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Samacheer Kalvi Class 6th Term 2 Prose Chapter 2 Trip to Ooty Solutions

Tamilnadu Board Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Term 2 Prose Solutions Chapter 2: Tamilnadu State Board Solution Class 6 English Chapter 2 Term 2 Prose – Trip to Ooty.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Term 2 Prose Solutions Chapter 2

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Term 2 Prose Solutions Chapter 2: Overview 

Samacheer kalvi class 6th term 2 prose trip to ooty question answer solution.

1.) The boys and girls went to Ooty.

2.)  He said that he could walk along Its side because the train was moving very slowly.

3.) The girls because muthu was standing at the door of the train.

1.) There were monkeys all along the rail track.One of the monkeys tried to snatch  a banana from A girl so she screamed.

2.) The train stopped suddenly. So Muthu and  his friend stepped out to check what happened.

3.) The purple-blue mountains formed a lovely backdrop to the green fields and tea estates. The misty clouds covered the mountains and moved in and out of the forests. There was a bubbling stream with a small waterfall.


1.) The baby elephant was out of the track and this made the trip memorable

2.) The phrase presence of mind means the ability to think promptly at any moment. Muthu showed the baby elephant a bunch of bananas to get it out of the track.

3.) This toy train moves really slow but a normal train moves pretty fast.

Read and understand

A) Choose the most appropriate option.

B.) Recall Merlin’s memories and complete the story map.

  • Merlin was so excited when she stepped into the toy train
  • The train moved they saw monkeys racing along the tracks
  • She late out a scream and moved back
  • The train stopped suddenly because there was a baby elephant on the track
  • Muthu got the baby elephant of the track
  • All of them were excited about this trip to Ooty


E.) Complete the words by reading their meaning.

1.) Spectacular

2.) Excited

3.) Delicious

5.) Frightened

F.) Now, try splitting each of these words into syllables.

  • Won der ful
  • Ex cite ment

J.) Read the sentences given below. Does the action happen every day or is it happening at this moment?

1.) Happens every day – simple present tense

2.) Happens every day – simple present

3.) Happening -present continuous

4.) Happening- present continuous

5.) Happens everyday- simple present

K.) Read the sentences given below and circle the verbs appropriately.

2.) Are flying

3.) Is treating

4.) Commences

L.) Vimala and Srinath have met after a long time. Read the conversation given below and complete the dialogue. Role play the situation with your own words.

I am going to the hospital

I am going to see my friend

He had an heart attack

M.) Sinduja is getting ready to sleep. She starts writing her diary. Help her complete it by using the verbs given in brackets.

4.) Have 1pm

N.) Read the sentences carefully and fill in the blanks with suitable tense form of the verbs given in brackets.

1.) Was doing

2.) were going

3.) Was reading

4.) Was watching

5.) Was cutting

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Trip to Ooty - 6th English Prose-Term 2 Book Back Questions and Answers

Trip to ooty - 6th english prose-term 2 book back questions and answers  .

Warm Up (Text Book Page No. 112)

Work in groups. Look at the pictures. Describe them. (Text Book Page No. 112)

trip to ooty section 2 question answer

1. In the first picture we see a family is rowing in a boat we also see birds flying at a distance above the water. It looks a very beautiful scene.

trip to ooty section 2 question answer

2. In the second picture there are school students playing on the ground. It seems that they are spending their time very happily.

trip to ooty section 2 question answer

3. A small picnic is painted in the third picture. A lady is sitting on a mat and is drinking tea. Father and son are playing a ball game.

trip to ooty section 2 question answer

4. The fourth picture is a seacoast at Mahabalipuram. There are children playing on the sand. Some are lying and sitting on the sand children are looking at the sea.

Now discuss the following questions in pairs and share your ideas with the class.

1. Where would you like to go for a picnic?

I would like to go to Vandalur Zoo for a picnic.

2. Would you like to go with your friends or parents?

I would like to go with my parents.

3. How do you prepare yourself for a picnic?

Picnic is a short visit to a place like Vandalur Zoo. So we would take lunch and snacks with us and a few bedsheets to spread on the land. We would take a few water bottles and a binocular to see the animals and birds, which are at a long distance.

4. Why do we arrange an educational trip to schools?

We visit industrial places to see how things are produced in industries like cement, cloth, biscuits etc. We visit historical places like Mahabalipuram and Tanjore and know the ancient arts and culture. All these things are related to what we actually study in the class. We gain knowledge and get inspiration through such educational trips in schools.

Section – I

Textual Questions (Text Book Page No. 114)

Read the following questions and answer them:

1. Where did the boys and girls go?

The boys and girls went to Ooty.

2. Why did Muthu say that he could walk along its side?

The train was moving very slowly. So Muthu said that he could walk along its side.

3. Why did the girls snigger?

The teacher asked Muthu in a firm voice to go back to his seat at once. So the girls sniggered

Section – II

Textual Questions (Text Book Page No. 115 )

Discuss and answer the following questions. (Text Book Page No. 115)

1. Why did the girl scream?

There were monkeys racing all along the tracks. One of the monkeys tried to snatch a banana that a girl had in her hand. So she screamed.

2. Why did Muthu and his friends step out of the train?

Muthu and his friends stepped out of the train to know why the train stopped suddenly.

3. Describe the beauty of the blue mountain?

The scene outside was beautiful with the purple-blue mountains. They formed a lovely backdrop to the green fields and tea estates.

Section – III

Textual Questions (Text Book Page No. 118)

Think and Answer: (Text Book Page No. 118)

1. What made the trip a memorable one?

The baby elephant sitting on the track was coaxed by the engine driver but it did not move. Muthu went up to the baby with a bunch of bananas. It moved to eat it. But Muthu moved backward. Now the baby elephant was out of the track. This event made the trip a memorable one.

2. What does the phrase ‘presence of mind’ mean? Explain the phrase using Muthu’s action.

The phrase ‘presence of mind’ means that the ability to take the right action at the time of critical moment. Muthu with his ‘presence of mind’ made the baby elephant get out of the track.

3. What is the difference between this toy train and a normal train?

A normal train rushes very fast and so we can’t see and enjoy the scenery and the landscape. The toy train moves very slowly. So we are able to notice the wide, wind-swept tea estates, cloud-covered mountains, or the swaying trees.

Textual Exercises

A. Choose the most appropriate option.

Read and Understand

1. Merlin was thrilled when the school arranged the trip because

a) Geetha madam arranged the trip

b) she had heard about the beautiful journey by the toy train

c) she wanted to visit Ooty

d) she loved to go with her friends.

2. The teacher asked the children to take their seat because

a) the children had to take their breakfast

b) she wanted to check whether all the children were present

c) the train was about to move

d) the train was about to stop

3. Geetha madam couldn’t stop the children from running out of the train because they

a) wanted to relax

b) wanted to see what had happened

c) were getting bored sitting inside the train

d) wanted to enjoy the beauty of nature.

4. The people were making all kinds of sounds because

a) they wanted to move the baby elephant out of the track

b) they were afraid

c) they were confused

d) someone stopped the train.

5. We do not really see the landscape from a normal train because the

a) train travels along with the city

b) train never passes through such places

c) windows are closed

d) train travels too fast.

d) train travels too fast

B. Recall Merlin’s memories and complete the story map. (Text Book Page No. 120)

trip to ooty section 2 question answer

C. Narrate the story based on the story map.

Merlin’s class teacher arranged a trip to Ooty. They travelled by the toy train. On the way, monkeys were racing all along the tracks. A monkey snatched a banana from a girl. She let out a scream. Suddenly the train stopped. There was a baby elephant sitting on the track. Muthu, a student cleverly made the baby elephant move out of the line track.

It was a memorable trip for everyone. On a normal fast train one couldn’t see the scenery of the landscape. We will never forget the wide, wind-swept tea estates, cloud covered mountains, and swaying trees.

D. Write the story in your own words.

Geetha madam arranged a trip to Ooty. Twenty girls and boys from class six went on the trip. They travelled by the toy train. The students were all seated on the wooden chairs. Fatima had brought parotta and delicious chutney. She said that the train was so beautiful.

The train started with a jerk. It moved slowly leaving the station with a long hoot. Everyone clapped to express their joy. The train went snaking up the steep hillside. Muthu said that he could walk along its side. Geetha Madam asked him in a firm voice to go back to his seat. The girls sniggered. Monkeys were racing all along the tracks. A monkey snatched a banana from a girl. She let out a scream and moved back. Merlin and Fatima saw a pretty bluebird that had such a lovely crown. Just then the train stopped with a thud.

Everyone got out of the train and went to see what had happened. There was a baby elephant sitting on the track and the mother elephant was standing and trumpeting nearby. People tried to drive away from the baby elephant from the track. But their attempt ended in vain. Muthu, a naughty boy played a trick to get the baby off the track. He showed bunches of bananas to the baby. On seeing it, the baby started moving to eat it. The mother elephant stopped trumpeting. Now the baby was out of the track. Muthu was like a hero. The train started moving slowly.

It was a fantastic trip for the students. Merlin said that she would never forget the wide, wind-swept tea estates, cloud-covered mountains, or the swaying trees. It was enchanting to listen to the murmur of streams and waterfalls and musical bird calls.

E. Complete the words by reading their meaning.

1. s_e_ta_u_ar – eye-catching


2. _x_i_e – thrilled

3. d_l_c__s – tasty


4. s_re__ – shout

5. f_i_h_e_d – afraid

: frightened

F. Now, try splitting each of these words into syllables. (Text Book Page No. 121)

trip to ooty section 2 question answer

G. Listen to your teacher reading a passage on Udhagamandalam-the Queen of Hill Stations. Tick the appropriate answer. (Text Book Page No. 121)

1. Udhagamandalam is located in the Western Ghats zone at an altitude of ……………………….

2. Centuries ago Udhagamandalam was called ……………………….

b) Otacamund

c) Oththai-Kal Mandu

3. The maximum summer temperature of Udhagamandalam is ……………………….

a) 10°c

b) 21°c

c) 5°c

d) 20°c

4. Udhagamandalam was inhibited by tribals called ……………………….

5. Ooty was the Summer Capital of the ……………………… during the British Rule.

c) Tourists

d) Madras Presidency

H. Travelling can help a person to understand and appreciate different places. Discuss in groups and talk about places you have visited recently. Present your experiences to the class.

Text for listening is on page number: 140

We find in the picture that there is a festival going on in a village. There is a temple, people are pulling the Temple ‘ Radha There are musicians singing and dancing. Children are busy buying icecreams. There is a giant wheel. There are small vendors selling different things. We find loudspeakers also. As a whole, there is a festivity in a happy atmosphere.

I. Look at the picture of a village festival carefully. Talk about the activities that are going on by using the hints given in the help box.

About the place and the people – what is happening what do the children and the adults do? Kind of shapes – performances.

trip to ooty section 2 question answer

This picture shows people celebrating a native festival. They are pulling the temple car along the road. The temple car carries their God. People and children are enjoying the day. There is a giant wheel for children. There is a temple in the middle of the village. It is beautifully decorated and painted. Children are buying icecreams. There are trees, clouds, and birds. The entire people and children look in a jovial mood. We have a lot of information at a glance at the pictures. Pictures help self-learning.

J. Read the sentences given below. Does the action happen every day or is it hap pening at this moment?

trip to ooty section 2 question answer

S K. Read the sentences given below and circle the verbs appropriately.

1. Children (like)/likes ice-creams.

2. Birds is flying / (are flying) in the sky.

3. The doctor (is treating)/are treating the patient.

is treating

4. Our school is commencing /(commences) at 9.00 in the morning.

5. The florist sell/(sells) flowers on the street.

L. Vimala and Srinath have met after a long time. Read the conversation given below and complete the dialogue. Role-play the situation with your own words.

Vimala: Hello Srinath, I haven’t seen you for a long time. Where are you rushing off?

Srinath: V m rushing to the hospital.

Vimala: Why are you going to the hospital? Are you ill?

Srinath: No, I go to see my friend.

Vimala: Oh! What happened to him?

Srinath: He got his lee fractured.

Vimala: Are you free tomorrow?

Srinath: Yes, I am free.

Vimala: You are in a hurry, meet you tomorrow. Take care.

Srinath: Ok! Bye.

M. Sinduja is getting ready to sleep. She starts writing her diary. Help her complete it by using the verbs given in brackets.

(start to eat have finished go reach)

1. I got up at 7 o’clock.

2. I ……………………. breakfast.

3. I ……………………. to the office by car.

4. I ……………………. to work.

had, 1. p.m.

5. I ……………………. lunch at ……………………..

6. I ……………………. my task at 7 p.m.

7. I ……………………. home at 8 p.m.

N. Read the sentences carefully and fill in the blanks with a suitable tense form of the verbs given in brackets.

1. The doorbell rang, while I ……………………. (do) my homework.

2. We saw an elephant, while we ……………………. (go) on a trip to Ooty.

3. Mary fell asleep while she ……………………. (read) a book.

was reading

4. The television was on but nobody ……………………. (watch) it.

was watching

5. Baskaran hurt his hand while he ……………………. (cut) mangoes.

was cutting

O . Read the informal letter given below. Now write a reply to Mangai.

Creative Writing

P. The Pooja holidays are about to start. Prasanth and Deepak are friends. Both their families have planned to go on a trip to Munnar. Develop a conversation on how they plan for their trip.

How many days for the trip?

We have planned four days for the trip.

What mode of transport to use?

We have decided to go by travel Minibus.

Which route to take?

We have planned to take the route via Theni and Bodi.

Which hotel to book for the stay?

We have booked at Munar’s Restaurant for our stay.

What are the tourist spots to be visited?

The tourist spots to be visited are Atukkal waterfalls, Echo point, Pothamedu viewpoint, and many more.

What are the things to be packed for the trip?

We will take dresses, bedsheets, snacks, woollen coats, and all other necessary things for the stay and travel.

  Summary in English

Merlin writes a letter to Malli about her trip to Ooty With her friends. Their class teacher Geetha madam arranged this trip Merlin was so excited when she stepped into the toy train. The train moved with a Jerk. As it moved, they saw monkeys racing along the tracks. A monkey tried to catch a banana from a girl. She let out a scream and moved back. The train stopped suddenly because there was a baby elephant on the track. It was a memorable trip for everyone. Muthu, one of the boys, acted wisely by getting the baby elephant off the track. All were excited about this trip to Ooty.

  Summary in Tamil

மெர்லின் தனது நண்பர்களுடன் ஊட்டிக்கு தனது பயணம் குறித்து மல்லிக்கு ஒரு கடிதம் எழுதுகிறாள். அவர்களின் வகுப்பு ஆசிரியை கீதா அவர்களை இந்தப் பயணத்தை ஏற்பாடு செய்திருந்தார். மெர்லின் பொம்மை ரயிலில் நுழைந்தபோது மிகவும் உற்சாகமாக இருந்தார். ரயில் ஒரு குலுங்கலுடன் நகர்ந்தது. அது நகர்ந்தபோது குரங்குகள் பாதையைத் தொடர்ந்து ஓடிக்கொண்டிருந்தன. . ஒரு குரங்கு ஒரு பெண்ணிடம் இருந்து ஒரு வாழைப்பழத்தை பறிக்க முயன்றது. அவள் அலறிவிட்டு பின்னால் சென்றாள். பாதையில் ஒரு குட்டி யானை இருந்ததால் ரயில் திடீரென்று நின்றது. இது ஒரு அனைவருக்கும் மறக்க முடியாத பயணம். சிறுவர்களில் ஒருவரான முத்து, குட்டி யானையை பாதையிலிருந்து விலக்கி புத்திசாலித்தனமாக செயல்பட்டாள். ஊட்டிக்கு இந்தப் பயணம் குறித்து அனைவரும் உற்சாகமாக இருந்தனர்.

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Tamil Nadu 6th Standard English Book Term 2 Trip to Ooty Solution | Lesson 2.1

Lesson 2.1 trip to ooty.

 6th Standard English Book Term 2 - Think To Win Book Back Answers

Lesson 2.1 >   Trip to Ooty

Work in groups. look at the pictures. describe them., now, discuss the following questions in pairs and share your ideas with the class..

1. Where would you like to go for a picnic?

நீங்கள் எங்கே சுற்றுலா செல்ல விரும்புகிறீர்கள்?

I would like to go to Kashmir.

நான் காஷ்மீர் செல்ல விரும்புகிறேன்.

2. Would you like to go with your friends or parents?

உங்கள் நண்பர்களுடன் செல்ல விரும்கிறீர்களா அல்லது பெற்றோருடனா?

I would like to go with my friends.

நான் எனது நண்பர்களுடன் செல்ல விரும்புகிறேன்.

3. How do you prepare yourself for a picnic?

நீங்கள் எப்படி சுற்றுலா செல்லதத் தாயாராவீர்கள்

I prepare a list of things according to my schedule. I pack them neatly.

என்னுடைய பயணத்திட்டத்தின்படி நான் எடுத்துச் செல்ல வேண்டிய பொருட்களின் பட்டியலைத் தயார் செய்வேன். பொருட்கள் அனைத்தையும் மிகச் சரியாகக் கட்டி வைப்பேன்.

4. Why do we arrange educational trip in schools?

எதனால் நாம் பள்ளியில் கல்விச்சுற்றுலா செல்ல ஏற்பாடு செய்கிறோம்

We arrange educational trip in schools in order to gain knowledge about the places. The trips give us more pleasure also.

பல இடங்களைப் பற்றிய அறிவைப் பெறுவதற்காக பள்ளிகளில் கல்வி பயணத்தை ஏற்பாடு செய்கிறோம். மேலும்  இந்தப் பயணங்கள் எங்களுக்கு அதிக மகிழ்ச்சியையும் தருகின்றன.

Read the following questions and answer them.

1. Where did the boys and girls go?

The boys and girls went to Ooty by the toy train.

2. Why did Muthu say that he could walk along its side?

Muthu said that he could walk along its (the train’s) side because the train was going slow.

3. Why did the girls snigger?

When Muthu wanted to walk along the train’s side, his teacher forced him to go back his seat. So the girls sniggered.

Discuss and answer the following questions.

1. Why did the girl scream?

The girl screamed because a monkey tried to snatch the banana from her.

2. Why did Muthu and his friends step out of the train?

The train stopped suddenly. To know the reason, Muthu and his friends stepped out of the train.

3. Describe the beauty of the blue mountain.

The misty purple-blue mountains form a lovely backdrop to the green fields and tea estates.

Section III

Think and answer..

1. What made the trip a memorable one?

The toy train, the wind-swept tea estates, cloud covered mountains, the swaying trees and the beautiful scenery made the trip a memorable one.

8. What does the phrase ‘presence of mind’ mean? Explain the phrase using Muthu’s action. The phrase ‘presence of mind’ means “the ability to act quickly and make good decisions”. Muthu showed the baby elephant a bunch of bananas. Just as it moved forward to eat it, he moved backwards. He kept doing this. Finally it moved out of the track. This was his presence of mind.

9. What is the difference between this toy train and a normal train?


A. choose the most appropriate option..

1. Merlin was thrilled when the school arranged the trip because ___________ .

  • Geetha madam arranged the trip
  • She had heard about the beautiful journey by the toy train
  • She wanted to visit Ooty
  • She loved to go with her friends

Ans : She had heard about the beautiful journey by the toy train

2. The teacher asked the children to take their seat because ___________ .

  • the children had to take their breakfast
  • she wanted to check whether all the children were present
  • the train was about to move
  • the train was about to stop

Ans : the train was about to move

3. Geetha madam couldn’t stop the children running out of the train because they _____ .

  • wanted to relax themselves
  • wanted to see what had happened
  • were getting bored sitting inside the train
  • wanted to enjoy the beauty of nature

Ans : wanted to see what had happened

4. The people were making all kinds of sounds because ___________ .

  • they wanted to move the baby elephant out of the track
  • they were afraid
  • they were confused
  • someone stopped the train

Ans : they wanted to move the baby elephant out of the track

5. We do not really see the landscape from a normal train because the .

  • train travels along the city
  • train never passes through such places
  • windows are closed
  • train travels too fast

Ans : train travels too fast

B. Recall Merlin’s memories and complete the story map.

trip to ooty section 2 question answer

  • Merlin’s class teacher arranged a trip to Ooty.
  • 20 girls and boys went to the trip by the toy train.
  • The train started with a jerk.
  • A monkey tried to snatch a banana from a girl.
  • The train stopped as a baby elephant was sitting on the track.
  • Muthu’s presence of mind helped the baby move out of the track.
  • It was a memorable trip for everyone.
  • On a normal train ride, we miss the landscape or scenery
  • The toy train ride made everyone excited.

C. Narrate the story based on the story map.

Merlin’s class teacher Geetha arranged a trip to Ooty. Twenty girls and boys went to the trip by the toy train. The toy train looked very beautiful. They enjoyed the beautiful misty purple-blue mountain. In the meantime, a monkey tried to snatch a banana from a girl. So she screamed. The train stopped suddenly. To know the reason, Muthu and his friends stepped out of the train. A baby elephant was sitting on the track. Muthu went up to the baby elephant with a bunch of bananas. Just as it moved forward to eat it, he moved backwards. He kept doing this. Finally it moved out of the track. His presence of mind helped the baby move out of the track. The toy train, the wind-swept tea estates, cloud covered mountains, the swaying trees and the beautiful scenery made the trip a memorable one.

D. Write the story in your own words.

Merlin wrote a letter to her friend Malli about her trip to Ooty. Her class teacher Geetha arranged a trip to Ooty. Twenty girls and boys went to the trip by the toy train. The toy train looked very beautiful. They enjoyed the beautiful misty purple-blue mountain. On their way, a baby elephant was sitting on the track. Muthu went up to the baby elephant with a bunch of bananas. Just as it moved forward to eat it, he moved backwards. He kept doing this. Finally it moved out of the track. His presence of mind helped the baby move out of the track. The sight of the tea estates, the monkeys and the elephants made their trip a memorable one.

E. Complete the words by reading their meaning.

  • s p e c tacu l ar – eye catching
  • e x c i t e d – thrilled
  • d e l i c iou s – tasty
  • s c re am – shout
  • f r i g h t e ne d – afraid

F. Now, try splitting each of these words into syllables.

  • wonderful – won-der-ful
  • behind – be-hind
  • bananas – ba-na-nas
  • excitement – ex-cite-ment
  • snatch – snatch
  • windows – win-dows
  • thud – thud
  • everyone – eve-ry-one

G. Listen to your teacher reading a passage on Udhagamandalam – the Queen of Hill Stations. Tick the appropriate answer.

1. Udhagamandalam is located in the Western Ghats zone at an altitude of ___

Ans : 2240 m

2. Centuries ago Udhagamandalam was called ____

  • Oththai-Kal Mandu

Ans : Oththai-Kal Mandu

3. The maximum summer temperature of Udhagamandalam is ____

4. Udhagamandalam was inhibited by tribals called __________.

5. Ooty was the Summer Capital of the __________during the British Rule.

  • Madras Presidency

Ans : Madras Presidency

H. Travelling can help a person to understand and appreciate different places. Discuss in groups and talk about the places you have visited recently. Present your experiences to the class.

I. look at the picture of a village festival carefully. talk about the activities that are going on by using the hints given in the help box., j. read the sentences given below. does the action happen every day or is it happening at this moment, k. read the sentences given below and circle the verbs appropriately..

  • Children like / likes ice-creams.
  • Birds is flying / are flying in the sky.
  • The doctor is treating / are treating the patient.
  • Our school is commencing / commences a t 9.00 in the morning.
  • The florist sell / sells flowers on the street.

L. Vimala and Srinath have met after a long time. Read the conversation given below and complete the dialogue. Role play the situation with your own words.

Vimala : Hello Srinath, I haven’t seen you for a long time. Where are you rushing off? Srinath : I am going to hospital. Vimala : Why are you going to hospital? Are you ill? Srinath : No, I am going to see my friend. Vimala : Oh! What happened to him? Srinath : He is suffering from Dengue fever. Vimala : Are you free tomorrow? Srinath : Yes, I am free. Vimala : You are in a hurry, meet you tomorrow. Take care. Srinath : Ok! Bye.

M. Sinduja is getting ready to sleep. She starts writing her diary. Help her complete it by using the verbs given in brackets.

(start eat have finish go reach)

  • I got up at 7’O clock.
  • I ate breakfast.
  • I went to office by car.
  • I started to work.
  • I had lunch at 1.30 p.m
  • I finished my task at 7 p.m.
  • I reached home at 8 p.m.

N. Read the sentences carefully and fill in the blanks with suitable tense form of the verbs given in brackets.

  • The doorbell rang, while I was doing (do) my homework.
  • We saw an elephant, while we were going (go) on a trip to Ooty.
  • Mary fell asleep while she was reading (read) a book.
  • The television was on but nobody was watching (watch) it.
  • Baskaran hurt his hand while he was cutting (cut) mangoes.


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Trip to Ooty

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Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Solutions Term 2 Prose Chapter 2 Trip to Ooty

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Solutions Term 2 Prose Chapter 2 Trip to Ooty

Students can Download English Lesson 2 Trip to Ooty Questions and Answers, Summary, Activity, Notes, Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Book Solutions Guide Pdf  helps you to revise the complete Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Solutions Term 2 Prose Chapter 2 Trip to Ooty

Read and Understand

A. Choose the most appropriate option

Trip To Ooty 6th English Question 1. Merlin was thrilled when the school arranged the trip because _______ (a) Geetha madam arranged the trip (b) She had heard about the beautiful journey by the toy train (c) She wanted to visit Ooty (d) She loved to go with her friends Answer: (b) She had heard about the beautiful journey by the toy train

Trip To Ooty 6th Lesson Question 2. The teacher asked the children to take their seat because . (a) the children had to take their breakfast (b) she wanted to check whether all the children were present (c) the train was about to move (d) the train was about to stop Answer: (c) the train was about to move

Trip To Ooty 6th Lesson Summary Question 3. Geetha madam couldn’t stop the children running out of the train because they _______ (a) wanted to relax themselves (b) wanted to see what had happened (c) were getting bored sitting inside the train (d) wanted to enjoy the beauty of nature Answer: (b) wanted to see what had happened

Trip To Ooty 6th Standard English Question 4. The people were making all kinds of sounds because _______ (a) they wanted to move the baby elephant out of the track (b) they were afraid (c) they were confused (d) someone stopped the train Answer. (a) they wanted to move the baby elephant out of the track

Trip To Ooty 6th English Question Answer Question 5. We do not really see the landscape from a normal train because the _______ (a) train travels along the city (b) train never passes through such places (c) windows are closed (d) train travels too fast Answer: (b) train never passes through such places

Trip To Ooty 6th English Samacheer Kalvi

C Narratette The story based entire story map. Answer: Merlin’s class teacher arranged a trip to Ooty. Merlin was so excited, when she stepped into the toy train. The train moved with a jerk. As it moved, they saw monkeys racing along the tracks. A monkey tried to snatch a banana from a girl. She let out a scream and moved back. The train stopped suddenly because there was a baby elephant on the track. It was a memorable trip for everyone. Muthu, one of the boys, acted wisely by getting the baby elephant off the track. All were excited about this trip to Ooty.

D. Write tte story in your own words. Answer: Merlin writes a letter to Malli about her trip to Ooty with her friends. Their class teacher Mrs. Geetha arranged this trip. Merlin was so excited when she stepped into the toy train. The train moved slowly allowing the children to have a glimpse of,the beautiful landscape. One of the boys, Muthu wanted to walk along the side of the train. But his teacher scolded him to get back to his seat. The scene outside was beautiful with the purple blue mountains forming a lovely backdrop to the green fields and tea estates. There were monkeys racing along the tracks.

One of the monkeys tried to snatch a banana from a girl. She let out a scream and moved back. Suddenly the train stopped. Everyone got down to see what happened. There was a baby elephant sitting on the track. Everyone tried to persuade the baby off the track with the bunch of bananas. But it was no use. Muthu acted wisely with a presence of mind. He took a bunch of bananas near the baby elephant. As it moved forward to eat the bananas, Muthu moved backwards. He kept doing this, till the baby was on the side of the tracks. Everyone got into the train and the train started to move.

Merlin ended the letter saying that it was a fantastic trip. It was enchanting to hear the sound around them. The whole group was so excited about this trip.

E. Complete the words by reading their meaning

1. s_e_ta_u_ar – eye catching 2. _x_i_e_ – thrilled 3. d_l_c_ _ _s – tasty 4. s _re_ _ – shout 5. f_i_h_e_ _d – afraid Answer: s p e c ta c u l ar e x c i t e d d e l i c iou s s c re am f r i g h t e ne d

F. Now, try splitting of these words into syllables. Answer:

G. Listen to your teacher reading a passage on Udhagamandalam – the Queen of Hill Stations. Tick the appropriate answer.

Chapter 2 Trip To Ooty Question 1. Udhagamandalam is located in the Western Ghats zone at an altitude of _______ (a) 2045 m (b) 2240 m (c) 2234 m (d) 2040 m Answer: (b) 2240 m

6th Standard English Trip To Ooty Question 2. Centuries ago Udhagamandalam was called _______ (a) Ooty (b) Otacamund (c) Oththai-Kal Mandu (d) Mund Answer: (c) Oththai-Kal Mandu

6th Standard Trip To Ooty Question 3. The maximum summer temperature of Udhagamandalam is _______ (a) 10°c (b) 21° (c) 5°c (d) 20°c Answer: 25°c

Samacheer Kalvi Guru 6th English Question 4. Udhagamandalam was inhibited by tribals called _______ (a) Toda (b) Irula (c) Mund (d) Britons Answer: (a) Toda

Samacheerkalvi.Guru 6th English Question 5. Ooty was the Summer Capital of the _______ during the British Rule. (a) British (b) Todas (c) Tourists (d) Madras Presidency Answer: (d) Madras Presidency

H. Travelling can help a person to understand and appreciate different places. Discuss in groups and talk about the places you have visited recently. Present your experiences to the class. Answer: I visited Thanjavur and Madurai with the members of my family. We went to these places to have the Dharshans of Lord Siva and Goddess Meenakshi. The great Brihadeeswarar temple was in Thanjavur and Meenakshi Amman temple was in Madurai. It was such a wonderful trip, I have ever been with my family members. The Brihadeeswarar temple was so great to view with Chola King’s arts and sculptures. It is more than 1000 years old, as it was built in eleventh century. The main temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva, is carved out of a single granite stone.

The temple tower is 66 metres high. Facing the temple is a big statue of Nandhi. We left this place with great memories and a promise of visiting again. Next we went to Madhurai, where we saw Goddess Meenakshi. Madurai was once the home for all Tamil Sangams. This temple has five entrances, four Rajagopurams, five towers out of which two are golden towers. After two days, with a lot of statisfaction and devotion, we started back to our destination.

I. Look at the picture of a village festival carefully. Talk about the activities that are going on by using the hints given in the help box.

Trip To Ooty 6th Lesson Summary Samacheer Kalvi

Everyone is enthusiastic and they are engaged in various activities. Children are enjoying buying ice-creams and playing on their way to the temple. This scenery is a busy place for various activities.

J. Read the sentences given below. Does the action happen every day or is it happening at this moment? Answer:

K. Read the sentences given below and circle the verbs appropriately,

  • Children like/likes ice-creams.
  • Birds is flying/are flying in the sky.
  • The doctor is treating/ are treating the patient.
  • Our school is commencing/commences at 9.00 in the morning.
  • The florist sell/sells flowers on the street.

Trip To Ooty 6th Standard English Samacheer Kalvi

L. Vimala and Srinath have met after a long time. Read the conversation given below and complete the dialogue. Role play the situation with your own words. Answer: Vimala : Hello Srinath, I haven’t seen you for a long time. Where are you rushing off? Srinath : I am hurrying to the hospital. Vimala : Why are you going to hospital? Are you ill? Srinath : No, I am going to see my friend. Vimala : Oh! What happened to him? Srinath : He met with an accident. But he is out of danger. Vimala : Are you free tomorrow? Srinath : Yes, I am free. Vimala : You are in a hurry, meet you tomorrow. Take care. Srinath : Ok! Bye.

M. Sinduja is getting ready to sleep. She starts writing her diary. Help her complete it by using the verbs given in brackets. (start eat have finish go reach)

  • I got up at 7’0 clock.
  • I _______ breakfast.
  • I _______ to office by car.
  • I _______ to work.
  • I _______ lunch at _______
  • I _______ my task at 7 p.m.
  • I _______ home at 8 p.m.
  • 1. I got up at 7’0 clock.
  • had; 1.00 p.m.

N. Read the sentences carefully and fill in the blanks with suitable tense form of the verbs given in brackets.

  • The doorbell rang, while I _______ (do) my homework.
  • We saw an elephant, while we _______ (go) on a trip to Ooty.
  • Mary fell asleep while she ________ (read) a book.
  • The television was on but nobody _______ (watch) it.
  • Baskaran hurt his hand while he _______ (cut) mangoes.
  • was reading
  • was watching
  • was cutting

O. Read the informal letter given below and write a reply to Mangai. Answer: Informal Letter

Sender’s Address: 20, Arcot Road, Vadapalani, Chennai – 600 026. 15th July 2018.

Salutation: Dear Mangai,

Body of the letter :

How are you? I aih fine. I received your letter yesterday. I am very pleased to know about your new home. Have you joined in your new school? How is the atmosphere over there? I miss you a lot. Happy to know that Sundar likes animals like us. He would be a good friend to you. Convey my regards to him. Send me the story, you are writing about Ooty. I would like to read it. Convey my regards to your parents. I am looking forward to read your story in your next letter.

Subscription : Yours lovingly, Signature : Rosy.

Creative Writing

P. The Pooja holidays are about to start. Prasanth and Deepak are friends. Both their families have planned to go on a trip to Munnar. Develop a conversation on how they plan for their trip. Answer: Prashanth : Hai, Deepak, how did you write your exams? Deepak : I wrote extremely well. What about you? Prashanth : Yes. I too wrote well. From tomorrow, our Pooja holidays begin. Let us go with our family members to Munnar. We are already planning on it. Deepak : Yes, Prashanth. I’ll talk to my parents about the trip. We can stay for a week there. Prashanth : Yes, we have to see a lot of places. We can go by a Van there. Deepak : Yes, the Van can fit all of us. Which is the shortest route from Chennai ? Prashanth : We can take GST road NH 38. It will take around 10 to 11 hours and we can stay in Hotel Munnar Central. It is quite comfortable. Deepak : OK! What are the tourist spots to be visited? Prashanth : Kalari Kshethra, Anamudi Peak, Tea Gardens, Lock Heart Gap, Kundala Dam Lake, National Parks and Chinnakanal Waterfalls. Deepak : Wonderful! Let’s pack all our things we need for the tour. Prashanth : Yes, We have to take with us cotton outfits, hats, sunglasses, sunscreen lotion, blankets and sweaters. Deepak : Ok! Prashanth. I’ll give the information to my parents and I’ll ask them to talk to your parents about this trip. Bye!

Trip to Ooty Additional Questions

I. Select The Suitable Synonyms.

Class 6 English Solution Guide For Bangladesh Pdf Question 1. spectacular (a) ordinary (b) wonderful (c) sorrowful Answer: (b) wonderful

Standard Standard 6 Question 2. thrilled (a) excited (b) bored (c) uninterested Answer: (a) excited

Question 3. mesh (a) material made of ropes (b) material made of wires or thread (c) material made of bamboo Am : (b) material made of wires or thread

Question 4. swaying (a) swinging (b) staying (c) pacing Answer: (a) swinging

Question 5. snaking (a) moving fast (b) moving abruptly (c) moving like a snake Answer: (c) moving like a snake

Question 6. jerk (a) sudden movement (b) slow movement (c) sound Answer. (a) sudden movement

Question 7. delicious (a) salty (b) tasty (c) sweet Answer: (b) tasty

Question 8. bubbling (a) laughing (b) following (c) foaming Answer: (c) foamsing

Question 9. sniggered (a) laughed in a suppressed way (b) smiled (c) sneered Answer: (a) laughed in a suppressed way

Question 10. weaving (a) turning (b) making (c) twisting Answer: (c) twisting

Question 11. scream (a) loud noise (b) cry in a high pitch (c) laugh Answer: (b) cry in a high pitch

Question 12. snatch (a) seize quickly (b) take in a polite manner (c) eat hastily Answer: (a) seize quickly

Question 13. sequence (a) cycle (b) order (c) events Answer: (b) order

Question 14. excitedly (a) anxiously (b) sadly (c) eagerly Answer: (c) eagerly

Question 15. coax (a) persude (b) pamper (c) attract Answer: (a) persude

Question 16. piled (a) place one on top of the other (b) kept in a line (c) arranged vertically Answer: (a) place one on top of the other

Question 17. fantastic (a) boring (b) attractive (c) pleasant

Question 18. landscape (a) visible features Of an area (b) bridges (c) estates Answer: (a) visible features Of an area

Question 19. trumpeting (a) whistling (b) shouting (c) making a loud noise Answer: (c) making a loud noise

Question 20. chugging (a) moving with a puffing sound (b) making an indistinct sound (c) making a loud noise Answer: (a) moving with a puffing sound

II. Select The Suitable Antonyms.

Question 1. beautiful (a) wonderful (b) ugly (c) attractive Answer: (b) ugly

Question 2 close (a) far (b) near (c) adjacent Answer: (a) far

Question 3. never (a) on no occasion (b) not once (c) always Answer: (c) always

Question 4. friend (a) enemy (b) relative (c) companion Answer: (a) enemy

Question 5. everyone (a) each one (b) Fathima (c) no one Answer: (c) no one

Question 6. slowly (a) gradually (b) quickly (c) leisurely Answer: (b) quickly

Question 7. firm (a) rough (b) angry (c) soft Answer: (c) soft

Question 8. outside (a) external side (b) inside (c) exterior Answer: (b) inside

Question 9. cute (a) pretty (b) wonderful (c) ugly Answer: (c) ugly

Question 10. small (a) big (b) tiny (c) puny Answer: (a) big

Question 11. suddenly (a) abruptly (b) gradually (c) rapidly Answer: (b) gradually

Question 12. whole (a) entire (b) complete (c) part Answer: (c) part

Question 13. attraction (a) appeal (b) ugliness (c) charm Answer: (b) ugliness

Question 14. backward (a) forward (b) behind (c) beside Answer: (a) forward

Question 15. normal (a) simple (b) usual (c) abnormal Answer: (c) abnormal

Question 16. wide (a) narrow (b) large (c) huge Answer: (a) narrow

Question 17. listen (a) hear (b) observe (c) speak Answer: (c) speak

Question 18. fast (a) slow (b) soon (c) speedy Answer: (a) slow

Question 19. lucky (a) fortunate (b) blessed (c) unlucky Answer: (c) unlucky

Question 20. wild (a) untamed (b) domestic (c) angry Answer: (b) domestic

III. Choose The Correct Answers (MCQ).

Question 1. She said that it was a _______ trip up and down the slopes. (a) good (b) spectacular (c) wonderful (d) worst Answer: (b) spectacular

Question 2. _______ girls and boys from class six went on the trip. (a) Ten (b) Fifteen (c) eight (d) Twenty Answer: (d) Twenty

Question 3. I was bubbling over with _______ (a) amazement (b) excitement (c) puzzlement (d) joy Answer: (b) excitement

Question 4. The girls _______ and Muthu sat down with a long face. (a) sniggered (b) giggled (c) smiled (d) screamed Answer: (a) sniggered

Question 5. _______ were racing all along the tracks. (a) Donkeys (b) Birds (c) cows (d) Monkeys Answer: (d) Monkeys

Question 6. Some were in _______ and some had babies clinging onto them. (a) single (b) lonely (c) groups (d) pairs Answer: (c) groups

Question 7. In the end, the whole compartment _______ out. (a) came (b) stepped (c) jumped (d) emptied Answer: (b) stepped

Question 8. The mother elephant was nearby _______ loudly. (a) shouting (b) screaming (c) trumpeting (d) growling Answer: (c) trumpeting

Question 9. It was such a _______ trip. (a) marvellous (b) wonderful (c) fantastic (d) mind-blowing Answer: (c) fantastic

Question 10. Geetha ma’am had told us that we would see elephants if we were _______ (a) unlucky (b) lucky (c) quiet (d) silent Answer: (b) lucky

IV. Very Short Answer Questions.

Question 1. How many girls and boys went on the trip? Answer: Twenty girls and boys from class VI went on the trip.

Question 2. Where is Ooty? Answer: Ooty is close to Coimbatore.

Question 3. Had Merlin been there before? Answer: No, she had never been there before.

Question 4. Who came and sat next to Merlin in the toy train? Answer: Fatima, her friend, came and sat next to Merlin.

Question 5. What was the colour of the mountains? Answer: The mountains were purple-blue.

Question 6. What did Merlin pointed out to Fathima? Answer: She pointed out at a baby monkey holding onto its mother’s stomach.

Question 7. What did Fatima asked Merlin to see? Answer: She pointed to a bubbling stream with a small waterfall.

Question 8. When the train stopped, who stepped out first to see what had happened? Answer: Muthu and his friends were the first to step out to see what had happened.

Question 9. Who was on the track? Answer: A cute baby elephant was sitting on the track.

Question 10. What did the engine driver do? Answer: He tried to persuade the baby gently off the track with a bunch of bananas.

V. Short Answer Questions.

Question 1. To whom did Merlin write a letter and why? Answer: Merlin wrote a letter to Malli, as she had asked her to tell about her trip to Ooty.

Question 2. What did Merlin’s Grandmother tell her many times? Answer: Merlin’s Grandmother had told her about the beautiful journey to Ooty by the toy train. She said that it was a spectacular trip up and down the slopes.

Question 3. Who was bubbling over with excitement? Why? Answer: Merlin was bubbling over with excitement, as she had never been to Ooty or seen the toy train.

Question 4. What did Merlin see, as she stepped into the toy train? Answer: She saw wooden chairs with cushioned seats and oil painted walls. There was also a luggage rack.

Question 5. Why did her teacher come around? Answer: Her teacher came around to see if everyone was seated properly, as the train was about to leave.

Question 6. What were the monkeys doing? Answer: The monkeys were racing all along the tracks. Some were in groups and some had babies clinging on to them.

Question 7. Why did a monkey try to snatch a banana from a girl? Answer: The girl leaned out of the window to look at the train curving behind the track. So a monkey tried to snatch the banana from her hand.

Question 8. What looked just like a dream sequence in a movie? Answer: The misty clouds which covered the mountains and moved in and out of the forests looked just like a dream sequence in a movie.

Question 9. What did the people do to make the baby elephant move from the track? Answer: People stood around trying to make the baby move by making all kinds of sounds.

Question 10. What was enchanting to listen? Answer: It was enchanting to listen to the murmur of streams, waterfalls and musical bird calls.

VI. Paragraph Questions and Answers.

Question 1. Spot any 3 differences between toy train and normal train. Answer: Toy Train:

  • This rail connects Udhagamandalam and Mettupalayam.
  • The travellers can enjoy the beauty of the mountain side.
  • The train will run very slowly.

Normal Train:

  • These trains run all over the country.
  • The travellers cannot enjoy the scenery or the landscape.
  • The train will run very fast.

Question 2. How did the children enjoy going in the toy train? Answer: The children were so thrilled to get into the toy train. There were wooden chairs with cushioned seats and oil pointed walls. Merlin and Fathima sat together and were enjoying the scenery outside. As the train moved slowly, everyone clapped with excitement. One of the boys, Muthu wanted to walk along the train’s side, as it was moving very slowly. As soon as his teacher shouted at him to sit in his place, he sat down with a long face. The train went snaking up the step hill side, weaving its way through forests of tall trees swaying in the breeze. All the children enjoyed looking at the beautiful mountains, waterfalls, monkeys, green fields and tea estates.

Question 3. How beautiful was the scene outside? Answer: The scene outside was beautiful with purple-blue mountains forming a lovely back-drop to the green fields and tea estates. Monkeys were racing all along the tracks. Some were in groups and some had babies clinging on to them. The misty clouds, which covered the mountains and moved in and out of the forests looked wonderful, ft looked just like a dream sequence in a movie. The children saw a bubbling stream with a small waterfall and a pretty blue bird with a lovely crown.

Question 4. Why did the toy train stop suddenly and what happened after it stopped? Answer: The toy train stopped suddenly, as there was a cute baby elephant sitting on the track. The mother elephant was nearby trumpeting loudly. The engine driver tried to persuade the baby off the track with a bunch of bananas. But the mother elephant did not allow anyone near the baby. So, people stood around trying to make all kinds of sounds. Finally, Muthu went up to the baby with a bunch of bananas. Just as it moved to eat it, he moved backwards. He kept doing this, till the baby was out on the side of the tracks. Everyone cheered as the baby started eating the bananas. Everyone got into the train ad it started moving.

Question 5. Describe the beauty of blue mountain. Answer: The purple-blue mountains formed a lovely backdrop to the green fields and tea estates. The misty clouds covered the mountains and moved in and out of the forests. There was a bubbling stream with a small waterfall.

VII. Writing Skill.

1. Conversion: Develop the Conversation between you and your friend Deepak about the plan for the trip to Ooty. Answer: Me: Hi, Ravi, How are you? Friend: I am fine and you? Me: I am also fine. By the way, how will you spend your summer holidays? Friend: I plan to go to some hill area. Me: Would you like to come with me to Ooty? Friend: Oh, sure. Where will we stay? Me: My uncle’s house is there. His company has sent him to New York on deputation for six months. Friend: Is it vacant now? Me: No. His servant is there. So, let us start on Sunday evening. Friend: OK. I will come.

2. Letter Writing: Write a letter to your friend sharing experience about your trip to Ooty Answer: 28, Bharathi Street, Tiruppur – 641 601 October, 2018.

Dear Ramesh,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. Last Saturday, I went to Ooty along with my parents. We stayed in our uncle’s house. We visited to Pykara falls, but there was no water. Then we left for Mudumalai and saw wild animals. We travelled in the Toy Train also from Ooty to Coonoor. The next day we visited Doddabetta, Botanical garden and the Rose Garden. Then we visited the Ooty lake. Boating is a lot of fun there with different boats, like row, pedal, motor. Totally, the trip was a very nice one.

Convey my regards to your parents.

Your loving friend, L. Suresh

Address on the envelope

To M. Ramesh, 53, Sardar Patel Street, Chennai – 600 014.

Grammar – Additional

Simple Present Tense

The Simple Present tense tells us of actions done always or usually. Example : The Indus is a long river which rises in Tibet. The Ravi, the Beas and the Sutlej flow through the Punjab Haryana Plains. A low watershed seperates these plains from the Ganga plains. The Ganga Plains form the largest lowland drained by the Ganga and its tributaries. Both the Ganga and the Yamuna originate in the Himalayas. The Ganga also receives tributaries from the Peninsular plateau. The Brahmaputra joins the Ganga and flows through Bangladesh.

1. The simple present tense expresses habitual actions. I brush my teeth every day.

2. General truths. Sea water is salty.

3. For future actions. The Eighth standard students go to the ninth in June.

4. If type conditional sentences : If you write that letter, you may get into trouble.

5. For a dramatic effect: (a) She walks into the room, sees the headless body and screams. (b) The singer slips out of captivity, leaps from the balcony and dives into a deep blue pond.

6. In questions and statements containing do, does and did and interrogative sentences. Do you know the truth? Does he come? Did she sing? Am I wrong? Is it time?

7. In time clauses : When did this happen? Adverbs like : occasionally, generally, sometimes, always, never often etc., are usually used with the Present Tense.

Present Progressive Tense

The Present Continuous Tense : is / am / are + Ving It is used for actions in progress at the time of speaking. Example : It is raining. Generally, these verbs should not be used in the present continuous : know, smell, taste, possess, remember, belong, cost, want, derive, detest, understand, forget, etc. I am loving you (Not correct) I love you I am not understanding (Not correct) I don’t understand. Thd.present continuous is also used to express an arrangement for the future.

Example : I am flying to France this evening. Vicky is speaking in the meeting tomorrow. Adverbs like now, still, at present are used with the Present Continuous Tense.

  • I am eating.
  • She is eating banana.
  • My father is reading the newspaper.
  • The moon is shining.
  • They are chanting mantras.
  • They baby is crying.
  • Are you watching TV?
  • What are you going party?
  • Raman is flying Tokyo.
  • Are you feeling okay?

Simple Past Tense The past tense is used to express an action that took place in the past. Example : India became independent in 1947. I met Usha Yesterday.

Past Progressive Tense

This tense is used to express an action that continued for sometime in the past. Yesterday, last week etc. are the adverbs used with this tense.

Example : Shiela was washing the clothes when the thief entered the house.

Trip To Ooty 6th English Question Answer Samacheer Kalvi

II. Fill in blanks with the simple present or present progressive tense.

  • Look! They (leave) _______ the house.
  • Brian (cycle) _______ 30 km everyday.
  • Samantha (do) _______ her homework at the moment.
  • My parents (shop) _______ right now.
  • He usually (get up) _______ early in the morning.
  • Normally, Jenny (wear) _______ black shoes but today she (wear) _______ red wellies.
  • Look! Jenny (go) _______ to school.
  • She (go) _______ for walking everyday.
  • The sun (rises) _______ in the east.
  • A square (be) _______ a four sided figure.
  • Ravi’s mother (prepare) _______ food now.
  • She (cook) _______ deliciously. [Ans: cooks]
  • My mother always (take) _______ care of me.
  • Look! Thev (play) _______ Kabbadi.
  • She (watch) _______ T. V. now.
  • are leaving
  • are shopping
  • wears, is wearing
  • is preparing
  • are playing
  • is watching

III. Write the verbs in the present progressive.

  • speak – I _______
  • iump – You _______
  • bake – She _______
  • play – They _______
  • run – We _______
  • laugh – He _______
  • enact – We _______ a drama.
  • answer – I _______ the question.
  • wash – They _______ the clothes.
  • do – She _______ her homework.
  • dancing – They _______
  • scream – She _______
  • learn – We _______ Tamil.
  • clap – Everyone _______
  • listen – Children _______ carefully.
  • am speaking
  • are jumping
  • are running
  • is laughing
  • are enacting
  • am answering
  • are washing
  • are dancing
  • is screaming
  • are learning
  • is clapping
  • are listening

IV. Fill in the blanks with suitable tense form of the verbs given brackets.

  • The phone _______ (ring) while I _______ (sleep).
  • I _______ (cook) dinner, when Sue _______ (arrive).
  • When the dog _______ (bark), they _______ (try) to sleep.
  • While we _______ (dance) the music _______ (stop).
  • Sam _______ (listen) to music, so he _______ (not hear) you.
  • While we _______ (talk), someone _______ (steal) my bag.
  • The prisoner _______ (run) away, while the policeman were _______ (joke).
  • My boss _______ (call) me, while I _______ (eat).
  • While I _______ (work), my husband _______ (ask) my help.
  • When they _______ (come) in, everybody _______ (watch) the movie.
  • The thief (enter) _______ into their house, while all (watch) _______ T. V.
  • Rai (walk) _______ to the station, while his friends (chat) _______
  • When my mother (call) me, when I (have) my dinner.
  • When he (play) _______ football, he _______ (meet) an accident.
  • He (stumble) _______, while he (try) _______ to get up.
  • rang ; was sleeping
  • was cooking ; arrived
  • was barking : tried
  • were dancing ; stopped
  • was listening ; did not hear
  • were talking : stole
  • ran ; joking
  • called ; was eating
  • worked ; was asking
  • came ; was watching
  • entered ; were watching
  • walked ; were chatting
  • called ; was having
  • was playing ; met
  • stumbled : was trying

Trip to Ooty Summary

This section deals with the first part of the letter written by Merlin to Malli. She told her about her trip to Ooty with her friends. Their class teacher Mrs. Geetha and two other teachers accompanied a group of twenty girls and boys from Class VI. Merlin had heard from her grandmother about the beautiful journey to Ooty by the toy train. She said that it was a spectacular trip up and down the slopes with birds and trees dancing along the way. Merlin wrote that she was so excited when she stepped into the toy train with her friends. There were wooden chairs with cushioned seats and oil painted walls. She called out her friend Fathima to sit next to her.

They were enjoying the view from the toy train. Their teacher Mrs. Geetha came around to see if everyone was seated properly. The train started with a jerk and moved slowly. Everyone of them clapped joyfully. One of the boys, Muthu wanted to walk along the side of the train, as it was going very slowly. But his teacher scolded him to go to his seat immediately. All the girls laughed at this and Muthu sat down quietly with a long face.

Read the following questions and answer them.

Question 1. Where did the boys and girls go? Answer: The boys and girls of Class VI went on a trip to Ooty.

Question 2. Why did Muthu say that he could walk along its side? Answer: Muthu said that he could walk along its side because the train was moving very slowly.

Question 3. Why did the girls snigger? Answer: The girls sniggered because the teacher shouted at Muthu to go back to his seat immediately.


This section of the letter gives the clear view of the scenes outside the train. The scene was beautiful with the purple blue mountains forming a lovely backdrop to the green fields and the estates. Monkeys with babies clinging onto them were racing all along the tracks. One of the monkeys tried to snatch a banana from a girl, as she leaned out of the window to look at the train curving on the track. She gave a scream and moved back. The misty clouds, which covered the mountains, the bubbling stream with a small waterfall, and a pretty blue bird were marvellous to see. Suddenly, the train stopped with a thud. Boys were so excited to see what happened. So they begged their teacher to allow them to step out of the train.

In the end, the whole compartment stepped out. And what a sight greeted their eyes!

Discuss and answer the following questions.

Question 1. Why did the girl scream? Ans: One of the monkeys tried to snatch a banana from a girl’s hand while she was leaning out of the window. She screamed and moved back.

Question 2. Why did Muthu and his friends step out of the train? Answer: The trained stopped suddenly. So Muthu and his friends stepped out of the train to see what had happened.

Question 3. Describe the beauty of the blue mountain. Answer: The purple-blue mountains formed a lovely backdrop to the green fields and tea estates.

Section III

This section narrates the incident on the track. There was a cute baby elephant sitting on the track. The mother elephant was nearby trumpeting loudly. The engine driver and others tried to persuade the baby off the track with the bunch of bananas. But the mother elephant did not allow anyone near the baby. So they were making all kinds of sounds to make the baby elephant move from there. Just then, Muthu went upf to the baby with a bunch of bananas. Just as it moved to eat it, he moved backwards. He kept doing this, till the baby was out on the side of the tracks. Everyone cheered as the baby and mother started eating the bananas. As they were eating, everyone got into the train and it left after a delay of half an hour.

Merlin ended the letter saying that it was a fantastic trip. It was enchanting to listen to the sounds of streams and waterfalls. She can never forget the wide, wind-swept tea estates, cloud covered mountains, the swaying trees and the birds chirping. The whole group was so excited by the trip.

Think and answer.

Question 1. What made the trip a memorable one? Answer: On a normal fast train ride, we do not notice the scenery or the landscape. It rushes by so fast. But the train making a slow move up and down the beautiful mountain was different. They were able to enjoy everything thoroughly. This made the trip a memorable one.

Question 2. What does the phrase ‘presence of mind’ mean? Explain the phrase using Muthu’s action. Answer: Muthu had the ‘presence of mind’ at the right moment. He moved the bunch of bananas backwards, whenever the baby elephant moved forward to eat it. He kept doing that till the baby was out on the side of tracks. Everyone cheered this, as he had acted correctly at the right time.

Question 3. What is the difference between this toy train and a normal train? Answer: The toy train travels through 208 serpentine curves, 16 tunnels, 250 bridges, waterfall hood, cliff edges and tea estates, covering a distance of 26 km. It is a showcase of heritage of India. The normal train only takes you to your destination without these beautiful sights.

Prose - Term 2 Unit 2 - 6th English - Trip to Ooty: Section III | 6th English : Term 2 Unit 2 : Prose : Trip to Ooty

Chapter: 6th english : term 2 unit 2 : prose : trip to ooty, trip to ooty: section iii.

Trip to Ooty

Section III

Read this section of the letter silently. Discuss with your partner and describe the incident.

There was a cute baby elephant sitting on the track! The mother elephant was nearby  trumpeting  loudly. The engine driver tried to  coax  the baby off the track with a bunch of   bananas. The mother didn’t let anyone near the baby. So, people stood around trying to make the baby move by making all kinds of sounds. The baby just sat there looking frightened and the mother kept trumpeting. Finally, Muthu, the naughty boy of the class,  went up to the baby with a bunch of bananas. Just as it moved to eat it, he moved backwards. He kept doing this till the baby was out on the side of the tracks. Luckily, the mother too, stopped trumpeting and watched the whole show. Everyone cheered as the baby started eating the bananas. Many bunches of bananas were piled near the baby and the mother. As they were eating, everyone got into the train and it left after a delay of half an hour. Geetha ma’am had told us that we would see elephants if we were lucky!

trip to ooty section 2 question answer

“Madam wouldn’t have imagined we would see a wild elephant this close!” said Fatima.

It was such a fantastic trip. On a normal fast train ride, we do not notice the scenery or the landscape. It rushes by so fast. But slowly  chugging  up and down the beautiful mountainside was different. I will never forget the wide, wind-swept tea estates, cloud covered mountains or the swaying trees. It was enchanting to listen to the  murmur  of streams and waterfalls and musical bird calls. We even saw an elephant and its baby! Our whole group was so excited by the trip and they still talk about it.

Your loving friend,

Think and answer.

1. What made the trip a memorable one?

During the trip the group saw the wide, wind-swept tea estates, cloud covered mountains and the swaying trees. The murmur of streams and waterfall and the musical bird calls enchanted everyone. The pupils saw an elephant and its baby. All these made the trip a memorable one. 

2. What does the phrase ‘presence of mind’ mean? Explain the phrase using Muthu’s action.

Presence of mind means ability to react quickly in a critical situation. During their trip to Ooty, a baby elephant sat on the railway track and refused to move. Muthu coaxed the elephant by holding a bunch of bananas and moving backwards. The baby elephant slowly moved towards the bananas and thus the track became clear. This incident shows that Muthu had the presence of mind.

3. What is the difference between this toy train and a normal train?

A toy train moves slowly but a normal train moves fast. A toy train is useful for tourists interested in sight seeing. But a normal train is used to cover long distances in a short time.

Paragraph Writing:

Describe the incident that showed Muthu's presence of mind.

A baby elephant was sitting on the track. So the train was unable to move. The engine driver showed a bunch of bananas. The people made all kinds of sounds to coax the baby elephant. Muthu went up to the baby elephant with a bunch of bananas. As it moved to eat the bananas Muthu moved backwards. He kept doing this until the baby elephant was out of the track. Muthu was naughty and bold. But he had the presence of mind to tackle a critical situation.

Paragraph Writing 2:

A cute baby elephant was sitting on the track. The mother was nearby trumpeting loudly. The engine driver showed a bunch of bananas and tried to coax the baby off the track. But the baby elephant was too frightened to move. Now Muthu went up to the baby with a bunch of bananas. The baby elephant moved forward to eat it. now Muthu moved backwards. The baby elephant followed him and soot it was out of track. Many bunches of bananas were piled near the baby and the mother. As they were eating them everyone got into the train. The train pulled out of the place. It was an unforgettable incident for the children. 

Trumpeting /ˈtrʌmpɪtɪŋ/ -  Making a loud noise

Chugging /ˈʧʌgɪŋ/ -  Move  slowly  making  regular  muffled  sounds,  as  of   an   engine running slowly

Coax /kəʊks/ -  Persuade (someone) gently to do something

Murmur /ˈmɜːmə/ -  To make a low, continuous, indistinct sound; grumble

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