

best places to visit in western us

40 Places to See in The Western United States (Vacations, Landmarks) [2023]

This article will show you 40 (stunning) places to see in the Western United States.

These are pretty stunning destinations perfect for vacations, road trips, and for anybody interested in discovering these landmarks and points of interest.

Tip: Use the free app WalletFlo to help you travel the world for free by finding the best travel credit cards and promotions!

Table of Contents

1. Moaning Cave –  Moaning Cavern Park (California)

Moaning Cave sounds like the title to an Indie film you’d probably want to avoid, but don’t be deceived. Discovered (modernly) during the Gold Rush, this cavern earned its name from the moaning sound that echoes throughout the cave. You can’t deny the intrigue of caverns, especially ones that emit moaning echoes. If you’re in the Gold Country area then try to stop by.

2. Paint Mines – Paint Mines Interpretative Park (Colorado)

Most people think about the Rocky Mountains when they think of Colorado. Here’s a lesser known spot worth your time called “Paint Mines.” This park is a cluster of hoodoos and sand-capped spires of all colors.

There’s an array of wildlife here, too. Everything from horned toads, mule deers, falcons, and coyotes call this place home. Definitely look into visiting.

3. Horsetail Fall in February – Yosemite National Park (California)

Ever seen a “fire fall?”

Better yet, have you ever even heard of a fire fall?

You’ll only be able to catch a glimpse of this elusive wonder at Yosemite National Park two weeks out of the year in February when the sun shines on the fall just right at sunset. But if you’ve ever wondered what a waterfall looks like when lit on fire, now you know.

4. The Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone – Yellowstone National Park ( Wyoming)

Everybody knows about the Grand Canyon. And everybody knows about Yellowstone . But not everyone knows that there’s a “Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone” and that it is one of the most stunning places in the country.

Grand Canyon Of Yellowstone

5. Kanarra Creek – Zion National Park (Utah)

Now that Antelope Canyon is growing in fame and rightfully so, I felt the need to showcase another stunning slot canyon, Kanarra Creek. Unlike Antelope Canyon, you’ll actually have to do some hiking through the Zion backcountry to get to this picturesque location.

6. Hidden Lake – Glacier National Park (Montana)

Really, the entire national park of Glacier could be put on this list because so few people know about the many peaks, lakes, and (you guessed it) glaciers that make up this spectacular park. I figured Hidden Lake exemplified the unknown beauty of Glacier, in both its name and its scenery.

7. Rialto Beach – Olympic National Park (Washington)

Standing tall and shaped like the Pacific’s version of the “Burj Al Arab” (the sailboat skyscraper) in Dubai, this iconic beach is a photographer’s paradise. And as the caption below suggests, Rialto Beach may be the best “Kelped” secret of the Pacific Northwest coastline.

8. Painted Hills – John Day Fossil Bed National Monument (Oregon)

Here’s a scene right out of a Dr. Seuss book except it’s real life. I’ve seen a similar sight in Asia but who knew we had this here in the United States? The painted hills are a part of a larger area of the John Day Fossil Bed where you can find fossils of horses, camels, and even rhinoceroses. And by “you” I mean skilled paleontologists, of course.

9. The Subway – Zion National Park (Utah)

Going to or from the Subway, you’ll dive through emerald waters, rappel through multiple slot canyons, scramble over boulders the size of houses, and pass dinosaur tracks. Oh yeah, and you’ll catch a glimpse of this wonder.

10. Black Canyon of the Gunnison – Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park (Colorado)

Black Canyon of the Gunnison sounds like a place straight out of a fantasy novel and it looks like one, too. It’s one of the steepest mountain descents in the world and the photos here will leave you with no doubt of that fact.

11. Zabriskie Point – Death Valley National Park (California)

Here’s yet another location you’ll have to see with your own eyes to believe it’s actually earth you’re looking at. See the tiny black things on the left that look like penguins? They’re actually humans — that’s how vast this unique landscape is.

12. White Pocket – Arizona

White Pocket’s not really white but actually full of brilliant, vibrant color… and dragons, too.

13. Palouse Falls –  Palouse Falls State Park (Washington)

Not quite a hidden gem if you live in the Pacific Northwest, but Palouse Falls is a destination many outside of the photography and hiking world have not heard about. Not to mention most people can’t believe to find out this spot is in Washington state and not somewhere in the Southwest.

14. Theodore Roosevelt National Park – North Dakota

For those who always ask what there is to do in North Dakota, well now you have an answer. Theodore Roosevelt National Park is full of badlands just waiting to be explored. The park is also known for its abundant wildlife, which include feral horses, golden eagles, and elk among many others.

Wild Horses at TRNP

15. Hidden Lake – North Cascades National Park (Washington)

Another hidden lake makes the list. This one will take a few miles of hiking to get to capture the view but as you can see it would be worth it.

16. Cathedral Lake – Yosemite National Park (California)

While this point may be known to frequent hikers to Yosemite, it’s still a destination constantly overlooked by many for other destinations inside Yosemite Valley that are easier to access. If you’re planning on making it here be sure you to apply for a permit early or take your chances with first come, first serve.

17. Tent Rocks – Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument (New Mexico)

I know what you’re thinking. These cones look like they were shaped by volcanic eruptions that likely occurred 6 to 7 million years ago. Well, you’re right. Stop by Tent Rocks to witness the artistic side of mother nature if you’re ever in the Santa Fe, New Mexico area.

Related: 18 Best National Parks in New Mexico

18. McWay Falls – Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park/Big Sur (California)

Can it get more beautiful than a waterfall (or “tidefall”) pouring into turquoise waters on a California beach at dusk? I don’t think it can. I really don’t think it can….

Okay, so maybe it can….

19. Goosenecks – Goosenecks State Park ( Utah)

A quick stop allows you to see this triple entrenched meander located close to Mexican Hat and not far from Monument Valley. Just be aware that your GPS on your cell phone will sometimes do some funky things in this region of the country. Make sure you’re actually headed to Goosenecks State Park and not an abandoned gas station 50 miles out of the way (not that it ever happened to me).

20. Garden of the Gods – Colorado

Visit the Garden of the Gods National Landmark and you will be blown away by the stark contrast between the Garden’s bright orange and the surrounding terrain. There are tons of photo ops around this place and it is easily accessible by car. Don’t miss it if you’re in the Colorado Springs area; it’s a perfect road trip pit-stop.

21. Mono Lake – California

In 2010, scientists thought they’d discovered a new “alien” DNA here, and can anyone really blame them? Just look at the formations happening here. Now, I’m pretty sure that “discovery” has been debunked, but I’m still holding out hope for aliens.

22. Bisti Badlands – New Mexico

Badlands never get old, especially when they look like giant petrified mushrooms. Here’s some badlands in New Mexico, not known to many.

23. The Window – Big Bend National Park (Texas)

Big Bend is one of the least visited national parks due to its location just west of middle-of-nowhere, Texas. But what it lacks in visitors it makes up in breathtaking views like this one.

The Window is one of those places where you have to just put life on hold, get comfortable on a bench and watch the vast Texas sky transform into a real-life painting at sunset. It’s one of my favorite national parks in Texas .

And after you get your sunset fix, head to nearby Marfa,Texas to see the sky get real freaky when the Marfa lights come out.

24. Green River Overlook – Canyonlands National Park (Utah)

A lot of people have seen images of the Canyonlands, but I still think Canyonlands National Park is overlooked so I included it. You’ll catch some of the most amazing sunrises and sunsets you’ve ever seen at this park. And if you’re a movie buff, try heading to Blue John Canyon where you can see the site where the actual accident occurred in the movie,  127 hours .

25. Blue Mesa/Painted Desert – Petrified Forest National Park (Arizona)

Now it’s back to Dr. Seuss land with more absurdly colored desert land. And what makes this place even weirder is that the brown stuff you’ll assume is dirt is actually little bits of petrified trees that are reallllly old. It’s one of my favorite national parks sites in Arizona ( read more about others here ).

26. Valley of Fire – Valley of Fire State Park (Nevada)

Don’t think you’ll ever be able to make your way to Mars? Well, luckily you can catch a glimpse of Mars at this state park in Nevada where Hollywood has also gone looking for the Martian terrain. There are ton of formations to check out here but the Fire Wave (seen below) is one of my favorites.

This place is only about 60 miles out from Las Vegas, so if you don’t want to drive all the way to the Grand Canyon this is the place you want to stop. If you visit this place in the summer, be sure to bring extra water because it gets HOT. Dry heat or not, it’s still the Valley of Fire .

27. Antelope Canyon – Arizona

While Antelope Canyon is becoming more known it still deserves a place on this list, because I meet tons of people who still don’t know about this sacred place. Witnessing the light beams in this canyon should be on everyone’s bucket list. Check out my write-up on Antelope Canyon for more info.

28. Inspiration and Bryce Point – Bryce Canyon National Park (Utah)

Well known to photographers, the average vacationer is probably more interested in seeing sites like the Grand Canyon when in the area but this sight is not to be missed, especially at sunrise.

29. Smith Rock – Oregon (Smith Rock State Park)

Smith Rock, located in central Oregon, is a frequent rock-climbing destination for professional climbers and known as the birth place of “sport climbing.” The best of the best are consistently developing the latest routes and climbing techniques out here. Even if you’re not a climber it’s a beautiful setting to watch the sunrise as it illuminates this huge rock, resembling a castle towering over a surrounding moat.

30. Bodega Head – Bodega Bay (California)

When bringing up California beaches, the names usually mentioned first are those like Malibu and Big Sur. But here’s one you probably haven’t heard: Bodega Bay. At Bodega, massive cliffs suited for whale-watching overlook rocky beaches, and trails will lead you all around scenic terrain and even down to secluded beaches where you’ll be the only human being walking on the sand.

Say hello to the seals at Seal Rock and then visit the tide pools that are among the most diverse in the world and have attracted the likes of National Geographic. Just watch out for the birds when visiting the nearby town of Bodega.

31. Paradise Valley – Mt Rainer National Park (Washington)

Paradise valley. The name really says it all…

Edith Gone Wild!

32. The Racetrack – Death Valley National Park (California)

Just how did these rocks get there? Aliens? The prankster of the century? God? Nobody really knows . The Race Track is a true natural wonder because if you visit it you will inevitably spend all day wondering who really moved these rocks?

33. Horseshoe Bend – Page, Arizona

Horseshoe Bend is another spot growing with popularity but still often times confused with the Grand Canyon National Park. From a nearby parking lot, it’s a short hike to the overlook but be careful about getting too close to the edge — it’s a long 1,000 feet down to the Colorado River below.

34. B adlands – Badlands National Park (South Dakota)

Badlands National Park is the place to see badlands. It’s also a perfect place to find unique wildlife, such as bighorn sheep, the swift fox, bison, and the most endangered mammal in North America: the elusive black-footed ferret. Try to catch the sunset or sunrise here and if you’re lucky you may even catch a sight of the Northern Lights.

Badlands National Park

35. Fiery Furnace – Arches National Park (Utah)

So everyone goes to Arches National Park just to see the arches, right? Not exactly. Here’s one “non-arch” spot worth checking out. Enter the furnace at your own risk, however. Inside, there are no signs, trails, or cairns and due to the height of the sandstone walls your GPS is likely to fail as well.

best places to visit in western us

36. Spider Rock – Canyon De Chelly National Monument (Arizona)

Recently used as a backdrop in last summer’s record-setting flop, The Lone Ranger , Canyon De Chelly is another destination worth a visit. The taller of the two spires is said to be home of the “Spider Grandmother” who according to folklore is responsible for all of creation. There’s more breathtaking views like the one below to checkout so make sure you see them all. Also, be sure to bring some cash with you to purchase some local art that makes for great souvenirs.

37. Giant Sequoias – Sequoia National Park (California)

So trees are kind of boring to most people including myself, but giant sequoias are definitely an exception. Sometimes growing higher than 300 feet, many of these trees are over 2,000 years old and have up to three-feet thick of squishy bark.

Head to Sequoia National Park to see them as well as the largest tree in the world, The General Sherman Tree.

38. Rio Grande Gorge – New Mexico 

The Rio Grande gets a bad wrap sometimes but this view should change your mind. If you’re ever making the cross country road trip through southern New Mexico then check out the “Gorge Bridge” where you’ll be awestruck with views like this.

Rio Grande Gorge

39. Hospital Reef Potholes – San Diego, California

Hospital Reef Potholes, near San Diego, is known for its potholes that kind of resemble the surface of the moon. Speaking of the moon, all you national park junkies may want to start gearing up because you may have one hell of a hike to get to one of the upcoming National Park sites, soon.

40. Mammoth Springs – Yellowstone National Park (Wyoming)

We end the list with another Yellowstone site that many wouldn’t be able to recognize and constantly overlook, leaving it ranked as low as the 23rd attraction for Yellowstone according to TripAdvisor. On your way to the hot springs and in nearby areas, you may run into some real wildlife.

I’m talking about grizzly bears, moose, bison, elk, that kind of stuff so watch out. But everyone seems to be blown away by these hot springs, which make a worthwhile destination in the summer or in the -20 degree winter.

Remember to tread lightly and do your best to preserve these wonderful locations by using common sense and having respect for the land, the locals, and other visitors when you visit.

best places to visit in western us

Daniel Gillaspia is the Founder of UponArriving.com and the credit card app, WalletFlo . He is a former attorney turned travel expert covering destinations along with TSA, airline, and hotel policies. Since 2014, his content has been featured in publications such as National Geographic, Smithsonian Magazine, and CNBC. Read my bio .

Great website. Never knew some of these places existed. Will definitely be visiting some of these places.

I would like to receive info on hidden, historic and other destination and sight-seeing west of the Mississippi River locations for an out of shape late 60 year old and slightly younger wife and friends who are planning a possible driving tour for the future.

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Nomad by Trade

47 Bucket List-Worthy Things to Do in the Western United States

North America , United States

Collage of things to do on the West Coast including glaciers in Alaska, Yosemite Valley, the Las Vegas Strip, and Pearl Harbor Memorial

The western United States is one of the top tourist regions in the country – and for good reason. With stunning mountain ranges, active volcanoes, fjords, glaciers, coastal scenery, tropical temperatures, National Parks galore , and iconic cultural landmarks you could spend a lifetime exploring these states and never run out of things to do on the West Coast (and non-contiguous states). Featuring Alaska, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington, nature lovers, beach goers, and road trippers will love these amazing activities. Jump to your state of choice or browse the whole region for bucket list inspiration. It’s impossible to get through this post without wanting to hit the road. Trust me, compiling it gave me a serious case of wanderlust myself.

  • 1.1 Cruise the Kenai Fjords
  • 1.2 Sail the Inside Passage
  • 1.3 Take a ride on a dogsled
  • 1.4 Drive the Denali Park Road
  • 1.5 Take a whale watching boat ride
  • 1.6 Explore the US’ largest National Park
  • 1.7 Go salmon fishing on the Kenai River
  • 2.1 See the wonders of Yosemite National Park
  • 2.2 Have a magical day at Disneyland
  • 2.3 Road trip the Pacific Coast Highway
  • 2.4 Ski Lake Tahoe
  • 2.5 See awe-inspiring redwood trees
  • 2.6 Visit the hottest place in the world
  • 2.7 Visit the Golden Gate Bridge
  • 2.8 Explore gorgeous Carmel-by-the-Sea
  • 2.9 Enjoy the natural wonders at Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks
  • 2.10 Explore Point Reyes National Seashore
  • 2.11 See the deserts of Joshua Tree National Park
  • 2.12 Hike to the Hollywood sign
  • 2.13 Take a tour of Alcatraz prison
  • 2.14 Watch sunset from the Griffith Observatory
  • 3.1 Visit Hawaii’s famous active volcanoes
  • 3.2 Drive the Road to Hana
  • 3.3 See the sun rise over a volcanic crater
  • 3.4 Visit the Pearl Harbor memorial
  • 3.5 Hike Waimea Canyon
  • 3.6 Take a nighttime swim with manta rays
  • 3.7 Take the Diamond Head Hike
  • 3.8 Go skydiving over Oahu’s North Shore
  • 3.9 Hike to Hanakapi’ai Falls
  • 3.10 Learn about Polynesian cultures
  • 4.1 Wander among lava flows
  • 4.2 Enjoy lake life in Coeur d’Alene
  • 5.1 Walk the Las Vegas Strip
  • 5.2 Visit the iconic Hoover Dam
  • 5.3 Explore Red Rock Canyon
  • 5.4 Go hiking in Valley of Fire State Park
  • 5.5 See relics of Vegas history
  • 6.1 Drive the Columbia River Gorge
  • 6.2 Visit the deepest lake in the United States
  • 6.3 Relax on the alpine lakes of Mount Hood
  • 6.4 Explore the fossils at Jon Day Fossil Beds National Monument
  • 6.5 Sip your way through Oregon’s top wine region
  • 7.1 Hike Mount Rainier
  • 7.2 Explore Olympic National Park
  • 7.3 Hike the recovering landscapes around Mount St. Helens
  • 7.4 Get away from it all in Port Townsend

Note: This post contains affiliate links, and should you choose to make a purchase, I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.

Since so many of these awesome destinations are run by the National Park Service, if you’re planning a West Coast road trip, you may want to order an America the Beautiful pass . It covers admission to these sites for the full year and can save you money after just a few visits.

Bucket list things to do in Alaska

Cruise the kenai fjords.

South-central Alaska

Kid in a colorful hat standing in front of a glacier in Kenai Fjords National Park

Photo by Vanessa from Wanderlust Crew

Covering 669,984 acres on the Kenai Peninsula in south-central Alaska, near the town of Seward, Kenai Fjords National Park is one of the most spectacular sites, not only in Alaska, but all of America. It’s one of the only places in the world where mountains, glaciers, and ocean meet. With nearly 40 glaciers in the park, abundant sea life, and stunning scenery, it’s easy to see why this should be on any Western USA bucket list.

The best way to see Kenai Fjords National Park is from the ocean . Taking a day cruise with one of the tour companies like Major Marine is a must. The best part of these tours is that they come with a Park Ranger on board so you can get all of your questions answered and have a much more educational and enriching experience. If you’re visiting Alaska with kids , they can participate in the Junior Ranger program while on board.

You will have the opportunity to see magnificent wildlife such as otters, humpback whales, salmon, seals, sea lions, and puffins while touring the fjords. And if you’re lucky, you’ll be able to witness glacial calving, when large pieces of glaciers break off and fall into the ocean. And if you’ve always wanted to have a drink with 200-year-old ice, now is your chance!

You can also spend your time in Kenai Fjords National Park hiking, camping, birding, or kayaking. It truly is an experience of a lifetime.

By Vanessa from Wanderlust Crew 

Sail the Inside Passage

Southern Alaska

Passengers on the Alaska Ferry through the Inside Passage

Photo by Corinne from Reflections Enroute

More than 1,000 miles of pristine waterways , wending through islands and near the Canadian shores, the Inside Passage is a popular cruise destination. However, I have another idea for you to try out, taking you and your car on the Alaska ferry from Bellingham to Haines or Skagway. It’s comfortable; it’s adventurous, and what’s more, it’s much cheaper than taking a cruise. For this four night sailing, you can book a 2-berth or 4-berth cabin, sleep in any of the lounges, pitch a tent on a deck, or just sleep in the Solarium. National park rangers hold talks and help you look out for wildlife. You can view and learn about whales, bears, and eagles.

Stopping along the way in some fantastic ports, like Ketchikan and Juneau, also really adds to the trip. You are let off the boat, told when to return, and usually there are a few tour buses waiting to take you around the area. We loved the Ketchikan tour led by a lady who’d been living there for a couple of decades. Not only did we learn about the town and important people, she let us in on a little local gossip as well. It was so fun. All the ports have restaurants that you can pick up some Alaska fare. Our favorite was in Juneau, where we ate reindeer sausages with our breakfast.

Grab your binoculars and jump on board. The Alaska ferry is the best kept secret to discovering the Inside Passage on your journey up to Alaska!

By Corinne from Reflections Enroute  

Take a ride on a dogsled

Throughout Alaska

View from a dogsled as a team of dogs pulls it across a snowy landscape with mountains in the background

Photo by Heather from Trimm Travels

Alaska is my favorite state. Yes, over Hawaii and yes, over California. I’ve been to all 50 states and I’m a former resident of California. Alaska is just so diverse and the only place in the United States that has its type of scenery. I can’t quite say that for any other state honestly.

On my second trip to Alaska, we finally got to properly explore the interior on a cruisetour from Anchorage to Fairbanks . One of the top highlights of our stop in Juneau was dogsledding on a glacier ! We were supposed to dogsled on Mendenhall Glacier but due to weather, we ended up taking a helicopter onto Taku Glacier instead.

This was my first dogsledding experience and I fell in love instantly! The dogs are super friendly and they LOVE to go! They actually don’t like to stop and will start whining when you do so. Mushing is second nature to them and what they love to do! And seriously, how cute are they in their little booties?

After we finished sledding, we got to play with the dogs for a bit and learn about their camp and routine which I found quite interesting. I also loved seeing the United States flag flying at the camp. If you love animals and have never done this activity, I highly recommend it and a trip to Alaska in general!

By Heather from Trimm Travels

You can pre-book plenty of dog sledding options through Viator .

Drive the Denali Park Road

Car driving the Denali Park Road with mountains in the background

Photo by Jennifer from National Park Obsessed

June 15th is an exciting day for Alaskans and Denali National Park lovers. It is the day the Denali Road Lottery results are released. It is the day 1,600 people learn if they are going to get a permit to drive the full 92-mile long Denali Park Road . This road is typically closed to the public. The full road is only open to the public for 5 days in mid-September and only those with a Denali Road Lottery Permit are permitted to drive the road. In recent years, odds are about 1 in 7 for getting a permit and people spend years trying to get their permit.

During the summer, you can take a bus into the park and ride the entire road. But you are on the bus’ timetable and frankly it means between 8 and 14 hours on a school bus with 50 people you have never met. Sure, you get to spot wildlife but it isn’t the same and being on your own time table and exploring Denali at your leisure.

The lottery winners are allowed pass by mile 15 – Savage River and explore this narrow dirt road. During the lottery, they are welcome to pull over and explore the park at their own pace. Winners have 18 hours to explore the road. They can spend it however they like. They can sit in Sable Pass and see if they can spot any bears eating berries. They can head over to Wonder Lake and do some hiking. Being able to explore the Denali Park Road on your own is a truly special event that should be on every National Park lover’s bucket list and if you are really lucky Denali the mountain might put in an appearance.

By Jennifer from National Park Obsessed 

If you’re not lucky enough to win the Denali Park Road Lottery, you can still make the drive with a tour operator, like this one through Viator .

Take a whale watching boat ride

Juneau, Alaska

Whale tail above the surface of the water with Alaskan mountains in the background

Photo by my mom

While in Alaska during the month of May, we disembarked our cruise ship in Juneau. We had decided to book only one excursion, to Mendenhall Glacier, but directly in from of us was a Juneau Tours booth advertising Whale Watching trips. Since it was a sunny day and relatively warm for May in Alaska, we decided to book the trip, and we were so glad we did. Our Mendenhall Glacier stop was in the morning, so we were picked up there and transported by bus to the dock at Auke Bay Harbor. We boarded a boat with about 40-50 seats and headed out into Auke Bay, and it wasn’t long before we started seeing whales and sea lions.

We were told what to watch for, and soon we were all spotting them under the water before they breached, even me – a person who is not known for their observational skills! The first whale tail we saw made the trip worthwhile and that sight repeated itself over and over again. With snow-topped peaks as a backdrop, we watched whale after whale dive and breach , flapping their magnificent tails in the air as they dove. There were plenty of sea lions, too, and we watched them play in the water around the whales, almost teasing them into a chase. We even got to see a few sunning themselves on a bright red and green buoy bobbing in the blue water. There was not a single person on board who was ready to go back to the dock; we all wanted to keep watching the incredible whales and cute sea lions as they played in the Alaskan sun!

Explore the US’ largest National Park

Eastern Alaska along the Yukon border

Person climbing pale blue glacial ice in Wrangell St. Elias National Park

Photo by Nancy from We Go With Kids

Wrangell St. Elias National Park , located in south central Alaska, is America’s largest national park and definitely a bucket list destination for all those who are able to visit. Spanning 13.2 million acres – the size of Yellowstone National Park, Yosemite National Park, and Switzerland combined, visitors not only get to experience the vast remoteness of Alaska, but also its incredibly wild and untouched beauty. During our visit to Wrangell, we tried our hand at ice climbing and glacier hiking , and also loved our stay at the Kennicott Glacier Lodge. Unlike other national parks in the United States, where you can usually drive right up to the park and then through it on your own, getting to Wrangell involved a four hour drive on a bumpy road and then a 20 minute air taxi. Due to the remoteness of the location, my family happily took advantage of the 3 day, 2 night “all inclusive” package at the Lodge, which included three square meals and the air taxi flights in and out of the park. Also unlike most national parks, Wrangell is not a place that you can explore on your own – luckily, there are a few trusted guiding companies with experience accommodating visitors of all ages. Our trip to Wrangell St. Elias definitely tops our list of Must Do experiences, although given what a wonderful time we had, we hope it is not a Once in a Lifetime experience! For those able and willing, definitely incorporate Wrangell St. Elias into your next Alaskan adventure – you will not be disappointed.

By Nancy from We Go With Kids

Go salmon fishing on the Kenai River

South central Alaska

Man holding a fishing rod in the Kenai River

Photo by Ladona from Walking the Parks

Salmon Fishing on the Kenai River is one of Alaska’s epic adventures! Even if you are not a fisherman (like me) you will be telling stories of catching the “big one” for years. For serious fishermen (like my husband) this is a trip of a lifetime.

Almost all summer, salmon run on the Kenai River with different species prominent at different times. We split our July day fishing for King Salmon in the morning and Sockeye in the afternoon . When you catch a King, you are in for quite the adrenaline rush fighting it into your boat. While King fishing is a game of patience, Sockeye fishing is fast and furious. Using specialized rods, you are continuously casting from shore or a sandbar. We laughed with excitement as we reeled in fish after fish.

Salmon fishing is best if you have the right boat and equipment. That means using a guide. Most guides are either associated with a lodge or independent. Friends stayed at a fishing lodge and they took care of all the scheduling. However, it is so easy to plan this yourself. I was surprised how easy it was to find guides by searching “salmon fishing guides Kenai Alaska.” Make sure you read all their reviews and then reach out to a couple to check availability. Not only was our guide awesome, we observed many other guides that were really invested in their client’s experience.

So what do you do with all those fish? Your guide will clean them and you can take them to one of the local processors. They will flash freeze them and either ship to your home or pack in your cooler which you can check as luggage on most airlines. Imagine serving salmon at your next party that you caught yourself!

By Ladona from Walking the Parks  

If you want to book a Kenai fishing tour in advance, you can also make reservations through Viator .

Bucket list things to do in California

See the wonders of yosemite national park.

Central Sierra Nevada mountains

Granite cliffs of the Yosemite Valley under blue skies

Yosemite is one of the United States’ most iconic National Parks. With sheer granite cliffs and dramatic waterfalls surrounding the valley, you could spend an entire vacation just enjoying the scenery. Some of the most famous attractions in Yosemite are the unmistakable Half Dome, massive El Capitan, and Yosemite Falls, which is one of the tallest waterfalls in the world . With plenty of other massive waterfalls, miles and miles of hiking trails, ancient sequoia trees, and some incredible scenic drives, there are activities for outdoor lovers of all skillsets and levels of fitness. Dining, hotels, and campgrounds are all available within Yosemite Valley, as well as in the towns outside the park. Another popular activity in the park is rock climbing, and enthusiasts here revolutionized the sport in such a way that the system of rating the difficulty of climbing routes is named after the park. Even if, like me, climbing thousands of feet up isn’t in your list of physical skills, take a look at the popular walls to see if you can spot some climbers working their way up. Start planning your visit to Yosemite with this guide and check out some of the best hikes .

Have a magical day at Disneyland

Anaheim, California

Sleeping Beauty Castle in Disneyland Park is one of the highlights of visiting Disneyland for adults

Disneyland Park was Walt Disney’s first theme park and the place that started all the magic. Located in Anaheim, just west of LA, Disneyland’s two parks make up the most magical place on earth (per their marketing, and verified by me). Disneyland is the classic “castle park” with iconic Disney attractions like Pirates of the Caribbean, It’s a Small World, Space Mountain, and Dumbo. Don’t miss a chance to dine at the Blue Bayou, which has a perpetually peaceful evening atmosphere along a portion of the Pirates ride track. It’s also the only Disney park that Walt himself actually visited. California Adventure is newer and undergoing major transitions. Its gorgeous pier area was recently renovated to celebrate Pixar characters, but it’s still as pretty as ever. It’s also home to Soarin’, Grizzly Peak, the IncrediCoaster, and the Radiator Springs Racers – easily one of the best rides on Disney Property. Its old Tower of Terror was revamped to a Guardians of the Galaxy theme and a whole Marvel land is planned for the area. The two parks are connected by the Downtown Disney district full of shopping and dining (and not all of it is Disney themed if you need a break from the Mouse). Kids and adults will love Disneyland and California Adventure , so don’t miss out on a chance to visit.

Get your discounted tickets here from their official partner, Undercover Tourist . You also have an option to bundle transport from LA with your park tickets through Viator .

Road trip the Pacific Coast Highway

California’s Pacific coast

Rocky cliffs along the California Pacific Coast Highway

Photo by Michael from The World Was Here First

One of the best things to add onto your California bucket list is undoubtedly a road trip on the Pacific Coast Highway, also known as the PCH or Highway 1. While the PCH stretches along most of California’s Coast and there are plenty of amazing places to add onto your California itinerary , arguably the highlights occur on the Central Coast between Santa Barbara and Monterey .

Santa Barbara and the area surrounding the city offer fantastic wine tasting and outdoor activities which makes for an ideal first stop on a PCH road trip. Following Santa Barbara, a stop at Pismo Beach is essential if you want to experience a typical California surfing town. The drive north from Pismo Beach is absolutely breathtaking and passes through Big Sur, offering visitors some amazing natural scenery to see. There are plenty of spots to stop throughout Big Sur to enjoy a coastal walk or a longer hike in one of the State Parks.

The towns of Monterey and Carmel are a great stop after Big Sur as you have the option of enjoying more amazing scenery such as the 17-mile drive and Point Lobos State Natural Reserve. You can also indulge in the great restaurant, bar, and local wine scene prevalent in both towns.

If you have more time on your PCH road trip, then there are plenty of additional stops that you can enjoy north of Monterey such as Santa Cruz, Half Moon Bay or San Francisco, while south of Santa Barbara you can add time in places like Los Angeles, Malibu, or Orange County.

By Michael from The World Was Here First 

Ski Lake Tahoe

California-Nevada border

Ski runs at Squaw Valley in Lake Tahoe

Straddling the California-Nevada border (but in the California section here because more of the lake falls in this state) in the Sierra Nevada mountains, Lake Tahoe is home to some of the best skiing in the United States . With heavy snowfalls punctuated by days with perfect bluebird skies, hitting the slopes with views of Lake Tahoe sparkling like a sapphire as the backdrop is a dream come true. There are even lots of opportunities for beginner skiers at Lake Tahoe . There are plenty of resorts to choose from in the area, but my favorite is Squaw Valley . It was home to an Olympic games in 1960 , so you know the skiing is the real deal, and you can even visit a small free museum. Other resorts in the area are Heavenly , Northstar , Kirkwood , Sierra-at-Tahoe , and Mt. Rose (in Nevada).  Make sure you take a break from skiing or boarding to take a scenic drive along the lake itself. It’s unbelievably beautiful year round, but especially so in winter.

You can also get free one-day lift tickets for a few of the local resorts if you fly into the Reno airport. Find out how here .

See awe-inspiring redwood trees

Northern California

Sunlight filtering through the redwood trees in Muir Woods National Monument

Redwood trees are absolutely mind-boggling. I grew up traveling through National Parks, but I was an adult the first time I laid eyes on them. I’ve seen awe-inspiring natural beauty in the form of canyons, mountains, rock formations, and cliffs before, but viewing redwood trees was the first time I’ve ever been so amazed by a living thing. Their size, their beauty, and their lifespan are all incredible in their own way. Walking among them definitely gives you a sense of your own small footprint. Or, if you’re a nerd, it makes you feel like you’re walking on Endor.

The best viewing of redwoods is in Redwood National and State Parks , a collection of parks jointly managed by the National Park Service and California. Old-growth redwoods have been protected here for decades, and visitors can hike among them and enjoy their stately beauty. You can also enjoy the northern California coastline and view a variety of marine life if you’re lucky. If you can’t make it to the northern coast, you can visit Muir Woods National Monument just outside of San Francisco, this small collection of redwoods is just as beautiful, but much more easily accessible. Don’t miss a chance to enjoy the quiet of Cathedral Grove where visitors are asked to remain quiet to preserve the peaceful atmosphere. Parking and shuttle reservations are now required to visit the National Monument , so be sure to plan ahead.

Visit the hottest place in the world

Death Valley, California

Flat desert basin in Death Vallley National Park

Photo by Andy from Sleep in the Woods

Hot, dry, barren, lifeless, and hot; that is what I knew about Death Valley. Why is hot there twice? Because it is really, really hot. The rest are true too, so why would you want to go to such a place? Basically because it is really interesting. For a barren valley of rock between two mountain ranges, there is really a lot of variety in Death Valley National Park .

From a Bucket List point of view, I would put forth three spots in the park that highlight that variety. The first is Badwater Basin, the lowest point in North America . The little pool of alkaline water and nearby salt flat are fascinatingly different than anything I had ever set foot on.

Second, up the road from the Basin is a looping road through Artist’s Palette . This area of multicolored rocks shows how diverse and beautiful the park can be. They also used some of the canyons around here to film bits of the original Star Wars movie. Geek factor, check.

The last point is Mesquite Dunes , near Stovepipe Wells. In the vast flat of rock that is the park, there is an inexplicable patch of sandy dunes. The dunes feel perhaps like they belong more in the desert or perhaps even at the beach, but here they stand. Again, bits of Star Wars were filmed here.

Even if you don’t have a ton of time in Death Valley National Park , these three are easy to get to as you pass through. If you do have more time in the area, there are plenty of other sites to experience. And remember the heat – when we were there, it was hot enough to go through a liter of water in an hour.

By Andy from Sleep in the Woods 

Visit the Golden Gate Bridge

San Francisco, California

Orange towers of the Golden Gate Bridge with San Francisco in the background

One of the most iconic bridges in the United States, if not the world, the Golden Gate bridge spans the entrance to San Francisco Bay. Its instantly-recognizable towers painted International Orange, place it among the tallest suspension bridges in the world and have made it one of the top tourist attractions in San Francisco. The bridge can be viewed from several overlooks in Golden Gate National Recreation Area and the San Francisco side as well. There is a toll if you want to drive the bridge, but it’s worth it for the experience and the chance to explore both sides. Parking is available at each end, though it’s only free on the north side. Biking across it is another popular activity, and several bike rental companies nearby offer hourly and daily rentals. Pedestrians are also permitted on one of the bridge’s walkways. It’s well worth checking the bridge out during the day and evening to enjoy the different lighting. It’s especially gorgeous at sunset if you can catch it on a clear day.

Explore gorgeous Carmel-by-the-Sea

Carmel-by-the-Sea, California

Rocky shores along the California coast in Carmel-by-the-Sea

Photo by Janine from Fill My Passport

Nestled beautifully off iconic Highway 1 in Northern California, an hour south of San Francisco, is Carmel-by-the-Sea- a beautiful fairy tale village where community comes first. A town where there are few street lights, no house numbers, and locals convene at their P.O. boxes Carmel-by-the-Sea is a unique stop where Clint Eastwood was mayor so many years ago.

Enjoy a stay at one of the many bed and breakfast hotels and plan to explore the many nooks and crannies during your stay. Enjoy a coffee at one-of-a-kind shops (no Starbucks in sight) before browsing unique clothing labels, independent art galleries, and tasting wines where wineries outnumber restaurants.

If you have a car, you cannot leave this picturesque hamlet before enjoying the 17-mile scenic drive around the lake. Stop at Pebble Beach and take a gander and stop in at the exact golf course that’s hosted many PGA Tour events. Eat at a romantic restaurant near Lover’s Point, and marvel at the scenery as you head back to Carmel.

Have a furry companion? Carmel-by-the-Sea was named the most dog-friendly of all American cities . Restaurants have special dog menus, water dishes adorn each porch, patio and courtyard, and hotels encourage their stay within their property.

I recommend staying a minimum of 48 hours to enjoy the area and amenities to the fullest. It’s a perfect stop on the Pacific Coast Highway.

By Janine from Fill My Passport  

Enjoy the natural wonders at Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks

Southern Sierra Nevada mountains

Tall sequoia tree named General Sherman

These neighboring National Parks can easily be visited together – in fact, driving into Kings Canyon requires passing through Sequoia first. As its name may suggest, Sequoia National Park is devoted to protecting the ancient giant sequoia trees that can be found in abundance within its boundaries. The Giant Forest and General Sherman Tree (the largest known living tree in the world) are two of the most popular attractions and allow you to get up close to these incredible plants. Mt. Whitney – the tallest peak in the continental US – and Moro Rock are also within the park boundaries and can be hiked.

Kings Canyon National Park is also home to stands of sequoias, and also protects a large section of Sierra Nevada wilderness. Due to its wilderness designation, park services are limited, and most of the park is only accessible via lengthy hikes or horse trails. During summer months, the road to Cedar Grove in Kings Canyon is open, which allows visitors to drive deep in the park’s namesake canyon. The canyon itself is actually deeper than the Grand Canyon and from Cedar Grove, you can enjoy the stunning granite cliffs surrounding it.

Sequoia and Kings Canyon are jointly managed and you can find their official site here .

Explore Point Reyes National Seashore

Marin County, California

Cypress trees arching over a road in the Marin Headlands

Photo by Halef from The Round the World Guys

Located about an hour drive north of downtown San Francisco, Point Reyes National Seashore is one of the most beautiful places to visit in the Bay Area . It is part of the US National Parks System. Here, you can experience miles of pristine Northern California coastline as it has been for hundreds of years, with only a little development.

Some of the highlights you shouldn’t miss include hiking down (and back up!) the 308 stairs to the Point Reyes Lighthouse . If you are a National Parks passport stamp collector, there’s a special stamp just for you if you complete this task. Join the park ranger talks to learn more about this magnificent structure, as well as several historical figures and facts about Point Reyes.

Another Point Reyes popular spot is Cypress Tree Tunnel . While this beautiful alley leads to an administrative building, the photogenic rows of cypress trees are very Instagrammable spots for visitors.

Point Reyes National Seashore is a series of several National Park sites in the area. The famous Muir Woods National Monument is also located nearby. If you want a unique experience, book a stay at the HI Marin Headlands Hostel . It is the only hostel located within the US National Park System, and a lot of people even believe that it is haunted. Whatever you believe, there’s no questioning that this hostel sits on a beautiful landscape in its Northern California setting.

By Halef from The Round the World Guys

See the deserts of Joshua Tree National Park

Joshua Tree, California

Rock formations in Joshua Tree National Park

Photo by Dhara from It’s Not About the Miles

California is home to a number of stunning desert National and State parks, and one of the most beautiful and unique is Joshua Tree National Park in the southern part of the state. Joshua Tree NP is about an hour’s drive from the Palm Springs are a, and also easily accessed by road from LA or San Diego. While you will find lots of fun things to do in Joshua Tree National Park in one day , you can stay at the park campgrounds for a few nights to experience the park under night skies or at dawn.

Joshua Tree National Park is actually located not just in one desert, but two: the Colorado Desert and the Mojave Desert. As a result, within the boundaries of one park, you can see two clearly different landscapes and ecosystems. How cool is that? Some of the more noteworthy features of the park include gigantic boulder formations, some that have actually been named, such as Skull Rock, and the Joshua trees after which the park is named. The Joshua Tree is actually a yucca, and blooms in the spring .

If you enjoy hiking, you can pick from a variety of trails in Joshua Tree National Park. Some are short and picturesque, others long and/or difficult. You can also try bouldering, which means scrambling up the huge boulders, or watch expert climbers in action as they scale vertical rock walls. I love the flora in the park too: from the cholla cactus garden to the vast stands of Joshua trees, there is a wealth of plant life to study here. if you love desert sunsets, drive up to Keys View to watch the sun set and also for great views over the Coachella Valley.

If you love nature and National Parks, you will love visiting Joshua Tree National Park !

By Dhara from It’s Not About the Miles 

You can even book guided hikes and beginner rock climbing experiences in Joshua Tree through Viator .

Hike to the Hollywood sign

Los Angeles, California

Photo from behind the Hollywood sign

Photo by Sara from Our Kind of Crazy

One of the most iconic spots in California is the Hollywood sign. And you can actually hike up to it and see it up close. There are a few different paths you can take, but we recommend heading towards the back of the sign, as it’s the closest you’ll be able to get to it, and you’ll have a nice view. The hike up isn’t too strenuous, but can take a little while, since you’ll have to park down on the street. You’ll have some great views all the way up, and it’s a nice hike to do on a beautiful Southern California day. When you reach the top, you’ll see the backside of the letters, and you will be able to see how large the letters actually are . Take a picnic lunch up and enjoy the views from the top. It’s a very popular attraction, so you most likely will be with several people heading back and forth on the hike as well. It is such a fun spot to hit while on a trip to Los Angeles. We definitely recommend driving to see the front of it, but taking the hike to check it out close up!

By Sara from Our Kind of Crazy  

Take a tour of Alcatraz prison

Alcatraz Prison on an island in San Francisco Bay

No prison in the United States is more famous than Alcatraz . The Rock, as it’s known, is located on an island in San Francisco Bay, and was supposed to be impossible to escape, though three prisoners may or may not have successfully done so. Originally a fort and then a military prison, Alcatraz served as a Federal Penitentiary from 1934 until 1963 . Some of the most famous inmates in US history, including Al Capone, were housed there during its years of operation. Today, the prison is operated by the National Park Service and visitors can take a boat out to explore the buildings and cell blocks . Tours include an audio guide or you can try to catch one of the free guided tours conducted by National Park Service staff on a variety of topics. There are also a variety of permanent and temporary exhibits to explore. Find out more of the highlights of Alcatraz here!

Watch sunset from the Griffith Observatory

Dusky sky over LA from the Griffith Observatory

The Griffith Observatory , located in Griffith Park, is one of the best free attractions in Los Angeles . Not only is the observatory filled with astronomy displays, but you can also get good views of the Hollywood sign and watch sunset over the city . You can even take a sunset yoga class nearby. Watching sunset from up there is gorgeous because you can see all the way to the water and on a clear evening, you’ll be treated to gorgeous colors in the sky. Early dusk is also great, as you can stand on the observatory’s outdoor balconies and watch the Los Angeles city lights slowly turn on. Watching the city light up below me was one of the highlights of my visit to LA, and you should definitely make time either before or after sunset to check out the exhibits inside. Beware that parking is limited and traffic can get crazy around sunset time, so be prepared to do some walking and get there early. I was two minutes away from giving up when I finally got lucky and snagged a parking spot from someone who was leaving.

Bucket list things to do in Hawaii

Visit hawaii’s famous active volcanoes.

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii (Hawaii)

View of volcanic field at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

Photo by Sarah from CosmopoliClan

Visiting Hawaii Volcanoes National Park is a memorable experience and the highlight of any visit to the Big Island of Hawaii. The National Park is home to not one but two active volcanoes: the infamous Kilauea, which erupted in the spring of 2018, and Mauna Loa, the world’s largest volcano . This results in unique scenery and biodiversity, making the park a designated International Biosphere Reserve and World Heritage Site. Because of the volcanoes’ unpredictable nature, it’s recommended to make a short stop at the Kilauea Visitor Center before you start your visit to check the latest conditions and pick up a map. You can either explore the park by car – just a regular vehicle will do – or by foot. The two drives you can choose from are the Crater Rim Drive or the spectacular 18.8-mile-long Chain of Craters Road. I’d strongly recommend the latter. Do note that there’s no fuel service along the route.

There are plenty of (day) hikes to choose from in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park as well, either around the Kilauea summit or along the Chain of Craters Road. Hawaii Volcanoes National Park is not only important for tourism on Hawaii, for native Hawaiians, the Halema‘uma‘u Crater is a sacred place since it is believed to be the home of the volcanic goddess Pele. You might even see them bring offerings to the craters. So, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park is not just about adventure but has an important cultural aspect as well. It’s a unique Hawaii bucket list experience!

By Sarah from CosmopoliClan

Drive the Road to Hana

Eastern Maui, Hawaii

Surfers riding waves along the Road to Hana

Photo by Danila from Travelling Dany

A road trip on the Road to Hana in Maui is definitely one of the must-do activities if you’re planning to visit Hawaii. The second largest island in the archipelago seems to have condensed all its best traits in the Hana Highway. The road that goes from Kahului to Hana is a 53-mile long paradise that you should explore at your own pace. It smells like tropical flowers…and fresh coconut milk, as there are quite a few vendors along the way.

The best way to go is to leave your hotel early in the morning, so you won’t find too much traffic. Buy lots of healthy snacks (we ate baby carrots and slices of fresh pineapple) and a fresh coconut on the way to Hana: for just a few dollars you’ll get the best of the best. Besides, it’ll be quite warm and humid so fresh snacks will be much needed!

The road to Hana allows you to hike and swim around breath-taking waterfalls, to explore lava tunnels, and even to take pictures of the rare Rainbow Eucalyptus, the most colourful tree in the world, at Keanae Arboretum! One of the most popular areas on the Hana Highway is Ohe’o Gulch, a valley known also as “Seven Sacred Pools”, part of Haleakala National Park . Make sure you spend at least 2-3 hours in this valley if you want to visit its bamboo forest (the perfect Instagrammable spot) and take pictures of the most spectacular waterfall in Maui , Waimoku Falls. There’s a 400 ft drop!

By Danila from Traveling Dany

See the sun rise over a volcanic crater

Kula, Hawaii (Maui)

Sunrise from Haleakala National Park

Photo by Katherine from Bright Lights of America

When was the last time you had the opportunity to watch the sun rise over the clouds at your feet, from the crater of a volcano? I’m betting the answer is never, or at least not for a very long time. That’s why a trip to Maui’s Haleakala volcano to watch the sunrise is one of those once-in-a-lifetime experiences.

Haleakala is a dormant volcano that rises 10,032 ft above sea level , so the air is a little thin and it is cold up there, especially just before sunrise. Consider this your warning to wear as many layers as you can and bring blankets if you feel the cold. You’ll forget all about your numb fingers once the sky starts to turn a golden pink and the sun begins to illuminate the clouds and crater below you.

I’ll level with you – depending on where you’re staying on the beautiful island of Maui, you’re going to have to wake up at an ungodly hour of the day. We were in Kihei and had to wake up at 3.30am in April to get to Haleakala in time to deal with the traffic on the way up the volcano and nab a good viewing spot. Also, you need to book a Haleakala National Park Summit Sunrise reservation online early (weeks in advance) to secure your spot, otherwise you won’t get past the guards at the gate.

Our favorite part of the experience was listening to two Maui natives singing in the sunrise for us, as the golden orb rose into the sky. It threw a hush over the crowd as we listened to an ancient tradition unfold before us. Find out everything you need to know and bring with you to experience a Haleakala sunrise here .

By Katherine from Bright Lights of America

Visit the Pearl Harbor memorial

Honolulu, Hawaii (Oahu)

USS Arizona memorial at Pearl Harbor

Photo by Helena from Through an Aussie’s Eyes

On 7 December, 1941, the Japanese launched a surprise attack on the US that resulted in them joining World War II. On this dark night in 1941, thousands of lives were lost. Pearl Harbor is known around the world as an iconic memorial and historical site situated on Oahu, Hawaii. There are five historic sites that make up Pearl Harbor today – the Pacific Aviation Museum, the WWII Valor in the Pacific (the USS Arizona Memorial), USS Oklahoma Memorial, Battleship Missouri Memorial and the USS Bowfin Submarine Museum and Park. If you want to access all sites then I highly recommend purchasing the Passport to Pearl Harbor which is an all-inclusive ticket.

The USS Arizona Memorial is perhaps the most mesmerizing and somber part of Pearl Harbor. You need to reserve a time slot for the boat tour by either going online and paying a small fee (two months in advance) or they release 1,300 tickets every morning. But trust me, it is worth it. Once you watch a short film about the attack, you take a small boat shuttle out to the floating memorial which has been built over the top of the sunken hull of the Arizona. The Shrine holds the names of the men who lost their lives. You are still able to see rings of oil floating on the surface of the water from the sunken Arizona. It is a very powerful and moving. It definitely should be a place included on your bucket list.

By Helena from Through an Aussie’s Eyes

Hike Waimea Canyon

Waimea, Hawaii (Kauai)

View of Waimea Canyon with deep red gorges and green foliage

Photo by Kalena from Lost and Abroad

From world-famous surf spots to towering sea cliffs, the island of Kauaʻi is in a league of its own. One natural wonder that should be on any bucket list is Waimea Canyon , often called the Grand Canyon of the Pacific . The ten-mile long gorge is a brilliant maroon and burnt orange color and is draped with an 800-foot cascading waterfall. Fed from Mount Waiʻaleʻale, one of the wettest places on earth, the Waimea River continues to erode away the earth.

Visitors can marvel over the sweeping panoramic views at the Puʻu Ka Pele and Puʻu Hinahina overlooks or hike down to the canyon floor on the grueling Kukui Trail. One of the most popular routes is the short 3.2 mile Canyon Trail which has gorgeous viewpoints and ends at a close-up look at Waipoʻo Waterfall.

By Kalena from Lost and Abroad

Take a nighttime swim with manta rays

Kona, Hawaii (Hawaii)

Giant manta ray swimming

Swimming with manta rays at night should be on every Hawaii bucket list. Manta rays are the largest of the rays, with wingspans up to 20 feet wide . Every night, these enormous creatures come to an area just north of Kailua-Kona on Hawaii’s Big Island to feed. Large spotlights are set up on the floor of the ocean. The light attracts micro plankton (invisible to the eye), which in turn attracts the manta rays.

You can experience this incredible sight as a diver or as a snorkeler. Divers kneel on the floor of the bay and snorkelers hang on to inflatable rafts on the surface, face down and breathing through their snorkel. The rays swoop and swerve between them, eating their fill.  They often turn upside down near the surface, skimming just below the snorkelers in order to get as much food as possible, and dive right over the divers’ heads, missing them by inches. Manta rays have enormous rectangular mouths with grills to filter the plankton, and seeing this come straight at you can be intimidating, but they are harmless and swerve away at the last second. Seeing these enormous creatures come out of the dark, glide inches from you and somersault and dance in the water is an incredible experience.

There are multiple operators in Kona, many offering diving and snorkeling from the same boat, though a few only offer snorkeling trips. They run nightly throughout the year.

By James from Travel Collecting

Take the Diamond Head Hike

Two women posing on an overlook at the top of the Diamond Head Hike with Honolulu in the background

Photo courtesy of Michelle from Travel After Five

The Diamond Head Hike on Oahu definitely needs to be added to your Hawaii bucket list. You start at the bottom of the Diamond Head crater, which is a part of the Honolulu Volcanic Series. The trail starts along a concrete walkway before moving onto the rocky trail that starts the ascent towards the top. Once you pass a historic lookout building, you climb two stairways that will take you to an old Fire Control Station. Past these climbs, you will reach the Observation Station, which gives you a phenomenal view of Honolulu and the surrounding ocean. If you come to this spot in the evening, you can catch the beginning of a spectacular sunset.

Diamond Head State Monument is open from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm every day, with the last entrance at 4:30 pm. When my friend and I arrived, we walked up right at 4:30 pm and were allowed into the park. Entrance is $1 per person or $5 per car, and is cash only. The trail path is easy to follow, with the majority of the path paved and roped off. When we completed this hike, my friend was actually in a leg brace. Even with her handicap, we were still able to complete the hike in the allotted time, and without too much physical exertion. This hike is a perfect addition to your Oahu itinerary , and is safe for even the most casual hikers.

By Michelle from Travel After Five 

Go skydiving over Oahu’s North Shore

Oahu, Hawaii

Woman and man skydiving together over Oahu

Photo courtesy of Patti from Luggage and Lipstick

With a loud screech, the side door of the tiny aircraft began to slowly rise up. A brisk gust of wind kissed my face and I questioned why I had ever made the decision to jump 14,000 feet high out of a perfectly good plane. Strapped in tight to Mario, my tandem jumpmaster from Pacific Skydiving Center , he edged us over to the door where we hovered for what seemed like an eternity. Then the decision was no longer mine…Mario launched us out of the craft and we began to freefall.

The frigid air filled my mouth, drying it out and making it difficult to smile, but not impossible. Talk about an adrenaline rush!  All too soon, he pulled the ripcord to release the parachute and our decent slowed considerably as we floated towards land. It was then that I noticed the stunning seascape of Oahu’s North Shore spread out beneath me . Views of wild crashing waves gradually gave way to dry land as I pulled my knees up while Mario gently landed us.

By Patti from Luggage and Lipstick

You can even pre-book a skydiving experience on Viator .

Hike to Hanakapi’ai Falls

Kapaa, Hawaii (Kauai)

Waves rolling in under blue skies on the hike to Hanakapiai Falls

Photo by Leah from An Adventure is Calling

The hike to Hanakapi’ai Falls deserves a spot on everyone’s U.S. bucket list! It is located in Hawaii, on the island of Kaua’i, and it is arguably one of Hawaii’s most breathtaking adventure spots. While the actual 300 foot high waterfall is amazing, the 8 mile roundtrip hike to the waterfall is just as beautiful as the waterfall itself. The hike is considered strenuous, but it is well worth it for adventure seekers who are up for a challenge!

To hike to Hanakapi’ai Falls, begin at Ke’e Beach. Arrive by 8am to secure a parking spot. Pack plenty of water and snacks, and wear comfortable shoes that you can cross through water in. Take the Kalalau Trail (from the Nā Pali Coast State Wilderness Park). The view from the first mile of the hike is arguably the most beautiful view of the Pacific on the island . After hiking for a total of 2 miles, you will reach Hanakapiai Beach, where you can relax and use restrooms (the beach is lovely but not safe for swimming). Many hikers turn around at this point, but you will want to keep going. When you reach a fork in the trail, go right to stay on the Kalalua Trail (along the coastline) and go left to hike inland through the jungle to get to the waterfall. You’ll hike through bamboo, banana trees, and countless streams for another two miles. Once you reach Hanakapi’ai Falls, you’ll want to relax for a long time! Keep in mind that leptospirosis (lepto) is present in the fresh water on the island, so you’ll want to pay attention to warning signs when enjoying the water. To get out, you’ll head back the way you came in. I highly recommend snorkeling at Ke’e Beach after your long hike!

By Leah from An Adventure is Calling

Learn about Polynesian cultures

Laie, Hawaii (Oahu)

Replicas of Easter Island statues at the Polynesian Cultural Center

Photo by Katy from Untold Morsels

The Polynesian Cultural Center (PCC) is a must-do activity when you visit Hawaii. The center has showcased the unique culture of Hawaii and the Polynesian Islands via a series of interactive shows and displays for over 50 years. It was voted one of the top attractions in the United States in 2018 and is a half-day visit full of fun on Oahu’s North Shore.

When you visit the PCC, you take a trip to 6 villages representing island nations of Polynesia . In Samoa you learn how to shimmy up a palm tree to grab a coconut, and in Aotearoa (New Zealand) you’ll discover the haka – a scary Maori war dance.  In Tahiti, learn the local drumming techniques that help tell the islanders’ stories. Apart from the cultural displays at each village, there are canoe tours and an impressive water pageant where dancers perform on boats floating along the central river. You can even get a temporary Fijian tattoo and see replicas of the famed Moai statues from Rapa Nui (Easter Island).

When it is time to eat, you can’t miss the award winning Ali’i luau. After enjoying the lei greeting ceremony, take your seats and get ready for a feast of the senses. Try the traditional poké and freshly roasted kalua pork while you watch dance performances from all the countries of Polynesia. You can’t help but be impressed by the fire dancers and grinning keiki (small children) in their national costumes.

In the evening the entertainment continues in the center’s theater show – Hā: Breath of Life. This spectacular production tells the story of the beautiful islands of Polynesia through dance and song.

By Katy from Untold Morsels  

You can purchase admission and/or a luau through Viator .

Bucket list things to do in Idaho

Wander among lava flows.

Central Idaho

Panorama of rolling hills in Craters of the Moon National Park

Photo by Kelly from WanderlustByKelley

Looking for a unique nature experience? Look no further than Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve . A true gem and natural wonder in the state of Idaho. The landscape is surreal, making you feel like you are in a completely different world!

Craters of the Moon is located in the Snake River Plain region of Central Idaho and represents one of the best preserved flood basalt areas in the continental US. The landscape is incredible, you walk amongst a vast ocean of lava flows ! A visit to the visitor center is a must before you go exploring. Here you will learn about the volcanic history of this region through films and exhibits. Plus, you can collect your permit here to go caving! Exploring Craters of the Moon allows you to view surface volcanic features as well as walking inside dormant volcanoes! There are three major lava fields allowing you to see examples of every variety of basaltic lava.

I would highly recommend taking the opportunity to go caving. There are five cave trails to choose from, all varying in intensity. Another must is to take advantage of camping at the lava flow campground, giving you a great opportunity to camp under the outstanding night sky whilst you feel like you are on the moon ! It is important to note that this area is a delicate ecosystem and home to an variety of vegetation and wildlife, so it’s vital to respect the natural surroundings and stay on the dedicated trails.

By Kelly from WanderlustByKelley

Enjoy lake life in Coeur d’Alene

Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

Lakeshore and docks in Coeur D'Alene, Idaho

Photo by Andrea from One Savvy Wanderer

The beautiful Northern Idaho lake town of Coeur d’Alene is located about 30 miles from Spokane, Washington, (home to the closest airport!) and is only about 15 miles from the Washington-Idaho border. Those who enjoy the outdoors, especially the lake life, should plan to visit Coeur d’Alene.

The best place to stay is the Coeur d’Alene Resort . It is located in downtown Coeur d’Alene on the water. It is centrally located so that you can enjoy both the lake activities and the downtown shopping and restaurants. The Coeur d’Alene Resort is also home to a golf course with a world-famous floating green in the middle of the lake!

When considering where to eat, Crafted Taphouse + Kitchen should be at the top of your list! They boast over 50 beers on tap which really complement the gastropub food menu. Since there is a large outdoor area for seating in the summer months, Crafted is the best place to be to grab a drink or a bite to eat.

There is also the Silverwood Theme Park & Water Park located about 15 miles north of Coeur d’Alene. This family-friendly attraction is the largest theme park in in the Pacific Northwest and is a great place to spend a day when visiting Coeur d’Alene!

By Andrea from One Savvy Wanderer  

Bucket list things to do in Nevada

Walk the las vegas strip.

Las Vegas, Nevada

View of the Strip in Las Vegas, Nevada

The many casinos along the Las Vegas Strip have been drawing gamblers, partiers, and other kinds of tourists for decades. With glitzy casinos lining the streets full of over-the-top décor and attractions – you can find replicas of the Statue of Liberty, Eiffel Tower, and Trevi Fountain, a lagoon for gondola rides, a roller coaster, and more – you don’t even have to gamble to have a good time . You can easily devote a day to walking the Strip and taking pictures of the different casinos. Even if it’s your first visit, you’ll recognize lots of places from tv shows and movies. Don’t forget to catch one of the fountain shows outside of the Bellagio while you’re at it. After dark, the Strip really comes to life with neon lights and a people out and about. There are plenty of restaurants to suit every taste and budget along the way, and the hardest part might be choosing one to eat at. You can also enjoy some of the nightly entertainment, with popular acts like Cirque du Soleil performing regularly.

Visit the iconic Hoover Dam

Nevada-Arizona state line

Photo of the Hoover Dam

Photo by Lauryn from LE Travels

The Hoover Dam is one of the most iconic man-made marvels in the United States and it just happens to be a short drive from Las Vegas, Nevada. Completed in 1936, it was the largest concrete structure to be built at that time. Not only is it incredible to see, but it also serves an important purpose. The Hoover Dam generates power for public and private utilities all over California, Nevada, and Arizona. To reach the Hoover Dam from Las Vegas, it’s best to rent a car for the day. As a bonus, you’ll be able to see a few other sites near the Hoover Dam once you’ve completed your visit.

It’s important to note you cannot pre-purchase tour tickets for the Hoover Dam. All tours are first-come-first-serve , so arriving early is the key to getting the coveted Power Plant Tour tickets. Pricing for Power Plant Tour tickets as well as the visitors center can be found on the Hoover Dam website .

On your way out of the Hoover Dam, don’t forget to stop by the Mike O’Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge to get an incredible view of the Dam from above . There is a small parking lot for the bridge right outside the Hoover Dam exit. Once you’ve parked, follow the path up to the pedestrian walkway. If you’re brave enough, walk to the center of the bridge for the most stunning view of the Hoover Dam. For those with a fear of heights, this might be a challenge for you. The bridge sits at 890 feet above the Colorado River, so it is not for the faint of heart.

If you’re already traveling to Las Vegas, be sure to build some time into your trip for an adventure to the Hoover Dam!

By Lauryn from LE Travels

Explore Red Rock Canyon

Clark County, Nevada

Red rock formations under a bright blue sky in Red Rock Canyon

Photo by Leona from Wandermust Family

Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area is a short drive from Vegas , a mere 12 mile drive that takes about 40 minutes in total to get to. It offers the perfect alternative day trip for those visiting Vegas who want to see something more natural!

Once you arrive, Red Rock Canyon has a 13-mile scenic drive around the park . On this drive there are plenty of places to pull over and park and then head off on hikes of different intensity. As we were traveling with a toddler, we decided not to venture off on any long hikes but just enjoyed the surroundings of each of the stops. There were plenty of great trails and photo opportunities. For the more adventurous, there are over 26 hikes on the loop! There are several hikes that are rated easy to moderate on the scenic loop including the Lost Creek – Children’s Discovery Trail however for those that are more adventurous and have more time, there are harder rated hikes and even places to climb.

For me Red Rock is the perfect tonic or accompaniment to a trip to Vegas and should be on any bucket list!

By Leona from Wandermust Family

Go hiking in Valley of Fire State Park

Red rock formations in Valley of Fire State Park

Photo by Megan from Red Around the World

Valley of Fire State Park is just a short drive from Las Vegas, about an hour, making it a popular day trip for people looking to take a break from The Strip. This is the home to the Fire Wave, basically a smaller, slightly less cool version of the famous Wave you see in Utah/Arizona. While it may not be quite as spectacular as the official Wave, it’s still a great hike. You can also see petroglyphs, petrified trees, tons of rock formations , and a light pastel slot canyon. It’s a short one (length and height) but it’s still a nice hike that you might not see other people on since it isn’t an official trail. If you ask at the visitor center, they can tell you which pull off is the home of Pastel Canyon.

If you plan on visiting in the summer, just remember how hot it will be. It’s called Valley of Fire for a reason (not actually because it’s hot, but it works). Even in September, it still felt like it was approximately 150 degrees. Celsius. So make sure you stay hydrated and wear sunscreen since there isn’t much shade. If you’re just passing through Vegas, this also makes a great stop on your way in or out if you’re headed towards Utah and Arizona.

By Megan from Red Around the World

See relics of Vegas history

Neon duck sign

Photo by Jonathan from JourneyMaxx

Las Vegas, its history and culture – if it can be defined as such – is certainly unique. Sin City can be described as a bit of a marmite city, eliciting all sorts of love it or hate it responses. For some, there is no better place to revel in all sorts of hedonistic pleasures. For others, the glistening city in the desert represents all that is foul about what people do when they have more money than sense. Not a guarantee on everyone’s bucket-list.

One of the great defining features of Vegas past and present is the abundance of neon lit signs across the Strip and Downtown. Yet through the years, the Vegas streets have seen many more changes than you can mention. As some of the famous casinos of vintage Vegas have closed their doors for good to make way for modernized resorts, the signs that stood out so far and high will never go to waste.

Located a short walk north of Fremont Street is the Neon Boneyard. At first glance it may appear to be nothing more than a scrapyard of old signs. The skull and crossbones from Treasure Island, taken down as that got a rebranding, the old Sahara signage and its camels, as well as other larger than life icons that once defined Vegas are all here, some of which have been revived and given a new lease of life again. For example, the horse and cowboy of the Hacienda Casino Hotel, which closed in 1996 to make way for the Mandalay Bay, now has a new location on Fremont East today. The old rotating ruby slipper of the 60s now spins further along the same street near the hipster friendly Container Park that makes for an entertaining evening venue. Even the visitor center is inside the entrance to the old La Concha motel that is firmly rooted in the Futurist architecture trend of the 1950s. It certainly is fun to play a guessing game wondering which old signs will be restored again soon and where they will fit in with contemporary Vegas.

But the most special feature of all is the aptly titled “Brilliant” exhibition that was launched in 2018. When the sun goes down, the old signs light up. Through so much careful restoration and preservation, visitors can go through a maze of dazzling signs in their full glory like they used to. As this is quite a popular event that sells out, it is highly recommended you book a time slot for this rather than turn up spontaneously. Brilliant – in more ways than one.

By Jonathan from JourneyMaxx

Bucket list things to do in Oregon

Drive the columbia river gorge.

Oregon-Washington state line

Two tiered waterfall Multnomah Falls cascading under a bridge surrounded by green foliage

Photo by Amanda from A Dangerous Business

Fun fact for you: Did you know that the very first planned scenic roadway in the United States can be found in Oregon? It can, and the roadway is the Historic Columbia River Highway . Completed in 1922, the Historic Columbia River Highway stretches for about 75 miles from Troutdale and The Dalles in northern Oregon, following the river-carved Columbia River Gorge. The route is known for its scenic beauty (think: old forests and lots of waterfalls), along with being an engineering feat.

Visitors to the Columbia River Gorge can drive the whole Highway in a day, stopping for short hikes, pretty vistas, and of course the area’s famous waterfalls. The most famous waterfall along the highway is Multnomah Falls , which is a 620-foot two-tiered waterfall that looks impressive in any season. Nearby is the Multnomah Falls Lodge, which was built in 1925 and is on the National Register of Historic Places.

The Columbia River Gorge was impacted by a large fire that burned much of the area in September 2017. Trails and services along the road have been reopening slowly, but the trip is still worth making – especially since it’s less than an hour from Portland. You can still stop to take in the views at Vista House, see Multnomah Falls up close, and drive sections of the historic highway.

This is definitely a must-visit on an Oregon road trip , or on any trip to the West Coast!

By Amanda from A Dangerous Business

Visit the deepest lake in the United States

Southwestern Oregon

Bright blue waters of Crater Lake

Photo by Theresa from The Local Tourist

The first view of Crater Lake will literally take your breath away. The water is such an intense blue that seeing it is a surreal experience. The reason for that azure color is because of the depth of the water: this is the deepest lake in the United States . It’s also one of the cleanest lakes in the world. The lake formed 7,700 years ago when a volcano exploded and the top crumbled. The cavity filled with rain, and to this day the water level is maintained solely through precipitation and melting snow.

There are several viewing points around the rim of the caldera, as well as hiking trails. Swimming is allowed in the lake, but the water is only accessible via a steep trail. Fishing is also allowed. Although there are no indigenous species, several fish were introduced in the late 19th century until 1941, when the fish stocking ended.

Because of its elevation, activities are very seasonal. The campgrounds are open around June through September, but it’s always best to check in advance if you’re near the beginning or end of that time period. Crater Lake Lodge and The Cabins at Mazama Village are also open seasonally. They’re both located in Rim Village, a complex of accommodations, gift shops, and dining.

Admission to Crater Lake National Park is $25 in the summer and $15 in the winter for passenger cars, or free with an America the Beautiful Annual Interagency Pass.

By Theresa from The Local Tourist

Relax on the alpine lakes of Mount Hood

North-central Oregon

Two children sitting on a rock and enjoying the view of one of Mt. Hood's blue lakes

Photo by Catherine from To & Fro Fam

You can’t get more Oregon than the alpine lakes on Mt. Hood, hands-down one of the most gorgeous areas of the Western US. Mt. Hood is less than an hour away from Portland, where you can explore during any season and any weather. What’s more, most adventures are only a $5 parks pass away.

My kids and I spend summers on the lakes of Mt. Hood hiking, catching tadpoles, swimming (even though the water is cold!) and canoeing. Up there on the mountain, you’re directly in touch with nature , no barriers to be seen. We get our hands dirty turning over stones to look for tiny frogs. We stand perfectly still amid a cloud of butterflies. We occasionally scrape our knees while scrambling over fallen logs or enormous rocks—evidence of the mountain’s volcanic past.

In the winter, we snowshoe and sled. Many trails are maintained around the lakes, and everything quiets under a blanket of snow.

The alpine lakes of Mt. Hood are one of the most breathtaking yet easily accessible spots I’ve visited in the Western US. If you count yourself lucky enough to travel in Oregon, don’t miss the chance to explore Mt. Hood. Wondering where to go? Trillium Lake and Mirror Lake have the iconic postcard-ready views but are more heavily trafficked; Twin Lakes and Frog Lake are more off the beaten path.

Wherever you explore on Mt. Hood, you won’t regret the trip.

By Catherine from To & Fro Fam

Explore the fossils at Jon Day Fossil Beds National Monument

Kimberly, Oregon

Rolling rock formations at John Day Fossil Beds National Monument

Photo by Lisa from TheHotFlashPacker

John Day Fossil Beds National Monument is a relatively undiscovered park that should be on any west coast bucket list. It’s in the eastern half of Oregon, which is a desert unlike the rainy half to the west of the Cascade mountains. This National Monument, run by the National Park System, has three separate units. The Clarno Unit contains a couple short walks amongst rocks that have fossils of ancient plants. The Sheep Rock unit contains the main visitor center, a historical ranch, and a couple great hikes. The Blue Basin Hike is a 4-mile loop that takes you up through the green, gray, and blue clay hills. The visitor center is well worth a visit – they have several videos on demand, a laboratory for examining fossils, and many fossil replicas from African-type animals that used to live in this area of Oregon. The most popular unit in John Day Fossil Beds National Monument is the Painted Hills unit. This unit contains colorful clay hills . The hills are extremely photogenic. If you visit in the spring, you can see many wildflowers. The John Day area is very remote. You should make sure you go on a full tank of gas and fill before you get to a quarter tank. The Painted Hills are 2 hours from Bend, OR and 4 hours from Portland.

By Lisa from TheHotFlashPacker  

Sip your way through Oregon’s top wine region

Willamette Valley, Oregon

Man and woman posing with wine glasses in front of wine barrels

Photo courtesy of Margie from DQ Family Travel

If you’re visiting Oregon, then a stop through the Willamette Valley is a must do. This area is home to world-class pinot noir . Located just south of Portland, Oregon Wine Country has become a destination for wine lovers around the world. There are over 700 vineyards located in the Willamette Valley and more than 500 wineries. The best way to visit is by car, as many of the vineyards and wineries can be spread out. By visiting some of the smaller towns in the area like Carlton and Newberg, you could walk through the downtown area and stop in to taste local wines.

For the best experience, though, I recommend visiting the vineyards themselves. Most of the farm vineyards offer wine tastings, tours and spectacular views of the mountains and valleys. Some of my favorites include Patricia Green Cellars , Penner-Ash Wine Cellars , Stoller Family Estate , and Chehalem Winery . Oregon provides more of a casual atmosphere than the upscale Napa Valley area. The employees at these vineyards are not only very friendly, but they love chatting about wine. This makes it a perfect place for the beginner wine drinker. Due to the abundance of farms, the local food scene is incredible. Finding a great place to have a meal is quite easy when visiting the Willamette Valley. Overall, I would highly recommend a visit to The Willamette Valley. The Pacific Northwest has become my favorite area to visit in the U.S. not only because I love pinot noir, but because of its natural beauty, fresh food and proximity to the mountains and ocean.

By Margie from DQ Family Travel

Bucket list things to do in Washington

Hike mount rainier.

Western Washington

Rocky peaks at Mount Rainier National Park

Photo by Christa from Expedition Wildlife

Mount Rainier is the symbol of Washington State , shining like a beacon for those who are itching to get into the stunning Cascade Mountains. The best time to hike on and around Mount Rainier is from June through September, weather depending of course, when the snow has largely melted from the lower reaches and the weather is warmer and fairer. Throughout this summer period, all varieties of alpine wildflower will be in bloom, creating a carpet of rainbow colors as the backdrop to your exploration. It is possible to snowshoe some of the trails in the park, such as up to Panorama Point from Paradise, just be sure to go with a Park Ranger, an option available during certain times of the winter, or have a trained eye for areas prone to avalanche danger. While busier, the Visitor Centers at Sunrise and Paradise are great jumping off places to have beautiful day hikes, such as the Glacier Basin Loop in the north or the easier but equally stunning Nisqually Vista Trail in the south. Even the scenic drive along glacial rivers leading into the park makes a day trip to the area worth it. Dozens of awe-inspiring trails can be found throughout Mount Rainier National Park – check out the Washington Trails Association website to find a hike that fits your needs best!

By Christa from Expedition Wildlife

You can book a variety of Mount Rainer tours featuring backpacking, hiking, snowshoeing, and flyovers through Viator .

Explore Olympic National Park

Olympic peninsula, Washington

Snow covered mountains in Olympic National Park

Photo by Amanda from Every Two Pines

Olympic National Park is one of Washington’s greatest features, and for good reason! There are not too many national parks where you can visit the high alpine, temperate rainforest and the rugged Washington coast all within the bounds of one National Park. One of the best ways to explore Olympic National Park is a road trip covering the northern end of the park. Visit in the winter when the crowds are low and the sights are in full splendor!

Start by visiting Port Angeles and driving up to Hurricane Ridge. A sea of mountain ranges extends in the distance with the Strait of Juan de Fuca in the distance. The views are phenomenal from the parking lot, but get even better if you venture up the short hike to Hurricane Hill . This area is open on the weekends in the winter and well worth the drive. After Hurricane Ridge, head to the Hoh River to see the Hall of Mosses and Washington’s quintessential temperate rainforests. These old-growth trees are absolutely dripping with lush greenery and exemplify Olympic National Park.

Lastly, follow the river to the sea by driving out to the coast! Head to Second Beach for a one-mile hike through the trees before reaching a sandy beach with huge sea stacks in the distance. This spot provides excellent opportunities to see sea creatures if there is a low tide. It is also a great place for a sunset, so if you can make it in the evening, I recommend it! After you have your fill of the beach, you can either continue back the way you came or follow the circle around the rest of the park to discover even more of this incredible National Park.

By Amanda from Every Two Pines

Hike the recovering landscapes around Mount St. Helens

Amboy, Washington

View of snow-covered Mount Saint Helens in Washington

In 1980, Western Washington was rocked by the violent eruption of Mount Saint Helens . The ecology of the region would also not be the same for decades to come – today, many areas are still in the various successional periods that come after an onslaught of lava and ash, and there’s much to see and explore. Hiking trails abound in the area, and excellent educational opportunities are available at the Mount Saint Helens Science and Learning Center and the Johnston Ridge Observatory, allowing visitors to learn more about the mountain and the surrounding region. Beginner and intermediate hikers can summit the top of Mount Saint Helens year-round, however, the best time to attempt this climb is in summertime, as the weather tends to be fairer. The climb is steep and filled with scree, so it is not without challenges, but for those with persistence, this isn’t a technically demanding route. Standing at the crater rim of this stunning active volcano is a must-do for adventure-seekers and outdoor enthusiasts alike! Keep in mind that climbing permits are required for anyone attempting to summit the mountain, and the number of permits given out in summertime is limited. For those wishing to see Mount Saint Helens without climbing to the rim, check out the Trail #1: Boundary-Hummocks trail to the Johnston Ridge Observatory. Here, hikers can experience the beautiful valleys and hills of the region, leading up to the educational Observatory for the best views of Mount Saint Helens .

By Christa from Expedition Wildlife  

You can book a variety of Mount Saint Helens tours through Viator .

Get away from it all in Port Townsend

Port Townsend, Washington

Boats docked in Port Townsend, Washington

Photo by Tara from Back Road Ramblers

If ever there was a charming, must-visit waterfront town in the USA, Port Townsend, Washington has to be it. Located on the northeastern tip of the Olympic Peninsula in the Puget Sound, Port Townsend is known for its year-round temperate climate, lovely Victorian architecture, and maritime heritage. While Port Townsend makes a fabulous day trip from Seattle, it’s definitely worth spending a few days to explore.

Start your journey downtown, where you’ll find dozens of restaurants, art galleries, boutiques, and coffee shops. Downtown Port Townsend is thoroughly walkable , with beautiful water views in every direction. Next, head uptown, where you’ll find many beautiful Victorian homes from the 1880s. If you fancy getting out on the water, the Port Townsend Marina can connect you with cruise ships, charter boats, or a Puget Sound whale-watching excursion.

Be sure to spend an afternoon exploring Fort Worden State Park , where you can meander through abandoned bunkers from the turn of the century, check out the Point Wilson Lighthouse, and visit the Marine Science Center . Beach and forest campsites are available year-round, and there are miles and miles of hiking trails. Port Townsend is definitely a four-season getaway, whether you’re exploring land or water, indoors or out.

By Tara from Back Road Ramblers

Want to see more bucket list activities in the United States? Check out these other regional lists:

  • 45 Bucket List-Worthy Things to Do in the Southwestern United States
  • Fifty Bucket List-Worthy Things to Do in the Southeastern United States
  • 25 Bucket List-Worthy Things to Do in the Great Plains States
  • The Ultimate Mid-Atlantic Bucket List
  • The Ultimate New England Bucket List
  • See the Best of the Midwest with this Ultimate Bucket List

Don’t forget to save these bucket list ideas on Pinterest!

Photo collage of the Golden Gate Bridge and Hollywood sign with text overlay reading "47 amazing things to do on the West Coast"

So many amazing things on this list! I really have not seen enough of the US, especially the western states. I don’t think I knew you could go dog sledding in Alaska, that’s so cool. Thanks for having our Death Valley contribution!

Wow! What an informative post! I really love having bucket list from all these places in one blog post, could be great for a planning road trip! I especially appreciate the Alaska bucket list

Love this list! The West is my favorite part of the US.

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best places to visit in western us

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Best of the West: Top Tourist Destinations

George Doyle/Stockbyte/Getty Images

From celebrity-filled Los Angeles and neon-lit Las Vegas to the abundant natural wonders of the Grand Canyon , Yosemite , and Canyonlands, the western United States has something to satisfy the interests of virtually every traveler. But it is a huge area and not one that can be easily visited in a few days, weeks, or even years.

The West of the continental United States is made up of two regions. The Mountain states include Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming. The Pacific states are California, Oregon, and Washington. Adrenaline lovers can get their kicks by heading to the Rockies to hit the famed slopes, while the traveler looking for the perfect spot to relax can go to sunny California for wine-tasting in Sonoma. The spectacular Pacific, from San Diego to Seattle, is a favorite destination, along with California's coastal cities. The West is bursting with gems that are too numerous to list.

People go to Las Vegas to get lucky. From the buzz of the casinos to the glitz of the hotels, bars, and nightlife , Las Vegas provides ample opportunities to press your luck with money, love, or getting into a blockbuster show, thereby making it a sure shot with tons of risk-taking travelers. If the excitement of the city gets to be too much, the spectacular canyons of Red Rock are just 30 minutes away from the city’s main strip and perfect for a day trip.

San Francisco

San Francisco  is the place where many people have left their heart. And there's a good reason for that. From Golden Gate Park and the Golden Gate Bridge to the Embarcadero, the Ferry Building Marketplace, the Mission District, and Lombard Street, it's charm with a capital "C." It's also foodie heaven, no matter what your taste preferences.

Pacific Coast Highway

The ​ Pacific Coast Highway,  aka California Route 1, is renowned as one of the best road trips in the world. It snakes along the California coast for 656 miles from Leggett in the north to Dana Point in the south. The most traveled part of the route is between Monterey and Carmel along California's Central Coast and Big Sur to San Luis Obisbo. The view from the highway across the steep cliffs down to the Pacific is the stuff of legend. Stay a couple of days in Monterey or Carmel, check out the famous Pebble Beach road, and then start off on this unforgettable journey.

Route 66 , the Mother Road, has been immortalized in song, on a TV show, and in legend. It was one of the first highways in the U.S. highway system and dates to 1926. The entire route was eventually replaced by interstate highways, and it's now strictly for tourists and is called Historic Route 66. It starts in Chicago, bends toward the southwest, and ends in Los Angeles. You can pick it up anywhere along the route, which takes you through Illinois and St. Louis, down into Oklahoma, across the Texas Panhandle and New Mexico, and into Arizona before its final leg crosses southern California and ends in LA.

California Wine Country

The two most famous parts of California Wine Country, Sonoma, and ​ Napa  counties, are less than 50 miles north of San Francisco. They are a perfect day trip or a longer peaceful getaway. You're in a land of mountains, valleys, rivers, forests, and, of course, vineyards. Wander along two-lane roads and enjoy the scenery as you search out wineries. Allow some time to discover Wine Country towns like Sonoma, Healdsburg, Petaluma, Napa, St. Helena, Yountville, and Calistoga. All have interesting boutique hotels and bed-and-breakfasts, along with great restaurants, which make for a memorable stay.

Santa Barbara

The Santa Inez Mountains form the backbone of ​ Santa Barbara 's spectacular setting, stretching west to the Pacific. Its downtown is noted for its white stucco buildings with red tile roofs, and if you didn't know better you'd think you were in Spain. Its Mission-style train station and Mission Santa Barbara (1786) are not to be missed, along with its many boutiques and appealing places to grab a bite.

Los Angeles

Los Angeles, the City of Angels, has so many attractions that it takes a long stay to even scratch the surface. At the top of everyone's list are Disneyland  (in Anaheim) and legendary  Hollywood , which both are about fantasy of different kinds. Dig deeper and discover the San Gabriel Mission District, the birthplace of Los Angeles; Santa Monica; two world-class museums, the Getty and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art; and the Channel Islands just offshore. Drive south down the coast to Huntington Beach and Newport Beach, reminiscent of the French Riviera, to get a real Pacific Ocean experience.

San Diego is just 120 miles south of Los Angeles, and the drive takes you to this city known for its parks, beautiful coastline, and enviable climate. Check out Balboa Park, Coronado Island, and La Jolla Cove.

Yosemite National Park

California's Yosemite National Park is a natural wonderland of waterfalls, granite peaks, meadows, valleys, and an ancient stand of sequoias knows as the Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias. Much of the park is inaccessible in the winter; check the website for park conditions and answers to questions about your visit before you go to this wondrous place.

Lake Tahoe sits atop the California-Nevada state line high in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. In the winter, it's a big ski destination, and in the summertime, it draws visitors who want to indulge water recreation at an elevation of 6,225 feet, surrounded by the quiet of the High Sierras. When you're not skiing or boating, check out Lake Tahoe's many restaurants and shops or play a few rounds of golf on one of Tahoe's world-class courses.

Santa Fe is a sparkling gem in the Sangre de Christo Mountains of northern New Mexico. It was founded by the Spanish in 1610, and its adobe architecture exudes this history around the Plaza and along its old, curving residential streets. It was named Destination of the Year by Travel + Leisure magazine for 2018, and its vibrant arts and culinary scene, along with its setting and history, are the reasons why.

Grand Canyon

TripSavvy / Taylor McIntyre

The  Grand Canyon in northern Arizona is just simply overwhelming. Breathtaking in scope and grandeur, it follows the Colorado River for 277 miles, is a mile deep, and in some places 18 miles wide. The spectacular colors and eroded rock formations of this canyon, one of the seven natural wonders of the world, defy description. You just have to see it for yourself once in your life. The South Rim stays open all year, but the North Rim closes during the winter.

Canyonlands, Bryce, and Zion National Parks

TripSavvy / Alisha McDarris

The Colorado River is also the creator of the carved canyon landscape of the desert of southwestern Utah that is preserved in Canyonlands National Park . While you're in Utah, check out its unbelievable slot canyons that are some of the best photo ops in the United States. If you still want more of Utah's magnificent scenery, make stops at Bryce and Zion national parks.

For a full-on Colorado Rockies experience that's off-the-beaten-path, make a trip to Telluride, set in a box canyon in the southwestern corner of the state. In the winter, it's about all skiing all the time, along with cozy restaurants after a long and cold day on the mountain. In the summertime, it turns into a golf resort with an authentic Old West setting.

Gorgeous  Seattle,  on Puget Sound in the midst of evergreen forests and with views of the mountains, has a setting that's hard to beat. So go for the scenery and stay for the bookstores, coffeehouses, vibrant restaurant scene, Pike Place Market, and stunning views of Elliott Bay from downtown.

Top 12 Places to Visit in the US

April in California: Weather, What to Pack, and What to See

The Best National Parks Near Las Vegas

Great Summer Family Trips in the USA

Things to Do for the Best Southwest Experience

Father's Day in California

December in California: Weather, What to Pack, and What to See

The 10 Best Hiking Trails Found Inside America's National Parks

Summer in California: Weather, What to Pack, and What to See

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Bridger Mountains in Montana.

Western USA

Landscapes and legends draw adventurers to the West, where a good day includes locavore dining, vineyard wine-sipping, wildlife-watching, Native American history and outdoor adventure.


Must-see attractions.

A family of goats near Gunsight Pass in Glacier National Park

Glacier National Park

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October 9, 2014: Visitors gather at Glacier Point with the Half Dome mountain in the background.

Yosemite National Park

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An aerial view of Golden Gate Park from the Pacific Ocean. Golden Gate Park is the third most visited city park in the US.

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SAN FRANCISCO - SEPT 2, 2017: The Beat Generation lives on at City Lights bookstore in the North Beach neighborhood of San Francisco.

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Planning a 10-Day West Coast USA Road Trip Itinerary

Home | Travel | North America | United States | Planning a 10-Day West Coast USA Road Trip Itinerary

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Traveling along the West Coast of the United States  had been in my head since the day I found out I’d be moving there for work. Who hasn’t dreamed about a road trip across the Western US? For me, the landscapes that automatically come to mind are the Grand Canyon, Yosemite, and Death Valley among others, as we have seen again and again in a bunch of movies.

national parks in western us map of west coast usa

Grand Canyon

In addition to nature, the American West Coast also offers you visits to symbolic cities such as San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas.

My favorite part of this trip was definitely the National Parks where natural wonders of this incredible country are concentrated within. I had been taking note of them on a  Western US  map   for a long time so that I could visit them as soon as I had the chance.

That’s how I started planning the 10-day West Coast USA road trip that we took in August.


10-day west coast usa road trip itinerary infography map capture the atlas

Our 10-day West Coast USA road trip itinerary

  • Day 1: Arrival in Las Vegas.  Beginning of our 10-day West Coast USA Road Trip.
  • Day 2: Monument Valley + Antelope Canyon + Horseshoe Bend.  The most popular places in the Western USA.
  • Day 3: Bryce Canyon National Park. One of the less touristic national park in the West Coast USA.
  • Day 4: Zion Canyon National Park. One of the places we like the most during our 10-day West Coast USA trip.
  • Day 5: Grand Canyon,  a must-visit place on the West Coast.
  • Day 6: Mojave National Preserve + Death Valley,  the best of our 10-day West Coast Itinerary.
  • Day 7: Yosemite Valley, the best attraction in the Western USA.
  • Day 8: Upper Yosemite Falls,  the best hike of our West Coast America road trip.
  • Day 9: Tuolumne Grove of Giant Sequoias. You cannot skip this highlight of West Coast USA:
  • Day 10: Return flight from San Francisco.  En of our 10-day Western US trip.

If a Western US road trip is also one of your dreams, you will find everything you need to prepare your trip here:

  • 10-day West Coast USA Road Trip

Best places to visit in West Coast America

  • Our West Coast USA 10-day itinerary
  • How to plan a self-drive trip to the Western US

How much does it cost a West Coast USA trip?

  • Map of Western US

10-day west coast USA road trip

One of the first things I am sure you will be wondering about is how long a West Coast trip could take. My opinion is that you could be discovering the American West Coast for months and would still have things to do.

death valley west coast america tours

Death Valley – Zabriskie Point

When looking at a West Coast USA map, it may initially seem that the best tourist destinations are close to each other. However, distances in this country are huge, and you will spend a lot of time on the road during your trip.

Keep in mind that the US public transportation system is very scarce outside of the big cities, so the only practical option is to rent a car and prepare for a West Coast USA driving holiday.

On our West Coast USA road trip, more than ¼ of the trip was spent driving and still, along with the Canadian Rockies trip , it was one of the best trips of our life.

Another highly recommended option is to take a West Coast RV trip , as this country offers all kind of facilities for those who like to travel with their motorhome. You can check the best RV rental companies in the USA here.

Although it takes a long time to travel across the West Coast in depth, if you don’t have too many days or prefer to combine them, I encourage you to spend in West Coast America at least 10 days.

driving routes west coast usa grand canyon

Grand Canyon – Plateau Point

There are thousands of West Coast USA tours you can take, so the first thing you have to choose is a few must-see places. It may seem complicated to plan this trip at first, especially when you do not have much time.

To help you choose your perfect West Coast America itinerary, you will discover the main tourist attractions in this section. Then, you can design the West Coast USA holiday itinerary that best suits your needs.

I suggest that as you read through this article, write down  the things to do in West Coast America  that interest you most on a map to help determine the best itinerary.


If you like to visit cities, one of the places you cannot miss on the West Coast America is San Francisco. This popular city of California, is characterized by the steep slopes and the well-known Lombard street.

The most popular thing to do in San Francisco is visiting the Golden Gate Bridge, one of the most famous bridges in the US and a classic in many American films, as seen in Godzilla and Superman.

In addition, another interesting activity to do is visiting the Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary whose best-known prisoner was Al Capone. It was said that nobody could escape from this maximum-security prison island since the only way was by swimming almost two kilometers in cold and treacherous waters.

If you are visiting this city, stay in one of the best hotels in San Francisco.

Las Vegas,  also known as “Sin City”, is one of the American classics famous for its countless casinos, open container laws (aka public drinking), and legalized prostitution in nearby counties.

The largest city in the state of Nevada welcomes both domestic and global tourism, where vice is a right. It is not surprising to hear the old saying: What happens in Las Vegas, stays in Las Vegas.

Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas Sign

Welcome Las Vegas

Whether you like gambling or not, it is a must-see Western American city. It is also a good place to celebrate your (fake) wedding if being married by Elvis is also one of your dreams. Here you can find the ultimate list of things to do in Las Vegas.

If you are visiting this city make sure you know where to stay in Las Vegas , since its hotels are some of the most amazing in the World.

Do not miss our Guide TO THINGS to do in las vegas

  • Los Angeles

Los Angeles , also known as LA, is the most populous city on the West Coast of USA. The City of Broken Dreams and Hollywood stars is located in California.

The Walk of Fame and the Hollywood sign are probably the main tourist attractions in Los Angeles , although a visit to Santa Monica , the beach where Baywatch was filmed, is also recommended.

Another place of interest is the Warner Bros. studios , where you can visit the film sets of a lot of movies, as well as Venice , where the canals remind you of those from the Italian city with the same name.

LA is a stop that you cannot miss on your 10-day West Coast US trip if you happen to enjoy both cities and film. You can find where to stay in Los Angeles here.

Do not miss our Guide TO THINGS TO DO IN LOS ANGELES

Grand canyon.

If we had to choose just a single place to start, visiting the Grand Canyon  would probably be the first that we recommend to do in West Coast USA.

The Grand Canyon is in Arizona and was shaped by the Colorado River over millions of years. In some points, the Canyon reaches a depth of more than 5250 feet.

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Grand Canyon – Helicopter Tour

If you don’t have much time, taking a Grand Canyon helicopter tour is a good option, as we told you in that article about our experience. However, if you have several days, I advise going down the canyon  through one of the many different hikes to discover the Colorado River.

Do not miss our Guide TO THINGS TO DO IN GRAND CANYON NATIONAL PARK and best places to stay in Grand canyon

Havasu falls.

If you like adventure, visiting the Havasu Falls is an essential of West Coast USA.

The Havasu Falls, along with others in the area, belong to the Havasupai Indian Reservation and are guarded by a tribe of Native Americans. They are inaccessible by car, so you must be in excellent physical condition to visit as you will be hiking in and out.

Plan well in advance for your visit, since you will need a permit that usually runs out shortly after the beginning of the  reservation  period which starts in February of each year. In addition to the permit, you will have to book a camping spot, as it is mandatory to stay there when visiting the falls.


Back at the coastal area, Santa Bárbara, located 150 kilometers north of Los Angeles, can be another interesting stop.

The main beach largely resembles Santa Mónica, except Santa Bárbara is not as popular.

However, Santa Bárbara is not just a beach: its architecture with Hispanic colonial roots is an important tourist attraction.


Between Utah and Arizona, Monument Valley is another one of the supernatural landscapes in the American West. It is a huge valley where very interesting geological formations rose with reddish colors. This was also a scene featured in many classic western films.

10 day west coast usa self drive itinerary monument valley

Monument Valley

This desert valley is located within the Navajo Nation, a territory that belongs to the Navajo natives who are responsible for both maintenance of the reserve and collection of entrance fees, which is not included in the US National Parks pass.

The best time to photograph the valley is during sunrise when the sun is behind the monuments, or during sunset when the monuments are illuminated by the last rays of the sun. In addition, there are different hiking trails that bring you closer to the main monuments of the valley, or you can even take a Jeep tour with one of the Navajo guides.

Do not miss our Guide TO THINGS TO Do IN Monument Valley and WHERE TO STAY IN MONUMENT VALLEY

Page: antelope canyon and horseshoe bend.

Page is a town inside the Navajo Indian Reservation, located in Arizona.

The most interesting attraction here is the Antelope Canyon , a geological feature formed by consecutive floods throughout history, which eroded narrow labyrinths of sandy rock into its terrain.

10 days western us destinations antelope canyon

Antelope Canyon

Do not miss our Guide to antelope canyon TOURS

In addition, if you visit Page, you cannot miss a sunset in  Horseshoe Bend, which is named after its shape. It is probably the most famous bend of the Colorado River.

horseshoe bend western us family vacations in 10 days

Horseshoe Bend

Do not miss our Guide to VISIT horseshoe bend

Here we leave you the best guide to know where to stay in Page.

The Wave in Arizona is another attraction to see in Western America.

To see this solidified wave-shaped dune, you must have a permit issued  four months in advance and by lottery (only 20 visitors per day are allowed).

It is one of the few virgin wonders that remain in the United States, so if you missed the date of the draw, it is always a good idea to check if someone has canceled his or her tour on the calendar. Visit this booking website both to participate in the lottery and to check the calendar.


Bryce Canyon National Park is a reserve located in Utah and is popular for the peculiar rock formations also known as “Hoodoos”. This park should be included in any Western US National Parks itinerary.

Due to the reddish color of the terrain, the best time to contemplate the main amphitheater viewpoint is at sunrise and sunset.

10 days western us vacation spots bryce canyon

Bryce Canyon

There are also several hiking trails that will take you through the formations, where you can discover some with very interesting forms and names like Thor’s Hammer or Queen Victoria.

Do not miss THE BEST HIKES IN bryce canyon and the BEST PLACES TO STAY IN BRYCE

Close to the Mexican border, we will find San Diego, the second largest city in the state south of Los Angeles

This city is a good stop on your 10-day West Coast US road trip if you are more interested in beach areas. La Jolla Cove is the most popular beach and you can find all kinds of wildlife including sea lions there.

In addition to the beach, there are other places of interest, such as Old Town San Diego, where you can find original buildings of the first Spaniards that arrived here, and Balboa Park, where many museums are concentrated, or the Coronado Island , where you can find the best views of the city.


In Utah, one of the most important landmarks of the state is  Zion National Park, where the main interest here is an 800-meter-deep canyon carved into the reddish terrain for 24 kilometers by the Virgin River.

There are different hikes that you can take in this park. One of the most popular is Angels Landing, where you can get a full view of the canyon after three hours of hiking and up the Via Ferrata section.

backpacking the west coast usa zion national park 10 days

Zion Canyon

Another longer route is The Narrows , which can be completed in 8 hours or done over several days. The route goes through the narrow gorges carved in by the virgin river, so you always need to check river flow the day before at the visitor’s center, and also to get water shoes.


Joshua tree national park.

Located in a desert area in southern California, Joshua Tree National Park stands out for its unique rocks and mountain shapes.

Although its name comes from the unique Joshua Tree , what makes this park really interesting are the infinite rock-climbing possibilities .

Whether or not you are a climber, if you decide to visit Joshua Tree National Park on your West Coast USA trip over 10 days, you will experience the feeling of finding yourself on another planet.


On your 10-day West Coast America self-driving tour, you cannot miss the Death Valley that is located in California.

west coast america best places to visit death valley

Death Valley

This immense desert is famous for Badwater, a dry area with the highest negative elevation within North America, situated at 262 feet below sea level. In addition, it is one of the hottest places on earth during summer, with a maximum recorded temperature of 58ºC.

map of west coast usa death valley

Zabriskie Point

If you are going to cross it, be sure to fill the fuel tank and bring plenty of water to survive the extreme desert temperatures during the day.

Do not miss tHE bEST tHINGS TO DO IN Death Valley and where to stay in Death Valley

Mojave national preserve.

The Mojave Desert  spreads across Joshua Tree National Park, Death Valley, Lake Mead National Recreation Area (NRA) and the Mojave National Preserve.

While you will find Joshua trees all over in this vast extension of land, the world’s highest concentration is located within the Mojave National Preserve .

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Mojave Desert

In addition to the flora, the fauna is abundant and diverse, from reptiles like snakes, lizards, and turtles to mammals like bobcats or hares.

Do not miss WHAT TO DO IN mojave desert

Arches national park.

Arches National Park , located in Utah, has the highest concentration of stone arches in the world, however, there is no record of how many arches there are in this extension. This is the reason why it’s one of the most beautiful places to visit in Utah.

In addition, we can find another type of geological formations that defy gravity here, such as the Balanced Rock, a rock that seems to be falling at any time, yet has been standing for thousands of years in the same position.

The best way to go across Arches National Park is through a park ranger-guided tour that takes you to the purest and most virgin area of the park, where you cannot access on your own. You can book it here.

This park is one of the most acclaimed by photographers since the impossible shapes of the arches are very easy to use in any composition.


An essential stop in West Coast USA is Yosemite National Park , located in the Sierra Nevada mountains in California.

This park is remarkable for two of the most important climbing sites in the United States and the world: the big granite walls of El Capitan and the Half Dome. In addition, we can find the American Giant Sequoia, one of the largest trees in the world, as well as extensive fauna that includes raccoons and black bears in this park.

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Yosemite Valley

If you are a lover of nature, outdoor activities, and camping , this is surely going to be one of your favorite places near West Coast of the United States.

Do not miss all you have to do in Yosemite and WHERE TO STAY IN YOSEMITE

Sequoia national park.

In Sequoia National Park, you can find the largest concentration of giant sequoias in the world. These are grouped within what is known as the Giant Forest.

The park is located about 10000 feet above sea level, a critical altitude for this type of trees to grow. However, it may be closed during the winter because of the snow.

In addition, here we can find the giant sequoia known as General Sherman standing at 275 feet. While it is the largest single-stem tree, the Hyperion , located in Redwood National Park, California, stands taller at 379 feet as the tallest living tree known in the world.


Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming is the oldest national park in the United States. It stands out for the incredible volcanic activity in the area and for the abundant fauna that inhabits the park: buffalo, grizzly bears, black bears, moose… If you want to enjoy the authentic American wildlife and landscapes with a smell of sulfur taken from another world, Yellowstone is an essential place to visit on the American West Coast.

things to do in Yellowstone National Park West Coast USA in 10 days

I didn’t visit it during my first trip to the West Coast in the United States in 10 days, but during my next trip in which I toured Yellowstone and Grand Teton for 10 days, a great plan if you are looking for an alternative itinerary.


Grand teton national park.

The mountains of Grand Teton National Park are one of the most haunted landscapes by photographers on the West Coast. If you like wildlife, hiking, and want to flee the typical 10-day US West Coast itineraries , I recommend visiting this national park that promises a quiet vacation away from the masses even in peak tourist season.

things to do in West Coast USA in 10 days grand teton

Grand Teton adjoins Yellowstone National Park, so taking a 10-day tour of the US West Coast combining these two parks is quite popular.

Check what to do in grand teton and WHERE TO STAY IN GRAND TETON

Our 10-day west coast usa itinerary.

As we stated above, our West Coast USA trip was focused on national parks and all the natural wonders of this area in North America.

Cities in the west coast are for sure some interesting destinations, but, without a doubt, if we had had more than 10 days to travel the American West Coast, we would have kept exploring the natural places that this country offers, each one so different and full of contrasts.

DAY 1 – West Coast America Trip: FLIGHT TO LAS VEGAS

We arrived in Las Vegas at noon, picked up the rental car and made a quick route to see the highlights of the city.

After a mandatory stop to make the classic photo with the Welcome Las Vegas sign, we headed to Monument Valley (6 hours driving) where we spent our first night.


We photographed the sunrise in Monument Valley to see the incredible geological formations of the Navajo Reservation tinted in beautiful reddish colors.

monument valley western us vacations itinerary 10 days

Monument Valley (Our 10-day West Coast USA Road Trip)

In the morning we went to Antelope Canyon , in Page (2 hours driving) to take both the Upper and Lower Antelope Canyon tours.

antelope canyon planning a west coast usa road trip

Antelope Canyon (Our 10-day West Coast USA Trip)

In the afternoon we had a rest at  Lake Powell. Then we went to Horseshoe Bend from where we watched and photographed an unforgettable sunset.

driving holiday west coast usa 15 days Horseshoe Bend sunset

Horseshoe Bend (Our 10-day Western US Road Trip)

We drove 2.5 hours until our next stop on our 10-day route along the West Coast.

DAY 3 – West Coast America Trip: BRYCE canyon NATIONAL PARK

We woke up in Bryce Canyon National Park , where we took pictures of the twilight from Sunrise Point overlooking the amphitheater.

We hiked the Rim Trail, seeing different Hoodoos as Thor’s Hammer.

usa west coast itinerary 2 weeks bryce

Bryce Canyon (Our 10-day WesternUSA Road Trip)

At night, we returned to photograph the amphitheater under the Perseid Meteor Shower, and camped inside the park.

western us road trip bryce milky way

Bryce Canyon – Sunrise Overlook


We arrived in Springdale (2 hours driving), parked our car and took the shuttle to Zion National Park.

We did the Angels Landing trail to get the best views of the valley.

west coast usa road trip 10 day itinerary zion

Zion National Park (Our 10-day West Coast USA Road Trip)

In the afternoon, we drove 4 hours to the next stop on our 10-day Western US trip.


We watched the sunrise at the Grand Canyon from Mather Point in probably the most epic light display we have ever seen during a sunrise.

national parks tour western us grand canyon sunrise

Grand Canyon (Our trip to West Coast USA for 10 days)

In the morning we take this tour , as we tell you in this article about Grand Canyon helicopter rides . Without a doubt, I enjoyed my visit the most.

In the afternoon, we descended the first section of the Bright Angel Trailhead trail.

road trip west coast usa 10 days

In the evening we drove to the next stop of our 10-day Western US trip, Mojave National Preserve (4 hours driving), where we spent one of the best nights of our life camping in the wild desert.

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Mojave National Preserve


We photographed the first sun rays of the day through the branches of the Joshua trees in the Mojave National Preserve.

10-day west coast america fly drive itinerary mojave

We filled the tank to cross the Death Valley and made stops at the main viewpoints.

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Death Valley (Our 10-day West Coast USA Self-drive Trip)

We arrived at Yosemite National Park where we set up a bivouac to spend the night in order to get accommodation the next morning at the historic Camp 4.

This day we drove a total of 10 hours, more driving hours than any other day of the entire trip.


Once settled in Yosemite National Park valley we went to discover the main viewpoints of the valley, from which we would photograph the last sunrises and sunsets of our 10-day trip to the West Coast USA.

taft point yoosemite western us family vacations

Yosemite (Our 10-day West Coast USA holidays)

We took the opportunity to enjoy the real camp life,  cooked on the bonfire at night and raccoon watched with our campmates so they didn’t eat our food.


On the eighth day, we did the most strenuous hike of our 10-day West Coast USA trip. We climbed to the Upper Yosemite Falls, where we had a bath in one of its natural pools.

yosemite west coast america things to do

Yosemite Falls (Our 10-day West Coast USA vacations)

In the afternoon we took refuge in the tent as a hail storm fell – remember that weather in Yosemite, like any high mountains, is quite unpredictable even during summer season.


On our 9th day, we decided to try one of the small hiking trails in Yosemite National Park, such as the hike that takes you to Bridal Veil Falls or the Taft Point viewpoint.

In the afternoon we visited Tuolumne Grove of Giant Sequoias, where we could see these giant trees.

sequoiawest coast america places to visit

Tuolumne Grove (Our 10-day West Coast USA self-drive holidays)


We left Yosemite National Park to head to San Francisco , where we took our return flight home.

Our initial idea was to have the last day to discover the city. However, we liked Yosemite so much that we ended up leaving just enough time to catch the flight back. It took us 4 hours to get to the airport.

How to plan an self-drive trip to the Western US

Although many travel agencies offer West Coast USA holiday packages, this destination seems more appropriate to be planned on your own (unless you are interested in photography and decide to take a photo tour to the West Coast America ).

In any case, we will explain step by step how you can plan a trip to the West Coast USA on your own in this section:

  • Choose your best West Coast USA itinerary
  • Plan how to get to West Coast USA
  • Get your US tourist visa
  • Hire the best travel insurance for traveling to the United States
  • Book a rental car
  • Buy America the Beautiful Pass to enter the US National Parks for free
  • Book the best accommodation  on the West Coast

HOW TO CHOOSE THE best West Coast USA itinerary

From the previous section where we highlighted the best places to visit in Western US, choose 8 (if taking a 10-day West Coast road trip) or 15 places (if taking a 20-day trip) that interest you most.

Jot them down on a map of  West Coast USA (I suggest using  Google MyMaps ).

Connect the different points and check on our map below to see if there is any tourist attraction that is on your way or that you can easily reach.

Finally, check that the driving hours are compatible with the itinerary or else leave them out of your list.

driving hours west coast usa road trip

Driving in the West Coast USA

Do not be frustrated, no matter how long you stay on the West Coast, you will always leave something to explore for the next trip 😉

how to get to the West Coast of USA

In order to define our itinerary, we must know how to get to the Western US.

The best way is by flying to one of the following three airports:

  • San Francisco

If you want to find cheap flights to the West Coast , the best time to book them is 3 months in advance. You can find here the best cheap flights hacks . My favorite search engine is Kiwi.com.

Also, if you want to visit too many places in the West and do not have much time, I suggest that you do a one-way trip , starting at a different airport from where you will return home through. This will increase the travel budget a bit, but you don’t get to travel to the Western US every day, do you?


There are two ways to travel as a tourist to the United States. If you belong to one of these countries you can travel to the US without a visa, but must obtain a travel authorization called “ESTA”.


The ESTA is very easy to obtain. Simply fill out the application form on iVisa and you will receive the approval in about 6 hours by email.

We have a step-by-step guide on how to apply for the ESTA to the USA.


If you do not have a passport from one of the countries mentioned above, you need a B2 visa to travel as a tourist to the United States.

This type of visa is more difficult to obtain. In addition to preparing the required documentation which proves that you are not going to travel to the United States with the intention of living or working, you will have to go through an interview at the embassy.

A more extensive explanation of how to process this visa can be found on the US Department of State website.


Living in the USA, I know how important is to have good travel insurance for the USA. Since health care cost in this country is very high, hospitalization without insurance can easily make your bill rise above $100,000.

So when we moved here, we bought long-stay travel insurance , although we are currently using annual multi-trip insurance.

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Death Valley dunes

Although I always recommend buying the best travel insurance wherever you go, you must have extraordinary coverage for the US (never consider hiring anything that covers below $30,000 if you travel to the United States).

You can get the best quality-price insurance with Heymondo .

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5% OFF your travel insurance

western USA car rental

As we have said, the only practical way to travel the Western United States is by renting a car.

west coast usa car rental death valley road trip

Driving in Death Valley

If you do not have too much time, consider taking a  one-way instead of a round-trip  along the West. We picked up the car in Vegas and left it in San Francisco. Although this meant an increase in the budget because of the drop off-fee, we were able to visit more places during our 10-day West Coast trip.

The cheapest way to rent a car is using DiscoverCars , where we hired the rental car in Las Vegas.



If you are planning a Western US National Parks itinerary, I recommend that you buy an annual America the Beautiful pass.

This pass allows access to all US National Parks, as well as other state parks.

The pass is valid for one year from when it is purchased and covers entry for one vehicle with up to 5 passengers. Display pass by hanging it over the rear-view mirror).

In addition, the pass is issued for two owners who must sign behind the card to use. A very good option is to buy the annual pass, leave one signature blank, and resell it to a second owner at the end of your Western USA tour.

Even if you don’t resell the pass, you will get your money’s worth just by visiting 3 or 4 National Parks (Grand Canyon, Zion, Bryce, Yosemite …).

The pass can be purchased online from here or directly at the ticket office of the first national park you visit.


It is difficult to find cheap and very good quality hotels at the same time on West Coast America. Therefore we will try to help you by listing the best places to stay, considering different budgets, tastes, and needs.

monument valley milky way tend campings best places to stay in west coast usa

Best accommodation in West Coast USA

Keep in mind that accommodation will be one of the major expenses of your trip to  West Coast America. On the other hand, sometimes a good hotel can even be one of the best attractions you can enjoy during your trip.


  • HI San Francisco Downtown Hostel: Hostel in the heart of San Francisco that has both shared and private rooms at a very low price. Free WIFI. Includes breakfast and a kitchen for those who want to cook.
  • Buena Vista Motor Inn: Hotel with complimentary parking in the middle of Lombard street. Wi-Fi and breakfast included. Totally safe area to walk at night. Just a short walk from Fisherman’s Wharf.

Guide on where to stay in San Francisco


  • Venetian:  Venice-themed casino resort with gondoliers included.
  • Circus Circus: Casino hotel with circus theme, with its own indoor amusement park that runs throughout the year.
  • Stratosphere:  Casino hotel that includes vertigo attractions at 350 meters high.
  • Bellagio: Inspired by Italy, it is one of the most luxurious resort and casinos in Las Vegas.
  • New York – New York:   Resort casino inspired by the big city where we can find a miniature statue of liberty.
  • Paris Las Vegas:   Perfect casino hotel for honeymoon or couple trips with miniature Eiffel Tower and Arc de Triomphe.
  • Excalibur:  You will find yourself in the Middle Ages in this casino resort within its castles.
  • Planet Hollywood:  Modern hotel and casino where you will feel the essence of the West Coast.

Guide on where to stay in Las Vegas


  • Hollywood Travelodge:  Located very close to the walk of fame. Includes breakfast, Wi-Fi and free parking.
  • Samesun Venice Beach:  The best option if you want to enjoy the Venice boardwalk and its beach. They have bicycle rental service.
  • Cal Mar Hotel Suites:  If you prefer to be close to Santa Monica beach this option is very well priced.

Guide on where to stay in Los Angeles


If we visit the South Rim, the most touristic edge of the Grand Canyon, it is quite important to stay in the Grand Canyon Village, since two of the main attractions of this jewel of Western US is their sunrise and sunset. So, the closer we are to the edge, the easier it will be for us.

We camped in the Grand Canyon, at the  Mather Campground on the South Rim.

If you prefer to stay at a hotel, all accommodations at Grand Canyon Village are run by the company   Xanterra ,  and you can make reservations on whose website.

Guide on where to stay in Grand Canyon


  • Hyatt Place Page Lake Powell: This hotel is located in the center of Page. As it is highly valued, you will have to book it well in advance, since rooms tend to run out being such a small and tourist place at the same time.
  • Country Inn & Suites by Radisson: Without a doubt the best hotel in Page, both the price and the charm of its rooms. It is not in the center but is closer to Horseshoe Bend.

Guide on where to stay in Page


Bryce is one of the best places to camp in the Western US. In addition to two conventional campsites ( North Campground and Sunset Campground ), there are 12 backcountry campsites.

If camping is not your thing and you prefer to stay in one of the best hotels in the West, then I recommend the Best Western Ruby’s Inn , a historic hotel at the gates of the national park that also has a camping area.

Guide on where to stay in Bryce


  • Bumbleberry Inn:  One of the few hotels near Zion whose price is below $200 a night and with a great value.
  • La Quinta Inn and Suites : Another hotel that also has good prices and is highly rated near Zion, known for its buffet breakfast that includes delicious homemade waffles.

Guide on where to stay in Zion


If you want to enjoy dawn with the best views of the valley, I recommend that you camp in the Monument Valley. The campground is called The View Campground and the only way to reserve it is by calling +1 435-727-5802.

This campsite belongs to  The View Hotel , a hotel run by the Navajo Indians with equally amazing views.

Guide on where to stay in Monument Valley


  • Hotel Santa Barbara: One of the best hotels in Santa Barbara with a great location in the city center and very close to the beach. Includes Wi-Fi, breakfast and free parking.
  • The Eagle Inn:   On the beach of Santa Barbara and in a beautiful historic building. The price is a bit higher but it includes a jacuzzi in the room.


We decided to camp at Camp 4 during our visit to Yosemite. Here, the hippy movement was born in the 60s and spread throughout the United States.

However, if you don’t want to camp, don’t worry. There are very good hotels in Yosemite. Some of the best are:

  • The Ahwahnee
  • Yosemite Valley Lodge
  • Curry Village

Guide on where to stay in Yosemite


  • Staypineapple at Hotel Z: One of the best hotels in downtown San Diego. Modern design and quite affordable. It offers free bicycles to its customers.
  • HI-San Diego Point Loma Hostel: Hostel with shared rooms, very good price and located next to the beach. Ideal if you visit San Diego with the intention of meeting other travelers.


The best place to stay in Joshua Tree is in one of its campsites. There are 4 campsites throughout the national park that can be reserved, and another 4 first-come, first-served campground. All the information regarding the Joshua Tree campgrounds can be found on the National Parks Service website.


  • The Inn at Death Valley: This Oasis in the middle of the desert is the most luxurious resort you’ll find here. Refresh between your palm garden and its spring water pool and relax in your spa area.
  • The Ranch at Death Valley: Run by the same company as The Inn at Death Valley, it is the familiar and informal complement of the previous one. If you want to relax in a unique environment but without too many pretensions, this accommodation is for you.
  • Panamint Springs Resort:  This resort offers both tourist resorts and lodging in tents. It’s close to the west entrance of the national park, from where you’ll have stunning views of the sand dunes.

Guide on where to stay in Death Valley


There are no motels inside Mojave National Preserve. The only way to stay is camping. There are two family campsites, Hole-in-the-Wall Campground and Mid Hills Campground. Both are first-come, first-served campgrounds.

There is also the possibility of doing backcountry camping. If you want more information, check the US National Parks Service website.


There are no campsites or hotels within Arches National Park. The best thing to do is to stay somewhere close to the entrance:

  • Red Cliffs Lodge:  All rooms have views of the Colorado River. In addition, you have access to a private living room with a fridge and microwave. This accommodation is the best you’ll find if you visit Arches National Park from the west. Do not miss its western cinema museum.
  • Under Canvas Moab:  This accommodation is located east of Arches National Park and offers already pitched tents, some with private bathrooms. If you are not a fan of the camps, but you would like to try, this is your place. In addition to the bed linen, the hotel will lend you towels and a flashlight. A very comfortable way to learn a little about the American camper culture.


  • Montecito Sequoia Lodge: This rustic mountain accommodation offers a place to relax, surrounded by lakes, forests and rugged peaks. It has a restaurant that offers breakfast, lunch and dinner buffet.
  • Bearpaw High Sierra Camp: This established camp has 6 canvas tents with wooden floors. The views of the surroundings are amazing. Breakfast and dinner are included in the price of the accommodation.
  • Wuksachi Lodge:  It is the emblematic hotel of Sequoia, an amazing mountain hut made of stone and cedar located in the heart of the park, surrounded by a powerful sequoia forest and towering peaks of the sierra.


As we commented, if you visit Havasu Falls, it is compulsory to spend at least one night in one of its campsites, since you cannot make excursions exclusively for one day. Book both the tour and the camping permit from the official website of the Havasupai Indian Reservation.


There are only  9 hotels within Yellowstone National Park , so in peak tourist season, most travelers only find accommodation outside the park.

You can find the best options on our guide on where to stay in Yellowstone National Park, but my favorite hotels are:

  • Kelly Inn West Yellowstone
  • Yellowstone Gateway Inn
  • Stage Coach Inn
  • Al’s Westward Ho Motel
  • Travelodge by Wyndham
  • Absaroka Lodge


There are many places to stay in Grand Teton National Park but my favorite ones are:

  • Colter Bay Village 
  • Jackson Lake Lodge  
  • Headwaters Lodge & Cabins at Flagg Ranch 
  • Jenny Lake Lodge

To calculate  how much a road trip along the West Coast cost, keep in mind that gasoline in the United States is quite cheap compared most European countries, so even though you will drive many kilometers, this is not something you have to worry too much about when planning your itinerary.

Regarding the food , going to restaurants or going out to have a drink is very expensive; especially when you are looking for somewhere that serve healthy and quality food. If you’re willing to eat fast food, your West Cost travel budget will decrease since the United States is the paradise for junk food.

Regarding accommodation , while it is more expensive in the US than other countries, there are ways to make it cheaper .

Consider camping during your West Coast America tour. In addition to being cheaper, it is very fun and do not forget that there is no country in the world with such an active camping culture as in the United States. You will enjoy watching all the American accessories that make camping more comfortable, and the amazing motorhomes that are better than many houses. You can check some tips for traveling by rv in the USA here.

If you want to know how much we spent during out trip, you can check our West Coast travel budget for 10 days.

West Coast USA combinations ideas

In case you have more time, you can combine the West Coast of the USA with other destinations. Some of the most popular combinations are the following.

West Coast America and Hawaii holidays

If you love nature, combine  West Coast USA and Hawaii to enjoy the most active volcanoes in the United States. These wild islands in the middle of the Pacific, offer a native culture totally different from any other place in the world, in addition to beautiful beaches. The Western US and Hawaii landscapes are an excellent combination for the more adventurous.


Riviera Maya and West Coast America honeymoon trips are very popular.  With this travel itinerary, we can enjoy a mix of the natural American West Coast landscapes with turquoise water beaches and the history of ancient civilizations. This is the best combination for honeymoons or for travelers interested in a mix of all-inclusive vacation packages.


If you want to travel the most famous road in the United States, plan a Route 66 – Western US road trip. With this tour, you will have a chance to visit my favorite city in the US: Chicago. I don’t recommend this combination if you do not like driving since much time of this trip will be spent inside the car.

West Coast USA tours from New york

Another very popular combination, especially if you are traveling from Europe. A New York & West Coast America fly-drive itinerary mixes the Western US National Parks with the busiest city of the East Coast. This option is perfect for those who also enjoy visiting big cities, since there are plenty of things to do in New York City.

New York view from brooklyn skyline pier night photography

With any of these combinations, I recommend spending at least 10 days in West Coast America .

However, if you only plan to travel to the West Coast and can afford it, I would recommend spending 2 or even  3 weeks.

map of West Coast USA

Finally, it is very useful to plan your trip using a map of Western US , marked with your places of interest. Then check the following map to see if there is any other attraction on the way.

SEE you ON THE WEST COAST and do not hesitate to ask if you need help preparing your itinerary!

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and the only one that pays all your medical bills upfront for you!

best places to visit in western us

Ascen Aynat

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80 replies on “ Planning a 10-Day West Coast USA Road Trip Itinerary ”

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We are from Singapore and planning a 20 days trip in June to West Coast of US and would be our first drive trip to the US. We wanted to cover Grand Canyon, Zion, Bryce, Yosemite, route 66, UTAH but not sure if we are able to (or worth to) cover up till Seattle. We love your advise as it will be our first trip to West Coast of US and accommodation recommendations will be helpful plus itinerary. regards Melvin

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Hi Melvin, Wow, that sounds amazing! There is so much to see the western United States. I think you’ll find our road trip itineraries from Las Vegas to be super helpful. As for accommodation, it depends on whether you’re renting a car or RV since an RV will take care of accommodation for you. Otherwise, the hotel recommendations above in this article are a great place to start. 🙂

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Hi! Wow, relieved i came accross this blog. Thank you for sharing this.

I made an almost similar itinerary and posted it in trip advisor.

we are arriving early morning in Vegas on March 10 and flying out late night from San Francisco March 20. For the 10 day trip, we’d like to see Bryce, Zion, Grand Canyon and Yosemite. Most of the comments says most of the time will be spent driving hence the trip might not be an enjoyable one. Some even suggested dropping Yosemite as this is too far from the rest of the places we’re hoping to see.

With all the driving you did on this trip, do you think you still spent a good time exploring the parks?

Thanks heaps!

Yes, it was a lot of hours driving but it was a trip of a lifetime. I won’t change any of the stops I did so I highly recommend it specially if you don’t mind driving at night and you don’t have more time to spend on the West Coast USA.

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Hi, very informative post there ! May I know what route did u take to travel to yosemite from death valley ? I supposed you travelled when the tiogo road was closed ?

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We traveled in August when the Tioga Road was open. So we just drove Nort through the Eastern Sierra and enter from the Northeastern part of the park 😉

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i am planning to go to a trip with my friends but iam confused where should i go.

It’s difficult to choose when there are so many great options! My recommendation is to check the places and pictures and just pick the 4/5 places that you find more interesting 😉

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Hi Martin from Australia here. I am busy planning an 8 day self drive tour in April starting in, and returning to Las Vegas. I stumbled on your website and found it to be a fantastic resource, full of very helpful information. One thing that is puzzling me with your route. Why did you go to Monument Valley first and then criss-cross south to Antelope Canyon, north to Bryce Canyon and then south again to the Grand Canyon. This appears to add an additional 400 miles (appx). I had originally been planning a circuit through Bryce Canyon, Monument Park, Antelope Canyon and Grand Canyon. Then Back to Las Vegas via Mojave Desert and Death Valley. Thank you

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We did that itinerary because we were traveling in August (high season) and wanted to camp in Monument Valley and Grand Canyon, so we book the only days available hehehe

Your itinerary sounds great. Let me know how you do it finally.

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Hi! I would love your help in planning my itinerary for my West Coast Roadtrip Honeymoon. We would love to check as many of the same locations off our list as you have in this post. Would love to get your thoughts on cost efficiency, glamping/camping vs. RV rentals and what we HAVE to see, and what we could skip. We definitely don’t want to spend the majority of our trip in the car. Thinking of flying into Vegas and then going from there. We would be going from June 12-20th. This is by far the most helpful article I have found online so far! Thanks for writing!

We will be happy to help. Let me know any questions you may have and we will help.

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we are a couple, 60 years+ but able to drive and planning a trip next Sep. 2020. However we note that at some places you had to camp. I don’t think we are up to camping and wonder how to achieve the trip you made without camping.

You don’t need to camp if you don’t want to. There are many hotels where you can stay 🙂 Let me know your itinerary and I will give you some hotel ideas.

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I wish more people would post valuable content like this. This is the first time I’ve been on your website, but after this, I doubt it will be the last time.

Thanks Robert!! You are always welcome 😉

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Planning a trip in mid December. Is your 10 day trip feasible at this time of year ? Thanks.

Yes, it’s perfectly fine. Just bear in mind that you might find snow in some places like Bryce and Yosemite and the main roads to Yosemite from the east (Tioga road) is gonna be closed.

Hope you have a beautiful trip!

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Have you ever thought of planning a trip of the Four Corners States of the Southwest (New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado & Utah). There are so many sites that would be a tough decision. New Mexico has the Gila National Forest, City of Rocks in the southwest, Carlsbad Caverns to name just a few, Colorado, Arizona, Utah you could go on and on. This would also the sunrises and sunsets, rivers canyons. It is so vast that each state could provide what every photographer would want to see and shoot. Just think about it. if you more information, please contact me.

Sure! We still have a bunch of places we want to visit!

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Thank you It was very useful

Thanks Isabel!

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Great post, thanks for the info I’m considering doing this trip with my dad, how fit do you have to be to do this trip? He can’t really walk a whole lot at a time.

Hi Emiliano,

You don’t need to walk if you don’t want to. Just visit the main lookouts accessible by car.

Let me know if you have any other question.

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Well, that was a pretty fascinating read, not going to lie. I really hope you continue to write. Probably one of the more informative pieces I’ve read on this subject. Thanks!

Thanks Justin! Glad to see our USA West Coast article was useful and you enjoyed it reading!

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You know if you are not on Instagram, you should be. I know you can’t put text up, but just throw in a few pics and build an audience there. I think you’d find a ton of people who would be super interested in your blog here.

Thanks for the advice. We already use Instagram, our account is: @Capturetheatlas

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Well… consider yourself added to my blogroll. I have like six other blogs I read on a weekly basis, guess that number just increased to seven! Keep writing!

Thanks Chris! and Welcome to Capture the Atlas! 😉

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Way to go on this post man. Really killer stuff. I’ll be back to read your other posts.

Thanks Travis! Glad you found the information helpful!

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Wow! What a scenery. I hope I can visit those place in the future too! People on your newsletter must love you. This content is pure 100% gold

Thanks Matthew for your kind words! I am sure you will be fascinated by the West Coast USA landscapes when you visit them.

Feel free to join our community and receive our newsletter 😉

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Hi, My family of 3 will be travelling to West of USA for about 12 to 14 days this coming September month 2019. Can you help us to plan the trip visiting all the interesting places and also advise us the cost.

We give a lot of piece of advice on our blog. Please read it and let us know if you have any question.

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I am flying from Toronto, Canada and am unsure which airport to arrive and leave in. I am planning on visiting Zion, Bryce Canyon, Cathedral Canyon, Antelope Canyon, and Grand Canyon (South Rim). I am unsure whether to fly to Las Vegas and leave from Arizona, or vice versa, or do a loop. Any suggestions?

Amazing blog by the way!

Which airport in Arizona are you considering? Las Vegas in quite close to those places you want to visit and usually there is cheap flights to go there.

Let me know if you have any question

Thank you for your reply! I was thinking Phoenix airport. Just not sure the best route and will be renting a car!

Also, do you know if its possible to rent a car at one airport and return it to another?

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Hi, i am traveling with 6 adults. Planning to arrive in New York, then fly to LA and hoping to have a glimpse of the city and its surrounding and fly to vancouver . We will fly back home from Vancouver.

How many days do you think is good for us? I am travelling with my parents aged 60yo.

Can you give me any recommendations

Hi Felicia,

I would say to book at least 10 – 15 days. As recommendations I would suggest hiring good travel insurance for the USA and check the different articles we have at the blog.

Let me know if you need something else,

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Hello there,

We have about 8-9 days along the West Coast after a conference in Vegas. Looking at the following itinerary/places we want to visit. Do you think this is something workable/have any comments? Thanks so much!

Day 1: (From Vegas) Antelope Valley/Horseshoe Bend (Find somewhere to stay for the night – is there a recommendation where we can stay in that area?) Day 2: Grand Canyon Day 3: Travel back to Vegas, fly to San Francisco. Day 4: San Francisco Day 5: San Francisco -> Monterey, Big Sur (Find somewhere to stay?) Day 6: Travel to LA Day 7: LA Day 8: LA

Thanks very much for your message and for reading us!

Until day 4 your itinerary is gonna be very intense but definitely doable, as we made a very similar itinerary at the beginning of our trip. You can find recommendations for the night near horseshoe bend/Antelope Canyon in this section of our article.

As for the second part of your trip, We didn’t travel from SF towards the south so don’t know if that would be something possible.

Please let me know if we can help with any other questions.

Best regards,

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Hi I am trying to plan a trip with my son for September 2019 have i left enough time to do this? And could you help us with an itinerary Also if we choose to camp do we purchase this in the USA as we are travelling from the UK Thanks

Hi Richard,

Thank you very much for your message.

You are still in time for planning the trip, so I ‘d definitely try to do it!

You can see different itineraries in our US articles depending on your days and preferences. Hope that helps.

As for the campings it depends on the campsite, some accept online reservations like the one in Monument Valley while others are filled in a first-come first-served basis like Camp 4 in Yosemite.

Please let us know if we can help with any other questions.

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Hi everyone! Could you help me to make a itinerary with the time and 10 destinations?

We will need some more information to help you. When and where are you starting your trip, days, preferences and so on.

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Hi guys, Love your work. I’m a photographer and looking to do a road trip through the west cost of the USA, covering as much of the national parks as possible (Yellowstone a must). We only have a 2 week gap during July to do this. Do you have any tours available for July 2019 for 2 super fun people?

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Me, along with spouse and 13 year old son, are planning for a 10 day trip to LA, LV & SFO from India during June last week.

Request if you could help build us an itinerary for First Timers to US. It would be with a driver if we have to hire a car.

Do you deal in hotel accommodations too – 4 star?

Could you please let me know a rough expenditure on all this.

Kindly do mention your charges too for helping us out with a good itinerary and any help on ground that you could provide during our stay.

Thanking You, MOHAN

I have sent you an email with our service rates.

Have a nice day!

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I am planing with my boyfriend our trip in June to California for 10 days. We are landing in LA and we would like to visit Yosemite, Death Valley, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon and San Diego. Could you please give us some tips? We are afraid that Tioga Pass might not be opened at the beginning of June..

Thanks a lot!

Hi Anabel, I think you have enough time in 10 days to visit the cities and NP you mentioned. You can do 2 days for LA, 3 days for Yosemite, 1 day for Death Valley, 1 day for Las Vegas, 2 days for Grand Canyon and 1 day for San Diego.

As you said, Tioga Pass maybe is still close in June, so I recommend you booking a hotel around Fresno (in case Tigoa Road is close) and other around Mammonth Lakes (in case it is open). And cancel the one you are not going to use once you know the Tioga Road status?

Let me know if you need anything else.

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Hello, Thanks for the detailed analysis of west coast. We are planning to visit west coast from Philadelphia and would like to cover California/LA/SFO/Las Vegas. We would however fly to Seattle from PHL and take our trip to west coast from Seattle.

Please provide us with an itinerary.

We are planning 10 days for this trip and would like to over not just national parks but also Golden gate bridge/Hollywood/Alcatraz etc. We don’t want to do the theme parks.

Sure, I have sent you an email with our planner services rates.

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Hi, Thanks for itinerary! We are going on a trip from LA in September for 16 days, and this helped a lot! If you could give some tips on showering…it’s not available in a lot of camp sites. Also, if you have some experience with laundry service, I would appreciate some info. Thanks!

Hi Soma! Thanks for your message and words!

You can check beforehand which campsites offer shower utilities and plan according to your needs. We booked camping with showers in Grand Canyon and Yosemite, taking a shower at least every 2 days. As for laundry service, I would suggest doing the same. We went just for a week and didn’t really need to do any washing but if you are staying 16 days some campings have some sort of place for washing. As an example again, you can find those utilities in Grand Canyon and Yosemite, and I am sure there will be more in other important campgrounds.

Hope that helps and have a wonderful US West Coast trip!

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Hi we are planning a 15 day stay flying into LA hiring a car can you recommened a route then we fly back out from LA.Thanks

The US West Coast is huge and there are endless possibilities doing a round trip from L.A.

Depending on your personal taste and the number of miles that you are willing to drive, there are many itineraries.

I recommend that you check all the main attractions explained throughout the article and once you know your preferences, you can design your own route.

Hope it helps and you make the most of your trip!

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Planning on driving to monument valley and staying at View hotel I need driving directions from Salt Lake City

Take I-15 S, US-6 E, US-191 S and US-163 S to Main Monument Valley Rd/Monument Valley Rd in Oljato-Monument Valley

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Hi my husband and I are planning a trip to tour the west coast next June/July next year for 4 weeks starting in San Francisco driving down the coast then across to Vegas by car then possibly hiring a camper van to visit the national parks, would you be able to advise us of some places to stop and stay and give some advice as to how long we should stay at certain places, we would also like to spend a week in Washington and New York at the end of our stay but we will fly to the east coast, thanks Tracey

Sure, I have sent you an email more information about our trip planner services. I can also help you to plan your visits to NYC and Washington. I live in Philadelphia, that is 2hours from NYC and two hours from Washington, so I know these cities very well and I can help you too.

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Hello Jaz, thank you for the useful information. I am planning for the west coast trip but could you confirm will it be too much to digest if I cover all/most of the destinations mentioned in your article above in just one trip?

Or shall I split the trip in multiple trips to enjoy and assimilate the delightful view which each destination has to offer?

That is up to you. How much time do you have? Where are you coming from? If I could, I would do it in one trip (3-4 months).

Let me know if you need something else, Ascen.

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We are planning a tour of West Coast starting and ending at LA. Can you suggest a good travel itinerary for family of 3 or 6 pxs. for 8-12 days sometime in June or July 2019. Thanks Jaz

Hi Jasmine, I have sent you an email with our rates. Ascen.

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Planning to gravel to west coast of USA Visiting friends & also travelling (self drive) . I have 14 days from Sep15 to Sep30 Would like to visit Yosomite, Death Valley Coastal Drive & Las Vegas and Grand canyon. Thanks for your help with an itinerary.

Sure! I will help you to plan your West America trip. I have sent you an email.

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Hi, I am planning for west coast tour for 10 days in July. I would like to start from San Francisco . Could you please suggest road trip plan

Hi Rajan, I will be happy for helping you to plan your west coast USA itinerary.

I have sent you an email regarding our travel planner services.

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Hi, I am planning a 15 days trip to USA with my family of 5 (2 sons aged 24, 25, Daughter 18). What route would you recommend us to take? We are looking to rent a car and drive around ourselves. Thank you.

Hi Sharon, I have sent you an email regarding our travel planning services.

Thanks, Ascen.

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Hi.. myself and 2 friends are planning a trip up the west coast from San Francisco in April.. We are renting an RV ..we would like to try and go as north to Portland maybe Seattle.. could you advise of the best route and places we should try to see.

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Hi we are planning to Visit West coast in the month of June 19 . Not sure about self drive option but could u please suggest some best places to explore in 10 days . We are landing at San Francisco & leaving to New York from LA .

Would appreciate if u could help us to arrange our trip .

Thanks Sunil

I have sent you an email regarding our travel planning services.

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Hi Loved reading your information on USA! My husband and I want to travel the west coast in September this year. We have booked so far return flights from Sydney to San Francisco. We would like to see Yosemite Bryce Zion Death Valley Redlands Lake Tahoe Sequoia and Grand Canyon. Not interested in Los Angeles or Las Vegas. We thought we would return via The big Sur to San Francisco. Do you think we can do this in a month? What would be the best driving route to do all this. Can we also purchase driving maps? Any help you could give I would be most grateful! Thanking you

Hi Cath, I have sent you an email regarding our travel planning services.

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Hi, thanks a lot for your details itinerary which is very much appreciated. I’m planning my self-drive trip to west coast USA for about 12 days, in May 2019. Just wondering any tips on what to wear? Will it be cold in the Yosemite national park? I’m planning for Grand Canyon, Upper Antelope Canyon + Horseshoes band, Yosemite, is it still worth to get the annnual pass? There are total 6 of us.

Hi Joey, If you are only visiting two national parks (Yosemite and Grand Canyon ) it is not worth getting the annual pass. Pay just for the standard fee in each of them. Horseshoe Bend is free and Antelope Canyon is private, so you will have to pay the Navajo fee.

In 12 days you have enough time to visit Death Valley, Bryce and Zion too.

Regarding what to carry in the backpack, please check the camping and cold weather section of this post.

P.S: Next sunday we will be posting our Guide to Yosemite and I am sure you are going to find it interested!!

Best, Ascen

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best places to visit in western us

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best places to visit in western us

27 Must See Parks in the Western United States

The western region of the United States features some of the most iconic national and state parks in the country. Dense forests, majestic peaks, colorful canyons, and wild rivers provide the backdrop for just about any outdoor recreation pursuit including hiking, biking, rock climbing, and rafting. These western destinations have been calling adventure seekers for generations and to this day, the natural highlights of this region continue to impress. Next time you are planning a weekend camping and hiking getaway to the western United States, consider one of these parks as your next outdoor adventure destination. 

New to camping? Check out our Camping Tips: A Beginner’s Guide to Their First Trip

Best National Parks of the Western United States

Glacier national park, montana.

Pristine forests, alpine meadows, rugged mountains, and spectacular lakes all reside within this 1,500 square mile wilderness area in Montana’s Rocky Mountains bordering Canada. With over 700 miles (1,100 kilometers) of hiking trails, Glacier National Park is a paradise for nature lovers seeking wilderness. Going-to-the-Sun Road twists and turns through the mountains along the Continental Divide making it one of America’s most scenic drives .  A hike along the Hidden Lake Overlook trail offers a chance to not only see a pristine lake but also spot bighorn sheep and mountain goats. Choose from one of thirteen designated campgrounds or reserve a room at one of the lodges to make the most of your stay.

Yosemite National Park, California

One of America's finest natural treasures, 95% of Yosemite is designated wilderness. Meaning no cars, no structures, and no electricity, but luckily there are 13 campgrounds scattered throughout the park providing rustic comfort for outdoor enthusiasts. Famed for its giant sequoia trees, dramatic waterfalls, and the granite cliffs of Half Dome, visitors flock to this park from all over the world. Every season has its not-to-be-missed highlights from legendary hikes, valley bike rides, rafting, and snowshoeing through a winter wonderland.

Must see parks of the western united states, Yosemite

‍ Kenai Fjords National Park, Alaska

Spanning over 600,000 acres, this glacial wonderland features stunning scenery, incredible wildlife, and aquatic adventures, plus a rare fjord estuary ecosystem that is found in only five other places on the planet! Kenai Fjords National Park includes three main areas – Exit Glacier, Harding Icefield, and the coast. Activities include kayaking, camping, fishing, bicycling, hiking, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, dog sledding, boat tours, flightseeing, and mountaineering. To see the tidewater glaciers and the park's abundant marine wildlife, take advantage of tour-boat cruises along the coast, dipping into such sizable fjords as Aialik Bay, Northwestern Lagoon, McCarty Fjord, and North Arm, as well as sailing beneath mountains exceeding 6,000 feet (1,800 meters) in height.

Zion National Park, Utah

A spectacular network of colorful canyons, forested mesas, and striking deserts, Zion National Park is often considered a true gem of the National Park system. Hiking trails follow the same paths as the ancient native people while slot canyons form an exquisite labyrinth of wilderness areas to explore. These natural elements of the park make it a must-visit destination for camping and hiking adventures. A hike through The Narrows runs beneath the thousand-foot walls of Navajo sandstone into deep canyons offering incredible views. Spend a night at one of the designated campgrounds to take in a canopy of endless stars when the sun drops below the canyon walls. 

Yellowstone National Park, Montana and Wyoming

Rugged wilderness, majestic peaks, abundant wildlife, and incomparable natural beauty, perhaps no other park is as epic as Yellowstone National Park . Covering over 2 million acres, Yellowstone is home to the world's largest combination of geysers and thermal features, including the iconic Old Faithful. Visitors are likely to see several animals, such as bison, gray wolves, and grizzly bears freely roaming the landscape in their natural habitat. There are more than 900 miles (1,400 kilometers) of hiking trails within the park, from short day hikes along boardwalks to multi-day backpacking trips. Fishing, boating, horseback riding, biking, and a variety of winter sports are all activities that can be enjoyed year-round in America’s first national park.

Interested in joining other like-minded individuals on a camping and hiking trip to one of the United States National Parks, check out our hiking trips at Under30Experiences .

Best State Parks in Alaska

Denali state park, alaska.

Visitors will find a variety of recreational activities and the tallest mountain in North America in this wilderness wonderland. Denali State Park has superb vantage points for viewing the breathtaking heart of the Alaska Range, which are accented by spectacular valley glaciers and steep ice-carved gorges. Day hikers on Kesugi Ridge or backpackers in the Peters Hills will be granted the best views of the Denali massif. Kayakers can explore the white waters of the Chulitna River or float on the flat waters of Byer’s Lake. Moose, bears, and caribou are among the larger wildlife seen within the park though The tapestry of habitats in the park yields an especially rich bird community with over 130 species. Multiple campgrounds and public-use cabins can be reserved, including the newly developed K’esugi Ken Campground.

Chugach State Park, Alaska

Within the borders of this park lies an abundance of lakes, massive glaciers, ice fields, and miles of shoreline, all within a short drive from Alaska’s largest city, Anchorage. The park boasts over 280 miles (450 kilometers) of multi-use trails open for hiking, biking, ATV off-roading, and horseback riding. Eagle River is a popular destination for rafters looking for adventures on Class II and III rapids. Canoe and kayak rental are available at the campground in Eklutna Lake, another popular destination for those looking to explore the park on the water. During the winter months, the trails are groomed for cross-country skiing and downhill skiing is available in the park at the Arctic Valley Ski Area Arctic Valley. Several campgrounds are found within the park offering a variety of facilities and there are public use cabins for rent as well.  

Best State Parks in California

Julia pfeiffer burns state park, california.

Named after a respected pioneer woman in the Big Sur country, this stunning coastal park is home to one of the most photographed waterfalls in the state, McWay Falls. Monumental 3,000-ft cliff ridges, redwood trees, and panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean can be accessed by multiple trails that start right off the iconic Highway 1. There are two hike-in only campsites located within the park. Reservations are highly recommended due to the popularity of this park.  

Visit Julia Pfeiffer State Park and other iconic California coastal destinations on an epic road trip along the Pacific Coast Highway .

Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park, California

Containing 7% of all the old-growth redwoods remaining in the world, this state park is a bucket list experience you will not want to miss. 20 miles (32 kilometers) of hiking trails lead visitors through primeval redwood forests, riparian woodland, and many flowering plants. The 5.6-mile (9 kilometers) Boy Scout Trail leads into the heart of the park to Fern Falls and the 300-foot tall (91 meters) Boy Scout Tree. Kayakers can float down the Smith River, a National Wild and Scenic River, while fishermen can cast a line looking to snag salmon, trout, or steelhead. The campground has 87 campsites equipped with a table and fire ring with restrooms nearby. if you have an hour or so, drive through some of the park’s largest old-growth redwoods on Howland Hill Road or take a short hike to Stout Grove.

Further Reading:  The Top 14 Best Parks to Visit in California

Best State Parks in Colorado

Golden gate canyon state park, colorado.

Located just 20 miles northwest of Denver, this camping destination provides modern comforts and a big mountain appeal. The 100+ camping sites are equipped with flush toilets, showers, laundry services, picnic tables, and fire rings. The Aspen Meadows Campground is tent-only and is closed for the winter season. Surrounding the campgrounds are 12,000 acres of forest, rocky peaks, and miles of trails for hiking and biking. For those who want a more primitive and somewhat unique camping experience, there are four backcountry shelters and 20 backcountry tent sites.

Mueller State Park, Colorado

Located in a picturesque forest of mixed spruce, fir, pine, and aspen trees with panoramic views of the Continental Divide, these 134 campsites come with a picnic table and fire ring, most with water and electric hookups as well. There is firewood for sale, coin-operated showers, and modern restrooms. Visitors can enjoy year-round recreational opportunities including hiking, biking, fishing, and nature studies. Winter activities include sledding, snowshoeing, and cross-country skiing. Mueller State Park is a popular area to watch wildlife, including elk, black bear, hawks, and mule deer.

Best State Parks in Hawaii

Waimea canyon state park, hawaii.

Dubbed the “Grand Canyon of the Pacific”, Waimea Canyon is a deep, colorful gorge accented by rainbows and waterfalls and has some of the premier hiking trails in the state. These hikes range from casual strolls across the canyon such as the Cliff Trail that provides magnificent views of the canyon on a 30-minute hike to the Black Pipe Trail which covers over 8 miles (12 kilometers) as it cuts through the koa forest. Scenic drives along the canyon have several pullouts to take in views of the area or you can join an exhilarating downhill cycling tour. There are no designated campgrounds within the park but a few campgrounds are located nearby.

Ahupuaʻa ʻO Kahana State Park, Hawaii

The primary purpose of this park is to nurture and foster native Hawaiian cultural traditions and the cultural landscape of rural windward Oʻahu. Established as a “living park”, there are thirty-one families living in the ahupuaʻa of Kahana. These families assist with interpretive programs that share the Hawaiian values and lifestyle. Several hiking trails are open to the public including Nakoa Trail, named for the koa trees found along this 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) loop trail through a tropical rainforest. There are 10 beach campsites within the park.

Looking for a camping destination in other regions of the United States?

  • Top 20 USA Camping Destinations For Your First Trip
  • 22 Must See Parks in the Northeastern United States
  • 24 Must See Park in the Southeastern United States
  • 24 Must See Parks in the Midwestern United States
  • 16 Must See Parks in the Southwestern United States

Best State Parks in Idaho

Harriman state park, idaho.

Known for its beautiful scenery and wildlife, Harriman State Park offers 22 miles (35 kilometers) of hiking, mountain biking, and horseback riding trails that slink through meadows, meander along river banks, and through lush evergreen forests. Moose, elk, and Trumpeter Swans, the world’s largest waterfowl species, are a common sight at Harriman. The park is well known among anglers for its epic fly-fishing, which is said to be among the best in the United States. During the winter months, the trails are groomed for snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, and fat-tire biking. Did we mention that the park lies within a 16,000-acre wildlife refuge in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem?

McCroskey State Park, Idaho

The 5,000 acres of beautiful wilderness land are dedicated to the memory of frontier women and the hardships they endured. Skyline Drive is an 18-mile-long, unimproved road that rises through a dense cedar forest and Ponderosa pines to spectacular vistas of the rolling Palouse prairie. The road provides access to 32 miles (51 kilometers) of multi-purpose trails for hikers, mountain bikers, horseback riders, and all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) riders. The rugged terrain and breathtaking views in Mary McCroskey State Park are best suited for those with a sturdy vehicle and an adventurous spirit. There are 9 developed campsites and primitive tent-only sites within the park. Best of all, there is no fee to enter the park.

Best State Parks in Montana

Lone pine state park, montana.

Covering 270 acres of delightful landscapes, flower-filled meadows, and lush forests, Lone Pine State Park is a nature lover’s paradise. Over 7 miles (12 kilometers) of trails leading to stunning vistas of the Flathead Valley are open for hiking, biking, snowshoeing, and horseback riding. The visitor’s center provides a tour of the wildlife and forest ecology within the park as well as wrap-around decks to take in the scenic views of the park. Camping is not permitted in the park but there are several campgrounds and accommodations nearby in the town of Kalispell.

Lewis & Clark Caverns State Park, Montana

Featuring one of the largest known limestone caverns in the Northwest, this state park is just under an hour’s drive from Bozeman. The caves, filled with stunning stalactites and stalagmites, cover a substantial underground area. Joining a ranger-led tour will allow you to discover the most fascinating areas. Above ground are miles of trails for hiking and biking, that lead visitors through dense forests and up to panoramic vistas. Fishing and paddling are among the activities on the pristine streams and rivers found within the park’s 3,000+ acres. A variety of campsites are available and amenities include fire pits, grills, restrooms with showers, and a camp store.  

Best State Parks in Nevada

Cathedral gorge state park, nevada.

These 2,000 acres of land were once home to the Fremont, Anasazi, and Southern Paiutes native tribes. Nowadays visitors come to explore the captivating canyons of the park that feature lots of colorful caves, columns, and cathedral-like spires. The shapes, shades, and scenery of the park make it a photographer's dream destination. Hikers will enjoy the winding paths that lead through Canyon and Cathedral Caves, two distinct sites in the park that are a must-visit. Those seeking an incredible viewpoint of the landscape should hike the 2 mile (3.2 kilometers) Miller Point Trail. The campground has 22 sites each with a picnic table and grill as well as restrooms and water available year-round.

Valley of the Fire State Park, Nevada

Roughly an hour northeast of Las Vegas , Valley of the Fire State Park is renowned for its bright red Aztec sandstone outcrops nestled in gray and tan limestone, petrified trees, and petroglyphs dating back more than 2,000 years.  Fire Wave Trail is a 1.5 mile (2.4 kilometers) hike that leads to one of the most captivating spots of the park, a bowl-shaped depression marked with interchanging streaks of beige and red-orange colored sandstone. There are two campgrounds with a combined total of 72 sites. Campsites are equipped with shaded tables, grills, water, and restrooms. Spending a night is highly recommended due to the incredible display of stars in the evening sky.

Further Reading:  Hiking, Camping, and More Adventure in Las Vegas

Best State Parks in Oregon

Beverly beach state park, oregon.

With 128 tent sites, this creekside camp is one of Oregon’s largest. The campsites are scattered in coastal forests within a stone’s throw from the water’s edge where tide pools are teeming with sea life. The park is located between Newport and Depoe Bay, making it an ideal base for whale watching. Amenities include restrooms with flush toilets, showers, and picnic areas. Firewood can be purchased at the Welcome Center and there is also a playground for kids. This campsite is open year-round.

Silver Falls State Park, Oregon

Often considered the “crown jewel” of the Oregon state parks system, this standout scenic treasure offers boundless recreational opportunities. 35 miles (56 kilometers) of backcountry trails for hiking, mountain biking, and horseback riding lead visitors to breathtaking waterfalls, densely forested landscapes, and rocky canyons. The Trail of Ten Falls is a 7.2 mile (11.5 kilometers) moderate loop that should be on everyone’s bucket list. This trail includes a visit to South Falls, a 177-foot (53 meters) waterfall, where hikers can walk behind the falls! The main campground has 10 tent sites, RV sites, and a few cabins. Reservations are recommended due to the popularity of this park.    

Best State Parks in Utah

Kodachrome Basin State Park, Utah

If you are looking for a photogenic landscape, then this is your park. The color and beauty found here prompted a 1948 National Geographic Society expedition to name the area Kodachrome after the popular color film. Covering 2,240 acres and surrounded by Grand Staircase–Escalante National Monument, the scenery is dominated by monolithic stone spires, massive sandstone chimneys, and gorgeous rock columns. Camping, hiking, horseback riding, and mountain biking are among the main recreational activities with a few designated ATV trails for an off-road adventure. Angel’s Palace trail is a short and easy hike that offers hikers a great view over the Kodachrome Basin. The park’s campground provides modern facilities with 30 tent sites and 14 sites with full hookups for RVs. Oh, and this park is less than an hour from Bryce Canyon National Park !

Goblin Valley State Park, Utah

Fascinating rock formations of eroded sandstone have created unique shapes that somewhat resemble goblins, hence the name of this park. Visitors come to experience this surreal desert landscape, and explore the maze-like playground of canyons, with most crowds forming in the spring and fall when temperatures are not too high. Three established trails cut through the Valley of Goblins, however, hikers are free to roam the labyrinth of nooks and gnomes off-trail to discover more slot canyons and hidden rock art. Little Wild Horse Canyon offers a beginner-friendly canyoneering experience and those who are looking for a non-technical mountain biking ride should check out the Wild Horse Mesa Mountain Bike Trail. Several campsites are available within the park for those seeking to spend a night underneath a canopy of a billion stars.     

Before you head out on your next camping adventure, make sure you have the Essential Camping Gear .

Best State Parks in Washington

Lime kiln point state park, washington.

This small day-use park has fantastic opportunities to spot orcas, gray whales, porpoises, humpback, and minke whales between May and September. Set on a rocky bluff at the west end of San Juan Island, Lime Kiln Point is considered one of the best whale-watching spots in the world. Whale watching boats and guided kayaking tours are available for those looking to get up close. Other recreational activities include hiking, diving, and bird watching. Visitors can also tour the lighthouse and explore the 19th-century lime kiln. Camping is prohibited in the park but there are 12 picnic sites scattered along the rocky shoreline and around the lighthouse.

Wallace Falls State Park, Washington

If you are looking for an epic camping and hiking trip to experience the best of the Cascades, then Wallace Falls State Park is your destination. Old-growth coniferous forests, freshwater lakes, and multi-tiered waterfalls dot the landscape as hikers can explore over 12 miles (19 kilometers) of trails. Wallace Falls, the namesake of this park, is a three-tiered 265-foot (80 meters) waterfall with multiple viewpoints. There are an additional 5 miles (8 kilometers) of mountain biking trails. The park has two tent-only campsites and cabins for rent, as well as backcountry camping, which is only allowed with a permit.

Best State Parks in Wyoming

Buffalo bill state park, wyoming.

Buffalo Bill State Park features scenery dominated by the grand peaks of Wyoming’s Absaroka Mountains as it hugs a reservoir on the courses of the Shoshone River. Named after the famed Colonel William F. “Buffalo Bill” Cody, this is a great state park to visit to learn about the old west history while getting in some outdoor recreational fun. A few hiking and biking trails lead visitors through the scrublands, however, boating, fly fishing, kayaking, and windsurfing are the main activities. Several campgrounds are open year-round offering a variety of amenities  

Hot Springs State Park, Wyoming

The healing geothermal waters of Hot Springs State Park are what draws visitors to this natural area. Offering a free public bathing house with 104-degree Fahrenheit (40 degrees Celsius) to soothe pesky aches and pains after hiking any of the 6.2 miles (10 kilometers) of trails. Located within the park is a resident bison herd that can be viewed from safe distances. A suspension footbridge offers a unique vantage point from which to view the Bighorn River and mineral terrace. The park has long been known for its beautiful summer flower gardens. Make a point to bring your camera with you and capture the exciting splash of color all summer long. Camping is not permitted though there are several picnic areas for day use.

Further reading:  The Top Solo Travel Destinations in the United States

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best places to visit in western us

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The Complete 2 Week Road Trip Guide To The Western United States

Girl at the 7 Magic Mountains in Las Vegas wearing a red skirt.

Want to see the most beautiful landscapes in the US? Keep reading for the best Western road trip itinerary. While Highway 1 in California , also known as the Pacific Coast Highway, takes the cake as America’s best coastal road trip, The Grand Circle road trip is the ultimate National Park road trip. For everyone who enjoy road trips and there is no better place to visit in the United States than the West Coast, home to a majority of the National Parks. The Western United States is full of amazing landscapes ranging from deserts, mountains, amazing rock formations, coastal views and dense forests.

➳ Read More: The Ultimate Road Trip from Los Angeles to San Francisco

In this guide of how to plan a trip out west we include our favorite state parks, national parks and the best cities in California, Arizona, Nevada and Utah. Some of the highlight destinations include the Grand Canyon, Horseshoe Bend, Bryce Canyon , Monument Valley, Antelope Canyon, Las Vegas , Death Valley, and the Valley of Fire .

Van going through Valley of Fire State Park in Nevada

There is no better way to explore the Western US than in a car or RV, so you can visit every destination at your own pace and stop at any hidden gem between. While you can honestly spend months exploring this region of the US, we have created the ultimate two week road trip itinerary to the Western United States.

USA Road Trip Travel Video

Important travel information to plan your west coast road trip.

The best way to explore the southwest and west coast of the United States is with an epic road trip. We recommend renting a campervan or RV instead of a car so you can have more freedom on planning your trip as you can sleep anywhere where it is allowed. If you already own a van make sure to have the perfect van accessories to make your trip even more fun and easy.

Van driving across Monument Valley in Utah

For this trip we rented a campervan from Travellers Autobarn and had a fantastic experience! We were able to sleep in gas station parking lots, camping areas and BLM land. Even though the upfront cost of renting a campervan is more expensive than renting a small car, you will save more money in hotels and being able to cook your own food. We spent around $500 USD in gas and $1,000 USD in the van.

Travellers Autobarn has three locations in the USA: Los Angeles , San Francisco, and Las Vegas , which are perfect starting points for your epic road trip to the Western United States. The campervan comes with free unlimited miles on all rentals, which is very convenient as road trips are full of fun detours and unexpected destinations.

Van in the middle of the viewpoint in Valley of Fire State Park

If renting a campervan is not your road trip style can always rent a small car that consumes less gas, but requires additional camping gear or more hotel stays.

14 Days US Western Road Trip  Itinerary :

Day 1: arrive to las vegas, nevada.

Couple smiling at the famous

Depending on where you are flying from traveling to Las Vegas Airport is often the cheapest option. It has been the best choice for us when flying from Europe, South America and even domestically.

If you have not yet had the opportunity to explore the city that never sleeps, check out our complete guide to the Las Vegas .

Couple kissing at the 7 magic Mountains in Las Vegas during sunrise.

Use the first day of your western road trip itinerary to pick up the van, go grocery shopping and rest! If you prefer staying in a hotel in Las Vegas instead of sleeping in the van the first day look for hotels that offer free parking and that have free outside parking. If you want to start the road trip immediately you can sleep at the Pilot Gas Station, which is half way to Valley of Fire State Park and it is free!

Day 2: Las Vegas to Valley of Fire State Park

Woman taking her husband to see a rock formation at Valley of Fire State Park

Wake up early in the morning and head to Valley of Fire State Park, which is located about 50 miles northeast from Las Vegas. 

best places to visit in western us

Valley of Fire is one of the most beautiful state parks in the United States and the oldest and biggest state park in Nevada. The park is open daily from sunrise to sunset and the entrance fee is $10 USD per vehicle per day.

➳ Read More: The Complete Guide To Nevada’s Valley of Fire State Park

Couple together in Valley of Fire State Park in Nevada

We recommend to spend a full day at the Valley of Fire State Park to complete the Fire Wave Trail and see Elephant Rock. If you book in advance you can even camp at the Valley of Fire that night or drive two hours to the campground near Vermillion Cliff. 

Day 3: Valley of Fire State Park to Vermillion 

The next morning wake up super early to head to the Vermillion to apply for the lottery to visit the Wave. Only 10 people will get the chance to go to this amazing natural spot and get their number drawn. 

Girl walking around rock formations in Vermillion, Utah

The Wave is managed by the Bureau of Land Management and to protect this natural monument, only 20 people are able to do the hike per day. To hike the Wave you must have a permit and be on the list. Otherwise, if caught you face fines up to $10,000 per person. 

Photo of the rock formation the wave in Utah

You can get the hiking permit by applying to the lottery online or by showing up to the visitor center office the day before you would like to hike. If you choose to apply online you do so through the BLM’s official website but to be honest you have lower chance to get the permit as thousands of people apply from around the globe for a handful of permits. The online lottery cost $5 per person and you can apply up to 4 months in advance for your desired date.

best places to visit in western us

If you choose to apply in person it is free to enter the lottery and you will have higher chances of winning as there are normally at most 200 people applying. Keep in mind that the permits are dispensed for the next morning, not for the same day hiking! To apply in person you have to been in the office between 8:30 to 9:00 AM. 

Girl on a yellow skirt in the middle of a canyon in utah

Also apply to visit the South Coyote Buttes. It is as fantastic as the Wave but less popular, so you have a higher chance to win the permit lottery. Keep in mind that you will need to have a 4WD car to reach this hike as it is really sandy the way there. This is not possible in our campervan, but we made friends with other lottery winners who offered us a ride.

Girl with a dog on a yellow skirt in the middle of a canyon in utah

After the lottery, whether you were chosen or not to visit the Wave, we recommending spend the rest of the day hiking. We hiked the Wire Pass to Buckskin Gulch and loved it! You go through so many canyons and with so few visitors you have the opportunity to get fantastic photos.

best places to visit in western us

Another great option is to visit White Pocket. It is a fantastic area with deep red and orange rock formations but can be hard to reach as you need a 4WD car. 

Day 3: The Wave or Coyote Buttes South

Girl on a blue skirt witnessing beautiful rock formations in utah during sunset

We unfortunately did not win the lottery to visit the Wave, but were picked for a permit to the South Coyote Buttes. If you have an extra day, you can always show up again to the permit lottery and test your luck.

Girl on a blue skirt witnessing beautiful rock formations in utah

Otherwise, spend the day hiking through the breathtaking landscapes of Coyote Buttes South or the Wave, if you won permits, or there is more time to visit White Pockets if your previous day was full.

Day 4: Coyote Buttes South to Grand Canyon 

Grand view of the grand canyon in Arizona during sunset

A full day at the Grand Canyon is never enough to enjoy the majestic views of one of the most popular National Parks. Make sure to take the free shuttle bus to see some of the best viewpoints in Grand Canyon as well as drive along the Desert View Drive. In one day you will only have time to enjoy the views from the rim along with some short walks down into the canyon itself.

Grand view of the grand canyon in Arizona during sunset

There is only so much time to spend at each destination during a complete two week road trip out West to the four corners states. While you do get a good view from each stop, this road trip itinerary can easily be extended to a full month if you have the time!

Day 5: Grand Canyon to Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe Bend

best places to visit in western us

Make sure to reserve a spot for Antelope Canyon as the tours are generally fully booked year round. Antelope Canyon has two spots you can visit the lower and upper slot canyons. Both sides are amazing, each with its unique features. The Lower Canyon is more tight and you cannot bring a tripod with you while the Upper Canyon is wider and they offer photography tours.

Canyons at Antelope Canyon in Arizona

Either Canyon can only be visited with a tour guide. The best time to visit Antelope Canyon is during the summer the and it is recommend to get a tour between noon and 1PM to see the light rays shine through the canyons. The entrance fee for Antelope Canyon costs between $55 to $75 USD depending on the tour you choose. Antelope Canyon is a must on your western road trip itinerary.

Girl watching sunset at the Horseshoe bend in Arizona

For us, the best time to visit Horseshoe Bend is right before sunset to enjoy the rich colors of the sky. Please take a lot of water as it can get super hot! Parking costs $10 per vehicle per day but does not allow for re-entry as you will have to pay again.

Girl wearing a red hat and yellow dress watching sunset at the Horseshoe bend in Arizona

As evening rolled in we kept on driving and slept in a Burger King parking lot, with permission, right before arriving to Monument Valley. 

Day 6: Monument Valley

Girl walking in the middle of the street wearing a yellow skirt at Monument Valley in Utah

Wake up early and head towards Forrest Gump Point to get the iconic photos from Monument Valley and avoid the crowds. It is spectacular to see the sunrise there! The entrance fee for Monument Valley is $20 USD per vehicle.

Girl walking in the middle of the street wearing a yellow skirt at Monument Valley in Utah for sunrise

Spend the day exploring Monument Valley enjoying the vast red sandstone landscapes and dramatic viewpoints.

Day 7: Monument Valley to Arches National Park

Arches National Park rock formation

Valley of Fire State Park is is Nevada’s oldest and largest state park located about 50 miles northeast of Las Vegas. This is a popular place to witness the bright red-orange sandstone formations, the iconic Fire Wave hike and thousands of years of human history.

➳ Read More: The Complete Guide To Arches National Park

Day 8: Arches National Park to Canyonlands National Park

Canyonland National Park arch rock formation viewpoint

Canyonlands National Park is the largest national park in Utah and it is a short drive from Moab, where you should refill your car and stock up on supplies. This remote national park has three main sections: Island in the Sky, the easiest section to reach, the Needles and the Maze.

Canyonland National Park viewpoint

The Island of Sky  visitor center  is your last stop for water, as there are no services further into the park. The park offers many hiking trail from less than a mile to up to 17 miles and plenty of spots to just relax and enjoy the beautiful sunset.

➳ Read More: The Complete Guide To Canyonlands National Park

Day 9: Canyonlands National Park to Capitol Reef National Park

Girl at Capitol Reef National Park

A two hour drive west is Capitol Reef National Park in southern Utah, encompassing the Fruita Historic District and the Capitol Reef scenic drive. Capitol Reef offers sweeping sandstone landscapes with iconic features including the Capitol Dome, Navajo Formation and Chimney Rock, a 400 foot tall sandstone pillar. Capitol Reef National park is definitely a stop you must include on your Western road trip itinerary.

➳ Read More: The Complete Guide To Capitol Reef National Park

Day 10: Capitol Reef National Park to Bryce Canyon

Couple smiling at Bryce Canyon National Park

Bryce Canyon National Park is one of the most beautiful parks we have visited in the United States. It features an 18-mile scenic route to access 13 different viewpoints from the rim of the canyon over the bright red sandstone hoodoo formations. All of the viewpoints are on the left side of the road, making them easier to to reach by first driving all the way to the end of the scenic road and pulling off on the way back.

➳ Read More: The Complete Guide To Bryce Canyon

Day 11: Bryce Canyon to Las Vegas

Las Vegas fountains and the Eiffel tower.

Las Vegas is best known for the Las Vegas Strip, lined with iconic casinos for gambling and home to extravagant shows. Do not miss out on the historic center of Las Vegas at the Fremont Street Experience.

➳ Read More: The best things to do in Las Vegas

Day 12: Las Vegas to Death Valley

Girl dancing at the salt flats in Death Valley National Park in California.

Death Valley is the lowest point in elevation in the United States and the holds the record for the hottest temperature on record. It might sound extreme environment, but this National Park offers beautiful and unique landscapes. With vast salt flats and colorful mineral rich mountain ranges, there is so much to enjoy. Just make sure to stay hydrated and cover up in the bright sun!

Girl dancing at the colorful mountains in Death Valley National Park in California.

Camping within Death Valley is not for everyone as nighttime lows in the summer can remain over 100 F, but it does make for a beautiful night.

Day 13: Death Valley to Las Vegas

Girl dancing at the 7 magic mountains in Las Vegas, Nevada

Unfortunately the end of your two week road trip to the Western United States is coming to an end. Drive back to Las Vegas and enjoy the last few hours of adventure.

Girl dancing at the

Depending on the time of your departing flight, spend the last few hours of your road trip exploring the Las Vegas Strip. If you rented a campervan from Travellers Autobarn make sure to return it with enough time to get yourself to the airport. I hope this guide helped you plan your next Western road trip itinerary.

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My Itchy Travel Feet

My Itchy Travel Feet

The Baby Boomer's Guide To Travel

Uncrowded Summer destinations in the American West

This article may contain referral links. Read our DISCLOSURE

Cummins originally sponsored this look at summer travel in the American West.

Are you looking for summer destinations in the American West that aren’t crowded? If you’re like Alan and me, traveling in the summer is a challenge. Crowds, especially over the July 4 th and Labor Day holidays, are not for us. But who wants to stay home during beautiful days filled with long hours of sunlight?

We avoid the summer crowds by choosing holiday spots at off-the-beaten-path destinations , state parks rather than national parks, or less popular places that are actually hidden gems. Alan and I can always visit premier national parks or beaches during the spring and fall shoulder seasons, or even winter.

Of course before leaving for our summer holiday trip, we use the how to prepare your home for vacation tips that I wrote for Cummins . Who wants to get a call from the house sitter about problems at home?

Alan always checks to make sure that our home generator is operating correctly. After all, those security lights and cameras won’t run without electricity.

And if your RV is part of your summer travel plans, check out Cummins RV preparation tips to ensure you aren’t left stranded on the side of the road, when you should be enjoying the beauty the American West has to offer.

Table of Contents

Summer destinations in the American West without the crowds

Looking into the stone chasm at Black Canyon of the Gunnison, an uncrowded summer destination.

Back to choosing summer travel that isn’t crowded—where should you go? Because of its wide-open spaces and lower population, a summer out West offers many destinations for escaping tourism. While I can’t promise a lack of people, here are six ideas that offer an alternative to popular destinations.

Sizzling summer fun in Tucson, Arizona

Looking from inside a stone ramada to the desert mountains of Saguaro National Park West.

I won’t lie to you, Tucson can be hot, hot, hot in the summer. After living in Tucson for 11 years, I should know.

But if you visit in July, after the monsoon has arrived, and are willing to follow hot weather safety precautions like drinking lots of water and avoiding being outdoors in the middle of the day, you’ll experience the Old Pueblo like the locals do. The trick is to get up early, stay up late, and take an afternoon siesta.

Summer is the time when locals enjoy Tucson, without the snowbird crowds. Get up early to hike—I can’t stress that enough—to bike, hike or ride horses in Saguaro National Park or Catalina State Park.

Later, lounge in the pool of the resort hotel that you booked at a discounted summer rate. RV travelers will easily find a spot in one of the many RV parks, however it’s always smart to book ahead.

In 2015, Tucson was named a UNESCO City of Gastronomy , the first in the United States . Besides a dizzying array of culinary choices, your budget will smile at the special pricing many Tucson restaurants offer during the summer months.

Exploring the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, Arizona

best places to visit in western us

One can never escape the crowds at the Grand Canyon. But the big ditch is worth a trip, especially if you travel to the North Rim to escape the hordes of tourists. You will still see people but at a more manageable level.

Save this U.S. road trip for the very end of summer. Open from May 15 to October 15, the North Rim is studded with pine and aspen forests to the very rim of the canyon. Spend your days hiking the trails above and below the rim, driving the 23-mile scenic route to Cape Royal , and photographing brilliant sunrises and sunsets.

The Grand Canyon Lodge books up months in advance, as does the North Rim Campground , so your trip here requires advance preparation. The campground does not have hook-ups but there is a dumping station.

Didn’t snag a reservation? Don’t give up! Keep checking back because cancellations do happen.

Discovering beauty and culture on the Enchanted Circle Drive, New Mexico

An adobe church surrounded by green landscape.

If you’re looking for a summer road trip that includes a range of landscape, history and cultural sites, the Enchanted Circle Highway will take you there. The journey circumnavigates Wheeler Peak, New Mexico’s highest point.

Although you can take this drive as a day trip, I highly recommend spending more time because there’s so much to explore. Red River is worth a stop for the night. But if you only have one day, Taos makes a good headquarters, although the town gets busy.

Unfortunately, you won’t totally escape the business of summer season. However it’s far less crowded than Glacier’s Going to the Sun Road or a hiking in Smoky Mountains National Park .

Checking the event calendars at Taos.org or EnchantedCircle.org alerts you to summer events when the region will be more crowded. Miss a fun event because of too many people? That’s your choice.

Stops worth exploring on your Enchanted Circle drive include the Taos Pueblo, Rio Grande Gorge Bridge, Wild Rivers Recreation Area , and Eagle Nest State Park . In Questa, the San Antonio de Padua Church definitely deserves a look.

As you near Angel Fire , stop at Vietnam Veterans National Memorial State Park . The Westfall family built this sobering tribute to their son who died in the Vietnam War.

Campers will find hook-ups in several private campgrounds in and around Eagle Nest .

Enjoying food, wine and recreation in North Fork Valley, Colorado

A cup sits on a railing with a vineyard in the distance.

Whether you’re an outdoor lover, organic food geek, or wine aficionado, the North Fork Valley on Colorado ’s Western Slope will satiate your passion. With three charming small towns to explore—Hotchkiss, Paonia , and Crawford, you’ll find plenty of things to do including wine tasting, organic farm dinners or gallery hopping.

Paonia and Crawford State Parks provide plenty of outdoor recreation like hiking, biking and fishing as well as campgrounds. And the North Rim of Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park is a few short miles away.

If your travel feet become itchy for a scenic drive , Alan and I recommend the Kebler Pass Scenic Route from Paonia to Crested Butte . The dirt road drive takes about 2 hours and is oh-so-worth-it.

Alan and I enjoyed at stay at Leroux Creek Inn and Vineyards in Hotchkiss. Unfortunately, they are no longer in the lodging business. Here are more places to stay .

Soaking in Fishtail Montana’s rural charms

A white building with red roof and signs on the building.

If all the tourists at Yellowstone knew what waited on the other side of the Absaroka Mountains, Fishtail would be a crowded village. Fortunately for you and me, most of the tourists stay in Yellowstone.

Surrounded by scenic mountains, fly-fishing streams, and excellent hiking trails, rural Montana doesn’t get any more gorgeous than this. Just driving to the trailheads offers scenic inspiration, especially to the Elk Lake trailhead .

Floating Rosebud Creek is another popular summer activity. And then there’s that cute Fishtail General Store. I think that Fishtail is one of the best summer vacations out west that you’ve never heard of.

Rent a cabin to kick back and breathe in the fresh, mountain air in between boomer travel adventures. Campers will find plenty of RV campgrounds in the area, although most do not have hook-ups.

And if you happen to be visiting over the 4 th of July, head to Red Lodge for the parade and fireworks or eat your fill of barbecue in Absarokee on July 5.

Introducing the Bitterroot Valley of Montana

Sides of a canyon with steep, pointed stone peaks.

I can’t end my summer off-the-beaten-path suggestions without mention my home Montana valley—the Bitterroot, about an hour south of Missoula . You’ll find 6 charming small towns with shopping and eateries strung down the length of the valley: Lolo, Florence, Stevensville, Victor, Corvallis, Hamilton and Darby.

A paved bike trail travels beside Highway 93 all the way from Missoula to Hamilton . Fly Fish the Bitterroot River or hike any number of trails that lead into the Bitterroot or Sapphire Mountains. Blodgett Canyon Trail is my favorite with Kootenai Creek Trail a close second.

My picks for lodging include Bitterroot River Bed and Breakfast , the historic Stevensville Hotel or the luxurious Triple Creek Ranch . Campgrounds, some with RV hook-ups are scattered up and down the river corridor.

Have I introduced you to new destinations to try? I can’t promise that you won’t find other visitors enjoying these beautiful places. But, compared to the crowds in Yosemite National Park or Glacier National Park , you’ll feel as if you have them to yourself.

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Uncrowded summer destinations in the American West

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12 of the best national monuments in the western us.

The national monuments in the West help preserve Indigenous heritage , coastal ecosystems, the prehistoric past, and other sites of historical and cultural significance. From fossils and fjords to craters and cliff dwellings, you can see many beautiful places and learn incredible history at the national monuments in the western United States!

best places to visit in western us

Prepared By:

Danella myers.

Road Trip Enthusiast

If you’ve already visited most of the iconic national parks in the West, you might be looking to add some national monuments to your travel bucket list. We’ve chosen some of the best national monuments in the western United States for this list—some you’ve probably heard of and maybe even visited, along with a few lesser-known ones!

Water, trees, and mountains at Misty Fjords National Monument in Alaska.

Misty Fjords National Monument

Experience true serenity in this piece of Alaskan wilderness , located within Tongass National Forest. Several thousand years ago, glaciers carved these stunning landscapes that captivate visitors—steep cliffs jutting up from blue waters, creating some of the most picturesque glacial valleys.

The best ways to see and experience Misty Fjords are by plane, flightseeing tours, and cruises. If you want to immerse yourself in the landscape even more, consider a kayaking trip.

What’s Nearby

The closest town to Misty Fjords is Ketchikan, which about 40 miles west of the national monument. Other nearby parks and attractions include Totem Bight State Historical Park and Alaska Rainforest Sanctuary .

Navajo National Monument

See the dwellings of Ancestral Puebloans, including Hopi, Navajo, San Juan Southern Paiute, and Zuno. The remains of three pueblos dating back to the 13th century—Keet Seel, Betatakin, and Inscription House—are protected by Navajo National Monument .

To tour the cliff dwellings, you’ll need to join one of the ranger-led hikes to Betatakin or Keet Seel. The guided hikes are usually offered during the summer, from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Availability for these ranger-led hikes varies, so if you’re considering visiting, it’s best to call ahead of time and get the most up-to-date information.

In addition to the ranger-led hikes, visitors can also explore the self-guided trails at the national monument. The Sandal Trail provides a view of the cliff dwellings, but you may want to bring binoculars to get a closer look!

Multiple attractions, including Glen Canyon National Recreation Area , Canyon De Chelly National Monument , and Mesa Verde National Park , are within a half-day drive from Navajo National Monument.

Take in several unique archaeological sites in this area with our Four Corners itinerary !

Cliff dwellings at Navajo National Monument.

Mojave National Preserve

At one time inhabited by the Mojave and Chemehuevi tribes, Mojave National Preserve keeps a piece of the area’s unique history alive. In addition to the Indigenous peoples, miners, ranchers, and homesteaders also occupied the region at one time or another. In the 1940s, a doctor even broadcasted a syndicated radio show from the area of the preserve known as Zzyzx .

The scenery at Mojave National Preserve also makes it worth the trip! It’s home to Kelso Dunes, which are among the largest sand dunes in the country. You can also explore an underground lava tube or hike Rings Loop Trail and see ancient petroglyphs.

Mojave National Preserve is only about an hour south of Las Vegas on I-15. And, about an hour in the other direction is Barstow, CA which is home to significant Route 66 history and is also only a few miles from Rainbow Basin Natural Area . Joshua Tree National Park is located a little over an hour away from Mojave National Preserve as well.

Colorado National Monument

At Colorado National Monument , you can take in stunning views of the Colorado Plateau, but with fewer crowds than you may encounter at national parks with similar landscapes. Within the national monument, you’ll find several overlooks and scenic viewpoints just off Rim Rock Drive . Colorado National Monument is also a fantastic destination for day hikes, with multiple trails that are under five miles roundtrip.

Colorado National Monument is a convenient stop on a national parks road trip—all five of Utah’s national parks are within a half-day drive, as are Mesa Verde and Black Canyon of the Gunnison national parks. Dinosaur National Monument is also just a couple of hours away. The nearest towns are Grand Junction and Fruita, Colorado.

Red rocks at Colorado National Monument

Craters of the Moon National Monument

“Otherworldly” is sometimes used to describe Craters of the Moon National Monument . Maybe that’s because its name has the word “moon” in it. But, more than likely, it’s due to the bizarrely beautiful landscape.

Multiple hiking trails at Craters of the Moon give you the opportunity to feel the volcanic rock beneath your feet and see fascinating volcanic features like spatter cones. Want to go a little deeper with your exploration? Hike through the lava tube caves !

The small town of Arco, ID is about 20 minutes away from Craters of the Moon. Mackay, ID is just under an hour away and has some very interesting mining history . Other popular destinations nearby in Idaho are Southeast Idaho High Country , Sun Valley, and Redfish Lake in Sawtooth National Forest.

Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument

Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument sheds light on a dark but important piece of American history. It’s the site of a significant battle , the Battle of Little Bighorn (known to Plains Indians as the Battle of Greasy Grass) between United States Cavalry soldiers and Northern Plains Indian tribes.

Today, you can explore the battlefield and learn more about the Battle of Little Bighorn. The national monument also has memorials for both the United States Cavalrymen and the Indian tribes. 

Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument is just off I-90 in southern Montana, about an hour from Billings, MT, and four hours from Yellowstone National Park. The Black Hills and several well-known South Dakota destinations are within five hours. Devils Tower National Monument is under four hours away, and you can access the Bighorn Scenic Byway can be accessed about an hour south of Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument.

A sidewalk leading to a cemetery on a hill at Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument

Gold Butte National Monument

If you’re willing to go the extra mile(s) to appreciate a secluded and beautiful place, Gold Butte National Monument should be on your travel bucket list! Located in a remote area of Nevada, this site preserves incredible geological features and rock art dating back thousands of years. Points of interest within Gold Butte include Whitney Pocket, Little Finland, Devil’s Throat, and Gold Butte Townsite.

Those interested in visiting should be aware that a four-wheel drive vehicle with high clearance is highly recommended due to the condition of the roads in most areas. Also, keep in mind that visitors must be prepared due to the remote location and inconsistent cell phone service.

Although remote, Gold Butte National Monument is less than three hours away from Las Vegas. The closest town is Mesquite, NV. Other notable destinations within a few hours are Valley of Fire State Park , Grand Canyon National Park , and Lake Mead National Recreation Area .

El Malpais National Monument

El Malpais National Monument is home to diverse landscapes including lava flows, cinder cones, and sandstone bluffs. Almost as diverse as the landscape are the people who have inhabited and explored the area and utilized its resources. Before it was established as a national monument, Ancient Puebloans, Spanish explorers, Navajo people, railroad workers, homesteaders, and uranium mine workers all spent time in the area. For a period of time in the 1940s, a portion of the lava flows was even used for aerial bombing target practice!

You can appreciate the scenery from towering mesas along hiking trails or scenic drives in El Malpais National Monument. Or, take a look at what’s below the surface of these landscapes by going caving .

El Malpais National Monument is about a half hour south of Grants, New Mexico . In this area, you’ll find Route 66 history and other attractions including El Morro National Monument , Ice Cave & Bandera Volcano , and Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary . Grand Canyon, Mesa Verde National Park, and Monument Valley are also within a few hours.

A stone arch towers above trees at El Malpais National Monument

Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument

Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument preserves the dwellings of the Ancestral Puebloans that made their homes in the area during the late 1200s. Walking through the cliff dwellings, you’ll get a sense of what life was like hundreds of years ago.

Tucked into the Gila Wilderness, this national monument also has several hiking trails for day hikes and backpacking. You can even access a couple natural hot springs  via trails in Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument.

The town closest to Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument is Silver City, NM, about two hours away. It’s a town with a unique mining history  and lies along the Trail of the Mountain Spirits Scenic Byway . Two national parks— White Sands National Park and Guadalupe Mountains National Park —are both within about five hours.

Want to explore more in New Mexico? Take a look at our New Mexico itinerary .

Oregon Caves National Monument

This geological wonder really started gaining attention in 1874 when a man, Elijah Davidson, stumbled upon it while searching for his lost dog. Established in 1909, Oregon Caves National Monument is now sometimes referred to as the “Marble Halls of Oregon.” Visitors can experience the twists and turns and admire the magnificent stalagmites and stalactites during a cave tour.

Above ground, explore the hiking trails and enjoy spectacular views of the Siskyou Mountains, streams, mountains, and dense forests.

Although closed for rehabilitation at the time of this article’s publishing (October 2022), there’s also a historic chateau at Oregon Caves National Monument that has unique lodging and dining options.

Redwood National and State Parks are just a little over an hour away across the border in California. About three hours northeast of Oregon Caves is Crater Lake National Park . The largest town within about an hour’s drive of Oregon Caves is Grants Pass, OR .

A formation inside a cave at Oregon Caves National Monument

Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument

The eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980 went down in history as the United States’ most destructive volcanic event on record. Although there’s been significant regrowth and new life in the decades since, the eruption’s effects are evident over 40 years later. The area was designated Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument about two years after the eruption, preserving it for research, education, and recreation.

The national monument encompasses over 100,000 acres within Gifford Pinchot National Forest. To get the lay of the land and learn about the history, visit the Johnston Ridge Observatory . Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument also offers an abundance of recreational opportunities. You can explore the area in a variety of ways including hiking & biking, fishing, paddling, snowshoeing & XC skiing, camping, and more.

Mount St. Helens is situated between two well-known landmarks, each about two hours away— Mount Rainier National Park to the north and Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area to the south. The city of Portland, OR is also about two hours away. And, if you have some spare time, you could visit Mount St. Helens on an Oregon Coast adventure . Astoria, OR is just a little over two hours to the west.

Fossil Butte National Monument

Millions of years ago, an area of what is now southwest Wyoming was a lake. Today, you’ll discover a high desert landscape in this region. But, evidence of the ancient subtropical lake is still there. Known as “the fossil fish capital of the world,” this area has produced many rare and spectacular specimens. You can see several of them at Fossil Butte National Monument . This national monument helps preserve the rich paleontologic history of the Green River Formation.

At Fossil Butte National Monument, stop inside the Visitor Center and see the exhibits , where more than 400 fossils are on display. Afterward, stretch your legs on the hiking trails at Fossil Butte and enjoy the views along the Scenic Drive .

If you’re visiting Fossil Basin , you can’t miss the opportunity to dig for fossils! Try “fossil fishing” at one of the area’s dig-your-own fossil quarries . Yellowstone and Grand Teton are only a couple of hours from Fossil Butte National Monument, making it a convenient stop along a Wyoming national parks road trip . You can also visit multiple other dinosaur and fossil sites within a half-day drive.

best places to visit in western us

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Explore Magazine

Explore Magazine

Explore Magazine

13 Incredible Outdoor Adventures in the Western USA

David Webb

January 25, 2019

Welcome to the USA. One of the largest and most diverse countries on the planet, America is known for incredible outdoor recreation. It is, after all, the country that invented the national park.

American adventure destinations are often iconic. Places like the Grand Canyon, the Oregon Coast, the Rocky Mountains, Volcanoes National Park… but there are scores of lesser-known and more surprising locales, many of which we’ll detail here.

We aim to inspire; to stoke the fire for adventure. And we’re sure that after reading this article, you’ll be outdoors and getting sweaty in no time.

So let’s jump into America’s Great Outdoors, starting in the West :

best places to visit in western us

Summit Mount Adams

Difficulty: Advanced

Let’s jump into the action with a bang—a strenuous, advanced-level summit of Mount Adams, one of the Cascade giants in Washington State. It reaches up to 12,276 feet and the hike itself (South Climb) will have you grunting through 6,732 feet of elevation gain. The out-and-back is just over 11 miles and although you won’t need technical mountaineering gear, crampons and an ice axe are recommended. Keep a close eye on the weather and don’t be afraid to turn around early if needed (there’s even a false summit). But if you have strong fitness and advanced hiking skills, this route delivers a memorable experience and jaw-dropping views.

Learn More: alltrails.com/trail/us/washington/mount-adams-south-climb-trail

best places to visit in western us

Surf Cannon Beach

Difficulty: Beginner & Up

The Oregon Coast is one of the world’s most beautiful destinations—and Cannon Beach, at the north end, typifies this West Coast wonder. It’s an area of expansive sands, reliable waves and wonderous rock formations, like the famed Haystack Rock. With a full-service tourism town set right against the water, boards and lessons are easy to find. You can camp near the water or book roofed accommodation right on it. Local surf shops will get beginners on the shore break out front, or tour advanced riders to regional waves that range from moderate to insane (particularly in winter).

Learn More: cannonbeachsurf.com

best places to visit in western us

Kayak the Channel Islands

Difficulty: Beginner-Intermediate

California is rich with outdoor adventure—narrowing it to just one experience is tough. So let’s get off-radar and travel to a national park that’s one of the least visited in the lower 48 yet within 60 miles of 18 million people. Accessed via ferry from Ventura Harbor, Channel Islands National Park holds the world’s largest collection of sea caves. Hence, it’s a kayaker’s paradise. Bring your own boat or book a memorable guided tour. After you’ve explored the rocky shoreline and dipped through the caverns—perhaps spotting dolphins, sea lions and raptors—you can hike the crisscrossing trails and even camp onsite. Wondering which island to check out first? Look to Santa Cruz Island, the first stop on the ferryboat from the mainland.

Learn More: explore-mag.com/Kayaking_the_Channel_Islands_Californias_Central_Coast

best places to visit in western us

Bike Sun Valley

After the snow melts, take your bike to Idaho’s famous Sun Valley. In fact, take all of your bikes! This area has more than 30 miles of paved bicycle paths for cruising, but the real reason to go is for the single-track dirt riding. This is mountain biker’s mecca. For technical and downhill riding, head to Bald Mountain for abundant freeride and cross-country paths that cater to intermediate and advanced bikers. Beginners and pavement-riders can find what they need at nearby White Clouds Trails.

Learn More: sunvalley.com/things-to-do/biking

best places to visit in western us

Visit the Valley of Fire

Leave the slot machines and neon lights behind. Just an hour’s drive from the Las Vegas strip lies the stunning 40,000-acre Valley of Fire State Park. Sun-baked rocks make otherworldly formations. Trek the desert environs, marveling at the scenery and spotting unique and elusive wildlife. There are 11 marked trails, ranging from just one-third-of-a-mile to almost seven miles. The Prospect Trail, Rainbow Vista Trail and White Domes Loop are great places to start—but every trail in this park delivers the goods.

Learn More: explore-mag.com/Las-Vegas-4-Day-Trips-to-Get-You-Into-Nature

best places to visit in western us

Mountain Bike Moab

Difficulty: Intermediate & Up

Welcome to some of the greatest mountain biking terrain on the planet. In fact, some say the greatest terrain—bar none. There is a reason so many biking destinations are compared to Moab. The rock and dirt trails here are flowy and exciting and offer everything from routes suited to newbies to terrain for the most skilled riders on Earth. If you’re strong intermediate or better, you owe yourself a ride down the Slickrock Trail; a 9.6-mile test piece that showcases the best Moab has to offer. Or take a scenic cycle by Arches National Park via the gentle Bar-M Trail. There are rides to fill a lifetime; one visit and you’ll be hooked.

Learn More: discovermoab.com/mountainbiking/

best places to visit in western us

Hike to Havasupai Falls

Difficulty: Intermediate

Possibly the Crown Jewel of the Grand Canyon, Havasupai Falls is breathtaking beauty that requires a lot of planning and a bit of patience. For starters, you’ll need to make a reservation if you plan on camping—and that reservation will need to be made months in advance. Plus, you’ll have to prepare yourself for 10 miles of hiking under the hot Arizona sun (each way); temps can shoot past 100 degrees. And travel with respect—this is Havasupai land and you are there with permission. But the payoff is one of the planet’s most incredible sights—a blue-green cascade tumbling from red desert rocks.

Learn More: grandcanyon.com/planning/south-rim-planning-planning/havasupai-falls-arizona/

best places to visit in western us

Fly Fish the Missouri River

In Montana, it’s fair to say: A River Runs Through It. In fact, a whole lot of rivers run through it. That’s why Big Sky Country is known as a premier place to fly fish for trophy trout. But where to start? Why not try the 700-mile-long Missouri River; arguably the most famous waterway in the state. And in those 700 miles, the leg between Holter Dam and Cascade will deliver big time. If you’re new to chucking flies, hire a guide for at least one day to get the feel of the place. They’ll even point out nearby streams to hit later on, after you hook a few Montana brutes to get your confidence up.

Learn More: bigskyfishing.com/River-Fishing/central-rivers/missouri-river-fishing.php

best places to visit in western us

Trek the Teton Crest Trail

One of the most iconic treks in America, the Teton Crest Trail offers 50 miles of unparalleled mountain scenery, wildlife and remote wilderness. You’ll reach peaks above 10,000 feet and gain more than 4,200 feet of elevation while doing it. Start this trek at Rendezvous Mountain and wander forth, passing scenic Marion Lake, Mount Meek, Alaska Basin and so much more. Reservations are required—and you’ll need to book well in advance. Plus, since it is a linear trek, a return shuttle (or friend with a car) should be waiting at hike’s end.

Learn More: outdoorproject.com/adventures/wyoming/hikes/teton-crest-trail

best places to visit in western us

Climb Quandary Peak

This is the Mile-High State. But we’re going way further than that—almost three miles, in fact! Colorado is known for its 14’ers—mountains higher than 14,000 feet, of which the state has 53—but most require serious mountaineering skills. Quandary Peak, which reaches up to a breathless 14,265 feet, is accessible for strong hikers with good preparedness and fitness. This six-mile return that climbs more than 3,000 feet is located near the ski town of Breckenridge. Despite the challenge, it can get busy—but will take most hikers less than six hours to complete.

Learn More: alltrails.com/trail/us/colorado/quandary-peak-trail

best places to visit in western us

Sink into Carlsbad Caverns

Difficulty: Beginner

Step into an otherworldly environment where sulfuric acid has dissolved through limestone to create a fascinating collection of 119 caverns. This is Carlsbad Caverns—where desert flora grows above a network of caves dubbed “the Grand Canyon with a roof over it.” Explore the Big Room at your own pace, it takes about 90 minutes, then join a guided tour with a park ranger. For a thrill, visit from May to October to see the twilight sky fill with a flock of bats.

Learn More: nps.gov/cave/index.htm

best places to visit in western us

Spot Kodiak Bears

Kodiak Island is your jumping-off point into adventure. Sure, quality hikes, kayaking and even craft beer abound—but the real reason to visit is to get up-close with the impressive Kodiak bears, one of Earth’s largest land carnivores. Bear-watching tours generally start with a floatplane or boat trip from Kodiak and will either search out bruins on the namesake island or across the strait in Katmai National Park for Alaskan Coastal Brown Bears. Expect to be within a stone’s throw of the bruins—so stay calm, bring your camera and leave the beef jerky at home.

Learn More: explore-mag.com/Go-Here-Incredible-Kodiak-Island-Alaska

best places to visit in western us

Hike Lava Flows

Hawaii is so much more than hedonistic beaches and mega-resorts. And nowhere is this more evident than the Big Island’s iconic Volcanoes National Park. Visitors can smell volcanic gasses as they rise from a caldera, hike across craters on short jaunts or day-treks and wander through an eerie lava tube. There’s even a 14-mile grueling trek across the harden flows at the end of the Chain of Craters drive that puts you face-to-face with a flow of red-hot lava (experts only). It’s the Power of Pele, unveiled. (Check conditions before travelling.)

Learn More: Adventures in Lava Land

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Take an epic trip along the West Coast in 2024. Here are the top 10 places to visit now

(Lettering and animation by Jacky Sheridan/For The Times; video editing by Li Anne Liew/For The Times; Storyblocks)

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I couldn’t help it. In the course of scouting out great adventures for West Coast 101 — our new guide to essential destinations in Baja, California, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia — I found myself compiling a personal top 10.

I’ll get to that list shortly. But first, an honorable mention.

Even if you’ve never seen “The Big Lebowski,” you’ve probably heard someone mention the rug that tied Lebowski’s room together . Well, Harris Ranch does that for California.

This I-5 stop for food, gas, lodging and bathrooms (not necessarily in that order) might not make anyone’s bucket list. And I’ll admit that if the wind blows the wrong way, it smells like cattle. But if you’re driving north-south through the San Joaquin Valley, which just about every Californian does sooner or later, you’re going to need to stop somewhere.

West Coast 101 zine promo image

Bring this list on your adventures! Order L.A. Times’ new ‘101 Best West Coast Experiences’ zine here.

Harris Ranch faithfully awaits, 184 miles south of San Francisco and 200 miles north of L.A. City Hall, the pride of Coalinga. Over the years, I’ve pumped gas at its Shell station, slept in its comfortable hotel (no resort fee or room tax), conducted interviews in its Horseshoe Lounge, lingered over breakfast in its Ranch Kitchen (excellent) and grabbed a sandwich from its Express BBQ (adequate). I’ve even bought bonsai from Hyo Kim, who peddles delicately coiffed junipers, olive and pine trees ($25-$500) from a stand on the dirt shoulder across the street.

I’m not saying cattle ranches are good for the planet’s future — definitely not. But I’m just realizing that for about 45 years now, Harris Ranch has been the rug tying together my adventures in the vast living room that is our West Coast.

Your rug might be different. After all, these lists are subjective.

Of our 101 best West Coast experiences, these 10 resonate most for me. I’d recommend them to just about any California newbie and I’d grab at a chance to visit them again — some for basic beauty, others for the stories they tell or the memories they tie together.

Four photos of boulders, mountains, trees and a church with the words "let's go!" in front and a stamp in the corner.

Travel & Experiences

The 101 best West Coast experiences

Essential things to do, see and eat right now in California, Oregon, Washington, the Baja Peninsula and British Columbia. Ready to explore?

May 16, 2024

10. Rady Shell, San Diego

Symphony goers watch a performance of the San Diego Symphony at the Rady Shel.

I have a hard time imagining a more pleasant place to see an outdoor concert. Well, maybe the Red Rocks Amphitheater outside Denver. But on the West Coast? I’ll take this sleek bayside shell in downtown San Diego. And I’ll try not to be resentful that nobody thought of this while I lived down there.

The Rady Shell at Jacobs Park opened on San Diego's waterfront in August, 2021. The Shell is operated by the San Diego Symphony, which will play a summer season with various classical and pop guest performers. Photography courtesy of San Diego Symphony.

It’s like the Hollywood Bowl but with harbor views. 7 things to know about San Diego’s new music venue

The Rady Shell at Jacobs Park is now in its first summer season. See a show and make a weekend out of it.

June 10, 2022

9. Deetjen’s Big Sur Inn

Deetjen's Big Sur Inn in Santa Cruz, Calif., Tuesday, April 19, 2022 in Santa Cruz, Calif., Tuesday, Jan. 3, 2023.

Deetjen’s Big Sur Inn in Santa Cruz, Calif., Tuesday, April 19, 2022 in Santa Cruz, Calif., Tuesday, Jan. 3, 2023. (Nic Coury/For The Times) Deetjen’s Big Sur Inn in Santa Cruz, Calif., Tuesday, April 19, 2022. (Nic Coury/For The Times) Deetjen’s Big Sur Inn in Santa Cruz, Calif., Tuesday, April 19, 2022. (Nic Coury/For The Times)

Colorful typography saying Deetjen's

What are we going to do about Highway 1? Since that coast road was built on the slopes of Big Sur in the 1930s, we’ve treasured it. But as any acrophobe, geologist or engineer could tell you, those slopes crumble and slide relentlessly. Year after year, Caltrans moves mountains to keep that two-lane road navigable. Then comes another slide. Since January 2023 it’s been impossible to drive from San Simeon to Big Sur via the coastal route. (Caltrans announced partial reopening May 16. Check before you go. ) Whenever I worry about the highway, I think of Deetjen’s, which is basically a roadside time capsule clad in weathered wood. It opened about the time the highway did and won over generations of road-trippers with its rustic rooms and restaurant. Before Helmuth Deetjen died in 1972, he set up a nonprofit organization to keep the place running in old-school fashion. I’ve been stopping there since the 1980s. You have to call to make a reservation. And when you get there, you have to expect paper-thin walls along with the Norwegian woodwork, the crackle of the fireplace and the portrait of Deetjen on the wall. It’s a priceless place. And Nepenthe and the Henry Miller Memorial Library are just down the road. We just can’t take Deetjen’s or that road for granted.

Wrecked fishing boat, Estero Bluffs State Park, north of Cayucos.

12 secret stops on California’s iconic road to Big Sur

Even you’ve already done the most obvious attractions — Hearst Castle in San Simeon, for instance — why not spend more time exploring roadside nooks and ocean-adjacent crannies along Highway 1?

Oct. 20, 2022

8. Yosemite Valley

Bridalveil Fall and the Merced River Thursday, April 27, 2023, inside Yosemite National Park.

Does this need explaining? Probably not. If you’re arriving from the south, you emerge from the long, dark Wawona Tunnel to see El Capitan and Half Dome looming above a green, wet world of its own. Waterfalls roar left and right. The valley stretches for seven miles, framed by granite walls that Ansel Adams had to shoot and Alex Honnold had to climb. The Merced River meanders through. Even if you don’t have $600 to spend a night in the Ahwahnee Hotel, you can pop by for a snack, gaze up at painted rafters that go back to 1927 and warm yourself by one of the big fireplaces.

7. Venice Beach

Venice, CA - April 03: A man throughs a trick at the skate park at Venice Beach on Wednesday, April 3, 2024 in Venice, CA. (Jason Armond / Los Angeles Times)

Venice, CA - April 03: A man throughs a trick at the skate park at Venice Beach on Wednesday, April 3, 2024 in Venice, CA. (Jason Armond / Los Angeles Times) (Jason Armond/Los Angeles Times) Venice, CA - April 03: People enjoy a day at Venice Beach on Wednesday, April 3, 2024 in Venice, CA. (Jason Armond / Los Angeles Times) (Jason Armond/Los Angeles Times) Venice, CA - April 03: A man surfs at Venice Beach on Wednesday, April 3, 2024 in Venice, CA. (Jason Armond / Los Angeles Times) (Jason Armond/Los Angeles Times)

Colorful typography saying Venice Beach

Yeah, I know. There’s plenty to lament in Venice. But when you hit that beach at the right time on the right day, it feels so emblematic of Southern California. On my last visit, the sun was just setting. My wife, Mary Frances, and I checked out the skateboarders, chatted with a few artists who were selling work along the sidewalk and did a double take at the Shul on the Beach (a.k.a. Pacific Jewish Center), an Orthodox synagogue where worshipers were just gathering for a Friday night Shabbat meal.

6. The whales of Baja’s lagoons

Tourists watch from a panga as a gray whale surfaces and spouts a misty jet of vapor at the Laguna Ojo de Liebre.

It’s one thing to watch migrating gray whales off the Southern California coast, standing at the rail of a big boat, looking for spouts in the distance and perhaps drawing within 100 yards. It’s something else when you’re in a panga on the waters of a southern Baja lagoon — usually Ojo de Liebre (Scammon’s) or San Ignacio. These immense creatures, the cows and and the calves, get so close sometimes, it feels intimate. And maybe a little scary. The adults weigh up to 90,000 pounds.

A drone photo of a car driving along a coastal highway.

Joshua Tree with beaches and taquerias? No, just an epic Baja road trip

On a drive down the Baja peninsula’s Highway 1, travel writer Christopher Reynolds finds baby whales, a pond to float in and a new generation of adventurers.

March 15, 2023

5. Ferry Building and waterfront San Francisco

The Ferry Building in San Francisco.

The Ferry Building in San Francisco, Calif., Friday, April 12, 2024. (Nic Coury / For The Times)

A couple hunts while looking at the Golden Gate Bridge from Fort Point in San Francisco.

A couple looks at the Golden Gate Bridge from Fort Point in San Francisco. (Nic Coury / For The Times)

Colorful typography saying Waterfront

I’m trying to think of a more successful architectural resurrection than San Francisco’s Ferry Building. And failing. Picture that 1898 waterfront building in the 1920s, when there was no Bay Bridge and no Golden Gate Bridge and up to 50,000 people per day were commuting by ferry. The Ferry Building at the foot of Market Street was the center of the Bay Area’s nervous system. Then the bridges went up, commuters abandoned the ferries, the building was rehabbed into ugly offices and decades passed. Finally, in the aftermath of the 1989 Loma Prieta quake, San Francisco leaders launched a plan to revive the building. It reopened in 2003 as a foodie-oriented restaurant and retail space, a thousand times more interesting to me than the souvenir shops of Fisherman’s Wharf and Pier 39 (although at least you get the sight and sound of sea lions there). Apart from the food, it’s got great views of the Bay Bridge. (And with luck, that bridge’s nightly light show, which went dark last year, will resume in early 2025.) I think of the Ferry Building and the Golden Gate Bridge as the bookends of the waterfront.

4. Hidden Valley, Joshua Tree National Park

A rock climber is seen at the Hidden Valley campground inside Joshua Tree National Park.

I’m not a rock climber or a boulderer. But I’m a sucker for sunrises and sunsets in the desert. And when that golden-hour light hits the jumbled boulders in Hidden Valley, it’s hard to resist.

A Joshua Tree with a price tag on it

27 of the coolest shops to bookmark for your next Joshua Tree trip

The high desert may have gone upscale, but don’t worry — it’s still funky.

March 9, 2022

3. Pike Place Market, Seattle

A view of Pike Place Market in Seattle, Washington.

This is always the first place I want to go in Seattle, a spot where people, colors, flavors and scents all come together. I walk past the mirrored bar of the Athenian restaurant, where my buddy Rick and I had beers in 1986, my first time in town. I go down below to make sure the bubble-gum wall is still in place. I mourn at the spot where the newsstand used to be. I kick myself for failing to buy an incredibly cool cigar-box guitar from the Soul Cat Guitar guy when I had the chance. (I thought I’d have another chance at his market stall when I visited in January, but he wasn’t there that day.) I listen to buskers and eat unhealthy snacks. I stick my head in the anarchist collective bookshop ( Left Bank Books ), which has somehow lasted 51 years. And like every other tourist, I linger near the fishmongers so I can see them flinging fish and hollering at each other.

2. Capilano Bridge Suspension Park, Vancouver

Capilano Suspension Bridge Park, Vancouver.

On my first visit, a few years ago, it was raining and the park was packed. I wondered if the bridge would be closed. Nope. Open, and prone to slightly jiggle as I stood 230 feet above the Capilano River, surrounded by tall trees and mist. When I returned in February, it was snowing, the park was nearly empty and the bridge was still open. The vibe was part “Twin Peaks,” part “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.”

1. Badwater in Death Valley

Mike "Mish" Shedlock kayaks the calm waters of Manly Lake at sunrise.

Mike “Mish” Shedlock kayaks the calm waters of Manly Lake at sunrise in Death Valley. (Robert Gauthier / Los Angeles Times) Park visitors kayak, paddle board and wade knee deep in Lake Manly in Badwater Basin. (Robert Gauthier / Los Angeles Times) Unique salt structures form in the Badwater Basin at Death Valley National Park where water combines with the natural salt deposits at 282-feet below sea level, as seen in 2014. (Mark Boster / Los Angeles Times)

Colorful typography saying Badwater

Badwater is hot and dry enough to kill you pretty quickly, but as long as you have water to drink, a little shade and a way out, you’ll probably live and have a story to tell. On my first visit, a summer day about 30 years ago, Death Valley was even hotter than usual, around 115 degrees. The power had gone out at our Furnace Creek hotel. Rather than crowd into the marginally cooler hotel pool with scores of young children (and their urine, most likely), I headed with my wife and friends for the vast, flat, salty, dry lake floor of Badwater with a Wiffle ball and bat. The game didn’t last long, but there are photos: Except for our 20th century leisurewear, we looked like biblical figures in the process of being turned to pillars of salt. So last year, when rains washed out roads, closed Death Valley National Park for months, refilled the lake bed and transformed the basin into a great big mirror, I was eager to get back there.

German visitors Klaus Meyer and Leo Fishcer at Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes, Death Valley National Park.

‘I’ve never seen anything like this’: Death Valley gleams with water, wildflowers and color

Two months after a storm that dropped a year’s rainfall in a single day, visitors to the national park are encountering a a strange place made stranger — and more majestic.

Oct. 20, 2023

Within days of the park’s reopening, I got to Badwater for sunrise and came back again at sunset. No Wiffle ball. Just the big sky, the mountains reflected in the lake and a handful of fellow travelers in silhouette at water’s edge. To those bold few who managed to kayak in Death Valley for the three winter weeks that it was possible, I envy you. I don’t know if I’ll ever see that lake again — as of May 1, it was just a few inches deep and shrinking fast — but now I have two layers of Badwater memories to carry with me.

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Travel quiz: How well do you know the West Coast?

May 23, 2024

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Download the checklist of the 101 best West Coast experiences

From baja to british columbia, these are the 101 best west coast experiences.

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best places to visit in western us

Born and raised in California, Christopher Reynolds has written about travel, the outdoors, arts and culture for the Los Angeles Times since 1990.

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DILLON BEACH, CA - APRIL 24, 2024 - Visitors walk along a trail below homes in Dillon Beach on April 24, 2024. Dillon Beach has allowed more rentals than other area in West Marin County. West Marin County, home to some of California's most beautiful beaches and most expensive homes, is putting a cap on short-term rentals. Proponents of the cap say Airbnbs have ruined small towns, eating valuable housing stock and making it devoid of actual locals. Opponents say it's so expensive anyway that a vacation rental ban doesn't add affordable housing. This had to go before the California Coastal Commission who proposed regulations would maintain visitor access to the coast while preventing the further erosion of West Marin's year-round supply of rental housing. (Genaro Molina/Los Angeles Times)

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May 22, 2024

Viewer photos: Solar storm puts on brilliant light show across the Pacific Northwest

by KOMO News Staff and the Associated Press

A photo of the northern lights from Mount Storm King on Saturday, May 11, 2024. (Photo: Mathew Nichols Photography via KOMO News #SoNorthwest Photography)

SEATTLE — A powerful solar storm put on an amazing skyward light show across western Washington Friday night into Saturday morning. Hundreds of KOMO News viewers shared colorful photos of the aurora borealis , also known as the northern lights, from across the region.

There was a chance of seeing the northern lights in western Washington again Saturday night, but the aurora was not as widely seen or as intense as it was on Friday night. However, KOMO News Meteorologist Rebecca Stevenson said there were reports of colors seeming more “dim” compared to Friday night.

PHOTOS | Solar storm puts on brilliant light show across the PNW

The National Weather Service also confirmed the aurora was further north Saturday night and the Kp index , which is how experts rate the intensity of geomagnetic activity, dropped from a forecasted nine, which is the highest, to less than four early Sunday morning.

Stevenson and the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said the solar storm would persist Sunday evening, but the sky did not appear to fill with the same colors as Friday.

Brilliant purple, green, yellow and pink hues of the northern lights were reported across the Pacific Northwest and worldwide Friday night, with sightings in Germany, Switzerland, London, Prague, Barcelona and elsewhere. In the U.S., Friday night’s solar storm pushed the lights much further south than normal . People in Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota and other Midwestern states were able to capture photos of colors along the horizon.

MORE PHOTOS | Northern Lights images across the United States

Here were tips from KOMO News for those who planned to see the northern lights over the weekend:

  • Stay away from the city. If you can get to a location that has as little artificial light as possible, that will help.
  • You want to have the best possible unobstructed view to the north.
  • If you can travel to the northern parts of the Puget Sound area, that will also increase your chances of seeing any aurora activity.
  • If you can travel all the way to North Central Washington , the wide-open spaces there will likely provide a great chance to see lights dance in the sky.

If you saw the northern lights and took photos, please send them to us through Chime In . We would love to share them.

Coronal mass ejections typically see “a billion tons or so of plasma from the sun” arrive on Earth, according to the NOAA. This can result in a “major disturbance” of Earth's magnetic field and cause disruptions of navigation systems, power grids and radio communications.

ALSO SEE | Mother's Day weekend to bring warmest temps to western WA since September

The last geomagnetic storm to receive a G5, or “extreme,” rating was in 2003. That storm shut down power in Sweden and damaged power transformers in South Africa, NOAA said.

Watching the northern lights dance could be dessert to cap off the hottest day in western Washington since September .

The National Desk and the Associated Press contributed to this report.

best places to visit in western us

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Here Are The Best Places To Live In The Western US

Posted: May 22, 2024 | Last updated: May 22, 2024

Perks of living in the Western US include endless outdoor adventures, urban amenities and a very high standard of living. The West Census Region in the US, comprising 14 states and territories, is home to some of the country's most beautiful natural landscapes. Also, a huge majority of the US national parks (40 out of 63) are located in this region. The Western US offers a ton of economic opportunities that bring in professionals from all industries and backgrounds. For example, Utah was declared the best state in the country to start your own business and has the largest employment growth in the US. According to real estate experts, here are the 9 best places to live in the Western US: 1. Sacramento, California 2. Portland, Oregon 3. Salt Lake City, Utah 4. Boise, Idaho 5. Vancouver, Washington 6. Reno, Nevada 7. San Jose, California 8. Boulder, Colorado 9. Phoenix, Arizona

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10 best places to see fireworks: 2024 guide to summer's dazzling displays

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Best Place to See Fireworks (2024) May 22, 2024

Fireworks may not have originated in the United States, but they're certainly a longstanding American tradition. The first 4th of July fireworks display dates back nearly 250 years, and fireworks have long been a mainstay for a wide variety of other holidays and festivities as well.

Beyond being such a feast for the eyes, public fireworks displays are a shared experience that can bring a community together. An expert panel has selected their top picks for the country's most eye-popping fireworks displays, and readers have voted for their favorites. Here are the 10 best places to see fireworks in the U.S. this summer.

America's Freedom Festival at Provo

No. 10: America's Freedom Festival at Provo - Provo, Utah

A Grand Parade in downtown Provo, complete with floats, bands, balloons, and equestrian groups, precedes the Freedom Festival's annual Stadium of Fire, with live performances at LaVell Edwards Stadium on the campus of Brigham Young University. The finale is the largest stadium fireworks show in the United States.

Fair Saint Louis

No. 9: Fair Saint Louis - St. Louis, Missouri

Stars like Elton John, Martina McBride, and Nelly have taken the stage at St. Louis' annual 4th of July weekend party, which is free of charge to attend. The climactic fireworks display takes place above the Mississippi River, framed by the Gateway Arch, in a show that can last as long as 30 minutes.

Big Bay Boom

No. 8: Big Bay Boom - San Diego, California

Billed as a salute to military members and their families in a city that hosts the U.S. Navy's second-largest surface ship base, Big Bay Boom is an 18-minute fireworks display. The spectacle can be seen from anywhere in San Diego's North Bay, including the Embarcadero, the Marina District, Shelter Island, and Harbor Island.  

Let Freedom Sing!

No. 7: Let Freedom Sing! - Nashville, Tennessee

You'd expect 4th of July fireworks in Nashville to be accompanied by country music, and Music City does not disappoint. Nashville's annual Let Freedom Sing! celebration not only pairs a patriotic party with downtown concerts by established and rising country stars, but also synchronizes its climactic fireworks display with a live performance by the Nashville Symphony.

Wawa Welcome America

No. 6: Wawa Welcome America - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

What better place to celebrate the 4th of July than the city where the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776? The free Wawa Welcome America festival runs for more than two weeks, starting on Juneteenth and culminating in a free concert on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway and fireworks over the Philadelphia Museum of Art. The fireworks are best viewed from the parkway between Eakins Oval and Logan Circle.

Addison Kaboom Town!

No. 5: Addison Kaboom Town! - Addison, Texas

Every Independence Day weekend, the Dallas suburb of Addison, Texas, is transformed into "Kaboom Town," with up to half a million visitors arriving to enjoy an air show at the Addison Airport followed by an impressive fireworks display. Visible from anywhere in town, the air show and fireworks can also be enjoyed at a variety of locally organized "watch parties" as well as Addison Circle Park.

Minneapolis Aquatennial

No. 4: Minneapolis Aquatennial - Minneapolis, Minnesota

The Minneapolis Aquatennial always takes place the third full week of July. Popular attractions include the Torchlight Parade and the huge Target Fireworks show along the Mississippi riverfront. The display features more than 10,000 pounds of fireworks choreographed to a soundtrack.

Concert in the Sky at the Amelia Earhart Festival

No. 3: Concert in the Sky at the Amelia Earhart Festival - Atchison, Kansas

Amelia Earhart's hometown of Atchison, Kansas, honors the aviator during their Amelia Earhart Festival in July. One of the most popular attractions at this weekend fest is the Concert in the Sky fireworks show. Be sure to arrive early to enjoy the entertainment before the big event, which includes live music and stunt pilots flying above the Missouri River. 

Ford Fireworks

No. 2: Ford Fireworks - Detroit, Michigan

The Ford Fireworks show in Detroit is so big that it takes not one, not two, but a total three barges to hold the pyrotechnics. In addition to the colorful display exploding above the Detroit River, spectators can enjoy live music and plenty of food and drinks.

Navy Pier

No. 1: Navy Pier - Chicago, Illinois

One of Chicago's secret pleasures is that you can enjoy fireworks at the iconic Navy Pier almost any time of year, including shows twice a week during the summer and when welcoming in the new year with a blast every December 31. In addition to viewing from the pier itself, pyrotechnic lovers can watch the show from charter boats on Lake Michigan, hotel rooftops, Maggie Daley Park, or along Chicago's Lakefront Trail.

About 10Best Readers' Choice Awards

Nominees are submitted by a panel of experts. 10Best editors narrow the field to select the final set of nominees for the Readers’ Choice Awards. Readers can vote once per category, per day. For any questions or comments, please read the FAQ or email USA TODAY 10Best .

The Experts

Chez chesak.

Chez Chesak

‘Chez’ Chesak is Executive Director of the Outdoor...   Read More

‘Chez’ Chesak is Executive Director of the Outdoor Writers Association of America, an adventure travel writer, board member of the Society of American Travel Writers and 22-year veteran of the outdoor and travel industries. While he’s lived all over the U.S. and traveled to more than 30 countries, he has the most fun when he’s exploring with his wife Sally and two daughters. An avid outdoors person, he’s happiest on a trail, on skis, or nestled into a sleeping bag. Learn more about him and his work at www.chezconnects.com .  

Chez Chesak

Jenny Peters

Jenny Peters

Jenny Peters – aka Jet Set Jen – is a Los...   Read More

Jenny Peters – aka Jet Set Jen – is a Los Angeles-based freelance journalist, editor and party columnist specializing in travel, entertainment, film, food, wine, fashion and the other good things in life. She is a founding/voting member of the Critics Choice Association, who present the Critics’ Choice Awards every January. Her favorite places to be are on the beach in Southern California playing volleyball, scuba diving with the sharks in warm tropical waters or strolling the streets and soaking in the atmosphere of one of the world's great cities (New Orleans and Florence are her favorites).

Jenny Peters

Meg St-Esprit

Meg St-Esprit

Meg St-Esprit is a journalist based in Pittsburgh...   Read More

Meg St-Esprit is a journalist based in Pittsburgh who covers family travel, lifestyle, education, and parenting. With their four kids in tow, she and her husband love to travel anywhere and everywhere — but have a soft spot for camping and outdoor adventures. In fact, her kids are well on their way to achieving their goal of visiting all 124 state parks in Pennsylvania. Meg believes travel doesn’t need to be luxurious or costly to be valuable, and aims to share that with her audience. Meg’s work has appeared in publications such as  The New York Times, Thrillist, The Washington Post, Fodor’s, Yahoo, Good Housekeeping, Romper , and more. Follow Meg on Instagram and Twitter at @megstesprit or check out her work on  https://megstesprit.com/

Meg St-Esprit

Melanie Reffes

Melanie Reffes

Melanie is an island girl at heart . Born in...   Read More

Melanie is an island girl at heart . Born in Manhattan, she now lives on the sunny island of Montreal and covers  the Caribbean for a variety of publications  including  USA TODAY 10Best, CaribbeanTravel.com and MarryCaribbean.com.  A journalist with a boatload of writer awards under her belt, Melanie's affection for the Caribbean started  young when her family vacationed in Puerto Rico.   An avid fan of spicy food,   Melanie enjoys the diversity of Montreal - especially during the warmer months -when she's not en route to the Caribbean. She  holds a Masters Degree in Social Work from the University of Toronto. 

Melanie Reffes

Rob Taylor is the author of  The Road Trip Survival...   Read More

Rob Taylor is the author of  The Road Trip Survival Guide  (being released May 25, 2021) and  the founder of 2TravelDads , the original LGBT Family Travel blog. Focusing on ecotourism and education, 2TravelDads inspires LGBT families (and traditional families also) to go beyond their usual getaways and use travel to learn about and be part of a bigger world. 2TravelDads blazes the way for other two-dad and two-mom families to travel to previously overlooked destinations or places we as gay people would normally avoid. We share the struggles we've faced and the surprising gems and welcomes we've had along the way. Traveling as a family is one thing, traveling as an LGBT family is completely something else.

Rob Taylor

Catherine Smith

Catherine Smith

Catherine Smith, Readers' Choice Awards...   Read More

Catherine Smith, Readers' Choice Awards Production Manager and Social Media Director for USA TODAY 10Best, has a special interest in unique culinary experiences and  off-the-beaten-path adventures. Catherine is the founder of  Her Bags Were Packed  where she focuses on helping  women release emotional baggage through solo travel and self-discovery.

Catherine Smith

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10Best Editors

USA TODAY 10Best provides users with original,...   Read More

USA TODAY 10Best provides users with original, unbiased and experiential travel coverage of top attractions, things to see and do, and restaurants for top destinations in the U.S. and around the world.

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9 Best Places to Live in the Western U.S., According to Real Estate Experts

In these stunning locations throughout the Western U.S., residents can enjoy endless outdoor recreation, urban amenities, and a high standard of living.

best places to visit in western us

DenisTangneyJr/Getty Images

14 states and territories comprise the West Census Region — and life in all of them comes with some serious perks. Proximity to many of the country’s most beautiful natural sites is pretty much a given, as the region is home to an overwhelming majority of the U.S. national parks (40 out of 63). The variety of landscapes, geological wonders, and natural sites is awe-inspiring, with snow-capped peaks, deserts, rainforests, and thousands of miles of beaches.

At the same time, the region also offers plenty of economic opportunities that draw professionals from all industries and educational backgrounds. Utah, for example, was just named the best state to start a business with the largest employment growth in the country.

These are the best places to live in the Western U.S., according to real estate experts.

Sacramento, California

JasonDoiy/Getty Images

"Sacramento isn't just a place to live, it's a place where people feel they belong," Pat Shea, a longtime Sacramento resident and president and CEO of Lyon Real Estate/Luxury Portfolio International , said, adding that California's capital offers the perfect blend of city energy and small-town charm. With excellent schools, many parks and green spaces, and a dining scene that's getting national recognition , Sacramento is a family-friendly, culturally rich city that attracts residents with its affordability. According to Zillow, the median home value here is $483,455, compared to $783,666 for California as a whole.

Shea explained that seven counties comprise the greater Sacramento region, and each offers something unique. "East Sacramento's 'Fabulous Forties' beckons with its picturesque tree-lined streets and historic homes. Land Park, with its lush green spaces and close proximity to the Sacramento Zoo, provides a serene retreat within the heart of the city. Midtown Sacramento pulsates with energy, boasting trendy restaurants, vibrant nightlife, and a thriving arts scene," he added.

Portland, Oregon

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Access to abundant outdoor recreation, a thriving beer scene , and a stunning natural setting have made Portland one of the best places to live in Oregon . Real estate prices have cooled off since the pandemic, and the current median home value is $539,524, about $150,000 less than it was in June 2022. And Aimee Virnig, an agent at Windermere Real Estate/Luxury Portfolio International , said this is great news for people looking to relocate here, as the market is less competitive than it was two years ago.

"My advice to prospective homebuyers is to come to Portland and visit. Make sure you are prepared for those four seasons. If you are used to sunshine, our winters might be surprising," Virnig added. "The more you educate yourself, the more likely you will be able to make a competitive offer when the perfect property becomes available."

Salt Lake City, Utah

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Utah is known as one of the most family-friendly states in the nation, and Salt Lake City is an excellent example of that, with endless outdoor recreational activities, low crime rates, and a school system that ranks among the best in the country .

The city is also known for its bustling tech and healthcare industries fueling the area's economic growth, which in turn attracts highly educated professionals.

"Salt Lake City, in general, is a culmination of new and old townships. It's peppered with hidden gems of pocket neighborhoods that have stood for over a century, such as The Avenues, Harvard and Yale, and Sugarhouse," Tim Jones, a broker with Windermere Real Estate/Luxury Portfolio International , explained. "By contrast, heading southwest of downtown Salt Lake City, the areas of Riverton, South Jordan, and Daybreak have all seen an eruption of new construction."

Jones also added that now is a good time to invest here since many potential buyers are waiting for interest rates to drop and competition is low.

Boise, Idaho

Mitch Diamond/Getty Images

Boise's population grew during the pandemic — it was the fifth fastest-growing city in the U.S. in 2022 — driven by lower cost of living and access to the outdoors. The city, which is the largest in Idaho, offers many urban conveniences but has a much slower pace than other metropolitan areas. It is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts with over 90 parks and hundreds of trekking miles, and it's home to a vibrant cultural scene with many annual festivals, museums, and public art.

Nicolette Kimmel, a broker with Windermere Real Estate, explained that Boise's North End neighborhood is an all-time favorite among buyers for its craftsman bungalows, Tudor-style buildings, and Victorian-inspired homes. Currently, the median home value in the city stands at $484,000.

Vancouver, Washington

Rory Fuller/Travel + Leisure

Across the Columbia River from Portland lies the city of Vancouver, home to 195,000 residents who live a classic Northwestern lifestyle — think access to stunning natural scenery, many opportunities for outdoor recreation and water sports, lots of restaurants and coffee shops, and a thriving art and culture scene. As a no-income-tax state, Washington offers a financial incentive for young families and professionals to make it their permanent home.

"Vancouver has a strong, growing economy with a mix of industries, such as technology, healthcare, and education. The cost of living is four percent lower than the rest of Washington State, and [that] combined with low unemployment is appealing to most buyers," Judy Matz, a broker with John L. Scott Real Estate/Luxury Portfolio International , explained. She added that this has led to an explosion of new developments in the area as the county rapidly expands and median home prices hover around the $500,000 mark.

Reno, Nevada

Jamie Ditaranto/Travel + Leisure

What makes Reno one of the fastest-growing places in the nation ? According to agent Nicolle Gust, at Chase International Real Estate , it's affordable and offers a lower cost of living compared to other urban areas on the West Coast.

"This makes it an ideal destination for families, young professionals, and retirees looking to enjoy a high quality of life without breaking the bank," Gust said. But that's not nearly all. As Nevada's fourth-largest city, Reno has a thriving arts scene and is surrounded by beautiful landscapes with easy access to Lake Tahoe, the Sierra Nevada Mountains, and several national parks.

And new buyers have plenty of neighborhoods to choose from. Old Southwest, with its idyllic tree-lined streets and charming homes, has plenty of character, while Somersett, on the western edge of Reno, is a master-planned community with modern, resort-like amenities.

San Jose, California

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"San Jose is a phenomenal location, situated in the heart of the Silicon Valley. You have access to so many amenities, including hiking trails, [and you can take] a short drive to the coast, head up the peninsula to San Francisco, or make your way to Lake Tahoe in a few hours," Jordan Mott, an agent at Intero Real Estate Services/Luxury Portfolio International , said.

The "capital of Silicon Valley" recently ranked fourth nationwide for quality of life and was in the top 15 cities to live in America according to U.S. News, thanks to its strong employment market and high standard of living.

However, newcomers should be ready to pay a hefty price for all of that. Housing prices are well over the one million mark (currently around $1,461,923), and the cost of living is 25 percent higher than the state's average — and a whopping 75 percent higher than the rest of the country.

Boulder, Colorado

"I personally moved here as an age-group triathlete, drawn to Boulder's fantastic outdoor training opportunities, and quickly got hooked! That was almost 30 years ago," Phil Booth, a broker with Slifer Smith & Frampton Real Estate/Luxury Portfolio International , shared with Travel + Leisure.

Set against the Rocky Mountains, the city is a dream for outdoor enthusiasts. But it's also home to a top-notch university, a thriving artist community, and a hub for tech industries. Booth explained that the city's real estate market has evolved over the last decade into one of the hottest in the nation.

"Taste-wise, there is something for everyone. Whether it be accessible mountain living, classic historical neighborhoods, contemporary architectural beauties, or small-acreage equestrian properties, you get to choose the type of 'Boulderite' you want to be," he added.

Phoenix, Arizona

Matt Mawson/Getty Images

Phoenix's population has increased by four percent on average since 2020, adding nearly 200,000 new residents. The city's lower cost of living, warm and sunny year-round weather, robust job market, and proximity to national parks and outdoor recreation are all factors for this impressive growth.

Shane Edic, an agent at Long Realty Elevate/Luxury Portfolio International , said that the West Valley, a region within the Phoenix metro area, is experiencing a significant upsurge "fueled by the burgeoning industrial developments along the 303 corridor." 

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Cicada map 2024: See where to find Brood XIX and XIII − and where they've already been spotted

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For many Americans, the cicadas are here .

Trillions of periodical cicadas are already emerging in a rare, two brood event across multiple states , with more expected to come in the following weeks. Thanks to warm temperatures and good conditions, these 13- or 17-year cicadas are emerging from their underground habitats to eat, mate and die, making a whole lot of noise in the process.

Broods XIX and XIII have not emerged together since 1803, and after this year, won't emerge together again until 2245. While they are largely in different states, they are both emerging in parts of Illinois and Iowa.

So if you've seen one cicada or hundreds of cicadas, here's where you can expect to see more this year.

Are cicadas dangerous? Busting myths on the harmfulness of the noisy pests.

Are cicadas already out in 2024?

Adult periodical cicadas from Brood XIX have been spotted by users in multiple states across the Southeast and Midwest including in Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia and Illinois, according to  Cicada Safari , a cicada tracking app developed by Mount St. Joseph University in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Through Cicada Safari, users can confirm their sightings of cicadas with pictures, look at a map of other cicada sightings, join a leaderboard with other users and learn more information about cicadas.

2024 cicada map: Check out where Broods XIII, XIX are projected to emerge

The two cicada broods are projected to emerge in a combined 17 states across the South and Midwest. They emerge once the soil eight inches underground reaches 64 degrees, expected to begin in many states in May and lasting through late June.

The two broods  last emerged together in 1803 , when Thomas Jefferson was president.

What is a brood?

According to the  University of Connecticut , broods are classified as "all periodical cicadas of the same life cycle type that emerge in a given year."

A brood of cicadas is made up of different species of the insect that have separate evolutionary histories. These species may have joined the brood at different times or from different sources. These different species are lumped together under the brood because they are in the same region and emerge on a common schedule.

Why do cicadas make so much noise?

You'll have to thank the male cicadas for all that screeching. Male cicadas synchronize their calls and produce congregational songs, according to  Britannica , which establish territory and attract females. There is also a courting call that they make before mating.

Unluckily for us, the 13-year and 17-year brood cicadas  are the loudest , partially because of the sheer number of them that emerge at once.

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