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Understanding the 8503 Visa Condition: Explained and Simplified

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What Does the 8503 Visa Condition Mean?

The Australian Government has introduced the “no further stay” 8503 visa condition to regulate visitor visas more strictly. This condition prohibits visa holders from applying for other visas while staying in Australia, except for a protection visa.

Introduction to the 8503 Visa Condition

The 8503 visa condition is designed to prevent the misuse of visitor visas for purposes such as bypassing offshore student visa checks. This article explores the implications of this condition for individuals planning to migrate or study in Australia.

Purpose of Implementing the 8503 Visa Condition

In 2024, the Australian Government aims to enhance the integrity of student visas by restricting the conversion of tourist visas to student visas within Australia. This measure is crucial to maintain the integrity of the visa system and ensure that individuals comply with the intended purposes of their visas.

Impact on Migratory Plans

For those considering migration or studying in Australia, the imposition of the 8503 visa condition necessitates a reevaluation of their plans. The inability to convert tourist visas to student visas within Australia requires a different approach to visa applications and migrations.

Understanding the 8503 Visa Condition

The 8503 visa condition explicitly states that visa holders cannot apply for substantive visas other than protection visas while in Australia. This limitation underscores the government’s efforts to streamline visa processes and prevent unauthorized stays.

The 8503 visa condition, also known as “no further stay,” sets clear boundaries on visa holders’ ability to extend their stay or change visa types within Australia.

Scope of Limitations

Visa holders under the 8503 condition cannot seek extensions or alterations to their visa status, except under specific circumstances.

Reasons for Imposing the 8503 Visa Condition

One of the primary reasons for imposing the 8503 visa condition is to ensure that visa applicants demonstrate strong ties to their home countries. This requirement helps assess the genuineness of their intentions and prevents misuse of visa privileges.

Lack of Substantial Ties

Individuals with insufficient connections to their home countries are more likely to face the 8503 visa condition, highlighting the importance of establishing substantial ties for successful visa applications.

Importance of Demonstrating Genuine Intentions

To avoid the 8503 visa condition, applicants must showcase genuine temporary entry intentions and a commitment to complying with visa regulations.

Visa Types Subject to 8503 Visa Condition

Several visitor and temporary residency visas fall under the discretionary imposition of the 8503 visa condition, with some visa types mandatorily subject to this restriction.

  • Tourist visa (subclass 676)
  • Sponsored Family Visitor visa (subclass 679)
  • Sponsored Business Visitor visa (subclass 459)
  • Professional Development visa (subclass 470)
  • Work and Holiday visa (subclass 462) for those with two previous subclass 462 visas.

How to Identify the Presence of 8503 Visa Condition

Applicants can check their visa status and conditions through the Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) program, where the presence of the 8503 condition is indicated on the approval letter.

Limitations and Exceptions

Conversion restrictions.

Under the 8503 visa condition, converting a tourist visa to a student visa within Australia is prohibited. Applicants must depart Australia and apply for a student visa offshore.

Waiver Possibilities

In exceptional circumstances, applicants can request a waiver for the 8503 visa condition, citing reasons such as health conditions, family emergencies, or country-specific issues.

Requesting a Waiver for 8503 Visa Condition

To request a waiver, applicants must submit Form 1447 with detailed justification and supporting documents. While waivers are possible, they are granted based on specific criteria and situations.

Alternatives and Legal Implications

Navigating the complexities of visa conditions and waivers often requires professional legal advice to ensure compliance and avoid legal issues. Seeking assistance from immigration lawyers can clarify options and mitigate risks.

Professional Assistance and Legal Advice

For individuals facing challenges related to visa conditions, seeking professional advice from immigration experts is crucial. Legal guidance can help navigate complex processes, improve chances of success, and address potential legal consequences.

The 8503 visa condition significantly impacts individuals planning to migrate or study in Australia, necessitating a thorough understanding of visa regulations, limitations, and waiver possibilities. By adhering to visa requirements, demonstrating genuine intentions, and seeking professional guidance when needed, applicants can navigate the visa process effectively and mitigate legal risks.

  • No, under the 8503 condition, converting a tourist visa to a student visa within Australia is not permitted.
  • Waivers for the 8503 condition may be considered under specific situations such as health emergencies, family crises, or country-specific issues.
  • If a waiver request is denied, applicants may explore legal avenues for review, but outcomes depend on individual circumstances.
  • Waiving the 8503 condition doesn’t guarantee approval for another visa; additional factors and compliance with visa regulations are crucial.
  • Seek professional legal advice promptly to address legal issues, understand rights, and navigate visa processes effectively.

Ultimate Migration

How to Waive a No Further Stay Condition

  • October 15, 2023

Waiving A No Further Stay Condition

Taking a journey through Australia’s visa guidelines can feel like sailing through a sea of rules and restrictions for many globe-trotters. Ever bumped into the “No Further Stay” hitch? It’s this little note in immigration chats that signifies you can’t apply for any more visas while you’re hanging out Down Under. Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of this rule and scout out any sneaky routes that might help you wiggle out of it, shall we?

What is “No Further Stay” Condition

A “No Further Stay” condition is a restriction on the visa which curtails the visa holder’s ability to apply for further temporary or permanent visas while they are in Australia, with an exception only carved out for Protection Visas or temporary visa of a specified kind.  ‘No Further Stay’ conditions include 8503, 8534 and 8535.

Condition 8503 is a mandatory condition on the following visas:

  • Visitor visa (subclass 600) (Sponsored Family stream).
  • Visitor visa (subclass 600) (Approved Destination stream).
  • Visitor visa (subclass 600) (Tourist stream) if sponsorship has been imposed on it.
  • Training and Research visa (subclass 402) for the professional development stream only.
  • Work and Holiday visa (subclass 462) if you have previously held two subclass 462 visas.

Condition 8534 is a discretionary condition on Student visa (subclass 500) and applied to the student visa holder and the student’s family members. This will be decided by the case officer assessing your application.

If your visa is subject to condition 8534, you cannot apply for a further visa in Australia other than:

  • a Protection visa.
  • a Student Guardian visa (subclass 590)
  • a Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485).

Condition 8535 is a mandatory condition of the student visa (subclass 500) for Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade or Department of Defence sponsored students.

If your visa is subject to condition 8535 then you cannot apply for a further visa in Australia, other than:

  • a student visa that is supported by the sponsoring government agency.

Waiving A No Further Stay Condition

Achieving a waiver for the “No Further Stay” condition is not a straightforward task and is only feasible under limited, compelling circumstances, which the visa holder had no control over, and which have considerably altered their personal situation.

These circumstances may include critical medical conditions preventing travel, major catastrophic events in the home country, or significant changes in familial situations, such as having a child in Australia with an Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident.

Illustrative Scenarios for Waiver Consideration

The visa holder might be eligible for a waiver in instances like:

  • Medical Emergencies- Where an accident or sudden health crisis prevents travel, validated by thorough medical assessments.
  • Crisis in the Home Country- Situations involving natural disasters or civil unrest that make returning home unreasonable or unsafe, backed with substantiating documentation.
  • Parental Responsibilities- The birth of a child in Australia who requires care and upbringing from both parents, supported by professional medical opinions and proof of relationship.

How to request a no further stay waiver

Requests for a waiver must be meticulously crafted in writing, typically using specified form from DOHA website , and most critically, must be substantiated with robust supporting documentation.

Ensuring that the documentation thoroughly substantiates the claims and arguments made in the request is pivotal, as compelling scenarios with insufficient evidence are likely to be unsuccessful.

No further stay waiver processing time

  • Generally, it takes up to 28 days to receive an outcome on a waiver request.

Potential Hurdles and Exclusions

Certain situations, like marrying an Australian citizen, becoming pregnant, or failing a subject as a student, are generally not deemed to be “beyond control” or “compelling and compassionate” in the context of seeking a waiver.

Hence, such circumstances are typically not considered sufficient grounds for waiving the “No Further Stay” condition.

Confronting a Refusal: What’s Next?

Should a waiver request be denied, seeking legal advice becomes imperative, particularly considering the potential for judicial review.

Tailoring the Strategy with Professional Insight

Collaborating with seasoned migration agents or lawyers can offer a strategic edge in navigating through the complex pathways of “No Further Stay” condition waivers.

An experienced professional, such as Ultimate Migration , might not only assist in orchestrating a compelling waiver request but also provide insightful guidance in planning subsequent steps in the migration journey, especially if your visa will soon expire or if you’re grappling with other challenging circumstances like visa refusals.

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(c) 2023 Ultimate Migration

Freedom Migration

What is a “No Further Stay Condition” and how to deal with it?

  • / Visitor Visa Info
  • / By Emma Drynan MARN0960361

In this blog on Visitor Visas, we give you the lowdown on the ‘8503 / No Further Stay’ condition by answering a series of commonly asked questions.

What is the 8503 condition on the Visitor Visa?

  • This clause is listed in the conditions section of the Visitor Visa and is known as the ‘ No Further Stay’ condition. The decision-maker (Department of Home Affairs) is dead serious about this order. It comes into effect when the visa end date is reached.

What does the attachment of the 8503 condition to my Visitor Visa mean for me or my partner?

  • This means you / your partner can come to Australia with the 8503 condition attached to the Visitor Visa but you / your partner must leave Australia before the visa expires.

Why would the decision-maker attach this 8503 condition to my visa?

  • The condition may be imposed if the Australian authorities are concerned about the real intention of the applicant to enter Australia as a visitor only. The ‘No Further Stay’ condition should only be used where there is genuine concern about the visa applicant’s plans to follow the rules and leave before the date of visa expiry.

Are there some Visa types where the 8503 condition is routinely enforced?

  • This may depend on the type of visa/stream being applied for. With some Australian Visitor Visas , the 8503 condition is mandated so the visa can be granted. This means it MUST be applied to the visa.

Visitor Visa – Sponsored Family Stream – if the applicant applied under this visa stream, the 8503 condition will definitely be attached as there is no discretion available to the decision-maker not to impose it.

Are there some Visa types where the 8503 condition may not be routinely enforced?

  • Visitor Visa – Tourism Stream – if the applicant applied for a Visitor Visa under the Tourism Stream, there is a chance the condition may not be attached to the visa granted. It is not compulsory for the decision maker to impose the 8503 condition on Visitor Visas applied for under the Tourism Stream.
  • The final decision on whether to attach the 8503 condition to a Visitor Visa or not lies with the decision maker.

Can you give some examples of situations where the decision maker may decide to apply the 8503 condition to the Visitor Visa?

In our experience, these vary but may include circumstances where there are concerns that:

  • The applicant may seek work in Australia
  • There may be compelling reasons why the applicant would not want to permanently return to their own home country
  • There are insufficient funds available for the duration of the visit
  • Where there is a history of visa non-compliance
  • The country of passport you hold may affect the likelihood of this be applied
  • A temporary visa holder may not leave Australia before the expiry of their visa.

When can I apply for an extension of the Visitor Visa with an 8503 condition attached?

  • You cannot apply for an extension of a Visitor Visa with an 8503 condition attached while you are inside Australia. You certainly cannot apply for a partner visa when you are inside Australia.

Can I ask Immigration NOT to impose the 8503 condition?

  • If you ask Immigration NOT to enforce the 8503 condition they are more than likely to impose it or refuse the visa. Our advice to you is to prepare a well-documented Visitor Visa application which includes plenty of relevant evidence, and then hope for the best. In exceptional circumstances which are way beyond the control of the visa holder, the ‘No Further Stay’ condition may be waived after arrival; we repeat and reiterate this ONLY happens in exceptional circumstances.

What is a No Further Stay Waiver?

  • The No Further Stay Waiver helps a visa holder from applying for many temporary and permanent visas while they are in Australia.

No Further Stay During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

  • If you are in Australia during this period, we suggest you take legal advice and consult a Registered Migration Agent to help you with your current visa situation. For more information regarding the partner visa and the pandemic situation, please visit our Cornavirus/COVID-19 updates page.

We strongly advise you to seek further advice from a Registered Migration Agent or the Department of Immigration if you need to request a waiver.

We hope this helps. We welcome your feedback and will respond to any queries you may have. Please contact FREEDOM MIGRATION on +61 7 3063 1200 with any of your Visa Questions.

We love getting your feedback so feel free to comment below. We read all your remarks and will reply if we can answer any questions. We may even use your comments to form the next blog topic!

IMPORTANT : Please note, this does not constitute Immigration advice. Always seek advice from a Registered Migration Agent before applying for an Australian Visa. Migration Law is constantly changing. This information is accurate only at the time of publication.

Hi there! Just a quick questions – is it likely that an 8503 will be marked on a working holiday visa for someone coming from america?

Unlikely, but there is no guarantee.

Hi, I’m a little confused. I am from the UK and met my partner just as my working holiday visa was ending. We have been living apart for over a year now but I want to apply for the partner visa in Australia. In one video you say to be honest on your visitor visa about why you are visiting (seeing my boyfriend) but in another video on the ‘no further stay’ condition, you say they might implement the no stay on your visitor visa? Surely if they know you are visiting your boyfriend then they will put this no further stay as they might see it as you wanting to stay, especially if I buy a one way ticket, etc. But how do you apply for a partner visa onshore otherwise, seeing as I need a visa to get in the country! Any help appreciated!

Hi Sam, I think you spoke with our team today, if that was not you let me know and we can give you a call to discuss this further.

how did it end Sam? I am curious as my situation is similier to yours.

Hi maam i have got 8503 condition no further stay in tourist visa granted with my husband and my two babies please help us to how to waiver the condition

Hi Sujita, may we ask when is your visa expiring? We’d love to assist you and help find a solution to your query. Please give us a call at 07 3063 1200 or book a Visa Consultation here: https://www.freedommigration.com/how-to-book-a-visa-planning-session/

i have a refusal of student visa…now i am planning to go in visit and convert it into student…what are the chances if 8503?

Hi Farheen, this is very tricky, please give our office a call 07 3063 1200 and we will be able to help you.

Is it possible to get the ‘no further stay clause waived if we wish to apply for an ‘aged parent contributary visa.?

Getting an 8503 condition waved is very difficult. Please call our office on 07 3063 1200 so we can find out more about the case and we can see if we can help.

I would like to inquire whether ‘no further stay’ condition will be imposed on the 408 visa or not. I have gotten a postdoc position with 408 visa.

Hi Mojtaba, are you planning on lodging a partner visa while you are on your subclass 408 Visa?

yes. I am going to lodge visa for my wife

In fact, I have two options for visa. Subclass 408 and subclass 482. Because the cost of subclass 482 would be about $5000 for me and my wife I prefer to choose the 408 visa. I am wondering if I choose the 408 visa, can I apply for another visa later or not.

These are very different visa options and will have an affect on your long term visa prospects. I think you should book in for a visa planning session with our team so we can show you what your options are and what you should do next.

If my wife apply for a Visitor Visa and get a 12 months visa with “No further stay” condition, can she then apply for off-shore partner visa (before coming to Aus) without affecting the visitor visa? My thinking is, this way she can come to Aus for 12 months, then leave, then come back again when partner visa is approve. Please confirm

Hi Singh, do you have a question?

Hi I am currenly on 485 visa and it expires on May. My husband had a work injury and now on work cover and we are thinking to apply for Medical treatment visa to stay further for his treatments. We will be to applying for permanent residency end of this year (if I get my invitation) under 189 Skilled migration and bit concerned about the “No further stay” condition on the medical treatment visa if it imposed. What can you advise please?

This is a very complicated situation so really cannot give advice over a message. Please give our office a call on 07 3063 1200 and we can get more details

Hi am currently in Australia under subclass 600 visa. With my 3months old daughter which is Australian citizen by decent.My husband sponsored me. Am also waiting for my spouse visa to approve. It’s been 9months now since we apply. Now my husband is having cancer treatment chemotherapy and radiotherapy can I apply for extension?can I wait for my spouse to approve in Australia? Please help thanks

Hi Rochell, sorry to hear about your current circumstances, it must be very stressful. Is there a reason why you cannot apply for another subclass 600?

Hi! Are they likely to impose a 8503 condition for a child applying for subclass 600? My husband and I are both permanent residents and I gave birth in my home country. I’m planning to apply a subclass 802 for the baby when we get there.

Hi Ina, good question and congratulations on your baby, what is your home country where your child was born?

Hi! I am applying for a Work and Holiday visa from Argentina, I am already 30 years old. I would like to know if it will be mandatory that they apply the 8503 condition. I am a Psychologist in my country and I am wondering if I can apply for a Skill visa after the W&H. Thank you!

Hi Andy, do you have a partner in Australia? Are you planning on applying for a Partner Visa?

My wife was granted a subclass 600 Visa with no 8503 attached. Is it automatically attached anyway? I just want to know if she can apply for a visa onshore. She is from Thailand.

Hi Mark, If there is an 8503 condition it will be on the visa grant letter, you can send it to us to check also.

Hi Emma, I am planning to apply for a parent visa (subclass 103) so that my parents can be in the queue, which I understand is long but is all I can afford for now. My parents (ages 68 and 69yo) have a visitors visa subclass 600 (3 years multiple entry, 3 months stay per visit), but has a ‘no further condition’ (8503) in their tourist visa. I have met the requirements in applying for parent visa and my questions are: -Would I still be able to lodge an application subclass 103? (they are currently offshore) if there is a condition 8503 in their tourist visa? – would they be able to still come to visit me using their visa subclass 600 which is still current or applying for a subclass 103 invalidates the tourist visa? – if I am able to apply for a subclass 103, and given the waiting period, would they still be able to apply for a tourist visa even if there is an application lodged for subclass 103? – in the Form 47PA, it does say persons will be prevented from applying while they are in Australia if they have a ‘No further stay’ condition attached to the visa that they hold at time of application –> what does time of application mean? does it mean that when I lodge the application they should be offshore, but can still visit once the application has been lodged by using their tourist visa (until it expires)?

appreciate the insights. thank you, Mel

Hi Mel, This can get very complicated and not something I can address in a comment reply. If you give our office a call on 07 3063 1200 we can put in touch with an agent who can help you.

Hi! is there a possibility of 8503 condition waiver approved for a husband and child to apply for partner visa/child visa while in australia on a family sponsored tourist visa?

Hey Marjorie, an 8503 condition is very complicated and I would suggest you get advice, feel free to give us a call on 07 3063 1200 and we will do our best to help.

Hi, A friend of mine, INDONESIAN, has been granted a visitor visa (600) – single entry and with condition no further stay (8503). She wishes to study here without going back to Indonesia – apply her student visa on shore here in Australia. Could she do this ? Or should she goes back to Indonesia then apply in Indonesia? Pls advise and thanks

Hi Lily, Thanks for your question, unfortunately we do not work on student visa cases, only partner visas. If you like I can refer you to someone who will be able to answer your question.

Is it true that 8503 condition cannot be imposed on ETA visitor visa?

If it can be imposed, how can it be avoided if you are looking to apply for a bridging de facto partner visa within the country?

Hi KDDC, 8503 (no further stay conditions) are a little bit complicated, it is best you give us a call so can get more detail on your situation, please give our office a call on 07 3063 1200.

Hi, My Mother came to Australia in August 2019 on a sponsored parent visitor visa 600 which is granted for 18 months for a maximum stay of 12 months in 18 months and has a condition 8503 ” No Further Stay” on her visa. She is planning to return back in August 2020 after 1 year of her stay in Australia, so in that scenario can she can apply for another Parent Visitor Visa 600 from offshore after her 12 months of stay in Australia or Do she have to wait for 18 months to apply another Visitor 600 visa?

Hi Harash, give us a call and we can help with your mother’s visa.

I am on visa 600 with a no further stay condition I came to Aus on 28 May 2019 with 12 month stay in 18 months my stay in Aus ends on 28 May 2020 be cause of global restrictions and covid 19 I am unable to leave Australia more over my doctor has advised me against flying because of health issues I have been advices to go for ct scans x Ray ultra sound blood tests which I have completed can I apply for a waiver I am anxious and having sleepless nights because of this please help

Hey Josephine, I’m sorry about your current situation, we will need more information so we can help you with your application. Please call our office at 07 3063 1200.

Hi, I have get s57 letter by email of immigration that my partner withdraw sponsorship from partner visa309 it’s already temporary visa 309 grant and I submit 100 visa application as well. I am outside of Australia. I did respond to immigration all my story of 4 years relationship they still not reply me. Is 16 days now. Please help me what gone happened next?

Hi Waqas, we’d like to assist you. However, due to the complexity of your case, we think it’s best to discuss this in private. Please give our office a call at 07 3063 1200

You can also directly book a session with our Registered Migration Agent https://www.freedommigration.com/how-to-book-a-visa-planning-session/

My phone number is 0410060825

I am an Australian citizen and my partner is a US citizen. If he applies for they visitor visa (600) to visit me in Australia, would the be any issues if he then applies for a partner visa while in the country (assuming there isn’t a ‘no further stay’ condition)? If he mentions he’s visiting me when applying for the visitor visa, how likely is it that he will get the ‘no further stay’ condition?

Hi Cee, this is a matter we feel best discussed in private due to the complexity of your case. Kindly give our office a call at 07 3063 1200

My partner sponsored by his x girlfriend but before he get the visa he break up with her n suddenly he got the visa and he wants to marry me and settle in Australia but his x girlfriend threaten him to cancel his visa so what’s the best option to do. Thanks sney

Hi Sney, this is a matter best discussed in private. If you haven’t met with a Registered Migration Agent yet, please give us a call at 07 3063 1200 or book a Visa Consultation here https://www.freedommigration.com/how-to-book-a-visa-planning-session/

I am on 482 and we applied for the extension without including new born baby.Department asked me to apply 050 as baby does not have any valid visa. I applied for 050(BVE) and got the approval. Just want to check on is it still possible to include child in 482 or any option

Hi Srinivasa, this sounds like a complex matter which is best discussed in private. Kindly give us a call at 07 3063 1200.

What i suppose to answer or write in this exceptional reason for extended stay if i don’t have plan to stay beyond 12 months? Thanks in advance for the answer

Hi Rim, may we ask what your visa are you currently holding at the moment?

I traveled Australia in 2019 sponsored visa with no further stay…. Now im in india thinking about tourist visa without sponsorship wht will i do or dnt …

Hi Bobby, you can apply for a visitor visa with or without a sponsor. However, best to consult with a Registered Migration Agent to increase your chances of success upon lodging your application.

To book a consultation, click the link here https://www.freedommigration.com/how-to-book-a-visa-planning-session/

Hi, My wife applied for subclass 309, is it possible now to apply for a visit visa and continue the process in Australia? If yes, are there any risks of being forced to leave the country. Thanks

Hi Rami, this is a great question. We’d love to ask questions and know more about you and your partner to provide you with the best advice fit for your current situation.

Please give our office a call at 07 3063 1200 or book a Visa Consultation with our Registered Migration Agent via the link below https://www.freedommigration.com/how-to-book-a-visa-planning-session/

I need an advice regarding my one year old daughter waiver request refusal for her visa 600 with “no further stay condition”. Both her parents have pr 190 visa and came and settlers in Sydney since 16 March till date. We submitted her waiver based on the fact that at the time of submission we mention clearly that the reason for this visa application is to allow her to enter the country quickly with us so we can apply for her 802 visa, instead we got this condition on her visa. As the doha mentioned that it is not compelling so they cannot approve it.

Hi Amr, we specialise in Partner Visa applications but we may be able to refer you to a few Migration Agencies that can assist you. Please give our office a call at 07 3063 1200.

Hello! I would like to travel to Australia next year feb. with a tourist visa 600 to then apply for an onshore Partner visa (my partner is australian and we are together almost 4 years). Now i am scared to get the -no further stay- condition so that i am not able to apply to the partner visa in australia anymore… Would a work contract in my home country germany be enough yo avoid that condition?

Hi Lena, this is a matter we think is best discussed in private due to the complexity of the answer to your question. Please give our office a call at 07 3063 1200 or directly book a Visa Consultation here: https://www.freedommigration.com/how-to-book-a-visa-planning-session/

Hello I will like to visit my daughter in Australia next year, since family stream visa always have No Further Stay visa condition what type of visa can i apply for. And i will be the one sponsoring myself also i have well paid business Back home.

Hi Ester, this is a matter we think is best discussed in private due to the complexity of your case. Please give us a call at 07 3063 1200 or book a Visa Consultation here: https://www.freedommigration.com/how-to-book-a-visa-planning-session/

My mom visa is 12 months but needs to exit every 3 months and she did that however her remaining months will be less than 2 month if she exit again Can she apply for extension until her visa ends so she doesnt need to exit and re enter for the remaining 2 months thank you

Hi Ivy, this is a matter we think is best discussed in private as we will need more information regarding your mom’s visa. We highly encourage that you book a Visa Consultation with our Registered Migration Agent so we can provide you with advice on how you can move forward.

To book, click here https://www.freedommigration.com/how-to-book-a-visa-planning-session/

Hello, how about subclass 600 child visa with no further stay condition? Is it possible to waive?

Hi Tessie, this is a matter best discussed in private as we will also need more details regarding the visa 600 you lodged. Please book a visa consultation by clicking the link below or give us a call at 07 3063 1200.


About the Author Emma Drynan MARN0960361

Emma is the founder and principal migration agent at Freedom Migration. She is extremely passionate about uniting partners and families with their loved ones overseas. It might be because she's a product of a partner visa family.

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The Kimberley, WA © Tourism Australia

The Kimberley

The Arkaba Walk, Elder Camp, Flinders Ranges National Park, SA © Adam Bruzzone, South Australian Tourism Commission

Flinders Ranges

Jim Jim Falls, Kakadu National Park, NT © Jarrad Seng, all rights reserved

Kakadu National Park

Eyre Peninsula, SA © David Edgar

Eyre Peninsula

Hamersley Gorge , Karijini National Park, WA © Tourism Western Australia

Karijini National Park

Monkey Mia, Shark Bay World Heritage Area, WA © Tourism Western Australia

Great Barrier Reef

Blue Mountains, NSW © Destination NSW

Blue Mountains

Cassowary in Daintree Rainforest, Queensland © Tourism and Events Queensland

Daintree Rainforest

Twelve Apostles, Great Ocean Road, VIC © Greg Snell, Tourism Australia

Great Ocean Road

Spicers Peak, Scenic Rim, QLD © Tourism and Events Queensland

Purnululu National Park

Boat Shed, Lake Dove and Cradle Mountain, Cradle-Mountain Lake St Clare National Park, TAS © Adrian Cook

Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park

Wangi Falls, Litchfield National Park, NT © Tourism NT, Dan Moore

Litchfield National Park

Saffire Signature Experiences, Freycinet Marine Oyster Farm, Coles Bay, Freycinet National Park, TAS © Tourism Tasmania

Aboriginal experiences

National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, VIC © Robert Blackburn, Visit Victoria

Arts and culture

WOMADelaide 2019, Adelaide, SA Ⓒ Grant Hancock

Festivals and events

Detour Restaurant, Brisbane, QLD © @detourrestaurant and @dine.agency

Food and drink

Raging Thunder, Tully, QLD © Tourism Australia

Adventure and sports

Three Capes Track, Tasman National Park, TAS © Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service

Walks and hikes

Great Ocean Road, VIC © Tourism Australia

Road trips and drives

Waterline Charters, Wessel Islands, NT © Aussie Fly Fisher

Beaches and islands

Nature's Window, Kalbarri National Park, WA © Tourism Australia

Nature and national parks

Wombat, Symbio Wildlife Park, Helensburgh, NSW © Destination NSW

Eco-friendly travel

Group of friends participate in a body clay ritual at Peninsula Hot Springs © Peninsula Hot Springs

Health and wellness

The Dune Pavilion Deck with views of Uluru at Longitude 131 in the Northern Territory © Baillies Longitude 131

Family travel

Table Cape Tulip Farm, Wynyard, Tasmania © Tourism Australia

Family destinations

Hellfire Bay, Esperance, Western Australia © Tourism Australia

Family road trips

Merewether Baths, Newcastle, NSW © Destination NSW


Ellery Creek Big Hole, West MacDonnell Ranges, Northern Territory © Tourism NT/Salty Aura

Work and holiday

Sand Dune Adventures at Stockton Beach, Port Stephens, NSW © Tourism Australia

Beginner's guide

Man in a wheelchair looking up at the canopy of the Daintree Rainforest in Queensland © Tourism and Events Queensland

Accessible travel

 Mrs Macquarie's Chair, Sydney, NSW © Destination NSW

Planning tips

australian tourist visa no further stay

Trip planner

Cape Tribulation, Tropical North Queensland, QLD © Tourism Australia

Australian budget guide

 Aerial of car driving through palm trees in Tropical North Queensland © Tourism and Events Queensland / Sean Scott.

Itinerary planner

Kangaroo, Lucky Bay, Esperance, WA © Australia’s Golden Outback

Find a travel agent

Beach House on Wategos Beach, Byron Bay, NSW © Tourism Australia

Find accommodation

Indian Pacific, Lake Hart, SA © Andrew Gregory

Find transport

Snowy region, Jindabyne, NSW © DPIE-Murray Van Der Veer

Visitor information centres

Deals and travel packages

Sydney Airport, New South Wales © Sydney Airport

Visa and entry requirements FAQ

Passengers using SmartGate © Australian Border Force

Customs and biosecurity

Uluru, Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, NT © Tourism NT/Matt Cherubino

Working Holiday Maker visas

Bronte Baths, Bronte Beach, Sydney, NSW © Tourism Australia

Facts about Australia

Prairie Hotel, Parachilna, SA © South Australian Tourism Commission

Experiences that will make you feel like an Aussie

Great Barrier Reef, QLD © Georges Antoni / Tourism Australia

People and culture

Castle Hill, Townsville, QLD © Tourism and Events Queensland

Health and safety FAQ

Sorrento Pier, VIC © Visit Victoria, Ewen Bell

Cities, states & territories

Mount Lidgbird and Mount Gower, Lord Howe Island © Tom Archer

Iconic places and attractions

  Wildflowers, near Hamelin Pool, WA © Tourism Western Australia

When is the best time to visit Australia?

Ringer Reef Winery, Bright, VIC © Visit Victoria

Seasonal travel

Human Progress Pride flag, Sydney, NSW © Daniel Boud

Events and festivals

Silverdale Olive Orchard, Coral Coast, WA © Australia's Coral Coast

School holidays

Sydney New Year's Eve, Sydney Harbour, NSW © Destination NSW

Public holidays

Sydney Harbour, Sydney, NSW © Destination NSW

How to get to Australia's most iconic cities

Gantheaume Point, Broome, WA © Tourism Australia

How long do I need for my trip to Australia?

Self-drive, Marrawah, TAS © Tourism Tasmania

How to travel around Australia

Car driving on road next to the ocean in Lagoons Beach Conservation Area © Pete Harmsen/Tourism Tasmania

Guide to driving in Australia

Maui Motorhome parked on the coastline in Tasmania © Tourism Australia

How to hire a car or campervan

Family strolling alongside Tilligerry Creek © Destination NSW

How to plan a family road trip

 Car drives along the Matilda Way in Outback Queensland © Tourism and Events Queensland

How to plan an outback road trip


  • Australian visa information
  • Working holiday visas

Sydney Airport, New South Wales © Sydney Airport

Sydney Airport, New South Wales © Sydney Airport

Australian Visa and Entry Requirements FAQs

Learn about visa requirements for entry to Australia for tourism purposes with this list of frequently asked questions. 

Please note this page is intended to provide general information only and does not constitute legal advice. Tourism Australia is not the Australian government visa granting authority. For information on visas to enter Australia, visitors should seek the most up-to-date information from Australian Government Department of Home Affairs .*

Ready to plan your trip? We're ready to welcome you! Here are some helpful tips for getting your visa sorted: 

  • Be sure to secure the appropriate visa before travelling to Australia. Use the Visa Finder to explore your options.
  • Ensure all details are correct and provide all required documents when you apply. An incomplete or incorrect application can delay your visa.
  • Submitting multiple applications at the same time can slow the process. For visitor visas, submit one application per person, including children. 
  • Questions? The Australian Government's Global Service Centre can help.

Australian Visa Information

Unless you are an Australian citizen, you will need a valid Australian visa to enter the country. New Zealand passport holders can apply for a visa upon arrival in the country. All other passport holders, regardless of age, must apply for a visa before leaving home. You can apply for a range of Australian visa types, including tourist visas and working holiday visas, via the ETA app or on the  Department of Home Affairs website.

There are different Australian visa types available for travellers to Australia. Knowing which Australian visa to apply for depends on the length of your stay, your passport and the purpose of your visit. You’ll also need to meet certain financial and medical requirements, be outside of Australia when applying and maintain health insurance for the duration of your stay. 

Electronic Travel Authority visa  (subclass 601) This visa allows you to visit Australia as many times as you want, for up to a year, and stay for three months each visit. This visa is available to passport holders from a number of countries and regions, who live outside Australia. A step-by-step guide on how to apply is  here .

All ETA-eligible passport holders must apply for an ETA using the Australian ETA app. Agents can assist you in the application process, but you must be physically present as a live facial image is required.

eVisitor  (subclass 651) This is a free visa for multiple visits to Australia for tourism or business purposes for up to three months at a time within a 12-month period. This visa is available to passport holders from a number of European countries and it cannot be extended.

Visitor visa  (subclass 600) The Visitor visa allows you to visit Australia, either for tourism or business purposes. It is open to all nationalities. Generally, a period of stay of up to three months is granted, but up to 12 months may be granted in certain circumstances. Applicants will have to pay a fee to submit their application.

The application process may differ depending on which visa you need.

You can only apply for the  Electronic Travel Authority visa  (subclass 601) through the Australian ETA app. A step-by-step guide on how to apply is located  here .

For other visas, you can apply online by creating an ImmiAccount and completing the application process. Be sure to submit your application well in advance of your travel date to allow enough time for processing. You may be asked to provide further supporting information. You will be notified in writing if your tourist visa is approved and it will be digitally linked to your passport. For more information on different visa types, and Australian visa requirements including how to apply for an Australian visa, visit the  Department of Home Affairs  website.

If you are already in Australia and hold a valid Electronic Travel Authority visa (subclass 601) you can extend your stay by applying for another visa, such as a Visitor visa (subclass 600). An eVisitor (subclass 651) cannot be extended.

See the Department of Home Affairs website for details.

Working Holiday Visas

Australia's Working Holiday Maker program allows visitors aged under 30 (or 35 in certain cases) who hold a passport from a participating country to travel and work in Australia. Working holiday visas are valid for one year, or up to three years if you meet certain conditions.

Find out more about working holiday visas here .

*Australian visa regulations (including visa application charges) change from time to time. The information provided here is valid at the time of publication, but visitors should check this information is still current by visiting the Australian Department of Home Affairs .

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*Product Disclaimer:  Tourism Australia is not the owner, operator, advertiser or promoter of the listed products and services. Information on listed products and services, including Covid-safe accreditations, are provided by the third-party operator on their website or as published on Australian Tourism Data Warehouse where applicable. Rates are indicative based on the minimum and maximum available prices of products and services. Please visit the operator’s website for further information. All prices quoted are in Australian dollars (AUD). Tourism Australia makes no representations whatsoever about any other websites which you may access through its websites such as australia.com. Some websites which are linked to the Tourism Australia website are independent from Tourism Australia and are not under the control of Tourism Australia. Tourism Australia does not endorse or accept any responsibility for the use of websites which are owned or operated by third parties and makes no representation or warranty in relation to the standard, class or fitness for purpose of any services, nor does it endorse or in any respect warrant any products or services by virtue of any information, material or content linked from or to this site.

KBA Global

Thursday, 14 Mar 2024

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Tourist Visa Extension Australia: How to Extend Your Visitor Visa

tourist visa extenion australia image thumbnail

Is your 3-month tourist visa period about to end? There’s still a way you can legally extend your visit as a genuine tourist—by simply reapplying for a new Tourist visa onshore (a.k.a Tourist visa extension)!

Technically speaking, getting a Tourist visa ‘extension’ is synonymous with applying for an onshore Tourist visa. Once you’re granted this new Tourist visa, you won’t have to leave Australia before the usual 3-month visit period ends.

Keep reading to learn about the visa’s eligibility requirements, supporting documents, conditions and FAQs

When is a Tourist visa Australia extension possible?

Typically, tourist visas are granted for 3-month stays at a time. You’ll have to exit Australia before each period ends and then re-enter if you intend to return.

If you wish or need to stay in Australia longer without leaving the country, you can apply for an onshore tourist visa. This extends your stay for up to 12 months, with the department deciding the exact length of the extension.

To be eligible for this tourist visa extension, make sure:

  • Your current tourist visa hasn’t expired
  • There’s no Condition 8503 – no further stay condition attached to your current visa
  • Your total stay in Australia won’t exceed 12 consecutive months
  • You have enough money to fund your extended stay
  • You have compelling reasons for staying longer, which may include:
  • Exploring the different states of Australia for tourism purposes
  • Participating in local festivals or cultural events
  • Supporting sick or dying friend or family member

You can’t extend this visa further beyond the maximum 12 months allowed.

If you find yourself in special circumstances or are simply uncertain, seek professional advice from a trusted Australian migration agency . They’ll give you insights and clarify expectations regarding your situation.

How to Apply for Extension of Tourist Visa in Australia

Applying for an extended tourist visa is the same as applying for a tourist stream visitor visa the first time:

  • Login to your ImmiAccount .

immi account log in interface image thumbnail

You can read our ImmiAccount Guide to help you create and log in to your account. 

  • Click on ‘New Application’ and click on Visitor Visa 600.

australian tourist visa no further stay

  • Fill in the correct responses under ‘Application Context’. 
  • Tick ‘No’ for the question, Is the applicant currently outside Australia? A prompt will appear, confirming that you’re applying for an onshore tourist visa.

australian tourist visa no further stay

  • Provide details of the request for an extension or further stay.

australian tourist visa no further stay

  • Accurately provide information for all required fields. This will be about 19 pages, including:
  • Applicant bio
  • Passport details
  • Contact information
  • Details of your travel in Australia
  • Employment details
  • Financial status
  • Health and character declaration
  • Visa history
  • Review the summary of information. Make sure to correct any mistakes and update the information.
  • Attach all requirements and supporting documentation.
  • Pay the visa application fee.

Tourist Visa Extension Requirements

Below is a checklist of documents you must submit together with your online application form:

  • Passport with your photo, bio and issue and expiry dates
  • Marriage or divorce certificates (if applicable)
  • Evidence of previous travel, such as entry/exit stamped pages of your passport, photos, etc.
  • Proof of sufficient funds, such as bank statements, payslips, etc.
  • Proof of return to home country, such as assets, properties, investments, ongoing employment or studies
  • Travel itinerary or tourism plans
  • Invitation letter for tourist visa from family or friends (if applicable)

If the inviter is sponsoring your stay, attach documents such as:

  • their visa status/citizenship
  • financial status, such as employment details, bank statements, pay slips, etc.
  • lease agreement, house bills, etc.
  • Health certificate (if required)
  • Police certificate (if required)
  • Adequate health insurance

Tourist Visa Extension Australia Fee

As of writing, the cost of applying for an onshore Tourist visa is AUD 475.

Note that this can change depending on the Department of Home Affairs.

Also, this covers only the basic application charge. You must pay for other fees like health checks and police certificates separately. 

Tourist Visa Extension Processing Time

Typically, you can receive your new tourist visa within a few days. 

Based on data from the Department, 50% of applications are processed in 8 days, and 90% within 27 days.

To prevent unnecessary delays, make sure to complete your online application thoroughly and correctly, attach all supporting documents, and respond promptly if more information is requested.

When to Apply for Tourist Visa Extension

We recommend that you apply for the extension 3 to 4 weeks before your current Tourist visa expires.

What are the conditions attached to my Tourist visa?

A tourist visa typically comes with these conditions:

  • Visa condition  8101 – you must not work in Australia
  • Visa condition 8201 – you must not study in Australia for more than three months

In some cases, other discretionary visa conditions may also be attached, such as:

  • Visa condition 8501 – you must maintain adequate health insurance
  • Visa condition 8531 – you must leave Australia before your visa expires
  • Visa condition 8558 – you must not remain in Australia for more than 12 months in any 18 month period
  • Visa condition 8503 (no further stay) – you cannot apply for another substantive visa during your stay in Australia

We recommend you regularly do a quick VEVO check to review the conditions of your visa and stay lawfully in Australia.

Can I request a waiver of the no further stay condition?

Yes, you can request a waiver of visa condition 8503 No further stay . However, approval is at the discretion of the Department. Usually, they grant it in dire, unforeseen circumstances, such as:  

  • Serious medical issues that prevent travel
  • Family emergencies like severe illness or loss
  • Unsafe conditions in your home country, such as natural disasters or civil unrest

To make a request, fill in the online No Further Stay waiver request form .

no further stay waiver request field image

You may also submit by post using this paper application form . 

Attach the following to your application:

  • Copy of your passport showing your bio and issue dates
  • Proof supporting your reasons for further stay (e.g. medical reports)

You must submit this before your current visa expires.

Can I bring my parents to Australia on a Tourist visa?

Yes, you can do so by helping them apply for a separate Tourist visa.

If you’re looking to bring your parents to Australia on a long-term basis, you can explore Family visas like the 870 Sponsored Parent (Temporary) visa or 838 Age Dependent Relative visa.

If I can’t extend my Tourist visa, can I apply for other visas instead?

Yes, you can as long as your tourist visa does not have a condition that prevents further stay (visa condition 8503). Otherwise, you must first request for the further stay condition to be waived before applying for any substantive visa.

If you’re planning to pursue Australian studies, you can apply for Student visa . Or, if you’re interested in seeking employment, pursue Australian working visas instead.

Looking for help with your tourist visa extension?

If you’re unsure about your eligibility for a tourist visa extension, KBA Global’s friendly migration agents are here to help. 

We’re happy to shed light on your situation and assist you with the application process. We can also help you explore other visa options, should your plans change for your extended stay.

Schedule a free consultation so you can discuss your case with us further.

Disclaimer: The above information is a general guide and not professional immigration advice. Be aware that immigration laws and regulations can change swiftly, potentially rendering some or all of the information outdated. Thus, before using the information above, we recommend checking the current laws with assistance from a migration agent or the Department of Home Affairs website.

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Exploring the world one country at a time

Australia Visa Extension: How to Extend Your Stay in Australia

Published: February 7, 2024 Leave a Comment

Applying for Australia Visa Extension

Australian tourist visas are non-extendable. Meaning, you cannot apply for an Australia visa extension while in the country. However, you can extend your stay in Australia by applying for a new visa while your current visa is still valid.

To apply for a new visa from within Australia, your active visa must not have a condition that prevents further stay. However, this condition is waived in certain circumstances.

If, when, and how you can extend your stay depends on your situation and current visa. In this article, you will learn the general rules and procedures to stay in Australia longer.

Table of Contents

Can you extend an australian tourist visa.

Strictly speaking, you cannot extend any of the tourist visas that Australia issues. This is not to say that you cannot extend your stay. 

To remain in Australia, you must apply for a new visa but only if this is allowed by the set of conditions that your current visa has.

Most importantly, your visa must not have a condition preventing further stay (known as Condition 8503).

How to extend your stay in Australia?

For this article, a “visa extension” is nothing but “applying for a new visa” before the current one expires. Below are the steps to extend your stay in Australia.

Step 1: Check your visa conditions

First, check all conditions attached to your current visa using the Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) portal.

Pay close attention to any condition that prevents you from staying in Australia further. This is usually Condition 8503.

Most Australian tourist visas have this condition. On the contrary, the Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) and the eVisitor visa usually don’t have it. 

If you were sponsored for a standard Visitor visa you will have this 8503 condition attached to your visa.

Step 2: Check your visa expiry date

While you’re in the VEVO portal, make a note of your current visa’s expiry date, i.e. the last day you’re allowed to be in Australia. 

You must apply for another substantive visa before this date or your stay will become unlawful and you risk serious consequences.

If you choose to apply for a new visa, you must do so before your current visa expires even by just a day. 

When you apply for a new visa, you will also automatically apply for a bridging visa A (BVA) which allows you to remain lawful while waiting for your new visa to be processed.

Step 3: Apply for another visa

You can apply for any visa that doesn’t require you to be outside of Australia.

For tourism purposes, you should consider the Visitor Visa (Onshore stream) . This is the only tourist visa that can be used to extend your stay in Australia beyond the initial 3 months stay.

What if your current visa has Condition 8503?

If a “no further stay” condition is attached to your valid visa, you must leave Australia before your visa expires.

Once outside the country, you can apply for a visa again in order to return to Australia.

You may request a waiver of this condition but only under extenuating circumstances.

No further stay waiver

You can request a waiver of the “No Further Stay” condition if there is a major change to your circumstances that is out of your control.

You can request for a waiver of the 8503 condition on Australia’s Immigration and Citizenship website.

When requesting, you will have to give reasons why you had no control over the change in your situation and why your request is compassionate and compelling.

Some examples of such changes in circumstances are:

  • You can’t travel due to a medical reason or emergency
  • A family member or a close friend has died or is seriously ill
  • Your home country was hit by a natural disaster
  • War or civil unrest erupted in your home country

Some examples of situations which will NOT be accepted as beyond your control:

  • You get pregnant
  • You marry an Australian citizen

If the condition is waived as a result of your request, you can apply for a new visa. However, there is no guarantee that your new visa will be granted. Your new visa application will be judged on its own merits.

What is a Bridging Visa?

A Bridging Visa is necessary after your first visa expires while waiting for your new visa to be processed.

In almost all cases, a Bridging Visa is applied for automatically when applying for a new visa while in Australia.

You will most probably receive Bridging Visa A (BVA) which does NOT allow you to return to Australia if you leave while holding it. 

If you have to leave Australia while holding a BVA, you can apply for a Bridging Visa B (BVB) which allows returns after trips abroad.

Can you extend your Australia visa after it expires?

No, you cannot extend your Australia visa after it expires. If your visa has already expired, you must apply for a Bridging Visa E immediately and make plans to leave Australia as soon as possible.

Staying in Australia without a valid visa is unlawful and may result in you getting arrested, deported, detained, fined, and/or denied future visas.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is australian visa 3 months or 90 days.

Australian visas’ validity is measured in months, meaning most tourist visas allow stays of up to 3 months, not 90 days.

For example, if you enter on the 15th of October, you must leave before the 15th of January (3 months but 92 days).

To be on the safe side, check when your visa expires in the VEVO portal.

Can tourists stay more than 3 months in Australia?

Yes, a tourist can stay longer than 3 months in Australia by applying for a new visa. If you want to remain in Australia as a tourist, the Visitor Visa (Onshore stream) is the most suitable visa.

Can I renew my Australian visa before it expires?

No, you cannot renew or extend Australian tourist visas. However, you can apply for a new visa before your current one expires.

How many days can I stay in Australia after my visa expires?

Zero. Staying in Australia beyond your visa expiry date is unlawful and may get you into a lot of trouble. 

There is significant leeway if you report your situation to the Home Affairs within 28 days of becoming unlawful but it’s still better to either leave before that ever happens or apply for a new visa. You will have more options and will not be breaking the law.


Thirumal Motati

Thirumal Motati is an expert in tourist visa matters. He has been traveling the world on tourist visas for more than a decade. With his expertise, he has obtained several tourist visas, including the most strenuous ones such as the US, UK, Canada, and Schengen, some of which were granted multiple times. He has also set foot inside US consulates on numerous occasions. Mr. Motati has uncovered the secrets to successful visa applications. His guidance has enabled countless individuals to obtain their visas and fulfill their travel dreams. His statements have been mentioned in publications like Yahoo, BBC, The Hindu, and Travel Zoo.


I highly recommend using these websites to plan your trip. I use these websites myself to apply for my visas, book my flights and hotels and purchase my travel insurance.

01. Apply for your visa

Get a verifiable flight itinerary for your visa application from DummyTicket247 . DummyTicket247 is a flight search engine to search and book flight itineraries for visas instantly. These flight itineraries are guaranteed to be valid for 2 weeks and work for all visa applications.

02. Book your fight

Find the cheapest flight tickets using Skyscanner . Skyscanner includes all budget airlines and you are guaranteed to find the cheapest flight to your destination.

03. Book your hotel

Book your hotel from Booking.com . Booking.com has pretty much every hotel, hostel and guesthouse from every destination.

04. Get your onward ticket

If traveling on a one-way ticket, use BestOnwardTicket to get proof of onward ticket for just $12, valid for 48 hours.

05. Purchase your insurance

Purchase travel medical insurance for your trip from SafetyWing . Insurance from SafetyWing covers COVID-19 and also comes with a visa letter which you can use for your visas.

Need more? Check out my travel resources page  for the best websites to plan your trip.

LEGAL DISCLAIMER We are not affiliated with immigration, embassies or governments of any country. The content in this article is for educational and general informational purposes only, and shall not be understood or construed as, visa, immigration or legal advice. Your use of information provided in this article is solely at your own risk and you expressly agree not to rely upon any information contained in this article as a substitute for professional visa or immigration advice. Under no circumstance shall be held liable or responsible for any errors or omissions in this article or for any damage you may suffer in respect to any actions taken or not taken based on any or all of the information in this article. Please refer to our full disclaimer for further information.

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. Please refer to our full disclosure for further information.


Australia Bridging Visas

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Understanding visa conditions: No Further Stay

Author: ku legal, published: 4 dec, 2023, categories: immigration info | visa conditions.

australian tourist visa no further stay

What are visa conditions?  

When you are granted a visa for Australia, your Grant Notification will list the visa conditions applicable to you while you are holding that visa.  

Visa conditions are the rules of your visa that are set by the Australian Government. They will be different depending on the type of visa held. They can be mandatory or discretionary, and they will often be very different for primary visa holders compared to secondary visa holders.  

You can check what the conditions on your visa are at any time using the Visa Entitlement Verification Online (“VEVO”) service.  

It is important that you understand your visa conditions, as the Department of Home Affairs (“DoHA”) may cancel your visa if you breach them. You will also need to declare that you have substantially complied with visa conditions on your last substantive visa when making any further visa application onshore.  

What is the No Further Stay condition?

If your visa has a No Further Stay condition, it means that you can’t apply for most temporary and permanent visas while you are in Australia.

There are different No Further Stay Conditions to look for on your visa grant letter or VEVO check:

  • Condition 8503 – No Further Stay Often imposed on subclass 600 Visitor visas, and mandatory for some such as the subclass 600 Sponsored Family Stream Visitor visa, you are unable to make a valid visa application for any new substantive visa while you are in Australia, other than a protection visa.
  • Condition 8534 – No Further Stay Imposed on subclass 500 Student visas, you will not be granted a new substantive visa while you are in Australia, other than a subclass 485 (Temporary Graduate) visa, a subclass 590 (Student Guardian) visa, or a Protection visa.
  • Condition 8535 – No Further Stay Also imposed on subclass 500 Student visas, you will not be granted a new substantive visa while you are in Australia, other than a Student (Temporary) (Class TU) because you have support from the Commonwealth or a foreign government, or a protection visa.

The No Further Stay condition is attached to you as a visa holder and can remain in effect even after your visa expires or you leave Australia.

Requesting a No Further Stay condition waiver

You can request a waiver of a No Further Stay condition on your current or most recent held visa in certain circumstances which are out of your control.

It is important to note that requesting a No Further Stay waiver does not entitle you to a Bridging Visa if a decision has not been received before your current visa expires and it is your responsibility to ensure you have a valid visa for the whole of your stay in Australia. If your visa expires before a decision is made and you remain in Australia, you would become unlawful and face a re-entry ban of up to three years.

If you are successful in your request for a No Further Stay waiver you will still need comply with all other criteria on your current visa, and satisfy eligibility criteria to apply for and be granted another visa. You may also have a No Further Stay condition imposed on subsequent visas.

If you have a No Further Stay condition on your current visa and want to discuss if you are eligible to apply for a waiver, please contact the migration specialists at KU Legal:

+61 (0) 429 133 911

[email protected]

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What is a No Further Stay Condition and How to Waive the Condition in November 2022?

Updated November 4, 2022

No Further Stay Condition All You Need to Know - November 2022

Any Australian visa always comes with conditions imposed on them; one of them is called the “8503 – No Further Stay” condition. The “No Further Stay” condition is commonly imposed on Australian temporary visas.

Just like its name, the “No Further Stay” condition does not allow the visa holder to stay further in Australia after the visa expiry date. It means the holder cannot extend their stay by applying for other types of substantive visas.

However, if you have an urgent matter that requires you to remain in Australia, you may get your “8503 – No Further Stay” condition waived. Here we will give you complete guidelines on just how to do so.

no further stay condition

What is a No Further Stay Condition?

The “No Further Stay” condition is a visa condition that is usually imposed on an Australian temporary visa. The condition does not allow visa holders to extend their stay or apply for other types of visas while onshore.

So, you must leave Australia first and then apply for a new visa application offshore to be able to enter Australia again.

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List of Australian Visa with “8503 – No Further Stay Condition”

8503 condition is usually mandatory for the following visa subclasses:

  • Visitor Visa (subclass 600) – Sponsored Family Stream;
  • Visitor Visa (subclass 600) – Approved Destination Stream;
  • Visitor Visa (subclass 600) – Tourist Stream, if sponsorship has been imposed on it;
  • Training and Research Visa (subclass 402) – Professional Development Stream;
  • Work and Holiday Visa (subclass 462) – if you have previously held a 462 visa twice before.

no further stay waiver

How to Check if My Visa has This Condition?

There are two easy ways to check if your visa has the 8503 condition attached or not.

If you find 8503 – No Further Stay condition listed there, you are not allowed to extend your stay in Australia

If you lost your Visa grant letter, you might visit VEVO check and find all the visa conditions imposed on your visa. The VEVO check will also give you detailed information about your current visa, including the validity period.

To check your visa status on VEVO check , you only need to prepare the details of your passport with the transaction reference number of your application or your visa grant number.

Read more: How To Write Statement and Invitation Letter For Tourist Visa 2022

How to Waive “No Further Stay Condition”?

You must lodge the request to waive the 8503 condition through an online request form . The request form is available on the Department of Home Affairs; official website. 

In what situation can you waive the condition?

You can only submit a request to waive the 8503 condition if you have major changes in your situation. These changes must be out of your control. Examples of major changes that the Department of Home Affairs might consider:

  • unable to travel for a medical reason
  • death or severe illness of a close family
  • natural disaster in the home country
  • war or civil unrest in the home country
  • your school cannot provide your approved course

If you wish to check your eligibility, please get in touch with us via email at  [email protected] or via phone at 1300 827 159 .

What is the Processing Time and Cost?

There is no exact processing time for the 8503 – No Further Stay condition waiver. However, the request application might take around 1 – 2 months, depending on the reason and case submitted.

There is also no charge for the request.

What Happens If the Request is Approved?

You can apply for a substantive visa onshore if the waiver request is approved. So, you can extend your stay by applying for other temporary or permanent Australian visas.

What Happens If the Request is not Approved?

In contrast, you cannot lodge any visa applications onshore if the waiver is not approved. You must leave Australia before your visa expires.

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Are you facing an urgency and needing to waive the condition?

Requesting an 8503 condition waiver might look straightforward. However, it is quite a tricky request. ONE derland Consulting is here to guide and assist you with the waiver if you need more confidence to lodge it.

Our visa specialists at ONEderland Consulting will assist you with a skilled migration visa in Australia. We have a 98% success rate and are one of Australia’s most highly recommended migration agents. Read our 4.9* score  customer reviews.

We are complex visa specialists. As a registered Australian migration agent with the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA) , we are regulated in our professional practice and bound by the profession’s Code of Conduct issued by the Migration Agents Registration Authority.

Take the first step and get in touch with us. Our team members are professional and honest and speak various languages, such as Mandarin/ Chinese, Bahasa Indonesia, Arabic, Japanese, and Thai. Contact us through email at [email protected] or via phone at 1300 827 159 . Alternatively, you may book your  consultation online , and it is backed by our 100% Money Back Guarantee Program.

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Condition 8503 – No Further Stay

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by Jeff Harvie | Mar 3, 2017 | Tourist Visas | 2 comments

What is a Condition 8503 on an Australian tourist visa grant? A No Further Stay condition? And do you have to worry about getting one when you apply for a tourist visa from Philippines to Australia?

condition 8503 no further stay for tourist visas from philippines to australia very rare these days

Condition 8503 and tourist visas from Manila

Definitely high time we did an updated BLOG article on the Condition 8503 (No Further Stay) and tourist visa applications from Philippines to Australia. We still have older BLOG articles in our BLOG history, and much as I’d love to go through and update some which are now outdated, we do at this point have 545 articles there going back over the last approx. 7 years since the BLOG started! I hope people realise that things do change.

First and foremost, let me make it clear here that we haven’t seen a Condition 8503 applied to a visitor visa from Manila for about 3 years . Yes, the Condition still exists in the Migration Regulations , and yes it can be applied to Subclass 600 tourist visas at the discretion of the Case Officer in the Manila Embassy, however we haven’t seen it applied to any of our tourist visas for I would think more than 1,000 visas ago. So it’s not something we think much about anymore.

What used to happen to tourist visas from Manila?

It used to be fairly automatic. You applied for a tourist visa to Australia from Philippines, and it would have the 8503 on it. What it meant was “ NO FURTHER STAY ”. Visit Australia with a tourist visa, and at the end of the stay you hopped on a plane and left. If you had a 3 month stay or a 6 month stay, you left at the end. If you wanted another visa to visit only, you applied for another one. Applying for partner visas inside Australia? Forget it! Not happening!

So options were limited. We just accepted that, and we used to fend off these poor souls who would email us wanting to remain together in Australia after arriving on tourist visas. Short-cut to Australia, they thought. Arrive on a tourist visa…..marry……then they HAVE to be able to stay! They were married after all! Many a heartbroken couple had their dreams shattered and said their farewells at the airport.

Then all of a sudden we had a few visa grants come through without the Condition, and before you know it we could stop warning everybody about this being a standard clause they could expect with their grant. New visa options opened up.

What does NO Condition 8503 mean?

What it means is that you may in fact apply for any onshore visa that you are eligible and qualified for whilst being inside Australia .

If you wish to apply for a further tourist visa within Australia then you may do so. You must watch the date that the 3 month stay will expire (which is 3 months and NOT 90 days), of course. Do not expect Down Under Visa to mark the calendar for you. But we may prepare and electronically lodge an onshore tourist visa application for you, and if successful you can get to stay longer without having to return. Note that this IS in fact a new visa application, and not a “visa extension”. I don’t like the words “extension” or “extend”, because they imply that it’s not a new visa application when it fact it is. They start afresh. They don’t just “re-stamp”.

How about applying for a partner visa onshore?

Yes, it can definitely be done. However need to ensure you are still complying with the criteria set in the Migration Regulations for tourist visas. Let us know if this is your intention, and we can most likely help you.

So in short? Don’t read through old BLOG articles, and don’t worry about what old-timers tell you about their visa applications years ago. Condition 8503 is definitely no longer in fashion visa-wise from Manila.

Further Reading

Tourist visa running out and want onshore partner visa

Can we apply for visitor visa then onshore partner visa?

Can you get an onshore fiancée visa?

australian tourist visa no further stay

Hi Jeff, I read your article about the visitor visa condition 8503 (no further stay) being not popular anymore for applications from Manila. My mother still had this condition when she was granted a visitor visa last 2013. I am planning to get her another visitor visa (under family sponsorship) this year. However, I have read from the DIBP Australia website that the 8503 condition is mandatory for visitor visa subclass 600, family-sponsored. My question, is there still a possibility that she will not get 8503 condition on her visitor visa once its granted although it is family-sponsored? Because we are planning to apply her for Contributory Aged Parent Visa (my mom is aged 70) which can be done on-shore, but an 8503 condition on her visitor visa would restrict this. Thank you.

Jeff Harvie

It IS mandatory for family sponsored tourist visas. How to avoid it? Standard tourist visa. Forget the family-sponsored stream. There is no advantage.

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Australia’s ‘No Further Stay’ Condition Explained for Indian Visa Holders

Australia introduced stricter student visa rules on march 23, featuring a 'no further stay' clause, limiting work options for foreign students, especially indians. this change prevents students from switching to other visas within australia, impacting their employment and permanent residency prospects. exceptions for a waiver exist, but are limited..

Australia’s ‘No Further Stay’ Condition Explained for Indian Visa Holders

Key Takeaways:

  • Australian visa policy introduces ‘No Further Stay’ clause impacting Indian students seeking education and employment opportunities.
  • ‘No Further Stay’ clause prevents visa holders from applying for other visas in Australia, influencing post-education plans significantly.
  • Limited waiver scenarios exist, emphasizing adherence to visa stipulations and implications for Indian students’ employment prospects.

Understanding the ‘No Further Stay’ Condition in Australian Visa Policy for Indians

The Australian government, on March 23, introduced a suite of stricter student visa regulations aimed at curbing the significant influx of migrants. Among these new measures, the introduction of the ‘No Further Stay’ (NFS) clause, coupled with limitations on work options for foreign students, has emerged as a pivotal change. This alteration stands poised to significantly influence the futures of immigrant students in Australia, carving a new path for Indian nationals seeking education and employment opportunities down under.

Australia's 'No Further Stay' Condition Explained for Indian Visa Holders

What Does the ‘No Further Stay’ Clause Entail?

The ‘No Further Stay’ condition, often abbreviated as NFS, is a stipulation that prevents visa holders from applying for any other type of visa within Australia. This means, upon the expiration of their student visa, individuals are unable to transition into work visas or seek permanent residency without first leaving the country.

Harshita Agarwal Sharma, the Director of Lexlevel Services, explains the implications of this condition for foreign students:

“Initially applied to short-term visas like tourist visas to prevent extensions of stay through different visa categories, its application to student visas adds a new layer of complexity for international students and workers.”

How Does NFS Impact Foreign Students?

The NFS condition’s primary goal is to ensure that individuals adhere to their original visa’s stipulations, thereby discouraging visa overstays and the misuse of temporary visas for indefinite extensions of stay. For immigrant students in Australia, particularly from India, this means they now face greater restrictions when considering post-graduate employment or further studies in Australia. One has to meticulously plan their journey, bearing in mind the potential need to leave Australia and reapply for a new visa from their home country, should they wish to extend their stay.

Are There Exceptions? When Can You Request a Waiver?

While the NFS condition may seem stringent, there are limited circumstances under which a waiver could be considered. According to Shashank Agarwal, an advocate at the Supreme Court of India, significant changes in one’s situation could qualify for a waiver:

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You might request a waiver in situations such as: – Inability to travel for medical reasons – Death or serious illness of close family – Natural disasters or war/civil unrest in the home country – The inability of your educational institution to provide the approved course

However, circumstances like marriage to an Australian citizen, failing your course, pregnancy, or ignorance of the condition attached to your visa are not considered valid reasons for a waiver.

The Impact of NFS on Employment Opportunities and Indians

The ‘No Further Stay’ condition significantly narrows the avenues through which international, particularly Indian students, can seek long-term employment opportunities in Australia. Previously, the transition from student visas to work visas allowed graduates to contribute to and integrate into the Australian workforce seamlessly. This condition introduces financial stress and uncertainty, affecting not only the students but the broader Australian economy that benefits from the diverse skill set of international students.

Shradha Gupta, a partner at Accord Juris, highlighted that while these restrictions could hinder students’ ability to fund their education and livelihood, they’re yet to have a sizable overall impact on Indian nationals residing in Australia. That said, the introduction of ‘Demand Visas’ for skills in high demand offers a glimmer of hope and a potential pathway for Indians considering a move to Australia.

The Australia-India Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (ECTA) could also serve as a buffer, ensuring Indian graduates have opportunities to temporarily stay in Australia post-graduation, depending on their qualifications and skillsets.

Future Prospects and Adjustments

For Indian students and immigrants in Australia navigating these changes, the balance between educational aspirations and immigration policies has become more delicate. Though challenges abound, opportunities remain within the scopes of demand visas and the possibilities opened through international agreements like ECTA. It’s paramount for current and prospective students to stay informed and strategically plan their educational and professional journeys in Australia.

For detailed information on visa conditions and the ‘No Further Stay’ clause, please visit the Australian Department of Home Affairs website .

Navigating the complexities of immigration policies requires resilience, adaptability, and informed decision-making. Despite the stringent measures, Australia continues to present a wealth of opportunities for those willing to explore alternative pathways and adhere to the evolving visa regulations.

This Article In A Nutshell:

The ‘No Further Stay’ condition in Australian visas restricts Indians from applying for new visas in Australia. This impacts students seeking job opportunities post-graduation. Exceptions for waivers include significant life changes. Despite challenges, avenues like demand visas and international agreements offer hope for Indian immigrants. Understanding these policies is crucial for planning futures abroad. — By VisaVerge.com
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From Saturday, 1 July, Australia's long-awaited amendment to its working holiday visa will see the age limit increased to 35 - giving millions of people the chance to realise their dream of starting a new life in Oz.

By Siba Jackson, news reporter

Friday 30 June 2023 13:02, UK

A plane approaching Sydney Airport File pic: AP

Millions of Britons are being given a chance to work down under after Australia extended its working holiday visa age limit.

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  18. Stay longer

    Stay longer. You must apply for a new visa if you want to stay longer in Australia. You cannot apply for a new visa in Australia if your visa has a condition that prevents further stay. Your visa options and what you must do to remain lawful while you apply for a new visa will depend on your situation. Check your visa expiry date and conditions.

  19. Condition 8503

    It used to be fairly automatic. You applied for a tourist visa to Australia from Philippines, and it would have the 8503 on it. What it meant was " NO FURTHER STAY ". Visit Australia with a tourist visa, and at the end of the stay you hopped on a plane and left. If you had a 3 month stay or a 6 month stay, you left at the end.

  20. Australia's 'No Further Stay' Condition Explained for Indian Visa Holders

    Australian visa policy introduces 'No Further Stay' clause impacting Indian students seeking education and employment opportunities. 'No Further Stay' clause prevents visa holders from applying for other visas in Australia, influencing post-education plans significantly. Limited waiver scenarios exist, emphasizing adherence to visa ...

  21. Visitor visa (subclass 600)

    The Department of Home Affairs acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of Country throughout Australia and their continuing connection to land, sea and community. We pay our respects to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, their cultures and to their elders past, present and emerging. For tourists, business visitors or to visit ...

  22. Australia invites 16m Britons to work 'down under' after extending

    Further changes to the working holiday visa are expected exactly one year later on 1 July, 2024, when Britons will be able to apply to live and work in Australia for up to three years without any ...

  23. Check visa details and conditions

    The Department of Home Affairs acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of Country throughout Australia and their continuing connection to land, sea and community. We pay our respects to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, their cultures and to their elders past, present and emerging.