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The 12 Best Stroller & Car Seat Travel Systems [2023]

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Amar Hussain

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The 12 Best Stroller & Car Seat Travel Systems [2023]

Table of Contents

Things to consider with travel systems, the 12 best travel systems, final thoughts.

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Being a parent is a rewarding adventure, but you can’t just run around town unencumbered anymore. You have to take your baby with you, and you have to make sure that they’re safe.

That’s where travel systems come in. These tools are essential for making sure your child is safe and comfortable in your car and while walking around.

While the main goal of every travel system is the same — to give you an all-in-1 option for your car seat and stroller needs — there are tons of little differences between models. When trying to figure out which travel system is the right one for you, here are a few things to consider:

Size and Weight

A travel system’s size and weight are the first thing you must keep in mind before purchasing one. If you anticipate you’re going to be carrying your system for any reason, like up the steps of an apartment building, for example, you’ll want to opt for lighter travel system models.

Hot Tip: You also want your travel system to be large enough that your baby has enough room to be comfortable. This is also true if you want your travel system to last a few years as your child grows.

The material of a travel system is another primary thing to consider when you’re looking at different options. You want a material that will be easy to clean since it’s very likely your child will make messes while strapped in.

You also want a material that won’t be uncomfortable for your baby to sit in or for you to push.  Heavy-duty plastic is a good choice, particularly if there are cushions in the travel system to add extra comfort. That will ensure both comfort and the longevity of your product.

You want to keep your baby safe, so it’s important that you look into travel system options that are durable.

A sturdy travel system means you’ll be able to push it on rough surfaces or take it on bumpy rides without your child getting jostled. It also means you don’t have to worry about damaging any of its components when it’s not in use, thus compromising its structural integrity. 

Weather Conditions

You should also consider the weather when you’re considering which travel system to buy. If you live in a climate with all 4 seasons, you’ll want to make sure you purchase an option that you’ll be able to use both in the summer heat and in the snow .

You’ll want to make sure you pick a model that isn’t made of material that will melt or become deformed in hot weather if that’s your climate. You’ll also likely want wheels that have some traction when used in snow or rain.

You should consider your child’s age when picking the right travel system. While many travel systems are designed to last through at least a few growth spurts, they might have specifically designated age ranges.

For example, some travel systems are designed to be used from newborn age to 3 years. Others have car seats that are suitable for up to 18 months, but the stroller can last longer. Decide how long you want your travel system to last and your child’s age to help narrow down your options.

Choosing the right travel system can be daunting. There are so many options out there and so many little differences between them that can make one option better than another.

To help you, we’ve weighed the pros and cons to decide which are the best travel systems on the market.

1. A Travel System for Parents On-the-Go

Baby trend pathway 35 jogger travel system.

If you’re a busy parent who likes to keep their little one nearby, this travel system from Baby Trend is perfect.

It was designed for jogging parents to use so they can keep up with their exercise while still keeping their children by their side . Due to that, when in the stroller, kids will be in for a nice, smooth ride without bumps and jostles.

It’s also lightweight and easy to push for that same reason. However, the jogger also allows for safe car travel as well, thanks to its sturdy car seat that will ensure absolute safety on drives around the block or long road trips. With a maximum weight of 35 pounds, you can use this travel set for a while.

What We Like:

  • Super comfortable

What We Don’t Like:

  • Not for toddlers

2. Compact Travel System That Saves Room

Graco fastaction fold jogger travel system.

People looking for a travel system that can be compact for easy storage should look into the Graco FastAction model.

Though the system is nice and spacious when the stroller portion is set up, it can fold into itself so it can fit in most closets and storage areas.

This also makes this model a breeze to travel with as it passes most public transportation regulations for stroller sizes.

Thanks to its 5-point harness, you also don’t have to worry about safety. Your baby will be nice and snug in their seat for as long as needed.

  • Elevated maximum weight of 50 pounds
  • Wheels deflate quickly

Hot Tip: Check out our in-depth buyer guide to the best travel strollers for newborns and toddlers for more great options!

3. A Seamless Travel System for All Occasions

Evenflo pivot vizor travel system.

Some travel systems are designed to make long days and travel easier. Others are designed for walks around the block. This model by Evenflo is designed for both.

The system is sleek and easy to maneuver, making it perfect for any occasion. So whether you’re able to walk leisurely or you’re in a hurry, you can get where you need to go with this travel system’s stroller.

The car seat is also designed for any occasion . It’s able to fit in most vehicles without any problems, and it’s easy to install, so you don’t have to deal with a headache every time you have to strap your baby in for a car ride.

  • Sun-protective and privacy visor
  • Wheels struggle on rough surfaces

4. Budget-friendly System That Doesn’t Give Up Quality

Baby trend ez ride 35 travel system.

If you’re looking for a reliable and high-quality travel system, but you’re on a tighter budget, this model from Baby Trend is worth looking at.

The seating is made out of plush material that won’t be uncomfortable for your baby to sit in. Thanks to its soft grip, you also won’t get uncomfortable pushing or carrying it.

You can even adjust the stroller handles so you don’t have to crouch or stretch. The stroller portion comes with 2 cupholders as well, so you and your baby can stay hydrated while you’re out and about.

The system was even designed to sit your baby further back while the system creates “wings” around them to offer maximum protection on both sides.

  • All-encompassing protection
  • Lower weight allowance

5. A Travel System That Guarantees a Smooth Ride

Safety 1st smooth ride travel system.

If your main concern when looking at travel systems is the comfort of your child, then look no further than this Safety 1st option.

With  “Smooth Ride” in its name, you might expect a lot from this travel system, and it delivers. It has sturdy wheels that can stand up to most floors and terrain. So, whether you’re inside or out, you can easily use this stroller.

The wheels also glide effortlessly. They won’t make any noise and help smooth the ride if you push it over a bumpy surface. The car seat also keeps your baby secure and in one place during rides without being jostled around.

  • Good for motion-sickness-prone children
  • Not intuitive

6. A Carseat That Offers Your Baby Privacy

Graco modes pramette travel system.

Your baby can’t speak up and tell you when they want some time to themself, so it’s up to you to make sure you can give them some peace. That’s why this Graco pramette travel system is such a great option.

The stroller can be front- or rear-facing , meaning you can decide if your baby needs some stimulation by seeing the world or if they need some peaceful time. It’s also an added safety measure.

For example, if you’re going to be using your travel system in areas with potential dust or debris or you’re worried you might stumble, a rear-facing system will help keep your baby safe.

  • Large storage basket
  • 20-pound limit

7. A Quick Travel System To Set Up

Graco fastaction se travel system.

If you want a travel system you can set it up in the blink of an eye, Graco has you covered. Thanks to the way it’s designed to fold compactly, you don’t have to fight with the system to get it open or closed.

The system also comes with a lightweight but heavy-duty car seat to keep your baby safe on the road. It’s even a rear-facing seat, giving it extra points where safety is concerned.

The stroller has a parent tray that comes with a cup holder and a small storage area, so you can keep your essentials within easy reach without having to fumble in the storage compartment too much.

  • Convenient design
  • Only for newborns and young babies

8. Easy and Lightweight Travel System

Baby jogger city mini gt2 all.

If you’re in need of a travel system, but you don’t want something heavy and bulky that will weigh you down, consider this option from Baby Jogger.

The system is made with breathable material that isn’t just lightweight but will also ensure your child isn’t uncomfortable no matter what time of year it is.

The system also has a single-handed locking mechanism to make folding or unfolding it a breeze.  You don’t have to worry about the stroller trying to fold back in on itself or coming undone either. Once the junctions are locked in place, they stay that way until you unlock them.

The car seat has also been designed to protect your precious cargo by using anti-rebound and trauma-blocking technology.

  • Not budget-friendly

Hot Tip: If you prefer to travel lighter, check out our guide to the best travel baby carriers, including wraps, slings, and backpacks .

9. A Travel System Option That’s Trusted Worldwide

Chicco mini bravo plus travel system.

If you’re generally undecided about which direction you want to go with your travel system, then consider an option with international respect. Chicco is a brand known worldwide, and it knows what it is doing when it comes to babies. This system was designed to ensure your baby is comfortable on the sidewalk or in the car.

The soft material isn’t just for your baby’s comfort, it also adds another layer of safety. Keeping your baby nice and cozy can absorb any potential trauma by the cushions and the system structure. The system itself is also lightweight and weighs under 20 pounds.

  • Highly recommended
  • Difficult to clean

10. Environmentally-friendly Travel System

Century stroll on 3-wheel 2-in-1 lightweight travel system.

Environmentally-conscious people on the hunt for a good travel system should check out this option from Century. With fabrics made from recycled material, this system helps you do your part in being a little greener .

It also doesn’t hurt that the material is also lightweight, making the system easy to move around. Your baby, on the other hand, will love how breathable the material is. You don’t have to worry about overheating or problems with temperature regulation with this option.

Since the stroller has 3 wheels instead of 4, it also gives it an aerodynamic design that makes it great for moving around quickly.

  • Easy-gliding wheels
  • May show more wear and tear

11. A Travel System You Can Use for Years

Graco verb travel system.

Graco’s got an option for you if you want a travel system that has a lot of longevity. Whether you want to make sure you can use your travel system for future children down the line or you plan on giving it away as a hand-me-down, you don’t have to worry.

Made of high-quality material that meets strict size standards, this option won’t break down for years. The rear-facing car seat can fit most newborns and infants up to 30 pounds.

On the other hand, the stroller is large enough to give your baby plenty of room to be comfortable. At the same time, it’s also compact enough to suit the stroller-size allotments at most theme parks.

  • Suitable for anywhere

12. Makes Trips a Breeze With 1-Handed Setup

Chicco viaro quick-fold travel system.

If you want to be able to take your child on adventures with you and you’re looking for a travel system to help you do just that, Chicco has a great option for you.

This travel system has a quick-fold design that allows you to assemble and fold up the frame in a breeze. That means you can go from the car to the stroller in no time. You can even open it up 1-handed.

The system also had plenty of padding both for your baby and for you while you push the stroller or hold the carrier.  Your child even has 2 cupholders and a tray available to enjoy snacks or otherwise keep busy while you’re on the go.

  • Reclining seat
  • Only rear-facing car seat

Ideally, a travel system will allow you to seamlessly transfer your child from your car to a stroller and allow you to move around while keeping them secure.

However, there are hundreds of travel system options on the market to choose from. We hope that this list has helped you begin to narrow down which travel system is right for you.

All information and content provided by Upgraded Points is intended as general information and for educational purposes only, and should not be interpreted as medical advice or legal advice. For more information, see our  Medical & Legal Disclaimers .

Frequently Asked Questions

Are travel systems safe for newborns.

Travel systems are generally safe for newborns. However, that might not be universally true for all travel systems. Some travel systems might be designed for older babies and toddlers, for example. Before purchasing or using a travel system with a newborn, check the suggested age group of the product first.

How do travel systems work?

Travel systems typically work the same way their separate parts work normally. The stroller frame will usually fold up or collapse for easy carrying and storage, and the car seat will fit into your vehicle. However, these 2 parts will snap together as well, turning the stroller into a carriage.

What is the difference between a travel system and a stroller?

The biggest difference between a stroller and a travel system is the fact that a stroller is just 1 tool while a travel system is 2, sometimes 3 tools, all in 1. Travel systems include a stroller, but they also have a car seat and, sometimes, a baby carrier, too.

How long does a travel system last?

Since travel systems are typically multiple-in-1 tools made up of a stroller, car seat, and sometimes even a baby carrier, they can last a varying amount of time. As your child grows, they’ll eventually be too big for the car seat and carrier. However, the stroller may last through toddlerhood.

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About Amar Hussain

Amar is an avid traveler and tester of products. He has spent the last 13 years traveling all 7 continents and has put the products to the test on each of them. He has contributed to publications including Forbes, the Huffington Post, and more.


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Venicci Gusto 2 in 1 Travel System - Navy/Black

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Gusto 2 in 1 Travel System - Navy/Black

About this item.

  • The beautiful Venicci Gusto travel system combines versatility, elegance and contemporary European style to bring you and your family an all-in-one pram system designed to last over the years.
  • This package includes a lovely gloss black frame, pushchair, carrycot, fashion changing bag, footmuff, raincover, mosquito net, and cup holder.
  • Suitable from birth, the luxurious carrycot lies flat to ensure optimal positioning for your newborn and gives you the option of adjusting the backrest when baby prefers to sit up.
  • The carrycot features UPF 50+ fabric, weather-resistant fabric, adjustable hood, detachable apron, optimised ventilation system, unique rocking mode, wind protection fabric guard, and includes a plush mattress
  • When baby reaches the toddler years they can progress to the pushchair option, a multi-functional, dual-facing seat unit that enables you to bond with your child or allow them to face the world. The pushchair is suitable from 6 months to 3 years and features a comfortable, roomy seat unit, safety harness and adjustable features that grow with your little one.

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Product Description

This all-in-one package includes special edition frame, newborn carrycot, toddler seat unit, bumper bar, seat unit footmuff, mosquito cover, changing bag, raincover and cup holder *Suitable from birth to 3 years approx. *Height adjustable leatherette handlebar *Ventilated newborn carrycot with adjustable backrest *Reversible, full recline seat unit suitable from 6 months *Bumper bar and seat unit harness ensure your toddler's safety *Quick, easy, compact-fold frame with detachable wheels *Compatible with the Maxi-Cosi Infant Car Seats *Spacious shopping basket for groceries and essentials *Mosquito net protects baby from harmful flying insects *Adjustable leg rest, handlebar and sun hood

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The best stroller alternative is actually a tricycle


How to choose the right baby stroller


Flying with a car seat


The safest position for an infant car seat

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Doona + Car Seat & Stroller

Fully integrated all-in-one travel system.

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Safety Doona - Standards & certifications

Standards & certifications

Our products go through strict internal and external tests and all mandatory certification processes to assure the highest levels of safety. With its unique hybrid functionality, Doona has been tested to meet the strictest US & EU standards for car seats, strollers and hand-held carriers.

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Perfect for travel

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Errands with ease

Moving from car seat to stroller in seconds makes errands like supermarket shopping or doctor appointments easy!


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Designed in collaboration with global engineering, safety, and medical experts to mimic a natural fetal position, supporting the baby's spine during the developmental stage. with additional padding for newborns, it ensures the highest levels of safety and comfort..

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  • Silver Cross 63
  • UPPAbaby 19
  • From 3 Months (Lie Back) 59
  • From 6 Months (Sit Up) 59
  • From Birth (Lies Flat) 244
  • From Birth (With Carrycot) 323
  • From Birth (With Car Seat) 24
  • Forward & Parent Facing 219
  • Forward Facing Only 34
  • 3 Wheeler 17
  • 4 wheeler 335
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iCandy Orange 3 Designer Collection Complete 12 Piece Bundle - Black Crush

iCandy Orange 3 Designer Collection Complete 12 Piece Bundle - Black Crush

Includes: pushchair, carrycot, seat insert, footmuff, car seat adaptors, cupholder, changing bag.

UPPAbaby Vista V2 2in1 Pram System-Gregory (2023)

UPPAbaby Vista V2 2in1 Pram System-Gregory (2023)

Cosatto Giggle 2in1 i-size Bundle-Pretty Flamingo

Cosatto Giggle 2in1 i-size Bundle-Pretty Flamingo

Free cosatto giggle accessory bundle - pretty flamingo.

iCandy Peach 7 Complete Pushchair Bundle -Black Edition

iCandy Peach 7 Complete Pushchair Bundle -Black Edition

Use code icandy10 to get 10% off.

Cybex Priam Rose Gold Pushchair With Lux Carrycot - Deep Black (New 2022)

Cybex Priam Rose Gold Pushchair With Lux Carrycot - Deep Black (New 2022)

Maxi Cosi Zelia Luxe Cabriofix i-Size Travel System-Twillic Truffle

Maxi Cosi Zelia Luxe Cabriofix i-Size Travel System-Twillic Truffle

iCandy Peach 7 Pushchair Complete Bundle - Coco

iCandy Peach 7 Pushchair Complete Bundle - Coco

Babymore Mimi 2 in 1 Pram System Bundle - Black

Babymore Mimi 2 in 1 Pram System Bundle - Black

iCandy Peach 7 Complete Pushchair Bundle - Phantom/Dark Grey

iCandy Peach 7 Complete Pushchair Bundle - Phantom/Dark Grey

Maxi Cosi Zelia Luxe Cabriofix i-Size Travel System-Twillic Black

Maxi Cosi Zelia Luxe Cabriofix i-Size Travel System-Twillic Black

Maxi Cosi Zelia Luxe Cabriofix i-Size Travel System-Twillic Grey

Maxi Cosi Zelia Luxe Cabriofix i-Size Travel System-Twillic Grey

BabaBing Raffi 2in1 Pram Bundle - Mink

BabaBing Raffi 2in1 Pram Bundle - Mink

iCandy Peach 7 Complete Pushchair Complete Bundle-Phantom/Truffle

iCandy Peach 7 Complete Pushchair Complete Bundle-Phantom/Truffle

ABC Design Salsa 4 Diamond Edition 2in1 Pram System-Dolphin

ABC Design Salsa 4 Diamond Edition 2in1 Pram System-Dolphin

Kinderkraft Yoxi 2 in 1 Pram System - Mystic Green

Kinderkraft Yoxi 2 in 1 Pram System - Mystic Green

Kinderkraft Yoxi 2 in 1 Pram System - Moonlight Grey

Kinderkraft Yoxi 2 in 1 Pram System - Moonlight Grey

Venicci Tinum Upline 2in1 Pram System - Slate Grey

Venicci Tinum Upline 2in1 Pram System - Slate Grey

Includes: chassis, seat unit, changing bag, footmuff, raincover, mosquito net and additional backpack.

Silver Cross Reef Pushchair & Travel Pack - Earth

Silver Cross Reef Pushchair & Travel Pack - Earth

egg® 3 9 Piece Snuggle Bundle - Mink

egg® 3 9 Piece Snuggle Bundle - Mink

Out n About Nipper Single V5 New Starter Bundle-Rock Salt Grey

Out n About Nipper Single V5 New Starter Bundle-Rock Salt Grey

Includes: stroller, carry cot, raincover, adaptors.

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2-in-1 Travel Systems

If you’ve already bought some of the additional products that come with an all-in-one bundle , or prefer to take a minimalistic approach, look no further than 2-in-1  travel systems  from reliable brands such as Joie and Silver Cross . With 2 in 1 baby travel systems, you’ll typically receive a pushchair and carrycot . Carry cots transform your baby travel system in a matter of seconds into a pram with a flat base – perfect for supporting natural sleeping in those first 6 months. Having said that, you will find some brands’ 2-in-1 travel systems include a pushchair and car seat instead – the car seat attaches to the travel system frame, meaning you won’t have to disturb your sleeping babe when you reach your destination. Whatever combination it is that your 2-in-1 travel system includes, you can rest assured travels with your baby will always be smooth sailing.

Don’t forget to also browse through our pushchair accessories and car seat accessories to complete your adventures with your little one.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are 2-in-1 travel systems.

2-in-1 travel systems are a pushchair with a seat unit and a carrycot designed to make travelling easier with younger children. Ideal for use from birth through to different ages, based on the products height and weight specification, these handy systems combine all travel accessories into one sleek system. 2-in-1 travel systems combine an ergonomic pushchair with a safety-ensured carrycot eliminating the need to replace pushchair systems as frequently.

What Are the Benefits of 2-in-1 Travel Systems?

2-in-1 travel systems offer many benefits besides being a cost-effective way to purchase both a pushchair and a carrycot with ease. 

Firstly, convenience is guaranteed. The ergonomic and comfortable attachments means children from newborn ages can be moved around with complete ease. 2-in-1 models are also brilliant for space-saving as they are often characterised by streamlined frames that can be transported easily. 

The reason that 2-in-1 travel systems are also versatile and suitable for newborns through toddlers are the multiple seating positions. The carrycot attachment is ideal for newborns but when children get older, an upright seat is required for safe transport. As a child reaches new milestones, the same travel system can support them throughout all development stages.

Are 2-In-1 Travel Systems Safe to Use?

2-In-1 Travel Systems are designed to allow children to be transported around with safety in mind. Travelling with a young or growing child can be nerve-wracking, so knowing that the right equipment is being used is important. Safety features include secure locking attachments, harnesses, straps, brakes, and locks to ensure that a child is always in the ideal position before transport ensues. 

How Do 2-In-1 Travel Systems Work?

2-in-1 travel systems are designed to combine a carrycot and a pushchair functionality using one frame for both configurations. By being able to seamlessly interchange the seat unit and carrycot out, parents can cater to the safety needs of both newborn babies and growing children. 

The frames simply click together, with the carrycot and pushchair seat attaching to the frame depending on what style is needed. Just like other pushchairs, the frame is then suitable for collapsing so that it can be easily stored away. This means that all forms of travelling are made much easier.

Do 2-In-1 Travel Systems Offer Value for Money?

Although it should be noted that 2-in-1 travel systems can be more expensive than standalone pushchairs and carrycots, they quickly pay for themselves as there is only one product to purchase. Furthermore, you will find that most of these models are adjustable, making them ideal for longer-term use as the child grows. 

They are also a great cost-saving purchase as you will have peace of mind knowing that the travel system's elements will all work together seamlessly. Finally, travel systems often have a higher price tag as they are designed to be robust and durable. Because they require regularly taking the product apart and moving it around, they are designed to withstand knocks and bangs that some regular models may not. Parents and caregivers can travel more confidently by taking the guesswork out of buying these essential products.

Does this pushchair model sound like an accessory that you need? If so, you can explore our 2-in-1 Travel Systems now. Should you still have a burning question that our FAQs have not answered, please do contact our team . 


  • Travel Systems
  • Puggle Monaco XT 2in1 Pram Pushchair Travel System - Storm Black Puggle Monaco XT 2in...

Puggle Monaco XT 2in1 Pram Pushchair Travel System - Storm Black

2 in 1 travel system cheap

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Key things to know

  • Suitable from Birth
  • 2-in-1 combination seat unit included
  • 0+ Car Seat
  • Lie-Flat Mode
  • 2 Way Facing


Package Includes: Monaco Chassis 2in1 Seat Unit 0+ Infant Car Seat Raincover The adaptable Puggle Monaco XT 2-in-1 Travel System is suitable from birth to 15kg, with a car seat and 2-in-1 combination seat unit included. The Group 0+ infant carrier easily attaches to the chassis, making it easy to move your baby in and out of the car. The seat unit converts from a lie-flat pram to a reclining pushchair seat, which is also reversible in pushchair mode. The Monaco XT easily adapts with your child as they grow! The combination seat unit converts easily to a lie-flat carrycot, suitable from birth to 9kg, or when your baby can sit up unaided, or push up on their hands and knees. The integrated harness can also be removed for complete comfort, with the addition of an insert liner for added snugness. The luxury quilted apron will keep your newborn cosy from the cold elements. As your baby grows, the carrycot can be adapted into a pushchair, suitable from 6 months. The padded apron and seat liner can also be used for extra comfort when needed. With a multi-position backrest and removable bumper bar, this pushchair can be used in both rearward and forward-facing modes. The hood has an extending canopy to provide added sun protection, and includes a Perspex window so you can keep an eye on your little one! The bumper bar is removable and easy to open for complete ease of use. The 2-in-1 travel system features lockable swivel wheels, and a generous shopping basket for trips out. The package also includes a rain cover, which is suitable in both pram and pushchair mode The Group 0+ car seat, which attaches to the chassis to complete the travel system, has a plush insert and newborn wedge for your baby's comfort. The adjustable 5 point harness also has luxury padding. The seat is fitted using the car seat belt and is suitable from birth to 13kg. Please note - The 2in1 carrycot lifts off the chassis, but it is not to be used as a standalone carrycot. It is only to be used on the Monaco pushchair frame.

Category: Travel Systems EAN: 5099070201023

Open: L: 96cm x W: 61.5cm x H: 105cm Folded: L: 80cm x W: 61.5cm x H: 20cm Weight - 14.87kg

2in1 Pramette

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Travel systems give you everything you need to get out and about hassle free ... in ultimate comfort. They come with a lie flat unit for the first 6 months of your little one’s adventure and a pushchair to take them the rest of the way. You can even attach your car seat, saving you time on those quick pit stops!

Atom Travel System

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Best 2-in-1 laptops 2024

The best 2-in-1 laptops, including convertibles and detachables

  • Best Overall

Best budget

Best for graphic design, best foldable, best for travel.

  • How to find the best

How we test at Laptop Mag

Lenovo Yoga 9i Gen 8

1. The list in brief 2. Best overall 3 . Best budget 4. Best for graphic design 5. Best foldable 6. Best for travel 7. Best OLED 8. How to find the best 9. How we test at Laptop Mag

The best 2-in-1 laptops are perfect for anyone in need of versatility. Flipping between a traditional laptop layout to just a touchscreen, alongside anything you can think up with a 360-degree hinge, these laptops let you do it all. These dual-mode laptops have been with us for over 20 years, and they have stood the test of time with the likes of Dell , Lenovo, Samsung , and HP having joined the party.

Determining how a 2-in-1 laptop is right for you depends on a combination of price, design, display, power, and longevity. Considering most individuals using a 2-in-1 often work in creative or technical fields, having a bright and colorful panel to accompany them throughout a workday is vital. The necessity of battery life speaks for itself, especially when doing long shifts. A sturdy exterior is also important for 2-in-1 laptops, as they need to keep their own weight supported in a number of positions and angles.

If you're in need of the best of the best, not only is the Lenovo Yoga 9i the greatest overall 2-in-1 you can purchase right now, but it is one of our favorite laptops of the year. It combines a gorgeously vivid OLED display with a sturdy aluminum exterior, alongside great performance metrics. But if you need something gentler on the wallet, we recommend the HP Envy x360 2-in-1 , similarly packing a stunning display for less than half the price.

Claire Momo Tabari

Momo Tabari graduated with a bachelor's degree in Journalism & Media Studies at Brooklyn College and has been covering tech for four years. She has written around fifty reviews and has plenty of experience testing and critiquing laptops. She fell in love with 2-in-1 laptops after getting ahold of the Lenovo Yoga 9i, and ever since, she has been keen on finding the best designed, highest performing, and most beautiful laptops in the category.

The Quick List

HP Spectre x360 14

Best overall

Need a powerful 2-in-1 laptop with a thin, sleek design, beautiful OLED panel, 32GB of RAM, 2TB of SSD storage, powerful speakers, excellent performance metrics thanks to its Intel Core Ultra 7 155H and 11 hours of battery life all packed into a 2.8K display for less than $2,000? The HP Spectre x360 14 the best 2-in-1 of 2024.

Read more below

HP Envy x360

Looking for a 2-in-1 that doesn’t break the bank? The HP Envy x360 2-in-1 may be what you’re looking for. It has a massive, 15.6-inch, 1920 x 1080-pixel display, a bright panel, impressive performance, and a stunning OLED display that will melt your eyes off.

yoga book 9i lenovo

The Lenovo Yoga Book 9i is equipped with two vivid OLED displays, a 13th Gen Intel Core i7 CPU, and a great rotating soundbar. While the price point is a tad steep, its phenomenal performance, sturdy design, and compelling speaker system make for a great sell. Don't miss out on this gorgeous dual-screen laptop.

Lenovo Thinkpad Fold

Looking for a foldable laptop? You've found the perfect choice with the Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Fold 16. With its sturdy chassis, 16.3-inch folding HDR OLED display at 2560 x 2024-pixel resolution, and solid performance, it's probably the best foldable laptop you can buy today.

Samsung Galaxy Book 3 Pro 360

The Samsung Galaxy Book 3 Pro 360 is a great pick for those want something to take on-the-go. Its solid performance, comfortable keyboard, stunning display, and light build make it perfect for on-the-go busy bees.

Lenovo Yoga 9i Gen 8

The Lenovo Yoga 9i 2-in-1 is the best laptop I've reviewed. Why? That 14-inch, OLED display is spec-freakin’-tacular. The stunning 2,800 x 1800 panel has “mouthwatering vibrancy” and a magnificent color depth you can darn-near go swimming in. It also has a blisteringly fast SSD, loud, impactful speakers, decent battery life. 

The best 2-in-1 laptops in 2024

Why you can trust Laptop Mag Our expert reviewers spend hours testing and comparing products and services so you can choose the best for you. Find out more about how we test .

Best 2-in-1 overall

1. hp spectre x360 14 (2024).

Our expert review:


Reasons to buy, reasons to avoid.

Our review called the HP Spectre x360 14 (2024) a "near-perfect" laptop, with our very own Rami Tabari going as far as to say he'd buy it himself. With a powerful Intel Core Ultra 7 155H processor, 32GB of RAM, 2TB of SSD storage, and 11 hours of battery life packed into a 14-inch, 2.8K OLED touchscreen.

To top it all off, this absolutely beast is somehow only $1,858, and while that isn't necessarily cheap, it's a pretty impressive degree of power for a configuration this beefy. Otherwise, we were impressed by its sleek design, stunning OLED panel, bouncy keyboard, powerful speakers, and 4K webcam.

The Spectre covered 85.8% of the DCI-P3 color gamut, and while it is below the average premium laptop (98.5%), it was enough to destroy the  ThinkPad  (70.9%), Swift (79.1%), and MacBook (81.3%). And coming in with 366 nits of brightness, the Spectre could be brighter and doesn't meet the category average (431 nits). The ThinkPad (452 nits), Swift (374 nits), and MacBook (558 nits) outshined it.

We put the Spectre through the Geekbench 6.1 overall performance test, and its multi-core score of 12,358 flew far over the average premium laptop (8,443). It wasn't far from its competitors, with the ThinkPad (Core i7-1360P, 11,133), Swift (Ultra 7 155H, 12,434), and MacBook (M3, 11,968) resting in a relatively close range. It also has a decent SSD speed, with a transfer rate of 1,362 megabytes per second, which is close to the average (1,378 MBps). It was faster than the ThinkPad (1,249MBps), but not the Swift (1,458MBps) or MacBook (2,956MBps).

See our full HP Spectre x360 14 (2024) review.

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2. HP Envy x360 2-in-1

The HP Envy x360 2-in-1 benefits from its powerful performance and incredible display, all inside a laptop that is as affordable as $850. It's built with an AMD Ryzen 7 7730U processor, 16GB of RAM, 1TB of SSD storage, and a 15.6-inch 1,920 x 1,080- pixel OLED touchscreen.

Although it's under $1,000, this laptop has a design with an alluring luster that cannot be denied, featuring a uniform, edgeless look thanks to its rectangular hinges and a lid that feels premium to touch. It also delivered decent budget performance scores with its AMD Ryzen 7 7730U processor that achieved a multi-core score of 7,748 on the Geekbench 5.5 overall performance test.

The Inspiron 16 hit a phenomenal 128.1% coverage of the DCI-P3 color gamut, which is way above the 85.5% category average. Its brightness of 378 nits is also quite good, likely offering more than enough luminescence for outdoor use. This is also above the 353-nit category average. And thankfully, its SSD speed performed surprisingly well for a laptop at this price, managing a transfer rate of 1,245 megabytes per second.

As a result of its impressive performance and quality display, it's no surprise that its battery life suffers somewhat, as those two features can be a big hit to longevity. However, it still lasted 9 hours and 17 minutes on the Laptop Mag battery test, which involves continuous web surfing over Wi-Fi at 150 nits of brightness This isn't quite high as some competitors on this list, but 9 hours is still solid, especially for a laptop this affordable.

See our full  HP Envy x360 2-in-1 review.

3. Lenovo Yoga Book 9i

Not to be confused with its sibling the Yoga 9i Gen 8, the Lenovo Yoga Book 9i boasts a unique design even among 2-in-1s. It features two 13.3-inch 2800 x 1800 OLED touch displays with a Bluetooth mouse and keyboard and even includes a folio cover and the Lenovo Digital Pen. You can use each display independently or together and orient them vertically like a book or horizontally Nintendo DS-style.

While it's a bit expensive for a 2-in-1 at $1,999, you get a lot of power and performance for the price, not to mention that unique dual-display setup. The Yoga Book 9i includes a 13th Gen Intel Core i7, 16GB of RAM, a 512GB SSD, and integrated Intel Iris Xe graphics. It would have been nice to see a dedicated GPU here, but the integrated graphics are enough for most tasks. The only area where they might fall short is animation and motion graphics.

The Yoga Book 9i was was just shy of our 7,767 premium laptop average on Geekbench, scoring 7,765. The dual OLED displays passed our colorimeter test with flying colors, covering 136.5% of the DCI-P3 color gamut on the top display and 136.7% on the bottom display. This easily pulls ahead of competitors like the MacBook Air M2 (75.5%) and Asus Zenbook 17 (108.5%), but the Lenovo Yoga 9i (142.1%), which is our number one pick for a 2-in-1, cannot be defeated.

The brightness could be better, though, coming in at 335 nits on the top display and 344 nits on the bottom display, lower than the 392 nits average for this category. The MacBook Air M2 (489 nits) and Yoga 9i (353 nits) were brighter, but the Zenbook (323 nits) was just a tad dimmer.

The battery life averaged 9 hours and 18 minutes at 150 nits brightness, which is a bit lower than the category average of 10 hours and 32 minutes, but still impressive considering the battery is powering two OLED displays. 

See our full Lenovo Yoga Book 9i review .

4. Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Fold 16 Gen 1

The Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Fold model that we reviewed comes built with an Intel Core i7-1260U, 32GB of RAM, 1TB of SSD storage, and a 16.3-inch OLED display at 2560 x 2024-pixel resolution. Of course, the main selling point of this device is that it's foldable. If you're unsure what that means, it essentially has the ability to act as a laptop with a keyboard magnetically attached to the deck, and if you remove the keyboard, you can extend it out into a single, full-sized tablet.

This means most people aren't going to need this laptop, but for those that do, our reviewer claimed that it's arguably the best foldable laptop available right now. It's shockingly thin and light, coming in at just 2.9 pounds in tablet mode and 4.3-pounds with the keyboard and stand attached.

Its design allows for a compelling all-in-one use case. You can turn the laptop into a makeshift monitor and then detach the keyboard to emulate a quick desktop setup in no time at all. Considering it's only 4.3 pounds altogether, it can easily fit most bags and is perfect for on-the-go workers who prefer larger space for their projects.

It's important to keep in mind, however, that its Intel Core i7-1260U is a couple of generations old now, so don't expect the latest and greatest processing speeds. On the Geekbench 6 overall performance test, its multi-core score of 7,953 is decent, but notably slower than other laptops on this list like the Yoga 9i's 9,954.

Its battery life also leaves a bit to be desired, coming in at 8 hours and 44 minutes in laptop mode and 7 hours and 22 minutes in tablet mode. Regardless, it has more than enough success in its execution to make for a great foldable.

See our full Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Fold 16 Gen 1 review .

5. Samsung Galaxy Book 3 Pro 360

The Samsung Galaxy Book 3 Pro 360 is built with a Intel Core i7-1360p processor, 16GB of RAM, and 512GB of SSD storage. Its 16-inch, 2,800 x 1,800-pixel resolution AMOLED display with a 16:10 aspect ratio and a 120Hz refresh rate is absolutely stunning to behold, managing an 85.2% coverage of the DCI-P3 color gamut and a brightness of 380 nits. Its combination of brightness, color, and high resolution should be fantastic for artists who need to go in-depth with accuracy.

Our reviewer was also impressed by the Samsung Galaxy Book 3 Pro 360's keyboard, with its chiclet keys having more travel to reduce the soreness of shallow boards. And if you need a number pad on your laptops, you'll love its inclusion here.

But what especially makes a laptop great for travel is its physical portability. The Samsung Galaxy Book 3 Pro 360 might be a tad heavier than some of the other options on this list, but that's because it is a 16-inch 2-in-1. Its dimensions are 14 x 9.9 x 0.5 inches and 3.6 pounds, which is a shockingly low weight for a product of this size.

One sacrifice you'll have to make, though, is in power efficiency. On the Laptop Mag battery life test, with involves continuous web surfing over Wi-Fi at 150 nits, it lasted an underwhelming 7 hours and 46 minutes. This is below our recommended 9 to 10 hours, and it's easily the laptop's biggest flaw. If you're keen on having a 2-in-1 laptop that can last long on-the-go, we do not recommend this one.

Its port includes two Thunderbolt 4 ports, an HDMI 2.0, microSD card, USB Type-A, and 3.5mm audio jack. This is pretty decent for an ultraportable, and thanks to its Thunderbolt 4 slots, you can also connect it to a docking station to expand its port selection.

On the Geekbench 5 overall performance test, it achieved a multi-core score of 8,250. This is great for an ultraportable 2-in-1, especially when it's in tablet mode, but it's good to keep in mind that there's better performance on this list if you're looking for it.

See our Samsung Galaxy Book 3 Pro 360 review .

6. Lenovo Yoga 9i Gen 8

The Lenovo Yoga 9i 2-in-1 is one of the few laptops that has earned our prestigious Editor's Choice badge in 2023. I fell in love with the Yoga 9i as soon as I pulled it out of the box. Not only is this sleek, elegant convertible a stunner, but it hit such a harmonious note in other aspects, too. The Yoga 9i boasts an electrifying  14-inch , 2880x1880- pixel   OLED  multi-touch glossy  display  with a 90Hz refresh rate. A panel this good makes it an excellent choice for relaxing in bed and watching TV (which is what I've been doing lately through Brooklyn 99 binges).

It has an impressive 10-hour battery life on a single charge, which tears up the category average. That's not to mention that its speakers are loud and impactful, its SSD is blisteringly fast, and its performance is top-notch for anyone seeking seamless productivity across the board. 

Its display performed exceptionally in our color tests, reproducing 142.1% of the  DCI-P3 color gamut , which is an incredible score that absolutely crushed similar laptops like the Samsung Galaxy Book 3 Pro 360 (85.2%), Dell Inspiron 16 (69.9%) and HP Spectre x360 13.5-inch (87.7%). 

The Yoga 9i didn’t do as amazingly on our  brightness  tests, but it still did fine as it managed an average of 353 nits. While better than the Inspiron 16 (307 nits), the Galaxy Book 3 Pro 360 (381 nits) and Spectre x360 (355 nits) were brighter. It also surpasses the Gen 7 Yoga 9i with improved battery life with 10 hours and 10 minutes of longevity, which makes it a far superior option to its predecessor that only hit 8 hours and 6 minutes.

Get the Lenovo Yoga 9i Gen 8, and you won't regret your purchase. Even now, I still use it today for creative writing, work and watching movies or TV. The convenience its laptop sleeve with a pen holder make it easy to pull out and get to my personal projects done, and no matter how I bend it, it feels sturdy and reliable.

See our full  Lenovo Yoga 9i review . 

How to find the best 2-in-1 laptops

Finding the perfect 2-in-1 for you differs from a traditional laptop. After all, these are meant to be portable and must fulfill its name appropriately.

Display: You need something bright and sharp

While 2-in-1s aren't exclusively reserved for artists and designers, it's often used by them to make a quick and easy transformation from traditional laptop to a tablet for illustrating. As a result, you absolutely need a display that can accommodate your creative endeavors, and if it's too dim to be taken on-the-go or too lackluster to accurately present color, you will absolutely be disappointed.

OLED is a great start if you're in need of a quality 2-in-1, but IPS displays can also feature excellent color in some cases. 80% coverage of the DCI-P3 color gamut should be your minimum if you're an artist, but the closer you can get to 100%, the better off you'll be.

We also recommend higher resolutions to let you get into the nitty gritty when illustrating, as it will present crisper detail for artists and designers. 2K should be your floor, but the higher the better.

Design: Sturdy portability is a necessity

2-in-1 laptops are inherently all about flexibility, as its hinges support up to 360-degree angles. You don't want hinges that creak and a lid that feels like it'll snap off every time you lift it. Sturdiness is a necessity, and we've found that the best 2-in-1 laptops can support themselves in any position and require conscious force to move about. An aluminum chassis is a great start, but you'll want to read our reviews and see which ones feel the best in practice.

And since 2-in-1 laptops are frequently moved around quite a bit, we recommend something light. Anything around 4 pounds and under is recommended, but depending on the size, some can be a little heavier.

Battery life: Long-lasting is vital for being on-the-go

Battery life is another key component of any good 2-in-1 laptop. If you plan to take the notebook to class, work, or spend a whole day illustrating in a park, don't count on there being an outlet! Consider a laptop that gets at least 9 to 10 hours of battery life, which should be enough to get you through most of a day without worry. In any case, the longer the better.

We put 2-in-1 laptops through extensive benchmark testing — both synthetic and real-world — before they end up in the hands of our reviewers. We evaluate each aspect of the laptop, including its performance, battery life, display, speakers and heat management.

In our benchmark testing, we use a Klein K10 colorimeter to detect the brightness and sRGB color gamut of the laptop's display. For performance testing, we run the laptop through a gauntlet of benchmarks, including Geekbench 5.4 and 6.1/6.2 and 3DMark professional graphics tests. 

To determine real-world performance, we task the laptop to convert a 4K video to 1080p resolution and to duplicate a 4.97GB multimedia file. Our real-world graphics test is the Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Gathering Storm benchmark with high settings at 1080p resolution.  Gaming laptops go through an entire library of games at high settings to see how their discrete GPUs keep up. 

We also run heat tests by playing a 15-minute full-screen video and measuring temperatures in different areas of the laptop. Last but not least, our battery test consists of continuous web surfing over Wi-Fi at 150 nits of brightness. For MacBooks and premium Windows 11 laptops, a runtime of over 9 hours is considered a good result whereas gaming laptops and workstations that can stay powered for longer than 5 hours deserve praise. 

These tests are complemented with extensive hands-on testing from our reviewers who critique everything from the laptop's materials to the feel of its touchpad. For 2-in-1 laptops in particular, it needs a strong hinge and practical design to support its own weight. It's important that every part of the design feels sturdy so that no matter what position a user bends the hinge, it won't collapse.

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Momo Tabari

Self-described art critic and unabashedly pretentious, Momo finds joy in impassioned ramblings about her closeness to video games. She has a bachelor’s degree in Journalism & Media Studies from Brooklyn College and five years of experience in entertainment journalism. Momo is a stalwart defender of the importance found in subjectivity and spends most days overwhelmed with excitement for the past, present and future of gaming. When she isn't writing or playing Dark Souls, she can be found eating chicken fettuccine alfredo and watching anime.

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Cybex Eos 2 in 1 Travel System with Aton B2 | Moon Black

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Pay in 3 installments of £148.50

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The Cybex Eos 2-in-1 Travel System in Moon Black with the Cybex Aton B2 car seat & isofix base is designed to be with you every step of the way, adapting to your baby as they grow from newborn to toddler. From birth use the Eos 2-in-1 pushchair seat in carrycot mode, allowing your baby to lie in an ergonomic flat position. Then from 6 months, easily transform the seat from carrycot mode into a reclining toddler seat in just a few simple steps without any additional parts. Attach your Cybex infant car seat to the Eos Pushchair to use as a travel system, super fast and easy to handle the EOS helps you navigate parenthood like a pro.

2-IN-1 SEAT UNIT All you need for their first four years. Your newborn can lie in an ergonomic flat position comfortably in the seat in carrycot mode. When they grow bigger, simply switch to seat mode to let them sit upright with multiple recline positions. No extra components are required, it’s a complete solution from birth. TRAVEL SYSTEM READY One frame, three ways to stroll. In addition to the carrycot and the seat unit modes, you can attach an award-winning CYBEX infant car seat to the pushchair frame. So you can take your little one from drive to stroll without waking them up. FRONT WHEEL SUSPENSION Keep the ride smooth for your sleeping baby, with front wheel suspension minimizes shocks and shakes. Sand, grass or gravel paths - it can handle any off-road adventure. SPACIOUS SHOPPING BASKET Carry up to 5kg of whatever you and your baby need. Snacks, changing bags or groceries ‒ this roomy basket can carry it all. XXL SUN CANOPY Protect your child from outdoor weather with an XXL UPF50+ sun canopy. A mesh window lets cooling air flow freely ONE-HAND RECLINE When your child needs a rest, simply lower the backrest with one hand. Recline it fully for a comfortable ergonomic sleeping position for your child. ALL-TERRAIN WHEELS Puncture-proof tires deliver stability and smooth rides. Enjoy your stroll wherever you are, whether you’re walking cobbled streets or on an adventure in the great outdoors. REVERSIBLE SEAT Face your child towards you to share a happy moment or face them forwards when they want to explore the world ahead. And if your child changes their mind, turning them around takes just a moment. HEIGHT-ADJUSTABLE HANDLEBAR A stroller should be comfortable for the parent, too. Adjust the handlebar to your height to maintain proper posture and manoeuvre the stroller like a pro. Cybex Aton B2 Car Seat & Isofix Base

Suitable from birth to 2 years, the Cybex Aton B2 i-Size was designed to give the maximum protection available to your child: the Telescopic Linear Side Impact Protection System faces the door and immediately transfers any side impact energy directly in to the car seat shell, allowing the car seat to absorb the force of impact and channel it away from your child.

The interaction between the telescopic Linear Side-impact Protection and the height-adjustable headrest with integrated harness guide ensures the highest level of safety and comfort for baby. The Aton B2 i-Size also enables the flattest possible lying angle between head, neck and chest with the removable newborn inlay; this reduces the risk of breathing difficulties for premature babies and smaller newborns.

Lightweight at only 3.8kg, the Aton B2 i-Size is easy to carry anywhere and can be fitted in the car effortlessly. The matching XXL fold-away sun canopy with UVP50+ perfectly protects against high sun irritation and strong wind.

The Aton B2 i-Size fits easily and securely into your car with the included Base One that installs with only one click so you can effortlessly take your Aton B2 in and out of your vehicle. The indicators inform you of safe and correct installation and the rotatable ISOFIX connectors and height-adjustable load leg provide additional stability and reassurance.

Name: Cybex Eos 2 in 1 Travel System with Aton B2 | Moon Black

SKU: 522004883_BUNDLE

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Rest assured knowing that all items can be returned with no quibble or fuss for a full refund within 30 days of purchase. All items must be in a resalable condition, which includes original packaging, including tags and must be unused and undamaged. View our Returns Policy for terms.

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Article updated on May 8, 2024 at 3:45 PM PDT

Best 2-in-1 Laptop for 2024

Looking for a device that can be used as a laptop or tablet? These are our top picks for the best two-in-one options.

Our Experts

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  • More than two decades experience writing about PCs and accessories, and 15 years writing about cameras of all kinds.

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CNET’s expert staff reviews and rates dozens of new products and services each month, building on more than a quarter century of expertise.

What to consider

Statistically, you’ll hold onto your next laptop for at least three years. The current sweet spot for a reliable laptop to handle average work, home office or school tasks is between $700 and $800 and a reasonable model for creative work or gaming is upwards of about $1,000. The key is to look for discounts on models in all price ranges to get the best configuration you can for your money.

Operating system

For a two-in-one, you have a choice between Microsoft Windows and Google’s ChromeOS. The majority of two-in-ones feature Windows 11, but if you are on a tight budget, consider a convertible Chromebook after learning about its limitations.

With a two-in-one, you have to find the balance between being big enough to be useful in laptop mode and compact enough to be manageable in tablet mode. An 16-inch model that might be attractive as a laptop, for example, could feel unwieldy to you as a tablet. Size is primarily determined by the display, which in turn factors into battery size, laptop thickness and weight.

Do you want a larger laptop with a bigger screen on which to work or play? Or is having a thinner and lighter and more portable laptop more important? Higher resolutions are better for fitting more on a screen and look for a dot pitch of at least 100 pixels per inch (ppi) as a rule of thumb.

The processor, aka the CPU, is the brains of a laptop. Intel and AMD are the main CPU makers for Windows laptops with a staggering selection between them. Generally, though, the faster the processor speed and the more cores it has, the better the performance will be.

We highly recommend 16GB of RAM, with 8GB being the absolute minimum. RAM is where the operating system stores all the data for currently running applications, and it can fill up fast. After that, it starts swapping between RAM and the storage drive, which is slower.

For Windows laptops, there are two types of GPUs: integrated (iGPU) or discrete (dGPU). Because the iGPU splits space, memory and power with the CPU, it's better for smaller, lighter laptops, but doesn't perform nearly as well as a dGPU. For things like video editing, gaming, design and so on, you'll need a dGPU.

Solid-state drives (SSDs) can make a big difference in how fast performance feels compared with older and slower spinning-disk hard drives. But not all SSDs are equally speedy and cheaper laptops typically have slower drives. If you need to go with a smaller drive, you can always add an external drive or two or use cloud storage to bolster a small internal drive.

Lenovo Yoga 7i 2022 14-inch two-in-one laptop in stand mode with the display facing left on a yellow background

There are times when you want to switch between a laptop and a tablet but detest having to lug both items around with you. If you often find yourself in this situation, a two-in-one device is perfect for you. These machines offer the best of both worlds. The best two-in-one laptops are extremely versatile and allow you to do far more than a traditional laptop, and all without a large increase in price, weight or size. 

The best-rated two-in-one devices tend to be convertible laptops that feature 360-degree hinges where the keyboard and trackpad rotate around to the back of the display. There are also some excellent two-in-one laptops that are essentially Windows 11 or ChromeOS tablets with a detachable keyboard. Admittedly, these tend to work best as tablets but are still easy-to-use when in laptop mode. 

We’ve put a number of devices to the test and we can reveal that these are the best two-in-one laptops 2024 has to offer.

Read more :  Best Laptop for 2024

  • Great battery life
  • Premium look and feel
  • 1080p webcam
  • Strong performance
  • Fingerprint reader and facial recognition for sign-ins
  • Memory soldered on
  • USB-C ports all on left side

Best 2-in-1 for most people

Lenovo yoga 7i (14-inch).

This thin, 3-pound convertible is a solid choice for anyone who needs a laptop for office or schoolwork. The all-metal chassis gives it a premium look and feel, and it has a comfortable keyboard and a responsive, smooth precision touchpad. Though it's light on extra features compared to its premium linemate, the Yoga 9i, it does have one of Lenovo's sliding shutters for its webcam that gives you privacy when you want it. And it has a long battery life to boot at 12 hours, 45 minutes in our tests. The latest version with an Intel Core Ultra processor costs $900 at Best Buy .

Read our Lenovo Yoga 7i Gen 7 (14-inch) review .

Lenovo Yoga 7i 2022 14-inch two-in-one laptop in stand mode with the display facing left on a yellow background

  • CPU delivers good performance and future-proofing
  • Intel Arc GPU offers performance bump
  • Beautiful, all-metal chassis
  • Strong AV output with OLED display, quad speakers
  • Super-sharp 9-megapixel webcam
  • Always-on LED on power button gets annoying
  • GPU upgrades not offered
  • Limited port selection

Best premium 2-in-1

Hp spectre x360 14.

We don't make it a practice to recommend laptops that cost nearly $2,000 that rely on integrated graphics. At this price, it's reasonable to expect a dedicated GPU for gaming or content creation. The Spectre x360 14, however, is the rare exception. This two-in-one is one of the first laptops to feature Intel's new Core Ultra CPU that delivers solid performance today and is equipped for the AI workloads of the future. Plus, those graphics integrated to the Core Ultra processor are an improvement on Intel’s previous-generation iGPU. The all-metal, matte-black chassis is as stunning as the high-res OLED display. And the 9-megapixel webcam is awesome, especially when combined with the AI-assisted Windows Studio Effects and noise reduction features. 

With its next-gen Intel Core Ultra CPU, gorgeous OLED display and premium build quality, the Spectre x360 14 is primed for a long and useful life and delivers value, even at its elevated price. While our test system featured numerous upgrades that pushed the price to nearly $2,000, the series starts at $1,450 and is frequently discounted for less.

Read our HP Spectre x360 14 review .

Thunderbolt 4 ports on the side and corner of the HP Spectre x360 14

  • Slim and lightweight for its size
  • Good performance, battery life
  • Useful features for Galaxy device owners
  • Excellent S Pen included
  • Ordinary appearance
  • 16:9 display
  • No discrete graphics option

Best 15.6-inch 2-in-1

Samsung galaxy book 2 pro 360.

Samsung's 16:9 big-screen two-in-one doesn't look all too different from its predecessor, but inside is a 12th-gen Intel processor that gives it a sizable multicore performance bump. However, the other, smaller updates Samsung made to the Pro 360 improves the overall experience, making it one of the best two-in-ones available, even more than a year after its release. And if you have other Galaxy devices, this is absolutely the two-in-one to get. Well, other than the larger 16-inch version anyway . 

If you are willing to spend more, the latest Galaxy Book 3 Pro 306 starts at $1,500 and supplies 13th-gen Intel silicon and a larger (16-inch) and higher-res (3K) AMOLED display.

Read our Samsung Galaxy Book2 Pro 360 review .

Samsung Galaxy Book 2 Pro 360 open on a table

  • Beautiful design
  • Lots of features for home and office work
  • Great webcam
  • Active pen and laptop sleeve included
  • Top-end configuration (of our older test system) performance underwhelmed

Best 2-in-1 for creatives

Hp spectre x360 16.

The HP Spectre x360 16 doesn't have "pro" in its name, but it deserves to. It's not a business laptop, so you won't find an Intel vPro processor or IT management features. However, its premium features, beautiful OLED display, good looks and speedy performance are just about perfect for anyone looking for a versatile laptop with an awesome work-play-and-create design.

The 2.8K OLED display is spectacular, and the speakers and webcam are also excellent. And you'll love using the large haptic touchpad. Like the 14-inch version, the Spectre x360 16 now offers Intel Core Ultra processors along with the latest Nvidia GPUs. We wish the RTX 4050 GPU had more oomph, but its performance will likely suffice for most creators and media editors.

Read our HP Spectre x360 16 review .

HP Spectre x360 16 2-in-1 at a angle on a cloudy desk mat

  • Bigger, better display
  • New haptic slim stylus
  • Can charge via USB-C
  • All-important keyboard still isn't included in the box
  • No 5G options, 4G only for business customers
  • Fan can get loud

Best detachable 2-in-1

Microsoft surface pro 8.

The Surface Pro continues to hit all the right notes if you're looking for a do-it-all Windows tablet that doubles as a Windows laptop. Microsoft has since updated it for the  Surface Pro 9 , but little has changed beyond a processor upgrade from 11th-gen Intel Core processors to 12th-gen chips as well as an option for a Microsoft SQ 3 processor with 5G wireless. If you were contemplating a Pro 8, it's still around but now with a lower price, and we recommend it for most people instead of  the Surface Pro 9 . 

We also like the Dell XPS 13 2-in-1 as a lower-cost, detachable convertible, but Dell has yet to master the kickstand and the keyboard cover as well as Microsoft has for its Surface Pros.

Read our Microsoft Surface Pro 8 review .


  • Includes a keyboard cover
  • Works as a laptop or tablet
  • Excellent overall value
  • Touchpad isn't great
  • Slower performance
  • No headphone jack

Best detachable 2-in-1 Chromebook

Lenovo duet chromebook.

The Lenovo Duet Chromebook (aka Chromebook Duet 3) is an awesome little 11-inch ChromeOS tablet with a detachable keyboard and touchpad. Its small size and performance aren't ideal for full-time use. But the Chromebook Duet 3 is a good pick if you're looking for an affordable ultraportable device to get some work done on the go, sketch or jot down notes in class, or do simple stuff like email, web browsing, gaming, reading and streaming video.

Read our Lenovo Duet Chromebook review .

Lenovo Duet with a colorful splash image onscreen

  • Great performance, long battery life
  • Dockable USI stylus
  • Durable build
  • Small touchpad
  • No microSD slot

Best 2-in-1 convertible Chromebook

Acer chromebook spin 714.

Acer had one of the best Chromebooks available in 2021 with  the Spin 713 , and now it's repeated that success with the Chromebook Spin 714. The premium two-in-one doesn't stray far from its predecessor in terms of what it offers -- sturdy design, nice-looking display, strong performance and long battery life -- but Acer did make some changes to keep it competitive, like including a USI pen that stores and charges in the 714's body. There are less expensive options, but if you want a Chromebook that'll last for years, this is it. Keep an eye out for a sale on this one: Its normal price is $729, but can oftentimes be found on sale for less than $600. 

Read our Acer Chromebook Spin 714 review .

Acer Chromebook Spin 714 (2022)

  • Modular design allows for GPU upgrades
  • Hybrid 360-degree hinge
  • XG Mobile GPU can be used with multiple Asus products
  • Expensive for the components you get
  • XG Mobile GPU uses a proprietary connection
  • Limited ports

Best 2-in-1 for gaming

Asus rog flow x16.

Gaming laptops with 16-inch screens are common enough. What's unusual is finding one with a 360-degree hinge to become a foldable two-in-one that can be a laptop, a tablet and a couple of things in between. Add another level of ingenuity and you've got the ability to plug in a more-powerful external GPU for even better performance. It's expensive, to be sure, but the unique design and features as well as solid performance make it stand out.

We reviewed the previous-generation model with GeForce RTX 3060 graphics, and the line has since been updated with RTX 4060 and 4070 GPUs. The current baseline model with a Core i9-13900H CPU and RTX 4060 graphics costs $1,850.

Read our Asus ROG Flow X16 review .


How we test laptops

The review process for laptops consists of two parts: performance testing under controlled conditions in the CNET Labs and extensive hands-on use by our reviewers. This includes evaluating a device's aesthetics, ergonomics and features with respect to price. A final review verdict is a combination of both objective and subjective judgments. 

We test all laptops with a core set of benchmarks, including  Primate Labs Geekbench 5 and 6 ,  Cinebench R23 ,  PCMark 10 , a variety of  3DMark  benchmarks (whichever can run on the laptop), UL Procyon Photo and Video (where supported) and our own battery life test. If a laptop is intended for gaming, we'll also run benchmarks from  Guardians of the Galaxy ,  The Rift Breaker  (CPU and GPU) and  Shadow of the Tomb Raider .

For the hands-on, the reviewer uses it for their work during the review period, evaluating how well the design, features (such as the screen, camera and speakers) and manufacturer-supplied software operate as a cohesive whole. We also place importance on how well they work given their cost and where the manufacturer has potentially made upgrades or tradeoffs for its price.

The list of benchmarking software and comparison criteria we use changes over time as the devices we test evolve. You can find a more detailed description of our test methodology on our  How We Test Computers  page. 

Other laptops we've tested

Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon Gen 12 : The latest X1 Carbon has many charms, but they will remain out of reach for many business buyers constrained by budgets.

Dell XPS 16 9640 : Dell's new 16-inch XPS model offers a unique design backed by strong performance and surprisingly long battery life. Just be prepared to pay for its many configurable charms.

Alienware M18 R2 Gaming Laptop : When you're this big, the sky's the limit.

Dell XPS 14 9440 : The radical look is sure to turn heads, but some of the daring design elements could be turn-offs. 

HP Omen Transcend 14 : Neither a featureless slab nor a carnival of lights, HP's latest 14-inch Omen has its own unique flair. It doesn't scrimp on substance, either.

Lenovo Slim 7i : With an OLED display and a solid build, this is a rugged option for mainstream shoppers, but other touches are decidedly midrange.

Dell Inspiron 14 Plus 7440 : For a reasonable $1,000, this 14-inch Dell model based on an Intel Core Ultra CPU lets you be productive and remain portable.

Alienware m16 R2 : This middle-class option for mainstreaming gaming fares better than average and is a sensible option for 1440p play.

Acer Predator Triton 14 : With fast performance and a bright HDR screen, this mainstream 14-inch gaming laptop can be a great gaming value.

M3 MacBook Air 13 : Apple's 2024 MacBook Air update is a straightforward performance boost to power you through the future of work, school and play at home or away.

Lenovo LOQ 15 : Lenovo's entry-level model is the opposite of flashy, but it's got good performance and it's one of the cheapest RTX 4050 models (at least on sale).

HP Victus 16 : It’s speedy and svelte, but gamers on tight budgets deserve more than this laptop's basic 60Hz panel.

Acer Nitro 16 : With a roomy 16-inch, 16:10 display that's surprisingly bright and vibrant and powered by a full-octane RTX 4050 GPU, the Nitro 16 delivers the goods for gamers on tight budgets.

Acer Predator Helios Neo 16 : The Helios Neo 16 is essentially a gussied-up version of the Acer Nitro 16. It just so happens to also have ample 3D performance for its budget-friendly price.

MSI Cyborg 15 : It's one of the lowest-cost RTX 4050 laptops, but the Cyborg 15's GPU is restricted from running at full power, which puts a cap on 3D performance. And its display disappoints, too.

Asus ROG Zephyrus G14 : Standout profiling and calibration for its class makes Asus' first OLED in the line stand out from the crowd.

Lenovo ThinkPad Z13 Gen 2 : It breaks with the ThinkPad tradition in many ways without abandoning the things that make it a ThinkPad.

Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Yoga Gen 8 : This 14-inch two-in-one for business users is compact for easy travel yet big enough to get work done, but Lenovo's display options for it miss the mark.

HP Spectre Foldable PC : It's slick but quirky. And it costs.

Lenovo Yoga 7i 16 : The 14-inch Yoga 7i has long been a favorite for offering more for less. The "more" on this version includes a 16-inch display with a low resolution that makes text fuzzy, and it's an awkward size for a two-in-one.

Factors to consider

There are a ton of two-in-one laptops on the market at any given moment, and almost all of those models are available in multiple configurations to match your performance and budget needs. So if you're feeling overwhelmed with options when looking for a new two-in-one, it's understandable. To help simplify things for you, here are the main things you should consider when you start looking.

The search for a new two-in-one for most people starts with price. If the statistics chipmaker Intel and PC manufacturers hurl at us are correct, you'll be holding onto your next laptop for at least three years. If you can afford to stretch your budget a little to get better specs, do it. And that stands whether you're spending $500 or more than $1,000. In the past, you could get away with spending less upfront with an eye toward upgrading memory and storage in the future. But laptop makers are increasingly moving away from making components easily upgradable, so again, it's best to get as much two-in-one laptop as you can afford from the start. 

Generally speaking, the more you spend, the better the two-in-one. That could mean better components for faster performance, a nicer display, sturdier build quality, a smaller or lighter design from higher-end materials or even a more comfortable keyboard. All of these things add to the cost of a laptop. Right now, the sweet spot for a reliable two-in-one that can handle average work, home office or school tasks is between $700 and $800 and a reasonable model for creative work or gaming upwards of about $1,000. The key is to look for discounts on models in all price ranges so you can get more of what you want for less.

Choosing an operating system is part personal preference and part budget. For a two-in-one, you have a choice between Microsoft Windows and Google’s ChromeOS. (Apple has yet to merge its MacBook laptops and iPad tablets into a convertible device.) 

The majority of two-in-ones feature Windows, but if you are on a tight budget, consider a Chromebook. ChromeOS is a different experience than Windows; make sure the applications you need have a Chrome , Android or Linux app before making the leap. But if you spend most of your time roaming the web, writing, streaming video or using cloud-gaming services, they're a good fit. 

With a two-in-one, you have to find the balance between being big enough to be useful in laptop mode and compact enough to be manageable in tablet mode. An 16-inch model that might be attractive as a laptop could feel unwieldy to you as a tablet. On the flip side, an 11-inch tablet might be the perfect entertainment device but will likely feel cramped in laptop mode for getting work done.

Size is primarily determined by the screen -- hello, laws of physics -- which in turn factors into battery size, laptop thickness, weight and price. And keep in mind other physics-related characteristics, such as an ultrathin laptop isn't necessarily lighter than a thick one, you can't expect a wide array of connections on a small or ultrathin model and so on. 

When it comes to deciding on a screen, there are a number of considerations: how much you need to display (which is surprisingly more about resolution than screen size), what types of content you'll be looking at and whether or not you'll be using it for gaming or creative work.

You really want to optimize pixel density; that is, the number of pixels per inch the screen can display. Though there are other factors that contribute to sharpness, a higher pixel density usually means sharper rendering of text and interface elements. (You can easily calculate the pixel density of any screen at DPI Calculator if you don't feel like doing the math, and you can also find out what math you need to do there.) We recommend a dot pitch of at least 100 pixels per inch as a rule of thumb.

Because of the way Windows and ChromeOS scale for the display, you're frequently better off with a higher resolution than you'd think. You can always make things bigger on a high-resolution screen, but you can never make them smaller -- to fit more content in the view -- on a low-resolution screen. This is why a 4K, 14-inch screen may sound like unnecessary overkill, but may not be if you need to, say, view a wide spreadsheet.

If you need a laptop with relatively accurate color, that displays the most colors possible or that supports HDR, you can't simply trust the specs -- not because manufacturers lie, but because they usually fail to provide the necessary context to understand what the specs they quote mean. You can find a ton of detail about considerations for different types of screen uses in our monitor buying guides for general purpose monitors , creators , gamers and HDR viewing .

The processor, aka the CPU, is the brains of a laptop. Intel and AMD are the main CPU makers for Windows laptops. Both offer a staggering selection of mobile processors. Making things trickier, both manufacturers have chips designed for different laptop styles, like power-saving chips for ultraportables or faster processors for gaming laptops. Their naming conventions will let you know what type is used. You can head to Intel's or AMD's sites for explanations so you get the performance you want. Generally speaking, though, the faster the processor speed and the more cores it has, the better the performance will be. 

Because the lightweight ChromeOS is less demanding than Windows, you don’t need as powerful a CPU to get a smooth experience, which is one reason why Chromebook convertibles are more affordable than Windows-based two-in-ones.

The graphics processor (GPU) handles all the work of driving the screen and generating what gets displayed, as well as speeding up a lot of graphics-related (and increasingly, AI-related) operations. For Windows two-in-one laptops, there are two types of GPUs: integrated (iGPU) or discrete (dGPU). As the names imply, an iGPU is part of the CPU package, while a dGPU is a separate chip with dedicated memory (VRAM) that it communicates with directly, making it faster than sharing memory with the CPU.

Because the iGPU splits space, memory and power with the CPU, it's constrained by the limits of those. It allows for smaller, lighter designs but doesn't perform nearly as well as a dGPU. In fact, there are some games and creative software that won't run unless they detect a dGPU or sufficient VRAM. Most productivity software, video streaming, web browsing and other non-specialized apps will run fine on an iGPU, though.

For more power-hungry graphics needs, like video editing, gaming and streaming, design and so on, you'll need a dGPU; there are only two real companies that make them, Nvidia and AMD, with Intel offering some based on the Xe-branded (or the older UHD Graphics branding) iGPU technology in its CPUs.

For memory, we highly recommend 16GB of RAM (8GB absolute minimum). RAM is where the operating system stores all the data for currently running applications, and it can fill up fast. After that, it starts swapping between RAM and SSD, which is slower. A lot of sub-$500 laptops have 4GB or 8GB, which in conjunction with a slower disk can make for a frustratingly slow Windows laptop experience. Also, many two-in-ones now have the memory soldered onto the motherboard. Most manufacturers disclose this, but if the RAM type is LPDDR, assume it's soldered and can't be upgraded. 

However, some PC makers will solder memory on and also leave an empty internal slot for adding a stick of RAM. You may need to contact the laptop manufacturer or find the laptop's full specs online to confirm. And check the web for user experiences, because the slot may still be hard to get to, it may require nonstandard or hard-to-get memory or other pitfalls.

You'll still find cheaper hard drives in budget models, but faster solid-state drives (SSDs) have all but replaced traditional hard drives in two-in-one laptops. They can make a big difference in performance. But not all SSDs are equally speedy, and cheaper laptops typically have slower drives; if the laptop only has 4GB or 8GB of RAM, it may end up swapping to that drive and the system may slow down quickly while you're working. 

Get what you can afford, and if you need to go with a smaller drive, you can always add an external drive or two down the road or use cloud storage to bolster a small internal drive.

Laptop FAQs

How much do good laptops cost.

Setting a budget is a good place to start when shopping for the best laptop for yourself. The good news is you can get a nice-looking, lightweight laptop with excellent battery life at prices under $500. If you're shopping for a laptop around $500 or less, check out our top picks here, as well as more  specific buying advice for that price range .

Higher-end components like Intel Core i-series and AMD Ryzen processors and premium design touches like thin-display bezels and aluminum or magnesium bodies have made their way to laptops priced between $500 and $1,000. You can also find touchscreens and two-in-one designs that can be used as a tablet or a laptop -- and a couple other positions in between. In this price range, you'll also find faster memory and ssd storage -- and more of it -- to improve performance. 

Above $1,000 is where you'll find premium laptops and two-in-ones. If you're looking for the fastest performance, the best battery life, the slimmest, lightest designs and top-notch display quality with an adequate screen size, expect to spend at least $1,000. 

Which is better: MacOS or Windows?

Deciding between MacOS and Windows laptop for many people will come down to personal preference and budget. Apple's base model laptop, the M1 MacBook Air, starts at $999. You can sometimes find it discounted or you can get educational pricing from Apple and other retailers. But, in general, it'll be at least $1,000 for a new MacBook, and the prices just go up from there. 

For the money, though, you're getting great hardware top to bottom, inside and out. Apple recently moved to using its own processors, which resulted in  across-the-board performance improvements  compared to older Intel-based models. But, the company's most powerful laptop, the 16-inch MacBook Pro, still hasn't been updated to Apple silicon. 

But, again, that great hardware comes at a price. Also, you're limited to just Apple laptops. With Windows and Chromebooks (more on these below), you get an amazing variety of devices at a wide range of prices. 

Software between the two is plentiful, so unless you need to run something that's only available on one platform or the other, you should be fine to go with either. Gaming is definitely an advantage for a Windows laptop, though.

MacOS is also considered to be easier and safer to use than Windows, especially for people who want their computers to get out of the way so they can get things done. Over the years, though, Microsoft has done its best to follow suit and, with  Windows 11 here ,  it's trying to remove any barriers . Also, while Macs might have a reputation for being safer, with the popularity of the iPhone and iPad helping to drive Mac sales,  they've become bigger targets for malware .

Are Chromebook convertibles worth it?

Yes, they are , but they're not for everyone.  Google's Chrome OS has come a long way in the 10-plus years  since they arrived and Chromebooks -- laptops that run on Chrome OS -- are great for people who do most of their work in a web browser or using mobile apps. They are secure, simple and, more often than not, a bargain. What they can't do is natively run Windows or Mac software. 

What's the best laptop for home, travel or both?

The pandemic changed how and where a lot of people work. The small, ultraportable laptops valued by people who regularly traveled may have suddenly become woefully inadequate for working from home. Or maybe instead of needing long battery life, you'd rather have a bigger display with more graphics power for gaming.

If you're going to be working on a laptop and don't need more mobility than moving it from room to room, consider a 15.6-inch laptop or larger. In general, a bigger screen makes life easier for work and is more enjoyable for entertainment, and it also is better if you're using it as an extended display with an external monitor. It typically means you're getting more ports, too, so connecting an external display or storage or a keyboard and mouse are easier without requiring a hub or dock. 

For travel, stay with 13- or 14-inch laptops or two-in-ones. They'll be the lightest and smallest while still delivering excellent battery life. What's nice is that PC-makers are moving away from 16:9 widescreens toward 16:10- or 3:2-ratio displays, which gives you more vertical screen space for work without significantly increasing the footprint. These models usually don't have discrete graphics or powerful processors, though  that's not always the case .

Which laptop is best for gaming or creating?

You can play games and create content on any laptop. That said, what games you play and what content you create -- and the speed at which you do them -- is going vary greatly depending on the components inside the laptop. 

For casual browser-based games or using streaming-game services like  Nvidia GeForce Now  and  Xbox Cloud Gaming , you don't need a powerful gaming laptop. And similarly, if you're trimming video clips, cropping photos or live-streaming video from your webcam, you can get by with a modestly priced laptop or Chromebook with integrated graphics. 

For anything more demanding, you'll need to invest more money in discrete graphics like Nvidia's RTX 30- or 40-series GPUs. Increased system memory of 16GB or more, having a speedy SSD of at least 512GB for storage and a faster processor such as an Intel Core i7 or AMD Ryzen 7 will all help you get things moving faster, too. 

The other piece you'll want to consider is the display. For gaming, look for screens with a high refresh rate of 120Hz or faster so games look smoother while playing. For content creation, look for displays that cover at least 100% sRGB color space or, better yet, 100% DCI-P3. 

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The best 2-in-1 laptop in 2024: convertible laptops for all budgets

These are the best 2-in-1 laptop picks on the market right now

A Lenovo Yoga 9i Gen 8, the best 2-in-1 laptop, against a techradar background

  • Best overall
  • Best budget
  • Best premium
  • Best Chromebook
  • Best midrange
  • Best 16-inch
  • Best premium Chromebook
  • Best for travel
  • How to choose
  • How we test

The best 2-in-1 laptop can be a real game changer when it comes to productivity. These hybrid devices often feature a 360-degree hinge or a detachable keyboard that allows them to be used in laptop or tablet modes, making them highly versatile for work or play. This is why your search for the best laptop should include 2-in-1 options.

If you’re in the market for a great 2-in-1 laptop and want to cut straight to the chase, the Lenovo Yoga 9i Gen 8 is our top pick. It boasts a stunning OLED display, a 360-degree rotating soundbar, and fast and reliable performance. Plus, its impressive battery life means you’ll get plenty of mileage from a full charge. Elsewhere, you’ll find some fantastic budget options if you’re a cost-conscious buyer, like the Lenovo IdeaPad Duet 5 , an affordable 2-in-1 Chromebook that really impressed us. A great choice for productivity on the go, with plenty of power to handle your Google Chrome workload.        

As well as some of the best Chromebooks offering 2-in-1 models, some of the best Ultrabooks are 2-in-1 laptops and are well worth investigating also. With so many choices on offer, it can be dizzying to go about finding the right one for you. At TechRader, we’ve had the privilege of testing out tons of great 2-in-1 laptops and can offer you our expert advice to help you figure out which one is the best for your specific needs. So read on to get the full lowdown on the best 2-in-1 laptop options in 2024.  

The best 2-in-1 laptop in 2024

Why you can trust TechRadar We spend hours testing every product or service we review, so you can be sure you’re buying the best. Find out more about how we test.

Lenovo Yoga 9i Gen 8 on a coffee table

The best 2-in-1 laptop overall

1. lenovo yoga 9i gen 8.

Our expert review:


Reasons to buy, reasons to avoid.

The Lenovo Yoga 9i Gen 8 (2023) is a testament to Lenovo’s brilliance, offering speedy performance and great features in an elevated design and for less than the price of its more popular rivals. This is an absolute stunner, with an OLED display with amazing picture quality, and a 360-degree-rotating soundbar for a more immersive streaming experience.

Performance-wise, it crushed other touchscreen laptops such as a similarly-specced and similarly-priced Samsung Galaxy Book3 Pro 360 in our benchmarks. And surprisingly, it holds its own when tackling creative workloads, taking less time than we expected to process and export 50 high-res 7952 x 4472 images from RAW to JPEG in Lightroom. It delivers on battery life as well, giving us a little over 10 hours on a full charge in our web surfing battery test.

The OLED display is not as bright as we'd hoped, averaging around 350 nits in our readings. But it’s vibrant nonetheless, not to mention responsive and intuitive to your touch commands. 

Read our full Lenovo Yoga 9i Gen 8 review

best touchscreen laptop Lenovo ThinkPad Duet 5 Chromebook

The best budget 2-in-1 laptop

2. lenovo ideapad duet 5 chromebook.

It’s actually astounding how something like the Lenovo IdeaPad Duet 5 Chromebook can exist in this market, being as cheap yet as impressive as it is. It delivers plenty of power to those who rely heavily on Google Chrome workloads and use it for the more casual workloads.

Our time with this incredibly portable Chromebook was spent sending emails, writing our articles, and naturally, streaming our favorite shows. While all that doesn’t sound taxing to the system at all, having 20 or more browsers open actually is, especially if some are streaming content. And, this Chromebook breezed through that without a sweat while lasting about 16 hours and 20 minutes during testing.

We also appreciate that it’s incredibly portable, making it easier to take with us if we want to squeeze in a little bit of work whilst traveling. This being a 2-in-1, there’s also the touch display aspect, which got upgraded to an OLED one. Its touch capability has always been nice and responsive, but now you've also got the vivid colors that only an OLED panel can offer.

Read our full Lenovo IdeaPad Duet 5 Chromebook review

HP Elite Dragonfly G2

Still the best premium 2-in-1 laptop

3. hp elite dragonfly g2.

HP might have stumbled with the overpriced, underperforming HP Elite Dragonfly G3 , but fortunately its predecessor hasn't gone anywhere. It's still amazing: an impressive business laptop with a smart design, great battery life, and 2-in-1 capabilities.

The HP Elite Dragonfly was among the best HP laptops , and the second-generation model followed in its footsteps. Of course, being a follow-up, it’s more powerful than its predecessor. Day-to-day tasks were handled very well during testing, and the 256GB SSD in our model was fast and speedy. It might not be 12th-gen Intel , but that's actually a good thing here; the G-series 11th-gen chip inside provides great stability and performance – and not too shabby a battery life.

It might just be as close to being the perfect business laptop as any manufacturer can get, but it’s also stylish enough to appeal to more casual users. That is, if they can afford it – as this laptop is as expensive as it’s always been. However, as it is meant for professionals, it’s definitely worth the investment. Plus, that 2-in-1 form factor, touchscreen functionality and included stylus makes it a better value than its rivals.

Read our full HP Elite Dragonfly G2 review

best touchscreen laptop Acer Chromebook Spin 514 (2022) on a kitchen counter

The best 2-in-1 Chromebook for work and fun

4. acer chromebook spin 514 (2022).

The Acer Chromebook Spin 514 is a fantastic touchscreen laptop to immerse yourself in. Though you’ll still need to do most of your work on the Chrome browser, you are getting an even more powerful device here without paying a premium. 

Keeping up with much pricier Chromebooks during testing, it breezes through mostly browser-based workloads without a hitch, handling about 20 tabs of websites of varying graphical and processing demands while keeping things relatively cool and quiet. Sure, the battery isn’t as long as many budget Chromebooks, giving us eight hours and 20 minutes run in our battery test, but that’s still a full workday if you think about it.

The 14-inch 1080p Corning Gorilla Glass display is a stunner as well, ideal if you want to just use it for streaming Netflix all day and even play a mobile game. It also supports the USI Stylus, despite not having it included in the box. But you don’t need to buy one as the touch capability here is incredibly intuitive.

Read our full Acer Chromebook Spin 514 (2022) review  

A Dell Inspiron 14 2-in-1 on a wooden table

The best midrange 2-in-1 laptop

5. dell inspiron 14 2-in-1 (2022).

Despite not being Dell ’s flagship laptop, the Inspiron line deserves its day in the sun for its combination of quality, performance, and affordability. Though it isn’t quite as premium as the (older) XPS design, the Dell Inspiron 14 2-in-1 (2022) still slays, especially for an all-rounder with a more affordable price point. 

In our benchmark tests, its results were comparable to other 2-in-1 laptops that are much more expensive. It even handled games such as Sid Meyer’s Civilization VI at a stable frame rate of at least 30 fps whether on high settings, which is even more impressive considering its size. 

The lack of an included stylus is a real shame, since it could've added a lot to the package, and it isn’t as lightweight as pricier options on the list. But if this isn’t the best 2-in-1 for regular users and students who need something more robust than a budget laptop, we don’t know what is.

Read the full Dell Inspiron 14 2-in-1 review  

Dell Inspiron 16 2-in-1

The best 16-inch 2-in-1 laptop

6. dell inspiron 16 2-in-1 (2022).

Most 2-in-1 laptops opt for a small form factor – typically with a 13-inch or 14-inch display – in order to better align themselves with their tablet brethren. Not so the Dell Inspiron 16 2-in-1, which rocks a big, bright 16-inch screen with a 16:10 aspect ratio that allows you to fit more on your screen when scrolling through web pages or documents.

Performance-wise, it balances streaming, multiple documents, video/voice calls, and more all without slowdown. We found that it’s also capable of running low and mid-range games like Sid Meyer’s Civilization VI on the higher settings, achieving at least 50fps, so we definitely recommend this for work and play.

It's a bit more expensive than many 2-in-1 laptops with comparable specs, but this is still a dependable workhorse for everyday tasks. It's a little on the heavy side, but that's down to it having an exceptionally sturdy chassis and a robust touchscreen. A wide range of models are available, including one with a dedicated Nvidia MX550 GPU, in case you'd like to do a little creative work, or gaming.

Read our full Dell Inspiron 16 2-in-1 (2022) review

best touchscreen laptop HP Envy 13 x360 (2022) sitting on wooden desk

The best 2-in-1 laptop with an OLED display

7. hp envy 13 x360 (2022).

If what you need is a lightweight, compact productivity powerhouse, the HP Envy 13 x360 might be the best option for you. Packing all-day battery life and a gorgeous OLED display, the Envy 13 x360 is a bit more affordable than HP's more premium Spectre x360 laptops but is still a great choice of 2-in-1 device - especially for buyers on a budget.

The everyday work performance on offer here is excellent, often keeping pace with larger or more expensive 2-in-1 laptops. When we reviewed it, we were comfortably able to manage everything from large spreadsheets and video calls to numerous browser tabs playing simultaneous media. With just over nine hours of battery life (for standard productivity workloads) in our tests, it offers good longevity too.

While it's cheaper than its HP Spectre siblings, this isn't quite a super-budget buy - with a 12th-gen Intel CPU and a bright and colorful OLED screen like that, it was never going to be cheap - but it's very competitively priced nonetheless. Finally, it brings a comfortable keyboard and a good selection of physical ports to the table. There's not much this laptop won't be able to handle.

Read our full HP Envy 13 x360 (2022) review

Acer Chromebook Spin 714 on a desk

The best premium 2-in-1 Chromebook

8. acer chromebook spin 714 (2023).

The Acer Chromebook Spin 714 (2023) might come with a slightly higher price tag than most Chromebooks, but that's because it packs a little extra punch. And when it comes to work, having a bit more power is often a welcome advantage.

During our tests, this Chromebook's 13th-Gen Intel Core i5 and 8GB of RAM effortlessly handled running 20 Chrome tabs, including three streaming ones, without a hitch. This added power not only supports the 1920 x 1200p touch display but also enhances the quality of the 1440p webcam, providing stunning clarity.

While the speakers could be improved for richer sound, and the keyboard could offer a more pleasant typing experience, the Chromebook excels in battery life, lasting a commendable 12 hours during our benchmark tests. Its solid hinge ensures stability, making it versatile in various modes, whether in tent or display mode.

In summary, the Acer Chromebook Spin 714 (2023) justifies its higher price point. It offers a premium look, feel, and performance that sets it apart from many of its alternatives.

Read our full Acer Chromebook Spin 714 (2023) review

An HP Spectre x360 2022 on a wooden table

The best 2-in-1 laptop for travel

9. dell xps 13 2-in-1 (2022).

If you’re upgrading from your old XPS 2-in-1, you might be disappointed to learn that your beloved laptop has been replaced by a tablet with a detachable folio that houses its keyboard and trackpad. We’re not impressed by this shift from one of the best laptop designs ever to this detachable form factor that’s not exactly the most convenient to use or the most versatile.

Still, this shift in form factor has resulted in one of the lightest and most compact laptops ever. The new Dell XPS 13 2-in-1 (2022) lends itself well to commute and travel, being considerably lighter, thinner, and more compact than its predecessor. In fact, we took it with us to Greece, and we’ve never felt so good about traveling with a laptop, especially since it’s no slouch in performance. It even managed to see through our light photo editing needs. It also helped a lot that its 2880 x 1920 touch display is fantastic and its webcam boasts a nice 1080p resolution for our team meetings.

It’s a little disappointing that it isn’t any cheaper than its predecessor, considering it swapped out a premium chassis for a keyboard folio and a tablet. Also, you’re only getting two ports. But if you want the best 2-in-1 laptop to travel with, look no further.

Read our full Dell XPS 13 2-in-1 review  

How to choose the best 2-in-1 laptop for you

With so many great options available, picking out the best 2-in-1 laptop for your own personal needs can be tricky. If you're not particularly clued in on what the internal components mean, don't worry: we're here to help.

Ultimately, you need to consider exactly what you're planning on using your new 2-in-1 laptop for. If it's just going to be for simple office work (say, spreadsheets and word processing) or it's a simple entertainment laptop for a child, you don't need a top-tier processor or tonnes of RAM.

Most of these 2-in-1 laptops feature at least 8GB of RAM, which is plenty for the average user. If you're going to be performing more intensive tasks, like video editing, digital art, or running complex mathematical programs, you might want 16GB or even more than that. When it comes to confusingly-named CPUs, bigger numbers in the name generally mean a more powerful chip that will make the laptop run faster - though these will cost more.

If you want to use your laptop for maximum productivity, consider one with a 16:10 or 3:2 screen aspect ratio. This means that the screen is taller than 'widescreen' aspect ratios like 16:9, so you can fit more of a long text document on the screen without needing to scroll!

Lastly, pay close attention to the amount of storage a laptop has. If you're planning on mostly working off the cloud (like using Google Drive), you won't need as much storage. But if you want to install lots of programs to your device or store a tonne of photo or video files, you're probably going to need more than the 256GB drives found in many of the best 2-in-1 laptops.

How we test 2-in-1 laptops

Testing 2-in-1 laptops looks a lot like testing traditional clamshell laptops, only with a few extra steps. After all, we also need to test these hybrids’ 2-in-1 form factor as well as touchscreen functionalities, ensuring that everything works swimmingly and the touchscreen is as responsive as it should be.

We take a look at a 2-in-1 laptop’s design, first of all, checking to see how robust its build is, just how portable it is, how comfortable its keyboard and trackpad are to use, how good the display is, etc. We check the availability of ports and biometrics sign-in technologies. We check out the webcam, speakers, and mic as well, since video conferencing has become such an integral part of our daily lives. Naturally, because its 2-in-1 form factor is a major selling point, we inspect the hinges, the different modes, the touchscreen functionality, and the stylus, if included, to make sure that it’s delivering a seamless experience.

Of course, we test its performance as well. Since most 2-in-1 notebooks are designed for productivity, school, or everyday use, we utilize the laptop in our daily workloads as well as for entertainment and casual use. We use the most commonly used Windows 10 (or Chrome OS on Chromebooks) apps to see how fast they load and run. We perform synthetic benchmarks as well, including PCMark 10 (Home Test) and GeekBench 5 so we can get you those exact numbers to compare to its rivals.

Battery life – or rather, great battery life – is an integral part of laptops, especially premium ones. So, we also test its longevity, using it at full charge to see just how long the battery lasts when doing everyday workloads, as well as running both our looped 1080p movie test and the PC Mark 10 battery life benchmark.

Finally, we gather all that information we collected about the laptop and compare it to its price tag to gauge whether it’s a great value to consumers - or at the very least, worth the money.

For a more in-depth guide on our testing process, see how we test .

The best 2-in-1 laptop; FAQs

Why are 2-in-1 laptops great for students.

2-in-1 laptops make a great choice for students due to their versatility. Being usable in both standard laptop mode and tablet mode makes them effortlessly convenient as study aids. They offer excellent battery life and are lightweight and portable, so transporting them from campus to your dorm is a cinch. Their relative affordability also makes them a sensible choice for cash-strapped students, and there’s plenty of power there to handle all your important assignments.  

What are the disadvantages of a 2-in-1 laptop?

Despite their many benefits, 2-in-1 laptops are not without their faults, and it’s worth knowing where they could fall short of your expectations before you hand over your money. While a 2-in-1 laptop is likely to have more processing power than a tablet will, it’s also likely to have less power than a more traditional laptop, so you should be careful to check the specs prior to making a purchase. 

In addition, they can be a little lacking when it comes to durability, due to their lightweight and hinged designs, so a bit more care may be needed when transporting them. And lastly, the keys on a 2-in-1 tend to be smaller than on a regular laptop, which may inhibit users with larger hands.

Today's best 2-in-1 laptop deals

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John Loeffler

John (He/Him) is the Components Editor here at TechRadar and he is also a programmer, gamer, activist, and Brooklyn College alum currently living in Brooklyn, NY. 

Named by the CTA as a CES 2020 Media Trailblazer for his science and technology reporting, John specializes in all areas of computer science, including industry news, hardware reviews, PC gaming, as well as general science writing and the social impact of the tech industry.

You can find him online on Threads @johnloeffler.

Currently playing: Baldur's Gate 3 (just like everyone else).

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2 in 1 travel system cheap

The best 2-in-1 laptops in 2024 - our top picks

If you like a laptop that transforms into a tablet (or vice versa), these are the best ones to buy.

  • Best overall
  • Best upgrade
  • Best Chromebook
  • Most powerful
  • Best for biz
  • Best dual-screen
  • How to choose
  • How we test

Asus Zenbook 14 Flip OLED

1. The list in brief 2. Best overall 3. Best value 4. Best premium 2-in-1 5. Best 2-in-1 Chromebook 6. Most powerful 2-in-1 7. Best 2-in-1 for business 8. Best dual-screen 2-in-1 9. How to choose 10. How we test

The best 2-in-1 laptops offer the strengths of two devices in one: the power of a laptop with the accessibility of a tablet. They aren't always as powerful or sturdy as a clamshell laptop, but I like them for their versatility.

Built with the latest mobile PC components, the best 2-in-1s are thin and light, with gorgeous displays and efficient batteries that let you carry them through your day without worrying about finding a charger.

Of course, choosing the right one for your needs has gotten a lot trickier too: read on for our recommendations on the best 2-in-1s to buy right now, based on our hands-on testing and review of dozens of top contenders. 

While many of these aren't quite as powerful as the best laptops , they sacrifice some function for the versatility of a form that transforms between laptop and tablet. Almost all of them come with a stylus packed in too, which is a great value add for doodlers and note-takers.

We review dozens and dozens of portable PCs from the top vendors every year here at Tom's Guide, and we harvest the best of the best to recommend in this list of the best 2-in-1 laptops. 

Every single one of these recommendations is made by me or someone I trust, and it's backed up by a full review and our own lab testing, so you can click through to read up on how each laptop works, how comfortable it is to use and how well it performs under pressure.

With that in mind, we think these are the best 2-in-1 laptops on the market right now!

The quick list

In a hurry? Here's a brief overview of the laptops on this list, along with quick links that let you jump down the page directly to a review of whichever laptop catches your eye.

Asus Zenbook 14 Flip OLED

Best 2-in-1 overall

The Asus Zenbook 14 Flip OLED is arguably one of the best 2-in-1 laptops for the money. It’s a fetching and sturdy ultraportable with plenty of ports, plenty of power, and a vivid 2.8K OLED panel. On top of that, it also has an LED number pad on its touchpad — which is a nice touch.

Read more below

Acer Spin 5

The best value

The Acer Spin 5 is a modest workhorse with a nice 14-inch touchscreen, a packed-in stylus and great battery life. While the model we reviewed costs roughly $1,300, there is a slightly older model which can often be bought for under $1,000 — an excellent value.

Lenovo Yoga 9i Gen 8

The best premium 2-in-1

The Lenovo Yoga 9i Gen 8 is a slick 14-inch OLED-equipped 2-in-1 that comes with a carrying sleeve and stylus. It's a bit more expensive than our top recommendation, but if you can afford it this svelte 2-in-1's elegant chassis, excellent soundbar and higher-resolution OLED touchscreen is worth splurging on.

Acer Chromebook Spin 714

The best 2-in-1 Chromebook

The Chromebook Spin 714 offers great battery life and more power than most Chromebooks today, plus it comes with a stylus and mouse. It's expensive for a Chromebook, but worth it—and still far cheaper than the rest of this list.

Microsoft - Surface Laptop Studio

Most powerful 2-in-1

The Microsoft Surface Laptop Studio 2 looks striking thanks to its unique sliding 120Hz touchscreen, which can lay flat on the keyboard or tent over it like an easel. The discrete Nvidia GPU onboard renders this the most powerful 2-in-1 on this list, making it the best choice for gaming or content creation.

HP Spectre x360

Best for business

The HP Spectre x360 13.5-inch is a premium 2-in-1 that's a great choice for business use thanks to its gorgeous OLED screen, plentitude of ports and great keyboard. The battery is good enough to last through a day at the office, and the included stylus is great to have. Plus, it looks great on a desk.

Read more below 

Lenovo Yoga Book 9i

The best dual-screen 2-in-1

The Yoga Book 9i is a compelling alternative to foldable screen laptops because you get two 13-inch displays in one package you can use in multiple modes. There are some clever software gestures and multitasking features here, too.

The best 2-in-1 laptops you can buy right now

Why you can trust Tom's Guide Our writers and editors spend hours analyzing and reviewing products, services, and apps to help find what's best for you. Find out more about how we test, analyze, and rate.

The best 2-in-1 overall

1. asus zenbook 14 flip oled.

Our expert review:


Reasons to buy, reasons to avoid.

The Asus Zenbook 14 Flip OLED isn’t perfect. Its 720p webcam is from a bygone era and its 9-hour battery life is short in comparison to the  best MacBooks . That said, its strengths are substantial.

The sharp OLED display is wonderful for watching videos, and it has one of the best laptop keyboards we’ve tested. We also love the minimalist design and zippy performance. The LED number pad is also a nice touch. Combine all this with the fact it’s $1,199 at its most expensive, and this device becomes all the more attractive.

Overall, the Asus Zenbook 14 Flip OLED provides excellent value for what it offers. If you’re looking for a dependable 2-in-1 with a svelte design and eye-pleasing OLED panel, this is the machine to get.

Read our full Asus Zenbook 14 Flip OLED review .

Acer Spin 5 review unit tented on a desk

2. Acer Spin 5

The Acer Spin 5 is a modest 2-in-1 machine, eschewing aesthetics (it’s literally only available in gray) in favor of strong performance and a bright, vibrant display. It also comes with a stylus, which is always nice.

This laptop nails the fundamentals, delivering performance that’s in line with its price, a bright, vibrant display, and strong battery life (with a bit of care). The $1,399 model we reviewed is great, but if it's too pricey for your budget you can find an older model for $1,000 or less that's an excellent value. 

Read our full Acer Spin 5 review .

Lenovo Yoga 9i Gen 8 review unit on a table outdoors

3. Lenovo Yoga 9i Gen 8

The Lenovo Yoga 9i Gen 8 improves upon its excellent predecessor, delivering better battery life and performance in the same premium 2-in-1 chassis. It's a bit more expensive than our general top pick the Galaxy Book Pro 360, but in return you get a higher-resolution screen, better speakers and a bit more power under the hood.

While it's still far from the longest-lasting laptop on this list, the Lenovo Yoga 9i Gen 8's 10+ hours of tested battery life ensure it should last you through a day of work or school. It's easy to carry all day too thanks to its relatively light chassis with its rounded corners, and the carrying sleeve and active stylus included with every purchase are a nice touch.

Factor in the great speakers and a vivid 14-inch OLED touchscreen and you start to see why this is a compelling convertible, even if it can't match the performance of more traditional clamshell laptops in key areas. 

Read our full Lenovo Yoga 9i Gen 8 review .

Acer Chromebook Spin 714 open on a desk

4. Acer Chromebook Spin 714

The Acer Chromebook Spin 714 ($729 to start) is a powerful 2-in-1 Chromebook with good battery life and a handy stylus, making it a great tool for getting things done on the go.

The HDMI out and USB-A port mean you still have basic connections without needing a dock or adapter cables, but USB-C and Thunderbolt 4 are also on tap for current- and next-gen devices. 

The 16:10 display looks good in person and is bright enough, even if it can't compete with other premium Chromebooks in that department. The included mouse and stylus give you lots of options for getting work done in either laptop or tablet mode. And with Wi-Fi 6E, you're set up to take advantage of the fastest wireless networks. Most importantly, the battery should last you an entire workday. 

Read our full Acer Chromebook Spin 714 review .

The most powerful 2-in-1

Microsoft Surface Laptop Studio on table

5. Microsoft Surface Laptop Studio 2

Microsoft's Surface Laptop Studio 2 is a powerful 2-in-1 with a MacBook Pro-like design and an eye-catching hinged display. This is Microsoft’s flagship device for  Windows 11 , which promises to make Windows a more inviting place for both work and play. Like Windows 11, the Surface Laptop Studio is advertised as a one-stop shop for productivity, entertainment and creative work.

And for the most part, it is all that: its 13th Gen Intel CPU and 16+ GB of RAM gives you enough power to tackle most work, and if you splurge for a model with the discrete Nvidia GeForce RTX 4050 or 4060 GPU the Surface Laptop Studio also doubles as a decent machine for gaming or video editing on the go. We've also heard it's an ideal choice for college engineering programs which require laptops that both have a discrete GPU and can be used with an active stylus. While you have to pay extra for the Microsoft Surface Slim Pen 2 stylus, its haptics make writing or drawing on the Studio's 14.4-inch 120Hz touchscreen feel great.

However, it's a bit pricey when you kit it out, and despite its great components the Surface Laptop Studio delivers subpar performance compared to the best MacBooks and Windows laptops. But few laptops can match its intriguing sliding hinged display, which can be tented over the keys like an easel or slid all the way flat to turn the Studio into a heavy tablet.

Read our full Microsoft Surface Laptop Studio 2 review .

The best 2-in-1 for business

HP Spectre x360 web browsing

6. HP Spectre x360

The HP Spectre x360 is our top recommendation if you want a 2-in-1 for business. This convertible looks great thanks to its elegant finish and angular edges, not to mention the vivid OLED touchscreen. The keyboard feels great to type on, and the packed-in stylus is a welcome touch.

Under the hood, the Spectre packs more than enough power to handle office work and the battery is good enough to last you through a day of meetings. The port array is also pretty good, and well-spaced around the laptop, though if you want to do presentations you'll have to rely on Bluetooth or USB-C, as there's no HDMI out.

Read our full HP Spectre x360 review .

The best dual-screen laptop

Lenovo Yoga Book 9i

7. Lenovo Yoga Book 9i

The Lenovo Yoga Book 9i could start a trend for 2-in-1 laptops. Uniting two 13.3-inch OLED displays in one device, the Yoga Book 9i offers a bevy of different usage modes meant to boost your productivity. This notebook can function as a traditional  Windows 11  laptop or tablet, plus it can go into tent mode for presentations.

Thanks to the included folio kickstand, you can use the Yoga Book 9i with two displays stacked on top of each other or spread the two panels side by side. If you’re not keen on typing on a touchscreen, you can use the included attachable Bluetooth keyboard.

The Yoga Book 9i is a Swiss Army knife of a laptop given all its modes. Though it’s expensive at $1,999, it offers enough singular value to be included in this list.

Read our full Lenovo Yoga 9i review.

How to choose the best laptop for you

How to choose the best 2-in-1 laptop for you.

Performance:  If you only need something basic for surfing the web and checking email, consider a 2-in-1 Chromebook like the Lenovo Chromebook Duet. If you need more power to multi-task, run demanding applications, or edit photos/videos, look for a 2-in-1 packing the latest Intel CPUs, like the Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 or Lenovo Yoga 9i.

Graphics and gaming:  To function as both tablets and laptops, 2-in-1s are typically designed to be as thin and power-efficient as possible, so they don't pack discrete GPUs and thus aren't great at running the latest games. However, they can usually run older games pretty well, so if game performance is important to you, your best bet is to look for a 2-in-1 with the latest Intel CPUs to take advantage of their integrated graphics (currently Intel Iris Xe) hardware, then splurge for extra RAM and storage. A great display will also help your games look their best.

Size:  Consider how portable you need your new 2-in-1 to be: is this a laptop you occasionally want to use as a tablet, or vice versa? If you prefer the lighter weight and smaller size (typically) of a tablet, and can live with having a flimsy/detachable keyboard, then something like the Apple iPad Pro 2021 (12.9-inch) or Microsoft Surface Go 2 is a good choice. If you'd rather have the larger screen and extra power/versatility of a laptop that doubles as a tablet, and don't mind the extra size and weight, consider something like the Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 or Lenovo Yoga 9i.

Operating system:  2-in1s mostly come with three varieties of operating system: Windows 10 (most 2-in-1s), iPadOS (for iPads), and Chrome OS (2-in-1 Chromebooks). Windows 10 is the most common, while iPadOS is more useful to folks already tied into Apple's ecosystem. Chrome OS is a lightweight operating system built to allow for cheap, fast systems, though it has gotten a bit more robust over the years with support for full Android apps.

How we tested these laptops

How we test the best 2-in-1 laptops.

To find the best 2-in-1 laptops we run every machine through a rigorous suite of benchmarks and real-world tests to gauge how it will perform during everyday use. 

We measure the average brightness and color quality of each laptop's display using our in-house light meter and colorimeter. For general performance, we run our machines through tests that include Geekbench 5 (CPU performance), as well as various 3DMark tests to measure graphics capabilities. We also run a file transfer test to measure how fast a machine's hard drive is, and a custom battery test that has the machine browse the internet over Wi-Fi until it runs out of juice.

Since these aren't dedicated gaming laptops we don't run benchmarks for popular games (like Far Cry: New Dawn); 2-in-1 laptops don't have discrete GPUs, as a rule, and thus will rarely deliver satisfactory performance in modern 3D games. However, they are capable of running older or less demanding PC games, so we do run a benchmark test to measure their performance in Sid Meier's Civilization 6: Gathering Storm.

For more information, check out our  how we test page  for Tom's Guide.

Alex Wawro

Alex Wawro is a lifelong journalist who's spent over a decade covering tech, games and entertainment. He oversees the computing department at Tom's Guide, which includes managing laptop coverage and reviewing many himself every year.

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Alex Wawro

Alex Wawro is a lifelong tech and games enthusiast with more than a decade of experience covering both for outlets like Game Developer, Black Hat, and PC World magazine. A lifelong PC builder, he currently serves as a senior editor at Tom's Guide covering all things computing, from laptops and desktops to keyboards and mice. 

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Recent updates, all reviews, the 5 best 2-in-1 laptops - spring 2024 reviews.

Best 2-In-1 Laptop

2-in-1 convertible laptops are increasing in popularity as they're versatile devices that adapt to different uses. You can use them as traditional clamshell laptops to get work done, set them in tent mode for media consumption, or use them as a tablet. Some support pen input, making them well-suited for digital artists and fans of handwritten notes. As always, choosing a model is challenging, as there are many aspects to consider, like the laptop's size, overall user experience, performance, and extra features, even something as small as a docking slot for a stylus in the case of laptops with pen input support. You must also factor in extra costs, as some tablet PCs don't include the keyboard.

We've tested over 115 laptops, and below are our recommendations for the best convertible laptops you can buy. You can also check out our picks for the best laptops , the best Chromebooks , and the best business laptops .

Best 2-In-1 Laptop

HP Spectre x360 14 (2024) Design Photo

The best 2-in-1 laptop we've tested is the HP Spectre x360 14 (2024). This convertible laptop is very lightweight and portable and feels remarkably well-built. It has a sharp 120Hz OLED display, a spacious keyboard, and an easy-to-use haptic touchpad. The display supports pen input using Microsoft Pen Protocol technology, although depending on the region you purchase the laptop, you may or may not get a stylus included with the laptop. You have a decent port selection with one USB-A Port supporting USB 3.2 Gen 2 bandwidth, two USB-Cs that support Thunderbolt 4, power delivery, and more. Performance is great, as you can configure this laptop with Intel's new Core Ultra CPUs that can easily handle general productivity tasks and more demanding workloads like photo editing and programming. The battery lasts around eleven hours of light use, so you can make it through the day on a single charge.

If you prefer a PC tablet with a detachable keyboard, the  Microsoft Surface Pro 8 (2021) is the one to get. This form factor allows you to use the device as a tablet, which is handy when you don't have a lot of space; however, since most of the weight is in the display, it's harder to use it on your lap like a conventional laptop. This tablet PC has a sharp 120Hz display, but unlike the HP, it's an IPS panel, meaning blacks won't look as deep. Also, it has a more limited port selection and an older, slower Intel 11th Gen CPU. There's a newer Surface Pro 9, which you might also want to consider. It's basically the same device but with faster Intel 12th Gen CPUs. See the Surface Pro 9 on Amazon  here .

See our review

Best Mid-Range 2-In-1 Laptop

Acer Chromebook Spin 714 (2022) Design Photo

The Acer Chromebook Spin 714 (2022) is our top pick in the mid-range category. This 14-inch model is great for students or anyone needing a versatile device for general productivity tasks. It has a sharp, bright display with stylus support, a spacious and comfortable keyboard you can type on for hours, and an excellent 1080p webcam for video calls. The laptop comes with a stylus, which you can dock into the side of the laptop for transport. Performance is excellent—its Intel 12th Gen CPU is plenty fast for anything you'd need to do on a Chromebook. Just ensure you can do everything through a Chrome browser or Android app, as most programs that run on Windows and macOS lack Chrome OS support. Availability might be a problem, as this is an older model. If so, you can check out the newer 2023 version, which we haven't tested but expect to be similar based on the specs and design. Upgrades include faster Intel 13th Gen CPUs and a higher-resolution 1440p webcam. See the 2023 model on Amazon and Best Buy .

Another great option is the  Lenovo Yoga 7i 16 (2023) . This 16-inch model gives you tons of screen real estate for multitasking, and like the Acer, it supports pen input. It's available with Intel 13th Gen CPUs, which perform well and can easily handle general productivity tasks like text processing, web browsing, and video playback. The keyboard feels comfortable to type on, and the touchpad is large and responsive. It has Wi-Fi 6E wireless connectivity, a 1080p webcam, biometrics (fingerprint sensor and facial recognition camera), and two Thunderbolt 4 ports. This laptop is relatively portable for a 16-inch device, as it isn't overly bulky. That said, it's still a 16-inch device, which is cumbersome to use in tablet mode, and unlike tablet PCs like the Microsoft Surface Pro 8 (2021) , you can't detach the keyboard to make it easier to hold. Its larger chassis allows for a decently sized 71Wh battery, giving you over 12 hours of light use on a full charge. You can get this laptop from Lenovo  if you have trouble finding it elsewhere.

Best Budget 2-In-1 Laptop

Microsoft Surface Go 3 (2021) Design Photo

The best 2-in-1 budget laptop we've tested is the Microsoft Surface Go 3 (2021). It's essentially a miniaturized version of the Surface Pro but is designed for lighter tasks like emails, web browsing, and media consumption. It's incredibly compact at only 10.5 inches, so it's easy to carry around. Its IPS display looks sharp, is bright enough for use in most settings, and supports pen input. The 1080p webcam above the display is excellent, and there's also a facial recognition IR camera for quick logins. Like all Microsoft 2-in-1 tablets, the keyboard and stylus are accessories you purchase separately. The keyboard is worth getting because Windows isn't very touch-friendly, and the keyboard helps protect the screen from scratches.

You can get the Surface Go 3 with an Intel Pentium Gold or Core i3 CPU. Both are fine for simple tasks like web browsing, emails, and video playback, but don't expect to do anything remotely intensive. If your budget allows, we recommend getting a model with 8GB of memory, as you'll get a much smoother experience when multitasking. The 8GB model costs around $500 USD, so you can expect to spend a little over $600 factoring in the keyboard. The battery lasts about seven hours of light use, which is short compared to clamshell laptops but not bad for a 10-inch tablet. Port selection is limited: one USB-C, a headphone jack, and a proprietary Surface Connect charging port.

Best Cheap 2-In-1 Laptop

Acer Chromebook Spin 311 (2021) Design Photo

Our best cheap pick is the Acer Chromebook Spin 311 (2021). This 11.6-inch Chromebook is a good option for younger students or anyone needing a simple device for basic tasks like web browsing and emails. It has a comfortable keyboard and exceptionally long battery life; other than that, there isn't anything special about it, which is expected for the price. The screen looks dim and washed out, and the touchpad isn't always responsive. It also has a bad 720p webcam. Ports include a USB-A, a USB-C, and a headphone jack. Thankfully, the USB-C port supports charging and video output. Unlike most cheap Chromebooks, there isn't a MicroSD card reader, so if you can afford to spend a little more, it's best to get a model with 64GB of storage, as there's only 20GB of usable space on the 32GB model.

Best 2-In-1 Laptop For Multimedia

Lenovo Chromebook Duet 5 (2021) Design Photo

For media consumption, get the Lenovo Chromebook Duet 5 (2021), a 13-inch Chrome OS 2-in-1 tablet. What makes this device great for media consumption is its gorgeous OLED display. It's sharp, bright, and colorful, and like all OLEDs, it displays deep, inky blacks. Like Microsoft's Surface Pro tablets, you can detach the keyboard to make it easier to hold and pop it back on when you need to type something out. The battery lasts around eight hours of video playback or 10 hours of light use, and it charges over USB-C, so you don't have to deal with a proprietary charger.

Unfortunately, while the speakers get reasonably loud, they don't have much bass and sound unnatural, so you're better off using headphones if you want the best audio experience. Wireless headphones, to be exact, because this device doesn't have a 3.5 mm headphone jack and doesn't come with a USB-C audio adapter. The keyboard comes with the device, so you don't have to spend extra; however, it feels rather uncomfortable to type on, as the keys require a fair amount of force to actuate, and the layout feels cramped.

  • ASUS Zenbook 14 Flip OLED (2023): The ASUS Zenbook 14 Flip OLED (2023) is a good alternative to the HP Spectre x360 14 (2024). It has better port selection and is cheaper; however, its battery life is shorter at around 8 hours of light use, and its CPU throttles significantly more under load. Also, ASUS is currently the subject of controversy regarding widespread reports of charging customers unnecessarily when they send in devices for warranty repairs. See our review
  • Lenovo Chromebook Duet 3 (2022): The Lenovo Chromebook Duet 3 (2022) is a Chrome OS alternative to the Microsoft Surface Go 3 (2021). It has a significantly longer battery life than the Surface Go 3, and its display gets brighter to combat glare. However, it doesn't feel as well-built, and while the keyboard comes with the device, it isn't nearly as good as the Surface Go 3's keyboard. See our review

May 15, 2024: Minor changes to text for clarity. Replaced the ASUS Zenbook 14 Flip OLED (2023) with the HP Spectre x360 14 (2024) as the 'Best 2-In-1 Laptop', as the HP offers better battery life and performance over time. Moved the ASUS to the Notable Mentions.

Apr 16, 2024: Removed the HP Spectre x360 14 (2023) from the Notable Mentions and replaced it with the HP Spectre x360 14 (2024) because the 2024 model has better performance and is easier to find.

Mar 15, 2024: Minor text edits for clarity. No changes in product picks.

Feb 23, 2024: Minor text changes to add the Microsoft Surface Pro 8 (2021) as an alternative to the ASUS Zenbook 14 Flip OLED (2023).

Feb 02, 2024: Replaced the Lenovo Chromebook C340 15 (2020) with the Acer Chromebook Spin 311 (2021) because the Lenovo is near the end of its OS support.

Our recommendations above are what we think are currently the best 2-in-1 laptops you can get. In addition to the test results, we factor in the price (a cheaper laptop wins over a pricier one if the difference isn't worth it), feedback from our visitors, and availability (no laptops that are difficult to find or almost out of stock everywhere).

If you prefer to make your own decision, here's a list of all of our 2-in-1 laptop reviews, sorted by price from low to high. Most laptops are available in various configurations, and the table only shows the results of the model we tested, so it's best to see the full review for information about other variants.

Nomadic Matt's Travel Site

Travel Better, Cheaper, Longer

United States Travel Guide

Last Updated: April 14, 2024

sunset over the Grand Canyon, United States

The United States isn’t a popular destination for backpackers and budget travelers. Most overseas tourists come here for a short vacation, visit one or two cities, and then head home. They usually stick to the big coastal cities or places like Disney.

And it wasn’t until COVID that Americans en-masse bothered to hop in their cars and explore their backyard.

The U.S. is massive country that lacks a lot of tourist infrastructure or good cross-country transportation. Hostels haven’t quite caught on, trains don’t go to many places, and we don’t offer working holiday visas to attract young working backpackers. In short, it’s hard to get around.

However, the United States has a lot to offer: stunning national parks, gorgeous landscapes, incredible and diverse culture, world-class music, and a variety of delicious cuisine that varies from region to region.

I think the U.S. is one of the best destinations in the world to road trip . I’ve done several multi-month road trips across the United States . While the coastal cities are fun, the U.S. really reveals itself in the middle and countryside (it’s much more affordable there too). It’s in the nooks and crannies of America that you get a sense of its quirks.

But even if you aren’t spending months visiting the country in a car, there’s still a lot you can do via train, bus, or plane.

This travel guide to the United States can help you navigate the country, save money, and get off the beaten path.

Table of Contents

  • Things to See and Do
  • Typical Costs
  • Suggested Budget
  • Money-Saving Tips
  • Where to Stay
  • How to Get Around
  • How to Stay Safe
  • Best Places to Book Your Trip
  • Related Blogs on the United States

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Top 5 things to see and do in the united states.

Dramatic, jagged mountains in front of an expansive blue lake with a small, tree-covered island in the middle, in Glacier National Park, United States.

1. Explore New York City

The city that never sleeps is one of the greatest cities in the world. There’s nothing you can’t do or see and you’ll find every language and food from around the world here. From world-class museums and art galleries to innovative theater performances to unique restaurants to the expansive Central Park, you can fill a lifetime of activities here. You can take the ferry to Ellis Island, see the Statue of Liberty, hang with the hipsters in Brooklyn, see a Yankees game, and so, so much more. Check out my detailed guide for everything you need to do .

2. Visit the Grand Canyon

Words can’t describe how epicly beautiful the Grand Canyon is. It’s simply breathtaking. Most people just look out at the canyon from the overlook at the top, but its vast size and beauty are best appreciated with a hike down to the Colorado River so try to do that if you have time (make the time). The canyon itself is 6,000 feet deep, and you can find plenty of hikes to take you further into the canyon that will give you a chance to experience it in more detail. For a shorter hike, Grandview Trail to the first overlook at Coconino Saddle and back is only a couple of miles. If you have a whole day to spend and want to challenge yourself, try the 12.5 miles from Bright Angel Trail to Plateau Point. Just be sure to bring plenty of water!

3. Discover Austin

The warm weather, lively honky-tonks, funky house bars on Rainey Street, amazing walking and biking trails, tons of outdoor activities — Austin is great (I lived there for many years). You can always find great live music on 6th Street. On a hot day, Barton Springs pool is the perfect place to cool off, there’s always something to do, the food scene gets better and better, and everyone is very welcoming. It’s one of the best cities in the U.S., boasting a combination of nature, city, and delicious food. Be sure to binge on BBQ while you’re here!

4. Visit Glacier National Park

This is my favorite national park in the country. It’s home to gorgeous snow-topped mountains, a beautiful lake from which to admire said mountains, large glaciers, and hiking trails galore. It is one of the most mind-blowing places I’ve seen on my adventures. There are more than 700 miles of hiking trails in the park that provide everyone an opportunity to explore the landscape. Park rangers offer various programs and guided tours are also available. There are spots for fishing and additional trails for biking and horseback riding. (If you plan to visit multiple national parks while traveling throughout the United States, it’s worth it to get the America the Beautiful Park Pass, which costs just $80 USD and provides entry to all the national parks for a year.)

5. Drive the Pacific Coast Highway

The Pacific Coast is considered one of the most scenic landscapes in the world, offering sheer cliffs, forests descending to the shoreline, miles of beaches, and giant redwoods. The Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) runs 1,650 miles from San Diego, California to Seattle, Washington taking you from the warm, sunny beaches to the lush temperate rainforests of the Pacific Northwest. Highway 1 thorough California is one of the longest historic state highways in the country. The California portion alone route takes 10 hours without stopping but I recommend dedicating at least several days to enjoy all the great stops along the way.

Other Things to See and Do in the United States

NOTE: There’s a lot to do in the United States and you can spend months traveling around the country . I could write an entire book on the places to visit! This is just a list to give you some ideas. Be sure to check out some of my other articles and city specific guides (scroll to the bottom of this guide for links) for more suggestions.

1. Have fun in Memphis

Gritty and industrial, Memphis appears like its best days are behind it. But don’t let the rough exterior fool you — the city is home to some killer food and a vibrant blues music scene. It is a cool city with boisterous and friendly locals. I love the vibe here. There’s Graceland (Elvis’s home) for fans of the King, a big waterfront for walking, and the phenomenal Museum of Civil Rights (it’s huge, so don’t rush it!). The city is going through a big revival right now. To use a cliché, it’s a hidden gem as most people, to their detriment, skip over it.

2. Discover Asheville

Asheville is full of tasty craft beer, great restaurants, and plenty of outdoor loving residents. The beautiful Smoky Mountains are a short drive away, Asheville Botanical Gardens are right near the university, and the gigantic Biltmore estate (the largest privately-owned home in the U.S. and once home to George Vanderbilt) is on the outskirts of the city. (If you’ve ever seen Downton Abbey, that’s what the house is like!) The town has a lot of parks and there are a lot of beautiful biking and hiking trails that you can get to from the center of town.

3. Explore Redwood National Park

Along the Pacific Coast is Redwood National Park, a huge expanse of towering redwood trees filled with picnic areas, places to camp, and miles upon miles of hiking trails. Trails range from easy to strenuous, and there are many loops that head out to nearby beaches. The trees range from 200-240 feet tall. It’s utterly beautiful, awe-inspiring, and humbling in every way. Admission is free, though the three adjoining state parks (Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park, Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park, and Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park) each charge $10 USD.

4. Explore Denver

Known as the Mile High City (the city is one mile above sea level), Denver offers a mix of outdoor ruggedness and big-city living. It has a huge craft beer scene, excellent restaurants (including, Sushi Sasa, one of my favorite sushi restaurants), a large international airport with lots of connections, and is close to the mountains. There are a lot of interesting museums, including the Denver Art Museum, Meow Wolf Denver, and the Clifford Still Museum. There’s plenty of art outside of the museums as well and there are walking tours available to show you around, if you prefer that to exploring on your own. It’s clean, lively, and the locals are incredibly friendly.

5. Get off-the-beaten-path in Natchez

I was surprised by Natchez . I didn’t know anything about it when it was recommended as a place to see historic 19th-century homes. These mansions were built by white plantation owners wanting to escape the summer heat and socialize with each other. As cotton became king, the houses became ever larger and more elaborate. Today, the homes are historic monuments you can tour while enjoying a view of the Mississippi River. It’s far off the beaten path and you’ll need a car to visit but it’s worth the trek.

6. Visit Savannah

Sitting on Georgia’s coast, Savannah escaped the wrath of the Civil War, allegedly because General Sherman thought it was too pretty to be destroyed. With streets lined with Spanish moss-covered oaks, large and inviting parks, and a bustling waterfront, Savannah is a wonderful place to experience the slow pace of the South. There are a number of interesting historical sites like the Bonaventure Cemetery and Factors Row. The city is full of small squares and sprawling parks where you can enjoy a stroll or a picnic. And nearby Tybee Island is a draw for many visitors due to its sandy beaches and slow pace of life.

7. Dive into Nashville’s music scene

Nashville is one of the fastest-growing cities in the U.S. It’s got a wonderful music scene (duh), a growing cocktail bar culture, and some world-class down-home Southern restaurants. There’s not a lot of “touristy stuff” to do here, but what makes this city one of my favorites are the music, the food, the wildly friendly people, and the positive energy the city seems to exude. When you’re here, plan to spend a few hours at the Tennessee State Museum. It goes into detail about the state’s history (and it’s more exciting than you might think!).

8. Catch some rays in sunny San Diego

I love San Diego. San Diego’s weather is almost always perfect, leading to a permanently happy population that’s friendly and outgoing and that loves the outdoors. From hiking, days at the beach, or running, people here love to get out and enjoy the sun. The downtown Gaslamp area — as well as the famous Pacific Beach — is full of trendy restaurants, bustling bars, and some seriously life-changing taco stalls.

9. Get tipsy in California’s Wine Country

California is home to some of the best wine in the world, and a visit to the Sonoma or Napa Valley shouldn’t be missed. While Sonoma is cheaper than Napa, both these destinations are meant for splashing out. Take a tour, book a cozy vineyard Airbnb, and enjoy a relaxing few days learning about the region’s wines. Tastings usually cost between $15-20 USD. If you go to Sonoma, check out Three Fat Guys winery. They have phenomenal reds.

10. Hike around Lake Tahoe

Lake Tahoe is impressive and beautiful. Ringed by tiny mountain communities, this is a terrific place for hiking and boating in the summer and skiing in the winter. For fun in the sun, be sure to spend some time lounging at Kings Beach. For hikes, check out the Rubicon Trail (16 miles/25.7 kilometers) or the Cascade Falls Trail (1.4 miles/2.2 kilometers). You can’t really go wrong here.

11. Anywhere in Montana

A lot has been written about how stunning Montana is, but words cannot do this state justice. To me, it’s the most beautiful state in the Union, filled with wondrous mountains and hills as far as the eye can see. It’s a nature-lover’s paradise and there is a huge craft beer scene here too, with tons of local breweries all around the state. If you want nature, good food, friendly locals, and just quiet, Montana is it!

12. Relax in Cape Cod

I spent a lot of summers on the Cape since I grew up in Boston. You’ll find plenty of small beach towns along the coast (Provincetown and Hyannis being the most famous but I also love Chatham, Falmouth, Wellfleet, and Brewster). There’s not a lot to “do” but if you’re looking for seafood, beaches, boardwalks, and that perfect family vacation, visit the Cape! Just avoid the weekends when it gets a little too crowded.

13. Explore Deadwood

Tucked away in western South Dakota, this town was famous during the Old West days (noteworthy enough to be the focus of the eponymous HBO series). Wyatt Earp, Calamity Jane, Wild Bill Hickok, and many other infamous gunslingers all spent time here. Sort of kitschy and re-created, it’s nonetheless a very cool place where you can experience a taste of the old frontier days. It’s also conveniently located near the Black Hills and Mount Rushmore so you can use it as a base for exploring the region.

14. Be surprised by Kansas City

I really loved this city, which features some of the world’s best BBQ and a lively downtown core. There’s a detailed and enlightening jazz museum here, as well as the eye-opening Negro Leagues Baseball Museum (that’s the actual name). This is yet another super underrated and under-visited destination.

15. Stay weird in Portland

Portland , Oregon is incredible. Here you’ll find an impressive food truck scene, cool bespoke bars and cocktail lounges, a craft beer scene that’s religion to residents, relaxing parks (including a peaceful Japanese garden), a vibrant art scene, and hiking in the nearby mountains. Portland is just an awesome city, especially in the summer when the weather is perfect and there are festivals and events galore.

16. Hike our national parks

America has 63 national parks as well as countless state and local parks. These parks highlight the best of the American wilderness. Yellowstone, Yosemite, Glacier, Zion, Byrce, the Smokey Mountains, Rocky Mountain Park, the Badlands — the list goes on. Make sure you visit as many national parks as you can to get a sense of the grand and diverse landscape that is the United States. You can use this government map to find a park near you! If you plan to visit multiple parks, get the America the Beautiful Park Pass, which costs just $80 USD and gets you free entry to all the national parks for a year.

17. Admire the architecture in Chicago

One of my favorite cities in the world, Chicago is full of amazing architecture, great parks, delicious and hearty food, and a fun nightlife. One of the best ways to see the city’s unique architecture is on a river cruise. There are multiple operators and prices start around $45. Don’t miss trying deep-dish pizza (it was invented here, along with stuffed-crust pizza) and seeing the iconic “Bean” sculpture in Millennium Park. Additionally, check out the city’s famous pier, aquarium, and waterfront park. The city also hosts one of the biggest St. Patrick’s Day celebrations in the country.

18. Enjoy Lively New Orleans

This French-influenced city has incredible seafood and Cajun cuisine and even better live music. A visit to New Orleans is a must for any jazz or blues fan. Live music is available seven nights a week. Frenchman Street is one of the best places to go (my favorite venue is the Spotted Cat). There are also tons of amazing walking tours that highlight the city’s unique culture and history (including ghost and voodoo tours). Nature lovers will enjoy wandering through the massive oak trees in City Park where you can also visit the city’s Botanical Gardens, which are open year-round. Admission is $12. Plus, there’s incredible independent bookstores, creole food, art museums, and the simply incredible and informative World War 2 museum. Don’t skip roaming the redone and revitalized Bywater district too. It’s a bit hipster. If you plan on celebrating Mardi Gras in NOLA , book early. Accommodations fill up fast.

19. Get some sun in Hawaii

Closer to Asia than the United States, Hawaii is America’s slice of South Pacific paradise. White sands beaches, clear blue water, tropical jungle, and great surf — Hawaii has it all! Don’t miss the otherworldly landscapes of Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park, the somber memorial at Pearl Harbor, and the hikes at Diamond Head and the Lanikai Pillbox Trail near Honolulu. There are a ton of opportunities for snorkeling and scuba diving where you get a chance to see manta rays, sea turtles, and plenty of colorful fish. Waimea Canyon and the Napali coast on the island of Kauai are places you can get up close and personal with the natural landscape. There are helicopter and boat tours or, if you’re up for a challenge, you can hike the iconic Kalalau Trail. Every island has its own vibe so, if you can, visit more than one.

20. Check out Boston

The birthplace of the revolution (and my hometown), no one leaves Boston disappointed. It’s a big city, but its lack of high-rises, as well as its cobblestone streets and brick buildings, give the city a small-town feel. The Freedom Trail, which covers all the main historic stops, is a must because it gives you a look at the city’s historic past. Be sure to lounge in the Boston Common and catch a Red Sox game at Fenway Park too (the city is big on sports).

21. Visit the nation’s capital

The country’s capital is home to many of the best museums in the country. And, given the large number of international embassy workers here, it’s unsurprising one of the most international cities in the country. You can find food from anywhere in the world thanks to all the embassies in the city. Plus, there’s a vibrant music and cocktail scene. Don’t miss the National Mall and all its monuments, the Holocaust Museum, and the various Smithsonian Museums (some of the best are the Air and Space Museum, the Museum of the American Indian, the African American Museum, the National Zoo, the Smithsonian Castle, and the American Art Museum). If you visit in the spring, you’ll get to see the cherry blossoms bloom along the Mall.

22. Learn about Mt. Rushmore

Completed in 1941, this historic monument in the Black Hills of South Dakota is a lot smaller than you expect, but it makes a good stop while driving. Originally, the indigenous Lakota Sioux inhabited this area, however, when gold was found in the hills, white settlers forcibly removed them from their homeland. At the Wounded Knee massacre, U.S. forces killed over 250 indigenous women and children. Decades later, Rushmore was built, much to the dismay of the local indigenous population, who consider the land to be sacred. Take a guided tour to learn more about this iconic monument’s complex and tragic history.

23. Be a kid at Disney World

Sure, it’s cheesy . Yes, it’s built for kids. True, it’s not authentic. But despite all that, Disney World is still a fun time and they have a lot of rides for adults too. I recently went back as an adult and there’s a lot to do there: they have some good restaurants, and Disney Springs has a fun nightlife. If you are in Florida, take a stop for a few days. Indulge your inner child. Tickets cost around $110 USD per day and go up from there.

24. Hike the Appalachian Mountains

Stretching the east coast of America, these mountains are almost 500 million years old and offer great hiking, camping, and trekking. For a multi-month adventure, hike the 2,190-mile (3,524-kilometer) Appalachian Trail which covers the entire mountain range and takes 5-7 months to complete. You can also do day hikes or weekend hikes of its various sections if you want a more manageable outdoor getaway.

25. Unwind in Put-In-Bay

One of the coolest, not-so-hidden places in the U.S. is this group of islands in Lake Erie. Widely known to Midwesterners (but unknown to most everyone else), South Bass Island is home to Put-in-Bay, where Midwest hospitality meets Caribbean vibes (you ride around in golf carts and bars have sand as floors). My favorite spot is Mojito Bay, an outdoor tiki bar with sand floors and swings for bar seats that offers up more than 25 different mojitos. These places get very wild on the weekends too.

26. Explore Maine

Tucked away up in the northeast, Maine evokes images of endless shorelines, wild forests, iconic lighthouses, and lots and lots of lobster dinners. It’s often overlooked yet it’s incredibly beautiful and perfect for a short road trip. Don’t miss trying lobster rolls (a regional favorite) and hiking in Acadia National Park. Portland has some great eateries (such as Duckfat and Eventide Oyster Co.) and picturesque historic lighthouses, including Maine’s oldest operating lighthouse, the Portland Head Light, which opened in 1791 when George Washington was president. Additionally, tiny Bangor is home to tons of breweries and Moosehead State Park is an incredible place to go hiking for a few days. And you can’t go wrong stopping in any of the quintessential New England fishing villages up and down the coast. Maine is one of the best states in the union!

27. Take a road trip

The only good way to see this vast and diverse landscape and the small towns that populate it is with a road trip . I highly suggest renting a car and driving across the U.S. It’s an amazing experience. I’ve done several coast-to-coast trips as well as regional trips around New England , California , and the South . It’s the best way to see the country and you can do it for under $50 USD a day.

For the best rental car deals, use Discover Cars .

28. Take a tour

You can find all sorts of amazing walking tours, bike tours, and food tours all around the country. They’re a great way to get an in-depth look at the city you’re in with the help of an expert local guide. Take Walks is my go-to walking tour company when I’m looking for something thorough and insightful (and fun). They can get you behind the scenes and are much more comprehensive than your average free walking tour.

For information on specific cities in the United States, check out these city guides:

  • Austin Travel Guide
  • Boston Travel Guide
  • Chicago Travel Guide
  • Hawaii Travel Guide
  • Las Vegas Travel Guide
  • Los Angeles Travel Guide
  • Miami Travel Guide
  • New York Travel Guide
  • Philadelphia Travel Guide
  • San Francisco Travel Guide
  • Seattle Travel Guide
  • Washington D.C. Travel Guide

United States Travel Costs

Arched Bixby Creek Bridge along the Pacific Coast Highway, with lush hills in the background, in California, United States.

Accommodation – Hostels can be found in most major cities, though options are generally slim in the country. A bed in a dorm room with 4-6 beds usually costs between $35-55 USD per night. Rooms with more beds are marginally cheaper (they start around $25-30 USD per night). Private rooms are usually $75-125 USD. Expect prices on the higher end in bigger cities and during peak season. Free Wi-Fi is standard and most hostels also have self-catering facilities. Hostels with free breakfast are rare.

If you plan on camping, expect to pay at least $20-30 USD per night for a basic tent plot for two without electricity.

Cheap motels usually start around $60-75 USD per night and can be found along any highway. Expect basic amenities like TV, Wi-Fi, and AC. Some have pools.

Budget two-star hotels start at $90 USD per night. But, in major cities like NYC, LA, or Chicago, they start closer to $125 USD. The U.S. is very vast and prices fluctuate a lot depending on what region you’re in so check out the specific city guides listed above for more detailed information on accommodation. The United States is too diverse to pin down a specific number!

Airbnb is available around the country, with private rooms starting at $40 USD per night, though for good rooms, you’ll likely pay closer to $60 USD. For an entire home/apartment, expect to pay at least $100 USD per night. Prices in large cities are usually double. Again, there’s a lot of variation depending on where you’re going so check out the city guides for more specific prices!

Food – From seafood in New England to BBQ in the South to Tex-Mex and organic whole foods in the West to German influenced food in the Midwest, there is no singular food culture in the US. Every region has its own staples, which means you’ll never get bored of eating your way around the country.

Since the country is so big, prices for food vary a lot. What is $5 USD in Kansas is probably $15 USD in New York City. Below are some country averages but, if visiting a big metropolis/coastal city, add about 25% to the price.

Grab-and-go sandwiches usually cost around $10 USD while fast food costs $10-12 USD for a combo meal. Meals from food trucks will cost between $10-15 USD. Mid-range casual restaurants cost between $25-30 USD for a meal and drink. At some place a little nicer (think white table cloth), expect to spend at least $60 USD per person on dinner. Prices go up from there and the sky is the limit. Again, consult the city and destination guides for specific prices.

You can generally find takeout pizzas for around $10-15 USD while Chinese and Thai cuisine start around $10-12 USD for a main dish.

Beer is around $6-8 USD, a glass of wine is $8-10 USD, and cocktails start at $14 USD in most cities (about $20 USD in NYC though!). A latte/cappuccino is $4-5 USD and bottled water is $2 USD.

If you cook your own food, expect to pay about $60-80 USD per week for basic staples like rice, pasta, vegetables, and some meat.

Backpacking the United States Suggested Budgets

How much does it cost to visit the United States? Well, how much you spend largely depends on where in the United States you’re going to visit. For example, New York City is much more expensive than Memphis and San Francisco is going to hit your budget harder than Boise. The South is cheaper than the North and the interior states are cheaper than the coasts. The comparisons are endless! However, this overview can give you a basic look at what to expect based on your travel style and assuming you’re going to mix cheap and expensive destinations.

On a backpacking budget of $75 USD per day, you can stay in a hostel dorm, cook your meals, use public transportation to get around, limit your drinking, and do free activities like walking tours, hiking, and hanging out at beaches. If you plan on drinking, add another $10-20 USD per day. If you can camp or Couchsurf, you can likely get this down to $50-60 USD per day.

On a mid-range budget of $210 USD per day, you can stay in a private Airbnb or motel, eat out for most meals, enjoy some drinks, take the occasional taxi to get around, and do more paid activities like museum visits and food tours.

On an upscale budget of $350 USD or more per day, you can stay in a midrange hotel, eat out for all your meals, drink more, rent a car to get around, and do as many guided tours and activities as you want. This is just the ground floor for luxury though. The sky is the limit!

You can use the chart below to get some idea of how much you need to budget daily, depending on your travel style. Keep in mind these are daily averages – some days you’ll spend more, some days you’ll spend less (you might spend less every day). We just want to give you a general idea of how to make your budget. Prices are in USD.

United States Travel Guide: Money-Saving Tips

There are plenty of ways to save money when you travel the U.S. but it varies a lot by region (as I’ve been repeating). The general tips below can help you get started but, for more specific tips, visit my city guides.

  • Take a free tour – Taking a free walking tour is the best way to get introduced to a new place, and most major cities in the U.S. have free walking tours. You get to see the main sights and ask all your questions to a local guide. Just be sure to tip your guide at the end!
  • Take the bus – The cheapest way to get around the U.S. is by bus. Bus fares cost as little as $1 USD, though 2-3-hour journeys start around $30 USD. Between cities, the best companies are Megabus, Greyhound, and FlixBus.
  • Redeem hotel points – Be sure to sign up for hotel credit cards before you go and use those points when you travel. This is especially helpful in big cities. Be aware that most hotels charge parking fees if you have a car.
  • Get a U.S. Park Pass – This national park pass lets you into all the national parks for free so you don’t have to keep paying admission. The annual fee is $80 USD and it pays for itself after four parks.
  • Cook – The United States has some of the cheapest groceries in the developed world, while eating out here can add up quickly once you factor in a tip and tax (which varies by state). Grocery shopping can about $60 USD per week and is way cheaper and healthier than eating out every day. Cook and save!
  • Stay with a local – Couchsurfing lets you stay with a local for free, cutting your accommodation costs drastically. You’ll get to spend time with a local who can share their tips and advice while sharing your own travel stories and culture. You can also use the app to meet people for activities (coffee, museum visits, etc.) if you don’t feel comfortable staying with a stranger.
  • Camp – Most campsites start around $20-30 USD per night for a tent — much cheaper than a hostel. You can use to find campsites run by the National Park Service. You can also camp for free in National Forests or Bureau Land Management (BLM) lands (search for “dispersed camping” options). Just be sure to respect the environment and follow Leave No Trace principles when camping.
  • Use city tourism cards – City tourism cards allow you to see a large number of attractions (and often include free public transportation) for one low price, usually $75–100 USD. If you plan on seeing a lot, these can save you a ton.
  • Share your ride – If you have a car, taking on riders can be a way to lower your costs. On my first trip across the U.S., I offered rides to people I met in hostels. On another trip, I had friends and readers join me along the way. You can post ads on Craigslist and at hostels to find riders. This not only makes the trip more enjoyable but lowers your gas costs too. If you don’t have a car, you can use look for rides in the same places.
  • Stay at roadside hotels – There are a plethora of cheap roadside hotels such as Motel 6 and Super 8 to the rescue. Rooms start around $60-75 USD a night (plus tax). They’re great when you’re traveling with someone and can split the cost.
  • Find free museums and events – Inquire at tourism offices, use Google, or ask hotel or hostel staff for information about free events and museums. Many museums offer free or discounted admission times throughout the week.
  • Get free water or free refills – If you order a drink, most restaurants allow free refills while you eat your meal or refills at a low cost. If you ask, tap water is usually provided for free.
  • Save on gas – If you’re on a road trip, use the app GasBuddy to find cheap gas near you. Also, sign up for gas station loyalty programs as they can save you money on fill ups.

Where to Stay in the United States

Hostels are not all that plentiful across the United States yet. Generally, those that do exist are clean, social, and fun. You’ll find a lot of budget hotels wherever you go. here are some of my recommended places to stay around the USA (the cities guides will have even more suggestions):

  • HI Hostel (Boston)
  • The Revolution Hotel (Boston)
  • HI Hostel (Chicago)
  • The Arlo (Chicago)
  • Banana Bungalow (Los Angeles)
  • Hollywood Historic Hotel Los Angeles
  • Hostel Memphis (Memphis)
  • Hu Hotel (Memphis)
  • Freehand (Miami)
  • Hotel Ocean (Miami)
  • HI New Orleans (New Orleans)
  • Villa Convento (New Orleans)
  • The Local (New York City)
  • Heritage Hotel (New York City)
  • ITH Adventure Hostel (San Diego)
  • Old Town Inn (San Diego)
  • The Green Tortoise (San Francisco)
  • SW Hotel (San Francisco)
  • The Green Tortoise (Seattle)
  • MarQueen Hotel (Seattle)

How to Get Around the United States

Amtrak train passing through trees in the United States.

City transportation – Most U.S. cities have public transportation, including metro systems and buses. Fares cost around $2-3 USD for a single journey, but there are usually packaged options for visitors. For example, you can get a 7-day unlimited MetroCard in New York City for $34 USD, which covers both buses and the subway system, while San Francisco offers a 7-day transit pass for $41 USD.

Outside of major cities, subways are rare. Some of the smaller cities have trams. Everywhere has a bus though and that’s usually the best way to get around.

Taxis – Taxis are metered with charges starting around $3 USD plus $2-3 USD per mile. This is one of the most expensive ways to get around, however, so I’d skip it unless you have no other choice.

Ridesharing – Uber and Lyft are generally cheaper than taxis and are the best way to get around a city if you don’t want to take a bus or pay for a taxi.

Intercity Bus – Taking the bus is one of the cheapest options for getting around the country, with fares as low as $1 USD if you book far enough in advance. Popular bus companies include:

A 4-5-hour bus ride from New York to Washington D.C. starts at $30 USD, while the 7-hour journey from Chicago to Detroit starts at $27 USD. Austin to New Orleans is around $54 USD. Booking early can save you upwards of 50% so try to plan ahead if you’re going to be taking the bus.

To find bus routes and prices, use BusBud .

Flying – Flying is your quickest option for long distance. You can occasionally find sales for as little as $100 USD so it’s worth it to check several websites ahead of time to see what deals are on. Post-COVID, fares are a lot higher than they were in the past. But if you find a deal, book in advance, or go off season, you can usually get a cheap fare. Sample one-way fares include San Francisco to Maui for $100-150 USD, Seattle to Austin for $85-115 USD, or New York to L.A. for $250 USD (round trip). However, prices can easily double if booked last minute.

For more information on how to find a cheap flight, check out this article .

Train – Amtrak is the rail provider for the United States, but it’s not the quickest or most affordable way to travel. They have routes all around the country ( here’s their route map ) and offer a cross-country pass for $499 USD. The USA Rail Pass gives you 30 days of travel over 10 segments, which averages out to around $50 USD per leg.

If you have a valid student ID you can save 15% on your tickets.

As for prices, A 20-hour train ride from Chicago to New Orleans costs around $110 USD, while a multi-day trip from New York to Los Angeles is around $280 USD. Book in advance to find the best deals. Shorter trips lasting 2-4 hours are usually under $40 USD.

Car rental – Roadtripping is a great way to explore the country, and car rentals can be found for as little as $35 USD for a multi-day rental. Renters need to be at least 21 years old. For the best rental car deals, use Discover Cars .

Hitchhiking – Hitchhiking in the United States is common and safe. Dress respectably, smile while making eye contact with drivers, and use a cardboard sign to tell people where you’re headed. Be prepared for long bouts of no pick-ups, especially if you’re traveling through more rural areas. Pack plenty of water and a light meal or two, like sandwiches and fruit. Hitchwiki is a great resource for additional hitchhiking tips.

When to Go to the United States

Since the United States is such a large country, the climate and temperature change drastically from coast to coast and from north to south.

The northern states have clearly defined seasons. In cities like Chicago, Boston, and New York, winter can bring heavy snowfall and more severe temperatures. Coastal areas like Seattle and Portland, Oregon, tend to be milder. Spring can start as late as May in the northernmost parts of the country, but this is a good time to visit because the weather begins to warm up and the busy tourist season hasn’t started yet. Summers are gorgeous and temperatures climb into the 80s°F (30s°C). It’s also the busiest time of year for tourism. Autumn is a wonderful time to visit the northern states because many parts of this region have a lot of trees. Temperatures have cooled, crowds have dwindled, and the changing leaves offer an something extra to enjoy.

The southern states have less defined seasons. In the southwest, winters tend to be dry and mild. In the southeast, temperatures are mild but places like and Memphis can be rainy. Spring is a wonderful time to visit this part of the country because temperatures are warm but not stifling. Summers get incredibly hot and humid in the southeast. In the desert areas of the southwest, like Las Vegas, temperatures can soar well above 104°F (40°C) on some days. Autumn cools things off across the southern states, but can also bring severe weather in the southeast. .

Ultimately, the best time to travel to the United States depends on where you’re headed and what kind of activities you’d like to do. Visit our city guides for more specific information on when to go.

How to Stay Safe in the United States

The United States is a massive country and “safety” changes a lot depending on where you go and what you do. Generally, the US safe place to travel around — even if you’re traveling solo.

Violent attacks tend to be confined to certain areas (especially where drug and gang violence are a problem). You may encounter petty crime, like theft, especially around popular tourist landmarks and in larger cities, especially on the west coast where theft is a much more common problem. Keep an eye on your belongings at all times, especially while taking crowded public transportation.

Gun violence and mass shootings tend to dominate headlines when they happen. However, the chances of it happening to you are slim. Do not let this discourage you from exploring the United States. The U.S. is very big and very, very diverse. And, due to this size, there is a lot of cultural (and political) variation. Despite what you hear, crime in America is low. (There was far more crime in the US in the 1990s!). For more information, read this post, “ Is it Safe to Visit the United States?”

If you rent a vehicle, don’t leave any valuables in it overnight. Take common sense safety measures and you’ll be fine.

Moreover, be sure to read about common travel scams to avoid here .

When hiking, always bring water and sunscreen. Be sure to check the weather before you depart and dress accordingly.

Solo female travelers should generally feel safe but all the standard safety cautions apply. For specific tips, I would read one of the many incredible solo female travel blogs on the web. They’ll give you tips and advice that I can’t.

If you do experience an emergency, dial 911 for assistance.

Always trust your gut instinct. Make copies of your personal documents, including your passport and ID.

The most important piece of advice I can offer is to purchase good travel insurance. Travel insurance protects you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. You can use the widget below to find the policy right for you:

United States Travel Guide: The Best Booking Resources

These are my favorite companies to use when I travel. They consistently have the best deals, offer world-class customer service and great value, and overall, are better than their competitors. They are the companies I use the most and are always the starting point in my search for travel deals.

  • Skyscanner – Skyscanner is my favorite flight search engine. They search small websites and budget airlines that larger search sites tend to miss. They are hands down the number one place to start.
  • Hostelworld – This is the best hostel accommodation site out there with the largest inventory, best search interface, and widest availability.
  • – The best all around booking site that constantly provides the cheapest and lowest rates. They have the widest selection of budget accommodation. In all my tests, they’ve always had the cheapest rates out of all the booking websites.
  • Get Your Guide – Get Your Guide is a huge online marketplace for tours and excursions. They have tons of tour options available in cities all around the world, including everything from cooking classes, walking tours, street art lessons, and more!
  • SafetyWing – Safety Wing offers convenient and affordable plans tailored to digital nomads and long-term travelers. They have cheap monthly plans, great customer service, and an easy-to-use claims process that makes it perfect for those on the road.
  • LifeStraw – My go-to company for reusable water bottles with built-in filters so you can ensure your drinking water is always clean and safe.
  • Unbound Merino – They make lightweight, durable, easy-to-clean travel clothing.
  • Top Travel Credit Cards – Points are the best way to cut down travel expenses. Here’s my favorite point earning credit cards so you can get free travel!

United States Travel Guide: Related Articles

Want more info? Check out all the articles I’ve written on United States travel and continue planning your trip:

Where to Stay in San Francisco: The Best Neighborhoods for Your Visit

Where to Stay in San Francisco: The Best Neighborhoods for Your Visit

The 12 Best Things to Do in Chicago

The 12 Best Things to Do in Chicago

The 5 Best Hotels in San Francisco

The 5 Best Hotels in San Francisco

How to Experience Milwaukee Like a Local

How to Experience Milwaukee Like a Local

The 7 Best Hotels in New York City

The 7 Best Hotels in New York City

The 7 Best Hotels in Miami

The 7 Best Hotels in Miami

Get my best stuff sent straight to you, pin it on pinterest.

  • Where To Stay
  • Transportation
  • Booking Resources
  • Related Blogs

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Russian Tours and Cruises from Express to Russia

  • Tours to Russia

Our 20 Best Russian Tours of 2022

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If you have not found the tour that you are looking for and would like us to create something special for you, please contact us . Travel to Russia with Express to Russia!

Photo by Serge Kutuzov on Unsplash

Highlights of Two Capitals

This is a well-balanced tour of Moscow and St. Petersburg that includes all must-see sights, such as the Kremlin, Red Square, the Peter and Paul Fortress, Peterhof with its world-famous fountains and, of course, the Hermitage Museum.



St. Isaac's Cathedral, St. Petersburg, Russia, photo by Express to Russia staff

Classic St. Petersburg

This is our most popular tour of St. Petersburg. It includes all the most important highlights of the Northern Capital, and also provides enough free time for exploring the city on your own. We have a huge variety of St. Petersburg excursions that you can take for extra sightseeing.

Photobank Lori

Moscow - St. Petersburg 4-star cruise by Vodohod

With this 12-day cruise, you will visit Russia's largest cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg - and several charming small towns and villages, all rich in Russian culture and history: Uglich, Yaroslavl, Goritsy, Kizhi, and Mandrogui

Cruise Ship

Moscow Kremlin, photo by Walkerssk on Pixabay

Classic Moscow

This is our most popular Moscow tour that includes all the most prominent sights. You will become acquainted with ancient Russia in the Kremlin, admire Russian art in the Tretyakov Gallery, listen to street musicians as you stroll along the Old Arbat street, and learn about Soviet times on the Moscow Metro tour.

Mongolian train (shutterstock photo)

Journey of a Lifetime

The tour is a great opportunity to visit three countries on one trip. You will be delighted with the capital of Russia, see the border of Europe and Asia in Yekaterinburg, admire beautiful nature in Krasnoyarsk, see the world's largest lake Baikal, steppes of Mongolia and China's cultural heritage.

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Astrakhan - Moscow 4-star cruise by Vodohod

With this cruise, you will get a feeling for both the south-eastern Russia with its link to the Asia and the Orient and the European, imperial Russia. You will start your trip in Astrakhan and sail practically the whole length of the Volga River from the edge of the Caspian Sea to Moscow.

Photo by Vince Gx on Unsplash

Trans-Sib through Russia - Mongolia - China

This exciting Trans-Siberian tour takes you to three countries - Russia, Mongolia and China. From Moscow you will proceed to the Siberian cities of Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and Irkutsk, close to Lake Baikal. Then you will cross Mongolia with its endless steppes and the Goby Desert, and finally arrive in China with the Great Wall and more.

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Moscow - St. Petersburg 5-star cruise by Vodohod

Enjoy an 8 day Russian river cruise on our luxury ship. Besides visiting Russia’s two capitals – Moscow and St. Petersburg, the cruise will also take you to the ancient towns of Uglich and Goritsy, Kizhi island with its outstanding wooden architecture, and Mandrogui village, famous for traditional handicrafts.

St. Basiils Cathedral, Moscow, Photo by vierro from Pexels

A Week in Moscow

This tour is a perfect choice for those who wish to get to know Moscow in depth. One of the highlights of this package is the KGB history tour which gives an interesting perspective on the Cold War. You will also have time for exploring the city on your own or doing extra sightseeing.

2 in 1 travel system cheap

Group tour Taste Of Russia by Intourist

Taste the Russian culture, traditions and way of life by visiting 3 completely different cities: Europe�s largest megalopolis Moscow, provincial Novgorod with medieval Russia spirit, and gorgeous St. Petersburg with glittering baroque palaces and romantic canals.

Photo by Sergey Mind on Unsplash

Trans-Siberian 3 in 1

This is our shortest version of our Trans Siberian railroad tours but it covers some of the most interesting cities. The trip begins in Moscow, the capital of Russia, then continues on to Yekaterinburg, located in the Ural Mountains and at the edge of Siberia. The tour ends on the shores of Lake Baikal.

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Moscow - Astrakhan 4-star cruise by Vodohod

This Volga cruise covers many cities. You will admire the vibrancy of Moscow, enjoy the quiet atmosphere of ancient Vladimir. You will visit Nizhny Novgorod, the old center of the Volga region as well as Kazan and Astrakhan which occupy the former territory of the Golden Horde.

Photo by Maria Rodideal on Unsplash

Jewels of Two Capitals

It is our most complete and popular tour of Moscow and St. Petersburg. In addition to visiting all the emblematic places, you will also have free time for your own discoveries. On your free nights you can watch the shows at the Bolshoi and Mariinsky Theaters or a folkloric show.

Photo by Alice Butenko on Unsplash

Express St. Petersburg

This tour gives you a great overview of the city. You will visit Peter and Paul Fortress, the birthplace of the city and also the location where the Last Romanovs are buried. You will become acquainted with the rich collection of the Hermitage Museum and learn about Imperial life while visiting Peterhof.

The Smolensk Fortress Wall, Russia

Ancient Russia, the Beginning

The Central European part of Russia is known for its ancient towns. On this tour you will make stops in the most important towns of the Silver Ring - Velikiy Novgorod, Pskov, Izborsk and Pechory. Each of these towns are home to unique monuments of Russian history and culture.

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St. Petersburg - Moscow 3-star cruise by Vodohod

This is our most popular St. Petersburg to Moscow cruise. Besides in depth visits to St. Petersburg and Moscow, the cruise covers all the most important areas between the two capitals: Mandrogui - a colorful village famous for local handicrafts, amazing Kizhi Island with its beautiful nature and wooden architecture, as well as the ancient towns of Goritsy, Yaroslavl, and Uglich.

2 in 1 travel system cheap

St. Petersburg - Moscow 5-star cruise by Vodohod

This 8-day Russian river cruise by luxury ship will take you to the jewels of Russia - St. Petersburg and Moscow as well as the most significant towns between these 2 magnificent cities: Mandrogui village, Kizhi island with its amazing wooden architecture and Uglich and Goritsy with their tranquil, country atmosphere.

Photo by Andrey Basov on Unsplash

Group Tour Golden Ring, Moscow and St. Petersburg

This tour is a perfect combination of the 'Two Capitals' of Russia - Moscow and St. Petersburg, and the charming ancient towns of Suzdal and Vladimir located in the Golden Ring area of Russia. The tour is highly recommended to those interested in Russian history.

MS Mustai Karim lobby, photo from Vodohod website

Moscow - St. Petersburg Luxury Cruise by Vodohod

Show 20 more activities


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Wealth of Geeks

Wealth of Geeks

31 Cheap Places to Travel in the US That Won’t Break the Bank

Posted: March 4, 2024 | Last updated: March 4, 2024

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Cheap places to travel in this economy? It’s more likely than you think. Despite rising costs, some places in the United States remain affordable and, therefore, accessible to all kinds of travelers. Whether you’re looking for a romantic getaway, bachelorette trip, or solo adventure, our list of cheap places to travel will have you ready to pull the trigger on booking that flight. The only thing you’ll need to worry about is what to pack while you’re away!

<p>The summer travelers are barely gone before the trees start to change color in Yellowstone National Park. Travelers will find Quaking Aspen, Narrowleaf Cottonwood, Willow, and Hawthorne trees with the park’s geysers. Yellowstone National Park is in Northwest Wyoming. Most <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener">lodges</a> shutter in the fall, and most roads close with the first big snowstorm. Open 365 days a year and 24 hours a day. A 7-day pass is $35 per vehicle.</p>

1. Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

National parks make great vacation destinations precisely because they’re usually inexpensive to visit, and Grand Teton National Park is no different. Although the entrance fee is usually $35 per car and covers up to 15 passengers, there are multiple days each year when fees are waived. Camp-style, co-ed accommodations at resorts like the  Climber’s Ranch  start at just $35 per night.

<p><span>Ahoy, mateys. Get this. St. Augustine is home to one of two surviving skull and crossbones flags and the world’s only verified pirate treasure chest. With 800+ pirate artifacts, interactive exhibits, scavenger hunts, and memorabilia (like Captain Hook’s hook from </span><i><span>Hook</span></i><span>)—it’s a pretty awesome place to pull over for a spell. </span></p><p><span>Location: 12 S Castillo Dr, St. Augustine, FL 32084</span></p>

2. St. Augustine, Florida

Culturally rich cities with historic sites to visit always rank high in terms of affordable travel, and St. Augustine is the oldest in the United States. With its public beaches, Fort Matanzas, Castillo de San Marcos, and Fort Mose , St. Augustine is the perfect cheap place to travel. The forts afford beautiful views, nature trails, and live demonstrations.

<p>Yachats is home to <a href="" rel="noopener">the 804 trail</a>, a relatively easy hiking experience that’s part of the Oregon Coast Trail. Couples will love the sightseeing, sure, but the coastline is also frequented by whales, another element of that classic Pacific Northwest beauty! </p>

3. Yachats, Oregon

Located on the Oregon Coast, Yachats is full of wildlife, natural beauty, and tons of free outdoor activities. Visitors will love Tillicum Beach, just four miles north, with plenty of parking and public restrooms. There are also multiple local hotels and inns  to choose from.

<h3>Cuyahoga Valley National Park – Cleveland and Akron</h3><p>Just outside Cleveland and Akron is a unique slice of nature. Twenty-two miles of the Cuyahoga River run the length of this park. Walk or bike the historic towpath that mules trod for the Ohio and Erie Canal. Another unique way to get around the park is to ride the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad. </p>

4. Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Ohio

Cuyahoga Valley  offers a great day trip from Cleveland, Ohio, or as a standalone outdoor adventure. There are more than 125 miles of hiking trails available, ranging from easy to challenging. For cheaper accommodations, camping is available less than 10 miles away from the park.

<p>Situated in <a href="">Utah’s</a> captivating landscape, <a href="" rel="noopener">The Moab Resort</a> is a perfect spot for those seeking a unique ecotourism vacation where they can learn all about bats. Initially met with concerns and complaints about the resident bat population, The Moab Resort responds by launching an educational initiative. The resort enlightens guests about bat conservation and implements practices to protect their habitats. To engage young guests, the resort encourages them to “name” the bats during their stay, transforming these enchanting creatures from potential nuisances into beloved inhabitants. This thoughtful approach creates a captivating adventure that fosters a well-deserved appreciation for bats. </p><p>Moab has 150 distinctive vacation club suites, offering accommodations with partial or full kitchens, private bedrooms, separate living and dining areas, a washer/dryer, a fireplace, and a balcony. These suites provide the perfect retreat after a day of outdoor activities like hiking, biking, or whitewater rafting. </p>

5. Moab, Utah

Another excellent choice for multi-talented adventurers,  Moab  offers hiking, mountain biking, and river rafting in the Colorado River. Visitors can enjoy free art trails and a fare-free transit service that serves the city. You’ll also love the unique, rust-colored desert views and vistas!

<p>Some call Detroit the Motor City. However, the “D” has become notable for all the wrong reasons. In 2013, the city of Detroit formalized the largest municipal bankruptcy filing in American history. The city’s post-apocalyptic appearance has been <a href="" rel="noopener">fodder for horror films,</a> but you don’t need to embellish Detroit’s horrifying crime stats for shock value.</p><p>For every 100,000 residents in Motown, 11.77 people pass away via homicide.</p>

6. Detroit, Michigan

There are so many free things to do in Detroit it’s impossible to list them all, but one must-see is the  Belle Isle Aquarium , the oldest original aquarium in the country! Although a $5 donation is encouraged, it isn’t required. Over 16 months of the pandemic, the aquarium invested $1.2 million in renovations and new exhibits, so there are tons of brand new water creatures and wildlife to spy.

<p>Rated one of the top things to do in Branson, Silver Dollar City has been thrilling visitors for over 50 years. This 1880’s style theme park offers six festivals, 30 rides, 40 daily live shows, shops, and restaurants.</p>

7. Branson, Missouri

Noël Russell, CXO and co-founder of  Whimstay , a budget-friendly platform for booking last-minute vacation rentals, calls Branson “a blend of entertainment and serene landscapes.” Russell encourages visitors to enjoy a meal at BillyGail’s Cafe, known for massive, delicious pancakes and country-style meals at affordable prices. Tickets at the Titanic Museum are reasonably priced and offer family-friendly fun. As if to underscore her point, Branson was previously featured in a shorter Wealth of Geeks collection of  affordable travel spots !

<p>Chattanooga ranked as the <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener">second-worst-run city</a> in the United States based on an amalgamation of data. When life suddenly stops, and you turn to local officials to provide order and assurance, you better hope those officials don’t report to work at Chattanooga City Hall.</p>

8. Chattanooga, Tennessee

Chattanooga is an outdoorsy city home to the ever-popular Lookout Mountain and Ruby Falls. Tours of the falls, which utilize a glass-front elevator to descend more than 260 feet below the surface, cost just $39. With multiple attractions within 15 minutes of each other, you could spend all day with your family and not see the entire thing!

<p><span>Russell says Broken Bow is “a treasure trove of natural beauty and outdoor adventures.” Beavers Bend State Park is free to access and offers hiking trails, which visitors can follow up with affordable meals at Grateful Head Pizza Oven & Tap Room. The Forest Heritage Center Museum, with its nominal entrance fee, offers insights into the region’s rich forestry history. Affordable cabin rentals abound in Broken Bow, ranging from tiny rustic hideaways to sprawling estates. With Whimstay, Russell says travelers can expect an average savings of at least 24 percent.</span></p>

9. Broken Bow, Oklahoma

Russell says Broken Bow is “a treasure trove of natural beauty and outdoor adventures.” Beavers Bend State Park is free to access and offers hiking trails, which visitors can follow up with affordable meals at Grateful Head Pizza Oven & Tap Room. The Forest Heritage Center Museum, with its nominal entrance fee, offers insights into the region’s rich forestry history. Affordable cabin rentals abound in Broken Bow, ranging from tiny rustic hideaways to sprawling estates. With Whimstay, Russell says travelers can expect an average savings of at least 24 percent.

<p>With dozens of relatively affordable condo and hotel rentals and family-friendly beaches, <a href="">Gulf Shores</a> is a popular beachside vacation destination. Kayak rentals, mini-golf, and beach walks all offer relatively affordable fun, too!</p>

10. Gulf Shores, Alabama

If you’re in the mood for a beach vacation but don’t want the high prices of other coastal cities, Gulf Shores has all the amenities you’re craving at lower costs. With miles of public beach and hotels and condos that range from affordable to fancy, there’s something here for every budget range. Gift shops, restaurants, mini-golf courses, and other activities abound.

<p>St. Louis is home to the famous <a href="" rel="noopener">City Museum</a>, a play space kids and fun-loving adults will want to see again and again. It’s also known for its self-titled pizza style and is an affordable city to visit in the heart of the US!</p>

11. Louis, Missouri

St. Louis is known for its pizza style, but one of its most popular attractions is the City Museum. Single-day tickets to the multi-story extravaganza cost $20, but kids under two play for free. Basic passes cost $45 and include access to many special events, plus come with a parking discount. Of course, you’d be remiss to miss out on taking a tiny elevator tube up to the top of the St. Louis Arch!

<p>Located in the heart of <a href="">North Carolina</a>, Raleigh is a growing city with numerous breweries, delicious restaurants, and trendy shops. The city offers the perfect mix of modern amenities, historic sites, and lush natural spaces. There’s much to see and do in Raleigh, but you’ll stay for the southern hospitality.</p>

12. Raleigh, North Carolina

Much like Detroit, Raleigh is packed full of free activities that families and solo travelers will love. There’s no admission fee for the African American Cultural Center, Buckhorn Disc Golf Course, or the City of Raleigh Museum. While there are nicer boutique hotels available, there are also easily accessible and more affordable chain hotels as well.

<p>The <a href="" rel="noopener">Great Smoky Mountain National Park</a> is one of the few free national parks in the United States. Every level of hiking is available, from beginner to advanced.</p> <p>Pack a picnic and enjoy lunch by one of the many streams or waterfalls along some trails. Wildlife on the hike may range from salamanders to snakes to wild turkeys and maybe even a bear!</p>

13. Gatlinburg, Tennessee

According to Russell, one of many key highlights in Gatlinburg is the Gatlinburg Trail, one of the few dog-friendly trails in the area. It’s dotted with old settlements, and Russell calls it a “hiker’s paradise.” Ripley’s Aquarium of the Smokies offers admission for around $35, as well as discounts for children and seniors. Using Whimstay, guests could expect to save an average of 22 percent on hotel accommodations. 

<p><span>Surrounded by seven wilderness areas, Sedona is the spot for hikers, outdoor lovers, and anyone interested in Native American heritage and history. Sedona is about three hours away from three separate tribal parks and has six national monuments within a three-hour drive. You’ll love having so many day trip options — perfect for a multi-night stay!</span></p>

14. Sedona, Arizona

Surrounded by seven wilderness areas, Sedona is the spot for hikers, outdoor lovers, and anyone interested in Native American heritage and history. Sedona is about three hours away from three separate tribal parks and has six national monuments within a three-hour drive. You’ll love having so many day trip options — perfect for a multi-night stay!

<p>This Southern vacation town on South Carolina’s Atlantic coast has no shortage of entertainment, golf courses, and modern amenities. If you can brave the hustle and bustle of Myrtle Beach, <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener">a decline in median home values of more than 7%</a> should be music to your ears. </p><p>Let the prices continue to fall, and find yourself a steal of a deal in 2024.</p>

15. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

For a taste of local flavor, Russell says visitors should check out River City Cafe for mouthwatering burgers at wallet-friendly prices. Families and solo travelers will love the SkyWheel, a towering Ferris wheel with stunning views that offers affordable ticket options. The Carolina Country Music Fest brings the beach to life with tunes and ocean breeze each summer. 

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16. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

With 250 blooming cherry trees in North Park, Pittsburgh comes alive with a beautiful pink color each spring. However, visitors can enjoy the 60-acre  Pittsburgh Botanic Garden , complete with a lotus pond, all year long. Admission starts at just $15, and there are multiple discounts available.

<p><span>Big Bear Lake offers outdoor adventure all year long, in any season. Travelers will love snowboarding, fishing, skiing, mountain biking, hiking, and more. From cozy rental cabins to resorts, private homes, and bed and breakfasts, there are also </span><a class="editor-rtfLink" href="" rel="noopener"><span>accommodations</span></a><span> to fit every price range.</span></p>

17. Big Bear Lake, California

Big Bear Lake offers outdoor adventure all year long, in any season. Travelers will love snowboarding, fishing, skiing, mountain biking, hiking, and more. From cozy rental cabins to resorts, private homes, and bed and breakfasts, there are also  accommodations  to fit every price range.

<p><span>Bailey is home to the uber-funky Sasquatch Outpost, only a couple hours’ drive away from the larger city of Denver. Enjoy the quirky museum with interactive exhibits on a day trip, then head to the small downtown area to refuel at Aspen Peak Cellars. The winery features tastings, pick-up dinner nights, and even live bluegrass music.</span></p>

18. Bailey, Colorado

Bailey is home to the uber-funky Sasquatch Outpost, only a couple hours’ drive away from the larger city of Denver. Enjoy the quirky museum with interactive exhibits on a day trip, then head to the small downtown area to refuel at Aspen Peak Cellars. The winery features tastings, pick-up dinner nights, and even live bluegrass music.

<p><span>In Memphis, TN, women face economic difficulties, with an average yearly income of $34,002. Memphis is also particularly susceptible to natural disasters, particularly flooding along the Mississippi River. This can disrupt daily life, including work, and potentially lead to property damage, adding an extra layer of concern for women living in the area.</span></p>

19. Memphis, Tennessee

Memphis is the far more affordable sister to the state capitol of Nashville. A stroll down historic Beale Street offers live jazz and blues drifting from bars and restaurants at no cost, and visitors will love seeing the daily Duck March at the Peabody Hotel.

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20. Fredericksburg, Texas

With its unique German heritage and picturesque Texas Hill Country scenery, Russell says Fredericksburg is one of the most enchanting cheap places to travel in Texas. Wine enthusiasts will adore the affordable tastings at local vineyards like Grape Creek Vineyards. Each spring, the town comes alive with the vibrant Fredericksburg Crawfish Festival, and the beauty of Wildseed Farms, a stunning display of Texas wildflowers, is always free.

<p>Washington, D.C., is a bad place to be in an emergency scenario for several reasons. For one, it is the most likely target if the grid’s collapse is due to some kind of attack. Secondly, it’s a concentrated urban center where riots will almost certainly break out quickly. Thirdly, you can be certain that you won’t be a high-priority evacuee in a city populated by many of America’s most powerful residents. </p>

21. Washington, D.C.

One of the best parts about Washington, D.C., is all the free historical sightseeing and museums. Whether you stroll down Pennsylvania Avenue to see the White House or ponder the giant statue of founding father Abe Lincoln at the Lincoln Memorial, there’s something here for every history buff.

<p>Dating back to 1902, the <a href="" rel="noopener">Ocean City Boardwalk</a> offers nostalgic fun you’ll love. It’s three miles of a wooden walkway with oceanfront views that offer family-friendly activities, restaurants, and shops. If you’re a sucker for snacks, the boardwalk has snack vendors that have been serving up staples for many generations. Grab the famous Fisher’s Popcorn and then ride on the carousel. You’re sure to feel like a kid again.</p>

22. Ocean City, Maryland

Ocean City is a haven for beach lovers and budget travelers, according to Russell. The Ocean City Boardwalk offers endless free entertainment, from people-watching to stunning ocean views. Thrasher’s French Fries, a beachside staple, is known for its simple yet delicious fries. For a tranquil escape, visit Northside Park, a perfect spot for a serene stroll or picnic by the bay.

<p><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener">Bleeding Kansas</a> was a pivotal turning point in American history. Apparently, those contributing to Kansas City’s (Missouri, but still) well-above-average homicide rate take their history lessons far too literally.</p>

23. Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City features an excellent, free streetcar that has 16 stops in the  Crossroads Arts District ,  Power & Light District , and  River Market . After 2 pm, get free admission to Deanna Rose Children’s Farmstead, which hosts hundreds of animals families will love to pet and learn about.

<p>Florida is all-too-logical a destination for those who want to kick their feet up and enjoy their golden years. The sunshine alone is a magnet for retirees, and Pensacola’s immediate access to Escambia Bay, Pensacola Bay, and the Gulf of Mexico offers plenty of water-borne adventures. There’s plenty of shopping for the wife, fishing and golf for the hubby, and much more to love for the whole family.</p>

24. Pensacola, Florida

Pensacola offers all the beachy activities of Miami at a fraction of the cost. With dozens of hotels, inns, and condos that span a giant price range, you’re sure to find something in your budget. Although travelers will enjoy the stereotypical gift shops and seafood restaurants, the city also features late-night Irish pubs, dive bars, and other forms of nightlife.

<p><span>Plains makes for a cute, cozy trip in the Southeast. It’s the home of former President Jimmy Carter, so you can expect plenty of peanut-related merchandise paying homage to the peanut-farming executive at local gift shops. The Windsor Hotel is stunning and historic, and other chain hotels offer less expensive accommodations.</span></p>

25. Plains, Georgia

Plains makes for a cute, cozy trip in the Southeast. It’s the home of former President Jimmy Carter, so you can expect plenty of peanut-related merchandise paying homage to the peanut-farming executive at local gift shops. The Windsor Hotel is stunning and historic, and other chain hotels offer less expensive accommodations.

<p>With a score of 66.52, this city offers a breathtaking coastal setting with a thriving food scene, arts, and culture. It’s an excellent choice for women who appreciate a strong sense of community and the outdoors. </p>

26. Portland, Maine

The Old Port district is the best of both worlds, combining pubs and nightlife with historic cobblestone streets, boutique shopping, and more. On Fridays, from 4 to 8 pm, the Portland Museum of Art offers free admission. There aren’t many other places where you can see original Andy Warhol paintings at no charge!

<p><a href=",that%20time%20has%20moved%20on." rel="nofollow noopener">Gettysburg Battlefield</a>–a land soaked in blood–where the choreography of the Civil War’s deadliest dance continues to perform. The ground itself is scarred by the conflict and seems to hold onto the souls of the fallen. You can almost hear the clashing of steel and the cries of the doomed hitting the ground around you. </p><p>A rock formation known as “Devil’s Den” watches over the battlefield. Its name is a grim testimony to the horrors it witnessed. You may bump into various ghostly apparitions or a figure offering silent guidance with its words lost to time. The shadows of three betrayed soldiers at Sachs Bridge play out their final moments. Every twist and turn of the place indicates that some stories are too tragic to ever truly end.</p>

27. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Much like Washington, D.C., Gettysburg is home to a history that’s integral to the United States. The town might be quaint, but many of the downtown activities and even some of the memorials are still dog-friendly, a rare amenity while traveling. Gettysburg National Military Park is one such location, allowing you to walk in the footsteps of soldiers who fought on that spot more than 160 years ago. 

Image Credit: Salem Haunted Footsteps Ghost Tour/Christine Mill.

28. Salem, Massachusetts

Although best known for its Halloween-themed activities, Salem is a beautiful New England town all year round. The Salem Witch Trials Memorial is free to visit, as is Old Burying Point Cemetery. This quaint, albeit dark, town offers a bewitching getaway for travelers who don’t mind getting a little spooked.

<p>Over the past couple of years, almost half of Americans either moved or thought about it. If you look into your options, you’ll find that the most livable places in the U.S. aren’t necessarily the biggest, and sometimes they’re surprising. So if you’re one of the millions of people contemplating moving and you’re looking for a small or mid-sized town that has it all, this list of the best places to live is for you.</p>

29. Asheville, North Carolina

Asheville offers both outdoor and free historical adventure. Being nestled just outside the Appalachian Mountains, visitors can choose from literally hundreds of miles of hiking trails that begin around the city. With soccer fields, picnic areas, disc golf, walking trails, bocce courts, sand volleyball courts, and a playground,  Buncombe County’s parks  are a cut above.

<p><span>Baraboo makes the perfect day trip getaway from the busy Chicagoland area. It’s best known for Devil’s Lake, a beautiful glacial lake ringed by hiking trails that offer challenging treks and unique rock formations. Dogs are allowed, a rarity for parks and trails!</span></p>

30. Baraboo, Wisconsin

Baraboo makes the perfect day trip getaway from the busy Chicagoland area. It’s best known for Devil’s Lake, a beautiful glacial lake ringed by hiking trails that offer challenging treks and unique rock formations. Dogs are allowed, a rarity for parks and trails!

<p><span>Just a stone’s throw from Orlando’s theme parks, Russell says Kissimmee offers its own affordable adventures. Explore the Shingle Creek Regional Park, where kayaking unveils Florida’s natural beauty and wildlife. Savor the flavors of Florida at Abracadabra Ice Cream Factory, where the treats are as magical as the prices. History buffs will enjoy the Osceola County Welcome Center and History Museum, which offers free admission.</span></p><p><span>No matter which state you’re from or hoping to visit, the US has some truly affordable day trips and cheap places to travel. While you should be on the lookout for cheap travel hacks that actually have the </span><a class="editor-rtfLink" href="" rel="noopener"><span>potential to ruin your trip</span></a><span>, these destinations aren’t a danger! Luckily, there’s something on this list for both nature lovers and those who prefer to have fun indoors. From free museum admission to national parks and more, you can easily travel on a budget if you get creative.</span></p>

31. Kissimmee, Florida

Just a stone’s throw from Orlando’s theme parks, Russell says Kissimmee offers its own affordable adventures. Explore the Shingle Creek Regional Park, where kayaking unveils Florida’s natural beauty and wildlife. Savor the flavors of Florida at Abracadabra Ice Cream Factory, where the treats are as magical as the prices. History buffs will enjoy the Osceola County Welcome Center and History Museum, which offers free admission.

No matter which state you’re from or hoping to visit, the US has some truly affordable day trips and cheap places to travel. While you should be on the lookout for cheap travel hacks that actually have the  potential to ruin your trip , these destinations aren’t a danger! Luckily, there’s something on this list for both nature lovers and those who prefer to have fun indoors. From free museum admission to national parks and more, you can easily travel on a budget if you get creative.

<p>Discussions about places to visit in Montenegro tend to begin with Kotor, and it is easy to see why. Kotor packs plenty into its relatively small borders, with a proud maritime history allied to modern cafes, restaurants, and bars, plus some of the most alluring churches in this part of the world. Stop for a romantic courtyard lunch at Pržun before taking the arduous walk up to the fortress walls, where the ultimate view of the Bay of Kotor awaits.</p>

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Flights to Moscow - Travel Insights & Trends

Get data-powered insights and trends for flights to moscow to help you find the cheapest flights, the best time to fly and much more., how many airports are there in moscow, there are 4 airports in moscow: moscow sheremetyevo airport (svo), moscow vnukovo airport (vko), moscow domodedovo airport (dme) and moscow zhukovsky airport (zia). the busiest airport is moscow sheremetyevo airport (svo), with 51% of all flights arriving there., how long is the flight to moscow, the duration of your flight to moscow depends on your departure and arrival airports. obviously any flights that include a layover will also be longer. the most popular routes to moscow on kayak are from san francisco , which takes 19h 20m, los angeles , which takes 20h 30m, new york , which takes 22h 15m, and miami , which takes 23h 25m., when to book flights to moscow, faqs - booking moscow flights, what are the stopover options for the us to moscow flights.

The stopover options for the US flights to Moscow depend on your airline, departure city, and arrival airport. If you're flying with Turkish Airlines from New York, expect layovers in Istanbul, Bodrum, and Antalya. United Airlines, British Airways, EI AI, Azerbaijan Airlines, Austrian Airlines, SWISS, and Emirates offer flights from New York to DME with common layovers in Tel Aviv-Yafo, London, Baku, Vienna, Zurich, and Amsterdam respectively. Flights from Los Angeles have common layovers in New York, Frankfurt, Dubai, Stockholm, Amsterdam, and Vienna.

Which US airports offer flights from the US to Moscow?

If you’re looking to fly to Moscow from the US, you will be happy to know that several US airports offer these flights. You can get flights from the US to Moscow from Los Angeles (LAX), Miami (MIA), Newark (EWR), New York (JFK), Philadelphia (PHL), Chicago (ORD), and Atlanta (ATL) among others.

Does Sheremetyevo International Airport offer accessible services?

Yes. SVO is an accessible airport with management that strives to ensure that all passengers traveling through the airport get full access to its programs and services. The airport’s terminals are well configured to provide easy access for passengers with reduced mobility. SVO also offers accessible restrooms throughout its terminals. Disabled travelers are welcome to use Saturn Lounge in Terminal D or Sirius Lounge for passengers flying from Terminals D, E, and F.

How can I access the lounges at Moscow Vnukovo International Airport?

Art Lounge is near Gate 23 on the Second Floor of Terminal A. The lounge admits passengers on in-transit or international flights only and remains open for 24 hours. You can access the lounge through a pass or membership programs. Fountain Lounge is in the food court area on the Second Floor of Terminal A and admits passengers on membership programs. You can access Top Lounge through membership programs. The lounge is near Gate 21 on the Third Floor of Terminal A. Prokofiev Premier and Tchaikovsky Lounge admit travelers through membership programs. Prokofiev is near Gate 13 in Terminal A while the latter is on the International Airside of the same terminal.

What shopping options are available at the Moscow airports?

Travelers looking to shop while in Moscow need not go any further than the airports, as both airports have a wide range of options from fashion to jewelry and souvenirs. Popular shops in Sheremetyevo International Airport include Red Machine, Yarmarka, and Swarovski. For Domodedovo International Airport, Natura Siberica, Consul, and Frey Wille are all great stores to take a peek at.

What restaurant options are there at the Moscow airports?

Just as the shopping options were extensive at both airports, the dining is the same. For Sheremetyevo International Airport, consider paying a visit to Kolbasny Tsekh and Mama Russia. If you are flying into Domodedovo International Airport, Uzbechka and Edim Letim are sure to satisfy.

What facilities are available for children and families at Moscow’s airports?

In Sheremetyevo International Airport, travelers will be happy to note that there is a children’s play area in Terminal D. There are also mother-and-child rooms that feature play areas, showers, and couches for young children and their mothers. As for Domodedovo International Airport, there are two children’s play areas located at the International and Domestic Terminals.

How do I get from Domodedovo International Airport to downtown Moscow?

Fortunately for travelers, Domodedovo International Airport is very well-connected to downtown Moscow. If you are just in town for a visit, likely the cheapest and most convenient way to get into town is the Aeroexpress. Aside from the Aeroexpress, however, there are also bus, shuttle and taxi options available.

Which Moscow airport is closest to central Moscow?

There are 4 major airports in Moscow. The nearest airport from Moscow city center is Moscow Vnukovo (17 miles), followed by Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport (18 miles), Moscow Zhukovsky (25 miles), and Moscow Domodedovo Airport (25 miles).

How does KAYAK find such low prices on flights to Moscow?

KAYAK is a travel search engine. That means we look across the web to find the best prices we can find for our users. With over 2 billion flight queries processed yearly, we are able to display a variety of prices and options on flights to Moscow.

How does KAYAK's flight Price Forecast tool help me choose the right time to buy my flight ticket to Moscow?

KAYAK’s flight Price Forecast tool uses historical data to determine whether the price for a flight to Moscow is likely to change within 7 days, so travelers know whether to wait or book now.

What is the Hacker Fare option on flights to Moscow?

Hacker Fares allow you to combine one-way tickets in order to save you money over a traditional round-trip ticket. You could then fly to Moscow with an airline and back with another airline.

What is KAYAK's "flexible dates" feature and why should I care when looking for a flight to Moscow?

Sometimes travel dates aren't set in stone. If your preferred travel dates have some wiggle room, flexible dates will show you all the options when flying to Moscow up to 3 days before/after your preferred dates. You can then pick the flights that suit you best.

Which airline offers the most flights to Moscow?

Of the 18 airlines that fly to Moscow, Aeroflot offers the most flights, with around 2,344 per week, followed by Pobeda with 452 flights per week.

Top tips for finding cheap flights to Moscow

  • Enter your preferred departure airport and travel dates into the search form above to unlock the latest Moscow flight deals.
  • Moscow Vnukovo International Airport (VKO) consists of two terminals, Terminal A and Terminal D. The former is the main terminal that serves most international and domestic flights. Terminal D mostly serves flights arriving from North Caucasus. The terminals are a short walk from each other as they are adjacent and are connected by walkways.
  • Passengers arriving at Moscow Domodedovo International Airport (MDE) can utilize the airport’s shower facilities to freshen up before leaving the airport. Showers are available in the Left Wing of the International Arrivals Area.
  • Passengers looking to explore MDE luggage-free are welcome to leave their luggage at the airport’s storage lockers. You can find the lockers Landslide of the International Arrivals Area and on the Ground Floor of the Domestic Arrivals.
  • Gadget-totting travelers can charge their devices at MDE. The airport offers stand-alone charging stations in every waiting lounge. You can also rent battery chargers from the Left Luggage room.
  • Moscow Sheremetyevo International Airport (SVO) is completely smoke-free in the terminals. However, the airport offers designated smoking pavilions to accommodate smoking passengers. The smoking pavilions are outside at the terminals’ entrances.
  • For flights to Moscow, travelers have four different airports to choose from: Domodedovo International Airport (DME), Sheremetyevo International Airport (SVO), Vnukovo International Airport (VKO), and Zhukovsky International Airport (ZIA). However, most travelers will be flying into either Domodedovo International Airport or Sheremetyevo International Airport, as they are by far the most popular of the four airports.
  • Getting from Sheremetyevo International Airport to downtown Moscow is simple, thanks to the Aeroexpress, which connects directly to both Belorussky Railway Terminal and Okruzhnaya station. From either station, you can head to a number of locations across Moscow in no time.
  • Looking to head straight to the hotel after your flight to Moscow? If you are landing at Sheremetyevo International Airport, the Novotel Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport Hotel is within walking distance of the airport’s terminals. For Domodedovo International Airport, on the other hand, there is the Domodedovo AirHotel, which is located just half a mile away from the airport and offers free transfers to and from the airport.
  • If you need to get between Domodedovo International Airport and Sheremetyevo International Airport, your best bet is to take a combination of the Aeroexpress and the Moscow Metro. There is even a special “Between Airports” ticket available for purchase at the Aeroexpress ticket office.
  • Got a few hours to spare at Sheremetyevo International Airport? Why not stop off at the Aero-beauty hair salon for a cut, trim, or maybe even a dye? Another option is to spend some time at the History Museum of Sheremetyevo, which has several unique exhibitions on the history of the airport.

Prefer to fly non-stop to Moscow?

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4 dead as severe storms hit Houston area; hundreds of thousands lose power in Texas

Emergency crews in southeast Texas were clearing debris and assessing flooding on Friday after powerful storms tore through the state , killing at least four people and knocking out power to nearly 800,000 customers.

The winds — which reached 100 mph — were reminiscent of 2008's Hurricane Ike , one of the costliest natural disasters in American history, Houston Mayor John Whitmire said in a briefing Thursday. A widespread 3 to 6 inches of rain fell north of Houston, with one of the highest totals reaching around 6.9 inches in 24 hours near Romayor.

The storm also battered New Orleans overnight, with severe thunderstorms and flooding possible again through Saturday morning, according to the local branch of the National Weather Service .

In Texas, the destruction was evident even before sunrise, with high winds tearing out windows of high-rise buildings in downtown Houston and inundating the region with flooding. Streets were littered with glass, electrical lines and other detritus.

A woman looks at the damage caused by fallen bricks in the aftermath of a severe thunderstorm Friday, May 17, 2024, in Houston. Image:

“I know that many people lived through, and are still living through, scary situations with the terrible strong winds that blew across our county tonight," Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo said in a statement Friday morning.

"Damage assessments are ongoing, and we cannot know how long it will take to clear debris without those assessments completed, but from initial reports the debris looks very significant," Hidalgo said.

Classes were canceled for the 400,000 students in the Houston Independent School District.

Officials urged all but essential employees to work from home if possible, and the Houston Police Department told residents to avoid traveling downtown.

Two of the four people who died in Texas were killed by falling trees, while a third died when a crane blew over, Houston Fire Chief Samuel Peña said at a news briefing. No information was given about the fourth. Whitmire said a possible fifth death is being investigated, but it’s not yet clear if it was related to the weather.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott thanked emergency personnel in a statement, saying work is ongoing to assist communities affected by the storms.

“Our hearts are with the families and loved ones of those who tragically lost their lives due to severe weather in Southeast Texas, and we remain in contact with local officials to do everything we can to protect Texans and help our communities recover,” Abbott said.

A Houston police officer walks back to his vehicle after clearing people away from a damaged tire shop Friday, May 17, 2024, in Houston.

At one point, more than 900,000 customers were without power statewide; that remained true for around 670,000 as of 3 p.m. CT,  according to . Nearly all of those were in Houston’s Harris County.

Heat and humidity in the city will ramp up into the weekend, which could lead to health concerns if power is not restored quickly. Temperatures could be as high as 91 degrees with a heat index of 97.

Across Houston, photos and videos on social media showed intense flooding and downed trees, as well as toppled electrical towers and power lines .

In a video posted to Facebook , rain was seen leaking into Minute Maid Park, where the Houston Astros play. Another video showed baseball fans leaving the stadium amid the bad weather.

Strong winds appeared to have blown off roof panels at a Hyatt Regency Hotel in Houston, a video posted to X showed. Other footage shared on the platform showed blown out windows in a building in the city's Wells Fargo Plaza.

Severe Weather in Houston Texas

Whitmire described downtown Houston as a “mess” and warned that “many roads are impassible due to downed power lines, debris, and fallen trees.” 

Firefighters were removing live wires from Route 290 and most city traffic lights were down, he added. 

In Louisiana, the severe weather knocked out electricity for some 215,000 customers, many in and around New Orleans. Around 115,000 remained without power as of Friday morning.

A swath of the southeast coast, stretching from Louisiana, through Mississippi, Alabama and into the Florida Panhandle, was under a flood watch early Friday.

A man walks over fallen bricks in Houston.

The National Weather Service said in an afternoon update that unsettled weather, including the possibility of excessive rainfall and severe thunderstorms, will persist across the Southeast through Saturday.

Around 7 million people along the central Gulf Coast remain under flood watches.

“A few tornadoes, scattered damaging winds, and hail all appear possible over the central/eastern Gulf Coast area,” according to the National Weather Service.

The agency also noted a risk of severe thunderstorms in portions of the northern Plains through Friday evening.

Rebecca Cohen is a breaking news reporter for NBC News.

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Alexander Smith is a senior reporter for NBC News Digital based in London.

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Denise Chow is a reporter for NBC News Science focused on general science and climate change.


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    Storms tore through Texas, killing at least four people and knocking out power to nearly 800,000 customers. Emergency crews have begun clearing debris and assessing flooding.