The Character  Quotes

  • Character Quotes
  • Star Trek (2009)

Scotty Quotes in Star Trek (2009)

Scotty quotes:.

Scotty : I like this ship! You know, it's exciting!

Spock Prime : What if I told you that your transwarp theory was correct, that is is indeed possible to beam onto a ship that is traveling at warp speed?

Scotty : I think if that equation had been discovered, I'd have heard about it.

Spock Prime : The reason you haven't heard of it, Mr. Scott, is because you haven't discovered it yet.

Scotty : I'm s... Wha... It... Are you from the future?

James T. Kirk : Yeah, he is. I'm not.

Scotty : Well, that's brilliant. Do they still have sandwiches there?

Spock Prime : You are, in fact, the Mr. Scott who postulated the theory of transwarp beaming?

Scotty : That's what I'm talking about! How do you think I wound up here? Had a little debate with my instructor on relativistic physics and how it pertains to subspace travel. He seemed to think that the range of transporting something like a... like a grapefruit was limited to about 100 miles. I told him that I could not only beam a grapefruit from one planet to the adjacent planet in the same system - which is easy, by the way - I could do it with a life form. So, I tested it out on Admiral Archer's prized beagle.

James T. Kirk : Wait, I know that dog. What happened to it?

Scotty : I'll tell you when it reappears. Ahem. I don't know, I do feel guilty about that.

Scotty : Except, the thing is, even if I believed you, right, where you're from, what I've done - which I don't, by the way - you're still talking about beaming aboard the Enterprise while she's traveling faster than light, without a proper receiving pad.

Scotty : [ to Keenser ] Get off there! It's not a climbing frame!

Scotty : [ back to Spock Prime ] The notion of transwarp beaming is like trying to hit a bullet with a smaller bullet whilst wearing a blindfold, riding a horse.

[ Spock writes on a paper ]

Scotty : What's that?

Spock Prime : Your equation for achieving transwarp beaming.

Scotty : [ to himself ] He's out of it

Scotty : [ reads the equation ] Imagine that! It never occurred to me to think of SPACE as the thing that was moving!

[ the U.S.S. Enterprise is being sucked into a black hole, seconds away from doom ]

Scotty : I'm giving her all she's got, Captain!

[ the bridge ceiling begins to crack as the ship's drawn closer ]

James T. Kirk : All she's got isn't good enough! What else ya got?

Scotty : Um... Okay, if we eject the core and detonate, the blast could be enough to push us away! I cannae promise anything, though!

[ the viewing window starts to rupture ]

James T. Kirk : DO IT, DO IT, DO IT!

Spock : We are traveling at warp speed. How did you manage to beam aboard this ship?

James T. Kirk : Hey, you're the genius. You figure it out.

Spock : As acting captain of this vessel, I order you to answer the question.

James T. Kirk : Well, I'm not telling, "Acting Captain." What, did...?

[ Kirk smiles ]

James T. Kirk : What, now, that doesn't frustrate you, does it? My lack of cooperation? That-that doesn't make you angry...

Spock : [ Spock turns to Scotty ] Are you a member of Starfleet?

Scotty : I, um, yes. Can I get a towel, please?

Spock : Under penalty of court martial, I order you to explain to me how you were able to beam aboard this ship while moving at warp.

Scotty : Well...

James T. Kirk : Don't answer him.

Spock : You will answer me.

Scotty : [ pause ] I'd rather not take sides.

[ Spock Prime and Kirk arrive at a derelict Starfleet outpost, and discover... ]

Scotty : You realize how unacceptable this is?

Spock Prime : Fascinating!

Scotty : Okay, I'm sure you're just doing your job, but could you not have come a wee bit sooner? Six months I've been here, living off Starfleet protein nibs and the promise of a good meal! And I know exactly what's going on here, okay? Punishment, isn't it? Ongoing! For something that was clearly an accident!

Spock Prime : [ pleased ] You are Montgomery Scott.

James T. Kirk : You know him?

Scotty : Aye, that's me. You're in the right place. Unless there's another hardworking, equally starved Starfleet officer around.

Keenser : Me.

Scotty : Get aff! Shut up! You don't eat anything! You can eat, like, a bean, and you're done. I'm talking about food. REAL food!

Scotty : I've never beamed three people from two targets onto one pad before!

Scotty : So, the Enterprise has had its maiden voyage, has it? She is one well-endowed lady. I'd like to get my hands on her "ample nacelles," if you pardon the engineering parlance.

James T. Kirk : Scotty, how we doin'?

Scotty : Dilithium chamber at maximum, Captain.

Scotty : [ noticing Keenser straddling a console ] GET DOWN!

Scotty : If it isn't Captain James Tiberius Perfect-Hair!

[ to Keenser ]

Scotty : Did you hear that? I called him "Perfect-Hair".

James T. Kirk : Where are you?

Scotty : Where are you?

James T. Kirk : Are you drunk?

Scotty : What I do on my private time is my business, Jim.

Scotty : Wait. Jim, if we go in there, we'll die! Do you hear me? The radiation will kill us! Will you listen to me? Look, what the hell are you doing?

James T. Kirk : I'm opening the door. I'm going in.

Scotty : The door's there to stop us from getting irradiated! We'd be dead before making the climb!

James T. Kirk : [ quietly ] You're not making the climb.

[ Kirk knocks out Scotty and enters the chamber ]

Scotty : [ Kirk and Bones return to the Enterprise on Nibiru ] Do you have any idea how ridiculous it is to hide a starship on the bottom of the ocean?

James T. Kirk : [ asking Scotty to investigate the coordinates Khan gave him ] I'm not exactly sure what you're looking for, but I have a feeling you'll know it when you see it. You may have been right about those torpedoes.

Scotty : [ surprised at Jim's admission ] I will consider that an apology. And I will consider that apology.

Scotty : Welcome aboard.

James T. Kirk : It's good to see you too, Scotty.

Scotty : [ to Khan ] Are you crazy? Whoever you are.

James T. Kirk : Just listen to him, Scotty. It's gonna be alright.

[ from trailer ]

Scotty : The ship's dead, sir! She's gone!

James T. Kirk : No, she's not...

Scotty : [ gesturing to the warp core ] Do you know what this is, Captain?

James T. Kirk : I don't have time for a lecture, Scotty!

Scotty : [ more forcefully ] Do you know what this is?

James T. Kirk : [ sighs ] It's a warp core.

Scotty : It's a radioactive catastrophe waiting to happen. A subtle shift in magnetic output from, say, firing one or more of six dozen torpedoes with an unknown payload could set of a chain reaction which would kill every living thing on this ship, letting these torpedoes on the Enterprise is the last straw!

James T. Kirk : What was the first straw?

Scotty : What was the...

Scotty : -there are plenty of straws, how about Starfleet confiscating my transwarp equation, and now some madman is using it to hop across the galaxy! Where'd you think he got it from!

James T. Kirk : We have our orders, Scotty.

Scotty : That's what scares me... this is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Cause I thought we were explorers. I thought we...

James T. Kirk : Sign for the torpedoes. That's an order.

Scotty : Right. Well you leave me no choice but to resign my duties.

James T. Kirk : Oh come on, Scotty.

Scotty : You're giving me no choice, sir!

James T. Kirk : You're not giving me much of a choice!

Scotty : I will not stand by and...

James T. Kirk : You're just making exceptions, sign for the...

Scotty : [ forcefully ] Do you accept my resignation or not?

James T. Kirk : I DO!... I do. You are relieved Mr. Scott.

Scotty : [ after a long pause ] Jim... for the love of God, do not use those torpedoes.

[ hands Kirk his PADD and walks away, Keenser does the same ]

Scotty : No! I'm not signing anything! Now get these bloody things off my ship!

[ sees Kirk ]

Scotty : Captain!

James T. Kirk : Is there a problem, Mr. Scott?

Scotty : Aye, sir! I was just explaining to this gentlemen that I cannae authorize any weapons on board this ship without knowing what's inside them!

Spock : Mr. Scott raises yet another point that le...

James T. Kirk : Report to the bridge.

Spock : Captain.

[ leaves the engineering room ]

James T. Kirk : Mr. Scott, I understand your concerns but we need these torpedoes on board!

Scotty : Due respect, sir, but photo torpedoes run on fuel, now I cannae detect the type of fuel that's in the compartments on these torpedoes because it's shielded. Now I asked for the specifications but he says...

[ gestures to Torpedo Security ]

Torpedo Security : It's classified.

Scotty : [ repeating exasperatedly ] It's classified. So I said; no specs, no signature!

Sulu : [ from deck above ] Captain, flight checks complete, we're good to go, sir.

James T. Kirk : Thank you, Mr. Sulu.

Sulu : Yes, sir.

Scotty : Now if you'll excuse me, sir, I have a warp core to prime.

[ walks away ]

Scotty : [ to Keenser ] Get down!

Bones : Jim, your vitals are way off...

James T. Kirk : Report to the medbay.

[ follows Scotty to the warp core ]

James T. Kirk : Scotty! I need you to approve those weapons.

Scotty : It's been upgraded to a 10.9 by the guys at Harvard.

Adrian Helmsley : What does Caltech have to say?

Professor West : The whole city of Pasadena was wiped out just a few minutes ago.

Ark Communications Officer : The capital's been hit by a 9.4.

Ark Communications Officer : We've lost communication with the White House, sir.

Adrian Helmsley : Where's it centered?

Scotty : North Chesapeake Bay.

McCoy : [ Kirk runs in to the engine room and sees Spock inside the reactor compartment. He rushes over but McCoy and Scotty hold him back ] No! You'll flood the whole compartment!

Kirk : He'll die!

Scotty : Sir! He's dead already.

McCoy : It's too late.

[ They let go and Kirk walks to the glass and pushes the intercom button ]

Kirk : Spock!

[ Spock slowly walks over to the glass and pushes the intercom ]

Spock : The ship... out of danger?

Kirk : Yes.

Spock : Do not grieve, Admiral. It is logical. The needs of the many, outweigh...

Kirk : The needs of the few.

Spock : Or the one. I never took the Kobayashi Maru test until now. What do you think of my solution?

Kirk : Spock.

[ Spock sits down ]

Spock : [ Gasping ] I have been... and always shall be... your friend.

[ he places a Vulcan salute on the glass ]

Spock : [ Gasping ] Live long... and prosper.

[ Spock dies ]

Scotty : The energizer's bypassed like a Christmas tree, so don't give me too many bumps.

Preston : I believe you'll find everything ship-shape, Admiral.

Kirk : Oh, do you? Do you have any idea, Midshipman Preston, how many times I have had to listen to Mr. Scott on the comm, telling me his trouble? Do you have any idea of the ribbing I've had to endure in the officers' mess... to the effect that the Enterprise is a flying death trap?

Preston : Oh, no sir! Wha... this is the finest engine room in the whole Starfleet! If the Admiral can't see the facts for himself, then, with all due respect, he's as blind as a Tiberian bat!

Scotty : Ahem!

Preston : Sir!

Kirk : Midshipman, you're a tiger.

Scotty : My sister's youngest, Admiral. Crazy to get to space.

Kirk : Every young man's fantasy. Seem to remember it myself.

[ Kirk is invited to give a command to the new Enterprise-B ]

Kirk : Take us out.

Chekov : Very good, sir.

Scotty : Brought a tear to my eye.

Kirk : Oh, be quiet.

Scotty : Finding retirement a little lonely, are we?

Kirk : You know, I'm glad you're an engineer. With tact like that, you'd make a lousy psychiatrist.

Scotty : Loser.

Lou : Cat person.

Kirk : What are we all doing here?

McCoy : Maybe they're throwing us a retirement party.

Scotty : That suits me. I just bought a boat.

Uhuru : This had better be good. I'm supposed to be chairing a seminar at the Academy.

Chekov : Captain, isn't this just for top brass?

McCoy : If we're all here, where's Sulu?

Kirk : *Captain* Sulu, on assignment. Where's Spock?

[ their first look at the USS Excelsior ]

Uhura : Would you look at that.

Kirk : My friends, the great experiment: The Excelsior. Ready for trial runs.

Sulu : She's supposed to have transwarp drive.

Scotty : Aye. And if my grandmother had wheels, she'd be a wagon.

Kirk : Come, come, Mr. Scott. Young minds, fresh ideas. Be tolerant.

Kirk : How much refit time before we can take her out again?

Scotty : Eight weeks, sir. But ye don't have eight weeks, so I'll do it for ye in two.

Kirk : Mr. Scott. Have you always multiplied your repair estimates by a factor of four?

Scotty : Certainly, sir. How else can I keep my reputation as a miracle worker?

Kirk : [ over the intercom ] Your reputation is secure, Scotty.

Kirk : Scotty, you're as good as your word.

Scotty : Aye, sir. The more they overthink the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain.

[ giving McCoy a handful of computer chips ]

Scotty : Here, Doctor, souvenirs from one surgeon to another. I took them out of her main transwarp computer drive.

McCoy : Nice of you to tell me in advance.

Kirk : That's what you get for missing staff meetings, Doctor. Gentlemen, your work today has been outstanding and I intend to recommend you all for promotion... in whatever fleet we end up serving.

Scotty : All systems automated and ready. A chimpanzee and two trainees could run her.

Kirk : Thank you, Mr. Scott. I'll try not to take that personally.

Captain Styles : Ah, Mr. Scott. Calling it a night?

Scotty : Uh, yes sir.

Captain Styles : Turning in myself, looking forward to breaking some of the Enterprise's speed records tomorrow.

Scotty : Ah, yes sir.

[ behind his back, frowning ]

Scotty : Good night.

Elevator voice : Level, please.

Scotty : Transporter room.

Elevator voice : Thank you.

Scotty : [ under breath ] Up your shaft.

Scotty : [ studying the Klingon Bird-of-Prey's helm ] Where's the damn antimatter inducer?

Chekov : This?... no, *this*!

Scotty : That or nothing.

Sulu : If I read this right, sir, we have full power.

Kirk : [ exasperated ] Go, Sulu!

[ the Enterprise is approaching the closed Spacedock doors ]

Kirk : And... *now*, Mr. Scott.

Scotty : Sir?

Kirk : The doors, Mr. Scott!

Scotty : Aye, sir, I'm working on it!

Elevator voice : Level please.

Scotty : Up your shaft.

Kirk : Mr. Scott, you're amazing!

Scotty : There's nothing amazing about it. I know this ship like the back of my hand.

[ walks into low-hanging beam, knocks himself out cold ]

Kirk : Stand by to execute emergency landing plan... "B."

[ a brief pause ]

Chekov : What's emergency landing plan "B?"

Scotty : I don't have a clue.

Kirk : [ on Comm system ] "B" as in Barricade.

Scotty : He can't be serious.

Scotty : [ to Kirk about ship status ] Ah. All I can say is they don't make them like they used to.

Kirk : You told me you could get this ship operational in two weeks, I gave you three, what happened?

Scotty : I think you gave me too much time, Captain.

Kirk : Very well, Mr Scott. Carry on.

Scotty : Aye, sir.

[ Spots a junior engineer nearby ]

Scotty : How many times do I have to tell you, the right tool for the right job!

McCoy : [ laughs ] I don't think I've ever seen him happier.

[ They enter the turbolift ]

Computer : Le-le-level?

Kirk : Bridge... I hope. I could use a shower.

Spock : [ looks at Kirk ] Yes.

Kirk : [ responds to a tapping within the wall ] What's that noise?

Spock : [ tapping continues ] I believe it is a primitive form of communication known as morse Code.

Kirk : You're right. I'm out of practice.

[ tapping ]

Kirk : That's an "S".

Spock : "T".

Kirk : "A"... "N"... "D", end of word.

McCoy : "Stand".

Kirk : New word... "B"... "A"...

Spock : "C"... "K".

McCoy : "Back". "Stand back".

Kirk ,  Spock ,  McCoy : "Stand back"?

[ the wall explodes ]

Scotty : [ on the other side of the wall ] What are you standing around for? Do you not know a jailbreak when you see one?

[ Chief Engineer Scott making a log entry ]

Scotty : USS Enterprise, shakedown crew's report. I think this new ship was put together by monkeys. Oh, she's got a fine engine, but half the doors won't open, and guess whose job it is to make it right.

Scotty : [ cursing, on his back trying to fix a computer console ] "Let's see what she's got," said the captain. And then we found out, didn't we?

Uhura : [ walking in ] I know you'll whip her into shape, Scotty, you always do.

Scotty : [ getting up ] Uhura, I thought you were on leave.

Uhura : And I thought we were supposed to be going together.

Scotty : Oh, I can't leave her now when she needs me the most.

Uhura : [ stroking Scotty's cheek ] I had a feeling you would say something like that, so I brought us...

[ whipping up two packages ]

Uhura : dinner.

Scotty : [ grabbing a package ] Oh, lassie. You're the most understanding woman I know.

Starfleet Officer : [ transmission on a malfunctioning computer ] Red-Red-Red Alert. Red Alert. Red-Red-Red Alert.

Scotty : I just fixed that damn thing! Turn it off, will you?

McCoy : Jim... if you ask me, and you haven't, I think this is a terrible idea. We're bound to bump into the Klingons, and they don't exactly like you.

Kirk : The feeling's mutual. Engine room.

Scotty : [ over the intercom ] Scotty here.

Kirk : We'll need all the power you can muster, mister.

Scotty : Don't you worry, Captain. We'll beat those Klingon devils, even if I have to get out and push.

Kirk : I hope it won't come to that, Mr. Scott.

Captain Doyle : Cappuccino? Espresso?

[ tries to dispense some, but the coffee machine flies sparks ]

Captain Doyle : Hey Scotty, can you get this machine to work?

Scotty : I'm givin' it all she's got, Captain! If I push it any farther, the whole thing'll blow!

Scotty : The aerodynamics work! He's breaking wind at 90!

[ faced with a 20th century computer ]

Scotty : Computer! Computer?

[ He's handed a mouse, and he speaks into it ]

Scotty : Hello, computer.

Dr. Nichols : Just use the keyboard.

Scotty : Keyboard. How quaint.

[ Kirk has just spoken very abruptly to Mr. Scott ]

Scotty : He's in a wee bit of a snit, isn't he?

Spock : He is a man of deep feelings.

Scotty : Aye, what else is new?

Scotty : Admiral, there be whales here!

McCoy : You, ah, realize of course that if we give him the formula we're altering the future.

Scotty : Why? How do we know he didn't invent the thing?

[ the crew is on a shuttlecraft pondering what their new starship will be ]

Sulu : ...I'm counting on the *Excelsior*.

Scotty : The *Excelsior*? Why in God's name would you want that bucket of bolts?

Kirk : A ship is a ship.

Scotty : Whatever you say so.

Scotty : Thy will be done.

[ the new starship USS *Enterprise* 1701-A emerges into view ]

Kirk : My friends.

Kirk : We've come home.

Scotty : Damage control is easy. Reading Klingon - that's hard.

[ Kirk is pacing back and forth, considering a below-decks room in the Klingon ship for possible whale transport ]

Kirk : Scotty, how long is this bay?

Scotty : About sixty feet, Admiral.

Kirk : Can you enclose it to hold water?

Scotty : [ laughs ] I suppose I could. You planning to take a swim?

McCoy : [ sourly ] Off the deep end, Mr. Scott!

Kirk : We got to find some humpbacks.

Scotty : Humpbacked... people?

Kirk : Whales, Mr. Scott, whales!

Scotty : [ over the intercom ] I'm ready, Spock! Let's go find George and Gracie!

Soren : Good heavens!

[ as he enters the dorm room ]

Soren : I thought you had to be convicted of a crime before you lived somewhere like this.

Eddie : Well it's not that bad. Plus, we haven't seen the rest of it yet.

[ opens closet door ]

Soren : Apparently, this is the rest of it.

Eddie : Well I like it. And I'll even let you have first choice of the beds.

Soren : Ooo, heavens, which stained mattress shall I choose?

Scotty : [ enters, coughing, sniffling, and clearing throat ] You the new guys? I'm Scotty. All right, all my food's labeled, so I'll know if you ate anything. I'm allergic to dairy, shellfish, red meat, melon, nuts, and kiwi, so don't bring any of that stuff around here.

[ sits down at computer ]

Scotty : The X-box is off limits. If you screw up any of my high scores, I'll blind you with my laser pointer.

Soren : [ Eddie enters the dormroom where Soren is hooked playing the XBox ] Whoa.

Scotty : [ to Eddie ] He's been like this since I got here yesterday.

Soren : Whoa.

Scotty : [ jumps to take back the console ] Give it back!

Soren : Back off Clearisil!

[ Scotty jumps backs to where he was ]

Scotty : [ Soren slaps Scotty's hand which was directing toward Soren's last royally-paid-for breakfast ] Hey, you cheap Swede!

Scotty : [ Scotty just realizing that Paige is present in the dormroom who has been there for a minute or so ] Dude. Dude, there's a chick in our room!

Paige : Where's Eddie?

Scotty : Oh, you mean, prince-who-ate-my-triscuits-and-didn't-replace-them?

Ens. Frank Pulver : You mean after everything I've told you, you think I *could* be a doctor?

Scotty : By rights, you should be a good one. You have more people to prove yourself to than anyone I ever heard of. You should cash in on that. My family's in business. They say the big trick is to turn liabilities into assets.

Bea : If I were a man, I wouldn't be a lapdog tied to any woman's apron strings.

Scotty : I might surprise you.

Bea : You probably won't.

Scotty : You're gonna realise, marriage is an idea whose time has come and gone.

Blu : [ Watching Belinda on tape ] What about her?

Scotty : For the inside man?

Blu : For you, she'd be perfect.

Scotty : Perfect? She only has nine fingers.

Scotty : [ Finds footage of Belinda stepping out of her dress ] Look what I found.

Ellie : You can't watch this.

Blu : Au contrare, it's our duty to watch this.

Scotty : This is evidence of a crime.

Ellie : It's a crime alright.

Blu : She'd be a nice girl for you.

Scotty : I'm not going out with any girl you've seen naked.

Blu : She's not naked.

Scotty : She will be in a minute.

Blu : [ Watching Chester Robb on tape ] What's with Barn here?

Scotty : He's lost in thought.

Blu : That's a place where he'd be lost.

Scotty : I'm a fuggin' idiot. I'm a fuggin' idiot. Fuggin' idiot, fuggin' idiot, fuggin' idiot...

Scotty : Leroy, did you know this is Chance Wayne... the famous Hollywood and Broadway celebrity?

Leroy : Really?

Bud : Sure. All bartenders become movie stars. Right, Chance?

Chance Wayne : Oh, well. What he's trying to say is that I had your job for too long.

Scotty : [ everyone is looking into the cellar after it flies open ] An animal? An animal? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

Scotty : [ Taunting Cheryl by whispering ] Dead bodies in the cellar. Dead bodies in the...

Cheryl : Will you stop it!

Ash : Linda's still asleep. I don't know what else to do for her. It'll be dawn in a few hours so...

Scotty : I can't wait. I'm getting out of here... now!

Ash : Scotty, we can't take Linda anywhere with her leg like that. We don't even know if there is any other way back besides the bridge.

Scotty : Well... maybe there's an old road or a hiking trail or something. I mean, there must be another away around the cliff.

Ash : Listen to me. Linda cannot walk with her leg like that. She can't even stand up.

Scotty : So, we'll leave her here until we can send somebody back.

Ash : What, are you crazy? I'm not...

Scotty : [ interupting ] Look, I'm getting out of here! I don't care what happens to her! She's your girlfriend, you take care of her!

[ first lines ]

Scotty : Hey, Ash, where are we?

Ash : Well we just crossed the Tennessee border...

Scotty : I'm gonna break your face!

[ to Ash, after picking up a ceremonial dagger adorned with skulls ]

Scotty : This kinda looks like your old girlfriend! Ha ha ha.

Billy Buvanny : Scotty, you don't understand. I'm in love.

Scotty : Oh, you're in love.

Billy Buvanny : Yes, Scotty, I'm in love.

Scotty : Well, kiss me.

Billy Buvanny : Oh, shut up.

Scotty : Hey, listen, all dames are alike. There's no difference in any of 'em.

Billy Buvanny : Yeah, well Dee is different.

Scotty : Oh, yeah? Well, what's different about Dee?

Billy Buvanny : I'll tell ya. In the first place, she doesn't drink. And in the second place, she doesn't smoke.

Scotty : Oh, I see, she's like an old fashioned lamp. She don't smoke or drink, but, she goes out at nights.

Billy Buvanny : You think you're a wise guy.

Dave : Hey, Scotty, you're not Scotch, are you?

Scotty : No.

Dave : Then, why do they call you Scotty?

[ Scotty thinks ]

Scotty : Cause I'm Irish.

Scotty : Room?

Ross Haney : The best you got.

Scotty : Take your pick - there'll all bad.

Scotty : You know, I've only had three close friends in my day.

Ross Haney : Oh? Who were they?

Scotty : Two guns and a horse.

Scotty : Payne and Reynolds ran all the little ranchers off the range and they kept 'em off with lead. What do you plan to use for ammunition?

Ross Haney : Water.

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Characters on star trek (2009).

  • Spock Prime
  • James T. Kirk
  • Vulcan Council President
  • Christopher Pike
  • Lt. Nyota Uhura
  • Transport Chief
  • Pavel Chekov
  • Hikaru Sulu
  • Test Administrator
  • Burly Cadet #1
  • Flight Officer
  • Admiral Richard Barnett
  • Young Spock
  • Vulcan Bully #1
  • Vulcan Bully #2
  • Captain Robau
  • George Kirk
  • Amanda Grayson
  • Simulator Tactical Officer
  • Winona Kirk
  • Security Officer
  • Nurse Chapel
  • Enterprise Communiations Officer
  • Communication Operator
  • Kelvin Crew Member
  • Starfleet Base
  • Chief Engineer Olson
  • All Character Quotes:


Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home 1986

Scotty: Computer. Computer?

Scotty: Hello, computer.

Dr. Nichols: Just use the keyboard.

Scotty: Keyboard. How quaint.

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A Complete Guide to Scotty From Star Trek


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Few Star Trek characters are more beloved than Montgomery Scott. With his immense engineering skills and propensity for jury-rigged solutions, he spent much of The Original Series at the heart of the action, and even took command of the Enterprise when Kirk and Spock were busy on some planet's surface. And while it was never used in precisely those terms, the phrase "beam me up Scotty" became one of Star Trek's first tag lines: referring to his uncanny operation of the ship's transporters.

Along the line, he experienced multiple reboots and updates, and like his fellow OG characters, he's always a welcome presence regardless of the project. He served as inspiration for subsequent Star Trek engineers -- notably Miles O'Brien from Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine -- and yet his in-universe origins remain surprisingly murky. His arrival on Star Trek: Strange New Worlds may change that, in addition to generating renewed interest in the character and his rich Star Trek history.

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Scotty's Origins

The character's origins lie with actor James Doohan, who played him for over 30 years and who remains more closely associated with Scotty than any other. According to David Gerrod's 1973 reference guide The World of Star Trek , Doohan played a huge role in the character's creation. He delivered a variety of accents while auditioning for the show's second pilot, "Where No Man Has Gone Before." When asked which accent he himself would use, the actor suggested Scottish because Scots were "renowned for having great engineering skills." That established the core of the character more or less on the spot.

Doohan always played Scotty as utterly devoted to the ship, to the point of considering it his property. That was often played for laughs: notably in Season 2, Episode 14, "The Trouble with Tribbles," when he started a bar fight with a group of Klingons after they disparaged the Enterprise's honor. He could solve any problem with the warp drive -- or any other part of the ship's systems -- which gave the show a natural ticking clock whenever it needed one. Scotty would invariably fix the malfunction with seconds to spare, allowing the Enterprise to escape by the skin of its teeth.

Scotty in The Original Star Trek

Scotty appeared in 65 of The Original Series' 79 episodes, as well as the first seven Star Trek movies and all but one entry in Star Trek: The Animated Series . That established his modus operandi: diligent, plain-spoken, and given to simple but accurate assessment of the problem du jour. It also cemented his unwavering loyalty to Captain Kirk, and his steadfast ability to hold the line in the face of trouble. That arose most often during his stints in the captain's chair, which helped define the character alongside his last-minute repairs and timely use of the transporter.

The Star Trek movies largely relegated him to support duties, though they found quiet ways to develop his character. A cut subplot from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan introduced his nephew among the Enterprise's new cadets, who's killed in Khan's first sneak attack. The brief sequences further connected Scotty to the ship's redshirts, as well as shedding light on his family and background. He played a more lightweight role in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock when he sabotaged the Excelsior in anticipation of the crew's theft of the Enterprise. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home similarly let him flash his comedic chops, notably while dealing with a 1980s-era personal computer.

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Scotty in Later Star Trek

Doohan made a memorable cameo as Scotty in The Next Generation Season 6, Episode 4, "Relics," which also revealed details about his final years. After becoming a captain in The Search for Spock he remained the Enterprise's Chief Engineer until the end of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered County . One year later, he embarked on the U.S.S. Jenolan en route to retirement in the Federation colony of Norpin. The ship crashed on a colossal alien structure called a Dyson Sphere, and he survived in the transporter's pattern buffer until the Enterprise-D revived him a century later. Picard gave him one of the ship's shuttlecraft, and he departed for points unknown. That presumably marks the end of the character's life, at least as far as canon is concerned.

A holographic version of the character also appeared in Star Trek: Prodigy Season 1, Episode 6, "Kobayashi." He was one of multiple classic figures recreated by Dal aboard to holodeck to assist him with his Kobayashi Maru test . The production used dialogue previously recorded by Doohan to bring him back for the episode. (Doohan himself passed away in 2005 at the age of 85.)

Scotty in The Kelvinverse

2009's Star Trek movie entailed a massive reboot, resulting in a new alternate timeline dubbed "The Kelvinverse" by fans. Scotty was memorably played by comic actor Simon Pegg, who revised the role in the next two Kelvinverse films. The changes in continuity resulted in a slightly different version of the character: relegated to a remote outpost before joining the Enterprise crew mid-emergency. In practical terms, it allowed Pegg to pursue his own take on Scotty without altering Doohan's. (Pegg has always expressed the highest respect for his predecessor.)

Besides playing up the character's funnier side, Pegg infused him with slightly wilder qualities: making him more willing to take risks than Doohan's version. The actor also developed a non-canon backstory for his Scotty, which shifted his birthplace to Glasgow among other things. (Dialogue in The Original Series Season 2, Episode 7, "A Wolf in the Fold" implied that he was from Aberdeen.) The Kelvinverse also gave Scotty a sidekick: the diminutive alien Keenser, played by Deep Roy. It gave him someone to play off of, further enhancing his status as the series' comic relief.

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Scotty in Strange New Worlds

Pegg's background for the character is unofficial, and relegated to the Kelvinverse timeline regardless. The history of Doohan's "prime" version is very much a mystery prior to his position onboard the Enterprise. Strange New Worlds looks to change that by introducing a younger version of Scotty played by Martin Quinn in Season 2, Episode 10, "Hegemony." (Quinn has the distinction of being the first Scottish actor to play the part.) Christopher Pike's Enterprise crew finds him among the survivors of a Gorn attack. Before that, he served aboard a solar research vessel called the Stardiver. The Gorn wiped the vessel out, leaving Scotty the only survivor. The episode ends on a cliffhanger, to be resolved in the Season 3 premiere (unreleased as of this writing).

Quinn's version of the character is very likely to join the Strange New Worlds crew full-time. The series' first engineer, Hemmer, was killed at the end of Season 1. His replacement, Commander Pelia, isn't expected to remain onboard, and with Scotty destined for the position regardless, the move makes a lot of narrative sense. Strange New Worlds has an opportunity to fill in his early years much the same way it has for Uhura, Jim Kirk, and Mr. Spock . Regardless of its plans for him, it ensures that he will remain firmly a part of Star Trek 's future as well as its past.

Apple MACINTOSH Plus in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986)

Scotty uses the Mac to explain the formulation of transparent aluminium. He first attempts to talk to the computer through the mouse.

Name Comment Year of feature (shown above)

Actually, I'm more convinced that the output on the screen is inlaid, and is based on Apple II screens that were created with MousePaint // - and each key press just advances the slideshow by a frame. That the actual computer doing the job is an Apple II, as the pixels are simply too big for the Mac screen. The desktop environment actually looks more Lisa OS like, too. Which is how the Apple II version of the paint program would resemble due to the Lisa and Apple II having rectangular pixels, and the Mac having square pixels. The "slideshow" also ends with an Apple II beep. 2012-02-20 21:19

I don’t recall if this actually showed up in the movie or not? I recall seeing a still photo of that scene in a magazine at the time (may have been in MacWorld, MacUser, or A+?). It was a shot through the window from the hallway outside the office, that showed the back of the computer. There was no power cord plugged into that Mac Plus. Also there was a round hole in the case with a cable going through it that was feeding in the phony video. 2018-06-26 10:40

I believe I found the image Leo was referring to (I'd link it if I could), it's a production still of Scotty holding the mouse from a different angle - exposing the back of the Mac. The guts of the computer have clearly been removed, the bottom I/O cutouts being used for potentiometer controls of whatever CRT they inserted into the case. A rectangular hole was cut into the center of the rear, and two BNC connectors are mounted to feed the video in, presumably from an Apple II as suggested earlier. It also appears they placed the keyboard on a piece of 2x4 to keep it in-frame for the shot featured as the first screencap on here (note how it changes position from the second screencap, further away from the Mac). 2023-08-01 15:44

Just use the keyboard

Computer! Computer? Hello, computer. Just use the keyboard. Keyboard. How quaint.

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Clip duration: 23 seconds Views: 752 Timestamp in movie: 01h 01m 02s Uploaded: 17 November, 2022 Genres: action , adventure , comedy Summary: To save Earth from an alien probe, Admiral James T. Kirk and his fugitive crew go back in time to San Francisco in 1986 to retrieve the only beings who can communicate with it: humpback whales.

Where the hell's the power you promised - Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

Kirk Thatcher Talks ‘Star Trek IV,’ Working With Leonard Nimoy, and Getting to Write Scotty’s Computer Joke


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Multihyphenate Kirk Thatcher has been involved with a vast range of iconic movies and television over the past 40 years. From his first job, on Star Wars: Return of the Jedi no less, Thatcher has been crafting beloved stories that reach into all corners of fandom as a writer, director, producer, actor, and visual effects coordinator. Though much of his career centers around his work with Jim Henson on the Muppets franchise, Thatcher has also worked on projects like Star Trek , Gremlins , Spiderman: Homecoming , and many more. Recently Collider's own Editor-in-Chief, Steve Weintraub sat down with Thatcher to discuss his work on the highly acclaimed smash hit MCU television special, Werewolf by Night .

During their conversation, Weintraub made sure to get the scoop from Thatcher on his work on Star Trek , particularly Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home . Having hit theaters in 1986, Star Trek IV, a.k.a. the one with the whales, is widely beloved and considered one of the best feature films in the franchise. The movie sees Captain Kirk ( William Shatner ), Spock ( Leonard Nimoy ), and the whole Enterprise crew on a mission to the past — San Francisco, 1986, to be exact — to prevent a future catastrophe. Thatcher served as an associate producer and also had a cameo in the movie as the now iconic "punk on the bus." Thatcher recently made a cameo, reprising his role as "the punk on the bus" in Season 2 of Star Trek: Picard which also heavily featured time travel to prevent a future disaster.

One of the reasons Star Trek IV is so beloved is that it's almost a romantic comedy wrapped up in a Star Trek movie. Weintraub asked Thatcher if he had any idea the movie would be such a hit while they were making it, and while he was quick to say "well, you never know," Thatcher pointed out that he was drawn to the same thing that has given the movie such staying power, its comedy. "What I liked about it was the humor," Thatcher told Collider. "I loved Star Trek growing up. I was a huge Trek fan, and I liked the fun between the characters." Thatcher continued:

"I knew it was special and that it was fun. But you never know, I didn't know that the punk was going to haunt me for the rest of my life. I mean, it was a fun little gag. It was more like an Easter egg, like, "Oh, that was associate producer." It wasn't like, 'This is going to be this huge moment.'"

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Kirk Thatcher On Working With Leonard Nimoy and Star Trek IV 's VFX

In discussing Star Trek IV , Thatcher explained that when he was hired by Leonard Nimoy, he was brought on to make sure the effects were good so that Nimoy could focus on the story. As Thatcher put it:

"He said, 'I want you to deal with all the technical stuff with effects and sets, and all that, because I want to focus on the story.' He said the thing that made Star Trek resonate, in his mind, was the relationship between Kirk, Spock, and Bones — and the other characters — but that triumvirate, which was not revelatory at that point, but he said, 'I want to focus on those relationships, and I want the effects, and I want it to look good, but I don't want to have to worry about that. So that's why you're here.' I got all this responsibility to make decisions on stuff as long as he approved it. Because he really wanted to focus on telling that story. It was an amazing job, and he gave me a lot of freedom to do that."

As he continued on Thatcher explained that Nimoy knew early on that this was not like the Star Trek movies they'd made so far. "I think Leonard knew that it was going to be different. I think he knew that II was for the Trek fans, diehard sci-fi fans. III was kind of him cutting his teeth, and it had a classic bad guy." He went on to say, "I was on a panel with [Nick Meyer] about Star Trek IV , and he said, 'It's the only Star Trek that doesn't have a villain,' a Star Trek movie. I mean, you could say a V`ger's the villain in the first one, but there's no bad guy. The bad guy is human ignorance, and so it was very Star Trek in that way."

Thatcher went on to say that working on Star Trek was an "amazing job," particularly thanks to the faith Nimoy had in him at such a young age. He explains that he got to do a little bit of everything while working on Star Trek IV :

"I got to write dialogue and got to play the punk, and did a computer voice, the computer at the beginning where it says, 'Logic is the cement of our civilization with which we ascend from chaos using reason as our guide.' That's me and I wrote those questions. I was 23, and the fact that Leonard just gave me this sort of carte blanche to do stuff. He knew I was a science nerd, and Harve Bennett, too, was the producer, and the writer of all the Star Trek -era or the 23rd Century stuff. They just were like, 'Hey, do you want to do this because it's just gobbledygook, but it has to be Star Trek .' I'm like, 'Sure.' I know, it's kind of amazing. I don't know what star I was born under, or what pheromones my brain, my head, gives off, but they were trusting me. They trusted me way more than the studios do now, I will say. You work for Disney, they're so all over you about everything and I'm like, 'God, I was spoiled with Jim Henson.'"

You Don't Have to be a Star Trek Fan to Enjoy The Voyage Home

Star Trek IV serves as an excellent entry point for the now massive Star Trek franchise because "you didn't have to be a Star Trek fan" to enjoy it and that's what makes it such a successful movie. Thatcher explained:

"You could have just a tertiary knowledge of like, "'Oh, Kirk and Spock, and they're in space,' and still enjoy the movie. Whereas Khan , Wrath of Khan II , which is a great Star Trek movie, [but] if you don't know who that is, you're like, 'Why is this guy with his shirt open yelling and so over the top?' And I think that was it. It was a great movie, not just a great Star Trek movie."

Another boon to the movie's success is the fact that the characters are sent back in time. Most of the Star Trek timeline is set in the future, with the Vulcans not making first contact on Earth until 2063, and the events of The Original Series taking place another 200 years after that. But Star Trek IV sends Captian Kirk and company back to 1986, which is a little more fathomable for a wider audience. As Thatcher put it, the time travel elements of Star Trek IV made it more "relatable." He said:

" The time travel element, going back to the time that it was filmed in, really helps because, again, that made it relatable. 'Oh, they're in today, there's a punk.' It was much more relatable, and there's a sea park and all the things we have in our world. But the sense of humor, Nick Meyer is very dry, cutting, like, 'Judging by the pollution and content of the atmosphere, I believe we have landed somewhere in the latter half of the 20-' Just these little digs at our society, I think made it super popular. While we were filming it, I don't think anyone knew this was going to be the breakout movie. I just thought they thought this is a fun movie with great character stuff in it."

The Staying Power of Star Trek IV 's Comedy

During their conversation Weintraub pointed out that it's the little moments of Star Trek IV also add to the film's staying power, making it such a beloved movie among Star Trek and sci-fi fans. Thatcher revealed that the particular joke they're discussing — a moment when Scotty tries to talk to an Apple computer because that's how you interface with a computer on the Enterprise — is one that he contributed to the film. As he puts it:

"I wrote that gag, that he talks to the mouse, because I had just gotten an Apple 512 Mac, and so the whole thing was, they said, 'Well we're going to have the design thing done on a Macintosh because it's a graphic computer.' I said, 'Well, then Scotty should sit down,' — because I'm a Trek fan — I said, 'He should talk to the computer because he doesn't know. He'd just be like, 'Hello computer,' it doesn't do anything.' And then Alex Henteloff goes, 'Well use the mouse.' So he thinks it's a microphone because they look like a microphone. So that was my gag that got in the movie, and Leonard loved it."

Werewolf by Night is available to stream on Disney+. You can watch Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home right now on Paramount+ and check out the trailer down below.

  • Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
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A Taste of Armageddon

  • Episode aired Feb 23, 1967

Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner, and Barbara Babcock in Star Trek (1966)

Kirk and Spock must save their ship's crew when they are all declared killed in action in a bizarre computer simulated war where the actual deaths must nevertheless occur. Kirk and Spock must save their ship's crew when they are all declared killed in action in a bizarre computer simulated war where the actual deaths must nevertheless occur. Kirk and Spock must save their ship's crew when they are all declared killed in action in a bizarre computer simulated war where the actual deaths must nevertheless occur.

  • Joseph Pevney
  • Robert Hamner
  • Gene L. Coon
  • Gene Roddenberry
  • William Shatner
  • Leonard Nimoy
  • David Opatoshu
  • 34 User reviews
  • 12 Critic reviews

Star Trek (1966)

  • Captain James Tiberius 'Jim' Kirk

Leonard Nimoy

  • Mister Spock

David Opatoshu

  • Ambassador Fox

DeForest Kelley

  • Eminiar Guard
  • (uncredited)
  • Ambassador Fox's Aide

Majel Barrett

  • Enterprise Computer
  • Lieutenant Hadley
  • Eminian Secretary
  • All cast & crew
  • Production, box office & more at IMDbPro

Did you know

  • Trivia Crewman DePaul is played by Sean Kenney , who portrayed the injured Captain Pike in The Menagerie: Part I (1966) and The Menagerie: Part II (1966) .
  • Goofs The Eminians attack the Enterprise with a sonic weapon. However, sonics would not be effective against an orbiting starship, as the vacuum of space (or even a planet's upper atmosphere) would not conduct sonic energy.

Spock : Sir, there is a multi-legged creature crawling on your shoulder.

  • Alternate versions Special Enhanced version Digitally Remastered with new exterior shots and remade opening theme song
  • Connections Featured in Star Trek Logs: An MTV Big Picture Special Edition (1991)
  • Soundtracks Theme From Star Trek Written by and credited to Alexander Courage

User reviews 34

  • BA_Harrison
  • May 23, 2022
  • February 23, 1967 (United States)
  • United States
  • Official Facebook
  • Desilu Studios - 9336 W. Washington Blvd., Culver City, California, USA
  • Desilu Productions
  • Norway Corporation
  • See more company credits at IMDbPro

Technical specs

  • Runtime 50 minutes

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Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner, and Barbara Babcock in Star Trek (1966)

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After 58 Years, Star Trek Is Finally Killing Off Scotty - Theory Explained

  • Scotty has been a crucial part of Star Trek history, but could he be on his way out after 58 years?
  • Scotty's engineering feats saved the original Enterprise numerous times, earning him the nickname "the Miracle Worker."
  • Trelane's ominous comment about Scotty "expiring" hints at a possible heroic death for the beloved character.

Warning: contains spoilers for Star Trek #21!

Scotty has been a vital part of the Star Trek franchise, but after 58 years, the franchise may be setting up his exit. Scotty’s legacy extends into the 24th century, where he is currently serving alongside Captain Sisko aboard the USS Theseus. Scotty was vital during the Day of Blood event, but now, Star Trek #21 hints he may truly be entering the twilight of his life.

Star Trek #21 is written by Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly and drawn by Megan Levens. After breaching the barrier and entering the Pleroma, Sisko and his crew address the council of gods assembled there. Apollo, who encountered Scotty a century prior, quips that the engineer “got old.” Scotty retorts back at Apollo, calling him a “gas bag.”

Trelane, another being on the council, asks Apollo why he is bothering with the “expiring one” and should instead focus on Sisko.

Scotty Set the Standard By Which All Other Star Trek Engineers Are Judged

Scotty saved the enterprise numerous times.

The original Enterprise, NCC-1701, had several engineers during its time in service, but none more prominent than Scotty . Played by James Doohan in the original Star Trek series, Scotty earned the nickname “the Miracle Worker” thanks to some brilliant jury-rigs he would spontaneously create. Scotty saved the ship many times. Perhaps his greatest engineering feat was the one that saved his life: after crash landing on a Dyson Sphere, Scotty stored himself in the ship’s transporter buffer, where he was rescued by the Enterprise NCC-1701-D. After a rough initial period of adjustment, Scotty returned to work.

What Trelane meant by the “expiring one” comment is left open to debate. Seconds before, Apollo made a crack about Scotty’s age, and Trelane could have just been playing off that. However, IDW’s new line of Star Trek titles has explored the concept of legacy at great length. Scotty’s reputation as one of Starfleet’s finest engineers is continually mentioned in the book, and is evident all around. The Theseus was largely his design, and helped T’Lir build the revolutionary Kardashev Drive . Scotty’s best days may seem to still be ahead of him.

Montgomery Scott

Captain Montgomery Scott – often referred to as " Scotty " by his shipmates – was a male Human Starfleet officer who lived during the 23rd and 24th centuries .

For a period of nearly thirty years, he served as the chief engineer of both the USS Enterprise and the USS Enterprise -A , both under the command of Captain James T. Kirk . ( TOS : " Where No Man Has Gone Before "; Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country ; TNG : " Relics ", et al.)

With his reputation as a " miracle worker ", he was a man of superior technical and engineering skill, experience, and ingenuity. ( TOS : " The Doomsday Machine "; Star Trek III: The Search for Spock , Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home ; TNG : " Relics "; SNW : " Hegemony ")

  • 1 Early life
  • 2.1 Starfleet Academy
  • 2.2.1 Service aboard the Stardiver
  • 2.3.1 The five-year mission
  • 2.3.2 Refitting the Enterprise
  • 2.3.3 Battle with Khan
  • 2.3.4 Stealing the Enterprise
  • 2.4 Traveling back to 1986
  • 2.5.1 The Sybok incident
  • 2.5.2 Stopping a conspiracy
  • 2.6.1 Maiden voyage of the Enterprise -B
  • 2.6.2 En route to the Norpin colony
  • 2.6.3 Reemergence in the 24th century
  • 3.1 Klingon attack destroys Enterprise
  • 3.2 Party on the Enterprise
  • 4.1 Friendships
  • 4.2 Romantic relationships
  • 5 Holograms
  • 6 Alternate timeline
  • 7 Key dates
  • 8 Memorable quotes
  • 9.1 Appearances
  • 9.2 Background information
  • 9.3 Apocrypha
  • 9.4 External links

Early life [ ]

Montgomery Scott was born in Scotland on Earth in 2222 . ( TNG : " Relics ") He spent part of his life in Aberdeen , once referring to himself as an "old Aberdeen pub-crawler." ( TOS : " Wolf in the Fold ") After having time travelled to 1986 , Scott was introduced in a cover story as being from Edinburgh . ( Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home ) Upon being asked how he adjusted to space travel, Scott once admitted, " I was practically born to it. " ( TOS : " The Lights of Zetar ")

Starfleet career [ ]

Starfleet academy [ ].

Scott joined Starfleet and began his engineering career in 2241 . ( TNG : " Relics ")

During his time at Starfleet Academy , he had Professor Pelia as an instructor, who considered him to be one of her best students. Nevertheless, he received some of the worst grades in her course, something he would remain embarrassed about well into his Starfleet career. ( SNW : " Hegemony ")

Early postings and assignments [ ]

Scott was commissioned as a Starfleet officer with the serial number SE 19754 T. ( TOS : " Wolf in the Fold ")

During his fifty-one-year career, he served on a total of eleven ships , including various freighters , cruisers and starships . ( TNG : " Relics ")

According to , Montgomery Scott was given his first starship posting as an ensign in 2242 . [1] (X)

Over his career, Scott had experience working with PXK pergium reactors . The last time he had even seen one was in 2247 , that was, until he attempted to repair the reactor at the Janus VI colony twenty years later . ( TOS : " The Devil in the Dark ") For a time in his career, he had also served as an engineering advisor for the freighting-line base established in the Deneva system that operated between the Deneva colony and the outlying asteroid belts . ( TOS : " Operation -- Annihilate! ")

During the course of his career, Scott wrote several technical manuals , including one titled Operating Protocol - Flow Sensors . A copy of this manual was stored in the Engineering Systems Database aboard the USS Enterprise -D in 2366 . ( TNG-R : " Booby Trap ") He was also responsible for writing Starfleet Regulation 42/15 , entitled "Pressure Variances in IRC Tank Storage", which was part of the basic operational specifications for impulse engines . These specifications were admittedly written "a wee bit" conservatively. ( TNG : " Relics ")

Service aboard the Stardiver [ ]

As a lieutenant junior grade , Scott was stationed aboard the USS Stardiver when the Stardiver was attacked by the Gorn in the Shangdi system . As the sole survivor , he escaped by constructing a transponder using parts from the Stardiver 's Hubble K7C Stellar Assessment Array , which fooled the Gorn vessels into seeing his shuttle as one of their own. However, the shuttle had been damaged and Scott was forced to land on Parnassus Beta , in the adjacent system. Scott created a "Gorn trap" using faked Human bio-signs and force fields to ensnare any Gorn in the area. Scott was later beamed aboard the Enterprise , where he was reunited with his former instructor Pelia . ( SNW : " Hegemony ")

Service aboard the Enterprise [ ]

The five-year mission [ ].

Montgomery Scott, 2265

Lt. Commander Montgomery Scott in 2265

By 2265 , Scott was assigned to the USS Enterprise where he served as chief engineer under Captain James Kirk . ( TOS : " Where No Man Has Gone Before ") The Enterprise was the first ship on which he was the chief engineer. ( TNG : " Relics ")

At this point, Scott would have been in Starfleet for over twenty years. However, the second pilot uniforms had all officers wearing only one braid, whether they were lieutenants or commanders , making it impossible to tell if Scott had already been made lieutenant commander at this point, but his years of service made it likely. (In Star Trek , his counterpart was already a lieutenant commander in 2258 .) From " The Corbomite Maneuver " onward, he wore lieutenant commander braids on his uniform, until assorted episodes from Star Trek: The Animated Series , as well as Star Trek: The Motion Picture , showed his promotion to commander .

His duties also included maintenance and operation of the Enterprise 's transporter systems. Three of his top engineers included Lieutenants Kyle , Leslie , and Gabler . He was understandably upset when Harper , an assistant engineer who was one of only twenty crewmembers selected to remain aboard the Enterprise during the M-5 multitronic unit test mission, was killed by an energy transfer beam used by the insane supercomputer to draw power directly from the ship's warp engines. ( TOS : " The Ultimate Computer "; TAS : " One of Our Planets Is Missing ", " The Terratin Incident ")

Scott also served as the ship's second officer , and often assumed command when both Kirk and Spock left the ship, or they both were incapacitated. Thus, he often faced critical diplomatic and military situations. ( TOS : " A Taste of Armageddon ", " Journey to Babel ", " Friday's Child ", " Bread and Circuses ", " A Piece of the Action ") In 2268 , Kirk noted him to commendation for his outstanding command performance without disobeying the Prime Directive and saving the landing party on planet 892-IV . ( TOS : " Bread and Circuses ") However in 2267 , Kirk jokingly "fired" Scott when he couldn't repair the ship's engines and break out of orbit around Gamma Trianguli VI . After the destruction of Vaal Kirk immediately "re-hired" him. ( TOS : " The Apple ") Despite being a capable command officer he never pursued his own command post because he "…never wanted to be anythin' else but an engineer." ( TNG : " Relics ")

By the late 2260s , Scott knew more about the warp engines aboard a Constitution -class starship than even the men who designed them. ( TOS : " The Apple ") Furthermore, Scott was diligent in keeping his professional skills up to date considering he was an avid reader of technical journals , which he considered his idea of relaxing. ( TOS : " The Trouble with Tribbles ") This knowledge and ability to save the ship in a jam eventually led to his reputation aboard the Enterprise as a "miracle worker." This was brought about by his reputation for being able to effect starship repairs faster than usually required. Scott later admitted that he often padded his estimates of time needed for repairs by a factor of four in order to appear that much faster. ( Star Trek III: The Search for Spock ; TNG : " Relics ") As he said to Geordi La Forge in the 24th century, " A good engineer needs to be a wee bit conservative, at least on paper. "

Montgomery Scott aboard the Botany Bay

Scott aboard the SS Botany Bay

In 2268, Scott stated that he knew the Enterprise better than Larry Marvick , the man who designed the starship. When Marvick visited the ship, escorting the Medusan Ambassador Kollos , Scott made a bet, that he wouldn't find his way around the engine room. When Scott allowed him access to the warp engine controls, Marvick, under the madness brought on by the sight of the Medusan, attempted to take over the vessel and hurled it into the void surrounding our galaxy . ( TOS : " Is There in Truth No Beauty? ")

Scotty's dead, Jim

Scott is pronounced dead by McCoy on the bridge of the Enterprise

In 2267, Scott was attacked and killed by Nomad , a probe originally launched from Earth in the early 21st century . Kirk was distraught by the death of his valued chief engineer, but Nomad informed Kirk that Scott could be "repaired" and the probe revived Scott in sickbay. Later, Scott assisted Kirk and Spock in beaming Nomad out into open space before it exploded from Kirk talking it to death . ( TOS : " The Changeling ")

Later in 2267, Scott was thrown against a bulkhead of the Enterprise during an explosion caused by a female crewmember . This resulted in a severe concussion and possible amnesia . He was ordered to take time off for therapeutic shore leave on the planet Argelius II . While on Argelius he got into "a wee bit of trouble," as he later described it, when he was accused of murdering an Argelian woman named Kara . Scott's situation worsened when he was accused of two more murders, those of another Argelian, Sybo , and fellow officer Karen Tracy . Scott was later acquitted of the murder charges, following the discovery of a non-humanoid lifeform called Redjac in the form of Mr. Hengist , who was found to be responsible for the murders, and who admitted to being Jack the Ripper and other serial killers in previous incarnations. ( TOS : " Wolf in the Fold "; TNG : " Relics ")

There will be no tribble at all

Kirk amused by Scott's beaming the tribbles aboard the Klingon ship

Scott explains that it's green

" Well, it's green . "

Scott was extremely proud of the Enterprise . In fact, he was so proud that he once started a bar fight aboard Deep Space Station K-7 when a Klingon named Korax suggested that the ship should be hauled away as garbage. As a result, he was confined to his quarters by Kirk. Scott smiled and told Kirk the punishment would give him a chance to catch up on technical journals he had not had time to read. Shortly after the incident at K-7, Scott managed to rid the Enterprise of the tribbles which had infested the ship. Much to the pleasure of Captain Kirk, Scott, in collaboration with Spock and McCoy , beamed the tribbles aboard the IKS Gr'oth where they would be " no tribble at all ". ( TOS : " The Trouble with Tribbles ")

In 2268, Scott helped Kirk, Spock and McCoy regain control of the Enterprise after the ship was invaded by agents of the Kelvan Empire and set on a course to the Andromeda Galaxy . Before leaving the Milky Way Galaxy , Scott and Spock devised a plan to destroy the Enterprise at the galactic barrier , but Kirk decided against it. Later Scott tried to incapacitate the Kelvan agent Tomar by drinking various alcoholic beverages with him. He got Tomar so drunk that the alien passed out, but his plan was foiled when Scott himself passed out before he could leave his quarters. ( TOS : " By Any Other Name ")

MARA access tube

Repairing his bairns

In the same year the Enterprise was hurled hundreds of light years away from a Kalandan outpost, and sabotage accelerated the ship to dangerously high warp speeds. Scott risked his life by entering the access crawlspace to the matter-antimatter reaction chamber to repair the fused matter-antimatter integrator , a procedure so dangerous that it was not to be undertaken while the integrator was in operation. When a faulty magnetic probe nearly ruined the procedure, Scott demanded that Spock eject him from the chamber into space, but Spock risked critical seconds to allow the engineer to successfully complete his task. ( TOS : " That Which Survives ")

Kara aims phaser at James T

Scott helplessly watching Kara aim a phaser at Kirk

In 2268 , Scott's position as second officer and chief engineer required him to participate in executing the auto-destruct sequence to prevent Bele from hijacking the Enterprise to return Lokai to the planet Cheron . ( TOS : " Let That Be Your Last Battlefield ") Scott also threatened the female Romulan Commander that he would use the auto-destruct to destroy the Enterprise and "as many of you as we can take with us" when it was surrounded by Romulan vessels during its espionage mission to appropriate the Romulans ' cloaking device . ( TOS : " The Enterprise Incident ")

Scott and dilithium crystal

Scott examining the Enterprise 's dilithium crystal

Also, in 2268, Scott prevented Garth of Izar from escaping the Elba II asylum to board the Enterprise when he challenged Garth, who, in the guise of Kirk, had attempted to order Scott to transport him to the ship, by requiring Garth to provide the countersign to the prearranged chess problem . ( TOS : " Whom Gods Destroy ")

Scott was romantically involved with Starfleet sciences division specialist Lieutenant Mira Romaine at least when she was aboard the Enterprise during its mission to Memory Alpha . Scott figured prominently in the successful attempt to prevent Romaine's body from being appropriated by the Zetarians . In carrying her occupied person to McCoy's decompression chamber , Scott insisted to Kirk, " Mira will not hurt me. " Nevertheless, he was thrown across the room by their influence. ( TOS : " The Lights of Zetar ")

Scott complained to Kirk that "one of those barefoot whaddyacallems " had entered engineering and "tried to incite my crew to disaffect". ( TOS : " The Way to Eden ")

In 2268, Scott was present in the transporter room along with Kirk, Spock and Lieutenant Dickerson when Presidential honors were rendered to the Excalbian who had taken the form of US President Abraham Lincoln . He scoffed in suggesting sarcastically that "Lincoln" would be followed by " …[King] Louis of France and [fourteenth-century King of Scots] Robert the Bruce ! " ( TOS : " The Savage Curtain ")

Refitting the Enterprise [ ]

Montgomery Scott, 2270s

Scott in 2273

In 2270 , Scott was promoted to the rank of commander and played a leading role in the massive eighteen- month Constitution II -class redesign and refit of the USS Enterprise while serving under Captain Will Decker . ( Star Trek: The Motion Picture )

Battle with Khan [ ]

In March 2285 , Scott was a participant in Saavik 's Kobayashi Maru scenario at Starfleet Training Command . Though not present on the bridge simulator , his voice was heard on speakers . After the scenario, he served aboard the Enterprise under the command of Captain Spock. He was the ship's chief engineer for a three week training cruise. Upon receiving a call for help from Regula I , Starfleet Command ordered an investigation by the Enterprise . With Rear Admiral Kirk assuming command, the cruise was cut short. The Enterprise became involved with Project Genesis and Khan Noonien Singh's attempt to steal the Genesis Device . Eventually, Kirk was able to stop Khan, but not before the latter had wrought extensive damage upon the Enterprise , requiring Captain Spock to sacrifice his life to save the ship. One of the casualties was Scott's nephew Peter Preston . Scott played the bagpipes at Spock's funeral. ( Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan )

Stealing the Enterprise [ ]

With the Enterprise safely at Spacedock One , Scott was promoted to captain and reassigned to the USS Excelsior as Captain of Engineering during the ship's early test runs. Scott detested his assignment aboard the Excelsior, citing the ship as little more than a "bucket of bolts" and didn't particularly care for Captain Lawrence H. Styles either. When Admiral Kirk resolved to steal the Enterprise and take it to the Genesis Planet without authorization to retrieve Spock's body, Scott was instrumental in their successful escape. He sabotaged Excelsior 's transwarp computer system by removing critical components, rigged an automation system that would allow Enterprise to be operated by only a handful of bridge officers, and hacked the space doors of Spacedock into opening.

When arriving at the Genesis planet, a Klingon Bird-of-Prey ambushed the Enterprise and opened fire, disabling Scott's automation system and leaving the ship as "a sitting duck". Scott, along with Kirk and Chekov, initiated the Enterprise 's auto-destruct sequence to prevent it from falling into Klingon hands. The crew beamed down to the planet, where they watched their beloved ship burn up in the atmosphere. This would have a lasting impact on Scott in later life, as Enterprise was "his home and where he had a purpose". ( Star Trek III: The Search for Spock ; TNG : " Relics ")

Scott's uniform department color patch was usually yellow (signifying operations division ), although in some scenes he wore the white shirt of the command division , though in the later movies, he relinquished his "second officer" status, which was fine with him, as he always preferred being in the engine room. Besides Scott, only one other captain, the sciences division 's Krasnovsky , had ever been portrayed as wearing captain rank insignia on a uniform not of the command division.

Traveling back to 1986 [ ]

Montgomery Scott, 2286

Scott in 2286

In 2286 , Scott traveled back in time to 1986 along with the rest of the Enterprise crew to find a pair of humpback whales . In order to construct a water tank for them, he visited the Plexicorp facility as "Professor Scott" from Edinburgh . Making a deal with plant manager Nichols he gave him the formula of transparent aluminum in exchange for a sheet of plexiglass . When Dr. McCoy objected against "changing the future," Scott pointed out " How do we know he didn't invent the thing? ".

Chief engineer of the USS Enterprise -A [ ]

The sybok incident [ ].

After returning home, he was reassigned as chief engineer of the newly commissioned USS Enterprise -A. ( Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home ) For three weeks, after a shakedown cruise, the flaws in the starship's systems were being identified and repaired under the supervision of Scott. During this time, he regained his rank of captain, after temporarily reverting to a commander following the incident of stealing the original starship Enterprise . ( Star Trek V: The Final Frontier )

Stopping a conspiracy [ ]

Montgomery Scott firing phaser, 2293

Scott firing his phaser at Colonel West on Khitomer

In 2293 , after seven years of serving aboard the Enterprise -A, Scott, along with the rest of the Enterprise -A crew, were due to stand down. Scott played a role in exposing the Khitomer conspiracy . Upon beaming down to the surface of Khitomer , he shot Colonel West , who was about to assassinate the Federation president and kill Lieutenant Valeris , out of a window and several stories to his death. ( Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country )

Retirement [ ]

In 2293 , Scott obtained a boat in anticipation of his retirement from the Enterprise -A. ( Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country )

Maiden voyage of the Enterprise -B [ ]

Montgomery Scott, 2293

Scott in 2293

Scott appeared as a " guest of honor " along with his former commanding officer , James T. Kirk, and his old crewmate, Commander Pavel Chekov , for the maiden voyage of the new Excelsior -class USS Enterprise -B , commanded by John Harriman . When the Enterprise -B responded to the distress call from two El-Aurian transports , Scott assisted in beaming a small group of survivors on board – 47 out of a total of 150. When the Enterprise became trapped in the energy ribbon the transports were in, Scott formulated a theory to use an antimatter discharge to disrupt the ribbon long enough for the vessel to break away. After Captain Kirk modified the deflector relays to emit a resonance burst , Scott and Hikaru Sulu 's daughter Demora were able to get the Enterprise clear. However, a hull breach was created on the secondary hull by the ribbon on the ship's way out and Kirk was presumed to be blown out into space . Upon being asked by Commander Chekov if anyone was in the deflector control room on Deck 15 when it was hit, Scott stared out the breach into space and solemnly stated " Aye ". ( Star Trek Generations )

En route to the Norpin colony [ ]

In 2294 , following his retirement from Starfleet, Scott traveled aboard the USS Jenolan to the Norpin colony , where he planned to spend his retirement. The Jenolan , however, encountered a Dyson sphere en route, and while attempting to investigate it, the transport crashed on its surface. Scott and Ensign Matt Franklin were the only survivors. Knowing that they didn't have enough supplies to wait for the ship's distress call to be picked up, Scott rigged the Jenolan 's transporter systems, and existed for seventy-five years in the ship's transporter buffer . ( TNG : " Relics ")

Reemergence in the 24th century [ ]

Scott's farewell

Scott in 2369 saying farewell to the crew of the Enterprise -D

In 2369 , Montgomery Scott was rescued by the USS Enterprise -D , but due to phase inducer failure, Franklin's pattern was too degraded to be recovered.

After Scott helped rescue the Enterprise -D from the Dyson sphere, Captain Picard rewarded him with the Enterprise 's shuttlecraft Goddard . ( TNG : " Relics ")

Sometime before 2387 , Montgomery Scott discovered the necessary formulas enabling transwarp beaming , which Spock later gave to a younger Scott in 2258 of the alternate reality . ( Star Trek )

In the script of Star Trek but not the final version of that film , was not said to have discovered transwarp beaming, but rather it had been made possible by him devising "the correct field equation to recrystallize dilithium." [2] . Scott devised an experimental method for recrystallizing dilithium in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home ( 2286 ), but did not expect to see recrystallization on a Starfleet ship in " Relics ". ( 2369 )

Anything but canon scenarios [ ]

Klingon attack destroys enterprise.

Bridge crew (Skin a Cat)

Scott with Arex during the Klingon attack

In an anything but canon account, a fleet of D7-class battle cruisers once attacked the USS Enterprise . Scott was present on the bridge of the ship when this was happening. The captain was attempting to give the crew orders that would help save them from the Klingon 's continuous assault , but unfortunately, he continued using figures of speech that angered various crewmembers .

As a result, the Enterprise exploded due to continuous bombardment from disruptor blasts . ( VST : " Skin a Cat ")

Party on the Enterprise

Scott on the drums

Scotty playing the drums

In another anything but canon account, in a nonsensical setting in which the crew of the USS Enterprise and the USS Cerritos were actors in cartoon shows ; a party honoring the fiftieth anniversary of Scotty and the TOS era crew's cartoon was being celebrated . D'Vana Tendi of the Cerritos was present.

Although there was brief argument between the old cartoon and the new cartoon, but as William T. Riker and Hikaru Sulu left the turbolift and walked onto the bridge to join the party, the tension settled down and the party resumed, and the crew used their singing voices and musical instruments to play a song in the style of a music genre that Riker called Post Mainframe Acid-Cardassian Ten Forwardcore . By the end, Scotty told Tendi that he loved her and her crewmates on her ship , and he apologizes for arguing with her, and he admited she was cool because she got to use all the newest tech . Tendi even told him that she thought he was " hot ." While they were still playing in the band , the ship was attacked by a fleet of D7 class battle cruisers , which causes an explosion on the bridge to occur. ( VST : " Walk, Don't Run ")

Family and personal life [ ]

Scott had at least one sister , whose youngest child, Peter Preston , served aboard the Enterprise in 2285 as a midshipman during a Starfleet Academy training cruise. Preston was killed when the Enterprise was attacked and severely damaged by the USS Reliant in a surprise attack by Khan Noonien Singh . Scott was grief-stricken after the tragedy. ( Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan )

In both the Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan and Star Trek III: The Search for Spock novelizations , the relationship between Scott and his niece, Dannan Stuart, was strained at best. Dannan was also a Starfleet officer, and apparently a maverick. In Star Trek II , he warned Peter not to follow the example of "that sister of thine that has been thrown in the brig more times than I can count," even though he admired her greatly. In Star Trek III , Scott returned to Scotland to attend Peter's funeral and got into an argument with Dannan. She accused her uncle of riding Peter to show his fairness, not realizing that he's actually singling him out. He counters that he was the natural choice to train him, given her disciplinary history.

Montgomery Scott enjoying a glass of Scotch

Scott enjoying a glass of Scotch

Scott had a love for good Scotch whisky , often making references to drinking or frequenting drinking establishments on more than one planet, even referring to himself once as an "old Aberdeen pub-crawler." ( Star Trek V: The Final Frontier ; TOS : " Wolf in the Fold ") He considered Scotch a drink for real men as opposed to, for instance, vodka which he referred to as "soda pop" and "milk diet". ( TOS : " The Trouble with Tribbles "). He did not like synthehol Scotch. ( TNG : " Relics ")

He took shore leave reluctantly and ran into trouble during shore leave on at least three occasions: a fistfight on Deep Space Station K-7, ( TOS : " The Trouble with Tribbles ") an arrest for murder on Argelius, ( TOS : " Wolf in the Fold ") and a "wee bout" requiring Dr. McCoy's attention. ( Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan )

He wore his Scottish Clan kilt on three occasions. ( TOS : " Is There in Truth No Beauty? ", " The Savage Curtain "; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan ) He also played bagpipes, most notably playing " Amazing Grace " at the funeral for Captain Spock in 2285 . ( Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan ) Scott was fascinated to be handling an old-fashioned Scottish claymore . ( TOS : " Day of the Dove ") In ( TNG : " Relics ") Scott remarks of declining to read technical manuals is an oblique reference to The Trouble with Tribbles (episode) where after fighting with Klingons he is confined to Quarters reading technical manuals !

Montgomery Scott in a kilt

Friendships [ ]

Despite his superior talents as an engineer, he was often the source of comic relief among the Enterprise crew , due to his use of the Scots language . ( TOS : " The Trouble with Tribbles ", " The Savage Curtain "; Star Trek III: The Search for Spock ; Star Trek V: The Final Frontier )

Romantic relationships [ ]

Although a gentleman at heart, life as an engineer for Scott was often lonely, as he often attempted to pursue hopeless relationships with much younger female officers that were often perceived as being out of his league.

Scott was first attracted to Carolyn Palamas and reacted bitterly to the Greek god Apollo 's infatuation with her. ( TOS : " Who Mourns for Adonais? ")

Scott and Palamas' first meeting is detailed in the novel Crisis of Consciousness .

Scott was interested in Kara , prior to her murder . ( TOS : " Wolf in the Fold ")

While under the influence of Harry Mudd 's love potion crystals , Scott briefly became interested in M'Ress . After the effects wore off, he snapped at her during his hangover . ( TAS : " Mudd's Passion ")

Mira Romaine and Montgomery Scott

Scott and Romaine

Scott later became infatuated with the newly transferred Mira Romaine in 2269 . ( TOS : " The Lights of Zetar ")

Years later, Commander Uhura began to show some romantic interest in Scott while she was under Sybok 's influence. Scott politely declined her advances, mindful of her condition. ( Star Trek V: The Final Frontier )

Holograms [ ]

Montgomery Scott (Kobayashi Maru hologram)

Holographic Scott

During Dal 's many attempts at the Kobayashi Maru scenario , he requested that the computer select a new chief engineer for the recently departed Jankom Pog . He was given a holographic Scott as a replacement. Scott was the rank of captain and appeared as he did during the early 2290s . ( PRO : " Kobayashi ")

Alternate timeline [ ]

In an alternate timeline in which Captain Christopher Pike remained in the command of the Enterprise and avoided the accident that exposed him to delta radiation , Scott was serving aboard the Enterprise during the Neutral Zone Incursion . When he and Spock were working on restoring to phaser control to working order, he stated to Spock that he was "an engineer, not a miracle worker.". ( SNW : " A Quality of Mercy ")

Key dates [ ]

Montgomery Scott and crew in Enterprise-A engineering

Scott and his engineering staff on the Enterprise -A

  • 2222 : Montgomery Scott was born in Scotland, Earth
  • 2242 : Began his Starfleet career
  • 2259 : Rescued from Parnassus Beta by Christopher Pike and taken aboard the USS Enterprise ; rank: lieutenant junior grade
  • 2265 : Assigned as chief engineer of the USS Enterprise ; rank: lieutenant commander
  • 2270 : Assigned to refit crew of the USS Enterprise ; rank: commander
  • 2285 : Promoted to captain while assigned to the USS Excelsior ; remained the rank of captain following theft of the Enterprise and hijacking of HMS Bounty
  • 2286 : Assigned as chief engineer of the USS Enterprise -A
  • 2293 : Guest of honor aboard the newly-commissioned USS Enterprise -B
  • 2294 : Retired from Starfleet with the rank of captain ; lost aboard USS Jenolan on Dyson sphere
  • 2369 : Discovered by the crew of the USS Enterprise -D

Memorable quotes [ ]

" I cannae change the laws of physics! I've got to have thirty minutes! " ( TOS : " The Naked Time ")

" Of course I could treat them to a few dozen photon torpedoes. " ( TOS : " A Taste of Armageddon ")

" Diplomacy! [derisive snort] The best diplomat I know is a fully activated phaser bank! " ( TOS : " A Taste of Armageddon ")

" Aye, the haggis is in the fire for sure. " ( TOS : " A Taste of Armageddon ")

" It's armed now. Press this one – thirty seconds later, poof. Once it's activated, there's no way to stop it. "

" Before they went into warp I transported the whole kit 'n' kaboodle into their engine room… where they'll be no tribble at all. " ( TOS : " The Trouble with Tribbles ")

" You mind your place, mister, or you'll be wearing concrete galoshes. " ( TOS : " A Piece of the Action ")

" It's… uh… [sniffs contents of bottle] Well, it's green . " ( TOS : " By Any Other Name ")

" All right, you lovelies. Hold together. " ( TOS : " The Paradise Syndrome ")

" That Vulcan won't be satisfied until these panels are a puddle of lead! " ( TOS : " The Paradise Syndrome ")

" Oh, my bairns! My poor, poor bairns… " ( TOS : " The Paradise Syndrome ")

" The Enterprise takes no orders, except those of Captain Kirk. And if you make any attempt to board or commandeer the Enterprise , it will be blown to bits along with as many of you as we can take with us! " ( TOS : " The Enterprise Incident ")

" I'll not take that, Mr. Spock! That transporter was functioning perfectly! Transport me down right now and I'll explain to those… gentlemen… " ( TOS : " The Mark of Gideon ")

" President Lincoln indeed! No doubt to be followed by Louis of France and Robert the Bruce. " ( TOS : " The Savage Curtain ")

" Mad! Loony as an Arcturian dogbird! " ( TOS : " The Savage Curtain ")

" Admiral, we have just finished eighteen months redesigning and refitting the Enterprise . How in the name of hell do they expect me to have her ready in twelve hours?! " ( Star Trek: The Motion Picture )

" It's borderline on the simulator, captain. I cannae guarantee that she'll hold up! " ( Star Trek: The Motion Picture )

" Give the word, admiral! " " Mr. Scott, the word is given. " " Aye, sir! "

" The more they overthink the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain. " ( Star Trek III: The Search for Spock )

" Up your shaft… "

" Hello, computer! " ( Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home )

" A keyboard. [in disgust] How quaint. " ( Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home )

" Why? How do we know he didn't invent the thing ? "

In the novelization of the film, Scott knows that Nichols did "invent the thing," and concludes that his presence in the same time and place as the creation of something crucial to his mission is a predestination paradox .

" Give me one more day, sir. Damage control's easy – reading Klingon, that's hard! "

" Admiral! There be whales here! "

" Don't you worry, captain. We'll beat those Klingon devils, even if I have to get out and push! " ( Star Trek V: The Final Frontier )

" I know this ship like the back o' me hand! " (at which point Scott knocks himself out cold on a low hanging pipe) ( Star Trek V: The Final Frontier )

" Whattaya standing around for?! Ye not know a jailbreak when ye see one?! "

" Borgus Frat! 'Let's see what she's got,' said the captain! And then we found out, didn't we? "

" USS Enterprise shakedown cruise report. I think this 'new' ship was put together by monkeys. Oh, she's got a fine engine, but half the doors won't open, and guess whose job it is to make it right? "

" That suits me, I just bought a boat. " ( Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country )

" Mr. Scott? " " Aye, sir? " " Did you find the engine room? " " Right where I left it, sir. "

" I'll bet that Klingon bitch killed her father! " ( Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country )

" Synthetic scotch, synthetic commanders… "

" N-C-C 1-7-0-1. No bloody A, B, C, or D. " ( TNG : " Relics ")

" I have spent my whole life trying to figure out crazy ways of doing things. " ( TNG : " Relics ")

" Starship captains are like children. They want everything right now and they want it their way. The secret is to give them what they need, not what they want. "

" The tank can't handle that much pressure. " " Where'd you get that idea? " " It's in the impulse specifications. " " Regulation 42/15: 'Pressure Variances in IRC Tank Storage'? " " Right. " " Oh, that. Forget it. I wrote it! "

" A good engineer is always a wee bit conservative, at least on paper. "

" I may be captain by rank… but I never wanted to be anything else but an engineer. " ( TNG : " Relics ")

Appendices [ ]

Appearances [ ].

  • " Where No Man Has Gone Before "
  • " The Corbomite Maneuver "
  • " Mudd's Women "
  • " The Enemy Within "
  • " The Man Trap " (voice only; uncredited)
  • " The Naked Time "
  • " Balance of Terror "
  • " The Galileo Seven "
  • " The Menagerie, Part I "
  • " The Squire of Gothos "
  • " Tomorrow is Yesterday "
  • " The Return of the Archons "
  • " A Taste of Armageddon "
  • " Space Seed "
  • " The Devil in the Dark "
  • " The City on the Edge of Forever "
  • " Operation -- Annihilate! "
  • " Catspaw "
  • " Metamorphosis "
  • " Friday's Child "
  • " Who Mourns for Adonais? "
  • " The Doomsday Machine "
  • " Wolf in the Fold "
  • " The Changeling "
  • " The Apple "
  • " Mirror, Mirror "
  • " The Deadly Years "
  • " I, Mudd "
  • " The Trouble with Tribbles "
  • " Bread and Circuses "
  • " A Private Little War "
  • " The Gamesters of Triskelion "
  • " Obsession "
  • " The Immunity Syndrome "
  • " A Piece of the Action "
  • " By Any Other Name "
  • " Return to Tomorrow "
  • " Patterns of Force "
  • " The Ultimate Computer "
  • " Assignment: Earth "
  • " Spectre of the Gun "
  • " Elaan of Troyius "
  • " The Paradise Syndrome "
  • " The Enterprise Incident "
  • " And the Children Shall Lead "
  • " Spock's Brain "
  • " Is There in Truth No Beauty? "
  • " The Empath "
  • " The Tholian Web "
  • " For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky "
  • " Day of the Dove "
  • " Plato's Stepchildren "
  • " Wink of an Eye "
  • " That Which Survives "
  • " Let That Be Your Last Battlefield "
  • " Whom Gods Destroy "
  • " The Mark of Gideon "
  • " The Lights of Zetar "
  • " The Cloud Minders "
  • " The Way to Eden "
  • " Requiem for Methuselah "
  • " The Savage Curtain "
  • " All Our Yesterdays " (voice only)
  • " Turnabout Intruder "
  • " Beyond the Farthest Star "
  • " Yesteryear "
  • " One of Our Planets Is Missing "
  • " The Lorelei Signal "
  • " More Tribbles, More Troubles "
  • " The Survivor "
  • " The Infinite Vulcan "
  • " The Magicks of Megas-Tu "
  • " Once Upon a Planet "
  • " Mudd's Passion "
  • " The Terratin Incident "
  • " The Time Trap "
  • " The Ambergris Element "
  • " The Eye of the Beholder "
  • " The Jihad "
  • " The Pirates of Orion "
  • " The Practical Joker "
  • " Albatross "
  • " How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth "
  • " The Counter-Clock Incident "
  • Star Trek: The Motion Picture
  • Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
  • Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
  • Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
  • Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
  • Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
  • Star Trek Generations
  • Star Trek Beyond (picture only)
  • " Trials and Tribble-ations " (archive footage)
  • " Kobayashi " (hologram)
  • " A Quality of Mercy " (voice only)
  • " Hegemony "
  • " Skin a Cat "
  • " Walk, Don't Run "

Background information [ ]

Montgomery Scott was played by actor James Doohan in all of the character's television and cinematic appearances set in the "prime" universe. An alternate timeline version of Scott was voiced by Matthew Wolf in SNW : " A Quality of Mercy " and portrayed by Martin Quinn in SNW : " Hegemony ".

The character of Montgomery Scott mostly originated from James Doohan himself. Doohan was asked by Director James Goldstone , to whom he had auditioned for another role only ten days prior, to come in and read a few lines from the script of TOS : " Where No Man Has Gone Before " for him, Gene Roddenberry , Robert H. Justman , Joseph D'Agosta , and Morris Chapnick . The role he was proposed for was an unnamed Chief Engineer. When Goldstone asked him to do some accents, Doohan did several ones, including Irish, Scottish, English, Russian, etc. Roddenberry asked him which one he would choose, and he said Scottish, due to Scotsmen being renowned for having great engineering skills. Thus, the character became Scottish, and it was apparently Doohan who named him "Scotty". ( The World of Star Trek ), [3]

Gene Roddenberry nearly dropped Scott from the series after the second pilot. He informed Doohan's agent, Paul Wilkins, that "we don't think we need an engineer in the series." Wilkins became irate and met with Roddenberry that day, and insisted on returning Doohan to the Enterprise , which turned out to be a favorable decision. ( Inside Star Trek: The Real Story , pp. 152-153)

NBC 's early- 1966 press brochure about Star Trek described Scott thus:

In the final draft script of TOS : " Mudd's Women " (dated 26 May 1966 ), Scott was described as "40… very military type." This suggests he was born in 2226 .

Although Scott does not appear in "The Menagerie, Part II", he did feature in the script for that episode. At the end of the teaser , he accompanied McCoy into the Enterprise 's hearing room, without having any lines of dialogue, eager to help Captain Kirk but unable to. Then, when the hearing-room screen abruptly came on in the first act of the script, Scott was ordered, by a Talosian projection of Commodore Mendez , to turn the screen off. Despite trying to do so with a remote control , he found that the screen wouldn't go off. Scott also appeared in a deleted scene from "The Menagerie, Part II". In it, after again accompanying McCoy into the hearing room, he announced that, thanks to McCoy, they had managed to determine which computers Spock had jammed in order to lock the ship on a course to Talos IV. As Scott explained, this discovery would allow the Enterprise officers to " safely cross-circuit that series out, return the vessel to manual control. " [4]

The series writer's guide (third revision, dated 17 April 1967 ) described Scott thus:

Although Doohan had lost the middle finger on his right hand during the Allied invasion of Normandy on D-Day, Scott had a right middle finger within the Star Trek storyline; any time a closeup was seen of Scott's right hand (working the transporter controls, etc.), someone else's hands were used, and when Scott appeared in wide shots, he usually hid his right hand from the camera. His loss was most evident in TNG : " Relics ", where the missing finger can be clearly seen in wide shots while talking to Captain Picard on the holodeck recreation of the original Enterprise bridge and in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier , when Scott is holding a bag of food. There is also a scene in TOS : " The Trouble with Tribbles " in which his missing digit is briefly seen as he holds a giant armful of tribbles. Star Trek: The Animated Series 's animation also depicted Scott as having all his fingers.

There was much debate, especially in Scotland, as to which Scottish city Montgomery Scott was born in. The character once described himself as an "Aberdeen pub crawler" in TOS : " Wolf in the Fold ". Confusing the matter was a 1970s interview with James Doohan in which he stated his belief that Scott came from Elgin, a town forty miles west of Aberdeen. Linlithgow, twenty miles west of Edinburgh has also been vocal in its claim, citing D.C. Fontana 's novel Vulcan's Glory . If either of these claims were correct, it would imply Scott had a relatively genteel upbringing, as the regional accent of Aberdeenshire was far more coarse and Gaelicised than Scott's. On the death of James Doohan, the local West Lothian Council announced plans to open a memorial exhibition for James Doohan in Linlithgow to commemorate his contribution to the Star Trek universe and make the town's claim to be the future birthplace of Montgomery Scott concrete. The exhibition, held at Annet House, Scott's "official" future childhood home opened in the summer of 2007. It was worth noting that in the non-canon story published in the UK comic magazine TV21 & Joe 90 #21 in 1970, Scott described his ancestors as " highlanders ". According to Who's Who in Star Trek #2 (DC Comics, April 1987), Scott was born in Glasgow. His actual accent implied he was raised in or near Edinburgh.

Simon Pegg , who portrayed Scott's alternate self in 2009 's Star Trek and its sequels (and was a Star Trek fan long before being cast in the role), concocted his own backstory for the character to settle the debate over the character's accent. [5]

One inconsistency that involved Scott was that, when the USS Enterprise -D rescued him from the transporter buffer of the USS Jenolan in "Relics", Commander William T. Riker said that he was from the "USS Enterprise ". Hearing this, Scott assumed "Jim Kirk himself" had arrived to find him; however, the film Star Trek Generations established that, before Scott embarked on his trip on the Jenolan , he witnessed Kirk get blown off the Enterprise -B, and though not known to him, into the Nexus , so he should have known Kirk wasn't alive to be able to find him. This was caused by the fact that the movie Star Trek Generations was filmed after "Relics", causing a retcon . (In what may have been an attempt to address the discrepancy, in the novel Star Trek Generations , Guinan tells Chekov that Kirk is , in fact, alive within the Nexus, though this information may not have reached Scott.) According to Ronald D. Moore , who wrote both "Relics" and Generations , Scott was included in the latter, despite the inconsistency, out of affection for the character. ( Star Trek Chronology )

Another minor inconsistency could be spotted in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home , where Scott wears uniforms with commander's insignia instead of captain's.

In an ultimately omitted line of dialogue from the final draft script of "Relics", Scott remarked, " Even starships are retired… some are just lucky enough to die in action. "

Evidently, Scott was obliquely referred to in the final draft script of ENT : " Fallen Hero ". A statement made by Charles Tucker III , regarding the warp reactor aboard Enterprise , was attributed to him in the scripted stage directions. The dialogue was, " I've given you all she's got, Captain! There's no more power! " A scene description about this section remarked, " His words foreshadow another fabled Starfleet engineer. "

In the unfilmed Star Trek: The First Adventure script, Scott was depicted as working with George Kirk on an experimental dilithium-fuelled warp jump before his disappearance.

Apocrypha [ ]

The nineteenth issue of the IDW comics series Star Trek: Ongoing reveals the alternate reality Scott's full name to be Montgomery Christopher Jorgensen Scott. Since Scott was born before the timeline split, he would therefore have the same full name in the prime universe.

With the introduction of Scott's origin story in the alternate reality , several novels set in the prime reality detail Scott's origins there:

According to Star Trek II: Biographies , Scott was born in 31 August 2121 in Aberdeen, Scotland to parents Robert Burns Scott and Mary Darnley. He has a brother named James McNeil Scott and a sister named Mary Darnley Scott.

According to Who's Who in Star Trek 2 , Scott was born in Glasgow, Scotland and has a sister named Fran. He spent a year working aboard the SS Deirdre before applying to Starfleet Academy. He became the Enterprise 's chief engineer after the previous chief engineer Hoyt retired.

The short story Bum Radish: Five Spins on a Turquoise Reindeer names his mother Arlyne Jorgensen Scott and his sister Kristen Scott.

The video game Star Trek: Starship Creator gives his parents' names as Mary and Vaughn Scott. His sister is named Linda Preston.

In the novel The Kobayashi Maru , Cadet Scott less-than-voluntarily entered the Command School at Starfleet Academy , but was reassigned to engineering after a Kobayashi Maru attempt in which he defeated a Klingon squadron using a tactic which he knew the the computer would believe to be viable even though field testing that he had participated in had disproved the theory on which the tactic was based. His position as captain in the scenario was arranged by an instructor who knew that Scott wanted to be in Engineering rather than Command to justify transferring Scott to engineering school.

In the D.C. Fontana novel Vulcan's Glory , in 2253 , Lieutenant Scott signed aboard the Enterprise as a junior engineer under Lieutenant Commander Caitlin Barry. In his early days aboard the ship, he set up a still in main engineering for producing Engine Room Hooch . Despite the popularity of the beverage, it was produced by an illegal still, and Scott along with the other engineers were warned never to produce the beverage again.

In the novel Enterprise: The First Adventure , by 2264 , Scott assumed the responsibilities of being chief engineer and was promoted to lieutenant commander under the command of Captain James T. Kirk . Scott was fiercely loyal to Captain Christopher Pike and initially he did not warm up to Kirk as he felt that the young captain could place the ship in jeopardy. Over time, the two officers put their initial differences behind them and became close friends.

In the comic issue Retrospect , Scott had an on-again, off-again relationship with a woman he'd known all his life named Glynnis Campbell ( β ). The comic tells the story of how they met and fell in love, went their separate ways, and eventually got married years later. They married shortly before the events of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan , and she died in a shuttle accident during the Enterprise crew's period of exile on Vulcan . The Star Trek: Department of Temporal Investigations novel Forgotten History gives her credit for inspiring him to grow a mustache.

By the novel Ship of the Line , Scott has become a teacher at Starfleet Academy , but stands in as a temporary chief engineer aboard the USS Enterprise -E for its inaugural voyage under Morgan Bateson .

The novel Star Trek has Spock revealing that the Prime Scott was also stationed at Delta Vega , which Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman stated on the film's audio commentary were meant to be for the same reasons.

In the Starfleet Corps of Engineers novels , Scott was given command of the unit sometime after his retrieval from the Jenolan .

In Star Trek Online , players encountered Scott on Drozana Station in the year 2265 , helping him protect the station from an infestation of Devidians . He plays a major role in the "Agents of Yesterday" expansion pack, in which he is voiced by James Doohan's son Christopher Doohan , who had previously played the role in the fan series Star Trek Continues . 23rd century Starfleet characters first encounter him on the Enterprise during the time of the Babel Conference , where he discovers a temporal transponder left behind by an older Pavel Chekov . In the mission "Ragnarok", Scott finds himself in the 26th century , arriving aboard the USS Enterprise -J during the Battle of Procyon V ; he explains that he still carried Chekov's transponder at the time he was rescued from the Jenolan . Working together with Chekov, Scott installs the Tox Uthat aboard the Enterprise -J, which allows the Federation and its allies to defeat the Sphere-Builders . After the battle, Chekov returns Scott to the 24th century, but not before going back to the 23rd to see "their" Enterprise one last time.

In Star Trek Cats , Scott is depicted as a Scottish Fold cat .

In the novel Indistinguishable from Magic , Captain Scott commanded an SCE testbed ship, the USS Challenger . His crew included Lieutenant Commander Reginald Barclay , Lieutenant Commander Nog (chief of security), Dr. Alyssa Ogawa (CMO) and Dr. Leah Brahms as a civilian adviser. When called on to investigate the disappearance and reappearance of the starship Intrepid two hundred years prior, he requested a temporary transfer to his crew: Commander Geordi La Forge. The crew fought off an attempt by former DaiMon Bok of the Ferengi to hijack the Intrepid and use it to time travel and prevent his son from being killed by Captain Picard and solved the Intrepid mystery by discovering a powerful lifeform capable of traveling easily between galaxies and drawing starships with it. Scott was severely injured during the mission and developed a fatal condition. With his first officer dead, Scott named La Forge as his successor as captain. He stayed behind in the other galaxy that they were drawn to in order to ensure that the rest of the Challenger crew (and some Romulans who were also pulled there) got home. As the Challenger exploded, he set the transporter to potentially send himself to safety. His current fate is unknown.

External links [ ]

  • Montgomery Scott at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • Montgomery Scott at Wikipedia
  • Montgomery Scott at the Star Trek Online Wiki
  • 1 Daniels (Crewman)
  • 3 World War III


  1. scotty-startrek4-hellocomputer-960×540

    star trek scotty computer

  2. Scotty: Hello, computer.

    star trek scotty computer

  3. star trek

    star trek scotty computer

  4. Star Trek Scotty GIF

    star trek scotty computer

  5. Computer? Hello Computer? Keyboard? How quaint.

    star trek scotty computer

  6. Star Trek IV

    star trek scotty computer


  1. Star Trek

  2. Star Trek: Discovery

  3. Intel Compute Stick (BOXSTCK1A32WFC). Обзор и тестирование

  4. "Star Trek" Scotty Plaque

  5. The Best Star Trek Scene

  6. What's in the Package?


  1. Great Moments in Star Trek History

    From Star Trek IV: The Voyage HomeTrivia: Jimmy Doohan (Scotty) was at the Juno Beach invasion of Normandy on D-Day. That night he was hit by friendly fire, ...

  2. star trek

    Although not officially canon, remember that in Star Trek III Search for Spock, Scotty had been working on the Excelsior - the latest ship of the time. With the voice-activated computer interfaces in the Constitution refit, it would be logical to expect that the Excelsior class would have more voice-activated computer interfaces than previously.

  3. Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home (7/10) Movie CLIP

    Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home movie clips: THE MOVIE:'t miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS:

  4. A Taste of Armageddon

    "A Taste of Armageddon" is the twenty-third episode of the first season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek. Written by Robert Hamner and Gene L. Coon and directed by Joseph Pevney, it was first broadcast on February 23, 1967.. In the episode, the crew of the Enterprise visits a planet engaged in a completely computer-simulated war with a neighboring planet, but the ...

  5. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986)

    Dr. Nichols : Please. Scotty : [over the intercom] I'm ready, Spock! Let's go find George and Gracie! Kirk : You know, it's ironic, when man was killing these creatures, he was destroying his own future. Scotty : The beasties seem happy to see you, Doctor. I hope you like our little aquarium.

  6. 100+ Scotty Quotes in Star Trek (2009)

    Kirk: Whales, Mr. Scott, whales! -- Scotty. Scotty: [ over the intercom] I'm ready, Spock! Let's go find George and Gracie! -- Scotty. Soren: Good heavens! [ as he enters the dorm room] Soren: I thought you had to be convicted of a crime before you lived somewhere like this.

  7. Scotty: Computer. Computer? Scotty: Hello, computer. Dr. Nichols: Just

    A great memorable quote from the Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home movie on - Scotty: Computer. Computer? Scotty: Hello, computer. Dr. Nichols: Just use the keyboard. Scotty: Keyboard. How quaint. Login . The STANDS4 Network. ABBREVIATIONS; ANAGRAMS; ... Spanning two decades and countless light years of interstellar adventure, Star Trek ...

  8. A Complete Guide to Scotty From Star Trek

    2009's Star Trek movie entailed a massive reboot, resulting in a new alternate timeline dubbed "The Kelvinverse" by fans. Scotty was memorably played by comic actor Simon Pegg, who revised the role in the next two Kelvinverse films. The changes in continuity resulted in a slightly different version of the character: relegated to a remote outpost before joining the Enterprise crew mid-emergency.

  9. Starring the Computer

    Apple MACINTOSH Plus in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986) Scotty uses the Mac to explain the formulation of transparent aluminium. He first attempts to talk to the computer through the mouse. Things seem to happen unnaturally quickly, but the actual ouput looks reasonable for a Mac of this era. Name. Comment.

  10. "Computer! Computer? Hello, computer. Just use the keyboard. Keyboard

    Clip duration: 23 seconds Views: 748 Timestamp in movie: 01h 01m 02s Uploaded: 17 November, 2022 Genres: action, adventure, comedy Summary: To save Earth from an alien probe, Admiral James T. Kirk and his fugitive crew go back in time to San Francisco in 1986 to retrieve the only beings who can communicate with it: humpback whales.

  11. star trek

    In Star Trek 4 'The Voyage Home', in probably the funniest scene in the movie, Scotty tries using a 1980s computer. After a bit of trouble (see below), he realizes he needs to use the keyboard and manages to type out a formula exceptionally quickly (again, see below). My question is, considering his unfamiliarity with that sort of computer, and ...

  12. TIL That famous scene in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home where Scotty

    TIL That famous scene in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home where Scotty picks up a computer mouse to talk into it was supposed to be an Amiga! But Commodore refused to loan them one for the movie and demanded they buy it instead! ... The fact that in early 1986 someone at Commodore wanted money for a computer is not reason to suggest that Commodore ...

  13. Star Trek 4: Kirk Thatcher on Leonard Nimoy & Writing Scotty's Computer

    Kirk Thatcher Talks 'Star Trek IV,' Working With Leonard Nimoy, and Getting to Write Scotty's Computer Joke. Multihyphenate Kirk Thatcher has been involved with a vast range of iconic movies ...

  14. star trek

    Skipping over a few other inconsistencies in this particular scene of Star Trek IV (such as Scotty's amazingly efficient use of an obsolete computer system with which he'd likely have no prior familiarity), a question has come to mind about the exchange that takes place just past the end of that clip.

  15. Relics (episode)

    The computer states that his request is insufficient, ... Scotty is the kind of guy who will go into his room and read technical manuals. Scotty is an engineer through and through and he likes to break rules and do things in an unorthodox manner. ... For the Star Trek episode, both exterior as well as interior maquettes were built at Gregory ...

  16. Macintosh

    Memory Alpha. in: Computer technology. English. Macintosh. " Hello, computer. - Montgomery Scott, 1986 ( Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home) Scott attempts to interface with a Mac. The Macintosh was a type of personal computer in use on Earth, a form of turn-of-the-millennium technology. While visiting Plexicorp in 1986, Montgomery Scott had the ...

  17. Scotty (Star Trek)

    Montgomery "Scotty" Scott is a fictional character in the science fiction franchise Star Trek. First portrayed by James Doohan in the original Star Trek series, Scotty also appears in the animated Star Trek series, 10 Star Trek films, the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Relics", and in numerous books, comics, and video games.. Simon Pegg has assumed the character and appeared in the ...

  18. "Star Trek" A Taste of Armageddon (TV Episode 1967)

    A Taste of Armageddon: Directed by Joseph Pevney. With William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, David Opatoshu, Gene Lyons. Kirk and Spock must save their ship's crew when they are all declared killed in action in a bizarre computer simulated war where the actual deaths must nevertheless occur.

  19. Scotty Sound Files

    Captain, we're losing power in the warp engines. scotty16.mp3. The best diplomat I know is a fully activated phaser bank. scotty17.mp3. We're going down captain. scotty18.mp3. The bridge controls started going crazy. scotty19.mp3. The warp drive, that's a hopeless pile of junk.

  20. A Taste of Armageddon (episode)

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  21. James Doohan

    James Montgomery Doohan (/ ˈ d uː ə n /; March 3, 1920 - July 20, 2005) was a Canadian actor and author, best known for his role as Montgomery "Scotty" Scott in the television and film series Star Trek.Doohan's characterization of the Scottish chief engineer of the Starship Enterprise has become one of the most recognizable elements in the Star Trek franchise, and inspired many fans to ...

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  24. Montgomery Scott

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