak”
  • Episode 163: “Field of Fire”
  • Episode 164: “Chimera”
  • Episode 165: “Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang”
  • Episode 166: “Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges”
  • Episode 167: “Penumbra”
  • Episode 168: “‘Til Death Do Us Part”
  • Episode 169: “Strange Bedfellows”
  • Episode 170: “The Changing Face of Evil”
  • Episode 171: “When It Rains...”
  • Episode 172: “Tacking Into the Wind”
  • Episode 173: “Extreme Measures”
  • Episode 174: “The Dogs of War”
  • Episode 175-176: “What You Leave Behind”

Star Trek: Voyager

  • Episode 34: “Death Wish”
  • Episode 68: “Scorpion, Part I”
  • Episode 69: “Scorpion, Part II”
  • Episode 74: “The Raven ”
  • Episode 89: “The Omega Directive”
  • Episode 93: “One”
  • Episode 94: “Hope and Fear”
  • Episode 30: “Death Wish”
  • Episode 44: “False Profits”
  • Episode 53: “The Q and the Grey”
  • Episode 95: “Night”
  • Episode 104: “Counterpoint”
  • Episode 110: “The Disease”
  • Episode 111: “Dark Frontier, Part I”
  • Episode 112: “Dark Frontier, Part II”
  • Episode 120: “ Equinox , Part I”
  • Episode 121: “ Equinox , Part II”
  • Episode 129: “The Voyager Conspiracy”
  • Episode 140: “Good Shepherd”
  • Episode 157: “Shattered”
  • Episode 158: “Lineage”

Star Trek: Enterprise

  • Episode 1: “Broken Bow” (Draft Version)
  • Episode 69: “Azati Prime”
  • Episode 76: “Zero Hour”

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991) Script


SULU: Stardate 9521 .6.

Captain's Log, U.S.S. Excelsior.

Hikaru Sulu commanding.

After three years, l've concluded my first assignment as master of this vessel, cataloguing gaseous planetary anomalies in Beta Quadrant.

We're heading home under full impulse power.

L am pleased to report that ship and crew have functioned well.

According to this, we've completed our survey of the entire sector.


l have an energy wave at 240 degrees mark 6 port, sir.

SULU: Visual.

Shields. Shields!



LOJUR: She's not answering her helm.

Starboard thruster. Turn her into the wave.

SULU: Quarter impulse power.

SULU ON INTERCOM: Damage report.

Checking all systems, Captain.

Don't tell me that was any meteor shower.

Negative, sir.

The subspace shockwave originated at bearing 3-2-3 mark 75.

Location... lt's Praxis, sir. lt's a Klingon moon.

Praxis is their key energy production facility.

Send to Klingon High Command.

"This is Excelsior, a Federation starship.

"We have monitored a large explosion in your sector.

"Do you require assistance?"

COMMUNlCATlONS OFFlCER: Aye, sir. Mr. Valtane, any more data?

VALTANE: Yes, sir. l've confirmed the location of Praxis, but...

What is it?

L cannot confirm the existence of Praxis.

COMPUTER VOICE: Computer enhancement.

Praxis? What's left of it, sir.

Captain, l'm getting a message from Praxis.

Let's have it.


This is Brigadier Kerla speaking for the High Command.

There has been an incident on Praxis.

However, everything is under control. We have no need for assistance.

Obey treaty stipulations and remain outside the neutral zone.

This transmission ends now.

"An incident"?

Do we report this, sir? Are you kidding?

What are we doing here?

Maybe they're throwing us a retirement party.

SCOTTY: That suits me. L just bought a boat.

This had better be good.

L'm supposed to be chairing a seminar at the Academy.

Captain, isn't this just for top brass?

Lf we're all here, where's Sulu?

Captain Sulu. On assignment. Where's Spock?



This briefing is classified. Ladies and gentlemen, the CinC.

As you were.

To break this information down succinctly, the Klingon Empire has roughly 50 years of life left to it.

For full details, l'm turning this briefing over to the Federation's special envoy.

Good morning.

Two months ago, a Federation starship monitored an explosion on the Klingon moon Praxis.

We believe it was caused by over-mining and insufficient safety precautions.

The moon's decimation means the deadly pollution of their ozone.

They will have depleted their supply of oxygen in approximately 50 Earth years.

Due to their enormous military budget, the Klingon economy does not have the resources with which to combat this catastrophe.

Last month, at the behest of the Vulcan ambassador, l opened a dialogue with Gorkon, Chancellor of the Klingon High Council.

He proposes to commence negotiations at once.

Negotiations for what?

The dismantling of our space stations and starbases along the neutral zone, an end to almost 70 years of unremitting hostility, which the Klingons can no longer afford.

Bill, are we talking about mothballing the Starfleet?

Well, l'm sure that our exploration and scientific programs would be unaffected, Captain, but... L must protest.

To offer Klingons safe haven within Federation space is suicide.

Klingons would become the alien trash of the galaxy, and if we dismantle the fleet, we'd be defenseless before an aggressive species with a foothold on our territory.

The opportunity here is to bring them to their knees.

Then we'll be in a far better position to dictate terms.

Captain Kirk.

The Klingons have never been trustworthy.

L'm forced to agree with Admiral Cartwright.

This is a terrifying idea.

Lt is imperative that we act now to support the Gorkon initiative lest more conservative elements persuade his empire that it is better to attempt a military solution and die fighting.

You, Captain Kirk, are to be our first olive branch.

We have volunteered to rendezvous with the Klingon vessel which is bringing Chancellor Gorkon to Earth and to escort him safely through Federation space.

Well, there are Klingons who feel the same way about the peace treaty as yourself and Admiral Cartwright, but they'll think twice about attacking the Enterprise under your command.

L have personally vouched for you in this matter, Captain.

You have personally vouched?

You will extend Chancellor Gorkon full diplomatic courtesy, Captain Kirk.

But a full ambassador would be better equipped... lf there's no further business, l wish you and your crew Godspeed. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.

L remind you, this meeting is classified.

l don't know whether to congratulate you or not, Jim.

L wouldn't.

We volunteered?

There is an old Vulcan proverb, "Only Nixon could go to China."

How could you vouch for me?

That's arrogant presumption.

My father requested that l open negotiations... l know your father's the Vulcan ambassador, for heaven's sake, but you know how l feel about this.

They're animals.

Jim, there is an historic opportunity here.

Don't believe them. Don't trust them.

They are dying. Let them die.

Has it occurred to you that this crew is due to stand down in three months?

We've done our bit for king and country.

You should have trusted me.

MAN ON RADIO: Control, this is SD-1 03, approach to spacedock. Over.

WOMAN ON RADIO: SD-1 03, you are clear to deliver Captain Kirk and party to NCC-1 701 Alpha. Over.

Captain on the Bridge.

As you were, Lieutenant... Valeris, sir.

We were told that you needed a helmsman, so l volunteered.

Lieutenant, it is agreeable to see you again.

Lieutenant was the first Vulcan to be graduated at the top of her class at the academy. You must be very proud.

L don't believe so, sir.

She's a Vulcan, all right.

KlRK: Let's get this over with. Departure stations.

Scotty. SCOTTY ON INTERCOM: Aye, sir?

KlRK: Did you find the engine room?

SCOTTY: Right where I left it, sir.

KlRK: Standby. Uhura, get me the dockmaster.

Control tower reading, sir.

Control, this is Enterprise requesting permission to depart.

WOMAN 1 ON INTERCOM: This is Control, Enterprise.

Permission to depart granted.

Thirty seconds for port gates.

Clear all moorings.

Awaiting port gates from this mark.

WOMAN 2 ON INTERCOM: All moorings clear.

Aft thrusters.

Thank you, Lieutenant. One-quarter impulse power.

Captain, may l remind you that regulations specify thrusters only while in spacedock?



McCOY: Jim?

You heard the order, Lieutenant.

KIRK: Captain's Log, Stardate 9522.6.

L've never trusted Klingons, and l never will.

L could never forgive them for the death of my boy.

Lt seems to me our mission to escort the Chancellor of the Klingon High Council to a peace summit is problematic at best.

Spock says this could be an historic occasion, and l'd like to believe him, but how on earth can history get past people like me?


You could have knocked.

We are almost at the rendezvous, sir. L thought that you would like to know.

Permission to speak freely, sir. Lt is an honor to serve with you.

You piloted well out of spacedock, Lieutenant.

L've always wanted to try that, sir.

SPOCK: You've done well, Valeris.

As your sponsor at the academy, l have followed your career with satisfaction, and as a Vulcan, you've exceeded my expectations.

L do not understand this representation.

Lt is a depiction from ancient Earth mythology, the expulsion from Paradise.

Why keep it in your quarters?

Lt is a reminder to me that all things end.

Lt is of endings that l wish to speak.

Sir, l address you as a kindred intellect.

Do you not recognize that a turning point has been reached in the affairs of the Federation?

History is replete with turning points, Lieutenant.

You must have faith. Faith?

That the universe will unfold as it should.

But is that logical? Surely we must... Logic, logic and logic.

Logic is the beginning of wisdom, Valeris, not the end.

This will be my final voyage onboard this vessel as a member of her crew.

Nature abhors a vacuum.

L intend you to replace me.

L could only succeed you, sir.

UHURA ON PA: Now hear this. All officers to the Bridge.

Klingon battle cruiser off the port bow.

All officers to the Bridge.

MAN: Captain on the Bridge.

Shall we raise our shields, Captain?

Never been this close.

The Chancellor is undoubtedly awaiting our signal.

KlRK: Uhura, hailing frequencies. UHURA: Aye, sir.

Right standard rudder. Bring us alongside.

Right standard rudder. Z plus 5 degrees.

Channel is open, Captain.

This is the Starship Enterprise, Captain James T. Kirk commanding.

This is Kronos One.

I am Chancellor Gorkon.

Chancellor, we've been ordered to escort you through Federation space to your meeting on Earth.

Thank you, Captain.

Would you and your party care to dine this evening aboard the Enterprise with my officers, as guests of the United Federation of Planets?

We would be delighted to accept your gracious invitation.

We'll make arrangements to have you beamed aboard at 1 930 hours.

I shall look forward to that.


KlRK: Well, l hope you're happy. VALERlS: Captain, there is a supply of Romulan ale aboard.

Lt might make the evening pass more smoothly.

Officer thinking, Lieutenant.

Guess who's coming to dinner.

SCOTTY: Energize.


Chancellor Gorkon. GORKON: Captain Kirk.

May l present Captain Spock, whom l believe you know.

Captain, face to face at last.

You have my thanks. Chancellor.

Gentlemen, this is my daughter Azetbur,

my military adviser, Brigadier Kerla,

and this is General Chang, my chief of staff.

L have so wanted to meet you, Captain.

L'm not sure how to take that.

Sincere admiration, Kirk.

From one warrior to another.

This way. L think you might enjoy a brief tour.


They all look alike. What about that smell?

You know only top-of-the-line models can even talk...

You men have work?

Yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am.

Then snap to it.


l offer a toast.

"The undiscover'd country,"

the future.

"The undiscover'd country." ALL: "The undiscover'd country."

Hamlet, Act lll, Scene 1.

You've not experienced Shakespeare until you have read him in the original Klingon.




Captain Kirk, l thought Romulan ale was illegal.

One of the advantages of being 1,000 light-years from Federation Headquarters.

To you, Chancellor Gorkon, one of the architects of our future.

Chancellor. ALL: Chancellor.


Perhaps we are looking at something of that future here.

Tell me, Captain Kirk, would you be willing to give up Starfleet?

(SPOCK COUGHlNG) l believe the Captain feels that Starfleet's mission has always been one of peace.

Far be it for me to dispute my first officer, but Starfleet has always been at the fore...

CHANG: Captain, there's no need to mince words.

Ln space, all warriors are cold warriors.

General, are you fond of Shakespeare?

We do believe all planets have a sovereign claim to inalienable human rights.

Lnalien? Lf you could only hear yourselves.

"Human rights."

Why, the very name is racist.

The Federation is no more than a "Homo Sapiens Only" club.

CHANG: Present company excepted, of course.

Ln any case, we know where this is leading.

The annihilation of our culture. That's not true.

"To be, or not to be."

That is the question which preoccupies our people, Captain Kirk.

We need breathing room. Earth, Hitler, 1 938.

L beg your pardon?

l see we have a long way to go.

We must do this again sometime.

You don't trust me, do you?

L don't blame you.

Lf there is to be a brave new world, our generation is going to have the hardest time living in it.

Captain Spock.


Madam. Captain.

Well, most kind.

(CHUCKLlNG) "Parting is such sweet sorrow," Captain.

Have we not "heard the chimes at midnight"?


SCOTTY: Thank God.

UHURA: Did you see the way they ate?

Terrible table manners.

L doubt that our own behavior will distinguish us in the annals of diplomacy.

L'm going to sleep this off.

Please let me know if there's some other way we can screw up tonight.

L'm going to go find a pot of black coffee.

The Enterprise hosted Chancellor Gorkon and company to dinner last night.

Our manners weren't exactly Emily Post.

Note to the galley, Romulan ale no longer to be served at diplomatic functions.

SPOCK ON INTERCOM: Captain Kirk, will you please join me on the Bridge?

Captain Kirk?

Captain. What is it?

L find this curious.

Spock, l'm really tired.

We are reading an enormous amount of neutron radiation.

Strangely enough, it appears to be emanating from us.

The Enterprise?

Valeris, do you know anything about a radiation surge?

Only the size of my head.

L know what you mean.




KlRK: What's happened? We have fired on the Chancellor's ship.

Torpedo Room, please confirm.

Have we fired?

MAN: 0-6...

Uhura, monitor. UHURA: Aye, sir.

Direct hit.

Confirmed, sir.




We've lost gravity!

We are betrayed!

CHEKOV ON INTERCOM: This is the Bridge. Do you read? Do you read?

Torpedo bay, did we fire those torpedoes?

Negative, Captain. According to inventory, we're still fully loaded.


Find Chang.

CHEKOV: Unable to confirm or deny firing of two photon torpedoes.

KlRK: Hailing frequencies. Aye, sir.

UHURA ON RADlO: Kronos One, this is Enterprise. Do you read? Over.

Repeat. Kronos One...



UHURA: lt's very hard to make out, Captain.

There's been some weapons firing and a lot of shouting.

CHEKOV: She is still listing.

KlRK: She's spinning out of control.

Restoring auxiliary gravity.

Have you not a shred of decency in you, Kirk?

We come in peace, and you blatantly defile that peace.

For that, l shall blow you out of the stars.

We haven't fired. SPOCK: Captain.

According to our databanks, we have, twice.

Captain, they're coming about.

SPOCK: They're preparing to fire. CHEKOV: Shields up, Captain?

Captain, our shields. Shields up, Captain?

Signal our surrender. Captain?

We surrender!

This is Enterprise. We surrender. CHEKOV: lf they fire at us with our shields down... UHURA: l repeat.

We surrender. ...we will not be able to respond.

UHURA: Repeat. Enterprise surrenders.

Are we firing torpedoes? L wish l knew.

McCOY: Well, it sure looks like it.

L'm going aboard. Spock, you have the conn.

L am responsible for involving you in this. l will go.

No, l'll go. You'll be responsible for getting me out of this.

We'll not be the instigators of full-scale war on the eve of universal peace.

L'm going, too. They may need a doctor.

Perhaps you're right. Uhura, tell them we're coming, and tell them we're unarmed.

UHURA: Aye, sir.

Have you lost your mind?

L give you my word, l don't understand what has happened.

McCOY: We're here to help.

McCOY: Chancellor Gorkon. My God.

What has happened here? You dare to feign ignorance?

What happened? CHANG: With a direct torpedo hit, you crippled our entire gravitational field, and two of your Starfleet crew beamed aboard wearing magnetic boots and did this.

Aren't you carrying a surgeon?

We were until this disgrace.

Well, then for God sakes, man, let me help.

L've got a pulse. We can move him.

L'm gonna need some light. Can we get him up on this table?

McCOY: Hold him. Hold him while l stabilize him.


l said hold him.


KlRK: Sweet Jesus.

Can you... Jim, l don't even know his anatomy.

His wounds are not closing. He's killing him!

He's gone into some kind of damned arrest.


Come on, damn it! Come on!


He's not responding.



(WEAKLY) Don't let it end this way, Captain.

Under article number 1 84 of your interstellar law, l'm placing you under arrest.

You are charged with assassinating our Chancellor of the High Council.

He tried to save him.

They've been arrested.

Mr. Spock, we've got to do something.

L assume command of this ship as of 0230 hours.

Commander Uhura, please notify Starfleet Headquarters.

Tell them precisely what has taken place and request instructions. Aye, sir.

We cannot allow them to be taken back to Kronos as prisoners.

What do you suggest, Lieutenant? Opening fire will not retrieve them, and an armed conflict is precisely what the Captain wished to avoid.

We will be able to follow the Captain's movements.

How did you achieve this, sir? Time is precious, Lieutenant.

We must endeavor to piece together what happened here tonight.

According to our databank, this ship fired those torpedoes.

L sympathize, Mr. Scott, but we need evidence.

Please accompany me.

And if we cannot piece together what happened?

What then, sir? SPOCK: ln that case, Mr. Chekov, it resides in the purview of the diplomats.

The Chancellor of the High Council is dead!

The result of an unprovoked attack while he traveled to see you under a flag of truce, on a mission of peace.

Captain Kirk was legally arrested for the crime.

May l remind you that he and Dr. McCoy boarded Kronos One of their own free will?

None of these facts are in dispute, Mr. President.

L have ordered a full-scale investigation. ln the meantime... Ln the meantime, we expect the Federation to abide by the articles of interstellar law, which you claim to cherish.

Kirk and Dr. McCoy will stand trial for the assassination of Chancellor Gorkon.

Out of the question.

Ambassador Sarek, there must be some way to extradite these men.

Mr. President, l share a measure of personal responsibility in this matter, but l am obliged to confirm my esteemed colleague's legal interpretation.

What is the position of the Romulan government, Ambassador Nanclus?

L must concur with my colleagues.

But you can't possibly believe that James Kirk assassinated the Chancellor of the High Council.

Mr. President, l don't know what to believe.

L'm waiting for your answer, sir.

This president is not above the law.

MAN ON RADIO: Report back at once. Do you copy? At once.

Enterprise to report back on the double.

Do you read? At once.

We're to report back at once.

We cannot abandon Captain Kirk and Dr. McCoy.

Of course not.

VALERlS: Four hundred years ago on the planet Earth, workers who felt their livelihood threatened by automation flung their wooden shoes called "sabot" into the machines to stop them.

Hence the word "sabotage."

We are experiencing technical malfunction.

All backup systems inoperative.

Excellent. l mean, too bad.

AZETBUR: Mr. President, I've been named Chancellor by the High Council in my father's place.

Madam Chancellor, you have my sincerest condolences on your recent loss.

L want to assure you that this shameful deed will not...

Mr. President, let us come to the point.

You want this conference to go forward, and so did my father.

I will attend in one week on one condition.

We will not extradite the prisoners, and you will make no attempt to rescue them in a military operation.

We would consider any such attempt an act of war.

We hope you'll be our guest here on Earth.

After recent events, you will understand if l say l prefer a neutral site, and in the interests of security, let us keep the location secret for now.

As you wish, Madam Chancellor.

Attack them now, while we still can!

Attack or be slaves in their world.

We can take whole by force, what they propose to divide.

War is obsolete, General, as we are in danger of becoming.


Better to die on our feet than live on our knees.

That wasn't what my father wanted.


Your father was killed for what he wanted.

AZETBUR: The peace process will go forward.

Kirk will pay for my father's death.

KLINGONS: (CHANTING) Kirk! Kirk! Kirk! Kirk!

Kirk! Kirk! Kirk! Kirk! Kirk! Kirk! Kirk! Kirk!

(KLINGONS CLAPPING IN UNISON) lt's a damn show trial.

KLlNGONS: Kirk! Kirk! Kirk! Kirk!


The Enterprise fired on Kronos One without provocation.

The Chancellor and his advisers...

(CHANG SPEAKlNG) having been lulled into a false sense of security by an invitation to a state dinner aboard Captain Kirk's vessel at precisely 1 930 hours that same evening.

Call your first witness.

After the first shot, we lost our gravitational field.

L found myself weightless and unable to function.

Then two Starfleet crewmen came walking towards me.

But perhaps they merely wore Starfleet uniforms.

That remark is purely speculative. I move that it be stricken.

JUDGE: Colonel Worf, we are interested in facts, not theories.

WORF: lf the gravitational unit was not functioning, how could these men be walking?

They appeared to be wearing magnetic boots.


Gravity boots.

Dr. McCoy, would you be so good as to tell me, what is your current medical status?

Aside from a touch of arthritis, l'd say pretty good.


You have a singular wit, Doctor.

McCOY: For 27 years, l've been ship surgeon aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise.

Ln three months, l stand down.

You know, l believe that you consumed a rather generous amount of Romulan ale in the officers' mess on the night in question. Am l right, Doctor?

Objection! JUDGE: Sustained.

We all did. All of us.

That doesn't mean... Was Chancellor Gorkon alive when you first examined him?

Barely. Now be careful, Doctor.

Have you ever, in your past, saved patients as barely alive as he?

L didn't have the medical knowledge l needed for Klingon anatomy. l see. McCOY: You were there.

You say you are due for retirement.

May l ask, do your hands shake?

WORF: Objection! L was nervous.

You were incompetent.


CHANG: You were incompetent!

Whether deliberately or as a result of age combined with drink, the court will have to determine. My God, man! l tried to save him!

L tried to save him.

L was desperate to save him.

He was the last best hope in the universe for peace.

JUDGE: The witness is excused.

CHANG: There we have it, citizens.

We have finally established the particulars of the crime, and now we come to the architect of this tragic affair, James Tiberius Kirk.

What would your favorite author say, Captain?

"Let us sit upon the ground

"and tell sad stories of the death of kings."

Tell us your sad story, Kirk.

Tell us that you planned to take revenge for the death of your son.

That's not true. WORF: Objection!

Captain Kirk has not been identified as the assassin.

JUDGE: Sustained.

L offer into the record this excerpt from the Captain's personal log.

KlRK: l've never trusted Klingons, and I never will.

L have never been able to forgive them for the death of my boy.


Again. Again!

Are those your words?

Those words were spoken by me.

My client's political views are not on trial here.

On the contrary! Captain Kirk's views and motives are indeed at the very heart of the matter.

This officer's record shows him to be an insubordinate, unprincipled, career-minded opportunist, with a history of violating the chain of command whenever it suited him!

JUDGE: Continue.

Lndeed, the record shows that Captain Kirk once held the rank ofAdmiral, and that Admiral Kirk was broken for taking matters into his own hands in defiance of regulations of the law.

(SHOUTlNG) Do you deny being demoted for these charges?

Don't wait for the translation! Answer me now!

L cannot deny it.

You were demoted? Yes.

For insubordination? On occasion, l have disobeyed orders.

And were you obeying or disobeying orders when you arranged the assassination of Chancellor Gorkon?

L didn't know about the assassination until we boarded the ship.

You still deny the Enterprise fired on Kronos One?

Well... Your Honors, please!

And you still deny your men beamed aboard and shot the Chancellor?

WORF: Objection!

L cannot confirm or deny actions l did not witness.

CHANG: Captain Kirk, are you aware that as the captain of a starship, you are required to be responsible for the actions of your men?

And if it should be proved that members of your crew did, in fact, carry out such an assassination...

Jim, they're setting us up. Your Honors...

Do not answer!

Captain Kirk, you will answer the question.



As captain,

l am responsible for the conduct of the crew under my command.

CHANG: Your Honors, the State rests.

Send to Commander Enterprise.

"We stand ready to assist you. Captain Sulu, U.S.S. Excelsior." lt is the determination of this court that the prisoners are guilty as charged.


(GAVEL BANGS) l wish to note for the record that the evidence against my clients is entirely circumstantial.

L beg the court to consider this when pronouncing its sentence.

JUDGE: So noted.

Captain James T. Kirk, Dr. Leonard McCoy, in the interest of fostering amity for the forthcoming peace talks, the sentence of death is commuted.

lt is the judgment of this court that, without possibility of reprieve or parole, you be taken from this place to the dilithium mines on the penal asteroid of Rura Penthe, there to spend the rest of your natural lives.


Rura Penthe?

Known throughout the galaxy as the aliens' graveyard.

Better to kill them now and get it over with.

Lieutenant, the torpedo hit once again, please.


SPOCK: Hold.

Lt is Enterprise.

We fired. That is not possible.

All weapons visually accounted for, sir.

An ancestor of mine maintained that if you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.

UHURA: What exactly does that mean?

Lt means that if we cannot have fired those torpedoes, someone else did.

Well, they did not fire on themselves, and there were no other ships present.

There was an enormous neutron energy surge.

Not from us!

A neutron surge that big could only be produced by another ship.

Kronos One?

Too far away.

Very near us. Possibly beneath us.

Lf there were a ship beneath us, the Klingons would have seen her.

Would they?

A bird-of-prey. A bird-of-prey.

A bird-of-prey cannot fire when she's cloaked.

All things being equal, Mr. Scott, l would agree.

However, things are not equal.

This one can.

VALERlS: We must inform Starfleet Command.

Lnform them of what, a new weapon that is invisible?

Raving lunatics, that's what they'll call us.

They'll say that we're so desperate to exonerate the Captain that we'll say anything.

And they would be correct. We have no evidence, only a theory which happens to fit the facts.

Assuming you're right, Mr. Spock, why would they fire on their own president?

This ship will be searched from bow to stern.

Lieutenant Valeris, you'll be in charge.

VALERlS: Aye, sir. CHEKOV: l do not understand.

Lf there was a ship underneath us, surely the assassins beamed aboard from that vessel, not Enterprise.

You're forgetting something, Mr. Chekov.

According to our databanks, this ship fired those torpedoes.

Lf we did, the killers are here.

Lf we did not, whoever altered the databanks is here.

Ln either case, what we are looking for is here.

What are we looking for, sir?


Two pairs of gravity boots.


KLlNGON: This is the gulag Rura Penthe.

There is no stockade, no guard tower, no electronic frontier.

Only a magnetic shield prevents beaming.

Punishment means exile from prison to the surface.

On the surface, nothing can survive.

Work well and you will be treated well.

Work badly and you will die.




Oh, my God.


The universal translator's been confiscated.


He's definitely on about something, Jim.

(SHOUTlNG lN ALlEN LANGUAGE) lf this is your spot, we'll move on.

He wants your obedience to the brotherhood of aliens.

He's got it. And your coat.

L'm afraid not. Besides, it wouldn't fit.


KlRK: Thanks.

This will help keep you warm.

L'm Martia. You're Kirk and McCoy, l presume.

How'd you know that?

We don't get many presidential assassins.

We didn't kill Gorkon. Of course not, but there is a reward for your death. Lt figures.

We've been set up all along.

Somebody up there wants you out of the way.

MAN: Nothing in here. WOMAN: Nothing here.

Any progress? None.

We have a crew of 300 turning their own quarters inside out, but the killers may still be among them.

Surely they have disposed of these boots by now.

Would it not have been logical to have left them on Gorkon's ship?

Even logic must give way to physics.

Gravity had not been restored by the time they escaped.

Without the boots, they would have floated off the Klingon transporter pads.

Why not simply vaporize them?



As you know, Commander Chekov, no one can fire an unauthorized phaser aboard a starship.

Suppose when they returned, they threw the boots into the refuse.

L'm having the refuse searched. Lf my surmise is correct, those boots will cling to the killers' necks like a pair of Tiberian bats.

They could not make their escape without them, nor can they simply throw them out the window for all to see.

Those boots are here somewhere. Did someone fire off a phaser?

Lt's all right. lt's nothing. lt's nothing.

Mr. Spock, Starfleet is screaming for us to return to port.

Who fired that... Mr. Scott.

L understand you're having difficulty with the warp drive.

How much time do you require for repair?

There's nothing wrong with the bloody thing.

Mr. Scott, if we return to spacedock, the assassins will surely find a way to dispose of their incriminating footwear, and we will never see the Captain or Dr. McCoy alive again. lt could take weeks, sir. SPOCK: Thank you, Mr. Scott.

Valeris, please inform Starfleet Command our warp drive is inoperative. A lie?

You understand we have lost all contact with the Captain and Dr. McCoy.

Yes. At the moment, they're surrounded by a magnetic shield.

However, if l know the Captain, by this time, he is deep into planning his escape.

You got him, Jim! You got him where you want him!








You all right, Jim? L think so.

MARTlA: They'll respect you now.

That's a comfort. l was lucky that thing had knees. That was not his knee.

Not everybody keeps their genitals in the same place, Captain.

Anything you want to tell me?

Bones, why don't you see what you can do for him?

Let him know we're not holding a grudge.

Suppose he's holding a grudge?

When whoever it is makes their move, you won't be here to ask if he's the one.

Do you want to get out of here? There's gotta be a way.


(SlGHlNG) Three months before retirement. What a way to finish.

We're not finished. No? Speak for yourself.

One day, one night, Kobayashi Maru.

Bones, are you afraid of the future?

L believe that was the general idea that l was trying to convey.

L don't mean this future.

What is this, multiple choice? Some people are afraid

of what might happen.

L was terrified.

What terrified you, specifically?

No more neutral zone.

L was used to hating Klingons.

(SCOFFS) lt never even occurred to me to take Gorkon at his word.

Spock was right.

Try not to be too hard on yourself. We all felt exactly the same.

Somebody felt a lot worse.

L'm beginning to understand why.

Well, if you've got any bright ideas, now's the time.

Time's the problem. You and l are nothing.

But you heard the judge. The peace conference is on again.

Whoever killed Gorkon is bound to attempt another assassination.

Unless we can get out of here.




Kirk, it's me, Martia.

Listen, no one has ever escaped from Rura Penthe.

Except us. (WHlSPERlNG) lt is possible. l know how to get outside the shield. How do we fit in?

Getting outside the shield is easy, but after that, it's up to you to get us off the surface before we freeze.

Can you? lt's possible. L can't make it alone, and you're likeliest candidate to come in this hellhole for months.

Candidate for what?

Go to lift seven in the morning for mining duty.

L'll see you there. Don't disappoint me.

What is it with you, anyway? Still think we're finished?

More than ever.

l'm sorry to wake you, sir. What is it?

Starfleet urgently requests any data we have on the whereabouts of Enterprise.

Well, apparently, they're refusing to acknowledge signal to return to spacedock, sir.

Signal Starfleet that we have no idea location Enterprise.

You have hearing problems, mister? No, sir.

Klingon blood.

CHEKOV: They must have walked through it when it was floating and tracked it back here.

This is the first evidence which corroborates our theory.

Now we go to Starfleet.

Now we expand our search to include uniforms.

All uniforms?

WOMAN: Take those out.

MAN 1: Continue scanning. MAN 2: Nothing, sir.

MAN 3: Clear, sir.

MAN 4: Coming through. Coming through.

MAN 5: Computer well seven clear.

MAN 6: Nothing. Nothing.

MAN 7: Okay, let's see what we got. Nothing. Nothing so far.




l think we've been had.

(lN MARTlA'S VOlCE) No, you weren't, Doctor.

Get off at the first level. Follow the gang into the mine.

They don't take girls.


You are Crewman Dax?

Yes, Commander. What is the problem?

Perhaps you know Russian epic of Cinderella?

Lf shoe fits, wear it.

SPOCK: Mr. Chekov.

MARTlA: Watch me.

What kind of creature is this? Last night, you two were...

KlRK: Don't remind me.

MARTlA: Get in.


(lN MARTlA'S VOlCE) Come on. We don't have a lot of time.

(WHlSPERlNG) Hurry.

Come on, climb.

Here. You'll need these. Quickly!

Stay close.

UHURA: There they are.

SPOCK: They're emerging from the beaming shield.

Mr. Scott, start your engines. Aye, aye, sir.

Mr. Chekov, set course for Rura Penthe.

Mr. Spock, Rura Penthe is deep inside the Klingon frontier. lf we are discovered... Quite correct, Mr. Chekov.

What is required now is a feat of linguistic legerdemain and a degree of intrepidity before the Captain and Dr. McCoy freeze to death.

Leave me. l'm finished. KlRK: No!

Bones, l'm wearing a viridium patch on my back.

Spock slapped it there just before we went on Gorkon's ship.

Why, that cunning little Vulcan. Come on. We're in the clear.

KlRK: Now that we're outside the shield, they'll be able to locate us two sectors away.

McCOY: lf they're even looking for us.

This is listening post Morska.

What ship is that? Over.

CHEKOV: We must respond personally.

A universal translator would be recognized.


We am thy freighter Ursva.

Six weeks out of Kronos.



What is your destination? Over.

We is condemning food,

things and supplies.

Don't catch any bugs!


Would you mind explaining that little trick you do? l'm a chameloid. L've heard about you.

Shapeshifters. l thought you were mythical. Give a girl a chance, Captain.

lt takes a lot of effort. L don't doubt it.

Stop me if l'm wrong, but do we have any way of knowing whether this is the real you?

L thought l would assume a pleasing shape.

We're outside the shield. Now it's your turn, Captain.

Lf you say so.

Are you crazy?

She didn't need our help getting anywhere.

Where'd you get these convenient clothes?

Don't tell me that flare is standard prison issue.

Lt's to let them know where we are. Ask her what she's getting in return.

A full pardon, which doesn't cover this.

An accident wasn't good enough. Come on, Spock.

Good enough for one. Two would have looked suspicious.

Killed while attempting escape. Now that's convincing for both.

Your friends are late. They'll be along.

l can't believe l kissed you. Must have been your lifelong ambition.

Lsn't it about time you became something else?

L like it here.

KLlNGON: Well, well, well.

What took you so long?

Kill him. He's the one. Not me, you idiot. Him!

No witnesses. Killed while trying to escape.

McCOY: Damn clever, if you ask me. KlRK: lt's a classic.

That's what he wanted. Who? Who wanted us killed?

Since you're all going to die anyway, why not tell you?

His name is...

Damn it to hell! Of all the... Son of a...

Couldn't you have waited two seconds? SPOCK: Captain?

KlRK: He was just about to explain the whole thing.

You want to go back?

Absolutely not! Lt's cold.

UHURA ON PA: This is the Bridge. We are still in Klingon space.

Deck 9, remain at battle stations. Deck 9, remain at battle stations.


They were beamed aboard a Federation starship.

L could trace...

Kirk cannot know the location of the peace conference.

Are you sure?

Will you take that chance?

Helmsman, make course to intercept Enterprise.

The Klingons have a new weapon, a bird-of-prey that can fire when cloaked.

She torpedoed Gorkon's ship. So that's it.

Not entirely. l have reason to believe that Gorkon's murderers are aboard this vessel. L have a thought about that.

Has the peace conference begun?

Who knows? They're keeping the location secret.

There's always something. SCOTTY: Captain!

Mr. Spock! l found the missing uniforms with the Klingon blood on them.

But the uniforms belong to these two men, Burke and Samno.

Not anymore. Phaser on stun at close range.

First rule of assassination, kill the assassins.

Now we're back to square one. Can l talk to you?

L wonder why they weren't vaporized.

Lt would set off the alarm.


lt's possible.

UHURA ON PA: Now hear this. Now hear this. Court reporter to sickbay.

Code Blue. Urgent. Statements to be taken at once from yeomen Burke and Samno. Repeat. Court reporter to sickbay.

Code Blue. Urgent. Statements to be taken.

Repeat. Statements to be taken from yeomen Burke and Samno.

You have to shoot.

Lf you are logical, you have to shoot.

L do not want to.

What you want is irrelevant. What you've chosen is at hand.

L'd just as soon you didn't.

The operation is over.

L did not fire. You cannot prove anything.

Yes, l can. At my trial, my personal log was used against me.

How long did you wait outside my quarters before l noticed you?

L tried to tell you, but you would not listen.

Neither of us was hearing very well that night, Lieutenant.

There were things l tried to tell you about having faith.

You have betrayed the Federation.

All of you.

And what do you think you've been doing?

Saving Starfleet. Klingons cannot be trusted.

You said so yourself. They killed your son.

Did you not wish Gorkon dead? "Let them die," you said.

Did l misinterpret you?

And you were right.

They conspired with us to assassinate their own chancellor.

How trustworthy can they be?

Klingons and Federation members conspiring together?

Who is "us"?

Everyone who stands to lose from peace.

Names, Lieutenant. My comrades will make certain all your ship-to-shore transmissions are jammed.

Names, Lieutenant.

L do not remember.


Admiral Cartwright.

CHEKOV: From Starfleet?

General... General...

...Chang. ...Chang.

KlRK: Who else?

Romulan... Romulan...

...Ambassador... ...Ambassador...

...Nanclus. ...Nanclus.

KlRK: Where is the peace conference?

Where is the peace conference?


She does not know.

Then we're dead.

L've been dead before. Contact Excelsior.

She'll have the coordinates. UHURA: l've already got him, sir.

Standing by, Captain Kirk.

KlRK: Sulu!

You realize that by even talking to us, you're violating regulations.

I'm sorry, Captain. Your message is breaking up.

Bless you, Sulu. Where is the peace conference?

They're going to attempt another assassination.

The conference is at Camp Khitomer, near the Romulan border.

L'm sending the exact coordinates on a coded frequency.

L'm afraid we're gonna need more than that.

There's a bird-of-prey on the lookout for us, and she can fire while cloaked.

Surely not.

Hold on. How many of those things are there?

Come on, Lieutenant.

Just the prototype. You hear that?

L'm getting underway now, but we're now in Alpha Quadrant.

The chances of our reaching the conference in time are slim.

When does this conference start?

According to my information, today.

Thank you, Captain Sulu.

Don't mention it, Captain Kirk.

SPOCK: l prefer it dark.

Dining on ashes?

You were right.

Lt was arrogant presumption on my part that got us into this situation.

You and the doctor might have been killed.

The night is young.

You said it yourself. lt was logical. Peace is worth a few personal risks.

You're a great one for logic.

L'm a great one for rushing in where angels fear to tread.

We're both extremists.

Reality is probably somewhere in between.

L couldn't get past the death of my son.

L was prejudiced by her accomplishments as a Vulcan.

Gorkon had to die before l understood how prejudiced l was.

Ls it possible that we two, you and l, have grown so old and so inflexible that we have outlived our usefulness?

Would that constitute a joke?

Don't crucify yourself. Lt wasn't your fault.

L was responsible.

For no actions but your own. That is not what you said at your trial.

That was as captain of the ship. Human beings...

But, Captain, we both know that l am not human.

Spock, you want to know something? Everybody's human.

L find that remark insulting.

Come on. l need you.

FEDERATION PRESIDENT: Madam Chancellor, members of the Diplomatic Corps, honored guests, the United Federation of Planets welcomes you to Camp Khitomer.

KlRK: She's out here somewhere.

CHEKOV: But if she is cloaked...

KlRK: Then all we have is a neutron radiation surge, and by the time we're close enough to record it, we're ashes.

SPOCK: 209.

Close enough to beam down?

SPOCK: Not yet, Captain. ln two minutes. 1 58.

KlRK: Go to impulse power for Khitomer orbit.

MAN: Aye, sir.

Let us redefine progress to mean thatjust because we can do a thing, it does not necessarily follow that we must do that thing.

KlRK: Uhura? Nothing, Captain.

Lf she's here, she's rigged for silent running.

SPOCK ON PA: Coming up on transporter range in 57 seconds.

Transporter Room, stand by to beam down.

48 seconds.

CHANG: I can see you, Kirk.

Can you see me?

Now, be honest, Captain. Warrior to warrior, you do prefer it this way, don't you? As it was meant to be.

No peace in our time.

"Once more unto the breach, dear friends."


This is fun. Reverse engines. All astern.

One and a half impulse power. Back off! Back off!

What's she doing?

What's she waiting for?

Probably attempting to ascertain why we are reversing, wondering whether we detect her.

ln range? Not yet, sir.

Come on. Come on.

She'll fly apart. Fly her apart, then!

AZETBUR ON MICROPHONE: Many speculated about my father's motives.

There were those who said he was an idealist.

Others said he had no choice.

Lf Praxis had not exploded, then quite possibly his idealism would not have found expression. We are a proud race, and we are here because we intend to go on being proud.


KlRK: Go to auxiliary power!

SPOCK: Auxiliary circuits destroyed, Captain.

CHANG: "Tickle us, do we not laugh? Prick us, do we not bleed?

"Wrong us, "shall we not revenge?"

Gas, Captain. Under impulse power, she expends fuel like any other vessel.

We call it plasma, but whatever the Klingon designation, it is merely ionized gas.

Well, what about all of that equipment we're carrying to catalogue gaseous anomalies?

Well, the thing's gotta have a tailpipe. Doctor, would you care to assist me in performing surgery on a torpedo? Fascinating.


Hard to starboard!

FEDERATION PRESIDENT: The proposed agenda is as follows.

The total evacuation of Kronos has been calculated within the 50 Earth-year-time span.

Phase one, preparation for evacuation.


MAN: Come on, reach up!

Captain! She's packing quite a wallop! Shields weakening!

Shields up. All right.

Now we've given them something else to shoot at.


The game's afoot, huh?

Excelsior's been hit.

CHANG: "Our revels now are ended," Kirk.

"Cry 'Havoc!' and let slip the dogs of war."

Bones, where's my torpedo?

Bet you wish you'd stood in bed.

MAN: Emergency power! Gravity control down!

SCOTTY: Shields collapsing!

SPOCK: The key, please, Doctor. Time is short.

The hull has been compromised.

McCOY: l wonder how bad? SPOCK: Connect echobars.

FEDERATION PRESIDENT: discuss the report on phase two.

SPOCK: Alter circuit "A." McCOY: Sensor.

FEDERATION PRESIDENT: l propose that we commence with the minutes of the preparation.

CHANG: "I am constant as the northern star." l'd give real money if he'd shut up.

SPOCK: Plate, please. McCOY: Plate.

FEDERATION PRESIDENT: ...and assimilation will consume...

McCOY: We've got a heartbeat.


FEDERATION PRESIDENT: The Klingon empire, the ecological...

Key, please. Key.

KIRK ON RADIO: Where's that damn torpedo?

She's ready, Jim. Lock and load.


CHANG: To be, or not to be.

Target that explosion and fire.

FEDERATION PRESIDENT: As l imagine this work will occupy us throughout most of the week, it would be my hope that the delegation could return to their capitals to implement the provisions of phase one, no later than the first of next month.

(WHlSPERlNG) Scotty.

As you know, time is of the essence.

McCOY: Out of the way! UHURA: Out of the way!


McCOY: Mr. President!

KlRK: Mr. President! Mr. President!

Mr. President!

Kirk, Enterprise.


Protect the Chancellor!

Arrest those men! SPOCK: Arrest yourself.

SPOCK: We've got a full confession.


Cartwright, just a minute.

What's happened? What's the meaning of all of this?

KlRK: lt's about the future, Madam Chancellor.

Some people think the future means the end of history.

Well, we haven't run out of history quite yet.

Your father called the future the undiscovered country.

People can be very frightened of change.

You've restored my father's faith.

And you've restored my son's.

Once again, we've saved civilization as we know it.

And the good news is, they're not going to prosecute.

They might as well have prosecuted me. L felt like Lieutenant Valeris.

Well, they don't arrest people for having feelings.

And it's a good thing, too. lf they did, we'd all have to turn ourselves in.

KlRK: Captain Sulu.

As much to the crew of the Enterprise, l owe you my thanks.

Nice to see you in action one more time, Captain Kirk.

By God, that's a big ship.

Not so big as her captain, l think. So, this is goodbye.

L think it's about time we got underway ourselves.

Captain, l have orders from Starfleet Command.

We're to put back to spacedock immediately to be decommissioned.

Lf l were human, l believe my response would be, "Go to hell."

lf l were human.

Course heading, Captain?

Second star to the right, and straight on till morning.

KIRK: Captain's Log, Stardate 9529.1.

This is the final cruise of the Starship Enterprise under my command.

This ship and her history will shortly become the care of another crew.

To them and their posterity will we commit our future.

They will continue the voyages we have begun, and journey to all the undiscovered countries, boldly going where no man...

Where no one

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Online tool to conveniently search through the Star Trek transcripts

Discussion in ' Web Sites/Design ' started by dxdydxdy , Mar 29, 2015 .


dxdydxdy Guest


Christopher Writer Admiral

Re: Online tool to conveniently search through the Star Trek transcrip This is very handy. I often do a Google search of Chakoteya's transcripts for dialogue, but it can be inconvenient. This tool looks like it could be very useful. One glitch, though: It doesn't seem to list different series in chronological order relative to each other. When I looked up "Andorian," the series were listed in the order DS9, TNG, VOY, TOS, Movies, TAS, ENT. Looking up "James T. Kirk" spoken by Kirk also gives a list with the movies between TOS and TAS. Another potential issue that occurs to me is that the transcripts on Chakoteya's site tend to use British spellings, and sometimes don't use accurate spellings for alien terms or names. So some results will occasionally be missed because the searcher hasn't anticipated the site's spelling choices. I'm not sure there's a way to program the search engine to deal with those issues, though. (Do people still say "program?") There's also the fact that Chakoteya's page is missing an Into Darkness transcript, but I suppose that's something to take up with her.  

Alidar Jarok

Alidar Jarok Everything in moderation but moderation Moderator

Re: Online tool to conveniently search through the Star Trek transcrip Regarding order, if you go with TOS TNG DS9 VOY ENT, it'll both go with general familiarity and with series order (TOS and TNG might be interchangeable, but it wouldn't be controversial to list TOS first). Obviously, TAS is a bit more complicated. With familiarity, it's last. With chronology, it's second. The movies also complicate things. But I think that rough order for the main shows is the best way.  
Re: Online tool to conveniently search through the Star Trek transcrip This recent article points out that, to the new generation of fans, all the Trek series are equally accessible through online streaming. Go to the Netflix page for, say, TOS, TNG, VGR, or ENT (though not DS9, for some reason), scroll down to the "More Like X" section at the bottom, and TAS is right there in plain view (even though TOS isn't!). TAS is also treated equally to the other series on Memory Alpha and on's database. So I'm not sure that differential in familiarity is all that big an issue these days. The Internet has made all of Trek available at a moment's notice. Besides, "familiarity" is a subjective assessment. How do you measure it? Unless you've taken actual surveys to determine what series are more familiar with the general public, you're just imposing your own assumptions on the data. A chronological ordering would be more objective.  
Re: Online tool to conveniently search through the Star Trek transcrip Equal accessibility and being treated as canon on a website don't mean they're all valued equally. I agree that chronological order (while having the TOS movies together before TNG) is ideal, though.  
Re: Online tool to conveniently search through the Star Trek transcrip Alidar Jarok said: ↑ Equal accessibility and being treated as canon on a website don't mean they're all valued equally. Click to expand...


CaliburnCY Ensign Newbie

Re: Online tool to conveniently search through the Star Trek transcrip Awesome search tool. Nice work!  


KiazisChildren Ensign Newbie

dxdydxdy said: ↑ Check it out at In short, it allows you to search's transcripts by lines, locations, speakers, the people present and much more! Why is this better than using a normal search engine? Only the results that precisely match what you’re looking for are displayed. The full line plus its immediate context is displayed, saving you the trouble of having to go on each and every page to find out how a sentence ends. Instead, you can simply have a look at the results and then decide to go to the relevant transcripts for further context. The results are displayed in the same order their episodes aired. That way, you won’t have to manually re-order them if you’re interested in how a character’s views developed over time. You can restrict your search to specific shows or episodes. So far, I've used it to research how a certain subject is portrayed, or how a character's view on a subject evolved over time. The ability to separate results by author also allows for a convenient analysis on how two character's takes on the same philosophy might differ. Also, it's handy to simply find long-forgotten scenes like that scene where Vash, Picard and Q were discussing in the ready room. Giving the tool that information will quickly point you to the scene in question. If you've got any suggestions for improvement, be sure to let me know. Click to expand...
dxdydxdy This tool you've created is outstanding, thank you so much. I was using it a few months ago, then it suddenly stopped. It fails to connect to the site or server, do you know why or how I can connect to use it again please?  


Kor Fleet Admiral Admiral

KiazisChildren said: ↑ dxdydxdy This tool you've created is outstanding, thank you so much. I was using it a few months ago, then it suddenly stopped. It fails to connect to the site or server, do you know why or how I can connect to use it again please? Click to expand...


ChallengerHK Captain Captain

Is the tool still active? It won't load for me.  
No, as @KiazisChildren notes above, it stopped working a few months ago. Maybe somebody could try contacting the webmaster via the info on the "about" page, still available through the Wayback Machine: Kor  
Email sent. I'll let you know if I get any response.  
Response received. The site owner says that they're down for technological reasons and that it will return.  
ChallengerHK said: ↑ Response received. The site owner says that they're down for technological reasons and that it will return. Click to expand...


okonaisthefather Cadet Newbie

Since dxdy's long time search engine is down, I thought I'd share my dump of Star Trek transcripts and some example commands for searching them: [Link Removed] Though actually searching those transcripts requires some command line familiarity, so it's far less accessible. I loved dxdy's online tool and am sad to see it's gone. Though I can empathize with the pains of maintaining a service like that for many years. I might try to put together a much easier to use web interface for Star Trek script searching in the future. Moderator Action - Link removed because it appears the work was obtained without permission  


Chakoteya Commodore Commodore

@okonaisthefather I don't recall you asking if you could take all my Trek work and post it on GitHub for any one to download. Or perhaps you did but I don't know your name? At least dxdy approached me first for permission to use the site for his proof of concept.  


NCC-73515 Vice Admiral Admiral

Just use google like this: "beam me up"  
Chakoteya said: ↑ @okonaisthefather I don't recall you asking if you could take all my Trek work and post it on GitHub for any one to download. Or perhaps you did but I don't know your name? At least dxdy approached me first for permission to use the site for his proof of concept. Click to expand...


Jinn Mistress of the Chaotic Energies Rear Admiral

Alidar Jarok said: ↑ I removed the link based on this post. okonaisthefather , if you disagree with this action, please PM me. If you are not able to do that yet, please either post in this thread and I'll sort it out from there. Click to expand...
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Search the scripts of Star Trek Transcription by Chakoteya

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Search results may include words that share the same word stem as the search terms. For example, searching for wait will also find occurrences of waits and waiting but not waiter .

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Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Page #2

SD-103, you are clear to deliver Captain Kirk and party to NCC-1701 Alpha. Over. Captain on the Bridge. -As you were, Lieutenant... -Valeris, sir. We were told that you needed a helmsman, so I volunteered. Lieutenant, it is agreeable to see you again. Lieutenant was the first Vulcan to be graduated -at the top of her class at the academy. -You must be very proud. I don't believe so, sir. She's a Vulcan, all right. Let's get this over with. Departure stations. -Scotty. -Aye, sir? Did you find the engine room? Right where I left it, sir. Standby. Uhura, get me the dockmaster. Control tower reading, sir. Control, this is Enterprise requesting permission to depart. This is Control, Enterprise. Permission to depart granted. Thirty seconds for port gates. Clear all moorings. Awaiting port gates from this mark. All moorings clear. Aft thrusters. Thank you, Lieutenant. One-quarter impulse power. Captain, may I remind you that regulations specify thrusters only while in spacedock? Jim? You heard the order, Lieutenant. Aye, sir. Captain's Log, Stardate 9522.6. I've never trusted Klingons, and I never will. I could never forgive them for the death of my boy. It seems to me our mission to escort the Chancellor of the Klingon High Council to a peace summit is problematic at best. Spock says this could be an historic occasion, and I'd like to believe him, but how on earth can history get past people like me? Sorry. You could have knocked. We are almost at the rendezvous, sir. I thought that you would like to know. Right. Permission to speak freely, sir. It is an honour to serve with you. You piloted well out of spacedock, Lieutenant. I've always wanted to try that, sir. You've done well, Valeris. As your sponsor at the academy, I have followed your career with satisfaction, and as a Vulcan, you've exceeded my expectations. I do not understand this representation. It is a depiction from ancient Earth mythology, the expulsion from Paradise. Why keep it in your quarters? It is a reminder to me that all things end. It is of endings that I wish to speak. Sir, I address you as a kindred intellect. Do you not recognise that a turning point has been reached in the affairs of the Federation? History is replete with turning points, Lieutenant. -You must have faith. -Faith? That the universe will unfold as it should. -But is that logical? Surely we must... -Logic, logic and logic. Logic is the beginning of wisdom, Valeris, not the end. This will be my final voyage onboard this vessel as a member of her crew. Nature abhors a vacuum. I intend you to replace me. Rate this script: 0.0 / 0 votes

star trek 6 transcript

Nicholas Meyer

Nicholas Meyer (born December 24, 1945) is an American writer and director, known for his best-selling novel The Seven-Per-Cent Solution, and for directing the films Time After Time, two of the Star Trek feature film series, and the 1983 television movie The Day After. Meyer was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay for the film The Seven-Per-Cent Solution (1976), where he adapted his own novel into a screenplay. He has also been nominated for a Satellite Award, three Emmy Awards, and has won four Saturn Awards. He appeared as himself during the 2017 On Cinema spinoff series The Trial, during which he testified about Star Trek and San Francisco.  more…

All Nicholas Meyer scripts | Nicholas Meyer Scripts

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Submitted on August 05, 2018

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Published Jul 10, 2016

TOS Original Scripts

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Authentic scripts from Star Trek: The Original Series are great collectibles. In addition to them being historic pieces, they make fascinating and educational reading. With regards to this latter aspect, since different drafts exist of the scripts for the produced and unproduced episodes, you can learn about the Trek s that almost happened but didn’t. Furthermore, since genuine scripts are sometimes peppered with handwritten notes from the cast or crew, it’s possible to find nuggets of undocumented, inside information in them.

So, with that TEASER, let’s FADE IN on this article about the original scripts of TOS . Our ACTS here will present an overview of the types of scripts that were written and, consequently, the types that are available today. Our discussion in this STORY will also include the context in which the scripts were produced to help illustrate the relationship between the various drafts as well as some other characteristics of the scripts. However, before DOLLYING IN, we want to point out that our exposition will focus on scripts that were written in TOS’ s era. The process today, and the physical appearance of the resulting scripts, are a bit different. CUT TO:

Scripts, by the Numbers

As you know, TOS had 79 episodes and two pilots, which meant that it had to have at least 80 scripts (the two-part “ The Menagerie ” only had one script). We use the words “at least” on purpose because, if you count the first story outlines (which are technically not scripts, but for the purposes of this article we'll include them), the first drafts, the second drafts, the final drafts, the revised final drafts and so on, you’ll quickly discover that there were hundreds of different scripts prepared for the series. At this late date, it’s difficult to know exactly how many, but there were a lot. And when you realize that Gene Roddenberry, Fred Freiberger, Bob Justman, Gene Coon, Dorothy Fontana and the rest of the production company were cranking out episodes on a weekly basis, it’s no surprise that TOS had both good and bad episodes… like most television shows and movies.

The Outline

A potential episode of TOS started with an idea, of course, which was then committed to paper as a story outline. These outlines were typically short, from 2-25 pages, and were generally structured using TEASERS (the part before the opening narration designed to hook you) and ACTS (the four long parts in the middle of the episode separated by commercials). At this early stage, there were usually no scenes or dialogue in the outlines, but the stories were complete from beginning to end, and set and location changes were often indicated.

The physical form of the story outlines for TOS was pretty simple. They were typed on plain white paper or onion skin, had no formal covers and were usually stapled in the upper left-hand corner.

(Here are two pages from “The Aurorals,” an unproduced TOS story outline written by Frank Paris. Please note that we’ve joined the pages together vertically for ease of reading.)

star trek 6 transcript

Early Drafts

After an outline was approved, which meant that the production company, studio and network were okay with it (more on that in a moment), a writer – usually the writer of the outline, but not always – was tasked to write the first draft of the script using the outline as a guide. This first draft was usually 50-80 pages long, had cast and set lists, and scenes that were consecutively numbered, fully described and contained dialogue. The script was bound in a yellow cardstock cover using two brads. (A picture of the cover of a first draft script is presented towards the end of this article.)

Following the completion of the first draft, it was read by the principal cast members, department heads, studio and network, so that a decision could be made as to whether the basic story would work for TOS – e.g., that it would fit the format and could be done on budget – and the writer could do a good job. Everyone realized that this initial attempt was just a first shot and revisions would be necessary – no one expected it to be immediately shootable.

At this point in the process, the writer was frequently given extensive notes on the script and asked to make revisions. S/he went back to the typewriter (yep, no computers in the late 1960’s) and, if all went well, produced a final draft. It was not unheard of, however, for the writer to be asked to write a second draft, and then maybe a third draft, before proceeding to a final draft. Those second and third draft scripts, incidentally, also had yellow covers.

(The below excerpt is from the first draft script of “The Cage” written by Gene Roddenberry.)

star trek 6 transcript

Final Drafts

Final draft scripts weighed in at around 65 pages and were close to what the production team hoped to put before the cameras. Their format was similar to the first draft scripts, except their cover colors were gray; a few had blue covers, however, but these were the exceptions. The change of color on the cover signified that the script was locked for production, which meant that the various departments could start their serious planning and budgeting discussions. This did not mean, however, that changes weren’t made to the scripts. In fact, many were altered after they went to gray cover due to a variety of reasons, and any changes were handled through the use of colored pages to make sure that everyone could easily identify them. These colored “change pages” had dates at the top – called revision slugs – and each successive change was denoted by a different color. Their colors followed the standard scheme which started with white pages in the initial draft followed by blue, pink, yellow, green, etc. However, this scheme was not set in stone in TOS and we’ve seen exceptions to it.

(Shown below are examples of colored change pages from “ The Man Trap ” and “ Miri .”)

star trek 6 transcript

We should note that when significant changes were made to the script that required a lot of change pages, the script version was incremented to the next one, e.g., a final draft became a revised final draft, a revised final draft became a 2nd revised final draft and so on. Additionally, the cover color was often changed to red.

Finally, when the last revision of the script was as “done” at it could be, the episode was ready to be shot. If all went well, this final version was completed before the first day of filming. However, there are a few instances where the script was revised while the episode was filmed. Two examples of this situation include “ Mudd’s Women ” and “ The Enemy Within .”

We mentioned earlier that the scripts were written fast. To give you an idea of the speed at which they were, an average first draft script typically was turned into a final draft in 2-3 weeks and a final draft script (or higher revision) typically went before the cameras in 5-18 days following its completion.

(The below shows examples of authentic, production-used scripts – a yellow first draft, two gray finals, and one red revised final. Note the information on the covers, including the large “STAR TREK” written in shadow block font and the blue machine-stamped script number in the upper right-hand corner.)

star trek 6 transcript

Lincoln Scripts

Before concluding this article, we want to comment on the scripts sold by the mail-order company Lincoln Enterprises. We’ve examined many that were purchased from them and can attest that quite a few were production-used; they contained colored change pages and had crew names written on their covers. Others, the majority, were reproductions, some of which were high quality and similar to the studio scripts, while others were not. The higher quality reproductions were printed on mimeograph machines and collated with two brads to mimic what was done by the studios. These copies were also done in red cover cardstock with nearly identical printing as the originals. At some point though – we believe in the mid-to-late 70’s – Lincoln discontinued the red cardstock covers and used other colored, non-cardstock paper. However, all of these Lincoln copies contained all white pages with differing revision dates at the top, a clear indicator, one of several, that the scripts were reproductions. Additionally, the scripts that Lincoln sold were not always the “shooting drafts” as they advertised – they were whatever versions they got access to.

(An assortment of Lincoln Enterprises reproduction scripts, sold through the years, is shown below. Their covers are generally plain relative to the original scripts, and the words “STAR TREK” are written in a variety of different font styles. Also, the script numbers were most often written by hand, but some early ones were machine stamped in black ink.)

star trek 6 transcript

And with that, we’ll FADE OUT and say THE END. Until next time.

Biographical Information

David Tilotta is a professor at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC and works in the areas of chemistry and sustainable materials technology. You can email David at [email protected]. Curt McAloney is an accomplished graphic artist with extensive experience in multimedia, Internet and print design. He resides in a suburb of the Twin Cities in Minnesota, and can be contacted at [email protected]. Together, Curt and David work on Their Star Trek work has appeared in the Star Trek Magazine and Star Trek: The Original Series 365 by Paula M. Block with Terry J. Erdmann.

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Star Trek: Picard (2020–…) - episodes with scripts

Follow-up series to Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) and Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) that centers on Jean-Luc Picard (Sir Patrick Stewart) in the next chapter of his life.

  • 1. Remembrance
  • 2. Maps and Legends
  • 3. The End is the Beginning
  • 4. Episode #1.4
  • 5. Episode #1.5
  • 6. Episode #1.6
  • 7. Episode #1.7
  • 8. Broken Pieces
  • 9. Episode #1.9
  • 10. Et in Arcadia Ego: Part 2
  • 1. Episode #2.1
  • 2. Episode #2.2
  • 3. Episode #2.3
  • 4. Episode #2.4
  • 5. Fly Me to the Moon
  • 6. Two of One
  • 7. Monsters
  • 9. Hide and Seek
  • 10. Farewell
  • 1. Episode #3.1
  • 2. Disengage
  • 3. Seventeen Seconds

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Patrick Stewart Reveals New Star Trek Movie Script Featuring Jean-Luc Picard Is In The Works

star trek 6 transcript

| January 5, 2024 | By: Anthony Pascale 184 comments so far

With the third and final season of  Star Trek: Picard  a success, Sir Patrick Stewart is still thinking about what could be next. Even before the final season debuted the Next Generation star was talking about his hopes to return to the big screen as Jean-Luc Picard. Now Stewart has indicated there is an actual project with him in development, including a new script.

Stewart talks new Star Trek script

As a guest in the latest episode of the Happy Sad Confused podcast, host Josh Horowitz asked Patrick Stewart about his Star Trek hopes and the actor confirmed he was still interested in returning to the big screen as Picard. He then started talking about his experience with the Star Trek movies:

“After we finished recording our seven seasons of Next Generation we made four Star Trek movies of varying qualities, the best one being [ First Contact ], directed by Jonathan Frakes. He was one of the people who had the most influence on me on the show because of his experience and his understanding of the complexities and how bringing different qualities onto the stage was very, very important in diversity and change.”

As Stewart continued talking about Star Trek movies he dropped a surprise; revealing there is a Star Trek movie script being written with him in mind:

“So it’s an ongoing procedure for me. I heard only last night about a script that is being written, but written specifically with the actor, Patrick [Stewart], to play in it. And I’ve been told to expect to receive it within a week or so. I’m so excited because it sounds like the kind of project where the experimentation that I want to do will be essential for this kind of material. It’s good at 83…”

TrekMovie has confirmed with Josh Horowitz that this interview was recorded in early November as Stewart was out promoting his new memoir, Making It So . This comment from Stewart is the first indication that there is a movie project in development that would include the character of Jean-Luc Picard. Officially Paramount has only confirmed they are developing another film in the Kelvin universe starring Chris Pine (aka “Star Trek 4”), but there have been reports and rumors about other scripts for different Star Trek movies in development at the studio as well.

It is possible that Stewart could be talking about a Star Trek streaming TV movie like the Section 31 film starring Michelle Yeoh which goes into production later this month. Last year it was reported that Paramount+ was looking for Section 31 to be the first of a series of streaming Star Trek movies for Paramount+. It’s possible a streaming movie could be a vehicle to carry on the story of Star Trek: Picard , potentially working as a backdoor pilot for the often-discussed (but not in development) Star Trek: Legacy series envisioned by Picard showrunner Terry Matalas. However, the series finale of Picard ended by putting the focus on the newly rechristened USS Enterprise-G under the command of Captain Seven, played by Jeri Ryan, with a crew of mostly new characters from season 3 of Picard . While Stewart could appear in “Legacy,” it does not appear Jean-Luc Picard would be the focal character.

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Patrick Stewart as Picard and Jonathan Frakes as Will Riker in”Imposters”(Paramount+)

Stewart also replied “yeah,” when asked by Horowitz if this script would be “a little bit of a different take than what we’ve seen in the last few seasons of Star Trek: Picard .” He then explained how he is motivated to take on new challenges as an actor, reflecting on his work in Picard :

“What was so interesting about Picard , and the main reason why I decided to commit to three seasons of it was that Akiva Goldsman talked to me about the changes that had happened in my life in the last 20 years. And he said, “Were there any?” and of course, I said yes there were lots and lots and new journeys and new experiences and relationships. And he said, “Exactly! Well that has also been Jean-Luc’s experience.” He’s not the same man. He’s no longer captain of the Enterprise. He was made an admiral. It became really desk work, which is not what he ever wanted to do. And now he’s back at home, living on his vinyard and seeming to be reasonably content. All that was an act. All that was Jean-Luc trying to pretend – as I think my father did – that everything was all right. But it wasn’t. So particularly the last season of Picard was extraordinary to perform because I was continually being faced, because of the wonderful job the writers did, with a different man. There was one wonderful moment I really enjoyed researching when Picard literally didn’t know what to do, how to deal with a situation. He was stunned by it. And watching him having to cope with that realization of ‘I’m old and I can’t work out how to deal with this’ was it was a fascinating process. So I enjoyed that.”

star trek 6 transcript

Patrick Stewart as Picard in “Imposters” (Paramount+)

You can watch the full interview on YouTube .

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Well, everything depends on the script, of course. But I think that — unless the script is truly a masterpiece — the character went out on a high note in season 3, and they should leave it at that.

I agree so much!

Agreed. But then the TOS cast went out on a high note in TUC, but then Shatner came back in Generations. So…

Generations was absolute tripe. Made Trek V (which I like anyway) look like a masterpiece…………

Yeah, my point was that even though the TOS cast had a great movie to end their story on, they still used the Kirk character again. If they did it once, they can do it again.

If the team behind Picard S3 is involved, then full steal ahead. Otherwise, maybe let’s leave a great ending alone

Aye, a movie with the team behind Seasons 1 and 2: zero interest. They had no idea how to make a compelling, coherent story. Both seasons had individual elements of interesting ideas, but they were just a big bag of random stuff that never quite gelled together.

Maybe restricting them to feature-length might work better with them, but I’m not sure I want to risk seeing how that would turn out. :P

The team behind season 2 was essentially the same as that behind season 3, no?

Terry Matalas was largely responsible for season 3, hence bringing in different writers and composers. In season 2 he only worked on the first few episodes. It all was approved by Goldsman and Kurtzman, but I got a bit of DS9 vibe where Ira Steven-Behr was given a long leash by Rick Berman.

There is only 1 new writer for season 3 (Sean Tretta). All the others had worked on season 2 as well. So it’s basically the same team of writers who gave us season 2 also gave us season 3. I’m not sure what exactly went wrong in season 2 and right in season 3 but continuing with the season 3 writers room is no guarantee we won’t end up with something like season 2 again.

That may be so, but Matalas obviously had full creative control to implement his vision for S3, and oversaw that writing team in fulfilling his vision, so it was a different animal.

I can’t believe I am defending Matalas…lol Because S3 still did not work for me. But S3 was eminently watchable at least — S2 was not watchable and I want that 9 hours of my life back.

I still think bringing the Enterprise D back in season 3 made no sense. It made about as much sense as Luke’s lightsaber he lost on Cloud City in Empire Strikes Back showing up for Rey to find it in Force Awakens. I mean Star Wars and Star Trek, apples and oranges, but i feel like its what they do make these fan projects to have nostalia bait.

2 hours back to back unoriginality with warp 10 fan service would be more preferable than 10 x 1 hour episodes I suppose

I hope the season 3 team all get the sack. I’m sick of their nostalgia bs.

PS3 wrapped almost two years ago. If they haven’t landed other work by now, that speaks volumes that they aren’t as marketable as the fan base imagines them to be.

You may not have liked it, but it’s not hard to take a step back and see how warmly the critics received it and it was a PR and ratings success. That’s more than enough to get its creatives in the door for myriad meetings, and development of shows takes time. If Matalas is actively trying to get a new show, Trek or otherwise made (we don’t know that he is) then any resistance is down to the creative concept/budget etc, nothing to do with lack of goodwill for what he made or his management style. No reason to make such a big and negative supposition.

This looks to be more on a Picard-centric movie though given what the article says. Forgetting which season of Picard people prefer, I think most would agree that the last time he really excelled with an acting/physical/voice performance of the Captain Picard we all wanted to see was Season 1. It was pretty evident, starting in S2, that Stewart/Picard is slowing down, the voice doesn’t sound quite right, and that was covered up mostly in S3 given it was a full cast reunion season.

It could also just be a cameo. Plus it may be quite advanced and due to film soon – we don’t know that ‘Section 31’ isn’t set in the 25th century era, given that Georgiou time travelled, or even the 24th with this set before Star Trek Picard.

I’m also not sure how willing Hollywood execs are to hang an entire film on the availability of an 83 year old actor (ST Picard notwithstanding) which makes me lean towards thinking any role will be more likely to be cameo or supporting rather than central.

It’s not like casting an actor in a one-off role where they can recast.

That’s an interesting idea

I’m perfectly good with it for what it was, a big old sloppy french kiss and ass grab of fan service. Matalas delivered in spades, and the TNG cast stepped up and did great with the flimsy story they had. Legacy is a popular genre these days, someone will bring Matalas on board. But do we need more fan service Trek? No, we don’t.

If Picard season 3 was passing the torch, the future is legacy. But i think the studio might think a TNG movie might make money. They don’t care about fans feeling like its a bit much, like butter scraped over too much bread.

Feeling conflicted. Sir Pat Stew is showing his age god bless him, and Picard S3 was already a wonderful good-bye to this character full of fan service and basically making up for the mess of S1 and S2. Not sure where they can go but aground.

Very well said. Agree 100%.

Hmmmmmmm extremely skeptical about this generally and after reading Stewarts comments even more so.

It’s been, what, a script a year since 2016? Keep the clickbait coming, folks.

They’ve spent millions on those scripts i assume. What is the point of having a pile of scripts you never intend to make, honestly studio politics have always confused me.

Nah, tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars. Compared to the hundreds of millions a sci fi CGI extravaganza costs, getting a script is pennies in the budget.

But they keep telling us Star Trek is the studios crown jewel and they want to make a movie. When all the evidence says otherwise. Forgive me for being a skeptic but i am getting old waiting for another movie. In 2 years time it will have been ten years.

And even though they say the tv versions are popular, the story I just read on DenofGeek about the top streaming shows (data from THE WRAP) doesn’t even have any Trek listed, so it must not even make the top 25 (MANDO came in at #1, ONLY MURDERS IN THE BUILDING at 5, those were the only ones I saw that I actually got through the whole season on.) So I don’t see TREK as really prospering in any venue right now.

Wish Hawley got to make his feature!

I think the reason Paramount are keen on it is because it’s the closest they’ve got to an MCU or a Star Wars, so they’re going to try and elevate it. It doesn’t bode that well if it ever did end up with Disney or Warner Bros.

Personally I don’t really care about the movies (nothing against it if you do). If they keep making premium TV I’ll be quite happy. But if there are a lot of people like me in the fanbase, that doesn’t bode well for a movie any time soon unfortunately.

Plus I bet the contracts for those scripts make it easy for the studios to crib ideas from them, even if they don’t go forward. One of the recent Doctor Who 60th specials was a loose adaptation of an old comic book from the 80s – the writers got credited but I bet the boilerplate they signed all the way back then gave the BBC the rights to adapt it.

It will film 20 years from now. 😂🤣

Phil, is that you?

No, but I agree with the sentiment…

It is Paramount so probably true! 😂

This is probably coming out of the streaming side, which has more luck getting projects to the production stage.

Assuming there’s anything to this at all.

And by that time Transformers 40 will be in theaters. Its like that gag in Back to the Future II with Jaws 19.

Well if they can’t get their stuff together for a Kelvin movie or a Tarentino movie, they might as well do a TNG movie. I’m sure we’re all hoping they do it well!

Yes, my thoughts exactly.

Don’t care about another Kelvin or Tarantino movie at all but this would be my preference for sure!

Same. I’m so done with Kelvin and Tarantino was a bad idea from the start.

Maybe this will incorporate all 3 (Kelvin, Tarantino, TNG)

How about the reboot crew meets TNG, they’ve done crazier things. I just think it would cost too much so they won’t.

Well none of the kelvin cast can really cost too much (aside Pine but he has lots of bombs on his resume now, and Saldana but tbh her involvement in Marvel/Avatar doesn’t seem to translate much into other hit movies not an above the title lead ,more akin to Carrie Fisher in Star Wars). TNG cast probably just happy to be working in Trek again (after the superb Pic s3) and PStew def seems up for more, so yeah maybe there could be something of a ‘Generations II’/big finale for both casts on the horizon for the 60th Ann (for P+ or theatre or both)

Saying besides Marvel and Avatar an actor doesn’t do well is like saying, well, besides working for Warren Buffet and Elon Musk, they are really not doing that well. Lol, give me a break! :-))

PS: Zaldana is in THREE major franchises; Carrie Fischer was in one. That’s an absurd comparison, no offense.

Zoe Saldana was also in a recent 8-episode P+ series called Special Ops: Lioness . Sometimes when you scroll through IMDB you find work actors have done that gets no huge media attention … it’s almost like … they just like to work, especially when a quality script/story is involved. Over the last several years I’ve discovered many series that did not receive the attention they deserved.

Yep – Great point!

What I mean is her agent won’t be able to say zoe’s now been in the 3 biggest movies of all time its 10m for her to be in star trek again. They’d probably just write uhura out if that was the case

Honestly, while I liked Picard more than some other people did (still on the lower end of my rankings), I’m not a fan of another Picard movie or season. He got an ending in TNG. He got his movies. He got 3 seasons of a series, and while not everyone was a fan of the series as a whole, many agree that it at least rounded out his journey on a positive note. This isn’t to say I wouldn’t want him in *any* projects, if they can make a guest role work (i.e. in Star Trek Legacy), but not really another full Picard-centric project.

Not to mention, if we’re going back to past shows, there’s plenty more characters/shows that deserve their due more, since they’ve had minimal (or even no) representation in the modern era. More DS9 representation. Any canon Enterprise characters. I’d probably still watch this if they made it, but on the list of shows they could make, this is low on my list of what I’d actually want to see.

It’s all about the quality of writing of course as to how good it would be, but I would certainly watch it.

If we got this news after either Picard seasons 1 or 2 ended, my advice would’ve been to take that script, throw it in a large dumpster, get a gallon of gasoline, pour it in the dumpster, take a match and light it up! And wait for the fire to subside. DON’T LEAVE! Make sure the job is completely done. Once it is, check to make sure every page has been completely scorched before going on about your day and just pretend it never happened.

But after Picard season 3 and amazing the TNG cast was BRING IT ON!!!!!!

I’m so pumped if we got another movie!! And I don’t really even care about the movies but this would definitely excite me after how much I loved last season!

If they are too cheap or broke to make the Legacy show this would be a great alternative! 😎🖖

I don’t necessarily need the season 3 Picard team back but would prefer them over the seasons 1 and 2 people. But I am absolutely confused what else there could possibly be for Picard as a character. Sure, life goes on beyond things but as a character in a story you need to end on high notes with the implication they will go on with life content beyond that point in any way you could imagine but in which you don’t really need to see every detail of… which Picard season 3 cleanly set up Picard’s journey being done- he reconciled with his former love, met his son he didn’t know he had, was reunited with a lost Friend, managed to help save the federation, and then saw his son off to his first day of work following in his footsteps as a Starfleet Officer.

Picard season 3 very cleanly wrapped up Picard as a character and to risk creating a poor follow to that seems dumb to me… so I hope whoever is breaking the story and scripting it is an absolutely fantastic writer because the task here is pretty massive to accomplish as near as I can tell.

The only thing that makes sense would be something tied to Legacy . Either a Picard movie for Paramount+ that acts as backdoor pilot (although, I’d argue Picard season 3 probably does that), or just a pilot script for Legacy that features Picard and centered around him in some way.

I mean you could do Legacy as part of the series of TV movies instead of a full-blown series. I don’t know if the economics are better or worse in justifying costs when you amortize it either for a 2-hour-ish film versus a 10-episode series.

Given they are about to start filming the S31 movie, and now this news, perhaps they want to do a several TV movies per year as a cost saving measure versus greenlighting new series — then you have the movie dates scheduled for the couple of months in between 3 ongoing series…so people keep their subscriptions going?

I would be totally behind that, more and hopefully different, original ideas, a variety of casts and directors, and if a film is a flop, move on to the next. Much preferable to an entire series on something which may not interest, imo.

The problem with this theory is that puts a Legacy streamer 3-5 years out. And that assumes that a Legacy big screen outing doesn’t crater (a distinct possibility), or a main character actor doesn’t die.

There is no Legacy.

Hmm, I am not really down with this. Forgetting which season of Picard people prefer, I think most would agree that the last time he really excelled with an acting/physical/voice performance of the Captain Picard we all wanted to see was Season 1.

If this is going to be the next Trek movie, I am kind of disappointed and skeptical.

It is probably for streaming. Can’t see this having any shot in theaters

Same. No chance in the box office but SNW has already proved Trek can be a streaming success.

Even episodes of PIC were in theaters

True but it was very limited. Perhaps they decided this was the best way to go for a feature. Could want to capitalize on S3 of PIC. Not the way I would go but it’s not my $$

Those were promo events where Paramount gave away the tickets for free. That’s not gonna work for a wide release that actually has to make back its costs.

Why in the world is there always this fascination with a “movie.” Please, no. We ended the story with a pretty good romp. Finish on a high note. Move on.

Exactly – In 13 movies, we have had 6 good ones, and 4 great ones. If you get a season, you will get 20-30% great episodes, and at least 50% of the others good. SNW, breaks the template with maybe only 1 lesser episode a season (although season 2 had no bad shows).

So with a movie, you might get good, bad, or great. And you get to wait years for that. As season guarantees you will get some good to great shows, and you get it week to week, generally 20-40 episodes a year for the past few years. Even 2024 will have a season of Discovery and Lower Decks – and that’s after the strike.

Opinions will vary on quality. In my mind, two horrible ones (Generations and Final Frontier), and the remaining 11 get divvied up between good and great, depending on my mood.

Again, we lost the First Splinter for this?

TNG streaming movie most likely. Way cheaper to produce one of those…theatrical is too risky $100M budget plus expensive visual effects for lower returns vs streaming movie can be done for $20-30M ballpark.

Please, please no. Just let him and the TNG crew fly off into the space sunset. They’ve hung up their hats, their space hats.

Wow. I hope it works out!

Let’s see, Shatner was 63 when he filmed Generations. Stewart would be 85 (at the earliest) if this gets greenlit. Watching Ali fight well past his prime was painful to watch, folks.

I mean, there are people who still want Shatner to reprise his role as Kirk. Stewart is young compared to that ;-)

They also killed Kirk off. It wasn’t for that he probably would’ve been in the first JJ verse movie. And I read he was supposed to be in the last movie until they gave Bob Orci’s story the boot.

I read the same. And Orci even wrote a cameo for him in the first movie as a recording Spock had but Shatner doesn’t do cameos (most of the time).

Shatner has about 10 times the energy than Stewart. Christopher Reeve gets thrown off a horse in his thirties and it paralyzes him and ends up killing him. Shatner gets thrown in his eighties and uses a cane for about 6 weeks. Stewart in his early eighties can work only about 4-6 hours a day.

Have you actually seen Shatner lately? By his own admission he’s huffing and puffing through his day now, and his work involves voice over and narration. His action hero ship sailed years ago.

Just my opinion but pass. S3 Pic ended the JL story. I’m not interested in any more stories where Patrick plays Patrick. I prefer Legacy.

I’m thinking this will probably be a Legacy movie too but Picard is apart of it somehow. It would be strange none of that cast wouldn’t be back at all.

Agreed! If it doesn’t involve the TNG crew, the Ent-G, written by Terry, and directed by Frakes, I’m not going to bother. I’ve started to give up on modern trek. It’s one bad idea after another.

I was thinking Legacy too but why would a Legacy movie focus on JL and not Seven?

Not really feeling it. PIC S3 didn’t do that much for me, and Stewart lost his will to do new and experimental pretty early on in his own show. I get the desire to have Sir Patrick do more Trek projects while he’s still able, but the character of Picard has gotten three send-offs so far, and “All Good Things” is still the best of them.

So, someone is writing a script. Paramount has taught me to not get excited until it’s greenlit and in production. I’m not sure what story is left to be told for Picard. I thought season 3 of Picard was a good ending for the character.

Yup. I can write a script. You’re never going to see it. We have only had about 8 scripts for Kelvin Trek 4, if you include Tarantinos in there.

Great to hear Picard might be coming back! A little confused tho how he could have gotten a script during the strikes?

I don’t remember the exact timing when the writers strike ended and I’m too lazy to look it up but it’s possible the script was written before the strike and they simply decided to send it to Stewart at that time.

That’s true. I guess I might be confusing the interview time with the time he got the script. My bad.

its gonna be a TNG reboot in the Kelvin universe. i think if they reboot TNG it would be fun to have Tom Hardy as Picard

Then they would’ve sent the script to Tom Hardy and not Patrick Stewart. 😉

They prob would have sent it to both lol. But Hardy would prob hard refuse.

Yeah but he said a reboot. But I guess old Picard can come through a black hole chasing the Borg from the 25th century because they want to assimilate a new universe and he meets his younger version played by Hardy on the Enterprise D whose parents were assimilated by the Borg when he was a kid.

I really love this idea! 😁

We also learn his younger version went from cadet to Captain in like a week and is now dating Guinan.

I should’ve stopped when I was ahead. ☹️

Ha ha, Picard Prime! I’m all for it. Just keep Abram’s out of it!

You left out a whole lot of unmotivated lens flare, but we get the gist.

Well we do know that ratings and star power are what drives productions and the three ongoing live action projects (SNW, S31 and now this movie) have the benefit of an Academy Award-winning lead (S31), and top 10 streaming ratings (SNW and Picard).

As someone already said, regarding the quality, it all comes down to the script. Of course who am I kidding, I will watch it no matter what haha.

This worries me. Picard is a character served best with the other TNG cast members. I did not like seasons 1 & 2 of Picard at all.

OK, so this looks like it is going to be a Picard-driven movie, unlike the reunion/ensemble cast S3 of Picard. I have significant concerns that Stewart playing Picard can still carry a movie where Picard is the primary character. I think most would agree that the last time he really excelled with an acting/physical/voice performance of the Captain Picard we all wanted to see was Season 1. It was pretty evident, starting in S2, that Stewart/Picard is slowing down, the voice doesn’t sound quite right, and that was covered up mostly in S3 given it was a full cast reunion season.

I’d much rather they do one-off TV movie with something new, or at least something that ties to the current series and characters versus another fan service reach with geriatric actors.

Legacy as a movie rather than a series? Or will it be Chis Pine meeting Patrick Stewart in a crossover movie.

I like your first idea. For the second idea, I’d be tempted to recast a younger Captain Picard who could support future movies.

I was sad when S3 of Picard ended. I liked it a lot. I love TNG era. A Picard movie isn’t needed, if they do it, I hope it’s awesome, but it ended on a high note already and I’m nervous to role the dice again.

I hope its being set in that one year gap in the finale so they can “borrow” the old girl again for a personal mission. Or she was held in Service during that year because of their heroic actions and is now on a good will tour under Captain Riker, whose dream has come true after all and supports Jean-Luc on his new adventure.

It wouldn’t have to be because of the heroic actions. Once again the fleet is decimated after the battle, we can assume the Excelsior was not the only ship which got fired upon. The 1701-D, along with Captain Riker might be needed for a lack of ships and captains.

It is INDEED!!!

It seems to me that Picard has had two wonderful finales with All Good Things and The Last Generation, both finales of series. He has had one horrible finale, Nemesis. Why risk it with another bad ending.

There is another captain out there who had a bad death. An actor who hasn’t reprised his role in 31 years, and who has way more energy than Patrick Stewart, who could only work part time on Picard.

Give us a Shatner movie.

The torch was passed in VI with Kirk’s final personal log as Captain of the Enterprise, and he had the best exit from the franchise with second star to the right. Generations was not necessary. It wasn’t a TOS film, and it wasn’t fair to the TNG cast because they couldn’t stand on their own. Stewart and Shatner had good chemistry and i thought Malcolm McDowell was brilliant, and the Dennis McCarthy score was one of the best. But the nexus made no sense and Kirk’s second death was unworthy of the character. I’d say for me it only about 30% of it worked.

I have often wondered if Leonard Nimoy as Spock would have added some humanity to the movie, he obviously hated the script refused to star in it or direct it. Kirk by himself without Bones and Spock doesn’t work for me. Chekov and Scotty didn’t have that closeness to him, they were fine officers but i never felt like they were Kirk’s brothers like those others.

What’s often missed with Generations, is that the Kirk/Scotty/Chekov trio help launch the new Enterprise…a bookend of sorts to the same trio ordering the original’s destruction in Search for Spock (a theme of death and rebirth). The same goes with Kirk dying from a fall, which bookends his near death at Yosemite in Final Frontier (themes are reversed: “rebirth” in the sense of being saved from death and then his ultimate demise). He died alone in the sense his ‘family’ – Bones, Spock – weren’t with him. I don’t know if the writers intended to pull on these specific threads, or if it just worked out that way. These moments (though very controversial) compliment these earlier scenes nicely when viewed in that context.

I hate that GEN was his last movie. I wish they would bring him back for the Tarantino trek and give him his S3 Picard. But, judging by their promotional posters, they don’t want to look back.

Something fractured the relationship between Shatner and the studio. Really a shame they did not work something out to get him involved in this new era of Star Trek.

Couldn’t just be one thing, given how often the studio heads change and the studio itself morphs. Has to be a whole series of disses (and yeah, I’d include not ponying up money for Shat to try fixing TFF in there, though why he didn’t just pay for it himself, I’ll never understand … even an elaborate fix-up job would still quite literally be horsefeed for him.)

New year, new script. See you next year.

I do think if this is a streaming movie then they are much more serious. The S31 movie is actually moving. But that’s what happens when your TV movie is probably only 10% of what a theatrical movie will cost. ;)

It could be another theatrical movie but considering how much time they been ‘working’ on the last Kelvin movie script, I refuse to believe they knocked one out so fast if the plan is to put it on the big screen. But I been wrong before. ;)

Stewart has been chatting up wanting one more TNG big screen adventure, and many are connecting those dots. But yes, the announcement is vague, so it could be a streamer as well. Or maybe even something a buddy handed off to him, and Sir Pat is just having a Michael Dorn/Simon Pegg moment with it.

But that’s what happens when your TV movie is probably only 10% of what a theatrical movie will cost. ;)

I’m pretty sure the S31 movie won’t cost anywhere in the $150-200 million range but at the same time I also doubt it’s going to be only $15 million. Unless they make it using mostly existing assets from DIS and SNW.

I wouldn’t be surprised if it cost in the 50- or 60-million-dollar range. I still don’t understand it, no one was asking for section 31. Just like no one asked for Starfleet Academy.

I’m curious if they will be good or like those forgettable short Treks that weren’t necessary to the other Star Trek media. Other than Calypso that was excellent.

Sorry for the slight tangent, but…

I’ve seen this argument of “no one asked for this” quite a few times, and while I definitely get why these project ideas may not appeal to everyone and I won’t argue against that (I’m skeptical myself with the Section 31 movie), this specific argument may honestly be my least favorite argument against new ideas. Though granted, I may be a bit biased because:

  • DS9’s my favorite Star Trek show, but I can’t imagine anyone watching TOS and TNG and saying “You know what would be a good spin-off for these? A show where they don’t work on a Starship and go out exploring.”
  • Lower Deck is my 2nd favorite of the new shows, and it’s hard to imagine people looking at Star Trek as a whole and thinking that’s the perfect franchise for an adult animated comedy.
  • Prodigy is my favorite of the new shows, and… OK, it’s much easier to see someone asking for a more family-friendly series, especially after the more adult Discovery, Picard, and Lower Decks. But how many people expected it to turn out as well as it did?

So for me, yes I get why people may be skeptical of certain ideas, but I don’t agree that just because “people didn’t ask for this,” it means they shouldn’t try new things, because sometimes you’ll be surprised by how well these unique ideas will land.

That complaint was well stated about Deep Space Nine, the show was so much better when they added the Defiant and Worf. Season 3 was an improvement 4 was when the show got good. I liked Captain Sisko over Commander Sisko.

No, DS9 was the one Trek show from that era that was hitting on all cylinders from day one. I can count the number of clunker episodes on one hand. Avery Brooks remains the single best actor in Trek from that era.

Not only that, I’ve been “asking” for an academy series since Harve Bennett first brought it up in the 1980’s, and I have other fan friends who also have expressed an interest in that concept over the years.

So there, I have just disproved completely that statement. :-)

Yeah, it could very well cost as much. Georgiou has her fans. Michelle Yeoh definitely has her fans. Plus, she’s now an Oscar winning, highly in-demand actress – who wants to do a Star Trek project. So I can definitely understand that P+ is eager to have S31. That said, the project has been in development for years and at some point switched from a full-fledged TV show to a single TV movie. So chances are they had trouble developing S31 into a concept that would sustain an ongoing series. Or maybe Yeoh no longer wanted the time commitment of a full series.

As for Short Treks: Especially the first badge was done to tide fans over the long wait between seasons. This was back when CBS All Access had far less content to keep people subscribed. Also, the first badge was done on the cheap, basically shot on the side between scenes of the actual production all on existing sets. They probably spent a little bit more on the second badge. They also used Short Treks testing bed to try out things. Mike McMahan first got to write a Short Trek before they gave him his own show. Short Treks also tried out going animated before Lower Decks and Prodigy did it as full shows (of course, TAS had come before any of it). Funnily, a friend of mine enjoyed the Short Treks more than Discovery back at the time.

I have been “asking” for an academy series since Harve Bennett first brought it up in the 1980’s, and I have other fan friends who also have expressed an interest in that concept over the years.

Speak for yourself. I’m perfectly good with S31 and Academy moving forward.

Wow very interesting news! I am on the fence over the idea. On one hand I agree with people that Picard got a great ending in The Last Generation. Matalas specifically said he wanted to do that season just to wipe away the buzzkill Nemesis turned out to be and why mess with that? Fans seem to still love it. I just checked IMDB and it still has a 9.4 rating. That’s the rating it got after it aired almost 9 months later. Same time though, that’s probably another reason why it’s being considered BECAUSE what great fanfare season 3 got obviously. If people hated it, I doubt we would be here. And I was NEVER convinced that would be end regardless and that they would always try to find a way to bring him and the others back. If so, I just cross my fingers it will be worth it.

But reading some of the posts, I’m always surprised other people are surprised over these type of announcements lol. I’m certainly not claiming I thought another TNG/Legacy movie was in the works, but I have always been under the belief that nothing is off the table either. I have a feeling everything under the sun is being considered one way or the other. Maybe some more serious than others but they are probably constantly thinking up proposals that would get fans interested or excited about what’s to come. I wouldn’t be shocked if a Janeway movie is being knocked around or an Enterprise revival or a Bashir show. I bet lots of ideas are thrown around all the time, but this is one of the few that made it to script stage which means they are at least serious about it, but how many Kelvin scripts are collecting dust somewhere lol.

That said, Chris Pine has said he’s never read a single script for the next movie while they are sending Stewart one to read and get his input on. That tells you how clout Stewart has AND that they are actually serious at least.

But yeah, who knows? And I think it will ultimately be a streaming movie because they wrote one mighty fast lol. And I doubt Paramount has the motivation to produce any Trek movie on the big screen, but I’m prepared to be proven wrong if this is meant to go to the theaters. Maybe we will get a movie for the 60th after all!

They aren’t serious about making a movie in July of 2026 it will have been ten years since the last one. I’m sick of the news every 2 months, the mountain of screenplays and then they go off and make another Transformers or Mission Impossible instead.

No they aren’t. I’m so sick of even discussing it. I’m discussing this because at least it’s something different lol. And we know nothing about it, so who knows? But at least they haven’t announced it over a pressed conference just to troll everyone. That was the great thing about Picard season 3, not only did they surprise us the TNG cast was actually coming back, but they had already shot it so we weren’t just being fooled over it like the movies.

I’m not going to overthink this idea until we learn something beyond they sent Stewart a script to read. Writing one isn’t the hard part, it seems to be everything else these days.

In the end, even though they want to talk about a Trek movie, Paramount knows in general, Trek series will succeed, and Trek movies are so-so at best. The shows generate merch sales, the movies not so much.

Even the streaming movies – they have spent years talking about S31, and going to spend a year making it, – and we will watch it on Paramount + and maybe watch it a couple times – meanwhile people will be on the 3-4th rewatch of SNW. The movies will be forgotten- none will be as good or remembered as the first 4 TOS movies.

People love nostalgia and fan service, that’s the only reason Picard S3 has a high user rating. Strip that away and there’s very little if anything left.

Saw the interview, nothing is stated that this is a new Star Trek script with Picard. Patrick was talking about what it was like to bring his performing to the television stage and while Star Trek was the context, it wasn’t his topic. From there he segued into getting a new part to play that was written for him specifically. No mention of Picard, the character. The podcaster wanted to stay focused on Trek, but Patrick was taking about his career. Naturally, a non-Trek script would be “a little bit different from what we’ve seen with Picard”. Truth remains to be seen, but this article’s author merely interpreted what they wanted to hear.

It’s possible all the click bait sites are jumping the gun a bit.

Let me guess… Jean-Luc Picard has to take on the Borg. Again.

It’s either Borg or Soongs. Take your pick.

“After we finished recording our seven seasons of Next Generation we made four Star Trek movies of varying qualities, the best one being directed by Jonathan Frakes.”

That’s what Stewart said. People assume he’s referring to First Contact but Frakes, of course, also directed Insurrection ;-)

It’d be hard to top S3, but I’m okay with it as long as it’s just part of my Par+ sub. Bring it on… I think it’s also a business move on Par + as well. Producing some movies throughout the year may be cheaper vs. three separate series at 10 eps each.

Don’t do it, Patrick! It’s a trap!

Ah, dont like it. Its enough old Trek now. Lets do new things.

Star Trek XIV: The Search for the Enterprise-E.

Just give us Legacy.

Make it about the Enterprise exploring the galaxy and the human condition. There, that’s the foundation of all good Trek in my humble opinion.

Forget epic space battles, and fakaxy ending monsters. That’s for you know, Star Wars.

Jean-Luc Picard, don’t you mean the Patrick Stewart show.

Yes, exactly.

What might get me excited at this point is if they got a fresh batch of scriptwriters who are proven to be particularly good and creative (for whatever new project). Maybe some successful science fiction book authors. And add some passionate Star Trek geeks from the internet into the mix, to guard the canon cohesion.

Michael Chabon has more awards than most. Pulitizer, Nebula and Hugo. Fans hated his work on Picard.

I don’t think we saw what he wanted us to see. Or not the way he wanted us to see it. That’s what happens in someone else’s sandbox, quite unfortunately.

Especially when production is such a shambles that scripts are being written before the actual story has been hammered out. I suspect we were seeing no one at their best under those circumstances.

There were a few interviews back at the time where it sounded like the show had too many cooks trying to pull the show into different directions. Chabon owned some of the controversial decisions (e.g. I think killing off Picard was his idea) but for others it seems his hand was forced.

The problem with getting famous/successful science fiction authors to write for Star Trek is that playing in the Star Trek sandbox comes with a lot of rules. There’s a whole lot of “canon” that is more important to some fans than getting a good story. So I can imagine many authors simply don’t want to limit themselves to fitting into that box and will rather write something else where they have more freedom. TOS hired some famous sci-fi writers at the time but that was when Star Trek was still very much an open book and very little had been established about the world. And even those people got their stories rewritten, which a famous author probably would simply accept today.

I guess we also see that more and more with the shows. Many of the canon violations that happen are probably not mistakes because the writers didn’t know better but they are conscious decisions because the writers thought it would make their stories better.

I love Patrick as an actor. I love Picard the character and I love TNG cast, but this is a bridge too far for me. For waaaaayyyy too long now Star Trek as a franchise has been stuck in the past and unable to grow and tell new stories. The stories of the future worlds and adventures in which these characters exist are being diluted by fan service, and fans who frankly can’t grow up, or are mentally stunted by the desire to live by canon. It’s not just Star Trek drowning this way. Star Wars, DCU, MCU they’re all eating themselves because they simply can’t challenge the status quo, and try tell new stories in new settings.

YEAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! BRING BACK DATA TOO PLEASE WITH THE ENTIRE TNG CAST!!! And please answer the question if Data still got his super physical strength…This remained unanswered. I hope he still got it

I agree. We need more Data. Maybe the bad guy can be a relative of Data, and be played by Spiner.

It should be a movie sequel to the episode ‘A Fistful of Data’s’. A Few Data’s More.

As soon as they announced a sequel to 48HRS (which was something like the weekend after it hit theaters), I was CERTAIN that they would call it FOR A FEW HOUR MORE. Was bitterly disappointed when the sequel showed up years later with a lame ANOTHER 48 HRS title (then I saw the movie and was even more disappointed.)

If you listen to the end of the (very good) interview, Stewart confirms the film will feature the whole TNG cast.


I really enjoyed PIC S1. There were elements of S2 that I really liked. S3 I loved, and not just for the nostalgia; I really felt it moved all of the TNG characters forward in time in some unexpected and satisfying ways. After the Borg are destroyed, we skip ahead a year. Picard gets to watch his grown son take his first post aboard Captain Seven’s Enterprise . When I watch the ending, I don’t picture a Picard movie, or even another TNG movie.

Sure, I’d love to see a few of them again, maybe working with legacies from DS9 and VOY … but I’d really rather see a Captain Seven series (hopefully not titled Legacy ). Jack and Sidney are on the Ent-G, so they could see Stewart, McFadden, and Burton guest star in the pilot episode. Otherwise, let’s move on. “… All Good Things” and “The Last Generation” were very satisfying conclusions for the TNG crew as a whole.

I believe it was Kurtzman who said he would like to do future one-off P+ exclusive Trek films (like the upcoming S31 project) … maybe they can stick this project there.

It all sounds so desperate, unnecessary and a little bit sad.

Am I the only one who felt like Picard s3 was overrated? I mean, yeah, it was decent and mostly enjoyable, but people talked about it like it cured cancer or something. It was a step in the right direction but it certainly wasn’t some peak of quality.

…I believe it to be the peak of quality for these showrunners. What Trek could be in the hands of a company other than SH, we can only guess.

I enjoyed it mostly for being a TNG reunion which is what I wanted to see since S1 of the show.

If this new script that Patrick Stewart mentioned is for a P+ movie, then I am enthusiastic for that. In addition to that, I would also like to see a “Project Phoenix” movie with a Kirk. Not necessarily Shatner’s Kirk.

They should definitely follow up on this. Project Phoenix could be so much more than just a PIC S3 Easter egg. I would throw Shatner in if possible.

No, you’re not. It was well done as fan service, but there really isn’t much more to say about it than that.

lol no you’re not the only one.

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Simon kinberg in talks to produce ‘star trek’ movie franchise for paramount.

Paramount is looking to the ‘X-Men’ producer to boldly go and relaunch the property on the big screen.

By Etan Vlessing , Borys Kit May 21, 2024 9:28am

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Simon Kinberg and 'Star Trek'

Longtime X-Men producer Simon Kinberg  is beaming up to a new franchise.

The multi-hyphenate is in talks to produce a new Star Trek feature for Paramount Pictures , The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed. If all goes well, the door would open to him taking active creative roles on the rest of the storied franchise’s film side. Alex Kurtzman and Akiva Goldsman are the main creative producers on Star Trek ‘s television side.

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Abrams remains involved with the new project as a producer. There is no release date for the feature, but the studio has signaled that it would like a 2025 opening. The machinations of the franchise take place against the backdrop of a potential sale of Paramount, which could find itself under the ownership of Sony or Skydance.

There hasn’t been a Star Trek movie since Star Trek Beyond , which was released in 2016. In recent years,  Trek  primarily has lived on the small screen, boldly finding new life thanks to numerous streaming shows on Paramount+, among them  Star Trek Discovery ,  Picard and Strange New Worlds . Efforts to relaunch the film side, including reuniting the Abrams Trek cast that included Chris Pine, Zoe Saldana and Simon Pegg, among others, have ended up stranded on rocky alien shores. Paramount is also understood to still be developing a fourth Trek  to feature that cast that is being described as the final chapter for this crew.

Puck was the first to report on Kinberg being in negotiations to reboot the Star Trek movie franchise.

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Screen Rant

Every star trek: discovery episode directed by jonathan frakes, ranked worst to best.


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Jonathan Frakes On Directing His Final Episode Of Star Trek: Discovery

Star trek’s 10 most important earth locations, star trek: discovery’s rayner captain’s chair joke has a real life inspiration.

WARNING: Contains SPOILERS for Star Trek: Discovery, season 5, episode 9, "Lagrange Point".

  • Frakes directs his final Discovery episode, "Lagrange Point," delivering a strong and fitting farewell to Discovery as a director.
  • "Project Daedalus" showcases Frakes' command of building suspense, atmosphere and dramatic sequences.
  • Frakes excels in action-packed stories like "Despite Yourself," bringing modern blockbuster influences to the action movie elements.

Star Trek: Discovery season 5, episode 9, "Lagrange Point" is the final episode to be directed by Jonathan Frakes, so how does it rank alongside his other directorial efforts? Jonathan Frakes is a prolific director, having directed 31 entries in the canon of Star Trek movies and TV shows , with more to come. Between 1990 and 1995, Jonathan Frakes directed 14 episodes of televised Star Trek , before moving into the movies, directing both Star Trek: First Contact and Star Trek: Insurrection . 22 years later, Frakes returned to TV Trek to direct Discovery season 1, episode 10, "Despite Yourself".

Since then, Jonathan Frakes has racked up an impressive 15 more credits, directing episodes of all the live-action Star Trek shows of the modern era . Over half of these 15 credits are taken up by Star Trek: Discovery , as Frakes has directed at least one episode for each of its five seasons. Discovery season 5, episode 9 , "Lagrange Point", written by Sean Cochran and Ari Friedman, is Jonathan Frakes' final entry in the series, raising the question of how it ranks alongside the previous seven episodes.

10 Best Star Trek Episodes Directed By Jonathan Frakes

Jonathan Frakes stars as Captain Will Riker in the Star Trek universe, but he has also become one of Trek's most beloved and prolific directors.

8 Star Trek: Discovery, Season 4, Episode 6, "Stormy Weather"

Zora gains emotions as the discovery explores the dma..

In Star Trek: Discovery season 4, episode 6, "Stormy Weather", the USS Discovery becomes trapped inside a tear in subspace. While trying to figure a way out, something begins eating away at the Discovery's shields, while Cleveland Booker (David Ajala) is forced to confront a malevolent hallucination of his father. "Stormy Weather" should be a claustrophobic chamber piece for the Star Trek: Discovery cast , but it feels too ponderous and meandering. There's simply too much going on in the episode that detracts from what could have been an eerie Star Trek story about understanding the unknown .

Zora's emotional crisis echoes how Lt. Commander Data (Brent Spiner) was paralyzed by fear in Star Trek Generations .

The emotional crisis of Zora (Annabelle Wallis), Book's trauma, and Gray Tal (Ian Alexander) coming to terms with their new synthetic body, the strong Star Trek story at the core is completely drowned out. It's fair to say that Jonathan Frakes excels as a director in action-packed stories like Star Trek: First Contact , but Star Trek: Discovery season 4, episode 6, "Stormy Weather" isn't that sort of story. The failings are down to an overstuffed script, however, as Frakes builds an unsettling and tense atmosphere as the Discovery crew begin to doubt whether they'll make it out alive.

7 Star Trek: Discovery, Season 3, Episode 8, "The Sanctuary"

The uss discovery fights to save book's planet from the emerald chain..

Jonathan Frakes directed three episodes of Star Trek: Discovery season 3, and "The Sanctuary" is the weakest entry . It marks the USS Discovery's first visit to Book's home planet, and the results are quite disappointing. While there are some wonderful VFX flourishes like the sea locusts, it's hard to escape the fact that Commander Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) and Book are walking around a local forest. Worse still, Book's adoptive brother Kyheem (Ache Hernandez), appears to be living in a contemporary 21st century apartment, which breaks any immersion.

Kwejian therefore, never feels like a living, breathing planet, which is a larger production issue, meaning that it shouldn't solely sit on Jonathan Frakes' shoulders as director. As ever, Jonathan Frakes directs the starship scenes with aplomb , particularly the tense confrontation between Captain Saru (Doug Jones) and Osyraa (Janet Kidder). However, there's a real struggle on the part of the script to make the audience truly care about Book's planet and his selfish brother in Star Trek: Discovery season 3, episode 8, "Sanctuary".

Screen Rant interviews Jonathan Frakes about directing the penultimate episode of Star Trek: Discovery and his own Star Trek future.

6 Star Trek: Discovery, Season 3, Episode 12, "There is a Tide..."

Jonathan frakes directed part one of star trek: discovery's season 3 finale..

With a starship under siege and a battle for the very future of the Federation at its core, Star Trek: Discovery season 3, episode 12, "There is a Tide..." is very much in Jonathan Frakes' wheelhouse as a director . One of many Star Trek episodes named after Shakespeare quotes , "There is a Tide..." sees Osyraa take control of the USS Discovery and head for Federation Headquarters. The penultimate episode of Discovery season 3 has a daring jailbreak, and climaxes with Commander Burnham ejecting Commander Paul Stamets (Anthony Rapp) into the vacuum of space to protect the spore drive.

"There is a Tide..." takes its name from Brutus' speech to Cassius in Julius Caesar , later recited by Admiral Jean-Luc Picard in the Star Trek: Picard finale.

Star Trek: Discovery season 3, episode 12, "There is a Tide..." is the sort of Star Trek action movie that Jonathan Frakes can direct in his sleep by this point . However, that's both a blessing and a curse, as there's nothing particularly new on display in the episode. Of the two episodes that formed Star Trek: Discovery 's season 3 finale, "There is a Tide..." is the stronger one, but there are better examples of Jonathan Frakes' directorial work elsewhere in the series.

5 Star Trek: Discovery, Season 3, Episode 3, "People of Earth"

The uss discovery pays a visit to 32nd century earth..

Jonathan Frakes is such a safe pair of hands as a Star Trek director that he's given the episode that introduces 32nd century Earth. In Star Trek: Discovery season 3, episode 3, "People of Earth", Burnham and the crew continue their investigation into the fate of the Federation by visiting Earth. The crew doesn't get a heroes' welcome and are instead forced to mediate a dispute between Earth and the Titan colony. It's an exciting episode that has some great spectacle, such as Burnham and Book's unauthorized mission to capture one of the Raiders, Wen (Christopher Heyerdahl).

"People of Earth" introduces Blu del Barrio as Adira Tal, a human being who is a Trill host. Jonathan Frakes' Commander William T. Riker was a human Trill host in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, "The Host".

As well as the space action, Jonathan Frakes handles the quieter moments in "People of Earth" beautifully. Star Trek: Discovery isn't really known for its dynamic location work, but Frakes and his DOP Crescenzo Notarile shoot the final scene on Earth with an appropriately nostalgic tint. The final scene where the Discovery crew discuss standing on the same ground 930 years apart is a poetic moment that is directed evocatively by Frakes.

Star Trek is about exploring strange new worlds throughout the galaxy, but many key locations on Earth are crucially important to the franchise.

4 Star Trek: Discovery, Season 2, Episode 2, "New Eden"

New eden felt like a classic tng throwback..

In Star Trek: Discovery , season 2, episode 2, "New Eden", Captain Christopher Pike (Anson Mount) and the crew discover a multi-faith colony established by refugees from Earth's World War 3. However, centuries after their ancestors fled a nuclear holocaust, the colonists are put in the path of another one thanks to a radiation shower. "New Eden" is a classic Star Trek episode that tackles religion and morality, while forcing Pike and Burnham to consider the role of Starfleet's Prime Directive .

"New Eden" was shot on location in Balls Falls Conservation Area Historic Village, Ontario.

Jonathan Frakes is no stranger to the themes and tropes at the core of Star Trek: Discovery season 2, episode 2, "New Eden". For example, the evocative shots of the stained-glass windows are a masterful way to communicate the progress of the colony. However, Frakes is also keen to inject levity into the episode, working out a moment of comedy with Mary Wiseman that lightens the mood of "New Eden". The scene where Tilly runs out of sickbay in the wrong direction at a crucial point in the story was something devised by Jonathan Frakes as director .

3 Star Trek: Discovery, Season 5, Episode 9, "Lagrange Point"

Jonathan frakes went out on a high with discovery's breen heist..

Jonathan Frakes' final director credit on Star Trek: Discovery was a thrilling ride as Captain Burnham's away team infiltrated the Breen Dreadnought. There's tremendous tension in the scenes where the disguised crew have to impersonate Breen soldiers, desperate to fit in or die. The episode is a fitting farewell from Discovery to Jonathan Frakes as Commander Rayner references Commander Riker . Jonathan Frakes also suggested that actor Callum Keith Rennie do " a little Picard maneuver " when Rayner assumes the USS Discovery's center seat in the episode's climax.

The Progenitors were first introduced in Star Trek: The Next Generation season 6, episode 20, "The Chase", which was also directed by Jonathan Frakes.

The climactic scene where Rayner orders the USS Discovery to fire everything they've got while crashing into the Breen shuttle bay is a great movie-style moment for small-screen Star Trek . "Lagrange Point" is a strong example of what Jonathan Frakes does best as a Star Trek director, demonstrating his command of building dramatic tension and directing his actors to respond believably to huge VFX sequences that they cannot see. The end result is a thrilling Star Trek adventure that neatly sets up the Star Trek: Discovery finale.

Commander Rayner's avoidance of the captain's chair in Star Trek: Discovery season 5 is a nod to a real-life decision by Sonequa Martin-Green.

2 Star Trek: Discovery, Season 2, Episode 9, "Project Daedalus"

First contact and wrath of khan vibes made "project daedalus" an instant classic..

"Project Daedalus" is the strongest of Jonathan Frakes' two episodes from Star Trek: Discovery season 2 . The episode has everything that audiences could possibly want from a dramatic hour of television. There are chilling revelations about Section 31 and their role in framing Spock (Ethan Peck) for murder, a rogue Artificial Intelligence waging war on humanity, and the heroic sacrifice of a crew member. The scenes where Burnham, Airiam, and Nahn explore the empty Section 31 base and discover the murdered crew members is chilling, and reminds viewers of Frakes' similarly atmospheric work on Star Trek: First Contact .

Jonathan Frakes was originally hired to direct Star Trek: Discovery season 2, episode 10, "The Red Angel", but behind the scenes drama meant that he was assigned the previous episode instead.

The tragic fate of Airiam in Discovery is handled sensitively by Frakes, who makes the decision to shoot her final scene with Burnham through slightly obscured airlock windows, drawing a comparison with the death of Captain Spock (Leonard Nimoy) in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan . Star Trek: Discovery season 2, episode 10, "Project Daedalus" is one of the standout episodes of the show, let alone the season, and much of this is down to Frakes' atmospheric direction. It was such a pivotal episode that foreknowledge of Airiam's death became a key aspect of Discovery season 5, episode 4, "Face the Strange".

1 Star Trek: Discovery, Season 1, Episode 10, "Despite Yourself"

Tng's jonathan frakes finally gets to visit the mirror universe..

Star Trek: Discovery , season 1, episode 10, "Despite Yourself" was Jonathan Frakes' first episode of a Trek show for two decades, and he brings a great deal of experience and new influences to bear. In particular, the fight scene between Captains Burnham and Connor inside the turbolift was a thrilling display of how Frakes brought modern movie and TV techniques to the fledgling Star Trek show. It was effectively Star Trek 's version of the lift scene from Captain America: The Winter Soldier , and so Frakes decided to film it with five cameras positioned around the turbolift set.

Paul Stamets actor Anthony Rapp reflected in Star Trek Magazine issue 192 that " For [Jonathan Frakes] to come back, and be part of our version of Star Trek was meaningful. "

Frakes also had a camera operator step inside the turbolift, which added to the cramped, tense feel of the fight scene between Burnham and Connor. Outside the impressive action scenes, actress Mary Chieffo was full of praise for Jonathan Frakes for how he pushed her and Shazad Latif to go further in the scene between Ly'Rell and Ash/Voq, to wring as much emotion as possible out of their confrontation. "Despite Yourself" was a bravura return to the Star Trek franchise for Jonathan Frakes, and it's no surprise that the Star Trek: Discovery team kept asking him back afterward.

Star Trek: Discovery's finale streams from Thursday May 30th on Paramount+.

Star Trek: Discovery

*Availability in US

Not available

Star Trek: Discovery is an entry in the legendary Sci-Fi franchise, set ten years before the original Star Trek series events. The show centers around Commander Michael Burnham, assigned to the USS Discovery, where the crew attempts to prevent a Klingon war while traveling through the vast reaches of space.

Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

  • Jonathan Frakes

Star Trek

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7 Streaming Sci-Fi Series To Watch In Between Star Trek Shows

  • Star Trek fans can explore other sci-fi shows like The X-Files, Fringe, and Farscape while awaiting new Star Trek content.
  • Series like The X-Files offer similar episodic storytelling structures and intriguing mysteries for fans of Star Trek to enjoy.
  • Shows like Battlestar Galactica provide a different, gritty take on sci-fi compared to the more optimistic Star Trek universe.

With Star Trek: Discovery coming to an end, it will be a long wait before another live-action Star Trek series is available to stream, but there are several great science fiction shows available to watch in the meantime. As one of the longest-running science fiction franchises, Star Trek currently includes 11 television series and 13 movies, with multiple new projects in the works. Not only did Star Trek: The Original Series spawn a mega-franchise, but it also inspired countless other films and television shows that came after.

While the wait for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 3 or the premiere of Star Trek: Starfleet Academy may seem long, there are plenty of other compelling sci-fi shows out there. While space operas like The Expanse capture the space exploration aspects of Star Trek , procedural dramas like The X-Files have a case-of-the-week structure similar to a lot of early Trek . For viewers who have already watched every available Star Trek story, here are seven other science fiction shows worth checking out.

Every Upcoming Star Trek Movie & TV Show

Star Trek is ending series like Discovery and Lower Decks but renewed Strange New Worlds while setting up new streaming and theatrical movies.

The X-Files

All 11 seasons streaming on hulu & disney+.

Cast Gillian Flynn, Robert Patrick, Mitch Pileggi, David Duchovny, Annabeth Gish

Release Date September 10, 1993

Streaming Service(s) Hulu, Disney+

Showrunner Chris Carter

Following FBI agents Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson), The X-Files takes place in a version of our world where aliens and other paranormal creatures exist. Throughout the series, Mulder and Scully travel across the country investigating strange cases, while also working to uncover a massive government conspiracy. One of television's best will-they-won't-they couples, Mulder and Scully's relationship alone makes The X-Files worth watching .

12 Star Trek Actors Who Appeared On The X-Files

From exploring strange new worlds to fighting to uncover the truth, many actors have appeared on both Star Trek and The X-Files.

Considering The X-Files aired throughout the 1990s alongside multiple Star Trek shows, it's no surprise that the shows are similarly structured. Like the Star Trek: The Next Generation- era shows, The X-Files is mostly comprised of episodic, standalone stories, with the occasional two-parter and a loose overarching storyline. With its numerous close encounters, alien coverups, and bizarre creatures, The X-Files has plenty for Star Trek fans to love.

With two feature-length films and a limited two-season return in 2018, The X-Files remains incredibly popular. Another reboot is currently in the works with Black Panther director Ryan Coogler at the helm.

All 5 seasons streaming on Max

Cast Mark Valley, Lance Reddick, John Noble, Leonard Nimoy, Joshua Jackson, Seth Gabel, Jasika Nicole, Blair Brown, Anna Torv

Release Date September 9, 2008

Showrunner Jeff Pinkner

A spiritual successor to The X-Files, Fringe follows FBI Agent Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv) and her task force as they investigate cases relating to fringe science. Brilliant and eccentric scientist Walter Bishop (John Noble) and his son Peter (Joshua Jackson) work alongside Olivia after she recruits them to her team. Although Fringe begins with case-of-the-week stories involving strange phenomena, the show later explores a more serialized story involving parallel universes.

Fringe's most significant Star Trek connection is Leonard Nimoy himself, who portrays Dr. William Bell, the former lab partner of Walter Bishop and the founder of Massive Dynamic. A shady research corporation, Massive Dynamic ends up connected to many of the cases investigated by the Fringe team. While Fringe may not feature space travel, Star Trek is no stranger to parallel universes and weird science.

All 4 seasons streaming on Peacock

Cast David Franklin, Melissa Jaffer, Raelee Hill, Tammy MacIntosh, Lani Tupu, Paul Goddard, Virginia Hey, Rebecca Riggs, Wayne Pygram, Gigi Edgley, Anthony Simcoe, Jonathan Hardy, Ben Browder, Claudia Black

Release Date March 19, 1999

Streaming Service(s) Crackle , Plex, Amazon Freevee, Peacock

Creator(s) Rockne S. O'Bannon

Produced by The Jim Henson Company, Farscape tells the story of astronaut John Crichton (Ben Browder) , who accidentally flies into a wormhole that sends him to a distant part of the galaxy. Crichton ends up on a sentient ship named Moya, with a ragtag group of escaped prisoners who are running from the brutal and militaristic Peacekeepers. As he searches for a way home, Crichton befriends his fellow crewmembers and makes his fair share of enemies.

Along with runaway Peacekeeper pilot, Aeryn Sun (Claudia Black), Crichton and his crew do their best to evade the Peacekeepers, often finding themselves in absurd situations. Thanks to animatronic puppets from Jim Henson's Creature Shop, as well as make-up and prosthetics, Farscape's creatures look truly alien. After Farscape's abrupt cancelation at the end of season 4, a three-hour miniseries called Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars wrapped up the series.

All 4 seasons streaming on Hulu

Cast Murray Furrow, Andrew Gillies, Alisen Down, Demore Barnes, Tom Noonan, Todd Stashwick, Noah Bean, Kirk Acevedo, Emily Hampshire, Barbara Sukowa, Amanda Schull, Aaron Stanford

Created by Star Trek: Picard showrunner Terry Matalas , 12 Monkeys offers a unique take on time travel and post-apocalyptic stories. When scavenger James Cole (Aaron Stanford) is brought into Project Splinter, he must travel back in time to prevent a devastating plague. Things don't quite go as planned, which results in numerous trips through time and a complicated search for a mysterious group known as the Army of the 12 Monkeys.

5 Reasons Star Trek: Picard Fans Need To Watch Terry Matalas' Other Sci-Fi Show

While fans await news of the proposed Star Trek: Picard spin-off, Star Trek: Legacy, they should check out Terry Matalas' other fantastic sci-fi show.

With its compelling characters (Todd Stashwick's Theodore Deacon and Emily Hampshire's Jennifer Goines are particular standouts) and twisty storylines, 12 Monkeys is an incredibly fun show that comes to a satisfying conclusion at the end of its four seasons . Although the first season of 12 Monkeys received mixed reviews, the show hit its stride in season 2 and didn't let up until the end.

The Expanse

All 6 seasons streaming on amazon prime.

Cast Nadine Nicole, Keon Alexander, Jasai Chase-Owens, Paulo Costanzo, Cara Gee, Thomas Jane, Frankie Adams, Dominique Tipper, Shawn Doyle, Wes Chatham, Steven Strait, Shohreh Aghdashloo, Florence Faivre, Cas Anvar

Release Date November 14, 2015

Streaming Service(s) Prime Video

Showrunner Hawk Ostby, Mark Fergus, Naren Shankar

For those who enjoy Star Trek's intergalactic politics, The Expanse tells a complex, often dark story of ruthless leaders and competing factions. When James Holden (Steven Strait) and his makeshift crew aboard the Rocinante become embroiled in a massive conspiracy , they fight to uncover the truth. Over six seasons, The Expanse grows in scope as war looms between Earth and Mars and alien technology complicates matters.

Based on the series of novels by James S.A. Corey, The Expanse is incredibly intelligent sci-fi with a cast of bold, realistic characters. Although The Expanse was canceled after three seasons on Syfy, it was picked up by Amazon Prime for three more seasons. The Expanse ended with season 6 , without adapting the last three books in the series, leaving several storylines unresolved.

Stargate SG-1 / Stargate: Atlantis

All 10 seasons of sg-1 & 5 seasons of atlantis streaming on amazon prime, stargate sg-1.

Cast Michael Shanks, Richard Dean Anderson, amanda tapping

Release Date July 27, 1997

Showrunner Brad Wright

Stargate Atlantis

Cast Paul McGillion, Torri Higginson, Chuck Campbell, Joe Flanigan, Rachel Luttrell, David Hewlett, Jason Momoa, David Nykl

Release Date July 16, 2004

Streaming Service(s) Apple TV+, Hulu, Prime Video

With three films and three television series, the Stargate franchise has many similarities to Star Trek . Beginning with the 1994 film, the franchise follows an Air Force special operations team as they investigate various planets by traveling through an alien portal known as a Stargate. Stargate SG-1 has the most in common with Star Trek: The Original Series and Star Trek: The Next Generation , as Colonel Jack O'Neill (Richard Dean Anderson) leads his team to explore strange planets and keep Earth safe.

Although several Star Trek actors guest star on Stargate, Robert Picardo is the only actor to play a main character in both franchises The Doctor on Star Trek: Voyager and Richard Woolsey on Stargate: Atlantis.

The first spin-off of SG-1 , Stargate: Atlantis, takes after Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager . When Dr. Daniel Jackson (Michael Shanks) discovers the lost alien city of Atlantis in the distant Pegasus Galaxy, Stargate Command sends a team to investigate. Major John Sheppard (Joe Flanigan) and his military team spend the next five seasons exploring planets in the Pegasus Galaxy and fighting off the dangerous Wraith.

12 Star Trek Actors Who Crossed Over Into Stargate

Many recognizable Star Trek actors made appearances in another iconic science fiction franchise: Stargate.

Battlestar Galactica

All 4 seasons streaming on amazon prime.

Cast Alessandro Juliani, Tahmoh Penikett, Aaron Douglas, Grace Park, Tricia Helfer, Katee Sackhoff, Edward James Olmos, Mary McDonnell, Michael Hogan, Kandyse McClure, Jamie Bamber, James Callis

Release Date October 18, 2004

Showrunner Ronald D. Moore

Widely regarded as one of the best sci-fi television shows of all time, 2004's Battlestar Galactica follows the last remnants of a human civilization as they search for a new home after a devastating attack. With a fleet of ships led by the Battlestar Galactica, Commander William Adama (Edward James Olmos) and President Laura Roslin (Mary McDonnell) do their best to hold humanity's survivors together .

As the orchestrators of the attack, the Cylons continue to plague the survivors, as sentient robots indistinguishable from humans infiltrate the fleet. Developed by Ronald D. Moore (who worked on Star Trek: TNG, DS9, and Voyager ), Battlestar Galactica offers a gritty and realistic take on science fiction, without any of the colorful aliens or technobabble Star Trek is known for. Still, both franchises have left their mark on popular culture and established themselves as science fiction classics.

Every live-action Star Trek show is available to stream on Paramount+.

7 Streaming Sci-Fi Series To Watch In Between Star Trek Shows

'Star Trek: Discovery' season 5 episode 9 offers a tense but questionable cliffhanger

It's the old enemy infiltration by way of cunning disguise chestnut, but once you've seen The Orville's take on this, it's hard to take seriously.

 a humanoid alien with pink skin and several deep clefts on its face, wearing a blue tunic

Warning: Spoilers ahead for "Star Trek: Discovery" season 5, episode 9

Here we are then, just two episodes away from the very end of "Star Trek: Discovery," but we'll save the nostalgic look back over the last six years, eight months, one week and two days for next week. And no doubt there will be some kind of emotional farewell at the end of next week's installment, but just how cringeworthy that will be remains to be seen. 

Best non-cancellation last episode of a TV sci-fi show ever, in the "Five Seasons or More" category? Well, it certainly isn't " Enterprise ," sadly, and let's face facts, it's got to be the " The Next Generation " episode "All Good Things" (S07, E25) with "Unending," the "Stargate SG1" episode (S10, E20) in second place. 

And as we've seen, the quality of writing on this fifth and final season of "Discovery" has picked up, arguably an improvement the last three seasons, but unquestionably over the last season, which was the switching off point for many who had given "Discovery" the benefit of the doubt for so very long. And, despite this installment, entitled "Lagrange Point," being directed by Jonathan Frakes, it's not terrible. 

Watch Star Trek on Paramount Plus: Get a one month free trial&nbsp;

Watch Star Trek on Paramount Plus: Get a one month free trial  

Get all the Star Trek content you can possibly handle with this free trial of Paramount Plus. Watch new shows like Star Trek: Discovery and all the classic Trek movies and TV shows too. Plans start from $4.99/month after the trial ends.

two humanoid aliens wearing black armor and helmets hold laser rifles

While Frakes has some excellent examples of episodic television under his belt, including "Falling Skies," "The Orville" and even "V," plus both "The Next Generation" and "Deep Space Nine" and "First Contact" of course, he has also helmed a few episodes –— almost always of "Star Trek" — that are...well, the sci-fi TV franchise equivalent of the Roger Moore Bond movies. And let's leave it at that. 

Not knowing more about the writing and production procedure employed on "Discovery," it's hard to know if the writers know what director will be assigned to which episode and whether or not they therefore cater for that individual, or if the director just takes the script and alters it as much or as little as they like. That's ultimately what contributes to the often-seen inconsistency that we talked about a week or so ago.

This week, a few select members of the command crew of the USS Discovery attempt to infiltrate a Breen dreadnought. And to be perfectly honest, after having watched the epic "Orville" episode "Krill" (S01, E06) it's a little hard to take this somewhat clichéd tactical approach seriously. But, for the most part, it's carried off with too much of a hitch. 

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two people who appear to be white-skinned humanoid aliens with bony ridges on their faces stand in black armor

The Breen have successfully snuck in under the nose of the USS Discovery and half-inched the Progenitors Puzzle. You know, like Belloq in "Raiders of the Lost Ark," and we get to see them attempting to open the final clue, a little like the wonderfully hilarious slaves-get-killed-horribly-first approach that was used to great affect in "The Mummy." Missed opportunity there for a couple of really creative and horrific sacrificial deaths Frakes. Being dragged into an unknown dimension just wasn't unpleasant enough. Also, Wilhelm Scream?!

That said, there is some nice, creative choices of edits and a Starfleet commendation should be awarded to whichever writer championed a line of dialogue where Captain Rayner (Keith Rennie Callum) finally tells Lt. Sylvia Tilly (Mary Wiseman) to shut up . Sure, some fans adore her innocent, bumbling, comedy relief-style appeal, but it's not always conducive to Every Single Scene. 

And finally, breaking news this week as, according to The Hollywood Reporter , longtime "X-Men" producer Simon Kinberg is in talks to produce a "Star Trek" movie franchise for Paramount. Toby Haynes, who directed episodes " Andor " is on board to direct the new feature, with Seth Grahame-Smith writing the script. The project is said to be set decades before the events of the dreadful 2009 movie that was directed JJ Abrams, likely around modern times.

a man in a red tunic stands at the helm of a starship

It is said to involve the creation of the Starfleet and humankind’s first contact with alien life. This is music to the ears of all fans who believe that keeping Trek ridiculously far flung into the future is an awful, awful idea. Also, someone other than Alex Kurtzman and Akiva Goldsman calling the shots is an excellent, excellent idea. 

And while this period in Trek history is so very interesting as we saw in the vastly underrated "Enterprise," it does feel like everyone either wants to fast forward into the future or slam the franchise into reverse and go all the way back...but always, always leapfrogging over the most underutilized period, which is "The Wrath of Khan" movie era: Monster Maroons, Admiral Kirk, the USS Excelsior ... and all of that unexplored wonder. 

The fifth and final season of "Star Trek: Discovery" and every other episode of every " Star Trek " show — with the exception of "Star Trek: Prodigy" — currently streams exclusively on Paramount Plus in the US, while "Prodigy" has found a new home  on Netflix.  

Internationally, the shows are available on  Paramount Plus  in Australia, Latin America, the UK and South Korea, as well as on Pluto TV in Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Switzerland on the Pluto TV Sci-Fi channel. They also stream on Paramount Plus in Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland and Austria. In Canada, they air on Bell Media's CTV Sci-Fi Channel and stream on Crave.

Join our Space Forums to keep talking space on the latest missions, night sky and more! And if you have a news tip, correction or comment, let us know at: [email protected].

When Scott's application to the NASA astronaut training program was turned down, he was naturally any 6-year-old boy would be. He chose instead to write as much as he possibly could about science, technology and space exploration. He graduated from The University of Coventry and received his training on Fleet Street in London. He still hopes to be the first journalist in space.

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    Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Stardate: 9521.6. Stardate 9521.6, Captain's log, U.S.S. Excelsior. Hikaru Sulu commanding. After three years I've concluded my first assignment as master of this vessel, cataloguing gaseous planetary anomalies in the Beta Quadrant. We're heading home under full impulse power.

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  4. Collected Star Trek Scripts » Star Trek Minutiae

    Star Trek V: The Final Frontier; Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; Star Trek: Generations; Star Trek: First Contact (Draft Version) Star Trek: Insurrection; Star Trek: Nemesis; Star Trek: The Next Generation. Season 1; Season 2; Season 3; Season 4; Season 5; Season 6; Season 7; All TNG Episodes [ZIP file, 3.9 MB] Season 1. Episode 1-2 ...

  5. The Star Trek Transcripts

    Movies 1979- 2003. Andromeda. Doctor Who franchise. 47 in Enterprise. Discovery is only available via paid streaming services. List of episode titles only - and very Andromeda-esque they are too. Picard is only available via paid streaming services. List of episode titles only.

  6. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991) Script

    Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991) Script. SULU: Stardate 9521 .6. Captain's Log, U.S.S. Excelsior. Hikaru Sulu commanding. After three years,l've concluded my first assignment as master of this vessel,cataloguing gaseous planetary anomalies in Beta Quadrant. We're heading home under full impulse power.

  7. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

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  8. Star Trek 6

    Guards and prisoners alike wear ragged furs. They reach a lone totem and a guard holds up his hand. for a halt. He presses and instrument emitting a high-. pitched whine. In response, a huge trap door buried in the snow, yawns open. A Klingon guard emerges from steps below, and places a box before the gaping door.

  9. Online tool to conveniently search through the Star Trek transcripts

    Re: Online tool to conveniently search through the Star Trek transcrip. This recent article points out that, to the new generation of fans, all the Trek series are equally accessible through online streaming. Go to the Netflix page for, say, TOS, TNG, VGR, or ENT (though not DS9, for some reason), scroll down to the "More Like X" section at the ...

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    A Star Trek Script search engine, search every word spoken in the Star Trek TV series and movies ... Search the scripts of Star Trek Transcription by Chakoteya. Search. Everything TOS TAS TNG DS9 VOY ENT Hints and Tips ×. Search results may include words that share the same word stem as the search terms. ...

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  12. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Movie Script

    Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Page #2. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. Synopsis: After an explosion on their moon, the Klingons have an estimated 50 years before their ozone layer is completely depleted, and they all die. They have only one choice - to make peace with the Federation, which will mean an end to 70 years of conflict.

  13. PDF S T A R T R E K

    11/05/07 YELLOW Rev. 6 EXT. SPACE - CONTINUOUS The Narada FIRES a TORPEDO -- IT HEADS FOR THE KELVIN -- then SEPARATES, fracturing into a multi-hit projectile --INT. U.S.S. KELVIN - CONTINUOUS Officers SCRAMBLE, brace for impact FIRST OFFICER Torpedo locked on us at 320 degrees, mark two -- incoming fast! EXT.


    6 STAR TREK; "Generations" - 10/14/94 CONTINUED: Also clustered around the door are the BRIDGE CREW of the Enterprise-B. Everyone is APPLAUDING as Kirk and the others blink under the bright lights and ENTER the Bridge. JOURNALISTS (overlapping} Captain Kirk, how does it feel to be back on the Enterprise

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  17. PDF rev. thru Apr. 10, 1986

    destroyed, please notify script department. PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORP. REV. SHOOTING SCRIPT 5555 Melrose Avenue Los Angeles, California 90038 March 11, 1986 ... of Star Trek lovers everywhere, the MUSIC OVER the early credits is the SERIES THEME by Alexander Courage. We're in for a classic, good old Star Trek time. But

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    Star Trek: Picard (2020-…) - episodes with scripts. Follow-up series to Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) and Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) that centers on Jean-Luc Picard (Sir Patrick Stewart) in the next chapter of his life. Season 1. 1. Remembrance; 2. Maps and Legends; 3.

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    Episode scripts for the 2020 TV show "Star Trek: Picard". Aired January 23, 2020 - April 20, 2023. Toggle navigation TV Show Transcripts. Current; Search; About; Support Us; FAQ; Contact; Star Trek: Picard ... Transcripts expected throughout Tuesday, 28 May, 2024. s06e09 - 100% - All American. s03e04 - The Man Who Murdered Himself - Harry Wild ...

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    s03e06 - The Bounty Tran script. detail. Now on the run, Picard and the skeleton crew of the USS Titan must break into Starfleet's most top secret facility to expose a plot that could destroy the Federation. Picard must turn to an old friend for help. Face: Obtain and deliver the asset.

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    Toby Haynes, who directed episodes of of the Star Wars series Andor, is on board to direct the new feature, with Seth Grahame-Smith writing the script. The project is said to be set decades before ...

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    The Next Generation Transcripts - Episode Listings : Season One : Episode Name: Production: Airdate: Encounter at Farpoint: 101 + 102: 28 Sept, 1987: The Naked Now: 103: 5 Oct, 1987: Code of Honour: 104: ... The Star Trek web pages on this site are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their ...

  28. 7 Streaming Sci-Fi Series To Watch In Between Star Trek Shows

    While the wait for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 3 or the premiere of Star Trek: Starfleet Academy may seem long, there are plenty of other compelling sci-fi shows out there. While space ...

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    Space Movies & Shows. 'Star Trek: Discovery' season 5 episode 9 offers a tense but questionable cliffhanger. News. By Scott Snowden. published 23 May 2024. It's the old enemy infiltration by way ...