
Dreaming about traveling here's what it means, according to experts.

Sarah Regan

When it comes to dream interpretation, so much of it depends on the context and finer details of the dream. To dream about traveling is no exception, with a myriad of variations that can change the meaning of the dream . So, we asked experts about a few of their top interpretations for travel dreams—here's what they had to say.

Dream interpretation.

Before diving in, it's worth noting that any scientific validity to dream interpretation is sparse. Generally, dreams are thought of as a means of memory consolidation and potentially even "predicting" the future (i.e., our brains running through potential scenarios that could happen).

Nevertheless, we've all had dreams that seemed a bit too relevant to our waking lives, raising the question, What was that dream trying to tell me? Only you can truly understand what the symbols in your dreams mean to you, but there are still some common tropes in dreams that interpreters take to have specific meanings.

7 reasons you're dreaming about traveling:

You're craving freedom..

According to dream expert  Leslie Ellis, Ph.D., dreaming about travel can indicate that you're on a quest for freedom. "In this pandemic era where travel has been so restricted, travel dreams could be some form of vicarious way of gaining freedom of movement," she says, adding, "Freud was not entirely wrong about dreams being a form of wish fulfillment, at least some of the time."

You're experiencing some kind of movement in your life.

Along with a craving for freedom, travel dreams can also suggest there's some sort of movement or momentum happening in your life. "Traveling usually represents forward movement—progress in some area," notes professional dream interpreter  Lauri Loewenberg . And as Ellis adds, this "movement" could be personal or professional, as well as actual geographical movement.

You feel in control.

If you're traveling in a vehicle in your dream and it's running smoothly, Loewenberg tells mbg that can mean you feel in control of some aspect of your life. "You want to be driving the car, for example, because that's letting you know that whatever issue this dream is commenting on, you're in control of it," she explains.

You feel out of control.

On the other hand, Loewenberg says, if the car is having some hiccups, such as malfunctioning brakes, "that's a good indication that you're having a hard time getting something started in your real life, or you don't have a good handle on whatever path of progression this is connected to."

She adds that if you're driving a car in your dream and get into an accident, this can mean you're experiencing a sort of emotional or energy crash in your life.

You're experiencing some sort of ending.

Crashes or accidents in travel dreams can also mean something is on the verge of coming to an end in your life (or already has), Loewenberg notes.

The theme of endings existing within travel dreams can also relate to life stages and death, Ellis explains. "They can, at the far end of the journey, indicate preparation for death. There are many accounts of dreams easing people into the final stages of their life , preparing them in ways that tend to be calming and spiritual," she notes.

You're advancing in your career (or thinking about it).

According to Loewenberg, dreams about traveling in a plane , more often than not, are related to your career path, "because the plane takes off and we want our careers to take off and reach new levels." Planes can also represent your spiritual or religious path , she adds.

You're searching for something.

And lastly, depending on your destination, travel dreams can mean you're looking for something in your life. "If your destination is a beach, for example, that means you're trying to reach a place in your life where you are having peace of mind," Loewenberg explains. Or maybe you're traveling to a hospital, which would indicate you're on a healing path, she adds.

Interpretations based on travel companions:

Family members..

With the previous interpretations in mind, it's also important to consider who's accompanying you in the dream. In the case of family members, Ellis says, this could relate to feeling of moving on, or moving forward, as it relates to the family members in the dream.

A romantic partner.

Loewenberg says dreaming about traveling with a partner can offer good insight into how the relationship is going and how you both are reacting within the relationship. "Pay attention to who's behind the wheel and how well the vehicle is moving forward," she suggests, for example.

If you're on a boat, she adds they often represent our relationships. (Relation-"ship," get it?) "A ship or a boat will be commenting on a relationship more than any other vehicle because it travels on water, and water tends to represent the emotional self," Loewenberg explains.

In that case, are you on an extravagant cruise liner that's sailing smoothly? Or are you in a broken-down boat that's sinking fast ? You can guess which one indicates a relationship is heading south.


If you're dreaming about work colleagues, Ellis says this situates the dream story in the world of work. "Again, it can be telling to look at the mode of travel, ease of transport, and nature of the destination," she notes. Ask yourself if you're getting to where you want to go. "This can be a big life question. Are the people you are with helping or hindering your progress?" Ellis adds.

Traveling solo.

Of course, there's a chance you'll be traveling solo in your dream, as well. Loewenberg says a common vehicle in travel dreams is a bike or motorcycle, which are, of course, single-passenger vehicles. This would be a dream about a path you are on alone that doesn't affect anyone else, she explains.

"You also have to have good balance to operate a bicycle or a motorcycle, so take a good look at your emotional balance or anything you're trying to balance in your life," Ellis adds.

The bottom line.

Dreaming about travel isn't uncommon—and interpreting these dreams always comes down to their context. With these potential interpretations at the ready, you're all set to open your mind to the world of your travel dreams—and consider how they relate to your reality.

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17 Reasons Why Around the World Travel is Good For You

Why travel around the world.

We’ve compiled a list of the best reasons why everyone should enrich their life with around the world travel. And while we’re at it…all these reasons can also be taken as our motivation for doing what we do at AirTreks.

1. Traveling is easier than you think.

We believe that traveling around the world shouldn’t be hard: it’s actually something everyone should be able to do at least once in their lives. Whether you choose to spend a few years or just a couple months traveling this beautiful planet, it’s important to see what’s out there. It’s up to you to make the dream come true and take the first step. Launch TripPlanner to piece together and price your ideal route. Not sure where to start?  You can always call one of our travel consultants and get some complimentary advice!

2. Travel opens your eyes.

If you’re open and willing, travel will make you an incredibly more well-rounded human being. And that’s really the goal, isn’t it? If you don’t know where to start, check out our Around the World planning guide .

3. Traveling helps you learn who you are.

All the challenges and opportunities travel lays at your feet help you discover who you are in a way that’s only possible on the road.

4. Travel creates meaningful relationships

People you meet while on the road become some of the most valued names on your contact list. They become places on the map to visit later on. These folks give you a glimpse outside your hometown circle of friends, and force you to take in new and refreshing perspectives, and ultimately realize that everyone is the same.

5. Traveling develops skills you didn’t know you had

Sometimes it’s only far from home that you realize you you’ve got skills you’ve never used. It’s travel that brings them to the surface and makes you smile, satisfied to have reached the mountain top, or  crossed a gorge  or helped a villager clean up after a storm, or even to have successfully ordered a meal at a rural Chinese restaurant.

6. Travel helps you learn new languages

There’s something satisfying about being able to throw around a few words of Greek, knowing how to say thanks in Thai, pulling out that long dormant Spanish to book a room in Santiago, or simply hearing a language you didn’t know existed just a few weeks before.

7. Travel means adventure

Zip-lining over the jungle canopy in Peru, successfully navigating the maze-like streets of Venice, bartering for the best price in the traditional markets of Marrakech, taking a speedboat ride in New Zealand, or hopping in a Land Rover and heading out to watch animals grazing  in Tanzania: these are adventures worth having. People are hardwired for the excitement of adventure and travel may just be the best way to tap into it.

8. Traveling gives you perspective

Meeting people from other cultures will teach you that the way you’ve been looking at the world isn’t the way everybody else does. In fact, your point-of-view might have some major blind spots. Seeing the world for yourself will improve your vision and your grip on reality.

9. Travel helps you move forward

If you’re between jobs, schools, kids, or relationships, around the world travel can be a perfect way to move from one of these life stages into your next great adventure. A big trip won’t just ease your transition into the next stage of your life , it’ll give you a chance to reflect on where you’ve been, where you’re going, and where you want to end up.

10. Travel is education

Seeing the world provides an education that’s absolutely impossible get in school. Travel teaches you economy, politics, history, geography, and sociology in an intense, hands-on way no class will.  Fortunately, the school of travel is always taking applications , no entrance exam required.

11. Travel challenges you

Getting your daily latte at the same place and staring at your screen at your nine-to-five every day not nearly interesting enough? Even if you choose to work on the road (and keep staring at the screen), you’ll have to find a new place to drink your latte, and depending on your destination, finding coffee, and foamy milk or a good place to sip them could prove to be a sizeable challenge. Travel is full of moments of joy and challenges. Overcoming the challenges gives you some of the greatest joys of all.

12. Travel shakes things up

It sucks to be stuck in a rut. Everyone knows what that’s like. A big trip can be your perfect solution. Fly around the world, stopping over in all of the places you’ve always wanted to visit. Go ahead and plan your ideal route around the world  (it’s easier than you think!)

13. Traveling proves that dreams do come true

You imagined it, daydreamed about it, envisioned it. Guess what? It can be done. Around the world travel is possible, you just have to decide you’re willing to take the first step and start planning your itinerary.  What are you waiting for? We’ve put together some specials to inspire you to live your dream .

14. Travel gives you cool stories

Let’s face it. Even for folks who can’t tell a story, just the words “last year in Mongolia” get you instant party points.  Even when events seem trivial, nostalgia and distance create an irresistible spin that makes mundane things like getting your laundry done in Zanzibar, entertaining. Just don’t be that person and overdo it!

15. Travel is literally food for thought.

You’ll be constantly surprised at the flavors the world has to offer.  The way people in other cultures and countries prepare food, and break bread together (not that all cultures even eat bread) will astound you.

16. Travel gives you a sense of accomplishment

If you’re the kind of person that dreams big, you’re probably one to reach for new challenges. Finishing a trip gives you the satisfaction that you were able make a goal to travel and  accomplish what you set out to do–see the world.

17. Traveling for the hell of it

Why travel? Because you can. Because you want to. Because it beats the alternative (staying home). Why not  pick up your tickets and get the ball rolling!

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Skye Travels

Keeping Alive the Dream of Traveling the World

Selfie on Bus to Chiang Rai (Dream of Traveling)

Everyone has their goals in life. One of mine has been the dream of traveling the world. Sometimes our dreams hit roadblocks, but we always need to keep our eye on the mountain.

Table of Contents

Planning for the Dream

Traveling the world is quite an ambitious dream. It’s also kinda nebulous. Over the years, my dream transitioned from wanting to fly overseas to see a country other than the USA, to a desire to visit every country in the world, and finally wanting to spend the rest of my life traveling, moving from one country to the next to experience their cultures and cuisines.

Not everyone has the dream to travel. For some, traveling just isn’t a passion. Others have restrictions that prevent them from traveling. But one thing is true – everyone has dreams. Achieving those goals is something we strive our entires lives to do, some more successfully than others. Working toward our dreams makes us happy. I believe happiness is the overcoming of not unknown obstacles toward a known goal. In other words, running the race makes us happy, not the medal on the wall. When there are barriers trying to stop us from reaching our dreams, getting past those barriers makes us happy.

Knowing how to achieve our dreams is a very important part of life. Thankfully, there are some simple steps that make this easier.

The first step might sound funny, but we have to state our goals explicitly. You can do this with any goal in life, whether it has to do with a job endeavor, relationship, your body image, learning a new subject, setting a record, etc. Take the time to sit down and work out exactly what you want. This doesn’t have to be fancy – telling your best friend works just as well as writing it down in a notebook.

Try to get as specific as possible. I find that when I work out exactly what the goal is, there’s a better chance of achieving it. Once you get an exact idea of what you’re working towards, then it’s a matter of staying focused on that.

Keeping Your Eye on the Mountain

Staying focused on your dreams can be a challenge. Barriers can come from every angle, including those you least expect. Take the dream of traveling – there could be a global pandemic, you could run out of funds, someone you trust could betray you, obligations might come up you have to take care of…plenty could happen. The bottom line is to never give up the dream.

When you’re met with opposition, there are five ways to tackle the problem. You can attack, flee, avoid, neglect or succumb. The best handling is a rational attack.

To illustrate these, if a robber broke into your house, a rational attack would be to call the police or, if you felt safe to do so, grab a baseball bat and scare them off (as they’re usually terrified individuals themselves). Avoid would be to try to hide in a different room than the robber, fleeing would be run out the back door, neglecting would be to just stay in your bed reading your book, and succumbing would be to walk up to the robber and hand over all your jewelry.

Sure, if it’s a group of robbers heavily armed, you might want to try hiding or fleeing, but call the police and a neighbor too (attack). Even a hefty scream to alert others to the danger is a good attack.

Choosing the right course of action can be quite difficult. When you’re afraid, angry or upset, it’s almost impossible to make a rational decision. Thus, it’s important to keep a level head and not make any major choices until you’re in a better emotional state. When it comes to following your dreams, don’t give up (avoid, neglect, succumb or flee) when you hit a pitfall. Take a step back, work out the most rational way to overcome it and keep going.

The bottom line is to always keep your eye on the mountain. There are plenty of barriers that can get in the way of your goals, from natural disasters and global catastrophes to malicious individuals and family emergencies. Sometimes you lose sight of the mountain, sometimes you get lost in the forests on your way. Whatever happens, don’t forget to stay true to your dreams and overcome the barriers.

Dealing With Those Who Sabotage Your Dreams

Among the barriers that can prevent you from reaching your dreams are individuals who don’t have your best interests at heart. A very small percentage of the world’s population are people whose entire ambition in life is to suppress others and hold them down. Sadly, these few individuals affect others around them to cause trouble and take on a similar personality.

We see evidence of these people around us all the time – failed businesses, broken relationships, massive debt (these individuals love to make their way into corporations and the government), and (worst of all) self invalidation. It’s been a long-held belief of mine that self invalidation is merely the accumulation of invalidation of one’s self by others.

Movies are constantly highlighting the exploits of these people, and not always in a negative light. Too many people think it’s “cool” to behave like the gangster, to deal primarily in insults and rumor-mongering, and to cause doubt, insecurity and uncertainty in those around them. We also saw this in the Stockholm Syndrome, where the hostages befriended and trusted the terrorist.

Recognizing these individuals can be extremely difficult, as their first action is usually to convince you how much of a friend they are to you. Just look at how many business ventures went south when the trusted accountant ended up being the one to run off with all the money.

The one advice I will never give is to be wary of who you trust, as that’s not advice I would follow. I’m willing to trust everyone…which doesn’t make it easy when I trust the wrong person. The thing to do is to look at their general characteristics. Do they communicate well? Are they persistent on a given course? Do others trust them? What is their general emotional state? Witchhunts are made by the wicked trying to apply one mistake an individual has made to color their entire personality. All social personalities have lapses in judgment. With the anti-social, their gossip, invalidation, and undermining is constant (even and especially under the guise of friendship).

The way to handle this barrier to your goals is to move on. If you can catch them before they sabotage your dreams, great! If not, don’t regret what you’ve done or try to find fault with them. Fault is the opposite of responsibility. They’re probably not willing to take responsibility for things, but you can always look at what you’ve done, recognize that YOU did those things, and move on. They won’t always be around; your dreams will.

Traveling After the Current World Events

Due to the current world events, my dream of traveling the world is obviously on hold at the moment. Then again, so is everyone else’s. Not everyone has the dream of traveling, and I fear that more people will lose sight of that dream with the current fears and uncertainties – which is the point of this article.


Traveling the world is important, and not just to party on a beach in Thailand. The more we travel and learn about other cultures, the more we see similarities between our cultures. People tend to contest that which they think is different from them. Disagreements and differences of beliefs beget negative emotions. Conversely, agreement and shared realities increase the affection and communication between people.

There’s another reason to travel the world. Many villages, cities and even entire countries get their wherewithal from tourism. After cataclysms like tsunamis and earthquakes, it’s often tourism that helps the decimated villages rebuild. Those kinds of places depend on us to visit and help with their economy.

Just because we can’t travel right now doesn’t mean we can’t plan our travels in the future and keep the dream alive. We have no idea what the world will be like in the coming months, let alone the coming years. Travel restrictions could be in place, new vaccinations could be required, etc. We’ll have to factor all that into our travel plans.

My Dream of Traveling the World

Despite recent hiccups and the world situation, I have the dream to travel the world more than ever. I’m spending my time in Edinburgh making plans, and I have some really exciting things in the works. I won’t lay everything out right now, since (as mentioned above), things are a bit uncertain at this time and my plans might change. In general terms, I’m definitely planning to return to SE Asia in the near future, and I’m also starting to make plans for an exploration of Africa!

I want to thank everyone who has helped me make my dream of traveling the world a reality. I’ve had incredible Couchsurfing and Worldpackers hosts all over the world, I’ve traveled with wonderful companions, I’ve had friends help me out when I was in a tight spot, and I’ve had plenty of strangers lend a helping hand, always reaffirming my faith in humanity all around the world. I want to thank everyone who reads my blog, as I write for you. I love inspiring you to travel and to stay true to your dreams. Don’t ever let anyone get in the way of them. And if there’s anything I can ever do to help, don’t hesitate to ask!

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Hi, I'm Skye. Writer, photographer, adventurer, foodie, teacher, masseur, friend, dreamer, etc. I think "normal" sucks. Let's aim for extraordinary. SkyeTravels seeks to find the good around the world, focusing on adventures, food and wellness. Be inspired. Be yourself.

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I'm David Leiter , the guy behind this website. I'm an American who's been traveling the world full time for 8 years now.

I started this travel blog in 2019 to document my own international trips, share my photos, and help others learn how to travel the world and find some really good spots off the beaten path.

I'm currently based in Bali , Indonesia , where I met my wife Intan, who’s a Bali local. Now she joins me on these wild and crazy adventures too.

Together, we've done some bucket list hikes , climbed active volcanoes , seen exotic wildlife , and visited some spectacular castles , temples , and monuments around the world.

I've worked with and been featured by BBC Travel , NBC News , Time , and other companies.

I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list. I hope this world travel blog can help and inspire you in your own journeys as well!

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A Little Adrift Travel Blog

A Little Letter… To All the Young Dreamers: Travel Young, Travel Far

Last updated on January 8, 2023 by Shannon

Dear Young Dreamer,

beach cartwheel

The end of the school year is here and freedom whispers on the air. Your attention wanders in these final days of lectures, homework, and classroom chatter. Trust me—I understand why. Although the world thrust upon me “adult status” many years ago, I remember the keen yearning of adolescence. A yearning to my spend days hunting through the yard, chasing my brothers, and feeling the sugary slide of Gatorade washing away the summer heat. Or in truth, in my high school years I yearned to sleep until noon and have my parents just leave me to myself. And though you no doubt appreciate summer’s freedom, your emails tell me that you’re looking ahead to what comes next.

Your thoughts are jumbled right now with the woes and stresses of your these difficult years. The world expects a lot of you: school, homework, jobs, college planning, extracurriculars … the list goes on and on. Although you’re on the cusp of adulthood, you’re not there yet. Which means you war with the twin duties assigned to you: honor your childhood yet plan your future. You dream of being a writer or an engineer, of being a nurse, lawyer, architect, social media maven. You haven’t told me what you want to be “when you grow up,” but know this: for most people, our jobs are not a single thing, but an evolving process. Asking you to name it now is unfair—instead pursue something you’re good at that also lights you up inside. That’s where the magic happens. Happiness lies at that intersection. Instead of an unmitigated: Follow Your Dreams. I say dream big put stay practical, for that’s how to achieve the biggest dreams.

Ana with some Thai students excited to meet her in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

It’s the practical part that most people miss. You wrote that you wanted to “just get through this.” Even the most idyllic childhood has its obstacles, and yours was far from idyllic. But a setback—or even 20—won’t prevent you from reaching your dreams if you stay rooted in the practical, in the actions you can take to bring yourself closer to your dreams. Study hard. Save aggressively . Chart a course ahead and then actually stick to it. As rough as life can be, hold onto dreams that light you up inside. Your dream of world travel—hold tight to it and set it as the benchmark for your decisions. You wrote that travel is your way out, it’s your way forward. It was for me, too. It was a goal I believed would finally signal that I had made it through to the other side of my troubled background . I made it there. You can, too.

At no other point in your life will society give you permission to dream like you can now. You don’t need that permission, of course. The very notion of someone else codifying your life based on their life is false. I urge you, fight against those who ask you to conform. But temper it with grace and acceptance, for you are still young, still subject to the will and best interests of those who love you. There is good and rightness in that.

Young Dreamer, you wrote to me with the conundrum of your travel dreams. You hear the siren call of travel, and you wonder how you, a teen, can make your dream a reality. You take classes and learn information that holds no interest most days—facts and figures you can’t fathom that you’ll ever need. It’s true and you’re right—you don’t need most of it. But you do need the ability to process those facts, to analyze the world around you, synthesize information, and above all, to think for yourself. These exact skills you’ve learned in school will help you overcome obstacles that stand between you and your dreams.

When other adults ask for travel advice, I tell them just to do it: decide you can travel and find the way to make it happen. I tell them, “traveling now will change the direction of your life.” Because longterm travel does just that. Travel changes the course of your life  and can jumpstart your quest to discover the life you were meant live. The questions answered by life on the road can be found elsewhere, but not as quickly, not as deeply. Travel is a boot camp for life that is hard to replicate with other life experiences.

Fun at the Leaning tower of Pisa

But you present me with a conundrum of my own because I cannot orchestrate your future, and neither can you, in many ways. Your parents’ decisions and economic status dictate if you holiday in Europe, join student exchange program, or work full-time.

Given that your parents and fate’s capricious whims have shaped your life until now, I understand your struggle. How do we make your travel dreams stay alive, how do we get you closer to making this dream a reality? Because, more than anything, I want you to maintain the flaming beauty of your dream of travel the world. I want you to hold tight to this belief that you can travel young. It’s a dream some tout as wishful thinking, deeply unpractical, or some may even level the ultimate insult: they tell you you’re naïve, that you’ll grow out of it.

It is my deepest wish that you never do.

You will grow and change so quickly in these coming years. You will fall in love with people, with new ideas , and—if you’re lucky—with a line of work that brings you joy . Travel is a beautiful dream but not an exclusive one. It’s a dream that can last a lifetime for there are ever more corners of the world to see, foods to taste, and people to meet. So although I could have prefaced this letter with the acknowledgement that dreams shift and change—for that is the absolute truth—it is my hope that together we can light a spark for travel that carries you through the coming years. A plan for travel that acts like a silent ship running alongside your life as you take your first solo steps into the world. It will be there waiting for you, always inviting you to step on board when you have the time. It’s there waiting for you, asking you to make life, career, and financial decisions that keep your travel ship on course, running parallel to whatever life you build.

And now you’re wondering if I’m crazy and carried away. I slip into “ramble mode” according to my niece; she’s been subjected to these whims of thought often enough.

Overcoming my fears and jumping from the top of the boat into the water in Australia

No matter. The truest lesson I can share with you is that traveling young will change you. The desire to travel goes deeper than a flippant answer to the question “What do you want to do when you grow up?” Travel is not an answer to any question, but rather a path you take to arrive at an answer that is more honest and true to who you are and what you are meant to do.

You’re in an in-between land caught between a child and adult; it’s a lovely and strange place. It’s a time when you have freedom to figure out who you are. But can I be frank? On the verge of turning 30 this year, I remain answerless. Actually, every time I’m sure I have the answer, it changes … which is, perhaps, the lesson. I wish someone had told me that who you are evolves with each new experience and each tragedy you face, with every obstacles you overcome and every moment of pure joy.

Let’s shift back to right now Young Dreamer, because your quandary has you discouraged. You believe travel is unattainable.

I once thought that, too. I once thought long-term travel was reserved for the rich, for the clever, for the people who had something I lacked. I lived in a place of seeking permission. I looked at my peers—my best friends and those in my classes—and assumed that their biggest dreams were my ceiling. If none of them dreamed of traveling then it was surely out of reach.

Pushing through the naysayers is the hardest task ahead of you. Look beyond the society’s rules and permissions based on your color, class, gender, or age. Realize that if you dream it—if you hold something in your heart and want it enough to move mountains, then there is validity and goodness in your dream.

The limitations and many the reasons you can’t travel right this instant frustrates you. I get it. But one day soon your circumstances will change and it will be up to you alone to assess your life. You alone mus t believe that long-term travel is possible for someone like you. Grasp tightly to the belief that you will take a gap year abroad, or leave on a mission trip for a year. Defend fiercely your goal to study abroad during college or find an international job.

travel quote emerson

Now may not be your time to travel. Accept that without losing hope. So many factors play into this part of your life—parents, money, family politics, national politics, education—the list is long. By maintaining hope and faith that you will travel, options you never dreamed possible will appear. When you believe, that’s when we can explore the world from the perspective that someone in exactly your situation—be you poor or rich, troubled or not—can travel someday. All you need to know is that it is possible, and from there we’ll find the opportunities to make it happen.

When you accept a decision as fact , you begin to see opportunities that you never noticed. Joseph Campbell says,

Follow your bliss. If you do follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while waiting for you, and the life you ought to be living is the one you are living. When you can see that, you begin to meet people who are in the field of your bliss, and they open the doors to you. I say, follow your bliss and don’t be afraid, and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be. If you follow your bliss, doors will open for you that wouldn’t have opened for anyone else.

And in that spirit Young Dreamer, with a summer of freedom ahead of you, I leave you with practical ideas that may take you closer to your dreams. Some won’t be right for you. You might hate a couple of them. And you definitely need to discuss a couple with your parents. But look for one that sparks an idea of how to keep that travel ship floating alongside your life. Which idea nudges you closer to bringing travel into your life.

  • Find an international pen pal : When I was growing up this involved actually mailing letters via the post, but now with email and Facebook (and still old-fashioned letters too) you can develop a friendship that spans borders. This sounds antiquated in a way, but a German friend of mine exchanged letters for years with an American girl and they became such good friends that by their high school and college years they spent the summers at each others houses. There are tons of sites that help connect pen-pals but Students of the World  is good, safe place to start (and be a safe internet user when chatting with others, always check first with your parent).
  • Arrange a student exchange : The premise here is that you spend a few weeks up to an entire school year living abroad with a family that has agreed to house and feed you and send you to school. A French student attended our high school for a semester and it was very cool to meet her and get to know her (and she got to really practice her English!). AFS USA and Youth for Understanding are both very credible and both offer scholarships of some sort too.
  • Start a business : This one seems like the odd man out, but really if you can’t travel now you could take the initiative to start your own business—the people who come into your life as you delve into that world of becoming an entrepreneur could very well be the people who help you create the opportunities to travel later on. Plus, it can be good fun, a good use of your time, and at the very least you’ll learn tons. :)
  • Fundraise for a good cause : If you know of something happening overseas that you care about, why not find a creative way to fundraise for the cause and then donate that money to an organization helping to solve that issue? This not only brings you right into contact with the places you want to visit, but you are helping your friends learn and care too.
  • Read a lot of good books : The best stories will take you out of your situation and right into the lives of other people from all over the world. Reading will give you some of the nuances of a culture and will make you even more ready to meet and interact with the locals once you arrive in your dream destination. This page lists out tons of book suggestions for each country, or ask your English teacher for a recommendation for a country you’d like to visit, I bet she’d be thrilled to help you find a good book.
  • Take a mission trip with your church : If you’re part of a church or religious group it’s very common for these groups to place an emphasis on service, and in many cases when you join a program you spend some really fun weeks and months raising the money for your trip.
  • Join a travel writing program : Consider honing other skills that bring you into the world of travel, a good course takes you through some of the skills and ideas you’ll need on the road if you hope to share your trip with others.
  • Learn : More than anything, if the rest of these aren’t a good fit, keep finding things that make you light up inside and learn more about those, even if it’s not your assigned homework. Earlier this year I shared a big list of free courses you could use to learn the languages of the places you want to visit, or even take classes about astronomy, photography, programming, or really anything you love. Listen to international music, practice cooking recipes you hunt down online … take the initiative to creatively bring elements of travel into your life.

Young Dreamer, I so appreciate hearing from you. I love knowing that you can’t imagine your future without travel. More than college and work, my one-year round the world trip changed the course of my life . I am humbled that you reached out, that you cared enough to email a kindred soul—never lose that pluck for it’s more valuable a trait than you yet know.

Travel young, travel far. Never stop dreaming.

38 thoughts on “A Little Letter… To All the Young Dreamers: Travel Young, Travel Far”

Exactly! Most of the time, we just have to take a moment for ourselves, listen and boom! we realize that we have the answer all along :) And it is such a refreshing feeling whenever that happens.. It’s like something’s saying, “See? I told you. You got this! All you have to do is believe and take a step forward.”

“Travel is not an answer to any question, but rather the path you will take to arrive at an answer that is more honest and true to who you are and what you are meant to do.”

This line got stuck in my brain. It is actually true.. Most of the time we need time to go somewhere, just be with nature for us to realize who we really are and decide on our own about what’s the next step to take :) Also, travelling reminds me how beautiful life is and that once you set out to find the answer, you’ll sure to find it because God is everywhere waiting for us to hear Him out.

Love the post Ms. Shannon :)

I so glad the post resonated, thank you for sharing your own thoughts. There is something about the internal quiet when you’re traveling that helps you tap into the answers and messages out there waiting for us. :)

Need more adults like you in my life. Being an 18 year old who can only think about travel with the most conventional “get a job get a mortgage settle down” family is exhausting and demoralising !!! This helped so much thank you !! Just what I needed xxx

I am so glad that it resonated Olivia. It can be tough to shape the life you want. I wish you the best of luck as you work on bringing travel into your life these coming years. This pose I wrote might strike a chord too: — It’s about how to drown out the noise and make the hard choices that reflect your goals, not the goals of others.

Six months! So soon, and how wonderful. Congrats on getting everything enough to leave (and yay for long term travel and staying out there in the road!). I appreciate you sharing tips and offering to allow readers to contact you. Best of luck, safe travels, and let me know if there is anything I can do to help. :)

Thanks so much for mentioning our teen travel blogging mentorship program – it is changing lives!

I, too, was entrusted to travel at an early age by my parents – a fact which i am grateful for every single day. but no matter how old you are when you start traveling, having a sense of curiosity about the world is the best tool in your toolkit!

LOVE these resources!

You are very welcome, I know you have been working in this space with youth and travel and really have a wonderful program from the writers at heart who dream of travel. :)

This post, no this whole blog is incredible. I can’t wait to start travelling and your blog gave me most of the inspiration. It was maybe last year when my mum came home from work (she works at a college) with a gap year brochure that I began thinking about it. I looked at so many (Fiji certainly caught my eye) but then i thought why go to just one country for a few weeks, why not go around the world. More recently I’ve been looking at different pre-organised RTW trips to start with before I do some solo travelling and they do look interesting. I’ve only been out of Western Europe a few times, I live in England and have taken holidays to Spain, France, Italy and Holland, the furthest I’ve been is Lanzarote in the Canary Islands and Lapland in Finland when I was a small child. Although I’ve been to a few countries, I don’t feel satisfied enough to continue life in the way society wants. I’ve always been dependent on my mum and it’s my younger sister who everyone thinks will just get up and travel, but I don’t want to do what everyone expects me to do. I want to see the world and experience different things. One thing definitely on my bucket list is to spend some time with monks as I’ve always been interested in their way of life, can you suggest anything? I’d also like to spend some time in Egypt and Morroco if you know anywhere thats good. Sorry I’ve dwindled on a bit, I just want to say thanks for inspiring me.

Hi Abby, thanks so much for sharing your experience here, it sounds like you’re on the cusp of some big travel! I love that your mum gave you the gap year brochure — it is great that you have someone supportive and there encouraging you to take a trip overseas. The tour idea might be a good way to get you started on your trip, but I think once you’re on the road you’ll gain enough confidence to tackle some regions solo. Have you thought of perhaps using a company like G Adventures to land in a region and travel for a few weeks or months, then set of on your own after that? Thailand is a great spot to learn from the monasteries there, or Nepal if you have some months to give for teaching. Southeast Asia is the spot I love to recommend for beginners on their own because it’s really safe and there’s a decent tourist infrastructure in the region. Plus the food is delicious and the culture is wonderful! I would love to talk more if you’re keen, just shoot me an email and we can delve into some of the specifics.

This trip sounds wonderful and I am so happy you are deciding to act now on your dream to travel and take a less conventional path. I look forward to chatting more. I have a few posts coming up in the next month about finding work abroad post-graduation, and some options you have beyond just travel too! :)

Only just read this, Shannon. It’s beautiful.

Aw shucks, thanks lady.

Shannon – thank you so much for this. I teared up reading it because it was such a beautiful piece of writing & spot on in every way!

I’m on the cusp of graduation & my life is pretty planned out but my heart is tugging me in a different direction – I know in my heart someday I’ll get to fulfill this yearning to travel more fully (instead of dichotomising my “real life” and my “travel life”)

Just… thank you for taking the time (: Gives me so much hope to know there are adults like you who are so committed to keeping alive youthful dreams (instead of telling us we’re naive / idealistic) :D Rock on, Shannon – I’ve been a longtime fan!

HI Sarah, I am so glad that this piece resonated with you. Graduation is a really tough time and I know a lot of adults forget what it felt like to transition like that, to be asked to put on the mantel of adult — sadly by that many adults actually mean “now give up your dreams and make money).

Good luck and please don’t hesitate to let me know if there is something I can do to help, or merely just lend an ear :)

I feel like you were talking directly to me with this post. I feel so lost in my life right now and the only thing that I know that I REALLY want to do with my life is travel. But according to everyone else, that’s not a viable life option. I know that people are wrong and I can make it work but I keep using my age as an excuse to hold me back. In all reality, I am terrified of traveling right now because it seems like everyone who goes out and sees all these amazing things are at least “twenty-something” and I haven’t even hit 19 yet.

Hmm, a lot of the bloggers tend toward the mid-twenties, but there are definitely people your age out there traveling Sky, take heart! I met a lot of 18-22 year olds in Australia and Southeast Asia when I was there. I think the biggest thing stopping many people is money, but if you have or can save up, or finagle it hit the road and you will be amazed by the diverse ages, lifestyles, cultures, and people also traveling round the world :)

I just read this and although you may go not read my response – I think you should definitely go do it! I’m 19 and I’m leaving in less than six months to the UK to travel. I haven’t told anyone I don’t really intend on coming back just yet but it’s so exciting! Save up a lot and remember you can find work sometimes or even use and volunteer at places that offer free accommodation! If you read this and want to talk more, email me at [email protected] . This is my first trip and I’m terrified but so excited! I definitely understand how you feel.

Thank you for this Shannon! I’ve had this dream for a long time and after I read The 4-Hour Workweek by Mr. Ferris, I started thinking that I might be able to do it. Since then, I have googled a lot and have found all of you awesome and inspirering travel bloggers! It has really changed my mind about traveling.

My boyfriend and I have been working towards becoming location independant. It’s now finally working out, and we’ll set out on an amazing trip later this month! Wow. And I have you and other travel bloggers to thank… So, thank you! Writing these sort of things are really changing people’s lives! :)

I am so excited for you Celia — congrats on deciding to act on that dream to travel so soon. I really appreciate you sharing your story here and let me know if there is anything I can do to help you plan. Safe travels and have a wonderful trip! :)

As someone who is in that in between age this post was absolutely wonderful and meant the world to me. It’s beautifully written and speaks volumes to me. Few people in my life understand my desire and need to travel. Few people understand that one day I WILL get out there are make the fantasy in my head a reality. They either think I am naive or just don’t know what I want yet. Your post is such a blessing and I am so glad to have read it. It makes the waiting so much better :-) Plus, I started using the website Students of the World. I have found some people I really enjoy emailing. Thanks for the magnificent post and recommendation. :)

Thanks so much for reading this Sonika, and for sharing your own struggles and experiences. I know it can seem difficult to see through to when you are able to make your own decisions, but I hope you keep the dream alive — especially through the Students of the World, that looks like a really fun way to connect! If you ever need a friendly ear just send me an email and we can chat more. :)

In the end, JUST DO IT! =) great post.

Thanks Gabriel, that’s the core of it for sure — find a way and DO IT! Thanks for stopping in and reading :)

I love that you mentioned Youth for Understanding. I was an exchange student to the US with them 12 years ago and I benefit from it to this day.

Oh I am so glad you had a positive experience with them Mariella, I tried to do a lot of research into the good ones since I never did an exchange. Do you still keep in touch with your host family? :)

Great advice! Best to start early. As someone who waited until I was 50 to become a full time traveler my only regret is that I didn’t start earlier!

Great post!

Makes me (again) reflect on how grateful I am for my parents, and how I was raised.

Thanks for bringing this awareness back to the forefront of my mind!

As with you, I am grateful my dad took the time to support my dreams — I didn’t travel internationally as a kid, but he supported the dream to do so. And I thank him for that regularly :)

I sent this to all my friends and cousins who just graduated from high school this week. Thank you so much for writing this… I wish I would have had this at 18.

Aw shucks thanks for sharing, one of the things I’d love to start doing more of is talking to people of that age/stage in life — it’s so important that they know they can (and should!) go travel. :)

“The hardest task you have ahead of you is to push through the naysayers, to look beyond the rules and permissions society places upon because of your color, class, gender, or age and to realize that if you dream it—if you hold something in your heart that you want to do, then there is validity and goodness in that choice.”

This applies in all facets of life. The naysayers keeping putting you down, and most people inevitably give in and start to listen to them. The trick is having the persistence and determination to ignore them.

It is so true of the other facets Drew, I agree. I think Mark Twain encapsulated that sentiment pretty well “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” It can be hard to learn to trust your own path and instincts and keep pushing — that’s where the good stuff in life is waiting :)

I’m SO grateful that my parents trusted me to travel at a young age: a summer spent with family friends in France when I was 16, a summer studying in Paris when I was 18 really set the tone for my love of France, and eventually, travel. My mom spent her junior year of high school as a Rotary Club exchange student in the north of France and her junior year of college in Montpellier (where she hitchhiked to Spain and wandered through Paris)–and I’m so grateful that my first-generation American grandparents in a small town in Pennsylvania supported that in the 1970s, a time before jetsetting was as easy or cheap or common as it is today. They’ve created a legacy of young travel in our family–and while I’ve surely taken it beyond their wildest dreams, I’m so glad that they did.

That awareness from your parents is so rare for many — you were definitely luck Christine to have them know the value and support you so early on. Your mom sounds like a great lady too! Whenever I meet the travelers who hitchhiked and backpacked in the 60s and 70s I feel these little pangs of jealously that there were elements to the journey — the true immersion and adventure — that we don’t quite have any longer. :)

This is such an important post, Shannon. As much as I hope students go out and pursue their dreams, I think adults have a responsibility to help encourage students to do these things. For example, in the U.S., American high school students rarely study abroad, but that doesn’t mean they can’t or shouldn’t. Also, I’d encourage adults in the U.S. to volunteer to become host parents for foreign exchange students. There is a shortage every year, and it’s an important experience for students to have.

I had no idea that there were not enough host parents in the US — that hadn’t occurred to me. I think it’s really about spreading the word that it’s something that can be done to some extent, because I know to a lot of people it wouldn’t occur to sign up to the program. But I think if I have kids and a house, it would be a great way to still have them exposed to new ideas and cultures without actually leaving — an entirely different type of reverse travel for the people hosting I think. It is chatting these past couple years with you that kept it at the top of my mind as an option, even, so it’s great that you blog and share that experience and awareness.

Thanks so much Michelle, I realized that so few people are talking about what to do before you’re the master of your own destiny as an adult :)

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5 Epic Dream Trips and How to Make Them Happen (Video)

Meena Thiruvengadam is a lifelong traveler and veteran journalist who has visited more than 50 countries across six continents. Her writing has appeared in The Wall Street Journal , Departures , TripSavvy , and other publications.

dream to travel the world

There's nothing like waking up at sunrise in a big, comfortable bed with the Taj Mahal outside your window — except maybe basking in a glorious sunset from the pool of your overwater bungalow in Bora Bora.

Some experiences really are dreams come true, and they don't have to feel like a gargantuan chore to plan. The first step is deciding what your idea of a dream trip is. "For some people, the idea of a dream trip is really just a time out," said Stacy Small, the founder and CEO of Elite Travel International, which focuses on crafting luxury travel experiences for executives, entrepreneurs and celebrities. Small says requests for bucket-list type experiences are fewer and farther between than they once were.

While there are still travelers looking to summit Kilimanjaro and go on safaris in East Africa, "the idea of a dream trip is changing," Small said, adding it's "more about getting the family together." Many families are choosing to travel with young children, often turning vacations into educational experiences, she said.

Whether it's a relaxing escape, a family walk through history, an escape into nature or something you seek, we've got an itinerary for you. Here are five dream trips and what you need to know about planning them.

Relax in an overwater bungalow

If your idea of a dream trip is an escape to a quiet corner of paradise, Bora Bora has an overwater bungalow for you.

The St. Regis Bora Bora Resort offers nearly 50 acres of French Polynesian paradise, featuring the largest over water villas and suites in the South Pacific. Expect to spend your days enjoying crystal blue waters, lounging on white sand beaches and taking in view of picturesque Mount Otemanu, with its rich vegetation.

Bungalows range in size from 1,500 to 3,500 square feet, many with pools, whirlpools, and decks for outdoor dining. Each comes with viewing panels to give you a glimpse of the turquoise water below. Prices for overwater bungalows start at $1,900 during high season, $1,500 during low season, or at 85,000 points for rewards redemption. The St. Regis Bora Bora is part of the Marriott International portfolio, so consider a card like the Marriott Bonvoy Boundless Card from Chase , which currently has a 75,000-point new cardmember bonus offer, to make this dream come true.

When you're ready to leave your bungalow, consider visiting a Tahitian pearl farm or taking an excursion lagoon cruise to see sharks and feed sting rays. Don't try to make this one a last-minute dream trip, though. The St. Regis recommends booking overwater bungalows at least a couple of months ahead.

Experience la dolce vita in Italy

If your idea of a dream trip involves beach time, fresh Italian food, celeb-spotting and maybe a yacht, fly into Naples and head toward Italy's Amalfi Coast .

Exploring this region known for its cliffside towns, epic views, limoncello and fresh seafood. From Sorrento, you can hire a yacht or catch a ferry to Ischia, an island known for its thermal baths and fine wines, or to Capri, known for its colorful lagoons. Sorrento is near both Mt. Vesuvius and Pompeii, the ancient city destroyed when Mt. Vesuvius erupted in AD 79, making it easy to delve deep into history when you're ready to take a break from island hopping, sipping limoncello, and sampling gelato.

From Sorrento, you can also rent a car, hire a car and driver, or rent a yacht to explore a half dozen picturesque towns including Amalfi, Ravello, and Positano.

Wake up to the Taj Mahal

If your idea of a dream trip is checking out a wonder of the world, pack your bags and head to northern India. Fly into New Delhi to embark on your journey through India's Golden Triangle.

Hire a car and driver to explore the city's sights, making time to wander around the Red Fort, Qutub Minar, and old Delhi. Pay your respects to Mahatma Gandhi at Raj Ghat, and when you're ready, catch an express train to Agra. Express trains will take you from Delhi to Agra in under two hours. When you're ready to explore the Taj Mahal, plan to spend several hours there and hire a guide to help you spot architectural secrets you might otherwise miss.

After two nights in Agra, you'll likely be ready for something new. Head to Jaipur, India's famed pink city to complete your Golden Triangle experience. From October through March, a trip like this would come in around $2,600 total for a party of two, said Ankur Sharma of Meet India Tours.

Fall asleep to the Northern Lights

If you're looking to experience a natural phenomenon on your dream trip, catch a flight to Reykjavik. Iceland is located at 65 degrees North, at the edge of the Arctic Circle, and offers one of your best chances to see the Northern Lights without the extremely cold temperatures you would have to endure in other parts of Scandinavia.

Start your journey toward the Northern Lights with a dip in the Blue Lagoon, a thermal spa complex located not far from Keflavik International Airport, to shake off any jet lag you may have.

If you choose to stay in Reykjavik, several companies offer Northern Lights tours. If you'd prefer to drive, renting a car is also an option — just beware of the Icelandic roads in winter.

Go on safari in South Africa

If your idea of a dream trip is a crossing a safari off your bucket list, head to South Africa. The country is especially good for first safari experiences as it offers so much more than safaris, said Stacy Small, CEO and founder of Elite Travel International. An easy first safari could start with a flight into Johannesburg and then a road trip to Kruger National Park in the eastern part of the country.

South Africa is home not only to Kruger National Park, but also has beaches, mountains and wine country in addition to bustling cities like Cape Town. "There's a lot to do over a two-week trip," Small said.

And Kruger isn't the only option for wildlife seekers. South Africa is home to several private game reserves as well.

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37 Dream Destinations to Add to Your 2024 Travel Bucket List

The Most Beautiful Dream Destinations of the World You Should Add to Your Travel Bucket List

Looking for the absolute best places to put on your travel bucket list? Lucky for us, our beautiful globe is filled with so many stunning destinations that we will never run out of new places to travel to.

So if you need some travel inspiration for your next trip, you are in the right place! From lush tropical islands and majestic mountain ranges to breathtaking metropolises, fairytale small towns, and incredible natural wonders, here is a list of the most breathtaking destinations in the world that you need to visit at least once in a lifetime.

I personally visited all these dream destinations so I can assure you from first-hand experience that no matter which destination you choose from this list, it will surely leave you speechless. Let’s dive right in!

* Disclosure: This post contains a few affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through my link. *

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37 Dream Destinations to Add to Your 2022 Travel Bucket List

Table of Contents

Most Breathtaking Dream Destinations in the World

1. petra, jordan.

If we’re talking about the most breathtaking dream destinations in the world, the ancient city of Petra has to feature on top of the list. The rose-colored city of Petra is one of the New Seven Wonders of the Modern World and no Jordan itinerary is complete without visiting this magical place!

Girl in a white dress and a white-red keffiyeh standing in front of the Ad Deir Monastery in Petra, Jordan

The most famous spot in Petra is the Treasury which you most likely know from the Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade movie.

But there are many more interesting sites in Petra, like the Royal Tombs, the Theatre and the Monastery so it’s best to spend at least one full day in Petra.

If you’re looking for the best view in Petra, don’t forget to check out the Treasury from the above viewpoint !

A one-day ticket to Petra costs 50 JD ($70.50 US) per person but if you’re planning to spend more time in Petra, you can purchase multi-day tickets as well.

It’s worth checking out the Jordan Pass  before buying your tickets as it already includes the entrance ticket to Petra besides the mandatory visa for Jordan.

Girl in a white scarf looking at the Treasury in Petra, Jordan

2. Dolomites, Italy

Covering more than 140,000 hectares with 18 peaks rising above 3,000 meters, the Italian Dolomites are one of the most stunning mountain destinations in the whole world.

Jagged peaks, breathtaking viewpoints, emerald alpine lakes, fairytale towns, amazing hikes, and delicious food – you can have it all in the Dolomites!

If you want to discover one of the best places to visit in Italy , make sure to include the Dolomites in your Northern Italy road trip itinerary .

Getting to the Dolomites is a bit tricky as there is no dedicated airport in the area but luckily you can find bigger airports within a few hours drive such as in Venice, Bergamo, or Milan.

View of Santa Maddalena Church in Val di Funes, Dolomites

Although you can spend weeks in the area, 5 days in the Dolomites will give you enough time to visit the must-see spots, such as Alpe di Siusi, the church of St. Maddalena in Val di Funes or the Seceda ridgeline.

Hiking at Tre Cime di Lavaredo is one of the best things to do in the Dolomites and if you want to find one of the best viewpoints in the area, you should also do the Cadini di Misurina hike .

Don’t worry, if you’re not much of a hiker you will still find plenty of amazing things to do in the Dolomites!

You can visit the most beautiful lakes in the Dolomites such as Lago di Carezza or the Instagram-famous Lago di Braies, and discover charming little towns like Ortisei or Cortina d’Ampezzo (which is one of the best places to stay in the Dolomites ) or just simply enjoy the delicious Italian cuisine while admiring the stunning landscape at one of the restaurants.

Girl in a red skirt sitting on the fence at Lago di Carezza, which is a must stop on every Dolomites road trip

3. New York City, USA

New York City is undoubtedly one of the most popular dream destinations and no USA bucket list is ever complete without visiting the Big Apple.

Many people choose summer for their first trip to New York City but since it’s one of the best Christmas destinations in the USA , visiting the city during the holidays is also a good idea.

If you’re planning to visit New York in December, make sure to check out my article about the best NYC Christmas photo spots and the perfect Christmas in New York itinerary !

NYC boasts so many amazing sights that even a lifetime wouldn’t be enough to discover everything, however, you can easily see the best sights in just one day in New York City .

If you’re visiting NYC for the first time, spending 4 days in New York is the perfect amount to get a better feel of the city and visit more interesting places, even outside of Manhattan.

Sunrise at Brooklyn Bridge

Midtown Manhattan and Lower Manhattan are definitely some of the best areas to stay in NYC and you can also find 3 of the most iconic viewpoints here: the One World Observatory , the Empire State Building , and the Top of the Rock .

No matter which one you choose, the view will definitely leave you speechless!

Seeing the colorful neon lights in Times Square, taking a stroll in Central Park, and visiting the Statue of Liberty is a must when visiting New York. If you love theatre, you definitely need to watch one of the Broadway Shows for an unforgettable experience.

For history and art lovers, there are tons of museums to choose from such as the American Museum of Natural History or the Metropolitan Museum of Art .

Girl in yellow skirt looking at the Manhattan skyline at Top of the Rock

4. Provence, France

Visiting the lavender fields in Provence is a true bucket list experience. If you want to see the fields for yourself, you need to be aware of your timing as it can make or break your trip.

The lavender season in Provence generally lasts from mid-June to mid-July, so make sure to plan your trip according to these dates. For seeing the lavenders in full bloom, the best time to visit is either the last week of June or the first week of July.

Although you can find lavender fields practically anywhere in Provence, the most beautiful fields are located around Valensole so it’s worth staying nearby.

The closest towns are Valensole and Riez but since they are really small, it’s better to stay in one of the bigger towns like Manosque where you will find plenty of hotels and restaurants to choose from.

Lavender fields in Provence, France

The closest airport to the lavender fields is in Marseille. As there is no public transportation in the area, having a car is necessary so the best option is to rent a car at the airport.

This way you can explore the area at your own pace and you can also include visiting some of the most beautiful towns in France like Roussillon, Gordes or Moustiers-Sainte-Marie.

If you’re an outdoor lover, you can also visit Gorges du Verdon where you can rent a boat or a kayak, or just simply chill at the beach.

Apart from lavender fields, you can also find many other fields like sunflower, sage, or hay. Provence is really one of the most beautiful dream destinations in the world so it’s worth spending at least 3-4 days there to be able to explore all the beauty Provence has to offer.

Girl in a white dress twirling in the middle of the lavender fields in Provence

5. Bali, Indonesia

The lush tropical island of Bali is certainly the most famous of the more than 17,000 islands that make up Indonesia. Bali is a dream destination to many and it’s easy to see why.

Whether you’re looking for white sandy beaches, forested volcanic mountains, incredible waterfalls, unbelievably green rice terraces, or beautiful temples, Bali really has it all.

There are so many wonderful sights to explore and various activities to do that it’s recommended to spend 2 weeks in Bali if you really want to see all the beauty the island has to offer.

You can rent a scooter to get around the island but if you’re visiting Bali for the first time , it’s better to hire a private driver who can show you around.

Sunrise at Tegallalang Rice Terraces, Bali

The southern side of Bali is the most touristy area on the island and it’s packed with beautiful beaches, posh cafes, fancy restaurants, and cool party places. Canggu is one of the most popular hotspots for digital nomads and as a result, you can find many amazing restaurants and cafes in Canggu .

The central area is the cultural heart of Bali and it is also the most picturesque side of the island. Ubud is one of the best places to stay in Bali as a first-timer and from there you can reach easily reach some of the best sights on the island such as Tegallalang rice terraces, Campuhan ridge walk, and some of the best waterfalls in Bali like Tegenungan or Kanto Lampo.

If you want to see how Bali looked like 20 years ago before it became a tourist hotspot, make sure to visit the nearby Nusa Islands . Nusa Penida is the most famous one thanks to its T-Rex-shaped beach (Kelingking beach) but the two smaller islands – Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan – are worth visiting as well.

dream to travel the world

6. Budapest, Hungary

If you’re looking for gorgeous architecture, fairytale castles, world-famous thermal baths, cool ruin bars, and delicious cuisine, you need to put Budapest on your travel bucket list right away. The Hungarian capital has a rich history and it offers many unique things to see and do.

Moreover, Budapest is a really affordable destination, which makes it one of the best places to travel for college students or people traveling on a budget.

Hungarian Parliament at sunrise

Spending a weekend in Budapest will give you the chance to visit the most famous Hungarian landmarks such as the Hungarian Parliament, the Buda Castle, and the Fisherman’s Bastion, which is undoubtedly one of the most instagrammable places in Budapest .

If you have more time, it’s even better to spend at least 4 days in Budapest so you can get to experience more sides of the city. Whichever you choose, taking a walk along the Danube river and seeing the majestic buildings rising on both sides will be an unforgettable memory!

Summer is definitely the best time to visit Budapest when the weather is perfect for strolling around. However, it’s also the most crowded time of the year so if you would like to avoid the crowds, it’s better to visit in late spring or early autumn.

Winter is also an amazing time for visiting as the city is beautifully decorated with Christmas lights and you can find many amazing Christmas markets in Budapest  as well. In case you’re planning to visit in the holiday season, check out these amazing festive things to do in Budapest in December !

Girl in a red dress sitting on a balcony at the Fisherman's Bastion, looking at the Hungarian Parliament at sunrise

7. Santorini, Greece

The whitewashed cliff-side towns, deep blue roofs, pink bougainvillea flowers, and the endless view of the shimmering Aegean Sea definitely make Santorini one of the most beautiful islands in Greece and it’s one of the best dream destinations that everyone needs to visit at least once in their lifetime!

dream to travel the world

If you’re visiting Santorini for the first time , try to spend at least 3 days in Santorini to be able to properly explore the island. Oia is one of the most popular places to stay in Santorini and if you’re looking for that postcard-perfect view with the blue domes, you definitely need to put it on your Santorini itinerary.

You will find the best sunset spots in Santorini  in Oia along with some of the most instagrammable places in Santorini , so it’s certainly worth staying there at least one night.

Fira is another great place to stay as there are more options to choose from and it’s generally cheaper as well. Apart from Oia and Fira, make sure to visit the cute town of Imerovigli and the black sandy beach in Perissa, and it’s also worth going on a boat tour to see the sunset.

Girl in a floral dress sitting in front of a blue domed church in Imerovigli, Santorini

8. Angkor Wat, Cambodia

The ancient city of Angkor Wat is considered the largest religious monument in the world and it has been declared as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1992. The name Angkor Wat translates to Temple City and it feels quite fitting as the 400 square km area comprises more than 1000 temples.

Sunrise at Angkor Wat, Cambodia

The closest city to Angkor Wat is Siem Reap so if you want to stay close to the temples, it’s best to book accommodation in Siem Reap.

In order to visit Angkor Wat, you need to purchase an Angkor Pass. It can only be purchased at the official ticket center and you buy a 1-day pass for $ 37 US, a 3-day pass for $62 US, and a 7-day pass for $72 US.

If you’re visiting Angkor Wat for the first time, it’s recommended to purchase a 3-day pass to be able to properly explore the area. Apart from the world-famous Angkor Wat, the other temples like Ta Prohm, Bayon Temple, and Pre Rup are also worth visiting. Keep in mind that these are all religious sites so you need to dress accordingly (you need to cover your knees and shoulders).

Girl in a yellow skirt twirling in Ta Prohm Temple in Cambodia

9. Venice, Italy

Known for its hundreds of canals, gondolas, and footbridges, it’s no question that Venice is one of the best dream destinations in the world. Plan to spend at least 2 days in Venice if you want to visit the best spots and enjoy the delicious food and the super romantic vibe of the city.

Grand Canal, Venice, Italy

As Venice has been built on more than 100 small islands, there are no roads in the city, hence no cars or motorbikes. The only form of public transportation is the Vaporetto boats that move on the Grand Canal of Venice and they can also take you to smaller islands like Burano, Murano, or Lido.

Taking a gondola ride is one of the best ways to see the city but be prepared to pay big bucks for that, as a 30-minute long gondola ride typically costs around €100 ($109 US).

If you love photography, you’re in for a real treat as you can find countless instagrammable spots in Venice , such as the St. Mark’s Square, the Rialto Bridge, the Bridge of Sighs, or the Scala Contarini del Bovolo.

Girl in a red skirt sitting on a little pier along the canals, which is one of the best Venice Instagram spots

10. Dubai, UAE

The futuristic city of Dubai with its majestic skyscrapers, beautiful parks, gorgeous flower installations, never-ending highways, and insanely beautiful views is definitely a place that needs to feature on your travel bucket list.

The scorching heat makes it impossible to enjoy Dubai in the summer so it’s best to visit either in late autumn, winter, or early spring to have the best weather for sightseeing.

Whether you are looking for a laid-back beach vacation or a holiday filled with adventure, you will definitely find it in Dubai. There are countless amazing things to do in the city so if you want to get the best of your holiday, it’s best to spend at least 4 days in Dubai .

dream to travel the world

The Burj Khalifa with its 830 meters (2,723 feet) height is currently the tallest building in the world. You can admire it from the ground but it’s worth going up to the top as well from where you can get an awesome view of the city.

Want to make your Dubai trip even more memorable? Then make sure to book one of the best hotels in Dubai with Burj Khalifa view !

Other great things to do in Dubai include visiting Dubai Miracle Garden, swimming at Jumeirah Beach, going on a Dubai desert safari tour , and seeing the Dubai Mall Aquarium. Dubai is also a paradise for photographers as you can find many amazing instagrammable places in Dubai .

You can take some amazing sunset photos at Dubai Creek Harbour, snap a picture with the Burj Khalifa at the Wings of Mexico statue or enjoy the beautiful sand dunes at the Dubai Desert.

Girl in yellow skirt doing a skirt flip in front of the Wings of Mexico in Dubai with the Burj Khalifa in the background

11. Paris, France

Paris is not only one of the most beautiful cities in France but it’s also one of the most breathtaking dream destinations in the world. You can easily spend there weeks without getting bored but spending 4 days in Paris is a good start to discovering the best of the city.

You can find a wide range of accommodations in Paris, however, if you want to make your stay even more memorable, make sure to book a hotel with Eiffel Tower view !

If you’re visiting Paris for the first time , seeing the famous Eiffel Tower must be on your itinerary. No pictures do justice to how incredible the Iron Lady is in real life!

If you want to take some amazing pictures with the Eiffel Tower, head over to Trocadero on the other side of the Seine river. This beautiful square offers an incredible view of the Eiffel Tower, no wonder it’s one of the most popular Instagram spots in Paris !

View of the Eiffel Tower from Champ de Mars in Paris

Paris is also home to many world-class museums and while many people decide to visit the Louvre to see the Mona Lisa, Musée d’Orsay and Musée Rodin are also worth exploring.

The best things to do in Paris include shopping on the Champs-Elysées, eating countless macarons and croissants, visiting the Sacré-Coeur, wandering through the cute streets of Montmartre, and seeing a show at the famous Moulin Rouge.

If you’re planning to stay longer or you have some extra time, it’s worth considering doing some day trips from Paris . Disneyland and the Palace of Versailles are usually the most popular choices but thanks to the amazing train system, you can easily reach Strasbourg, Metz, or even London within a few hours.

Girl in a yellow dress twirling in front of the Eiffel Tower at Trocadero, one of the most instagrammable places in Paris

12. Bagan, Myanmar

Bagan, which was once the capital of the Pagan Kingdom, is now a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the most beautiful dream destinations you can ever visit.

Located in the Mandalay region of Myanmar, Bagan is mostly famous for its ancient temples and the hot air balloons flying above the temples during sunrise.

Bagan is an absolutely wonderful place to visit and no Myanmar itinerary is complete without spending at least 3 days in Bagan. The area was once home to more than 10,000 temples but unfortunately, a big chunk of them was destroyed during the centuries.

Don’t worry though, you can still find more than 3,800 temples scattered around Bagan that are waiting to be explored.

Hot air balloon above the temple in Bagan, Myanmar

Temple hopping is definitely one of the best things to do in Bagan, especially at sunrise when you can admire the hot air balloons in the sky above the temples. If you’re interested, you can also go for a hot air balloon ride which is certainly an unforgettable experience.

Since Bagan covers a huge area, you either have to hire a driver with a tuk-tuk or if you want to explore the area by yourself, you can rent an electric scooter.

If you want to stay close to the temples, you can choose between 3 different places. Old Bagan is the closest one to the temples but you won’t find so many accommodation options there, mostly just luxury hotels.

New Bagan is a little bit further but it offers a wider range of accommodations. The last (and in my opinion the best) option is to stay in Nyaung-U, which is quite close to the temples and you can find amazing hotels and restaurants in the city.

Girl in a yellow dress watching the hot air balloons at sunrise in Bagan, Myanmar

13. Hallstatt, Austria

Located in the Salzkammergut area, the picturesque little town of Hallstatt is one of the most beautiful places to visit in Austria and a dream destination for anyone who loves fairytale villages.

The town is sitting on the shores of Lake Hallstatt at the foot of the Dachstein Mountains so the incredible scenery is guaranteed. Hallstatt is dotted with many beautiful Alpine-style houses and amazing cafes and restaurants tucked away in cute little alleyways.

The best things to do in Hallstatt include getting lost in the small streets of the old town, taking a stroll on the lakefront, renting a boat to see Hallstatt from the lake, and trying the most delicious Austrian treats in one of the cafes or restaurants.

Panoramic view of Hallstatt from the Classic Postcard Viewpoint, a must visit place on every Hallstatt itinerary

If you’re looking for the best viewpoints in Hallstatt, there are two of them you need to visit. The first viewpoint called Aussichtpunkt Hallstatt is located right by the lake and offers a postcard-perfect view of the town.

The second one, the World Heritage Skywalk is located on top of the mountains where you can get a panoramic view over the entire town, the lake, and the surrounding mountains. The easiest option to get to the World Heritage Skywalk is to take the funicular but if you’re not afraid of a little workout, you can hike up as well.

Hallstatt is really popular among foreign tourists, therefore it’s insanely crowded during the summer. If you’re looking for a more peaceful experience, try to visit in the shoulder season instead of summer.

Spending one day in Hallstatt is enough to explore the best places in town and if you don’t want to stay there, you can stay in Salzburg instead, from where you can reach Hallstatt within 1.5 hours.

It also fits nicely into any Austria road trip itinerary so there is absolutely no reason to skip this cute little town during your Austria adventures!

Girl in a yellow skirt at Hallstatt Classic Postcard Viewpoint

14. Bangkok, Thailand

The vibrant, chaotic city of Bangkok is the most popular starting point of any Thailand vacation or Southeast Asian adventure. While many people only have a short layover in the city and often have only 24 hours in Bangkok , it’s best to set aside some extra days for discovering all the beauty the city has to offer.

View from Octave Rooftop Bar in Bangkok

It’s worth spending at least  4 days in Bangkok  to be able to see the best places in the city and visit a few attractions around Bangkok as a day trip. From stunning temples like the Grand Palace, Wat Pho, or Wat Arun, huge shopping malls like Siam Paragon or ICONSIAM to sprawling markets and countless amazing rooftop bars, Bangkok really has it all.

Bangkok is home to many unique markets, such as the Talad Rot Fai Night Market or the Chatuchak Weekend Market, which is currently the biggest open-air market in the world.

You can also visit two of the most unique markets, the Damnoen Saduak Floating Market and the Maeklong Railway Market. These are located outside of Bangkok so you will need to have your own scooter or  book an organized tour  in order to get there.

If you want to make your stay in Bangkok even more memorable, make sure to check out these incredible Bangkok hotels with infinity pools !

Girl in a yellow dress standing in front of the beautifully decorated stupas at the Wat Pho in Bangkok

15. Bavaria, Germany

Located in Southeast Germany, the region of Bavaria is mostly known for its fairytale castles, magical small towns, and incredible landscapes. Bavaria is easily the most beautiful region in Germany and doing a road trip through Bavaria has to be on the top of your Germany bucket list .

One of the most beautiful dream destinations in Bavaria is the Neuschwanstein Castle. Located in a small town called Hohenschwangau close to the German-Austrian border, Neuschwanstein Castle is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful fairytale castles in Europe .

Historic town of Rothenburg ob der Tauber in Bavaria, Germany

You can easily visit Neuschwanstein Castle as a day trip from Munich but it’s worth spending a few days nearby to be able to properly explore the area. You can find many amazing viewpoints at Neuschwanstein Castle and there are some well-established hiking trails in the area as well.

Another unmissable place to visit in Bavaria is Lake Eibsee. The lake is located at the foot of Zugspitze, Germany’s highest mountain, so it’s possible to visit both places on the same day. You can take a cog-wheel train or a cable car to the top of Zugspitze from where you can get an amazing panoramic view over the area.

If you’re looking for the best small towns in Germany, you can’t leave Bavaria without visiting Rothenburg ob der Tauber. The town boasts many half-timbered buildings and cobbled lanes so walking through Rothenburg ob der Tauber definitely feels like being in a fairytale.

Berchtesgaden and Garmisch-Partenkirchen are also worth visiting, as well as Munich, the capital of Bavaria.


16. Hong Kong

The lively and vibrant city of Hong Kong is one of the must-see places in East Asia that you should add to your travel bucket list right away.

Located in the southern part of China, Hong Kong is actually a special administrative region of China with a high degree of autonomy. While you need to have a visa for visiting China, luckily most nationalities can enter Hong Kong visa-free.

View of the Hong Kong skyline from Victoria Peak

There is no shortage of beautiful green parks, bustling street markets, huge shopping malls, and world-class art exhibitions in Hong Kong, not to mention all the amazing restaurants and cafes you can find all over the city.

Hong Kong Island and the Kowloon area are the most popular places among visitors but it’s also worth taking a day trip to Lantau Island where you can visit the huge Tian Tan Buddha statue.

Hong Kong boasts many interesting sights to see, therefore it’s worth spending at least 2 days in Hong Kong to be able to see all the beauty the city has to offer.

Some of the best things to do in Hong Kong include riding the Star Ferry, strolling around Victoria Harbour, admiring the Monster Building, exploring the different neighborhoods, and shopping at Temple Street Night Market.

If you want to find one of the best viewpoints in the city, take the Peak Tram up to Victoria Peak from where you can get an amazing panoramic view over Hong Kong. Another great viewpoint is the Red Incense Burner Summit on top of Braemar Hill which also offers an incredible view of the Hong Kong skyline.

Girl in a yellow skirt sitting on a rock, watching the sunset from Braemer Hill, Hong Kong

17. Jungfrau region, Switzerland

Although the whole country of Switzerland is absolutely wonderful if you only have limited time or you want to concentrate on only one region, make it the Jungfrau region.

Located south of the Swiss capital city, Bern, the Jungfrau region is actually a smaller part of Bernese Oberland and it’s mostly known for its diverse landscape consisting of beautiful alpine lakes, snowcapped mountains, amazing hiking trails, and fairytale small towns.

Interlaken is one of the largest towns in the area, located between two amazing lakes: Lake Brienz and Lake Thun. You will find plenty of things to do around Interlaken, such as going on a boat tour or taking the cable car up to Harder Kulm.

On top of that, Interlaken can also serve as the perfect base for discovering the area, or even as a base for a larger Switzerland road trip .

Panoramic view of Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland

One of the main highlights of the region is Jungfraujoch, a 3,454 meters (11,330 ft) high mountain peak that was used as a filming location for one of the James Bond movies (On Her Majesty’s Secret Service). Although the view from the top is definitely fascinating, be prepared to pay big bucks for the experience as a return ticket starts from 195 CHF ($221 US).

Grindelwald is another unmissable sight in the Jungfrau region. You can take a cable car up to Grindelwald-First from where you can enjoy a panoramic view of the nearby mountains. If you’re up for a little workout, you can do a 3 km (1.8 miles) hike to reach one of the most beautiful lakes in Switzerland, Bachalpsee.

When in the Jungfrau region, you can’t miss the picturesque fairytale town of Lauterbrunnen. Set in the Lauterbrunnen Valley featuring rocky cliffs and beautiful waterfalls, Lauterbrunnen is one of the most beautiful dream destinations in the region and an absolute must-visit on every Switzerland itinerary.

Girl in a yellow dress looking at the mountain panorama at Grindelwald First in Switzerland

18. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia is definitely a place that needs to feature on every Southeast Asia bucket list. Majestic skyscrapers, historical landmarks, colonial architecture, luxurious shopping malls, beautiful parks, friendly locals, and stylish cafes and restaurants – Kuala Lumpur really has it all.

While most tourists stick to the Golden Triangle – Kuala Lumpur’s main hub that comprises KLCC, Bukit Bintang, Chinatown – the city is actually pretty big and it offers numerous amazing sights to see.

It’s worth spending at least 3 days in Kuala Lumpur but even if you have one week to spend in the city, you will definitely not get bored.

dream to travel the world

The Petronas Twin Towers dominate the city’s skyline and they are certainly one of the most well-known landmarks and also one of the most Instagrammable places in Kuala Lumpur . The towers with their 452 meters (1,483 feet) height used to be the tallest twin towers in the world until 1996.

Visiting the Petronas Towers and admiring the beautiful view from the Observation Deck on the 86 th floor is undoubtedly one of the best things to do in Kuala Lumpur.

If you love panoramic views, you can also visit the 421 meters (1,380 feet) tall KL Tower, otherwise known as Menara KL. Even if you have only one day in Kuala Lumpur , it’s worth visiting the colorful stairs at Batu Caves, a 400 million-year-old limestone cave with a 100-year-old temple.

Other great things to do in Kuala Lumpur include visiting the Perdana Botanical Gardens, taking a stroll in KLCC Park, getting lost in Chinatown, grabbing a meal on Jalan Alor, and taking a day trip to the Cameron Highlands.

Girl in a blue dress standing in front of the colorful stairs at Batu Caves, Kuala Lumpur

19. Mykonos, Greece

Mykonos is mostly known for its vibrant nightlife and great bars so it’s undoubtedly a perfect destination for traveling with friends or as a couple, but it can be a great place for a family vacation as well thanks to its laidback vibes.

Like most of the islands in Greece, Mykonos is also well connected to the other islands and Athens by ferry, but since it has its own airport it’s easily accessible by plane as well.

If you’re visiting Mykonos for the first time, it’s best to stay in Mykonos Town which is the liveliest part of the island. You will find the most instagrammable places in Mykonos there, along with many amazing cafes and restaurants.

View of Mykonos Town in Greece

Windmills are one of the icons of the island, you can find 5 of them lining up next to each other near Little Venice in Mykonos Town. It’s also one of the most popular sunset spots in Mykonos so it’s worth going there in the evening to see the breathtaking sunset colors.

There are many public buses running between Mykonos Town and the most popular beaches so it’s quite easy to get around the island. You can also rent a car or an ATV so you will be free to go around at your own pace.

Spending 3 days in Mykonos is the perfect amount of time to see the highlights of the island but if you’re looking for a more relaxing holiday and planning to spend more time at the beaches, you can easily spend one week in Mykonos as well.

Girl in a red dress sitting on a rock in front of the windmills in Mykonos

20. Lake Bled, Slovenia

The fairytale-looking Lake Bled with its small island in the middle is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful dream destinations to visit in Europe. Surrounded by the snowcapped Julian Alps, the emerald-green Lake Bled is a perfect destination for a romantic getaway or a family vacation as well.

Lake Bled is one of the most popular day trips from Ljubljana – the capital city of Slovenia – but since it offers countless amazing activities, it’s best to spend at least 2 days at Lake Bled.

Walking around the lake is definitely one of the best ways to explore the area. The lake is quite small so you can easily complete the whole lake circuit in just 1-2 hours.

Panoramic view of Lake Bled, Slovenia

If you’re up for a little workout, you can climb up to Mala Osojnica, which is one of the best viewpoints at Lake Bled and it offers an incredible panoramic view over the lake and the whole area. The hike can be completed in 45-60 minutes and it’s a fairly easy one, although wearing proper hiking shoes is highly recommended.

Sitting on top of a steep cliff, 130 meters (425 feet) above Lake Bled, Bled Castle is another unmissable sight in Bled. It’s said to be the oldest castle in the country and it’s currently one of the most popular tourist attractions in Slovenia.

When in Bled, you can’t miss renting a boat or kayaking on the lake, and if the weather permits, you can also swim in the crystal clear waters.

Island in the middle of Lake Bled, Slovenia

21. Rome, Italy

Rome is one of the most popular travel bucket list destinations, for a good reason! The Italian capital is just simply stunning and it’s definitely not to be missed when planning a trip to Italy.

Rome is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful cities in Europe and you can easily spend weeks exploring all the beauty the city has to offer. Although it’s possible to see the major landmarks of Rome in a day , it’s best to spend at least 3 days in Rome to be able to fully explore the city.

And of course, to try as many amazing Italian foods as you can!

Forum Romanum in Rome, Italy

Some of the best things to do in Rome includes strolling up the Spanish Steps, admiring the Trevi Fountain, visiting Forum Romanum and the Colosseum, exploring Castel Sant’Angelo, wandering around the Trastevere neighborhood, and climbing up to the top of St. Peter’s Basilica from where you can get an incredible panoramic view over the city.

If you’re a first-time visitor in Rome, it’s best to stay in Centro Storico which is definitely one of the best areas to stay in Rome if you want to explore the classic highlights or find the best Instagram spots in Rome .

Other great areas to stay in include Esquilino, Trastevere, and Monti. Monti is the home of the Colosseum so you’ll find many amazing hotels with views of the Colosseum in this area.

At Sunrise girl in a yellow dress at the Colosseum in Rome, Italy

22. Siquijor, Philippines

Although the small, charming island of Siquijor is located quite close to the southern coast of Cebu and Bohol, it’s not so popular among tourists which makes it one of the best islands in the Philippines if you want to escape the crowds.

It takes only 1.5 hours to reach Siquijor from Bohol by ferry so it’s worth combining a trip to both islands.

Pristine beaches, dramatic waterfalls, beautiful corals, and friendly locals are just a few of the many highlights Siquijor has to offer. Cliff diving in Salagdoong Beach is one of the most popular things to do on the island, where you can jump from a 10 meters (33 ft) high cliff into the crystal clear water.

If you’re looking for the most beautiful beach in Siquijor, head over to the white sandy Paliton Beach which is also one of the best sunset spots on the island.

dream to travel the world

Another must-visit is Cambugahay Falls – a three-tiered waterfall offering many pools to swim in and ropes and swings to let your inner child out.

It’s definitely one of the most beautiful places on the island but since it’s also one of the most popular tourist spots in Siquijor , it can get quite crowded during the day. It’s better to get there early to have the place all to yourself!

Since Siquijor is quite small, you will only need 2 full days in Siquijor to explore the best places on the island but if you’re looking for a laid-back, relaxing holiday, you can easily spend up to one week on the island.

The best option for getting around is to rent a scooter but tricycles, private drivers, and organized tours are also available. Most of the tourist spots are located on the southern coast so it’s best to book a hotel in this part of the island.

Girl sitting on a raft boat at Cambugahay Falls in Siquijor, Philippines

23. Golden Circle, Iceland

Although Iceland is one of the best dream destinations in the world in itself and it’s worth spending at least a week in Iceland, if you’re short on time then you can concentrate on one of the most popular sightseeing routes in Iceland, the Golden Circle.

The Golden Circle consists of three unique and beautiful sights: the Thingvellir National Park, the Geysir Geothermal Area, and the Gullfoss waterfall.

All three sights are relatively close to Reykjavik – the capital city of Iceland – so it’s possible to visit all of them in just one day. The whole route is just under 230 km (140 miles) in length so you can complete it in 3 hours but you will need a full day if you want to enjoy the attractions as well.

You can find countless tours operating on the Golden Circle route but if you rent a car, it’s possible to do the tour by yourself as well.

Öxarárfoss in Thingvellir National Park, Iceland

Start your Golden Circle route by visiting Thingvellir National Park first. Thingvellir was the first parliament of Iceland (and the world’s first parliament as well) and the national park is also famous for being the meeting point of the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates.

The next stop is usually the Geysir Geothermal Area, where you can find beautiful volcanic landscapes, and the Strokkur Geysir, which erupts every 6-10 minutes. The last stop in the Golden Circle route is Gullfoss waterfall which is considered one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Iceland.

It’s worth taking a detour on the way back from Gullfoss waterfall and seeing Kerið crater as well. If you have more time in Iceland, make sure to spend some time in Reykjavik as well and you can also visit the famous Blue Lagoon, located only 45 minutes away from Reykjavik.

Stokkur Geysir, Iceland

24. London, United Kingdom

London is one of the most iconic and well-known cities in Europe, attracting millions of tourists every year. Home to the British royal family and many historical landmarks, London is definitely a city that needs to be on everyone’s travel bucket list.

Seeing Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament is a must when visiting London, and no London bucket list is complete without admiring the Tower Bridge and taking a ride on the London Eye.

Big Ben in London

Apart from the historical landmarks, there are many unique things to do in London. If you’re a Harry Potter fan you definitely need to go for a  Warner Bro’s Studio Tour  where you can explore the wonders of the Wizarding World.

You can also visit the Madame Tussauds wax museum and the London Dungeon or watch a musical at one of the famous theatres in London. Don’t forget to try an authentic English breakfast and fish and chips while you’re in the city!

Spending a weekend in London is a good start but if you want to properly explore the city, you will need to stay for at least 5 days in the city. If you’re planning to do a few day trips from London, you can stay even longer!

Black taxi on the Regent Street in London

25. Abu Dhabi, UAE

Although Dubai mostly outshines Abu Dhabi, the capital city of the United Arab Emirates is still one of the top dream destinations in the world and it’s very well worth visiting.

Most people only spend one day in Abu Dhabi , either as a layover or as a day trip from Dubai. However, if you have more time, it’s better to spend 2-3 days in the city as it has lots of amazing things to offer.

One of the highlights of Abu Dhabi is the fairytale-looking Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque. It’s undoubtedly one of the most beautiful places in the entire world and it also offers some of the best photography spots in Abu Dhabi .

dream to travel the world

Visiting the Mosque is free but there is a really strict dress code. As a woman, you need to wear an abaya they gave you at the entrance which has to cover your whole body and your hair as well. The dress code is not that strict for men but they still need to cover their arms and knees.

Another must-see place in Abu Dhabi is the Qasr al Watan Palace. It’s a fairly new landmark (opened in March 2019) inside the Presidential Palace and it looks absolutely incredible both from the outside and inside as well.

Most people don’t know that, but you can actually find a Louvre in Abu Dhabi as well. It’s significantly smaller than the one in Paris but if you love museums, you will definitely enjoy it. If you have more time in Abu Dhabi, you can take a desert tour, visit the Ferrari World or enjoy one of the best beaches in Abu Dhabi as well.

View of the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque at sunset from Wahat al Karama, one of the best Instagram spots in Abu Dhabi

26. Florence, Italy

If you love art and culture, you definitely need to put Florence on the top of your travel bucket list. Being the birthplace of the Renaissance, the capital of Tuscany boasts many interesting museums such as the Uffizi Gallery where you can see Botticelli’s Birth of Venus or the Galleria dell’Accademia which is home to Michelangelo’s famous David statue.

Panoramic view from Piazzale Michelangelo in Florence, Italy

It’s recommended to spend at least 2 days in Florence to be able to discover all the beauty the city has to offer. Florence can also serve as a base for your Tuscany road trip as it’s easy to visit the highlights of Tuscany from the city and it also offers countless day trip opportunities.

Apart from the countless museums, visiting the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, otherwise known as the Duomo di Firenze is a must. Other great things to do in Florence include crossing Ponte Vecchio, strolling around Mercato San Lorenzo (the famous outdoor leather market), and visiting the Basilica of Santa Croce.

If you’re looking for the best viewpoint in Florence, head over to Piazzale Michelangelo where you can admire an amazing sunset over the city.

Ponte Vecchio in Florence, Italy

27. Singapore

The vibrant, futuristic city of Singapore is one of the biggest hubs in Southeast Asia and it’s also one of the most beautiful dream destinations in the world.

Singapore is a totally walkable city and all the main sights are relatively close to each other so it’s easy to see all the best spots in just one day in Singapore . This is also good news for budget travelers as Singapore is quite expensive!

The Supertree Grove is the most iconic spot in Singapore and you definitely have to include it in your Singapore itinerary. These Supertrees are actually not trees – they are made of concrete and steel and they work like a vertical garden, giving a home to more than 158,000 plants.

Walking amongst them feels like you are in another world!

dream to travel the world

The Supertrees look really amazing in the daylight as well but the real magic comes when the night falls. The trees are performing a magnificent music and light show which is an absolutely magical experience to witness.

Another great show to see in Singapore is the Spectra, which is a light and water show performed by many dancing fountains and colorful visual projections.

Singapore has so many unique things to offer that it’s impossible to get bored in the city. You can visit the world’s largest indoor waterfall in the Cloud Forest, enjoy the beautiful tropical plants in the Flower Dome, take a stroll around Chinatown or see the iconic Merlion statue in Merlion Park.

dream to travel the world

28. Amsterdam, Netherlands

Often referred to as the Venice of the North due to its hundreds of canals, Amsterdam has a truly unique vibe and it’s undoubtedly one of the best bucket list destinations to visit in Europe.

The city is mostly known for the Red Light District and the world-famous coffee shops (aka weed shops) but it has many more amazing things to offer.

Canals in Amsterdam

You can find many great art museums in Amsterdam like the Rijksmuseum or the Van Gogh Museum and if you’re interested in Jewish history you can visit the Anne Frank House as well. For the best panoramic views, head over to A’DAM Tower where you can also try Europe’s highest swing on the observation deck.

Going on a canal tour is certainly one of the best ways to see the city and if you want to learn more about its history, you can join a free walking tour as well.

Spending 2 days in Amsterdam is enough to cover the main tourist spots but if you have more time in the city, rent a bike and take a day trip to the nearby Zaanse Schans windmills  as well! It’s worth scheduling your visit in spring to see the tulip fields in full bloom and enjoy the mild weather in Amsterdam.

Crooked houses in Amsterdam

29. Chiang Rai, Thailand

The small town of Chiang Rai is often overlooked by tourists, however, it’s definitely one the best places to visit in Thailand and a real dream destination for those who love visiting unique temples. Located close to the borders of Laos and Myanmar, Chiang Rai is home to some of the most unique temples you can find in Thailand.

Wat Rong Khun, or otherwise known as the White Temple is the most famous one with its fully white and majestic design. It’s actually no longer a temple but a privately owned art exhibit. The White Temple is filled with Buddhist symbolism and the white color represents the purity of Buddha.

Wat Rong Khun, the White Temple in Chiang Rai, Thailand

Besides the White Temple, you also can visit the Blue Temple (Wat Rong Suea Ten) which is a relatively new attraction since it’s only been finished in 2016. The deep blue colors against the shiny golden details create a very unique atmosphere and since the temple is free to visit it’s definitely worth including it in your Chiang Rai itinerary .

If you have more than one day in Chiang Rai, you should go up to the nearby hill to visit the Huay Pla Kung Temple. The temple is mostly known for the huge statue sitting on top of the hill which is often mistakenly referred to as the Big Buddha, but it actually represents the goddess of Mercy.

The stairway leading up to the statue is guarded by beautifully designed, white dragon statues and once you are up there, you will have the most amazing view over the city.

Girl in a pink skirt sitting on a dragon statue at Huay Pla Kang Temple in Chiang Rai

30. Cinque Terre, Italy

If you love colorful small towns, Cinque Terre is definitely one of the top dream destinations you need to visit on your next trip to Italy. Cinque Terre (which means ‘Five Lands’ in English) comprises five small villages: Monterosso al Mare, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola and Riomaggiore.

Located on the rugged Italian Riviera coastline, these five small fishing villages are known for their colorful little houses, incredible vineyards, beautiful harbors filled with fishing boats, and amazing restaurants selling delicious seafood.

You can spend a few days in each village if you want to properly discover them but even if you have one day in Cinque Terre , it’s still possible to see them all.

Colorful houses in Manarola, Cinque Terre, Italy

You can find many amazing Airbnbs in Cinque Terre and if you’re on a budget, La Spezia is one of the best places to stay in Cinque Terre .

Cinque Terre is closed to car traffic but don’t worry, you have countless other options for visiting the small villages. The easiest option is to take a train which connects the five villages with La Spezia and Levanto, a one-day ticket costs €18.20 ($19.80 US).

You can also decide to hike between the villages, in this case, you only need to purchase a Cinque Terre Trekking Card which costs €7.50 ($8.20 US) for one day. In the summer months, it’s also possible to get to the villages by boat but they don’t run as frequently as the train does.

Colorful houses in Riomaggiore, Cinque Terre, Italy

31. Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina

Located in the southern part of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Mostar is mostly known for its iconic Stari Most, or otherwise known as Old Bridge. The bridge is not only beautiful to look at but if you’re up for an adrenaline rush, you can also jump off from the 24-meters (almost 80 ft) tall bridge.

View of the city of Mostar in Bosnia-Herzegovina

As Mostar can easily be visited in one day, many tourists are only going there as a day trip from Dubrovnik or Split. However, it’s worth spending at least one night in the city to experience its charming vibes and soak in the beautiful views.

Mostar can be extremely crowded during the day (especially in the summer months) but if you are staying the night you can explore the city the next morning in a much calmer way.

Some of the best things to do in Mostar include visiting the Old Bridge Museum, shopping in the Old Bazaar, and climbing up to the top of Koski Mehmed Pasha Mosque which offers an amazing panoramic view.

Mostar also boosts many amazing restaurants – many with an amazing view of the Old Bridge – where you can try some of the best dishes from the Balkans such as cevapi or burek.

View of the Stari Most (Old Bridge) and the city of Mostar in Bosnia-Herzegovina

32. Dubrovnik, Croatia

Lying on the shores of the Adriatic Sea, Dubrovnik is definitely one of the best dream destinations in Europe.

Often referred to as the Pearl of the Adriatic, this charming city has recently become quite famous among visitors as it was the main filming location for King’s Landing in Game of Thrones. Even if you haven’t seen a single episode, you need to put this city on your travel bucket list right away!

View of the Adriatic Sea and the city of Dubrovnik in Croatia

The city is quite small so spending 3 days in Dubrovnik is enough to discover the best places but if you’re looking for a more relaxed holiday, you can easily spend up to one week in the city. Even if you have only one day in Dubrovnik you need to go up to the city walls – the view is just incredible from up there!

If you have more time, you can take a ferry ride or a kayak tour to the nearby Lokrum island , go for a Game of Thrones walking tour , relax at the beautiful beaches or take a day trip to Kotor (Montenegro) or Mostar (Bosnia-Herzegovina).

On a clear day, it’s also worth riding the cable car to the top of Mount Srđ from where you can get an incredible panoramic view over the city.

View of the blue coastline in Dubrovnik, Croatia

33. Prague, Czech Republic

Known for its rich architectural heritage and beautiful old town, the city of Prague has become a popular tourist hotspot in Europe over the last few years. The historical center of Prague is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and exploring the charming little streets in the Old Town is a really unique experience.

Prague Castle, Czech Republic

Walking across the charming Charles Bridge is one of the best things to do in Prague and if you’re traveling with your significant other, you can also put up a lock on the Love Lock Bridge.

Other great things to do in Prague include taking a walking tour in the Jewish Quarter , admiring the unique Astronomical Clock in the Old Town Square,  visiting the Prague Castle , and trying the delicious Czech cuisine.

The Czech Republic is also famous for its world-class beers so if you’re a beer lover you can go for a beer tour or visit the Prague Beer Museum as well. Prague is one of the best weekend getaways in Europe but you can easily spend more time in Prague without ever getting bored.

Girl in a pink dress standing in front of the Orloj Astronomical Clock in Prague

Located in the heart of the French Riviera, the micro-state of Monaco definitely belongs to the best places to visit once in a lifetime. One day in Monaco gives you plenty of time to explore the country but if you plan to stay longer, there is no shortage of amazing hotels and apartments in (or very close to) Monaco.

If you’re short on time, you can also visit Monaco as a day trip from Nice but if you can stay longer, it also fits nicely into a French Riviera road trip .

Port Hercules in Monaco

When thinking about Monaco, the casino of Monte-Carlo is often the first one that comes to mind. Even if you’re not into gambling, seeing the beautiful building of the casino will surely leave you speechless. Not to mention all the fancy and expensive cars parking in front of it!

Taking a walk around Port Hercules and admiring the gorgeous yachts is another unmissable thing to do in Monaco. After that, head over to ‘The Rock’ – the oldest part of Monaco where you will find plenty of cute pastel-colored houses.

You will get the best views of the marina from there and you can also check out the Prince’s Palace and the Saint Nicholas Cathedral.

Girl in a floral dress sitting at a viewpoint in Monte Carlo, Monaco

35. Liechtenstein

Liechtenstein, the fourth smallest country in Europe is a must-visit for anyone who loves alpine landscapes and beautiful medieval castles. Nestled between Switzerland and Austria, Liechtenstein covers only 160 km 2  which makes it possible to see all the best places in the country even if you have only one day in Liechtenstein .

Vaduz Castle, Liechtenstein

Vaduz, the capital city of Liechtenstein is certainly the most popular place to visit in the country. It offers many great sights to see, such as Vaduz Castle, the Kunstmuseum, or the Vaduz Cathedral.

You can find some cute cafes and restaurants in the city so you can easily spend half a day in Vaduz and if you’re interested, you can also get a stamp on your passport at the tourism office.

Apart from Vaduz, it’s worth visiting the mountain town of Triesenberg, the cute little town of Balzers with its majestic castle and the beautiful lake of Stausee Steg.

Although you can visit Liechtenstein as a day trip from either Switzerland or Austria, it’s worth staying there longer, especially if you’re planning to do a few hikes.

Girl in a pink skirt sitting on the shores of Stausee Steg in Liechtenstein

36. Barcelona, Spain

Nestled between the beautiful mountains and the inviting coastline, Barcelona is definitely one of the most popular cities to visit in Europe. The capital of Catalonia is mostly known for the famous La Sagrada Familia and the many colorful and breathtaking works of Antonio Gaudi across the city.

Starting from the gorgeous architecture to the most amazing local food, there are just so many things to love about Barcelona!

Sunset at Park Guell in Barcelona

Although you can see almost all the must-see spots in just 24 hours in Barcelona, it’s worth spending at least 3 days in the city to truly experience its unique vibe.

Walking through the Las Ramblas and the Gothic Quarter, admiring the unique architecture of the La Sagrada Familia, visiting Casa Batlló and Casa Mila, and seeing the sunset in the Park Güell are some of the best things to do in Barcelona you can’t miss.

If you have more time in the city, you can go up to Mount Tibidabo where you can spend a fun day in the amusement park and have an amazing panoramic view over Barcelona.

Since Barcelona is really popular among tourists, it usually gets very crowded during the summer. If you want to visit without the crowds, try to plan a trip to Barcelona in the off-season.

Since the city is blessed with mild temperatures during winter, it’s also one of the best winter sun destinations in Europe if you want to escape the cold.

Girl in a hat and a trench coat sitting in front of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona

37. Kotor, Montenegro

If you’re looking for a beautiful and affordable hidden gem in Europe, you need to put Kotor on your travel bucket list. Located in gorgeous scenery right next to the Adriatic Bay and the limestone cliffs of Mount Lovcen, Kotor is not only a dream destination to visit but it can also serve as a great base for discovering all the beauty Montenegro has to offer.

The Natural and Culturo-Historical Region of Kotor is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that includes the Old Town, the fortifications, and the bay. Inside the city walls, you will find a maze of cobbled streets with many stone houses and piazzas.

Beautiful view of Kotor bay in Kotor, Montenegro

If you’re not afraid of a little workout, you can climb up the 1,350 steps to the Castle of San Giovanni where you can have an amazing panoramic view over the city, the bay, and the mountains. Taking a boat tour and visiting the Lady of the Rocks on an artificial island is another great thing to do in Kotor.

If you want to properly explore the city, you should spend at least 2 days in Kotor but if you’re planning to use it as a base to discover the rest of the country, you can easily stay up to one week.

Some great places to visit close to Kotor are Tivat, Budva, Sveti Stefan, and the Lovcen National Park and it’s also possible to take a day trip to Dubrovnik as well.

Girl standing on a stairway in Kotor, Montenegro

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37 Dream Destinations to Add to Your 2022 Travel Bucket List

6 thoughts on “37 Dream Destinations to Add to Your 2024 Travel Bucket List”

wow this awoke my wanderlust! wish to visit all these places once in my lifetime 🙂

I hope you will get to see a lot of these dream destinations in the near future! Can’t wait to travel again!

very nice website.

I was expecting to see a few African destinations such as Cape Town or Zanzibar. Much to my disappointment..

Unfortunately, I haven’t been to Africa yet and since I only featured destinations where I’ve actually been to, I couldn’t include anything from Africa. Hoping to change that one day though!

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100 Dream Destinations Around The World

Dream destinations? We’re the experts! Let’s take you around the world…

Dream Destinations Around The World | The Honeymoon Guide

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If you’re on the hunt for the ultimate dream destinations to add to your travel bucket list , then look no further!

From timeless favourites to unique off the beaten track adventures, we’ve got the best dream destinations.

Whatever your jam is – idyllic beaches, island hopping havens, big city lights, epic road trips, encounters with wildlife, the most famous landmarks, mountains hikes or foodie delights, we’ve got you covered with this curated list of dreamy spots around the world.

Are you constantly adding new spots to your ever-growing dream travel destination wishlist ? The world is full of amazing places and it seems there’s never enough time to explore them all. But we can at least try!

These are the places we’ve been and the places we’ll go! Grab your pen, pull out your notepad, let the honeymoon planning adventure begin and get ready to expand that list of places!

We can pack your list full of ideas for many anniversary dream vacations to come, too. After all, you deserve more than one trip of a lifetime …

Join us as we whisk you away on a virtual tour of our handpicked dream destinations for 2024 !

Botswana Egypt Kenya Madagascar Mauritius

Dream Destinations in Africa

1. chobe national park, botswana.

Botswan a’s wilderness unfolds in Chobe National Park , a tapestry of diverse wildlife and lush landscapes.

Elephants roam in their herds, painting a majestic scene against the backdrop of the Chobe River. In fact Chobe has the largest herd of elephants in Africa .

Don’t miss the Okavango Delta , too. For couples seeking an authentic experience under the African sky, this is one of the continent’s dream destinations for a safari . 

2. Luxor, Egypt

Luxor, one of Egypt’s ancient cities , is as an open-air museum to a time long past. Temples and tombs, etched with hieroglyphs, tell tales of pharaohs and gods.

The Nile flows gently by, a lifeline that has shaped Egypt’s history. Luxor is a gateway to the wonders of the ancient world and a top pick of our dream destinations for history lovers.

3. Great Migration, Maasai Mara, Kenya

Witness the Great Migration in Kenya ‘s Maasai Mara , a spectacle of life and survival.

This ancient dance of wildebeest, zebra, and gazelle across the savannah is nature’s grand opera. Against the backdrop of rolling grasslands, this most iconic of dream destinations has to be on your list for a safari honeymoon in Africa.

4. Ile Aux Nattes, Madagascar

Despite its gigantic size, Madagascar is certainly an off the beaten track kind of dream destination. 

One of its hidden gems is Ile Aux Nattes aka Nosy Nato. You have to get to Nosy Boraha, or Île Sainte-Marie, an island off Madagascar’s east coast. The town on this island, Ambodifotatra has the pirates’ cemetery and includes graves marked with a skull and crossbones . 

Ile Aux Nattes is a canoe ride away and an enclave of complete tranquillity. This island, fringed by sapphire waters and lush palms, is for couples seeking the slowest pace of life.

5. Le Morne Brabant, Mauritius

Mauritius is one of those dream destinations of stunning beaches in the Indian Ocean. Le Morne Brabant is its most iconic site, standing as a sentinel over crystal-clear lagoons and sun-kissed beaches.

This mountain, steeped in history, has breathtaking views of the island’s enchanting landscape with the famous ‘underwater waterfall’, a beautiful mirage.

Book a beautiful resort and enjoy all the adventure and luxury Mauritius has to offer!

Morocco Mozambique Namibia Rwanda Seychelles

6. Marrakech, Morocco

The red city of Morocco , Marrakech , is a labyrinth of culture and colour. Its bustling souks, fragrant with spices and vibrant textiles, invite you to lose yourself in a sensory journey.

Amidst ancient palaces and lush gardens, Marrakech weaves a tale of history, art, and Moroccan charm. Stay in a cute riad and go with an empty suitcase!

7. Quirimbas Archipelago, Mozambique

The Quirimbas Archipelago , strewn like jewels across Mozambique ‘s cerulean waters, is a dream destination of untouched, off the beaten track, African beauty.

These islands whisper tales of marine wonder, where coral reefs teem with life beneath the waves. Secluded beaches create a serene escape, wrapped in the embrace of the Indian Ocean. Honeymoon heaven.

8. Sossusvlei, Namibia

In the heart of Namibia’s Namib Desert, Sossusvlei’s towering dunes paint a surreal landscape.

These red sands, sculpted by the wind over the millennium, create a canvas of shifting hues and shapes. Deadvlei where the trees are 900 years old is a must.

Sossusvlei is a stark beauty of the desert , where the silence and the stars shining down from the cosmos speak volumes!

Namibia is the perfect place to get off the beaten track in Africa.

9. Nyungwe National Park, Rwanda

Come to Africa’s oldest rainforest, Rwanda’s Nyungwe National Park . A realm of biodiversity, where ancient rainforests echo with the calls of chimpanzees and birds.

This emerald expanse, laden with walking trails, offers a journey into the heart of Africa’s untouched beauty. Tag it on to your bucket list journey, Gorilla Trekking in Volcanoes National Park.

10. La Digue, Seychelles

The best way to experience Seychelles is by island hopping and top of your list should be the small island of La Digue .

Giant granite boulders and turquoise waters frame idyllic beaches like Anse Source d’Argent, creating a dreamscape of tropical serenity.

Here, bicycles replace cars , inviting you to explore at a leisurely pace, enveloped in the island’s natural allure.

South Africa Tanzania Zambia & Zimbabwe Jordan Oman

11. Cape Town, South Africa

What city is top of our dream destinations list? It could well be Cape Town . Cradled by Table Mountain and the Atlantic, this South African city is vibrant and diverse.

From the colourful houses of Bo-Kaap to the penguins of Boulders Beach , the nearby Cape winelands and the seasonal opportunities for whale watching . Did we mention the food? Cape Town is a mosaic of experiences. 

12. Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania

Dream places for safari? Then look no further than Tanzania’s Ngorongoro Crater , a caldera teeming with wildlife.

An Eden of the African continent, this natural amphitheatre hosts a spectacular array of animals coexisting in harmony.

The crater’s rim offers panoramic views of this unique ecosystem. Marvel at nature’s intricate balance in one of Tanzania’s most iconic parks .

Don’t miss the island of Zanzibar , where you can explore UNESCO-listed Stone Town and relax on the white sandy beaches.

13. Victoria Falls, Zambia & Zimbabwe:

Straddling Zambia and Zimbabwe, Victoria Falls thunders with awe-inspiring power. Known locally as ‘The Smoke That Thunders’, this cascade is a spectacle of nature’s might.

Surrounding rainforests and the Zambezi River add to the allure, making Victoria Falls a cornerstone of African wonder. From later in August, swim at the edge of the precipice in Devil’s Pool .

Dream Destinations in the Middle East

14. petra by candlelight, jordan.

Jordan is full of dream destinations like Wadi Rum and the Dead Sea but experiencing the ancient city of Petra is a journey steeped in ancient mystery.

As the sun sets, the Siq and the Treasury illuminate with thousands of candles , casting an enchanting glow over the rose-red city.

Whispers of history and the soft flicker of candlelight create an unforgettable, otherworldly atmosphere in one of the world’s most iconic archaeological sites.

15. Wadi Shab, Oman

Wadi Shab in Oman is a dream destination for adventurers and nature lovers. Tucked away in a stunning canyon, this oasis features crystal-clear waters, lush palm groves, and dramatic rock formations.

Hiking through the wadi reveals hidden pools and waterfalls , inviting you for a refreshing dip. The journey culminates in a mesmerising cave, where a waterfall creates a natural spectacle. Oman is one of our dream destinations. period.

Turkey UAE Bhutan Cambodia China

16. Cappadocia, Turkey

Cappadocia in Turkey is one of those dream destinations you’ve seen on Instagram and TikTok that feels like stepping into a fairy tale.

Famous for its hot air balloons , unique lunar landscape, ancient cave dwellings, and enchanting rock formations, this region captivates with its otherworldly beauty.

The highlight is a hot-air balloon ride at sunrise , with stunning views of the valleys and fairy chimneys .

17. Atlantis, The Royal Dubai, UAE

Atlantis, The Royal in Dubai epitomises luxury and extravagance. This jenga-like icon is set against the backdrop of the stunning Dubai skyline and the azure waters of the Arabian Gulf. This new hotel icon offers world-class dining, thrilling attractions, and opulent suites.

Why is this hotel one of our dream destinations in Dubai ? Exclusive access to Cloud 22 , an infinity rooftop pool set in the sky – one of the dreamiest hotel pools in the world.

Dream Destinations in Asia

18. paro taktsang, bhutan.

Paro Taktsang, or the Tiger’s Nest Monastery in Bhutan , clings to a cliffside. The journey up, through misty forests and mountain paths, is as breathtaking as the destination itself.

This sacred site overlooks the Paro valley . For adventure seekers and lovers of the outdoors, Bhutan has to be on your dream destinations shortlist. 

19. Angkor Wat at Sunrise, Cambodia

Witnessing the sunrise at Angkor Wat in Cambodia is a dream bucket list moment, where ancient stones tell tales of empires and mysticism.

Take the short drive from your hotel in Siem Reap and as the first light touches the temple spires of these ancient ruins, the world seems to hold its breath — a magical experience showcasing the splendour of the ancient world.

This UNESCO World Heritage Site is a must-visit destination in Southeast Asia

20. Lijiang, China

The Great Wall of China , the skyscrapers of Shanghai and Hong Kong and the limestone karsts of Yangshuo , China is one great place to visit!

Lijiang is one of our favourite spots, with its well-preserved ancient town and stunning Jade Dragon Snow Mountain backdrop.

Wandering through its cobblestone streets and canals, you’ll be transported to a time of epic dynasties and unique folklore.

Bali India Japan Laos Malaysia

21. Tegalalang Rice Terrace, Bali, Indonesia

From the iconic Nusa Penida , to the picturesque Gili Islands , Bali is not short things to do .

The sandy beaches and small islands could easily be on this list of dream destinations. But, head inland on the Island of the Gods for the Tegalalang Rice Terraces .

These emerald-green rice terraces , carved into the hillsides, encapsulate the rural charm and tranquillity of Bali that millions seek to find .

22. Jaipur, India

India is not short of dream destinations. The Taj Mahal , Ranthambore National Park, Kerala to name a few but its Pink City of Jaipur is where history, culture, and royal grandeur converge.

From the majestic Amer Fort to the intricate Hawa Mahal , Jaipur’s architectural wonders are a feast for the eyes. Bustling markets, vibrant fabrics, and the aroma of spices await.

23. Kyoto, Japan

Japan is another one of those dream destinations where there’s an abundance of bucket list things to do .

But Kyoto, where tradition weaves through modernity, has our heart. From the serene Arashiyama Bamboo Forest to the vibrant Gion geisha district , to the Fushimi Inari-taisha Shrine , Kyoto is a journey through Japan’s soul.

The city, with its temples, shrines, is a true canvas of Japanese beauty.

24. Luang Prabang, Laos

Nestled at the confluence of the mighty Mekong and Nam Khan rivers, Laos ’ picturesque town of Luang Prabang , is where tranquillity reigns.

This UNESCO-listed town, with its golden temples and colonial architecture, is a must-visit.

Mornings here begin with the sight of saffron-robed monks collecting alms and afternoons are spent in the nearby Kuang Si waterfalls .

25. Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia

Sabah in Malaysian Borneo is one of our top picks for wildlife lovers seeking dream destinations.

Its lush rainforests, home to orangutans and pygmy elephants, mean an unforgettable foray into the heart of the planet’s biodiversity.

Beyond the jungle, pristine beaches and coral reefs beckon couples seeking tranquillity and underwater adventures.

Maldives Nepal Philippines Singapore South Korea

26. Overwater Villa in The Maldives

The pinnacle of tropical dream destinations, the Maldives needs no introduction . One of the best things about the Maldives is staying in a stunning overwater villa on a tiny island or atoll.

Luxury and seclusion is the name of the game for a true castaway experience.

Picture yourself waking up to the ocean’s gentle rhythm, with turquoise waters stretching as far as the eye can see. The Maldives is 100% worth visiting .

27. Mt. Everest, Nepal

The epitome of human endurance and nature’s majesty, trek through the planet’s highest peaks to Everest Base Camp .

Marvel at small villages, visit the Sherpa and trek rugged trails , the journey to the base of the world’s highest peak is an adventure of a lifetime.

Amidst the Himalayas, will can find a profound sense of awe and achievement. 

28. El Nido, The Philippines

Dream destinations for beach lovers? El Nido in the Philippines is the one, where limestone karsts rise from emerald waters.

This archipelago, with its hidden lagoons and secret beaches , is a haven for island hoppers .

Whether snorkelling in its vibrant reefs or kayaking through its tranquil waters, El Nido will be an enchanting island honeymoon experience.

29. Gardens by the Bay, Singapore

Singapore ‘s Gardens by the Bay is a futuristic dream destination, where nature and innovation intertwine.

The iconic Supertree Grove and the world’s largest glass greenhouse offer a glimpse into a utopian world. 

30. Haedong Yonggungsa, South Korea

Haedong Yonggungsa Temple , perched on South Korea ‘s rocky coastline, is a dream destination for spiritual seekers.

This sacred place, where the sound of waves harmonises with Buddhist chants, is a serene escape from the bustling city life.

Sri Lanka Thailand Uzbekistan Vietnam Australia

31. Kandy to Ella Train, Sri Lanka

The train journey from Kandy to Ella in Sri Lanka is a must visit in this Indian Ocean island.

As the train meanders through rolling hills, tea plantations, and misty forests , each bend reveals a new panorama of the island’s lush landscapes.

Sri Lanka is an underrated gem, full of adventure, culture and history. Plus, it’s great value so put it on your affordable dream destinations list today!

32. Maya Bay, Thailand

Thailand is one of our dream destinations , period, and Maya Bay is a must. Famed for its crystal-clear waters and towering limestone cliffs, it’s straight out of a postcard.

Located in the Andaman Sea’s Phi Phi archipelago , this idyllic cove, once a hidden gem, with its natural beauty and ethereal waters is now one of the visited sites in Thailand.

In recent years it was closed by authorities and for good reason, to protect the natural environment. It’s now open again with a focus on keeping crowds at bay. Book an early morning day trip to avoid the crowds .

33. Bukhara, Uzbekistan

The ancient city of Bukhara in Uzbekistan is steeped in the Silk Road’s history . Its labyrinth of mosques, madrasahs, and bazaars, set against the desert backdrop, transports you to a bygone era.

Here, every alleyway and dome tells a story of caravans, traders, and cultural exchanges – a dream destination for culture, history and adventure seekers.

34. Halong Bay, Vietnam

Vietnam is another one of those dream destinations you could list multiple places but Halong Bay with its thousands of limestone islets rising from the jade waters, is ethereal.

Cruising through this UNESCO World Heritage site , you’ll encounter floating villages, secluded beaches, and mystical caves — a serene exploration of one of the world’s most stunning natural wonders.

Dream Destinations in South Pacific

35. whitsunday islands, australia.

From manmade wonders like the Sydney Opera House to natural wonders like Uluru , Australia is one of the best places on the planet, full of dream destinations.

The Whitsunday Islands epitomise the quintessence of a tropical paradise. Imagine gliding through azure waters, with 74 islands set like jewels in the heart of the Great Barrier Reef .

Whitehaven Beach , with its pristine silica sand, is one of the world’s best beaches.

Cook Islands Fiji French Polynesia New Zealand Antarctica

36. Aitutaki, Cook Islands

Aitutaki in the Cook Islands is a lesser-explored gem, yet it rivals any tropical paradise with its astounding beauty.

The island’s lagoon, dotted with small islets (motus), boasts shades of blue that seem almost surreal.

Aitutaki is an idyllic place for snorkelling, fishing, and immersing in the tranquil Polynesian lifestyle . The Cook Islands feels like a well-kept secret in a world of mass tourism.

37. Kadavu Island, Fiji

When it comes to top dream destinations, Fiji is certainly up there.

Kadavu Island is for those seeking an authentic island experience. This unspoiled paradise, with its rugged terrain and traditional villages, invites you to a world far removed from modern distractions.

The island is renowned for its spectacular diving spots, including the Great Astrolabe Reef . Kadavu is a sanctuary where one can connect with nature and the rich culture of Fiji.

38. Bora Bora, French Polynesia

Synonymous with luxurious and romantic dream destinations, French Polynesia ’s Bora Bora is the jewel of the South Pacific.

Encircled by a lagoon and reef , ranging from shallow crystal clear azure waters to deep blue sea. Iconic overwater bungalows await for the ultimate honeymoon experience over the ocean .

39. Abel Tasman National Park, New Zealand

Another iconic country that could have many spots on our list of dream destinations, N ew Zealand is a haven of natural beauty and adventure.

Abel Tasman National Park is known for its golden beaches, clear turquoise waters, and coastal walking tracks, the park offers a stunning blend of forest and sea.

Kayak along the shoreline and explore secluded bays and observe a diverse array of wildlife. Take a whale watching cruise and marvel at these majestic creatures.

Dream Destinations in South America & Central America

40. sailing antarctica.

Ultimate bucket list dream destinations? Sailing to the barely touched pristine icy paradise that is Antarctica on an expedition ship.

Glide through sub zero waters dotted with icebergs and witness a landscape of stark, surreal beauty .

Encounter penguins , seals , and whales in their natural habitat. This journey to the planet’s most remote wilderness at the end of the Earth will be an unparalleled adventure.

Argentina Brazil Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile

41. Patagonia, Argentina

Patagonia in Argentina is a dream destination for couples seeking the raw beauty of nature.

Encompassing rugged mountains, crystal-clear lakes, and expansive glaciers, this region offers a stunning display of the natural world.

Marvel at Perito Moreno Glacier in Los Glaciares National Park . Hike through the untamed landscape for solitude and awe.

Patagonia’s dramatic scenery and the spirit of adventure it evokes make it a true haven for nature lovers and explorers.

42. Iguazu Falls, Brazil & Argentina

Iguazu Falls , straddling the border of Brazil and Argentina , is one of our top picks for dream destinations where nature’s force is felt in full display.

This colossal waterfall system, set amidst lush rainforests, creates a symphony of thundering water and rising mist.

Witnessing the power and beauty of Iguazu Falls was an awe-inspiring experience for us, the splendour of one of the world’s most impressive natural wonders is an essential addition to your dream destinations list.

43. Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia

A ‘road trip’ across Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia , the world’s largest salt flat, is an epic otherworldly adventure.

This vast, white expanse, especially when covered in a thin layer of water, creates an endless mirror that reflects the sky.

The surreal landscape that starts near Salta in Argentina and ends in La Paz is a unique backdrop for photography and exploration – dream destinations that blend with the heavens.

44. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

From the iconic Christ the Redeemer statue to the lively Copacabana beach, the life of the favelas and the incredible scenery, Rio de Janeiro is a city of contrasts.

The infectious rhythms of samba fills the air , while the lush Tijuca rainforest offers a natural retreat within the city.

Dance the night away in Lapa and explore the cobblestone streets of Santa Teresa. Cities don’t come more adored than this.

45. Atacama Desert, Chile

The Atacama Desert in Chile , the driest desert in the world, is a dream destination for couples seeking otherworldly landscapes.

From salt flats and hot springs to moon-like valleys and star-filled skies , Atacama’s natural wonders are both diverse and mesmerising.

Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Guatemala Mexico

46. Tayrona National Park, Colombia

Colombia is full of dream destinations from the quaint streets of Guatape to its Caribbean vibes of the Rosario Islands .

Tayrona National Park where the jungle meets the sea is a must-do. The unspoiled beaches backed by lush rainforests and the majestic Sierra Nevada mountains. Hiking trails wind through the park, leading to hidden bays and the chance to spot exotic wildlife. 

47. Monteverde Cloud Forest, Costa Rica

Dream destinations don’t come much dreamier than Costa Rica . This Central American gem is packed with beautiful places .

Monteverde Cloud Forest is a biodiverse sanctuary, shrouded in mist and home to an array of unique wildlife and exotic plants. Walk through the forest canopy on hanging bridges, and be enveloped in a world of lush greenery and tranquillity.

48. Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

The Galápagos Islands in Ecuador are a dream destination for wildlife lovers. This unique archipelago, with its diverse array of endemic species, offers an unparalleled opportunity to observe animals up close in their natural habitat.

From swimming with sea lions to walking among giant tortoises , the Galapagos experience is a journey into one of the world’s most extraordinary ecosystems.

49. Antigua, Guatemala

Guatemala is one of our favourite underrated dream destinations with  diverse landscapes, culture and volcanos.

Antigua is a picturesque UNESCO-listed town with colonial charm and stunning volcanic backdrop.

The city’s cobblestone streets, lined with pastel-coloured buildings and historic churches are a visual delight. Buy some traditional crafts at the vibrant markets and see Guatemala’s heritage come alive.

50. Isla Holbox, Mexico

Tulum, Akumal, Cabo – Mexico is chock full of dream destinations, not least along the Riviera Maya .

While many flock to the beautiful all inclusive resorts , one of our favourite gem is Isla Holbox , lying off the Yucatán Peninsula.

This island paradise not too far from Cancun. Yet it’s where time slows down, the streets are sand, its transport is golf carts, and its beaches are pristine.

Go for the the laid-back atmosphere, stunning sunsets , and the chance to swim with whale sharks.

Peru Antigua Aruba Bahamas Barbados

51. Machu Picchu, Peru

When it comes to bucket list dream destinations, Peru ’s Inca citadel,  Machu Picchu in is unparalleled.

The Incan Empire’s architectural prowess perched high in the Andes is a unique ancient ruin with stunning views and a window into a lost civilization.

The journey to Machu Picchu, whether by taking the 3-4 day Inca Trail trek or by train, adds to the mystique of this enigmatic site, making it a must-visit for history and adventure lovers. Peru is an adventure and cultural gem .

Dream Destinations in the Caribbean

52. shirley heights, antigua.

Not only does Antigua have a beach for every day of the year but Shirley Heights has one of the most breathtaking views of the Caribbean Seas .

Perched atop a hill, a panoramic vista of English Harbour and the sparkling waters beyond. The area comes alive every Sunday with vibrant music and barbecues for a true Caribbean vibe. 

53. Flamingo Island, Aruba

Renaissance Island in Aruba epitomises a dreamy escape in the Caribbean . This private paradise is famous for its exclusive beaches and the unique experience of flamingo encounters .

Its crystal-clear waters and tranquil atmosphere offer a perfect retreat for relaxation and luxury, making it a quintessential Caribbean hideaway.

54. Harbour Island, Bahamas

Harbour Island in the Bahamas is renowned for its stunning beaches and colonial architecture.

Its unique pink beach , set against the backdrop of turquoise waters make up just one of many dream destinations in the Bahamas.

55. Carlisle Bay, Barbados

Carlisle Bay in Barbados is a pristine paradise, known for its crystal-clear turquoise waters and soft white sands.

This tranquil haven is perfect for swimming , snorkelling, and sunbathing. The bay, lined with historic shipwrecks, offers a unique underwater adventure, making it a jewel in the Caribbean’s crown.

Belize Cuba Curaçao Dominican Republic Jamaica

56. Great Blue Hole, Belize

The Great Blue Hole in Belize is a dream destination for divers and snorkelers.

This massive underwater sinkhole, a UNESCO World Heritage site (and the second largest barrier reef after Australia’s Great Barrier Reef) is surrounded by coral and rich marine life. Belize is an underrated gem.

57. Havana, Cuba

Colourful streets lined with vintage cars and colonial architecture, Havana is a dream destination frozen in time.

Cuba ’s vibrant culture is showcased in its lively music scene, friendly locals, and rich history.

Exploring Havana is like stepping into a living museum, where you can follow in the footsteps of Hemingway and live your best life with cigars, daiquiris and mojitos .

58. Willemstad, Curaçao

The unique Dutch colonial architecture of Curaçao’s capital, Willemstad is quaint and unique.

The lively waterfront makes for a charming Caribbean experience. Its diverse history, museums, and bustling markets offer a blend of rich culture and vibrancy, setting it apart from typical beach destinations .

59. Samana, Dominican Republic

Samana in the Dominican Republic is a dream destination for its heavenly unspoiled natural beauty and serene beaches.

While many couples for the stunningly beautiful southern shores around Punta Cana, Samana is a bit wilder with humpback whale-watching , lush rainforests, and cascading waterfalls .

Samana is an authentic Caribbean experience away from the crowds. 

60. Dunn’s River Falls, Jamaica

Jamaica is one of our ultimate Caribbean dream destinations. Known for its unique culture, iconic music and stunning beaches but it also has a lush interior, too.

Dunn’s River Falls is a haven with terraced, cascading waters leading down to a beautiful beach. A must-do on your Jamaica honeymoon.

St Lucia St Vincent & Grenadines Turks Caicos US Virgin Islands Alaska

61. The Pitons, St Lucia

St. Lucia is one of the Caribbean’s unique dream destinations. With a verdant mountainous interior ideal for exploring.

The Pitons are twin volcanic peaks, rising majestically from the sea, creating a stunning landscape.

The area around the Pitons offers superb snorkelling, hiking, and a chance to soak in volcanic hot springs, making it a diverse Caribbean escape .

62. Tobago Cays, St Vincent & Grenadines

Tobago Cays in St Vincent & the Grenadines are a cluster of five uninhabited islands, surrounded by a horseshoe reef, with some of the best snorkelling and sailing in the Caribbean.

The cays are a paradise for those seeking pristine natural environments and the serene beauty of barely touched dream destinations . 

63. Grace Bay, Turks & Caicos

Grace Bay in Turks & Caicos is often hailed as one of the best beaches in the world , making it one the planet’s dream destinations for thalassophiles.

With its powdery white sand beaches and clear blue waters, it offers an idyllic setting for relaxation and water sports. Grace Bay epitomises the picture-perfect beach experience in the Caribbean .

64. Trunk Bay, US Virgin Islands

Trunk Bay in the US Virgin Islands is renowned for its stunning underwater snorkelling trail and breathtaking beach.

This dream destination is often listed among the world’s most beautiful beaches, with its powdery sand and clear, turquoise waters. Take the ferry from St. John for this paradisiacal slice of the Caribbean. 

Dream Destinations in North America

65. cruising alaska.

As dream destinations go, Alaska is unbeatable for couples seeking untamed wilderness and the most incredible scenery.

Take a cruise to see some of the world’s most picturesque landscapes. Sail through icy fjords , where glaciers calve with thunderous roars.

Witness the majesty of humpback whales and orcas in their natural habitat. Onshore, the allure of the Last Frontier continues with rugged hikes and encounters with majestic wildlife. 

California Canada Deep South Montana & Wyoming Hawaii

66. Joshua Tree, California

Where redwoods turn to palm trees, national parks like Yosemite and Death Valley and iconic cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles , California is jam packed full of dream destinations.

The surreal landscapes of Joshua Tree are out of this world. Where the Mojave and Colorado deserts converge under the bright sun and star-studded skies

Rock formations and cacti-studded plains , the iconic Joshua Trees, with their twisted, bristled forms, are a haven for climbers and nature lovers alike. Joshua Tree National Park is a must-do.

67. Rocky Mountains, Canada

The Rocky Mountains of Canada are one of our ultimate dream destinations for a magical road trip . Towering peaks, emerald lakes, and sprawling forests as far as the eye can see.

This region invites explorers to hike its trails , paddle in its pristine waters, witness wildlife in its natural habitat and explore it’s quaint towns like Banff and Jasper

68. Deep South’s Historic Cities

The Deep South , rich in history and culture, is a dream destination for those seeking a journey through time.

This region’s soulful rhythm is felt in its music, cuisine, and storied past. From iconic cities like Nashville, Memphis and New Orleans to the grand plantations and the civil rights landmarks, every corner tells a story of triumph and tribulation. 

69. Driving the Wilds of Montana & Wyoming

Embark on a road trip through the wilds of Montana and Wyoming , a dream destination for those who cherish rugged beauty and solitude.

Picture vast plains, towering mountains, and the untamed spirit of the West . Journey through Grand Teton , Glacier and Yellowstone National Park , where nature’s wonders like Old Faithful geyser and Grand Prismatic Spring are displayed in full glory.

Every turn reveals a new panorama, inviting you to explore the heart of America’s wilderness.

70. Island Hopping in Hawaii

Hawaii , with its string of islands , is one of the ultimate tropical dream destinations.

Each island is a unique paradise. Explore the volcanic landscapes of the Big Island, the dramatic cliffs of Kauai ’s Napali Coast , watch surfers on Oahu ‘s North Shore and drive Maui ‘s Road to Hana .

Snorkel in crystal-clear waters, hike through lush rainforests, and immerse in the Hawaiian culture.

Las Vegas Disney World Florida Route 66 New York Utah Arizona

71. Viva Las Vegas

Sin City is a dream destination for couples who love endless fun and entertainment.

Las Vegas , the neon-lit city in the Nevada desert, promises a whirlwind of excitement, from world-class shows and casinos to gourmet dining experiences and luxurious yet fun hotels .

Beyond the Strip, the desert surrounding Las Vegas offers adventures of its own .

72. Walt Disney World, Florida

As fairytale dream destinations go, Walt Disney World in Orlando is unbeatable.

Don those Mickey Mouse ears and see the magic come to life . Sprawling resorts , four theme parks and a world of enchantment and excitement.

Meet beloved characters, experience thrilling rides, and get lost in fantastical realms of the happiest place on earth !

73. Route 66

Route 66 , America’s Mother Road, is a dream destination for a road trip honeymoon. This historic highway , stretching from Chicago to Santa Monica, is a journey through the heart of America.

Discover quirky roadside attractions, classic diners, and the spirit of the open road. 

74. New York at Christmas

New York City at Christmas is a dream destination that captures the essence of the festive season.

The city transforms into a winter wonderland , with dazzling lights, festive markets, and the iconic Rockefeller Center Christmas tree .

Ice skate under the skyline, shop along the decorated Fifth Avenue, and immerse in the holiday cheer.

New York is full of must-see spots – Central Park, the Empire State Building, and the Statue of Liberty.

75. Canyon Country, Utah & Arizona

When it comes to dream destinations in the USA, Utah and Arizona feels like stepping onto another planet.

This region, home to iconic landscapes like the Grand Canyon National Park, Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon, and Monument Valley , offers breathtaking vistas of towering rock formations and deep canyons.

Hiking, road tripping, and star gazing in these vast, rugged terrains will be an unforgettable experience, showcasing the awe-inspiring beauty of the American Southwest. Don’t miss highlights like Havasu Falls and Antelope Canyon .

Canada Albania Austria Orient Express River Cruise

76. Quebec City, Canada

Quebec City is the closest thing North America has to a European city with its enchanting cobblestone streets, historic Old quarter, and the majestic Château Frontenac are totally picturesque.

This UNESCO World Heritage Site blends rich history, French-inspired cuisine, and vibrant culture. 

Dream Destinations in Europe

77. albanian alps, albania.

Europe’s emerging hotspot ! Venture into the heart of the Albanian Alps , where untamed nature and amazing hikes await.

Soaring peaks, draped in a cloak of green and rocky outcrops, tranquil villages and crystal-clear rivers form a stunning backdrop.

Here, adventurous couples can tread along paths less travelled . The best thing about Albania being an up and coming gem is the affordable prices .

Hit the beaches of Ksamil for some rest and relaxation afterwards. 

78. Salzburg, Austria

Wander through Salzburg ‘s streets, where every corner is a melody of architectural splendour and Austrian elegance.

The birthplace of Mozart hums with musical history, while its baroque skyline, set against the backdrop of majestic Alpine mountains, create an enchanting allure and one of Europe’s most beautiful cities .

79. Belmond Venice-Simplon Orient Express

The Belmond Venice Simplon-Orient Express is not just travel; it’s a voyage back in time to the golden age of luxury rail travel .

This iconic train with opulent vintage carriages, exquisite dining, and impeccable service, offers an unparalleled experience as it winds through some of Europe’s most beautiful dream destinations .

From the picturesque waterways of Venice to the grand boulevards of Paris or the historic streets of Istanbul , each journey is a celebration of elegance, glamour and romance.

80. Danube River Cruise, Budapest to Prague

European river cruises are a travel style that are often overlooked. But embarking on a Danube River Cruise is to sail through the heart of Europe’s dream destinations.

Float from Budapest to Prague past fairy-tale castles, medieval towns, and vineyard-clad valleys, with stops in culturally rich cities like Vienna and Bratislava . Get a unique perspective of Central Europe’s history, cuisine, and landscapes.

Croatia England Finland France Germany

81. Plitvice Lakes, Croatia

Croatia’s coastline is full of dream destinations with iconic cities like Dubrovnik and islands like Brac , home to Zlatni Rat , one of Europes best beaches.

But head inland to get off the beaten track at Plitvice Lakes , Croatia’s most prized national park, a labyrinth of water and wilderness , where waterfalls cascade into emerald pools.

Wooden pathways weave through this lush paradise, guiding explorers through a watercolour of natural hues.

82. London, England

London is an icon. Where history and modernity dance under an ever-changing sky.

From the historic Buckingham Palace to the edgy streets of Shoreditch , London is a tapestry of diverse neighbourhoods waiting to be explored.

The city is full of must-see places, things to do, places to eat, and stuff to buy. Explore it’s markets and department stores, verdant parks, and kicking nightclubs and stroll along the storied banks of the Thames.

83. Inari, Finland

Imagine a secluded cabin in Inari , where the Arctic sky unfolds in a spectacle of colours – this snowy paradise is a magical place. Nestled in Finland’s wintry Lappish landscape, it’s a front-row seat to the ethereal Northern Lights .

Here, the silence of the snow-covered forests is a blanket of serenity, and the crisp air is a fresh respite from the world beyond.

Yes you can visit Lapland in the summer months, but it’s the ultimate romantic dream vacation in winter. The best time of year to visit is when it’s under a blanket of snow .

84. Paris in Spring, France

France is the most popular of European vacation destinations but as spring awakens the capital city, Paris , blooms into a living masterpiece.

Stroll through gardens ablaze with colour. The Eiffel Towe r, a sentinel of romance, watches over streets alive with the buzz of cafes and the clink of wine glasses .

Paris in spring is a celebration of love, art, and joie de vivre!

85. Schloss Neuschwanstein, Bavaria, Germany

Perched in Bavarian solitude, Schloss Neuschwanstein is a vision from a bygone era.

An ode to romanticism, this castle is a fairy-tale dream . Wander through its halls, where the echoes of history blend with the majestic panorama of the Alps, creating a timeless escape into Germany’s royal past.

Greece Iceland Italy Ireland Malta

86. Santorini, Greece

Santorini , where blue-domed churches and white washed buildings form a stunning contrast against the Aegean’s azure expanse. 

This is one of our favourite places . Sculpted by a volcano, now quaint villages and vineyards cradle this rocky outcrop.

As the sun dips into the sea, the best place to witness the sunset is from your heavenly cave pool suite .

87. Vatnajökull, Iceland

The Blue Lagoon , the Golden Circle , black sand beaches, Iceland is an icon, full of dream destinations.

But for something special, behold Vatnajökull, a glacial marvel wheremice caves sculpt a landscape of surreal beauty.

Here, couples can tread softly on ancient ice, enveloped by silence and the raw magnificence. Experience the ethereal glow of the aurora borealis in this otherworldly sanctuary.

88. Positano, Italy

Cascading elegantly down the cliffs of the Amalfi Coast , Positano is one of Europe’s ultimate dream destinations.

Vibrant buildings cling to the steep terrain, overlooking the sapphire waters of the Mediterranean.

Here, bougainvillaea-adorned streets wind down to pebbled beaches, and the air is perfumed with lemons and sea spray. Positano, a coastal reverie, encapsulates the magnificent beauty of Italy .

89. Slea Head Drive, Ireland

At the edge of Europe , County Kerry’s Slea Head Drive awaits with rugged cliffs and the roaring Atlantic Ocean waves creating a landscape of wild, untamed beauty in Ireland .

Stay in a beautiful hotel before driving along this coastal path of the Dingle Peninsula where every turn reveals cinematic vistas: ancient stone beehives, Gaelic legends, sprawling fields, and distant islands shrouded in mist.

90. Comino Island, Malta

Comino Island in Malta is a dream destination for those seeking a tranquil Mediterranean escape.

This tiny, car-free island between Malta and Gozo is famed for its crystal-clear Blue Lagoon , the perfect spot for swimming, snorkelling, and simply basking in the sun.

Comino’s unspoiled natural beauty, with its rugged coastline and quiet coves, is ideal for hikers and photographers looking for a serene and picturesque retreat.

Montenegro Netherlands Norway Portugal Romania

91. Old Town Kotor, Montenegro

Step back in time in Kotor’s Old Town , a labyrinth of cobbled streets and medieval charm.

Nestled against Montenegro ‘s dramatic mountain canvas, this coastal enclave is filled with balconies draped in flowers overlooking bustling squares, and the Adriatic’s gentle waves await nearby.

92. Amsterdam, Netherlands

Amsterdam ‘s picturesque canals, a network of reflections. Heritage buildings, leaning gently over waterways, with centuries of stories.

Amsterdam is a harmonious blend of history and hip , and invites you to cycle its paths, uncovering treasures from the Rijksmuseum to the vibrant Jordaan district.

93. Atlanterhavsvegen, Norway

Dream destinations don’t come more epic than the stunningly rugged landscapes of Norway .

From the picturesque islands of Lofoten to the Atlanterhavsveien , a serpentine marvel, stretching across Norway’s seascapes near Bergen.

An encounter with the North Sea’s untamed spirit has to be on your list. Bridges leap from isle to isle, giving way to panoramas where the sky and ocean merge .

94. The Azores, Portugal

The Azores , rising from the Atlantic’s depths, are a kaleidoscope of verdant hills, volcanic craters, and azure lakes.

This Portuguese archipelago is a dream destination for nature lovers. Hike the trails that meander through mystical landscapes , leading to cliffs where the ocean’s waves crash against the shore.

95. Transylvania, Romania

Transylvania , cloaked in myth and mystery, is a realm of Gothic tales and castle ruins. Carpathian mountains encircle ancient hamlets, little towns and forested paths, creating a backdrop of brooding beauty.

This land, where legends of Dracula echo, is a haven for Romanian folklore and history.

Scotland Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland

96. The Highlands, Scotland

In the Scottish Highlands , Ben Nevis’ rugged peaks, Loch Ness’ deep mythology and the remote villages and castle on Isle of Skye compose a scene of haunting beauty.

This land, wrapped in mist and soft rain is a dream destination for couples who are wild at heart. Experience the heather swaying in the wind and the distant call of a bagpipe , the Scottish Highlands are a must-do.

97. Lake Bled, Slovenia

An emerald lake cradles an island church, a scene from a storybook. Lake Bled is a mirror reflecting Slovenia’s alpine splendour .

Row gently across the tranquil waters of this dream destination, surrounded by mountains and forests —a tranquil jewel in Slovenia’s sustainable travel crown .

98. Seville, Spain

Seville is a flamenco of colour and culture, a place where the essence of Spain comes alive.

Orange trees line the streets, their fragrance mingling with ancient palaces and Gothic cathedrals .

Hop through lively tapas bars and indulge in Andalusian flavours in one of Europe’s prettiest cities.

99. Arctic Bath, Sweden

Drift into the Arctic Bath , Sweden’s floating dream destination where luxury meets wilderness.

Amidst the hush of Lapland’s forests , this haven offers solace in the lap of nature. Beneath the dance of the Northern Lights, indulge in rejuvenating experiences, merging the tranquillity of the Arctic with Swedish hospitality.

100. Zermatt, Switzerland

In the shadow of the Matterhorn, Zermatt is one of many dream destinations etched in the Swiss Alps.

This village, where time slows, invites skiers in winter and hikers in summer to explore trails that weave through snow-dusted forests and alpine meadows .

Here, the air is a blend of pine and crisp mountain freshness — the quintessential Swiss retreat.

We hope you’ve got lots of inspiration for our 100 dream destinations around the world! Did we miss anywhere?

Have you added any new places to your bucket list? Let us know in the comments!

Happy Planning x

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Founder of The Honeymoon Guide

Luxury Travel Lover - Occasional Adventure Seeker - Epicurean. Kaz spent 15 years as a luxury and adventure travel agent before starting The Honeymoon Guide. In her time as a travel consultant, she helped couples plan honeymoon vacations to over 90 countries and has been lucky enough to experience some of the world's most coveted honeymoon destinations from Santorini to Seychelles, the Maldives to Australia, Mauritius to Mexico and Thailand to Argentina (to name a few!).

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How to Travel the Globe Without Spending a Dime: The Ultimate Guide to Free Journeys

  • Business trips can double as leisure getaways, cutting personal costs.
  • Organizations like WWOOF and Workaway help you explore in exchange for work.
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  • Sometimes, all you need is to be at the right place at the right time (like overbooked flights)!

The Art of Combining Business with Pleasure

In a striking 2019 statistic by the Global Business Travel Association, nearly 20% of business globetrotters morphed their professional voyages into leisurely escapades, effectively trimming down personal travel expenses. If Miriam Beard, a celebrated writer, once said, "Travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living," then why shouldn't we adapt and find ingenious ways to feel that change without lightening our wallets?

Making Every Dollar Count (Or Not Spending Any At All!)

Whether you're a nomadic wanderer or a weekend tourist, traveling can quickly empty your pockets. But did you know you can traverse continents without spending a penny? Let's unlock this trove of secrets!

1. Business Leisure Combo: The Best of Both Worlds!

According to a 2019 report by the Global Business Travel Association, almost 20% of business travelers morphed their official trips into leisure vacations . Doing this chops off those hefty personal travel expenses. Next business trip? Tack on a few personal days!

2. Work in Exchange for Adventure

Organizations like WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms) and Workaway present golden tickets for travel enthusiasts. Swap your skills for accommodation and meals. Think of it as a barter system: your time for unforgettable experiences.

3. House-sitting: The Global Nomad’s Dream

A plush villa in Italy or a cozy cabin in Canada? Websites abound connecting house sitters with homeowners, giving you a taste of luxury living—free! Plus, there's the bonus of furry company if you're pet-sitting.

4. Loyalty Programs & Credit Card Rewards

We're not just talking about points! With the right card , like the Chase Travel card, you could enjoy annual hotel credits, multiple points on purchases, and even discounted vouchers for your buddies. Maximize these, and soon you'll be flying without touching your wallet.

5. The Old World Beckons: Traveling Roots Programs

Reconnect with your ancestors and travel to your heritage land. From Birthright Israel to CubaOne, some countries invite descendants to explore their roots, offering immersive stays with local families. A cultural plunge and a free trip?  

6. Drive Across Continents (Literally!)

Help someone move their car cross-country. Yes, it's a thing. And sometimes, they cover your return flight. A road trip is a fantastic way to explore landscapes and culture, especially when it’s on someone else’s dime.

7. Sailing Dreams: Crew a Ship

Ditch the plane; hop on a ship! Work on yachts or cruise ships. Long hours, yes, but waking up to a different horizon every day? Priceless.

8. Learn & Grow: Short-term Volunteer Stints

Platforms like Go Overseas or Idealist offer short-term volunteer options. Build, teach, or simply help out, and in return, get immersed in a new culture.

Miriam Beard once said, "Travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living." True that! And with these hacks, such experiences are no longer chained to hefty price tags.

Flora's Little Secrets

Remember, traveling isn't just about the destination but the journey itself. Seek local experiences, be flexible with your plans, and sometimes, let the road lead you.

Can I really travel completely for free?

Yes, with the right strategies and platforms, it's possible to substantially reduce your travel expenses or even eliminate them entirely!

Are work exchanges safe for solo travelers?

Like all travel, do your research. Read reviews, connect with past participants, and always ensure someone knows your whereabouts.

How do I maximize my credit card rewards for travel?

Be vigilant about offers, understand point conversions, and sometimes, consider pairing cards to get the best deals on flights and accommodations.

Isn't house swapping risky?

All travel has its risks. Opt for reputable platforms, read reviews, communicate with potential swappers, and trust your gut.

Are there age restrictions for traveling roots programs?

Most are targeted towards young adults, but each program has its own criteria. Always check before applying.

Is there a catch with credit card rewards?

Always read the fine print. While many offers are genuine, be wary of high annual fees or hidden costs.

How do I start with house-sitting?

Platforms like TrustedHousesitters or Nomador are great places to start. Create a profile, get verified, and apply for listings.

Can I earn while traveling for free?

Indeed! Options like working on cruise ships or yachts, or teaching abroad can also fetch you a salary.

Travel is a transformation, an experience that shapes and molds us, often leaving an indelible mark on our souls. And guess what? It doesn’t have to come with a hefty price tag. With the right information, a bit of planning, and a zest for adventure, you too can explore the wonders of our world without emptying your pockets.

  • Global Business Travel Association Report
  • Go Overseas

How to Travel the Globe Without Spending a Dime: The Ultimate Guide to Free Journeys

dream to travel the world

Traveloka Accomodation

02 Apr 2021 - 14 min read

If You Dream of Traveling the World, Here Are Some Words for You.

Many people have asked me why I travel, how I do it, when’s the best time to start traveling, and how to start traveling

world globe

Source: Shutterstock

Many people have asked me why I travel, how I do it, when’s the best time to start traveling, and how to start traveling. Honestly, these questions are usually difficult for me to answer, because everyone has different ways of preparing for their travels. Plus, everyone has different reasons why they want to travel. If you ask me, the advice I’ll give to you would be something I’d give to a younger me.

Before I knew how much I love to travel, I did all the things my family wanted me to do. Study. Graduate. Work. I did all of them…with no regrets. College was one of the best things that happened to me.

For many, going to college is just way more expensive than what they can afford. I had financial struggles while I was in college. The journey was tough. Later in life, I met many successful entrepreneurs and full-time travelers who never went to college and still do well in life.

Even so, everyone has different ways of achieving success. Most successful entrepreneurs didn’t take shortcuts, because there’s no such a thing as an overnight success. When my brother got the opportunity to help his ex-boss start another business, Mum told him that he can do whatever he wants later in life as long as he completes his Bachelor’s Degree first. If you, too, have the opportunity to study to a higher level, don’t waste it. Do it, even if you wish to travel.

Whether it’s a 2-week trip or one without an expiry date, I encourage you to find ways to help you travel even when you have very little money saved up. There are so many testimonials out there about people traveling with very little money, or without money at all. If they can do it, so can you!

Travelers looking at a world map

Although it’s possible to travel even with no dime in your pocket, I recommend that you are always prepared for your trip, be it short or long. Bear in mind that things don’t always go your way, no matter how prepared you are. That’s why it’s important to have some things planned out beforehand.

To those who wish to travel (and to the younger me), I’d say...

Start saving your money

save money for traveling

If only I knew I was going to love traveling as much as I do now, I would’ve saved more money for my trips. What’s done is done. I can do myself a favor by continue saving up my money for my upcoming trips.

If you’re still in college, start saving now. If you’re already going around places, try minimizing your spending. That way you can learn how to budget and save money. You don’t know what the future has in store for you. Maybe you’ll even start nurturing the same kind of travel lust I have now. At least when you’re ready, you already have some money saved up for you to start your journey, even if it means traveling to the country just next door.

If you’re a parent who likes to travel, or is always taking your kids for vacations, you may want to save money for them, too. If you promote traveling to your kids from a young age, they’ll likely grow up to become travelers like you as well. They might even be the next top-notch travel blogger. Who knows?

How to save money for your travels?

There are so many ways to do that. Whether you have a small or a big paycheck, you can save for your travels if you really want to. It’s a lot easier for young travelers to travel on a budget compared to the older ones, since they’re usually more flexible about where they’ll eat or sleep. Thanks to great cheap flights and hotels available today, the young and old can both enjoy traveling on a budget.

Another great way to save money for your travels is to take advantage of great travel deals . Smart people always buy things at discounted prices whenever possible. The minute you find a good deal that you really need, take it!

a young woman eating at home

Other ways to save money for your travels include reducing your meat consumption, taking smaller food portion, cooking at home, eating cheaper meals, not spending money on unhealthy or unnecessary things, selling your stuff, taking public transport and many more. Even while you travel, you can save money! Read these articles on how to get started.

Travel Guide: 7 Ways to Save Money While Traveling

Travel Guide: 5 Ways to Make Money While Traveling

How much should you save?

That depends on the period of your travel. If you’re going to travel longer, then you’ll need to save more money. If you’re planning on taking a 1-week vacation, make sure you’ve planned out your budget and what you’re going to do for your travels. Planning a trip isn’t as difficult as before with the rise of travel blogs today. You can access most of the information over the internet - for free!

Do it while you’re young (or while you can!)

a young traveler on the road

Here’s why: When you’re young, you’re likely free from commitments. You might already have one: your studies. Maybe you got married right after college. Who knows?

The truth is we always hold responsibilities, no matter what age. Whether you’re already married, still studying in college, or have been working since you left high school, it’s never too late for you to travel. All you have to do is take chances.

The common challenge is many people are too afraid to do that because of the conditions they’re in. I used to think that traveling was expensive, but now that I know it doesn’t have to be, I began my journey and never stopped ever since.

Traveling while you’re still young is also a lot easier than when traveling at a much older age as we tend to be more flexible about where we stay, what we eat, how far or how long we’ll travel.

It’s okay to be afraid, but don’t let it stop you

a female traveler on the road

Okay, I won’t tell you not to be afraid, because you have every right to feel what you feel - and fear is a human feeling. That’s pretty normal! What you can do is challenge your fear and overcome it. You can do it, but before you can overcome it, you need to face it first.

Remember the first time you learned how to ride a bicycle, or on the first day you took your driving test? I’m sure you had butterflies in your stomach, but you felt great once the whole thing is over. Same goes for traveling. You won’t know until you try it!

Have a flexible plan

flow like the water

It’s awesome when our travels don’t have an expiry date. As much as I like to follow the flow, I also always make sure that I know what I want to do during my travels. From where I’d go to what I want to see, the list is endless! I don’t plan out every single of them, though. I don’t like to have a fixed itinerary. Having one makes me feel stressed out when I fail to follow it.

It’s important that you enjoy your travels. I recommend you to plan one or two activities and do the rest in your own time and at your own pace. You’ll be surprised how many fun things (and awesome people!) that might come along the way.

Take it slow

no need to rush when traveling

How many countries have you been to? Did you go to so-and-so? You should’ve gone there!

These are some of the common things other travelers have always said to me. It didn’t bother me very much, but it got me thinking. I may have felt a little left out at first, the fact that I didn’t travel as much as they did, or experience the things they had — but that’s totally fine. There’s no rush! I didn’t realize this only until recently.

If you save and spend your money wisely, you can travel longer. Your travel plans become more flexible when you have more time to spend.

Take more time to get to know a new country better. Just like getting to know someone better takes time, getting to know another country better takes time, too.

Don’t race with other travelers. You don’t have to. Why? Travel is for you after all. Take your time, and experience what fascinates you the most instead of blindly following what others like. At the end of the day, it’s your experience that only you can enjoy, cherish and remember!

Build connections and expand it

meet new people on the road

Yes. Expand it as wide as possible. As you go further, you’ll meet more people and establish more connections with people from all over the world. I’ve already met several interesting people on the road, from actors to influential businessmen. You never know - behind these encounters could lie great opportunities. Don’t limit the mileage of your journey. The reason why you never really knew them is because you haven’t met them yet!

Don’t be afraid to approach people. Sometimes all you have to do is say ‘Hi.’ You’ll be surprised to meet so many nice people on the road. I already did, and it’s hard for me to repay their kindness. You see, I didn’t keep all of the contacts I made during my journey. When on the road, make more effort to get to know people. That’s also what traveling is about - connecting with people.

Pack lighter

Your bag is heavy because you’ve been packing everything you think you’ll be using on your trip. Then, you realized that you never needed them at all. Even if you did use all those things once in awhile, you thought maybe you should’ve carried fewer things as you didn’t even need half of the things you had.

packing light for your travel

I’m not telling you that you should pack light even though I personally think that minimalist travel is the way to go. Evaluate your travel needs, the purpose of your travels, and how long you’ll be traveling. The answers to these questions will help you determine what matter the most to you, and what you wish to achieve from all those efforts you put into your travels.

For example: You plan to travel to Southeast Asia for the first 6 months, before spending another 6 months in Europe. In this case, you don’t have to pack warm clothes just yet. Instead, pack lightweight clothes that are suitable for the hot weather, such as singlets, t-shirts and shorts. If you’re going to camp, but not so often, rent a tent instead. Most national parks offer tent rentals. Other essentials can also be bought at your destination. In Southeast Asia, things are a lot cheaper than anywhere else.

What you can also do is buy a small bag. That way you won’t be tempted to pack more things. If you need more space next time, give away things you no longer need.

Be brave towards changes

There are many things that happened in my life that have shaped me. Every year, I am a different person. Some things don’t change. I haven’t forgotten who I really am, I still keep in touch with my family and close friends who love me unconditionally, or the lessons learned when I was busy finding myself.

traveling makes you experience many changes

When traveling, I always follow the flow — but with some basic things planned ahead. I make my plans as flexible as possible. From my own experience, travel moments are the most memorable when they’re full of surprises. In travel, surprises are usually not like birthday parties. You never really know what’s ahead of you until you experience it.

I can still remember the time when my aunt and I went around a small village to take some pictures and then ended up in someone’s house for Christmas. Even though we barely knew them, they took us to their homestay and introduced us to a really beautiful cave - a hidden gem indeed! This is the kind of moment that can possibly happen to us when we keep our plans flexible, and they’re something you’ll never forget!

Don’t just dream it, make it happen

I have to admit that I was a very curious girl. So curious that many years ago, I snuck backstage to have a closer look at young Bayern Munich players, which was also the day I met Thomas Mueller, a young German football player whom no one had heard about at the time, who then became the best footballer many years later.

follow your dreams

As sneaky and adventurous I was when I was a lot younger, I am not as brave as I used to be. That’s definitely something I aim to improve every day, and I believe traveling can help me find that part of me that I feel is missing today. As a girl, I also had big dreams. I wanted, and still want to be a part of big changes that can help make our world a better place to live in.

There were many things I would’ve done back then, but sometimes circumstances in life prevent people from doing what they want. Sometimes we just change our mind, because whatever we’re after no longer serves us. While it’s hard for me to create opportunities for others now, I strive to create opportunities for myself first, and traveling is one of the ways to do it.

Be a go-getter. If you want something, get it. If you dream of an education outside of a classroom environment, travel. If you dream of meeting more people, travel. That way, you’ll never end up asking yourself the “What if” question. Don’t be afraid to take chances.

Are you inspired to make your dream come true? I hope these words are helpful for you. I’m glad that I’m still curious about the world and continue to hunt for whatever that makes me happy. For all travelers out there, young and old, my final advice to you is don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. If traveling the world is your dream, follow it, because you never know where it might lead you. Happy travels! :)

Wherever you go, make sure you can get a comfortable hotel room with a pleasant flight with you along the journey. Don't forget to browse a destination before you visit the place to decide which place you want to visit one day. Or have you planned a dream trip already?

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dream to travel the world

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Dham Trip

Dream to travel around the world

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dream to travel the world

I love to travel. From childhood, I liked to explore the different cities. My dream is to travel around the world. While traveling, you meet different people, no, bother of their castes and religion. No, fuss about their culture and faith. You only meet and know about them. You get a chance to familiarize yourself with different castes, religions, and cultures. How amazing it is! The earth becomes so small. All the people get close to each other.

In the fast-growing economy, everything is easy to access. It’s a period of gadgets. All the things will be done with one click. Mobile makes your work easier and faster. If you plan for a holiday trip, just search on the internet and book the tickets online. You can get the best option by comparing with the other options. There is no need to go to an office to office to dig up the best options. You need only the money to avail of any service. But for the middle-class people, it’s not an easy job.

My family belongs to a middle class and we are four brother and sisters. My father is the only earning hand of the family. In school, I had joined the NCC and participate in all their camps and had a trip to different cities in India.

I chummed around the different parts of India and I met with different people from diverse religion from a different part of the country. I savored the different types of food. I can’t express how astounding it was, to taste the different cultural food! How can I convey my experience in words what traveling is for me! Now people call me “Gallivanter” and I amour with this new name.

I mostly traveled around India. Now, I am yearning to travel abroad and a hitch is a budget and the process of visa formalities and all. A middle-class people can’t imagine having an exotic trip. One has to put all his saving for a diminutive trip. My family didn’t allow to spend all the saving just for pleasure.

Last week, I read a brochure of  DHAMTRIP  in which I got to know about “ The Bangkok- Pattaya Trip ” in just  Rs.6800.00 .  What amazing news! I felt out of the world. Isn’t this whopping great!, in Rs.6800.00 you can spend  4 nights 5 days in Bangkok – Pattaya .  I was very delighted and thought now my dream will become true.

When I talked with my family, my father said: “Do you know what the cost of Bangkok- Pattaya trip is?” I was soundless. He told that the cost of Bangkok- Pattaya trip is around Rs.40, 000/-. This is a trickster nothing else. Dhamtrip is just fooling the people. How can one provide Bangkok- Pattaya trip in this amount! First I disappointed, but when I talked to others I came across the truth of Dhamtrip.

DHAMTRIP  is a genuine travel agency. I read the reviews of Dhamtrip on Google.  I didn’t find any fishy activity. If they are “Charlatan”, People would give some comments on Google. No one can leave such type of person easily. People should complain or write bad reviews about them.

I decided to visit Dhamtrip. First, my father was very anguish with me, but after my persuasion, resistance, and stubborn behavior, he ready to visit the office of Dhamtrip. When he met Ashokji (Owner), he realized that we were wrong. Ashok Jee was getting all our very carefully and then answered all the questions. He satisfied us regarding each and every term of the trip. He also gave some contact number to whom we could clarify whether Dhamtrip is genuine or not.

When we asked him how they provided such a reasonable trip when the same trip was available at Rs. 30000.00. He answered very confidently that our first motto to provide best services at reasonable rates and expand our network. More and more people connect with us. My margin is very negligible but when it is on a large scale, I will connect to more people and definitely earn better.

He elucidated that he started the business with the spiritual trip and gradually moves to International trips also. This is because of his clear perception to serve others with the best services. Now, we are planning to start the Europe trip also.

He made clear that with the help of its associates and working partners, he brought out this offer. Nothing is hidden in it. You would enjoy all the things mentioned in it. If you liked to avail any extra services, then you have to pay extra for it. Airfare and Air insurance are not included in it.

We have a little bit convinced and my father inquired about Dhamtrip in depth. But he didn’t find any suspicious about them. At last, he agreed to trip to Bangkok- Pattaya.

First World Trip To Bangkok Bangkok is an awe-inspiring place for holidays! I explored Bangkok and Pattaya on the internet. I got to know that there are numbers of beaches where one can have the benefit of natural beauty that gives a serene and touching environment.  The tourists gratify in sunbathing, beach sports, comforting, and like to have a sip of coconut milk.

The first day we arrived at Bangkok Airport and there was a chauffeur waiting for us. We moved to Pattaya. It took around 2 hour’s journey. We were very excited. In Pattaya, we had check-in the Hotel Tycoon Suite. The hotel was very nice, neat and clean. Our rooms were great. I took the room from where we got a fantastic view. The rooms were very spacey and got all the amenities like Wi-Fi, LED TV, Bathtub, Sofa, Dining Table, refrigerator, etc. We had made round to see the hotel.

The hotel is newly built. It had an Indian restaurant where we enjoyed Indian food, a swimming pool in which we played a lot and the most important thing was that it was near to the market. There was a walking distance to the market of Pattaya. All the arrangements were exceptionally good.

The second day, the tour manager was come and explained that day schedule in the morning. He explicated that after breakfast we move to Coral Island. We got complimentary multi-cuisine breakfast. My mother is very particular about food and she liked the food a lot. The food was really palatable!

The coral island is approximately 7 km away from Pattaya. Subsequent to eating, we inspired an opportunity to ride in a speedboat in Coral Island. Coral Island is popular for the wonderful habitat having coral reefs with white-brilliant sand gives so much alleviating impact. In the speedboat, we appreciated the common excellence of the island and caught these excellent looks into the camera.

There were lots of other activities to do like parasailing, jet ski, hiking, shooting, Banana boat, etc. This was a half-day trip at the coral island. We enjoyed a lot. It was an amazing experience! First time I did the parasailing. It was great to fly like a bird. All the things seemed to be very small from the sky. After that, we did the ride on a banana boat. In starting the boat was slow and suddenly it took the speed. It seemed like we talked with the waves. Our boat cut the waves. It was really a heart-throbbing experience! My heartbeat was so fast even after the ride. They gave us a complimentary lunch also. There were both arrangements of non-veg and veg. There was a separate counter of non-veg. The tour manager told that both veg and non- veg preparation was totally separate. They were very careful that they mustn’t hurt anyone’s religious sentiments. The time passed so fast that we couldn’t notice that it was time to go to the hotel.

There was no specified program in the evening. We planned to see the Tiffany ladyboy Cabaret show. It is a transgender cabaret show that entertains the people from the last 40 years.  It was an incredible show. It is placed on the fourth number for the top ten best shows of the world. Their stage, costumes, lights, and music were wonderful. We hold our breath to see the performances of the ladyboys. Nobody judge about them that they were originally men.

After the show, we relaxed at the hotel. The next morning we had to depart for Bangkok. All the things were made as per schedule. After taking breakfast, we proceeded to Bangkok. We saw two Buddha temples en route to Bangkok. The temples were very serene. The environment was so pleasant and calm; anyone could forget all his worries in this environment. It was a perfect place to meditate. Nobody wanted to move from there as it was so tranquil and peaceful atmosphere. Everybody liked to soothe themselves and spend some time there.

The first time I visited the Buddha Temple and my experience was unforgettable. There I got a chance to know more about Buddha and his philosophy. All the things were etched in my mind.  All the way, we talked about the temples and memorable time spent in Pattaya. At last, we reached Bangkok. We had check-in the Hotel Howard Square. It was also as superb. Here, there was a small gym. My brother was very happy as he continued his exercise here also.

The next day there was no specified schedule. We were free. We woke up late morning and my brother went to a gym. We all were very tired as from the last two days we were traveling. We decided to go shopping. After taking our multi-cuisine complimentary breakfast, my father was talking to the Tour Manager to know where we went for shopping.  How to go there? He suggested boarding on Skytrain and two-three places for shopping.

Bangkok is famous as a shopping paradise. We went to the Grand Palace and strolled nearby areas. We took pleasure on the road of Bangkok. There we had a Thai massage and went to Chatuchak Market and bought many items from there. The market was very reasonable. Thai people were so great. Everybody welcomed us and ready to help.

We planned for Cruise Dinner at night. My father talked to our tour Manager and he organized a trip for us. It was an exclusive event for us. It was a small voyage on the ship and enjoyed the dinner with music, lights and live performances. The dinner was appetizing. There was both veg and non-veg varieties and had separate counters. This arrangement was best for people like my mother who don’t touch non-veg. All the preparations were separate, neat and clean. Before that we were searching veg outlets for her otherwise she took fruits.

The Cruise is open from the top so we could perceive the skyline of Bangkok and its surrounding areas. My younger sister was busy to capture these moments in her camera. She was very engaged in the snap the photos of gorgeous Bangkok. After that, we had transferred to the hotel. We slacken off in the hotel.

The next day we had to depart for India. Our tour manager came to meet us. We all thanked him for such wonderful arrangements!  All the things were as per the itinerary. We might get something extra but not less. We all were very happy especially my father who thanked me for my stubborn behavior to organize the trip.

After reaching India, my father made a call in Dhamtrip and thanked for an exclusive wonderful trip. Now, I and my family suggest Dhamtrip for any travel query. I highly obliged to Dhamtrip who make my dream true. If anybody has a dream to travel abroad, don’t wait and visit Dhamtrip to realize his dream.

Thanks, Dhamtrip for your mind-blowing services. Because of your sincere efforts, middle-class people will have an exotic trip.

I want to confess that I didn’t show my original pics as my family didn’t allow me.

Sushant Mehra, Krishna Nagar, Delhi

About Author


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10 Dream Destinations That Should Be On Your Travel Wish List for 2024

All the travel destinations we dream of visiting – and you will want to travel to – as the world opens back up in 2022 after the pandemic.

Let’s be honest, it’s been a weird couple of years.  It’s impossible to look around and see something that hasn’t been impacted by it. Restaurants, sports, bars, and the list goes on and on. One of the industries that have felt the effects the most has been, the one closest and most dear to my heart, the travel industry.  

It’s not a secret, traveling is my first love. The thing that I discovered in my early 20s that made me feel fully alive for the first time.  I know I’m not alone in my love affair with travel. With everything else going on in the world, not being able to travel doesn’t seem like that big of a deal, but it has made 2020 and 2021 hard for those of us who are used to always being on the go. It almost feels like a part of us is missing.  

But there does seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel and if you’re anything like me, you’re adding ideas to your bucket list and counting down the days until all travel restrictions are lifted and you’re free to go anywhere again.  

With that hopeful thought in mind, I decided to put together my list of the top dream destinations for when that happens and we are allowed to travel again. Everyone has their way of picking places and evaluating destinations. The biggest things I considered when putting together my list of the top 10 post coronavirus travel destinations were:

The Travel Community

dream to travel the world

The more you travel the more people you meet . The more people you meet the more you hear first-hand experiences about different locations (both good and bad) that you store away for your next trip.  Each top 10 destination is a place that either I’ve been to, loved, and want to go back to (a rarity for me) or has come highly rated from a traveler I know and trust.

Once the quarantine ends, I want to do all the things I haven’t been allowed to do for the past 10+ weeks.  Each destination has something for everyone, but each offers quite a few ‘adventure activities’ which if you ask me, is just what the doctor ordered after over 2 months of being shut-in .

I don’t care what people say, the weather is important.  No one wants to go somewhere where you have to sit inside all day because it’s too cold, too wet, or so hot and going outside feels like stepping into an oven.  The last thing I’m trying to do on my post coronavirus vacation is quarantine myself because of mother nature and poor planning.

Simply put, I’m not made of money.  When I pick a place I’m always aware of how expensive things will be once I get there.  If two places are equal and my dollar will go further in one place over the other that’s usually the one I choose.  It’s tough to not enjoy a place when each time you see the bill you just laugh, shake your head, and can’t give them your money fast enough.

North Coast, Egypt

dream to travel the world

When Egyptians go on holiday they go to the North Coast and for good reason.  It’s incredible and not a place many non-Egyptians know about. I was lucky enough to go last year with some of my Egyptian friends and simply put, it’s a white sand beach paradise.  

It’s an area of Egypt made of multiple cities and resorts on the Mediterranean Sea. Along with great weather, it offers all the water sports and beach activities you can dream of. When you pair that with the beach clubs and top-notch nightlife it’s exactly the kind of place to flee to once the quarantine ends.     

While it may be expensive, by Egyptian standards, it’s still a super affordable option to any Western and is truly a hidden gem that you have to see for yourself.

Cape Town, South Africa

dream to travel the world

South Africa – a land of stark contrasts. And nowhere are those contrasts more noticeable than in what is known as the ‘Mother City’ – Cape Town. Nestled between the folds of the iconic Table Mountain and the icy waters of the Atlantic ocean, this picturesque city was once a trading point for the Dutch East India company.

Today, Cape Town has become a vibrant city, with a large variety of cultures that have been crossed with others and adapted to create its own ‘Ubuntu’ style. Traveling around the city and its outlying areas, you will feel strangely at home, but also very much like a foreigner in a foreign land. You will feel it on every corner – that buzz of something coming.

Whether you hear it in the echo of drums from street musicians, taste it in the delicious unique foods, smell it in the salty air along the Waterfront, or see it in the warm smiles and friendly welcoming of the people, you will know that – although the past is never far here, the future is something to look forward to.

There are very few places in the world where you would be able to wake up in the morning in time for an early morning surf, have breakfast and a stroll through one of the largest shopping malls in the southern hemisphere, spend your afternoon tasting some of the finest wines that the world has to offer in the heart of the mountains, and have dinner while on safari looking for the big five. 

Cape Town has that and much more on offer.  You should see it for yourself.

A word of caution though: Searching for the best safari option for you without any prior experience can be a daunting task. So if you are looking for this experience, start by searching safari holidays with Naturetrek or another reputed tour operator. They can help you pick from a wide range of options available to make sure your trip will be as memorable as possible.

La Fortuna, Costa Rica

dream to travel the world

You could go anywhere in Costa Rica and have the time of your life. The country is beautiful, the people are welcoming, and the biodiversity is second to none.

By staying in La Fortuna you have easy access to the things that make Costa Rica so special: Tenorio Volcano National Park – Rio Celeste (the brilliant blue waterfall and great hiking), Arenal Volcano, Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Preserve , and the Hanging Bridges.  

It’s okay If hiking to a crystal blue waterfall through a national forest isn’t your thing, because Costa Rica offers even more. It is one of the best places for white water rafting in the world, has some of the best coffee plantations (and tours), and a top-rate jungle cruise where you’ll see crocodiles, sloths, and monkeys. When you finally decide it’s time to ‘relax’ you’re a short drive to the Pacific Ocean where you can sit on the beach and do nothing but listen to the waves.   

If you enjoy animals and being surrounded by nature you may not find a better place to break out of your quarantine than La Fortuna, Costa Rica.

Ella, Sri Lanka

dream to travel the world

Ella is a laid-back town in Sri Lanka’s highlands and away from the country’s famous beaches , known for its mountain forests, tea plantations, and cool climate. The Ella area is home to caves, cascades, and secluded temples, but Ella offers so much more. Ella is an outdoor lovers paradise and a perfect place to go after being quarantined for the past few months.

You’ll find the Sri Lankan people amongst the kindest and most genuine in the world and as a Sri Lanka backpacker’s mainstay, you’ll be sure to meet like-minded travelers as well.

From scaling the heady heights of Ella Rock, seeing the famous Nine Arch Bridge; standing on the edge of the roaring Diyaluma Falls (the second tallest in the country), winding through the tea plantations and mountains passes on the famous Kandy to Ella train; many of the top things to do in Sri Lanka are all found in or around Ella which make it the perfect place to check out.

Amalfi Coast, Italy

dream to travel the world

It’s easily the most popular and “grammable” travel destination for millennials these days and for good reason. The Amalfi Coast comprises several quaint and charming coastal towns stacked along the edge of Italy’s Sorrentine peninsula. Aside from the breathtaking beauty of this tucked-away gem, one of the most unique characteristics of the coast is the vertical farming of, easily, the most lemons you have ever seen.

From hiking The Path of Gods in Ravello to enjoying an afternoon tasting all the gelato you can handle while boutique shopping in Positano, the coast holds something for everyone. You can easily bounce around the various coastal towns (traveled by ferry or bus).

Grab a ferry or book a private boat to Capri and enjoy a view of instant serenity as you jet along the Tyrrhenian Sea. Filled with majestic yachts and the most magnificent grottos, there won’t be a dull moment. If you’re traveling on a budget, the towns encase a range of pricing in accommodation and shopping.

Once the quarantine ends and you’re free to travel – take it from me, the Amalfi Coast is one place you’ll never forget!

Do not wait any longer: Here’s how to travel to Italy without leaving your home

Grand Tetons/ Jackson Hole, USA

dream to travel the world

Sometimes you want to get away by really getting away. The Grand Tetons offer people who fell in love with isolation a more adventurous way to keep up their new way of life. They are part of the Rocky Mountains and run about 40 miles through Wyoming (the nearest town being Jackson Hole) and is one of my favorite places to go in the United States.  

I’ve gone a few times over the years and always leave enjoying it more and more. The Tetons are a hiker and camper’s dream. You can spend your days hiking through the forest scenery and up the mountain range, on Jenny or Jackson Lake fishing, paddleboarding or kayaking, or enjoying a wild & scenic rafting tour on Snake River.

It’s one of the best places to get away from it all and reconnect with yourself through mother nature.

Denarau Island, Fiji

dream to travel the world

The ultimate beach bum destination. Nestled among the palm trees and sandy beaches, you’ll find world-class resorts, restaurants, and plenty of things to do if laying on the beach isn’t your thing. Port Denarau may be a little island, but it’s larger than life and a perfect place to soak up the sun and relax.

You’ll find amazing resorts whose entire mission is to pamper you and ensure you are having the time of your life. They mix and match their amenities allowing a wide range of choices in activities, swimming pools, and cuisine.

On Denarau Island, you’ll have easy access to scuba diving, deep-sea fishing, parasailing, and Fiji’s best golf courses. Denarau Island, Fiji is a great place to go if you want to focus more on relaxing than being constantly on the go.

Cartagena, Colombia

dream to travel the world

Cartagena is a blend of old Colombia and new. Traditional Castellano and new world. It has world-renowned restaurants, while still having homemade Colombian specialties which allow you to get an authentic feel for the Colombian culture.  

Listed by UNESCO , its walled city is a world-class place with amazing architecture and beautiful churches, hotels, and private residences. It’s a place you can wander around the streets for hours just taking in and appreciating the buildings and the vibe of the city.  It’s the best place in Colombia for amazing events set across picturesque backdrops, chiva tours, and salsa dancing until the sun comes up.

While the city itself is incredible, if you want a quick escape, it is close to numerous beaches and many islands only an hour trip by boat. Truly an amazing place.

Chiang Mai, Thailand

dream to travel the world

When most people think of Thailand they think of tropical beaches, ornate temples, and the Full Moon Party. But Chiang Mai is pretty much the opposite of that. Tucked away in Northern Thailand, it’s a charming place known for its stunning jungle.

While I love a good beach, Chiang Mai is just special. If I had to live in Thailand, I would choose to live in Chiang Mai. Everything about the place is authentic and makes you feel like you’re in Thailand.  It’s not an overwhelming city that’s easy to get lost in and has started to follow the Western culture.

It’s mostly been unchanged by time and offers unique ways to fill your days.  The cooking classes are top-notch and the jungle allows plenty of space to explore.

Related: My Bucket List and Ideas for Yours

Canguu Bali, Indonesia

dream to travel the world

It’s no secret how much I love and adore Bali.

Bali is made up of friendly people (both local and expats), a thriving culture, and a diverse and wonderful cuisine (with lots of vegan options) it’s hard to run out of things to do, it’s chock full of adventure from volcano trekking to quad biking and snorkeling to world-class surfing and so much more.

It’s filled with yoga studios and funky cafes, it has crystalline beaches & iconic rice fields. There are ultra-hip stores to go shopping at or places to wind down and get pampered. The options are truly endless. 

Bali is an experience of feelings, feelings you get from little everyday things, everyday sights, sounds, and smells that leave a lasting impression making you never want to leave. It’s the little things that count, that create the journey and for that reason, you need to go there to experience the true Bali. Bali is raw beauty. It has a certain magic to it that makes it feel like home.

T hat’s my list of the top 10 post-pandemic dream destinations. As the quarantine and shelter restrictions are lifted it’s important to get back to the things which make each of us feel whole and happy. Regardless of which destination you chose, I guarantee you will have an amazing trip and make some incredible memories.  

Stay Gold and, meanwhile, make the most out of your home country !

dream to travel the world

IND Flag

India chose to bat.

IND-W Flag

Day 2 - SA Women trail by 367 runs.

England Women Flag

England Women

New Zealand Women Flag

New Zealand Women

Match yet to begin

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Hampshire Flag


Somerset Flag


Surrey Flag


Glamorgan Flag


Middlesex Flag


Sussex Flag

Northern Diamonds

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Central Sparks

South East Stars Flag

South East Stars

The Blaze Flag

Southern Vipers

Western Storm Flag

Western Storm

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Sidharth Monga is a senior writer at ESPNcricinfo

10 rainiest cities you should avoid during your summer holiday to Europe

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Here's how to avoid (or enjoy) Europe's rainiest cities. Photo / 123rf

The most-awaited European summer will be in full swing soon, but don’t let these cities dampen your holiday.

Right now, it feels like every man and his dog are on their way to Europe for a holiday. The Northern Hemisphere summer is one of the most-awaited travel seasons of the year — with millions of tourists travelling to European for a sun-filled break.

Read more: Most popular times to visit Europe for summer 2023

Despite its allure, the European summer can be unpredictable. And this year, it might just be even bigger and more chaotic.

As CNN reported, Europe is expected to break visitor records due to eased travel restrictions and pent-up demand for international travel. It comes with over-crowding from visitors, deadly heat waves , skyrocketing prices , and locals sick of over-tourism .

As a result, many tourists have been revising their itineraries to avoid the crowds. Many travellers are now seeking recommendations for under-rated (and under-populated) destinations to spend their time and money.

European cities are expecting an influx of excited visitors this summer. Photo / 123rf

This is a great tactic, but it’s important to note that not all European destinations promise sunny skies and warm weather.

Some European cities are left out from the sunny club and are sadly drenched in rain. And while a bit of rain can add a romantic touch to your trip (and photos), frequent downpours can also wash away your dream plans.

Certainly, you don’t want to spend your hot European holiday cooped up inside.

Fortunately, has done the hard work for us and analysed 12 years’ worth of historical data from World Weather Online to find out which European cities on average get the most rainfall during summer (June, July, and August).

The Rainiest Cities in Europe During Summer graph by Photo /

Take note of the rainiest cities to avoid in your trip to ensure a more pleasant and sunny experience.

Top 10 rainiest cities in Europe

Vaduz, liechtenstein.

With an average of 49 days of rainfall during summer, Vaduz tops the list. Despite its picturesque setting and rich history, the frequent rain can put a damper on sightseeing and outdoor activities. If you happen to find yourself in the area, some of the best places to visit are Vaduz Castle, Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, and the Cathedral of St Florin.

Bergen, Norway

Known for its stunning fjords, Bergen experiences 36 days of rain (on average) over the summer months. The city’s beauty is undeniable, with the Unesco World Heritage Centre Bryggen Hanseatic Wharf, Mount Fløyen, and Bergenhus Fortress, one of Norway’s oldest and best-preserved fortifications. Try to visit Bergen on a sunny day if you don’t want the persistent rain to hinder your ability to enjoy its natural wonders.

Sochi, Russia

Sochi sees about 35 days of rain during the summer months. Though it’s a popular resort city on the Black Sea, with an addition of the flora and fauna in Sochi Arboretum and amusements in Riviera Park of Culture and Leisure, the frequent rain showers can be a challenge for beachgoers and outdoor enthusiasts.

Geneva, Switzerland

Geneva’s sophisticated charm and scenic views are often accompanied by rain, with 34 days of rainfall on average. This can make exploring the city and its surroundings less enjoyable. If you’re ever in Geneva, visit the large fountain in Geneva, the Jet d’Eau, the beautiful Jardin Anglais, and one of the largest lakes in Western Europe, Lake Geneva.

Oslo, Norway

Oslo also sees 34 days of rain in summer. The Norwegian capital’s cultural and historical attractions are plentiful, like the Museum of the Viking Age where you can see the world’s best-preserved Viking ships, and walk through the iconic Vigeland Sculpture Park, but make sure to check the weather forecast - or pack an umbrella.

Zurich, Switzerland

Like Geneva, Zurich experiences about 34 rainy days during the summer. The rain can affect outdoor plans, such as lake excursions and city tours. During the rainy days, you can shop for expensive and luxury items at Zurich’s main downtown street, Bahnhofstrasse, and try world-class restaurants.

Andorra la Vella, Andorra

Andorra la Vella, the small capital city of Andorra, faces 34 days of rain on average during the summer. While it offers beautiful mountain scenery and shopping opportunities, the frequent rain might limit outdoor activities. Luckily, you can warm up and relax in the Caldea thermal spa.

Krakow, Poland

Krakow , with its rich history and vibrant cultural scene, gets about 33 days of rain during the summer. The wet weather can impact on the ability to explore its medieval streets and landmarks like the Wawel Royal Castle, the Main Market Square, and St Mary’s Basilica.

Kirklees, United Kingdom

Kirklees, a West Yorkshire borough in the United Kingdom, sees 33 rainy days in summer. This area’s natural beauty and heritage sites are best enjoyed in dry conditions, which can be rare, so indulge in an indoor visit at the mysterious Oakwell Hall and see the Kirklees Light Railway’s narrow-gauge steam trains.

Glasgow, United Kingdom

Glasgow rounds out the list with 32 days of rainfall. The city’s lively cultural scene and historic architecture are often overshadowed by its wet weather. You can still enjoy a day in the city by exploring its diverse collection of museums such as Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery, and the iconic Gallery of Modern Art (GoMa).

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Why the dolomites are on top of the world right now.

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There’s a buzz happening in the Italian mountains, with a slew of new openings and hotel updates putting The Dolomites firmly in the spotlight.

Firstly, making it easier than ever to reach the UNESCO-protected peaks found in north-eastern Italy, is SkyAlps ’ new direct flight route from London Gatwick to Bolzano.

The Italian airline first launched its new London-Bolzano route for winter 2023/24 in December. This year, it is now flying from London Gatwick for its first summer season. The new London Gatwick—Bolzano route runs twice a week, on Wednesdays and Saturdays. The airline operates using the quiet De Havilland Dash Q400  aircraft, which seats 76 passengers and offers one of the greenest passenger eco-footprints. The aircraft is a fast turboprop-powered plane that can complete short journeys almost as quickly as a regional turbojet, but with lower CO2 emissions. Served onboard are South Tyrolean wines and local treats. Travelers can experience a closer look at the Dolomites with no middle seats.

Rosa Alpina's mountain cabin.

Arguably, the biggest news from the region, however, is the Aman takeover of the much-loved Rosa Alpina hotel, which first welcomed guests to the village of San Cassiano in 1939. Celebrating the history of the property while uniting it with Aman’s slick philosophy, the hotel is currently closed while it undergoes an extensive refurbishment to usher in a new era, as a fully-fledged Aman property, reopening for the 2024/25 winter season.

The refurbishment of Rosa Alpina is being overseen by long-time Aman collaborator Jean-Michel Gathy of Denniston Architects , who most recently masterminded the transformation of the Crown Building to become Aman New York . The redesign will include a complete remodelling of all guestrooms. With an emphasis on space, the current 52 rooms and suites will be reduced to 50, each varying in size and layout. Two 150-square-metre Presidential Suites will form the most spacious room category, alongside the existing 280-square-metre Chalet Zeno, a private refuge accommodating up to six guests.

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Soon to be an Aman property, Rosa Alpina will keep true to its authentic mountain roots.

Gastronomy will draw upon the hotel’s culinary heritage, providing a variety of options, from informal alfresco fondues to fine dining and multi-course feasts. The wellness offering will be extended to almost double the original size and reconfigured to incorporate an outdoor swimming pool and jacuzzi, as well as a curated treatment menu to complement the new facilities. Families will be catered to with a specially designed activity centre offering experiences for all ages.

As the hotel embarks on its next chapter, the Pizzinini family will remain at the helm having presided over Rosa Alpina for three generations. “The Aman brand will allow us to share the magic of the Dolomites with an even wider audience while staying true to our Ladin roots,” say Hugo and Ursula Pizzinini. “We’ll continue to celebrate the local culture and traditions that have shaped this place for generations. The Dolomites are poised for a global moment with the upcoming Winter Olympics, and we’re excited to be part of it, all while staying true to the spirit that makes this region so special. We will also continue to promote the Dolomites for all seasons, not just winter. Our mountains and villages are an open-air playground for all ages and interests, whether our guests are looking for adventure, wellness, culture or foodie experiences.”

The Sounds of the Dolomites 2019, Val di Fassa)

While the region is readying itself to host the Winter Olympics in Milan-Cortina in 2026, closer still is the Sounds of the Dolomites Festival , taking place this summer (29 August—29 September 2024). Now in its 29 th year, it was conceived with the goal of conveying the spirit and beauty of the Dolomites.

The festival is unique in that takes place at a variety of locations in the mountains, which are only accessible on foot. Consisting of 18 events across the month, it includes a lineup of musicians, including Portuguese Carminho, known for collaborating on the soundtrack of the Oscar-nominated Poor Things and being one of her generation's most talented fado singers (a traditional Porguguese musical genre). Other acts include the The Cellos of the Mozarteum, a group of young and established musicians guided and directed by Giovanni Gnocci; the group are set to take to the stage on 31 August in the stunning area of Val di Fiemme, which is known for its awe-inspiring views greenery.

One of the programmatic cornerstones is accessibility. Four of the concerts will be made accessible for people with motor and hearing disabilities. This is thanks to the use of inclusive vehicles and bikes and Subpac audio-tactile systems made available by Re-Moove, a Trentino company specialising in inclusive mobility.

Hoel Granbaita reopens this summer after a renovation.

Meanwhile, following the completion of five-year revamp, Hotel Granbaita Dolomites is set to relaunch on 12 July 2024. Located in the heart of Selva di Val Gardena, it has been owned by the Puntscher-Perathoner family for over 60 years, having first opened its doors in 1961.

The new look features updated interiors and renovated garden rooms, with the use of natural materials and a rich colour palette. A highlight is the 2,000sqm Savinela Spa, which offers saunas, an indoor-outdoor swimming pool and traditional South Tyrolean spa treatments.

The relaxing spa area at Preidhof, a Dolce Vita Hotel.

When it comes to Alpine wellness experiences, Dolce Vita Hotels — a collection of four family-run wellness retreats in South Tyrol—offers an inclusive hotel-hopping concept. When you book one Dolce Vita Hotel, you can enjoy all four boltholes, free of charge—whether it is a gourmet meal at one or a fitness class at another.

As a guest, you can dip into the facilities at Alpiana and the other Dolce Vita hotels.

The hotels, ALPIANA , Preidlhof , Lindenhof and Feldhof, are all within walking distance of each other and have a combined 38 pools, 32 saunas and five SkySpas, with transformative treatments and award-winning therapists on hand. This October, the properties will host their sauna retreat—the ‘ Sauna Around Week ’—with five days of sauna infusions, shows and performances taking place across all four hotels led by international sauna world champions.

Soak up the magic of the mountains at Sensoria.

Meanwhile, ensuring you get an immersive take on the mountainside, the adults-only wellness hotel, Sensoria Dolomites, is offering a new hiking retreat on 1— 8 September 2024.

Located at the foot of the Alpe di Siusi, the largest high plateau in Europe, the alpine escape will welcome walking enthusiasts for a seven-night retreat, featuring four hikes through the landscapes of the UNESCO World Heritage site: from scaling the Schlern to embracing panoramic views from the Peitlerkofel Mountain. The retreat was created to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Schlern-Rosengarten Nature Park, located in the Dolomite region of the Seiser Alm. It was the first nature park in South Tyrol to be placed under protection in 1974, making it a natural paradise for mountain-lovers.

Angelina Villa-Clarke

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    Choose your ultimate dream destination for the holiday of a lifetime! Here's over 200 of the most incredible places to visit in the entire world. Epic Dream Places to Go in the World. We all dream of travelling to faraway places and exploring the world, but it can be hard to decide where to go.

  8. Keeping Alive The Dream Of Traveling The World

    Planning for the Dream. Traveling the world is quite an ambitious dream. It's also kinda nebulous. Over the years, my dream transitioned from wanting to fly overseas to see a country other than the USA, to a desire to visit every country in the world, and finally wanting to spend the rest of my life traveling, moving from one country to the next to experience their cultures and cuisines.

  9. How To Design Your Dream Life And Travel The World

    1. Set an aligned intention. The change you wish to see in your life starts with setting an intention. Simply put, an intention is a vision for what you desire. Identify what you want to create ...

  10. 50+ Best Dream Vacations For Your Travel Bucket List in 2024

    New Zealand — Home to jaw-dropping landscapes and unique cultural experiences 🌿. Tanzania — One of the best destinations for wildlife, hiking, beaches, and culture 🦓. Chile — The Chilean Patagonia is one of the most breathtaking places on earth 🗿. Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania — one of the best dreamy vacations.

  11. 30 World's Best Places to Visit for 2023-2024

    Paris. #1 in World's Best Places to Visit for 2023-2024. France's magnetic City of Light is a perennial tourist destination, drawing visitors with its iconic attractions, like the Eiffel Tower and ...

  12. Travel Blog • How To Travel The World

    I started this travel blog in 2019 to document my own international trips, share my photos, and help others learn how to travel the world and find some really good spots off the beaten path. I'm currently based in Bali, Indonesia, where I met my wife Intan, who's a Bali local. Now she joins me on these wild and crazy adventures too. Together ...

  13. 30+ Dream Destinations You Have to Visit in 2024

    33. Slovakia — One of the Best Secret Dream Places to Visit. Sprinkled with quaint medieval towns, fairytale castles, and majestic mountain ranges, Slovakia is undoubtedly one of Eastern Europe's best-kept secrets.Most people wouldn't think of this country as a dream place to travel to, which makes it one of the most peaceful and uncrowded destinations in Europe (except during the ...

  14. How to Travel Young: An Open Letter to Young Dreamers

    Travel young, travel far. Never stop dreaming. ~Shannon. You dream of traveling the world but you are young. You're in high school and still subject to the whims of adults in your life. Hold tight to your dream of world travel and chart a corse ahead that will keep you on a path of making your travel dreams a reality.

  15. 5 Epic Dream Trips and How to Make Them Happen

    Experience la dolce vita in Italy. If your idea of a dream trip involves beach time, fresh Italian food, celeb-spotting and maybe a yacht, fly into Naples and head toward Italy's Amalfi Coast ...

  16. 25 Dream Travel Destinations You Need To Visit In 2024

    If you dream of a trip to Mexico that combines culture and nature, the Yucatan is the ideal region to set down your bags!. Explore the different archaeological sites. Considered the 7th wonder of the modern world and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Chichén Itzá is surely the most emblematic. Another must-see is Uxmal, known for the excellent conservation of its architectural details.

  17. 37 Dream Destinations to Add to Your 2024 Travel Bucket List

    Provence is really one of the most beautiful dream destinations in the world so it's worth spending at least 3-4 days there to be able to explore all the beauty Provence has to offer. 5. Bali, Indonesia. The lush tropical island of Bali is certainly the most famous of the more than 17,000 islands that make up Indonesia.

  18. 100 Dream Destinations Around The World for 2024

    14. Petra by Candlelight, Jordan. Jordan is full of dream destinations like Wadi Rum and the Dead Sea but experiencing the ancient city of Petra is a journey steeped in ancient mystery. As the sun sets, the Siq and the Treasury illuminate with thousands of candles, casting an enchanting glow over the rose-red city.

  19. How to Travel the Globe Without Spending a Dime: The Ultimate ...

    Today, that dream is more attainable than ever. Let's dive into the world where travel doesn't necessarily mean breaking the bank. TL;DR Business trips can double as leisure getaways, cutting ...

  20. If You Dream of Traveling the World, Here Are Some Words for You

    While it's hard for me to create opportunities for others now, I strive to create opportunities for myself first, and traveling is one of the ways to do it. Be a go-getter. If you want something, get it. If you dream of an education outside of a classroom environment, travel. If you dream of meeting more people, travel.

  21. 13 top dream destinations 2020

    Spain. Canada. France. Hawaii. Iceland. 1. Japan. Japan, also known as "The Land of the Rising Sun", tops our travellers' list of dream destinations and with good reason. First of all, there's Tokyo, one of the world's most eclectic cities where old meets new.

  22. Dream to travel around the world

    From childhood, I liked to explore the different cities. My dream is to travel around the world. While traveling, you meet different people, no, bother of their castes and religion. No, fuss about their culture and faith. You only meet and know about them. You get a chance to familiarize yourself with different castes, religions, and cultures.

  23. San Luis Obispo: The town that is pure California perfection

    With gorgeous scenery, drive-in movies and what's billed as the world's first motel, San Luis Obispo is a throwback West Coast paradise serving up cool new attractions.

  24. 10 Dream Destinations That Should Be On Your Travel Wish List for 2022

    All the travel destinations we dream of visiting - and you will want to travel to - as the world opens back up in 2022 after the pandemic. Let's be honest, it's been a weird couple of years. It's impossible to look around and see something that hasn't been impacted by it. Restaurants, sports, bars, and the list goes on and on.

  25. American Airlines pilot salaries: How to land the world's "dream job"

    Remitly, a financial services provider, conducted an analysis of Google searches between October 2021 and October 2022 by examining keywords such as "dream job" or "dream career" and found ...

  26. T20 World Cup 2024

    Harmeet Singh: The road to 2026 World Cup must start now Jos Buttler takes the short circuit back to form as England's form hits the roof Buttler: Top of group was 'absolutely' the target in ...

  27. Portable handheld pocket LCD microscope, now $70

    Discover a whole new world with our Portable Handheld Pocket LCD Microscope. ... Travel back to the golden age of gaming with the Atari Game Station Pro, now $49.99! ... Make your rockstar dreams ...

  28. 10 rainiest cities you should avoid during your summer holiday to

    Zurich, Switzerland. Like Geneva, Zurich experiences about 34 rainy days during the summer. The rain can affect outdoor plans, such as lake excursions and city tours. During the rainy days, you ...

  29. Why The Dolomites Are On Top Of The World Right Now

    Chasing the dream: I write about travel and the world around me. Following. Jun 29, 2024, 03 ... shows and performances taking place across all four hotels led by international sauna world ...

  30. Free 'Disney Dreams That Soar' drone show soars above Disney World

    The free "Disney Dreams That Soar" drone show will bring beloved characters to life in the Disney World sky twice nightly this summer.