Unraveling the Mythical Journey of Telemachus: A Hero's Quest

Telemachus, a central character in Homer's Odyssey, has an important role in Greek mythology as more than just the son of Odysseus and Penelope. His story is one of growth, wisdom, and heroism. He embarks on a journey to find his father who has been absent from his life since leaving to fight in the Trojan War. 

While Odysseus struggles to return home after the war, Telemachus faces his own set of challenges, including dealing with suitors vying for his mother's hand in marriage. Athena, the goddess of wisdom, plays a crucial role in guiding Telemachus on his quest to find his father. 

In this blog post, we take a look at Telemachus' parentage, his adventures in searching for his father and the impact of Odysseus’ absence on his upbringing. Without further ado, let’s get straight to the point.

The Lineage of Telemachus: Son of Odysseus and Penelope

Farewell of Telemachus and Eucharis Credits everettcollection Canva

Farewell of Telemachus and Eucharis - Credits: everettcollection/ Canva

Parentage and early life

Telemachus was born to Odysseus and Penelope in Ithaca, before the Trojan War. Odysseus was a Greek hero, famous for his role in Greek mythology , while Penelope was a virtuous and loyal queen. As a child, Telemachus was raised by his mother, who instilled maternal wisdom in him while his father fought in the war.

Growing up in Ithaca, his early life was mostly spent within the palace, learning about his heritage and understanding his dual legacy, from both his father and mother. As he reached manhood, Telemachus became increasingly aware of his parents' importance and the responsibility that he would one day bear.

Impact of Odysseus' absence on his upbringing

Odysseus' prolonged absence due to the Trojan War and his subsequent odyssey had a significant impact on Telemachus' upbringing. Without his father's guidance, he relied on maternal wisdom and his father's loyal friends for support. His mother, Penelope, remained steadfast in her loyalty to Odysseus , teaching Telemachus the value of patience and resilience.

In the years that followed, Ithaca became overrun with suitors seeking Penelope's hand in marriage, believing that Odysseus was dead. Despite the hardships and challenges, Telemachus managed to maintain his composure and displayed wisdom, patience, and courage - traits inherited from both Odysseus and Penelope. 

He eventually embarked on a journey to find his father and restore order to their kingdom, embracing the paternal legacy bequeathed to him.

The Call to Adventure: Telemachus' Quest Begins

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Telemachus finds himself troubled by the presence of aggressive suitors vying for his mother's hand in marriage. This predicament sets the stage for his own journey in the ancient Greek epic, the Odyssey. 

In this critical phase of his life, Telemachus is introduced to the goddess Athena, who disguises herself as his father's old friend, Mentes. In their very first encounter, Athena plants the seed of adventure within the young prince, telling him his father is still alive.

The characteristics of Telemachus' quest are as follows:

  • Mentorship and Guidance : Throughout his journey, Athena serves as his mentor and protector, assisting him in various forms, whether it's supporting his decisions or providing him the tools for his success.
  • Facing Challenges : Telemachus must overcome the resistance from suitors, elders, and even his own mother Penelope, who are hesitant about him embarking on this perilous journey.
  • Growth in Character : As the son of a hero, Telemachus learns to embrace his youth, assert himself, and establish his own identity and responsibilities as a rightful prince. His tale highlights the importance of resilience and self-discovery.

Telemachus' journey eventually leads him on a quest for knowledge about his father, Odysseus' whereabouts, and ultimately a reunion with his long-lost father. By navigating the challenges and obstacles in his path, he gradually emerges as a more knowledgeable and confident individual.

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In this captivating story that unfolds in parallel to Odysseus' own trials, readers of the Odyssey are guided through the fascinating evolution of Telemachus, from a timid young man to a more assertive and responsible prince. The call to adventure and the influence of a mentor like Athena help shape Telemachus into a Greek hero of his own.

Trials and Tribulations: Challenges Telemachus Faced

Telemachus, the son of Odysseus and Penelope, embarked on a journey filled with challenges throughout Homer's epic poem, The Odyssey. As a young man growing up in a world of Greek mythology, his early life was marked by the absence of his father, who had been away at the Trojan War for nearly two decades.

One significant challenge faced by Telemachus was dealing with the suitors who overran his household, harassing his mother Penelope and consuming the family's resources. Telemachus was unsure how to protect his family and home. Without a father figure or mentor, he struggled to find a way to assert his authority and defend his family's honor.

Thankfully, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, took an interest in the young prince and guided him on a quest to discover his father's fate. Telemachus traveled to the courts of Nestor and Menelaus, who shared their knowledge and advice with him. 

Upon returning to Ithaca, Telemachus faced a vicious ambush orchestrated by the suitors; they sought to kill him before he could reassert his position as the rightful heir. With the help of deus ex machina and his now cunning mind, he managed to thwart their attack. 

Telemachus was also instrumental in a climactic battle alongside his father, Odysseus. Together, they triumphed over the oppressive suitors, reclaiming their household and restoring honor to their family. These hardships forge him into the strong, capable leader that he had always aspired to be.

The Return: Telemachus' Reunion with Odysseus

Odysseus bei den Laestrygonen commons.wikimedia.org

In Greek mythology, the reunion between Telemachus and his father, Odysseus, holds a significant and emotional place in the story of the Odyssey. As the son of the legendary hero Odysseus, Telemachus has grown up without his father's guidance, and in his absence, his home has been invaded by unruly suitors seeking to marry his mother, Penelope.

Telemachus sets out on a journey to gather information about his father, guided by the wise Goddess Athena. During his travels, Telemachus matures and learns about his father's adventures, as well as the need for bravery and loyalty. He attends an Assembly in Ithaca, where he addresses the Elders and gains their respect and support.

Meanwhile, Odysseus returns to Ithaca in disguise, aided by Athena. He stays with Eumaeus, a loyal and humble swineherd, who is unaware of the true identity of his guest. It is in Eumaeus' hut that the long-awaited reunion between Telemachus and Odysseus finally takes place.

Upon arriving at the hut, Telemachus initially mistakes his father for an old beggar. However, with the help of Goddess Athena, Odysseus reveals his true identity to his son. Their emotional reunion is marked by tears of joy and relief, as they realize that they can finally stand together against the suitors.

Key elements of the reunion:

  • Telemachus' journey of self-discovery
  • Odysseus' return to Ithaca in disguise
  • The emotional moment of recognition
  • The strengthened bond between father and son

Telemachus and Odysseus' reunion signifies the importance of loyalty and trust in their relationship. They join forces, and with Athena's guidance, they plan their revenge on the suitors who have disrespected their home and family.

In conclusion, the reunion of Telemachus with Odysseus is a pivotal moment in the Odyssey, demonstrating the importance of family, loyalty, and perseverance in the face of adversity.

In wrapping up the mythical journey of Telemachus, it is evident that his story is a quintessential coming-of-age tale that has resonated through the ages. The growth and maturation of Telemachus, from a passive observer in his own home to an assertive and wise leader, reflect the universal challenges of growing up and finding one's place in the world. 

His journey, under the guidance of Athena, showcases the transformation from boyhood to heroism, a narrative that continues to inspire modern interpretations and adaptations.

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Telemachus' legacy in Greek literature is significant; he symbolizes the potential within all young people to rise above their circumstances through courage, wisdom, and perseverance. His adventures and trials contribute vitally to the central plot of the Odyssey, intertwining his fate with that of his father, Odysseus, and highlighting the enduring bonds of family and loyalty.

Who is Telemachus in the Odyssey, and what role does he play?

Telemachus is the son of Odysseus and Penelope, and a central character in Homer's Odyssey. As his father embarked on his journey to Troy, Telemachus was just an infant. He grows up devoted to his mother and maintaining his father's estate. During the events of the Odyssey, Telemachus embarks on a journey to find his wandering father and faces challenges that reveal his own growth and maturity as a hero. 

How is Telemachus's relationship with Athena portrayed in the Odyssey?

In the Odyssey, Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war, takes a keen interest in Telemachus. She guides and advises him throughout his journey, giving Telemachus the courage and wisdom to stand up against the suitors and search for his father. 

What does the character of Telemachus symbolize in Greek literature?

Telemachus's character represents growth, maturity, and the transition from boyhood to manhood. His journey to find his father and the challenges he faces along the way symbolize the universally relatable struggles of self-discovery, forging an identity, and finding one's place in the world. 

How did Telemachus contribute to the events in the Odyssey?

Telemachus plays a pivotal role in the Odyssey by embarking on a journey to locate his father and gather information about his possible fate. While he does this, he also learns valuable life lessons and develops his skills as a leader. Telemachus ultimately helps Odysseus to reclaim their family's estate from the suitors who have overrun it in his absence.

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Telemachus: The Original Greek Coming of Age Story

Telemachus was a young Greek hero whose adventures are seen as the Greek version of the coming-of-age story. Read on to discover his adventures from childhood to adulthood.

telemachus returns penelope ulysses revenge suitors

The coming-of-age narrative arc is a popular and widely recognized theme for storytelling. Telemachus had a famous father — Odysseus — who traveled most of the known Greek world, generating many fascinating myths. Likewise, Telemachus himself had many adventures on the journey to adulthood. The first four books of the Odyssey are also known as the “Telemachy” as they relate to the story of the young hero’s travels in search of news about his father. Parallels with the modern conception of the coming-of-age narrative are clear. In this story we can see the basis of the genre — its birth lies in Greek myth.

Who is Telemachus? 

tiepolo telemachus mentor

Telemachus was the son of Penelope, and Odysseus, who ruled the kingdom of Ithaca in ancient Greece. His name means “far from battle” which alludes to his first appearance in Greek myth as a baby who Odysseus had reluctantly left behind to go to war far away on the plains of Troy . Odysseus did not return home for another twenty years and his story is told in the Odyssey .

Telemachus was born to Penelope and Odysseus just before the outbreak of the Trojan War. When recruiters came to summon Odysseus to the war, he pretended to be mad; he attached an ox and a donkey to his plow and began driving up and down the fields in a frenzy. When a man named Palamedes took Telemachus from his crib and placed him in front of the plow, Odysseus immediately ceased the act to protect his son. In another version of the myth, when Odysseus was feigning madness, Palamedes snatched Telemachus from Penelope’s arms and drew his sword as if to kill the baby. Odysseus then confessed his act in order to stop Palamedes from killing his child.

Telemachus grew up without his father in the picture. At home, he lived with his mother, Penelope, but their house was soon invaded by suitors who wished to marry Penelope in Odysseus’ absence. As a result, he had to endure the rude behavior of the suitors who insulted him and refused to listen to the young boy in his own house. Coming-of-age stories often begin with a turbulent time — for Telemachus, this was the suitors, who were squandering his home. The protagonist often wishes for a way to change their situation, and so this young man dreams of changing life on the island.

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Telemachus did have one advantage on his side: the goddess Athena . In Greek mythology, Athena was the goddess of wisdom, skill, and war. She appears in many Greek myths helping heroes (such as Perseus , Achilles, and Odysseus) giving them wise advice.

Athena was also the patron goddess of the House of Odysseus due to the family’s propensity for intelligence. Athena particularly favored those with a keen and intelligent mind, and she saw potential in Telemachus. Role models are a key feature of coming-of-age stories. The need for someone to look up to, a trusted advisor, is key for the development of the psychological and social relations of adolescents moving into adulthood. Athena takes this role.

Athena disguises herself as a family friend named Mentor, which is where the modern word “mentor”,  comes from. In this form, Athena gives valuable advice and guidance to Telemachus. As a goddess who symbolized wisdom, she often inspires the development of wisdom in mortals. It is apt then that Athena is involved in the life of our young hero, whose youth is of particular importance — he is still developing the wisdom that Athena so admires in his father, Odysseus.

Telemachus and the Suitors

kauffmann sorrow telemachus

In the Odyssey , Telemachus is first introduced as an inexperienced teenager, lost in his own thoughts . He despairs due to his lost father, the grief of his mother, and the disrespect from the suitors, who are plundering his house and hounding his mother with marriage proposals when his father is not even confirmed dead.

He was just one young man against 108 suitors, fully-grown men. These men had taken up residence in his house with designs to marry Penelope. Therefore he was in a fragile position: if his father was confirmed dead, he could rightfully claim his title as heir and head of the household. But Telemachus could not confidently claim this, because Odysseus’ whereabouts were unknown, and Penelope’s son was unsure how to get rid of the suitors by himself.

In one attempt to disperse the suitors, Telemachus organizes a meeting for the elders of the island to discuss the suitors’ bad behavior.

“My distinguished father is lost… My home and all I have are being ruined. My mother wanted no suitors but like a pack They came— […] They squander everything… Expel them, yes, if only I had the power… My house is being plundered: is this courtesy? Where is your indignation? Where is your shame?” ( Odyssey 4.49-80)

Some of the elders are impressed with Telemachus’ speech, but the suitors rudely mock him for his youth and inexperience. As a result, his speech is unsuccessful, and he is placed in an even worse position; the suitors hate him even more and secretly make plans to kill him. He is encouraged by Mentor-Athena to set out on a journey to discover news about his father. According to Athena’s standards, Telemachus must first gain knowledge, to increase his strength, before finally returning home with the ability to defeat the suitors.

Telemachus’ Travels

bienaime telemachus arming

Telemachus and Mentor-Athena set off on a journey to visit the great kings of Greece, who were old friends and comrades of Odysseus. This is the beginning of the hero’s coming-of-age narrative. His first stop is at the kingdom of Nestor , in Pylos. Just before getting off the ship, he hesitates, doubting his skill at speech and worrying that he will appear rude and uneducated to Nestor.

“Mentor, how can I do it? How approach him? I have no practice in elaborate speeches, and For a young man to interrogate an old man Seems disrespectful…” ( Odyssey 3.22-25)

This self-doubt is key to the coming-of-age trope; many characters in this narrative begin with doubt and grow in confidence as they learn from new experiences. Mentor-Athena notices his uncertainty and tries to rouse his confidence. Athena assures him that he has the ability: “reason and heart will give you words, Telemachus, and a spirit will counsel others.”

And so, Telemachus approaches Nestor and asks about his father. Nestor is very impressed with the young man’s speech — he praises him for having the eloquence of his father. This is a very high compliment as Odysseus was known among the Greeks for his silver-tongue. Among other things, Nestor teaches Telemachus about the importance of loyalty, and faith in the gods. This enhances the young protagonist’s psychological growth as a maturing young man.

After this, Telemachus visits King Menelaus and Queen Helen , who live in Sparta. Here he learns that his father is alive but trapped on the island of Calypso. Menelaus also admires the likeness of Odysseus in Telemachus, which helps him gain confidence in his parentage, which he sometimes doubts. Inspired by the news that his father is alive, Telemachus is reinvigorated with hope and self-assurance.

Return Home: Reunion with Odysseus

doucet telemachus odysseus reunited

Whilst Telemachus had been traveling, the suitors had been plotting “the death plunge for Telemachus.” ( Odyssey 4.897) Telemachus avoids the ambush that he had expected by taking shelter with a swineherd. Unbeknownst to Telemachus, his father Odysseus has also arrived from his twenty-year-long journey and is resting inside the same swineherd’s shelter. Odysseus is disguised as an old man — a magic trick courtesy of Athena.

Telemachus is gracious to the “old man” and shows the exemplary behavior of a young prince on the verge of adulthood. He accepts the responsibility of care for the old man but shows concern regarding his ability to keep his guest safe in his own home due to the presence of the violent suitors. During their conversation, Telemachus mentions how much he misses his father, which is heart-warming for Odysseus to hear.

“If men could choose, and have their choice, in everything, we’d have my father home.” (Odyssey 16.172-3)

Odysseus, having waited to gauge his son’s character, eventually reveals himself once he is proud of what he has seen. A happy reunion ensues.

“Then, throwing his arms around this marvel of a father, Telemachus began to weep. Salt tears Rose from the wells of longing in both men, And cries burst from both” ( Odyssey 16.252-6)

Reunited, father and son begin to devise a plan to eradicate the suitors and finally reunite their family.

Reuniting with Penelope

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Odysseus (once again disguised) and Telemachus, keeping a low profile, return to the palace. Once there, Telemachus secretly creeps into the palace and gathers weapons. He stores them in a hidden but accessible location so that they can arm themselves against the suitors when the time is right.

First, Penelope is reunited with Telemachus. He shows personal growth — key to coming-of-age narratives — in his improved attitude towards his mother. At the beginning of the story, he appeared impatient and brusque, chiding her for her laments. However, Telemachus’ attitude towards his mother changes by the time he returns home. He shows newfound respect for her, being courteous and apologetic.

“Mother… I know the meaning of these actions now, both good and bad. I had been young and blind.” ( Odyssey 18.283-6)

Telemachus also shows concern for her mental health; one of his first thoughts when reaching the island is a desire to let Penelope know that he and Odysseus are alive so that she will not despair. He later shows a protective attitude concerning his mother. In one scene, he commands Penelope to leave the courtyard and return to her room to continue her weaving. He then has her locked in the room. This appears to the onlookers as if Telemachus is being rude, however, Telemachus knows that a battle is about to commence, and so his actions ensure that Penelope is out of danger, and as safe as possible.

Reclaiming Home

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In the courtyard, Telemachus sets up the trial of the bow: Penelope had announced to the suitors that whoever could shoot an arrow through twelve ax-heads with Odysseus’ old bow, would become her new husband.

There is symbolism in Telemachus’ own attempt to fire the arrow. He fails three times to string the bow, but on the fourth attempt, it appears that he could have been successful. However, upon a secret signal from Odysseus, he retreats from the challenge. The plan was for the suitors to fail at the challenge, and for Odysseus to step up last and reveal his identity. Telemachus’ almost-victory shooting the arrow conveys how he has almost completed his passage from childhood to adulthood, and that he is undeniably the heir of Odysseus.

Once Odysseus completes the challenge, Telemachus and his father begin the purging of the suitors. It soon becomes apparent that the door to the room with the weapons has been left open, and the suitors are able to arm themselves. Without hesitation, Telemachus owns up to this mistake.

“It is my own fault, Father, mine alone. The storeroom door — I left it open. They were more alert than I.” (Odyssey 22.171-3)

His humble acceptance of his own mistake shows maturity, and his responsible nature speaks to his growth into adulthood. Nevertheless, with the magical aid of Athena, Odysseus and Telemachus are able to kill all the suitors in a violent battle.

Parallels with Other Coming-of-Age Narratives

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A vital part of the coming-of-age storyline is the personal growth the protagonist experiences on the way to becoming an adult. In particular, Telemachus’ example highlights Homeric Greek society’s expectations of what psychological changes an adolescent may experience when growing up: self-doubt to confidence, arrogance to humility. Telemachus learns responsibility and respect.

Telemachus’ journey across the sea, from his hometown to mainland Greece, is considered dangerous. As such, the journey proves that he has grown in bravery. The physical journey reflects the psychological journey. A major part of Telemachus’ growth is about confidence. He begins the journey unsure of himself because he had been unable to send away the suitors, as they had overpowered him in the meeting. When first arriving at Pylos, this self-doubt almost stops him at the beginning of his journey.

With the support and encouragement of a role model (Athena in the disguise of Mentor) Telemachus is slowly able to overcome his insecurities. On his return, he is able to confidently assume his place in the household and rid his property of the suitors. Doubt does not hold him back this time.

Emotional responses are a huge part of growing up. Telemachus gets angry at his mother and the suitors at the beginning of the Telemachy — this is manifest frustration at an inability to claim independence and power in his own home on the brink of adulthood. However, on his return, his naive lack of appreciation for his mother has become humble respect. With regards to the suitors, Telemachus is able to calmly deal with them and claim his power in the house as the rightful heir of Odysseus.

A Hero’s Growth

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By the end of the Odyssey , Telemachus has grown into a responsible young man who is accepting of his flaws and yet wise in his efforts to improve himself. The end of the Odyssey is by no means the end of Telemachus’ story, but the conclusion to his coming-of-age arc, and the beginning of his life as an adult.

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By Bethany Williams BA Classics and English, MA Literature Bethany is a Masters student, currently studying the adaptation of Greek myth in modern literature. She is a graduate of Classics and English (BA), during which she studied Ancient Greek language, classical reception within its own time and throughout history, as well as Greek and Roman history. Apart from her studies, she has an appreciation for art, philosophy, and travel. She may be based in England, but her heart is in Greece.

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