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Nancy Pelosi Arrives in Taiwan, Drawing a Sharp Response From Beijing

China announced plans for live-fire military drills soon after Ms. Pelosi flew into Taiwan. Analysts said Beijing’s move seemed designed to project strength rather than serve as a precursor to an invasion.

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By Paul Mozur ,  Amy Chang Chien and Michael D. Shear

TAIPEI, Taiwan — Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House, arrived in Taiwan on Tuesday, casting aside private warnings from the Biden administration about the risk that her high-profile diplomatic visit could stoke a new crisis in Asia and immediately prompting a sharp response from the Chinese government, including new trade restrictions on Taiwan and an announcement of military exercises.

A United States military jet carrying Ms. Pelosi landed in Taipei late at night following weeks of speculation about her travel plans. Her decision to proceed with the trip makes her the highest-ranking congressional official to come to the disputed island in a quarter-century and sets up a tense standoff with China that American officials said could lead to more aggressive military posturing.

“America’s solidarity with the 23 million people of Taiwan is more important today than ever, as the world faces a choice between autocracy and democracy,” she said in a statement issued as she was greeted by Joseph Wu, Taiwan’s foreign minister, adding that the visit did not contradict United States policy on Taiwan.

While the planning for the trip was shrouded in secrecy, the start of it was characterized by more of a carnival atmosphere. Ms. Pelosi arrived to a live video feed, lit-up greetings on Taipei’s tallest building, and packs of supporters and protesters in front of her hotel.

The mood continued on Wednesday morning, when Ms. Pelosi arrived at Taiwan’s legislature with a police escort to meet with a handful of top lawmakers. On one side of the building, a group offering support held up banners welcoming her. On the other, a gathering of pro-China protesters held up signs calling her an “arsonist” and accusing her of interfering in China’s internal affairs. After visiting the legislature, Ms. Pelosi met with President Tsai Ing-wen.

new york times travel taipei

China, which bristles at any perceived challenge to its claims on self-ruled Taiwan, had repeatedly warned Ms. Pelosi not to make the visit. Soon after her arrival, Beijing announced plans for live-fire military drills, some in areas overlapping with the island’s territorial waters. In a separate statement, China’s People’s Liberation Army said that it would begin a series of joint naval and air exercises that would include “long-range live firing in the Taiwan Strait.”

The exercises would effectively block access temporarily to some commercial shipping lanes and Taiwanese ports, but analysts said they seemed to be designed to project strength rather than to serve as a precursor to a Chinese invasion of Taiwan.

“They are not signaling that we are imminently about to go to war,” said Joe McReynolds, senior China analyst at the Washington-based Center for Intelligence Research and Analysis. But he and others said the fast-moving situation could lead to an accidental encounter that could spiral out of control.

China has taken other countermeasures in response to Ms. Pelosi’s trip. On Tuesday, before she arrived, it banned shipments from more than 100 Taiwanese food exporters — an apparent attempt to ratchet up economic pressure. And on Wednesday, the Chinese commerce ministry said it would suspend exports of natural sand to Taiwan.

Before the visit, the United States had urged Beijing not to turn the moment into a crisis. After a telephone call last week between President Biden and Xi Jinping, the president of China, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned Ms. Pelosi’s expected visit, saying that “playing with fire will set yourself on fire.”

But Ms. Pelosi, a longtime China critic who visited Tiananmen Square two years after the Chinese military opened fire on student protesters there, was defiant. In her statement, she said that her visit to the island 80 miles off the coast of China was a sign of America’s “unwavering commitment” to supporting Taiwan’s democracy.

“We must stand by Taiwan, which is an island of resilience,” Ms. Pelosi said in an opinion article published on the Washington Post website after she landed. In the article, she called Taiwan “a leader in governance,” a “leader in peace, security and economic dynamism” and a “vibrant, robust democracy.”

In Taiwan’s central business district, Taipei 101, once the world’s tallest building and a major landmark in the city’s skyline, was lit with messages welcoming Ms. Pelosi, the highest-level American official to go to the island since 1997, when Newt Gingrich, then speaker of the House, made a visit.

Ms. Pelosi’s refusal to be dissuaded from making the trip is in keeping with her decades-long efforts to hold China accountable for its actions. She has repeatedly pushed for legislation to benefit Hong Kong and Tibet; hosted the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan spiritual leader; and urged a diplomatic boycott of the Olympics in Beijing.

Her forceful stand on Tuesday was echoed in a rare statement of bipartisan support issued moments after her arrival: More than two dozen Republican senators, including Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the minority leader, wrote that her travel was “consistent with the United States’ One China policy to which we are committed.”

“She’s a high-ranking official in the U.S. government. But it is not unusual,” said Senator Bob Menendez of New Jersey, the Democratic chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “I was there three months ago with five other senators. We have a longstanding history of visiting Taiwan. And so we can’t let the Chinese say who can and cannot visit Taiwan.”

But the speaker’s arrival was greeted with scorn by Chinese officials, who accused Ms. Pelosi of undermining China’s sovereignty. And her visit comes as China’s leader, Xi Jinping, has made it clearer than any of his predecessors that he sees unifying Taiwan with China to be a primary goal of his rule.

Mr. Xi, who has led China since 2012, is expected to be confirmed to an unprecedented third term as leader at a Communist Party congress in the fall. Ahead of that all-important political meeting, Mr. Xi has been keen to project an image of strength at home and abroad, particularly on the question of Taiwan.

A statement issued by the Chinese Communist Party’s Taiwan Affairs Office said any attempt to seek independence by Taiwan would be “shattered by the powerful force of the Chinese people.”

Long a sore issue in an increasingly fraught U.S.-China relationship, Taiwan — which has its own military and democratically elected government — has emerged as the front line in a geopolitical showdown over influence and power in Asia.

Under Mr. Xi, China’s most powerful leader in decades, Beijing has taken more aggressive military actions in the region and recently made strong claims over the strait separating Taiwan and China, one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world. Mr. Xi has called for unification with Taiwan as part of China’s national rejuvenation, even potentially by force.

The United States has sent a steady stream of senior officials to show solidarity with Taiwan. Recently, Mr. Biden said he would act to defend Taiwan in the event of a conflict. It was not the first time he had done so , but White House officials have repeatedly walked back those statements, saying a longstanding policy of “strategic ambiguity” on the defense of Taiwan remains in place.

Publicly, senior White House officials have said that Ms. Pelosi’s visit does not indicate any change in official policy, and should be viewed by China as no different than any of the other recent visits to Taiwan by members of Congress.

But privately, administration officials made it clear to Ms. Pelosi that her decision to visit Taiwan appeared likely to provoke China at a time when tensions between the two nations are high and the United States is already engaged in helping Ukraine fight its war with Russia.

Ms. Pelosi’s visit has been awkward for Mr. Biden. The speaker and her staff insisted that, as the leader of a separate but coequal branch of the American government, she has the right to go anywhere she desires. And Mr. Biden’s aides stressed that he did not want to be seen as dictating where she can travel.

Officials said Mr. Biden never told Ms. Pelosi not to go. But officials made it clear that her trip could significantly escalate tensions, including the possibility that China would use the visit to justify military action against Taiwan.

As the plane carrying Ms. Pelosi approached Taiwan, several Chinese state media outlets reported that Chinese Su-35 fighter jets were crossing the strait, a claim that Taiwan’s defense ministry called “fake news.” China last sent planes over the median line that runs down the strait in 2020, when Alex Azar, then the U.S. secretary of health and human services, visited Taiwan.

China claims Taiwan as its territory and has vowed to take it back, by force if necessary. In his call with Mr. Biden on Thursday, China’s leader warned the United States against intervening in the dispute.

China’s incursions into airspace and waters near Taiwan have become more aggressive in the past several years, heightening the risk of conflict.

In June, Beijing raised the stakes when the foreign ministry declared that China had jurisdiction over the Taiwan Strait and that it could not be considered an international waterway . And in the past year, Chinese military planes have increasingly probed the airspace near Taiwan, prompting Taiwanese fighter jets to scramble.

As a two-term congresswoman from California, Ms. Pelosi visited Beijing in 1991, two years after Chinese troops opened fire on student protesters around Tiananmen Square, killing hundreds if not thousands. Accompanied to the square by several congressional colleagues and a small group of reporters, Ms. Pelosi unfurled a banner commemorating the dead students.

Ms. Pelosi is a strong supporter of the Dalai Lama and the rights of Tibetans. In 2015, with official permission from the Chinese government, she visited Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, on a tightly controlled trip. The region is usually off limits to foreign officials and journalists.

From student demonstrators in Beijing in 1989 to anti-government protests in Hong Kong 30 years later, Ms. Pelosi has consistently supported social movements that critiqued China’s ruling Communist Party. She has also urged China’s leaders to temper their authoritarian policies, criticism that has elicited tart ripostes from Chinese officials.

The Chinese community in San Francisco, which Ms. Pelosi represents, was outwardly very supportive of Taiwan from the 1950s until the early 1990s. Today, it is much more connected to the mainland, partly due to immigration trends and the rise of China’s power and influence in the world, Mr. Lee said.

Dozens of people gathered in San Francisco on Monday to protest the trip, arguing that it could inflame potential war with China. The demonstration included members of the city’s Chinese American community; Code Pink: Women for Peace, an antiwar group; and the U.S. — China Peoples Friendship Association.

Paul Mozur and Amy Chang Chien reported from Taipei, and Michael D. Shear from Washington. Reporting was contributed by Emily Cochrane and Amy Qin from Washington, Thomas Fuller from San Francisco, Jane Perlez and Mike Ives from Seoul, and John Liu from Taipei. Claire Fu contributed research.

Paul Mozur is a correspondent focused on technology and geopolitics in Asia. He was part of a team that won the 2021 Pulitzer Prize for public service for coverage of the coronavirus pandemic. More about Paul Mozur

Amy Chang Chien covers news in mainland China and Taiwan. She is based in Taipei. More about Amy Chang Chien

Michael D. Shear is a veteran White House correspondent and two-time Pulitzer Prize winner who was a member of team that won the Public Service Medal for Covid coverage in 2020. He is the co-author of “Border Wars: Inside Trump's Assault on Immigration.” More about Michael D. Shear


Taiwan boosts tourism at The New York Times Travel Show


The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York is pleased to announce that Taiwan Tourism Bureau will be joining the annual New York Times Travel Show along with over 700 exhibitors from around the world at Jacob K. Javits Convention Center from January 24-26, 2020.

Taiwan Tourism Bureau has designated 2020 as the “Year of Mountain Tourism” in an effort to promote hiking in the country’s varied mountain ranges. The bureau also launched the “Small Town Ramble 2.0” campaign to introduce the charm of Taiwan’s unique and classic small towns. Check out booth number 263 at the Travel Show and get more information and travel ideas.

For more information, please visit  The New York Times Travel Show and Taiwan Tourism Bureau .

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Memo to The New York Times: What Actually Happens During “36 Hours in. . .” a Foreign Country

By Juli Weiner

This image may contain Human Pedestrian Person Urban Town Building City Metropolis Downtown and Night Life

The most recent “36 Hours in. . .” feature in The New York Times travel section is. . . just too much. We’ve stood by silently as the paper of record has published 36-hour itineraries for weekend visits to Bangalore, Hawaii, and Australia—but this latest thing, “36 Hours in Taipei, Taiwan,” is out of control. On day one, at nine p.m., the Times recommends “shop all night”! And then, “at dawn, follow the sound of roosters crowing to Dongmen Market.” And then, the next day, at nine a.m., “Go early for your visit to Taipei 101,” a skyscraper.

We are very aware of the fact that The New York Times is an internationally read newspaper, and that many subscribers probably do live a short drive from Taipei, but does The New York Times recognize that it is an internationally read newspaper and that many subscribers would have to travel for 36 hours just to reach Taipei?

Here is an edited version of today’s “36 Hours in Taipei” that acknowledges the difficulty in getting to Taipei.

36 Hours in Taipei, Taiwan

Five a.m.__

After a total of eight hours of flight delays, arrive at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport and ask your significant other whether he remembered to exchange currency before you left. He did not. As it is five a.m., there are no banks open. There is a currency converter at the airport. Wait 25 minutes behind a very large family who seem to be exchanging their country’s entire G.D.P.

After collecting your luggage, argue bitterly with your significant other about whether to “just take a cab to the hotel” or “get acclimated with the mass-transit system.” Roll your eyes and snap that you will “have lots of time to wander aimlessly around the subway but after sitting on a plane for 20 fucking hours is not the time to start, O.K.?” Your significant other will stomp off and get a cab. The ride will be circuitous, bumpy, and extremely expensive and you will feel miserable and responsible for everyone’s unhappiness. Eight a.m.

Arrive at the hotel. Use your most polite tones when speaking to the man showing you your room. As soon as he leaves, stroll around the space and make verbal note of all the things you assumed the hotel would provide. “What the hell kind of hotel doesn’t have a blowdryer?” you ask no one. “I would have brought a blowdryer if I had known there wouldn’t be one here. What am I going to do now? Buy a Taiwanese blowdryer? And then, *what?*Buy a converter so I can use it back in America? Jesus.” Noon

Collapse into bed despite the bilateral earlier agreement that you would just force yourselves to stay awake today to “get on a normal sleep schedule.” Ten p.m.

Awake from ten-hour midday nap with headache and hunger pangs. Neither you nor your significant other has the energy to root through the guidebooks and find some great local restaurant, so you eat random pasta dishes at the hotel bar, retire back to your room, and take Ambien. __Saturday

Eleven a.m.__

Awake to the sound of your significant other tapping away on his iPad.

“Holy shit! Is there Wifi?” you ask.

“Yup!” he responds, elated.

You get out your own iPad and the two of you sit in silence and respond to work e-mails and personal e-mails of a non-time-sensitive nature for the next 45 minutes.

“Should we go walk around?” you ask.

“Um, let me just check the weather,” he says.

After browsing Twitter for another half-hour, the weather is checked. “Oh my God it’s hot, ” he tells you.

“Ugh, I don’t want to like, wander around if it’s going to be a thousand degrees,” you say. “Let’s, like, figure out a specific place to go to.”

“What do you feel like doing?”

“Uh. Shopping?”

“O.K.,” he responds tentatively. “It’s just that, this hotel was kind of expensive, so maybe today could be like a museum day?”

“But we can go to museums in New York!”

Stroll around. . . somewhere, possibly sort of near your hotel. Although also strangely sort of farther than you thought? You think there is shopping here. No, you know the guide book says there is not shopping here but you think that there is. You have this theory, and it’s never been proven wrong, that the best shopping district in every city is always within a few blocks of an American Apparel and you just need to find the American Apparel and—

“There is no American Apparel in Taipei,” your significant other tells you. “I just Googled.”

“Holy shit,” you respond. “You have service?”

But you still do not have service. Why don’t you have service? What the fuck is wrong with your phone?

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“I really just want to fix my phone!” you say. “I get really nervous that something has, like, happened to my parents if I can’t reach them on my phone. Like, what if there’s an emergency?”

Have your significant other Google around for a local AT&T store. Settle for a wireless store, hail a cab, and head straight there.

Guess who’s the happy owner of an international cell phone? Well, you think it’s international. Like, it definitely works in Taiwan so why wouldn’t it work in America? Your parents are probably fine. You don’t know though—you forgot to call them. Ten p.m.

Eat dinner at totally fine nearby restaurant recommended by the concierge. This meal will be mentioned whenever anyone asks you how your trip was. “Oh my God,” you will say. “It was amazing . We ate at the most incredible local fish place. Seriously the best fish I’ve ever had in my life. Taipei was so fun. ” __Sunday

Wake up hungover. Make coffee in your room but convince yourself that the coffee is decaf and that’s why you still have a headache. Run around the corner and buy Coca Cola because you know it definitely has caffeine. Feel incredibly guilty that it is not Diet Coke. Three p.m.

Schlep suitcases to some sort of train thing that significant other swears eventually goes to the airport. Collapse into a seat and close your eyes. Taipei was so fun but you’re still really tired from traveling and are actually really excited just to sleep on the plane. Like, Taiwain was a vacation but it wasn’t like a vacation vacation, you know? Only 20 hours until you’re back in New York and you can really unwind.

Juli Weiner

Cocktail hour.

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Direct flights from Taipei to New York City

Did you mean flights from New York City to Taipei ?


Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport

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New York City

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United States

John F. Kennedy International Airport

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China Airlines

Star Alliance

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Boeing 777-300ER

Taipei to New York City Flight Schedule

Scan through all non-stop flights from Taipei to New York City. The full flight schedule below gives an overview of all non-stop flights from TPE to JFK, which includes the daily timetable of every operating airline for the upcoming 12 months.

Note: for airline-specific flight schedules, please scroll further down.

Airlines flying from Taipei to New York City

Airline-specific flight schedules from taipei to new york city.

In total there are 2 airlines operating nonstop flights from Taipei TPE to New York City JFK. This section gives an overview of the flight schedules and timetables of every airline with direct flights for this route.

Click an airline below to view their TPE JFK flight schedule.

China Airlines

China Airlines flight schedule from Taipei to New York City

Eva air flight schedule from taipei to new york city, taipei to new york city flights.

Flights from TPE to JFK are operated 11 times a week, with an average of 2 flights per day. Departure times vary between 17:30 - 19:20. The earliest flight departs at 17:30, the last flight departs at 19:20. However, this depends on the date you are flying so please check with the full flight schedule above to see which departure times are available on your preferred date(s) of travel.

You can fly in Economy, Premium Economy and Business Class. First Class is not available on this route (at least not as a non-stop flight).

The fastest direct flight from Taipei to New York City takes 14 hours and 45 minutes. The flight distance between Taipei and New York City is 7,791 miles (or 12,538 km).

Frequently asked questions - FAQ

How many airports are there in new york city.

There are 4 airports in New York City: John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK), LaGuardia Airport (LGA), Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR) and Stewart International Airport (SWF).

How many flights per week are there from TPE to JFK?

There are 11 flights per week flying from Taipei to New York City (as of June 2024).

How long does it take to fly from Taipei to New York City?

14 hours and 45 minutes is the average flight time from Taipei to New York City.

How far is New York City from Taipei?

The distance from Taipei to New York City is 7,791 miles (12,538 kilometers).

What airlines fly nonstop from TPE airport to JFK airport?

China Airlines and EVA Air are flying nonstop from Taipei to New York City.

What alliances have direct flights from Taipei to New York City?

SkyTeam and Star Alliance are flying nonstop from Taipei to New York City.

What classes are available from Taipei to New York City?

You can fly non-stop in Economy, Premium Economy and Business Class.

What aircraft types fly from Taipei to New York City?

What is the earliest flight departing from taipei to new york city.

The earliest flight departs at 17:30 from Taipei and arrives at 20:40 at New York City.

What is the latest flight available from Taipei to New York City?

The latest flight departs at 19:20 from Taipei and arrives at 22:05 at New York City.

Popular flights from Taipei, Taiwan

Hong Kong

Popular routes operated by China Airlines

Popular routes operated by eva air, popular flights from taipei via new york city.


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Non-stop flights from TPE to JFK

7,791 miles (12,538 km)  ·  14h 45m

  • Adults Over 15 - 1 +
  • Children Aged 3 - 15 - 0 +
  • Infants Aged 0 - 2 - 0 +

China Airlines

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Travel time from New York City to Taipei

How long does it really take to fly from New York City to Taipei? Here's a sample itinerary for a commercial flight plan. If you want to know the total travel time to reach Taipei, you need to include time at the airports. Eventually, you'll be able to customize this itinerary to select other nearby airports and choose your preferred airline.

Tuesday, 12:26 pm :  start in New York City drive for about 39 minutes most airlines recommend you get to the airport at least 90 minutes before your flight, so arrive by 2:00 pm at the latest

1:35 pm :  get your boarding pass and go through TSA security allow enough time for long security lines during busy travel seasons or holidays, and prepare for the wait time

2:35 pm :  arrive at the gate once you're ready to board, you can get something to eat in the airport or just relax near the gate

3:05 pm :  prepare for boarding check your boarding pass for your group number or listen to the gate agent as they announce boarding, some airlines require you to be in the boarding area 10-15 minutes before departure or risk losing your seat

3:20 pm :  board Eva Airways Corporation flight you can scroll down to view other airlines that fly this route

3:30 pm :  this is your scheduled departure time but remember flights can be delayed, so take that into account it takes the plane an average of 15 minutes to taxi to the runway

3:45 pm :  wheels up! take-off from JFK fly for about 16 hours in the air

Wednesday, 7:51 pm (local time) :   Taiwan Taoyuan International (TPE) Taipei is 12 hours ahead of New York City so the time in New York City is actually 7:51 am you actually arrive the day after you left taxi on the runway for an average of 15 minutes to the gate

8:06 pm (local time) :  arrive at the gate at TPE deboard the plane, and claim any baggage if you're renting a car, check if you need to take a shuttle to car rental agency, otherwise you can ride in a cab, limo, or Uber for about 55 minutes to your destination

9:01 pm (local time) :  arrive in Taipei

Total travel time: 21 hours

How far is Taipei from New York City? Here's the quick answer if you have a private jet and you can fly in the fastest possible straight line.

Flight distance: 7,799 miles or 12551 km

Flight time: 16 hours, 6 minutes

Compare this to a whole day of commercial travel with the airports and waiting in line for security, which ends up taking a total of 20 hours, 35 minutes .

Flying private is roughly 1.3x faster , and saves you about 4.5 hours in your total travel time.

Because of the curvature of the Earth, the shortest distance is actually the "great circle" distance, or "as the crow flies" which is calculated using an iterative Vincenty formula. For a long distance, this appears as a curve on the map, and this is often the route that commercial airlines will take so it's a good estimate of the frequent flyer miles you'll accumulate as well.

This is a fairly long flight, so unless you have a Gulfstream G650 or your own Boeing or Airbus, you might be booking a commercial flight. In that case, your travel time would really need to include how many minutes to get to your local airport, wait for security, board and taxi on the runway, land at the other airport, and get to your destination. The flight itinerary at the top of the page takes into account all these factors to get a more accurate estimate of your actual flight time .

  • Taipei Songshan Airport
  • Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport

We picked Eva Airways Corporation for your main flight, but there are other airlines that you should check if you're looking for the cheapest flight, or you need a different schedule. Check the websites of these airlines:

  • Eva Airways Corporation (BR)
  • China Airlines Ltd. (CI)

Trippy has a ton of information that can help you plan your trip to Taipei, Taiwan. Start by reading the Trippy page on where to stay in Taipei . A great place to eat might be Din Tai Fung . Trippy members can suggest things to do in Taipei like Shilin Night Market . Check out some of the questions people have asked about Taipei like Long layover in Taipei - What should I do? Click the button below to explore Taipei in detail.

The distance is the same either way if you're flying a straight line. But for a real trip, there can be plenty of differences so go ahead and check the reverse flight itinerary to fly from Taipei to New York City , or go to the main page to calculate other flight times .

If you happen to know New York City, don't forget to help other travelers and answer some questions about New York City!

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Sun, May 17, 2020 page3

‘new york times’ and others apply to station in taiwan.

  • By Lin Chia-nan / Staff reporter

new york times travel taipei

Seven more foreign news outlets have applied to open bureaus in Taiwan this year, including the New York Times , the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Friday, following China’s expulsion of US journalists in March.

After the US placed a personnel cap on four Chinese media companies, China responded by banning US reporters for the New York Times , the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal from covering news from China, Hong Kong and Macau.

“We maintain bureaus in Beijing and Shanghai with correspondents, and are hopeful that the Chinese government will allow all of our reporters to return,” New York Times spokeswoman Danielle Rhoades Ha said in an e-mail to the Taipei Times.

“As a result of the expulsion order, some affected correspondents are in the process of relocating to Taipei and Seoul. Our newsroom has not missed a beat and continues to cover China fairly and aggressively,” she said.

“It’s great having @nytimes reporters in #Taiwan. Our vibrant international media landscape is much the richer for their presence,” Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Wu (吳釗燮) wrote on Twitter on Friday. “Welcome & enjoy the country’s freedom in producing all the news that’s fit to print!”

Ministry spokeswoman Joanne Ou (歐江安) said that the ministry has also welcomed the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal to establish branches in Taiwan, although they have not formally submitted requests.

Including the new applications, 59 foreign news outlets are stationed in Taiwan from 16 nations: France, Germany, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Norway, the Philippines, Singapore, Slovakia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK and the US, she said.

The number of foreign journalists in Taiwan has increased in the past few years, as the nation’s press freedom has been praised by the global community, she added.

Before the nation’s presidential and legislative elections on Jan. 11, more than 210 foreign journalists, including nearly 60 originally stationed in Taiwan, had applied for permits to cover the elections, the ministry said.

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new york times travel taipei

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RISING THREAT: The number of ‘fifth column’ units is rising and could follow China’s instruction to destroy or paralyze important infrastructure, the sources said National security officials have requested that military police be deployed to guard key infrastructure across the nation, in a bid to protect them from sabotage by sympathizers or supporters of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) during wartime, also known as “fifth column” activities, military sources said yesterday. The threat from fifth column units is increasing due to a rise in immigrants, as well as members of organized crime groups being absorbed by the CCP, the sources said. As they could follow instructions from the CCP to destroy or paralyze Taiwan’s power plants, oil and water storage facilities, communication facilities and science

By Chen Yu-fu

new york times travel taipei

new york times travel taipei

$516 Find cheap flights from Taipei City to New York

This is the cheapest one-way flight price found by a kayak user in the last 72 hours by searching for a flight from taipei city to new york departing on 6/25. fares are subject to change and may not be available on all flights or dates of travel. click the price to replicate the search for this deal., search hundreds of travel sites at once for deals on flights to new york.

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Cheap flight deals from Taipei City to New York

Flights from taipei city to new york - travel insights & trends, get data-powered insights and trends into flights from taipei city to new york to help you find the cheapest flights, the best time to fly and much more., what is the cheapest taipei city to new york john f kennedy intl airport flight route, our data shows that the cheapest route for a one-way flight from taipei city to new york john f kennedy intl airport cost $1,028 and was between taipei city taiwan taoyuan intl airport and new york john f kennedy intl airport. on average, the best prices are found if you fly this route. the average price for a return flight for this route is $1,246., what’s the cheapest day of the week to fly from taipei city to new york, if your flying dates are flexible, you should consider flying to new york on a tuesday, as we generally find the cheapest rates on that day for this route. on the other hand, friday is the most expensive day to fly from taipei city to new york. for your return ticket, we recommend flying on a monday and avoiding saturdays for the best deals., what is the cheapest month to fly from taipei city to new york john f kennedy intl airport, the cheapest month for flights from taipei city to new york john f kennedy intl airport is april, where tickets cost $1,227 on average. on the other hand, the most expensive months are july and august, where the average cost of tickets is $1,818 and $1,807 respectively., how far in advance should i book a flight from taipei city to new york john f kennedy intl airport, to get a below average price on the flight from taipei city to new york john f kennedy intl airport, you should book around 3 days before departure. for the absolute cheapest price, our data suggests you should book 90 days before departure., which airlines provide the cheapest flights from taipei city to new york, in the last 72 hours, the best return deals on flights connecting taipei city to new york were found on philippine airlines ($916) and cathay pacific ($947). philippine airlines proposed the cheapest one-way flight at $542., which airlines fly non-stop between taipei city and new york john f kennedy intl airport, there are 2 airlines that fly nonstop from taipei city to new york john f kennedy intl airport. they are china airlines and eva air. the cheapest airline for this route is china airlines, with the best one-way deal found costing $1,185. on average, the best prices for this route can be found at china airlines., how many flights are there between taipei city and new york john f kennedy intl airport per day, each day, there are between 2 and 3 nonstop flights that take off from taipei city and land in new york john f kennedy intl airport, with an average flight time of 15h 00m. the most common departure time is 7:00 pm and most flights take off in the evening. each week, there are 18 flights. the most frequent day of departure is saturday, when 17% of all weekly flights depart. the fewest flights depart on a monday., which cabin class options are there for flights between taipei city and new york john f kennedy intl airport, there are 3 cabin class options for the route. these are business, economy and prem economy. perform a search on kayak to find the latest prices and availability for all cabin fares, which differ across airlines., how long does a flight from taipei city to new york take, this flight route requires at least one stop and takes a minimum of 14h 45m., good to know, when to book flights from taipei city to new york, faqs for booking taipei city to new york flights, what is the cheapest flight from taipei city to new york john f kennedy intl airport.

In the last 3 days, the lowest price for a flight from Taipei City to New York John F Kennedy Intl Airport was $516 for a one-way ticket and $916 for a round-trip.

Do I need a passport to fly between Taipei City and New York?

Yes, you’ll need a passport to travel to New York from Taipei City.

Which airports will I be using when flying from Taipei City to New York?

There are 2 airports in Taipei City (Taipei City Taiwan Taoyuan Intl and Taipei City Sung Shan.) and only 1 airport in New York (New York John F Kennedy Intl). The cheapest flights are generally found on the Taiwan Taoyuan Airport to New York John F Kennedy Intl flight route.

Which aircraft models fly most regularly from Taipei City to New York?

We unfortunately don’t have that data for this specific route.

Which airline alliances offer flights from Taipei City to New York?

oneworld, SkyTeam, and Star Alliance are the airline alliances operating flights between Taipei City and New York, with SkyTeam being the most commonly used for this route.

How does KAYAK find such low prices on flights from Taipei City to New York?

KAYAK is a travel search engine. That means we look across the web to find the best prices we can find for our users. With over 2 billion flight queries processed yearly, we are able to display a variety of prices and options on flights from Taipei City to New York.

How does KAYAK's flight Price Forecast tool help me choose the right time to buy my flight ticket from Taipei City to New York?

KAYAK’s flight Price Forecast tool uses historical data to determine whether the price for a flight to New York from Taipei City is likely to change within 7 days, so travelers know whether to wait or book now.

What is the Hacker Fare option on flights from Taipei City to New York?

Hacker Fares allow you to combine one-way tickets in order to save you money over a traditional round-trip ticket. You could then fly to New York with an airline and back to Taipei City with another airline.

What is KAYAK's "flexible dates" feature and why should I care when looking for a flight from Taipei City to New York?

Sometimes travel dates aren't set in stone. If your preferred travel dates have some wiggle room, flexible dates will show you all the options when flying to New York from Taipei City up to 3 days before/after your preferred dates. You can then pick the flights that suit you best.

Prefer to fly non-stop from Taipei City to New York?

Find which airlines fly direct from Taipei City to John F Kennedy Intl, which days they fly and book direct flights.

Nonstop departures

Taipei City to New York John F Kennedy Intl

Avianca, Copa Airlines, EVA Air, +2 more

Avianca, Copa Airlines, +3 more

Avianca, China Airlines, Copa Airlines, +3 more

Avianca, China Airlines, +4 more

Nonstop returns

New York John F Kennedy Intl to Taipei City

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Nvidia overtakes Apple as its market capitalisation surpasses $3tn

A person walks past an Nvidia logo at Computex in Taipei, Taiwan

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Michael Acton in San Francisco and Nicholas Megaw in New York

Roula Khalaf, Editor of the FT, selects her favourite stories in this weekly newsletter.

Nvidia’s market value rose past $3tn to overtake Apple on Wednesday as the world’s second-most valuable company, following a year of incredible growth driven by demand for its artificial intelligence chips.

The US chip designer’s shares rose about 5 per cent to push its market capitalisation ahead of Apple for the first time — ending the day at $3.01tn, according to Bloomberg data, marginally ahead of Apple’s $3tn. The iPhone maker lost its spot as the most valuable listed company to Microsoft this year.

Shares of Nvidia, Apple and Microsoft were all slightly lower in early trading on Thursday.

Investors have flocked to Nvidia ’s stock as tech groups such as Google, Microsoft and Meta spend billions of dollars on its chips, with no indication that their spending spree will slow in the near future.

Nvidia’s data centre chips power the AI models that chief executive Jensen Huang has claimed will spur a new “industrial revolution”, transforming global business with productivity-enhancing features.

The company delivered another blockbuster earnings report in May, with revenues up 262 per cent year on year, thanks largely to sales of its current generation “Hopper” chips. It also announced a 10-for-one stock split, which goes into effect on June 7.

Nvidia has single-handedly driven more than a third of the gains on Wall Street’s benchmark S&P 500 index this year, according to Bloomberg data, raising fears in some quarters of an unsustainable bubble. The S&P 500 rose 1.2 per cent on Wednesday and is up 12.3 per cent year to date.

Line chart of Market capitalisation ($tn) showing Nvidia surges to $3tn valuation

Still, Nvidia’s bumper earnings and repeated upgrades to forecasts mean the company’s valuation is not at an all-time high when measured as a ratio of either its historic or expected profits.

On Wednesday it was valued at 42 times its expected earnings over the next 12 months. That is up from 23 times forward earnings at the start of the year and well above Apple’s 29 times — although that is below the peak it hit during the height of the first wave of AI euphoria last year.

“The benefit they have is they’re one of very few companies that can actually prove AI revenues,” said Stuart Kaiser, head of US equity trading strategy at Citigroup. “The higher [the stock] gets and the further you get into this revenue cycle the more the risks increase, but so far it looks pretty clean.”

Despite moves by rivals such as AMD and Intel to capture some of Nvidia’s market share, it remains the undisputed leader in the global technology race to offer the most advanced hardware for increasingly demanding AI workloads, as well as the software tools to build AI applications.

Huang has promised a “one-year rhythm” of new chips and unveiled Nvidia’s “Blackwell” products in March. Huang has said they would generate “a lot” of revenue this year, sooner than many analysts had forecast.

And in a surprise move at Taiwan’s Computex conference over the weekend, Huang also teased the following generation of “Rubin” processors , which will start shipping in 2026.

Apple is holding its annual Worldwide Developers Conference on June 10, where chief executive Tim Cook is expected to set out the company’s own plan for integrating generative AI features into its products.

Apple has so far been left out of the market hype around generative AI that has boosted shares of its rivals. Sales of its iPhones are also down year on year, partly due to resurgent competition in China.

But Cook has said he is “bullish” about its prospects in AI, and Apple’s shares have also recovered from a slump at the start of the year, with the company announcing a larger than expected $110bn share buyback in May.

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