Appareils de musculation professionnels

  • Conditions d’utilisation
  • Service après vente
  • Équipement de gym et de club de fitness
  • Infos matériel de fitness
  • Tapis de course professionnel
  • Comment choisir un appareil de musculation ?
  • Boutique fitness et boutique musculation
  • Appareils de musculation pour extérieur et stations de musculation extérieur
  • Parcours santé équipement
  • Materiel fitness professionnel
  • Fabricant parcours Ninja
  • Cage Crossfit Professionnelle
  • Amenagement aire de jeux exterieur
  • Nouveau Parcours musculation extérieur !
  • Parcours santé enfants
  • Fabricant parcours de santé
  • Workout – Parc fitness plein air
  • Les racks de Crossfit
  • Machines cardio professionnelles
  • Équipement de Callisthénie
  • Équipements de Street Workout
  • Nutrition Musculation
  • Entrainement de Musculation
  • Régimes Femme
  • Aucun produit dans le panier.

Light In Fitness : Appareils de musculation professionnels et Matériel de fitness

Appareils de musculation haut de gamme Light in fitness

Magasin de fitness spécialisé dans l’ appareil de musculation professionnel,  les machines de sport, les équipements de fitness et de cardio / musculation à usage professionnel.

Notre tâche est d’inventer et de produire des équipements, pour de véritables exercices physiques. Ces équipements de fitness, doivent être beaux, parfaitement fonctionnels, fiables, durables et à des prix compétitifs. Attirez les sportifs débutants, intermédiaires et reconnus dans votre salle de fitness, vous devez passer du temps à choisir des équipements de haute qualité.

Quelle est la meilleure marque de matériel de musculation ?

Nous vous offrons toute une gamme d’ appareils de musculation professionnels et d’ appareils de cardio-training . Ces équipements permettent un renforcement musculaire à la pointe de la technologie  pour obtenir des résultats spectaculaires . Optez pour un travail musculaire de haute performance. Cette collection d’ appareils cardio et de renforcement musculaire offre des mouvements fluides, confortables qui préservent les articulations. Idéal pour travailler les fessiers, les ischio, quadriceps et autres muscles puissants, notre gamme premium s’adapte à tous.

Appareils de musculation professionnels - matériel de musculation professionnel

Nos Stations de musculation professionnelles

Nos  stations de musculation  professionnelles sont étudiées pour une préparation intense. Vous avez un club de fitness haut de gamme, découvrez nos solutions et équipements adaptés à votre structure. Robustes et de qualité, nous vous proposons une large gamme d’appareils de cardio et de renforcement musculaire. Nos familles de produits répondront aux besoins de performance de vos adhérents. Vous avez un club de fitness haut de gamme, découvrez nos solutions et équipements adaptés à votre structure. Robustes et de qualité, nous vous proposons une large gamme d’appareils de cardio et de renforcement musculaire. Nos familles de produits répondront aux besoins de performance de vos adhérents.

Comment choisir un bon appareil de musculation ?

Nos gammes de machines Professionnelles en M usculation , Cardio , C rossfit , Sols Sportifs , M atériel aquatique .

Sculpter l’ensemble de son corps, développer la tonification, la masse musculaire ou la force athlétique. Testez nos appareils de musculations professionnels haut de gamme.

  Achetez des équipements de musculation chez Light in fitness pour un gain maximal de muscles, de force et de vitesse. Choisissez parmi tous les derniers racks de squat, bancs de musculation, plates-formes d’haltérophilie, gymnases et bien plus encore.

Les appareils de musculation complets sont à charges guidées olympiques à disques ou encore les stations de musculation à plaques. Nos appareils sont soigneusement sélectionnés parmi une multitude de marques à l’international.

Les équipements professionnels aident atteindre l’excellence de vos objectifs.

Les prix indiqués sur nos équipements professionnels sont Hors taxes.

Découvrez nos o ffres exceptionnelle s sur nos marques internationales.

tapis de course et de marche multimédia v10t etenon

Tapis de Course et de marche Multimédia V10T Etenon

  • Longueur:  219 cm.
  • Largeur:  97 cm.
  • Hauteur:  165 cm.
  • Surface de course:  157 x 58 cm.
  • Poids:  191 kg.
  • Poids maximum de l’utilisateur:  180 kg.

tapis de course et de marche multimédia v20t etenon

Tapis de Course et de marche Multimédia V20T Etenon

  • Longueur: 98,5 cm.
  • Largeur:  222 cm.
  • Hauteur:  148,5 cm.
  • Poids total:  181 kg.

vélo xebex airplus performance et confort en une seule machine

Vélo Xebex AirPlus Performance et Confort en une seule machine

Cadre acier.

Poids : 58 kg.

Dimensions : 125(L) x 52(l) x120(H) cm.

Résistance AirPlus : air (10 niveaux) + résistance magnétique (8 niveaux).

Fonction « roue libre » comme sur un vrai vélo.

2 roulettes de transport à l’avant pour faciliter le transport et/ou le rangement.

Poids maximal de l’utilisateur : 160 kg.

Compatible avec les ceintures thoraciques 5 kHz / BLE / ANT+.

Connectivité Smart Connect (Bluetooth et Ant+) : permet à l’utilisateur de se connecter à une variété d’applications.

Affiche la résistance par air ainsi que les niveaux de résistance magnétique, le temps, la distance, les calories dépensées, , la puissance développée, la vitesse, la fréquence cardiaque.

Réglage de la résistance

La résistance à air s’ajuste manuellement en réglant le curseur sur le côté gauche du volant d’inertie alors que la résistance magnétique (8 niveaux) se modifie à l’aide du curseur positionné sur le côté droit du volant d’inertie. Les niveaux de résistance s’affichent sur la console électronique.

En utilisant uniquement de l’air, l’utilisateur peut simuler une inclinaison d’environ 0 à 15 degrés. En ajoutant la résistance magnétique, l’utilisateur peut simuler une inclinaison jusqu’à 35 degrés.

Confort et réglages

Position du guidon réglable vers l’avant et l’arrière.

Selle réglable en hauteur, profondeur et inclinaison (30 degrés).

Pédales avec cale-pied.

Garantie de 5 ans sur le cadre et 2 ans sur les pièces.

tapis de course professionnel d fit multimédia

Tapis de course professionnel D-FIT Multimédia

Hauteur: 1655mm

Longueur: 2300mm

Largeur: 960mm

Poids de la machine: 210kg

Poids Maximal de l’utilisateur: 180kg

tapis de course incurvé sans moteur ellipse max 03 fit

Tapis de course incurvé Sans Moteur Ellipse Max 03 Fit

functional walker ellipse


Hauteur: 1595mm

Longueur: 1505mm

Largeur: 920mm

Poids de la machine: 190kg

Tapis de course professionnel EVOT Bodytone

Tapis de course professionnel EVOT Bodytone

Rameur Bodytone Aviron & Ski Indoor, avec moniteur ZRORv2

Rameur Ski Bodytone ZRORv2

Tapis roulant professionnel Gold Line FIT 1

Tapis roulant professionnel Gold Line FIT

Hauteur: 1600mm

Longueur: 2220mm

Largeur: 910mm

Poids de la machine: 240kg

Elliptique professionnel Gold Line EXE

Elliptique professionnel Gold Line EXE

Hauteur: 2120mm

Longueur: 1680mm

Largeur: 970mm

Poids de la machine: 225kg

Vélo Vertical professionnel Gold Line EXE 1 - vélo fitness

Vélo Vertical professionnel Gold Line EXE

Hauteur: 1450mm

Longueur: 1200mm

Largeur: 500mm

Poids de la machine: 75kg

Tapis roulant professionnel Gold Line EXE 2 - tapis de course professionnel

Tapis roulant professionnel Gold Line EXE

Vélo Semi-Allongé TFT EVOR2 BODYTONE

Vélo Semi-Allongé TFT EVOR2 BODYTONE


Vélo Semi-Allongé TFT EVOR1+ BODYTONE

light in fitness tours

Vélo de spinning magnétique MT2


Vélo de Spinning BT WT1 avec Watts

Station Musculation Bodytone

Station Musculation Bodytone

Support pour barre olympique pivotante

Support de barre olympique pivotant au sol, pour les exercices d’aviron avec

Support de disques

4 supports latéraux pour le chargement des disques olympiques.

Prise en charge des BARRES

plateforme de presse guidée 2 supports arrière pour barres olympiques.

Plate-forme antidérapante avec double guidage en acier, avec roulements linéaires.

Double crochet de sécurité sur barre et mécanisme de sécurité bas à 11 positions.

Faible absorption des chocs de sécurité.

Barre chromée avec support pour disques olympiques. Zone de

chargement de disque de 280 mm.

Barres de traction

Guidon double avec une poignée en PVC antidérapant.

– Guidon en corde avec une poignée.

Guidon en corde à deux mains

– Poignée pour dorsale

– Poignée droite pour ramer bas. station de chargement de disque arrière

Pour exercices avec poulie basse et dorsale haute. Comprend un rembourrage à

double rouleau en simili cuir, réglable en inclinaison sur 7 positions. Pointe

double pour le chargement du disque olympique de 230 mm. Repose-pieds


Câble en acier

Enduit PVC et diamètre 4 mm.

multi-grip pour les tractions

5 types de préhension : ouverte, fermée, inclinée, droite et moyenne.

Leg Press E59 Bodytone Evolution

Leg Press E59 Bodytone Evolution

Multihip E58 Bodytone Evolution

Multihip E58 Bodytone Evolution

Adductor Abductor E57 Bodytone Evolution

Adductor Abductor E57 Bodytone Evolution

Prone Leg Curl E55 Bodytone Evolution

Prone Leg Curl E55 Bodytone Evolution

light in fitness tours

Leg Extension E52 Bodytone Evolution

Seated Leg Curl E53 Bodytone Evolution

Seated Leg Curl E53 Bodytone Evolution

Glute E51 Bodytone Evolution

Glute E51 Bodytone Evolution

Squat and Calf E50 Bodytone Evolution

Squat and Calf E50 Bodytone Evolution

Back Extension E42 Bodytone Evolution

Back Extension E42 Bodytone Evolution

Torso Rotation E41 Bodytone Evolution

Torso Rotation E41 Bodytone Evolution

light in fitness tours

Abdominal E40 Bodytone Evolution

Chest and Triceps E32 Bodytone Evolution

Chest and Triceps E32 Bodytone Evolution

Biceps E30 Bodytone Evolution

Biceps E30 Bodytone Evolution

Lateral Raise E24 Bodytone Evolution

Lateral Raise E24 Bodytone Evolution

Pec Fly and Rear Delt E23 Bodytone Evolution

Pec Fly and Rear Delt E23 Bodytone Evolution

functional trainer gold line


Hauteur: 2240mm

Longueur: 1018mm

Largeur: 1160mm

Poids de la machine: 480kg

Charge: 2x100kg

Barre olympique professionnelle Noire Chrome 20 kg - 220 cm

Barre olympique professionnelle Noire Chrome 20 kg – 220 cm

Hip thrust Gold Line- hip thrust - hip thrust machine

Machine à Hip thrust Gold Line

Hauteur: 790mm

Longueur: 1670mm

Largeur: 1515mm

Poids de la machine: 90kg

Biceps Convergent Gold Line

Biceps Convergent Gold Line

Hauteur: 1135mm

Longueur: 1985mm

Largeur: 1195mm

Poids de la machine: 142kg


Triceps Convergent Gold Line

Hauteur: 1170mm

Longueur: 1310mm

Largeur: 1170mm

Poids de la machine: 155kg

Abdominal-Crunch-à-Charges-libres-Gold-line - machine à abdos

Abdominal Crunch à Charges libres Gold line

Hauteur: 1688mm

Longueur: 1260mm

Largeur: 1150mm

Poids de la machine: 175kg


Tirage T Bar Gold Line

Hauteur: 1200mm

Longueur: 850mm

Largeur: 800mm

Poids de la machine: 65kg


Tirage Poitrine assis Gold Line

Hauteur: 1195mm

Longueur: 1250mm

Poids de la machine: 145kg

Tirage dorsaux Gold Line

Tirage dorsaux Gold Line

Hauteur: 1880mm

Longueur: 1560mm

Largeur: 1530mm

Poids de la machine: 165kg


Presse à épaules Gold Line

Hauteur: 1935mm

Longueur: 1770mm

Largeur: 1450mm

Poids de la machine: 235kg


Développé Incliné assis Gold Line


Press pectoraux Gold Line

Hauteur: 1815mm

Longueur: 1850mm

Largeur: 1550mm

Poids de la machine: 150kg

Bodytone Solid Rock SR09

Hack Squat Bodytone Solid Rock

Lat Pulldown Bodytone Solid Rock SR02E

Lat Pulldown Bodytone Solid Rock

Shoulders Press Bodytone Solid Rock SR03E

Shoulders Press Bodytone Solid Rock

Chest Press Bodytone Solid Rock SR01E

Incline Chest Press Bodytone Solid Rock

Chest Press Bodytone Solid Rock SR01E

Chest Press Bodytone Solid Rock

Seated Row Bodytone Solid Rock SR07E

Seated Row Bodytone Solid Rock

Plate Loaded Leg extension Bodytone Solid Rock SR05E

Plate Loaded Leg extension Bodytone Solid Rock

Leg Press Bodytone Solid Rock SR06E

Leg Press Bodytone Solid Rock

cage de crossfit professionnelle gt12 bodytone structure robuste pour entraînement de groupe noir

Cage de CrossFit Professionnelle GT12 Bodytone – Structure Robuste pour Entraînement de Groupe – Noir

crossover à poulies 10 stations : boostez votre routine d'entraînement avec notre équipement de gym polyvalent et durable

Crossover à poulies 10 stations : Boostez votre routine d’entraînement avec notre équipement de gym polyvalent et durable

machine poulie vis à vis [fc02v2] crossover 2 stations (91kg + 91kg) avec compteur de répétitions bodytone

Machine Poulie Vis à Vis [FC02v2] Crossover 2 stations (91kg + 91kg) avec compteur de répétitions Bodytone

tirage dos haut et bas forza dual pulldown fd04 bodytone

Tirage dos haut et bas Forza Dual Pulldown FD04 Bodytone

station de musculation professionnelle multiposte fc4s v2 bodytone

Station de musculation Professionnelle multiposte FC4S V2 Bodytone

FC4S Collection Forza Crossover

DIMENSIONS 206 x 342 x 235 cm

Station de musculation Professionnelle multiposte FC4S V2 Bodytone (4 x 95kg + 71kg)

chaise romaine fbc15 bodytone

Chaise Romaine FBC15 Bodytone

presse à épaules olympique fbc09 bodytone

Presse à épaules olympique FBC09 Bodytone

machine développé décliné olympique bodytone fc06

Machine Développé Décliné Olympique Bodytone FC06

machine développé couché olympique fbc08 bodytone

Machine développé couché olympique FBC08 Bodytone

machine développé inclinée olympique fbc07 bodytone

Machine Développé inclinée olympique FBC07 Bodytone

double poulie musculation bodytone ecdap entraînement polyvalent pour renforcement musculaire

Double Poulie musculation Bodytone ECDAP – Entraînement polyvalent pour renforcement musculaire

Information complémentaire.

machine de presse pour les jambes bodytone fh59 : le guide ultime pour le renforcement musculaire.

Machine de presse pour les jambes Bodytone FH59 : Le guide ultime pour le renforcement musculaire.

structure street workout complète fp2435 entraînez vous comme un pro !

Structure Street Workout Complète FP2435 – Entraînez-vous comme un pro !

parcours du combattant light in fitness : un entraînement intense pour un corps sculpté

Parcours du combattant Light in Fitness : un entraînement intense pour un corps sculpté

container gym crossfit

Container Gym Crossfit

Hauteur : 377

Longueur : 1337

Largeur : 819

Garantie : 12 mois 

double mega mur ninja extérieur warped wall outdoor

Double Mega Mur Ninja Extérieur – Warped Wall outdoor

-La construction principale (à l’intérieur) sera en métal galvanisé et peint

-La face arrière en contreplaqué stratifié

-la face avant seront en panneau HDPE avec surface antidérapante.

-Garantie 2 ans

structure complète street workout s17

Structure complète Street Workout S17

Hauteur de chute libre

Zone de sécurité

13,59×14,45 m, (superficie 120,50 m²)

Définir les dimensions (longueur/largeur/hauteur)


structure crossfit station street workout s10

Structure Crossfit Station – Street Workout S10

12,95 x 7,17 m (surface 69,5 m2)


Station d’Entraînement BW FIT S01

Station d’Entraînement BW FIT S01

Structure Callisthénie HEX fonctionnelle

Structure callisthénie HEX fonctionnelle


Station Street Workout Double Hexagone

Station Ninja Course extérieure

Station Ninja Course extérieure

Parkour Ninja Warrior Professionnel

Parkour Ninja Warrior

Tapis de course extérieur sans moteur IGREEN

Tapis de course extérieur sans moteur IGREEN

Structure ninja warrior extérieure

Structure Ninja Warrior Extérieure

Dimensions :

Longueur : 15,6 m ; Largeur : 3,04 m ; Hauteur : 3,39 m ;

Matériaux :

Les constructions en acier sont en acier de qualité S235 Recouvertes d’un revêtement en poudre.

Pièces en plastique – élastodur.

Fixations – galvanisées.

EN 1176-1:2017; EN 16630:2015

Matériel street workout SW15

Matériel street workout SW15

Station Fitness Musculation 8 PLUS Extérieur

Station Fitness Musculation 8 PLUS Extérieur

La Station Fitness Musculation 8 PLUS Extérieur 8 Plus Outdoor comprend :

Structure Skeleton Iron Halo System (pour 7 colonnes) Plaques en acier inoxydable (comprend 7 pièces) Hourglass Monkey Bar – Up/Down Monkey Bar – Spider Web Monkey Bar – Hashtag Gymnastic  Hands  Cours Pull-Up Bar 7-Grip™ Torso Landmine (comprend 2 unités ) Barre de traction volante Échelle de corde inclinée Barre de décrochage – Échelle verticale Plate-forme pliométrique Cible de balle murale – Balle de panier Planche d’escalade – Avion de  pierres  (comprend 2 unités) Anneaux de gymnastique – Paire de sangles AB – Paire de piste de tuyau Piste de Stonehenge Balle de panier de médecine-ball

Cage Street Workout SP Max

Cage Street Workout SP Max

Cage Street Workout Z3

Cage Street Workout Z3

Cage Street Workout Z2

Cage Street Workout Z2

Cage street workout Z4

Cage Street Workout Z4

Cage Musculation Extérieure Clock 24

Cage Musculation Exterieure Clock 24

street workout leg extension sg620

Street Workout Leg Extension SG620

street workout machine deep lift sg608

Street Workout Machine Deep Lift SG608

street workout squat machine sg609

Street Workout Squat Machine SG609

street workout développé couché sg612

Street Workout Développé Couché SG612

Street Workout Seated Bench Press SG613

Street Workout Seated Bench Press SG613

street workout chest press sg601

Street Workout Chest Press SG601

street workout butterfly sg602

Street Workout Butterfly SG602

street workout delts sg603

Street Workout Delts SG603

street workout pull over sg604

Street Workout Pull Over SG604

street workout tirage vertical sg605

Street Workout Tirage Vertical SG605

street workout machine à biceps sg606

Street Workout Machine à biceps SG606

street workout triceps machine sg607

Street Workout Triceps machine SG607

cage crossfit et cross training evolutive m13

Cage Crossfit et Cross Training Evolutive M13

  • Longueur :  6 m.
  • Largeur :  2.25 m.
  • Hauteur :  3.60 m.

cage crossfit et cross training evolutive m14

Cage Crossfit et Cross Training Evolutive M14

  • Longueur:  3.12 m.
  • Largeur:  4.30 m.
  • Hauteur:  2.70 m.

cage crossfit et cross training evolutive m15

Cage Crossfit et Cross Training Evolutive M15

  • Longueur:  5 m.
  • Largueur:  3.12 m.
  • Hauteur:  4.50 m.

cage crossfit et cross training evolutive m16

Cage Crossfit et Cross Training Evolutive M16

  • Longueur:  10.40 m.
  • Largeur:  3.80 m.

structure rack xp2 floor mounted 2 x + 3 x squat bays ziva

Structure Rack XP2 FLOOR MOUNTED 2 X + 3 X SQUAT BAYS Ziva

XP2 Floor Mounted 2 x Functional Racks + 3 x Squat Bays includes 6 x J-Cups & Safety Arms. Longueur : 7,5 m

Fabriqué avec des tubes de 3 mm de qualité commerciale, découpés au laser et soudés. Utilisation de plaques d’acier épaisses pour les étagères. Qualité commerciale totale. Comprend une paire de bols en J et des bras de sécurité. Sac de boxe et points de suspension inclus

Finition en poudre noire

cage crossfit xp 14’ freestanding space saver rack


XP 14′ Free Standing Space Saver Rack avec 3 x étagères de stockage, 2 x bras de sécurité & J-Cups, 8 x piquets de stockage d’assiettes.

Fabriqué avec de l’acier de qualité commerciale de 75 mm x 75 mm x 3 mm et des boulons à haute résistance. 2 paires de J-Cups, 2 paires de bras de sécurité, 2 barres de traction volantes, 2 étagères de rangement pour kettlebell/dumbbell, 1 étagère de rangement pour pare-chocs, 8 piquets pour pare-chocs.

Dimensions : 483cm x 142cm x 243cm – 385kg

rack mural 9' high wall mounted modular rig crossfit ziva

Rack Mural 9′ HIGH WALL-MOUNTED MODULAR Rig Crossfit Ziva

Gréement modulaire mural de 9 pieds de haut

Découpé au laser avec finition par poudrage, cadre en acier 75 x 75 mm de 3 mm d’épaisseur, quincaillerie zinguée de 24 mm, section de 4 pieds x section de 6 pieds, comprend une paire de J-Cups pour chaque plate-forme de 4 pieds de large, comprend des barres de traction volantes à double hauteur pour chaque section de plate-forme.

Dimensions : 427cm x 122cm x 274cm- 165kg

rack mural 9' wall mounted modular rig crossfit ziva zxp wmrg 0929 cccc

Rack Mural 9′ Wall-Mounted Modular Rig Crossfit Ziva ZXP-WMRG-0929-CCCC

rack crossfit professionnel xp24 ziva

Rack CrossFit Professionnel XP24 ZIVA

cage crossfit ziva xp14 avec accessoires

Cage Crossfit Ziva XP14 avec accessoires

Dimensions : 483cm x 227cm x 243cm – 655kg

Rack Crossfit Rope Led

Rack Crossfit Rope Led



Hauteur: 2540mm

Longueur: 4810mm

Largeur: 4385mm

Poids de la machine: 1130kg

Plateforme Crossfit Long Led

Plateforme Crossfit Long Led

Equipement Crossfit Mountain Led

Equipement Crossfit Mountain Led

Rack et Cage à Squat God Line - rack squat - cage a squat

Rack et Cage à Squat God Line

Hauteur: 2465mm

Longueur: 1510mm

Largeur: 1675mm

Poids de la machine: 236kg

Multi-functional Smith Trainer

Multi-functional Smith Trainer

Light In Fitness : Appareils de musculation professionnels et Matériel de fitness


Cages Crossfit

Cages Street Workout

Arts Martiaux

Accessoires de fitnesss

Parcours Santé

Revêtement de Sol

Ninja Warrior

Aires de Jeux

Vous cherchez des Equipements Spécifiques ?

  • Appareils de musculation professionnels et matériel de fitness professionnels

Matériel de fitness professionnel

  • Matériel Sportif Professionnel
  • Machines de musculation professionnelles
  • Nos équipements et marques

Découvrez en exclusivité nos appareils de musculation professionnels pour votre structure.

Notre entreprise équipe de nombreuses structures sportives en  appareils de musculation ,  matériels de fitness  et  équipements de fitness .

Nos clients sont des clubs de fitness, l'armée, des kinésithérapeutes, des universités, des centres de remise en forme et plus.

Notre but est de vous fournir du  matériel de fitness professionnel  et design avec une résistance maximale. Nous vous garantissons des séances d'entraînement toujours au top de votre forme. En effet, la musculation est une discipline complète qui permet un travail corporel global sur l'endurance et la musculature.

 Contrairement aux appareils traditionnels de sports, les appareils professionnels sont pensés et sont conçus pour une utilisation intensive.

Ils sont à cet effet plus robustes, plus résistants et surtout ils apportent un maximum de sécurité. Light In Fitness, c’est la boutique des appareils et accessoires fitness de musculation par excellence.

 L’ensemble de nos appareils de musculation vous assure un confort et sécurité dans vos diverses préparations physiques et dans la pratique sportive. En tant que spécialiste et leader dans la commercialisation des équipements professionnels de la musculation Light in Fitness vous conseils. Explorez toute une gamme large et variée, consacrée à l’athlétisme, à la musculation. Que vous cherchiez  une smith machine, un développé couché ou encore un pupitre à biceps, nous avons un large choix de matériel.

 Nos experts analysent vos besoins pour vous conseiller la meilleure station de musculation pour travailler les muscles du corps. Travailler avec nos appareils de musculation professionnels vous permet d'atteindre rapidement les objectifs physiques que vous vous êtes fixés, d'augmenter sainement votre masse musculaire et de devenir puissant et athlétique.

Station de musculation professionnelle

Pour se faire, Light in Fitness se démarque de la concurrence en vous fournissant des appareils de musculation professionnels. Ils sont toujours dotés de la technologie plus récente et avancée, mais surtout dont le design et la finition sont plus que jamais attrayants et innovants.

La construction d’une musculature nécessite du temps et du matériel de qualité. 

Pour se faire, un appareil de musculation professionnelle multiposte est parfaitement adapté pour l’atteinte de ces objectifs.

Le choix ce type d’appareils dans le cas d’espèce n’est pas anodin. L'ensemble de notre collection en matériel de musculation à charge guidée et charge libre est de plus en plus important pour optimiser votre séance de musculation en toute sécurité.

 Nos experts analysent vos besoins pour vous conseiller la meilleure station de musculation pour travailler les muscles du corps . Travailler avec nos appareils de musculation professionnels vous permet d'atteindre rapidement les objectifs physiques que vous vous êtes fixés, d'augmenter sainement votre masse musculaire et de devenir puissant et athlétique.

Nous savons plus que quiconque qu'il n'est pas facile de choisir les bons appareils de musculation professionnels. En fonction de vos besoins et de vos capacités financières nous analysons la série qui vous convienne.

 Nos dizaines d'années de fournitures de matériel de fitness professionnel de qualité ont bâti notre notoriété et notre réputation dans le domaine de la vente de machines de musculation .

 Différentes structures s'approvisionnent régulièrement en appareils de musculation professionnels auprès de nos boutiques Light in Fitness et sont toujours à chaque fois surprise des innovations et de la constance de qualité de nos machines .

Nos équipements de fitness et notre matériel de fitness professionnel sont orientés vers les personnes avec un niveau confirmé ou débutant .

Notre gamme d'appareils de musculation reste un atout pour faire grandir votre centre de remise en forme.

Nous mettons nos compétences et notre savoir-faire pour vous obtenir avec nos appareils de musculation une solidité optimale l'or des entraînements de vos athlètes.

Variés et efficace ils seront vos outils pour garder la forme et avoir une santé de fer. Si votre objectif est de développer de la musculature , vous pouvez suivre un programme de musculation qui fera travailler tous les groupes musculaires de votre corps.

Dotée d’une technologie de dernière génération, notre collection d'appareils de musculation professionnels vous suit dans votre progression.

Grâce aux nombreux accessoires, vous disposerez d'une station de musculation tout-en-un. Mise à part les appareils de musculation multipostes. Nous vous donnons accès aux meilleurs appareils de musculation pour perdre de façon efficace le poids. Ces appareils Cardio sont les tapis de courses, les vélos, les elliptiques et les rameurs.

Matériel d'entraînement musculation

Choisissez le meilleur matériel d'entraînement musculation pour votre club. Il a été prouvé que plus un appareil de musculation est adaptable à son corps, plus il est efficace. Expert dans la fabrication d’appareils de sport, de fitness et de commercialisation des appareils de musculation professionnels. Notre structure light in Fitness a développé une gamme complète de références pour les professionnels. Sur notre plateforme ou dans nos diverses échoppes, retrouvez notre catalogue de produits et découvrez les différentes machines de musculation.

Elles sont disponibles à la vente pour votre club, centre, salle. Tous nos équipements de musculation et de fitness ont été conçus pour les Professionnels . Particulièrement pour les propriétaires de salle de sport et de centre de remise en forme, caserne militaire, association sportive, etc . En faisant la commande de vos machines sur notre plateforme, vous profitez de notre savoir-faire. Nous vous fournissons du matériel le mieux fabriqué au monde.

Dans l’optique de permettre à vos membres de faire des activités sportives variées. Permettez leurs de s’entraîner à leur guise comme des professionnels, nous vous proposons un large choix d’appareils de musculation professionnels. Grâce à nos stations ils peuvent s’entraîner régulièrement et intensément.

Des modules olympiques professionnels

 Depuis plus d'une décennie, notre structure light in Fitness équipe de nombreuses structures sportives. Elle fourni en appareils de musculation professionnels et équipements de fitness. Vous fournir du matériel de musculation professionnel avec une résistance maximale pour vous garantir des séances d’entraînement est notre priorité.

Dans notre gamme d'appareils de musculation professionnels, vous trouverez efficacité, rapport qualité prix et esthétique incomparable.

 Fiabilité, technologie, solidité et robustesse sont les maîtres mots de notre société Light in Fitness. Une grande ergonomie pour l'ensemble de nos machines de musculation, de nos parcours santé et sur l'ensemble de nos gammes. Trouvez tous types d'appareils de musculation professionnels dans les locaux de nos diverses boutiques Light in Fitness.

Nos appareils de musculation professionnels de qualité vous permettent de bâtir en toute sérénité votre corps. Gagnez rapidement en tonus et en développement musculaire. Nous vendons exclusivement des équipements de fitness professionnels neufs.

Matériel sportif professionnel

Grâce à notre site, vous pourrez découvrir l’ensemble de nos produits sportifs et tous nos accessoires dont vous avez besoin. Vous souhaitez réaliser en quelques minutes une idée de vos futurs équipements de fitness ?

Nous vous souhaitons la bienvenue sur le site Light In Fitness ,  la marque reconnue des équipements de fitness et de multisports professionnels indoor et outdoor . Notre objectif est de proposer tous types d'équipements et d'appareils de musculation pour le renforcement musculaire ,  la tonification et la rééducation .  Nous sommes référant en équipements sportifs sur tous types de sports indoor et outdoor de compétition de haut niveau .

Equipements de fitness professionnels

 Nous sommes une référence dans le domaine de matériel de fitness et d'équipements de musculation professionnels .  Grâce à notre entreprise ,  vous pourrez découvrir l’ensemble de vos futurs produits et réaliser en quelques minutes un devis en ligne gratuit pour connaître le prix et profitez de nombreuses offres en matière d' équipements sportifs . Des équipements de fitness toujours plus évolué technologiquement pour une solidité incomparable ,  un design exceptionnel ,  une haute technologie pour une fluidité de mouvements et une connexion au multimédia .

Pour nous le travail de la conception et la réalisation d'équipements avec des aciers et des cuirs d'une très grande qualité ,  est avant tout primordial pour faire de votre série d'appareils de fitness une valeur ajoutée .

Machines de musculation professionnelles et équipements de fitness professionnels

Avec notre matériel fitness, vous pourrez travailler votre tonification et renforcement musculaire. Travaillez à travers des séances individuelles, de cours de fitness, de cross training ou de coaching à travers des exercices de musculation variés. Entrainez le cardio et les membres inférieurs de la manière la plus douce avec nos appareils de musculation professionnelle. Travaillez l’isométrie sur l’ensemble de nos machines de musculation.

Vous trouverez dans nos magasins Light In Fitness, des équipements complets d’haltérophilie , racks de squat, bancs de musculation simples ou avec support de barres, des appareils guidés pour pectoraux.   Vous n’êtes pas sans savoir l’énorme bénéfice que procure l’usage des appareils de musculation professionnels.

 Ces appareils de musculation, sont disponibles dans différentes couleurs. Nos produits sont respectueux des normes environnementales et dénuées de tout élément nocif.

 Le nombre des appareils de musculation se compte par milliers en fonction des marques de par le monde .  Achetez le matériel de musculation professionnel dont vous avez besoin.

Achetez des appareils de musculation professionnels guidés et des stations à plaques de musculation pour développer simultanément différents muscles.

Nous possédons aujourd’hui, des appareils de rééducation sportive qui vous permettront de travailler en 3D.

Vous recherchez un appareil musculation professionnelle pour votre nouvelle salle de fitness ? Nous avons une large gamme de tapis de course ,  d'elliptiques ,  de vélos ,  d'appareils olympiques ,  de machines de musculation ,  d'accessoires et de matériel outdoor pour les cages de stries workout et les parcours santés .

Les appareils de musculation professionnels de chez light in fitness.

Light In Fitness, entreprise leader dans le secteur du fitness et des appareils de musculation. Nous vous proposons les appareils de musculation professionnelle et de fitness variés. Les tapis de course, les vélos assis ou couché professionnels, les rameurs, group cycling, modules stretching et yoga, accessoires fitness, bancs de musculation, haltères et poids musculation, etc.

La pratique quotidienne des exercices sportifs et de musculation permet de se maintenir en forme et de développer ses muscles. Afin d’obtenir un résultat satisfaisant, et ce de façon rapide, l’utilisation des appareils de musculation professionnels est la seule garantie pour l’atteinte de ces résultats.

 Les appareils de musculation professionnels de light In Fitness, vous accompagne à cet effet.

 Ces appareils de musculation de qualité professionnelle sont des machines construites avec un design élégant et luxueux . Ce qui vous permet de répondre aux besoins spécifiques de vos centres, salles qui nécessitent des machines durables à des prix abordables.

 Nos appareils de musculation professionnels de qualité et perfectionnés vous permettent de bâtir en toute sérénité votre corps, de gagner rapidement en tonus et de développer vos muscles .

Light In Fitness se spécialise dans l’équipement de musculation professionnel fourni à partir de stock à des prix réduits pour les gymnases commerciaux, entraîneurs personnels, exigeant utilisateur à domicile, expert et les professionnels.

 Pratiquement, tous nos produits sont stockés par nous-mêmes directement à partir du fabricant nous permettant d’offrir des prix de réduction exceptionnels à nos clients. découvrez nos marques light in fitness, Xebex, Bodytone, L exco, Cube, Reebok, Alpha, Ziva , marques personnalisables ...

Les salles de musculation sont des espaces dédiés au renforcement musculaire et à l'entraînement physique. Elles offrent une variété d'appareils de musculation conçus pour cibler différents groupes musculaires.

Dans ces salles, vous trouverez des machines de musculation telles que les chaises romaines, les charges guidées et les stations de musculation. Ces appareils de musculation sont spécialement conçus pour permettre un entraînement professionnel et efficace.

Les chaises romaines sont idéales pour travailler les muscles du haut du corps, en particulier les bras, les épaules et le dos. Elles offrent une grande stabilité et permettent de réaliser une grande variété d'exercices.

Les charges guidées sont des appareils de musculation qui utilisent un système de poulies et de câbles pour guider le mouvement. Ils offrent une résistance constante et permettent de cibler spécifiquement certains groupes musculaires.

Les salles de musculation proposent également des bancs de musculation, des appareils à charge libre et des pupitres à biceps. Les bancs de musculation sont polyvalents et permettent de réaliser une grande variété d'exercices, tandis que les appareils à charge libre offrent une plus grande liberté de mouvement.

Le renforcement musculaire dans ces salles se fait à l'aide d'appareils de musculation spécifiques, qui permettent de travailler chaque groupe musculaire de manière ciblée. Que vous souhaitiez développer vos bras, vos jambes, votre dos ou votre poitrine, vous trouverez le matériel de musculation adapté à vos besoins.

En résumé, les salles de musculation sont des espaces équipés d'appareils de musculation professionnels, conçus pour le renforcement musculaire. Que vous préfériez les machines de musculation, les charges guidées ou les appareils à charge libre, vous trouverez tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour atteindre vos objectifs de remise en forme.

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light in fitness tours


Light in fitness numéro 1 sur les appareils de musculation professionnels..

Nous sommes la solution idéale pour vous équipez sur des appareils de musculation professionnels premium dans le monde entier.

Disponibles pour faire de vos appareils de musculation professionnels, des accessoires de votre développement musculaire, de votre santé en général et de votre épanouissement personnel à un prix défiant toute concurrence. Les appareils de musculations professionnels présentes d’innombrables avantages et sont toujours très utiles et pourraient même vous surprendre agréablement.

Avec notre offre de personnalisation, vous pouvez donc personnaliser vos appareils de musculation professionnels préférés qui vous serons livrez sur-mesure en tailles et des formes distinctes. Nous n'avons pas uniquement pensé muscles, tonus, force, énergie au détriment de votre santé. Pour vos projets d’acquisition d’appareils de musculation et autres, n’hésitez donc pas à faire appel à nos services.

Vente d'appareils de musculation professionnels, cardio, crossfit, indoor/outdoor en France et en Europe.

Light in fitness

6-8 rue Victor Laloux

37000 Tours

(World Way Factory RCS 793 296 401)

Une demande sur nos appareils de musculation, nos machines de cardio training, nos cages de crossfit indoor et outdoor, nos accessoires ou encore nos sols sportifs ?

Vous pouvez nous contacter par téléphone : +33620726696

Par email : [email protected]

ou faire votre demande sur notre formulaire de contact

Fabricant matériel de fitness

Notre entreprise : Conçoit des appareils de musculation, équipements sportifs et donne un large chois d'équipements de fitness toutes marques. Une équipe de techniciens est à votre disposition à tout moment pour vous aider à cibler, à définir et concrétiser vos projets. Fabrique tout les équipements sportifs. Son unité de production permet de fabriquer en série ou à l’unité. Installe les équipements sportifs.   Grâce à nos ingénieurs experts en biomécanique, nous offrons à nos clients une nouvelle technologie et une amélioration de la facilité d'utilisation.

Light In fitness vous aide à concevoir et à réaliser votre projet multisports en vous trouvant des solutions appropriés pour trouver votre matériel de fitness professionnel et vos appareils de musculation professionnels. Nous réunissons  tous les éléments de performances fonctionnels nécessaires à une gamme de Cages professionnelles. Aujourd'hui l'appareil de musculation, de cardio training doit être le plus solide possible. Light In Fitness est aujourd’hui une des rares entreprises à offrir à ses clients des garanties plus longues : Gage de savoir faire, de qualité, de sécurité et de respect des normes professionnels.

Un large choix d'équipements de fitness

Notre large équipe cumule expertise, expérience et service client, elle travaille à l’atteinte de vos objectifs. Le succès d’un projet passe essentiellement par l’implication des personnes professionnelles qui le réalisent. Notre équipe vous livrera des résultats mesurables et vous orientera sur les stations de musculation appropriées. Avec notre entreprise et notre site, vous allez pouvoir naviguer en toute sécurité sur toutes les catégories de produits : Cardio , Musculation , Petit matériel "accessoires fitness", Cross-training , Street workout , Wellness , Gym , Sol sportif et trouver des produits sportifs professionnels.

Une Livraison Internationale

Grâce à nos partenaires, nous pouvons vous livrer vos appareils de musculation dans le monde entier. Nous sommes disponibles sur toute la France pour vous accompagner au mieux sur votre projet et vous proposer des nouveaux concepts. Nos équipements de fitness sont soigneusements emballés tout au long de l'acheminement. Nous vous assurons un travail irréprochable avec nos produits haut de gamme pour assurer au client une qualité d’équipements haut de gamme et une durabilité maximum. Nos délais de livraisons peuvent varier en fonction du matériel de sport.


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37000 Tours

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Home » Budget Travel » fitness retreats

34 Top Fitness and Wellness Resorts in the World • 2024

Life is a special gift. Within that there’s no better gift than good health; physical and mental. 

But we love to travel – and when you’re on the move, it can be hard to prioritise health. When we discovered fitness resorts and wellness programmes, it completely changed the game. 

So we have reviewed some of the best fitness retreats in the WORLD. Not only will I cover gruelling, heart-pumping health and fitness holidays, but yoga, meditation, and wellness retreats, surf camps, nature immersive escapes, and more!

The concept of wellness travel is simple: take time off to restore your vitality and your sanity, to build connections, and take a skill or passion to the next level. Your vacation can truly change your life. 

If you’ve ever gone on vacation to hike, surf, practice yoga, or immerse in nature, then you’ve experienced wellness travel. The programs below have put together incredible programs in exotic locations with health professionals and other like-minded people to help you create a sustainable lifestyle for the mind, body, and spirit.

So let me give you a low down on our favourite fitness retreats!

yoga and best fitness retreats

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Finding a Fitness Retreat for You

Top fitness retreats in the world, best fitness resorts in the outdoors, best surf retreats, meditation and yoga retreats, best wellness retreats, best fitness retreat for you bad folks, best affordable fitness retreats, best luxurious fitness retreats, faqs about the best fitness retreats, final thoughts on the best fitness retreats in the world.

The days of MTV girls’ gone wild beach resorts are behind us. Wellness travel is now one of the fastest-growing sectors in tourism because people are tired of needing a vacation from their vacation.

People are looking to detox on holiday, not to destroy their livers in the process. People are looking for ways to get away from the stress, not deplete their adrenals faster than their bank account.

Don’t get me wrong: there are times and places for partying and letting loose (this is a backpacker blog, after all), but there is also a time and place for staying fit on the road and fitness classes that are actually restorative and rejuvenating.

Although there are some expensive retreats out there, I’ve hand-picked the getaways and fitness resorts that are worth your money. I’ve also included many affordable getaways so even we backpackers can take a break from the crazy hostel life once and a while.

surfing fitness retreats

As someone who personally likes to work out hard, hit the gym, and go on adventures, I also appreciate   working inwards through yoga and meditation, digital detoxes, and nature immersion. I always ensure my backpack is equipped with light and reliable travel workout gear to stay fit on the roads.

You can trust that I’ve covered a solid variety of wellness and fitness getaways that encompass my passion for health and travel.

I’d like to point out that wellness and fitness are not interchangeable, and sometimes athletes sacrifice health and longevity to achieve maximal physical fitness and performance, but the two can go hand in hand. Many of the fitness and wellness retreats I cover below incorporate healthy food, restorative rest, digital detoxes, mobility, and recovery in balance with intensive workouts and adventures.

Some of the best fitness retreats in the world include surf and yoga retreats, outdoor escapes, adventurous locations, luxurious getaways, and more. As mentioned, I’ve included a few amazing surf and fitness camps for those of us on a budget.

I am going to cover a few fitness retreats that focus on your physical fitness as well as particular skill sets like martial arts and CrossFit. Some will focus more on group settings, while others on silent meditation.

Whatever your health goals are, it’s likely there’s a wellness holiday out there for you. Let’s dig in, shall we?

light in fitness tours

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Before signing up for a fitness retreat, you should think about what you want to get out of your ultimate fitness vacation. Do you want a holistic vacation or one that just hits you hard with HIIT (high-intensity interval training), boot camps, and long runs?

Are you interested in yoga and meditation? Surf? Martial arts?

Are you simply looking at getting into hiking or exclusively time to relax at the spa?

best wellness and fitness retreats Aro Ha Retreat

1. WanderFit Retreats

Where: Bali, Costa Rica, and Portugal

WanderFit Retreats is a travel and tour company that aims to be more than the world’s best boot camp. Their mantra is to incorporate healthy living, fitness, and adventure throughout the trip.

Balangan Beach Bali

Bali retreat spends 8 days on the “Island of the Gods,” combining fitness and active adventures for each day. These include a hike up Mt. Batur, functional fitness and HIIT workouts, sightseeing, snorkeling, and spa days. Get excited about the unlimited access you get to Amo Spa’s sauna and amenities with this package! (I’ve spent quite a bit of time at Amo while visiting Bali .)

These incredible fitness vacations don’t stop in Bali either. They’ve recently added trips to Portugal and also a fitness retreat in Costa Rica. While great for couples or solo fitness enthusiasts, this is a fantastic fitness retreat for singles!

2. Extreme Fitness Camps

Where: Caraberete, Dominican Republic

If you are searching for the best fitness vacations in the Caribbean , then this eco-adventure paradise is the retreat for you. Set in the Dominican Republic, this is one of the best active retreats, designed to get you healthy and energized.

Their fitness retreats include personal training sessions, twice-daily small group workouts, and yoga. (They also have a kiteboarding program, as Caraberate is one of the best kiteboarding locations in the world!)

Dominican Republic 5

This is the world’s best boot camp, working with everyone from professional athletes to top executives to fitness enthusiasts.

Food includes a daily protein smoothie, organic breakfast, and dinner at the hotel’s farm-to-table restaurant. You even get to tour their organic farm. An onsite nutritionist will help you figure out how to continue your healthy eating once you’re at home.

Their gym is also one of the leading ecologically sustainable small hotels in the Caribbean. Extreme Fitness Camps is more than just an adventure sports and fitness retreat, but a place that values sustainable and ecological tourism and community.

3. Kung Fu Retreat

Are you looking for a unique and life-changing fitness retreat? Do you want to experience the body, mind, and spirit shift of a yoga retreat… but yoga isn’t for you? Kung Fu Retreat takes you in deep adventures in Thailand in the northern mountains of Pai. Destress and immerse in daily Kung Fu, tai chi, and meditation practices.

light in fitness tours

Experience an incredible well-being holiday in paradise with a combination of physical exercise, guided meditations, delicious healthy food, accommodations with beautiful views in the hillside, and a feeling of community unlike anywhere else. Kung Fu retreat is a place to build strength, heal, and find peace all in one.

The program packs a punch with the best elements of Chinese Kung Fu, Chi Kung, meditation, and tai chi. You can sign up for the week, a month, 3 months, or even stay for multiple years.

4. 38 Degrees North

Where:  Marbella, Spain

Alright, this is one of the more extreme fitness camps for adults. With retreats in both Ibiza and Marbella, the four-day retreats include a sunrise fasted HIIT session, breakfast, lunch, and dinner intermixed with outdoor functional training, stretching, kettlebell training, boxing, yoga, and nutritional workshops.

Ultimate Fitness Holiday

38 Degrees North has been running since 2012 and each retreat is hosted by owners Claire and James. They offer a holistic lifestyle retreat that gives you a paradisal location, space, and support to recharge, make changes, and improve your health!

The retreats also include beachside accommodation, habit change coaching and a four-week training plan. What I dig about this fitness retreat is how they focus on creating sustainable programs for busy people. Their goal is to educate people on how to incorporate fitness into ‘real’ life – in a holistic way, so they can get short and effective workouts and routines to weave into normal life.

5. Ultimate Fitness Holiday

Where:  Thailand, Bali, Spain, Sri Lanka and Australia

Want to join an all-service experience retreat in paradise-like destinations? Do you want to get the healthiest you’ve ever been with the support of experts and become the world’s fittest You?

Ultimate Fitness Holiday offers customized fitness retreats for you to get YOUR perfect fitness retreat. With over 10,000 meters of fitness space spread out over all their locations, you will have space and the facilities to deepen your practice while strengthening your body and mind.

Balancing out hard work and relaxation, Ultimate Fitness Holiday makes sure that you also have some downtime and some fun. In your free time, take your healthy body on an adventure and engage in fun activities such as kiting.

While I do love hitting a good workout class or WOD at Crossfit – I’m a firm believer that the best functional fitness and overall health are found in nature. Studies show nature is vital to optimum health.

So let’s use the great outdoors to get healthy, connect with nature, and reconnect with ourselves. These are my favorite outdoor fitness retreats.

6. Red Mountain Resort

Where:  St. George, Utah

Set along the inspiring Southwest’s red rock cliffs and canyons, and a stone’s throw away from Red Rocks, Zion National Park, and Bryce Canyon National Park, Red Mountain Resort is one of the top fitness resorts in the USA. It offers the perfect location to improve your fitness and wellness in the great outdoors.

St. George, Utah is one of the outdoor adventure capitals of the world, Red Mountain Resort offers a variety of unique fitness-related experiences and outdoor experiences. You’re within driving distance of the greatest national parks in the USA !

angels rest things to do in utah

Red Mountain fitness Resort includes three healthy meals per day, guided hiking and biking, and yoga and fitness classes. There’s even a lap pool for water workouts!

If you want to take it slow, relax at the Sagestone spa, inspired by ancient health and beauty rituals practiced throughout the world. If you want more of an adventure, they customize trips for rock climbing, canyoneering, and hiking trips in the parks and wilderness.

A typical day goes like this: early morning breakfast and a hike, an afternoon kayaking trip, and an evening winding down at the spa. The southwest, USA is one of the most beautiful places in the world, so you can’t go wrong with this fitness getaway.

7. Mountain Trek Fitness Retreat in British Columbia, Canada

Where: BC, Canada

I can’t think of a better place to reset your health than the exquisite and beautiful mountains of British Colombia. Each day features sunrise yoga, Nordic-style hikes through the mountains, chef-prepared cuisine, and time to unwind in a state-of-the-art spa at their beautiful lodge that Kootenay Lake and the Purcell Mountains.

The concept is to reclaim your functional movement and natural health through balancing key hormones and boosting your metabolism. This is the perfect wellness retreat for anyone who wants to immerse themselves in nature.

Bonus point: Mountain Trek’s spa has been named as one of the best destination spas in the world.

8. Moab Mindful Running Retreat

Where:  Moab, Utah

Moab is home to the ultra-ultra marathons… (We’re talking 250-mile races!) The concept is to build a sustainable running practice that avoids injury and burnout while meeting other like-minded runners.

one of the most beautiful Utah national parks

This fitness retreat is intended for runners who can keep up with four-to nine-mile daily workouts through the red rock canyons. That said, Moab Mindful Running Retreat is about more than just running: set among the sheer beauty of Moab, you have the opportunity to do restorative yoga, join mindful running workshops and natural form clinics to mitigate the stress of running, and improve posture, efficiency, and flow.

The retreat leader Charlotte was once a professional sprinter and Denmark’s fastest woman. Afterwards, she combined her sports science degree with a new interest in mindfulness and yoga and then spent a decade using sports as a tool to create peaceful co-existence and social cohesion in the former Yugoslavia and Afghanistan.

9. New Life Hiking Spa

New Life Hiking Spa is an all-inclusive fitness retreat in the Green Mountains of Vermont. Its affordable rates include three healthy meals a day, guided hikes along the Appalachian Trail, yoga, wellness lectures, and one massage per three-night stay.

campground new england with fall folaige and mountains

New Life has emphasized cleansing by using the freshest, most wholesome foods available – no lose weight quick schemes. Their schedule is somewhat flexible depending on your fitness level, and the hikes can be customized to your needs.

10. Fitness Adventure Travel

Where: Worldwide

Fitness Adventure Travel trips go to various exotic locations to get you fit while still enjoying what the country has to offer. You go on a wonderful group tour with an emphasis on fitness.

They go everywhere from Morocco and the Mediterranean to a Costa Rica fitness retreat and Barbados boot camp vacation. On their Ecuador trip , for example, they take you to Quito, the world’s highest capital city to trek around the area with experts for your personal training sessions. You get to explore hot thermal baths, volcanoes, rivers, lakes, and beaches.

What makes this a great fitness retreat is their focus on your fitness and nutrition needs, while simultaneously exploring the historic town and indigenous markets. Plus, this program also serves as a digital detox as many destinations are remote, like the top of a mountain or a fishing village.

11. The Big Blue Swim in Greece

Where: Santorini, Lefkada, and Crete, Greece

Long loved as a honeymoon destination for travelling lovebirds , why not experience Santorini in a different light by swimming along the coastline, or visit the large island of Crete and swim its alluring waters? How about exploring the lush island of Lefkada from land and then sea?

Start each day with a buffet-style breakfast before heading to the first swimming location and jumping into the alluring Greek waters. The concept behind this fitness resort is to swim in a different location each day. Boat transfers will take you to harbours for lunch.

12. Cycle Retreats in Costa Blanca, Spain

Where: Costa Blanca, Spain

Another one of the more extreme fitness camps for adults, get ready to cycle along the sunny coast of Spain. With 325 days of sun a year, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a better cycle retreat in winter!

They offer routes for every level, including the cycling novice too. What sets Cycle Retreat from other cycle tours? I’m a big fan of Costa Blanca’s incredible views and their relaxing villa with home-cooked food made using locally-sourced ingredients and wines. Moreover, you can schedule trips to the ocean, wine tastings, and massages.

light in fitness tours

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These are a few of the best surf retreats in the world. Between Morocco, Costa Rica and Central America, and South East Astia, there are so many potential options, but in terms of fitness retreats, these are some of the best.

best surf retreats

13. SurfMaroc

Where: Morocco

They offer packages for beginners (Surf Coaching) and intermediate and advanced surfers (Guiding). This surf retreat includes hearty breakfast and dinner, picnic lunches, beachfront accommodation, sunset yoga, and of course, surf lessons with good-quality boards and gear.

As for the coaching, they go above and beyond, with two hours a day of daily surf lessons and video analysis for intermediate and level 5 surfers. This program aims to take your surfing to the next level as quickly as possible with hands-on instruction.

14. Mad to Live

Where: Faro, Portugal

This epic surf retreat offers 7 days of surfing, sunset beach yoga sessions, and sunrise trail running. They also lead beach circuit sessions, and one-on-one PT sessions, so this is just as much a fitness retreat as just surf! All meals are included except for two nights, which are spent out on the town.

15. Point Break Retreats

Where:  Sayulita, Mexico (+ Costa Rica and Portugal destinations)

Their mantra is “find your balance” and that’s exactly what you’ll find. Find your balance on the board, in the studio, and life. They help you go deep into the movement. Point Break is unique as they blend the art of ballet with the athleticism of surfing. The trip is sprinkled with a handful of fun excursions around town, yoga classes, beach time, salsa lessons, and plenty of time to lounge and decompress. I believe they also host women fitness retreats too!

16. Safari Surf School

Where: Nosara , Costa Rica

They have tons of curated packages and some you can design on your own. This program is unique because a percentage of all their proceeds go to a local non-profit – Refuge for Wildlife. Enjoy your vacation, learn to surf all while helping the local community! (They also have a camp in Panama!)


You’ll be getting in the water in the morning and afternoon for lessons, but also have time to explore in between! You can find anything from waterfall hikes to horseback tours! Or just read a book by the pool or beach, take a yoga class, or get a rejuvenating massage.

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While a lot of the best fitness resorts include yoga classes, this section focuses on ashrams, all-inclusive yoga retreats, and meditation retreats, specifically. I have listed some of the most popular yoga retreats, but generally included many of the best retreats and shalas offered in India and across the world.

I have excluded obscenely priced retreats from this section. Please see my luxurious fitness retreat section below for those. Most of these the best yoga retreats in the world reside in yoga’s birthplace of India, though not all, and I added a couple of different retreats elsewhere.

Keep in mind, you can show up to travel India or Asia and find a retreat that speaks to you, but if you want to book everything ahead of time, then these suggestions are a great place to start.

Young Girl Yoga, Nusa Lembongan

17. Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute in Light of BKS Iyengar

Where: Puna, India

This might be one of the most popular yoga retreats in the world, as it is the heart and soul of Iyengar Yoga. There is a great significance behind the unique design of RIMYI. The three floors represent the body, mind, and soul. Its height is 71 feet and has 8 columns which represent the eight limbs of ashtanga yoga i.e.yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, Dharana, dhyana and samadhi. The institute conducts regular classes for beginners, intermediate, and advanced yogis.

18. Samma Karuna

Where: Koh Phangan, Thailand

Looking for a meditation trip? One of the best yoga retreats in the world? A place to meet like-minded people? Samma Karuna is located amongst the palm trees, beautiful beaches, and jungle landscapes of Koh Phangan, and this place is more like a community than a retreat.

They offer various packages, teacher training courses, a unique 1-month Awakening and Healing program, and shorter stays too. My friend has raved about how incredible this yoga getaway is.

Don’t be alarmed that Koh Phangan is the infamous Full Moon Party island because there are many lowkey spots on the island as well, and I’ve heard the yoga on Koh Phangan is overall incredible at many studios and retreat centers.

best yoga retreats on Koh Phangan

19. Mysore Mandala

Where: Mysore, India (Ashtanga’s birthplace)

If you are looking for an Ashtanga-style yoga and meditation retreat in India , this is one of the best Yoga retreats in India. Mysore Mandala Yoga Shala is a Yoga and Cultural Centre located in charming Heritage House with a cafe supplied by the owners’ organic farm on-site.

It’s closer to a western-style studio than traditional ashram but remains authentic. They mainly teach Ashtanga, Mysore Style, but also offer Hatha, shatkriya (cleansing), back bending, and pranayama as well as instruction in Sanskrit, in the yoga sutras, and Ayurveda, the Vedic medical system. The personal training sessions are highly regarded here.

best yoga retreats in India

20. Sagrada Wellness Retreat

Where: Santa Margarita, California

Right in my backyard of California’s Central Coast, The Sagrada Wellness retreat is nestled amongst the quiet hilltops of Santa Margarita, California. I love that there is no internet, and you can fully disconnect from technology to practice yoga, eat farm-to-table organic foods, meditate, journal, and spa in peace.

As someone who lives around here, it’s hard not to eat and feel well among the California hilltops!  Bonus points for their 100% solar-powered home, saltwater pool, Jacuzzi, and nearby hiking spots. They also run “Singlehood Retreat” making them one of the best spiritual retreats for singles. Considering the location, there are wine and yoga retreats, too because of wine not?

21. Ana Maya Resort

Where: Montezuma, Costa Rica

More than just a yoga retreat, Ana Maya is a paradise nestled in the Costa Rican jungle overlooking the ocean. They do all-inclusive yoga retreats ranging from a few days to weeks. You’ll get nothing less than all organic, healthy meals – gourmet style, yoga packages, spa services, and specialized workshops.

Ana Maya Resort works with the neighbouring Rancho Delicioso to do yoga packages with their permaculture courses, scuba and surf camps, aerial silk, and archery. Rancho Delicioso is just a few miles away. It’s more affordable but not as luxurious as Ana Maya, and so many guests do one week at Anamaya and one at Rancho Delicioso.

backpacking Costa Rica

22. Yoga Goa Purple Valley

With access to the world’s best Ashtanga teachers (John Scott, Petri Raisanen, Alexander Medin), Goa’s Purple Valley one of the best yoga retreats in the world to practice Mysore-style yogic living.

The yoga retreat is spread over two Portuguese-style houses and landscaped gardens with a tropical forest feel. Two international and one Ayurvedic chef prepare delicious, healthy meals.

You may also meet with Ayurvedic doctors and massage therapists. We consider this one of the best spiritual retreats in India for singles, though couples you are welcome too.

23. Sleep YourSelf Awake Retreat

When: Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Located between the jungle and a private beach, this is one of the best meditation and yoga retreats in the world. I love their focus on yoga nidra sessions to work through the stages of sleep and get restorative sleep.

Yoga Nidra brings the nervous system into a coherent state, resting in a place where healing can occur on all levels. You can also expect body mapping and dream mapping workshops, and the option to participate in a traditional  temazcal  (Mayan sweat lodge) ceremony.

24. Aro Ha in the Southern Alps of New Zealand

Where: Lake Wakatipu, New Zealand

Aro Ha is a multi-award-winning retreat where wellness traditions meet luxury. Each retreat aims to achieve that by focusing on the BREATH acronym: Being, Relating, Eating, Activity, Toxicity, and Healing.

Salute the rising sun with vinyasa yoga, be immersed in nature, and use a variety of practices to elevate your body and mind. The accommodation features a range of eco suites in a home with a shared foyer with communal space to sit and share tea. From the hydrotherapy spas set into the mountainous earth to the yoga studio with panoramic views of Lake Wakatipu, you’ll find peace everywhere you turn.

The all-inclusive program serves up vegetarian, paleo-friendly, gluten-free, and dairy-free cuisine to help reset your eating habits; and fitness classes, spa therapy, and mindfulness practices take care of the rest of the body and mind. This will translate nicely into all your mindful training in the gym, on the mat and elsewhere.

Aro Ha is a self-sustaining retreat that merges ancient traditions with modern technology. From the organic produce grown onsite and stored in ambient, earth-cooled cellars, to our state-of-the-art solar and hydro energy system, each wellness journey leaves no trace.

25. Akasha Wellness Retreat

Akasha Wellness Retreat combines some of the best hiking in the world with a yoga retreat. It is in a quaint village in the mountains of Transylvania close to the city of Brasov. It is the perfect wellness retreat getaway from Western Europe, as it’s – as they say – “remote and rural on purpose.” You’ll practice yoga and hike amongst pure mountain air and nature, and eat some of the best homemade food.

You’ll have unlimited access to Swedish & infrared sauna, and outdoor jacuzzi hot tub, both with views of the mountains. Body therapies, energy healing, and massages can be booked on arrival.

26. Seven Senses

Where:  Todos Santos, Mexico

Throughout this week-long retreat, holistic naturopath, Dr. Erica Matluck and sound practitioner, Paul Kuhn will lead you through a series of exercises, ranging from breathwork and sound therapy to yoga and empowering purpose-driven workshops, to optimize your seven chakra centers.

At the end of this transformative journey, you will have the access to and understanding of powerful physical and metaphysical tools to unblock, strategize and manifest boundless success and happiness back at home.

light in fitness tours

Wanna know how to pack like a pro? Well for a start you need the right gear….

These are packing cubes for the globetrotters and compression sacks for the  real adventurers – these babies are a traveller’s best kept secret. They organise yo’ packing and minimise volume too so you can pack MORE.

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Are you looking for an extreme fitness retreat for adults? You know, the drinking kind? Check out these fitness vacations that may or may not serve beer too.

27. Surf Yoga Beer

Where: Italy, Belize, NYC, and Beyond

No, this surf camp and fitness vacation is not just about beer. They offer salsa dancing, sailing, surfing, HIIT workouts, kayaking, and fitness retreats around the world. There are also smaller exercise and yoga retreats around New York City .

28. Yoga for Bad People

Where:  Multiple locations like Cuba and Tanzania.

So what’s up with Yoga for bad people? From their site: “In a classic text on yoga, the “Hatha Yoga Pradipika”, it is stated that one of the obstacles to yoga is “adhering too strictly to rules”, hence the slang term “bad”. BAD, essentially meaning good, but with a little spice and an element of being unconventional and eccentric.” They do adhere to some traditional yoga but are not afraid to throw on some bumping music and dance.

Yoga for bad people leads fitness retreats around the world that allow for quiet reflection intense physical athleticism. Unlike the other fitness resorts above, they focus on nightlife too.

We’re not all made of money. But it doesn’t matter anyway. Your ideal wellness retreat doesn’t have to cost the Earth.

Yes, you can still experience health spa services, fun activities, and weight loss boot camps on a budget. Here are some top picks that the world has to offer in affordable fitness retreats.

29. Soul & Surf

Where: India, Sri Lanka, Portugal

With shallow, uncrowded waves, Kerala could never rival surf hot spots like Indonesia and Hawaii, but it’s perfect for learning how to surf in a tropical, exotic place. They were one of the country’s first surf camps to offer classes from professional teachers. Get to know this beautiful place in India, and learn to surf with daily rooftop yoga.

Another excellent option is to go surfing in Sri Lanka with Soul & Surf. Although they’re affordable, they set their standards high with brilliant, down-to-earth staff, surf, yoga, pranayama, meditation, therapies, cafe, and music programs. I’m a huge fan. 

30. Free Spirit Hostel, Nicaragua and Ecuador

surfing in Nicaragua

Surf and yoga package holidays do not have to be expensive. At Free Spirit, the owners believe surf and yoga should be for everyone. The package includes six nights of accommodation in a shared dorm, six breakfasts, six dinners, three surf lessons, one surf theory lesson, board rental, and five yoga lessons. El Transito’s break offers the best intermediate-advanced waves in March-August.

light in fitness tours

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While we love to backpack and travel on a dime , we also love to dream about luxurious fitness retreat vacations once and a while. If you come across a winning lottery ticket or inheritance, maybe you should book yourself a spot at a luxury boot camp.

31. The Ranch

Where: Malibu, California

The Ranch is one of the best luxury fitness retreats in the world, where wealthy A-listers go to get in shape. Choose from the Ranch (a seven-day stay), the Ranch 4.0 (a four-day weekend), or the Ranch 10.0 (an intense 10-day program). A typical day includes long hikes, strength training, and yoga, accompanied by an organic plant-based meal plan.

malibu pink sunset on ocean

32. Canyon Ranch

Where: Tuscon, Arizona

One of the most famous luxury fitness resorts in the US, Canyon Ranch offers everything you can imagine in the name of wellness. They have experts in medicine, exercise physiology, nutrition, life management, spirituality and other wellness specialities onsite. From their Life Enhancement Center to their Spa, wellness programs, and incredible dining experience (organic and beyond), no one does luxurious wellness better.

During your stay, you are encouraged to set an intention for each visit. From there, you get over 40 classes and activities to choose from, like forest bathing and yoga, HIIT training, and creative art classes. You also get $160 per day to use for massages, facials, and one-on-one with fitness pros, exercise physiologists, nutritionists, spiritual guides, physicians and more.

Canyon Ranch has a 100,000-square-foot spa and fitness facility with indoor and outdoor pools, saunas, steam rooms, an indoor running track, cycling studio, and more.

33. The Body Holiday

Where: St Lucia, Caribbean

If you are looking for one of the best luxury fitness retreats on a beautiful, tropical island, then this fitness resort is for you. You have several activities to choose from, like archery, Zumba, morning runs, snorkeling , and sunset yoga. Plus, five restaurants cater to any type of diet.

They host weight loss retreats, yoga retreats and beyond. The Body Holiday is both a great fitness vacation for singles but also couples fitness retreat too. Moreover, they use technology, ancient Ayurvedic principles, and a range of non-invasive diagnostics to assess your nutrient, hormone and stress levels, heart health and more.

34. Ananda Spa Wellness Retreat

Where: Narendranagar, India

Ananda Spa is one of the best wellness retreats and most famous Ashrams in India. It’s quite pricy for India, but their detox program is supposed to be one of the best. You’ll experience a variety of yoga, Ayurvedic, meditation, and cleansing spa remedies.

Still have some questions? No problem! We’ve listed and answered the most commonly asked questions below. Here’s what people usually want to know:

What are the best luxury fitness retreats in the world?

If you’re not worried about money, joining The Ranch retreat will be a blast. Other great luxury options are The Canyon Ranch and The Body Holiday Retreat .

How fit do you have to be for a fitness retreat?

As long as you can move consistently for a couple of hours during the day, your fitness level should be fine. However, reserach the retreat you want to join for any fitness requirements beforehand.

What are the best fitness retreats in Europe?

Check out these cool Europe fitness retreats: – 38 Degrees North – The Big Blue Swim in Greece – Mad to Live

What is the best all-inclusive wellness retreat?

The best all-inclusive wellness retreat in the world is Ana Maya Resort in Costa Rica. As well as offering all the best healthy food and luxury experience, they just have an incredible all-rounder experiences.

Fitness and wellness is way more than just weight loss or dropping dress sizes. It truly should be about how happy you are in your skin. That is way off from anything you’re going to just see in the mirror. 

That’s why these are some of the best opportunities in the world to improve your life. Make yourself proud of what you achieve, and you can also be somewhere incredible while you do it!

From luxurious adventure retreats to mind-body yoga, for fitness and wellness to extreme fitness getaways, I aimed to cover the best wellness getaways in the world. Whether you want to surf, greet the sun with salutations, or get your butt whipped, there’s a retreat listed for you.

In the process of improving your physical and mental health, push yourself to make friends. These people are in the same place as you for a reason. So open up your heart to get to know these people around you. If you’ve had amazing experiences in a fitness or wellness retreat anywhere in the world, tell us about it in the comments!

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Ana Pereira

Best Fitness Retreats In The World Pinterest Image

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Wellness travel and tours

Find your balance.

Wellness Travel

Travel connects us — to our planet, to its people, and to ourselves. Wellness travel was created to recharge the body and nourish the mind, our new Wellness tours offer the perfect balance of awe-inspiring destinations, rejuvenating activities, and healthy food experiences, helping you return home feeling even better than when you left.

Wellness Travel Destinations

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Central America

Find inner peace in outer paradise

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Active recovery from your routine

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Where the ethereal becomes real

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Your destination for self-discovery


On every Wellness tour, your journey starts with an intention setting ceremony upon your arrival. As you enjoy a slower paced itinerary, recentre yourself with yoga practices and optional meditation sessions led by expert instructors ready to teach all levels of abilities.

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Every Wellness tour lets you connect with your physical side through fun, adventurous activities in picturesque natural settings. Possibilities range from nature hikes to stand up paddleboarding to cycling trips across the countryside.

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Test your balance with stand up paddleboard yoga in Costa Rica

Hike to and behind the Skogafoss and Seljandsfoss waterfalls in Iceland

Dive in for some snorkelling around Menjangan Island in Bali

Uncover ancient traditions at the Wat Po Thai Massage School in Thailand

light in fitness tours


On our Wellness tours, food is more than a meal — it’s a moment to be savoured among friends. Our food options are prepared with healthy, local ingredients that cater to different diets, so you can enjoy every bite not to mention every morsel of deep conversation.

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Upgraded Service

Feel rejuvenated at the end of each day, and every hour within it, thanks to the upgraded accommodations, elevated service, and private transport available on every tour. Day in and day out, you can ensure both body and mind get equal amounts of rest.

Featured Wellness Tours

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Wellness Bali

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Wellness Thailand

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Wellness Costa Rica

Wellness tours blog posts.

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Taking a break on the road isn't wasting time, it's using it

Travel is not so much about getting there as being there, letting your mind catch up with your feet

Written by: Bert Archer , 16 Dec. 2021 12:47 p.m.

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Redefining what a 'wellness retreat' looks like

Going well beyond the spa

Written by: Wendy Hu , 17 July 2019 01:34 p.m.


Discover a different world full of amazing creatures as we tour the Texas Gulf Coast by glowing lights in completely transparent kayaks!

The only TPWD and USCG compliant night-time clear kayak tour company on the Texas Coast!


It's as easy as showing up, choosing your vibe, popping a top, and enjoying an amazing experience under the stars! GlowRow ® offers a fun, safe, educational nighttime kayaking tour that will leave you with an experience you will remember that keeps you coming back for more (and bringing friends!).

Equipment Provided

All necessary equipment is provided by GlowRow ® Just bring yourself, your friends, and your beverage(s) of choice!

Choose Your Vibe

You're completely in control of your kayak's vibe. Choose your glow from seven different color combinations!

That's right! Bring your own bottle and let's make this a party! Must be 21+ to consume alcohol.

Family Night

Family Nights are available at the Rockport - Little Bay location. All participants must be 13+.


We're stoked you're ready to go! Make sure you check out the following helpful information before booking, especially the FAQs!

The Experience

Learn more about our GlowRow ® tours, how they operate, and some important day-of information.

Our frequently asked questions page contains a ton of great questions and answers, along with other important info!

Explore our different tour locations and choose the one that's most interesting, closest, or just the first on your list!

Now that you're up to speed on everything we offer, the important tour-day info, etc, it's time to sign up!

"It is the perfect date night atmosphere; we left the kiddos at home... it was magical under the star’s small plastic bottle of wine in hand and simply living in the moment of the magic. I couldn’t have had a more perfect night for someone like myself that loves the water.”

Texas Paddle Board

"We had an awesome time. So relaxing out on the water. Definitely recommend 100%, we will be doing this often. Thank y’all a bunch. -Marissa Leyva"

"This nighttime kayak adventure was so fun! My husband and I have kayaked quite a bit in the Pacific Northwest, so the thought of night kayaking in warm waters was intriguing. GlowRow for the win! The equipment was amazing and the guide/owner did a great job. Thank you for an awesome paddle!"

"My wife and I had an awesome date night! The instructor was friendly and amazing!"

"Glow Row is great!! The guides help us navigate through the bay area, pointing out sealife and various birds. They both were knowledgeable and answered the variety of questions. I would recommend this tour to new comers and vacationers."

"We had a great time at the Port Aransas GlowRow last week! Fish were trying to jump in our boats! It was beautiful being on the water at night with the stars and just a few clouds. A really fun experience seeing the fish under and around our boats. A truly enjoyable experience!"

Jellyfish glowing


No, this is not seeing what “wildlife” is going to the local pub. In fact, there’s nothing quite like exploring the inlets and bays of the Gulf in clear kayaks with the water and seafloor below you illuminated clear as day. You will see numerous types of fish, crustaceans, birds, and, in some locations, curious submerged man-made objects. Any treasure hunters out there?


Our tours are not just a fun way to cruise the beach in style, they’re a great way to learn more about the area, the environment, and perhaps even yourself. There’s something relaxing and even ethereal about being in the middle of the water when it’s pitch black with fish, crustaceans, and birds all around… then you hear a dolphin breach and take a breath. Time to give chase! It truly is a magical experience that never gets old!

nighttime kayak experience

Our completely seethrough kayaks are equipped with multiple LED bars that allow each paddler to choose their favorite color (or carousel of colors). Coordinate with your partner or not, it's like dual climate control in a car but for lights, it’s all part of the adventure!

When you rent a kayak for one of our tours, you can rest assured that you will be both entertained, fulfilled, and completely safe for the entirety of your glowing adventure. You will be provided with a life jacket, safety light, emergency whistle, and an experience that you won’t soon forget. Each vessel has a yearly certificate of inspection and 360° visibility light. We carry flare kits and an electric torch with two-mile visibility. Our audio distress signals satisfy requirements by a factor of two and our visual distress signals satisfy requirements by a factor of five.

Needless to say, we take your safety very seriously. Our gear and operations are compliant with both Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and United States Coast Guard regulations and best practices. We are the only clear kayak tour company on the Texas Coast that can say that!


If you think you’re excited to go on a glowing kayak tour at night, you should see our staff. You won’t find anyone more dedicated, knowledgeable, or friendly - they love what they do, and they love making sure you have an amazing trip! Having grown up on the coast, they also know all the best spots to find the coolest sights and you might be surprised at some of the things you might learn from them on your trip. Who knows, it might even help you land your next Wordle in less than three tries! And if you’re lucky, you might even have a fish jump into the boat with you for a photo opportunity! Everyone has seen the movie "Finding Nemo" please be sure to return them.


We have lighted kayak tours in multiple locations, including Port O'Connor, Rockport, Port Aransas, and North Padre Island, with many additional expansions in the works. Check back often to see what we’re up to and where we’re glowing near you! And if you have an interesting kayaking trail or location we should check out, please let us know!

south texas kayak trails

Check out our GlowRow(R) Passport for some Free swag and awesome rewards.

Monday: Corpus Christi - Marina   // Austin - Lower Colorado River Tuesday: Port O'Connor - Little Jetties Wednesday: Port O'Connor - Bar Room Bay // Port Aransas - Lighthouse Lakes Thursday: Port Aransas - Lighthouse Lakes // North Padre Island - Sunset Island Friday: North Padre Island - Sunset Island // Port Aransas - Lighthouse Lakes Saturday: Rockport - Little Bay // North Padre Island - Sunset Island // Galveston - San Luis Pass Sunday: Rockport – Paradise Key // Port Aransas - Lighthouse Lakes // San Antonio - Canyon Lake


GlowRow ® Passport

Check out our GlowRow ® Passport for some FREE swag and awesome rewards.

Designed from the ground up to be the Outer Banks' finest family friendly resort, Corolla Light delivers with unrivaled amenities! Winner of the 2024 Seal of Distinction from the North Carolina CAI.

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Corolla Light Sports Center

Just because you're on vacation doesn't mean you need to give up your workout! Freshly renovated for 2024, Corolla Light's 36,000 square foot sports center is the second largest fitness center on the Outer Banks. Maintain your aerobic routine in our cardio room with our 2 new Star Trac Virtual bikes, six treadmills, three elliptical machines and two Stairmaster stair steppers. Want to pump some iron? No problem! Visit our dedicated free weight room, or our Nautilus/Precor circuit weight room and lift away.

Swimmers will enjoy our newly remodeled 25 yard heated pool and 12 person jetted spa, while tennis players will want to be sure to check out our two indoor clay courts. We haven't forgotten racquetball or wallyball players either, just call to reserve our dual purpose court. The center also has free wi-fi, a ping-pong room and two full sized locker rooms, complete with showers and new saunas installed for 2024.

Children aged 8-15 may use the cardio and circuit weight room with a signed waiver and when accompanied by an adult. Children aged 13-15 may use the free weights room with the same conditions. Sports Center questions? Just give us a call at 252-453-4565.

Regular hours for the Sport Center are 8:00 am to 6:00 pm daily.


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Mon-fri 8am - 4 pm , (252) 453 - 2455, sports center: , mon-sun 8am - 6pm, (252) 453 - 4565, oceanfront pools:, may 25th - sept 20th, (252) 453-4465, security: (252) 202- 6313.


Copyright © 2024 Corolla Light. All Rights Reserved. Website Design by InterCoastal Net Designs

light in fitness tours

Holiday Walking Tour

Jan 13, 2024 7:30 AM to 9:15 AM

Pulitzer Fountain

Fit Tours Holiday Walking Tour

Fit Tours Holiday Walking Tour

See central park and nyc's most iconic locations on this holiday walking tour.

Go on a festive journey along the winding paths of Central Park and through the dazzling streets of New York City during this enchanting time of year. See where many famous movies were shot in Central Park, plus take in the 5th Avenue window displays, the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree, Radio City Music Hall, and more!

Let the twinkling lights, iconic film locations and merry atmosphere create memories that will warm your heart for years to come! And if you still need some warming up after the walk, join us for a cup of our favorite hot chocolate in the city.

Prefer to run? Choose this running tour instead!

Schedule : These tours happen Tues-Fri at 7:30 AM, and Sat-Sun at 8:00 AM.

  • Duration : 1 hour 15 mins (approximately)
  • Distance : 5K (3.1 miles)
  • Terrain : Streets / paths
  • Price:  $55 (includes hot chocolate)

Reservations are required : Book below!

Location: MAP | Meet at 59th Street and 5th Ave, by the General Sherman Monument.

About : These tours combine exercise with sightseeing in Central Park!

Pulitzer Fountain

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Spaces That Spark Friendships

Our amenities are designed to give your family room to play and to foster lifelong friendships between neighbors. With miles of trails, multiple pools, and an extensive sports complex, you have plenty of places to create a community with people who share your interests.

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Hit the Trails

Whether you’re on two feet or two wheels, our 13+ miles of trails allow you to enjoy the outdoors while connecting you to the community and its amenities.

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Stay on the Grass

Our parks, greenbelts, picnic spaces, playgrounds, and community lawns add up to 240+ acres of green spaces to explore.

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Find Your Oasis

Come relax at one of our five amazing neighborhood pools, including a junior Olympic pool perfect for quiet laps.

Escaping from the daily grind is as easy as stepping out your front door.

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Foster a Healthy Lifestyle

Getting stronger is all about consistency, and it’s easy to show up for yoga class or strength training when the fitness center is in your neighborhood.

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Stay Connected

Our Information Center does more than keep you in the loop—we host events and activities all year long in this space, beautifully crafted from reclaimed 19th century barn structures from New York’s Mohawk River Valley.

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Our tennis complex has three courts to choose from so you can challenge your family or neighbors to a rally or tournament.

Enjoying your hobbies is a great way to make family memories, meet neighbors, and strengthen friendships. That’s why you have so many options to meetup for a match.

light in fitness tours

Find Yourself in a Pickle

Pickleball uses a net and is similar to tennis, with the layout of a badminton court. Come try it out on one of our 4 courts located in the tennis complex.

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Dribble in the Backyard (Almost)

Whether practicing free throws, playing H-O-R-S-E, in a heated 2-on-2 match or squaring off in a tourney, you have four basketball hoops available.

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Try Social Bocce

With two bocce ball courts within the central Barn Yard and bocce ball sets available in the Information Center, you are just minutes from a casual game with family or friends.

Here you have what you need to create memories with your family that you’ll treasure for a lifetime.

light in fitness tours

Serve the Ball

Practice your serves, aces, digs and more on our sand volleyball court. Located in the central Barn Yard area, you can bring all your family and friends for a friendly little two-on-two or a full-on competition.

light in fitness tours

Explore the Outdoors

You don’t have to wander far to find an adventure with 90-acre Constellation Park, including campsites, an 11 acre lake, and a sandy beach.

light in fitness tours

Keep Tails Wagging

Your four-legged family members deserve space to roam and make friends, too. Our gated dog park, dog launch, and designated swimming space on Constellation Lake mean your pup can enjoy the outdoors with you.

Humans learn and thrive in the outdoors, so we believe beautiful and functional outdoor spaces should be a part of every community.

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light in fitness tours

Success Fitness & Sports Tours are here to plan and create the most fantastic travel experience for all types of fitness and sporting groups.

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Whether your sports team are looking for preseason training, competitive fixtures or a fun way to end your season,  we can create the perfect tour experience in a number of destinations across the World. 

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Teens can work out for free at Planet Fitness this summer: What to know

Gym chain offers high school summer pass.

Cassidy Johncox , Senior News Editor

Planet Fitness is offering a free pass to teenagers this summer so they can exercise for free while school’s out.

From June 1-Aug. 31, teens between 14-19 years of age can work out at Planet Fitness for free. The gym chain’s annual High School Summer Pass allows kids to utilize cardio and strength equipment at any one Planet Fitness of their choosing. Teens will also have access to certain group classes, which will vary by location.

Teens can register for the summer pass in person on or after June 1. Pre-registration is also available online as of May 20 -- click here to register online .

Those under 18 years old will need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian when registering. After that, they may work out alone going forward.

Teens registered in the program can only exercise at the Planet Fitness location they sign up for. They won’t be able to move around to other locations, officials said.

All Planet Fitness visitors are encouraged to download their mobile app, which provides access to a digital gym pass that can be scanned when you enter the gym.

Learn more about Planet Fitness’ teen summer program here.

Copyright 2024 by WDIV ClickOnDetroit - All rights reserved.

About the Author

Cassidy johncox.

Cassidy Johncox is a senior digital news editor covering stories across the spectrum, with a special focus on politics and community issues.

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