Kilimanjaro Tours & Treks

Hikers getting ready to climb Mount Kilimanjaro on a sunny day

Africa’s tallest peak creates an instantly recognisable silhouette.

Rising from the acacia forests and scrublands at the border of Kenya and Tanzania . At 5,896m, the world’s tallest freestanding mountain can seem imposing, but that doesn’t mean it’s out of reach. Our Kilimanjaro tours are made to suit your experience and fitness levels, getting you to the summit with the best team possible. The climb will be challenging! But when you sit at the summit with the sprawling savanna far below, you realise the simple truth: it was all worth it. 

Our Kilimanjaro trips

Let's create an exclusive trip for your group.

Which route is right for you?

Despite being longer and more arduous than the Marangu and Rongai trails, the Machame route has emerged in recent years as a popular choice for trekkers. The 40 kilometre trail passes through cloud forests and moorland zones to the glaciated precipices of Kibo’s south face. Unlike the Marangu and Rongai routes, trekkers descend via the Mweka route – a steep but scenic path through dry mountain desert and lowland forest.

A trail that winds along the north-eastern side of the mountain near the Kenyan border, Rongai offers up a different side to Africa’s most famous mountain. The route attracts a lower number of climbers than Marangu and Machame, which means the wilderness feels particularly pristine. Fewer people mean there’s a greater chance of seeing wildlife on the Rongai trail than on the other routes. This route also approaches Mount Kilimanjaro through rural heartlands, allowing trekkers to see Chagga village life.

This five-day climb is the most popular and direct of the Kilimanjaro routes, passing through vast grasslands, giant cacti fields and alpine meadows set against dramatic mountain peaks. It’s also the only route where camping is not needed, with trekkers sleeping in huts dotted along the way. The 35 kilometre uphill walk is well maintained and the views from the summit are striking. As the Marangu route is shorter, the period to acclimatise is also shortened and this has an impact on the trail's overall success rate. 

Why choose us

Our Kilimanjaro trek leaders have been voted among the best Intrepid Group leaders in the world and we have a leading reputation within the travel industry.

All our guides and trek leaders have been trained by independent, UK-based medical specialists and are proficient in first aid. They also carry oxygen cylinders on all treks for emergency use.

Our staff live and work in the Mount Kilimanjaro area, which means revenue from all our treks benefit the local economy.

There’s no hidden costs or ‘catches’ in our prices. All tours include sleeping bags, sleeping mat, camping and safety equipment, emergency oxygen and porterage of 1 bag (up to 15kgs). We also include Kilimanjaro National Park entrance fees, climbing fees, camping and hut fees, and insurance for rescue services (just in case!)

Each of our treks begin with a briefing from our experienced English-speaking guide. On the road we operate on a 2:1 principle – that means we have one guide for every two climbers. Your crew will also be joined by dedicated cooks and porters.

We strive to use travel as a force for good. That’s why we choose to give back to the communities we visit, carbon offset all our trips and take our social and environmental responsibilities seriously. We’ve been officially certified as the world’s largest travel B Corp, which means when you choose Intrepid Travel, you can rest assured you’re travelling to improve the planet.

Kilimanjaro tour reviews

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Kilimanjaro: Marangu Route

Articles of Kilimanjaro

What I wish I knew before climbing Kilimanjaro

5 must-visit places in Tanzania (and what it’s really like visiting them)

7 reasons why your next adventure should be in Tanzania

Climbing Kilimanjaro with blind athlete Dan Berlin

Meet the women who climbed Kilimanjaro for human rights

Machame or Marangu? We ask a Leader which Kilimanjaro route is best

Learn more about Kilimanjaro

Mount Kilimanjaro's highest point sits at 5,896m.

Average trek duration

It takes between 5-7 days to climb Mount Kilimanjaro.

The best time to trek

The best time to trek Mount Kilimanjaro is in January, February or September.

Kilimanjaro travel FAQs

Do i need a covid-19 vaccine to join an intrepid trip.

Trips from 1 January 2023 onwards

From 1 January 2023, Intrepid will no longer require travellers to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 (excluding all Polar trips and select adventure cruises).

However, we continue to strongly recommend that all Intrepid travellers and leaders get vaccinated to protect themselves and others.

Specific proof of testing or vaccination may still be required by your destination or airline. Please ensure you check travel and entry requirements carefully.

Are there age restrictions for trekking Mount Kilimanjaro?

The regulations for climbing Mount Kilimanjaro specify a minimum age of 10 years, with no maximum age, however all Intrepid travellers are required to be over 15 years old.

While there is no maximum age for climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, it is important to remember that the climb is strenuous and presents health risks, especially to people in high risk categories.

Serious consideration should be given to anyone under the age of 18 and over the age of 60.

Will the altitude affect me?

The summit of Mount Kilimanjaro is above 5,800m. At this altitude it’s common for travellers to experience some adverse health effects – regardless of your age, gender or fitness. It even happened to Sir Edmund Hillary!

Everyone will adapt to the altitude and thinning air differently. This is why we always try to keep the ascent slow and steady, to allow your body to acclimatise and make your journey to the summit easier.

Some pre-existing medical conditions are known to severely worsen at high altitude and be difficult to adequately treat on the ground, leading to more serious consequences. It is imperative that you discuss your pre-existing medical condition/s with your doctor.

What will I eat?

To reach the summit you’re going to need the right fuel, which is why our cooks will be providing delicious and nutritious meals throughout your trek.

Our porters carry all the equipment and supplies we need and you’ll be treated to some local dishes.

We can accommodate food allergies and dietary requests but please tell us when you book.

It’s also a good idea to bring your own extra comfort snacks from home to keep your energy levels up during more difficult sections of the trail.

What will I drink?

While on the trek, your guides will boil and cool 3 litres of water for you per day. This will ensure the water is safe to drink and you stay hydrated on the trek.

We recommend you pack 3 x 1 litre refillable water bottles. Please note disposable plastic containers are not allowed on the mountain.

Where will I sleep on Mount Kilimanjaro?

Your accommodation will vary depending on the route you choose.

On the Machame and Rongai route you’ll be camping out under the stars with a full-service camping experience.

You don’t need to bring anything except your enthusiasm. Our two-person tents are ideal for expedition trips and feature a flysheet made from ripstop nylon, anti-mosquito netting, reflective guy ropes and a 3000mm waterhead, ensuring you stay warm and dry even in difficult conditions.

If you choose to trek the Marangu route you’ll enjoy basic but comfortable accommodation in wooden A-frame huts with single beds and simple mattresses.

Due to limited accommodation on the mountain, you may need to share a hut with non-Intrepid passengers and/or members of the opposite sex.

These sleeping huts are not equipped with facilities however there are seperate bathroom huts containing shared toilets and washing facilities.

What if I’ve never trekked before?

Although no mountaineering experience is required, a good level of physical fitness is necessary. You’ll need to be comfortable walking 6-8 hours uphill a day.

The distances may not be long but the altitude makes it harder than your average uphill hike.

We recommend increasing your aerobic exercise in the months leading up to the climb, such as by walking, running or climbing stairs.

There is plenty of time available each day to get between huts or camping sites so there is no need to rush, in fact the slower you go the more time your body has to adapt and the more you’ll enjoy the experience.

What should I pack for Mount Kilimanjaro?

Although a guide will always accompany you on the trail, you are unlikely to see your porter (as they are very fast!) except at the huts or the camps. Therefore it is important you carefully pack a smaller day pack you carry yourself. Anything you need during the course of the day should be in your day pack including, most importantly, something warm and something waterproof. 

From 2019 your maximum gear allowance is 9 kg. At the welcome meeting you will be provided with a duffel/kit bag to transfer your hiking luggage into. This waterproof bag minimises the weight your porter needs to carry and allows you to store excess luggage at the hotel.

Light clothing is generally sufficient until you reach the 3-4000 metre altitude range provided you always have something warm and waterproof in your daypack. Beyond these altitudes, even if the mornings are glorious, you must always be ready for dramatic changes in the weather, including snow storms. You must have clothing with you in your daypack adequate to the conditions. Please ensure your day pack is large enough to carry these clothes, your lunch box, 3 litres of water and any other items such as camera equipment. Warm clothing is important for the final ascent. The ascents are done at night and this is when the coldest temperatures are experienced. You must be prepared for temperatures of minus 25 degrees celsius. As a rule you should wear two pairs of socks, two-three layers on the legs and four-five layers on top. A balaclava or neck gaiter and woolly hat are necessary to keep the head warm, while gloves and sunglasses are also needed.

Note: the bag the porter carries for you should not exceed 9 kg. If bags are too heavy items may have to be removed or the climber may choose to hire an additional porter.


• Anorak/parka with hood (waterproof) x 1

• Down jacket x 1

• Sweater/fleece x 1

• Thermal top x 2

• T-shirts x 3, long sleeve shirts x 2-3

• Waterproof trousers or ski pants x 1

• Warm trousers x 2

• Hiking shorts/trousers x 1

• Long thermal pants x 1

• Thermal underwear

• Socks thin and thick x 6

• Hiking boots

• Comfortable closed shoes (for around camp)

• Mittens and ski gloves

• Balaclava and woollen hat

• Sunglasses

• Day pack, approximately 30 litres

• Refillable water bottles - 3 x 1 litre (note plastic containers are not allowed on the mountain)

• Good quality, super-warm 4-season sleeping bag (these can be borrowed from our local operator in Tanzania but this service is on a request basis only - please book your bag at time of booking)

• Thermarest or trekking roll mat. (not required on Marangu route)

• Small first aid kit

• Headache tablets

• Imodium (loperamide)

• Climbers may like to consult their physicians about azetazolomide (Diamox), a drug that many find mitigates the ill effects of altitude, headache, diarrhoea & vomiting.

• Hand towel

• Wet wipes

• Toiletries

• Head torch and flashlight with spare batteries (needed for summit night)

• Sunblock and high SPF lip balm

• Camera, film, extra batteries - you will not be able to recharge on the mountain but can at the Kibo Hotel before and after the climb.


Additional hiking equipment can be hired in Marangu. However, on a trek such at this, tried and tested equipment purchased from home may be more comfortable and of a better fit. If you do require any gear, please speak to your leader at the welcome meeting on Day One. Below is a list of some of the equipment available and the rough rental costs.

• Sleeping bag - Free (must be requested through your booking agent prior to departure)

• Thermarest/trekking roll mat - AUD31 (not required on Marangu route)

• Trekking poles – AUD15

• Waterproof trekking boots - AUD46

• Gaiters - AUD15

• 30 litre day pack - AUD31

• Ski sunglasses/Sun goggles - AUD15

• Waterprooj jackets/hooded parkas - AUD23

• Warm fleece sweater - AUD15

• Light hiking trousers and shorts - AUD15 each

• Warm hiking trousers - AUD23

• Trekking t-shirts/long-sleeved shirts - AUD15 each

• Mittens/ski gloves/scarf/sun hat - AUD15 each

• Balaclava/ski mask- AUD8

When is the best time to visit Mount Kilimanjaro?

Kilimanjaro's location near the equator is a great advantage, with very little seasonal variation in climbing conditions.

The rainy seasons from March to May and November to December may make the track a little slippery.

Generally speaking, January, February and September are considered the best times to climb the mountain.

What will the weather be like at Mount Kilimanjaro?

Part of what makes Kilimanjaro so unique is the diversity of ecosystems and micro-climates on its slopes. This same benefit is what makes predicting conditions a challenge.

You should trek expecting everything from tropical rainforests to sub-zero landscapes. The weather is prone to shift without warning and it is best to be prepared for all possibilities.

What are the toilet facilities like at Mount Kilimanjaro?

In a word? Improving. Until recently the toilet facilities left much to be desired but thankfully the park authorities have started to tackle the problem.

Some state-of-the-art eco-toilets have now been built at the major campsites.

There is the option to arrange a toilet tent for the entire trip. Please speak to your booking agent about the cost of this service.

What is the average success rate for climbing Mount Kilimanjaro?

The success of each climb is dependent on a number of varying factors, such as the weather on Mount Kilimanjaro and the age and fitness of each trekker. With that said we have achieved a success rate of 75% to Uhuru Peak across our three climbing routes.

Do your mountain guides carry first aid kits?

Yes. We carry multiple, comprehensive first aid kits and our mountain guides are fully trained on their use. All of our mountain guides are first-aid qualified.

Are your mountain guides trained to recognise symptoms of Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS)?

Absolutely! Intrepid have invested in the highest standards of training of any operator on Kilimanjaro. This includes advanced altitude training delivered by a UK doctor and altitude research specialist. One of the key elements of this is training on the Lake Louise altitude assessment system, which allows our mountain guides to effectively monitor clients constantly whilst on Kilimanjaro and assess if they are suffering from AMS and, if so, how severe that AMS is. We also train them on how to respond in the case of a moderate or severe case of altitude sickness – which will always mean organising for the affected client to descend immediately. During your briefing on the first evening of your trip, your mountain guide will talk to you about symptoms of AMS and how to recognise them.

Do you carry medicines for altitude?

Yes – there are two key, potentially life-saving drugs that our teams carry on the mountain. These are Dexamethasone and Nifedipine and they used to treat cerebral and pulmonary oedema, which are the two potentially life-threatening complications of severe AMS. Our mountain guides are fully trained on the use of these drugs for altitude related illnesses.

Please note that we do not carry Diamox on our Kilimanjaro treks. The reason for this is that, although medical research suggests that Diamox can be very effective in aiding acclimatisation to altitude, it has been proven to be far less effective at treating severe AMS. You may wish to talk to your doctor prior to travelling about being prescribed Diamox to assist acclimatisation while you climb Kilimanjaro.

Will oxygen be available?

We carry medical oxygen – and when a group has four passengers or more, this will mean multiple cylinders will be distributed among the team of mountain guides to ensure that oxygen is always quickly available in the case of an emergency. The oxygen that we carry is strictly for emergency use only – and cannot be used by clients to assist in climbing or summiting.

Do you carry Gamow bags or PACs?

No. Gamow bags and PACs are two types of portable hyperbaric chambers, which are sometimes used for sufferers of severe AMS. What makes Kilimanjaro relatively unique is that it is a "rapid ascent mountain" – meaning altitude gain happens extremely quickly. Logically, therefore, Kilimanjaro is also a "rapid descent mountain" and our policy is that in the case of severe AMS, our mountain guides will immediately evacuate the patient down the mountain, usually with the assistance of porters to carry the person affected. Often, a descent of just a few hundred metres will be enough to make a difference. Gamow bags and PACs are more effective in other parts of the world where rapid descent on foot is not possible. Also, a gamow bag takes a little while to inflate – which on Kilimanjaro is valuable time lost when an evacuation down the mountain could already have commenced.

How do your mountain guides communicate on Kilimanjaro?

Mobile phone coverage on the mountain is improving – but it's still patchy in many areas. For this reason, Intrepid mountain guides carry short wave radios to allow for communication in the case of an emergency.

How do you ensure your porters are well looked after?

Unfortunately there is a problem in the trekking industry with some service providers taking advantage of porters, compromising staff safety in order to minimise costs. Our Tanzanian Destination Management Company (DMC) was established in 2014 with the purpose of ensuring Intrepid stood at the forefront of responsible tourism practices on Mount Kilimanjaro. We're proud to say that we're an official partner of the International Mountain Explorers Connection (IMEC) and its Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Project (KPAP). This means all of our climbs have been assessed and scored based on a number of criteria designed to ensure the proper treatment of porters on the mountain. You can read more about KPAP's good work at the bottom of this page.

Who is your local operator in Tanzania?

All Intrepid Kilimanjaro climbs are operated by Intrepid Guerba Tanzania Limited, which is a fully owned Intrepid company based in northern Tanzania.

Are Intrepid trips accessible for travellers with disabilities?

We are committed to making travel widely  accessible , regardless of ability or disability. We do our best to help you see the world, regardless of physical or mental limitations. 

We are always happy to talk to travellers with disabilities and see if we can help guide them toward the most suitable itinerary for their needs and, where possible, make reasonable adjustments to our itineraries.

Dream World Adventures

Kilimanjaro guided tour packages on all routes

We specialize in arranging Kilimanjaro packages from South Africa – tailored to suit your needs! Private climbs for individuals or groups…

If you are looking for Kilimanjaro guided tour packages with expert service and advice. Let our years of experience guide you on your Kilimanjaro adventure tour. Dream World Adventures offer its valued clients Kilimanjaro adventure tour packages, tailor made around your requirements. From private tours to private group arrangements, we have got you covered.The Dream World Adventures team has been promoting Kilimanjaro for over 20 years and has reached the summit of Kilimanjaro on a number of occasions as well as the summits of several other high altitude mountains including Mts. Kenya, Elbrus and Aconcagua. Experiences on Mont Blanc and Denali also colour our mountaineering horizons.

The Dream World Adventures team has been promoting Kilimanjaro for over 20 years and have reached the summit of Kilimanjaro on numerous occasions and also the summits of several other high altitude mountains including Mts. Kenya, Elbrus and Aconcagua.Feel free to contact us on +27 12 331 6730 (Pretoria – South Africa), or kindly complete the below quote request form for a detailed quote. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” (Lao Tzu) – contact us today and let us help you take your first step towards the summit of Kilimanjaro!

Kilimanjaro tour package on the Marangu route

Kilimanjaro tour packages Marangu

Most comfortable route to use on Kilimanjaro

The Marangu route on Kilimanjaro is the most comfortable route of all, due to the fact that you will not have to camp in tents at each end of the day. The distance covered on each day, except for the summit attempt, is shorter compared to the other routes. Three permanent hut installations accommodate hikers on this route. The huts are communal, and each bunk has a sponge mattress and pillow. Solar panels installed at the huts providing light for the evening. There are 60 beds at the Mandara and Kibo hut and 120 beds at the Horombo hut. Bathrooms and running water are available at the two lower huts (Mandara and Horombo) and basic latrines at the last hut (Kibo). All climbing groups on the Marangu route share breakfast and evening meals in a dining hut adding a great atmosphere. The Marangu route can be done in a minimum 5 days, but is recommended to be used as a six day route for more acclimatization. Due to the comfort up to base camp at Kibo huts, this route is also known as the Coca-Cola route. Contact us for more information on our Kilimanjaro packages to climb the Marangu route.

Our Kilimanjaro tour package on the Marangu route starts from only US$1 640 pps (2-5 climbers) *

  • 2 Nights hotel accommodation in Moshi(1 night before & 1 night after the climb), on a bed & breakfast (based on shared occupancy).
  • Dinner at the hotel after completion of your climb.
  • Transfer from Moshi to the Kilimanjaro National Park gate – starting point of your trek.
  • Transfer from Kilimanjaro National Park gate to Moshi – upon completion of your trek.
  • All Kilimanjaro National Park fees & government taxes, climbing permits & hut fees.
  • Rescue fees for emergency evacuation from the mountain.
  • Guides and porters salaries (Only qualified guides are used on each trek).
  • All meals on the mountain that includes hot drinks., this also includes all eating utensils.
  • All camping equipment, this includes tents, camp chairs & hikers sleeping mattress.
  • On successful completion of your expedition you will receive a unique Kilimanjaro certificate issued by the Tanzanian National Park.
  • Guide carries a pulse oximeter.
  • Guide will carry a portable oxygen canister – to be used in emergency situations only!

*NB! For groups of 6 or more climbers, further group booking discounts are available. Prices are per person sharing and are for indication only, subject to change without prior notice due to factors out of our control and are subject to availability at the time of booking – please contact us for an updated quote.

Want to know more about our Marangu route tour packages?

Kilimanjaro tour package on the machame route.

Kilimanjaro tour packages Machame

Best route for acclimatization on Kilimanjaro.

Our kilimanjaro tour package on the machame route starts from only us$1 695 pps (2-5 climbers) *.

  • All Kilimanjaro National Park fees & government taxes, climbing permits & camping fees.

Want to know more about our Machame route tour packages?

Kilimanjaro tour package on the lemosho route.

Kilimanjaro tour packages Lemosho

Scenic start on your Kilimanjaro adventures.

Our kilimanjaro tour package on the lemosho route starts from only us$1 760 pps (2-5 climbers) *, want to know more about our lemosho route tour packages, kilimanjaro tour package on the rongai route.

Kilimanjaro tour packages Rongai

A less populated start from the northern side of Kilimanjaro.

Our kilimanjaro tour package on the rongai route starts from only us$1 760 pps (2-5 climbers) *, want to know more about our rongai route tour packages, kilimanjaro tour package on the umbwe route.

Kilimanjaro tour packages Umbwe

A steep ascent, yet spectacular hike on Kilimanjaro.

Our kilimanjaro tour package on the umbwe route starts from only us$1 695 pps (2-5 climbers) *, want to know more about our umbwe route tour packages, kilimanjaro packages quote request (please complete the below for an updated quote)..

  • Name & Surname *
  • Contact number *
  • Your preferred travel dates *
  • Number of climbers *
  • Any specials requests?
  • Preferred route up Kili * Marangu Machame Lemosho Rongai Umbwe
  • Future sales and promotions * Would you like to be included in our mailing list featuring future sales and promotions? Yes – please email me No – don’t include me


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Copyright © 2005 – 2021 Dream World Adventures, for more than a decade home of Kilimanjaro tour packages specialist.

Kiliwarrior Expeditions Logo

Climb Kilimanjaro

kilimanjaro tours from south africa


Deep in East Africa, specifically in Tanzania, the remarkable natural wonder of Mount Kilimanjaro proudly stands. As the world’s tallest freestanding mountain, it reaches an impressive 19,341 feet or 5,895 meters. Indeed, Mount Kilimanjaro is one of the coveted Seven Summits, attracting thrill-seekers worldwide.

Find out more information about the history of the mountain and how to climb Kilimanjaro.


Kiliwarrior Expeditions prioritizes your safety on the mountain above all else. We equip ourselves with essential safety gear. This includes a hyperbaric chamber, an automated external defibrillator, a pulse oximeter, a stethoscope, oxygen cylinders, and comprehensive first aid kits.


As a certified tour operator, we hold a TALA License. We maintain our team without resorting to sub-contracting. Our membership includes the Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Project (KPAP) .


Our packages come with no hidden costs. We provide two nights of premium hotel accommodation before the climb and one night after. We manage your airport transfers on arrival and departure. All our packages cover all taxes and government fees.


Our highly trained chefs prepare all food fresh from scratch, suitable for high altitudes. We cater to all dietary needs, including vegan, vegetarian, and religious restrictions.


We ensure the provision of private toilet tents and shower tents at every campsite.


We strive to share updates and photos on our Facebook or Instagram Stories during each trek. This allows your family and friends to track your progress during your journey.

Climb Kilimanjaro Kiliwarriors Gerry Analytis


Founding and managing partner.

Climb Kilimanjaro Kiliwarriors Wilbert Mollel


Climb Kilimanjaro Kiliwarriors Tom Analytis


Gorilla trekking, testimonials, our experience with kiliwarrior surpassed expectations.

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

Embarking on a 5-day journey with Killiwarrior in Uganda was nothing short of extraordinary. The itinerary crafted for us was a perfect blend of excitement and cultural immersion. The standout experiences were undoubtedly the silverback gorilla trek and the chimpanzee trek.

The silverback gorilla trek was a surreal encounter with these majestic creatures in their natural habitat. The knowledgeable guides provided insightful commentary, enhancing the overall experience. It felt like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and Killiwarrior made it possible.

The chimpanzee trek was equally captivating, offering a different perspective on Uganda’s diverse wildlife. The thrill of spotting these intelligent creatures in the lush forest added a unique dimension to our journey.

What sets Killiwarrior apart is their exceptional flexibility and responsiveness to accommodate our tight schedule. Despite the last-minute nature of our plans, they efficiently secured trekking permits, demonstrating their dedication to ensuring clients get the most out of their trip.

Our experience with Killiwarrior surpassed expectations. The combination of thrilling adventures and seamless logistics provided by the team made this trip unforgettable. Without hesitation, I highly recommend Killiwarrior for anyone seeking a well-rounded and enriching travel experience in Uganda.

THE most epic experience of my life

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

One particular day I had some neck pain (pre-existing) and I struggled to carry my backpack. Efatha, one of the guides, wanted me to hand off my pack to a porter but my pride wouldn’t let me. So, Efatha and another guide took all the contents out of my pack, stuffed it in their own packs, and handed me my empty backpack and said “there, you still have your pack!” They were ALL so thoughtful and sweet!

The trip was awesome.

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

The Kiliwarriors team was great. Very supportive and fun to be around. Can’t recommend them enough. You will be in good hands.

Kiliwarrior Expeditions were great!

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

All the staff were truly amazing. Their support in the lead up to and during the trek was fantastic. They made our summit attempt not only successful, but also extremely enjoyable and unforgettable. If you are planning on climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, I highly recommend the Lemosho Western-Breach Route with Kiliwarrior.

Great experience climbing with Kiliwarriors!

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

I am especially impressed by the guides and how much they care for the clients. They kept a really close eye on all of us and if they see any of us struggling, they would offer to carry our day bags and even lend their arms as support. Food was very good but towards the end I was kind of getting tired of the soup and porridge. But all in all I was grateful for the amount of support I’ve had from the team and I wouldn’t have made it to the summit without them.

The ONLY way to climb Mount Kilimanjaro

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

KiliWarrior Management,

We would like to express our sincere appreciation of the experience we had with your company “KiliWarrior Expeditions” on our recent tour of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. From the moment we arrived, your staff made us feel value and caring for our needs. The hotel was outstanding and in a great location, and the food was excellent. The day before our trip, your staff was on time and explained what we will expect before the climbing, and it gave us the opportunity to meet the rest of the group. The camp manager and assistant manager and 2 assistant were outstanding in explaining the days event and how long it would take to reach each campsite daily, their pace setting was outstanding. They would check our oxygen level and heart rate to ensure we were okay to trek the next day. The 46 porters were outstanding from the chef and his staff providing hot meals daily snacks, or hot water at our request, they truly went above and beyond the call of duties and responsibilities. The team worked really well together, ensuring that our camp was ready for us by the time we arrived at the site. The surprise anniversary cake and champagne were truly a shock and unexpected. The experience will never be forgotten as we celebrate our anniversary at over 14,000 feet. Again can’t say enough about how wonderful and professional your staff was in helping us reach our goal of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.

KILIWARRION EXPEDITIONS! The ONLY way to Climb Mount Kilimanjaro!!!

Safari in Uganda with Gorillas / Chimpanzees

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

Thank you Kiliwarrior Expeditions for your great help with planning our dream vacation to Uganda and Rwanda! The trip was marvellous and our guide, Tyson, was such an ideal guide for us! Really professional and knowledgeable.

A moment that I’ll treasure for the rest of my life.

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

I summited Mt. Kilimanjaro on July 3rd, 2023 with Kiliwarrior Expeditions. From arriving into Tanzania to leaving, the entire Kiliwarrior team went above and beyond what I expected.

From learning about their traditions, the mountain, singing and dancing to their songs – they taught me so much about their amazing culture.

The food – OMG, the food was top notch. The love and care the entire team put into making sure that we were well fed and had enough energy to hike up the mountain was amazing.

The guides were full of life and personality. From answering our questions about the local wildlife, the flowers and their experiences on Kilimanjaro, to even playing cards and games with us in the tent.

My only regret was not booking a Safari as well when I was in Tanzania, but that’s something I’ll do in the next few years and will book that through Kiliwarriors as well.

There are many different ways to climb Mount Kilimanjaro…

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

Noah has written a blog post about his experience with us climbing via the Western-Breach.

Click here to read the blog!

“In any case, Mount Kilimanjaro can be climbed through a variety of companies, but in this article, I’m going to share my experiences with Kiliwarriors and use my experience to give you an idea about what to expect when trying to decide between different routes with different companies.

All said, if you read all the way through, I hope it becomes apparent how much Kiliwarriors cares for each and every client, so much so that climbing with Kiliwarriors is truly as luxurious as a trip can be on Mount Kilimanjaro! “

I climbed Kilimanjaro with 10 other women in February 2023.

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

I climbed Kilimanjaro with 10 other women in February 2023. It was an incredible experience for me and the rest of the group. After lots of research, we chose Kiliwarriors as our outfitter for this trek and I’m so happy we did. Every staff member from our guides to our porters was incredibly helpful, kind and very supportive. The food was delicious and plentiful and the equipment provided was top notch. If climbing Kilimanjaro is on your bucket list, go with Kiliwarriors! You won’t be disappointed.

Why Kiliwarrior Expeditions?

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

Tom and the whole Kiliwarrior Team, greetings to everyone. A year ago (back on Aug 21, 2022), I arrived on the evening KLM flight from Amsterdam to start an amazing expedition to Africa. I could not get anyone to go with me, but still made the long journey regardless. Every expectation was met, actually exceeded, starting with my 24-hour baggage delay (missing the connecting flight from Los Angeles). The hotel accommodations in Arusha were awesome, the expedition coordination (Tom you were always available if I had any question) was spot on, and before we even started, the drive to the trailhead included Zebra, Giraffe, and Gazelle, amazing. The hike / climb and the entire camp environment could not have been better. The guides and staff watched over everyone to make sure we were all doing well and took care of our every need. When you arrived at the next camp each day, there was a porter waiting to show you to your tent and help take your day-pack off. That personal touch approach, will always stay with me. And the food was AMAZING, there is no other way to put it. The fried chicken and French fries dinner following our summit was a great finish and way to celebrate our success.

Why Kiliwarrior Expeditions? The hiking / climbing schedule each day and period of acclimatization provided the best chance of summit success. I routinely go back and look over the many pictures and remember the great dedication every member of the Kiliwarrior team provided every day. I cannot remember how many times I provided “trip to Kilimanjaro’ slide shows to family, friends, work, and church groups. I think of Hosea, Shedrack, Efatha, and yes Kanini often, and I would be remiss if not heaping praise upon the many porters who did the hard work every day. I can say their work was an integral part in my success. The people of Tanzania impressed me as much as Mount Kilimanjaro.

I guess this is simply me reflecting on a great experience in my life and letting you know “great job” to the whole team and I still think of your staff and the other 10 expedition members that made the whole trip so memorable. I wish you all the best.

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

The best! I cannot say enough good things about this group. My 15 year old son and I just climbed Kilimanjaro with Kiliwarrior expeditions and it was the best vacation I’ve ever had! Everything was professionally coordinated from airport pickup, very nice hotel in Arusha, safari trip (Shabani) to the actual climb. Tom was excellent in setting up the trip and preparing us. During the climb we were guided by professionals who take their job seriously but who clearly love what they do. Shout out to Shadrock, Ephata, Gilbert, Master, and Kilongo! They taught us not only climbing, but also Swahili and card games! Camp managers Canini and Paulina made sure we were fed with amazing food and did it joyfully. Really fantastic soups every meal, Tanzania toast, super good grilled cheese and onion sandwiches! We took the 9 day Lemosho route and I absolutely loved every day of it. Doing this we climbed the western breach as the sun rose and then had the summit all to ourselves in the afternoon! Pictures don’t express how glorious it is to look down 9000 feet above the clouds and see the moon setting behind Mt Meru as you climb through the steepest part of the mountain. The porters are also a true inspiration. If you love nature, new experiences, and good people then book your trip with Kiliwarriors. We also made lasting friendships with our fellow hikers. It was a joyful experience all around and one that was worth every cent. I completed this feeling invigorated for life. I am grateful to this company for making our dream a reality, and for doing so with evident professionalism and an obvious love for their work.

There’s only one group that will make you feel like family.

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

There are so many options that you can choose from when you plan your Kilimanjaro journey. There’s only one group that will make you feel like family. That’s the KiliWarriors. From the moment that I landed in Tanzania, I was greeted by members of their team. They provided insight into what the next week would be like and took me and my climbing mates to our wonderful accommodations. We were the envy of many on the mountain. We had some of the best equipment and best food. No packed lunches. Everything was cooked fresh. We had constant health checks throughout the day. From the moment that we woke up and until we went to sleep. The guides and porters became family to us pretty quickly. Providing encouragement every step of the way. I truly believe in my heart that I would not have been able to summit if it weren’t for the guidance and support of the KiliWarrior team. I think about my time on the mountain often and all of the great memories and life long friends that I met. Don’t look elsewhere. Kiliwarrior expeditions is the way to go. Proud Honorary member of the Kiliwarrior team. Summit reached June 2022 – Lemosho Western Breach.

I am overjoyed to be able to share my overwhelmingly positive experience with others.

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The positivity and energy was very contagious

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Since the start of planning this trip, Kiliwarriors has been very professional and more than just a company. All the guides and porters are friendly and welcoming, they were more than happy to help with anything. Thanks to them and many other encounters with the staff, I felt like our hospitality was a great priority to them.

The positivity and energy was very contagious, the singing and dancing at the start of the day was one of the best parts for me.

The food was fantastic, the mess tent always had a selection of tea, coffee, hot water, condiments, spreads, and was kept tidy. Chances are you will probably end up putting on weight by the end of the climb!

Massive thank you to Kiliwarriors for helping me achieve my goal!


kilimanjaro tours from south africa

BEAUTY BEYOND WORDS… EXERTION IN THE EXTREME… A MUST DO ONCE IN A LIFETIME!! There are no words… you simply have to be there yourself to know what we are talking about. My husband and I (66 and 62 years old) climbed Kilimanjaro in July 2022. The experience is a highlight of our lives which we attribute to Kiliwarrior Expeditions. Their team of over 60 for 9 climbers is exceptional and therefore the attention to detail, care for our well-being and excellent food sets them apart. I highly recommend their tour as well as the 9 day Lemosho Western Breach route because one really does need the extra days to acclimatize to the altitude. THANK YOU KILIWARRIOR EXPEDITIONS FOR THE GREATEST EXPERIENCE IMAGINABLE! Anyone reading this… JUST DO IT!!!

Here is my experience climbing Mount Kilimanjaro

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Small excerpt from Sticks World Travel – Dan’s travel blog:

“Climbing Kilimanjaro is without doubt one of the hardest experiences I have ever done. It is also one of the most amazing. You always get the greatest success from the hardest things, if it was easy everyone would be doing it. I learned so much about ME, I learned that I love a good challenge, the harder the challenge; the more I worked to achieve it, the better I felt after achieving it. This trip certainly has changed me for the better.”

Dan wrote a great blog post about the entire trip with us. You can click here to read the blog post on his blog.

Definitely a once in a lifetime experience!

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

Definitely a once in a lifetime experience! I decided to hike Mt. Kilimanjaro in the summer of 2022 as a way to celebrate graduating from college as well as to challenge myself to climb the tallest free-standing mountain in the world. Prior to the climb, I was in constant communication with Tom Analytis. He was very helpful, answering all of my questions and explaining all of the routes in detail to make sure I was comfortable with all of my decisions regarding the trek.

The professionalism Tom showed and the care that the Kiliwarriors team provided was evident even before I arrived in Tanzania. Arriving in Tanzania, I was greeted by the Kiliwarriors team who took care of everything right from the beginning. The accommodations and food available at Kibo Palace was great! In addition, meeting the team during the gear check and briefing was very smooth and comforting. They made sure we had everything we needed and explained the hike in full detail. Wilburt carefully checked all of my gear prior to making sure I was prepared and had all of the necessary equipment for our hike up to the top. He explained very thoroughly what I should pack in my daypack while keeping the rest in my duffel bag.

My group was composed of 8 other hikers (besides myself) which made the experience even more special and enjoyable as I was able to enjoy the hardships as well as the triumphs with them throughout our time on the mountain. We quickly got along!

Our head-guide was Shedrak, who was very knowledgeable about the mountain. He made sure to consistently stop at certain points to teach us a little bit about the plant-life and the landscape. In addition, he made sure we were hydrated, physically well, and his enthusiasm truly helped support our morale that pushed us as we hiked to each camp. Another one of our guides, Ephata, was also amazing and made the experience even better. He was always smiling and made sure we were okay during the hikes as well as in the camps. He kept a proper and steady pace for our team.

The rest of the team went above and beyond to make sure we had the best experience possible. Mama Luis cooked some of the best food on the mountain. He alway surprised us with the dishes he would whip out from his tent on the mountain. Johannes carried my personal duffel bag and was always at the front of the campsite to greet me and help me to my tent after each day. Gilbert and Kanini also went above and beyond, and I definitely could not have completed the summit without them. They helped me especially when I was running out of energy and was struggling with oxygen and fatigue during the summit push.

This Kiliwarriors team is the best anyone could ask for and I truly could not have done it without any of them. They were so positive, accommodating, and caring. They did everything in their power to make sure I as well as everyone else on the team succeeded in making it to the summit. All eight climbers in our group successfully summited and I believe that the Lemosho Western-Breach played a big role in that. The acclimatization the route offers allows the highest chance of success and making it to the top of Kilimanjaro. The extra time offered by this route allows you to acclimatize for the final push. The breach is also unique because it offers hikers a chance to see a variety of different things that other trekking companies do not normally encounter. For example, I thought it was a special and unique experience to be able to see the Scott Fischer memorial on the mountain. In addition, the route offers some privacy especially on Arrow Glacier camp. You also get to see and touch some of the summit glaciers on the top of Kilimanjaro, which is an experience not many get to do!

This was definitely a trip of a lifetime and I highly recommend Kiliwarriors for anyone who wants to successfully make it to the top and have a wonderful, positive, and professional team to help them achieve that goal. I came to Tanzania not knowing what to expect. I didn’t know anyone on the team or who I would be climbing the mountain with. I left feeling very welcomed and felt that I have become a part of the Kiliwarrior family! I want to thank everyone at Kiliwarrior Expeditions for the memories and the experience that I will truly remember!

To anyone who is thinking about which team to join when accomplishing the dream of climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro, I wouldn’t recommend anyone else, but Kiliwarriors.

I was immediately impressed with the timeliness in communication

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Best experience ever. Highy recommeded.

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

Best experience ever. Highy recommeded. Did the 9 Day Western Breach Lemosho Route and made it to the summit. You will not find a better company to climb with, they are simply the best! The most outstanding, dedicated and passionate team of organisers, guides and porters. Thank you so much for a truly unforgettable adventure, a dream come true.

Congratulations on an outstanding team at Kiliwarriors!

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The top priority of all of the 50+ porters, guides, chefs was the comfort and well-being of the hikers.  Each went out of his way to see to our needs and desires in the kindest and sometimes most humorous way possible.

Hosea is a formidable leader.  He is personable, tireless,  firm, fair, concerned….. if anything, a bit too humble. He has a really big job, and he is a really big man.

I was one of the weakest links….my pacemaker was not well calibrated to exertion beyond 15-16,000 feet.  My cardiologist warned this might be the case, but encouraged me to try….and I am so glad I did.  Hosea was wise to give me the choice between forging ahead to Barafu or going to lower altitude ( which I chose).  Felix was a careful and considerate guide, and I am very grateful for his kindness and that of the other team which accompanied me.

I tell my friends that this trip was a bit of “glamping!”  Whoever heard of chairs or hot water bottles or camp toilets on a 9 day wilderness trip?  Showers?  An impossible luxury!

Thank you, thank you for a memorable and positive adventure.  A once in a lifetime challenge undertaken in complete luxury.

Greetings from two VERY happy campers!

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Our trip to the top of Kilimanjaro was sensational.  The food, attention to details, focus on safety and comforts exceeded our expectations.  And we cannot say enough good things about Hosea and his team.  He is a truly outstanding leader—it was a thrill to watch him in action, and to see the group working together like a well-oiled machine.  The cook, Louis, took such pains to handle my gluten restriction—I was touched and deeply appreciative of that.  And the entire group of guides, porters, and cooks were a constant source of support and encouragement.

Dave and I feel like we went with appropriate expectations about the degree of comfort we were likely to encounter on the trip—and had those expectations exceeded time after time—from the morning coffee delivered hot to our tent to the hot water bottles at night to take the chill off our sleeping bags!   We also fully expected a high degree of challenge and cold, both of which we felt well prepared to withstand.  Dave and I felt wonderfully strong at the summit, and enjoyed every minute of the climb up.  As we expected, the climb down was actually harder—in part because we did so quickly—but we made it still smiling and happy.

Kiliwarriors Expeditions is a fabulous franchise and deserves to enjoy a long life in this tough business.

With deepest thanks for a spectacular life experience,

The Adventure of a Lifetime

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The adventure of a lifetime!

Hands down most experienced expedition team on Mount Kilimanjaro. I would HIGHLY recommend climbing with Kiliwarriors to anyone who wants a fully immersive travel experience like no other.

Links to videos on YouTube:


Instagram: @erikconover

Our entire trip was incredible due to the flawless execution

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My wife and I have been planning an African trip since 2014. Throughout the planning stages (and with some delays on our end), Gerry Analytis (partner) was patient, helpful and didn’t apply any sales pressure. After my independent research, it was abundantly clear that Kiliwarriors Expeditions was the best company for us, not only for climbing Kili, but also for the planning our safari and Zanzibar visit. Our entire trip was incredible due to the flawless execution, attention to detail, nature teachings and tonnes of TLC by Gerry, Wilbert and the entire Kiliwarrior team! We were incredibly lucky to have Wilbert accompany us on the climb and safari as part of Kiliwarriors commitment to quality, safety and customer satisfaction. They don’t just rely on electronic feedback, they are fully engaged and have “boots on the ground” in every aspect of their business. We left Tanzania with a new family because they made us feel so special and supported us at every turn over our 21 days in Tanzania.

Our recommendations:

1) Don’t be one of the “Walking Dead” that we witnessed on the mountain and who didn’t summit because they thought they could take short cuts and save a dollar.

2) Anyone looking for an incredible, life long experience, just put your trip in the hands of Kiliwarriors Expeditions and you won’t have any misgivings

I can’t believe that our trip of a lifetime is over.

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Dear Gerry,

I spent two years planning and preparing for our families’s climb. In my research for a climbing company, Kiliwarriors stood out almost immediately for a number of reasons. I felt that the “all-inclusive” package was perfect for us. We did not have to purchase items, such as sleeping bags and trekking poles, that I knew we would most likely not have much use for in the future. Having personal porters was important for us since none of us has hiking experience and although we are all fit, not having a heavy pack on our backs all day made all the difference in our success. Also, I appreciated that tips were already figured in the price as I knew that the subject would have distracted and made me anxious, even during the climb. Finally, it was important to me that Kiliwarriors is not a fully foreign run company, but that Wilbert, as a Tanzanian, is a co-owner.

The physical comforts on our climb really exceeded my expectations in so many ways. The sleeping bags with the pallets were really comfortable! I slept like a baby in those tents. The toilet tent was easier to use than I imagined and we were all so grateful to have it, even at lunchtime. Pure luxury. The food that we were served also greatly exceeded all of our expectations. We loved the popcorn and hot tea and hot chocolate ready for us in the afternoon after a long hike. The soup each evening before dinner was always delicious…my kids have never eaten so much soup! The fried chicken, fish and grilled cheese and tomatoe sandwiches were a personal favorite. the fact that fruit was served at each meal was impressive. We all ate very well. Also, the one “shower”  that my daughter and I each managed to take (due to weather) on the third day made us feel human again…clean hair!

Finally, our group of porters became so special to us. I don’t want to start naming people because I know I will forget someone. Wilbert of course was just an amazing guide. We met him for the first time at the NYC Travel show the year before and seeing his smiling face at the Kilimanjaro airport airport when he picked us up after an 18 hour flight was just the beginning of our bond with him. He was both warm and professional at the same time. I felt so safe placing my family (husband, 18 year old son, and 22 year old daughter) into his obviously capable hands. The whole group really became so special to us. Seeing their smiling faces each afternoon as we entered our camp and the song and dance greeting gave us the feeling of coming home each day. It was especially moving when we got back down to Barafu after all four of us had successfully summited to the Roof of Africa. I was exhausted from the eight hour climb up and the 2 hour climb down, but seeing all of their faces and hearing their enthusiasitc congratulations made me feel so proud and also lucky that they were they ones who guided us up. We couldn’t have done it without them.

It truly was one of the best and most amazing experiences of my lifetime

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When I decided I wanted to go to Africa to celebrate my 50th birthday, my husband said we had to climb Mt Kilimanjaro. I agreed, tentatively. Then a friend told me about Kiliwarriors. Upon learning what they had to offer, especially personal porters and showers (what girl could go more then a few days without washing hair?), the prospect became more attractive and I was able to look forward to the experience. The reality far surpassed any expectation and then some. It truly was one of the best and most amazing experiences of my lifetime.

The team (we had 30 to support us 4) was so friendly and so supportive. I do not want to name names as I know I will miss someone. Everyone was important and appreciated and we could not have succeeded without all of them. Their guidance (polepole) and encouragement never left any doubt we would make it to the top. Everyone made the experience special and enjoyable. Yes, there are several individuals we interacted with closely and daily and they will always be remembered as dear friends. The food was delicious and exactly as needed each step of the way. Hot tea in bed in the morning and hair washing made it that much more comfortable. Porters made it easy. They carried all supplies, including all of our stuff (clothing, sleeping bags, tents, and day packs) and had it all set up for us upon our arrival, with everyone smiling, welcoming and high fiving us at every camp. And following the carefully and slowly placed footsteps of our leaders up the mountain made it possible.

We saw others on the mountain who did not succeed. I suspect in many cases they went up too fast. The slower, overall 9 day, approach to climbing Kili, I believe, guaranteed our success. We did several smaller steps up the mountain, as well as some climb high and sleep low days. We also did use altitude drugs and this probably helped. Not one of us 4 (age range 50-70) felt ill at any stage and we all summited strong and feeling great. Also of note, a great thing about Kiliwarriors was, unlike most of the other companies, on the night before summit, we sleep at high Barafu (aka Kosovo) which allowed more acclimation – especially as we again hiked high and slept low – then those who sleep down at Barafu. Of further note was the fact the Barafu camp people leave at midnight and, in my opinion, have a horrible climb between Barafu and Kosovo in the middle of a dark and cold night. We departed at 5 am, heading up terrain we had hiked the afternoon before, and experienced a brilliant sunrise very early in to our climb and were able to enjoy our summit experience in the light and warmth of the sun. Definitely a more enjoyable approach.

Climbing Kilimanjaro was one of the best experiences of my life, and this was entirely because of Kiliwarriors and the people I climbed with – friends old and new.  I also speak for my husband and friends and say we will all be forever grateful to have used this company to help us fulfill this goal in the most comfortable and supportive manner possible.

After the climb, Kiliwarriors then took us on a 4.5 day safari through Tarangire, Lake Manyara, Ngorongoro crater, and the Serengeti. This was a dream come true for me. Our eagle-eyed and knowledgeable guides were able to locate every type animal possible, especially the cats! The accommodation was beautiful, comfortable and unique. Food was delicious. A perfect adventure and follow-up to Kili and I highly recommend this not be missed.

Asante sana Kiliwarriors! You are the best!

Hello Wilbert and Gerry!

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My climb of Mount Kilimanjaro was an unforgettable experience thanks to Wilbert Mollel, our head guide and the whole Kiliwarrior team. Imagine my surprise when I woke up on day 2 to find 22 porters and guides preparing things, singing and dancing for us. All of them helped to make our climb a pleasure.

Highly professional, Wilbert managed the climb with perfect timing so that I suffered very few effects of high altitude, no headaches, digestive problems or the like.

The team monitored our ingestion of water and food urging us to keep drinking water. The food was fresh and delicious, sparking our appetite when it flagged. When the going got difficult near the end, Wilbert was there to help us up the Breach.

Our heart rates and oxygen levels were checked daily. Why, with 22 guides and porters I felt like the Queen of England!

One of the greatest 9 days of my life

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Climbing the Western Breach with Kiliwarriors was one of the greatest 9 days of my life. From the beginning of our experience (researching guide companies) through summit day, they answered all of our questions, cared for our well-being and safety and helped us to understand the beauty and magic of the mountain.

The food was delicious, the porters were valued and well provided for, and they practiced ecology on the mountain. As a group of 8 climbers, we were able to get to know our guides and porters, learn from them, and trust the experience that they brought to us. Their singing, dancing and cheering us on as we made it to camp each day was an added bonus!

Wilbert Mollel has assembled an incredible team and provides the highest quality experience on Mt. Kilimanjaro.

Asante Sana

I thoroughly enjoyed my trek with Kiliwarriors

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

I take this opportunity to let you know that I thoroughly enjoyed my trek with Killiwarriors, It was a dream of mine to climb Mt Kilimanjaro and I was lucky enough to have done it with the Kiliwarriors.

From the very outset, the professional and helpful nature was evident, I was treated with respect and was relieved to find out that it was a top class outfit I would be climbing with not just some shoddy operator out for a quick dollar,the care that was taken to ensure I had all the right climbing gear and apparel was indeed appreciated, but the best was to come on the mountain, as i experienced such a high degree of mateship and friendship with the porters and cooks and our wonderful guides.

It was by far the best holiday I have experienced and I have travelled far and wide around the globe, but in all honesty I was very pleased with the service that the Kiliwarriors provided and the genuine family feeling during the climb, I don’t know that I would have achieved the summit had it not been for the assistance and professional conduct of all concerned.

I would like to thank all of those involved and would indeed without hesitation, recommend the Kiliwarriors to anyone that is considering climbing Mt Kilimanjaro.

The Western-Breach was definitely the way to go!

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I climbed the Western Breach with Wilbert and the rest of the Kiliwarriors in June 2009. From the start of our journey at Londorossi Gate, to our summiting and our night sleeping in the crater, and back down again, the whole team of selfless porters, cooks, and guides (18 crew in total for 3 climbers!) made the experience the trip of a lifetime.

My most lasting memories of the climb are the porters dancing, playing cards (a local Tanzanian game of course) with the guides and porters, the amazing fresh food, playing frisbee at Sheffield Camp, and of course most of all the great company and stellar views.

The Western Breach route was definitely the way to go since after Day 2 we had the whole side of the mountain to ourselves! And the Kiliwarriors climb itinerary, with a rest day, gave us the best chance at reaching our goal of climbing Kili – which all three of us did.

Jambo, Wilbert, Hosea and the whole team!

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

After climbing via the Western Breach with you in February 2012, I know no outfitter provides a better, more enjoyable and meaningful experience on the mountain than Kiliwarriors.

Jambo! I can’t say enough to recommend Wilbert, Hosea, and the entire team – surely no outfitter provides a better, more enjoyable, meaningful and safe time on Kilimanjaro than Kiliwarriors. The biggest surprise of our Western Breach trek in February 2012 was how much the people who made our climb possible (including all the support staff!) impacted our overall experience. From the energizing singing/dancing reception (a most welcome surprise!), constant encouragement and personalized care to the expertise demonstrated and knowledge shared, the guides and porters created a warm ambiance on the trail and in camp.

Everything else about the operation is also quality: the food, proper clothing and sheltering of the team, preparation for emergencie – in equipment and response. I can’t imagine climbing Kili with anyone else – and look forward to enjoying a safari with Kiliwarriors as well. Asante sana to all, and best for continued success.

We Just Had The Most Fabulous Trip, Thank You!

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

Thank you for coordinating such a complexe and enjoyable adventure. Your team in Tanzania is very impressive. Hosea was very reassuring, comprehensive, and professional.

We were brought to the Machame Gate to meet the mountain crew and Kanini made that a very special and fun bonding experience. Throughout the climb we were impressed with all the people on the team, from the water person, to the night watchman, and the people in charge of our tent. I cannot begin to tell you how impressed we were with Hosea’s leadership. He was always there to answer our questions and put us at ease. Ephata and Shedrack were equally competent, guiding us on our daily treks and daily briefs. They offered seemless advice and direction throughout the trip. Kanini and Emmanuel made our meals and time at camp very enjoyable. We woke to morning tea and were put to bed with hot water bottles.

They really outdid themselves to make us comfortable, and serve us elegant and delicious meals. Our personal porters made sure we always had what we needed during our hikes. They really worked hard and made sure we were safe. When we put on our gear, there was always someone to help us put on the gaiters or adjust our equipment. Sometimes it was the guide or any of the other crew members. They are also highly appreciative of how you are managing the Kiliwarriors and are treating it’s employees.

Thank you very much for such a wonderful experience and we will never forget the Kiliwarrior Team!

With sincere gratitude,

The Greatest Adventure I Have Ever Experienced

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

Thank you very much Kiliwarriors for guiding me on the greatest adventure that I have ever experienced!

Trekking the Lemosho Barafu Crater Route gave me the opportunity to view the stunning gifts that nature could provide to the eyes. Whether it was the early morning sun, sharing the sky with the moon, the clouds dancing in the sky “below”, or the stars reaching down from the midnight sky. The every day sights gave me great reasons to be thankful that I am alive.

I am to this day very impressed with the preparation and professionalism of the Kiliwarrior team. I always felt as though my only daily responsibility was to enjoy the challenge of the trek as well as the beauty of nature, and the Kiliwarrior Team had all else under control. I was inspired each morning by the motivational chants that were performed by the Kiliwarriors before setting off on the day’s trek. I was well nourished by the food provisions. I was also pleased with the sleeping accommodations. I have highly recommended the Kiliwarrior experience to everyone that has mentioned that they are interested in trekking Kilimanjaro.

Trekking the Lemosho Barafu Crater Route with the Kiliwarrior Team had me returning to my home country a different man than when I left.

The trip of a life time. Boombayay Boomba!

We had an absolutely fantastic trek

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

My husband and I had an absolutely fantastic trek with Kiliwarrior Expeditions to the top of Kilimanjaro. They customized our entire 9 day trip and helped assure all of our hard preparation work was fully rewarded when we reached our goal of Uhuru!

This was by far the most physically demanding and emotionally rewarding thing we have ever done!

Kiliwarrior Expeditions came highly recommended to us by 2 friends who had taken separate treks with them. We agree that this is an exceptionally well handled Tanzanian company. The whole team was excellent and made our trek particularly memorable and fun with the enthusiastic singing and greetings by the team on several occasions. Other groups had greetings – but none were as frequent or as resonant as our Kiliwarror Team!

We heartily recommend Kiliwarriors

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

My wife Koel and I climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in December 2013 along the Lemosho – Western Breach route. After a successful 9 day trek, we spent 6 days in Ndutu on a spectacular safari. Our exclusive, 16-day Tanzania tour was wonderfully managed by KILIWARRIOR EXPEDITIONS. Gerry was prompt and comprehensive with all the answers during the initial enquiry and booking stage and the climb was unbelievably well-organised.

On the mountain the 20-member KILIWARRIOR team,  ably led by Wilbert & Hosea, was helpful, professional and enthusiastic. This enabled just the right mix between our safety, comfort and well-being on the one hand, and the thrill and adventure of climbing the Western Breach, on other hand.  Hosea was exceptional and, supported ably by Shedrack and Juma, he helped us reach Uhuru Peak and get down safely; Kanini, Louis and team helped tremendously with solid support at the camps and in ensuring unexpectedly wholesome and good quality food right through. My wife is certain that without Hosea’s help and expertise she would not have made it to the top!

Wilbert accompanied us during the Ndutu extension  and helped facilitate a superb safari – Nasikia mobile camp was well-located and the dedicated car was in excellent condition. Both Simon (first two days) and George (next four days) proved to be very competent driver-cum-guides and ensured we had great sightings of various wildlife species and behaviour, including, remarkably, two actual ‘kills’ – lions taking down a zebra and a mother cheetah bringing down a wildebeest!

As an award-winning photographer and travel-writer I had several specific requirements in terms of my lenses, tripod, charging batteries on the mountain, full day game drives etc. and I was happy to see that all my exacting requirements were catered to by the KILIWARRIOR team both during the climb and safari. This helped me create lots of high quality images during the trip.  While my previous trip to Africa had resulted in recognition of my images at numerous international photographic salons and more than a dozen publications, I am sure this Tanzania tour would lead to even more exciting articles and pictures.

In conclusion, my wife and I would like to thank each and every member of the KILIWARRIOR EXPEDITIONS team. We would heartily recommend them as excellent outfitters for anyone planning a climb to the top of Africa and / or going on a Tanzanian safari

A Truly Wonderful Experience

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

To Gerry, Wilbert and the entire Kiliwarriors Team

We want to thank you for making the entire trip a truly wonderful experience. Hosea, Shedrack, Efatha, Henry, Louis, Kanini and the team were attentive to our every need with their extensive knowledge and professionalism. This was a trip that we will never forget and friendships that we will treasure.

Our Kili Experience Was Something To Be Cherished For A Lifetime

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Good morning, Gerry,

I would like to share a few thoughts this morning, on “the day after”. I don’t really know where to start, as my heart is so full of our Kili-experience that I tend to get emotional just by thinking back. From the very first moment I realised that we are not just “tourists”, but a person, someone with a name.

I have a close friend who did a 5-day hike (with another company) some years ago, and she tried to prepare me as much as possible for what to expect, but you took me by surprise and outperformed my very highest expectations. There are so many things that deserve to be mentioned, but what surprised me the most was definitely the attitude and spirit of the whole team who assisted in going up the mountain. The way in which they were there to help, congratulate, encourage and assist us, left me without words. They are the most sincere people I have ever met. Their sense of responsibility and friendliness were something that really stood out.

Apart from all the above, there are certain things which are really worth mentioning:

1)  The fact that there was a personal porter available for each of us to carry our daypacks. Apart from saving energy, we could freely use our cameras and just enjoy a leisurely hike. 2)  The fact that there was a hot lunch prepared for us in a tent, made us feel superior compared to other groups. 3)  The fact that the toilets were set up at each camp site, even at lunch, meant a lot for (especially) me (trust me on that one….). 4)  The welcoming singing and dancing of the crew, the hi-5’s we received after every day’s hike – that is the one thing that still brings tears to my eyes and will for ever be one of the most enjoyable memories. 5)  Coffee/tea/wash water etc. at out tents in the morning – who would expect that? First class service! 6)  The group leader (Hosea)’s and others’ concern about our health. 7)  The showers!! (you are the best) 8)  The quality of the meals (I wanted to steal Manuel and bring him back home). 9)  The porters. On difficult days, one of them (Edward, who carried my duffel bag) even took off my gaiters and shoes at the tent, tried to clean them the best he could and even put some rocks under my feet so that my socks don’t get dusty. That kind act filled me with appreciation that is difficult to explain to anyone. 10)  Every personal porter who walked with us every step of the way, who had a water bottle ready whenever we stopped for a break, who even sometimes told us where to put our feet or with which hand to grab a rock.

I could go on much longer, but I will suffice with this. You have very strong leaders among your staff, and it is good for us to know that you look after your people, you pay them well and is concerned about their health too. We would have loved to give so much more, for it is clear that there are certain needs, but I hope that by telling people about your excellence, we could bring more people to make use of your company. I have no doubt in my mind that you are the best. You made absolutely sure that our Kili-experience was something to be cherished for a lifetime.

Kind regards,

We Will Treasure These Memories For a Lifetime

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Thrilling, Exhilarating, and Emotional

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I have 3 words to describe my feelings when I reached the peak of Mount Kilimanjaro: thrilling, exhilarating, and emotional.  Tears came to my eyes when my fellow climbers hugged and cried.  It was the moment we all realized that we had done it!  After several grueling days, we had successfully climbed to Uhuru Peak.

Truthfully, the climb was very difficult for me.  By day 3 or 4 I wanted to quit, but then I realized that quitting wasn’t an option.  The guides and porters were there to help and encourage you.  If it wasn’t for them, I know I wouldn’t have been successful.  There were a couple of reasons why I felt that I would not be able to reach the top.

1) I went 4 days in a row without getting any sleep.

2) On day 4, I was nauseous all day and night, and I didn’t think I would be able to hike the next day.  I decided to stop taking the diamox, but other people had been nauseous, and they continued taking the medication.  So, I decided to start taking it again the next day.  The nausea eventually went away.  We all continued climbing….pole, pole.   Thankfully, the slow climbing pace was what made the climb a success.

I encountered a few misfortunes on this trip:

1) There was no one to pick me up at the airport when I arrived in Tanzania.

2) One night, the wind blew so hard that the toilet blew over.  This happened at the exact time I needed to use it.  I was experiencing diarrhea and needed to use it right away.  The crew was able to get it upright in the tent again, but I had to use it before they could clean it up.  I realize that there was nothing they could have done about this at the time, but it was a very unpleasant experience.

3) The same night as the toilet incident, some of the stakes holding down my tent were blown loose and my tent started to blow over.  I immediately crawled out of my sleeping bag and tried to hold down 2 corners.  I was really afraid the entire tent would blow over against the rocks with me trapped inside.  The only thing I could do was scream and hope someone heard me.  This went on for about 10 minutes before a fellow climber heard my screams.  He started screaming too, and finally the crew came and secured my tent.

4) I think the high altitude was one of the reasons I had a hard time sleeping.  Every time I got close to falling asleep, I felt like I couldn’t breath, and was jolted into taking a deep breath.  It was a very strange and scary feeling.  Also, during the climb, I was breathing so hard that I thought my heart would explode.  It was like this during the entire climb.

Of course, I am thrilled that I reached the top, but if I had known how hard this was going to be, I would not have signed up for the trip.  Actually, I’m kind of glad I didn’t know how hard it would be, because in the end, perseverance prevailed.  I succeeded, and I’m proud of that.  Wilbert, the crew, and my fellow climbers were all wonderful.  We truly enjoyed each other’s company.  I have some good memories and stories to tell my friends and relatives.

Best wishes,

I would recommend Kiliwarrior Expeditions to family, friends and anyone else considering the Mount Kilimanjaro journey

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

As I sit back and reflect on my Kilimanjaro experience, it is of utmost importance I recognize the Kiliwarrior Expedition Team. Beginning with the pre-travel emails providing thorough assistance in preparation and packing, to Wilbert and Gerry meeting us at the Kilimanjaro Airport and continuing with the entire team throughout the journey. It was evident the logistics were expertly handled. The team consists of well trained porters, tent managers, chefs, guides and others whom without exception, were professional, courteous and willing to assist in any way possible to make our trip a success. From the Mount Meru Hotel to the transportation, to the meals on the mountain, everything was superb and first class. It is without hesitation, that I would recommend Kiliwarrior Expeditions to family, friends and anyone else considering the Mount Kilimanjaro journey.

International Womens Day Climb

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“I am going to climb Kilimanjaro in three months.” This is how it started back in November 2018. The tallest free-standing mountain in the world that towers at 5895 meters (19,341 feet). A mix of surprise, doubt and silence were among people’s reactions. This blondie—too fragile—who feels cold during summer, with zero hiking experience.

Some people said, “She will never make it. She should postpone, try something else.” With the lack of experience and three months’ notice to get ready, they could have been right, but my desire to tackle this challenge was much stronger—maybe a bit of foolishness and pride.

Other people became a real source of motivation and positivity. Whether they adapted their schedule to allow me to go, gave advice on how to prepare, trained with me or wrote letters for the hike, they all started showing an incredible support in their own way.

This would be one of the biggest and hardest adventures in my life. I knew it, but if I wanted to make it, I had to leave doubts, uncertainties and people’s judgments behind me and just go for it!

Click here to read Marie Menard’s full Testimonial

An epic journey.

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

We took the 7 Day Machame Route with Kiliwarriors Expeditions. We had decided on this route only because we had family who had completed the Machame Route before. After hiking we now want to come back to be able to do the Western Breach Route with Kiliwarrior Expeditions.

Our guides included Shedrack Alfred and Ephata Ayoub. They were there 150% of the time to support us and aid us in any way possible so that we would successfully and safely summit! We now consider them as family/friends for life since they shared such an epic journey with us and were there when we got engaged at the top of Uhuru Peak!

A HUGE shoutout to Mama Louis for cooking the best food in Tanzania period! He is very skilled at his craft and such a positive spirit to have during the hike. Also a shoutout to Kanini and Kilongo who went up with us for summit night and to Kilongo who brought up sparkling cider for us to drink and celebrate at Uhuru peak. Kanini is one of the most famous guides on the mountain and we felt extra safe having him summit with us since he has been climbing Kilimanjaro for 20 years.

Of course we also appreciated every single one of the porters and camp team as they played a huge role in getting us up the mountain. We couldn’t have done it without everyone’s help. Boaz, Ernest, Wilbert for sending us off on Day 1, Gerry for organizing the itinerary/schedule and all others were incredible.

We will be recommending Mt. Kilimanjaro and climbing with Kiliwarrior Expeditions to all our friends and family in the future!

Climbing Kilimanjaro for Charity

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Two friends and I did the 9-Day Lemosho Western-Breach hike up Kili for charity back in July. Kiliwarrior Expeditions and their amazing guides ensured that everything went so smoothly and I truly believe that having such a wonderful, caring group of people lead you up Kilimanjaro is the way to go.

I felt like I was treated as a person and really got to bond with my fellow climbers and our guides, and porters.

I can’t recommend them enough for how doable they made the climb, even when things got hard on the day we got over the Western-Breach. From the incredible food(thanks Mama Louis) to the songs that kept us motivated throughout the trip from the staff who seemed to truly enjoy being with us. Thank you for making this trip unforgettable.

We raised a total of $ 44,306 US for children battling cancer! Our goal was $ 20,000 US

What an incredible team!

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

So incredibly impressed with ALL the porters and guides. They made my summit their single goal. I can’t express how completely thrilled I was with everything and everyone from Kiliwarrior Expeditions. Their level of service blew my mind. The whole team worked so well and seamlessly together.

Of course you see your guides and cook and camp manager but then you start to realize and appreciate the guy who carries the propane or the food or the dishwasher. If anyone is considering a climb DO NOT HESITATE to use Kiliwarrior Expeditions.

I even felt like they made sure we had perfect weather. Finally a personal shout out of gratitude to Shedrack, Felix, Alex, Juma, Adam and Dani. I hope you all are doing well.

I would strongly recommend them

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

From my very first set of interactions with Gerry Analytis , to my last meal in Arusha with  Wilbert Mollel and  Tom Analytis , Kiliwarrior Expeditions exceeded my expectations every single time.

Their planning is meticulous, execution flawless, and professionalism at par with the best in the business. They genuinely care for your well-being and go to, literally, any lengths to ensure you are safe and comfortable. If you do plan to summit Mt Kilimanjaro, I would strongly recomme nd them.

Tip: Ever fancied a pizza at 16,000 feet? That’s right, Mama Louise made one for us and I’m sure he’ll make one for you too!

Happy climbing!

You’ll eat like a King or Queen…

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

My three daughters and I did the Western-Breach Route with Kiliwarriors in early August 2019. Just an awesome experience. The guides and porters with Kiliwarriors have to be THE BEST on hte mountain. And no one is preparing food on the mountain the way Mama Louis does. You’ll eat like a king and queen… and you NEED to in order to be properly fueled to summit.

A 5 Star Experience From Start To Finish

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After extensive research, and after reading reviews for all the major guide companies, I chose Kiliwarriors for our (me and 4 daughters) Kilimanjaro adventure in August, 2019. I was first impressed by the thoroughness of their website and the detailed description of the various climbs they support. Their packing list was spot on- we had everything we needed, and nothing that we didn’t. Email exchanges were direct and concise, making sure we had everything set to go well before we left the US. Starting from our meeting on arrival at JRO, and ending with our drop off, also at JRO, every step along the way was covered without any surprises. The support staff were tremendous, and made our trek as effortless as a climb to almost 20k feet can be. Truth be told, great food really does make a difference, and we had plenty of it and a great variety, even for my somewhat picky vegetarian daughters and not-so-vegetarian me. A 5 star experience start to finish. In summary, I highly recommend Kiliwarriors for your Kilimanjaro trek without reservation.

Thank you for the most amazing distraction from the pandemic!

Wilbert, Gerry, Hosea, Shedrack, Kinini, Louis and many others…

Thank you for the most extraordinary experience. We honestly had some reservations about whether it was sensible/responsible for us to climb in September 2020 considering the global COVID-19 situation, but we are so happy that we did. Tanzania with few tourists isn’t something that you really consider until you get there and you have the mountain to yourself.

I climbed Kilimanjaro in 2015 with Kiliwarriors. Hosea and Shedrack (our lead and assistant guides) were both porters on my first climb — it was great to see them again and gratifying to be able to give them much needed work during this dark time.

As many others have attested and my repeat business shows, these guys know the mountain and know how to make it comfortable and enjoyable. Beyond that, though, they are just incredible people. Trust them. They will get you to the top.

Asante sana

An absolutely awesome experience

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

An absolutely awesome experience climbing with Kiliwarriors via Lemosho-Western Breach route in 2019. This was my second time up the mountain, first time was 20 years ago via Marangu route, but the first time cannot compare with Kiliwarriors expedition. Excellent, professional and absolutely no worries at any time of the climb. Highly recommended.

Love from Montana!

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

I climbed back in September! I can’t express the gratitude I have for all the Kiliwarrior’s crew! The hospitality and the genuine kindness of everyone! I recommend anyone who has climbing Kilimanjaro on their bucket list, climbing with Kiliwarriors! Hands down one of the best experiences of my life! Love from Montana!

It’s amazing how quickly strangers become friends..

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Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro had become something of an obsession over the last two years

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The thought of climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro had become something of an obsession over the last two years. I think I watched every YouTube video and read every scrap of information that I could about it. When I talked it over with my wife I knew that we would need to find the best possible guides to help us on our way. Kiliwarriors met and exceeded every expectation I had. I cannot overstate their incredible professionalism, courtesy, and most importantly their humanity. Its obvious that this is more than just a job for them. Their passion and concern for their clients is obvious. The food they prepare and serve each day is gourmet and far beyond anything you could imagine enjoying on the side of a mountain. Each meal is prepared by “mama” Louis (Chef), and served by the legendary Kanini (Camp Manager) both of whom overflow with pride at their work. The guides are experts at not only knowing the mountain, but also at knowing people and how to help each client meet their specific goals safely and efficiently. I will always fondly remember each member of the team for all of the warmth and support they showed the entire journey. In the end I can say that while I came for the mountain I ultimately found so much more in the people. We also took advantage of our time in country to go on safari with Kiliwarriors. What a joy! George our guide/driver was an inexhaustible source of enthusiasm for his country, culture, and every description of animal. His sharp eyes would ferret out even small mice in the bushes and he could then go on at great length about their numbers and diets. During my early planning I examined several companies in an effort to find the right fit. while I am sure there are other reputable and worthy companies out there, Kiliwarriors more than earned my enthusiastic support and business. At every turn they were there for us and I know that they will continue to act as such with all of their clients.

My wife and I have always dreamt about climbing Mt.Kilimanjaro!

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“An experience with my daughter that I will cherish the rest of my life .”

My daughter and my climb with Kiliwarrior’s was a trip of a lifetime. We had been talking about it for 5 years. Kiliwarrior’s service and guidance was bar none the best I have ever had. The entire team from the guides, cooks, camp personnel and porters was outstanding. Their total commitment in making sure we were properly provided for made this trip one that I will cherish for my entire life. How many dad’s get to spend 16 days alone with their 27 year old daughter on an adventure? I am truly blessed to have shared such a adventure with my baby girl. And Kiliwarrior’s made it all possible.

Journey Era x Kiliwarrior Expeditions

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I’m Jackson, an Australian adventure traveler who has been on the road for eight years now.  Our journey to the summit of Mt Kilimanjaro with the Kiliwarriors. A strong name for a brave group of men who carry 20kg loads, tents, and supplies along the journey. Kiliwarrior Expeditions  offer a premium Kili experience with all of the extra trimmings that made this trip one of the most luxurious camping experiences of my life.

In this guide to climbing Mount Kilimanjaro via the Western Breach, it will be split into two sections. First I will share with you my photos and journal from each day of the trek. In the second section, I will brief you on everything you need to know about Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro including what to pack, costs, alternate routes, the best time of year to climb, and where to stay in Arusha before your climb.

Kilelema means ‘that which is difficult or impossible’ and the translation of Njaro means ‘bird’. History tells us when local tribes looked up at the mountain we know now as Kilimanjaro, they saw it as a perilous peak too difficult to reach, even for birds.

Read Jackson Groves’ full guide by clicking here

What an amazing experience!

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From beginning to end this company was super professional. From booking the trip, to airport pick up and drop off, to the hotel, to sight seeing, to guiding us up Kilimanjaro, to eating incredible food up the mountain. Everything was done for you, making this trip stress free. The only thing you had to do was climb, “pole pole” to the summit and then back down. Thanks for making this bucket list dream trip a reality, Kiliwarrior Expeditions!

Highly Professional Team

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

They are a highly professional team with guides with experience of seventeen years. They are well known by other companies, porters and guides all over the mountain. Their staff are capable of adapting towards each individual client’s needs. Their camp chef can cook according to your dietary restrictions or preferences which was a big plus. They ensure that you are well prepared by going over your gear and calorie intake and are never short in providing the much needed mental support. They are a lively, active and disciplined bunch made hard by the mountain.

Climbing Kilimanjaro had a bigger purpose for me

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Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro with Kiliwarrior Expeditions was an incredible and life changing experience

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Without a doubt climbing Mount Kilimanjaro was the best trip I have been on

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My husband and I decided to hike Kilimanjaro to celebrate our 50th birthdays over the summer of 2020

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This was my first multi-day hiking/camping trip

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

As this was my first multi-day hiking/camping trip, I was nervous about my ability to manage. From the moment I met Wilbert at the airport, to gear check, to our first team meeting, I knew I was in good hands. From mama Luis’s delicious soups, to Kanini’s morning wake up calls, Shedrack’s jokes, Efatha’s helping hand, and everyone else’s smiles and cheers, I couldn’t have imagined a more perfect, safe, and beautiful experience. I trusted every single one of the team with my life, and I know I was able to summit because of their care and guidance. I can’t recommend these amazing people enough. With absolute gratitude, Lenka

We just returned from a two week trip with Kiliwarriors

We just returned from a two week trip with Kiliwarriors consisting of the Western Breach climb and the safari. What is already a “bucket list” trip was made all the more memorable and special because of the Kiliwarrior team. Our guides, Hosea, Efatha, Elijah, and the rest of the team were absolutely incredible: not only did they make sure we were comfortable and safe, but they also treated us like family (we learned early on that dada and kaka are Swahili for sister and brother respectively) and we formed a special bond with them during what was a fun but sometimes challenging adventure. Additionally, while camping for 8 days is not easy, the team did outdid themselves to make sure we were comfortable – they handled everything (setting up the tents, carrying our gear, bringing us hot water to wash in, etc.) so that we could focus on the climb itself. Not to mention the wonderful meals by Luis and team – we had expected basic food but they went out of their way to make creative, delicious meals with fresh fruit/veg and meat every single day. As avid hikers living in Colorado, we were thankful that we chose the Western Breach. Not only was the trail up less busy and more scenic, the Western Breach was an unforgettable experience in itself and made the summit that much sweeter. The safari was also wonderful – our driver, George, was knowledgeable, flexible, and had a real eye for spotting wildlife. If you can swing it, I’d recommend staying at Kubu Kubu over Kati Kati – although Kati Kati was great, it wasnt close to the comfort/luxury Kubu Kubu offers. It was a perfect way to end our trip. I would highly recommend Kiliwarrior Expeditions!

We had an amazing trip with the entire Kiliwarrior experience.

We had an amazing trip with the entire Kiliwarrior experience. From the early preparation discussions, through the pick up and packing and up to the top of the mountain, no details were left unaddressed. The local team, led by Wilbert, knew every inch of the mountain and helped us through very challenging conditions. I would highly recommend that anyone considering climbing Kilimanjaro or heading out for one of the safaris talk to the Kiliwarrior group. You will not be disappointed. It is the trip of a lifetime and you want to make sure that you have the best support throughout.

I recommend using the Kiliwarrior Expeditions team for your Summit

If you are planning to climb Kilimanjaro, I recommend using the Kiliwarrior Expeditions team for your Summit. I had the pleasure of traveling with them September 2018 and they took care of us as if we were part of their family from the first day of our arrival ~ our lead guide, Shedrack, was at the airport to greet us and make sure we got settled into our hotel on arrival day. On the climb, our 3 wonderful guides, Shedrack, Nsagi and Felix, kept checking in with each of us to make sure we were ok, were keeping hydrated, eating enough and sleeping enough to be successful during our long climb. Most importantly, they maintained a positive attitude and kept us motivated for the mental challenges of the climb. Every detail of the trip was well planned and handled in a professional manner, with plenty of fun along the way as well. I believe that I was able to achieve the Summit because of the fantastic support of the Kiliwarriors team.

This was one of the best trips of my life!

We have just finished a Kilimanjaro summit on the Western Breach route, and a safari with Kiliwarriors. This was one of the best trips of my life! I’ve got to say that this would not have been possible without the extraordinary organization of the guides and porters of Kiliwarriors. I cannot say enough positive things about this group. They were extraordinarily well organized, were great helping us prepare equipment and documents before the trip, provided excellent well-trained guides for the climb and safari, and were able to deal rapidly and efficiently with the inevitable minor problems that occur before, during, and after the climb and safari. But, to us the best and most memorable part of the trip was the warmth, friendly attitudes, and infectious good humor of the guides and ALL the porters! At the risk of leaving out the names of all the people that helped us on this adventure, we’d like to give special thanks to Wilbert, Shedrack, Felix, and Efatha, Khanay (Kanie sp?), Bracca(sp?), and Boni (our safari guide). By the end of the trip, we felt a part of a group of very close friends! Thanks to the entire Kiliwarrior Team, who made this an extraordinary adventure of a lifetime!

Experiences of a lifetime!

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro and doing a safari with Kiliwarriors were experiences of a lifetime! They took the best care of us from initially planning the trip, providing a gear list (definitely make sure you have everything on it!), picking us up and dropping us off, coordinating a COVID test, and getting us up and down the mountain safely. Everybody along the way was so kind and friendly. Our head guides were Shedrak and Efatha. They are both so knowledgeable, encouraging, and ensured we were hiking within our abilities and having fun. Their friendly demeanors made me feel welcome right from the beginning! Mama Luis was everything I could have hoped for in a chef – he took such pride in keeping us strong and healthy for the trek, and I wish he had a cookbook so I could make the same meals at home! It truly takes a village to get anybody up Kilimanjaro. For a group of 3 of us climbers, we had 25 porters. They are the true MVPs, quickly hiking up the mountain and having everything set up by the time we made it to camp. We even had a toilet tent, in addition to the comfort of foam pads and a pillow to sleep on. They are also such happy people, and were like family to each other, and with how welcoming they were, I felt like a part of it too! Summit day of the climb was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but I have Kiliwarriors to thank for making it such a positive experience. Our safari was led by Jonas. He has, what seemed like, an encyclopedic knowledge of all the animals. We saw SO many animals, and even lucked out seeing an endangered black rhino. Unfortunately, I didn’t bring a nicer camera, but Jonas was so kind to send us the photos he took. The accommodations were breathtaking. I couldn’t recommend anybody more highly for this incredible adventure than Kiliwarrior Expeditions!

By far the best expedition company on Kilimanjaro!

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

By far the best expedition company on Kilimanjaro! I did the 9 day western breach route and also did the 1 day Tarangire safari. Kiliwarrior Expeditions is squared away on everything. From making sure you’re as prepared you can be to the transfers to and from the airport and park gates to the follow up afterwards to ensure all expectations were met. The entire time we were in Tanzania Kiliwarrior and the awesome group of guides and drivers cared for our every need. Our head guides Shedrack and Efatha along with all the other porters truly made the experience memorable. Every morning they greet you and and ask how your doing and you can tell they really care for you and want you to make it to the summit. We had Jonas for our safari. Jonas is very knowledgeable and knows the park very well. He answered all of our questions and we even saw 2 lions! The park was full of animals and Jonas was able to tell us something new about each one every time. If you’re considering climbing Kilimanjaro or even just doing a safari I highly recommend Kiliwarrior Expeditions.

The hardest thing my wife and I have EVER done

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

‘Summiting Kilimanjaro via the Lemosho Western-Breach route was the hardest thing my wife and I have EVER done. It is also our most exhilarating and noteworthy achievement, BUT… the real hero’s are our Kiliwarrior support team. Nine climbers, SIXTY in the support team including guides, a chef, cooks, cleaners, porters… everyone carries. Every drop of water for our showers, to flush the portaloo, the portaloo itself, the shower & loo cubicles, the sleeping tents, mattresses, pillows, our 15kg kit bags with our sleeping bags & personal items, mess tents, tables, chairs, pots & pans, solar lights, all the food, fragile eggs & squashable bread, emergency equipment including oxygen, is carried up hectic, rocky, unstable slopes. Each day, AFTER we leave camp, they dissemble and load themselves like mules. Throughout the day, in groups, they pass us: “Porters on the left” becomes a song that dominos down our line of hikers so that we can step out of the way so as not to break their rhythm. By the time we arrive at our next camp, everything is already perfectly set up AND… believe it or not, this cheerful team backtrack to meet us. They relieve us of our backpacks and carry them the last bit of the way to camp. They offer to remove our boots and bring us a bowl of warm water to wash with. They serve us & care for us. They encourage us with their chants of “sawa sawa” (okay okay) and “pole pole” (slowly slowly). They help us with our footholds when the slope is tricky and unstable. They position our feet when our hands are gripping tightly to rocks above our heads and we daren’t look down. What amazing people! THANK YOU KILIWARRIOR EXPEDITIONS… we could not have done this without you. You humble us!!!”

You will be safe, eat delicious and enjoy every single step

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

We climbed Kilimanjaro on February and it was an amazing experience Ephata and Nsaji, our guides and the rest of the crew were always supportive and making sure that we were having a great time. Doing Lemosho Western-breach was the best decision ever, the views are wonderful, we had enough time to properly acclimatize, and seeing the Northern Icefield was incredible. Highly recommend Kiliwarrior Expeditions, you will be safe, eat delicious and enjoy every single step

Best guides on the mountain

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

I present to you the absolute legends that got me to the top. This special group of individuals operated like a well oiled machine. Best guides on the mountain, fastest porters around and no one was eating better than us when “Mama” Louis was cooking. These guys are looked at like superstars by the other teams and locals. No one else comes close. Thank you Shedrack, Efatha, Gilbert, Omary, Louis, Kanini, Alfani, Johannes, and all the others!

Experience of My Lifetime

Is “5 star service” at 19,000 feet possible.

Is “5 star service” at 19,000 feet possible? Emphatically YES, and KiliWarrior Expeditions (or KiliWarriors) delivers! From my initial contact with Tom and Gerry, the Montreal-based manager and partner through to my final departure from Kilimanjaro International Airport, Kiliwarriors was there with me, every step. A friend and I decided to do the Lemosho Western Breach route, which is a longer, specialized route that few operators even offer because it requires special skills on the part of the guides and porters to get you safely to the summit.

I opted for a personal porter to carry my day pack as I anticipated having a bit more trouble, and am glad I did. My porter was one of the first people I saw in the morning and the last I saw at night. In addition to carrying his pack and my day pack, he was able to assist me through tricky terrain. And this is one of the reasons I call their service “5 stars”. At no time are you “rushed” to keep up with a group. Instead, you move at YOUR pace, and one of the assistant guides and porters will stay with you. They will show you exact foot placement if needed. Additionally, as you’re trekking along, it’s not a “dreary silent slog” up the mountain. They share information and experiences about their own culture and tribes (there are over 120 tribes in Tanzania, the major ones in the Kilimanjaro area are Masai and Chagga). They’re also incredibly knowledgeable about the unique fauna and flora on the mountain, as well as the geologic history. The days rate beautiful and fascinating. This really helps make the trip even more enjoyable and memorable.

The food is incredible – 3 multi-course, cooked-from-scratch meals a day! The portions are huge (to keep you well fueled for the climb): Everything is fresh and flavorful. You’ll be eating a lot of fresh fruits, meats, stews and curries with rice, and really nice desserts. In fact, you’ll have pizza at one lunch and popcorn as an afternoon snack every day to celebrate a day’s climb well-done.

You’ll be sleeping in small, comfortable mountain tents in very warm mummy sleeping bags. You’ll also have access to the luxury of a camping shower at lower elevations.

It was an amazing experience climbing Kilimanjaro with KiliWarrior Expeditions. I highly recommend them!

Kiliwarrior did an excellent job

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

Kiliwarrior did an excellent job of making sure every need was met and making it possible to summit Mt. Kilimanjaro.

I have my doubts I could have summited Mt. Kilimanjaro without the expert assistance of Kiliwarriors.

I have my doubts I could have summited Mt. Kilimanjaro without the expert assistance of Kiliwarriors. On the front end, every question imaginable was asked, and answered with patience and kindness. On the hike itself, they had a fantastic team, always kept a positive outlook (which was contagious), and made it fun. The food was delicious and abundant, the staff went out of their way to provide support when needed, and they offered so many more little things that contributed to our success at reaching the mountaintop. It was the trip of a lifetime. We left the mountain as we found it, and brought lots of memories back home.

Kiliwarriors has the best team on the mountain by far!

Kiliwarriors has the best team on the mountain by far! Each and every one of their staff (from the guides to the porters and admin staff) cares about their client’s wellbeing above and beyond what I expected. It is because of this care and their attention to every detail that they have such a high summit rate! The Western Breach route has the best views on the mountain and I highly recommend! Thankyou Kiliwarriors for an amazing experience and I hope to join you for gorilla trekking in the future.

Kiliwarriors organised an unforgetable trip for us

Kiliwarriors organised an unforgetable trip for us and I can’t recommend them enough. The Kilimanjaro expidition (Lemosho route via Western Breach) was well paced, had great food and so much positive energy that it almost made it hard not to summit. The following 3 day Safari was beyond expectations and the guide was super knowledgeble.

Highly recommend.

We received the absolute best care. Guides were very attentive and supportive. Highly recommend.


$4,350-$5,600 usd /per person, all-inclusive, $4,750-$6,050 usd /per person, our all-inclusive benefits.

Personal Day-Pack Porter - A porter carries your day-pack, freeing you to snap pictures and videos during the climb.

Sleeping Bag - Our sleeping bags ensure you stay warm down to -18°C, maximizing your comfort.

Trekking Poles - We provide trekking poles. They aid your balance, weight distribution, and leg support, especially when descending.

Duffel Bag - We supply a duffel bag for your Kilimanjaro climbing equipment.

Safety Helmet - On our 9-Day Lemosho Western-Breach Route, you use a safety helmet for a short segment.



kilimanjaro tours from south africa

Kilimanjaro Tours

Hiking tours to the roof of africa.

If you’re planning to hike to the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa, you’ll want to do it the right way. Trek the stunning Northern Circuit Route, a beautiful, uncrowded trail on Kili’s remote western and northern flanks. We perfected this trek with seven days on the mountain for optimal acclimatization, full porter service, expert guides, and extra time to acclimate on a mini safari in Arusha National Park. Learn why we have the highest summit success rate—98%!

All Trips to Kilimanjaro

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

Small Group Adventure

Climb Kilimanjaro!

From $6,895

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

Private Journey

Kilimanjaro Private Journey

Kilimanjaro campers.

What Makes Our Kilimanjaro Climb Special?

  • We’re the experts on Kilimanjaro with over 40 years of experience.
  • Our stunning Northern Circuit Route is the best route on Kili, away from crowded trails, with no retracing of steps, and traversing the most magnificent glacier scenery
  • Maximum acclimatization (the key to a successful climb) with a full 7 days on the ascent. We have a 98% summit success rate!
  • On summit day, enjoy a spectacular and short 2-hour ascent, avoiding the grueling 9-hour ascent required on other routes
  • The finest full-service camps on the mountain, with delicious and nutritious food and full porter support
  • Our legendary Trip Leaders —the most experienced on the mountain and all certified Wilderness First Responders (WFR)

Everything You Need to Know

A group of hikers.

We consider the Northern Circuit Route the best route to the summit. Why? It is the most scenic and least-traveled route up Kilimanjaro. With a full seven days on the ascent, this route also provides maximum time for acclimatization and therefore the greatest chance of reaching to top—we have a 98% summit success rate!

We give a detailed summary all the different climbing options on Kilimanjaro, and explain the difference between each.

A group of people hiking in Kilimanjaro.

As with most mountain areas, the weather on Kilimanjaro can change abruptly so you need to be ready for these sudden changes. Kilimanjaro was described by NOVA as “a world in miniature” where you can “journey from dry fields and farms into steaming jungles, then up through exotic heaths and moorlands to an alpine desert and finally a glaciated summit.”

The snow line usually begins at 17,000′ or 18,000′, but a sudden storm may bring it as low as 14,000′. Daytime temperatures range from the 50s to the 70sºF at altitudes from 7,500′, where we start the climb, to about 12,000′. Above this altitude, daytime temperatures are lower, ranging from the high teens to low 40s, and evening temperatures can drop to 10ºF or even lower.

A group of travelers examining a map together.

With any hiking adventure, it’s important to be adequately prepared both mentally and physically. If possible, start training several months before departure. Increasing your cardio routine will improve your stamina on the mountain. Activities like hiking, running, using a StairMaster, or bike-riding are great choices and, when combined, can really help boost your fitness levels. Increase your strength and endurance with weight and resistance workouts. Hiking with a 10-20 pound daypack is the most beneficial activity.

We have designed our 9-day climb route with successful acclimatization in mind. The summit of Kilimanjaro, at 19,341 feet, is considered extreme high altitude. As you climb the mountain, the air becomes less compressed and contains fewer molecules of oxygen per breath. At the summit of Kilimanjaro, there is 50% of the air pressure there is at sea level. You will greatly improve your safety and enjoyment of the climb if you:

  • Make your best efforts to arrive physically fit and gear up with the appropriate clothing.
  • Keep well hydrated throughout your time on the mountain (Drink. Drink. Drink! You need 4-5 liters of water per day to counteract the effects of altitude!).
  • Maintain your energy by eating the good meals we will prepare for you.
  • Hike at a pace slow enough such that you can maintain it for hours a time (you want to avoid “racing and resting”).
  • Be aware of the symptoms of AMS (your Trip Leader will also review them with you).
  • It is highly recommended that you request a prescription for Diamox (Acetazolamide) from your physician.

A campsite with tents.

Wilderness Travel offers full-service camping on Kilimanjaro. Most trip members are pleasantly surprised by the comfort of our mountain camps considering we’re on a high altitude expedition! We use three-person tents for only two people, ensuring a fair amount of space for sleeping. We serve meals in a large solar-lit dining tent with table and chairs with back support. The dining tent is a nice place to relax and socialize while drinking tea or coffee in the evening. Our mountain staff is highly trained and will take care of all the logistics so you can relax and enjoy the climb.

A group of travelers in Kilimanjaro enjoying a meal together.

You’ll be climbing the highest peak in Africa—the food that fuels you is an essential ingredient in your summit success. Meals should be high in calories with the proper balance of complex carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats to help sustain your increased level of exertion. We’ve designed our menus to include the right nutrition to keep you going on the climb, with three hearty meals a day, plus tasty trail snacks—the simple sugars in these are helpful in providing a boost of energy to keep you going. We provide a sample menu and further details below!

A man using an oxygen mask at Mt. Kilimanjaro.

Climbing Kilimanjaro is a rigorous, but non-technical, hike that goes to high altitudes. All travel in the mountains involves inherent dangers, which can never be totally controlled. With that said, seeing to your safety is our primary concern. See below for the steps we take, the equipment we bring, and the rigorous training we put all our guides through to ensure your safety on the mountain.

Experience Kilimanjaro

A campsite in Kilimanjaro at night.

Ethical Treatment of Porters

For a group of 10 climbers, we typically have a crew of 55 or more porters! We are one of the few companies to provide full medical coverage and workers’ compensation for all staff members, and strictly ensure no crew member has to carry more than 42 pounds on any day. Many of our standards regarding salaries, training, and overall welfare of porters have been adopted by the Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Project (KPAP, which monitors standards for porter wages, load weight limits, medical care, and appropriate attire) as their example of ideal industry standards.


Wilderness Travel’s route up Kilimanjaro was far better and more interesting than the major highways used by most trekkers. We were the only group at many campsites and felt like we were the only people on that magnificent mountain.
Wow. I was blown away by the quality of the food and lodging during the Kilimanjaro expedition. This was due to the very hard work of the many experienced, talented, and excellent porters and staff members who accompanied us on the mountain. The head cooks, in particular, went above and beyond in crafting healthy, delicious menus that sustained us on our journey.
A trip of a lifetime that far exceeded my expectations. The route was truly spectacular, which we appreciated more on our descent and saw what other climbers experienced on their way to the summit. We could not have asked for better guides, who provided individual attention to each climber to give them what they needed and to ensure all were successful in reaching the summit. Unforgettable memories!
It was an indescribable, life-affirming experience that I will always cherish. In particular, I wanted to commend your selection of Trip Leaders. Their skill, thoughtfulness, and dedication made the entire trip seem effortless even though the challenge was great.
An outstanding itinerary, giving us time not only to acclimatize but also to enjoy the many wonders of the mountain, which go well beyond just the summit (spectacular as that is).
Perfect is the only way to describe my experience with your company. Our Trip Leader was a real gem, and the hotels, porters, tents, food—wow! Thanks for a great trip.

Talk to an Expert

Our Africa Specialists know every detail about our Kilimanjaro trips. They will be happy to answer any questions and help make sure it’s the right adventure for you. Contact us to learn more or book your trip today!

Climb Kilimanjaro

Speak with our Summit Experts 24/7


+1 843 589 1884, most recommended company on tripadvisor.

kilimanjaro tours from south africa


Welcome to Climb Kili, your trusted partner for unforgettable journeys to the summit of Kilimanjaro. Our unwavering commitment is to offer memorable, high-quality adventures to those with a spirit of exploration and a desire to conquer the highest freestanding peak in the world.

The Climb Kili Difference

At Climb Kili, we distinguish ourselves in the landscape of Kilimanjaro expeditions, not merely through our expertise but also our dedication to crafting a unique experience for every adventurer. We understand that climbing Kilimanjaro is more than a trek – it’s a transformative journey. It’s about immersing oneself in the awe-inspiring grandeur of nature, pushing personal boundaries, and discovering inner resilience.

More Than Guides, We Are Your Partners

We are not just your guides; we are your partners on this voyage of self-discovery. Our team ensures that your journey is not only safe and thrilling but also profound and meaningful. We aim to leave each climber with a sense of accomplishment that comes from conquering Africa’s highest peak and memories of an extraordinary journey that will be cherished forever. Every step with Climb Kili brings you closer to a meticulously curated and personally fulfilling epic adventure. Embrace the climb! It’s time to conquer Kilimanjaro with Climb Kili.

The Magic of Kilimanjaro Tours

Every Kilimanjaro tour unravels a story of revelation. From unique biomes to the unparalleled panoramas at the summit, our Kilimanjaro tours offer an immersive experience that captures the essence of this awe-inspiring mountain.

The Best in Kilimanjaro Expeditions

At Climb Kili, our pride lies in being recognized as one of the top facilitators for Kilimanjaro expeditions. Our wise and accomplished team is committed to orchestrating every Kilimanjaro trek with precision and unwavering dedication to your absolute safety and satisfaction.

Expert Kilimanjaro Guides at Your Service

The aspiration to ascend Mount Kilimanjaro can be a daunting endeavor, but under the guidance of our expert Kilimanjaro guides, your well-being is ensured. Our guides, seasoned mountaineers, have dedicated their lives to traversing Kilimanjaro’s trails, ensuring a nurturing, enlightening, and secure environment throughout your journey.

Tailored Kilimanjaro Treks

Our belief rests in tailoring Kilimanjaro treks that resonate with the unique preferences and requirements of our climbers. Whether you’re a seasoned trekker in search of a challenging route or a beginner yearning for a less demanding trail, we have a Kilimanjaro expedition option that aligns with your expectations.

Join Us for a Memorable Kilimanjaro Adventure

For those who dream of reaching the ‘Roof of Africa,’ we invite you to embark on a journey beyond the ordinary. At Climb Kili, we combine years of expertise, meticulous preparation, and a passion for exploration to create Kilimanjaro journeys that leave lifelong memories.

Our Kilimanjaro guides have been assisting adventures from all over the world climb Kilimanjaro for over three decades. You choose your start date!


As we run our own Safari company, we can do any length and itinerary safari you'd like.

With a Local office on Zanzibar, we can take care of all your Zanzi needs. The Zanzibar archipelago consists of over 50 islands – which vary from tiny outcrops to the larger

Page Welcome Package

Years of experience, summit success rate, they summited kili with our guides.

Erik Weihenmayer

Trusted Experience Since 1984

With nearly 40 years experience summiting Mt Kilimanjaro, Why are we the best Kilimanjaro tour Company? We guide you long before the climbing Kilimanjaro by answering When is the best time to climb, how do you train for Kilimanjaro, what is the best route on Kilimanjaro and much more! Climb Kili is the premier trekking company for climbing Kilimanjaro and Tanzania safaris and we answer all the Kilimanjaro Questions.

At Climb Kili, we pride ourselves in providing the safest Mt Kilimanjaro treks with our certified equipment and professional Mt Kilimanjaro Guides. Make your reservation for a Kilimanjaro tour today!


Which Kilimanjaro Trek is Right for you?

7 day machame, 8 day lemosho, today on kilimanjaro.

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely! Kilimanjaro’s climbing ability caters to individuals across the fitness spectrum. Our diverse trails cater to a range of skill levels, with our proficient guides accompanying you at every step, ensuring your safety and success.

Our history is steeped in leading adventure enthusiasts up Kilimanjaro. Our seasoned guides, comprehensive preparation, and thorough route planning, coupled with a commitment to your safety and enjoyment, set us apart.

We equip our climbers with a comprehensive gear list, including critical items like thermal clothing, hiking boots, and a headlamp, among other essentials. Our team is ready to answer any questions and assist you in your preparation phase.

Seize the opportunity at Climb Kili for an unparalleled adventure, reaching towering heights and creating memories to last a lifetime! Don’t overlook this incredible opportunity.


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Top 3 Best Men’s and Women’s Boots for Kilimanjaro 2023

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Is is safe to climb Kilimanjaro as a Solo Female Trekker?


1 (Custom)-min

Neema Africa Tours

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  • 4 Days Tarangire , Serengeti, Ngorongoro
  • 5 Days Lake Manyara, Serengeti, Ngorongoro
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  • 7 Days Lake Manyara, Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Tarangire
  • 8 Days Ngorongoro Crater Highland Trekking
  • 8 Day Manyara, Lake Eyasi, Ngorongoro, Serengeti, Visit Village
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  • 5/6 Day Kilimanjaro Marangu Route Climbing
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Climbing Kilimanjaro from South Africa

  • November 28, 2023
  • Posted by: admin
  • Categories: Kilimanjaro Climbing, Neema Atrica Tours

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro from South Africa is a challenging but rewarding experience. The mountain is the highest peak in Africa and is the tallest free-standing mountain in the world, standing at a staggering 5,895 meters. It is located in Tanzania, near the border with Kenya, and is a popular destination for climbers from around the world. In this article, we will look at the necessary preparations for the climb, the route taken to reach the starting point, the climb itself, and finally, the summit.

Preparing for the Climb

The first step in preparing for the climb is to make sure that you are physically and mentally prepared for the challenge. It is important to be in good physical condition as the climb can be strenuous and can take up to 8 days to complete. You should also make sure that you have the necessary equipment such as appropriate clothing, a good pair of hiking boots, and a backpack to carry your supplies. It is also a good idea to research the route beforehand, so that you know what to expect and can plan accordingly.

Reaching the Starting Point

The most convenient way to reach the starting point for the climb is to fly into Kilimanjaro International Airport, located near the town of Moshi in Tanzania. From there, you can take a shuttle or taxi to the park entrance. Alternatively, you can also take a bus from Nairobi, Kenya, to the park entrance. Once you arrive at the park entrance, you will need to register and then begin your journey to the starting point of the climb.

The Climb Begins

Once you have arrived at the starting point, you will begin the climb. The route takes you through various terrains, including forests, heathlands, and glaciers. As you ascend, you will experience dramatic changes in temperature and altitude, so it is important to be prepared for these conditions. You will also need to be aware of the dangers of altitude sickness, so it is important to take regular breaks and drink plenty of water.

Reaching the Summit

The final leg of the climb is the ascent to the summit. This is usually the most difficult part of the climb, and you will need to be prepared for the cold temperatures and strong winds. Once you reach the summit, you will be rewarded with spectacular views of the surrounding landscape. After taking a few moments to savor the moment, you will then begin your descent back down the mountain, making your way back to the starting point.

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro from South Africa is a rewarding experience that will stay with you for a lifetime. With the right preparation and determination, you can make it to the summit and enjoy the breathtaking views from the top.

How can we help you?

An African Safari is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. From the wild natural landscapes to the magnificent animals that roam the land, Tanzania and Kenya are destinations for those looking for adventure like no other. Neema Africa Tours organizes the most memorable private safaris in Tanzania. Travelling with your own private guide and jeep, our tailor-made safaris allow you to enjoy every moment.

A real Tanzania safari is a bucket-list journey. Explore our selection of unforgettable safaris in Tanzania, Kenya and Zanzibar.

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Crater Camp Decisions

Crater Camp lies at an altitude of 18,800 feet/5,750 m and is a very unique place that allows you to explore the glaciers or even hike to Reutsch Crater and the ash pit. Yet, because of it’s extreme altitude, if you are not acclimatized properly, it can be very dangerous and serious AMS is a strong possibility. If you wish to include a night at crater camp please inquire with us. All our crater camp overnight treks have mandatory Gamow Bag as part of the standard equipment. We only recommend an overnight at Crater Camp if you choose an itinerary with 9 nights on the mountain and 3 nights near or above 15.000 feet before sleeping at Crater Camp.

Western Breach Option

Ascents via the Western Breach are inherently more dangerous than other routes due to the increased danger of rock fall as well as short sections of scrambling at high altitude and the possibility of increased snow and ice with the associated slipping hazards. It is mandatory for all climbers on the route to wear safety climbing helmets. Please inquire with us for several options on this route.

Considerations for your route selection*

Although we do offer group climbs (see dates and details below) our most popular climbs are private climbs just for you and your climbing partner, due to our competitive pricing. You can start a private climb any day you desire and the advantages are multi-faceted. Walk and rest at your own pace without the limiting factor of the group. Your guides are focused on you and not distracted by other members in your group. Tanzanians are very social and chatting with your crew will give you better local insights and deeper experience than talking with other climbers.


Please click on the + for complete information on the climb.

Although a high traffic route, it is very scenic and suited for people with backpacking or hiking experience.

Fully outfitted climb, meet and greet at Kilimanjaro airport and transfer to your hotel, 2 nights accommodation at Ilboru Safari Lodge with breakfast, pre climb briefing,  transfer to the trailhead. Standard medical emergency evacuation insurance from the mountain. Kilimanjaro National Park Fees, detailed itinerary and hike information packet, Kilimanjaro certificate issued by Kilimanjaro National Park post hike (if you reach Stella Point/Gilmans point or Uhruru Peak)

Bottled water (we do provide filtered water to avoid littering of plastic bottles on the mountain), staff tips, personal porter for day pack, flights, Visa,


If you interrupt your climb, for whatever reason (illness, through choice, bad weather, etc), and return from the mountain early, then you will be liable for extra transport and additional hotel nights, meals, etc.  No climbing fees and related costs will be refunded. Extra nights in Arusha due to your early departure from the mountain will have to be settled in Arusha.

Bottled water (we do provide drinking water to avoid littering the mountain with bottles), staff tips, personal porter for day pack, flights, visa

Example of crew for 2 climbers: 11 crew total consisting of 1 senior guide, 1 assistant guide (if you split up in emergency each one of you will still have a guide) 1 cook and 8 porters

Fully outfitted climb, meet and greet at Kilimanjaro airport and transfer to your hotel, 2 nights accommodation at Ilboru Safari Lodge with breakfast, pre climb briefing,  transfer to the trailhead. Standard medical emergency evacuation insurance from the mountain. Kilimanjaro National Park Fees, detailed itinerary and hike information packet, Kilimanjaro certificate issued by Kilimanjaro National Park post hike (if you reach Stella Point/Gilmans point or Uhruru Peak) Excludes:

If you interrupt your climb, for whatever reason (illness, through choice, bad weather, etc), and return from the mountain early, then you will be liable for extra transport and additional hotel nights, meals, etc. No climbing fees and related costs will be refunded. Extra nights in Arusha due to your early departure from the mountain will have to be settled in Arusha.

Hotel Upgrade: If you prefer to stay at Rivertrees Country Inn    or other hotel in lieu of the Ilboro Safari Lodge in Arusha please inquire.

Add a Day on the Mountain:  Adding an extra day for your climb on the mountain for better acclimatization is easily possible from only US$280.-per person, per night. You will feel more comfortable and have a higher success rate to reach the top. Available on all climbs except group climbs.

SOLO Climbers:  We can organize solo (1 person) climbs from US$360 added to the above price for  7 day Machame, Umbwe and Rongai. Inquire for other routes.


If you wish to join a group departure together with other climbers, we will be undertaking such trips throughout the year. Please inquire.

Pricing for group climbs with 6 or more climbers:

Machame 8 Days  – 6 day group climb plus 1 night pre and post Ilboru Safari Lodge US$2,413.-pp, sharing.

Rongai 8 days – 6 days group climb plus 1 night pre and post Ilboru Safari Lodge US$2,533.-pp, sharing.

All climbs include:

Fully outfitted climb (3 meals per day), meet and greet at Kilimanjaro airport and transfer to your hotel, 2 nights accommodation at Ilboru Safari Lodge with breakfast, pre climb briefing,  transfer to the trailhead. Standard medical emergency evacuation insurance from the mountain to nearest local medical facility. Kilimanjaro National Park Fees, detailed itinerary and hike information packet, Kilimanjaro certificate issued by Kilimanjaro National Park post hike (if you reach Stella Point/Gilmans point or Uhruru Peak)

Please check out the equipment details under the equipment tab on the left;

All climbs exclude:

Bottled water (we do provide boiled/filtered drinking water to avoid littering the mountain with bottles), staff tips, flights, visa, mandatory travel/evacuation insurance,

 Example of crew for 2 climbers: 11 crew total consisting of 1 senior guide, 1 assistant guide (if you split up in emergency each one of you will still have a guide) 1 cook and 8 porters

Example of crew for 4 climbers:  16 crew total consisting of 1 senior guide, 1 assistant guide (if you split up in emergency you will still have guide to lead you , 1 cook and 13 porters.

Non Peak Options

Perfect itineraries for people who just like to get a “taste” of the mountain without going all the way to the top.

Please click on the + for more details.

Why trek with us

We are very conscientious not just about our guest’s experience but also our staff. All our climbs adhere to the following:

  • 24 hour back-up and off mountain team monitors all climbs twice a day
  • Current team of guides, crews and managers have all been working together for over a decade.
  • Mt. Kilimanjaro emergency evacuation insurance included. We take safety seriously.
  • Member of Kilimanjaro Porter Assistance Project KPAP plus going beyond adhering to their standards and guidance.
  • Member of International Mountain Explorers Connection (IMEC) which is actively following the WTO Sustainable Tourism Eliminating Poverty (STEP) program to promote responsible, sustainable tourism that facilitates benefits from tourism “trickling down” to all members of the local population.
  • Attention to detail: most everything is systemized. Managers follow pre-set checklists and routines for the preparation, execution and completion of every trip to make sure that nothing is missed. We require full client information pre trip and this is used for safety briefings to the crew and kept on file for the duration of any trip. Every item from all zips to the stools are checked pre trip. Our cooks organize purchasing in accordance to dietary limitations and allergic considerations.
  • All mountain guides undergo frequent Mountain Rescue Refresher Courses as well as rope courses
  • All guides are Red Cross First Aid certified or similar
  • All climbs include: pulse oximeter, stethoscope, altitude sickness checklist,  first aid kit, emergency oxygen, cell phone, portable altitude chamber for overnight in crater camp or upon request (extra charge from US$155 per climb)
  • Pre and post climb hotel choice according your budget level
  • Private porter available to carry your hand luggage if you wish (extra charge)
  • High altitude alpine tent. 3 man tent shared only by 2 persons per tent (or one person if you booked a single tent in advance). The tents have aluminium frames with aerodynamic design and a streamlined profile which helps it to stay under the wind. The flysheet is made from Ripstop Nylon, so it won’t be tearing on sharp rocks or branches.
  • We provide compressed foam rubber mattress (1 per climber). You only need, sleeping bag (-15C) ,  hiking poles and personal gear. Staff set up your tents, cook for you and provide you with drinking water and washing water in a bowl.
  • Complete pre-planning and safari or beach add-on choices
  • Group, private and custom treks available
  • There is always a full trip and safety briefing
  • We provide our staff with year round chef training, porter, guide training and refreshers
  • We have in house rental facility so you don’t have to purchase gear you might never use again
  • High guide to climber ratio so you receive the attention you deserve
  • Economical private departures  at any time (versus pre-set group dates) just for the two of you or with friends, for maximum experience
  • Some small group departures available throughout the year to save even more money
  • Complete pre-climb trip planning and physical preparation guidance so you are fully prepared
  • The owner of Adventure To Africa has been a high altitude guide for many years. We understand what’s happening on the mountain, understand the guests concerns and most importantly, understand the utter importance for safety. We not only understand the hard work of the porters but more than respect it.


Important Preparations

1. Pre Trip: Even before you travel with Adventure To Africa you are expected to furnish us with important information about your health as well as what training you are undertaking and what kit you are bringing. We will assist you with those decisions for you to have the best experience possible. Dietary and allergy information is part of the course. 2. Pre Start : During your briefing, your details and kit are double checked. Guides and crews are fully briefed on all guests. 3. Event:  Guides monitor you daily with pulse oximeters and altitude sickness scorecards. If evacuations are required then supplementary oxygen (for high altitude trips) and stretchers are provided. 4. Post Trip:  Your feedback is essential and combined with proper guide and crew debriefings and your input we expect our trips to continue to develop and improve, and have done so for 14 years.

We take care of our crew because we understand that it takes a team to make your trip a success. We work as as a member of KPAP and adhere to the following ethics standards:

Our Kilimanjaro Porter Ethics

We deeply respect our hardworking porters on Kilimanjaro. Without our porters, our treks would not be what they are. We understand and respect that.

  • Member of Kilimanjaro Porter Assistance Project KPAP and going beyond adhering to their standards and guidance.
  • In addition to being a member of KPAP, an independently employed porter liaison member monitors porter rights and accommodation and provides direct feedback to senior management as an additional layer that porters get what they deserve.


  • Implementation of tipping procedure to ensure that the porters receive the full amount of tip intended for them, we provide details for you in your pre-trip planner for you to double check
  • Upholding mandated weight limits for porter loads – no more than 44 pounds of company weight (your personal allowance is 25 pounds or you may hire additional porter)
  • Ensuring porters have adequate footwear, warm clothing and sleeping gear, tents and groundsheets.
  • Assist with the descent of an ill porter and provide for medical treatment as indicated
  • Our porters have insurance


Career progression for our staff

The formal career progression path for most team members is as follows:

Porter Camp crew Trainee guide Assistant guide Head Guide Trip leader

Our management team is also made up from head guides and trip leaders that have taken the initiative and shown interest in management. Where ever possible we always try to hire from within and promote according to initiative and competence backed up by supplemental training.

How many crew?

Sometimes people are a little shocked at the numbers of crew involved in these expeditions but bear in mind that you are trekking for multiple days where complete camps have to be carried up and down with all food as well. The employment benefits from these trips are significant and with our teams you’ll love the camaraderie too.

We do not overload our porters and we carry essentials extras such as, oxygen, first aid kits, mess tents, fresh food and so on.

We adjust crew according to requirements when needed, ie people that wish to move slower or like to add an extra day ( add a day from only US$280.- per person, per day includes Park fees)

Example of Client Sleeping Tent – NOTE: used for 2 people only


We have the following personal gear available for rent:

Ventex Jacket US$20

Waterproof Pants US$10

Down Jacket US$20

Sleeping Bag and inner sheet US$30

Walking Stick/ski pole US$5each

Gaiters US$10

Gloves US$10

Kit bag US$20

Private Portable Toilet

Prices are for weekly rent and require deposit

We are able to provide optional Luxury Outfitted Climbs (upon request and extra cost)

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

Experience & Expertise

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

Go on safari whilst acclimatizing to the altitude prior your Mt. Kilimanjaro climb. The Highlands Camp is a high altitude retreat located at a dizzying 2,710m/8891′ and ideal for your acclimatization whilst safaring in Ngorongoro Crater and going on hikes on the craters surrounding your camp. Accommodation style: Standard


US$1,893.- April more information...

kilimanjaro tours from south africa

Ultimate Safari to see the best in the area and ideal for your post Mt. Kilimanjaro Climb. Makes the best of short time available by flying back to Kilimanjaro to avoid back tracking and traffic through Arusha. Explore famous and game rich Ngorongoro Crater, Tarangire and Lake Manyara National Park as well as Rift Valley more information...

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South Africa: +27 82 745-1812

Address: 21 Hannah Circle Suite 107, Waynesboro VA 22980 USA

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Conquer Kilimanjaro

Embark on an unforgettable journey to the summit of Africa's highest peak and experience its diverse ecosystems.

green trees near snow covered mountain during daytime

      My Hilarious 9-Day Kilimanjaro Adventure with Zakaro: Laughter,                                               Lows, and the Highs of Africa!

Hey there, adventurers and fun-seekers! Gather around as I regale you with tales of my 9-day escapade up the magnificent Mount Kilimanjaro. And who better to guide this tale than the legendary instructor Zakaro himself? Trust me; it was less of a hike and more of a comedy show!

Day 1: Nairobi to Arusha Our journey began in Nairobi, and guess what? Zakaro started with a joke about how he once mistook a giraffe for a tall tree. Classic Zakaro! The drive to Arusha was filled with laughter, some bad singing (mostly Zakaro), and anticipation.

Day 2: Arusha to Machame Gate The morning started early, but Zakaro's enthusiasm was infectious. "Who's ready to conquer Kili?" he exclaimed. Though, after tripping over a stone, he joked, "That's just a warm-up for the mountain!" Oh, Zakaro!

Day 3-8: The Trek Every day had its highs (literally) and lows. While the scenic beauty was breathtaking, Zakaro's jokes kept us gasping for air—either from laughter or the altitude! "Why did the hyrax cross the trail?" he'd begin. "To prove he wasn't chicken!" Oh, the humor never ceased.

Every night at the campsite was like a comedy night. Underneath the starlit African sky, Zakaro would entertain us with stories of past treks, mixed with hilarious anecdotes. The highlight? When he tried to impersonate a rabbit's hop. Let's just say, stick to guiding, Zakaro!

Day 9: Summit Day The grand finale! Zakaro, ever the motivator, cheered us on. "We're almost there! Just a hop, skip, and a jump!" Of course, the 'hop' reference made everyone chuckle. But amidst the laughter, the sense of achievement as we received our Kilimanjaro trek certificates was unparalleled.

Wrap-up: Arusha/Moshi As we descended, Zakaro shared heartfelt moments of gratitude. "Every trek is special," he said, wiping away a mock tear, "but this one, with all of you, takes the cake—or should I say, the mountain?"

From spotting rock hyraxes (or Zakaro's version of them) to the delightful meals served thrice daily, everything was top-notch. And the best part? The constant laughter, thanks to our beloved instructor Zakaro.

In conclusion, if you're looking for an adventure sprinkled with humor, the Machame Route with Zakaro is your go-to. Just remember to pack your sense of humor and leave the rest to the maestro of mountains and mirth!

🌍 Join My Hilarious 9-Day Kilimanjaro Adventure with Zakaro! 🌄

Click now for a dose of laughter, adventure, and unforgettable memories on Africa's iconic peak!

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(123) 123-1234

Kilimajaro (Image In Shuttertock Images Folder)


  • What to Expect

Climbing Kilimanjaro

The routes we have opted for are less travelled, more scenic, and offer a more immersive and meaningful Kilimanjaro experience.

Lemosho Route

This relatively new route — considered the most beautiful on Kilimanjaro — has a high success rate. Travellers can choose to complete it in six days or stretch it to eight, which gives you a better chance to acclimatise to the altitude. The trek begins in the rainforest zone at the western base of the mountain at Londorossi Gate. The route heads across the Shira Plateau before following the Southern Circuit halfway around the mountain, offering you great views from all angles. The approach to the summit is made from the east, and the descent follows the Mweka trail.

Lemosho Route at a Glance:

  • Approximately 70 km from gate to gate
  • Designed for physically fit people with some hiking experience
  • Travellers who choose the eight-day trek have a 90 percent chance of summitting

Rongai Route

Rongai is the only trail that starts from the northern side of Kilimanjaro . I ts remote location makes it the least travelled of all Kili’s routes. It offers a relatively unspoilt wilderness experience , where it is possible to see large wildlife such as antelope, elephant and buffalo , as well as colobus monkeys and many species of birds.

The northeast side of the mountain gets significantly less moisture than the southern slopes, so you’re less likely to encounter rain and mud and more likely to get clear, unclouded views. The final summit from Kibo Hut is steep and follows the same path taken by Marangu trekkers, passing Gilman’s Point to Uhuru Peak. Descent is via the Marangu trail.

Travellers can do the route in six, seven or eight days. We recommend taking as long as possible, giving you extra time to acclimatise.

Rongai Route at a Glance:

  • 72 km from gate to gate
  • The easiest route up Kilimanjaro, with a slow, gentle ascent and excellent ascent success rates
  • The only route that approaches Kilimanjaro from the north and the descent is on the south via the Marangu Route, allowing travellers to see both sides of the mountain and spectacular views over Kenya’s Amboseli Plains
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Kilimanjaro Hiking Tours

Kilimanjaro hiking tours offer breathtaking views of Africa's highest peak, providing an unforgettable adventure travel experience. From the challenging ascent of the Machame Route to the scenic beauty of the Lemosho Route, planning a trek in the Kilimanjaro region can be a transformative journey. These treks combine the thrill of reaching the summit with the rich cultural heritage of Tanzania, immersing you in a challenging and authentic exploration.

Take the first step towards a private travel experience, customized just for you.

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Displaying 15 of 18 tours


4-day Mount Meru Trek

Only an hour and a half hour’s drive from Arusha sits Tanzania’s second-highest peak, Mount Meru. This 4-day guided trek will show you another side of the African landscape. You’ll experience a wide variety of trails and views, including the famous Arusha National Park wildlife.

Mount Meru Trek

Join this spectacular Mount Meru Guided tour and experience the amazing climb to Tanzania’s second highest mountain (4,566 m). Located in Arusha National Park, this tour offers some of the most amazing scenery in Tanzania. Don’t underestimate this tour though, as this guided trekking tour of Mount Meru is a challenging trek due to the steepness of this mountain.

5-day Mount Kilimanjaro on Marangu Route

Have you been dreaming of summiting Kilimanjaro? The Mount Kilimanjaro on Marangu Route tour is the perfect opportunity! The Marangu route earns its nickname the “Coca-Cola” route from its comfortable mountain huts that serve the beverage. The wide, gently sloping trail and short route to the top make it a popular choice for trekking Kilimanjaro. The trail does have challenging sections, but you’ll be well-supported by your guide, porters, and cook while you chase the summit!

6-Day Mount Kilimanjaro on Umbwe Route

Mount Kilimanjaro is the tallest mountain in Africa, and the Umbwe Route is one of the shortest ways to reach the top. It is also one of the most difficult ascents because it gives you very little time to acclimate to the elevation before you attempt the summit. This route is recommended if you have a lot of trekking experience at high altitude.

6-Day Mount Kilimanjaro on Marangu Route

Want to take on Mount Kilimanjaro but unsure of the best way? There is a lot to love about taking this guided trek up the Marangu route in 6 days! The “Coca-Cola” route is popular for its comfortable mountain huts and the convivial atmosphere at camp. The majority of the trail is on wide paths that aren’t too steep, so it’s an excellent way to get adjusted to the high altitude.

6-day Mount Kilimanjaro on Machame Route

The incredible Mount Kilimanjaro on Machame Route trek is the perfect way to conquer Africa’s tallest mountain! This tour takes you up Mount Kilimanjaro by the Machame route. This popular “Whiskey” route is the most scenic way to trek up the mountain and offers ease of acclimatization. Although it has some of the most challenging sections of trail, it is also longer than some of the other routes, which gives you a better chance to acclimate to the thin air.

6-Day Mount Kilimanjaro on Rongai Route

Your guided trek on the Rongai Route begins on the northern side of Mount Kilimanjaro. This approach is not as busy as other routes and provides unique views of Kenya on your first day. Your experienced guides, porters and cooks will help you along your trek as you hike the highest peak in Africa.

7-days Mount Kilimanjaro on Machame Route Trek

Ready to bag the tallest summit in all of Africa? The 7-days Mount Kilimanjaro on Machame Route tour is the way to go! Nicknamed the “Whiskey” route, the Machame route is one of the most popular ways to trek Mount Kilimanjaro. This weeklong tour gives you more time to acclimatize to the elevation, making the summit even more reachable. Expect unreal scenery and an incredible sense of accomplishment!

7-Day Mount Kilimanjaro on Umbwe Route

The Umbwe Route is one of the steepest and most challenging ways to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. This trek is recommended for a seasoned hiker with plenty of experience at high altitudes. Allow your experienced guides, porters, cook, and extra day of rest help you realize your goal of reaching the top of Uhuru Peak.

7-Day Mount Kilimanjaro on Lemosho Route

Looking to conquer a mountain? Look no further than the 7-Day Mount Kilimanjaro on Lemosho Route tour! This guided hiking tour takes the Lemosho Route to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro. Your expert guides, porters, and cooks will help you along the way by providing all the support you need to summit the tallest mountain in Africa.

7-Day Mount Kilimanjaro on Rongai Route

Begin your guided trek on the Rongai Route just south of the Kenyan border, approaching Kilimanjaro from the north. You’ll love this route as it is considered one of the easiest and least travelled paths up the mountain. Expert guides, porters, and cooks will be accompanying you on your hike to make sure that you have an incredible time and the best chance at reaching the summit!

Mount Kilimanjaro on Machame Route

Summit Mount Kilimanjaro on this guided tour using the Machame route. The Machame route, otherwise known as the “Whiskey” route, is one of the more popular routes to summit Kilimanjaro. This guided trek to the top of Kilimanjaro is famous for its beautiful and magnificent scenery. Despite being more strenuous compared to the Marangu route, the Machame route has one of the highest success rates for summiting.

Mount Kilimanjaro on Machame Route (slower pace)

The 7-day Machame route offers one extra day for acclimatization, meaning a better chance of summiting Mount Kilimanjaro. If you’ve dreamed of an African adventure, then the 7-day guided hike up the Machame route to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro should be on your list.

8-Day Mount Kilimanjaro on Lemosho Route

Ready to climb the highest mountain in Africa? This tour takes you on a guided trek up Mount Kilimanjaro on the Lemosho route. You won’t have to worry about finding your way, making your meals or carrying your tent with the help of experienced guides, porters and a cook. They’ll provide all the support you need so you can focus on getting to the summit.

8-day Mount Kilimanjaro Northern Circuit Route

This guided tour of the Northern Circuit route will find you at the top of Mount Kilimanjaro and back to Moshi in 8 days. Taking a longer and less travelled route means you’ll get to experience the true wilderness of the mountain while you become acclimatized to the altitude.

1-15 of 18 tours

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Kilimanjaro General Information

Where to trek in the kilimanjaro region.

When deciding where to trek in the Kilimanjaro region, it's essential to choose a route that matches your trekking experience and expectations. The Machame Route is known for its beauty and challenge, while the Marangu Route offers a more gradual climb with hut accommodations. The Lemosho and Rongai routes are favored for their scenic vistas and quieter paths.

What makes Trekking in the Kilimanjaro Region special?

Trekking in the Kilimanjaro region is unique for its breathtaking landscapes, diverse ecosystems, and the opportunity to stand on the roof of Africa. The journey from tropical rainforests to arctic conditions at the summit presents a rare adventure, combined with encounters with local wildlife and insights into the culture of the Chagga people.

When to go Trekking in the Kilimanjaro Region

The best times to trek Kilimanjaro are during its two dry seasons: from late June to October and from late December to March. These months offer the clearest skies and most favorable weather conditions for summiting the peak.

Top 7 Treks up to Mount Kilimanjaro

  • Machame Route : Known as the "Whiskey Route," it's popular for its scenic diversity and challenge, taking about 6-7 days.
  • Marangu Route : The "Coca-Cola Route" offers a more direct path and hut accommodations, making it a popular choice for those seeking a bit more comfort over 5-6 days.
  • Lemosho Route : Celebrated for its beauty and high success rate, this route starts from the western side of Kilimanjaro, taking 7-8 days.
  • Rongai Route : The only route beginning from the north side, offering a quieter approach with a gentle gradient over 6-7 days.
  • Shira Route : Starting at a higher elevation, it offers a challenging trek through diverse landscapes, merging with the Lemosho route, and takes about 7 days.
  • Umbwe Route : The steepest and most direct route to the summit, recommended for experienced trekkers, typically completed in 6-7 days.
  • Northern Circuit : The longest route on Kilimanjaro, offering a circumnavigation of the mountain from the west, taking 9 or more days for those who prefer a less traveled path.

Travel tips for Mount Kilimanjaro Hiking Tours

What to pack when trekking in the kilimanjaro region.

Essential items include thermal clothing, waterproof layers, a good quality sleeping bag, hiking boots, a headlamp, sunscreen, a water purification system, and altitude sickness medication. Don't forget your camera for the breathtaking views!

Are luggage transfers available on treks in the Kilimanjaro region?

Yes, for guided treks on Kilimanjaro, porters will carry your main luggage, and you'll carry a day pack with personal items.

How long do I need to trek in the Kilimanjaro region?

Trek durations vary by route, ranging from 5 to 9 days, depending on the chosen path and pace.

Are there family-friendly treks in the Kilimanjaro region?

While climbing Kilimanjaro is generally recommended for older children and teenagers, there are shorter, less strenuous treks around the base of Kilimanjaro that are suitable for families.

What are the accommodations when trekking in the Kilimanjaro region?

On Kilimanjaro, accommodations range from tented camps on most routes to hut accommodations on the Marangu Route. In nearby areas, lodges and hotels are available.

Can I do a self-guided trek in the Kilimanjaro region?

No, Tanzanian law requires all Kilimanjaro trekkers to be accompanied by a licensed guide for safety and environmental protection.

Can I do a guided trek in the Kilimanjaro region?

Yes, guided treks are mandatory and widely available, offering expert knowledge, logistical support, and safety.

What is the best time of year to trek Kilimanjaro?

The best times are during the dry seasons: January to March and June to October, with clearer skies and milder weather.

Do I need special insurance for trekking Kilimanjaro?

Yes, ensure your travel insurance covers high altitude trekking up to 6,000 meters and medical evacuation.

What fitness level is required for trekking Kilimanjaro?

A good fitness level is required. Preparation should include cardio, strength training, and hiking practice, preferably on inclined terrain.

How do I prevent altitude sickness on Kilimanjaro?

Acclimatize properly by choosing a longer route, ascend slowly, stay hydrated, and consult with your guide on best practices and medication.

Can I rent gear in the Kilimanjaro region?

Yes, gear rental shops are available in Moshi and Arusha, offering everything from clothing to hiking poles.

What cultural experiences can I have in the Kilimanjaro region?

Visits to local Chagga and Maasai villages can be arranged, providing insights into the local culture and traditions.

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  • Luxury Kilimanjaro Tours

Africa's best authentic tailor-made safaris

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By Matthys van Aswegen

Safari Travel Planner

Luxury is a relative term when applied to a Kilimanjaro climb . Overnight options boil down to hunkering down in a sleeping bag in a hiking tent or a basic mountain hut.

Luxury accommodation on Mount Kilimanjaro.

If you want to summit Mount Kilimanjaro , there is no escaping the steep uphill hikes, the cold on the upper slopes, and the likely effects of altitude. 

In one sense, the most luxurious way to climb the mountain is to stick to the popular Marangu Route . It’s much busier than other routes but allows you to stay overnight in the relative comfort of mountain huts with washing facilities and bottled drinks for sale.

Mount Kilimanjaro.

However, if you are looking for exclusivity rather than luxury per se, it’s far better to splash out and arrange to hike one of the lesser-known routes. 

Lemosho route, Mount Kilimanjaro.

Depending on how much time and money you want to dedicate to the exercise, these range from the Machame and Rongai Routes to the slightly longer Lemosho and Shira Routes.

Another option is the wonderfully scenic and remote Northern Circuit, a new route that can be undertaken over 9-11 days, depending on whether you opt to overnight in the stunning Kibo Crater. 

Snow caps on Mount Kilimanjaro.

It’s also worth researching the amenities offered by different operators.

High-quality food and equipment, experienced English-speaking guides, and access to private ablution tents with pump-flush toilets all come at a price, but enhance the comfort of a climb and the likelihood of reaching the summit.

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Two Peak Challenge - Mount Meru & Kilimanjaro

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Kilimanjaro Climb with the Machame Route

East Africa Tanzania Safaris Arusha Kilimanjaro

From $ 4490 /USD

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  • Climbing Kilimanjaro in January
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  • Climbing Kilimanjaro in September
  • Climbing Kilimanjaro in October
  • Climbing Kilimanjaro in November
  • Climbing Kilimanjaro – December
  • Climbing Kilimanjaro in December
  • Highlights of Kilimanjaro
  • The Fauna and Flora of Mount Kilimanjaro
  • Climbing Kilimanjaro as a Couple
  • Climbing Kilimanjaro Solo
  • Family Hike up Kilimanjaro
  • Who Should Climb Mount Kilimanjaro?
  • Affordable Kilimanjaro Climb
  • Climbing Kilimanjaro on a Budget
  • Kilimanjaro Kit List
  • Kilimanjaro Routes
  • Mount Kilimanjaro Facts
  • Training for Kilimanjaro
  • Why Climb Mount Kilimanjaro?
  • Kilimanjaro National Park Safari

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33 Day Kilimanjaro to Cape  Town Tour

South Africa, Namibia, Zambia, Botswana, Malawi and Tanzania 

At a Glance

Dates: 03 August- 05 Sep 2024 | Aug 2025

Start: Zanzibar, Tanzania End: Cape Town, South Africa

Mileage: +-8,000km

Countries: South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania

Daily Distance

Daily Distance: 200- 660 km (Avg of 500km)

Road Surfaces: 95% Tar, 5% Good hard packed Gravel

Rest Day: 24 Riding days, 7 Rest/Safari days

Difficulty: Intermediate

Petrol: Not Included

Accomodation: 3-4 Star Lodges, Hotels, Bungalows

  • Tour Overview
  • Quick Itinerary
  • Detailed Itinerary
  • Inclusions & Exclusions
  • Motorcycles
  • Accommodation

33 Day Tour: This tour from Kilimanjaro to Cape Town is set to be an amazing adventure!

This epic adventure tour will take you on an 8,000km ride from Kilimanjaro all the way to Cape Town at the Southern Most Tip of Africa- Along the way you will ride through 6 African Countries including Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Botswana, Namibia and South Africa.

Route Summary

The tour starts off with  a magical Island stay on the Spice Island of  Zanzibar, we then ride the foothills of Kilimanjaro, enjoy a 3 Day Safari into Ngorogoro, and Serengeti National Parks, and ride down through the eastern highlands of Tanzania all the way to Lake Malawi.

After Exploring the Lake from North to South we visit South Luangwa National Park in Zambia to see the elusive leopard in the wild, then marvel at the breathtaking Victoria Falls and cruise down the Chobe River on a Big 5 Safari,.

Next up we travel through Namibia’s Caprivi strip, Canoe on the Okavango and enjoy a  safari into Etosha National Parl. We play in the magnificent sand dunes of the Namib desert in Swakopmund and ride all the way to Fish River Canyon, the 3rd Largest Canyon in the world!

Back in South Africa we ride all the way to the Southern Most tip of Africa at Cape Agulhas and enjoy over 200 km’s of breathtaking sea cliff roads all the way into Cape Town.

This is the Ultimate Motorcycle adventure.

Day 0: Arrive in Zanzibar, Tanzania Day 1:  Zanzibar Relax Day Day 2:  Day tour of Stone Town and flight to Kilimanjaro Day 3: Hand over motorcycles explore Kilimanjaro Day 4: Kilimanjaro to Karatu Day 5: Safari into Ngorongoro Crater Day 6: Karatu to Dodoma Day 7: Dodoma to Iringa Day 8:   Iringa to Utengule Coffee Farm Day 9: Utengule to Korongo, Malawi Day 10: Koronogo to Ngala, Lake Malawi Day 11: Rest Day Lake Malawi Day 12: Lake Malawi to Chipata, Zambia Day 13: Chipata to Luangwa National PARK, Night Drive Day 14: Morning Safari Luangwa- back to Chipata Day 15: Chipata to Lusaka Day 16: Lusaka to Victoria Falls Livingstone Day 17: Rest Day Victoria Falls Day 18: Victoria Falls to Chobe Day 19: Chobe to Okavango Namibia Day 20: Okavango Rest Day Day 21: Okavango to Etosha National Park Day 22: Moring Safari and short ride to Gabus Game Lodge Day 23:   Gabus to Swakopund Day 24:  Swakopmund Rest Day and Explore Namib Desert Day 25 : Swakopmund to Windhoek Day 26: Windhoek to Mariental Day 27: Mariental to Fish River Canyon Day 28: Fish River Canyon Rest Day Day 29: Fish River Canyon to Sprinbok Day 30: Springbok to Citrusdal Day 31: Citrusdal to Cape Agulhas Day 32: Cape Agulhas- Cape Point- Cape Town Day 33: End of Tour

Day 0- Arrive in Zanzibar

Welcome to Tanzania. You can arrive at the Zanzibar International Airport at any time today as the official start of the tour is only the next day. A representative from Sama Tours will be waiting at the airport to take you to your hotel in the North of Zanzibar. Relax and enjoy the colourful culture and white sandy beaches of the “Spice Island”

Day 01- Welcome Dinner and Beach day Highlights: Relaxation in Zanzibar

We believe that the best way to get over jet lag and a long-haul flight is to relax in paradise. Today you are free to do just that. Why not book yourself a spa treatment or just relax on a sun lounger, drink in hand with beautiful ocean views? For the more energetic there are lots of optional activities on offer including Scuba Diving, Snorkelling, Village tours and more. Tonight you will meet your fellow bike travellers at our official Welcome Dinner (Meals Included: B,D)

Day 2- Tour of Stone Town and Flight to Kilimanjaro Highlights: Stone Town Tour

This morning we are up bright and early to make our way to Stone Town. We enjoy a tour through the narrow winding streets of Zanzibar’s capital, taking the time to visit the spice markets and learn about Zanzibar’s history. If time allows, we will enjoy a rooftop Lunch, before boarding a flight to Kilimanjaro. Look out for views of the highest mountain in AFRICA as our plane lands in Arusha. (B,L,D)

Day 3- Hand over Motorcycles and explore the foothills of Kilimanjaro Highlights: Kilimanjaro

This morning we hand over your motorcycles and enjoy a detailed tour briefing – talking about the roads in Africa, what to expect and how the daily riding is going to work. Afterward we enjoy a short tour of the Foothills of Kilimanajaro National Park with some exciting stops along the way.  Tonight we enjoy a traditional Tanzanian Feast with a traditional drumming and dance performance. (B,L,D)

Day 4: Arusha to Karatu (+- 250km) Highlights: Riding Tanzania

Today is our first day on the motorcycles. We depart for Karatu, right in the heart of Tanzania’s Safari Circuit. Karatu is situated on the edge of Ngorongoro Crater and is surrounded by National Parks and Wildlife. We enjoy a night in a wonderful African Lodge as we prepare for our upcoming Safari  (Meals Included: B, L, D )

Day 5 – Safari into Ngorongoro Highlights: Africa’s Best Wildlife Experience

Today we are up bright and early to start Safari into the spectacular Ngorongoro Crater. This caldera is 610 meters deep and its floor covers 260 square kilometres. 25,000 large mammals live within this crater, making for unbelievable wildlife viewing in a confined area. After an amazing day of wildlife viewing, we head back to our lodge, where our motorcycles are waiting for the next leg of this exciting motorcycle adventure!

Day 6 Karatu to Dodoma (+-410km) Highlights: Riding Tanzania

Today we ride South to Tanzania’s official capital city- Dodoma. Our hotel is situated in the midst of the hustle and bustle- a welcome oasis with a pool, bar, and restaurant (B, L, D)

Day 7 Dodoma to Iringa (+-266km) Highlights: Scenic Mountain passes

Today’s ride is very scenic and as we ride up and over several beautiful mountain ranges and enjoy the scenery of rural Tanzania. In the early afternoon we will arrive at the “Old Farm House” This is an Iconic stop on the African overland route. We spend the night on a working farm that is run by a local family who will amaze you with their hospitality and home-cooked food. (B,L,D)

Day 8  Iringa to Untenguele Coffee Farm (+- 302km) Highlights: Utenguele Coffee Farm

Today we travel further South through to the edge of the Great East African Rift Valley, where we spend the night on a working coffee farm! Here the farm comes alive in June and July when it is harvesting time.  We will arrive in the late afternoon- but there should still be time to enjoy a coffee tour and taste the Untengule coffee. (B,L,D)

Day 9 – Utenguele to Koronga, Malawi (+- 168 km) Highlights: Lake Malawi

After an early breakfast, we ride way down through the Southern Highlands of Tanzania and into Malawi where we will get our first glimpse of Lake Malawi- “The Lake of Stars” the third largest lake in Africa and the eighth largest lake in the world. The tropical waters are reportedly the habitat of more species of fish than those of any other body of fresh water on Earth. Tonight, we spend our first night in Malawi right on the Lakeshore with views of the beautiful Azure waters (Meals Included B, L, D )

Day 10- Koronga to Ngala Beach Resort (+- 300 km) Highlights: Lake Malawi

Today we enjoy more riding through Malawi as we head south along the lake to Ngala Beach. There are bicycles everywhere and you will see the friendly Malawian people going about their daily lives, selling fresh produce at the market, and displaying their daily catch. You will see thousands of kids walking to school. We should arrive early and you can spend the afternoon enjoying lake activities- take out a paddle ski for free, play a game of beach volleyball, enjoy the local birdlife or enjoy a lake swim/ cruise on the Temba Tumba  (Meals Included B, L, D)

Day 11- Rest Day Ngala (+- 0-50 km) Highlights: Lake Malawi

Enjoy a rest day on the shores of this beautiful lake.  There are kayaks available to take out onto the lake, or you can just enjoy relaxing by the pool or take a walk along the lake shore. During the day we also go on a tour of the local fishing village, an eye-opening experience as you meet the local villagers and learn more about their daily life. This truly is a magical place. (Meals included: B, D)

Day 12- Ngala to  Chipata, Zambia (+-360km) Highlights: Welcome to Zambia

Today we make our way into Zambia. En-route, we travel through the Nkotakhota wildlife area. We have special permission to ride through this national park and often enjoy incredible wildlife sightings along the way. Once in Zambia, we ride to Chipata. Enjoy meeting the local Zambians as they travel along the route on their trusty bicycles. We often stop here to give out soccer balls to the local kids who absolutely love seeing the motorcycles (B,L,D)

Day 13: Chipata to South Luangwa National Park Highlights: Leopard Safari

Today we have a very short ride to South Luangwa National Park- an icon in Zambia. We sleep at a wildlife camp on the banks of the Luangwa River in Zambia. South Luangwa National Park is a world-famous safari destination and offers some of the best wildlife viewings in Africa!  Our Lodge is situated right in the wild and we often have elephants walking right through the camp! In the late afternoon we enjoy our first game drive into the park, enjoying amazing wildlife sightings as the sun sets over the African plains. (B,L,D)

Day 14- Safari Luangwa National Park, Ride back to Chipata Highlights: Incredible Wildlife at Luangwa

We have the whole morning free to relax and enjoy this unique African wilderness. We enjoy an early morning game safari into South Luangwa Park. Luangwa has a very dense population of Leopards. With one leopard per 4km squared, your chances of seeing this elusive wild cat are really good!  Back at the lodge, we enjoy a scrumptious Brunch/ Lunch and in the early afternoon we take a ride back to Chipata

Day 15- Chipata to Lusaka (+- 575 km) Highlights: Riding Zambia

We are officially halfway through the tour. You will already have seen so much, with even more to look forward too. We depart Chipata early and ride through Zambia to our lodge for the night which is situated in Zambia’s buzzing metropolis and capital city, Lusaka.  (Meals included: B,L,D )

Day 16- Lusaka to Victoria Falls, Livingstone (+- 478 km) Highlights: Victoria Falls

Today is a major highlight of the trip. It is a long ride through Zambia- but at the end of the day you will be rewarded with views of the awe-Inspiring Victoria Falls (Known to locals as “the Smoke the Thunders”) In the late afternoon we will arrive at our resort hotel, located right on the Zambezi River, just a few km’s from the falls. If we arrive early enough you can enjoy a stroll along the pathways surrounding the falls, sharing the amazing views of tumbling water with inquisitive baboons playing in the spray from the falls (Meals included: B, L, D)

Day 17- Rest Day Victoria Falls Highlights: Victoria Falls Rest Day, Helicopter Flight

You have the whole day free to enjoy all the activities that Victoria Falls has on offer. Included in the tour is a Helicopter flight over the falls (This is known as The Flight of Angels and is the best way to see the Falls). Other optional activities include: canoeing down the Zambezi, elephant safaris, or enjoying river rafting on the mighty Zambezi. There are also tours available where you can swim either above or below the tumbling waters of the falls! (Meals: B, D)

Day 18- Victoria Falls to Chobe National Park (+- 100 km) Highlights: Sunset Boat Safari in Chobe National Park

It is a short ride from Zambia into Botswana where we will get to Chobe National Park in the early afternoon. Our Luxury African Lodge is situated right on the Chobe River. This afternoon we embark on a Boat Safari- this is the only place in the world where you can enjoy a BIG 5 Safari by boat. On the boat cruise, you will literally see thousands of elephants playing in the reeds and mud pools. If you are lucky you might even see Elephants swimming across the river. Hippos and crocodiles are also an exciting sighting- get your cameras ready (Meals included: B, L, D)

Day 19: Chobe to Okavango Delta, Namibia (+- 520 km) Highlights: Caprivi Strip, Okavango Delta

Today we make our way into Namibia. The border crossing between Botswana and Namibia is a breeze- We enter Namibia’s Caprivi Strip, a long narrow strip at the top of the country. As we drive along this beautiful road you will be able to view African homesteads and lush African bush. Here, life is simple and sweet. Our lodge for the next two nights is situated on the Okavango River right on the panhandle of the delta. The area is a paradise of flooded plains and swamps, teeming with wildlife. Relax on the deck overlooking the river and enjoy an unforgettable African Sunset while being serenaded by Hippos and African Fish Eagles.  (B, L, D)

Day 20: Okavango Rest Day (+- 0-50 km) Highlights: Okavango Mokoro Trip (African Canoe)

We have the entire day free to relax and enjoy the beautiful river setting. This afternoon we get into Mokorokoros (African Canoes) and explore the Okavango river in search of hippos and crocodiles. Lunch today is on a private river island where we enjoy a Beach BBQ and a rock pool swim before returning back to our lodge as the sun is setting (B, L, D)

Day 21 Okavango Delta to Etosha National Park (620km) Highlights: Rural Namibia, Etosha National Park

Today is a lovely ride through the Namibian countryside- watch out for elephants and other wildlife! In the late afternoon we will arrive at Etosha National Park- This national Park is based around a large salt pan. It is a desert full of salt, but the wildlife still flourishes despite the harsh conditions and the park is world-renowned for its amazing game viewing opportunities. We book into a lovely resort for the next two days where you can do as much or as little as possible. You may enjoy an optional game drive into the park, play a game of tennis, visit the local reptile park or relax at the African Spa on the property. (B,L)

Day 22: Safri into Etosha and Ride to Gabus Game Lodge  (177km) Highlights: Etosha Wildlife

Today we swap our motorcycles for a 4-wheel drive safari vehicle and make our way into the Etosha pan game reserve for a half day Safari (Included in the tour price). Unlike many other game reserves where you can spend long days looking for animals without any success, this game reserve is famous for its plentiful sightings of wildlife. The Etosha pan makes for a well-deserved oasis in the middle of the desert and animals flock to the water… On return to our lodge we enjoy a relaxing lunch before taking a short ride to the beautiful Gabus Bush Lodge, surrounded by wildlife (B, D)

Day 23: Gabus Bush Lodge to Swakopmund (+- 510 km) Highlights: Golden sand dunes of Namibia

After a delicious breakfast, we make our way down through Namibia, watching in amazement as a semi-arid desert, becomes fully arid desert and then transforms into full-blown sand dunes towering into the horizon. In the late afternoon, we arrive at Swakopmund on the Skeleton Coast,  famous for its great waves, beautiful sand dunes, and German hospitality- our home for the next two nights… (B,L)

Day 24: Rest day Swakopmund (+- 0-50km) Highlights: Skeleton Coast, Quad Biking in the Sand Dunes

Swakopmund is based at the tip of the world-famous Skeleton Coast and is the adventure capital of Namibia. This afternoon we take a ride to the famous Dune 45 where we swop our motorcycles for quad bikes and enjoy a roller coaster ride through the incredible sand dunes of the Namib Desert. You will have the rest of the day free to relax or take part in any of the other optional activities on offer- ride to see a shipwreck on the Skeleton Coast, kayak with seals in Walvis Bay or visit the Flamingo lagoon. If you are looking for more of a relaxing time then you can enjoy the beach just meters from our hotel, or explore the wonderful German culture of the town. Tonight we enjoy amazing seafood (B)

Day 25: Swakopmund to Windhoek (+-360 km) Highlights: Windhoek- Capital city of Nambia

Today we make our way to Windhoek- the Capital of Namibia. We enjoy visiting some of the beautiful sights of Windhoek including the Christ Church and Coffee Machine. Tonight we sleep in a beautiful hotel overlooking Windhoek (B,L,D)

Day 26: Windhoek to Mariental (302km) Highlights: Meet the Bushmen

Today we travel south to Lapa Lange Game Lodge, a welcome oasis in the middle of the Namibia Desert. This afternoon or early tomorrow moring we will enjoy a Guided Bushmen walk where you will gain insight into how these remarkable people have survived the harsh extremes of the desert and why they are known as the world’s best trackers. Today we enjoy dinner around a waterhole and enjoy some great wildlife viewings

Day 27: Mairental to Fish River Canyon (+- 420 km) Highlights: Fish River Canyon

Making our way down south, we ride on beautiful hard-packed gravel roads that will take us into the heart of the Gondwana Canyon Nature Reserve. Look out for  Quiver trees, Sprinkbok, Gemsbok, Hartebeest, Ostrich and Mountain Zebra. In the late afternoon, the mountains light up to a blazing red as we arrive at the famous Canyon Lodge. This whole resort is built in between rocky boulders, an oasis in the middle of the hostile desert. Welcome to the wild west! (B,L,D)

Day 28: Fish River Canyon Rest Day (0-70 km) Highlights: Ride to see 3rd largest CANYON on earth

Today we enjoy a rest day in the Canyon National Park- an incredible landscape to explore. This morning we will take a ride to the Canyon view site. This is the 3rd largest Canyon in the world (160km long) and the views will take your breath away! Back at the lodge enjoy the beautiful rock pool and sundowner drinks up on the hill amongst the boulders.  Optional Activities include walks, 4×4 drives and horse rides through this magical landscape.  (B,D)

Day 29: Fish River Canyon to Springbok (+- 350 km) Highlights: Magical Namaqualand, Star Gazing

Time to head back into South Africa- we make our way through Namaqualand- an area made famous by its wildflowers that bloom into a whirlwind of color during the springtime each year! Springbok is known for its peace and tranquillity- tonight we will be staying at a Lodge- where you are guaranteed to “Find the magic in Namaqualand….” Because Springbok is literally in the middle of nowhere, the stargazing is phenomenal, so relax and enjoy the constellations! (B,L)

Day 30: Springbok to Citrusdal (+- 400 km) Highlights: Hot Water Springs, Riding the Northern Cape

Today we make our way through the Northern Cape to the lush green farm valleys of Citrusdal. Tonight we sleep at a famous hot water spring resort situated on a citrus farm. Relax your “motorcycle riding muscles” in one of the hot water pools or mineral baths on the property that are filled by hot water springs with a temperature of 43 Degrees Celcius… Bliss! (B,L)

Day 31: Citrusdal to Cape Agulhas Highlights: Southern Most Tip of Africa (+-330km)

Today we make our way to the southern most tip of Africa at Cape Agulhas. This is the point where the Atlantic and Indian Oceans meet. There is always a party at Cape Agulhas, as we celebrate reaching the most southern point of Africa! There are great photo opportunities at the Southernmost tip. (B,L, D)

Day 32 Cape Agulhas- Cape Point- Cape Town Highlights: Penguins, Cape Point, Chapman’s Peak Drive, Table Mountain

Today we make our way to Cape Town, South Africa’s Mother City. Today is the highlight of the trip as there are beautiful coastal views with twisting roads cut into the sea cliffs virtually all the way. We visit the old Navy town (Simonstown) and Bettys Bay to see African penguins living it up on the beach. After that, we make our way to Cape Point to see the spectacular Cape Peninsula.  Next up we ride the famous Chapman’s peak drive past False Bay and then head over Signal hill into Cape Town, where we celebrate the end of an amazing tour at one of Cape Town’s best restaurants. What a ride!  T (B,L,D)

Day 33: End of Tour

Sadly your tour of South Africa has come to an end. We guarantee that you will take home loads of awesome photographs and fond memories

2024 Pricing

Riding 1 up, sharing on a F750GS : US$19,700 Riding 1 up, sharing on a F850GS: US$19,890 Riding 1 up, sharing on a R1250GS: US$21,550

To bring a pillion, add: US$12,480 Single room, add : US$1,720

Prices are based on sharing accommodation and quoted in United States Dollar. To convert to another currency, visit

Understanding the Pricing: All prices are quoted per motorcycle  based on riding 1 up and sharing accommodation.  If you would like to bring a passenger add the  “Pillion price”  to the base price OR if you would like your own room, add the “Single Supplement  price to the base price to get your total.

Scroll down for an instant quote – and choose your currency with the Orange Currency tool on the right

Price includes:

33 Days Motorcycle Rental 33 Nights’ Accommodation in 3-4 Star Lodges, hotels or Beach Bungalows 33 Breakfasts, 21 Lunches and 29 Dinners Tour Guide on a Motorcycle Back up vehicle to carry Luggage and a spare motorcycle with Driver Qualified Paramedic Accompanying the group (Minimum of 5 Riders required*) Activities are included as follows:Walking Tour of Stone Town, Zanzibar One way flight from Zanzibar to Arusha Full day Safari into Ngorogoro Crater  Tour of Malawian Fishing Village 2 x Safaris in South Luangwa National Park Entrance to Victoria Falls View Site Helicopter Flight Victoria Falls (The Flight of Angels) Safari into Chobe National Park Mokorokoro Safari on Okavango Panhandle Safari into Etosha National Park Quad Biking in Namibian Sand Dunes (Atv) Bushmen Walk Entrance to Fish River Canyon Tour Of Cape Point Peninsula Transfers From Zanzibar International Airport in Zanzibar, Tanzania and to Cape Town International Airport at the end of the tour in South Africa Bottled Water, Tea, coffee and Snacks Detailed Guide Book/Tour App Map of Southern Africa Sama T-shirt

This price does not include:

Petrol (Your local Payment will cover this) Cross border and Visa fees (Your local Payment will cover this) Domestic and International flights Items of a personal nature All items not mentioned in “Price includes” All meals and drinks other than those specified in “Price includes” All Entrance fees other than those specified in “Price includes” 

Local Payment: Local Payment for Couple: $2 500 Local Payment for Single Person: $1 750

What is the local Payment? After years of travelling through Southern Africa- we found that our clients don’t like hidden costs. Therefore we have tried to make our tours as all-inclusive as possible. We include 90% of the meals, all the accommodation and enough activities and safaris to create life time memories. Unfortunately when you have to deal with 6 or more border crossings- you end up paying a lot of money for cross border fees and visa’s which need to be paid for in cash. In most countries petrol can also only be paid for in cash, so we decided not include the petrol and cross border fees in the tour price. We have found its better for everybody to carry a small amount of money on them, than for our tour guides to carry around suitcases full of cash. This local payment is the cash you should have on hand to cover the costs of the border crossings, visas, petrol and the 4 Dinners and 12 Lunches that we have not included in the tour price.

There is no need to bring the full amount with you on the first day and hand it to the tour guide- you can draw it out of ATM’s and swop money as you go along on the tour. Please note that in Africa Mastercard ois much more widley accepted than Visa Card- so try to bring a Mastercard credit card or debit card with you.

You will get a guide on how much is needed for each country and border crossing and the tour guide will point out atm’s and “Bureau de change” en-route

The F 750 GS is easy to handle and masters even rough terrain admirably.

853cc | 57 kW (77 hp) at 7,500 rpm |

Seat Height: 815mm Low Version: 760mm Low Seat: 790mm


The F 850 GS is ready for everything that may come its way. In particular on alternating terrain, it offers you safety and comfort with a variety of features – and plenty of riding enjoyment.

853cc | 70 kW (95 hp) at 8,250 rpm

Seat Height: 860mm Low Version: 805mm Low Seat: 835mm

Fast curve changes, gravel shooting up, endless tours: With the R 1250 GS, you decide what your adventure will look like. Its continuously optimised technology and extensive equipment will take you safely, dynamically and comfortably over any route.

1254cc |100 kW (136 HP) at 7,750 rpm

Seat Height: 850/870 mm Low Version: 800/820mm Low seat: 820/840mm

The R 1250 GS Adventure is at home in the world. No destination is too far for it, no underground is alien to it. On the road, off-road and back again. Even if you don’t know what terrain to expect along the way, you can rely on your bike down to the smallest detail. With the R 1250 GS Adventure, you can now enjoy long distances even more intensely. Comfortably and safely. Always ready for a few extra miles – and miles with that little extra.

Seat Height: 890/910mm

This tour includes 33 Nights of 3-4 Star Accomodation

Every night you will have your own Private room with an ensuite bathroom. You can choose to share with your partner or another rider on the tour. Otherwise you can select our “Single Supplement” to get your own room throughout the tour.

All Accommodation has been handpicked by Sama Tours- we only use high-standard accommodation in good locations. We love African Lodges, Boutique Hotels and BnB’s, or places that have a good atmosphere, exceptional staff, and all the modern amenities. 

Tour Difficulty


This tour is an “Expedition” and has some challenging aspects. We recommend only doing this tour if you are a seasoned rider. Conditions in Malawi and Tanzania can be rough with lots of traffic, potholes, and livestock on the road. You need to be a confident rider. We recommend being bike-fit as there are some longer days in the saddle (up to 8 hours of Riding) needed to cover over 8,000km Through Africa. However, rest days are scheduled regularly to give the tour a good balance. The border crossings can also be long and frustrating, so patience is key.

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33 day kilimanjaro to cape town.

R 370,420.00

33 Day Tour


33 Days Motorcycle Rental 33 Nights’ Accommodation in 3-4 Star Lodges, hotels or Beach Bungalows 33 Breakfasts, 21 Lunches and 29 Dinners Tour Guide on a Motorcycle Back up vehicle to carry Luggage and a spare motorcycle with Driver Qualified Paramedic Accompanying the group (Minimum of 5 Riders required*) Activities are included as follows:Walking Tour of Stone Town, Zanzibar One way flight from Zanzibar to Arusha Full day Safari into Ngorogoro Crater Tour of Malawian Fishing Village 2 x Safaris in South Luangwa National Park Entrance to Victoria Falls View Site Helicopter Flight Victoria Falls (The Flight of Angels) Safari into Chobe National Park Mokorokoro Safari on Okavango Panhandle Safari into Etosha National Park Quad Biking in Namibian Sand Dunes (Atv) Bushmen Walk Entrance to Fish River Canyon Tour Of Cape Point Peninsula Transfers From Zanzibar International Airport in Zanzibar, Tanzania and to Cape Town International Airport at the end of the tour in South Africa Bottled Water, Tea, coffee and Snacks Detailed Guide Book/Tour App Map of Southern Africa Sama T-shirt

Petrol (Your local Payment will cover this) Cross border and Visa fees (Your local Payment will cover this) Domestic and International flights Items of a personal nature All items not mentioned in “Price includes” All meals and drinks other than those specified in “Price includes” All Entrance fees other than those specified in “Price includes”

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Serengeti & Kilimanjaro

Serengeti & Kilimanjaro

Arusha, Nairobi, Ngorongoro Crater, Victoria

  • Explore Serengeti National Park in depth with two early-morning and two late-afternoon game drives through this spectacular wildlife arena.
  • Take a mind-blowing safari across the floor of the Ngorongoro Crater in an open-roof 4WD for a chance to see the endangered black rhinoceros.
  • See it before you climb it! Not only is Amboseli National Park home to the largest population of African elephants in Kenya it also has exquisite views of Mt Kilimanjaro on clear days.
  • Hike Kilimanjaro's climactic last stretch by lamplight and give yourself as much chance as possible to watch a sunrise over ice fields from behind Africa’s highest peak.
  • We’re an official partner with the Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Project. Hike easier knowing that while our porters are taking care of you, there’s someone looking out for them.

Hiking & Walking, National Parks, Nature & Wildlife, Overland Journeys, Safari, Trekking & Expeditions

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"I've travelled with Intrepid in Vietnam, Morocco, Nepal and Egypt and had a brilliant time every time. The experience is better than most tours as you are in a small group that goes a bit more 'off the beaten track', and you don't get taken to endless shopping opportunites (i.e. a cousin's carpet shop). They also have higher ethics than most travel companies, they contribute to local charities and they avoid animal use (donkeys etc) where possible. The tour leaders we have had have all been wonderful, knowledgable and relaxed, with good english."

Health Safety +

6 Days-Kilimanjaro- the Peak of Africa Machame route

6 Days-Kilimanjaro- the Peak of Africa Machame route

Mt. Kilimanjaro

  • Climb the highest mountain in the World Mount Kilimanjaro
  • Trek via Machame Route

Climbing & Mountaineering, Trekking & Expeditions

"I have been to Tanzania one other time so I am confident in saying that based on my two experiences, Lights on Africa by FAR EXCEEDED my known expectations. Just WOW, from the minute I arrived to the minute I left, well I did not want to leave. Peniel greeted my Group and made us feel so welcomed. The accommodations were SO fantastic, including the food :) but I must say that my Driver; Ray made my trip incredibly memorable. His many years of working in tourism contributed to the wealth of knowledge Ray has for the hidden trails in each park! Not just main roads but what tree is known for lions. Where the likelihood of seeing a Cheetah and where to find them! Ray knows the terrain of each park, has fantastic knowledge of ALL the animals including birds. We were the same 6 people in his Jeep the entire time, we asked a LOT of questions. Every one was answered thoughtfully, and gave us a sense of 'all knowing' and his mechanical ability!!!!! The terrain is oftentimes deep mud, sandy, water, very rugged and touch but Ray knew which way to steer and how to mitigate our ride, not to mention being the AWESOME DRIVER he is, he always (ALWAYS) stopped to help pull another driver out. I cannot say enough kind words or express gratitude to everyone at Lights on Africa, I felt like I was leaving family when the last wave was waved. I can only look forward to a third time to your beautiful country and know who I will be using; LIGHTS ON AFRICA. Thank you, thank you, thank you Kate"

Kilimanjaro Climb Rongai Route

Kilimanjaro Climb Rongai Route

  • Stand on top of a continent for an unforgettable experience
  • Rongai is less crowded than other routes on the mountain
  • Enjoy a carefully paced, six-day trek in remote wilderness
  • An extra acclimatisation day increasing the chances of summit success
  • We use one guide for every two clients

Climbing & Mountaineering, High Adventure, Hiking & Walking

"Friendly and helpful staff were happy to help with all our questions."

Generous cancellation

Off the Beaten Track

Off the Beaten Track

Arusha, Mount Meru, Mt. Kilimanjaro, Rift Valley, Serengeti National Park, Tarangire National Park

  • Classical exploring of Tanzania’s well-known national parks, the Serengeti, Tarangire and Arusha
  • Spend time with the indigenous tribes of the Maasai in the village of Esilalei
  • Discover habits and traditions of the Chagga people at the foot of the Kilimanjaro
  • Enjoy the flexibility of a professional driver/guide with a safari vehicle for yourself

Cultural, National Parks, Nature & Wildlife, Safari

"We were looking for a holiday in September in Tanzania which included a safari, but we also wanted to see more of the country and the people. After checking a few options, we found a program offered by Zama Tours &amp; Safaris which covered game viewing as well as culture, this Bush &amp; People package. The communication with Martina was great and everything was well organized. The safari car as in good condition and Amani, our guide was experienced and very fun to travel with. We saw lots of animals and stayed in nice lodges and tented camps. The visits to the Maasai and Hadza were really interesting and made the trip complete. Afterwards we went to Zanzibar for a few days of relax. Such an exotic place to be! Zama Tours did a great job and I can highly recommend them."

Tanzania Cultural and Wildlife Experience

Tanzania Cultural and Wildlife Experience

Arusha, Ngorongoro Crater, Serengeti National Park, Tarangire National Park

  • Visit Tarangire National Park- Home of Elephants
  • Datoga tribe cultural Tour- Learn how to make tradition weapons
  • Lake Eyasi (Walking tour) around the lake
  • Hadzabe Cultural Tour (Bushmen)- Hunt with bushmen
  • Ngorongoro Crater- One of the wonder of the World

Cultural, Nature & Wildlife

Kilimanjaro: Marangu Route

Kilimanjaro: Marangu Route

Arusha, Nairobi

  • Sleep in mountain huts during your trek and enjoy an included acclimatisation day at Horombo Hut to give you the best chance of reaching the summit.
  • Travelling with experienced guides – the best on the mountain – plus trained porters, you'll be in good hands, with one guide for every two trekkers.
  • Passing through vast grasslands, giant cacti fields and alpine meadows, all against dramatic mountain backdrops, the Marangu Route is popular for good reason.
  • Hike Kilimanjaro's climactic last stretch by lamplight and give yourself as much chance as possible to watch a sunrise over icefields from behind Africa’s highest peak.

Hiking & Walking, Trekking & Expeditions

Kilimanjaro Climb - Lemosho Route

Kilimanjaro Climb - Lemosho Route

  • Reach the top of the largest freestanding mountain in the world, Kilimanjaro
  • Camp above the clouds and enjoy unforgettable views
  • Take in the wild beauty of the Shira Plateau
  • Toast your adventure post-trek in our much-loved coffee plantation hotel

Kilimanjaro: Machame Route

Kilimanjaro: Machame Route

  • Size up mighty Mt Kilimanjaro from the lush tropical surrounds of Marangu, as you prepare to ascend the incredible mountain with the help of an experienced climber.
  • Travel with experienced guides and porters. You'll be in great hands – with one guide for every two passengers – so all you’ll have to worry about is soaking up the scenery and keeping your footing!
  • Kilimanjaro’s changing scenery – magnificent rainforests and high-alpine deserts to ice fields and vast glaciers – is all on display as you tackle the trails to the top of Africa.
  • Catch a dazzling African sunrise from Stella Point on your way to summit Africa's highest mountain peak – definitely a rewarding experience after an early wake-up call!
  • Feel good knowing that you’re supporting an official partner of IMEC’s Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Project (KPAP). This means that all of our climbs have been assessed and scored based on a number of criteria, all of which are designed to ensure the proper treatment of porters.

Best Mt. Kilimanjaro Tours by Duration

Tours, Cruises & Private Trips

Best Mt. Kilimanjaro Tours by Price

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Mt. kilimanjaro reviews & ratings, highly recommended.

I just completed the 7 Days Machame trek with Lappet Faced Safaris and it was absolutely amazing. They went above and beyond to take care of me and everyone in our g...

Tour:   7 Days Mt. Kilimanjaro Climbing Summit – Machame Route

Unfortunately for the first time ever I suffered from altitude sickness with reduced my stamina and caused loss of balance and coordination. However, thanks to the...

Tour:   Kilimanjaro Climb Rongai Route

Kilimanjaro - Go For It with Exodus

Very well organised, everyone very helpful and friendly. Guides brilliant and supportive. 13 out of our Group of 14 made it to the very top ,Uhuru Summit. What a te...

Kilimanjaro Rongai Route 21/09

Second time of climbing Kilimanjaro and it didn't disappoint. Glorious starscapes at night, changing scenery from jungle to lunar landscapes and then the snow encr...

What a hard, rewarding experience... although Kili is not the prettiest of mountains it is certainly a mighty challenge... and withholds its beauty till summit day...

See all Mt. Kilimanjaro reviews

Mt. Kilimanjaro Tour Selection Trips

  • Choose a Mount Kilimanjaro tour that matches your conditioning level. Seven main ways snake to the top, and they vary significantly in difficulty and the overall experience.
  • Keep in mind that the longer the trip up, the more time your body has to adjust to the altitude, which makes it less likely you will suffer from altitude sickness.
  • The five-day Marangu Route is the shortest and easiest, but is also more crowded.
  • Diehards should look for tours offering the tougher, yet more scenic, Machame Route (six to seven days).
  • If you’re concerned about your ability to reach the summit because of age, keep in mind that fitness level and determination are the most important factors.
  • Only about 40 percent of those who set out actually reach the summit. Many decide not to try the final, icy ascent, but still have a wonderful experience.
  • Tour accommodations range from tents to mountain huts to view lodges. Choose an accommodation level that meets your comfort level and budget.
  • Some local, independent tour operators are very reliable and can offer a better value, so those on a tighter budget may want to check out these options.
  • Not all tours include park fees and food in their prices, so check the trip details carefully.
  • Groups vary in size and guide-to-traveler ratio, so search for what you feel comfortable with.

Additional details

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On Travelstride you can find 144 trips to Mt. Kilimanjaro and more than 20,000 trips worldwide ranging from budget to luxury and private guided to group tours and everything in between. Only on Stride can you find and compare expert-planned trips from 1,000+ tour operators, cruise lines and local experts. Read traveler and professional reviews so you can confidently find your perfect trip.

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Everything you need to know about climbing Mount Kilimanjaro

To summit Kilimanjaro is an expedition of a lifetime. Whether you’re a seasoned mountaineer or a first-timer, there are key questions to consider before tackling the Tanzanian peak.

Zebras roam the flats near Mount Kilimanjaro

A sunrise ascent of Tanzania’s Mount Kilimanjaro while taking in panoramic views across the savanna is an unforgettable experience. Soaring upwards from the Tanzania-Kenya border, Kilimanjaro is Africa’s highest mountain at 19,340ft, one of the Seven Summits and the world’s highest standalone mountain. Also known as ‘the Roof of Africa’, the dormant volcano’s sheer scale combines with geological intrigue, natural beauty and a rich human history to attract 30,000-plus climbers annually.

In 1887, Chagga tribe member Yohani Lauwo led an expedition that saw Hans Meyer and Ludwig Purtscheller become the first Europeans to reach the summit. Lauwo lived to age 125 and became known as ‘The Old Man of Mount Kilimanjaro’. Today, his grandson Joshua Mlay follows in his footsteps as a guide for Intrepid Travel. “I keep on practising my grandpa’s legacy, because every time I get up there I feel a sense of belonging,” he says.

The trek ascends through five climate zones — bushland, rainforest, heath, alpine desert and finally an icy arctic landscape. A range of wildlife roams the plains, including leopards and elephants, and you trek to a soundtrack of colobus monkey calls and tropical birdsong. At the summit, peer into craters and an ash pit fringed with the ice cliffs of a glacier.

What levels of fitness and climbing experience do I need?

Kilimanjaro is more of a long, high-altitude trek than a technical climb (you don’t need ropes, ice axes or crampons), so it’s suitable for people with no climbing skills. Having a basic level of fitness will make the experience more enjoyable rather than an arduous test of endurance.

If you’re capable of long walks, a few months of regular walks, runs or hikes will build strength and stamina in your legs — plus confidence in your ability. If you lack basic fitness, a longer period of preparation should get you in sufficient shape.

Joshua recommends consulting with your doctor if you have concerns about your fitness or ability to cope at altitude. “Kilimanjaro is doable, but you need to come with a positive mind and very positive vibes,” he says.

How do I choose a guide and tour operator?

Regulations state that climbers must ascend with a local guide. This means any expedition operator based outside of Tanzania will run its tours in collaboration with companies on the ground, contributing to the local economy.

With so many options, it’s important to do your research when considering expedition outfitters. “Make sure the tour operator is licensed by the Kilimanjaro National Park and registered with the Tanzania Association of Tour Operators,” Jon Gupta, of Mountain Expeditions, advises.

Don’t be tempted by the cheapest prices — these can indicate scrimping and saving by any combination of rushing the climb, using poor-quality equipment or forgoing critical items and/or paying unfair wages to porters and staff. Reading online reviews can help to gauge standards.

What are the travel, accommodation and catering logistics?

Numerous airlines fly to Kilimanjaro International Airport. The route you choose will determine your starting point, but many climbers make their way by minibus or taxi to Moshi or Arusha, gateway towns to Kilimanjaro National Park.

During the trek, you’ll sleep in huts or tents provided by the outfitter and carried by porters between camps. Cooks prepare carb-heavy, energy-rich and easily digestible meals, plus local delicacies such as mandazi (African doughnuts), all washed down with stomach-settling ginger tea.

Africa’s highest points are pointed out on mount kilimanjaro with wooden hand-painted signs

How much does a guided expedition cost?

A longer climb will be more expensive, but it’s important to weigh the risks of struggling at altitude or failing to summit on a rushed climb versus the extra money spent on taking it slow and increasing your chances of reaching the top.

The dry seasons are the optimum time to climb, running from January to March and from June to October. “These months offer the best chances of clear skies and dry conditions, which can make the climb easier and more enjoyable,” Jon says.

But don’t underestimate the temperature variation, both as you ascend and over the course of the day. At the base, temperatures can reach up to 30C, while at the summit, they can drop to as low as -20C at night. “The temperature drops by around 6C for every 1,000 metres of altitude gain,” he adds.

Which route should I climb?

There’s a network of seven official routes up Kilimanjaro, with some link-up combinations. “It’s difficult to pinpoint the best route for climbing Kilimanjaro as it depends on individual preferences and fitness levels,” Jon says.

Routes vary in length, steepness, popularity and scenic variety. Your tour operator can advise on which of their routes fit both your ability (for example, a more gradual climb) and expectations (the best views versus quieter paths). The Marangu route is the busiest. It’s the only route with huts and is easily accessible from Moshi with one of the shortest climbs. It can be done over five days, but the lack of time to acclimatise impacts its success rate and the descent retraces the ascent route, which limits views and causes two-way traffic.

A longer choice is the Machame route, enabling slower acclimatisation, while the even longer Lemosho is quieter and has the best views. Both have high success rates. The moderate, remote Rongai route is the only one to ascend from the north and offers good monkey-spotting opportunities. For experienced climbers, the Umbwe is the shortest and steepest.

How many days should I plan for my trip?

Most teams summit and descend in around five to nine days. The climb is best done in ‘pole pole’ style, meaning ‘slowly’ in Swahili. “Create your own rhythm and go at a consistent pace from day one so that by the time the steepness increases, you can handle it,” Joshua says.

Having more days in hand to climb maximises your chances of summiting. “You’ll have plenty of time to acclimatise plus the opportunity to climb higher and sleep low,” he explains. The descent is usually split over two days.

Additional activities in the area include visiting caves and waterfalls in the national park, touring banana and coffee plantations, or going on a safari.

A group of Maasai tribe members walking in rural africa with their backs facing the camera, wearing wide red scarves draped around their necks

What equipment do I need?

A good operator should provide you with a kit list and hire options. Since the routes pass through five climate zones, you’ll start in the humid rainforest and summit in a windy arctic landscape. Bring plenty of layers so you can stay warm and dry at each stage. Start with breathable base layers and build warmth with a fleece and insulated jacket. Pack waterproofs, too, and thermal layers for night-time. Other essentials include comfy shoes, a cap for protection, sunscreen and a warm hat and gloves.

Key equipment includes trekking poles, a head torch and an insulated sleeping bag. Also take a rucksack with at least a 30-litre capacity and an in-built hydration system. Pack luxury items to make your climb as comfortable as possible (snacks, eye mask, inflatable pillow, etc.)

What are the main risks?

Altitude sickness (AMS) is the main risk and is the leading cause of death on the mountain. At altitudes above 2,500 metres, the oxygen thins out, resulting in symptoms from headaches, dehydration, nausea and poor appetite to more serious and potentially fatal pulmonary or cerebral oedemas.

AMS can be mitigated by acclimatising properly, taking it slow, keeping hydrated and climbing with accredited, first-aid-trained guides who can spot symptoms developing and respond promptly with bottled oxygen, as well as descend with the casualty if necessary. Responsible operators will also perform daily heart rate and pulse oximeter checks.

The climb can also be tough psychologically, especially since high altitude impairs sleep quality. To keep spirits up, guides often teach the song Jambo Bwana, which means ‘hello, sir’ in Swahili. “It’s a motivational theme tune,” Joshua says.

What ethical considerations should I be aware of?

A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Kilimanjaro is sacred to the local Chagga people, revered as a source of life and fertility.

Respect the local people and environment. Check the sustainability credentials of tour operators. Follow the ‘leave no trace’ principle: don’t litter, use the camp toilets where possible and keep to marked paths. Single-use plastic is banned in the national park, so pack a reusable bottle or hydration system. Weigh-ins ensure that porters are not overloaded and rubbish is also weighed to deter littering.

Climate change is causing Kilimanjaro’s summit glacier to vanish. Deforestation has exacerbated its effects, leading to warm, dry air blowing up the slopes. In an effort to offset your carbon travel footprint, consider donating to a local tree-planting organisation to help cool the air through the evaporation processes and shade provided by forests.

At the summit, don’t touch the remaining ice cliffs. “Poor guides allow clients to climb the delicate, fragile glacier and it causes them to collapse,” Joshua says.

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Explore Tanzania like never before with us!

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We are a locally-owned tour and travel company

We are a tourism company created by two friends with East African roots. Growing up and living here has given us the great priviledge of experiencing all that Tanzania has to offer. From walking safaris, hot air balloon rides at the Serengeti, camping in Ngorongoro, to cultural tours – we are sorrounded by so much beauty and we look forward to sharing our piece of the world with you.

Amazing tours and fun adventures waiting for you

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6-Day Safari: Serengeti Wildebeest Migration

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6-Day Safari: Tarangire National Park, Lake Manyara National Park, Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro Conservation Area

4-day safari: mkomazi national park, lake chala and the usambara mountains.

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3-Day Safari: Ndutu (during calving season, December to March)

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3-Day Safari: Tarangire National Park, Lake Manyara National Park and Ngorongoro Conservation Area

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3-Day Safari: Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro Conservation Area

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Ngorongoro Crater

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Maasai Cultural Tour in Arusha

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Materuni Waterfalls Hike & Coffee Tour at the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro

Life is a safari, let’s conquer it together.

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Northern Tanzania

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  • Kilimanjaro Trekking & Zanzibar Beach Packages

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Kilimanjaro and Zanzibar Combo Packages

8-Day Kilimanjarao Trekking & Zanzibar Beach Holiday

8-Day Kilimanjarao Trekking & Zanzibar Beach Holiday

$2,496 pp (USD)

Tanzania: Private tour Budget Mountain Hut & Lodge

You Visit: Arusha (Start) , Marangu Gate (Mt Kilimanjaro) , Mt Kilimanjaro, Zanzibar Stone Town (Zanzibar) , Zanzibar (End)

Colours Africa Tours and Safaris   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

5.0 /5  –  160 Reviews

11-Day Tanzania Safari|Kilimanjaro Trek|Zanzibar Beach

11-Day Tanzania Safari|Kilimanjaro Trek|Zanzibar Beach

$4,122 pp (USD)

Tanzania: Private tour Mid-range Camping & Lodge

You Visit: Arusha (Start) , Tarangire NP, Ngorongoro Crater, Mt Kilimanjaro, Zanzibar (End)

Sercar Serengeti Wildlife Excursion Safaris   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

5.0 /5  –  23 Reviews

9-Day Climb Kilimanjaro Machame Zanzibar and Flights

9-Day Climb Kilimanjaro Machame Zanzibar and Flights

$2,926 pp (USD)

Tanzania: Private tour Budget Camping & Hotel

You Visit: Zanzibar (Start) , Foothills of Mt Kilimanjaro, Mt Kilimanjaro, Uhuru Peak (Mt Kilimanjaro) , Mweka Gate (Mt Kilimanjaro) , Zanzibar (End)

Tour Operators Offering Custom Tours

African big cats safaris, lion king adventures, serengeti smile.

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He Memorized the World With Google Maps. Now He’s Exploring It.

Few people are better than Trevor Rainbolt at identifying obscure locations online — but there’s even more joy in watching him visit them IRL.

A photo illustration of Trevor Rainbolt, collaged with a pin and coordinates.

By Tomas Weber

Back in 2021, a 22-year-old from Arkansas named Trevor Rainbolt shuttered himself in his Los Angeles apartment to memorize the world. For months, he spent his time studying Google Street View from his desk chair. Delivery drivers handed over his meals; a barber came to style his hair. After a while, his memory grew planetary. When you see cabbage-like plants thriving along the sides of a Russian country road, he learned, you’re most likely looking at Sakhalin Island. On a bridge lined with pea-green pavement? You’re above a river in Indonesia’s Central Kalimantan province. If your vista, but for the sweep of golden grasslands , screams South Africa, you’ll be in Eswatini.

Rainbolt’s growing topographical erudition was in the service of winning at an online game called GeoGuessr. The game presents the player with a randomly selected image of a stretch of road on Google Street View; at the top of the screen is a timer, and at the bottom is a world map. The aim is to use signs, infrastructure, vegetation and any other distinctive elements to locate the images as swiftly as possible on the map. Rainbolt is the game’s most famous player and a legend in the community. His millions of online followers scroll through videos in which he sits at his desk, pallid and poker-faced, intuiting the location of some remote lane in a blink.

He recognizes the precise rusty hue of Beninese soil. He can sense when grass is Mongolian . His astonishing skill extends beyond the game, too. He geolocates old family photos sent in by his fans, and when a TikTok influencer tried to gatekeep the source of New York’s “best” bagels (“you’ll never taste this goodness”), Rainbolt used subtle visual details to identify the restaurant. ( It was Bagel Market. ) His ability is uncanny, even unsettling, and he performs it with the shtick of an evil genius. “Nice,” goes his deadpan catchphrase, mumbled when he lands on or near his target. “We’ll take that.”

Rainbolt knows nearly nothing about lands beyond Street View’s reach. Up until a year and a half ago, he owned no functional passport and had never left North America. Late in 2022, though — after an evening spent, as usual, on GeoGuessr — he felt an unfamiliar pull. He imagined himself strolling the exotic roads he had memorized on his screen. He thought about glimpsing distinctive bollards I.R.L., seeing the world’s telltale street lamps in 3-D fullness. He had a yearning to view streets.

So Rainbolt sold his possessions, gave up his apartment and decided to live off earnings from his GeoGuessr content. He applied for an expedited passport; the day after it arrived, he purchased a flight to Germany. Back then, the country’s most recent Street View images were from 2009, and he was curious how the streetscapes might have changed. “Germany got an update,” he thought, after he landed. When we spoke over a video call last month, I asked what it felt like to “discover” a place he had already taxonomized in his head: Did memorizing Street View spoil travel? It was true, he told me, that walking around reminded him of playing the game. “You feel oddly familiar with a lot of the world,” he said — “like you’ve been there before.”

After a month in Germany, Rainbolt headed for sunnier climes. Open to him were around 100 nations with coverage; he prefers to go to places that are on Street View, he said. For a year, he spent each month in a different country. In Laos, he paid a driver to ferry him to his favorite road: a rural track, skirted by limestone hills, that chases the twisting Nam Lik River southwest of Vang Vieng. He arrived during the dry season. The view was greener and more vivid in the images he had seen — but it was still beautiful, and his tears were of delight .

On his travels, Rainbolt continued his daily GeoGuessr videos. But he also began posting more videos in which he wandered around the material world. “Wow,” he said in one video , hiking along the coast of the Portuguese island Madeira — “this is, like, real.” Afterward, he went to a bar and filmed himself playing GeoGuessr on his phone. The swing between these types of content was surreal enough to confuse some viewers. “What’s going on?” an X user asked in response to a video about the trip to the Laotian road. “You look like you’re lost in the middle of a desert, bro.”

It turns out that touching Thai grass for the first time is infinitely more thrilling if you’ve obsessed over its texture and hue on your computer.

When I first encountered Rainbolt’s GeoGuessr videos, it was his erudition that intrigued me. He is conversant with the regional bus-stop signs of Sweden . He knows that the only place in Finland where the outer road lines are dashed is an archipelago called the Aland Islands. He knows that wooden houses on stilts suggest Acre, Brazil, and that an image-processing glitch has, on Street View, opened a rift in the skies above northern Montenegro. Rainbolt knows the world in a strange new way, like a Marco Polo who has seen only what you can spy from the roadside.

Then I started watching his more recent content. His real-world vlogs can be clumsy, but they are every bit as engrossing as his virtuosic geolocations. Maybe it’s just the faint dystopia of it all: Rainbolt is a man whose experience of moving about the world is destined to be that it reminds him of Google Street View. There is a very short story by Jorge Luis Borges, “On Exactitude in Science,” about a life-size, one-to-one scale map, laid out over the territory it represents — an absurdist response to the fantasy of exhaustive knowledge. But that is precisely the kind of cartographic perfection to which Google aspires and which Rainbolt has devoted himself to internalizing: a map so big it can crowd out the world it models.

This could have made Rainbolt a guy who lives inside an everything map, doomed to discern reality through a vapor of data. But as I watched him flinging a basketball toward a hoop on a Portuguese court he first got to know on Street View, I realized there was another reason I didn’t want to stop watching: The map seemed to have heightened Rainbolt’s attention to reality, nurturing his love of the world.

Rainbolt’s most banal moments are now served with little tinctures of epiphany and recognition. It turns out that touching Thai grass for the first time is infinitely more thrilling if you’ve obsessed over its texture and hue on your computer: It’s the excitement of a face-to-face meeting with a longtime correspondent, a first date with an old crush. Rainbolt has used the internet’s cartography to turn up the world’s intensity, fusing the virtual with the real to make both more pleasurable. “Depression can’t be real if there’s mountains,” he said last July, in a video announcing that he would soon be summiting Mount Kilimanjaro. His route: a trail that a Google Street View camera ascended 10 years earlier.

On Rainbolt’s first full day outside North America, a blue car with a camera on its roof drove past him as he stepped outside to pick up lunch in Germany. The vehicle was crawling through town, gathering new data for Street View.

Open, if you’d like, Google Maps, and find Hochstrasse, a street in Ratingen. Activate Street View outside the Hotel Bergischer Hof. You can see Rainbolt on the sidewalk in a green hoodie , swinging a plastic bag of doner kebab. Click up the street. He is sprinting after the car now, hurling himself across an unmistakably German pedestrian crossing, sliding into the frame’s edge. Miraculously, unlike the faces of everybody else in the image, Rainbolt’s is not blurred out. His eyes are fixed on the camera. It was, he told me, an intense moment. What, he wondered, could possibly be a better experience?

Tomas Weber is a writer who lives in London. He has written for publications including Wired, FT Magazine, Scientific American and The Economist’s 1843 magazine.

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