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30 Healthy(ish) Road Trip Snacks To Bring on Your Next Adventure

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We share our favorite road trip snacks (and which types of snacks you should definitely avoid!) 

A box full of road trip snacks

We lived on the road for over two years, and we also run a camp cooking blog. So we feel uniquely qualified to share our thoughts on what foods make great road trip snacks. We have given this topic A LOT of thought. 

We’ve learned a lot over the thousands of miles we’ve travelled and countless hangry meltdowns we’ve had, and we’re excited to share our best road trip snack recommendations with you. 

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We feel snacks are an essential part of any long distance road trip . And we never leave home without them! 

Sometimes you need a little energy boost, sometimes you need to stabilize your blood sugar, and sometimes you need to munch on something just to stay alert and keep blood flowing to your brain.

Snacks can also dramatically improve the overall road trip experience. They turn an otherwise monotonous process into a moveable feast. 

Below we share our thoughts on what snacks you should bring on your next road trip (and which snacks you shouldn’t). 

What snacks should you bring on a road trip?

This will largely depend on your personal taste, but the general rule is that road trip food should be easy to access and easy to consume. They should keep your body fueled, your blood sugar stable, and your mind alert. Keep reading for some of our favorite suggestions!

While there are lots of foods that are great for long road trips, there are few food categories you will absolutely want to avoid. 

Here are some of the worst foods for a long road trip: 

  • Food that creates lots of crumbs or waste (e.x. crackers, pistachios) 
  • Powdery foods (e.x. Cheetos)  
  • Greasy or oily foods (e.x. olives) 
  • Foods with strong smells (e.x. some soft cheeses, bananas) 
  • Foods that can spoil on a dime (e.x. avocados) 
  • Food in excessive packaging

Eating While Driving 

Snacking while driving can be done safely if you have taken the time to properly set up your cab area beforehand. Food should be within easy reach and not require you to take your eyes off the road. 

When driving with another person, delegate as much as possible so you can stay focused on the road. For example, asking them to grab a snack, unwrap it (if necessary), and hand it to you.  

While eating on the road is possible, whenever possible, we highly recommend stopping at roadside rest stops. Taking a 10-15 minute break to eat, go to the bathroom, stretch, and readjust your setup is sooo worth it. 

We know the urge to press on is strong, but taking a few small breaks can improve everyone’s mood. 

The Best Road Trip Snacks 

These are some of our favorite road-tripping snacks. We’ve personally consumed every item listed below at some point or another and can attest to their roadworthiness and superior snackability. 

Greenbelly Meals

Greenbelly Meal Bars

Taking a page from hikers & backpackers, these Greenbelly meal bars contain 650 calories per serving, which is as much as a complete meal. While we don’t recommend skipping meals on the road, if you need to, one of these could be a good option.

Vegan Bars

Energy Bars

There are a million kinds of energy bars, so our advice is to go for variety. Just stay away from those super crumbly ones like Nature Valley. Here are some of our favorite brands: Bobo , RX Bars , GoMacro , Lara Bar , Dang , Aloha , and 88 Acres Seed Bars .

Munkpack Cookies

Energy Cookies 

If you prefer your energy bars in a circular form, then perhaps you would be interested in the growing energy cookie sector. (This is just a way to stand out from the 8 billion energy bar brands!) Nevertheless, we are fans of MunkPack Cookies and Lenny & Larry Cookies

Fig newton product image

Fig Newtons

Fig Newtons are by far our preferred road trip cookies. They’re soft, don’t generate crumbs, and are absolutely delicious. 

Yum butter product image

Nut Butter Packets

Yum Butter nut butter packets make them super easy to eat while on the road. Sometimes we eat it straight from the packet, but it would also be good with sliced apples or bread if you’re taking a break at a rest stop. This resealable squeeze packet means you don’t have to dirty a knife or spoon to scoop it out of a jar.

Rye chip bag product image

Roasted Rye Chips 

Rye chips are our go-to gas station pick up. They are fairly robust and don’t generate crumbs like other chips. When compared to the other deep-fried options in the chip aisle, this is on the healthy-ish-er* side of the spectrum. 

*Healthy, only by comparison to other very unhealthy options. 

Good Crisp Co product image

The Good Crisp Co. 

While these potato chips violate our no-crumb rule, these Good Crisp Co. chips are just too good to leave out. These are basically a healthier version of Pringles and feature the same cylinder, which protects the crips from getting crushed. 

Chocolate covered espresso bean product image

Chocolate Covered Espresso beans

These are a great little caffeine and sugar burst all at once. We like to reserve these guys for the end of our trip when we’re likely at our most fatigued. 

Yogurt covered raisins product image

Yogurt Covered Raisins

These are a real treat and can easily be picked up at a bulk bin in most grocery stores. If you are able to keep these chilled in a cooler, we highly suggest it! 

Peanut butter pretzel bites product image

Peanut Butter Filled Pretzels 

We love these things. We often pick them up from Trader Joe’s and Quinn’s makes a gluten-free version you can find on on Thrive Market . We find that the bags tend to split down the middle, so we like to repack these into a sealable container or a big ReZip bag . These also make great hiking snacks !

Apples oranges and grapes

Fresh no-peel fruit 

Grapes are great for road trips because they don’t need to be peeled and don’t have cores. Apples and pears are also good options. Oranges, clementines, and tangerines will hold well in a sealed container if you peel and segment them ahead of time.

*Do not throw fruit cores (or anything else for that matter) out the window. Just because something is biodegradable doesn’t mean it will decompose sitting on the shoulder of the freeway. It just attracts wildlife, which leads to more roadkill and more accidents. 

Cucumbers carrots and cherry tomatoes

Fresh Vegetables

Fresh vegetables are one of the healthiest road trip snack options out there. Baby carrots, sliced cucumbers, celery sticks, cherry tomatoes are all super healthy and easy to eat while driving.

Veggie chips product image

Veggie Chips 

Veggie chips are another snack we often pick up at the bulk bin or from . These are the perfect “bored/hungry” snack and don’t need to be refrigerated.

Plantain chips product image

Plantain Chips

Healthier than potato chips, less pungent than a fresh banana, plantain chips are slightly sweet, salty, and crunchy—which checks a lot of boxes!

Bag of trail mix

Opt for trail mix with large pieces. You don’t want to deal with a handful of finely chopped nuts and tiny seeds. They’re just going to get all over the car. The bigger the pieces, the better. 

Cashews and almonds

We prefer cashews or almonds when driving. They are big enough to easily handle and don’t need to be shucked. Peanuts are just a little too small for us and pistachios and sunflower seeds are the worst.

Whisps packaging


Hard cheese that doesn’t need refrigeration is a great option. We also LOVE the Trader Joe’s Baked Cheese Bites as well as Parmesan or Cheddar Whisps (the latter are a bit less sturdy though).

Epic bar product image

Jerky And Meat Bars

Unlike a lot of the carb-heavy options on the list, Jerky and meat bars have some serious sticking power. We are big fans of Epic Provisions, Wild Zora, and other meat products that don’t have a ton of additives (looking at you Slim) 

Gin Gins package

If you or your road trip buddies tend to feel a little queasy on those winding roads, ginger is a natural way to settle your stomach without causing drowsiness like over-the-counter meds can. We like to keep a bag of Gin Gins ginger chews in our snack bin for this reason.

Pur gum package

Need help staying alert while driving? In addition to the usual caffeinated remedies, there has been a lot of scientific evidence that suggests that the act of chewing gum can help focus and alertness.

Masticating (the act of chewing) increases blood flow to your head and helps increase cognitive ability and focus. So if you often get drowsy when driving, consider picking up a pack of gum . 

Best Road Trip Drinks 

This is where having a small soft sided cooler really comes in handy. After a couple of hundred miles, a cold drink can really make a big difference to revive you. 

Spindrift can

Sparkling water/seltzer

Take it from us, it’s really easy to get dehydrated on long drives. So be sure to drink water along the way. There’s a world of sparkling water out there, but our favorite brand is Spindrift ! 

Rise coffee can

Iced coffee

A can of iced coffee or even nitro cold brew coffee can be a great pick-me-up to carry you through that final stretch. 

Humm kombucha can

Another lightly carbonated, non-alcoholic option, kombucha is another one of our favorite drinks on the road.

Best Road Trip Snacks For Kids 

If you’re road tripping with kids, having a strong snack game is an absolute must! Some enticing snacks may not prevent a meltdown entirely, but it can buy you some time. 

However, unlike snack time at home, the kids will be strapped in the backseat. So whatever snacks you choose, they’ll have to be able to deal with themselves.

Carrots snap peas and bell pepper

Sliced vegetables 

Cut slices of bell pepper, carrot, celery, or snap peas are a great snack option for kids since they are healthy and don’t have the potential to become a mess or leave crumbs everywhere.

Fresh fruit

Likewise, fruit that has been pre-sliced makes a great snack for kids. Choose fruit that isn’t overly juicy or soft. Apples, pre-peeled oranges, and grapes (for older kids) are good places to start. 

To keep apples from browning, try soaking them in a water & lemon juice bath for a few minutes before packing them.

String cheese

String cheese

Kids love these and they’re a great way to add some protein into their diet. Ideally, these should be chilled in a cooler or insulated lunch bag.

Clif mini energy bar

Kid-sized energy bars

If the kids see mom or dad partaking in an energy bar, you can bet they’re going to want one too! These “kid-sized” bars are a great way to include them, without having to split your own bar!  Clif Minis and Lara Bar minis are a good place to start.

Annies snack mix

Annie’s Snack Mix

You’ll probably be cleaning these out from between the car seat cushions, but this is just such a popular snack – particularly if your kids like salty & crunchy things. For toddlers, pair this type of snack with a snack-catching cup, like this one by Munchkin .

Annies bunny graham crackers

Annie’s Bunny Grahams: 

Annie’s Bunny Grahams are usually a crowd favorite! Since they are bite-sized graham crackers, there won’t as many crumbs left behind as there would with full-sized graham crackers.

Mini peanut butter crackers bag

Mini Peanut Butter Sandwiches

Bite-sized mini peanut butter sandwiches are perfect for little hands. They are a nice balance of carbs, protein, and fats to help satiate your backseat companions.

Fruit tape box

Organic Fruit Tape

Ok, fruit rolls might not make it to the top of every parent’s “Healthy Road Trip Snacks” list, but they are just so nostalgic for us! 

This version is organic and made from real fruit and not much else, so it’s gotta be healthier than whatever we were eating in the 90’s, right?

These can also be used (leveraged?) as a reward or perhaps as a last resort if things start to really go sideways.

Helpful Snacking Items

You don’t need much, but there are a few pieces of gear that we find to be very useful on long haul trips. 

Soft-Sided Cooler : Generally speaking, you should select road trip snacks that don’t need refrigeration. But having a way to keep some items cold can be very helpful—particularly fresh fruits & veggies. 

Mini Trash Can / Large Sealable Container : We like to keep a mini trash can or sealable container nearby to help us keep the front cab area clean and tidy. Don’t let this be you . A clean, uncluttered car can really improve your overall driving experience. 

Insulated cup with lid : An insulated cup with a lid can keep your morning coffee hot or your afternoon kombucha cold for hours. It can really extend the enjoyability range of your beverage.  It’s also reusable, so your car doesn’t fill up with paper coffee cups.  

ReZip Bags : Ditch the single-use baggie, and consider using these reusable zip bags instead. They are great for sliced fruit and veggies, bulk bin items, or pre-portion out serving for kids. 

Wet Wipes : Sticky, greasy fingers are the worst. Having some easily accessible wet wipes handy is a great idea. 

Megan & Michael are the creators of Fresh Off The Grid, a blog dedicated to helping you fuel your adventures by sharing camp cooking recipes, backpacking meals, and outdoor travel guides. Their recipes and outdoor cooking expertise have been featured in Backpacker Magazine, Outside, REI Co-Op Journal, Food & Wine, and New York Times Cooking.

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I love pistachios. I buy a big, shelled bag at Costco for road trips. And no shells!

Oh, smart! I love pistachios, too, but always find the shells to be a hassle. Good to know you can pick them up pre-shelled!

I really enjoy reading all your tips and tricks from your various trips. They are all SO helpful and well communicated. Keep ‘em coming!!

I’m so glad to hear that! Thanks, Danielle 🙂

I love you guys! Such good ideas and great information. I’ll be looking into an Oregon trip for sure!

25 Best Road Trip Snacks That’ll Fuel the Family

They're sweet, salty, healthy, and everything in between!

road trip snacks

Every item on this page was chosen by a The Pioneer Woman editor. We may earn commission on some of the items you choose to buy.

It's been years since the entire Drummond clan took a proper family road trip, but Ree took the kids on lots of by-car adventures when they were younger, especially as part of homeschooling lessons. Ree got the kids in the car bright and early to avoid traffic, and would always make sure to pack a Thermos of hot coffee. "Mornings are my favorite part of the day to be on the road," she says. "Most people are just waking up, the roads are significantly less populated…coffee tastes better."

No matter where you're traveling this year, these road trip snacks will fuel you and your family through even the longest drives. Have a safe trip!

Country Archer Beef and Turkey Jerky Variety Pack

Country Archer Beef and Turkey Jerky Variety Pack

Ditch the carby snacks and opt for beef or turkey jerky when you're craving some protein. This variety pack comes with six different flavors and is big enough to share!

That's it. Fruit Bars Variety Pack

That's it. Fruit Bars Variety Pack

For a satisfying chew without the added sugars, try fruit bars. They're healthier than candies and gummies but still bursting with fruit flavor for when you want something sweet.

Combos Pizzeria Baked Pretzel Snacks

Combos Pizzeria Baked Pretzel Snacks

You'll find these filled snacks in the chip aisle at most gas stations. They're low-crumb and delicious.

YumEarth Organic Gummy Bears

YumEarth Organic Gummy Bears

Who said gummy bears are just for kids? These gluten-free gummies are great for the whole family—and they taste delicious, too!

Kar's Sweet 'n Salty Trail Mix

Kar's Sweet 'n Salty Trail Mix

Is the highway kind of like a trail for cars? Either way, this sweet and salty trail mix will satisfy your hunger on long trips.

Angie's BOOMCHICKAPOP Sweet and Salty Kettle Corn

Angie's BOOMCHICKAPOP Sweet and Salty Kettle Corn

For the ultimate sweet and salty snack, try this kettle corn. It's made with 100% whole grains and is gluten free and non-GMO, so it's a snack you can feel good about!

JUSTIN'S Classic Gluten-Free Almond Butter Squeeze Packs

JUSTIN'S Classic Gluten-Free Almond Butter Squeeze Packs

Whether you're spreading it onto another snack like an apple (without any mess!) or enjoying it on its own, an almond butter squeeze pack is a great on-the-go snack.

CLIF BARS - Mini Energy Bar Variety Pack

CLIF BARS - Mini Energy Bar Variety Pack

These miniature energy bars are perfect for giving you a little boost when you're on the last leg of your trip. Buy this variety pack to find your favorite flavor.

Newtons Soft & Chewy Cookies Variety Pack

Newtons Soft & Chewy Cookies Variety Pack

Satisfy your sweet tooth and skip the crumbs with a few Fig Newtons. This variety pack comes with fig and strawberry cookies.

Goldfish Crackers Big Smiles Variety Pack

Goldfish Crackers Big Smiles Variety Pack

Goldfish are always a crowd-pleaser. Get the variety pack so everyone in the crew can enjoy their favorite flavor!

Happy Bites 3 Flavor Covered Coffee Beans

Happy Bites 3 Flavor Covered Coffee Beans

When you need a little caffeine but can't stop for coffee, reach for these chocolate-covered coffee beans. Just be sure to keep them away from the kids. 😂

Garden Veggie Straws

Garden Veggie Straws

The whole family can enjoy this snack, from toddlers to teens to adults. Try a fun flavor like Zesty Ranch to mix things up.

Organic Roasted Seaweed Sheets

Organic Roasted Seaweed Sheets

Get your greens on the go with these roasted seaweed snacks. They're kid and parent-approved!

Dried Mango Slices

Dried Mango Slices

Traveling with fresh fruit can be tricky—it's so frustrating to reach for a banana, only to find it smushed at the bottom of a bag. Plus, what do you do with that pesky peel when you're on the road? We recommend packing dried fruit for no-fuss snacking.

Fritos Scoops! Corn Snacks

Fritos Scoops! Corn Snacks

Satisfy a salty craving with some simple corn chips. There's a reason they've stayed popular for more than 80 years. And if you're looking to dip, Scoops! will help you avoid a mess.

Honey Nut Cheerios

Honey Nut Cheerios

Cereal is delicious even without milk. Fill a baggie with your favorite kind for a great on-the-go snack.

CraveBox Care Package

CraveBox Care Package

If you're heading on a cross-country road trip, one or two kinds of snacks might not cut it. So buy a wide variety instead! This CraveBox comes with a mix of 45 different salty and sweet snacks.

Snyder's of Hanover Pretzels

Snyder's of Hanover Pretzels

Skip the plain salty pretzels that just leave you feeling parched. These twists are seasoned with a buttery blend of spices including onion, garlic, and pepper.

Glico Chocolate Pocky Sticks

Glico Chocolate Pocky Sticks

Why choose between sweet and savory when you can have both in the form of chocolate Pocky sticks? They're easy to eat with one hand, too!

Harvest Snaps Green Pea Snack Crisps

Harvest Snaps Green Pea Snack Crisps

These dried snap peas are a healthier alternative to potato chips. We promise they're just as addictive!

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Tasty Road Trip Snacks That Are Actually Good for You

Here’s the skinny on what snacks to pack ahead of time and what to look for on the road..

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Tasty Road Trip Snacks That Are Actually Good for You

Hit the road fully stocked with snacks that you won’t regret a few hundred miles down the highway.

Photo by Dino Reichmuth/unsplash

We’ve all had that moment at a gas station in the middle of nowhere: You’re several hours into the drive, the next rest stop is 50 miles away, and the only edible thing left in the car is half a pack of chewing gum. Faced with aisles full of candy bars, chips, trail mix, beef jerky, and energy drinks, what do you do?

It’s not a trick question—you can have your road trip snacks and feel good about your choices, too. Outlined below are the major food groups that will nourish your body, along with the best healthy road trip snacks to seek en route to your destination and which foods to pack before you hit the road.

What to Look for in a Healthy Road Trip Snack

Whether you’re staring down a gas station snack aisle or figuring out what to pack from home, here are four categories of healthy road trip snacks to look for:

  • Protein: Protein isn’t just essential for body builders; your body needs it to keep all your organs running properly. High-protein snacks like eggs or nut butter will keep you fueled up and full for long stretches of driving.
  • Healthy fats : Yes, there’s such a thing as fat that’s good for you . Polyunsaturated fats are required for basic bodily functions such as muscle movement, and because our bodies don’t naturally produce these specific fats, we need to ingest them through food.
  • Fruits and vegetables : They contain vitamins and minerals that help form red blood cells, reduce cholesterol, and promote healthy bowel function.
  • Complex carbohydrates : A major difference between simple and complex carbs is how quickly they’re digested. Complex carbohydrates take longer to digest and contain more fiber; both factors keep you feeling full longer.

Goodfish salmon skin crisps are a sustainable, protein-rich alternative to potato chips.

Goodfish salmon skin crisps are a sustainable, protein-rich alternative to potato chips.

Courtesy of Goodfish

1. Salmon skin chips

Buy now : Goodfish starter pack, $25 for 8 bags,

If you’re an umami fan, Goodfish is about to become your go-to chip replacement. Packed with protein and omega-3 unsaturated fats, the paleo- and keto-friendly crisps are upcycled from Wild Alaskan Sockeye salmon skins that would otherwise go to waste.

2. Dry-roasted edamame or chickpeas

Buy now : Biena Sea Salt Chickpeas, $13 for four,

Put down the Cheetos and reach instead for these salty finger foods. Legumes are high in protein and iron but low on carbs, making them a nutritious alternative to pretzels and other crunchy snacks.

3. Nut butter

Buy now : Justin’s nut butter; $10 for 10,

Justin’s , Rx , and a number of other brands sell single-serving nut butter packets that nip munchies in the bud. For the full PB&J nostalgia experience with none of the additives, check out Split Nutrition squeeze packets, which combines a variety of preservative-free nut butters and fruit spreads to delicious ends. Embrace your inner first grader with peanut butter and grape jelly, or try the cashew butter with sour cherry spread.

4. String cheese

Mozzarella’s most snackable format is a good source of protein to keep hunger at bay. But don’t go overboard, cheese lovers—each serving contains almost as many grams of fat as protein, which adds up quickly when you’re sitting for long periods of time.

5. Hard-boiled eggs, greek yogurt, or pouches of tuna

Buy now : Itsumo all natural tuna packs, $25 for 5, ; Chobani greek yogurt, $1 for 1,

You may not care as much if you’re driving solo, but if you’re making the trip with other passengers, they may have unfavorable opinions about hard-boiled eggs, Greek yogurt, and pouches of tuna. All three of these foods are rich in protein and healthy fats, but they don’t smell the best, especially in tight quarters.

6. Nuts and seeds

Buy now : Wonderful salt and pepper pistachios, $4,

Pistachios and walnuts are especially good finds as they’re low in calories and carbs, high in fiber and protein. Regardless of your chosen nut, look for options that are unsalted and free of additional flavors (like cheddar, ranch, and barbecue) that will decrease the nutritional value.

Buy now : New Primal Sea Salt Beef Thins, $40 for 8, or

Again, go for the pure stuff when possible—no Slim Jims or teriyaki flavoring. Look for brands such as the New Primal , which is low in sodium and sugar, made from grass-fed beef, and free of monosodium glutamate (MSG).

Buy now : Sabra Classic Hummus Snacker, $3,

As vegetarians and vegans know, hummus is an excellent source of protein. If you forget to pack hummus and baby carrots before you hit the road, keep an eye out for Sabra Snackers when you stop for gas. The single-serving cups come with pita chips or mini pretzels, making them both tasty and convenient.

9. Protein bars

Buy now: Oatmega Vanilla Almond Bars, $20 for 12, or ; Rx Chocolate Sea Salt Protein Bars, $19 for 12, or ; Exo Cocoa Nut Cricket Protein Bar, $30 for 12, or ; Primal Kitchen Coconut Lime Protein Bars, $24 for 12; or ; Aloha Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Protein Bars, $30 for 12, or

When all else fails, go for a protein bar. Just make sure you buy something that’s actually good for you, not a glorified candy bar that tastes like cardboard. Start with Bon Appetit ’s favorite protein bar brands, which include Oatmega, Rx , Exo , Primal Kitchen , and Aloha .

As if we needed another reason to love avocados.

As if we needed another reason to love avocados.

Illustration by svtdesign/Shutterstock

10. Avocados

Remember to pack a spoon and a resealable bag where you can discard the skin and pit. Also note that this suggestion is for pure avocado, full of (healthy) monounsaturated fat, not guacamole. If you’re spooning store-bought guacamole straight from the container to your mouth, we have no less respect for you but do caution that some of the fruit’s nutritional value is going to be lost in the mix.

Buy now: Olove’s 50-calorie Packs, $29 for 30,

Salty, refreshing, and immensely flavorful, olives are also chock full of healthy fats to keep you feeling good on the road. If you love olives but not enough to pack an entire jar, check out Olove’s 50-calorie packs .

12. Chia seeds or flax seed

Buy now: Organic Black Chia Seeds, $7,

These snack ingredients require a little prep work. Plan on an overnight soak to make chia seed pudding for your road trip, pack flax seed crackers to go with hummus or avocado, mix either into overnight oats. Have fun with it.

Healthy fats are admittedly difficult to find at gas stations and convenience stores. Those driving on the West Coast may see single-serving cups of avocado spread, and smoothie chains such as Jamba Juice offer chia seeds as add-ins. Your best bet is to plan in advance and buy these kinds of snacks online or at the grocery story before you hit the road.

Balancy healthy fats with veggies such as celery sticks to avoid lethargy on long drives.

Balancy healthy fats with veggies such as celery sticks to avoid lethargy on long drives.

Illustration by LAN02/Shutterstcok

13. Sliced vegetables

Carrots and celery are high in fiber and water content, low in fat and calories. If you’re lucky enough to find either on the road, they’re usually paired with unhealthy dips such as ranch and cream cheese. Stop temptation in its tracks and pack your sliced veggies ahead of time.

14. Freeze-dried fruit and veggies

While freeze-dried snacks often resemble astronaut food, the resulting product tends to explode with flavor. (Don’t believe us? Try the freeze-dried strawberries at Trader Joe’s.) The crunch adds to the snackability, making it easy to ingest all those vitamins and minerals. You might even want to split this snack into portions so you don’t eat it all at once.

15. Vegetable juice powder

Buy now : Athletic Greens, $107 for 30 travel packs,

Concerned about the sugar in freeze-dried fruits and the lifespan of fresh vegetables in a hot car? Throw all your excuses out the window with vegetable juice powder, also known as green powder . Buy ahead of time and shake in a bottle with water or juice to power up on vitamins in a flash.

16. Pickles

Buy now : Old Bay Pickles, $12,

This is one case in which you’d benefit from bringing the whole jar. The low-calorie snack is great for munching, and sipping on the pickle brine helps restore electrolytes .

17. Kind bars

Buy now: Kind Bars, $15 for 12,

These minimally processed bars are made from fruit, nuts, and seeds, ensuring you get all of the nutrients and none of the filler. Bonus: They’re gluten-free.

18. Fresh fruit

Depending on where you’re driving to or through, you may pass stands for fresh fruit. Support local farmers and stock up! What you find at these stands will likely be much fresher than what you would find at the grocery store.

19. Dried fruit

Buy now: Organic Dried Mango (with no added sugar), $14 for 1lb,

This recommendation comes with one glaring caveat: Avoid anything with added sugar. If the ingredients list anything other than the fruit itself, reshelf that bag.

20. Coconut chips

Buy now: Dang Toasted Coconut Chips, $20 for 4,

While not terribly filling, these crunchy nibbles will satisfy a sweets craving without breaking the caloric bank. We love the fun, Asian-inspired flavors by family-run Dang Foods .

21. Vegetable juice

In most cases, you’ll want to look for low-sodium V8 , which is available at most convenience stores. Check the nutrition facts before going to the register since excess sugar will negate a lot of the health benefits.

Pair the antioxidants in dark chocolate with the complex carbohydrates in popcorn for a highly addictive treat.

Pair the antioxidants in dark chocolate with the complex carbohydrates in popcorn for a highly addictive treat.

Courtesy of Drizzled Popcorn

22. Popcorn

Buy now: Drizzled Popcorn, $5, ; Skinny Pop, $16,

As is the case with nuts and jerky, steer clear of flavor additives. Skinny Pop is a good choice for basic, prepopped popcorn. For something dangerously addictive, try Safe + Fair’s Drizzled Popcorn , a very mild kettle corn with ribbons of dark chocolate. Your greatest challenge will be sharing with your fellow passengers—Drizzled Popcorn is that good.

23. Puffed rice cakes

Buy now: Qaker Lightly Salted Rice Cakes, $3,

Think of these plain rice cakes as fiber-rich vessels for more flavorful items in your cooler, such as hummus, avocado, olives, or nut butter.

24. Overnight oats

Get the recipe: Overnight oats,

Dress up your plain, rolled oats with almond milk, yogurt, fruit, sliced nuts, shredded coconut, chia seeds, or anything else that strikes your fancy. The more you load up on things you love, the more likely you are to reach for the overnight oats instead of pulling over for fast food at the next rest stop.

25. Whole-grain crackers

Buy now: Triscuit original, $3,

In this case, you’ll want to look for function over flavor . Try to find something with at least four grams of fiber. Then pair the crackers with string cheese, a Split Nutrition packet, or another tasty ingredient you’ve packed for the road.

How to pack your road trip snacks

Don’t wait until you’re on the road to find out how long cheese and hard-boiled eggs last without refrigeration. These four pieces of gear will help prevent the majority of your road trip snack woes.

Pack a cooler

Buy now: Yeti Roadie 24 Hard Cooler, $200,

Keep perishable items chilled with a cooler that’s made for long hauls. The Roadie 24 Hard Cooler from Yeti is slim enough to squeeze behind the driver’s seat, tall enough to fit a bottle of wine (just saying), and insulated enough to keep ice frozen for four or more days . When you’re toting snacks such as string cheese, pickles, eggs, tuna, or yogurt, your passengers will thank you for keeping everything nice and chilled.

Remember the ice packs

Buy now: Yeti Ice, from $15,

Avoid the hassle of discarding melted ice and refilling the cooler at gas stations and motels by bringing reusable ice packs. Yeti sells three different sizes of its ice packs, which reach lower temperatures than water-based ice and stay cold longer. When the durable packs finally do begin to thaw (exact timing depends on the size of the ice pack and the quality of the cooler), they do so without leaving “sweat” or condensation behind, meaning you won’t need to worry about damp or soggy treat containers.

Save space with collapsible containers

Buy now: Prepworks Collapsible Storage Bowls with Lids (Set of Three), $15,

Even the most spacious car cabin has limited real estate, so do yourself a favor and pack homemade snacks in Tupperware-style containers that are not just reusable but also collapsible—the less room you occupy with clunky, empty containers, the better. The set of three by Prepworks includes multiple sizes in bright colors that make them hard to lose. This versatile set is also safe to use in microwaves, freezers, and dishwashers, making them a convenient addition to any food storage collection.

Consider reusable cutlery

Buy now: Sea to Summit Delta Cutlery Set, $10,

While treats such as popcorn and carrot sticks are ideal finger food, not all snacks are created equally consumable. Sure you could eat avocados and overnight oats sans cutlery, but the car upholstery will never forgive you. Rather than creating waste with disposable utensils, invest in reusable cutlery that will also come in handy on a camping trip. The Delta Cutlery Set from Sea to Summit includes a fork, a knife, and a spoon, connected by a carabiner clip for both easy removal and easy organization.

>>Next: The 17 Best Weekend Bags for a Quick Getaway

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Healthy Road Trip Snacks

May 31, 2023 by Lindsay Leave a Comment

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Need some healthy road trip snacks? Or just some healthy snacks on the go snacks? Whether it’s vacation, driving to sports practice or a day of running errands, here are some travel snacks you’ll love!

healthy road trip snacks

*Originally published 9/21. Updated 5/23*

A couple of years ago I was asked for some ideas about snacks for the car that aren’t super messy so I wrote this post on Low Mess Car Snacks for Kids . I’m finding that a few years later, I still heavily rely on car snacks so I’m always thinking about new ideas. In addition, in the summer of 2021 we drove from Ohio to Minnesota with 3 kids 6 and under. Believe me when I say I packed a lot of snacks.

We also started swim team that summer which meant A LOT of time at the pool. Two years later we’re at the pool even more for swim meets etc and with young kids that means packing a lot of snacks.

I wanted to share some good road trip snacks for kids -both what we packed in our cooler and the non-perishables in case you need more road trip snack ideas! You could also pack a lot of these for plane snacks! Or use these ideas for long days at the pool, hiking adventures and more.

I’ve also already written several snack posts that will have more options for healthy on-the-go snacks.

Healthy Store Bought Snack Ideas

  • Healthy Snacks At Costco For The Whole Family
  • Best Healthy Walmart Snacks
  • Peanut & Tree Nut Free Packaged Snacks
  • After School Healthy Snacks
  • Healthy Amazon Snacks
  • Lower Sugar Cereals For Kids
  • Healthy Store Bought Granola Bars for Kids
  • 60+ Healthy Packaged Snacks For Kids

Also be sure to check out The Snack Spark for even more snack ideas!

Homemade Healthy Snack Ideas

As far as homemade snack ideas, I have tons. Especially when it comes to healthy muffins and bars that are good for packing as snacks on the go. Check out the snack category of the blog to browse lots of homemade snack options.

Where to buy healthy snacks online

If you’re looking to buy snacks online vs in-store, you can find lots on Amazon. Here are some individually wrapped snacks . Also check out sites like Thrive Market (requires a subscription) and Vitacost (no subscription required). is another good one, especially if you like to make your own trail mix.

What to look for in healthy snacks

When I talk about healthy snacks with my kids I talk about starting with protein and pairing it with healthy carbs, healthy fats and/or fiber. This combination helps fill us up and helps us stay full for longer periods of time. When packing for a road trip, I try to pack a lot of individual protein options that can then be paired with something else. For example, if my kid asks for crackers, I’ll give them some cheese to go with it. If they ask for a piece of fruit, I’ll give them a yogurt as well.

Good Road Trip Snacks

So here are some good options for road trip snacks!

good road trip snacks for the cooler

Healthy Road Trip Snacks For The Cooler

  • grapes- I pulled them all off the stems ahead of time
  • apples- leave them whole or slice ahead of time and rubberband together to minimize browning
  • clementines – you can peel them ahead of time to make it easier
  • applesauce cups (or pouches for younger kids to minimize mess)
  • baby carrots
  • celery sticks – you can even prep ants on a log ahead of time
  • bell pepper strips
  • String cheese and cheese slices
  • Hard-boiled eggs – peel them ahead of time
  • Yogurt- yogurt tubes/pouches are less messy for kids. You can also freeze them ahead of time to minimize mess even more 
  • Deli turkey & pepperoni – can be eaten with crackers and used to make a sandwich
  • Homemade muffins/bars – I have a whole list of Kid-friendly Baking Recipes for bars and muffins packed with veggies and legumes!

healthy road trip snacks non-perishable

Car Travel Snacks (Non-perishable):

  • Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches – you can store them in the cooler if you use jelly, or you can skip it, or use honey!
  • Bread – for turkey and cheese sandwiches
  • Simple Mills & Wheat Thins crackers
  • Cheerios cereal – I have a list of Low Sugar Cereals for Kids if Cheerios isn’t your favorite
  • Granola bars – Try one of these Healthy Store-Bought Granola Bars for Kids – our favs are KIND, Larabar and Kashi
  • Candy – is it the healthiest? No. Will it sometimes save your sanity as a parent? Yes 🙂

Note that we stopped overnight in a hotel with a fridge and I knew the place we were staying had a fridge so I wasn’t worried about packing too much food because I knew we could just eat it throughout the week of vacation. 

I’ve also noticed that sometimes my kids don’t eat a ton in the actual car but then they’re starving when we get to the hotel so it’s nice to have things on hand to give them while we get settled, figure out where we’re going to eat dinner etc. 

What foods are considered non-perishable?

Foods are considered non-perishable if they are canned, dried, preserved or have the water removed. Basically, things that can safely be stored at room temperature without requiring they be put in the fridge or freezer to avoid spoiling.

Is it safe to snack on the go?

While I recognize that eating in the car is generally not recommended as it can be a choking hazard, I’m also a mom with young kids and know that it sometimes can’t be avoided. I found that plastic cups are a great way to pass snacks back to kids because they’re easy for them to hold and they fit in car seat cup holders. If your kids are still rear-facing, make sure you can see them while eating either by sitting near them or at least in a mirror.

on the go snack ideas

Healthy Snacks on the Go

In addition to what’s listed above, here are more ideas:

Healthy Trail Mix

There are tons of great trail mix options at the store but it’s also so easy to make your own. I love this option because you can completely customize it to your liking and even make different blends for different family members. You can also make it safe for toddlers using mixes like this nut-free trail mix .

Plant-based protein

There are tons of dried plant-based proteins on the market right now. Things like roasted chickpeas, broad beans and edamame make a great on-the-go snack. Check out some different brands like The Good Bean , Biena , Bada Bean and more. Plus there are tons of nuts and seeds that you can eat on their own or as a topping etc.

Protein balls

Homemade protein or energy balls/bars are another great option. While I typically keep these in the freezer for storage, they won’t spoil if you pack them for a day trip. Make them with protein powder or without. Here’s my go-to energy balls recipe as well as some kid-friendly, protein-rich energy balls without protein powder.

Snacks the are high in protein

Protein is a key component of a good snack. If you’re looking for some ideas specifically for high protein, check out my list of Healthy High Protein Snack Ideas .

Other protein-rich snacks

Things like tuna pouches, deli meat turkey/chicken or meat sticks like Chomps (aff link) are high in protein and pair well with crackers for an easy snack.

Healthy snacks that are easy to freeze

Waffles and pancakes are actually one of my favorite on the go snacks. I love that you can easily make them ahead of time, whenever you’re not busy, and freeze them. Then just transfer to the fridge the day before you leave and pack them in a ziploc bag. They’re not super crumbly, they’re easy for kids to eat, you can make them with added protein – try our favorite Whole Wheat Pancakes .

More healthy options for a grab and go snack

Things like popcorn, sweet potato chips and dried fruit bars are strips can be great options. We love That’s It bars and Just Bare apple chips. When it comes to dried fruit, larger strips of dried fruit like mango and pears are less likely to be dropped than smaller options like raisins.

Remember that popcorn, whole nuts, roasted chickpeas etc are choking hazards for young kids.

Need some healthy road trip snacks? Or just some on the go snacks? Whether it's vacation, driving to sports practice or a day of running errands, here are some travel snacks you'll love!

What are your favorite healthy road trip snacks?

Enjoy! –Lindsay–

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About Lindsay

Lindsay Livingston is a Registered Dietitian and new mom from Columbus, Ohio. On her blog, she shares simple, healthy recipes, nutrition tips, workouts and snapshots of her life. Follow her on Twitter @LeanGrnBeanBlog and Instagram @TheLeanGreenBean and be sure to subscribe via RSS or email so you never miss a post!

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50+ Easy, Healthy Road Trip Snack Recipes: Road Trip Foods

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Planning a road trip? It’s important to keep up your energy, and avoid the lows of sugar crashes by bringing along some easy to pack road trip foods and snacks. We’ve rounded up the best healthy road trip snack recipes to make your trip planning a breeze. 

From energy balls and granola bars, to cookies, muffins, salty mixes, and heartier savoury snack foods we’ve got it all. Making our own road trip snacks are a family tradition for all our road trips. These are all kid and adult approved travel snacks.

Satisfy all your travel companions cravings (and your own). A lot of these homemade road trip snack recipes also have gluten free, vegan, or low carb options . So no matter what your dietary requirements are, there’s something specially for you.

Are you ready for some quick, healthy road trip snacks to make? Grab your car cooler and Let’s go!

Table of Contents

How to Eat Healthy on Road Trips

First things first is to plan out your travel snacks and meals.

The times we’ve not prepped ahead, inevitably we’d end up starving in the middle of nowhere, with only a gas station for food. And end up feeling low energy or tired afterward.

Bring a cooler and shop at your local market / grocery store.

When driving long distance you should bring and eat a combination of proteins, fats, fibre, textures and tastes . As well as nutrient dense whole foods to curb your cravings, and satisfy your hunger.

Delicious and healthy homemade road trip snacks will help make sure you and your family stay nourished and energized.  Use our free Road trip templates to make things easier.

Some of the best road trip snacks include:

  • Granola Bars
  • Energy Balls / Energy Bites
  • Sweet and Savoury Muffins
  • Salty or sweet  crunchy snacks: Roasted Chickpeas, Kale Chips, Dried Fruit
  • Dips / Spreads & Veggies, Crackers or Pretzels
  • Veggie Fritters
  • Fresh Spring Rolls
  • Chicken Kabobs or Poppers

healthy road trips snacks

Easy, Healthy Road Trip Snack Recipes

Prepping your road trip snacks, and meals is just as important as finding a great deal on your car rental , and booking your accommodations.

We’ve gathered easy & tasty recipes together to make this easier for you.

Homemade Road Trip Snacks 

While it may take a bit of extra time, bringing homemade road trip snacks can save you time, and money on your journey with family or friends.

We’ve broken these DIY road trip snacks into the following categories:

  • Energy Balls / Bites  and Protein Bites Recipes

Healthy Snack Bar Recipes

  • Healthy Cookie Recipes
  • Sweet and Salty Road Trip Snack Recipes
  • Dried Fruit and Veggie Chips
  • Roasted Chickpea Recipes
  • Road Trip Muffin Recipes – Sweet and Savoury
  • Granola and Overnight Oats Recipes
  • Savoury Make Ahead Road Trip Snacks

We’ve rounded up some delicious, healthy and easy to make recipes for you to try. Let us know which ones are your favourites!

Please note : All the photos you see in this post belong to the website / bloggers the recipes are from.

Grab your Free Road Trip & Meal Planner HERE :

Free Road Trip Planner fanned over paved road through barren hills and sunset

More road trip snack ideas here.

Quick Road Trip Snack Recipes: Energy Balls, Energy Bites, Protein Bites

Whether you call them energy balls, bites, bliss balls or protein bites , they all have something in common.  They are super quick and easy to make, nutritious and versatile enough to fit all your travel companions road trip snack preferences and dietary needs. 

Plus they are no-bake and can be made in under 15 minutes. 

Sweet, salty, protein filled bites of goodness, these one bite wonders are easy to pack and store in your cooler. The perfect quick road trip snack recipes for busy parents.

healthy road trips snacks

1. Coconut Date Balls | Healy Eats Real

Easy No Bake Coconut Date Balls have only three ingredients, and are a naturally sweet paleo and vegan snack. Crunchy coconut taste on the outside combined with creamy, soft inside = bliss in one bite. Plus no nuts!

Road Trip Snack Ideas Balls of dried fruit Ladoo on a plate.

2. Dried Fruits Ladoo – Easy Energy Balls | Dassana’s Veg Recipes

Dry Fruits Laddu is an easy, nutritious recipe of energy balls that are healthy and tasty. Packed with nutrients, good fats and fibre, these energy balls are made with dates, figs and various nuts. An ideal long road trip snack.

healthy road trips snacks

3. Lemon Coconut Chia Balls | Cathy’s Gluten Free

Lemon Coconut Chia balls are a refreshing and sweet snack. With only 5 nutrient packed ingredients, they are easy to make and bring along for the day.

If you want a little more protein, check out this similar recipe for Coconut Protein Balls

healthy road trips snacks

4. Pumpkin Energy Balls | Plant Powered Cooking

Looking for a unique energy ball recipe? You’ve found it. Pumpkin Energy balls are made with inexpensive chickpeas, lots of spices, and are gently sweetened with dates. Pumpkin pie in  hand held form.

healthy road trips snacks

5. Pistachio Energy Balls | Hoorah to Health

Pistachio energy balls are great for road trips, as they don’t need to be refrigerated and provide a nice energy boost so your travelers don’t get too cranky!

10 different road trip snacks; energy balls, cookies, overnight oats, pretzels, corn fritters, roasted chickpeas and granola bars. Text overlay  50+ Easy to amke recipes. Road trip snacks kids and adults will love.

6. Low Carb Peanut Butter Balls | Cassidy’s Craveable Creations

Looking for an alternative to eating cookie dough straight from the bowl? This recipe has got you covered. These sweet, peanut butter cookie dough flavoured balls will satisfy your cravings and hunger. 

healthy road trips snacks

7. Salted Caramel Bliss Balls | It’s Not Complicated

With just 5 ingredients, these delicious Salted Caramel Bliss Balls are so easy to make. A perfectly healthy sweet road trip snack or treat, they are vegan, gluten and refined sugar free.

healthy road trips snacks

8. Vanilla Coconut Bliss Balls | My Plantiful Cooking

Vanilla coconut bliss balls are a wonderful, healthy sweet treat to have on hand. Naturally sweetened with dates, they are perfect for a midday pick-me-up after a long hike or drive.

🚙 You may also like Simple Ways to Save Money on Road Trips

healthy road trips snacks

9. Apple Pie Oat Bliss Balls | Kidgredients

Yummy and portable, these apple pie bliss balls are the perfect road trip snack. Plus they are super kid-friendly, nut free, and no bake. When you are craving the apple pie taste, without all the work, or mess on the road, these will satisfy.

These healthy snack bar recipes are easy to make, with minimal ingredients, so you can spend more time enjoying your trip, than preparing for it. Add these to your list of healthy snacks for road trips.

healthy road trips snacks

10. Low Carb Granola Bars | Wholesome Yum

These homemade Kind Bar copycats are the easiest low carb, gluten-free, sugar-free granola bars you can make at home. Plus they take only about 10 minutes to make, so you are ready to head out on your adventures in no time at all.

healthy road trips snacks

11. Coconut Candy Bars | A Sweet Alternative

If you are looking for an alternative to store bought chocolate bars, and love coconut, then you have found the right recipe!

These coconut candy bars are refined sugar free (sweetened with maple syrup, YES!) and made from simple, nutritious ingredients. They’re easy to make and so satisfying. 

healthy road trips snacks

12. Homemade Protein Bars  | Masala Herb

Homemade protein bars without protein powder are enriched with nuts and dried fruits. Know what’s in your protein bars!

healthy road trips snacks

13. Vegan Raspberry Rhubarb Bars | By The Forkful

Raspberry Rhubarb Bars are my dream breakfast snack on the go. Quick and easy to make, portable, and filled with fresh summery fruit. What more would you want?

healthy road trips snacks

14. No Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Crunch Bars  | Vegan Huggs

Five ingredients + fifteen minutes  = No Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Crunch Bars. A cross between a Rice Krispie treat and Nutty Buddy bars this portable snack is perfect for indulging any time of day.

🎒 Check out this Road Trip Packing List & tips too

healthy road trips snacks

15. Healthy Carrot Cake Protein Bars | Any Reasons Vegan

Carrot Cake Protein Bars are a perfect road trip snack made of carrots, dates and pistachios, a no bake dream. These nutritious bars are full of protein, vitamins and iron, but shhhhhh don’t tell the kids they’re healthy.

healthy road trips snacks

16. Peanut Butter, Banana Oatmeal Bars | My Plantiful Cooking

Peanut Butter, Banana, Oatmeal Bars have only three ingredients, are vegan and a wonderful on the go snack. Whether you are looking for breakfast to go, or a snack mid day these chewy moist bars will satisfy.

healthy road trips snacks

17. Two Ingredient Nutella Brownies  | Momma Lew

Two ingredient fudgy, rich nutella brownies will satisfy your sweet tooth. Cooked in a muffin tin, they are easy to transport wherever you travel. Sometimes you just need to indulge a little.

healthy road trips snacks

18. Homemade Granola Bars | Ottawa Mommy Club

Homemade granola bar recipe is slightly different as it does not contain any oats. It is also a great snack for when you are hungry, but want an alternative to store bought bars.

healthy road trips snacks

19. Oat and Honey Granola Bars | Healthy Life Trainer

Chewy No-bake Oat and Honey Granola Bars are quick and easy to prepare in under 15 minutes. They are loaded with wholesome ingredients such as oats, almond, honey, butter, and cranberries.

Homemade Road Trip Snacks – Cookies

Cookies! Now who can resist a delicious cookie especially homemade ones. They are portable, easy to make and pack, and can be full of nutritious and delicious add ins, so are ideal for road trips.

healthy road trips snacks

20. Anzac Biscuits | Mama Loves To Cook

Tap into a  tradition from Australia and New Zealand with some buttery, caramel flavoured Anzac Biscuits. These coconut oat cookies are quick and easy to make, travel well and last for ages.

healthy road trips snacks

21. Best Road Trip Breakfast Cookies | Boulder Locavore

The name says it all, but don’t be fooled by the title. You don’t have to be on a road trip or only eat them for breakfast. As the name suggests they are a great source of nutrition in a few bites without a crazy amount of sugar and processed ingredients. They pack a great amount of protein, fiber and essential fats into their two-bite form as well.

Two round Besan Ladoo cookies topped with nuts.

22. Besan Ladoo – Chickpea Flour Sweet Cookies | So Yummy Recipes

Make these chickpea flour  sweet treat balls for your next trip and enjoy them as your scrumptious sweets that offer an energy and protein boost.

healthy road trips snacks

23. Carrot Cake Breakfast Cookies | Just As Tasty

Combining two of my favourite things into one is heavenly. Carrot Cake Breakfast cookies are soft, bursting with flavour, and can be eaten as a snack any time of the day.

healthy road trips snacks

24. Flourless Chocolate Chip Cookies | Living Healthy With Chocolate

Amazing flourless,  gooey and  soft cookies, filled with chocolate chips that are super easy to make (and eat). This recipe is gluten-free, dairy-free, and Paleo with Keto and Vegan options.

Road Trip Snack Ideas – Sweet and Salty Recipes

If you are looking for healthier, homemade road trip snack ideas to replace the frequent stops at gas stations, and grabbing a bag of chips and pop, then this section is for you. 

Trail mix is a must bring travel snack for all our road trips, camping trips and adventures. Kids love it when you add a bit of smarties & gummy bears.

healthy road trips snacks

25. Smoky Trail Mix | Boulder Locavore

Snackers unite! Trail Mix is a perfect snack when on the go or for traveling. This version takes it up a flavor notch with smoked almonds as the central ingredient. The mix to sweet, salty and crunchy can’t be beat. If not a lover of the smoky almonds, regular almonds may be substituted.

healthy road trips snacks

26. Sweet and Salty Trail Mix | Neighbor Food

Curb your crunch craving with this sweet and salty trail mix. The beauty of homemade trail mix is you can mix and match your favourite nuts, seeds, dried fruits and extras to your liking.

healthy road trips snacks

27. Instant Pot Popcorn | Nourish Plate

This recipe just blew my mind. Popcorn in an instant pot is a brilliant idea. Cheap, easy to make, popcorn travels well and is a tasty snack, with many seasoning choices to try.

healthy road trips snacks

28. 3 Ingredient Popcorn Balls | Crave The Good

Delicious 3 ingredient popcorn balls are a sweet addition to your day. Technically the base recipe is 2 main ingredients, with customizable options. Popcorn + Honey + Seasonings = endless options for hand held snacks.

healthy road trips snacks

29. 5 Minute Cheese Snack Mix | Recipes From A Pantry

Need a quick last minute snack before heading out on your road trip? This 5 minute cheese snack mix will save the day. Plus it can also be used as last minute snacks for guests, holiday gifts, potlucks, so it’s a good one to keep in your back pocket. 

healthy road trips snacks

30. Snickerdoodle Muddy Buddies | The Short Order Cook

Chex sweet treat meets Snickerdoodle taste equals an addictive road trip snack. Plus it’s no bake, which is a bonus for prepping in the summer months.

healthy road trips snacks

31. Seasoned Ranch Pretzels  | Budget Delicious

Nothing says road trips more than a pack of pretzels. Take your snacking up a notch with ranch seasoned pretzels. If you aren’t a fan of ranch, not to worry there are many other variations you can try as well.

healthy road trips snacks

32. Slow Cooker Candied Nuts | Casserole Chrissy

Poppable, sweet and crunchy, these candied nuts make the perfect on-the-go snack, any time of year.  You can choose any combination of nuts that you like for a unique blend each time.

Need road trip ideas? Check out this One Day in Zion National Park or this 4 Day Itinerary in Acadia National Park , both are family friendly .

Easy Road Trip Snack Recipes: Dried Fruit & Veggie Chips

One of the simplest, whole food ways to prepare foods is by dehydrating. Dried fruit and veggie snacks make for some delicious crunchy, sweet and salty road trip snack ideas.

healthy road trips snacks

33. Easy Homemade Fruit Rollups | Amanda’s Cookin’

Plum fruit rollups have just 3 ingredients and are a fun and healthy snack that the whole family will love. Plus they’re easy to pack and carry around for all your family vacations.

healthy road trips snacks

34. Crispy Air Fryer Apple Chips | Recipes From A Pantry

Addictive, crunchy and healthy,  cinnamon apple chips are the next best thing to add to your road trip snack list. Using an air fryer cuts down dehydrating time to a fraction of what you need for the oven so makes this snack even easier.

healthy road trips snacks

35. Chewy Dried Bananas | Healthy Green Savy

Sometimes you just want something a little sweet with a chewier texture. Dried bananas do just this. It’s a great way to use up those fast ripening bananas on your counter, and have an easy road trip snack to bring with you. 

healthy road trips snacks

36. Dried Mango  | Masala Herb

Dehydrated mangoes can turn into a food obsession. They are super good and ridiculously easy to make from scratch.

healthy road trips snacks

37. Dehydrated Pears | Emily Fabulous

Dehydrated pears are so easy to make and are a healthy snack, that’s perfect for kids, adults anytime, anywhere. 

healthy road trips snacks

38. Oven Baked Beet Chips | Pink Fortitude

Crispy, curled beet chips, are a slightly sweet and salty chip alternative, that adds a little colour to your palate. Plus beets are high in vitamin C, fiber, potassium, protein, folate, and manganese, so you’re getting your vitamins and satisfying your crunchy salty tooth.

39. Baked Kale Chips | Healthy Green Savy

Kale chips are a delicious new fad, that I hope doesn’t go outta style. Kale chips are a great way to get your kids, or partners in to travel to eat more veggies. Easy to make and very addictive, they help curb your  salty-crunchy cravings. The only problem is trying not to eat them all right away. They may not make it into your car for the road trip.

Roasted Chickpea Snacks 

Roasted chickpeas are a crunchy, salty alternative to too many potato chips on the road. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy my salt n’ vinegar chips, but sometimes  you need something a little heartier that packs a protein punch.

Not to mention roasted chickpea snacks are vegan, full of fibre, iron and folate. 

healthy road trips snacks

40. Crispy Air Fryer Chickpeas | Little Sunny Kitchen

Crispy Air Fryer Chickpeas are spicy, crunchy, and packed with plant protein.  Using an Air Fryer makes sure that every single chickpea is perfectly crunchy.

41. Curried Air Fryer Chickpeas | That Girl Cooks Healthy

This easy to make recipe is packed with protein and flavour from herbs and spices. Plus they are easy to make in large batches, right in your air-fryer. The hard part will be not eating them all before you pack them away for your road trip.

42. Healthy Roasted Chickpeas with Seasonings | Amy Gorin Nutrition

If you don’t have an air fryer try this general roasted chickpea recipe  with over 10 seasoning options. Packed with all the tips you’ll need on how to make a grab-and-go chickpea snack that keeps it’s crunchy texture. 

Healthy Snacks for Road Trips: Muffin Recipes

I have a confession to make. Muffins are not my favourite. There I said it, don’t judge me too harshly. Mostly because I find commercially they are made too sweet, and taste more like cake. 

But muffins are super handy to have on hand for long (or short road trips), especially with kids. Which is why I often tend to make and pack savoury muffins or lean towards recipes that use alternatives to white sugar. 

We’ve rounded up some yummy, healthier road trip ideas with these muffin recipes to expand your snack offerings. My favourite “sweet” recipe is below:

43. Packed for Life’s Kid Favourite Muffin Recipe – The Best Banana Muffin Recipe

This is my favourite muffin recipe by Chocolate Covered Katie. I make it 2-3 times a month, and everyone I’ve fed them to have loved them.  So if you are looking for an easy recipe, you can’t go wrong with this one. 

Sweetened only with ripe bananas, easy to make, they are kid-friendly and delicious. To make them gluten-free I use GF oat flour, plus add my own spin by adding  ½ tsp to 1 tsp each of ground cinnamon, and  ginger and about  ¼ tsp of ground cardamom. 

I am excited to add some of these next sweet and savoury muffin recipes below to my regular muffin rotation.

Savoury Road Trip Muffin Recipes

healthy road trips snacks

44. Broccoli and Cheese Breakfast Muffins | End Of The Fork

Savoury muffins filled with broccoli and cheesy goodness. These muffins are delicious warmed up at breakfast time or for an on-the go road trip snack. Light, fluffy, fits in your hand and so easy to make, your kids can help you.  

healthy road trips snacks

45. Greek Breakfast Egg Muffin | Always Use Butter

Not just for breakfast, these greek egg muffins are packed with feta cheese, sun-dried tomatoes and black olives. Savoury goodness in a couple of bites, to fill your belly on the road.

healthy road trips snacks

46. Air Fryer Pizza Rolls | Crave The Good

Ok, so these are not technically a muffin, but air fryer pizza rolls would be soooooo good for a road trip snack, or an afternoon snack, or breakfast, or anytime really. Stretch, gooey mozzarella cheese, and delicious tomato sauce wrapped in pizza dough cooked to perfection in an air fryer, can’t be beat.

Road Trip Snack Ideas: Sweet Muffin Recipes

healthy road trips snacks

47. Peanut Butter Banana Muffins | Wholesome Family Living

Peanut Butter and Banana muffins are versatile, packed with protein, and are delicious any time of day. Plus this recipe makes a big batch, so whether you’re road tripping with hungry kids or friends, there will be more than enough to share.

healthy road trips snacks

48. Vegan Blueberry Lemon Muffins | Get Set Vegan

Not just for vegans! These Blueberry Lemon Muffins combine the best things, fresh berries and lemon for a moist, delicious portable snack.

healthy road trips snacks

49. Banana Pear Muffins  | Mrs. Jones’s Kitchen

Banana Pear Muffins will be  well loved by the kids in your life, big and small. With no added sugar, they are  naturally sweetened with banana and pear, and travel really well.

Healthy Road Trip Snacks: Granola & Overnight Oats Recipes

healthy road trips snacks

50. Cocoa Fig Granola | Healy Eats Real

Cocoa Fig homemade granola is a flavour explosion filled with crunchy clusters of chocolatey goodness.  Sugar free, paleo and vegan,  pack this granola snack for the road and don’t look back. It’s ok if you don’t want to share.

healthy road trips snacks

51. Cinnamon Vanilla Granola | Brooklyn Active Mama

Cinnamon Vanilla Granola is so full of dried cranberries, chia, flax seeds, nuts, and yummy goodness, this will quickly become your favourite on the go snack.

healthy road trips snacks

52. Chunky Peanut Butter Banana Protein Granola | My Plantiful Cooking

Peanut Butter and Banana is such a classic taste combo.This high protein granola is chunky, crispy & utterly delicious. Happens to also  be naturally vegan & gluten-free. A portable snack to have on hand. Grab a handful whenever you are feeling snacky.

healthy road trips snacks

53. Dark Chocolate Cherry Granola | Aspen On Main

Chocolate and cherry are such a classic taste combination, that this granola is sure to please even the crankiest of road trip companions. Naturally sweetened with maple syrup and includes other healthy ingredients like oats and flax seed, making it a great on the go snack with or without yogurt.

healthy road trips snacks

54. Banana Cinnamon Overnight Oats | Plant Powered Cooking

These banana cinnamon overnight oats are a  well-balanced, easy to pack and eat  breakfast that tastes like banana bread!

What I love about overnight oats are: 

  • They are easy to make even while on the road, as long as you have a few simple ingredients and a container. 
  • Versatile – don’t like bananas, switch them out for applesauce, or berries.
  • Can be eaten any time of day, not just for breakfast.
  • One of the best road trip snacks for kids as they can combine good fats, proteins, and other nutrients.

Road Trip Foods: Savoury Make Ahead Road Trip Snack Recipes

Sometimes you just want something a little more substantial than an energy bite, or a handful of trail mix. Take a look at these delicious, savoury make ahead road trip snack receipes. Easy to grab and eat as snacks on your next adventures.

healthy road trips snacks

55. Chicken Seekh Kabob | So Yummy Recipes

These succulent chicken seekh kebabs are delicious to have as they are. But you can have them rolled in tortilla wraps, naan bread, flatbread or just in hot dog buns. Making them easy to take with you for a quick snack or meal on the road.

healthy road trips snacks

56. Air Fryer Popcorn Chicken | Budget Delicious

Air Fryer Popcorn Chicken is the perfect recipe for making an appetizer or a road trip snack that will be well  loved by the whole family. 

healthy road trips snacks

57. Cheesy Smashed Chickpea Spread | Veeg

Looking for a protein packed, delicious spread to dip your veggies, pretzels, or crackers on the road? This cheesy smashed chickpea spread is just the ticket and it’s kid approved. 

healthy road trips snacks

58. Fresh Vegan Spring Rolls | Happy Kitchen

Fresh spring rolls with peanut sauce are a family favourite while being a healthy mess-free portable snack. Mix and match your favourite veggies, add in some tofu or tempeh if desired roll em’ up and away you go. 

If you are wanting a non-vegan version we usually add cooked prawns/shrimp to ours.  

healthy road trips snacks

59. Vegan Zucchini Corn Fritters | Happy Kitchen

Crispy, delicious and full of veggies such as zucchini and corn, these fritters are a perfect addition to your family road trip snack list.

healthy road trips snacks

60. Vegan Pinwheels | Get Set Vegan

If you are trying to avoid dairy, or just want to expand your recipe horizons, these vegan pinwheels are a great addition to your road trip. Full of beans, beets, avocado and veggies, these pinwheels  will provide a delicious on the go snack or lunch.

Six free road trip planner pages fanned out over colored background. Awesome road trips await. Never eat bad gas station food again. Check off all your bucket list goals. Be prepared so you can focus on what's important - having fun!. Grab it heree.

Conclusion: Road Trip Foods: 50+ Easy, Healthy Road Trip Snack Recipes

Whether you are heading out for a day trip or an epic week long family road trip up Vancouver Island, there are 50+ easy, healthy road trip snack recipes to inspire your vacation planning and taste buds.

Enjoy the journey while munching on these scrumptious yet nutritious bites that’ll keep your energy levels high and your taste buds satisfied.

So, buckle up, hit the road, and let these wholesome goodies fuel your wanderlust. Don’t forget to bring a cooler, and share your favorites with friends and fellow travelers. Because great snacks and epic road trips are always better together!

Happy snacking, explorers!

What’s your favourite road trip snack recipe? Let us know in the comments below, or connect with us on social media. We’d love to hear from you.


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Donna Garrison is the founder of Packed for Life, an ever curious traveler with a passion for making memories with her family. With a unique perspective on travelling on a budget gathered over 30 years, 20 countries and 5 continents she gives families the tools & resources they need to experience the joys of travelling more for less through practical solutions. She helps over 20,000 families a month plan & take the family travel, camping and road trip adventures of their dreams in Canada, the USA and around the world. Contact her at: Donna [at]

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Thanks for some tasty options! I am really looking forward to being able to travel again one of these days! Pinning for later 🙂

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Home Nutrition 16 Healthy Gas Station Snacks to Fuel Your Next Roadtrip

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16 Healthy Gas Station Snacks to Fuel Your Next Roadtrip

  • By Sydney Greene, M.S., R.D.
  • May 8, 2024

The universal truth stands: Stop at a gas station, and you at least think about picking up a pack of sour gummy worms and barbecue Fritos. While there is nothing wrong with the occasional nostalgic snack, if you’re looking to stay fueled and energized until your next meal, you may want to consider choosing (or adding on) something more nutritious. That’s where healthy gas station snacks come in clutch. Consider this your cheat sheet for finding the healthiest options to fuel your next road trip.

What to Look For in a Healthy Snack

  • Look for low sugar: It can be hard to find packaged snacks that are completely sugar-free, but if you can find a snack with less than 8 grams of added sugar you’re on the right track.
  • Mix macros: If you want your snack to sustain you for a few hours, look for something that has protein, fat, and complex carbohydrates. The combination of macronutrients will help balance blood sugar and turn off hunger hormones.
  • Prioritize fresh: some gas stations will have a handful of fresh items available in their cooler section. Oftentimes, a snack that needs to be refrigerated is lower in preservatives and sodium than shelf- stable items. Yogurt, fruit, cheese, and eggs are great options.


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16 healthy gas station snacks.

In a time crunch? Snag one of these healthy options for quick and satisfying sustenance, and hit the road.

Hard-boiled eggs

While gas station hard-boiled eggs may give you the creeps, they are one of the healthiest, non-processed snack options you can grab. One hard-boiled egg is packed with anywhere from six to seven grams of protein plus important nutrients such as vitamin A, B12 (for a boost of energy), and selenium. Grab two and a piece of fruit and you’ll be fueled until your next meal.

Per serving (1 egg): 80 calories, 5g fat, 0g carbs, 6g protein, 0g fiber, 0g sugar, 70mg sodium

Fruit is a fabulous option on a long road trip. It’s packed with fiber, which is crucial for supporting your digestive system anytime (but especially when traveling). Most gas stations have apples and bananas, and some even have refrigerated fruit salad with Tajin to spice things up.

Per serving (1 apple): 95 calories, 0g fat, 25g carbs, 0g protein, 4g fiber, 19g sugar, 0mg sodium

The bags of pickles that are near check-out don’t contain enough protein, fat, or carbs to fill you up but they’re a good low-stakes, salty, crunchy option in a pinch—not to mention, much healthier than a bag of Fritos. Most pickles are gluten-free, vegan, and free of unwanted preservatives and additives.

Per serving: 0 calories, 0g fat, g carbs, 0g protein, 0g fiber, 0g sugar, 370mg sodium

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healthy road trips snacks

Best Road Trip Snacks: Fuel Up for Your Next Adventure

R oad trips are a great way to explore the country, bond with friends and family, and create unforgettable memories. However, long hours on the road can leave you feeling hungry and tired. This is where road trip snacks come in handy. The right snacks can keep you fueled and energized throughout your journey.

Understanding the best road trip snacks is essential to ensure that you have a pleasant and comfortable journey. While there are plenty of snacks available in gas stations and convenience stores, not all of them are healthy or tasty. It is important to choose snacks that are nutritious, easy to eat, and enjoyable. From DIY snacks to convenient store-bought options, there are plenty of choices available for every taste and preference.

Key Takeaways:

  • Choosing the right road trip snacks is essential for a comfortable and enjoyable journey.
  • Healt h y snacks can keep you fueled and energized throughout your trip.
  • From DIY snacks to convenient store-bought options, there are plenty of choices available for every taste and preference.

Understanding Road Trip Snacks

Road trips can be long and tiring, and it’s important to have snacks on hand to keep you fueled and satisfied. But not all snacks are created equal when it comes to road trips. Here are a few things to keep in mind when selecting the best road trip snacks:

Portability is key

Choose snacks that are easy to pack and eat on the go. Avoid anything that requires utensils or is too messy to eat in the car. Think finger foods like trail mix, granola bars, and beef jerky.

Balance is important

While it’s tempting to load up on sugary snacks and junk food, it’s important to maintain a balanced diet, even on the road. Pack a mix of protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates to keep you feeling full and energized.

Consider dietary restrictions

If you or your travel companions have dietary restrictions or preferences, make sure to pack snacks that accommodate those needs. There are plenty of options available for gluten-free, vegan, and nut-free diets.

Don’t forget hydration

Staying hydrated is crucial on long road trips, so make sure to pack plenty of water and other hydrating beverages. Avoid sugary drinks that can cause a crash later on.

By keeping these factors in mind, you can select the best road trip snacks to keep you fueled and satisfied on your journey.

Health Benefits of Snacks

Snacking can be a healthy habit if you choose the right foods. Snacks can provide you with essential nutrients and keep you energized throughout your road trip. Here are some health benefits of consuming snacks:

Improved digestion :

Snacks that are high in fiber, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, can help improve digestion and prevent constipation. Fiber helps to keep you full and satisfied for longer periods of time.

Boosted energy :

Snacks that are high in protein and complex carbohydrates can provide you with sustained energy. Nuts, seeds, and whole grain crackers are all excellent sources of energy.

Increased hydration :

Snacks that are high in water content, such as watermelon, cucumber, and grapes, can help keep you hydrated during long road trips.

Reduced inflammation :

Snacks that are high in antioxidants, such as berries and dark chocolate, can help reduce inflammation in the body. Inflammation can contribute to a variety of health problems, including heart disease and cancer.

Improved mood :

Snacks that are high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon and walnuts, can help improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

When choosing snacks for your road trip, aim for a variety of healthy options . Fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, whole grain crackers, and low-fat dairy products are all great choices. Avoid snacks that are high in sugar, salt, and saturated fats, as these can contribute to weight gain and other health problems.

Top Healthy Snacks

When it comes to road trip snacks, it’s important to choose options that are both tasty and nutritious. Here are some top healthy snacks to consider packing for your next adventure.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are a great option for road trips since they are easy to pack, require no refrigeration, and are full of vitamins and minerals. Some great options to consider include:

  • Apples: Apples are a great source of fiber and vitamin C. Plus, they are easy to pack and can stay fresh for several days.
  • Carrots: Carrots are packed with beta-carotene and are a good source of fiber. Cut them into sticks and pack them in a container for easy snacking.
  • Grapes: Grapes are a tasty and hydrating snack that are also a good source of antioxidants.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are a great source of healthy fats and protein, making them a filling and nutritious snack option. Some great options to consider include:

  • Almonds: Almonds are a good source of vitamin E and magnesium. Pack a small container or bag of almonds for a tasty and filling snack.
  • Pumpkin Seeds: Pumpkin seeds are a good source of magnesium and zinc. Roast them at home and pack them in a container for a crunchy and nutritious snack.
  • Cashews: Cashews are a good source of protein and healthy fats. Pack a small container or bag of cashews for a filling and satisfying snack.

Protein Bars

Protein bars are a convenient and filling snack option that can help keep you energized during a long road trip. When choosing a protein bar, look for options that are low in sugar and high in protein. Some great options to consider include:

  • KIND Bars: KIND Bars are made with whole food ingredients and are a good source of protein and fiber. Plus, they come in a variety of delicious flavors.
  • RX Bars: RX Bars are made with simple ingredients and are a good source of protein. Plus, they are gluten-free and come in a variety of tasty flavors.
  • Larabars: Larabars are made with just a few simple ingredients and are a good source of fiber. Plus, they come in a variety of delicious flavors.

Best Convenient Snacks

If you’re looking for snacks that are easy to pack and don’t require any preparation, then convenient snacks are the way to go. Here are some of the best convenient snacks for your road trip.

Packaged Snacks

Packaged snacks are a great option for road trips because they are easy to store and don’t require any refrigeration. Here are some popular packaged snacks:

  • Granola bars: Granola bars are a classic road trip snack. They are easy to pack and come in a variety of flavors.
  • Chips: Chips are a convenient snack that come in many different varieties. Look for single-serving bags to make portion control easier.
  • Beef jerky: Beef jerky is a high-protein snack that is perfect for road trips. It comes in many different flavors and is easy to pack.

Dried Fruits

Dried fruits are a great option for road trips because they are easy to pack and don’t require any refrigeration. Here are some popular dried fruits:

  • Raisins: Raisins are a classic road trip snack. They are easy to pack and come in small boxes that make portion control easy.
  • Dried apricots: Dried apricots are a sweet and chewy snack that is perfect for road trips. They are high in fiber and vitamins.
  • Dried mango: Dried mango is a sweet and tangy snack that is perfect for road trips. It is high in fiber and vitamins.

Cheese Sticks

Cheese sticks are a great option for road trips because they are easy to pack and don’t require any refrigeration. Here are some popular cheese sticks:

  • String cheese: String cheese is a classic road trip snack. It is easy to pack and comes in individual servings.
  • Babybel cheese: Babybel cheese is a small, round cheese that is perfect for road trips. It is easy to pack and comes in individual servings.
  • Cheese crisps: Cheese crisps are a crunchy snack that is perfect for road trips. They come in many different flavors and are easy to pack.

Kid-Friendly Snacks

When it comes to road trip snacks, it’s important to choose options that are not only tasty but also easy to eat and won’t make a mess. Here are a few kid-friendly snacks that fit the bill:

Popcorn is a classic snack that is perfect for road trips. It’s easy to pack, doesn’t take up much space, and is a healthier alternative to chips and other salty snacks. You can buy pre-popped popcorn or make your own at home and pack it in resealable bags or containers. To add some flavor, sprinkle on some nutritional yeast or a little bit of salt and pepper.

Yogurt is a great option for a quick and easy snack on the go. It’s high in protein and calcium, which makes it a healthy choice for kids. You can buy individual cups of yogurt or pack a larger container and portion it out into smaller cups. To make it more fun, add some fresh fruit or a drizzle of honey.

Homemade Granola Bars

Homemade granola bars are a great option for a snack that will keep kids full and satisfied. You can make them ahead of time and pack them in resealable bags or containers. They’re also customizable, so you can add in your kids’ favorite ingredients like chocolate chips, dried fruit, or nuts.

Plus, making your own granola bars ensures that you know exactly what’s in them and can avoid any unnecessary additives or preservatives.

Overall, these kid-friendly snacks are easy to pack, delicious, and healthy options for your next road trip.

When it comes to road trip snacks, making your own can be a fun and cost-effective way to ensure you have healthy and delicious options on hand. Here are a few easy DIY snack ideas to try on your next adventure:

Homemade Trail Mix

Trail mix is a classic road trip snack that can be customized to your liking. Start with a base of nuts, seeds, and dried fruit, and add in any other ingredients you enjoy, such as chocolate chips, pretzels, or popcorn. Here’s a simple recipe to get you started:

Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl and store in an airtight container. This trail mix is packed with protein, fiber, and healthy fats, making it a satisfying and nutritious snack.

Baked Veggie Chips

Instead of reaching for a bag of greasy potato chips, try making your own baked veggie chips. Thinly slice your favorite vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, beets, or kale, and toss them with a bit of olive oil and your favorite seasonings. Spread them out on a baking sheet and bake at 350°F for 10-15 minutes, or until crispy.

Energy Balls

Energy balls are a great snack to have on hand when you need a quick burst of energy. They’re easy to make and can be customized with your favorite ingredients. Here’s a basic recipe to get you started:

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl until well combined. Roll the mixture into bite-sized balls and store in the refrigerator for up to a week. These energy balls are packed with protein, fiber, and healthy fats, making them a great snack to keep you fueled on long drives.

Try making these DIY snacks before your next road trip for a healthier and more satisfying snacking experience .

Storage and Packing Tips

Keeping snacks fresh.

When packing snacks for a road trip, it’s important to keep them fresh. Here are some tips to help you do just that:

  • Use airtight containers: This will help keep your snacks fresh and prevent them from getting stale.
  • Keep snacks dry: Moisture can cause snacks to spoil quickly, so make sure to keep them dry. You can use a desiccant packet or a paper towel to absorb any excess moisture.
  • Store in a cool place: Heat can cause snacks to go bad quickly, so store them in a cool place, like a cooler or a shaded area of the car.

Portion Control

It’s easy to overindulge on snacks during a road trip, but practicing portion control can help you avoid feeling sluggish and lethargic. Here are some tips to help you keep your portions in check:

  • Use portion control containers: These containers are designed to help you measure out the perfect portion size for your snacks.
  • Pre-portion snacks: Before you hit the road, take some time to pre-portion your snacks into individual bags or containers.
  • Choose snacks wisely: Opt for snacks that are low in calories and high in protein, like nuts or jerky. These snacks will help keep you feeling full and satisfied without weighing you down.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your road trip snacks stay fresh and delicious, and that you don’t overindulge and feel sluggish during your trip.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, choosing the best road trip snacks can make or break your journey. It is important to choose snacks that are easy to eat, mess-free, and provide the necessary nutrition to keep you energized throughout the trip.

Some of the best snacks for road trips include granola bars, trail mix, beef jerky, and fresh fruit. These snacks are not only delicious but also provide the necessary nutrients to keep you going.

It is also important to stay hydrated during the trip, so don’t forget to pack plenty of water and other hydrating drinks. Avoid sugary drinks and opt for water or unsweetened tea instead.

Finally, it is always a good idea to pack some emergency snacks in case of unexpected delays or road closures. These snacks can include protein bars, nuts, and dried fruit.

By following these tips and packing the right snacks, you can ensure a successful and enjoyable road trip.

Frequently Asked Questions about Best Road Trip Snacks

What snacks to bring on long road trip.

When packing snacks for a long road trip, it’s important to choose items that are easy to eat, won’t spoil quickly, and will provide energy. Some good options include trail mix, beef jerky, granola bars, and fresh fruit.

What are the best snacks to stay awake on a road trip?

When you’re feeling drowsy on a road trip, it can be helpful to choose snacks that will give you a quick burst of energy. Some good options include caffeinated beverages like coffee or tea, energy bars, and snacks that are high in protein and fiber.

What food is good for road trips?

When it comes to road trip food, it’s important to choose items that are easy to eat on the go and won’t make a mess. Some good options include sandwiches, wraps, and salads in a jar. You can also pack snacks like crackers, cheese, and fruit.

What’s the greatest road trip food of all time?

This is a subjective question, as everyone has their own favorite road trip foods. However, some classic options include beef jerky, trail mix, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

What are some healthy road trip snack options?

If you’re looking for healthy road trip snack options, there are plenty of choices available. Some good options include fresh fruit, raw veggies with hummus, nuts and seeds, and protein bars.

What are some classic road trip snacks?

Some classic road trip snacks include beef jerky, trail mix, potato chips, and candy bars. These snacks are easy to find at gas stations and convenience stores along the way.

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Road trips are a great way to explore the country, bond with friends and family, and create unforgettable memories. However, long hours on the road can leave you feeling hungry and tired. This is where road trip snacks come in handy. The right snacks can keep you fueled and energized…

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10 Delicious And Portable Road Trip Snack Ideas

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Embarking on a road trip is an exciting adventure, but maintaining energy and enjoyment on the journey requires thoughtful snack planning. This article delves into a variety of snack ideas perfectly for road trips, focusing on those with an Indian twist. From savoury treats like masala peanuts and the classic thepla to sweet delights such as tilgul ladoo and mithai, explore snacks that are not only delicious but also practical for travel. 

10 Delicious And Portable Road Trip Snack Ideas

A road trip offers a unique sense of freedom and adventure, allowing travellers to explore new destinations at their own pace. However, long hours on the road can lead to hunger and fatigue, making it crucial to have a selection of tasty and nutritious snacks on hand. While convenience stores offer a range of quick bites, nothing beats the satisfaction and health benefits of homemade snacks, especially those with a touch of Indian flavour.

healthy road trips snacks

Indian cuisine is rich in a variety of snacks that are perfect for road trips. These snacks are not only flavourful but also often packed with nutrients, ensuring that you stay energised and satisfied throughout your journey. From crunchy namkeen to refreshing fruit chaat, Indian snacks cater to diverse tastes and dietary preferences.

This article explores a curated list of Indian-inspired road trip snacks that are easy to prepare, store, and enjoy on the go. Whether you prefer something savoury or sweet, spicy or mild, you'll find a snack idea here that suits your needs and enhances your road trip experience.

1. Masala Peanuts

Masala peanuts are a spicy and crunchy snack, perfect for munching on during long drives. These flavourful peanuts are coated with a mix of spices and chickpea flour and then deep-fried or roasted until crispy.


To make masala peanuts, start by mixing raw peanuts with a blend of spices like red chilli powder, turmeric, cumin, and salt. Add a bit of chickpea flour and a small amount of water to coat the peanuts. Fry them in hot oil until golden brown, or for a healthier version, roast them in the oven.

healthy road trips snacks

Thepla is a popular Gujarati flatbread made with whole wheat flour and spices, often with the addition of fenugreek leaves (methi). It's soft, slightly spicy, and can be enjoyed on its own or with pickles and yoghurt.

To prepare thepla, combine whole wheat flour with spices such as turmeric, red chilli powder, and ajwain seeds. Mix in finely chopped fenugreek leaves and knead into a soft dough with water and a bit of oil. Roll the dough into thin discs and cook on a hot griddle until both sides are golden brown.

healthy road trips snacks

Chakli , also known as murukku, is a deep-fried spiral-shaped snack made from rice flour and chickpea flour seasoned with spices. It is crunchy and savoury, making it a perfect snack for road trips.

Mix rice flour and chickpea flour with spices like cumin, sesame seeds, and asafoetida. Add a bit of water to form a dough, then shape it into spirals using a chakli maker. Fry the chaklis in hot oil until crisp and golden.

healthy road trips snacks

Khakra is a thin, crispy flatbread from Gujarat, made from whole wheat flour and flavoured with spices. It’s light, crunchy, and keeps well for days, making it an ideal travel snack.

To make khakra, mix whole wheat flour with salt, cumin seeds, and a bit of oil. Knead into a dough and roll into very thin discs. Cook each disc on a hot griddle, pressing down with a cloth until it becomes crisp and golden brown.

Also Read:  Beyond Khakhra: Six Other Gujarati Snacks To Try

5. Tilgul Ladoo

Tilgul ladoo is a traditional sweet made from sesame seeds and jaggery, typically prepared during the festival of Makar Sankranti. These ladoos are small, round, and packed with the rich, nutty flavour of sesame and the caramel-like sweetness of jaggery.

Toast sesame seeds until they are golden and aromatic. Melt jaggery in a pan with a bit of water to form a thick syrup. Mix the toasted sesame seeds with the jaggery syrup and form the mixture into small balls.

healthy road trips snacks

6. Besan Ladoo

Besan ladoo is a popular Indian sweet made from gram flour, ghee, and sugar. These round, soft sweets are flavoured with cardamom and often garnished with nuts.

Roast gram flour in ghee until it turns golden brown and releases a nutty aroma. Allow it to cool slightly before mixing in powdered sugar and cardamom. Shape the mixture into small balls and garnish with chopped nuts.

7. Dry Fruit Chikki

Chikki is a traditional Indian brittle made from nuts and jaggery. Dry fruit chikki combines a variety of nuts like almonds, cashews, and pistachios with the rich sweetness of jaggery.

Toast a mixture of nuts until they are fragrant. Melt jaggery in a pan to form a syrup and mix in the toasted nuts. Pour the mixture onto a greased surface and spread it out. Once it cools slightly, cut it into squares or bars.

healthy road trips snacks

8. Vegetable Sticks With Hummus

Vegetable sticks with hummus make for a crunchy and nutritious snack. Hummus, a creamy dip made from chickpeas, pairs well with fresh vegetables like carrots, cucumbers, and bell peppers.

Cut vegetables into sticks and arrange them in a container. For the hummus, blend cooked chickpeas with tahini, garlic, lemon juice, and olive oil until smooth. Pack the hummus in a separate container for easy dipping.

9. Yoghurt And Granola Parfait

A yoghurt and granola parfait is a layered snack that combines creamy yoghurt, crunchy granola, and fresh fruits. It’s both satisfying and nutritious, perfect for a healthy snack on the road.

Layer plain or flavoured yoghurt with granola and fresh fruits like berries or chopped mangoes in a jar. Add a drizzle of honey or a sprinkle of nuts for extra texture and sweetness.

healthy road trips snacks

10. Roasted Chickpeas

Roasted chickpeas are a crunchy and savoury snack, perfect for a protein-packed bite on the go. They can be flavoured with a variety of spices to suit your taste.

Drain and dry canned chickpeas, then toss them with olive oil and your choice of spices like paprika, cumin, or garlic powder. Roast in the oven until they are crispy and golden.

healthy road trips snacks

So, the next time you embark on a road trip, consider these snack ideas. They are not only delicious and convenient but also a wonderful way to celebrate the rich and diverse flavours of Indian cuisine on the go. Happy snacking and safe travels!

healthy road trips snacks

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' class=

Love trying local foods so any advice on buying snacks appreciated. Either supermarket or street food? Staying at Radisson so will be stocking up to avoid high hotel prices!

Any advice please?

healthy road trips snacks

Both are okay. Street food is actually often more substantial, with pirozhki, shawarma, blinis, rolls, etc., while supermarkets (unless you venture into a deli section) mostly concentrate on quick snacks like potato chips, nuts&seeds, dried fich, chocolate bars and such. Just dive in.

healthy road trips snacks

If you are looking to feed yourself for a reasonable price, suggest you as the FAQ on "cheap eats" - you can find VERY reasonably priced food with the ruble down so much...including fast good places NOT named Mac and Dons or any other silly American place. My favorite is Teremok - and like things like their pelmeni - which are kind of like ravioli, but they also have blini - like crepes, with all types of fillings...

For more substantial meals, and VERY cheap, I prefer a place called Grabli...but Moo-Moo is also OK...

Andrey and Ebertsj thank you both so much. Will be hunting down your recommendations when we arrive. Looking forward to new tastes!

When we were there the store near us had small boxes of Borscht which was very good. They were similar to Juice Boxes. I heated it up in our microwave oven. I have tried to find them back here in the USA and on-line but have been unsuccessful.

Shawarma--gee I damn near lived on them in Damascus (1997)-- we had a shawarma seller feller at the entrance to our street and at £15 Syrian delightfull (£42Syr to $1 at the time)

I'll go them for sure next year

If by Radisson you mean Radisson Royal Ukraine, you will most probably have to commute/walk to Kievskaya metro junction. The place has a large shopping center with foodcourt and plenty of restaurants, and a huge supermarket in the basement which sells lots of salats, cuts, deli items...

I am all for Moo-Moo,

and then you can try Shokoladnitsa, it's an old local brand, like 50 years, I guess, though today you won't recognize it.

The Russian boat in 1977 had a vodka tasting and info --five different vodkas for $2 each sample

The final one was 80 yr old vodka and it was black in color

"The Russian boat in 1977 had a vodka tasting and info --five different vodkas for $2 each sample

The final one was 80 yr old vodka and it was black in color"

- For breakfast?

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best idaho road trips

Idaho Road Trip Ideas: 11 Best Road Trips + Itinerary

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Courtnie Erickson

From Southern Utah to the Panhandle in Idaho, Courtnie Erickson has lived in what she believes are the best (and the most beautiful!) areas in the country. She graduated with a journalism degree from Utah State University and has more than 15 years of professional writing experience. You’ll likely see her with a Dr. Pepper in her hand and a pair of running shoes on her feet. Courtnie is a writer and editor at OnlyInYourState.

More by this Author

From the remarkable lakes in the panhandle to the waterfalls dotting the southern part of the state, there is so much to see and explore in Idaho. While there are many different ways to enjoy the Gem State, one of the best is a scenic drive. There are dozens of Idaho road trip ideas to help you experience the majestic views found all around the Gem State. But, if you feel a little overwhelmed and don’t know which Idaho road trip itinerary to choose, we are here to help. Below are just 11 of the best road trips in Idaho, from single-day excursions to adventures with the entire family. Get ready because no matter which option you choose, you are in for a journey to remember.

For road trip planning and packing tips, check out OnlyInYourState’s Ultimate Road Trip Packing List . And, whether you’re leaving for a single day or a week-long road trip, you can’t forget the snacks: here are 50 on-the-go snack ideas perfect for traveling.

1-Day Road Trip In Idaho

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  • Route: Boise Train Depot > Idaho State Museum > Boise Fry Company > Idaho Botanical Garden > Military Reserve
  • Distance: 7 miles
  • Trip Time: 30 minutes driving time

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  • Route: Bruneau River Canyon > Box Canyon State Park > Snake River Canyon
  • Distance: 105 miles
  • Trip Time: 2 hours driving time

healthy road trips snacks

  • Route: Lava Hot Springs > Heise Hot Springs > Goldbug Hot Springs > Kirkham Hot Springs
  • Distance: 450 miles
  • Trip Time: 8 hours driving time

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  • Route: Weiser > Council > Riggins > Grangeville > Lewiston > Moscow > Coeur d’Alene
  • Distance: 345 miles
  • Trip Time: 6 hours and 15 minutes driving time

healthy road trips snacks

  • Route: Lava Hot Springs Resort > Shoshone Falls > Thousand Springs State Park > Boise River Greenbelt > Payette Lake > University of Idaho Arboretum and Botanical Garden, Moscow > Route of the Hiawatha
  • Distance: 740 miles
  • Trip Time: 13 hours driving time

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healthy road trips snacks

  • Route: Jump Creek Falls, Marsing > Deadman Falls, Glenns Ferry > Thousand Springs, Hagerman > Perrine Coulee Waterfall, Twin Falls > Pillar Falls, Twin Falls > Shoshone Falls, Twin Falls > Big Fiddler Creek/Long Gulch Falls, Elmore County
  • Distance: 418 miles
  • Trip Time: 11 hours driving time

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  • Route: Coeur d’Alene > Hells Canyon National Recreation Area > Ponderosa State Park > Sawtooth National Forest > Boise > Owyhee River Wilderness Area
  • Distance: 610 miles
  • Trip Time: 14 hours driving time

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  • Route: Lava Hot Springs > Black Swan Inn, Pocatello > Sun Valley Ski Resort > Stanley Ice Skating Rink, Stanley > Kirkham Hot Springs, Boise National Forest
  • Distance: 318 miles
  • Trip Time: 5.5 hours driving time

healthy road trips snacks

  • Route: Splatter Lab, Rexburg > Yellowstone Bear World, Rexburg > East Idaho Aquarium, Idaho Falls > Leo’s Place, Idaho Falls > Museum of Idaho, Idaho Falls > ARTitorium, Idaho Falls > Potato Museum, Blackfoot
  • Distance: 61 miles
  • Trip Time: 1.5 hours driving time

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  • Route: Sun Valley > Stanley > Lake Cascade > McCall > The Palouse > Lake Coeur d’Alene > Priest Lake
  • Distance: 592 miles
  • Trip Time: 12.5 hours driving time

healthy road trips snacks

  • Route: Island Park > Driggs > Ketchum > Stanley > Idaho City > McCall > Riggins
  • Distance: 590 miles
  • Trip Time: 11.5 hours driving time

Have you taken any of the above road trips through Idaho? What is your favorite road trip itinerary in Idaho? What do you consider to be the best road trips in Idaho? Share it with us in the comments and don’t forget to include your Idaho road trip map!

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More to Explore

Road trips in idaho.

What are the most popular landmarks to visit in Idaho?

The Gem State is home to several incredible landmarks that deserve a spot on every individual’s bucket list. Some of the most popular landmarks to visit in Idaho include:

  • Shoshone Falls, Twin Park
  • City of Rocks National Preserve, Almo
  • Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve
  • Balanced Rock, Buhl
  • Redfish Lake

What are the most popular state parks to visit in Idaho?

With dozens of state parks in Idaho to choose from, there are plenty of options for a day outdoors. While some state parks are lesser-known, there are others that tend to draw quite a crowd. Some of the most popular state parks to visit in Idaho include:

  • Farragut State Park
  • Ponderosa State Park
  • Eagle Island State Park
  • Bear Lake State Park
  • Coeur d’Alene Parkway State Park

What are the major highways in Idaho?

There are several main highways that take you from one end of the state to the other. Some of the main highways and interstates in Idaho include the following:

  • U.S. Route 20
  • U.S. Route 95

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  1. Healthy Road Trip Snacks -- pack these 9 budget-friendly, simple, and

    healthy road trips snacks

  2. 50+ Healthy Road Trip Snacks

    healthy road trips snacks

  3. 50 Healthy Road Trip Snacks to Share with the Kids

    healthy road trips snacks

  4. 25+ Healthy Snacks For Trips

    healthy road trips snacks

  5. Road Trip Snacks: Top 15 Healthy Munchies for Long Drives

    healthy road trips snacks

  6. 11 Types of Healthy Travel Snacks

    healthy road trips snacks


  1. 44 Healthy Road Trip Snack Ideas

    Juice boxes :: a fun treat, but make sure you look for ones with less sugar, and no artificial colors or flavors. Natural sodas :: same as with the juice boxes. Coffee drinks :: I like to have a few of these in case the driver gets sleepy. Almond milk :: Almond Breeze has awesome shelf-stable, single-serving milks.

  2. 30 Healthy Road Trip Snacks to Pack in the Car

    Fresh fruit with a peel is always a road trip winner. Pack a bag of bananas, apples and clementines for easy snacking throughout the day. Add a pack of Happy Belly mixed nuts for added protein to keep you full. Each serving of nuts contains 190 calories, 17 grams of fat, 2 grams of fiber and 6 grams of protein.

  3. 37 Tasty Road Trip Snacks With Healthy Options and Recipes

    Sliced Bell Peppers with Guacamole. Dip vibrant and crunchy bell pepper slices into creamy guacamole for a flavorful and healthy snack. This veggie-packed option provides essential nutrients and is easy to pack in a leak-proof container for mess-free snacking. We hope you enjoyed this wide selection of healthy road trip snacks.

  4. 15 Healthy Road Trip Snack Ideas

    2. Baby carrots (or sliced carrots) 3. Ranch to dip (if your kids won't eat the veggies plain - use a baby food jar and you can toss it when you're done!) 4. Corn on the cob (tastes just as good cold, just don't add butter) 5. Baby tomatoes or sliced cucumbers.

  5. 25 Best Road Trip Snacks to Keep You Fueled On Long Drives

    Snacks that pack protein and complex carbs are your allies. Try almonds, apples, bananas, whole grain crackers, or cheese. Drink plenty of water, too - staying hydrated keeps you alert. But dodge high-sugar snacks - they can lead to a quick energy burst followed by a slump.

  6. 21 Best Road Trip Snacks for Long Drives

    1. Trail Mix. Let's start things off with a snack that's loved both by kids and adults. This trail mix isn't just about nuts and dried fruit. Also loaded with pretzels, Cheerios, mini-marshmallows, and M&M's, it gets a 12/10 for color, flavor, and texture. It's so good, it's almost impossible to stop snacking on it.

  7. 30 Healthy(ish) Road Trip Snacks To Bring on Your Next Adventure

    Food that creates lots of crumbs or waste (e.x. crackers, pistachios) Powdery foods (e.x. Cheetos) Greasy or oily foods (e.x. olives) Foods with strong smells (e.x. some soft cheeses, bananas) Foods that can spoil on a dime (e.x. avocados) Food in excessive packaging.

  8. Top 50 Healthy Road Trip Snacks

    Packing a container with a dry cereal such as Cheerios is a great travel option as it allows kids to grab them one at a time. 42. Rice Cakes. Rice cakes are a healthy snack option you can enjoy plain or with toppings like peanut butter. 43. Blueberries. Blueberries are ideal to bring with you on your road trip.

  9. 25 Best Road Trip Snacks 2024

    This CraveBox comes with a mix of 45 different salty and sweet snacks. $4 at Walmart. Credit: Walmart. Skip the plain salty pretzels that just leave you feeling parched. These twists are seasoned with a buttery blend of spices including onion, garlic, and pepper. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below.

  10. 25 Healthy Road Trip Snacks to Pack in Advance or Buy on the Drive

    12. Chia seeds or flax seed. Buy now: Organic Black Chia Seeds, $7, These snack ingredients require a little prep work. Plan on an overnight soak to make chia seed pudding for your road trip, pack flax seed crackers to go with hummus or avocado, mix either into overnight oats. Have fun with it.

  11. The 38 Best Road Trip Snacks You Can Pack

    Caramel Chex Mix. This wonderfully crunchy snack is loaded with cereal, pretzels and nuts—and coated with a not-too-sweet brown sugar mixture. Pack this mix in resealable bags for easy eating while you're on the road. Go to Recipe. 22 / 38.

  12. 31 Best Healthy Road Trip Snacks (2021)

    Healthy sweet snacks to quench road trip cravings. 17. Oat bites: Oats are a great source of filling fiber and protein. Bobo's Oat Bites are vegan, gluten -free, and contain 2 grams each of ...

  13. 14 Healthy Road Trip Snacks, According to Dietitians

    Here are 14 dietitian-approved road trip snacks. 1. Medjool dates. Medjool dates are the perfect healthy road trip snack because they're satisfyingly sweet but packed with fiber, too. Two medjool ...

  14. Healthy Road Trip Snacks

    baby carrots. celery sticks - you can even prep ants on a log ahead of time. bell pepper strips. snap peas. String cheese and cheese slices. Hard-boiled eggs - peel them ahead of time. Yogurt- yogurt tubes/pouches are less messy for kids. You can also freeze them ahead of time to minimize mess even more. Hummus.

  15. 25 Best Road Trip Snacks—and They're Healthy!

    Shelf-Stable Hummus. Lilly's Original Single-Serve, Shelf-Stable Hummus. Per 2 Tbsp: 50 calories, 3 g fat (0.4 g saturated fat), 150 mg sodium, 5 g carbs (1 g fiber, <1 g sugar), 2 g protein. Loaded with protein from chickpeas, mini hummus cups are the way to go when needing a little pick me up or even lunch on the go.

  16. 50+ Easy, Healthy Road Trip Snack Recipes: Road Trip Foods

    2. Dried Fruits Ladoo - Easy Energy Balls | Dassana's Veg Recipes. Dry Fruits Laddu is an easy, nutritious recipe of energy balls that are healthy and tasty. Packed with nutrients, good fats and fibre, these energy balls are made with dates, figs and various nuts. An ideal long road trip snack. 3.

  17. 25+ Healthy Road Trip Snacks (Homemade + Store Bought!)

    Skinny Pop - Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Non-GMO. Kids and adults love this! Bear Bites - A great alternative to graham crackers. Lara Bars - 100% real ingredients. Larabar makes simple and healthy snacks you can feel good about eating. Grass-Fed Mini Beef Sticks - All natural ingredients and high in protein.

  18. 25 Healthy Road Trip Snacks to Fuel Your Next Adventure

    Dried Fruit - banana chips, pineapple, apples, cherries, chile mango, and raisins. (Tip: Avoid chocolate or yogurt covered dried fruit as it is messy as it melts.) Nuts - Get your healthy fat ...

  19. 34 Healthy Road Trip Foods

    This healthy road trip food list includes snacks, drinks, and meals (yes, shelf-stable meals!) that are quick to grab and don't make a mess! DIETITIAN'S TIP: Choose road trip foods that are both filling and satisfying. High fiber and high protein foods are going to keep your hunger and blood sugars from fluctuating.

  20. 16 Healthy Gas Station Snacks to Fuel Your Next Roadtrip

    Beef Jerky. Roadtrippers rejoice: this classic gas station snack is actually a pretty good choice. Beef jerky is packed with protein. As for flavor, stick to simple options like Original, or Sea Salt and Black Pepper. Sweet flavors like Teriyaki or Sweet Spicy Chili tend to have the most sugar.

  21. Homemade Road Trip Snacks: Car, plane, & beach snacks

    Easy Churro Bugles Recipe - These churros are a sugary delight! It takes just four ingredients and 15 minutes to make this easy snack! Check out this recipe. By thoughtfully preparing and packing your Homemade Road Trip Snacks, you'll enhance your travel experience with tasty, healthy options that keep you energized and satisfied.

  22. Best Road Trip Snacks: Fuel Up for Your Next Adventure

    When choosing snacks for your road trip, aim for a variety of healthy options. Fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, whole grain crackers, and low-fat dairy products are all great choices.

  23. 80+ Healthy Road Trip Snacks For Kids And Toddlers

    Celery sticks - great with nut butter! Carrot sticks or baby carrots. Snap peas. Halved cherry tomatoes. Broccoli florets - you can serve these raw or steam them for toddlers. Bell peppers - sliced and served with hummus or yogurt dip. Cauliflower florets - raw or steamed for toddler road trip snacks.

  24. 50 Easy Road Trip Snacks to Share with the Kids

    These are some of our go-to road trip snacks for the grown-ups to keep us fueled and satisfied. Trail mix, peanuts, or almonds. Pretzels (paired with cheese or peanut butter) Potato chips or popcorn. Grapes or apples. Dried apricots or cranberries.

  25. How to eat healthy on a road trip

    When you're on the road, it can be easy to let your healthy eating habits slide. But with a little planning, you can eat healthy and still enjoy your trip. Here are some tips to help you eat healthy on a road trip: Pack healthy snacks. Make sure you have plenty of healthy snacks on hand, so you're not tempted to stop for unhealthy fast food.

  26. 10 Delicious And Portable Road Trip Snack Ideas

    3. Chakli. Chakli, also known as murukku, is a deep-fried spiral-shaped snack made from rice flour and chickpea flour seasoned with spices. It is crunchy and savoury, making it a perfect snack for road trips. Preparation: Mix rice flour and chickpea flour with spices like cumin, sesame seeds, and asafoetida.

  27. Here Are 7 Quick And Easy Road trips In Idaho Near You

    5. Take a historic trip to Silver City. This historic partial ghost town is a wild west adventure in the heart of Idaho! Sleep in the city's supposedly-haunted hotel, explore historic cemeteries, meet up with third and fourth-generation locals, and immerse yourself in the town's super unique landscape.

  28. Russian snacks

    Answer 1 of 19: Love trying local foods so any advice on buying snacks appreciated. Either supermarket or street food? Staying at Radisson so will be stocking up to avoid high hotel prices!

  29. Moscow Sports Events 2024: Latest Calendar & Tickets

    Sports & Fitness. Experience a unique and unforgettable session of Goat Yoga in the Barn on March 9, 2024, at 10 am in Moscow Mills, MO. Hosted at Patriot Acres of Lincoln County, located at 490 South Ethlyn Road, this event offers a delightful blend of yoga, relaxation, and cuddles with adorable baby goats.

  30. Idaho Road Trip Ideas: 11 Best Road Trips + Itinerary

    Best Idaho Road Trip For Spring. Luke Wallace/Google. Route: Lava Hot Springs Resort > Shoshone Falls > Thousand Springs State Park > Boise River Greenbelt > Payette Lake > University of Idaho Arboretum and Botanical Garden, Moscow > Route of the Hiawatha. Distance: 740 miles.