Jessie on a Journey | Solo Female Travel Blog

120+ Travel Blog Post Ideas For Creating Engaging Content

By Jessie Festa. This guide to travel content ideas contains affiliate links to trusted partners!

Looking for engaging travel blog post ideas ?

Then you’re in the right place!

If you’ve ever sat in front of your laptop wondering, “What should I post on my travel blog?” this article shares over 120 topics — as well as bonus tips for those looking to see success and make money blogging.

Personally, I get most of my blog traffic through keyword research, and these travel blog post titles and topic ideas come from researching what people are actually searching in Google so that you can create content people truly want to read.

And with so many to choose from, you’ll never need to wonder what to write about again or spend hours coming up with new travel blog ideas.

Without further adieu, let’s dive into the list of travel blog content ideas!

Quick tip: There are many tools that make it easier to come up with blog post ideas. Personally, I love Keysearch for finding high traffic keywords. Use code “jessieonajourney30” for 30% off. Additionally, Jasper AI utilizes the power of artificial intelligence to help you come up with content topics, draft outlines, create content, and more – free trial included !

Table of Contents

Travel Blog Content Creation & Promotion Workflow Freebie

Now, I realize that even when you have a ton of travel post ideas it can still be challenging to understand how to create and promote your content.

Luckily, I’ve got a freebie that can help!

It’s a Content Creation & Promotion Workflow Trello Board that will help you plan your blog posts as well as write them and promote them for maximum engagement.

You can grab the free Trello board here .

travel article ideas

Grabbed it?

Then let’s continue with our travel blog content strategy.

What Should I Post On My Travel Blog?

Writer’s block for bloggers is a very real thing, as is being confused on what to actually post to see growth.

So, before we dive into the list of travel blog topics , let’s discuss how to determine what to post on your blog.

One smart tactic is starting with a mission statement. You can use the template “I help [group of people] do [how you help].”

From there, you can pinpoint the best travel topics to fulfill that mission and even come up with a few travel blog categories.

For instance, if your mission is to help women feel confident traveling solo, you might write a blog post about how to travel solo in Paris or a guide to overcoming fear when you’re scared to travel alone .

Feeling stuck? You can use a tool like Jasper’s Blog Post Topic Ideas Template for quick and easy help. This tool uses artifical intelligence to instantly generate a list of topics that can engage your audience.

Also, if you’re curious how to write blog posts quickly , Jasper can help you create amazing content almost instantly (though it’s recommended to edit your articles to add a human element).

More on this tool below, though note that you can click here for a 10,000-word free trial of Jasper AI .

travel blog post ideas

120+ Travel Blog Post Ideas For Engaging Content

To come up with the following list, I looked at popular blog post ideas related to travel.

Keep in mind, this list is in no way exhaustive. There truly are a limitless number of travel blog topic ideas that are possible.

Moreover, this list is customizable. You can always tweak any of the travel blog post titles mentioned below to better fit your own niche and audience.

For instance, if an idea mentions compiling a list of travel yoga mats, but you don’t cover yoga, consider what relevant piece of gear you can swap in, like sleeping bags, nutritious TSA-friendly snacks, or camera gear.

Once you’ve narrowed down what you’d like to write about, use a blog content planner to stay organized. You can also follow this strategy on how to plan a year of content in one week to help you save time.

Have ideas for travel blog posts to add?

Leave them in the comments below!

Travel Blog Post Ideas Focused On Travel Tips

A review of your favorite piece of travel gear

Best free travel apps

How to do a Global Entry name change

How to change your passport name

Why duct tape (or another item) is your best travel accessory

How to practice self-care while traveling

How to become a travel hacker

Your top travel hacks

Your top travel tips for introverts

Important advice for the first-time traveler

A list of uncommon travel tips

How to learn a language while traveling

Travel Blog Post Ideas Focused On Trip Planning

How to pack for a long trip with just a carry-on

What to pack for a particular destination

A review of your favorite travel insurance provider

What to wear in a particular destination

How to save up for a round-the-world trip in a certain amount of time

How to choose the perfect suitcase/backpack/luggage

A review of your favorite suitcase

How to ask your boss for an extended travel leave

The best credit cards for travelers

How to prepare your house for vacation

What to do the day before a big trip to prepare

travel blog topics

Best Travel Content Ideas About Transportation

Things to do on a long bus ride

How to survive a long flight

What not to do one a plane

How to sleep on a plane

A review of the Eurail pass (or another transportation pass)

A guide to using a city’s transportation, such as the subway in NYC

How to get to the main part of a city from the airport — and vice versa, such as a guide to Bangkok’s airport shuttle

A guide to an airline’s rewards program

The best platforms for booking cheap flight/bus/train tickets

Travel Blog Post Ideas Focused On Destinations

Fun facts about a place

Things to do in a destination during a specific season

A roundup of your favorite tours in a destination

What not to do in a destination

A roundup of your favorite hotels in a destination

How to visit a particular place on a specific budget — such as $50 per day

A roundup of your favorite restaurants in a destination

The cheapest countries to visit on a certain continent

Your top travel tips for a specific destination

Travel Blog Post Ideas For When You Can’t Leave & Must Travel At Home

A recipe from a particular place, including a background story of the dish

Your favorite travel-inspired beauty ritual

Your favorite travel-themed craft

How to throw a dinner party inspired by a specific destination

How to transform your living space into a destination or give your space a makeover inspired by a particular place

Do a souvenir show-and-tell and share the story behind your favorite travel finds

Cocktail recipes from around the world

A roundup of your favorite movies set in a particular destination

A roundup of your favorite books set in a particular destination

How to visit the places featured in a certain movie

How to visit the places featured in a certain book

A roundup of inspiring TED Talks related to travel

travel article ideas

Niche Travel Blog Post Ideas

Note: Feel free to swap in your own travel blog niche for any of the below ideas.

The best destinations for a budget-friendly wellness experience

Best weekend getaways for couples

The best destinations for solo female travelers

Best bookstores around the world

How to plan a cruise vacation

How to book an ethical volunteer trip

Best female travel blogs

How to stay safe when traveling solo

Relaxing couples vacations

Common work-related travel expenses

Top luxury travel companies

Meals from around the world

Cheap travel insurance for families

Best luxury hotels in the world

How to avoid the single supplement when traveling solo

Tips for flying with a baby

Lesbian travel groups

Outdoor vacations for couples

Fun trips for kids

Best travel yoga mats

How to travel with a yoga mat

Best hiking vacations

Top guided backpacking trips

Best travel baby gear

Gifts for traveling couples

The top all-inclusive family vacations

Best family beach destinations

Tips for traveling with grandchildren

Quotes about family travel

Travel jobs for couples

Top liveaboard dive trips

Fun yoga and hiking retreats

Top spiritual yoga retreats

Safest countries for LGBTQ+ travelers

best travel topics

Holiday Blog Post Ideas For Travel Bloggers

Best gifts for a certain type of traveler — such as the best gifts for solo female travelers

How to book cheap Christmas vacations

How to find cheap Thanksgiving flights

Where to travel during Christmas

Best Christmas markets in europe

Traditional Christmas desserts from around the world

Top Jewish heritage tours

Delicious Kwanzaa recipes

Inspirational Blog Post Ideas For Travel Bloggers

Lessons learned from traveling to X# countries

What travel teaches you

Benefits of traveling

How travel changes your brain

Inspiration travel quotes

Recount one of your favorite funny travel stories

Share an inspiring love story from the road

Share one of your favorite inspiring travel stories about the kindness of strangers abroad

travel blog content about meeting locals

Summer Blog Post Ideas For Travel Bloggers

Cheap summer vacations

Places to visit in summer in the USA

Summer vacation ideas for families

A summer travel guide for a particular destination — or you can even niche down to a specific month, such as July Travel In Seattle

Best travel-sized sunscreens

Stylish active swimsuits

Fall Blog Post Ideas For Travel Bloggers

Where to go apple picking

Fall wine tasting outfit ideas

Fall foliage tours

Scariest haunted houses in America

Best fall road trips

Winter Blog Post Ideas For Travel Bloggers

Best showshoes for hiking

Scenic winter hiking trails

Best places to spend New Year’s Eve

Cozy log cabin getaways

Top ski resorts in a certain destination

Spring Blog Post Ideas For Travel Bloggers

Best gardens in the world

Warm places to visit in April

Cheap spring break trips

Romantic spring getaways

Best Easter holiday destinations

Tourism Blog Ideas

Must visit attractions in X

Best hidden gems in X

Most Instagrammable spots in X

Where to Stay in X

Best restaurants in X

Beach Blog Ideas

Most beautiful beaches in the world

Best beaches for surfing

Best beaches for families

Instagrammable beaches

Best beaches for snorkeling

Travel Agent Blog Ideas

Best time to visit X

Travel deals and discounts

Best travel destinations for families/couples/solo travelers

Guide to all inclusive resorts

ideas for travel blog posts

Where To Find New Travel Blog Post Ideas

After learning how to start a travel blog and make money , it’s important to regularly publish interesting articles that continuously bring you traffic and help you grow your income.

But, maybe you’re wondering how to come up with blog post ideas that people actually read .

Luckily, I have a few tips for this.

Note that for a full overview of how to create a content plan that aligns with your overall goals, I recommend taking my free Profitable Travel Blog Makeover , a four-day course that takes you from blog branding to monetization.

So earlier in the post I discussed starting with a mission statement that guides your content.

Along with coming up with travel blog post ideas from your own imagination, you can also utilize:

Jasper AI (click for a 10,000-word free trial).

Jasper uses the power of artificial intelligence to help you outline blog posts, create content, and come up with blog post ideas.

You can use the Blog Post Topic Ideas Template and simply enter your:

  • company name
  • product description
  • tone of voice
  • how many ideas your need

Boom — Jasper will provide you a list of ideas for travel topics to write about. From there, you can favorite the ones you like to help the tool better get to know what you’re looking for.

Keysearch  (use code “jessieonajourney30” for 30% off)

This is a powerful keyword research tool that can help you optimize your blog content to rank higher in search engine rankings.

You’ll also be able to input desired keywords to see related keywords — as well as questions people have about your keyword in the “Content Assistant” section. These can also be used as travel blog post ideas.

travel blog post ideas from Keysearch

Like tutorials?

Check out this short video to see how to find micro niche keywords and relevant keywords you can actually rank for using Keysearch:

Niche Facebook groups & forums .

Pop into a Facebook group or Reddit forum related to your niche and see what people are discussing. These can make for great travel related content ideas.

Google Trends .

Monitor search trends over a given time. This can help you post about things people are truly talking about.

Pinterest Trends .

See what topics are trending on Pinterest. This tool can help your content marketing efforts by helping you get more traffic to your Pinterest pins, which translates into more visitors to your blog content.

These are just a few of many strategies for coming up with engaging travel post ideas.

How To Write A Travel Blog Post Without Traveling

One common question many travel bloggers have:

How do I write a travel blog without traveling?

Of course, there will be times when travel isn’t possible.

This doesn’t mean you need to stop creating content.

Instead, consider how you might cover where you live in a way that would be interesting to travelers.

For instance, I have loads of New York City travel content because I know that even though it’s not a travel destination to me, it is to other people. Plus, being a local allows me a unique perspective not every blogger can provide.

You might also think about “armchair travel” content; blog post ideas that have a travel theme but can be enjoyed without leaving home.

A few examples of this include roundups of short travel stories , cultural recipes, solo staycation ideas , and other travel at home posts that align with your mission.

These strategies are also great travel blog ideas for beginners, who may be looking to jumpstart their blog with content even if they’re not traveling.

travel blog post ideas staycations

How To Write A Catchy Blog Post Title

Now, here’s the thing when it comes to coming up with ideas for travel blog posts:

Even if you have an amazing article, if your title isn’t enticing, it likely won’t get read.

Luckily, there is a free Headline Analyzer tool from CoSchedule that can help with this.

Basically, it looks at your headline to ensure that:

  • It has a good mix of common, uncommon, emotional, and power words
  • The first and last three words of the headline are engaging (as these are the words people tend to focus on most)
  • It includes searchable keywords
  • It isn’t too generic
  • It’s the right length (about 60 characters)

How To Start A Travel Blog Post

Now that you have a big list of travel content ideas , it’s time to dive deeper into how to actually write your blog post.

One very important part of your travel blog post is the introduction, as this will affect whether someone continues reading or clicks away.

To help you engage readers right away, I recommend utilizing the APP Method; also known as Agree – Promise – Preview.

This copywriting technique, which I learned about from Backlinko , revolves around the idea that your introduction should first agree with the reader to make it clear you understand them.

From there, you make a promise to them — such as a solution to a problem or a benefit of some kind.

Finally, you provide a preview by sharing exactly what they’ll get out of reading the blog post.

This blog post on growing an email list as a blogger provides a nice example of the APP Formula in action.

It’s also shown here:

travel blog post ideas

Promoting A Travel Blog Post Organically

There are many smart ways to increase blog traffic , a few of which I’ll outline here.

I recommend incorporating these into a content checklist so that you always know exactly what needs to be done before hitting publish on a blog post.

Optimize your blog posts for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) .

In my opinion, the best way to grow your blog traffic is to optimize it to rank in search results.

Once it ranks, you can continue to enjoy steady traffic for the foreseeable future.

Again, Keysearch makes it simple to both research if you can realistically rank for a keyword and then optimize your content for it. You can use code “jessieonajourney30” for 30% off.

While Keysearch offers loads of tutorials on how to use their tool, here is a quick overview:

travel blog post ideas in Keysearch

Above is an example of me researching “places to hike on Long Island,” a keyword I currently rank in the first spot of Google for.

On the left, you can see a graphic comparing all of the first page posts — which provides information for determining whether it’s worth competing for the keyword or not.

For instance, you can see things like how your Domain Authority compares to the other posts already ranking, as well as if the other posts have optimized their title, description, and URL for the keyword you want to rank for.

Additionally, on the right, you can see other suggested keywords with important information related to how competitive they are and how often people search for them.

Keep in mind, this is just the main page of Keysearch. The tool has numerous other features for ranking your posts in Google, too.

Take your SEO to the next level.

Now, another tool that can help with optimizing your content to rank in organic search results is Surfer SEO .

Instead of simply giving you data about other sites that are ranking, Surfer SEO analyzes your website to make tailored recommendations for:

  • specific keywords to target
  • specific ways to optimize new content
  • specific changes to make to old content to improve its chances of ranking
  • specific missed opportunities for internal and external backlinks
  • specific on-page SEO optimizations (such as optimal word count, title length, image count, etc)
  • and much more

As you can see, the tool gets very specific.

In short, you’ll get a step-by-step SEO workflow that can help you grow your traffic and increase your rankings – no guesswork required!

Here is a quick tutorial going over some of Surfer SEO’s powerful features:

While you’ll need a paid plan to get everything I showcase in the video, they do offer a free AI Article Outline Generator to give you a small taste of the platform.

Promote your new travel blog post on your social media channels.

When you promote new content, I highly recommend weaving a story into your shares to increase engagement. Talk about why you wrote the post, how the topic has impacted you, and how it can benefit others.

To save time, you can use a tool like StoryChief to blast your new travel blog content across your blogging hubs, social media channels, and email newsletter with one click.

Speaking of email newsletters…

Understand how to promote your blog content to your email subscribers in an engaging way by utilizing storytelling email marketing .

Just like when sharing travel blog content on social media, it’s helpful to share a story to make your email even more valuable.

Moreover, if you have an automated email sequence set up for new subscribers you can add in your best blog posts to help the content continuously get traffic.

Looking for an email marketing software that’s feature-rich and intuitive — and includes automations?

Click here for a free one-month trial of ConvertKit (no credit card required!).

The platform is made for bloggers by bloggers. And once you sell products, they also offer a marketplace to help their users increase sales.

Choosing Blog Post Categories

In terms of the categories you put on a travel blog post, consider how you want to organize your content.

Typically, your categories will be your blog’s main themes, while your tags help further break them down.

For instance, you might have “North America” as a category and “USA” and “Canada” as tags.

travel blog post ideas for online courses

How To Get Paid As A Travel Blogger

There are many ways to boost your travel blogging income — especially if you’re focusing on offering paid products, services, and experiences that fulfill your mission and that are an extension of your travel blog content.

Again, I highly recommend grabbing a seat in my free four-day travel blogging course if you want to learn how to make money blogging, though a few of the main ways I monetize my travel blog include:

Creating & selling online courses.

You’re already sharing knowledge in some way through your helpful blog content. Why not package up your wisdom into an online course that further helps your readers?

Personally, I use and recommend Teachable for creating online courses. That link gets you a two-week free trial, no credit card required!

You’ll have everything you need to be successful — including powerful training videos and support. It’s what I use to create and launch all of my online travel blogging courses .

Selling photo tours in NYC.

After having loads of readers ask me to show them around New York, I decided to get licensed as an NYC tour guide and start offering local experiences.

In fact, I’ve done so well selling these through my blog that I started a sister company, NYC Photo Journeys .

Working with brands.

This includes working on blogger brand collaborations as well as going on paid press trips and promoting partners in my travel blog content.

Affiliate marketing for travel bloggers .

When coming up with travel blog post ideas, I highly recommend you regularly add content optimized for affiliate sales to your publishing schedule. Here are some creative ways to promote affiliate links .

Running display ads on my travel blog.

Personally, I work with Mediavine for this. To see success, you should be publishing SEO-optimized articles and regularly updating older content so that it’s up-to-date.

travel blog post ideas

How To Become A Travel Blogger

If you stay focused, it’s possible to make money blogging in one year or less .

Map out your blogging goals , including what they are, how to reach them, and by when.

Stick with one or two main strategies, and then once you master those, you can add in others. This helps alleviate spreading yourself too thin.

This might mean saying you want to earn $5,000/month in affiliate sales by June 1 through publishing two affiliate-optimized blog posts per month, publishing two affiliate-optimized videos per month as part of your YouTube strategy , and hosting a free challenge that promotes an affiliate each quarter.

Remember, also, to grab access to my free Travel Blogger Resource Library to snag printables and workshops that can help you take your blog full-time much quicker.

Bonus: 10 Ways To Make Money Travel Blogging [Free Workshop]

how to make money as a travel blogger

While we’re on the topic of growing a profitable blogging business, I’d love to invite you to my free workshop: 10 Powerful Ways To Make Money Travel Blogging.

During the 60-minute on-demand workshop, you’ll learn:

  • Myths related to monetizing a blog (that may be holding you back!)
  • Strategies for creating profitable content (so those blog posts, emails & social shares lead to income!)
  • Tips for earning recurring passive revenue as a blogger (so your income grows even when you’re away from your laptop!)
  • How to create products that you know your audience will buy (so you don’t waste your time!)
  • Advice for growing your affiliate income (with a strategy that truly works!)

Plus, your free ticket to this actionable workshop also includes a Q&A, limited-time replay, and special bonuses.

Click here to grab your seat in the free travel blog monetization workshop .

Bonus Profitable Blogging Tutorials [Video Playlist]

Want to learn more powerful strategies for taking your blog full time?

Check out this curated playlist of blogging tips and tactics that work:

What travel blog post ideas would you add to this list?

Which of the above best travel topics are you excited to write first.

Enjoyed this post on travel blog content ideas? Pin it for later!

travel blog content

Margaret Bourne | Start And Grow A Blog Confidently

Start your blog! Get access to the FREE Launch It: Start A Blog Course & Toolkit.

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  • About Me Page Tips
  • Lifestyle Post Ideas
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  • Blogging Life
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70+ Top Blog Post Ideas For Travel Blogs: Inspire Your Readers

  • May 9, 2024
  • by Margaret Bourne

Woman sitting in a hotel room bed using a laptop - travel blog post ideas.

When you’re a travel blogger, you know that sometimes you can’t come up with popular travel blog topics when you’re not travelling. You’re here because you’re looking for inspiration for travel blog post ideas.

I know the feeling – I used to run an outdoor adventure and travel blog when I just started blogging.

When I wasn’t travelling, I was a bit stuck on fresh travel blog topics.

Since then I’ve learned how to find the best blog content ideas. Now I’m sharing travel blog post ideas with you.

This is so you’re not stuck with “blogger’s block” .

My list of travel blog post topics (for 2024) ranges from destination posts to tips and more. They’re great if you started a travel blog or have been blogging for a little while.

Let’s get started!

DISCLOSURE : This post includes sponsored content from Travelpayouts. It also contains affiliate links, meaning if you click on a product or service, and decide to purchase it, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. All recommended products and services are based on my positive experience with them. For more information, please read my Disclaimer .

Bookmark this post for future reference on Pinterest!

50 Travel blog post ideas pin 1

Travel Blog Post Ideas About Destinations

First up is a list of general travel blog post ideas about destinations.

This list will grow as I add more ideas over time, so bookmark this post!

  • 10 Places to visit in your 20s
  • 10 Places to visit in your 30s
  • Best hotels in [Destination]
  • Underrated places to visit in [Destination]
  • Hidden gems you can’t miss in [Destination]: unveiling the unexplored
  • Best day trips from [Destination]
  • [Destination]’s top beaches for ultimate relaxation
  • Digging into [Destination]’s rich past
  • Eating your way through [Destination]: top 5 restaurants
  • [Destination]’s top # best-kept secret spots
  • Exploring [Destination]’s cozy towns and hamlets
  • # bucket-list activities in [Destination]
  • Free activities in [Destination]
  • Best museums in [Destination]
  • Nature’s beauty unleashed: [Destination]’s spectacular landscapes
  • # Urban treasures in [Destination] explored
  • A guide to [Destination]’s geography
  • The perfect travel itinerary for [Destination]
  • The most beautiful churches in [Destination]
  • Top historical attractions in [Destination]
  • The safest places to visit in [Destination]
  • Top unusual attraction in [Destination] you won’t want to miss
  • Best street food to try in [Destination] while travelling

| RELATED: How To Choose The Perfect Travel Blog Niche & 30 Niches

Travel Tips And Guides Blog Post Ideas

Some of the most popular travel blog topics are “how to” posts and guides.

Make sure to include some of these on your travel blog.

  • Packing tips for trips: an ultimate checklist for any destination
  • How to pack a carry-on for any trip
  • How to navigate [Destination] like a local
  • Wellness tips for travelers
  • How to travel solo: an essential guide for safe trips
  • How to not annoy the locals in [Destination]
  • Travel on a budget: Exploring [Destination] without breaking the bank
  • [Destination]’s culture etiquette 101
  • How to travel green in [Destination]
  • # [Destination] culinary hotspots you must check out
  • How to plan a vacation on a budget
  • Kid-friendly activities in [Destination]
  • Tips for stress-free trips with babies and toddlers
  • Tips for stress-free trips with little kids
  • How to save money for your dream vacation
  • How to get the right travel insurance for you
  • What are the must-have travel essentials for [Destination]
  • How to book cheap flights
  • How to book the best cost-effective hotel rooms
  • Tips for long-haul flights
  • Tips for driving in other countries
  • The best gifts for travellers
  • The best travel credit cards
  • Best suitcase organization hacks
  • Best ways to pack a duffel bag
  • Best hacks for travelling light
  • Best destinations for remote work
  • Best travel apps
  • Best travel guides for [Destination]
  • Best places to stay with pets

TIP : I used to write many travel-related posts. Always think about what the key problem is for your reader. In this case, I know that many Torontonians are looking for destinations that are close to home. This is how my blog post “10 Places One Hour From Toronto” came to be on my Suburban Tourist blog.

Personal Travel Story Post Ideas

Sometimes you have a personal experience that makes for a good travel story.

With these kinds of posts always remember to share some sort of tips or a “moral of the story” so that your readers learn something from them.

I’m sharing a list of blog post ideas for travel blogs that are heavy on personal insights. Consider adding these are they are entertaining reads and often lead to writing opportunities from magazines and newspapers.

  • My epic adventure in [Destination]
  • How I discovered myself in [Destination]
  • My travel love story: how I managed a relationship abroad
  • How I conquered challenges head-on while travelling in [Destination]
  • Living like a local: My immersion in [Destination]’s culture
  • Getting in the Spirit of [Destination] Through The [Name] Festival
  • How long-term travel changed me
  • Exploring [Destination]’s historical sights
  • My travel evolution from backpacker to jet-setter
  • Why I decided to celebrate [name] with a trip to [Destination]
  • My crazy night in [Destination]
  • The time I got lost in [Destination]
  • The most fun things I did exploring [Destination]
  • What I did in 24 hours during my layover in [Destination]
  • Why I’ll never do this again on my next trip to [Destination]
  • How I learned about XYZ the hard way in [Destination]

Photography And Visual Journal Travel Blog Post Topics

A picture can be worth a thousand words.

If you’re sharing photo posts, make sure to include context and some explanation for SEO purposes and for your readers.

  • A photo diary of [Destination]
  • Portraits of locals and culture in [Destination]
  • [Destination]’s most Instagrammable views
  • A [Destination]’s urban photowalk
  • [Destination]’s wildlife and landscapes
  • The architectural wonders of [Destination]
  • Sharing [Destination] through a video journal
  • How to enhance your travel shots
  • Sketches inspired by [Destination]
  • How to craft a [Destination] travel scrapbook
  • Tips and tricks for how to get the best shots at busy attraction sites
  • How to photograph in dim museums (when you’re permitted to do so)
  • Best camera travel bags
  • Best cameras for easy travel
  • What items from your camera kit to leave at when travelling
  • How to use your phone camera for gorgeous travel shots
  • Best poses for gorgeous travel photos

Outdoor And Adventure Activity Travel Blog Topics

This is a brief list of outdoor adventure travel post ideas that are great for the outdoorsy types of readers.

  • The best hiking trails near [Destination]’s
  • Exploring [Destination]’s best dive spots
  • The best places for extreme sports in [Destination]
  • The best places for overnight camping in [Destination]
  • Yachting in [Destination]’s beautiful waters
  • Best rock climbing fun in [Destination]
  • Top places for skiing and snowboarding in [Destination]
  • Top surfing spots in [Destination]
  • Cycling routes through [Destination]’s
  • Eco-adventures in [Destination]’s wilderness
  • Best places for kitesurfing
  • The world’s most dangerous hiking trails

| RELATED: How To Make Money As A Travel Blogger

You’re writing great travel blog posts, but did you know you can monetize them with affiliate marketing – even as a new blogger? 

Travelpayouts is an affiliate marketing platform for travel bloggers, with over 110 of the best travel brands. You can sign up for free to Travelpayouts and create your account.

Travel Writing Tips For New Bloggers

You’ve got a list of blog post ideas for travel bloggers. I’m sure you’re capturing a few from my list above.

If you are a new travel blogger, I highly recommend you look at how the top travel bloggers write their posts.

How do they excite you to travel, or to purchase an item?

There is an art to travel blogging: tell a story, share your personal insights and paint the picture of what they can experience.

Be honest about the pros and the cons, so that you can be seen as a credible, helpful expert in your travel niche.

And don’t forget to write captivating blog post titles that will grab their interest.

How to Write a Travel Blog Post FT 1

RELATED: How To Write Exciting Travel Blog Posts That Make Your Readers Pack Their Bags And Book Tickets

Need help writing your blog posts faster? I’ve got you covered – get my free blog post outline template so you can write down your notes and organize your thoughts.

Writing becomes easier when you’ve got your ideas in an outline. Here’s the one I use to generate kickass blog posts faster.

Promote Your Travel Blog Posts

Now that you have a long list of travel blog post topics, you’re ready to write.

Travel blogging is a bit different from other types of blogs. Learn how to write sensational travel blog posts that will get your readers planning their next trip.

If English isn’t your first language use Grammarly for your grammar and spelling.

Since you’re going to be busy travelling, you can set your posts to publish at optimal times. You can also schedule your social media posts .

Use any of these schedulers:

  • Later – schedule your Instagram posts and reels, Pinterest, Meta and more
  • Tailwind – schedule your Pinterest pins, Instagram posts
  • SmarterQueue – schedule new and older content for automatic posts

Get over 100 travel hashtags for your Instagram posts .

And if you’d like to include some great quotes in your blog posts and Instagram posts and captions, check out these 100+ travel quotes .

Before you go, brush up on writing blog posts that readers will love . Start with amazing blog post outlines and formats .

Finally, brush up on your SEO! The travel niche is a popular one, so optimizing your blog posts is extremely important.

Sign up for my free SEO email course:

QUESTION: What other travel blog post ideas should be added to this list?

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Over 60 Travel Blog Post Topics PIN2

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You have some great post ideas for travel blogs. I’m considering using Social Pilot to help me with scheduling, so I can save some time.

I’ve been testing it out and I like it!

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Wander Her Way

50 Awesome Travel Blog Post Ideas

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Inspiring Travel Blog Post Ideas

Recently I have been feeling a little bit of writer’s block when it comes to creating new posts for my blog. So I brainstormed some travel blog post ideas and figured I would share them with you here!

Hopefully these travel blog post ideas will help inspire your next post too. 🙂

These travel blog post ideas are great for when you’re stuck at home and aren’t sure what to write about next on your travel blog!

Note: If you haven’t already started your travel blog, be sure to check out my step-by-step guide How to Start a Travel Blog  to get everything set up in less than an hour!

Or sign up for my FREE  five-day email challenge below to get your blog up and running in five days:

Then keep reading to find out how to start your blog, with step-by-step instructions.

I highly recommend Bluehost for setting up your new blog. They offer WordPress web hosting starting at just $2.95 a month along with a free domain name ($15+ value) and free set-up of your blog.

Not to mention, Bluehost makes is really easy to use if you’re a beginner. Later on, you can graduate to a more powerful hosting provider. I still use Bluehost for my starter sites because it’s cheap and easy.

But I digress… we’re here to talk about ideas for travel blog posts!

50 Travel Blog Post Ideas

  • How to pack with just a carry-on suitcase
  • Should you check your luggage or carry-on?
  • Packing list for a certain destination
  • Packing list for a round-the-world trip
  • Your travel essentials
  • How to survive a long-haul flight
  • Tips for booking cheap flights
  • Top 10 best beaches in the world
  • Top 10 most underrated cities in the world
  • How to save money for travel
  • How to plan a round-the-world trip
  • Top 10 day trips from your city
  • Advice for solo travelers
  • Advice for traveling with children
  • How to plan a vacation on a budget
  • Holiday gift guide for travelers
  • Travel guide to your city
  • Tips for surviving a road trip
  • Top 10 destinations off the beaten path
  • Top 10 destinations for budget travelers
  • Your best travel hacks/travel secrets
  • Unexpected travel expenses and how to avoid them
  • Best travel credit cards
  • Destination travel guide – what to do, where to stay, what to eat, etc.
  • Best photo spots in your city
  • What to do about cell phone service overseas
  • Work abroad job ideas
  • Top 10 destinations to visit this winter
  • Top 10 destinations to visit this summer
  • Travel mistakes to avoid
  • What you have learned from travel
  • Weekend itinerary to a certain destination
  • Favorite travel apps
  • Hair/beauty products you pack for travel
  • How to stay healthy while traveling
  • Top 10 foods you must try in a destination
  • Best restaurants in your city
  • How to travel as a vegetarian/vegan
  • Ways to save money while traveling
  • Hotels vs. hostels – which is best?
  • Your funniest/most embarrassing travel moments
  • Best places to take a road trip
  • Tips for booking cheap accommodation
  • The best free activities in your city
  • Your travel bucket list
  • Theme park vacation guide (Disney World, etc.)
  • How to plan your first cruise
  • Best destinations for families/couples/college students/etc.
  • Your favorite books about travel
  • Your favorite travel blogs

Happy blogging! Let me know in the comments if you use any of these travel blog post ideas on your own blog – I would love to read them!

Related:  How to Write 13 Travel Blog Posts from One Trip

How to Start a Travel Blog

Haven’t started a travel blog yet? Here’s a quick step-by-step guide on how to get started!

These are the exact steps I took to start Wander Her Way. You can follow this tutorial and have your own travel blog up and running in less than one hour!

Step 1: Choose a domain name

The first step to starting a travel blog is choosing a name for it. Your blog name will be the first impression that you have on people, so it’s important to pick a good one!

👉 If you need some help coming up with a name for your blog, be sure to read my guide on how to choose a travel blog name and ideas to inspire you .

Step 2: Get hosting

Once you have chosen a name for your travel blog, you will need to register it and get web hosting.

If you buy your domain name through an outside company, you can expect to pay $15 to $20 a year for it. However, if you sign up for web hosting through Bluehost, you can get your domain name for free.

If you’re just starting out, I highly recommend Bluehost for web hosting. They are the company I and many other bloggers use for starting new blogs and websites. They are easy to use, have some of the cheapest hosting plans out there, have a reliable hosting service, and decent customer support.

Granted, there are more powerful hosting providers out there with more responsive customer service but if you’re just getting started, it’s not worth the investment. Bluehost is enough to get your feet wet in the travel blogging pool. Then, when you begin to make some money, you can upgrade to a hosting company like BigScoots (where Wander Her Way is hosted now).

Bluehost has been generous enough to offer readers of Wander Her Way 70% off their new web hosting plans. So for only $2.95 per month you can get WordPress hosting AND a free domain name!

🩵 Get 70% off WordPress hosting with Bluehost

How to sign-up with Bluehost

Here are the detailed steps to set up web hosting with Bluehost:

1. Click the “Get Started” button

Het started with Bluehost

2. Select your hosting plan

Select Bluehost hosting plan

Which plan to choose: I recommend the basic plan for new bloggers.

I’m personally on the plus plan, but that’s only because I run multiple blogs. Otherwise I would probably choose the basic plan!

3. Put in your domain name

travel article ideas

This is where you’ll put in the domain name that you decided on earlier.

What if I haven’t decided on a name yet?  If you haven’t decided on a domain name for your travel blog yet, wait a couple minutes and this offer will pop up on your page:

Select this option and you can go ahead and start setting your blog up, then use the free credit to buy your domain name later.

4. Create your account

travel article ideas

5. Select your package and pay

travel article ideas

Here’s where you’ll select your hosting plan. The 36-month plan is the best deal at $4.95 a month for the first three years, but to keep your starting cost as low as possible, you can pick the 12-month plan at only $2.95 a month.

What about package extras? You have the options to add on extras like SiteLock and Yost Premium SEO. I personally don’t recommend any of these because there are free WordPress plugins you can install that do the same thing. Which I’ll cover in the next section of this guide.

This is not to say these are not needed, but they are not essential for a new travel blogger at the beginning stages so save your money right now!

6. Congrats, you’re done!

Once you check out, you’ll be redirected to your Bluehost dashboard, which will look something like the image below. Your dashboard is where you can log in to your blog for the first time and start setting everything up.

Bluehost dashboard

Your blog will be run on the WordPress platform. WordPress is a content management platform, or CMS. This is where you’ll actually write your blog posts, upload your images, and design the look of your website.

Bluehost installs WordPress automatically for you—all you have to do is answer a few questions when you get to your dashboard. And don’t worry, they will walk you through the questions step-by-step and guide you through naming your blog, connecting your domain, and creating your WordPress site for you—it’s very easy!

travel article ideas

Step 3: Designing your blog

Your blog will come with the default WordPress theme installed. You will definitely want to change this, which means it’s time to pick a theme for your blog!

When it comes to designing your blog, you have a few options. Here are the most common:

  • You can hire a web designer.
  • You can buy and install a pre-designed child theme.
  • You can install a theme that you can customize yourself.

Let’s look at each of these options:

Hire a web designer

This is the most expensive and least recommended route for a beginner blogger and not needed to have a profitable blog.

Buy A Premium Child Theme

A child theme is a theme that has been heavily customized by a designer and packaged in a way that you can install in your WordPress admin panel. A custom child theme comes with fonts, colors, and demo photos and content that you can swap out for your own. So other than changing the aesthetic elements, you’re set to start blogging with the click of a button.

I should mention, however, that fancy design may slow down your website. I wrote a whole piece about my experience switching my WordPress theme and the impact it has on Wander Her Way’s performance.

If having an elaborate design is really important to you, a premium theme is a much better investment for a beginner than a web designer and will make your blog stand out from the crowd just the same.

Customize a Theme Yourself

Finally, you can customize a theme yourself. I recommend installing and customizing a theme on your own because it’s MUCH cheaper, will keep your blog performing great, and it’s not as difficult as you may think.

My favorite theme is Kadence WP , which has a free and a paid version. The free version will be more than enough to get you started with a fast and good-looking blog, which is all you really need. The cool thing about Kadence is that, when combined with the Kadence Blocks plugin (which I’ll discuss in a minute) it eliminates the need for page builders.

Before blocks, Page Builders were the only way to have beautifully designed blogs and websites in WordPress without a professional web developer. The downside as I mentioned, is page builders make your website heavy and slow.

travel article ideas

This is why I recommend Kadence to new bloggers. You can install the free version right from your WordPress theme tab, pick one of their starter templates, and start blogging. As your blog grows and you gain some experience, you can do more advanced customization and design changes to it.

👉 If you need help finding the perfect theme, make sure to check out my list of the best WordPress themes for travel blogs .

Step 4: Install plugins

WordPress plugins are applications that add extra functionality to your blog—think of them as apps on your phone.

There are thousands of plugins out there and some can be really useful but don’t go plugin happy! When it comes to plugins, less is better as they can also slow down your website and make it vulnerable to hackers. Most blogs will end up having between 10-15 plugins and you should stick to that number.

Bluehost Default Plugins

Your WordPress site will have a few plugins by default and you can activate them or delete them.

Here’s what you should do:

  • The Bluehost Plugin : Activate it. While not required to run your blog, this plugin connects your WordPress to your Bluehost dashboard and gives you the ability to create a staging site. This is basically a working copy of your website that you can make changes to before pushing them live. It’s good practice to do that—in case something breaks, your live website is not affected.
  • Akismet : Activate it. This plug-in filters out spam comments and form submissions on your blog. There are other ways of doing that without a plugin but it’s good to have as a beginner. The free version will be enough for you to get started.
  • Hello Dolly : Delete it. It has zero functionally. Goodbye.
  • Creative Mail : Delete it. This is an email marketing plugin by Bluehost itself. Just get rid of it… If you plan to start collecting emails, I recommend MailerLite , which is free for up to 1,000 subscribers.
  • Yoast SEO : Delete. Yoast helps ensure your blog posts are setup in a way that makes it easy for Google and other search engines to find them—that’s what search engine optimization (SEO) is all about. Don’t get me wrong, Yoast SEO is a great friendly plugin but the free version of RankMath SEO is also easy to use and will give you a LOT more features than Yoast.
  • Jetpack : Delete it. This plugin is infamously famous for slowing down websites like crazy, which is bad for SEO! I’ll suggest some alternatives.

travel article ideas

Recommended Plugins for Beginners

Here are the plugins I recommend most for new bloggers are:

  • WordFence Security : Great security plug-in to protect your site.
  • Sassy Social Share : Adds social media share buttons to your blog posts. And you can customize them is a bunch of different ways.
  • Autoptimize : Makes your website faster. Remember, fast loading pages = better SEO.
  • UpdraftPlus : This plug-in makes regular backups of your site so you never lose anything!
  • RankMath SEO : The free version of RankMath has a lot of features, including many that eliminate the need for additional plugins down the road. While Yoast may appear more user-friendly, RankMath will walk you through the setup step-by-step.
  • Kadence Blocks : We talked about themes before and Kadence Blocks is the perfect complement to the Kadence Theme. Similar to RankMath, the added functionality and design options of Kadence Blocks will eliminate the need for other plugins in the future.

All of these plug-ins are 100% free to use. Some have premium versions with advanced features that are paid but you don’t really need any of that when you first start blogging.

Step 5: Start posting!

By now, you should have purchased a domain name and hosting through Bluehost, installed a WordPress theme, and added some functionality to your blog with plugins.

Now all that’s left is to start posting. And that’s where these travel blog post ideas will come in handy if you need some inspiration on what to write about!

Learn How to Make Money with a Travel Blog

If you want to make money with your travel blog, I highly recommend joining Travel Blog Prosperity . It’s a monthly membership for travel bloggers created by one of the top travel bloggers out there—Jessie Festa of Jessie on a Journey.

Normally, the membership is $49/month, but when you sign up using the discount code  WANDER9  you will get your first month of Travel Blog Prosperity for just $9. If you don’t like it, you can cancel at anytime.

When you join the membership, you’ll get immediate access to the following:

  • 30+ trainings and lessons for bloggers, with new ones added monthly
  • Workbooks and checklists to go along with each lesson
  • Twice monthly live group coaching calls with Jessie
  • Private Member’s Lounge group where you can get your questions answered
  • Weekly VIP Opportunities Newsletter with paid opportunities, press trips, and more!

👉 Try a month of Travel Blog Prosperity for only $9 with promo code WANDER9

Other Travel Blogging Tips

This post is part of my ongoing series about travel blogging.

Be sure to check out these blog posts for more travel blogging tips and inspiration!

  • Travel Blog Names: How to Choose One + Ideas
  • How to Start a Travel Blog for Beginners
  • How to Make Money with a Travel Blog
  • Best WordPress Themes for Travel Blogs
  • Travel Blog Income Report Roundup

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Travel Blog Post Ideas

About Denise Cruz

Denise is a marketing executive who escaped corporate to travel the world… twice. A Brazilian native living in the U.S., she’s lived in 4 countries and visited 35+ others. After side-hustling her way to financial independence, she curates solo destination guides, slow travel tips, and travel blogging advice on Wander Her Way. When she’s not on the road, you can find her in Miami with her dog Finnegan.

70 Awesome Travel Blog Post Ideas To Boost Your Blog

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No inspiration for your next article? Here are 70 travel blog post ideas to boost your views and entertain your readers! Plus some time on how to gain more traffic and find even more ideas.

Travel blogging is fantastic! Writing about your trips and helping others plan their ideal holiday is so much fun. I’ve been blogging for quite a while, and in that time I’ve been able to turn this lovely hobby into a job (crazy!).

But even though it’s a lot of fun to blog, sometimes it can get hard to think of new ideas for articles. What to write when you haven’t been on holiday recently? Or when your content calendar is running dry?

Not to worry! I usually plan out my content calendar months in advance and I love coming up with new ideas for blog posts. That’s why I’m sharing some awesome travel blog post ideas with you today. Feel free to take them and make them your own!

Let’s take a look.

* The Navigatio uses affiliate links . If you make a purchase through these links, I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!

How To Come Up With Travel Blog Post Ideas?

Before we get into my list of posts, I wanted to share with you how I come up with blog post ideas. That way, you can continue thinking of awesome articles for your website. 

I always try to sit down and write out a ton of ideas for posts at once, so I can make a content calendar. Doing so allows me to work through articles without having to stop and think about what I’ll write. It saves so much time and energy!

But how do I come up with these ideas?

There are various ways. Firstly, you have to think about your nich e. Who is your perfect audience and what do they want to read? If you mainly write about solo female travel, you should focus on articles that solo female travellers will find useful or entertaining. If you focus on city breaks (like yours truly), it doesn’t make sense to write about the best waterfalls in a nature park.

Especially when you’re trying to become an authority on a destination or a type of travel, you should try to cover as many bases as possible and get super-specific. You can find tons of ideas by Googling certain topics and look at the “People also ask” section. 

Alternatively, you can look at Quora or ask your social media followers . Check the blogs of people in your niche, too. Never steal article ideas, but it can help you get inspired!

But whenever you’re planning your content calendar or your next travel blog post, you should always do keyword research . Not only can it give you a ton of additional blog post ideas, but it also helps you rank higher on search engines so you can grow your traffic!

travel blog post ideas

Want to get some more inspiration, check out the best travel bloggers and influencers .

Destination Travel Blog Post Ideas

I love writing destination travel posts because they are very specific. You know exactly what the reader is looking for, and it’s usually pretty easy to find some good keywords for them. Here are some ideas:

  • Itineraries: You can create itineraries for specific destinations and show what you did on your trip. Best of all, you can make these type of travel blog posts for all types of destinations! Make a two-day itinerary for a city break, or a three-week itinerary for a specific country – let’s get creative!
  • Where to eat in [city/destination]: Another destination idea is showing your favourite restaurants, bars, and cafes. This way, you can help readers pick the best places to eat on their own trip.
  • What to eat in [destination]: Apart from sharing your favourite restaurants, you can also share what dishes are worth trying. Especially when travelling to new places, readers may not know what foods to try!
  • What souvenirs to bring home from [destination] : We all love a good keepsake, don’t we? So why not share what types of souvenirs are perfect to bring home after visiting a country or city?
  • Things to do in [city/country] : Instead of sharing a ready-made itinerary, you can also share a list of the best things to do in that country or city. That way, readers can put together their own itineraries with everything they’d like to see and do.
  • Where to stay in [city] : Picking the perfect hotel may not be an issue for an experienced traveller, but many people find it very overwhelming! That’s why you can help by curating the best hotels, Airbnb, or apartments for every destination you write about.
  • Hotel reviews : Apart from sharing a list of the best accommodation in certain cities, you can also write in-depth reviews on your hotel stays. You can write about what you liked and what you didn’t like, so readers can make an informed decision about whether they want to stay there too. 
  • Best times to visit [destination] : Some places are better to visit at certain times of the year. You may want to avoid Japan during the humid summers, for example! To help your readers, you can write about the best months/seasons to visit certain destinations. You can also add specific dates for festivals or holidays.
  • Is X days enough in [destination]? : When planning a trip, it’s hard to know how much time you need to see everything! That’s why you can write about how many days you think readers would need to spend in a city or a country. You can then also link to your itineraries!
  • Landmarks in [destination] : When putting together an itinerary, you want to make sure you include any famous landmarks. You can create a list of all the best landmarks in a destination to help your readers.
  • Best Instagram photo spots in [destination] : We all love a good Instagram post, don’t we? You can add the best photo spots of a destination in a handy guide.
  • Best honeymoon destinations : Besides writing about a specific destination, you can also create round-up posts for travel inspiration. For example, you can curate the best destinations for honeymoons or trips with your friends.
  • Packing list for [destination] : It can be tough to know what to pack if you haven’t been to a city or country before. That’s why creating a packing list can really benefit your audience – plus it’s a great way to add some affiliate links for products you love.
  • What to wear in [destination] : Similar to a packing list, it’s also good to get some outfit inspiration. Do I need to pack hiking boots? Or can I throw some dresses in my suitcase too?
  • X reasons to visit [destination]: While some people don’t need convincing, others could use a little push in the right direction. There are so many wonderful places that people may not know about, so you can give them some reasons to add it to their travel wishlist.
  • Dos and donts in [destination] : Visiting new cultures can be a little overwhelming. Another travel blog post idea is to write a guide on the best dos and donts for a specific country or city.
  • Best tours in [destination]: There are so many awesome classes and tours to pick from when travelling, which is a perfect opportunity for a travel blog post. What are the best cooking classes in Thailand? Or the best pub crawls in Budapest? There are so many options to write about!
  • Hidden gems in [destination]: Especially if you’re visiting a place for the second time, you may want to avoid the main sights. If you’re writing a lot of articles about a specific destination, it’s also a good idea to share some lesser-known spots that can add a lot of extra value to a trip.
  • Best day trips from [destination]: When staying in a city for a few days, you may also want to take some day trips to explore the vicinity. You can write a blog post about the best options. Think about other cities, national parks, or great hikes.
  • Best hikes in [destination]: Especially when writing about national parks or adventure travel, you can add some of the best hikes nearby. Which ones are worth your time, and which ones can better be avoided?

travel blog ideas

General Travel Blog Post Ideas

But not all posts have to be specifically about a country or a city – sometimes you just want to write about travel in general! And there is a lot to write about, including:

  • The best travel apps: I can’t imagine travelling without my phone, and I bet that you can’t either. Share the best apps that can help your readers on their trips. Think of Google translate, maps, apps for train times, etc.
  • How to plan a road trip : Us travel bloggers may have planned tons of road trips already, but not everybody has the same experience. Help your readers by showing them how they can easily plan their own road trip or itinerary.
  • Tips for packing a suitcase/hand luggage : Packing your suitcase or trying to fit everything in your hand luggage can be a challenge. In posts like these, you can share handy tips for making it easier.
  • Zero-waste tips for travellers : You can easily avoid creating tons of waste when travelling, and you can show your readers how with some easy tips.
  • How to travel more eco-friendly: Similar to zero-waste, there are a lot of ways to avoid harming the environment when travelling. Even though flying causes a lot of CO2, there are ways to donate to offset carbon footprint, for example.
  • Travel quotes and inspiration: When you can’t travel, it can be tough to keep the wanderlust alive. You can create travel inspiration or quote posts to fuel the travel love.
  • Best books about travelling or a specific destination: Create a list of the best books about travelling for your readers to enjoy. These can be fiction or non-fiction. You can even make it more specific and create a list of the best books about a specific destination (for example, I wrote about the best novels about Japan ). 
  • Tips for travel photography: Taking photos on your trip is a perfect way to capture your favourite memories. But how can you take the best pictures? You can share your best photography tips in these posts – maybe add in some lightroom presets?
  • How to plan a group trip : If you’ve ever travelled with a group, you know how hard it can be to keep everybody happy and plan an itinerary that fits all wishes. Help your readers plan the perfect group trip with some handy tips and tricks.
  • How to battle jetlag : Jetlags are super annoying and can ruin the first few days of your trip unless you know how to deal with them.
  • What to do when you get sick when travelling? : You can’t always avoid getting ill when travelling abroad, but it’s good to know how to deal with it.
  • How to learn a foreign language: While not technically a travel post, showing people how to learn a second/third language can be super beneficial when travelling. Locals love it when you try to order a drink in their language, and even if you mess up, it’s a good conversation starter 😉
  • How to travel with pets: Travelling with pets can be very difficult. If you have experience, you can help those who are planning to take their furry friends on holiday. You can get even more specific when writing about travelling with pets to a certain country, as rules differ greatly depending on where you’re going.
  • Finding the perfect travel insurance: Travel insurance is a must! You can compare different providers to make sure your readers find the best one. It’s also a great idea to share your own experience.
  • How to survive long flights : As much as I love travelling, long-haul flights will never be fun. What things can you do to avoid getting bored, stiff, or sick when having to deal with 10+ hour flights? You can also add some tips on what to pack in your hand luggage.

akihabara tokyo

Budget Travel Blog Ideas

While travel doesn’t have to be expensive, costs can definitely worry people. These budget travel blog post ideas can help you prepare your readers financially and help them travel on the cheap.

  • How to save money for travelling : A little more generic, but super helpful! There are so many ways to save money or make a little extra to put into your travel fund. You can get really creative here!
  • How expensive is [destination]? : Some places are more expensive than others. Especially if you haven’t been to a country or city yet, it can be tough to budget your trip. By sharing an honest guide on how expensive accommodation, food, and transport is, you can really help.
  • Budget breakdown : Another way to help your readers financially prepare for their holidays is by sharing your own budget breakdown. You can explain how much you spent on accommodation, food, transport, activities, etc.
  • How to find the cheapest hotels/flights: We all love a bargain, don’t we? And with some travel planning experience, travel bloggers sure know how to make the most of our money when it comes to booking trips.
  • Is [travel item/pass] worth it? : There are so many passes and items you can buy for your trips (think of the JR Pass, or city passes that give you access to some sights and public transport), but are they really worth it? You can share your experience so your readers can make an informed decision, and maybe even save some money!
  • How to save money while travelling: You can save money before your trips, but you there are tons of ways to cut spending while on the road. This way, you can put that money towards another holiday or add a few extra days to your current trip.
  • Best budget destinations : Travel doesn’t have to be expensive, especially if you know where to go. Share your favourite budget travel destinations with how much the average trip would cost to inspire your readers to book their next holiday.
  • Travel reward programs : You’d be surprised at how many loyalty programs there are in the travel industry. From hotels to airlines, you can save some points for free stays and discounted trips. It’s up to you to share the best ones with our audience.
  • Cheapest cameras for travel photography : You don’t have to own a bulky DSLR camera to snap some fantastic photos. There are so many budget options out there, especially with technology evolving so quickly nowadays. Curate the best budget cameras for your post, which also makes a fantastic affiliate opportunity.
  • How to get the best currency exchanges : Travelling abroad can be a hassle when you can’t pay in your own currency. So many people overpay when exchanging money at the airport (a big no-no). You can help by sharing more budget-friendly options.

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Travel Accessories

Some of the best travel blog posts ideas to generate some income are affiliate articles. By recommending services or products that you use and love, you can earn a small commission at no extra cost to your readers. They find awesome new products, you earn some money – it’s a win-win. Writing travel accessory posts are a great way of including these links.

  • Best travel shoes (for women/men/city trips/hiking) : As you can see, there are a ton of options to write these buying guides. You can get super specific to make sure you fit the user intent perfectly. If someone’s looking for “best travel shoes for women”, you can make sure to only include women’s shoes! The better it matches the intent, the higher the chances of someone buying it through your links.
  • Best backpacks/suitcases : Similar to shoes, there are so many options when it comes to backpacks and suitcases. You can review your favourites, and compare them so your readers can easily pick the one that’s best for them.
  • Best camera gear for travel photography: Bloggers usually put a huge focus on visuals, so you may know a lot about the best photography gear. Sharing that information can be super helpful for those who are new to travel photography. Think of cameras, lenses, tripods, etc.
  • Best beauty products on the road: Keeping up with skincare while travelling can be tough, so I’m sure your readers will appreciate some recommendations.
  • Travel gift guides : Not sure what to buy the travel lover in your life? These types of posts can really help! You can make these even more specific and aim them for different people. For example, the best travel gift ideas for men, women, millennials, boyfriends, wives, etc.
  • Where to go skiing this winter : You can share the best countries or ski resorts in a specific country. Alternatively, you can change this to other seasonal activities, like apple picking in Autumn.
  • Best Christmas markets in Europe : With so many Christmas markets to choose from, your readers could use some guidance in picking the best ones. You can even invite other travel bloggers to submit their favourite ones.
  • Places to see blossoms/fall foliage : These types of posts work very well for destinations that are known for their stunning scenery (like Japan). And since many people will be looking for the best spots during Spring or Autumn, 
  • Things to do in [destination] in autumn : Most destinations have completely different things to offer depending on the season. Austria is perfect for hiking in the summer, but it’s heaven for ski-lovers during the winter, for example. Maybe there are special festivals or activities you can only do in a certain season, which makes for a great read.
  • Best sunny/warm winter destinations : There are travellers that love the snow, and there are travellers that flee to warmer places. To help the latter out, you can create a guide with the best sunny and warm destinations in the winter.

the navigatio travel blog

Personal Travel Blog Posts Ideas

While SEO is all fun and games, writing your travel blog must also be fun. And connecting with your audience is equally important as constantly trying to rank on search engines. By writing some fun and personal travel blog posts along with the SEO-heavy stuff, you’ll get the best of both worlds.

  • Write about your favourite trips: While writing itineraries and tips are super useful, writing a more travel-journal style can help you connect with your audience much better. You can make a list with your top 10 trips, for example.
  • The story of your first trip: Or, you can write about your very first travel experience. How old were you? Where did you go? Did it kick off the wanderlust or did it take more than one trip?
  • Your weirdest travel experience: Every trip has a story, but some experiences deserve a full blog post!
  • Your worst travel experience: People don’t just want perfection, they want to see the real you. By sharing stories of your not-so-nice travel experiences, you can connect much better with your audience.
  • Reasons why you like travelling : Everybody has their own reasons to travel. Whether it’s to experience new cultures, to learn more about yourself, or to see certain landmarks. I’m sure your readers would love to know your reasons!
  • Your experience studying/working/volunteering abroad: There are so many awesome blog posts opportunities you can write if you’ve ever moved abroad for work, school, or volunteering. You can write stories about your experience and give tips to people who want to follow in your footsteps.
  • Why you started your blog : Some other travel blog ideas could involve your website. Write about why you started your site and what your goals are for it.
  • Your blogging progress: Apart from telling your readers why you started, it’s a great idea to keep them in the loop of your progress. People love to follow blogging journeys, to watch your website grow into a thriving business. My friends Alex and Lisa from Career Gappers do a fantastic job at quarterly updates – I love reading them!
  • Your travel bucket list: You’re already sharing all the places you’ve been to, so why not make a travel blog post about your travel wishlist? Where do you still want to go and why? When are you planning to go, if you have any plans?
  • Your travel accessories/equipment: Another thing your audience may love to read is what items are essential for your trips. What camera do you use? What’s your go-to suitcase? What is in your hand luggage?
  • List your favourite travel blogs or Instagram accounts: One thing I love about travel blogging is the community. So why not hype up some of your blogging friends and inspirations? List your favourite blogs or Instagram accounts and share the love!
  • Things you learned from travelling: Travelling is a privilege. It teaches you so much about the world and about yourself. You can write a blog post about all the things travelling has taught you. Maybe you can even add what places inspired you most.
  • Mistakes you made while travelling: Nobody’s perfect and sharing your vulnerable side can help you connect with your audience. It’s always good to see that you’re not the only one making mistakes. Plus, sharing your travel mistakes can help others avoid them in the future.
  • Best/worst/weirdest things you’ve eaten on your trips: Food and travelling go hand-in-hand. Different cultures and countries offer different dishes and snacks. It’s always fun to read about awesome or weird dishes from across the globe, so it may make for a good story for your blog.
  • Travel guides about your hometown/place you live: The best travel tips always come from the people who know the city inside-out. So if you live in an exciting place, why not make the most out of it! By writing many articles about one place, you also create an authority on it – perfect for SEO!

travel blog post ideas

Best Tools For Travel Bloggers

When I started The Navigatio, I wish I’d known more about how to run a travel blog and SEO. But you live and you learn – plus, you gotta start somewhere! Here are some of the tools I wish I’d known about sooner:

  • Keysearch : The best investment I made in terms of SEO is getting a subscription to Keysearch. With this tool, you can find the best keywords that your site can rank for – plus, it gives you a ton of keyword ideas that you can write articles around. Keysearch normally costs $17/month, but you can get a 20% discount using the code “KSDISC“ with this link . Or ready my Keysearch review .
  • Going self-hosted with LyricalHost: When you want to grow your blog and turn it into a (side) business, you should go self-hosted. Ever since changing my host to LyricalHost, my website has been much faster! It’s one of the more affordable options and they have a fantastic support team. You can get 10% off your first year with code “NAVIGATIO10” . Check it out here . Or read my Lyrical Host review first.
  • Blogging Fast Lane course: There are a lot of things that come with creating a blogging business, so why not learn from the people who are already very successful? They definitely know how to do it! After seeing some success by doing everything on my own, I decided that I needed some more guidance from people who knew more than me. I bought the Blogging Fast Lane course and it completely transformed my blog. While I already knew some SEO, this course really taught me how to utilize affiliate marketing and email marketing. It changed the game! Make sure you read my review , or sign up for their free webinar .

Conclusion: Best Travel Blog Post Ideas

I hope this article gave you some ideas on what post to write next! I’d also love to read any of your new posts, so make sure to leave a link in the comments below. Remember that your blog is yours, and you can do whatever you want with it. There is no need to focus on SEO if that’s not your jam – or if you want to only photos from your trips, that’s fine too 🙂 These are just some ideas to get you started!

Good luck and happy blogging!

Save for later…

travel blog post ideas

Nele (Nay-la) graduated from Manchester Metropolitan University with an English and Creative Writing Degree and has lived in the UK for nearly 10 years. She has had an interest in Japan and its culture for as long as she can remember. Since her first trip in 2018 surpassed all expectations, she has continued to return to Japan to explore more of all it has got to offer. You can read her full story here .

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4 thoughts on “70 Awesome Travel Blog Post Ideas To Boost Your Blog”

Wow, great suggestions! Thank you very much for this great blog

One of the most useful articles I’ve ever read <3

As a different travel blogger, I understand the difficulty in coming up with content. Your advice and post concepts are priceless. Thanks!

Thank you for sharing this post, that’s the most useful articles I’ve ever read, love it

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Our Ultimate List: 101 Travel Blog Post Ideas

travel article ideas

Many variables can weigh on the mind of a traveler. Whether they are a frequent flyer who travels regularly or a family moving across the country, any small bit of helpful knowledge could potentially save people time, effort, worry, and maybe even their life.

This is why blogging is an integral aspect of traveling no matter if the intent is business, pleasure, or somewhere in between. Travel agencies, transit users, backpackers, traveling executives, and even vacationers all have specific blog needs that need to be met; maybe your blog is the one to meet them?

However, if you happen to be on the road or traveling abroad, you may have a difficult time keeping up with your blog. Let’s face it, blogging can be stressful all on its own. It’s a time-consuming endeavor even when we supply ample topic suggestions . If you ever need a hand with yours, simply ask us about our blog writing services ! Just so you can rest easy knowing that your blog is being tended to with great care, head over and check out our blog here at The Content Panel.

In the meantime, if the weight of your blog hasn’t slowed you down too much, feel free to utilize our travel blog topic suggestions!

travel article ideas

  • Top Vacation Destinations For Families/Couples/Individuals/Students

Make them relevant for the current year and be sure that the places are sufficient for the corresponding demographic. I.e, You don’t want to suggest Amsterdam as a top family vacation destination.

  • Luggage Tetris

Give the best advice on being spatially conservative. The military has much to say regarding this topic and it’s all helpful knowledge. Grant your readers the ability to pack everything they’ll need with room to spare.

  • Saving To Plan

Suggest a few of the best ways to save money for a trip. This could be as simple as saving pocket change or as intensive as not driving your car and changing the purpose of your fuel budget. There are a million money-saving tips. Just relate them to travel!

  • Finding Cheap Flights

Saving even a little money on flight tickets could be a huge relief for some people. Advise those who aren’t sure about how to acquire the best deals on flights. This may include a section about seasonal travel.

  • Kicking & Screaming

Help your readers who have children by letting them know some of the best tips for traveling with kids of varying ages. Unlike a teen, a baby will not understand the pressure differential causing them discomfort while flying. Explain such things.

  • Tasty Restaurant Locations

This could be “The Best In (Insert City),” or “Restaurants Worth Traveling For.” It’s ultimately up to you, but the possibilities are relatively endless.

  • One-Tank Trips

Usually based on a specific geographical location such as in a single state. Tell your readers about locations they may visit that are within the reach of a single tank of gas (two at most).

  • Round-The-World

How does a person plan a trip around the world? Where do you even begin? How do you choose destinations or plan for costs? How do you work out the currency exchange from border to border? All of this will need answers, and your readers will be grateful.

  • Location-Specific Travel Guides

Pick a destination that people love, and build a travel guide for it. These guides are much better when the writer has been to the destination. In other words, you’ll do better if it’s a place you’ve been and have experience with.

  • The Essentials

Some things are better left at home. Make a list of the must-have items to keep in your bag, and maybe a list of the essential things to leave out. Some people don’t realize that the entire bathroom doesn’t have to go with them.

  • Avoidable Mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes, but mistakes made while traveling can cost someone money, time, and even their life. List a few of the most common mistakes travelers tend to make and explain how to avoid them.

  • Vehicle Inspection

Some have never been on a lengthy road trip and don’t know to check certain things in their car beforehand. Explain to check fluids, tire pressures, etc. Having an emergency bag on board is also a good tip.

  • Theme Parks Around The World

Just as it sounds. The Disney parks would be some obvious ones but there are so many more that people have never heard of. List some of the most acclaimed.

  • Endurance Travelling

This one will entail tips on how to stay sane during long road trips or long flights. You could suggest books or puzzle games. Just allow the readers to know there are ways to pass time.

  • Travel Insurance

Not always a common topic even though it should be. Explain to your readers the significance of having travel insurance, and what it may save them in the long run.

  • World’s Best Beaches

Always a show-stopper! People love the ocean and most of us plan to be there at some point. Give the readers some insight into the best beach locations worldwide.

  • Travel Tips/ Hacks

Suggest some of the best travel tips that you’ve personally utilized and found invaluable. Inquire to your audience if they have any of their own to get a dialogue going.

  • Preferred Lodging

The best hotels in any given category. I.e, best price, best luxury, best service, closest to the beach, etc. There are a lot of niche hotels and those could be winners here as well.

  • If Money Wasn’t A Variable

Discuss the ideal vacation if you could spare no expense. Ask your readers to chime in as well. Best of the best luxury everything.

  • Unexpected Expense

Explain that sometimes things happen which is why we plan and have extra money put aside for such things. Also, give the readers insight into how to avoid some of the more common blunders.

  • Rewards For Travel

Many people use credit cards every day unaware that if they were using specific ones they might be gaining benefits to use for travel. Tell them about travel rewards credit cards.

  • Security Checks

With everything in recent history that has happened, airport security has increased as expected. Detail some of the items that aren’t accepted on flights, I.e anything in an opened bottle, etc.

  • Airport Etiquette

To make the fast-paced urgency of the airport atmosphere less stressful, certain things keep a smooth operation going. Allow your readers to know a few of them.

  • Cell Service Abroad

You may notice that your cell phone stops working or that you’re roaming while abroad. This can cause serious problems for some. Give them some options for taking care of this.

  • Working Abroad

How does a job in travel sound? Great, right? Let your readers know that this is a real possibility and that there are ways to achieve this. List a few of the most common ways to get paid to travel.

travel article ideas

  • Summer Hot-Spots

List some of the most popular summer getaways, and give the details about why they are in that category. You may add some less-popular options for people who would rather be away from the hustle and bustle.

  • Save Money On The Road

Advice on ways to save money while traveling domestically. This could include anything from changing spark plugs which adds gas mileage, to packing food before you leave to avoid meal expenses.

  • Planes, Trains, & Automobiles

Sometimes it’s hard to decide whether to fly, drive, or take transit buses. Busing saves money compared to driving but both are less safe than flying by a large margin. Discuss the pros and cons of each.

  • National Parks

There are 423 national parks in the United States. These are each individually an opportunity to experience the majesty of nature while spending quality time with friends and family. Let your readers know more about them.

  • Cost-Free Attractions

Will likely be area-specific. Suggest things to do in your area that are completely free of charge. Local events, hiking, swimming, geocaching are all good options.

  • “Back In My Day”

It’s a well-known fact that people find intrigue in knowing that things weren’t always as they are now. Give the readers some historic knowledge regarding some popular spots that they may have seen. Include before and after photos.

  • Invaluable Travel Apps

Just as it sounds. Suggest your personal favorites if you’ve found any to be more useful than the rest. Anything from travel agency apps to GPS and currency calculators can be a good fit.

  • Winter Travel Destinations

Not everyone loves the beach and hot weather. Some folks just like to curl up next to a fire with their loved ones and share laughs. Some others love to speed down incredibly dangerous slopes at bone-shattering speeds. Suggest places for such things.

  • Basic Car Maintenance

Another one that could save lives. Include a part about how to change a tire. You might also include how to check fluids, and change bulbs, etc.

  • Honeymoon Destinations

There are a lot of these, so it should be relatively simple to select a few to talk about. If you’ve been there then you have more genuineness to pull from.

  • Cruise Planning

Give details about the best ways to go about planning a cruise vacation. This is more common to do than many people think. Give luggage tips, cruiseliner suggestions, etc.

  • Bucket-List Destinations

List those places that everyone would like to go to before they boot the bucket. Some more obvious ones are Hawaii, Paris, Egypt, The Great Wall, etc.

  • Top Destinations To Avoid

It sounds like an odd topic, but it’s an incredibly useful one. For instance, Brazil may sound like a great vacation spot; it’s cheap, beautiful, and rich with culture. It also has one of the highest violent crime rates in the world.

  • Secure The Homestead

Tips on what to do before leaving for vacation. Things such as letting the neighbors know, keeping some lights on, turning the house phone ringer volume down, locking windows and doors, etc.

  • Underrated Locations

If you have been to any feel free to use them here. There are many of them. Ask your readers for their input as they may have some of their own.

  • Passports: How & Why

Some people have no idea where to go to get them, or why they even need them, to begin with. Explain the reasons why they are essential, and explain the importance of not losing them!

  • First Time?

Alleviate some of the concerns a newbie might have while traveling for the first time. These are numerous and diverse so you may want to inquire to your readers about any they have.

  • Suitcase Review

Choose some of the most popular suitcases and give them a thorough review. This will be much more appreciated by your readers if you review them (though this could be an expensive review).

  • Destination Fun-Facts

Choose a place then list as many interesting facts or statistics as you can find. Some places will have more than others but do your best.

Post some of your favorite souvenirs that you’ve collected and tell their stories. Invite the readers to do the same.

List a few places from popular movies that you can see in person. As an example, Jurassic Park is in Oahu, Hawaii.

  • Tramping Essentials

Though not as common as it once was “tramping,” which is cross-country hiking, can be a life or death undertaking. List some of the things you’ll never want to be on the road without. Remember, these people always want to travel as light as possible.

  • Invaluable Travel Gear

Have you ever used a travel pillow that changed your life? There are pieces of gear that simply need to be talked about. This is the place for that.

  • Language Learning Tips

These will differ from language to language, but some tips can help those learning a language that isn’t their native tongue. Help the readers who need the information.

  • Photo Journal

These are especially popular if you travel a lot. It’s fun to see what people are experiencing while abroad. Allow the readers this opportunity.

travel article ideas

50 More Travel Blog Post Ideas

  • Luggage Or Carry-On?
  • Best Photo Locations
  • What Travelling Has Taught You
  • Solo Travel Tips
  • Packing List For Specific Destinations
  • Must-See Side-Quests
  • The Best Books For Long Trips
  • Top Travel Agencies
  • Business Trip Tips
  • The Importance Of Punctuality
  • Best Travel Memories
  • Jetlag: How It’s A Thing
  • What To Expect While On A Plane
  • Eco, Eco+, Business, First: Choosing Cabin Class
  • Carry-On Only Packing Tips
  • Best Transit For Longer Trips
  • Passenger Train Experience
  • Movers’ Need-To-Know’s
  • Pandemic Life: How It Changed Travel
  • Top Nightlife Locations
  • Travel With Pets
  • Respectful, Responsible Tourism
  • Homesickness: How To Cope
  • How To Stay Fit On The Road
  • Most Interesting Person You’ve Ever Met While Travelling
  • Travel Quotes
  • Statistics: Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid To Fly
  • Travelling History: The Great Explorers & More
  • Small-Town Travel: Destinations Unknown
  • Events Around The World
  • Getting Sick While Abroad
  • Big “NO’s” In 3rd World Territory
  • Camping Knowledge You’d Die Without
  • Best Travel Blogs (Not Including Yours)
  • Best International Foods
  • Round-The-World On A Budget
  • The Importance Of Knowing Local Laws
  • Dressing For The Future
  • “Are We There Yet?”: Keeping Kids Entertained On Road Trips
  • Best Methods For Sleeping
  • Common Scams To Look Out For While Travelling
  • Travelers Gift Guide
  • Budget Destinations
  • Top Fishing Destinations
  • RV Travel: What To Expect
  • Inclement Weather
  • I Lost My Passport… What Now?
  • Mile-High Club? Yes, Or No?
  • Favorite Airline Companies
  • Destress Methods While Travelling

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John Townsend

Hi, I'm John! I'm a father, a writer, a marketer, and i'm the lead campaign manager at The Content Panel. When i'm not playing superdad with my kids I'm either at the office, lost in a good book, or out training for my first marathon!

38 of the Best Travel Content Ideas for Travel Bloggers

38 of the Best Travel Content Ideas for Travel Bloggers


It's no secret that travel blogging is one of the most popular types of digital content. So if you're starting a new blog, or are looking for fresh ideas to refresh your current ones, these 38 tips will help you find inspiration and stay ahead in today's competitive market.

Are You Ready to Take Your SEO Content to the Next Level?

Travel blog topic ideas: travel trip planning, 1. what to pack.

Preparing for a trip is an exciting process. You may do all the necessary things as buying tickets and booking a hotel, but forget to pack travel essentials.

Thus, you may help travelers save time on planning and give them a list of items to carry on.

2. Travel Insurance Options

There are several reasons why you should purchase travel insurance before your next trip. Travel insurance can protect you from potential problems that could occur while away from home, including lost luggage, canceled flights, and medical emergencies.

So, you can guide your readers through this important decision and help them select the best insurance provider.

3. How to Save Money For the Upcoming Trip

Every traveler tries to get the best experience out of their budget. So, you can advise readers to smartly and strategically distribute their resources.

4. Comparing Cities

There are a few ways to compare cities. You can do it by population, size, diversity, culture, history, climate, and geography.

5. Buying Cheap Flight Tickets

Here you can share some expert tips on finding cheap flights like Google Flights or Skyscanner. Another is to look for flight deals on websites - Scott’s Cheap Flights or The Flight Deal and sign up for airline newsletters, as they sometimes offer exclusive discounts to their subscribers.

6. How to Pack the Suitcase for

Regarding packing for a trip, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, think about what you need and make a list. It will help you stay organized and avoid packing too much or forgetting something important.

7. How to Survive a Jet Lag

Jet lag is a condition that causes fatigue, insomnia, and other symptoms as a result of traveling across time zones.

Provide ways to avoid jet lag - getting plenty of rest before trips, avoiding alcohol, drinking fluids, and adjusting your sleep schedule gradually before the trip.

Travel Blog Topic Ideas: Transportation

8. what to do on a long rides/flights.

No matter how long your bus ride or the travel is, there are a few things you can do to prepare for it - Bring along a book or magazine to read or download some movies or TV shows onto your laptop or tablet. If you get motion sickness, it might be helpful to bring along something like ginger candy or wristbands that help with nausea.

So, you can deliver tips for making those long rides or flights enjoyable.

9. How to Sleep During Long Rides/Flights

Many people deal with sleep problems during road trips, flights, etc. Thus, your audience may share the same pain point that can help solve.

10. The Cheapest Route to

We all know that feeling of dread when we open our wallets and see how little money is left after paying for necessities like food and shelter. But what if you told your audience there are ways to travel on a tight budget?

You can win the hearts of your customers through valuable and money-saving content.

Travel Blog Topic Ideas: Travel Tips

Do's and don'ts in.

Do's and don'ts provide a fast and scalable way to acquire all the necessary information and be equipped with the knowledge to avoid inconveniences and enjoy travel to its fullest.

11. Top Destination for - Families, Couples, Kids, and Students

If you have a travel blog, you may have a diverse audience with multiple interests. They may look for the ideal destinations for families, couples, kids, solo, etc.

12. X Reasons Why You Should Visit

Convince your readers why the specific destination is worth visiting and highlight all the necessary details that make that place the best option for travelers.

13. Location-Specific Cultural Elements to Be Aware Of

When traveling to a new place, it is crucial to know the local customs. It includes everything from how to greet someone, what gifts are appropriate, and even how to dress.

14. Where and What to Eat In [Country]

When traveling to countries, you may not know what foods and where to try them. So, travelers don't want to waste time and money on random places - they typically research the most recommended restaurants and dishes.

15. What Gifts to Bring Back for Friends

Deciding what gifts to bring back for your friends is tough. You want to find something unique and memorable. But without local tips, you may never succeed.

16. The Best Neighborhoods to Stay in

Many find it overwhelming to pick places to stay. So, be there for your audience and help them solve this problem.

17. Free Things to Do in

Travelers can have exciting days in any city without spending a single penny. So, Your readers will enjoy the article sharing the best free activities around a specific site.

18. What Not to Eat

There are foods that you should avoid, as they can pose a health risk. These include unpasteurized dairy products, raw meat and fish, and certain fruits and vegetables.

19. The Best Currency Exchange in [Country]

When looking for currency exchange, find one offering the best rate and has a good reputation. Therefore, you should explain a few things to look for when choosing a currency exchange:

Travel Blog Topic Ideas: Niche-Blogs

20. things to do alone.

Solo travel has become increasingly popular recently as more people choose to explore the world alone. There are many reasons why people choose to travel solo, including the opportunity to learn more about themselves, meet new people, and experience different cultures.

You can attract this traveler segment with your expert recommendations.

21. Things to Do with Kids

There are plenty of activities to keep kids entertained while traveling. Many attractions offer kid-friendly options, such as child-sized rides, scavenger hunts, and interactive exhibits. Traveling with kids can also be an opportunity to bond and create lasting memories. To make the most of their trip, include some activities everyone can enjoy together.

22. Pet-Friendly Restaurants/Hotels

Looking for a pet-friendly place while traveling can be challenging. But with research, you can find plenty of options that will welcome your furry friend. In this blog post, we'll share some tips on finding pet-friendly hotels as well as our top picks for :

23. The Best Places to Take Pictures for Social Media

Finding the right locations is a half job done for great photos for your social media account. Thus, your readers will enjoy your blog post about the best places for taking beautiful and memorable pictures.

24. Best Travel Backpacks

Backpacks are a must-have attribute for any travel type, and the market for the product is packed.

Often, buyers are dazzled with multiple options and can not make the best decision.

Hence, it is an opportunity for you to attract qualified leads to your webpage.

25. Best Camera for Photography

Traveling in some countries may be a lifetime opportunity, so people often look for the best camera options to capture their happiest moments.

26. Travel Tips for Introverts

An introvert prefers to spend time alone or in small groups rather than in large crowds. They tend to be more thoughtful and introspective than extroverts, and often enjoy activities such as reading, writing, or spending time in nature.

So, this kind of blog will be practical and impressive to that segment.

27. Travel Tips for First-Time Travelers

When you pack for the first tip, you should remember and plan plenty of things:

  • Health and Safety
  • Documentation
  • Destinations

This topic is filled with multiple issues you can build the whole guide around.

28. Things to Do in Winter/Summer/Fall/Spring in

There are a variety of activities that one can do in winter, summer, fall, and spring Locations. One can go skiing or snowboarding in the winter, hiking, and camping in the summer, enjoy the leaves changing color in the fall, or go for a nature walk in the spring. There are also a variety of accommodations available in each season, from hotels to Airbnbs.

This information may attract lots of traffic to your website seasonally.

Travel Blog Topic Ideas: Entertainment

Clubs are widespread as humans have an innate pleasure of dance, and it helps you easily socialize with others and have one of the most memorable nights from your trip.

So, it is a good idea to list the best clubs with great music and the environment.

30. Festivals

A festival is a unique event that is usually held annually. It is often religious or cultural, and people typically attend festivals to celebrate or commemorate something important.

31. Museums

Museums often showcase the past and the life that has been alive in other times and places. Tourists visit at least a single museum to see the artifacts, clothing, and attributes that were common during those periods.

32. Amusement Parks

Lots of rides, games, and fun awaits everyone visiting amusement parks. So, it is a commonly visited place among travelers, and the topic is worth enough to add to your content arsenal.

Travel Blog Topic Ideas: Personal

33. lessons/fails i learned during the trip in.

Personal failures can be some of the most challenging and frustrating experiences in life. No one wants to fail, but everyone does at some point.

But, you can share personal failures with your audience to help them learn from your mistakes and have an easy time during their location.

34. Travel Quotes

When you're writing about travel, quotes can be a great way to add depth and dimension to your stories. They can provide insight into the culture, history, or people you're writing about, and help bring your readers into the experience.

35. Meeting New Friends

Socializing in a different culture is a trip experience in itself. But, you can share your personal experiences and hacks with your audience to help them meet new faces.

36. Inspiring Travel Stories

A travel blog is a great way to share your personal experiences with others and inspire them to explore new places and cultures.

People love reading about other travel experiences. Thus, you can provide valuable information and inspiration to others.

37. Educational Tours

Travel is all about receiving new knowledge and experiences from other cultures. Hence, Educational tours are field trips popular among people and designed to teach tourists about a specific subject or topic.

38. How I Survived in [Country] for 15 USD/daily

Here you can build a great personal story full of challenges and create an engaging article that could draw the reader's eyeballs.

No matter what your travel niche may be, this list of travel content ideas should give you some inspiration for your next blog post.

If you are feeling stuck or overwhelmed and need some help with travel content writing, our handpicked travel writers will help you create high-quality, engaging travel content that will take your blog to the next level.

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138 Travel Blog Post Ideas You Need to Cover in Your Blog

Ankit Singla Master Blogging

Written by Ankit Singla


Last Updated on:

by Ankit Singla

Okay — you’re here because you’re out of fresh travel blog ideas.

In case you didn’t know, I provided 19 different travel blog topics in an  earlier post .

That should supply your travel blog with content ideas for weeks. 

With this post, let’s keep those juicy travel blog post ideas coming. 

How to Use This List

Just a simple reminder before we get started.

What you’ll find here are travel blog content ideas that I’ve personally seen from bloggers worldwide. Also included are great blog title ideas for travel websites — three for each topic.

These titles are unique since I wrote them myself. However, it’s probably best if you modify them by switching up words or adding new keywords. 

I also recommend checking out the  CoSchedule Headline Analyzer   to optimize your title for clicks and SEO. 

CoSchedule Headline Analyzer

With those things out of the way,   let’s get going . 

Best Travel Blog Post Ideas

Here are the best travel blog post ideas you can write about on your blog.

1. Off-the-beaten-path travel spots

You can cover more unique, off-the-road travel routes and destinations on your blog to make it stand out. 

Post title suggestions:

  • #  off-the-road travel destinations you should try when you’re in (destination)
  • I discovered this cool off-the-beaten-path spot during my visit to (destination)
  • Think you know (destination)? Here are  #  hidden spots that’ll make you think twice

2. Luxury travel

A lot of people look for travel tips on a budget — and that’s perfectly understandable. But what about those who have the moola for more luxurious trips?

  • Luxury travel planning guide:  #  tips for serious travelers
  • Top  #  five-star hotels to visit in your next trip to (destination)
  • Flying to (destination)? Here are the top  #  luxury hotels to stay in

3. Work abroad

When thinking of what to write about in a travel blog, just remember that some people want to work abroad. In fact, a lot of travel bloggers funded their early travels by taking on jobs in countries they’ve visited.

  • Want to be a digital nomad? Think about the idea of working abroad first
  • A travel blogger’s handbook to working abroad
  • How to make money traveling with these travel jobs

4. Wildlife

A handful of travel bloggers make their dent in the industry by highlighting a destination’s wildlife. 

  • A traveler’s guide to (species) in (destination)
  • Best spots to see (species) in (destination)
  • Swimming with (water species) in (destination): told in pictures

5. Solo travel for women

A lot of female travel bloggers share advice for women who wish to travel alone. Doing the same would be better if you can compile a list of tips based on your experiences. 

  • Top  #  destinations for solo female travelers
  • Going solo?  #  travel tips every woman should remember
  • Solo female travel tips when going to (destination)

6. Travel safety

Every traveler — not just women — needs to pay attention to travel safety. 

  • #  travel safety tips every traveler should know
  • How to stay safe in (destination):  #  travel safety tips to live by
  • The essential travel safety guide for traveling to high-risk countries

7. Local delicacies and exotic food

You can’t call yourself a serious traveler if you don’t, at the very least, consider trying out local delicacies. 

  • #  local delicacies to try in (destination)
  • So, I tried the (local delicacy) from (destination) — TL;DR: it was amazing
  • #  reasons why you should try (local delicacy) and why I love it

8. Travel fashion

Let’s face it, you need to make yourself look presentable if you want to take travel selfies. Wearing stylish outfits will also make it easier to socialize with other people in foreign countries.

  • How to travel light and look fashionable: a guide for travel bloggers
  • #  fashion tips for jet-setters
  • #  travel fashion tips to be comfy on the road

9. Travel photography apps

Not everyone’s packing a professional camera — see to it that everyone else can take Instagrammable photos with the right apps.

  • Top  #  photography apps you can use on your phone
  • How to level-up your smartphone photography with these  #  handy apps
  • Best mobile apps for DIY travel photography

10. Local sports

If you’re traveling to a destination with a popular local sport, consider writing about it to show readers something new. 

  • I tried playing (local sport) in (destination), see what happened
  • #  things I wish I knew about (local sport) before purchasing a ticket
  • Top  #  reasons why visiting sporting events should be a part of your travel plans

11. Local celebrities

If you have a large enough influence, you can try interviewing famous people in your destination.

  • Having lunch with (celebrity name)
  • I attended (celebrity name)’s event in (destination): here’s what I learned
  • #  things you didn’t know about (celebrity name) that will blow your mind

12. Getting press trips

If your readers think about starting a travel blog themselves, you might want to share some tips on press trips. These are basically sponsored trips by an establishment, city, or any organization who needs positive press.

  • How to get press trip proposals as a blogger or social media influencer
  • Travel for free? Here’s how to make it happen with press trips
  • #  things to do to get your first press trip opportunity

13. Terrifying travel experiences

Every travel blogger has loads of stuff to say about their positive travel experiences. Then, there are bloggers like Lauren Juliff of  Never Ending Footsteps   who also shares her not-so-fun moments.

  • The story of how I got stranded in (destination)
  • I was scammed in (destination): here’s how you can avoid my mistakes
  • So… I broke my (body part) in (destination): the road to recovery

14. Long-distance relationships

A lot of travelers have to deal with the troubles of a long-distance relationship.

  • #  golden rules that will make your long-distance relationship last
  • A digital nomad’s guide to long-distance relationships
  • How to keep your long-distance relationship strong while you’re abroad

15. Local nightlife

When it comes to travel, there are different strokes for different folks. And some folks enjoy the local nightlife whenever they’re in a new location.

  • A traveler’s guide to the (destination) nightlife
  • #  nightlife destinations in (destination)
  • Top  #  cities with the best nightlife in (destination)

16. Other travel bloggers

As a travel blogger, you do have the right to share your opinions about the best travel blogs. Hopefully, you have a lot of positive things to say about them. 

  • Top  #  travel bloggers in (destination)
  • Hot off the press: my interview with (travel blogger)
  • #  travel bloggers to follow about (travel blog topic)

17. Traveling with pets

Yes — traveling with pets is possible. It’s not your usual travel blog content, but there are websites that talk about them.

  • How to travel with your beloved pet: a step-by-step guide
  • #  tips on traveling with your pet for the first time
  • Everything you need to know about traveling with pets

18. What you do when you’re not traveling

You may have a travel blog, but there are other things worth sharing with your audience other than travel-related stuff. 

  • Not going anywhere? Here are  #  things I do when I’m not on the go
  • #  things to do when you’re stuck at home
  • How to deal with a serious case of wanderlust when you have nowhere to go

19. Step-by-step travel guides

Describing a destination and your experiences are one thing, crafting a comprehensive travel guide to that destination is another.

  • How to plan the perfect weekend to (destination)
  • The ultimate (destination) travel guide for first-timers
  • Traveling to (destination) in (date): A step-by-step guide 

20. Airlines and booking

While there are travel blogs dedicated to the airline industry, traveling by plane involves loads of content topics to discuss. 

  • The traveler’s advanced guide to frequent flyer miles
  • My experience with the (airline company)
  • How to maximize your frequent flyer miles with these tools and hacks

21. Traveling by train

Apart from flying, traveling by train can also be a source of good travel blog ideas.

  • An uninitiated’s guide to traveling in the USA via trains 
  • How to make the most out of your first train ride
  • #  overnight train trips you should try going to (destination)

22. Family travel

Traveling with your family is a whole different experience from traveling alone. 

  • Family vacation ideas in (destination)
  • How to plan the perfect family vacation
  • My top  #  favorite family travel destinations in (year)

23. Travel credit cards

Aspiring travelers will definitely appreciate it if you can shed some light on the best travel credit cards available. 

  • #  questions you need to ask before choosing a travel credit card
  • These are the best travel credit cards in (year)
  • Top  #  travel rewards credit cards you should take a look at

24. Your travel blog marketing strategies

Do you also write about travel blogging and how readers can follow your footsteps? You may want to share a thing or two about your go-to blog marketing strategies.

  • How to promote your travel blog content in  #  easy steps
  • Travel bloggers: here’s how to leverage the power of social media to boost your traffic
  • Top  #  email marketing services for travel blogs

25. Your travel blog headquarters

A lot of established travel bloggers have a main base of operations somewhere. Your loyal readers may be interested in learning about it. 

  • An exclusive tour of our (location) HQ
  • #  workplace tips to boost your productivity (that we do ourselves)
  • Here’s what the (your brand) team does in our spare time

26. Responsible tourism

Responsible tourism stems from the idea that travelers need to make a positive impact on the environment.

  • Everything you need to know about responsible tourism
  • How to be a responsible tourist:  #  travel rules to live by
  • A beginner’s guide to responsible tourism

27. Tour company reviews

Want to recommend a tour company to your readers? Then, by all means, do so.

  • My review of (tour company) 
  • I chose (tour company) on my trip to (destination): here’s what happened
  • Top  #  tour companies to consider when visiting (destination)

28. Overcoming travel anxiety

Sometimes, a traveler at heart needs to break through a barrier of anxiety to embark on their first adventure.

  • How to overcome travel anxiety and live the life you deserve
  • #  tips on overcoming travel anxiety
  • #  things that helped me overcome travel anxiety: my story

29. Digital nomadism

Ever feel like traveling forever with no permanent place of residence? That’s what digital nomads do — and there’s definitely a lot to love about their lifestyle. 

  • #  pros and cons of digital nomadism
  • Are you ready to be a digital nomad? Ask yourself these  #  questions first
  • #  steps you need to take to be a digital nomad in (year)

30. Traveling by sea

There are a few popular blogs that talk about sea travel. If you’re well-versed in the topic, feel free to chip in your thoughts.

  • Sea travel 101: how to travel across the globe via cargo ship
  • I took a cargo ship to (destination) for the first time: read about my experience
  • #  most memorable cruises I took from (year) to (year)

31. Travel software

When you hear the word “travel gear,” you probably think about bags, outfits, accessories, and outdoor sports equipment. Allow me to introduce you to a potential goldmine of topic ideas: travel apps and software. 

  • #  travel apps that I couldn’t live without after trying them
  • My review of (travel app) and tips for beginners
  • These are the best travel planning apps you can get your hands on

32. Driving around a specific destination

Sometimes, all readers want are tips and advice for their next road trip experience.

  • #  driving tips for long rides to (destination)
  • #  ways to make your next long drive to (destination) more fun
  • Driving to (destination)? Here’s how to make the most out of your trip

33. Extreme sports

A lot of travel blogs focus on extreme outdoor sports for adrenaline junkies. There’s no reason not to talk about these activities if you’ve done them yourself. 

  • #  high-adrenaline activities you can try in (destination)
  • Top  #  destinations in (destination) for extreme sports
  • The ultimate list of extreme outdoor sports to try in (year)

34. National parks 

National parks serve as reminders that we, as humans, are responsible for the protection and conservation of our planet. They’re always worth talking about in any travel blog. 

  • Top  #  national parks to add to your travel bucket list
  • I visited the (national park name) national park and reasons why you should too
  • The story of my visit to the (national park name): told through pictures

35. Traveling as a retiree

Believe it or not, a lot of people wait for their retirement before they go on adventures.

  • #  reasons you should travel your retirement years away
  • #  destinations to visit as a retiree traveler
  • Better late than never:  #  essential travel tips from and for retirees

36. Volunteering abroad

You can help travelers around the world make a difference by discussing volunteering opportunities. 

  • #  top   websites to look for volunteering opportunities
  • Why everyone should consider traveling to volunteer
  • My first volunteering experience in (destination) with (volunteer event name)

37. Your favorite travel books

A lot of full-time travel bloggers started their careers drawing inspiration from travel books. Share your favorites with your readers to inspire the traveler in them as well. 

  • My top  #  travel books of all time: I still read #1 to this day
  • How the (travel book name) changed my life
  • #  takeaways from the (travel book name) by (author)

38. Travel goals

Every successful travel experience started with a plan. Help readers experience the same by teaching them how to set travel goals.

  • How to properly set travel goals in your (age bracket)
  • #  resources that will help you plan your travel goals like a champ
  • #  travel goals I wish to accomplish this (date)

39. Becoming an expat

An expat is someone who permanently moved from their native country to another. It’s not an easy decision, which is why travel bloggers are particularly detailed when discussing this topic.

  • Read this before you become an expat:  #  mistakes to avoid at all costs
  • How to be an expat: a comprehensive guide for the clueless
  • #  tips on looking for a job as an expat

40. Studying abroad

For a lot of people, studying abroad is their first-ever travel experience. You can help your readers make the most out of it by giving advice and sharing resources. 

  • How and why studying abroad is a good idea
  • How to study abroad: everything you need to know and do
  • Studying abroad: how to do it and my personal experiences

41. Your most memorable travel experiences

When traveling, you never know when the next life-changing moment will occur. Document them on your blog to make sure the lessons remain forever.

  • My unforgettable experiences in (destination)
  • Recalling my most unforgettable experience traveling in (destination)
  • #  unforgettable experiences in my (years) of traveling

42. Staying fit on the road

Staying fit on the road is as hard as it sounds. People need actionable advice from travel bloggers like you — assuming you’re knowledgeable in fitness yourself. 

  • #  simple exercises that will help you stay fit on the road
  • #  quick and easy exercises you can do without equipment
  • How to become a food travel blogger without worrying about weight gain

43. Dealing with homesickness

Everyone feels a little homesick at some point, but travelers have to deal with it constantly. 

  • #  surefire ways to reduce homesickness while working abroad
  • #  things I do on trips when I’m missing home
  • How to deal with homesickness as a travel blogger

44. Best photo spots in a location

In the age of social media, traveling is getting synonymous to “looking for a brilliant photo spot.”  

  • Top  #  photo spots to check out whenever you’re in (destination)
  • How to find Instagram-worthy photo spots wherever you are
  • #  best undiscovered photo spots in (destination)

45. Seasonal destinations

Want a quick spike in your blog traffic? Consider writing about seasonal destinations at the right time. 

  • #  (destination) beaches you need to visit this summer
  • A beginner’s guide to seasonal destinations across (continent)
  • The ultimate list of seasonal destinations in the world 

16 Creative Travel Blog Post Ideas

When launching a website or a blog, one of the burning questions many online creators have is how to come up with original ideas for blog posts and draw in quality traffic. It often seems like an uphill battle as the competition on the web is so fierce that even top-quality blog posts fail to provide a trickle of traffic. A viable solution to this problem is to generate unique blog ideas as the audience craves out-the-box content and a fresh perspective.

16 creative travel blog post ideas

Why Look For Low-Competition Topic Ideas?

The web is a crowded place. That’s why moth-eaten posts with standard headlines like 10 best hotels in Paris are not likely to rank high in search results. To secure the top place in the SERP and drive more hits, be sure to explore less obvious blog post topics. To help you solve this knotty problem, this post contains some of the best creative low-competition blog content ideas which are a perfect fit whatever destination you want to describe. 

For more ideas, explore low-competition keywords in your niche and use them to generate new topics. Here’s a good overview of some other handy practices and tools you can leverage to research keywords .

Creative Travel Article Ideas

After a little lateral thinking, we’ve come up with a list of creative blog topic ideas to rope in the audience and be a cut above your competitors. So, let’s get the ball rolling.

Cheap Places to Visit In…..

Who doesn’t love a good bargain? So, why not help people reduce their travel costs and write about the places or hotels that don’t require paying over the odds, yet offer the best value for the money. What points should you cover to garner the attention of your most money-savvy readers? Tell them about:

  • The amazing sights and activities they can do on a shoestring budget
  • Budget-friendly places to stay at
  • Places where they can have affordable, yet delicious meals
  • Transportation options
  • Average budgets for different types of travelers

That’s exactly what Cris Mercer does in his article about 8 top cheap Spanish student destinations . 

travel article ideas

Best places to visit in… 

The world is full of places to visit and even if you live on the road, one life isn’t enough to visit all of them. That’s why when making a travel bucket list, or just picking another travel destination, people are always trying to find what the best places on earth are. To help them out, write posts about must-see places. 

You can create lists of top places in a country of your choice and aim at readers who already have this country on their radar. Figure out the best places to visit there and share some actionable tips with your readers.

travel article ideas

Another option is to fuel the wanderlust of those who are on the fence about a travel destination and tell them about the world’s top places to visit. 

travel article ideas

You can also write a travel blog post about the best places to go to aiming at a specific type of travelers, for example, backpackers or families with kids.

travel article ideas

Where to Go In…

The web provides tons of information on spots to visit in any country or city. However, it may be pretty challenging to pick what one person might be interested in from a multitude of opinions. 

To help your audience create their wish-list itineraries, make a list of must-visit places in a certain country or city. You should also explain what makes these sights so exceptional and worthy of your readers’ attention. Provide information on ticket prices and booking platforms, share insider tips on how to save on tickets or skip the line or, perhaps, share discount coupons.

travel article ideas

Besides, you can create posts for different groups of travelers focusing on the places to visit if they’re traveling with kids or planning to party all night long. 

travel article ideas

You can also give a helping hand to those who are at their wit’s end about where to spend their long-desired vacation. Create an article about places to go to in October, March, or any other month, and make it your most traffic-driving blog post about travelling. 

travel article ideas

Things to Do In…

Modern travelers are spoilt for choice. When going to a place, they want to make the most of their visit and experience a local adventure. That’s why you should make sure you create a post helping people explore all the incredible things to do in their destinations. What exactly should you write about? A lot depends on your audience and niche, but the common topics are:

  • Tours and cultural events
  • Museums and attractions
  • Places to have a good night out
  • Best restaurants
  • Places to shop ‘til you drop
  • Spas and salons to relax at
  • Sports and recreation 
  • Waterfront activities, etc.

travel article ideas

Free Things to Do In…

Almost everyone likes doing things on a shoestring budget or for free. So, why not help your readers save a buck and create a post on free things a budget-conscious traveler can do somewhere? So, what freebie should you choose for the post? Write about: 

  • Free museums and exhibitions
  • Free gigs and performances
  • Incredible picnic spots
  • Parks and gardens
  • Free guided tours
  • Best hiking and running trails
  • The quaint hidden streets of a city
  • Best shops and markets to explore and enjoy their buzzing atmosphere
  • Best monuments, bridges, etc.

Activities that won’t cost a cent largely depend on the season. So, you can also write posts about free seasonal activities and events.

travel article ideas

How Many Days Do You Need In…

No matter how travel-savvy your readers are, the idea of planning their time and itinerary may be pretty daunting when going to an unknown place. People are usually pretty strapped for time. That’s why it would be a great idea to create a post to help our readers weigh all the factors and calculate the number of days they should spend in a destination.

This number mostly depends on personal preferences and vacation length. So, you can cover the factors that influence this decision, such as budget, interests, a person’s pace, the number of times the person has been to the destination. Also, you can provide a ready-made itinerary to make planning easier for your readers.

What’s more, the number of days in a city is determined by what type of traveler a person is. For example, Days in a city helps different types of travelers—including globetrotters, vacationers, and culture buffs—plan their next adventure. 

travel article ideas

Packing list for… / What to pack for… 

Packing is a nightmare for many travelers. What should I take with me? Should I travel light or heavy? Should I take some just-in-case items or can I buy them there? The questions are numerous. Unfortunately, there can’t be a one-size-fits-all answer as packing lists differ greatly according to the type of trip the one is taking and the destination they are heading to.

So, to help your readers solve the problem, write the ultimate packing guide for different destinations and holiday types. What should you include in your packing checklist?

  • Shoes and accessories
  • Things to pack in your carry-on
  • Things not to bring, etc.

Create a free downloadable checklist to make the task easier for your audience and generate some leads. It’s a win-win. Also, you can naturally integrate affiliate links in such lists and earn some affiliate commission.

travel article ideas

Backpacking Tips For…

Going off the beaten path may be pretty challenging, but it also proves to be a life-changing experience. However, when planning the trip, it’s best to learn from the mistakes of others and get some advice from experienced backpackers. So, share some actionable tips with your audience to make their trip a one-in-the-lifetime adventure. You can provide advice on:

  • Choosing a backpacking destination that won’t turn the hike into a miserable experience
  • Packing for the trip
  • Planning their food
  • Choosing a top-notch trekking company
  • Getting ready physically and mentally, etc.

Also, it’s vital to keep in mind that the tips you share widely depend on the destination and would be absolutely different for a hike in Brazil vs. Northern Ireland. So, you should create a list of tips with the weather conditions and types of hikes in mind. 

travel article ideas

Food markets in… 

When visiting a place, it’s natural that people want to explore its cuisine. Nothing can serve this goal better than the local food markets. However, there is more to them than just discovering authentic food. Local markets can provide invaluable cultural insights, colorful photos, and a chance to communicate with the locals and boost your language.

Give your readers a chance to discover the best markets for these purposes and write a post about the best markets to visit in a place. What information can you share?

  • The market history
  • The opening hours
  • Ways to get there
  • Authentic food quest tips
  • Haggling hacks
  • Attractions to explore nearby
  • Foods the market is famous for 

travel article ideas

Things You Can’t Miss In…

The world offers so many things to enjoy and explore. Modern travelers are always on the hunt for the best. Help your readers turn their travel FOMO into a tool to make their travel experiences unforgettable. To that end, create comprehensive posts on the sights and activities they simply can’t miss in a destination. Tell your readers about attractions, places, and events that set the place apart and help you get a feel of its unique ambiance and vibes. These can be:

  • The most important sights
  • Local events and activities
  • Shopping malls
  • Streets and districts
  • Bars and restaurants
  • Theaters, etc.

 What can you do in … in 3 days?

Though more and more people are extolling the benefits of just roaming the streets and soaking in the atmosphere of the place, most travelers still need an itinerary so they don’t  miss top attractions on their buckets list.

So, make sure you create a perfect, ready-made three-day itinerary for a place including all the top spots. To create a seamless itinerary and provide an unforgettable travel experience for your readers, write about:

  • Resources they may need, including city passes, maps, apps, etc.
  • Top attractions to visit and entrance fees
  • The opening hours of different landmarks
  • The amount of time they’ll need per visit to a site
  • Places for a quick bite 
  • Some fun facts about the landmarks

travel article ideas

How much spending money do I need for … 

Most money-wise travelers want to plan their travel budget before their trips. For this, they spend hours googling the average prices in a place they’re going to visit. So, why not save them extra legwork and create a post about how much they should budget per day?

What aspects should you cover?

  • Average daily spend 
  • Food and drink
  • Accommodation
  • Transportation
  • Entertainment
  • Some handy money-saving tips

travel article ideas

How much is an average meal in … 

Many people don’t just travel to check some must-visit places off their bucket list, but they are also eager to explore the culinary world map. But even for those who are not into gastronomic tourism, food is one of the major daily expenses. Hence, it’s vital to understand how much an average meal will cost. This may prove one of the most in-demand travel topics to write about. Some ideas for covering food expenses in a destination:

  • Share tips on how to cut down on food expenses
  • Enumerate places where travelers can buy meals and food, including convenience stores, restaurants, fast foods, street food stalls, etc.
  • Recommend the best places of every kind
  • Give an average price per meal
  • Make a list of the must-try local food

travel article ideas

How Many Days Is Enough For…

When mapping out a trip, people often doubt whether they’ve planned enough time for a place. Help users out and offer them 1, 3, or 5-day day itineraries to make the most of their stay. You can also tell them about how much time first-timers should have on their hands, what highlights there are to hit and share some money-saving tips and tricks. 

travel article ideas

Where Should a First-Time Tourist Stay In…

Given the size of such tourist magnets as Sydney, London, or Paris, picking a city area to stay in may be a daunting task. However, this choice may make or break one’s visit as different city areas have a different atmosphere and provide different travel experiences for visitors.

Help your readers choose the best district to stay in and save them time and money on commuting to the city landmarks. You can either describe the pros and cons of different city districts or categorize them as the best areas for shopping, sightseeing, nightlife, staying with kids, etc. 

travel article ideas

What Is the Best Time of Year to Visit…

There is a factor that can ruin long hours spent planning, packing, and booking. The weather. So even before planning a long-craved vacation, it’s necessary to pay close attention to the climate of the place and when it’s the best season for visiting it.

To make this stage hassle-free, create posts on the best time to visit different places. Cover the specifics of the weather and activities available in different seasons. You can write about the best periods for:

  • Sightseeing
  • Enjoying the sun
  • Backpacking, etc.

travel article ideas

What Are the Best Topics to Blog About?

Even the most creative bloggers are short of ideas from time to time and wish there was a ready-made list of what to write about in a blog. To overcome the writer’s block, make the most of the list we’ve shared with you. What if you want to unearth more unique travel topics to write about? In this case, dig deeper, study your niche and the makeup of your audience, and focus on the travel article ideas that can strike a chord with them and solve some of their pain points.

Natalia Tsvetkova

Travel Blogger Academy

Write. Travel. Get Paid for Both.

101 Proven Headlines for Travel Blogs (Yours Free)

headlines for travel blogs

It’s because proven headlines work .

On this page you’ll find 101 proven headlines – some of which have been around for over sixty years.

Plus,  I’ve provided examples specifically for travel so you can see how they work.

I’ve written two examples for each… for a total of 202 ready-made travel headlines.

Feel free to “steal” them for your site.

So without further ado…

How To Headlines

We all enjoy learning how to do things. These headlines are direct and promise valuable information. They also work for travel articles, too!

1. How to [benefit] in [period of time]

  • How to “Do” Italy in 7 Days
  • How to Find The Cheapest Flight in 5 Minutes

2. How to [benefit] and [benefit] without [common problem]

  • How to Quit Your Job and Travel the World… Without Spending A Dime
  • How to Visit Bali and Have the Time of Your Life… Without the Crowds

3. How to Finally [blank]

  • How to Finally Take Your Dream Trip
  • How to Finally Learn Spanish (or French, or Italian) In Under 3 Months

4. How to Take Charge of [common problem]

  • How to Take Charge of Your Life: Pack Your Bags and Hit the Road
  • How to Take Charge of Airline Fees

5. How to Use [blank] to [benefit]

  • How to Use Credit Cards to Travel for Free
  • How to Use Local Websites to Save Money on Flights

6. How to Do [Place] On [$$] A Day

  • How to Do Paris On $35 A Day
  • Trip of a Lifetime: How to Do The World On $500 A Day

7. How to [benefit] With [blank]

  • How to Make Money With Travel Writing
  • How to Travel Africa With Children

Credit: hang_in_there

Credit: Hang In There

It’s a natural response: ask your readers a question, and they’ll subconciously try to answer it.

And if they can’t, you’d better believe they’ll click through to read more…

8. Is [blank] the Best [blank]?

  • Is Vietnam the Best Country in Asia?
  • Is Saigon the Best “Foodie” Town in Vietnam?

9. Are You Making These [blank] Mistakes?

  • Are You Making These Packing Mistakes?
  • Are You Making These 9 Health Mistakes While Traveling?

10. What Kind of [blank] Are You?

  • What Kind of Backpacker Are You?
  • What Kind of Frequent Flyer Are You?

11. Thousands Have [blank]… Why Not You?

  • Thousands Have Saved With Orbitz… Why Not You?
  • Thousands Have Traveled “Round the World”… Why Not You?

12. Why Haven’t You [blank]?

  • Why Haven’t You Visited Africa?
  • Why Haven’t You Taken Your “Dream Trip” Yet?

13. [blank] Vs. [blank]: Which is Better For [blank]?

  • Anthony Bourdain Vs. Michael Palin: Who’s The Best Travel Host?
  • Italy Vs. Spain: Which Has Better Food?
  • The best keto pills for fat loss Vs. Atkins: Low Carb Diet: Which is the Better diet when travelling?

14. Do You Recognize These [blank]?

  • Do You Recognize These Places?
  • Do You Recognize These Travel Blogs? ( Hint: You Should )

15. What Is [blank]?

  • What Is A RTW Ticket? Why Should I Get One?
  • What Is Travel Insurance? Do I Need It?

16. I’m Looking For [blank]… Can You Help?

  • I’m Looking For A Few Good Bloggers… Can You Help?
  • I’m Looking For The Best Adventure Stories… Can You Help?

17. Tired of [blank]? Here’s [blank]

  • Tired of Coach? Here’s How to Get Free Upgrades
  • Tired of Hostels? Here’s How to Find Posh Apartments Around the World

18. Which of These [blank] Should You Use?

  • Which of These Frequent Flyer Programs Should You Use?
  • Which of These Credit Cards Should You Use While Traveling?

19. [blank]  7 Reasons You’ll Love…

  • Rich and Famous? 7 Reasons You’ll Love Skiing in Vail
  • Young and Broke? 7 Reasons You’ll Love Southeast Asia

20. How Much Should You Pay for [blank]?

  • How Much Should You Pay for Travel Insurance?
  • How Much Should You Pay for Beer Around the World?

21. Are [blank] Worthless?

  • Are Travel Agents Worthless?
  • Are Guidebooks Worthless?

Credit: wolfsavard

Credit: wolfsavard

OK, you’re not famous… yet .

But that doesn’t mean you can’t “piggyback” on famous people to get your content read. The trick here is to leverage a household name and apply it to your post in a fresh way.

For example…

22. The [famous person]’s Guide to [topic]

  • The Tony Wheeler Guide to Asia
  • The Sopranos’ Guide to New Jersey

23. The Secret [group of people] Use to [Benefit]

  • 7 Secrets Travel Agents Use Themselves to Travel Cheaply
  • The One Secret Peruvians Use to Save Money On Domestic Flights

24. Why [famous person] Is Wrong: [blank]

  • Why Anthony Bourdain is Wrong: 7 Reasons Why Saigon Kicks Hanoi’s Ass
  • Why Lonely Planet is Wrong: How to Travel the World Without a Guidebook

25. Interview: [name or number of subjects]

  • Interview: Trekity Editor-in-Chief Adam Costa (NOTE: I am available for interviews )
  • Interviews: 10 Top Travel Bloggers Share What Works For Them

26. What [Famous Person] Can Teach Us About [blank]

  • What Top Gear Can Teach Us About England
  • What Paris Hilton Can Teach Us About Jet-Setting (But Not Film Production)

27. [famous person]’s Advice for [blank]

  • Charlie Sheen’s Advice for Hollywood’s Best Brothels
  • Michael Palin’s Advice for Traveling the Himalaya

28. Can [famous brand] Really [blank]

  • Can Rough Guides Really Compete With Lonely Planet?
  • Can Expedia and Travelocity Really Make Money for Travel Bloggers?

29. How to [blank] Like [blank]

  • How to Travel the World Like Brad Pitt: 7 Killer Movie Locations (and How To Get There)
  • How to Write Travelogues Like Paul Theroux

30. Top 25 [blank]

  • Top 25 Travel Bloggers for Backpackers
  • Top 25 Travel Sites for Finding and Booking Cheap Flights

Credit: stevendepolo

Credit: stevendepolo

Who doesn’t like secrets? By including this in your headline, you’re promising “inside information” for your readers. Just make sure you deliver!

31. The Secret to [benefit]

  • The Secret to Nomadic Matt’s Success
  • The Secret to Long Term Travel (Without Burning Out)

32. Don’t Buy Another [blank] Until You Read This

  • Don’t Buy Another Guidebook Until You Read This
  • Don’t Buy Another International Flight Until You Read This

33. Don’t Read This if [blank]

  • Don’t Read This if You Want Hepatitis
  • Don’t Read This if You Love the United States

34. [blank]’s Best Kept Secrets

  • Italy’s Best Kept Secrets: Killer Destinations Without the Crowds
  • New York City’s Best Kept Secrets

35. The Amazing Secret of [blank]

  • The Amazing Secret for an “Authentic” Travel Experience
  • The Amazing Secret to Working on a Cruise Ship

36. Do Not Visit [place] Until You Read This

  • Do Not Visit Africa Until You Read This
  • Do Not Visit China Until You Read This

37. [blank] Secrets Every [audience] Should Know

  • 5 Airline Secrets Every Business Traveler Should Know
  • 7 Press Trip Secrets Every Travel Writer Should Know

38. Discover the Truth About [blank]

  • Discover the Truth About Hidden Hotel Fees
  • Discover the Truth About Bullfights in Spain

Credit: Phillip Pessar

Credit: Phillip Pessar

Everybody hates making mistakes.

And the thought of making mistakes we’re unaware of makes for a compelling headline.

39. [number] Common [topic] Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them)

  • 5 Common Language Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them)
  • 7 Common “Money” Mistakes While Traveling (and How to Avoid Them)

40. [blank] Mistakes You Should Avoid (but don’t…)

  • 37 Travel Writing Mistakes You Should Avoid (but don’t…)
  • 10 Cultural Mistakes You Should Avoid in Asia (but don’t…)

41. 7 Ways To Screw Up [blank]

  • 7 Ways to Screw Up Your Honeymoon
  • 7 Ways to Screw Up A Trip To Nicaragua

42. WARNING: [potential mistake or threat]

  • WARNING: Switzerland Will Kill Your Budget (Here’s How to Save It…)
  • WARNING: Be Very Careful In Angola

43. [blank] Mistakes That Make You [blank]

  • 10 Language Mistakes That Make You Look Dumb
  • 5 Booking Mistakes That Make You Pay Extra

44. [number] Bad Habits That [blank] and [blank]

  • 7 Bad Habits That Travel Writers and Bloggers Have
  • 5 Bad Traveling Habits That Cost You Money and Wastes Your Time

Credit: renaissancechambara

Credit: renaissancechambara

Lies. The very word hurts, doesn’t it? By placing it in your headline, you’re letting your reader know they’ve been lied to… and you’re here to set the record straight.

45. The Shocking Truth About [blank]

  • The Shocking Truth About Guidebooks
  • The Shocking Truth About Immunizations in Africa

46. [number] Things [authority] Won’t Tell You

  • 7 Things Your Travel Agent Won’t Tell You
  • 5 Things Cruise Lines Won’t Tell You

47. Can You Really Trust [authority]?

  • Can You Really Trust Your Travel Agent?
  • Can You Really Trust Lonely Planet?

48. Lies [People/Company] Like to Tell

  • 5 Lies Online Travel Agencies Love to Tell
  • 7 Lies Frequent Flyer Programs Love to Tell

49. 11 Reasons [blank] Sucks

  • 11 Reasons Disneyland Sucks
  • 5 Reasons American Airlines Sucks

travel article ideas

Credit: KendraKaptures

People worry more about losing what they have than getting more.  Put bluntly, fear is more compelling than greed . These headlines promise to protect readers from future maladies.

50. 9 Ways to Protect Yourself From [something bad]

  • 9 Ways to Protect Yourself From Malaria
  • 9 Ways to Protect Yourself From Getting Robbed at Gunpoint in Jamaica

51. Alert: The New [blank] Scam to Look Out For

  • Alert: The New Credit Card “Miles” Scam to Look Out For
  • Alert: The New Indian Bus Scam to Look Out For

52. 9 [blank] You Should Never [blank]

  • 9 Immunizations You Should Never Get
  • 5 Things You Should Never Tell An Irishman

53. Dealing With [blank]: 7 Steps to [blank]

  • Dealing With Traveler’s Diarrhea: 7 Steps To Plug Up and Move On
  • Dealing With Theft: 7 Steps to Protect Yourself

54. If You’re Not Worried About [blank]… You Should Be

  • If You’re Not Worried About Nepal’s Over-development… You Should Be
  • If You’re Not Worried About Increased Airport Security… You Should Be

55. The 7 Deadly Sins of [blank]

  •  The 7 Deadly Sins of Travel Blogging
  • The 7 Deadly Sins of Tour Groups

travel article ideas

Credit: Nesster

Your readers have problems. Some they know about… others they don’t. Offer solutions in your headline and deliver them in your post.

56. Get [blank]! 7 Methods That Really Work

  • Get The Cheapest Flights! 7 Methods That Really Work
  • Get Fit While Traveling! 5 Methods That Really Work

57. Get Rid of [problem] Once and For All

  • Get Rid of Overpriced Car Rentals Once and For All
  • Get Rid of Jet Lag Once and For All

58. 101 [blank] for [blank]

  • 101 Proven Headlines For Travel Blogs
  • 101 Resources For Saving Money On Your Next Trip

59. Are You Still [blank]? Your Questions Answered…

  • Are You Still Baffled By Air Passes? Your Questions Answered…
  • Are You Still Confused About Travel Insurance? Your Questions Answered…

Quick and Easy

travel article ideas

Credit: h.koppdelaney

Sometimes you just want results. The following headlines promises just that…

60. How to Hack [topic]

  • How to Hack Napa: World-Class Wines on a Beer Budget
  • The Ultimate Travel Hacking Guide

61. The One Thing You Must Do in [Place]

  • The One Thing You Must Do In Rome
  • The One Thing You Must Eat in Asia (But Are Afraid To)

62. The 5 Words That Will [blank]

  • The 5 Words That Will Save Your Life in Angola
  • The 5 Words That Will Let You Drink for Free In Napa

63. How to [blank] In One Day

  • How to See Paris’s Best Museums in One Day
  • How to Speak Basic Spanish in One Day

64. Can’t Keep Up? 7 Ways to Simplify [blank]

  • Can’t Keep Up? 7 Ways to Simplify Business Travel
  • Can’t Keep Up? 7 Ways to Simplify Booking Online

65. 5 Steps to [benefit]

  • 5 Steps to “Do” Eastern Europe
  • 5 Steps to Safe Travel With Kids

66. [blank]: The Quick and Easy Way

  • Flight Upgrades: The Quick and Easy Way
  • Eurail Passes: The Quick and Easy Way

67. [number] Ways to [benefit] Without [common problem]

  • 7 Ways to Eat in Switzerland Without Breaking Your Budget
  • 5 Ways to Explore L.A. Without Getting Shot

68. 7 Simple Ways to [blank]

  • 7 Simple Ways to Travel Europe for Less
  • 9 Simple Ways to Plan Your Dream Trip

travel article ideas

Credit: JoeInSouthernCA

These headlines announce what’s happening now . They’re a great way to position something you’ve recently done (e.g. created a new product, won an award or launched a new website).

Alternatively, you can cite something in the news and use that as your lead.

69. New Study Reveals [Benefit]

  • New Study Reveals Travelers Have More Sex (But Shower Less)
  • New Study Reveals Top 10 Healthiest Countries

70. Introducing [new product, discount, etc.)

  • Introducing Travel Blogger Academy’s New Writer: Me
  • Introducing Travel Blogging 101

71. You’re Invited To [blank]

  • You’re Invited To Party With Us In Thailand!
  • You’re Invited To Save 20% On Your Next Flight With RyanAir

72. FREE: [useful information and/or discounts]

  • FREE: Best Pictures of Dangerous Places
  • FREE: The Ultimate Guide to South America

travel article ideas

Credit: LeMast

If you’ve come this far, you realize many headlines use numbers.

There’s a very good reason for that: they work . Numbers make your headline specific, and tell the reader if the article will be a quick read (5 Reasons to…) or an in-depth resource (101 Headlines…).

A word on numbers: use odd numbers when possible . They tend to stick in people’s heads better (with the exception of the classic “Top 10” lists).

73. 9 Ways to [blank]

  • 9 Ways to Travel From Europe to Asia
  • 5 Ways to See Machu Pichhu

74. The Top 10 [blank]

  • The Top 10 Countries for Backpacking
  • The Top 10 Rivers for Rafting

75. 7 Reasons Why [blank]

  • 7 Reasons Why Ko Phi Phi Is Overrated
  • 9 Reasons Why Argentines Are Sexy

76. 5 [blank] (But [blank]) Things to Do in [blank]

  • 5 Fun (But Slightly Naughty) Things to Do in Russia
  • 5 Incredible (But Crazy) Things to Do in Bangkok

77. 51 [blank] to See/Do Before You Die

  • 51 Foods to Eat Around the World Before You Die
  • 75 Monuments to See Before You Die

78. 5 Little Known (but [blank]) Things to Do In [Location]

  • 35 Little Known (But Delicious) Indian Dishes
  • 7 Little Known (But Gorgeous) Beaches in Australia

79. 15 [blank] I Learned in [blank]

  • 15 Life Lessons I Learned in Africa
  • 7 Wines I Learned to Love in Argentina

80. [blank]: 21 Practical Tips

  • Visiting Israel: 21 Practical Tips
  • Burning Man: 15 (Im)Practical Tips

travel article ideas

Credit: Editor B

Nowadays we binge on information but starve for knowledge. Including a “why” in your headline promises an explanations… not “just the facts”.

81. Why I Hate [blank]

  • Why I Hate Stereotypes About Americans
  • Why I Hate France… But Love the French

82. Why I Won’t Visit [place] Again

  • Why I’ll Never Return to Vietnam
  • Why I Won’t Visit Nicaragua Again

83. Why I’ll Never Live in [place]

  • Why I’ll Never Live in San Francisco
  • Why I’ll Never Live in Sydney (But Did, Anyways)

84. 5 Shocking Reasons Why [blank]

  • 5 Shocking Reasons Why the Japanese Live So Long
  • 7 Shocking Reasons Why Greece Is My Favorite Country

85. 7 Reasons Why You’ll Love [place]

  • 7 Reasons Why You’ll Love Antigua, Guatemala
  • 9 Reasons Why You’ll Love Melbourne


travel article ideas

Credit: benjaminasmith

Everyone wants to be better at something . Look better, cook better, feel better… whatever. Promise to improve your readers by using the following headlines…

86. How [blank] Makes You A Better [blank]

  • How Travel Makes You A Better Person
  • How Buenos Aires Makes You A Better Lover

87. Do You Have the [blank] to [blank]?

  • Do You Have the Courage to Raft the Amazon?
  • Do You Have the Brains to Speak 9 Languages?

88. Why You Can’t [blank] (and What to Do About It)

  • Why You Can’t Afford Europe (and What to Do About It)
  • Why You Can’t Speak Like A Local (and What to Do About It)

89. [Location]: The 5 Must-See Attractions

  • New Zealand: The 5 Must-See Attractions
  • Kyoto: The 5 Must-See Attractions for Art Lovers

90. [blank] You Can Be Proud Of

  • How to Take Photos You Can Be Proud Of
  • Travel Pieces You Can Be Proud Of

91. Where [blank] Should Go (But Don’t)

  • Where Surfers Should Go (But Don’t)
  • Where Adrenaline Junkies Should Go (But Don’t)

92. The Art of [blank]

  • The Art of Budget Travel: How to See the World For Less
  • The Art of Languages: How to Start Speaking From Day One

93. Treat Yourself to [blank] in [blank]

  • Treat Yourself to La Dolce Vita in Italy
  • Treat Yourself to These 9 Luxury Destinations

94. Take Advantage of [blank]

  • Take Advantage of These Special Cruise Discounts!
  • Take Advantage of These Summer Getaways!

travel article ideas

Credit: hoshi7

From travel planning to blogging, people need help. By creating a blueprint or guide you provide your readers with the definitive resource on a subject.

95. The Beginner’s Guide to [blank]

  • The Beginner’s Guide to Eastern Europe
  • The Beginner’s Guide to English Pub Etiquette

96. Yours Free: A Cheat Sheet for [blank]

  • Yours Free: A Cheat Sheet to Frequent Flyer Programs
  • Yours Free: A Cheat Sheet to Basic Phrases Around the World

97. Announcing [blank]: A Simple Blueprint for [blank]

  • Announcing “Travel Blogging 101”: A Simple Blueprint For Building and Launching A Profitable Travel Blog
  • Announcing “Surf and Turf”: A Simple Blueprint for Surfing Your Way Around the World

98. The Ultimate Guide to [topic]

  • The Ultimate Guide to Asia
  • The Ultimate Guide to North American Roadtrips: Where to Go, What to See and How to Get There

99. [blank]: The Ultimate Checklist

  • Long Term Travel: The Ultimate Checklist
  • What to Do in Spain: The Ultimate Checklist

100. The No-Nonsense Guide to [blank]

  • The No-Nonsense Guide to Traveling With Kids
  • The No-Nonsense Guide to Beirut

101. The Step-by-Step Guide to [blank]

  • The Step-by-Step Guide to the Louvre
  • The Step-by-Step Guide to Sydney

Congratulations, You Made It! Now Here’s What to Do Next…

1. Leave one of your headlines in the comments below. I’ll take a look and offer my suggestions on how you can improve it.

2. Plus, if you do use one of these headline templates - and you most certainly should -  let me know and I’ll add them to the list (with a link to your article).

3. And of course, don’t forget to share this post!

travel article ideas

Adam Costa is co-founder and Editor in Chief of both and TravelBloggerAcademy. He currently lives... um... somewhere.

travel article ideas

I like these headlines even better with the word “blank” in them!

travel article ideas

That’s because they’re {blank} awesome!

Feel free to use any/all of them 😉

travel article ideas

Really helpful respource, Adam… as I told mentioned on your post at HBB, this is something I will need in near future 🙂

Glad you dig them Amandeep - be sure to use them. Every one of these headlines have been proven to work for decades… why reinvent the wheel?

travel article ideas

Thanks a lot for the article. Awesome.

travel article ideas

Love it! Thanks! I’m sharing this article on . Great headlines. /Anna

travel article ideas

Awesome post! I’m in the process of turning an step-by-step guide (ebook) of mine into an eCourse and have been struggling with making the lesson names catchy.

Definitely going to be trying these out.

Use as many as you want 😉 That’s why they’re here!

travel article ideas

I used to write press releases for a living, still do occasionally so I’ve used this format over and over. Never seemed to get it into my post headlines though and I’m not sure why. Nice reminder, Adam. Thanks!

travel article ideas

This great slice of inspiration - has been saved to Evernote. Thanks!

travel article ideas

Really great post. It must have taken you hours to come up with this. Well done…

travel article ideas

Excellent resource Adam - going to put this into practice immediately! And have to say thanks to Molly McHugh on Face Book for recommeding you 🙂

travel article ideas

Hi Adam - Great post, and what a handy list to keep around. Btw, we did change things a bit and leverage your idea #52 for one of our recent blog posts 🙂 Thanks for the inspiration.

Here is the post link. If you feel appropriate, as you mentioned in #2 on What to Do Next above, feel free to use our article as example. Will continue to read your blog for sure!

travel article ideas

Great knowledge. I have change 2 of my blog title based on your recommendation.

travel article ideas

I found this through your post on John Chow. Excellent tips on both - thanks for sharing!

travel article ideas

I enjoyed reading about your 35 quick fixes to improve your blog on John Chows Dot com blog. Great tips!

Here you provide even more value. These head lines hit you right between the eyes and grab your attention. This is what a headline should do.

Thanks so much for sharing these great headlines and making it easy. I’m sure they will come in very handy for all of us when getting stuck on what to write for a headline.

Terry Conti

OuupPPs.. forgot to insert a head line and subhead line I have right now going out on the web on a squeeze page. I can’t determine if it’s any good because the squeeze page it still new and have to work it to get people to see it.

Here’s the headline-

They Truly Don’t Want You To Know About This…

Free Information About

What You Can Do To Naturally Strengthen Your Immune System + so much more… Virus Fight Now

Get To Know About The Master Antioxidant Within Your Body

travel article ideas

Fantastic list to get the creative juices flowing. Thanks, Adam! I’ve been a web content writer for the better part of 12 years, but the travel industry is somewhat new to me. This list will come in very handy. In fact, it got me started on a few new blog posts this afternoon — I’ll be sure to let you know when they go live, as I do welcome your expert opinion.

Cheers! Aimee

travel article ideas

thanks for this post, very helpful. more power..

travel article ideas

Hello - Found you from a John Chow post. I thought that Question Marks couldn’t be put in Headlines. A lot of the blog posts I’ve already put on, plus many I’m working on, I’ve avoided Question Marks because I thought that they couldn’t be used in Titles and Descriptions, re Meta Tags - that the Question Marks - ? - would mess up the programming or cause some kind of problem.

Am I wrong? If so, I will start using them in the future - and maybe CHANGE some current blog titles.

travel article ideas

Hi David, I’ve never heard of question marks causing any problems in the title. I could see it becoming a problem in the permalink though. Because WP defaults to using the title as the permalink, you should change the permalink to your SEO keyword. Hope this helps.

travel article ideas

HI Adam, I just found the next best thing for my travel blogging success. I have a feeling your site is going to help me big time! *does a happy dance Thanks 🙂

travel article ideas

WOW! What a great post! Just by the number 20 I had 3-4 article ideas and these days I felt like I don’t have anything to write about… So useful! I can’t wait to dig into this website for more inspiration and knowledge!

One of my headlines: I bet you didn’t know these 10 facts about Bulgaria. How does it sound to you? Would you read it?

travel article ideas

some awesome nuggets here, I have just written out 50 odd headlines i could use for my blog and thats just from reading the first few headline ideas! Going to get down and start getting some content under the headlines now. thanks for the inspiration.

travel article ideas

I began writing articles with how to… But SEO analysis suggested I changed as it aascreating too many ‘stop’ words.

*creating not aascreating!

travel article ideas

All the ‘Questions’ headlines are amazing and I haven’t actually seen too many travel bloggers doing this sort of post yet, so well done for coming up with those in particular!

[…] For A Night: A Most Unusual Meal In BucharestI mean, damn… who else could have written those headlines?This isn’t just good writing… it’s good living.Kick Ass Travel Bloggers Are […]

[…] or a paragraph which kicks ass. Then run with it.Review headlinesAfter looking at these 101 headlines you’re bound to come up with something interesting.Alternatively, take a look at other […]

[…] 101 travel blog headlines […]

[…] if you want some to get started, I’ve created a list of 101 headline templates which you can use right […]

[…] Writing crappy headlines – “My Trip to Europe” is BORING. Instead, use one of these 101 headline templates for travel bloggers. They’ll get more click-throughs from Twitter, Google, Facebook… basically […]

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Even the most experienced travelers make mistakes when traveling. Sure, now I know a lot about traveling and getting around in foreign countries, but once upon a time, I was a rookie that made a lot of mistakes during my trips. Check out some of these interesting travel articles to get the best travel tips for your next adventure. I hope you enjoy reading!

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Did You Make Your Connecting Flight? You May Have A.I. to Thank.

Airlines are using artificial intelligence to save fuel, keep customers informed and hold connecting flights for delayed passengers. Here’s what to expect.

A map of the contiguous United States marked with airline routes between hubs like Miami, Boston, New York and Los Angeles, with red, orange, green, blue, red and purple areas that look like storm systems on a radar map. A hand is holding up a cellphone that shows the seating chart of a plane. A message on the screen reads, “JFK-LAX: Holding for Delayed Passengers. On-Time Arrival Projected” and “Gate 10, Seat 5A.”

By Julie Weed

Last month in Chicago, a United Airlines flight to London was ready to depart, but it was still waiting for 13 passengers connecting from Costa Rica. The airline projected they’d miss the flight by seven minutes. Under normal circumstances, they’d all be scrambling to rebook.

But thanks to a new artificial-intelligence-powered tool called ConnectionSaver, the jet was able to wait for them — their checked bags, too — and still arrive in London on time. The system also sent text messages to the late-arriving passengers and the people on the waiting jet to explain what was happening.

A.I. still might not be able to find space for your carry-on, but it could help put an end to the 40-gate dash — sprinting to catch your connecting flight before the door slams shut — as well as other common travel headaches.

It’s not just United. Alaska Airlines , American Airlines and others have been working to develop new A.I. capabilities that could make flying easier for passengers. The carriers are also using the technology to reduce costs and streamline operations, including saving fuel, said Helane Becker, an airline industry analyst for the investment bank TD Cowen . Although many of the airlines are developing their programs independently, a successful innovation by any carrier could possibly become an industry standard.

A.I. is poised to change almost every aspect of the customer flying experience, from baggage tracking to personalized in-flight entertainment, said Jitender Mohan, who works with travel and hospitality clients at the technology consulting company WNS .

Saving fuel and frustration

A.I. has been helping Alaska Airlines dispatchers plan more efficient routes since 2021. “It’s like Google maps, but in the air,” explained Vikram Baskaran, vice president for information technology services at the carrier.

Two hours before a flight, the system reviews weather conditions, any airspace that will be closed, and all commercial and private flight plans registered with the Federal Aviation Administration, to suggest the most efficient route. The A.I. takes in “an amount of information no human brain could process,” said Pasha Saleh, the corporate development director and a pilot for Alaska.

In 2023, about 25 percent of Alaska flights used this system to shave a few minutes off flight times. Those efficiencies added up to about 41,000 minutes of flying time and half a million gallons of fuel saved, Mr. Baskaran said.

On the ground, American Airlines and others are working on an A.I.-powered system American calls Smart Gating — sending arriving aircraft to the nearest available gate with the shortest taxiing time, and if the scheduled arrival gate is in use, quickly determining the best alternate gate. All this could mean fewer frustrating minutes spent waiting on the tarmac.

American introduced Smart Gating at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport in 2021 and now employs it at six airports, including Chicago O’Hare and Miami International. The airline estimates it saves 17 hours a day in taxi time and 1.4 million gallons of jet fuel a year.

Mr. Mohan said that using A.I. as a virtual parking attendant could save up to 20 percent of taxiing time, with the highest benefits seen at the largest airports.

Faster and better customer service

Rapidly evolving generative A.I. — think ChatGPT — is helping airlines communicate with passengers better. At United, a companywide challenge last year yielded a plan to make texts sent to fliers more specific about what’s causing delays. Passengers can get frustrated when flights are delayed with no explanation, said Jason Birnbaum, United’s chief information officer.

But tracking the details required, composing an appropriate message and sending it to the right people for 5,000 flights a day would be too much for the staff to handle, Mr. Birnbaum said. Generative A.I. can process all that data and create messages tailored to conditions. For example, passengers booked on a January United flight from San Francisco to Tucson received this text message, along with a new departure time and an apology: “Your inbound aircraft is arriving late due to airport runway construction in San Francisco that limited the number of arrivals and departures for all airlines earlier.”

Having a more detailed explanation can calm travelers’ nerves. Jamie Larounis, a travel industry analyst who flies about 150,000 miles a year, recalled receiving text messages last summer explaining that a storm and a related crew-scheduling problem had delayed his flight from Chicago. “Getting a specific reason for the delay made me feel like the airline had things under control,” he said.

Generative A.I. is also good at summarizing text, making it a powerful tool for wading through emails. Last year, Alaska was among the carriers that began using A.I. to handle customer messages more efficiently. The airline’s system “reads” each email and summarizes the issues raised.

“We used to read first in first out, handling the requests as they came in,” said Mr. Baskaran, but now the system helps prioritize emails. For example, an urgent request involving an upcoming flight may take precedence over a complaint about a past one.

The system also helps a human agent decide how to respond, such as offering the customer a voucher, and it may draft an initial written response. “The person makes the decision, but it’s streamlined,” Mr. Baskaran said.

For all the benefits A.I. promises to airlines and passengers, the technology still has some shortcomings. For one, it doesn’t always deliver accurate information. In 2022, an Air Canada chatbot incorrectly promised a traveler that if he booked a full-fare flight to a relative’s funeral, he could receive a bereavement fare after the fact. When he filed a small-claims case, Air Canada tried to argue that the bot was its own separate entity, “responsible for its own actions,” but a tribunal found Air Canada responsible and ordered it to pay about $800 in damages and fees.

Still, as A.I. develops and airlines race to find more uses for it, passengers could see even more benefits. “As a customer and a business person, this is one of the biggest technology disruptions in the last five to eight years,” Mr. Mohan said.

Follow New York Times Travel on Instagram and sign up for our weekly Travel Dispatch newsletter to get expert tips on traveling smarter and inspiration for your next vacation. Dreaming up a future getaway or just armchair traveling? Check out our 52 Places to Go in 2024 .

An earlier version of this article, in a quotation from Vikram Baskaran, vice president for information technology services at Alaska Airlines, misstated the number of gallons of fuel an artificial-intelligence-powered planning system saved the airline in 2023. It was half a million, not half a billion.

How we handle corrections

Open Up Your World

Considering a trip, or just some armchair traveling here are some ideas..

52 Places:  Why do we travel? For food, culture, adventure, natural beauty? Our 2024 list has all those elements, and more .

Mumbai:  Spend 36 hours in this fast-changing Indian city  by exploring ancient caves, catching a concert in a former textile mill and feasting on mangoes.

Kyoto:  The Japanese city’s dry gardens offer spots for quiet contemplation  in an increasingly overtouristed destination.

Iceland:  The country markets itself as a destination to see the northern lights. But they can be elusive, as one writer recently found .

Texas:  Canoeing the Rio Grande near Big Bend National Park can be magical. But as the river dries, it’s getting harder to find where a boat will actually float .

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15 Soft Adventure Travel Ideas for Baby Boomers

A dventure travel is a hot travel niche these days, one of the fastest-growing segments of the travel industry in recent years.  For many Baby Boomer travelers, myself included, it trends a little more to the soft adventure rather than the rugged, hard adventure activities we may previously have enjoyed. 

Those busy adventure days are often followed by a glass of good wine, a good meal, and a comfy bed (bonus when it’s luxury accommodations). My needs are simple – some active travel and adventure, right along with a little luxury travel, too.

Here are some of the best ways to enjoy soft adventure tourism right now, whether you’re staying close to home here in the United States or venturing further afield.

1. Ziplining

A decade or so ago, the only place I knew where you could go zip lining was in the rainforest or exotic destinations. Now it’s gone mainstream. You’ll find zipline adventures offered at all-inclusive resorts, tourist destinations, cruise ships, zoos, eco-lodges, urban areas, and more. You might be surprised to see opportunities offered in the middle of the city where you live, or somewhere close by.

If you’ve never tried it before, ziplining should be on your bucket list . The adrenaline rush that comes with it and the feeling of ultimate freedom can make for a great adventure. I wanted to love ziplining, but it is one of those experiences that just isn’t for me. I have a fear of edges and the anxiety involved in taking the first step off the platform is paralyzing. The time between platforms is exhilarating – that part I love – I just can’t take that first step.

No matter where you are, or where you are traveling, you can find tour operators that offer zip lining experiences.

2. Horseback Riding

It’s not just a trail ride down to the bottom of the Grand Canyon anymore. You can ride horses in different destinations, from a ride in the park, in the hills, or on the beach. And let’s not underestimate the pure enjoyment of a relationship between you and your horse.

A desert sunrise ride can be a meditative experience, and a ride through vineyards is a fun way to combine outdoor adventure with wine tasting. Dude ranches aren’t a City Slicker experience. This niche of the tourism industry now offers authentic ranch experiences right along with delicious food and comfortable lodging. Why not opt to combine a sightseeing adventure or eco-tourism with a horseback ride so you can leave motorized vehicles behind? Or enjoy a ride on the beach that may turn into a splash in the ocean thanks to special equipment.

3. Viewing Wildlife

Safari holidays aren’t just in Kenya anymore. You can choose a wildlife adventure in Africa, Asia, Oceania, or South America . From a savannah safari on the Serengeti, Tanzania, to whale watching in Kaikoura, New Zealand, to enjoying penguins in the Galapagos Islands, the possibilities to see wildlife in a natural environment have become plentiful.

This adventure travel option has become very popular with affluent baby boomers with high disposable income. These are often once-in-a-lifetime travel experiences with price tags to match. Some tours have higher activity levels required, while others have a slower pace, so make sure your choice matches up with your preferred  travel plans . 

Do your research and due diligence, get recommendations from friends, and find a safari or wildlife tour that creates your perfect balance of price and  memorable  experience. We’re at the beginning stage of planning for a safari, and we’ll be tapping on the expertise of friends as we start the process.

While many Baby Boomers may be past the point of wanting a white-water rafting category 4 or 5, there are still lots of fun recreational rafting options. Whether it’s float trips, rafting wine trips, enjoying one of the national parks, or just cooling off on the water, this is a great way to have a soft adventure vacation.

Rafting trips can be an afternoon break or multi-day trips with camping and free time at the end of the day on the river. Experience isn’t generally required, and guides are trained to navigate in a way that provides an enjoyable experience. Some participants will man the paddles, while others are just along for the ride. Warning, though, just like those amusement park rides, you may get wet

5. Kayaking and Canoeing

For a more do-it-yourself day on the water, kayaking and canoeing can appeal to different age groups. Some skill is involved, although I consider it more practice than expertise. If you’re in a tandem kayak, there’s a fair amount of patience required, especially if you and your partner have different experience levels. 

This is another adventure activity that may not require you to go too far from home. Kayaks and canoes are becoming increasingly affordable for home use, and if you live near a lake, river, or other body of water, buying a kayak or canoe can be a good vacation expenditure.

We’ve kayaked on a shore excursion on a cruise in the Norwegian fjords and as part of a small ship cruise in Panama. We’re not good at it, and there are occasional squabbles, but we still think it’s fun and get better at it every time. Give it a try, this might be a new activity that you’ll enjoy.

One of the simplest soft adventure activities is hiking. You can hike nearly anywhere and in almost any type of weather, although let’s be honest, hiking in the rain kind of sucks. Specialized equipment isn’t needed, although I recommend a sturdy pair of shoes if you’re logging any distance or dealing with uneven terrain.

You can hike around the block, in a park, or find a nearby trail, it’s all about getting out in nature and enjoying some physical activity. While most of us aren’t going to go mountain climbing or rock climbing, I’m not able to tackle that type of hard adventure travel activity, there’s nothing like a brisk hike that takes us to a spectacular viewing area to give us a travel high.

7. Trekking

A little more advanced activity level than hiking, trekking is merely going places on foot that you cannot reach by other transportation. You’re not blazing the way but sticking to trails and doing a lot of walking. I think of it as hiking for lots of days, with stops in between (camping or lodging) before continuing on the journey.

Your overall fitness level and budget will help shape your trekking choices. – you may be carrying everything yourself, or you may have the use of a sherpa. Some popular trek options include the Inca Trail in Peru, the Camino de Santiago in Spain, or the Himalayan in Nepal.

While the Great Barrier Reef may be the ultimate scuba diving spot (and one day I will go to Australia), there are plenty of other great diving spots worldwide. Find a coastline, and chances are you’ve got dozens of choices to make. Warm water diving seems to win out over cold water, though, so the Caribbean,  Hawaii , Florida, and Southern California all regularly make lists of the best places for diving.

If you’re not ready to go deep, there’s always snorkeling. While I’m not a strong swimmer, I’ve been able to enjoy snorkeling even though I’m very much a novice at it. I get more proficient every time I try it, and my comfort zone is slowly expanding.

9. Jeep and ATV Tours

I think of this as hiking for vehicles. Seriously, though, you can rent a car and do this on your own or join up with a tour for a group experience. I’ve enjoyed jeep tours as part of a day trip at a conference. 

You can try a jeep, scooter, ATV, moped, or SUV in the dunes, the jungle, mountains, and city streets. I have always loved this type of activity and always like to check out tour companies who put a creative spin on it.

10. Glamping

A little bit camp and a little bit glamour, glamping has become the buzzword for bragging that you’re camping while still enjoying a little luxurious glamour. The term seems a bit over-used these days, but we still like to look for new options on the theme.

Think fully outfitted tents in the desert, complete with a chef and staff. Maybe a fully appointed yurt, tree houses that rival any view home you’ve ever seen, or beach properties that are so far off the beaten path. that you didn’t know they existed. Sure, you could make it sound like you’re roughing it – but we know you’re not!

11. Wine Tasting

An appealing soft adventure that’s gaining popularity among baby boomers, we work wine tasting into all of our leisure trips (and a fair number of business trips as well). We love discovering new wines and wineries, learning about the cultural experiences associated with wine and wine production, and learning new things about wine. Wine tourism has become a popular niche market for travel and we recommend you give it a try.

There are fine wineries and beautiful vineyards around the world. I’ve enjoyed wine tastings in Europe and Asia, and can’t wait to get to try Malbec in Argentina and Pinotage in South Africa. Here in the United States, popular wine-tasting areas are Sonoma and Napa Valley wine country (both in California), the Finger Lakes Region (in New York), and the Willamette Valley (in Oregon). Closer to home, we’ve been visiting tasting rooms in the greater -Seattle area and have loved discovering new sips (more on Washington’s AVAs here). 

Whether you’re a wine aficionado or merely relish a glass of fine wine, you can plan an itinerary with a partner or group of friends and sample award-winning wines pretty much anywhere you travel. Or maybe discover something new that’s close to home.

12. Fishing

A fun way to combine adventure and luxury on a vacation along rivers, lakes, or open seas. Fishing tourism will help you bond with nature in serene settings in renowned waterways or on small fishing ponds that few have ever heard of.

A guided fishing trip can focus on salmon, tuna, trout, or more. Put together a family or group trip, or sign up for a solo adventure, joining other fishing aficionados. Whether you choose deep-sea fishing or angling on a lake, remember that fishing can be a time-consuming passion. Use care in matching up the right experience for your patience level.

13. Birdwatching

Birding is a near-effortless way for baby boomers to enjoy outdoor activities. Or even in a city backyard. It’s an inexpensive endeavor as the equipment (and also energy) needed is minimal. You’re good to go with a set of binoculars, a field guide or some other identification book. Add in a notebook, and a hat to shield you from the sun, and you’re ready for a bird watching afternoon.

I have an Audubon Guide at home that I constantly refer to when I’m looking at birds in my backyard. It’s also small enough to pack for travel, so you can learn what you’re seeing wherever you travel. Small ships cruising often offer port excursions that include bird and wildlife viewing. On a river cruise, you’re moving slow enough you can spot birds from the top deck. Or, you can opt for more exotic trips – individual exploration or group tours –  in Costa Rica , Indonesia, or the Galapagos.

14. Barge Cruising

Barge cruising  is a trendy travel idea among baby boomers, but it’s not just for older adults. It also makes a great multi-generational trip, especially when you find a smaller barge that is just for your group. It’s a fantastic way to explore river canals and the scenic countryside, enjoy gourmet foods and wine, and schedule hiking and biking alongside the barge. You can hop off at one lock and bike or walk along the canal, getting back on the barge when you’re ready to. The trip includes small guided visits to historic castles, vineyards, iconic churches, and medieval villages along the way (obviously dependent on your itinerary).

A barge cruise is a far more intimate cruise experience than on larger ships. The barge moves very slowly as you hang out with your family and friends – whether they’re friends you brought along or new ones you’ve met. It’s also an opportunity to try out new activities – we had lunch with a countess, tasted champagne in Champagne, and learned about falconry. You can read about our barge cruise here.

15. Sailing

A soft adventure that’s been growing in popularity, sailing used to be a preserve of the wealthy or daredevil adventurers. Not anymore, everyone can jump on board and set sail. If you opt for a crewed sail, the crew will guide the vessel as you sit back, sipping your favorite beverage and enjoying the coastlines. Experience sailers can’t rent outfitted boats and chart their course. There are also opportunities to learn to sail and/or work as a crew member on a boat.

The Mediterranean coast is perfect for sailing during the summer and Hawaii is perfect near year-round. Local lakes often have sailboat rentals. We went sailing in Maine during the summer on a windjammer cruise and found it both relaxing and exhilarating. 

What’s next?

These activities seem to be on-trend, but what’s next? What type of travel experience is catching your eye?

Save these ideas to your favorite Pinterest boards!

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Here are some of the best ways to enjoy soft adventure travel right now, whether you’re staying close to home here in the United States or venturing further afield.

6 essential tips for surviving long flights from a former Air Force pilot who now flies one of the longest commercial flights in the world

  • Yusri Abu Bakar is an Emirates pilot who used to be a member of the Singapore Air Force.
  • He now flies an A380, piloting one of the longest flights in the world from Dubai to New Zealand.
  • Yusri said to pack noise-canceling earphones and ask the flight crew for anything you need at once.

Insider Today

Yusri Abu Bakar is a former Singapore Air Force pilot who pivoted from flying an F-16 fighter jet and now flies an A380 as a commercial pilot for Emirates out of Dubai, where he is based.

Over the past four-and-a-half years, Yusri has flown to 50 destinations, often from Dubai to Auckland, New Zealand. At close to 16 hours, this flight is one of the longest in the world. There are longer flights, such as the Singapore Airbus A350 ULR to JFK airport in New York, but those only have business-class seats.

Yusri flies this long-haul flight two or three times a month, in line with regulations regarding how many hours a pilot can fly a month.

Emirates' first-class travelers can spend the 15-hour, 45-minute flight time drinking glasses of Dom Perignon or freshening up in the private shower. But if you don't have first-class amenities, Yusri shared seven tips for traveling on a long flight in comfort and reaching your final destination feeling refreshed.

Sync with your next time zone in advance to avoid jet lag

The hardest part of flying long distances is dealing with the jet lag on either side.

Yusri said he got into sync with his new destination's time zone by changing his eating and sleeping patterns at least two days before his flight.

"I make the changes in small increments by going to bed two hours earlier each day," Yusri said. "If I'm flying on a Saturday, I will go to bed two hours earlier on the Thursday, and then four hours earlier on the Friday. It slowly nudges me closer to the new time zone."

Being considerate to the flight crew helps improve your experience

You could do a couple of things to make your life and the crew's life easier on a long-haul flight. "The first thing you should do is fasten your seatbelt on top of your blanket, so they don't have to disturb you," Yusri said.

He told Insider that passengers should try to minimize the trips the crew had to take down the plane's 50-meter-long aisle to win favor with flight attendants.

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He said passengers should think about what they would need for the next few hours of their flight — a blanket, coffee, or snacks — and ask for it all in one go.

Prioritize your body's needs

Yusri recommended stretching for five to 10 minutes each hour of the flight. "If it's a long flight, I'd recommend that you get up and stretch your glutes, your hips, and your back. These are the areas that can get stiff during a flight," he said.

He said to opt for the bulkhead seats — seats facing a divider in the plane — because they had more legroom, or an aisle seat so you didn't disturb anyone when stretching.

Yusri tries to eat light before and after the flight, as heavy meals can upset the stomach.

He said that proactively drinking lots of water while in the air would help you feel better after stepping off the flight. "If you feel thirsty, it's too late, as you're already dehydrated," Yusri added.

If you're flying with kids, create a schedule

Yusri told Insider that parents who were used to long-haul flights would plan playtime and nap time.

"I've seen parents have timed activities for their kids. They'll bring out different toys or books at set times during the flight, so the child is surprised and entertained," he said.

"Early in the flight, they will let them play games on their tablets, but as they move towards sleep time, they will remove some of the stimulation and give them a traditional board game so they calm down," Yusri added.

Pack noise-canceling headphones and an eye mask

Packing a well-thought-out carry-on could improve your long-haul flight experience, Yusri said.

"I would normally pack a good set of noise-canceling earphones and a good pair of eye shades because sometimes you don't want to be disturbed by the lights," said Yusri. He also recommended asking the cabin crew for a bottle of water so you could keep your hydration levels topped up.

He said to dress for comfort because traveling in a suit or business casual would not increase your chances of a free upgrade. "Wear loose-fitting clothes so that you are more comfortable," he added.

Listen to audiobooks and relaxing music to fall asleep

Yusri shared two tried-and-true techniques to help fall asleep on long-haul flights: reading a book or listening to relaxing music with noise-canceling earbuds.

"There are some playlists on Spotify that you can use to induce sleep. I have a playlist filled with classical music and jazz," he said.

"Otherwise, I will listen to one of my audiobooks," he added. "I love self-help books such as ikigai or Ryan Holiday books as they are kind of meditative."

Watch: Why flying is so terrible even though airlines spend billions

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  • 12 Things on Sale: Including Bright-Blue Birks

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In case you missed it, Ssense is having one its few yearly sales , with up to half off designer items. Our writer Lauren Ro has rounded up the best picks for your home , but as the sale is so sprawling, I’ve included a few more finds here. There are also a lot of very festive bags, shoes, rugs, and accessories on sale right now, which are just fun, so I pulled together some of my favorites.

BAGGU Mini Recycled Nylon Shoulder Bag

Urban Outfitters has a few particularly colorful Baggus on sale today, including this cute picnic-blanket-esque shoulder bag.

BAGGU Medium Cargo Nylon Crossbody Bag

A much bigger Baggu with lots of pockets in a color whose name (pansy blue) I like as much as its hue.

Carhartt Work in Progress Black Essentials Bag

If the Baggus above are too much for you, here’s an all-black Carhartt bag from the brand’s streetwear WIP line.

New Balance Gray 2002R Sneakers

The walking shoes of the moment in a very neutral yet somehow not-at-all-boring colorway.

Meater Plus Wireless Meat Thermometer

If I were you, I’d use the seemingly hundreds of sales going on right now ( Memorial Day is coming up) to get Father’s Day shopping done nice and early. Meater’s smart thermometer is always a solid choice — I know many a dad who has one and loves it — and right now, it’s $30 off at both Amazon and Traeger.

Meater Plus Wireless Meat Thermometer

Traeger also has it on sale in this “brown sugar”–colored wood case, which costs $10 more but — I have to say — does look a bit nicer.

Yeti Rambler 14-Oz. Mug

I don’t know why, but Yeti is offering 20 percent off select drinkware and bags in its Camp Green color only , starting today. Dads really seem to like mugs and coolers (also mysterious to me), so this is another good excuse to get your Father’s Day shopping done early.

Yeti Rambler 12 oz Colster Can Cooler

Such a dad gift.

Amanda Jane Jones x Revival Navy Stripe Rug

A cute striped rug from a Revival Rugs collaboration. Good for someone who sticks to plain bedding and furniture and could use a bold focal point in their room.

Birkenstock Madrid Big Buckle High Shine

Some lovely, statement-making blue Birks.

Merrell Hydro Moc

And statement-making (in a completely different way) waterproof Merrells that are equally good for a lake trip or a breezy summer walk. They’re on sale in women’s sizes , too, though the discount varies by color.

EltaMD UV Daily Broad-Spectrum SPF40

This is just a nice little discount on sunscreen from our best-in-class brand. Take care of your skin this summer!

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The 25 Best Restaurants in Vancouver for all Types of Cuisine

Updated : May 14, 2024

AAA Travel Editor, SMT

Table of contents, fine dining in vancouver, gluten-free food in vancouver, budget-friendly food in vancouver, best bar food in vancouver, go on a food tour of vancouver with aaa travel.

Between dozens of seaside attractions and a thriving art scene, there are plenty of reasons to visit Vancouver. The food alone is easily worth the price of admission; some of the best restaurants in Vancouver include Michelin-Star winning establishments, family-owned diners and small pop-up eateries. 

We’re sharing 25 of the best restaurants in Vancouver—from budget-friendly cafes to upscale bistros—and we’ll explain how a AAA membership can net you big discounts.

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When it comes to fine dining, presentation and experience are just as important as the taste and quality of your meal. Below are some of our favorite high-end Vancouver restaurants. These are the perfect places for Instagram -worthy food pics. 

1. Chasters Restaurant

Chasters is a restaurant equally known for its high-quality ingredients and enthralling atmosphere. Guests can either order items à la carte or check out the 3 Course Table D'Hote Menu. The entire establishment has a very vintage feel, from aesthetics to entrees. Special mention goes to their smoked paprika chicken breast.

2. Dockside Restaurant

Seaside dining establishments have a certain charm to them that can't be found anywhere else. The Dockside Restaurant, nestled within the Granville Island Hotel, is truly one of a kind; its dreamy design, spacious dining space and succulent dishes make it the perfect venue for large parties of 30 to 300 guests. The Dockside Brunch Board for Two always makes for an unforgettable dining experience.

3. Earls Kitchen + Bar - Port Coquitlam

Bus and Stan Fuller are the father and son team who opened Earls Kitchen in 1982. They're committed to creating unique experiences based on the communities they serve. There are over 70 Earls locations spread across North America. Earls in Port Coquitlam features tons of paintings from local artists and is famous for its truffled parmesan chicken dish.

4. Ember Indian Kitchen

South East Asian cuisine has increasingly grown popular in North America, with curry bowls and butter chicken plates selling out at local shops. Ember combines creative Indian dishes with contemporary fine dining. The fish tikka dish is a featured entree and a must-try for first-time visitors.

5. The Lobby - Pinnacle Hotel at the Pier

Lobby raises the bar for hotel restaurants in several ways. From alternating daily specials to holiday brunches, this place has it all. We can't forget about the Mother's Day Brunch Buffet event that brings in dozens of guests each year. Stop by on Tuesday to enjoy their Angus Burger & Beer combo.

6. The Loft at Meadow Gardens

Meadow Gardens Golf Club is a sprawling greenspace that brings in droves of golfers weekly. The Loft is located right in the middle of this massive golf course and is loved by golfers and fine dining enthusiasts alike. This restaurant won the Open Table Diner's Choice Award in 2023, and its “Build Your Own Pasta Buffet” is a major attraction. 

7. Provence Marinaside

Provence Marinaside is an award-winning restaurant that specializes in French-style dishes and soups. This venue also hosts must-see events like live jazz shows on Wednesdays. Marinaside's fish soup is so in demand that you order take-home pouches from Uber and DoorDash.

8. Yuwa Japanese Cuisine (fka Zest Restaurant)

Yuwa excels at everything from refreshing sake to Chef's choice sashimi platters. This Japanese-style establishment has won Michelin Awards and earned tons of praise from the Vancouver Sun. Yuwa even won the 2020 Wine Program Excellence Award.

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Adhering to a gluten-free diet can be challenging when you're traveling abroad. Thankfully, that's not an issue when visiting Canada; many of the best Vancouver restaurants have tons of tasty gluten-free options. These must-try restaurants are always crowd-pleasers. 

9. Arriva Ristorante

Arriva Ristorante is a no-frills Italian-style establishment. Everything from the menu to the restaurant's look and feel was designed with authenticity in mind. Pasta is Arriva's main specialty, which you can request gluten-free. 

10. East Is East Chai Lounge - Main Street

East is East has much more to offer than a very catchy name. This Mediterranean-style restaurant is cozy and nostalgic from ceiling to floor. The Main Street location's menu is decked out with gluten-free and vegan options. They've also got a food truck that travels around Vancouver.

11. Kypriaki Mediterranean Grill

 Kypriaki is a lively Mediterranean restaurant with a rustic flair and a soft spot for parties and group gatherings. Flavorful wine and beer are on tap at this venue, along with a carefully curated menu. Last but not least, Kypriaki offers gluten-free lamb chops, garlic prawns and Greek-style ribs.

12. Globe @ YVR - Fairmont Vancouver Airport

The waters of the Pacific Northwest are Globe's biggest inspiration. Oysters, scallops, mussels and a smorgasbord of fish decorate the menu. Globe's afternoon tea menu is a strong point in this venue's favor. 

13. Troll's at Horseshoe Bay

Troll's pedigree extends back to 1946 when Joe and Dorothy Troll opened a weekend-only restaurant that primarily served fishermen. As a result, Troll's specialties mainly include pasta mixed with seafood. Try the homemade fish pie when you visit—it's always a crowd-pleaser.

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You don't have to break the bank to savor the “Rain City's” best dishes. Some of the top restaurants in Vancouver offer amazing food at budget-friendly prices. Along with cheap activities , affordable eats can make for great times.

14. Elisabeth's Chalet

Elisabeth's Chalet specializes in European cuisine, with a menu inspired by Hungary, England and Germany. This is one of the best restaurants in Vancouver to order schnitzel, soup and filet of sole without breaking the bank.

15. Pat Quinn's Restaurant & Bar

This establishment wouldn't be out of place in our fine-dining section, but it also has an extremely diverse menu with tons of shareable entrees. Moreover, many of the appetizers here have large portion sizes that would count as a full meal at other restaurants. Looking at you, PQ's famous wings.

16. Personas Patio + Restaurant + Lounge

Happy hour at Personas is always a great time; you can buy $5 brews and half-price wine bottles to pair with smash burgers and tuna club sandwiches. Personas even has a selection of signature coffees to try out.

17. Time & Place

With locally sourced ingredients and an inspired menu, Time & Place is a go-to eatery for many great reasons. The breakfast selections here are true standouts, featuring omelets under $20 and a gourmet breakfast buffet with a $32 price tag.

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The City of Glass has a unique night scene, so it’s no surprise some of the best food in Vancouver is located in lounges and sports bars. Visit the following venues as you look for indoor activities around the city.

18. Boathouse New Westminster

The Boathouse sailed into the scene in 1981. Since then, it's been a mainstay due to its premium oyster shucks, $12 beef sliders and $8 cocktail offerings. If you have a sweet tooth, you can't go wrong with their Key Lime Pie or Chocolate Lava Cake.

19. CHOP Steakhouse & Bar - Richmond

If you fly over to the City of Glass, chances are you'll have to pass through the Vancouver International Airport. Fortunately, you'll be a short walk away from CHOP. We could give a lengthy speech about how refined this restaurant's menu is—or we could just say it's a rock-solid steakhouse with a bar and urge you to check it out ASAP.

20. Dominion Bar + Kitchen

Dominion's top priority is offering delicious food and drink while adhering to sustainability principles at all times. This restaurant also prides itself on representing Surrey's culture in its menu and aesthetic. We'll leave you with this: Dominion hosts breakfast buffets every day from 6:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

21. The Keg Steakhouse + Bar - Park Royal

The Keg is a chain of steakhouses with locations throughout Canada. Attractive Happy Hour prices for food and drink are big draws at every Keg location, though the Prime Rib Sandwich is easily one of our favorite dishes.

22. Match Eatery & Public House - New Westminster

Older restaurants understandably hold a lot of esteem in the restaurant business; if you've managed to please multiple generations of patrons with wildly differing tastes, that speaks wonders about your establishment's quality. Match is one of those rare exceptions. Since 2013, this restaurant and pub has pleased crowds with ribs, ravioli and craft beer.

23. MIXT Lobby Lounge @ Sheraton Vancouver Guildford Hotel

Even if you aren't staying at the Sheraton Vancouver Guildford Hotel, a trip to Mixt is a must. This suave lounge serves breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. There's also a grab-n-go kiosk for patrons on a time crunch.

24. RiverHouse Restaurant and Pub

RiverHouse is a marina restaurant that aims to create unique dining experiences each day of the week. Prime Rib Sundays, Weekend Brunch and seasonal offerings are just a few reasons why we love this spot.

25 Sports Illustrated Clubhouse

We can't think of too many venues that are better suited for game night than the Sports Illustrated Clubhouse. Baseball, both footballs, combat sports, golf—you name it, the SI clubhouse has it on air. Try their fried chicken tacos when you visit, and wash it down with your favorite alcoholic beverage.

After reading about our picks for the best restaurants in Vancouver, you might be itching to book your next visit. Plan your next flight with AAA Travel to cash in on big discounts on airfare, and check out our Vancouver Travel Guide to get more ideas for where to eat in Vancouver. 

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How to Plan a Trip to Italy on a Budget, According to a Local

A dream vacation to "il bel paese" doesn’t have to break the bank.

Laura Itzkowitz is a freelance writer and editor based in Rome. She has been contributing to Travel + Leisure since 2014, when she started as a fact checker before becoming a contributing digital editor in 2015 and going freelance in 2016. She has also held positions as a contributing editor at The Points Guy and the NYC cities editor at DuJour Magazine. In addition to Travel + Leisure , her writing has appeared in Architectural Digest , Surface Magazine , Brooklyn Magazine , T Magazine , The Wall Street Journal , Vogue, GQ, Departures, Afar, Fodor's, Town & Country , Condé Nast Traveler , Robb Report , Hemispheres, and others. When she's not jetsetting around Italy and beyond, she can be found in Rome, enjoying some cacio e pepe or relaxing at home with her husband and two dogs. Originally from the Boston area, Laura moved to New York City in 2011 to pursue a master's degree in creative writing and translation at Columbia University. She also holds a bachelor's degree in French from Smith College. * 10+ years of experience writing and editing * Co-wrote "New York: Hidden Bars & Restaurants," an award-winning guide to New York City's speakeasy scene published by Jonglez Editions in 2015 * Contributed to "Fodor's Brooklyn," published by Penguin Random House in 2015, which won silver in the Lowell Thomas Travel Journalism competition * Contributed an essay to "Epic Hikes of Europe," published by Lonely Planet in 2021 * Updated the 2022 edition of "Fodor's Essential Italy"

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Planning Your Trip

How to save money on flights, how to find an affordable hotel, transportation in italy, eating on a budget, free and low-cost activities, more money-saving tips.

Evgeniya Vlasova/Travel + Leisure

For many, visiting Italy is a dream trip — one that’s worth saving up for. There are certainly plenty of glamorous resorts, Michelin-starred restaurants, and exclusive experiences that you might want to splurge on, but a trip to Italy doesn’t have to break the bank. In fact, according to Numbeo , the cost of living is, on average, 19.8 percent lower in Italy than in the U.S.

I’ve been living in Rome for nearly five years and visited Italy many times before that, so I’ve found some strategies for traveling around the country without overspending. Here's how to plan a trip to Italy on a budget.

Want to visit Italy in the summer? So does everyone else — and increased demand drives up the prices on flights, hotels, and even tours. If you want to save some money, plan your trip for the low season (November through March), when you’ll find better rates and fewer crowds. Just keep in mind that while cities like Rome, Florence, Venice, and Milan are year-round destinations, coastal destinations like the Amalfi Coast all but shut down in the winter.

It’s a good idea to start planning your trip to Italy about three to six months in advance, or even longer if you’re planning a trip in the high season and want to be sure you’ll have plenty of options. According to Attilia Avino, who together with her sister Mariella runs Palazzo Avino , a member of the Leading Hotels of the World on the Amalfi Coast, they’re already getting bookings for 2025.

Daniel Gorostieta/Travel + Leisure

There’s no denying that flights are more expensive now than they were in the past — and flights to Italy are no exception. According to Priceline , the average cost of a round-trip flight to Rome in May 2024 is $1,183, while in May 2023 it was $977. That’s an increase of 21 percent in the span of a year.

“The two months with by far the highest number of cheap flights to Italy are January and February,” Scott Keyes, founder and chief flight officer of , told Travel + Leisure . “Aside from winter travel, shoulder season (March through May and September through November) is known for cheap Italy deals,” he said.

When looking for ways to save money on flights to Italy, it’s important to be flexible. Try using the “anywhere” feature on Google Flights to compare flight costs to different cities in Italy. If, for example, you want to visit Rome but find that the cheapest flight is to Florence, you could save hundreds of dollars by flying to Florence and then taking the train to Rome.

Amanda Blackard/Travel + Leisure

According to Priceline, the average price of a hotel room in Rome rose from $180 in spring 2023 to $301 in May 2024 (that’s a whopping 67 percent increase), but there are still deals to be found. Accommodations in Italy run the gamut from historic grand dames with white glove service to spartan bed-and-breakfasts or hostels with shared dorms. And in many Italian cities, monasteries run guest houses that offer affordable rooms but might have a curfew. Sites like will give you plenty of options that will likely fit your budget.

If you want to stay in the countryside, consider booking a room at an agriturismo . The word comes from " agri" for agriculture and " turismo" for tourism, so staying at one is essentially a form of agricultural tourism. Some have working farms that provide fresh fruit and vegetables and produce cheese or charcuterie, which they serve at their restaurant or sell at local markets. Better yet, they’re often more affordable than hotels or resorts.

Airbnb is an obvious choice, but it isn’t always more affordable than staying at a hotel, especially in in-demand neighborhoods in major cities like Rome, Florence, and Venice. It’s a good idea to compare the prices of Airbnbs with budget hotels or hostels when deciding where to stay. And consider that accommodations in neighborhoods outside the historic center will usually cost less than staying near the major monuments.

Michela Sieman/Travel + Leisure

Italy has an extensive network of trains and buses that transport people around the country, and most cities have public transit (metros, buses, and/or trams) to move around within them. The key to saving money when traveling between cities is figuring out which train you need to book and booking it at the right time.

High-speed trains like the Frecciarossa travel at speeds up to 300 kilometers per hour. From Rome, you can be in Naples in 70 minutes, Florence in 90 minutes, Milan in three hours, and Venice in four hours. Tickets on the high-speed trains should be booked in advance because the longer you wait to book, the higher the price will rise. There are also intercity trains and regional trains, which cost less but take longer than high-speed trains. If you want to visit small cities such as Parma or Tropea, you might need to transfer from a high-speed train to a slower intercity or regional train. Use or to search for and book the best train routes.

To get around cities like Rome, Milan, and Bologna, the metro is often the cheapest and fastest way to go. In Rome, for example, a single ticket costs €1.50 and is valid on the metro, buses, and trams for 100 minutes. (The price is set to rise to €2 in July.) For €7, you can buy a 24-hour pass that grants you unlimited rides. Tickets can be purchased at ticket booths in some metro stations, at the automatic machines in all metro stations, or at a tabaccaio (look for a sign with the letter T) or at some newsstands. You can use Google Maps to plan your route or download the app Moovit , which has updated information about metro, bus, and tram lines and will warn you about service changes and strikes.

In Venice, the vaporetto is the name for the public water buses that ply the Grand Canal and ferry passengers to the outer islands — and they are significantly cheaper than taking a water taxi. If you just want to cross the Grand Canal, look for the gondola traghetto . These gondolas operate in points where there isn’t a bridge nearby — like between Piazza San Marco and Punta della Dogana — and cost €2 to ride.

Eating out in Italy can put a dent in your wallet, but it doesn’t have to. There are many different types of restaurants in Italy , ranging from casual take-out spots to fine dining restaurants with elaborate tasting menus. According to Numbeo , the average cost of a three-course meal for two people at a mid-range restaurant in Italy is €60, while the average cost of a meal at an inexpensive restaurant is €15.

When I want to sit down for a casual meal of local specialties with affordable prices, I book a table at a trattoria or an osteria . Eating at a pizzeria is also a good option that’s usually more affordable than eating at a restaurant. Sit-down pizzerias are usually only open for dinner, but sometimes I like to get pizza al taglio (by the slice) for a quick lunch. Popping into a friggitoria (a place that specializes in fried food) is also a good option for a quick bite. And most bars have a selection of pastries and sandwiches.

To save a bit of money, join the locals eating and drinking their espresso standing up at the bar counter instead of sitting down and getting table service. In my experience, an espresso taken standing at a bar usually costs around €1.20, while a cappuccino and cornetto might cost €3 or €4.

Visiting museums, archeological sites, and other cultural attractions in Italy is generally quite affordable. Tickets sometimes cost just a few euros or at most about €25. For popular attractions like the Colosseum, Vatican Museums, and Galleria Borghese in Rome, the Uffizi Galleries and Pitti Palace in Florence, and the Doge’s Palace and Galleria dell’Accademia in Venice, it’s best to book tickets in advance. At the Colosseum, for example, tickets might sell out, forcing you to fork over a lot more money to join a guided tour. If you want to save money, book a basic entry ticket in advance and listen to one of Rick Steve’s free audio tours .

State-run museums throughout Italy are free on the first Sunday of every month and on some holidays, like the Festa della Liberazione (Liberation Day) on April 25, but in some cases,  you’ll still need to book tickets online in advance.

There are also lots of things to do in Italy that are totally free all year. Most churches are free to enter — and some of the most incredible Renaissance and Baroque art you’ll see in Italy is inside them. I have found that Italy’s churches can also be a cool, quiet place to rest my feet if I’ve been walking around for hours. Public parks such as Villa Borghese in Rome are also free. And of course, strolling around and simply admiring the beautiful piazzas, fountains, and monuments doesn’t cost a cent.

If you’re visiting Italy in the summer, you’ll probably want to soak up the sun on the beach, but prices at the beach clubs range wildly from about €15 to upwards of €100 for a sunbed and umbrella — not including food and drinks. While prices tend to be higher in touristy areas like Capri, Positano, the Italian Riviera, and the Costa Smeralda, you don’t have to fork over a fortune to enjoy the beach. Instead seek out free public beaches (called spiaggia libera ) — just make sure to bring your own towel.

You might also want to consider visiting secondary cities, such as Parma, Modena, Siena, Perugia, Orvieto, Tropea, and Lecce, where accommodations, experiences, and even meals are often less expensive than in major cities.

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