Boutique Japan

20 Essential Japanese Phrases for Travelers to Japan

If you’re visiting Japan and a little worried about the language barrier (or you simply love languages), we’ve got you covered with these essential Japanese phrases for travelers.

In our guide to what we believe are the most important Japanese phrases for travel, we’ll introduce you to a selection of key words and phrases — and explain why the Japanese language barrier is not as worrisome as you might think.

The truth is, you do not need to speak any Japanese to have a successful, wonderful trip to Japan (and if you’re looking for travel inspiration, check out our favorite destinations in Japan ). However, learning a few key Japanese phrases can make your trip just that much better. So let’s get into it!

Download our Free Japanese Phrasebook:

Originally written in 2014, this post was updated and republished on November 1, 2019.

basic travel phrases japanese

The Most Essential Japanese Words & Phrases for Your Trip to Japan

Learning Japanese can seem daunting, but don’t worry. You don’t need to learn any of these words or phrases to have a great time (see why we love Japan ).

However, as any seasoned traveler knows, making a little linguistic effort can go a long way, and it can be helpful to learn even a little of the local language for your travels. We’ve narrowed it down to a small selection of key words and phrases, divided by category:

  • The Basics: Key Japanese Words and Phrases
  • Food and Drink: Eating Your Way Around Japan
  • Now or Later: Time-Related Phrases in Japanese
  • Getting Around Japan: Transportation-Related Phrases

Here is a quick look at the words and phrase you’ll find below:

Top 20 Essential Japanese Travel Phrases:

  • Konnichiwa (こんにちは) – Hello
  • Arigatou Gozaimasu (ありがとうございます) – Thank you
  • Sumimasen (すみません) – Excuse me
  • __ o Kudasai (__をください) – I would like __, please
  • __ wa Doko Desu ka? (__はどこですか) – Where is __?
  • Itadakimasu (いただきます) – An expression of gratitude for the meal you’re about to eat
  • Omakase de (お任せで) – Used to order chef’s recommendation (often for sushi)
  • O-sake (お酒) – General term for alcohol
  • Nihonshu (日本酒) – Japanese sake
  • Kinen Seki (禁煙席) – Non-smoking seat
  • Ima Nanji Desu ka? (今何時ですか) – What time is it now?
  • Nanji ni? (何時に?) – At what time?
  • Asa (朝) – Morning
  • Kyou (今日) – Today
  • Ashita (明日) – Tomorrow
  • __ ni Ikitai (__に行きたい) – I want to go to __
  • Tomete Kudasai (止めてください) – Stop, please
  • Kippu (切符) – Ticket
  • Shinkansen (新幹線) – Bullet train
  • Dono Densha? (どの電車?) – Which train?

If you’re concerned about memorizing all this Japanese, or want to learn even more words and phrases, download Boutique Japan’s Tiny Phrasebook for free.

And for an introduction to how to say these words and phrases, see our bonus video to help you practice your Japanese pronunciation .

Basic Japanese Words and Phrases

Let’s start with a few of the most basic-yet-essential Japanese words and phrases. Even if you only remember how to say hello or thank you , you’ll find that Japanese people will be appreciative of your efforts!

1. Konnichiwa (こんにちは) – Hello

Let’s start with one you’ve probably heard before: the word for hello is konnichiwa .

Konnichiwa is typically used during the day, and there are other phrases for good morning and good evening ( ohayou gozaimasu , and konbanwa , respectively). But when you’re starting out it’s best to keep things simple, and if you simply learn konnichiwa you can use it throughout the day to say hello !

konnichiwa hello

2. Arigatou Gozaimasu (ありがとうございます) – Thank you

In Japan, etiquette is no joke, and chances are you’ll be saying thank you a lot (learn more in our guide to Japanese etiquette ).

The word for thank you in Japanese is arigatou gozaimasu (in Japanese, the u at the end of some words is barely pronounced to the point of being nearly silent). You can usually simply say arigatou , which is a little more casual but usually perfectly fine. In Japan, where politeness is such a key part of the culture, you’ll be saying arigatou gozaimasu a lot!

arigatou thank you

3. Sumimasen (すみません) – Excuse me

Excuse me is an important expression in any language, and Japanese is no exception.

The word for excuse me in Japanese is sumimasen . Chances are you’ll also be using this one quite a bit, so if you can try and memorize it! It’s a doubly useful word, as it can be used both to get a person’s attention, and also to apologize.

For example, use sumimasen at an izakaya (a Japanese-style gastropub) to get a waiter’s attention. At izakaya , it’s often called out as sumimaseeeeee~n ! On the other hand, if you accidentally walk onto a tatami floor with your shoes on (something you’re likely to do at some point) you can use sumimasen to say I’m sorry .

sumimasen excuse me

4. __ o Kudasai ( をください) – I would like , please

Now that we’ve covered three basic essentials, we can move onto two key sentences that will hopefully help you a lot.

First is I would like __, please . This is useful in a variety of situations: at restaurants, in stores, and on many other occasions you’ll encounter while traveling. In Japanese, it’s __ o kudasai (simply fill in the __ [blank] with the item of your choice).

To get the most out of this phrase, you may want to learn a few vocabulary words, such as water (mizu), beer (biiru) , sake , and others you think you may need.

kudasai i would like japanese phrase

5. __ wa Doko Desu ka? ( はどこですか) – Where is __?

Last but not least, we think it’s quite useful to be able to ask Where is the __? This is useful even if you can’t understand the answer, because once you ask, people will be able to point you in the right direction, or even help you get to where you’re going!

In Japanese, it’s __ wa doko desu ka? (simply fill in the __ [blank] with the place you’re trying to reach, such as the Ghibli Museum ). One key vocabulary word that often goes along with this phrase for travelers is eki , which means station (for example, Shinjuku eki is Shinjuku station ).

doku desu ka where is

Eating Your Way Around Japan: Food and Drink Phrases

For many travelers, Japanese food is a top priority! From classic Tokyo sushi restaurants to the legendary food culture of Okinawa , there’s a lot to take in. For alcohol afficionados, Japan also offers sake , Japanese whisky , shochu , and other traditional beverages.

While you don’t need to speak any Japanese to enjoy eating and drinking in Japan, these key words and phrases will help you make the most of your culinary experiences.

6. Itadakimasu (いただきます) – An expression of gratitude for the meal you’re about to eat

Certainly not required, but if you say itadakimasu before you begin eating, whether in a restaurant or at a person’s home, they will surely be impressed with your manners.

Essentially, this phrase expresses humility and thanks for the meal you are about to enjoy. The website Tofugu does a very nice job of explaining the meaning of itadakimasu .

bon appetit itadaki-masu Japanese phrase

7. Omakase de (お任せで) – Used to order chef’s recommendation (often for sushi)

If you’re a passionate sushi enthusiast, you probably already know the meaning of omakase .

When you tell a chef omakase de , you’re letting them know that you’re placing the meal in their hands. Especially for travelers with adventurous palates, this is the best way to experience a meal at a Tokyo sushi shop , for example.

However, the phrase is not only used at sushi restaurants, and can often be used at other types of establishments as well.

your recommendation omakase de

8. O-sake (お酒) – General term for alcohol

Technically osake , this word has tripped many a non-Japanese speaker up! While in English the word sake means, well, sake , in Japanese the word sake — more politely, osake — refers to alcoholic beverages in general.

( Sake and osake are virtually interchangeable; the “o” is what is known as an honorific prefix, but unless you’re studying Japanese in more depth, you really don’t need to worry about this!)

So if you’re looking for sake (which in Japanese is called nihonshu) , it’s best to ask for nihonshu (see below). If you’re simply looking for an adult beverage (such as nihonshu , shochu , or Japanese whisky ), the catchall term sake will do the trick.

alcohol osake

9. Nihonshu (日本酒) – Japanese sake

See above for the distinction between sake and nihonshu !

10. Kinen Seki (禁煙席) – Non-smoking seat

Encountering cigarette smoke is somewhat of an unavoidable aspect of traveling around Japan. This being said, most of our travelers are quite averse to smoke, and fortunately it’s possible to travel around Japan without smoke becoming too much of a nuisance.

In some places, such as restaurants, you may have a choice between the smoking and non-smoking sections. Kinen means non-smoking, and seki means seat : put them together and you’ve just conveyed that you’d like to be seated in the non-smoking area!

non smoking area kinen seki Japanese phrase

Time-Related Phrases in Japanese

Time-related phrases can be extremely helpful in certain travel situations, and below you’ll find a few of the most practical Japanese words and phrases on this topic.

11. Ima Nanji Desu ka? (今何時ですか) – What time is it now?

Chances are you’ll have a watch or cell phone on you, but once in a while you may need to ask a stranger for the time.

The basic phrase is simply nanji desu ka? which means, What time is it? People also commonly say ima nanji desu ka? which simply means, What time is it now? ( Ima means now.)

what time is in ima nanji desu ka

12. Nanji ni? (何時に?) – At what time?

This is a particularly useful phrase while traveling. It can be helpful when purchasing rail tickets (see more on getting around Japan below), making meal reservations, or arranging tickets to events.

Sure, you could just ask nanji? ( what time? ) and hope your point gets across, but by adding the preposition ni you can be assured of much more clarity!

at what time nanji ni

13. Asa (朝) – Morning

This one is fairly self-explanatory: asa means morning . While it’s no surprise that a food-loving culture like Japan has multiple words for breakfast , one of the most common is asagohan ( gohan literally means rice , but is more generally used to mean food ).

morning asa

14. Kyou (今日) – Today

Words like today and tomorrow can be particularly useful when buying train tickets, for example. For more on transport, see the transport-related phrases below.

today kyou

15. Ashita (明日) – Tomorrow

When pronouncing the word for tomorrow, ashita , the i is virtually silent, so it ends up sounding more like ashta . If you need to express the day after tomorrow, the word is asatte .

tomorrow ashita

Getting Around Japan: Transportation-Related Phrases for Travelers to Japan

For some travelers, one of the biggest concerns about not speaking the language is the prospect of getting around the country, navigating the trains, and trying to avoid getting lost.

Fortunately, Japan has an incredibly efficient and easy-to-use rail network, and you can read all about it in our guide to train travel and getting around Japan . And here are some key Japanese words and phrases to help you on your way.

16. __ ni Ikitai ( に行きたい) – I want to go to __

On its own, ikitai means, I want to go .

To express that you’d like to go somewhere, use the phrase __ ni ikitai (simply fill in the __ [blank] with the place you’re trying to reach). For example, Kyoto ni ikitai means, I want to go to Kyoto .

i want to go to ni iki-tai Japanese phrase for travelers

17. Tomete Kudasai (止めてください) – Stop, please

Tomete means stop , and is particularly useful in taxis. The kudasai here means please , and makes the phrase much more polite ( tomete on its own would come off as quite brusque).

stop here please tomete kudasai

18. Kippu (切符) – Ticket

Kippu means ticket (as in train tickets). As you can easily imagine, when purchasing rail tickets it can be very useful to be able to tell the ticket agent that you’d like a ticket to a certain place!

Made means until or to (in this case, to your destination). For example, Osaka made means to Osaka . Thus, Osaka made no kippu means ticket to Osaka . Put it all together with kudasai (for politeness) and you have Osaka made no kippu o kudasai .

tickets to made no kippu o kudas

19. Shinkansen (新幹線) – Bullet train

Ah, the shinkansen . One of the utter joys of traveling around Japan is the world-famous shinkansen (bullet train).

Whether you have the well-known Japan Rail Pass or not, if you’re doing any domestic travel within Japan, chances are you’ll end up on the incredible (and incredibly pleasant) shinkansen for at least one if not more of your journeys. Enjoy, and grab a bento and some nihonshu (see above) for the ride!

bullet train shinkan sen

20. Dono Densha? (どの電車?) – Which train?

Wondering which train you need? Imagine you’re in Kyoto Station, headed for Tokyo. You’re on your shinkansen’s departure platform, but you see two trains.

You show your ticket to a friendly Japanese person, and ask, dono densha? They take a look at your ticket and the two trains, and point you to the right one. And you’re on your way – happy travels!

which train dono densha

Download our Free Japanese Phrasebook PDF

For those of you who want to learn even more Japanese for travel, we’ve created the Boutique Japan Tiny Phrasebook.

Our Tiny Phrasebook features carefully selected Japanese words and phrases designed to help you get the most out of your trip to Japan. You’ll find all of the words and phrases featured above, and many more!

The phrasebook is a beautifully designed PDF (it may take a few moments to load depending on your internet speed).

Simply save it to your smartphone, tablet, or computer. We suggest using an app like iBooks (or another PDF reader) so you can search for words and navigate easily.

Bonus Video: Practice your Japanese Pronunciation

One of the best things about Japanese is that it’s surprisingly easy to pronounce. Unlike several other languages throughout Asia, Japanese is not a tonal language.

In the video below, we go over basic pronunciation for some of the most useful Japanese words and phrases for your trip to Japan.

Do you need to speak any Japanese to travel around Japan ?

Absolutely not. You can travel to Japan without learning any of these words and have a great time.

People ask us about the Japanese language barrier all the time, with common questions such as, Do Japanese people speak English? How much (or how little)? The language barrier is a common myth that shouldn’t get in your way. Most of our travelers don’t speak a single word of Japanese, yet come back with testimonials of how much they love Japan .

The truth is that most Japanese people speak at least a little bit of English. These days, all Japanese students study English for a minimum of six years in secondary school, and many students — as well as adults — also take English-language classes after school or on weekends.

English-language fluency is not widespread, so most people you meet probably won’t be fluent in English, but almost everyone you meet will know at least a few English words – and many will know anywhere from hundreds to thousands.

Sometimes you may find that the people you meet are hesitant to try their English on you, but you’ll likely find that you can communicate in basic English in a huge variety of situations while traveling around Japan.

Japanese language barrier signs Fushimi Kyoto Japan

The Japanese Written Language

You may also be worried about the written language. The good news is that you don’t need to be able to read or write Japanese to enjoy Japan.

Japanese people don’t expect you to be able to read the Japanese language, and you’ll find English-language signage throughout the country. This is especially true in places frequented by travelers, such as sightseeing spots, shopping areas, train stations, airports, and often even on the street.

As for at restaurants, though it’s not always the case, in some cases you will find English-language menus. When English-language menus are not available, photos are often included to make pointing and ordering possible.

Despite Japan’s travel-friendliness, every visitor to Japan at some point finds him or herself in a situation in which linguistic communication is simply not possible, and sign language and gesturing are required.

Getting lost in a foreign country where you don’t speak the language is a fear of many would-be travelers, but if you had to pick a country in which to get lost, you couldn’t do much better than Japan! Japan is by far one of the safest countries in the world, with crime rates that are astonishingly low compared to places like the US and most of Europe. And Japanese people will often go to surprising lengths to help tourists.

Back when I first moved to Japan I spoke very little Japanese, and on my first visit to Kyoto I accidentally took the wrong train and ended up wandering around a neighborhood with no idea how to get where I wanted to go. Luckily, an older gentleman with his wife spotted me looking confused and came up to me with perhaps one of the only English phrases he knew: “ Are you lost? ” I said yes and showed him the name of the place I wanted to go.

If he had simply pointed me in the right direction it would have been helpful, but instead he started walking me in the right direction. After a few minutes of walking his wife split off, presumably to go home, and we continued. After 15 minutes of walking he had dropped me off at exactly the spot I needed to be, and – as is typical in Japanese culture – expected nothing in return. I thanked him profusely and we had a good laugh despite our inability to communicate linguistically.

Nighttime neon Osaka Japan

Why Learn Any Japanese if You Won’t Need it?

Almost everyone who has visited Japan has a similar story of a random act of kindness and generosity from a Japanese stranger (or a tale of a camera or passport left on a train being miraculously returned). So you can rest assured that even if you forget all of the words and phrases we’ve shown, you’ll be in good hands with the wonderful people of Japan.

But aside from the fact that it’s a rich and fascinating language, learning even just one or two Japanese words or phrases will help endear you to the Japanese people you meet during your trip, and enhance your overall travel experience.

Japanese people tend to be extremely appreciative of visitors who take the time to learn even just a word or phrase or two, and if you try then chances are you’ll be greeted with oohs and aahs of encouragement.

We hope you’ve found our guide to Japanese words and phrases for travelers helpful. Arigatou gozaimasu!

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73+ Essential Japanese Travel Phrases for Tourists Visiting Japan & Free cheat sheet

List of essential Japanese travel phrases for tourists traveling to Japan, with Japanese language basics and free Japanese travel phrases pdf. Easy Japanese travel words for anyone interested in learning Japanese language. From how to say thank you in Japanese, to Japanese phrases for ordering food and words for going around for easy navigation on your holiday in Japan. Japan | Visit Japan | Japanese Phrases for Travel | East Asia | Nippon #traveljournal #language #download #travelphrases

Disclosure: This essential Japanese travel phrases for tourists article may contain affiliate links. If you click it and buy something you like, I’ll earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you! Read more in  Disclaimer .

Going to Japan? Searching for essential Japanese travel phrases for tourists ? Look no further! When in Japan, being familiar with common Japanese phrases for tourists will be beyond helpful! Trust me! I have been to Japan and knowing basic Japanese phrases helped me to enjoy exploring the vibrant streets of Tokyo , serene temples of Kyoto , or the natural beauty of Mount Fuji during sakura.

Before you travel to the land of the rising Sun, learn Japanese travel phrases which will help to order ramen, and to deepen your understanding of Japanese culture and their way of life. Curious, what are some common phrases I need to learn before my trip to Japan ?

🥘 If you have been wondering “What is Anja’s favorite Japanese food?”, you will find the answer hidden in the blog.

anja on Adventure

Japan is one of the most sought-after and visited countries in Asia, known for its fascinating blend of tradition and modernity, breathtaking landscapes, and renowned cuisine. Especially popular in Spring at sakura or in Autumn for fall foliage.   There are people in Japan, who speak English. But it is not as common as you would think. Thus, japanese phrases to know when traveling will come in handy. By knowing basic Japanese words you will also be able to show respect to the locals. In this common travel phrases Japanese language guide , you are going to find useful phrases in Japanese for tourists. From typical Japanese phrases for greetings, Japanese hotel phrases and Japanese words for simple conversation. Inside the post you will also find a FREE Japanese travel phrases pdf , that you can download and bring with you to Japan.   Let’s begin your Japanese adventure by learning essential Japanese phrases for travel .

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for general JAPAN TRAVEL TIPS: • GET OVER JET LAG WITH THESE 19 EASY-TO-FOLLOW TIPS • ULTIMATE TRAVELER SAFETY GUIDE: WHAT TO DO DURING AN EARTHQUAKE for JAPAN TIPS: • Ultimate List of 23 Best Apps for Travel to Japan • JAPAN COST OF TRAVEL AND DETAILED BUDGET BREAKDOWN • HOW TO SPEND SEVENTEEN DAYS IN JAPAN: FIRST TIME ITINERARY • 73+ Essential Japanese Travel Phrases for Tourists Visiting Japan & Free cheat sheet for best TOURS IN JAPAN: • TOP 5 RAMEN TOURS IN TOKYO TO UNLOCK YOUR TASTEBUDS • 10 STUNNING JAPAN CHERRY BLOSSOM TOURS THAT YOU WILL ABSOLUTELY LOVE for INSTAGRAM CAPTIONS about JAPAN: • 55 BEST KYOTO CAPTIONS FOR INSTAGRAM – GOLDEN AND KAWAII • 55 BEST TOKYO CAPTIONS FOR INSTAGRAM – KAWAII AND CUTE • 73 Best Ramen Captions for Instagram – Delicious Like Broth • 87 Simplistic Cherry Blossom Captions for Sakura – Sweet and Dreamy • 135 Best Japan Captions for Instagram – Puns, Quotes, Riddles & Jokes

Table of Contents

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List of essential Japanese travel phrases for tourists traveling to Japan, with Japanese language basics and free Japanese travel phrases pdf. Easy Japanese travel words for anyone interested in learning Japanese language. From how to say thank you in Japanese, to Japanese phrases for ordering food and words for going around for easy navigation on your holiday in Japan. Japan | Visit Japan | Japanese Phrases for Travel | East Asia | Nippon #traveljournal #language #download #travelphrases

1. Where is Japanese spoken?

Did you know that more than 125 million people speak Japanese? Japanese is primarily spoken in Japan. It is the official language of Japan and is spoken by the majority of the population there. Due to globalization and the popularity of Japanese culture, Japanese is studied and spoken by learners in many countries worldwide. There are Japanese-speaking communities in countries around the world, particularly in the United States, Brazil, Canada, Australia, and the Philippines. The best way to learn Japanese for travel is by using apps like Duolingo or Memrise. If your Japan itinerary is longer than 2 weeks, maybe sign up for a language course. To master the basic Japanese phrases for conversation the best way would be going on a language exchange but if you don’t have time, just download Japanese cheat sheet in this blog post.

List of essential Japanese travel phrases for tourists traveling to Japan, with Japanese language basics and free Japanese travel phrases pdf. Easy Japanese travel words for anyone interested in learning Japanese language. From how to say thank you in Japanese, to Japanese phrases for ordering food and words for going around for easy navigation on your holiday in Japan. Japan | Visit Japan | Japanese Phrases for Travel | East Asia | Nippon #traveljournal #language #download #travelphrases

2. Japanese language basics: alphabet and pronunciation

Before you start learning common Japanese phrases for tourists, you have to familiarize yourself with the basics of the Japanese language . The Japanese writing system consists of three alphabets: Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji . Hiragana and Katakana are native to Japan. They both use 46 characters , each representing one syllable and a specific phonetic sound . Hiragana is used for native Japanese words and Katakana for words borrowed from foreign languages. Kanji is a writing system borrowed from China, where each ideogram stands for a certain meaning and can have multiple pronunciations.  Don’t get scared, let me tell you that Japanese alphabet has fewer letters than English alphabet, 21 in total. It uses the same sounds that you use in the English language. Each character represents a specific sound , and once you grasp the sounds, you will be able to read and pronounce Japanese with ease.   Below you will find a guide for Hiragana and Katakana symbols and a similar sound in English language.

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basic travel phrases japanese

3. Essential Japanese travel phrases

3.1. basic japanese phrases for travelers.

Basic Japanese phrases for conversation that showcase politeness and cultural respect, encouraging positive interactions with locals and are a base for every communication. Those are basic phrases to know when visiting Japan.


3.2. Essential Japanese phrases for greetings and introductions

Japanese words and phrases for greetings lay the foundation for any interaction, allowing you to initiate conversations and make a positive first impression. They are easy Japanese words to learn.

ALSO READ: • How to say You have beautiful eyes in 101 different languages around the World

3.3. Essential Japanese travel phrases for directions and getting around

Japanese travel phrases when asking for directions will enable you to navigate unfamiliar streets and find your way around.

ALSO READ: • Japan Cost of Travel and Detailed Budget Breakdown

3.4. Useful Japanese phrases for tourists when ordering food and drinks

Japanese language phrases for ordering meals, asking for recommendations, and specifying dietary preferences ensure enjoyable dining experiences and help you explore local cuisines.

basic travel phrases japanese

3.5. Essential phrases in Japanese for shopping

Japanese basics terms for inquiring about prices, negotiating, and Japan tourist phrases for asking for sizes or colors are handy when exploring markets and boutiques.

ALSO READ: • Ultimate List of 23 Best Apps for Travel to Japan

🥘 “What is Anja’s favorite Japanese food?” It is ramen. I love ramen and could eat it every day.

3.6. Useful Japanese hotel phrases

Japanese language words and hotel phrases you will need when checking in a hotel, asking for towels, fixing air conditioning, enquiring what time is breakfast, and what is included in your room rate.

ALSO READ: • How to say Thank you in 101 different languages in the World

3.7. Survival Japanese phrases and Japanese travel terms in case of emergencies

Here you will find helpful Japanese travel terms in case of emergencies, natural disasters, or if you will be needing assistance in difficult or dangerous situations.

ALSO READ: • Best Japan Captions for Instagram – Puns, Quotes, Riddles & Jokes

3.8. Beyond tourist Japanese phrases

If you’re like me and really love learning a few phrases in new languages, expand your study beyond the essential travel phrases . I always learn how to say please and thank you, never visit a country without knowing the local word for “coffee” and never leave without knowing how to say;

basic travel phrases japanese

4. Best language App for traveling abroad

Learning a language is a long process. If you think you won’t have time to learn basic Japanese phrases , or if the situations come your way when above mentioned Japanese travel phrases won’t be enough, use Google Translate. This is my favorite language app, that I use on (almost) every trip.

4.1. Google Translate

Google Translate is the most popular language travel app that can be used everywhere. I personally use it on all my travels, when going to Tanzania to learn what some Swahili words mean, when in Mexico to help with my not-the-best Spanish, when in Italy, in Japan and other places. I’m sure you are familiar with the language app already. The most obvious feature is it will help you translate the destination language into your own one. But the absolute best feature is that it can translate the text using ‘ camera translation ’. All you have to do is open the app, point your camera toward the text in a foreign language and Google Translate will do the rest. Perfect for menus! It also translates text from the photos on your camera roll. And it also works offline, when you download the language pair on your phone. Language: 133 languages Download: iOS | Android | Website Price: Free

basic travel phrases japanese

5. Final Thoughts on Essential Japanese Travel Phrases for Tourists

Whether it’s a warm greeting, ordering a meal, or expressing gratitude, this travel japanese guide and Japanese for tourists not only open doors to easier communication, but also show respect and will help you to understand Japanese culture in a different way. Before traveling to Nippon, learn Japanese words for tourists that will help you to navigate through this modern but culturally entwined land, full of history, sushis, shrines, and geishas. How to say Hello in Japanese and how to say thank you in Japanese language. Basic Japanese phrases for directions, ordering food, and checking in a hotel. And don’t forget to download Japanese travel cheat sheet . Which of these must know Japanese phrases for travel have you managed to memorize so far? Let me know in the comments! Safe travels = 安全な旅行 [anzen’na ryokō], Anja

➤ What you should read next …

• How to spend 17 days in Japan • Japan Cost of Travel and Detailed Budget Breakdown • Ultimate List of 23 Best Apps for Travel to Japan • 135 Best Japan Captions for Instagram – Puns, Quotes, Riddles & Jokes • How to say Hello in 101 different languages

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Essential Japanese Phrases for Tourists visiting Japan  + FREE cheat sheet

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Where is Japanese spoken?

Japanese is an official language in Japan. There are some Japanese-speaking communities in various other countries around the world, like the United States, Brazil, Canada and Australia.

How to say Good Morning in Japanese?

おはようございます pronounced as “ohayou gozaimasu” Learn basic Japanese words and quick Japanese phrases easy on Anja On Adventure blog. Here you can also FREE DOWNLOAD Japanese phrases for travelers pdf and key Japanese phrases for tourists.

How to say Thank you in Japanese?

Thank you in Japanese is ありがとうございます, which is pronounced as “ arigatou gozaimasu”. Learn more Japanese language basics and easy Japanese phrases for tourists on Anja On Adventure blog. Here you can also FREE DOWNLOAD basic Japanese travel phrases pdf and coloring pages with Japanese words.

How to say Hello in Japanese?

こんにちは pronounced as “konnichiwa” Learn basic Japanese for tourists and important Japanese phrases for travel on Anja On Adventure blog. Here you can also FREE DOWNLOAD Japanese for travelers pdf and Japan basic words.

How to say My name is in Japanese?

わたしのなまえは …, pronounced as “ Watashi no namae wa …”. Learn Japan travel phrases and top Japanese phrases for tourists on Anja On Adventure blog. Here you can also FREE DOWNLOAD basic Japanese words pdf and Japanese phrases while travelling Japan.

How to say How are you in Japanese?

おげんきですか? , pronounced as “ Ogenki desu ka?” Learn more Japanese phrases to know and basic Japanese phrases for tourists on Anja On Adventure blog. Here you can also FREE DOWNLOAD Japanese phrase cheat sheet pdf and useful kanji for tourists.

How do you say Hi in Japanese?

Hi in Japanese language is やあ , pronounced as “ya”. Learn learn basic Japanese for travel and Japanese phrases for travelling on Anja On Adventure blog. Here you can also FREE DOWNLOAD japanese cheat sheet tourist pdf and Japan phrases for travelers.

❥ About Anja On Adventure

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Anja On Adventure is a travel blog, a collection of insider tips and information on destinations, that I visited as a solo female traveler, tour guide, teacher, yacht stewardess, and Survivor challenge tester. Anja, is a thirty-something adventure-seeking, sun chasing, beach hopping, gin-loving, tropics enthusiast with a creative mind and sarcastic spirit, who loves coconut and mango but doesn’t like chocolate and sweets. I am passionate about all things travel, maps, and puzzles. Click here to learn more About me .

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Basic Japanese Phrases for Travelers and Beginners  

  May 20, 2020

By   Alexis Papa

Are you traveling to Japan soon? Perhaps you feel scared that you might get lost or buy the wrong item because of the language barrier? In this article, we will help you make your trip hassle-free by listing some of the basic words and phrases that you can use while in Japan.

Basic Japanese Phrases for Travelers and Beginners

Basic Japanese Greetings

こんにちは   (konnichiwa) This means “good afternoon” or “hello”. This is the most common greeting and can be used anytime before the sun sets. おはようございます (ohayou gozaimasu) This means “good morning”. If you want to make it less formal, you can just say おはようor ohayou. こんばんは (konbanwa) This means “good evening”. さよなら (sayonara) This is the most formal way of saying “good bye” and could mean as a final goodbye. To make it more casual, you can say じゃねー (ja ne) meaning “bye”, or じゃあまたね (jaa mata ne) meaning “see you later”. おやすみなさい (oyasumi nasai) This means “good night”. To make it casual, you can say おやすみ or oyasumi. ありがとうございます (arigatou gozaimasu) This means “thank you”. To make it more polite, you may add どうも (doumo) in the beginning. To make it more casual, you can say ありがとうor arigatou. すみません (sumimasen) This word has different meanings and usages. You can say this when you want to excuse yourself, call the attention of a restaurant or a boutique staff, to ask a question (“pardon me”), or even say ‘thank you’. どういたしまして (dou itashimashite) This means “You’re welcome”. はい (hai) / いいえ (iie) These mean “yes” and “no”, respectively. おげんきですか (genki desu ka) This means “How are you?”

Introducing Oneself in Japanese

Here are some ways to introduce yourself in Japanese:

Let's take a look at other important phrases:

Ordering at a Restaurant in Japanese

Let's check out some common vocabulary first.

Common Food Vocabulary in Japanese

Sentence pattern.

For example:

Other Useful Phrases

Basic shopping phrases, common vocabulary, sentence patterns, asking for directions in japanese.

If you are lost or would like to go to a certain place, you can use the following sentence patterns to ask for directions.

Sentence Patterns

Other phrases.

Now that you have learned these travel-related and beginner-friendly words and phrases, you are now ready to navigate and discover the breathtaking views and colorful culture of Japan!

Other than that, learning these basic words and phrases will surely earn you comments like すごい( sugoi ) meaning “awesome”, or にほんごじょうず ( nihongo jouzu ) meaning “good at Japanese” from the locals. 

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Alexis Papa

Alexis is a Japanese language and culture enthusiast from the Philippines. She is a Japanese Studies graduate, and has worked as an ESL and Japanese instructor at a local language school. She enjoys her free time reading books and watching series.

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The journey is the reward

42 Basic Japanese Phrases to Survive in Japan [With Audio]

Useful Japanese travel sentences

Japan’s beauty is unique in Asia and attracts millions of people worldwide. Who hasn’t thought to themselves at least once,

I would love to get lost here. 

If you plan to travel to Japan someday, learning some basic Japanese phrases will not onl y help you to survive in Japan, but also increase your chance of communicating with native Japanese that adds amazing flavor to your journey.

In this post, we’ll present you with 42 basic Japanese phrases that can navigate you through your stay in Japan. From introducing yourself, navigating public transportation and asking for directions, shopping, eating out, and coping with an emergency, this article will cover almost all the basic Japanese phrases for tourists .

Read on to prepare for your next trip to Japan!

Table of Contents

Japanese Phrases for Meeting and Greeting

We all know that Japanese people speak and act politely. Here are some greeting phrases that will make your life in Japan a lot smoother. 

First, if you want to talk to someone, you’d better start with a greeting. If you meet somebody in the morning, you can start the conversation by saying:

Note that Japanese people use “すみません” frequently to apologize for things like stepping someone in the bus, or stopping someone to ask for direction. So this could be one of the most useful Japanese phrases you want to memorize.

Japanese Phrases for Navigating Public Transportation and Getting Around

When Using Public Transportation, y ou may have heard that Japanese cities like Tokyo have one of the most complex railway systems in the world. But don’t worry, here are several phrases to help you survive in those underground labyrinth ( Navitime can help to navigate you through Japan’s confusing metro system). First, you need to find the bus stop (バス停, basutei) or the railway station (駅, eki).

You may want to try the Japan Rail Pass to save some money as well as effort to buy tickets every time. Also, a useful app called HyperDia can help you decide which train to take and warn you when a journey isn’t covered by the Japan Rail Pass .

Japanese public transportation

Now try yourself!

To find digital maps or travel brochures, you can consult JNTO-Travel Brochures . For all the help you received, you can express your gratitude with the simple phrase:

Japanese Phrases for Shopping

While traveling in Japan, you may find there are so many things you want to purchase and take home. Then what phrases are used when shopping for souvenirs?

Don’t forget to get your tax refund if you are an international tourist staying in Japan for less than 6 months.

A Japanese street

Japanese Phrases for Eating Out

After walking and shopping, you may find yourself hungry and want some authentic Japanese cuisine. With these basic Japanese phrases, you can walk into any restaurant you want with confidence.

If you want to ask for an English menu, you may say: 英語のメニュー、お願いします。(eigo no menyu, onegaishimasu.) When you find something you are interested in, you can just point to the menu and tell the waiter: 

If you want to order the food by its name, you could use the sentence structure “ください (kudasai)”. For example, if it is the tea that you want, you can say:

Japanese food

If you happen to be dining with a Japanese person, say this before you start:

Japanese people say “ いただきます ” before eating (not towards anyone, but to the food), and “ごちそうさまでした” after finishing it. You can say “ごちそうさまでした” to the owner of the restaurant, and he or she will be very much glad. When you are satisfied with the food, you can say this Japanese phrase to compliment the food:

After finishing the delicious meal, you may want to express your gratitude by saying:

As one can imagine, the amount of help you might receive doesn’t only depend on the welcoming nature of your host but also on how respectful you are.

💡Tips: Japanese dining etiquette 101

  • Don’t point at someone or something with your chopsticks.
  • Use the chopsticks to grab your food, not as a fork.
  • Do not leave your chopsticks planted up in your rice.
  • Don’t pass on food to other people around you from chopsticks to chopsticks.

To better plan your trip and find local cuisine, you can consult: Japan Travel ; Japan-Guide and Gurunavi. Before going to Japan, you might want to know more about Japanese Manners Do’s and Don’ts . Know their manners so that you can use these Japanese phrases wisely. 

Japanese Phrases for Emergency

I do hope you will not run into any unpleasant situations in Japan. However, as the saying goes, “Better safe than sorry”, I hope you can remember the following phrases to prepare for any emergency cases that might occur. First, the situation will be a lot better if you can find anyone who is able to speak English, so you can try to find one by asking:

If it is getting dangerous, just shout out:

If you get lost, try to explain your situation to people around you. Remember you can get help from the embassy and do note down the phone number and address of the embassy of your country. If you cannot use your phone, try to ask others for help:

Except for the last section, I do hope all the basic Japanese phrases you learned in this post will come in handy during your stay in Japan. As a bonus, I will introduce several cute Japanese phrases that can be used to express your emotion when talking to native speakers!

Japanese Phrases to Express Emotion

You may have already known the phrase, Japanese people do use “かわいい” a lot. It seems that “かわいい” can be used to show their likeness for almost anything, from clothes, stationery, to buildings and shops.

Another phrase that you are most likely to hear in Japan is “すごい ”. Try to use “ すごい” to compliment others and you may make some native friends.

If you are interested in learning more Japanese phrases, check out LingoDeer’s travel phrasebook and learn 1000+ common Japanese travel phrases for free . You may also encounter some anime expressions;)

If you already fall in love with Japanese, go on and read our blog articles How long does it take to learn Japanese, or this essential guide to Learn Japanese From Beginner to Advanced. Hope you can find something useful there, too! 

See, learning Japanese is not as hard as you think! If you wish to find more Japanese learning resources, check out this article about the best Japanese learning apps and hopefully you’ll find one suits you!

Wish to learn more Japanese phrases but don’t know where to start? Let me help!

I’m LingoDeer . I’m here to make your Japanese learning journey smart and fun!

Try LingoDeer for FREE

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Published by Cindy Fan

Hi, I am Cindy Fan. I majored in Japanese for four years in undergraduate school and spent 7 months in Tokyo as an exchange student. There, I fell in love with Japanese culture. Currently, I am studying for an LLM degree at BFSU. View all posts by Cindy Fan

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100 Basic Japanese Phrases for Your Trip to Japan

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Our list of 100 Japanese phrases for traveling to Japan covers basic questions, greetings, phrases to express gratitude, as well as words you can use when shopping, at restaurants, or in case of an emergency.

Matcha Admin

Basic Japanese for Travelers

English is still not widely spoken in Japan, though there are many multilingual signs and information centers within train stations and at major sightseeing destinations.

Read on to learn one hundred basic Japanese phrases with their meaning and pronunciation. For a smooth trip, we also encourage you to use an automatic translation device like Pocketalk ; you can use it to scan Japanese text and generate a basic translation, or to translate your own words into Japanese when you want to communicate with staff or locals at your destination.

Top 100 Japanese Phrases for Travel

1. Basic Expressions: Greetings and Thanks 2. Transportation: Trains, Taxis, Payment 3. Destinations: Shrines, Temples, etc. 4. Shopping: How to Ask for Things 5. For Restaurants, Cafes, and Izakaya Pubs 6. Accommodation: Hotels and Japanese Inns 7. For Trouble and Emergencies

1. Basic Expressions: Greetings and Thanks

100 Basic Japanese Phrases for Your Trip to Japan

Photo by Pixta

おはようございます Ohayo gozaimasu (pronounced O-ha-yo-o-go-za-i-mas) Good morning

こんにちは Konnichiwa (pronounced Kon-ni-chi-wah) Hello/Hi

こんばんは Konbanwa (pronounced Kon-ban-wah) Good Evening

またね Mata ne (pronounced Ma-ta-ne) Bye/See you

People may often translate "goodbye" as "sayonara" in Japanese, but this is a much more formal word and tends to have a more permanent tone to it, like a farewell. When speaking casually, "mata ne" is typically used.

すみません Sumimasen (pronounced Su-me-ma-sen) Excuse me/Pardon?

ごめんなさい Gomen nasai (pronounced Go-men-nah-sigh) I'm sorry

ありがとう Arigato (pronounced A-ri-gah-toe) Thank you

basic travel phrases japanese

Beyond Arigato! How to Say Thank You in Japanese: 12 Phrases for Every Situation

おおきに Ookini (pronounced O-o-ki-ni) Thank you (used in Kansai, especially Osaka)

basic travel phrases japanese

わかりません Wakarimasen (pronounced Wa-ka-ri-ma-sen) I have no idea/I don't know

はい Hai (pronounced Hi) Yes

いいえ Iie (pronounced E-ye) No

あなた Anata (pronounced A-na-ta) You

わたし Watashi (pronounced Wa-ta-she) Me, myself, I

英語 Eigo (pronounced Eh-go) English

If you are trying to find information in English, you may want to ask someone for help, most easily done by saying "Eigo?" However, you may have some trouble finding an English speaker when outside of major sightseeing areas.

これはなんですか? Kore wa nan desu ka? (pronounced Ko-re-wa-nan-des-ka) What is this?

Don’t hesitate to ask questions. People in Japan are kind and will definitely try their best to help you.

それはどこですか? Sore wa doko desu ka? (pronounced So-re-wa-do-ko-des-ka) Where is that?

◯◯に行きたい ... ni ikitai (pronounced i-ki-tai) I want to go to --.

失礼します Shitsurei shimasu (pronounced She-tsu-ray-she-mas) May I enter?/Thank you for your time/Goodbye

This is a more formal sentence used when entering or leaving a room, hanging up the phone, or other business/formal situations. Just keep in mind that this is a formal phrase and is spoken when being very polite.

かわいい Kawaii (pronounced Ka-wah-e [rhymes with "Hawaii"]) Cute/Sweet/Adorable/Gorgeous

"Kawaii" is a useful word, it can describe any number of things, from food to goods to people.

うれしい Ureshii (pronounced U-re-shi-i) I’m happy.

かなしい Kanashii (pronounced Ka-na-shi-i) I’m sad.

たのしい Tanoshii (pronounced Ta-no-shi-i) I’m having fun.

すき Suki (pronounced Su-ki) I like it/I like you.

きらい Kirai (pronounced Ki-rai) I don’t like it/I don’t like you.

basic travel phrases japanese

15 Japanese Phrases For When You're In Love - Express Your Feelings!

↑ Return to the top of article.

2. Transportation

100 Basic Japanese Phrases for Your Trip to Japan

両替 Ryogae (pronounced Ryo-ga-eh) Cash exchange

初乗り Hatsunori (pronounced Ha-tsu-no-ri) The base fare (on taxi)

The "hatsunori" fee is usually clearly displayed inside taxis near the car navigation system on the front. Generally, it is written “初乗り◯◯円”, showing how much the base fare is. Also, there should be a small monitor on the front displaying the total fare for the distance run. You are unlikely to be ripped off by taxi drivers in Japan, so don't hesitate to ask what the rate is.

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Riding Taxis in Japan: The 6 Best Apps to Grab a Cab

Suica, Pasmo, ICOCA Pronounced Sue-e-ka, Pas-mo, I-co-ka

These are the IC cards you can use to pay for your ticket when getting on trains, metros, buses, and monorails. In recent years, the digital versions of these cards have become more popular than the physical ones.

basic travel phrases japanese

Suica and Pasmo IC Cards: Prepaid Transportation Passes in Japan

みどりの窓口 Midori no Madoguchi (pronounced Mi-do-ri-no-ma-doh-gu-chi) *This is the general term for "JR ticket counters" at JR stations. Look for these counters when you want to reserve seat tickets for trains and Shinkansen.

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Shinkansen: How to Buy Bullet Train Tickets

各駅停車 Kakueki teisha (pronounced Ka-ku-eh-ki-tei-sha) Local train

Local trains stop at every station on the line until their final stop; the train type is usually displayed in light green lights on the digital displays.

快速 Kaisoku (pronounced Ka-i-so-ku) Rapid train

A rapid train may skip a few or many stations, depending on the line. If you're heading to a major station, take a rapid train.

通勤快速 Tsukin kaisoku (pronounced Tsu-u-kin-kai-so-ku) Commuter Express

The commuter express trains only run on certain lines or only during rush hours in big cities. They tend to be very crowded trains.

特急 Tokkyu (pronounced To-kkyu) Limited express train

You need to buy an additional ticket along with the usual one to get on limited express trains. There are two ticket types: reserved seat tickets and non-reserved seat tickets. Reserved tickets have to be bought in advance before the ride. Non-reserved ones can be bought on the train when the conductor comes by.

basic travel phrases japanese

グリーン車 Green-sha (pronounced Green-sha) “Green car,” the first-class car

You need to buy a “green car ticket” in addition to the basic fare tickets to ride in these cars. There is usually a ticket dispenser on the train platform. You also can also buy a ticket inside the car, but it would cost more than buying in advance. Green cars offer better seats and environment compared to others. You are also offered food services.

最寄り駅 Moyori eki (pronounced Mo-yo-ri-e-ki) The nearest railway station to the destination.

This word often shows up in the access information for shops and restaurants. One characteristic of the Japanese language is that several words are sometimes combined into one. In this case, 最寄り(= the nearest) and 駅(= station) are put together.

時刻表 Jikokuhyo (pronounced Ji-ko-ku-hyoh) Time-table for trains or buses

運賃 Unchin (pronounced Un-chin) Fare

The fare depends on which company’s bus you take. Some set the all-commodity rate and some do not. When to pay the fare differs by the bus, too. For details, ask the driver when boarding.

先払い Sakibarai (pronounced Sa-ki-ba-rai) Pay when getting on the bus

If the bus driver tells you “Sakibarai," then you have to pay first before the ride.

後払い Atobarai (pronounced A-to-ba-rai) Pay when getting off the bus

In this case, you have to pay for the distance traveled when you get off the bus. The fare will be displayed on a screen above the front window.

3. Destinations: Shrines, Temples, and Museums

100 Basic Japanese Phrases for Your Trip to Japan

拝観料 Haikanryo (pronounced Hai-kan-ryoh) The entrance fee at shrines and temples

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Japanese Religion: Differences Between Temples And Shrines

おみくじ Omikuji (pronounced O-me-ku-g) Fortune slip

Below are the seven ranks of fortune commonly found on omikuji (fortune slips for luck divination found at shrines and temples), from the best to the worst. The type of luck will be written on an omikuji at a shrine or temple.

basic travel phrases japanese

Omikuji - Japanese Fortune Slips

大吉 Daikichi (pronounced Die-ki-chi) Excellent luck

中吉 Chukichi (pronounced Chu-ki-chi) Higher-than-average luck

小吉 Shokichi (pronounced Show-ki-chi) Slightly higher than average luck

吉 Kichi (pronounced Ki-chi) Average luck

末吉 Suekichi (pronounced Sue-e-ki-chi) Slightly bad luck

凶 Kyo (pronounced Kyo) Bad luck

大凶 Daikyo (pronounced Da-i-kyo) Very very bad luck

お守り Omamori (pronounced O-ma-mo-ri) Good-luck charm, amulet

basic travel phrases japanese

お賽銭 Osaisen (pronounced O-sigh-i-sen) Monetary offering

When visiting a temple or shrine, you should offer some money when you go up to pray; usually, a 5 yen coin will suffice because the word "go en" (5 yen) also sounds like the word "goen" which means good relationships.

観光案内所 Kanko annaisho (pronounced Kan-koh-an-nai-sho) Tourist Information Center

It’s often said that these centers are not easy to find. Check the location beforehand on the internet or guidebooks.

4. Shopping

100 Basic Japanese Phrases for Your Trip to Japan

Picture from Shopping in Kyoto: Top 16 Department Stores, Malls, and Shopping Streets

これください Kore kudasai (pronounced Ko-re ku-da-sigh) I want this.

お願いします Onegai shimasu (pronounced O-ne-guy-she-mas) Yes, please.

When you are offered something by the staff and you would like to have it, use the phrase above.

大丈夫です Daijobu desu (pronounced Die-joe-bu-des) No, thank you.

If you want to decline that offer, then use the phrase above.

いくら? Ikura? (pronounced E-ku-ra) How much is this?

basic travel phrases japanese

13 Japanese Phrases for Shopping in Japan

おすすめ Osusume (pronounced O-sue-sue-may) Recommendation

試食 / 試飲 Shishoku / Shiin (pronounced She-sho-ku / She-in) Food tasting, Drink tasting

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12 Simple Japanese Phrases For Supermarkets And Convenience Stores

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9 Japanese Phrases You Can Use At The Drugstore

↑ Return to the top of the article.

5. Restaurants, Cafes, and Izakaya Pubs

100 Basic Japanese Phrases for Your Trip to Japan

Picture from Osaka's Vibrant Izakaya Culture: 13 Pubs and Bar Districts 牛丼 Gyudon (pronounced Gyu-don) A bowl of rice with a topping of sliced beef

たこ焼き Takoyaki (pronounced Tah-ko-yah-ki) Fried octopus dumplings

お好み焼き Okonomiyaki (pronounced O-ko-no-mi-yah-ki) Pancake-like dish with meat (or seafood) and vegetables

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Ready For Japan! Vol. 4 - Make Authentic Okonomiyaki At Home

basic travel phrases japanese

和風 Wafu (pronounced Wa-fu-u) Japanese-style

無料 Muryo (pronounced Mu-ryoh) Free

basic travel phrases japanese

How To Order Sushi - 6 Simple Japanese Phrases To Use At Restaurants!

大盛り Oomori (pronounced Oh-moh-ri) Large serving

You sometimes might find "大盛り" in combination with "無料," which means you can eat more for the same price!

食べ放題 / 飲み放題 Tabehodai / Nomihodai (pronounced Tah-beh-hoh-die / Noh-mi-hoh-die) All-you-can-eat / All-you-can-drink

Quite a number of restaurants and bars offer such food and drink plans.

ベジタリアン / 菜食 Vegetarian / Saishoku (pronounced Beh-ji-tah-ri-an/Sigh-sho-ku) Vegetarian

ヴィーガン / 完全菜食 Vegan / Kanzen Saishoku (pronounced Bi-gan/Kan-zen-sigh-sho-ku) Vegan

Vegetarian and vegan dining is gaining in popularity in Japan, but it can be hard to find at standard restaurants. Ask the employee at the restaurant just in case.

いただきます Itadakimasu (pronounced I-tah-da-ki-mas)

"Itadakimasu" is a phrase showing gratitude to the people who cooked the dish. It is a basic manner to say this before eating the food.

おいしい Oishii (pronounced O-i-shi-i) Delicious

おかわり Okawari (pronounced O-ka-wa-ri) Another helping/cup

ごちそうさまでした Gochisosama deshita (pronounced Go-chi-so-u-sah-mah-de-she-tah) Thank you for the delicious meal.

"Gochisosamadeshita" is similar to "itadakimasu," but you say this after your food is done. Don't forget to say it, or it will be considered rude to the cook.

居酒屋 Izakaya (pronounced I-za-ka-ya) Japanese bar

日本酒 Nihonshu (pronounced Ni-ho-n-shoe) Japanese sake

地酒 Jizake (pronounced Ji-za-ke) Local sake

焼酎 Shochu (pronounced Show-chu-u)

Shochu is a Japanese distilled liquor made mainly from rice, barley, or potatoes.

泡盛 Awamori (pronounced A-wa-mo-ri) Strong Okinawa liquor

枝豆 Edamame (pronounced E-da-ma-me)

Edamame is the word for green-boiled and salted soybeans eaten along with alcoholic beverages like beer or sake.

乾杯 Kanpai (pronounced Kan-pai) Cheers!

トイレ/お手洗い/化粧室 Toire / Otearai / Keshoshitsu (pronounced Toy-re / O-teh-ah-rai / Keh-show-she-tsu) Toilet

Otearai and Keshoshitsu are formal terms for "bathroom" used in restaurants or hotels.

basic travel phrases japanese

Japanese Toilets: 10 Things You Need to Know About Them

6. Accommodation

ホステル Hostel (pronounced Ho-sue-te-lu) Hostel

カプセルホテル Capselu hotel (pronounced Ca-pu-seh-lu-ho-te-lu) Capsule hotel

Capsule hotels give each guest a "capsule-like" space instead of rooms. They are efficient and ideal for those with a minimalistic travel style.

basic travel phrases japanese

旅館 Ryokan (pronounced Ryo-kan) A Japanese inn, or Japanese-style hotel

民宿 Minshuku (pronounced Min-shoe-ku) A Japanese-style private guesthouse

素泊まり Sudomari (pronounced Su-do-ma-ri) A stay without meals included

basic travel phrases japanese

10 Japanese Phrases You Can Use At A Hotel

basic travel phrases japanese

7. For Trouble and Emergencies

盗まれた Nusumareta (pronounced Nu-su-ma-re-tah) My belongings have been stolen.

なくした Nakushita (pronounced Na-ku-she-tah) I’ve lost my belongings.

たすけて Tasukete (pronounced Ta-sue-ke-te) Help!

交番 Koban (pronounced Koh-ban) Police station

警察 Keisatsu (pronounced Kei-sa-tsu) Police

110 Hyakutoban (pronounced Hya-ku-to-ban)

If you want to ask people to call the police, tell them "Hyakutoban." Or, push 1-1-0 on your mobile phone or public telephone nearby. Emergency calls on public phones are free.

きもちわるい Kimochi warui (pronounced Ki-mo-chi-wa-ru-i) I’m feeling sick.

怪我した Kega shita (pronounced Ke-ga-she-ta) I’m injured.

救急車 Kyukyusha (pronounced Kyu-kyu-sha) Ambulance

basic travel phrases japanese

Japanese Phrases To Use When You're Sick Or In The Hospital

119 Hyakujukyuban (pronounced Hya-ku-ju-kyu-ban)

The Japanese 911 is 119. This number will call for an ambulance or fire services. When using certain SIM cards, you might not be able to use such emergency calls. Ask for help around you.

大使館 Taishikan (pronounced Tai-she-kan) Foreign embassy

Many embassies are located in the Roppongi area, but make sure you know where yours is in advance.

basic travel phrases japanese

14 Japanese Phrases for Making Requests and Asking for Help

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Main image by Pixta

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Japanese Travel Phrases for an Enjoyable Trip to Japan


Are you traveling to Japan and want to learn practical Japanese travel phrases? This article is designed to help you learn the most useful Japanese words for travel.

It’s always good to learn basic words when you travel to a foreign country. Not only does it make getting around easier, but it also allows you to enjoy communicating with the locals.

In general, Japanese people are not so good at speaking English , free wifi services aren’t very prevalent (especially outside of the central cities), and Japan is still more of a cash-based society than you may think. However, Japanese people are very kind; they’ll listen to you patiently and do their best to help. So just use these basic Japanese travel phrases to talk to Japanese people when you want to ask something.

When you speak even a little bit of Japanese, locals will appreciate your effort and will be more friendly. Here’s JapanesePod101’s list of practical Japanese travel phrases for your travels to Japan!

Table of Contents

  • Greeting/Communication
  • Asking for Directions
  • Restaurants
  • When You Need Help
  • Conclusion: How JapanesePod101 Can Help You Learn More Japanese


1. Greeting/Communication

Airplane Phrases

To begin our list of essential Japanese travel phrases, we’ll go over greetings and basic travel phrases in Japanese for solid communication. These simple Japanese travel phrases can make a world of difference in your conversations and overall experience in Japan.

  • Romanization: Kon’nichiwa
  • English Translation: Hello

In terms of must-know Japanese travel phrases, you probably already know that this is the most common Japanese greeting word . You can say this to anybody for any occasion during the daytime.

  • Romanization: Hai / Iie
  • English Translation: Yes / No

Hai is “Yes” and it’s pronounced like the English word “Hi.” In Japan, saying yes also means that you understand. Iie is “No” and it’s pronounced ‘EE-eh.’

3- ありがとうございます

  • Romanization: Arigatō gozaimasu
  • English Translation: Thank you

Arigatō gozaimasu is the polite way to say “Thank you” in Japanese, and you can use this for any occasion. In case of a casual situation, you can just say Arigatō , or even more casually, Dōmo (どうも) which means “Thanks.”

4- いいえ、いりません

  • Romanization: Iie, irimasen
  • English Translation: No, thank you.

It literally means “No, I don’t need it,” in Japanese. At a restaurant, say this phrase when a waiter offers to fill your glass of water and you don’t want more.

  • Romanization: Sumimasen
  • English Translation: I’m sorry / Excuse me

This word is usually used to say “sorry” or “excuse me” . Say this when you bump into someone in a crowd or when you ask someone for directions. Japanese people also use this to mean “thank you,” in some cases, such as when someone picks up something you dropped.

  • Romanization: Onegai shimasu
  • English Translation: Please

When you request something, it’s polite to say Onegai shimasu . When someone offers you something and says please, she/he would say Dōzo (どうぞ) in Japanese.

  • Romanization: Watashi wa XX desu.
  • English Translation: I am XX.

Watashi is “I,” wa is “am/is/are,” and desu is a present-tense word that links subjects and predicates; it’s placed at the end of a sentence. You can put your name, or your nationality, such as: Watashi wa Amerika-jin desu (私はアメリカ人です) which means “I am American.”  

Many Different Flags

8- 私は日本語がわかりません

  • Romanization: Watashi wa nihongo ga wakarimasen.
  • English Translation: I don’t understand Japanese.

Nihongo is stands for the Japanese language, and Wakarimasen means “I don’t understand.” If you don’t know something, you can just say Wakarimasen meaning “I don’t know.”

9- 英語を話せますか

  • Romanization: Eigo o hanasemasu ka
  • English Translation: Can you speak English?

This is one of the most useful Japanese phrases for travelers. Eigo means “English,” Hanasemasu is a polite way to say “I speak,” and ka is a word that you add to the end of a complete sentence to make a question.

10- 英語でお願いします

  • Romanization: Eigo de onegai shimasu
  • English Translation: English, please.

This is another important Japanese travel phrase. De is the particle, and in this case it means “by” or “by means of.” The phrase literally translates as “English by please.” You can also say M saizu de onegai shimasu (Mサイズでお願いします) which means “Medium size, please.”

2. Asking for Directions

Preparing to Travel

One of the most important Japanese travel phrases you should know are directions . Here are some useful vocabulary words and two Japanese language travel phrases you need to know!

1- Vocabulary

  • 駅 ( Eki ) : Station
  • 地下鉄 ( Chikatetsu ) : Subway/Metro
  • トイレ ( Toire ) : Toilet
  • 銀行 ( Ginkō ) : Bank
  • 切符売り場 ( Kippu uriba ) : Ticket machine/Office
  • 観光案内所 ( Kankō annaijo ) : Tourist information office
  • 入口 ( Iriguchi ) : Entrance
  • 出口 ( Deguchi ) : Exit
  • 右 ( Migi ) : Right
  • 左 ( Hidari ) : Left
  • まっすぐ ( Massugu ) : Straight
  • 曲がる ( Magaru ) : Turn
  • 交差点 ( Kōsaten ) : Intersection
  • 角 ( Kado ) : Corner

2- XXはどこですか

  • Romanization: XX wa doko desu ka
  • English Translation: Where is XX?

Doko means “where” and you replace XX with the name of where you want to go.

For example

  • Toire wa doko desu ka (Where is the toilet?)
  • Deguchi wa doko desu ka (Where is an exit?)

3- XX e wa dō ikeba ii desu ka (XXへはどう行けばいいですか) : How can I go to XX?

  • Romanization: XX e wa dō ikeba ii desu ka
  • English Translation: How can I go to XX?

Dō is “how,” e is “to,” and ikeba ii can be translated as “good to go.” When you want to know how you can get somewhere, replace XX with where you want to go.

For example:

  • Eki e wa dō ikeba ii desu ka (How can I go to the station?)
  • Ginkō e wa dō ikeba ii desu ka (How can I go to the bank?)

4- Other Examples

1. この道をまっすぐ行きます ( Kono michi o massugu ikimasu. ):Go straight on this street.

Kono michi is “this street” and ikimasu is the polite way to say “Go.” O is a Japanese postpositional particle which indicates an object (in this case, kono michi ).

2. 次の角を右へ曲がります ( Tsugi no kado o migi e magarimasu. ):Turn right at the next corner.

Tsugi no kado means “next corner” and magarimasu is the polite way to say “Turn.” E is another postpositional particle that indicates direction; this can be translated as the English word “to.”

3. 交差点を渡って左へ行きます ( Kōsaten o watatte hidari e ikimasu. ):Cross an intersection and go to the left (direction).

Watatte is a conjugated form of wataru which means “cross.”

3. Shopping

Basic Questions

You’ll definitely love shopping when traveling in Japan, and some of the best Japanese phrases for travel are those related to this fun past-time. Knowing some useful Japanese words will make your shopping even more enjoyable.

1- XXはありますか

  • Romanization: XX wa arimasu ka
  • English Translation: Do you have XX?

When you’re at a store and looking for something, you can use this phrase by replacing XX with what you want.

  • Romanization: Ikura desu ka
  • English Translation: How much is it?

This is probably one of the most useful Japanese words for traveling and shopping. You can say Ikura desu ka in many situations, such as when you’re shopping, buying tickets, paying for a taxi, etc.

  • Romanization: Menzei dekimasu ka
  • English Translation: Can you do a tax exemption?

Did you know that, as a traveler, you can get a sales tax exemption when you purchase things greater than 5,000 yen? Menzei is “tax exempted” and dekimasu means “can do.” Don’t forget to say this when you buy something big!

  • Romanization: Kore wa nan desu ka
  • English Translation: What is this?

Kore is “this” and nan is another form of nani which means “what.” There are many unique foods, gadgets, and things which are unique to Japan, so when you wonder what it is, point to it and say this phrase.

  • Romanization: Kore o kaimasu
  • English Translation: I’ll buy this.

Kaimasu is the conjugation of the verb kau , which means “buy.”

6- カードは使えますか

  • Romanization: Kādo wa tsukaemasu ka
  • English Translation: Can I use a credit card?

Kādo is “card” and you pronounce it just like the English word “card.” Tsukaemasu is a conjugation of the potential form of the verb tsukau which means “use.” This phrase is useful when you want to use your card at small shops and restaurants.

Man and Woman Shopping

4. Restaurants

Japan has an array of delicious foods, of which sushi and ramen are just the tip of the iceberg. Amazingly, Tokyo is the city with the most Michelin-starred restaurants in the world, for several consecutive years. Enjoy yummy food at restaurants with useful Japanese words for restaurants and easy Japanese travel phrases related to food.

  • 英語のメニュー ( Eigo no menyū ) : English menu
  • ベジタリアンのメニュー ( Bejitarian no menyū ) : Vegetarian menu
  • 豚肉を含まないメニュー ( Butaniku o fukumanai menyū ) : Menu without pork
  • 水 ( Mizu ) : Water
  • 白/赤ワイン ( Shiro / Aka wain ) : White / Red wine

2- XXはありますか

When you want to ask if the restaurant has something you want, say this phrase (replacing XX with what you want).

  • Eigo no menyū wa arimasu ka (Do you have an English menu?)
  • Aka wain wa arimasu ka (Do you have red wine?)
  • Romanization: XX o kudasai
  • English Translation: Can I have XX?

This is another very useful phrase. Simply replace XX with what you want. You can also use this versatile phrase in various occasions, such as when shopping, choosing something, etc.

  • Kore o kudasai (Can I have this?)
  • Mizu o kudasai (Can I have water?)

4- お会計お願いします

  • Romanization: O-kaikei onegai shimasu
  • English Translation: Check, please.

O-kaikei means “check.” In Japan, people often cross their index fingers in front of their face as a gesture to indicate “check, please” at casual restaurants. However, when you’re at a nice restaurant, simply tell a waiter: O-kaikei onegai shimasu .

5. When You Need Help

Survival Phrases

Sometimes you get faced with unexpected emergencies while you’re traveling. Japan is famous for being one of the safest countries in the world, but you might fall very ill or be caught in a great earthquake.

1- Vocabularies

  • 警察 ( Keisatsu ) : Police
  • 病院 ( Byōin ) : Hospital
  • 救急車 ( Kyūkyūsha ) : Ambulance
  • ドラッグストア/薬局 ( Doraggu sutoa / Yakkyoku ) : Drug Store/Pharmacy
  • タクシー ( Takushī ) : Taxi

2- XXを呼んでください

  • Romanization: XX o yonde kudasai
  • English Translation: Can you call XX?

When you’re severely ill or in case of emergency, let people know by using this phrase. Japanese people will kindly help you.

  • Yūkyūsha o yonde kudasai (Can you call an ambulance?)
  • Keisatsu o yonde kudasai (Can you call the police?)

3- どこでインターネットを使えますか

  • Romanization: Doko de intānetto o tsukaemasu ka
  • English Translation: Where can I use the internet?

Although large cities in Japan provide free public wifi at major stations, metros, and cafes, you may need to find internet access in smaller cities. Remember that there will be kind Japanese people who will share their personal hotspots, or look things up for you with their own phones, as well.

4- 電話を貸してください

  • Romanization: Denwa o kashite kudasai
  • English Translation: Can I use your phone?

Denwa is “phone” and kashite is a conjugation word of kasu , which means “lend.” This phrase is literally translated as “Please lend (me) a phone.”

  • Romanization: Tasukete kudasai
  • English Translation: Please help me.

I believe this phrase is the last thing you would ever use in Japan, but in case something does happen, this is useful survival Japanese for tourists.

Japanese Landmark

6. Conclusion: How JapanesePod101 Can Help You Learn More Japanese

I hope this article of Japanese travel phrases is helpful and that you’ll enjoy your trip to Japan!

If you would like to learn more about the Japanese language, you’ll find more useful content on . We provide a variety of free lessons for you to improve your Japanese language skills.

We also have YouTube channel: JapanesePod101 . It’s fun to learn Japanese through watching videos and listening to actual Japanese pronunciation, so we recommend you check it out!

Don’t forget to study with our free Japanese vocabulary lists , read more insightful blog posts like this one, and download our mobile apps to learn anywhere, anytime! Whatever your reason for learning Japanese , know that we’re here to help and you can do it ! Keep in mind that the best way to learn Japanese phrases for travel is repetition and practice.

Before you go, let us know in the comments how you feel about using these useful travel phrases in Japanese after reading this article. More confident, or still a little confused about something? Feel free to ask questions in the comments!

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basic travel phrases japanese

How To Say ‘Thank you’ in Japanese

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How to Say Hello in Japanese: Practical Japanese Greetings

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100+ Useful Japanese Classroom Phrases & Vocabulary

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50+ Restaurants Phrases for Eating Out in Japan

How to celebrate april fools’ day in japanese.

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The True Japan

100 Essential Japanese Phrases and Words You WILL Use

A young woman with brown hair is standing in front of the flag of Japan. She is smiling and holding a red book that has Japanese characters on it that translates to "Japanese."

These 100 Japanese phrases are a great starting point for communicating with people from Japan. Knowing these common phrases can help you while traveling, working, or even making friends in Japan. Even advanced students of Japanese may pick up a thing or two from this list!

Self-Introduction Key Phrases

Common ways to get someone’s attention, common ways to apologize, common phrases for shopping, common phrases for restaurants, common phrases when visiting someone at their home, phrases for traveling in japan, common japanese phrases for the workplace, common phrases for visiting someone who is not feeling well, useful words to agree/disagree , commonly used adjectives, basic japanese greetings .

If you work or go to school in Japan, you will 100% be asked to do a self-introduction of yourself at some point. These phrases are great for covering the basics.

 1. はじめまして。 (Hajimemashite . ): Nice to meet you.

A standard phrase for meeting someone for the first time. Usually, you’ll say phrases #2 and #3 after saying はじめまして ( hajimemashite ).

2. 私の名前は (Name) といいます。 (Watashi no namae wa (name) to iimasu.): My name is …

If you are a woman, a girl, or a mature person, 私 ( watashi ) will sound natural. If you are a boy, 僕 ( boku ) sounds better: 僕の名前は … といいます ( boku no namae wa … to ii masu )

3 . (Name) と申します。 ( (Name) to mōshimasu.): I am (name).

A humble and polite way to introduce yourself.  

4. どうぞよろしく。 (Dōzo yoroshiku . ): Pleased to meet you.

The nuance of this phrase is closer to “Please take care of me.” This is because you are “asking for their favor” (to become friends, for their help, etc.) in the future.  

どうぞよろしく ( dōzo yoroshiku ) is casual; どうぞよろしくお願いします ( dōzo yoroshiku onegai shimasu ) is more polite and formal.

よろしく ( yoroshiku ) is a very commonly used word that means “please” or “please treat me favorably.” A polite version of this, よろしくお願いします ( yoroshiku onegai shimasu ) , is often said when you ask someone for help, work together with someone, or meeting someone for the first time. See #74 on this list for more details. 

5.   (Place) から来ました。   ( (Place) kara kimashita.): I’m from (place).

You can use this to say which country you’re from, your company name, or even an area you previously lived in.  

6.   (Hometown/School) 出身です。( (Hometown/school) shusshin desu.): I’m from …. (hometown/school)

出身 ( shusshin ) describes your place of origin. This can be the country, city, or town you’re from, or it can be a school you graduated from.

7. お会いできて光栄です。(Oai dekite kōei desu.): I’m honored to meet you.

This phrase is formal and usually used in business situations. Children would never use this phrase. When adults use it, it does sound formal, but elegant.

 8. 今後ともどうぞよろしく。(Kongo tomo dōzo yoroshiku.): I look forward to working with you/getting to know you.

At the end of a conversation, Japanese people often say 今後ともどうぞよろしく( Kongo tomo dōzo yoroshiku ) or the more formal 今後ともどうぞよろしくお願いします ( Kongo tomo dōzo yoroshiku onegai shimasu ) in business settings (to business partners or customers).

The nuance of this statement is something like, “Please treat me favorably from now on.” which implies that you plan on getting to know them more in the future. This makes it a natural way to end your introduction.  

Here are some words you can use to gain someone’s attention or to gently break into a conversation with someone.

9. あの。。。 (Ano…): Excuse me…  

When you want to get someone’s attention, you may start with あの ( ano ). It has a nuance of saying “hello” before asking someone for something (as in, “Hello. I was wondering if you could tell me how to get to the station.”)

 10. ちょっと。 (Chotto): Excuse me./Hey.

ちょっと ( chotto ) is also a very common term to start a conversation. However, unlike あの ( ano ) described above, ちょっと is better used when you already have someone’s attention. 

Using ちょっと can also be seen as strong or even rude. Sometimes Japanese people say this word twice: ちょっとちょっと ( chotto chotto ). This can be a frank and slightly suspicious way of saying, “Excuse me?” Or it can be said when you’re frustrated with someone and want to say, “Give me a break already.”

11. ちょっといいですか? (Chotto ii desu ka?): Can you help me?

This phrase is often used when you want to ask someone for help. ちょっと ( chotto ) “little” or “just a bit.” So the nuance is similar to “Could I have a second of your time?”

12. すみません。(Sumimasen.): Excuse me./I’m Sorry./Thank You.

You may have heard すみません ( sumimasen ) means “I apologize.” However, this term is also used to get someone’s attention (Excuse me.). 

It can even mean “Thank you” in certain situations. If you want to learn all about すみません ( sumimasen ), check out our guide here: What Does Sumimasen Mean?

13. 申し訳ありませんが 。。。 (Mōshi wake arimasen ga…): I’m sorry, but…

If you have a question or request that will take up someone’s time or effort (i.e., bother or cause trouble to someone) 申し訳ありませんが … ( m ō shi wake arimasen ga… ) is a polite way to ease into your request. 

If you happen to make a mistake or want to express that you are sorry , these phrases will help you out.

14. ごめんなさい。 (Gomennasai.): I’m sorry.

Along with すみません ( sumimasen ) listed above, ごめんなさい ( gomennasai ) is a very common way to apologize to someone. You can use it in most situations ranging from accidently bumping into someone while walking or making a mistake a work. A more casual version is ごめん ( gomen ), which also means “I’m sorry” but should only be used in casual situations.

15. 申し訳ありません。 (Mōshi wake arimasen.) : I am sorry.

Along with すみません ( sumimasen ) and ごめんなさい ( gomennasai ), 申し訳ありません ( mōshi wake arimasen ) also means “I’m sorry.” However, 申し訳ありません is much more formal and apologetic.  It has a nuance of “I’m very sorry.  It’s inexcusable.”  You can use phrases #15 and #16 below after saying 申し訳ありません to expresses more sincerity. 

16. 私のせいです。 (Watashi no sei desu.): It’s my fault.

Boys can use 僕 ( boku ) instead of 私 ( watashi ).  This phrase is used to take responsibility for something that you did.  It is often said after saying an apology ( sumimasen , gomennasai , or mōshi wake arimasen listed above).  After saying this phrase, you could also follow it up with 反省してます ( hansei shitemasu ), which means “I regret (realize) my mistake.”

If you make a mistake in Japan, you should do 反省 ( hansei ). 反省する ( hansei suru ) means to contemplate or reflect on what you did wrong so that you won’t make that mistake again.   

Japanese has so many cool, delicious, and interesting things to buy, so be sure to remember all of these phrases for your next shopping spree!

17. これをください。 (Kore o kudasai.): Please give it to me.

これをください is the full, grammatical phrase, but it is very common to drop the particle を ( o ) and just say これください (kore kudasai).  When you’re at a store, you can point to an item you want and say これください ( kore kudasai ) to buy it.  

18. こちらでよろしいですか? (Kochira de yoroshii desu ka?): Is this item okay?

The sales clerk may ask you this question when paying for an item. This is to confirm that the item you’re buying is the right one or to check if this item is okay with you.  

19. おいくらですか? (Oikura desu ka?): How much is this?

The casual form of this phrase is いくらですか? ( Ikura desu ka? ). Adding the “o” in front of いくら ( ikura ) makes it more polite. We recommend using the polite version, as it sounds much nicer when speaking to people you don’t know well.   

20. クレジットカードは使えますか? (Kurejitto kādo wa tsukaemasu ka?): Can I use my credit card?

If the store only accepts cash, there may be signs that say, “現金のみ ( genkin nomi ), meaning “cash only.” Just to be sure, you can use this phrase to check if they take credit cards.  

If you want to ask the sales clerk about using a credit card from a specific country, you can put use this phrase:  

{Country name} のクレジットカードは使えますか? {Country name} no kurejitto kādo wa tsukaemasu ka?

アメリカのクレジットカードは使えますか? (Amerika no kurejitto kādo wa tsukaemasu ka? ) Can I use an American credit card?

21. レシートください。(Reshīto kudasai.): Please give me a receipt.

In Japan, there are two types of receipts you might come across.  The first, and by far the most common, is a receipt that a cash register or credit card machine prints out as proof of your payment.  You’ll get this type of receipt when you buy things from the store, go to restaurants, or stay at modern hotels.  

The second type of receipt in Japan is called 領収書をください ( ryōsyūsho ).  This is also proof of payment, but it is much more formal and is often written by hand.  It also has your name or organization on it and is commonly used for claiming expenses.  

If you are casually shopping, eating at restaurants, or paying for services in Japan, you most likely will need a simple レシート ( reshīto ) and not a 領収書 ( ryōsyūsho ).

Master these phrases so you can use them to try amazing foods in Japan! Check out our “ How to Order Food in Japanese ” guide to learn how to navigate Japanese restaurants in more detail.

22. 空いてますか? (Aitemasu ka?): Is (this seat) available?

If you’re at a food court or somewhere else with public seating, you can use the phrase, “空いてますか? ( aitemasu ka? )” to ask someone if the seat next to them is available.  

Even though the word “seat” (席 – seki ) is not in this phrase, its meaning is implied.  

Note: If you want to ask if a restaurant (or store) is open for business, you can use the same phrase (same words and pronunciation). However, the kanji used for this meaning will change to “開いてますか? ( aitemasu ka? ) = Are you open?”

23. 何名様ですか? (Nanmei sama desu ka?): How many people in your party?

A standard question that you will be asked when you enter a restaurant. If you are unsure how to answer this question, you can use your fingers to show how many people are in your party. If you want to learn more about numbers and how to count in Japanese, check out our “ How to Count in Japanese ” guide.  

 24. 少々お待ちください。 (Shōshou omachi kudasai.): Please wait a second.

This is a common phrase in any customer service-related business. You may have already heard the expression, “ ちょっと待って ( chotto matte ) ,” which means “hold on a second.” 

少々お待ちください ( Sh ō shou omachi kudasai ) is a much politer way to ask someone to wait. You’ll hear it all the time in stores and restaurants.  

25. お決まりですか? (Okimari desu ka?): Have you decided (on your order)?

A waiter or waitress may use this phrase to ask you if you are ready to order.  

If you need more time to decide, you can say, まだです ( mada desu ), which means “not yet.”

26. かしこまりました。 (Kashikomarimashita.): Understood.

When you give your order to the server, they often say this. This is a polite way to say, “Understood/Got it.”

27. お待たせしました。 (Omatase shimashita): Thank you for waiting.

お待たせしました ( omatase shimashita ) literally means, “I’ve kept you waiting.” However, it is said using polite language, so the nuance comes off as “sorry to have kept you waiting” or “thank you for waiting.”

28. いただきます。 (Itadakimasu): I’ll humbly receive this meal.

いただきます is the humble verb that means “to receive.” This word is said before starting every meal to show appreciation for all the work and ingredients that went into making it. It doesn’t matter if you’re eating in a 3-star Michelin restaurant or if you are sharing a bag of potato chips with your friend. 

Check out our guide on Itadakimasu to learn more.  

29. ご馳走様でした。 (Gochisō sama deshita): Thank you very much (for the food).

When you finish eating, you should say, ご馳走様でした ( gochis ō sama deshita ) to show your appreciation to the person who cooked and even to the nature that provided the food for you. This is also used when someone buys or gives you food.  

Note: If someone brings you lunch or food, you can also use this phrase in the present tense to show you appreciation: ご馳走様です ( gochis ō sama desu ).

30. おいしかったです。 (Oishikatta desu): It was delicious.

Using the copula です ( desu ) shows your politeness. Children or close friends often just say, おいしかった ( oishikatta ). It’s a very common word to say at the end of a meal.  

31. おかわりしたいです。 (Okawari shitai desu.): I would love seconds/another helping. 

おかわり( okawari ) means “refill” or “another helping.” A casual way to say this phrase would be to say, おかわり! ( okawari! ): I want more!

32.   ~ は食べられません。 (~wa taberaremasen): I cannot eat ~

If you have any foods you don’t like or can’t eat, you can use this phrase.

If you have any food allergies, you can say アレルギーがあるので ( arerugī ga aru node ) before this phrase:  

アレルギーがあるので~は食べられません。 ( Arerugī ga aru node ~ wa taberaremasen. ) I have allergies, so I can’t eat ~.

33.   ~ は大好物です。 (~ wa daikōbutsu desu.): ~ is my favorite food.

The most common way to use 大好物 ( daikōbutsu ) is with food, but this term is also used to describe your favorite things.

34 . ~ は苦手です。 (~ wa nigate desu.): I’m not good at ~.

When talking about food, “ ~ は苦手です ( ~ wa nigate desu )” is an indirect way to say, “好きじゃありません ( suki ja arimasen ),” I don’t like it.

35. お会計お願いします。 (Okaikei onegai shimasu.): Check, please.

When you’re done with your meal, you say this phrase when you want the check. In most casual restaurants in Japan, the wait staff will leave your check on your table, which you take to the register near the entrance of the restaurant. Some restaurants will not leave the check on the table unless you ask for it.  

You can also use this phrase in stores.  

These phrases can generally be used in most situations where you enter someone’s private space. This could include places like someone’s apartment, room, or office.

36. お邪魔します。 (Ojama shimasu.): Pardon my intrusion.

You’ll say this phrase before entering someone’s house, office, or room. It is even used when you need to interrupt someone’s conversation.

Saying お邪魔します is considered polite and something you should say before entering into someone’s personal space.  

37. 素敵な~ですね。 (Suteki na ~ desu ne.): ~ {thing} looks so nice.

Japanese people often compliment something when entering someone’s house or room.  

38. つまらないものですが。 (Tsumaranai mono desu ga.): This is not much, but…

When Japanese people visit someone’s house, they often bring a gift called お土産 ( omiyage ) .  When they hand their gift to someone, they often say this phrase. つまらない ( tsumaranai ) means “boring” or “insignificant” while もの ( mono ) means “thing.” So this phrase has a nuance of, “This is an insignificant thing, but I hope you’ll like it.”

This is one of the traditional humble ways to show your appreciation in Japan.

39. 楽しかったです。 (Tanoshikatta desu.): It was fun.

This is a very common phrase used at the end of your visit or event (like a date). Just like in English-speaking countries, people sometimes say it even if they were bored, just to be polite.  

40. では、失礼します。 (Dewa shitsurei shimasu.): I’ll be on my way.

This is a polite, business-style way to say goodbye.  

Note: In a business situation, people use 失礼します ( shitsurei shimasu ) to enter the room. In this case, it means “Sorry for the intrusion/ interrupting/bothering/disturbing you.”

These are simple phrases to use when you’re exploring Japan and might need some help with directions.

41. お先にどうぞ。 (Osaki ni dōzo.): Please go ahead.

When you want someone to go ahead of you (when you are waiting in line, boarding the train, etc.), this is the phrase you’ll want to say.  

42.   ~ はどこですか? (~ wa doko desu ka?): Where is ~?

This phrase can be used when you want to ask someone where a particular building, store, or train station is (or anything really).  

If you’re asking a random stranger on the street, going up to them and asking, “where is the station?” might be too straightforward. To be more polite, you can use this phrase:

すみません。~はどこにあるかご存知でしょうか? ( Sumimasen. ~ wa doko ni aru ka gozonji deshō ka? ) Excuse me. Would you happen to know where ~ is?

43. ~への行き方を教えてください。 (~ e no ikikata o oshiete kudasai.): Please tell me how to get to ~.

A useful phrase that you can use to ask train station/information booth employees when you’re lost. For example:

USJへの行き方を教えてください。 ( USJ e no ikikata o oshiete kudasai. ) Please tell me how to get to USJ (Universal Studios Japan).

If you work in Japan , these are some of the phrases you’ll be sure to hear (and use).

44. 今日はバタバタしてます。 (Kyō wa batabata shite imasu.): I have many things to do today.

When someone is very busy, Japanese people use the word バタバタ ( bata bata ), which is an onomatopoeia for a flapping (like a bird’s wings) sound. When people are extremely busy, it’s like they are flapping their wings wildly like birds.  

45. 行ってきます。 (Itte kimasu): I’m heading out now (and I’ll be back).

When people leave their office, home, or anywhere, they say 行ってきます ( itte kimasu ) . This literally means “I’m going and coming back.” It’s like saying “see you later” in English. In response to this, you can say 行ってらっしゃい ( itterasshai ), which means “see you” or “have a good day.”  

46. ただいま戻りました。 (Tadaima modorimashita.): I’m back now.

This is a polite way to say, “I’m back.” The more casual (and common) way is to say “ ただいま ( tadaima ) ,” which means “I’m back.”  

47. 残業します。 (Zangyō shimasu.): I’ll work overtime.  

残業 ( zangy ō), or working overtime, is very common in Japan. If you are working off the clock and not being paid, people call this unpaid overtime サービス残業 ( sābisu zangy ō).

48. お先に失礼します。 (Osaki ni shitsurei shimasu.): I’m going home (excuse me for leaving early).  

When you’re leaving your workplace to go home , you say this phrase to the other people who are still working. This phrase means, “I’m leaving now, so pardon me for leaving before you.”

49. お疲れ様でした。 (Otsukare sama deshita.): Thank you for your (hard) work.

You say this phrase at work when someone leaves. You can say this in response to お先に失礼します ( Osaki ni shitsurei shimasu ). This phrase is supposed to be used by someone of higher status (aka your boss) to people of lower status. However, it is usually said by everyone in the workplace, regardless of status. Just keep in mind that some people care about social status/rules more than others. You could also say, また明日 ( mata ashita ), see you tomorrow.

If someone you know gets sick or has an injury , you may want to visit them at the hospital or at their home. These are common phrases used in this situation.

50. お加減いかがですか?   (Okagen ikaga desu ka?): How are you feeling?

This phrase is typically used to start a conversation with someone who hasn’t been feeling well.  

51. お陰様でなんとか。 (Okage sama de nantoka.): I’m feeling alright, thanks.

One of the common answers to the question above: お加減いかがですか?   ( Okagen ikaga desu ka? ).  

The nuance of this phrase is similar to “I’m getting by, thanks.”  

52. 痛い。 (Itai): It hurts.

Said when you feel physical pain.  

53. 苦しい。 (Kurushii): It’s tough.

苦しい ( kurushii ) can mean that your situation is difficult or that something is physically painful or mentally straining/tough.  

54. 気分がよくなりました。 (Kibun ga yoku narimashita.): I feel much better.

This phrase describes how you feel emotionally (mood) more than your physical condition. However, when you recover from an illness, you feel great, making this a common expression to use when you’re feeling better.  

55. すっかり治りました。 (Sukkari naorimashita): I made a complete recovery.

When talking about your physical body being cured or healing, the kanji above is used 治る ( naoru ): to be cured, to recover. However, the same word is also used to describe fixing things or repairing inanimate objects (like a TV, computer, etc.). To talk about an inanimate object being fixed or repaired, a different kanji is used – 直る ( naoru ): to be repaired, to be fixed.

56. 早く良くなるといいですね。 (Hayaku yoku naru to ii desu ne.): I hope you feel better soon.

A standard phrase to say to someone who doesn’t feel well.  

Another super common expression is お大事に ( odaiji ni ), which means “take care of yourself.”

57. 無理しないでください。 (Muri shinai de kudasai): Don’t push yourself too hard.

This is also a common phrase to tell someone to “take it easy.” It is commonly used when people are not feeling well or are working too hard.  

These are some of the simplest words in Japanese but the most useful. You will hear and use these words multiple times a day, especially if you work or go to school in Japan.

58. はい。 (Hai.): Yes.

The standard and formal way to say “yes.”

59. そうです。 (Sou desu.): That’s right.

A super common phrase to give confirmation to someone. This phrase literally means “It/That is so.”  In conversation, it means “That’s right” or “That’s correct.”

60. ええ。 (Ee.): Yes.

This is another way to say “yes” in Japanese. ええ ( ee ) is neither formal nor extremely casual (but more casual than はい ( hai ) listed above). ええ is often used in business circumstances or between people who don’t know each other well.  

61. わかりました。 (Wakarimashita.): I understand.

This is a must-know word used everywhere: at the workplace, in stores, with strangers, etc. It is said when you want to confirm that you understand a situation or information that someone told you.  

62. 了解しました。 (Ryōkai shimashita.): I got it. / Roger

This is more businesslike than わかりました ( wakarimashita ) listed above.  

63. いいですね。 (Ii desu ne.): Sounds good. / It looks good.

This phrase is typically said when agreeing with someone. For example, if someone comes up with a good idea that you like, you can say いいですね。- Hey, that sounds good!  

64. いいえ。 (Iie.): No.

This is the textbook word for “no” in Japanese. You usually learn this word the first day you start studying Japanese. However, due to its formal and direct nature, saying いいえ ( iie ) is pretty rare . Using いいえ to disagree with someone, or even just to answer a simple yes/no question, sounds too strong. It can even come off as a little rude. いいえ is mainly reserved for very formal settings.

65. 違います。 (Chigaimasu.): That’s not right/incorrect.

違います (c higaimasu ) is a much more natural way to tell someone “no” or that something isn’t correct. For example, if you are sitting on the train and someone approaches you to ask, “Excuse me, are you John’s brother?”  

Since you are not John’s brother, you can simply say 違います to mean, “No, I’m not.”  

66. いや。 (Iya): Oh well. / No.

When people point out that something is wrong or disagree with things, they often start the sentence with いや ( iya ), such as いや、違います ( iya, chigaimasu ). This reinforces the meaning of “no, that is not correct” without sounding too harsh. 

However, いや can also mean “disagreement.” Little kids often say “いやいや!” when they are throwing a temper tantrum. As an adult, you can say いや when you want to say that you don’t like something directly (see #67 below for more details).

67. 嫌です。 (Iya desu.): I don’t want to do it. / I don’t like it.  

Saying 嫌です ( iya desu ) directly tells someone that you don’t like (or hate) something. For example, if your friend wants you to go out on a date with someone you really can’t stand, you can tell them, いやだよ ( iya dayo )!” to mean, “No way! I don’t want to!”

68. やります。 (Yarimasu.): I’ll do it.

This word can be used when you want to say that you’ll do something. For example, imagine you are at work. Your boss asks for volunteers to help with a new project. If you want to step up and help, you can tell your boss, “やります。” The negative form of this word is やりません ( yarimasen ), which means “I won’t do.”

69. できます。 (Dekimasu.): I can do it.

It is used when you want to say that you are able to do something.  

For example:

Boss: “Can you finish this report by 5 pm today?” You: はい、できます。 ( Hai, dekimasu. ) Yes, I can.  

The negative form of this word is できません ( dekimasen ), which means “I can’t do it.” 

70. 大丈夫。 (Daijōbu.): (It’s) okay.

This is another must-know word in Japanese. You can use it to say that you are okay or a situation is under control. If you trip and fall, people might ask you if you are okay. You can tell them “大丈夫 ( daijōbu )” to let them know you are okay.  

It can also be used to decline things. For example, if you’re at the supermarket and the cashier asks you if you need a bag, you can say “いや大丈夫です” ( iya daijōbu desu ) to say that you don’t need one.  

大丈夫 ( daijōbu ) is used to describe both a situation or your physical condition.

71. 平気です。 (Heiki desu.): I’m okay. / It’s all good.  

This usually describes your mental condition or feeling. For example, if you’re at a theme park and someone asks how you feel about roller coasters, you can say 平気です ( heiki desu ) if you have no problem riding them.  

Or, if you’re calm in a stressful situation (like evacuating a building that’s on fire), you can tell someone 平気です to say that you are cool as a cucumber.  

72. 無理です。 (Muri desu.): That’s impossible/unreasonable.  

When someone asks you for something that you don’t want or can’t do, you can tell them 無理です ( muri desu ).  

For example, if a guy goes up to a girl to ask her for her number, she can say “無理です” to reject him. This phrase is not rude if said in a normal, “matter-of-fact” way. Instead, it lets someone know that you cannot accept their request. It would be similar to saying “I can’t” in English.  

Of course, if you said it forcefully, as in “無理です!” this changes the nuance to something like “no way!” in English.  

73. 問題ありません。 (Mondai arimasen.): No problem.

If someone asks you something that you don’t have any problems with, you can tell them 問題ありません ( mondai arimasen ). This phrase is also used when talking about the status of things. For example, if your boss asks you if you can complete the project by next week, you can tell them 問題ありません to say that it’s no problem at all .  

Here are some polite phrases when you need to ask someone to do something.

74. お願いします。 (Onegai shimasu.): Please.

Whenever you ask someone to do something, saying お願いします ( onegai shimasu ) is polite and natural. You’ll also hear this phrase being said between people who will start to work with each other. In this case, お願いします is a shortened version of よろしくお願いします ( yoroshiku onegai shimasu – #4 on this list) .  

75. お願いできますか?   (Onegai dekimasu ka?): Could you do this for me?

This is a gentle and polite way to ask a favor from someone. A more friendly/casual way to ask this is, “やってくれる? ( yatte kureru? ).”

76. 頼みます。 (Tanomimasu.): I’ll ask you to do it.

頼みます ( tanomimasu ) means “to request” or “to rely on.” When you tell someone 頼みます, you are relying on them to do something for you. It’s like saying “I’ll count on you (to do it)” in English.

77. 急いでください。 (Isoide kudasai.): Please hurry up.

This is a polite way to ask someone to hurry up and do something more quickly.  

78. やめてください。 (Yamete kudasai.):  Please stop it.  

This phrase is useful in many situations.  If someone is bothering you, or doing something that you want them to stop, you can say  やめてください ( yamete kudasai ).  やめて ( yamete ) comes from the verb やめる ( yameru ), which can mean “to stop, to quit, to cancel, or to be sick.”  There are different kanji characters for each meaning of やめる as show below: 

  • 止める: To stop, to cancel
  • 辞める: To quit, to resign
  • 病める: Sick, to be ill

You’ll hear this phrase often  in movies, anime, and in conversations with native speakers.

Here are some useful adjectives for describing things and situations you may encounter.

79. うるさい (Urusai): Noisy, loud

うるさい ( urusai ) describes something that is annoyingly loud or noisy. If you say it forcefully or angrily, it can also mean “shut up!”  

Check out our guide on うるさい to learn more about it:  Urusai: Does It Really Mean Shut Up?

80. 仕方ない。 (Shikata nai.): There is no way. / Can’t be helped.

If something happens that you don’t have control over, you can say this phrase. It has a nuance of, “well, nothing can be done about it, so there’s no sense in crying over spilled milk.”

81. もったいない (Mottainai): Wasteful.

This phrase is similar to the English expression, “what a waste.” It can describe wasting material things like food or money but can also describe abstract things like talent.  

82. 大切 (Taisetsu): Precious

大切 ( taisetsu ) describes something precious and valuable or something that you cherish.  It can be used to describe people or things you love.

83. 無駄 (Muda): Meaningless

無駄 ( muda ) is used when you feel that something is pointless, meaningless, or just a waste of your time.  

A common expression using this adjective is “時間の無駄 ( jikan no muda ).” This translates to “a waste of time” and is used when you spend your time without being productive or taking more time than you should have to do a specific task. 

84. おめでとう (Omedetō): Congratulations

This is a casual way to say congratulations to someone . If you want to be more formal/polite, you can say “おめでとうございます ( omedetō gozaimasu ) instead.  

85. よかったね。 (Yokatta ne.): I’m happy for you.

The formal form of よかったね ( yokatta ne ) is よかったですね ( yokatta desu ne ). These phrases are commonly used when someone tells you good news. 

For example, if someone looks happy and says, “I got accepted to Harvard!” you can tell them, “よかったね ( yokatta ne ).” The nuance of this phrase is like saying, “That’s great!” or “I’m happy for you!” in English.  

86. 嬉しい (Ureshii.): (I’m) happy

嬉しい ( ureshii ) usually means that you are happy/delighted that something good happened. For example, if someone brings doughnuts for everyone in your office, you can say うれしい! to show how happy you are about it. Since you are talking about emotions, うれしい is only used to describe human feelings.  

Another word for happy in Japanese is 幸せ ( shiawase ). This word usually describes the state of being happy (happiness). For example, you finally save up enough money to take a vacation in Hawaii. When you’re on the beach sipping a Mai Tai, you can say “幸せ” to describe how the situation you are in is the definition of happiness.  

幸せ can also be used to describe inanimate things as well. For example, 幸せなライフスタイル ( shiawase na raifusutairu ): A happy lifestyle (i.e., a lifestyle that makes you happy). 

87. 楽しい (Tanoshii): Fun/enjoyable.  

When you’re having fun, you can say 楽しい ( tanoshii ) to let other people know you are enjoying yourself! It can also be used to describe fun things, like 楽しいゲーム (tanoshii gēmu): fun games.

See #39 on this list, 楽しかったです ( tanoshikatta desu ), to see how this adjective is used in the past tense.  

 88. 大好き。 (Daisuki.): I love (it).

You may have learned that 好き ( suki ) means “like” and that 大 ( dai ) means “large.” Put these two words together, and you have “a large like,” or in other words, “love.”  

You can use 大好き ( daisuki ) to talk about both things or people that you love.  

Last, but not least, here are basic Japanese grettings that you’ll use over and over in Japan.

89. おはよう。 (Ohayō): Good morning.

おはよう ( ohayō ) is the casual way to say good morning in Japanese. If you want to be more formal (like greeting people in a business environment or talking to someone with a higher social status than you), saying おはようございます ( ohayō gozaimasu ) is more appropriate.  

90. こんにちは。 (Konnichiwa.): Good afternoon.

 こんにちは ( konnichiwa ) is used to say “hello” to people from the late morning until the early evening. This word is “socially friendly,” meaning that you can use it with anyone. It doesn’t matter if someone has a lower or higher social status than you.  

91. こんばんは。 (Konbanwa.): Good evening.  

 こんばんは ( konbanwa ) is used as a greeting during the nighttime. This word can also be used with anyone in any social situation (although it is a bit formal to say it to close friends).  

If you want to say “good night,” as in, “I’m going to bed,” you use the word おやすみなさい ( oyasuminasai ) or the more casual おやすみ ( oyasumi ).  

92. 元気? (Genki?): How are you?

This is the casual version of asking someone how they are doing. This is commonly used with people you are close to or those with an equal or lower social status than you.  

The more polite phrase, お元気ですか? ( ogenki desu ka? ) should be used when speaking to people with a higher social status than you.  

93. お久しぶりです。 (Ohisashiburi desu.): Long time no see.

 Between close friends, you can omit お ( o ) and say, 久しぶり ( hisashiburi ).

It is a set phrase that everyone uses when they meet someone they have seen in a long time.  

94. お変わりありませんか? ( Okaw a ri arimasen ka? ): How have you been?

 While お変わりありませんか ( okawari arimasen ka? ) translates to “Have there been any changes (with you),” the nuance when using this phrase is “How have you been. I hope you are still doing well.”

95. ご無沙汰してます。 (Gobusata shite imasu.): It’s been a long time.

This phrase is used when you haven’t been in contact with someone for a long time. It usually refers to a lack of contact by letter, email, or phone.  

96. 元気でね。 (Genki de ne.): Take care.

元気でね ( genki de ne ) is mainly used when people say goodbye to friends or family who they will not see again for a while. So the meaning of “take care” in this case means “take care until we (if) meet again.”

Another phrase, 気を付けて ( ki o tsukete ), can also be translated to “take care.” However, the nuance of this phrase means to “be careful” and take care of yourself. 気を付けて is often used when someone is going on a trip or telling kids to be careful when walking home from school. 

97. またね。 (Mata ne.): See you later.

 This is a very casual way to say goodbye to someone. A similar expression in English would be, “see ya.” Because this phrase is so casual, you would never say it to someone of higher social status (your boss, business partners, etc.)  

98. じゃあね。 (Jā ne.): See ya.

This is another very casual way to say bye to some. It shares the same nuance as またね ( mata ne ) explained above. You would not use this in formal situations or with people who have a higher social status than you.  

99. バイバイ。 (Bai bai.): Bye-bye.

 This is yet another very casual way to say bye in Japanese. Just like with またね ( mata ne ) and じゃあね ( Jā ne ) explained above, you would not use this in formal situations or with people of high social status.  

バイバイ ( bai bai ) does have a cute right to it, which makes it more popular among young people.  

100. さようなら。 (Sayōnara.): Good bye.

さようなら ( sayōnara ) is the textbook word for “goodbye” in Japanese.  Sayōnara can work in many situations, but it can be too formal or strong in casual situations .  

The nuance of saying さようなら is either formal or serious.  

It is formal because you would not use it with close friends or family. It is used at schools in Japan, where students and teachers say さようなら when they part ways.  

さようなら can also be used to say “farewell,” as in “I’m leaving and not sure if I’ll come back.” You might see characters in movies saying さようなら to each other as a final goodbye.  

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101 Basic Japanese Words and Basic Japanese Phrases for Travel in Japan

Elaina Robbins

Elaina Robbins

Travel in Japan is the ultimate goal of many Japanese students. Not only is it a fascinating and eye-opening experience; it’s a great opportunity to practice using basic Japanese words and basic Japanese phrases in a setting other than the classroom.

Having a selection of basic Japanese phrases ready to use as you travel in Japan will help you get around and improve your pronunciation as you interact with native speakers. After all, there is no better way to learn any new language than practical application!

We have assembled a list of practical, basic Japanese phrases that will make your journey through this ancient culture even more educational and memorable. Speechling has many tools to help with comprehension and pronunciation as you prepare for your trip and commit these basic Japanese phrases and words to memory.

women in kimonos come out of a shop

These basic Japanese words and phrases allow you to greet people and interact throughout the day. As you use them, remember what you’ve learned about the high premium placed on respect in this culture! When in doubt, err on the side of too much deference.

  • Hello: Konnichiwa. こんにちは
  • Good morning: Ohayo- gozaimasu. おはようございます
  • Good afternoon: Konnichiwa. こんにちは (yes, this is the same as “hello”!)
  • Good evening: Konbanwa. こんばんは
  • Goodbye: Sayo-nara. さようなら
  • Please: Kudasai. ください
  • Thank you: Arigato- gozaimasu. ありがとうございます
  • How are you?: Ogenki desu ka? お元気ですか?
  • Yes: hai. はい
  • No: EE-eh. いいえ
  • My name is __ : Watashi no namae wa __ desu. 私の名前は __ です
  • What’s your name?: Onamae wa nan desu ka? お名前は何ですか? (おなまえは なんですか?)
  • It’s nice to meet you: Hajimemashite. 始めまして (said at the beginning of a conversation, not when parting)
  • Sorry: Gomen-nasai. 御免なさい
  • Excuse me: Sumimasen. すみません
  • Where is the?: __ wa doko desu ka? __ はどこですか?
  • I don't understand. Wakarimasen. わかりません
  • I do not speak Japanese: Nihongo o hanashimasen. 日本語を話しません (にほんごを はなしません)
  • Do you speak English?: Ehgo o hanashimasu ka? 英語を話しますか?(えいごを はなしますか?)
  • Please repeat that: Mo- ichido itte kudasai. もう一度言ってください (もういちど いってください)
  • Please speak slowly: Yukkuri hanashite kudasai ゆっくり話してください (ゆっくり はなしてください)
  • Would you please help me?: Tetsudatte moraemasuka? 手伝ってもらえますか? (てつだって もらえますか?)
  • I want to go: (Koko) ni ikitai no desu. (ここ)に行きたいのです ((ここ) に いきたいのです)

Japanese traditional building

Transportation and Lodging

As in most countries, Japanese transit and hotel staff seem to have a language of their own. Do some reading online before your trip, just to acquaint yourself with some of the quirks you may encounter in Japanese hotels (for example, you’re expected to tidy your own hotel room). Here are some basic words and phrases that will be helpful.

  • How much is a ticket to __ ?: ___ madeh ikura desu ka? ___ までいくらですか ?
  • A ticket to__, please: ___ madeh ichimai onegaishimasu. __ まで一枚お願いします
  • Where does the train/bus go?: Kono densha/basu wa doko yuki desuka? この(電車/バス)はどこ行きですか ?
  • Where is the train/bus to (a location)?: ___ yuki no densha/basu wa doko desuka? ___ 行きの(電車/バス)はどこですか?
  • Does this train/bus stop in __ ?: Kono densha/basu wa ___ ni tomarimasuka? この(電車/バス)は ___ に止まりますか ?
  • When does the train/bus for ___ leave?: ___ yuki no densha/basu wa nanji ni shuppatsu shimasuka? ___ 行きの(電車/バス)は何時に出発しますか?
  • When will the train/bus arrive in __ ?: Kono densha/basu wa nanji ni ___ ni tsukimasuka? この(電車/バス)は何時に _____ に着きますか?
  • Do you have rooms available?: Aiteru heya arimasuka? 空いてる部屋ありますか?
  • How much does lodging for one/two cost?: Hitori/futari-yō no heya wa ikura desuka?一人/二人用の部屋はいくらですか?
  • Is the room Japanese/Western style?: Washitsu/yōshitsu desuka? 和室/洋室ですか?
  • Does the room come with __ ?: Heya wa ___ tsuki desuka? 部屋は ... 付きですか?
  • May I see a room first?: Heya o mitemo ii desuka? 部屋を見てもいいですか?
  • I'll take it: Kore de ii desu. これで良いです
  • I would like to stay for ___ night(s): ___ haku onegaishimasu. ___ 2泊お願いします
  • Do you know another place to stay?: Hoka no yado wa gozonji desuka? 他の宿はご存知ですか?
  • What time is breakfast/supper?: Chōshoku/yūshoku wa nanji desuka? 朝食/夕食は何時ですか?
  • Please wake me at___: __ ni okoshite kudasai.__ に起こしてください
  • I would like to check out: Chekku auto (check out) onegaishimasu. チェックアウトお願いします

Japanese shopping area

As soon as you walk into a retail business or restaurant in Japan, you will be greeted with, “Irrashai maseh” (いっらしゃいませ)! It is a general welcome by employees to all customers, so all you need to do is nod in acknowledgement, if anything. You’ll probably hear the following phrases from the store clerk as you shop:

  • Are you looking for something?: Nani ka osagashi desu ka? 何かお探しですか?
  • Is that everything?: Ijyou de yoroshii desu ka? 以上でよろしいですか?(いじょうで よろしいですか?)
  • Here you go: Hai, douzo. はい、どうぞ

Your responses may include phrases such as: 45. I would like this item: Kore o onegai shimasu. これを おねがいします 46. I would like one of those: Sore o hitotsu onegai shimasu. それを一つお願いします (それを ひとつ おねがいします) 47. How much does it cost?: kore wa ikura desu ka?これは いくらですか? 48. Do you accept a credit card?: Kureditto kaado (credit card) o tsukaemasuka? クレジットカードを使えますか?

Japanese food

Dining out provides lots of opportunity to practice your Japanese, but it is also an activity that can be quite different in Japan. Do some research before you go to learn as much as you can, and then enjoy Japan’s world-famous food!

  • Space for one person/two people, please: Hitori/futari desu. 一人/二人です.
  • Please bring a menu: Menu o kudasai. メニューを下さい。
  • Is there a house specialty? O-susume wa arimasuka? お勧めはありますか?
  • Fixed-price meal: Teishoku. 定食
  • A la carte: Ippinryōri. 一品料理
  • Breakfast: Chōshoku. 朝食
  • Lunch: Chūshoku. 昼食
  • Light meal: Keishoku. 軽食
  • Supper: Yūshoku. 夕食
  • Beverage: Nomimono. 飲み物
  • I want a dish containing __ : __ ga haitteru mono o kudasai. __ が入ってるものを下さい。
  • Chopsticks: ohashi. お箸
  • It was delicious: Oishikatta desu. おいしかったです
  • Excuse me: Sumimasen. 済みません
  • May I have the check, please? Okaikeh onegai shimasu. お会計お願いします
  • Do you serve alcohol? Osakeh arimasuka? お酒ありますか?
  • Sake: Nihonshu. 日本酒
  • Japanese liquor: Shōchū.焼酎
  • Whiskey: Wiskii. ウイスキー
  • Water: Mizu. 水
  • Club soda: Sōda: ソーダ
  • Coffee: Co-hii. コーヒー (こーひー)


Time and Numbers

You may encounter military time in Japan, or the terms “gozen” 午前 for a.m. and “gogo” 午後 for p.m. Check out this resource for some additional explanation; this topic can get tricky. Also, remember that the Japanese readings “yon” and “nana” are often used for 4 and 7 due to superstition about the translation (“shi,” used in another reading for both those numbers, translates as death).

  • Six o'clock a.m.: Asa rokuji. 朝6時
  • Noon: Shōgo. 正午
  • One o'clock p.m.: Gogo ichiji. 午後1時
  • Midnight: Yoru jūniji: 夜12時
  • ___ minute(s): ___ foon or poon. 分
  • ___ hour(s): ___ jikan. 時間
  • ___ day(s): ___ nichi. 日
  • ___ week(s): ___ shūkan. 週間
  • ___ month(s): ___ kagetsu. ヶ月
  • ___ year(s): ___ nen. 年
  • 4: Yon or shi. 四
  • 7: Nana or shichi. 七
  • 8: Hachi. 八
  • Now: Ima. 今
  • Later: Atodeh. 後で
  • Before: Maeh ni. 前に
  • Morning: Asa. 朝
  • Afternoon: Gogo. 午後
  • Evening: Yūgata. 夕方
  • Night: Yoru. 夜

Woman in a kimono walking away

Words or Phrases to Avoid

These phrases can convey disrespect. You don’t want to offend anyone, especially people you don’t know, so make sure to avoid these terms, even if you hear them being tossed around in your favorite anime.

  • Doing something untimely: Manuke. まぬけ
  • Drop dead!: Kutabare. くたばれ
  • Move out of the way!: Doke. どけ
  • Noisy!: Urusai.うるさい

Japanese shrine gate tunnel

Enjoy Your Trip!

As you prepare to travel in Japan, use Speechling’s pronunciation tools to master the phrases provided on this list. Review The Top 5 Pronunciation Mistakes English Speakers Make in Japanese Lessons , too, and then the Top 100 Basic Japanese Words for Beginners for additional words that weren’t included in this list. Native speakers will appreciate the effort you took to use Japanese words and phrases, even if they aren’t perfect!

Speechling is a nonprofit app and website that combines human coaching with technology to improve your foreign language speaking.

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Japanese Phrases for Travelers (A Cheat Sheet)

When traveling through Japan, it is VERY helpful to have some Japanese phrases under your belt. On my visit there, I found that many people I encountered did not speak English, so I’m so glad that I took some time to a (little) bit of Japanese before my visit.

Keep reading for a list of the top Japanese phrases for travelers, as well as some general information on the language and tips on how to start learning on your own! Your trip to Kyoto , Tokyo , and beyond will be better because of it.

Table of Contents

The Top Resources for Learning Japanese

  • iTalki : Practice with Live Teachers at a low cost
  • LingoPie : Learn the language by watching videos in Japanese
  • Writing Practice Book : Learn how to write in Japanese script


Japanese Language Overview

Language history.

The exact origins of Japanese are disputed by top linguists, as there is evidence that it could have originated from either the Polynesian, Chinese, or the Ural-Altaic languages. For a time, many scholars agreed that Japanese is part of the Ural-Altaic language family, which also includes Turkish, Korean, Manchu, and Mongolian. Japanese has been compared with Korean due to similarities in structure, use, and grammar, but the relation is still debated. Today, it the only major language whose origin is still unknown.

basic travel phrases japanese

Get your free download!

Japanese phrases pdf.

This free download includes all the key Japanese phrases that you will need for your travels to Japan. In addition, get details on the best resources to improve your speaking and listening skills as well.

Japanese language history can be split into five main periods:

  • Old Japanese (Prior to 8th Century)
  • Late Old Japanese (9th – 11th Century)
  • Middle Japanese (12th – 16th Century)
  • Early Modern Japanese (17th-18th Century)
  • Modern Japanese (19th Century – now)

Japanese has been a recognized language for the past 1200 years, from around the 8th century AD, where the earliest Japanese writings have been found. Some earlier evidence of the Japanese language has appeared in Chinese writings from as early as the 3rd century AD, but it is not known how long the language has existed on the island.

basic travel phrases japanese

The Language Today

Today, Japanese is spoken by over 125 million people, most of whom reside in Japan. It is not the official language of Japan, but is the de facto national language of Japan. The standard form of the language is called hyojungo “standard Japanese or kyostugo “common language”. This is the variety of the language that is taught in schools and used in TV and official communications.

There are dozens of dialects spoken throughout Japan, as with many old languages. Some differences are more minor (e.g., changes to pronunciation or words used), while other dialects are so distinct from each other that they are mutually unintelligible. This is most often the case for dialects coming from peripheral regions, mountain villages, or isolated islands in the country.

I will also note, there are other languages spoken in Okinawa, as well as the Ryukyu and Amami Islands, known as the Ryukyuan languages. These languages are part of the Japonic language family, and some are considered endangered languages by UNESCO. Their decline is use is due to a shift in greater use of Standard Japanese and other dialects.

RELATED: Kyoto Travel Guide

Japanese Script

An interesting fact about Japanese that did not know until recently, is that Japanese has no genetic relationship to Chinese. Which was surprising to me because the language does use mostly Chinese characters in its written script. There have been two methods of using Chinese script – the first by using them as characters to represent an object or idea. The second method involves using the script to pronounce Japanese words phonetically – which is not widely done today.

Over time, the Japanese script has been modified from the traditional Chinese characters with the overall simplification of some characters. Additionally, there has been the incorporation of hiragana characters, which are also simplified and have a more rounded appearance.

Japanese for Travelers

Additional Observations on Japanese

For the true language nerds out here are a few interesting facts about Japanese:

  • There are no diphthongs in Japanese, only monophthongs, demonstrating that all Japanese vowels are “pure”
  • Word order is classified as subject-object-verb, but the only strict rule there is that the verb must be at the end of the sentence
  • The culture in Japan is VERY polite, and that is also represented in the spoken language as there is an extensive grammatical structure to express politeness, formality, and even differing levels of social status

Basic Japanese Words and Pronunciation

Japanese greetings – formal.

Here are some basic formal greetings (hi / goodbye) that you’d use on a regular day.

  • Hello/Good day – Konnichiwa (こんにちは今日は)
  • Good morning – Ohayō Gozaimasu (おはよう ございます お早う御座います)
  • Good evening – Konbanwa (こんばんは)
  • Good night – Shitsurei shimasu (しつれい します 失礼します)
  • Goodbye – Sayōnara (さようなら)

Note, when greeting others in Japan be sure to accompany your words with a slight bow. This bow is often done again when saying goodbye as well.

Japanese Greetings – Informal

If you stay in Japan for a time and make friends, it may be appropriate for you to incorporate informal greetings into your vocabulary:

  • Hi – Yā (やあ)
  • Hey/Yo – Yō (よう)
  • What’s Up? – Saikin dō? (さいきんどう最近どう)
  • Bye – Jā / Jā ne (じゃあ / じゃあ ね)
  • See you soon – Mata ne (また ね)
  • See you again – Jā mata (じゃあ また)
  • See you tomorrow – Mata ashita (また あした また明日)
  • Be well – Genki De (げんき で 元気で)

Ginkaku-ji Temple in Kyoto, Japan

Top 30 Japanese Phrases

Outside of Japanese greetings, here are the top 30 phrases that you should learn before visiting Japan:

  • Hello – Kon’nichiwa (こんにちは)
  • Yes – Hai ( はい)
  • No – Iie (いいえ)
  • Thank you – Arigatō* (ありがとう)
  • Excuse me – Sumimasen* (すみません) – This phrase is important when trying to get the attention of your waiter in restaurants, and when passing people in tight quarters.
  • Please – O-negai shimasu (おねがいします)
  • You’re welcome – Dōitashimashite (どういたしまして)
  • I’m sorry – Gomennasai (ごめんなさい)
  • Do you speak English? – Eigo o hanasemasu ka (えいごをはなせますか。)
  • I only speak a little Japanese – Watashi wa nihongo ga sukoshi shika hanasemasen. (わたしは にほんごがすこししか はなせません。)
  • What is your name? – O-namae wa nan desu ka. (おなまえはなんですか。)
  • My name is __ – Watashi no namae wa ___ desu. (わたしのなまえは かおりです)
  • How are you? – O-genki desu ka. (おげんきですか。)
  • I’m fine, thanks – Genki desu. (げんきです)
  • I’m very glad to meet you – Oaidekite ureshī desu. (おあいできて うれしいです。)
  • I don’t understand – Wakarimasen (わかりません。)
  • What did you say? – Nante iimashita ka. (なんていいましたか。)
  • Can you speak more slowly? – Motto yukkuri hanashite kudasai. (もっと ゆっくりはなしてください。)
  • I understand you perfectly. – Yoku wakarimasu. (よくわかります。)
  • How much is it? – Ikura desu ka? (いくらですか?)
  • Do you have ___? – ______ wa arimasu ka? (はありますか)
  • Help! – Tasukete (助けて。)
  • I don’t need it. – Iranai (いらない)
  • Great! / I’m glad! – Yokatta (良かった)
  • Are you okay? – Daijoubu desu ka. (大丈夫ですか)
  • What happened? – Doushitanda. (どうしたんだ)
  • Welcome – Irasshaimase. ( いらっしゃいませ)
  • How much does it cost? – Ikura kakarimasu ka? (いくらかかりますか?)
  • It costs. .. – Hiyō ga kakarimasu (費用がかかります)

Note: I’ve put an asterisk by the phrases that I used the most while traveling through Japan.

Counting to 10 in Japanese

There are two methods of counting in Japanese: 1) Sino-Japanese and 2) Native Japanese. Sino-Japanese is used most often (by far), so this is what is demonstrated in the tabel below:

RELATED: The Link Between Languages and Travel

Pronouncing Japanese the Right Way

Check out this video from a native speaker that covers pronunciation for many of the phrases listed above. For best results, practice saying the words out loud so that you get used to speaking them.

Japanese Travel Phrases PDF

Keep your learning going by downloading this Japanese Phrases PDF. You will be able to practice as needed before your trip!

FAQs about Learning Japanese for Travel

Before your trip to Japan, some common phrases you should learn are “Arigatou gozaimasu” (Thank you very much), “Sumimasen” (Excuse me/I’m sorry), “Konnichiwa” (Hello), “O-genki desu ka?” (How are you?), and “Eigo o hanashimasu ka?” (Do you speak English?).

Japanese people often say “Ittekimasu” (I’ll go and come back) before leaving their home, which is a polite way of saying they are heading out. Similarly, upon returning, they say “Tadaima” (I’m back) to announce their arrival.

The Japanese word for travel is “tabi” (旅).

Some must-know phrases for Japanese travel include “Doko desu ka?” (Where is it?), “Ikura desu ka?” (How much does it cost?), “Eki wa doko desu ka?” (Where is the train station?), “Kudasai” (Please/give me), and “Osusume no o-sake wa arimasu ka?” (Do you have any recommended sake?).

Some cool Japanese phrases include “Yoroshiku onegaishimasu” (Please take care of it/Thank you in advance), “Kawaii” (Cute), “Oishii” (Delicious), “Ganbatte” (Good luck/Do your best), and “Natsukashii” (Nostalgic).

Learning Japanese for Travel | Final Recommendations

That wraps my list of essential Japanese phrases for travelers. Now that you know WHAT you need to learn, the next step is to take it into practice. I suggest that you do that by downloading the attached PDF of key Japanese phrases, and practice the phrases daily for at least a month before your trip.

To complement learning these phrases, there are a few additional resources that you may find helpful:

  • iTalki – On this site you can practice with a tutor, formal teacher, or others just seeking to do a language exchange (for free!). The paid lessons have very cheap options, with some as low as $5 an hour. Check it out!
  • LigoPie – Practice listening and reading Japanese with videos. You can make changes to the speed you are listening to as well. This is the best way to rapidly increase your comprehension skills!
  • Japanese Pod – There are so many free resources on the website and through the podcast they offer. There are paid options as well.
  • Duolingo – I don’t find this app useful for practicing spoken language, but it will help you remember key phrases through repetition.

Have you studied Japanese before? Let me know if you have any additional tips in the comments below!

Related Posts on Japan:

  • 2 Days in Kyoto
  • 4 Days in Tokyo
  • Hakone Travel Guide
  • The Best Samurai Experience in Kyoto
  • Ninja Akasaka Review

Additional Travel Language Guides:

  • Portuguese for Travel
  • Spanish for Travel
  • Italian for Travel
  • Thai for Travel
  • Greek for Travel
  • Language and Travel

Don’t forget to pin this for later!

basic travel phrases japanese

Christen Thomas is the founder of TravelWanderGrow, established in 2018. She has lived abroad and traveled extensively to over 30 countries. In addition, she is a certified Travel Advisor and is an expert in planning trips focused on city history and culture. As a frequent traveler, she also shares tips on how to prepare to travel well and how to save money while doing so.

Pinning this for later as we’re hoping to visit Japan in the next few years. Great breakdown of the common phrases. I had a Japanese roommate in high school so I’ve heard a lot of these phrases, but never knew how to spell them – so interesting!

Glad you have found the guide helpful, Emily! Hope you get to practice the phrases soon :).

I am Korean-American & can speak conversational Korean. I feel I would be able to easily pickup Japanese but they seem to talk so fast! Thanks for sharing this post! My husband & I hope to visit Japan later this fall…it will come handy!

Doesn’t it always seem that others speak so fast when you are learning a language? Hopefully you can put these to good use on your trip to Japan!

Very useful and interesting. Thank you! Keep it coming

Glad you found it helpful, Oliver!

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FLIP Japan Guide

Useful Japanese travel phrases for your everyday life in Japan

by Venese | Jun 11, 2020 | Blogs , Japanese Language | 0 comments

40 most commonly used Japanese abbreviations

If you are planning to travel or move to Japan and don’t speak any Japanese, here are some common daily Japanese phrases you can memorise easily and quickly to get by every day! 

If you are learning Japanese phrases or want to grasp the Japanese language quickly and easily , check out our FREE Japanese language 5-day challenge ! You will be able to master simple casual Japanese conversation in just 5 days!

Want to find out more about Japan language? Check out:

  •   Top 30 Japanese slangs to help you sound like a pro
  • Common mistakes people make when learning Japanese
  • Best way and tips to learn the Japanese language quickly and easily  
  • Japanese Phrases For Your Night Out in Tokyo
  • Useful Japanese slangs
  • Japanese onomatopoeia

Table of Contents

Japanese travel phrases

Basic greetings and phrases  .

Scene in Japan with Japanese travel phrases

Here are some essential travel phrases you would need when travelling in Japan.

“ Ohayou gozaimasu (おはようございます)” means “good morning”. You can shorten it to just ‘ohayou’ if you’re speaking to a friend or someone you know well. 

“ Konnichiwa (こんにちは)’ is usually translated as “good afternoon”, but it’s also understood as ‘hello’ and you’ll hear it throughout the day. 

“ Konbanwa (こんばんは) means “good evening” and is used throughout the evening and night. 

“ Arigatou gozaimasu (ありがとうございます)” means “thank you”. Similarly to “ohayou gozaimasu”, you can omit ‘gozaimasu’ if you’re speaking to a friend or someone you know well. 

“ Douzo (どうぞ)’ means “please go ahead”. You can use this when opening the door for someone, offering a seat to someone, or asking someone to eat. 

“ Sumimasen (すみません)’ has been said to be one of the most difficult Japanese words to translate as it can mean several things. It can mean “I’m sorry” or “thank you”, but it’s most commonly translated as “excuse me”. 

For example, when a waiter refills your glass, you’ll use ‘sumimasen’ to say “thank you” (instead of “arigatou gozaimasu”) in a roundabout way: “excuse me for making you fill my glass.” Or, if you accidentally bump into someone, you use ‘sumimasen’ to say “I’m sorry”: “excuse me for bumping into you.” You’ll probably use it more commonly to get someone’s attention or to get past someone. 

“ Gomennasai (ごめんなさい)’ means “I’m sorry”. We’ve just discussed that ‘sumimasen’ can also mean “I’m sorry”, but unlike ‘sumimasen’ that has more humble connotations, ‘gomennasai’ has more sorrowful, guilty connotations. If you were to cause a person great distress, for example if you spilled a drink down their shirts or if you lost something of theirs, you would use ‘gomennasai’ instead of ‘sumimasen’. 

Essential phrases

Japanese useful everyday phrases for visiting tokyo

When you are travelling in Japan, these Japanese common daily phrases are very important for you. Check these Japanese travel phrases so your travel in Japan will be more convenient.

Both “ onegaishimasu (お願いします)” and “ kudasai (ください)” mean “please”, but “onegaishimasu” is tied more to actions, while “kudasai” is tied more to things. For example, if a cashier in a convenience store asks if you’d like them to microwave your meal (an action), you would use “onegaishimasu” to say “yes, please do this.” In a restaurant, if you’d like a glass of water (a thing), you would say “mizu (水) kudasai” to say, “water, please.”

They’re used interchangeably in some situations so don’t worry too much about using the “correct” one; you’ll be understood just fine either way. 

“ Daijoubu (大丈夫)” means “okay” or “fine”. For example, if a cashier asks if you’d like a plastic bag, you can say “daijoubu desu” to say “I’m fine, thanks.” Or you may ask a cashier, “kurejitto kaado (クレジットカード) wa daijoubu desu ka” to ask, “Is [paying with] a credit card okay?”

For the following few phrases, remember these basics.

~masu is positive.  ~masen is negative.  ~ka is a question mark. 

For example: 

“ Ari masu (あります)” means “I have” or “there is”.  “ Ari masen (ありません)” means “I do not have” or “there isn’t”. “ Arimasu ka (ありますか)” asks “do you have” or “is there”. 

For example, you may ask a bar owner, “toire (トイレ) wa arimasu ka ” to ask, “is there a toilet?”, and he/she may reply, “toire wa ari masu /ari masen ” to answer “there is/isn’t a toilet.” This will be particularly handy in shops and restaurants when you’re looking for a particular product or food item. 

“ Deki masu (できます)” means “I can”.  “ Deki masen (できません)” means “I cannot”.  “ Dekimasu ka (できますか)” asks “Can you”.

For example, someone may ask you “tenisu (テニス) dekimasu ka (can you play tennis)”, and you can reply with “tenisu deki masu /deki masen ” to answer “I can/cannot play tennis.” 

“ Wakari masu (わかります)” means “I understand”.  “ Wakari masen (わかりません)” means “I do not understand”.  “ Wakarimasu ka (わかりますか)” asks “do you understand.” 

For example, you may ask someone, “eigo (英語) ga wakarimasu ka (Do you understand English?)”, and they will reply “eigo ga wakari masu /wakari masen ” to answer “I do/do not understand English.” 

Restaurant Phrases

Japanese useful everyday phrases for visiting shrines and temples

Here are some amazing travel phrases you would need in a restaurant to easily communicate with the waiters and restaurant staff. You can use these Japanese common daily phrases everyday in Japan.

‘ Yoyaku (予約)’ means ‘reservation’. To tell someone you have a reservation, you say, “yoyaku ga ari masu ”. 

‘ Otooshi (お通し)’ refers to an appetiser that you receive in exchange for paying a mandatory entry/table fee that some restaurants will charge. These entry/table fees range anywhere between 300 and 1000 yen (USD$2.8 to $9.35). 

‘ Omakase (お任せ)’ is derived from the verb “omakase masu” which means to “leave it up to” someone. When asking for ‘omakase’ in a restaurant, you are “leaving it up to” the chef to decide what to serve you. This is usually available only in high-end restaurants, especially sushi restaurants. 

‘ Osusume (おすすめ)’ means ‘recommendation”. This is really useful if you visit restaurants that don’t have English menus; you can simply ask the waiter/waitress for a recommendation, which is usually the restaurant’s signature dish. 

Japan scene Useful Japanese travel phrases for your everyday life in Japan

“___ wa nan desu ka (___はなんですか)” asks “what is”. For example, “kore (これ) wa nan desu ka” means “what is this?”

“___ wa doko desu ka (___はどこですか)” asks “where is”. For example, “eki (駅) wa doko desu ka” means “where is the station?”

“___ wa ikura desu ka (___はいくらですか)” asks “how much is”. For example, “biiru (ビール) wa ikura desu ka” means “how much is a beer?”

Which of these Japanese travel phrases do you like the most? Let us know which Japanese common daily phrase you will use in the comment section below.

Learning a new language can be challenging but with the right tools, it will be a more fun and exciting journey for you. To get your foot in the door in the world of Japanese language, we have prepared a 5-day challenge for you . Each day, we will send you an email with easy and quick tips for learning Japanese language and essential Japanese phrases straight to your mailbox. By the end of the 5-days, you will be able to hold a small conversation in Japanese! It is completely free so if you’re interested, just click here to sign up!

Want to find out more about Japan? check out Honest review on this Japanese language platform and Rocket Languages review on this Japanese learning platform  and 25 Useful Japanese descriptive words

If you want to learn more about how to introduce yourself, say “this” and “that”, “here” and “there”, and just master the casual Japanese language, come and join the Japanese language 5-day challenge .  

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50+ Basic Travel Phrases in Japanese (with Etiquette)

Lorena Macedo

Irasshaimase! (いらっしゃいませ), or "welcome!" to your guide to Japanese travel phrases.

If you're planning a trip to Japan or simply interested in learning Japanese , this guide to using and understanding Japanese travel phrases is a must-read.

You don't need to learn the entire language before you make the trip of a lifetime. Still, knowing some key phrases, cultural differences and mannerisms will make Japan more accessible for English speakers.

Related: Saying Hello in Japanese: Pronouncing Japanese Greetings

First, we'll discuss the Japanese language and writing styles. Then, we'll cover some essential Japanese travel phrases, including "please", "thank you", "excuse me" and "I don't understand Japanese". Formality in Japanese will be explained, followed by restaurant vocabulary and etiquette.

Next, we'll cover certain phrases related to transport and travel, followed by pronunciation tips for common phrases used in Japan. Finally, we will answer frequently asked questions about Japanese phrases and travel to Japan.

The Japanese Language

Japanese words can be written in symbols or in Romanized characters, so beginners can still read and write before they learn the Japanese script.

However, when you learn Japanese characters you can better understand the nuances of the language.

Kanji are Chinese characters taken from the Chinese script and used in Japanese writing. This writing system was introduced to Japan in the 4th or 5th century, as Japan had a talking system but no means to write it down. Kanji are complex symbols that represent words or ideas.

However, Kanji characters are used along with the more recently created syllabic scripts of Hiragana and Katakana, which represent sounds.

Some people find these scripts easier to read as the symbols are simpler. Hiragana is generally used to represent Japanese words, while Katakana represents foreign words imported into the Japanese language.

While it is possible to write everything in Hiragana or Katakana, i t w o u l d l o o k l i k e t h i s . So, it is better to replace words with Kanji when possible. Japanese people use the three scripts interchangeably, as they are needed.

basic travel phrases japanese

10 Essential Japanese Words And Phrases

When starting to learn Japanese, it's helpful to familiarize yourself with some essential words and phrases. These basic expressions can help you navigate common social situations, communicate politely, and express yourself in simple ways.

  • Konnichiwa (こんにちは) – Hello/ good afternoon
  • Ohayo Gozaimasu (おはよう ご ざ い ます) - Good morning
  • Konbanwa (こんばんは) - Good evening
  • Arigatou (Gozaimasu) (ありがとう (ご ざ い ます)) – Thank you (polite way).
  • Onegaishimasu (お願い し ます)/ Kudasai (くだ さい) - Please
  • Sumimasen (すみません) – Excuse me
  • Hai (はい) - Yes/ I understand
  • Iie (いいえ) - No
  • Nihongo ga wakarimasen (日本語がわかりません) - I don't understand Japanese
  • Gomen nasai (ごめんなさい) - I'm sorry

From greetings and gratitude to requests and acknowledgments, the following Japanese phrases are fundamental building blocks for beginner learners. Let's explore their meanings and contexts:

Konnichiwa (こんにちは)

A basic greeting used during the day. Suitable for use with strangers or casual acquaintances.

Ohayo Gozaimasu (おはようございます)

A polite way to greet someone in the morning. Useful for more formal situations or when addressing elders/superiors.

Konbanwa (こんばんは)

The evening greeting counterpart to konnichiwa. Appropriate for use from around sunset onwards.

Arigatou (Gozaimasu) (ありがとう(ございます))

Arigatou is the basic way to express thanks. Adding gozaimasu makes it more polite for formal situations.

Onegaishimasu/Kudasai (お願いします/ください)

Onegaishimasu is more formal, while kudasai is slightly more casual. Both express requests politely.

Sumimasen (すみません)

A versatile phrase used to apologize, get attention politely, or ask for a favor humbly.

The most basic way to express agreement or acknowledge something.

A simple, polite way to express negation or disagreement.

Nihongo ga wakarimasen (日本語がわかりません)

Useful for communicating language limitations politely when first learning Japanese.

Gomen nasai (ごめんなさい)

An important phrase to apologize sincerely in both formal and informal contexts.

Formality In Japanese

Social hierarchy, or your rank compared to others, determines how you will talk to someone in Japanese.

The generally accepted pecking order puts parents above children, teachers above students, customers above shopkeepers, bosses above employees, and elders above younger people.

Moreover, familiarity plays a part in how formal or informal you are with someone. Families will speak more casual Japanese with one another, while strangers use formal terms. Good friends drop formalities entirely and use slang to communicate.

Japanese words are conjugated based on formality. Formal Japanese can be divided into three categories: polite language, honorific language, and humble language.

There is also an informal way of communicating in Japanese, but when you learn Japanese, you often learn the formal first as the conjugation is easier.

Gozimasu and Arigatou

You do not need to worry too much about this as an absolute beginner. Just remember that you can make simple adjustments such as adding gozimasu (ご ざ い ます) to ohayō (おはよう) when saying "good morning" to make it more formal, or to arigatou (ありがとう) to say "thank you" the formal way.

Domo arigato (共 ありがとう) "thank you so much" is also formal. This is a phrase many westerners are familiar with due to the song Mr Roboto by Styx!

Arigato or domo used in isolation are two ways to say "thanks", informally. Use the latter two with friends and family.

basic travel phrases japanese

Onegaishimasu and Kudasai

Finally, let's revisit when we use Onegaishimasu (お願い し ます) and Kudasai (くだ さい) for "please".

  • Kudasai is the more familiar term, while onegai shimasu is more polite and honorable.
  • So, you can ask for water, for instance, by using Kudasai (ください) or onegai shimasu ( を お願い し ます), depending on who you are talking to. For example:
  • Mizu o onegai shimasu ( 水を お願い し ます) - I would like water, please (formal)
  • Mizu o kudasai (水 お ください) - Give me water, please (informal)

Kudasai is a familiar request word that you use when you know you are entitled to something.

For instance, asking a friend or peer for something, or making a request from someone of a lower rank than you. Take a look at the following phrases:

  • Mō yamete kudasai (もう やめて くだ さい ) - Please stop
  • Chotto matte kudasai (ちょっと 待って くだ さい) - Wait a minute, please
  • Kutsu o nuide kudasai (靴を脱いで くだ さい) - Please remove your shoes
  • Shio o watashite kudasai ( 塩を渡して くだ さい) - Pass the salt, please

If you are speaking to a teacher, elder, or boss in Japan and don't understand something, you can ask: Mou ichido onegai shimasu (もう一度お願いします) - Could you repeat that, please?

As well as language, gestures also play a part in formality and respect in Japanese culture. One such gesture is the bow, and it matters how deep you bend!

A short bow at 15° is appropriate for a casual greeting. A 30° bow is good for greeting strangers and bosses, while a 45° bow conveys deep respect or an apology.

10 Food & Drink Basic Phrases in Japanese

  • Menyū (メニュー) - Menu
  • O-sake (お酒) – General term for alcohol (not to be confused with the below)
  • Nihonshu (日本酒) – Japanese saké (rice wine)
  • Bīru (ビール) - Beer
  • Mizu (水) - Water
  • Gohan (ご飯) - Rice
  • Misoshiru (みそ汁) - Miso Soup
  • Sushi (すし) - Sushi
  • Mochi (餅 ) - Mochi (a traditional Japanese glutinous rice cake)
  • ___ o Kudasai ( をください) – I would like __, please ___ o onegai shimasu (を お願い し ます) - I would like ___ please

In addition to food and drink, you might want to know how to ask for other specific services in a Japanese restaurant.

  • Kin'en seki (禁煙席) - Non-smoking seat
  • Kurejittokādo wa tsukaemasu ka? (クレジットカードは使えますか) - Do you accept credit cards?

basic travel phrases japanese

Japanese Restaurant Etiquette

It is not enough simply to know a few polite phrases in Japanese. You will also need to understand a bit about restaurant etiquette.

In many Japanese restaurants, there are low tables with cushions, rather than or in addition to western-style tables and chairs.

Cushions will be placed on tatami floors, which are a traditional kind of mat flooring in Japanese restaurants. You should never wear shoes or slippers on tatami flooring, and avoid stepping on anyone's cushion except your own.

Japanese Restaurant Vocabulary in Context

When the food comes, it is customary to wait for everyone's meals to arrive, then say:

  • Itadakimasu (いただきます) - "I gratefully receive (this meal)"

You should say this before starting to eat. This is similar to the French "bon appetit".

However, if a dish is best eaten hot and it arrives before the others, the following phrase can be used:

  • Osaki ni douzo (お先 に どうぞ) - "Please go ahead"

Other useful Japanese resturant phrases include:

  • Daijyoubu Desu (だいじょうぶです) - "I'm fine now" (this is a polite way to decline something from a waiter offering you more water or food).

You can conclude the meal by saying the phrase:

  • Gochisousama deshita (ごちそうさま でした) - "Thank you for the feast."

This expresses gratitude to the chef and for the ingredients of the meal.

At the end of your meal, you should use the following:

  • Okaikei wo onegaishimasu (お会計 を お願いします) - "The check, please."

Manners in Convenience Stores

The following piece of vocaulary will be useful:

  • Konbini (コンビニ) - Convenience store

In Japan, simple things like unfolding your bills before you hand them over to the cashier and not throwing down your coins are considered polite as they make the worker's job easier.

Customer service in Japan is famously excellent, so treat the clerk with respect and kindness, as you should in any other foreign country.

basic travel phrases japanese

10 Transportation-Related Phrases In Japanese

  • ___wa doko desu ka ( は どこ です か) – Where is __?
  • Eki (駅) - Train station eg. Eki wa doko desu ka (駅 は どこ です か) - Where is the train station?
  • Basu noriba (バスのりば) - Bus stop
  • Dono Densha (どの電車)/ Dono basu (どのバス) – Which train?/ Which bus?
  • (Tōkyō) ni ikitai ( ([東京) に行きたい) – I want to go to (Tokyo)
  • Kippu (切符) – Ticket
  • Katamichi kippu (片道切符)/ Kaeri no kippu (帰りの切符) - One-way ticket/ return ticket
  • Hoteru (ホテル) - hotel
  • Toire ( = トイレ) - Bathroom / toilet
  • Ikura desu ka (いくら です 化) - How much is it?

Japanese travel phrases in context

Now, you can start to put some of the words we have learned together to create a proper phrase.

  • Hiroshima e no kaeri no kippu o onegai shimasu, ikura desu ka (広島への帰りの切符をお願いします、いくらですか) - "I would like a return ticket to Hiroshima, how much is it?"

These essential Japanese travel phrases will come in handy when visiting Japan, as an estimated 70% of the population does not speak English.

You'll find more people with some level of English in the top destinations, such as Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka, while you might hit a language barrier in smaller towns.

10 Time-Related Phrases In Japanese

Whether you're inquiring about the current time, referring to specific times of the day, or discussing dates, these Japanese time phrases will prove invaluable. Let's explore 10 essential time-related words and expressions in Japanese:

  • Ima Nanji Desu ka? (今何時ですか) – What time is it now?
  • Asa (朝) – Morning
  • Kyou (今日) – Today
  • Ashita (明日) – Tomorrow
  • Nanji ni? (何時に?) – At what time?
  • Gogo (午後) - Afternoon
  • Yoru (夜) - Night/Evening
  • Kinou (昨日) - Yesterday
  • Itsudemo (いつでも) - Anytime/Whenever
  • Jikan ga arimasen (時間がありません) - I don't have time

Basic Japanese Phrases and Pronunciation in Japanese

An important phrase you will likely say a lot is desu ka ( です か).

This indicates a question when placed at the end of a sentence. So, let's make sure you can say it correctly, as it may not be pronounced as you'd expect.

You want to pronounce desu like “dess.” Remember, the “u” sound at the end is dropped.

This happens a lot with words that end with “u” sounds, including:

  • Arigatou Gozaimasu (ありがとう ご ざ い) - "thank you" (which is pronounced "arigatou gozaimas").

We have already seen desu ka in the phrase ikura desu ka, " how much is it?", and wa doko desu ka , "where is it?".

It is also used in the following key Japanese phrases:

  • O genki desu ka (お元気 です 化) - How are you? (Pronounced "o genki dess ka").
  • Nani desu ka (何ですか なにですか) - (polite) What?
  • Sou desu ka (そうですか) - Is that so?/ Really? The response, Sou desu (そうです), pronounced "so dess", means "that is so" or "yes, really".
  • Kore wa na ndesu ka (これ わ なん です か) - What is this?

You can create many more Japanese phrases for asking questions by using desu ka , so try to remember this pronunciation as it will get you a long way.

Basic Greetings Tourists Should Know in Japan

If you only have a short time before your trip to Japan, at the very least learn these simple greetings and make sure you know the dos and don'ts of public affection.

  • Kon'nichiwa, watashinonamaeha ___ (こんにちは、私の名前は) - "Good afternoon, my name is ___"
  • Konbanwa, hajimemashite (こんばんは、はじめまして) - "Good evening, nice to meet you."
  • Namae wa nandesu ka? (名前はなん です か) - "What is your name?"

Making Friends in Japan

Now that you know how to greet Japanese people appropriately, you can start to build a relationship with them.

Generally, when you meet people while traveling abroad, you ask:

  • Eigo o hanashimasu ka? (英語を話せますか) - "Can you speak English?"
  • Anata wa doko no kuni no shusshindesu ka (あなたはどこの国の出身 です か) - "Which country are you from?"
  • Doko no shusshindesu ka? ( どこの出身 です か) - "Where are you from?" (more simple phrase).
  • Anata wa doko ni sun deru nodesu ka? (あなたはどこに住んでるの です か) - "Where do you live?"

If you would like to become friends or make a date, you might want to gauge the person's interests:

  • Anata wa (eiga ga) sukidesuka? (あなたは (映画が) 好き です か) - "Do you like (the cinema)?"

basic travel phrases japanese

Travel Tips for Japan

Remember Japanese manners! This includes restaurant etiquette, limiting public displays of affection, using polite language, and respecting the culture.

You cannot expect everyone in the world to speak your language, but by using a simple Japanese phrase here and there you can show that you are willing to try and meet them halfway.

Choose the season wisely. Visit Japan in Winter for the ski season, or in Spring for unforgettable views of cherry blossoms.

Or, choose an Autumn trip to avoid tourist crowds and peak travel seasons. The same applies to Summer, though this is typhoon season, which puts a lot of tourists off.

What is Ryokou?

Ryokou (旅行) is a Japanese noun meaning "travel" or "trip".

Broken down, 旅 is the kanji character meaning "travel", "trip", or "journey", and 行 is the kanji character used to express the act of going or visiting.

Use this next phrase if you want to impress your new Japanese friends by using their local language:

  • Watashi wa ryokou ga sukidesu (私は旅行が好きです) - "I love traveling".

If you're studying Japanese so you can take a trip to Japan, this is undoubtedly true!

How to Learn Japanese Naturally

If you are looking for additional resources for learning Japanese, check out Lingopie .

This is an online streaming platform that is designed to get you speaking Japanese and learning Kanji with ease through immersion in Japanese TV and movies.

Lingopie provides an authentic and natural way to learn other languages and makes learning Japanese fun.

This is a great tool for busy people who cannot sit through hours of Japanese classes every week.

Simply relax in the evening and watch half an hour of Japanese TV. Allow your brain to absorb the language naturally and pick up useful phrases and pronunciation.

And if you want to keep binge watching awesome shows check out our other Japanese articles. We listed 9 Japanese Movies on Netflix that can help your studies and we also did a guide to learning Japanese with anime ! We also recommend you to check out our free guide " Best way to learn Japanese ".

basic travel phrases japanese

Summing up: Basic Travel phrases in Japanese

Now you can travel to Japan armed with some useful Japanese phrases and a basic understanding of the culture and mannerisms of the country.

You will be able to conduct yourself appropriately while dining, make your way around train stations, and if you speak slowly and clearly, begin to build relationships.

Remember, nobody will expect you to speak Japanese fluently, but if you can use these simple phrases, your travels will be simplified.

The average Japanese native speaker is unlikely to speak English fluently. You may hit a language barrier, but if you remember your polite gestures and restaurant etiquette, you can still do very well in Japan and impress the locals.

Hopefully, this guide has given you some travel inspiration. Have a wonderful time on your trip and good luck on your path to learning Japanese!

Lorena Macedo

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30+ Basic Japanese Phrases For Tourists

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Travelling to Japan and want to learn some Japanese phrases? Learn these basic Japanese phrases to help you!

Whether you’re travelling to Japan in the future or if you simply want to start learning some basic Japanese for fun, you’ve come to the right place. Japanese may seem a bit intimidating at first. The writing system, for one, is completely different from English. And let’s not get started on the complicated grammar…

But when travelling, you don’t need to become fluent! During my visits to Japan, I’ve never had any issues and I am nowhere near fluent. Plus, it’s very doable to learn some basic phrases before your trip which can help you massively. Locals will definitely appreciate it.

Make sure to learn the following Japanese phrases for tourists before you go!

basic travel phrases japanese

To make sure the Japanese sentences below are 100% correct, I paid a professional Japanese translator to double-check them and correct any mistakes.

Useful Basic Japanese Phrases

  • Hello: Konnichiwa (こんにちは)
  • Good morning: Ohayō (おはよう) or ohayō gozaimas (おはようございます)
  • Good evening: Konbanwa (こんばんは)
  • Goodbye (when going away for a long time or not coming back): Sayōnara (さようなら)
  • See you later (when saying bye to friends): Matane (またね)
  • Thank you: Arigatō gozaimas (ありがとうございます)

hello in Japanese

  • Excuse me: Sumimasen (すみません)
  • Sorry: Gomennasai (ごめんなさい)
  • I don’t understand: Wakarimasen (わかりません)
  • I don’t speak Japanese: Nihongo ga hanasemasen (にほんごがはなせません)
  • Please (when asking for something): Onegaishimas (おねがいします)
  • You’re welcome: Dōitashimashte (どういたしまして)

excuse me in Japanese

  • Yes/No: Hai/iie (はい/いいえ)
  • No, thank you (more polite): Kekkō des(けっこうです)
  • Do you speak English?: Eigo ga hanasemas ka? (えいごがはなせます か)
  • How are you?: O genki des ka (おげんきですか)
  • I’m fine: Genki desu (げんきです)
  • Nice to meet you: Hajimemashte (はじめまして)

yes and no in japanese

  • I am [name]: [name] des ([name]です)
  • Enjoy your meal (before eating): Itadakimas (いただきます)
  • Thank you for the meal: Gochisōsamadeshta (ごちそうさまでした)

i am in Japanese

Japanese Phrases For Travelling

  • How much does this cost?: Kore wa ikura des ka? (これはいくらですか?)
  • What is this?: Kore wa nan des ka? (これはなんですか?)
  • I would like…: … o kudasai (…をください)
  • I would like… and …: … to … o kudasai (… と …をください)
  • Do you have an English menu?: Eigo no menyuu wa arimas ka? (えいごのメニューはありますか?)
  • Can I have the bill, please?: O kaikei onegaishimas (お かいけい おねがいします)

how much does this cost in Japanese

  • Cheers!: Kanpai! (かんぱい!)
  • Can you translate this?: Yakushite kudasai? (やくしてください?)
  • Where is the toilet?: Toire wa doko des ka? (トイレはどこですか?)
  • Do you accept credit card?: Kurejittokādo wa tsukaemaska?(クレジットカードはつかえますか?)
  • Help! : Taskete! (たすけて!)
  • This is delicious: Oishi des (おいしいです)

cheers in Japanese

Japanese Writing System Explained

One thing that intimidates most people when they start learning Japanese is the different writing systems . Rather than English (where there is only one writing system), Japanese has three: Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji. When you are starting to learn the language, it’s best to stick with Hiragana.

Below, you can find the difference for the Japanese writing systems and what they are used for:

  • Hiragana: The “round” one. Hiragana is a phonetic alphabet and is mainly used for function words and other native Japanese words that aren’t covered by Kanji. But because Kanji is very tough to learn, Hiragana is also used in children’s books and is perfect for those who are new to the language.
  • Katakana: The “pointy” one. Another phonetic alphabet, but this one is used for loan words from other languages (like han-ba-ga for hamburger).
  • Kanji: Kanji are Chinese characters and are used for nouns, stems of adjectives and stems of verbs. There are about 2,000 kanji characters, so it takes a long time to master them all. Often, the hiragana pronunciation is written above difficult kanji, making it a bit easier to learn/read.

Hiragana chart Japanese

Japanese Numbers Explained

It’s also useful to know some Japanese numbers when learning Japanese.

  • 1: Ichi (一)
  • 4: Yon or Shi (四)
  • 6: Roku (六)
  • 7: Nana or Shichi (七)
  • 8: Hachi (八)
  • 9: Kyuu (九)
  • 10: Juu (十)

Japanese numbers

Want To Learn More Japanese Phrases?

There are endless ways to learn Japanese, especially with the internet at our fingertips. I would personally recommend choosing a good textbook and sticking to the program. When studying Japanese at university, I used the books below:

You can also check out apps like Duolingo and Memrise, which can help you get started! Check out my articles on how to start learning Japanese for more info.

If you aren’t looking to learn an entire language, you can also get a Japanese phrasebook . This can help you when you are in Japan and need a phrase quickly to ask someone something. Taking one of these with you can be a huge help. I personally recommend the one from Lonely Planet.

Japan Travel Guide

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Basic Japanese Phrases For Tourists Printable

Want to keep a physical copy of these common Japanese phrases with you while travelling? You can print the following image:

Japanese phrases

Nele (Nay-la) graduated from Manchester Metropolitan University with an English and Creative Writing Degree and has lived in the UK for nearly 10 years. She has had an interest in Japan and its culture for as long as she can remember. Since her first trip in 2018 surpassed all expectations, she has continued to return to Japan to explore more of all it has got to offer. You can read her full story here .

2 thoughts on “30+ Basic Japanese Phrases For Tourists”

Hello! Do you think you could make study sheets for basic/everyday Kanji characters? I know there are millions of them so I was thinking just ones that are used or seen the most. Thank you for reading my comment!

That’s such a great idea! I’ll make sure to add some in the future, learning Kanji can be tough but adding some basic ones to this guide is a great idea 😀

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25+ Easy Japanese Travel Phrases for Beginners to Say

Looking to learn some Japanese travel phrases?

Well, if you’re traveling to Japan, then you’ll likely need some of these phrases about toilets, money, English and much more.

By the way, if you want to hear REAL Japanese, check out this audio lesson by JapanesePod101. Press play below. Why? It’s one thing to read about Japanese and another to hear native speakers — you learn faster!

  • “Survival Phrases S2 #1 – Thank You!”
  • Lesson by  by  (click here for more fun audio lessons)

So, here are the most useful Japanese travel phrases.

1. Konnichiwa こんにちは Hello/Good Day

japanese travel phrase

You’re probably somewhat aware of this word “Konnichiwa.” A very common Japanese greeting . You can use it to greet people during the day. This means, you wouldn’t use it during the morning or evening.

2. Ohayou Gozaimasu おはようございます Good Morning

japanese travel phrase

This is a good Japanese greeting to know. So, if you’re entering a hotel, a shop or some other place in the morning, you can say this first. Use this before 11AM.

Now, what about evening?

3. Konbanwa こんばんは Good evening

japanese travel phrase

Feel free to use this Japanese greeting after 6PM or so.

4. Hai  はい Yes, いいえ iie No

These are just basic words you and every one should know.

japanese travel phrase

If you’re curious, you can learn more ways to say yes in Japanese here , and more ways to say no in Japanese here . But, as a traveler, “hai” and “iie” are good enough.

5. Arigatou Gozaimasu.  ありがとうございます Thank you very much

You’ll likely want to say thank you to shop staff, airline staff or a water at a restaurant.

So, just say “Arigatou Gozaimasu.” This is pronounced “a-ree-ga-to go-zay-mas”.

You can also check out this JapanesePod101 (they’re a Japanese learning program) audio lesson here to hear the pronunciation.

  • Lesson by  by  (click here for more fun lessons at

japanese travel phrase

There are several ways to say thank you depending on the politeness level. Obviously, the longer, the more polite. Use “Arigatou gozaimasu” to be on the safe side.

  • Thanks (super casual – only with friends)
  • Thank you (casual, okay to use with most people)
  • Thank you very much (polite, standard, most common way to say it – the SAFEST phrase to use)
  • Thank you very much (MORE polite, because it’s in past tense).

So, these were some really basic phrases.

Now, we’re going to go from 0 to 100 and cover more complex ones.

6. Toire wa doko desu ka? トイレはどこですか? ) Where is the bathroom?

This is probably one of the most useful Japanese travel phrases.

You’ll always need the toilet, right? That’s why it’s good to know

Since Japan uses very different characters from English, it’s possible that you may not recognize the sign for the bathroom. Also, keep a look out for the high-tech toilets when visiting Japan!

japanese travel phrases

  • Pronounced: Toy-re
  • Doko – where

7. Ikura desu ka? いくらですか? – How much is it?

If you’re out shopping or on the street buying food, this is the perfect phrase to use. Keep in mind that Japan is a country that doesn’t haggle so there is usually a set price. If you’re lucky, some local shops might give you some extra products or food for free.

japanese travel phrases

  • Pronounced: ee-koo-ra

8. Betsu betsu de onegai shimasu. 別々でお願いします。) – We would like to pay separately.

When travelling as a group, it’s nice to be able to split the cost when you’re about to pay for your meal at a restaurant.This is a great phrase to use before they bring the bill.

basic travel phrases japanese

  • Betsu betsu – separately

9. Sumimasen! すみません! – Excuse me! (or thank you!)

This phrase can be used for multiple purposes. It’s possible to use it to say “excuse me”, if someone is in your way or to ask a stranger a question. It also works as a “thank you”. In some cases, it’s more common to say “Sumimasen!” than to say “Arigato!”. “Sumimasen!” acknowledges someone going out of their way for you.

japanese travel phrases

  • pronounced (soo-mee-ma-sen)

10. _____wa doko desu ka? _____はどこですか? – Where is _____?

japanese travel phrases

If you’re on the street trying to find a place or you get lost, simply ask this question. You can put any location in the blank part of the phrase. It could be a restaurant, landmark, or a train station.

11. _____wo kudasai.  _____をください。 – I would like to have _____. 

Use this phrase when asking for something. In the blank, you can add things like what you want on the menu, train tickets, or anything you might be looking to buy. Keep in mind that this phrase only works when asking for items or food, and it doesn’t work with verbs.

japanese travel phrases

  • Pronunciation: Koo-da-sai

12. Osusume wa nan desu ka? オススメはなんですか?  What do you recommend?

This is useful for anyone who likes to explore food culture. If you’re confused with what to order on the menu, you can use this phrase to ask the waiter’s recommendation. It’s also useful, if you just need some advice on what is recommended. For example, if there are two trains you can take to get somewhere and you need to decide.

japanese travel phrases

  • Pronunciation: oh-soo-soo-me

13. Shashin totte moratte mo ii desu ka? 写真とってもらっても良いですか? Could you take a picture for me (or us)? 

This probably the second most useful Japanese travel phrases

If you’re at a beautiful landmark, you might want a picture as a keepsake. Use this phrase to ask a stranger to take a picture for you. Taking pictures is a big part of Japanese culture so someone will definitely help you out.

japanese travel phrases

  • shashin – picture

14. Yoyaku ga arimasu. 予約があります。I have a reservation.

This phrase can be used if you’ve made a reservation for a restaurant or any other kind of service. They’ll usually need to check your confirmation number or name to verify your reservation.

japanese travel phrases

  • Yoyaku – reservation

15. Chizu o kudasai. 地図をください。 Could I have a map?

The train and metro lines in the big cities of Japan can be crazy. Use this phrase if you want to have a train or metro map. It’s also useful if you’re in need of a map at a landmark, museum, or other location.

japanese travel phrases

  • Chizu – map

16. Takushii noriba wa dokodesuka? タクシー乗り場はどこですか? Where can I grab a taxi?

There are often designated locations that taxi’s can be picked up in Japan. They’re usually in front of airports, train stations and in busy city centers. If you see taxis parked one after another and try to approach one of them, they’ll refuse you because you’ve come across a taxi line, and somewhere at the front is a taxi stand. So, you’ll have to find it. Or you can ask someone using this phrase. That being said, you can always wave down a cab.

japanese travel phrases

  • Takushii – taxi
  • Noriba – Taxi stand

17. Okaikei onegaishimasu  お会計お願いします。 Could I have the bill? 

This phrase is useful if you’re at a restaurant and want to get the bill. In Japan, depending on the restaurant, they have many small dishes that they will need to calculate for you.

japanese travel phrases

  • Kaikei  – bill/check

18. Eigo shaberemasuka? 英語喋れますか? Can you speak English?

Even if you’re trying to practice your Japanese, it might be necessary to speak in English if you get confused. Ask this phrase to see if the other person can speak with you in English. These days, it’s common that many shops or train stations will have English speaking representatives.

japanese travel phrases

  • Eigo  – English

19. Shichaku shite mo ii desu ka?  試着しても良いですか? Can I try this on?

This is a useful phrase for clothes shopping. Clothing shop assistants are usually very attentive in Japan. It’s important to keep in mind that it can be considered rude if you end up not buying anything after trying on lots of clothes.

japanese travel phrases

  • Shichaku  – try on

20. Wai fai wa arimasu ka? ワイファイはありますか?Do you have Wifi?

Internet connection is important to navigate an unknown city or to stay connected with friends and family. Ask this phrase to check if a place has any Wi-Fi connection. Convenience stores and train stations will usually have free Wifi!

japanese travel phrases

  • Wai Fai  – WiFi

21. Kaado uketsuke masuka? カード受け付けますか? Can I use card payment?

It’s important to check if a restaurant accepts credit cards in Japan. In some restaurants, it is possible that it would be cash only.

japanese travel phrases

  • Kaado  – (credit) card

22. _____no arerugii ga arimasu. ______のアレルギーがあります。I have an allergy to ______.

If you have any allergies it’s essential to learn this phrase. It’s also recommended to learn the names of the specific allergens in Japanese. These days, many restaurants in Japan are very sensitive to food allergies. They will have a chart with all of the menu items and the common food allergens in each dish.

japanese travel phrases

  • Arerugii  – allergy

23. Menyuu, onegai shimasu. メニュー、お願いします。Menu Please.

Here’s one of the more easier Japanese travel phrases.

Menu in Japanese is… “menyuu.” Yes, it sounds pretty much the same. So if you’re at a restaurant and need a menu, you won’t go wrong.

japanese travel phrases

  • Menyuu – menu

24. Kore wo kudasai. これをください。 This please.

This another one of the most useful Japanese travel phrases.

It’s likely you’ll go shopping and want something out of reach. So, you can point to the object and say “kore wo kudasai” and the shop staff will help you out. You can also use this phrase while pointing at a menu – in case you can’t read it and are going by pictures.

japanese travel phrases(19)

  • Kore  – this
  • Kudasai – please

25. Mizu, onegai shimasu. 水、お願いします。Water, please.

What if you’re at a restaurant and need water?

Or, what if you’re feeling dehydrated? Remember the word “mee-zoo” meaning water. You can tell this to a waiter, a bartender, or whoever can provide you with water.

japanese travel phrases

  • Mizu – Water

Now you know a whole bunch of Japanese travel words and phrases.

Also, if you want to learn some  beautiful Japanese words, then check my other post  here .

Do you know any other Japanese travel phrases?

Leave a comment below.

The Main Lingua Junkie


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23 basic japanese phrases for your next vacation to japan.

By Lirene Cilliers   Posted 15th Aug 2023

Just as the Land of the Rising Sun beckons with mysteries waiting to be unraveled, diving into the Japanese language can feel like entering a maze blindfolded. However, amidst these linguistic twists and turns lies an opportunity to savor the magic that unfolds in every conversation, every shared smile, and every unforgettable encounter.    In this article, we’ll share 23 common Japanese phrases that will help you navigate your journey with confidence, whether you're planning a vacation or going on a cycle tour in Japan . 

“But do I need to speak Japanese to visit Japan?” 

In short, no, you don't. However, learning a few common Japanese phrases is like adding that extra layer of flavor to your adventure sundae—not essential, but oh, what a delightful difference it makes! 

Rest assured, if you book one of our guided cycling tours , our friendly local guides have your back to bridge any language gap. 

Our guests on our Stunning Shikoku Bike Tour of Japan share smiles with welcoming locals.

The Basics: Common Japanese Words and Phrases 

1. Hello - Konnichiwa (こんにちは)  Pronunciation: kohn-nee-chee-wah      People in Japan greet one another with a bow. A bow can range from a modest nod of the head to a deep waist bend. A deeper, longer bow shows respect, while a short nod of the head is casual and informal.    2. Thank you - Arigatou Gozaimasu (ありがとうございます)  Pronunciation: ah-ree-gah-toh goh-zah-ee-mahs    3. Please - kudasai (ください)  Pronunciation: koo-dah-sigh    4. Excuse me/ I'm sorry - Sumimasen (すみません)  Pronunciation: soo-mee-mah-sen    This versatile phrase can mean "Excuse me," "I'm sorry," or be used to express your gratitude or start a conversation. Whether you're catching someone's attention in a busy train station or apologizing for a minor inconvenience, "Sumimasen" is your go-to phrase for maintaining the harmony of your interactions.     5. Yes - Hai (はい)  Pronunciation: hi    6. No - Īe (いいえ)  Pronunciation: ee-eh    7. Nice to meet you - Hajimemashite (はじめまして)  Pronunciation: hah-jee-meh-mah-shee-teh    8. Goodbye - Sayōnara (さようなら)  Pronunciation: sah-yoh-nah-rah    9. Beautiful - Utsukushii  (美しい ()   Pronunciation: oo-tsoo-koo-shee    This word carries some weight, is often reserved for describing nature, and is not tossed around lightly. So, save this word for those extra breathtaking moments! 

Embrace the ' utsukushii ' on our Stunning Shikoku Bike Tour of Japan! An island of unimaginable natural beauty, epic coastal rides, verdant river valleys, and remote villages. 

A quick pit stop to savor the flavors of Japan at a traditional Japanese restaurant on a cycling vacation in Japan.

Food and Drinks: How to order and appreciate food in Japanese 

10. An expression of gratitude spoken before the first bite - Itadakimasu (いただきます)  Pronunciation: ee-tah-dah-kee-mahs    Just as the dining experience in Japan extends beyond taste to encompass cultural rituals, "itadakimasu" is more than a mere phrase; it's a heartfelt expression of gratitude spoken before the first bite, symbolizing the humility of saying 'I humbly receive’.    11. Delicious - Oishii (美味しい)  Pronunciation: oh-ee-shee    12. Wine - Wain (ワイン)  Pronunciation: wah-een    13. Beer - Bīru (ビール)  Pronunciation: bee-roo    14. Japanese sake - Nihonshu (日本酒)  Pronunciation: nee-hohn-shoo    15. Water please - O-mizu o onegai shimasu (お水をお願いします)  Pronunciation: oh-mee-zoo oh oh-neh-guy shee-mahs    16. Check, please - Okaikei onegaishimasu (お会計 お願いします)  Pronunciation: oh-kai-kay oh-neh-guy shee-mahs    17. I would like ___, please - __ o Kudasai (__をください)  Pronunciation: ___ oh koo-dah-sigh  

Treat your palate, bask in tranquil onsens, and delve into Japan's rich culture while practicing these phrases on our Japan Bike, Walk, and Onsen Tour . 

Cyclists pause for a moment of laughter with the heartwarming community in rural Japan.

Useful Japanese Phrases to Use when Shopping 

18. How much is this? - Ikura desu ka? (いくらですか?)  Pronunciation: ee-koo-rah deh-soo kah?    19. I'll take it - Sore o moraimasu (それをもらいます)   Pronunciation: soh-reh oh moh-rah-ee-mahs 

Encounters with Nara's friendly deer.

Emergencies and Assistance: How to Ask for Help in Japanese 

20. Help! - Tasukete! (助けて!)  Pronunciation: tah-soo-keh-teh!     21. Hospital - Byōin (病院)  Pronunciation: byoh-een    22. It hurts! - Itai desu (痛いです)  Pronunciation: ee-tie deh-soo   

Last, But Certainly Not Least: 

23. I love Japan! - Nihon daisuki (にほんだいすき)  Pronunciation: nee-hohn dahy-soo-kee    You're guaranteed to warm the heart of your newfound connection with this phrase. Make sure to memorize it as you'll probably be using it a lot! 

Local interactions like these on a Grasshopper Adventures Bike Tour bring you the real spirit of Japan.

Overcoming Language Hurdles to Unveil Unforgettable Adventures

By diving into these simple phrases, you're connecting with the country and its people on a deeper level and unlocking doors to experiences that will etch their way into your heart.  

Every "konnichiwa" you utter is a bridge that spans the cultural divide, a key that opens the treasure trove of human interaction.  

Sure, you might not become a fluent speaker overnight, but that's not the goal. The goal is to weave threads of understanding and to remember that it's not the words alone that matter; it's the intentions they carry, the stories they unveil, and the connections they forge.  

Go forth with courage, for Japan is waiting to embrace you .    

If you enjoyed learning about the Japanese language, here are some other articles that you will love:  Top 7 Foods You Must Try in Japan  Navigating Hot Springs in Japan   9 Reasons to Explore Japan by E-Bike  

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Stunning shikoku bike tour of japan, cycle kyoto to the coast - self-guided, japan bike, walk & onsen.



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Learn A Language Through Stories

Japanese cherry blossoms along river

73 Basic Japanese Phrases to Survive Your First Conversation With a Native

Olly Richards Headshot

Whether you’re in the early stages of learning Japanese or you’ve been practicing for a while, the thought of having a conversation with a native speaker can be nerve-wracking. 

I've been there plenty of times too. So I bet your inner monologue is along these lines:

  • Will they understand? What if I say something wrong by accident?
  • What do I do if I don’t have the vocab to say what I’m thinking?

These thoughts are perfectly normal reactions to doing something scary in Japanese, like chatting to a native speaker.

Thankfully, you can go into your first conversation armed with a ton of useful basic Japanese phrases .

Check out the rest of this article to learn 73 handy turns of phrase that will serve you well in any Japanese conversation or when travelling in Japan. 

These are also great starting points if you’re just jumping into Japanese for the first time. These basic Japanese phrases will be the backbone on which you can build your Japanese knowledge. 

And for a little extra boost to your confidence before you head into a conversation with a native speaker, take a look at this detailed guide to Japanese pronunciation.

By the way, if you want to learn Japanese fast and have fun while doing it, my top recommendation is  Japanese Uncovered  which teaches you through StoryLearning®. 

With  Japanese Uncovered  you’ll use my unique StoryLearning® method to learn Japanese naturally through story… not rules. It’s as fun as it is effective.

If you’re ready to get started,  click here for a 7-day FREE trial.

Anyway, back to our basic Japanese phrases…. let's discover what they are!

8 Must-Know Japanese Greetings

8 must-know Japanese greetings

When you meet someone for the first time, you tend to start out with a greeting like “Hello” or pleasantries like “It’s nice to meet you,” right? Japanese is full of simple phrases to start out a conversation.

If you're planning a trip to Japan, then the people you meet at your destination will be thrilled to hear you use these expressions, even if they're the only ones you know:

  • #1 Konnichiwa (こんにちは) – Hello
  • #2 Ohayou gozaimasu (おはようございます) – Good morning
  • #3 Konbanwa (こんばんは) – Good evening
  • #4 Moshi moshi (もしもし) – Hello (but only if you’re on the phone or something like Skype)
  • #5 Ogenki desu ka? (お元気ですか) – How are you?
  • #6 Genki desu (元気です) – I’m good/I’ve been doing well, thanks
  • #7 Ohisashiburi desu ne (お久しぶりですね) – Long time no see
  • #8 _______ – san mo? (______-さんも?) – And you? (Hint: fill in the blank with your friend’s name. This is a great response to things like “How are you?” because you can say, “I’m good! And you?”)

5 Ways To Learn More About Your Conversation Partner 

basic Japanese phrases to continue the conversation

After you’ve greeted your new conversation partner, it’s likely that you’ll need to know more about them. Keep it rolling—you’ve got this.

  • #9  Namae wa nan desu ka? (名前は何ですか) – What’s your name?
  • #10 Watashi no namae wa _____ desu (私の名前は__です) – My name is ______
  • #11 Doko kara kimashita ka? (どこから来ましたか) – Where are you from?
  • #12 Watashi wa ______ kara kimashita (私は__から来ました) – I’m from __________.
  • #13 Sou desu ka ? (そうですか) – Is that so?/Really?/I see (Hint: this is a great thing to say after learning where someone is from, what they do, or other facts about their life.)

If you want to keep the conversation going and need some more expressions to help you out, check out these 28 Japanese conversation starters .

7 Essential Japanese Politeness Expressions 

basic Japanese phrases to be polite

You’ve done great so far. You’ve introduced yourself, learned your friend’s name and maybe where they’re from. And now you’re ready to move on to other topics.

But first, try out some of these traditional Japanese politeness phrases so you can apologise, show off your good manners, and be polite at a restaurant before you tuck into a meal.

  • #14 Arigatou gozaimasu (ありがとうございます) – Thank you
  • #15 Douitashimashite (どういたしまして) – You’re welcome
  • #16 Sumimasen (すみません) – I’m sorry/excuse me (Hint: you can use this for anything from apologising for stumbling into someone on the train to asking for help or asking for people to move out of your way.)
  • #17 Gomen nasai (ごめんなさい) – I’m sorry (Hint: didn’t we already cover “I’m sorry”? Gomen nasai is less “excuse me” and more “I’m truly sorry from the bottom of my heart.” Use it if you knocked something over and broke it, not if you interrupted someone’s stroll to ask for directions.)
  • #18 Yoroshiku onegaishimasu (よろしくおねがいします) – I’m in your debt! (Hint: this one isn’t used in its literal sense most of the time; it’s a way to say “thank you” to someone you are counting on or indebted to. For example, if you're starting out at a new job in Japan, you might introduce yourself and then add this at the end. You might also use it if you’ve asked someone a favour, such as to show you around or give you directions.)
  • #19 Itadakimasu (いただきます) – Let’s dig in (Hint: say this before meals as a way to politely say you’re going to begin enjoying your food.)
  • #20 Gochisousama deshita (ごちそうさまでした) – That was delicious (Hint: say this after meals as a way to say thank you.)

For more on Japanese culture, customs and politeness check out this post.

9 Ways To Get Clarification In A Japanese Conversation

basic japanese phrases for clarification

You’ve been puttering along in a conversation for a while now! But what happens if everything you feared takes place and you get confused? First, remember not to panic. 

Even in your native language, you probably have to ask people for clarification or to repeat themselves. You won’t offend anyone if you do the same in a foreign language. Memorise these expressions and just take it slow, one sentence at a time.

  • #21 Eigo te iu no wa… (英語ていうのは) – And in English, that’s…?
  • #22 Wakarimasen (わかりません) – I don’t understand
  • #23 Shirimasen (知りません) – I don’t know
  • #24 Wasuremashita (忘れました) – I forgot
  • #25 Motto yukkuri kudasai (もっとゆっくり下さい) – Please go a little slower
  • #26 Mou ichido kudasai (もう一度下さい) – Could you say that one more time?
  • #27 Nihongo de perapera de wa nai desu (日本語でペラペラではないです) – I’m not very fluent in Japanese (Hint: you’re speaking Japanese already! So you can’t say “I don’t know Japanese at all,” right?)
  • #28 ___ te iu no imi wa nan desu ka ? (__ていうの意味は何ですか) – What does _____ mean?
  • #29 Tetsudatte kuremasen ka ? (手伝ってくれませんか) – Can you help me?

6 Can't-Live-Without Japanese Questions

basic Japanese phrases asking questions

Japanese is one of the easiest languages to ask questions in—so ask away! In order to make a question in Japanese, just add ka to the end of any sentence.

On top of that, though, there are a few question words that will make your conversations go a lot smoother. Plus knowing how to ask questions is essential for travellers in Japan if you need to find your way or get help.  

  • #30 Doko desu ka? (どこですか) – Where is it?
  • #31 Itsu desu ka? (いつですか) – When is it?
  • #32 Doushite? (どうして) – Why?
  • #33 Dochira desu ka? (どちらですか) – Which one is it?
  • #34 Nan desu ka? (何ですか) – What is it?
  • #35 Dare desu ka? (だれですか) – Who is it?

Getting To Know Each Other In Japanese 

basic Japanese phrases for getting to know each other

Perfect! You’ve been talking with someone for a few minutes now, introducing yourself and asking any questions you need to know. Maybe you’ve found out your speaking partner’s name and you’re walking to a coffee shop together.

Now’s the perfect time to find out more about each other and maybe become friends. Try out some of these phrases to open up a whole new avenue of conversation!

  • #36 Ima nanji desu ka? (今何時ですか) – What time is it right now?
  • #37 Ima (今) – Now
  • #38 Ato de (後で) – Later
  • #39 Kyou (今日) – Today
  • #40 Kinou (昨日) – Yesterday
  • #41 Ashita (明日) – Tomorrow
  • #42 Mainichi (毎日) – Everyday
  • #43 Nansai desu ka? (何歳ですか) – How old are you?
  • #44 Doko ni sundeimasu ka? (どこに住んでいますか) – Where do you live?
  • #45 Kyoudai ga imasu ka? (兄弟がいますか) – Do you have siblings?
  • #46 Ikura desu ka? (いくらですか) – How much does that cost?
  • #47 Kore wa nan desu ka? (これはなんですか) – What is this?
  • #48 Sore wa nan desu ka? (それはなんですか) – What is that?
  • #49 Are we nan desu ka? (あれはなんですか) – What is that? (Hint: Use “ kore ” when something is close to you, “ sore ” when something is away from you but close to the person you’re speaking to, and “ are ” when something is far away from both of you.)
  • #50 Toire wa doko desu ka? (トイレはどこですか) – Where’s the toilet?

Japanese Vocab Power Pack

11 Answers To Common Japanese Questions

basic Japanese phrases to answer questions

You’ve been learning a lot about your new friend, but now the tables have turned—they’re the one asking you questions! How should you respond to many of the most common questions Japanese native speakers might ask you? Try these answers out.

  • #51 Hai (はい) – Yes
  • #52 Iie (いいえ) – No
  • #53 Mada mada (まだまだ) – Not yet
  • #54 Kamoshiremasen (かもしれません) – Maybe/I’m not sure
  • #55 Tokidoki (時々) – Sometimes
  • #56 Zenzen (全然) – Never
  • #57 Itsumo (いつも) – Always
  • #58 Taitei (たいてい) – Usually
  • #59 Watashi wa _____ desu (私は__です) – I’m a _______ (Hint: you can fill this blank with anything you feel describes you. That might be a “student” ( gakusei ), “tourist” ( kankoukyaku ), or even “doctor” ( isha )!
  • #60 Daijoubu desu (大丈夫です) – That’s okay
  • #61 Ii desu (いいです) – That’s good

A special note on the difference between daijoubu and ii . If someone is asking you if something is “all right,” daijobu is what fits there (think “We don’t sell that here; can I get you X instead?” to which you’d respond with “yes, that’s all right, I suppose”).

If you approve of something or find it nice, that’s the time for ii (think of your friend saying “Hey, we should go to that sushi place!” and you’re really excited to go there. If your friend suggested sushi but you really wanted ramen instead, that would be a case for just using daijoubu .)

5 Japanese Phrases For Special Occasions

basic Japanese phrases for special occasions

What if you’ve found yourself speaking to a native Japanese person for the first time because you decided to go to a celebration or special event, like a birthday or festival? Here are a few useful phrases for almost any situation you might find yourself in.

  • #62 Ki o tsukete (気を付けて) – Be careful (Hint: you might say this to someone going on a trip.)
  • #63 Yoku dekimashita (よくできました) – Great job
  • #64 Omedetou gozaimasu (おめでとうございます) – Congratulations
  • #65 Tanjoubi omedetou (誕生日おめでとう) – Happy birthday
  • #66 Kanpai (乾杯) – Cheers (Hint: you should really only go for this one if you actually have a drink of some sort in your hand.)

4 Types Of Japanese Goodbye

You’ve had a lot to talk about, but now the time has come to finish your Japanese conversation. How do you wrap things up?

  • #67 Ja (じゃ) – Well (Hint: used in the sense of “well, I guess I’d better get going.”)
  • #68 Sayounara (さようなら) – Goodbye (Hint: use only if you don’t plan on seeing them again. This is a more final “goodbye.”)
  • #69 Ja, mata (じゃまた) – Well, see you (Hint: this is the much more common “goodbye.”)
  • #70 Oyasumi nasai (おやすみなさい) – Good night

By the way, if you're based in Tokyo or elsewhere in Japan, but you're still looking for someone to speak to here are my 4 tips for finding a language partner in Japan. 

3 Japanese Phrases To Use In Emergencies

I can’t wrap up a list of some of the most important phrases in Japanese without making sure you know a few of the words that could come in very handy. If you find yourself in serious trouble, use these phrases to call for help.

  • #71 Tasukete! (助けて) – Help me!
  • #72 Keisatsu o yonde kudasai! (警察を呼んで下さい) – Please call the police!
  • #73 Kyuu kyuusha o yonde kudasai! (救急車を呼んで下さい) – Please call an ambulance!

Hopefully you never have to use these last three. But it’s always a good thing to remember them in case you need them.

Your Next Steps In Japanese

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So there you have it: all of the basic Japanese phrases you need to help you discover and start using the Japanese language.

With these phrases in your back pocket, you will soon find yourself having your first basic conversations with native speakers and getting excited about developing your conversational Japanese.

So now that you’ve learned the basics,  are you ready to take the next step in your Japanese adventure?

I'm a big believer in the power of story to enable you to learn a foreign language. That's why I've created Japanese Uncovered , a course that takes you from beginner all the way to an Intermediate level, with my unique StoryLearning® method.

Thanks to StoryLearning®, you learn Japanese naturally through story… not rules. It’s as fun as it is effective.Along the way you'll learn all of the Japanese vocabulary you need for everyday conversations, as well as how to read, write and pronounce Japanese correctly.

The Key To Stress-Free Japanese Conversations

73 basic Japanese phrases

If you’ve mastered even a small number of the important Japanese phrases in this article, you’ll be well on your way to holding a solid conversation with any native speaker you might happen to encounter at home or when you travel. 

In language learning, you don't need to re-invent the wheel each time you speak to someone new. Nor do you have to come up with all your answers on the spot.

Try thinking about your answers to some native speaker questions beforehand so you can find the right words (like your age, occupation, and country or language name) to describe yourself!

When you know what to expect, and you've prepared in advance, you'll find that conversations with native speakers go much more smoothly. And most importantly, you'll feel more confident about speaking in Japanese.

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Japanese Common Words: What to say while travelling in Japan

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Are you planning on traveling Japan soon , but you don’t know any Japanese?  Or are you looking to learn some Japanese common words that can help you get around in Japan?

Then this blog is right up your alley, with some simple Japanese travel words as well as some transportation related phrases to help you get around Japan!

In this article, we will review the basic travel Japanese phrases Nakamura sensei teaches in the video below.

Beginner Japanese Travel Phrases – Basic Vocabulary

Before getting into some more difficult phrases, let’s take a look at some basic travel Japanese words in the appropriate context.  You may already be familiar with this vocabulary.

However Japanese words often carry slightly different meanings in different contexts.

So let’s look at some vocabulary!


The video below depicts a traveling Nakamura-sensei searching for their passport.

“Daijoubu” meaning “ok” or “fine”.   This extremely handy phrase is used in all sorts of situations in Japan!  And travel scenarios are no exception.

だいじょうぶですか? Daijoubu desu ka? Is everything ok/Are you ok?

はい、だいじょうぶです! Hai, daijoubu desu! Yes, I’m fine/Everything is fine!

すみません・すいません/Sumimasen ・ suimasen

“Sumimasen” meaning “please excuse me” or “pardon me”.  Another common phrase heard in various contexts in Japan!

Nakamura-sensei almost forgot her passport – but luckily the attendant got her attention with “sumimasen”. すみません、お客様! Sumimasen, okyaku sama! Excuse me, miss! And how did Nakamura-sensei respond?

ありがとうございます/Arigatou gozaimasu

“Arigatou gozaimasu” meaning “thank you” – this is a polite expression of gratitude.  The casual form shortens to “arigatou”.

え? あー、すいません、ありがとうございます! Eh? Ah-, suimasen, arigatou gozaimasu! Hm? Oh, excuse me, thank you!

Perhaps a direct translation of this exchange into English sounds a bit rigid or stiff – but that’s part of what makes polite Japanese – or keigo language – polite.

どうぞ・おさきにどうぞ/ Douzo ・ O saki ni douzo

“Douzo” meaning “please” – to offer someone a favor.  “O saki ni douzo” is a way to say “after you”, and is an appropriate phrase to use with strangers.

“O saki ni” roughly translates to “first”. So it’s a little bit like saying “you first”! Now that we have reviewed these basic words, let’s dig into some phrases!

Simple Travel Japanese Phrases

タクシーのりばはどこですか? Where is the taxi platform?

To understand how to use this phrase, let’s first break it down. タクシー (takushii) of course means “taxi”, and のりば (noriba) is a “terminal” or “platform”.  So タクシーのりば is a taxi stop or taxi platform. 

は (wa) is the grammar particle identifying the taxi stop as the subject of the sentence.  You can read more about は in this blog post about Japanese grammar particles !

〜はどこですか? Where is~?

〜はどこですか (doko desu ka) is a useful question ending that simply means “where is~?”  “Doko” means where and “desu ka” is the to be verb.  The か (ka) indicates it is a question.

This phrase can be used with all sorts of other places or items, travel-related or otherwise.  Below is a short vocabulary list of some travel-related words you can use with 〜はどこですか?

バスのりば – basu noriba – bus stop 駅(えき) – eki – train station トイレ – toire – washroom, bathroom 3番線 (さんばんせん)- san ban sen – platform number 3

You can replace 3番線 with any number necessary to refer to whichever platform you need. That’s all for today’s blog!  Remember to watch the video and subscribe 🙂

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21 Essential Japanese Travel Phrases


Are you planning a trip to Japan soon?

Worried you won’t have time to learn Japanese before you go? While learning Japanese might seem daunting, rest assured that you can get by on your trip with the Japanese travel phrases below, along with hand motions and a lot of bowing. You might run into people who speak English, especially in cities like Tokyo, but don’t count on it. Using Japanese, even if it’s only to say “please” or “thank you”, goes a long way–people will appreciate your efforts.

Essential Japanese Travel Phrases

The following Japanese travel phrases and words will get you through almost any situation in Japan. This list isn’t all-inclusive, but in my experience you will use these the most.

1. ありがとうございます ( arigatou gozaimasu )

Useful in many situations. You’ll find yourself saying this one often.

2. お願いします ( onegaishimasu )

Use when ordering food, asking for something or requesting help.

3. すみません ( sumimasen )

If you bump into someone or want to get someone’s attention, such as a waiter or hotel staff or a stranger on the street, say “ sumimasen” . You will probably use this phrase and “ hai ” the most in Japan.

4. はい ( hai )

Saying yes can also mean “I understand”.

5. いいえ ( iie )

6. ごめんなさい ( gomen nasai ).

Sumimasen will help you in most situations, but if you do something more serious, like roll over someone’s foot with your suitcase, you should say “ gomen nasai ” while bowing repeatedly. After apologizing, ask if they are all right by saying, “ daijoubu desu ka? ”

7. わかりません ( wakarimasen )

I don’t understand.

If you don’t understand what someone is saying to you, use “ wakarimasen “.

8. 日本語がわかりません ( nihongo ga wakarimasen )

I don’t understand Japanese.

If someone is speaking to you and you have no idea why, or if you are trying to do something, at a hotel, for example, use this phrase.

9. 英語を話せますか? ( eigo o hanasemasu ka? )

Can you speak English?

Alternatively, you can ask “ eigo ii desu ka ?” or “ eigo OK ?” and this usually gets the message across.

10. もう一度お願いします ( mou ichido onegai shimasu )

Could you repeat that, please?

Don’t be surprised if you say this and the person says something completely different than they did the first time. In my experience, asking someone to say something slowly doesn’t work. They usually try to rephrase in simpler Japanese and use hand motions. So, try asking them to repeat it, and hope for the best.

11. _______ はどこですか?( ______ wa doko desu ka? )

Where is _____ ?

For example, you can ask, “where is the train station?” by saying “ eki wa doko desu ka? ”

Fill in the blank with whatever place you are trying to find:

  • police station = 交番 ( kouban )
  • convenience store = コンビニ ( konbini )
  • hotel = ホテル ( hoteru )
  • bathroom / toilet = トイレ ( toire )
お手洗い ( otearai ) is another word for bathroom or toilet, but it isn’t used everywhere, although you will see it in kanji in some places to indicate the bathroom.

12. いくらですか? ( ikura desu ka? )

How much is it?

You can also say “ sore wa ikura desu ka ” for “how much is that?” when pointing at something near the other person. When pointing at something close to you, say “ kore wa ikura desu ka ” for “how much is this?”

13. ______ はありますか? ( ______ wa arimasu ka? )

Do you have ______?

14. ごちそうさまでした ( gochisousama deshita )

Thank you for the meal.

This phrase is polite and used after a meal if you’re eating at a place that requires you to turn in your dishes, such as in a cafeteria, or when visiting someone’s home.

15. どこでインターネットを使えますか? ( doko de intaanetto o tsukaemasu ka? )

Where can I use the internet?

16. いらない ( iranai )

I don’t need it.

When shopping, you might be asked if you want a ふくろ ( fukuro , bag). If you don’t need one, say “いらない .”

Phrases You Might Hear

While some of the Japanese travel phrases below are good to know how to say, you should try to become familiar with them.

17. いらっしゃいませ ( irasshaimase ) or いらっしゃい ( irasshai )

When entering any store, restaurant or shop at least one voice, if not a chorus, will enthusiastically call out “irasshaimase!”

18. 店内でお召し上がりですか? ( tennai de omeshiagari desu ka )

Will you be eating here?

When ordering at a place that also offers takeout, someone might ask you if you plan to eat there (they also might rephrase as koko de if they sense you don’t understand). Answer “hai” if you are, or “omochikaeri” if you want takeout.

19. お持ち帰りですか? ( omochikaeri desu ka )

Is this takeout?

As I wrote under number 18, you might be asked this when ordering at a place that does takeout. Answer “yes” if takeout, or “iie” if you plan to eat there.

20. 喫煙ですか ( kitsuen desu ka ) or 禁煙ですか ( kinen desu ka )?

Smoking or Non-Smoking?

Although the majority of Japan’s restaurants allow smoking, some are separated, family restaurants in particular. Simply state which you prefer: kinen desu for non-smoking or kitsuen desu for smoking.

21. 大丈夫ですか?( daijoubu desu ka ) or 大丈夫 ( daijoubu )?

Are you OK?

If you trip, fall, run into something, or look lost, chances are someone will ask if you are all right by using 大丈夫.” If you’re fine, answer “大丈夫です.” Or, if you are lost or confused, ask your question.

8 phrases for your trip to Japan

8 phrases for your trip to Japan

There's good reason to visit Japan 🇯🇵 From a robust food scene, to an outstanding creative heritage, and stunning nature preserves, there’s something for every traveler. (Perhaps literally!)

Want to try out your Japanese with locals? Here are 8 key phrases to help make the most of your time in Japan.

すみません Romaji: Sumimasen Translation: Pardon me Japan is a country that operates on politeness , so sumimasen is your new best friend: for asking a question, bumping someone on public transit, or even gently announcing it in restaurants to get service. (Unlike calling garçon in France, firmly calling this out is not considered rude.)

もう一度言ってください Romaji: Mou ichido itte kudasai Translation: Can you please repeat that? Use this phrase early and often! Asking a person to repeat themselves is a traveler’s rite of passage, and while it might seem awkward at first, you’ll find that most people are more than willing to help you understand.

に行きたいのですが Romaji: ___ ni ikitai no desuga Translation: I want to go ____ This is an easy way to ask someone directions. Make sure you have a map (phone or paper) handy. Unsure if it’s a walking, taxi, or public transit situation? Try asking 近いですか (chikai desu ka) for "Is it near?" or   遠いですか (tooi desu ka) for "Is it too far?"

あなたのお勧めのレストランはどこですか Romaji: Anata no osusume no resutoran wa dokodesuka Translation: Which restaurants do you recommend? Japan is a great place to eat! (See: their galaxy of Michelin star restaurants and amazing convenience store culture for starters.) Rather than risk getting stuck at a tourist trap, use this question to get a more personally approved recommendation.

いただきます Romaji: Itadakimasu Translation: Loosely translated it means “I humbly receive.” This phrase is an expression of gratitude spoken before the first bite. It springs from a Buddhist practice of giving thanks for everyone involved in the creation of your meal, while also reflecting on your own blessings. You'll typically see Japanese people say it with their hands folded together in front of them with their head slightly bowed. If you’re dining alone, you can say it to your server, bar person, or even to yourself—while not obligatory or expected from foreigners, it is always welcome. You can also add ごちそうさま(でした) (gochisousama (deshita)) at the end of a meal to show your appreciation—it means "thank you for the food."

お手洗いはどこですか Romaji: Otearai wa dokodesu ka Translation: Where is the toilet? Sometimes you’ve just gotta go. The good news: Bathrooms across Japan are almost uniformly spotless. Just be sure to keep things tidy for the next visitor.

すごい Romaji: Sugoi! Translation: Awesome, brilliant, great, amazing, wow, incredible! This exclamation is your shortcut to expressing excitement and joy for life in all its forms. Just avoid using it when you’re speaking with someone older or in a position of authority as it lacks the honorifics of more formal phrases—the polite form is すごいですね (sugoi desune).

乾杯 Romaji: Kanpai Translation: Cheers! If your Japanese takes leave after a few whiskey highballs (arguably one of Japan’s favorite cocktails), kanpai is the quickest shortcut to making friends. Be sure to give everyone at your table a chance to receive their drink before saying kanpai —and *then* you can have a sip!

Flight? ✅ Hotel? ✅ Japanese phrases? ✅

Using Japanese while traveling adds to your experience abroad! Take your time, speak with kindness, and your vacation will be absolutely すごい.

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Japanese Survival Phrases

Basic phrases.

Hai.   Yes. はい。

Iie.   No. いいえ。

O-negai shimasu.   Please. おねがいします。

Arigatō.   Thank you. ありがとう。

Dōitashimashite.   You're welcome. どういたしまして。

Sumimasen.   Excuse me. すみません。

Gomennasai.   I am sorry. ごめんなさい。

Ohayō gozaimasu.   Good morning. おはようございます。

Konbanwa.   Good evening. こんばんは。

O-yasumi nasai.   Good night. おやすみなさい。


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Meeting and Greeting

Eigo o hanasemasu ka.   Do you speak English? えいごをはなせますか。

Koko ni eigo o hanaseru hito wa imasu ka.   Does anyone here speak English? ここに えいごおはなせるひとはいますか。

Watashi wa nihongo ga sukoshi shika hanasemasen.   I only speak a little Japanese. わたしは にほんごがすこししか はなせません。

O-namae wa nan desu ka.   What is your name? おなまえはなんですか。

Watashi no namae wa Kaori desu.   My name is Kaorii. わたしのなまえは かおりです。

O-genki desu ka.   How are you? おげんきですか。

Genki desu.   I'm fine. Thank you. げんきです。

Oaidekite ureshī desu.   I am very glad to meet you. おあいできて うれしいです。

Wakarimasen.   I don't understand. わかりません。

Nante iimashita ka.   What did you say? なんていいましたか。

Motto yukkuri hanashite kudasai.   Can you speak more slowly? もっと ゆっくりはなしてください。

Yoku wakarimasu.   I understand you perfectly. よくわかります。

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Home » Articles » Japanese Greetings: 17 Ways to Say “Hello” in Japanese

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written by Caitlin Sacasas

Language: Japanese

Reading time: 11 minutes

Published: Jan 30, 2023

Updated: Jun 6, 2024

Japanese Greetings: 17 Ways to Say “Hello” in Japanese

Do you want to say “hello” in Japanese?

Now, 挨拶 ( aisatsu ) means “greeting” in Japanese. And you’ll need to know your Japanese greetings if you want to start a conversation in Japanese! Greetings are some of the  most simple phrases to learn , and you’ll use them all the time.

You may already know one or two Japanese greetings, like  konnichiwa . But  konnichiwa  isn’t how you would normally greet someone, especially if they’re close to you. How to say “hi” in Japanese depends on the situation and whom you’re greeting.

Let’s learn to say “hello” in Japanese and more with these essential Japanese greetings.

Table of contents

Top 10 common japanese greetings, “hi” in japanese – やあ! ( ya- ), “hello” in japanese – こんにちは ( konnichiwa ), “my name is” in japanese – 名前は___です。( namae wa ____ desu. ), “good morning” in japanese – おはようございます ( ohayou gozaimasu ), “good evening” in japanese – こんばんは ( konbanwa ), “goodnight” in japanese – おやすみなさい ( oyasumi nasai ), “long time no see” in japanese – お久しぶりですね ( o-hisashiburi desu ne ), “yoohoo” in japanese – ヤッホー ( ya-ho- ), “hey” in japanese – おす! ( osu ), “yo” in japanese – よー!( yo- ), “how are you” in japanese – お元気ですか ( o-genki desu ka ), “how’s it going” in japanese – 調子はどうですか ( choushi wa dou desu ka ), “i’m back” in japanese – ただいまー ( tadaima- ), “nice to meet you” in japanese – はじめまして ( hajimemashite ), “welcome” in japanese – いらっしゃいませ ( irasshaimase ), “hello” on the phone in japanese – もしもし ( moshi moshi ), “nice day, huh” in japanese – いい天気ですね ( ii tenki desu ne ), how do you say “hello” in japanese.

These are the most common ways to say “hello” in Japanese:

  • “Hi” – やあ! ( Ya- )
  • “Hello” – こんにちは ( Konnichiwa )
  • “Hello” on the phone – もしもし ( Moshi moshi )
  • “Good morning” – おはようございます ( Ohayou gozaimasu )
  • “Good Evening” – こんばんは ( Konbanwa )
  • “Yoohoo”- ヤッホー ( Ya-ho- )
  • “Hey” – おす! ( Osu! )
  • “Yo!” – よー!( Yo-! )
  • “How are you?” – お元気ですか ( O-genki desu ka )
  • “How’s it going?”- 調子はどうですか ( Choushi wa dou desu ka )

You can also improve your pronunciation with this video:

Now let’s have a closer look at those greetings to know which you can use when.

A super simple greeting to start off with! やあ is used casually between friends. It’s more of an exclamation to grab attention. In Japanese, it’s common to greet your friends and coworkers with a やあ, or just あー ( Aah- ), followed by their name.

Here’s an example:

やあ!すずきちゃん、今日いい天気ですね。( Yaa-! Suzuki-chan, kyou ii tenki desu ne. ) <br> “Hi! Suzuki-chan, nice weather today, huh.”

You could even omit the exclamation and only greet someone with their name to say “hi.”

こんにちは is “hello” in Japanese, but it’s not used as often as you would think. こんにちは is somewhat formal so it would sound a bit awkward to say it to a friend. While it’s normal in some cultures to exchange short, friendly greetings to those you pass on the street, that’s a big no-no in Japan. You wouldn’t greet a passing stranger with こんにちは. It’s mainly used in semi-formal situations, like in an office space.

It also means “good afternoon” in Japanese, and so you would really only use it in the afternoon.

How to say “my name is” in Japanese is quite simple. You could say it two ways: 名前は___です。 ( Namae wa ** ** desu. ) or ____です。( ____ desu._)

All you have to do is fill your name in the blank. So, for example, I would say 名前はケイトリンです。 ( Namae wa Keitorin desu ) Or, I could shorten it and say: ケイトリンです。( Keitorin desu. )

In Japanese,  Namae  is “name,”,  wa  is the subject marker, and  desu  is the helping verb “is.” That’s why you can say  Namae wa  or just your name and  desu . The first means “My name is Caitlin” while the second means “I am Caitlin.”

To be technical, the full phrase would be 私の名前は___です。 ( Watashi no namae wa ** ** desu._) But  watashi no  (“my”) isn’t needed because it’s understood in context. You almost never need to use  watashi  unless you need to clarify the subject.

If you’re in a very formal situation, there is one less common way to introduce yourself: と申します。( ___ to moushimasu. ) It’s a polite way to say “My name is” or “I call myself.” This is humble speech and is used when talking to someone of much higher status. It’s usually only used in business situations when you’re introducing yourself to a new company client or the company president.

In the mornings, you can greet people with おはようございます. It’s a formal way to greet someone so you would use it when saying hello to your boss in the morning.

Informally, you would drop  gozaimasu  and just say  ohayou . This is very common to say to everyone. You’ll often hear friends exaggerate the sounds, and draw out the “o” at the end like おはよー!

In the evening, greet others by saying こんばんは. It’s a polite and formal way to say “good evening.” You can use this with almost anyone, but it’s definitely more common to greet friends and family with an informal greeting on this list instead.

This is more a parting phrase than a greeting. But at night and when going to bed, you say おやすみなさい. It literally means: “Go take a rest.”

Between friends and family, you would leave off the  nasai  that makes the phrase formal. Instead, say おやすみ-!

If you haven’t seen someone for a while (three weeks or longer) you can say お久しぶりですね。This means, “It’s been a while, huh?” or “Long time no see!” You can say this to anyone, from a friend to someone in the workplace. The “o” at the beginning adds respect, and the “ne” at the end means “huh” or “right?” Both can be dropped, to make it a less formal statement.

You’ll combine this phrase with other greetings. Here’s an example:

あー、すずきさん。久しぶりですね。元気だった? ( Aa-, Suzuki-san. Hisashiburi desu ne. Genki datta? ) “Ah, Suzuki-san. Long time no see, huh. How have you been?”

This is a very casual greeting, usually between young kids or close friends. It’s a more feminine greeting, but don’t worry boys – your greeting is next.

ヤッホー is another exclamation type of greeting used to grab a close friend or child’s attention. It’s like yelling “Yoohoo!” and waving for attention. You would follow it with your friend’s name.

おす is a masculine, slang way to greet other guys. Girls don’t typically say this (although I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t my favorite informal greeting. I use it sometimes with friends – often receiving strange looks). And guys wouldn’t say it to girls.

Unlike the other informal phrases on this list, it’s an exclamation that’s more often used when you already see and have the person’s attention. So you don’t need to follow it up with their name, but you still can.

It can also be used as “Yes, sir!” or a “Roger!” Some anime use this, but it’s not common in everyday speech.

Exactly the same as English. You can greet a close friend informally with a simple  yo!  You wouldn’t say this to anyone older than you, though. This one is also more masculine, but sometimes young girls and women say it, too, to get someone’s attention.

You could also use the phrase おーい!( O-i! ) This is only used as an exclamation, and it’s a more masculine expression. It can be a bit rude or harsh, so you’d only use this with people close to you.

You can greet someone with “How are you” by saying お元気ですか. The “o” here is to show respect, and “ka” is the question particle. You can drop the “o” to make it informal and to reply, you could say  genki desu.  The word  genki  means “energy” or “healthy,” so you’re asking “Are you healthy?”

Unlike in English, you don’t ask someone this phrase often. You usually wouldn’t ask someone you saw yesterday, “How are you today?” in Japanese. But if it’s been a while, it’s common to put the phrase in the past tense and ask 元気だった? ( Genki datta , “How have you been?”) To simplify it further, you could only say “Genki?” and raise the inflection on the last syllable.

Another way to ask how someone is doing is to say いかがですか ( Ikaga desu ka ). It means both “How are you?” and “How’s it going?” But it’s more formal and used to ask a higher-status individual how something specific is going. Like their job, or school.

お仕事はいかがですか。( O-shigoto wa ikaga desu ka ) <br> “How’s work going?” or “How is your work going?”

The actual translation for this one is “What’s your condition?” but it’s used informally to ask “how’s it going” in Japanese.

The difference here is that it’s a “how are you” phrase to follow up on something that was already discussed between you and a friend. For instance, the last time you saw your friend, they told you they were slammed at work and stressed about it. When you see them again, you can ask 調子はどうですか to see how it’s been since.

When you come home, you can announce it by proclaiming ただいまー!This means “I’m back!” or “I’ve returned home!” You can use this at work, too, when you’ve left the office for a while and returned.

You’ll be greeted in return with お帰り ( okaeri ) which literally means “you’ve returned” but translates better as “welcome back.” If you’re returning to the office from a business trip or out-of-the-office meeting, you might be greeted instead with お疲れ様 ( otsukaresama ) or just お疲れ ( otsukare ). Both mean “you must be tired” or “thanks for your hard work,” but  otsukare  is less formal.

When you meet someone for the first time, you can start off by saying はじめまして. This means “nice to meet you.”

You would normally follow it by giving your name, and then saying よろしくお願いします ( yoroshiku onegaishimau ). This is also usually translated as “nice to meet you” but it has many, many uses in Japanese.

A more accurate (but awkward in English) meaning would be “please look after me.” It’s a formal expression used whenever you’re asking to build a relationship with someone, or when you have to put your trust in them. It can also be shortened to “yoroshiku” to be less formal.

A common greeting at New Year’s is あけましておめでとうございます。今年もよろしくお願いします。( Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu. Kotoshi mo yoroshiku onegaishimasu. ) So when you see people after the new year, you’re wishing them “Happy New Year! This year, again, please look after me.” To close friends, you shorten it to あけおめ!今年もよろしく ( Akeome! Kotoshi mo yoroshiku ).

When you walk into a store in Japan, you’ll often be greeted with いらっしゃいませ!It means “welcome” to store guests.

However, you wouldn’t say this to someone coming into your home. When you arrive at someone else’s home, you greet them with お邪魔します ( ojama shimasu ). It means “I’m sorry to bother you.” The host would welcome you by saying どうぞ ( douzo ), or “please, after you,” “come in,” or “go ahead.”

Answering your phone in Japanese also has its own greeting! When you say “hello” on the phone, you say もしもし with a raised inflection to say “Hello?” It comes from the verb 申す ( mousu ), the humble version of “to say.” However, you would only use  moshi moshi  when answering a phone call from a friend or family member.

In business situations,  moshi moshi  is considered rude. So instead, you’d answer the phone with はい ( hai , “yes”), followed by your last name/family name or the company name.

Like English, you can also start off by greeting someone with a generic phrase about the weather. Usually, it’ll be something along the lines of いい天気ですね ( ii tenki desu ne , “Nice weather, isn’t it?”) or 暑い / 寒い ですね ( atsui / samui desu ne , “It’s hot / It’s cold, isn’t it?)

There are many ways to greet someone in Japanese! But the best way to strike up a conversation and get started speaking Japanese is with a simple “hello.” Learning these phrases is a great place to start getting comfortable with the language.

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Now, learn your  core Japanese words  to expand your vocabulary!

  • 150+ Japanese Words and Phrases You Need to Start Speaking Now
  • 14 Ways to Say Goodbye in Japanese
  • Days of the Week in Japanese: A Simple Guide
  • 47 Japanese Proverbs about Life, Love, and Wisdom to Inspire You (with English translations)
  • Japanese Uncovered Review: Is the Force Strong with This One?

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Caitlin Sacasas

Content Writer, Fluent in 3 Months

Caitlin is a copywriter, content strategist, and language learner. Besides languages, her passions are fitness, books, and Star Wars. Connect with her: Twitter | LinkedIn

Speaks: English, Japanese, Korean, Spanish

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The 20 Most Commonly Spoken Languages in the World

Language learners are smart. That’s why it’s natural for them to wonder—what are the most commonly spoken languages in the world?

If you’re keen on figuring out what language to learn and expect to use frequently, or if you’re just plain curious, check out this list of the top 20 languages of the world, complete with fun facts.

All numbers were collected from the statistical websites Ethnologue and Statista .

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    The Basics: Common Japanese Words and Phrases. 1. Hello - Konnichiwa (こんにちは) People in Japan greet one another with a bow. A bow can range from a modest nod of the head to a deep waist bend. A deeper, longer bow shows respect, while a short nod of the head is casual and informal. 2.

  21. 73 Basic Japanese Phrases

    Here are a few useful phrases for almost any situation you might find yourself in. #62 Ki o tsukete (気を付けて) - Be careful (Hint: you might say this to someone going on a trip.) #63 Yoku dekimashita (よくできました) - Great job. #64 Omedetou gozaimasu (おめでとうございます) - Congratulations.

  22. Japanese Common Words: Easy Phrases for Travellers

    In this article, we will review the basic travel Japanese phrases Nakamura sensei teaches in the video below. Beginner Japanese Travel Phrases - Basic Vocabulary. Before getting into some more difficult phrases, let's take a look at some basic travel Japanese words in the appropriate context. You may already be familiar with this vocabulary.

  23. 21 Essential Japanese Travel Phrases

    3. すみません ( sumimasen) Excuse me. If you bump into someone or want to get someone's attention, such as a waiter or hotel staff or a stranger on the street, say " sumimasen". You will probably use this phrase and " hai " the most in Japan. 4. はい ( hai) Yes. Saying yes can also mean "I understand".

  24. 8 Japanese Phrases Travelers Need in Japan

    A trip to Japan is a chance to practice your Japanese! Here are 8 phrases you'll want to remember. Home; Topics Company Design Engineering Learning Product Research Duolingo English Test Authors; Archive; June 10, 2024 8 phrases for your trip to Japan by Laura Studarus. There's good reason to visit Japan 🇯🇵 From a robust ...

  25. Japanese Phrases

    Japanese Vocabulary Phrases and more information about the culture and language in general. Visit Transparent Language and learn a language today! About Us; Available Languages; Blog; Free Resources; Support; 1-800-567-9619; For Government. Government Home; CL-150 Platform ... Basic Phrases . Hai.

  26. 101 Core Japanese Words -- The Most Commonly Used Words in Japanese

    10 Basic Japanese Words to Get You Started. If you're only going to learn 10 core Japanese words from this article, walk away with these: はい (hai) - "yes ... You can pair the core words you learn next with essential Japanese words and phrases for beginners. Combining the vocabulary and phrases in these two articles will help make sure ...

  27. Japanese Greetings: 17 Ways to Say "Hello" in Japanese

    Top 10 Common Japanese Greetings. These are the most common ways to say "hello" in Japanese: "Hi" - やあ! (Ya-) ... 150+ Japanese Words and Phrases You Need to Start Speaking Now; 14 Ways to Say Goodbye in Japanese; Days of the Week in Japanese: A Simple Guide; 47 Japanese Proverbs about Life, Love, and Wisdom to Inspire You (with ...

  28. 12 Best Translation Apps for Understanding on the Fly (2024 Edition]

    Here are the 12 translation apps that I found to be the best and the most useful, which you can use for language learning, travel or any other translation needs! Contents. 12 Best Translator Apps for Language Learners and Travelers; 1. Best Overall: Google Translate; 2. Best for iPhone Users: Apple Translate; 3. Best for Accuracy: DeepL ...

  29. German Greetings: Essential Phrases For Learners And Travelers

    These phrases are useful for travelers and German language learners alike! ... Common German greetings and farewells. In this section we'll look at some of the most common German greetings and farewells. Since you might encounter a lot of strangers — especially if you're traveling — we'll start with formal phrases: ... Online Japanese ...

  30. The 20 Most Commonly Spoken Languages in the World

    Long ago, palm leaves were a common writing document for the Tamil language. It may be that the elegant, curly nature of written Tamil letters facilitated the task of scribing it on the leaves. Tamil is considered a classical language due to its rich and ancient history. The language is also revered and personified as a deity known as Tamil ...