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Amboise Val de Loire

Les châteaux du Val d’Amboise

Les printemps de la renaissance en val d'amboise, le long de la loire, bienvenue au val d'amboise.

Bienvenue en Val d’Amboise, capitale historique du Val de Loire.

En plein cœur des châteaux de la Loire, le Val d’Amboise et ses 14 communes vous invitent à un séjour d’exception, entre un patrimoine extraordinaire et une nature préservée . Cette terre d’histoire et de traditions est la promesse de magnifiques rencontres humaines et d’expériences mémorables, en couple, en famille ou entre amis. Sur les bords de Loire, au cœur de paysages classés au Patrimoine Mondial de L’Humanité , c’est aussi le rêve de la vie de château qui devient réalité !

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L'Office de Tourisme *** du Val d'Amboise vous accueille toute l'année pour vous aider à passer un agréable séjour au cœur des châteaux de la Loire.

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  • Avril-mai-juin : Du lundi au samedi : 10h-13h et 14h-18h Dimanche et jours fériés : 10h-13h et 14h-17h
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Amboise travel guide

Photo of Amboise

Visit Amboise (Centre-Loire Valley, France)

The town of Amboise is on the banks of the Loire river, between Blois and Tours and in the heart of the 'chateaux region' of the Loire Valley. Amboise has received the classification of a protected Historic Town in France .

Exploring Amboise

France This Way review: although it is small, Amboise has an attractive historical centre as well as two of the most important historic monuments in the region: the Chateau d'Amboise and the Maison du Clos Lucé, better known as Leonardo da Vinci's House, and a visit is highly recommended.

There is a large car park next to the river a short distance west of the town centre, although the town seem to have forgotten to add signposts - turn right when you cross the bridge across the river! Near the car park you will notice a modern art statue and fountain, the Max Ernst fountain: the Amboise Tourist Office is almost opposite this statue and can provide you with a town map showing all the highlights.

Town centre in Amboise

Your visit to Amboise will start in the main central square which occupies a large part of the centre of the town, and has the castle to one side and various shops and cafes on the other side. Several of these shops and cafes are established in interesting half-timbered medieval houses and there are also numerous renaissance style houses in the white stone of the region.

Before rushing to see the two principal attractions (the chateau and Leonardo's house) allow time to stroll through the historical quarter of Amboise, to the south-west of this central square. One of the principal monuments of interest here is the 15th century clocktower, which is built above one of the original stone gateways originally built as part of the town's defences.

You can also see the 15th century Church of Saint-Florentin just below the castle. This church was built by King Louis XI because he was concerned he might become infected by epidemics if he went to the main church in the town (the original church has now disappeared).

Opposite the church, the museum in Hotel Morin tells the history of the town: the manor was built in the early 16th century and had various uses such as prison and administration centre before becoming a museum.

Towards the east of the centre (towards Clos Lucé), on Rue Victor Hugo and in the cliffs below the castle, you can see some ancient troglodyte houses built into the cliffs. If you follow the path up the hill behind here (or Rue Leonard Perrault in front of Clos Lucé) you reach a viewpoint across Amboise: you should certainly come here if you are not going into the castle, which also has similar views.

Chateau d'Amboise

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The castle in Amboise dominates most of the town centre and is one of the main attractions for visitors. Entrance to the castle is up a flight of stairs from the central square, and visitors can enjoy the terraces and gardens as well as admiring the royal apartments. Chateau d'Amboise is one of our favourite Loire castles.

It was built for King Charles VII in the 15th century, on the site of an earlier castle. From the end of the 15th century to the second half of the 16th century the castle played host to many important Kings and nobles before falling into decline with the Wars of Religion.

See more information at Chateau d'Amboise .

Chateau de Clos-Lucé

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A short walk outside the main centre of Amboise there is another monument that is very interesting to visit. The Chateau de Clos-Lucé is best known as being the house where Leonardo da Vinci was invited to live by King Francois I - Leonardo lived here from 1516 to the time of his death in 1519.

Although it is the association with da Vinci that is the main theme of a visit to the house, the house and gardens would be very interesting even without this association. In the substantial brick manor house you can see several rooms carefully furnished as they were at the time of Leonardo, as well as recreations of several of his most imaginative inventions and also the extensive gardens and parkland that surround the house.

See more information at Chateau de Clos Lucé .

Domaine Royal de Château Gaillard et les Jardins du Roi

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Close to Clos-Lucé you can visit the Royal Domaine of Chateau Gaillard. This is a small castle in the renaissance style built by Charles VIII after he had lived in Italy, and incorporating many Italian elements. He also brought a famous Italian gardener from Italy to designe the gardens, and the Gardens of the King were the first renaissance style gardens in France.

In recent years the castle and gardens have been carefully restored to their original design and you can also see the first orangery to be built in France.

See more information at Domaine Royal of Château Gaillard .


Other attractions in Amboise

The Loire river is just a few metres outside the north end of the main square. We recommend you stroll a short distance along the river banks and also across the bridge in the centre of Amboise, which allows some of the best views to the town and castle, and also along the river itself.

If you continue to the west end of Rue Nationale from the belltower you can see the Church of Saint-Dennis. This church was built in the 12th century and retains many of its romanesque elements, such as the main entrance, although the tower was rebuilt in the 18th century.

Return towards the town along Rue Rabelais and turn right along Rue Belle Poule: from the end of this street you have another exceptional view across the rooftops and monuments of Amboise.

If you are able to visit on a Friday or Sunday morning you will also enjoy looking around the popular market in Amboise.

Attractions nearby

On the edge of Amboise you can visit the Chanteloup Pagoda, an impressive pagoda of six levels and 44 metres high. This pagoda is almost all that remains of a grand castle that stood here until the 18th century. The castle of Chanteloup was seized during the revolution, then remained empty for many years. No buyer could be found, and the castle was sold to a local demolition company who used the materials from the castle elsewhere.

As well as the many attractions in the town, Amboise is well placed to explore several other important destinations in the Loire Valley including the towns of Blois (to the north-east) and Tours (to the west).

Chateaux nearby include the Chateau de Chaumont at Chaumont-sur-Loire and the Chateau de Chenonceau to the south of Amboise.

You can find more travel ideas in the Indre-et-Loire guide and the Loire Valley guide .

Photos of Amboise

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Map of amboise and places nearby, visit near amboise with france this way reviews.

Chateau d'Amboise

The Chateau d'Amboise is a castle with impressive gardens and a lovely view across the rooftops of Amboise

Chateau de Clos Lucé at Amboise

Chateau de Clos Lucé at Amboise

The Chateau de Clos-Lucé was home to Leonardo da Vinci and you can visit the house and also see recreations of many of his inventions

Domaine Royal de Château Gaillard

Domaine Royal de Château Gaillard

The Domaine Royal de Château Gaillard in Amboise is the first Renaissance manor house in France, newly restored and surrounded by lovely gardens

Chateau de Chenonceau

Chateau de Chenonceau

The perfectly lovely Chateau-de-Chenonceau includes a renaissance gallery across the river and gardens designed by Diane de Poitiers and Catherine de Medicis

Chateau de Chaumont

Chateau de Chaumont

The small village of Chaumont-sur-Loire is dominated by the Chateau de Chaumont, one of the largest Loire Valley castles and with a famous annual International Garden Festival

Tours Cathedral and La Psalette Cloisters

Tours Cathedral and La Psalette Cloisters

The la Psalette cloister and the cathedral of Tours together make a very impressive religious monument with various architectural styles

... or see ALL recommended places to visit in Indre-et-Loire

Tourist classifications for Amboise

Amboise is classified as a historical protected town centre' (secteur sauvegardé)

Address: Amboise, Tours, Loire Valley, 37400, France || GPS coordinates: latitude 47.404167, longitude 0.98

Plan your visit to Amboise, Indre-et-Loire

Sightseeing & tourist attractions to visit nearby.

  • Aquarium du Val-de-Loire: aquarium (5 km)
  • Parc et jardins du château de Valmer: remarkable garden (10 km)
  • Parc et jardins du château de Chenonceau : remarkable garden (11 km)
  • Réserve de Beaumarchais: zoo or wildlife park (13 km)
  • Domaine régional de Chaumont-sur-Loire: remarkable garden (17 km)
  • Le jardin des Prébendes d'Oé: remarkable garden (22 km)
  • Tours : town of art and history (22 km)
  • Cloisters of la Psalette : national monument (22 km)
  • Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire: ville fleurie 4* (24 km)
  • Les jardins du prieuré de Saint-Cosme: remarkable garden (24 km)
  • Fougeres-sur-Bievre Chateau: national monument (28 km)
  • Montresor : most beautiful village (32 km)

Market days in Amboise, France

Regular market(s) are held in Amboise each Sunday & Friday. (Markets are held in the morning unless stated.)

The French version of this page is at Amboise (Francais)

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What to see and do in Amboise, Loire Valley

  • Janine Marsh
  • Centre - Val de Loire

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Amboise has wow factor by the bucket load. It’s not just the fact that there is a magnificent castle with centuries of history witnessed within it’s walls. It’s not just that the extraordinary Leonardo da Vinci lived his last years here. Or that his home is still there, the Chateau du Clos Lucé and he is buried in a chapel at the castle. But, there’s something timeless about the town of Amboise. It is charming, pretty and it retains an authentic air of the past in its alleyways and roads and along the river Loire.

Amboise is a great place to stay in. There’s plenty to enjoy and explore while you’re there and it’s easy to tour the local area of Chateaux and famous towns from here…

The chateau d’Amboise

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History stretches back millennia at Amboise. The Romans set up camp here, Clovis, King of the Franks met with his enemy, the Visigoth King, here in 503. They signed a treaty but Clovis killed the Visigoth ruler four years later and became the first king of a country which became France. A castle has been in Amboise since medieval times. But today, we know it most for its Renaissance legacy.

Charles VIII of France (1470-1498) was born here. After going off to war in Italy in the late 1400s, he lost, but bought back with him a love for the Italian arts and Renaissance. He also returned with furniture, art and artisans whom he set to work to renovate the Chateau of Amboise in the Renaissance style. He must have been very excited about it as work went on night and day and Charles liked to inspect the progress. One day, whilst doing so, he hit his head on a lintel and just a few hours later died (though some claim it wasn’t related to the accident, but he may have been poisoned).

From party pleasure palace to prison

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Work stopped until Francis I (1494-1547) became King. Born in Cognac, he had lived at Amboise from the age of six and he was a huge admirer of the Renaissance style. In fact he’s often called the Father of the French Renaissance. He made Amboise his official Court, completed the restoration and bought Leonardo da Vinci to France.  The great Renaissance man lived next door in the bijou Chateau du Clos Lucé in 1516.

For a while Amboise seemed to be the centre of the French universe, pageantry, feasting and splendour went on in copious amounts. Francis I staged huge, ostentations parties, with Leonardo da Vinci designing costumes and automatons, including a clockwork lion that walked and urinated and its body opened up and was filled with lilies. For one play, he recreated the night sky over the stage complete constellations and planet, filling the audience with incredulity.  To this day there are loads of events held at the Chateau, including from time to time, balls in the state room (above). Check on the Chateau d’Amboise website for events.

However, just 40 years later, Francis had died and the Chateau had fallen out of favour. It became a prison, was bought by an aristocrat, became a prison again and underwent a sorry time.

What to see at the Chateau d’Amboise today

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At one point the chateau was virtually a city, not just a castle. There were wild animals in the moat, it had its own church, law courts and barracks. Today the castle is much smaller but incredibly beautiful. Over the centuries bits were pulled down or destroyed, but it retains an aura of greatness.

You enter via a ramp from the street. The tall walls and turrets dominate the town but give no indication of what you will see once you’re inside the castle gates. From the terrace there are magnificent views over the river and countryside, the restored gardens are truly superb.

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Leonardo da Vinci is buried in the Chapel of St Hubert, wedged against the ramparts. It was built by Charles VIII at the end of the 15 th century for his wife Anne of Brittany. The chateau du Clos Lucé, where Leonardo lived, had been Anne’s summer house. The chapel is an absolute jewel, with the sun shining through its beautiful stained glass windows, stunning carved doors and exquisite sculptures, it is sublime.

Inside the Chateau there are rooms in late Gothic style as well as Renaissance. Some rooms are furnished with tapestries, paintings and furniture. Columns in the state room are encrusted with fleur de lys, a bust of Francis I looks down on all who walk through.

In the town of Amboise

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The town itself is well worth visiting. You’ll see some fine old houses and plenty of lovely cafés and bistros. Plus there are wine tasting venues to while away the hours.

There is a small gothic church, the Eglise St Florentin. Leonardo da Vinci was originally buried here as he wished. Later, his remains were moved to the Chapel of the Chateau of Amboise. A few minutes from the century is the magnificent Romanesque church of St Denis. It was built in the 12 th century on the site of a Roman Statue of Mars and has a sumptuous interior.

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Don’t miss : If you’re there on Friday or Sunday, head to the market (Sunday is best) and enjoy the local cheeses, wines and produce.

Visit the Chateau du Clos Luce where Leonardo da Vinci lived from 1516-1519. It is superbly restored and wonderfully atmospheric. Take a stroll from the centre of Amboise via the rue Victor Hugo. It takes less than ten minutes and is a lovely walk in a street lined with quirky boutiques and pretty cafés.

Practical information

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Where to stay: In the town, the Hotel Bellevue is right in the centre, at the foot of the castle, it’s comfy, cosy and friendly. If you want to stay somewhere a bit special close by, a 20 minute drive away is the Chateau of La Bourdasière. You’ll be staying in a beautiful Renaissance castle. It was once home to Marie Gaudin, known as la Belle Babou. She was a mistress of Francis I and apparently many other powerful men were her lovers, including Emperor Charles V. She was married to Philipert Babou, Francis I’s Finance Minister.

Today it is a quite extraordinary hotel, owned by Prince and Princess de Broglie. Rooms range from basic to luxury and prices are very reasonable. The gardens are beautiful, with a tennis court and heated pool. And, as the prince has a passion for tomatoes, there are some 700 varieties grown here. The chateau also has a lovely restaurant.

How to get there

Trains from Paris to Amboise take around 2 hours. The station is in the city centre, approximately 17 minutes walk to the Chateau.; Tourist office:;

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Office de Tourisme Amboise Val de Loire - All You MUST Know Before You Go (2024)


A Guide to the Best Things to do in Amboise, Loire Valley

By: Author Sophie Nadeau

Posted on Last updated: 13th March 2023

Categories France

Last Updated on 13th March 2023 by Sophie Nadeau

Located in the Loire Valley, Amboise is a stunning town that’s full of medieval history and timber-framed buildings. Best visited in the springtime when the sun is shining and the cherry blossoms are blooming, here’s your guide to the best things to do in Amboise , as well as what to know before visiting.

A Guide to the Best Things to do in Amboise, Loire Valley

The picturesque Amboise feels like something straight out of a fairytale; crooked little lanes form a maze around a towering French Château that looks like it’s been plucked straight from a storybook.

You could easily spend hours meandering amongst the historic architecture and exploring the town’s three châteaux which are open to the public.

What’s more is that Amboise has pretty intense ties with none other than Leonardo da Vinci. Indeed, the famous Italian painter, sculptor and innovator spent the last few years in Amboise, residing in the Château du Clos Lucé, which is open to the public today. For more inspiration, check out our Loire Valley itinerary .

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Musee de l’Hôtel de Ville

Walk around amboise town , tour de l’horloge , château royal d’amboise, château du clos lucé , château gaillard , caves ambacia, enjoy the view from île d’or , church of saint florentin, l’ecluse, la pause du temps, where to stay in amboise, best things to do in amboise.

Situated against the backdrop of the former mansion Pierre Morin which was constructed at the turn of the 16th-century, the town’s main museum is the Musée de l’Hôtel de Ville, which is located close to the River Loire.

For those wishing to learn more about the history of Amboise and the wider Loire Valley, this is a great place to start thanks to the number of exhibitions featuring the town and beyond. The museum is free. However, please note that the museum has very limited opening hours. Find them here.

Musee de l'Hôtel de Ville

Truth be told, one of the biggest delights of the Loire Valley is wandering its many medieval towns, many of which have retained their historic charm.

Amboise is no different: French bistros spill out onto the pavements, crooked rooftops are abound and there’s something quirky to see around almost every corner.

Walk around Amboise town 

One of the most distinctive buildings in Amboise (château aside) is the clock tower, which dates back to the 15th-century. Now listed as a historic monument (since 1933 to be precise) , the clock tower was actually built atop of the site of an old city gate (la porte d’Amasse). Vestiges of the old door can still be found to the base of the 1445 tower.

Tour de l’Horloge 

The number one attraction in Amboise is the Château Royal d’Amboise, which presides high above the rest of the town, overlooking the Loire river. Constructed by the French monarchy during the 15th-century, the historic building has seen plenty of events over the course of its lifetime.

The origins of the Château d’Amboise actually began during the Roman era when a Gallic Iron Age settlement was constructed in the area (some ruins can still be seen today in the outskirts of Amboise) .

A Château was eventually built on the strategic point which was confiscated by the monarchy during the 15th-century when the owner, Louis d’Amboise, was convicted of plotting against the King (a conviction which was later overturned) .

Château Royal d'Amboise

Nevertheless, the French Monarchy kept the château for themselves. In 1515, Leonardo da Vinci came to Amboise for the first time. He lived in the nearby Château du Close Lucé, which was connected to the Château d’Amboise via an underground passage.

Upon his death, Da Vinci was interred in the Chapel of St Florentin, which was located close to the Château, Unfortunately, the chapel was so damaged during the French Revoltuion that the decision was taken to raze it to the ground completely.

Today, there are several commemorative pieces to Leonardo da Vinci across the Château of Amboise and in its surrounds. Elsewhere in the grounds of Château d’Amboise there is a beautiful formal gardens to explore (which you can picnic in) and that boasts a surprisingly amazing collection of box bushes. Purchase your ticket here in advance.

Château Royal d'Amboise

The place where Leonardo da Vinci lived and worked for the three years leading up to his death was Château du Clos Lucé, which is a small French Château that’s a short walk away from Amboise town centre.

The château is sometimes referred to simply as Clos Lucé and was built in the latter half of the 15th-century. Today, the Château and beautiful gardens are accessible to the public for a fee. In order to see the château and its surrounding grounds, you’ll need to set aside a few hours. Purchase your tickets in advance here.

chateau du clos luce

There is yet another Château in Amboise, although a little less-known than the other two. Please note that there are several Châteaux by the name of Gaillard in France, including one in the region of Normandy .

Château Gaillard is located a short walk away from Clos Lucé and was constructed at the end of the 15th-century to serve as a Royal residence for Charles VIII. Today, visitors can explore the restored old castle, as well as its surrounding gardens.

One of the most important things to know before visiting the Loire Valley is that it is home to a great wine producing region. As such, one of the greatest attractions of Amboise and its surrounds are the number of wine tastings on offer.

One of the easiest places to reach from Amboise is the Caves Ambacia, which is around a fifteen minute walk from the town centre. Visitors should note that this winery does not have a vineyard but is instead the place where wine is stored.

The cellars where the wine is stored date back to over 500 years, and were carved by hand directly out of the cliff face. Today, you can visit the wine cellars and see where the wine is stored. You can do a self-guided visit for free or alternatively pay €18 per person for a tour and tasting. Buy your ticket here.

There is a terrace at the front where you can enjoy views of the Loire River (see cherry blossoms during spring), and sample the wine. They also serve a variety of hot and cold beverages, as well as food.

Caves Ambacia

Those who wish to get one of the best views of the Château d’Amboise and the rest of the town bordering the River Loire should be sure to head across the bridge Pont du Maréchal Leclerc to reach the L’Île d’Or (Gold Island).

Widely regarded to be one of the most beautiful places to visit in Amboise, the island lies in the River Loire and boasts a few cafés and bars as well as some residential building.

Truth be told, the best thing to do on the Île d’Or is to admire the view onto the Château d’Amboise from next to the Leonardo da Vinci statue. It’s a great spot to snap some souvenir photos of your trip!

Enjoy the view from Île d’or 

if you’re arriving in Amboise via car, then one of the first historic buildings you’ll likely see is the church of Saint Florentine, which is located on the fringes of the old town and close to the base of the Château.

The Amboise church dates back to the middle ages and is free to visit. Occasionally small exhibitions are held within the ecclesiastical building.

Church of Saint Florentin

Where to eat in Amboise

Around the world, France is known for its culinary scene, and the Loire Valley is no exception. There are several restaurants of note in the town and its surrounds, many of which are in the French bistro style.

Where to eat in Amboise

Located just outside of the historic old town, L’Ecluse is one of the best reviewed places to eat in town. There are several set menus at different price points (and depending on how hungry you are!) and much of the produce served is sourced locally. This Amboise eatery is exceptionally popular (especially the terrace during the summer months) so be sure to book ahead of time.

Run by a husband-wife duo, La Pause du Temps is a typical French restaurant which serves up all the classics, all the while being beautifully presented. On the menu you’ll also find a number of local Loire Valley wines.

If you’re looking to enjoy the best of the Loire Valley, then the town of Amboise is a great place to base yourself thanks to its many charms, as well as ease of access to the wider Loire Valley.

The town also boasts a number of eateries (from cafés to chic restaurants) and a number of accommodation options which range from budget hostels to luxury retreats and I personally think its much cuter than the nearby town of Tours .

Hôtel Le Manoir Les Minimes : For an über luxe stay in the Loire, the Hôtel Le Manoir Les Minimes is a five-star hotel which is less than a ten-minute walk from main town attractions like the Royal Château and the tourist office. Check prices and availability here.

Hôtel Le Manoir Les Minimes

Hôtel Restaurant Le Clos d’Amboise : This four-star establishment is located in the heart of Amboise and is set against the backdrop of a 17th-century mansion house. Boasting amenities such as an outdoor pool and a sauna, this is true luxury in the Loire Valley. Check prices and availability here.

Enjoyed reading about the best things to do in Amboise? Pin this article now, read it again later:

best of amboise france/ A Guide to the Best Things to do in Amboise, Loire Valley

Sophie Nadeau loves dogs, books, travel, pizza, and history. A Francophile at heart, she runs when she’s not chasing after the next sunset shot or consuming something sweet. She splits her time between Paris and London and travels as much as she can! Subscribe to Sophie’s YouTube Channel.

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Paul Passing Through

Paul Passing Through is a travel blog designed to give you travel tips, travel recommendations and travel itineraries to help make the most of your travel time!

Two Wonderful Days in Amboise, France

Amboise France from the chateau

Amboise, France is the perfect homebase for exploring the eastern part of the Loire Valley. From Amboise, you have convenient access to stunning French châteaux and vineyards. What really makes it work as a homebase, though, is its own two chateaux and many cafes for you to explore without stepping in a car.

Before you read, it’s important to note the following information is based on a trip from late 2019. I did my best to research that everything is still open, including reaching out to the Amboise Tourist Office , but please realize everything may not be completely up to date. I appreciate any feedback from anyone who has visited more recently!

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase through one of these links, I will earn a small commission. This occurs at no added cost to you.

Table of Contents

Getting to Amboise, France

The easiest way to get to Amboise is by train unless you already have a car. Amboise has a small train station, Gare d’Amboise, that services SNCF trains from Paris, Orleans and Tours.

Another option is to take a train to the larger station at Tours, and then rent a car at one of the convenient rental agencies. Europcar , Avis or Hertz all have offices close to the station. This is the easier option if you will be driving around the Loire Valley from Amboise. Amboise does have car rental agencies, but they are not easily walkable from its train station or town center.

Visit Rail Europe to book train tickets.

You might already have a car and therefore don’t need a train to Amboise. Great! Amboise is about 2.5 hours from Paris in the north, 4 hours from Dijon to the east, 3.5 hours from Bordeux in the south and 2.5 hours from Nantes to the west.

If you decided to take the train in to Tours and then rent a car, the drive from Tours is simple. It’s about a 30-minute drive east via D751. The drive itself mostly runs along the Loire River, so it creates some nice scenery as you start your visit to the Loire Valley.

Where to Stay in Amboise, France

Amboise has several hotels to choose from for your stay. We opted for an Airbnb right in the center of town, though, because of its great location and price.

We booked with Raphael on Airbnb. Raphael has several rentals located right next to the Tour de l’Horloge (the clocktower). His rentals are just minutes away from many of Amboise’s top destinations.

This is the specific rental we stayed in while we were at Amboise. We picked this one because it has a washer/dryer unit (it was the middle of a two-week trip to England and France) and air conditioning.

Just be warned, everything is in French (or was when we visited) so it was a learning curve figuring out how to use the appliances. In fact, come to think of it, we never did learn how to turn on the air conditioning…

Amboise's clocktower

Château d’Amboise

Château d’Amboise is the main attraction in Amboise for reasons that are obvious as soon as you enter the town. It’s a literal towering presence over the town. You’re doing yourself a disservice if you only observe it from the town, though.

A visit to Château d’Amboise takes you to Leonardo da Vinci’s rumored resting place, through rooms with impressive period tapestries and out on to the ramparts where you’re treated to amazing views of Amboise.

Perhaps the best part is once you’re done, you can easily wander back out across the road to one of Amboise’s cafés to have some wine while you reflect on your visit!

Michelle posing outside of chateau d'amboise

Café du Château

If I’m being completely upfront here, there is nothing special about Café du Château. It’s standard French café fare: plenty of outdoor seating, reasonably priced wine and good people watching. It’s right across from Château d’Amboise which is an added bonus but so are several other cafés.

They did seem to have a little slower service than is standard in France. Nonetheless, this didn’t really detract from our experience as we were content with taking our time after touring the château.

So, if it isn’t anything special, why am I making a point to write about it? Simple. It was the first French café Michelle and I experienced on this trip! It could have had terrible wine (it didn’t), been way overpriced (it wasn’t) and had rude service (it doesn’t), and we still would have enjoyed it because of the newness for us.

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Sitting on Amboise’s L’ile d’Or in the Loire River, Le Shaker is worth checking out for a nightcap at the very least. The reason for this is because of the stunning views Le Shaker offers of the bridge and Château d’Amboise from the island.

They have a dinner menu if you’d like to have a meal with your view. I don’t remember what I had, but I remember it was good. Nothing spectacular.

Le Shaker is open during daylight hours if you can’t visit at night. However, you should really try to visit at night if possible. The château is lit up in the evening creating a fairytale scene for you to admire while sipping on a wine. It’s a wonderful way to end a day in Amboise.

Chateau d'Amboise lit up at night

Go for an Early Morning Run

(You could always go for a walk, too, if you don’t run!)

This is one of my favorite ways to see new places as long as time and weather cooperate. It may be just a quick view, but you get to see so much more of the area than you otherwise would.

My run took me through some of the residential areas south of the touristy town center and along the river. The trail along the river was quite lovely. It wasn’t quite up there with my runs along the Seine in Paris, but it certainly is worth checking out!

It’s always nice going through a town center when no one is around early in the morning, too. You don’t realize how pretty these areas can be when they’re crowded with people, and Amboise is no different. Take time to marvel at the château on the hill and some of the café facades as you make your way along Rue Victor Hugo.

Related : Running When You Travel

Explore the Loire Valley

Amboise is great, but this is the real reason for staying here. You should plan to do any exploring on your second day so you have as much of the day as needed to see the sights.

The two châteaux listed here are by no means a definitive list. We chose these two because of their proximity to Amboise and each other, and because they each offer slightly different experiences. We liked the fact they were all close to each other because it allowed plenty of time to tour at our leisure and still have time to relax in Amboise after.

However, there are plenty of other places worth visiting if you want to go farther afield. The châteaux in Blois, Cheverny and Chambord are particularly beautiful in pictures and have great reviews.

You can also add in some vineyards if that is more your style. We opted to only visit châteaux since we were getting plenty of wine in Amboise and I wanted to see some European castles.

Château de Chenonceau

Château de Chenonceau was our first stop. It’s only about 25 minutes away from Amboise via car on easily drivable roads.

This château is considered one of the best in the Loire region. As you make your way up the tree-lined path and the château comes into view, you quickly realize why it is so highly regarded. It’s one of those places that lives up to the expectations you set in your mind and then manages to exceed them.

Beyond the building itself, there are two different gardens and a number of manicured paths to explore. The inside of the château is equally beautiful, with room after room offering impressive design and decor.

Château de Chenonceau is the perfect combination of gorgeous panoramic views and exquisite intricate detail. Take your time seeing all it has to offer!

Tree-lined path leading to Chenonceau

Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire

There are other grander châteaux in the region than Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire . Nevertheless, I demanded we see this one because I wanted to see one epic “castle” while in France, and this was it.

If you grew up playing with toy knights and castles, Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire looks like something from your childhood imagination. In fact, I’m almost positive I had a Lego set that looked very similar to this château.

In addition to the fantastic exteriors, there is also a wondrous garden worth exploring called the International Garden Festival. This garden is unique from the more traditional château gardens throughout the Loire Valley in that it not only changes yearly, but it also has more modern themes. Truth be told, it’s more of an art exhibit than a garden.

Unfortunately, the interiors left a little to be desired. The artistic theme carried over into the château with the chapel having a modern art exhibit in it and much of the upper floor being dedicated to exhibits from a Japanese artist. I actually quite liked these exhibits, but I would have preferred seeing the rooms in their original state.

I didn’t regret my visit because the exteriors and gardens made up for everything else. If neither of those tickle your fancy, you may want to consider a different château.

Modern art exhibit inside a chapel

Caveau des Vignerons d’Amboise

This small wine bar sits right under Château d’Amboise along Rue Victor Hugo. They have a variety of local wines to meet whatever palate walks in. You can also purchase local cheeses and meats to pair with your wine.

The real allure of this wine bar is its location carved into the rock the château sits on. Because of this, it has great atmosphere for a wine bar.

There’s not much else to say about Caveau dex Vignerons d’Amboise . If you want a fun little wine bar with knowledgeable staff in the side of a rocky cliff, add this to your itinerary!

La Florentine

La Florentine is one of several cafés located across from Château d’Amboise. We chose it essentially at random but could not have been more pleased with the experience.

The prices were reasonable compared to the rest of the restaurants along Rue Victor Hugo (the main road through Amboise), and we were able to get seated quickly. These were the two main reasons we chose La Florentine.

The food was excellent! We shared a pasta and pizza. Unfortunately, I don’t remember exactly what we had so I can’t give a recommendation. I will recommend getting one of each to share like we did so you can sample both.

It’s worth mentioning that when I researched information for this article, some recent Yelp reviews mention rude staff. I can assure you this was not the case when we visited in 2019. I have no qualms recommending La Florentine based on my experience. Every person’s experience is unique, though, so I can’t speak to what is said on Yelp reviews.

Other Attractions in Amboise, France

In addition to the attractions I described above, here are two other popular things to do in Amboise that Michelle and I didn’t get to. There are also many other cafes to have regional wine while people watching if you just want more time to relax and take in the views.

Château du Clos Lucé

Château du Clos Lucé isn’t as epic in scale as Château d’Amboise, but it does pack some interesting local history.

During the latter stages of his life, Leonardo da Vinci was invited to live in Amboise by King Frances I in 1516. da Vinci accepted and was named the “Premier Painter and Engineer and Architect of the King.” He went on to live there until his death in 1519.

Now, the château houses exhibits showcasing da Vinci’s life, art and various inventions. You can also walk through the house to view rooms as they were decorated when da Vinci lived there. As an added bonus, there are hands-on exhibits and a playground making this chateau ideal for families with young children.

Advanced tickets are recommended. Adult tickets are $20.44 and children’s $14.20.

More Château Content You Might Enjoy : Day Tripping to the Ornate Versailles Château from Paris

Caves Duhard

Just a short distance east along the Loire River from Château d’Amboise, Caves Duhard is a wine experience for the oenophiles out there. These caves have been in use for various purposes over the past five centuries but have been used for storing wine since 1874.

They offer several different experiences for your visit ranging from a tasting with a sommelier to an audio-visual tour of the caves.

Visit their website for more information and to purchase tickets in advance.

Amboise, France at night

Resources to Book Your Trip to Amboise

Whether you’re looking for tours, hotels or flights, here are some tools to help get you started planning your trip to France!

Look for activities and tours offered through GetYourGuide or Viator !

Still can’t find what you’re looking for? Check out my travel essentials pages for more of my recommendations.

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Running when you travel provides stunning early morning views like this misty river

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This is certainly “chateau country” and it looks like you got your fill of them! I never knew Leonardo d’Vinci is buried in Amboise. You don’t mention it, but did you get to see his grave/tomb? It’s a ciy I know very little about, although I know of Tours nearby as the city in the UK where I was born and grew up in is twinned with it. Being on the banks of the Loire you were certainly well placed for some great wine growing areas and the cafes and eateries sounds fab. Lots of info here to make to most of travelling around this area.


We saw his supposed grave in the chapel of Château d’Amboise but it’s not confirmed. I forget the whole story off the top of my head. I’ll write more about that château in the future and cover its history so it’ll be in there!

Sydney Brown Travels

Another great post, Paul! I’ve never thought of visiting Amboise but now I would love to make a visit one day and use it as a base for chateau exploration (and also indulging in wine from nearby vineyards).

Great! I’ll be writing a few more posts specific to each château in the next month or so, so hopefully that’ll give you more planning help. Tours is the other recommended city to stay in for the western part of the region.


I travel to see castles and that one is on my list after that. Great travel blogging!

Thanks, Jamie! I’ll provide more details on each château in the future so I hope that’ll help you out even more.

Molly Transatlantic Notes

What a beautiful region with so much history; it looks and sounds like you can do/see a lot without it being too overwhloming or tiring and you can actually take time to appreciate your time away. Great post!

That was one of the best parts, especially for my wife! We always try to have plenty of time like mid afternoon and then the evening to just relax.

As usual, fantastic post, Paul. I love your writing style. Amboise looks like a great stop on your trip. I didn’t know anything about it prior to reading this. I’d love to see a layout of your entire 2-week itinerary!

Thank you for the positive feedback! I’m going to work on getting some more info on this trip out there, but I have so much to write about!

Loved the details and information you were able to provide for this region! Would love to get the chance to go back to France to visit the region

Graham Crosby

Excellent post. It looks and sounds absolutely lovely. Le Shaker sounds great. And I’m a big fan of an early morning run around different places myself. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for visiting and for the feedback! I’m glad you enjoyed the read.

I think if we ever go back to France we’d probably visit the region again so it’s definitely worth it. We’d probably do the western side though.


Great post. Sounds like a great place to visit. I also love to see a new place with an early morning run. Often sets the tone for where I eat and explore later that day.

My next article is going to be all about running while traveling. Should be a good one!

Definitely want to come and spend some time relaxing here. Seems like a great place to unwind.

We were pretty busy while here, but the time we had to just sit and relax was great. You’re totally right!

Mitch - Very Tasty World

Great post and lots of info about some very interesting places to visit. The chateaux look wonderful. We would love to travel to the area one day. We do like a tipple, so the wine experience at Caves Duhard would also be of interest. We’re not runners but are always up for an early morning walk!

If you go, you’ll have to let us know how it is. It sounds fun from reading reviews. I wish I could remember why we didn’t go!

Chalk and cheese travels

Wow that Castle what a striking building and a beautiful region to visit. Would of tested the vineyards of the Loire region myself but sounds like a great trip

If we ever return, we’ll probably do some vineyards. We wanted to focus more time on Paris since we had never been before or else we would have seen vineyards on that trip.

I think I stopped briefly in Amboise when I did the Loire Valley tour years ago. I would love to go back and explore it (and the castles) some more.

It’s worth either a long stay or a couple trips. I’d like to go back to see more of what it has to offer!

Vanessa Shields

Ambiose looks so beautiful and quaint! Walking out and seeing that clock tower every morning would be a treat. It looks like a wonderful town to explore with Château d’Amboise at the top of the list! The other chateaus are stunning and ones I’d love to see one day. Oh and experiencing the wines caves would be a must too!

I have to admit, I’m not a huge fan of AirBnB but being right next to that clock tower was pretty cool. The chateaux are lovely and definitely the highlights of a trip to the Loire Valley. I hope you get to visit!

Mind Beauty Simplicity

i’ve always wanted to go to France – hopefully in the near future. the archetecture of the castles and churches are beyond beautiful. 🙂 thanks for sharing your travels & including such wonderful photos.

Thank you! I’ll be honest, I wasn’t too hyped about France. It was really more my wife’s idea but I ended up loving it!

Amboise, France sounds like the perfect homebase for exploring the eastern part of the Loire Valley. I’ve never been to this part of France before so would love to explore.

I hope you get to visit some day soon! It’s beautiful country.

Must-see attractions in Amboise

Chateau Gaillard, Amboise, France.

Château Gaillard

The most exciting Loire château to open to visitors in years, Gaillard is the earliest expression of the Italian Renaissance in France. Begun in 1496, the…

Chateau du Clos Luce castle, Amboise, France.

Le Clos Lucé

It was at the invitation of François I that Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519), aged 64, took up residence in this grand manor house, built in 1471. An admirer…

amboise tourism office

Château Royal d’Amboise

Perched atop a rocky escarpment above town, Amboise's castle was a favoured retreat for all of France's Valois and Bourbon kings. Only a few of the…

 The Chanteloup pagoda, Amboise, France.

Pagode de Chanteloup

Three kilometres south of Amboise, this seven-storey, vaguely Asian 'pagoda' (44m) was built between 1775 and 1778, when blending classical French…

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Bridge of Wilson at Tours in France

amboise tourism office

Amboise -  on the Loire

A place to enjoy the loire without the crowds,  amboise - stronghold on the loire.

Map of Amboise

A short History of Amboise

Amboise cathedral

Attractions and monuments in Amboise

  • The Royal château of Amboise.  The Renaissance château, overlooking the Loire, was an important royal residence in the sixteenth century. It stands within the medieval ramparts that for centuries made the site one of France's best protected castles. Time and disasters took their toll at Amboise, and the château that stands today is only part of the larger building that once occupied the site.   Chateau entrance tickets  available online ► here .
  • St Hubert's chapel. Within the château, St Hubert's chapel is an exquisite late gothic royal chapel, restored to its former glory in the nineteenth century..
  • The Clos Lucé . Within 500 metres of the Royal château, Clos Lucé is a small 15th century château once a summer residence of the Kings of France. In 1516, King François 1st, a great patron of the arts, invited Leonardo da Vinci to come and work for him, offering him the Clos Lucé as a residence. Leonardo came here, bringing many of his works including the Mona Lisa with him. The château is very well preserved, and today the building and the grounds serve as a Leonardo da Vinci museum, containing full-size models of a number of Leonardo's engineering inventions. Contrary to a popular myth, there is no secret tunnel linking the Clos Lucé to the Royal château.
  • The clock tower. Fourteenth century clock tower, spanning what was once the main street through the middle of old Amboise.
  • The river Loire  the longest  river entirely in France, the Loire is an untamed river. Its basin covers 21% of the surface area of continental France, meaning that its flow can vary hugely from season to season
  • The old town. The small old town of Amboise is built at the foot of the bluff on which stands the Royal château. With its slate-roofed houses built of local white stone, it is typical of the small towns of the Loire valley area.
  • The tourist train and Segway tours.  Visitors can discover old Amboise on a tourist train (May - Sept.) , or by taking a guided Segway tour. Departures from outside the Tourist office.
  • Troglodytic sites - the tufa rock in the Touraine area of the Loire valley is easy to cut, and since prehistoric times people have hollowed out caves in the cliffs in which to live and work. A number of local wine producers and merchants have cellars carved out of the rock. The nearest to the centre of Amboise is the Cave Drouhard ; 500m further east, la Cave au Fouées is an underground restaurant.
  • Pagode de Chanteloup - quirky 18th century Chinese pagoda overlooking a lake in the grounds of a former large château that was demolished in 1823. Climb to the top for an amazing view of the countryside all round
  • Chateau Gaillard - another small Renaissance château, located just south of Amboise. Very attractive gardens.

In the area of  Amboise

1. the châteaux de la loire, how to reach amboise.

  • By air   The nearest airport is Tours, which has flights from London Stansted
  • By train  Amboise can be reached by direct train services from Paris gare d'Austerlitz station in just over 2 hours , or by TGV from Paris Montparnasse via Tours a few minutes faster. Tickets can be bought online at   .
  • By car  Amboise is under 3 hours from Paris .via the A10 Paris - Bordeaux motorway. Come off at exit 18

Location of Amboise

Where to stay

Historic centre.

Pagode de chanteloup Amboise

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Vue du château Royal d'Amboise au bord de Loire

Access & Parking

The Royal Château of Amboise is situated in the heart of Amboise. Public access is via the Emir Abd El-Kader sloping walkway that you take from the Place Michel Debré (opposite the Pâtisserie Bigot).

Prepare your trip

Amboise's castle.

Montée de l'Emir Abd El Kader, 37400 Amboise

TGV Train station Tours-Saint-Pierre-des-Corps at 20 km from the château.

SNCF Connect

By bike by the edge of the Loire.

Loire by bike

Bus and coach parking in Amboise.

Parking plan

City bus timetable


La Rochelle

Clermont Ferrand

Amboise train station (with direct services from Tours, the Saint-Pierre-des-Corps TGV (High-Speed Train) station, Orléans and Paris Austrelitz) is a 10-minute walk from the château entrance. Shuttle buses between the station and the city center are also set up by the city of Amboise (information from the tourist office – 02 47 57 09 28)

Access for reduced mobility visitors

Visitors with reduced mobility, who hold proof of disability documentation, can access the château by car via the private entrance. This is situated at the end of Rue Augustin Thierry in Amboise (GPS coordinates: N47.41.31.44/EO: 988.904). 

When you arrive at the gate, please use the intercom to ask our attendant to open the gates. You can then park your vehicle on the château terrace and benefit from single-level access. If possible, please buy your tickets before arriving.

Before going to the reduced mobility visitor entrance, you are invited to purchase your right of access and the services of your choice online here:  Online ticketing

Entrance disability person

This access is reserved only for people holding a disability certificate and their companions. Visitors with strollers, who do not have a disability, are invited to use the main public entrance


  1. Office de Tourisme Amboise Val de Loire

    amboise tourism office

  2. Office de Tourisme du Val d'Amboise, Tourist offices to Amboise

    amboise tourism office

  3. Office de tourisme Amboise

    amboise tourism office

  4. Office de Tourisme du Val d'Amboise

    amboise tourism office

  5. Office de Tourisme Amboise Val de Loire

    amboise tourism office

  6. office de tourisme amboise

    amboise tourism office


  1. VIDÉO. Un ours polaire de passage à Amboise

  2. At the tourist office

  3. Fun secrets of the chateau of Amboise #history #castle #tourist #tourism #loirevalley #guide

  4. Château royal d'Amboise


  1. Office de Tourisme Amboise Val de Loire, Châteaux de la Loire

    Bienvenueau Val d'Amboise. Bienvenue en Val d'Amboise, capitale historique du Val de Loire. En plein cœur des châteaux de la Loire, le Val d'Amboise et ses 14 communes vous invitent à un séjour d'exception, entre un patrimoine extraordinaire et une nature préservée. Cette terre d'histoire et de traditions est la promesse de ...

  2. Office de Tourisme

    L'Office de Tourisme propose de nombreux services Accueil des visiteurs. Conseil en séjours et promotion du territoire. ... Office de Tourisme du Val d'Amboise Quai du Général de Gaulle 37400 Amboise Tél. : 02 47 57 09 28 Fax : 02 47 57 14 35. [email protected]. Dans cette rubrique.

  3. Office de Tourisme Amboise Val de Loire

    Note there is an excellent but little known car rental office in Amboise. It's the Renault dealership, DeSir Automobiles on Route D271. It's on the riverfront road 2 miles west of the Tourism Office. Our $60 for 24 hours included pick-up at our hotel and drop-ff at the station and 100 km miles.

  4. Amboise, France travel and tourism, attractions and sightseeing and

    Chateau d'Amboise. The castle in Amboise dominates most of the town centre and is one of the main attractions for visitors. Entrance to the castle is up a flight of stairs from the central square, and visitors can enjoy the terraces and gardens as well as admiring the royal apartments. Chateau d'Amboise is one of our favourite Loire castles.

  5. Amboise Tourist Office in AMBOISE

    Amboise Tourist Office. Organise your stay in the heart of the Loire Valley with the friendly and profession staff at Val d'Amboise Tourist Information. Our multi-lingual team is here to answer your questions in French, English, Italian, Spanish and German.

  6. What to see and do in Amboise, Loire Valley

    Visit the Chateau du Clos Luce where Leonardo da Vinci lived from 1516-1519. It is superbly restored and wonderfully atmospheric. Take a stroll from the centre of Amboise via the rue Victor Hugo. It takes less than ten minutes and is a lovely walk in a street lined with quirky boutiques and pretty cafés.

  7. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Amboise (2024)

    Things to Do in Amboise, France: See Tripadvisor's 65,603 traveler reviews and photos of Amboise tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in June. ... The staff at this tourism office are the absolute best, they know everything, and can assist you with absolutely anything, from the bike path, to the nearest supermarket. ...

  8. Office de Tourisme du Val d'Amboise, Tourist offices to Amboise

    Organise your stay in the heart of the Loire Valley with the friendly and profession staff at Val d'Amboise Tourist Information. Our multi-lingual team is here to answer your questions in French, ... OFFICE DE TOURISME DU VAL D'AMBOISE Quai du Général de Gaulle 37400 Amboise.

  9. Office de Tourisme Amboise Val de Loire

    Book your tickets online for Office de Tourisme Amboise Val de Loire, Amboise: See 142 reviews, articles, and 20 photos of Office de Tourisme Amboise Val de Loire, ranked No.7 on Tripadvisor among 32 attractions in Amboise. ... Pay us a visit at the Tourist Office! We'll be happy to share our best travel tips with you and you will benefit from ...

  10. Visiting Amboise in 2021

    It is highly recommended to visit the Clos Lucé. For all the other chateaux, tickets can be purchased on site or at the Tourist Office Amboise. The Tourist Office Amboise Loire Valley is open in October Monday through Saturday 9.30 am - 1.00 pm / 2.00 pm - 6.00 pm and on Sunday 10.00 am - 1.00 pm / 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm.

  11. Visit Amboise and Chenonceau, jewels of the Renaissance

    Visit Amboise. It was in the Loire Valley, and in Amboise in particular, that this thirst for change would materialise. Abandoning their dark, defensive fortresses, the kings built magnificent buildings and beautiful gardens here, such as the châteaux of Amboise and Clos Lucé (Leonardo da Vinci's final resting place, next to King Francis I) with their delicate stonework, the vast Choiseul ...

  12. Amboise travel

    France, Europe. Elegant Amboise, childhood home of Charles VIII and final resting place of the incomparable Leonardo da Vinci, is gorgeously situated on the southern bank of the Loire, guarded by a soaring château. With some seriously posh hotels, outstanding dining and one of France's most vivacious weekly markets (on Sunday morning), Amboise ...

  13. Plan Your Trip to Amboise: Best of Amboise Tourism

    23,096. Explore Amboise. With its grand château and medieval old town peppered with half-timbered buildings and ancient wine cellars, Amboise is the quintessential Loire Valley town. If you need more convincing—this is where Leonardo da Vinci chose to spend his final years. Read more.

  14. Amboise

    By car: Driving from Paris take the A10 motorway (Paris-Bordeaux), exit at junction 21 "Tours centre". Driving from Tours, take N152 east to D32 and then turn south, following signs to Amboise, going along the banks of the Loire in the direction of Blois. Directions and time to Amboise. To get directions and time to Amboise, type in your post ...

  15. A Guide to the Best Things to do in Amboise, Loire Valley

    Tour de l'Horloge . One of the most distinctive buildings in Amboise (château aside) is the clock tower, which dates back to the 15th-century. Now listed as a historic monument (since 1933 to be precise), the clock tower was actually built atop of the site of an old city gate (la porte d'Amasse). Vestiges of the old door can still be found to the base of the 1445 tower.

  16. Château d'Amboise

    On your arrival. We invite you to discover the Royal Château of Amboise on a self-guided visit (with the visitor guide and/or the Histopad tablet, both free of charge), or you can choose to follow one of our guided visits. Your visit. 01 / 06 - 30 / 06. 9h00-18h30.

  17. Touraine Tourist offices for more info : Tours, Amboise, Chinon

    Val d'Amboise Tourist Office. Quai du Général de Gaulle, 37400 AMBOISE. 02 47 57 09 28. Touraine Nature Tourist Office. 19 rue Thiers, 37130 LANGEAIS. 02 47 96 58 22. Chenonceaux-Bléré Tourist Office.

  18. Two Wonderful Days in Amboise, France

    February 16, 2022. Amboise, France is the perfect homebase for exploring the eastern part of the Loire Valley. From Amboise, you have convenient access to stunning French châteaux and vineyards. What really makes it work as a homebase, though, is its own two chateaux and many cafes for you to explore without stepping in a car.

  19. Your visit

    During your visit to the royal residence, do not hesitate to call on the room surveillance team to facilitate your circulation and your discovery. Château Royal d'amboise. +33/(0)2 47 57 00 98. Montée de l'Emir Abd El Kader, 37400 Amboise. [email protected]. Professionnal space.

  20. Must-see attractions Amboise, Touraine

    Le Clos Lucé. Amboise. It was at the invitation of François I that Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), aged 64, took up residence in this grand manor house, built in 1471.

  21. Amboise on the Loire

    For more on Amboise and its area, visit the Amboise tourist information office. In the area of Amboise. 1. The châteaux de la Loire Located between Orleans and Tours, Amboise stands in the heart of Loire château country. To the east lie the most popular and most visited châteaux of Chambord and Chenonceaux; to the west lie the smaller ...

  22. Amboise Val de Loire

    Amboise Val de Loire, Amboise. 19,940 likes · 392 talking about this · 2,127 were here. Page officielle de l'Office de Tourisme du Val d'Amboise. Capitale des châteaux de la Loire

  23. Access

    Amboise train station (with direct services from Tours, the Saint-Pierre-des-Corps TGV (High-Speed Train) station, Orléans and Paris Austrelitz) is a 10-minute walk from the château entrance.Shuttle buses between the station and the city center are also set up by the city of Amboise (information from the tourist office - 02 47 57 09 28)