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Come visit/ Come to visit

  • Thread starter dwarf79
  • Start date Dec 23, 2010
  • Dec 23, 2010

Hi everyone, Is there any difference between come visit and come to visit ? I would like you to come (to) visit me at my place. I will come (to) visit you in India. These cases above sound better to me using to, but I've seen lots of similar phrases written without to. Can both ways be used without distinction? Does it depend on the context or the formality? Thanks!  

Bigote Blanco

Senior member.

Hola Dwarf, I think either way is commonly spoken and heard. However, I would say: I would like you to come visit me at my place. (no specific reference to location) or I would like you to come to Paris and visit me at my place. (I'd use "to" when speaking about a specific location for the visit to occur.) I would like you to come to my place for a short visit. I will go visit you in India. (come/go distinction) I will go to India and discuss the subject with you. Would you please come to my office for a short visit. Would you please come to my place for a short visit. Would you please come for a short visit. I will go to New York next week and ...... Will you come to New York next week and............  

Thank you very much for your answer Bigote Blanco  


I also think the idea is that 'come visit' (come + verb) come to India = verb + noun Come visit is also American English versus Come to visit or come and visit is more European.  

  • Jan 22, 2015

Is it also correct to say " come + verb + place (without "to")" "please come visit Manila when you have time" or "please come visit here in Manila" Please advise, thank you.  

Two Minute English

Came or Come: Which Is Correct? (With Examples)

Marcus Froland

March 28, 2024

Figuring out the right time to use came or come can feel like walking through a maze. You know both words are important, but when you’re in the middle of a sentence, second-guessing yourself is the last thing you want. It’s all about knowing the rules of the game .

But here’s a little secret: once you get the hang of it, it’s not that complicated. The trick lies in understanding the context and the tense you’re dealing with. And guess what? We’re about to clear up that confusion. But just when you think you’ve got it all figured out, there’s a twist waiting around the corner.

Understanding the difference between came and come is crucial for using them correctly. Both words are forms of the verb “to come,” but they serve different purposes. Come is the base form, used in the present tense, for things happening now or generally. For example, “Please come to my house.” On the other hand, came is the simple past tense form, used for actions that happened in the past. An example would be, “She came to my house yesterday.” Remembering this difference helps in making clear and correct sentences in English.

Understanding the Basics of “Came” and “Come”

Before diving into the more complex uses of “came” and “come,” it is important to understand their fundamental roles in English grammar. Knowing the differences between these two forms can help you avoid common errors and improve your overall language proficiency.

Defining “Came” in Past Tense Contexts

Came is the proper form when referring to a completed action in the past with no auxiliary verbs needed. It expresses a finish to the act of coming. For instance, “He came to visit me yesterday.” This form is straightforward and does not require additional grammatical structures. Using “came” is crucial for accurately conveying past actions and understanding the meaning of sentences.

The Role of “Come” in Present and Perfect Tenses

The word “come” must be paired with an auxiliary verb to form the perfect tenses. The past participle “come” is combined with “have,” “had,” or “will have” to form the past perfect, present perfect, or future perfect tenses, respectively. Depending on the context, “come” transitions across these tenses to indicate ongoing or anticipated actions, such as in “I have come to understand the instructions” or “By next year, I will have come to visit you three times.”

Irregular Verbs: Why “Come” and “Came” Confuse Many

The confusion around “come” and “came” arises because “come” is an irregular verb, which means it doesn’t follow the standard pattern of verb conjugation in the past tense. Unlike regular verbs that simply add “-ed” to form their past tense, irregular verbs such as “come” have unique past tense (“came”) and past participle (“come”) forms which can lead to mix-ups especially for language learners.

“I came to the party, but you were already gone.” “He has come a long way in his career.”

Understanding the irregular nature of these verbs is essential for mastering correct usage. Be aware of their individual conjugations and remember how they function in various tenses. This will help you communicate more precisely, both in writing and speaking.

  • Simple Past Tense: “He came to visit me.”
  • Present Perfect Tense : “She has come to the library before.”
  • Past Perfect Tense: “They had come to a decision.”

When to Use “Came” in a Sentence

Knowing when to use “came” in a sentence is crucial for mastering past tense verb usage. “Came” serves as the correct form when describing definitive past actions that have been completed and hold no direct impact on the present situation. To better understand this concept, consider the following examples and observations:

  • They came to the party last night. In this sentence, the act of coming to the party occurred entirely in the past, with the night being over and the event having concluded.
  • She came to the meeting on time. Here, the speaker asserts that the person arrived on time for a meeting that has already taken place, emphasizing the past tense nature of the verb “came”.

As seen in these examples, “came” fits best in instances where the action of coming has been finished. This holds especially true when recounting events or actions that took place at a specific time in the past.

He told me that he came across an old photograph from their childhood while cleaning out the attic.

In the above quote, “came” signifies a past discovery with no continuing impact on the present situation. As you improve your understanding of past tense verb constructions with “came,” remember that it is suitable for describing moments when the act of coming is entirely concluded and holds no bearing on current circumstances.

How “Come” Fits into Perfect Tenses

The verb “come” plays a crucial role in perfect tenses, which are used to describe actions with connections to the present or completion in the future. To fully understand its usage, let’s examine its application in present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect tenses.

Illustrating Present Perfect with “Have Come”

The present perfect tense employs “have come” to indicate actions that occurred at an unspecified time in the past and have relevance to the present. This tense is formed by combining the auxiliary verb “have” with the past participle “come.” An example of this construction is “I have come to a decision after much deliberation.”

“Since starting my new job, I have come across several interesting clients.”

Distinguishing Past Perfect “Had Come”

In the past perfect tense , “had come” refers to an action that was completed before another past action. This tense is formed by using “had” with “come.” For instance, “She had come to see me before you arrived.”

  • Jane had come to my office before I got the news.
  • The team had come to an agreement before the meeting began.

Future Perfect and “Come”: Predictive Usage

When it comes to the future perfect tense , the form “will have come” implies that an action will be completed by a certain point in the future. This tense follows the structure of combining “will have” with “come,” as exemplified by “By 2025, they will have come to understand the importance of sustainability.”

  • By the time we leave office, we will have come up with new solutions.
  • At the end of the year, she will have come to a decision about her career.

By becoming familiar with the different perfect tenses, you can confidently choose the right form and construction of “come” in your writing and conversations. This knowledge will not only enhance your grammar skills but also contribute to clearer and more effective communication.

The Importance of Auxiliary Verbs with “Come”

Auxiliary verbs play an essential role in constructing perfect tenses for the verb “come.” Perfect tenses, which encompass actions that have a continuity or potential future completion, depend on auxiliary verbs like “have,” “has,” and “will” to link the main verb to the tense.

For example, the present perfect tense “You have come to the right conclusion” demonstrates the bond between “have” and the past participle “come.” Similarly, the formation of the past perfect tense “They had come to an agreement” relies on the auxiliary verb “had” aiding in the establishment of past perfect tense.

“Learning the art of employing auxiliary verbs with the verb ‘come’ simplifies understanding complex verb structures and ultimately improves overall English language proficiency.”

To solidify your grasp of these concepts, consider the following points:

  • Remind yourself of the value of auxiliary verbs in constructing perfect tenses, specifically when working with “come.”
  • Be attentive when choosing the right auxiliary verb. Use “have” or “has” for present perfect, “had” for past perfect, and “will have” for future perfect tenses, depending on context.
  • Practice constructing sentences with “come” in perfect tenses to become more comfortable with these structures.

Common Errors: “Have Came” and Why It’s Incorrect

Among the common English mistakes, one stands out concerning the use of the verb “come.” Many people pair the past tense form “came” with the auxiliary verb “have,” resulting in the inaccurate phrase “have came.” But why exactly is this expression problematic? This section will explore this grammatical error with come and provide an explanation of the correct usage.

First and foremost, “have came” is never correct and does not exist in standard English grammar. The proper form should be “have come,” constituting the present perfect tense . By combining both the present perfect and simple past forms when using “have came,” one creates a contradiction in tenses that can cause confusion for listeners or readers.

“Have came” is an incorrect combination of both present perfect and simple past forms, leading to confusion in tense usage.

To avoid this “have came” misuse and convey your intended meaning clearly, always remember these rules:

  • Use “came” for simple past tense, describing completed actions in the past without auxiliary verbs.
  • Use “come” with auxiliary verbs like “have,” “has,” or “will” to indicate actions in the perfect tenses (present perfect, past perfect, future perfect).

By keeping these guidelines in mind and practicing them in your writing and speaking, you’ll ensure grammatical accuracy and strengthen your English skills.

Practical Examples: “Came” and “Come” in Sentences

Understanding the usage of “came” and “come” in different contexts will help you not only communicate more accurately but also enhance your writing and conversational skills. In this section, we will explore practical examples of using “came” and “come” in dialogues, narratives, and everyday English conversations.

Using “Came” in Dialogues and Narratives

narrative past tense, which centers an action in the past, “came” is a vital component for telling stories or engaging in dialogues. The following examples illustrate how to use “came” correctly in various situations:

  • In a story: “Alice said she came to the party to say goodbye before leaving for college.”
  • During a conversation: “ Remember when you came to the city with me and we attended that concert? “
  • In a narration: “Years ago, he came to this village and built a house for his family.”
He knocked on the door and, with tears in his eyes, said, “I came to beg for forgiveness.”

Employing “Come” in Conversational English

In everyday conversations, you’ll often find “come” being used with auxiliary verbs to express actions with present relevance or hypothetical future occurrences. Combining the present perfect and future perfect tenses, here are some examples showcasing its usage:

  • Present perfect tense: “I have come to see you.”
  • Present perfect tense: “They have come prepared for the meeting.”
  • Future perfect tense: “By next month, the construction workers will have come and completed the building.”

By understanding and practicing these examples, you’ll become more comfortable with employing “came” and “come” in your writing and day-to-day exchanges. As you develop this skill, you’ll create engaging narratives and have more insightful conversations.

Final Tips for Mastering “Came” and “Come”

Understanding the proper usage of “came” and “come” is crucial in mastering English grammar . To enhance your skills and prevent mistakes, follow these tips and incorporate them into your daily practice. Remember, consistency is key to improving your verb tense usage and overall language proficiency.

Always keep in mind the different tenses that “came” and “come” correspond to. “Came” denotes past completed actions, while “come” is used with auxiliary verbs to express actions that are either ongoing or are expected to be completed in the future. Being aware of this distinction will help you make the right choice when using these verbs in your sentences.

Regular exposure to correct forms of these verbs in reading and listening is essential. Pay close attention to their usage in articles, books, and conversations to reinforce your understanding. Moreover, actively apply these verbs in your speaking and writing. The more you practice, the more confident you will become in incorporating “came” and “come” in your English communication.

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25 Other Ways to Say “Come Visit Us”

When it comes to inviting people to visit a place, business, or event, the way you phrase your invitation can make all the difference.

While the straightforward “Come visit us” is certainly effective, there are numerous alternative phrases that can add charm, enthusiasm, and variety to your invitations.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore 25 creative and engaging ways to invite people to visit, providing you with a wide array of options for different contexts and audiences.

1. Join Us for a Memorable Experience

  • “We invite you to join us for a memorable experience at our art gallery opening this Saturday.”
  • “Join us for a memorable experience at our beachside resort this summer.”

Context and Audience: This invitation is suitable for events, exhibitions, or experiences that promise to be remarkable or unique. It appeals to individuals seeking unforgettable experiences and can be used for both personal and professional invitations.

2. Discover Our Hidden Gem

  • “Come discover our hidden gem of a restaurant tucked away in the heart of the city.”
  • “We welcome you to discover our hidden gem of a boutique winery.”

Context and Audience: This invitation is ideal for businesses or places that may not be widely known but offer exceptional value or quality. It intrigues adventurous individuals looking for hidden treasures and can be used for restaurants, shops, or tourism destinations.

3. Experience the Magic

  • “Experience the magic of our enchanted garden this weekend.”
  • “We invite you to experience the magic of our historical museum.”

Context and Audience: This invitation is perfect for attractions, events, or locations that evoke a sense of wonder and enchantment. It is suitable for families, tourists, or anyone looking for a unique and captivating experience.

4. Step into Our World

  • “Step into our world of innovation and technology at our upcoming expo.”
  • “We invite you to step into our world of luxury at our spa retreat.”

Context and Audience: This invitation is well-suited for businesses or events that offer a distinct and immersive experience. It targets individuals interested in exploring new environments, technologies, or lifestyles.

5. Embark on a Journey

  • “Embark on a culinary journey with us at our food festival.”
  • “We welcome you to embark on a cultural journey through our art exhibition.”

Context and Audience: This invitation is ideal for events or places that offer a unique and educational journey through a specific theme or culture. It appeals to curious individuals interested in expanding their horizons.

6. Wander with Us

  • “Wander with us through the scenic trails of our national park.”
  • “Come wander with us through the pages of history at our heritage site.”

Context and Audience: This invitation is suitable for outdoor activities, nature excursions, or historical sites. It attracts those who enjoy exploring and discovering new places.

7. Immerse Yourself

  • “Immerse yourself in the world of art at our gallery’s latest exhibition.”
  • “We invite you to immerse yourself in relaxation at our spa retreat.”

Context and Audience: This invitation is fitting for experiences that encourage deep involvement and engagement, such as art exhibitions, wellness centers, or educational workshops. It targets individuals seeking a profound and meaningful experience.

8. Be a Part of Something Special

  • “Be a part of something special at our charity fundraising event.”
  • “We invite you to be a part of something special at our community gathering.”

Context and Audience: This invitation is perfect for events or initiatives that aim to create a sense of community, involvement, or shared purpose. It appeals to individuals looking to contribute or connect with others.

9. Explore Our Oasis

  • “Explore our oasis of tranquility at our secluded beach resort.”
  • “We invite you to explore our oasis of flavors at our restaurant.”

Context and Audience: This invitation is well-suited for locations or businesses that offer relaxation, escape, or a serene atmosphere. It targets individuals seeking a peaceful and rejuvenating experience.

10. Journey Back in Time

  • “Journey back in time with us as we explore the history of our town.”
  • “Come journey back in time at our vintage car exhibition.”

Context and Audience: This invitation is fitting for historical or nostalgic experiences that transport participants to a different era. It appeals to history enthusiasts and those interested in preserving or celebrating the past.

11. Savor the Moment

  • “Savor the moment with our delectable tasting menu at the chef’s table.”
  • “We invite you to savor the moment as you unwind in our luxury spa.”

Context and Audience: This invitation is ideal for businesses that offer indulgent or sensory experiences, such as fine dining or spa services. It targets individuals who appreciate the finer things in life.

12. Share in Our Joy

  • “Share in our joy as we celebrate the grand opening of our new store.”
  • “We welcome you to share in our joy at our family reunion.”

Context and Audience: This invitation is suitable for celebratory events or gatherings where happiness and togetherness are emphasized. It appeals to friends, family, or colleagues looking to participate in joyous occasions.

13. Uncover Hidden Treasures

  • “Join us to uncover hidden treasures at our antique show and sale.”
  • “Come uncover hidden treasures in the world of science at our museum.”

Context and Audience: This invitation is perfect for events or places that showcase unique collections or rare finds. It targets collectors, enthusiasts, or those intrigued by the pursuit of hidden gems.

14. Share Our Passion

  • “Share our passion for music at our live jazz performance this Saturday.”
  • “We invite you to share our passion for sustainable living at our eco-friendly expo.”

Context and Audience: This invitation is well-suited for events or businesses driven by a particular passion or cause. It attracts individuals who align with the values or interests being promoted.

15. Escape to Paradise

  • “Escape to paradise at our tropical island getaway.”
  • “We welcome you to escape to paradise with our spa’s rejuvenating treatments.”

Context and Audience: This invitation is fitting for destinations or experiences that promise relaxation, luxury, or a break from the everyday. It targets individuals seeking a dreamy and idyllic escape.

16. Unleash Your Curiosity

  • “Unleash your curiosity at our interactive science exhibit.”
  • “Come unleash your curiosity in the world of fashion at our runway show.”

Context and Audience: This invitation is ideal for events or places that encourage exploration, experimentation, or hands-on learning. It appeals to inquisitive individuals of all ages.

17. Roam Our Wonderland

  • “Roam our wonderland of gardens and sculptures at our art park.”
  • “We invite you to roam our wonderland of flavors at our food festival.”

Context and Audience: This invitation is suitable for locations or events that offer a visually stunning or diverse environment. It targets those who appreciate aesthetic beauty and culinary delights.

18. Dive into Adventure

  • “Dive into adventure with us as we explore the underwater world on our diving trip.”
  • “Come dive into adventure at our outdoor recreation center.”

Context and Audience: This invitation is well-suited for adventurous activities, sports, or outdoor excursions. It appeals to thrill-seekers and nature enthusiasts.

19. Discover the Unexpected

  • “Discover the unexpected at our off-the-beaten-path hiking trails.”
  • “We welcome you to discover the unexpected in the world of science at our research facility.”

Context and Audience: This invitation is perfect for experiences or locations that offer surprises, unique perspectives, or unconventional approaches. It targets individuals open to new and unexpected discoveries.

20. Indulge Your Senses

  • “Indulge your senses in our aromatic tea tasting experience.”
  • “We invite you to indulge your senses in the world of art at our gallery.”

Context and Audience: This invitation is ideal for sensory experiences that stimulate taste, smell, sight, or touch. It appeals to connoisseurs, art lovers, or anyone seeking a sensorial journey.

21. Walk in Our Shoes

  • “Walk in our shoes and experience life as a local on our guided city tour.”
  • “Come walk in our shoes and learn about our culture at our cultural festival.”

Context and Audience: This invitation is fitting for immersive cultural or educational experiences that provide insight into a specific way of life. It targets travelers and individuals interested in cultural exchange.

22. Take a Leap of Faith

  • “Take a leap of faith with us as we explore the world of entrepreneurship at our startup event.”
  • “We invite you to take a leap of faith and join our adventure club.”

Context and Audience: This invitation is well-suited for events or opportunities that require courage, risk-taking, or a willingness to try something new. It attracts adventurous individuals and aspiring entrepreneurs.

23. Immerse in Nature’s Beauty

  • “Immerse in nature’s beauty as we hike through the pristine wilderness.”
  • “Come immerse in nature’s beauty at our botanical garden.”

Context and Audience: This invitation is perfect for outdoor enthusiasts, nature lovers, or those seeking a connection with the natural world. It targets individuals who appreciate the beauty of landscapes and ecosystems.

24. Join Our Enchanting Journey

  • “Join our enchanting journey through the world of fairy tales at our children’s storytelling event.”
  • “We welcome you to join our enchanting journey through the cosmos at our planetarium show.”

Context and Audience: This invitation is ideal for events or experiences designed to captivate the imagination and inspire wonder, particularly among children and families.

25. Let the Adventure Begin

  • “Let the adventure begin as we set sail on our expedition to explore uncharted waters.”
  • “Come, let the adventure begin at our outdoor adventure park.”

Context and Audience: This invitation is fitting for any exciting or thrilling experience that signifies the start of an adventure. It appeals to those seeking excitement, exploration, and new horizons.

Incorporating these alternative ways to invite people to visit can infuse your communications with creativity, excitement, and a sense of anticipation.

Tailoring your invitations to the specific context and audience ensures that your message resonates effectively and leaves a lasting impression.

So, whether you’re promoting a business, event, or destination, these enticing phrases will help you engage your audience and make them eager to accept your invitation.

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"come visit" vs "come and visit"

Last Updated: March 19, 2024

This phrase is correct and commonly used in informal contexts.

  • Hey, come visit me this weekend!
  • I miss you, come visit soon.
  • Come visit us at our new office.
  • When are you going to come visit?
  • Come visit anytime you're in town.


  • come and see
  • pay a visit

come and visit

This phrase is correct and slightly more formal than 'come visit.'

  • Please come and visit us at our booth during the event.
  • We would love for you to come and visit our new home.
  • Come and visit our website for more information.
  • You are invited to come and visit our museum.
  • Feel free to come and visit us anytime.
  • come over and see
  • drop by and visit
  • pay a visit to

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The Come-See-Me Festival Parade kicks off the celebrations on the first Thursday of the Festival each year. There’s plenty of room along the parade route in downtown Rock Hill so come out and join us!

The fun will start just before the train tracks on Oakland Avenue heading towards Main Street. The route will turn right onto White Street then left into the Wells Fargo parking lot, followed by another left onto Main Street where it will finish up around Fountain Park.

Interested in participating in the parade? Register online by April 1, 2024.

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What do we mean when we say, "COME VISIT US!"

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This is not an invitation for every internet person to visit us. This is for our good friends and family or their good friends or family. Please don't be a random person showing up at our door.

Now that we have that cleared up, let's talk about what we mean when we tell you that we want you to come visit us. Of course, before we go anywhere with this, make sure you let us know your plans. We might not be around, so please let us know first. 

Seriously, this is not an empty invitation

When we invite you to come visit, we really mean it! We've been housesitting for nearly two years now staying in other people's houses and we're ready to pay it back! We will have a place in Wales for FIVE YEARS starting this fall. We won't have furniture for it right away, so if you come early, you can help us decorate! But it has four bedrooms, so there will be plenty of room!

It's not that expensive to get to us

We understand that many people are cautious about travel, but the UK is one of the cheapest places to get to in the world! Our round trip tickets that we got at the last minute were only $1200 for the two of us! You can easily find cheaper, though, if you plan ahead. Once here, there's a ton to see both expensive and cheap. Tell us your budget and we'll figure something out.

We don't have to hang out the whole time

It's true! You can use us as a way station to go explore Europe! Flights from London to most anywhere can be found for as little as $30 round trip! Come bring your stuff to us and drop it off, then you can travel light to wherever. Go to Belgium for a few days, then come back and recharge. Maybe we'll be able to take some time off, but if you want to go without us, we completely understand. We tell people to plan to spend about $100 per location and $100 per night. So go to Paris for 3 days/2 nights for $300. It's a good way to guess how much things will cost. Of COURSE, you can pay less pretty easily (or much, much more if you need to travel in style), but it's a pretty good estimate for how much to save up. 

Bring your friends!

We're friendly people! You can bring people we don't know. Or heck, send your kids to travel the area for the summer! We're easy! Any friend of yours is a friend of ours, right? (Assuming, of course, that YOU are a friend of ours. NO CREEPERS!)

We have some pretty simple rules to follow: Don't be loud and disruptive. You're on vacation, but we're still working. Be courteous. Don't expect us to drop everything to entertain you. I'm sure we love you, but we still have to live our lives. We can't afford to pay for a lot of extras. We did just move after all. Budget accordingly. We'll probably pick you up from the airport, but be ready to take the bus. Public transport is fantastic in the UK (and other European countries) so be ready to take a bus to our area. 

That's about it! If we've invited you to come stay, this is what we mean. Come for a few days or come for months! We reserve the right to send you back home if you're annoying, though. So just be cool, and we'll have a great time! Hope to see you soon!

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When Someone Dies, Can They Come Back to See You?

  • Seeking Truth
  • Paranormal & Unexplained
  • Afterlife & NDE

When Someone Dies, Can They Come Back to See You?

No matter what your spiritual beliefs are, dealing with the death of a loved one can be incredibly difficult. The smallest message or sign from a deceased loved one can mean the world to any human being. However, there are several ways to receive messages from the dead, but they can be rather subtle and might be overlooked or discounted if you don’t know what to look for. Explore life after death to learn whether a deceased person is trying to contact you from the spirit world.

Loved Ones Communicating Beyond the Grave

There are countless cases of loved ones contacting their living counterparts after they’ve passed, or in some cases while they’ve been clinically dead, before being brought back to life.

In one instance, recounted by Dr. Raymond Moody , the researcher who coined the phrase near-death experience or NDE, a surgeon once told him that while operating on a young man, his patient went into cardiac arrest. Believing he had lost the patient, the man’s wife burst into the room screaming that her husband had visited her in the waiting room and told her the doctor thought he was dead but that he was still alive and able to be saved. The surgeon immediately began to perform resuscitation techniques and brought the patient back to life.

After-death communication is very common soon after a loved one passes away. And while everyone’s loved ones have different ways of communicating this, the signs we see are usually more than sheer coincidence.

When looking for signs of a loved one visiting or communicating with you after they have passed, think of things from their life that they had a predilection for, whether that’s a particular animal, flower, or song. These personal affections typically appear in their attempts to reach you in the physical world, and rightfully so. If there’s one thing you’d associate strongly with them, it’s sure to stand out.

4 Common Signs From Deceased Loved Ones

When looking for signs from the other side, it can help to reminisce on the life and accomplishments of the loved one who passed. Thinking back on their life and the things they did or were interested in might help clue you in on some of the ways they may try to reach you.

If you aren’t entirely familiar with certain periods of their life, doing some research by reconnecting with other family members and friends or digging through their memorabilia may provide more insight into their past. Understanding their history will allow them to connect with you more easily for the first time.

Here are four common ways a deceased loved one’s spirit may be trying to make contact:

Visitation Dreams

When your loved ones visit in a dream, it will feel peaceful and more real than a typical dream. Instead of just watching your dream like a movie, you’ll be able to control what you say and do.

It’s common to wake up after you’ve received a message from your loved ones, so if you suddenly wake up in the middle of the night, try to remember what you were dreaming about.

To make it easier for your loved ones to visit you in dreams, start paying attention to your dreams and writing them down the next day. Have a notebook and pen by your bed, and let your loved ones know before you go to sleep that you’d like a visit from them.

Electrical Phenomena

Electricity is easy for spirits to manipulate. When you’re thinking of your loved ones or celebrating a family event, watch out for lights flickering, strange phone calls, uncanny songs that come up on a playlist, a stereo suddenly turning on and playing a loved one’s favorite song, or phones or other electronics malfunctioning in ways that can’t be explained logically. It might be a little “hello” from the great beyond .

Special Signs

A million different events happen in your day, and none of them stand out to you. When a seemingly benign event suddenly grabs your attention and makes you question if it’s a sign from your loved one in spirit…it probably is.

Most signs are subtle. You probably won’t get a marching band coming to your house with a sign that reads, “Mom says hi!” It’s much more likely that when you’re thinking about your mother, a picture of her falls off the wall, a dove with white feathers flies by, somebody gives you a bouquet of her favorite flowers, or you stumble upon a card from her that you’d forgotten about. It may not be the specific sign you asked for, but if you suddenly wonder if it’s a sign and think of your loved one, it’s a sign.

Through People

You might see someone who looks just like your loved one. It will look as if your loved one’s image is superimposed on another person’s face or body.

Another way your loved ones in spirit can say hello is by appearing in the dream of a friend or family member. When your best friend or family member tells you about their experience, you might wonder why your loved one in spirit didn’t come directly to you. If you’re experiencing a lot of grief over a loved one’s passing , it may be difficult for you to recognize a direct message from them, so they will send you messages through people who are close to you. They are just letting you know that they are okay.

It’s also possible to get in touch with a deceased loved one through a psychic medium, empaths, tarot readers, or some other person who is gifted with mediumship. Looking into a medium that can provide you with a numerology reading about your loved one’s past life can also help. However, it’s always good to exercise caution and fully vet this person as there are, unfortunately, charlatans out there.

Being Cautious

When attempting to make contact with the spiritual realm or a dead person, it’s crucial to proceed with caution. Contacting the wrong departed individual can potentially invite random or unintended apparitions into your home or life. This warning is worth heeding because not all entities from the spiritual world mean well. Intentionally or unintentionally connecting with the wrong spirit can bring forth energies or spirits that may not align with positive or comforting experiences. It’s akin to opening a door without knowing who or what might be on the other side, making it essential to approach any form of spiritual contact with care and discernment.

Seeking Comfort

During the grieving process, it’s necessary to seek comfort in whatever it is that can bring it to you. Whether that means reaching out to your spirit guides, guardian angel, family members, mental health professional, local support group, or the solitude of being with your inner self, it’s natural to find a way to ease the pain.

Whether you’re grieving over a deceased friend, dead relatives, or a dead loved one, it’s okay to seek comfort anywhere you can, as long as that which is comforting you isn’t self-destructive or addictive.

Now that you know four common ways your loved ones in spirit can contact you, be on the lookout for signs and messages from them.

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How a Near Death Experience Enhanced My Consciousness

How a Near Death Experience Enhanced My Consciousness

There’s no doubt that consciousness is rapidly expanding throughout the human race. My coffee cup is about to start talking to me. A lot of what was once considered ridiculously paranormal has now been empirically-proven and popularly embraced. In fact, the human race is clearly now a race between the realization of how expanded consciousness plays in the creation of our world and the destructive consequences that ignoring it has caused and continues to cause every day.

Consciousness as an Elemental Force

So what does that have to do with near-death experiences (NDEs) ? Well, now it seems even science is converging on the ancient—but currently revolutionary—concept that consciousness itself may be an elemental force: a field, like gravity. It might be an eternal quantum field of being, necessary for the formation of material life – rather than the other way around (this idea is nicely, and controversially, proposed by Dr. Robert Lanza, of Wake Forest University). And what are NDEs but further testimonies of the continuation of consciousness beyond physical life?

Co-Creating our Reality

The rapidly growing Near-Death Movement, based on thousands of testimonies of people who have experienced consciousness beyond the limitations of our physical life, is yet another example of humanity’s spiritual potential. It’s additional evidence of our ability to co-create whatever reality we participate in, be it on the earth right here, or in that sweet hereafter.

I’d never given any of it much thought until the power and meaning of my own three NDEs arose and compelled me to write a book that put me into the hub of the hubbub. I’ve since discovered that the community of near-death experiencers ranges somewhere from five to fifteen percent of the general population globally . Now that’s a whole lot of non-ordinary reality!

Consciousness – and Individuals – Are Unique

Naturally, I have less reason than the average Joe to doubt the veracity of all that testimony; but I have found plenty of reason to ask this question: why is it that near-death experiences are all so different ? If we’re all governed by eternal, invisible machinery, why do we see such a range of afterlife options, all tailored to the individual participant? Shouldn’t we all go down that identical tunnel into the light and meet Grandpa in the shimmering fields of Elysium?

Some near-death returnees report celestial extravaganzas. Some tell of organizations of elders and angels, structured in an elaborate cosmic framework. For others, it’s a hellish nightmare, complete with every infernal cliché. The reason for all these differences can be simply explained if we consider the way we’re always participating in the field of consciousness, how we are always creating our own individual realities.

The Continuum of Consciousness

My own NDEs were humble by comparison, but they all had one glorious factor in common; that I did not lose consciousness when I lost consciousness . In fact, all three times, I experienced an enhanced consciousness, seamlessly uninterrupted from this life to the next.

Skeptics suggest this sense of continuity is the result of a still-active mind – a mind not yet fully “dead.” And they’re right. Since consciousness is a field we eternally participate in, our minds never do die, they simply join a greater mind. The Hindu Vedas suggested that thousands of years ago. Dear old Dr. Jung described it too, way back in the 20th century. The mind continues working.

“Memory ensures that nature creates individual forms that are copies of the primal universal forms.” The Hermetica

And as for the differences, well, imagine someone dying, and awakening in this world. What would they experience? The war in Syria? A recital by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir? Perhaps a high-powered business lunch, or that visit to Grandpa’s? In this elemental context, we all imagine the life we are living and live it. We all enter into the life we need to experience. This is the mystery of any incarnation, and it will continue to be the mystery from this life to the next (although NDEs do generally suggest that things are better explained over there).

The Unharnessed Power of the Mind

And what if all bets were off when it comes to our greatest potential imaginable – the unharnessed power of mind? What if our imaginations were released from the obvious limitations of this physical form? Almost anything is possible here and now––how about a world where your imagination is set free to manifest reality without material limit?

In “the next world,” as in this one, our imagination is like the clay; consciousness is like the ever-spinning potter’s wheel, and the source of power is like, well, The Source of Power. Welcome to every life (and afterlife) you will ever live – and remember, whatever life you’re living, always look for the love!

Article originally published Oct. 4, 2014

they come visit me

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How to Respond to ‘Come Visit Me’ (35 Ways We Know!)

How do you respond when a person tells you to come to visit him/her? There are several possible responses a person can think of to this expression.

When you are asked to visit, you get to choose whether you want to honor the request or not.

When you are asked to visit, you also get to decide whether you are just unwilling to honor the request or unable to do it.

35 Different ways to reply to ‘Come Visit Me’

How to Respond to 'Come Visit Me'

  • I was waiting for you to ask.
  • Right away.
  • I would love to.

When should I come around?

  • I will find the time for that.
  • I can’t wait to see your place.
  • I’m coming over now.

Expect me soon

What do you have to offer.

  • Let’s meet elsewhere.
  • I’m not sure I want that.

Is there any issue?

Is it important, what should i wear, i don’t know your place.

  • I can’t come.
  • Some other time, please.

How about you come visit me?

How about tomorrow.

  • I am very busy now.
  • I can’t trust you.

I’m not comfortable with that

  • I am honestly tired.
  • Leave the door open. I’m storming in.
  • Prepare some food.

Are you sure?

  • I’d have to kill my boss.
  • There’s no time for that.

Is the weekend fine?

  • I was going to show up by surprise.
  • Since you’re begging, I will.

When a person tells you to come to visit him/her, you can show that you are interested in coming by asking what time the person wants you to come over.

While this response shows that you may be willing to come, you still get to say whether you will show up at the person’s place or not. However, knowing what time you are expected will help you know if you can show up or not.

When a person tells you to come to visit him/her, you can simply say Of course. However, this implies that you will be visiting the person.

Of course, in this context, sounds like a show of excitement. You can use this when there is a purpose for your visit to the person’s place. It implies that the visit is necessary and you would do it even if the person did not ask.

I was waiting for you to ask

When a person tells you to come to visit him/her, you can say this. This means that you are more than willing to honor the request since it is your desire to do the same thing, even without the request.

You can use this to show enthusiasm to visit a person. It can be used when referring to a person that is admired.

When a person tells you to come to visit him/her, you can respond with this. This response makes the expression sound more like an order than a request.

This expression will most likely be used when it is necessary for you to visit a particular person. This expression has a string of urgency attached to it which has to be evident in the situation it is used in.

I would love to

When a person tells you to come to visit him/her, you can respond by saying this. This does not state whether you will show up or not, however.

If it is someone you admire and have no issues with visiting, you can only use this expression to create suspense. Then after a few seconds, you can say when you will show up.

When a person tells you to come to visit him/her, you can respond by asking what time the person wants you to come around.

It does not say whether you will visit the person or not but it gives the person the hope that you will show up. It can also be used to buy time to think of a perfect excuse not to show up.

When a person tells you to come to visit him/her, it can be based on your request, though unlikely. If it is based on your request to visit the person, you can simply thank the person before asking for what time to show up.

I will find the time for that

When a person tells you to come to visit him/her, you can respond by saying this. This shows that you are not rejecting the idea of visiting the person who has invited you but it also shows that you may not be able to show up at just any time, even without giving reasons.

When you respond with this, it gives a tiny hope that you will visit soon.

I can’t wait to see your place

When a person tells you to come to visit him/her, you can reply to it with this expression. This should only be used as a positive response unless you are being sarcastic.

This expression implies that you like the idea of visiting the person and you are excited about it. It convinces the person that you will visit the person as soon as possible.

I’m coming over now

When a person tells you to come to visit him/her, you can respond with this expression. This sounds like you have no better thing to do with your life but it actually refers to the reason for your visit.

When you are visiting for a reason or a purpose, you can use this response. It shows how urgent the visit is.

When a person tells you to visit him/her, you can also say this. This implies that you will show up at the person’s place as soon as possible. It can mean that you are close to the person or you are going to see the person for an urgent reason.

You should only use this if you plan to show up and if you are working toward visiting the person at the moment.

When a person asks you to visit him/her, you can always ask why. It is normal to ask this question when you don’t feel safe around a particular person.

The responses suggested above refer to a person’s interest and unwillingness to pay a visit to the person requesting. However, it is important to know why the visit has been requested for.

When a person asks you to visit him/her, you can ask this question. This is a casual question that does not exactly have a correct answer. It should only be used in casual situations.

You can ask this question as a joke before saying yes or no to the request.

Let’s meet Elsewhere

When a person asks you to visit him/her, you can say this. It is normal to feel unsafe in the house of a person so it should be understood if you don’t want to go to a person’s house.

Your unwillingness to visit can be for several reasons. You can state your reason and suggest where you would like to meet with this person.

I’m not sure I want that

When a person asks you to visit him/her, you can say this. This implies that you may not be willing to visit the person that is requesting. This does not have excuses. Rather, it’s focused on what you want.

If you do not feel safe about going to a person’s house, you can say this and suggest a different place to meet.

When a person asks you to visit him/her, you can ask if there is any issue. This question fits in official situations only.

When the request comes from someone you are not very close to or someone you only talk business with, you can ask this question to know why you are visiting.

When a person says you should visit him/her, you can respond with this question. This asks whether the visit is necessary.

With this question, you get to know why the person wants you to visit. Asides from that, it helps you to cook up an excuse in a way that is more believable. This question makes it seem like you are busy and do not want to honor unimportant meetings.

When a person says you should visit him/her, you can ask this question. This question is mostly used in outings so it will sound funny if you use it in this conversation.

You can always say this, however, before answering whether you will be visiting the person or not.

When a person asks you to visit him/her, you can respond with this statement. This implies that you cannot visit the person because you do not know where he/she lives currently. You have to be honest with this excuse.

If it is someone who knows that you are aware of his/her address, you may be getting a minor reaction.

I can’t come

When a person tells you to visit him/her, you can say this. Whenever a request is made to you, you always get to choose whether it’s a yes or a no

By saying this, you are telling the person that you cannot visit. You can give an excuse and you can choose not to say anything about it.

Some other time, please

When a person asks you to visit him/her, you can say this. It shows that you are not available to visit the person at the moment but you would love to honor the request at a later date.

This does not state whether you are saying No out of unwillingness or a busy schedule.

When a person asks you to visit him/her, you can choose to suggest where else to meet if you are not comfortable with going to his/her house. You can also suggest that the person visits you as long as it is not an official version.

How to Respond to 'Come Visit Me'

When a person asks you to visit him/her, you can ask this question to show agreement. By asking this question, you are saying that you will like to visit the person the next day and the person gets to choose.

I am very busy now

When a person asks you to visit him/her, you can respond with this to show that you can’t visit the person at the moment you are discussing.

You can go ahead to suggest a convenient time.

I can’t trust you

When a person asks you to come over and you don’t trust him/her, you can simply say it to the person. This gives him/her a chance to prove trustworthiness to you.

When a person says you should visit him/her, you can express your dislike towards the idea. If you are cool with paying a visit, you don’t have to say this.

However, if you are not comfortable with it, you can say so.

I am honestly tired

When a person says you should visit him/her, this is one of the excuses you can give to say No. You may also be genuinely tired.

This response implies that the person has requested your presence immediately and you are very tired at the moment.

Leave the door open. I’m storming in

When a person asks you to visit him/her, this is one of the casual responses you can give.

It implies that you are going over to the person’s place immediately.

Prepare some food

When a person asks you to visit, this is one of the positive responses you can give.

This response implies that you will be visiting but you want the person to prepare some food.

When a person asks you to visit and you think the person may suffer risks due to that, you can ask this question.

Several cases may require this question but you will know when you have to ask.

I’d have to kill my boss

When a person asks you to come over, this is a funny but negative response you can give. It implies that you have a job that stands in the way of you taking time to visit the person.

There’s no time for that

When a person asks you to come over, you can say this if you are too busy to honor the invitation.

This implies that no time was given for you to come over but you would like to come over by the weekend. If you will be available at another time, you may state it.

Whatever time you are stating, this implies that you will be visiting by then.

I was going to show up by surprise

This implies that you were considering visiting the person. It may not be true but it makes the moment amusing. It implies that you will visit the person.

You can go ahead and tease the person by saying No after saying this but this response means you will show up.

Since you’re begging, I will

This implies that you will visit the person as requested. The response is funny and should only be used in casual situations.

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Anna Sayce

In this article, I’m going to give you some tips on what you can do to draw your deceased loved ones closer to you, and I’m also going to give some examples of signs that they are already communicating with you.

This topic has been on my mind a fair bit lately, mostly because I’ve been hearing a lot from my deceased grandparents in recent weeks, including one I’ve never heard from before.

The lady in this picture is my paternal grandmother, Frances Adams.

they come visit me

She died one week before I was born. My dad didn’t talk much about his mum when we were growing up. All I knew about her was that she worked in a factory and she played the piano. And when she died of a stroke when he was 29, he was devastated. I remember when he talked about her death, it was still a very painful topic for him and he looks very sad in my baby photos.

And then when I went to visit my dad (who lives in New Zealand) in February of this year, my dad confessed that after 40 years of being estranged from his older sisters (after an argument), he was hoping to track them down or at least find out if they were still around and if they would be interested in reconnecting. His mum (Frances), came through to me, loud and clear and told me where to look for them and how to approach getting in touch. She also told me what to expect in terms of whether they are alive or dead, and it didn’t take long to track one of my dad’s sisters down, using the info she gave.

Around this time, I also had a dream about Frances. In the dream, I was in a hospital (I’m not sure why) and she was also there to visit someone. She was wearing an orange blouse, the same colour as the dress she was wearing in the photo above, and she looked very smart. In the dream, she spoke to me, and although I couldn’t remember what she said, I remember she was very softly spoken and seemed like quite a gentle person.

I woke up in the morning with her voice (that I had never heard before in real life) ringing in my ears. I felt so close to this person I had never met. I told my dad about the dream and he mentioned that she was very softly-spoken and a gentle personality, too. So, I do feel that it was a visitation from her.

Do you want to know how your deceased loved ones might be communicating with you, too?

Next up, I’m going to give you a comprehensive list of how you can know if your deceased loved one (in this article, I‘m going to shorten this term to d.l.o.) is already communicating with you, and then I’m going to give you a full list of tips for encouraging communication with them, if you’re not seeing any communication or much at all.

So, here are all the common ways in which our deceased loved ones tend to communicate with us:

Flickering lights & problems with electrics

Yes, d.l.o’s can interfere with electrics. When I lived in New Zealand, I noticed I was getting a lot of flickering lights in my house, and it went on for about 3 weeks. A medium I saw around this time told me that my great-grandmother, Ida Sayce, was around me, and that she said she was making my lights flicker to make her presence felt. I hadn’t even mentioned the lights to the medium, so that was pretty cool.

Feathers & Coins

If you’re finding feathers or coins on your path, especially in unusual places, then this can also be a sign that your deceased person is getting your attention. I was recently chatting online with a friend when I was in an airport waiting for a flight. She was telling me all about her partner who passed away several years ago. She told me that she sensed that she and him were going to meet again in a future life. I got the strong sense (intuitively) this would be the case, and felt tingles on my neck as I read the message (which is a sign Spirit is with me). Then in an empty (indoors) airport with no birds around, I had this feather blow past me and settle right at my feet in front of me. Feathers for me are a sign that Spirit is with me, so I felt like that was her deceased partner giving her a sign and I sent the photo of the feather to her.

they come visit me

You smell their fragrance

Maybe your deceased loved one wore a particular brand of perfume or they smelled like tobacco because they smoked. If you smell this odour around you and there’s no other source it could be coming from, that’s also a sign they are with you (by the way, this gift is called clairsalience .)

You have birds or butterflies around you that are behaving in unusual ways

Obviously not every time you see a bird or a butterfly is going to be your deceased loved one communicating with you. But if you are on a walk, thinking about your d.l.o. and you see a bird that follows you around on your walk, that’s a sign. Or if you see a butterfly and you’re thinking of your d.l.o., and butterflies have some significance for you spiritually, maybe that’s a sign, too. Basically, go on how YOU feel about it. If something feels significant, it likely is.

Physical sensations

A sign for me that Spirit is around is that I get tingling on my temples , near my eyes. This can happen on one side or both sides. I don’t just get this when a deceased spirit is around but also when I do readings and come into contact with other types of Spirit. This is a form of clairsentience and it is not uncommon for people to experience it when their deceased love one is hanging around. It can manifest in different ways — it won’t necessarily always manifest as tingling or on the temples, like mine does. It could be on your back or on the back of your legs, for example (both common spots.) It could also be a physical sensation like pressure or feel like someone is touching you when there is no-one there.

You just get the sense they are with you

This one is hard to describe. Maybe you just feel like they are so close that they are in the room with you, or maybe you feel like you’re not alone and being watched (but not in a creepy way).

Your/their special song comes on the radio

Maybe there is a song that reminds you of your d.l.o., or perhaps there was a song that was ‘your’ song, that you both enjoyed listening to, when you were together. If this song comes on the radio (especially if it is not a song that comes on the radio too often, and it happens at a significant moment), this could also be a sign.

Objects are moving around and you’re not moving them

Perhaps a photo of your d.l.o. keeps getting knocked off the wall, or some other item that you associate with your deceased loved one is showing up in odd places or where it shouldn’t. And no-one else put it there. Deceased spirits do have the power to move matter (although not all spirits are capable of it) so if this is happening, it could also be a sign.

You see angel lights or things moving in the corner of your eye

Sometimes I see golden/white/blue/pinks lights that are a bit like fireworks, in my peripheral vision. They go off in a flash but if I look at them directly, they’re gone. For me, this is a sign that a spirit is nearby or trying to get my attention, and I call them ‘ angel lights ‘ because they are sometimes associated with angels, too. I go through phases with how often I see these lights, sometimes I can go months without seeing one, but if it’s been a while and I see one while thinking about someone who is deceased, for me that’s a sign that that person is with me.

Seeing things moving in the corner of your eye can also be a sign that a deceased loved one is with you. Equally, this could be a sign of an earthbound spirit . Seeing something moving in the corner of your eye should feel comforting, not creepy. If it’s comforting, or is accompanied by some other positive feeling, it’s likely to be your d.l.o.

Conversely, if it creeps you out, and you suspected anyway that you had earthbound spirits around you or in your space, you might need some techniques to clear them (see my book The Empath’s Toolkit for a technique to clear earthbound spirits from your aura.)

OK, back to signs that your loved one is with you:

It’s the anniversary of their death, or your wedding anniversary

All of the above signs are extra significant, if they happen on or around the anniversary of the person’s death, or on another significant date, such as their birthday or your wedding anniversary (if the deceased loved one was your spouse.) In my experience, d.l.o.’s are even more likely to communicate at those times.

So now I’ve gone into some signs that your loved one with with you. What if you don’t see any of these signs but you want to encourage them to check in?

Here are some ideas to encourage communication with them:

Pay attention most of all to your dreams

Dreams are the easiest way for our d.l.o’s to communicate with us, simply because channelling the deceased is like building a bridge. You live in different worlds. You’re in the earthly world and they are on the ‘other side’. To communicate with them, you have to (energetically speaking) build a bridge to their world, and they need to build a bridge to yours. When you dream, you visit the astral planes, which are like a halfway house between the earthly realm, and the ‘other side’. And so this makes it easier for your d.l.o. to get through to you, because they can pop into a dream more easily than they can, say move matter in the physical realm. And it also makes it easier for you to pick up a message because you’re in such a receptive state when you’re asleep and dreaming.

ASK them to make their presence felt 

This sounds really obvious but asking them to communicate with you can get the ball rolling. Speak their name, and say it out loud that you want to hear from them. If you’re someone who spooks easily, ask them not to knock your stuff over and startle you!

Develop your psychic abilities

Our deceased loved ones will use any available channels to communicate with us, including our clairvoyance , clairaudience , clairsentience , or claircognizance . Developing and sensitising these clairs gives them more opportunities to contact you. For example, if you develop your clairvoyance, you’re more likely to see the ‘angel lights’ I mentioned above as a sign from your d.l.o.

(If you’d like some help developing your clairs, I have a free e-course at the top of my free resources page .)

Play a song (or songs) that you used to listen to together, or that remind you of the person in question

This can draw your d.l.o closer to you. Doing this before bed may even bring them to you in a dream.

Keep their photo close by

If you haven’t got a photo of your deceased loved one on display in your house, get one up. Keeping a photo next to the bed, may also bring their spirit closer to you when you’re asleep and dreaming.

Hold something that belonged to your person and think about him/her (preferably while you meditate)

Doing that daily or a few times per week can call their spirit in to you.

Visit their grave

This might not be possible at the moment, depending on your circumstances, but they will know you have visited, and it will draw them closer to you.

Ask your friends/family to be aware

If your d.l.o. is not able to get through to you, sometimes he/she will take advantage of another person’s openness, so ask your sensitive or intuitive loved ones or friends to tell you if they have a dream involving your deceased person.

This happened to a friend of mine who lost her husband a few years ago. She was in a situation where she really wished she could talk a situation over with him, that was happening in her life at the time. She would have wanted his input. So, she asked him to come into her dreams or communicate with her, but didn’t get a message from him. I didn’t even know she asked him to communicate, but that night he came into my dreams. He didn’t say anything, I just had a dream where I felt his presence strongly. I messaged her about it in the morning and she felt it was meaningful, especially as she had particularly wanted to hear from him, at that time. Perhaps he hadn’t been able to get through to her for whatever reason and so tried another option.

So. make sure to ask any friends/family who are open to it, to let you know if they dream of your deceased person. Sometimes they won’t tell you if you don’t ask, and then you can miss a message right when you need it.

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Will My Dead Dog Visit Me?

[Updated 8-5-2023] If your dog has recently passed, you’re probably wondering, “Will my dead dog visit me?” If your cat or horse or hamster recently passed, I’m sure you’re wondering the same thing. Here are the ways to know if your dead dog, cat, hamster (or anyone!) is visiting you, that I’ve learned through my work as an animal communicator .

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Will my dead dog visit me?

As an animal communicator, teacher, and psychic with over twenty years of experience, I often get asked, Will my dead dog visit me? or Will my dead cat visit me? The longing to connect with our beloved pets who have crossed over is strong, and I’m here to provide some insight into this fascinating topic.

The Other Side

First, let’s talk about what happens on the other side. Animals that have crossed over still have a connection with us here on Earth. They are aware of what’s going on in our lives and continue to monitor us, even though they are no longer in their physical bodies. However, their focus has shifted from their physical existence to their spiritual one.

When our pets were alive, they wanted food, cuddles, attention, and playtime. But once they reach the other side, these physical desires are no longer of interest to them. Their focus becomes the bigger picture, the spiritual aspect of our lives. They tune in to our emotions, thoughts, and feelings, especially our grief, and try to provide guidance and support.

So, how do pets communicate with us from the other side? Let’s explore the top three ways they make their presence known:

1. Picture Messages

Animals often send visuals to their humans, but these signs are sometimes overlooked or dismissed as mere coincidences. You may actually see your beloved pet that has crossed over, whether it’s in a dream or waking up in the middle of the night to find them right there with you. More commonly, you might catch a glimpse of them out of the corner of your eye, as if they’re running by. They work with our peripheral vision, so pay attention to those moments of fleeting presence.

2. Hearing Messages

Another common but often overlooked sign is through sound. Animals can tap into your ears psychically and give you sounds that you associate with them. You might hear the clicking of their nails on the floor, a soft bark in the background, or scratching on their favorite spot. They’ll choose sounds that have a personal connection to you. Trust these sounds as messages from your pet, and they may start sending you more and more.

3. Nighttime Visits

One of the easiest ways to connect with your pet on the other side is through dreams. Using my Dream Connect Method , allowing your pet to visit you through your dreams. These visitations can feel incredibly real, and the emotions they evoke are strong. When you wake up, you may feel as if you were just with your pet moments ago!

Mistake When Deceased Pets Visit

Now, let’s address the biggest mistake people make when trying to receive messages from their pets on the other side – lack of trust. Some peeps have such a strong desire for an obvious sign that they overlook the subtle messages they’re already receiving, which closes the connection space that an animal can use to send more messages.

How to Get the Message

To truly connect with your pet on the other side, you need to be open and non-attached. Don’t dismiss every coincidence as mere chance. If something feels like it could be a message from your pet, trust that it is. The more you trust, the more these signs will occur, and the stronger your connection will become.

Remember, your pet on the other side is still deeply connected to you and wants to help you through your grief and challenges. They may not be physically present anymore, but their love and support transcend the boundaries of life and death. So, open your eyes, be open to the signs, and embrace the messages that your beloved pet is sending from the other side.

If you’d like to learn more about animal communication and connecting with your departed pet, I invite you to check out my Animal Lessons book or visit my YouTube channel , dedicated to helping people who are grieving the loss of their beloved pets.


“Will my dead dog visit me? Will my dead cat visit me? Will my beloved pet on the other side be visiting me?” 

As an animal communicator for more than twenty years, I have answers to these questions! I’m going to share with you the top three ways that visits from pets in the afterlife happen, so you can know what to look out for. I’m also going to share with you the biggest mistake that people make when trying to get a message from their pet on the other side. 

What Animals on the Other Side Really Care About

Let’s begin with some information about the other side, because it’s really important that you understand what’s going on over there before you can understand how animals are giving us divine messages. 

First, animals that have crossed over are still in tune with us here, who are still alive. They’re still in tune. They’re still monitoring. They’re still aware of what’s going on. 

The main difference that animals have shown me through my animal communication readings, is that since they’re no longer in their physical body. Their focus has changed from their physical existence to their spiritual one. When they were in a physical body, they wanted food, they wanted cuddles, they wanted attention, and they wanted to play. Once they reach the Other Side, these things are no longer of interest to them.

What Pets Want to Do With Us From the Other Side

The spiritual aspect of animals still exists when animals are alive, it just isn’t an obvious focus. Living animals  are certainly aware of the big picture and are helping us grow and evolve our soul. but when they cross over, their full focus becomes the big picture.  You can read more about this in my animal lessons book . This means, they clue in to our emotions, our thoughts and feelings as well as our grief – and they do everything they can to help us through.

How Animals Feel About Our Grief

Let’s say I am somebody who’s lost my dog recently.I’m grieving deeply and I’ve stopped eating, or I’ve turned to drinking or I’m depressed and I can’t get out of bed. These are things that I hear about a lot on my YouTube channel , because my channel is pretty dedicated to helping people who are grieving the loss of their beloved pet. A lot of people have a very hard time when their beloved pet passes over.

I I were to hire an animal communicator (like me) to connect with my deceased pet,  many of the messages they delivered would actually be helpful loving messages like, “Hey you need to get out of bed.” “No, no stop with the drinking.” “Let’s work on this step-by-step.” 

In other words, your pet on the Other Side is very aware of what you’re experiencing and wants to help you take the steps you need to take to feel happier, healthier, and more content. Your pet is still THAT connected to you from the Other Side!  They simply focus differently!

Here are some examples of how your pet can communicate with you from the Other Side

Picture Messages from Your Pet on the Other Side

This first sign animals send from the other side is common, but also commonly overlooked because people struggle to believe it’s real. Animals will often send visuals to their humans. Sometimes, you’ll actually SEE your beloved pet that has crossed over.  

For example, many people have written to me about waking up in the middle of the night, only to “see” their beloved pet on the Other Side, right there with them in bed! More commonly, an animal sends a sign by showing up out of the corner of your eye. Where you think, “Wait! , Oh yeah, my cat is not here anymore. So neat to see my cat run by!” They work with our peripheral vision!

Problems Seeing Messages From Your Pet in Heaven

A watched pot never boils. When you’re staring right at something and waiting for it, you have expectations, and attachments. So it’s very challenging to actually see what your animal wants you to see. But when I’m sitting here at my desk and I’m concentrating on something else, it’s much easier for my animal to tap in and run by in spirit. No attachments means anything can happen.

So it happens. 

People often discount this visual experience because they think they’re just “used” to seeing their beloved pet nearby – but if this has happened to you, know that it’s really a sign of love!  “Plus, the more you trust it, the more it happens, because your animal on the other side is able to see that  this is an opening for you.

Hearing Messages from Pets on the Other Side

The second most common sign that animals will give, but again, probably also the second most overlooked/least trusted sign is through sound. Animals can tap into your ears, psychically, and give you sounds that you associate with them. A lot of people will hear the clicking of the nails on the floor, or they’ll hear the soft bark in the background or the scratching on the scratch post. 

What your animal will do is scan you to determine what sounds you associate with them. Then, they’ll start making those sounds as their way of saying, “Hello” or “I’m here!” And if you can trust, “Wait, I did just hear that sound? Yes!” Your concern about “Will my dead dog visit me” and be alleviated! Your departed pet can start sending you more and more sounds. 

Unfortunately, you dictate how these messages work. You can’t tell your departed pet to make the sounds louder or better or more easy to understand. You can, however, trust that these sounds are messages from your pet – which will then open the pathway for even more messages. ” 

Nighttime Messages from Pets on the Other Side 

A really fun, and probably the easier way to get a message from your pet on the Other Side, is to use my Dream Connect Method ,In this technique, you’re putting yourself into a certain state of mind before you go to sleep so that your animal can visit you while you’re sleeping. This results in a visitation. 

Even though I named it the Dream Connect Method , it is technically a Visitation. (I’m not great at naming!) The sensation and  emotions that come up with the Dream Connect method are incredibly strong. So much so, when you wake up you often feel like you really were just with your pet a moment ago. See a detailed, step-by-step instruction of the Dream Connect Method here .

The Biggest Mistake Receiving a Sign From Your Pet on the Other Side

The biggest mistake that people make, when trying to receive messages from their pet on the other side, is not trusting. They’re busy wondering, “Will my dead dog visit me?” that their wonder gets in the way. Many people have such a strong desire for a bigger, more obvious, hit-me-with-a-2×4 message that they don’t give credit to the incredible experiences they’re already having with their departed pet.  “No, I want a bigger message. I want more of a message. I want it to be more obvious. I want it to be so obvious that no one could ever doubt.”  

Unfortunately, that’s not the way it works. Animals need us to be open and non-attached to be able to receive their messages.  When you’re attached, you’re demanding that it has to be bigger, it has to be better. You’re creating this energy of, “You can only give me a message through this way,” and when the animal can only get you a message through “this” method you’ve dictated; things become lackluster. Most of the time, your beloved pet can’t even begin to meet your need of giving you a sign in the way you’re looking for it – so you end up without any signs. 

If you really want to connect with your pet on the Other Side and receive their messages, your best bet is to open your eyes and stop assuming that everything is a coincidence! If you think it “might ” be a message, trust that it is! 

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Has your dog, cat, horse, or beloved pet passed over? Are you missing them very much? Does it feel hard to go through your day because the grief is so big? 

In my work as an animal communicator, the animals have shown me incredible, surprising, and heart-lifting information about the animal afterlife . It’s exactly this information that I share with you, for free, in my Video Manual for Grieving Pet Owners. 

If you’re looking for relief or understanding around the grief of losing your pet, my What Your Pet Wants You To Know When They Die Video Manual can give you some much needed information and inspiration!

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Lewis Black, Tony Hale, Liza Lapira, Amy Poehler, Phyllis Smith, Maya Hawke, Adèle Exarchopoulos, Paul Walter Hauser, and Ayo Edebiri in Inside Out 2 (2024)

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The northern lights danced across the US last night. It could happen again Saturday.

Amazing auroras sparked by a massive solar storm — the strongest in decades — set the world abuzz Friday night as colorful glowing light radiated into the skies as far south as Florida and the Bahamas, to the surprising delight of many who waited up and kept watch.

And good news for anyone who missed it: You may get another chance Saturday night or Sunday.

"Overnight, aurora were visible across much of the United States. Weather permitting, they may be visible again tonight," the Space Weather Prediction Center said in a Saturday morning update . A later update suggests the possibility of widespread viewing in the U.S. on Sunday too.

(A word of caution, experts have previously told USA TODAY that forecasting space weather is difficult . Researchers must rely on observations of the 93-million-miles-away sun to make their predictions.)

Northern lights are only visible at night time, and experts say it's best to view them away from the hustle and bustle of city life to get the best show. Still, Americans in cities said they could see the lights overnight, including in metro Detroit .

Wisconsinites got to see the lights dance across the sky in green and purple hues. Even residents of downtown Milwaukee caught a glimpse despite the bright city lights obstructing the view.

See photos: Northern lights on full display across US, Europe on Friday

Will the aurora be visible this weekend?

It could be.

The Space Weather Prediction Center offers an experimental forecast map that showed on Saturday the aurora may be visible Saturday in a wide swath of the U.S., possibly in states including Oregon, Nebraska, Indiana, Pennsylvania and New York. But visibility will depend on shifting factors that include weather.

For Sunday, space weather forecasters said the aurora could become visible again over the northern half of the country, with sights extending as far south as Alabama and northern California. The effects of that storm are expected to arrive Sunday morning ET.

What is the cloud forecast Saturday night? Will clouds block the northern lights?

If you missed the aurora borealis Friday night, you might still catch a glimpse on Saturday or Sunday, depending on where you live. But not if clouds get in the way.

The cloud forecast for Saturday night is generally good for most of America, but some of the people who missed their chance last night due to clouds may have a similar problem Saturday, said AccuWeather senior meteorologist Tom Kines. Areas that are likely to be cloudy include New England and Mid-Atlantic regions, as well as parts of the Southern Plains, including Oklahoma, Kansas and Colorado.

“Even just a few breaks in the clouds will allow the aurora to be visible,” Kines said. “There’s always hope.”

Peak visibility time Saturday night will be between 9 p.m. and midnight, with some chance until 2 a.m., Kines said. The best views will be in dark areas away from the light pollution of cities, he said, though some reported seeing the auroras Friday night from metro areas like Milwaukee and Detroit.

Sunday night, if there is any aurora to see, those in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic can rejoice, because Kines said the skies should be clearer.

What is causing the northern lights this weekend?

The spectacle is being caused by geomagnetic storm that erupted from a sunspot cluster on the sun.

The storm was unusually strong — classified as "extreme" (or a G5) storm, the highest level, the  Space Weather Prediction Center  said Friday evening. It's the first G5 storm to hit our planet since 2003.

The geomagnetic storm's effects (which aren't all as pretty as the northern lights) are likely to linger through the weekend. The  Space Weather Prediction Center  said the storm is likely to continue through Sunday.

"There have been reports of power grid irregularities and degradation to high-frequency communications and GPS," the Space Weather Prediction Center said in a Saturday morning update.

Where were the northern lights seen on Friday night?

Across much of the United States and Europe where skies were clear — as far south as Florida, Oklahoma, Texas and Arizona.

To the great disappointment of many in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions, cloud cover dimmed or obstructed the stunning display altogether.

Although it's unusual, auroras have been seen in the far southern United States in the past. This happens when a particularly large coronal mass ejection arrives in the Earth's outer atmosphere, triggering a geomagnetic storm, NOAA reports.

On the night of Nov. 5-6, 2001 , aurora displays were seen in Texas and Arizona.

What causes the aurora?

NASA describes an aurora as an "intricate dance of particles and magnetism between the Sun and the Earth."

The Sun's activity creates strong electrical currents known as geomagnetic storms.

These eruptions are mostly happening at a large, complex sunspot cluster, NOAA'S Space Weather Prediction Center said. Sunspots, which increase and decrease on a 11-year cycle, are areas where the magnetic field is about 2,500 times stronger than Earth's.

The reason the auroras move is because of how the Sun's ionized gases interact with the Earth's magnetic field.

If you took a great photo, NASA wants to know

In a collaboration with the National Science Foundation and the New Mexico Consortium aurora sightings and photos are being collected at the Aurorasaurus web page.

Why was the aurora borealis so red on Friday?

Mike Theiss, an extreme nature photographer and hurricane storm chaser, who lives in Florida was shocked to see posts Friday night about how far south people were seeing the auroras. To his amazement, he was able to step out of his front door in Key Largo in the Florida Keys and see and photograph the aurora. Hours later he was still incredulous, and surprised at the colors in the aurora.

"I’ve documented the Northern Lights in Iceland, North Dakota, Arctic Circle in Canada but never this red color," Theiss said. "This is the first time I’ve seen red."

The multiple colors seen in auroras are related to the types of gas being bombarded at various levels above the Earth. Auroras occur within one of Earth's upper atmosphere layers, the thermosphere, according to the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research.

Solar particles trapped there interact with various gas molecules, such as nitrogen and oxygen, according to the research corporation's website. Oxygen gives off green and red lights, while nitrogen glows blue and reddish purple. For example, nitrogen gas glows blue at 75 to 110 miles altitude.

The less common red auroras form from interacting with higher altitude oxygen molecules, the website explains.

'Two incredible spectacles of the universe': Northern lights come about a month after eclipse

Seeing the aurora amazed Antonella Fruscione, an astrophysicist at Harvard University. She sent photos of the sight as well as the April total solar eclipse to her friends in Italy.

"And I sent them the picture that I took at the solar eclipse and I said, 'Can you imagine how fortunate I was this year, one month apart, I see these two incredible spectacles of the universe,'" she recalled telling them.

The phenomena seen Friday and possibly Saturday night is unusual, she said.

"It's a very rare occurrence, especially because last night it was really visible," Fruscione said.

What was the Halloween storm in October 2003?

Over two decades ago in late October 2003, three massive sunspot groups appeared on the sun's surface with little warning, accompanied by 17 major solar flares, according to the National Centers for Environmental Information.

Satellites, radio and GPS systems went on the fritz around the world, causing some major disruptions. But it also offered a stunning view of the auroras as far south as California and Florida. People in Australia and Mediterranean countries even caught a glimpse.

Contributing: Doyle Rice and Krystal Nurse , USA TODAY

Craving chicken tenders and waffles? Love Me Tenderz is open at Topeka's West Ridge Mall.

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Chicken tenders, whole wings, waffles and fries are some of the favorites customers can expect at Love Me Tenderz at West Ridge Mall.

Owner Sean Hall said he is keeping the menu and restaurant simple to allow the business to grow.

"We kept it as simple as possible because what we wanted to do is focus on a few items that we do well and consistent and that when you come tomorrow or next three weeks, it'll be the same," Hall said. "So, we kept the menus, but we can cook anything."

Love Me Tenderz is bringing something new to West Ridge Mall

Co-owner Khalani Britt said bringing Chicken Me Tenderz to West Ridge Mall was a "no brainer."

"If we tried to do it maybe five years ago, it wouldn't have been as productive. We probably have been closing down," Britt said. "Just in the economy and stuff like that. And so, I feel like it was a smart move, especially while they were in transition, and it gave us an opportunity to bring something new."

In addition to mall opening, onsite catering is available.

"We have mobile fryers that we can pull up on site," Hall said. "We have all the equipment. We bring the food, the eating and serving utensils, the staff. And for our catering, we do offer sides. If you want sides and macaroni and cheese and all that."

Those interested can call 785-217-6664 or visit Love Me Tenderz.

Britt said they want everyone to feel welcome and comfortable when they come at Love Me Tenderz.

"Our goal is when people come up here that they find comfort, that they find joy, they find for a moment in time their chicken and waffle and their fries," Britt said.

When will Love Me Tenderz be open?

Love Me Tenderz will be open from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday to Saturday at West Ridge Mall.

Hall said you can also find Love Me Tenderz "anchored in the community" as the restaurant has participated in recent school and community events.

More: Here's what the outside of Topeka's West Ridge Mall could look like after renovations

Keishera Lately is the business reporter for the Topeka Capital-Journal. She can be reached at [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter @Lately_KT.

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I’m Getting the ‘Cool Comfort’ Pajamas Hot Sleepers Say Are a ‘Dream Come True’


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When it comes to pajamas for the warmer months, I’ve always relied on things like oversized shirts and shorts to keep me cool on hot summer nights. But this year I’ve decided to give my nightwear an upgrade. Not only are the pajamas I’m getting this hot sleeper’s “dream come true,” they’re also incredibly stylish.

On my hunt for the perfect pair of pajamas for this summer, I found the Ekouaer Satin Pajamas Set while searching in the Amazon fashion bestsellers department. Not only are they high on that list, they’re the number one bestseller in Women’s Pajama Sets . Knowing they’re such a beloved buy of Amazon shoppers makes me feel confident they’ll be the same for me!

Get the Ekouaer Satin Pajamas Set (originally $27) for just $22 at Amazon! Please note, prices are accurate at the date of publication, May 22, 2024, but are subject to change.

Related: You’ll Want to Wear These Plush Sherpa Pajamas All Year Round

What really sold me on these pajamas is their stylish design and silky fabric. I’m a fashion girl, so I’m excited to finally bring some style into my nighttime routine too (it’s about time)! With a classic pajamas design, these feature a collared neck, perfectly lined piping on the hems and a front pocket. To keep you sweat-free on summer nights, the set includes shorts and a short-sleeve top and is made of a breathable and stretchy polyester and spandex fabric.

Seeing the shopper reviews really sealed the deal for me. They currently have over 3,200 five-star ratings and counting, many of them paired with praiseful customer reviews. I also have to assume that many shoppers are also preparing their wardrobe for summer, as over 800 pairs of the pajamas have been bought in the last month.

“I absolutely love these pajamas!” one buyer said. “They are very cool to sleep in. I normally wake up hot and sweaty and I don’t near as often with these.”

Another shopper said they’d received a high-end pair of pajamas, but would pick these over them. “It is well-made and very comfortable,” they said. “[It] looks just as cute as the high-end product. I actually prefer the fit of this set. Very comfortable to sleep in.”

Related: These Pajamas Have Made My Spring Nights Much More Comfy — 41% Off at Amazon

With no shortage of options, the set comes in 34 colors and sizes S-XXL. I’m getting them in classic black, but they come in several other colors and prints too, like rose gold, green and blue. The best part? I’m now snagging them while they’re still on sale, coming in at just $22 on Amazon.

See it: Get the Ekouaer Satin Pajamas Set (originally $27) for just $22 at Amazon! Please note, prices are accurate at the date of publication, May 22, 2024, but are subject to change.

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Looking for something else? Explore more from Ekouaer here and shop more women’s pajamas here! Don’t forget to check out all of Amazon’s Daily Deals for more great finds!

Related: Stay Cozy in These Soft Pajama Sets From Ekouaer — All $40 and Under

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Updates: Tornado, storm damage still being felt in Iowa as clean up begins

Multiple rounds of storms spread across Iowa on Tuesday, bringing repeated severe weather warnings to the Hawkeye State.

A round of rain passed through central Iowa early on Tuesday morning and by mid-morning one round of severe thunderstorms passed through. Another round of storms, with multiple tornado warnings across the state appeared in the afternoon. By early evening, Iowans in western and central Iowa communities were trying to clean up and assess the damage.

Here are the latest updates :

8 p.m.: Greenfield injury count released

The tornado that  hit Greenfield on Tuesday  killed four people and injured at least 35 others, according to the Iowa Department of Public Safety.

Officials believe the injury count actually is higher "but these numbers reflect only those patients treated for their injuries at designated alternate care sites," a news release late Wednesday said.

1 p.m.: Greenfield, Iowa tornado rated EF3

An initial survey showed at least EF3 damage in Greenfield, the National Weather Service said on Wednesday.

Additional assessments are ongoing and the preliminary rating may change, a social media post said.

More: Greenfield tornado given EF3 rating in preliminary report from National Weather Service

11:50a.m.: Neighbors say four killed in Greenfield, Iowa tornado

Gov. Kim Reynolds told reporters in a morning news conference that she couldn't say how many people were killed in the Greenfield, Iowa tornado on Tuesday. But, neighbors who told the Register they were "just thankful to be alive" said four of their neighbors did not survive the storms.

More: 'Somehow I'm here': Neighbors say four people died in powerful Greenfield tornado

11:43 a.m.: Drone video shows wind turbines destroyed by tornado near Greenfield, Iowa

Drone footage captured by meteorologist and storm chaster Reed Timmer showed wind turbines near Greenfield being bent in half and destroyed near Greenfield on Tuesday.

Watch now: Drone video shows destructive tornado topple wind turbines near Greenfield, Iowa

11:10 a.m.: Officials confirm one woman killed after storm blew her car off the road Tuesday near Corning

A woman was pronounced dead after her car was blown off the road north of Corning during Tuesday’s storms.

Adams County emergency responders were dispatched near Highway 148 and Joshua Tree Avenue at 3:30 p.m., Chief Deputy Richard Miller said in a news release. Deputies located the body of a woman, whose name has not been released.

Neighbors told the Register the woman was a storm chaser. Her body was found in their field.

10:55 a.m.: Gov. Kim Reynolds praises pace of cleanup after Greenfield, Iowa tornado

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds toured the devastated southwest Iowa town of Greenfield Wednesday morning, which was cordoned off to all but local residents after it was struck by a huge, multi-vortex tornado the day before.

In a morning news conference, the governor said she could not report how many people had been killed or injured because search-and-rescue efforts were still underway.

She said hundreds of law enforcement, fire and emergency personnel showed up almost immediately after the storm, which struck the town at 3:39 p.m.

Reynolds praised the town for coming together despite the tragedy to launch recovery efforts.

“They are moving forward,” she said. “The cleanup that has already taken place is incredible.”

The good news was that that the historic town square, Adair County courthouse and Warren Cultural Center in the city of 2,000 had been spared. But the tornado and severe storm that accompanied it damaged dozens of homes and businesses and caused millions of dollars in damages.

The National Weather Service said it had not yet rated the storm’s strength on the Enhanced Fujita Scale and had personnel on the ground assessing the damage. 

Reynolds said the Iowa Department of Education has waived the last four days of school, so school is officially over for the year as the high school serves as the shelter and the makeshift hospital for anyone who may get hurt during search and rescue or need medical care.

10:45 a.m.: Damage reported south of Nevada and near Cambridge

While Tuesday’s tornado didn't travel through Nevada's city limits, City Administrator Jordan Cook said damage was reported south of town.

"A lot of the damage occurred along 270th Street and further south," Cook said.

Cook said the city is setting up a site off 270th Street for residents to dispose of tree debris.

Tuesday's tornado reportedly crossed Highway 210 and through the eastern edge of Cambridge.

Dee Gibbs, whose parents live just a mile from the damaged areas, was coming through the leftover debris Wednesday morning.

"It knocked down a lot of electrical poles," Gibbs said. "Big trees are down, power lines are down; it totally tore all the buildings down. Grain bins were picked up and thrown into the field, and there was a car in the field."

Gibbs is a utility billing clerk for Cambridge. She said the northeast portion of town and the south side of Nevada were still without electricity Wednesday morning.

10:40 a.m.: Volunteers asked to stay away from Greenfield, Iowa

Gov. Kim Reynolds said volunteers flocked to Greenfield after the tornado on Tuesday. But, on Wednesday, volunteers are being turned away to allow emergency responders to complete searches.

Monetary donations can be made to the recovery through the Greater Greenfield Community Foundation , American Red Cross or two local banks: Union State Bank and FNB Bank.

More: Here's how you can help Greenfield Iowa recover from Tuesday's tornado

9:15 a.m.: Power restored for many, but 9,000 power outages remain

At one point Tuesday night, more than 50,000 customers were without power in Iowa following rounds of severe thunderstorms and tornadoes.

As of Wednesday morning, MidAmerican Energy is reporting about 3,300 power outages remaining, including 1,800 in the Des Moines and about 1,300 in Waterloo. At one time, more than 34,000 customers were without power.

MidAmerican said late Tuesday that it had nearly 70 crews working in the Des Moines area. Most remaining outages are expected to be restored on Wednesday, but isolated areas could take until Thursday.

Alliant Energy reports about 2,200 power outages, down from nearly 17,000 on Tuesday night. The Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives reported over 3,900 customers were without power, down from more than 7,000.

8:36 a.m.: Two Des Moines schools cancel classes due to power outages

Students at Samuelson Elementary School in Des Moines won't have classes on Wednesday due to a power outage at the school, said district spokesperson Phil Roeder.

Woodlawn Education Center also canceled its morning preschool session due to a power outage. The district has not made a decision about afternoon preschool yet.

8:34 a.m.: Greenfield, Iowa tornado spares Warren Opera House

Sgt. Alex Dinkla, spokesperson with the Iowa State Patrol, said the tornado appeared to move through the southeast side of Greenfield. The historic town square, with the Warren Opera House and courthouse, appears to have been spared, he said. 

More: Where is Greenfield, Iowa? Here's what we know about the deadly tornado

8:25 a.m.: Gov. Kim Reynolds begins tour of Greenfield, Iowa tornado damage

Gov. Kim Reynolds is in southwest Iowa touring damage from a tornado in Greenfield.

She said in a release Tuesday night, that she is "committed to providing the full resources of the state to support the response and recovery effort."

A media briefing is expected later Wednesday morning.

8:20 a.m.: How much rain fell during severe storms in Iowa?

Many Iowa communities experienced heavy rainfall on Tuesday, soaking already wet ground.

Decorah, in northeast Iowa, recorded the most rain with 3.72 inches.

In central Iowa, Des Moines reported 1.52 inches and Ames reported 2.65 inches.

See more: How much rain did Iowa get during storms that brought severe weather and tornadoes?

7:15 a.m.: Iowa tornado map: where NWS survey teams are headed Wednesday

The National Weather Service in Des Moines said it would be sending three survey crews out into Iowa on Wednesday to search for tornado damage.

The first team will be searching in central Iowa, including in areas around Ankeny, Huxley and Nevada. One team will be focused just on the Greenfield area, where fatalities and large destruction have been confirmed , and a third team will head toward southwest Iowa around Clarinda, Creston and Corning.

Omaha's NWS office, which covers western Iowa, will also have teams in the state. They'll be searching in far southwest Iowa in areas like Red Oak.

Official confirmation of tornadoes and ratings for them may take several days.

7:05 a.m.: Flood warnings in effect for multiple Iowa rivers following storms, heavy rain

The National Weather Service has issued multiple flood warnings across Iowa as rivers and creeks swell from recent rainfall.

In the Des Moines area, the Raccoon and Des Moines rivers are expected to flood.

As of 7 a.m., the Raccon River at Fleur Drive was at 13.1 feet, or 1.1 feet above its banks. It's expected to crest early Thursday morning at 14.7 feet and fall back below its banks by Saturday. Water could reach low areas of Water Works Park and George Flagg Parkway.

The Des Moines River at SE Sixth Street was at 24.05 feet as of 7 a.m. Monday, that's just barely over flood stage. It's expected to reach 25.8 feet early Thursday morning and remain out of its banks until Saturday. At 25.7 feet, water will reach the base of the Simon Estes Amphitheater.

The Iowa River at Marengo and the North Skunk River at Sigourney could reach moderate flood stages.

6:45 a.m.: Traffic light damaged at major Grimes intersection on Iowa Highway 141

Travelers should consider avoiding traveling on Iowa Highway 141 through Grimes on Wednesday, the Polk County Sheriff's Office said.

The traffic signals at SE Grimes Boulevard (Highway 141) and SE 37th Street sustained damaged during Tuesday's storms and are not working. Repairs are expected to be completed sometime on Wednesday.

The sheriff's office will have deputies at the intersection to help manage the flow of traffic during the morning commute, but delays are expected.

Gov. Kim Reynolds to visit hard-hit Greenfield Wednesday

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds plans to visit Greenfield Wednesday morning, where multiple deaths and injuries were reported after a tornado ripped through the small city.

In a statement issued about 9 p.m. Tuesday, she said she and her husband, Kevin, were praying for "all the communities and families impacted by today’s severe weather, and especially those who tragically lost their lives in the Greenfield area. I am committed to providing the full resources of the state to support the response and recovery effort."

The statement went on to say: “State and local officials are on the ground, assessing the situation and setting up temporary shelters for those whose homes were damaged or destroyed. First responders and health care providers are onsite caring for the injured. Utility crews are working to restore service to thousands without power, and the State Emergency Operations Center continues to coordinate missions to support local responders. While it’s too soon to know the storm’s full impact, answers will come in the hours and days ahead.  

“It was just a few weeks ago that tornadoes hit several other Iowa communities, and it’s hard to believe that it’s happened again. Iowans are strong and resilient, and we will get through this together. 

“I plan to visit Greenfield in the morning to assess the damage with local officials and start the recovery process.” 

MidAmerican confirms wind turbines knocked over by Iowa tornadoes

MidAmerican Energy’s Geoff Greenwood said Tuesday the Des Moines utility was aware of several wind turbines in Adair County “which took a direct hit by a large tornado” and were damaged or destroyed. He said the company was continuing to assess losses in storm-damaged areas.

A social media video , described as being taken near Greenfield, shows a tornado shredding one turbine after another. Another video shows crumpled turbines on fire near Prescott in Adams County, southwest of Adair County.

Greenwood says it’s hard to know exactly where the Adair County video was taken to determine if the turbines are MidAmerican. And it's not aware of significant damage to its wind turbines in Adams County.

Nevada woman searches for doll collection ripped from home

A little over an hour had passed since a tornado hit June and Larry Handsacker’s house off of 650th Avenue near Nevada, and their family was already on the scene, pulling valued possessions from the wreckage.

Which, in June Handsacker’s case, are her dolls.

“All my dolls!” she said, pointing to a nearly intact china cabinet just inches from where the tornado cleaved her home in half. ”And those were just the dolls I bought, not the ones I made.”

She was in the dining room when the tornado passed through her home. She had left her husband in the basement for a moment to grab her phone when insulation came crashing down around her. They had to crawl over the debris to get out.

“I have over 100 porcelain dolls — ceramic pieces I made,” Handsacker said. “We don’t know where they are yet. It’ll be a matter of getting in there.”

Her own grandparents lost their home in the five-tornado spree that touched down in Charles City in 1968, and her grandfather was trapped for three days in his car. 

She said she and her husband know they’re lucky they came away unscathed; they believe that God was looking out for them.

“It pays to teach Sunday school!," she said. "Do you know how horrible those kids behave?”

Reynolds issues emergency declaration for 15 counties after Iowa tornadoes

Gov. Kim Reynolds authorized a disaster emergency proclamation for 15 counties: Adair, Adams, Cass, Clay, Hardin, Harrison, Jasper, Kossuth, Marshall, Montgomery, Page, Palo Alto, Pottawattamie, Tama and Warren.  

With the proclamation, the Iowa Individual Assistance Grant Program provides grants of up to $5,000 for households with incomes up to 200 percent of the federal poverty level. Grants are available for home or car repairs, replacement of clothing or food, and temporary housing expenses.

The Disaster Case Advocacy Program addresses serious needs related to disaster-related hardship, injury, or adverse conditions. There are no income eligibility requirements for this program; it closes 180 days from the date of the governor's proclamation.

6:45 p.m.: Johnston High School cancels classes Wednesday after storm causes 'extensive' damage

There’s no school at Johnston High School on Wednesday after Tuesday afternoon’s storms caused “extensive” damage to the building, the Johnston Community School District announced on social media. 

The senior awards ceremony that had been scheduled for Tuesday night was postponed due to the damage and staff were told not to come to the building on Wednesday for their safety. 

District spokesperson Lynn Meadows told the Des Moines Register that the whole of the building has been affected, with glass shattered throughout the high school, damage to the roof, a shed that’s been ripped apart and an overhead door that’s been torn off. 

Meadows said Tuesday evening there’s not yet been a decision made about classes at the high school for the rest of the week after Wednesday. Thursday was to be the last day of school for seniors. 

She said the graduation ceremony scheduled for next week at the Knapp Center would not be affected. 

6:40 p.m.: No injuries reported after possible tornado in Red Oak, Iowa, but street department building destroyed

Red Oak Mayor Shawnna Silvius, in a Facebook posting, said there were no reported injuries in an apparent tornado touchdown there, after a search and rescue operation.

The city street department's building "is likely a loss" and there were multiple downed powerlines. She said city street and wastewater employees who were present when the tornado touched down "are shook up but all are safe."

6:35 p.m.: Tornado warning issued for Vinton area in northeast area

A tornado warning was issued for Independence, Vinton and Winthrop in northeast Iowa. The warning says it was issued for a radar-indicated tornado and the threat of quarter-sized hail. The warning expires at 7 p.m.

6:30 p.m.: Where did tornadoes touchdowns reported in Iowa?

No tornadoes will officially be confirmed until the National Weather Service is able to send survey crews out into Iowa.

Unofficial reports from trained weather spotters throughout Tuesday included: A cluster of sightings in southwest Iowa in Cromwell, Prescott, Corning, Carbon, Red Oak and Villisca. Greenfield in southwest Iowa also appeared to be particularly hard hit. In central Iowa there were unconfirmed reports in Nevada, rural Story County and southeast of Polk City.

6:10 p.m.: Storm, tornado damage reports coming in to National Weather Service

Reports were pouring in from National Weather Service volunteer weather spotters around Iowa. Among the reports:

  • A 71 mph wind gust southeast of Newton.
  • A roof blown off and trees down just east of Johnston.
  • Snapped utility poles in Windsor Heights.
  • Trees down on homes and power lines in Mason City.
  • A tree on a house in Carlisle.
  • Damaged grain bins and trees in Hanlontown in Worth County.
  • 1.5-inch hail in east of Melrose In Monroe County.
  • Cropland and basement flooding in Altoona.

6:05 p.m.: Story County asks people to stay away from tornado damage

Tornado damage was reported in rural parts of Story County, Melissa Spencer, the county's emergency management coordinator told the Ames Tribune.

Damage was reported near Cambridge and on the south side of Nevada, Spencer said."We need people to stay away from the damaged areas," she said. "We’re getting a lot of people that are coming to look and see what happened."

6 p.m.: Traffic limited in Greenfield after tornado hits, damages hospital

Former state Rep. Clel Baudler said the fast-moving tornado hit shortly after he arrived back home late Tuesday afternoon from a trip to Texas, caused extensive damage and injuries in Greenfield, and caused authorities to limit traffic in and out of the Adair County town of more than 2,000.

“Ambulances are running north and south like crazy,” said Baudler, who left the Legislature in 2018. “It’s all rescue and recovery right now.”

More details: Extensive damage in Greenfield, hit by tornado during string of dangerous storms in Iowa

Baudler, a retired state trooper who lives on Highway 25 about a half mile north of Greenfield, said his mile-long farm wasn’t damaged but there was debris from the tornado in a neighbor’s yard. He was still without power at about 5:20 p.m.

He said the tornado ran “cattywampus” through town, exiting on the northeast side. He said he’d heard it damaged the Adair County Hospital at 609 SE Kent St. and the Greenfield Rehabilitation and Health Care Center at 615 SE Kent.

A woman who answered the phone at the health care center confirmed it was hit, but said officials couldn’t talk as it was an emergency.

A MercyOne spokesperson previously confirmed to the Register that the hospital was damaged. The spokesperson told the Register shortly before 6 p.m. that the hospital had been evacuated. Further details were not immediately available.

The Adair County Sheriff also did not immediately return a phone call seeking comment.

6:00 p.m.: Delays reported at Des Moines airport passengers had to shelter

Des Moines International Airport spokesperson Kayla Kovarna said the airport halted flights as soon as a severe thunderstorm warning was issued for the area, and passengers and staff were escorted to storm-safe parts of the terminal.

She said Transportation Security Administration screening stations were in the process of reopening around 5:45 p.m. and that flights would resume shortly. She said some incoming flights were rerouted to other airports during the closure, but she didn't know how many had been affected.

5:55 p.m.: Overturned semis cause backup on Interstate 35 near Elkhart

Traffic is backed up for at least a mile on southbound Interstate 35 near Elkhart, Iowa.

A Register reporter observed at least four overturned semitrailers on the side of the interstate. Emergency crews were on scene.

5:06 p.m.: Tornado warning issued near I-80 for Newton

A tornado warning has been issued in Newton, Colfax and Baxter until 5:30 p.m. Threats include a radar indicated tornado and possible pea sized hail.

4:57 pm.: 'Damaging tornado' reported near Nevada

A tornado warning has been issued for Nevada, Huxley and State Center until 5:30 p.m. Threats include a damaging tornado and possible quarter-sized hail.

4:50 p.m.: Tornado warning issued for Iowa Falls area

A tornado warning was issued for Iowa Falls, Alden and Radcliffe until 5:30 p.m. Threats include a radar indicated tornado and possible quarter sized hail.

4:45 p.m.: Des Moines tornado warnings include 'observed tornadoes'

A tornado warning has been issued to include Des Moines, Altoona and Norwalk until 5:15 p.m. Threats include a radar-indicated tornado and half dollar sized hail. 

In an update at 4:45 p.m., the NWS said bot warnings in the Des Moines metro included observed tornadoes.

4:20 p.m. Tornado warning includes Ankeny, Johnston and Waukee

A radar-indicated tornado prompted a tornado warning for parts of the Des Moines metro area until 5 p.m. Quarter-sized hail is also possible.

Video shows heavy damage after tornado in Greenfield, Iowa

Journalists with Des Moines TV station WHO are in Greenfield, Iowa, which appears to have been hit by a tornado earlier on Tuesday. Video posted to social media shows several damaged buildings in the town located at the intersection of Iowa Highways 25 and 92.

The Adair County Health System hospital in Greenfield was damaged, a MercyOne spokesperson told the Register.

Severe thunderstorm warning issued for Des Moines metro as strong storms arrive

A severe thunderstorm warning has been issued as a line of storms approaches the Des Moines metro area.

The entire metro area is included in the warning that stretches south of the metro and up north to Ames, Gilbert and Nevada. It includes Winterset on the western edge and through to MItchelville on the east side. It is in effect until 5:15 p.m.

Threats include wind up to 60 mph as well as possible quarter-sized hail and tornadoes.

Tornado warning issued around Webster City

A tornado warning has been issued to include Webster City, Jewell Junction and Stratford until 4:45 p.m.

The NWS warning is for a radar-indicated tornado and the risk of quarter-sized hail.

What is a stovepipe tornado?

A stovepipe tornado is one where the width of the tornado is about the same from when it meets the ground all the way up to where it connects to the base of the above thunderstorm, according to AccuWeather. Stormchasers have described some storms in western Iowa Tuesday as stovepipe tornadoes.

It is considered the cousin of a cone tornado, which is similar in size but tapers as it extends downward to the ground.

3:55 p.m.: Flood warning issued for Fourmile Creek in Des Moines

A flood warning has been issued for Fourmile Creek on the east side of Des Moines, according to the NWS.

The crest forecast is 13.9 feet, assuming Des Moines gets 0.75 inches of additional rain. At 13 feet the water threatens the dog park on Hubbell Avenue At 14 feet, widespread flooding occurs, NWS said, affecting lowland areas like the community center on Easton Boulevard.

3:40 p.m. Tornado warning issued for Greenfield, Winterset, Earlham as storms move closer to Des Moines

As storms head east, they have begun to enter the Des Moines metro area.

A tornado warning centered around Greenfield is in effect until 4:15 p.m.

The warning includes Stuart and stretches to Redfield in southwest Dallas County until 4:15 p.m.

Another warning includes Creston and stretches up toward Earlham and Winterset on the edges of the Des Moines metro. That warning goes until 4:30 p.m.

3:14 p.m.: Tornado reported near Corning, Prescott

Additional tornado warnings continue to be issued in southwest Iowa.

A warning for Corning, Orient and Prescott is in effect until 4 p.m. KCCI meteorologist Zane Satre was near Prescott with a live feed of a tornado on the ground.

Video captured by a storm chaser showed a tornado around 3 p.m. near Carbon, Iowa.

A warning is also in effect for Guthrie Center, Panora and Exire until 4 p.m.

3:05 p.m.: Damaging tornado reported in southwest Iowa:

The National Weather Service is continuing a warning for Fontanelle, Orient and Bridgewater until 3:45 p.m. The alert described it as a "life-threatening situation" with a damaging tornado reported.

3 p.m.: Tornado reported in Red Oak, Iowa; warnings in southwest Iowa

Meteorologists and storm chasers in western Iowa have reported a tornado on the ground in Red Oak. An emergency manager in the area said it was located near the Red Oak airport around 2:27 p.m.

The area is under a tornado warning until 3 p.m.

A tornado warning is also in effect for areas around Essex, Hepburn, Stanton and Villisca until 3:30 p.m.

The NWS issued a new tornado warning at 2:57 p.m. for Fontanele, Orient and Bridgewater for a radar-indicated tornado and quarter-size hail possible. It expires at 3:45 p.m.

Tornado watches issued for all of Iowa ahead of next round of severe weather

All of Iowa is under a tornado watch for Tuesday afternoon.

A tornado watch issued around 1:15 p.m. covers all of central and eastern Iowa and extends into portions of western Iowa. It will be in effect until 9 p.m. Tuesday.

The main threats are several strong tornadoes, scattered softball-size hail and wind gusts up to 90 mph, according to a post announcing the watch from the National Weather Service.

The National Weather Service in Omaha has issued several tornado warnings for eastern Nebraska and western Iowa for radar-indicated tornadoes as the storms develop in that area.

An earlier watch covers the remaining western Iowa counties until 5 p.m. Forecasters warned of winds up to 70 mph in those areas.

When will more severe storms hit Iowa? NWS says this afternoon could be 'very dangerous'

The National Weather Service shared a graphic on social media showing the approximate timing for storms later today. In a comment on a Facebook post , the NWS said this afternoon's storms are "expected to be very dangerous"

Thunderstorms will likely start in west Iowa around 2 p.m., making their way to Des Moines and central Iowa around 4 p.m. At 7 p.m., the severe weather will be entering eastern Iowa.

What's the difference between a severe weather watch and a severe weather warning?

A watch is issued when conditions are favorable for severe weather to develop. They often cover large areas.

Warnings are issued when severe weather is actually happening and Iowans need to take action.

Read more: What's the difference between a severe weather watch and a warning?

12:10 p.m.: Thousands without power after storms hit central Iowa

Crews are working quickly to restore power to Iowans across the state. At one point, MidAmerican showed more than 7,000 people without power in Iowa as a result of Tuesday’s storms.

As of 12:10 p.m., the number of customers without power in the Des Moines metro area was around 2,100. The Council Bluffs area was down to about 100 customers, after having more than 1,000 outages this morning.

Alliant Energy was down to about 60 customers in the state without power.

11:48 a.m.: Large hail reported in Waukee, Pella

A severe thunderstorm moving through central Iowa produced large hail.

Two reports submitted to the National Weather Service around 11:20 a.m. listed 2 inch diameter hail near Pella.

Waukee experienced hail ranging from the size of a nickel to as big as a quarter, at 9:07 a.m. according to a trained weather sportter. Wind gusts up to 55 mph were also reported.

A warning issued for Pottawattamie County, home to Council Bluffs, until 7:30 a.m. warned of baseball size hail.

Hail that large is sometimes called "gorilla" hail for its large size and destructive power.

11:28 a.m.: Metro schools dismissing early due to severe weather threat

Several Des Moines metro school districts plan to dismiss classes early on Tuesday due to the threat of more severe storms this afternoon.

  • Ankeny Schools : Two hour early out
  • Des Moines Public Schools: Two hour early dismissal. There will be no Metro Kids Care or evening activities. Elementary schools are out at 12:40 p.m. while middle and high schools are out at 1:25 p.m.
  • Southeast Polk Community School District: Two hour early dismissal resulting in no evening preschool or evening activities. 
  • Urbandale Community School District: Early dismissal and no half-day preschool
  • Waukee Community School District: Two hour early dismissal and after school activities are canceled. The district is still waiting for state guidance regarding state playoff events.
  • West Des Moines Community Schools: Two out early dismissal 

11:18 a.m.: Storms dump nearly 3 inches of rain in central Iowa

Des Moines has received just over an inch and a half of rain since severe weather entered Iowa early on Monday, with 1.07 inches since midnight.

Some locations in the state are nearing three inches of rain since last night. Here are the highest rainfall totals as of 11 a.m Tuesday:

  • Harlan: 2.99 inches
  • Audubon: 2.95 inches
  • Iowa Falls: 2.63 inches
  • Waterloo: 2.57 inches
  • Decorah: 2.15 inches
  • Ankeny: 2.02 inches

9:55 a.m.: Des Moines roads blocked by storm debris

At least two roads in Des Moines are closed after a round of severe storms moved through the metro area.

The Des Moines Police Department received a small number of reports of power lines down and tree damage.

There are temporary lane closures at the 3300 block of Grand Avenue and the 3900 block of Urbandale Avenue. No significant damage or injury have been reported as of now, according to DMPD. 

9:28 a.m.: Severe thunderstorm warning extended in Polk County, to the east

The severe thunderstorm warning for parts of the Des Moines metro has been extended until 10:30 a.m. Tuesday.

Dallas County has been dropped from the warning, but it now extends into Jasper County and as far east as Grinnell and as far south as Pella.

Threats include 60 mph winds and quarter-sized hail. The extended warning covers over 349,600 people. 

8:42 a.m.: Sirens sound in Des Moines as severe thunderstorm warning issued

Much of Dallas and Polk counties are under a severe thunderstorm warning until 9:45 a.m. Tuesday.

Storm sirens began sounding just after 8:40 a.m. in the metro. Cities around Des Moines are at risk of winds up to 70 mph and quarter-sized hail.

The warning covers just north of Ankeny and as far south as Truro. It stretches to Redfield and Winterset in the west and Milo in the east.

Dallas and Polk counties both activate sirens for tornadoes or severe thunderstorms with winds over 70 mph. The warning meets that criteria, unlike a storm on Sunday night that activated the sirens in error .

Sirens do not sound continuously during a warning. They will sound for 3-5 minutes and then pause for 10-15 before repeating. There is not an all-clear sound when a warning expires.

What does the Des Moines, Iowa doppler radar show?

Here's a look at the current National Weather Service radar loop for central Iowa:

8:10 a.m.: Severe thunderstorm warning issued on edge of Des Moines' western suburbs

Areas around the Des Moines metro are under a severe thunderstorm warning until 9 a.m. Tuesday.

The warning extends from Dallas Center, down to Winterset and as far west as Adel. Possible threats include winds up to 70 mph and quarter-sized hail.

Just over 34,000 people live within the warning area.

What is Tuesday's severe weather outlook in Des Moines?

The National Weather Service upgraded the risk of severe weather for most of Iowa. A majority of the state it rated "moderate" risk, a level 4 on a scale of 1-5.

More: How much rain did Des Moines get so far? Here are the rainfall totals for Iowa through Monday morning

Multiple rounds of storms are expected to continue through the morning. But, the strongest storms are expected to arrive in central Iowa between 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. Tuesday.

Damaging winds, hail and flash flooding are the primary threats, according to the NWS. Tornadoes — some strong — are also possible.

More: How do tornadoes form? Explaining the severe weather after dozens of recent Iowa tornadoes

Severe thunderstorm watch in effect for Iowa until 1 p.m.

A large portion of central Iowa extending from the southern border to U.S. Highway 20 is under a severe thunderstorm watch until 1 p.m. Tuesday.

The main threats are ping-pong ball-sized hail and wind gusts that could reach 75 mph. Tornadoes are also possible.

What should you do during a severe thunderstorm warning or tornado warning?

During a severe weather warning, it's time to take action and follow your plan.

NWS has tips for what to do at different locations:

  • Stay Weather Ready:  Continue to follow local news or listen to a  NOAA Weather Radio  to stay updated about watches and warnings.
  • At Your House:  Go to your secure location, like the basement or lowest floor level, if you hear a warning. Take your pets with you if time allows.
  • At Your Workplace or School:  Stay away from windows. Do not go to large open rooms such as cafeterias, gymnasiums or auditoriums.
  • Outside:  Go inside a sturdy building immediately. Sheds and storage facilities are not safe. Taking shelter under a tree can be deadly.
  • In a Vehicle:  Being in a vehicle during severe weather is safer than being outside, but, drive to the closest secure shelter if there is sufficient time. Do not stop and park under a bridge or underpass.

Victoria Reyna-Rodriguez is a general assignment reporter for the Register. Reach her at  [email protected]  or follow her on Twitter  @VictoriaReynaR .

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Mike Counsil Plumbing and Rooter

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Photo of Doug W.

Huge thanks to Richard Rivera and Andres. They helped me with our main water pipe. They are very professional and kind. Able to replace the pipe within couple hours.

Photo of Mary Jo S.

Here's a huge shout out to Luis Alvarez from Mike Council Plumbing. Luis managed a big job at my home that included installing a new water heater, water softener, piping, and the installation and plumbing of a new bathroom sink. Anytime I had a question or concern Luis responded immediately and made sure that everything was done correctly and professionally. His crew were amazing as well and everyone's work ethic was outstanding. I highly recommend Mike Council Plumbing. Thank you Luis for a job well done!

Photo of Mike C.

May 1, 2024

Hi Mary Jo, Luis was very excited to hear that you are satisfied with his professionalism and customer service. Thank you for taking the time to write this review. All comments help us improve our service so that all of our clients receive the best. Sincerely, Sean Counsil Service Manager

Photo of Melanie C.

I was having an issue with my very old washer. I've used Mike Counsil in the past with much success. I thought the plumbing might be the cause so I scheduled an appt. Jose Romero came out the next day. He checked my water pressure and the plumbing. Both were working properly. Jose said he suspected it was an issue in the machine. He also said that since the machine was in such great shape that I should try to have it fixed, unless the cost would be more than half the cost of a new machine. I love my machine (old school, no computer chips). Though Jose couldn't do the repair (sadly they don't fix appliances) I took his recommendation. His advice was correct! The appliance repair company I called quickly fixed the issue Jose had suspected it was! The repair was a great deal less than the cost of a new machine! Thank you Jose for the excellent advice! I'll continue to call on Mike Counsil for any plumbing concerns!

Jul 13, 2023

Hi Melanie, Jose was very happy to hear that his advice saved you money and allowed you to keep the machine that you loved. Thank you for taking the time to write this review and let us know how we are doing. All comments and suggestions are greatly apreciated. Sincerely, Sean Counsil Service Manager

Photo of Alisha B.

Mike Counsil Plumbing contacted me quickly, scheduled a technician to come to my home to see the water heater, and answered my questions about the various water heater options. The technician gave me a no-surprises estimate before he started the work. Mike Counsil uses highly rated water heaters. They did an excellent job on the install, I was happy to get a competitive price which also included the permit. A very professional company and their GM, Patty, was very helpful!

Jun 16, 2023

Hi Alisha, Thank you for taking the time to let us know how we are doing. All comments help us improve our service and be the best that we can be. Sincerely, Sean Counsil Service Manaer

Photo of Timofey G.

Had a potential leak in the wall, it took Mike Counsil Plumbing less than 24h to resolve it. Technician (Jose R.) was scheduled to come 8am next day, was super friendly and helpful, diagnosed the issue and gave me a quote. Very professional and quick! Thank you!!!

Hi Tim, Jose R. was very happy to read your review and see that you are very satisfied with his professionalism and hard work. Thank you for taking the time to write this review. It is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Sean Counsil Service Manager

Photo of Muchen W.

Had a water dripping issue from the toilet. A free inspection and two options to the fix were provided. The service staff, Carlos, did a pretty good job of replacing the wax ring and cleaning up afterwards. He is skilled at performing the service and being friendly by sharing his opinions on the water damage mitigation.

Hi Muchen, Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with Carlos and Mike Counsil Plumbing. Carlos was very pleased to read your review and see that you are satisfied with his skill and customer service. All comments help us improve our service to our clients. Sincerely, Sean Counsil Service Manager

Photo of Kenneth K.

I am pretty handy myself however I ran into difficulty removing my old bathroom vanity fixtures. Joice contacted me very quickly and arrange a tech to come to see the job on Sunday morning! Daniel Gonzalez was the technician and he was awesome! Not only did he evaluate the job but he said" Why don't I grab a few tools, and we can get these off right now". I was impressed. Not only was he quick and knew what to do, he was very friendly and polite as well. Kudos for Mike Counsil Plumbing for having responsive staff like Joice, and a fantastic technician like Mike Gonzales

Sep 5, 2023

Hi Kenneth, Daniel and Joice were very happy to read your review and see that you are satisfied with their customer service and workmanship. Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with Joice and Daniel. All comments help us be the best that we can be for or clients. Sincerely, Sean Counsil Service Manager

Photo of Ana K.

The Mike Counsil Plumbing team were all personable, professional and very helpful. When you have those bigger plumbing jobs to be done I would refer you to them.

Hi Ana, We train our technicians daily to insure that you are receiving the highest quality possible. Thank you for taking the time to write this review. It is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Sean Counsil Service Manager

1 other review that is not currently recommended

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  9. come visit or come and visit?

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  29. Mike Counsil Plumbing and Rooter

    7 reviews and 21 photos of MIKE COUNSIL PLUMBING AND ROOTER "Mike Counsil Plumbing contacted me quickly, scheduled a technician to come to my home to see the water heater, and answered my questions about the various water heater options. The technician gave me a no-surprises estimate before he started the work. Mike Counsil uses highly rated water heaters.