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Our Misson, Vision & Values

mission statement examples travel agency

Travelling and connecting with places and people is so important to us, it’s the cornerstone of why Welcome to Travel exists.

We believe that travelling broadens the mind and changes the way you think. The people you meet and the experiences you have give you an improved ability to empathise with different situations and people.

Travel is the best way to learn about the world and how it works. Our experiences both travelling and working in travel have led us to where we are today, and to Welcome to Travel’s Mission Statement, Vision Statement and Values.

Our Mission

Through travel, we connect people to positive experiences enabling them to see the world differently.

To create a world where everyone is encouraged to travel.

Aim for positive

Quality always wins, community is key, encourage growth, lead by example, value every relationship, back yourself, do what is right.

mission statement examples travel agency

  • [email protected]
  • (03) 7065 9970
  • 6b 300 King Street, Melbourne, VIC, 3000
  • 812B, George Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000

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Our mission, vision and values

Our vision is the future we want to achieve. Our mission is what we do every day to bring that vision to life.

Helping people and companies travel smart and achieve more

Solve it together

Collaboration connects us. There’s no problem so tough that we can’t tackle it together. Working as a team, we harness the wisdom (and energy!) of the crowd.

Act with purpose

We embrace change and foster innovation. Our creativity and drive are positively contagious – and they get results.

Do what’s right

We operate openly and foster transparency. Our team members, clients and communities always know where we stand.

Give your best

Passion powers us. We believe the only way to do great work is to love what you do. We’re inspired by the people and places around us.

Feed the future

When we give others the tools, skills and opportunities to succeed, they flourish. When we give ourselves the same, we’re unstoppable.

Our commitment to diversity and inclusion

Experience shows that our differences fuel innovation for our company, clients and communities. We bring different voices, backgrounds and perspectives into our workforce—and nurture and celebrate them once they’re here. We treat everyone with respect, dignity and fairness. We empower each person to develop their Confident Self to the fullest. We’re committed to making a positive impact in the lives of others.

A message from our Global Executive Team

As a travel company, we exist to bring people together. When people come together, they create opportunities for shared experience, dialogue, and growth.

Around the world, civil protests against ongoing social injustices continue to highlight the stark inequalities that prevent some people from being empowered participants in these opportunities.

As a company, we’ve traditionally stayed out of public debate on social issues; our focus has been on the work of providing a safe, respectful and inclusive work environment for all our people. However, in an atmosphere of heightened awareness and involvement, we believe it’s important to add our voices to the discussion and share our perspective with you.

We can’t all personally understand the experiences of those who are affected by social injustice—but we can all have the empathy to understand that these inequalities can’t be tolerated. We wholeheartedly support all those who press for justice, and we are saddened by those few whose violent and destructive actions distract from the importance of the issues at hand. And we stand with the individual members of our BCD family around the world who have been directly or indirectly affected by far-reaching legacies of inequality.

BCD’s commitment to diversity and inclusion is longstanding. We recognize that we must always strive to do better by our people and our communities, and that our work in this area can never be “done.” As part of that discussion, we’re challenging ourselves to further listen and strengthen our approach to a diverse and inclusive workplace. From offering our people additional training and resources to re-evaluating the impact of our initiatives, we’re committed to moving forward in the spirit of humanity and humility.

Our commitment is rooted in our core values. In tackling tough challenges as a team (Solve it together), driving change (Act with purpose), advocating for justice (Do what’s right), making things happen (Give your best) and empowering ourselves and others (Feed the future), we move toward a better tomorrow.

We truly believe that social injustice and the COVID pandemic are linked by what they represent: Both reveal an infection we have yet to overcome. We all have a role to play in fighting the infection. And it’s only by embracing that role that we—and our communities—will flourish.

About BCD Travel

BCD Travel helps companies travel smart and achieve more. We drive program adoption, cost savings and talent retention through digital experiences that simplify business travel. Our 15,000+ dedicated team members service clients in 170+ countries as we shape a sustainable future for business travel. BCD’s leading meetings and events management and global consultancy services complete our comprehensive suite of solutions for all aspects of corporate travel. In 2023, BCD achieved US$20.3 billion in sales. For more information, visit www.bcdtravel.com .

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Travel agency mission statement examples.

When it comes to the travel industry, having a clear mission statement is essential. A mission statement is a brief statement that outlines the purpose and goals of a business. It is a guiding principle that helps a company stay focused on its objectives and values. In this article, we will explore various travel agency mission statement examples and how they play a vital role in the industry.

What Does a Travel Agency Mission Statement Mean?

A travel agency’s mission statement is a statement that defines the company’s primary purpose and its objectives. It is a declaration of the agency’s core values and what it seeks to achieve. A mission statement is an opportunity for a travel agency to differentiate itself from its competitors by stating its unique selling proposition (USP).

Travel Agency Mission Statement

A mission statement is not just a tagline or a catchy phrase. It is a strategic statement that guides a company’s decision-making process. A mission statement should be concise, memorable, and easy to understand. It should inspire employees, customers, and stakeholders to align with the company’s vision and goals.

The Importance of a Travel Agency Mission Statement

A travel agency’s mission statement is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it helps the agency to define its identity and purpose. A clear mission statement enables the agency to focus its resources and efforts on its core objectives. Secondly, a well-crafted mission statement helps to differentiate the agency from competitors in the market. It enables customers to understand what the agency stands for and what it can offer that is unique.

Travel Agency Goals

Thirdly, a mission statement helps to guide the agency’s decision-making process. It ensures that all business decisions align with the company’s values and objectives. Fourthly, a mission statement inspires employees to work towards a common goal. It creates a sense of purpose and fosters a positive work culture.

Examples of Travel Agency Mission Statements

Here are some examples of travel agency mission statements:

Each of these travel agencies has a unique mission statement that reflects their values and objectives. Expedia’s mission statement focuses on using technology to revolutionize the travel industry. TripAdvisor’s mission statement emphasizes helping people plan and book the perfect trip. Booking.com’s mission statement is centered on empowering people to experience the world. Travelocity’s mission statement aims to inspire and enable travel for everyone. Priceline’s mission statement highlights the importance of technology in helping people experience the world.

A mission statement is an essential component of any travel agency’s business strategy. It defines the company’s purpose and objectives, differentiates it from competitors, guides decision-making, and inspires employees to work towards a common goal. By understanding the importance of a travel agency mission statement and learning from the examples above, travel agencies can create a clear, concise, and impactful statement that will guide their business towards success.

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  • Inspiration , Operations

Mission statement examples: 16 of the best to inspire you

A stylized illustration of a rocket on a planetary surface against a starry sky, designed with Biteable video maker.

  • 15 Jun 2021

More than just a planning exercise, a mission statement focuses your leadership team, inspires employees, and communicates your core values to the larger world.

All in a single sentence. Magic.

A mission statement is one of the most important documents in your company’s arsenal, but it’s also one of the most difficult to craft. We’ve gathered 16 of the best company mission statement examples to help get your creativity flowing.

Level up with a mission statement video:  Deliver your mission statement with the most engaging communication medium — video. Turn your company’s mission statement into a video with Biteable. Start with a brandable  mission statement video template  and let Biteable’s smart editing features do all the heavy lifting for you.

Create videos that drive action

Activate your audience with impactful, on-brand videos. Create them simply and collaboratively with Biteable.

What is a mission statement?

A mission statement sums up the core of who your company is and why it exists. It’s  raison d’etre , if you want to get fancy and speak a little French.

Company mission statements are typically short and sweet, only a sentence or two. And the best mission statements are anything but boring.

When done right, your company’s mission statement acts as a powerful driver that informs every aspect of your organization, from daily operations, to customer loyalty, to employee satisfaction. When done wrong, a mission statement is just another line of jargon everyone pretty much ignores.

Take the Starbucks company mission statement as an example:  To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.

Starbucks could have said:  To challenge the predominant infrastructure of coffee culture and develop a network of coffeehouses in every major market.

Did your eyes glaze over on that second one? Ours too. While technically true, our made-up example of a company mission statement is full of dreaded corporate-speak. It belongs deep in the bowels of a strategic plan, not as it’s headline.

On the other hand, the real Starbucks mission statement makes us want to be a part of it all. And even more than that, it conveys a sense of the beating heart behind the company.

The best mission statements do just this — clearly convey a company’s reason for existing, in language that is exceedingly human.

Mission statements vs. vision statements — what’s the diff?

It’s easy to confuse vision statements and mission statements. But there are a few important differences.

A vision statement is aspirational. It outlines where your company strives to be in the future — whether that is one year from now or ten. In contrast, a mission statement spells out where your company is right now.

Think of your company’s vision statement as a long-term goal post. The end point towards which you are working. If your vision statement is a goal post, then your mission statement is what drives you toward that goal post.

Why your company mission statement is important

You’ll probably write your company mission statement during your strategic planning because it’s a valuable tool that helps your leadership team make big-picture decisions. Chances are, you’ll even look at examples of other company mission statements to help you craft your own.

But the purpose of a mission statement goes far beyond strategic planning.

Consumers value mission-driven companies

It’s no secret that today’s consumer values a company with, well, values. These values don’t have to be centered around saving the world. But they do need to be clear, focused, and genuine.

A 2020 study  by global communications agency Zeno Group found that if consumers think a company has a strong purpose, they are:

  • 4 times  more likely to purchase from the company
  • 4.5 times  more likely to recommend the company to family and friends
  • 6 times  more likely to defend the company in the wake of public criticism

Think about this in terms of your personal life. The more you connect with a person, the more likely you are to invite them over for coffee, introduce them to your other friends, and come to their defense. The same is true for the companies we buy from.

We humans value connection and a shared sense of purpose. All things equal, your company’s mission statement can be a powerful differentiator.

Employees want a sense of purpose

Just as your company mission statement makes an impact on consumer sentiment, the same can be said about employee sentiment.

According to a recent Gallup poll  Gen Z and millennials (who make up nearly half of the full-time workforce in the US) value belonging to a company with a strong moral compass. They appreciate ethical leadership, and they want to know that their own work has a positive impact on the world at large.

The more effectively human resources and the rest of the leadership team communicates the company’s mission to rank and file employees, the better.

But it doesn’t stop there. It is equally important to put your money where your mouth is, so to speak. If your company mission places value on the environment, do you give your employees opportunities to act upon these values in their everyday work life?

The most effective company mission statements are clear and actionable, from the products a company makes all the way down to the food in the employee cafeteria.

How to write an effective mission statement without a lot of headache

Understanding mission statements is one thing. Actually sitting down to write your company’s own mission statement is quite another.

But if you take the time to do it right, the process is a really useful exercise. Think of this as a chance to clarify and fine tune your purpose so you can point the company in the right direction for years to come.

Brainstorming your company mission statement

To get started, gather your leadership team and brainstorm answers to these four questions. If you are the solo founder of a fledgling company, gather key stakeholders or a handful of your professional mentors instead.

Aim for a short paragraph on each question.

  • Why does our company exist?
  • What value do our products or services bring to consumers?
  • What core beliefs guide our work?
  • What makes our company different, better, or more inspiring than our competitors?

After you brainstorm answers to these questions, review your answers and highlight the concepts that are central to your company. You might also pick a few company mission statement examples from businesses you admire and use those to help guide you.

If this brainstorming discussion took place with a group of people, now’s the time to send one or two individuals off to winnow the answers down to a couple of sentences.

Task this pair with writing several drafts of a mission statement, so the final decision makers have choices to work with.

This group process might seem cumbersome, but remember, your company mission statement is a core document. It should reflect the thought processes of as many stakeholders as possible.

Finalizing your work

After you land on a mission statement, do one final check to make sure it meets these criteria:

Plausibility:  Your mission statement is big-picture, but it should ultimately tie back to your everyday business operations. At least in a broad sense.

Readability:  No corporate speak or jargon. Avoid unnecessarily big words or complex sentences. Keep it simple.

  • Voice:  Now isn’t the time to be dry and boring. Use language that’s active and compelling. Your mission statement should reflect the unique voice and culture of your company.

Pro-tip:  Give your mission statement more reach by creating both a text and video version. The video can be simple, just an eye-catching background, animated text, and a soundtrack.

Include your mission statement video as part of hiring announcements or other  HR video communications . Or send it over to your marketing team to use as a Facebook cover, website content, and more.

Company mission statement examples: 16 of the best

How do other leading companies tackle their mission statements? We searched far and wide for the best company mission statement examples.

Starbucks Mission Statement Example

1. Starbucks: Inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.

The Seattle-based coffee giant originated in 1971 and has since become ubiquitous around the world.

Starbucks mission statement :   Inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.

Why it works:  We touched on the Starbucks mission statement earlier, but we’ll elaborate more here. We included this example of the Starbucks company mission statement because it works well for two reasons: it’s ambitious without being overreaching, and it uses down-to-earth language.

Inspiring and nurturing the human spirit isn’t directly related to coffee. But considering the role the company played in reviving coffee house culture in the US, the human spirit and a sense of community doesn’t seem like too big of a stretch. The second part of the statement is exceedingly tangible. It paints a small-scale picture of the company and its work.

The Honest Co - Mission Statement Example

2. Honest Company: Meaningful transparency and thoughtful design. We’re on a mission to change the world, one product at a time.

Honest Company made headlines when it went public in mid-2021, with founder Jessica Alba as the youngest-ever Latina to list a company on the New York Stock Exchange.

Honest Company mission statement :   Meaningful transparency and thoughtful design. We’re on a mission to change the world, one product at a time.

Why it works:  As a company committed to creating “clean” baby products, a mission of meaningful transparency and thoughtful design is two-fold. It’s a necessary part of their business practices, and it also speaks to consumers looking for a higher standard in their products.

Being on a “mission to change the world” might be a bit of a stretch. But considering the  baby products market  is projected to be worth $88.72 billion US dollars worldwide by 2026, maybe it isn’t such a huge stretch after all.

Patagonia - Mission Statement Example

3. Patagonia: We’re in business to save our home planet

The outdoor apparel and equipment company is known for its social and environmental activism.

Patagonia mission statement :   We’re in business to save our home planet.

Why it works:  Patagonia is often used as a good company mission statement example, and for a reason. Although it’s wildly lofty, the company really does put their money where their mouth is.

Patagonia originally began as a scrappy company specializing in steel pitons for rock climbing. But when the founders realized their gear damaged the rock face they so loved, they pivoted to low-impact aluminum chocks.

From the moment Patagonia pivoted to aluminum chocks, it became an environment-first company with far-reaching efforts built into every aspect of their business practices.

Microsoft - Mission Statement Example

4. Microsoft: To empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more

The software giant is currently valued at  approaching $2 trillion .

Microsoft mission statement :   To empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.

Why it works:  Notice, Microsoft’s company mission statement makes no mention of software, or PCs, or technology at any level.

This isn’t to say the company is focused on something other than tech. But by concentrating on the “why” not the “what” of the business, this mission statement example remains flexible and agile. No matter where the market moves, Microsoft aims to increase productivity with it’s products.

Square - Mission Statement Example

5. Square: Everyone should be able to participate and thrive in the economy.

Square’s point-of-sale and online payment platforms came out on top during the pandemic. But even before that time, the company was a leader in POS products.

Square mission statement :   Everyone should be able to participate and thrive in the economy.

Why it works:  The company’s extended mission statement goes on to say: No one should be left out of the economy because the cost is too great or the technology too complex.

Similar to Microsoft’s mission statement, Square leaves room for agility here. It aims to produce simple, low-cost payment products, regardless of where the market takes it. We also appreciate Square’s focus on who the company serves and why.

Pinterest - Mission Statement Example

6. Pinterest: Bring everyone the inspiration to create a life they love.

Ah, Pinterest. Inspiration central for crafters everywhere, but also a valuable tool for businesses looking for new marketing platforms.

Pinterest mission statement :   Bring everyone the inspiration to create a life they love.

Why it works:  More than the words it uses, we appreciate how Pinterest discusses the ways its mission evolved along with the company.

According to Pinterest, the platform was originally conceived as “a tool to help people collect the things they were passionate about online.” It quickly became clear that people most enjoy using the site to get inspiration from others. And with this, Pinterest’s current mission was born.

Target - Mission Statement Example

7. Target: Help all families discover the joy of everyday life

Fun fact: According to Target’s website, 75% of the US population lives within 10 miles of a store. And why not? Everyone loves a trip to good old Target.

Target mission statement :   Help all families discover the joy of everyday life.

Why it works:  This company mission statement example is equal parts broad and super-specific, depending on how you look at it.

It speaks to Target’s affordable products, geared toward everyday people. But this mission statement can also easily extend to the company’s focus on community giving, corporate responsibility, and creating a positive employee experience.

Southwest Airlines - Mission Statement Example

8. Southwest Airlines: Connect people to what’s important in their lives through friendly, reliable, and low-cost air travel

The smallest of the “big four” US airlines, Southwest is known for its friendly crew and affordable ticket prices.

Southwest Airlines mission statement :   Connect people to what’s important in their lives through friendly, reliable, and low-cost air travel.

Why it works:  Maybe you can chalk it up to the company’s southern roots, but Southwest consistently ranks high for customer service. Its mission of connecting people to what’s important in their lives touches on this value.

Southwest sees itself as doing more than just moving people from point A to point B.

Spotify - Mission Statement Example

9. Spotify: To unlock the potential of human creativity — by giving a million creative artists the opportunity to live off their art and billions of fans the opportunity to enjoy and be inspired by it

The Swedish audio streaming platform currently has 356 million users across 178 markets.

Spotify mission statement :   To unlock the potential of human creativity — by giving a million creative artists the opportunity to live off their art and billions of fans the opportunity to enjoy and be inspired by it.

Why it works:  We included this example because, technically speaking, this is a mission statement and a vision statement combined into one.

When you write your mission statement, it’s important not to confuse the two. But for marketing purposes, wrapping a mission statement and a vision statement up into one shiny package sometimes works very well.

Google - Mission Statement Example

10. Google: Organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful

This one needs no introduction. After all, to Google is officially listed in Merriam-Webster as a transitive verb. If that isn’t a sign of a powerful company, we don’t know what is.

Google mission statement :   Organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.

Why it works:  Google’s effectiveness is centered around its algorithms. At its heart, an algorithm is a system for organizing information. So Google pretty much nailed it here.

We also appreciate the focus on making information “universally accessible and useful.” Google is arguably the most powerful search engine in the world, yet it’s simple enough for anyone to use. Universally accessible and useful sums that up nicely.

Nike - Mission Statement Example

11. Nike: Bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. If you have a body, you are an athlete

The Oregon-based footwear, apparel, and sports equipment company was founded in 1964 and is now synonymous with athletics.

Nike mission statement :   Bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. If you have a body, you are an athlete.

Why it works:  We admit, we like the asterisk more than we like the actual mission statement. Nike outfits some of the biggest names in professional sports, but its mission specifies “if you have a body, you are an athlete.” The word “inclusion” doesn’t appear in the company’s mission statement, but it says it — and then some — in so many words.

CVS - Mission Statement Example

12. CVS: Helping people on their path to better health

Founded as a drugstore in 1963 by brothers Stanley and Sidney Goldstein and partner Ralph Hoagland, CVS bills itself as a “health care innovation company that is reinventing pharmacy.”

CVS mission statement :   Helping people on their path to better health.

Why it works:  This isn’t one of the most inventive examples of a company mission statement, and it also seems somewhat obvious for a drugstore. But CVS embodies its mission in some pretty bold ways. In 2014, it became the  first national pharmacy in the US  to stop selling cigarettes and tobacco products.

Harley Davidson - Mission Statement Example

13. Harley Davidson: More than building machines, we stand for the timeless pursuit of adventure. Freedom for the soul

Harley-Davidson was founded in Milwaukee in 1903, and it remains one of the most popular motorcycle brands.

Harley Davidson mission statement :   More than building machines, we stand for the timeless pursuit of adventure. Freedom for the soul.

Why it works:  Harley-Davidson is known not only for its iconic design and distinctive engine sound, but also for the unique subculture of Harley riders.

Although Harley enthusiasts might balk at the idea, the company is as much a lifestyle brand as it is a motorcycle manufacturer. And that lifestyle delivers just what is promised in the company’s mission statement: adventure and freedom. And a whole lot of leather.

Dove - Mission Statement Example

14. Dove: Help women everywhere develop a positive relationship with the way they look, helping them raise their self-esteem and realize their full potential

What started as a single product — the Dove Beauty Bar — grew into a major line of personal care products used by women around the world.

Dove mission statement :   Help women everywhere develop a positive relationship with the way they look, helping them raise their self-esteem and realize their full potential.

Why it works:  The company’s mission statement combines seamlessly with their vision statement, which says, “We believe beauty should be a source of confidence, and not anxiety.”

Dove delivers on this promise with its far-reaching body positivity campaigns, research initiatives, and self-esteem projects.

Livestrong - Mission Statement Example

15. Livestrong: Which everyday cancer problem will we fix today?

Livestrong is a nonprofit organization that supports people living with or affected by cancer.

Livestrong mission statement :   Which everyday cancer problem will we fix today?

Why it works:  Because selling products and services to consumers isn’t part of the equation, nonprofit mission statements differ from those of their for-profit counterparts. But we included Livestrong here, because it has such a unique mission statement.

Very few mission statements are in the form of a question. This was very intentional on the part of Livestrong. As the company puts it on their mission page, “We have a Mission Question, not a Mission Statement, because we believe that we can only achieve the best solutions through asking the right questions.”

TED - Mission Statement Example

16. TED: Spread ideas.

The media company solicits keynote-style talks from some of the best minds and makes these available, for free, via video and through their podcast,

Ted mission statement :   Spread ideas.

Why it works:  This is another company mission statement example that makes the rounds on the best-of lists. You can almost imagine the lengthy thought process that transpired as TED execs winnowed their mission statement down to just two words. Two words! But that’s all they need.

This mission statement doesn’t say they are “creating opportunities for…” or “gathering the brightest minds to…” They do all of these things as well. But at the very core of the organization, their mission is to spread ideas.

In those two words, they say it all.

FAQs about company mission statements

These company mission statement examples are just a sample of what’s possible when a company really takes the time to craft a thoughtful mission statement. To help you write yours, here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about mission statements.

What should a company mission statement include?

A company mission statement should include one or two strong, well-written sentences that talk about why a company exists, the value it brings to its customers, the core beliefs that drive its work, and what sets it apart from other companies doing similar work.

What are the 3 parts of a mission statement?

The three parts of a mission statement are:

  • Mission and purpose:  the main reason a company exists. Its purpose in a broad sense.
  • Values:  the core values that drive everyday decisions and behavior in the company.
  • Goals:  what the company hopes to achieve by sticking close to its mission and values.

What is a strong mission statement?

A strong mission statement is short and actionable. The strongest company mission statements are written in accessible language (no corporate speak) that reflects a company’s unique culture and voice. A good mission statement is lofty, but also ties back to a company’s everyday business practices.

What is Coca Cola’s mission statement?

Coca Cola’s mission statement is  “to refresh the world in mind, body, and spirit, to inspire moments of optimism and happiness through our brands and actions, and to create value and make a difference.”

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Is your mission statement falling flat? Give it wings by turning mission inspiration into video sensation. Biteable is the video maker designed with business communications in mind. With hundreds of workplace-ready templates and brandable video scenes, you can create your first video in less time than it takes to ask “What is our purpose, anyway?”

Need other business, HR, or  internal comms video  ideas? We’ve got loads more where this came from.

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Company Mission Statement Examples

Mission Statement and Philosophy

Our quest is to manage business travel and fulfill vacation dreams through our commitment to personalized, world-class service.

As members of the [Company Name] management team, we provide the highest level of travel management in the industry.

We believe that consistent, ethical and quality performance with our customers, vendors, employees and community will result in loyal, long-term relationships.

We believe our service should exceed industry standards and be the best value for the customer.

We will create a profit that will enhance the lives of our employees and, in part, will be given back to the community through programs and services.

We believe that through shared decision-making, our company will proactively and successfully meet the challenges of the future.

We can never be less than the best.

Our Mission

To be a high performance company that:

  • Attracts customers and exceeds their expectations.
  • Provides an enriching, fulfilling and rewarding environment for employees.
  • values long-term relationships with suppliers.
  • Serves and supports the community.
  • Achieves solid financial performance.

General Mission Statement

We are committed to excellence in providing compassionate, personalized health care through:

  • Mutual trust and respect.
  • Education and leadership.
  • Efficiency and service.
  • Access and quality.

We believe that by working together, we will improve the health of the community we serve.

Our mission is to be the quality leader, service leader, technology leader and value-added leader in all areas of reprographics, especially large format presentation graphics. We will provide a variety of solutions to the design community and the corporate world for the imaging and dissemination of their designs and documents. We will support our customers by providing the most diverse choice of quality products and services that they require to be the leaders in their field, to improve their performance, be more efficient and enhance their competitive position. We will endeavor to serve our customers in such a manner that they will be totally satisfied with [ Company Name] and will not want to use anyone else for their reprographic needs.

We will continually reinforce our reputation for superior personal service by providing respect, training, involvement, recognition, reward, security and advancement opportunities to our associates.

We will conduct research and development, use state-of-the-art equipment and review our methods of operation in a never ending effort to continually improve the quality of the products and services we offer.

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Luxury Boutique Travel Agency

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Vilu Travel Designers

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  • We are a team that is SUCCESSFUL when our clients are happy.


Travel Agency Business Plan Template & Guidebook

Whether you are looking to start a travel agency from the ground up or simply update your current business plan, the #1 Travel Agency Business Plan Template & Guidebook provides a comprehensive resource for entrepreneurs. The intuitive step-by-step guidebook walks through the process of creating and organizing a business plan that will make launching and running a successful travel agency easier than ever before. With expert tips, financial analysis templates, and more, this Travel Agency Business Plan Template & Guidebook provides all the tools necessary to create the perfect business plan.


Get worry-free services and support to launch your business starting at $0 plus state fees.

  • How to Start a Profitable Travel Agency Business [11 Steps]
  • 10+ Best & Profitable Travel Agency Business Ideas [2023]

How to Write a Travel Agency Business Plan in 7 Steps:

1. describe the purpose of your travel agency business..

The first step to writing your business plan is to describe the purpose of your travel agency business. This includes describing why you are starting this type of business, and what problems it will solve for customers. This is a quick way to get your mind thinking about the customers’ problems. It also helps you identify what makes your business different from others in its industry.

It also helps to include a vision statement so that readers can understand what type of company you want to build.

Here is an example of a purpose mission statement for a travel agency business:

Our mission at [Travel Agency] is to provide customers with the hassle-free and cost-effective travel experience that best meets their individual needs and exceeds their expectations. We strive to make travel an enjoyable and memorable experience for each and every one of our customers.

Image of Zenbusiness business formation

2. Products & Services Offered by Your Travel Agency Business.

The next step is to outline your products and services for your travel agency business. 

When you think about the products and services that you offer, it's helpful to ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is my business?
  • What are the products and/or services that I offer?
  • Why am I offering these particular products and/or services?
  • How do I differentiate myself from competitors with similar offerings?
  • How will I market my products and services?

You may want to do a comparison of your business plan against those of other competitors in the area, or even with online reviews. This way, you can find out what people like about them and what they don’t like, so that you can either improve upon their offerings or avoid doing so altogether.

Image of Zenbusiness business formation

3. Build a Creative Marketing Stratgey.

If you don't have a marketing plan for your travel agency business, it's time to write one. Your marketing plan should be part of your business plan and be a roadmap to your goals. 

A good marketing plan for your travel agency business includes the following elements:

Target market

  • Who is your target market?
  • What do these customers have in common?
  • How many of them are there?
  • How can you best reach them with your message or product?

Customer base 

  • Who are your current customers? 
  • Where did they come from (i.e., referrals)?
  • How can their experience with your travel agency business help make them repeat customers, consumers, visitors, subscribers, or advocates for other people in their network or industry who might also benefit from using this service, product, or brand?

Product or service description

  • How does it work, what features does it have, and what are its benefits?
  • Can anyone use this product or service regardless of age or gender?
  • Can anyone visually see themselves using this product or service?
  • How will they feel when they do so? If so, how long will the feeling last after purchasing (or trying) the product/service for the first time?

Competitive analysis

  • Which companies are competing with yours today (and why)? 
  • Which ones may enter into competition with yours tomorrow if they find out about it now through word-of-mouth advertising; social media networks; friends' recommendations; etc.)
  • What specific advantages does each competitor offer over yours currently?

Marketing channels

  • Which marketing channel do you intend to leverage to attract new customers?
  • What is your estimated marketing budget needed?
  • What is the projected cost to acquire a new customer?
  • How many of your customers do you instead will return?

Form an LLC in your state!

mission statement examples travel agency

4. Write Your Operational Plan.

Next, you'll need to build your operational plan. This section describes the type of business you'll be running, and includes the steps involved in your operations. 

In it, you should list:

  • The equipment and facilities needed
  • Who will be involved in the business (employees, contractors)
  • Financial requirements for each step
  • Milestones & KPIs
  • Location of your business
  • Zoning & permits required for the business

What equipment, supplies, or permits are needed to run a travel agency business?

To run a Travel Agency business, you will need the following equipment, supplies, and permits:

  • Computer and/or laptop with internet access
  • Printer/copier/scanner
  • Travel Agency Software
  • Stationery Supplies (envelopes, notepads, pens, etc.)
  • Business cards
  • Business License/Permit from your local government
  • Travel Accreditation (IATA / CLIA)

5. Management & Organization of Your Travel Agency Business.

The second part of your travel agency business plan is to develop a management and organization section.

This section will cover all of the following:

  • How many employees you need in order to run your travel agency business. This should include the roles they will play (for example, one person may be responsible for managing administrative duties while another might be in charge of customer service).
  • The structure of your management team. The higher-ups like yourself should be able to delegate tasks through lower-level managers who are directly responsible for their given department (inventory and sales, etc.).
  • How you’re going to make sure that everyone on board is doing their job well. You’ll want check-ins with employees regularly so they have time to ask questions or voice concerns if needed; this also gives you time to offer support where necessary while staying informed on how things are going within individual departments too!

6. Travel Agency Business Startup Expenses & Captial Needed.

This section should be broken down by month and year. If you are still in the planning stage of your business, it may be helpful to estimate how much money will be needed each month until you reach profitability.

Typically, expenses for your business can be broken into a few basic categories:

Startup Costs

Startup costs are typically the first expenses you will incur when beginning an enterprise. These include legal fees, accounting expenses, and other costs associated with getting your business off the ground. The amount of money needed to start a travel agency business varies based on many different variables, but below are a few different types of startup costs for a travel agency business.

Running & Operating Costs

Running costs refer to ongoing expenses related directly with operating your business over time like electricity bills or salaries paid out each month. These types of expenses will vary greatly depending on multiple variables such as location, team size, utility costs, etc.

Marketing & Sales Expenses

You should include any costs associated with marketing and sales, such as advertising and promotions, website design or maintenance. Also, consider any additional expenses that may be incurred if you decide to launch a new product or service line. For example, if your travel agency business has an existing website that needs an upgrade in order to sell more products or services, then this should be listed here.

7. Financial Plan & Projections

A financial plan is an important part of any business plan, as it outlines how the business will generate revenue and profit, and how it will use that profit to grow and sustain itself. To devise a financial plan for your travel agency business, you will need to consider a number of factors, including your start-up costs, operating costs, projected revenue, and expenses. 

Here are some steps you can follow to devise a financial plan for your travel agency business plan:

  • Determine your start-up costs: This will include the cost of purchasing or leasing the space where you will operate your business, as well as the cost of buying or leasing any equipment or supplies that you need to start the business.
  • Estimate your operating costs: Operating costs will include utilities, such as electricity, gas, and water, as well as labor costs for employees, if any, and the cost of purchasing any materials or supplies that you will need to run your business.
  • Project your revenue: To project your revenue, you will need to consider the number of customers you expect to have and the average amount they will spend on each visit. You can use this information to estimate how much money you will make from selling your products or services.
  • Estimate your expenses: In addition to your operating costs, you will need to consider other expenses, such as insurance, marketing, and maintenance. You will also need to set aside money for taxes and other fees.
  • Create a budget: Once you have estimated your start-up costs, operating costs, revenue, and expenses, you can use this information to create a budget for your business. This will help you to see how much money you will need to start the business, and how much profit you can expect to make.
  • Develop a plan for using your profit: Finally, you will need to decide how you will use your profit to grow and sustain your business. This might include investing in new equipment, expanding the business, or saving for a rainy day.

mission statement examples travel agency

Frequently Asked Questions About Travel Agency Business Plans:

Why do you need a business plan for a travel agency business.

A business plan for a travel agency is essential for a number of reasons. It will help you to define your objectives and strategies, identify your target market, and assess the potential profitability of your business. It also serves as a roadmap for establishing key relationships with vendors, creating operational structures, and setting budgets. A business plan can also be used to demonstrate your commitment to potential investors or lenders, showing them that you have taken the time to understand the industry and create a realistic plan for success.

Who should you ask for help with your travel agency business plan?

You should ask a professional business consultant or accountant for help with your travel agency business plan. They will be able to provide the knowledge and experience necessary to develop a successful plan that meets your goals and objectives.

Can you write a travel agency business plan yourself?

Yes, it is possible to write a travel agency business plan yourself. Writing a business plan requires in-depth research, a clear understanding of your industry and the ability to articulate your strategies and objectives. This includes creating an executive summary, market analysis, details on the services you offer and a financial forecast. Additionally, you need to clearly define your travel agency’s mission statement and list out any unique features or goals. Once you have researched your industry and developed these key elements of the plan, you may be able to create an effective business plan on your own. However, it may be beneficial to consult with an expert in the field or hire someone to assist in the process.

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I'm Nick, co-founder of newfoundr.com, dedicated to helping aspiring entrepreneurs succeed. As a small business owner with over five years of experience, I have garnered valuable knowledge and insights across a diverse range of industries. My passion for entrepreneurship drives me to share my expertise with aspiring entrepreneurs, empowering them to turn their business dreams into reality.

Through meticulous research and firsthand experience, I uncover the essential steps, software, tools, and costs associated with launching and maintaining a successful business. By demystifying the complexities of entrepreneurship, I provide the guidance and support needed for others to embark on their journey with confidence.

From assessing market viability and formulating business plans to selecting the right technology and navigating the financial landscape, I am dedicated to helping fellow entrepreneurs overcome challenges and unlock their full potential. As a steadfast advocate for small business success, my mission is to pave the way for a new generation of innovative and driven entrepreneurs who are ready to make their mark on the world.


20+ Core Values: Examples for Travel and Accommodation Companies

By Status.net Editorial Team on March 29, 2023 — 3 minutes to read

Core values are an essential part of any company’s success: they can help build a strong team and gain customer loyalty, because when customers know that a company stands by its core values, they are more likely to do business with them. In this article you will find examples of core values for companies that fall into the following industries:

Travel and Accommodation

Travel and accommodation industry includes businesses that perform activities such as planning, booking, and management of any kind of travel, including flights, hotels, rental cars, cruises, and more. To stay competitive in this industry, companies must be able to provide customers with the most up-to-date services and products that meet their needs.

Some examples of common core values for these companies include customer service, flexibility, excellence, professionalism, safety, innovation.

  • Good customer service is essential for any business in this industry because it ensures that customers feel heard, respected, and satisfied with their experience.
  • Flexibility allows the business to adapt to changing customer needs in order to provide excellent experiences.
  • Excellence is key for any travel and accommodation business, as it ensures that customers receive the highest quality of service and products.
  • Professionalism is essential because it allows the business to build strong relationships with clients and partners.
  • Safety is critical for travel and accommodation companies to ensure that customers have a safe and secure experience.
  • Innovation allows the business to stay competitive in a rapidly changing market.

Learn more:

  • How to Write Inspiring Core Values? 5 Steps with Examples

How to Create a Perfect Company Mission, Vision, Values Statement? (Awesome Template)

See also: Best Vision and Mission Statements: Travel, Accommodation Companies  

Examples of core values for Travel and Accommodation Companies:

Four seasons hotels & resorts.

1. Supporting Sustainability 2. Building Communities 3. Advancing Cancer Research

Southwest Airlines

1. Work Hard 2. Desire to be the best 3. Be courageous 4. Display urgency 5. Persevere 6. Innovate 7. Follow The Golden Rule 8. Adhere to the Principles 9. Treat others with respect 10. Put others first 11. Be egalitarian 12. Demonstrate proactive Customer Service 13. Embrace the SWA Family 14. Have FUN 15. Don’t take yourself too seriously 16. Maintain perspective 17. Celebrate successes 18. Enjoy your work 19. Be a passionate Teamplayer 20. Safety and Reliability 21. Friendly Customer Service 22. Low Cost

Virgin Airlines

1. We think customer 2. We lead the way 3. We do the right thing 4. We are determined to deliver 5. Together we make the difference

Wyndham Vacation Resorts Asia Pacific

Our values of Integrity, Leadership, Innovation and Growth act as guiding principles that lead us to achieve our mission of enriching people’s lives through Count On Me! service, great destinations and memorable experiences .

Our core values make us who we are. As we change and grow, the beliefs that are most important to us stay the same—putting people first, pursuing excellence, embracing change, acting with integrity and serving our world. Being part of

Marriott International means being part of a proud history and a thriving culture.

– We Put People First

“Take care of associates and they will take care of the customers.”

– We Pursue Excellence

Our dedication to the customer shows in everything we do.

– We Embrace Change

Innovation has always been part of the Marriott story.

– We Act with Integrity

How we do business is as important as the business we do.

– We Serve Our World

Our “spirit to serve” makes our company stronger.

More Core Values Examples

See also: Best Mission Statements: Travel, Accommodation Companies  

More core values examples: 250+ Best Core Values: Examples for 12 Industries

See also: 1500+ Best Company Vision and Mission Statements

  • 20 Best Core Values: Examples for Real Estate Companies
  • 30+ Best Core Values: Examples for Food and Beverage Companies
  • 70+ Core Values: Examples for Online Companies (eCommerce, Social Networks)
  • Best Mission Statements Examples [for Travel & Accommodation]
  • 20+ Best Core Values: Examples for Healthcare Industry

Sun Gate Tours logo

  • Mission, Vision and Values

Home » Mission, Vision and Values

Embrace the Essence of Travel with Our Mission, Vision, and Values at Sun Gate Tours

At Sun Gate Tours , our vision is to create transformative travel experiences in Peru that go beyond the ordinary. Our mission, carried out every day, is to realize this vision through high-quality, safe, and sustainable journeys that resonate with both our values and the expectations of our discerning travelers.

We are committed to upholding the highest standards of quality in our services, ensuring every journey with us is not only memorable but also aligns with responsible and ethical tourism practices. Our core values reflect our respect for local laws, communities, and the environment, underpinning our efforts to offer travel experiences that are meaningful and purpose-driven.

Ready to explore Peru with a trusted and reputable company? Discover our mission, vision, and values and embark on a journey that promises more than just a destination with Sun Gate Tours.


Our Mission

We are serving our customers, searching for their entire satisfaction, providing quality touristic services, and committing to our country's social, cultural, and environmental reality.


By 2025, we will be among the very top businesses in Peru's tourist industry, widely lauded for the excellence of our offerings and the positive impact we have on the nation's progress.

Our Purpose


Our Core Values

As a company, the information provided to our customers must be honest and trustworthy. This value makes us different and helps us make decisions based on firm facts.

Our relationship rests on a foundation of teamwork and mutual support, so we have built a group focused on getting things done and operating based on talent and give-and-take.

We respect the individual 

Respect is considered the fundamental base of the relations within our company. We value human dignity, accept our differences and consider our rights and those of others to establish a polite and friendly working environment.

Services Quality

Service quality is one of our most essential values, which demands all our effort, determination, and courage to succeed in our work and the services we provide. We conduct our work with dedication and without mistakes, optimizing delivery time and putting effort into what we do to achieve quality results.


Each of us must interact transparently and appropriately, trying to strengthen our interpersonal relations and the company’s image. We are conscious that our communication generates perceptions, expectations, and requirements, which motivate us to improve our behavior, attitude, and knowledge.

Our team members must show loyalty, referring to faithfulness, commitment, identification, pride, membership, confidentially, and interest defense, at any moment for and in the company’s name.

Constructive Spirit    

Constructed spirit refers to a positive attitude, optimism, increased value chain, creativity, and good faith that must be shown and lived by those who work in our company.

Community and Environment

We commit socially and culturally to the community and adapt our business strategies to preserve the environment.

This is what they say about us...

mission statement examples travel agency

Don’t wait any longer. Contact us!

Sustainable Travel

  • Sustainable Travel Policy
  • Protect Children Policy
  • Be a Responsible Traveler
  • Booking Terms and Conditions
  • Privacy Policy

Government Authorized


Developed by SUN GATE TOUR OPERADOR SAC – RUC 20491223147

Privacy Overview

Sun Gate Tours is an Adventure Tour Operator and DMC in Peru with more than 11 years of experience, dedicated to bringing you innovative and active travel experiences.

mission statement examples travel agency

Travel by Beth

Beth Booked It!

Our Mission Statement

Our agency’s goal is to exceed your expectations and create memories more powerful than any gift.

We believe that the travel experience provides an incredible opportunity to connect with your spouse, your family, and your friends.

In our own personal travel we have created so many lasting memories. At Travel by Beth our mission is to create the same for you through your travel experiences.

Travel by Beth was established to provide a higher level of personalized and customized service for our clients. We care about our clients and work hard to provide you a level of service that you won’t find with other agencies or with an online booking engine. We believe in the values of honesty, integrity, respect, and loyalty.

The staff at Travel by Beth pride themselves on being your preferred travel agency! We are licensed with CLIA and currently hold preferred or master agency status with several major resort brands. We tailor every trip to meet the expectations of our clients. Destinations are endless and options plentiful!

At Travel by Beth providing the best value for your money is important to us. We price match all major travel sites (Orbitz, Travelocity, etc) and don’t charge any agency fees! If you find an agency or site that offers a lower price on your vacation, we’ll match it without question.

Affiliations & Certifications

Authorized Disney Vacation Planner logo

  • Sample Business Plans
  • Transportation, Logistics & Travel

Travel Agency Business Plan

Executive summary image

Are you a travel enthusiast and want to establish your own travel agency?

Well, if yes, then it’s an exhilarating journey of stepping into a world brimming with adventure and discovery.

But in the midst of this excitement, it’s necessary to lay the groundwork for a successful business out of a hobby. It demands a strategic roadmap – writing a proper travel agency business plan .

So, our travel agency business plan serves as the compass that directs you through all the intricacies of the industry and helps you pay attention to every detail of the business plan.

As you delve into this step-by-step guide, you can explore how to write your own business plan that sets the stage for sustainable growth and leaves a mark on potential investors or readers.

Without further ado; let’s dive into the art of crafting your travel agency business plan.

Key Takeaways

  • Create a compelling executive summary for your travel agency’s identity, vision, mission statement, and core values.
  • Showcase your business goals, market opportunities, and marketing plan to attract potential investors or partners.
  • Highlight the range of travel services you’ll provide, including specialized offerings that place your agency ahead of competitors.
  • Give valuable insights into everyday business operations, from booking management to customer service protocols.
  • Provide a detailed financial plan to illustrate a clear understanding of your travel agency’s financial health and expected growth trajectory.
  • Thoroughly analyze the industry and competitive landscape to uncover the latest trends and customer preferences.
  • Utilize modern and cost-effective business plan software for writing and maintaining business plans.

Why do you need a travel agency business plan?

In reality, every established or emerging business requires a well-written business plan. It is not just a document; it’s a strategic blueprint, offering you a roadmap to make informed business decisions.So, starting your travel agency business greatly benefits from having a well-thought-out business plan like any other business.

Attracting Investors

Whether you’re looking to secure a loan or attract potential investors, a detailed business plan is truly helpful. It shows your agency’s capital cost & revenue potential and summarizes the profitability for angel investors.

Strategic Direction

An actionable plan provides a comprehensive view of your travel agency’s goals, offered services, and strategic steps you will take to achieve success. Also, it indicates a thorough understanding of your target audience and top competitors.

Risk Mitigation

Drafting a professional business plan serves as a foundation for a successful business and helps you identify potential risks & challenges in the market. Through careful planning, you can create effective strategies to overcome obstacles.

Operational Guidance

A well-crafted business plan offers an internal guide that ensures your team understands and aligns with the overarching business objectives, encouraging a cohesive and immersed work environment.

Now, let’s move forward to write a successful business plan for a travel agency.

How to write a business plan for a travel agency?

1. get a business plan template.

Before you start writing a travel agency business plan, it’s highly advisable to get a business plan template first!

It’s like having a valuable toolkit for your business planning endeavors. It not only streamlines the business plan writing but also ensures that you describe all the essential sections.

It offers a structured framework that helps you organize your thoughts effectively to draft a strategically sound business document according to your specific needs and preferences.

Beyond that, a quality business plan template lays the foundation for a comprehensive, professional business plan that highlights your business idea and vision to attract potential investors.

If you’re in search of a polished template, consider Upmetrics’ sample business plan template and ensure that you won’t overlook any essential points in your plan.

sample business plan

Free Business Plan Template

Download our free travel agency business plan template now and pave the way to success. Let’s turn your vision into an actionable strategy!

  • Fill in the blanks – Outline
  • Financial Tables

2. Draft an Executive Summary

An executive summary is the first and foremost section of any business plan. It offers a quick overview of your entire travel agency business plan.

If your first few pages are compelling enough, potential investors or loan officers will find the document intriguing and delve further into your plan.

Your executive summary should be clear, concise, and engaging if you’re looking for investors or loan sanctions, as it will grab their attention and make a strong impression.

To draft an effective summary, start with a concise description of your travel agency business, covering its name, concept, location, objectives, and unique aspects. Refer to the below example:

Travel Agency Business Overview Example

Next, explain what sets you apart and share insights about your service offerings, target market, and ideal customer base. Also, highlight marketing materials, current trends, and potential growth opportunities.

Lastly, give a summary of critical financial figures in terms of projected revenues, profits, and cash flows for the initial 3-5 years. From that, you can address funding needs and resources.

A business plan is a professional, living document that you should update regularly to reflect changes in your business.

3. Provide a Company Overview

Now, it’s time to draft a company overview section that provides a more detailed description of your travel agency.

It could be commercial travel agencies or online travel agencies. Share your agency’s founding story and the individuals behind its inception.

Try to explain your business legal structure(S-Corp, Limited Liability Company, or sole proprietorship), and describe the physical location of your travel agency.

Subsequently, highlight your vision and mission statement in this section to define your identity and core values. This serves as a brand story that your customers can connect to.

Take reference from the below example describing the mission statement of the travel agency:

  • Internally we intend to create and nurture a healthy, exuberant, respectful, and enjoyable environment, in which our employees are fairly compensated and encouraged to respect the customer and the quality of the service we intend to provide.
  • In addition, follow-up will be mandatory to ensure customer satisfaction and make any improvements as recommended by the customers in the future. 
  • We seek fair and responsible profit, enough to keep the company financially healthy for the short and long term and to fairly remunerate employees for their work and effort.

Discuss a little bit more about your business background information and how your travel agency works. Try to give answers for when you start your business and how you have set your office space.

In addition, highlight any milestones you have accomplished, such as the number of clients served, positive reviews, new travel agency openings, etc.

4. Conduct an Industry and Market Analysis

An industry and market analysis section is one of the most important ones in your travel agent business plan. It explores your specific niche within the industry and the geographic background where you wish to operate.

So, take some time to go further and find more accurate information, such as who are your target customers & top competitors, what are the current trends, and whether the tourism market is increasing or decreasing.

Market Size and Growth Potential

Conduct a complete market analysis to study the market size and explore growth potential areas for travel agencies. Assess the total revenue generated within the travel industry and identify the emerging trends.

Customer Analysis

Examine your target market in detail, including demographics, travel behaviors, and customer preferences. Understand your ideal clients and tailor your services to satisfy their specific needs.

Do thorough customer research and understand how your target audience plans and experiences trips. This can help better customize packages and offerings to meet your clients’ needs.

Want help writing a target customer segmentation for your travel agency business? Use Upmetrics AI writing assistant now and easily draft your business plan sections:

Competitor Analysis

As a travel agent, assemble a list of direct and indirect competitors in the travel agency industry. You can consider both classic brick-and-mortar travel agencies and online travel agencies.

Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each competitor, including service offerings, tour packages & quality, customer reviews, and marketing strategies.

Understanding these competitor factors will help you determine areas where your travel agency can differentiate itself and stand out in the competitive landscape.

Execute a SWOT analysis to find internal strengths & weaknesses of your travel company and external opportunities & threats in the travel industry.

Take reference from the below example showing a SWOT analysis for an XYZ travel agency business:

SWOT analysis for an travel agency business

Based on SWOT analysis, formulate strategies to capitalize on opportunities and mitigate threats to outline competitive advantage.

Some extra tips for drafting this section of your travel company business plan:

  • Use reputable sources to gather data, including industry reports, market research studies, and surveys.
  • Be specific and provide detailed info wherever possible.
  • Include charts and graphs to demonstrate your key points.
  • Keep your target audience in mind while documenting the business plan.

5. Propose Your Service Offerings

Next, define the scope of your service offerings and clarify how they meet the diverse needs of your clients.

It must be informative, precise, and client-focused, as it is a detailed breakdown of different services that your travel company offers your customers.

As a travel agency, detail your service offerings, such as bookings, accommodations, vacation packages, international/domestic trips, custom-made business trips, or any cruise bookings.

Effectively disseminate your travel services with a detailed description of what it entails, service specifications, precise pricing plans, or any client reviews.

Here, you can take a reference from the below example to illustrate travel agency services:

1 . Guided Tours

Our guided tours are led by knowledgeable local guides who provide valuable insights into the culture and history of each destination.

Price: Varies by destination, starting at [$50] per person

Specifications: Group sizes are limited to 15 people, and tours typically last 2-3 hours.

2. Accommodation Booking

We offer a range of accommodation options, from luxury hotels to charming bed and breakfasts, ensuring our clients have a comfortable stay.

Price: Varies by location and accommodation type, starting at [$100] per night

Specifications: Accommodations are vetted for quality, safety, and comfort.

Not only that, describe any specialized services in your travel agency business plan template that set your travel agency apart so investors can quickly understand your business scope.

In addition to planning & booking, highlight additional services (trip consultations, wedding planning, speaking at industry events, providing training to other travel agents) and mention third-party partners(if any).

6. Outline a Sales and Marketing Plan

Comprehensive sales & marketing efforts can help your business grow by leaps and bounds. Carry out market analysis and develop clear sales and marketing strategies for reaching your target customers.

For travel agency businesses, explain your preliminary approach and promotion tactics to acquiring either local or international customers.

Also, discuss affordable/high-quality travel packages you provide, their prices, and hassle-free transactions at the point of sale. Here are some of the sales and marketing strategies for travel agencies:

Unique selling proposition

Emphasize the agency’s capability to offer personalized customer service, a variety of communication modes, and 24/7 customer support. Present exclusive access to unique destinations, experiences, and special perks.

Pricing Strategy

Implement a flexible and competitive pricing plan that caters to a diverse client base. It allows the agency to adapt to market dynamics, provide value to customers, and uphold a profitable business.

Take reference from the below example written using Upmetrics’ travel agency business plan template:

Pricing Strategy for travel agency business

Offline strategies

Create visually appealing brochures and distribute print materials to local businesses, travel agencies, and strategic locations. Implement a referral program and try to provide discounts or exclusive festive offers.

Social Media Marketing

Utilize social media platforms(Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) to highlight travel packages, engage with the target audience, and build a community around travel enthusiasts.

Content Marketing

Create a content marketing strategy comprising blog posts, travel guides, and visually appealing content to encourage potential customers to consider your agency for their travel needs.


Partner with local businesses, hotels, and travel-related service providers to promote your service offerings. Attend travel fairs, trade shows, or community events to network with potential clients.

7. Introduce Your Team

The management team section offers an opportunity to showcase your strength as a travel agent. It should include a thorough plan for your travel agency’s key managers, employees, or sub-travel agents.

Mention their roles & responsibilities or relevant experience in the related fields or travel agency industry. Also, highlight their expertise that contributes to your agency’s success.

Try to break down overall payroll expenses, such as how much their compensation, commission split, base salary, or whether you will give any bonuses or benefits to your employees.

average salary of travel agency employees

If you need to hire employees or a travel agent, emphasize how many individuals you will need and how much you will pay them.

This can provide brief details to the investors and help them understand what exactly you plan to staff your agency and pay your employees.

If applicable, you can also design an organizational chart for your travel agency. This can help you demonstrate who your key members are and what roles they serve in your travel agency.

8. Outline Business Operations

Now, it’s time to develop an in-depth look into the day-to-day functions of your travel agency. Paint a picture of seamless operations and ensure that your business runs smoothly.

Describe the entire operational cycle of the tour business, including staffing, how bookings are managed, customer service procedures, technology used, and safety measures for handling unforeseen circumstances.

Include the below subsections in your travel agent business plan operations section:

Highlight the number of employees required, and opening hours, and briefly outline the responsibilities of each team member and training programs. Refer to the below example written using Upmetrics AI assistant :

Customer Service Procedures

From pre-travel assistance to emergency response, prioritize customer satisfaction, efficient techniques, and effective client communication to ensure a positive and stress-free travel journey.

Equipment & Technology

Explain what kind of equipment & technology you will need to run your travel agency. Include a brief idea of how you will reach some travel agency milestones and look forward as your business grows.

You might consider below things:

  • Office equipment(Telephone, fax, or scanner)
  • Travel agency website
  • Booking tools
  • Itinerary builders
  • Customer Relationship Management(CRM)
  • Invoicing and payment processing tools

9. Prepare Financial Plan

Currently, you are in a business planning stage, but dedicating some time to putting together the most realistic financial projections is very crucial.

Having a well-structured and in-depth travel agency financial plan will help you show the tentative spending as well as the revenue forecasts and budgets if your travel company is seeking funding from investors.

In this section, you will need to make a few assumptions that will greatly affect the financial statements of your agency. Take a look at the below table to make important assumptions:

assumptions that affect the financial statements of travel agency

Mention all the below financial aspects in your travel agency business plan:

  • Income statement (Profit and loss statement)
  • Cash flow statement
  • Balance sheet
  • Sales forecast
  • Break-even analysis
  • Business ratios
  • Investment strategies
  • Exit strategy

From the above financial statements, you can identify the startup funding needs and evaluate the funding resources for your agency, such as bank loans, angel investors, crowdfunding, or personal savings.

Well, keeping a realistic financial report in your hand not only helps you demonstrate your agency’s fiscal health but also emphasizes its sustainability.

However, calculating all the financial elements from scratch can be overwhelming. But don’t worry; consider Upmetrics’ financial forecasting tool .

All you have to do is fill in all the details you have and let the tool calculate financial factors, and create visual reports for you. No manual data entry, placing Excel formulas, or designing graphs—nothing.

Here’s an example of a projected balance sheet for the next 3 years using Upmetrics:

projected balance sheet example of travel agency business

Download a travel agency business plan template

Need help writing your travel agency business plan from scratch? Well, here you go; download our free travel agency business plan template now and get started.

This modern, user-friendly business plan template is specifically designed for travel agencies. With a step-by-step guide and example, it helps you write a professional plan without missing any crucial steps.

Simply import data into your preferred editor and start writing!

The Quickest Way to turn a Business Idea into a Business Plan

Fill-in-the-blanks and automatic financials make it easy.


Start preparing your business plan with AI

Finally! With the help of our sample business plan template, you know how to write a travel agency business plan. So, you are one step closer to starting your travel agency business confidently- pretty exciting, right?

But you know what else is more exciting? Your business planning process can be even smoother than this. Yes, you heard it right; it’s possible with the help of Upmetrics AI Assistant.

So, don’t wait, and start planning now !

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Frequently asked questions, where can i find a free travel agency business plan template.

There are various online platforms where you can find free travel agency business plan templates. Consider a reputable business planning website—Upmetrics, which offers free templates to help you get started.

What should be included in a travel agency business plan?

A comprehensive travel agency business plan should include below key components:

  • Executive summary
  • Company overview
  • Market research and industry analysis
  • Services offered
  • Sales and marketing strategy
  • Management team
  • Operational plan
  • Financial plan

How often should i update my travel agency business plan?

It is advised to regularly update your travel agency business plan to reflect changes in the market, industry trends, and business growth. Review and update your plan at least once a year or more often if there are significant changes in your business.

What financial projections are necessary for a travel agency business plan?

Make sure that you include the following financial factors in your travel agency business plan:

  • Startup costs
  • Revenue projections
  • income statement (Profit and loss statement)
  • Projected cash flow

About the Author

mission statement examples travel agency

Upmetrics Team

Upmetrics is the #1 business planning software that helps entrepreneurs and business owners create investment-ready business plans using AI. We regularly share business planning insights on our blog. Check out the Upmetrics blog for such interesting reads. Read more

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Download Travel Agency Business Plan

Omeir Travel Agency LLC

24/7 Within UAE 600 511 111

Outside UAE +971 600 511 111

  • Search for:
  • Corporate Travel
  • City Breaks
  • Luxury & Charm
  • Nature’s Wonders
  • Safari Thrills
  • Staycation Getaways

mission statement examples travel agency

  • British Airways, BA
  • Gulf Air, GF
  • Qantas Airways, QF
  • Royal Jordanian, RJ
  • Singapore Airlines, SQ
  • Vision and Mission

Omeir is a one stop travel solutions provider which aims to continuously grow across borders, in products and services, and always putting the customer’s delight at first place.

We provide travel related solutions to individual & corporate customers.

  • Excellence in service delivery by understanding the needs of the customers and ensuring we have the right people on board.
  • We shall show we are reliable by being consistent in delivering what we promise. By being knowledgeable about our products, services and the travel industry.
  • We will be passionate about serving our customers by having positive attitude, being enthusiastic and going the extra mile.
  • We will lead by example by walking the talk and being the reference point for behavior and attitude.
  • We will demonstrate our accountability by doing the best we can to meet commitments. Speaking up and being open and transparent when we no longer believe we can meet the agreed commitments, looking for solutions, rather than for excuses. Taking ownership of our shortcomings.
  • We will showcase our empathy by exercising active listening so that we can summarize the client’s needs in our own words, acknowledging the clients emotional status, providing the customer with context about why things are happening the way they are happening.
  • We will show our integrity by following the law, both local and of the travel industry. Following the organization’s policies and processes acting upon the values of the organization.
  • Airline Rep

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mission statement examples travel agency

Story and Mission

We are the world's largest association of travel professionals and the leading global advocate for travel advisors, the travel industry and the traveling public. Our members include travel advisors and the companies whose products they sell from air, tours and safaris to cruises, hotels, resorts, rental cars and more.

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Our story begins in 1931 when ASTA was founded as the American Steamship & Tourist Agents Association. As modes of travel evolved, so did ASTA, widening our focus and renaming ourselves the American Society of Travel Agents in 1944. Then, reflecting the shift from booking agent to trusted advisor, in 2018, ASTA became the American Society of Travel Advisors.

Our members are bound by a shared code of ethics and the ASTA logo is recognized around the world as a symbol of professionalism and integrity. 


ASTA’s over-arching mission is to facilitate the business of selling travel through effective representation, shared knowledge and the enhancement of professionalism. We are also the leading advocate for travel advisors and the entire travel agency community, including suppliers and the traveling public. 

From the start, carrying out our mission has meant promoting professionalism and advocating with legislators and suppliers for our members, our industry and the traveling public. Because travelers depend on travel advisors and others affiliated with ASTA to guide them honestly and competently, ASTA members are required to conduct their business activities in accordance with the ASTA Code of Ethics. This promotes  professionalism in the industry and trust among the general public.

mission statement examples travel agency

The COVID-19 crisis serves as a great example of our mission in action. Travel advisors were among the true heroes of the pandemic, working tirelessly to get stranded clients home when flights and borders were shut down and helping clients deal with pandemic-related cancelations, schedule changes and the ever-shifting rules and regulations around the world. Because of the economics of the industry, travel advisors workloads grew exponentially at the same time that their commission payments were being delayed, slashed. and too often, wiped out.

One of the reasons many agencies and advisors could survive and continue serving the traveling public was that behind the scenes, ASTA was fulfilling its advocacy role as champion of the travel agency community  Thanks to our advocacy team and the support of our member-volunteers, ASTA successfully persuaded Congress to include travel agencies in the industries covered under the CARES Act and receive Paycheck Protection (PPP) and Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) funding and to enable independent contractors to receive unemployment benefits for the first time ever. 

The pandemic also kicked our role as educators into high gear as our team produced live and taped webinars and live Q&A sessions that helped the travel agency community understand and navigate the red tape to access these funds. We also provided lists of official resources so our members could stay on top of the latest CDC guidance and other information vital to our members and their clients.

Our rich educational programing continues to help keep travel advisors at the top of their game and promotes professionalism via courses on everything from accounting and artificial intelligence to marketing and social media. Verified Travel Advisor ( VTA) certification is the pinnacle of our training, and brings added benefits to advisors and helps promote confidence among consumers. Our mission also extends to educating the travel and consumer media and the general public about the value of using a travel advisor, and we work closely with the media every day to ensure that our story is being told. The need for a travel advisor was never more apparent than during the pandemic, and our public relations team shared the stories of the many travel advisors who went above and beyond in a  "Not All Heroes Wear Capes" #TravelHero campaign.

Our outreach to the general public takes a big step with our new website, where travelers can search our directory for travel advisors who match their needs, submit a trip request which will be forwarded as leads to members, or opt to use a Verified Travel Advisor (VTA) and explore destinations and find expert travel advice featuring our members.

Global Support

Together, we are more powerful. Just as we come together as a Society to achieve our goals, ASTA collaborates with other organizations for the greater good.

World Committee on Tourism Ethics  (WCTE)

ASTA is a signatory to the  Private Sector Commitment to the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism . In signing the commitment, companies pledge to uphold, promote and implement the values of responsible and sustainable tourism development championed by the Code. A special focus on social, cultural and economic matters is one of the main objectives of the Commitment, which draws particular attention to issues such as human rights, social inclusion, gender equality, accessibility, and the protection of vulnerable groups and host communities. The Society encourages its members to read the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism and implement these principles in their business practices.  

Wildlife Trafficking Alliance  

ASTA joined the U.S. Wildlife Trafficking Alliance  to help travelers recognize and avoid purchasing the illegal wildlife products that are decimating global populations of elephants, rhinos, tortoises, and other endangered species. This public-private partnership works together with governmental entities to raise awareness about the dangers of wildlife trafficking and to stop consumer demand for endangered species products.

Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism

ASTA supports the travel industry in the ongoing battle against child sex tourism with its adoption of the  Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism .  The Society encourages its members to support measures taken to counter the exploitation of women and children.

Proud Partners

We are grateful to our most supportive partners, ASTA Proud Partners. Recognizing how important travel advisors are to their success, these companies invest their time and resources to support ASTA’s mission and ensure a healthy and robust travel agency distribution channel.


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  • Coats of arms of cities and villages of Moscow Oblast
  • Culture of Elektrostal
  • Hephaestus in heraldry
  • Hammers sable in heraldry
  • 2 flashes Or in heraldry
  • Atom symbols in heraldry
  • SVG coats of arms of Russia
  • PD-RU-exempt (coats of arms)

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Elektrostal, visit elektrostal, check elektrostal hotel availability, popular places to visit.

  • Electrostal History and Art Museum

You can spend time exploring the galleries in Electrostal History and Art Museum in Elektrostal. Take in the museums while you're in the area.

  • Cities near Elektrostal

Photo by Ksander

  • Places of interest
  • Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center
  • Central Museum of the Air Forces at Monino
  • Peter the Great Military Academy
  • Bykovo Manor
  • Balashikha Arena
  • Ramenskii History and Art Museum
  • Malenky Puppet Theater
  • Balashikha Museum of History and Local Lore
  • Pekhorka Park
  • Saturn Stadium
  • Orekhovo Zuevsky City Exhibition Hall
  • Noginsk Museum and Exhibition Center

Members can access discounts and special features

Elektrostal, visit elektrostal, check elektrostal hotel availability, popular places to visit.

  • Electrostal History and Art Museum

You can spend time exploring the galleries in Electrostal History and Art Museum in Elektrostal. Take in the museums while you're in the area.

  • Cities near Elektrostal

Photo by Ksander

  • Places of interest
  • Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center
  • Central Museum of the Air Forces at Monino
  • Peter the Great Military Academy
  • History of Russian Scarfs and Shawls Museum
  • Bykovo Manor
  • Balashikha Arena
  • Ramenskii History and Art Museum
  • Malenky Puppet Theater
  • Military Technical Museum
  • Church of Our Lady of Kazan
  • Drama Theatre BOOM
  • Balashikha Museum of History and Local Lore
  • Pekhorka Park
  • Fryazino Centre for Culture and Leisure
  • Pavlovsky Posad Museum of Art and History
  • Saturn Stadium
  • Borisoglebsky Sports Palace
  • Church of Vladimir
  • Orekhovo Zuevsky City Exhibition Hall
  • Shirokov House
  • Noginsk Museum and Exhibition Center
  • Zheleznodorozhny Museum of Local Lore
  • Stella Municipal Drama Theater
  • Fairy Tale Children's Model Puppet Theater
  • Fifth House Gallery
  • Likino Dulevo Museum of Local Lore
  • Malakhovka Museum of History and Culture
  • Art Gallery of The City District


  1. Our Mission Statement

    mission statement examples travel agency

  2. Travel Agency Mission Statement Examples

    mission statement examples travel agency

  3. Vision And Mission Statement Travel Agency Company Profile

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  4. Horizon travel agency

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  5. 30+ Travel Agency Vision Examples • Eat, Sleep, Wander

    mission statement examples travel agency

  6. Online travel agency

    mission statement examples travel agency


  1. Mission Statement VS Vision Statement

  2. Travel Agency Business Plan

  3. "Discover Your Life's True Calling: Crafting a Mission Statement for Success!"

  4. Example mission statements

  5. How to Write a Mission Statement for Companies/Startup

  6. Travel Agency Business Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Slides


  1. 30+ Travel Agency Vision Examples • Eat, Sleep, Wander

    Vision and Mission statements for travel agencies are important for a quality social media presence, so you can use these as an inspiration to craft your own. Travel agency vision examples 1. (travel agency) is a diverse group of creative, self-motivated individuals with a passion for making travel easier, more affordable and more rewarding for ...

  2. Best Mission Statements Examples [for Travel & Accommodation]

    2. Identify Your Audience: Consider who you are trying to reach with your mission statement, such as customers, employees or the general public. 3. Brainstorm Descriptive Words and Phrases: Think of words and phrases that accurately describe your organization's purpose, values and goals. 4.

  3. mission statement travel agency examples

    Here are some examples of mission statements for travel agencies: "To create unforgettable travel experiences for our clients, while fostering a culture of environmental responsibility and community engagement.". - This mission statement emphasizes the agency's commitment to sustainable travel and community involvement. Source: bing.com.

  4. Our Mission, Vision and Values

    Our experiences both travelling and working in travel have led us to where we are today, and to Welcome to Travel's Mission Statement, Vision Statement and Values. Our Mission. Through travel, we connect people to positive experiences enabling them to see the world differently. ... Lead by example. Value every relationship. Back yourself. Do ...

  5. Our mission, vision and values

    In 2023, BCD achieved US$20.3 billion in sales. For more information, visit www.bcdtravel.com. Our mission, vision and valuesOur vision is the future we want to achieve. Our mission is what we do every day to bring that vision to life.MissionHelping people and companies travel smart and achieve moreVision To be the world's most trusted ...

  6. travel agency mission statement examples

    Thirdly, a mission statement helps to guide the agency's decision-making process. It ensures that all business decisions align with the company's values and objectives. Fourthly, a mission statement inspires employees to work towards a common goal. It creates a sense of purpose and fosters a positive work culture. Examples of Travel Agency ...

  7. 30+ Travel Agency Vision Examples

    At (travel agency) our vision is to successfully grow our company in ways that encourage customers to travel with us again and again, vendors to value our partnership, and inspire employees to be passionate, engaged, and helpful in our workplace and community. 20. (travel agency) offers a wide array of amenities to keep both experienced and new ...

  8. Mission statement examples: 16 of the best to inspire you

    We searched far and wide for the best company mission statement examples. 1. Starbucks: Inspire and nurture the human spirit - one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time. The Seattle-based coffee giant originated in 1971 and has since become ubiquitous around the world.

  9. Company Mission Statement Examples

    Sample mission statements. Sample 1 . Mission Statement and Philosophy. Our quest is to manage business travel and fulfill vacation dreams through our commitment to personalized, world-class service.

  10. Visi, Mission and Values

    Mission. Work with our clients based on a relationship of trust, honesty and transparency, giving personalized attention and service paying attention to detail to design tailor-made trips full of unique experiences with the best value for money.

  11. The #1 Travel Agency Business Plan Template & Guidebook

    Here is an example of a purpose mission statement for a travel agency business: ... Additionally, you need to clearly define your travel agency's mission statement and list out any unique features or goals. Once you have researched your industry and developed these key elements of the plan, you may be able to create an effective business plan ...

  12. 20+ Core Values: Examples for Travel and Accommodation Companies

    Some examples of common core values for these companies include customer service, flexibility, excellence, professionalism, safety, innovation. Good customer service is essential for any business in this industry because it ensures that customers feel heard, respected, and satisfied with their experience. Flexibility allows the business to ...

  13. Our Mission & Vision: Quality Tourism with Sun Gate Tours

    At Sun Gate Tours, our vision is to create transformative travel experiences in Peru that go beyond the ordinary. Our mission, carried out every day, is to realize this vision through high-quality, safe, and sustainable journeys that resonate with both our values and the expectations of our discerning travelers.. We are committed to upholding the highest standards of quality in our services ...

  14. The 28 Best Mission Statement Examples (+Templates!)

    Naked Juice's mission statement. Making the whole planet feel better. One bottle at a time. Naked Juice, the square-bottled smoothie drink company, has a mission statement with a high order, involving the whole planet, but shows the value and bigger picture well. 28. Warby Parker's mission statement.

  15. Our Mission Statement

    At Travel by Beth our mission is to create the same for you through your travel experiences. Travel by Beth was established to provide a higher level of personalized and customized service for our clients. We care about our clients and work hard to provide you a level of service that you won't find with other agencies or with an online ...

  16. 30+ Travel Agency Vision Examples • Page 3 of 3

    21. Our vision is (travel agency) to be the choice for anyone considering travel anywhere in the world. To provide an outstanding level of service to our clients, working on each travel enquiry or arrangement for a pleasurable experience. 22. Our clients are the most valued part of our business, our main focus is to deliver highest level of ...

  17. How to Write Travel Agency Business Plan + Free Template

    In addition, highlight any milestones you have accomplished, such as the number of clients served, positive reviews, new travel agency openings, etc. 4. Conduct an Industry and Market Analysis. An industry and market analysis section is one of the most important ones in your travel agent business plan.

  18. Vision and Mission

    Vision. Omeir is a one stop travel solutions provider which aims to continuously grow across borders, in products and services, and always putting the customer's delight at first place. We provide travel related solutions to individual & corporate customers. Excellence in service delivery by understanding the needs of the customers and ...

  19. Story and Mission

    The COVID-19 crisis serves as a great example of our mission in action. Travel advisors were among the true heroes of the pandemic, working tirelessly to get stranded clients home when flights and borders were shut down and helping clients deal with pandemic-related cancelations, schedule changes and the ever-shifting rules and regulations around the world.

  20. Elektrostal Map

    Elektrostal is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 58 kilometers east of Moscow. Elektrostal has about 158,000 residents. Mapcarta, the open map.

  21. File : Coat of Arms of Elektrostal (Moscow oblast).svg

    official documents of state government agencies and local government agencies of municipal formations, including laws, other legal texts, judicial decisions, other materials of legislative, administrative and judicial character, official documents of international organizations, as well as their official translations;

  22. Visit Elektrostal: 2024 Travel Guide for Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast

    Cities near Elektrostal. Places of interest. Pavlovskiy Posad Noginsk. Travel guide resource for your visit to Elektrostal. Discover the best of Elektrostal so you can plan your trip right.

  23. Visit Elektrostal: 2024 Travel Guide for Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast

    Travel guide resource for your visit to Elektrostal. Discover the best of Elektrostal so you can plan your trip right. Vacation Packages. Stays. Cars. Flights. Support. All travel. Vacation Packages Stays Cars Flights Cruises Support Things to do. My Account. Members can access discounts and special features.