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What’s Your Road Trip personality?

Discover your true travel personality with our free test.

Are you more of a Zen Traveler or a Culture Hound? A Trip Maximizer or a Creature of Comfort? We teamed up with HearHere, the road trip storytelling app, to create this test based on the Big Five personality system – to help you find your ultimate road trip.

To take the travel personality quiz, rate each statement according to how well it describes you. Base your ratings on how you really are, not how you would like to be.


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Travel Personality Quiz

Your travel personality will likely fit you very closely, but there may be things in the description that you may think, “that isn’t me!” That is because these descriptions are what we call psychographic archetypes.  Psychographics  are attitudes and interests, and for the tourism marketer these are perhaps the most valuable forms of classification there are. An archetype is essentially a perfect example of a type of person. Of course, in real life, people never fit perfectly into one category or another – especially because we are constantly changing. So – remember as you read about your traveler personalities that there may be examples in there that don’t fit you perfectly.

When taking the quiz, you should answer the questions as they directly relate to you in your every day life. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about you:

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Travel Personality Quiz

Wondering where to travel next.

This quiz helps you answer the question "What kind of traveler are you?" while recommending unique places to visit for an amazing trip tailored to your interests!

The search for your perfect trip is over, as quiz results are customized based on your question answers and come with travel experience suggestions for going #BeyondTheGuidebook!

travel personality quiz

Hi, I'm Jessie

what type of traveler are you

there are many reasons i love travel; the way it connects people and allows them to share an experience, the feeling of ultimate freedom it provides, the way it awakens a sense of curiosity.

While I think guidebooks can be a helpful resource, I believe the beauty of travel comes less in seeing sites and more in experiencing places.

Now, I realize that the definition of an amazing trip varies from person to person, which is exactly why I designed this vacation destination quiz to provide unique travel recommendations based on your personality.

In short, if you're looking for a how to choose a travel destination quiz, this is for you.

Get ready to explore the world #BeyondTheGuidebook!

A little bit about me:

  • I started traveling solo after friends bailed on a summer trip through Europe. It is now my preferred way to see the world.
  • I'm passionate about not putting off your dreams, whether they're travel-related or not. The time to live your life shouldn't be restricted to two weeks per year vacation or retirement. It should be NOW.
  • Some of my favorite trips have been trekking through Nepal's Annapurna Himalayas, backpacking solo through South America for three months, exploring remote Bhutan, and hiking and wine tasting my way around the Azores.
  • I've been featured in top publications like USA TODAY, CNN, Forbes, Business Insider, and AOL Travel, as well as a travel web series with Bravo and a featured guest on BBC Travel TV (twice!).

 What type of traveler are you and where should you go on your next trip?

Discover the answers in this free travel destination quiz!

Enjoyed this travel personality quiz? Pin it for later! 🙂


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Travel Personality Quiz – Find The Best Vacation Spot For Your Unique Personality!

Perks of travelling solo. female solo traveller poses in front of river with mountains in the background

Where Should You Travel in 2024?

Are you an adventurous explorer or a sophisticated traveller?

Are you looking to discover hidden gems or take the path less travelled?

Discover your Travel Personality with this fun quiz, and find out where you should travel in 2024!

Answer a few short questions about yourself and your preferred vacation style, and I’ll tell you what your unique travel personality is, and where you should travel next.

I’ll even give you a FREE travel itinerary for your perfect destination!

Travelling can be rewarding if it matches your interests and personality – so let me help guide you on the journey of a lifetime!

Take the Travel Personality Quiz now to start planning for your dream getaway.

Take The Travel Personality Test Now!

How can a travel personality test help you to plan your travels.

Everyone has different interests, motivations and goals for their travels.

Travel personality tests can help you to match your unique preferences and style with the perfect destination.

By taking this travel quiz, you’ll be able to identify what type of traveller you are and where you should go next.

It will also provide helpful tips on how to make the most out of your travels. Whether it’s visiting stunning attractions, trying out new adventure activities or just relaxing in a peaceful setting – this quiz will give you all the insight you need to plan an unforgettable journey!

So don’t wait any longer – take the Travel Personality Quiz now and find out where your next vacation should be!

How Does The Travel Personality Test Work?

I’ve been travelling the world for years and I’ve met all different kinds of people, each with their own different travel styles and tastes. I’ve also helped plan vacations and trips for lots of different people. So I know a lot about how different people like to travel and which kind of vacation suits different personality types.

I’ve created this quiz to show you your ideal travel style and destination based on your unique personality.

There are 11 questions which carefully assess your reaction to different travel scenarios. From this information the results will then give you:

  • Your unique travel personality
  • Your strengths
  • Some travel resources , specially curated for you
  • Your perfect destination
  • A free travel itinerary
  • A free travel-inspired playlist

Are you ready to take the Travel Personality Quiz and find out where you should Travel in 2024?

It’ll only take a few minutes, so let’s get started!

What Do You Get With Your Travel Personality Quiz Results?

Take the free travel quiz and you’ll discover your unique travel style and receive…


You’ll get a travel guide to a destination that matches your unique travel style – Usually worth £5 !

I created travel guides for many different locations and sell them in my travel shop. By taking this travel personality quiz, you’ll be able to snap one up for free!

All guides feature where to stay, how to get around, where to eat, hidden gems, a day-by-day itinerary and more!


Get a curated playlist to match your travel style. Perfect to soundtrack your next trip!

The Travel-inspired playlist curated for your Travel Personality quiz results is the perfect way to set the mood for your trip! With hand-selected songs from around the world, this playlist features music that is guaranteed to get you in a vacation state of mind. Whether you’re looking for upbeat and energizing tunes to kick off your journey or tranquil ballads to relax with at night, the playlist will suit you because it is curated specifically for your travel personality type.


Find your travel style and get resources to help you plan future trips.

Final Thoughts: Where To Travel Quiz

Based on your Travel Personality, you could be headed to some amazing places in 2024.

Whether you’re an outdoor enthusiast or a city slicker, our quiz will help you discover the best destination for your unique travel style.

So what are you waiting for? Take the Travel Personality Quiz to start planning for your perfect vacation getaway!

Happy travels!

My Favourite Travel Resources

Travel Itineraries: I offer a range of pre-planned travel itineraries for many popular destinations. Use them to make planning your next trip a breeze!

Accommodation: I always use booking.com for hotels and Hostelworld for hostels. I’ve found some great bargains by using these sites!

Flights: My favourite tools to find the cheapest flights are WayAway , Expedia and Skyscanner

Ferries: For cheap ferry tickets I use Ferry Scanner

Activities: I use Viator and GetYourGuide to find the best tours and activities in every destination I visit. I’ve had some fantastic experiences using these sites!

Cashback: With the WayAway Plus membership plan, users get access to premium travel support, travel content prepared by locals, and cashback on flights, hotels, car rentals and other travel services. I love using Wayaway to get cashback on my travel expenses. In fact, it is one of my fave budget travel hacks 😉 Click here to get 10% off of a WayAway Plus membership

Foreign Currency: I highly recommend getting an international card to save you loads of money in expensive bank fees. The Wise Card allows you to spend in 150+ currencies and withdraw cash from ATMs anywhere in the world without paying any bank fees!

Travel Insurance: Never travel without proper travel insurance! I always use EKTA

Luggage Storage: Radical Storage is a Luggage storage network that operates in over 70 countries and 350 cities with more than 3500 storage points. I love using Radical storage to store my bags before or after checking in/out of my hotel as it gives me an extra day to explore without having to worry about dragging my luggage around with me.

Travel Planning services: Did you know that I offer travel planning services and custom itineraries? Let me plan your next trip for you!

What Type of Traveler Are You?

Travelers come in all kinds. with a few simple questions, uncover the type of traveler that you are.

What type of traveler are you? When you arrive in a new destination, do you seek out the thrills, sample the local cuisine or connect with the culture? Maybe it’s all three.

‌Take our Traveler Personality Quiz to find your ideal adventure with personalized trip recommendations and expert advice from a team of Certified Adventure Travel Specialists.

Winter is here! Check out the winter wonderlands at these 5 amazing winter destinations in Montana

  • Travel Tips

Travel Personality Quiz: Find Unique Places To Visit Tailored To YOU

Published: September 11, 2023

Modified: December 27, 2023

by Auroora Stoller

  • Plan Your Trip



Welcome to our Travel Personality Quiz, where we’ll help you discover unique places to visit based on your travel personality! We understand that each individual has different interests, preferences, and motivations when it comes to traveling. With this quiz, we aim to tailor our travel recommendations to your specific travel style, ensuring that you have an unforgettable experience.

Traveling isn’t just about visiting popular tourist destinations; it’s about immersing yourself in new cultures, discovering hidden gems, and embarking on adventures that resonate with your interests. Whether you’re a thrill-seeker, a nature lover, a history buff, or someone who simply wants to relax and unwind, our quiz is designed to uncover your unique travel personality and suggest destinations that align perfectly with your interests.

By understanding your travel personality, we can provide you with recommendations that go beyond the typical tourist spots. We believe that the best travel experiences are the ones that are tailored to your preferences and allow you to connect with a destination in a more meaningful way.

So, if you’re ready to embark on a personalized travel journey, complete our Travel Personality Quiz and let us inspire you with unique and captivating places to visit. Whether you’re planning a weekend getaway or a once-in-a-lifetime adventure, our recommendations will ensure that you make the most of your travels and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Step 1: Take the Travel Personality Quiz

Before we can unveil the unique places that match your travel personality, we need to understand more about you. Our Travel Personality Quiz is designed to assess your preferences, interests, and motivations when it comes to travel, so we can provide you with personalized recommendations.

To take our quiz, simply click on the “Start Quiz” button and answer a series of fun and engaging questions. These questions cover various aspects of travel, including your preferred travel style, your favorite activities, and the type of destinations you’re most interested in exploring.

As you progress through the quiz, be sure to answer honestly and go with your gut instinct. After all, our aim is to learn about your true travel personality, which will allow us to suggest places that truly resonate with you.

Rest assured that our quiz is quick and easy to complete, but the insights we gain from your answers are instrumental in shaping our recommendations. So take your time and enjoy the process, knowing that the end result will be a curated list of unique places to visit that align perfectly with your travel personality.

Remember, this quiz is all about embracing your individuality and providing you with travel experiences that are tailored to your preferences. So if you’re ready to discover your unique travel personality and unlock a world of new adventures, click on the “Start Quiz” button and let’s get started!

Step 2: Understanding Your Travel Personality

Now that you’ve completed our Travel Personality Quiz, it’s time to delve into the results and gain a deeper understanding of your travel personality. Each person has a unique combination of interests, preferences, and motivations when it comes to travel, and by understanding your individuality, we can suggest destinations that will truly captivate and inspire you.

Our quiz results will provide you with insights into your preferred travel style, whether you’re an adrenaline junkie seeking thrilling adventures or a laid-back traveler looking for tranquil escapes. It will also reveal your interests, such as history, art, nature, or gastronomy, which will further shape our recommendations.

Understanding your travel personality goes beyond surface-level categorizations. It’s about aligning your passions and motivations with the destinations and experiences that resonate with you. For example, if you’re an avid hiker who loves breathtaking landscapes, we might suggest exploring national parks or going on hiking trails in scenic locations.

We believe that travel is not just about ticking off bucket list items, but about immersing yourself in the culture, people, and natural beauty of a destination. By understanding your travel personality, we can guide you towards experiences that allow you to connect with the essence of a place on a deeper level.

Through a holistic understanding of your travel personality, we can suggest a diverse range of destinations that cater to your specific preferences. Whether you’re seeking off-the-beaten-path adventures, cultural immersion, culinary delights, or tranquil retreats, our recommendations will be tailored to your unique travel style.

So take a moment to reflect on your travel personality and embrace the excitement of discovering new destinations that align perfectly with who you are as a traveler. The next step is to unveil the unique places to visit based on your travel personality, so let’s move on to the next stage of our journey.

Step 3: Unveiling Unique Places to Visit Based on Your Travel Personality

Now comes the exciting part! Based on your travel personality insights from the quiz, we are ready to unveil a curated list of unique places to visit that are perfectly suited to your preferences and interests. These destinations have been selected to provide you with unforgettable experiences and a deeper connection to the world around you.

For the adrenaline seekers among you, we might recommend destinations like Queenstown, New Zealand, where you can indulge in adrenaline-pumping activities like bungee jumping and jet boating. If you have a passion for history and culture, cities like Rome, Italy, or Kyoto, Japan, might be perfect for exploring ancient ruins and architectural wonders.

If you’re a nature enthusiast, our recommendations might include the lush landscapes of Banff National Park in Canada or the stunning fjords of Norway. And for those who crave relaxation and tranquility, destinations like the Maldives or Bali offer idyllic beach resorts and rejuvenating spa experiences.

But it doesn’t end there. We’ll also provide you with insider tips and recommendations for each destination, from must-see attractions to hidden gems that are off the beaten path. Whether you’re looking for local eateries, unique cultural experiences, or breathtaking viewpoints, we have you covered.

Our goal is to ensure that your travel experiences are enriched and tailored to your unique travel personality. By providing you with a curated list of destinations and personalized recommendations, we aim to make your trip planning process easier and more enjoyable. We want you to feel excited, inspired, and confident as you embark on your next adventure.

So get ready to explore the world through the lens of your travel personality. Whether you’re an adventure seeker, a culture enthusiast, a nature lover, or a relaxation aficionado, there are incredible places waiting to be discovered.

Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. The world is full of surprises and hidden treasures, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

So start packing your bags and get ready for a journey that’s tailored to you. It’s time to embark on an adventure that perfectly aligns with your travel personality.

Congratulations! You have completed our Travel Personality Quiz and unlocked a world of unique places to visit that are tailored to your travel style and interests. We hope that this personalized approach has inspired you to explore new destinations and embark on unforgettable adventures.

By understanding your travel personality, we have been able to provide you with recommendations that go beyond the typical tourist spots. Our goal is to ensure that your travel experiences are meaningful, fulfilling, and aligned with your passions.

Remember, travel is not just about ticking off items on a bucket list. It’s about immersing yourself in different cultures, discovering hidden gems, and creating lifelong memories. Whether you’re seeking adventure, culture, nature, or relaxation, there’s a world of possibilities waiting for you.

We encourage you to take these recommendations as a starting point and customize them to fit your own preferences. Add your own twist, explore further, and embrace the joy of discovery.

Traveling is a personal journey that allows you to grow, learn, and create connections with the world around you. It’s an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone, challenge yourself, and embrace new experiences.

So go forth and explore. Dive into the adventure that awaits you, and let your travel personality guide you to incredible destinations. Whether you’re embarking on a solo trip, a romantic getaway, or a family vacation, make the most of every moment and savor the unique experiences that await.

Thank you for taking our Travel Personality Quiz and allowing us to be a part of your travel journey. We wish you safe travels, unforgettable experiences, and a lifetime of beautiful memories.


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Meaningful Travel: Find Your Perfect Trip [Personality Quiz]

meaningful travel personality quiz

Travel Personality Quiz

Meaningful Travel: Find Your Perfect Trip

Looking for travel experiences that support the local economy, abide by responsible travel principles, immerse you in the local culture, and have meaning beyond simply sightseeing?

Then you’ll love this free personality quiz !

Think of your results like your own personal travel experiences planner, as you’ll learn your perfect trip style as well as meaningful tourism experiences that fit it.

travel personality questions

Do you ever wonder how to make travel meaningful?

Travel can be about so much more than just “taking in the sights.”

It can be transformative and it can change you.

It can offer something new, open your mind, and help you truly care about the world beyond your own bubble.

It can connect you with people abroad and allow you to positively support and impact local communities.

For this meaningful travel personality quiz , you’ll answer 10 short and fun questions to determine your ideal trip type. 

From there, you’ll be offered suggestions for incredible sustainable experiences based on your result. 

Ready to learn what experience you should book next?

Click here to take the free quiz !

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What's Your Travel Personality?

Top rated suggestions for your personal style in only 15 fun and easy multiple choice quiz questions.

Your trip style and suggested destinations!

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Take Stanley Plog’s Travel Personality Quiz and Discover What Your Traveler Type

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What is   the Stanley Plog Travel Personality Quiz?  

  • Fewer sightseers and traditionals than in Plog’s sample. 
  • More Venturers and Pioneers than in Plog’s model. 

travel personality questions

The Six Plog Personality Types  

Venturers  .

  • Represent only about 4% of all travelers 
  • Travel more frequently and participate in more unique experiences than anyone else. 
  • Fly to their destination so they can spend more time there.  
  • Typically explore areas without a tour guide and avoid rigid, pre-determined itineraries. 
  • Visit relatively unknown and out-of-the-way destinations long before other travelers.
  • Tolerate inadequate hotels and food in exchange for the novelty of off-the-beaten-track adventures.
  • Thrive in spontaneity and relish finding something new and fresh every day. 
  • Are fascinated by unique cultures.
  • Will use sign language to communicate with locals if necessary.
  • Learn a few foreign expressions, vocabulary, and points and gestures to make themselves understood. 
  • Engage in hard-core, sometimes potentially dangerous, adventure tourism such as canoeing in exotic locales.
  • Buy authentic arts and crafts and clothes while traveling. 
  • Experiment with new products and buy technology long before it is fashionable and reasonably priced. 
  • Have difficulty finding a partner to share their varied, ever-changing interests.  
  • Are successful in their occupation and other life pursuits.  
  • Feel like a misfit if they have not found the right job or activities. To address these feelings, Venturers often start their own businesses.  
  • While seeming friendly and outgoing, they often skip social gatherings.  
  • Like to be by themselves with no fixed schedule or commitments. 
  • Take time to explore exciting sights or pursue multiple passions. 
  • Read many books and magazines, often to plan their next adventure. 

travel personality questions


  • Makeup about 17% of the population 
  • Share a lot with pure Venturers., especially discovering hidden places and trying out new experiences.  
  • Enjoy physical activity while traveling, though they seldom take extreme adventure vacations.  
  • Are more likely than Venturers to (1) plan their journeys and (2) return to a place that seemed interesting (though usually, they prefer to try someplace new). 
  • Like a comfortable bed at night, a warm shower, and a satisfying meal. 
  • Listen to their friends’ and associates’ opinions
  • Do a lot of research before traveling.  
  • Are fine with tours to countries that just opened their doors to tourism. 
  • Like to share their experiences with others.  
  • Influence others to try new travel adventures and experiences and are likely opinion leaders. 
  • Enjoy learning about history, particularly about undiscovered places outside the tourist circuit. 
  • Read more than most and do not watch TV much except documentaries or historical dramas. 
  • Hold strong opinions, especially about politics, and like to listen to others who share their views. 
  • Often participate in individual sports, such as skiing or singles tennis. 
  • Usually buy a technological product or service when they believe it may be helpful. 
  • Look for destinations that satisfy their intellectual curiosity. 


  • Represent about 30% of the population, 
  • Are the ideal customers for the travel industry and most travel providers. 
  • Quickly choose to take a trip or buy a product. 
  • Are flexible and adaptable. 
  • May fly to one or two destinations and then drive to others. 
  • Like to travel by car because they can take more luggage and move at their own pace.  
  • Enjoy leisurely rural drives, then spend the night at a bed and breakfast. 
  • Need a good bed in a pleasant hotel, trustworthy food, and well-developed transportation.  
  • Will not often revisit overly commercialized places. 
  • Tend to buy products that are part of the heritage of a destination, such as Waterford crystal in Ireland. 
  • Enjoy many travel experiences, including independent travel, cruises, guided tours, and shopping trips. 
  • Generally, prefer exploring new destinations but will revisit somewhere from their past on occasion. 
  • Enjoy a few shows on TV, read an occasional book, and read some popular magazines. 


  • Represent three out of ten people,  
  • Fly when necessary but prefer to travel by car. 
  • Are known for their reliability, ability to solve problems, and easy-going nature.  
  • Often have senior supervisory or management positions and are frequently involved in community organizations. 
  • Usually, will not buy new gadgets until the products are well proven and have many recognizable benefits.  
  • Possess many home-related skills and can repair anything that goes wrong around the house. 
  • Watch the most popular TV shows, including lots of sports.
  • If they have a camper or trailer, they will use it a lot.  
  • Do not mind visiting crowded places.  
  • On vacation, buy reminders of where they have been, like caps and t-shirts. 
  • Book escorted tours or a cruise, particularly if they visit new places.  
  • Will consider visiting off-the-beaten-path and exotic destinations in comfort if they can. 


  • Comprise about 17% of the population (one out of six),  
  • Are relaxed, carefree, loyal, and lack pretension. 
  • Possess a broad and exciting circle of friends and develop deep, long-lasting friendships. 
  • Have an easy-going personality that can lead to inactivity. 
  • Would rather watch TV than read newspapers and magazines and are often avid sports fans. 
  • Prefer to stay at home rather than travel.  
  • Chose places to avoid uncomfortable weather at home that are not very exotic. 
  • Return regularly to places they visited before.  
  • Go to places where they can meet others with similar interests.  
  • Choose a tour or a cruise if they travel outside their country. 


  • Comprise just 3% of the population,  
  • Function best in structured, stable, and predictable environments. A handshake is as good as their word. 
  • Visit dependable, safe, and well-trod places with many enticing things to do and predictable quality hotels and restaurants. 
  • Travel less than other groups, take fewer vacations, do not go as far from home, and prefer traveling by car. 
  • Tend to be among the last people to adopt new products. 
  • Usually, select destinations with many things to do that you also enjoy back home. 
  • Like crowds, believing that if something is popular, it must be good.  
  • Enjoy humor and tend to read fewer magazines and books than other groups. 

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Additional Long-Term Travel Posts from Fifty Plus Nomad

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Give Me One Week, and I’ll Show You How to Travel Long Term Round the World On Any Budget

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Long Term Travel as a Couple: Does it Hurt or Strengthen Relationships?

' src=

Paul Heller has been a lifelong avid traveler and language learner and teacher, Even as a child, he told Santa Claus that he wanted to visit all the children worldwide. At seven years old, Paul wanted to retire to Mexico. At eight, he memorized the name, capital, location, and some facts about every country worldwide. At twelve, he found a book "Lonely Planet: Southeast Asia on a Shoestring" and started developing his own itinerary for a future round-the-world trip. He remained obsessed with travel; after getting a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from the University of Southern California and working as an administrator, He spent his vacations going to different countries around the globe studying language, touring, and volunteering. In 1994, he quit his job and lived in Russia as a volunteer English instructor. He discovered that he loved teaching languages. In 2004, he decided to make a living out of his travels and founded a community of people who love to travel just like him. He developed 5 three-hour classes about living and traveling long-term worldwide which he taught in over 50 adult education programs throughout the US. After his parents passed, he realized his dream of traveling around the world; cruising and touring some of the most remote places like the North Atlantic, Patagonia, and Oceania; and learning new languages (he knows Spanish, Italian, French, and Russian). Paul encourages everyone to learn foreign languages. He knows that it can be frustrating and slow but that anyone can learn a language if they put in the work and, most importantly, learning a language is well worth the time and effort because it opens up a whole new set of people, ideas, and cultures. He is currently spending the next chapter of his life in Mérida, México. He is excited about using this blog and his classes and workshops to inspire and equip fellow Fifty Plus Nomads with the language, cultural, and psychological skills necessary to be successful and happy long-term travelers and expats over 50.

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What’s Your Travel Personality?

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When it comes to planning a group trip — where do you fit in? Are you taking charge? Are you throwing out wild ideas? Are you playing devil’s advocate? Take our quiz to find out your travel personality.

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How Knowing Your Personality Type Can Help You Plan a Better Trip, According to an Expert

Happiness expert Gretchen Rubin offers tips for maximizing fun and minimizing tension based on the four tendencies outlined in her quiz.

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If there's one occasion that should be all about happiness, it's definitely vacation. Traveling brings untold joy, but depending on the vibe of your companions, it can also bring tension, indecision, drama, and stress. Fortunately, there's a five-time NYT bestselling author and happiness expert to the rescue. Gretchen Rubin , co-host of the Happier podcast and founder of The Happiness Project, is well-versed in finding harmony with people whose tendencies are different from ours in all situations, including when it comes to planning and taking a trip.

The first step is her Four Tendencies quiz , which reveals your personality type based on responses to inner and outer expectations. The options include Rebel, Questioner, Obliger, and Upholder. To help decipher how these relate to traveling, we turned to Rubin, who believes your tendency influences the kind of vacation you find relaxing and fun.

"For a Rebel, Rome might be this beautiful place to wander around," she says. "Someone else might feel like there are a million things to do in Rome and they're going to do every single one." There's no wrong way, Rubin emphasizes, adding, "Sometimes, having the vocabulary to understand the different perspectives helps you talk through how to get that perfect situation."

"To a Rebel, it's very unappealing to feel locked into a schedule," Rubin says, adding that the type has a tendency to upset others who spend a lot of time making plans and itineraries that their friend or loved one now wants to throw out the window. One approach: "Say, 'Hey, we're in Paris , and it could be really cool to check out the flea markets. I heard about this great cheese tour, or there's this gorgeous museum — what do you feel like doing?' You need to give them the feeling of choice, and not lock them in." That said, Rebels make awesome travel companions for that very freewheeling approach and spontaneity, "which can lead to fun, unexpected moments."

"Questioners love information, so they're probably the ones doing all the deep research: What's the best hotel? How do we get the best deal? What can't we miss?" The problem they may face, Rubin says, is analysis paralysis. Too much information makes decision-making hard for a Questioner who researches endlessly. Ideally, they're paired with a different type who can help reach a resolution. Rubin, who's married to one, says, "It makes him happy to know why we're doing each activity, so letting him plan it helps us both enjoy the trip more." When on the road, Questioners should remember it's OK to do things even if the "why" is unclear. "Sometimes, you don't know what you're getting yourself into," says Rubin. "And that's part of the fun."

"The thing about an Obliger is they're not always good about saying what they want to do if people around them are saying, 'I'm going to do this,'" says Rubin, adding that Obligers struggle with speaking up and being heard. An exercise to combat this is to have all parties write down three things they really want to do in their destination and compare notes, making sure something from every wish list is incorporated into the itinerary "This is a way for everyone to feel respected without anybody feeling like the trip is fun for others and not themselves," she says. Obligers are usually game to join activities and go along with the plan, if it's important to their friends or family. But even if they typically struggle with boundaries, Rubin advises, "Remember, this is a vacation and they should be able to do things that are fun for them, too."

Rubin, an Upholder, admits that this type "can be rigid." She notes, "We have a vision of what's supposed to happen and we can get disoriented if someone changes plans." That goes for unexpected weather or a last-minute cancellation. This type can also get caught up on executing a plan — which can be appreciated by those who put in effort to create the itinerary — and sometimes lose track of the exciting discovery part. Where possible, build in extra time to absorb slight itinerary shifts. "And be in a place with a lot of freedom and open time," says Rubin. Conflict is more likely to arise on trips where everyone is wrangled into the same activities. "Upholders should also remember that travel is not about marching through a to-do list; it's about settling in and experiencing it."

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The Personality of a Libra, Explained

By Aliza Kelly

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After you're done reading up on this zodiac sign's unique personality traits, catch up on this month's Libra horoscope . For a fuller look at your year, check out our astrologer's 2024 Libra horoscope predictions .

Libra is an air sign represented by the scales (interestingly, the only inanimate object of the zodiac), an association that reflects Libra's fixation on balance and harmony. Libra is obsessed with symmetry and strives to create equilibrium in all areas of life. These air signs are the aesthetes of the zodiac: Ruled by Venus, the planet that governs love, beauty, and money, Libras adore high art, intellectualism, and connoisseurship. Suave Libras need to surround themselves with stunning objects and create environments that reflect their exquisite tastes. Accordingly, these air signs make excellent designers, decorators, art critics, and stylists.

While Libra's opposite sign, Aries, represents "me," Libra symbolizes "we." Relationships are paramount for Libras, who find balance in companionship. They love harmonious partnerships with fashionable mates, especially those who make attractive arm candy. (Libra governs the skin, and these air signs are highly motivated by physical appearance. There's no better way for a Libra to relax than with a luxurious face mask .)

Libras, when they are regularly coupled, must be careful about seeking attention outside the agreed-upon boundaries of their relationship. Since they try to keep everyone happy and engaged, they may find themselves tempted to push the limits of their agreements with their partners. People-pleasing Libras must remember that the happiness of their loved ones and the health of their relationships is more important than maintaining the attention of distant admirers.

Libra is a cardinal sign, which means Libras are accordingly great at launching new initiatives. However, because Libras consider multiple perspectives in all pursuits, these air signs struggle with indecision. Instead of constantly seeking outside perspectives, Libras would do well to develop (and trust) their own intuition. Their characteristic ambivalence aside, Libras can navigate virtually any social situation, effortlessly resolving conflicts by simply turning on the charm.

Read what your sign's 2024 horoscope predictions mean for you right here , or check out your monthly horoscopes here .

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  • This Is Who You're Compatible With, According to Your Zodiac Sign

Allow astrologer Aliza Faragher to explain which signs yours is most compatible with:

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Each Zodiac Sign's Unique Personality Traits

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Antisocial Personality Disorder

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Living with aspd.

SolStock / Getty Images

Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) is a mental health condition that affects how a person thinks, behaves, perceives things, and relates with others. The condition causes prolonged patterns of exploitation, manipulation, insensitivity, and violation of other people’s rights. Similar to other personality disorders, ASPD is pervasive. However, the severity of symptoms can range from mild lack of consideration for others to committing serious crimes.

The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) groups personality disorders into four categories: cluster A, cluster B, cluster C, and other personality disorders. ASPD belongs to cluster B personality disorders , which are characterized by constantly changing dramatic and emotional behaviors or thoughts.

An estimated 0.6% to 3.6% of adults live with ASPD, and it appears to be more common in people assigned male at birth than those assigned female at birth. While this condition can be challenging, the right support and treatment can help manage symptoms over time.

Antisocial Personality Disorder Symptoms

Antisocial personality disorder causes several pervasive symptoms that can start in childhood or early adolescence and last throughout life. The most common symptoms include:

  • Inability to show care or concern when others are in distress
  • Lack of remorse or regret for one’s actions
  • Repeated breaking of the law
  • Irresponsible and reckless behaviors that conflict with social norms
  • Disregard for the safety of oneself or others
  • Substance use
  • Ability to act witty and charming but still exploit others
  • Constantly engaging in fighting, lying, and stealing behaviors
  • Tendency to flatter others and manipulate their emotions

These behaviors affect various spheres of life, often causing profound impairments in a person’s interpersonal relationships, career, daily functioning, and overall quality of life. 

The exact reason why some people develop antisocial personality disorder is not yet known. However, researchers and health experts do know that a combination of the following risk factors may play a role:

  • Genetics: Some research estimates that 20% of people with ASPD have an immediate relative who also lives with the condition.
  • Upbringing: Having a history of trauma, abuse , neglect, and poor parenting can increase the risk of ASPD.
  • Medical conditions: Traumatic brain injuries , endocrine disorders, and brain tumors are all associated with a higher risk of this personality disorder.
  • History of mental health conditions: Conduct disorder (a condition that causes aggressive and antisocial behaviors) occurs in children and teenagers, which can sometimes develop into ASPD as a person gets older.

If you or a loved one are experiencing symptoms or traits of antisocial personality disorder, getting a diagnosis can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life. That said, many people with personality disorders don't opt to receive medical or psychiatric care for their condition—so it's normal to see some hesitancy to visit a provider if your loved one may have a personality disorder.

However, if your loved one (or you yourself) are willing to seek care, meeting with a primary care provider or mental health specialist is a good start. It's worth noting that providers only diagnose antisocial personality disorder in adulthood (people who are 18 years old or older). However, many people exhibit some of the signs earlier in life and may have been diagnosed with conduct disorder in their adolescence or childhood.  

During the diagnostic process, your provider will perform a psychological evaluation to learn more about your symptoms, traits, moods, and behaviors. In some cases, your provider may also interview your loved ones to inquire about your personality. Your provider can only give you a diagnosis if you are 18 years old (or older) and show three or more of the following symptoms:

  • Deceitfulness, such as lying and tricking others
  • Repeatedly breaking the law
  • Impulsivity or failure to make plans
  • Aggression and irritability
  • Constant irresponsible actions
  • Reckless regard for personal and others' safety
  • Indifference and lack of remorse

Antisocial Personality Disorder Treatment

Receiving a diagnosis for a personality disorder can feel overwhelming—and it's fine to feel however you feel. ASPD can sometimes be challenging to treat. That's because the condition often co-occurs with (or, happens at the same time as) other mental health conditions like anxiety or bipolar disorder . Some people with the condition also believe that there is nothing wrong with them or their behaviors and tend not to seek medical treatment on their own.

However, treatment can help significantly reduce symptoms. Everyone's treatment plan looks slightly different, but your healthcare team will likely suggest therapy, medications, or a combination.


Also called talk therapy, psychotherapy involves various techniques that mental health providers use to restructure harmful thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. The most common therapy options for people with antisocial personality disorder are:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): A form of psychotherapy (talk therapy) that focuses on identifying and shifting unhelpful thought patterns and behaviors
  • Social skills training (SST): A form of behavioral therapy that focuses on improving social skills
  • Mentalization-based therapy (MBT): A form of psychotherapy that focuses on the connections between your mental state and behaviors and the mental states of others

Sometimes, healthcare providers also recommend group therapy (doing therapy sessions with other people with ASPD) or family therapy (adding loved ones to your therapy sessions) to help people with ASPD feel more support during their treatment journey.


Currently, no medication has been approved for specifically treating personality disorders. However, some health experts may recommend medications that help offset specific symptoms of ASPD, such as irritability, anger, depression, and anxiety .

If your healthcare provider thinks that medication may be an appropriate option for you, you may receive one of the following medication options:

  • Antipsychotic medications, such as Risperdal (risperidone)
  • Mood stabilizers, such as Tegretol (carbamazepine)
  • Antidepressants , such as Desyrel (tradozone)

There is no way to prevent any personality disorder. However, researchers are actively studying whether prevention strategies exist to lower or eliminate the risk of developing a personality disorder.

One evidence-based study indicates that treatment or early intervention directed at children with antisocial behaviors and character traits may improve academic performance and prevent the development of antisocial personality in adolescence.

Another study suggests that treating impulsivity in early adolescence may help prevent the development of antisocial personality disorder later in life.

Antisocial personality disorder can be a difficult condition to live with and manage—especially because it raises the risk of other complications. If ASPD is left untreated, the condition can also increase the risk of:

  • Substance use disorders
  • Physical traumas or accidents due to reckless behaviors
  • Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
  • Hepatitis C infection resulting from intravenous substance use
  • Suicidal thoughts or attempts

Looking for Support?

If you are experiencing a crisis, or know someone who is, call or text the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 for free and confidential support 24/7. You can also visit SpeakingOfSuicide.com/resources for a list of additional resources or call the number below to reach the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) hotline.

Living with antisocial personality disorder can be incredibly challenging, both for the people diagnosed and their loved ones. However, evidence suggests that up to 31% of people with ASPD experience a significant improvement in symptoms with treatment. It may also be encouraging to know that ASPD generally improves as you get older.

If you have received a diagnosis of ASPD, your healthcare provider will work with you to give you the best treatment tailored to your specific needs. Additionally, they may also recommend some management strategies that can help you live with your condition in a more effective way. For example:

  • Acknowledge that you need care and support
  • Work with your healthcare team, family, and loved ones to improve your mental health
  • Ensure that you follow your treatment plan as directed by your healthcare provider
  • Practice self-care
  • Limit alcohol and drug use
  • Be patient with your treatment plan and not being too hard on yourself during your journey

Additionally, working with a healthcare provider you are comfortable with matters—and you deserve to receive treatment in a safe and supportive environment. That said, if you don't feel supported by your provider, it's absolutely OK to shop around for a provider that may benefit you and your overall needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

ASPD and borderline personality disorder (BPD) are both cluster B personality disorders. People with ASPD are more aggressive and physically violent, while people with BPD tend to struggle with much greater inward conflict, such as identity issues, fear of abandonment, and frequent mood swings.

BPD is more commonly diagnosed in people assigned female at birth, while ASPD is more prevalent in people assigned male at birth.

Sociopathy is an alternative name used for ASPD. However, the DSM-5 refers to this condition as antisocial personality disorder.

Symptoms for some people with certain personality disorders, such as ASPD, may improve as they get older. However, proper treatment by a qualified healthcare provider more significantly improves outcomes in the long run.

travel personality questions

Wong, R.SY. Psychopathology of antisocial personality disorder: from the structural, functional and biochemical perspectives . Egypt J Neurol Psychiatry Neurosurg. 2023:59(113). doi:10.1186/s41983-023-00717-4

MedlinePlus. Personality disorders .

MedlinePlus. Antisocial personality disorder .

American Psychiatric Association. Antisocial Personality Disorder: Often Overlooked and Untreated .

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Antisocial personality disorder .

Fisher KA, Torrico TJ, Hany M. Antisocial personality disorder . In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing; 2024.

Edens JF, Kelley SE, Lilienfeld SO, Skeem JL, Douglas KS. DSM-5 antisocial personality disorder: predictive validity in a prison sample . Law Hum Behav . 2015;39(2):123-9. doi:10.1037/lhb0000105

Scott S, Briksman J, Connor T. Early prevention of antisocial personality: long-term follow-up of two randomized controlled trials comparing indicated and selective approaches . The American Journal of Psychiatry . 2014:171(6);649-57. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.2014.13050697

Defoe, IN, Khurana A, Betancourt LM, Hurt H, Romer D. Cascades From Early Adolescent Impulsivity to Late Adolescent Antisocial Personality Disorder and Alcohol Use Disorder . Journal of Adolescent Health. 2022:71(5);579-586. doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2022.06.007

Chun S, Harris A, Carrion M. et al. A psychometric investigation of gender differences and common processes across borderline and antisocial personality disorders . Journal of abnormal psychology . 2017:126(1);76–88. doi:10.1037/abn0000220

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    travel personality questions


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  2. Expedia Interview Questions with Answer Examples

  3. Oldest desert in the world! 😱😳🫢😬 #shorts #travel #fyp

  4. Wanderlust Wonders: Travel Quiz Shorts to Test Your Globe-Trotting Knowledge!

  5. Travel personality


  1. Free Travel Personality Test

    We teamed up with HearHere, the road trip storytelling app, to create this test based on the Big Five personality system - to help you find your ultimate road trip. To take the travel personality quiz, rate each statement according to how well it describes you. Base your ratings on how you really are, not how you would like to be.

  2. Travel Personality Quiz by The Trip Doctor

    The Trip Doctor Travel Personality Quiz is designed to help you understand what type of traveler you are. The quiz is composed of twelve questions that access the underlying traits that lead to your travel decisions. There are five potential travel personalities that fall along a continuum. On one end lies travelers that prefer to have ...

  3. Travel Personality Quiz

    This quiz helps you answer the question "What kind of traveler are you?" while recommending unique places to visit for an amazing trip tailored to your interests! The search for your perfect trip is over, as quiz results are customized based on your question answers and come with travel experience suggestions for going #BeyondTheGuidebook!

  4. Travel Personality Quiz

    Discover your Travel Personality with this fun quiz, and find out where you should travel in 2024! Answer a few short questions about yourself and your preferred vacation style, and I'll tell you what your unique travel personality is, and where you should travel next. I'll even give you a FREE travel itinerary for your perfect destination!

  5. What's Your Travel Personality? Take This Quiz To Find ...

    Expedia Travel Personality Quiz Questions. The Social Media Addict. Let's be honest. Travel is all about showing off your latest escapades and adventures on social media, memorializing the best moments and highlights of your life. You've got all the necessary apps needed to create that perfect Instagram post - picture-editing apps like VSCO ...

  6. What Type of Traveler Are You? Traveler Personality Quiz

    Maybe it's all three. ‌Take our Traveler Personality Quiz to find your ideal adventure with personalized trip recommendations and expert advice from a team of Certified Adventure Travel Specialists. Let's Go. What Type of Traveler Are You? Travelers come in all kinds. With a few simple questions, uncover the type of traveler that you are!

  7. Travel Personality Quiz: Find Unique Places To Visit Tailored To YOU

    Our Travel Personality Quiz is designed to assess your preferences, interests, and motivations when it comes to travel, so we can provide you with personalized recommendations. To take our quiz, simply click on the "Start Quiz" button and answer a series of fun and engaging questions. These questions cover various aspects of travel ...

  8. Where Should I Travel Quiz: Find Your Perfect ...

    Step 1: Be a bit flexible with your travel dates and destinations. Flight prices can vary significantly depending on the day of the week, time of year, and destination. If you can, try to have a few potential destinations in mind and be open to traveling during off-peak times. Step 2: Use the best flight search engines.

  9. Travel Personality Quiz: Find Your Perfect Trip! • Thrive and Wander

    I've got this super fun Travel Personality Quiz that will not only help you get to know yourself better as a traveler but also reveal the perfect destination for your next getaway. It's all about aligning with your interests and desires! So, let's embark on this fun-filled adventure together and unlock the best travel experiences ...

  10. Meaningful Travel: Find Your Perfect Trip [Personality Quiz]

    It can connect you with people abroad and allow you to positively support and impact local communities. For this meaningful travel personality quiz, you'll answer 10 short and fun questions to determine your ideal trip type. From there, you'll be offered suggestions for incredible sustainable experiences based on your result.

  11. Travel Personality Quiz

    7/15 You're on vacation and your day trip brings you to a fast-flowing river, do you: a. Stay back and just take the group's photo. b. Sit right on the river's edge and hang your legs over. c. Move a little closer to enjoy the water, even if you feel uneasy. 8/15 You're finished work early for the day.

  12. Which Travel Destination Best Fits Your Personality? Take Our Quiz

    Take Our Quiz! - Jetsetter. Quiz. Which Travel Destination Best Fits Your Personality? Take Our Quiz! Where in the world should you travel after quarantine ends? Answer seven fun questions about your personality to find out! By Jackie Homan April 13, 2020.

  13. Take Stanley Plog's Travel Personality Quiz and Discover What Your

    Plog's travel personality types come from over three decades of marketing-related personality research by Dr. Stanley C. Plog, with about 250,000 travelers. Plog divides travelers into six personality types: Venturers, Pioneers, Journeyers, Voyagers, Sightseers, and Traditionals. Take the test to determine which type of Plog personality applies.

  14. What's Your Travel Personality? What's Your Travel Style?

    Check out Travel and Leisure's list of the 50 most romantic places for a general idea of what's out there in the way of romantic destinations. The notion of taking off to far-flung places is a romantic idea in itself, so grab your partner, your passports, and get out and see the world. Recommended spots for romantic travelers: Santorini ...

  15. What's Your Travel Personality Type?

    The 16 Travel Personality Types Analysts. As a group, Analysts are the least likely to sign up for group activities or organized tours. In fact, they probably make an extra effort to avoid tourist destinations altogether. It's likely that they spend a fair amount of time researching that perfect off-the-beaten-path destination in the hope of finding a place that will help them enrich their ...

  16. What's Your Travel Personality?

    Step 1: Take the quiz below and get personalized travel tips and tricks that will make your travel experience more efficient and rewarding. Step 2: Record your answers to get your traveler score. Step 3: Check your score below and find out where you fit in.

  17. Sidekick's Travel Guide: What kind of traveler are you?

    Click here to take Sidekick's Travel Personality Quiz and discover your travel type. (Then make your travel buddies take it to find out if you're compatible.) Once you get your travel personality—the good, the bad, and the lazy—we've got a few guidelines for you: Be prepared to compromise.

  18. Travel personality test

    Take the free test and discover what type of traveler you are! Find out where to travel, what are your strengths and start planning your trips better.

  19. Discover Your Travel Personality

    take the quiz. Unearth your unique travel style with Voilà's interactive 'Travel Personality Quiz'. Understand your travel preferences better, helping us tailor your vacations with precision. Start your journey to self-discovery and bespoke travel with us today!

  20. What's Your Travel Personality?

    My daily planner, travel itinerary and a variety of pens so I can color-code any adjustments. Ugh, plane seats are so uncomfortable and it's always so cold! I'll bring a blanket, pillow and noise-cancelling headphones. Whatever was in my pockets when I raced out the door that morning. You've arrived in your destination.

  21. Personality Type & Trip Planning

    The first step is her Four Tendencies quiz, which reveals your personality type based on responses to inner and outer expectations. The options include Rebel, Questioner, Obliger, and Upholder. To ...

  22. Travel Personality Quiz

    Whether you're in it for adventure, relaxation or simply to take those Instagrammable shots, we're here to help. That's why we've created our travel personality pages - so you can identify your travel preferences and the things that really make your trip worthwhile. With travel tips, personalised recommendations and tailored itineraries ...

  23. QUIZ: What is your "travel personality"?

    QUIZ: What is your "travel personality"? Shawna Levet. Add comment. 1 min read. Are you more of a "thrill-seeker" or an "artist"? Answer these questions about your travel preferences to find out which of these 8 travel types is your travel personality! abroad destinations international personality Quiz travel.

  24. Copilot for Telegram

    Are Copilot's AI-generated responses always factual? * Feature availability and functionality may vary by device type, market, and browser version. Try Copilot for Telegram, your personal AI messaging companion. Text, create, translate, search, and more wherever you are with Copilot.

  25. Libra Zodiac Sign: Personality Traits and Sign Dates

    Libra (September 23 - October 22) Libra is an air sign represented by the scales (interestingly, the only inanimate object of the zodiac), an association that reflects Libra's fixation on balance ...

  26. Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD): Symptoms & Treatment

    Antisocial personality disorder causes several pervasive symptoms that can start in childhood or early adolescence and last throughout life. The most common symptoms include: Inability to show ...

  27. What rights does Trump lose as a felon? And more of your questions

    Here are some of the more interesting and most-asked questions from CNN's readers. Donald Trump's conviction by a New York jury on 34 felony counts is historic and unprecedented.

  28. Job Interview Process Amid Slowing Labor Market Frustrates Applicants

    From puzzling personality tests to group interviews that feel like a reality dating show, hiring rites have taken a surreal turn. Job seeking is getting harder as the market shifts away from ...

  29. Recapping the Trump hush money charges, trial, verdict and questions

    A Manhattan jury found Donald Trump guilty of all 34 charges of falsifying business records Thursday, an unprecedented and historic verdict that makes Trump the first former president in American ...