How to Take Before/After Pictures

to help you reach your fitness goals

journey fitness photos

So you’ve been eating well,  working out regularly  and staying consistent. Then you step on the scale and are met with disappointment when the number glaring back at you pops up. Don’t panic! The number on the scale doesn’t lie, but it also doesn’t tell the entire truth. What’s missing is that it doesn’t tell you if you’ve lost fat, gained muscle or are retaining water.

Even though you see your reflection in the mirror every day, it’s difficult to actually notice if you’re  making progress . A better way to monitor your improvement is to take progress photos. When you compare photos of yourself from when you first started your new fitness regime we promise you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Our 8 tips for the best before & after fitness progress photos

To guarantee the best progression photos, here are our top tips. Follow these and you’ll produce pictures that help you stay on track, monitor your progress effectively and  reach your fitness goals .

Tip 1: Show your shape

To compare the changes, you’ll need to see the changes. It’s impossible to do this if you’re wearing a baggy t-shirt or shorts. Form-fitting activewear/swimwear is best. Your stomach area should be visible, as this is a great indicator of weight loss and/or muscle gain.

Emily posing before and after pics 1

Tip 2: Wear the same clothes

If you can’t wear the same outfit, at least wear something similar every time you take your picture. If you’re proud of your progress, you might want to show others, so we encourage you to avoid posing in your underwear.

Emily posing before/after, incorrect clothing

Tip 3: Use a plain wall

Make sure there is no clutter, patterns, bright colors or distracting objects in the background. Also, use the same spot for each time you take your progress shots.

Emily posing before/after, incorrect wall

Tip 4: Take a full-body photo at eye level

No mirror selfies. If you find this challenging, ask someone you feel comfortable with to take your photo or use a timer function. Make sure to position your body straight and center to fill the frame.

Emily posing before/after, incorrect framing

Tip 5: Shoot from 3 angles

To understand the full scope of how your body is changing, it’s important to capture your front, side, and back. For consistency, always choose the same side each time.

Emily posing before/after, front, back & side

Tip 6: Stand in natural light

Try to take your photo in natural daylight. If that isn’t possible, ensure that your room is well lit and there is as much light as possible.

Emily posing before/after, stand in natural light

Tip 7: Maintain good posture

Stand up straight, with your shoulders back and down and arms relaxed at your sides. Recreate the same pose each time.

Emily posing before/after, incorrect stance

Tip 8: Take photos monthly

It’s important to take your photos once every 4 weeks and schedule it on the same day each month.

Bottom line

Take your time getting your photos right — you’ll appreciate it down the line. This is your journey and you should take pride each step of the way. Clear, well-captured progress photos will really help you see just how far you’ve come and will propel you even further to reach your fitness goals.

journey fitness photos

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Champagne and Coffee Stains

Champagne and Coffee Stains

15 Secrets to Staying Motivated on Your Fitness Journey

Posted: April 9, 2024 | Last updated: April 9, 2024

<p>Motivation is complicated. Psychology researchers have been trying to deduce what exactly drives humans to change their behavior for decades. However, there are some tips and tricks available to keep your motivation up and keep you striving toward your fitness goals.</p>

Motivation is complicated. Psychology researchers have been trying to deduce what exactly drives humans to change their behavior for decades. However, there are some tips and tricks available to keep your motivation up and keep you striving toward your fitness goals.

<p>Initial bursts of enthusiasm often lead us to set ambitious goals, like attending 5 am workout classes five times a week even when we aren’t typically an early riser. As the novelty wanes and life’s complexities creep in, maintaining such a rigorous schedule can become daunting. The key to sustained motivation lies in structuring your life to support your fitness aspirations.</p><p>Simplify your route to success by minimizing obstacles that might deter your progress. This could mean choosing a gym closer to home or planning meals in advance to avoid unhealthy choices. By reducing these barriers, you create a more accessible and manageable fitness routine that accommodates life’s unpredictability.</p><p>Having systems in place will keep you moving toward your goal even when willpower wanes. After all, we are only human. </p>

Don’t rely on motivation alone

Initial bursts of enthusiasm often lead us to set ambitious goals, like attending 5 am workout classes five times a week even when we aren’t typically an early riser. As the novelty wanes and life’s complexities creep in, maintaining such a rigorous schedule can become daunting. The key to sustained motivation lies in structuring your life to support your fitness aspirations.

Simplify your route to success by minimizing obstacles that might deter your progress. This could mean choosing a gym closer to home or planning meals in advance to avoid unhealthy choices. By reducing these barriers, you create a more accessible and manageable fitness routine that accommodates life’s unpredictability.

Having systems in place will keep you moving toward your goal even when willpower wanes. After all, we are only human. 

<p>The first habit might seem obvious, but the secret lies in the detail. Incredibly fit people don’t just casually engage in exercise; they commit to daily workouts. This doesn’t mean they’re hitting personal records seven days a week—rather, they integrate an active lifestyle into each day. Whether it’s a full-blown gym session, a brisk walk, or even stretching and mobility work, the consistency is what sets them apart.</p><p>Get inspired with these workout ideas:</p><ul> <li><a href="">15 Quick and Effective Home Workouts</a></li> <li><a href="">15 Full Body Exercises That Don’t Require Any Equipment</a></li> </ul>

Find an accountability buddy

Finding an accountability buddy is a game-changer in staying motivated on your fitness journey. This person can be a friend, family member, or colleague who shares similar fitness goals.

An accountability buddy does more than just accompany you to the gym; they become your cheerleader, motivator, and a gentle nudge when your motivation wanes. Sharing goals, workout plans, and healthy meal ideas keeps you both on track, making the journey less solitary and more enjoyable.

Regular check-ins and celebrating each other’s successes not only boost morale but also reinforce commitment to your fitness goals. This partnership creates a supportive environment, making it easier to maintain consistency and achieve long-term success.

<p>One of the keys to success when it comes to meal planning is forethought. Planning your dishes while shopping at the grocery store is a recipe for disaster. You’re not only more likely to forget ingredients, but you may also purchase too many or too few of the ingredients needed for the recipe. By planning what you want to make in advance, you can save yourself time and money later.</p>

Get out the pen and paper

The physical act of writing down goals forces one to clarify and commit to specific objectives, enhancing focus and direction. It also provides a visual reminder of one’s commitments. 

Research supports the idea that individuals who write down their goals are significantly more inclined to not only achieve but often surpass them, compared to those who don’t. The act of writing facilitates a connection between the hand and brain that serves to embed these goals more deeply within our consciousness. This process transforms abstract aspirations into tangible targets, making them appear more concrete and attainable. 

<p>Celebrating even the smallest victories on your fitness journey is a powerful motivational tool. It’s easy to overlook minor achievements when focusing on larger goals, but acknowledging every step forward fuels your drive and commitment.</p><p>Whether it’s completing an extra set of exercises, choosing a healthy snack over a tempting treat, or simply sticking to your workout schedule for the week, each small win deserves recognition. These celebrations can take various forms, from sharing your progress with friends or on social media to treating yourself to a well-deserved rest day or a favorite activity. </p><p>Embracing these moments creates a positive feedback loop that enhances your self-esteem and keeps you engaged in your fitness journey, making long-term success more attainable and rewarding.</p>

Celebrate even the small wins

Celebrating even the smallest victories on your fitness journey is a powerful motivational tool. It’s easy to overlook minor achievements when focusing on larger goals, but acknowledging every step forward fuels your drive and commitment.

Whether it’s completing an extra set of exercises, choosing a healthy snack over a tempting treat, or simply sticking to your workout schedule for the week, each small win deserves recognition. These celebrations can take various forms, from sharing your progress with friends or on social media to treating yourself to a well-deserved rest day or a favorite activity. 

Embracing these moments creates a positive feedback loop that enhances your self-esteem and keeps you engaged in your fitness journey, making long-term success more attainable and rewarding.

<p>Habit stacking, a concept popularized by productivity experts, involves pairing a new habit with an existing one to ensure it sticks.</p><p>For those on a fitness journey, this technique can be incredibly effective. For example, if you already have a morning routine of drinking a cup of coffee, stack the new habit of a ten-minute workout right after. This method leverages the automaticity of established habits to trigger new behaviors, making them easier to adopt.</p><p>Over time, this seamless integration into your daily routine reduces the effort required to make fitness a consistent part of your life. By strategically anchoring new fitness activities to habits that are already second nature, you’re more likely to maintain motivation and achieve your health goals.</p>

Learn habit stacking

Habit stacking, a concept popularized by productivity experts, involves pairing a new habit with an existing one to ensure it sticks.

For those on a fitness journey, this technique can be incredibly effective. For example, if you already have a morning routine of drinking a cup of coffee, stack the new habit of a ten-minute workout right after. This method leverages the automaticity of established habits to trigger new behaviors, making them easier to adopt.

Over time, this seamless integration into your daily routine reduces the effort required to make fitness a consistent part of your life. By strategically anchoring new fitness activities to habits that are already second nature, you’re more likely to maintain motivation and achieve your health goals.

<p>By vividly imagining yourself achieving your fitness goals, you tap into a deep well of mental and emotional energy.</p><p>Visualization isn’t mere daydreaming; it’s an active process where you see yourself succeeding, feel the emotions tied to that success, and experience the satisfaction of reaching your goals. This mental rehearsal not only boosts motivation but also enhances focus, making it easier to tackle the challenges ahead.</p><p>Whether it’s picturing yourself crossing a finish line, fitting into desired clothing, or simply feeling healthier, visualization solidifies your commitment and propels you toward your objectives, making the journey more achievable and the goals more tangible.</p>

Practice visualization

By vividly imagining yourself achieving your fitness goals, you tap into a deep well of mental and emotional energy.

Visualization isn’t mere daydreaming; it’s an active process where you see yourself succeeding, feel the emotions tied to that success, and experience the satisfaction of reaching your goals. This mental rehearsal not only boosts motivation but also enhances focus, making it easier to tackle the challenges ahead.

Whether it’s picturing yourself crossing a finish line, fitting into desired clothing, or simply feeling healthier, visualization solidifies your commitment and propels you toward your objectives, making the journey more achievable and the goals more tangible.

<p>Monotony is often the downfall of many well-intentioned fitness plans. To avoid this, diversify your workouts by incorporating different types of exercise, such as strength training, cardio, yoga, or dance. This not only prevents boredom but also ensures that all muscle groups are engaged and improves overall fitness.</p><p>Experimenting with new activities can also reignite your passion for exercise, making your fitness journey a continuous discovery of capabilities and interests. Additionally, varying your routine can lead to unexpected progress, further motivating you by showcasing your improvements in areas you hadn’t initially focused on. By keeping your workouts fresh and exciting, you’re more likely to stay committed and enjoy the process.</p>

Keep things interesting

Monotony is often the downfall of many well-intentioned fitness plans. To avoid this, diversify your workouts by incorporating different types of exercise, such as strength training, cardio, yoga, or dance. This not only prevents boredom but also ensures that all muscle groups are engaged and improves overall fitness.

Experimenting with new activities can also reignite your passion for exercise, making your fitness journey a continuous discovery of capabilities and interests. Additionally, varying your routine can lead to unexpected progress, further motivating you by showcasing your improvements in areas you hadn’t initially focused on. By keeping your workouts fresh and exciting, you’re more likely to stay committed and enjoy the process.

<p>While this is different for everyone, many successful people swear by their morning workout. Engaging in physical activity first thing in the morning kick-starts your metabolism, improves your mood by releasing endorphins, and sets a positive tone for the rest of the day.</p><p>Morning workouts also eliminate the possibility of procrastination or distractions that can arise later in the day. By completing your exercise routine early, you free up your evenings for relaxation or other commitments. This habit not only ensures consistency in your fitness regimen but also reinforces a disciplined, proactive mindset.</p><p>Moreover, the sense of accomplishment from morning workouts can boost your confidence and productivity, making it easier to maintain motivation and focus on achieving your fitness goals.</p>

Prioritize morning workouts

While this is different for everyone, many successful people swear by their morning workout. Engaging in physical activity first thing in the morning kick-starts your metabolism, improves your mood by releasing endorphins, and sets a positive tone for the rest of the day.

Morning workouts also eliminate the possibility of procrastination or distractions that can arise later in the day. By completing your exercise routine early, you free up your evenings for relaxation or other commitments. This habit not only ensures consistency in your fitness regimen but also reinforces a disciplined, proactive mindset.

Moreover, the sense of accomplishment from morning workouts can boost your confidence and productivity, making it easier to maintain motivation and focus on achieving your fitness goals.

<p><a href="">Unwind and De-stress: 15 Soothing Yoga Poses for Relaxation and Inner Peace</a> – In today’s fast-paced world, finding moments of tranquility can be challenging. Stress is a common companion in our daily lives, affecting our physical and mental well-being. </p>

Be consistent–even on rest days

Consistency doesn’t mean pushing yourself to the limit every day; it means integrating healthy habits into your daily routine that support your fitness goals.

On rest days, this could involve light activities such as walking, stretching, or yoga, which aid recovery and keep your body moving. Consistency also applies to nutrition and sleep, ensuring you fuel and rest your body adequately.

By staying committed to these habits, you maintain momentum toward your goals without burning out. This approach reinforces the idea that fitness is a lifestyle, not just an activity, making it easier to stay motivated and see continuous progress.

<p>If you breeze through your routine without breaking a sweat or getting your heart rate up, your body isn’t being challenged anymore. It’s time to increase the intensity or try new types of exercises.</p>

Set social media boundaries

While platforms can offer inspiration and community, they can also lead to comparison and distraction. To harness the positive aspects without falling into the pitfalls, allocate specific times for social media use and curate your feed to include only motivational and supportive content. This means following accounts that inspire you and unfollowing those that don’t contribute positively to your goals. By doing so, you prevent the overwhelm of unrealistic expectations and focus more on your progress.

Establishing these boundaries allows social media to serve as a source of inspiration rather than discouragement, helping you stay motivated and aligned with your fitness aspirations.

two people running outside in the sun

Manipulate your environment

Adapting your environment and habits in this way ensures that staying active and making healthful choices become the paths of least resistance, making it easier to stay committed even when motivation fluctuates. This involves creating a setting that naturally nudges you toward your fitness goals.

For instance, lay out your workout clothes the night before to make starting your exercise routine easier in the morning. Keep unhealthy snacks out of sight and stock your kitchen with nutritious options to encourage healthy eating habits. If possible, set up a dedicated workout space at home to minimize distractions. 

<p>Some may call this your “why.” Leaning on your intrinsic motivation is key to sustaining a long-term commitment to your fitness journey. Intrinsic motivation comes from within, driven by personal satisfaction and the joy of engaging in an activity, rather than external rewards or recognition.</p><p>To tap into this powerful source, focus on activities you genuinely enjoy and set goals that resonate with your values and interests. Reflecting on how your fitness routine improves your health, mood, and energy levels can also reinforce intrinsic motivation.</p><p>When you’re motivated by internal desires rather than external pressures, maintaining a fitness routine becomes more fulfilling and less of a chore. Cultivating this internal drive ensures that your motivation is resilient, keeping you engaged and passionate about your fitness journey, even when external incentives are absent.</p>

Lean on your intrinsic motivation

Some may call this your “why.” Leaning on your intrinsic motivation is key to sustaining a long-term commitment to your fitness journey. Intrinsic motivation comes from within, driven by personal satisfaction and the joy of engaging in an activity, rather than external rewards or recognition.

To tap into this powerful source, focus on activities you genuinely enjoy and set goals that resonate with your values and interests. Reflecting on how your fitness routine improves your health, mood, and energy levels can also reinforce intrinsic motivation.

When you’re motivated by internal desires rather than external pressures, maintaining a fitness routine becomes more fulfilling and less of a chore. Cultivating this internal drive ensures that your motivation is resilient, keeping you engaged and passionate about your fitness journey, even when external incentives are absent.

<p>This fitness trend focuses on the recovery and regeneration of our bodies after putting them through any type of physical activity that is out of the norm. This can look like full-body stretching, yoga, meditation, proper rest, hydration, and proper nutrition. This is a great way to get the whole household in a healthier, happier atmosphere. After all, proper nutrition is the first step in your fitness journey. </p><p><strong>More Articles from Champagne and Coffee Stains</strong></p><ul> <li><a href="">15 Easy Things I Did That Helped Me Lose 40lbs and Keep It Off</a></li> <li><a href="">14 Common Meal Planning Mistakes and How to Avoid Them</a></li> </ul>

Stay Flexible

While routine and self-discipline lay the foundation for success, rigidity can sometimes be counterproductive. It’s important to listen to your body and adjust your plans accordingly. If you find yourself dreading a high-intensity workout because you’re feeling drained, opting for a gentler option like a 20-minute at-home Pilates session or a yoga class can be incredibly beneficial.

This approach ensures you remain active without overextending yourself, preserving your energy and enthusiasm for future workouts. Flexibility in your fitness routine encourages a sustainable approach, allowing you to adapt based on your daily needs and preferences while staying on track with your overall goals. This balance between consistency and adaptability fosters long-term commitment and keeps burnout at bay.

<ul> <li><a href="">15 High-Energy Tracks to Fuel An Awesome Workout</a></li> <li><a href="">10 Sheet Pan Dinners That Will Change The Way You Cook</a></li> </ul>

Find the right balance

Adding to the previous point, finding the right balance is essential for maintaining motivation and ensuring longevity in your fitness journey. It’s about harmonizing exercise with rest, nutrition, and other life commitments.

Striking this balance means not overcommitting to grueling workouts that leave you exhausted, or neglecting physical activity altogether. It involves listening to your body and allowing for recovery time, integrating a variety of workouts to engage different muscle groups and prevent boredom, and ensuring your diet supports your energy needs without restrictive eating. 

Balancing these aspects helps prevent burnout and injuries, making your fitness journey enjoyable and sustainable. It encourages a holistic approach to health, where physical activity becomes a natural and rewarding part of your daily life, rather than a task or obligation.

<p>Having patience with yourself is a critical element of staying motivated on your fitness journey. Progress in fitness is often slow and non-linear, with inevitable plateaus and setbacks. Recognizing and accepting this fact can help you maintain a positive outlook and perseverance.</p><p>Instead of getting frustrated with temporary stagnation or minor backslides, view them as part of the process and learning experiences. Celebrate the small victories and understand that lasting change takes time. Patience fosters a kinder, more compassionate approach to personal fitness, allowing you to enjoy the journey without undue pressure.</p><p>This self-compassion ensures you stay motivated, committed, and ready to face challenges with resilience, understanding that every step forward, no matter how small, is a victory in its own right.</p><p><strong>More Articles</strong></p><ul> <li><a href="">19 Surprising Benefits of Regular Exercise You May Not Know About</a></li> <li><a href="">18 Genius (and Nutritious) Snack Ideas for Pre- and Post-Workout Fuel</a></li> </ul>

Have patience with yourself

Having patience with yourself is a critical element of staying motivated on your fitness journey. Progress in fitness is often slow and non-linear, with inevitable plateaus and setbacks. Recognizing and accepting this fact can help you maintain a positive outlook and perseverance.

Instead of getting frustrated with temporary stagnation or minor backslides, view them as part of the process and learning experiences. Celebrate the small victories and understand that lasting change takes time. Patience fosters a kinder, more compassionate approach to personal fitness, allowing you to enjoy the journey without undue pressure.

This self-compassion ensures you stay motivated, committed, and ready to face challenges with resilience, understanding that every step forward, no matter how small, is a victory in its own right.

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About the business.

Journey fitness is a new and innovative mobile gym service. The convenience of just walking out your door and jumping right into a workout along with the camaraderie of working out with a group of friends are just to name a few. For those unfamiliar with Journey Fitness and the service you can find all the details at, but Journey Fitness offers privates, family, and group workouts, as well as nutrition coaching, and table stretching. Journey Fitness is expanding and we will be accepting new clients. Time slots are booking up so please reach out to [email protected] to get setup or call 512-810-4191 to get ahold of Jaison Strambler. …

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Photo of Jessica H.

WOW! Jason is awesome. This is a mobile gym, Jason pulls up to your house with all the equipment you need AND music! He runs an awesome program. We did it with three friends. He said he does larger classes as well. You just have to let him know how many people so that he can have enough equipment for everyone. He's calm, pleasant, and motivating without screaming at you. I really enjoyed the class. It was HARD, but he tailors the class to any ability level. My sister does a class with him three times a week. This was my first class with him, and I was really impressed. I've done Orange Theory, Barry's, all the big spin studios, Pilates, yoga, Peloton - and Jason's business holds up to all the best boutique fitness companies out there. Definitely recommend him at the highest level - only don't make him so busy that he can't keep coaching me!

Photo of Rachel B.

If you want convenient, challenging, and custom workouts, Journey Fitness is for you! I've gained so much more than weekly workouts. I now know about proper nutrition for my body type, injury prevention, progressive overload, and safe ways to lift heavier. Journey Fitness has the tools and knowledge to help you reach your fitness goals. Whether you have specific personal goals or just want more a more healthy lifestyle for your family, they tailor to you! I highly recommend this service. There's no better time to start prioritizing your health than now!

Photo of Michelle C.

Jaison and Jocelyn at Journey Fitness are AWESOME. My husband and I work out with them three times per week, and they provide the quality training a full service gym with the ultimate convenience of fitting in a session at home in between zoom calls. They are both professionally trained with degrees in kinesiology and bring a safe, fun and results driven gym session. Our neighbors have started to join in on our driveway work outs, everyone is getting hooked!

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At journey we utilize a one-of-a-kind proprietary software to customize a plan for your to reach your health and fitness goals., most gyms tell you about their classes or their equipment. we put you on a customized plan to fitness success. being a coaching center we motivate you and keep you accountable to reaching your goals. we help you to track your nutrition, track your results and we track you down when you don't show up., an exact plan to reach your goals on an exact date or your money back.

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What Is Journey 333?

  • A comprehensive fitness plan based on your schedule and preferences that supports your goals
  • A doable nutrition plan , also based on your preferences, because workouts alone simply aren't enough to achieve long-term wellness
  • Family-style support , so you'll always want to show up, and you'll have the motivation and accountability you need

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Raising membership price FILE PHOTO: Planet Fitness announced it is raising the cost of its classic membership from $10 to $15 this summer. (Tommaso Boddi/Getty Images)

The price of membership at Planet Fitness is going up.

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The $10 classic membership will be increased to $15, CNN reported. This is the first time the price has gone up since 1998.

The increase will begin this summer and give people access to one location. The company’s Black Club allows people to access several locations and adds other perks to the memberships at a cost of $24.99 a month, CNBC reported.

Current classic members will continue to pay the $10 monthly fee, CBS News reported. The new price is for new members.

The company didn’t say why the cost was rising, but it touts itself as no frills, with basic machines and no towels in locker rooms, CNN reported. It also has a model that appeals to people who want to work out but are intimidated by pricier gyms or who can’t afford those companies’ prices, which can be $50 or more a month.

The 50% price increase comes at a time when the cost of living has gone up across the board. It also comes when people are trying to save money and after the COVID-19 pandemic, CBS News reported.

Planet Fitness’ interim CEO Crage Benson believes that the members shouldn’t be shocked by the move.

“We’ve seen in every industry people move in price,” Benson said, according to CNN . “So, it is not going to come as a shock to anybody that we are moving a price that’s been in effect for a long, long time.”

The company came up with the new $15 rate after testing costs in several markets and will perform similar tests for the Black Club membership, CBS News reported.

Planet Fitness has the following locations in Northeast Florida and Southeast Georgia:

-14858 Old St Augustine Rd, Jacksonville

-8661 Old Kings Rd S, Jacksonville

-7628 103rd St, Units 16-20, Jacksonville

-5810 Normandy Blvd, Jacksonville

-3566 Blanding Blvd # 3, Jacksonville

-5290 Norwood Ave, #2, Jacksonville

-1102 Dunn Ave Unit 1, Jacksonville

-6060 Fort Caroline Rd, Jacksonville

-253 Royal Palms Drive, Atlantic Beach

-14444 Beach Blvd, Jacksonville

-651 Commerce Center Dr, Unit 300, Jacksonville

-8595 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville

-1514 County Rd 220, Unit 400, Fleming Island

-700 Blanding Blvd, Orange Park

-1980 Wells Rd, Orange Park

-80 Epic Blvd, FL - 207, St. Augustine

-111 Town and Country Dr, Palatka

-2782 W US Hwy 90, Lake City

-1601 Hwy 40 East, Ste 2B4, Kingsland

-167 Mall Blvd, Brunswick, GA

-2215 Memorial Dr, Waycross, GA

-1601 Hwy 40 East, Ste 2B4, Kingsland, GA

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