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Valentina Zappalà

Robert Plant concerti 2023 in Italia: scaletta, date ufficiali e come acquistare i biglietti

Robert Plant concerti 2023 in Italia: ecco la scaletta, le date rimaste, dove e come acquistare i biglietti per assistere ai live italiani dell'ex frontman dei Led Zeppelin.

Robert Plant concerti 2023 in Italia: scaletta, date ufficiali e come acquistare i biglietti

Tabella dei Contenuti

Il mini-tour italiano del celebre frontman dei Led Zeppelin è entrato nel vivo. I fan attendevano con ansia il ritorno di Robert Plant in Italia, per una serie di concerti 2023 che toccheranno la nostra Penisola per intero, da Nord a Sud.

Dopo i live di Lignano e Macerata, rispettivamente tenutisi il 26 ed il 28 agosto 2023, sarà il turno di Taormina, in provincia di Messina. E Robert Plant non si fermerà in Sicilia, dato che, in tutto, il mini-tour dell’artista britannico prevede sette date nel nostro Paese.

Ecco dunque tutte le informazioni utili sui concerti italiani 2023 di Robert Plant: dalla scaletta alle date rimaste, fino alle modalità di acquisto dei biglietti.

Robert Plant concerti 2023 in Italia: le date ufficiali dei live

Alle date già concluse, quelle di Lignano e Macerata, seguono altri cinque concerti 2023 che Robert Plant terrà in Italia. Tra poche ore, sarà il turno di Taormina , e successivamente Robert risalirà lo Stivale, fino al 6 settembre 2023, quando terminerà il suo mini-tour italiano a Vicenza.

Ad accompagnare Plant sul palco, anche Suzi Dian e i Saving Grace , la nuova band con cui l’artista collabora.

Ecco quali sono, nel dettaglio, le date dei concerti 2023 di Robert Plant in Italia:

26 agosto 2023: Arena Alpe Adria, Lignano

28 agosto 2023: Sferisterio, Macerata

30 agosto 2023: Teatro Antico, Taormina (ME)

1 settembre 2023: Locus Festival, Bari

3 settembre 2023: Teatro Romano, Ostia Antica

5 settembre 2023: Teatro Arcimboldi, Milano

6 settembre 2023: Piazza Dei Signori, Vicenza In Festival.

La scaletta dei concerti 2023 di Robert Plant in Italia: quali brani verranno eseguiti

I fan di Robert Plant che assisteranno si concerti 2023 italiani si stanno già domandando quali saranno i brani che l’ex frontman dei Led Zeppelin eseguirà sul palco.

La scaletta dei concerti 2023 dell’artista si può ipotizzare analizzando sia i brani eseguiti durante le date europee precedenti, come quella in Slovenia dello scorso 24 agosto, sia quelli che sono stati eseguiti nelle due date italiane già concluse.

Ecco dunque la probabile scaletta dei concerti 2023 di Robert Plant in Italia:

Gospel Plow

Let the Four Winds Blow

Out in the Woods

Satan, Your Kingdom Must Come Down

In My Time of Dying

Everybody’s Song

It’s a Beautiful Day Today

Too Far From You

Down to the Sea

The Rain Song

Four Sticks

Angel Dance

Gallows Pole

And We Bid You Goodnight.

Robert Plant porterà dunque sui palchi di tutta Italia alcuni dei maggiori successi dei Led Zeppelin , nonostante la band si sia ufficialmente sciolta nel 2007 dopo l’ennesima reunion.

Tra i pezzi in scaletta, ad esempio, anche The Rain Song: ecco il video del brano, disponibile sul canale YouTube dei Led Zeppelin.

Robert Plant in Italia: come acquistare i biglietti dei concerti 2023

Per quanto riguarda, infine, i biglietti per i concerti 2023 di Robert Plant in Italia, le prevendite sono iniziate ormai da mesi, il 27 marzo 2023.

Non stupisce, dunque, che alcune date siano già sold out: per gli eventi di Bari e Vicenza i biglietti non sono più disponibili.

Per le date di Taormina, Roma e Milano , invece, i ticket si possono ancora acquistare su TicketOne con prezzo di partenza pari a 46 euro .

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robert plant tour 2023 scaletta

Robert Plant, tour in Italia ad agosto e settembre 2023 insieme a Suzi Dian

Robert plant torna in italia nel 2023 per presentare il suo nuovo progetto saving grace insieme a suzi dian.

Robert Plant ha annunciato sette concerti in Italia che si terranno tra la fine di agosto e i primi di settembre del 2023 in cui presenterà al pubblico insieme a Suzi Dian lo spettacolo Saving Grace .

Il tour partirà il 26 agosto da Lignano Sabbiadoro per poi spostarsi a Macerata, Taormina, Bari, Ostia, Milano e concludersi il 6 settembre a Vicenza.

Saving Grace , il progetto che vede sul palco Suzi Dian (voce), Oli Jefferson (percussioni), Tony Kelsey (mandolino, baritono e chitarre acustiche), Robert Plant (voce) e Matt Worley (banjo, chitarre acustiche e baritono, cuatro), ha fatto il suo debutto all’inizio del 2019 con una serie di concerti a sorpresa in piccoli locali in Inghilterra, Galles e Irlanda. Le esibizioni intime hanno visto la band attingere da un repertorio di “musica ispirata al paesaggio onirico delle marcie gallesi”, canzoni che abbracciano i diversi gusti e le influenze di Plant, in particolare la sua eterna passione per il folk britannico e americano, gli spiritual e il blues tradizionale, tra cui un numero di amati standard e preferiti di lunga data di Doc Watson, Donovan, Moby Grape e Low, tra gli altri.

Queste nel dettaglio le prossime date in Italia di Robert Plant :


Biglietti in vendita dalle ore 12.00 di lunedì 27 marzo su www.dalessandroegalli.com .

Robert Plant - Italia 2023

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Led Zeppelin News

The latest unofficial led zeppelin news and rumours., robert plant will tour italy with saving grace.

Robert Plant Saving Grace Belfast 2022 1

Posted By: ledzepnews 24th March 2023

Robert Plant will once again tour with his band Saving Grace, this time across Italy in August and September 2023.

Saving Grace band member Suzi Dian confirmed the upcoming tour on Facebook on March 24 , sharing the announcement that she and Plant will play seven shows in the country this year.

Plant last toured with Saving Grace in October and November 2022 when they played in Ireland and Scotland . The band has recorded its debut album although no announcement has been made so far of its release.

Tickets for the new tour will go on sale at 12pm Italian time on March 27 through this website .

Plant’s upcoming Italian tour with Saving Grace will follow his US and Canada tour with Alison Krauss that is scheduled to take place from April to July .

Here are the current planned tour dates for Saving Grace in Italy:

  • August 26 – Lignano Sabbiadoro, Italy
  • August 28 – Macerata, Italy
  • August 30 – Taormina, Sicily, Italy
  • September 1 – Locus Festival, Bari, Italy
  • September 3 – Ostia, Italy
  • September 5 – Milan, Italy
  • September 6 – Vicenza in Festival, Vicenza, Italy

Saving Grace has been recording an album

Saving Grace is clearly an important project for Plant,  with the band’s debut album on the way . Plant said on stage last year that the band had been recording in Steve Winwood’s studio in England.

LedZepNews revealed in 2021 that a British business owned by Plant secured trademarks for “Saving Grace” across Europe and the US in order to block anyone else from using that band name to release music or merchandise.

Plant has never taken out trademarks for his solo projects before, making this an unusual step that could indicate longterm interest in the Saving Grace project.

On January 23, 2020, lawyers representing a London company named Trolcharm Limited filed applications in Europe and the US to trademark “Saving Grace”.

Plant owns more than 75% of Trolcharm Limited,  according to Companies House filings in the UK . His three surviving children are directors of the business along with Plant.

The business owns the copyright to much of Plant’s solo career and is frequently credited in the liner notes of his albums, including “Raise The Roof.”

The trademark applications, which were all eventually approved, include the following fields:

▪ Audio and video recordings including digital downloads and CDs

▪ Live music footage

▪ Posters, stickers and magazines

▪ Bags, wallets, umbrellas and luggage

▪ Clothing including footwear and headgear

Taking out trademarks for his musical projects is a rarity for Plant. He hasn’t applied to trademark the names of his previous solo bands Strange Sensation, the Band of Joy or the Sensational Space Shifters.

Plant hasn’t trademarked his own name, either, unlike Jimmy Page who does own trademarks to protect his personal brand including his name, his autograph and the word “ZOSO.”

The Saving Grace filings are the only trademark applications ever filed by Trolcharm Limited or any other business used by Plant to run his solo career.

The presence of trademark filings don’t always mean that the trademark holder will actually launch the product or service they have the trademarks for.

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2 comments on "robert plant will tour italy with saving grace".

' src=

Love your music so much

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I’m kicking myself because I swear Robert Plant was in Paestum, Italy around Oct 4-5 at the same place we were, then again at the same restaurant as us shortly after .

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Robert Plant announces Italian tour with his project “Saving Grace”

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robert plant tour 2023 scaletta

Hear Robert Plant, Alison Krauss and T Bone Burnett in harmony on standout track “High and Lonesome”, backed by all-star lineup of drummer Jay Bellerose, bassist Dennis Crouch, guitarist Marc Ribot and pedal steel player Russell Pahl, plus Viktor Krauss on mellotron, Jeff Taylor on bass accordion, and T Bone Burnett on electric guitar, mellotron and additional vocals. “High and Lonesome” is the second preview of Raise The Roof, following lead single “Can’t Let Go”, a rendition of the Randy Weeks/Lucinda Williams classic.

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robert plant tour 2023 scaletta

Robert Plant

MetalCastle – All about Rock and Metal

New dates for 2023 Robert Plant and Alison Krauss tour announced

New dates for 2023 Robert Plant and Alison Krauss tour announced

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New dates for Robert Plant and Alison Krauss 2023 tour have been announced. There are 24 dates on their Raising The Roof Tour for now, from Los Angeles to Nevada.

“RP and Alison Krauss’ performance last summer at the iconic Red Rocks Amphitheater in Morrison, CO will be available to stream worldwide, for the first time, on March 16, 2023,” Robert Plant says via his social media account. “Livestream tickets will be available on Mandolin on Feb 14th and include a 48 hour replay period.”

  • READ: Robert Plant’s Influences

Officially, Robert Plant and Alison Krauss ‘ 2023 United States tour will kick off at Shreveport Municipal Auditorium in Shreveport, LA, on April 25, 2023. On July 5, 2023, in Toronto, ON, at Budweiser Stage, Robert Plant and Alison Krauss will have played their latest show on the tour. The tour will also include JD McPherson as a special guest on some dates.

You can see the full dates of the tour below.

April 25, 2023 – Shreveport, LA @ Shreveport Municipal Auditorium April 26, 2023 – The Woodlands, TX @ Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion April 29, 2023 – Pelham, AL @ Oak Mountain Amphitheatre April 30, 2023 – Huntsville, AL @ The Orion Amphitheater May 02, 2023 – Louisville, KY @ The Louisville Palace Theatre May 03, 2023 – Huber Heights, OH – Rose Music Center May 05, 2023 – Kansas City, MO @ Starlight Theatre May 09, 2023 – Asheville, NC @ ExploreAsheville.com Arena May 10, 2023 – Wilmington, NC @ Live Oak Bank Pavilion May 13, 2023 – Chattanooga, TN @ Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Auditorium May 15, 2023 – Charlotte, NC @ Charlotte Metro Credit Union Amphitheatre May 17, 2023 – Portsmouth, VA @ Atlantic Union Bank Pavilion May 18, 2023 – Charlottesville, VA @ Ting Pavilion June 14, 2023 – Las Vegas, NV @ Pearl Concert Theater June 15, 2023 – Tucson, AZ @ Centennial Hall at University of Arizona June 17, 2023 – Taos, NM @ Kit Carson Park June 18, 2023 – Telluride, CO @ Telluride Bluegrass Festival June 20, 2023 – Bonner, MT @ Kettlehouse Amphitheater June 28, 2023 – Cuyahoga Falls, OH @ Blossom Music Center June 29, 2023 – Vienna, VA @ Wolf Trap* July 01, 2023 – Bethel, NY @ Bethel Woods Center for the Arts July 02, 2023 – Lenox, MA @ Tanglewood Music Center** July 03, 2023 – Portland, ME @ Thompon’s Point July 05, 2023 – Toronto, ON @ Budweiser Stage

The presales for the tickets for the tour will begin at 10 AM local time on February 1, 2023. Furthermore, the public sale of Raising The Roof Tour will begin on February 3 at 10 AM local time. Find more info about Robert Plant and Alison Krauss tour tickets  here .

Robert Plant and Alison Krauss US tour dates for 2023

Fans Reacts To Robert Plant and Alison Krauss 2023 Tour

Under Robert Plant ‘s social media post, fans reacted to their new tour announcement. Fans called them to book a show in California, as a fan named Mikey said, “When are you… Going to California.” Also, another fan commented, “Everywhere but California?”

However, a fan also asked them to decide on playing in Europe, as commented, “Europa tour?”

Another fan asked, “Wow, you are never playing Florida again, huh?”

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Willie Nelson misses another concert following recent health update

W illie Nelson had to back out of performing at a concert for the "Outlaw Music Festival Tour" in Virginia Beach, Virginia, on June 26, according to a statement posted on his Instagram page.

"Willie Nelson will not be performing at tonight's show in Virginia Beach. We expect Willie to return to the tour shortly," the statement began.

The post also said other acts would go on, while Nelson's son Lukas Nelson would also pay homage to his father.

"Bob Dylan, Robert Plant and Alison Krauss, Celisse will perform as scheduled," the statement said. "In addition, Lukas Nelson and Family along with some special guests will play his own set which will include Willie's classics and other songs."

No reason was given for Nelson's absence, but he did miss the start of the “Outlaw Music Festival Tour” due to an illness.

The tour kicked off at the Ameris Bank Amphitheatre in Alpharetta, Georgia, on June 21. Hours before showtime, the 91-year-old announced that he was unable to perform via a statement on social media . 

“We regret to inform you that Willie Nelson is not feeling well and, per doctor’s orders, has been advised to rest for the next four days,” the statement read. “He is expected to make a quick recovery and join the Outlaw Music Festival tour next week.”

In an email statement to TODAY.com at the time, a representative for Nelson shared an update on the singer's health.

"Willie will be fine. I live in Los Angeles and will fly next week to see the performances on the east coast. I can’t wait," the statement read.

While Nelson was ordered to rest for four days after announcing he would not participate in the tour's opening night, he did not announce the specific date he would return to the stage.

The tour continues June 28 at the Empower Federal Credit Union Amphitheater at Lakeview, Syracuse, New York.

The 2024 “Outlaw Music Festival Tour” was announced on social media back in February, with Nelson sharing a post on Instagram at the time celebrating “an incredible lineup of legendary artists.”

“This year’s Outlaw Music Festival Tour promises to be the biggest and best yet with this lineup of legendary artists,” Nelson shared in a statement on the tour’s website . “I am thrilled to get back on the road again with my family and friends playing the music we love for the fans we love.”

The "Outlaw Music Festival" initially debuted in 2016 in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and included acts such as Chris Stapleton, Luke Combs, Eric Church, Sheryl Crow and more.

Nelson isn't the only legendary artist to miss out on performances due to health issues.

At the end of May, Bruce Springsteen postponed several concerts in Europe after he was ordered by doctors to “not perform for the next ten days.” In September 2023, the “Born to Run” singer also postponed h is remaining 2023 concert dates as he recovered from peptic ulcer disease.

In August 2019, Nelson nearly canceled his “On the Road Again” tour due to illness . After announcing on Aug. 7, 2019 , that he had to cancel his tour due to a “breathing problem” he needed to get addressed by doctors, an update was shared the following day that he was “resting and getting better” and the tour would resume on Sept. 6.

This article was originally published on TODAY.com

Willie Nelson misses another concert following recent health update

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  • Hey Joe ( The Leaves  cover) Play Video
  • Four Sticks ( Led Zeppelin  song) Play Video
  • Morning Dew ( Bonnie Dobson  cover) Play Video
  • Ramble On ( Led Zeppelin  song) Play Video
  • Going to California ( Led Zeppelin  song) Play Video
  • Girl From the North Country ( Bob Dylan  cover) Play Video
  • In the Mood Play Video
  • Celebration Day ( Led Zeppelin  song) Play Video
  • Fixin' to Die ( Bukka White  cover) Play Video
  • Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You ( Joan Baez  cover) Play Video
  • A House Is Not a Motel ( Love  cover) Play Video
  • Tall Cool One Play Video
  • Whole Lotta Love ( Led Zeppelin  song) ( Including You Need Love sniippet ) Play Video
  • Darkness, Darkness ( The Youngbloods  cover) Play Video
  • Misty Mountain Hop ( Led Zeppelin  song) Play Video
  • Rock and Roll ( Led Zeppelin  song) Play Video

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  • A House Is Not a Motel by Love
  • Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You by Joan Baez
  • Celebration Day by Led Zeppelin
  • Darkness, Darkness by The Youngbloods
  • Fixin' to Die by Bukka White
  • Four Sticks by Led Zeppelin
  • Girl From the North Country by Bob Dylan
  • Going to California by Led Zeppelin
  • Hey Joe by The Leaves
  • Misty Mountain Hop by Led Zeppelin
  • Morning Dew by Bonnie Dobson
  • Ramble On by Led Zeppelin
  • Rock and Roll by Led Zeppelin
  • Whole Lotta Love by Led Zeppelin
  • Tall Cool One
  • In the Mood

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Robert plant gig timeline.

  • Nov 10 2002 Finlandia-talo Helsinki, Finland Add time Add time
  • Nov 12 2002 Ledovy Dvorets Saint Petersburg, Russia Add time Add time
  • Nov 14 2002 Olympijskiy Stadium This Setlist Moscow, Russia Add time Add time
  • Jan 06 2003 Festival In The Desert in Essakane Timbuktu, Mali Add time Add time
  • Jan 07 2003 Festival In The Desert in Essakane Timbuktu, Mali Add time Add time

7 people were there

  • Alexander-Alice
  • MrOBaterista
  • The_Rumbler

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robert plant tour 2023 scaletta

Scaletta Robert Plant a Milano-Arcimboldi, 5 settembre 2023

06/09/2023 Luca Landoni Scaletta Concerto 0

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Martedì 5 settembre 2023 nuova data in Italia dello storico frontman dei Led Zeppelin Robert Plant di scena al Teatro degli Arcimboldi di Milano assieme ad Alison Krauss ( qui date e biglietti del tour ). In attesa di pubblicarla subito dopo il live, vediamo insieme come potrebbe presentarsi la scaletta della serata.

Scaletta Robert Plant Milano

Gospel Plow The Cuckoo Let the Four Winds Blow Friends Out in the Woods Too Far From You Satan, Your Kingdom Must Come Down Everybody’s Song It’s a Beautiful Day Today The Rain Song As I Roved Chevrolet Down to the Sea Four Sticks Angel Dance

House Of Cards Gallows Pole And We Bid You Goodnight

Scaletta Robert Plant 2023

Ecco la scaletta 2023 standard così come suonata il 28 agosto a Macerata

Gallows Pole And We Bid You Goodnight

  • Robert Plant

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  1. Robert Plant

    robert plant tour 2023 scaletta

  2. Robert Plant Announces Fall Tour

    robert plant tour 2023 scaletta

  3. Robert Plant, Now 66, Returns to the Stage After Releasing 'Lullaby and...the Ceaseless Roar'

    robert plant tour 2023 scaletta

  4. Robert Plant, Alison Krauss on how to age gracefully

    robert plant tour 2023 scaletta


    robert plant tour 2023 scaletta

  6. Watch Robert Plant and Alison Krauss perform 'Trouble With My Lover' and 'Can’t Let Go' on ‘Colbert’

    robert plant tour 2023 scaletta


  1. Robert Plant Tour Madison Square Garden NYC 1988

  2. Roger Albert Clark Rally 2023

  3. Silverado Campout and Car Show 2023

  4. Skillet live at the Palladium in Cologne, Germany, April 30, 2023

  5. Robert Plant Saving Grace Friends live at Symphony Hall Birmingham 5 Nov 2023

  6. 2023 Greenberg Train Show SEPGRS Garden Train G Scale


  1. Robert Plant Tour Italia: biglietti, date concerti, scaletta e

    Biglietti Robert Plant Ticketone. I biglietti del tour di Robert Plant si trovano in vendita su Ticketone e nei punti autorizzati abituali. Sono attualmente disponibili e li trovate qui. Scaletta Robert Plant. Scaletta 2023. Rich Woman Quattro (World Drifts In) Fortune Teller The Price of Love Rock and Roll Please Read the Letter Let Your Loss ...

  2. Scaletta Robert Plant a Macerata, 28 agosto 2023

    Biglietti - Seguici su Whatsapp - Telegram. Lunedì 28 agosto 2023 nuova data in Italia dello storico frontman dei Led Zeppelin Robert Plant di scena all'Arena Sferisterio di Macerata assieme ad Alison Krauss ( qui date e biglietti del tour ). In attesa di pubblicarla subito dopo il live, vediamo insieme come potrebbe presentarsi la scaletta ...

  3. Scaletta Robert Plant a Ostia, 3 settembre 2023

    Domenica 3 settembre 2023 nuova data in Italia dello storico frontman dei Led Zeppelin Robert Plant di scena al Teatro Romano di Ostia (Roma) assieme ad Alison Krauss (qui date e biglietti del tour). In attesa di pubblicarla subito dopo il live, vediamo insieme come potrebbe presentarsi la scaletta

  4. Robert Plant concerti 2023 in Italia: scaletta, date ufficiali e come

    Il mini-tour italiano del celebre frontman dei Led Zeppelin è entrato nel vivo. I fan attendevano con ansia il ritorno di Robert Plant in Italia, per una serie di concerti 2023 che toccheranno la nostra Penisola per intero, da Nord a Sud.. Dopo i live di Lignano e Macerata, rispettivamente tenutisi il 26 ed il 28 agosto 2023, sarà il turno di Taormina, in provincia di Messina.

  5. Robert Plant, tour in Italia ad agosto e settembre 2023 insieme a Suzi Dian

    Robert Plant torna in Italia nel 2023 per presentare il suo nuovo progetto Saving Grace insieme a Suzi Dian. Robert Plant ha annunciato sette concerti in Italia che si terranno tra la fine di agosto e i primi di settembre del 2023 in cui presenterà al pubblico insieme a Suzi Dian lo spettacolo Saving Grace.. Il tour partirà il 26 agosto da Lignano Sabbiadoro per poi spostarsi a Macerata ...

  6. Robert Plant will tour Italy with Saving Grace

    Robert Plant will once again tour with his band Saving Grace, this time across Italy in August and September 2023. Saving Grace band member Suzi Dian confirmed the upcoming tour on Facebook on March 24, sharing the announcement that she and Plant will play seven shows in the country this year.. Plant last toured with Saving Grace in October and November 2022 when they played in Ireland and ...

  7. Robert Plant

    Robert Plant & Alison Krauss - Raise The Roof. 4**** - MOJO . 9/10 - UNCUT "Sublime Re-imagining" - THE GUARDIAN . Available on: CD Deluxe, Digital download and Streaming [x 2 Bonus tracks] LP - 180g and 3 different colours; Coke Bottle Green, Clear Yellow and Clear Red Vinyl.

  8. Robert Plant announces Italian tour with his project "Saving Grace

    Author Benedetta Baldin - 14.4.2023. ... Former Led Zeppelin frontman Robert Plant has announced a string of tour dates with Saving Grace featuring Suzi Dian. The folk-rock outfit has confirmed a run of 17 shows between March and July, starting with a show at the Beacon in Bristol on March 13 and concluding at the New Victoria Theatre in Woking ...

  9. Robert Plant incanta Bari e si prepara per altri tre concerti ...

    Dopo l'esibizione di Bari Robert Plant si esibirà in altri tre concerti in Italia in questo 2023, ecco le date e la scaletta. ... in Italia nel 2023. Il tour di Robert Plant in Italia è iniziato ...

  10. Robert Plant

    Colorado Springs, CO. Robert Plant & Alison Krauss Co-Headline Tour with JD McPherson. Tickets. Sep 1, 2024. Gerald R. Ford Amphitheater. Vail, CO. Robert Plant & Alison Krauss Co-Headline Tour with JD McPherson. Tickets. Robert Plant & Alison Krauss return with Can't Let Go, the first track from their forthcoming album, Raise The Roof, out ...

  11. Scaletta Robert Plant a Taormina, 30 agosto 2023

    Seguici su Whatsapp - Telegram. Mercoledì 30 agosto 2023 nuova data in Italia dello storico frontman dei Led Zeppelin Robert Plant di scena al Teatro Antico di Taormina (Messina) assieme ad Alison Krauss ( qui date e biglietti del tour ). In attesa di pubblicarla subito dopo il live, vediamo insieme come potrebbe presentarsi la scaletta della ...

  12. Robert Plant

    Jul 25, 2024 - Jul 28, 2024. Cambridge Folk Festival. Cambridge, England. Robert Plant presents Saving Grace ft. Suzi Dian. Tickets. Aug 8, 2024. KettleHouse Amphitheater. Missoula, MT. Robert Plant & Alison Krauss Co-Headline Tour with JD McPherson.

  13. Robert Plant Concert & Tour History (Updated for 2024)

    The bands performing are: Willie Nelson / Bob Dylan / Robert Plant / Celisse / Alison Kraus. was on June 23, 2024 at Coastal Credit Union Music Park at Walnut Creek in Raleigh, North Carolina, United States. The bands that performed were: Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real / Robert Plant / Bob Dylan / Allison Krauss / Celisse.

  14. Robert Plant Concert Setlists

    Get Robert Plant setlists - view them, share them, discuss them with other Robert Plant fans for free on setlist.fm! setlist.fm Add Setlist. Search Clear search text. follow ... Nov 4 2023. Robert Plant at An 80th Birthday Concert for Bert Jansch. Artist ... Robert Plant, Tour: Carry Fire, Venue: Highland Festival Grounds at the Kentucky Expo ...

  15. Robert Plant & Alison Krauss Tickets

    Buy Robert Plant & Alison Krauss tickets from the official Ticketmaster.com site. Find Robert Plant & Alison Krauss tour schedule, concert details, reviews and photos. ... Earning three 2023 Grammy nominations and unanimous acclaim, these dozen songs have extended this remarkable collaboration in thrilling new directions - from performances on ...

  16. Scaletta canzoni concerto Robert Plant tour 2024

    Robert Plant Mappa Tour 2024. Segui Robert Plant nel mondo ed esplora i luoghi in cui puoi trovare Robert Plant in tour. 42 Prossimi concerti, nei seguenti paesi: Argentina, Australia, Canada, Italia, Regno Unito, Stati Uniti, etc. ... Commenti (0) Il suo commento. Può condividere le sue impressioni su un concerto o una scaletta Robert Plant ...

  17. Robert Plant

    18K likes, 601 comments - robertplantofficial on January 31, 2023: "NEW US DATES ADDED - Robert Plant & @AlisonKrauss' "Raising The Roof Tour" Artist presale starts tomorrow at 10 am local, gain access by...". 18K likes, 601 comments - robertplantofficial on January 31, 2023: "NEW US DATES ADDED - Robert Plant & @AlisonKrauss' "Raising ...

  18. Scaletta Robert Plant a Lignano, 26 agosto 2023

    Sabato 26 agosto 2023 prima data in Italia (di 7) dello storico frontman dei Led Zeppelin Robert Plant di scena all'Arena Alpe Adria di Lignano Sabbiadoro (Udine) assieme ad Alison Krauss ( qui date e biglietti del tour ). In attesa di pubblicarla subito dopo il live, vediamo insieme come potrebbe presentarsi la scaletta della serata.

  19. New dates for 2023 Robert Plant and Alison Krauss tour announced

    July 03, 2023 - Portland, ME @ Thompon's Point. July 05, 2023 - Toronto, ON @ Budweiser Stage. The presales for the tickets for the tour will begin at 10 AM local time on February 1, 2023. Furthermore, the public sale of Raising The Roof Tour will begin on February 3 at 10 AM local time. Find more info about Robert Plant and Alison Krauss ...

  20. Willie Nelson's team gives new health update after cancelling his

    Willie Nelson missed the opening night of the "Outlaw Music Festival Tour" with Bob Dylan and Robert Plant due to an illness. TODAY. Willie Nelson's team gives new health update after cancelling ...

  21. Scaletta Robert Plant a Bari, 1 settembre 2023

    Seguici su Whatsapp - Telegram. Venerdì 1 settembre 2023 nuova data in Italia dello storico frontman dei Led Zeppelin Robert Plant di scena alla Rotonda Via Paolo Pinto di Bari assieme ad Alison Krauss ( qui date e biglietti del tour ). In attesa di pubblicarla subito dopo il live, vediamo insieme come potrebbe presentarsi la scaletta della ...

  22. Robert Plant Setlist at Olympijskiy Stadium, Moscow

    Get the Robert Plant Setlist of the concert at Olympijskiy Stadium, ... Russia on November 14, 2002 from the Dreamland Tour and other Robert Plant Setlists for free on setlist.fm! setlist.fm Add Setlist. Search Clear search text. follow. Setlists; Artists ... 2023. Robert Plant Gig Timeline. Nov 10 2002. Finlandia-talo Helsinki, Finland Add ...

  23. CONCERT ANNOUNCEMENT: Robert Plant making tour stop in Spokane this

    Plant and The Sensational Space Shifters will perform at the First Interstate Center on Sunday, Sep. 29 at 8 p.m. Ticket prices range from $61-$101. Ticket sale schedules are as follows on ...

  24. Scaletta Robert Plant a Milano-Arcimboldi, 5 settembre 2023

    Martedì 5 settembre 2023 nuova data in Italia dello storico frontman dei Led Zeppelin Robert Plant di scena al Teatro degli Arcimboldi di Milano assieme ad Alison Krauss (qui date e biglietti del tour).In attesa di pubblicarla subito dopo il live, vediamo insieme come potrebbe presentarsi la scaletta della serata.