Oblivion: 14 Facts About Tom Cruise's 2013 Hit Movie That Are Worth Extracting

Tom Cruise strapped into ship

Say what you want about Tom Cruise when it comes to anything else, but there is no denying that he has an uncanny ability to find and attach himself to incredibly interesting projects. The talented actor then often uses his star power to help the film become a hit, and "Oblivion," the actor's sci-fi epic from 2013, is no exception. Though Joseph Kosinski was far from an amateur after his work on 2010's "Tron: Legacy," the director was still fairly new, but especially after talking with him, Cruise had all the proof he needed that the production would be a success.

The movie seems rather straightforward at first, following the hero Jack Harper (Cruise) in a somewhat serene post-apocalyptic world after a devastating alien invasion. Though as the tale progresses, the world Jack thought he knew is not what it seems, revealing massive twists and a deeper story of love lost and found beneath it all while the protagonist becomes embroiled in a tense battle for the survival of humankind. Here's everything you didn't know about "Oblivion."

The story was first a graphic novel

When Joseph Kosinski was first developing the story for "Oblivion," the director had no idea it would become an epic sci-fi action flick starring one of Hollywood's top actors. So as he initially wrote it back in 2005, the scale was decreased significantly. In an interview with Collider , he said, "I thought it would be my first film, so I wrote it as a contained cast. The Sky Tower was going to be the main setting. It was always the story of drone repairman Jack Harper and his journey of redemption."

Then in 2007, Kosinski hit a major roadblock as he strove to get the film made when the Writers' Guild went on strike, which forced him to alter his approach and make the tale into a graphic novel. The filmmaker explained to Empire , "It couldn't be written by anyone in the guild so the partnership with Radical Comics allowed me to continue working on the story by developing a series of images and continuing to refine the story more over a period of years." The material created during this period worked great as a pitch for the movie, but unfortunately, fans of "Oblivion" and comics will never get to see a finished product — Kosinski was only ever really interested in making the film, and he achieved that goal.

The director wanted to bring sci-fi back into the daylight

While Joseph Kosinski was growing up during the 1960s and '70s, the sci-fi classics that he loved to watch were bright and often colorful, such as "2001: A Space Odyssey," "Planet of the Apes," and "Star Wars," so that older style was heavily influential to the distinctive look of "Oblivion." When talking with Collider , he explained, "It felt like in the [1980s], after 'Alien,' which is one of the greatest science fiction films of all time, science fiction went into a very dark place of deep space and dark ships, and I liked the idea of bringing science fiction back out into the daylight."

Additionally, Kosinski told /Film he was inspired by the vivid illustrations of artists from his childhood like Chris Foss and Peter Elson. The result is a fascinating spectacle on screen, with the bright aesthetic overlapping a grim storyline that takes place after a cataclysmic invasion. The director told Collider, "I thought we've seen so many dusty, gray, green-brown post-apocalyptic worlds. It'd be fun to see something with some color and daylight and brightness and this world above the clouds."

Oblivion was Anthony Gonzalez's first time composing a film score

Joseph Kosinski did not just strive to create a standout look for "Oblivion"; he also wanted an original soundtrack to match, and he knew exactly where to look. Electronic music star Anthony Gonzalez of M83 had never worked on a film before, but Kosinski knew he was the right person for the job and convinced him to take it on. As the director revealed to Collider , he literally listened to the group's music while developing the story, so it would have been difficult to accept a score written by anyone else.

Ultimately, Gonzalez was pleased with what he and his co-composer, Joseph Trapanese, were able to produce, but it did not come easy. When interviewed by Pitchfork , he admitted, "It took us one year to work on 'Oblivion' with Joseph Trapanese, and I've been through all types of emotions. I almost quit. I couldn't sleep. I was so stressed out. I was on the verge of breaking down. We were touring a lot and I had to work on this at the same time." But the biggest issues stemmed from what the studio expected from him, as he added, "They needed something bigger, more orchestral; it was hard for me to be told that my music was too indie for the film."

Joseph Kosinski used his engineering and architecture background

Before Joseph Kosinski became a filmmaker, he had rather different career goals, but the skills he attained during those pursuits were certainly nice to have when working on "Oblivion." The director told Collider , "My background is in mechanical engineering and industrial design. That's what I went to undergrad for, and then I went to architecture school for graduate school thinking I was going to be an architect. I was always looking for a career that could combine my creative interests with my technical side, and it ends up directing films is the perfect combination." To highlight how his extensive education was particularly useful for this film, Kosinski added, "The Bubbleship and the Sky Tower were two elements of the story that I had a very clear image of from the start."

Without a doubt, the most valuable of all was his vast experience working with 3D modeling software while working on his master's degree. The director not only described to BuzzFeed how the models of the signature Sky Tower were a solid base for the production design team to work with, but he also provided examples of the impressive early sketches as proof.

The film required considerably little CGI

Universal must have been pleased with Joseph Kosinski's ability to film a sci-fi epic like "Oblivion" with a significantly lower budget than other similar movies of the genre. For comparison, the director told /Film , "'Tron' had fifteen or sixteen hundred visual effects shots in it and 'Oblivion' is eight hundred shots, so it's almost half. Because I was able to do so much in camera. Hopefully it feels like a big movie, which is what I always wanted to do, but we did it." 

The primary reason that Kosinski did not need to burn through as much cash as other productions was because of his clever use of front projection techniques, a method used previously by the renowned filmmaker Stanley Kubrick in "2001: A Space Odyssey." When talking with Film4 , he and Tom Cruise explained how no blue screens were used in the background of the Sky Tower, and instead massive screens projected footage of cloud formations that were shot for weeks atop the peak of a Hawaiian volcano. The result was both a beautiful sight for audiences and a far more immersive experience for the actors as well.

3D was too dark to use

For Joseph Kosinski's first sci-fi flick, "Tron: Legacy," the filmmaker shot some sequences in 3D, and the film was ultimately released in 3D as well. The process was still riding the wave of "Avatar," released just a year before. Fully familiar with the format, the director did briefly consider going that route again for "Oblivion" but quickly realized it made no sense because of the aesthetic he was aiming to achieve.

The 4K format, on the other hand, was a much better option for one key reason. Kosinski explained to Collider , "The brightness levels of 3D right now are a fraction of what 2D is. With 2D, you're at 14 foot-lamberts, and with IMAX, you're at 22 foot-lamberts. But 3D films are at 4. So, the brightness isn't there and also your eyes react differently. At low level, they don't pick up color in the same way so you just don't get the saturation, and I knew I wanted this to be a daylight science fiction film."

Morgan Freeman took his role to work with Tom Cruise

Though Morgan Freeman was thoroughly impressed with the script for "Oblivion," he had to be honest and admit that it was Tom Cruise's involvement with the film that was the biggest selling point for him. Freeman was a longtime fan of the actor, and both men had wanted to work together since they first met in the 1990s, so it was bound to happen eventually.

For Freeman, it was important that the duo's first film was something special and not just any movie. He explained to Collider , "If that were the case, I would have been in 'Mission Impossible' 1, 2 or 3. But when the right project comes along, there's sort of a domino effect. Everything falls into place. I think this was the perfect genre for me to be involved with Tom in, so I no longer resent not having done anything with him before."

The film went from Disney to Universal

Initially, Disney was set to produce "Oblivion" because of Joseph Kosinski's great relationship with the studio, but it did not take long for problems to arise. The director told /Film , "With Disney, it was interesting, because I was doing 'Tron: Legacy' and I was under option to them. So they bought it and then as the project developed and I started building it, it became clear when I kept pitching these elements, that it didn't quite fit inside the Disney envelope and I think people who see the movie now, it makes sense."

Fortunately for the filmmaker, Disney was not the only major player interested in the movie. Universal was more than eager to step in, especially since then-chairman Adam Fogelson thought the screenplay was one of the most beautiful he has ever read. The transition from one studio to the next went very smoothly, not just because Disney was on good terms with Kosinski, but it also helped that his former producer, Sean Bailey, had become the president of the studio in 2010.

A panel of scientists were consulted for accuracy

While Joseph Kosinski did benefit greatly from his engineering and architecture background when designing several key elements of "Oblivion," he did not rely solely on his own expertise. The director told Film4 , "I did consult with a panel of scientists at the beginning of the film just to kind of make sure that everything is rooted in science. The technology feels real."

The experts were brought on board not just to verify the accuracy of aspects he was more familiar with, like the Bubbleship, but more importantly, they were there to help figure out the effects of extreme changes to the global environment that occurred in the backstory. When talking with /Film , Kosinski said the panel was recruited to "discuss the geography, the climate, the change of what would happen to Earth if you destroyed the Moon and the changing of the tides." The director knew that such a catastrophic event would drastically alter the Earth, and could trigger all sorts of fallout disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and super volcanoes, so their input was vital in showing the results of that chaos in the most realistic way.

Tom Cruise let Jessica Chastain leave the film

Before production on "Oblivion" began, there was a major change in the cast that was possible due to the kindness of Tom Cruise. Jessica Chastain looked forward to starring alongside the actor, but when she was offered a role in "Zero Dark Thirty," she quickly decided that was an opportunity that she just could not decline. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter , she described how Cruise helped her out and explained, "Someone contacted him from my agency and said, 'Listen, she wants to work with you. And she would love to, but there is this other film, and it's so important.'"

Fortunately for Chastain, the request was not a problem for Cruise, and she was allowed to get out of her contract. The actress went on to add, "I really hope to find something in the future to do with him because I'm very grateful. [...] I've seen him afterwards. And I was like, 'Dude, you're awesome!'"

Andrea Riseborough was uncomfortable during filming

While many of the actors seemed to have enjoyed working on "Oblivion," that was not the case for all of the cast during filming. Andrea Riseborough admitted afterwards that even though she did not have a terrible time in the production, it was not pleasant overall. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly , the actress explained how the movie was shot far from home, which stirred up feelings of isolation since she only interacted with a few people at work most days. Plus, she also described the disorientation brought on by filming brightly lit, morning scenes well into the evening on the Sky Tower set.

Though the worst part of the production was the way Riseborough felt objectified during the shoot. In an interview with The A.V. Club , she said, "I think the thing I didn't enjoy about it ... was more on the studio side, the pressure to look a certain way. And I was never sure where it was coming from, but that was very important to people, how the women looked. That the women sort of looked attractive at all times." Performing with that in the back of her mind just made the experience feel awkward, as she added, "I don't really have the capacity to hold all of those things at once. Not in a way that I really like to work. And so I find that just detracted from... it just took up a lot of space and time."

The actors were attracted to the love story amidst the action

"Oblivion" may have stunning visuals, an intriguing plot, and scenes of intense action, but the love story underneath it all was another feature that helped draw more than one of the cast members to the project. When discussing the positive message of the movie, the first thing that Morgan Freeman told Collider was, "One of the themes that [stands] out in this film is the love story. It's not like one we've seen before."

The romance at its core was the one aspect that actress Olga Kurylenko, the love interest of Tom Cruise's character, liked the most about the film. When talking with Film4 , she admitted, "['Oblivion'] was quite human, and it had a beautiful, romantic story, which is very important for me as a girl. It's fun when things blow up, but it's also nice to watch a love story."

Oblivion marked the first time Tom Cruise had ever been to Iceland

For a movie star who has traveled all over the world and filmed in numerous exotic locales, it would not be surprising if places are constantly being knocked off of Tom Cruise's bucket list. And this was certainly the case when filming began for "Oblivion," as he told Rotten Tomatoes Coming Soon , "I couldn't wait to go to Iceland. I've never been there. First of all, it's just [an] absolutely stunning country, and when you get there, it's hauntingly beautiful."

The breathtaking landscape was enough to spark awe in the actor, but the experience of being there was made even more special because of the brilliant way Joseph Kosinski used the environment to augment the look of the film. Cruise was already impressed with what the director had planned. But witnessing his vision in action on top of the incredible natural beauty exceeded his expectations.

Tom Cruise joined the project because of the director

When Tom Cruise met with Joseph Kosinski, he was highly impressed with the filmmaker's vision for "Oblivion" and its fascinating story, so the actor got involved very early on, before Universal picked it up and the script was even still in its draft stages. But Cruise was convinced the project would be a success, as he said in a Live Media Group Q&A , "He's a guy who's a world creator, a true visionary." On top of this praise, the actor added, "He wanted a haunting beauty, a very unique aesthetic for the film, and I think that that world that he created, these characters he created, was something that I wanted to be a part of."

With the backing of such a huge star, Kosinski was no longer as limited as he thought he would be a few years before. The director was then able to expand his initial idea and keep the parts he liked most about the tale, but tell it on a much grander scale. Cruise must have loved him as a collaborator, since the duo reunited a few films later for "Top Gun: Maverick." But it was that 2013 film, Kosinski's visually stunning "Oblivion," that first hooked Cruise.

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What to Know

Visually striking but thinly scripted, Oblivion benefits greatly from its strong production values and an excellent performance from Tom Cruise.

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Joseph Kosinski

Jack Harper

Morgan Freeman

Olga Kurylenko

Julia Rusakova

Andrea Riseborough

Nikolaj Coster-Waldau

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Oblivion - Full Cast & Crew

  • 54   Metascore
  • 2 hr 6 mins
  • Action & Adventure, Science Fiction
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Sixty years after Earth was ravaged by a war with aliens, a solitary repairman encounters a mysterious woman in a downed space pod. In time, he learns that history has been distorted by the ruling powers that be.


Co-producer, executive producer, cinematographer, production company, art director, sound effects, special effects coordinator, special effects, visual effects, visual effects supervisor, production designer.

Tom Cruise sees the light in sci-fi film 'Oblivion'

  • Cruise debuted the sci-fi film at a massive premiere in Hollywood
  • The actor called the apocalyptic film %22hauntingly romantic%22
  • %27Oblivion%27 marks Cruise and Morgan Freeman%27s first project together

Tom Cruise attends the premiere of 'Oblivion' on April 10.

LOS ANGELES — We know Tom Cruise is a man dedicated to his craft. But his ability to exist on almost no sleep was tested by Oblivion.

Why? On set in Iceland, the sun shone brightly 22 hours a day.

"I didn't (sleep). I couldn't. First of all, I couldn't wait to go to Iceland," said the star at the film's massive premiere at the Dolby Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard Wednesday night. "It has a haunting beauty. We'd shoot all day and then I'd set up adventures at night — or whatever you call it," when the sun doesn't go down, he said. "So I got to go snowmobiling on a glacier. I rappelled into a volcano. Those were my downtime hours."

In Oblivion Cruise plays Jack Harper, one of the last humans left on Earth in 2077 after a brutal war, tasked with fixing drones that patrol for rogue aliens. Cruise called his first sci-fi film since 2005's War of the Worlds "hauntingly romantic. And the story itself has twists and turns until the final frame of the movie."

On Wednesday, Cruise was joined by co-stars Morgan Freeman, Olga Kurylenko, Andrea Riseborough, Melissa Leo and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau. Freeman said the story is a big departure from apocalypse tales that precede it. Plus, "the toys are awesome," he grinned, gesturing at Oblivion 's huge prop "Bubbleship" aircraft on hand for the event.

It was the first time he and Cruise have worked together, despite meeting 20 years ago. "I've watched him almost his entire career," said Freeman. "Did you ever see a movie called Legends ? How about Risky Business ? He's an awesome actor."

Director Joseph Kosinski admitted that he was nervous before meeting Cruise, who elevated Kosinski's original story into $100 million territory after taking a liking to the script.

"At first I was nervous, but Tom has a way in the first couple of minutes of getting rid of that," he said. For the actor's 50 th birthday last summer, Kosinski gave Cruise a replica of the Moto Bike he rides in the film.

"For my birthday Tom gave me a beautiful model of the Bubbleship made out of metal. Down to the finest detail. It's a piece of art. He gives the best gifts," Kosinski said.

Cruise revealed he has a special way of making all of his films family-friendly. "When I'm working on films I always — even my oldest and my nieces and nephews — they always want me to tell them stories. So I will work on stories by telling them stories of my films as I'm working on the script. It's really fun. So they all know every story. Whether they'll see it at a certain point or not."

And this summer, Cruise's plan is simple: "Just working. Working. I've got a lot of films that I've got in development that I'm working on," he said.

Cast of Oblivion

Oblivion cast

Portrayed the character Jack in Oblivion.


Played the role of Beech in Oblivion.


Took on the character of Julia in Oblivion.


Portrayed the character Victoria in Oblivion.


Played the role of Sykes in Oblivion.


Took on the character Sally in Oblivion.


Portrayed the character Kara in Oblivion.


Played the role of Julia's Child in Oblivion.


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The truth of an illusion - Tom Cruise in Oblivion

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tom cruise actor oblivion

Take a very ordinary blockbuster of the summer of 2013. Joseph Kosinski, hot from rebooting the Tron franchise, directs Tom Cruise as a clone seeking some lost vestige of humanity (so nothing difficult there then) in Oblivion .

In the pre-title sequence, Jack (Cruise) sets up the situation, as he moves through a house floating in the clouds, before walking out through its immaculate glass doors towards his waiting air transport. So far so ordinary.

But looking behind the scenes with the aid of the special effects journal Cinefex we learn that things are not quite what they seem. Pretty much everyone I’ve spoken to started off believing the set of Oblivion was digital.

It was a physical set, surrounded by an immense series of screens on which a battery of high-definition projectors beam footage of clouds shot from the top of Haleakala in Hawaii. On the other hand, most people also thought that when we cut to the exterior, were still looking at the actor Tom Cruise, when in fact we were watching a digital double.

It begins to be a bit ripe when you are tricked into believing a physical set is a digital illusion. And the old guard is a bit grumpy about substituting a digital double for a physical actor. It’s even odder when you consider that both the physical set and the digital one that we see in the exterior shot are both built, in their different physical and digital forms, from the same model designed in architectural software.

So what is so different between digitising a scanned human and physically constructing a digital model?

What is unique about human beings, we like to believe, is that they are unique. Without giving away the plot, this isn’t the case with Cruise’s character. He is in search of an identity, but discovers he is not the only one who has it. He is only one of several iterations of the same source code: a projection of an underlying dataset.

So it is entirely appropriate that the character Jack should appear ambiguously as both human and synthespian . After all, the more we learn about genetic engineering, the NSA and social programming, the more paranoid we get, or ought to.

Popular entertainment sometimes gives us a deeper insight into what it is to be human than a phalanx of government reports.

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They Literally Built Oblivion's Awesome Bubble Ship, with a Little Help from Tom Cruise

Science fiction has no shortage of iconic vessels, but somehow Oblivion 's bubble ship always gets left by the wayside.

tom cruise actor oblivion

Science fiction has no shortage of iconic ships: the USS Enterprise, the Millennium Falcon, TIE fighters, U.S.C.S.S. Nostromo, the Ornithopters of Arakkis, UNSC  Forward Unto Dawn,  The Milano, Serenity, Event Horizon, Planet Express... the list really does go on and on. One vessel that doesn't get enough love, however, is that awesome — and ever so phallic — bubble ship piloted by Tom Cruise 's Jack Harper in the 2013 sci-fi action-thriller,  Oblivion (now streaming on Peacock ).

What makes the agile craft so notable is the fact that the production actually built two practical versions for principal photography: a full-scale model and a cockpit mounted atop a gimbal. "The whole philosophy for the movie was to try and shoot everything in-camera," director Joseph Kosinski explains in the behind-the-scenes featurette below. Cruise, who is a fully-licensed pilot, offered up some input for the ship's interior controls "to make sure it felt as realistic as possible," Kosinski adds.

RELATED:  Tom Cruises's Oblivion Remains a High-Concept Sci-Fi Hidden Gem a Decade Later

"There are actors who don't really have a relationship to the art department," echos concept designer Daniel Simon in  an interview with Ace Magazine . "They come to set and expect everything to be there. Tom saw the first drawings and was a part of it right from the beginning. Plus, he helped design the cockpit because of his expertise in flying. I can't fly an airplane or helicopter, he can. So he told us what would look best on-camera, what would make him comfortable acting. The biggest challenge was to make the seat comfortable. There's no secret about it, if you sit eight years in a chair, you suffer. It's not the healthiest position. So to make him, as an actor, very comfortable, this is specifically designed to his ergonomics."

See How They Built the Bubble Ship from Oblivion

While Cruise was giddy as a schoolboy to strap in for the gimbal sequences, co-star Olga Kurylenko, who plays Julia Harper, wasn't as enthusiastic to go through the NASA-like endurance test . So when you go back and watch the film, pay close attention to Julia's look of discomfort when Jack takes evasive maneuvers during the drone pursuit — those emotions are completely genuine. "The bubble ship is a beautiful creation when it's standing on the ground, but you don't want to be in there when it's flipping around," the actress admits in the featurette.

RELATED:  Oblivion Director Joseph Kosinski Reflects on Humble Sci-Fi Origins of 2013 Tom Cruise Flick

But, as the old saying goes, "Distance makes the heart grow fonder." Once filming had wrapped and she was on the red carpet for the movie's premiere, far away from the nauseating twists and turns, Kurylenko had kinder words for the craft. 

“I really liked the bubble ship and the way it moved," she told Entertainment Weekly . "Can you imagine if there were a couple of those flying around the sky? If we could all have one and fly those instead of driving cars — well actually we’d probably have tons of accidents, but it would look cool. And if I had one, I would pilot it. In the movie, Tom does all the driving and flying, so if I had my own, I would never get out of the driver’s seat."

Oblivion is now streaming  on Peacock .

  • Joseph Kosinski
  • Science Fiction

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  • Edit source

Tom Cruise is an actor that portrayed the characters of Jack Harper , Jack 49 and Jack 52 in the movie Oblivion .


Insights Of Oblivion Cast | Know Everything!

The post-apocalyptic movie ‘Oblivion’ had Tom Cruise as its main cast alongside Olga Kurylenko, Morgan Freeman, Andrea Riseborough, and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau in supporting roles.

Oblivion is a sci-fi action-adventure film directed and produced by Joseph Krosinki and Peter Chernin.

In this movie, Tom Cruise played the main role of Jack Harper, an American technician who repairs drones.

Morgan Freeman played the role of Malcolm Beech, Olga Kurylenko as Julia who is Jack’s wife, Andrea Riseborough as Vika, Nicolaj Coster waldau as Sergeant Sykes, and Melissa Leo as Tet and Sally.

Keep reading to find out more about the cast!

Full Cast & Crew

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Joseph Kosinski: He is an American film director who is especially known for his renowned works in action films, computer graphics, and computer-generated imagery work.

oblivion cast 

He was born in Iowa and received his higher education at Stanford University. He made his debut with the feature film ‘Tron: Legacy for Walt Disney movies which collected over $400 million worldwide. 

Melissa Leo: Melissa Leo is a renowned American actress who is also the recipient of several prestigious awards including a Primetime Emmy award, a Golden Globe award, and many more.

oblivion cast 

She was born in Manhattan and studied acting at Mountview Academy of theatre arts in London. She received several nominations and awards for her exemplary acting in the movie Frozen River (2008). 

Tom Cruise: Tom Cruise is known to be one of the highest-paid actors in America and is also a renowned producer. He is also the recipient of several accolades including several Golden Globe awards.

oblivion cast 

Many of his films have crossed over $4 billion worldwide owing to the title of highest-grossing box-office stars of all time.

His early acting career started in the 1980s when he started with leading roles in comedy and action films. He graduated from Glen Ridge High School in 1980. 

Morgan Freeman: Morgan Freeman is an American actor, director, and narrator who is known for his deep and passionate roles in a variety of film genres.

oblivion cast 

He is the recipient of multiple accolades including an Academy Award, a screen actors guild award, and a golden globe award. 

Olga Kurylenko: Olga Kurylenko is a Ukrainian-French actress and model who started her career in 2005 and is the recipient of the Boston Society of Film Critics Award.

oblivion cast 

She started her modeling career at the age of 16 when she moved to Paris and signed a contract with a Paris-based modeling agency. 

Andrea Riseborough: Andrea Riseborough is an English actress and producer who started her career in a film debut with a small part in Venus. She is also the recipient of several prestigious awards including a BIFA award and Critics choice movie award. 

oblivion cast 

Nikolaj Coster-Waldau: Nikolaj Coster-Waldau is a Danish actor and producer who holds the nomination for several prestigious awards including two Primetime Emmy Awards and is the recipient of Empire Awards.

oblivion cast 

In 1993, he graduated from the Danish National School of Performing Arts in Copenhagen. 

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Karl Gajdusek: He is an American screenwriter, producer, and playwright. He is the co-creator of the TV series Last Resort and was the showrunner for the first season of Stranger Things. 

oblivion cast 

Michael Arndt: He is an American screenwriter and is well known for his works in Little Miss Sunshine, Toy Story 3, and Star Wars. 

oblivion cast 

Dan Hageman: He is the executive producer and co-creator of Star Trek. 

oblivion cast 

Joseph Kosinski: He is an American film director who is especially known for his renowned works in action films, computer graphics, and computer-generated imagery work. He was born in Iowa and received his higher education at Stanford University. 

Many of his films have crossed over $4 billion worldwide owing to the title of highest-grossing box-office stars of all time. His early acting career started in the 1980s when he started with leading roles in comedy and action films.

He graduated from Glen Ridge High School in 1980. 

He is the recipient of multiple accolades including an Academy Award, a screen actors guild award, and a golden globe award.

He was born in Tennessee, studied theatre arts in Los Angeles, and received fame during the 70s for his role in the children’s television series called The Electric Company. 

Andrea Riseborough: Andrea Riseborough is an English actress and producer who started her career in a film debut with a small part in Venus.

She is also the recipient of several prestigious awards including a BIFA award and Critics choice movie award. 

In 1993, he graduated from the Danish National School of Performing Arts in Copenhagen.

Zoe Bell: Zoe Bell is a New Zealand stuntwoman and actress who is well known for her works in Lucy Lawless in Xena and Uma in Kill Bill. She has a remarkable background in gymnastics and martial arts. 

Lorraine Touissant: She is a Trinidadian-American actress who is the recipient of several accolades including the Black Reel Award, Critics choice television award, and a screen actors guild award. 

oblivion cast 

Know About: Actors Really Actually Kiss Or Not?

Joseph Kosinski: He is an American film director who is especially known for his renowned works in action films, computer graphics, and computer-generated imagery work. 

Peter Chernin: He is an American businessman and investor who is also the chairman and CEO of the Chernin group. He was born in New York and is the co-founder and partner at TCG. 

oblivion cast 

Dylan Clark: Dylan Clark is an American film producer who is well known for her works in Rising of the Plant of Apes and Dawn of the Planet of Apes. 

oblivion cast 

Barry Levine: He is an American film producer, actor, and comedian who is best known for his works in drama films like Good Morning, The Natural, Diner, etc. 

oblivion cast 

Duncan Henderson: He is an American film producer, assistant director, and production manager and is also the nominee for the Academy Award for best picture.

oblivion cast 


Bruce Franklin: He is an assistant director and producer known for his works in Oblivion, Terminator Salvation, and Suicide Squad. 

oblivion cast 

Executive Producer

Dave Morrison: He is a producer known for his works in Oblivion, Pandorum, and Gully.

oblivion cast 

Jesse Burger: Jesse Burger is an American producer and composer. 

oblivion cast 

Justin Springer: He is an American film producer known for his works in Oblivion, Dumbo, and Legacy.

oblivion cast 

Also Read: Know About Interesting Insights Of Oblivion Movie

Joseph Trapanese: He is an American composer and producer who generally works in the production of music for films, television, records, and theatre.

oblivion cast 


Claudio Miranda: He is a Chilean cinematographer who is the recipient of an Academy Award-winning director of photography for Life of Pi and a BAFTA. He was born in Chile in March 1965. 

  • Production Company

Richard Francis Bruce: He is an Australian film editor who is also the recipient of several nominations for the academy award for best film Act. 

oblivion cast 

Art Director

Kevin Ishioka: He is an Art director best known for his works in Avatar, Dunkirk, and Master and Commander. 

oblivion cast 

Marlene Stewart: She is an American costume designer who began her career by designing costumes for Madonna’s concerts. 

oblivion cast 

Melanie Deforest: She is a makeup artist who is known for her works in Conjuring and the Devil made me do it. 

Sound Effects

In the movie oblivion, sound effects were organized by Stephen Apostolina, Matthew Armstrong, and James Austin.  

Special Effects Coordinator

Mike Meinardus: He is a special effects coordinator known for his work in Jurassic World. 

oblivion cast 

Special Effects

Special effects were worked upon by Brian Adler and Tom Beckert.

  • Visual Effects

Eric Barba: He is a visual effects supervisor for television, film, and advertising.

oblivion cast 

Bjorn Mayer: He is a Swedish bassist and composer. 

oblivion cast 

  • Visual Effects Supervisor
  • Production Designer

Darren Gilford: He is a production designer known for his works in Star Wars. 

oblivion cast 

Zoe Bell: Zoe Bell is a New Zealand stunt woman and actress who is well known for her works in Lucy Lawless in Xena and Uma in Kill Bill. She has a remarkable background in gymnastics and martial arts. 

Frequently Asked Questions.

1. Is there an Oblivion 2?

There is a movie named Oblivion 2 which was released in 1996. However, there is no chance of a second part for the Oblivion movie starring Tom Cruise. 

2. Where was Oblivion filmed?

The filming locations are Baton Rouge and New Orleans. 

3. Is Jack a clone in Oblivion?

Jack 52 is a clone of commander Jack Harper who was captured by the Tet to use his genetic material to produce thousands of clones. However, his memories were cleared to maintain the integrity of the mission

4. Who is the main villain of Oblivion?

The main villain in oblivion is Tet who is an artificial intelligence alien determined to extract earth’s natural resources and destroy humanity. 

5. Who is the most powerful entity in The Elder Scrolls?

Sithis are the most powerful beings in the Elder Scrolls. 

Interesting Insights Of Oblivion Movie! | Reviews And Act


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Jack Reacher

Tom Cruise in Jack Reacher (2012)

A homicide investigator digs deeper into a case involving a trained military sniper responsible for a mass shooting. A homicide investigator digs deeper into a case involving a trained military sniper responsible for a mass shooting. A homicide investigator digs deeper into a case involving a trained military sniper responsible for a mass shooting.

  • Christopher McQuarrie
  • Rosamund Pike
  • Richard Jenkins
  • 659 User reviews
  • 422 Critic reviews
  • 50 Metascore
  • 1 win & 6 nominations

U.S. Version #2

  • Rob Farrior

Dylan Kussman

  • Oline Archer

Julia Yorks

  • Chrissie Farrior

Nicole Forester

  • All cast & crew
  • Production, box office & more at IMDbPro

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Jack Reacher: Never Go Back

Did you know

  • Trivia When Jack Reacher's car crashes into some barrels, the car accidentally stalled upon the impact, but Tom Cruise was luckily able to restart the car before driving off again. Rather than do a retake, Christopher McQuarrie decided to leave it in the film, as he felt it added to the suspense of the scene.
  • Goofs When Jack Reacher pulls out the Camaro's registration, it erroneously reads "State of Pennsylvania." Like three other states (KY, MA, and VA), Pennsylvania official designates itself as a "Commonwealth" not a "State."

Jack Reacher : What I mean is, the cheapest woman tends to be the one you pay for.

Sandy : [stands up, angrily] I am *not* a hooker!

Jack Reacher : Well, a hooker would get the joke.

Jeb : [enters with his four buddies] What's this?

Sandy : He called me a whore.

Jeb : Is that true?

Jack Reacher : Well, nobody said whore. She inferred hooker, but I meant slut.

Punk : Hey. That's our sister.

Jack Reacher : Is she a good kisser?

Jeb : Hey. Outside.

Jack Reacher : Pay your check first.

Jeb : I'll pay later.

Jack Reacher : You won't be able to.

Jeb : You think?

Jack Reacher : All the time. You should try it.

Jeb : It's a great joke, but I'm gonna beat your ass. Do you want to do that here or outside?

Jack Reacher : Outside.

Jeb : Stay here, Sandy.

Sandy : I don't mind the sight of blood.

Jack Reacher : [walks by Sandy] When it means you're not pregnant, anyway.

  • Alternate versions The UK release was cut, the distributor chose to reduce two moments of violence (a woman being suffocated by a man and a man being hit over the head with a rock) in order to obtain a 12A classification. An uncut 15 classification was available.
  • Connections Featured in The Big Review: Fall Trailer Park (2012)
  • Soundtracks Jump Around Written by DJ Muggs (as Larry Muggerud) & Erik Schrody Performed by House of Pain Courtesy of Tommy Boy Music By arrangement with Warner Music Group Film & TV Licensing

User reviews 659

  • bob-rutzel-1
  • May 8, 2013
  • Who is the actress playing the girl dressing in the first scene with Reacher?
  • Why did Emerson work for The Zec? Towards the end of the movie, he mentioned that he did not have a choice but it was never flushed out.
  • December 21, 2012 (United States)
  • United States
  • Strip District, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA (DeLucas Resturant; 1st fight scene)
  • Paramount Pictures
  • Skydance Media
  • H2L Media "AKA" Mutual Film Company
  • See more company credits at IMDbPro
  • $60,000,000 (estimated)
  • $80,070,736
  • $15,210,156
  • Dec 23, 2012
  • $218,340,595

Technical specs

  • Runtime 2 hours 10 minutes
  • Dolby Digital
  • Dolby Atmos
  • Dolby Surround 7.1

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10 years later, Oblivion is still Tom Cruise’s most underrated blockbuster

Top Gun: Maverick may have cemented Tom Cruise’s return to the top echelon of the Hollywood ranks last year, but that film is far from the only impeccably made blockbuster that Cruise has worked on in recent years. As a matter of fact, Cruise has been on a bit of a hot streak for well over a decade now, basically ever since his practical stunts in 2011’s Mission: Impossible — Ghost Protocol helped put him back on viewers’ radars again

In the 12 years since then, Cruise has had a few misses here and there (we’re looking at you, Rock of Ages ), but he’s nonetheless managed to steadily rebuild his reputation among moviegoers with blockbuster hits like Mission: Impossible — Rogue Nation and Mission: Impossible — Fallout and cult favorites like Edge of Tomorrow . In 2013, Cruise also teamed up for the first time with Top Gun: Maverick director Joseph Kosinski for the original sci-fi adventure film, Oblivion . Unlike Maverick , though, Oblivion  received a lukewarm critical and financial response upon its release.

Ten years later, Oblivion doesn’t just seem undeserving of such a tepid response, but it feels like the kind of film that should be discussed far more often than it actually is. For that reason alone, Oblivion has earned the unfortunate distinction of being not only one of the most underappreciated genre films of the 2010s, but also the most underrated blockbuster that Tom Cruise has ever starred in.

Set on a future version of Earth that has been left dilapidated and terraformed by an alien invasion decades prior, Oblivion follows Jack (Cruise) and Victoria (Andrea Riseborough), a pair of humans who have been tasked with ensuring that the last of the planet’s resources are successfully stripped for the remaining survivors who have relocated to new colonies throughout space. When the film begins, their mission is nearly complete. Unfortunately, Jack has also begun to find himself overwhelmed by waves of nostalgia for the days before Earth was destroyed and plagued by memories of a mysterious woman, Julia (Olga Kurylenko), whom he doesn’t fully remember.

There is, of course, more to Jack and Victoria’s mission than meets the eye. In that way, Oblivion shares the same kind of mystery-driven structure as many of the popular sci-fi films that came before it — namely, Moon and Minority Report . The places it goes and the reveals it eventually delivers aren’t, by any means, revolutionary or unpredictable. However, while the film’s story suffers a little from its overfamiliarity, Oblivion makes up for its narrative shortcomings with a pace and overall level of technical craftsmanship that, frankly, feels increasingly hard to come by these days (at least, in films that don’t happen to star Tom Cruise).

The first act of Oblivion is, for the most part, an exploratory introduction to its futuristic, dystopian version of Earth. Viewers are invited to tag along with Cruise’s Jack as he flies across the planet’s torn but gradually healing surface, relives old baseball games in long-destroyed stadiums, and traipses with Riseborough’s Victoria through the film’s greatest creation: a floating Sky Tower that is constructed almost entirely out of translucent glass walls and floors. The film’s first act essentially culminates with a nighttime sequence between Cruise and Riseborough in the Sky Tower’s suspended swimming pool that is simultaneously sensual, hypnotic, and visually awe-inspiring.

Part of the reason why the film’s Sky Tower sequences are so visually stunning is that Kosinski and his cinematographer, Claudio Miranda (who also shot Top Gun: Maverick ), insisted on avoiding blue screen and green screen effects to create the set’s lighting and exterior environments. Instead, the pair worked with a special effects house to surround the film’s Sky Tower set with screen projectors that not only allowed Miranda to accurately light Oblivion ’s actors in real time. but also afforded the performers themselves the opportunity to see the same views as their characters. Miranda and Kosinski, in other words, put themselves at the forefront of the kind of on-set screen projector technology that has now been made popular by shows like The Mandalorian and films like The Batman .

Beyond the technically innovative nature of some of their behind-the-scenes methods, Kosinski and Miranda consistently manage to make Oblivion ’s postapocalyptic world feel both real and paradoxically lived-in. Despite how empty many of the film’s vast dystopian environments are, you can still feel the history behind every locale that Cruise’s Jack moves through, which just makes it easier to feel the same sense of nostalgia that drives so many of his actions throughout Oblivion .

There isn’t a single bad or lackluster frame in the entire film. Even if its story isn’t nearly as rousing or crowd-pleasing,  Oblivion  boasts the same kind of polished visual artistry that helped make Top Gun: Maverick stand out from so many of last year’s other blockbusters. It’s the same level of impressive technical precision that is, in fact, on display in nearly every movie that Kosinski has directed.

Oblivion , to its credit, packs more than enough thrilling action sequences into its relatively lean 124-minute runtime. What makes the film so rewatchable, though, is how well it manages to make you fall in love with its futuristic alternate reality. Like so many of the best movies that Cruise has ever made, the film relies heavily on its lead’s considerable star power and charisma. Fortunately, Cruise is up for that job. Oblivion is, consequently, able to occasionally shrug off concerns about plot progression in favor of moments and sequences that allow both Jack and those watching the film to pause and get lost in its sci-fi world.

On-screen, Oblivion ’s debt to the Space Age sci-fi stories of old is obvious. What’s more impressive is just how well the film manages to tap into the same pulp quality that made the sci-fi worlds of those stories so appealing in the first place. It’s a movie that is easy to turn on and get lost in, and it deserves to be remembered far more fondly than it seems to be these days.

Oblivion is streaming now on Peacock .

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tom cruise actor oblivion

Tom Cruise's Underrated Sci-Fi Movie That Holds 91% On RT Needs A Sequel 10 Years Later

  • Tom Cruise's sci-fi movie "Edge of Tomorrow" deserves a sequel, with its time-loop concept and entertaining action.
  • "Edge of Tomorrow 2" could explore Vrataski's backstory and offer an original storyline, potentially creating a new action franchise for Cruise.
  • The future of "Edge of Tomorrow 2" remains uncertain, potentially due to scheduling issues and other projects for the cast and director.

Although it has been 10 years since this underrated Tom Cruise sci-fi movie first premiered and earned a 91% score on Rotten Tomatoes, it still deserves a sequel. Despite being one of the highest grossing stars in Hollywood, Tom Cruise has seen his share of highs and lows in his acting career. While some of his films have been critically panned but received incredibly well at the box office, others have garnered incredible reviews but remained relatively less profitable.

Falling in the latter category, a Tom Cruise sci-fi movie premiered nearly a decade ago and earned rave reviews from viewers and critics. However, despite its critical success, the film was not as big of a hit at the box office as it was expected to be. Still, its follow-up has been in the talks for ages, making it hard not to wonder if it will ever see the light of the day.

Edge Of Tomorrow 2: Will It Happen? Everything We Know

Here's everything we know so far about Edge Of Tomorrow 2, AKA Live Die Repeat And Repeat, including what Emily Blunt has said about her return.

Edge Of Tomorrow Is Tom Cruise's Best Sci-Fi Movie

Minority report arguably comes close.

In a career spanning over four decades, Tom Cruise has starred in many sci-fi movies. While some of these films, like War of the Worlds and Oblivion , struggled to leave their mark, others, like Minority Report and Vanilla Sky , still have high rewatch value. Since Tom Cruise has delivered many sci-fi hits, it may be unfair to label one as his definitive best. However, the kind of loopy adventure, alien lore, and comical action Edge of Tomorrow brings to the table easily makes it a standout film for him in the genre.

Minority Report gives Edge of Tomorrow a run for its money.

Vanilla Sky is no less fascinating with its ideas and twists, but its inclination towards romance more than sci-fi and comparisons with the original Spanish movie it adapts rank it slightly below Edge of Tomorrow . War of the Worlds was helmed by the incredibly talented Steven Spielberg and featured a stellar cast including Tom Cruise, Dakota Fanning, and Tim Robbins. Unfortunately, despite having the potential to become one of Cruise's best sci-fi films, it was hampered by its lack of fresh ideas and uneven pacing.

Minority Report gives Edge of Tomorrow a run for its money. In terms of influence and innovativeness, Minority Report even beats Edge of Tomorrow in more ways than one. However, Edge of Tomorrow is easily more entertaining because its sci-fi concepts are accessible yet interesting, and its war-centric action effectively keeps viewers at the edge of their seats. Since Tom Cruise is often perceived as a daredevil because of his daunting stuntwork and characterization in the Mission: Impossible franchise, Edge of Tomorrow also gives a glimpse of his action range by portraying him as a hilariously cowardly hero .

10 Best Tom Cruise Movies, Ranked

With a career spanning more than 40 years, Tom Cruise is one of Hollywood's biggest stars. From comedies to action movies, the actor has done it all.

Why Edge Of Tomorrow 2 Should Happen

The first film leaves enough room for a follow-up.

The first Edge of Tomorrow film has a conclusive ending where Tom Cruise's Major William Cage saves the day by destroying the Omega and reuniting with Vrataski. Vrataski seems oblivious to his identity because Cruise's character gets time-looped back to the base operation after completing his mission. However, the closing arc still seems conclusive enough to give audiences closure despite having some logical inconsistencies. While this makes it hard not to wonder what a sequel could be about, the first movie's alien lore and time-loop trope leave enough room for many new ideas.

Emily Blunt could also benefit from having another gripping post-apocalyptic movie franchise under her belt after her success with the A Quiet Place movies.

Doug Liman once revealed (via Collider ) that " Edge of Tomorrow 2 is a sequel that’s a prequel, " which could mean that the film could explore Vrataski's efforts to end the war as a looper before she met Cage . Using forward-jumping time loops as a narrative device, the sequel could connect Vrataski's backstory to the first film's events, adding new layers of time-traveling madness to the franchise's narrative. Since the first Edge of Tomorrow movie was based on Hiroshi Sakurazaka's book, All You Need Is Kill , the second movie would adopt an original storyline, making it even more exciting and novel.

With the opportunity to explore many narrative avenues with its time-loop trope, Edge of Tomorrow 2 could be as successful as the first film (if not more). It could even mark the inception of a new action franchise for Tom Cruise after Mission: Impossible . Emily Blunt could also benefit from having another gripping post-apocalyptic movie franchise under her belt after her success with the A Quiet Place movies.

Will Edge Of Tomorrow 2 Ever Actually Happen?

Its future remains uncertain.

Although Edge of Tomorrow 2 's production was initially gaining some momentum and Doug Liman had also prepared its script, the film has sadly remained in development hell for years . Emily Blunt read its script and teased that it had great ideas, which promised Edge of Tomorrow 2 could be a worthy sequel that builds upon its predecessor's success. Doug Liman, too, recently gave some positive updates surrounding Edge of Tomorrow 2 by revealing how Warner Bros. is " constantly " asking him if he plans to revisit the franchise.

However, given how Liman is busy with several other upcoming projects and will also helm the sequel to Amazon's widely successful Road House remake, it seems uncertain when he will have time to revisit the Edge of Tomorrow franchise. Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt are also a part of several upcoming big-budget projects, which could lead to scheduling issues for the movie's filming. Hopefully, Edge of Tomorrow 2 's production will take off soon and eventually pave the way for a full-fledged sci-fi franchise.

Edge of Tomorrow

Director Doug Liman

Release Date June 6, 2014

Studio(s) Warner Bros. Pictures

Distributor(s) Warner Bros. Pictures

Writers John-Henry Butterworth, Jez Butterworth, Christopher McQuarrie

Cast Emily Blunt, Tom Cruise

Rating PG-13

Runtime 1h 53m

Genres Sci-Fi, Thriller, Action, Adventure

Sequel(s) Edge of Tomorrow 2

Budget 178 million

Based on Hiroshi Sakurazaka's novel All You Need is Kill, Edge of Tomorrow follows Major William Cage (Tom Cruise), who finds himself drafted into humanity's ongoing war against a seemingly unstoppable race of hostile aliens called Mimics. Cage is killed in combat, but wakes in a time loop, reliving the same battle day after day. Gradually, he realizes that if he teams up with the decorated war hero Sergeant Rita Vrataski (Emily Blunt), he can exploit the time loop to defeat the Mimic army and save the human race.

Tom Cruise's Underrated Sci-Fi Movie That Holds 91% On RT Needs A Sequel 10 Years Later

Suri Cruise Used Her High School Graduation To Throw Biggest Shade At Dad Tom Yet

Tom Cruise Suri Cruise

More signs keep piling up to indicate that Suri Cruise's relationship with her dad, Tom Cruise, is irreparable. Tom was not present when Suri turned 18-years-old in April 2024, as he was off shooting another installment in the "Mission Impossible" franchise overseas. A couple months later, the actor missed another momentous event in his daughter's life. On June 21, Suri attended her high school graduation as her doting mom, Katie Holmes, was present. Photos obtained by Page Six showed the mother-daughter duo flashing giant smiles during the event held at United Palace Theater in Manhattan. Not only was Tom absent for the event, but so was his last name, as his daughter chose to go by "Suri Noelle" for the ceremony.

Instead of being in New York for his estranged daughter's graduation, the "Oblivion" star was at the London leg of Taylor Swift's Eras Tour on June 22. A fan posted a snap of Tom attending the concert to Instagram. "Ah look at Tom having a father daughter night out! Oh no wait," one Instagram user chided.

The truth about Tom Cruise and Suri's fractured relationship made headlines after she turned 18-years-old. Even though she became a legal adult, Suri was in no hurry to reconnect with her father. "He does not exist to Katie or Suri, and his daughter does not want to rely on him for anything," a source told the Daily Mail in April. It had been years since Tom saw his daughter, but he was still providing for her financially.

How Katie Holmes has protected Suri Cruise

Reportedly, Suri Cruise has not seen Tom Cruise in person since Katie Holmes blindsided him with divorce papers in 2012. The "Dawson's Creek" alum had worked on keeping her daughter out of the spotlight. "Katie has safeguarded Suri and she's a devoted mom," a source told Page Six in April. "This is a girl who is a private citizen. She hasn't lived her life in public," the insider said about Suri.

Despite the estrangement, Tom was paying his ex-wife $400,000 a year in child support until their daughter turned 18-years-old, per a Daily Mail article published in March 2023. Afterwards, the "Top Gun" actor was still on the hook to pay for Suri's college, and other incidentals. At the time of the Mail's article, a source said that Holmes wanted her daughter to choose a school in New York. In April, Suri revealed her college choice and it seemed to be a sign she wanted to further distance herself from Tom. As revealed in a TikTok where a number of her classmates announced which college they would be attending, Suri chose to attend Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh.

Holmes may have preferred that her daughter stayed close by in New York, but she was likely happy to see Suri avoid the spotlight and head to Pittsburgh. "What has been really important for me with my daughter, because she was so visible at a young age, is I really like to protect her," Holmes told Glamour in April 2023.

Oblivion is a 2013 science-fiction film that is an adaptation of a unpublished graphic novel co-written by Joseph Kosinski (who also directed this film). The film is set in the year 2077, sixty years after Earth has been devastated from the effects of an alien invasion. Most of humanity has left Earth for a massive tetrahedral space station (called Tet ). Tom Cruise stars in the film as Jack Harper, one of the few remaining humans on Earth assigned to protect and maintain drones that extract Earth's resources to fuel the Tet. With only a couple of weeks away from joining the rest of humanity, Jack discovers a crashed spacecraft that forces him to question everything he believes. Kosinski would subsequently reunite with Cruise for the 2022 film Top Gun: Maverick .

The following weapons were used in the film Oblivion :

  • 1.1 Jack's Rifle (Bushmaster ACR)
  • 1.2 AKM (custom)
  • 1.3 Barrett M82A1
  • 1.4 Sykes' Skeleton Rifle
  • 2.1 Futuristic Pistol
  • 2.2 Heckler & Koch USP Match
  • 3.1 Heckler & Koch UMP45
  • 3.2 Heckler & Koch MP5
  • 4.1 Browning M2


Jack's Rifle (Bushmaster ACR)

Throughout the film, Jack Harper ( Tom Cruise ) carries a futuristic rifle as his main armament, which is a dressed up Bushmaster ACR . The rifle has a shell attached to it that surrounds the stock and upper receiver to make it appear more futuristic, and the base-rifle is always seen loaded with 10 round magazines. It has an Oveready/TorchLAB weaponlight above the barrel, integrated inside the shell. Harper always carries the rifle on a custom white Magpul MS-3 sling. Julia Rusakova ( Olga Kurylenko ) briefly has the rifle slung on her back as she goes to the Radiation zone with Jack on a motorbike.

According to ISS, they had to custom make the short 10 round mag to make it even shorter for the movie.

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AKM (custom)

A couple of the resistance fighters carry heavily customized AKM rifles in the film, including Kara ( Zoe Bell ). The rifles have had their stocks removed, and a large loop-grip fitted on the usual AKM-grip. The rifles are also fitted with black furniture.

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Barrett M82A1

One of the resistance members ( Tim J. Smith ) uses a Barrett M82A1 fitted with a custom scope, a large muzzle brake resembling an M107A1 one (except with 5 chambers rather than 4), and a skeleton shell while fighting a drone.

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Sykes' Skeleton Rifle

Sergeant Sykes ( Nikolaj Coster-Waldau ) carries a skeletony sniper rifle as his primary firearm in the film. Unlike the other skeleton rifles built on Heckler & Koch MP5s , this particular rifle doesn't seem to be based on anything.

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Futuristic Pistol

Jack Harper ( Tom Cruise ) carries this futuristic pistol as his sidearm. The pistol is purportedly a custom designed 3D printed prop for the film.

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Heckler & Koch USP Match

Sergeant Sykes ( Nikolaj Coster-Waldau ) of the Earth resistance carries an all black Heckler & Koch USP Match as his sidearm in the film.

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Submachine Guns

Heckler & koch ump45.

Some of the resistance members carry Heckler & Koch UMP45 submachine guns with futuristic embellishments. Julia Rusakova ( Olga Kurylenko ) uses one of the guns after its previous owner dies. The UMPs can be identified as the .45 ACP version, due to the straight magazines.

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Heckler & Koch MP5

Several of the resistance members carry Heckler & Koch MP5 series submachine guns, that have been fitted with customized futuristic skeleton shells in the film.

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Machine Guns

Browning m2.

Two Browning M2 machine guns are mounted on a mount improvised from a drone's armored shell in the film's climactic battle. Malcolm Beech ( Morgan Freeman ) blazes away in a particularly heroic stand.

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Tom Cruise was seen at the 2024 Glastonbury Festival just a week after attending Taylor Swift's concert. He was spotted with his Mission: Impossible co-star Simon Pegg watching Coldplay live.

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  • More on Coldplay's England concert 
  • More about Tom Cruise and his new-found love for live concerts 

It looks like Hollywood's evergreen actor Tom Cruise loves attending music concerts! The Mission Impossible star was spotted at 2024’s Glastonbury Festival just one week after he attended Taylor Swift's concert as a part of her Eras Tour in London. He was having a gala time with Mission Impossible co-star Simon Pegg while watching Coldplay headline the Pyramid Stage at Glastonbury, England on June 29, 2024

The actor was snapped with actor Simon Pegg ahead of Coldplay’s headlining performance at Worthy Farm in Pilton. Cyndi Lauper, Little Simz, and Keane were also on the main stage. In images shared via DailyMail.com, both Pegg and Cruise were spotted talking to Gillian Anderson as they enjoyed Coldplay from a VIP balcony.

More on Coldplay's England concert 

Coldplay broke Glastonbury Festival records as they took to the stage with their fifth headline slot on the Pyramid Stage. The band first headlined on the Pyramid Stage in 2002, and their performance sees them overtake The Cure, who have headlined the space four times.

They began their set with Yellow, from their 2000 album Parachutes, and then followed up with their song of the night, Higher Power, from their ninth album, Music Of The Spheres. Viewers were immersed in a magical experience wearing and waving LED wristbands which have become a signature thing to do in all their live concerts over the years. 

Frontman Chris Martin , guitarist Jonny Buckland, drummer Will Champion, and bassist Guy Berryman took to the stage and delivered a dreamy, memorable performance, once again proving the fact that their shows aren't just typical concerts but an experience of their own. 

More about Tom Cruise and his new-found love for live concerts 

Well, before grooving to Coldplay's magical vibe, Tom Cruise attended Taylor Swift's show in London. The star was spotted in the VIP tent dancing to her hit track, Shake It Off. 

One fan even showed a video of herself sharing friendship bracelets, a hallmark of the Swift fan experience, with the actor. Cruise was one of many A-list guests at Swift’s eight-night residency at Wembley, the second-largest stadium in the world. 

Looks like Cruise loves attending live concerts and seemed completely immersed in its vibe. Social media clips from the concert showed Travis embracing Tom, as the pair smiled and laughed while Taylor Swift performed . At one point, Travis Kelce (Swift's boyfriend) even put his hands on the Oblivion star’s shoulders and whispered something in his ear.

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  Hi there! I'm Sweta Choudhury, a 25-year-old from Assam who has always had a passion for expressing

  Hi there! I'm Sweta Choudhury, a 25-year-old from Assam who has always had a passion for expressing herself through the creative space. I hold a degree in media and communication from Kingston University, London and pursued my Master's in journalism and mass communication from Amity University, Noida. With a knack for content writing, content creation, interviewing, public speaking, copywriting, brand management, and social media marketing, I thrive in the world of media.(with significant time spent working and interning with ad agencies and startups). When I'm not busy crafting content or managing brands, you'll find me seeking solace in traveling, watching crime documentaries, indulging in delicious food, exploring makeup and fashion, and immersing myself in captivating reads. I take a stand for the things that need a voice,believe in authenticity, wear my heart on my sleeve and keep my circle small and tight. I have a keen love for movies and all things media. Let's connect on LinkedIn, or feel free to reach out to me at [email protected] for any inquiries. Or you can also connect on Instagram to see my daily life, read  posts or simply get to know me, not as an author but rather as a happy-go-lucky girl . ID: swetachoudhury19 

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‘Interview With the Vampire’ Director on Casting Tom Cruise Over Daniel Day-Lewis and the Backlash That Followed: ‘The Entire World’ Said ‘You Are Miscast’

INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE, Tom Cruise, 1994. © Warner Bros. / courtesy Everett Collection

When Neil Jordan ‘s “ Interview With the Vampire ” film adaptation released in 1994, Tom Cruise was already a worldwide star. He had led the highly successful “Risky Business” and “Top Gun” and received an Oscar nomination for “Born on the Fourth of July.” But, not everyone was convinced he could play the titular vampire, Lestat de Lioncourt, and his casting caused a considerable amount of backlash among fans of Anne Rice’s original book.

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After meeting with Cruise twice at his house in Brentwood, Jordan realized that the actor actually had a lot in common with Lestat, something that made him sure of his decision.

“I finally got it,” Jordan wrote. “He had to live a life removed from the gaze of others. He had made a contract with the hidden forces, whatever they turned out to be. He had to hide in the shadows, even in the Hollywood sunlight. He would be eternally young. He was a star. He could well be Lestat.”

Jordan noted that Cruise is “also a superb actor,” but “that small fact got lost in the outrage that followed.”

“Half of America, it seemed, had read Anne Rice’s books and wanted a say in the casting of Lestat,” he continued. “Anne herself took to the airwaves, saying that it was as if I had cast Edward G Robinson as Rhett Butler. But she was wrong and was later big enough to admit it.”

“The entire world said, ‘You are miscast,’” Jordan said. “He’s a great actor. If he says he can do something, he will do it in a way that people will be shocked by. Tom has become the last remaining film star. It’s kind of strange.”

Pitt, who joined the film straight after “Legends of the Fall,” was exhausted by the night shoots and the character’s nature, Jordan said. “It simply wore him out. Brad’s a very active guy, that was the direction he wanted to go in. The passivity of the character got him down.”

Jordan’s next film is “The Well of Saint Nobody,” adapted from the director’s acclaimed 2023 novel of the same name.

Jordan’s “Amnesiac: A Memoir” will be published by Head of Zeus on June 20.

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  2. Oblivion (2013)

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  6. Oblivion

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  7. Oblivion (2013)

    Maybe! Jack Harper : I can't shake the feeling, that earth, inspite of all that's happened, earth is still my home. Julia : [plays "A Whiter Shade of Pale" by Procol Harum] You always loved this song. Jack Harper : I'm not him. I know I'm not. But I've loved you... for as long as I can remember. I don't know how else to say it.

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  11. Oblivion (Movie) Cast

    Movie ( 2013) • 9 total actors • 124 minutes. Oblivion features a star-studded cast, including Tom Cruise, Morgan Freeman, Olga Kurylenko, Andrea Riseborough, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Melissa Leo, Zoë Bell, and Abigail Lowe. The movie brings these talented actors together to tell a compelling sci-fi story. The most popular cast member today ...

  12. Oblivion Official Trailer #3 (2013)

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  13. The truth of an illusion

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  14. Oblivion Official Trailer #2 (2013)

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  15. They Literally Built That Awesome Bubble Ship from Oblivion

    RELATED: Oblivion Director Joseph Kosinski Reflects on Humble Sci-Fi Origins of 2013 Tom Cruise Flick. But, as the old saying goes, "Distance makes the heart grow fonder." Once filming had wrapped and she was on the red carpet for the movie's premiere, far away from the nauseating twists and turns, Kurylenko had kinder words for the craft.

  16. Tom Cruise

    Tom Cruise is an actor that portrayed the characters of Jack Harper, Jack 49 and Jack 52 in the movie Oblivion.

  17. Insights Of Oblivion Cast

    The post-apocalyptic movie 'Oblivion' had Tom Cruise as its main cast alongside Olga Kurylenko, Morgan Freeman, Andrea Riseborough, and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau in supporting roles. Oblivion is a sci-fi action-adventure film directed and produced by Joseph Krosinki and Peter Chernin. In this movie, Tom Cruise played the main role of Jack ...

  18. Exclusive: Tom Cruise Returning For Oblivion 2, Plot Revealed

    Our trusted and proven sources tell us that Tom Cruise has signed on to return in Oblivion 2 with Universal Studios and Joseph Kosinski — who directed the original film as well as last year's runaway hit Top Gun: Maverick — who will also return to direct the sequel. Set 15 years after the original, Oblivion 2 will see Jack, Julia, and ...

  19. Jack Reacher (2012)

    Jack Reacher: Directed by Christopher McQuarrie. With Tom Cruise, Rosamund Pike, Richard Jenkins, David Oyelowo. A homicide investigator digs deeper into a case involving a trained military sniper responsible for a mass shooting.

  20. Oblivion is Tom Cruise's most underrated blockbuster that you should

    Oblivion - Theatrical Trailer. Oblivion, to its credit, packs more than enough thrilling action sequences into its relatively lean 124-minute runtime. What makes the film so rewatchable, though ...

  21. Tom Cruise's Underrated Sci-Fi Movie That Holds 91% On RT Needs A ...

    In a career spanning over four decades, Tom Cruise has starred in many sci-fi movies. While some of these films, like War of the Worlds and Oblivion, struggled to leave their mark, others, like ...

  22. Oblivion

    Oblivion is a technical triumph rather than a philosophical breakthrough, demonstrating how beautifully digital effects can be blended with real people and real sets, demonstrating that neither Tom Cruise nor the 1970s will ever die, and announcing the unexpected arrival of a major science-fiction director.

  23. Suri Cruise Used Her High School Graduation To Throw Shade At Tom Cruise

    With Tom Cruise still missing the major events in Suri's life, she may have used her high school graduation to send a clear message to the 'Top Gun' star. ... the "Oblivion" star was at the London ...

  24. Oblivion

    Oblivion is a 2013 science-fiction film that is an adaptation of a unpublished graphic novel co-written by Joseph Kosinski (who also directed this film). The film is set in the year 2077, sixty years after Earth has been devastated from the effects of an alien invasion. Most of humanity has left Earth for a massive tetrahedral space station (called Tet).

  25. Tom Cruise Reunites With Mission Impossible Co-Star Simon ...

    Tom Cruise was seen at the 2024 Glastonbury Festival just a week after attending Taylor Swift's concert. He was spotted with his Mission: Impossible co-star Simon Pegg watching Coldplay live.

  26. 'Interview With the Vampire' Director on Tom Cruise Casting Backlash

    Jordan noted that Cruise is "also a superb actor," but "that small fact got lost in the outrage that followed." "Half of America, it seemed, had read Anne Rice's books and wanted a say ...