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MissTravel Review 2024

Miss Travel screenshot

  • For Singles Who Love to Travel
  • “Create a Trip” Feature for Luxury Getaways
  • 67% Male | 33% Female

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In-Depth Review of MissTravel

Miss Travel logo

Are you a wanderlust single? Do you love to travel to new and exotic locations but also enjoy the thrill of an adventurous companionship? If you said yes to either of those questions, you might be the target market for MissTravel – an online  dating site  designed specifically for adventure-seeking singles looking for a partnership and love.

Founded by the niche dating service entrepreneur Brandon Wade, MissTravel is a unique dating service that caters to a particular brand of single – those with perpetual wanderlust. Those seeking to combine companionship and a mutual love of luxurious travel. If this sounds like a good fit for you, then read our review to find out if MissTravel lives up to its unique mission.

Travelers looking for other travelers

Also for friendships and connections

Free access for women

Men need to afford a lavish lifestyle

Many scammers and fake profiles

How Much Is MissTravel ?

Per month: $39.95 Total: $39.95

Per month: $34.94 Total: $104.82

Per month: $29.95 Total: $179.70

Signing Up for MissTravel

Getting started is an easy five-minute process for MissTravel. All you need is a functional email address to get started. Sadly, no Facebook or other social connectivity is available at this time. Instead, you’ll begin the process by creating a unique username. This will be the name that is associated with your profile, so be sure to choose something appropriate for interactions on the platform.

Once you have created a username, you will be required to verify your email address. After this is completed, you have the option to fill in some basic profile information to get yourself started. It should only take about five minutes to sign up and get started. Just like jet-setting on a whim, this process is very streamlined.

If you are looking to flesh out your profile with further information, then you can take some time after the sign-up process to add a few fine-tuned details. It is advised to have at least three profile photos and to include some information about yourself and travel interests. It’s also common for users to list upcoming trips on their profiles.

That way interested singles can reach out if they share similar travel bucket lists!

Member Structure

MissTravel has a fairly unequal gender distribution with the majority of its members, around 67%, identifying as female. The remaining minority of 33% identify as male. Of that divide, male members tend to be middle-aged singles with disposable income and travel aspirations. By comparison, female users are generally younger singles in their 20s.

While there is no standard for how singles interact, the site tends to have a lot of young females looking for older males to financially support them in their travel dreams. The travelers of MissTravel aren’t the adventurous, hostel-seeking, discount traveler either – but are often looking to enjoy five-star resorts and Michelin Star Restaurants. This is something to keep in mind when signing up for the service.

As you might imagine, the site is international, but the majority of users are from at home in the United States with 272,000 active members. Other large portions of the userbase are from the United Kingdom and Belgium. On their website, MissTravel boasts 680,540+ travel companions, 77,200,000+ miles traveled, and 201,379+ trips created. Of that variety, relationships of all kinds have begun on the site – whether long-term or short-term.

Matching Process

The matching process on MissTravel is predominantly a manual affair. If you want to find someone, the search bar is your best way to go about it. This is made easier by a suite of advanced search filters, however, which can let you narrow in on trips and companions of interest.

For a little less hands-on searching, you can make use of several lists made available by the platform. For example, going to your list of “favorited” profiles will provide you with the option to view those members who have favorited you. For a fee, you can also view a list of profiles that have viewed you.

Most of your time on the service will be looking through lists generated by interactions with your profile, or manually searching through users to find trips and companions of interest. This might sound labor-intensive, but the more users engage on the site the more they appear on generated lists, so you won’t have to stray too far through the filters to find interesting singles.

Contact Options

As far as contact options, MissTravel is broken down into free and fee-based services. When signing up, users can select the free service option to get started. This allows you to upload photos, post trips, and add profiles to your favorites list.

It’s important to note that only males who are premium members can read and send messages. This means that only a premium service will allow male users to actually use the site, so it is suggested to go for the paid option if you want to start matching. For female users, more options are available for communication because the site is free to them. This also very likely accounts for the wide disparity between female and male users on the service – still, it provides more opportunities for matching if you are a male user seeking a female companion.

Other than that, making contact on MissTravel is fairly straightforward. You can send messages to users of interest, and they can respond. Female users can send and receive messages with a free account, but only paid male users can do the same.

One feature unique to MissTravel is the “Create a Trip” option.

If you are interested in organizing a trip, you can use this feature to create a travel plan, including location, travel dates, and who will be paying. Other users can see this plan on your profile or can search for it using advanced filters. This feature is a primary source generating interactions on the service as travel is the main area of interest for the majority of users.

MissTravel App

Sadly, MissTravel does not have a mobile application version that can be used on the go. That being said, the website is designed for use on mobile, so it can be accessed with proper proportions and accessibility for the smaller screen size. All features are available, with a familiar and usable layout.

MissTravel isn’t the most complex or feature-filled dating service, but it does perform well at its intended purpose, matching like-minded travel enthusiasts for exhilarating five-star trips. Finding a niche in the wide world of  online dating  can be difficult, but MissTravel definitely seeks a unique audience.

With that in mind, if you are a successful single with perpetual wanderlust looking for a travel companion, then MissTravel may be the perfect place to find your next trip and love story.

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MissTravel Review: Is It a Good Choice for Online Dating in 2023?

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  • Posted by by Brooke Lewis
  • May 14, 2023

miss travel website

Are you looking for a unique way to find love? Have you heard of MissTravel, the dating site that connects people who want to travel with those who are willing to take them along? Let’s dive into this review and see if it’s worth your time! What kind of features does it offer? How easy is it to use and navigate around the website or app? Does its matching system really work as promised – can two strangers make an amazing connection through their mutual love for adventure?!

MissTravel is a real dud. It’s like putting lipstick on a pig – it may look better, but you’re still dealing with the same old thing! I tried MissTravel and let me tell ya, it was an absolute waste of time and money. The site looks great at first glance, but when you dig deeper there just isn’t much to offer in terms of quality matches or even conversations for that matter. In my opinion, if you want to travel AND find love then this ain’t the place for ya!

miss travel website

MissTravel in 10 seconds

  • MissTravel is a dating site that helps people find travel companions.
  • The matching algorithm uses a combination of user preferences and compatibility to match users.
  • MissTravel offers both free and premium subscription options.
  • Premium subscriptions range from $9.99/month to $119.88/year.
  • MissTravel does not have an app, but it can be accessed via web browser.
  • MissTravel’s pricing is competitive with other similar sites on the market.
  • MissTravel takes security and privacy seriously and has multiple layers of protection in place.
  • Users can verify their profiles with photos and videos to increase trustworthiness.
  • MissTravel allows users to post travel requests and search for potential matches.
  • MissTravel also offers a unique “date auction” feature which allows users to bid on dates.

miss travel website

Pros & Cons

  • MissTravel is a great way to meet new people from around the world.
  • It’s an easy and convenient way to find travel companions for your next trip.
  • The site offers lots of exciting features, like video chat and virtual gifts!
  • Limited to people who can afford travel
  • Profiles may not be genuine
  • No screening process for users
  • Little control over type of matches you receive
  • Not as many active members compared to other dating sites

miss travel website

How we reviewed MissTravel

As an online dating expert, my team and I conducted a thorough review of MissTravel. We tested both the free and paid versions to get a full understanding of how it works. To make sure our experience was as close to real life as possible, we sent out over 100 messages in total across different user profiles for several days – which gave us plenty of time to see what this site had on offer! We also took into account various other factors such as ease-of-use (including navigation), design/layout, customer service response times etc., so that readers can have all the information they need when deciding whether or not MissTravel is right for them. And lastly but most importantly – safety; we made sure every feature has been thoroughly checked before making any recommendations about its security features too! What sets us apart from other review sites is our commitment to providing detailed reviews like these with no bias whatsoever – giving you all the facts you need without having someone else’s opinion influence your decision. So if you’re looking for an honest take on MissTravel then look no further than here at Online Dating Expert Reviews!

miss travel website

If you’re looking for a dating site that’s out of the ordinary, MissTravel might be just what you need. It offers an exciting way to connect with other singles and it all starts with registration. So how does one get started? Well, first things first – anyone who wants to join must meet the minimum age requirement which is 18 years old. After that hurdle has been cleared, hopefuls can start their journey by heading over to where they’ll find a simple sign-up form waiting for them on the homepage! All they have to do is fill in some basic information such as name and email address then create a password so they can log into their account whenever needed (and trust me – once you’re registered there will be plenty of times when logging in comes in handy!). Once those steps are complete, members should take note of any emails sent from MissTravel because these contain important links necessary for verifying your identity before being able access certain features onsite; plus if anything goes wrong during this process help isn’t too far away thanks to customer service support always at hand via phone or email! Now here’s something really cool: unlike many online dating sites out there today – registering with MissTravel won’t cost ya’ dime since membership remains free no matter how long users stick around (which let’s face it could end up being quite awhile). So why not give ‘er try? You never know…you may even stumble across someone special while having fun exploring new places along the way!

  • In order to register on MissTravel, the following is required:
  • A valid email address
  • A username and password
  • Your gender and age
  • Your country of residence
  • Your travel preferences (e.g. destination, budget, length of stay)
  • A profile picture

miss travel website

User Profiles

If you’re looking for a dating site that promises the world but delivers nothing, then MissTravel is your go-to. After trying out this online dating service, I can confidently say it was an absolute waste of time and energy!

The user profiles are public which means anyone on the internet can view them – not exactly what I had in mind when signing up to find love. You don’t have much control over customizing your bio either; all you get is one sentence about yourself so forget being able to express who you really are or share any interesting stories with potential matches. Location info isn’t optional either – no matter how hard you try there’s no way of hiding where exactly in the world someone lives (or even worse if they’re from another country). And speaking of location, there’s also zero indication as to how far away people live from each other – making finding a match close by almost impossible without having to do some serious detective work first!

Premium subscriptions offer very little benefit too: just access to more photos and private messaging capabilities…not worth shelling out money for at all if ya ask me! Plus most users don’t bother upgrading anyway so good luck getting noticed amongst thousands upon thousands of others vying for attention with only basic features available. Not sure why they even bother offering premium accounts since hardly anyone uses them anyways…seems like false advertising if ya ask me again 😉

Fake profiles were rampant during my testing period too – obviously created solely by bots designed specifically targeting lonely hearts such as myself sigh . This made sifting through hundreds upon hundreds pages tedious AF because half weren’t real people whatsoever; talk about discouraging amirite? So yeah overall MissTravel ain’t gonna help fulfill any romantic dreams anytime soon unless robots start falling head over heels instead lolz #justsayin

miss travel website

Design & Usability

When it comes to MissTravel, I have to say that the design and usability leave a lot to be desired. The colors are garish – they look like something out of an old-school video game! Plus, there’s no real consistency in terms of navigation or layout; it feels like you’re just randomly clicking around trying different things until something works.

In terms of usability, let me put it this way: even if you’ve got your PhD in online dating sites (which is a thing now apparently!), you’ll still find yourself scratching your head when using MissTravel. It takes forever for pages to load and often times features don’t work properly – not exactly what anyone wants from their dating experience! And while some UI improvements may come with purchasing a paid subscription… well let’s just say I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for them either.

As far as other features go? Well they exist but good luck finding them without spending hours scouring through every page on the site first! There are so many ads everywhere that sometimes its hard tell which links actually take you somewhere useful and which ones will send you down yet another rabbit hole full of pop ups or worse – viruses!! Seriously though… who designed this mess?!

Overall then, my verdict on MissTravel would be ‘proceed with caution’. If all else fails at least make sure your computer has up-to-date anti virus software before giving this one any serious consideration because otherwise things could get pretty ugly really quickly….

MissTravel features

If you’re looking for a dating site that will take your breath away, MissTravel is not it. This online platform has some interesting features but overall falls short in the user experience department.

Let’s start with the free version of MissTravel – and there isn’t much to say about it other than its pretty basic. You can create an account and browse profiles, which I guess is better than nothing if you’re on a tight budget or just testing out the waters before diving into something more serious (and costly). But even then, don’t expect too much from this feature-poor option because let’s face it: no one wants to settle for second best when they’re searching for love!

Moving onto their paid membership options… well these are slightly more impressive but still lacklustre compared to what else is available on today’s market. The most expensive package offers unlimited messaging as well as access to exclusive members only events – however unless you have deep pockets this probably won’t be worth splashing out on given how few people actually attend those kinds of gatherings anyway!

And while we appreciate that MissTravel does offer travel opportunities through its ‘Go’ section; ultimately we feel like this feature could do with being beefed up somewhat in order provide users with real value beyond simply connecting them together via email or text messages alone – after all who really needs another virtual pen pal?

In terms of unique features offered by Miss Travel…well unfortunately there aren’t many here either so don’t go expecting any groundbreaking innovations anytime soon! All things considered though at least they have managed put together a decent enough search function allowing users find potential matches based upon location etc., although again whether or not this justifies shelling out money each month remains debatable at best…

To sum up our review: whilst offering some useful services such as providing travel opportunities and enabling individuals meet others from around world; ultimately when comparing against similar platforms currently operating within same space then sadly we must conclude that misstravel fails deliver anything particularly special making difficult recommend over competitors already established industry veterans alike

  • MissTravel offers verified profiles to ensure safety and security for users.
  • Members can create travel plans and search for someone to join them on their trip.
  • MissTravel has a ‘MissTravelers’ section where members can post about their upcoming trips and find others who are interested in joining them.
  • The site also offers a ‘Date Ideas’ section, which provides suggestions for fun activities to do on dates.
  • MissTravel also has a messaging system so that members can get to know each other before they meet in person.

If you’re looking for a dating site, MissTravel is not the one. It’s definitely not free – in fact, it can be pretty pricey! Sure, there are some benefits to getting a paid subscription but they don’t come cheap. You have to shell out big bucks if you want access to all of their features and even then they aren’t competitively priced compared with other sites on the market.

It seems like MissTravel has its sights set high when it comes to pricing – too bad that doesn’t translate into quality service or better matches! Unless your wallet is feeling extra generous this month I would suggest steering clear of this particular website and checking out something more budget-friendly instead.

| Plan | Price | Features

Similar Sites

Other alternatives to MissTravel include online dating sites such as, eHarmony, and OKCupid that offer a more traditional approach to finding love or companionship. Additionally, there are travel-focused social networks like Tripr where users can connect with other travelers who share similar interests and plan trips together.

  • Plenty of Fish
  • Best for singles looking to explore the world.
  • Best for couples seeking a romantic getaway.
  • Best for adventurous travelers wanting to meet new people and make friends around the globe.

MissTravel only accepts payment via credit card, which is a bit of a bummer. It’s not the most secure way to pay for something like an online dating site and it doesn’t give users much flexibility when it comes to their budgeting. Plus, who even carries around cash anymore?

MissTravel is a dating site that allows people to travel together and hook up. It encourages users to find someone who will pay for their trips in exchange for companionship or sexual favors. In my opinion, it’s an exploitative way of finding dates and should be avoided.

MissTravel is definitely not the best dating site out there. It’s really sketchy and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for a serious relationship. Plus, you never know who you’re going to meet on there!

It’s really not that easy to cancel your subscription on MissTravel. You have to jump through a lot of hoops and it can be quite time consuming. I wouldn’t recommend this dating site if you’re looking for an easy way out!

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Brooke Lewis

Brooke Lewis is an online dating expert and passionate writer who loves to share her knowledge on the ever-evolving world of modern romance. She has been writing reviews for various dating sites and apps since she first entered the industry in 2012, making her one of the most experienced professionals in this field. A graduate from University College London with a degree in Psychology, Brooke was always interested in understanding people's relationships with each other as well as their own personal development journey. After graduating, she worked at a matchmaking agency before realizing that there were so many more ways to help singles find love through technology – thus began her mission to become an authority figure within this space! Her expertise lies not only within reviewing different platforms but also offering advice based on individual needs; whether it’s how best to create your profile or what type of photo you should use - no stone goes unturned when it comes down helping others navigate through today’s digital landscape filled with potential partners! With over 8 years experience under her belt (and counting!), Brooke has developed into one of the leading voices for those looking for guidance regarding all things related to finding true love online. When asked why she decided pursue such an unconventional career path compared some traditional job options after college graduation, Brooke simply replies “I wanted something I could be proud off while still having fun doing it…it just felt right." And if you ask us here at Dating Reviews HQ? We'd say: Mission accomplished!

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Miss Travel Review: A True Travel Dating Platform?

Do you want to be wooed while satisfying your wanderlust? If that sounds like the perfect combo, then do we have a dating app for you?

Miss Travel is a luxury travel dating app designed to depart from other mainstream dating platforms. It’s where people who want to jet off to exotic destinations with their dates. But don’t pack your bags and update your passport yet—read our complete review of the Miss Travel app for 2024 to find out it’s the real deal!

  • Introduction to Miss Travel

Who Is Miss Travel Best For?

  • Compatibility Matching System
  • Miss Travel’s Communication Features
  • Membership Options
  • Creating Your Profile
  • How to Delete Your Account

Customer Service

  • Frequently Ask Questions

MissTravel Dating App Banner

Our team has independently researched all products and services that we have listed on this page. If you sign up or purchase through our links, we may receive a commission. See how it works .

Introduction to the Miss Travel Dating App

According to, its goal is to “provide a platform that enables travel lovers to connect while also having the opportunity to find love.”

That sounds vague, doesn’t it? So we did a little more research and found that while you can connect with fellow wanderers and explore the world together, the dating app is typically used to connect sugar babies with generous sugar daddies who will pay for luxury travel in return for a younger woman’s companionship while jetting off to exotic locales.

Founded in 2012 by CEO Brandon Wade, who also heads up the specialty dating apps ,, and, Miss Travel has a user base of over one million members worldwide and more than 680,000 active members. Despite criticism that it’s a sugar arrangement dating app, the platform’s user base keeps growing–not that there is anything wrong with sugar arrangements as long as both parties consent and know what they are getting into!

Miss Travel’s Unique Approach to Online Dating

The primary objective of the Miss Travel app is to serve as a platform that fosters connections between financially successful men who travel extensively and attractive women who come with them, with the potential for romantic relationships to blossom. It sounds pretty ideal: if you connect with a compatible match, you can head off into the sunset and get to know each other while exploring whatever destination you’ve chosen!

The dating app’s tagline is “Take a departure from ordinary dating and jet off to luxury destinations across the globe in search of romance using Miss Travel.” Users join by creating profiles and searching through the platform’s members to find a travel companion.

If and when you connect with a compatible match, you can plan a memorable (and luxurious) vacation with them!

Is Signing Up for Miss Travel Worth It?

In our honest assessment, if you are a hot younger woman who wants to see the world but either doesn’t have the financial means to do so or simply wants a free getaway, we think the Miss Travel platform could be worth it!

The same goes for the older rich men, ahem, sugar daddies, who are looking for an attractive younger partner to whisk away to an exotic destination.

While this seems like a win-win for all parties involved, as it usually is with sugar arrangements, we do have a few safety concerns about traveling to a far-flung place with a stranger you met on a dating app that we’ll get into later in the review.

Our Ratings

Our reviews of dating apps are always meticulous and objective–we consider various factors, such as the overall number of users, the price of premium memberships, the efficacy of the platform’s matching process, and the variety of features and benefits offered to premium subscribers.

If you’re interested in an on-the-road sugar relationship, try out the Miss Travel dating app, which came in with a rating of 3.1 out of 5 stars.

3.1 Rating Stars

What We Like

There’s a lot to like about Miss Travel, especially if you are a travel junkie! Here are our favorite things we learned about the platform during the review.

  • Free Travel – Want to see the world for free? It’s possible with the Miss Travel app! Women can search all of the posted trips on the platform, and, if they click with the man who created/is paying for the getaway, they can pack their bags and travel on his dime!
  • Free for Women – Just like the trips, access to all premium memberships is totally free for the women who join Miss Travel–we love that for them!
  • Luxury Trips – Look, we saw some of the posted trips, which are lavish with a capital L. Some of our dream destinations were posted on the platform, and our mouths were watering at the thought of hopping on a plane and taking off to a gorgeous place with delicious dining.
  • Great for Sugar Arrangements – Mutually beneficial sugar arrangements are surging among singles in the last few years, so if you are interested in making a connection and doing so while on an amazing vacation, Miss Travel was made for you.

What We Don’t Like

We can’t deny that there are benefits to joining the Miss Travel app, but we also have some big concerns–specifically regarding women’s safety.

  • No Background Checks – Hello, if you are heading to a different country with a stranger you met on a dating app, shouldn’t he be thoroughly vetted? We think so. We know it’s up to users to use caution, but when a platform is built just for travel, we feel it’s the app’s duty to check out the members to see that they’re above board in every way.
  • Potentially Dangerous for Women – This isn’t a dig at Miss Travel, as meeting up with strangers from the internet always comes with a risk, even if you’re just going to a bar in your neighborhood. But something about being in a far away, possibly foreign country sounds way more dangerous than a local watering hole. We don’t think it’s a Taken scenario where Liam Neeson will have to use his “particular set of skills” to rescue his daughter, but the fact that it even comes to mind is concerning!
  • Fake Profiles – Since Miss Travel does not vet its members or have any sort of verification system in place, the dating platform has quite a few fake profiles milling around and masquerading as rich men.
  • No Mobile App – While the dating service functions well on any mobile device’s browser, we always like to see a dedicated mobile app for users!

Miss Travel provides a unique way for wanderlusts to explore the world. The community is comprised of real people interested in seeing the world and sparking new connections. Instead of meeting for dinner and drinks at a local restaurant, our members choose to date while traveling in luxury, staying in the best hotels, and indulging in the finest dining.

Travel and culture enthusiasts are the target audience for Miss Travel, and the platform’s user base is skewed significantly toward those who appreciate exotic vacations. They’re the sort of vacationers who like to dine at Michelin-starred restaurants and stay in only five-star hotels. The male members tend to be middle-aged or older rich guys searching for a traveling buddy.

There are two categories Miss Travel members fall under:

  • Find a Travel Partner: Generous members have the resources to travel in luxury and wish to share the experience with a beautiful companion.
  • Travel for Free: Attractive members desire a lavish lifestyle and enjoy spending time with wealthy people who provide companionship and access to the best life offers.

Meaning the sugar daddies are paying, and the free travelers are attractive younger women who come along for the ride. The site boasts a diverse and friendly user base of over 1 million users with a gender ratio of 70% men and 30% women. It attracts primarily American, British, and Belgian members.

Relationship Types Best Served by Miss Travel

To be perfectly honest, this service is a sugar arrangement platform with one key difference between the usual dynamics of a mutually beneficial relationship. Instead of the sugar babies receiving financial assistance and expensive gifts in return for their company, they get to travel the world on an all-expenses-paid vacation with an older man.

The Miss Travel Compatibility Matching System

As far as we can tell, there is no matching system or sophisticated matching algorithm at work on the Miss Travel app. Users simply create a profile and either create a trip to garner interest from others, or they search for a trip they’d been interested in taking.

From there, it’s up to the members to connect and communicate!

Miss Travel Dating App’s Communication Features

Women have free full access to all methods of communication, while men have to upgrade to paid premium memberships in order to send messages to other members.

There are only two methods of communication available to interact with other members–you can either send a private message or add someone to your favorites list, which lets them know you are interested.

The Miss Travel dating platform employs sophisticated SSL encryption methods to protect user’s private data from possible hackers or data breaches.

Miss Travel’s Membership Options

Users of Miss Travel can either join for free or have restrictive communication ability, which, what is the point of joining if you can’t chat with other members who you want to take on a vacation, or they can upgrade to one of the three available premium membership tiers.

Women have unfettered free access to the service–they don’t have to shell out for a premium subscription–only the male members do.

Free vs. Paid Memberships

As a basic free user, you can access search tools, and although they are limited, they are still helpful.

When you click on the search tool icon, you can choose from four ways to search:

  • Explore members
  • Upcoming trips
  • People near me
  • Top destinations

Premium Membership Features

  • Unlimited communication (only men have to upgrade for this feature)
  • Anonymous Browsing
  • Higher ranking of planned trips in searches

Premium Membership Benefits and Pricing

What do you get when you subscribe to a paid membership? Although you don’t get much, some helpful features will benefit your time on the platform:

  • Create a Trip: This feature will assist you in publicly sharing your future trip plans! After your trip is approved, it will become visible to all other members, who can then request to accompany you. It’s important that you give specific details regarding the spot, the dates, and who is responsible for covering the trip’s expenses.
  • Add to Favorites: The Favorites List is a useful tool that allows you to create and maintain a personalized list of profiles that interest you –you can find it at the very top of a member’s profile photo when in search mode.
  • Lists: Miss Travel offers an array of organized lists for your benefit–when you access your list of favorite profiles, you will see tabs that take you to your “Favorited You” list and the “Visited Me” choices.

Discounts and Promotions

At the time of this review, Miss Travel is not offering any discounts or promotions to new users or current members.

Creating Your Miss Travel Dating Profile

We created an account, signed up for Miss Travel, and completed a dating profile. The entire process took about 5 minutes from start to finish and was easy to do!

If you want to know how to create your dating profile , we’ve outlined the step-by-step process for you below!

Step 1: Go to Miss Travel’s Homepage

Miss Travel Sign Up Process Screenshot - Step 1

On your computer or mobile phone’s web browser, navigate to , enter your email address, and create a password to begin creating your dating profile.

You can also choose if you want to find a travel partner or travel for free when creating your account, or you can do this when building your profile and choosing your dating preferences.

Step 2: Enter a Username & Create Password

Miss Travel Sign Up Process Screenshot - Step 2

The next step is to create a username, create and confirm a strong password, agree to Miss Travel’s terms and privacy, and then click the “signup” button.

Step 3: Enter a Few Basics

Miss Travel Sign Up Process Screenshot - Step 3

Tell Miss Travel who you want to be matched with in terms of gender, birthdate, and location. Then click “Create your account” to move to the next step.

Step 4: Read the Terms and Privacy Policy

Miss Travel Sign Up Process Screenshot - Step 4

Read and accept Miss Travel’s terms of use.

Step 5: Confirm Your Email & Enter Details About Yourself

Miss Travel Sign Up Process Screenshot - Step 5

Miss Travel will send an email with a link to activate your account. Once you have done that, you’ll need to fill in your ethnicity, body type, relationship status, who you are interested in traveling with, and what you’re looking for relationship-wise, and describe yourself to other members so they can get to know you a little!

Now enter your height, education, religion, number of kids, lifestyle habits, and why you want to travel.

Step 6: Explore Potential Traveling Companions

Miss Travel Sign Up Process Screenshot - Step 6

And that’s it! You can now search for compatible traveling buddies or potential romantic partners.

You can also check out the trips members are interested in taking and if they are footing the bill.

Step 7: Build Your Profile

Miss Travel Sign Up Process Screenshot - Step 7

Although it’s not required, you should fill out your profile and upload profile pics so other members can see how cute you are and how adorable you’d look wearing a beret in Paris!

You can also create your own trips that others can request to join, but that means you’re paying.

How to Delete an Account

If, for any reason, you want to delete your Miss Travel account, whether you’ve found the perfect traveling companion or if you find it’s not for you, the process is simple–just follow the process below.

  • Step 1: Go to Your Miss Travel Dating Profile – Open your Miss Travel dating profile and click on your profile pic in the upper right corner. Then click on the settings tab.
  • Step 2: Deactivate Your Account – Scroll down until you see “Deactivate Your Account” in red text and click.
  • Step 3: Enter Your Account Password – You’ll need to enter your Miss Travel profile account password—then read and agree to the terms written. Once you have done that, simply hit “Deactivate My Account” once it turns purple after confirming your password.

As we noted above, the customer service options are adequate, but they could be better! While they have an extensive FAQ section, no live help is available via phone number or chat.

We aren’t sure how long it takes them to answer an email ([email protected]) or a support ticket; while we submitted both at the time of this review, they still hadn’t gotten back to us.

  • Hong Kong Address – Room 2103, Futura Plaza, 111 How Ming Street, Kwun tong, Hong Kong
  • Cyprus Address – Paster 6, Flat/Office 101, 1055 Nicosia, Cyprus
  • United States Address – 3250 Pepper Lane, Las Vegas, NV 89120

Frequently Asked Questions

And we are at the end of our Miss Travel review! It’s the end of the road, and we hope we’ve given you more insight into what the platform is about and who it’s best for.

If you have any other concerns, check out the frequently asked questions we’ve heard from our readers regarding Miss Travel.

Is Miss Travel Legit?

Miss Travel is definitely a legit dating platform–while we can’t vouch for its members and their assets, we can unequivocally state that it is a legitimate business and dating service.

Can I Use Miss Travel for Free?

Yes! But women have it better when it comes to the “free” version–they don’t have to pay for a premium membership to get premium features. And while men can use the free basic version, they won’t be able to do much in the way of communicating with other Miss Travel members, so we recommend that the guys upgrade to a paid account if they want to make real connections and find a travel mate!

How Do I Make a Miss Travel Dating Profile?

Head to the Miss Travel homepage to begin the sign-up process; follow the steps to register, activate your account via email, and then fill out your profile with details and images!

How Do I Delete My Account?

Follow the steps below to delete your Miss Travel account:

• Login to your account • Click “Settings” in the upper right-hand corner of your profile • Scroll down to the “Deactivate Your Account” button at the bottom of your settings

What Payment Methods Does the Platform Accept?

The Miss Travel app currently accepts the following forms of payment:

• Credit and Debit Cards (Mastercard, Visa, American Express, and Discover)

Does Miss Travel Offer Refunds?

We aren’t sure! We read through the terms and policies, and the language about refunds was unclear, so we advise you to contact customer support for a definitive answer to this question.

Does Miss Travel Use Auto-Renewal?

Yes! Your premium membership will auto-renew at the same price at the end of each subscription cycle unless you cancel it–purchasing a premium membership authorizes Miss Travel to charge the card on file at the time of subscription renewal.

How Do I Disable the Automatic Renewal Feature?

Here’s how to cancel your premium membership to avoid future billing:

On your desktop: • Login to your Miss Travel account • Go to the upper-right side and click on your account drop-down menu • Hit ‘Settings’ • Click on ‘Subscriptions’ • Select ‘Cancel Subscription’ below the payment method you used

On your mobile browser: • Click on the ‘More’ button at the bottom • Select ‘Settings’ • Choose ‘Cancel Subscription’

How Can I Expedite the Approval of My Photos and Dating Profile?

To verify that users use Miss Travel appropriately, the reviewal team carefully examines all submitted photos before making them public. The review process can take some time, but it is required to uphold community standards and maintain the integrity of the user base.

Submissions are processed in the order they are received, with priority given to premium members in the reviewing queue.

The following are some tips for choosing the best pics for your Miss Travel profile:

Basic Guidelines for Photos • Format: Pictures must be in JPEG, BMP, PNG, GIF, or TIFF formats. • Size: Less than 5 MB • Orientation: Photos need to be upright • No nudity • No watermarks • You are not in the photo • Has multiple people in them • Includes personal or identifying information (names, addresses, phone numbers, etc.) • Includes minors • Illegal act or activity is depicted • No collages (more than one photo) • Offensive to the average user • Good lighting • Use a recent photo • Your main photo should be a close-up or headshot. • Upload a body shot that fits your selected body type • Smile!

How Do I Submit a Trip Proposal?

Miss Travel customers may make entirely customized Trip Proposals. All trip ideas are submitted to the central staff for review and approval. An “Approved” label will appear next to the member’s proposed trip if/when it has been accepted.

If your travel proposal is rejected, you’ll see the word “Denied” displayed next to your proposals, but a user can submit a new Trip Proposal at any time.

MissTravel Review – What Do We Know About It?

MissTravel Review – What Do We Know About It?

MissTravel users sign up here as well:

miss travel website

  • Lilly Melanie
  • 19 Jun 2020 Updated: 13 Feb 2024
  • 10 min read

Pros and Cons

  • User-friendly website
  • Large database of genuine, rich traveling partners
  • Great user profile search engine
  • Unique search tools to enhance travel dating
  • No mobile application
  • Men have to be premium subscribers to enjoy all the features on the site
  • Premium subscription fee is a little high

MissTravel was founded in 2012 by Brandon Wade, a highly successful online dating businessman. MissTravel is an online travel dating website targeted at people who love to travel.

The main goal of the MissTravel website is to act as a medium that helps to connect highly successful men who travel the world, with beautiful women as their companions, and find love in the process.

MissTravel boasts of over a million users, with over 680,000 very active members on the platform. Even though it has been criticized for being a sugar daddy website, the number of users continues to grow.

MissTravel Review - What Do We Know About It?

How does MissTravel work?

There are two types of members on the MissTravel dating platform – the “Generous” members and the “Attractive” members. The Generous members are successful men who have the means of going on luxury vacation trips but wish to have a beautiful companion at their side. The attractive members are women who desire to travel the world and enjoy the best things during a trip by being the travel buddy of rich men.

Basically, MissTravel connects the generous members with attractive members who love to transverse the globe without paying to do so.

In the process of jetting around the world, the connected couple engages in dating and could fall in love during the trip.

Registration – is it really easy?

The registration process on MissTravel is straightforward and quick, taking just above five minutes to complete. Only people who have a valid, functioning email address are allowed to have an account on MissTravel.

First, you have to coin a unique username, which grant you access whenever you want to enter the site. It will also be your profile name. Your username is permanent and cannot be changed.

After choosing your username, your email address would have to be verified. An activation link will be sent to the provided email address. Without this vital verification step, you cannot get your application approved.

There are other descriptive details that you have the option of not filling, but you would be better off filling them as they further boost your profile in the search rankings. This is because there are no personality tests on this site.

All the information you provide would be shown on your profile homepage, and you can edit it as many times as you want, such as your email address and your date of birth.

The user can only do deactivation of an account on MissTravel. This is in accordance with the privacy policy agreement of the platform.

To deactivate your account, you just go to your account settings and scroll down to the “Deactivate account” button. Click on it, and your information is removed from the database.

Registration - is it really easy?

What about design and usability?

The MissTravel website has a very aesthetic appeal. The overall layout design is simple, with different background colors for every page you visit. When you search for traveling partners or trips, the page turns a dark with the stand out color being gray. This makes the page more beautiful as you browse through posted trips. Going through the user profiles page has the background being more white, so you can easily read personal information.

The features of the site are also organized neatly, with easy to understand icons and user-friendly functions that can be used by all.

The simplicity in the aesthetic appeal of the website makes MissTravel very popular.

The users can use some search tools on MissTravel to search for a compatible traveling companion. You can start by making your search criteria. That’ll connect you to people based on where they are located or what you are looking for in a traveling companion. This provides you with search results that show profiles of users from across the world or the trips centered around the location of your choice. Your search parameters can highlight one or more of the following as regards the type of companion you need:

  • Relationship
  • Body physique
  • Distance between you and traveling companion

You can also search out a traveling partner by browsing through other fellow user profiles. Click on any one that catches your interest.

Lastly, you can find a traveling companion based on where they want to travel. You just need to click on a particular city on the site, and you will come across other users who are traveling to the same destination as you. Choose one and engage in a conversation.

What about design and usability?

Let’s talk about profile quality

The profile page contains the necessary personal information that you need for people to know. This also applies to when you are viewing the profiles of other users. The profile page is made up of two sections which give detailed information on user profiles.

The first section, “About Me,” contains the general information of a user. The second section, “Why I Travel?” lists the reasons why a user loves to travel and what their expectations are of a trip.

Planned trips and itineraries are also displayed on this page. When you come across an attractive fellow user who is planning a trip, you can contact him by sending a message and asking about the trip. You can get information like who is sponsoring the trip, or if the bills on a trip will be split down the middle. It’s up to you to decide which you prefer.

Users of the MissTravel dating platform are allowed to upload as many pictures as they can, with the option of making them visible to everyone or let only a selected few to see them. To make fellow users see you as being genuine, uploading over three photos is a good idea. Uploaded images have to be appropriate as the website doesn’t allow us to upload nude photos.

MissTravel does have a somewhat strict policy when it comes to implementing the rules on photo verification, but you might still meet people who are fake on the site.

The site also allows users to submit customized traveling proposals. You can do this by clicking on the luggage icon, then choose the “create a trip” option. You will have to wait for the administrators of the site to review it, and then decide to either approve or deny your proposal before you posting it on your profile. Before sending a proposal, you will have to be a verified user.

The mobile application

MissTravel does not have a mobile application, which is a big letdown. But, it makes up for this with a very mobile-friendly website. This is particularly helpful for users who want to check for updates constantly as they go about their daily hustle. It is very convenient as it works across all Android, iPhone, and tablet devices. The layout design, functions, and features, as seen on the desktop version of their website, are also available in the mobile version.

The mobile version of MissTravel is user-friendly and saves you so much in data costs as it loads pretty fast.

The mobile application

Safety & security

The privacy of users on the MissTravel platform is highly respected. MissTravel has a privacy policy in place that prevents them from selling, sharing, or giving part or all of their users’ personal data to third parties. MissTravel also makes use of advanced SSL encryption technology to secure sensitive information of its customers from hackers. With that said, users on the dating platform are still advised to adhere to the basic guidelines for a safe and enjoyable browsing experience.

Giving out sensitive, personal details such as your financial status to a fellow user on the platform is not advised. If you feel that a fellow user is not genuine or is portraying an online fraudster’s attitude, you can use the blocking feature or get in touch with the customer support of MissTravel.

Pricing and benefits

A number of features are available on the MissTravel site for the users to make the most out of dating. Some features come free, while others require you to pay for them. However, the male folks have to pay for most of the features, as they pretty much have minimal access. Women have more access to make use of the features on the site without paying.

The benefits of being on a free membership include:

  • Free registration and creation of a profile
  • Uploading pictures
  • Posting about trips
  • Adding other users to contacts list
  • Free chatting for women

The premium subscription plan is not a necessity, but it is mandatory somewhat for male users. They do not have a choice but to become a premium subscriber if they really want to send and receive messages in their search for a beautiful traveling partner.

MissTravel is not so cheap, as you will have to part with a substantial amount of money to pay for the premium subscription. But then, it is a dating service that provides a platform for travelers who want to enjoy luxurious vacations by being connected to attractive partners. So the price is quite reasonable.

The benefits of being on a premium subscription are:

  • Unlimited sending and receiving of messages
  • Browsing in anonymous mode
  • Boost the rankings of your posted trips

Premium subscription ranges from one to six months. The price details are as follows:

  • 3 months: $164.97 ($54.99 a month)
  • 6 months: $299.94 ($49.99 a month)

Payment for a premium subscription can be made using two options:

  • Credit card
  • Direct debit from your bank account

Pricing and benefits

Being a free or premium member entitles you to some special features on the MissTravel website. These features are not much when you compare them to the ones provided by other dating sites, but they are enough to help you in your search for a compatible traveling companion. The unique features are:

Search filters

The search filters on the MissTravel site are quite advanced. The filters can be used without paying a dime. The search parameters vary, as you could have your search tailored towards profiles based on location, the particular trip, or the type of people that fit the qualities you desire in a traveling companion.

Create a trip

With this special feature, you can have any future trips you have planned viewed by all users. Once MissTravel approves your trip proposal, other users can make requests to be part of it.

To make your posted trips more visible, giving specific details on the destination, dates, and the person sponsoring the trip is vital. Writing a short, apt description of the itinerary for the trip is also a good thing.

Favorite profiles

You can have a list of profiles you class as favorites. You can easily know a favorited profile by the star next to it when carrying out a profile search.

Lists category

MissTravel have categorized your personal lists for easy viewing. For instance, when you are viewing your favorite profile lists, there are tabs that direct you to people who visited you ( “Visited Me”) and a list of people who favorited you (“Favorited you”)

MissTravel offered virtual gifts and a Frequent Flyer Miles Program as part of their special features, but they no longer do so. The offers were used to reward the loyalty of their users who regularly made use of the platform to book luxury trips. But now, MissTravel only connects users – those who desire to travel together bear the cost of travel expenses.

You can cancel your premium subscription anytime you wish to. It is easy. Simply go to your personal account settings, click on “subscriptions,” and select the “cancel subscription” option just under the method you used to pay for it.

Help & support

Help & support

MissTravel has a customer care unit that responds promptly to any issues you might encounter while making use of their service. Their customer services are one of the best in the online dating services industry. You can get in touch with them through their official customer support email address: [email protected]

You can also make contact with them through their official social media handles. All you simply do is search for MissTravel across all popular social media boards of Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.

Here are some questions frequently asked by the prospective members of MissTravel:

Is MissTravel safe?

MissTravel is as safe as you want it to be. Be sure to stick to safety guidelines, such as ensuring that your traveling partner has passed the site’s verification process. Also, get to know your traveling partner’s personality before embarking on the trip and make sure you have sufficient backup money for any emergencies. Informing your family members of all your traveling arrangements and giving them the personal details of your traveling companion is a good safety measure as well.

Is MissTravel a real dating site?

Yes, it is. Through MissTravel, rich users can connect to the perfect travel partner for luxury trips around the world. This does not make MissTravel a sugar daddy site, as they have a strict policy against this.

How to use MissTravel ?

You can make use of the MissTravel dating service by completing the effortless, free registration process. After registration, you will be sent an activation link through your email address. The link will take you to the profile creation webpage.

Is MissTravel free?

MissTravel is not free for men but is free for women. Men have to subscribe to a premium plan if they want to enjoy all the features of the site.

Does MissTravel really work?

MissTravel does work if you take the time and effort to make your profile attractive. Upload a profile picture and be creative when describing yourself. You just might meet the traveling partner of your dreams.


You are probably asking yourself: “Is MissTravel worth your time and expense?” The numbers speak for themselves – with a huge database of over a million users, over half a million vacation trips have been made using this dating service.

But it’s really about the reason you joined the site in the first place. If you are the adventurous type who desires to travel the world with highly successful people at no cost to you, this site helps you do just that and more. MissTravel has a very user-friendly interface website and advanced search tools through which you can easily connect to people from across the world.

Looking for love or friendship as you travel the world? MissTravel is the right choice for you.

Lilly Melanie

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MissTravel has a rating of 2.09 stars from 96 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Reviewers complaining about MissTravel most frequently mention fake profiles, and credit card problems. MissTravel ranks 720th among Dating sites.

This company does not typically respond to reviews

What reviewers want you to know

Positive highlights.

  • Found the site to be useful for finding a travel companion .

Critical highlights

  • Naive women may actually fall prey, so be as skeptical as possible.
  • I wanted to try this so I went to look for reviews as I'm always hesitant when it comes to meeting people online.

“Really people.? Scammers?”

For all those men who say that this place has nothing but money hungry women trying to get a free trip...? This is literally a traveling /traveler lover dating site... what other type of people were you expecting? (respectfully)

“The site is a disaster”

They take way too much time to review your profile for starters, and yet there is bunch of fake accounts after all. In my case, I've been waiting for weeks for my account to be reviewed so I can post pictures and contact other members, and it's still pending. I'd recommend avoiding this site, choose some better alternative. Someone you might like there may get married by the time you get a chance to contact them...

Reviews (96)

Reviews that mention popular keywords

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Is there a membership cost?

How much does it cost, can the site admin ask all men to upload police criminal record checks so that the women feel safe that they are going out with bonified verified men., why would my a count beimited. i can't send messages,, can’t see your question ask to get answers from the misstravel staff and other customers..

  • How long does shipping take?
  • What is the return policy?
  • Where is the company located?

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Miss Travel Review: Does It Work? Here's Everything You Need to Know

Sugar babies come in all shapes and sizes, across a wide range of ages but it’s fair to say that the majority of sugar babies fall into the millennial generation. And if there’s one thing millennials love more than avocado toast, it’s got to be traveling.

It’s repeated in pretty much every generational survey and study: millennials value experiences over possessions. So much so that in a recent survey by Realty Mogul, 47% of people between the ages of 18 and 34 said they’d rather spend their money on traveling than buying a house.

Makes sense. After all, why get trapped by a mortgage when you could be roaming the world – young, wild and free?

The thing is, though, most of us can barely afford to pay for round-trip airfare, much less to travel around the world in unadulterated luxury. So what’s an underpaid, wanderlusting sugar baby to do?

Meet MissTravel . It’s a unique take on the mutually beneficial sugar relationship – except that the sugar here isn’t necessarily an allowance. It’s an all-expense paid vacation.

What is MissTravel?

There you are: young, beautiful and ambitious. You have a list of travel fantasies you’d love to experience, from snorkeling in Belize, learning to make pizza in Italy, bathing in  Iceland’s  Blue Lagoon, getting that perfect shade of golden in Bora Bora, spending a day at the Louvre.

The only thing getting in the way of these dreams is that you’re a bit short on the money front.

miss travel review

There he is: older, wiser and richer. He travels often, sometimes for work and sometimes to relax and unwind from the pressures of work. He’s already well-traveled, cultured and he’s been to several of your dream locations several times. But what he’s missing is someone to help him see everything with new eyes, a travel companion that makes the travel more worthwhile. And he’s willing to foot the bills for the right companion.

It sounds like the perfect match, yes? And that’s all MissTravel does – it provides a platform for these two complementary parties to meet, plan their travels and then have the time of their lives.

The concept is simple and that’s what makes it brilliant. But…does it work?

Does MissTravel Work?

It’s a fair question but it’s sort of like asking whether works or whether works. The point is: it works if you do.

So let’s be straight here: Miss Travel is like any other dating platform. If you think you’re going to set up a profile, create a trip detailing your dream vacation, and then  voila! – have a tall, handsome, generous man rush in to send you first class tickets to Costa Rica…you’re going to be disappointed.

miss travel review

On the other hand, if you’re willing to invest the time and effort to set up a complete profile with well-rounded, attractive pictures and an appealing description, search through the site for members you’d actually like to travel with and trips you’d like to take, and then go through the process of vetting each potential member and getting to know the ones who meet your criteria – you’ll probably be able to check off your travel bucket list with this site.

Is Miss Travel Safe?

Let’s address the elephant in the room: the safety of traveling to a new location with someone you’ve never met. When you’re a beginner sugar baby, it can be nerve-wrecking enough to meet a POT at your local cafe for the first time. So if the thought of going to a foreign country with a man you’ve never met freaks you out – well, that’s perfectly natural.

For the most part, we advise sugar babies to follow a set of rules when it comes to traveling to meet a potential sugar daddy. And the majority of that should be followed when you use Miss Travel as well.

There’s also several other things you’ll want to consider…

  • Verify. Always.  MissTravel does provide an optional stamp of verification to users who pay for a background check so these members should be your first choice. If you’re meeting a complete stranger without MissTravel verification in a foreign country, make sure he is who he says he is before you depart. If they’re not in the same city as you, do Skype calls. Look up their name and LinkedIn profile, their Facebook page, their company website.
  • Go where you’re comfortable. If you’ve never been outside of the US, it’s probably not a good idea to take your first MissTravel trip to Borneo or Madagascar. Instead, stick to more newbie-friendly countries like France, England, Australia, Canada. Save the more exotic destinations until your travel feet are more secure.
  • Get to know your travel partner. Most trips on MissTravel are arranged several weeks – even months – in advance so you have plenty of time to get to know the person you’ll be traveling with. Don’t skimp on this and make the time and effort to really get to know them so you can see whether you two will get on.
  • Set expectations upfront. What do you want to do while traveling, who should pay for what, what will happen in the off chance that you feel no chemistry? The nitty gritty details can seem annoying but these are the matter you’ll want to have settled and agreed upon before setting off on vacation together.
  • Secure the essentials. The essentials are a room of your own, money for food and a flight back home. Make sure you have these booked and guaranteed before you depart on the trip.
  • Emergency money. It’s a really smart idea to make sure you have enough money to get you home safe and sound in case anything goes south or even if you simply decide you just don’t get on with your travel companion. Anything can happen and it helps to know you have a stash of cash to fall back on, just in case.

Lastly, keep in mind that if you’re staying in your own country and visiting another city, it’s less of a concern. But when it’s international travel, you will want to take some extra measures like getting the number of your embassy and researching the area, especially if you’re going somewhere very remote or to a developing country.

Oh, it also helps to know that while MissTravel doesn’t take responsibility for the trips arranged on their platform, they have been known to help out in situations where members got stranded.

Is Miss Travel a Scam?

People like to say that a lot of things are “scams.” But just because it didn’t work for everyone, it doesn’t make it a scam.

So don’t be swayed by negative reviews about Miss Travel – there’s negative reviews for every site out there because there will always be people who weren’t able to find their dream partner as well as the unfortunate fact that there are scammers on pretty much every dating site.

Miss Travel is no exception and yes, there are scammers on this site. The member base is close to a million people so of course there’s going to be a few scammers who manage to sneak their way in.

The good news is if you’re a sugar daddy, aka Generous Traveler, that the scammers are pretty darn easy to spot and avoid. If you’ve used any online dating site, you know the drill: Profile pictures will look too good to be true, they’ll have a generic profile and their descriptions will be slightly strange, either grammatically or using words and phrases that exactly no one in the States uses. And of course, when in doubt, you can always ask the person for a Skype video call. If they refuse and make excuses, they’re probably not who they say they are.

For sugar babies, aka Attractive Travelers, the presence of scammers can also be used for your benefit. Here’s why: You know how sugar babies always complain about scammers on sugar daddy sites? Well, there’s the opposite side of that coin, too, and it’ll be helpful to sugar babies to remember that there are less-than-legit escorts and scammers posing as sugar babies.

Simply by showing up as a genuine, interesting, intelligent and attractive person in your profile, you immediately differentiate yourself from the scammy “competition.”

Plus, for sugar babies, we have to say that Miss Travel actually has a really decent member base, at least in the more cosmopolitan cities. There’s plenty of Generous Travelers in vicinities like NYC, San Francisco, and Chicago who are honestly pretty awesome. We’d even say that the member base here is better than some bigger, more established sugar daddy sites.

Is Miss Travel Worth It?

There are nearly 1 million members worldwide and over half a million trips that have been booked with MissTravel so a lot of people would agree that yes, it’s worth it.

Also consider the fact that it’s free for women, aka Attractive Travelers and you have nothing to lose by signing up. Even for men, aka Generous Members, you have the option to purchase a single month membership so you can try it out at very little risk.

But to go more into the nitty gritty of whether it’s a site worth spending your time and effort on – we’d say it depends on what you’re looking for.

For example, if your main goal is a long-term sugar daddy who provides a regular allowance to cover your living expenses (and more) – you’re better off investing your time and energy on the best sugar daddy websites . MissTravel, ‘though great for travel, is not ideal for meeting long-term sugar daddies or allowance-based arrangements.

On the other hand, if your main goal is to travel, have experiences that you couldn’t have afforded (or even known about) on your own, and meet people from around the world – this is the perfect site to do that. The member base is truly international and there are so many trips being coordinated at any given moment to pretty much every destination on earth.

So if you’ve been dreaming about the dream vacation – MissTravel is definitely worth a try. And it takes just a minute to sign up for…

miss travel review

7 thoughts on “Miss Travel Review: Does It Work? Here's Everything You Need to Know”

I Had A Good Experience on the Site; My Travel Companion to Hawaii Was Interesting

I was in need of a female travel companion to go with me to Hawaii toward the end of 2017 and I had quite a few beautiful women to choose from very quickly after I posted my trip proposal on MissTravel. I narrowed the field down to two finalists who I then video chatted with. Both women were young and beautiful but one stood out (a young woman named Celine from Norway as being much more sincere and interested in getting to know me. The other woman, a young professional from Chicago, did not make our video chat a priority, imho, since she decided to take it from her car while en-route to a coffee shop instead of from a place where she was entirely focused on our call and nothing else (like I was).

The trip itself was pretty fair for what I wanted to get out of it. By my way of thinking, Celine did not pack her bag with clothing she could actually use and wear on our trip, so I ended up buying her several “Hawaii Outfits” and a swimsuit on our first full day in Hawaii. She had brought a huge suit case filled with random, thrown together and largely mismatched nightclub outfits. I found that odd at the time… and I now suspect that the jumbled contents of this large suit case represented Celine’s complete collection of possessions in a “nomadic” sort of way. Celine also had a ton of beauty supplies of every possible imagination and she ended up strewing these all around our bedroom. It got so bad that I would have to spend about ten minutes every night moving her stuff out of the way just so I had a place to sleep! She also did not seem well versed in how a shower / bathtub worked and I felt inclined to show her how to position the inner, plastic shower curtain inside the tub in order to avoid flooding the bathroom floor whilst taking a shower… oh boy!

On the whole… I would say that I got what I wanted out of my MissTravel experience. It was wonderful having a beautiful, sexy model caliber woman with me for this trip. I hope Celine enjoyed my company and what she managed to see of Hawaii… she had a lot of “down time” dealing with things like bad hair extensions (which we fixed together by buying new ones and sewing clips to the new extensions as an unexpected but fun craft project and bonding experience) and smartphone issues with her new but not-so-waterproof Samsung Galaxy S8.

Alas, Celine and I parted ways after our trip to Hawaii… largely because I challenged her to aim a little higher in life so that it would actually align more closely with the version of herself that she portrayed on her Instagram account. Celine was not at all amused by my suggestion and she made it clear that we would not be remaining in contact going forward. While I respect her decision, I do find her lack of gratitude very unsavory. Especially given how well I respected her boundaries during our trip and how well I treated her. For example, Celine ditched me on our last night in Hawaii to go to a “party” allegedly hosted by some locals she had met. She was gone all night and she did not respond to calls or texts. I didn’t sleep at all that night out of worrying for her safety. I was so worried that at around 4 am I called the hospitals and the local jail to see if she was admitted or locked up. Celine finally turned up back in the morning (looking very tired and disheveled) less than one hour before we had to leave for the airport. Despite this, I bought her some souvenirs on our way to the airport along with some holiday gifts from Hawaii that she could give to her family back in Norway,

Regardless of the bizarre and sometimes annoying experiences I had on my trip to Hawaii with Celine… If I am ever in need of travel companionship again, I would use this site.

Tip for consumers: *** Immediately Avoid and Block ANYONE… 1) Asking you for money up front. 2) Who refuses or defers in any way your request for a live video chat to verify who they are. 3) Who acts in a way that indicates they are not really interested in getting to know you for you. 4) Who’s actions do not align with their stated intentions.

*** Check out the r/sugarlifestyleforum on Reddit for a lot of great information about the ins and outs of sugaring. This site is a form of sugaring, imho.

I was in need of a female travel companion to go with me to Hawaii toward the end of 2017 and I had quite a few beautiful women to choose from very quickly after I posted my trip proposal on MissTravel. I narrowed the field down to two finalists who I then video chatted with. Both women were young and beautiful but one stood out (a young woman from Norway) as being much more sincere and interested in getting to know me. The other woman, a young professional from Chicago, did not make our video chat a priority, imho, since she decided to take it from her car while en-route to a coffee shop instead of from a place where she was entirely focused on our call and nothing else (like I was).

The trip itself was pretty fair for what I wanted to get out of it. By my way of thinking, My Norwegian travel companion did not pack her bag with clothing she could actually use and wear on our trip, so I ended up buying her several “Hawaii Outfits” and a swimsuit on our first full day in Hawaii. She had brought a huge suit case filled with random, thrown together and largely mismatched nightclub outfits. I found that odd at the time… and I now suspect that the jumbled contents of this large suit case represented her complete collection of possessions in a “nomadic” sort of way. My Norwegian travel companion also had a ton of beauty supplies of every possible imagination and she ended up strewing these all around our bedroom. It got so bad that I would have to spend about ten minutes every night moving her stuff out of the way just so I had a place to sleep! She also did not seem well versed in how a shower / bathtub worked and I felt inclined to show her how to position the inner, plastic shower curtain inside the tub in order to avoid flooding the bathroom floor whilst taking a shower… oh boy!

On the whole… I would say that I got what I wanted out of my MissTravel experience. It was wonderful having a beautiful, sexy model caliber woman with me for this trip. I hope my Norwegian travel companion enjoyed my company and what she managed to see of Hawaii… she had a lot of “down time” dealing with things like bad hair extensions (which we fixed together by buying new ones and sewing clips to the new extensions as an unexpected but fun craft project and bonding experience) and smartphone issues with her new but not-so-waterproof Samsung Galaxy S8.

Alas, my Norwegian travel companion and I parted ways after our trip to Hawaii… largely because I challenged her to aim a little higher in life so that it would actually align more closely with the version of herself that she portrayed on her Instagram account. She was not at all amused by my suggestion and she made it clear that we would not be remaining in contact going forward. While I respect her decision, I do find her lack of gratitude very unsavory. Especially given how well I respected her boundaries during our trip and how well I treated her. For example, my Norwegian travel companion ditched me on our last night in Hawaii to go to a “party” allegedly hosted by some locals she had met. She was gone all night and she did not respond to calls or texts. I didn’t sleep at all that night out of worrying for her safety. I was so worried that at around 4 am I called the hospitals and the local jail to see if she was admitted or locked up. She finally turned up back in the morning (looking very tired and disheveled) less than one hour before we had to leave for the airport. Despite this, I bought her some souvenirs on our way to the airport along with some holiday gifts from Hawaii that she could give to her family back in Norway,

Regardless of the bizarre and sometimes annoying experiences I had on my trip to Hawaii with my Norwegian travel companion… If I am ever in need of travel companionship again, I would use this site.

Tip for consumers: Immediately Avoid and Block ANYONE… 1) Asking you for money up front. 2) Who refuses or defers in any way your request for a live video chat to verify who they are. 3) Who acts in a way that indicates they are not really interested in getting to know you for you. 4) Who’s actions do not align with their stated intentions.

Hi Pauly, thanks for dropping in and for sharing your honest, helpful experience with MissTravel!

Hi good evening am in Uganda were you

I want to join

I wanna join

My name. Masud Alam. From Bangladesh. Now work in UAE. Vepor work in Saudia Arabia 4 year. UAE 3 year ranig.

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Online For Love

MissTravel Review 2024 – Great Site for Travel Dates or Not?

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Online For Love

Table of Contents

Ok – I know dating gives you the thrills!

But, what about luxury travel?

How do you feel about these?

Having a light breeze in your hair on your yacht’s deck and no worry in this world whatsoever?

Hmm, what if there was something better?

Like, enjoying these two at the same time?

Yes, you would like that.

It’s just that you have nobody to share your money and sense of adventure with.

Think twice!

MissTravel is what you need to check out and see if it works for you.

And, before you do that, here comes a full miss travel dating site review.

In this MissTravel review we’ll cover:

MissTravel Review

What’s your price is running a deal right now where girls can sign up completely free. We suggest you  don’t miss out on this limited offer.  It’s the biggest SD/SB site online.

MissTravel Review in Video Form

MissTravel Dating Site Review [Great Site for Travel Dates or Not?]

Audio (podcast) form for those of you on the go

But first, here are the ratings!

  • Effectiveness – 3/5
  • Features – 3/5
  • Ease-of-use – 5/5
  • Price – 4/4

MissTravel Review [year] - Great Site for Travel Dates or Not? 13

  • Fast and simple registration
  • Open-minded and adventurous adult members
  • Pretty good user interface
  • NOT a sugar-dating site!
  • Poor profile check, leading to increased chances of scams and fake profiles
  • Could use some features’ upgrade

Who is it For/ Demographic Make-up?

You figured it out so far that it is a  travel dating website  we are talking about here.

It is not your everyday dating site (like Tinder or eHarmony ), nor is it a hookup site (like BeNaughty or Ashley Madison ).

So, let’s say no more than Misstravel is a dating option that brings more to the table than one would generally say.

You get the fun and you get the right kind of attention.

What may come as a surprise is that the site is equally attractive to both men and women and that the gender ratio is well-balanced – 50%-50%, believe it or not.

MissTravel Review [year] - Great Site for Travel Dates or Not? 14

As for some general numbers’ structure, we are talking about over a million users worldwide.

Out of these, almost 300,000 are from the USA.

Besides the States, Misstravel is also popular in the UK and Belgium.

Members’ age is so to say ideally distributed, so there are mostly younger women and a bit older men. 

This is an ideal combination since younger men with money may not be as attractive and might act foolishly with it.

While on the other hand, more mature men (over 35) know how to choose and act wisely and know how to live their life to the fullest.

MissTravel Review [year] - Great Site for Travel Dates or Not? 15

This brings us to the conclusion that an in-love-with travel miss will have ideal chances in finding a mature man to go out on an adventure with.


The first next thing that you need to know about one of the travel dating sites is how effective it is.

That is, you need to know if it’s all worth it.

It’s in human nature to want to know in advance if we need to go on with it or drop it before we’ve gone too far.

To give you the best perspective on the functionality and effectiveness, in this case, it is best to proceed with this Misstravel review by providing answers to the most relevant questions.

1. How does it work for your target group?

Albeit being criticized that is borderline sugar daddy dating website in many of the travel dating site reviews, let’s try to prove otherwise here.

Namely, everybody comes here to find companionship, for starters.

But, not any companionship.

This is where you need to really be sure who you want to take cruising, skydiving, exploring the wilderness of Africa, or the intrigues and rich cultural heritage of Latin America or the Far East.

So, what you need to do is establish contact with someone you like and start from there.

There is no shame in proposing a fun journey together since you’re all there for the same reason – luxury travel for two.

So, if you are a well-established guy with money, unlucky in love, this is where you can find a girl to keep you company on your next travel.

However, know that girls are not in this just for the money.

In many cases, they are also the ones with the money, it’s just they are searching for an extra thrill in two.

2. How to make contacts?

Making contacts and its general availability through online dating websites is an extremely important feature.

Once you have finalized the registration stage (as simple as it gets), you can add people to your favorites list and you can do it for free.

Next, the site allows you to post details on your next trip so other members can see it and the good thing here is that members can request to join you on this trip.

MissTravel Review [year] - Great Site for Travel Dates or Not? 16

Even better is that you get to choose who you want to take with you.

However, when it comes to direct messaging, things may not be as simple as one might think.

Well, not everybody can send messages through Misstravel.

Though, the site does favor ladies in this way.

To be more precise, all female members have free access to sending and reading messages.

So, ladies don’t need to worry that the registration counts for nothing.

On the other hand, the gents need to be a bit generous when it comes to sending messages through Mistravel.

Namely, you are looking into an obligatory premium membership if you are planning to text ladies you find interesting or want to go on a journey with.

3. Chances of Success

Finally, after the operating principle and the possibility to establish contact, we can deal with the most important question of all.

How likely are you to succeed in finding a date and/or soul mate through Miss dating?

Judging by real-life reviews, it is safe to say that the members are thrilled by the fact that you can resort to a dating site to find a pleasant companion for your next Mediterranean cruise.

MissTravel Review [year] - Great Site for Travel Dates or Not? 17

However, this Misstravel review will go a step further by making another bold statement.

Chances of success with MissTravel must be high.

People who like to travel are people prone to risk-taking and generally have a good hold of their lives.

So, only a few will say no to an extended invitation to an adventure.

MissTravel Review [year] - Great Site for Travel Dates or Not? 18

Travel dating can be dangerous and fun at the same time and this is why it’s perfect for all those adrenaline junkies out there.

‘Cause, seriously who could resist a journey into the unknown with an unknown person by their side?

Key Features

As we have seen what we are dealing with and the good that may come out of joining Miss travel, it’s high time we dealt with something tangible.

Yes, it’s time for the key features to be dealt with.

To alleviate your further impatience, let’s dive in!

1. Advanced Search

Honesty, this may not strike you as an important feature at all.

But, have you ever tried looking for something or someone and you keep failing to do so?

Well, although there are other travel dating sites free of charge, in our case here you can narrow down your search to a location or you can be highly specific on the type of people you want to join you.

Or, you can choose people by their location. 

2. Add to Favorites

We all know how frustrating it can be when you know you liked someone and you remember their pretty face, but not the name.

This is why MissTravel gives you the option to add your favorites to a list. This will help you find them afterward.

Just check the star icon at the top of the display photo when in search mode.

This will be quite helpful when you decide to get in touch with someone you found interesting but never got the chance to talk to.

So, just resort now to the list.

And, speaking of…

Again, this doesn’t look like a feature of relevance, but let us just say that when you carefully observe your list of favorite profiles, you will see that this is not just YOUR list of favorite profiles.

Yeah, yeah!

The list of favorites that you make includes additional sub-lists that the site creates for you.

And, these are anything but useless.

These give you a hint on what you can expect when approaching someone through the website since this is where you will find the “Favourited you” and “Visited Me” lists.

Not so un-cool after all, right?

4. Create a Trip

This may yet be the best feature of MissTravel travel dating site.

This makes it possible for you to post your trip publicly so everyone can see it.

However, the site administrators will first have to approve your trip.

Once this is done, the members are free to request to join you on this trip of yours.

Whom to choose is completely at your will.

MissTravel Review [year] - Great Site for Travel Dates or Not? 19

Still, note that this feature will require you to give some specifics on the trip.

Among these, you will have to provide the location and the dates in the option.

More importantly, say who’s paying.

Again, bear in mind here there is the option to split the costs or that the other party might be open to covering the costs him/herself, so keep an open mind.


Life in the 21st century has its perks, quirks, and open flaws.

On the one hand, it’s like seizing the day every day. (But there is still the question of How?)

On the other hand, we are too anxious to wait for anything.

We want something and we want it now.

MissTravel Review [year] - Great Site for Travel Dates or Not? 20

So, how does this apply to dating and traveling through MissTravel?

Is it easy? Complicated? Somewhere in between?

Let’s go through different stages of using MissTravel and then you can go ahead and reach a conclusion on your own.

Becoming a Member

Becoming a member of the MissTravel community starts with your decision to do so.

After this, you can register through their website and have the registration completed in less than 5 minutes.

However, what may come as odd to all of us, MissTravel requires you to register through the work e-mail address that needs to be verified immediately.

During the registration process, you need to provide a username (you will use this for further log-ins) that does not necessarily have to be your real name.

MissTravel Review [year] - Great Site for Travel Dates or Not? 21

Even better, for safety and privacy concerns, don’t use your real name as the username. You can reveal this detail only to those members you feel comfortable with.

As for other members, they will see your username.

Luckily (or not) there are no detailed questionnaires to fill in during registration and you just need to upload some photos.

However, you can add some details about yourself and have these visible on your profile.

Obviously, this tells us that Misstravel profiles aren’t as detailed as one would think, but they still include the basics.

In any case, after these, you’re good to go (kinda pun, kinda not intended).

Site Navigation

As for site navigation, there are no surprises here. 

Once you register, you will have no trouble finding all the features or search fields as quickly as possible.

For example, after the login, on the top bar, you will find a star (mentioned already in the Key Features section) that stands for your favorites list.

MissTravel Review [year] - Great Site for Travel Dates or Not? 22

Then, in the same line, you will also find a letter that represents the messaging options.

In any case, you’ll get a hang of it in no time.

The most important thing is that it’s a fast-loading site because let us be honest – there is nothing more frustrating than a slow-loading site.

Especially all the more so if we are talking about travel dating.

MissTravel App

I am so sorry to inform you that the founders did not throw Misstravel app into the equation.

However, they did make a highly adaptable mobile version that is easily accessed through any mobile device.

This makes the users’ experience all the more pleasant.

Not to mention the fact that the mobile version includes the full functionality of the desktop version.

This is great to know when you need to be on the move and still want to post your latest traveling quest.

So, even without the app officially, you can still use MissTravel on your mobile device without worrying that something’s missing.

One thing that is frequently missing in the Misstravel reviews you can find out there is the pricing.

However, this can sometimes be a crucial factor in making the final decision of whether to give it a shot.

So, where does MissTravel stand in terms of pricing? Cheap? Expensive? Average?

Although this division is highly subjective, let’s deal with the facts first.

Naturally, something has to come for free.

Accordingly, as a free member, you can register, upload photos, post the upcoming trips you are planning, add people to favorites and browse anonymously.

Additionally, if you are a lady, you can send and receive messages.

Once you decide to go for an upgrade, here’s the deal.

First of all, there are three paid plans and it’s up to you to decide which one to go for.

Second of all, be warned about the price in advance.

Namely, the first paid upgrade is for a full month.

This will cost you 60 USD/month.

The second option is a three-month subscription that will be charged at 55 USD/month.

So, in total, this will cost you some 165 USD.

Finally, there is the option to go for a six-month upgrade.

This pleasure comes at a price of 50 USD a month, so you do the math and figure out if it’s worth it.

As I have warned you, the price is an important factor especially if you aren’t that well-off but would still like to get a full dating experience through MissTravel.

But, then again, what is 50 USD or 60 USD compared to an adventure with someone you feel attracted to?

  • Overall Rating – 3.75/5

MissTravel is a dating site that is a little bit more than a simple meeting at a local restaurant. The thrill is what counts and this is exactly what you are going to get with MissTravel.

Give it a chance and let us know how it goes!

It’s in human nature to always seek more, to always want to know more.

This is why you must be having some additional doubts and questions concerning MissTravel.

For this reason, check below the answers to some of the most typical questions people have about this travel dating site.

It is only natural to start with the questions concerning the state of facts.

So, let’s dive right in!

1. Is MissTravel safe?

In all candor, they could use an improvement in their safety.

The only “safety check” is the e-mail verification and after that, you’re on your own.

2. Is MissTravel free?

Just like the price section says, MissTravel is a bit lenient when it comes to ladies.

They have more options as free members than men.

In general, when it comes to free options, registration and profile set up are for free, posting your next trip and sending and receiving messages (for women only).

Men have to go premium in order to send messages.

3. Is MissTravel legit?

It is safe to say that MissTravel is legit.

This is witnessed by the growing number of new members and the success stories you can find on the site and various forums.

4. About MissTravel company

MissTravel is a leading dating site for all those seeking a bit more than seeing each other in the local setting.

It is for all the wanderlusts that can wait to share their net trip with someone new.

The site is founded by Brandon Wade who is also the founder as well as CEO of dating sites such as and

Our next set of questions relates to account and some functional doubts.

So, let’s try and answer these as well.

1. How do I join MissTravel?

Joining MissTravel dating and adventure site is a no-brainer.

New members simply need to fill out a simple registration form including their work e-mail address and password.

Then they proceed to create a username that is later used to log in.

And, naturally, after the e-mail verification, they proceed to upload photos, and that’s about it.

2. How to cancel MissTravel?

Like any other site aware that they might not be everybody’s cup of tea, MissTravel allows you to cancel your subscription.

To do this, just go to the account settings and under the Subscriptions sections, you will find different payment methods.

Once you locate these, click Cancel Subscription just below the payment method you opted for.

3. How to delete MissTravel?

At this point, there is no delete option.

However, what you can do is deactivate your account.

This will preserve all of the data in case you decide to go back at a later time.

You can deactivate your account by clicking the Settings section where you will find the Deactivate my Account option.

When you decide to go back, just use the regular login details.

4. How to contact MissTravel?

Contacting MissTravel is rather easy.

At the bottom of their homepage, you can find multiple contact options depending on the type of questions you want to ask.

They even provide the option to direct some questions to the founder.

MissTravel Review [year] - Great Site for Travel Dates or Not? 23

Finally, the last set of the frequently asked question refers to the functionality of the site and how it all works in practice.

So, let’s check these too.

1. How does the MissTravel algorithm work?

MissTravel algorithm works by granting you the freedom of choice.

You can search for potential trip companions by location or shared interests.

The advanced search parameters do not impose any limitations so you can search anyone you want.

You can even search for people according to a trip you would like to go on.

Even better, you can post your next trip that is visible to members and they can request to join you on such a trip.

Obviously, you have all the freedom of choice!

2. How do I block people on MissTravel?

Blocking someone on MissTravel is a totally legit option.

If you feel that you need to block someone, the procedure is rather easy.

You just need to go to their profile and immediately below their profile you fill find the Block option.

In case you change your mind, there is also the Unblock option.

MissTravel Review [year] - Great Site for Travel Dates or Not? 24

3. How do I report people on MissTravel?

Reporting someone over MissTravel is done similarly like previously.

Right under the user’s photo, you will find the Report option.

Once you click it, you will be presented with a form that you need to fill out, explaining why you decided to report this user.

That would be all, folks!

Stay safe until our next review!

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Angelina Travels

miles of inspiration, with all points in between

My Actual Experiences with MissTravel – Yes, I Met Someone in Person.

May 15, 2012 by Angelina Aucello 26 Comments

My Back Story/Inspiration:

Those who know me on a personal level can easily describe me as a “glass-half-full” type of gal. Always joyful, positive, and perhaps a bit idealistic (though never naive, don’t confuse the two), I’m fearless when it comes to stepping out of my own comfort zone, because let’s face it – that’s usually where the magic happens when it comes to self-discovery and growth. When we put ourselves in obscure situations, we tend to learn many of our valuable life lessons.

On a recent trip to Chicago with some of my girlfriends, my free-spirited friend Allison, told me about how she has been hosting dozens of strangers on her couch while filming a documentary about . At first I was shocked that she easily trusted strangers that she only knew from an online profile, but after listening to her reasoning, she was absolutely right in my eyes. Her response was something along the lines of, “many people live in fear and expect the worst from people. You have to believe in the common good of the universe and you’ll attract that. In fact, out of every single person from around the world that has stayed with us on my couch, zero have been negative experiences. I’ve made dozens of like-minded friends and learned quite a bit so far.”

Back to MissTravel… let me first say that I have never had a profile on any online “dating” website ever in my life. Nor have I been on a “blind date”. I’m quite sheltered from modern dating, I guess. This was about to be a completely new [and slightly uncomfortable] experience for me. While making my profile, I made sure that there was nothing suggestive in my writing and photos. I was not looking for a sugar daddy, casual sex, or any kind of dubious arrangement. I merely wanted to meet with a fellow travel enthusiast for lunch or coffee.

My Main Photo

Considering that my main photo was not the slightest bit suggestive or “promiscuous”, I was shocked that I actually received dozens of messages from “generous” members and about 10 “trip proposals” within the first few days of being on the site. Men from around the globe asked me to travel with them to luxurious places such as Hong Kong, St. Kitts, Hawaii, and Rome – just to name a few.

Some of my trip proposals on MissTravel

While I did not respond to many of the messages, I did have contact with two members in particular. Of the two that I responded to was a man in his early thirties from Australia who reports on his profile that his annual income is over $1 million dollars. He had mentioned to me that he would be visiting New York for two weeks and was interested in getting to know me over brunch.

I agreed – we’d be in a crowded public place, what’s the worst that can happen? Of course I told my parents and close friends what I was doing, who I was meeting, and where I was going for safety reasons. And I made it very clear in all of my contact that this was a brunch-and-only-brunch kind of meeting.

The Meeting

Before meeting “MrTravel” on Saturday at 11 am at a trendy Chelsea brunch hot-spot called CookShop, I met up with my close blogger-buddy, Bonnie, who also happened to be in NYC that morning at the Westin in Times Square. I told her what I was doing and how I was super nervous (so nervous that I almost bailed) because I have never met anyone from an online site before. She thankfully rested nerves and told me to pretend I was Diane Sawyer conducting an investigative interview. She was right. It was just brunch… and a blog post.

When I arrived at CookShop, MrTravel was there waiting outside and we were immediately escorted (bad word?) to our table. I was actually pleasantly surprised by how much we had in common. Our conversation and laughter felt totally normal, and there was never an awkward silence. It was a fantastic experience. I initially expected brunch to last about 45 minutes, and I couldn’t believe that a whole two and a half hours flew by!

So what did we talk about? Everything from travel (duh), to Chinese medicine, to spider bites, to cancer… and what seemed like everything in between. Of course I had to ask him the obvious – Why exactly did he join MissTravel?

He told me that he also primarily joined out of curiosity because the site was receiving so much media attention during its immediate debut. He was open-minded about the idea of meeting locals during his travels. He also said that being in a new global city every week for work is very lonely. He described himself as a self-proclaimed foodie who enjoys trying a different restaurant at every meal but does not like to dine alone. Traveling to him is learning, and there’s no better way to experience culture than to sit down and talk to the people who live in it.

I also asked him how many people he’s met since being on the site, and he said I was his 4th brunch date.

After brunch was over, we shook hands and parted ways. Now, who says there’s no such thing as free lunch?

The Verdict

With any situation in life, you will attract what you project. You are in control of every interaction you have in life. Whether you’re meeting somebody on the street, at a business meeting, or even on a site like MissTravel, it’s important to be smart and set your boundaries. In all honesty, I’m proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone – I have a new-found confidence (I can apparently survive in the online-dating world, LOL) and a positive experience to look back on.

P.S. – if the idea of traveling with a stranger still creeps you out, or perhaps you’re all “miss independent”, you can always travel for free using my favorite method – by picking up the best travel credit card with an awesome sign-up bonus.

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About Angelina Aucello

Hi! I'm Angelina, and traveling and deals excite me. Simply put, I'm a points & miles fanatic who takes too many vacations.

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May 15, 2012 at 9:21 pm

Thanks for the Cookshop tip!

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May 15, 2012 at 9:34 pm

Great blog topic. Interesting experience. It’s amazing how many people keep their fears from preventing them from doing things. Way to put yourself out there. :)

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May 15, 2012 at 11:00 pm

Omg… If I was your boyfriend, I would call that cheating! But u did it for fun with no intentions of moving forward from the brunch date

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May 16, 2012 at 12:34 am

That is so interesting!

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May 16, 2012 at 2:44 am

Too bad guys can’t get free lunch :P

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May 16, 2012 at 10:00 am

I’m a little disturbed by the “attractive” and “generous” labels. I think it’s a great idea to help you find people in the places you travel or someone to travel with but I wish there was a way to meet as equals…

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May 16, 2012 at 10:01 am

what did you boyfriend think?

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May 16, 2012 at 10:12 am

Interesting blog post, never heard of the website, but it sounds like a great idea for us travelers.

I agree with Jess, what’s with the “generous” and “attractive” labels? Is there anything on the site to find just a travel buddy where you each pay for your own travel?

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May 16, 2012 at 10:14 am

Great article. I certainly feel more open to reviewing “MissTravel” site now. Thanks

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May 16, 2012 at 11:23 am

If only I was attractive. :)

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May 16, 2012 at 11:39 am

@Dan: it was a great place!

@Debbie: thanks! It was definitely an interesting experience and I was pleasantly surprised!

@Jamison and oneeyejack: I’m very fortunate that Kevin is supportive! We have a very secure relationship so he was fine with it :)

@Jess and Sam: I agree that the generous and attractive labels might steer people away. I guess every site will try to find their distinguishing “niche” in order to stay competitive lol. However there are no specific “level of attractiveness” or “level of generousness” standards in place so I guess anyone could join (though generous members must pay to use the site). I’d love to find a generic travel buddy website too!! Right now I’ve been soliciting my friends on Facebook for travel buddies lol.

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May 16, 2012 at 8:29 pm

Interesting post. I doubt his reasons for joining. That’s a safe and cliched answer. His true reasons were probably sexual since the site is clearly designed as a wink-wink quid pro quo of sex and travel. It’s less brazen than say AshleyMadison, but it’s clear what pitches.

Another reason I think his true motives were sexual is that there are much bigger non-sexual sites that offer the service he wants, namely couchsurfing, which is the easiest way in the world to find a brunch buddy in a new city. But MissTravel offers what couchsurfing does not, a self selected pools of girls who consider themselves pretty enough for it to be a good deal to buy them a plane ticket.

If Bonnie gave you the Diane Sawyer advice just to calm your nerves, that’s nice of her. But in general I think it’s a bad idea to go into any meeting with a new person with the mindset that it’s an investigative interview. It’s a way of not fully engaging or committing. Many girls do this on dates set up online, and it never leads to a good outcome for either party. I think the idea to treat the date like an interview or experiment or something of the like is a way for most girls to rationalize that they are on a dating site. They’re thinking, “I’m not some loser who needs online dating. I’m here to find out why he joined, and if I meet someone great…” I’m not saying you had that thought process. In fact since you mention a boyfriend in the comments, it’s clear you weren’t treating this as a date at all. But it’s a common thought process to protect the ego of the girl, and it eliminates the possibility of a connection.

In the end I would say that MissTravel piqued my interest, so I was interested in a first hand account. But I don’t think you signed up for the site for its intended purpose–do you?– so I’m still left with questions about the site’s operations.

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May 16, 2012 at 10:22 pm

For the most part sex is implied with the site. If some guy is taking you on a trip that costs thousands of bucks I am pretty sure some quid pro quo is expected…

A brunch meeting… well, thats probably just the warm up ;-)

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May 17, 2012 at 10:40 am

Thanks for taking the risk. I just might do the same. “Every now and then you gotta say WTF…” Risky Business

May 17, 2012 at 1:11 pm

@MileValue: First off, great blog – I find myself reading it more and more frequently recently, and thanks for taking the time to comment on the post. You’ve raised a lot of interesting points, and with this being such a controversial blog topic to begin with, I had expectations of a variety of comments from all kinds of viewpoints. In one aspect, I agree with you – MissTravel’s marketing message seems to be a little concerning in some areas, but unlike CouchSurfing, who’s audience tends to be low-budget backpackers, MissTravel is trying to appeal to a different demographic – the wealthy, “stylish” traveler as most members on the site tend describe themselves as. Based on the profiles of several “generous” members on the site, they all seem to project that they want to (and can afford to) experience the “high life” and “luxury”, so I can understand the appeal of having “attractive” members. Take a look at Las Vegas, and even the entire night life industry itself – the marketing behind that industry defines luxury as being around beautiful people. In fact, the night life industry is the 3rd most profitable industry in the world at this point – so there’s definitely a large viable market.

Do I necessarily choose to live “the high life”? No so much. (after all, being a points and miles fanatic is the travel version of extreme couponing LOL). But I do understand where the seed is planted.

You’re right – I was not treating this as a date at all and frankly I don’t think he was either. Right there on my profile it says that I am a blogger, and I also indicated that I was only interested in friendship and I was open to meeting men and women (no, I’m not bi-sexual). I received dozens of messages from men from around the world, and usually by reading the first sentence of their message, I can see what their intentions were. Like anything in life, you just have to ignore and disregard the ones that don’t align. However, the two I spoke to seemed “normal”. I told them I was a blogger, and that I wasn’t looking for any type of meeting besides brunch (I even told them I’d blog about it). They were fine with that. There were no “expectations” after brunch. And even if he had hopes of something, the boundaries were pre-set and there were no mixed signals.

To be completely honest, most of the people on the site are frequent flyers like you and I, and have top-tier elite status with airline and hotel loyalty programs. Most are self-employed and have the time and resources to travel freely as they choose. Being self-employed myself, it’s extremely hard for me to find a travel buddy in my immediate group of friends. I’m 25 so most of my friends have 9-5 jobs and are still paying off student loans. It would be nice to meet someone (man, woman, or group) who I can see the world with (I’m sure my Dad and Kevin are getting tired of me soliciting them with a monthly vacation haha).

Would I travel with anyone on the site? Perhaps, but it would take A LOT of getting to know them. That’s not even on my agenda anytime soon. I’m happy I was able to step out of my comfort zone to meet someone in person at this point. I find it hard enough to travel with some of my close friends.

I don’t ever feel the need to “owe” anyone anything. When a guy decides to send me or one of my girlfriends a drink at the bar, the only thing we “owe” him is a smile and a thank you – whether his intention is “just to be nice” or something else, that’s a risk he’s taking and I’m sure guys know that. Bottom line: you’re always in control of every situation you find yourself in life :)

@FlyThai: I certainly agree that they should restructure the message on the site, but it’s up to the users to choose how to present and use the site.

@Beth: That was my attitude! Just be safe and be very straightforward with your intention! :)

May 21, 2012 at 1:48 am

That’s a good comparison to a guy buying you a drink. Thanks for posting this; I look forward to reporting back when I sign up for MisterTravel.

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June 15, 2013 at 3:24 pm

Interesting, I was looking for some reviews on the traveling part, but good to know about the free lunches. I also do CouchSurfing. Well get us post it if you know about the traveling part. Thank you for your post :)

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August 20, 2013 at 3:55 pm

Ladies…great write up. Advice to ladies – Most men will expect sex after any little contribution they give be it brunch, a tissue to wipe your nose, or a plane ticket. Men are men. This site just helps eliminate the broke sad ones who want sex for a grain of salt. As we play the game better we feel a lot better if the date goes south.

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October 9, 2013 at 8:22 am

Nice article, but all guys know this is for sex (be it a delayed method). I signed up, met a Euro girl, and essentially paid for sex (flight, going out, etc). Not going to sugar coat it. She was fun and wanted to stay. If I were a girl and attractive/well off guy said “I’ll fly you to X and pay for everything” it would be kind of dim witted to not think sex to be involved IMO. Best of luck in the tough world of acting.

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October 14, 2013 at 6:58 am

You live in USA, New York. I live myself in North of Europe, have been very popular on another free dating sites, but haven´t got anything from here, been a member since August, feeling very disappointed.

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October 24, 2013 at 9:05 am

I write about my MissTravel dating site´s experiences as an attractive member here:

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July 28, 2015 at 6:57 pm

Be careful some of these women lied about their age. If you travel domestic with them, then it is easier for them to hide their true age, but if you travel outside the U.S. territories you need a passport, then you be shocked to find out the true age of some of these women.

I had one Asian lady in the Silicon Valley area that took off 7 years from her real age from her profile. She is actually in her mid 40’s She is a scam. She is on both and and is a career prostitute for years and she closes and re-opens her accounts and telling the men on these sites that she is new to this kind of stuff. Well, she is not. She is a liar and I spent a lot of money on her and she didn’t put out much. I had to replace her. She has stretch marks all over her stomach , but pretty pale skin and has nice pair of legs. She always wear makeup, but when she takes it off she looks like a dog. She has one child so don’t let her scam you.

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September 30, 2017 at 7:10 am

Americans are such prudes. I would never invite an American girl on a sugar date or trip and this woman is a perfect example of why. Of course sex is expected you morons. SeekingArrangement, misstravel and nameyourprice are all about normal girls and normal men engaging in paid sexual agreements. Dating by agreement is an interesting, beneficial and fun way to meet new people that you would not ordinarily consider in real life situations.

It’s paid companionship and sex by consenting adults. Get over it.

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September 27, 2020 at 1:35 pm

I was in need of a female travel companion to go with me to Hawaii toward the end of 2017 and I had quite a few beautiful women to choose from very quickly after I posted my trip proposal on MissTravel. I narrowed the field down to two finalists who I then video chatted with. Both women were young and beautiful but one stood out (a young woman from Norway) as being much more sincere and interested in getting to know me. The other woman, a young professional from Chicago, did not make our video chat a priority, imho, since she decided to take it from her car while en-route to a coffee shop instead of from a place where she was entirely focused on our call and nothing else (like I was).

The trip itself was pretty fair for what I wanted to get out of it. By my way of thinking, My Norwegian travel companion did not pack her bag with clothing she could actually use and wear on our trip, so I ended up buying her several “Hawaii Outfits” and a swimsuit on our first full day in Hawaii. She had brought a huge suit case filled with random, thrown together and largely mismatched nightclub outfits. I found that odd at the time… and I now suspect that the jumbled contents of this large suit case represented her complete collection of possessions in a “nomadic” sort of way. My Norwegian travel companion also had a ton of beauty supplies of every possible imagination and she ended up strewing these all around our bedroom. It got so bad that I would have to spend about ten minutes every night moving her stuff out of the way just so I had a place to sleep! She also did not seem well versed in how a shower / bathtub worked and I felt inclined to show her how to position the inner, plastic shower curtain inside the tub in order to avoid flooding the bathroom floor whilst taking a shower… oh boy!

On the whole… I would say that I got what I wanted out of my MissTravel experience. It was wonderful having a beautiful, sexy model caliber woman with me for this trip. I hope my Norwegian travel companion enjoyed my company and what she managed to see of Hawaii… she had a lot of “down time” dealing with things like bad hair extensions (which we fixed together by buying new ones and sewing clips to the new extensions as an unexpected but fun craft project and bonding experience) and smartphone issues with her new but not-so-waterproof Samsung Galaxy S8.

Alas, my Norwegian travel companion and I parted ways after our trip to Hawaii… largely because I challenged her to aim a little higher in life so that it would actually align more closely with the version of herself that she portrayed on her Instagram account. She was not at all amused by my suggestion and she made it clear that we would not be remaining in contact going forward. While I respect her decision, I do find her lack of gratitude very unsavory. Especially given how well I respected her boundaries during our trip and how well I treated her. For example, my Norwegian travel companion ditched me on our last night in Hawaii to go to a “party” allegedly hosted by some locals she had met. She was gone all night and she did not respond to calls or texts. I didn’t sleep at all that night out of worrying for her safety. I was so worried that at around 4 am I called the hospitals and the local jail to see if she was admitted or locked up. She finally turned up back in the morning (looking very tired and disheveled) less than one hour before we had to leave for the airport. Despite this, I bought her some souvenirs on our way to the airport along with some holiday gifts from Hawaii that she could give to her family back in Norway,

Regardless of the bizarre and sometimes annoying experiences I had on my trip to Hawaii with my Norwegian travel companion… If I am ever in need of travel companionship again, I would use this site.

Tip for consumers: Immediately Avoid and Block ANYONE… 1) Asking you for money up front. 2) Who refuses or defers in any way your request for a live video chat to verify who they are. 3) Who acts in a way that indicates they are not really interested in getting to know you for you. 4) Who’s actions do not align with their stated intentions.

[…] Another Points Traveler signs up for Miss Travel (“Who Needs Money, Beautiful People Travel Free!) and gives it a […]

[…] ; […]

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  5. → MissTravel Review » Everything You Need to Know (2024)

    On their website, MissTravel boasts 680,540+ travel companions, 77,200,000+ miles traveled, and 201,379+ trips created. Of that variety, relationships of all kinds have begun on the site - whether long-term or short-term. Matching Process. The matching process on MissTravel is predominantly a manual affair. If you want to find someone, the ...

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    Remember, you must be 18+ to use this website. After completing your registration, you will receive an activation email. Follow the link to activate your account, then simply fill out a profile and upload a few photos of yourself. Once these are approved you are on your way to meeting the right travel buddy. I'm having trouble uploading my photos

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    MissTravel is the leading online dating site for those with a passion for travel! MissTravel. 9,397 likes · 1 talking about this. MissTravel is the leading online dating site for those with a passion for travel! MissTravel. 9,397 likes · 1 talking about this. MissTravel is the leading online dating site for those with a passion for travel!

  8. MissTravel: A Dating Site for the Adventurous & Bold!

    MissTravel is a dating site that helps people find travel companions. The matching algorithm uses a combination of user preferences and compatibility to match users. MissTravel offers both free and premium subscription options. ... In terms of unique features offered by Miss Travel…well unfortunately there aren't many here either so don't ...

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    CNN —. There's a hot new travel site - but it doesn't really arrange any travel. The Internet blew up Wednesday over, a site that launched April 9. According to its founder ...

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  11. MissTravel Review

    MissTravel was founded in 2012 by Brandon Wade, a highly successful online dating businessman. MissTravel is an online travel dating website targeted at people who love to travel. The main goal of the MissTravel website is to act as a medium that helps to connect highly successful men who travel the world, with beautiful women as their companions, and find love in the process. MissTravel ...

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    MissTravel has a rating of 2.09 stars from 96 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Reviewers complaining about MissTravel most frequently mention fake profiles, and credit card problems. MissTravel ranks 720th among Dating sites. Found the site to be useful for finding a travel companion.

  13. Dating Site or Travel Ho Dating Site?

    Miss Travel claims to connect 20,000 Generous globetrotters with Attractive sight seekers - everyday people who have different attributes but similar travel goals. Though each of the site's ...

  14. Online Dating

    Miss Travel differentiates itself from other dating sites by the extra screening process before you're granted access to the site. Travel is an intimate thing to do with someone you're getting to know through Miss Travel. All members should take necessary precautions to ensure their safety. Travel Etiquette: This is a travel dating site, there ...

  15. Miss Travel Review: Does It Work? Here's Everything You Need to Know

    Miss Travel is no exception and yes, there are scammers on this site. The member base is close to a million people so of course there's going to be a few scammers who manage to sneak their way in. The good news is if you're a sugar daddy, aka Generous Traveler, that the scammers are pretty darn easy to spot and avoid.

  16. MissTravel Review 2024

    Conclusion. Overall Rating - 3.75/5. MissTravel is a dating site that is a little bit more than a simple meeting at a local restaurant. The thrill is what counts and this is exactly what you are going to get with MissTravel.

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  18. Yes, I Met Someone in Person.

    Of course I told my parents and close friends what I was doing, who I was meeting, and where I was going for safety reasons. And I made it very clear in all of my contact that this was a brunch-and-only-brunch kind of meeting. The Meeting. Before meeting "MrTravel" on Saturday at 11 am at a trendy Chelsea brunch hot-spot called CookShop, I ...

  19. MissTravel is a free online dating website for adventure-ready singles. MissTravel is available online, in the App Store and on Google Play.