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Nos idées de voyage bien-être

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Shanti Om, retraites spirituelles et séjours bien-être

Shanti Om appartient au groupe Shanti Travel qui existe depuis 2005 en Inde et propose des séjours en France depuis 2018.   Le groupe Shanti Travel possède  une expertise dans ces régions du monde, avec des bureaux et des experts locaux  aujourd'hui dans 9 pays . a été créé  en 2020.

Depuis 2005,  le  groupe Shanti Travel  conçoit des retraites spirituelles, des retraites de yoga, et des séjours bien-être pour permettre aux voyageurs de vivre une expérience de croissance humaine et spirituelle. Shanti Om est composé d’une équipe de grands voyageurs, professionnels du voyage, spécialiste de la France, du sous continent Indien, de l'Himalaya et de l’Asie.

L'Inde, l'Himalaya et l'Asie sont à la base des grandes traditions spirituelles, hindouisme, bouddhisme, zen, yoga, ayurvéda et c'est pourquoi  les experts du groupe Shanti Travel vous proposent  des voyages spirituels dans ces destinations depuis plus de 15 ans, grâce à  des agences locales situées aujourd'hui  dans 9 pays.

Le savoir faire de Shanti Om

  • L’expertise terrain de nos experts locaux
  • La connaissance des traditions ancestrales , yoga , ayurdéva , méditation et éveil
  • Des petites groupes de 6 à 16 participants
  • Une offre qui repose sur 3 piliers : la découverte de lieux sacrés, la réalisation d'une pratique ou d'un enseignement spirituel en lien avec les traditions ancestrales de l'Asie,
  • Chaque voyage spirituel aborde un thème singulier en suggérant un processus d’exploration intérieure
  • Rencontre avec des maîtres spirituels locaux, qui partagent une expérience et leurs sagesse
  • Une écoute et des conseils de qualité

Rejoignez-nous dans cette aventure intérieure !

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Nos activités

vous êtes plutôt ?

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Nos coups de coeur

Shanti Om vous recommande ces programmes bien-être

Retraite de yoga à Bali

Retraite de yoga à Bali

  • Des cours de yoga quotidien avec Caroline Baise
  • Contemplation au lever du soleil sur les terrasses des rizières de Tegallalang
  • Les incontournables de Bali : Temple de Besakih, le Mont Batur, Ubud, Tanah Lot

Voyage spirituel au Costa Rica

  • Les enseignements spirituels de NATHALIE AUGOT
  • Le superbe volcan Arenal et la nature qui l’entoure
  • L’exotisme des plages de Puerto Viejo

Voyage spirituel au Costa Rica

Nos valeurs

Pourquoi voyager avec Shanti Om ?

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ils ont voyagé avec nous

Mon voyage responsable

Tourisme responsable & zéro carbone

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Chez Shanti Om, nous nous sommes toujours engagés pour un tourisme responsable, équitable et donc durable. Pour nous, le bien-être de la population locale et la construction de leur futur est une priorité.

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07 72 25 31 94


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  • Voyage au Sultanat d'Oman
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Shanti Travel - Sultanat d'Oman

Shanti Travel - Sultanat d'Oman

Depuis 2005, l'agence de voyage francophone Shanti Travel accompagne les voyageurs à la découverte de nombreux pays du monde. Et parmi eux, se trouve depuis peu le Sultanat d'Oman, véritable coup de cœur de notre équipe.

Passionnés de voyage et de découverte, nous avons parcouru le pays de long en large afin de vous dénicher les plus beaux sites de la destination, mais aussi de nous inspirer pour créer des itinéraires à la fois originaux et authentiques. Infatigables et avides de découvertes, nous avons établi des partenariats avec les locaux afin de vous proposer des activités ludiques et des visites immersives. Et c'est ainsi que sont nées nos idées de circuits. Mais parce que chaque voyageur est unique et possède ses propres envies, nous offrons à chacun la possibilité de personnaliser son voyage à Oman à l'infini ! Il faut bien avouer qu'entre les montagnes, les déserts, les dunes et les fjords, il y a de quoi faire…

Que vous souhaitiez découvrir Oman le temps d'un trek, d'un circuit en liberté, d'un voyage de luxe ou encore d'une découverte axée sur les rencontres, contactez simplement notre expert local et faites-lui part de vos envies. Vous aurez ainsi l'opportunité de créer ensemble un itinéraire sur-mesure à votre image !


Date de création 2005

Dirigeant(s) Alexandre Le Beuan Jeremy Grasset Manager de la Destination : Quentin Riffaud

Adresse 14 rue de Tolbiac Paris 75013 France

Téléphone(s) Tel. : 01 82 28 92 28

Mode(s) de paiement accepté(s)

  • Cartes Bleues ou American Express
  • Virement bancaire

Banque FR HSBC (EUR) - - Bank Account Banque: HSBC FR Paris Montparnasse Adresse: 171 Rue De Rennes, Paris, 75006, France Swift: CCFRFRPP N° compte: 30056 00933 09330042175 15 Bénéficaire: SHANTI TRAVEL SAS IBAN: FR76 3005 6009 3309 3300 4217 515


Immatriculation Atout France (Opérateurs de Voyages et de Séjours)  :  IM075190042



Conditions générales de vente *

Inscription et Paiement

> Pour une réservation à plus de 45 jours du départ :

  • 50% du montant total du voyage devront être versés pour confirmer la réservation
  • Le solde est dû au plus tard 45 jours avant la date de départ du voyage

> Pour toute réservation faite à moins de 45 jours du départ :

  • Le paiement de l'intégralité du voyage est exigé au moment de la réservation

Les frais bancaires liés au paiement par virement bancaire (frais variables selon les organismes bancaires) sont à la charge exclusive du voyageur.

> Le solde du montant du voyage doit être réglé impérativement au plus tard 45 jours avant la date de départ du pays d’origine en respectant le mode de paiement choisi. Shanti Travel SAS se réserve le droit, en cas de non-respect du calendrier de paiement de l’acompte ou du solde, de constater l’annulation du contrat par le voyageur et d’exiger sans mise en demeure préalable l’application des pénalités d’annulation

Conditions et Frais d'Annulation

En cas d’annulation de votre part (pour quelque raison que ce soit), les frais d'annulation au barème standard seront calculés comme suit :

> PARTIE AÉRIENNE : 100% de frais après réservation


  • A plus de 45 jours avant le départ : 25% du montant total du voyage sera conservé
  • Entre 45 et 31 jours avant le départ : 35% du montant total du voyage sera conservé
  • Entre 30 et 15 jours avant le départ : 50% du montant total du voyage sera conservé
  • A moins de 15 jours du départ : 100% du montant total du voyage sera conservé

Pour tous les voyages incluant la réservation de vols domestiques ou internationaux, ainsi que la réservation d’une activité exceptionnelle comme mentionné dans le contrat de vente, aucun remboursement sera effectué sur le montant concerné.

* Données à titre indicatif. En cas de réservation avec l’agence de voyage locale, merci de vous référer aux conditions de ventes inscrites sur le contrat de voyage/facture.

Nos Idées de Voyages au Sultanat D'Oman

Shanti Travel - Sultanat d'Oman

Idées de Circuits

Shanti Travel - Sultanat d'Oman

Oman en Autotour

Voyage au Sultanat d'Oman - Autotour en Liberté à Oman

Le Tour d’Oman en famille

Voyage au Sultanat d'Oman - Le Tour d’Oman en famille

Les Merveilles d’Oman

Voyage au Sultanat d'Oman - Les Merveilles d’Oman

Ce que vous Pourriez Découvrir au Sultanat d'Oman

Voyage au Sultanat d'Oman - Agence de Voyage Shanti Travel

Al Misfah   ©Angelo D'Amico - Stock.adobe

Mascate - Grande Mosquée Du Sultan Qaboos   ©Efired - Stock.adobe

Salalah - Château De Taqah   ©Patrik Dietrich - Stock.adobe

Sinkhole Park - Bimmah Sinkhole Dans Le Parc Hawiyat Najm   ©Byelikova Oksana - Stock.adobe

Bahla Fort   ©Hamdan Yoshida - Stock.adobe

Nizwa - Fort   ©Giacomo - Stock.adobe

Peninsule De Musandam   ©LUC KOHNEN - Stock.adobe

Wadi Tanuf   © - Stock.adobe

Our (Sur)   ©PHOTOPOLITAIN - Stock.adobe

Idées de Voyages au Sultanat d'Oman

Idées de circuits au Sultanat d'Oman

Nos Agences Locales au Sultanat d'Oman

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Témoignages des Voyageurs

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Notre Guide de  Voyage - Sultanat d'Oman

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Le MAG - Sultanat d'Oman

Le MAG - Sultanat d'Oman

Album Photo du Sultanat d'Oman

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N’attendez plus, visitez Oman !

Au sud de la péninsule arabique, sur les rivages turquoises de la mer d’Arabie , Oman est de ces lieux qu’on a coutume d’appeler des « perles ». Véritable écrin renfermant des paysages merveilleux et variés, le sultanat est la nouvelle destination que vous propose de découvrir Shanti Travel. Installez-vous confortablement, on vous explique pourquoi il faut visiter Oman.

Des paysages à couper le souffle.

shanti travel oman

Par où commencer ? Oman regorge de tellement de panoramas différents. Il serait difficile d’en choisir un où s’arrêter en premier. De la mer d’Arabie, en passant par le désert Ramlat al-Wahiba, ou par les monts Hajar et son massif central, le djebel Akhdar, c’est une profusion de paysages différents et magnifiques.

Commençons par Mascate, la capitale. Alternant architecture traditionnelle, symbolisée par la Grande Mosquée du Sultan Qabus, et architecture omanaise contemporaine, avec le magnifique Opéra Royal, la ville de Mascate est le symbole parfait d’un pays oscillant entre la fierté de son héritage et sa volonté d’innover. Toutefois, pour sentir le pouls de la capitale omanaise, rien de mieux qu’un passage par le souk de Muttrah.

Du nord-est où se trouve la capitale, dirigeons-nous à l’opposé, au sud-ouest, dans la région de Salalah, surnommée « les Caraïbes de l’Orient » , rien que ça. Elle profite des moussons venant d’Inde. Ceci lui donne un visage unique, sauvage et magnifique. Profitez des plages de sable fin et de cocotiers, où l’on peut y observer une activité sous-marine prolifique, avec ses tortues de mer. Puis rendez-vous dans les canyons extraordinaires.  On y trouve les arbres à encens. Le sud d’Oman est un passage obligé. Une expérience visuelle marquante.

Ensuite, éloignons-nous de la ville et de la mer, pour nous diriger vers l es montagnes arides des monts Hajar . Des montagnes où surgissent, par endroit, des vergers luxuriants remplis de figues, de pêches ou de grenades. Un exploit rendu possible grâce à une merveille de technique d’ irrigation écologique .

Enfin, terminons ce tour d’horizon des différents paysages par le désert des Wahiba Sands . Lieu féérique où vous pourrez faire la rencontre de familles bédouines. Mais, surtout, vous pourrez y découvrir une culture et une manière de vivre radicalement différentes et enrichissantes.

Oman, un pays de culture.

Il est évident qu’en vous aventurant à la découverte des richesses culturelles omanaises, ce qui vous marquera le plus sera la riche culture locale. Une culture héritée d’une civilisation vieille de plusieurs siècles. Preuve en est, l’édition du Salon du Livre de Paris, en 2019, qui avait Oman comme « invité spécial ».

En parlant de littérature, il nous fallait souligner, parmi les auteurs locaux, les livres de la brillante Jokha Alharthi . La romancière du sultanat d’Oman est lauréate du prestigieux Man Booker International Prize. Un prix qui récompense, chaque année, la meilleure oeuvre littéraire traduite en anglais.

La musique est également au coeur de la culture omanaise. Pour la célébrer, le Sultan Qabus avait voulu l’édification du Royal Opera House of Muscat (ROHM) . Doté de 1100 places, l’Opéra Royal de Mascate est une perle de l’architecture omanaise contemporaine. Premier opéra moderne de la péninsule arabique, le ROHM accueille depuis sa création les plus grands artistes du monde entier . De la musique classique à la musique traditionnelle et folklorique , il s’agit d’un haut lieu mondial de la représentation musicale.

N’attendez plus, Oman est ouvert aux touristes ! Les équipes de Shanti Travel ont beaucoup travaillé pour vous offrir une nouvelle destination de rêve à découvrir !

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15 things to know to get more out of your Oman trip

Natasha Amar

Mar 3, 2024 • 9 min read

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Our list of tips will help any traveler get the most out of their trip to culturally rich and ultra-hospitable Oman © Emily_M_Wilson / Getty Images

In Oman , visitors find pristine desert landscapes and nature experiences , all in a modern Gulf country with a vibrant cultural heritage.

This heritage is apparent in the many languages spoken in the country, forts and archeological sites along ancient trading routes, and traditional practices such as rosewater distillation.

Today, warm and welcoming Omanis still live by their classic societal values of humility, kindness and hospitality. They’ll invite visitors to share a meal, or go out of their way to guide a lost traveler.

To make your trip a truly memorable exercise in cultural exchange and mutual respect, here are some things to know before head to to Oman.

Two people swimming in the turqoise waters of Wadi Shab, Oman

1. Dress modestly, even when swimming

Female visitors do not need to wear a hijab in Oman, but dressing generally modestly is recommended. While Omanis will be too polite to say anything, clothes that don’t appear respectful to the culture will certainly affect the quality of your interactions.

Women should wear clothing that covers their shoulders and reaches below the knees (and also covers their arms and ankles, when visiting a mosque). Avoid low-cut tops, short skirts, shorts and dresses, and garment that’s transparent or clings to the body. Women must wear a headscarf (they can bring their own) while visiting a mosque.

Men should avoid tank tops and instead wear shirts or t-shirts with trousers or shorts that are at least knee-length. While visiting mosques, men must wear full-length jeans or pants.

Outside of swimming pools located in international resorts and hotels in Muscat , swimsuits and bikinis are inappropriate. This is true for natural pools located in the wadis (valleys) that you might come across while hiking in places like Wadi Tiwi and on public beaches around fishing villages.

Even the sight of foreigners in skimpy bathing suits h increasingly common to see foreigners in skimpy bathing suits, it’s wise to remember that these places are also frequented by Omanis. You might notice Omani men swimming in t-shirts and shorts – this should give you an idea of how important modesty is in the culture.

While swimming on public beaches visited by Omani families and pools close to villages, women will appear more considerate when they’re wearing a long t-shirt and shorts over their swimsuits.

Merchants in market shops of the old town Mutrah, Muscat, Oman, Middle East

2. English is widely spoken in cities

Oman’s official language is Arabic, and English is widely spoken in the cities and to a good extent in areas that have tourism infrastructure, such as the villages of Jebel Akhdar . Other than Arabic, you might hear such languages such as Kumzari, Baluchi, Swahili and, thanks to a large immigrant population, perhaps Hindi, Malayalam and Urdu, too.

3. A few local greetings will get you far

Omanis are friendly, hospitable and courteous, and these qualities are likely to permeate every interaction that you’ll have as a visitor. In Oman, conversations, however brief, and whether between strangers or friends, always begin with a proper greeting, usually “ as salam alaykum ” which translates to “peace be upon you.”

In some parts of the country, you might find yourself the subject of much curiosity, apparent from glances in your direction every few minutes or questions about where you’re from. Don’t be alarmed: Omanis take a genuine interest in visitors and want to make them feel welcome.

As such, it’s nice to greet people appropriately. Some useful phrases to know (in addition to the essential “as salam alaykum” and “walaykum as salam,” said in reply to the former), are “sabah al khayr” (good morning), “misa al khayr” (good evening) and “shukran” (thank you).

A man serves qahwa, traditional coffee, from a thermos, Oman, Middle East

4. For a richer experience, don’t hesitate to accept invitations

Omanis are incredibly friendly and welcoming of visitors, and it’s not unusual for visitors to receive a few invitations during their time in the country. Whether it’s an invitation to someone’s home for a chat over qahwa (Arabic coffee) and dates, a group of friends paying for your meal at a restaurant or a meal brought over by a family camping nearby, accepting such generosity will only make your trip more memorable.

Offering a guest coffee is a respect toward them, and accepting indicates that you reciprocate. In Oman, coffee is ground with spices like cardamom and cinnamon, and qahwa is brewed with saffron and rosewater and served alongside dates.

Don’t be surprised if your cup of qahwa continues to be refilled each time you return it to your host. If you’ve had enough, indicate this by tilting your cup gently from side to side before you hand it to them. A bowl of water might be placed before you: dip the fingers of your right hand in it to wash them before you pick a date or begin a meal.

The traditional way of eating is with the fingers of the right hand while seated on the floor. As a guest, wait for the host to begin and then follow their example. Don’t attempt to do this with your left hand – in Omani culture (and much of the world) that is your toileting hand.

If you find yourself visiting an Omani home, take your shoes off before you enter. Any host will deeply appreciate even the smallest of gifts, such as a box of dates, nuts or sweets from the souq (market).

Children at a toy market on Eid al Fitr, Nizwa, Oman

5. Ask permission before you photograph people or their homes

Whether you find yourself captivated by the scene of a vendor selling handmade silver jewelry at the Mutrah Souq , admire a group of Omani men wearing beautiful kumma (traditional patterned or embroidered caps) sipping coffee by the sea or are invited into a traditional village home, resist the urge to point your lens without asking for permission first.

Omanis deeply respect their privacy, and a stranger taking your photo without permission is considered intrusive. A quick, simple greeting in Arabic helps break the ice; local men will generally oblige.

In general, you should refrain from photographing women, especially those wearing an abaya (traditional long black robe). Under absolutely no circumstances should you attempt a photograph without first obtaining explicit permission (this is easier if you’re a woman yourself).

Solo woman hiking in Jabel Shams, Wadi Ghul, Oman Middle East

6. Look forward to spending time outdoors

The most enjoyable experiences in Oman take place out of doors, from gentle walks through palm plantations and watching nesting turtles on the beach to scuba diving in thriving marine reserves.

Any visitor to Oman should expect to spend a significant amount of time on road trips to get to historic medieval forts, charming fishing towns, picturesque tidal lagoons and freshwater pools hidden away in the valleys.

Wild camping is allowed, and opportunities to do so abound around the country. Be sure to pack comfortable clothing suitable for the outdoors, a tent and a sleeping bag.

7. Keep an eye on weather warnings

Low-lying valleys, beaches and wadis are prone to flash floods after heavy rainfall. It’s safer to camp on high ground and to check the weather forecast and warnings before you go.

As a result of rising ocean temperatures, tropical cyclones (most originating in the Arabian Sea) are an increasing risk leading to ocean surges, destructive winds, flooding and landfall. Pay close attention to cyclone and storm alerts and check the official website of Oman’s Directorate General of Meteorology.

A man explores the mountains during a storm, Al Hamra, Oman

8. Don’t underestimate hiking routes

If you plan on hiking independently, weigh the length and difficulty of the trail against your fitness level and experience in the mountains. If you’re inexperienced with harsh environments, do not hike alone. Ensure you are carrying at least three liters of water, and always wear proper hiking shoes and a sun hat.

Trekking guides not only safely guide you around the peaks and valleys, but they can also share information on the geology of an area and the opportunity to interact with communities where English is not widely spoken.

In the peak of summer, the heat can get intense in the Hajar Mountains causing dehydration and fatigue very quickly. We don’t recommend this season for hiking.

Men and boys at a habta Ramadan market, Nizwa, Oman

9. Be aware of the rules during Ramadan

If you’re visiting Oman during the holy month of Ramadan , when Muslims fast from dawn to sunset, remember that non-Muslim tourists are not allowed to eat, drink, smoke, play loud music or dance in public places during the day.

Once the fast is broken after the prayers at sundown and Muslims sit down for iftar (the evening meal), it’s fine to eat outside. During the month of Ramadan, it’s even more important than usual to dress modestly.

10. When meeting a member of the opposite sex, wait for them to offer their hand

While handshakes among men are common, don’t offer your hand to initiate a handshake when you’re greeting an Omani of the opposite sex. Physical contact between members of the opposite sex does not occur, unless they are related or deeply familiar. To see whether your counterpart is comfortable and want to be greeted that way, wait for them to offer their hand first. You must always shake hands only with your right hand.

Worker rests in the shade in the Sultans Palace in Muscat, Oman

11. Steer clear of inappropriate topics of conversation

Oman is a monarchy, and Omanis have deep respect not only for their country and culture but also for the leadership of the sultan. Any politically charged questions or discussions that might even obliquely criticize the ruler or the government are considered inappropriate. In any case, locals are unlikely to share their opinions on such topics with an outsider.

Rumor-mongering is punishable by law and can result in both fines and imprisonment. In the same vein, never say anything that disrespects Islam (or any other religion), or attempts to challenge religious beliefs or practices.

Foreigners might be surprised to know that it is also inappropriate for a man to ask an Omani man about the women in his family (even to inquire about his wife or daughters). It’s best to stay broad, by wishing good health to him and his family – and leave it at that.

12. Don’t drink alcohol in public or exhibit drunken behavior

Alcohol should only be consumed in licensed restaurants and bars, most of which are in international hotels. It’s illegal to drink in public (outside of such establishments) – and anyone exhibiting overly drunken behavior or being extremely loud under the influence might face legal action. Oman has zero tolerance for drug use, and possession of even small amounts can result in fines, deportation and even imprisonment.

Men in traditional dress playing pipes, singing and dancing around in a ceremony, Nizwa, Oman

13. Don’t swear or make rude gestures

Swearing loudly and making offensive hand gestures are illegal and can result in legal action should the recipient register a complaint.

14. Don’t photograph government buildings or military checkpoints

In Oman, you’re prohibited from photographing and filming some government buildings, military sites and checkpoints, and military vehicles. Nor may you post photos and videos of these on social media. Doing so can attract fines and even imprisonment. If you’re unsure whether something is covered by this policy, or even unsure of what you might be photographing, err on the side of caution.

15. Make note of emergency numbers

In case of emergencies and the need for rescue, evacuation or urgent medical assistance, contact the Royal Oman Police on 9999.

This article was first published Mar 12, 2022 and updated Mar 3, 2024.

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Explore Asia with complete peace of mind thanks to our local experts

Shanti Travel, your local travel agency


Shanti is the word for peace, calm, tranquility and serenity in Sanskrit.

Since 2005, the experts of the Shanti Travel group are committed to helping you discover Asia from the inside thanks to the teams present in local agencies. Passionate people in the four corners of the Asian continentto find you the best possible itineraries and create the tailor-made tripthat suits you. Direct from New Delhi, Pondicherry, Colombo,Kathmandu, Rangoon, Siem Reap, Bali, Hanoi... your local travel agencytailor-made trips across Asia.

For us, travelling is both going to meet others and taking time for ourselves and with our loved ones.

Our local travel agency, Shanti Travel, is pleased to share its hospitality: a simple journey, in a space of curious and benevolent listening. Our travel experts live on site and like to co-create trips with you by mixing your desires and our know-how. We will concoct a tailor-made itinerary for you by sharing their passion and their unparalleled knowledge of the field.

The recipe for our travels has been inspired by our years of meeting, exploring and adventuring. We take you to meet our friends, with authenticity while respecting their environment, to discover our favorites and our favorite addresses. Beforehand, we carefully select the ingredients for your trip. On site, we are there for you and your loved ones, and we remain available throughout your stay.

Thus, you live an authentic journey in serenity. Our French insurance policies and our special Covid on-site hygiene conditions allow you to travel in safety. During your crossing of the paths, we guide you with kindness and empathy, count on us to enjoy your trip.

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Shanti Travel 14 rue de Tolbiac 75013 Paris

  • +44 (0) 20 386 84256
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Shanti Travel

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  • Response Time: 1 hour

Company Overview

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  • No of Employees 125

Shanti Travel

  • Number of tours 1
  • Age range 6-65
  • Founded year 2005

Established in 2005 by two French entrepreneurs with a passion for travelling in Asia, Shanti Travel is a group of locally-based tour operators with 11 offices covering more than 15 destinations in Asia. Our local offices are located in Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Nepal, Burma, Vietnam and Cambodia. We specialize in tailor-made journeys and customized travels, accompanying travelers on their journeys throughout the continent with all aspects of our services customizable to the interests and budgets of our travelers. When you travel with Shanti Travel, you can enjoy your trip with the peace of mind, knowing that our team is located on-site and able to offer 24/7 assistance and concierge services. Our locally-based travel experts excel at creating one-of-a-kind vacations that offer truly breathtaking experiences at an affordable cost. Come join us for the adventure of a lifetime!


Why book with us.

EXPERTISE With more than 14 years of expertise in the industry, and a team of more than 120 Travel Experts on-site, we put at your service— our favorite places, insider advice and hand-picked must-sees. We collaborate with the best partners to provide our travelers safe and secure services throughout their trips. We constantly test hotels and activities that we offer to ensure that their quality and safety matches our standards. TAILOR-MADE We believe in 100% customized travels; everything about our itineraries— activities, transportation and accommodation— can be adapted to your wishes to create a perfectly personalized experience. FLEXIBILITY We understand that flexibility is the key to a peaceful holiday. It is for this reason that we provide a local SIM card to all of our travelers, making it easier for them to keep in touch with their dedicated Travel Expert 24/7 in case of any changes to plans or additions to the itinerary. CREATIVITY Our Travel Experts research, visit and test a variety of itineraries, accommodations and activities to create exciting and unique Asian travels. AUTHENTICITY We believe that authentic travels are those with a human touch— creating beautiful encounters, shared moments and cultural exchanges. We are, above all, a facilitator of connections with the local population and immersive experiences. RESPONSIBLE We ensure that encounters with the local population are socially and economically beneficial for the communities. With our new zero-carbon program, launched in early 2019, we are focusing on off-setting the carbon footprint of all our travelers.

Tours and Holidays by Shanti Travel

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Shanti Travel

Travel agency in New Delhi

Joined Holidify in May, 2013

3 trips booked through Holidify

Status: Currently Active


Holidify Rating

3 Ratings & 3 Reviews

About Shanti Travel

C-66 Okhla Phase I, New Delhi, 110020, India

Destinations covered by Shanti Travel

India , Delhi , Kerala , Madhya Pradesh , Rajasthan , Uttar Pradesh

Services Offered by Shanti Travel

Flights, Hotels, Car Rental, Bus/Train, Sightseeing Tour, Personal drivers & guides, Constant contact with travel designer

Rating Distribution for Shanti Travel

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Reviews for Shanti Travel

Michael Keller (USA)

Trip to Agra, Jaipur, Varanasi, Delhi

Great experience.

(Written on 05 Jan, 2016)

Lyn (England (United Kingdom))

Trip to Mumbai, Goa

Perfect trip but read the small print

(Written on 12 Feb, 2015)

Julie Stafford (Australia)

Trip to Agra, Bengaluru (Bangalore), Chandigarh, Kerala

(Written on 29 Oct, 2013)

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  1. Voyage Oman avec Shanti Travel, votre agence locale : vivez une

    Voyage Oman : rejoignez Shanti Travel pour une immersion dans la vie locale omanaise. Grâce à nos circuits, partez à la découverte des merveilles de ce magnifique pays en toute tranquillité.

  2. Les essentiels d'Oman

    Puis vous partez vers le Wadi Al Arbeieen, l'un des plus spectaculaires d'Oman. Vous pouvez profiter de ses piscines d'eau douce pour une baignade sauvage entre rochers et palmiers. Vous passez la nuit dans une maison d'hôtes près du wadi. Wadi Al Arbeieen - Mascate. Jour 5. Le Wadi Shab et le gouffre de Bimah.

  3. Voyages et séjours bien-être en France et Asie

    Shanti Om, retraites spirituelles et séjours bien-être. Shanti Om appartient au groupe Shanti Travel qui existe depuis 2005 en Inde et propose des séjours en France depuis 2018. Le groupe Shanti Travel possède une expertise dans ces régions du monde, avec des bureaux et des experts locaux aujourd'hui dans 9 pays. a été créé ...

  4. Shanti Travel

    Depuis 2005, l'agence de voyage francophone Shanti Travel accompagne les voyageurs à la découverte de nombreux pays du monde. Et parmi eux, se trouve depuis peu le Sultanat d'Oman, véritable coup de cœur de notre équipe. Passionnés de voyage et de découverte, nous avons parcouru le pays de long en large afin de vous dénicher les plus ...

  5. N'attendez plus, visitez Oman

    N'attendez plus, Oman est ouvert aux touristes ! Les équipes de Shanti Travel ont beaucoup travaillé pour vous offrir une nouvelle destination de rêve à découvrir ! Au sud de la péninsule arabique, Oman est une véritable perle. Des paysages merveilleux et variés, venez découvrir notre nouvelle destination.

  6. Shanti Travel

    [Oman ] Préparez votre prochain voyage et partez avec nous pour Oman ! Ce magnifique pays est ouvert aux touristes !...

  7. Shanti Travel

    [Oman ] Shanti Travel vous emmène à Oman ! Doté de 1100 places, construit à la demande du Sultan Qabus, l'Opéra Royal de Mascate est une perle de...

  8. Exploring Oman's Cultural Gems: The Best Museums ...

    Oman, a country steeped in history and tradition, is home to a plethora of museums and galleries that showcase the rich cultural heritage of the country. From ancient artifacts to contemporary art, these places offer a glimpse into Oman's past and present, making them a must-visit for anyone interested in the country's culture. In this

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  10. Voyage Oman avec Shanti Travel, votre agence locale : vivez une

    Voyage Oman : rejoignez Shanti Travel pour une immersion dans la vie locale omanaise. Grâce à nos circuits, partez à la découverte des merveilles de ce magnifique pays en toute tranquillité. Destinations Inspirations Concept En petit groupe. 01 82 28 92 28 ...

  11. 15 things to know before visiting Oman

    Once the fast is broken after the prayers at sundown and Muslims sit down for iftar (the evening meal), it's fine to eat outside. During the month of Ramadan, it's even more important than usual to dress modestly. 10. When meeting a member of the opposite sex, wait for them to offer their hand.

  12. Tour Asia

    Since 2005, the experts of the Shanti Travel group are committed to helping you discover Asia from the inside thanks to the teams present in local agencies. Passionate people in the four corners of the Asian continentto find you the best possible itineraries and create the tailor-made tripthat suits you. Direct from New Delhi, Pondicherry ...

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  14. Shanti Travel

    About Us. Established in 2005 by two French entrepreneurs with a passion for travelling in Asia, Shanti Travel is a group of locally-based tour operators with 11 offices covering more than 15 destinations in Asia. Our local offices are located in Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Nepal, Burma, Vietnam and Cambodia.

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  16. Shanti Travel

    [Oman ] Et, si, pour contrer le blues du lundi matin, vous organisiez votre prochain voyage en direction... d'Oman ! Croyez-nous, avec ça, votre lundi...

  17. Shanti Travel

    With offices in New Delhi, Pondicherry, Colombo, Kathmandu, Rangoon, Bali and Hanoi, Shanti Travel is local to the destinations you want to travel to, offering authentic, tailor-made holidays and tours to over (Read More) 17 destinations across Asia. Contact your Travel Expert and watch and see as they create your holiday itinerary and make ...

  18. Shanti Travel

    Countries Singapore UAE Oman Thailand Nepal Vietnam Seychelles Mauritius India. Packages. ... Shanti Travel has carved a niche for itself in Asian inbound travel, and we have been recommended by the Lonely Planet (India Edition (Read More) 2012-2013), Routard Guide (South India Edition 2013) as well as the Routard Guide (North India Edition ...

  19. Shanti Travel

    [Oman ] Oman est un pays magnifique, féérique, unique. Vous en doutez encore ? Alors, allez lire notre article qui vous expliquera pourquoi visiter...

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