The 23 Best Kingdom Come: Deliverance Mods, Ranked


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Early PS4 RPGs That Almost No One Remembers

8 non-survival games with the best survival mechanics, 25 hidden gems on the 3ds every gamer needs to play.

  • Warhorse Studios impressed many by creating an ambitious open-world RPG as their first game.
  • Kingdom Come: Deliverance may have its flaws, but mods can greatly enhance the player experience.
  • Fans can expect more from this studio, with the potential for a sequel to address previous issues.

The fact that Warhorse Studios decided upon an extremely ambitious and realistic open-world medieval RPG as their first game is something that needs to be commended. In this context, Kingdom Come: Deliverance is easily one of the greatest achievements of any gaming studio , with the game being a highly enjoyable — if somewhat buggy — romp from start to end. That being said, there's no denying the fact that Kingdom Come is not a perfect experience by any stretch of the imagination... but fans who want to mitigate the annoyances from this title can end up integrating a whole host of mods that can optimize and improve the overall experience of this title in many ways.

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The PS3 has a pretty sizable library of games. So it's natural for some great titles to have gone unnoticed. Do yourself a favor and try these out.

There's no denying that Kingdom Come: Deliverance has its fair share of issues that hold it back from being a truly great game. However, for a first effort, Warhorse Studios has certainly done an incredible job with this game, and fans can't wait to see what the sequel has in store for them. The sky's the limit for this studio, and players can always integrate their fair share of mods into the first game if the wait for the second chapter is proving to be a bit too agonizing for their liking.

Updated April 18, 2024 by Ritwik Mitra: Kingdom Come: Deliverance was an impressive achievement for a studio that had banded together for its first title, which just so happened to be a massive open-world game set in medieval times that focused on hardcore gameplay, limited saves, and enveloped players in a pretty engaging story.

Despite some technical hiccups here and there, the well-crafted story and engaging gameplay of this title more than made up for its faults. Players who want to check out this game for themselves can use mods to freshen up the experience or optimize their first time as much as possible.

23 Henry's Hair Color Customization

Downloads: 6,749.

  • Created by: Grimsyxd
  • Download Link

Kingdom Come: Deliverance is an RPG where players control a pre-defined character, which is an approach that many other titles in the genre have taken too. However, some players would've still loved the option of customizing Henry's look to a certain extent, even with players being able to govern his beard and hairstyle by going to a barber in-game.

This mod is pretty much self-explanatory and allows players to customize Henry's hair color, which can change how this character looks in a fresh and meaningful manner. It may seem like a small tweak, but players who've stared at vanilla Henry's mug for hours on end know just how valuable these cosmetic mods can be.

22 Yet Another Sorting Mod

Downloads: 12,345.

  • Created by: Drake0713, TheVoidKnight, and Haslam

There are many complaints that players have shared when it comes to the lack of a proper inventory sorting system in the game. Items just blend together whenever players open the menu, which can become rather grating after a point. Given the nature of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 's gameplay, it's important for item management to be as seamless as possible so that the very act of rifling through Henry's possessions isn't something that players dread the more they play through a game that can last more than a hundred hours.

There are many mods available to download that do a halfway decent job of sorting the inventory, with this one being pretty comprehensive in its own right. It learns from everything that other sorting mods have attempted, making for a much better look at Henry's inventory whenever players open up his pouch.

21 Translucent Helmet Vision

Downloads: 21,905.

  • Created by: JustAnOrdinaryGuy

While it might be somewhat realistic to have Henry's vision be blocked every single time he wears a helmet in combat , there's no denying the fact that this helmet vision can get annoying quickly in battle due to the limited field of vision that the player is restricted by. Thankfully, there's a solution players can opt for that serves as the perfect middle ground for players.

10 Open-World Games As Immersive As Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Fans of Kingdom Come Deliverance don't have to look far to find another open-world game that's just as immersive. Here are some of the best.

There might be a mod to remove this helmet vision completely , but players who don't want to compromise on this sense of realism can choose to opt for the Translucent Helmet Vision instead, which ends up being the perfect way to enjoy the combat of the game without sacrificing the realistic side of things as well.

20 Immersive Archery

Downloads: 23,211.

  • Created by: GalaxyES

Archery was pretty much a medieval cheat code that people whipped out at a moment's notice to get the edge in battle, and Henry should've been able to take out most of his enemies with a single well-placed arrow. While it's true that he may not have had the archery skills that most veterans boasted, there's no excusing the slow draw and flight speed of the arrows in the game.

Immersive Archery aims to rectify this form of combat to make it easier to bear for players. Henry draws the bowstring faster, arrows fly at a swifter pace, stamina drain is reduced, and the damage of arrows is also considerably increased. Instead of being a chore, archery becomes fun with the inclusion of this mod!

19 Enhanced Hair Textures

Downloads: 26,633.

  • Created by: Grimsy

Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a game that doesn't break a lot of ground in the visual department. Sure, there are some stunning sights to be found in the open world, but the level of detail most people expect from a high-budget video game is absent, which is understandable. Still, that shouldn't take away anything from this game, which is as engaging as they come.

That being said, some mods focus on various aspects of the game's visuals, with this one ensuring that the hairdos of characters aren't too low quality. It's not a major change, but players who are sticklers for every visual detail will love how well this mod works in comparison with other visual improvements for Kingdom Come: Deliverance .

18 Polearms Unleashed

Downloads: 26,766.

  • Created by: machinegod420

There are many weapons that players can use in Kingdom Come: Deliverance . Players don't have to restrict themselves to using only swords and shields, with a wealth of two-handed weapons adding some variety to the game. However, some people feel like these weapons aren't as fleshed out as Henry's one-handed armaments, with the polearm being a great example of a weapon whose full potential isn't reached in the vanilla game.

6 Things We Want In A Kingdom Come: Deliverance Sequel

A sequel to Kingdom Come: Deliverance has the opportunity to double down on the survival and immersion mechanics that made the original great.

With this mod, a polearm becomes a blast to use against enemies who have no response for the parries, feints, jabs, and strikes that Henry can whip out once he's adept at using this weapon. The move set is a glorious way to celebrate the legacy of the polearm, which is easily one of the most underrated weapons used in medieval times.

17 Enhanced Eyes

Downloads: 31,012.

The uncanny valley is a real thing, and it does a marvelous job of pulling players out of their immersion as they remember that, at the end of the day, they're playing a video game. Watching a face stare lifelessly in the distance no matter how much of the animation budget is poured into making characters look as realistic as possible is an issue that is bound to hit games as they age, and Kingdom Come: Deliverance is no exception here.

So, it's only a given that any mod that enhances the eyes of characters in the game world will be one that fans will appreciate. The high-budget mo-capped animations of Kingdom Come: Deliverance may get the job done in the majority of instances, but this mod is perfect for the in-engine cutscenes where characters can look a bit too wooden at times.

16 Remove Those Stupid Trails

Downloads: 109,973.

  • Created by: Mugs

Archery is easily one of the hardest skills to master in Kingdom Come: Deliverance . The lack of a crosshair while aiming an arrow is bad enough as is, but the ugly trails that follow every flying arrow are somehow even worse!

Thankfully, this particular mod ensures that these arrow trails become a thing of the past. That way, at least ranged combat will become less of an eyesore.

15 Easy To See Herbs

Downloads: 120,883.

  • Created by: Lucas182

Alchemy plays a big role in Kingdom Come: Deliverance . Even if players don't brew too many potions, picking herbs is important to finish quests or sell for a quick buck if players require some gold.

So, it's rather odd that the herbs in the game are so devilishly hard to find that players can genuinely blow a gasket trying to find these plants in the overworld. Thankfully, this mod takes care of the issue by making the game's herbs easy to locate visually, which goes a long way in ensuring that players don't interact with random bits of foliage every single time they think they've spotted some herbs.

14 Easy Sharpening

Downloads: 124,381.

  • Created by: Marco S

Kingdom Come: Deliverance makes it a point to infuse as much realism into the game as possible. The simple act of sharpening a sword on a grindstone isn't done via menus. Instead, Henry has to physically sit down and angle the sword in an ideal manner to ensure that the blade is sharpened.

4 Games To Get Lost In Their World

There are some games that players can't help but get lost in thanks to their immersive and beautiful worlds.

However, missing this ideal angle can lead to the blade getting even worse, which is the last thing players would want. This is why players can just remove the headache of grindstones altogether by downloading a simple mod that gives players more leeway when it comes to the angle that swords need to be set on to be sharpened properly.

13 Texture Streaming Improvements

Downloads: 153,344.

  • Created by: Artins90

The biggest problem that most people would face in Kingdom Come is the egregious texture pop-in of the game — something that is yet to be properly patched .

Thankfully, fans have taken up the responsibility of tweaking the code of the game so that this problem of texture streaming can be mitigated somewhat, allowing players to enjoy the game without fixating on this frequently occurring issue. After all, not everyone can afford an SSD that can take care of this problem.

12 Roads Are Dangerous

Downloads: 158,102.

Early on in Kingdom Come: Deliverance , ambushes are a death sentence. The combat system is already pretty complicated as is, and a weak Henry is bound to fall against the simplest bandit ambush simply because of the numbers that overwhelm the player. This makes it important to avoid these encounters early on, save regularly (which is a headache in its way), and get some good moves and gear as soon as possible so that these enemies aren't much of a threat anymore.

The inverted difficulty curve of Kingdom Come: Deliverance means that some players may find the combat to be too easy after a point. For these players, the Roads are Dangerous mod makes ambushes more frequent and adds new unit types into the mix too. As a result, fast traveling becomes scarier than ever before, and players should think twice before moving across vast expanses.

11 Perkaholic

Downloads: 174,741.

  • Created by: Xylozi

Perks are one of the more interesting aspects of character development in Kingdom Come: Deliverance . However, some people would've preferred these perks to be way more numerous in the game.

There are quite a few early PS4 RPGs that have fallen into obscurity. Here are some good examples.

Well, with the Perkaholic mod, this dream can become a reality. Numerous new traits are added to the game to make leveling up even more interesting, with certain combat skills being worked upon extensively too!

10 A Sorted Inventory

Downloads: 185,097.

  • Created by: Haslam

Inventory management in Kingdom Come can prove to be a massive pain due to the haphazard nature of the nomenclature of most items coupled with a lack of options when it comes to filtering these items as well.

Thankfully, with this mod, the problem of inventory management becomes a thing of the past. All items are renamed so they can be grouped without any major issues, allowing for a streamlined experience when it comes to managing Henry's inventory.

9 Richer Merchants

Downloads: 206,102.

  • Created by: EddieShoe

Kingdom Come: Deliverance suffers from a rather pressing annoyance that most other Western open-world JRPGs also face. The majority of merchants in these games don't have a ton of money to offer to the player for their sold goods.

Plenty of non-survival games have featured surprisingly immersive and fun survival mechanics. Here are just a few great examples.

So, it should be rather obvious what the Richer Merchants mod aims to accomplish. It gives the merchants in Kingdom Come surplus money reserves to make it easier to engage in deals with them.

8 Bushes — Collision Remover

Downloads: 207,400.

  • Created by: JovianStone

Another irksome thing about Kingdom Come is the fact that Henry can traverse the landscape and jump substantial gaps and heights with the greatest of ease... but is stopped in his tracks pretty much immediately by the mighty bush.

With this mod, these collision boxes can be removed, allowing Henry to go through these bushes with ease. Perhaps the player can imagine that Henry has suffered some minor scrapes after going through these bushes if immersion is a concern.

7 Henry's Face Customization

Downloads: 227,472.

  • Created by: Fuse00

Henry might be an interesting protagonist in his own right, but players certainly lament the fact that this character can't be customized at all. Thankfully, this mod allows players who are sticklers for this detail to create the Henry they want!

It's a small change, but a welcome one regardless. Watching Henry with a completely new face is a unique way to experience this long yet enjoyable game.

6 Sectorial Lockpicking

Downloads: 250,963.

  • Created by: Tyddy

Lockpicking in Kingdom Come is easily one of the worst minigames anyone can play, especially with a controller. The mouse and keyboard certainly make things easier, but not by much.

Players who want to enjoy a lockpicking experience that is significantly less annoying should check out the Sectorial Lockpicking mod. It marks the area where the player should keep their pick, making this minigame immensely bearable.

5 Stay Clean Longer — Get Dirty Gradually

Downloads: 298,915.

  • Created by: Mad General

Medieval times might've not been the highest point in history when it comes to maintaining personal hygiene, but one has to admit that the speed at which Henry gets dirty while traversing the overworld is still quite ridiculous regardless.

The 3DS has one of the richest libraries in gaming history. So much so, there are quite a few hidden gems.

Thankfully, with this mod, this annoying mechanic is taken care of quite easily. Now, Henry can traverse the land for quite some time before having to visit a bathhouse, which adds to the realism of the game as well.

4 Instant Herb Picking

Downloads: 310,817.

Picking herbs in Kingdom Come might be a fun task at the beginning, but one can't deny that watching Henry bend down to pick up these herbs over and over again can get highly annoying after a point.

Thankfully, with the Instant Herb Picking mod, players can rid of an annoyance that can get highly overbearing after a point, allowing them to pick their herbs in peace.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

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  • Super Mario

30 Best Mods For Kingdom Come: Deliverance You Have To Try

Perfection ReShade mod for KC:D

Also known as Medieval Knight Simulator 1403, Kingdom Come: Deliverance is Warhorse Studios’ attempt at creating a hyper-realistic simulation of a young man’s trials & tribulations in medieval Europe.

For the most part, the game succeeds at presenting an open-world representation of medieval Europe. Complete with 15th-century clothing, weapons, and NPCs that really feel authentic.

That said, there’s always room for improvement. And there’s no way modders would leave such an expansive open-world untouched.

If you’re interested in the modding community and what they have in store for Henry, let me guide you through the best mods to download for Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

30. Lockpicking Overhaul

Lockpicking Overhaul Kingdom Come Deliverance Mod

Check Out This Mod

First up we have a Quality of Life-enhancing mod that’s sure to streamline a lot of your stealth-based gameplay… by making thievery just a tad easier.

This Lockpicking Overhaul by user Fireundubh will instantly unlock any lock. Provided your skill level surpasses the locks… if not, you’ll play the usual minigame we all love.

And perhaps your MLG skills will help you out.

It’ll also label every stash you’ve already opened as “searched”, making it easier to keep tabs on your rogue activities.

29. Better Trainers

Better Trainers Kingdom Come Deliverance Mod

Also by Fireundubh comes Better Trainers, a mod that makes your apprenticeship experience more profitable by removing level requirements from skill-training.

This gives you freedom in building your character, but can also be exploited to make Henry overpowered at very early levels. This can effectively remove all challenge from his adventure.

To counteract this you could install the “balanced” version of the mod, which significantly increases skill-training costs while it removes level requirements. This way you’ll still have a lot of freedom to develop your character, but won’t necessarily be able to abuse it.

Check the files section for downloads of all 3 versions.

28. Durable Armors and Weapons

Durable Armors and Weapons Kingdom Come Deliverance Mod

In vanilla KCD, weapons and armor need to be repaired surprisingly often.

I understand pursuing realism. But it often feels as if they’re made of tin and recycled materials!

Uchiwaobito brings us a solution in the form of Durable Armors and Weapons, which simply allows your equipment to take more of a beating before needing a touch-up at your local smithy.

There are several versions available, ranging from making your equipment 1.5 times as durable to 100 times. It’s up to you!

27. Better Vanilla HUD

Better Vanilla HUD Kingdom Come Deliverance Mod

As is the case with most large-scale RPGs, there are many mods dedicated to making KCD as minimal and stylish as possible. All in an attempt to keep you immersed.

This mod by Anarchia subtly diminishes the size of elements in your HUD, including the compass, health bar, and scope dot.

It also recolors a couple things such as the combat reticle, which is no longer that hideous vanilla red and yellow.

The changes are so small you may not even notice at first. But it does look more tasteful. Definitely enough that you won’t want to turn back.

26. Less Intrusive Map Icons

Less Intrusive Map Icons Kingdom Come Deliverance Mod

Here’s another mod that endeavors to make the “game” aspect more minimal.

Less Intrusive Map Icons by modder Woffen5 is well worth trying out.

While having big map icons works great on a console, PC folk are less than a meter away from their screens.

This mod turns icons “just visible enough” to preserve the artistic value of the map and make it feel less cluttered.

25. Third-Person Camera Mode

Third-Person Camera Mode Kingdom Come Deliverance Mod

There’s no way in vanilla KCD to switch the camera to a third-person view.

But there’s no need to give up just yet!

Fuse00’s Third-Person Camera Mode lets you switch between vanilla first-person and third-person with the touch of a button. It even works during combat sequences, though you may find it somewhat harder to fight this way.

The only drawback is that controlling Henry in third-person is similar to riding a horse. Which is a bit unnatural and may break your immersion.

That said, it’s easy to get used to. So give it a shot and see how it plays, even if it feels weird at first.

24. Midnight Armor Set

Midnight Armor Set Kingdom Come Deliverance Mod

Skulking around in the shadows playing KCD is considerably less stylish than in more fantastical games.

After all, thieves in the Middle Ages were more likely to wear rags than expensive black silk robes. You know, like those you’d see in Elder Scrolls.

Realism is all fine and good. But that doesn’t mean you have to settle if you want to play master of stealth.

This mod by modder LampiestLamp adds a wide array of tasteful jet-black armor pieces, made by recoloring some other KCD equipment. To keep the game’s style intact.

Once installed, you’ll find these sets of rogue armor being sold at your local tailor. Though you may have to wait until they put out new stock.

23. More Artwork Loading Screens More Artwork Loading Screens

 Kingdom Come Deliverance Mod

Tired of the usual four loading screens?

Worry not, modder M4770 brings you 23 new ones to keep your loading experience fresh.

And don’t worry, it’s not full of amateurish screenshots or questionable fan art. This features real concept art and related illustrations from the KCD website & other official sources.

Waiting while the game loads is annoying. But when you can admire the beautiful scenery and interesting characters, it’s not half as bad.

22. Bow Dot Reticle

Bow Dot Reticle Kingdom Come Deliverance Mod

For many people, the less intrusive the HUD, the better.

Others (like me) like their arrow shots to land.

Created by modder Fawwks, this simple mod keeps the aiming reticle in the middle of the screen whenever you’re aiming a bow, helping you make sure you’re aiming at your target’s head rather than anything else.

I admit that having a reticle is a reminder that you’re playing a game rather than… you know, murdering somebody in cold blood. But if it’s easier to aim, you don’t think about it that much.

Couldn’t that be more immersive, in a way?

21. No Helmet Vision

No Helmet Vision Kingdom Come Deliverance Mod

Another similar mod that trades immersion for QOL is No Helmet Vision by JustAnOrdinaryGuy.

As you know, wearing protective helmets in base game has a massive drawback.

They severely limit your vision, letting you see directly in front of you and not much else. It’s realistic, but it also makes wearing helmets really annoying.

This mod removes helmet vision altogether so you can protect your vulnerable head without sacrificing visibility.

Some in the community may call you a casual, but everyone has fun their own way.

20. More Random Events

More Random Events Kingdom Come Deliverance Mod

Imagine traveling anywhere in the Middle Ages during times of political unrest and looming war on the horizon.

Probably not the most enjoyable experience. Where there’s strife, there are also bandits.

This mod by Eramus endeavors to make traversing Bohemia more realistic and spontaneous by increasing the chance for random events to trigger while traveling.

This may simply mean a minor inconvenience, or turn into an all-out battle for survival against a gang of lawbreakers.

But if that’s not enough for you, don’t worry. There’s also a “hard” version for those of you with a deathwish.

19. Henry Grows a Beard

Henry Grows a Beard Kingdom Come Deliverance Mod

Beards have been helping men around the world appear more competent ever since the dawn of time. The Middle Ages were no different.

Now our beloved protagonist Henry can access the wonders of facial hair thanks to Feynnman’s Henry Grows a Beard, which gives the wandering warrior a manly shrub he can be proud of.

Not only that, but said beard is very well made.

It matches his hair color exactly and looks quite realistic.

18. Blood Mod – Alpha

Blood Mod – Alpha Kingdom Come Deliverance Mod

Among the most immersive advances are realistic blood splatters. It makes you feel as if your attack is having a noticeable effect.

And this mod by Ddefinder brings all of this to the world of KCD.

As you fight, blood will splatter on floors, walls, basically everywhere, all dynamically.

My favorite feature that sets this blood mod apart from others is how the crimson liquid only splatters whenever your hits bypass armor – that is, whenever you deal health damage rather than just diminish stamina.

17. Stay Clean Longer

Stay Clean Longer Kingdom Come Deliverance Mod

Look, I get it. Getting plastered with blood, dirt, and soot whenever you step into the open is just a part of living in the Middle Ages.

And the game wouldn’t be half as realistic if you didn’t get dirty. But does it really have to be so easy?

In vanilla, you’ll get dirty just by walking a few meters.

It happens so often that staying clean is almost impossible without interfering with a good gameplay flow.

This mod by Mad General simply makes it a bit harder to soil your clothes and armor.

It’ll also feel like a more gradual process instead of becoming caked in mud from one moment to the next.

16. Hoods and Scarfs Up (Dynamic)

Hoods and Scarfs Up Kingdom Come Deliverance Mod

Henry can be seen wearing hooded scarves in the game’s early trailers. But the feature was ultimately scrapped for reasons I can’t quite fathom.

With this mod by Ctobias you’ll be able to cover your head with scarves and hoods all day long.

Not only that, but they’ll go back down whenever you equip a helmet. The realism is a nice touch.

A total of 37 hoods and 7 scarves are affected by the change, so there’s no excuse for getting caught in the rain. And it’s a whole lot easier keeping your identity to yourself with a discreet hood.

15. Perkaholic

Perkaholic Kingdom Come Deliverance Mod

Developer Warhorse Studios focused on realism over all else while making Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

For that very reason, freedom in building your character is a bit limited.

Creator Xylozi sought to bring some more variety to the game’s skill system, introducing new perks for the Bow, Polearm, and Unarmed trees (previously overlooked by the game’s devs).

And if you’ve already started the game with the traditional perk catalog, don’t worry. You can craft a Lethian Waters Potion to reset your perk points and re-assign them without having to start over.

14. Black Knight Armor and Sword

Black Knight Armor and Sword Kingdom Come Deliverance Mod

Few character tropes command as much respect as the ubiquitous Black Knight .

It’s present in almost every modern medieval fantasy story, as well as many classic tales of chivalry.

The evil sorcerer (read: modder) Malcroix has anointed you Black Knight of… well, who knows?

The point is you now have a flashy black armor set with golden accents that’ll make you look like an apparition sent by dark powers to torment the peasants.

It includes two different helmets for some added customization, and also a mighty black sword with the inscription “Terminus Est” on the blade. It doesn’t get more badass than that.

13. Horse Armor

Horse Armor - Kingdom Come Deliverance Mod

What kind of legendary knight rides around on an unprotected steed?

Named after one of gaming’s most infamous DLCs, Horse Armor by AJStoner adds three protective sets of armor for your equine friend. All great-looking and period-accurate.

My favorite part about this realistic armor is the fact it covers the horse’s legs, which were the part your enemies would have been targeting to incapacitate your steed and dismount you.

12. More Enemies

More Enemies Kingdom Come Deliverance Mod

Now that you have menacing heavy armor and a war-ready steed, you need enemies to try them out on.

What better for your first heroic exploit than a horde of angry bandits?

This mod by KazuiyoSenpai increases how many hostile NPCs will spawn whenever you’re ambushed on the road and other such situations.

Where vanilla usually spawns up to half a dozen enemies, this mod will generally spawn around 20 and could even go up to 44!

Just make sure not to have this active whenever you start a new playthrough, or you’re going to have a bad time.

11. Roads Are Risky

Roads Are Risky Kingdom Come Deliverance Mod

What good is making battles so much bigger when you rarely ever enter combat?

Well, it’s a bit too much to say that you rarely enter combat in KCD.

The roads in Bohemia are pretty dangerous, after all. But when you’re trying to quench your murderous thirst, it’s never enough.

This simple mod by Silencer711 makes traveling Bohemia even riskier.

Whenever you fast travel, walk, or ride your horse from one settlement to the next, you’re almost 100% sure to run into bandits at least once. You’ll have to keep an eye out and a hand on your sword at all times.

10. Easy To See Herbs

Easy To See Herbs Kingdom Come Deliverance Mod

Gathering herbs is a crucial aspect of staying healthy in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. They’re the ingredients that you’ll use to concoct many tinctures and potions.

Regrettably, Warhorse Studios’ interest in realism led them to make these herbs as hard-to-find as they would be in real life.

In fact, they could even be harder to find than going into your backyard to pick some!

With this mod by creator Lucas182, all herbs will be much brighter than anything around them, making it somewhat easier to collect ingredients for your alchemy.

Considering they’re still somewhat hard to see, I’d say the game remains just as immersive. So there’s no reason not to skip this one, it’s just a bit of a helping hand.

9. Pebbles is the Best Horse

Pebbles is the Best Horse Kingdom Come Deliverance Mod

As you progress through Kingdom Come: Deliverance you’ll gain many fantastic steeds that put your initial horse to shame in all regards.

That said, many of us created an emotional bond with the noble Pebbles. And it’s a shame to leave your companion behind just because he isn’t as fast or brave as other horses.

This mod by Moraelin solves the issue by super-charging Pebbles, making them as fast as Pegasus and as hard to scare as Kanthaka.

While it’s true that this makes Pebbles gallop like a super-car, and is for all intents and purposes a cheat, it only truly impacts your travel speed.

Don’t feel like you’re cheesing the game just because you have a nice horse!

8. Joew’s Kingdom Come Deliverance Mod Manager

Joew’s Kingdom Come Deliverance Mod Manager Kingdom Come Deliverance Mod

We’ve covered so many cool mods already, you’re probably ready to download several of them. And please do because these mods are awesome!

But to help you keep track of your add-ons, I’d recommend getting Joew’s KCD Mod Manager.

This nifty tool will make the KCD modding experience a much easier affair, letting you install, enable/disable, uninstall, and set mod priority according to whatever works best.

It makes no sense to handle things manually when such an efficient alternative is just one click away.

7. Immersive Balance

Immersive Balance Kingdom Come Deliverance Mod

Among the least realistic aspects of KCD has to be combat and character development.

As a warrior, Henry can get stupidly overpowered by the time you reach the end of the game!

Modder PommesUndWurst seeks to improve your gaming experience by making your development as a warrior considerably more gradual .

It also tweaks several other systems, such as nourishment, exhaustion, and money, so they feel much more balanced and rewarding.

Plus it doesn’t change the feel of the game or make it any less realistic. So it’s very vanilla-friendly in my opinion.

All in all, I think it makes the game’s challenge more engaging. And I can’t recommend it enough.

6. Optimized Graphics Preset

Optimized Graphics Preset Kingdom Come Deliverance Mod

We can’t list the best mods in a modern open-world game without talking about graphics.

And one of the best options for KCD is the Optimized Graphics Preset.

Created initially by modder OVNI and currently maintained by NexusMods user Figo283, this preset gets rid of minor but resource-consuming details like grass sway, and puts that processing power where it matters.

Like better anti-aliasing and shadows.

It won’t make a potato run the game. But it’ll look much better in a medium-tier gaming rig at no performance cost.

5. Perfection ReShade

Perfection ReShade Kingdom Come Deliverance Mod

Another excellent option that goes great with Optimized Graphics Presets is the Perfection ReShade by ChungK1ing. This applies some subtle graphical tweaks to make the game more photorealistic and overall eye-candy.

Some things you might notice in this ReShade are increased contrast, vivid colors, ambient light adjustments, and an overall cinematic look that makes everything much more epic.

If you love taking striking screenshots in-game, there’s also a version that lets you turn Depth of Field on or off with the touch of a button.

4. Spearman’s Delight

Spearman’s Delight Kingdom Come Deliverance Mod

Vanilla KCD treats spears, halberds, and polearms as a secondary situational weapon.

So it doesn’t let you store them, or develop your halberd-wielding skills. Boo!

This mod by AJStoner corrects all that, making the Halberd skill visible and enabling you to both acquire & repair polearms at blacksmiths.

You’ll also be able to store them.

This change also makes them a much more common sight in NPC hands. So to make sure this doesn’t break your game, they’ve also been rebalanced to resemble standard weapons.

3. A Sorted Inventory

A Sorted Inventory Kingdom Come Deliverance Mod

Sometimes, the simplest mods are the ones that’ll make the most significant impact on total entertainment value.

One such example is Haslami’s A Sorted Inventory, which helps you keep your possessions organized by renaming every item in the game.

Now they’ll have tags before their names that’ll group them together if you sort your inventory alphabetically. It’s small, but really valuable.

This way, something like Bailiff’s Mace will be changed to “Mace – Bailiff’s”, and so on.

It’s shocking that Warhorse Studios didn’t include something of the sort to begin with. I consider this mod an absolute must-have.

2. Blood and Iron Overhaul

Blood and Iron Overhaul Kingdom Come Deliverance Mod

For those of you looking for a hard-as-nails medieval experience comes Blood and Iron by creator AJStoner, a mod that promises to turn Bohemia into the most vicious place in Europe.

Get this if you’ve already cleared the game at least once. Survival in Blood and Iron will put your skills to the test.

For example, arrows are now deadlier, enemies will pursue you longer, and combat has been rebalanced in favor of heavily-armored warriors (which won’t be you until much later into the campaign).

This mod is not for the faint of heart.

But if you’re itching for a greater challenge, you won’t be disappointed.

1. Ultimate Realism Overhaul

Ultimate Realism Overhaul Kingdom Come Deliverance Mod

And here we thought vanilla KCD was already realistic to a fault.

Aimed at giving you a renewed, stupidly lifelike experience, the Ultimate Realism Overhaul rebalances almost every aspect of the game .

This will make it considerably more challenging, but also more immersive.

Among its best features are a better nourishment system, a reworked economy, and more tactical combat. This last bit is achieved by making weapons feel unique in battle, performing better in some situations than in others, as well as adding more nuanced armor stats.

What makes me recommend this mod above all others is how it feels very cohesive and well-planned out.

If you’re looking for a genuinely different gaming experience, this is it.

kingdom come deliverance fast travel mod

Nelson Chitty

Nelson Chitty is a Venezuelan expat living in Argentina. He’s a writer and translator passionate about history and foreign cultures. His ideal weekend is spent between leisurely playing games of Civilization VI and looking for the next seinen anime to marathon.

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10 killer Kingdom Come: Deliverance mods you can get right now

Kingdom Come: Deliverance PC players have been hard at work creating mods to provide some interesting gameplay experiences. Here are the 10 best ones available.

kingdom come deliverance fast travel mod

The Nexus Mods website has been a hub for PC game mods for years, and recently modders have uploaded their own projects for the game Kingdom Come: Deliverance there. Whether they tweak in-game difficulty, create silly visual effects, or add brand new types of non-player characters into the game world, most of these mods are great. Here are 10 of them that you should check out.

Note: All images used are those attached to the mod files.

See on Steam

Roads are Dangerous by Zaatch

Roads are Dangerous is a mod that increases the chances of enemy encounters during fast travel. Due to the fact that the rate at which you can run into bandits and other violent folks on the road is low by default, this is a great mod for people who want their fast travel experience to be more lively or who want more opportunities to dish out justice to bandits. Another cool thing Roads are Dangerous does is add three different types of enemies you can fight on the road, adding combat variety.

Bow Dot Reticle by FoX_D3ff3nd3R

kingdom come deliverance fast travel mod

A big problem many people have with Kingdom Come is the archery system which removes your cursor and makes aiming rely on your naked eye on. Bow Dot Reticle is a simple bit of code that forces the game to keep your reticle present when using your bow, which is a great way to help if you struggle with archery.

Sectorial Lockpicking by Tyddy

kingdom come deliverance fast travel mod

Kingdom Come's lockpicking can be confusing and overwhelming, so Sectorial Lockpicking makes the process simpler by visually showing where players need to hold their lockpick as they rotate locks.

Richer Merchants by EddieShoe

kingdom come deliverance fast travel mod

Often times, merchants don't always have enough coin to purchase all the items you've collected while hunting or when you're trying to clear your inventory of clutter. Richer Merchants ensures that every shop owner in the game will have a few thousand currency at the start of each day so that you'll never have to worry about not being able to sell your wares.

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More Responsive Targeting by Tahknall

kingdom come deliverance fast travel mod

During combat with multiple foes in Kingdom Come, it's crucial that you always keep an eye on all your opponents and switch your targeting between them to keep them all at bay. More Responsive Targeting makes the process smoother and prevents control of the camera being taken away from the player.

Faster Arrows by PcFreaky99

kingdom come deliverance fast travel mod

For a realistic game like Kingdom Come, arrows seem to travel a lot slower than they do when shot in real life. Faster Arrows makes it so arrows fired by the player are much faster, which means the aiming and firing process will feel much more natural.

Unlimited Saving by EddieShoe

kingdom come deliverance fast travel mod

Kingdom Come seldom lets you save in order to prevent "save scumming," a practice in which players can avoid consequences of their actions by quickly saving before doing a rash action and then reloading that save afterwards. However, if you want to be able to save scum, or simply save whenever you want, Unlimited Saving will let you.

KCD Lightsaber Models by UblichenVerdachtigen

kingdom come deliverance fast travel mod

Ever wonder what Kingdom Come would look like with lightsabers instead of swords? KCD Lightsaber Models replaces every sword in the game with a colorful lightsaber. Go out and show those medieval knights the power of science fiction!

I Mourn For Balance by MourningCoffee

kingdom come deliverance fast travel mod

For players who want an even bigger challenge than Kingdom Come presents, I Mourn For Balance is a fantastic mod that alters bonuses and weaknesses on all of the gear in the game to make combat more challenging, but still fair to the player.

Henry's Face Compendium by MissNilin

kingdom come deliverance fast travel mod

Though Kingdom Come's protagonist Henry is undeniably a handsome lad, it's fun to switch up his look. Henry's Face Compendium is a collection of different faces and skins for Henry that you can use to replace his default appearance.

Your thoughts

Do you have a favorite mod for Kingdom Come: Deliverance? Let us know in the comments.

Kingdom Come Deliverance is available now for $59.99 on Steam.

Brendan Lowry is a Windows Central writer and Oakland University graduate with a burning passion for video games, of which he's been an avid fan since childhood. You'll find him doing reviews, editorials, and general coverage on everything Xbox and PC. Follow him on Twitter .

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kingdom come deliverance fast travel mod

Kingdom Come: Deliverance Forum

Fast travel speed increasing

How to fast travel faster? My fast traveling is very slow, but I saw I bunch of videos where people fast travel between cities in a few seconds! How to increase fast travel speed?

So the thing i’ve noticed on pc. If you turn v-sync off, the FPS in fast traveling and waiting goes above 100/150. That actually increases the speed of fast travel how funny it may seem. Try it out yourself


Then, just as on my xbox, theres nothing you can do about it. I play on Hardcore so no fast travel for me either way haha

I think it is because of the people blocking your horse on the road, but I am not sure cause I do not see into the action. It goes both fast and slow for me.

kingdom come deliverance fast travel mod

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

kingdom come deliverance fast travel mod

Originally posted by Juiol : I don't have mods, but early on I got like 1-3 events per trip, now that I'm higher lvl'd I get 0 per trip and I've fast traveled across the whole map many times over. I did take scout 1 though, which I entirely regret and wish I could get rid of.

kingdom come deliverance fast travel mod

Originally posted by gompo : Originally posted by Juiol : I don't have mods, but early on I got like 1-3 events per trip, now that I'm higher lvl'd I get 0 per trip and I've fast traveled across the whole map many times over. I did take scout 1 though, which I entirely regret and wish I could get rid of.

kingdom come deliverance fast travel mod

Originally posted by BoogieMan : It increases fast travel sight radius, which I guess lets you reveal clouded terrain from farther away and maybe discover sites of interest. It also increases chance to evade encounters. Now that I am super armored, I seem to get less. I almost never get jumped now, even travelling all night long.
Originally posted by Reizz : Originally posted by BoogieMan : It increases fast travel sight radius, which I guess lets you reveal clouded terrain from farther away and maybe discover sites of interest. It also increases chance to evade encounters. Now that I am super armored, I seem to get less. I almost never get jumped now, even travelling all night long.
Originally posted by BoogieMan : Originally posted by Reizz : People shy away from attacking you if you have top notch armor. Would you try to assault a knight in plate as a lowly bandit yourself?

kingdom come deliverance fast travel mod

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  1. Fast Travel

    This mod restores fast travel, full UI (status HUD + the compass cardinal points) and full map (player marker + custom marker) for hardcore mode of Kingdom Come Deliverance. Installation Extract the two folders contained in the zip file to your KCD "Mods" folder.

  2. Enabling fast-travel in Hardcore Mode : r/kingdomcome

    When you get a good horse and equipment and know the land most trips take less than 2-3 minutes ;) There's the Cheat mod, which lets you teleport. It's not fast travel, but it does save you a tedious trip at the cost of having to know the coordinates. The lack of fast travel is why I stopped hardcore mode 5 hours in.

  3. Fast travel mod in Hardcore : r/kingdomcome

    Kingdom Come: Deliverance Members Online • OriginalArea1118. ADMIN MOD Fast travel mod in Hardcore Question Has anyone tried the mod which allows fast travel in hardcore? I was wondering if anyone has had issues with it or if it breaks any quests? Just asking because I've finished the game two times already and sometimes I really can't be ...

  4. Fast Travel

    This mod restores fast travel, full UI and full map for hardcore mode. This mod restores fast travel, full UI and full map for hardcore mode. Skip to content. ... Kingdom Come: Deliverance. close. Games. videogame_asset My games. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu.

  5. How to enable fast travel in hardcore mode? :: Kingdom Come

    Hardcore mode is a combination of over 10 features. There is no harm in asking how to remove just one of these if you do want the others. Especially since there's no way in enabling the other features of hardcore mode within normal mode. If you can't find anything on google, you're probably out of luck.

  6. Best Kingdom Come Deliverance Mods

    Download Link. Kingdom Come: Deliverance makes it a point to infuse as much realism into the game as possible. The simple act of sharpening a sword on a grindstone isn't done via menus. Instead ...

  7. Any Fast travel Mods out there for Hardcore mode? : r/kingdomcome

    Yes. Console teleportation. Really allowed me to play the game as i could no longer take riding from Rattay to Skalitz and from Sasau to Ujitz every 10 minutes. I have no idea why they took fast travel out of hardcore. Normal travel reduces the chances of an ambush significantly. I have loved the game so much and have played through it about 3 ...

  8. What do I edit to allow me to fast travel while overweight? :: Kingdom

    Kingdom Come: Deliverance. ... there's a mod on nexus to give you effectively unlimited weight if you really want to remove the overweight problem ... I kind of get it, that we can't fast travel when overweight. But why does it matter if we ride a horse? Let's say, you're 101/100 the Horse is 50/200, yet you can't fast travel with your horse. ...

  9. 30 Best Mods For Kingdom Come: Deliverance You Have To Try

    30. Lockpicking Overhaul. Check Out This Mod. First up we have a Quality of Life-enhancing mod that's sure to streamline a lot of your stealth-based gameplay… by making thievery just a tad easier. This Lockpicking Overhaul by user Fireundubh will instantly unlock any lock.

  10. Instant Quick Travel at Kingdom Come: Deliverance Nexus

    3.9k. Version. 1.0. Instant Quick Travel. Mod manager download. Manual download. Preview file contents. immediately jump to every fast travel point without waiting.

  11. 10 killer Kingdom Come: Deliverance mods you can get right now

    Kingdom Come Deliverance is available now for $59.99 on Steam. See on Steam. Brendan Lowry. Brendan Lowry is a Windows Central writer and Oakland University graduate with a burning passion for ...

  12. Fast travel speed increasing

    NickyHonings January 13, 2019, 12:29pm #2. So the thing i've noticed on pc. If you turn v-sync off, the FPS in fast traveling and waiting goes above 100/150. That actually increases the speed of fast travel how funny it may seem. Try it out yourself. DoctorZiger January 13, 2019, 12:54pm #3. But I'm on ps4.

  13. How to enable fast travel in hardcore mode? :: Kingdom Come

    Originally posted by Fainstrider: It would be far easier for you to simply add the hardcore modifications (in rpgparam override) to the normal rpg param file and play normal mode that way. You would have the combat tweaks and fast travel that way. I honestly am unsure how they disabled fast travel, it must be a script.

  14. Instant Quick Travel at Kingdom Come: Deliverance Nexus

    Thank you!!! Makes the game actually worth playing, too much fucking roaming around in the middle of nowhere as it is. No clue why fast traveling takes so damn long. Now we need a mod for sleeping/waiting and more fast travel points.

  15. Fast travel in Hardcore mod? : r/kingdomcome

    "it's hard core not skyrim" blah blah blah i know. i'm just tired of wasting time running between prib and rattay etc. fuck me right? i've had to go back and forth for main quests through places i've been ten times at least like between the major cities and i've spent at least 2 hours combined just riding between cities to do a quest.

  16. Fast travel in hardcore mod ? :: Kingdom Come: Deliverance General

    CalicoJack Nov 29, 2020 @ 9:36am. having fast travel in hardcore would negate the difficulties purpose. when moving manualy you have to be more careful about your equipment, enough food, healing items, specific weapons and armor and so on...because you can expect a long and dangerous hike.

  17. Fast Travel

    Everything in my layout works for manual installation just add the mod to a Mods folder in the KCD root folder, make a txt file called mod_order.txt and add the name of the map mod folder to that txt file, move the map mod into the Mods folder, inside the map mod folder there is a folder with the name of the hardcoremap mod open it and move the Data folder outside of that folder so all you ...

  18. Fast travel in hardcore mode : r/kingdomcome

    The normal mode already has a good system for immersive fast travel, i prefer that with everything hardcore has, if i really want to roleplay i can just decide not to fast travel. 2. Award. AmamiyaReprise. • 6 yr. ago. Hardcore mode should include no fast travel, in my opinion. I mean, it's an immersive game.

  19. Mods at Kingdom Come: Deliverance Nexus

    This mod expands the character's maximum carry weight to 999999999. It should only work with version 1.9.1 (I tested the mod only with this version). View mod page

  20. Fast travel is actually more difficult than hardcore: I want it

    Fast traveling sticks you to the roads, on horse you can skip that and go a straight line. fast travel in KCD takes longer than just riding there yourself. it's an awful mechanic that makes no sense. the whole point of fast travel is to save time. the only purpose it has is to let you tab out or go on your phone.

  21. no fast travel events

    It increases fast travel sight radius, which I guess lets you reveal clouded terrain from farther away and maybe discover sites of interest. It also increases chance to evade encounters. Now that I am super armored, I seem to get less. I almost never get jumped now, even travelling all night long.