rosh hanikra day trip

Rosh HaNikra – Full Guide to Stunning Seaside Grottoes

rosh hanikra day trip

Rosh HaNikra is a geologic formation near the border with Lebanon. Sea activity on white chalk rock formed the grottoes.

Table of Contents

  • 2 Directions
  • 4 Opening Hours
  • 5 Entrance Fee
  • 8 What does Rosh HaNikra mean?
  • 9 Entrances
  • 10 Cable Car
  • 11 Audiovisual Presentation at Rosh HaNikra Grottoes
  • 12.1 Cairo-Istanbul Train
  • 13.1 The Big Grotto
  • 13.2 Pigeon Bridge – Lucky Bridge?
  • 13.3 The Elephant’s Leg
  • 14 Driving an Electric Golf Car at Rosh Hanikra Sea Reserve
  • 15 Rock hyrax
  • 16 Kayaking at Rosh HaNikra
  • 17 Rosh HaNikra Islands
  • 18.1 Achziv National Park
  • 18.2 Photos of the Beach at Sunset

Rosh HaNikra is located north of Nahariya, north of Achziv National Park , and next to Lebanon’s border. Rosh HaNikra Grottoes is a white chalk cliff face that opens into spectacular grottoes. The nearby Achziv National Park has one of the most beautiful beaches in Israel. And I am mentioning both nearby attractions since you can combine them into a half-day visit. Also, the Rosh HaNikra village is nearby.

Directions for drivers: Link to Waze and Link to Google Maps Directions for public transport: Link to Moovit

Interactive map of the area:

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If you are reaching by car, drive along road #4 to the north. You will drive along the sea till you get to the end. You should see signs directing you to the grottoes as you approach closer.

Reaching by public transport is less convenient but also doable. First, you need to get to Nahariya. You can do this using buses or trains, depending on your location. Then, from Nahariya, you can take a taxi or bus #31. Here are the directions from Tel Aviv to Rosh HaNikra Grottoes using Moovit . You can also update Moovit with your starting point and get the revised instructions.

There are free parking spaces next to Rosh HaNikra Grottoes. But if you arrive later in the day (for example, after 11 am on a Saturday), there might be no free spaces at the parking lot. You can still park along the leading road, which will add to extra walking.

Rosh HaNikra Parking

Note: As seen in the photo above, restrooms are in the far left corner of the parking lot.

Opening Hours

Sunday – Thursday: 09:00-18:00 (till 16:00 in the winter) Friday: 09:00-16:00 Saturday: 09:00-17:00

Entrance Fee

Adult (18+) – 49 NIS. Child (3 – 18) and pensioner – 39 NIS. Babies and toddlers (0 – 3) – free. Audio guide rental – 14 NIS.

There are several types of combined tickets. The first type offers a visit to Rosh HaNikra Grottoes and a bicycle or a golf car drive along the beach. It costs 77 NIS per adult and 69 NIS per child. The second combo ticket offers a combined ticket to Rosh HaNikra Grottoes and various attractions in Old Acre . If you want to visit the Templars Tunnel , Hospitaller Fortress (Knights Halls) , Hamam al-Basha, and Treasures In The Walls Museum , it will cost 80 NIS per person.

Note: the combo tickets and the prices change from time to time. Thus, check the official site before visiting.

If you purchase tickets at the official site , there will be a small discount (43 NIS per adult and 35 NIS per child). Here are additional coupons I found online:

  • 1+1 at MAX (in exchange for a treat)
  • – 44 NIS per adult and 36 NIS per child. It is higher than the prices on the official site.
  • Members of teachers association – 30 NIS per adult and 33 NIS per child.
  • Rosh HaNikra is not part of the Israeli National Parks Authority. Thus, a Matmon card will not provide any discounts.
  • Opening hours and ticket prices were updated in July 2022. In any case, recheck the official site before visiting.

I just wanted to mention that Rosh HaNikra is a popular tourist site, and many firms offer tours. Usually, these tours include several nearby attractions, and this site is one of them. For example, Old Acre and Rosh HaNikra. If you are short on time or love traveling with tours, consider joining.

What does Rosh HaNikra mean?

In Hebrew, Rosh HaNikra means “the head of the grottoes,” in other words, the best Grottoes.

The site has two entrances – the main, the upper, and the lower, next to the beach.

We came to the upper entrance. At the top entry, you can find a large parking lot. But since Rosh HaNikra Grottoes is a popular site, the parking may be full if you come later in the day.

Here is the view to the south of the beach, Nehariya, and Haifa:

Rosh HaNikra Lookout

People usually associate crystal clear water with Greece, but some beaches in Israel look very similar to Greece. Achziv Beach and nearby ones are among Israel’s favorite and highest-ranking beaches.

Cable Car at Rosh HaNikra Grottoes

Reaching the caves from the top entry is done by cable car. They say it is the steepest cable car in the world (gradient of 60 degrees). But it is probably also one of the shortest ones. The ride takes about two minutes.

Also, since it is tiny (as far as I remember, the maximum capacity is eight people), I recommend getting to Rosh HaNikrah either early or late. Otherwise, you may get stuck in the queue for the cable car.

As you get off the cable car, you will see the following sign:


I suggest starting with the audiovisual presentation. To reach it, you turn left and go till the end.

Audiovisual Presentation at Rosh HaNikra Grottoes

After getting off the cable car, I recommend starting with the movie about this place. There is a screening every 15 minutes. And there are displays in different languages.

Audiovisual Presentation at Rosh HaNikra Grottoes

The film tells the history of this place and the geological history of the Grottoes. Plus, the story of the British Cairo – Istanbul railway.

The Book of Joshua mentions “Misraphot Mayim” as a place south of Rosh HaNikra that was the border of the Israelite tribes of the time. In the First Book of the Maccabees, it is referred to as the place that Shimon HaHashmonai was responsible for in 144BCE (1 Maccabees 11:59). Josephus Flavius also describes Rosh Hanikra as the northern border of the city of Acre, Israel. (The Jewish War 2, 10, 2). The archaeological tell is today situated within the kibbutz. In the Jewish apocryphal First Book of Maccabees (1 Macc 11:59), a cape in this region is referred to as “The Ladder of Tyre.” The author could have meant either the cliffs at Rosh HaNikra or one of two other capes jutting out into the sea slightly north or south of them. The site was later named an-Nawakir (“The Grottoes”) by the Arabs.

Cairo-Istanbul Train

The Bridge and the Railway Tunnel at Rosh Hanikra

Rosh HaNikra has served as a passage point for trade caravans and armies between Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Egypt, and Africa. During the Second World War, South African forces blasted railway tunnels through the nearby rocks for trains running along the Cairo-Istanbul line. The Haganah spared the railway bridge at Rosh HaNikra during the 1946 Night of the Bridges operation. But following a late-1947 British announcement that it would withdraw from Palestine months ahead of schedule, the bridge was destroyed by the 21st Battalion under the Palmach in late February 1948 to hinder Lebanese arms shipments to Arab forces opposing the UN Partition Plan. As repairs were prohibitively expensive, the tunnels were later wholly sealed. The Lebanese railways have been dismantled mainly while the Coastal Railway in Israel currently ends near Nahariya, several kilometers to the south. Rosh Hanikra was the location where Israeli and Lebanese officials negotiated and concluded an armistice agreement in 1949, which ended the Lebanese-Israeli component of the 1948 War of Israeli Independence. A border passage across the Blue Line into Lebanon at the site is sometimes used by UNIFIL personnel.

Source: Wikipedia

Haifa - Beirut - Tripoli line in 1945

The Grottoes

Our next stop will be the grottoes.

Entrance to the Grottoes

Keep in mind that the stones might be wet and slippery. Thus, walk cautiously and use rails when needed.

The Big Grotto

When stormy, huge waves enter the grotto, pounding and powerful. They close off the opening, compressing the air within and causing momentary darkness… until the powerful breaking wave rocks the cliff foundation and partly floods the path before you. Grotto height – 16 meters. At its top live fruit bats, feeding off fragrant ripe fruit growing here. The bats live in colonies, enjoying a life expectancy of about twenty years. The fruit bat has good intact vision, and unlike widely believed, it doesn’t become entangled in people’s hair. On quiet days you can hear the bats screaming and chirping.

Source: sign

The Big Grotto

The path in the caves is not very long. It took us about fifteen minutes (including taking photos) to reach the pigeon bridge (the end of the underground route).

Pigeon Bridge – Lucky Bridge?

In the giant rock cleft above us, the rock pigeon makes its nest. The place provides a refuge from the weather, allowing it to nest in peace. Watch out for the pigeon’s droppings, but know this… It brings good luck!! From the observatory overlooking the sea, you can see the flat coarse sand rocks – the work of the sea waves and winds constantly polishing the rock surface smooth.

Panorama from Pigeon Bridge

The Elephant’s Leg

Here is another scene of the white cliffs and the beach. If you look closer at the other ridge, you might think it resembles an elephant because the right part resembles a trunk or a leg. Thus, some people refer to this stone under the name elephant’s leg.

The Elephant's Leg

The never-ending encounter of sea and mountain created a natural stone sculpture shaped like an elephant leg. This is the edge of the cliff at the only point in Israel where the mountain descends into the sea without a sandy seashore. Glancing south, you can see the three islands. “Pale Blue” – mostly covered by water, “Seagull,” and “Wagtail.” The islands have been declared a nature reserve, as birds nest there. Silver seagulls, sea terns, white wagtails. The islands are the peaks of the western coarse sand ridge of Galilee’s coastal plain. When visibility is good, you can even see Haifa and the Carmel. Looking north, you can see the border buoys marking the Israel-Lebanon border and the Israeli Navy vessels, permanently moored here and protecting the northern coastline.

The caves are beautiful, but the trail is not that long. The Grottoes loop path takes around half an hour at a slow pace.

Driving an Electric Golf Car at Rosh Hanikra Sea Reserve

You can use the lower entry/exit (reached through the former railway tunnel) to explore the Rosh Hanikra Sea Reserve.

Rosh Hanikra Sea Reserve

On one of our visits, we purchased a combined ticket. The ticket included an entrance to Rosh HaNikra and an electric car ride along the Rosh Hanikra Sea Reserve beach.

The ride in the electric car was limited by time. We got the car for a half-hour. The beach is not that long, and I think the part closer to Rosh HaNikra is the lovelier one. Thus, due to the short time and no real reason to go further away, I recommend not purchasing the combined tickets, including the electric car or bicycle rental. We enjoyed the walk along the beach (after returning the electric car) more than the ride in the car.

Another pleasant surprise at Rosh Hanikra Sea Reserve was hyraxes .

Since we saw food remains on the rocks, we guessed somebody was feeding them. And there were dozens of rock hyraxes close to the lower entrance.

Rock hyraxes

The water is crystal clear, and the rock formations are outstanding:

Rosh HaNikra

We ended our beach stroll, headed through the lower entrance, and back to the cable car. Also, when exiting Rosh HaNikra to the beach, ensure a staff member is putting a stamp on your hand. This way, you could reenter the site.

The Cable Car

Kayaking at Rosh HaNikra

Different private firms offer Rosh HaNikra kayaking and sailing. Due to the closeness to the Lebanon border, such sails must be coordinated with the Israeli Navy. Thus, you can not kayak there by yourself.

I have not attended this activity yet, so I can not share my experience. However, if you are interested, here are several links to kayaking firms:


Rosh HaNikra Islands

Rosh HaNikra Islands are a group of four small islands in Achziv Nature Reserve. Due to their rich ecosystem, they cannot be visited.

The Rosh Hanikra Islands are part of an ancient coastline submerged by the sea. Only their peaks, a series of wind-blasted, perforated rocks – the largest of which is not much larger than the size of two tennis courts – are currently above sea level. Nonetheless, they are home to a surprisingly rich eco-system, and as such are protected by the authorities.


The Rosh HaNikra Islands are a group of three Israeli islands in the Mediterranean Sea, named Shahaf, Nahalieli, and T’chelet. The islands are located approximately 800 meters offshore, near Rosh HaNikra. These islands are a single geological unit with the Achziv Islands that are further south. The depth of the seawater around them is approximately between 7 and 9 meters. The Rosh HaNikra Islands are characterized by many natural pools that provide a natural habitat for various life forms. The Rosh HaNikra Islands are a part of a natural reserve, and boarding these islands is prohibited. These islands are the only place in Israel where certain rare birds nest: the White wagtail, The European herring gull, and the Common tern. The waters surrounding these islands contain a wide variety of marine life. In ancient days, these islands had a certain economic and commercial significance as they were a natural habitat for the sea snail from which Tyrian purple dye was produced.

And now, let’s revisit the beach during the golden hour.

Rosh Hanikra Sea Reserve

In this section, I will show several photos from my visit to the beach for a sunset shoot. The rock formations and the crystal blue water were the main reasons for returning.

Rosh Hanikra Sea Reserve has an open beach (the one near the lower entrance), and you can enter at any hour. But, since I mentioned it, here is some basic info:

Achziv National Park

Akhziv Beach National Park, located about five kilometers north of Nahariya, features a rocky shoreline, inlets, and lagoons, and a natural and an artificial sea-water pool–a deep one as well as a shallow one suitable for children. There are also broad lawns and antiquities. In short, everything you need to enjoy hours of Israeli sunshine. Akhziv is unique for the sea anemones, sea urchins, and small octopi that can often be seen hiding among the rocks. And in July and August, the sea turtles that lay eggs on the beach. Small islands, where seagulls nest in summer, are nature reserves in their own right, remnants of once-landlocked calcareous limestone (kurkar) ridges. Remains can also be seen of the ancient settlement of Akhziv, mentioned in the Bible as a city of the tribe of Asher, and an essential Jewish town in Talmudic times. A mainstay of Akhziv’s ancient economy was the production of purple dye from particular snails collected on the beach. In Crusader times Akhziv was called Castel Humbert, ruins of which can still be seen. In 1271 it was conquered by the Mamluk Sultan Baibars. Most of the remains you see today are from the abandoned Arab village of Az-Ziv.

Source: Israel Nature and Parks Authority

I have a dedicated post for this national park. And you can find additional information at Achziv National Park .

Photos of the Beach at Sunset

Last Friday, I was there during the golden hour, and today, I will show you several of my photos.

Sunset on Achziv Beach, Israel

You can see military ships patrolling. That is because it is very close to the Lebanon border.

Sunset on Achziv Beach, Israel

These small ponds or lagoons are gorgeous. And since they are directly connected to the sea, you can see small fish and lobsters if you stand there for a while. At least, that is what I saw.

Sunset on Achziv Beach, Israel

There were several anglers on the beach. The one close to me had two fishing rods. When I took this photo, the fisherman was at the other fishing rod:

Sunset on Achziv Beach, Israel

Some rocks are covered with greenery, and they are very slippery.

View of Rosh Hanikra from Achziv Beach, Israel

Just after the sun sets is my favorite shooting time. The skies become more vibrant and exciting, and I get longer exposures, which means smoother water.

Sunset on Achziv Beach, Israel

The fisherman decided to pose for me a little 🙂

Sunset on Achziv Beach, Israel

To portray the feeling, the photo above is a 15-second exposure, and during those 15 seconds, the fisherman barely moved. So, I guess he also thought that it was a beautiful sunset.

Though the photos look pretty bright (due to the long exposures), it was already very dark, and I could not move without a flashlight.

Sunset on Achziv Beach, Israel

Rosh Hanikra Sea Reserve is quite far away from the big cities, and there is not a lot of light pollution (besides Haifa on the far left). Thus, you can see many stars:

Sunset on Achziv Beach, Israel

This is a combo of two photos. One just as the sun reached the horizon and another well after the sunset (you can even notice some stars). It is my latest addition to the Day To Night .

Day To Night

Rosh HaNikra is gorgeous, and we have enjoyed all our visits. The site is not vast, and two hours will probably be enough to explore the grottoes and the lookout.

Because there are no limitations to the number of people that can visit this site at any point, during rush hours, you will spend a lot of time waiting (for the cable car, presentation, parking, and so on). Thus, I would advise coming early. The second best option is to visit later in the afternoon. And skip the golf cart and bicycles.

Since it is a relatively short attraction, you can combine it with other places in this area – for example, the beautiful nearby Achziv National Park or Keshet Cave . You can use the interactive map at the top of this post to find nearby attractions.

Have you ever visited Rosh HaNikra Grottoes? How was your experience? Tell us in the comments below.

That’s all for today, and I will see you in future travels!

Stay Tuned!

Additional Resources

  • Israel Trip Planner is the page that will help you to create your perfect travel route.
  • National Parks And Nature Reserves page lists and put all national parks on the map. There is also a top list, information about ticket types and campsites.
  • If you are looking for things to do, here are the pages for Jerusalem , Tel Aviv , Haifa , Sea Of Galilee , and Makhtesh Ramon .
  • Wondering what events are there in Israel? Here is the Events And Festivals By Season guide.

Lev Tsimbler

Lev from You can contact me at [email protected]

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Rosh Hanikra Grottoes

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rosh hanikra day trip

About this place

The Rosh Hanikra cliffs stand majestically on the most northerly point of Israel’s Mediterranean coast just meters before the Israel-Lebanese border. The bright blue sea crashes against the white cliffs. Light reflects off of the white cliffs onto the seawater creating a beautiful turquoise color. The Rosh Hanikra cliffs are riddled with natural grottos that are now accessible to tourists. The Rosh Hanikra caves were probably formed when an earthquake caused fissures and crevices in the limestone rock through which rain could slowly penetrate. Over thousands of years, the rain trickled in through the cracks and waves bombarding the cliffs eroding the chalk and limestone. Today there are 200 meters of cavities, tunnels, and chambers that create a labyrinth of caves in the cliffs of Rosh Hanikra.

A Brief History of Rosh Hanikra

Rosh Hanikra’s strategic position on the route from Europe, Turkey, Syria, and Lebanon down into the Holy Land and on to Egypt, Africa, and the Arabian Peninsula meant that over the years many armies, pilgrims, and trade caravans passed this way. Among the ancient armies that would have taken the coastal road past Rosh Hanikra, there were Assyrians, Persians, Romans, Greek, Ottomans, and Crusaders.  During World War I the British took Palestine from the Ottomans and their allies the Germans while the French took Lebanon and Syria. In order to facilitate the movement of troops and a connection to their French allies the British paved a road along the coastline through Rosh Hanikra. In doing so any evidence of ancient routes was destroyed. In World War II the British planned a rail line between Istanbul and Cairo. South African troops were employed to blast three railway tunnels through the rock of the Rosh Hanikra cliffs.  The British and their allies also built a suspended bridge at Rosh Hanikra. The train served the British for a while including transporting Jewish concentration camp survivors to exchange for German descendants living in Palestine. The Rosh Hanikra railway bridge was bombed by Jewish resistance fighters in February 1948 to prevent Arab forces from using the route in the War of Independence. A few months later the State of Israel was established. The railway was too expensive to repair and so the tunnels were soon sealed and have remained closed. Visitors to Rosh Hanikra can still see a line of the historic train tracks and enter one end of the sealed tunnel. The Israel-Lebanon border crossing at Rosh Hanikra is still used but mainly by UN personnel. The Israel-Lebanon armistice agreement of 1949 was made at the Rosh Hanikra border crossing. For many years access to the caves was only from the sea and so divers and swimmers were the only ones able to experience the incredible beauty of the grottoes. In the 1970s the Rosh Hanikra cable car was installed so that everyone could have access to the grottoes.

Visiting Rosh Hanikra

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Rosh Hanikra

Rosh Hanikra

In the far northwestern tip of Israel’s Western Galilee region, along the Mediterranean coastline, visitors will encounter the jagged white cliffs and clear turquoise waters of Rosh Hanikra.

Long a favorite among tourists, Rosh Hanikra’s most notable features are the network of caves and grottoes carved into its white cliffs battered for centuries by the sea’s powerful waves.

Visitors can explore this geological spectacle, starting with stunning views of the grottoes from the site’s 230-foot cable car ride down the cliff face. In the heart of the cliff is a walking path which leads directly to the grottoes. Visitors are also treated to an audiovisual presentation which details the site’s history and its local flora and fauna. There is also a restaurant at the top of the cliffs which overlooks the sea.

Rosh Hanikra is accessible year-round and is conveniently located to other sites in the region, including the ancient port city of Akko, as well as the city of Haifa. Combine tours to make the most of your day!

See where the mountains and the sea come together on your next trip to Israel! Email Cindy at [email protected] or visit to make your trip of a lifetime a reality!

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Both travel options include experienced Government of Israel licensed and certified tour guides; experienced drivers; vehicle; breakfasts, lunches, and/or dinners, and are subject to change pending time, weather, and conditions. Group Leaders, please inquire about our array of Earned Tour Benefit structures.

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Rosh Hanikra


Top ways to experience Rosh Hanikra and nearby attractions

rosh hanikra day trip

Most Recent: Reviews ordered by most recent publish date in descending order.

Detailed Reviews: Reviews ordered by recency and descriptiveness of user-identified themes such as waiting time, length of visit, general tips, and location information.


ROSH HANIKRA: All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with Photos)


  1. Caeserea, Rosh Hanikra And Acre Day Trip From Tel Aviv: Triphobo

    rosh hanikra day trip

  2. A Guide to Rosh HaNikra Grottoes in Israel

    rosh hanikra day trip

  3. From Tel Aviv: Caesarea, Haifa, Acre and Rosh Hanikra Tour

    rosh hanikra day trip

  4. Caeserea, Haifa, Rosh Hanikra, and Acre Day Trip from Jerusalem

    rosh hanikra day trip

  5. A Guide to Rosh HaNikra Grottoes in Israel

    rosh hanikra day trip

  6. A Breathtaking Visit to Rosh Hanikra : Egged Tours

    rosh hanikra day trip


  1. Israel, a trip to the Nahariya Rosh Hankara area

  2. A day in coimbatore

  3. Peshawar special rosh #triptuck #alizafar #food

  4. Озеро Ханка. Отдыхаем Дикарями

  5. Roopkund Trek (रूपकुण्ड ट्रैक) 2021

  6. VLOG: Noah's Ark Deluxe Hotel 5*, День защиты детей, Турецкая ночь


  1. A Guide to Rosh HaNikra Grottoes in Israel

    Entrance Fee. The entrance fee to Rosh HaNikra is 48 NIS ($15), and we found the single ticket price on the higher side, at least to some other top attractions in Israel. Rosh HaNikra ticket is separate from Israel Passand includes cable car roundtrip, the grottoes, and a light and sound show.

  2. THE 10 BEST Rosh Hanikra Tours & Excursions

    15. Caesarea, Haifa, Rosh Hanikra, and Acre Tour from Jerusalem. 7. Historical Tours. 6+ hours. Explore the highlights of Israel's northern coast, from the ancient Roman ruins at Caesarea to Haifa's Bahai sites, a crusader…. Free cancellation. from. $172.

  3. Caesarea, Rosh Hanikra and Acre Day Trip from Tel Aviv

    Bethlehem and Jericho Guided day Trip from Tel Aviv. 1. from $155.00. Tel Aviv, Israel. Golan Heights Day Trip from Tel Aviv. 65. from $128.00. Tel Aviv, Israel. Jerusalem & Dead Sea Private Tour - Visit Holy Jerusalem & Dead Sea Relaxation.

  4. Caeserea, Rosh Hanikra and Acre Day Trip from Tel Aviv

    Full day trip from Tel Aviv to Caesarea, Haifa, Rosh Hanikra and Acre. Walking tour of the ancient ruins and and the Roman theatre at Caesarea. View the Bahai gardens from Haife. Explore the Rosh Hanikra Grottos. Discover the Crusader underground city and crypt at Acre. Transport by air conditioned coach. Hotel pick-up and drop-off.

  5. Caesarea, Acre and Rosh Hanikra Tour

    Caesarea, Haifa, Acre, and Rosh Hanikra Day Tour will take you along the Mediterranean coastline from Tel Aviv or Jerusalem. Guaranteed Departure. Best guides. +972-3-5422000 +972-52-6588837. Daily Tours ... Rosh HaNikra, Haifa, and Acre starts as we travel north of Tel Aviv along the coastal road. We pass the beach resort cities of Herzilya ...

  6. Caeserea and Rosh Hanikra Day Trip From Jerusalem

    Upon confirming your booking for the Caesarea and Rosh Hanikra day trip from Jerusalem, it's important to familiarize yourself with the tour's cancellation policy. The tour offers a full refund if canceled up to 24 hours before the trip. However, refunds aren't provided for cancellations made less than 24 hours in advance, and any changes ...

  7. Rosh Hanikra

    Top ways to experience Rosh Hanikra and nearby attractions. Caeserea, Rosh Hanikra and Acre Day Trip from Tel Aviv. 242. Historical Tours. from. $120.00. per adult. Unforgettable Tour to Caesarea, Haifa, Acre and Rosh HaNikra from Tel Aviv. 27.

  8. Rosh Hanikra

    Visiting Rosh Hanikra. Opening hours: Summer weekdays: 09:00-18:00. Winter weekdays: 09:00-16:00. Friday Holiday Eves: 09:00-16:00. Saturdays and Holidays: 09:00-18:00. Holiday Eves: 09:00-12:00. Directions: For those coming by car - travel north on Road 4 to the north-westernmost point of Israel, which is a 10-minute ride north of Nahariya.

  9. Day Trips from Rosh Hanikra

    Book the most popular Day trips in Rosh Hanikra. Best price and money back guarantee! Read the reviews of your fellow travelers.

  10. Rosh HaNikra

    Child (3 - 18) and pensioner - 39 NIS. Babies and toddlers (0 - 3) - free. Audio guide rental - 14 NIS. There are several types of combined tickets. The first type offers a visit to Rosh HaNikra Grottoes and a bicycle or a golf car drive along the beach. It costs 77 NIS per adult and 69 NIS per child.

  11. Caeserea and Rosh Hanikra Day Trip from Jerusalem 2024

    Full-day trip from Jerusalem to Caesarea, Haifa, Rosh Hanikra and Acre. Walking tour of the ancient ruins and and the Roman theater at Caesarea. View the Bahai gardens from Haife. Explore the Rosh Hanikra grottoes. Discover the Crusader underground city and crypt at Acre. Transport by air conditioned coach. Hotel pick-up and drop-off.

  12. ROSH HANIKRA: All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with Photos)

    Caeserea, Rosh Hanikra and Acre Day Trip from Tel Aviv. 242. Historical Tours. from . £96.11. per adult. Haifa Port Shore Excursion: Nazareth and Sea of Galilee Day Tour from Haifa Port. 18. Historical Tours. from . £96.11. per adult. Haifa Acre and Rosh Ha-Nikra Private Tour from Tel Aviv. 4. Historical Tours. from .

  13. Caeserea, Rosh Hanikra and Acre Day Trip from Tel Aviv

    Caeserea, Rosh Hanikra and Acre Day Trip from Tel Aviv. 4.5. Caeserea, Rosh Hanikra and Acre Day Trip from Tel Aviv provided by Bein Harim Tourism Services. Tel Aviv. Hotels. Things to Do.

  14. Bein Harim

    The Rosh Hanikra cliffs stand majestically on the most northerly point of Israel's Mediterranean coast just meters before the Israel-Lebanese border. ... +972-3-5422000 +972-52-6588837. Daily Tours. Jerusalem Day Tours. Tel Aviv Tours. Dead Sea Day Tours. Galilee & Golan Day Tours. Bethlehem & Jericho. Christian Day Tours. Tours from Tel Aviv ...

  15. ROSH HANIKRA: All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with Photos)

    Top ways to experience Rosh Hanikra and nearby attractions. Caeserea, Rosh Hanikra and Acre Day Trip from Tel Aviv. 242. Historical Tours. from. £95.99. per adult. Unforgettable Tour to Caesarea, Haifa, Acre and Rosh HaNikra from Tel Aviv. 27.

  16. Caesarea, Haifa, Rosh Hanikra, and Acre Day Trip from Jerusalem

    Go from an ancient Roman city to a crusader stronghold on a coach tour from Jerusalem that explores Caesarea, Haifa's Baha'i Shrine and Gardens, Rosh Hanikra, and Acre. An early morning departure from Jerusalem ensures plenty of time to enjoy a full day of sightseeing on Israel's northern coast; you'll cover a long list of top sites then make it back to Jerusalem in time for dinner.

  17. THE 10 BEST Rosh Hanikra Tours & Excursions (from £94)

    In fact it has played a prominent …. 22. Caesarea, Haifa, Rosh Hanikra, and Acre Day Trip from Jerusalem - Small Group. Highlights Tour Experience to Caesarea, Haifa, Acre and Rosh HaNikra Explore the highlights of Israel's northern coast…. 23. Sea Caves and Ancient Ruins Rosh HaNikra and Acre Private Tour.

  18. The BEST Rosh Hanikra Tours and Things to Do in 2024

    The best outdoor activities to do in Rosh Hanikra are: Caesarea, Haifa & Akko Day Trip from Jerusalem. From Tel Aviv: Caesarea, Haifa, Acre and Rosh Hanikra Tour. From Jerusalem: Caesarea, Haifa, Acre & Rosh Hanikra Tour. From Tel Aviv: Northern Israel Coast Private Tour.

  19. THE 10 BEST Day Trips from Rosh Hanikra

    Rosh Hanikra is a great travel destination with a lot to do and see, but sometimes you need to get away and explore the surrounding areas. Book the best day trips from Rosh Hanikra, Israel directly on Tripadvisor and take the stress out of planning. Read 607 traveller reviews and view photos of different trips from Rosh Hanikra to various destinations. Find day trips to take today or this ...

  20. Rosh Hanikra

    Rosh Hanikra is accessible year-round and is conveniently located to other sites in the region, including the ancient port city of Akko, as well as the city of Haifa. Combine tours to make the most of your day! See where the mountains and the sea come together on your next trip to Israel! Email Cindy at [email protected] or.

  21. Caesarea, Rosh Hanikra and Acre Day Trip from Tel Aviv

    Caeserea, Rosh Hanikra and Acre Day Trip from Tel Aviv. 372. 10 hours. Free Cancellation. From. £97.07. 2-Day Israel Tour from Tel Aviv: Acre, Caesarea, Nazareth and the Sea of Galilee. 5. 2 days. Free Cancellation. From. £279.08. Nazareth and the Sea of Galilee Day Trip from Tel Aviv. 491. 10 hours. Free Cancellation.

  22. ROSH HANIKRA: All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with Photos)

    Top ways to experience Rosh Hanikra and nearby attractions. 2024 Israel Christmas Holy Land Tour - Bethlehem Midnight Mass. 4. Historical Tours. from. R 43 084,97. per adult. Caeserea, Rosh Hanikra and Acre Day Trip from Tel Aviv. 242.