TraveLynn Family

Southeast Asia with kids: our 10 week itinerary, budget, and tips

Posted on Last updated: 2 May 2024

Southeast Asia with kids: our 10 week itinerary, budget, and tips

Sharing our itinerary, budget and tips for travelling Southeast Asia with kids

In 2023, we spent ten weeks backpacking Southeast Asia, focusing on Thailand , Cambodia , Malaysia (including Borneo ) and Singapore . The boys (aged 8 and 9) were deregistered from primary school , Dad (Jay) took unpaid parental leave , and I worked remotely (I work as a travel blogger and can be flexible with my time).

Here I share our itinerary, accommodation details, budget, activities and tips. Accommodation costs at the time of visit are also provided where possible, but please note that prices change from year to year.

Check out our Southeast Asia packing list for families

10 weeks may seem like a long time, but it’s still not enough to travel all of Southeast Asia with kids. We’re not ones to rush around ticking off sites, and would rather slowly immerse ourselves in the day to day and connect with local cultures. So Vietnam , Laos, Philippines, Indonesia, Myanmar, East Timor, and Brunei, are not covered in this trip, and all very good reasons to return to the region at a later date. Although we do have a separate south Vietnam itinerary if you’re interested in venturing there with the kids.

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Why travel Southeast Asia with kids?

We’re constantly thinking about the best places to travel with our kids , taking into account such things as safety, cost, enjoyment, ease of travel, internet access, activities, food; the list is almost endless.

When we run through a list of potential destinations around the world, Southeast Asia consistently ticks the most boxes and is a place we keep returning back to. The people are genuine and friendly, travel feels safe and easy to organise online, it’s relatively cheap compared to most other destinations across the globe, and we find a good balance between traditional sights and activities (e.g. temples and museums) and more kid-friendly things like theme-parks and cinemas.

Is it Southeast Asia safe to travel with kids?

In our experience, it absolutely is.

However, nothing is ever 100% safe of course (including living in the UK). But we’ve never felt threatened or unsafe on our trips to Southeast Asia with kids. We often think that travelling with kids actually helps with this; people tend to be more open and friendly when they see children, and we perhaps shy away from more dangerous locations or situations we’d consider if we were travelling alone. As we’ve often said, we always feel safer than we do walking around a UK city on a Saturday evening.

Please do check with the relevant foreign travel advice pages of the GOV.UK website before visiting a country for up-to-date travel information.

When to travel Southeast Asia with kids

The monsoon season is often used as the template around which a Southeast Asia trip is planned but, increasingly, this is tricky rule to follow. Climate change is no doubt involved but the traditional weather patterns don’t always seem to play out on the ground.

We’ve been to Thailand in the dry season, and had rain for seven straight days, and have been in Cambodia during the wet season and had weeks without any rain.

By all means, keep track of the seasons and don’t book a destination if you feel the risk of rain will spoil your trip, but try to stay flexible. The wet season in Cambodia, for example, is across the northern hemisphere summer but that also coincides with the European school holidays. You’ll find destinations quieter than usual, and hotels might be good deal cheaper. World-class tourist sites like Angkor Wat , which struggle under the weight of tourists around New Year, will be much quieter. And whilst rain is never ideal, it’s a different rain to the UK and tends to pass over quite quickly, usually enough time to dive into a restaurant and watch the storm pass.

How to get around?

Try to avoid flights if possible, on top of the environmental impact, you’re missing so much at ground level. Our favourite mode of transport is the train, especially and overnight sleeper train. Second is the bus, which are usually high quality in Southeast Asia, bookable online, with reclining seats. They cover the vast majority of towns and cities in any given country and give you freedom to explore.

bus from Kota Kinabalu to Sandakan

Around cities, we’ve fallen in love with ride-hailing apps like Grab . Gone are the days of flagging down a taxi, haggling for the fare and trying to explain where we needed to go. Cheap and easy to use, ride-hailing apps are the way to go, just make sure you have a local SIM (we use an eSIM) so you can register before first use.

What to pack?

Try to keep it light and simple to take advantage of the (usually) good weather. Check out our guide to packing light with kids .

Most days will be t-shirts and shorts/dresses; make sure you have something to cover you elbows and knees when visiting temples.

If you’ve forgotten anything, you can pick everything up at a local market or shop.

See our Southeast Asia packing guide for more information. Plus also check out our guide to kids travel backpacks (we recommend that kids carry their own backpack from a young age).

deuter Fox 30 Children’s Trekking Backpack

  • For children aged 8 and up
  • The backpack grows with your child thanks to VariQuick back length adjustment
  • Optimal load transfer thanks to the compact hip fins
  • Hydration system attachment (compatible with deuter Streamer 3.0 – not included)
  • Variable fastening options thanks to material straps in a wide range of positions

Our budget for travelling Southeast Asia with kids

Before we set off, our budget was £100 per day for the whole family (two adults and two children) including everything apart from return flights from the UK.

We felt it was quite a generous budget as this wasn’t intended to be a hardcore trip; we wanted some comfort in accommodation, were keen to eat and drink nicely, and wanted to do some of the one-off experiences like visiting Orangutans in Sepilok and flying through the rainforest near Angkor Wat on a zip wire.

Read: Tips for family travel on a budget

To keep track of our spending we used an app called Trabee . Almost without fail, we added every single item we bought, from a lollipop all the way up to a three day Kinabatangan River tour . It certainly helped to keep track of the budget and let us decide where and when we could add in a treat.

In total, we spent £7,626 over the course of 70 days, meaning we slightly went over our budget (£108.94 per day). As you can see from the screenshots below, it was interesting to see where the money went, with accommodation and food almost identical. This reflects the fact that the boys are growing up and eating a huge amount of food now(!), often eating adult portions and asking for fruit juices which were usually as expensive as beer!

south east asia travel with baby

This is the route we took around Southeast Asia over 10 weeks.

south east asia travel with baby

Our Southeast Asia travels took us through Thailand, Cambodia and Malaysia, including Borneo. On this blog, you can find individual family travel guides for each of these destinations:

  • Thailand with kids
  • Cambodia with kids
  • Malaysia with kids
  • Borneo with kids

Our 10 week itinerary for travelling Southeast Asia with kids

We left the UK in May 2023 having only booked accommodation for the first week of this trip. In fact, we cheated a little and following our Thailand with kids itinerary that we travelled on the boys’ first trip to Thailand back in 2016, which took us from Bangkok through to Koh Chang .

We then pretty much made it up as we went along, booking accommodation mostly on . In Cambodia we were able to book accommodation just two or three days in advance. We love this level of flexibility, as it means we can stay longer in a place if we enjoy it, or move on if the fit isn’t quite right.

However for Borneo, we had to book a good month in advance, and even then we we struggled with availability and dates. We were travelling Borneo in the high season (July and August) and many accommodations and tours are booked up months in advance by tour groups. Something to bear in mind if you plan on visiting Borneo with kids , especially Sandaka n and Sepilok .

Day 1-3: Bangkok, Thailand

READ: Top 10 things to do in Bangkok with kids

Accommodation: Lamphuhouse Bangkok (£29 pn for a quadruple room with private bathroom, central and basic)

south east asia travel with baby

It felt so good to be back in this steamy and chaotic city of contradictions. It’s a city that awakens the senses, overlooks health and safety to a laughable extent, and has everything (and I really do mean everything ) available 24/7. We first brought the boys here in 2016 when Ez was 16 months and Arthur almost 3 (check out our Bangkok with toddlers guide).

We always base ourselves in Phra Nakhon around Khao San Road and Rambuttri area. Now this is the main backpacker/tourist area of Bangkok and it’s not for everyone with its pumping music and cocktail jugs. But for us it’s been the the start, mid and end point of so many previous adventures and it’s been fascinating watching it develop since our first visit in 2005 when a now-Burger King was an old gas station with plastic chairs and tables for a makeshift bar, to the cannabis bars that have now popped up after the relaxation of Thai drug laws. It certainly lacks the optimistic rustic charm that it once had, but being a honeypot for travellers from all over the world makes it a fascinating place for us and stirs happy memories of past adventures.

There are so many places to visit in Bangkok with kids, from temples and night markets to indoor play centres and shopping malls. It can perhaps feel overwhelming, but our advice is to just pick a few things (a contrast between cultural and fun for the kids works well) to get a taster. Keep in mind that the traffic can be horrendous in Bangkok, especially after 4pm, and it can take hours to get between A and B.

We only had two full days in Bangkok. On the first day we chose to take the local ferry along the river (THB16 per person) to Wat Arun (THB100 per adult, kids free) to explore the temples and receive a blessing from a monk, before continuing along the river to take the metro to Siam Paragon for Ez to spend his birthday money at the LEGO store. The evening was spent around Khao San and Rambuttri eating our body weight in noodles.

For day 2 in Bangkok we needed to find a way to cool down from the intense heat. A quick Google Map search revealed a waterpark on a shopping mall rooftop – Pororo Aqua Park Bangkok ! This waterpark is a little tired in places, but brilliant fun! Being on a rooftop, it’s not too big, but there are four big slides, a lazy river, and a toddler splash area, as well as other swimming pools. Plus the view is pretty special! Entry is 400THB (£9.30) per person (over 120cm) and a 30 minute taxi from downtown Bangkok (expect to pay around THB350 with all the tolls).

south east asia travel with baby

For the evening we went straight over to China Town for dinner. It was quite a mission to get there as no taxi would take us from the waterpark due to the traffic. Instead we managed to get a taxi to a metro station and take two different lines to get there. A tuk-tuk blaring explicit lyrics from its speakers careered us around the traffic back to our hotel.

Day 4 -5: Chanthaburi

READ: Chanthaburi with kids

Accommodation: Kasemsarn Hotel (We had to get two separate rooms as there are no family rooms in Chanthaburi in our budget. This hotel was £20 per room per night. Clean, lovely staff, good location)

south east asia travel with baby

The first leg of our Southeast Asia travels follows our Thailand with kids itinerary that we did back in 2016 as the plan was to travel overland to Cambodia . Chanthaburi is a lovely river town that breaks up the journey from Bangkok to Koh Chang and it’s a special place to me as it’s where I decided to start this blog!

Unfortunately, due to a broken down bus, it took us almost a full day to do the 4 hour journey. We took a metred taxi from Rambuttri to Ekkamai Bus Terminal (THB280) and caught the 11:30 bus to Chanthaburi (THB180 per adult, THB150 per child). Around 1pm we pulled into a service stop for a comfort break only to find out that we needed to wait 2 hours for the next bus as ours had broken down. We eventually pulled into Chanthaburi around 5:30pm. For reference, a taxi from Bangkok to Chanthaburi costs around THB1800.

Chanthaburi is well known for its weekend gem markets, but we love it as a place just to wander around the old town, along the river, and to check out the Cathedral of Immaculate Conception  (Thailand’s largest church) and Wat Bot Muang temple. There a some lovely restaurants overlooking the river for dinner.

Whilst in Chanthaburi, and absolute must-do is to hire a songthaew (THB600 return) to Namtok Phlio National Park . The National Park entry fee is THB200 per adult, THB100 per child. It’s an easy-going, paved 500 metre walk to the waterfall. There is a waymarked 1.5km footpath through the jungle, but in the extreme heat, we weren’t really up to walking uphill through the jungle and took the easy route. You can actually swim in the pool at the waterfall, but be prepared to join some pretty huge and friendly fish.

Day 6-10: Koh Chang

READ: Koh Chang with kids

Accommodation: Siam Bay Resort (£53 per night in a family seaview beach hut)

Siam Bay Resort, Koh Chang with kids

To get to Koh Chang we took a private transfer direct from the hotel to the Koh Chang ferry terminal (THB1300). The ferry crossing is about 30 minutes (THB80 per adult, THB50 per child) and then a songthaew (THB800) drove us the 40 minutes to our accommodation.

We were so looking forward to some relaxing beach time as both Ez and I had experienced dodgy tummies over the past few days. So when we arrived at Siam Bay Resort to then be led to a room away from the beach and overlooking a carpark, we couldn’t have been more disappointed. This is not at all what we had booked online. So I had a chat with reception and they moved us to a sea-view family beach hut. Much better. It’s always worth chatting with reception if things don’t feel right!

Click here for our review of Siam Bay Resort. It was a lovely place to spend a relaxing few days; chilling on the beach and playing in the pools (there are two). It’s in quite a secluded spot with no other restaurants or shops nearby, but you can take a 5 minute ride in a songthaew to the nearby collection of restaurants / bars / massage parlours / shops or to Lonely Beach (THB200).

There’s more to Koh Chang than the beaches, and it’s worthwhile organising a songthaew for the day to take you to Than Mayom Waterfall (which you can swim in) and to explore the mangroves in the southeast of the island via the walkway and a traditional boat trip. We paid THB1500 for a songthaew for the day.

You can also organise snorkelling trips to other islands. However, as our visit coincided with the start of the wet season, only the huge tourist boats were operating, and they’re not our thing. We’ve taken the boys snorkelling in Thailand from  Koh Lanta  before, and we’re sure there will be other opportunities later on this trip.

Day 11: Over the border to Cambodia

Accommodation: Garden Bungalow, Sihanoukville (£25 for the one night in a basic room with a/c and two double beds)

Thai-Cambodian border crossing

A very long travel day today. 13 hours from our beach hut on Koh Chang to Sihanoukville in Cambodia.

We had pre-arranged our Cambodian e-visas online and had pre-booked the overland travel to Cambodia from a travel agent in Koh Chang for THB1700 per person.

A minibus collected us from Siam Bay Resort at 7am and then other travellers along the way to the ferry terminal. The ferry then took us to the mainland and the same minibus then drove us all to the Thai-Cambodian border. Passports were stamped on the Thai side, and it was then a 100 metre walk through no man’s land to the Cambodian passport control for the long drawn-out affair of form-filling and stamping, resulting in a load of paperwork being stapled to our passports. It was then a 2.5 hour wait until the bus to Sihanoukville, so we waited it out in an air-conditioned café with wi-fi at the border.

The road from the border to Sihanoukville is in terrible condition. Be prepared for a very bumpy and slow ride. The journey took over five hours and it was dark by the time we pulled into the bus station in Sihanoukville. A $5 tuk-tuk then took us to our accommodation for the night in Sihanoukville via the ATM. The ATMs dispense US dollars, but everyone uses US$ and Cambodian riel simultaneously (it’s 4000 riels to US$1); this can get rather confusing, so take your time working out those initial transactions to get your head around it all.

Sihanoukville is sadly a city that has become a casualty of Chinese development with no regard for the local culture and environment. It’s high-rise concrete buildings with casinos and clubs are not worth staying longer than a night. Whilst it was interesting to see, we had booked our ferry out to Koh Rong Sanloem for first thing the next morning.

Day 12-16: Koh Rong Sanloem

READ: Koh Rong Sanloem with kids: Lazybeach REVIEW

Accommodation: Lazybeach (£29 for a family beach hut with fans on the beach)

Lazybeach, Koh Rong Sanloem

We arranged for the same tuk-tuk that brought us from the bus station yesterday to take us to the ferry terminal. We had pre-booked the 8:30am speedboat to Koh Rong Sanloem through our accommodation on the island for US$25 per person (under 9’s are slightly cheaper).

The speedboat took about an hour as it first went to two different ports on Koh Rong before dropping us off at Koh Rong Sanloem. A tractor sent from our accommodation, LazyBeach , then drove us to the other side of the island.

A little slice of paradise awaited us; a basic hut right on a crescent of beach with waves rolling in. The vibe at Lazybeach is very laid back, as its name suggests, and is a wonderful place to unwind and recalibrate. Spend your days playing in the waves, on the beach, or the board games behind the bar. It feels beautifully remote, but there are signs of encroaching Chinese development with large areas of jungle being removed in January 2023. Now is the time to visit Koh Rong Sanloem, don’t leave it too long!

Day 17-19: Kampot

READ: Visiting Kampot with kids

Accommodation: Magic Sponge (£24 for a lovely family room with aircon. There’s pool tables and minigolf, and the owner, William, is the perfect host)

Kampot pepper

The riverside town of Kampot is a lovely stopover between the Cambodian islands and Phnom Penh. There are some great accommodations and eateries here. Indeed, we loved our stay at Magic Sponge and the free onsite mini-golf and pool tables were a hit with our boys. But it’s just one of those places where you don’t necessarily tick off the sights, instead just soak up the vibe.

An absolute must-do in Kampot is to hire a tuk-tuk driver for the day to take in the sights of the surrounding countryside. Expect to pay around US$25. The usual stops are:

  • the salt-fields just outside of town
  • tour of  La Plantation  to learn about how Kampot Pepper is made, as well as taste-testing 17 different types of pepper
  • Kep – a seaside town known for its crab market. There’s a beach to play on, but the sea didn’t look too inviting here. There are also lots of snack stalls along the beach; our boys highly rate the Cambodian pancake.
  • Phnom Chhnork – a 1300 year-old temple in a cave

Evenings were spent at one of the restaurants along the river front, and we also did a sunset river cruise.

Day 20-23: Phnom Penh

READ: Visiting Phnom Penh with kids

Accommodation: City View Apartment (£43pn for a spacious, modern, 2-bed apartment over two floors. Three bathrooms, kitchen, washing machine, and a superb roof-top pool which we had mostly to ourselves.)

The Royal Palace, Phnom Penh

Phnom Penh, the capital and largest city in Cambodia, retains the fun and flavour of other large Southeast Asian cities, but on a much smaller scale. Think of it as a tamer version of Bangkok; it feels much easier to navigate and not quite as highly-strung. It’s a fascinating city to explore how modern Cambodia is transforming alongside deep-routed traditions.

Phnom Penh offers families the perfect balance of exploring tradition and having some serious fun with hi-tech cinema complexes and waterparks. There are some fantastic things to do in Phnom Penh with kids including:

  • The Royal Palace
  • Sunset cruise and Sisowath Quay
  • Eat and shop at the night market
  • 4XD cinema at AEON mall
  • Garden City Waterpark

We decided not to take the boys to the Genocide Museum and Killing Fields. They’re 8 and 9 years old and if the images at these places were a film it would be rated 18+. Jay and I were really shaken up by our visit there pre-kids. We’ve spoken to the boys about the past atrocities here, but don’t want those images etched on their minds quite yet. However there is no minimum age to enter and as parents it’s totally your call as to what you feel is best.

Day 24-26: Battambang

READ: Visiting Battambang with kids

Accommodation: Lotus Blanc Homestay (£16pn for a basic family, ensuite room with AC. This is a family homestay and our boys had so much fun playing football with the two sons.)

Battembang with kids, bamboo train

The train from Phnom Penh to Battambang has to be a highlight of our time in Cambodia. It was a wonderful feeling chugging through the Cambodian countryside watching people go about their everyday lives with warm air rushing past (the above photo is of the Battambang Bamboo Train, not the public train we took from Phnom Penh to Battambang in case you were wondering).

Battambang might not be on everyone’s radar when visiting the country, but it’s a fantastic base for world-schooling families who want to learn more about Cambodia’s past and present, and there’s also the superb Phare Circus to visit (we were totally blown away by the energy, personality, and ingenuity of the show).

We organised two separate tuk-tuk day tours through our family homestay, Lotus Blanc Homestay . The first day tour is the main one visitors to Battambang undertake, taking in the Bat Cave and Killing Cave , Banon Hill, and a ride on the bamboo train. The second day tour is learning about local traditions and way of life by watching how how rice wine, rice paper, fish paste, and bamboo sticky rice are made, as well as a visit to Killing Temple and Ehkphnom Temple . Read more about these day tours in our guide to visiting Battambang with kids .

Day 27-33: Siem Reap

READ: Siem Reap with kids guide

Accommodation: SAKABAN Suite (£34pn for a large family ensuite room with balcony, including breakfast. Superb location, lovely pool, and friendly staff. One of our favourite accommodations on this Southeast Asia with kids itinerary) .

Angkor Wat with kids

The main reason most people visit Siem Reap is, of course, to see Angkor Wat. Indeed, it’s top of the list of things to do in Cambodia and watching the sun rise behind the main temple is a bucket list experience.

But let’s be realistic, the kids aren’t going to be too enamoured by days and days wandering around ancient temples in the heat. Thankfully there are so many fun things to do in Siem Reap with kids besides Angkor Wat, including Angkor Zipline (a zipline course in the rainforest canopy), learning about the impressive HeroRATs who are sniffing out landmines and saving rural communities, an Angkor Wat-themed golf course, plus the range of food options along Pub Street will keep even the fussiest of eaters happy.

We loved our time in Siem Reap and even though we were there almost a week, we really felt we could have stayed longer. Don’t just visit for Angkor Wat, there’s so much more to explore in this town.

Day 34-36: Bangkok

Accommodation: The LOL Elephant Hostel (£29pn for a small, ensuite family room with AC. The family room is on the 5th floor and there is no lift. But the bonus is the free ice lollies in the communal area. There aren’t any restaurants right outside the hostel, but it’s a short 5 minute walk to the Khao San Road area.)

south east asia travel with baby

A nine hour Giant Ibis bus took us direct from Siem Reap to the centre of Bangkok (dropped off close to Khao San). We didn’t plan too much for Bangkok and took the time to relax, catch up with schooling and work. Although we did head over to Wat Pho to see the reclining Buddha and returned to our favourite dumpling restaurant in China Town.

Day 37: Overnight train to Malaysia

south east asia travel with baby

Leaving Bangkok at 3:35pm, a 19 hour sleeper train took us to Malaysia.

The sleeper train was so comfy and honestly, the time whizzed by! It must be something about being rocked to sleep as the train chugs along, although 2:30am was a big stop with lots of people getting on and off.

This train used to go all the way to Butterworth ( Penang ), but now it’s only to the border town of Padang Besar, from where you have to jump on a separate train to Butterworth (1hr 50mins).

Some tips if you take this sleeper train:

  • book tickets in advance as it’s a popular route
  • have sleep masks with you as they don’t turn the lights off and it’s rather bright on the top bunk
  • keep jumpers handy as the AC makes it rather chilly
  • as it gets dark around 6:30pm, have films downloaded for the kids to watch all snuggled on the bottom bunk
  • kids aren’t allowed in the top bunk and there is no barrier to stop them rolling out
  • bring locks for your bags (just for peace of mind)
  • pack toothbrushes at the top of your bag for easy access

We booked the train online via – 4x 2nd class berths with AC (THB3935 / £89 total).

Day 38-41: Penang

READ: Top 10 things to do in Penang with kids

Accommodation: Love Come Home @ Japan-European Style Homestay (£55pn for a 2bed apartment on the 24th floor. Clean, amazing views, excellent WIFI, and access to a pool that also has great views. Good location too)

south east asia travel with baby

The ferry terminal to Penang Island is a short walk from Butterworth Railway Station. It’s then a 10 minute ferry ride to Georgetown, the main city on Penang Island.

We adore visiting Penang with kids . It’s honestly one of those places we could see ourselves living one day. We love the seamless fusion of different cultures, and the modern city life alongside rustic jungle adventures and pristine beaches. Oh and the food… incredible dining every evening.

Penang is another place where we really could have stayed longer, but in the four days we were there we wandered around the historical area of Georgetown, took the funicular up to Penang Hill (try and visit first thing on a week day to avoid long queues), and took a boat trip to Monkey Beach in the National Park to spend an afternoon kayaking in the sea and then hiking up through the rainforest to the lighthouse.

READ OUR GUIDE Monkey Beach Penang National Park: everything you need to know

If we had more time we would have visited the turtle sanctuary in the National Park as well as ESCAPE , Malaysia’s biggest theme park with 40 exciting rides and attractions (rope and obstacle courses, ziplines, climbing, diving towers and the Guinness World Records Longest Tube Water Slide).

Day 42-47: Kota Kinabalu

READ: Visiting Kota Kinabalu with kids

Accommodation: Homesuite’ Home (£35pn for a 2bed apartment. It’s clean, has a small kitchen, superb views from the 23rd floor, and there’s also a swimming pool and playground on the 7th floor.) We also spent one night at Nexus Resort & Spa Karambunai for a bit of luxury as we found an excellent deal on .

Kota Kinabalu with kids

There is so much natural beauty in Borneo that it can be tempting to disregard a city like Kota Kinabalu (KK) and head straight out onto the road. But long term travel allows you to pause for longer in places (and really the pauses are very much needed).

We’ve loved our time in KK, despite a bumpy start with a seriously gross apartment ( check out this Instagram post for the full story), and we’ve enjoyed the balance of modern city, island hopping, and culture.

Our favourite things to do in KK with kids are:

  • watching the sunset from the beach at the Nexus Resort
  • island hopping in Kota Kinabalu
  • Sabah Museum
  • visiting City Mosque (although we mistakenly visited on a Friday and were ushered out by security)
  • eating at the night market where we all ate as much as we could for £10 total

Once again, the Grab app made it super easy (and cheap!) to get around. It’s about £1-2 per journey to get around the city.

Do note that quite a few places have closed since the pandemic, with sadly no sign of reopening, but our up-to-date guide to visiting Kota Kinabalu with kids will help you plan your time in this city.

Day 48-49: Poring Hot Springs

READ: Poring Hot Springs, Borneo: your essential guide

Accommodation: Kinabalu Poring Vacation Lodge (£26pn. A friendly homestay, 15 mins walk from the hot springs, although the host is happy to drive you there. Very basic family room, ensuite. The communal area is rather messy with cluttered with bags and piles of stuff everywhere.)

south east asia travel with baby

We ordered a Grab taxi to take us to our accommodation near to Poring Hot Springs . Unfortunately, the car broke down on the winding mountain roads and we were left stranded on a bend in the lashing rain trying to find a solution. A minibus eventually stopped for us and took us to Ranau, from where our host picked us up.

Poring Hot Springs is a worthwhile stopover between Kota Kinabalu and Sandakan, and is a welcome break from the windy, mountain roads.

Allow a full day at Poring Hot Springs , as it’s not just the baths of hot, sulphurous water to enjoy, there’s also a superb Poring canopy walk , a butterfly park, and a worthwhile walk to a stunning waterfall. The baths themselves cost MYR10 each for three hours (a good 45 mins of that is waiting for the bath to fill with water). After 7 weeks of backpacking, I think we were all in need of a good bath!

Check out our guide: How to get from Kota Kinabalu to Sandakan

Day 50-51: Sandakan

READ: Visiting Sandakan with kids

Accommodation: AeCOTEL (£26pn for a twin room. No family rooms, so we had to book two separate rooms next to each other. Exceptionally clean, standard room, ensuite, good location. The supermarket downstairs is very handy.)

south east asia travel with baby

Sandakan is a popular base for some of the best wildlife experiences in Asia. But many travellers miss out the town of Sandakan itself and head straight off to river cruises, Sepilok (for the orangutans), or out to Turtle Islands .

We took the the bus from Ranau to Sandakan (make sure you pre-book tickets on easybook ) and stayed in the town for a couple of nights, which allowed us one full day to explore.

Sandakan is a really interesting town of contrasts and history. This is where the POW camps were based, and the start of the death marches where thousands of mostly Australian POWs died. There’s also an interesting British colonial history, and even though the town is backed by wild jungle and the waterfront supports a floating village, there’s a shopping mall.

Start your day with a visit to Sandakan Memorial Park , which is excellently curated, before heading over to Agnes Keith’s House to understand the colonial history of the region. A stop at the English Tea House  is very worthwhile. Along the waterfront, next to the mall on the McDonald’s side, is a stretch of restaurants for dinner.

Day 52: Selingan Island

READ: Selingan Island, Sabah: visiting the turtles in Borneo

Tour operator: Crystal Quest (£273 for the overnight tour for our family of four, which included lunch, dinner, and breakfast, return speedboat from Sandakan, two AC ensuite rooms, turtle viewings. Snorkel gear not included and poor quality, we recommend bringing your own.)

south east asia travel with baby

We really wanted to see the turtles on this trip and there’s only one company that goes out to the island, Crystal Quest . I tried emailing from their website and sent separate emails, but no response. Eventually I used the phone number on their website and booked via WhatsApp. Success!

A speedboat takes you from Sandakan out to the island (1hr) and you have the afternoon free to walk on the beach and snorkel (AMAZING snorkelling). Then in the evening after dinner, you wait in the central area until the ranger reports that a mother turtle is laying her eggs. Be prepared to wait a while, we had to wait until 11pm. Afterwards the kids can release newly hatched baby turtles into the sea (which have been carefully looked after at the hatchery on the island for the last 50-60 days).

Overnight accommodation is included and in the morning after breakfast, it’s a 7am return on the speed boat back to Sandakan.

Day 53-54: Kinabatangan River (3D/2N)

READ: Exploring the Kinabatangan River with kids

Tour operator: Asia Green Travels (£317 – MYR1860 for a 3 day / 2 night river experience. Includes 2 nights in a ensuite AC family room, 3 river cruises, 2 jungle night walk, 1 jungle day walk, 2 breakfasts, 1 lunch, 2 dinners)

south east asia travel with baby

It was an early start to catch the 7am ferry back to the mainland, especially considering that none of us went to bed until long after midnight.

We had pre-booked a Kinabatangan 3D/2N river tour through Asia Green Travels, and we were picked up by bus from central Sandakan to take us deep into the jungle. There were a few pickups along the way, including around Sepilok and the bus was full by the time we arrived at the resort. The highlight of the bus journey was seeing a small family of pygmy elephants at the roadside!

The resort is very well organised, if slightly regimented with everyone following the same routine of river cruises, night walks, and sunrise tours. At times, the restaurant gets very busy with blocks of seats reserved for tour groups and the rather repetitive and basic meals laid out on large tables. But it’s not the food you’re here for, instead the amazing wildlife which included hornbills, proboscis monkeys, macaques, crocodiles, and orangutans. In total, we did four river cruises and three jungle walks (two after dark). You’ll usually stay with the same guide throughout the tour which is handy because they’ll know which animals you’ve already seen and try to complete the set for you.

Finally, the accommodation is lovely, set back from the river in separate, raised buildings. We chose the deluxe family room which had a double bed, bunks beds, en-suite bathroom, plus AC and ceiling fans. It was a lovely place to retreat to from the heat, particularly on the days we’d had the 5:30am alarm call!

Day 55-58: Sepilok

READ: Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre, Borneo: tips for your visit

Accommodation: Sepilok B&B (£58pn for a large family room, with AC, ensuite, and balcony. Breakfast is included, but very basic, and there’s an onsite restaurant. A 5 minute walk around the corner is Rainforest Café with lots more food choice and you can use their pool for a small fee. It’s a short 1.5km walk to Sepilok Orangutan Sanctuary, but along a road in the heat. Grab works in Sepilok and it’s MYR4 to get around the tourist area.)

south east asia travel with baby

Seeing these rescued orphaned orangutans at Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre is often a top reason anyone visits Borneo. With the catastrophic deforestation rates on this huge island, this rehabilitation centre has been a lifeline for these endangered apes and the work that goes into their rehabilitation is truly incredible.

However, it does get exceptionally busy, especially in the high season (July and August) and our top tops are:

🦧 cash only for tickets

🦧 your ticket allows entry for both the morning and afternoon sessions (it’s closed 12pm-2pm). We went to both sessions and both are busy.

🦧 the gate opens at 9am and 2pm for each session. We arrived 5 mins early and were first in. Go to the nursery first; the best viewing is on the carpet in the far corner.

🦧 set expectations 1 – the nursery (where the young orangutans play outside) can feel rather zoo-like as you’re inside behind a glass wall. But this is where most of the action takes place and there’s AC. Ez said that watching the orangutans here was “better than the Xbox”.

🦧 set expectations 2 – at the main outdoor feeding platform, where the rehabilitated adult orangutans come for food, you may only see 1 or 2 (or even 0) orangutans. We only saw one in the afternoon viewing (a few more in the morning viewing). This is actually a good thing as it means that the rehabilitated orangutans are finding food in the jungle and don’t feel the need to visit the feeding platform (we’re also visiting during the fruit season, so there are lots of food choices in the jungle).

🦧 get to the main viewing platform 30 mins early so the kids can find a spot at the front to see.

🦧 you can’t take in bags and rucksacks. It’s hot and the kids will need water. So I put a small water bottle inside my bumbag, which is allowed.

🦧 set expectations 3 – the gift shop is really disappointing. Ez has been dreaming of buying an orangutan toy from Sepilok this entire trip. There are no cute orangutans toys to buy (there’s one scary one that doesn’t look like an orangutan), no stickers for their journals, but we bought a fridge magnet.

But there’s more to Sepilok than seeing the orangutans. Make time to see the rescued sun bears at  Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre  and the superb walking trails and canopy walkways at  Rainforest Discovery Centre (RDC).

Sabah is very popular with tour groups, but with the luxury of time and flexibility over four days we were able to fit our visits around the peak-season crowds whilst also allowing time to just enjoy the rainforest setting.

We did actually spend one night at Sepilok Jungle Resort as it has a pool, but we wouldn’t actually recommend it as the pool and rooms were filthy, and the service poor. Sepilok B&B is a much better choice for accommodation.

Day 59-61: Kuala Lumpur

READ: Top 12 things to do in Kuala Lumpur with kids

Accommodation: The Platinum Kuala Lumpur by LUMA (£49pn for a superb and massive apartment with incredible views and rooftop pool)

south east asia travel with baby

After 16 days in Sabah, it was time to return to Peninsular Malaysia for the final leg our our Southeast Asia with kids adventure. We took an AirAsia flight from Sandakan to Kuala Lumpur.

You could easily spend a full week in Kuala Lumpur with kids , but unfortunately for this trip we only had a couple of full days.

There’s so much to do in Kuala Lumpur and, like many big cities, it can be rather overwhelming feeling you need to tick things off to have experienced it properly. That really doesn’t need to be the case and you can get a great feel for a city just wandering around with a couple of ‘activities’ thrown in, and you don’t need to spend a fortune.

What we tend to do is allow each family member to pick one or two things they really want to do, and plan our days roughly around that, trying to contrast activities.

Our highlights of Kuala Lumpur included:

  • watching the evening light and water show at KLCC Park
  • trying Dunkin’ Donuts for the first time at the mall (yes, we had deprived our children that long)
  • getting our geek on at  Petrosains, The Discovery Centre
  • playing at the huge playground and splash park in KLCC Park
  • shopping along Petaling Street
  • eating scrummy food along Jalan Alor
  • enjoying the epic cityscape views from our accommodation ( this is where we stayed )
  • visting the incredible Batu Caves north of the city

Day 62-63: Melaka

READ: Visiting Melaka with kids

Accommodation: 3 Little Birds Home, 100meter to JonkerWalk (£21pn for a basic ensuite family room with AC. Cleanliness is questionable, but it’s a good location. Mattresses are on the floor for the kids.)

south east asia travel with baby

Don’t make the same mistake as us. Avoid Melaka at weekends.

It’s become a bit of a running joke in the family that so often when we leave a place on this trip I’ve said “Ooo, I could do with another day here”.

Unfortunately Melaka does not fall into this category. Two nights was more than enough.

Jay and I last visited Melaka back in 2007 and we remember it being such a quaint and quiet old trading town. Well it is no more, and especially at weekends. It’s suffocatingly busy, crazy loud with trishaws adorned with stuffed toys blaring music (yes, we did have a ride in one and loved it!), the food scene isn’t a patch on Penang (we had expected similar) and it was the wrong side of touristy for us.

Factors that probably affected our feels with Melaka – slightly (very?) pants accommodation, we’re nearing the end of this epic trip, and most definitely because we visited over a weekend.

Nevertheless, if you’re passing through and wondering what there is to do in Melaka with kids, it’s worthwhile going to the Maritime Museum , taking a river cruise to see the street art and colourful architecture, riding the observation tower for views of the city and beyond, and wandering around the Dutch corner and St. Paul’s church .

Day 64-65: LEGOLAND Malaysia

READ: LEGOLAND Malaysia tips

Accommodation : Legoland Malaysia Hotel (£150pn for a LEGO-themed family room with all Western comforts you’d expect from a 5* hotel)

view from LEGOLAND Hotel Malaysia adventure room

Being the extreme LEGO fan that he is, there was no way Ez would allow us to miss out LEGOLAND Malaysia on this trip, and what an awesome day it was!

LEGOLAND Malaysia lacks the bigger rides and size that  LEGOLAND Billund  offers, but doesn’t have the insane holiday queues of LEGOLAND Windsor. Plus, we got to experience ‘The Great Lego Race’, which is the first LEGO-themed rollercoaster to have VR goggles. It’s so brilliant we went on it eight times in the one day!

I was worried about long queues in the heat, but we barely queued and all ride queues have shelters and fans if outside, so it never felt too hot.

But LEGOLAND is not just about the rides (they are rather on the tame side for our boys), there’s also LEGO coding sessions, the 4D LEGO Movie Theatre, LEGO build sessions, and, of course, MINILAND, which at LEGOLAND Malaysia has an Asian focus; it was pretty cool seeing the big sights from this trip in LEGO, including Angkor Wat, Wat Arun, and the Petronas Towers.

There’s also a waterpark here and Sealife Centre, but we spent the entire day at the main park and were one of the last to leave (as per usual with these places). I would suggest staying another full day to experience the waterpark and Sealife Centre so you don’t feel too rushed.

But what made our visit extra-special, was staying at LEGOLAND Hotel Malaysia ! And do check out our top LEGOLAND Malaysia tips to help you get the most from your visit.

Day 66-67: Singapore

READ: Singapore with kids: a one day itinerary on a budget

Accommodation : Galaxy Pods @ Chinatown (£54pn for TWO pods. This was the cheapest accommodation we could find in Singapore and actually really fun. Two people fit in one enclosed pod, so we have to book two. They are clean and the location is great. There are lockers for your bags and an shared bathroom.)

south east asia travel with baby

Finally, the end point of our epic 10 weeks backpacking Southeast Asia with kids. We took a Grab taxi to Johor Bahru Sentral , from where we took the train across to Singapore, and another Grab taxi to our accommodation.

Singapore is expensive. In fact, it’s one of the most expensive countries in the world. After enjoying the relative budgeting freedom of Thailand, Cambodia and Malaysia, we begrudged having to spend too much on accommodation and activities, especially after all we had experienced.

On our last day it rained pretty much all day. We looked at visiting the ArtScience Museum , but decided against it when entry for our family of four was £69. So we bought some brollies (crazy that we only felt the need to buy them on our last day) and embraced walking in the drizzle. We are Brits after all!

Singapore really is a superb city to stroll and the bay area took the main focus of our walks, as well as Gardens By The Bay for the kids’ play areas and the impressive evening light show. And with eating at the hawker centres (we particularly enjoyed Lau Pa Sat ) we were still able to enjoy the city on a budget.

However, when the entry fee to a museum equals the cost of a 4* accommodation in Cambodia, it’s difficult to justify spending too much of our time in Singapore. And whilst no one can argue how impressive the city is, it’s also rather too corporate and planned for our liking, although interesting to see.

A highlight for the boys though was sleeping in capsules at Galaxy Pods, Chinatown , a great budget accommodation option!

Day 68: Fly home

All good things come to an end. But Southeast Asia has a place in our hearts and we know it’s a region that we’ll return to time and time again.

Day 69-70: Well it took us two days to get to Bangkok from the UK

So this is a 10 week Southeast Asia itinerary, yet it finished on day 68? Well we actually took two days to fly out to Bangkok from Manchester and, for us, day 1 actually started the day we walked from our home to the bus station in Bakewell to take two separate buses to Manchester Airport. We stayed in the Holiday Inn T2 Hotel that night, before flying out the next day.

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South East Asia With Kids: 11 Amazing Family Friendly Locations

Categories Destinations , Asia , Bali , Indonesia , Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia , Singapore , Thailand , Vietnam

South East Asia With Kids: 11 Amazing Family Friendly Locations

Traveling with children should not be daunting. A lot of people believe that children slow you down but that isn’t the case. Travelling with children can be fun. With that in mind we thought about all the times we have seen families enjoying their vacations in South East Asia. Contrary to expectations, South East Asia with kids is a great idea.

With that in mind we decided to do a post on the best places to visit in South East Asia with kids. Each blogger puts forward their own experience and perspective about what makes the destination their particular favorite. They also include why they feel it is conducive to travel with children and the best parts about visiting it.

We hope that this list of best places to visit in South East Asia with kids inspires you and helps you plan your next vacation.

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Table of Contents

1. koh lipe, thailand.

South east Asia with kids

Kyla’s pick of best places to visit in South East Asia with kids is Koh Lipe, Thailand.

I love South East Asia!! South East Asia with kids is a whole new experience though!

The food is delicious, there’s everything from beaches to jungle, the culture is beautiful, and the history is just incredible. But, it can be chaotic, noisy, dirty and the traffic is enough to make anyone’s head spin. Finding a calm oasis that still delivers all the amazing parts of SE Asia without the crazy is hard. However, Koh Lipe is one of these incredible places.

Koh Lipe is a tiny island in the very South-West corner of Thailand. Yes, it’s a bit of a hassle to get to, but in my opinion, it’s totally worth it! The island is incredibly laid back and a dream for traveling with kids. There are only a handful of trucks on the islands and a few moto-taxis.

Other than that, it’s strictly pedestrian. It’s so small that it’s possible to walk from one side to the other in a short period of time. And, there’s no worry that your little one will run into traffic, because there isn’t any traffic!

Sunrise beach is the place to stay on Koh Lipe with kids. The sand is unimaginably soft, and the sea is as clear as glass. It’s possible to snorkel, kayak or just relax on the beach and play in the warm waters. The entire island feels a bit like a resort, without being a resort. It’s acceptable to go anywhere in a bathing suit, and shoes are always optional!

My favorite part is ordering dinner from a beach-front restaurant, and letting the kids play in the sand until food arrives. There are great restaurants along the beach, and on Walking Street, so you’re never too far from some deliciously fresh Thai food. And, if you veer off walking street and head towards Sunset beach, there’s even a temple if you’re looking for a bit of culture.

One of the best things to do is take a traditional Thai long-boat for a day trip to the neighboring islands. This completes the perfect island getaway.

There’s hiking, fantastic snorkeling, and bioluminescent plankton tours. Being able to alternate between relaxation and family friendly activities makes Koh Lipe one of the best places to visit in South East Asia with kids!

By Kyla from Where Is The World  ⇒  Facebook  ¦  Instagram

2. Bangkok, Thailand

Jenny's pick of best places to visit in South East Asia with kids is Bangkok, Thailand.

Jenny’s pick of best places to visit in South East Asia with kids is Bangkok, Thailand.

Bangkok has to be one of our favorite places to visit in South East Asia with kids. Being one of the main gateway cities, it was a place that my husband and I visited frequently pre-kids and were pleasantly surprised at how accessible the city is for young families when we returned with our boys (who were 1 and 3 years old for their first visit). 

We love the energy, the ordered chaos, the ornate temples, the colorful markets, the polite people and the food… oh my THE FOOD!

Many of the restaurants along the bustling tourist strip of Th Khao San (Khao San Road) even have high-chairs and we have always received a warm welcome from restaurant staff who consider the boys quite a novelty.

However, the streets can get rather hectic, so we recommend carrying little ones in a sling or carrier, rather than attempting to negotiate a buggy. For older children who get a little tired of walking in the heat, they will love careering around in a tuk-tuk – hold on tight!

The city can be a sensory overload for little ones and can get very hot, so we always ensure some downtime back at the hotel in the afternoons. When walking around Bangkok with kids, we stop frequently for snacks and drinks (our boys love the mango and rice), and ensure we have at least one trip over to the playground at Lumpini Park.

I recommend visiting Wat Arun over the Grand Palace for a more peaceful and intimate temple experience and a ride on a ferry along the Chao Praya river is always a great way to cool down from the heat of the day.

If you are visiting Thailand, make sure you plan at least a couple of days in Bangkok before heading to the islands. It’s a wonderful contrast to the laid-back beach life and you won’t regret it. It is definitely one great place to visit in South East Asia with kids.

By Jenny from TraveLynn Family  ⇒  Facebook  ¦  Instagram

3. Singapore

Amy's pick of best places to visit in South East Asia with kids is Singapore.

Amy’s pick of best places to visit in South East Asia with kids is Singapore.

Growing up in Kuala Lumpur, we went to Singapore almost every year for our family vacation. Back then Singapore wasn’t quite the powerhouse it is now, and we enjoyed weekends filled with shopping and food with the occasional visit to Sentosa .

As the years have gone by, Singapore has upped the ante and my, what a great place it is to visit in South East Asia with kids.  And I love the fact that now that I am a parent, I’m able to take my daughter to Singapore for our family travels from Australia.

We love Singapore for numerous reasons. Although Singapore’s national language is Mandarin, everyone speaks English, it is one of the cleanest countries not only in Asia but in the world (chewing gum is prohibited in in Singapore), it’s a small island country so it’s easy to navigate and it has a plethora of family friendly attractions.

Sentosa Island has revamped itself into an entertainment hub and now houses Universal Studios , one of the world’s largest oceanarium, Trick Eye museum and the super fun luge. Apart from Sentosa, they have the Night Safari , the world’s first nocturnal zoo and Gardens by the Bay which houses about 1 million plants.

Singapore is one of those destinations you can visit as a family regardless of the age of the children as there truly is something for everyone. Particularly useful if you have kids of varying ages.

The food scene in Singapore is worth the mention as you hunt down the best chilli mud crabs or dine in the world’s first Michelin Star Peranakan restaurant in Dempsey. For the shopper in your tweens and teens, there certainly isn’t a shortage of shopping malls or the edgier indie boutiques on Haji Lane.

If you’re looking for a gentle introduction into a Southeast Asian country, Singapore would be your best bet. Without too much of a culture shock yet enough to satiate your curiosity, it’s a fantastic family getaway.

 By Amy Chung From Family Globetrotters  ⇒  Instagram  ¦  Facebook

4. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Sharon's pick of best places to visit in South East Asia with kids is Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Sharon’s pick of best places to visit in South East Asia with kids is Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Kuala Lumpur is one of our favourite destinations for a family trip in the world. This is because it is easy to navigate, there are lots of great family attractions, the food is unreal and it’s a very affordable price. It’s also very easy to reach here from Australia and very economical as well, thanks to Air Asia. My kids’ favourite attraction is KidZania.

And thanks to English being a common language in Malaysia, this is a great one to visit. If you have never been to KidZania, it’s like a kids’ world where kids get to try out different occupations from being a pilot to a surgeon to operating a cash register in a shop. It’s highly educational and engaging and my kids love it.

After you’ve finished with KidZania , there is the KLCC area where there is one of the biggest playgrounds in the world. There is also a huge water play area. Next to the park is a fabulous science museum as well as an aquarium. This is also where you’ll find the huge Petronas Twin Towers and a big shopping centre. 

There are also many cultural attractions in Kuala Lumpur from walking around Little India to exploring Chinatown as well as some of the interesting colonial architecture. I also recommend you eat everything you can! The food is so good especially the Malay, Chinese and Indian.

When you are ready for more kid attractions, there’s the big Sunway Lagoon theme park and Lake Gardens where you can find many attractions especially the very impressive KL Bird Park . For indoor fun, the Berjaya Times Square is not just a massive shopping centre but has a big indoor theme park.

This is also our favorite place to stay. There is a hotel above the shopping center which makes it very easy to access food and amenities. If you are looking for the perfect launch pad for your next adventure, go to Kuala Lumpur! It is after all one of the best places to visit in South East Asia with kids!

By Sharon from Dive Into Malaysia  ⇒  Facebook  ¦  Instagram

5. Penang, Malaysia

Penang is one of my absolute favorite places in South East Asia with kids. I mean for one thing, the island has an incredible café culture . Most of these places have a lot of stuff to entertain the kids at. We carried our own set of toys and entertainment but they never failed to bring in colors and activities which kept the kids entertained.

Plus walking along the streets of George town is super easy with kids. We had ours in a stroller and managed to roll it everywhere. We even took it up Penang hill. Mind you, we had two toddlers in tow.

If your kids love to eat Malay food then I recommend starting out with one of the famous breakfast spots in Penang . There are many that serve more than Malay food. The din sums were a big hit with our kids.

Also don’t forget to take your kids on a trishaw ride when it the city!

6. Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Cerise's pick of best places to visit in South East Asia with kids is Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Cerise’s pick of best places to visit in South East Asia with kids is Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Kaohsiung, Taiwan (pronounced “Gow-Shung”) is the second largest city in Taiwan and a perfect destination for a trip to Asia with kids. Named as one of Lonely Planet’s Top 10 cities to visit in 2018 ,  you will quickly discover how vibrant, friendly, affordable and safe it is to visit this city of 3 million people.

Kids and adults will enjoy the Lotus Pond whimsical lion and dragon pagodas as well as the viewpoint from the top. Ice cream vendors are often set up on the weekends, souvenir and postcard shops are nearby, and festivals are common here during major holidays like the Dragon Boat Festival.

Kaohsiung’s Pier 2 Art District is famous for large-scale public art near the harbour with huge transformers and characters perfect for a fun selfie.

We like going to Cijin Island with a black sand beach on the weekends where you can rent family electric bikes, play beach games, eat fresh seafood, and watch the sunset over the ocean.

Known for its diversity of parks, the Art Museum is a favorite attraction in Kaohsiung with an outdoor sandbox, pretty gardens, walking paths, and awesome wooden forts the kids always climb. I like taking the kids to nearby Monkey Mountain (yes, there are real, live monkeys everywhere!) for a morning hike and spectacular view of the city. 

The Dome of Light MRT station will have kids gazing at the rainbow display of lights at this popular metro stop that often attracts dancers and musicians practicing.

As evening sets, colourful lighted boats go up and down the Love River in Kaohsiung. Plan a picnic for a relaxing, family-friendly evening in Kaohsiung. Kids will think it’s a treat to bring sushi or night market snacks to the park. Our kids especially think its a novelty when we shop for dinner at 7-11! Put Taiwan on your list for visiting SE Asia with kids and make a stop in Kaohsiung.

By Cerise from Enchanted Vagabond  ⇒  Facebook  ¦  Pinterest

7. Halong Bay, Vietnam

Melissa's pick of best places to visit in South East Asia with kids is Halong Bay, Vietnam.

Melissa’s pick of best places to visit in South East Asia with kids is Halong Bay, Vietnam.

Halong Bay is one of the most scenic regions in Vietnam and is a must do for anyone visiting the country, including adventurous families.  The bay is filled with thousands of giant limestone cliffs which jut from the water and are covered with lush rainforests.

Halong Bay is best visited by a 1 or 2-night cruise .  There are some great family boats with large rooms able to cater the entire family.

During the day families will love kayaking among the spectacular scenery and during the warmer months you can even jump right off the boat for swimming. Most of the boats follow a similar itinerary which includes a stop to explore some caves as well as climbing to a look out where you can get a fantastic view across the bay – perfect family photo opportunity!

All meals are provided on board and most boats even have a bit of a karaoke party and disco.  Our daughter said this was the highlight of the trip for her! Other activities during the cruise include night squid fishing and if you can manage to get up early enough, Tai Chi. 

Some boats even have cooking classes.  If you can manage to get a few minutes alone, for me, I just loved sitting on the deck and watching the gorgeous scenery pass me by.

There are a range of cruise boats to choose from, but I recommend looking for a mid-range one – as these boats usually have great family rooms so you can bunk on in together.

Cruises depart from Halong Bay, but the cruise operators will arrange transfers for you from Hanoi, around a 4 hour drive from Halong Bay. For families visiting Vietnam an overnight cruise on Halong Bay is an absolute must and will be something your families remembers for a lifetime.

By Melissa from Thrifty Family Travels  ⇒  Facebook  ¦  Instagram

8. Hanoi, Vietnam

Ania's pick of best places to visit in South East Asia with kids is Hanoi, Vietnam.

Ania’s pick of best places to visit in South East Asia with kids is Hanoi, Vietnam.

Hanoi ticks so many boxes for us but the biggest is that it’s just such a lovely haphazard feel-good place to wander around.  I know that’s not much to go on, so here are some more tangible reasons why Hanoi consistently ranks in the top ten tourist destinations.

Food: It’s both delicious and healthy.  Our girls are as resistant to green stuff as most kids but let them roll a fresh Vietnamese salad into a circle of rice paper, then wash it down with a bowl of Pho, (chicken and herb broth), and they come back screaming for more.

That’s at the street food end of the spectrum.  More upmarket restaurants are also child-friendly and with world-class presentation and flavour. Some even offer cooking classes and food tours around markets. Here you can buy anything from a live chicken to a bag of dried seahorses.

Browsing:   As perennial travellers, we consider ourselves resistant to souvenirs.  But this doesn’t apply here. Hanoi merchandise combines craftsmanship, creative art, quality and low cost. 

We came away with hand-carved wooden print blocks, posters, 3-D paper engineering, and oil paintings, not to mention tee-shirts and jackets.  There were all dead cheap, but still beloved by us a couple of years after our first trip.

Low-cost accommodation:   We have stayed in four hotels in Hanoi Old Quarter.  All were tiny, friendly, quirky, clean and tremendously friendly.  We have many stories of extra-helpful staff and management.

History: It has a colourful and for us Westerners, sometimes an uncomfortable past.  Oriental mystery combines with the aggressive impact of such diverse nations as China, France and the United States.  What shines through is good-natured human resilience. All this is tangible in buildings and cultural relics. It gives a fascinating depth to the spirit of the place.

But the real reason why we will return to Hanoi with kids .  It is simply a lovely place. Enjoy!

By Ania From The Travelling Twins 

9. Bali, Indonesia

Kate's pick of best places to visit in South East Asia with kids is Bali, Indonesia.

Kate’s pick of best places to visit in South East Asia with kids is Bali, Indonesia.

Bali is a fantastic location in South East Asia to travel with kids. There is such a wide range of activities to do and places to stay. Whatever your budget is, you can find fun things to do with the kids.

Waterbom waterpark is one of our all-time favorites and with the kids we have been 5 times! So much fun trying out all the waterslides and the gazebos make a great spot for the younger kids to have a nap.

A bike ride through the Bali countryside is not to be missed. Suitable for all ages, we also visited a Balinese school, coffee plantation, Mt Batur, family compound and finally enjoyed lunch overlooking the rice fields. If you are looking for rice fields then one of the best places to catch the experience is at the Tegalalang rice fields .

The kids love learning about new cultures and Bali is so accessible for this to happen. Temples, rice terraces, cooking classes , white water rafting , Balinese dance, the list goes on of things to enjoy for the whole family.

Finding family accommodation in Bali will leave you completely confused! There are so many options in different locations with every budget well looked after. If it’s your first time to Bali I recommend staying in the tourist areas of Sanur, Seminyak, Legian, Jimbaran, Ubud or Nusa Dua. Here you will get a feel of Bali but also have access to western supermarkets and restaurants.

The list of Bali hotels with kid’s facilities is long and waterslides, kid’s clubs and kid’s menus are throughout the tourist areas. If you just want to relax and enjoy all that the real Bali has to offer you are in luck, cheap guesthouses that welcome kids are everywhere.

The hospitality of the Balinese is what makes Bali such a great destination with kids. Their smiles and genuine love of kids will make you feel so welcomed that you will find it hard adjusting back to life after your Bali family holiday.

By Kate from Rolling Along With Kids  ⇒  Facebook  ¦  Pinterest

10. Chiang Mai, Thailand

Chiang Mai Old City 2

Allan’s pick of best places in South East Asia with kids is Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Thailand is not always best-known as a family-friendly destination, but the country itself is undoubtedly fascinating, with nature, local culture, and it just offers the perfect introduction to the mystery of the Orient. And Chiang Mai, the cultural capital of the North, would be one of the better destinations to explore, with its relaxed and friendly atmosphere, as well as its diversity in scenery and attractions.

And it is the ideal vantage point to discover the northern ‘Lanna’ provinces where excursions to the not-far borders of Laos and Myanmar share all sorts of unique cultures including the well-celebrated hill tribes which occasionally offer homestays for cross-cultural experiences.

There are also many excursions and attractions nearer to the centre of Chiang Mai, although they can be an ethical landmine at times. At the same time, there are many eco-friendly and eco-learning opportunities, for example, the ‘Elephant Nature Park’ is home to 30+ elephants, many saved from the dubious tourist camps, where they now roam free and happy.

And it’s a bit like a home for rescued animals. Or for just something fun, there are various excursions for white water rafting , ATV Quad Biking , ziplining, and for the younger ones the ‘Art in Paradise’ 3D Art Museum can be fun.

The old city area can be a bit chaotic at times when it comes to accommodation in Chiang Mai, so it may be best to stay outside in the quieter areas, where it is still easy to travel into the center at any time. As Chiang Mai is small and inexpensive. And for comfortable travel, the best option would probably be the Grab Taxi App (they bought over Uber), although Tuk-Tuks will always be fun.

So, some of the better outside options would be the Chiang University area, where there’s a lot of parks and green spaces, although for a mix of both excitement and laidback life the Nimman area works well. Found beneath the backdrop of Mount Suthep.

Here the quiet side streets (sois) are dotted with quirky cafés, international foods, and there is the nearby Maya Mall which is perfect to escape the midday hears for air-conditioned shopping and entertainment.

By Allan from Live Less Ordinary  ⇒  Instagram  ¦  YouTube

11. Nha Trang, Vietnam

Nha Trang

Sandra’s pick of best places in South East Asia with kids is Nha Trang, Vietnam.

When describing Nha Trang to friends back home, I tell them she is like the love child of Waikiki Beach and Surfers Paradise. She’s all neon and glitz against a long stretch of palm tree-lined sandy beach.

There are beachside restaurants and open bars, touts on almost every corner selling crocodile-skin purses, local pho and banh mi stands mixed in between the upmarket seafood buffet restaurants. You don’t come to Nha Trang for a tranquil experience, but you can have still a brilliant time as a family.

We stayed in Nha Trang for almost 3 months – me, my husband and our then 3-year-old son.  We rented a furnished apartment directly across from the beach with magnificent coastal views. We didn’t intend to stay for 3 months, but we loved Nha Trang from the moment we arrived, and she grew on us even more.

Our days began with a walk along the beach front, followed by a dip in the sea to cool down. We bought an annual pass to Vinpearl Island, an island amusement park, and frequently took the stunning 3km cable car ride across the sea to Vinpearl Island Resort. The amusement park is great fun for all ages.

There are rides for all ages, waterslides for the bigger kids and adults, a kid’s pool and a family-friendly wave pool where we hung out a lot. The beach at Vinpearl Island is even nicer than the beach at Nha Trang. It was calmer and cleaner, and we often had the whole beach to ourselves.

We ended our days with sand play on the beach and another dip in the sea before dinner at one of the local restaurants around town. Riding the local buses was a lot of fun. We visited the giant White Buddha at Long Son Pagoda.

We could see this giant statue 6km away from our apartment. It’s well worth a visit.  Nha Trang is a fantastic and fun seaside destination for families. It’s easily accessible with cheap flights from Ho Chi Minh City or take the 8-hour train ride.

Sandra Muller by The Smarter Writer  ⇒  Facebook  ¦  Instagram

And there you have it, a list of all the best places in South East Asia with kids according to people who write about travel. Are there any additions to the list that you could think off? We would love to hear what you think.

Fun family friendly destinations in South East Asia

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** The photographs in this post are not the property of Globetrove and have been provided by the authors in each section.

Places to Take Toddlers and Kids | Are We There Yet Kids

Destination Guide Asia with kids

My very favourite place to visit with my daughter is Asia. If I don’t take a trip to South East Asia at least once a year, I start to go a little crazy. It’s not just the weather, although you can definitely find somewhere warm at any time in the year. But also the food, the hotel standards  and the amazingly friendly people. I’ve written heaps on visiting Asia with kids so thought it would be helpful to have all the blogs in one place. Hopefully this will help you plan your next family holiday to South East Asia.

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Elephant Offering In Bali

List of Contents

  • 1.1 Nusa Dua
  • 1.3 Jimbaran
  • 1.4 Seminyak
  • 2.1 Kuala Lumpur
  • 2.2 Langkawi
  • 3 Singapore
  • 4.1 Bangkok
  • 4.2 Koh Samui
  • 4.4 Chiang Mai
  • 5.1 Da Nang
  • 6 Where to visit in Asia by Month
  • 7 Recommended reading for kids to get them ready for their Asian Adventure
  • 8 What to pack for travel to Asia with kids

Admittedly a long way for us to travel but this stunning Indonesian island is well worth the immense journey. If you’re nervous about the journey, be sure to check out this post on travelling long haul with kids . Bali is home to some of the most incredible coastline and mountains I have seen. It has sandy beaches a plenty and cultural hotspots perfect for teaching kids about history and spirituality. Despite its reputation as a bit of a backpackers playground there are still plenty of spots that feel relatively undiscovered.

Beach At Nusa Dua, Bali

If it’s your first time in Asia with kids the head to the family friendly resort area of Nusa Dua. This small peninsular is pretty much all Western chain hotels making it ideal for little kids. Find out more about visiting Nusa Dua with kids and discover why this tourist bubble is an ideal base to explore much of the island. Here you’ll also find one of my very favourite hotels. The Westin Nusa Dua is a five star luxury resort home to some brilliant pools, a private beach and amazing kids club.

surf boards resting against a tree on Nusa Dua beach

If its culture you’re after then make sure to visit the city of Ubud, Bali’s cultural capital. This is the one place in the world we seriously considered relocating to. The people are wonderful, the spirituality and culture draws you in. Whilst the surrounding mountains, rice terraces and small villages means you wont want to leave. And with its many, many vegetarian restaurants, foot spas and yoga retreats it feels like one of the healthiest places in the world. Read more about Ubud with kids in this full destination guide. Whilst here we stayed at the lovely Lokha Ubud Hotel and Spa . It has the most amazing infinity pool which looks out to the surrounding jungle. Heaven!

group of monkeys sat on a wall in ubud

Jimbaran still feels very undiscovered and authentic. It’s a small fishing village with a handful of luxury hotels. It’s close proximity to the airport, Uluwatu and Seminyak make it a brilliant first stop in Bali. Make sure to visit the fish BBQ restaurants on Jimbaran beach and take in a spectacular sunset over the Bali Sea. Read my full Jimbaran destination guide for more details.

fresh, hot corn seller on jimbaran beach

Seminyak is another great place to base yourselves in Bali with kids. Home to all those colourful beach parasols and bean bags you’ll have spotted all over instagram. This is up market Bali and is home to the famous Potato Head beach club. The perfect place to spend a day relaxing. Read more about visiting Seminyak with kids .

colourful parosols on a beach in seminyak, bali

Malaysia is an extremely diverse country, home to stunning remote islands towering out of the Sea and buzzing, vibrant cities. The people of respectful, friendly and happy to help. Whilst you can always find some recognisable brands this is a great place to immerse yourselves in a different culture. If you’re heading all the way to Asia with kids you want it to feel different right?!

Beautiful Beaches On Langkawi Island In Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur

You’re likely to start you family trip to Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur. A fantastic city which blew me away with its stunning architecture. Little ones will love the interactive Petrosains Science centre in the Petronas Towers and KLCC park with its lovely shady spots and splash play area. Discover more about Kuala Lumpur with kids . Or follow our 3 days in Kuala Lumpur here. We stayed at the Berjaya Times Square hotel which to be honest needed a bit of an upgrade but was in the perfect location next to a shopping mall and indoor theme park.

Play Equipment In Klcc Park With The Petronas Towers In The Background

If a visit to Asia with kids means pristine beaches and luxurious hotels then Langkawi is the perfect island for you. With some of the best beaches in the world and a diverse ecosystem it is one of my ultimate happy places. Discover all the best things to do in Langkawi with kids in this blog. When we stayed on the Island we opted for another amazing Westin hotel .

The Westin Hotel In Langkawi

Penang is another brilliant island to visit in Malaysia with kids. Many parts of it feel untouched by tourism and we found it colourful and quirky. We had 3 days in Penang which felt just about long enough to explore but I could have easily stretched it out to a full week. My favourite part was exploring the street art in George Town, Penang’s capital. Check out what else to do in Penang with kids .

girl in pink hat pretending to ride a street art bicycle in penang

Just off the southern tip of Malaysia is the Island of Singapore. Another great option for your first visit to Asia with kids. It somehow manages to combine big city with nature, has a wealth of great attractions but also a rich and vibrant history which is very much celebrated today. If you’re visiting Singapore with kids they’ll love a trip to Universal Studios Singapore or a magical night safari at Singapore zoo. Everywhere feels super clean, easy to get around due to it’s fabulous transport system and very welcoming. We stayed at the Carlton hotel, Singapore which was a lovey centrally located modern hotel. Just down the road from Raffles.

Singapore With Kids

Have a look at my 5 days in Singapore itinerary to help you plan your trip.

Thailand is where my love affair with Asia really began. I’ve been back so many times it often feels like coming home. What makes this a great option for a family holiday to Asia is the diverse nature of the cities and islands. There honestly is somewhere to suit everyone and the climate means that during most months of the year you’ll be able to find somewhere dry. You can read more in this Thailand travel guide .

stunning black and white temple in bangkok, thailand

You’ll likely begin your family holiday in Bangkok . An absolute belter of a city to visit with kids. Yes, it is a bit bonkers and can be super busy and a little smelly at times but this really is a great place to fully immerse yourselves in the culture. The markets of the Khao San road with kids are fun to visit and barter for souvenirs and the Temples dotted around the city are a must visit for some culture. My favourite family friendly hotel in Bangkok is the Sathorn Hotel . Located close to the train system but slightly away from the madness. Read all about visiting Bangkok with kids .

Found Girl Getting A Foot Massage In Bangkok

Koh Samui is one of the most expensive islands in Thailand but it’s also one of my favourites. And a very easy one to visit with kids. It’s home to pristine sandy beaches such as Bophut Beach and luxury hotels with a sprinkling of pretty temples. It’s also the easiest place to stay if you are planning on visiting a full moon party on neighbouring Koh Phangan or Koh Mutsun (Pig Island). Koh Samui is rich in nature with glorious jungle terrain and spectacular views out to sea. We spent two full weeks on the island and didn’t get bored once! Read my ultimate guide to Koh Samui with kids and get booking!

attractively designed restaurant in koh samui overlooking the sea

Another beautiful Thai island is Phuket . Slightly cheaper than Koh Samui with more of a party feel but there are still plenty of places to escape the gap year hedonists. We love the southern tip of the island with its quiet white sandy beaches and relaxed vibe. Another great spot is just North of the island where you can take in some amazing views of the Phang Nga Bay .

Plastic Chairs On A Beach Looking Out To Sea In Phuket

If you’re looking for culture, head north to Chiang Mai. Home to some absolutely stunning temples in an ancient walled city. It’s here we went rice picking, visited an ethical elephant sanctuary and ate amazing food. This place feel very authentically Thai.

Blonde Mother Carrying Her Child In Knee Deep Mud In Paddy Field In Chiang Mai

Perhaps less popular than Thailand but no less stunning, Vietnam is an amazing country to book in Asia with kids. It’s still amazing value to visit with five star hotels in slightly off the beaten track locations costing less than a meal out here in the UK. Check out what you need to know if you’re planning a family holiday to Vietnam .

Beautiful Beach Under A Blue But Cloudy Sky In Vietnam

Located on the central coast of Vietnam, Da Nang is a brilliant city to base yourselves. It feels like it’s just starting to develop and much of its tourism is domestic. Check out these brilliant things to do in Da Nang to see why we love it so much. This is also the best place to base yourselves if you plan on visiting the Golden bridge Vietnam in the Ba Na Hills theme park. An absolute bonkers but brilliant day out with kids. Da Nang is also home to some stunning beaches so be sure to pack your bathers. During our visit we stayed at the glorious Ocean Villas which I found on Airbnb. I loved the pool and fact we could cook our own food. But check out these other great places to stay in Da Nang , Vietnam.

Piper Quinn Posing At The Golden Hands Bridge In Vietnam

Probably one of the prettiest towns we’ve visited in Asia is Hoi An. Famous for its colourful lanterns and brightly decorated fishing boats. The old town has UNESCO heritage status due to its fascinating mix of Japanese, Chinese and European influences. Again it’s located on some brilliant beaches. Read all about visiting Hoi An with kids .

Several Wooden Boats Tied Up At The Side Of A River, They Have Flowers And Lanterns On

Where to visit in Asia by Month

Much of South East Asia operates a tropical climate. Meaning the weather is hot, then hotter and wetter. The good news is that when travelling Asia with kids you can always find a country going through a dry spell during every month of the year.

January – March

Thailand, Vietnam, The Philippines, Laos

April – June

Malaysia, Bali, Borneo, Singapore

July – September

Borneo, Bali, Malaysia

October – December

Vietnam, Thailand

Recommended reading for kids to get them ready for their Asian Adventure

Before we set off travelling Asia with kids I always like to read up to get excited. And it’s no different for kids. I recommend ordering a couple of kid friendly books on Amazon to look through together.

For Thailand you could try Aya & Bobby discover Thailand which is a sweet little travel guide. If you’re headed to Vietnam then The Dragon Prince: Stories and Legends from Vietnam has some lovely fairytale style stories from the country. A must read befor a visit to Bali is Leap & Hop Bali . Finally for a bit of fun before you head to Malaysia, try Sherlock Sam and the Vanished Robot in Penang .

For adults then I always recommend the lonely planet guide books. I’m really excited to get this South East Asia one ordered.

What to pack for travel to Asia with kids

If your kids are anything like Piper, they’ll always be hot in Asia. Whether it’s rainy season or not. For that reason, I always take a lot of light, cool clothes. Long sleeves, sun hats and even long, loose trousers come in handy as they provide an extra level of protection from the sun. You wont need to take too much, firstly it’s a massive pain to carry around and secondly you’ll be able to get it washed and pressed extremely cheap. A trip to the laundrette is in fact one of our Asia holiday rituals. Just drop your washing off and collect it a day later. We’ve never had any issues. You’ll also likely want to pick up some new clothes found in the markets.

When travelling Asia with kids you’ll be able to pick up all the supplies you need but I would make sure to pack all the medicine you will need, any prescriptions, Calpol, rehydration sachets and something for upset stomachs. I also always take heaps of sun cream. You can’t guarantee you’ll find a suitable brand and it is mega expensive over there. (One of the few things that are!)

Traditional Vietnamese Lady Carrying Basket From Both Shoulders With A Pole In Between

So have I convinced you to book a trip to South East Asia with kids? It really can be the holiday of a lifetime. Where will you head to first?

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Can’t wait to get back to Asia

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10 Top Tips for Visiting Southeast Asia with Kids & Family

Explore Brunei Darussalam , Indonesia , Malaysia , Myanmar , Singapore , Thailand , Viet Nam Activities

Published on March 6, 2018

Sailing down a river in Hoi An, Vietnam. Image courtesy of Marianne Rogerson.

It’s a big world out there – and Southeast Asia is just the right place for your kids to discover the color and adventure available outside of their comfort zone.

Just ask Melissa Delaware of Thrifty Family Travels ( Facebook | Instagram | Twitter ): she and her partner Andy take great pride in raising a globetrotting kid, one who’s resilient and adventurous beyond her years.

“I have heard some parents be concerned about how their kids will handle experiences that are completely different to what they may see at home,” Melissa tells us. “This is precisely why should you take your children to Southeast Asia: it broadens their mind, shows them that the world is a bigger place than just their home town, and teaches them to appreciate the differences among the world’s cultures.”

As Melissa’s experience shows (along with many, many other families’ own testimonies), Southeast Asia is a great, family-friendly place to visit overall… assuming you follow a few tips from expert travelers that minimize the pain and maximize the fun (and learning).

Melissa Delaware’s daughter Myla posing with a new friend in Hanoi. Image courtesy of Melissa Delaware.

Help your child process the trip – before and throughout. Melissa advises parents to brief their kids about the experience in advance. “Talk to them about the people, things and places they will see,” she recommends. “Watch YouTube videos, look at Google images, read atlases, and answer any questions they may have.”

The process should be ongoing throughout the trip: “Continue to talk to the kids about what they are seeing, explain the wonderful unique cultures they are experiencing and encourage them to get involved,” Melissa advises.

This comes in handy when going through the local roster of cultural experiences, which Melissa prioritizes. “[We] visit busy and colourful local markets, getting to places on local transport, visiting local villages, watching cultural performances and eating different foods,” Melissa explains. “[My daughter] has surprised me on a few occasions, even eating snake in the Mekong Delta!”

Fishing off Hoi An, Vietnam. Image courtesy of Marianne Rogerson.

Engage in age-appropriate cultural experiences. Like Melissa, Mum on the Move ‘s Marianne Rogerson ( Facebook| Instagram | Twitter ), puts a premium on cultural experiences – but pays attention to the appropriateness of each experience for her kids. “We do include many cultural experiences, but make sure they are still fun and engaging even for small children,” she explains. “Vietnam is one of my favourite countries for this.”

Marianne’s kids have ridden a cyclo in Hanoi, kayaked amidst Ha Long Bay’s limestone outcrops, and met the mountain villagers of Sapa.

“We head to Danang and Hoi An for the long white stretches of beach and the huge choice of family friendly hotels with kids’ facilities,” Marianne says. “But equally, while here, we enjoy admiring the beautifully preserved traditional wooden architecture, taking a street food tour, and learning about the local farming and fishing communities.”

Kid on motorcycle in Vietnam. Image courtesy of Bronwyn Leeks.

Prepare an emergency kit. For all the fun kids can have in Southeast Asia, parents should prepare for that margin of error when an emergency crops up.

Bronwyn Leeks of Smiths Holiday Road ( Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram ) equips her kids with a few on-hand items in case they get separated while traveling.

“We always travel with identification cards on a lanyard,” she explains. “They hold information about the child so that in case of being lost or an emergency all the information is right there. We have put this to the test on one occasion when our middle daughter was lost at a train station. She was able to show train staff my phone number and we were reunited the next station.”

“We also add a hotel card , or accommodation address and phone number in the local language. Just ask your friendly hosts or a local friend to help you write it.

“Our medical/toiletry kit always holds mosquito repellent, travel sickness bands, hand sanitiser and sunscreen. We love each having a sarong too as it covers us when exploring temples, covers us from the sun and even as a light cover for sleeping on the trains and buses.”

Family riding on Singapore MRT. Image courtesy of Mike Aquino.

For transportation, splurge on safety. Big Adventures for Little Feet ‘s Karen Buffier ( Facebook | Pinterest ) felt transportation was the toughest nut to crack, where family travel was concerned.

“The trickiest part of Southeast Asia travel was the different traffic conditions, and the prospect of travelling in taxis or other vehicles without child restraints ,” Karen tells us. “[In Thailand], I spent some time researching options for a private driver who was able to provide all of our ground transport arrangements in a comfortable and modern car fully equipped with child restraints.”

Karen notes a trend where more transport operators now offer child restraints – this “means that travelling families can now enjoy touring places like Bali, Vietnam and Malaysia without undue hassle,” she says.

Some places have excellent public transportation – which Karen advises using whenever possible. “Singapore is the perfect Asian city to explore using the modern and efficient MRT system,” Karen tells us. “Families will find it a breeze visiting Singapore without the need for taxis.”

Chinese New Year in Malaysia. Image courtesy of Dawn Nicholson.

Schedule for special holidays. 5 Lost Together ‘s Dawn Nicholson ( Facebook | Twitter | Instagram ) arranges her family travels to coincide with the local festival calendar. “We always check to see if we will be there during any special events or holidays happening while we are there,” Dawn explains.

“We do this, first, for practical matters to make sure we can find accommodation – [and] because seeing different holidays and festivals celebrated around the world interests the whole family,”  Dawn says. “Being able to experience these unique holidays in Asia made the trips extra special and culturally rich.”

To date, Dawn’s kids have been in Malaysia for Chinese New Year (“The kids were fascinated by the abundance of oranges everywhere, firecrackers and of course the dragon dances,” she recalls), and Bali for Galungan (“My kids were fascinated by the roaming parades of children dressed up with drums in the streets,” she says).

(Just remember that not all Southeast Asia holidays follow the Western Gregorian calendar – Myanmar’s many holidays, for example, follow the Pali Buddhist lunar calendar, and many of their most popular festivals, like Kachin Manaw, occur around the full moon.)

Beach bungalows near Tanjung Rhu beach, Langkawi, Malaysia. Image courtesy of Erica Walker.

Give everyone a part in the planning. Rolling Along With Kids ‘ Kate Comer ( Facebook | Youtube | Instagram ) recognizes the challenge of bringing more than just the kids with you. “Taking extended family members on holiday is always daunting to organise,” she says. “Especially when you have a group of 13 people aged one to 56 years that include first timers that have never been to Bali or Asia, you need to plan.”

Keeping everyone happy on the trip is difficult, but doable – as long as everyone has a say in the outcome. “Before you book anything, including accommodation, ask each family member what they want from their holiday,” Kate says.

“Do they like the beach or mountains? Ask parents, what sleeping arrangements suits them best? What budget do they have to work with? By doing this you can for see any issues that may arise.”

This is even more important when traveling with adult children , as Empty Nesters Hit the Road ‘s Wendy Lee ( Facebook | Twitter | Instagram ) did recently on their trip from Hanoi to Ha Long Bay in Vietnam .

“I consulted my kids, Ryan and Jessica, on every step of the planning, including whether or not they wanted to join us,” Wendy says. “Each had some different ideas about what to do. Some plans were scrapped and others received unanimous approval.”

This is a process where one wins some, and loses some: “My enthusiasm to visit as many temples as possible was not shared by my kids, so we kept those sites to a minimum,” Wendy tells us.

Little girl in Bali beach resort. Image courtesy of Erica Walker.

How to find the right accommodations for your family. Mum Travel Diaries ‘ Erica Walker ( Facebook | Instagram | Twitter ) spent three months travelling with her family throughout Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam – and stressed out over finding the right accommodations for the whole brood.

Much to her surprise, every stop had plenty of family-friendly accommodation options. “From a quaint guesthouse in the depths of Vietnam’s Phong-Nha Ke-Bang National Park, to an apartment with all the mod-cons in downtown Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – and everything in between – there was always a place where we were guaranteed a good night’s sleep,” Erica tells us.

Follow Erica’s rules of thumb to get the most out of your accommodations: “Stay in centrally located places to minimise on travel time and costs. Contact your accommodation to ask about cots; highchairs; or extra beds. Shop around for the best price; and remember it’s sometimes cheaper to book two smaller rooms than a family room.”

Kate Comer offers an additional tip: “If you are the organiser, try to arrive at the accommodation first,” she says. “This helped on our Bali holiday as the WIFI was not working when I arrived and that was really important to one of our first timers. As he was flying in later that day, I had time to get it fixed.”

Family posing for portrait. Image courtesy of Kate Comer.

Factor in your family members’ individual interests. Travel, Books and Food ‘s Soumya Nambiar ( Facebook | Twitter | Instagram ) visited Malaysia’s Kuala Lumpur and Kota Kinabalu for New Year with a whopping eight family members. “We are a travelling family – we all have different travelling styles,” she tells us.

Soumya plans her itinerary to account for her family’s varying tastes. “Choose a destination where people with different styles have different activities to do,” she suggests. “In Kota Kinabalu, on one day, some of us went snorkelling and island hopping while few went to explore the city while others just lazed out at the beach with a drink.

“It definitely keeps your sanity intact if you are travelling with large families,” she concludes. “Also, keep some days in between your trip when you don’t have to do everything together as a family.”

Kate Comer concurs: “Don’t plan too many activities to do on your family holiday, especially if young kids are involved,” she says. “I found a day of activities followed by a day of rest suited our group and ensured we each had our own time and space.”

Kids considering the local food. Image courtesy of Kylie Gibbon.

Go all-in on the local food. Dish Our Town ‘s Brenda and Andrew Tolentino ( Facebook | Twitter | Instagram ) decided to make their long family trip in Southeast Asia an education for their 11-year-old daughter Bailey: a curriculum that “would come in the way of food, and there are few places on earth in which the cuisine so diverse and directly tells the story of the people making it,” Brenda tells us.

Starting with Malaysia’s roti and progressing to Singapore’s Char Kuay Teow, Bailey’s informal education culminated in the Philippines’ “national dish Adobo, [where] she realized its unique colonial history that gives her an Asian face and a European surname.”   

Our Overseas Adventures ‘ Kylie Gibbon ( Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest ) found their three- and five-year-old kids’ tastes expanding as the days flew by on their recent trip. “As we slowly integrated into everyday life, their food choices got more adventurous too,” Kylie recalls. “They ended up eating insects in Cambodia , spicy noodles in Malaysia and nasi goreng in Bali!”

Kylie, for her part, allowed the kids to try everything at their own pace. “We always offered them food from our plate and never forced them to try something if they didn’t want to – gradually curiosity got the better of them and they were keen to try,” Kylie says. “Every now and then we’d have a ‘night off’ and grab something more familiar like a plate of pasta or pizza so they didn’t get too overwhelmed.”

Finally, “we found attending a cooking school was a great way to get them interested in the food and trying new things,” Kylie explains. “If they made it, they were more inclined to eat it!”

Storm trooper in Thailand moviehouse. Image courtesy of Gary Low

When all else fails with your young kids, catch a movie. 2-Week Trip ‘s Gary Low ( Twitter | Instagram ) has kids who get antsy after dark – a difficult situation in a place like Bangkok. “Finding activities to do with a pair of restless kids late at night is tricky, even (or especially) in a place like Bangkok,” Gary explains. “While bars, night markets and cabaret shows offer lively entertainment, it wasn’t particularly PG13.”

So it was pure luck that Gary and his brood found Paragon Cineplex at the top floor of the Siam Paragon mall. “It screens the latest Hollywood movies till the wee hours of the morning,” Gary recalls. “When I brought my nephews to catch the latest Star Wars in 4D, they could hardly contain their excitement. Thankfully the movie lived up to expectations and everyone enjoyed it thoroughly.

“We ended our Bangkok trip on a high note, thanks to some late night movie magic!”

In less urban places around Southeast Asia, look for other late night alternatives: for example, Brunei’s Bandar Seri Begawan has a night market that can occupy kids’ attentions (and stuff them full of good local food). Just use your imagination!

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Vietnam Family Fun In 9 Days

My husband and I arranged for a 9 day travel tour in Viet Nam traveling from Hanoi, through Hanoi, Halong Bay, Hoi An and Ho Chi Minh City. In every city, we got service with a smile. Our drivers were experienced, cars clean and pleasant to ride in; our guides knowledgeable and eager to attend to any requests.

Family Discovery Vietnam and Angkor Wat Extension Tour

Family Discovery Vietnam and Angkor Wat Extension

Vietnam Family Holiday with Teenagers Tour

Vietnam Family Holiday with Teenagers

Our guide was Chi whom absolutely made our whole family relaxed and welcomed. We were able to ask any question we wanted and received a knowledgeable answer. We all thoroughly enjoyed our trip and would recommend to everyone, especially with Chi as the guide.


  • Sightseeing


We have run into a problem at airport my passport was only valid for 3 months and they didn’t let us travel as our plans. Luckily we got a new passport and flights in 24 hours. Vietnam ???????? traveling North to South starting in Hanoi, Ha Long Bay, Hue, Hoi An and Ho Chi Minh City. Can’t thank Thuong enough for organising an amazing holiday & also for being at end of phone whenever we needed her. Thank you again Swallow Travel ????????

Charming Vietnam Family Holiday in  13 Days - Private Tour Tour

Charming Vietnam Family Holiday in 13 Days - Private Tour

14 Days Vietnam and Cambodia Family Vacation – Private Tour Tour

14 Days Vietnam and Cambodia Family Vacation – Private Tour

Highlights of Vietnam, Cambodia & Thailand 19 days Tour

Highlights of Vietnam, Cambodia & Thailand 19 days

I had a great time. Hannah was very helpful to me. Thank you

Bali Family Holiday with Teenagers Tour

Bali Family Holiday with Teenagers

14 Days Family Experience in Vietnam Tour

14 Days Family Experience in Vietnam

Reviews of south east asia family tours.

Excellent trip! Well organized and super fun!

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  1. Southeast Asia with kids: our 10 week itinerary, budget, and tips

    Sharing our itinerary, budget and tips for travelling Southeast Asia with kids. In 2023, we spent ten weeks backpacking Southeast Asia, focusing on Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia (including Borneo) and Singapore. The boys (aged 8 and 9) were deregistered from primary school, Dad (Jay) took unpaid parental leave, and I worked remotely (I work as a ...

  2. Top 10 Kid-Friendly Destinations in Southeast Asia 2024

    Or you can check the sample itineraries of Thailand for 10 days, 12 days, 14 days and 21 days >>>. 14-day Thailand and Vietnam Family Tour Hanoi - Halong Bay - Chiang Mai - Phuket - Bangkok. 4. Hoi An, Vietnam: Atmospheric Ancient Town Full of Interactive Activities.

  3. South East Asia With Kids: 11 Amazing Family Friendly Locations

    7. Halong Bay, Vietnam. Melissa's pick of best places to visit in South East Asia with kids is Halong Bay, Vietnam. Halong Bay is one of the most scenic regions in Vietnam and is a must do for anyone visiting the country, including adventurous families.

  4. Southeast Asia With Kids: 9 Best Family Destinations

    7. Luang Prabang, Laos. The enchanting riverside town and former royal capital, Luang Prabang, is one of Southeast Asia's most alluring and popular destinations, highly appealing to both children and families, keeping everyone happy and entertained for days. When traveling to Laos with family, you'll make some great memories in Luang Prabang!

  5. Southeast Asia With Kids

    Which Countries Are In Southeast Asia. Southeast Asia comprises Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Cambodia, Philippines, Indonesia, Myanmar, East Timor, and Brunei. 11 Countries or Sovereign States. Southeast Asia is mostly in the Northern Hemisphere but straddles the equator and stretches into the south.

  6. Kid-Friendly Itinerary of Southeast Asia

    Animal show at Jurong Bird Park, Singapore. Image courtesy of Mike Aquino.. Southeast Asia can - and should - be a family affair. Don't let its scruffy, backpacker-friendly reputation fool you: kids are welcome all over Southeast Asia, with adventures of all kinds ready and waiting. From Singapore's zoos to Indonesia's cultural treasures, you can take it all in in this kid-friendly ...

  7. Destination Guide Asia with kids

    Where to visit in Asia by Month. Much of South East Asia operates a tropical climate. Meaning the weather is hot, then hotter and wetter. The good news is that when travelling Asia with kids you can always find a country going through a dry spell during every month of the year. January - March. Thailand, Vietnam, The Philippines, Laos. April ...

  8. Kid-friendly destinations in Southeast Asia

    In the east, Labuan Bajo, capital of the stunning island of Flores, is the launching point for world-class Komodo National Park. The memory of squatting within metres of a Komodo dragon is one that stays with you forever—regardless of age. On the way there, go snorkelling with dozens of manta rays at Makassar Reef.

  9. 10 Top Tips for Visiting Southeast Asia with Kids & Family

    Help your child process the trip - before and throughout. Melissa advises parents to brief their kids about the experience in advance. "Talk to them about the people, things and places they will see," she recommends. "Watch YouTube videos, look at Google images, read atlases, and answer any questions they may have.".

  10. Mum-approved! 8 kid-friendly destinations in Southeast Asia for family

    Mum-approved! 8 kid-friendly destinations in Southeast Asia for family vacations. PUBLISHED ON September 10, 2019 9:23 AM By Pinky Chng. ... Lifestyle travel Tourist attractions.

  11. 100 Days in Asia with an Infant

    Ty and Sloane left Utah and embarked on an epic journey with Fay, their 8 month old baby, to travel around Thailand, Bali, Cambodia and Vietnam for 100 days, bringing with them only 1 small Jansport and 1 travel backpack. I suddenly felt very sheepish about packing my own brand of deodorant to Thailand.

  12. South East Asia with Kids: 10 Best Family Tours 2024/2025

    South East Asia Family Tours & Vacation Packages. Let TourRadar take the hassle out of finding a trip for the whole family. With 2734 tours of South East Asia lasting from one day up to 44 days, you're sure to find a great family-friendly adventure. Looking beyond South East Asia?

  13. Top 10 Things to do in Southeast Asia with Kids

    From beaches and temples to safaris, Southeast Asia offers a long list of kids-friendly activities that will keep kids interested during the trip. In this article, I list down the top 10 activities from 5 Southeast Asian countries that your kids will love. INDONESIA. 1. Go Island Hopping and Terrain Trekking in Bali.

  14. Southeast Asia's 10 Best Destinations 2022

    Phuket, Thailand. Well-known as having some of the best beaches in Thailand, Phuket is the perfect Southeast Asian destination for families. Kids will love the array of slides at Splash Jungle Water Park and the excitement of taking an adventure on a boat trip to a neighbouring island. With a well-developed tourist industry, Phuket has numerous ...

  15. Southeast Asia with Kids (6 Months of Travel)

    Sample Itinerary. For us, our 6 months with our 4 young kids looked like this: One month in Bali - Uluwatu, Canggu, Amed, Sidemen and Ubud. Flight from Denpasar to Phuket. One month in Thailand's south - Khao Lak, Ao Nang, Koh Lanta, Koh Phi Phi, and Phuket. Flight from Phuket to Siem Reap, Cambodia.

  16. South East Asia With an Infant

    "Miss Mika's South East Asia Adventures" was what my husband Owen and I fondly labelled our four month backpacking jaunt with our then 7 ½ month old daughter Mika. In that short time we visited Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. ... Luckily I have a quick "must have" list for travel with baby that I ...

  17. Traveling in Southeast Asia With a Rock-Star Baby

    In a visit to Southeast Asia, a couple's 10-month-old daughter is treated like a celebrity, cuddled and cooed over by people of every age and description. Skip to content Skip to site index Travel

  18. 6-Week Southeast Asia Itinerary Guidance for First-Timers

    For a comfortable tour pace, visiting around 5 countries in 6 weeks is suggested. If you aim to see the multiple facets of Southeast Asia, SE Asia's top five destinations (Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar) are the best choice for first-timers. You could get some itinerary ideas from our hand-picked 28-day Grand Indochina tour >>>.

  19. Southeast Asia

    Geographically speaking, the Southeast Asian region is considered to extend south of China/Japan, north of Australia and east of India. If we make a small list of autonomous countries, we have Burma, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, East Timor and Vietnam - a total of 11 countries and tens of ...

  20. 11 Suggested Itinerary and Backpacking Route in South East Asia

    Here, you can visit the Sacred Monkey Forest of Ubud or the rice terraces. 2. Borneo and Brunei. (8 days) This itinerary starts on the Eastern side of Borneo in Kota Kinabalu, where you can explore the beautiful peak of Mount Kinabalu, or explore the waters that surround the bay.

  21. The Best Southeast Asia Backpacking Route: "The Golden Circle"

    Duration: This route is usually completed in 3-6 months. Average budget per month: $500-$800 USD. See here for a breakdown of how much it costs to backpack Southeast Asia. Best time to go: The most popular time to backpack Southeast Asia is from September to March which misses out the rainy season in most areas.

  22. My 4 Month South East Asia Solo Backpacking Itinerary

    Visit Jonker Street weekend market. Sunset at the floating mosque. St Paul's Church ruins. 30. Singapore. The final stop on my epic 4 month South East Asia itinerary is Singapore. This modern city at the southernmost point of continental Asia is a massive contrast to some of the other destinations in the region.