a large database of idioms

Understanding the Idiom: "pay a visit" - Meaning, Origins, and Usage

The meaning of “pay a visit”.

“Pay a visit” means to go and see someone for a short period of time. It could be to check on their well-being or simply to catch up with them. The phrase is often used when referring to visiting friends or family members, but it can also be used in professional settings such as visiting clients or colleagues.

Usage Examples

Here are some examples of how “pay a visit” can be used:

  • I’m planning to pay a visit to my grandparents next weekend.
  • The doctor advised me to pay a visit if my symptoms persist.
  • We should pay a visit to our new neighbors and welcome them.

Origins and Historical Context of the Idiom “pay a visit”

The phrase “pay a visit” is an idiom that has been used for centuries to describe the act of visiting someone. This expression has its roots in Old English, where it was commonly used to refer to the act of paying tribute or homage to someone.

Over time, the meaning of this phrase evolved, and it began to be used more broadly to describe any type of social call or visit. Today, we use this idiom in many different contexts, from visiting friends and family members to making professional visits for business purposes.

Throughout history, paying visits has been an important part of human interaction. In ancient times, people would often travel long distances just to pay their respects or seek advice from respected leaders or scholars. As societies became more complex and interconnected over time, the practice of paying visits became even more common.

Today, we continue to value the importance of face-to-face interactions with others. Whether we are catching up with old friends or meeting new acquaintances for the first time, paying a visit remains an essential way for us to connect with one another on a personal level.

Usage and Variations of the Idiom “pay a visit”

When we want to see someone or something, we often use the idiom “pay a visit” . This phrase has many variations that can be used in different contexts. Let’s explore some of these variations and how they are commonly used.

One common variation is “make a visit” , which has the same meaning as “pay a visit”. Another variation is “drop by” or “drop in”, which implies a casual or unexpected visit. We can also say “call on” when referring to visiting someone at their home, office, or other location.

The idiom “pay a visit” is often used to describe visiting friends, family members, colleagues, or acquaintances. For example: “I’m going to pay a visit to my grandmother this weekend.” It can also be used in more formal situations such as business meetings: “The CEO paid a surprise visit to our office yesterday.”

“Drop by” and its variations are commonly used when referring to informal visits with friends or acquaintances: “I’m going to drop by Sarah’s house after work today.” Similarly, we might say: “I just wanted to drop in and say hello.”

“Call on” is typically reserved for more formal occasions such as job interviews or professional meetings: “I need to call on Mr. Smith at his office tomorrow.” However, it can also be used in everyday conversation when referring to visiting someone’s home: “We’re planning on calling on our neighbors this weekend.”

Synonyms, Antonyms, and Cultural Insights for the Idiom “pay a visit”

Instead of saying “pay a visit” , you could use phrases like “drop by”, “stop in”, or “pop in”. These expressions convey the same meaning but with different nuances. For example, if you say you’re going to “drop by” someone’s house, it implies that your visit will be brief and casual. On the other hand, if you say you’re going to “stop in”, it suggests that your visit might be longer or more formal.

Antonyms for “pay a visit” include phrases like “avoid”, “ignore”, or simply not visiting at all. Of course, these expressions have negative connotations and are not appropriate when talking about friendly visits.

Culturally speaking, paying visits is an important social custom in many countries around the world. In some cultures, such as Japan and Korea, it is customary to remove one’s shoes before entering someone’s home as a sign of respect. In other cultures, such as Italy and Spain, it is common to bring small gifts or treats when visiting friends or family members.

Practical Exercises for the Idiom “pay a visit”

Exercise 1: fill in the blanks.

In this exercise, you will need to fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the given options:

  • It’s been a while since I last _______ my grandparents.
  • We decided to _______ our friends who live across town.
  • I’m planning to _______ my old school teacher next week.

Exercise 2: Create sentences

In this exercise, you will need to create sentences using “pay a visit” in different contexts:

  • Create a sentence using “pay a visit” when talking about visiting someone at their workplace.
  • Create a sentence using “pay a visit” when talking about visiting someone who is sick or unwell.
  • Create a sentence using “pay a visit” when talking about visiting an unfamiliar place for sightseeing purposes.

Exercise 3: Role-play activity

In this exercise, you will need to role-play different scenarios where you would use the idiom “pay a visit” . This could include situations such as visiting family members during holidays or dropping by someone’s house unexpectedly. You can practice with friends or family members and try out different variations of the idiom based on context and tone of conversation.

By practicing these exercises regularly, you’ll soon become more confident in using the idiom “pay a visit” in your everyday conversations.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using the Idiom “pay a visit”

When using idiomatic expressions, it’s important to understand their meaning and usage in context. The idiom “pay a visit” is commonly used to describe visiting someone or somewhere, but there are some common mistakes that people make when using this expression.

Using the Wrong Preposition

One of the most common mistakes when using “pay a visit” is using the wrong preposition. The correct preposition to use with this idiom is “to”. For example, you can say “I’m going to pay a visit to my grandmother.” Using other prepositions like “at” or “in” would be incorrect and sound unnatural.

Misusing the Word Order

Another mistake people make with this idiom is misusing the word order. The correct order should be subject + verb + object. For example, you can say “I’m going to pay a visit to my friend.” Incorrectly saying something like “To my friend I’m going to pay a visit” would be grammatically incorrect and confusing.


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pay cordial visit

What Does It Mean When Someone Says You Are Cordially Invited?

pay cordial visit

What does it mean when someone says you are cordially invited to an event? You’ve probably received invitations like this before and you might have wondered how you should respond.

When someone’s invitation includes the use of cordially, it emphasizes their eagerness to have you celebrate with them. The word cordially indicates that there is a high degree of enthusiasm. Your presence is strongly desired at the event.

This article will go into detail on the meaning of this type of invitation and the correct response that should be used.

How Welcoming Is a Cordial Invitation?

If someone says that you’ve been cordially invited to their birthday party or another event, it means that they really want you to come. It’s more than a regular invitation.

Cordially combines several aspects of good verbal communication. It’s polite and friendly at the same time. However, it also exudes an air of formality that makes it perfect for a wide range of occasions.

By using cordially, it’s obvious that they want to encourage you to come, it’s usually a good idea to make sure you show up.

A Formal Invitation

If you have been cordially invited to an event, that means it’s likely to be a formal event. For example, it could be a wedding, anniversary celebration, or even a birthday party.

The wording of the invitation might be:

“You are cordially invited to the 50th birthday celebration of Karen Jones.”
“You are cordially invited to celebrate the union of Jack and Jenna Ramsey.”
“You are cordially invited to celebrate with our family as we prepare to greet our newest member.”

Each of these invitations might be for a formal occasion. However, this isn’t necessarily so in all cases. To ensure that you have the correct impression of the type of event you’re going to attend, speak to the hosts first.

Cordial Invitations to Business Events

Cordial invitations can be extended to business partners. You can also invite clients to business events in this way. The word is formal enough to match your brand and yet, it also exudes enough friendliness to make your guests feel welcome.

For example, if you own a restaurant, you could say:

“You are cordially invited to our wine tasting on the 21st.”
“You are cordially invited to sample our selection of breads.”
“You are cordially invited to the opening of our new location.”

If you receive an invitation like that, you can expect an event that has been well thought out. Generally, you won’t need to RSVP to such business invitations if it’s not indicated that you should do so. However, a contact number is usually provided. To ensure that your place is reserved, call the contact person and get additional details.

Cordial Reminders of Boundaries

Some cordial invitations are boundaries being stated in a polite and friendly way.

For example, you may be cordially reminded to refrain from speaking loudly while you’re in a particular office. Similarly, you may be cordially invited to pay your bills via an online method, instead of physically visiting a store.

Cordial invitations like this help to get the message across clearly, without making anyone feel bad. Some people don’t like to be told that they can’t do something. Inviting them to do the opposite can come across better. A music store may cordially invite customers to quietly listen to music that they’re interested in buying, by using headphones. This keeps them from disturbing other people.

Cordial Invitations to Enjoy Benefits

Cordial invitations are not always invitations to an actual event. People may cordially invite you to enjoy something on an ongoing basis.

For example, you may be invited to enjoy special benefits as a person over 75.

Some business places have a reception area where guests can relax and have a cup of coffee in the mornings, as they wait for a customer service representative. A sign is often posted somewhere in the area, stating that clients are cordially invited to enjoy a cup of coffee while they wait.

In cases like that, the correct response is to enjoy coffee if you wish. Since you’ve already been invited, you don’t have to ask for permission to use the area. However, you’re expected to abide by the usual etiquette in such situations, so you’ll keep the area clean and follow any additional protocols that are specific to that space.

Similarly, you may be cordially invited to enjoy special benefits that are only offered at a particular branch of a business. You might be told:

“You’re cordially invited to enjoy our non-smoking area.”
“You’re cordially invited to enjoy free retirement planning sessions with our advisors, every Monday.”
“You’re cordially invited to enroll in our Single Dads Discount program.”

In all of these cases, you can respond by taking up the offer. You can also respond by getting more information on the offer to know how you can maximize it. A cordial invitation indicates that you’re being welcomed and you can take action with the assurance that the offer is open to you .

In-Person Invitations

Cordial invitations may be given verbally when you’re speaking to a person face-to-face. In that situation, you have several options. For example, you could respond by:

  • Saying that you accept the invitation.
  • Saying that you won’t be able to accept it.
  • Asking for more time to think about it.

In all of these cases, thank the person who is giving you the invitation. After that, state what you would like to do. You can also request additional information.

For example, you could say:

“Thank you for your invitation. I need more time to think about it.”
“Thank you. However, I have a meeting then.”
“Thanks for the invitation. However, I don’t think I’ve reached the minimum age required.”
“Thank you fro inviting me. I would like some more information about it before I can give you my answer.”

Cordial Invitations Via Digital Channels

When you’re cordially invited to do something via a digital channel, it has the same meaning as when you’re given the invitation in person. You’ll need to reply to it if an RSVP is attached. Similarly, if you’re not directly asked to respond via an RSVP, you should still seek additional information if it’s required.

For example, you might need information on the time of the event . If you’re being cordially invited to benefit from an ongoing offer, you should also ask if that will end at some point.

If the cordial invitation is specifically issued to you, ensure that you respond. For example, if a friend sends you an invitation card via email, ensure that you respond to say that you will or won’t be able to accept their invitation.

If you’re cordially invited to an event via a text message, always respond within 48 hours if it’s a friend or someone else you know.

However, sometimes businesses issue cordial invitations to special programs and they do so via digital channels. In that case, you won’t have to respond if you’re not taking up the offer.

Author Sophie

Sophie Hammond is a journalist, psychologist, and freelance speechwriter for people in politics and business. She lives on the edge of the Rocky Mountains with her dog and a lifetime supply of books. When she’s not writing, she can be found wandering through nature or journaling at a coffee shop.

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Strategies for Parents

Is It Correct to Say “You Are Cordially Invited”?

By: Author Dr. Patrick Capriola

Posted on Published: September 27, 2022

When planning an exciting event, you usually want to share the moment with others. However, you don’t want to seem overly eager or desperate in your invitation, especially if the invitee is just an acquaintance or a business partner. This is an example of when it’s appropriate to say, “You are cordially invited.”

It is correct to say, “You are cordially invited,” as a formal way to express a deep desire for someone to attend an event or take action. Adding “cordially” to the phrase “You are invited” shows enthusiasm and formality without overwhelming an acquaintance or coworker with emotion. “Cordially” gives a subtle increase of emotion to an otherwise simple, matter-of-fact statement.

Let’s go over what precisely this standard invitation means.

What Does “You Are Cordially Invited” Mean?

If someone sends you a notice that “You are cordially invited,” it means he or she respectfully would love for you to attend something very special .

The key word here is “cordially,” which originates from the Latin root word for “heart.” Essentially, if someone cordially invites you, they wholeheartedly want you there.

How Do You Use “You Are Cordially Invited”?

You can use “You are cordially invited” on its own or with a series of following sentences to give further context. You can make it the headline of an email or an attention-grabbing headline on a physical invitation.

Typically, you would use “You are cordially invited” to request someone’s presence without appearing too intense or demanding.

  • You are cordially invited to celebrate the soon-to-be newest member of our family.

Depending on who you’re talking to, slight variations to the addressee still extend the invitation. See the table below for all the different forms.

Why Does “To Be” Change to “Are” With the Word “You”? 

It is not grammatically proper to say “you is,” even if the noun “you” is in the singular form. This is because the word “you” was originally only meant to be plural. 

Most non-English languages have two variations of the term “you,” one informal and one formal. English also used to have two variations. Over time, the language evolved to where we universally use “you,” whether singular, plural, formal, or informal.

When Can You Use “You Are Cordially Invited”?

You can use “You are cordially invited” to invite people in a friendly yet professional manner. It’s most useful when a casual invitation isn’t appropriate.

For example, you wouldn’t invite a group of potential business partners to coffee by using “Be there or be square.” A more appropriate message would be, “You are cordially invited to meet for coffee at the local bistro.”

In What Context Can You Use “You Are Cordially Invited”?

The most common usage of “You are cordially invited” is inviting friends and family to a wedding or formal event.

pay cordial visit

Other special occasions where you can use “You are cordially invited” include the following:

  • Family reunions
  • Dinner parties
  • Grand openings or re-openings
  • Celebrations of life (funeral)

How to Respond if Someone Sends You a Cordial Invitation

We now know what exactly it means to be cordially invited. What if you don’t know what to say or when you should respond? Your response depends on how you received the message.

If someone sends you an email or text message, you should respond the same way you received it. You might need some time to decide or confirm your schedule. In this case, let them know you will get back to them when you know for sure if you can make it. Within a few days is a reasonable amount of time to reply.

If you were sent an invitation in the mail or on a social media platform, you would generally follow the instructions provided on the invitation itself. You’ll often see this for weddings and baby showers, as the hosts will likely have a registry or a page to confirm your RSVP.

In-person invitations are a little harder to dodge if you aren’t sure you can commit. You could say, “ Thanks for inviting me. I’ll check my calendar and get back to you on that .”

If you need more information, you could say, “ Thank you for the offer, but I’ll need more information before I can give you an answer .”

A general rule of thumb is to be truthful about whether you can accept the invite or not.

Using “You Are Cordially Invited” in a Full Sentence

Typically, you should use “You are cordially invited” as a standalone sentence or as an independent clause at the beginning of a sentence. In the latter case, you will add “to” as a preposition connecting more information or “to” in an infinitive phrase.

  • You are cordially invited to witness the union of husband and wife.
  • You are cordially invited to a celebration of life to honor the beloved Robert Smith III.
  • You are cordially invited to take advantage of our senior discount program.

If addressing a group, you have the option to replace “you” with “all,” and it is still grammatically correct.

  • All are cordially invited to the reception immediately after the ceremony.

The words “everyone” and “everybody” are technically talking about a group of people, the end of both words are singular, meaning they must apply the singular grammar rule.

  • Everyone here is cordially invited .
  • Everybody is cordially invited to attend the reception right after the ceremony.

“You are cordially invited” is a grammatically correct sentence that includes all parts of speech necessary for a complete sentence: a subject and a verb and/or predicate, at the very least.

The subject (purple) is the focus of the sentence that takes action. A verb (red) describes the subject’s action. The predicate includes the verb and words that follow it, including the adverb (light blue).

  • You are cordially invited.

The word “invited” may confuse you. We typically use “invited” as the past tense of “invite,” a verb. In this case, the verb is “are,” and “invited” is a past participle adjective (dark blue).

  • You are cordially invited .

The linking verb “are” connects the subject complement adjective “invited” to describe the subject “You.”

When Not to Use “You Are Cordially Invited”

While most consider it a safe way to word an invitation, there are instances where using “You are cordially invited” may be too formal. A child’s birthday party or a barbecue are just two occasions where a casual invitation is more suitable.

Throwing a party for a kid is a playful, sometimes wild occasion. Using “You are cordially invited” to invite your child’s friends to the party can be too serious and perhaps disingenuous.

Barbecues include family and close friends. Cordially inviting people you are close to isn’t necessary. In fact, they might even think it’s weird.

What Can You Use Instead of “You Are Cordially Invited”?

There are plenty of better ways to word a formal invitation if “You are cordially invited” doesn’t fit the tone. You could simply remove the adverb from the sentence or use an entirely different phrase. 

  • Please join us!
  • It would be an honor to have you there.
  • Your presence is requested.
  • Save the date!

“You are cordially invited” is usually reserved for written invitations, but you can use it in face-to-face interactions. If you’re looking to invite someone verbally, there are better options.

  • Would you like to go with us?
  • We would love to have you attend.
  • You are welcome to come.

Synonyms for “Cordial”

Several words that mean the same thing as “cordial.” Here are some examples that you could use instead to describe someone who is cordial ( source ).

  • Warm-hearted

If you are describing something you eat or drink, you could replace the word cordial with any of the following words:

  • Invigorating
  • Rejuvenating
  • Restorative

Major Sentences

Major sentences are grammatically complete because they include a subject, verb, and predicate. “You are cordially invited” is an example of a major sentence, despite the initial lack of detail of what you are invited to. There’s usually more context given afterward.

A major sentence could include an optional second noun acting as the direct object. We can break major sentences down into the following formula: subject + verb [+ object]. 

If a sentence doesn’t include a subject or verb, such as “Thanks,” yet stands on its own, it is a minor sentence.

Polite Expressions in the Passive Voice

The passive voice is often misunderstood as something to avoid in grammar. There are instances where it is helpful in polite conversation or deflection, but you must be wary of what you imply when you use the passive voice. 

The purpose of passive voice is to shift the focus from the subject to the object. There are three main instances when it is better to use than active voice ( source ).

  • When you don’t want to say who or what did an action.
  • If it is unknown who or what did it.
  • If the object is the most crucial part of the sentence.

In the case of polite expressions, using passive voice still gets your point across without being too informal with someone you hardly know. However, this could be passing the buck or trying to distance yourself from the other person.

If your coworker announces their resignation, you may want to let them know their absence in the workplace will be noticed. However, telling them, “I will miss you,” can sound too personal and close if you have never spent time with them outside of the work setting.

This interaction is better suited for speaking in the passive voice. “You will be missed” is the passive version of “I will miss you.” Omitting yourself from the sentence makes it sound more professional, but it still implies that you will miss your coworker.

Read more about “You will be missed” in our article Is It Correct to Say “You Will Be Missed”?

For British English speakers, the passive voice is still proper and polite in formal conversation ( source ). American English speakers prefer the active voice in formal contexts, especially in writing, but the passive voice has essential uses for the three situations listed above.

“You Are Cordially Invited” and the Passive Voice

Now that we’ve covered why you would use the passive voice, let’s look at “You are cordially invited.” The subject of the invitation is “You.” Because it is passive, the subject receives the invitation instead of giving it.

pay cordial visit

The active variation “I (cordially) invite you” says the same thing. The difference is that the subject “I” is the inviter, and the object “you” is the receiver. Notice how clear the active voice is: you know exactly who is giving the invitation and who is receiving it.

You can read about an example of a polite expression in the active voice in Is It Correct to Say “I Really Appreciate Your Help”?

This clarity is why we prefer the active voice in most speaking and writing – the listener is less likely to mistake who is giving and who is receiving. Nonetheless, “You are cordially invited” is an invitation with a longstanding history in formal invitations. Therefore, it is still appropriate to use in such cases.

This article was written for .

Oftentimes, asking for something in the passive voice is the most gentle way of doing so. However, it is better to use the active voice when writing academically or answering direct questions.

Final Thoughts 

In a time where social media invites and text messages are commonplace, many feel there is something special about the extra effort that goes into a cordial invite on paper. However, that can be intimidating for some people. Don’t feel ashamed if you’re only comfortable sending a digital invitation. No matter the method you choose, the invitee will appreciate the gesture.

As you go through all the exciting times life offers and make new friends, you may receive invitations like this.

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What Does Cordially Invited Mean: Unraveling the Etiquette of Invitations

Nov 15th 2023

  • Copied to clipboard

The term "cordially invited" is often used in various types of invitations, yet its precise meaning may not be immediately clear to everyone. While the phrase undoubtedly conveys a sense of formality and politeness, there is more to it than meets the eye. Understanding the meaning and implications of "cordially invited" can help ensure that you know what to expect when receiving such an invitation and how to respond appropriately.

Being "cordially invited" to an event usually implies that the host extends a warm and sincere welcome to the invited guest. The word "cordially" itself is derived from the Latin word "cordialis," which means heartfelt, and it is used to express a genuine and deep desire for someone's presence at a particular event or gathering. Whether it's a wedding, an anniversary celebration, or a special birthday party, adding "cordially" to an invitation emphasizes the significance of the event and the importance the host places on your attendance.

In addition to its heartfelt connotations, using "cordially invited" in an invitation also establishes a certain level of etiquette and formality. Events that feature this phrase in their invitations often follow specific decorum, requiring guests to dress accordingly and adhere to certain rules or norms. As a result, when you receive an invitation with the words "cordially invited," you can expect a well-organized and sophisticated event that values both warmth and formality.

Exploring The Meaning of Cordially Invited

When we receive an invitation that reads, "You are cordially invited ," it's normal to wonder about the specific meaning behind the phrase. While 'cordially' might seem like a simple word, it actually conveys a sense of formality and warmth in an event or invitation.

In everyday language, 'cordial' implies politeness mixed with a touch of friendliness. Invitations that use this term usually relate to more formal events, such as weddings or anniversary celebrations. When you are cordially invited, you can expect the event to have a certain level of formality, and some standards of etiquette might be expected from the attendees.

The addition of the word 'cordially' to an invitation highlights the host's desire for your presence at the event. It adds a layer of enthusiasm and respect without overwhelming the person being invited . This term is particularly useful when inviting acquaintances or coworkers, striking an ideal balance between warmth and formality.

Combining the words 'cordially' and 'invited' demonstrates not just a simple invitation but also a sincere and polite request for your presence. It is an indication that the host values your company at their occasion and would like you to be a part of it.

In summary, when you receive a cordially invited message, it is an indication of the importance and formality of the event. As a rule of thumb, dress appropriately, and be prepared to adhere to any social etiquettes. Enjoy the warmth and sincerity that come with such an invitation, and remember, your gracious presence is what makes the event special for the host.

Cordial Adverbs in The English Language

pay cordial visit

Cordial adverbs play a significant role in the English language. One such adverb is "cordially," which adds warmth, politeness, and sincerity when used in a sentence. It serves as an adverbial phrase that modifies verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs, providing additional information about the action or state expressed in the sentence.

For instance, when you receive an invitation stating, "You are cordially invited to attend our annual wine-tasting evening," it implies a friendly but formal and polite tone. The use of "cordially" here adds a sense of enthusiasm in the act of inviting, making it more welcoming than a standard invitation.

In addition to invitations, "cordially" can be used to convey politeness and friendliness in other contexts as well. For example, in a conversation, one person might say to another, "I cordially agree with your perspective," or "She welcomed them cordially into her home." These sentences showcase the versatile application of the adverb "cordially" in various situations.

When examining the relationship between cordially as an adverb and the verb it modifies, consider the sentence, "He cordially greeted his guests at the door." Here, "cordially" enhances the verb "greeted," emphasizing the warmth and politeness with which the person greeted his guests.

In summary, the adverb "cordially" enriches the English language by adding a touch of warmth and politeness to sentences. It can be employed in various contexts, such as invitations, agreements, and greetings, making the sentences more engaging and amiable.

Invitation Etiquette and Protocol

In any social gathering or event, a proper invitation sets the tone and creates the initial anticipation. From formal invitations to casual get-togethers, understanding the etiquette behind inviting others makes a difference in ensuring a successful and enjoyable occasion.

When crafting an invitation, clarity is vital. Specify essential details, such as the date, time, location, and dress code if relevant. A well-thought-out invitation also highlights the purpose of the event, whether it's a wedding, a dinner party, or a casual celebration, with a friendly and welcoming approach.

A formal invitation typically implies a higher level of sophistication. Including phrases like "You are cordially invited " emphasizes the host's eagerness to have guests attend the event. This expression conveys enthusiasm and formality, assuring invitees that their presence is both desired and appreciated.

RSVPs are an essential aspect of invitation etiquette. The term "RSVP" stands for "Répondez s'il vous plaît'" in French, translating to, "Please respond" in English. It is a polite way of requesting a reply so that the host can adequately prepare for the party. As a guest, promptly responding to an invitation is crucial, as it displays respect and consideration for the host's efforts.

The host's responsibilities are not limited to issuing invitations but also extend to ensuring a smooth and enjoyable event. Maintain open communication with guests, accommodate any particular needs, and make them feel welcome upon arrival.

Remember, following the etiquette and protocol around invitations contributes to the success and overall enjoyment of any event, for both the host and the guests.

Types of Cordial Invitations

Cordial invitations are a crucial aspect of creating a warm and enthusiastic atmosphere for various types of events. These invitations express genuine goodwill towards the recipient and can be used in a multitude of situations. In this section, we will explore some of the common types of cordial invitations and their purposes.

One popular type of cordial invitation is an in-person invitation . This refers to personally extending an invite to someone, rather than sending it through mail, email, or other means. In-person invitations are a thoughtful way to make someone feel especially welcome and appreciated. These invitations can be used for events such as milestone celebrations, dinner parties, or casual gatherings.

Event cordial invitations are commonly used for special occasions, including retirement parties, wedding ceremonies, and anniversary celebrations. These invitations are often more formal in nature, showcasing the importance of the event being celebrated. By using cordial language, the hosts emphasize their eagerness and desire for the guest's presence at their event.

Another example of a cordial invitation is for a ball . Balls are typically grand, formal affairs where guests dress up and partake in an elegant night of dancing and socializing. In these cases, cordial invitations set the tone for the prestigious nature of the event and create a sense of expectation and excitement.

Retirement cordial invitations are an excellent way to honor a person's career achievements and transition into the next chapter of their life. These invitations are often accompanied by heartfelt messages and a request to join in the celebration of the retiree's accomplishments. The cordial invitation is a way to ensure the retiree feels valued and appreciated by their colleagues, friends, and family.

Finally, celebration cordial invitations can encompass a wide variety of events, including baby showers, housewarming parties, and more. When announcing a joyful occasion, a cordial invitation communicates enthusiasm and a desire to share in the happiness of the moment. These invitations typically include a warm, heartfelt message from the host or hostess, to create a sense of inclusiveness and camaraderie among the guests.

In each of these examples, the use of cordial language ensures a friendly and inviting atmosphere. This approach helps to solidify the significance of the event and conveys the host's genuine desire for the guest's attendance.

The Cultural and Social Context of Cordial Invitations

Cordial invitations play a significant role in various cultures and social settings. They symbolize warmth, hospitality, and respect towards the person being invited to the gathering or event. Essentially, these invitations aim to convey a friendly and wholehearted desire for the invitee's presence.

In the context of family and personal relationships, a mother may cordially invite her daughter to a milestone birthday celebration, or a man could extend a cordial invitation to his relatives for a family reunion. The language used in the invitation reflects the host's sincerity and appreciation for the guests, emphasizing the importance of maintaining close ties and nurturing relationships.

Cordiality is not limited to invitations among close family or friends; it may also be extended to acquaintances, colleagues, and even strangers for more formal gatherings. For example, individuals hosting professional events or conferences often use "cordially invited" to show politeness and convey a sense of elevated importance to the event.

Cultural nuances also play a role in the significance of cordial invitations. In some cultures, individuals place immense importance on the minute details of the invitation wording, believing that formal, cordially-worded invitations reflect respect, tradition, and proper etiquette. In these instances, the recipient might feel more inclined to attend the event, as they appreciate the host's thoughtfulness and gesture of hospitality.

While the importance of cordiality may vary in different social circles and cultures, extending a cordial invitation is a universally recognized way of showing respect and a genuine desire for guests' presence. Ultimately, cordially inviting someone emphasizes the host's thoughtfulness, goodwill, and openness, fostering deeper connections and meaningful social exchanges.

Sources and Citations

In the realm of language and etiquette, understanding phrases like "cordially invited" can sometimes be perplexing. Diving into reputable sources, such as corpora, and academic dictionaries like the Cambridge Dictionary , can provide clarity and context.

These sources published by esteemed organizations like the Cambridge University Press are reliable for accurate information. Licensors, who form a part of these organizations, play a crucial role in ensuring that the information is authentic and comes from multiple legitimate sources.

For instance, the term "cordially invited" typically means a polite and warm invitation extended to someone. It conveys friendliness and enthusiasm while maintaining a sense of formality. The phrase is often used in invitations to events, weddings, or any social gatherings. Exploring sources like the Cambridge Dictionary can give precise meanings and help comprehend the context in which these phrases are used.

Additionally, referring to diverse corpora can provide valuable insights into how the phrase is employed in real-life situations. Corpora are large collections of written and spoken texts, which can offer a broader perspective on the usage, variations, and the intricacies of a phrase like "cordially invited."

In summary, extracting information and understanding phrases such as "cordially invited" is made easier and more reliable with the help of dependable sources like the Cambridge Dictionary, corpora, and Cambridge University Press publications. The collaboration of licensors and academic institutions ensures the authenticity of the information, making it user-friendly and highly beneficial for those seeking a deeper understanding of the English language.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between cordially and warmly invited.

While both "cordially" and "warmly" convey a sense of genuine desire for the guest's presence, there is a slight difference between the two. "Cordially invited" suggests a respectful and heartfelt invitation, as the term "cordially" originates from the Latin root word for "heart" . On the other hand, "warmly invited" implies a more informal and friendly invitation with a cozy atmosphere.

How to properly use 'cordially' in an invitation?

Using "cordially" in an invitation is quite simple. Typically, it's placed at the beginning of the sentence, such as "You are cordially invited to [event name]." This format highlights the polite and friendly intent of the invitation, ensuring the guest feels welcomed and respected.

What can be used as an alternative to 'cordially invited'?

If you want to use a different phrase than "cordially invited," you might consider alternatives like "warmly invited," "graciously invited," or "sincerely invited." These alternatives still convey a sense of hospitality and genuine desire for the guest's attendance.

How does cordially invited differ from formally invited?

"Cordially invited" and "formally invited" both imply a certain level of formality, but their focus is different. While "cordially invited" emphasizes the heartfelt and respectful nature of the invitation, "formally invited" highlights the event's formal tone, suggesting a more structured and traditional setting. It's worth noting that in many cases, cordially invited implies a formal event , so the terms can sometimes be used interchangeably.

What is the etiquette for cordially inviting someone?

When cordially inviting someone, it's essential to maintain a polite tone and be clear and concise with the event details. Include the event's purpose, date, time, venue, and any dress code requirements. If RSVP is necessary, provide a deadline and contact information. Lastly, personalize the invitation to make the guest feel valued and respected.

Can 'cordially invited' be used for both formal and informal events?

Although "cordially invited" typically implies a formal event, it's possible to use the phrase for informal events as well. The key is to provide context within the invitation, so the guest understands the nature of the event. For less formal gatherings, consider using alternative phrases like "warmly invited" or "happily invited" to create a more relaxed atmosphere.

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Nov 30, 2022

How to write an invitation email — 7 examples and a template

In this guide on how to write invitation emails, we break down the writing process into simple steps

Blog writer

Lawrie Jones

Table of contents

You’re invited to read the best invitation email guide online. RSVP if you’re interested in learning more.

In this guide on how to write invitation emails, we break down the writing process into simple steps.

Then, we provide 8 invitation email examples for information and inspiration. By the end, you’ll understand the building blocks to write the best invitation emails.

How to write an invitation email

Email marketers, event organizers, and interviewers all know that invitation emails are hard to write.

Get it right, and you’ll have a room full of happy faces. Get it wrong, and you could find yourself all alone.

We’ve written a lot about formal writing at Flowrite, but invitation emails are a chance to get creative and write compelling messages that demand a reply. It’s the best way to secure a slot in the calendar.

So, ready to get started?

What are invitation emails (and why do they matter?)

Invitation emails are, as you’d expect, used to encourage someone to do something. It could be an invite to an interview, an event, a meeting, a webinar, or a sales presentation.

In each case, the purpose of the message is to inspire action – generating attendees for your event, candidates for your interview, or meat in your meeting.

These aren’t sales emails (we’ve written about those before) but messages to someone you know (or who will know you). As such, you don’t have to go too hard on the sales and push the promo, but be clear about what you’re inviting the person to and why. 

The bottom line is to ensure every message has value to the person receiving it. 

Before we illustrate this with examples, let’s email the ideal invitation email format. 

Invitation email format

Invite emails are easy to write (if you follow this format). First, a strong, simple subject line spells out what you want.

That’s followed by a body copy that offers value and contains all the details people need (such as date, time, and location). Finally, you finish with more information on how people can sign-up and a positive sign-off. 

Let’s show you how that works… 

1. Invitation email subject line

Your subject line should get straight to the point. You’ll want to grab the reader’s attention and explain to them what the message is about (and why they should care). In the case of interviews or meetings with colleagues, the process is pretty straightforward:

  • Interview Invitation – 25 Jan @ 9:00 am 
  • Meeting Request – 2023 Strategy & Planning – 25 Jan @ 9:00 am 

Simple, clear, and straight to the point! That works for this type of invitation, where people will know who you are and what you’re asking. It gets a little more complicated when writing emails to people you don’t know (what marketers call cold emails ).

Crafting cold emails is a big challenge, with millions of words written about how to optimize them. But it boils down to finding words that grab someone’s attention and gets them to click.

Here are a couple of examples:

  • Do you want priority access to our latest event? Open your invitation here!
  • We’re looking for a legend. Could you be our latest guest speaker?
  • Want to play a part in our industry-leading podcast?

These examples (and millions more you can find online) attempt to hook you in with a tasty proposition.

2. Invitation email body

All email invitation body copy works similarly, with the same structure. It goes a little something like this:

  • Intro to you/your business
  • Explanation of why you’re emailing
  • Details of the invite
  • Dates, times, and attendance info

Following this format will ensure you have all the essential details in your invitation email. You don’t need to be boring; you can get creative if you want – but always include everything from the list above.

You can see how we do this below in the 8 invitation email samples.

3. How to end an invitation email

You’re inviting someone to something, right? So you’ll want them to confirm their attendance. So spell it out in a clear CTA. Something like this can work well:

  • Please confirm that you can attend. You can email me at (insert address) or call me at (insert number). 

If you’re inviting someone for an interview, this will be enough. However, for an event, you may want to add an incentive or put a time limit on it.

  • Sign-up today, and you’ll receive a 25% discount!
  • Places are strictly limited, so sign-up today (or prepare to be disappointed).

You’ll also need to include contact details or links to an online form where people can sign-up for the event. Don’t forget to add your name, job title, and company information.

7 invitation email examples

OK, we’ve come to the part where we stop telling and start showing!

Here are 8 invitation email examples that cover some of the situations you might need to write one. We’ve got a simple invitation example, an interview email, and an invitation to an online video call, among others.

If you want to use these examples, you can cut and paste them, but always change them to suit your circumstances. 

1. Simple invitation email sample

Let’s start with a simple invitation sample. This covers the basics and is a standard and (if we’re honest) quite dry approach.

Of course, if you want, you can liven this up – but even if you use it as-is, it will get the job done.

2. Reply to the interview invitation email sample

In this reply to the interview invitation sample, we provide a ready-made template to agree to the interview time and date. Good luck!

3. Event invitation email sample

When writing an event invitation email, you’ll need to be more creative and create a compelling case for someone to attend. You should explain what your event is about and its relevance.

You should provide details of why the person should attend and, as outlined earlier, offer an incentive or introduce some peril. 

4. Meeting invitation email sample

If you’re employed anywhere, you’ll probably spend most of your life in and out of meetings (and probably get hundreds of meeting requests a year).

This meeting email invite is more than a simple placeholder; it provides information on the meeting and why someone would want to attend. Your recipients will thank you for this level of detail.

5. Zoom invitation email sample

This Zoom meeting invite is similar to the meeting request above but includes login information and tips to get the best out of a Zoom meeting.

How many Zoom meetings have you been to that don’t start on time because someone’s camera isn’t working or the sound isn’t on? Exactly. Tell people about the behaviors you want to see (and be sure to embody them!).

  • Bullet points are great!

6. Webinar invitation email sample

Webinars are an effective way to showcase your products or services, share insights, and build an audience.

Like the event template above, you must provide reasons for someone to give up their time and attend – which we do here.

You’ll need to try and find what will motivate your audience to engage with you.

7. Guest speaker invitation email sample

Guest speakers are a great addition to your event, but how do you hook one in?

By using our guest email invite template! Anyone brave enough to stand up in front of a crowd will have an ego, so providing a few compliments alongside the context of your event is a good thing.

Set out what you want them to do and when you want an answer.

Proven invitation email template

OK, so we can’t guarantee this initiation template will work, but it follows all our rules and recommendations, so it’s about as close as you can. So fill in the gaps, and focus on providing the details, and you’ll get the results you want from every message.

Invitation email template with Flowrite

If you're still struggling to find the right words for interview invitation emails, then sign up for Flowrite – it transforms sequences of words into clear, consistent, and compelling emails, like this:

Here's another example of how Flowrite could write your event invitation email fos you:

Final words

We started by saying that writing invitation emails isn’t easy, but if you follow our advice, it is.

The crucial thing is to follow the format and ensure that you include everything – including dates, times, and essential details. Focus on cracking the structure, use the tips outlined above, and never try to be funny!

Master that, and your invitation emails will ensure you’ve got people queuing around the block for a bit of the action.

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pay cordial visit

Interview invitation

Reply to: "

Dear Hiring Manager, ‍ Reading your job posting on LinkedIn for a Content Marketing Manager piqued my interest. Your description of the work responsibilities closely match my experience, so I am excited to submit my application for your consideration. ‍ In my current position as an Content Lead for BookSum, I write articles for the company website, manage the editing and posting of articles of our guest post program, manage the social media presence of the company, and write and sent out a weekly newsletter. Within six months I've grown the subscriber base of the newsletter by 40%. ‍ My resume is attached. If I can provide you with any further information on my background and qualifications, please let me know. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Jess Smith

Received message

interview next tue at 4 pm PST via Zoom?

Generate a reply

Generate an outreach

pay cordial visit

Event invitation

our online summit on personal productivity at work on dec 9 10 am GMT featuring adam grant and speakers from calendly and notion read more on rsvp by answering to this email

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How to Politely Ask for Payment (with email samples)

Emily Schmidt

Here's why learning how to ask for money politely is so important:

29% of freelancer invoices are paid late.

This means one of the most common challenges freelancers experience is getting paid on time. A late, or overdue invoice, creates all kinds of problems. Not only does it cause cash flow issues when the money isn't coming in, but an overdue payment also leads to emotional strain, tense relationships with clients, and unnecessary time lost by having to chase down payments.

In this lesson, we'll teach you what to include when you ask for payment professionally, how to write an email, how to ask for money politely from a customer for payment in a friendly way, and your options for dealing with overdue invoices.

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So, how to ask for payment politely

The art of knowing how to ask for payment lies in maintaining a balance between politeness and professionalism. When crafting a payment request email, it's crucial to make sure that the tone is both friendly and firm, outlining the details of what is owed and when the payment is due. The payment process should be clearly explained, eliminating any possible confusion. A well-structured payment request can significantly speed up the payment process, reducing the likelihood of late or missed payments. Below, we’ll share with you how to create the perfect request payment email, whether you want to negotiate payment terms or remind a client who’s far behind the payment deadline.

But first: Why is money such a taboo topic?

It's no secret that people don't like to talk about money. Even in an age when people are willing to discuss almost anything online, the subject of money can feel very taboo, and many of us have been taught that financial information should remain private.

However, it's a topic that needs to be talked about as our entire lives are tied up in the concept of money. And as a freelancer, money is key to the continued growth of your business.

Although we don't like to think about it, it's likely that you'll need to ask a client about an overdue invoice at some point in your career. So what can we do to make this process easier?

We can move past these fears by breaking down the reasons behind our worries:

  • Sounding rude/pushy:  As freelancers, we have a fear that our clients might think we're being rude for asking about a late payment. And the last thing we want is for our clients to think we're rude. It took a lot of hard work to land this client, so we hesitate to ask for payment for fear of losing them.
  • A fear of confrontation:  We often try to play out the worst-case scenarios in our heads. What if this turns into an argument? What if they say no? What if I don't know how to handle the situation? However, it's more likely that your client simply got busy and forgot about the deadline. Often, our worst fears never happen.
  • Not knowing the best approach:  This is another big reason freelancers don't confront clients about overdue payments. It can be challenging to bring up this touchy subject. But don't worry! We'll show you how to ask for payment in just a bit.

By addressing the source of our worries, we can now think about the solutions that can help us break past this mental barrier.

Forget about outstanding invoices! Tips for getting over your fear of asking for payment:

  • Know that you're not alone: Unfortunately, it's one of the grim realities of freelancing, and many other freelancers have been in your position (we were also nervous to ask). However, most freelancers would tell you that they were happy they did.
  • Value your work: Know that you provided your client with valuable work, and you deserve to be paid for your efforts. You held up your end of the contract, so don't feel ashamed to ask your client to hold up their end.
  • Send the email: Sometimes we just have to take the leap by sending the email. We'll always be nervous about handling a problem until we try it. But after you handle it, you'll know exactly what to do if it ever happens again.
  • Ask for advance deposit: An advance deposit is a viable solution to mitigate the risk of unpaid invoices and foster a trustful business relationship. It allows a clear payment schedule to be established upfront, setting expectations for both parties and ensuring a smooth financial transaction. Moreover, offering multiple payment options can expedite the process, accommodating clients' preferences, and further reducing the likelihood of payment delays.
  • Introduce late fees: Introducing late fees is an effective strategy to deter outstanding payments and ensure invoices are settled efficiently. By incorporating a late fee clause in your agreements, clients are often more motivated to avoid unpaid invoices or delayed payments. Additionally, sending a text message to remind clients about impending late fees can exponentially increase the efficiency and timeliness of payments.

So often we discover that the things we were initially worried about weren't so bad after we tried them. The more you ask for a payment, the easier you'll find the process to be, and you'll quickly develop a simple system for collecting overdue payments.

Struggling over how to ask for payment?

Let's make it easier! Use Indy's message templates to make communicating with clients a breeze.

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Let's make it easier! Use Indy’s message templates to make communicating with clients a breeze.

Don't panic when the due date passes

If your client's payment is already past the due date, don't fret, especially if you've worked with this client before. Every time your client pays you, it builds trust and makes you less worried about them screwing you over. 

If this is the first time you've worked with them, don't jump to the worst-case scenario and wonder how you're going to make rent with an outstanding payment. Focus first on collecting payment before stressing yourself out and wondering what you'll do if you don't get paid.

What should you include when asking for payment?

So, now you know you have to ask for payment. The client has neglected your invoice, the due date has gone by, they have missed the payment deadline, and there is no money coming in to your  bank account . What do you say to your client?

pay cordial visit

Try to write a friendly, non-threatening payment request email subject line

The first thing to remember when asking for payment information from a client by email is the subject line. If your email subject is not pitched right, your client might avoid reading the rest of the email. So, here are a few tips:

  • Don't threaten clients (in the subject). Instead, call your emails “friendly payment reminder emails.”
  • Consider talking about your reminder emails as “contract updates.”
  • If it is appropriate, use your client's name.

We'll show you some examples of subject lines in just a moment. For now, let's take a look at other things to include in your payment request email payment email.

Always attach a copy of the overdue invoice

Every payment request email should go with a copy of the invoice. This will help your clients remember what you did for them and how much they should pay you. However, sometimes people get a bit confused about invoices and the payment details. Here are a few things to remember:

  • An invoice is not a legally binding document. Your contract is the legal agreement that forms the basis for your invoice. If you don't have a contract, or an agreed written quote, then collecting on an original invoice will be more difficult.
  • Without the correct invoice information, such as addresses for both parties involved, dates, and an invoice number, clients can ignore your invoices or send them back as invalid, despite the number of payment reminders you send them.

An invoice email without an invoice attached is a little useless. Always  attach invoices  to your email messages when you make a payment request or send payment requests or reminders.

Politely remind clients of the payment terms

Payment terms directly influence how soon you will get paid. Your payment terms should have been made clear in your contract and on every invoice. The contract should explain the payment process, payment due date, and any late payment fee you will charge. Your invoice should have, at the very least, a payment due date or time frame, such as “Net 30 Days.”

Add your bank account or payment provider information to your payment request

If you're asking someone to pay you, make it as easy as possible for your client. Put the payment information in the invoice email and on the invoice itself, along with all the business contact details. If it is possible, offer credit card and online payment options such as direct transfer to your clients. Once you start turning up the heat on your client, try to make a convenient way for them to organize payment to avoid future late payment. 

Payment reminder email templates

As promised, we're going to show you how to make payment request email templates to ask for payment professionally. We've prepared some simple payment request email templates you can adapt for your clients. Just be sure to change the info for you and your client.

One Week Reminder Payment Request Email Template

Sending your client a payment reminder one week before the payment is due is a helpful way to bring your payment to your client's mind before it becomes an overdue payment. This is typically a light-hearted friendly polite email reminder that should be a normal part of your payment collection process. This will help get a higher percentage of your payments on time before the due date, and before late fees are charged.

Email Subject: Friendly Reminder: Invoice [#] Due in One Week or Just a Reminder: Invoice [#] Due in One Week

Hi [client name],

I hope things are well. I really enjoyed working on our project together and wanted to reach out to give a quick heads up that Invoice [#] is due one week from today. 

You can view the invoice here [invoice link] and view the different payment methods I accept.

Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the invoice, payment methods or services rendered. 

[First Name]

Friendly payment reminder template for one/two days late

Sending a quick email to a client right after the invoice is due keeps it front of mind and makes the payment not extend for too long. You're able to give clients a grace period of a few days before sending this out, especially if the due date fell over a weekend. 

Email Subject: Friendly Reminder: Invoice [#] Past Due

Hi [Client Name], 

I hope you're having a great day. Based on my records Invoice [#] is overdue as of [date]. There's currently a balance of [balance owed]. 

For your convenience and ease, I've attached the invoice and payment methods here [insert invoice link]. 

Please let me know if any issues arise with the payment or you have any additional questions. 

Thanks so much,

[first name]

Email requesting payment of outstanding balance

In order to get paid, one of the strongest tactics to use is consistency with your follow up email. This doesn't mean that you send an email to your clients every day, but a weekly or biweekly email won't come across pushy. Use this invoice template below to send an additional payment reminder email to your client or change it to your discretion.

Email Subject: Friendly Reminder: Invoice [#] One Week Past Due

I hope your week is going well. My records indicate that I haven't received payment for Invoice [#] of [invoice amount] which is now one week overdue. Would you mind looking into this for me?

Please let me know if there's someone else I can contact regarding payment, or if there is a system or process that I can make payment easier on your end. 

I have attached the invoice for your convenience [insert invoice link].

If you have any update on when this payment should be received, it would be greatly appreciated. 

All the best, 

[insert first name]

Friendly payment reminder email template for two weeks late

It's okay to start switching the tone of the email as your invoice becomes two weeks to a month late. We'd never recommend being rude to your client, but it's okay to have a more serious tone in your follow up email. 

Email Subject: Invoice [#] is Two Weeks Past Due

I wanted to reach out because my records indicate that payment for invoice number [#] is two weeks late. Do you have any updates on when this should be received?

I've attached the invoice here [invoice link] for your convenience. Please let me know if there's any way I can be of further assistance. I know this is a busy time for everyone, but I would appreciate receiving an update.

Please note, that any payments that are over 30 days are subject to late fees as described in our contract terms. 

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. 

Final payment reminder email template

Now that it's been a month, we'll show you how to ask for payment a bit more urgently, without sounding rude. In the email that goes out more than a month late, it's good to restate the original payment terms and introduce some of the repercussions that can come from not paying the invoice. This can be a late payment or fee, or if you're still working with them on a project, you can temporarily pause services until payment is made.

Email Subject: Invoice [#] is now 30 days overdue - please send payment

This is my fourth reminder that your payment on invoice [#] is past due. My initial email was sent to you on [date]. Please let me know if there's anything you need from my end to initiate payment. 

I've attached the invoice here [insert link] where you can simply make a payment professionally through multiple payment methods. 

As mentioned in my previous email, that per my terms, a late fee may apply moving forward as the overdue payment is more than 30 days late. 

Please organize the payment for this invoice. 

Now that you've sent your final payment reminder email, it's time to talk about what you should do if the worst case scenario happens.

What to do if your client doesn't pay?

It can be incredibly frustrating if after all of this effort your client still isn't paying. Even though it can be really easy to get mad at your client, try and keep a cool head. If you maintain a good relationship, you're in a stronger power position moving forward than if you let your anger get the better of you. Late payments aren't personal attacks, even though they can feel like it. Let's go through the steps you should take if a client still doesn't pay you after you ask for payment.

pay cordial visit

Pause existing work 

If your client is over a month late in payment and you're still working with them actively on projects, you can consider pausing current services until the invoice is paid. This mitigates the risk that you'll go several months without payment and opens up a more serious conversation with your client. This isn't a strategy that you can do for a one time project, but if they don't pay on time, it's a legitimate reason to not work with them again, or require 50% upfront. 

Get on the phone

If your last payment request email has gone completely unanswered, hopping on a phone call with your client can eliminate possibilities that your business contact details are incorrect, your payment request emails have not gone to a spam folder, or your point of contact might have left. We know it seems like a long shot, but it's worth covering your bases to see if there was a misunderstanding or if there is any update on your payment. Pay close attention to the tone in which you deliver this message. Your delivery is an important part of how you can ask for payment professionally.

Sometimes communication can be misunderstood through writing. By getting on the phone, clients can hear the polite tone in your voice, which eliminates the potential of them feeling threatened over email. Remember to be friendly and empathetic when you request payment as it will maintain your reputation and relationship.

What if there are no results? Should you hire a collection agency?

What if the client just refuses to pay? Let's be serious: this is your business. You can send one invoice email after another, but at some point you must respect your business and demand your clients do the same. 

Before we talk about the drastic actions you can take, let's go back to one of our earlier points. Your invoices are not legally binding documents. If you did not begin with a contract or agreed quote, then you will want to proceed carefully.

A collection agency should be your last resort. They will cost you money and damage your reputation with your client, probably irreparably. But you have another option: take your client to court.

Here is why a small claims court case is better: the law is on your side. Even if you don't have a contract, any paperwork, even if it's just an email or text message, that demonstrates your agreement with your client will be enough to establish a contract situation between you. In a court, you should be on solid ground. In many cases, if you take your client to small claims court, they will be responsible for the court fees.

A few more tips to avoid missed payments

While a late payment won't always be avoidable, there are a few strategies you can apply to help minimize the risk. Here are a few things you should incorporate into your business if you haven't already:

  • Use a contract:  A great way to avoid having to chase down payments is to have clear-cut terms from the start. This is where having a legally sound contract in place is key, and Indy can help.  Check out how easy it is to create a client contract . In a contract, you can establish a late fee penalty that discourages clients from missing payment deadlines.
  • Ask for client approval:  In addition to your contract, you can use the  Files tool  from Indy to get approval for your work. This is helpful for being clear that your work has been accepted and, thus, payment is due.
  • Advanced deposits:  Another way to ease the sting of a missed payment is to ask for an advanced deposit. There isn't a hard rule for how much you should ask for upfront, but freelancers typically ask between 10%-50% of the total estimate.
  • Make payments easy:  Clients can be busy, so accepting as many payment methods as possible will make things easier on the client.
  • Maintain the relationship:  Check in on your clients from time to time throughout the project. Keep them updated on where you're at,  ask them about how things are going on their end , and maintain a healthy relationship while working with them. A strong relationship helps build mutual trust and makes things easier on both of you if you ever have to ask about outstanding invoices.

Nobody likes a late payment, but it's an unfortunate reality for freelancers worldwide. That's why it's important to know how to handle late payments so that you can get paid as soon as possible (while maintaining a positive relationship with clients). The next time a payment is late; don't panic, write a friendly follow-up email for the overdue payment, remind the client of the payment terms, include your payment details, and always attach a copy of the invoice.

Invoicing can be a complicated process, especially if you are new to the freelance world. Fortunately for you, Indy has an  invoicing tool  that can help you. You can even try it for free with just a click, or two!

How do you politely ask for payment via email?

The most polite way to ask for payment is an invoice email as a gentle reminder. Businesses get these regularly, and accept them as part of life. Send a simple payment request email and follow it up with another one if payment is not made for the late invoice. Remaining polite in your communication with small businesses is a key part of how you can ask for payment professionally.

How to ask for payment professionally in email?

Don't make it personal for you or the client. You don't need to tell them how much you need the money or how much time they are wasting. Equally, your customers are probably the party in the relationship with the most resources. They should not bully you by non-payment. So, avoid being rude but make your demands clear with a polite reminder and always remain polite and professional at all times when discussing overdue invoices.

How do you politely ask for payment via SMS?

If you've already sent an email reminder, you could try a text message instead of the next email reminder. However, we think you're better off with phone calls. If you have their number, just call them.

What happens when someone refuses to pay?

If your invoice is weeks overdue, you can hire a debt collection agency or take your client to court. Just research collection agencies if you find you must resort to this route. Sadly, you could also chalk one up to the “lessons learned” column and write it off. However, this is your business. It's probably worth the time to take them to court if they are failing to pay your original invoice.

How can a small business owner manage late payments?

Small business owners face cash flow challenges on a regular basis. The best time to manage late payments is before they happen. Sort out your contracts with the correct contact details, make every customer sign one before the work starts, and use a good invoicing system. Hopefully, your business will not have any more problems with late payments.

pay cordial visit


Make a Commissary Deposit , Schedule a Video Visit, and More.

pay cordial visit

Make a Commissary Deposit, Schedule a Video Visit, and More


Have a question? We’re here to help.

You cannot use Cash App to make deposits to inmates through Correct Pay. To ensure funds are deposited correctly, please continue to complete deposits on our main site or through the Correct Pay mobile app.

You can make a deposit through the lobby kiosk located in the jail, on our website, or by calling toll-free 855-836-3364

CONTACT Commissary Manager

All deposits are available immediately to the inmate, unless stated otherwise at time of deposit. We are not allowed to provide inmate account balances or information. You will need to ask the inmate.

If the deposit was made at a kiosk, you will receive a printed receipt. At the time of the deposit, you may have selected to receive a text message or email receipt.

When you were released, you filled out a form for the commissary manager to issue you a check. Call the commissary manager to find out when the check will be mailed.

Their money will be transferred to their new location automatically. This can take up to two weeks.

When you receive a message from an inmate, there is an option to respond at that time.

The account balance may be over the allowed limit, or the County Clerk’s office may have frozen the account for unpaid fees. Contact the County Clerk’s office to confirm.

The inmate needs to contact the commissary manager directly. We are not able to dispute an order on behalf of an inmate.

You need to contact the phone company directly about a refund on unused phone time.

Email our customer service line with the date, amount and inmate/location and we will be happy to send you a copy.

We are not permitted to provide inmate account balances.

Call your bank to confirm there are no issues with the card. The inmate’s account may be frozen, or the balance is over the allowed amount.

The inmate will see it on their account up to two weeks before the visit.

You will need to contact the phone company directly for the cost of a call. We only process the deposits for them.

Click on the “Forgot Password” located below the login form for video visitation

We do not disclose the details of an inmate’s account.

If you are a facility, you can submit a service ticket. If you are trying to make a deposit, and a kiosk is down, please call our customer service line to report the outage. That number is 855-836-3364

Reduce the file size to less than 5MB. Also make sure your file is a .jpg, .jpeg or .gif.

If the facility offers email communications to be sent directly to an inmate, you will see the option listed on our website. Otherwise, the inmate will have to email you before you will be able to respond.

If you have a remote visit scheduled with an inmate, the pin number is in your email confirmation. If the inmate is trying to video call you direct, and the system asks you for a pin, that means the inmate hung up.

If you have a complaint, first contact the consumer assistance division at 855-836-3364 (toll free). If you still have an unresolved complaint regarding the company’s money transmission activity, please direct your complaint to: Texas Department of Banking 2601 North Lamar Boulevard Austin, Texas 78705 877-276-5554 (toll free)

Don’t Fall Victim To Fraud

Never send money to someone you have not met in person, and confirm emergency situations are real before sending money.

Common Types of Fraud

Scams affect every part of life. These people try to trick you out of your personal information and your money.  The most common types of fraud fall under these categories:

  • Housing and Mortgage
  • Immigration
  • Mass Marketing
  • Passport and Visa
  • Postal Mail
  • Telemarketing

Examples of specific scams include:  emergency situations you haven’t confirmed; online purchases; claims of lottery or prize winnings; resolving immigration matters; or credit card or loan fees.  There are many types of scams out there, so you must be careful when transmitting money.

If you transfer money, the person you’re sending it to gets the money quickly.  After the money is paid, we may not be able to give you a refund, even if you are the victim of fraud, except under limited circumstances.

If you believe you are the victim of fraud, call us. Fraud Hotline at 855-836-3364.

In Minnesota contact: Minnesota Office of the Attorney General, St. Paul, MN, website: ; Phone Number: 651-296-3353; Toll Free: 1-800-657-3787; TTY: 1-800-366-4812.

If you are an attorney please click here


  • Tel: (818) 239-9293
  • Fax: (818) 239-4525
  • [email protected]
  • 600 N. Brand Blvd., Suite 612 Glendale, CA 91203

pay cordial visit

Opening Hours

  • Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 06:00 pm
  • Saturday & Sunday Closed

Just make an appointment to get help from our experts.

Welcome to Cordial Healthcare Providers

Cordial Healthcare Providers is a team of Board-certified Doctors, Nurse Practitioners, and Physician Assistants. It was founded in 2021 with the goal of providing the highest quality primary care to medically complex, chronically ill, and homebound patients. Our goal is to improve access to quality health care and improve health outcomes for patients who are unable to leave their homes or who have difficulty going to a doctor’s office. We are dedicated to improving and maintaining your health through preventive care and treating acute and chronic diseases. At Cordial Healthcare Providers, we strive to provide safe, effective, efficient, compassionate, comprehensive, patient-centered and service-oriented medical care, thereby improving the healthcare system. Our home-based model allows our medical providers to spend more time with our patients and their loved ones to get to know them and listen more intently to their medical needs. Our focus is on the well-being, safety, and satisfaction of our patients.


Our Mission

The Mission of Cordial Healthcare Providers is to provide compassionate patient-centered care to the homebound patients with excellence in quality and service. We strive to keep our patients happier, healthier and safer while keeping patients in the comfort of their own homes. We are committed to empowering our patients with better understanding of their health condition and keep them involved in their treatment plan. We work with you and your family closely to ensure you will get the best care possible. Through our efforts, we can have a significant impact on our patients’ lives, reduce health care costs and better health outcomes.

We work hand-in-hand with many home health agencies to share common goals and ensure that our patients will get the best health care. Our goal is to schedule our patients to be seen by our highly trained and board-certified medical providers as soon as possible to attend their needs and submit home health referrals within 24 hours.

  • Improve the patient’s overall health.
  • Prevent complications and exacerbations of diseases.
  • Eliminate unnecessary emergency and hospital visits.
  • Prevent hospital readmissions and adverse events during the transition from the hospital or skilled nursing facility to the home setting through our transitional care.
  • Build long-term relationships with the patients and home health agencies we serve.


Our Services

We strive to provide the best quality healthcare wherever you may be. We are very proud of the exceptional services that we provide to every patient each time we visit because we believe our patients deserve the best. We ensure that all our patients receive the utmost attention and compassionate care they deserve.

Primary Care

Our team consists of highly trained and qualified Board-certified Doctors, Nurse Practitioners, and Physician Assistants.

Acute and Chronic Disease Management

Our team utilizes best practices, innovative equipment, and an advanced electronic medical record system to attain best patient outcomes.

Home Health Coordination

Referrals for Skilled Nursing, Physical and Occupational Therapy, Wound Care, Speech Therapy, Social services and other services needed. Fast processing of documentation to ensure compliance. Home Health Referrals are submitted within 24 hours.

In-home Laboratory Testing and Diagnostic Imaging

We provide a broad selection of comprehensive laboratory and diagnostic tests done and collected in your home at a time that’s convenient for you.

Preventive Care

We work with you and your loved ones to develop a treatment plan designed for you.

Physical Exam and Annual Wellness Visit

We perform comprehensive assessment. Fast and easy appointment scheduling. Appointments are available within 24 to 48 hours. We even offer same-day appointments if the schedule permits.

Post-Hospital Follow-up Visits

Our Medical Providers are available 7 days a week. For even more added convenience, we offer both in-home and telehealth options.

Medication Evaluation and Management

Our medical providers will provide you the education you need to understand including medication usage. We prescribe new medication and refill your medications tailored to your needs.

Medical Supply and Equipment Orders

We take the time to get to know our patients and address all of their medical needs.

Referral to Specialists

We refer our patients to specialists if needed such as Endocrinologist, Wound care, Psychiatrist, Cardiologist, Pain Management, Rheumatologist, Podiatrist, etc.

Accepted Insurance

We accept medicare part b, we care for patients in the following home settings:.

  • Private Homes
  • Assisted Living Facilities
  • Group Homes
  • Adult Foster Care Homes (AFC)


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Our specialities.

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  •  Emergency Services
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  •  Home Services
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Our Pricing Plan

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COVID-19 Updates

At Cordial Healthcare Providers, your health and safety are our top priority. Rest assured that we are taking every safety precaution possible to protect you and our medical provider during in-home visit. Our medical providers are fully vaccinated and have the required personal protective equipment (PPE) if needed to conduct in-home visits safely. For even more added convenience, we offer telehealth to reduce the need for home or office visits.

To stay up to date with the ongoing COVID-19 situation, use the following links from the CDC and LA County Department of Public Health: Click here for CDC: Click here for LA County Department of Public Health:


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Happy to help, if you need someone to talk to, we listen. we won’t judge or tell you what to do..

Call or email us directly for an immediate response. You may also send us a message through the form below and we will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you.

Areas Served

Proudly serving LA County, Orange County, San Bernardino, Ventura County, and Kern County. Contact us for an appointment today!

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pay (someone) a visit

Definition of pay (someone) a visit

Examples of pay (someone) a visit in a sentence.

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'pay (someone) a visit.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Dictionary Entries Near pay (someone) a visit

pay (someone) a compliment

pay someone no mind

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“Pay (someone) a visit.” Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, Accessed 27 Jun. 2024.

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Four-Star Offensive Tackle Austin Pay Took BYU Official Visit

Casey lundquist | jun 24, 2024.

Credit: Twitter @AustinPay74

  • BYU Cougars

Last weekend, BYU hosted a large group of official visitors on campus . One recruit that was a late addition was local four-star offensive tackle prospect Austin Pay. Pay, the younger brother of BYU center Connor Pay, is one of the most coveted in-state recruits in the 2025 recruiting class. He is ranked third among in-state prospects in the 2025 class by 247Sports.

Thanks @BYUfootball for a great weekend! Me and my family had a blast!!! @CoachJayHill @CoachRoderick @kalanifsitake — Austin Pay (@AustinPay74) June 24, 2024

Pay had originally scheduled an official visit to Texas A&M for the weekend. Instead, he made the short trip to Provo for a BYU official visit.

Pay is very familiar with the BYU football program. He has taken multiple unofficial visits and BYU is in his blood. His dad Garry Pay played offensive line for BYU in the late 80's and early 90's. His oldest brother Connor Pay has been a starting offensive lineman for BYU since 2021. His older brother Trevor recently returned from his mission and will join the program as a preferred walk-on.

Even though Austin knows pretty much all there is to know about the BYU football program, getting him on an official visit is still an important step in his recruitment. Official visits are unique, and landing an eventual commitment requires an official visit in almost all cases.

In terms of recruiting profiles, Austin Pay has the most prestigious recruiting profile in the Pay family. He is the tallest Pay brother, standing at 6'7. His length is what makes him a premier offensive tackle prospect. He holds competing offers from Oregon, Texas A&M, Florida, Baylor, Auburn, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, UCLA, and Utah among others.

Check out my Full Season Highlight of my Junior Year - 2023 on @Hudl #hudl LT - 6'7" 290 - All Region LT, 1st Team All State LT (PrepZone), 34" Arm length @BlairAngulo @BrandonHuffman @LemmingReport @adamgorney @coach_OFFA @LPKnightsFB @stroformance — Austin Pay (@AustinPay74) November 27, 2023

The Cougars will have to beat out some of the biggest names in the sport to land Austin's services. If they do, they will have a future staple of their offensive line, just like Connor Pay has been for the BYU football program.

Austin Pay will be a top priority for BYU offensive line coach TJ Woods throughout this recruiting cycle.

Casey Lundquist


Casey Lundquist is the publisher and lead editor of Cougs Daily. He has covered BYU athletics for the last four years. During that time, he has published over 2,000 stories that have reached more than three million people.

Follow casey_lundquist

Indonesia won't pay an $8 million ransom after a cyberattack compromised its national data center

Indonesian authorities said Monday that the country's national data center was compromised by a cyber attack, disrupting public services including the immigration check points and asked for an $8 million ransom.

JAKARTA, Indonesia — Indonesia ’s national data center has been compromised by a hacking group asking for an $8 million ransom that the government says it won’t pay.

The cyberattack has disrupted the services of more than 200 government agencies at both the national and regional levels since last Thursday, said Samuel Abrijani Pangerapan, the director general of informatics applications with the Communications and Informatics Ministry.

Some government services have returned — immigration services at airports and elsewhere are now functional — but efforts continue at restoring other services such as investment licensing, Pangerapan told reporters Monday.

The attackers have held data hostage and offered a key for access in return for the $8 million ransom, said PT Telkom Indonesia’s director of network & IT solutions, Herlan Wijanarko, without giving further details.

Wijanarko said the company, in collaboration with authorities at home and abroad, was investigating and trying to break the encryption that made data inaccessible.

Communication and Informatics Minister Budi Arie Setiadi told journalists that the government won’t pay the ransom.

“We have tried our best to carry out recovery while the (National Cyber and Crypto Agency) is currently carrying out forensics,” Setiadi added.

The head of that agency, Hinsa Siburian, said they had detected samples of the Lockbit 3.0 ransomware.

Pratama Persadha, Indonesia’s Cybersecurity Research Institute chairman, said the current cyberattack was the most severe in a series of ransomware attacks that have hit Indonesian government agencies and companies since 2017.

“The disruption to the national data center and days-long needed to recover the system means this ransomware attack was extraordinary,” Persadha said. “It shows that our cyber infrastructure and its server systems were not being handled well.”

He said a ransomware attack would be meaningless if the government had a good backup that could automatically take over the main server of the national data center during a cyberattack.

Indonesia’s central bank was attacked by ransomware in 2022, but public services were not affected. The health ministry’s Covid-19 app was hacked in 2021, exposing the personal data and health status of 1.3 million people.

Last year, an intelligence platform that monitors malicious activities in cyberspace, Dark Tracer, revealed that a hacker group known as the LockBit ransomware had claimed to have stolen 1.5 terabytes of data managed by Indonesia’s largest Islamic bank, Bank Syariah Indonesia.

pay cordial visit

The Associated Press


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  1. Understanding "pay a visit" Idiom: Meaning, Origins & Usage

    The Meaning of "Pay a Visit". "Pay a visit" means to go and see someone for a short period of time. It could be to check on their well-being or simply to catch up with them. The phrase is often used when referring to visiting friends or family members, but it can also be used in professional settings such as visiting clients or colleagues.

  2. What Does It Mean When Someone Says You Are Cordially Invited?

    Cordial Reminders of Boundaries. Some cordial invitations are boundaries being stated in a polite and friendly way. For example, you may be cordially reminded to refrain from speaking loudly while you're in a particular office. Similarly, you may be cordially invited to pay your bills via an online method, instead of physically visiting a store.

  3. Is It Correct to Say "You Are Cordially Invited"?

    It is correct to say, "You are cordially invited," as a formal way to express a deep desire for someone to attend an event or take action. Adding "cordially" to the phrase "You are invited" shows enthusiasm and formality without overwhelming an acquaintance or coworker with emotion. "Cordially" gives a subtle increase of emotion ...

  4. What Does Cordially Invited Mean: Unraveling the Etiquette of

    The cordial invitation is a way to ensure the retiree feels valued and appreciated by their colleagues, friends, and family.Finally, celebration cordial invitations can encompass a wide variety of events, including baby showers, housewarming parties, and more. When announcing a joyful occasion, a cordial invitation communicates enthusiasm and a ...

  5. cordial visit

    Mr. Lantos characterized the visit as "cordial" and noted that he and Mr. Leach met at length with several top North Korean officials, including the country's top nuclear negotiator, Kim Kye Gwan; the foreign minister, Paek Nam Sun; and Gen. Li Chan Bok of the North Korean Army.

  6. pay a courtesy visit

    pay a courtesy visit. from inspiring English sources. The phrase 'pay a courtesy visit' is correct and usable in written English. You can use this phrase when you visit someone out of politeness or formality. For example: "We paid a courtesy visit to our elderly neighbor to check on her wellbeing."

  7. Invitation email with 7 samples and a template

    2. Reply to the interview invitation email sample. In this reply to the interview invitation sample, we provide a ready-made template to agree to the interview time and date. Good luck! Hi (Recipient's name), Thank you for inviting me to interview for the post of (job name). I can confirm that I will be attending.

  8. difference

    1. The word pay in "pay a visit" can imply some kind of urgency, need, obligation, or recompense. I just chipped my tooth on something hard in that salad, it might have been a piece of walnut shell. I'm going to have to pay the dentist a visit. If those bullies have been stealing your lunch money, we're going to have to pay the principal a visit.


    PAY A VISIT definition: 1. to visit a person or place, usually for a short time: 2. to visit a person or place, usually…. Learn more.

  10. Pay a visit to Definition & Meaning

    pay a visit to: [idiom] to go somewhere to spend time with (someone, such as a friend or relative) : to visit.

  11. Manage Your KAY Jewelers Credit Card

    To pay or manage your card account, choose your card to begin. For Comenity Bank Cardholders. 855-506-2499 (TDD/TTY 1-800-695-1788) MY ACCOUNT. ... Personalize Your Visit. Tell us what you are looking for and we'll create a personalized page based on your interests to help you find the perfect item. I'm looking for:

  12. cordial visits

    Despite the clashing memories of the Holocaust, the visit was cordial, and after a year of tensions, Benedict and Jewish leaders affirmed a commitment to strengthening ties. 4 The New York Times LOCAL FLAVOR Expect polite and cordial treatment during your visit, but you may want to avoid having a bachelor party here. 5 The New York Times ...

  13. Cordial Visit synonyms

    6 other terms for cordial visit - words and phrases with similar meaning. Lists. synonyms. antonyms. definitions.

  14. 19 Words and Phrases for Pay A Formal Visit

    19 other terms for pay a formal visit- words and phrases with similar meaning

  15. How to Politely Ask for Payment (with email samples)

    Add your bank account or payment provider information to your payment request. If you're asking someone to pay you, make it as easy as possible for your client. Put the payment information in the invoice email and on the invoice itself, along with all the business contact details.

  16. CorrectPay: Commissary Deposits, Video Visits, and Messaging

    You can make a deposit through the lobby kiosk located in the jail, on our website, or by calling toll-free 855-836-3364

  17. Cordial HP

    At Cordial Healthcare Providers, your health and safety are our top priority. Rest assured that we are taking every safety precaution possible to protect you and our medical provider during in-home visit. Our medical providers are fully vaccinated and have the required personal protective equipment (PPE) if needed to conduct in-home visits safely.

  18. Pay (someone) a visit Definition & Meaning

    The meaning of PAY (SOMEONE) A VISIT is to go somewhere to visit (someone). How to use pay (someone) a visit in a sentence.

  19. What is Fred's hope for inviting Scrooge to Christmas?

    So he invites Scrooge to Christmas dinner with his family, hoping against hope that old Ebeneezer will have a sudden change of heart and accept. He doesn't. In fact, not only does he turn down ...

  20. Funeral Etiquette: How to Pay a Condolence Visit

    The best thing to say at a condolence visit is what is in your heart…and then switch and put on your listening ears. Express your sadness and share memories, but also be prepared to support your friend or relative however they need. For most people, this means offering your understanding without intruding in the conversation.

  21. Amazon One Medical Pay-Per-Visit Service

    Amazon One Medical now offers customers two ways to get convenient, high-quality health care: Pay-per-visit telehealth for 30+ common conditions (like pink eye, the flu, or a sinus infection), or Membership where customers pay a monthly or annual fee for on-demand virtual care, easy booking of same and next-day appointments at One Medical offices, and a differentiated primary care experience.

  22. Cordials, Squash & Concentrates

    Mazoe Cream Soda Cordial 2L. R69.99. Add to cart. Drink-O-Pop Ginger-Beer Flavoured Sweete Sweetened Drink Concentrate 200ml. R18.99. Add to cart. « 1 2 ». Shop Cordials, Squash & Concentrates Online Scheduled Next-Day Delivery On-Demand Delivery Click n Collect Smart Shopper Loyalty Shop your Favourites.

  23. Vietnam govt says PM to pay working visit to China June 24-27

    Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh will pay a working visit to China from June 24 to 27, and will attend a meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) during his trip, the government said on ...

  24. Pay A Friendly Visit synonyms

    19 other terms for pay a friendly visit- words and phrases with similar meaning

  25. Four-Star Offensive Tackle Austin Pay Took BYU Official Visit

    Last weekend, BYU hosted a large group of official visitors on campus.One recruit that was a late addition was local four-star offensive tackle prospect Austin Pay. Pay, the younger brother of BYU ...

  26. Supreme Court blocks Purdue Pharma opioid bankruptcy settlement

    The Supreme Court blocked Purdue Pharma's bankruptcy deal that would've contributed billions of dollars to pay victims and combat the opioid epidemic in exchange for immunizing the wealthy ...

  27. Record flooding inundates northwest Iowa, prompts evacuations, isolates

    Historic flooding struck parts of Iowa over the weekend, damaging nearly 2,000 properties and prompting evacuations and disaster declarations.

  28. Inflation vs. wages: How rising prices stack up against growing pay

    Last month, McDonald's USA President Joe Erlanger cited higher pay as a factor in the chain's menu price hikes. "The average price of a Big Mac in the U.S. was $4.39 in 2019," he said.

  29. Indonesia won't pay an $8 million ransom after a cyberattack

    JAKARTA, Indonesia — Indonesia's national data center has been compromised by a hacking group asking for an $8 million ransom that the government says it won't pay. The cyberattack has ...

  30. Pay A Respectful Visit synonyms

    19 other terms for pay a respectful visit- words and phrases with similar meaning