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Tour of Neverland Beginner’s Guide: Tips, Cheats & Strategies to Grow and Develop Your Island Farm Fast

By: Author Philip Reyes

Posted on Last updated: July 2, 2020

Mars Game Hongkong’s first global mobile game, Calibria: Crystal Guardians provided a fresh and unique RPG experience to players new to the genre as well as those well immersed in loosely similar games. With the largely positive response, reviews, and ratings players have for their first global RPG, fans of the genre are certain to look forward to more releases from the company.

Tour of Neverland is a brand new RPG from Mars Game Hongkong and is one devoid of fighting or violence. Comparable to popular titles of the subgenre like Harvest Moon, Stardew Valley, or Country Life Harvest Day, Tour of Neverland focuses on farming. It won’t be just about planting fruits and vegetables, though, as Tour of Neverland has a lot of features to keep anyone as busy as can be to tend to their developing island farm. Tending to various livestock, fishing, selling goods, or even visiting other islands are just some of the many activities you can revel in as you spend time in Tour of Neverland.

Take the role of an inexperienced farmer whose grandpa presumably owns an entire island to himself and has invited you to spend vacation on it. Surprisingly, there are a lot of work that needs to be done on the island and money matters relative to paying lease that needs to be tended as well. As you begin to learn everything there is to know to manage the island one area at a time, you will discover a variety of activities as well as meet new friends to help you in tending to different aspects of managing the farm.

tour of neverland tactics

There is a lot to take in as you dive into the world of Tour of Neverland and given that your adventure spans an entire island and even beyond, it may seem overwhelming for beginners but the game’s tutorial and interface, along with numerous NPCs to constantly guide you actually makes it a lot easier than you could imagine.

Tour of Neverland is the kind of game you can really play and enjoy at a relaxing pace. However, if you want a speedy progress and develop your island farm ahead of the pack, then read our Tour of Neverland beginner’s guide. Our comprehensive guide, that comes with a bunch of tips and strategies will certainly help you to jumpstart your virtual farming career!

1. Prioritize The Main Quest Line

Like many RPGs, Tour of Neverland immerses you further into the life of an all-around farmer. Every bit of progress you make as you take on the main quest objectives gives you some knowledge about the island farm and your grandpa. Beyond that, the main quest also serves as a key to unlocking more of the game’s features linked to areas and structures within the island that you unlock. Main quest rewards are also important for you to accomplish most of the other side quests and can also provide you XP to level up and unlock more content.

how to complete the main quest in tour of neverland

What would usually happen is that when you accomplish a main quest, side quests pop up along with the new main quest objective. In such instances, it is best to keep your focus on the main quest for as long as you can accomplish it. The typical impediment that will block you from completing main quests involve gold coins or the lack of it as expenses will always exceed income especially at the start of your farming career.

Once you have hit a roadblock and will not be able to progress with the main quest, there will be plenty of side quests to accomplish so you can earn more gold coins and even obtain some extra resources to earn enough for the pending main quest.

2. Keep Your Plots And Livestock Productive

Farming life is certainly filled with a lot of cycles or routine tasks that you can follow to utilize your land and investments more efficiently. Again, Tour of Neverland lets you play and enjoy your virtual life entirely at your own pace but if you want to produce and earn more, you have to ensure that everything in your island farm is working at maximum efficiency. There will not be a lot of activities to engage in early on but new structures and features get added up every once in a while as you reach new milestones. As such, learning to work through routines become an important aspect of the game.

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For starters, you should always ensure that every plot you own is utilized to the fullest. Crops should always be growing and instead of just randomly plating whichever comes to mind or whichever yields the highest profits, there should be a prioritization of sorts to adhere to. The top priority should be crops relevant to the main quest or side quests you have yet to accomplish.

If you have none on your list then you should check on delivery orders to produce the needed crops first. If you have more than enough to satisfy both side quests and deliveries, then you should consider keeping a good balance of crops. It sort of works like keeping a good inventory of potential delivery orders ahead of time. Your crops will never spoil anyway so you can never really go wrong with having an excess stock of any of them.

Beyond crops, there are also trees you can plant and harvest from time to time. We are not compelling anyone to feed their OCDs but games like Tour of Neverland are the type that makes you want to take note of every cooldown period or countdown to start harvesting and planting again.

The same goes for all the livestock you will tend to for the resources they provide. You will start with a cow and a chicken but will soon be able to secure more of both and other animals as well. Like trees, take note of the time when you can visit your farm animals to obtain goods from them.

3. Continue To Deliver Goods To Earn Coins And Affinity

Gold coins are the basic currency in Tour of Neverland and while you may expect an overabundant supply of it early on, you will be a bit disappointed. The thing is, there are plenty of ways for you to earn gold coins and with a bit of hard work, you can have more than enough of it. Almost every activity you engage in as play a unique adventure earns you gold coins. Well, you may not earn it directly in every turn but every bit of item or resource you obtain can be sold for gold coins.

tour of neverland deliveries

One of the best way to continuously earn gold coins along with other rewards is to tend to deliveries. A way to do so is to go to Pecan, South of the island, or you can tap on the delivery icon at the upper right side of your screen. You can quickly hit the send button so long as you have the needed materials for the request. Note that on top of gold coins to be earned, you will also earn affinity points to boost your friendship with the islands many residents.

There is a special delivery request marked by a crown that typically has more resources requested. These requests, however, offer more gold coins and also earn you pearls, which are the premium currency in Tour of Neverland. You can only tend to these types of request 10 times a day, indicating just how special they are. If you can, try your best to tend to these requests so you can earn more gold coins, pearls, and even tickets that can be used to purchase furniture from Otis’ shop.

Remember that every delivery you successfully complete earns you points that unlock various rewards at the top of the delivery window. For casual gamers, it is an accomplishment already to make enough deliveries to earn all of those rewards but nothing will prevent you from continuing on making deliveries even after netting the top rewards.

4. Raise Affinity With Your Animal Friends

Every delivery you successfully accomplish for your animal friends within the island earns you affinity points. As your affinity level with each one grows, they will reward you with valuable gifts. As such, in addition to granting their request, try to give them gifts occasionally as well. While deliveries earn 10 affinity points per completion, gifts provide 5 points.

how to improve affinity in tour of neverland

Most gifts will not form part of your regular inventory and some will have to be made via the kitchen. So on top of food you need to craft to give yourself some extra energy when needed, visit the kitchen as well to craft food as gifts to your friends in the island. At the kitchen window, you can actually see the food types that can serve as gifts to every animal friend you have made. If some animal friend’s icon does not show up, it just means you need to raise your affinity level with them through deliveries.

5. Accomplish Daily Tasks And Achievements

Tour of Neverland is the kind of adventure that leaves you with something for every bit of activity you engage in. Truthfully enough, the volume of content the island farm has will hardly leave you with any idle time or make it so that you can no longer play even if you still want to. Although there is an energy system that makes it look like your actions are delimited, you will always have plenty of food in your bag to replenish your energy and keep on adventuring.

daily tasks in tour of neverland

Beyond the outright harvests you make and the multitude of rewards you earn from completing quests and deliveries, more can still be obtained via the daily tasks that you can easily accomplish. The daily task icon is the first one on the list of icons at the top of your screen. In essence, it is situated as such because it is something you should look into from time to time, especially as a beginner.

Daily tasks are well within the line of activities you should engage in on a regular basis and each task you accomplish earns you experience points to level up your account as well as some other rewards. Note as well that points you earn fro completing an objective will net you even more rewards at the top of the page. It is actually great that you do not necessarily have to accomplish each task to obtain all the rewards. Just the same, though, exerting a bit more effort to accomplishing each one will net you more EXP.

tour of neverland achievements

Achievements, on the other hand, take a lot more time and effort to accomplish. Achievements serve as milestones you make across every aspect of your adventure in Tour of Neverland and the game’s achievement system makes it so that accomplishing one feat will unlock a higher level one for you to strive to accomplish. Every task laid out under the achievement tab will earn you pearls so constantly keep an eye on the list and focus more on the ones you are close to achieving.

6. Constantly Strive To Improve Your Island’s Rating

As you accomplish quests and unlock more structures and areas within your island farm, it can become a challenge to tend to everything on top of planting, harvesting, tending to livestock, and completing deliveries. There are numerous other activities that we cannot delve into but the idea is that as you level up and purchase more areas and rebuild more facilities, it can all become a bit overwhelming in terms of prioritizing progression.

how to improve island's rating in tour of neverland

There is actually a feature in Tour of Neverland that can help you set your priorities with regard to the overall development of your island farm. Your island actually has its own level much like you do and it is determined by your island rating. You can easily view your island rating by tapping on it underneath your account level. You can increase your island rating based on your total earnings, increasing the size of your environment, as well as accomplishing certain feats as well.

Increasing your island rating earns you some rewards as well as gives you added perks like increased daily rewards. Once you have statisfied daily quests and delivery quotas, be sure to take a peek at what you need to accomplish to boost your island rating.

7. Add Friends And Visit The Airship

While Tour of Neverland can be very enjoyable to spend time on all on your own, it actually has a lot of multiplayer options that can make you adventure even more exciting. If you want to have a more sensational experience as you immerse yourself in Tour of Neverland, be sure to add as many friends as you can. You can easily max out your friends list of 50 and if you have the extra time, be able to visit their islands. There isn’t much you can do, though, except give it a tour. For one, you may get some ideas on how to give your island a better look in terms of layout and design. You can visit their cabins as well.

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Another place you should occasionally look into is the airship. The airship in Tour of Neverland serves as a hub where players can meet one another. You can also purchase some items that other players put for sale and can be a critical aspect of the game if you are in dire need of something that cannot be easily obtained elsewhere. Likewise, some items you have but do not necessarily need may prove useful for other players and you can put them up for sale as well.

Be sure to revisit every once in a while to claim proceeds of your sale as well. There are also slot machines inside the airship where you can gamble your “extra” gold coins for a chance to win more of it or even some pearls. We are not really much into it as we are still at the stage where we need more gold coins for various upgrades but if you are feeling lucky, then give it a try or two.

8. Engage In Mining, Fishing, And Snorkeling

As we mentioned earlier, Tour of Neverland is not exclusively about farming as the game’s initial set of activities may impress. There are tons of other activities to revel in and mining, fishing, and snorkeling are just some of it. Each one offers a wide variety of materials to discover, collect, or sell, and the activities themselves are actually fun to do.

Mining is perhaps the simplest and works very much like breaking rocks inside your farm with your pickaxe. Each location can be mined 10 times and the fun part is the randomness of the ores you can find. There is an option to spend pearls on a dynamite to reap more ores but for us, it is best to save pearls for more important purchases.

mining, fishing and snorkeling in tour of neverland

Fishing is among the first extracurricular activities you get to try out after a bit of farming on the island. It actually does not offer much challenge and can be a fun activity to spend some idle time on. Fish that can be caught have different grades or rarity, and depending on the bait you use, the chances of catching higher rarity breeds can increase.

The mechanics are pretty simple, one a fish bites, you only need to wait for the moving indicator to center in on the bar to tap. You will have to wait 3 passes and tap precisely to catch the fish. The movement of the indicator is slow and the room for error is pretty wide so even if you are a total beginner, it will still be easy to catch with every attempt.

At some point, you will be able to venture farther off the beach sands and into the water. It is actually a surprise for you to be able to swim in Tour of Neverland as you would normally be thinking of being locked within the island except from when you visit another person’s island home. As you swim in the ocean, pay close attention to bubbles that appear in random areas.

If you get close to these bubbles, there will be an indicator to grab an object and in some cases, will have you dive a little to obtain the item. Corals and other marine life can be obtained from snorkeling and the mechanics work very much like fishing.

9. Clean Up And Explore The Island

As you expand your horizons and unlock more land for you to work on, there will be bushes, trunks, and rocks that you will need to clean up before you can place new structures and equipment. Each action you do here works much like anywhere else and consumes energy but for the most part, these objects do not grow back up out of nowhere once you have cleared them.

how to explore the island in tour of neverland

The beaches, on the other hand are home to some objects that regenerate endlessly over time. It is actually a good thing since you always get something out of using your axe and pickaxe. On top of rocks and wood, you can collect shells, coconuts, and crabs from the beach so be sure to spend some time and explore your very own island. It is well understood that there are a plethora of activities within the farm itself in that it hardly leaves you any idle time for exploration, but touring the island casually and picking up stuff along the way is actually refreshing and relaxing.

There are so many features in Tour of Neverland we have yet to uncover ourselves but we are certain that the tips and strategies we shared with you are sufficient to keep yourself and your island farm at peak performance. Tour of Neverland is likewise new and is expected to have more content coming in the future.

For now, this is where we end our Tour of Neverland beginner’s guide and we hope that the tips and strategies we shared with you will help you progress much faster in the game. Despite an energy system, there is hardly anything that bars you from spending as much time on your virtual island farm. If you have spent a lot of time on the game and have stumbled upon some neat tricks or strategies you are inclined to sharing, we welcome you to do so by writing to us through the comment section!

Arabella De Leon

Monday 12th of July 2021

my friend and i wants to meet in island,how?

Thursday 27th of May 2021

can you cash out of your winnings for real dollars

Wednesday 24th of February 2021

How to done proof of frienship quest.. It said goes to your friend cabin to give red blossom flower but how?

Saturday 19th of June 2021

@Ein, visit one of your friend list. once you are in her/his inside cabin. Go out then back to her/his cabin find her/his post email then you can see thier the sign of flower that youre going to send her/him

Friday 5th of February 2021

Hi Im lv 17 and i dont know how to complete the chic quest? (pet)

Tuesday 29th of September 2020

Slowly walk into the bug until you see an exclamation point on top, then a net will appear on the same place as the jump button. After that a meter will display. :)

cara main tour of neverland

cara main tour of neverland

Tips & Trik Bermain Tour of Neverland

Author: Johan Stenger \ July 3, 2020 \ Games , Walkthrough, Tips & Trick \ 0 Comments

cara main tour of neverland

Cara terbaik untuk bisa naik level dengan cepat di Tour of Neverland adalah dengan mengerjakan tugas atau misi harian secara rutin. Selain itu, anda bisa membersihkan lahan yang ada dari pepohonan, rerumputan liar atau bebatuan guna mendapatkan tambahan EXP. Kerjakan juga Main Quest yang tersedia!

Menaikkan Level Affinity NPC

Anda bisa meningkatkan kualitas hubungan (Affinity) dengan para NPC yang ada di dalam game lebih dalam lagi dengan cara memberikan hadiah untuk mereka. Semakin tinggi level Affinity dengan NPC maka semakin banyak reward menarik yang bisa anda peroleh seperti Chief’s Certificate. Cara memberikan hadiah untuk menaikkan Affinity adalah dengan cara melakukan Delivery.

Tekan tombol Delivery yang ada di bagian pojok kanan atas dimana anda bisa melihat berbagai macam order yang diminta oleh masing-masing NPC. Penuhi order yang mereka minta untuk menyelesaikan proses Delivery. Anda akan mendapatkan reward dan poin Affinity untuk setiap Order yang diselesaikan.

Untuk melihat level Affinity masing-masing NPC, cek menu yang ada di bagian kanan atas > pilih buku > pilih tab NPC. Setelah Affinity mencapai level tertentu, anda bisa memberikan hadiah kepada NPC tersebut. Caranya, dekatilah NPC yang hendak anda berikan hadiah hingga muncul icon berbentuk kado kemudian berikan item yang anda inginkan padanya.

Island Rating

cara main tour of neverland

Untuk menaikkan rating pulau, anda perlu menyelesaikan beberapa hal seperti membangun fasilitas tertentu, menaikkan level bangunan, mencapai level Affinity tertentu, mencapai pemasukan Coin dalam jumlah tertentu dan lain sebagainya. Cek icon yang ada di bagian pojok kiri atas layar (bawah level bar) untuk melihat informasi lebih lanjut mengenai Island Rating.

Memperoleh Coin & Pearl Lebih Banyak

Untuk mendapatkan Coin lebih banyak, anda bisa melakukan beberapa aktivitas berikut ini:

  • Fresh Bot Delivery
  • Misi harian
  • Menyelesaikan Event

Untuk mendapatkan Pearl lebih banyak, anda bisa melakukan beberapa aktivitas berikut ini:

  • Menyelesaikan Achievement
  • Mengundang teman

Anda bisa mengundang teman dan mendapatkan Pearl gratis dengan cara menekan tombol Event yang ada di bagian kanan layar > pilih Invite Friend > bagikan kode undangan untuk teman anda. Semakin banyak kode undangan yang digunakan oleh teman-teman yang anda ajak maka semakin banyak perolehan Pearl yang akan anda terima lho!

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Tour of Neverland 4+

Build the best island village, mars game (hongkong) network technology co., limited, designed for ipad.

  • 4.8 • 3K Ratings
  • Offers In-App Purchases



*********GAME DETAILS********* Run your very own farm on a tropical island! Open up new plots of land, plant crops, construct all sorts of farming facilities, and decorate your cabin just the way you want! Catch fish straight from the ocean or go snorkeling to catch sea creatures. Build a hotel to attract visitors and make fascinating new animal friends! You can even jump in a minecart and explore the depths of the mines in search of priceless treasures! *********FEATURES********* - An immersive and exquisite tropical paradise in full 3D with its own unique style - Unlock over 30 kinds of crops and livestock, hundreds of island decorations and furniture, and tons of outfits and pets - Farm crops, raise livestock, make food, go fishing, try snorkeling, give gifts to your new animal friends, catch bugs, explore the mines, or run your hotel; the possibilities are endless! - Visit other players' islands, trade items in the open market, and board the airship to make new friends! *********ABOUT US********* We're a small development team and can't wait to share our game with you. We hope that you'll find your time in Tour of Neverland to be both fun and relaxing! *********CONTACT US********* Official website: https://ycjq.marsgame.hk/

Version 1.0.64

1. Flower Festival series activities return with new features 2. Added new redeemable items in Party Mall 3. The wishing fountain is opened 4. Happy gift update 5. Super diamond event starts 6. Some new decorations have been added to the village chief’s shop. 7. Some new production drawings have been added to the fashion space. 8. Pet travel rewards updated. 9. The portable pet slots have been expanded. 10. Delicious Kitchen adds two new food recipes 11. Pumpkin seeds are available for a limited time. 12. Other experience optimization and problem fixes.

Ratings and Reviews

Gameplay hay.

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The developer, Mars Game (HongKong) Network Technology Co., Limited , indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy .

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  • Membership 129.000đ
  • VIP 399.000đ
  • Appetizer Pack 79.000đ
  • Advanced Island Pass 399.000đ
  • A pack of colored diamonds 79.000đ
  • A bucket of colored diamonds 249.000đ
  • A pile of colored diamonds 129.000đ
  • Starter Pack 79.000đ
  • Newbie Pack 129.000đ
  • A chest of colored diamonds 499.000đ
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Tour of Neverland

Tour of Neverland for PC

Mars Game (HongKong) Network Technology Co., Ltd.

Unduh Tour of Neverland di PC Dengan Emulator GameLoop

Tour of neverland di pc.

Tour of Neverland, berasal dari pengembang Mars Game (HongKong) Network Technology Co., Ltd., berjalan di sistem Android di masa lalu.

Sekarang, Anda dapat memainkan Tour of Neverland di PC dengan GameLoop dengan lancar.

Unduh di perpustakaan GameLoop atau hasil pencarian. Tidak ada lagi memperhatikan baterai atau panggilan frustasi pada waktu yang salah lagi.

Nikmati saja Tour of Neverland PC di layar besar secara gratis!

Tour of Neverland Pengantar

**********DETAIL PERMAINAN*********

Jalankan pertanian Anda sendiri di pulau tropis!

Buka sebidang tanah baru, tanam tanaman, bangun semua jenis fasilitas pertanian, dan hiasi kabin Anda seperti yang Anda inginkan! Menangkap ikan langsung dari laut atau pergi snorkeling untuk menangkap makhluk laut. Bangun hotel untuk menarik pengunjung dan berteman dengan hewan baru yang menarik! Anda bahkan dapat melompat ke kereta tambang dan menjelajahi kedalaman tambang untuk mencari harta yang tak ternilai!


- Surga tropis yang imersif dan indah dalam 3D penuh dengan gaya uniknya sendiri

- Buka lebih dari 30 jenis tanaman dan ternak, ratusan dekorasi dan furnitur pulau, dan banyak pakaian dan hewan peliharaan

- Bercocok tanam, beternak, membuat makanan, pergi memancing, mencoba snorkeling, memberikan hadiah kepada teman hewan baru Anda, menangkap serangga, menjelajahi tambang, atau menjalankan hotel Anda; kemungkinannya tidak terbatas!

- Kunjungi pulau pemain lain, tukar item di pasar terbuka, dan naiki pesawat untuk mendapatkan teman baru!

*********TENTANG KAMI*********

Kami adalah tim pengembangan kecil dan tidak sabar untuk berbagi permainan kami dengan Anda. Kami harap Anda akan menemukan waktu Anda di Tour of Neverland menyenangkan dan santai!

*********HUBUNGI KAMI*********

Situs web resmi: https://ycjq.marsgame.hk/


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Cara memainkan Tour of Neverland dengan GameLoop di PC

1 . Download GameLoop dari situs resminya, lalu jalankan file exe untuk menginstal GameLoop.

2 . Buka GameLoop dan cari “Tour of Neverland”, temukan Tour of Neverland di hasil pencarian dan klik “Install”.

3 . Nikmati bermain Tour of Neverland di GameLoop.

Tour of Neverland

Minimum requirements.

Windows 8.1 64-bit or Windows 10 64-bit

1GB available space

Recommended requirements

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LDPlayer Andorid Emulator On PC

Tour of Neverland

Download tour of neverland on pc, use ldplayer to play tour of neverland on pc.

Tour of Neverland is a Simulation game developed by Mars Game (HongKong) Network Technology Co., Ltd., and with the best Android emulator, LDPlayer, you can now enjoy Tour of Neverland on your computer.

Playing Tour of Neverland on PC allows you to harness the full power of your computer's CPU and memory resources, without worrying about lag or crashes. You're no longer constrained by battery life, mobile data, or interruptions—play for as long as you want.

LDPlayer, one of the Android emulators for Windows PC, is designed specifically for mobile gamers. Based on Android 9.0, it enhances your gaming experience on PC by providing faster performance and higher FPS.

Moreover, LDPlayer offers unique emulator features including multi-instance support, macros, synchronization, and other features not available on mobile devices. Start downloading and playing Tour of Neverland on your computer now!

Screenshots and Videos of Tour of Neverland on PC

Tour of Neverland

Why Play Tour of Neverland on PC with LDPlayer?

How to download tour of neverland on pc.

Download and install LDPlayer on your computer

Locate the Play Store in LDPlayer's system apps, launch it, and sign in to your Google account

Enter "Tour of Neverland" into the search bar and search for it

Choose and install Tour of Neverland from the search results

Once the download and installation are complete, return to the LDPlayer home screen

Click on the game icon on the LDPlayer home screen to start enjoying the exciting game

If you've already downloaded the APK file from another source, simply open LDPlayer and drag the APK file directly into the emulator.

If you've downloaded an XAPK file from another source, please refer to the tutorial for installation instructions.

If you've obtained both an APK file and OBB data from another source, please refer to the tutorial for installation instructions.

Tour of Neverland FAQ

Is it safe and legal to use ldplayer, can i synchronize game progress on other platforms when playing tour of neverland with ldplayer on my computer, what are the system requirements for playing mobile games on pc.

System: Recommended Win10 and above 64-bit systems, including OpenGL 4.x

CPU: 8th Gen Intel Core i3-8100 4-core or higher, with VT option enabled

Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX1050 Ti 2GB or higher

Memory: 8GB or more

Can I experience gaming on PC as seamlessly as on a mobile phone?

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Panduan, Tips, dan Trik The Legend of Neverland untuk Pemula

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Tips & Trik

The Legend of Neverland adalah MMORPG yang dikembangkan oleh Game Ark Global yang berlokasi di Hong Kong yang dirilis pada Juli 2021. Game dengan grafis anime ini memiliki banyak fitur menarik dan memungkinkan pemain menjelajahi misteri yang tidak diketahui dari dunia peri bunga

The Legend of Neverland akan membawa pemain ke dalam petualangan yang nyata, di mana kamu dapat mengalami semua jenis elemen gameplay yang santai dan menarik seperti memancing, menangkap serangga, memasak, dan menambang. Di Legend of Neverland, pemain bisa menjadi ahli memancing dan ahli memasak tanpa menyadarinya. Jika kamu pemain pemula yang sedang membutuhkan panduan, tips, dan trik The Legend of Neverland, mari simak panduan, tips, dan trik bermain The Legend of Neverland berikut ini.

Awal Permainan

Setelah bergabung dengan permainan, kamu harus memilih senjata, di mana kamu akan mendapatkan tiga pilihan. Untuk mempermudah pemilihan, kamu dapat melihat ke skill tree dan mengumpulkan skill pasif. Sekarang, pemain harus memilih build di antara tipe-tipe tersebut, seperti critical, pierce, dan tanky build.

Setelah pemilihan, kamu harus menyesuaikan level mereka hingga 100 untuk membuka kunci fitur sistem untuk meningkatkan power. Setelah ini, pemain akan menerima bonus CP, equipment rank, dan banyak lagi. Kemudian, kamu dapat memilih peri yang akan membantu meningkatkan damage yang dibuat dalam permainan.

Karakter dan Kemampuannya

Di game ini memberi kekuatan untuk karaktermu secara bebas menggabungkan dan mencampur kekuatan dan jenis karakter di titik mana pun pada waktunya.

Empat karakter utama adalah Ranger, Gladiator, Scholar, dan Craftsman. Semuanya memiliki kemampuan dan skill masing-masing dengan senjata yang unik.

Gladiator Skills

  • Air Raid: Menangani  damage saat pemain mendekati target.
  • Combo Hit: Skill ini memiliki kemampuan cooldown yang membantu memberikan damage tiga kali lebih banyak ke musuh di area depan.
  • Land: Skill ini memberikan damage empat kali lebih besar ke musuh di area terdekat.
  • Instability: Skill ini dapat menyebabkan damage ganda dan mengenai target selama 5 detik.
  • Punitive Chop: Skill ini dapat meluncurkan pedang energi di depan target, mengenainya kembali dan menyebabkan damage.

Ranger Skills

  • Arrow Vortex: Skill ini dapat menerapkan efek tanda pemburu (Ini akan membantu menangani 30 persen damage pada target setiap 5 detik dan berlangsung selama 20 detik) sambil memberikan kerusakan pada target.
  • Arrow Of Shattering: Efek tanda pemburu diterapkan pada target saat menangani damage musuh di area depan.
  • Kick in The Roundhouse: Efek hunter mark diterapkan pada target saat memberikan damage ke musuh di area depan dan memukul mereka kembali.
  • Bolt Shifting: Skill ini dapat memberikan damage tiga kali lipat ke musuh dan melumpuhkan mereka selama 5 detik. Target akan menandai efek the hunter mark sebagai hasil dari kemampuan ini.
  • Many Arrows: Efek the hunter mark diterapkan pada target ketika pemain memberikan lima kali damage pada target.

Craftsman Skills

  • Blasting Sparkle: Skill ini secara langsung mengoleskan kekuatan ke area depan yang menyebabkan kerusakan pada target selama lima detik, yang memblokir efek penyembuhan dan menyebabkan Vulnerability pada target.
  • Flamy Charge: Skill ini menyerang posisi target, menyebabkan kerusakan dua kali lebih besar pada target dan lawan di dekatnya, yang memberikan efek Vulnerability pada musuh.
  • Blazing Fire: Skill ini memberikan damage setiap detik ke target dalam jangkauan hydra (memblokir efek penyembuhan) dan menyebabkan Vulnerability pada target selama lima detik.
  • Restraint Of Blood: Skill ini membantu memberikan damage ke musuh terdekat sambil memulihkan HP sebesar 15% yang berlangsung selama lima detik. Skill ini juga menyebabkan Vulnerability Effect (damage meningkat sebesar 4% untuk dan mengontrol hingga 20%) pada target.

Scholar Skills

  • Fireball: Skill ini meluncurkan bola besar ke area target, menyebabkan damage pada lawan di dalamnya.
  • Freezing Spell: Skill ini membekukan area terdekat ke dalam es selama 1 detik saat memberikan damage.
  • Sacrifice Of The Thunder: Skill ini mengeluarkan efek pencahayaan ketika memberikan damage enam kali lipat ke area target.
  • Pious Light: Skill ini membantu dalam proses penyembuhan dengan kecepatan yang sama dengan serangan.

Cara memilih  karakter terbaik di The Legend of Neverland

Jika kita membandingkan keempat kelas The Legend of Neverland, Gladiator akan menjadi kelas terbaik untuk tujuan bertarung. Mereka lebih mampu bertempur dan memiliki kekuatan tertinggi untuk menghancurkan musuh mereka.

Kedua, kelas Ranger lebih cocok untuk garis tengah pertempuran. Kelas ranger juga pandai mengetahui titik terlemah musuh. Kamu juga dapat memilih kelas ini sebagai alternatif untuk kelas Gladiator karena mereka memiliki skill yang baik untuk menangani musuh.

Ketiga, kelas Scholar dapat menyerang musuh sambil bersembunyi. Mereka juga dapat menjebak musuh dan memiliki kekuatan magis untuk menyembuhkan damage yang dilakukan oleh musuh.

Terakhir, kelas Craftsman memiliki kekuatan untuk mengendalikan kerumunan karena mereka dapat menghabisi musuh mereka dengan sangat cepat. Mereka juga pandai menyerang musuh di area depan.

Secara keseluruhan semua kelas ini bagus di area spesifik mereka, tetapi jika kamu mencari kelas terbaik, mereka dapat menggunakan Gladiator atau Craftsman.

Karakter Khusus Flower Fairies

Seperti karakter The Legend of Neverland, ada juga empat belas peri bunga dengan nama yang terkenal. Berikut daftarnya:

  • Twin Lotus: Karakter kembar ini memiliki penampilan yang mirip dengan kepribadian yang berbeda.
  • Camellia: Dia adalah wanita elegan dengan pemikiran modern. Dia selalu khawatir tentang apa yang orang rasakan tentang dia.
  • Anthurium: Dia adalah pria tampan yang mencintai anggur lebih dari hidupnya.
  • Lilium: Dia adalah karakter tak kenal takut yang menawarkan senyum hangat dan percaya dalam mencapai impian keluarganya.
  • Oleander: Dia gadis yang romantis namun berbahaya. Dia juga seorang wanita mandiri yang memiliki pikiran yang keras.
  • Candock: Dia seperti lily, yang suka tinggal di air tanpa berhubungan dengan manusia.
  • Balloon flower: Dia adalah karakter cinta putus asa dan putus asa namun teman yang sangat baik dan setia.
  • Iris: Dia seperti pelangi, yang lembut dan suka memasak dan mendesain pakaian.
  • Gladius: Dia adalah gadis pemarah yang memiliki ide tentang keadilan. Pada saat yang sama, dia juga menyukai makanan.
  • Primrose: Dia memiliki hati yang hangat dan kehilangan motivasi terhadap kesempatannya.
  • Nymphea: Dia adalah sifat sensitif yang ingin kebahagiaan kembali dalam dirinya. Dia juga menggunakan kata-kata kejam untuk menyembunyikan rasa sakitnya dari orang lain.
  • Ajisai: Karakter tak terduga yang memperkenalkan orang lain dengan ekspresi polos dan rasa ingin tahu untuk berbagi kebahagiaan.
  • Cornflower: Dia adalah karakter alkemis apatis yang tidak percaya pada cinta dan selalu lebih suka tinggal sendiri.
  • Marigold: Dia adalah tipe gadis yang sedih dan percaya pada keberuntungan.

Panduan Equipment di The Legend of Neverland

Feeding spiri t.

Dengan menggunakan Feeding Spirit ini, pemain dapat mengupgrade level dari spirit tersebut. Itu juga dapat menggunakan peralatan yang tidak diinginkan atau unit EXP Eksklusif untuk memberi makan roh. Saat roh mendapatkan level yang lebih tinggi, kamu dapat membuka kunci event, yang membawa lebih banyak keuntungan tambahan pada karakter. Jika kamu membutuhkan detail lebih lanjut tentang proses membuka kunci spirit, kamu dapat mengetuk ikon di sebelah spirit. Spirit bertanggung jawab untuk mengelola peralatan terkait pertumbuhan sistem.

Kamu juga dapat mengklik tombol info untuk mendapatkan detail lebih lanjut. Ingin menjadi lebih kuat, tetapi tidak tahu caranya? Klik “GET STRONGER” pada interface untuk memeriksa growth strategy.

Special Quest

Special Quest adalah cara terbaik untuk mendapatkan hadiah. Kamu perlu berpartisipasi dalam quest dan menang. Quest ketiga memiliki hadiah khusus, jangan sampai ketinggalan. Setelah kamu mencapai lima belas level, kamu akan memenuhi syarat untuk mendapatkan hadiah tambahan. Ketika kamu menerima special quest, item yang sesuai akan turun dan kemudian, kamu akan mendapatkan monster yang levelnya lima kali lebih banyak. Pertempuran otomatis offline tidak memiliki penurunan.

Skill aktif dan pasif

Ada satu senjata khusus untuk setiap kelas, yang memungkinkan kamu untuk mengganti senjata. Ini akan secara otomatis mengubah kelas dan akan mengaktifkan skill. Agar lebih aman, pilih tiga jenis senjata yang dapat diganti olehmu kapan saja. Ini akan membantu kamu selama pertempuran. Selain skill aktif, skill pasif lebih produktif untuk digunakan dengan peralatan jenis lain. Untuk membuat keterampilan asli lebih kuat, aktifkan skill aktif. Untuk meningkatkan atribut karakter, aktifkan skill pasif.

Miasma Zon e

Miasma Zone adalah zona yang memungkinkanmu untuk dapat memperluas lebih banyak area. Setelah Cabala terinfeksi oleh Miasma, kamu akan menemukan peta yang mengarah ke zona Miasma. Dalam situasi ini, sinar matahari memainkan peran utama karena kamu hanya dapat pergi ke zona Miasma ketika mereka memiliki sinar matahari. Kamu dapat mengambil sinar matahari melalu sunlight drink . Ingat, begitu pemain masuk ke dalam zona Miasma, sinar matahari mereka akan terus berkurang, jadi awasi itu. Setelah sunlight berakhir, kamu harus meninggalkan zona Miasma.

Kamu juga bisa meminta berkah dari Miasma untuk mengurangi konsumsi sinar matahari. Tapi, begitu pemain memiliki Miasma, mereka akan menghadapi situasi yang tidak terkendali untuk mengendalikan keinginan jahat mereka. Dua pemain yang bertahan dengan Miasma akan menjadi musuh PVP. Monster langka di zona Miasma akan muncul setiap lima belas detik sekali, di mana pemain dapat menghancurkan monster dan memenangkan hadiah. Jika kamu membunuh mereka, mereka akan mendapatkan lebih banyak jarahan. Sekali dalam setiap waktu, kamu akan melihat monster langka di zona Miasma. Jika kamu menghancurkan salah satu monster, kamu bisa mendapatkan hadiah setiap lima belas detik. Selain itu, jika Miasma memegang strategi membunuhmu, kamu bisa mendapatkan lebih banyak loot.

Peralatan canggih

Item lanjutan termasuk peralatan langka atau ungu. Setelah advancement, kamu dapat melihat perkembangan besar dalam atribut penting mereka. Bahan yang berbeda memerlukan tingkatan lanjutan yang berbeda. Advancement diperlukan untuk setiap peralatan. Kamu dapat dengan mudah mengatur ulang peralatan ke tingkat awal, dan semua item yang diinvestasikan akan kembali

Panduan The Legend Of Neverland Scenic Quiz

Scenic quiz juga dikenal sebagai game XO. Kamu dapat memperoleh akses hanya setelah kamu membuka kunci pesta Kebun di level empat puluh. Di sinilah kamu dapat menemukan event cara seperti Dance Frenzy, Miru Party, atau Scenic Quiz. Buka setiap hari Senin, Rabu, Jumat, dan Minggu antara pukul 09:00 dan 23:00 .

Metode kuisnya sederhana. Pernyataan akan muncul di layar, di mana kamu harus menggerakkan karakternya untuk memilih salah satu jawaban. Jika kamu berpikir bahwa pernyataan itu benar, maka kamu harus memilih (O) dan jika salah, pilih (X). Manfaat Scenic Quiz ini adalah jika kamu berhasil menjawab semua sepuluh pertanyaan dengan benar, maka kamu akan mendapatkan hingga 300 Cabala Sapphire (mata uang Game).

Jawaban (O) dan (X) untuk beberapa pertanyaan

Q: Death rate is one of the decisive factors for population reproduction? A: True (O)

Q: China is the first to form strategic and tactical missile forces in Asia? A: True (O)

Q: Mazurka originated from Poland? A: True (O)

Q: The most commonly produced and widely used battery in the world is a Zinc-carbon battery A: True (O)

Q: The Internet came to China in the year 1994? A: True (O)

Q: Potato is a Stem of a plant? A: True (O)

Q: The best way to put out the fire of alcohol lamp is put out with water? A: False (X)

Q: Graf was the only tennis player who won 2 championships of the Grand Slam? A: False (X)

Q: Among the “World’s Top 3 Tenors”, Pavarotti is Spanish? A: False (X)

Q: South Korea is the first to form the strategic and tactical missile forces in Asia? A: False (X)

Q: Apples contain a memory strengthening micro-element which is lodine? A: False (X)

Q: The first shot that symbols the freedom of the United States of America started in Washington? A: False (X)

The Legend of Neverland adalah MMORPG baru dengan grafis luar biasa dan desain pemandangan yang mirip dengan Genshin Impact . Game ini telah tersedia di Google Play Store dan App Store .

Itulah panduan, tips, dan trik bermain The Legend of Neverland untuk pemula. Jika kamu memiliki pertanyaan, kamu dapat menuliskannya di kolom komentar.

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Situs ini menggunakan Akismet untuk mengurangi spam. Pelajari bagaimana data komentar Anda diproses .

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cara main tour of neverland

1. Selama periode redeem, karakter game harus online. Ketika game berjalan dibackground dalam waktu 2 menit, akan dianggap statusnya online;

2. Pada fungsi "Pengaturan" didalam game, copy "Serial" di pojok kanan avatar karakter, dan paste di kolom "serial karakter";

3. Setelah memasukkan "serial karakter", klik pada "konfirm" untuk mendapatkan informasi karakter;

4. Setelah memasukkan kode redeem, jika kode redeem berhasil, reward akan dikirimkan ke email;

5. Kode redeem mempunyai periode valid yang berbeda, silahkan gunakan secepatnya.

cara main tour of neverland

07-06 Permasalahan Ganti Akun

07-06 Permasalahan Bind Akun

06-14 Pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan Q&A

cara main tour of neverland

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The Legend of Neverland

The Legend of Neverland

| Ark Games Global

Mainkan di PC dengan BlueStacks – platform Game-Game Android, dipercaya oleh lebih dari 500 juta gamer.

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Halaman Dimodifikasi Aktif : Januari 18, 2023

Mainkan The Legend of Neverland di PC

The Legend of Neverland merupakan RPG game yang dikembangkan oleh Ark Games Global. App Player BlueStacks adalah platform terbaik untuk memainkan game Android ini di PC atau Mac kamu dan memberikan pengalaman bermain game yang mengesankan.

Berpetuanglah dalam Cabala yang dahulu adalah dunia yang penuh kedamaian. Kamu harus mematahkan cerita para petualang yang tidak bisa keluar dari dunia tersebut setelah diam-diam memasukinya. Cabala yang dahulu adalah surga leluhur yang damai, kini penuh dengan kegelapan.

Jadilah pejuang dan lawanlah para musuh. Mulai perjalanan indah pohon kehidupanmu. Temui Peri Bunga yang akan menjadi mitra yang akan terus bersamamu. Bermain dan berpetualang bersama teman-temanmu dan ungkap rahasia tersembunyi dalam Cabala. Jelajahi reruntuhan kuno yang tandus, dan banyak misteri-misteri lainnya.

Pilihlah salah satu dari lima kelas yang ada dengan gaya mereka masing-masing. Bereksperimenlah dengan berbagai kelas yang ada! Swordsman,Ranger,Scholar,Craftsman? kelas mana yang kamu cari? semuanya memiliki keunikan.

Terbang melalui dunia bebas terbuka yang indah. Jalani berbagai jenis permainan menarik. Bersenang-senang sambil memancing, memasak, menangkap serangga dan menambang. Mungkin saja kamu menemukan bakat tersembunyimu melalui kegiatan yang santai tersebut. Rasakan petualangan yang berbeda dan menantang dalam game ini. Yang menariknya kamu masih dapat memiliki penghasilan sekalipun kamu sedang offline. Nikmati kebahagiaan dalam Cabala!

The Legend of Neverland Tips & Tricks

Panduan Penggunaan Flower Fairy di The Legend of Neverland!

Panduan Penggunaan Flower Fairy di The Legend of Neverland!

Kunci Jawaban Kuis Mini Game – The Legend of Neverland

Kunci Jawaban Kuis Mini Game – The Legend of Neverland

Cara Mendapatkan Trading Acorn & Mount Thunder – The Legend of Neverland!

Cara Mendapatkan Trading Acorn & Mount Thunder – The Legend of Neverland!

Cara Cepat Meningkatkan Combat Power Pemain Gratis – The Legend of Neverland

Cara Cepat Meningkatkan Combat Power Pemain Gratis – The Legend of Neverland

  • Game controls
  • Casting Skill
  • Enhancements
  • Sinkronisasi Multi Instance


Multi Instance Sync

Multi instance.

Bangun kerajaan. Kumpulkan sumber daya. Lakukan hal lainnya. Dengan Multi-Instance, bermain The Legend of Neverland semakin mendebarkan. Buka beberapa instance dan mainkan game yang sama dari akun yang berbeda.

Otomatis menjalankan tugas berulang di The Legend of Neverland dengan BlueStacks Skrip. Atur dan tulis perintahmu untuk menjalankan tugas yang ingin ada otomatisasi. Atur ke salah satu tombol dan selesai.

Real-Time Translation

With BlueStacks, it is possible to play The Legend of Neverland in your local language. Just CTRL+Shift+L to use the Real-Time Translation feature and instantly translate the game in a language of your choice.

Get the competitive edge in The Legend of Neverland by enabling the highest FPS. Experience crisper graphics and smoother animations.

Cara Mengunduh dan Main The Legend of Neverland di PC

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Klik untuk menginstal The Legend of Neverland dari hasil pencarian

Selesaikan proses masuk Google (jika kamu melewati langkah 2) untuk menginstal The Legend of Neverland

Klik ikon The Legend of Neverland di layar home untuk membuka gamenya


BlueStacks adalah pemutar aplikasi Android yang inovatif yang memungkinkan kamu menikmati game dan aplikasi Android terhebat di komputer atau laptop. Tingkatkan keterampilanmu dalam bermain game ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi dengan sejumlah fitur yang menakjubkan, seperti Terjemahan Real-Time, dukungan untuk Makro dan Skrip, dan Akselerasi GPU.

Tidak ada lagi kontrol layar sentuh yang kaku berkat Advanced Keymapping. Hancurkan musuh dengan peningkatan presisi dan kenyamanan mouse, keyboard, atau gamepad kamu. Pilih template yang sudah jadi atau buat kontrol kustom kamu sendiri dengan antarmuka drag-and-drop.

Buat konten video berkualitas tinggi untuk dibagikan dengan teman dan penggemarmu! Tekan saja Rekam dan BlueStacks akan menyimpan semua aksi dalam game kamu langsung ke hard drive.

Habiskan lebih sedikit waktu untuk menavigasi menu dan mengulangi input yang sama berulang kali di The Legend of Neverland dengan Makro. Otomatiskan tugas berulang dengan merekam urutan input yang dapat kamu tetapkan ke tombol.

Jalankan semua game dan aplikasi Android favoritmu secara bersamaan di satu komputer dengan Multi Instance. Tingkatkan produktivitasmu dan dengan cepat beralih antar beberapa aplikasi dalam sekejap. Kamu bahkan dapat masuk ke banyak akun dari game yang sama untuk efisiensi dua kali lipat.

BlueStacks membutuhkan PC atau Mac dengan spesifikasi minimal 4GB RAM. Saat ini BlueStacks juga telah mendukung aplikasi 32- dan 64-bit secara bersamaan.

Minimum System Requirements

Dengan BlueStacks 5, Anda dapat memulai di PC yang memenuhi persyaratan berikut.

Operating System

Microsoft Windows 7 and above.

Intel or AMD Processor.

At least 4GB of RAM

5GB Free Disk Space.

* You must be an Administrator on your PC. Up to date graphics drivers from Microsoft or the chipset vendor.

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The legend of neverland - faq.

Mainkan The Legend of Neverland di PC atau Mac Anda dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah sederhana ini.

  • Klik 'Mainkan The Legend of Neverland di PC' untuk mendownload BlueStacks
  • Instal dan masuk ke Google Play Store
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BlueStacks menghormati privasi Anda dan selalu aman untuk digunakan. Itu tidak membawa malware, spyware, atau perangkat lunak tambahan apa pun yang dapat membahayakan PC Anda.

Ini direkayasa untuk mengoptimalkan kecepatan dan kinerja untuk pengalaman bermain game yang mulus.

Persyaratan minimum untuk menjalankan The Legend of Neverland di PC

  • OS: Microsoft Windows 7 dan di atasnya
  • Prosesor: Prosesor Intel atau AMD.
  • RAM: PC Anda harus memiliki setidaknya 2GB RAM. (Perhatikan bahwa memiliki ruang disk 2GB atau lebih bukanlah pengganti RAM)
  • HDD: Ruang Disk Kosong 5GB.
  • Anda harus menjadi Administrator di PC Anda.


BlueStacks is a PC platform.

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Sorry, BlueStacks is available only for PC or Mac

BlueStacks 4 is not available on Windows XP. You must have Windows 7 or higher. Windows 10 is recommended.



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    Video ini berisi tentang tutorial cara melakukan snorkeling di game Tour of Neverland. Penjelasan di dalam video cukup lengkap mulai dari prasyarat fitur sno...

  8. Tour of Neverland Guide, Tips and Review

    Tour of Neverland is a farming simulator made by Mars Games. You will takeover an Island that your grandfather has left to you and the objective is to run a farm on a tropical island where you will plant and harvest crops, raise livestock, run your own hostel, build farming facilities, customize your farm to your own liking and at the same time visit other player's farm.

  9. ‎Tour of Neverland on the App Store

    Build a hotel to attract visitors and make fascinating new animal friends! You can even jump in a minecart and explore the depths of the mines in search of priceless treasures! *********FEATURES*********. - An immersive and exquisite tropical paradise in full 3D with its own unique style. - Unlock over 30 kinds of crops and livestock, hundreds ...

  10. Tour of Neverland

    Build the island of your dreams!

  11. Unduh Tour of Neverland di PC

    Cara memainkan Tour of Neverland dengan GameLoop di PC. 1. Download GameLoop dari situs resminya, lalu jalankan file exe untuk menginstal GameLoop. 2. Buka GameLoop dan cari "Tour of Neverland", temukan Tour of Neverland di hasil pencarian dan klik "Install". 3.

  12. Download Tour of Neverland on PC (Emulator)

    Tour of Neverland is a Simulation game developed by Mars Game (HongKong) Network Technology Co., Ltd., and with the best Android emulator, LDPlayer, you can now enjoy Tour of Neverland on your computer. Playing Tour of Neverland on PC allows you to harness the full power of your computer's CPU and memory resources, without worrying about lag or ...

  13. Official website The Legend of Neverland

    A: Click on the "Shopping Cart" button in the upper right corner of the main interface of the game, find the recharge content in the interface, click on the recharge amount and follow the steps to recharge; Q: After the recharge, why didn`t I receive the related reward?

  14. Tour of Neverland

    Catch fish straight from the ocean or go snorkeling to catch sea creatures. Build a hotel to attract visitors and make fascinating new animal friends! You can even jump in a minecart and explore the depths of the mines in search of priceless treasures! - Farm crops, raise livestock, make food, go fishing, try snorkeling, give gifts to your new ...

  15. tour dates

    tour dates SWu 2022-09-22T11:48:40+02:00 "Cara affirms its well-deserved reputation as an outstanding concert band, and the collective energy is prodigious." ...

  16. Cara main tour of neverland (tour of neverland android) # ...

    tonton ampe kelar ya#tour of neverland#tour of neverland#tour of neverlandneverland ranchmichael jacksonalessiaTour of neverlandtour of neverland gameplaytou...

  17. Official website The Legend of Neverland

    1. During redeeming period, the game character must remain online. When the game is running in the background for at least 2 minutes, it is considered as being online; 2. At the "Set" function in game, copy the code on the right side of the character avatar, and paste it into the "character code" column; 3.

  18. Panduan, Tips, dan Trik The Legend of Neverland untuk Pemula

    A: False (X) The Legend of Neverland adalah MMORPG baru dengan grafis luar biasa dan desain pemandangan yang mirip dengan Genshin Impact. Game ini telah tersedia di Google Play Store dan App Store. Itulah panduan, tips, dan trik bermain The Legend of Neverland untuk pemula. Jika kamu memiliki pertanyaan, kamu dapat menuliskannya di kolom komentar.

  19. Tour of Neverland Codes (June 2024) [UPDATED]

    It's pretty straightforward; here is how you can use the redemption codes in just a few steps: Step 1: Open the game, and tap on the Profile icon on the game screen. Step 2: A new window will pop up, Click on the GiftBox icon. Step 3: Enter the Tour of Neverland redeem codes provided above in the text area. Step 4: Click on the Exchange ...

  20. Cara Main Arcade Game (How to Play Arcade) Tour of Neverland

    #arcadegame #tourofneverland #howtoplay

  21. Official website The Legend of Neverland

    Server:. Kode Redeem:. 1. Selama periode redeem, karakter game harus online. Ketika game berjalan dibackground dalam waktu 2 menit, akan dianggap statusnya online; 2. Pada fungsi "Pengaturan" didalam game, copy "Serial" di pojok kanan avatar karakter, dan paste di kolom "serial karakter"; 3.

  22. Mainkan The Legend of Neverland di PC

    Cara Mengunduh dan Main The Legend of Neverland di PC. Unduh dan pasang BlueStacks di PC kamu. Selesaikan proses masuk Google untuk mengakses Playstore atau lakukan nanti. Cari The Legend of Neverland di bar pencarian pojok kanan atas. Klik untuk menginstal The Legend of Neverland dari hasil pencarian

  23. Set times 2024 Concerts : r/Morgan_Wallen

    I've seen alot of people asking about what time people are going on for wallen concerts. Whole tour is 4 acts from what I'm seeing I'll use 5:30 as the example start time but adjust accordingly 1st act 5:30-5:50 2nd act 6:15-6:45 3rd act 7:15-8:15 Morgan Wallen 9:15-11:05 (Roughly An Hour after the 3rd act ends)