How To Apply for a US Visa in the Philippines: An Ultimate Guide

How To Apply for a US Visa in the Philippines: An Ultimate Guide

With Uncle Sam tightening its immigration policy more than ever before, US visa application can be a nerve-racking experience, especially for first-timers.

It’s not unusual to hear about applicants who entered the US Embassy oozing with the confidence only to come out later with the bad news of rejection.

No less than President Rodrigo Duterte can share his own horror story of having his US visa application rejected .

US visa is, without a doubt, one of the most difficult to obtain among the foreign visas. But is there a way to increase your chances of getting approved?

In this definite guide, we’ll discuss in great detail every step involved in the US visa application, plus tips to boost your chances of getting approved.

Table of Contents

What is a us visa, a. immigrant visas, a. business/tourist visa, b. work visa, c. student visa, d. exchange visitor visa, e. transit/ship crew visa, f. religious worker visa, g. domestic employee visa, h. journalist and media visa, i. treaty investors and traders visa, 2. check if you’re qualified to apply for your chosen us visa, general requirements, supporting documents, other supporting documents (according to us visa type), 4. fill out the us visa online application form, option 1: over-the-counter payment, option 2: online payment, option 1: online, option 2: over the phone, 7. show up at the us embassy on the date and time of your interview, 8. wait for your passport to be released, tips and warnings, 1. do i need to have ‘show money’ when applying for a us visa what is the minimum amount of money that i need to show in my bank account, 2. my visa got denied. what happens next.

  • 3. My visa application has been denied. What can I possibly do to reverse the decision? 

4. I was found ineligible for a visa. Can I get my money back?

5. when can i re-apply for a us visa, 6. is there a time limit as to when i can re-apply, 7. what could make the consul change his mind and grant my visa on re-application, 8. how can i apply for a us visa for my yaya/caregiver/secretary, 9. how can i apply for a us visa for my baby/infant, 10. how long is the validity of the us visa, 11. i set an appointment with the embassy but made a mistake in my application. what should i do next, 12. i’m a fresh grad with less than php 30k on my bank account. will my visa application be denied, 13. is it possible to be granted a us visa to visit a significant other.

  • 14. The validity of a US visa is 5-10 years. With that said, if I renew my passport, will I still have the remaining years of my visa or not?

15. Can anyone recommend a reliable US tourist visa agency to help me get a visa?

16. is it possible to submit a family or group application.

Anyone who wants to go to the US either temporarily (for work/pleasure) or permanently as an immigrant is required to obtain a US visa.

A visa isn’t like your Philippine passport with multiple pages. Rather, it’s an endorsement placed within your passport which proves you can enter, leave, or stay in a foreign country for a specified period of time.

A US visa looks something like this:

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It should be noted that citizens from countries that participate in the Visa Waiver Program can travel to the US visa-free.

Unfortunately, the Philippines is not one of them. And for a good reason.

Filipinos with short-term visas have been notorious for overstaying and eventually seeking employment in the US illegally, so much so that we have a colloquial term for them– TNT which is short for “tago ng tago”  or constantly hiding from immigration authorities.

US visa is a way for Americans to protect their country not just from illegal immigrants but also from threats of terrorism, human trafficking, and the likes.

If the US Embassy is extremely selective when screening applicants, it’s only because of a lot of Filipinos in the past who betrayed them.

Therefore, Filipinos with an ulterior motive when applying for a US visa must be warned: the US Embassy is always ready to deny your application at the slightest chance they get.

How To Apply for a US Visa in the Philippines in 8 Steps

1. identify the appropriate visa for the purpose of your trip.

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There are different types of US visas.

For your application to become successful, ensure that you’re applying for a US visa that aligns with your purpose of traveling to the US.

There’s no point in applying for a tourist visa when the purpose of your trip is to study and possibly get a permanent employment in the US.

In general, US visa has two types: Immigrant visa and Nonimmigrant visa.

Immigrant visas are granted to those who intend to live permanently in the United States.

To apply for this visa, an employer or a family member who is already a US resident or citizen must first submit a petition to the US Embassy or the US Citizenship & Immigration Service (USCIS) on your behalf.

Once granted, you can use the visa to stay in the US as a Legal Permanent Resident and eventually acquire US citizenship.

b. Nonimmigrant visas

By contrast, nonimmigrant visas are issued to specialty workers, tourists, students, and business people who are planning to stay in the United States for a limited period of time.

The following is a list of common nonimmigrant visas:

B-1 and B-2 visas are granted to foreigners who are visiting the United States temporarily.

B-1 is for those who are going on a business trip (e.g., attending conventions/conferences, consulting with business associates, negotiating contracts, etc.). B-2, on the other hand, refers to the “tourist visa” given to those coming to the US for a vacation, family reunion, medical treatment, etc.

While B-1 and B-2 visas differ in terms of purpose, they’re combined and issued as one visa, also known as the B-1/B-2 visa.

A work visa is intended for those who have been petitioned by an employer or agent to work in the United States temporarily.

There are different work visas for different kinds of jobs:

  • H-1B (specialty occupation)
  • H-2A (seasonal agricultural workers)
  • H-2B visa (skilled and unskilled workers)
  • H-3 (trainee)
  • H-4 (dependents)
  • L-1 (intra-company transferees)
  • L-2 (dependents)
  • O (people with outstanding ability/achievements in sciences, arts, education, business, athletics, motion picture, and television production)
  • P (artists and entertainers)
  • Q (people who are participating in an international cultural exchange program).

As the name suggests, a student visa is issued to Filipinos who have been approved to study in a legitimate educational institution in the United States.

It comes in two varieties:

  • F-1 visa, for those who are pursuing academic studies.
  • M-1 visa, designed for those who wish to engage in a non-academic or vocational study/training.

Also known as a J visa, this type of US visa is given to those who have been accepted and approved to participate in exchange programs in the US. An exchange program is designed to promote the interchange of persons, knowledge, and skills in the fields of arts, sciences, and education.

Aside from the principal visa holder (J-1 visa), dependents who wish to accompany him/her for the duration of the trip may also apply for a J-2 visa.

The transit or C visa is used whenever you’re passing through the United States en route to another country. It’s like a tourist visa except that you’re only allowed to stay in the US for a relatively shorter period of time.

Crew or D visa, meanwhile, is designed for the crew members of a ship or an aircraft who will likewise transit or pass through the United States.

In most cases, the crew members use a combination of transit/crew visas (C-1/D). Should they wish to spend more time in the US for vacation or during time-off between flights/cruises, they have to apply for both transit/ship crew visas and the B-1/B-2 visa.

A religious worker who belongs to a recognized religious group or organization may apply for this visa (also known as R visa) to stay in the US temporarily. The visa will allow the religious worker to conduct religious worship and other activities within the limits of his/her occupation.

A domestic employee is defined as a personal or domestic servant who is accompanying or following an employer to the United States.

In this case, the Filipino worker may be eligible for a B-1 visa, regardless of whether the employer is an American citizen or not. If the employer is a government official or a foreign diplomat, the domestic employee may qualify for an A-3 or G-5 visa, depending on the employer’s visa status.

Domestic employees include, but not limited to, nannies, au pairs, valets, chauffeurs, cooks, butlers, housemaids, footmen, gardeners, paid companions, etc.

The media or I visa is for Filipino reporters or representatives of local media who want to travel to the US temporarily to cover news or engage in activities related to their profession.

Because the Philippines is one of the countries that maintain a treaty of commerce and navigation with the United States, Filipinos can travel to the US with an E-1 (Treaty Trader) or E-2 (Treaty Investor) visa.

This visa will allow you to come to the US to invest capital, develop and direct operations of an enterprise you’ve invested in, or carry on substantial trade (including trade in services or technology).

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Before getting an appointment with the US Embassy, ensure you have valid reasons for applying for the type of visa you’re aiming for.

The embassy official who will conduct the interview will scrutinize your application and can reject it if you’re unable to prove you have the necessary qualifications.

From this point on, we’re going to focus on the more popular nonimmigrant US visas. If you want to know the qualifications and requirements for the immigrant visa, please refer to this guide .

a. For Business/Tourist Visa: You must prove to the consular officer that you intend to visit the US for a limited period of time by showing proof of funds to cover your travel expenses and solid ties to the Philippines like properties, business, or employment.

b. For Work Visa:  To qualify for a work visa, your employer or agent must first file a Petition for Nonimmigrant Worker on your behalf. The petition or Form I-129 must be approved by the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

Upon approval, applicants must present their petition receipt number during the interview at the US Embassy. Take note, however, that having an approved petition doesn’t guarantee visa approval.

For a complete list of work visas and their respective qualification requirements, check out  this link .

c. For Student Visa:  F-1 and M-1 visa applicants must prove that they’ve been accepted and approved to study in an accredited educational institution in the United States.

Keep in mind, however, that Filipinos (and other foreigners) are prohibited by US law to study in a public elementary school (from kindergarten to 8th grade) or a public adult education program. For more information about US student visas, visit Education USA .

d. For Exchange Visitor Visa:  To apply for this visa, Filipinos must first be accepted by an educational institution or a program sponsor in the US who will then provide the applicant with the necessary documents needed for the visa application.

Exchange visitor visa applicants can be one of the following: students, on-the-job trainees, teachers, professors, research scholars, professional trainees (medical and allied fields), etc.

e. For Transit/Ship Crew Visa:  To get approved for this visa, you must prove to the consular officer your intention by showing the following: proof of funds to support your transit journey, permission to enter your destination country, and the ticket or other documents that will prove you’re en route to the said destination.

f. For Religious Worker Visa: Filipinos who are interested to apply for this visa must be a member of a tax-exempted nonprofit religious organization (or its affiliate) recognized by the US.

You must be a member of the denomination for at least 2 years prior to the visa application. If you’ve previously spent five years in this category, you must show to the consular officer that you reside or physically present in the Philippines for the immediate prior year.

g. For Domestic Employee Visa:  As an applicant, you must prove to the consular officer that you have compelling ties to the Philippines and that you intend to go back to your home country once your contract expires.

You must also secure an  employment contract signed by you and your employer. For a complete list of qualifications for a domestic employee accompanying a US citizen or a non-US citizen, please refer to this checklist .

h. For Journalist and Media Visa: To qualify for this visa, you must be a representative (e.g., reporter, editor, film crew, etc.) of a local media and the activity you’ll be doing in the US should be informational in nature like news gathering and reporting.

If you have a spouse or unmarried children less than 21 years old who wish to accompany you on the trip, they may apply for a derivative I visa.

Freelance journalists may also qualify for the media visa, provided that they are under a contract to a media organization, hold a credential issued by a professional journalistic organization, and the content they’re working on isn’t intended for commercial entertainment/advertising.

i. For Treaty Traders and Investors Visa:  Click here for a complete list of qualification requirements for E-1 and E-2 visa.

3. Know the US Visa Application Requirements

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The requirements listed here are applicable to nonimmigrant US visa applicants. If you’re applying for an immigrant visa, please go here instead.

The consular officer will treat every application as unique. Therefore, the number of requirements that will be requested from you depends on your personal circumstances and the type of US visa you’re applying for.

a. Duly accomplished DS-160 Form or Nonimmigrant Visa Electronic Application Form (more on this later).

b. A valid Philippine passport . The validity date should be at least 6 months beyond your intended period of stay in the US.

c. One 2″x2″ ID photograph which you are required to upload as part of the online application. You should also bring extra copies during the interview in case the consular officer requests for additional ID pictures.

The photo must meet the following criteria:

us visa application id photo requirement

  • Must be recent or taken within the last 6 months .
  • Your eyes must be open and looking straight toward the camera. They should be anywhere between 1-1/8 inches and 1-3/8 inches (28 mm and 35 mm) or about 60% from the bottom of the photo.
  • Must show your head from the top of your hair to the bottom of your chin . Hats, head coverings, and eyeglasses must be removed except if used for religious purposes (hats) or if the eyeglasses can’t be removed for medical reasons, in which case a medical certificate/statement must be provided.
  • The entire head should be at the center of the frame . It should measure 1-1-3/8 inches (25 to 35mm), filling between 50% to 70% of the photo.
  • The background must be either white or off-white . It must be uncluttered with no shadows either in the background itself or across the applicant’s face.
  • Your face must show a relaxed and natural expression .
  • The photo must be in color . Black and white photos aren’t accepted.
  • You should wear normal clothing or something you wear on a daily basis . Uniforms and camouflage attire aren’t allowed except for religious attire that is worn every day.

d. Receipt showing payment of the USD 160 non-refundable nonimmigrant visa application fee (paid in Philippine pesos).

e. Interview appointment letter c onfirming that you’ve booked an appointment with the US Embassy online.

Update: Aside from the general requirements above, the US Embassy now also requires visa applicants to submit their social media information and all of their previous contact information as part of the visa application process. Applicants are required to submit information on social media accounts that they have used in the past 5 years. This will give the US government access to the applicants’ previously shared locations, photos, dates of births, dates of milestones and other information that can be found on social media profiles. Applicants will also be asked to provide all of their previously used telephone numbers and email addresses, as well as all of their previous and current international travel and deportation status. This requirement has been added for the purpose of checking if the applicant or any of his family members has been involved in terrorist activity.

For nonimmigrant US visa applications, supporting documents will provide strong evidence that the applicant intends to go back to the Philippines at the end of the trip.

Not all applicants will be required to present these documents. In most cases, all vital information that the consular officer needs are already provided in the application form and by the interview itself.

However, supporting documents may not be required only on a case-to-case basis. If your application raises some red flags, the consular officer may request some documents to strengthen your profile.

Hence, it’s better to come to the US Embassy fully prepared for the worst.

In general, supporting documents are classified into two categories:

Proof of funds, which will prove to the consular officer that you are financially capable of carrying out the trip; and Proof of strong ties to the country which provides evidence that you’ll go back to the Philippines after the trip and have no intention of overstaying in the US and live there illegally.

Proof of funds

a. For employed

Show that you can afford the trip and you have a job to go back to by providing the following:

  • Certificate of Employment/COE (stating your position, salary, and tenure).
  • Recent payslips (usually for the past 3 months).
  • Income Tax Return (ITR) for the previous year.

b. For self-employed

The consular officer must see that you’re in good financial standing and that your business/freelance job is stable through the following:

  • Business permit or a copy of the official business registration .
  • Bank certificates/Bank statement/Book of the company and Financial Reports from the past 3 months.
  • Tax statements and/or tax-paying certificate.

c. For students or minors

  • Certification from the school or educational institution providing the grant (for US student visa), showing the specific details of the scholarship .
  • Sponsorship letter from parents/legal guardians with attached proof of their solvency or financial capability to cover the expenses of the trip.

d. For retirees

  • Business permits and other requirements for self-employed, if applicable.
  • Evidence of pension (e.g., receipts).
  • Financial assets and proof of investments.
  • Retirement certification.

e. For unemployed

  • Sponsorship letter with proof of the sponsor’s solvency.
  • Copies of bank statements, bank certificates, and personal credit cards from the past 3 months.

f. Additional proof of funds

If you want to increase your chances of getting approved, you can also try the following suggestions:

  • Especially if you’re a freelancer or self-employed, it doesn’t harm to add a sponsor even if you can afford the trip. This sponsor doesn’t necessarily need to cover your expenses. If anything, he/she can serve that role only on paper. The goal, after all, is to strengthen your application in any means possible.
  • Provide proof of accommodation by making hotel reservations on websites like Agoda which offer free cancellation. You can also show your return tickets to prove you’re scheduled to go back to your home country after the US trip.

Proof of strong ties to the country

Proof of strong ties shows that you have enough and compelling reasons to return to the Philippines after your trip to the United States.

The US Embassy uses this to prevent the proliferation of illegal immigrants in the United States. Requirements under this category vary depending on the applicant’s financial resources, travel plans or history, and personal circumstances.

  • Leave of absence.
  • Certificate of Employment.
  • A letter from you explaining the reasons why you won’t overstay.
  • Business registration .
  • Scheduled business meeting or company events that you’ll attend upon return, if applicable.
  • Land title and other proof of properties/real estate you own.
  • A letter from you detailing the reasons why you won’t overstay.
  • School enrollment certificate.
  • A letter from you and your parents/legal guardians explaining the reasons why you won’t overstay.

e. For the unemployed

  • A contract/job offer from the company you’ll be working for in the Philippines, if applicable.
  • A letter from you explaining the reasons why you won’t overstay. Valid reasons may include opening a business, enrolling in a school, etc. (with authentic documents to support them).

Ensure that all documents you’ll bring are authentic. Submitting fake documents will result in permanent ineligibility to apply for a US visa. If confidentiality is a concern, put all documents in a sealed envelope.

While you can’t predict which supporting documents will be asked from you, it’s better to bring as many of them as you can to show the consular officer that you didn’t come unprepared.

Depending on the type of US visa you’re applying for, you may be required to bring other documents apart from those already mentioned above.

For quick reference, here’s a list of different US visas and links to their specific requirements we might have missed:

  • Business/Tourist Visa
  • Student Visa
  • Exchange Visitor Visa
  • Transit/Ship Crew Visa
  • Religious Worker Visa
  • Domestic Employee Visa
  • Journalist and Media Visa

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All nonimmigrant US visa applicants regardless of age are required to accomplish and submit a Nonimmigrant Visa Electronic Application (DS-160) form.

There are two reasons why.

First, you can’t set up an appointment with the US Embassy without the alphanumeric barcode number which is only generated once you’ve completed the DS-160 form.

Lastly, you won’t be allowed to enter the US Embassy for the interview without the printed DS-160 confirmation page. Handwritten or typed applications will not be accepted.

I can’t mention enough the importance of the DS-160 form. As a matter of fact, some Filipinos get rejected by providing incomplete or inaccurate information on this form.

In case you need help in filling out the form, please consult a translator or an immigration lawyer. If you’re ready to complete the DS-160 form, please follow the procedure below.

Prepare the requirements/information that you will need for the completion of the DS-160 form.

  • Soft copy of your ID picture (see step 3)
  • Résumé or Curriculum Vitae (for information regarding your education and employment history)
  • International travel history/dates of your last five trips to the United States, if applicable
  • Travel itinerary, if you’ve already made travel arrangements
  • Other information specific to the US visa you’re applying for. For students and exchange visitors, for example, you will be asked to provide the school address and your SEVIS ID, both of which can be obtained from your I-20 or DS-2019 form.

Access the DS-160 form online

us visa application form

To get to the DS-160 form, go to the Consular Electronic Application Center website.

In case you’re having difficulty accessing the page, try switching your browser to either Firefox or Internet Explorer.

If the page is displaying correctly, go ahead and select your location (i.e., Philippines, Manila), enter the captcha code provided, and click “Start An Application.”

Complete the DS-160 form by providing all requested information

Ensure all your answers are complete, accurate, and written in English.

If you want a preview of the type of questions that will be asked in the application form, click here . Expect the DS-160 form to be comprehensive with questions falling under the following categories:

  • Personal information (e.g., name, gender, marital status, address, contact information, passport information, etc.)
  • Travel information (e.g., the purpose of your trip, travel companions, previous trips to the US, etc.)
  • Family information (e.g., details about your parents, spouse, etc.)
  • Work and education history
  • Security and background (e.g., any mental/physical disorder or communicable disease you’re currently afflicted with, criminal background, etc.)

Upload your ID photo

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Ensure the photo has the right size and follows the specifications required by the US Embassy. For more information, see step 3 of this guide.

Review your application before submitting it.

The system will give you an opportunity to review all the information you’ve provided before submitting the form.

Make sure that they’re all complete and accurate as you won’t be able to change anything once the DS-160 form has been submitted.

If you’re confident about your application, enter your passport number and the captcha code provided. These will serve as your E-Signature.

Finally, click “Sign and Submit Application.”

Print your DS-160 confirmation page

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All applicants are required to bring the printed confirmation form to the US Embassy during their scheduled interview. The alphanumeric barcode number located on the upper right corner of the page will enable the consular officer to retrieve your DS-160.

Without this confirmation page, you will not be allowed entry to the US Embassy and your application will be automatically forfeited.

It is also recommended to keep a backup copy of your duly accomplished DS-160 form in case things go awry. To secure a copy, simply hit the “Back” button on your browser and then email yourself a copy of the form in PDF format.

Additional reminders related to the DS-160 form:

  • Only use letters in the English alphabet. Hence, if your name contains “ñ” as in the case of “Niña,” you must spell it using the equivalent letter in the English alphabet (i.e., Nina).
  • While filling out the DS-160 form, always click the “Save” button or download the unfinished form to your computer. Otherwise, you can potentially lose all the data you’ve provided as the page “times out” after 20 minutes of inactivity.
  • Every time you complete a page in the application, it is automatically saved so you don’t have to worry about losing the data when the Internet connection is interrupted. You can also save a partially completed application in case you want to run some errands. To continue where you left off, simply return to the Consular Electronic Application Center website and click “Retrieve an Application.” You will then be asked to enter your application ID number and answer the security question.
  • In case you want to take more time, you can also download your incomplete application to your personal computer. Return to the website within the next 30 days and then select “Upload an Application.” Follow the instructions to resume the application.

5. Pay the US Visa Application Fee

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At this point, you’re only one step away from scheduling an appointment with the US Embassy for your interview.

To book an interview, you must first pay a non-refundable, non-transferable Machine Readable Visa application fee (or MRV fee).

All US visa applicants are required to pay this fee. This is because the online appointment will ask for the receipt number (proof of payment) before you can move forward.

The amount of MRV fee depends on the type of US visa you’re applying for and the current US dollar to the peso exchange rate. To view the list of US visa types and their corresponding application fees, please go to this page .

As of this writing, the most common types of US nonimmigrant visas like the tourist visa cost $160 whereas petition-based visas like religious and work visas require an application fee of $190 .

Meanwhile, the most expensive US visas are the K visa (Fiancé(e) or Spouse of US Citizen) and the E visa (Treaty Trader/Investor) with application fees amounting to $265 and $205, respectively.

To pay the US visa application fee, you can choose from two modes of payment: Over-the-counter or online transactions.

If you choose this method, you can pay the visa application fee in cash at any BPI (Bank of Philippine Islands) branch near you.

To make a payment, you need to present a printed copy of your US visa application deposit slip. You can find the deposit slip on this page .

Apparently, there’s a unique deposit slip for each application fee. Choose and print the deposit slip that corresponds to the cost of your US visa application fee.

The deposit slip is valid for a single transaction. It also has an expiration date so make sure you make the payment before it becomes invalid. In case it expires, you can generate another deposit slip by returning to the page I’ve mentioned and re-clicking the link to the deposit slip.

After making the payment, ensure you keep the receipt as you’ll be needing the receipt number to schedule an appointment.

For a faster and more convenient way of paying the MRV fee, you can use either the BPI or Bancnet online bill payment services.

If you have an account with either of the two, you can quickly pay the fee without going to the bank.

To make the payment, simply go to the BPI or Bancnet website. For this transaction, you will be asked to provide a reference number:

  • 48160628 (for BPI customers)
  • 35887923 (for Bancnet customers)

For complete instructions on how to pay the US visa application fee online, please refer to the following guides:

  • How to Pay US Visa Application Fee Online with BPI
  • How to Pay US Visa Application Fee Online with Bancnet

Avoid making lump-sum payments when paying for your family or a group of applicants. Instead, make the payments individually to generate a unique receipt number for each applicant which is needed to secure an appointment with the US Embassy.

Once the payment has been accepted, you’ll then receive an email confirmation which you need to print and bring to the US Embassy on the day of your appointment.

6. Schedule an Appointment With the US Embassy for Your Visa Interview

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After paying the visa application fee, it’s important to know that you can’t schedule an appointment right away.

Depending on the mode of payment you used, it may take anywhere between four hours to a whole day before you can make an appointment.

For over-the-counter bank transactions, you can already book an appointment/interview after four hours from the time of payment.

Online payments, on the other hand, may take longer depending on the time of payment and whether you used BPI or Bancnet for the transaction.

The tables below summarize their processing times and exactly when you can schedule an appointment:

For online payments made with BPI

US visa payment procesing time for BPI

For online payments made with Bancnet

US visa payment processing time for Bancnet

After the waiting period has passed, you can now schedule an appointment.

There are two ways to secure an appointment with the US Embassy: online via the US Department of State’s Bureau of Consular Affairs website or over the phone with the help of a customer service representative.

To schedule an appointment online, you must first ensure that you have the following information on hand:

  • MRV fee payment receipt number
  • Passport number
  • The ten-digit barcode number in your DS-160 confirmation page

Once you’re ready, go to the  US Department of State’s Bureau of Consular Affairs website and register/create an account.

us visa application online

After creating an account, log into the system and click “Schedule Appointment” on the left-hand side menu.

On the succeeding pages, you will be asked to provide vital information like the visa type you’re applying for, personal data, DS-160 confirmation number, names of your family members (in case you’re traveling with them), how you prefer to receive the passport, visa payment confirmation, and the appointment schedule.

Take note that you can’t book an appointment unless you’ve already paid the visa application fee and completed the DS-160 form. This is also the reason why I’ve included them in the earlier steps.

Alternatively, you can ask for the assistance of a customer service representative to book an appointment.

The call center is available during weekdays, from 8 AM to 8 PM, except during the Philippine and US holidays. You can talk to the agent either in English or Tagalog, whatever is comfortable for you.

Here are three ways to talk to a customer service representative directly:

  • Telephone: (02)5488223 or (02)7928988
  • Web call: If you’re using Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari11 or Opera, you can call directly through your browser by clicking the green button on this page .
  • Skype: Please add  ustraveldocs-philippines to your list of Skype contacts.

Additional reminders regarding appointment scheduling:

  • Choose the earliest schedule to avoid getting stuck in traffic and the long queues.
  • Plan your visa application carefully as you’re only allowed to reschedule twice (excluding the initial appointment). If you cancel your second rescheduling attempt again, you’ll be barred from making a new appointment for the next 90 days.

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We’ve finally arrived at the most critical part of your US visa application: the dreaded interview.

In this section, I’ll give you an idea what to expect on the day of your appointment.

For tips and strategies to pass the US visa interview, please refer to this guide where I’ve compiled all the insights from some Filipinos who survived the interview and got their visas approved.

Before heading to the US Embassy, make sure you bring all the requirements needed for your US visa application (see step 3 of this guide for the complete list).

Arrive at the US Embassy at least 30 minutes before your scheduled interview. If possible, bring a companion with you who will keep your phone, camera, laptop, and other electronic devices, all of which are prohibited inside the Embassy.

Upon arrival, you will be subjected to initial security checks. Applicants will fall in line to have their bags and requirements checked by the security personnel.

Afterward, you will be directed to another queue where you’ll wait for your turn to undergo the following procedures:

  • Pre-Screening : In this step, a consular officer may ask you a few questions regarding your application such as the visa type you’re applying for, the purpose of the trip, and personal data like your name, birthday, and marital status. They may also request additional photos so make sure you have extra copies of your ID picture just in case.
  • Fingerprinting : A consular officer assigned in this station may ask you to provide your passport and state your name and birthday. Then, you’ll be instructed to place your fingers on the fingerprint scanner one by one to get your biometrics.
  • Interview : The last step is also the most important one. After waiting for your turn, you will be assigned to an interview window where a consular officer will assess your visa application using your answers to the DS-160 form and the interview questions. On average, the interview may last for a few minutes but it can be relatively quick if you have a strong application. For a list of commonly asked questions during the US visa interview, please go to this link.

us visa application 8

After the interview, you’ll get an immediate feedback whether your US visa application has been approved or denied.

For successful applicants, expect your passport to be issued after 5 working days.

Passports of approved applicants are released at the chosen 2GO branch. You’ll receive a text message from 2GO once your passport is available for pick-up at the specified 2GO location.

In case you’ve changed your mind and want to pick up your passport at another 2GO branch, you only have until midnight on the day of your interview to update the Documentation Delivery Instructions (see step 6).

To claim your passport, you need to present a government-issued ID.

  • All applicants, regardless of age, are required to show up at the US Embassy for the visa interview. Minors (17 years old and below, unmarried) must be accompanied by at least one parent or a legal guardian.
  • Only bring original, authentic documents. In the case of government-issued IDs, make sure they’re valid and not expiring anytime soon. Submitting fake documents will not only get your visa application denied but may also permanently ban you from applying for any US visa in the future.
  • When it comes to submitting documentary requirements, it’s better to overdeliver. While a lot of applicants who got approved can attest that the consular officer didn’t even bother to ask for supporting documents, remember that visa applications are approved on a case-by-case basis. The more requirements you can bring, the better prepared you will be in case the consular officer request additional evidence to strengthen your application.
  • Filipinos who are well-traveled are more likely to get approved for nonimmigrant US visa compared to those who don’t have extensive travel history. By showing your passport stamps, travel tickets, or bookings, you’re making a positive impression to the consular officer that you always come back to the Philippines every time you travel overseas.
  • Arrive at the US Embassy 15 to 30 minutes before your scheduled interview. Take note that this applies to all applicants, regardless if you picked an earlier schedule or not. It doesn’t make sense to go there at 6 AM when your schedule is still at 9 AM. Remember, they don’t accommodate applicants on a first-come, first-served basis. The US Embassy prioritizes applicants who have secured an early schedule, not those who arrived at the gate early.
  • You have a better chance of getting your visa application approved if you’re applying with your family, especially if you already have previous travel experiences together . While there’s no concrete explanation for this, it is probably because a family of three or four are less inclined to overstay their welcome, especially if all of them have strong ties to the Philippines.
  • Pregnant women who will be traveling to the US on tourist visas and with the intention of giving birth so their babies will be granted birthright citizenship will now be treated as foreigners coming to the US for medical treatment. This means that the applicants must prove that they are coming to the US for medical treatment and have the means to pay for it. The new visa restriction is designed to limit the popular practice known as “birth tourism”, which, although considered fundamentally legal, has led to the proliferation of birth tourism agencies, some of which have been arrested for visa fraud or tax evasion.

Frequently Asked Questions

3. my visa application has been denied. what can i possibly do to reverse the decision.

It varies depending on the consul that will be assigned to handle your application. It can be a Single-Entry or Multiple-Entry Visa. Therefore, the validity of the visa ranges from 3 months up to 10 years.

First, fill out a new application form and make sure that all the information you’ve provided is correct. Then, you should call the hotline of the US Embassy where you’ve set your appointment and explain your situation. Provide the application number of the new form that will then replace the old one with errors.

If you’re a minor, then you can use your parents’ credentials and bank statements when you apply for a visa. But if you’re no longer a minor, then your own credentials will be assessed.

Your application will most likely be denied but you can improve your chances by gathering evidence of ties to the Philippines for a couple of years. Once you have done that, then you can apply for a US visa. To increase your chances of getting an approved visa, do the following:

  • Get a good job and stay long enough for it to be considered as a long-term job. This is to increase your salary and to prove that you have ties to your country.
  • Travel as much as you can to other countries. If you have an impressive travel history, it will increase your chances of getting approved for a visa.

If you really want to apply for a visa now and you’ve been to the US before, as well as other countries, then you can give it a try. To improve your chances and prove that you will definitely come back to your home country, mention future plans like going to graduate school, starting a business, or anything like that.

If your parents will sponsor your trip, you can consult a lawyer and draft an Affidavit of Support that you can present to the consul. Make sure to bring all the necessary documents to support your application like you and your parents’ bank statements and titles.

Unfortunately, your chances are slim if ‘visiting a significant other’ will be your reason for going to the US. All the red flags are there if you are single and have a US citizen partner.

If you’re already engaged, then you can apply for a different visa category instead. On the other hand, if you have a child together, then you can try the Family Reunification approach.

You can increase your chances of getting an approved visa if you have a stable job in your country, have an impressive travel history, and a good amount of savings.

14. The validity of a US visa is 5-10 years. With that said, if I renew my passport , will I still have the remaining years of my visa or not?

Yes, your visa will still be valid even if you change your passport.

According to the US State Department website, you just have to bring your old passport with you when you travel to the US. You can even purchase a passport jacket that can hold both your old and new passports together so it’ll be more convenient to bring them with you during your travels.

You don’t need to look for a reliable agency to process your visa for you.

Getting the services of an agency will not improve your chances of getting approved . The agency’s only role is to apply on your behalf.

In order to increase your chances of getting your visa application approved, you only have to show that you have substantial ties to the Philippines like a stable and high-paying job, properties, investments, money in the bank, and family.

Yes, you can submit your applications together as a family or as a group.

On your ‘Confirmation’ page, click ‘Email Confirmation’. You’ll be redirected to a ‘Thank You’ page where you will see an option to create a family or group application.

Applicable information from your application will automatically be imported when you create a new application. It must be noted that even though it will be a family or group application, you’ll still need to create an individual application for each family member or individual.

Read our other travel visa guides:

How to Get Japan Visa in the Philippines: A Complete Guide for First-Time Tourists

How to Get Korean Visa in the Philippines: A Complete Guide for First-Time Visitors

How to Apply for Schengen Visa: An Ultimate Guide for Philippine Passport Holders

How to Apply for an Australian Tourist Visa: A Complete Guide for Filipino Tourists 

Written by Luisito Batongbakal Jr.

in Juander How , Travel and Leisure

us tourist visa to philippines

Luisito Batongbakal Jr.

Luisito E. Batongbakal Jr. is the founder, editor, and chief content strategist of FilipiKnow, a leading online portal for free educational, Filipino-centric content. His curiosity and passion for learning have helped millions of Filipinos around the world get access to free insightful and practical information at the touch of their fingertips. With him at the helm, FilipiKnow has won numerous awards including the Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs 2013, the 2015 Globe Tatt Awards, and the 2015 Philippine Bloggys Awards.

Browse all articles written by Luisito Batongbakal Jr.

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Apply for a U.S. Visa

In the philippines.

As of July 15, the United States Embassy in Manila has resumed certain nonimmigrant services, including: F, M, certain J categories (alien physician, government visitor, international visitor professor, research scholars, short-term research scholar, specialist, secondary school student and college/university student), C1/D, E, I, O, and P visas, and certain immigrant visas including IR1, CR2, and E3. The MRV fee is valid and may be used to schedule an interview appointment in the country where it was purchased. If you have an urgent matter and need to travel immediately on visa category not listed above, please follow the guidance provided at to request an emergency appointment.

Applicants for H1B, H2B, L1, and certain J categories and their dependents covered by Presidential Proclamation 10052 should request an appointment only if you have reason to believe you may qualify for one of the exceptions listed in the Proclamation here .

The Presidential Proclamations suspending the entry of foreign nationals who were physically present within 14 days in certain countries prior to their entry or attempted entry into the United States (Presidential Proclamations 9984, 9992, 9993, 9996, and 10041), and the Presidential Proclamations suspending the entry of certain immigrants and nonimmigrants who present a risk to the U.S. labor market following the coronavirus outbreak (Presidential Proclamations 10014 and 10052) remain in effect. For details about these Presidential Proclamations click here .

The U.S. Mission to the Philippines understands that many visa applicants have paid the visa application processing fee and are still waiting to schedule a visa appointment.  We are working diligently to restore all routine visa operations as quickly and safely as possible.  In the meantime, rest assured that the U.S. Mission will extend the validity of your payment (known as the MRV fee) until December 31, 2021, to allow all applicants who were unable to schedule a visa appointment as a result of the suspension of routine consular operations an opportunity to schedule and/or attend a visa appointment with the already paid fee.  Please continue to monitor this site for information on when we will return to routine visa operations.

For more information on how to pay your visa fee, please visit .

On Monday, June 22, President Trump signed a proclamation suspending entry into the United States of certain immigrants and nonimmigrants who present a risk to the U.S. labor market following the coronavirus outbreak. Effective immediately, the proclamation extends the suspension of entry for certain immigrants ( Presidential Proclamation 10014 ) through December 31, 2020. The new restrictions imposed by the proclamation are effective at 12:01 a.m. EDT on Wednesday, June 24 and expire on December 31, 2020, unless continued by the President. U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents, and aliens who are or were inside the United States or those holding valid nonimmigrant or immigrant visas on the effective date are not subject to the proclamation.

The proclamation suspends entry of nonimmigrants in the following categories: H-1B, H-2B, J (for aliens participating in an intern, trainee, teacher, camp counselor, au pair, or summer work travel program) and L, along with their spouses and children.  No valid visas will be revoked under the proclamation. Presidential Proclamation 10014 and this proclamation provide exceptions to their restrictions for certain categories of immigrants and nonimmigrants. The full text of the presidential proclamations are available on the White House website at:

Entry of foreign nationals who were physically present within the following list of countries within 14 days prior their entry or attempted entry into the United States is suspended, per Presidential Proclamations 9984, 9992, 9993, 9996 and the subsequent proclamation issued May 24, 2020:

  • The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, excluding overseas territories outside of Europe;
  • The Republic of Ireland;
  • The 26 countries that comprise the Schengen Area (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland)
  • The Islamic Republic of Iran;
  • The People’s Republic of China, not including the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau

There are certain exceptions to the suspension of entry, including exceptions for U.S. lawful permanent residents and certain family members of U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents, among other exceptions listed in the proclamations. If you reside in, have traveled recently to, or intend to transit or travel to the above listed countries prior to your planned trip to the United States, we recommend you postpone your visa interview appointment until 14 days subsequent to your departure from the subject country(ries). Additionally, if you are experiencing flu-like symptoms, or believe you may have been exposed to the novel coronavirus, you are required to postpone your appointment by at least 14 days. There is no fee to change an appointment and visa application fees are valid for one year in the country where the fee was paid. For questions about rescheduling a pending consular appointment, please contact us at [email protected] for specific guidance.

Mount Rushmore, South Dakota

Welcome to the U.S. Visa Information Service for the Philippines. On this website you can find information about U.S. immigrant and nonimmigrant visas and the requirements to apply for each. You can also learn how to pay the required visa application fee, and book an interview appointment at the U.S. Embassy in Manila.

This is the official visa information website of the U.S. Embassy in the Philippines.

Nonimmigrant Visa Information

  • Bank and Payment Options
  • DS-160 Information
  • Appointment Wait Times
  • Photos and Fingerprints
  • Visa Waiver Program
  • Security Regulations

Nonimmigrant Visa Application

  • Apply for a Visa
  • Pay My Visa Fee
  • Complete My DS-160
  • Schedule My Appointment
  • Change Document Delivery Address
  • Retrieve My Passport/Visa
  • Apply for an Expedited Appointment
  • Renew My Visa
  • Application Pending Further Action

Immigrant Visas

  • Visa Information
  • Check My Petition Status
  • Visa Wait Times
  • Select Document Delivery Address

Local Visa Programs

  • Travel Coordinator
  • Priority Interview Program
  • Crew and Manning Program
  • Group Appointments
  • Diplomatic and Government Officials
  • Visas for Children
  • U.S. Embassy, Manila
  • Passport/Visa Collection Locations
  • Document Drop-Off Locations
  • Bank Locations

General Information

  • Holidays and Closures
  • Helpful Links

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Department of State


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Apply for a U.S. Visa

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  • Bank and Payment Options/Pay My Visa Fee
  • DS-160 Information
  • Appointment Wait Times
  • Photos and Fingerprints
  • Visa Waiver Program
  • Security Regulations
  • Apply for a Visa
  • Ages below 14 and over 79
  • Renew My Visa
  • Complete My DS-160
  • Schedule My Appointment
  • Change Document Delivery Address
  • Retrieve My Passport/Visa
  • Apply for an Expedited Appointment
  • Application Refused Under INA 221(g)
  • Visa Information
  • Check My Petition Status
  • Visa Wait Times
  • Select Document Delivery Address
  • Travel Coordinator
  • Priority Interview Program
  • Crew and Manning Program
  • Group Appointments
  • Diplomatic and Government Officials
  • Visas for Children
  • U.S. Embassy, Manila
  • Passport/Visa Collection Locations
  • Document Drop-Off Locations
  • Bank Locations
  • Holidays and Closures
  • Helpful Links

You are here: Home / Visa Fees

On this page:

Payment Information


  • Visa Types and Application Fee Amounts

Visa Types and Conditions with No Fee Required

More information.

Visa applicants, including children, are required to pay a non-refundable, non-transferable visa application fee, sometimes referred to as the MRV fee, before applying for a nonimmigrant visa. The visa application fee must be paid whether a visa is issued or not. The type of visa for which you apply determines the fee amount. This webpage lists visa application fees associated with each nonimmigrant visa type.

Please note that only the application fees for nonimmigrant visas are listed here. Information about other visa fees that are paid directly to the National Visa Center, to the U.S. Embassy, or to the Department of Homeland Security, can be found here .

Although fees are listed in U.S. dollars, payment must be made using local currency. You can pay your MRV fee at Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC) or pay online using PesoNet . More information about payment options is here . To find an RCBC branch, click here.

Your visa application fee is non-refundable and you cannot transfer it to another person. All nonimmigrant visa application fee (also known as the MRV fee) payments made on or after October 1, 2022, are valid for 365 days from the date a receipt is issued for payment of the MRV fee.  Applicants must schedule an interview appointment or submit an interview waiver application during this 365-day period.  Please note applicants must only schedule their interview or submit their waiver application within the 365-day period.  There is no requirement the interview must occur during the 365-day period.  All receipts for payment of MRV fees issued before October 1, 2022, were extended until September 30, 2023, and remain valid until this date.

Remember: Applicants are limited to the number of times they can reschedule their appointments. Please plan accordingly so that you are not required to make another visa application fee. Visa application fees are nonrefundable.

  • Applicants for A, G, C-2, C-3, NATO, and diplomatic visas (as defined in 22 CFR 41.26)
  • Applicants holding J visas and who are participating in certain official U.S. Government-sponsored educational and cultural exchanges
  • Replacement of a machine-readable visa when the original visa was not properly affixed or the visa needs to be reissued through no fault of the applicant
  • Applicants exempted by international agreement, including members and staff of an observer mission to United Nations Headquarters recognized by the UN General Assembly, and their immediate families
  • Applicants traveling to provide certain charitable services
  • U.S. Government employees traveling on official business
  • A parent, sibling, spouse or child of a U.S. Government employee killed in the line of duty who is traveling to attend the employee's funeral and/or burial; or a parent, sibling, spouse, son or daughter of a U.S. Government employee critically injured in the line of duty for visitation during emergency treatment and convalescence

If you have any questions regarding the consular currency exchange rate, please click here , create a profile, answer five short questions so that we can determine the correct amount you must pay.

 Blanket L Fees (Fraud Prevention and Detection Fee) The principal applicant of a blanket L petition must pay a Fraud Prevention and Detection fee of US$500.00. The U.S. petitioner pays the Fraud Prevention and Detection Fee for individual L, H-1B, and H-2B petitions when the petition is filed with USCIS

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  • NIV Application
  • Pay My Visa Fee
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Visitor Visa

Visa Waiver Program

Travel Without a Visa

Citizens of Canada and Bermuda

Generally, a citizen of a foreign country who wishes to travel to the United States must first obtain a visa, either a nonimmigrant visa for a temporary stay, or an immigrant visa for permanent residence. Visitor visas are nonimmigrant visas for persons who want to enter the United States temporarily for business (B-1 visa), for tourism (B-2 visa), or for a combination of both purposes (B-1/B-2 visa).

Here are some examples of activities permitted with a visitor visa:

Business (B-1)

  • Consult with business associates
  • Attend a scientific, educational, professional, or business convention or conference
  • Settle an estate
  • Negotiate a contract

Tourism (B-2)

  • Vacation (holiday)
  • Visit with friends or relatives
  • Medical treatment
  • Participation in social events hosted by fraternal, social, or service organizations
  • Participation by amateurs in musical, sports, or similar events or contests, if not being paid for participating
  • Enrollment in a short recreational course of study, not for credit toward a degree (for example, a two-day cooking class while on vacation)

Travel Purposes Not Permitted On Visitor Visas

These are some examples of activities that require different categories of visas and cannot be done while on a visitor visa:

  • Paid performances, or any professional performance before a paying audience
  • Arrival as a crewmember on a ship or aircraft
  • Work as foreign press, in radio, film, print journalism, or other information media
  • Permanent residence in the United States

Birth tourism (travel for the primary purpose of giving birth in the United States to obtain U.S. citizenship for their child) is not permissible on a visitor visa.

How to Apply

There are several steps to apply for a visa. The order of these steps and how you complete them may vary by U.S. Embassy or Consulate. Please consult the instructions on the  U.S. Embassy or Consulate website .

Complete the Online Visa Application

  • Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application, Form DS-160 – Learn more about completing the DS-160 . You must: 1) complete the online visa application and 2) print the application form confirmation page to bring to your interview.
  • Photo – You will upload your photo while completing the online Form DS-160. Your photo must meet the Photograph Requirements .

Schedule an Interview

Interviews are generally required for visa applicants with certain limited exceptions below. Consular officers may require an interview of any visa applicant.

You should generally schedule an appointment for your visa interview at the  U.S. Embassy or Consulate  in the country where you live. You may schedule your interview at another U.S. Embassy or Consulate where you will be present but aware that in some cases it may be more difficult to demostrate your qualifications for a visa outside of the country where you live.

Wait times for interview appointments vary by location, season, and visa category, so you should apply for your visa early. Review the interview wait time for the location where you will apply: 

Appointment Wait Time

Check the estimated wait time for a nonimmigrant visa interview appointment at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate.

Note:  Please check the individual Embassy or Consulate website to determine if your case is eligible for a waiver of the in-person interview.

Applicants scheduling visa appointments in a location different from their place of residence should check post websites for nonresident wait times.

Select a U.S. Embassy or Consulate:

Prepare for your interview.

  • Fees - Pay the non-refundable visa application fee , if you are required to pay it before your interview. If your visa is approved, you may also need to pay a visa issuance fee, if applicable to your nationality. Fee information is provided below:

Select your nationality to see Issuance Fee

  • Review the instructions available on the website of the  U.S. Embassy or Consulate  where you will apply to learn more about fee payment.

Gather Required Documentation

Gather and prepare the following required documents before your visa interview:

  • Passport valid for travel to the United States – Your passport must be valid for at least six months beyond your period of stay in the United States (unless exempt by country-specific agreements ). Each individual who needs a visa must submit a separate application, including any family members listed in your passport.
  • Nonimmigrant Visa Application, Form DS-160 confirmation page.
  • Application fee payment receipt, if you are required to pay before your interview.
  • Photo – You will upload your photo while completing the online Form DS-160. If the photo upload fails, you must bring one printed photo in the format explained in the Photograph Requirements .

Additional Documentation May Be Required

Review the instructions for how to apply for a visa on the website of the U.S. Embassy or Consulate where you will apply. Additional documents may be requested to establish if you are qualified. For example, additional requested documents may include evidence of:

  • The purpose of your trip,
  • Your intent to depart the United States after your trip, and/or
  • Your ability to pay all costs of the trip.   

Evidence of your employment and/or your family ties may be sufficient to show the purpose of your trip and your intent to return to your home country. If you cannot cover all the costs for your trip, you may show evidence that another person will cover some or all costs for your trip.

Note:  Visa applicants must qualify based on their ties abroad/to their home country, rather than assurances from U.S. family and friends. A letter of invitation or Affidavit of Support is not needed to apply for a visitor visa. If you choose to bring a letter of invitation or Affidavit of Support to your interview, please remember it is not one of the factors used in determining whether to issue or deny the visa.

Attend Your Visa Interview

A consular officer will interview you to determine whether you are qualified to receive a visitor visa. You must establish that you meet the requirements under U.S. law to receive a visa.  Ink-free, digital fingerprint scans are taken as part of the application process. They are usually taken during your interview, but this varies based on location.

After your visa interview, the consular officer may determine that your application requires further  administrative processing .  The consular officer will inform you if this required.

After the visa is approved, you may need to pay a visa issuance fee (if applicable to your nationality), and make arrangements for the return of the passport and visa to you.  Review the  visa processing times  to learn more.

Entering the United States

A visa allows a foreign citizen to travel to a U.S. port-of-entry (generally an airport) and request permission to enter the United States. A visa does not guarantee entry into the United States. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials at the port-of-entry have authority to permit or deny admission to the United States. If you are allowed to enter the United States, the CBP official will provide an admission stamp or a paper Form I-94, Arrival/Departure Record. Learn more about admissions and entry requirements, restrictions about bringing food, agricultural products, and other restricted/prohibited goods, and more by reviewing the CBP website .

Extending Your Stay

See  Extend Your Stay  on the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) website to learn about requesting to extend your stay beyond the date indicated on your admission stamp or paper Form I-94. 

Failure to depart the United States on time will result in being  out of status . Under U.S. law, visas of individuals who are out of status are automatically voided ( Section 222(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ).  Any multiple entry visa that was voided due to being out of status will not be valid for future entries into the United States. 

Failure to depart the United States on time may also result in you being ineligible for visas in the future. Review  Visa Denials  and  Ineligibilities and Waivers: Laws  to learn more.

Change of Status

If your plans change while in the United States (for example, you marry a U.S. citizen or receive an offer of employment), you may be able to request a change in your nonimmigrant status to another category through U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). See  Change My Nonimmigrant Status  on the USCIS website to learn more.

While you are in the United States, receiving a change of status from USCIS does not require you to apply for a new visa.  However, once you depart the United States you must apply for a new visa at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate in the appropriate category for your travel.

Additional Information

  • An individual on a visitor visa (B1/B2) is not permitted to accept employment or work in the United States.
  • There is no guarantee you will be issued a visa. Do not make final travel plans or buy tickets until you have a visa.
  • A valid U.S. visa in an expired passport is still valid. Unless canceled or revoked, a visa is valid until its expiration date. If you have a valid visa in your expired passport, do not remove it from your expired passport. You may use your valid visa in your expired passport along with a new valid passport for travel and admission to the United States. 

Travel for Medical Treatment

If you are seeking medical treatment in the United States, the consular officer may ask for further documents at your visa interview, which may include:

  • Medical diagnosis from a local physician, explaining the nature of the ailment and the reason you need treatment in the United States.
  • Letter from a physician or medical facility in the United States, stating they are willing to treat your specific ailment and detailing the projected length and cost of treatment (including doctors’ fees, hospitalization fees, and all medical-related expenses).
  • Proof that your transportation, medical, and living expenses in the United States will be paid. This may be in the form of bank or other statements of income/savings or certified copies of income tax returns (either yours or the person or organization paying for your treatment).

Visitor Visas for Personal or Domestic Employees (B-1)

You may apply for a B-1 visitor visa to work in the United States as a personal or domestic employee for your employer in limited situations. You may for a visitor visa as a domestic employee if, among other requirements, your employer is:

  • A U.S. citizen who has a permanent home or is stationed in a foreign country, but is visiting or is assigned to the United States temporarily; or
  • A foreign citizen who is in the United States on one of the following nonimmigrant visa categories:  B, E, F, H, I, J, L, M, O, P, Q or TN.

Learn more about your rights in the United States and protection available to you by reading the Legal Rights and Protections pamphlet.

Visa Renewal

Whether you are applying for the first time or renewing your visa, you will use the same application process (please review How to Apply , above). Some applicants seeking to renew their visas in certain visa classes may be eligible for the Interview Waiver (IW) which allows qualified individuals to apply for visa renewals without being interviewed in person by a U.S. consular officer. Review the instructions on the website of the U.S. Embassy or Consulate where you will apply to determine if IW is available and if you qualify.

Do I need a visa if I have an ABTC?

Yes, you will still need a visa to travel to the United States, unless you qualify for the  Visa Waiver Program . Having an Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Business Travelers Card (ABTC) does not change visa requirements, your visa status, or the visa process for travel to the United States.

How can I use my ABTC when I apply for my visa?

If you have an Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Business Travelers Card (ABTC), you might be able to schedule an expedited visa interview appointment. Review the instructions for scheduling expedited appointments on the website of the  embassy or consulate  where you will apply. 

Visa Annotations for Certain Maritime Industry Workers

Certain foreign maritime workers are eligible to apply for a Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) once in the U.S. If you, as a maritime industry worker, will perform services in secure port areas, your visa must be annotated “TWIC Letter Received.” Workers whose visas are not annotated will not be permitted by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to apply for a TWIC.

In order for your visa to be annotated, you must obtain a letter from your employer explaining the need for a TWIC and that you are a potential TWIC applicant. See a template example of this letter. You must present this letter when you apply for the B-1 visa. You must meet all other eligibility requirements for a B-1 visa. 

Complete information about the TWIC program is available on TSA’s website at .

Visa Denial and Ineligibility

Review  Visa Denials  for detailed information about visa ineligibilities, denials and waivers.

I was refused a visa, under Section 214(b). May I reapply?

Yes, if you feel circumstances have changed regarding your application. Review  Visa Denials  to learn more.

Misrepresentation or Fraud

Attempting to obtain a visa by the willful misrepresentation of a material fact, or fraud, may result in the permanent refusal of a visa or denial of entry into the United States.

Review  Ineligibilities and Waivers: Laws .

Citizens of Canada and Bermuda generally do not require visas to enter the United States, for visit, tourism and temporary business travel purposes. For more information see  U.S. Embassy Ottawa website ,  U.S. Consulate Hamilton website  and  CBP website .

Additional resources for Canadian visitors to the United States can be found on the U.S. Embassy and Consulate websites in Canada.

Citizens of China

In accordance with the agreement signed between the United States and China to extend visa validity, beginning on November 29, 2016, Chinese citizens with 10-year B1, B2 or B1/B2 visas in Peoples’ Republic of China passports will be required to update their biographical and other information from their visa application via a website every two years, or upon getting a new passport or B1, B2, or B1/B2 visa, whichever occurs first.  This mechanism is called EVUS - Electronic Visa Update System.

The EVUS website is now open to the public for enrollments at .  CBP will not collect a fee for EVUS enrollment at this time. CBP anticipates the eventual implementation of an EVUS enrollment fee, but does not have a time frame. Until the implementation of a fee, travelers can enroll in EVUS without charge.  The Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will keep visa holders informed of new information throughout the year. For further information, please visit .‎

根据美中双方签署的延长签证有效期的协议,自2016年11月29日起,凡持有10 年 期B1,B2 或 B1/B2签证的中华人民共和国护照持有人需要每两年或在获取新护照或最长有效期的B1、B2或B1/B2签证时时(以先到者为准),通过网站更新他们签证申请上的个人资料及其它信息。这个机制我们称之为EVUS –签证更新电子系统。

EVUS的登记网站 现已开放接受登记。美国海关和边境保护局(CBP)目前不会收取登记费用。美国海关和边境保护局预期EVUS登记收费最终会实施,但目前尚未落实执行时间。在收费实施前,旅客可以免费完成EVUS登记。美国国土安全部海关和边境保护局将在今年及时向签证持有人公布最新的信息。获取更多的信息,请访问 。

Citizens of Mexico

Citizens and permanent residents of Mexico generally must have a nonimmigrant visa or Border Crossing Card (also known as a "Laser Visa"). For ease of travel, the B-1/B-2 and the Border Crossing Card have been combined into one document (DSP-150). Select  Border Crossing Card  to learn more about this card.

Please visit  U.S. Embassy or Consulate  websites for more information regarding applying for a visa at the U.S. Embassy or Consulates in Mexico.

Further Questions

  • Case-Specific Questions - Contact the U.S. Embassy or Consulate handling your visa application for status information. Select  U.S. Embassy or Consulate  for contact information.
  • General Questions - review  Contact Us .

Visa Waiver Program  (VWP)

Tourist or business travelers who are citizens of participating countries may be eligible to visit the United States without a visa. Visits must be 90 days or less, and travelers must meet all requirements.

Citizens of Canada and Bermuda generally do not need visas for tourism and visits.

More Information

A-Z Index Legal Rights & Protections Lost/Stolen Travel Documents Denials Fraud Warning Visa Expiration Date Automatic Revalidation Nonimmigrants in the United States–Applying for Visas in Canada or Mexico Visa Applicants - State Sponsors of Terrorism Border Security/Safety Find a U.S. Embassy or Consulate Customer Service Statement

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us tourist visa to philippines

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How to apply for or renew a U.S. tourist visa

If you visit the U.S. for tourism or business, you may need a visitor visa, also known as a tourist visa. Learn how to get and renew this type of nonimmigrant visa.

Find out if you need a visa to visit the U.S.

Check if your country participates in the U.S. Visa Waiver Program (VWP) . If it does, you can get a waiver and will not need a visa. If you do not see your country listed, you will need a visitor visa.

Visitor (tourist) visas and other travel documents for entering the U.S.

The visitor visa is a type of nonimmigrant visa for people who wish to temporarily enter the U.S. There are two categories:

  • B-1 for business travel
  • B-2 for tourism and medical treatment

Learn about B-1 and B-2 visas , including:

  • Reasons you would need each type of visitor visa
  • How to apply
  • What documents you will need
  • Application fees
  • How to prepare for your interview at your U.S. embassy or consulate

Along with your visa, you must bring a passport issued by your country of citizenship. When you arrive at your port of entry into the U.S., officials will issue you a Form I-94, which electronically records your arrival and departure dates. Learn more about Form I-94.

How to renew a visitor visa

The process to renew a visitor visa is the same as getting one for the first time. Follow the process to apply for a visitor visa from the Department of State.

Find the contact information for your nearest U.S. embassy or consulate and contact them for visa renewal information.

Understand expiration dates for visas and I-94 forms

  • The date you must depart the U.S. will be shown on your Form I-94. This date is determined by the Customs and Border Protection officer when you arrive at the port-of-entry into the U.S. 
  • Only diplomatic visa holders and their dependents can renew their visas while they are in the U.S.

LAST UPDATED: May 31, 2024

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Visa Requirements to Visit the U.S. from Philippines

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Two Monkeys Travel Group

USA Visa Tips for Filipinos (Non-Immigrant B2 Visa)

If you are a Filipino who wants to travel to the United States of America, you will need to get a visa to enter there. Here’s a guide on USA Visa Application Tips for Filipinos .

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USA is undeniably in many Filipino’s bucket list. We know at least one person who works or lives in the US; personally, I got relatives who have become US Citizens. There are many good and comforting points in going to the US; language is not hard as we speak English, flights available (some even direct), and big Filipino communities there.

  • USA B2 Tourist Visa Applications – 20 Consul Interview Questions You Could Be Asked and How Best to Answer Them
  • Rent-a-Flight for Onward Travel Flight Bookings and Visa Applications
  • DENIED USA VISA – 7 Most Common Reasons for US Visa Rejections
  • What Will Happen if You Overstay in the USA? Consequences of Overstaying with your US Visa
  • Guide to B2 Interview Questions – USA Visa Application To Visit Boyfriend or Girlfriend

Many are scared to apply for a US Tourist Visa; we have heard of denial stories, especially being speechless during the interview. Understanding the process of application will be a key, which will be in this article. Read our tips so that you have a closer chance of getting your US Visa!

Table of Contents

1. Know which visa type you are applying

USA Visa

There are two categories of visas – Immigrant and Non-Immigrant Visas. Types then depend on the purpose of travel: work, vacation, cohabitation, etc. What most Filipinos get are the temporary visitor visas (Category B). Under that are B1 Visas for business, B2 for tourism, and B1/B2 for both. In this article, we will be tackling the B2 US Visas as many visit the US for sightseeing or visiting relatives.

2. Fill up your DS-160 Form Properly

DS-160 Form

The first step in applying for a US Tourist Visa is filling-up the Form DS-160 or the Non-Immigrant Visa Application. This is very important as the interviewer’s questions will be based on what you have entered. If you are not sure what you have typed, you can save it and go back to it later. Make sure to double-check it before submitting it.

Here’s an article on how to fill up your Form DS-160 .

P.S. You will be uploading also a passport-sized picture, so have it prepared. You’ll also be submitting that during the interview.

3. Pay the Exact Amount

The Visa Application Fee for a US Visa is USD 160. However, the exchange rates may change, so before going to the bank, ready your deposit slip. Pay before the expiration. There’s also an online banking option. You can refer here .

How to Renew your B1/B2 USA Visas through the Interview Waiver Program

P.S. Take note of the receipt number as you will be using it when you book an appointment. No payment, no appointment.

P.P.S. It’s non-refundable, so you better make sure you will be at the Embassy on the date of your schedule.

4. Book on a date you are comfortable with.

USA Visa Tips for Filipinos

If your DS-160 form is ready and you have already paid, you can book an appointment for the US Embassy interview online . Make sure you are comfortable with the schedule, and you have ample time to collect your supporting documents. Usually, the Embassy is fully booked, so you have to do it in the next months. If there is a vacancy within a week or two, make sure you will be ready with everything by then.

You don’t want to be on your interview and stressing out because your supporting documents are incomplete, baka mablanko ka during interview . If you are not near the Embassy, make sure you are there at least a day before; there may be flight delays, so at least di ka na ma-stress if ma-late ka kasi next day pa yung interview .

5. Prepare Supporting Documents


You might need the appointment letter, your passports, a photograph, and your DS-160 confirmation page are required when you go to the Embassy. But preparing supporting documents will also be a key to getting the US Visa. Some may not be asked, but it’s better to have it rather than saying to the consul, “I don’t have it with me.”

Supporting documents for your application may be Bank Certificate or Bank Statement (your own, if you will be paying for your trip or your sponsor’s if they are paying for you). For those with jobs, then a Certificate of Employment or a No Objection Letter may be asked. Business owners may be asked for a registration and Income Tax Returns. If you have a sponsor, you may prepare an invitation letter , proof of relationship, US passport or residency permit, etc. You may also be asked of Flight Reservations or Hotel Bookings . But it’s not limited to those, marami pa .

Rent A Flight

What the interviewers ask may differ from applicant to applicant. So better be prepared with everything. I have heard of someone getting denied because he said in his interview that his parents were sponsoring him, but he only bought is Bank Certificate and not theirs. Some weren’t even asked for anything but their passport for travel history and got approved. It really depends on the interviewer, your answers, and how it goes.

6. Get ready for your interview.

One of the crucial parts, if not the most vital, is the interview. Though you have prepared complete documents and filled-up the DS-160 form, you’ll get denied if your answers are not consistent or not the same as the form. What do you have to do to avoid this? Get ready for your interview. How? Well, you can check out these sample questions and answers . Here’s another one for those with partners in the US .


Write your answers and practice them in front of the mirror. So when you are there in front of the interviewer, you will be at ease and confident. Make sure your answers corroborate with what you have typed in the DS-160 form and your supporting documents. If you have a boyfriend and will be meeting him in the US, as per the form, then don’t say you’ll be meeting a relative or nobody. Be honest!

7. Be on time

USA Visa Tips for Filipinos

Don’t be late for your interview; however, don’t be too early either as they won’t let you in the Embassy yet. You can be there 15-30 minutes before your schedule. Ready your documents and make sure you do not wear watches or bring phones as they are not allowed inside. When you’re off to the interviewer, smile, be polite, be honest, and keep positive (and pray). They will tell you that you will be accepted or rejected for your US Visa after your interview.

us tourist visa to philippines

Those are US Visa Application for Filipinos , and could be useful for foreigners, too! Applying for a US Visas may sound scary, but once you know what to do and what the flow is, you’ll be a step closer to getting one. In case you need help in your application or want to be coached by Ms. Kach, who has helped many clients get their US Visas, you can check this link .

  • How to Apply for USA Tourist Visa
  • Visa Free Countries with Valid USA Visa on your Philippine Passport
  • Consul Interview Questions and How to Answer them for US Tourist Visa Application
  • How to Travel and Work in The USA Legally – Complete Guide on Getting J1 US Visa
  • 10 USA Visa Denial Rumors – Is it a Myth or Fact for USA Visa Application of Philippines Passport Holders??

Line seperator

About the Writer

Lyza Paloma

Hey, I’m Lyza! I once was a person who just imagined going to places “one day” but decided to pursue my dreams. My first travel abroad was in Japan, solo, last 2018, and fell in love with the journey since. I’m aiming to visit 10 countries before turning 30 and 2 new places in the Philippines every year. Besides traveling, I love organizing trips, photography, reading, and making new friends. Follow my adventures through my  Instagram .​​

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USA Visa Tips for Filipinos (Non-Immigrant B2 Visa)

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357 thoughts on “ USA Visa Tips for Filipinos (Non-Immigrant B2 Visa) ”

Hello po tanong ko lang po mayroon po akong boyfriend from USA gusto niya po akong pumunta sa kanya ano po ba ang pwede visa po ang pwede kong gamitin papuntang USA at ano ano po ang documents na kailangan,.

Thank you for this! I will try to apply next year to attend a conference. God willing

Meron po ba dito na UAE issued un tourist visa, pero ngfly from PH?

Hi Nicole! I have done this multiple times, visa issued from UAE and traveled from PH. Not only US visa, Korea and Japan as well.

Thank you so much for this article for I lived in the Philippines when I was 15 my father was a pilot near Force I lived in Angeles City.. also known as Clark Air Force Base, that was 1983… I have a lot of friends there with kids and I would like them to visit me so this has been very informative thank you so much I will be getting in touch very soon

Has anyone applied for a US visa after ECQ (enhanced community quarantine) and was approved?

Did the consul ask the same questions as mentioned in this blog?

Is it harder to get a visa because COVID19 is still ongoing?

I would really appreciate if anyone can answer as this will also help other applicants as well. Thank you! ?

By the way, my interview was initially set last March 2020 but got cancelled. I reapplied but the earliest available date is August 2021. Base on my observation, the embassy only caters 5 scheduled appointments per day with 10 applicants per sched. Each schedule is 15 minutes apart. 8:15am 8:30am 8:45am 9:00am 9:15am

Hi, thanks so much for your blog on how to procure a US tourist visa. Very informative indeed. May I just ask, if the person who sponsors me in getting a tourist visa is an american citizen, can I still apply for it?

Hello po,.just wanna ask po kung anong requirements kylangan pag apply ng visa,.im an ofw,we met in korea.pero ngayon po nasa pinas ako at nalipat naman na yung job nya sa hawaii,gusto po nya kong papuntahin sa hawaii para mabisita sya,pano po b gagawin at ano po kaylangang documents para mag apply ng visa o kung anong klaseng visa,before pandemic nakakauwi sya dito sa pinas to visit me pero ngayon nasa hawaii na kasi sya nag work, he’s a civillian working in army base sa hawaii.sana po matulungan nyo ko

Question: How did you prove that you have “strong ties” to the Philippines and that you will return? That seems to be the key and why most applicants get rejected during the interview. However, the embassy officers refuse to explain to me what exactly they consider to be “strong ties”. It seems to be vague and arbitrary, or perhaps it’s a trade secret and they don’t want to say. How did you prove that you have strong ties enough to come back home?

Hello Ann, my name is José, well I am very anxious and I hope you understand me. I met a Filipino girl, going through the internet; and we have fallen in love. I can’t leave the US because I only have a permit to live and work, here; but of course I can support my girlfriend if she comes here, to the US. Do you think it is possible for her to opt for a visa?

Yes, you can. If you need assistance you can avail of our visa application bundle service .

Hi po? Good day. Mayroon po akong mga katanungan 1st question, magkano ba dapat ang bank statement ko as a self sponsor mga two months stay? Kasi susurprisahin ko yung boyfriend ko sa US need ba ng proof or kailangan pa nilang tawagan yung boyfriend ko?

How much money or other documents does a filipino need besides a visa to travel to america

Chances of getting tourest visa: My female friend is a certified teacher but no job at present. She had worked for private school but wants to teach at public. She is assistant to pastor at church and outreach church. She takes care of elderly parents but wants to tour US for a few weeks. She has money saved for trip. She will come back to her country as she has strong ties there. Thank you

mam, i need your suggestion, do I need to book a flight or air bnb before our interview? coz we’re planning to visit US next year, after our son’s graduation, hopefully our visa application get approved before this year end.. i followed ur advice to research on places for a tour, do i need to pre booked all of them? starting from tour and accommodation?

thank you very much and hoping for your response.

Very disturbing the way they rejected my wife for a visa to go to the US. Im a US citizen We have a pending I-130 that takes 8-10 months for her interview. The rejection unfair. I been here three times in the past year once to perpose to her in april of 2019 then came back for three months built an apartment on to her family home Got an extended visa for this for three months. I Left in October 20th an again returned December 5 in hopes of her to come to the US to meet my family. Now I have to return without her. What make me angry is the fact that they rejected her for being not well grounded in the Phillipines. How can this be.? Ahe owns two homes a business and has a church Building Family owned and Some American Who I was not able to question told he she doesnt qualify because she doesnt have strong ties.

It’s because she has a pending petition and the consul might think you’d just “adjust her status” and would not leave the States. Unfortunately, other people are doing it which is the reason why they are stricter with Filipinos and other nationalities.

Thanks for sharing! Tanong ko lng po, nka-visit nba yung American boyfriend mo d2 sa pinas o wala pa? Kasi yung American bf ko hindi pa sya nkapunta dito sa pinas. And married yung status ko pero separated ako sa Korean husband ko 7yrs ago na. But recently nakuha ko na divorce paper ham in sa Korea kaso lng hindi yata valid ang divorce paper nmin sa Korea d2 sa pinas. Sa tingin mo mkakuha kaya ako ng tourist visa to visit my bf po? Salamat sa pagsagot ?

Thank you for sharing! But may i ask. Do they need invitation letter if my relative invites me there? ITR – any substitute to this if i dont have yet. It’s not the same when i was applying to EU visa. I just gave them letter why i don’t have itr (Self-employed)

Hello! Thank you for sharing! ☺ but may I ask, will there be other documents required for a government employee to be submitted other than the above mentioned requirements?

same question, i am working as a government employee. will they ask for additional documents if ever? TIA 🙂

Hi Anne,. Thank u so much for sharing this as I’m planning to visit in US and my friend will sent me invitation to get in there.. This helps us how to get in there and meet.

You said “Before going to the bank, print the applicable US Visa application payment slip and take it to the bank to pay the fee.” where/what site can I see it to be able to print the payment slip?

It will be a big help for me if you answer my question. Thanks a lot!

I read in your reported experience getting a Visa for travel in the USA that you traveled to see your boyfriend, now husband.

We may be wrong, but have only heard that admitting to the US Embassy that you are traveling for the purpose of seeing your boyfriend is a reason that a Visa will be denied !

What type of Visa exactly did you apply for and what did you say to the U.S. Embassy Rep. who interviewed you about the reason for your travel to the USA? Did you say it was to see your boyfriend?

Visiting a boyfriend won’t automatically get you denied! Read our other article here –

did you tell them you have a boyfriend there?

I have question po.

Ung B.certificate ko po kasi. May 2letters po na mali ung name ng papa ko and 1letter po na mali ung name ng mama ko.

Need ko pa po ba ipayos ung b. Certificate ko or affidavit nlang po?

I want to make sure lng po na hndi magkaka problema pagkumuha ako ng Visa. Or chinicheck dn po ba ng US embassy ung b.certificate.

Hi! Good Day! just wanted to ask. When you applied for visa. were you sponsored by your then BF? Hoping for your response. Thank You.

Hi. It was so lucky of you that despite saying that you will visit your boyfriend they approved your visa. I tried last year but was denied. And i was employed anf already a regular employee for 4 years. ?

Do we ned Invitation Letter from relatives or friends when applying for Tourist Visa?

hi! I’m planning to visit my boyfriend this coming October and I’m kinda nervous on the questions they will be throwing at me. I will apply for a tourist visa here in Thailand and hopefully it will be approved. What are the specific questions they asked u in the immigration since we have the same purpose? If my visa will be approved do I still need to book a hotel, but the thing is I will be living with my boyfriend. thanks for the response!

Hi, I am a united states citizen, born and raised. I would like to bring my friend from the phillipines for a few weeks. she is not my relative, am i still able to sponsor her?


Hi. Thanks s blog mo. I just want to know ano dpat kong ipresent na docs? And dpat kong gawin.. I am a Virtual Assistant for my US and UK clients. They can give cert of employment sa akin kaso sa bahay lng ako nagwowork may payslips pero wala akong tax na nababayaran pa or 2316 (maliban nung s bpo pa ko 2 yrs ago) .. Ung bibisitahin ko s US ung younger half sister ko kasi graduation nya s Dec 2019.. Other than that pala married ako per hiwalay na (nagasawa na cya ng iba ata) nsa akin mga anak ko, may sarili akong car at ung bahay na hinuhulugan s pagibig.. Ung magbabayad ng tickets at hotel ung Mom nmin ng half sister ko.. Mom ko from Europe pupunta dn ng US, ako d2 galing s pinas.. 2 weeks ang plan n vacation.. Pero di pa ako nkakatravel outside the country. First time to pagnagkataon. Salamat po


Hello. Thank you for this helpful blog. I am planning to apply for a US tourist visa this October since I am planning to visit my cousin on March 2020. I just renewed my passport last year and had two stamps from my Korea and Japan trip. I will be back in Japan this June so, that is an additional stamp. However, all my other stamps from my trips (Thailand, HK, Siemp Reap, Taiwan and my first trip to Japan) were on my old passport, should I bring my old passport during the interview or do I need to give it to the Consul together with my new passport? Thank you very much.

Just bring your old passport with you and only give to the Consul if being asked.

applied for the 3rd time and yet still denied. i was answering honestly all the questions asked. Maybe its not yet time for me.

Ann I would like to k os is it still possible to get tourist visa In Philippines if u have no bank account z let me knoe

I lived in the Philippines as a teenager my father was a pilot in the United States Air Force and the bottom line is all about the money…that’s all there is to it that’s the bottom line have all your documents prepared and have all the money you can conjure up…period !!!

Not really, even if the person has a lot of money – but it’s found out that they are borrowing it – they still can get denied.

Some have been approved with bank accounts less than 200K. It really depends on how you do o

Anne, I have an elderly filipina mother. My dad is deceased. We are moving her in with us to take care of her. She is a US citizen. We would like to look to see about the possibility of getting a visa for one of our nursing care relatives in the philippines to come to the US to help us care for her. Is there a particular way to approach this? Is this a difficult thing to do. The caregiver relative would likely be around 25. He/she would live with us in our home and do full time work as caregiver, paid by us. Please advise.

Thank you so much for your tips! Very helpful sya for me. I was interviewed last monday and got approved. Nakakapanlambot na madami na yung nadeny before me pero I kept in mind yung tip mo na be honest and that I shouldn’t be nervous kasi gusto ko lang magtravel. They just asked me a couple of questions and didn’t ask for any document. I received my passport today and I got 10 yr multiple entry visa! I’m so happy! ^_^

Did you know why are they declined? you said there are plenty ahead of you in the line that was not granted the visa.. i was just wondering.. thanks for the share cheers

good morning,,i want to ask about procedures for senior citizen applying for us visa.. thanx po…

Hi po Ms. Anne,

Thank you for this informative blog.

Ms. Anne, i would like to give you a brief introduction for me and my husband, My Husband is an Indian National and we married for the past 5 years no kid so far. We both are working here in Abu Dhabi, U.A.E. My husband is Civil Engineer and working as a Procurement Engineer in his company for more than 2 and half years, but living and working in U.A.E for almost 11 years. I am also working as a Secretary and recently Promoted as Contract Administration Asst. for more than 6 years in my company. We both are earning a good amount to cover our US trip, we been planning to visit New york or Las Vegas, in mid 2019 as we will be having our Anual Leave from our Company. We didnt travel much, i just been in India and now holding an Overseas Citizen of India / Resident permit and U.A.E likewise he has been only in Philippines and U.A.E.

What are our chances on getting DS 160 visa and we are not intending to over stay in US, as we are both contented in our job here in abu dhabi under a reputable company how we can prove it to them in order to pass the interview and one more thing if we apply for family the question or interview is individual or we both are there in the window booth?? just a small confusion.

Hope you can email me back Ms. Anne, looking forward to a positive response from you.

Godbless and more Power

Hi gud evening!

Anyone po pede maka help??

I’m planning po mag apply ng US tourist visa…medyo confused po ako kung isasagot kung yes or no dun sa tanong kung may petition po sa kin… Ang alam koh lng po meron kmi dati yun F4 (sister or brother, ) na pede makasama ang family unless ndi pa kasal ang mga anak at below 21 years old..pero ngayon po ay 27 years old n tingin nyo po yes or no?

currently po, nurse dito sa qatar almost 4 years by march..with travel history pong singapore, malaysia, georgia tingin nyo po ma approve kaya ako po? halos lht ng kapatid ng side ng daddy kuh andun po sa US..

and yun daddy ko po possibly mag work din sa US…sa tingin nyo po, better mag apply ako habang wala pa yun daddy kuh dun?

Sorry po super haba and daming tanong…sana po mahelp nyo po aku…

Thank you thank you..

#1 TIP: Just be truthful in all your answers. 🙂

Lahat ng sagot ko sa online application and interview ay totoo lahat 🙂

I got my B1/B2 visa last year and nakavisit ako sa family ko sa US, kahit na may pending petition ako. Malaking bagay din na Canadian resident ako and I have a good job in Canada kaya na approved ang tourist visa.

Also, focus on travel/tour places in the US as main reason ng pag apply mo. Syempre pag tinanong kung i-visit mo ang family mo, just say yes.

Be honest and confident sa lahat ng isasagot mo sa interview.

Kaya mo yan!

Am a Nigerian citizen, kindly advice on what to be prepared from interviewers I wish to do family visa… Any information from you please

Hi Anne, Thank you for the wonderful blog. I was planning to apply for a tourist visa to visit my boyfriend we did not meet yet and freshly together. I have a small business for 15 years now, is business permit ITR and DTI will be enough for the requirements. I will be paying for my expenses. Is it safe to say that I am going to visit my boyfriend and to travel around. Is there a chance that I will get a visa? Please give me some advice a badly needed a reply.

I am planning to travel to Philadelphia, USA next year on 28-29th September 2019 for a conference being sponsored by the company am working for as a Company Secretary. My questions are; 1. How long should I state the as in weeks to stay there? 2. what are the ties I personally supposed to be with?

Hi Sir Vincent! I have few questions about travelling as a family. I hope you don’t mind if I ask you some questions. I would appreciate if you could send me an email.

I’m trying to fill up the DS-160 now… i will visit my bf sa US and he will sponsor my trip. Do I list him as Friend or Others sa DS-160 form? Thanks.. hoping for ur help

Bambi. Did you find the information you requested. Kindly reply to me: [email protected]

Hi, I would like to ask if you ticked friend or other? did u have your visa?

Friend is fine.

Great article here It provides a very good article here for visa and their information

Hi I would like to ask on how I can apply for a visa for my self so I could visit my American husband in the US.what do I need to do and where should I go to apply visa.i have been deny before when I apply a tourist visa but me and my husband are not married yet that time.We get married here in the Philippines and we are now married for almost 3years.he applied for me And my son an immigrant visa butit expires coz we didn’t continue processing it coz of some issues that we have.but now I am planning to visit my husband in US hopefully before our anniversary date so we can celebrate together.i hope you can help me.

hi ..Is it true red flag pag sinabi bbisitahin bf? bat kayo po naapprove namn po visa nyo. pede po ko makahingi ng tips.. mlapit nrn po interview ko po..sponsor ako ni stable job nmn po ko..nkapagtravel narn po ko asian countirs.. nu pa po ba kulang? pede po bgyan nyo po ko ng advise and more tips? thank you so much. have a nice day.:)

Hi Vincent,

Ask ko lang po kung pwede na ba ako mag apply ng tourist visa after ko makuha ang aking passport?Plan ko kasi mag pwede next May 2019 sa Florida.

Hi Ms. Analyn.

Yup, that should be OK. 🙂

Good day! Me and my wife planning to apply tourist visa on January. We always travel together. I am currently registered at LA Marathon on march 2019. I am newly employed and my salary is about 25k a month. I have my own business before for 10 years and now its closed thats why i am new in the job. I dont have ITR. I have some savings in the bank. Ive been and finished my marathon in singapore, vietnam, cambodia and i have multiple japan visa. Is there a chance to get me and my wife a tourist us visa? Tnx

Hi Everyone.

Anyone here who has experienced doing a family application for a US tourist visa? Me, my wife, 2 kids, and mother-in-law will be scheduled for the interview in the next few days. Any tips? Chances of getting approved? Thanks in advance.

Done with our interview last week – myself, wife, 2 kids, and mother in law, all of us got approved. Waiting for our visas to get delivered this week. If anyone here has any questions on how my experience went, just leave a message here or let me know so I can give you my email add. Thanks.

HI! My mom and I are planning to visit the US by Dec or January of next year. Do you have any tips when applying as a group? And what kind of questions were asked during the interview? Thank you in advance!

We did a family application, I believe a group application is different. Questions asked from me were – What company do I work for?/ What my company does?/ my position?/ how long have i stayed in my current company?/ what company did i work for before my current company? My wife was asked the same set of questions. I was also asked if we always traveled as a family and what countries have we visited so far, purpose of going to US? None of our documents were checked. Let me know if I help you with anything else. Thanks.

hello sir Vincent. Congratulations! I would like to ask if you had an itinerary for your trip?

Hi Sir Vincent,

This is my first time to apply for a visa (US visa). I never have overseas trip.Do you have idea how likely will i be approved.

I have work here. i will visit my bf in the US .

Unfortunately, I can never tell – this will totally be up to the consul. But based on the 1-2 applicants that I heard applying for a fiance visa while waiting for my turn – both of them got denied. On the other hand, there are some I’ve read in different blogs/ forums who applied for a fiance visa and they got approved. “If” the 8k application fee is not “too much” for you, I suggest you go for it and hope for the best.

Hi Vincent, Im Ann, planning this 2nd week of October to apply a us visa tour with my child. Can you help or assist me. Thanks..

Hi Ana Lin,

For starters, you may want to create an account here -> Once you’ve created an account, you’ll be able to fill up the online application form and schedule your interview. Take note you’ll need to make payments before actually being able to schedule the interview. Please keep in hand your personal information and passport details when creating an account and accomplishing your profile. 🙂

Thanks. Vincent

Hi Ana Lin.

For starters, you may want to create an account here –> . You’ll be needing your personal information and passport details in creating your account and updating your profile. You can also fill up the online application through this portal. You can schedule your interview on the portal after you pay the application fee in BPI. If you need more information, I can pretty much is discussed on this blog, refer above. 🙂

Hope this helps.

Hi Vincent, Congratulations on getting approved! My dad applied for his VISA a few months ago and I’m not sure if he tries again with my mom and my little brother, they would be approved. What advice would you give if they were to apply for a tourist VISA the second time for my dad, but first time for my mom and my little brother. They’re applying for a VISA so they can attend my wedding. Thanks for your help in advance!

I’m not sure if your dad was provided a letter stating the reason why his application was declined. While we were waiting for our turn for the interview, I’ve seen a number of applicants whose application was declined but was given a letter stating why they were declined. I believe whatever reason was stated in the letter has to be addressed to increase the chances of being approved. I clearly heard a consul asked 2 different applicants “what has changed” since their last application because the applicants got declined on their first application. I assume they will be doing a family application this time. Attending your wedding, for me, seems to be a valid reason to go to the US. They have to prove that they have every reason to come back here after your wedding – through business, properties, etc.

Hello Vincent,

I need your insight lang since depende pa din talaga sa Consul ang final verdict ng US Visa. Plan ko kumuwa ng visa this year for my friend’s wedding tingin mo lang, tingin mo lang sir may chance kaya na maapprove yung visa? Kinakabahan kasi ako iniisip ko pa lang. Ang paranoid ko. Sana mabigyan mo ako ng insight mo regarding dito. Salamat

Hi Vincent! Could I ask you few questions about the B-2 visa application process? My husband and I with our 3 kids are planning to visit my immediate family in LA. Hope you could share your experience. How do I send you an email?

Hi everyone,

Me and my 12 year old niece, and 18 yr old nephew is applying for B2 visa. My sister and her husband gave an affidavit of support and all the supporting documents to the travel I am single and have the same family name with my niece and nephew, could I apply for an interview schedule as a family ?

Can i have you email Address pls. I am currently here in Abu Dhabi, and would like to clarify things please.

Hi sir, My Family is planning to go to Los Angeles, USA to visit my father in law who is already bed ridden. Can you give tips for us to qualify and be able to pass the interview. We are worry that we might not be able to grant visa and will just waste the application fee, Thanks and regards, Richard


can you please give me some hint bout the question being ask by the consul? and if its ok to apply a US tourist VISA even without traveling to any other country?

Thank you very much for your guide and tips, indeed very helpful. Approved visa for me and my sister, awaiting for our passports with US visa in 5 days. God bless!

wow! thank you for the nice article on how to avail of some Philippine visa and immigration services!

hello im eunice from Philippines. nagmeet na po kame ng boyfriend ko dito sa pilipinas from usa po sya. nagpaplano po kame na mag apply ako ng tourist visa . ok lang po ba na mag apply ako pero wala po akong stable work? nag woworried lang ako baka kase madenied ako dahil wala akong work. pero yung bf ko ang mag sponsor saken. thanks for answering i hope u will read this asap. thank u maam

hello Eunice… any update? nakakuha ka ba Visa? im going to apply din kasi..

Hi Ms Anne, Just want clarification about the “Date of Arrival:” indicated in the DS160 Form… does it refer to the expected Arrival when you come back to the Phil? or the expected Arrival in the US? if given the Visa…

Thank you and good day:-)

Hi Anne, thanks for writing this. 🙂

I’ve already started filling out the online application for a tourist visa to the US. However, I sort of hit a dead end when I got to the purpose of travel. I’m planning to visit my brother (been living there for 2 years pa lang) in the US but the categories/options for the purpose of travel doesn’t include visiting siblings.

I tried calling the helpline at the embassy but I can’t get through.

Also, my other option is to have my mother apply to visit my brother and then I could accompany her (senior citizen). The only problem in that is I don’t think I have enough money in the bank to support both of us. hehe!

I don’t have properties to my name. But I’ve been with my current company for 10 years now and have also traveled to other Asian countries for work. I could get employment certificate easily.

I really want to visit the US and bring my mother there. However, I can’t afford to reapply if I get denied the first time. Haha! So I want to make sure I have higher chances of making it.

What else can I prepare? Thank you so much in advance! 🙂

P.S. If you don’t mind, did you marry the bf you visited? 🙂

Just try ,come what may. It takes 3 to 5minutes interview and most of consul didn’t asked for the supporting documents. Senior citizen has a big chance to get tourist visa.Good luck

Hi, is it easier to get a Canadian VISA rather than US VISA?

Hi! I have a 3 month boyfriend from Chicago and I was planning to visit him this coming January or February 2019. My first travel abroad is on November 2018 which is in Taiwan. I am working for almost 5 years and 2 months. When it comes to savings, I have but not too much. Is there a chance for me to get a tourist visa? Please help me. Thank you so much.

AUGUST 1, 2018 AT 4:47 AM Hi! I have a 3 month boyfriend from Chicago and I was planning to visit him this coming January or February 2019. My first travel abroad is on November 2018 which is in Taiwan. I am working for almost 5 years and 2 months. When it comes to savings, I have but not too much. Is there a chance for me to get a tourist visa? Please help me. And also I dont have any relatives leaving in the US but I have in Canada 🙁

Hi Joyce, gusto ko rin sana visit BF ko sa US. Na approve ka ba?

Hello Ms. Anne,

I am a U.S. citizen who wants a filipina to visit me in the USA with a tourist visa for 1 month. She is employed but doesn’t own property or have a bank account. I will be her guarantor when she is here, but for her proof of assets can I set up a USA Joint Bank Account here so that she can successfully use the Bank Statement at her interview instead of her needing a local individual bank account? A joint bank account is payable to either person, so legally she owns anything in the account.

That would be extremely unwise Donald. What’s to stop her from just withdrawing everything and leaving you holding the bag?

I’m planning to travel to the US with my wife on December and spend some time with my in laws. My wife is a US Citizen and will just stay there for 2 weeks. The trip will be sponsored by my in laws and my wife is staying here with me in the Philippines. How likely will i get approved? Thank you.

Hello. I wanted to solicit opinion from you regarding my 16 year old niece. Her grandma wants to sponsor her to visit US where the grandma leaves. Do you think she can be granted tourist visa? Her mother and younger sister together with her stepdad will also allow her. Are there specific requirements for her being minor? Thank you

The parents must accompany the minor during the interview.. once she get the visa then a different requirement is needed for the airport/ immigration.

Hello po, Magtatanong sana ako tungkol sa tourist visa.. nag fill up ako ng form for ds160 kasi may naka lagay na purpose of travel kaso wala naman travel to visit family (mother and sister). pleasure visitor, cultural visitor , others( child of a N8 and special.. ) atbp. ano ba dapat ilagay ko don? yon kasi purpose ko sa pag travel to visit my family and tour

waiting for petition napo ako… pero kailangan ko nalang muna mag apply ng tourist visa..

maraming salamat po…

Ms, Kach I would like to ask you about visiting my Aunt in US. She wants me to be there for like at least 1-2 months. we have family business here in Philippines, i have bank acc both dollar and peso. Is there a chance to get Visa Approval? Thank You.

How are you? Hi, Im planning to apply a tourist visa in US maybe this coming august, I would like to ask if i can make my Aunt as my sponsor for my trip coz we are going together if ever i will be approved and she is the one also handling my expenses in US. Im going to apply in US Embassy in Kuwait coz we im living and work here in kuwait and my aunt is a Kuwait Citizen. Looking forward for your answer thank you.

How are you? Hi, Im planning to apply a tourist visa in US maybe this coming august, I would like to ask if i can make my Aunt as my sponsor for my trip coz we are going together if ever i will be approved and she is the one also handling my expenses in US. Im going to apply in Kuwait US embassy coz we are living in kuwait and my aunt is a Kuwait Citizen. Looking forward for your answer thank you.

Hi Ms. Anne! I’d like to ask if you do have any idea about Sponsored US Tourist visa. And if you do, I’d be grateful if you will give me information on how to apply for it. Thank you!

Hello Miss Jewel,

Before anything else I would like to give you some details about me in order for you to understand the whole picture. I’m an OFW based here in Bahrain working as an Accounting Assistant for 2 years and 4 months as of July 2018. My sister is here also and we’re in the same company.

I’m planning to apply for a US tourist visa in the coming months, however I am hesitant weather to declare or not that I have a relative(brother of my Father in NY with his family) there. As much as I want to declare I’m thinking that maybe they will take it against me and think that I will extend my stay or become TNT there since I have relatives. On the other hand what if the consul finds out during their screening that I have relatives there in NY, would that be a big problem and will lead to my rejection since I lied that I don’t have relatives even if I do? PS. we share the same last name and I’m planning to visit New York which unfortunately where they are in also. Please help me.

If the Consul Officer asks you if you have relative(s) in the US then say, Yes if there really is. Usually, the follow-up question is, are you going to visit him/her. This time it’s up to you what to answer… but, remember always answer with honesty.

Me, I said, I have a cousin that I didn’t see for 15 years and no plan to visit him because we don’t have contacts.

But, if your uncle is TNT there that is another story to tell… good luck.

Unfortunately my application has been been denied last August 5, 2018. Below is the detailed transcript of how my interview goes. Please give me advise how to do it better on my application in the future or what went wrong with my answers during my interview.

ACCUPATION: OFW in Bahrain for 2 years and 7 months – ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT COUNTRY VISIT IN 5 YEARS: Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Hong Kong, Georgia and Taiwan.

P.S. I was told by my Aunt that my Uncle petitioned my Grandpa and Grandma(father side – both deceased) before and that both of my grandparents were green card holder, i was in primary school at this time that i even dont know these facts that during my online application and my interview i said I HAVE NO RELATIVES IN THE US. My Aunt told me that maybe they also traced these records as my grandparents listed before all the names of their children when they migrated in US(during online application you need to fill up the name of you mother and father).

CONSUL: Why you want to go to USA?

ME: For tourism purposes.

CONSUL: What state you wish to visit?

ME: New York.

CONSUL: How long have you been here in Bahrain?

ME: 2 years and 7 months.

CONSUL: What do you do?

ME: Im an Accounts Assistant.

CONSUL: In what company?

ME: *************

CONSUL: Do you have relatives in the USA?

CONSUL: Why you choose this particular hotel?(referring to hotel i put on my online application)

ME: The price is affordable.

CONSUL: So why this hotel?

ME: Its near to restaurants and subway stations.

CONSUL: All Hotels in NY is near to subway stations and restaurants.

CONSUL: What countries have you been to?

ME: Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Hong Kong, Georgia and just recently Taiwan.

CONSUL: I don’t see that you have strong ties here in Bahrain and you will come back after your US trip. Unfortunately i cannot grant you a US visa for today, in the future you may reapply if you established your self.

Hi. I’ve been planning to apply for a US Tourist Visa because my bf wants me to visit him in the US since he is scared of flying alone and have’t been to outside US just only on a cruise. He also booked a 5 days Cruise for both of us. I only plan to stay there for 2 weeks since i have a business and manage the business of my parents. i also have a 8 year old daughter who is studying here. No bank account since i invested all my money in business. i was advised by relatives and friends not to tell that i have a bf since we haven’t met in person only talked and video call everyday and might end up being denied for a Visa. hope you can advise me if i’ll declare my bf since he will be the one sponsoring my trip for 2 weeks. thanks in advance.

There is No sponsorship allowed for a USA Visitors visa thats only for a fiance or spouse visa, you must prove that you have funds to pay and fund your trip.The 1 most approved applicants that are showing proof that you have work or a business with a sustainable income esp a career job.

Good info u have left thanks for that. But my question is does she need to have any shots to come here….. Thanks in advance

Hello Eddie…who is applying?

I am planning to apply for a tourist visa this Aug. since im planning to go to NY by Nov. Fall (hopefully) to visit my cousins. I am currently employed for 5 years with my current company and have also visited 6 countries for the past 2 years. I am just quite nervous since its a bit pricey to apply for a visa haha do you think there’s a big chance for me to get approved? I am also confused on what to bring. Bank certificate or bank statements. Also, Im planning to stay about 9 days atleast or 2 weeks at most depends on my employer. 🙁 Im hoping to get a response from you! 🙂

Be truthful and confident and go for a shot. Based on your employment track and travel history you’re more than qualified to get visa approval. I suggest that you bring bank statements for at least 3 months. But, if you can support it with a bank certificate it is much better. Good luck.

Hi! I am confused to answer this question, “Have you ever been refused a U.S. Visa, or been refused admission to the United States, or withdrawn your application for admission at the port of entry?” I was denied before due to lack of evidence such as family ties. Is refused same as denied? Please help me how will I answer the above mentioned question. Thank you in advance, Lovely MAY

Yes po it’s the same.

Hi Ms. Kach! I have plan to spend my vacation in US but this is the first time na magtatravel abroad ako. Do I have a chance na maapproved ang visa ko?

Hello Ms Greta,

Give it a shot

All the best

Hello, Ms. Anne! I am an incoming freshman college student. I’ll be celebrating my 18th birthday this December 2018. Coincidentally, my first cousin’s wedding will be on December too. He is a green card holder and inviting me to attend his wedding as part of the entourage. So, i asked my parents to allow me to go there as my birthday present. My father is working abroad and my mother is a regular housewife. Do i have a chance of being approved if i apply for a tourist visa? Please advise me what to do. Thanks in advance. God bless!

US visa application is mainly based on documentary pieces of evidence plus travel history and means of financial support. But, if you are confident enough then give it a shot.

Hi! I have a question I hope you can answer me 🙂 I just got my visa today in instant! and just less than 2mins hehe thank god. now my question how many days it will take to delivery my passport? then tomorrow is holiday? cos I’m I already book my ticket next week but not in US. I tot I wasn’t able to pass this interview thats why I book. 🙁

I’m kinda worry baka Hindi lang po siya 5days or a week? I read your blog you already receive your Passport days only. my consultant said wait for my visa in a week? is that true?

I just want to ask if you happen to have a Schengen Visa before applying your B2?

Thank you! I hope i could get a reply from you.

Hi,can i ask for assistance, i just want to ask how will i get a guam tourist visa? Thank you in advance.

May I ask your citizenship M’? Thank you

Hi, hoping to receive a reply from you. Do I have a chance getting a U.S. Tourist Visa? Here’s my details.

Single 27 years old Living with Father only With I-130 pending petition (F2B Visa Petition filed by my mother greencard holder) Relatives such as mom, brother, aunt, uncle, grandma, grandpa all living in US Bank Officer Taking Masters Degree (but currently stop for a term) With Savings/Investments With Car Loan under my name

Hello, Jessie! of course You do! everybody does! let me know if you need more help 🙂

Anyone with a pending petition or immigrant visa application has a high chance of denial getting a tourist visa. You can only do one application at a time. Applying for a B2 while on a petition will make them think that you are trying to hasten and skip the immigration process.

Hi Ms Dina!

I just want to ask. In the form it ask if you have friends or family/relatives is the USA.

My question is, I have BUT i’m going there as tourist by myself without asking any help from them.

Do I still need fill-out that part of the form about my friends/relatives information?

Hello, Cathy. Yes you still do.

Hello Miss Ann

Give me some advice please, I’ve been in USA last year for 2months stay with my daughter we came home last year November but its a different visa , than the Visa I am applying right now and we not overstay there in USA. My visa interview schedule will be this coming May 4, B2 visa i am applying this time and i am planning to travel alone to visit my sister that will giving birth to their first child this coming first week of June and i am planning to do some tour too and stay there for 1 month, And my brother in law is my sponsor for my whole trip, my sister status there in USA is still on going AOS. I’ve been in Singapore too last January for tour. My strong ties is i own a business here in Philippines a passenger business car, I am a tax payer, I own a house, and i have my bank account too but i not have a big amount. What else i need to bring? I’ll wait your reply Miss Ann thanks

Hi Ms. Anne,my name is Porsh. I am an online homebased teacher. i would like to ask,is it possible i can get a US Visa even just as a tourist,? how many months will it take to process? Hope to hear from you.

Hello Porsh! Of course you can! I can definitely help you. do you have any more questions?

Hi miss angelica.

I just want to know if i can go and get a visa to see my GF in USA. I’m 22 years old right now and I have 1 year job experience but right now i just resigned and going to have a Homebased Job. I want to visit my GF there but not now cause i dont have enough money but mag iipon naman po ako i just want to know if i can get a visa even if its only a homebased job and also im too young and thats the only reason for my visa to visit my GF? I really want to see my GF there she’s a pilipina but it’s hard for her to go home in philippines because of her mom my edad na and need bantayan yung family nila sa US you think i can pass this VISA or the interview and go to her?

if any one can answer please email me [email protected] Thanks a lot. Godbless please help me. Thanks

Hello po gudam. Tanong lang ,what if yong bf ko low of fenancial? Kc yong pera niya from disability LNG e,. My opinion po ba kayo? Kung my chance po ba na makakuha ako ng visa.salamat

Medyo complicated sya unless you yourself can show proof na you can finance your trip.. Just make sure you have supporting documents!

Is there a required amount po ba? thanks

Hi, I really do encourage about your article. Personally, i tried to seek information through agencies regarding VISA and how to get there in the USA as tourist but when i hear them i was actually discourage. Then i postponed our planned to visit my boyfriend and his family. Now, I just wanna ask something. When you visit your boyfriend before which is your husband now in the USA, have you both met already in person? Either in the Philippines or other country?

Hello Renalgen, I actually have a lot of travel mentoring clients who have never met their boyfriend before but they were able to get a Visa. I usually suggest that you meet somewhere else though!

Check my mentoring here –

Don’t lose hope! =)

Dear Ms. Anne

May I consult with you about getting the B2 visa? I am currently is a college student, junior. I have a best friend who is a male and all other friends such as my host family who I met when I used to study in America for 10 moths in my high school era. I am a Malaysian who lives in Japan and have Malaysian passport holder. I actually applied for B2 visa in 2016 when I just got accepted by my university in Japan, which means that I haven’t enrolled in the university yet and I got denied for B2 from U.S embassy in japan. I would like to give my second chance this summer and should I not say that I am going to stay with my male bestfriend during my visit in US? is it risky to apply for 10 year multiple visa than 6 moths single visa entry? When you applied for the visa did you mention that you were visiting your boyfriend? please give me an advice and thank you so much or your time. your blog has given me a light in my dream to visit US.

Hello, me and my siblings are US citizens even my parents so will there be a higher chance of my aunt to be approved for us visa B-2?

Hi Ms. Kach!

Just recently I was denied to travel to Singapore. I worked there for 7 years and now I’m back here in Philippines for good. I was supposed to have my vacation there for 6 days to visit my friends. I showed the officers all the necessary documents to prove that I will be going back to Philippines but to no avail. I just want to check if that would affect my chances of traveling to USA in the future. I have a 10 year Multiple entry Visa to US, I’ve been there once for a vacation. I have plans of going back to USA to visit my friend but too scared that I will be denied again the chance to travel. Appreciate your immediate response. Thank you!

Hi Mam, WE are planning to visit my sister in the US next year but I have some questions 1. I have a 9 year old daughter, do they have the same requirements for applying a Tourist Visa for her? 2. Im travelling with my 68 year old father, do they need documents from a Senior Cetizen?

3. As of me I travelled to Morocco for five days this February 2018.

hi ms. k! been reading all your post and replies sa mga comment regarding applying visa, mine kasi is different sa ibang nag aapply for us tourist visa. last month yung sister ko na nasa us na bigla nya kong sinabihan na mag attend kami ng 1st birthday ng anak nya sa sept. sabi nya siya bahala sa pamasahe namin and kami bahala sa visa. now heres my situation, im a fulltime mom of my 2 yr old daughter and si hubby ko lang ang may work. dati akong ofw sa uae pero nung namatay mom ko last 2013 nag for good na ko ng pinas since walang mag aasikaso ng mga properties namin dito sa pinas kasi yung father ko nasa saudi til now at yung youngest sister ko paalis na din. so ayun, what can you advise po apply na kami for visa and mag set ng appointment this april or do we need to wait muna for ilang months para yung sa bank account namin malagyan namin ng pakonte konte ulit dahil naubos last month dahil sa bday nung daughter ko. basta po ang reason lang naman namin is to attend ng bday nung nephew ko then stay ng 2 to 3 weeks max siguro. thanks po in advance sa pag sagot.

Hello Ms. Anne!

I was searching on how to get US Visa and would like to ask some question. My situation is different from others who had an american BF or husband. I am applying for US Visa to go to Hawaii, I am invited by my Japanese boyfriend to meet him there while he is on his business trip. Please help me what kind of documents I should prepare other than COE, Bank statement, passport, Income tax, insurance, and payslips? You’re reply would be a great help.

Thank you! Angeline

I trust you are well. I would just like your honest opinion and advise regarding my plans to apply for a US tourist visa. My appointment with the US embassy will be on April. Here are the facts about me:

1. Currently living and working in Dubai, UAE for 3 years now (same company) 2. Traveled countries in the last 2 years: – Maldives (once) – Oman (once) – Hongkong (once) – Singapore (once) – Indonesia (once) – Malaysia (once) – Philippines (twice) 3. Residency in Dubai: I can provide an affidavit signed by my cousin here in Dubai that I am renting the other room in their flat along with our other cousin. I will also attach the tenancy contract certified by a lawyer. 4. My bf and I have already met in the Philippines for 18 days last January 2018. Its our first-time meeting. We’ve been together/in a LDR relationship since January 2017. 5. My reason for applying for a US tourist visa: we want to celebrate our bdays together for 2 weeks on August, and for me to finally get to know his family and touring the states with them.

I want to do everything by the book, and since he has already visited me in the Philippines, I believe it’s now my turn to visit him in his homeland country. I have 3 weeks remaining vacation leave for year 2018, and I want to use 2 weeks of that visiting my bf and his family.

Do you think I have a chance of getting that visa due to that reason? Looking forward to your response.

Hi again! Dumaan ako sa agency kasi i cannot upload the photos but after paying i was told sa agency na di rin nila nauupload ang photos and i just need to bring photo sa interview na lang is it true?

Why do you need the agency’s help? Usually you need to bring as well to make sure na you’re prepared.

Hi Ms. Kach Im planning to launch my application this month and my interview aswell, but im not the one who will going to finance my trip , my friend from the US will sponsor my trip .(He is actually my boyfriend but we are afraid that if i we declared that we are bf/gf i might get denied . What should we do ?? Help please . Thanks.

I can definitely help, Kimberly! Check my coaching service here –>

Good day, Ms. Kach. I would like to ask you about visiting my boyfriend in the US. He wants me to be there for like at least three months. I said I don’t have money, properties etc to present during my interview. He said he will sponsor me. He will provide everything I need for my stay, as my sponsor. How is that po kaya?I read there are documents that he has to provide and send me to prove that he’ll provide for me. Thank you and God bless.

Hi Ms. Cach Im planning to launch my application this month and my interview aswell, but im not the one who will going to finance my trip , my friend from the US will sponsor my trip .(He is actually my boyfriend but we are afraid that if i we declared that we are bf/gf i might get denied . What should we do ?? Help please . Thanks.

hello po, nagapply na po ko last 2 years ago and na-deny po ako. and plan ko po mag apply next month kaso may question po sa form na have you ever been denied (answer YES) then may next question na EXPLAIN, tanong lang po kung ano dapat na isagot dun?

Salamat po.

Isulat mo dun ung palagay mong dahilan kung bakit ka na-deny! Usually sinasabi sayo, pag hindi then isulat mo ung palagay mong naging mali.

Hi Kach! Can i ask tru Mai’s comment? I am applying kasi for a us visa for the whole family thru an agency and ive been having insecurities now that ive paid 60k plus (sayang if denied kami). We’ve got extensive travel history throughout asia and im applying now for a visit to guam. My agent is hesitant with the 4days stay i wrote in the application baka daw di maniwala si consul but thats our usual itinerary kasi we cant stay long because of the business. My eldest is working, second is unemployed and two youngest graduating jn college and senior high. I have a pending petition but petitioner chose to retire here since 2011 pa. do you think we will get approval?

Wow, why thru an agency? They can’t guarantee na you’ll be approved tapos ang USA visa application naman ay only $160 per person.I even had a pending petition but I got my visa approved so hindi batayan having a petition to get rejected. Make sure you just practice explaining yourselves during the interview po and make sure that your interview appointment is at the same time or as a group/family.

Hi Ms. Kach,

I am currently based here in Dubai and I have a good career here. I have a boyfriend who hailed from the U.S. We are planning to get married this year so I planned to apply for a tourist visa first here in Dubai since most of the people I know advised me to apply for the tourist visa first but my application got denied and the officer informed me that the US Visa application was not strong enough.

Now I want to know because me and my boyfriend have decided that I will apply for a fiance visa. How soon can I apply for a fiance visa? Do I need to wait for 6 months to apply again?

Thanks, Juju

Hi! I would like to ask would it be hard for me to pass the visa application if I will go to the US to visit my bf? I don’t have an employment certificate to show since I am managing our family business. The business had been running for more than 18 years. What kind of documents do you think they will be asking? I’ve always wanted to apply for a visa but I’m scared to get rejected.

Hope to hear from you guys! Thanks so much!

Last night I asked my Aunt when can I visit her in New York, and she asked me to do research on what to do in order for me to visit her. So I look to the web and see your article. im currently working in the Hospital in the province of Bulacan. I dont have any travel history. I dont have any property to declare.

what is the minimum financial statement needed in order for the consul to convince that I can support my travel in US?

I wrote it here po –

Hi! I would like to ask what are the chances of my daughter getting rejected? I have an existing US Visa and I’m only applying for my daughter. I am still studying and currently on my sophomore year (only 19 years old). Unmarried and I have been to the US before. My daughter’s father is a permanent resident there already. I have been to a few countries before and just recently been to Australia and Hong Kong with my daughter and family. I have no financial capacity and it will be my dad who would be paying for the trip. The only ties I have is that I’m coming back to continue my studies and finish my degree. My daughter will also start school this June. Should I enroll her already for her to have ties as well?

I think your daughter can get the visa esp if her father will provide supporting documents and if he will be the one filing for the application. But if it’s not possible, then I suggest make an arrangement with the tour/ reasons why you’re going to the States with your family and enroll her so you have more proof of ties.

How many months is the minimum visa duration given to a tourist if not given a multiple visa?

Hi. I am not sure if you will be able to answer this but I will try. I got married and is planning to renew my passport using my married name but I am worried that my travel history will not be considered when applying for US visa because I traveled alot before I got married but using my maiden name. Will this affect my visa results?

Hello Anne,

I am planning to renew my B1/B2 visa, and my parents have said that they were not asked to upload documents like ITR, CoE, bank statements, etc for their visa renewal. I am worried because I resigned from my job 3 months ago and I don’t know what to put in my DS 160. I am actively looking for jobs right now and I have been freelancing these past few weeks. I’ve been to the States twice and have been to other countries and I have enough funds in the bank. Is it better if I declare self-employed/freelancer in my DS 160?

Hi I’ve been denied recently due to lack of significant ties. The VO officer only asked about my boyfriend and not about me. He has regular rental income from his properties and he also buy and sell properties. Currently he also applied part time at Macys. Although my boyfriend will not sponsor me because this will be a surprise supposedly. The problem is they didnt even ask for my documents. Im single and with a US citizen boyfriend but I’m a single mom of a 14 yr old kid and an only child. I’m also the breadwinner of the family. All of my family is living here in the Philippines and no relatives in the US. Im currently employed within the same company for almost 13 years and i cant be away from my company and family for too long, I will be lucky enough to get 2 weeks of leave. So I have all the reasons to return. I dont have any travel history outside the country because of lack of time and money before. But now im financially capable to pay for myself and I just want to visit my boyfriend because he cant come to the Philippines next year for his birthday until he settle one of his properties. Can i reapply again asap? Because i really want to be with him on his birthday at least on April. Your immediate response is greatly appreciated

not too soon my dear…you’ll get the same denial…get the chance to get visa from Japan as proof of your purpose as tourist, to travel places…the VO’s thinking is, US is not the only country you can visit, since you are applying for a tourist visa…you need to establish that there has been big changes in your passport and life after getting a denial. just a hint, i did the same thing too 🙂

I am planning to visit my boyfriend in the US, this would be our first time to meet. I do have a stable job here in the Philippines, and I can support myself traveling to US. What is my chance to have an approved visa?

Cathy, I think the comment I left for Charm applies to you as well. Be careful with your documentation, a strong reason to return (where identifying critical documents to prove is important which depends from case to case, I am not a Visa Specialist to guide you on this but don’t go by one rule for all) and most importantly, you shouldn’t be seen as a probable immigrant. As Sid had told me, due to a surge in such incidents, US Govt now is far more vigilant than ever before. Wish you the best my friend, hope you get to meet your BF soon. BTW, having a stable job in Philippines doesn’t carry weight, you got to show through lot other means too.

Hi! I have an American Fiance and we are planning to get married in Florida U.S.A where he is from. An Immigration lawyer adviced him to come to the Philippines and marry me here then we can Go back together as spouses. My fiance cannot leave his work for long. I was a former gov’t employee and I resigned for my purpose of going to US. I have enough funds to support my trip. What is the best solution. Thank you.

Hi there Ms.Anne,

Hope all is well!

Just want to ask, I and my bf are planning to get US Visa here in PH Embassy, my Q is can we go together and get interviewed at the same time? FYI..I have a few travel abroad history (studied in China)My bf had been issued US Visa by his company before but never used it and about to expire soon. (Business Visa). Your response will be highly appreciated. Thank you.

Do you think I’ll pass? Hi! Thank you for this blog. I already booked an appointment and from Iloilo. 25 years old, female and single. I’ve got an invitation from my client and they invite me to go to US for a team building and a speaker for a seminar and business proposal. Will stay there for 1 week. I am a self employed individual working at home (online job) as a market researcher (job title) in this company based in the US for 1 year and half right now. I don’t have travel records outside of the country but has savings account and investments in the bank and stock market. Will be getting a certificate of business registration from BIR soon and professional tax receipt from LGU. For the expense of the trip, my client will pay and book the accommodation for me and for the ticket I will be the one to purchase it and will be reimbursed later.

Questions Is getting a BIR certificate of registration and Professional tax receipt justify my strong ties in the country (for the interview)? Is travel records is a big factor?

Travel stamps is a plus factor

Jam, having the client invitation for a business purpose is by far the best. I feel, you have a good chance, just request your client to mention that they are sponsoring you end to end with no cost on you which includes your round trip travel airfare, accommodation and even your daily travel through Uber will be covered. If they can mention, why your visit is important and how they will be benefited by your visit it will help your case. Always remember, US Visa Officers are not an applicant’s enemy, they are just like us, doing their jobs. All that they would like to see is clarity, purpose and definitely your safety when you are far away from your motherland. There is no need to be frightened is what I learned in my training, and I will tell you, I did feel the same. The talk with my visa officer was pleasant, a lovely handsome young man who was less than 40. Couldn’t ask his name though 🙁 hehe Good luck.

Hey, I am really hijacking Anne’s blog, so let me shutup and let Anne handle. I am on FB, will check intermittently, if I see your message, will answer for sure. Pardon me for the delays which for sure will happen. Will try to get back to your messages soon. Sorry Anne. Good luck all.

Hi Jam! I’m interested sa update ng application mo. I also work from home (online job) and my client from the US invited me to visit them. Was your visa approved? Ano yung mga documents na hinanap ng embassy? Thanks!

Just would like to inquire about US Visa unintentionally got stamped (departure stamped) by immigration officer in the Philippines. Would there be any problem when entering the US?

Tanung ko lng po. Applicable paba para satin filipinos ang invitation letter of support galing sa american citizen? Wla kc akung income. Do u think it would help? I can prove to them I’ll go home after vacation. Its just bka kc ndi na applicable and invitation letter

My husband plan to bring me in his home country which is USA we are married 3 years ago but i never been there in his country since he decided to stay with me here , so now he want me to bring there and visit for 1 month , what are the documents we need to secure aside from passport i have a passport already but i didnt change my maiden name to his name…. thank you and Im waiting for your reply as advice…..

No, it will not help. I’ve already proven. The consul will not even ask for it. The applicant has to prove his capability to support himself financially for the trip.

Thank you for your tips.

I plan to reapply and was denied once. Will it help if i have an invitation from my brother, who’s a U.S. citizen?

Yes, letter of invitation is still necessary.but it also depends from the sponsor if they will provide the rest of the needed documents as the Sponsor

Good evening thanks for the info my husband is a U.S marine and want us to visit him there me and our daughter but how can we approve if you need to prove them that u can support your self financially what if my husband is gonna shoulder everything is it possible to approve or get our visa? Hope you reply thanks

Hi, I happened to stumbled on your blog as i was researching about getting a visa to us. My husband and I were denied of visa way back 2015 we are applying before to attend an annual summit for an organization we are both officers of that organization but we are still denied due to lack of significant ties. We are applying again this month to try our luck to celebrate our anniversary and work promotion. we have 2 sons (4 and 6 yrs old) both studying and we owned a small business. our passport is recently renewed and the only travel history we had are malaysia and brunei . do you think this might increase our chances of getting a visa?

Hi miss Anne I’m single Mom and ofw but I hve Boyfriend stay and do work in Hawaii now his invited me to visit him I just want to ask it’s better I do by myself to process my documents than ask a travel agency to help me to process all my documents..tnx a lot

WHAT if I don’t have a property documents?

Just any proof that you have income. I also didn’t have any properties to declare!

hi! I am a registered nurse here in the Philippines and my family and I are planning to spend the christmas holidays in the US. I’ve been to 6 countries with 5 years multiple entry visa in Japan. Do you think I will get approve? what do I need to do to convince the consul I’m just going there to have a vacation with my family 🙁

HI po Ms Anne,

Upon searching for US visa application tips, I stumbled on your site 🙂 I have several questions po, hope you can advise me.

My & hubbys info: Both working in UAE for 9 yrs Me working for 5 yrs in my present company. Hubby is an IT guy but just recently transferred to another company from Jan 2017 but he’s been working for 9 yrs straight and 8 yrs to his previous company. Will his stay at his current company (which is only less than 6 months) will be a factor for denial?

I have completed the form and we have already scheduled on interview.

Thanks! Tinker

Such a nice information on USA Immigration Services step by step procedures. Thanks for sharing you knowledge with us………………

I wish to ask anybody from this forum: – were going to florida, which airport is better ( JFK or LAX ) – what’s the best mode of transportation around

FLORIDA is very far from JFK (NEW YORK) and also waaaaaay far from LAX. You need to choose a flight to MIAMI or ORLANDO.

Best mode of transportation? Renting your own car or flying (taking flights!)

Which part of Florida are you headed? You should consider a flight directly – ORL, MIA, FLL, JAX, etc. etc. JFK is in the East Coast, LAX is in the West Coast — far from Florida. Best mode of transportation once you’re in FL, either rent a car or take a cab or bus.

hi there! if you actually submitted an online US visa application in September 2016 and have not scheduled an interview yet until April 2017, do you need to do another online application?

Excellent and simple, I always thought applying for US visa is not that easy because people always say it’s a big deal, thanks to make things clear and easy, it really gives me confidence to go ahead.

My uncle a U.S citizen who had a stroke and wheel chair bound, requested me to accompany him for medical appointment. The question is their possibility to passed the interview even though I’m single, 27 years old but i have a permanent job. My intended leave of absence is only for two to three weeks. My intention is to accompany him not to have a vacation in the U.S.

thanks.,i’ll wait for your reply..

Hi im going to apply a tourist visa my question is how long it will takes to buy ticket once visa is approved? Thanks wait for your reply

You can buy your ticket as soon as you have the confirmation that your visa application is approve. Just consider the date when you can get your passport back nefore your travel date ?

Hello, I’m planning to get a visa. My bf is inviting me to visit him,he wrote a letter inviting me and my brother for a 3 months stay with him, he was here last month with us. My question is, will there be a problem if I am still married with my ex but separated for 10 years now? But in my application still it appears married for we are not yet legally separated. Will there be no question about that? Another is I am not employed, but my bf will shoulder all the expenses, and lastly, my old passport was lost my last travel was September 2016 , thanks in advance hope you can answer my queries.

I have the same situation…i’m married but separated for 4yrs now. My bf inviting me to visit at houston texas. Not yet annuled so my question is, will it be a big problem to approve my visa? Pls help me with this. Thanks.

i dont have a travel history this will be my first (if given the chance) . will that be a reason for denial with no travel history?

Applicant’s travel history is one of the things the interviewer will ask and it will be a big advantage if you have previous travels but its not all that. You just need to convince them and prove to them that you have the intention to go back to your home country and will leave US as soon as your permitted stay expires.

Hi. Is it really necessary that my passport need to be active for atleast 6 months ?. I just got it last December and im planning to travel this april, will I be denied coz of that ?

yep. less than 6 months then it won’t be allowed in International travel.

It was indicated on one of the websites I read “Q.1 How long does my passport have to be valid in order to apply for a U. S. visa? You must possess a passport valid for travel to the United States with a validity date at least six months beyond your intended period of stay in the United States”

So, another thing pla is that your passport is active for the past 6 months. Meaning you won’t be allowed to get visa or travel internationally if it’s less than 6 months?

Yep and anywhere in the world – always required to have a passport with 6 months validity before you can enter/ travel.

Report ko lang po 🙂

Upon searching for US visa application tips, I stumbled on your site ? I have several questions po, hope you can advise me.

My & hubbys info: Both working in UAE for 9 yrs Me working for 5 yrs in my present company. Hubby is an IT guy but just recently transferred to another company from Jan 2017 but he’s been working for 9 yrs straight and 8 yrs to his previous company. Will his stay at his current company (which is only less than 6 months) will be a factor for denial?

Repost po Sorry

Active as in you have used it? NO. That doesnt matter when you apply for US visa.

Your passport needs to be VALID for at least 6months from the time of tour intended travel.

Hello Rachelle,

No, your passport doesn’t need to be active. What you should be wary about is its expiration because the immigration officers in any country will not allow you to depart when your passport will expire below 6 months.

please help me po I am 22 years old and I have bf for 5 years and he already visited me here for 4 times already 3 consecutive years and next year we decided for me to visit there and see his world but the thing is I dont have bank account but he will be the one to support everything financially. What can you suggest? do you think I can be approved?

by the way he’s in Canada, please I really need help coz I heard agencies will just make money still got chance to be denied

i never traveled outside Philippines, is it a big factor to not get approved?

Its not big factor but it is a factor. Having a travel history is an advantage when you apply for US visa but its not all that.

hi, i have a problem in uploading photo, my photo passed the quality standards but when i continue uploading the photo, lagi nageerror “an error occurred while processing your photo, pls try again later” what dhould i do? thanks.

Hello Miss Anne,bank statement means international account?how about Phil accounts not acceptable and there’s a specific account on it?my friend will do an invitation letter for me there,,is it needful for me?im applying a job there,,

Thank you, Ms. May Anne! Had my interview last friday and just received my passport with multiple entry(10 years)

✓Single ✓21 y/o ✓Unemployed ✓Registered Nurse ✓Freelance tutor ✓Sponsored by mom

Questions asked: 1.Purpose? – To have a tour and visit relatives 2. Work? – Freelance tutor 3. How long? – 6 months 4. Salary? – ***** 5. Travel History? – been to 4 countries

** type lang ng type yung consul habang kinakabahan ako kakahintay kung anong sasabihin niya.

Consul: Congratulations! You will receive your passport after 5 working days. Don’t work there(while pointer her finger on me while smiling). Me: Thank you, Happy thanksgiving! ? Consul: Happy thanksgiving

Scary lang while waiting kasi you can hear a lot of people getting denied even they are qualified enough, Pray lang kay Lord pinganglaban ko ?

Hi! Did you choose “Not Employed” when you filled up your DS-160 form?

Hi Reyy! Were you required to present ITR?

Congratulations on your visa approval.

May I ask though if you can specify the four countries you’ve visited in the past?

Thank you 🙂

Hi Anne! Im going to visit my bf in northeast india for 6 months.. I’m already stressed everyday how I will pass the visa interview. I don’t know whether I will tell them the truth or not. I’m worried I might not get lucky to pass it and the last thing I want to happen is to be denied. Do u have any great tips for me? Do u recommend me telling them the truth or should I just tell them I will do touring and visit my friends? Pls kindly reply to me. I need badly an advice from u. Thank you and God bless ! You’re so lucky to be granted! ?

Hi maam. I badly needed your advice. Im currently here in US. Im filipino married last july 2016 to a us citizen. We already apply for greencard and it was recieved in uscis last october 5th 2016. So im still waiting for it. But due to some circumtances in my family, im planning to go back home this december in Philippines. My question is, am I allow to return here US? Without my greencard yet? Pls advice me. Thank you so much

I already replied to your email! =)

Hi, I like reading your blog about this US tourist visa for filipino. It gives me hope, really! Because I’m planning to apply for tourist visa by next year to visit my Boyfriend in connecticut. I’m just wondering, based on your blog, when the consul ask you “why are u going to the US” then you confidently answered that you are going to visit your boyfriend. And yes during that time you are still working in the philippines. This exactly my situation! 🙂 Which it gives me hope because the consul grant you a multiple visa right after that short interview, just wow! Now, my question. 1. Do you think the consul that will have me interview for my tourist visa will give me approval as i will answered him/her the same way as you did?because i have reason to come back here, i have work for years already. 2. Do you think if i’m going to tell them that i’m going to the US for vacation and visit my BOYFRIEND will not lead them to think that maybe i will just have to get married there and not to comeback in the philippines. (which i would never do that though, going there for visit only) 3. Is it okay to put in the application online that my boyfriend will be the one to shoulder all the expense of the airfare and so as his US home address where i will be staying during my stay?

I’m so nervous when that time come for my interview, hard to imagine if i will get a denial of my visa and wasting 7thousand plus of peso, haha!. i’ll be broke.

I’m looking forward for your response.

Thank you, Jie About

FF question, nameet mo na ba si boyfriend? I am planning to visit him in the US, this would be the first time na magkikita kami…what would be the pros and cons? TIA

It gives me idea already. I was planning too to visit my boyfriend in USA after we meet here in philippines. Now i know what I’m going to do. Thanks so much for sharing us your exprience, it’ll help a lot to those first timer like me.

How long did the complete process take?

It depends on how soon you can schedule your consul interview! Once you got the interview, that’s the time you’ll know when your visa is approved or not.

thank u. very informative and helpful

Hi! I’m currently studying in Australia and I have a student visa in Australia. My partner is American and we are planning to visit USA during Christmas so I can meet his family, Do you have any idea how do I lodge a visitor visa for USA if I am currently living in Oz? Thank you so much!

I only have Filipino citizenship by the way 🙂

could you help me im a B1-B2 visa holder at asa guam po ako right now for business assistance pinadala po kasi ako ng boss ko dito and where hoping na mka acquire po ako ng 10 years multiple visa my mga tips po ba kayo?? kasi first application was 2 months lng single entry pa tpus pina re new nila ako sa majuro sa Marshall islands and nka renew nga po ako bale multiple entry na sya kaso two months ulit after 2 months nag renew po ulit ako sa palau nabgyan pa rin ako ng multiple visa pero good for 6 months lng panu po mka 10 years?? kompleto nmn ako sa documents tulad ng letter of invitation sa guam for business assistance at approval letter from pinas….same company po yung sa guam at pinas na pinag tratrabahuan ko… kailangan ko lng po ng 10 years multiple pra any time na kailanganin ako sa guam d na ako apply ng apply i hope someone could help me

Which is easier to geta tourist visa or fiancee visa to the U.S.?

Is there another to approved your visa without haven’t met with your fiance? Because he decided to get me here, Hope you reply to my comment 🙂

Hi poh! Ano po ba dapat ilagay ko dun Sa online form question n who pay my trip? Kasama ko kc bf ko mg travelled so name ko ba or name Nya? Thanks

good morning, my one and only sister I have, will be celebrating her birthday on Nov. 23 this year in Florida together with her 2 children,wife and grand children,too.She wants me to be there. NOW i do not have work .only savings account in bdo but no big amount .but I have my house and lot title on my hand. This can be possible can be presented for my documents? thank you very much for your responds

Hi, I just want to ask if it is possible to travel two weeks after the interview (if granted visa approval). Interview date is 5 Dec 2016 and travel date is 15Dec2016?

Yes, once you get the visa approved and they returned your passport then you can travel anytime you want!

hi ate katc medina its me jane 1stym q po mgaply xa n0n imigrant visa.ilang days po bgo mlaman ung result for interview at the embasy.worid po ako anu po ung mga tip ng c0nsul na questi0n pa help naman po thanky0u

hi! thanks for your tips! got my 10-year multiple entry visa today!

Hi, kelan po ung travel plan nyo? Coz im solo travel po aq this coming january 2017 to new york or anyone solo travellers want to join me.

hi ms jane solo traveler din po ako how to join you do you have a usa tourist visa already?

Hi…I want to apply..Please help me what shoukd I do???thanks my dream since I’m a kid..till now I want to vis it us..

Hi, this is very helpful. If ever me and my girlfriend appy for a visa, do we need to fill out the application separately and sked the interview as one?


yes you can do it online for the application but she needs to attend the interview at the Embassy or check the rules for Senior Citizen! =)

They do allow help… I just did it for my girl friend, there is a section at the end of the online DS-160 where it asks if anyone helped prepare the application… You would just enter the helpers name there

Me and my friends are planning to visit Portland. My one friend has boyfriend there. So, we as friends would want to come as well. Since we are here in Qatar, may I ask of how much should we prepare minimum amount of money to prepare as I guess, it is one of the requirements in obtaining visa.

If you have any ideas to help us for our plan to visit the country, really glad to hear it.

Thank you so much.

Hello Ms. Anne

I am planning to visit my boyfriend in North Carolina on November and he wants me to get Tourist Visa and he will be the one who will pay for everything. He said that I don’t need to open a saving account coz he will be the sponsor. Do you have any idea if what are the requirents and documents that I need to prepare. And about my job as of now it is already end of contract. Please help me on this.

same situation here. I no longer have job last November I know if that would affect when its my bf paying for everything

Any ideas getting a US visa for Filipino passport holders living in the UK?

Hello Everyone, is it possible to get US tourist visa even without travelling to other countries?

My pinay girlfriend of 2 1/2 years is still married in the Philippines. She is working in Taiwan now . I’ve traveled to Phil and Taiwan three times and stayed with her three months each visit . we are working on getting her anullment in Phil . I would like for her to come to the u.s. to meet my family on her vacation from her job . My question is , can she get a tourist visa to come meet my family if she is still married in the Philippines ..any advise will be appreciated thank you

Hello there! Can you help me with some clarifications. I am a holder of tourist visa b1/b2 with Multiple entry valid for 1yr. I am traveling from Manila to Hawaii for 8 days then fly to Hawaii to New York for 2 weeks then back from New York to Manila. Is it okey to have a flight like this? Aren’t the immigration will question me? I hope you can me with this. Thanks a lot

Both of them are States of USA so they won’t question you!

Thanks for responding me Ms. Kach Medina ?. God bless you ??

is this all the requirements are required? what if kulang ka po nun.. possible din po ba na di ka ma approve? sana po masagot niyo mga tanong ko. salamat

Yung ate ko nag kulang ng isang document pero naka pass Lang sya galingan Lang talaga sa pagsagot and be honest

i need some advice lang working as OFW in abu dhabi united arab as HR COODINATOR one year of this December po nag pa appointment po sa january 4 2018 po interview sa Us ambassy of the phillipines ,meron po ako relatives Us sa new jersey po,and i talk with my uncle already that he will provide the imvitation with Red ribbon na mangagaling sa US,sa company ko po ba sa abu dhabi need po ng NOC AT Salary Certificate of the company,and i need some advice po kung ano dapat gawin..meron din po ko properties sa Pinas at bank stantement and also Uae

And we would also need to have pictures and documentation of our conversation as proof that we are in a relationship. There are so much stuffs to be done but I know we can make it 🙂

I see that there are lots of requirements. As per the blog I read, it would be best if all requirements are all being settled out before setting up an appointment in the embassy. I will be getting may passport on the 15th of Sept. As for the bank account I do not have any since may salary is only low. I think I need to open a savings account for this? What do you think?

Hi Ms. Anne

I am planning to go to NY next yearto visit my boyfriend. He’s a Military and its so hard for him to visit the Philippines. He wants me to apply for a tourist visa but I don’t have that big amount of money in my account. Pls help me.

My question would be do you think I will be aapprove of that? Please help answer this question.I thanks

Hi , we have the same situation. Your savings won’t matter if your boyfriend will sponsor you

hi were you able to get your visa when your bf was the one shoulders everything? coz I dont have work and and no bank account but my bf will shoulder everything and we are already 5 years and he came 4 times already here in Philippines and we decided for me to visit there this time. Do you think I will be approved?

Hi, Anne! I would just like to say, thank you!!! Reading this blog helped me be more comfortable and confident during my visa interview this morning.. I got approved and I am now waiting for my passport to be delivered! ???

Hi! What additional documents where asked from you?

Hi Ms. Jhoanna, May I asked po if what particular docs you prepared for the interview and what did the consul asked you? Thanks po..

Hello po..Dito po ako Dubai ngayon work,di po ako legally separated,may boyfriend po ako sa Florida and he want me to come to visit on him.Unfortunately,wala po ako bank accounts and property ow.ned for supporting documents…Possible po ba ako makaaply ng tourist visa?Anu po dapat kong gawin?Thanks po.

Hi Marycile, Dito din ako dubai now. 9months palang ako dito and still very young, 21 yrs old. May boyfriend ako sa Kentucky and he want me to apply for Tourist Visa. Tanong ko lang if kumusta yung application mo? Na approve ka ba?

Hello, my boyfriend is trying to come over here from Cebu. He is lost on what kind of details to put for the application. Would it be smart to put down my address or should he use a relatives address? And he’s a little choked up on what to say for the interview, I know you said to be honest. Would it be good to say that he wants to spend the holidays and his birthday with me? And that he also wants to experience winter? Haha, any of your feedback would be nice!

Hello! I would like to ask regarding the status we have. I’m here in abroad In Dubai and and my boyfriend is inChicago, we never yet met in person since we started chatting. Everyday we skype and exchange messages . His planning me to go Chicago onDecember but we don’t know what are the requirements needed in US embassy in order I can travel to him. Thus he can petition for me as a fiancé?

hello there! I’m not sure if this reply is still useful as the year is not mentioned on the date of your post. US Visa application for filipino (UAE resident) is quite easy. All you need to do is make an appointment online . The Consulate is located at the Corner of Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Road and Al Seef Road, Bur Dubai Dubai, UAE. Provide all the informations required on the form and make sure you get your credit card ready for the payment.

Your passport and UAE residence should be valid at least 6 months prior to your travel. Less than that, there will be a huge possibility that your application will be denied.

As you have mentioned, you haven’t personally met your boyfriend yet although you are regularly in contact online. I personally advise that he should visit you first in the UAE and get to know each other before taking a big step of seeing him in the US. I am not saying that he is a dangerous guy but please consider your safety first before travelling.

Hi Kent, I work and live here in Dubai too, Same situation tayo, never pa nameet yung BF. By the way, Kumusta application mo? Approved ka ba?

Hi! Ms. Ann, My husband and I applied for a US visa about 4 years ago and we were denied but we dont know the reason behind the refusal, we were only told by the consul that he thinks we dont have enough reason to go back to the phils and returned our passports to us without giving us the chance to explain or even for us to ask him a question why he thinks that we dont have enough reasons to go back and we were so confused about such outright refusal that left us not wanting to try applying for a visa again, but as i was thinking bout the interview, i can recall that my husband was asked by the consul about where are we going to stay in the US and my husband confidently answered “In hotels” and then the consul asked again bout the names of the hotels and my husband confidently answered “any hotels” and my heart sank coz in our application,we stated that were going to stay in my aunts house but i couldnt butt in coz i was advised that if the consul is not asking me i shouldnt answer or volunter information, I really would like to know if you think that was the one that caused the refusal,and if so,what can we do to correct it the next time we decide to take our chance for an interview again? and should we bring our two young children ages 5 and 2 with us during our interview or we should apply by ourselves first before we’ll apply for their visas?? thanks!!

Hello Ms. Recalynn! I was also a visitor of this website and I was able to read your comment. I applied for my US Visa last year and fortunately I got approved. I am no in any way related to any US embassy but based on your story, I think that the answer of your husband may be a factor on why you were denied because it is not patterned with your us visa application form. Based from my experience, her questions were mostly based from my application form and i just answered her exactly how i answered my form. Example if i wrote in my form that my salary is 12345 and then they asked me about that i should also reply with the exact number of 12345 and not approximately 12000. So i think the best advice i could give you is to review carefully your application form and answer the consuls honestly and confidently (just do not be over confident hehe). I hope that my comment helped you and good luck on your application.. hoping for positive results 🙂

Hi ,thanks fir given a an idea how to apply us visa actually am working abroad i have only one month holday my problem is within the month i can get my visa ,i have a bf and what am saying wants to visit him for a month and go back where i work how am going to get documents like the income tax since i dint have

Hi Ms. Ann,

I read ur blog and i think its a big help for each of us who have questions regarding visa application.

I want to state my case and hoping u can give me a good advice.

Im 35 yrs. Old i have a 13 yr. Old son im separated from my husband for 4 yrs. Now but not legally separated and currently i have a foreign bf whos from the u.s. he was here last oct. Thats the first time we met in real and he went back to the u.s after 2 weeks and now he is here again in the phils. For 4 months now. He asked me to process my visa, knowing that im still married we cant apply for a fiance visa. So thats y he asked me to file for a visit visa. U think my chance b n ma grant ung visa ko? I have a small business here kaya lng due to my situation its not under my name. And how much money do i need to have in my bank.? Hoping for ur response..

Hello miss grace,I’m rea I’m 39 yrs old I’m married but separated for 5yrs I have 14 yrs old son and I have fireigner bf too his from us…I apply tourist visa and I have my schedule interview on July…I write a comment here coz it’s like we have same situation and wanted to ask how r u now and ur bf..and did u apply already for a tourist visa…hoping for ur reply…thank u n God bless…

hi miss anne. i am a student, currently i am in my last year this coming school year. i’ll graduate in 10 months. My bf wanted me to get a visa after my graduation. i am just kind of worried if what shall i do if i am still unemployed. my intention to fly in the us is spend a vacation (graduation gift) so what shall i do?? should i apply for visa while i am still a student or after i graduate?

Hi, lovely… This is Petra, so I want to ask did you get your visa to visit your bf?? I just finished my interview today and I got denied. So I hope you can share me a bit if you got approved, hope to hear back from you. Thanks 🙂

What is your case? Are you a fresh graduate too? I am applying for a tourist visa soon but I am a bit worried because I am a fresh graduate. This is a graduation gift though. Hope you can share your experience with me.

Thanks, Kim

Hi Anne, I came across ur blog while searching about the US visa application. I actually looking for an answer to my one lingering question before I apply for the visa and from reading ur article I feel u have an answer. I also hope u are still updating ur blog. My question is about the contact person part of the application because I dont have close relatives but I have a friend who invited me to go visit her. I will shoulder all my expenses. We are not lovers but just friends (close friend in high school). I is it ok make her my contact person or is it safer to use relatives as the contact person?

HI there! I have the same reason as what you put on your blog. To meet my boyfriend. But unlike you, unfortunately I don’t have any bank statements and some properties to show as supporting docs. Even a job. Coz my boyfie doesn’t want me to work. Anyway, the only assurance that I will be back in PH is my son. Pls enlighten me. I wanna try. I wanna meet him in person and also his family first before we get married. Do you think it’s possible? Thank you for sharing your story btw.

hi Ms. Anne,

Thanks for your blog… I was also planning to apply for a tourist visa this coming June, I wanted to visit my family there, but mostly I want to meet up with my boyfriend. problem is, we haven’t meet in person, and we just started communicating last year December. would it give me more chance to say that I’m visiting him? If so, does he need to submit any kind of documents? By I’m working in Thailand and I only have cousins here, my family is in the Philippines, so the only strong ties here I have here is my job, and I dont have any properties, but I do have savings in the bank. Do you think I have a chance. Do you have any suggestions for me? Thank you so much for your help. May you have more blessings.

Hi,good day to you!I also want to visit my boyfriend who lives in florid,I’m currently working here in Hong Kong, do you think I need to accomplish those bank statements, too,what if I don’t have big money on my account?I hope you can help me,thank you! More power.

Hi anne, Thank you for your blog.. I’ve learned alot of tips. My husband and i were invited by my sister in-law in US ( my husband sister). We are intended to go on march 2017. My appointment date for interview will be May 4 2016.. All my documents are ready. My husband and i worked in same govt hospital. My question is do i prepare so early or my appointment date is so early for my intended date for visit? Do they asked about intended date of visit?

Hope to hear your response.

hello Anne. Im a physician planning to visit my two siblings in Tennessee and New York respectively. i have strong ties to the philippines and income is enough, i think. my current passport contains my trip to Hongkong and Seoul. but i seem to have misplaced my past 2 passports containing my trips to thailand and singapore. can i present an affidavit of loss and police report for the previous 2 passports lost and bring some pictures from those trips to support my case? thanks mucho.

Hi! I have read your tips and liked it as these tips are clearing all my doubts about US visa. This is my first trip to US so there are much more queries and I would like to go for a trip to China. I am travelling alone and I just want to travel for 1 month, is it possible to get visa?

Hi, Anne! I am planning to apply for a tourist visa to meet my fiancè’s family. We already started the application for k1 visa and it’s already in USCIS. But I think it will take us at least 6 months before it’s approved. Hence, we dont want to wait that long to be with each other. Actually, he visits in the Philippines, but it’s another thing to be able to visit him too in his own place.

But I have a few questions for you:

1. How long did it take you to have been approved of your tourist visa? I mean, starting from your application online, how long did you wait?

2. My work is online, and I am not a typical employee. How will I vouch the embassy of my ties in my country?

3. I wanted to ask how much is the minimum amount of your bank account to be able to cover your expenses during your stay in US when you’re going to stay at your fiance’s house? Lol.

4. What property did you show the embassy? I really wanted to know because I really wanted to go and visit my fiance.

5. Did you use fiancee visa when you moved there? I wanted to know I long it took you to have it approved by the embassy.

Thank you so much for taking time to read my comment and answer my questions! Mwa!

Hi anne.. I love ur blog and read most of it.. I am planning to visit states this september.. I am in a relationship with an american for almost 6 mos. we met last february and spent a 3 weeks with him. I just recently got back from sweden too visit a friend there. Would that help and give me a chance to get approve for another tourist visa in usa? I have relatives who are living in states too and im probably goin to pay them a visit, Do you think i stand a chance getting approve?

Thanks and have a good day! KYLE

Hi Ann, Help muna mn ako Sa tip 2x n ako n refuse visa ko Pero Di parin ako Susuko,ahn Punta kmi Ng bakasyon Kasma Ko. Boyfreind Ko Pero nilagay Ko Sa application I’m the paying my trip.its possible ba un?

Hi Anne, My friend needs to travel to the US to take care of her deceased husbands estate. She doesn’t have much in the bank but her son is in the Philippines. I will help her with the travel expenses. She also has the option of applying for a resident visa because she was married to a US citizen. But she really needs to get the US faster to take care of the estate. I feel like if she shows the letter from the lawyer and a copy of the death certificate that she should have a good chance of getting a visa. What do you think?

Ask ko lang po if maapproved po ba visa ko kahit ala akong mapakita na money on my bank account kase fiancee ko naman gagastos ng lahat? Plano ko po kase mag apply ng tourist visa and ndi po kasi namin mhintay yung fiancee visa at mashado po sya matagal maprocess kaya naisipan nalang po namin na tourist visa nalang ang kuhanin.Is it possible po ba na maapproved ung visa ko kht ala mapakita na money on my bank account? And nag apply dn po ba kayo ng fiancee visa or pwde po ba ikasal sa tourist visa? Thankyou po 🙂

We could also help you with all of your questions on our Visa assistance services,

Hi Ms. Anne!

i have something kind of personal to ask you about visas. Is it okay if i can contact you via email? Thanks!

Hi Ms. Anne,

I am planning to go inthe states to visit my friend whom I haven’t met personally, so basiclly it’s the first time that we’ll meet, is there a chance that my application might have more chance in getting denied if I told them that? Aside from visiting, I also want to tour around US.

Hope you’ll get the chance to read this and answer as I am getting anxious if I would go for it or not. Thanks and God bless!

Hi Miss Anne!!! Thanks for the reply… Last question is I have two kids so I need to go back here before June for their school enrolment. My first child is 8years old and second is 4 years old. Is that not enough proof for coming back here in Philippines?

Hoping for your reply…

Im all set for my interview. Gather all of the required documents but I have some questions hope you can reply back. Im scheduled this 28th March for interview.

1. Statements of Account- I have printed my statement of account from Samba website. Is it ok, or do I need to go to the branch and have it stamped by them?

2. Credit Cards- I do have credit cards here in Samba. 2 of them wasn’t used and it has the full amount in them and the 3rd one is almost empty. Do I need to include all of them or it is safe to omit the 3rd one with less balance and show only the 2 credit cards with full amount still not use?

3. Contract Copy. My company give me copy of my contract and there is no company on it. It is dated since 2011 and Im already on my 3rd contract with them. Do I need to sign my re-contract and have my company put stamped on it?

I just want to clarify on the above things. Thank you in advance.

Me and my husband are planning to sponsor my Dad for visitor’s visa In the US, I read about having strong ties in the Philippines to be able to acquire a visa. My question is my dad doesn’t have a bank account or employment. He is 65 years old now and he have a house and a little piece of land under his name. Is this enough for him to qualify for the visa? All expenses will be paid by me and my husband before and after he gets here in the US. I will greatly appreciate any input about my case. Thank you

Hi miss Anne. .. Good day. .. I’m hazel. Ofw of saudi… I’m planning to visit my boyfriend in US for two months.. he will shoulder my expenses during my stay in US including the plane ticket… it is possible for me to get a visa… of course I have my own money.. even my boyfriend will pay everything for my stay in US.

Hi hazel! I’m Kristine from saudi arabia also how’s your plan in going to States please share it with me coz I’m planning to go there too tnx

Hi Anne, the Phil. Passport has as issuing authority: DFA Ncr northeast. In the Ds 160, it’s asking for a city. What do we write? Quezon City or DFA NCR Northeast? Thank you. May I request if you send me an email response too. Thanks

Hi Miss Anne;

Is it allowed to US embassy to get my ticket in Philippines and the departure will start also from Philippines instead to the country that your are applying for US tourist visa.?

Hi miss Anne!

My boyfriend want me to visit him in Portland. I don’t have bank account, or any properties own nor job… He will pay all my expenses and my fare. Then im going to stay there with him for one month. Is it still possible to get tourist visa?

HI Jovelyn, It would be tough for you to get a VISA (even though your bf will cover for all your expenses) as you have to prove that you have enough ties in the Philippines to go back to. Thanks, Anne

Hi, Ms. Anne! 🙂 I’m just wondering if I do have a chance to get a US Visa?

I’m an upcoming 4th year college student from Hospitality industry too and will be graduating on March 2017. I’m planning to apply for a US visa on June and if granted, would be departing here in PH on September and staying in US for 2 weeks only. I still have 2 semesters (bc my school is a tri-sem) by that time to finish my internship and my thesis and of course to grduate. My boyfriend’s dad will be sponsoring my whole trip as an early graduation gift since my parents can only afford my pocket money. And I have been in Singapore and Jakarta before (perks of being an HRM student). Thank you please reply. 🙂

Good day Ms. Ann!Thanks for sharing your experience..My bf is also an American,we are planning to meet up on Philippines after my contract here in Riyadh,Saudi Arabia…He is the one who file for my visit visa,is it possible I can go with him back to the US after he’s vacation?or how long it will takes for applying visit visa?

More power..God bless!

HI Maricel, I would say give your self a couple of weeks or a month to prepare all the necessary documents and for the interview. You will be the one to choose for your schedule so it really is up to you. Good luck on your application! 🙂 Thanks,Anne

Hello anne can i ask wat is strong ties u bring in u.s embassy..thanks

I was planning to visit my girlfriend in the US can you tell me what else did the officer asked you? And if possible can i know your answer on those question so i have an idea.. Im very grateful if you response to my post.. Thank you so much! Godblessed! 🙂

HI Bon, Thanks for writing. I have responded to this via PM, but posting here as well for others who can relate:

The consul will mostly like you basic questions such as, what are you going to do in the US, who are you visiting, how long, who’s going to finance for your trip, are you employed, what do you do, how long? The questions will definitely depend on how you’re going to respond. I hope you make it!!! Let me know if you have other questions

Hello Laira, I posted a list of requirements in the blog but please also check US Embassy website for more updated information. Thanks,Anne

Thank you so much for this post. I’m getting married soon to my American fiance. I hope my visa application will be approved..

HI Jessa! Did you apply for a US Fiancee Visa?

I sent you an email. From Joy. We are kinda same reason of applying the tourist visa. But I am applying here in Singapore as am working here. Hope to hear from you.

HI Joy! Thanks for reading and reaching out. Hope you make it! Please let me know!

Hi Anne, Thanks a lot for your information. Like other Filipinos, I do have a plan to visit my friend in U.S. Whom I have not seen for such a long time. Our communication is just through Facebook. I am based in Thailand and I have been teaching here for 9 years already with the same school. I have a few questions regarding the visa thing. 1). Is it necessary for my friend to send me an invitation letter even though I can be able to finance my trip to US? 2). Would it be possible for me to get my visa approved if I would apply here in Thailand ( not in the Philippines)? 3) about the bank statement, may I know what is the minimum of money in my account to prove to the officers that I can finance myself to travel to US?

Thanks a lot Anne. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.

God bless you.

Regards, Hilde

Thanks for the comment and sorry for the late reply. To answer your questions, please see below:

1. An invitation letter from your friend who you’re visiting in the US is nice to have but not necessary. Please check the US Embassy Website for the complete list of requirements. 2. YES. You can apply for your US Visa in Thailand and still get approved, it will all depend on the information you will provide and how your interview will go. 3. There is really no specific amount of money that you need to have for you to get your VISA approved. But you need to have “enough” that can cover your fare, hotel, meals, activities, contingencies etc.

Hope this helps! Good luck! 🙂

🙂 I’m just wondering, how long have you been employed when you applied for your b2 visa?

And how much salary/month do you think they’ll consider you for tourist visa?

Looking forward for yourent reply 🙂 thank you


I think I have responded to this question via a personal email 🙂 As I always say, there is really no specific amount of money that you need to have for you to get your VISA approved. But you need to have “enough” that can cover your fare, hotel, meals, activities, contingencies etc. I was employed for at least 3 years when I applied for mine, BTW.

All the best! 🙂

Hello, Ms. Anne! I’d also like to ask how much salary and money in the bank account do you think they’ll consider in order to approve a tourist visa? Thank you! 😀

I’m Filipino and French passport lives in the US for over 5 years, I would like to invite my brother and his 13 years old son to visit me here in the US, My brother used to work in Qatar for couple of years as driver and went back in the Philippines about a year ago, and now working as a private/part time driver in Manila ? My brother does not own any properties and he does not have any permanent work and big amount of money in his account as I guess it is useless to deposit money on his account where I’m capable to give my brother but all I want is to apply for a tourist visa for my brother so that he can visit me with his son to get some bond with him as over 30 years I was not in the Philippines anymore, do our financial status with my husband will satisfied consulate ? and we don;t have any intention to have my brother TNT here as I myself is only a green card holder . Please advice ….

A tourist visa* any thoughts..?

Hey there guys..I have an appointment for interview at US consular here in dhahran saudi arabia on the 28th of this month..I’m expatriate, 31 years old, male and single. I’m a nurse manager in one of the goverment hospital here in saudi and i’ve been in this hospital for 8 years..My annual income is $22,500..I have history of travel..i have been in Bahrain, SIngapore, UK, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Spain and Italy..What do u think guys is my chance of getting a tourist

Hi! I just want to ask if travel history is a requirement if i want to appyy for u.s tourist visa. I am currently based in saudi, been here for a year only. Thanks.

Hi, I’m getting ready to apply for a visitor visa to the US. I live here in Cebu the last 3+ years, after living in the UK for 2 years with my husband – My husband is British and has a British passport and so does our 3 year old daughter (as well as Filipino passport). My baby boy (14 months old) only has his Filipino passport so I will have to apply for his visitor visa too.

Any advice or feedback would be very appreciated. I am a full time mother/house wife (not working) and my husband works online. My mother in law wants us all to visit them in the US to see the grand kids. They want to pay for our flights and have a big house so we will stay with them the whole trip. So basically the trip will cost us nothing.

Anyone had a similar situation or advice on how to best approach this to make sure me and my baby boy get our visas? My husband and daughter can apply under the ESTA program as they both have British passports.

We rent a house here, but do not own property or have any real ties here, except for my entire family live here and I love the kids being able to see my parents often. So how would I best show my intentions are to return back to Cebu where we have lived for over 3 years?

As this is the whole reason for the interview right? To try and show our intent is too return, not stay!

Anyone interested in applying for a visa visit the US Embassy’s website: . All the information will be there. The process usually starts with scheduling an appointment, then by the time you do show up for it you bring all the required documents and submit it to them. On the day of the interview they will ask basic questions such as what you do for a living, where you’ve traveled before, why you want to travel to the US etc. It pays to have traveled to other countries and to show you have strong ties to the PH that you wouldn’t want to go TNT on them. I think it also really pays to be honest, cause then you wouldn’t even have to make up stories and be nervous during the interview. Hope this helps!

I was not even asked for a single document I brought during the 2 times I got my visa- first a single entry, hte 2nd one a 10-year ME. Pero you really do need to prove you have sufficient ties back to the Philippines. In addition, they check some of the information on your ds-160 form that’s why it’s advised not to bring/print the form. Lastly, I think having multiple travels outside the country helped a lot as during the latter part of those 2 interviews, the consul really opened that topic. Good luck!!!

Thank you for sharing, Chris!!! 🙂

Thanks for getting back at me. Last question, what kind of insurance did you show? It is life or medical?

HI Jewel!! I have my personal life insurance apart from the “coverage” I have from my previous employer. The consulate officer didn’t ask for any of my documents though 🙂

Hi Anne, i am happy that you were given a 10 years visa 🙂 i got denied with my interview last November 30 🙁 My question is that, is it important that i have at least 1 travel abroad? I am planning to have my second interview on January, but i don’t know if i could make it 🙁 i just need some advice on how to make it 🙂 Thank you

HI Kharen! Just getting back to blogging after the holiday festivities, hope you had nothing but a wonderful time! 🙂 While it might help that you have traveled outside your home country, the major deciding factor for the Consulate Officer to grant you a US Visa is still your “strong ties” to go back to in the Philippines. When I applied for my Visa, I have only been to HK, and my passport was really fresh and brand new! Hehe! When I got my US visa, then I started traveling all over the US and Japan. Good luck on your interview!!! Please comment back if you have questions 🙂

I would like to ask fe questions, since it’s not advised to book an air ticket and accomodation prior to the US visa application. In the DS-160 form I can indicate an estimated intended travel date as per Help tips at the right side corner of the form but I got confused what to write about the place to stay in the US, since I don’t have any accomodation arrangement yet. Is it possible to indicate undecided/any hotels or hostels that can fit my budget? Hopefully you could give me some advice about this.. You reply will be very much appreciated.

Thanks a lot!

Could you give me

Thank you for reaching out! Yes, it’s not advisable to book your tickets/hotel without having your VISA being approved yet. And Yes, when you fill out DS-160, I suggest that you put the hotel’s name and address where you intend to stay in the US. Good luck with your application! 🙂

Thank you very much for your reply, and now I got relieved…? Thanks a lot!

You are welcome, Kat!!! Good luck!!! <3

Hi, We want to pass the tourist visa to be able to visit my husbands sister and to have vacation. My husband had hes ‘s early retirement. And we don’t know what are the documents that we should prepare to pass the interview. Please help. Thanks.

HI Raquel, Please read the article as I have indicated there the documents you need to prepare before your interview. You should also check US Embassy’s website for further information.

Hi. If you just applied for a tourist visa, how come you got a 10 years visa with multiple entry, is it stated on your application? My boyfriend lives in VA and I’m hoping to meet him again when I get back. I’m wondering how? Thank you

HI Mariko, They won’t tell you after the interview if you’re getting a 10 year-validity VISA but you shall be able to see it indicated on your passport when it’s delivered a few days after your interview. Good luck to you! 🙂

Hello Anne, I have a 10 year multiple US visa issued in 2007 and will expire 2017, my last trip to the US was in 2007. Can I still travel to the US? And if yes, up to when would be the best time to travel before my visa expires?

Hi Mon Tim, Wow! Good for you! If your VISA says its valid til 2017, then you should be able to use it from now til then 🙂 Start planning your trip, US is HUGE and there are a lot of things to do here!

Incase of some advise,thanks.. [email protected]

HI Richard,

I am posting my reply here so other readers with possibly similar situation can see. When you begin to apply for your VISA and process the DS-160 online, you will be asked information about who you are going to visit in the US, where in particular you are staying, how long etc. You should also be able to have clear answers to these questions when you get interviewed by a consulate officer. The amount of money you need to bring with you depends on your duration of stay, the cost of your hotel/lodging etc. As first step, I suggest that you try to get more information about your father and start from thereon. Hope this helps. Good luck on your journey!

hi Anne .. my boyfriend wants me to apply a us visa.. how can i possibly get one.. I’m a full time mom with my 7 months old daughter and i don’t have job so he will sponsor my travel in Us.. how can i possibly get one? and I havent travel outside of the country..

I do have some questions. My father is in the us,for about 30 years up to now.. he left me since birth,im 30 y/o right now. And i’ve seen and talk to my father last 2006 in the phil when he came back for he’s mother burial or my lola’s burial. Then we talk about my visit in us,but after he live we never talk again,i dont know why. My mom and my father was not married,but i do have my father surname on my birth certificate,last month i have talk to my father’s brother or to my uncle,he said he’s gonna help me by go to us by talking to my father,but he dont have my father contact number. Until now nothings happen,and right now im in saudi arabia,working. My questions are,what am i going to do if i would like to go to us or to see my father?is that possible for me to go to us w/o my father’s contact number?if yes,how am i going to do that?do i need also a lot of money if im planning to go us?thanks a lot if anyone answered. 🙁

If any of your parents is living in the US they will deny you immediately because of family ties even you are not petitioned. The consul will always presume that you are not coming back even your intentions are honest. No good to apply if they are judgemental all the time but for those people who most likely not returning more often they are given a visa so rediculous. Maybe it’s about time to change their policy. How about putting a bond like 1 million and withdawable in a certain period like 6 months for me that is a very appropriate move to insure equal assessment to people who wants to travel and if ever they will not return within that period the said bond will be forfeited. Does this sounds fair to everyone?

Wow! Lucky you got approved with your reason of visiting your boyfriend. When I was interviewed, the lady next to me was also going to the US to visit her boyfriend and she got declined! I have already visited my boyfriend twice in the US but my reason is always to visit friends, which is also part of my vacation. If you dont mind, i have something kind of personal to ask you about visas. Is it okay if i can contact you via email? Thanks!

Sure, please email me at [email protected] Can’t wait to hear from you!

Hi, i hope you are well. I was also planning to apply for a visa not until my parents applied me and my sister for petition. They said i now have lesser chances for being approved since an existing petition is already in process. Is that true? I just dont want to waste money in case i really have low chances. Thanks.

HI Arnel, How long ago since your parents filed for you and your sister’s petition? I know someone with similar situation as yours who got his US Tourist Visa approved while the petition was ongoing. You may be right, it might be tough to get approved, but its definitely not an IMPOSSIBLE case. Good luck! Anne

I have some questions:

1. On the 10 years validity of your visa, for how long can you only stay in the US?

2. How much money do you need to prepare? Or better how much money per day do you need to have and what they can consider enough?

3. Do you need to have flight and hotel reservations at hand prior to the application?

(1) When you arrive at the First Port of Entry in the US, you will have to go through their Immigration and the Immigration officer will decide on how long you can stay via the passport admission stamp. I was given up to 6 months stay as a Tourist. (2) There is no standard on how much money you need to have for your VISA to be approved. And by experience, I didn’t have a fat bank account when I applied, but I think I was able to convince them that I have enough ties (family, property,insurance and employment) in the Philippines and I must go back promptly after my proposed trip. (3) No. Its not advisable to book your flights and hotel without your VISA being approved yet.

Are you scheduled yet for your US VISA interview? Good luck and please update us!!! 🙂

I am looking for Nanny,Caregiver.Do write me via private email address if Interested with the Said Job Position as soon as Possible.salary per month: $4000 Nanny.Location: (United States)Florida. Age: 6years Old Boy his name is (Alan) Contact Email: roberthandersonhall500 (at)

Expect your RESUME if Interested.

Hello,I’m so lucky enough and had a chance to read your email and your looking for a nunny or caregiver who are willingly or happy to accept this job.well, I’m so happy n blessed to apply this job because I love kids.Ive been working care of newborn baby since they were born till adulthood for 30 63 yrs old now, and this is the nature of my living.presently I’m in Manila working ng for 10 yrs to one of the family with 2 kids n now studying at ISM..I’ll be interested to apply with you,f you re interested on me..thank you n godbless you.

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Written by Two Monkeys Travel - Contributor

Two Monkeys Travel Group – Community Travel Blog is a travel blog and website. We quickly grew into a valuable source of inspiring travel stories, advice, itineraries and travel guides, with the aim of demonstrating how to live a sustainable life of travel, whilst living your own definition of success. If you'd like to contribute and write a guest post, contact us at [email protected]

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Getting a US visa: A Filipino traveler’s tips

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Getting a US visa: A Filipino traveler’s tips

The United States is a dream destination for many Filipinos. Chances are, you might know someone who is already living the American Dream. That person (or those people) might be friends, relatives, or acquaintances from the city or province where you’re from.

For this article, I’ll be writing about my experience in getting a B1/B2 visa.

What is a B1/B2 visa?

In my case, I applied for a non-immigrant visa for a temporary stay. This type of visa is for people who want to enter the US for business (B-1), tourism (B-2), or both (B-1/B-2).

The B-1/B-2 visa covers the following activities:

  • Contract negotiations
  • Visit relatives and/or friends
  • Attend a conference or convention
  • Treatment for an illness
  • Consult business associates
  • Participate in social events hosted by an organization
  • Settle an estate
  • Participate in amateur contests or events

For more information, you can refer to the official site here .

Text, Document, Adult

Going through the forms

You’ll have to fill out forms to move your visa application along. You’ll need to register here .

You’ll need to fill out a DS-160 form (Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application) here .

The application contains several questions about you. You’ll need to provide your full name and any other name you use, birthday, address, family living in the US, employment history, travel history, travel plans in the US, security questions, and others. They’ll also ask for your social media and online profiles.

Answer all questions truthfully. The process is straightforward. You can save your answers and complete the form some other time within the deadline.

I paid the equivalent of US$185 (the US Embassy sets a foreign exchange rate) in Philippine Peso for my B1/B2 visa.

You’ll need a unique receipt number which you can get from this link :

Click on the “Deposit Slip – $185 MRV Fee – B1/B2, C-1, D, F, I, J, M, T, TN/TD, U” option to generate a unique receipt number.

I deposited the amount at the nearest RCBC branch. Don’t forget to keep the deposit slip, you’ll need to bring it with you.

You’ll have to wait for a few hours after payment before you can choose an interview schedule.

Getting a schedule

After payment, you can book an appointment for your interview. You don’t have to book immediately. You can return to the site to check if there are open slots for the time you want. I often found favorable time slots when I browsed the site at night. You can always reschedule if you want a later or earlier slot.

What should you bring during your interview?

You need to bring the confirmation letter sent to you after filling out the form. I brought my passport, a 2×2 photo, deposit slip (for the visa fee), and a certificate of employment with me for the interview.

This is a case-to-case basis but consider bringing other documents such as bank statements, properties under your name, bank certificates, enrollment forms, certificate of employment, income tax return, business permit, and others that you think the consul might ask for.

The consul only asked for my passport during the interview. He didn’t ask for anything else.

What to do during your interview?

Make sure to arrive early for your interview. If you arrive too early, the worst that could happen is that you wait outside the embassy. You’re not allowed to bring your mobile phone inside the US Embassy.

I suggest bringing only the required documents and leave everything else to the person who came with you, at home, or at the accommodation you stayed in near the embassy. The wait until it’s your turn can be nerve wracking.

However, stay cool, calm, and collected until you reach the consul’s window.

The questions the consul will ask you will most often be related to the answers in your application. They asked me if I had any relatives in the US (I have), about my job, and my travel history. Answer truthfully and confidently.

If you’re trying to mislead them, they’ll find out. You have to be consistent with your answers to increase your chances of approval. If they engage in small talk, respond as you normally would in any other conversation. The interview often lasts less than five minutes. My interview took less than a minute.

You’ll immediately know if your application is refused or approved. They’ll ask for your passport if your application is approved.

However, there are cases where they’ll ask for additional documents before making a decision. In some cases, even if they initially ask for your passport, in the next rounds of screening, they might ask for additional documents again. You might have to return to the embassy to submit them. Comply with all of the embassy’s requests.

In my case, I had to return to the embassy to redo the fingerprint scanning.

Should you hire an agency?

NO ONE can guarantee a visa approval, regardless of how much you pay an agency. They can only assist you through the application process. They’ll remind you about the requirements you need to submit, maybe get a schedule for you, and other services.

However, the consul will be asking YOU the questions. Your answers to their questions, the documents they ask you to submit, and your answers in the application form will determine your fate.

It’s your discretion if you want to hire an agency for your US visa application.

Factors that strengthen your application

It took me two tries (and several trips to other countries) before the consul approved my application.

From my experience, these factors will most likely determine the result of your application:

  • Rootedness: If the consul is sure you’ll be returning, they’re likely to approve your application. This means you have family in the Philippines, you have a steady job, and/or you own a business.
  • Travel History: It’s possible to get approved even if you haven’t been outside the country or have only traveled a few times. However, an extensive travel history improves your chances of approval. This shows you only travel for leisure and return.
  • Financial Ability: This means you can afford your trip and still have money after your vacation. You have a full-time job or a steady source of income as a freelancer, or you have a profitable business. You can ask someone to sponsor your stay, but I would recommend showing you can afford to pay for your entire trip.

Don’t fret if the consul refused your application. You can try again and be more prepared the next time you apply. –

Joshua Berida is a writer that loves to travel. He blogs at .

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Taiwan extends visa-free entry to Filipino travelers until July 2025

Taiwan extends visa-free entry to Filipino travelers until July 2025

Taiwan has extended for another year its visa-free entry policy for Filipino travelers until July 31, 2025.

Taiwan's Bureau of Consular Affairs (BOCA) under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Tuesday that Filipinos are eligible for the visa exemption program, with a duration of stay of up to 14 days effective Aug. 1, 2024 . The visa exemption, however, is not applicable to aircraft or ship crew who will be boarding to report for duty. 

Aside from the Philippines, Brunei and Thailand are also entitled to the 14-day visa-free privilege.

According to BOCA, passports must be valid for at least 6 months . Travelers are also required to present hotel reservation records, contact information in Taiwan, and proof of appropriate financial resources for border inspection.

BOCA added that the visa extension was made in order to “tie in with the promotion of the ‘New Southbound Policy’ and improve the visa policy for nationals of New Southbound countries to come to Taiwan.”

The visa-free program for Filipinos resumed on Sept. 29, 2022 . It was set to expire in July 31, 2023, but was previously extended until July 31, 2024 .

— Jade Veronique Yap/CDC, GMA Integrated News

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