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trip trap skoreol

Trip Trap Design

trip trap skoreol

Trip Trap er møbelverdenens elegantier

Første side i historiebogen om trip trap, møblerne stjæler fokus, trip trap favoritterne, trip trap med internationalt udsyn, fokus på miljøet, de tre grønne hensyn.

Trip Trap er en stolt dansk producent af højkvalitets træmøbler og boligtilbehør, der igennem flere årtier har fået danske hjem til at stråle med sin store elegance, sit bevidste materialevalg og sin lange holdbarhed.

For et produkt fra Trip Trap kan gå i arv gennem generationer for sin store kvalitet, der aldrig lader sig fornægte. Se vores store sortiment af produkter fra Trip Trap nedenfor.

Køb billige Trip Trap produkter, se her


Igennem en årrække har Trip Trap udviklet sig fra en producent af trægulve til at være danskernes favoritleverandør af træmøbler og boligtilbehør, der ikke kan undgå at give ejeren et smil på læben. Den stolte danske møbeltradition har spredt sig til resten af Europa – samt til Isenkram-tilbud.dk, hvor Trip Trap indgår med største selvfølge.

Første side i historiebogen om Trip Trap blev skrevet tilbage i 1976, hvor den kvalitetsbevidste træproducent blev grundlagt med fokus på udvikling af førsteklasses trægulve og –trapper. Det fokus skulle dog skifte ved lanceringen af Drachman bænken i 1982, som blev pioneren i Trip Traps udvikling af deres boligsortiment.

Drachman bænken blev en stor succes for Trip Trap, der i 1985 udvidede sit fokus på møbler med lanceringen af Selandia-serien, Fionia-taburetterne i 1986 og senere den anerkendte Riviera solseng i 1990. Danskernes forkærlighed for de smukke og naturtro møbler var svær at skjule. Det samme var begejstringen for den voksende succes internt i Trip Trap. Derfor åbnede de den første af mange konceptbutikker i 1992 i Skagen.

Trip Trap har gennem sin levetid leveret det ene unikke produkt efter det andet til de kræsne danske forbrugere. Nedenfor har vi samlet tre af kundernes favoritter.


Nisserne. De karakteristiske Trip Trap nisser værner om den gode gamle danske julestemning, når December spreder julefeberen over det ganske land. Og det betyder, at netop disse nisser i flere generationer har været med til at bringe julen ind i de mange danske hjem. De fleste kender således nisserne og ved, at hyggen, den gode mad og den skønne stemning, som julen også indebærer, er lige rundt om hjørnet, når de røde nuancer og de små, spidse nissehuer begynder at blive stillet fem på hylderne. Og så er det ydermere muligt at læse en julehistorie om den unikke nisse på hver æske, hvilket blot er med til at sprede lidt ekstra magisk julestemning rundt omkring i de mange danske stuer. Se de søde trip trap nisser her  og sæt gang i julefantasierne.

Den succesfulde fortælling om Trip Trap stod igennem det meste 90’erne skrevet i alle træsorter og gulvtyper. Men da Trip Trap sammen med resten af kloden gik ind i et nyt årtusinde, valgte ledelsen at sælge afdelingen med byggemarkedsgulve til Timberman. Samtidig vendte Trip Trap sit fokus mod det store udland, hvor deres møbler blev introduceret under navnet Skagerak. I dag har Trip Trap slået dybe rødder i det skandinaviske, tyske og engelske marked – og de danske drømme stiger i takt med, at pokalhylden fyldes af designpriser.

Hos Trip Trap er der et altoverskyggende krav til, at virksomhedens produkter er miljøbevidste. Og som Trip Trap refererer til, så er det bedste du kan gøre for miljøet kun at købe de produkter, du holder af. Trip Trap holder mange af for deres smukke design, velvalgte materialer og ikke mindst deres ansvarlighed overfor miljøet.

Glæd dig derfor til at bruge dine kvalitetsbevidste Trip Trap produkter, der kan sprede glæde, positivisme og god stemning, når du har venner, familie eller kollegaer på besøg.

Trip Trap har valgt en bæredygtig levevej ud fra tre hensyn, som de mener definerer den vej, som skal føre dem frem til produkter, som miljøet også kan være glade for.

Design. Kvalitet og bæredygtighed er to sider af samme sag. Trip Trap leverer deres produkter under sloganet ’Design for generationer’, der hentyder til Trip Traps utrolig lange holdbarhed, der gør masseforbrug af møbler irrelevant. Produktion.   Fælles for alle produkter fra Trip Trap er, at de kun bliver produceret af de fineste materialer for størst komfort, udtryk og holdbarhed.

Produkterne bliver produceret med håndværksmæssig omhu på fabrikker med dygtige håndværkere, der gør sig umage. Brug. Det skal være en særlig oplevelse at bruge produkterne fra Trip Trap – og ikke kun for øjet. Igennem mange år vil det æstetiske design og den ergonomiske komfort være en god ven, når du skal slappe af i højkvalitets møbler. Besøg Trip Traps hjemmeside, her .

  • Skagerak bænke
  • Skagerak borde
  • Skagerak hynder
  • Skagerak liggestole
  • Skagerak parasoller
  • Skagerak stole
  • Skagerak tilbehør


Den familieejede virksomhed så dagens lys tilbage i 1976, hvor kærligheden til træ og fokusset på kvaliteten var motivationsfaktoren. Siden da er Skagerak, også kendt som Trip Trap, blevet et anerkendt og moderne designbrand med stor alsidighed i materialer og produkter. Navnet kommer fra den nære relation virksomheden har til deres ophav i det nordlige Danmark og Skagen, hvor Skagerrak sammen med Kattegat forbinder Danmark med vores nordiske naboer. I over 40 år har Skagerak nu lavet langtidsholdbare møbler i høj kvalitet, med fokus på bæredygtighed og naturlig design og tilgang til produkterne. Mange kender formentlig Skagerak under navnet Trip Trap, men er i dag skiftet til navnet Skagerak. Derfor finder man stadig mange, der omtaler deres produkter som Trip Trap stole og borde, men faktisk hedder de altså Skagerak, og selvom navnet har ændret sig, så er udvalget bestemt ikke blevet dårligere.


Her på siden finder du vores store sortiment bestående af lækre produkter fra Skagerak. Udvalget er bredt og består af alt fra havemøbler til tilbehør. Det er især deres udendørs møblering de er kendt for, og med deres produkter rammer de en god balance mellem fornuftige priser, lækkert design og god kvalitet. Det er go-to mærket, hvis man står og mangler nogle lækre havemøbler eller en bænk, og netop det lækre design og den høje kvalitet, er hvad der gør Skagerak til så godt et mærke. Mange af vores Skagerak havemøbler er lavet i teak, hvilket gør dem perfekte til at stå udenfor, da træsorten kan tåle tidens tand. Specielt deres Skagen-serie er kendetegnet ved dette, hvilket gør dem til en af de mere populære serier i vores udvalg. Serien er enkel og klassisk, og du finder med garanti et møbel, der passer hjemme ved dig. Du kan selv vælge hvilke hynder du ønsker til dine Skagerak møbler her. Designet er moderne og stilrent og derfor passer Skagerak stort set ind i enhver indretning både inde såvel som ude. I udvalget kan du helt sikkert finde noget interiør, der falder i din smag og som passer perfekt til din indretning, uanset om det er til entréen, stuen, børneværelset eller kontoret.


Som nævnt tidligere hed Skagerak tidligere Trip Trap. Alle produkterne har derved skiftet navn, men du vil stadigvæk kunne finde en Trip Trap stol, et bord til Trip Trap stol, og andre Trip Trap produkter. Navnet Trip Trap blev for dansk, og man ønskede at omfavne det store udland og det internationale marked mere ved at omdøbe brandet. Dette har dog ikke ændret på noget ved selve produkterne i holdbarhed eller æstetik - det er de samme produkter, bare med et andet navn. Med en forkærlighed og passion for træ, teak og runde former, er Skagerak.


Som nævnt er Skagerak især kendt for sine havemøbler. Skagerak møblerne er oftest lavet i teak, som er en træsort, der kan tåle både græs, sten, dårligt vejr og vind, og derfor er spørgsmålet i bund og grund bare hvilke du synes der er flottest, eller hvilke i lige står og mangler. Skagerak har lavet et bredt sortiment i teak, som består af alt fra stole og borde, til liggestole og bænke. Der er nærmest alt hvad man kunne tænke i havemøbler, og der findes i sortimentet forskellige størrelser, således i kan finde dem som passer til netop jeres behov. Nyd den danske sommer med flotte havemøbler på terrassen.

Udover at du kan finde have møbler, kan du også finde et stort udvalg af Skageark tilbehør. Skagerak er eksperter i alt med træ, hvilket også er tydeligt i deres tilbehørssortiment. Her finder du blandt andet en masse ting til køkkenet som skærebræt, som er i utrolig god kvalitet, således de kan holde til brug over længere tid. Du kan også finde bakker, som du kan bruge, når du skal servere dine retter med stil. Udvalget rækker dog meget bredere end det. Udover deres brede udvalg af møbler, tilbyder Skagerak også praktiske skamler til værelset , designet til at kombinere funktionalitet og stil. Du kan også finde grillbestik, bøjler, lysestager, tæpper, parasoller og meget mere.


Hvis du ligesom os er helt vilde med de mange grunde til at købe Skagerak produkterne, så er spørgsmålet bare hvor man skal købe dem. Vi forsøger altid at gøre hvad vi kan, for at du kan købe dine produkter med tryghed hos os. Du får blandt andet fri fragt på alle køb på over 1500 kroner, og derudover har vi en næsten perfekt score på Trustpilot, hvilket vidner om den gode service vi forsøger at give vores kunder.


Håndværksmæssig omhu.

I mere end 40 år har Skagerak lavet et langtidsholdbart design med et moderne nordisk touch og med fokus på og respekt for miljøet og bæredygtighed. Hos Skagerak sætter både produktion og designer barren højt for at udvikle produkter lavet med et oprigtigt håndværk, miljøhensyn og en universel æstetik.


Skagerak tror på bæredygtige og ligefremme møbler og arbejder med dygtige internationale designere, der hjælper med at nå dette mål. Navnet Skagerak refererer til vores nordlige beliggenhed og til sundet ’Skagerrak’, der forbinder Danmark med sine nordiske naboer – et sund, der har været afgørende for udviklingen af ​​regionen. Skagerak er et internationalt brand, der skaber et funktionelt og langtidsholdbart design, og en af ​​virksomhedens aktiviteter og ambitioner er at tage ansvar og være nysgerrig.


Skagerak har et stort og bredt havemøbel-sortiment. Havemøblerne er bygget af kvalitetsrige materialer, hvilket gør dem modstandsdygtige overfor det danske sommervejr. Desuden er serien "Cutter", som består af spejle og entrémøbler til overtøj et hit i mange hjem. Serierne formår at skabe en større synergi og sammenhæng i hjemmet.


Du finder et stort og varieret udvalg af interiør fra Skagerak hos Jacobsen Plus. Interiøret er lavet af kvalitetsrige materialer og i smukke designs, som du får glæde af i mange år frem.

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Hvide skoskabe sat op på en væg

Skoopbevaring med plads til dine sko

Nogen vil påstå, at man aldrig kan få for mange sko? Men hvis der er mangel på opbevaringsplads i hjemmet, kan de let komme til at ligge og flyde i en bunke. Alt efter om i er en familie på 5 eller om du bor alene, så er behovet for smarte opbevaringsløsninger forskellige. Få orden i skoene med et smart skoskab, en skohylde, skostativ eller skoreol -  du finder let en model der passer ind i din entré eller bryggers. Du kan nemt udvide pladsen ved at købe flere skoreoler og stable dem, eller indrette flere skoskabe ved siden af hinanden. Hos JYSK har vi store og små opbevaringsmuligheder til dine sko. Vælg imellem skoskabe og skoreoler i metal, bambus, træ, finer og rustfrit stål i farverne hvid og sort. Du kan også vælge en praktisk opbevaringsboks til at organisere dine sko.

Skoskab vs. skoreol og skohylde

Skoskab Et skoskab har den fordel, at hylderne er skræddersyet til opbevaring af sko, så de ikke bliver mast og mister form. Her står de pænt på en hylde, fremfor at ligge i en stor bunke. Det gør det nemt at finde dine sko i en travl hverdag, og du slipper for at lede efter to identiske sko, f. eks til børnene. Derudover kan du frigøre noget gulvplads med et væghængt skoskabet på væggen. De fleste skabe beregnet til sko er ikke ret dybe, så de fylder mindre, og vil sagtens kunne placeres i en smal gang.

Skoreol og skohylde En skoreol eller -hylde er derimod mindre kompakt, dominerer ikke i indretningen, og er lettere at finde plads til. En anden fordel ved en skoreol er også, at den er let tilgængelig, når du hurtigt skal hoppe i sko eller sandaler for at tømme postkassen eller ud med skraldeposen. En skohylde kan du næsten installere overalt i hjemmet - det kræver blot, at der er plads på væggen. Her bliver skoene fjernet fra gulvet og op i højden, hvor de er ude af syne. På den måde virker det mere ryddeligt, og det kan være en fordel i en lille entré.

Læs også vores blogindlæg med ideer til skoopbevaring . 

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Skagerak Sild Serveringsbræt Teaktræ

skoreol trip trap

  • 0,00  DKK 0

Knagerække i sortlakeret eg (6 sorte knager - 75 cm)

Viser alle 9 resultater

skoreol trip trap

Velkommen til vores kollektion af skoreoler, hvor funktionalitet møder æstetik på smukkeste vis. Vores minimalistiske og elegante skoreoler, er skabt af førsteklasses egetræ og enten lakeret messing, sortlakeret stål eller rustfri stål.

Skoreolerne er designet til at blive hængt op på væggen, hvilket ikke kun giver en pladsbesparende løsning, men skaber også en visuel lethed i rummet. Ved at placere skoreolen højt på væggen åbnes der op for muligheden for opbevaring af sko under den, hvilket gør det ideelt til selv de mindre entréer.

Skoreolen er tilgængelig i tre forskellige længder – 50 cm, 75 cm og 100 cm – så du kan finde den perfekte størrelse, der passer til dine behov. Disse længder matcher også vores knagerækker, hvilket giver dig mulighed for at skabe en harmonisk indretning.

Hver skoreol leveres med stænger i egetræ, der er lakeret med en hårdfør lak. Denne lak beskytter ikke kun træet mod fugt og snavs, men gør også stængerne nemme at rengøre, hvilket gør vedligeholdelsen enkel og bekvem.

For at sikre en problemfri montering medfølger alle nødvendige skruer til samling af stængerne samt til at fastgøre skoreolen sikkert til væggen. Det er værd at bemærke, at skoreolen leveres usamlet for at gøre transporten mere effektiv, men med vores klare og letforståelige monteringsvejledning er det en nemt at samle den.

Skab orden og stil i dine sko med vores smukke skoreoler, der forener funktionalitet, design og holdbarhed på en enestående måde. Lad din indretning afspejle din personlige stil med vores elegante skoreoler.

Velkommen til vores minimalistiske skoreoler i egetræ. Elegant vægmontering skaber plads i små rum. Vælg mellem messing, sort stål eller rustfri stål for en personlig touch.

  • Badeværelset
  • Knagerækker
  • Knivmagneter
  • Salt- & Peber kværn
  • Skærebrætter

skoreol trip trap

Trip Trap er møbelverdenens elegantier

Første side i historiebogen om trip trap, møblerne stjæler fokus, trip trap favoritterne, trip trap med internationalt udsyn, fokus på miljøet, de tre grønne hensyn.

Trip Trap er en stolt dansk producent af højkvalitets træmøbler og boligtilbehør, der igennem flere årtier har fået danske hjem til at stråle med sin store elegance, sit bevidste materialevalg og sin lange holdbarhed.

For et produkt fra Trip Trap kan gå i arv gennem generationer for sin store kvalitet, der aldrig lader sig fornægte. Se vores store sortiment af produkter fra Trip Trap nedenfor.

Køb billige Trip Trap produkter, se her


Igennem en årrække har Trip Trap udviklet sig fra en producent af trægulve til at være danskernes favoritleverandør af træmøbler og boligtilbehør, der ikke kan undgå at give ejeren et smil på læben. Den stolte danske møbeltradition har spredt sig til resten af Europa – samt til Isenkram-tilbud.dk, hvor Trip Trap indgår med største selvfølge.

Første side i historiebogen om Trip Trap blev skrevet tilbage i 1976, hvor den kvalitetsbevidste træproducent blev grundlagt med fokus på udvikling af førsteklasses trægulve og –trapper. Det fokus skulle dog skifte ved lanceringen af Drachman bænken i 1982, som blev pioneren i Trip Traps udvikling af deres boligsortiment.

Drachman bænken blev en stor succes for Trip Trap, der i 1985 udvidede sit fokus på møbler med lanceringen af Selandia-serien, Fionia-taburetterne i 1986 og senere den anerkendte Riviera solseng i 1990. Danskernes forkærlighed for de smukke og naturtro møbler var svær at skjule. Det samme var begejstringen for den voksende succes internt i Trip Trap. Derfor åbnede de den første af mange konceptbutikker i 1992 i Skagen.

Trip Trap har gennem sin levetid leveret det ene unikke produkt efter det andet til de kræsne danske forbrugere. Nedenfor har vi samlet tre af kundernes favoritter.


Nisserne. De karakteristiske Trip Trap nisser værner om den gode gamle danske julestemning, når December spreder julefeberen over det ganske land. Og det betyder, at netop disse nisser i flere generationer har været med til at bringe julen ind i de mange danske hjem. De fleste kender således nisserne og ved, at hyggen, den gode mad og den skønne stemning, som julen også indebærer, er lige rundt om hjørnet, når de røde nuancer og de små, spidse nissehuer begynder at blive stillet fem på hylderne. Og så er det ydermere muligt at læse en julehistorie om den unikke nisse på hver æske, hvilket blot er med til at sprede lidt ekstra magisk julestemning rundt omkring i de mange danske stuer. Se de søde trip trap nisser her  og sæt gang i julefantasierne.

Den succesfulde fortælling om Trip Trap stod igennem det meste 90’erne skrevet i alle træsorter og gulvtyper. Men da Trip Trap sammen med resten af kloden gik ind i et nyt årtusinde, valgte ledelsen at sælge afdelingen med byggemarkedsgulve til Timberman. Samtidig vendte Trip Trap sit fokus mod det store udland, hvor deres møbler blev introduceret under navnet Skagerak. I dag har Trip Trap slået dybe rødder i det skandinaviske, tyske og engelske marked – og de danske drømme stiger i takt med, at pokalhylden fyldes af designpriser.

Hos Trip Trap er der et altoverskyggende krav til, at virksomhedens produkter er miljøbevidste. Og som Trip Trap refererer til, så er det bedste du kan gøre for miljøet kun at købe de produkter, du holder af. Trip Trap holder mange af for deres smukke design, velvalgte materialer og ikke mindst deres ansvarlighed overfor miljøet.

Glæd dig derfor til at bruge dine kvalitetsbevidste Trip Trap produkter, der kan sprede glæde, positivisme og god stemning, når du har venner, familie eller kollegaer på besøg.

Trip Trap har valgt en bæredygtig levevej ud fra tre hensyn, som de mener definerer den vej, som skal føre dem frem til produkter, som miljøet også kan være glade for.

Design. Kvalitet og bæredygtighed er to sider af samme sag. Trip Trap leverer deres produkter under sloganet ’Design for generationer’, der hentyder til Trip Traps utrolig lange holdbarhed, der gør masseforbrug af møbler irrelevant. Produktion.   Fælles for alle produkter fra Trip Trap er, at de kun bliver produceret af de fineste materialer for størst komfort, udtryk og holdbarhed.

Produkterne bliver produceret med håndværksmæssig omhu på fabrikker med dygtige håndværkere, der gør sig umage. Brug. Det skal være en særlig oplevelse at bruge produkterne fra Trip Trap – og ikke kun for øjet. Igennem mange år vil det æstetiske design og den ergonomiske komfort være en god ven, når du skal slappe af i højkvalitets møbler. Besøg Trip Traps hjemmeside, her .

  • Inspiration
  • Tilbudsavis
  • Kundeservice
  • Soveværelse
  • Senge og madrasser
  • Badeværelse

Hvide skoskabe sat op på en væg

Skoopbevaring med plads til dine sko

Nogen vil påstå, at man aldrig kan få for mange sko? Men hvis der er mangel på opbevaringsplads i hjemmet, kan de let komme til at ligge og flyde i en bunke. Alt efter om i er en familie på 5 eller om du bor alene, så er behovet for smarte opbevaringsløsninger forskellige. Få orden i skoene med et smart skoskab, en skohylde, skostativ eller skoreol -  du finder let en model der passer ind i din entré eller bryggers. Du kan nemt udvide pladsen ved at købe flere skoreoler og stable dem, eller indrette flere skoskabe ved siden af hinanden. Hos JYSK har vi store og små opbevaringsmuligheder til dine sko. Vælg imellem skoskabe og skoreoler i metal, bambus, træ, finer og rustfrit stål i farverne hvid og sort. Du kan også vælge en praktisk opbevaringsboks til at organisere dine sko.

Skoskab vs. skoreol og skohylde

Skoskab Et skoskab har den fordel, at hylderne er skræddersyet til opbevaring af sko, så de ikke bliver mast og mister form. Her står de pænt på en hylde, fremfor at ligge i en stor bunke. Det gør det nemt at finde dine sko i en travl hverdag, og du slipper for at lede efter to identiske sko, f. eks til børnene. Derudover kan du frigøre noget gulvplads med et væghængt skoskabet på væggen. De fleste skabe beregnet til sko er ikke ret dybe, så de fylder mindre, og vil sagtens kunne placeres i en smal gang.

Skoreol og skohylde En skoreol eller -hylde er derimod mindre kompakt, dominerer ikke i indretningen, og er lettere at finde plads til. En anden fordel ved en skoreol er også, at den er let tilgængelig, når du hurtigt skal hoppe i sko eller sandaler for at tømme postkassen eller ud med skraldeposen. En skohylde kan du næsten installere overalt i hjemmet - det kræver blot, at der er plads på væggen. Her bliver skoene fjernet fra gulvet og op i højden, hvor de er ude af syne. På den måde virker det mere ryddeligt, og det kan være en fordel i en lille entré.

Læs også vores blogindlæg med ideer til skoopbevaring . 

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Escape the Tourist Trap: 10 Places You’ll Be Glad You Didn’t Visit

Posted: May 28, 2024 | Last updated: May 29, 2024

<p>Nothing is worse than spending your limited vacation time and hard-earned funds on a trip that doesn’t live up to your expectations. Unfortunately, there are plenty of famous travel destinations that sound incredible but simply don’t deliver.</p> <p>Save yourself the headache and disappointment! Read on for 10 famous travel destinations that don’t live up to the hype.</p>

Nothing is worse than spending your limited vacation time and hard-earned funds on a trip that doesn’t live up to your expectations. Unfortunately, there are plenty of famous travel destinations that sound incredible but simply don’t deliver.

Save yourself the headache and disappointment! Read on for 10 famous travel destinations that don’t live up to the hype.

<p>If you’re thinking about checking out the Hollywood Sign, we have to be real with you—skip it! Getting a close-up view sounds cool, but it’s a hassle. Some trails will take visitors near the sign, but they’re no walk in the park. One is a tough 3-mile hike, and the others are longer, around 5-6 miles, though not as challenging. </p> <p>But here’s the thing: it’s really not worth it. You’ll end up tired and disappointed. Save yourself the trouble and check out other awesome stuff in the area instead.</p>

The Hollywood Sign, California

If you’re thinking about checking out the Hollywood Sign, we have to be real with you—skip it! Getting a close-up view sounds cool, but it’s a hassle. Some trails will take visitors near the sign, but they’re no walk in the park. One is a tough 3-mile hike, and the others are longer, around 5-6 miles, though not as challenging.

But here’s the thing: it’s really not worth it. You’ll end up tired and disappointed. Save yourself the trouble and check out other awesome stuff in the area instead.

<p>If you’re considering a visit to Mount Rushmore, don’t set your expectations too high. Sure, it’s a famous landmark, but the site itself is underwhelming. </p> <p>This iconic destination can get pretty crowded, and the monument itself isn’t as jaw-dropping as you might think- it’s much smaller than many people expect. Plus, getting up close is a bit of a hassle.</p>

Mount Rushmore, South Dakota

If you’re considering a visit to Mount Rushmore, don’t set your expectations too high. Sure, it’s a famous landmark, but the site itself is underwhelming.

This iconic destination can get pretty crowded, and the monument itself isn’t as jaw-dropping as you might think- it’s much smaller than many people expect. Plus, getting up close is a bit of a hassle.

<p>You’ve heard that you should “remember the Alamo,” but we say you can go ahead and forget this overrated site. The size of the site is a letdown, and it lacks the grandeur you’d expect from such a famous landmark. The crowds can be overwhelming, making it difficult to truly appreciate the historical significance. </p> <p>The San Antonio area has more interesting and engaging historical sites that are worth your time and enthusiasm. Save yourself the disappointment and explore other attractions instead.</p>

The Alamo, Texas

You’ve heard that you should “remember the Alamo,” but we say you can go ahead and forget this overrated site. The size of the site is a letdown, and it lacks the grandeur you’d expect from such a famous landmark. The crowds can be overwhelming, making it difficult to truly appreciate the historical significance.

The San Antonio area has more interesting and engaging historical sites that are worth your time and enthusiasm. Save yourself the disappointment and explore other attractions instead.

<p>We’re huge fans of national parks, including the Grand Canyon, but the Grand Canyon Skywalk can be overrated. One thing to consider is the price—tickets can be quite pricey for what you get. And when you finally make it there, you’ll likely encounter large crowds, which can detract from the experience. Additionally, the time you get to spend on the actual platform is limited, which can leave you wanting more. </p> <p>While the views are undeniably impressive, they’re not necessarily superior to other viewpoints along the canyon’s rim. So, if you’re on a tight budget or prefer a more intimate experience, you might want to explore alternative options to fully enjoy the grandeur of the Grand Canyon.</p>

The Grand Canyon Skywalk, Arizona

We’re huge fans of national parks, including the Grand Canyon, but the Grand Canyon Skywalk can be overrated. One thing to consider is the price—tickets can be quite pricey for what you get. And when you finally make it there, you’ll likely encounter large crowds, which can detract from the experience. Additionally, the time you get to spend on the actual platform is limited, which can leave you wanting more.

While the views are undeniably impressive, they’re not necessarily superior to other viewpoints along the canyon’s rim. So, if you’re on a tight budget or prefer a more intimate experience, you might want to explore alternative options to fully enjoy the grandeur of the Grand Canyon.

<p>Let’s talk about Times Square, shall we? It’s often touted as a must-see destination, but we say it’s not worth the hype. Sure, it’s bright, bustling, and full of energy, but that’s part of the problem. The sheer magnitude of crowds can make it an overwhelming experience. </p> <p>If you’re looking for an authentic New York City vibe, Times Square and its flashy, commercialized atmosphere might not be your best bet.</p>

Times Square, New York

Let’s talk about Times Square, shall we? It’s often touted as a must-see destination, but we say it’s not worth the hype. Sure, it’s bright, bustling, and full of energy, but that’s part of the problem. The sheer magnitude of crowds can make it an overwhelming experience.

If you’re looking for an authentic New York City vibe, Times Square and its flashy, commercialized atmosphere might not be your best bet.

<p>While it’s undeniably a natural wonder, Niagra Falls can be underwhelming. The main issue is the overwhelming commercialization that surrounds the falls. The area is heavily developed with hotels, casinos, and tourist attractions, which can detract from the raw beauty of the falls themselves. </p> <p>Additionally, the sheer number of visitors can make the experience feel crowded and chaotic, especially during peak seasons. If you’re expecting a serene and untouched natural environment, Niagara Falls may not meet those expectations.</p>

Niagra Falls, Niagara River

While it’s undeniably a natural wonder, Niagra Falls can be underwhelming. The main issue is the overwhelming commercialization that surrounds the falls. The area is heavily developed with hotels, casinos, and tourist attractions, which can detract from the raw beauty of the falls themselves.

Additionally, the sheer number of visitors can make the experience feel crowded and chaotic, especially during peak seasons. If you’re expecting a serene and untouched natural environment, Niagara Falls may not meet those expectations.

<p>Let’s talk about the Seattle Space Needle, shall we? It’s no secret that this iconic landmark comes with a price tag that may leave you with sticker shock. The cost of admission to the observation deck is undeniably steep, especially considering what you actually get in return. </p> <p>While the views from the top are indeed impressive, there are alternative viewpoints in the city that offer equally stunning vistas at a fraction of the cost. Save your money and consider checking out Kerry Park or the Columbia Center Observation Deck instead.</p>

The Seattle Space Needle, Washington

Let’s talk about the Seattle Space Needle, shall we? It’s no secret that this iconic landmark comes with a price tag that may leave you with sticker shock. The cost of admission to the observation deck is undeniably steep, especially considering what you actually get in return.

While the views from the top are indeed impressive, there are alternative viewpoints in the city that offer equally stunning vistas at a fraction of the cost. Save your money and consider checking out Kerry Park or the Columbia Center Observation Deck instead.

<p>You’ve probably heard that South Beach in Miami is a great beach and party spot, but so have TONS of other travelers! You’ll find the area totally overcrowded, with inflated prices for everything from accommodations to restaurants. </p> <p>Finding a spot on the beach can be a challenge, and the overall environment is commercialized and party-oriented. If you’re seeking a more serene and authentic experience in Miami, exploring other neighborhoods and beaches in the city can provide a better glimpse into the local culture.</p>

South Beach, Miami

You’ve probably heard that South Beach in Miami is a great beach and party spot, but so have TONS of other travelers! You’ll find the area totally overcrowded, with inflated prices for everything from accommodations to restaurants.

Finding a spot on the beach can be a challenge, and the overall environment is commercialized and party-oriented. If you’re seeking a more serene and authentic experience in Miami, exploring other neighborhoods and beaches in the city can provide a better glimpse into the local culture.

<p>If you plan a trip to New Orleans, you’re probably looking for delicious, authentic food and great music. Bourbon Street, however, is not the best place to find it. </p> <p>The constant noise, overflowing bars, and often raucous behavior can overshadow the city’s rich cultural heritage, and the commercialization of Bourbon Street has led to an abundance of souvenir shops, strip clubs, and tourist traps.</p>

Bourbon Street, New Orleans

If you plan a trip to New Orleans, you’re probably looking for delicious, authentic food and great music. Bourbon Street, however, is not the best place to find it.

The constant noise, overflowing bars, and often raucous behavior can overshadow the city’s rich cultural heritage, and the commercialization of Bourbon Street has led to an abundance of souvenir shops, strip clubs, and tourist traps.

<p>Sorry to disappoint you with this one! While the famous Waikiki Beach offers stunning views and a vibrant atmosphere, the sheer volume of visitors ruins the experience. The beachfront area is often packed with tourists, making it difficult to find a quiet spot to relax and unwind. </p> <p>The crowded nature of the beach can also lead to a lack of personal space and a sense of constant hustle and bustle. Moreover, the commercialization of Waikiki has resulted in numerous high-rise hotels, chain restaurants, and souvenir shops. Translation: very little tranquility, culture, OR relaxation will be found here.</p>

Waikiki Beach, Hawaii

Sorry to disappoint you with this one! While the famous Waikiki Beach offers stunning views and a vibrant atmosphere, the sheer volume of visitors ruins the experience. The beachfront area is often packed with tourists, making it difficult to find a quiet spot to relax and unwind.

The crowded nature of the beach can also lead to a lack of personal space and a sense of constant hustle and bustle. Moreover, the commercialization of Waikiki has resulted in numerous high-rise hotels, chain restaurants, and souvenir shops. Translation: very little tranquility, culture, OR relaxation will be found here.

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Here’s a list of music festivals taking place in Asia in 2024

Start saving and planning – from Clockenflap to We The Fest, there’s lots to look forward to this year

Japanese band Hitsujibunkagu performing at Clockenflap Festival 2023 in Hong Kong, photo by Ben Marans/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

Festival fiends – it’s time to start planning. We’re barely a few months into 2024 and there’s already a laundry list of cool music festivals taking place across Asia, bringing us huge A-list headliners but also unmissable regional talent in a variety of scenes and settings. Whether you prefer laidback vibes in the countryside or heaving crowds in the city, there’s something for everyone.

  • READ MORE: Upcoming K-pop concerts, tours and music festivals in Asia: ENHYPEN, STAYC, IVE and more

Check out our rolling list below – and stay tuned for updates on other Asian festival faves like Djakarta Warehouse Project, It’s The Ship Singapore, Busan Rock Festival and more…

Seoul Jazz Festival

Dates: May 31-June 2 Location: Seoul, South Korea Find tickets and more info here

A pop- and R&B-heavy line-up is in store for Seoul Jazz Festival’s 16th edition. Lauv will headline not one but two nights, while elsewhere on the bill is Tones And I , Bruno Major , Jeremy Zucker and Tom Grennan . Dancey vibes come courtesy of Jungle and SG Lewis , while Laufey will perform alongside a local string quartet. South Korean acts include Paul Kim, Jannabi and Chang Kiha.

Waterbomb Hong Kong

Dates: June 1-2 Location: Hong Kong Find tickets and more info here

Korea’s iconic Waterbomb festival takes over Hong Kong in early June for a splashing good time across two days that will be highlighted by stunning performances featuring Jay Park, Hyuna, LOCO, Yugyeom, Rain, Jessi, STAYC, TripleS, PH-1 and more.

Dates: June 6-7 Location: Bali, Indonesia Find tickets and more info here


Ultra Bali returns this June for a glorious celebration of dance music, headlined by Afrojack, Alesso, Ben Nicky, Knock2, NGHTMRE, Slander and Steve Angello, along with support from Indonesian heroes Weird Genius, Dipha Barus and many more.

Ultra Korea

Dates: June 7-9 Location: Incheon, South Korea Find tickets and more info here

Take yourself down to Paradise City in Incheon, South Korea for Ultra Korea’s 10th anniversary this June – a new venue for the festival and where it’ll be held for at least the next three years. This year’s festival boasts a stellar line-up featuring massive names like Afrojack, Alesso, Alison Wonderland, Armin Van Buuren, Deadmau5, NGHTMRE, Slander and Swedish House Mafia among many others.

Asian Pop Festival Korea

Dates: June 22-23 Location: Seoul, South Korea Find tickets and more info here

South Korea’s Asian Pop Festival will take place this June featuring an exhilarating line-up from South Korea and neighbouring regions, including ADOY, Ena Mori, Isyana Sarasvati, Hwakin, Bongjeingan, Lang Lee, Lacuna, Electron Sheep, Crying Nut and many others.

Waterbomb Korea

Dates: July 5-7 Location: Seoul, South Korea Find tickets and more info here

The annual Waterbomb Korea festival returns for three-days of soaking fun in early July, boasting a strong K-pop heavy line-up led by ZICO, Kiss Of Life, Jessi, BIBI, Sunmi, Jay Park, Chung Ha, Hwasa, Taemin, Baekho, fromis_9 and many others across three days.

Dates: July 13-14 Location: Taipei, Taiwan Find tickets and more info here

Bangkok’s legendary Songkran music festival S2O will take over Taiwan this July for a weekend, with headlining performances by Yellow Claw and Alan Walker. Other names performing over the weekend include Nicky Romero, Sub Zero Project, Vini Vici, NewJeansJim and others.

Dates: July 19-20 Location: Genting Highlands, Malaysia Find tickets and more info here

Malaysia’s long-running Good Vibes Festival is back for another round this July, though it will be reverting to a more compact two-day affair, headlined by the likes of Joji, J Balvin, Peggy Gou, Russ and more.

  • READ MORE: Malaysia’s Good Vibes Festival announces return post-1975 turmoil: “We’re not going to let this one bad incident ruin everything”

We The Fest

Dates: July 19-21 Location: Jakarta, Indonesia Find tickets and more info here

Jakarta’s biggest multi-genre festival, We The Fest, will return for another three-day affair this July. This year’s festival will see performances from the likes of J Balvin, Joji, Peggy Gou, Russ, Turnstile, Omar Apollo, BIBI, Alec Benjamin and a slew of local and regional favourites.

Björk performing at Fuji Rock Festival 2017 in Yuzawa, Japan, photo by Santiago Felipe/Getty Images

Dates: July 26-28 Location: Niigata, Japan Find tickets and more info here

2024 marks 25 years since Fuji Rock moved to its home of Naeba Ski Resort in Yuzawa-Cho, Niigata – so this edition of the long-running Japanese festival should be a special one. Announced so far for this year’s festival are Kraftwerk, Peggy Gou, Noel Gallagher, Girl in Red, Turnstile, The Last Dinner Party, Floating Points, Yussef Dayes, Erika De Casier and more.

Suara Music and Arts Festival

Dates: July 26-28 Location : Bali, Indonesia Find tickets and more info here

Bali’s Suara Music and Arts Festival returns this July for three-days of music and more. Featuring headliners Angus & Julia Stone, Neil Frances, Lastlings and more, the festival will see an eclectic line-up of international and regional artists including Ramengvrl, Yung Raja and others.

Have A Nice Trip Festival

Dates: July 27-28 Location: Seoul, South Korea Find tickets and more info here

South Korea’s Have A Nice Trip festival will take place this July 27 and 28, and will showcase a collection of international and regional acts featuring the likes of Travis, King Krule, Alec Benjamin, Sampha, Alvvays, Peach Pit, Remi Wolf, Kiss of Life, Kenya Grace, Grrrl Gang and more.

Incheon Pentaport Rock Festival

Dates: August 2-4 Location: Incheon, South Korea Find tickets and more info here

Incheon’s annual Pentaport Rock Festival is back for another stellar round this year, with a rocking line-up led by Jack White, Turnstile, Jannabi, Girl In Red, SE SO NEON, Kim Gordon and more. Other prominent acts include KAVE, SAY SUE ME, Parannoul and Golden Mammoth.

Sonic Mania Tokyo

Date: August 16 Location: Tokyo, Japan Find tickets and more info here

On the eve of Summer Sonic Japan, Sonic Mania will take over the Makuhari Mess in Tokyo for an additional day of live music featuring the likes of Underworld, Phoenix, Major Lazer, Arca, Nia Archives, Young Fathers and more.

Summer Sonic Japan

Dates: August 17-18 Location: Tokyo and Osaka, Japan Find more info here

Japanese summer festival Summer Sonic returns again to Tokyo and Osaka with simultaneous events this August. Though festivalgoers in Tokyo can again expect to head to Zozomarine Stadium and Makuhari Messe, Osaka fans will be in a new venue: Expo ’70 Commemorative Park.

Announced to perform so far are Bring Me The Horizon , Måneskin , Aurora , OneRepublic ,  Bleachers ,  Jon Batiste ,  Laufey ,  Madison Beer ,  PinkPantheress , Christina Aguilera , Greta Van Fleet , NCT Dream , Lil Yachty and more.

LaLaLa Festival

Dates: August 23-25 Location: Jakarta, Indonesia Find tickets and more info here

Jakarta’s LaLaLa Festival is back after a five-year hiatus with a stacked line-up for its August return, led by   Conan Gray ,  Madison Beer , Aurora ,  Bruno Major , Sabrina Claudio,  So!Yoon!  (of  SE SO NEON ), Hitsujibungaku, The Temper Trap and  Nothing But Thieves among others.

Summer Sonic Bangkok

Dates: August 24-25 Location: Bangkok, Thailand Find more info here

This year, Summer Sonic will expand for the first time since 2017 by launching an event in Bangkok, Thailand . The two-day event will take place a week after the Japan festival’s main events in Tokyo and Osaka, and take over Impact Arena, Exhibition and Convention Centre in Muang Thong Thani.

The festival’s  line-up has since been revealed , and will feature the likes of Lauv, YOASOBI, Laufey, Aurora, Bodyslam, Babymetal x F.Hero, Nothing But Thieves, Bright, Henry Moodie and Violette Wautier.

Waterbomb Singapore

Dates: August 24-25 Location: Singapore, Singapore Find tickets and more info here

South Korea’s iconic Waterbomb festival is finally landing in the sunny island of Singapore this August. A two-day affair running on August 24 and 25, Waterbomb Singapore is due to feature performances from CL, BamBam, Sorn, BIBI, Viviz, Kwon Eunbi, Kid Milli and more.

  • READ MORE: Waterbomb Singapore 2024: BIBI, GOT7’s BamBam, Kwon Eun-bi and more

Rolling Loud Thailand

Dates: November 22-24 Location: Pattaya, Thailand Find tickets and more info here

Popular US hip-hop festival Rolling Loud continued its expansion last year by touching down in Pattaya, Thailand for its very first Asian edition. Rolling Loud has since confirmed a return to the same venue Legend Siam in 2024 – and a move to November , from last year’s Songkran weekend in April. Keep your eyes peeled for line-up updates.

  • READ MORE: Rolling Loud Thailand 2023 review: first Asian edition of hip-hop’s biggest festival turns up the heat

Joyland Jakarta

Dates: November 22-24 Location: Jakarta, Indonesia Find tickets and more info here

Indonesia’s annual Joyland Festival heads back to the capital city of Jakarta for its second outing of the year. It will be headlined by Bombay Bicycle Club and also feature Sarah Records act Blueboy, Japanese post-rock favourites Mono, plus Real Estate , Balming Tiger , Automatic, John Carroll Kirby and others.

  • READ MORE: Bombay Bicycle Club: “There’s no point trying to play it safe”

Dates: November 23-24 Location: Bangkok, Thailand Find more info here

After taking a well-deserved break from pulling off a 2023 festival headlined by Interpol and IDLES , Bangkok’s Maho Rasop has confirmed its return in 2024 on November 23-24. Artists have yet to be announced but it’s safe to say you can expect some top-notch indie tastemaking.

  • READ MORE: Maho Rasop 2023 festival recap: a weekend of musical brilliance in Bangkok


Dates: November 29 – December 1 Location: Hong Kong Find more info here

Mere weeks after wrapping up its sold-out 2023 edition (led by Pulp and Yoasobi ), Clockenflap confirmed its dates for 2024: November 29-December 1. Stay tuned to the Hong Kong festival’s site and socials for a line-up.

  • READ MORE: Clockenflap 2023 recap: YOASOBI, Caroline Polachek, Pulp and more shine in Hong Kong
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Tesla shareholder sweepstakes and EV layoffs hit Lucid and Fisker

Henrik Fisker stands with the Fisker Ocean electric vehicle after it was unveiled at the Manhattan Beach Pier ahead of the Los Angeles Auto Show and AutoMobilityLA on November 16, 2021 in Manhattan Beach, California. (Photo by PATRICK T. FALLON/AFP via Getty Images)

Welcome back to TechCrunch Mobility — your central hub for news and insights on the future of transportation. Sign up here for free — just click TechCrunch Mobility!

Okay, okay — remember last week when I suggested Tesla was being a bit extra in its bid to convince shareholders to vote in favor of relocating the company to Texas and to approve CEO Elon Musk’s $56 billion pay deal? 

I was wrong, y’all. Or more accurately put, I was premature in my declaration. Because this week Tesla took it to a whole new level by dangling the chance to win a factory tour with Elon and chief designer Franz von Holzhausen . That’s right, we’ve got a sweepstakes-for-votes scheme going on. Shareholders who vote could win a tour of the Tesla factory in Austin and an invitation to the June 13 annual meeting. 

What will they offer up next? Dinner with Elon? A Cybertruck? The stakes are high and the June 13 annual shareholder meeting is approaching — two ingredients that promise to bake up some entertaining developments. 

Before we jump into the news, just a heads-up that I will be handing the wheel over to reporter Rebecca Bellan next week as I head off for some idle time.

Tomorrow is your last day to save up to $800 on Disrupt passes. Book your early-bird pass today !

A little bird

So many little birds came to us — and posted on social media — about a new round of layoffs at struggling EV startup Fisker . Based on our accounting, hundreds of workers were laid off . 

Fisker has been in a tailspin for months and has made several rounds of layoffs. This latest cut is getting close to the bone. The company employed about 1,135 employees as of April 19. Sources tell us that after layoffs in late April and this new, deeper cut, only about 150 people remain at the company. 

Got a tip for us? Email Kirsten Korosec at [email protected] , Sean O’Kane at [email protected] or Rebecca Bellan at [email protected] . Or check out these instructions to learn how to contact us via encrypted messaging apps or SecureDrop.

money the station

Just a good old-fashioned roundup of deals this week. Here’s where the money is headed.

Orca AI , a London-based startup that claims to have powered the world’s first autonomous commercial ship voyage in congested waters, has raised $23 million in a round led by OCV Partners and MizMaa Ventures. 

Redwood Materials inked a deal to recycle EV battery production scrap for Ultium Cells, the joint battery manufacturing venture between GM and LG Energy Solution. 

Relectrify , an Australian startup developing an inverter-free battery, raised $17 million in a round led by One Ventures. Toyota Ventures, the Australian Clean Energy Finance Corp., Energy Innovation Capital, GS Futures, Creative Ventures, and NOAB Ventures also participated.

Zypp Electric , the Indian EV fleet startup, raised $15 million as part of a Series C round that its founder projects will eventually be between $35 million and $40 million when it closes this summer. Japanese oil and energy conglomerate Eneos led the investment. 

Notable reads and other tidbits

skoreol trip trap

Autonomous vehicles

The U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has added nine more incidents to its investigation into Waymo’s autonomous vehicle software.

Electric vehicles, charging & batteries

Cylib has a compelling pitch for automakers that its founders say will give the Germany-based battery recycling startup an edge over bigger rivals.

Lucid Motors announced it was laying off about 400 employees , or roughly 6% of its workforce, as part of a restructuring ahead of the launch of its first electric SUV later this year. The layoffs come a little more than a year since it cut 1,300 jobs. 

A reader reached out more than a month ago and asked, What happened to Onyx Motorbikes ? TC reporter Rebecca Bellan spent weeks unraveling the story of what happens when the owner and CEO of a company suddenly dies without a succession plan. 

Archer Aviation continues to snap up partners in its bid to commercialize electric flight . This time, Archer and ride-hailing and parking company  Kakao Mobility  have agreed to work together to bring electric air taxi flights to South Korea starting in 2026.

In-car tech and apps

Apple and the Paris area transportation authority, known as  Île-de-France Mobilités (IDFM), rolled out support for transit passes in Apple Wallet, which will allow people to use their iPhone or Apple Watch as a Navigo pass to ride the metro, train, tram or bus. This is noteworthy on two fronts: The Apple integration is the result of years of negotiation between the tech giant and IDFM, and it’s coming online just two months before millions of people are expected to come to Paris this summer for the Olympic Games. And yep, Android users have been able to use their phone as a Navigo pass for a while.

Chinese EV makers haven’t made significant inroads in the U.S. just yet, but that doesn’t mean people aren’t worried. U.S. Rep. Elissa Slotkin will introduce a bill to Congress that would limit or ban the introduction of connected vehicles built by Chinese companies if they are found to pose a threat to national security.

Remember Spotify’s big launch into hardware with its Car Thing device? It was short-lived. Spotify stopped making the device in July 2022 but said it would support existing owners of the $100 device. Welp, those days are over. Spotify told customers that the Car Thing will stop working after December 9, 2024.

This week’s wheels

cadillac-optiq-side profile

What is “This week’s wheels”? It’s a chance to learn about the different transportation products we’re testing, whether it’s an electric or hybrid car, an e-bike or even a ride in an autonomous vehicle. 

This week, TC contributor Emme Hall shared her views — and first-look impressions — of the 2025 Cadillac Optiq EV . This is the fourth EV that Cadillac has revealed since 2022, although it should be noted that only one — the Lyriq — is currently for sale. 

Hall goes into depth here, so please check it out. For those who want the tl;dr: Cadillac clearly wants to attract new, younger buyers in a bid to breathe new life into the luxury brand. The Optiq appears to be its answer — at least for now. As Hall notes, the vehicle is a “looker” and is the cheapest EV in the Cadillac lineup. In other words, Cadillac designed a thirst trap to hook young buyers. But will it work? With so many midsized crossovers on the market today, it’s tough to stand out and attract buyers.

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Tripp trapp chair - natural, product condition.

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The iconic Stokke Tripp Trapp Chair, made of solid European beech wood, grows with your child to provide a comfortable, ergonomic seat at any age. 

It fits up to a dining table allowing your child to eat, learn, play and develop alongside you.

The Tripp Trapp has a non-toxic finish and an adjustable seat and footplate. 

It features a sleek silhouette that can be pulled right up to the dining table so your baby can enjoy mealtimes with the family.

Product dimensions: 19.3" x 31.1" x 18.1" (Length x Height x Width), Weight: 7kg/15.4lbs

Note: Please note the wood of the chair is chipped slightly, please see photos.

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Koro Traps

Product Category: All

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  • The Koro Pocket Gopher Trap

The Koro Pocket Gopher Trap is made of heavy duty .187 dia. mild steel. It measures 2’W x 2.5”H x 5”L. The spring is made…

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  • Koro Mole Trap

The Koro Mole Trap is the smallest of the rodent trap line. Like the other Koro Traps, this little trap is heavy duty. Made with…

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  • The Koro Rodent

The Koro Rodent is the original rodent trap designed for use on weasels. It was soon discovered that they working very well on other species…

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  • Easy Latch Koro Rodent

This is the new style Koro easy latch rodent trap.

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  • Koro Large Rodent

Our Koro Large Rodent trap is the largest of the Koro Rodent line. The Koro Large Rodent is made of .250 dia. mild steel and…

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  • Easy Latch Koro Large Rodent

The new easy latch Koro Rodent is nearly the exact same trap only with an improved trigger system that allows trap setting to be a…

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  • Koro #1 & Koro #2

The Koro #1 and Koro #2 body grip trap was the 2nd design of Koro line. There has been some upgrades along the way, but…

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The Koro #3 is the 2nd oldest trap design in the Koro Line. The Koro #3 measures 10” x10” and is made of 5/16” spring…

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  • The Koro Wolf

The Koro Wolf trap is built to handle the harshest conditions that wolf trapping sends our way. The Koro wolf trap has a 8.5” x9”…

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Koro “Aldrich” Style Bear Snare Throw Spring

Koro was asked to make the Aldrich grizzly bear throw spring a couple years ago. Koro has developed a name for making great springs and…

  • Koro “Aldrich” Style Bear Snare Throw Spring
  • The Koro Live Beaver Trap
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Of course! That is what we recommend.  

Although not in line with the Tripp Trapp® seating philosophy, Stokke offers an optional harness. The Stokke® Harness should only be used with the Tripp Trapp® Baby Set. When the child can climb up and down the chair independently, the Baby Set and harness should be removed. 

  • Cast & crew

Lee Seo-jin and Sung Dong-il in Trap (2019)

Kang Woo Hyun is a respected anchor at a broadcasting station. He has a lovely family and he is asked to enter the political field. His life seems perfect. One day, he goes on a trip with hi... Read all Kang Woo Hyun is a respected anchor at a broadcasting station. He has a lovely family and he is asked to enter the political field. His life seems perfect. One day, he goes on a trip with his family and a tragic situation occurs. Meanwhile, Go Dong Kook is a veteran detective. He... Read all Kang Woo Hyun is a respected anchor at a broadcasting station. He has a lovely family and he is asked to enter the political field. His life seems perfect. One day, he goes on a trip with his family and a tragic situation occurs. Meanwhile, Go Dong Kook is a veteran detective. He takes Kang Woo Hyun's case and investigates.

  • Lee Seo-jin
  • Sung Dong-il
  • Lee Joo-bin

Sung Dong-il in Trap (2019)

  • Kang Woo-hyeon

Sung Dong-il

  • Go Dong-gook

Lee Joo-bin

  • Kim Si-hyeon

Seo Yeong-hie

  • Sin Yeon-soo

Yoon Kyung-ho

  • Kang Shi Woo

Carson Allen

  • Russian Coffee House Server

Lim Hwa-young

  • Yoon Seo-yeong
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Lee Seo-jin and Sung Dong-il in Trap (2019)

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From DramaWiki

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  • 3 User/Viewer Ratings
  • 5 Production Credits
  • 6 Episode Ratings
  • 7 External Links
  • Title: 트랩 / Teuraep
  • Genre: Drama, mystery, thriller
  • Episodes: 7
  • Broadcast network: OCN
  • Broadcast period: 2019-Feb-09 to 2019-Mar-03
  • Air time: Saturday & Sunday 22:20

Kang Woo Hyun ( Lee Seo Jin ) is a respected anchor at a broadcasting station. He is a devout and happy father, who enjoys being surrounded by his charming family. He decides to try his luck in politics. One day, on a trip he makes with his family, a tragic incident happens. Meanwhile, Go Dong Kook ( Sung Dong Il ), a veteran detective, who doesn't stop at anything until a case is solved, decides to take the case of Kang Woo Hyun and sets out to investigate what lies behind the tragic incident.

User/Viewer Ratings

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  • Lee Seo Jin as Kang Woo Hyun
  • Sung Dong Il as Ko Dong Kook
  • Im Hwa Young as Yoon Seo Young
  • Seo Young Hee as Shin Yun Soo (Woo Hyun's wife)
  • Oh Ryoong (오륭) as Hong Won Tae
  • Lee Joo Bin as Kim Shi Hyun
  • Oh Han Kyul as Kang Shi Woo (Woo Hyun's son)
  • Kim Kwang Gyu as Squad Chief Jang
  • Jo Dal Hwan as Bae Nam Soo
  • Jang Sung Bum as Park Sung Bum
  • Lee Na Ra as Park Sun Mi
  • Choi Myung Bin as Ko Min Joo (Dong Kook's daughter)
  • Choi Hong Il as Team Lead at National Police Agency
  • Yoon Kyung Ho as Master Yoon (cafe operator)
  • Sung Hyuk as hunter
  • Carson Allen as gambling room coffee girl
  • Han Chang Min as Ko Min Suk (Ko Dong Kook's son)
  • Park Ji Yun as detective undercover nurse
  • Lee Shi Hoon as Lee Shi Hoon

Production Credits

  • Production Company: Film Monster (필름몬스터)
  • Chief producers: Lee Jae Kyu , Park Chul Soo (박철수)
  • Director: Park Shin Woo
  • Assistant Director: Choi Hyun Sung
  • Screenwriter: Nam Sang Wook (남상욱)

Episode Ratings

Source: Nielsen Korea

External Links

  • Official site
  • English Wikipedia
  • Korean Wikipedia

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Reol, Skagerak, Trip trap Nomad reol med lille hylde! Perfekt på bord på badeværelset, køkken eller skrivebordet! 112x55 cm! Hylde 19.52 cm! Med 2 kroge! 275 kr. Dekorationsstige, Trip trap, Dekorations stige fra trip trap. Perfekt til diverse indretning, eller lille reol til bøger højtaler på værelse.

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Reolvæg, TripTrap, 2 stk reoler fra TripTrap HxBxD = 110x55X26 cm 200kr/styk. Samlet 300kr Kun afhentning 300 kr. 8920 Randers NV. 31. mar. Reol, TripTrap, b: 55 d: 19 h: 110, Fin lille reol fra TripTrap. 300 kr. 4760 Vordingborg. 18. jan. Køb og salg af Trip Trap i Reoler og reolsystemer på DBA.

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The iconic Stokke Tripp Trapp Chair, made of solid European beech wood, grows with your child to provide a comfortable, ergonomic seat at any age. It fits up to a dining table allowing your child to eat, learn, play and develop alongside you.The Tripp Trapp has a non-toxic finish and an adjustable seat and footplate. I

Stort udvalg af Reol Trip Trap til billige priser. På DBA finder du altid et godt tilbud på både nye og brugte varer til salg Køb og sælg både nye og brugte nye varer på DBA - du finder over 1 mio. billige ting til salg.

Skoreol i sortlakeret eg og rustfri stål. Fra 1.399,00 DKK. Viser alle 9 resultater. Velkommen til vores kollektion af skoreoler, hvor funktionalitet møder æstetik på smukkeste vis. Vores minimalistiske og elegante skoreoler, er skabt af førsteklasses egetræ og enten lakeret messing, sortlakeret stål eller rustfri stål.

Get Stokke Tripp Trapp Cushion - Coral delivered to you in as fast as 1 hour via Instacart or choose curbside or in-store pickup. Contactless delivery and your first delivery or pickup order is free! Start shopping online now with Instacart to get your favorite products on-demand. Free delivery on first 3 orders. ...

Trip Trap favoritterne. Trip Trap har gennem sin levetid leveret det ene unikke produkt efter det andet til de kræsne danske forbrugere. Nedenfor har vi samlet tre af kundernes favoritter. Nordic skålene. De simple Nordic skåle oser af skandinavisk elegance med deres minimalistiske og tidsløse design.

Skoskab vs. skoreol og skohylde. Skoskab Et skoskab har den fordel, at hylderne er skræddersyet til opbevaring af sko, så de ikke bliver mast og mister form. Her står de pænt på en hylde, fremfor at ligge i en stor bunke. Det gør det nemt at finde dine sko i en travl hverdag, og du slipper for at lede efter to identiske sko, f. eks til ...

If you notice the leg space of the plastic Tripp Trapp® Baby Set² is too tight for your child, ensure the Tripp Trapp® chair is correctly adjusted (with the seat plate installed per the Tripp Trapp® user guide) and the Baby Set is fitted according to the instructions in the Baby Set user guide. Both user guides can be found on stokke.com.

Americans are finally catching on to Costco's tricks — here are 15 to watch out for so you don't get fleeced on your next trip 15 Most Affordable Places To Retire Abroad Meet Track and Field's ...

Reol, Mulig trip trap , b: 35 d: 35 h: 119, Den måler 35.5 cm +35.5 cm og er 119 cm høj ved ikke om det er trip trap. Brugt men med få brugsspor . Hentes ved Tølløse 150 kr.

Have A Nice Trip Festival. Dates: July 27-28 Location: Seoul, South Korea Find tickets and more info here. ... Hitsujibungaku, The Temper Trap and ...

Electric vehicles, charging & batteries. Cylib has a compelling pitch for automakers that its founders say will give the Germany-based battery recycling startup an edge over bigger rivals.. Lucid ...

Trip Trap Key Features. - Single touch original flip-flop gameplay. - 5 rooms, 100 well-planned tricky levels. - Casual Mode with limitless freedom. - Puzzle Mode with limited number of jumps. - Global leaderboards & achievements. - Beautiful graphics designed to support both Phones and Tablets! TripTrap has been designed to work on most modern ...

Koro Traps Canada 69041 PR 212 Cooks Creek, Manitoba R5M0E3 P: 204-998-1264 E: [email protected]

The Koro Pocket Gopher Trap. The Koro Pocket Gopher Trap is made of heavy duty .187 dia. mild steel. It measures 2'W x 2.5"H x 5"L. The spring is made…. Read More.

Although not in line with the Tripp Trapp® seating philosophy, Stokke offers an optional harness. The Stokke® Harness should only be used with the Tripp Trapp® Baby Set. When the child can climb up and down the chair independently, the Baby Set and harness should be removed.

Trap: With Lee Seo-jin, Sung Dong-il, Lee Joo-bin, Seo Yeong-hie. Kang Woo Hyun is a respected anchor at a broadcasting station. He has a lovely family and he is asked to enter the political field. His life seems perfect. One day, he goes on a trip with his family and a tragic situation occurs. Meanwhile, Go Dong Kook is a veteran detective. He takes Kang Woo Hyun's case and investigates.

Stige reol / Badeværelses reol, Trip Trap, Trip Trap Stige reol med 2 kroge til håndklæder eller andet. Den er oprindeligt i træ men var blevet trist så den er blevet slebet og... 129 kr. 4000 Roskilde. 22. mar.

One day, he goes on a trip with his family and a tragic situation occurs. Meanwhile, Go Dong Kook is a veteran detective. He takes Kang Woo Hyun's case and investigates. ... Ma Dong Seok to lead and produce the American version of "Trap" Popular Lists Related lists from users. Create a list. Short KDrama. 2101 titles 437 loves 15 ~ OCN DRAMAS ...

Kang Woo Hyun ( Lee Seo Jin) is a respected anchor at a broadcasting station. He is a devout and happy father, who enjoys being surrounded by his charming family. He decides to try his luck in politics. One day, on a trip he makes with his family, a tragic incident happens. Meanwhile, Go Dong Kook ( Sung Dong Il ), a veteran detective, who ...

Trap. (TV series) Trap ( Korean : 트랩; RR : Teuraep) is a 2019 South Korean television series starring Lee Seo-jin, Sung Dong-il and Lim Hwa-young. It is OCN 's first series for their new project called "Dramatic Cinema" that combines film and drama formats. It aired from February 9 to March 3, 2019. [4] [5] [6]

His life seems perfect. One day, he goes on a trip with his family and a tragic situation occurs. Meanwhile, Ko Dong-Kook (Sung Dong-Il) is a veteran detective. He takes Kang Woo-Hyun's case and investigates. Nots "Trap" takes over OCN's Sat. & Sun. 22:20 time slot previously occupied by "Priest" and followed by "Kill It" on March 16, 2019.

High Chair Guide: Find the perfect chair for your baby!

Tripp Trapp®, Natural, mainview

Tripp Trapp®

The chair that grows with the child™.

  • The Tripp Trapp® chair + baby set with harness bundle brings your baby to the dining table and closer to the family
  • This configuration is suitable from when your child is able to sit unaided (approx. 6 months)
  • Baby Set provides exceptional side and back support for your baby to acquire the important skill of leaning to sit
  • Tripp Trapp® chair has depth and height adjustable seat & footplate
  • Not only are the Tripp Trapp® bundles a convenient shopping experience, but they also provide more value than purchasing each item separately

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Tripp Trapp High Chair from Stokke, White - Adjustable, Convertible Chair for Children &amp; Adults - Includes Baby Set with Removable Harness for Ages 6-36 Months - Ergonomic &amp; Classic Design

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Tripp Trapp High Chair from Stokke, White - Adjustable, Convertible Chair for Children & Adults - Includes Baby Set with Removable Harness for Ages 6-36 Months - Ergonomic & Classic Design

Chair with Newborn Set

High Chair, Cushion & Stokke Tray


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About this item.

  • A CHAIR FOR LIFE - The Tripp Trapp High Chair brings your child right up to the table. The Baby Set is best for children from 6-36 months, but the beech wood chair can hold up to 300 lbs, so your child can use it forever.
  • BABY SET - The included Baby Set features a five-point safety harness and an easy-to-clean seat. When your kid outgrows the set, simply remove and adjust the back + foot support to achieve the ideal, ergonomic angle.
  • TIMELESS DESIGN - Tripp Trapp Chair was specifically designed to allow freedom of movement as your child grows. Plus, it’s available in a wide range of colors & two wood finishes, guaranteed to look beautiful in any setting.
  • JPMA CERTIFIED - We ensure the utmost safety & care when designing and manufacturing our products. The Tripp Trapp High Chair is certified by JPMA and meets or exceeds ASTM safety standards.
  • DESIGN WITH A PURPOSE - Tripp Trapp was designed by Peter Opsvik in 1972. Inspired by his young son Tor, who had grown out of his high chair but was still too small for an adult chair, Peter aimed to seat all ages at the same table comfortably.

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Tripp Trapp High Chair from Stokke, White - Adjustable, Convertible Chair for Children & Adults - Includes Baby Set with Remo

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Choose from a variety of accessories to customize your Tripp Trapp for the specific needs of your growing child, and your style.

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Is the Stokke Tripp Trapp high chair really worth it?!

Tanner Clemens

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Review- Tripp Trapp High Chair from Stokke, Hazy Grey

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What is included? - Comparison of the 3 Tripp Trapp Options

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Pediatric PT and Mom Review of Tripp Trapp High Chair!

Kenzie Dalrymple

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Stokke Tripp Trapp High Chair and Classic Cushion Review

Mariah Knight

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To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we don’t use a simple average. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness.

Customers say

Customers like the comfort, appearance and ease of cleaning of the baby seat. For example, they mention it grows with the child, it's ergonomic and nice looking. Some appreciate the quality, and stability. That said, opinions are mixed on ease of assembly, value, and adjustability.

AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

Customers like the stability of the baby seat. They say it's a stylish chair for a pricy price, it'll last forever, and the quality and versatility are unmatched.

"...It’s well made and you can tell. It’s not cheap materials or cheap work . Positioning is ergonomic without comprising comfort for my little one...." Read more

"...They grow with your children, are super easy to clean, extremely sturdy , and look great compared to a lot of the other high chairs on the market." Read more

"...bad reviews because for the price 🥴 but it turned out to be a good quality chair , easy to assemble, even for a single person..." Read more

"...We're really surprised but quite pleased with how heavy and solid all the pieces are ...." Read more

Customers like the appearance of the baby seat. They appreciate the size, design, ergonomics, and pretty color. Some say it's unique and grows with the child.

"Fantastic high chair. Design is lightweight, sleek and pretty. It’s well made and you can tell. It’s not cheap materials or cheap work...." Read more

"...with your children, are super easy to clean, extremely sturdy, and look great compared to a lot of the other high chairs on the market." Read more

"This high chair is a top quality chair it’s pretty color and so easy to clean , doesn’t take much of my kitchen space...." Read more

"...What’s not to love? Efficient and stylish design (if Scandinavian design is your thing), durable build, endless adjustability, and my 7- mo loves it..." Read more

Customers find the baby seat easy to clean. They mention that it has very little cleanup of the chair itself, and that it's easy to install and remove for cleaning.

"... Easy to clean . Assembly is also easy. I was dreading the assembly portion of it and no qualms there. Is it expensive? Yes. Is it worth it? Also Yes...." Read more

"...They grow with your children, are super easy to clean , extremely sturdy, and look great compared to a lot of the other high chairs on the market." Read more

"... Clean up from meals is easy and I already know it’ll last forever." Read more

Customers like the quality of the high chair. They say it's a great, practical, and sturdy product. Some say it is better than the baby high chairs they normally buy. Overall, most are happy with the quality and functionality of the chair.

" Fantastic high chair . Design is lightweight, sleek and pretty. It’s well made and you can tell. It’s not cheap materials or cheap work...." Read more

" Quality of high chair is good stirdy wood , however the removable harness material is poor. It feels like it would break after 5 installation" Read more

"This is our second Tripp Trapp chair purchase. The best highchair and chair ...." Read more

Customers like the comfort of the baby seat. They say it grows with the child, making them comfortable until they're tall enough to sit up. They appreciate the chair's size, design, and ergonomics. They mention that the cushion is perfect for their baby and the white wood blends in nicely with their decor. The chair is better for posture and takes up significantly less space. Customers also say the positioning is ergonomic without comprising comfort for their little one.

"...It’s not cheap materials or cheap work. Positioning is ergonomic without comprising comfort for my little one. Easy to clean. Assembly is also easy...." Read more

"...I’m so happy with this purchase, I also tried it by myself and it’s comfortable , it’s little bit pricey but was worth and it sure is going to last..." Read more

"...percentile 6 m/o baby has perfect posture in this chair and seems super comfortable !..." Read more

"...weeks of use, I'll admit that I appreciate the chair's size, design, ergonomics , how easy it is to adjust the foot plate to my growing baby, how..." Read more

Customers have mixed opinions about the value of the baby seat. Some find it well worth the money, while others say it's on the expensive side. Some customers also mention that the universal harness is half the price of the Stokke, making it easier to install and remove for cleaning.

"...i wish I had it with my first born. For me it worth the money " Read more

"...They are on the expensive side , but they are absolutely worth it!..." Read more

"...baby registry discount to afford it, but I'd say its still worth every penny full price !" Read more

"...purchase, I also tried it by myself and it’s comfortable, it’s little bit pricey but was worth and it sure is going to last for a lifetime...." Read more

Customers are mixed about the ease of assembly of the baby seat. Some mention it's easy to assemble, and even easier than IKEA, while others say it'd be a bit fiddly to put together, and it doesn't have any instructions. Some customers also mention that the baby/toddler insert is atrocious to deal with and there's no guide when you slide in the seat/footrest.

"...Easy to clean. Assembly is also easy . I was dreading the assembly portion of it and no qualms there. Is it expensive? Yes. Is it worth it? Also Yes...." Read more

"...for the price 🥴 but it turned out to be a good quality chair, easy to assemble , even for a single person..." Read more

"Love this! It was a little tricky to put together , but not too bad...." Read more

"I love that this chair was pretty easy to assemble . It was IKEA-like instructions so it wasn’t super clear on some parts but it was still easy...." Read more

Customers are mixed about the adjustability of the baby seat. Some mention it's great for BLW, adjustable to grow with baby, and easy to adjust as your kids grow. However, others say that setting up the cushion and adjusting the strap was unreasonably difficult. The seatbelt is difficult to adjust and put on, and can only be adjusted a little at a time.

"...design (if Scandinavian design is your thing), durable build, endless adjustability , and my 7- mo loves it...." Read more

"...I appreciate the chair's size, design, ergonomics, how easy it is to adjust the foot plate to my growing baby, how easy it was to put together..." Read more

"...I had to go back and really tighten screws❌️ seat height is not adjustable for infants if your table is lower than most ❌️harness cannot be unclipped..." Read more

"I really like our chair. It's cute, fits well with the dining table , doesn't take too much room, our 2 yo can get in it by himself. Great...." Read more

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The Ultimate Guide to Stokke Tripp Trapp Chair

The  Stokke Tripp Trapp chair , is a versatile and innovative piece of furniture designed to accompany your child from birth all the way through their childhood. Below we'll discuss the features, benefits, and age settings of the Tripp Trapp chair, ensuring you have all the information you need to make an informed decision for your family.

Age-Adaptable Design for Lifelong Use

The Stokke Tripp Trapp chair stands as a testament to exceptional design and functionality. Unlike conventional high chairs that serve a limited age range, the Tripp Trapp chair provides an age-adaptable design that grows with your child. This remarkable chair is meticulously crafted to support your child's journey, making it a valuable addition to any household.

The Early Years: Newborn Set and High Chair

For the earliest stages of your child's life, the Tripp Trapp chair offers a specially designed Newborn Set , catering to infants from birth up to 6 months. This thoughtful addition enables your little one to be part of family meals right from the start. The ergonomic design provides adequate support, ensuring your newborn's comfort and safety. 

As your child transitions into the phase of exploration and growth, the High Chair configuration becomes the preferred choice. With the incorporation of the Tripp Trapp Baby Set and harness , the chair becomes suitable for babies aged 6 months to 3 years. This setup not only encourages proper posture and alignment but also fosters a sense of togetherness during mealtime.

Seamless Transition to Adulthood

As your child continues to develop, the Tripp Trapp chair seamlessly evolves alongside them. From the age of 3 years and beyond, the chair functions as a regular chair that supports adulthood. The robust construction and adaptable design ensure that the Tripp Trapp chair remains a cherished companion throughout the different stages of your child's life.


Stokke kids furniture, stokke nursery, stokke deals, safety and comfort: baby set and harness.

When using the Baby Set with harness , adhering to the recommended guidelines is essential. This configuration is suitable for children aged 6 months to 36 months or up to 33 pounds in weight. The adjustable harness provides a secure fit, giving you peace of mind while your child enjoys mealtime.

The Baby Set with harness not only prioritizes safety but also promotes inclusivity during family meals. By allowing your child to join the table at an early age, the Tripp Trapp chair fosters a sense of belonging and connection.

Adding a Touch of Comfort: Cushion

Enhancing the Tripp Trapp chair's appeal further is the optional cushion . Designed with both aesthetics and comfort in mind, the cushion complements the chair's ergonomic contours. It provides an extra layer of coziness for your child, ensuring they are content during mealtime.

Versatile Weight Capacity

The Tripp Trapp chair boasts a weight capacity that supports up to 242 pounds, accommodating individuals of varying sizes and ages. This exceptional feature underscores the chair's durability and long-term usability, making it a staple piece of furniture for the entire family.

The Stokke Tripp Trapp chair surpasses expectations by offering a unique blend of versatility, safety, and comfort.

Q. Can the Tripp Trapp chair genuinely be used from birth to adulthood?

Absolutely! The Tripp Trapp chair is ingeniously designed to evolve with your child. With its various configurations and accessories, it accommodates newborns through to adults, making it a lasting investment for your family.

Q. How does the Newborn Set work, and from what age can I use it?

The Newborn Set is specially crafted to provide a comfortable and secure space for your infant during mealtime. It is suitable for babies from birth up to 6 months, ensuring they can be part of family gatherings right from the start.

Q. What is the recommended age range for using the High Chair configuration?

The High Chair configuration, complete with the Tripp Trapp Baby Set and harness, is designed for babies aged 6 months to 3 years. This stage is crucial for your child's development, as they learn to sit and participate in meals with the family.

Q. How does the adjustable harness enhance safety?

The adjustable harness included in the Baby Set ensures your child's safety and comfort during mealtime. It provides a secure fit, allowing your little one to enjoy their food while keeping them firmly in place.

Q. Is the optional cushion necessary, and at what age can it be used?

The optional cushion adds an extra layer of comfort to the Tripp Trapp chair, making mealtime even more enjoyable for your child. It can be used as soon as your child starts using the High Chair configuration, around 6 months of age.

Q. What is the weight capacity of the Tripp Trapp chair?

The Tripp Trapp chair boasts an impressive weight capacity of up to 242 pounds. This means that even as your child grows into adulthood, the chair remains sturdy and accommodating.

Q. Can I remove the Baby Set and harness when my child outgrows it?

Absolutely. As your child reaches around 36 months or 33 pounds, you can remove the Baby Set and harness. The chair can then be used in its regular configuration, adapting to your child's changing needs.

Q. Is assembly of the Tripp Trapp chair complicated?

Not at all. The Tripp Trapp chair is designed for easy assembly, ensuring that you can quickly set it up and start using it. The included instructions provide step-by-step guidance to make the process smooth.

Q. Can I customize the Tripp Trapp chair to match my home decor?

Certainly! The Tripp Trapp chair comes in a range of colors and finishes, allowing you to choose the one that best suits your home's aesthetic. This customization adds a personalized touch to the chair's versatility.

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‘A ceasefire is a trap:’ Forcing Ukraine to compromise with Russia would weaken US, Zelensky warns Trump

President Volodymyr Zelensky warned former U.S. President Donald Trump against forcing Ukraine into a ceasefire with Russia in an interview with the Guardian, saying it would be a “trap.”

Trump has said he could end Russia’s war within 24 hours if elected president, without specifying the steps for reaching a peace deal between Kyiv and Moscow.

The presumptive Republican nominee has also said he thinks both Moscow and Kyiv “want to save face, they want a way out,” claiming that Ukrainians in Russian-occupied territories would be okay being part of Russia, the Washington Post reported in April, citing an unnamed person who has discussed the matter with Trump.

“When (Putin) gains strength, he might issue an ultimatum – to recognize all occupied territories, to stay out of NATO, to forget about European integration,” Zelensky said in clip from the Guardian interview published by his office on June 1.

“And there will be many such conditions, depending on how strong he is at that moment. Therefore, a ceasefire is a trap.”

Zelensky said he doesn't believe Trump would want to be remembered as the "loser" to Russia in the war.

He asked the Guardian reporters to imagine a scenario where Trump, as president, decided to end the war at Ukraine's expense.

“Somehow, in dialogue, he might get confirmation from Putin that this is the end, that this is it. Ukrainians will not accept this, but he might then say: 'Well, that’s it, I am giving you no support, no weapons, no finances.' He might negotiate with some partners, and they might also stop,” he said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is open to a ceasefire that recognizes the current front lines on the battlefield but will fight on if Ukraine and its allies do not agree, Reuters reported on May 24, citing undisclosed Russian sources.

Except for unsuccessful talks during the early spring of 2022, there have been no direct peace negotiations between Ukraine and Russia . Zelensky has repeatedly said Kyiv would not cede territories in exchange for peace.

Trump said in May that he would not commit to providing Ukraine with defense assistance if he won the 2024 election.

“Of course, Ukraine, without weapons, barehanded, cannot fight against a multi-million-strong army. Let’s imagine that,” said Zelensky.

Trump has privately said he could end Russia’s war by pressuring Ukraine to cede Crimea and Donbas to Moscow, the Washington Post reported on April 7, citing sources.

Zelensky believes such an approach would green light further attacks, “reducing to zero” the U.S.’s global influence.

“That would be the end of any ceasefire, the beginning of exactly what everyone is so afraid to talk about out loud, the real World War III,” said Zelensky.

Read also: ‘It’s not a pretty picture:’ What a second Trump presidency could mean for Ukraine

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