The Top 19 Things to Do in Darjeeling, India

darjeeling tourism point

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Darjeeling, at the base of the Eastern Himalayas in West Bengal, is a scenic hill station with a turbulent history. Before being developed by the British in the mid-19th century, it was part of the kingdom of Sikkim and was also temporarily ruled by invading Gorkhas from Nepal. Darjeeling quickly grew into a popular summer retreat for the British and they soon discovered that the climate was perfect for growing tea, their favorite brew.

Not surprisingly, Darjeeling is one of the top tourist places in West Bengal . You'll quickly notice that the culture there is very different though. The town is home to many immigrants from surrounding countries such as Nepal, Tibet and Bhutan. Nepali, not Hindi or Bengali, is the main language spoken. These top things to do in Darjeeling incorporate the area's distinctive heritage.

Ride the Himalayan Mountain Railway Toy Train


Apart from tea, the other thing that Darjeeling is famous for is its historic toy train. The Darjeeeling Himalayan Railway was completed by the British in 1881 and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It runs all the way from the lower reaches of the mountains to Darjeeling town. The full journey takes nearly a whole day. However, shorter joy rides are possible. The most popular of these is from Darjeeling to Ghoom via Batasia Loop. The train stops for 10 minutes at Batasia Loop, where there's a lookout and war memorial dedicated to Gorkha soldiers from Darjeeling. It also stops for 30 minutes at Ghoom, where there's a railway museum.

Tour the Tea Gardens

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More than 80 tea gardens carpet the hills around Darjeeling and any trip there wouldn't be complete without visiting a few. As you leave Darjeeling town, you'll come across gardens everywhere and can stop at any that appeal. Most will allow you to take a stroll around. Many sell teas too.

  • Happy Valley Tea Estate is the most famous tea garden. It's only five minutes from town, making it invariably visited by tourists. The estate has a long history dating back to 1850 and grows among the finest organic teas in the region. For an additional 50 rupees, you can get dressed up in a traditional Nepali outfit and pose in the tea gardens.
  • Badamtam Tea Estate, about 15 minutes north of Darjeeling town, is notable for having a towering Buddha statue presiding over its tea bushes.
  • An hour and a half south of Darjeeling, you'll find some outstanding tea gardens near Kurseong. These include Makaibari Tea Estate (which produces some of the rarest and most expensive tea in the world), Castleton (which actually has a castle of sorts and has been owned by Kolkata royalty) and sprawling Ambootia Tea Estate (their organic Darjeeling black tea is highly regarded).

If you're flying into Bagdogra Airport and driving to Darjeeling, you may also want to drop into Nuxalbari Tea Estate. This commendable tea estate is only 15 minutes from the airport. It's owned and run by women, and is the first large tea estate in India to produce " Certified Elephant Friendly Tea ". Elephants are free to pass through the tea gardens!

Learn How Tea Is Processed

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Witnessing, and even participating in, the tea harvesting process is a big attraction from March to November. Some of the bigger tea estates offer guided tours of their factories. Happy Valley Tea Estate, closest to town, is the best place to go. You'll get a full demonstration of how the leaves are plucked, oxidized, segregated and processed. Fascinating! The guided tea tours are conducted regularly from 9.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. daily and cost 100 rupees.

Makaibari Tea Estate is another recommended place to learn about tea processing. Their tea factory tour is well-organized and insightful, and there are samples for tasting. The cost is 20 rupees. They also have a pioneering homestay scheme , whereby you can stay overnight in the village with a family of tea pluckers and join them in their morning work for an immersive experience.

Stay on a Tea Estate

Ging Tea House

Want to escape the hustle of Darjeeling town? Estate owners have embraced tea tourism by converting their tea planter bungalows into exclusive guest accommodations. Check out these top places to stay on tea plantations in India for our pick of them. They're not cheap though, so be prepared to splurge!

Alternatively, Rainbow Valley Resort on Kalej Valley Tea Estate, 50 minutes south of Darjeeling, is a popular budget option. Wooden cottages cost about 3,500 rupees per night for a double. Tathagata Farm is part of an experiential organic tea farming community 45 minutes northeast of Darjeeling. It provides an authentic local experience, with village walks and day hikes. Guest accommodations consist of cottages and luxury tents. Rates start from about 4,000 rupees per night.

Meander Along the British-Era Mall

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Similar to other hill stations in India that were settled by the British, Darjeeling has a Mall Road that runs through the town. It stems off from one end of pedestrianized Chowrasta Square, the local hangout spot at the center of town, and connects to another end of it after doing a big loop around Observatory Hill. The shady, forested road is dotted with important historical buildings dating back to the British Raj era and has numerous viewpoints, including one to Mount Kanchenjunga. The whole walk can be completed in about 20 minutes. If you're not feeling energetic or fit, you can hire a pony for a couple hundred rupees. Chowrasta Square is a fantastic place for people-watching, so do sit and enjoy the atmosphere for a while too.

See Where Hindu and Buddhist Faiths Coexist

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Take a detour off Mall Road up to the remarkable Mahakal temple complex on Observatory Hill. This site was previously home to a Buddhist monastery, built by Lama Dorjey Rinzing in 1765. Apparently, he also built the Mahakal temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva, in 1782 after three Shiva lingas (symbols of Lord Shiva) manifested themselves there. Unfortunately, the monastery was plundered by invading Gorkhas from Nepal in 1815. However, the temple still remains, evocatively surrounded by Buddhist prayer flags and prayer wheels. Don't be surprised to see a Hindu priest and Buddhist monk praying alongside each other. Nearby, are a few other temples and a sacred cave. Plus, lots of monkeys. Avoid carrying food because they may make a lunge for it!

Soak Up the Views with Tea at Sunset Lounge

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Where else to spend sunset than at the Sunset Lounge at Chowrasta Square. This tea bar belongs to Nathmulls , a prominent Darjeeling tea merchant, and is attached to their tea shop. As is to be expected, the variety of teas available is extensive. If you're finding it difficult to choose, the owner will give suggestions. Or, have a tea tasting session (600 rupees for two people). It consists of six teas — three black, two green, and one white. Pastries and cakes, made from the bakery on the premises, are delicious to eat with it. There's also free wireless Internet. Nathmulls sells all kinds of tea accessories, as well as tea, which make great gifts for tea-lovers.

Step Back in Time at the Windamere Hotel

Windamere Hotel, Darjeeling

Want to get a feel for how Darjeeling was during the time of British rule in India? Windamere Hotel on Observatory Hill is the place. Some may say it's lost in a time warp, while others will find it delightfully quirky. The hotel was constructed as a boarding house for British planters in the 1880s and not much has changed there in over a century, including the vintage furniture and old-fashioned customs. The hotel prides itself on serving formal meals (there's no room service) in the dining hall, with set times for children and adults. Guests are requested to dress appropriately for dinner — no nightgowns, pajamas, or "short pants"! The highlight is the traditional afternoon high tea, presented by waitresses dressed as tea maids from the 1930s. You're guaranteed to meet some engaging people there. Rates start from 13,500 rupees per night for a double, inclusive of all meals.

Gaze at Mount Kanchenjunga

If the weather is expected to be clear, most tourists head up to Tiger Hill early in the morning to watch the sunrise over the snowy peaks of iconic Mount Kanchenjunga (the highest mountain in India and third highest in the world). The best months to do this are from mid October to December, and March to April. Unfortunately, notoriously unpredictable mist or fog may ruin the show though. The cold temperature and waking hour also deter some people from going.

Depending on the time of year, you'll need to leave your hotel by around 3 a.m. to 4 a.m. to beat the massive crowd. Otherwise, you may be stuck in the convoy of cars, and fail to get a spot at the Observatory Tower and Deck. Ticket prices range from 30 to 50 rupees, depending on the floor. Don't worry too much if you miss the spectacle, as Mount Kanchenjunga can be seen from many locations around Darjeeling town.

Marvel Over the Buddhist Monasteries

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The prevalence of Buddhist monasteries in and around Darjeeling are reflective of the region's predominant religion, Buddhism. Their bright murals, gigantic golden statues, and pervasively peaceful vibes make them captivating places to visit. Bhutia Busty Monastery is closest to town. It sits downhill from Chowrasta Square and was built there in the 19th century, after being relocated from Observatory Hill where the Mahakal temple is.

There are many more monasteries around Ghoom. These include Yiga Choeling Monastery (the first Tibetan Buddhist monastery to be built in the region), Guru Monastery (you can attend morning worship from 5.30 a.m. to 7.30 a.m. when returning from Tiger Hill), and Samten Choeling Gompa (with the largest Buddha statue in West Bengal). Dali Monastery, formally known as Druk Sangag Choeling Monastery, is also a must-visit between Ghoom and Darjeeling.

Join in the Prayer for World Peace Images

The Japanese Peace Pagoda is another calm and compelling attraction between Ghoom and Darjeeling. It's one of many peace pagodas erected worldwide under the guidance of Japanese Buddhist monk Nichidatsu Fujii, in response to the brutal atomic attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II. The monk was a close associate of Mahatma Gandhi, and strong supporter of unity and non-violence. The pagoda has striking gold statues of Lord Buddha in various postures and artwork depicting his life. A small Japanese temple sits not far from it. Upstairs in the prayer hall, prayers for world peace take place in the morning from 4.30 a.m. to 6 a.m. and afternoon from 4.30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Visitors are invited to join in and play a drum if they wish. 

Watch Rugs Being Woven

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The Tibetan Refuge Self Help Center on West Lebong Cart Road is an insightful place to watch the traditional art of rug weaving. This center was established in 1959 to support the Tibetans who fled their homeland after occupation by China. It provided them with an outlet where they could produce and sell Tibetan handicrafts to generate an income. The workshops aren't as productive as they once were because most of the refugees have aged. However, various handcrafts are still sold on the premises, including rugs. You can even design your own rug or choose from the catalog. Visitors can also see an educational exhibition of old photos and documents dedicated to the Tibetan cause. The center is closed on Sundays.

Feast on Momos

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Along with the culture, the cuisine in Darjeeling is strongly influenced by Tibet and Nepal. Momos, the quintessential mountain soul food, are everywhere. However, the curiously-named Hot Stimulating Cafe on the way to the zoo dishes up some of the best momos in India (although they're vegetarian only). This simple cafe is actually one of the best places to chill out in Darjeeling, as its rear deck provides a marvelous view over the valley and tea gardens. Devour the momos with local tumba (millet and wheat beer). You can even learn how to make momos, as informal cooking classes are conducted! The cafe is open daily from early morning until evening.

Explore the Local Market

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Hit up Darjeeling's indispensable Chowk Bazaar (also known as Lower Bazaar) for a real local market experience. It's situated to the south of town, downhill off Hill Cart Road, and is where the town's residents go to buy pretty much everything at bargain prices. Its lanes are filled with an assortment of products including wholesale spices, tea, vegetables, meat, Buddhist artifacts, masks, household items, shoes, textiles, rugs, and caps. The market is open daily, except Thursdays, from early morning until night. Weekends are especially busy, as vendors bring in bulk produce from surrounding villages to sell. Be prepared for crowds and chaos!

Spot the Shy Red Panda and Other Rare Animals

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Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoo is one of the best in India and a top attraction for families in Darjeeling. This high-altitude zoo was established in 1958 to help conserve and breed endangered native Himalayan animals such as the snow leopard, Himalayan wolf, and red panda (which Mozilla's Firefox Internet browser is said to have been named after). It also has bears, birds, panthers, deer and reptiles. Notably, many animals are kept in a protected open area, so it's like observing them in the wild.

In addition, there's a museum with a variety of stuffed animals and birds. The zoo is situated to the north of town, about a 20 minute walk from Chowrasta via Lebong Cart Road. It's open daily from 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m., except Thursdays. Allow a couple of hours to see everything. Tickets cost 60 rupees for Indians and 100 rupees for foreigners. An additional camera fee is payable.

Learn About Mountaineering and Try Rock Climbing

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Behind the zoo, the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute was founded and by the late Tenzing Norgay, who conquered Mount Everest with Sir Edmund Hillary in 1953. Its museum is an inimitable repository of information about climbing Mount Everest and other major mountain expeditions undertaken. It can be visited in conjunction with the zoo, as tickets cover both. The institute is also a functioning mountaineering training center that offers mountaineering courses for all levels and fun rock climbing sessions. There's an indoor rock wall that costs 30 rupees to climb. Otherwise, the more strenuous outdoor rock climbing happens at Tenzing Norgay Rock, on the northern outskirts of Darjeeling.

Experience the Thrill of Paragliding

Thrill-seekers will be happy to know that paragliding is possible in Darjeeling. Off Road Adventure started the activity there in 2006. Blue Dragon Adventure and Travel also does paragliding and is recommended. Flights typically launch from Saint Paul School near Jalapahar, about a 10 minute drive above Darjeeling town, and land at Lebong Ground. You'll get an amazing bird's-eye view of the town, tea gardens and mountain peaks. Paragliding is dependent on wind conditions and only takes place from October to April. Tandem flights are offered for those who aren't experienced. Expect to pay 3,500 rupees per person for 15 to 30 minutes, based on the conditions.

Enjoy the Great Outdoors

In addition to the walking opportunities around town, Darjeeling is close to some popular hiking and trekking trails that can be covered in a day or longer. If you want to hike independently, ascending the Tiger Hill summit is a good option. Take Tenzing Norgay Road from Chowrasta or Gandhi Road. Otherwise, day hikes to Tonglu or Tumling villages have rewarding views of Mount Kanchenjunga. These hikes start two or three hours from Darjeeling. Adventures Unlimited , Blue Dragon Adventure, Off Road Adventure, and Ashmita Trek and Tours are reputable companies that conduct the hikes with transport and guides.

If you'd prefer a multi-day trek, try the trek to Sandakphu at the summit of the Singalila mountain range. It can be completed in four or five days, and you don't need to be super fit if you're used to walking. The views, flora and fauna are superb. For an added challenge, continue on to Phalut from Sandakphu (or drive to Sandakphu and start trekking from there). The above companies, as well as Tenzing Norgay Adventures , all provide trekking packages of different lengths.

Be a "Day Tripper" at Revolver

Are you a fan of The Beatles, the wildly famous English rock band from the 1960s? You'll feel right at home at Revolver. This characterful budget guesthouse is themed on the band, with each of its five rooms named after one of the Fab Four (plus manager Brian Epstein). Naturally, the owners are mad about The Beatles. They've filled the guesthouse with Beatles memorabilia such as photos, posters, and stamps. They also sell Beatles souvenirs, including mugs and coasters. Guests are welcome to play the Washburn acoustic guitar in the restaurant. Even the restaurant's menu is decorated with Beatles trivia. The healthy specialty Naga food is a treat! Rates start from 1,400 rupees per night for a double room.

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25 best places to visit in darjeeling west bengal, the queen of hills.

darjeeling tourism point

Tucked in the Lesser Himalaya, has always attracted the mind of travelers from all over the world. The town hosts the typical Gorkha culture and is well known for its quaint colonial ambiance. Moreover, this hill station in India is the gateway to one of the popular treks in the Indian Himalayan region, the Sandakphu-Phalut Trek and is also one of the two places in India where from one can capture the entire panorama of the Eastern Himalayan ranges, from the Everest to Kanchendzonga. Further, the refreshing environment layered with several tea estates and evergreen forests… simply offers a retreat and is ideal for leisure capes. Its breathtaking beauty and pleasant weather are the reasons why to visit Darjeeling for an amazing vacation.

Here is the list of some of the best places to visit in Darjeeling that will surely quench your Darjeeling trip palette.

Tenzing and Gombu Rock

Dhr sukna museum, darjeeling old cemetery, dhr ghum museum, happy valley tea estate, senchal lake and wildlife sanctuary, shrubbery nightingale park, st andrew’s church, dhirdham temple, aloobari monastery, samten choling monastery and yiga choling monastery, dali monastery, ghoom monastery, bhutia busty monastery, tibetan refugee self help center.

  • Japanese Temple and Peace Pagoda

Darjeeling Mall and Chowrasta

Rock garden and ganga maya park.

  • Darjeeling Ropeway

Himalayan Mountaineering Institute and Darjeeling Zoo

  • Batasia Loop
  • Bengal Natural History Museum

Observatory Hill and Mahakal Temple

Quick Travel Information about Darjeeling

Popular Darjeeling Tour Packages

  • 6 Nights 7 Days Darjeeling Gangtok Pelling Tour Package
  • 4 Nights 5 Days Darjeeling Gangtok Sightseeing Tour
  • 5 Nights 6 Days Darjeeling Gangtok Kalimpong Tour
  • 7 Nights 8 Days Darjeeling Sikkim Romantic Tour
  • 6 Nights 7 Days Darjeeling Sikkim Honeymoon Tour

Himalayan Mountaineering Institute Darjeeling

Himalayan Mountaineering Institute showcases the best mountaineering gears and expedition artifacts. It is one of the best tourist places in Darjeeling especially for the mountain lovers. It was built in the memory of Tenzing Norgay who, along with Sir Edmund Hillary, climbed Everest in 1953. The Himalayan Mountaineering Institute further runs a boarding school for mountaineering students and maintains a memorial dedicated to Tenzing Norgay, a restaurant, and a souvenir shop.

Located within the premises of the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute is the Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park, which is also known as Darjeeling Zoo. It spreads over approximately 68 acres and houses many endangered species of animals adapted to alpine conditions like the snow leopard, red panda, goral (mountain goat), Siberian tiger, Tibetan Wolf, Himalayan Black Bear, clouded Leopards, Black Leopards and a variety of birds. The Himalayan Mountaineering Institute and Darjeeling Zoo is perched on the Birch Hill, which is easily accessible from Darjeeling Mall.

Timings- 8:30 am to 4:30 pm in Summer & 8:30 am to 4:00 pm in Winter

Batasia Loop Darjeeling

One of the top tourist attractions for nature lovers and honeymooners, the Batasia Loop is specifically known for its spiral of a narrow-gauge railway track on the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway where the Toy Train makes a complete loop around a wonderful circular garden. It was built in 1919 to reduce the gradient of the slope for the toy train to fall smoothly from about 140ft.   It covers an area of 50,000 square feet and is dotted with several flowering plants.

You will get a 360-degree view of the entire landscape of Darjeeling from here. It also maintains an eco-garden which has information about organic farming in Darjeeling, Gorkha War Memorial, and many restaurants and eateries.

The Batasia Loop is approximately 5 kilometers away from Darjeeling town and is close to Ghoom. If you are lucky enough then on a clear sunny day, you will get a jaw breaking view of the Khangchendzonga range and Eastern Himalayas.

Rock Garden Darjeeling

The Rock Garden also known as Barbotey Rock Garden, which is approximately 10 kilometers from Darjeeling town, is set with picturesque and colorful terraced gardens dotted with highly diversified flowering plants… blazing the rocks and cliffs at different levels. The Chunnu Summer Falls is another additional feature that makes the park a best tourist spot to visit in Darjeeling.

On the other hand, 3 kilometers ahead is the Ganga Maya Park, which is another nature park with a narrow gushing stream flowing through it. The park also hosts gardens dotted with varied species of colorful flowers and a lake. Tourists can also enjoy Gorkha folk dance at Ganga Maya Park.

If you are a nature lover, then you must visit Rock Garden and Ganga Maya Park, the entire landscape of Darjeeling and lofty mountain ranges, the dancing clouds, deep gorges, soothing water streams, lush greenery all around and enchanting hills will definitely take your breath away.

Gombu Rock Darjeeling

Named after Tenzing Norgay (Who was the first person to climb Mt Everest), Tenzing Rock is one of the most beautiful gigantic natural rocks in Darjeeling. Just opposite to this is the beautiful Gombu Rock which is named after Nawang Gombu, the nephew of Tenzing who became the director of field training at Himalayan Mountaineering Institute after Tenzing retired in 1976.

Both these rocks are used for rock climbing training. Adventurers from all across the globe come here to become mountaineers and rock climbers. The rock-climbing training is given by the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute. Tenzing himself used to practice on the one named after him. It is one of the best tourist places to visit in Darjeeling for adventure lovers and thrill seekers.

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Darjeeling Ropeway

With the natural element in just one view, the Darjeeling Ropeway, which is also known as the Rangeet Valley Passenger Cable Car, offers a refreshing getaway to the tourists.  It was started in 1968 and it was the first cable car system in India.

From the ropeway you can enjoy the spectacular view of the valley below that is bedded with lush green tea gardens, waterfalls, gorgeous Peaks of Kanchenjunga and dense forest and cut by several small gushing streams.

It is one of the popular tourist attractions in Darjeeling where one can spend some ideal hours in the tea estate and enjoy a nature walk.

  • Winter and Monsoon Timings – 10:00am to 4:00pm
  • Summer and Autumn Timings- 10:00am to 2:00pm
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DHR Sukna Darjeeling

Set up in 2005, Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Museum (DHR Museum) at Sukna is the third of DHR museums. The first one is in Ghoom and the second is in Kurseoung. It is one of the top tourism sites to visit in Darjeeling. It has a nice collection of original photographs related to the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway.

It houses rare collections which will give you great insight on the history of Darjeeling. You will witness the sketches of Tangas, Rare pictures of toy train, original pictures of Kurseong station in 1880’s, Tindharia Railway Station before 1910, entire history of Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, and a very rare picture of a 100-year-old woman “the Witch of Ghoom” who used to visit Tindharia Railway Station in 1890’s, etc.

If you are a kind of person who really loves to know about the history of places then Darjeeling Museum is a perfect place to be in.

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Darjeeling Old Cemetery

One may not consider Darjeeling Old Cemetery as a tourist place but it is declared as a site of ‘National Importance’, the Darjeeling Old Cemetery houses two historical graves and several other graves belonging to people from the colonial era. There are graves of those British settlers who turned the dense forests of Darjeeling into beautiful Tea estates which are now visited by nature lovers and solace seekers. It will give you a glimpse of the colonial days of Darjeeling.

The upper section of the cemetery offers breathtaking vistas of tea gardens and mesmerizing landscapes of Darjeeling. The graves dating back to 1840’s will give you spooky vibes. There used to be more than 100 graves in the cemetery but now most of them are destroyed by the ravages of time and it is very difficult to point exactly how many graves are here.

The grave of Lt. General George W. Aylmer Lloyd and the great Hungarian linguist Alexander Csoma de Koros are the major attractions in the vicinity. It is one of the most popular tourist attractions to include in your Darjeeling itinerary for peace and surreal views of Darjeeling’s landscapes.

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DHR Ghum Museum

One of the three museums in Darjeeling district, the DHR Ghoom Museum that is located in the premises of the Ghoom Railway Station, which is the highest railway station in the world, preserves the oldest model of Toy Train engine of Darjeeling Himalayan Railway. It showcases the heritage of the Darjeeling Himalayan toy train. The Baby Sivok is a major tourist attraction.

It is the oldest toy train engine of Darjeeling Himalayan Railways which was started in 1881. The premises also have a huge collection of rare and old artifacts of the Darjeeling Himalayan Railways, photographs and items donated by the ex DHR employees. You must include DHR Ghum Museum in your Darjeeling sightseeing tour if you want to make your trip interesting.

Timings – 10:00 am to 1:30 pm and 2:00pm to 4:00pm

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Love Road Darjeeling

A perfect place to spend some romantic moments with your partner, Love Road will bring out the romance in your life.  It is 3 kilometers long stretch of narrow refreshing walkway in the midst of nature… the Love Road encircles Birch Hill. As stated, it is a lovers’ point… hence it is also one of the best honeymoon places in Darjeeling where you can see some beautiful bird species coupling, twittering and flattering around which makes this place an awesome paradise for bird watchers and nature lovers.

Surrounded by the soothing views of nature and gorgeous steep hills, the narrow road’s beauty will give you goosebumps. It is a place where you will see the lofty Kanchenjunga Range and Lebong Spur. The serene shade of Pine and Rhododendron trees is a delightful sight to behold. For a lovely start to your love life, Love Road is one of the most beautiful places to visit for couples in Darjeeling.

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Happy Valley Tea Estate Darjeeling

It is time to enjoy the sprawling tea estate that is spread across 440 acres. The serene charm of this bliss Tea Estate will rejuvenate your soul completely. If you are looking for a place to fine tune your spirit, Happy Valley Tea Estate is one of the most beautiful nature tourism places to see in Darjeeling. The thing that will chuckle you is that it has bushes which are more than 150 years old. Your trip to Darjeeling remains incomplete till you visit the Happy Valley Tea Estate, which is Darjeeling’s second oldest tea estate and was established in 1854. It is situated at an altitude of 2100 meters above the sea level.

If you are touring Darjeeling between March and May, then you are likely to see the plucking process. The Happy Valley Tea Estate is approximately 3 kilometers away from Darjeeling town and I must say that tea lovers are surely going to like this place… because of the sweet flavor blending with the atmosphere.

Timings- Tuesday to Saturday – 8:00am to 4:00

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Senchal Lake Darjeeling

One of the oldest wildlife sanctuaries in India that was set up in 1915, the Senchal Wildlife Sanctuary is a haven for wildlife lovers who are visiting Darjeeling for just a couple of days or on the weekends. It is approximately 11 kilometers away from the Darjeeling town.

The Senchal Lake inside the sanctuary is one of the picturesque sites that attract lots of tourists. It is a perfect haunt for photographers and nature lovers. The Senchal Lake is a source of drinking water to Darjeeling. If you are looking for a place to spend some fun filled moments with your family and friends, the perfect surroundings to Senchal Lake is good for a weekend picnic.

The Senchal Wildlife Sanctuary is home to several species of animals such as the barking deer, wild pig, Himalayan black bear, leopard, jungle cat, common rhesus monkey, Assam macaque, Himalayan flying squirrel and many more. It is also rich in several bird species and plant species. It covers an area of approximately 40 square kilometers.

There are beautiful varieties of flora in the Sanctuary. Oak, Pine and Birch trees, around 350 types of flowering plants including Rhododendron and Orchids, plantations of Dhupi, Kapasi, Kawla, Hemlock and mating bamboo etc. will surely tickle your lens to capture amazing photos of the wilderness.

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Shrubbery Nightingale Park Darjeeling

The beautiful Shrubbery Nightingale Park is an amazing place to visit with your family in Darjeeling to relax your soul from the chaos of work life. Mesmerizing Kanchenjunga Peaks and Eastern Himalayan Ranges is a beautiful backdrop that will give you a visual treat. In a peak tourist season, this park becomes a fun place as many Nepali cultural programs are held here every evening.

This place was completely destroyed by an earthquake in 1934, after some years the place had been renovated. The park is crisscrossed by many pebbled walkways and also maintains an idol of Lord Shiva. The musical fountain is also a major attraction inside the park. Holidays in Darjeeling will be more interesting and pleasant if you include Nightingale Park in your Darjeeling itinerary tour.

Timings- 8:00am to 8:00pm

Best Time to Visit – October and November

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St. Andrews Church Darjeeling

Another major Tourist attraction in Darjeeling St. Andrew’s Church, which is one of the prominent architectural examples from the colonial era. It is named after the patron saint of Scotland. It was built in the year 1843 but was later rebuilt in 1873 after it was damaged by a massive earthquake. The church holds many inlaid marble tablets and brass plaques, including that of Lt. General Lloyd (Also known as Discoverer of Darjeeling) and Charlotte Countess Canning (Wife of governor general).

From outside the church looks old and not well maintained but from inside it looks beautiful. One of the most interesting facts about this church is that the old cemetery of Darjeeling was under its authority till 1995. In 1970, with the help of Das studio collected records of all the graves through photography but strangely the records have disappeared since then.

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Dhirdham Temple Darjeeling

The gorgeous Nepali Style Hindu Temple of Dhirdham is one of the most popular religious tourist attractions to visit in Darjeeling. The temple is located just below the Toy Train Railway Station. Built by Rai Saheb aka Purna Bahadur Pradhan (King of Nepal) in 1936, this beautiful temple of Lord Shiva offers spiritual bliss and eternal peace to the devotees.

The major attraction inside the complex is the white colored statue of Lord Shiva that represents the five different expressions of Shiva with his universal third eye. The architecture of the temple resembles The Pashupatinath Temple of Kathmandu. The temple complex holds a tranquil ambiance and you will surely come across the hospitable nature of the priests’ bestowing blessings to devotees.

Aarti Timings- 8:00 am to 6:00pm

Note- Cameras are not allowed inside the temple premises.

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Aloobari Monastery Darjeeling

Located 3km away from Darjeeling, Aloobari Monastery got its name from a place named Aloobari. A religious leader from North Eastern Nepal Sangay Lama built this serene Buddhist monastery during the first world war. This monastery was built as a symbol of peace amidst the chaos of war. The name Mak Dog was given to this monastery which means averting the war. The bright red and yellow walls, two lions on the top of the entry gate look gorgeous.

Inside the monastery you will see the statue of Buddha, Padmasambhava, a prayer hall and murals depicting the life story of Lord Buddha. Surrounding the monastery are several villages inhabited by Tibetan families. It is one of the must visit places near Darjeeling where you can get acquainted with the local culture and experience their hospitality.

  • Interesting Facts About North East India

Samten Choling Monastery Darjeeling

One of the three monasteries in Ghoom, the Samten Choling Monastery is approximately 7 kilometers away from Darjeeling town and belongs to the Gelugpa sect of Buddhists. It is crafted with a huge square arched gate and the exterior of the monastery maintains a white body and golden top in the typical Tibetan architectural style. The major attraction is the 26-foot model of Lord Buddha. It also houses a huge collection of Buddhist books and manuscripts. Inside the premises you will find a small café where you can have tea or coffee and light snacks. It is also the residence of several monks belonging to the yellow hat sect.

Tourists are requested not to confuse Samten monastery with Yiga Choeling monastery, which is the original Ghoom Monastery, was built in the year 1850, and is 1 kilometer away from the Samten Choling Monastery. It also belongs to the Gelugpa sect of Buddhists and maintains a 15-foot model of Lord Buddha. Inside the Yiga Choeling Monastery there are images of Lord Buddha and lamas. There is a large collection of Buddha’s manuscripts, bells and a huge drum inside. Visiting these monasteries will teleport you into the world of euphoria.

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Dali Monastery Darjeeling

5 km away from Darjeeling, Dali Monastery’s soothing and calm vibes will give you peace and divine wisdom.  The Dali Monastery which was originally named as Druk Sangag Choling Monastery, is yet another important Buddhist pilgrimage center and top tourist attraction to visit near Darjeeling belonging to the Kagyupa sect. It was built in a typical Tibetan style during the period of Thuksey Rinpochey in 1971.

The monastery also maintains huge cylindrical golden coloured drums. The chants from the prayer room and humming from cylindrical golden coloured drums creates wonderful ethereal vibes. There is a coffee shop and residences belonging to over 200 monks.

  • Best Souvenirs You Must Have from Northeast India

Ghoom Monastery Darjeeling

The largest monastery in Ghoom, which was built in 1850 by Lama Sherab Gyatso and belongs to the Gelug sect, the Ghoom Monastery is one of the major and oldest Buddhist pilgrimage places in Darjeeling district. It is approximately 8 kilometers from Darjeeling town. This monastery belongs to Gelugpa Sect.

Besides the prayer hall, the monastery houses a 15 feet high statue of “Maitreya Buddha”, images of Buddha’s disciples, and many Buddhist texts. The oil lamps in the monastery keep burning all year and all the time. Don’t get confused with Samten Choling Monastery which is also known as Ghoom monastery by locals.

Note – You will have to pay for photography and Videography

  • Top Weekend Destinations to Explore in North-East India

Bhutia Busty Monastery Darjeeling

Belonging to the Nyingma sect, the Bhutia Busty Monastery, which is also known as Karma Dorjee Choling monastery, is a branch of Phodang Monastery in Sikkim. It is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Darjeeling. It was initially built atop the Observatory Hill in 1761 by Lama Dorje Rinzing but was later relocated to its present location in 1879 after the invasion of Darjeeling by the Gorkhas.

The Bhutia Busty Monastery is approximately 2 kilometers down from the Mall and houses a huge collection of Old Buddhist scripts, including the “Book of Dead ”, which is one of the notable ones. The present architectural structure that dilates the Buddhist traditional style of craftsmanship pulls in thousands of tourists throughout the year.

The monastery maintains a prayer room, a model of Lord Buddha, photographs of the Dalai Lama and images of Goddess Tara Devi and Lakshmi Eswari. It also houses a huge collection of murals, which are originally made out of real gold powder.

  • Best Places to Visit in North East India in Summer Season

Tibetan Refugee Self Help Center Darjeeling

Established on 2 October 1959, Tibetan Refugee Self Help Center is a home to the Tibetan refugees, sick, elderly and destitute… the Tibetan Refugee Self Help Center today houses 130 Tibetan families who mostly earn their bread and butter by producing traditional handicrafts like Buddha idols, various Tibetan sculptures, musical instruments, masks, thangka painting and many more.

It is located at hillside Lebong in Darjeeling that has a historical significance where the thirteenth Dalai Lama had spent his exile in India from 1910 to 1912. It is a must visit place in Darjeeling for tourists having keen interest in Indo-Tibetan culture and their lifestyle.

Peace Pagoda Darjeeling

A fine example of traditional Japanese style architecture, the Japanese Temple is one of the major Buddhist pilgrimage sites in Darjeeling that was inaugurated in the year 1972. It is a two storied white building that maintains a large prayer room where the chief priest offers the prayers, beating a huge drum (also known as Ho-ko) that reverberates to build up a solemn atmosphere in the entire temple premises. The temple further hosts a picture of the founder Fujii Guruji and a model of Lord Buddha.

Close to the Japanese Temple is the Peace Pagoda, which is a monument to inspire peace, designed to provide a focus for people of all races and creeds, and to help unite them in their search for world peace. It was inaugurated in the year 1992 and houses four avatars of Lord Buddha.

From the top of the Pagoda, you get a panoramic view of the landscape of Darjeeling including the Kanchenjunga range. The Japanese Temple and Peace Pagoda comes in the list of top 10 most sought tourist spots in Darjeeling that you can’t miss on your Darjeeling trip.

Chowrasta Darjeeling

Located in the heart of Darjeeling town, the Darjeeling Mall and Chowrasta is one of the best places to explore in Darjeeling that one cannot afford to miss on his or her trip to Darjeeling. It is a rendezvous of people from all over the world and is notable as a popular tourist hangout in Darjeeling.

Besides hosting several boutique shops, restaurants and eateries… this place is just your own pick where you would love to get hold of nature at its best.

One side of the mall is thickly layered with pine forest under the shadow of the towering mountain peaks, the other side lies shops of traditional garments, handicrafts, carpets, rugs, paintings, semi-precious jewellery and metal wares. Some of the noted shops, restaurants and eateries in the area are Habeeb Mullick & Son, Curio Corner, Nathmulls Tea & Sunset Lounge, Golden Tips, Life & Leaf, Jolly arts and Bhutan Tibet Art Shop.

The Hawa Ghar and the huge golden color statue of the Nepali poet Bhanubhakta Acharya are the two major attractions in Chowrasta. The Bhutia Market, which is close to Chowrasta is another attraction for shopaholics.

Tiger Hill Darjeeling

One of the top tourist attractions in Darjeeling is the Tiger Hill, which is the highest point in the region. It stands at an elevation of 2,590 meters overlooking the spur of the snowcapped mountain ranges of the Eastern Himalaya. Tiger Hill is one of the two points in India from where you can capture the entire panorama between Mount Everest and Khangchendzonga along with other peaks like the Kabru, Rathong and Kokhtang on a sunny morning.

The other point from where you can have a glimpse of a similar panorama is from Phalut, at 3,600 meters approximately, which can be only reached by trekking. The Phalut trekking route from Darjeeling starts from Manebhanjan and goes through Tonglu, Giribas, Kalapokhri and Sandakphu.

The Singalila National Park that falls on the trekking route is yet another attraction in and around Darjeeling. Nonetheless, Tiger Hill is best known for the amazing view of the Khangchendzonga peak at sunrise. It is easily accessible by road and roughly takes 40-45 minutes to reach from Darjeeling town.

Bengal Natural History Museum Darjeeling

Originally formed in 1915, to display only the specimens of butterflies and birds of the area… the Bengal Natural History Museum comprises two major sections today housing a huge collection of different specimens like birds with nests and eggs, reptiles and fishes, mammals, insects and more.

The taxidermy unit that was built at the time of inception serves to mount the skins of animals so that they have a lifelike appearance at the display. While one of the sections exhibit specimens like Himalayan Brown Wood Owls, Northern spotted owlet, Northern Brown Fish Owl, pheasants, fly catchers, woodpeckers and 800 more bird species, 35 species of snakes, 57 species of fishes, 608 species of butterflies and moths the other is stocked with animal species like Tibetan fox, Tibetan Lynx, elephant, Toddy cat, heads of wild buffaloes hanging from the walls, panthers, leopards and many more.

There are some other less important sections in the museum that display specimens of reptiles and insects. It is one of the best places to visit with family in Darjeeling for a great insight on bird and animal life.

Mahakal Temple Darjeeling

Close to Chowrasta or The Mall, the Observatory Hill is another popular tourist place in Darjeeling from where you can capture magnificent views of the snow-clad peaks, including Kanchendzonga and its sister peaks. It is approximately 10-15 minutes of uphill walk from the Mall. Atop the hill is the Mahakal Temple, which is dedicated to Lord Shiva and also holds three gold plated icons of Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwar.

It is one of the major Hindu pilgrimage sites in Darjeeling that was built after the invasion by the Gorkhas in the 19th century. Originally this place was the home to the Dorjeling Monastery that was relocated in 1861 to its present location, which is some 2 kilometers down from the Mall. Around the Observatory Hill you come across the Sai Baba Temple and Hanuman Temple and several Hindu priests and Buddhist monks.

Other Interesting Blogs to Read

  • Best Places to Visit in West Bengal
  • Best Places to Visit & Top Things to Do in Sunderban
  • Popular Wildlife Sanctuaries & National Park in West Bengal

So are you ready to explore the best of Darjeeling tourism? Make your trip to Darjeeling this year more exciting with us. Tour My India offers you the best of Darjeeling sightseeing tour along with organizing other adventure activities in and around this hill station like rock climbing, wildlife trail, hiking and trekking in Singalila Range. Contact us and let our expert reach out to you with the best travel deals.

Other Important West Bengal Tourism Links

  • West Bengal Tourism Guide
  • Adventure Tourism in West Bengal
  • Popular Hill Stations in West Bengal
  • Religious Tourism in West Bengal
  • Wildlife Tourism in West Bengal

Darjeeling Hill Station West Bengal

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best time to plan a holiday to darjeeling.

Darjeeling is a best tourist destination to visit in summer as well as winters. The weather is very pleasant for sightseeing in summer (April- June) In winters (October - December) is the best time for exploring wildlife and adventure activities.

What are the nearest airports & railway stations to Darjeeling?

Bagdogra Airport is the nearest Airport located 70 km away from Darjeeling. Darjeeling Railway Station and Siliguri Railway Station are the two closest Railheads to Darjeeling.

What are the top places to Visit in Darjeeling for couples?

  • Tea Gardens
  • Kanchenjunga National Park
  • Nightingale Park

What are the best places in Darjeeling with Kids?

  • Toy Train Ride
  • Darjeeling Zoo
  • Chowrasta Mall

How are the accommodation facilities for tourists in Darjeeling?

Darjeeling offers good quality accommodation options to the tourists of all kinds. Whether you are with family or a couple, solo traveler or backpackers, leisure lovers to adventurers- You will surely get accommodation according to your taste and preferences. From 5-star, guest houses, luxury resorts, to budget hotels, the facilities and amenities are equivalent to international standards.

Published: 25 Jan, 2022

About the author

Swairik Das

Swairik Das

Brought up from the cultural capital of India, Kolkata, Swairik Das is a passionate traveller who seeks to travel and explore the length and breadth of the country. He is also a dedicated travel writer, blogger and photographer who by heart is also an adventure freak. His focus is mostly into exploring and writing on trekking, jungle safaris and several adventure activities; religion, festival, heritage, people and cuisine.

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Places to Visit in Darjeeling

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Tourist Places to Visit in Darjeeling

Here are some of the best places to visit in darjeeling:.

Tsangmo Lake

Darjeeling Himalayan Railway

Darjeeling Himalayan Railway

Visit Tiger Hill in Darjeeling to experience the unique opportunity to see the magnificent sunrise over Kanchenjunga Mountain. At 2,590 metres, it's the ideal vantage point, drawing travellers from all over the world. Here, you can enjoy breathtaking views of Mount Everest and Mount Kanchenjunga from the top of Ghoom. Moreover, you can also Immerse yourself in the mesmerizing beauty of nature as the morning sun rises.

Top Experiences To Do in Tiger Hill

Darjeeling Sightseeing Tour

Batasia Loop

Batasia Loop

Situated amidst the beautiful towns of Darjeeling and Ghum is the captivating Batasia Loop, a spiralling railway track. A spectacular 360-degree view of the Eastern Himalayas, including the mighty Kanchenjunga, is yours to enjoy as you descend 140 feet. It is a moving War Memorial remembering Gorkha troops and is surrounded by gorgeous gardens. Batasia Loop is a must-visit site in Darjeeling where you may appreciate the serene beauty and pay regard to the region's history.

Top Experiences To Do in Batasia Loop

Sakyamuni Buddha

Sandakphu Trek

Sandakphu Trek

Discover the allure of the Sandakphu Trek, which leads you to the highest peak in West Bengal. Start from Manebhanjan and journey through vibrant rhododendron forests to reach breathtaking vistas. At 3,636 metres above sea level, the trek offers stunning views of Everest and Kanchenjunga. Spanning 52 kilometres over 5 to 6 days and passing through the Singalila National Park, it is a trekker's delight.

Top Experiences To Do in Sandakphu Trek

Sandakphu Trek

Darjeeling Rangit Valley Ropeway

Darjeeling Rangit Valley Ropeway

Himalayan Mountaineering Institute

Himalayan Mountaineering Institute

Top Experiences To Do in Himalayan Mountaineering Institute

Uhlpcu0f5b0cv5qq8j8buk4exgl4 ravangla%20buddha

Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park

Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park

Top Experiences To Do in Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park

Peace pagoda.

Peace Pagoda

Top Experiences To Do in Peace Pagoda

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Ghum Monastery

Ghum Monastery

Rock Garden Darjeeling

Rock Garden Darjeeling

A serene masterpiece nestled amidst hills. Crafted with rocks, waterfalls, and flowers, offering tranquility, breathtaking views, and a harmonious blend of nature and artistry.

Nightingale Park

Nightingale Park

Singalila National Park

Singalila National Park

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St. Andrew’S Church

St. Andrew’S Church

Top Experiences To Do in St. Andrew’S Church

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Happy Valley Tea Estate

Happy Valley Tea Estate

Observatory Hill

Observatory Hill

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Bengal Natural History Museum

Bengal Natural History Museum

A great place for the patrons of history and nature, Bengal natural History Museum is one of the most prominent museums you can find in the region. This unique museum is dedicated to the rich wildlife or biodiversity of the region and its history. The museum is divided into two large sections, and features different sub-sections where specimens of a variety of avifauna and fauna that are found in the region. The museum claims to have specimens of 820 bird species on display here, which is quite impressive for any nature lover taking a tour of the museum. Location: Darjeeling – Jorethang Road, Darjeeling Timing: 8 am to 7:30 pm

Mahakal Mandir

Mahakal Mandir

Hike up the Observatory Hill in Darjeeling to the sacred Mahakal Temple, which is a mere 20 minutes from the highway. Along the way, the challenging winding path makes the journey worth your while for the breathtaking panoramas, lush fields, and lovely cottages. You also get to spot naughty monkeys while enjoying the spiritual vibes and beautiful scenery. 

Tenzing Rock

Tenzing Rock

Best of Gangtok

15 Things to Do in Gangtok {{year}} | Get Upto 35% Off

If you love being outdoors and surround yourself with the freshness and calm of nature, Dooars is the most ideal place for you to visit when you are in Darjeeling. Dooars is a place that defines ‘pristine nature’ with its untainted, lush green landscapes. It is a vast region of floodplains that encompasses tea gardens, hill slopes, undulating meadows, tropical forests, and ethnic villages. The place is ideal for nature photography, wildlife exploration, and nature stay. The natural beauty of the region and the variety of experiences it has on offer make Dooars one of the most fascinating places to visit in Darjeeling.

Bhutia Busty Monastery

Bhutia Busty Monastery

Dali Monastery

Dali Monastery

Best of Shillong

 Places to Visit in Shillong, Tourist Places & Top Attractions

Neora Valley National Park

Neora Valley National Park

The city’s Mall Market, this is the heart of Darjeeling, both literally and symbolically. Being the main market area, this is the most bustling part of the city frequented by locals and tourists alike. Chowrasta literally translates to four-way. Whether you want to let the sun warm you on a cold morning or you want to catch a crimson sky during sunset, Chowrasta is the place to be. A number of hotels, restaurants, and shops are available here so you can be assured of spending an eventful evening at Chowrasta. From relishing delicacies to shopping for souvenirs, there are a number of activities to try here. Location: The Mall, Darjeeling Timing: 10 am to 9 pm


Best of Bhutan

30 Bhutan Trekking places

Ghoom Monastery

Ghoom Monastery

Ghoom Monastery is one of the oldest and well-known Tibetan Buddhist monasteries in Darjeeling, West Bengal. It is also known as Yiga Choeling Monastery, which is the largest monastery in Ghoom. The monastery was constructed in 1850 by Sokpo Sherab Gyatso, the famous monk and the Mongolian astrologer. 

Top Experiences To Do in Ghoom Monastery

Tibetan refugee center.

Tibetan Refugee Center

Explore the heartwarming tale of resilience at the Tibetan Refugee Center! Nestled in a serene corner of Darjeeling, this centre stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit of the Tibetan people. Witness traditional handicrafts and vibrant cultural displays that showcase their heritage. Embrace the warmth of Tibetan hospitality and support their community through your visit. Delve into a meaningful journey of compassion and understanding as you learn about their struggles, triumphs, and the preservation of their rich traditions. The Tibetan Refugee Center invites you to be a part of their inspiring story. Visit now and leave with a heart full of admiration.

Top Experiences To Do in Tibetan Refugee Center

Kalimpong science centre.

Kalimpong Science Centre

Kalimpong Science Centre, also known as Kalimpong Science City, is close to Deolo Hill in Kalimpong, West Bengal. It is a centre that provides valuable information about science and technology. 


Best of Pelling

 Places to Visit in Pelling, Tourist Places & Top Attractions

Tibetan Refugee Self Help Center

Tibetan Refugee Self Help Center

This is essentially a rehabilitation centre for the Tibetan refugees, but since the place gives an opportunity to indulge in a shopping experience, it has also emerged as a popular site among tourists. This help center was initially established with an objective to make the Tibetan community in Darjeeling self-dependent by offering them opportunity to earn money. The place now offers a wide range of handicrafts including wooden articles, exquisite shawls, leather jackets, and much more that will tickle your fancy. In fact, these products are exported to 36 countries all over the world. Apart from being a place for shopping, it is also a good place to learn about Tibetan refugees living in India. Location: Havelock Villa, Gandhi Road, Darjeeling Timing: 9 am to 4:30 pm

Kala Pokhri Lake

Kala Pokhri Lake

Kala Pokhri Lake, tucked away in the hills of Darjeeling, is a lovely spot for nature lovers and adventurers. This beautiful lake sits high up at around 3,000 meters (9,842 feet), giving you amazing views of the Himalayan peaks, including the famous Kanchenjunga.

The lake's clear waters reflect the sky's colors, making for stunning sights, especially during sunrise and sunset. Surrounded by forests full of rhododendrons and pine trees, it's a great place to spot birds and other wildlife.

Gairibas, Darjeeling

Gairibas, Darjeeling

Gairibas, nestled amidst the serene landscapes of Darjeeling in the Indian state of West Bengal, exudes an ethereal charm that beckons travelers seeking solace in nature's embrace. Situated at an altitude of approximately 2,500 meters (8,202 feet), this quaint hamlet offers a tranquil retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Arunachal Pradesh

Best of Arunachal Pradesh

 Places to Visit in Arunachal Pradesh & Top Tourist Places

Gopaldhara Tea Estate

Gopaldhara Tea Estate

Gopal Dhara Tea Estate, nestled in the verdant hills of Darjeeling, is a haven for tea enthusiasts seeking the finest brews. Established in the late 19th century, this historic estate spans acres of lush tea gardens, where meticulously cultivated tea bushes thrive in the region's unique microclimate. Renowned for producing some of the world's most exquisite Darjeeling tea, Gopal Dhara embodies the essence of craftsmanship and tradition. Visitors can explore the estate, witness the tea-making process firsthand, and indulge in aromatic tastings amid breathtaking scenery. Gopal Dhara Tea Estate stands as a testament to Darjeeling's legacy of premium tea production.

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Which are the best places to visit in Darjeeling in 2 days?

Which are the best places to visit in darjeeling at night, how many days do you need in darjeeling.

3 nights and 4 days are perfect to enjoy the mountainside beauty of Darjeeling along with its Toy Train, viewpoints, national parks, and the mall road. In this time, you can also explore a range of North-Eastern cuisines and shop for beautiful local artworks.

Is Darjeeling worth visiting?

What is darjeeling famous for, what is the best time to visit darjeeling.

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  • 20 Things To Do In Darjeeling In 2023 That You Won’t Find In Any Travel Guide!

23 Mar 2023

Spread in ribbons over a steep mountain ridge, surrounded by emerald-green tea plantations, and towered over by the majestic Khangchendzonga (8598 m), Darjeeling is among the best hill stations in India. But the list of the most amazing things to do in Darjeeling goes beyond these attractions. The beautiful tea gardens on the slopes of rolling hills, the orchids, pines & rhododendrons, the cute Himalayan toy train negotiating its way through the mountains combined with great sightseeing tours, food, shopping and other exciting activities, there’s so much that this stunning town has to offer.

20 Best Things To Do In Darjeeling

Confused about what to do in Darjeeling? Here is the list of activities you can do in Darjeeling that will make you plan your holiday right away. Keep scrolling down and read along!

  • Teesta – Go River Rafting
  • Sandakphu – Trek The Peak
  • The Toy Train – Take A Joy Ride
  • Himalayan Mountaineering Institute – Learn Mountaineering
  • Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park – Explore Wildlife
  • Tiger Hill – Watch The Sunrise
  • Dooars – Explore The Tea Gardens
  • Kalimpong – Visit The Monastery
  • Peace Pagoda – Calm Your Mind
  • Batasia Loop – Explore The War Memorial
  • Thukpa And Momos – Relish Some Local Food
  • Keventers Restaurant – Enjoy Breakfast
  • Churpi – Grab A Candy
  • Chowrasta – Stroll On The Mall Road
  • Bhutia Market – Buy Some Woolens
  • Tattoos – Get Inked
  • Revolver Hotel – B&B With Music
  • Singalila Jungle Lodge – Lodge Amidst A Forest
  • Darjeeling Blossoms Eco-Tourism – Live Close To Nature
  • Khambuhang Nature Holiday Camp – Enjoy Cottage Camping

1. Teesta - Go River Rafting

Head to the Teesta River and experience some of the best and the most thrilling river rafting experiences in India

Davedharmendra for Wikimedia Commons

For one of the best experiences of river rafting in India , head to the Teesta river and find out why it is one of the best things to do in Darjeeling in June! The activity is loaded with a series of rapids with varying intensities, ranging from Grade 1 to 4, wherein the latter is only allowed to seasoned, trained rafters because of the level of danger involved in it. This is one of the best adventure activities in Darjeeling.

Cost: INR 900 - INR 1500 Best Time: December - June Risk Level: High

Must Read: Places To Stay In Darjeeling

2. Sandakphu - Trek The Peak

If you are looking for a thrilling adventure, the Sandakphu trek is one of the best things to do in Darjeeling

P maneesha for Wikimedia Commons

If you are looking forward to indulging in more adventure activities in Darjeeling. A trekking trip to Sandakphu is absolutely essential for all adventure freaks. It is the highest point in the state of West Bengal and is definitely one of the most fun things to do in Darjeeling. Located at an astounding height of 3,636m, it is known for offering the best panoramic views of the enthralling Mt Everest and the Kanchenjunga Peak.

Cost: INR 9000 - INR 10,000 Best Time: April - May and October - early December Risk Level: Medium

3. The Toy Train - Take A Joy Ride

The Toy Train is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Darjeeling and one of the best things to do in Darjeeling

Syed Sajidul Islam for Wikimedia Commons

The Toy Train ride is one of the most famous things in Darjeeling. You can start your ride from Ghoom and get down at Kurseong, to eat at the many food joints, for Darjeeling sightseeing wherein you get a breathtaking panoramic view of the surrounding hills that transport you into a world of romance. It is one of the most fun activities in Darjeeling which cannot be missed.  

Location: Ghoom, Darjeeling Cost: INR 100 - INR 1300 Timings: NA

Suggested Read: Darjeeling In Winter

4. Himalayan Mountaineering Institute - Learn Rock Climbing

Located at Jawahar Parvat, the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute is a popular spot for tourists wanting to learn rock climbing

Pinakpani for Wikimedia Commons

The Himalayan Mountaineering Institute located at Jawahar Parvat in Darjeeling, conducts a number of mountaineering and adventure courses at various levels ranging from beginners to expert. The course duration ranges from a month to a few days. HMI has Rock Climbing and other basic activities for one-time tourists who do not want to get into the full-fledged courses and are visiting the town only for a few days. But whatever be the duration, the entire experience is unmatched and completely exhilarating.

Location: Jawahar Parvat, Darjeeling, West Bengal 734101 Cost: The Basic Course costing INR 4000/- per person lasts for a month while Rock Climbing and smaller activities are provided through walk-in and cost a mere 200 bucks per person. Timings: 9 AM - 5 PM Risk Level: Medium

5. Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park - Explore Wildlife

The Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park is home to several unique animals and one of the best things to do in Darjeeling

Pradeep Kumar A V for Wikimedia Commons

Located in the famous town of Darjeeling, exploring the Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park is one of the best activities to do in Darjeeling. Get ready to meet the endangered Himalayan wolf, the Red Panda, snow leopards and more. You can also explore the mountain Institute and take a few tips for mountaineering.

Location: Darjeeling – Jorethang Road, Near Birch Hill Resort, Jawahar Parbat, Darjeeling, West Bengal 734101 Cost: NA Best Time: March - June and September - January

Suggested Read: Tourist Places In Darjeeling

Places To Visit In Darjeeling

Darjeeling, the ‘tea garden of India’ is a very beautiful place to visit. The hills, the steam engine train, and the lush green tea plantations will make you want to stay here forever. And here are some of the best places and things to see in Darjeeling:

6. Tiger Hill - Watch The Sunrise

With a gorgeous view of the mighty Himalayas and Mt. Kanchenjunga, Tiger Hill is one of the places to visit in Darjeeling

Judith for Wikimedia Commons

Your trip is unsuccessful until you have witnessed the sunrise at Tiger Hill . The way the sunlight falls on those snowcapped peaks of Kanchenjunga and illuminate it in gorgeous colours, that view is simply breathtaking. Hiking is one of the best things to do in Darjeeling and Gangtok. You will have the time of your life and will not be disappointed by the avenues of adventure and entertainment this place opens up for you.

Location:  West Bengal 734123 Cost: NA Best Time: October - December and March - April

Sikkim-Gangtok-Darjeeling Holiday Packages On TravelTriangle

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7. Dooars - Explore The Tea Gardens

The tea leaves of Dooars, Darjeeling and a woman plucking them

Image Source

Taking a tour of the tea plantation is one of the top things to do in Darjeeling in May. Though the tea gardens of Darjeeling are world famous, you must take a trip down to them at Dooars to witness the sprawling beauty yourself and sip on that refreshing Darjeeling Tea . The verdant pruned bushes, especially in this tea district, is a magical sight which you will never forget in life.

Location: Jalpaiguri District, West Bengal Cost: NA Best Time: mid-September - May

Suggested Read: Darjeeling In Monsoon

8. Kalimpong - Visit The Monastery

Home to the Zang Dhok Palri Phodang monastery, Kalimpong is a beautiful places in Darjeeling and houses various scriptures

Amitabha Gupta for Wikimedia Commons

Zang Dhok Palri Phodang is a beautiful and popular monastery at Kalimpong, Darjeeling. The monastery holds enormous significance as it is home to the many rare scriptures which were brought into India after the fateful invasion of Tibet in 1959. A trip to this peaceful sanctuary should definitely be on your list of places to see in Darjeeling . If you are a traveller who is seeking a spot for meditating, visiting the Kalimpong Monastery is one of the best offbeat things you can do in Darjeeling!

Location:  West Bengal 734301 Cost: NA Best Time: March - May and September - November

9. Peace Pagoda - Calm Your Mind

Sitting atop Charlimont Hill, the Peace Pagoda is quite the site to behold and one of the best things to do in Darjeeling

tearsxintherain for Wikimedia Commons

Sitting atop the Charlimont Hill , Darjeelings Peace Pagoda is one of the 30 such pagodas in the world that were established by the Japanese Buddhist monk Nichidatsu Fujii as a way of promoting World Peace and harmony. Visit this one of the most popular Darjeeling attractions for an outright serene and tranquil experience.

Location:  West Point, Darjeeling, West Bengal 734102 Cost: NA Timimgs: 4.30 AM - 7 PM

Suggested Read: Wildlife In Darjeeling

10. Batasia Loop - Explore The War Memorial

Being one of the most popular attractions in Darjeeling, Batasia Loop is worth a visit. If you are travelling via the Toy Train, make sure to look out for this memorial.

This is one of the most interesting Darjeeling attractions. Venture out to Batasia Loop, the historically and scenically significant junction and a great option for sightseeing in Darjeeling! If youre traveling via the Toy Train, or walking back from Tiger Hill, look out for this famous railway loop that goes around the open-air Gorkha War Memorial, established in honour of the brave soldiers from the region who laid down their lives in WWI and WWII and among the important places to see in Darjeeling.

Location:  Darjeeling district, West Bengal Cost: INR 15 Timings: 5 AM - 4.30 PM

What To Eat In Darjeeling

Check out the list of delicious food delicacies and where to eat them while you are on a vacation in Darjeeling. Take a look!

11. Thukpa And Momos - Relish Some Local Food

Thukpa in Darjeeling

Darjeeling has scrumptious answers to your food cravings while youre there. You can enjoy some delicious variety of Darjeeling food like Thukpa and momos that are available in the street joints at almost every nook and corner of the town. Gorging on thump and momos is one of the best things to do in Darjeeling at night.

Places to eat: Kunga Restaurant, Hot Stimulating Cafe, Dekevas

12. Keventers Restaurant - Enjoy Breakfast

Visit the Keventers and indulge in some of the most delicious Indo-western cuisines while admiring the stunning views

Bodhisattwa for Wikimedia Commons

Having breakfast at Keventers should definitely be on your list of Darjeeling highlights. Don't forget to try the delicious Cheese Toast when you're dining here. You can hog on Indo-Western cuisine here or simply get a cup of coffee and drink it while admiring the views outside. It doesn’t get any better than this! This is one of the must-visit restaurants in this region. It is not hard to see why!

Location: Shop No. 1, Club Side, Nehru Rd, Darjeeling, West Bengal 734101 Timings: 8 AM - 6.30 PM

13. Churpi - Grab A Candy

While not exactly sweet in taste, Churpi is a unique candy that is definitely one of the best things to do in Darjeeling

Sumit Surai for Wikimedia Commons

Churpi is a kind of chewing bar that is not exactly sweet in taste, but has a delicious flavor nevertheless. What makes this unique is the fact that it keeps the body warm during winters and gives energy. It is available in almost all street shops selling groceries and comes at a nominal price. You can stock a horde to treat your winter blues when youre back home.

Suggested Read: Darjeeling In December

Where To Shop In Darjeeling

Who doesn’t like shopping? Here some of the places to shop in Darjeeling on your trip. Keep scrolling down and read along!

14. Chowrasta - Stroll On The Mall Road

Also known as The Mall, taking a stroll through this bustling market is one of the best things to do in Darjeeling

Vabinik for Wikimedia Commons

Get to Chowrasta, or The Mall, as it is popularly known among tourists, and enjoy the beautiful evening, with a cool breeze brushing your hair while you shop. The Mall Road stretching through Chowrasta is not just a shopping hub but is also perfect for a relaxing stroll and is one of the best things to do in Darjeeling in 2 days.

Suggested Read: Places To Visit In Sikkim In Summer

15. Bhutia Market - Buy Some Woolens

Bhutia market is best to buy some winter clothes and taking a stroll through it is one of the best things to do in Darjeeling

Shahnoor Habib Munmun for Wikimedia Commons

So what is famous in Darjeeling for shopping? Bhutia Market is a row of temporary stalls set up by the local Bhutias and is located on a narrow lane that leads down from Chowrasta (The Mall), next to Nathmulls. It’s a shopping paradise for tourists and its where you'll get all winter wear (like sweaters, gloves, woollen caps, mufflers, etc), jackets and even jeans at very reasonable prices. One of the fundamental things to do in Darjeeling is to go to Nathmulls and buy yourself an enormous stock of refreshing Darjeeling Tea from an array of shops.

Location:  5, Mal Rd, Chauk Bazaar, Mall Rd, Chauk Bazaar, Darjeeling, West Bengal 734101 Timings: 9 AM - 8 PM (Closed)

16. Tattoos - Get Inked

Whether it be temporary or permanent, if you want a tattoo anywhere on your body, Darjeeling is the place to be

Tony Alter for Wikimedia Commons

Darjeeling is much like Goa in terms of providing opportunities for body art. Permanent and temporary tattoo parlours, offering to convert a part of your body into a brilliant masterpiece, are available at almost every nook and corner of the town, adding a hippie influence to this scenic and serene location. And the best part, they go incredibly easy on your budget. Getting a tattoo is one of the best things to do in Darjeeling for all travelers who crave fun and thrill.

Tattoo shops: Pradhan Studio, Tattoo 29, Samink Tattoo Studio

Suggested Read: Resorts In Darjeeling 

Where To Stay In Darjeeling

Now, let’s look at the best place where you can stay while you are on your vacation. Don’t forget to make your reservation on time!

17. Revolver Hotel - B&B With Music

Revolver Hotel, Darjeeling

Adding a unique touch to the town is its Beatles-themed hotel providing music based on both eastern and western influences. It’s a budget Bed & Breakfast Lodge and one would find every inch of the interiors laden with the popular Bands art. You have to experience it to believe it!

Location:  110 Gandhi Road, Behind Union Chapel, Darjeeling, West Bengal 734101 Room charges:  INR 1400 - INR 3000

18. Singalila Jungle Lodge - Lodge Amidst A Forest

Singalila Jungle Lodge

It is a family owned property owned and run by Avinash Rai – a local. The lodge is spread across some 9 acres of land area full of lush forest and plantations. Once you are in the lodge premises, the only noise you may hear during the day is the chirping of the birds in its garden and the gushing of streams. The lodge offers a spectacular view of the Singalila National Park. You will have the time of your life here.

Location: Palmajua, P.O Bansbotay, Rimbick, West Bengal 734201 Room charges:  NA

Suggested Read: Places To Visit In Darjeeling In June

19. Darjeeling Blossoms Eco-Tourism - Live Close To Nature

Darjeeling Blossoms Eco Tourism

Image Source Darjeeling Blossoms’s foray into ecotourism began eight years ago. They, along with the help of our community, have earned a name for our excellent services. During your stay with them in their complex, you will discover the inner secrets and mysteries of our fascinating land, people and culture, so different from anything that one might imagine while residing in the hustle and bustle of city life.

Location: Bara Mungwa, West Bengal 734312 Room charges:  Starts at INR 3000

20. Khambuhang Nature Holiday Camp - Enjoy Cottage Camping

Khambuhang Nature Holiday Camp

The deluxe cottage at Khambuhang Nature Holiday Camp in Kalimpong, are well-designed rooms with wooden interiors to provide an authentic feel of Himalayan Houses. The rooms offer a range of amenities including high-speed Wi-Fi, 24-hour hot and cold water, toiletries, Room service, laundry service and much more. The owners will make sure you enjoy your stay at thisnature camp.

Location: Paren – Todey Rd, Paren Godak Khasmahal, West Bengal 734319 Room charges:  NA

Further Read: Cottages In Darjeeling

With so many things in Darjeeling, India and our detailed guide, we hope that by now you must be really intrigued to visit this place ASAP. Wherever you are, you must plan your trip to Darjeeling at least once in your lifetime to experience all that it has to offer. Darjeeling has all the great ingredients to provide you a perfect break from your daily life. We are also sure that you will want to come back again.

For our editorial codes of conduct and copyright disclaimer, please click here . Cover Image Source: Shutterstock

Frequently Asked Questions About Things To Do In Darjeeling

What is there to see in Darjeeling?

The major attraction in Darjeeling include: 1. Tiger Hill 2. Kalimpong 3. Peace Pagoda 4. Batasia Loop 5. Sandakphu

Can we visit Darjeeling in December?

The average temperature in Darjeeling during December ranges from 2.5°C to 11.2°C. Most of the tourist attractions are open and there are lesser chances of snowfall. So, many people, especially couples, choose to visit Darjeeling in December too.

What is Darjeeling most famous for?

Darjeeling is famous mainly for its tea plantations. Another highlight is its Himalayan railway, which still has a working steam engine train making it a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

What is the right time to visit Darjeeling?

The best time to visit Darjeeling is during summer months from April to June.

How many days are enough for Darjeeling?

5 to 7 Days are enough to explore Darjeeling and the nearby Gangtok. Keep You can spend 2 days in Darjeeling, 2 days in Gangtok and 1 day in Nathula exploring and sightseeing the places.

Is there snowfall in Darjeeling?

Yes, it does occasionally snowfall in Darjeeling and only in some parts of the districts that are located higher in altitude.

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28 Top Tourist Places to Visit in Darjeeling

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  • Darjeeling Overview
  • Top 28 Places to Visit in Darjeeling
  • 12 Best Darjeeling Tour Packages
  • Top Resorts in Darjeeling
  • Best Time to Visit Darjeeling
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Darjeeling Himalayan Railway / Toy Train

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#2 of 28 Places to Visit in Darjeeling

The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, also known as the Toy Train, is a 2 feet narrow-gauge railway based on zig zag and loop line technology that runs between Siliguri and Darjeeling in the Indian state of West Bengal. The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway is the first and still the most outstanding example of a hill passenger railway and among the top Darjeeling Tourist Places. Built between 1879 & 1881, the narrow gauge Darjeeling Himalayan Railway was designed as an extension of the North Bengal State Railway. Running up to a height of over 7,000 feet, the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway is one of the oldest and highest railway lines in the world. The Toy Train begins its journey from Siliguri and reaches Darjeeling after covering a distance of 78 km and crossing 13 stations on its way, including Ghoom, the highest station in India. The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, a UNESCO World Heritage, still operates with the original steam engines and it attracts tourists not only from India ..... more

Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park

Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park

#3 of 28 Places to Visit in Darjeeling

At a distance of 3 km from Darjeeling Railway Station, Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park is a zoo situated in the beautiful hill town of Darjeeling, West Bengal. Popularly called as Darjeeling Zoo, it is one of the best zoo parks in India and among the must visit Darjeeling Tourist Places. The zoo was formerly known as Himalayan Zoological Park and was established in 1958 as a joint venture of Government of India and Government of West Bengal. The park was renamed in 1975 when Indira Gandhi, the Prime Minister of India, visited the park and dedicated it to the memory of Padmaja Naidu, who was also a poet and daughter of the famous freedom fighter Sarojini Naidu. Situated at an altitude of 7,000 feet, this is the largest high altitude zoo in India. Spread over an area of 67.56 acre, Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park is the only specialized Zoo in the country and is the first recipient of the International award of 'The Earth Heroes 2014'. This zoo park is internationally .....

Tiger Hill Sunrise Observatory

Tiger Hill Sunrise Observatory

#4 of 28 Places to Visit in Darjeeling

At a distance of 11 km from Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Station, Tiger Hill is a sunrise viewpoint in Darjeeling. It is the highest point in Darjeeling and among the most picturesque places to visit in Darjeeling. Tiger Hill stands at an altitude of 2,590 m overlooking the spur of the snow-capped mountain ranges of the Eastern Himalayas. It is one of the two points in India from where you can capture the entire panorama between Mount Everest and Kanchenjunga on a sunny morning. The first rays of the sun shoot ahead and shed light upon the twin peaks of Kanchenjunga painting it pink, and then bathing it in a beautiful orange colour, which is an amazing thing to experience. An observation deck is built on top of the Tiger Hill to cater to hundreds of tourists who visit every day. On a clear day the summit of Tiger Hill commands the view of Kurseong Town to its south-west along with plains of North Bengal and number of major rivers like Teesta, Mahanadi, Balasun and Mechi meanders .....

Batasia Loop

Batasia Loop

#5 of 28 Places to Visit in Darjeeling

At a distance of 4 km from Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, Batasia Loop is a railway loop in Darjeeling of West Bengal. Situated below the Ghoom station, it is one of the mesmerizing places to visit in Darjeeling. Batasia Loop was built in 1919 as an engineering requirement to lower the gradient of ascent of the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway. At this point, the track spirals around over itself through a tunnel and over a hilltop. After Ghoom (the highest railway station), there is a sharp fall as the toy train moves towards Darjeeling. There was no way a narrow gauge toy train could navigate the drastic fall of about 100 feet to the gradient of the slope. So, a large circular area was built for the loop to make the slope gentle. Batasia means airy space. The Loop serves a vital purpose for the toy train but is also an attraction in itself. The loop goes around a garden. The mountain garden is beautified with fresh green grass, seasonal and perennial flowers and shrubs. There .....

Peace Pagoda & Japanese Temple

Peace Pagoda & Japanese Temple

#6 of 28 Places to Visit in Darjeeling

At a distance of 2.5 km from Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, Darjeeling Peace Pagoda is a Buddhist stupa situated on the slopes of the Jalapahar hill in Darjeeling. It is one of more than 70 pagodas built around the world by the Japanese Buddhist Nipponzan Myohoji organization and among the most popular attractions in Darjeeling. The foundation stone of the pagoda was laid in 1972 by Nichidatsu Fuji, a Buddhist monk from Japan and founder of the Nipponzan-Myohoji Buddhist Order. Inaugurated in 1992, the pagoda was designed by M. Ohka. Being the tallest structure in Darjeeling with a height of 28.5 meters, it is open to people of all faith and is purposely made to propagate peace and prosperity in the world. Peace Pagoda houses four shining and gold-polished statues of Buddha. Also, the walls of the temple have eight sandstone carvings which depict different stories from the different stages of Gautama Buddha's life. Known for its tranquility, Peace Pagoda offers breathtaking .....

Observatory Hill & Mahakal Temple

Observatory Hill & Mahakal Temple

#7 of 28 Places to Visit in Darjeeling

At a distance of 2 km from Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Station, Observatory Hill is a hill top located near Chowrasta Square in the dreamy hill town of Darjeeling. It is one of the great places to visit in Darjeeling and among the popular viewpoints in Darjeeling. The hill is encircled at the bottom of the Mall Road. The Observatory Hill is one of the oldest sites of attraction in Darjeeling and also has historical and religious significance. Built in 1765 CE by Lama Dorje-Rinzing, the Bhutia Busty Monastery, the oldest monastery in Darjeeling, was first located on Observatory Hill. The monastery was sacked by a Gorkha invasion in 1815 and it was rebuilt and shifted to its present location at Bhutia Busty in 1879. The hill is famous for its magnificent views of Kanchendzonga and the ancient temple dedicated to Mahakal or Lord Shiva. There is a white chorten or a Tibetan memorial shrine next to the Mahakal Temple, which has the relics of Dorje Lama who was the caretaker of .....

Darjeeling Rangeet Valley Passenger Ropeway

Darjeeling Rangeet Valley Passenger Ropeway

#8 of 28 Places to Visit in Darjeeling

At a distance of 4 km from Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, Darjeeling Rangeet Valley Passenger Ropeway is a passenger ropeway located in Darjeeling town of West Bengal. Also known as Darjeeling Ropeway, it is one of Asia's longest Passenger Ropeways and also the first Passenger Ropeway in India. Darjeeling Ropeway was started in 1968 by the Forest Development Corporation of West Bengal. It was initially set up to cater to the tea gardens at the valleys below which did not otherwise have an easy access. Starting with just one cable car, now it was upgraded to 16 cable cars each having a capacity of six persons. It was closed in 2003 after four tourists died when the cable broken causing two cars to fell down the hill. Later it was re-opened with many safety measures in 2012. Darjeeling Ropeway operates between the North Point in the town of Darjeeling and Singla on the banks of the Ramman River. From an elevation of 7000 feet in Darjeeling's North Point, this ropeway descends .....

Bengal Natural History Museum

Bengal Natural History Museum

#9 of 28 Places to Visit in Darjeeling

At a distance of 3 km from Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, Bengal Natural History Museum is a museum situated in Darjeeling town of West Bengal. Located inside Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park complex, it is one of the best places to visit in Darjeeling. The Bengal Natural History Museum was established in 1903 at the behest of the then Governor General of India Mr. George Nathaniel Curzon. Established as a small museum within the premises of the Lloyd Botanical Garden, it provides visitors with a wonderful view of rich flora and fauna of Darjeeling and its surrounding areas. However, due to the growing visitors and increasing collection, the museum was shifted to its current location in the year 1915, and the Bengal Natural History Museum was officially formed in the year 1923. Initially the museum was run by Bengal Natural Museum Society from 1923 to 1976 and later it was handed over to the Forest Department of West Bengal. The Bengal Natural History Museum is a visual .....

Bhutia Busty Monastery

Bhutia Busty Monastery

#10 of 28 Places to Visit in Darjeeling

At a distance of 2 km from Darjeeling Railway Station, Bhutia Busty Monastery or Karmaa Dorjee Cheoling Monastery is a Buddhist monastery located in Bhutia Busty area of Darjeeling, West Bengal. It is one of the popular and oldest Buddhist monasteries in Darjeeling and among the top places to visit in Darjeeling. This monastery was earlier located in Observatory Hill where the Mahakal Temple stands today. It was originally built there by the Lama Dorje Rinzing in 1761 CE. According to history, the monastery was completely ravaged during Gorkha invasion in 1851 CE and was rebuilt in 1861 CE. But due to many disturbances, it had to be shifted to its present location in the year 1879. However, the monastery in the new location was also destroyed by an earthquake in 1934 CE, after which it was restored and reconstructed by the King of Sikkim. The present structure is stunning and has been built in a traditional Tibetan style with Sikkimese influence. The monastery belongs to .....

Dali Monastery

Dali Monastery

#11 of 28 Places to Visit in Darjeeling

At a distance of 2.5 km from Darjeeling Railway Station, Dali Monastery is a Buddhist monastery located in Dali area of Darjeeling. Also known as Druk Sangag Choling Monastery, it is one of the biggest monasteries in West Bengal and also among the famous places to visit in Darjeeling. Dali Monastery is one of the most prominent monasteries of the Kargyupa sect, built by Kyabje Thuksey Rinpoche in 1971. The gompa was inaugurated by His Holiness Dalai Lama in 1993, where he gave 3 days of religious teachings. The monastery is known for preserving the age old culture and tradition of the Tibetan monks. It serves as the headquarters and the residence for Drukchen Rinpoche the XII, who is the supreme leader of the Kargyupa sect. Perched on a steep hill, the monastery was built in the traditional Tibetan style. The colors used in the walls are bright and bold which depicts the life and teachings of Lord Buddha. It is home to around 210 monks who came to live here from the Himalayan .....

Lloyd's Botanical Garden

Lloyd's Botanical Garden

#12 of 28 Places to Visit in Darjeeling

At a distance of 1 km from Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Station, Lloyd's Botanical Garden or Darjeeling Botanical Garden is a beautiful garden located in the beautiful hill town of Darjeeling. The garden is among the oldest botanical gardens in Darjeeling and also one of the popular tourist places in Darjeeling. Established in 1878 CE, the garden was named after William Lloyd, who provided the required land for it. The garden was built in reference to the Calcutta Botanical Garden. The basic motive of Lloyd's Botanical Garden is to preserve the native floral species of Darjeeling Himalayan hill region, Sikkim and its neighboring regions. Located at an altitude of almost 1800 meters, the garden has terraced lands, rolling slopes, tall trees and lush green bushes mixed with grass. Sprawling over an area of 40 acres, the Lloyd Botanical Garden preserves some of the most exotic and endangered species of plants. It has several species of bamboo, oak, magnolia, arisaema, cotoneaster, .....

Chowrasta Or Darjeeling Mall

Chowrasta Or Darjeeling Mall

#13 of 28 Places to Visit in Darjeeling

At a distance of 1 km from Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Station, Darjeeling Mall or Chowrasta is located at the heart of Darjeeling town. It is considered as the hub for all type of activities in Darjeeling and also among the best places to visit in Darjeeling. The word 'Chow' means four and 'Rasta' stands for roads, essentially means that the Mall is where four roads meet. Located on top of Nehru Road, This flat piece of circular land is the major shopping area and center for commercial activities. In olden days, this was the place where the Europeans came for their evening walks. Today, the locals as well as the tourists come here to lounge and relax. In a clear day, one can also have a magnificent view of the Kanchenjunga from here. There are benches all along the Mall Road for people to sit and enjoy the views over a cup of Darjeeling tea. Also, there are some of the old and heritage stores lined up and countless vendors selling artifacts, woollens and various figurines .....

darjeeling tourism point

#1 of 28 Places to Visit in Darjeeling

At a distance of 35 km from Kurseong, 44 km from Darjeeling, 50 km from Siliguri, 100 km from Kalimpong, 130 km from Pelling, 147 km from Gangtok, 517 km from Guwahati and 591 km from Kolkata, Mirik is a small hill town located in the Darjeeling district of West Bengal. Situated at an altitude of 4,905 feet, Mirik is one of the popular tourist places in West Bengal and among the best places to visit near Darjeeling. Nestled in the serene hills of Darjeeling district, Mirik is known for its pleasant climate, natural beauty and easy accessibility. The name Mirik comes from two Lepcha words Mir-Yok which means 'place burnt by fire'. The town is dominated by the large Sumendu Lake or Mirik Lake. The southern part of the lake is the tourist town where almost all the hotels are located while the northern part of the lake is more local and in the Northernmost fringe is the crowded Mirik market. Like Darjeeling, Mirik also used to be ..... Distance (From Darjeeling): 44 Kms Trip Duration (From Darjeeling - Including Travel): Full Day .....

Teesta Valley Tea Estate

Teesta Valley Tea Estate

#14 of 28 Places to Visit in Darjeeling

At a distance of 32 km from Darjeeling, and 51 km from Kalimpong, Teesta Valley Tea Estate is a vast tea garden in Rangli Rangliot Tehsil of Darjeeling district in West Bengal, India. This is one of the popular tea estates in West Bengal and among the top places to experience Darjeeling Tourism. Teesta Valley Tea Estate derives its name from mighty river Teesta. Established in the year 1841, it is one of the oldest tea gardens in Darjeeling and one of the gold medal winner for the production of the world's finest tea. Spread over an area of 850 hectare, the tea garden is situated in the cold sunny slopes with a widened stretching of almost 2500 to 6500 feet above from the sea level, with selected China tea bushes highly planted with infinite care. These fertile slopes are blessed by cool mists, bright sunshine and crisp winds of the Kanchenjunga, where the legendary flavor of pure Darjeeling tea was conceived. This beautiful tea garden is capable to amuse the visitors by its .....

Singalila National Park

Singalila National Park

#15 of 28 Places to Visit in Darjeeling

At a distance of 36 km from Darjeeling, Singalila National Park is a reserved forest area at the Singalila ridge in Darjeeling district of West Bengal. Situated at an altitude between 7900 feet to 12000 feet, it is the highest National Park in West Bengal and among the popular places to visit in Darjeeling. The park was declared as a wildlife sanctuary in 1986, and got national park status in 1992. The park derives its name from the Singalila spur, which runs through the park, descending from Mount Kanchenjunga in the north and running south to the northern fringe of the Gangetic Plains. The park makes the border line with Nepal to the west and Sikkim to the North. The two highest peaks of West Bengal, Sandakphu (3630 m) and Phalut (3600 m) are located inside the park and the region had long been used as the trekking route from Maneybhanjang to Sandakphu and Phalut. The park has an area of 78.60 with mixed vegetation of Magnolia, Rhododendron, Oak, Pine Hemlock, Silver .....

Shrubbery Nightingale Park

Shrubbery Nightingale Park

#16 of 28 Places to Visit in Darjeeling

At a distance of 2.5 km from Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, Shrubbery Nightingale Park is a beautiful public park situated at Richmond Hill area of Darjeeling in the state of West Bengal. Lies between Himalayan Mountaineering Institute and Chowrasta, it is one of the beautiful places to visit in Darjeeling. Formerly known as 'The Shrubbery', this park was the private courtyard of Sir Thomas Tartan's Bungalow and a meeting place for English women during the British Raj. The park was destroyed during a devastating earthquake in the year 1934. It was rebuilt and began to be used as a famous Bollywood movie shooting spot during 1950's and 60's. However, with passing time the park was neglected due to the growing tension in Darjeeling hills. It was opened for the public again in 2011 after re-designing of the park with walkways and sitting benches. The park is said to be in oval shape and is slightly at an elevated level. The park is adorned with pine and many other tall trees. It .....

Sandakphu & Phalut Trek

Sandakphu & Phalut Trek

#17 of 28 Places to Visit in Darjeeling

At a distance of 83 km from Darjeeling, Sandakfu or Sandakphu is the highest peak of West Bengal situated on the border of West Bengal of India and Nepal. Sandakphu is one of the wonderful places to experience Darjeeling Tourism and also among the best trekking places in Eastern Himalayas. Situated at an altitude of 11,941 feet, Sandakphu is the summit or the highest point in Singalila range. Sandakphu means 'Height of the Poison Plant' derives its name from the poisonous plants that grow near the top. Popularly known as 'Trekkers Wonderland', the Sandakphu trek route goes all along the Singalila range and the border of India and Nepal. Also known as Singalila trek, it is considered as the highest trek in West Bengal. A trek to Sandakphu is actually considered a soft or a light trek in trekker's world. However the altitude, weather conditions and various other factors do require that take adequate preparations, particularly first time trekkers. The Sandakphu trek starts from .....

Old Ghoom Monastery / Yiga Choeling Monastery

Old Ghoom Monastery / Yiga Choeling Monastery

#18 of 28 Places to Visit in Darjeeling

At a distance of 1 km from Ghoom Railway Station and 6 km from Darjeeling, Old Ghoom Monastery, also known as Yiga Choeling Monastery, is a Buddhist monastery situated at Ghoom near the beautiful hill town of Darjeeling. It is one of the oldest and most popular Tibetan Buddhist monasteries in the region of Darjeeling and also one of the must visit places in Darjeeling. Yiga Choeling Monastery was established in 1850 CE by the Mongolian astrologer and monk Sokpo Sherab Gyatso, who was the head of the monastery until 1905 CE. The Monastery belongs to Gelugpa or the Yellow Hat sect. This is the first ever Tibetan Buddhist monastery to be built in the Darjeeling region. During the Chinese occupation of 1959 in Tibet many high ranking monks fled to India and took refuge in this monastery. The monastery is known for its 15 feet high statue of Maitreya Buddha or Gyalwa Shampa, which means the Buddha of the future or the Coming Buddha. This statue was created during the tenure of .....

Barbotey Rock Garden

Barbotey Rock Garden

#19 of 28 Places to Visit in Darjeeling

At a distance of 6 km from Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, Barbotey Rock Garden is a beautiful garden situated at Chunnu Summer Falls in the Darjeeling town of West Bengal. It is one of the magnificent places to visit in Darjeeling. Barbotey Rock Garden was constructed by the Gorkha Hill Council Tourism Department and was inaugurated by the GNLF supremo, Mr. Subhash Ghising. It is popularly called as Rock Garden as the entire garden area has been created by cutting rocks at different levels and making terraced seating arrangements. It was created to introduce a special attraction for tourists a little outside the town area so that the visitors have an added incentive to come to the hill town. There are sharp hairpin bends on the way and the gradient of the road is very steep. However the view of Darjeeling's landscape and the mountain range from the road is unparalleled. It is a multi-level garden, terraced around a natural fall called Chunnu Summer Falls. The garden offers .....

Happy Valley Tea Estate

Happy Valley Tea Estate

#20 of 28 Places to Visit in Darjeeling

At a distance of 2.5 km from Darjeeling Railway Station, Happy Valley Tea Estate is a vast tea garden located in Darjeeling town of West Bengal. This is the second oldest tea estate in Darjeeling after Steinthal Tea Estate and also one of the popular places to experience Darjeeling Tourism. Spread over an area of 177 hectares, Happy Valley Tea Garden was established by Mr. David Wilson in the year 1854, which was then known as Wilson Tea Estate. In 1903, the estate was taken over by an Indian, Tarapada Banerjee, an aristocrat from Hooghly. Later Banerjee bought the Windsor Tea Estate nearby in 1929 and merged the two estates under the name of Happy Valley Tea Estate. Since 2008, the tea estate has been under the ownership of Sanjay Bansal. Today, over 1500 people worked in the tea estate. Located in the vicinity of Darjeeling town, it is one of the major tourist attractions in Darjeeling. It also has a museum and has a factory. Situated at an altitude of 2,100 m, Happy Valley .....

Magdhog Yolmowa Monastery

Magdhog Yolmowa Monastery

#21 of 28 Places to Visit in Darjeeling

At a distance of 4 km from Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, Magdhog Yolmowa Monastery is a Buddhist monastery located on the Old Military Road in Darjeeling town of West Bengal. Popularly known as Aloobari Monastery, it is one of the oldest Buddhist monasteries in Darjeeling and also among the must visit Tourist Places in Darjeeling. The monastery was built in 1914 AD under the supervision of Sri Sangay Lama, a highly revered religious head of the Yolmowa - a small ethnic group hailing from north-east of Nepal and who later settled in Darjeeling. The construction of the monastery was coincided with the beginning of the First World War. The name Mag-Dhog means warding off the war and the monastery was dedicated for world peace. The monastery has several idols of Lord Buddha and Padmasambhava. The paintings on the walls are said to be done with the help of herbs and grass - an amazing work of art. Each painting depicts a story or teaching about life. The monastery also preserves .....

Dhirdham Temple

Dhirdham Temple

#22 of 28 Places to Visit in Darjeeling

At a distance of 100 m from Darjeeling Railway Station, Dhirdham Temple is the most popular Hindu shrine located in Darjeeling town of West Bengal. It is one of the oldest temples in Darjeeling and among the beautiful Places to visit in Darjeeling. Dedicated to Lord Shiva, Dhirdham Temple was built by Purna Bahadur Pradhan, the king of Nepal, in 1939. Situated just below the Toy Train Station, the temple was designed by the Gorkhali architect Beg Raj Sakya. Dhirdham Temple appears as a multi-layered pagoda from outside and resembles the Pashupatinath Temple of Katmandu in architecture. The roof of the temple is influenced by Tibetan monasteries. The temple looks phenomenal in its Tibetan Style structure painted in vivid colours like red, yellow and white. It has a white coloured statue of Lord Shiva near the entrance. This idol symbolises Pancha Bakram Trinetram, which is a depiction of five varied facial expressions of Lord Shiva and His supremely powerful third eye. One .....

Senchal Lake & Wildlife Sanctuary

Senchal Lake & Wildlife Sanctuary

#23 of 28 Places to Visit in Darjeeling

At a distance of 10 km from Darjeeling, Senchal Wildlife Sanctuary is a protected sanctuary in Darjeeling district of West Bengal, India. It is one of the oldest wildlife sanctuaries of India and among the popular places to experience Darjeeling Tourism. Covers an area of 38.6 Sq. km, Senchal Wildlife Sanctuary was set up in 1915 CE and is the south east extension of Singalila National Park. The elevation ranges from 1,500 to 2,600 m. High-altitude animals like barking deer, wild pig, Himalayan black bear, leopard, jungle cat, common rhesus monkey, Assam macaque, Himalayan flying squirrel, etc. are found in their natural habitats. The sanctuary is also rich in bird life. Senchal wildlife sanctuary is a perfect combination of both man-made and natural jungles. The forest has different kinds of trees and plantation including oak, pines and birch. There are over 350 types of flowering plants in this area including Rhodendrons and Orchids. There are several villages surrounding .....

Neora Valley National Park

Neora Valley National Park

#24 of 28 Places to Visit in Darjeeling

At a distance of 81 km from Darjeeling, Neora Valley National Park is a protected wildlife sanctuary located in Kalimpong district of West Bengal. It is one of the richest biological zones in the entire Eastern India and also one of the prominent places to visit in Darjeeling. Spread over an area of 88 sq. km, Neora Valley National Park was established in 1986 CE. The National Park enjoys the distinction of being situated over one of the oldest Reserve Forests in India. With an elevation of 10,600 feet, Rachela Pass is the highest point of this park, where it forms a boundary with Sikkim in the North and Bhutan in the North East. The forests of Jalpaiguri form its southern boundary connecting it with Chapramari Wildlife Sanctuary and the Gorumara National Park. The name Neora Valley is given after the river Neora flowing through it and is the main source of water for Kalimpong town. Neora Valley National Park is situated in the foothill of the Himalayas, so it has craggy inaccessible .....

Chapramari Wildlife Sanctuary

Chapramari Wildlife Sanctuary

#25 of 28 Places to Visit in Darjeeling

At a distance of 97 km from Darjeeling, Chapramari Wildlife Sanctuary is located in the foothills of Eastern Himalayas of Jalpaiguri district. Situated close to Gorumara National Park, it is one of the best wildlife sanctuaries in West Bengal and among the popular tourist places near Darjeeling. Covered with an area of 96, Chapramari Wildlife Sanctuary was established in 1998. The name Chapramari derives from 'Chapra' means a variety of small fish and 'Mari' means abundant. According to history, in 1895, the area was declared as a reserve forest under the Indian Forest Act. Then, the Government of India declared it as a National Wildlife Sanctuary in 1998. The main attraction of the sanctuary is the elephants that are found here in large numbers. The place is also home to various other animals like Gaur, Wild boar, Leopards, Royal Bengal Tiger, Himalayan Langoor, deer, reptiles etc. Also regarded as a bird watchers paradise as one can spot variety of birds like Peafowl, .....

Jhandi Dara Sunrise Point

Jhandi Dara Sunrise Point

#26 of 28 Places to Visit in Darjeeling

At a distance of 31 km from Kalimpong, 52 km from Lava and 70 km from Darjeeling, Jhandi Dara is a beautiful viewpoint located at Lolegaon near Kalimpong. Known for its spectacular view of Sunrise, it is one of the best places to visit in Darjeeling. Jhandi Dara Sunrise Point offers beautiful vistas of the sun rising behind the snowcapped mountain peaks. Watching the sky lighting up, changing colors from dark blue to fiery orange is memorable from here. Tourists can also enjoy the views of dense green Sal and Pine Trees spread all over the hilltop with the Kanchenjunga as a majestic backdrop. Boasting of lush and mountainous environs, the Jhandi Dara Sunrise Point offers ample opportunities for capturing really amazing photographs, especially at the time of sunrise. Besides, the viewpoint is a perfect retreat for nature lovers and birdwatchers. The location of Jhandi Dara Viewpoint is very unique as one can see the Plains of Dooars, Darjeeling, Kalimpong, Kanchenjunga and .....

St. Andrew's Church

St. Andrew's Church

#27 of 28 Places to Visit in Darjeeling

At a distance of 1.5 km from Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Station, St. Andrew's Church is an old Anglican Church located at the Mall Road in Darjeeling town of West Bengal. It is one of the most beautiful structure in Darjeeling and also one of the popular pilgrimage places to visit in Darjeeling. Named after the patron saint of Scotland St. Andrew, the foundation stone of the church was laid by the British in 1843 CE and was completed in 1844. The church was badly damaged by an earthquake and had to be rebuilt in the year 1873. The early worshippers of this church included many Scottish soldiers and tea planters living in the Darjeeling Hill area. The church is able to accommodate the congregation of about 200 persons. The church was built in Gothic Style of architecture which is one of the signature styles of British architecture. The origin of this architecture is believed to date back to 12th century AD. Some of its characteristics include the pointed arch, the ribbed .....

Tibetan Refugee Self Help Centre

Tibetan Refugee Self Help Centre

#28 of 28 Places to Visit in Darjeeling

At a distance of 5 km from Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Station, Tibetan Refugee Self Help Centre is a rehabilitation center for the Tibetan refugees in the beautiful hill town of Darjeeling, West Bengal. It is one of the prominent landmarks of Darjeeling and also one of the best places to visit in Darjeeling. The center was setup by Tibetan refugees on 2nd October 1959 AD. It serves as a residence of several Tibetan refugees who fled from their homeland following the footsteps of their spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama. Located on the picturesque hilltop, it is spread over an area of 4 acres of land. A committee was formed with 10 members that were responsible for the development and management of the center. Ms Gaylo Thondup was the first President of the center. Initially, they started raising funds through donations, subscriptions, charity shows and even through exhibition soccer match. Later, they received funds from domestic and international voluntary organizations as well. .....

Most Asked Questions on Darjeeling

Winter and summer the best seasons to visit Darjeeling . This is also time to enjoy its spectacular views of snow-capped peaks and Darjeeling Himalayan Railway. Summer is the busiest season in Darjeeling, most of the tourists planning to visit Darjeeling to spend Summer vacation.

Darjeeling usually takes 2-3 days to visit the most important tourist places. Several tourists usually prefer visiting Darjeeling along with Gangtok which requires additional 2 day. Darjeeling can be mixed with near by wonderful destination like Pelling, Namchi, Kalimpong, Lachen and Lachung by adding few additional days to your trip.

Budget of Darjeeling trip depends on the trip duration and category of hotel you choose for your stay along with the kind of vehicle you prefer. Darjeeling tour packages offered by start from as low as INR 8600 per person for a 3D/2N trip and from INR 11750 per person for 4D/3N vacation.

Ensure to cover most important places to visit in Darjeeling like Darjeeling Himalayan Railway/Toy Train, Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park, Tiger Hill Sunrise Observatory, Batasia Loop, Peace Pagoda & Japanese Temple, Observatory Hill & Mahakal Temple, Darjeeling Rangeet Valley Passenger Ropeway, Bengal Natural History Museum, Bhutia Busty Monastery, Dali Monastery, Lloyd's Botanical Garden, Darjeeling Mall and Happy Valley Tea Estate.

Darjeeling is famous for tea and buying locally made of tea powder is a great idea. Darjeeling is also well known�for woolen items like shawls, scarves, hats, jackets, etc, and also offers handicrafts and exotic Tibetan items. You can get these items at low prices in Darjeeling if you bargain a bit. Ensure to check the quality.

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Darjeeling Tourism

  • Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (Toy Train)
  • Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park
  • Batasia Loop
  • Peace Pagoda
  • Darjeeling Ropeway
  • Himalayan Mountaineering Institute
  • Darjeeling Rock Garden
  • Ghoom Monastery
  • Happy Valley Tea Estate
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Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (Toy Train)

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  • Best time to Visit in Darjeeling
  • Darjeeling Tourism History
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Ideal duration: 2-3 days

Best Time: February to March, September to December Read More

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"Queen of The Himalayas"

Darjeeling tourism.

Darjeeling, the former summer capital of India under the British Raj, has evolved into one of India's most sought-after hill stations. This picturesque hill destination in West Bengal is ideal for a romantic honeymoon. Darjeeling, nestled among acres of tea estates, is 2,050 metres above sea level and thus has a cool climate all year long. Darjeeling is often clubbed with destinations in Sikkim its neighbouring state, making it a perfect starting point for exploring the wonders of the Eastern Himalayas.

The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway established back in 1881 is conferred the title of World Heritage Status by UNESCO. The train begins its journey from the plains and rises to over 2000 metres above sea level, offering breathtaking views of the mountains as it chugs along. Darjeeling is also famous for it's tea plantations with over 86 tea estates responsible for producing the worldwide famous 'Darjeeling Tea'.  The third highest peak in the world and the highest in India, the Kanchenjunga peak, is visible from here, and you can enjoy a panoramic view of the peak. Some of Darjeeling's most popular attractions include monasteries, botanical gardens, a zoo, and the Darjeeling-Rangeet Valley Passenger Ropeway  cable car, which is the longest Asian cable car. Tiger Hill is a fantastic spot to see the sunrise over the mountains in all its fiery glory. The best time to visit Darjeeling is between April to June when the weather is pleasant. However, a lot of people also prefer visiting the place during the winter months from October to December. The months of July to August received heavy rainfall, a lot of roadblocks are observed in the hill station and hence visiting Darjeeling during these months is not very advisable.

Must Know Before You Travel to Darjeeling

  • Indians can carry any Indian ID (passport, voters ID, pan card, drivers license) for a potential Sikkim trekking trip.
  • A special permit is required for Singalila National Park from Manebhanjan, costing around 120 INR.
  • Carry valid ID (passport/voter ID) for checkpoints and specific areas while visiting Sikkim or Nepal from Darjeeling.
  • Foreigners visiting Darjeeling must possess a valid Indian tourist visa and copies of photographs.
  • Nepal and Bhutan citizens don't need a Visa. Carry a valid government ID. 
  • Report to the Foreigners Registration Office at Bagdogra airport on arrival or at Darjeeling Magistrate Office during the stay.
  • Those traveling by rail or road must get their passport and visa stamped and approved for their stay in Darjeeling.
  • To visit Kalimpong, the permit must be endorsed at the Foreigners Registration Office in Darjeeling or the office that issued it.
  • Darjeeling is prone to landslides during the monsoon season (June to September).
  • Have sufficient cash, as not all areas have ATM access.
  • Respect local privacy and etiquettes, especially around religious sites.
  • Selling alcohol to those below 25 is prohibited, with specific dry days when liquor is not served.

Must Visit Places in Darjeeling

Darjeeling Himalayan Railway

Darjeeling Himalayan Railway

Tiger Hill

Batasia Loop

Himalayan Mountaineering Institute

Himalayan Mountaineering Institute

Places To Visit In Darjeeling

Darjeeling Ropeway

Darjeeling Ropeway

Tea Plantations Darjeeling

Tea Plantations Darjeeling

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The toy train, what makes darjeeling an amazing tourist destination, culture of darjeeling, history of darjeeling, darjeeling tea tourism, flora and fauna in darjeeling, west bengal, restaurants and local food in darjeeling, suggested itinerary for darjeeling, best time to visit darjeeling, top stories about darjeeling tourism.

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Top 10 Places To Visit In Darjeeling

Located in the Indian state of West Bengal, Darjeeling is known for its tea industry. The city is located amidst the lower Himalayas that are also known as the Mahabharat Range. The town was developed in the mid-19th century by the British and soon the town came to be known for its vast tea estates that produce the best Tea in the country. The city was controlled by the kingdom of Sikkim till it was taken by the Gorkhas and subsequently the British. The town is located at an average elevation of 2050 meters and comes under the eastern Himalayan Zoo-geographic zone. The town is endowed with a rich cultural history and natural resources and due to its pleasant climate all year round, is a popular tourist spot. Below is a list of the best places one can visit in Darjeeling .

1. Darjeeling Himalayan Railway


The most famous attraction in Darjeeling, the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (DHR) is also known as the ‘Toy Train’. It is a narrow gauge rail that is 2ft in width and runs between Darjeeling and Jalpaiguri and was built in the years between 1879 and 1881. In 1999, the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, making DHR, the Second railway in the world to have such an honor after Semmering Railway, Austria.

2. Singalila National Park

Located at an altitude of approximately 2134 meters above sea level the Singalila National Park is situated in the highest regions of West Bengal. The park is known for its amazing peaks and the panoramic views of the lesser Himalayas. The National Park is famous as a trekker’s paradise with a large verity of mountainous vegetation, fauna, and birds. The wildlife includes rare and endangered species like the Red Panda, Black Bear, Leopard, Tigers, Clouded Leopard, Serow, Leopard Cat, Barking Deer, Yellow-throated Marten, Wild Boar, Pangolin and Takin.

3. Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park


Known for its famous Red Panda and Snow Leopard breeding program, the Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park is spread in an area of 67.56 acres. The zoo is located at an average elevation of 2,134 meters above sea level and is the largest high altitude zoos in India. Some of the rare and endangered species in the zoo are snow leopards, red pandas, Himalayan Salamanders, Tibetan wolf, Himalayan mountain goat and Siberian tigers.

4. Tiger Hill


One of the most famous peaks in Darjeeling can be reached either by jeep or by foot which transverses through some of the oldest tea plantations in Darjeeling. The place is best known as a trekking destination and its peaks offer some of the most marvelous views of the Kanchendzonga and the monolithic Mt. Everest.

5. Observatory Hill


Located near Chowrarasta square, Observatory Hill is a famous view point and tourist attraction in Darjeeling. The location is famous for its magnificent views of Kanchendzonga and the ancient temple dedicated to Mahakaal or Lord Shiva.

6. Batasia Loop


Batasia Loop can be visited when the famous ‘Toy Train’ makes its way across a looped track that transverses through some beautiful parks. The place is famous for housing a Gorkha war memorial and while in the toy train you can witness a 360 degrees view of Darjeeling. The loop covers an area of 50,000 square feet and transverses spirally into tunnels, landscaped parks and hillocks in this 1,000 feet high descent. The local crafts market located nearby is a must visit.

7. Happy Valley Tea Estate


Spread across a massive area of 437-acres, and situated at an elevation of 2,100 meters above sea level, the Happy Valley Tea Estate is one of the major tourist attractions in Darjeeling. The place is located amidst some of the most breath taking surroundings in India. It also houses one of the highest tea factory in the world and was established in 1854 by an Englishman and was later taken over by an Indian aristocracy from Hoogly.

8. Joey’s Pub

If you want to relax after a hard day of travelling, Joey’s Pub is the place for you then. It is an English style pub built in 1948 and is a one of the prime attractions for the tourists in India. Make sure you visit the pub for some mid-priced drinks and snacks with some light classic-rock and blues playing in the background.

9. Japanese Peace Pagoda


Built during 1885-1985 by a Japanese Buddhist monk Nichidatsu Fuji, the Japanese Peace Pagoda is a part of 30 such structures across the world. The Buddhist shrine is located amidst some really enticing locations and is built in a beautiful white structure with golden colored sculptures. The structure is 23 sq meters wide and 28.5 meters high.

10. Neora Valley National Park


Spread across a massive 88 square kilometers, the Neora Valley National Park is one of the richest biological zones in the north-east. The Neora Valley National Park is famous for housing one of the largest populations of Red Panda in India. The park was established in 1986 and is a home to several endangered and rare species of flora and fauna.

With an amazing climate all year round, Darjeeling is one of the top tourist destinations in West Bengal. The culture the city has accumulated from years of its history under the various rulers, Darjeeling is a popular hill station town in India.

More West Bengal Attractions:

  • Top Places To Visit In Siliguri
  • Top Places To Visit In Mindapore (Medinipur)
  • Top Places To Visit In Asansol

About Rohit

darjeeling tourism point

3 thoughts on “Top 10 Places To Visit In Darjeeling”

Actually, I want to go to Darjeeling after a long wait with my friends in this year first time and i am very excited about this outing, but i am very concerned about timings because me and my all friends are emloyed in private sector and worry about sanctioned leaves.

So anyone can suggest/advise me, that minimum how many days we can expect to capture all above mentioned tourist places in Darjeeling and return back to Delhi within minimum days and how will we manage our trip.

I hope you guys surely get me advised on my concerns

Thank, Keshav

we would like to visit darjeeling with near about 50 students and three faculties…….so which place is better for stay any camp is there for students to stay…..we are from nagpur

Maximum 5 to 6 days!

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  • Darjeeling Himalayan Railway
  • Singalila National Park
  • Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park
  • Observatory Hill
  • Batasia Loop
  • Happy Valley Tea Estate
  • Japanese Peace Pagoda
  • Neora Valley National Park
  • Best Time to Visit Darjeeling
  • Homestays in Darjeeling
  • Cooch Behar
  • Barrackpore
  • Murshidabad
  • Mindapore (Medinipur)
  • Shantiniketan
  • Sunderbans Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Gorumara National Park
  • Buxa Tiger Reserve
  • Beaches in West Bengal
  • National Parks in West Bengal
  • Hill Stations in West Bengal

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Photo courtesy - Prabita Khambu Rai

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Darjeeling is derived from the Tibetan words ‘ Dorje ‘ which means thunderbolt and ‘linga’ meaning place or land, hence together ‘the land of the thunderbolt’ Due to political unrest, development in Darjeeling was stagnated back by almost 30 years. Tourism in Darjeeling largely happened due to British settlement in India. On 1st February 1835, the ‘ Sikkim -Patti’ ceded their territory through a deed of grant to the British. Initially, the British used the ‘now’ Darjeeling district as a health resort or sanatorium. In time, it became the summer escapade for the officials of British origin “East India Company’.

As more and more people became aware of the intrinsic beauty of the place, Darjeeling became a must-see for everyone. Darjeeling Tourism has been thriving since that time. Modernism has only added fuel to the fire, making Darjeeling a hotspot for travelers arriving from all over the world. What else can you expect in a place offering scenic vistas of snow-capped mountains, an abundance of flora and fauna, sweeping landscapes of green, occasionally blessed with magical snowflakes once in a while every winter?

Darjeeling, in its true sense, is a feast for sore eyes and weary minds. It is the perfect ‘getaway destination’ for the ones who are dying to step out of their mundane lives into the freshness of the crisp Himalayan air. It is the quintessential destination where cherished memories are created for a lifetime. 

Out and About Darjeeling

The majestic Kanchenjunga range looming over Darjeeling truly withholds its name as the ‘ Queen of Hill station ‘. It has been drawing travelers and locals alike, who wake up at the cusp of dawn to catch a glimpse of the sun rising over the snow-capped peaks. Owing to the town’s strategic location, Darjeeling offers an uninterrupted view of the Kanchenjunga from almost everywhere. Kanchenjunga is the world’s third-highest mountain. 

Kanchenjunga is derived from four words of Tibetan origin, which is “ Kang-chen-dzo-nga ” or “ Yang-chhen-dzö-nga “. The literal translation is “Five Treasuries of the Great Snow.” Kanchenjunga holds an indispensable place in the mythological and religious rituals of the local residents. 

This quaint hill station is distinct compared to its contemporaries owing to the presence of the Darjeeling Himalayan Railways . A joy ride on the Toy Train is a ‘must for all’ that needs to be ticked off the bucket list of any traveler visiting Darjeeling. To date, it remains much coveted among all tourists. The Toy Train has been awarded the UNESCO World Heritage status. It is a magnificent way to absorb the ‘pretty as a picture’ allure of the Himalayan wonderland. The train ride is from New Jalpaiguri to Darjeeling with a couple of stops along the way like Kurseong and Ghoom.

A ride on the Darjeeling Himalayan Railways offers scenic views of sprawling tea estates. This ride gives an uninterrupted view of houses and stalls along the railway track making it seem just a touch away. The cream of the experience is loads and loads of fresh air wafting in, to invigorate your body and mind. The famed toy train of Darjeeling Himalayan Railway had made its first trip in the year 1880. The process of booking seats can be done either via the Indian Railways website or any computerized reservation counters.

Darjeeling Tea

Darjeeling Tourism is also synonymous with Darjeeling Tea – a drink famous all over the world. Darjeeling tea is made from a Chinese variety tea plant called Camellia sinensis that is grown and processed in Darjeeling. Brewed in a multitude of ways, the aroma of fresh Darjeeling Tea is all it takes, to transport us magically to the mountains. Even while lounging in your drawing room; it has the ability to stir up vacation memories from long ago. Darjeeling Tea is exported all over the country as well as internationally. Darjeeling tea is known as the ‘fine wine of teas’. It is preferred by connoisseurs from all over the world for its unique aroma. A day trip to a tea garden should be included in your vacation itinerary to witness the ritual first-hand. 

Another place that is a must-visit is Tiger Hill . Located at a short distance of 11 km from Darjeeling town, Tiger Hill draws throngs of visitors all year round. It is mainly because of the panoramic view of the surreal sunrises it offers. It is best to wake up really early, at the crack of dawn, and take a car to the viewpoint. It takes about 40 mins to reach from the Mall road in Darjeeling town. It is a remarkable phenomenon to witness the first rays of sunlight illuminating the peaks of Kanchenjunga. However, you need to go during the right season so that all the peaks are visible with no mist or fog. The best season to see the breathtaking snow-covered peaks is between mid-October to December or from March to April. It is not only a place from where you can witness astonishing sun rises, it is a destination in itself. It is a place to soak yourself in iridescent Himalayan beauty anytime during the day.

A beautiful public park area in Darjeeling is called the Shrubbery Nightingale Park. It was earlier just called the ‘The Shrubbery’ when it was a private courtyard. Along with great scenery, there is a giant statue of Lord Shiva and a musical fountain. Several Nepali cultural functions take place in the huge open circular stage during the tourist season in the evenings. It is open for tourists from 8 am to 8 pm with a nominal admission fee.

Located at a height of 7000 ft above sea level, Singalila National Park is unmissable for all nature enthusiasts. It is located in Darjeeling at a height of 7000 feet above sea level. That makes it the highest altitude reserved forest area in the state of West Bengal. Singalila National Park is a well-known spot for trekking and other adventure sports. The trekking route to Sandakphu runs through it. It is also one of the most popular destinations for bird watching. Blooming season attracts a large variety of birds here. It is home to some of the rarest and exotic animals in wildlife like the Red Panda and Himalayan Newt. Larger rare animals like Himalayan Black Bear, clouded leopards, etc. are also found here.

A glistening white structure called Japanese Temple is a 10 mins drive from the Darjeeling town center. It was built under the guidance of a Buddhist monk from Japan, namely, Nichidatsu Fujii. Close to the Japanese Temple is the Peace Pagoda which showcases four avatars of Lord Buddha. The Peace Pagoda is the tallest free-standing structure in Darjeeling. 

A ride on the famous Darjeeling ropeway is one of the best ways to experience the captivating panorama. It is also called the Rangeet Valley Passenger Cable Car because of the spectacular view around the river, Little Rangeet. The cable car can be boarded from Singamari which is 1.8 miles from Darjeeling Chowk Bazar. You can take break journeys as there is no set time limit on the ropeway. You can get off at one of the stations near a tea garden and take a tour. Take the next cable car crossing the station to head back or further ahead. Of course, you would need to return before the ropeway operation closes for the day. Darjeeling ropeway was the first cable car system in India and was inaugurated in the year 1968.

Himalayan Mountaineering Institute, Darjeeling

Mountaineering fans should schedule a visit to the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute during their vacation in Darjeeling. This world-famous premier mountaineering institute is also known as HMI. It was founded on the 4th of November, 1954 by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. This institute was built as a tribute to Tenzing Norgay, who was also the first director of field training here. It offers various short and long-term courses on mountaineering, rock climbing, and trekking, and even water sports. There are a few courses for the visually impaired as well as rock crafts, etc. There is a museum on the campus grounds called HMI Museum.

The museum has one section on the ground floor known as the Main Museum. The other section called the Mount Everest and Mount Makalu Museum is on the upper floor. It is the oldest mountaineering museum in India. The museum exhibits take you on a journey of the rich culture and mountaineering artifacts. A powerful telescope through which the entire Kanchenjunga range can be seen clearly is also an exhibit there. Those who are in town for longer durations can enroll in short term mountaineering or adventure courses.

Other places that are a must in your Darjeeling itinerary are the Padmaja Naidu Zoological Park , and the Batasia Loop . Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park is among the best zoos in the world. It is located in the Birch Hill area and was established in 1958. Here, you can see many endangered high-altitude Himalayan wildlife like Red Panda, Snow Leopards, etc. Spend the day here bird watching, or laze around the park chasing the sunlight. Batasia Loop is located on Hill Road, just below the Ghum station. It is a 20 mins drive from Darjeeling town. This is the best place to get a 360-degree view of Darjeeling’s landscape. The Toy Train takes a double loop here to counter a sharp descent along the road. There is also an Eco Garden in Batasia. And at the center of the Batasia Loop is the War Memorial. It was opened in 1995 to commemorate Gorkha soldiers in various wars after India’s independence. 

The famous Chowrasta Mall Road is a good spot to end your day-long touristy haul. Enthusiasts can go for horseback riding, gorge on street food or pick up souvenirs at the curio shops lining the Mall.

Around Darjeeling

There are a lot of places around Darjeeling that are tourist favorites such as Kurseong , Kalimpong , Mirik among others. Kurseong is also known as the “Land of White Orchids”. It is a small hill station that travelers cross on their way to Darjeeling. With a pleasant climate all year-round, Kurseong is perfect for a day trip with a number of places to see locally. You can visit the Castleton or Makaibari Tea Garden. You could go up to Dowhill and explore the forests in the vicinity. Eagle’s Craig perched on a cliff is perfect for panoramic views of the mountains up until Siliguri. 

Eagle’s Craig, Kurseong

You can also plan a trip to Mirik- a scenic spot frequented by travelers all year-round. It is a laid back hill station with mesmerizing scenic beauty. Mirik Lake is famous for boating activities. Horseback riding can also be enjoyed here along with shopping activities. It is famous for its year-round lush foliage. Travelers visiting Mirik mostly visit to take a break from their mundane lives and breathe in the crisp, fresh air. 

While visiting Darjeeling, you can also go up to Kalimpong for a short detour. It has a pleasant temperature and varied cuisine. It also boasts of a multitude of cultures, and a display of orchids. Kalimpong is the regular traveler’s dream destination due to varied reasons. 

  • The Deolo View Point
  • River rafting on the Teesta 
  • The Phodong Monastery at dawn
  • The sunset against the Durpin Monastery
  • The much renowned Hanuman Temple. 

Make sure you make a pit stop at one of the orchid cultivation centers in this town.

Religion, Culture, and Art

Darjeeling boasts of a diverse culture. You can find people of different faiths residing here. It is predominantly Hinduism along with Vajrayana Buddhism religion. However, it is appreciable that the residents of Darjeeling engage in almost every festival that comes their way. It says a lot about the general solidarity and cultural unity of the place.

From Dussehra , Diwali , Losar , Buddha Jayanti to Christmas and New Year- all of it is celebrated in equal fervour. Spring fests, winter carnivals, weekend musicals, make their place alongside each other. This enhances the culture of this quaint, colonial-era hill town. 

The fact that Darjeeling hosts so many different cultures at once only enhances its rich traditions represented artistically. Travelers can find curio shops with authentic Gorkha artifacts, ornaments from the local lanes of Tibetan lineage. Even traditional Nepali weapons- the Khukhuri , and tribal masks can also be found here.

If you are out shopping in Chowrasta, make sure you spend time exploring paintings and depictions of deities by local artists. You can pick up traditional ornaments like mystic pendants and rings in Chowk Bazaar on Mall Road. Chowk Bazar has a unique yet reasonable collection of woolen clothes. There are two other markets known as Mahakal Market and Dragon Market. You can pick up some awesome memorabilia and souvenirs for your dear ones from here. Pony rides on Mall Road will give you a child-like delight. The road leading uphill to the Mall area is lined with local artisans selling hand-knitted woolens including socks, shawls, caps, and sweaters. Even carpets by local artisans are sold here. You can also find handmade bags and purses here. One of the good places to explore the art and handicraft scene in Darjeeling is the Tibetan Refugee Centre. A good couple of hours need to be set aside for it. Other places include Ava Art Gallery, Manjusha Emporium and Gram Shilpa, Hayden Hall, and more.

No tourist destination is complete without its local delicacies and Darjeeling is certainly not! The best place to begin your food journey is certainly the street joints. Authentic, local, and just perfect to fire your taste buds up. Start with a plate of momos , complete with soup and the spicy red chilli chutney. You can also try a steaming bowl of thukpa , complete with veggies. Especially, if it’s a cold, chilly day and you’re looking for something to both fill you up and warm you. Next on the list is a plate of aloo-dum, with crispy bhujia sprinkled on top. Spicy? Yes! Immemorable? For life! 


If you are looking for more of a sit-down and dine kind of place, go for one of the charming cafes. There are wonderful options like Keventer’s , Glenary’s , Frank Ross Cafe, and more. . If you relish a sumptuous breakfast or all-day snacks then Keventers is worth a visit. Its highlight is the open seating area enabling you to get great views. Glenary’s Bakery and Cafe is a prominent landmark since the British colonial days. It has remained the best bakery in Darjeeling since then. Frank Ross Cafe is relatively new compared to the other cafes. It is a vegetarian eatery and one of the few places to get authentic South Indian cuisine in Darjeeling. 

All of these places are lined along the Chowrasta area and are very easy to spot. For some good old beer and some great music, head to Joey’s Pub. It is a charming, quaint place with a forgotten, rustic British charm about it. A drink on a winter evening here can be the perfect place to end your vacation.

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Places to Visit in Darjeeling; 15 Must See Places in Darjeeling Tour

Are you planning for a Darjeeling tour this summer holiday? Do the hills beckon you with their snow-capped peaks and lush green valleys? Are you wondering about the places to visit in Darjeeling that you cannot miss? If you are unsure of where to begin, you have landed on the right page.

In this article, we will take a look at the 15 most interesting places near Darjeeling that you must include in your Darjeeling tour itinerary.

Darjeeling has forever been a favorite summer retreat. Back in the days of the British, Darjeeling was as popular as it is today. The British Viceroys would escape to the picturesque hill station in quest of respite from the intense summer heat. The central point of attraction of Darjeeling tourism is the fact that there is a vibe of colonialism mixed with a typical hilly environment that makes the town unique among other hill stations.

Darjeeling is Beautiful, Darjeeling is Happening

Located at an altitude of 6,710 feet in the Lesser Himalayan ranges, Darjeeling is a tourist’s piece of paradise. The two most prominent parts of tourism in Darjeeling revolve around stunning tea estates and towering monasteries. While the tea estates are a by-product of colonial culture, the monasteries are of Buddhist religious significance.


Yet another prime element of the tourism industry is the irresistible weather of Darjeeling. The weather factor pulls in several tourists each year. It is never too hot in Darjeeling. While summers are mild and pleasant, spring and autumn are the best seasons to visit. In these two seasons, sightseeing is a wonderful experience. With rhododendron flowers in full bloom and clear blue skies, Darjeeling certainly lives up to its label of the ‘Queen Of Hills’.

Read This to Know Darjeeling Weather and Temperature in Details 

Due to this great weather and visual delight of Kanchenjunga, tourists always kept pouring into the place. To meet tourist demands and also due to its sheer historical significance a lot of Tourist places got developed nearby centering Darjeeling.

Best 15 places to visit in Darjeeling

If a Darjeeling tour is on your mind, then plan your innings in a way so that you can cover all the 15 places that are mentioned below. Trust us when we tell you that you will not be disappointed. The tourist places of interest near Darjeeling can be classified into two broad categories.

  • Sight-Seeing Options: Places that you can cover in your Darjeeling Tour while you stay in Darjeeling only.
  • Nearby Darjeeling Tourist Places: Tourist Places that should be clubbed with your Darjeeling tour for a night or extended stay

Darjeeling Tour Sightseeing: Places to Visit in and Around Darjeeling

#1. tiger hill.

Watching the sunrise on the horizon from Tiger Hill, Darjeeling, will leave a memory with you that will last forever. Along with the beautiful orange hue of the rising sun, you can also witness a panoramic picture of the majestic Kanchenjunga.

Tiger Hill is around 11 Km away from Darjeeling and is at an altitude of 8482 feet above sea level. The surrounding areas are natural forest reserves. An observatory deck is under construction on the hilltop in order to accommodate the innumerable tourists that come visiting in peak seasons.


The viewing time is around 4 in the morning. It is a usual sight to spot mufflers, scarves, woolen caps, monkey caps, heavy jackets and shivering humans thronged together, waiting patiently for the sun to let out its first rays.

As the sun slowly emerges from the horizon, the view is to die for. The mountain ranges are at a riot of colors while the sun paints the canvas. Photographers will be on cloud nine with the kind of pictures that they will be able to capture. The splendid views will more than make up for your early morning struggle with sleep and the chill.

#2. Himalayan Mountaineering Institute and Darjeeling Zoo

If you are trekking or a mountain climbing enthusiast, this place is just for you. HMI is a lot of things at the same time. It is a museum, home to a boarding school, the Himalayan Zoological Park as well as a shop for souvenirs.

The museum is stacked with mountaineering gears and artifacts needed for expedition purposes. The museum was built as a tribute to two renowned mountain climbers, Tenzing Norway and Sir Edmund Hillary, who had climbed the Everest in 1953. The boarding school caters to students who wish to study mountaineering.


The zoo is popularly known as the Darjeeling Zoo. It occupies around 68 acres of land and is home to several endangered species. If you love wildlife photography, you can capture a Siberian tiger prowling around or a snow leopard napping peacefully. The ever-elusive red panda is also a common sight. You will also spot many species of bright and beautiful birds.

#3. Darjeeling Rock Garden; One of the best places to visit in Darjeeling

Around 10 Km from the main town of Darjeeling, there is a Rock Garden that is constructed around Chunnu Summer Falls. It has several tiers and the whole picture looks absolutely amazing from a distance. The waterfall cascades down the rocky slopes and there are well-manicured gardens and benches at each level.


Your car will take you through these slopes and you can view the entire landscape while going uphill. The road uphill is steep and there are sharp curves and bends ahead.

The Rock Garden was built in the 1980s to attract tourist attention to Darjeeling after the brief lull following political troubles in the hill station.

What will instantly captivate you while going uphill is the way the clouds play hide and seek. One moment, it is cloudy and foggy in front of the car’s windshield and the next moment, the clouds have transported to the tier below the one you are riding on.

The waterfall descends with a soothing rhythm that calms your soul while you go downhill. Bright and beautiful flowers are in full bloom in seasons and the garden is skillfully ornamented with these flowers.

#4. Batasia Loop

Around 5 Km away from Darjeeling, Batasia Loop is a circular railway track around a well-landscaped garden. The garden covers an area of 50,000 sq ft and is dotted with several plants bearing flowers. It is situated at the base of Ghoom station. The Darjeeling toy train runs on this track on a loop and this is how the place got its name. It is indeed a mesmerizing view and a prime tourist location in Darjeeling.

darjeeling tourism point

There is a historical fact behind this place. The Batasia loop was specifically built to serve as a gentler slope for the toy train to descend slowly after reaching Ghoom station. Earlier, the descent was 100 feet and was too steep for the toy train to cover comfortably. The Batasia Loop, thus, serves as a means to end

It is a place of tourist interest because of the incredible view of Mt. Kanchenjunga and other Himalayan ranges from the garden. It is also a spectacular sight to see the toy train emerging through billowing clouds and take the gentle curves of the terrain.

If you are looking for only a handful of places to visit in Darjeeling, this has to be on your list.

#5. Darjeeling Ropeway

Among all other tourist places in Darjeeling, the ropeway is the most sought after by adults and children alike. Singamari is the place from where you will have to board the ropeway. The ropeway is also known as Rangeet Valley Passenger Cable because it gives you a fantastic aerial view of the valley running along Little Rangeet river.


The cable car offers stunning views of the lush green tea gardens, rivers in full flow, dense forests and cascading waterfalls all through. The cable car ride lasts for close to 45 minutes. In this short span of time, you will be able to descend from 7000 feet to 800 feet.

You could get off the ropeway and take a tour of some of the tea gardens. You could meet and greet the local women plucking away tea leaves and learn a thing or two about this incredible art.

#6. Ghoom Monastery

The Ghoom Monastery is traditionally known as Yiga Choeling Monastery. It is situated at an altitude of 8,000 feet at Ghoom and is around 8 Km away from the town of Darjeeling.


The monastery happens to be the first Tibetan Buddhist Monastery that was built in Darjeeling. It was built in the year 1875. It is a famous pilgrimage place and attracts many tourists in peak seasons. Apart from the external architecture, it is also home to the statue of ‘Maitreya Buddha’ that is almost 15 feet high.

The statue of Buddha inside the monastery was apparently built with the clay that was sourced from Tibet. Two oil lamps continue to burn in front of the statue of Buddha all year long through time immemorial.

#7. Mahakal Temple

The Mahakal Temple is highly sacred and is dedicated to Lord Shiva. The hill on top of which this temple is located is known as the ‘Holy Hill’. It is a few minutes away from Chowrasta.


The most interesting part of this temple is the fact that there is a Hindu priest as well as a Buddhist monk at the altar.

This is because this temple is sacred to Hindus as well as to Buddhists. According to a legend, this place was once a Buddhist monastery and hence the amalgamation of two different cultures happens. Shiva Ratri is celebrated with huge pomp and glory. The environment is calm, spiritual and there is unmatched tranquillity around. This temple is situated just above Mall Road and it is a trip of its own class.

This is closeby mall and one of the best  places to visit in Darjeeling

#8. Mall Road | Darjeeling Mall

For the shopaholic in you, Mall Road is the perfect place to be. It is a busy market all day long and even till the late hours in the evening. You will find almost everything that you might want to shop for.

The road is spotted with tourists who are either out to dine at a restaurant or buy local and branded items. Mall road is not specifically a brand destination. It is home to a number of local handicrafts like exquisitely designed carpets, hand-embroidered shawls, Tibetan masks, costume jewelry, etc. You could find uniquely designed woolen items in the shops on Mall Road.


You will also come across bookstores, cafes and small eateries lining the sides of the road.

The only trick that you need to master before buying things from this place is to bargain with all your might. If you can bargain well, you will be able to crack good deals.

Tourist Places To Visit in Darjeeling

These are some special places that are scattered around Darjeeling and demands a night stay to savor them in totality. These places are fast gaining popularity with tourists that loves to stay in secluded beautiful places and likes to avoid city rush.

#9. Sandakphu

Sandakphu is situated at an altitude of 12000 feet and happens to be the highest peak of West Bengal. The best time to visit Sandakphu would be from March-May and from October-December. This is the season when the Rhododendron flowers are in full bloom and paint the peaks in beautiful colors of their own.

darjeeling tourism point

Sandakphu is a prime tourist destination because of the spectacular views it offers at the break of dawn. If you are lucky to have clear and visible skies, then you could have a panoramic view of the 4 loftiest peaks of the world.

Both sunrises and sunsets are stunning to see from Sandakphu. There are even two separate viewing points to ensure that you get the best views possible.

While Sandakphu is a famous trekking site and tourists usually trek up to this place, it is also possible to reach this place by driving up to it. However, the road conditions are not ideal to drive up to the place and it will be much more enjoyable if you opt for trekking.

To club Sandakphu with your Darjeeling tour, you got to take 3-4 days extra at hand for Sandakphu and Phalut Summit.

This is surely one of the most loved places to visit in Darjeeling for trekkers.

If you want to know more about Sandakphu please click the below-given link

Sandakphu: Detailed tour guide

Mirik is around 49 Km away from Darjeeling and takes 2.5 hours to reach by a private car, shared jeeps or taxis. It is famous for its large natural lake situated at an altitude of 5,000 feet above sea level. Since the altitude is lower, weather conditions are highly favorable for tourism.

Mirik happens to be a favorite tourist spot among Darjeeling tourist places. This is due to the fact that it is nestled in beautiful surroundings. There are tall and towering pine trees all around and the atmosphere is tranquil at its best.


Mirik Lake is also called Sumendu Lake. A footbridge arches over this lake and is known as the Rainbow Bridge. Mirik Lake is 1.25 Km long. There are Dhupi trees lining its western bank and the eastern bank has a beautiful garden. Mirik Lake is a favorite site for boating. The long stretch of the lake allows you to boat away leisurely and you can also view the snow-capped mountain peaks while boating on the lake.

The weather is always mild and pleasant. The temperature never exceeds 30 degrees C in summers and never goes beyond 2 degrees C in the peak of winters.

Mirik is an awesome place to stay and you must consider clubbing Mirik for 1or 2 nights with your Darjeeling tour plan.

If you are looking for places to stay in Mirik, please go through these given links

Mirik Home Stay

Schooldara Heritage Bungalow

#11. Kalimpong

Kalimpong 1250 meters above sea level. It is approx 50 km away from Darjeeling. Summers pleasant and winters could be really cold. The best time to visit Kalimpong would be during the summer season.


Kalimpong, as a tourist spot, offers the best of both worlds. It is at once quiet and peaceful because of the abundance of churches and monasteries around. There are beautiful nurseries in Kalimpong that have orchid plants of different varieties. These nurseries are worth a visit to see the collection that they have of various kinds of flowers.

Did you know that Kalimpong produces 80% of the country’s gladioli produce?

There are three important monasteries in Kalimpong that deserve special mention. These are the Tongsa Gompa, the Tharpa Choeling Gompa and the Zong Dog Palri Fo-Brang Gompa.

If you are looking for only a handful of places to visit in Darjeeling, this has to be there in your tour plan.

If you are looking for places to stay in Kalimpong, please go through these given links

Windsongs Kalimpong

Dhardo Retreat Kalimpong Hotels and Resort

#12. Kurseong; one of the best places to visit in Darjeeling again

Kurseong is around 31.5 Km away from the town of Darjeeling and it takes an hour and a half to reach Kurseong by car. It is quieter in comparison to other towns and districts located near Darjeeling. It sits at an altitude of 1458 metres above sea level. Kurseong originally means the place of the White Orchid.


Kurseong is famous in history because of the many artistic compositions that have been made here. The famous poet, literary artist and songwriter, Rabindranath Tagore had composed many of his songs and poems in this town.

You can visit the Makaibari tea garden and Eagles Craig. The Eagles Craig is a high cliff which serves as an observatory point from which the beautiful town of Kurseong can be seen. Makaibari Tea Estate is famous for its landscape and the tea it brings to our palettes.

If you are looking for places to stay in Kurseong, please go through these given links

Kurseong Eco Village

Allita Resort – Kurseong

Lava is around 148 Km from Darjeeling and it lies at an altitude of 2350 meters. It is mostly popular for bird watching since many migratory birds come visiting here. It is also an ideal place for nature exploration.


Lava is the beginning point of the Neora Valley National Park. You will notice a significant change in the vegetation as you approach Lava from Kalimpong. The deciduous trees give way to pine trees, fir trees and birches.

If you are looking for a place to stay in Lava, please go through the given link

Lava Tea Estate

#14. Lataguri

Lataguri is approximately 3 hours 30 minutes drive from Darjeeling. It is at a distance of 110 Km from the township of Darjeeling. It is right outside the Gorumara National Park and nature enthusiasts will absolutely love exploring the various facets of natural flora and fauna in this settlement.


This place is very close to the National Park and is, therefore, a source of thrill and adventure. You can go driving in the wild, spot wildlife, visit forest caves, watch unknown migratory birds and enjoy the calm, serene surroundings.

If you are looking for places to stay in Lataguri, please go through these given links

Retreat Lataguri

Hotel Dreamland Lataguri

Appu Tea Estate

River Retreat Dooars

#15 Rohini; one of the unknown places to visit in Darjeeling

Rohini lies at a distance of 66 Km from Darjeeling. It is closer to Siliguri. Rohini attracts tourist attention because of its stunning natural surroundings and forestlands. The forests of Lama Gomba lure tourists each year and especially the ones who like spotting wildlife and going on jungle tours.

darjeeling tourism point

There is a picnic spot, around 15 minutes by car from Rohini and is known as Dudhia. There is a hilltop in Rohini that allows spectacular views of the valley and the surrounding mountain ranges.

If you are looking for a place to stay in Rohini, please go through the given link

Mountain View Retreat – Rohini

So, these will be our 15 choices of tourist places near Darjeeling that you must cover in your Darjeeling tour plan.

We in Nomadic specialize in Darjeeling Tours. We have tied up with the best properties near Darjeeling that you won’t find anywhere else.

Here are a few other articles that you may like reading

Darjeeling weather and temperature: all your questions answered, 8 awesome things to do in darjeeling which you just cannot miss, darjeeling toy train: history, experience and all useful information.

If you are finding these interesting, here  25 such awesome unknown and offbeat Destinations  Near Darjeeling. Do check out. You won’t waste your time.

Check out   Nomadic Weekends   site here.

Click Here to Customize Your Darjeeling Tour with us for Free

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Best Places To Visit In Darjeeling

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Photo of The Tea Gardens, Toy

Places To Visit Near Darjeeling

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Best Time To Visit Darjeeling

There are two main seasons when Darjeeling tourism is at its peak. The summer months between March to May and the autumn months between October to November are considered to be the best time to visit Darjeeling. During these months, Darjeeling weather remains cool and usually bright and you can get a great view of the mountain ranges.

The monsoon season usually starts in June and lasts upto September. During this time the hills receive a lot of rain and Darjeeling tourism hits a low. But during the monsoon, Darjeeling looks immensely beautiful and romantic, though  you won’t get any mountain views as the weather remains cloudy most of the time.

Winter is the best season to visit Darjeeling as the weather remains clear and you can get a better view of the snow-clad mountain ranges. Infact, this is also one of the best times to visit Darjeeling and view the sunrise from the famous Tiger Hill in Darjeeling. However, winters are quite cold and you need to be prepared for cold days and chilly nights. January happens to be the coldest here and Darjeeling tourism hits a low during this time as well.

Like most hill stations, you cannot really predict Darjeeling weather. At one time, it is sunny and bright and in the next moment, it can become cloudy and foggy.

Top Places to Visit in Darjeeling

Darjeeling is a small town, but there are a number of places in Darjeeling tourism that you can access by travelling a short distance. Darjeeling district, however, spans across 3,000 sq km and has many places to visit near Darjeeling town. Kurseong and Kalimpong are two other hill stations that can be visited along with the Darjeeling tourist places. Here is a list of places to visit in Darjeeling:

Tiger Hill happens to be one of the major attractions of Darjeeling Tourism. Located at the highest point in Darjeeling at an altitude of 2,590m, Tiger Hill is known for its spectacular sunrise view. Located at a distance of 11km from Darjeeling town, the place is now internationally famous for its magnificent sunrise view above the Kanchenjunga and other eastern Himalayan ranges.

There is a watchtower at Tiger Hill from where you will get a sweeping view of the mountain ranges. It is indeed a rewarding experience to see the first rays of the sun falling on the snow-clad mountain ranges. The sky changes its colour from golden yellow to orange as the sun rises up the horizon. On a clear day, you can also see the Everest ranges from Tiger Hill.

The best time to get clear views of sunrise is during the winter months. But Darjeeling weather is highly unpredictable and a sudden cloud can totally obstruct the sunrise view. Even otherwise, Tiger Hill is a great place to visit in Darjeeling to soak in the Himalayan beauty.

Batasia Loop and War Memorial  

Batasia Loop is located 5km from Darjeeling town and is a highlight of Darjeeling tourism. As the name suggests, the place is actually a loop or a spiral of narrow gauge railway tracks where the famous Darjeeling toy drain negotiates a sudden sharp bend from Ghoom.

Batasia Loop is the best Darjeeling tourist spot from where you can get a 360 degree view of the entire Darjeeling town along with the Eastern Himalayan ranges. The garden here is well maintained with proper seating arrangements. You can sit here in peace and enjoy the views of the mountains. All these are maintained well to boost Darjeeling tourism.

At the centre of the Batasia Loop is the War Memorial. The memorial was opened in 1995 to commemorate the Gorkha soldiers of the Darjeeling Hills who sacrificed their lives in various wars after Indian independence. Just in the middle, there is a 3 metre tall bronze statue of a Gorkha soldier paying homage. Both the Batasia Loop and War Memorial make up an important part of  Darjeeling tourism.

Darjeeling Mall or Chowrasta

The Darjeeling Mall or Chowrasta is one of the best places that you will encounter in Darjeeling tourism. Located in the heart of the town, it is a flat piece of land converted into a pedestrian-only zone for the sake of Darjeeling tourism. There are benches all around the mall where you can sit down, relax and have a cup of steaming hot Darjeeling tea. Most shops are also located in this area, including tea shops, curio shops and many more. If you want to feel the real vibe of the place, then you should spend some time at this  historical public square. You can also go on pony rides here. There is a stable just beside the mall and the horse owners offer a pony ride to take you across the Chowrasta. There is also an open-air auditorium and stage where many functions and cultural programmes take place. And if you want some information about Darjeeling, the Darjeeling Tourism Office is just behind the Mall at Bhanu Sarani.

Darjeeling Zoo

Darjeeling Zoo is one of the most interesting Darjeeling tourist places and a major attraction of Darjeeling tourism. Also known as the Padmaja Naidu Zoological Park, the zoo was established in 1958 to study and conserve the Himalayan fauna. The Darjeeling Zoo is the largest high altitude zoo in India and covers an area of 67.5 acres at an average altitude of 7,000ft. 

Different types of birds such as  rose ring parakeets, hill mynas, pheasants, blue gold macaw are found in the zoo. In animals, you will see the exotic and very cute looking red panda along with Himalayan black bear, yaks, sambar deer, blue sheep, Himalayan tahr, barking deer, goral and musk deer. The upper part of the zoo houses the Indian tigers in open space as well as snow leopards, black leopards and clouded leopards.

The zoo remains open from 8.30am to 4.30pm in the summer season, 8.30am to 4pm in the winter season. The zoo is an important part of Darjeeling tourism and a great place to visit with children.

Himalayan Mountaineering Institute (HMI)

The Himalayan Mountaineering Institute is said to be a pilgrimage for mountaineers and climbing enthusiasts. It was established in honour of Tenzing Norgay after he climbed Mt. Everest along with Sir Edmund Hillary in 1953. The place has now become one of the major attractions of Darjeeling tourism.

The entrance of the Darjeeling Zoo and HMI are through the same gate. A mountaineering institute was built so that Tenzing Norgay could impart his mountaineering knowledge to all those who wish to pursue mountaineering. Infact, he was the first director of field training in HMI.

Today HMI is a complex of various activities. It has a residential school for mountaineering students, residences for trainers and a museum with mountaineering displays and other artefacts. There are 16 scheduled courses that take place every year other than special courses that are organized on demand. HMI and Darjeeling Zoo are located on Jawahar Parvat and can be reached by walking down the Mall Road and then taking the Jawahar Road. Both these places are boosting Darjeeling tourism to a great extent.

Rock Garden and Ganga Maya Park

Rock Garden and Ganga Maya Park are two beautiful gardens located about 10km from Darjeeling town and is the latest addition to Darjeeling tourism. The Rock Garden has been created by cutting rocks at different levels and making terraces. There is a beautiful waterfall flowing over the rocks. The Rock Garden, also known as Barbotey Rock Garden, was created by Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council for boosting Darjeeling tourism and it has been successful in doing so.

Ganga Maya Park is located another 3km down the valley. This is a beautiful place surrounded by hills and water streaming around it. There is a small lake in the park where tourists can enjoy boating. The garden is well maintained by Darjeeling tourism. Both the Ganga Maya Park and Rock Garden are recent additions in Darjeeling tourism and are enjoyed by people of all ages.

Japanese Temple and Peace Pagoda

The Japanese Temple and Peace Pagoda are located at a 10-minute driving distance from Darjeeling town in the Jalapahar area. Also known as the Nipponzan Myohoji Buddhist Temple, it was built in 1972 under Nichidatsu Fujii, a Buddhist Monk from Japan. The temple is built in traditional Japanese style and has two storeys. he peace pagoda is located just beside the temple. It showcases the four avatars of Lord Buddha. The Japanese Peace Pagoda was built to bring people together from all castes and creeds for the purpose of world peace. Today it is a major attraction of Darjeeling tourism.

You can hear occasional chants and prayer at the temple. This is indeed a place of peace and tranquillity and you can find immense spiritual peace here. From the top of the pagoda, beautiful views of the Kanchenjunga ranges can be seen. The temple remains open from 4.30am to 7.00pm daily. There is no admission fee. Prayer timings are from 4.30am to 6.00am, and 4.30pm to 6.30pm.

Happy Valley Tea Estate

Happy Valley Tea Estate is one of the highest tea estates in West Bengal and also one of the most important places for Darjeeling tourism. It was established in 1854 and was known as the Wilson Tea Estate. Later it was named as the Happy Valley Tea Estate. Tea gardens have always played a major part in Darjeeling tourism. Walking through the gentle slopes of the vast green tea gardens and experiencing tea processing is a special treat offered by Darjeeling tourism.

Happy Valley Tea Estate is located below the Hill Cart Road and is an excellent place to visit especially during the plucking and processing season between March and October. During this time, an employee with take you around the tea factory and explain the process of withering, rolling, fermenting and drying and also explain how black, green and white tea are extracted from the same tea leaves. At the end of the tour, tea tasting is also offered. There is a tea boutique from where you can buy Darjeeling tea for yourself or take as souvenirs of Darjeeling tourism for family and friends.

The approach to Happy Valley Tea Estate is through a narrow and steep winding road. A visit to the tea estate is usually covered in the Darjeeling sightseeing trips. The tea estate and the factory are open from 8am to 4pm from Tuesday to Saturday. The factory usually remains closed from November to February as tea plucking does not take place at that time.

Observatory Hill and Mahakaal Temple  

Located just behind the Mall, the Observatory Hill and Mahakaal Temple stands as one of the major attractions of Darjeeling tourism. The place is on a hilltop and is one of the best places in Darjeeling to get a panoramic view of the mountains. The temple at the summit is known as the Mahakaal Temple. As you walk around the Mall road, you will see the stairs leading up to the hill and the temple. It is around a 15 minute uphill walk to reach the top of the hill.The place is a perfect union of Buddhist and Hindu cultures. It is said that the place where the Mahakal Temple stands, a Buddhist monastery named 'Dorje Ling' once stood. It is also believed that Darjeeling gets its name from this monastery. So you can well understand that the Observatory Hill and the Mahakaal Temple has immense importance in Darjeeling tourism.

Mahakaal Temple is revered by the locals and you can always see the place full of devotees. It is one place where you can hear the temple bells ringing as well as see the fluttering of the colourful Buddhist flags. The place really gives an aura of peace and tranquillity. However, there are a lot of monkeys in the area. Just be careful of them.

Tibetan Refugee Self Help Centre

The Tibetan Refugee Self Help Centre was established in 1959 for the rehabilitation of the Tibetans who had migrated to India. In order to sustain here, they adopted the principle of self-help. Here the Tibetans make beautiful handicrafts, shawls, carpets, carved wooden items and others. A monastery is also located there and is now a lovely attraction for Darjeeling tourism.

Ghoom Monastery

Ghoom Monastery, also known as the Yiga Choeling Monastery, is another important attraction of Darjeeling tourism and is located at Ghoom, about 8km from Darjeeling. This is the first monastery to be built in the Darjeeling region. The major attraction of the monastery is the15ft high statue of Maitreya Buddha or future Buddha. This is one of the largest statues of Lord Buddha in the Darjeeling area. It is said that the clay to make the statue was brought all the way from Tibet. From the premises of the monastery, you will get a magnificent view of the surroundings and the Kanchenjunga ranges.

Activities And Things To Do In Darjeeling

Once you have enjoyed the cool mountain weather and viewed the magnificent Kanchenjunga ranges, Darjeeling tourism offers a plethora of activities. In fact, the first thing that you should do in Darjeeling is to enjoy a toy train ride in Darjeeling Himalayan railways. You can also enjoy rock climbing, trekking and other activities in Darjeeling. And do not forget to sip a cup of hot Darjeeling tea.

Take a joy ride aboard the Darjeeling toy train

Darjeeling toy train ride is the major attraction of Darjeeling tourism. The Darjeeling Himalayan Railways (DHR) is the first mountain railway in the country that opened in 1881. No doubt it is one of the most outstanding examples of mountain railways and is definitely an engineering feat. It provided an important link between the hills and the plains and was of immense social and cultural importance. Darjeeling Himalayan Railways (DHR) has been accorded the UNESCO World Heritage site status.

Riding a Darjeeling toy train is one of the most coveted experiences that Darjeeling tourism can offer. There are several ways in which you can enjoy a toy train ride. The best way to enjoy Darjeeling tourism is by taking the joy ride. It is a 2-hour ride starting from Darjeeling Station going all the way to Ghoom and back before stopping at Batasia Loop. It covers a total distance of 14km. There is also a toy train that runs from New Jalpaiguri (NJP) station to Darjeeling. It is a day-long journey from the plains to the hills.

Trekking in Darjeeling  

Manebhanjan, the base camp of Sandakphu trek, is located only 21km from Darjeeling. Sandakphu is the highest range in West Bengal. Many trekkers keep Darjeeling as their basecamp for the Sandakphu trek. From Sandakphu, you get a panoramic view of the Kanchenjunga family, famously known as the Sleeping Buddha for its unique appearance. Mt. Kumbhakarna forms the head and face of Buddha, while Kanchenjunga forms the upper body. The other peaks that make up the Sleeping Buddha are Kokthang, Rathong, Frey, Kabru South, Kabru North, Simovo, Mt. Pandim, Narsing. World’s highest peak, Mt Everest can also be seen from Sandakphu along with Lhotse and Makalu. Nowadays you can also visit Sandakphu by a four-wheel car. This initiative by Darjeeling tourism has made Sandakphu accessible to all.

Sandakphu trek is one of the most beautiful treks in the Eastern Himalayan region. Singalila trek can also be done from here.

Stay in the oldest tea estate of Darjeeling

While you are enjoying Darjeeling tourism, you can also enjoy the experience of staying at a heritage tea bungalow. Singtom Tea Estate is the oldest tea estate in Darjeeling area established in 1862. The place gives you are sense of nostalgia and takes you back to the colonial days. Located only at a 20 minute drive away from Darjeeling, Singtom provides the best hospitality in terms of tea tourism in Darjeeling.

There are a few of the tea bushes of 1852 still surviving and you can see them if you are at Singtom. The Singtom Tea Estate produces some of the finest organic tea – black, green and white under different brands representing different flavours and grades. The Singtom Resort is located inside the tea gardens and is surrounded by tea gardens in all directions. The resort is a beautiful British bungalow having a lovely garden in front. The rooms are tastefully done with a touch of heritage and comfort of modern amenities.

You can visit the tea gardens, the tea factory and also taste the finest Darjeeling tea sitting at the verandah of the bungalow. This is Darjeeling tourism at its best.

Shopping in Darjeeling

Darjeeling is a shoppers’ paradise. You will find beautiful antique handicrafts, jewellery, antique masks, carpets and thankas in the curio shops as you enjoy Darjeeling tourism. Most of these shops are either in the Mall area or along Nehru Road. For those who love books, the Oxford Book Store at the Mall has a variety of books on Darjeeling tourism, Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet.

Finally, you would definitely want to buy Darjeeling tea to take back home. The Golden Tips and Nathmulls are the two main shops selling authentic Darjeeling tea at the Mall. You can sip a cup of hot tea at the tea bars while reminiscing about Darjeeling tourism.

The area behind the Mall also has roadside shops selling woollen garments. If you can bargain well, then these are the best places for shopping in Darjeeling and you might get a good bargain on stoles, shawls and sweaters.

Cuisine & Best Places to Eat In Darjeeling

Darjeeling has a unique mixture of Bengali, Nepali and Tibetan population and this reflects in its cuisine. The place was also a British sanatorium one, and so there is an influence of British cuisine as well. The mixture of all the cuisines makes it an important part of Darjeeling tourism. Some of the best places to eat in Darjeeling are:

Serves authentic English breakfast platter. 

In the morning, it serves English breakfast. In the evening, Glenarys opens up its multi-cuisine restaurant. The cakes, bakery products and chocolates in Glenarys are worth dying for. One of the major eateries recommended by Darjeeling tourism.

Frank Ross Restaurant

For vegetarians, the Frank Ross Restaurant is the best place. It serves both North Indian and  South Indian dishes.

Golden Tips and Nathmulls Tea Bar

For authentic Darjeeling tea, these tea bars are major attractions of Darjeeling tourism by themselves.

Shangrila Bar and Restaurant.

This multi-cuisine restaurant serves drinks as well.

Sonam’s Kitchen

For authentic Nepali cuisine, Sonam’s Kitchen is the best.

Roadside momo counters

Yes, these are small counters beside the road, but they serve some of the best tasting momos in Darjeeling. 

Typical Costs In Darjeeling

Darjeeling tourism is not going to hit hard on your pockets. Your accommodation and food will account for the budget in Darjeeling. Darjeeling tourism offers hotels catering to all types of budget. You will get hotels from Rs 800 per day to as high as Rs 30,000.

Places to stay in Darjeeling

Luxury resorts in Darjeeling

These resorts in Darjeeling give the best facilities and comfort for the guests. A few of them are heritage hotels and are also attractions of Darjeeling tourism.

  •     Windamere
  •     Mayfair Darjeeling
  •     Singtom Tea Estate
  •     Central Heritage
  •     Cedar Inn

  Mid-range hotels 

  •     Central Nirvana
  •     Shangrila
  •     Broadway
  •     Pineridge
  •     Main Olde Bellevue

Budget Hotels

  •     Classic Guesthouse
  •     Broadway Annexe
  •     Revolver
  •     Hotel Capital
  •     Seven Seas

Food is also quite reasonable in Darjeeling, starting from Rs 500 per day per person for all  three meals.

For Darjeeling sightseeing, it is better to hire a car. Darjeeling Tourism has 3-point, 7-point and mixed point sightseeing tours offered by car operators. A sightseeing tour in Darjeeling typically costs between Rs 1200 to Rs 3500 depending on the car and the number of places you visit. If you want to take a Darjeeling toy train joy ride, it is priced at Rs 1,065 per head.

Written by  Amrita

Frequently Asked Questions

The airport nearest to Darjeeling is in Bagdogra. From Bagdogra, you will have to book a car to Darjeeling. Budget travellers can come to Siliguri and then take a shared sumo to Darjeeling from the Siliguri Bus Stand.

The nearest railway station is in New Jalpaiguri. From NJP, you will get shared sumos as well as private cars to Darjeeling. There is a car booth at both Bagdogra and NJP from where you can book cars for Darjeeling tourism.

Bagdogra is the nearest airport to Darjeeling. It is around 68km and takes about 3 to 3.5 hours to reach Darjeeling.

Yes, Darjeeling is a safe place for tourists. In the last few years, there had been a few agitations when  Darjeeling tourism  had hit a low. But now, Darjeeling is quite safe to travel.

Darjeeling is a hill station and has pleasant weather during the summer months. Winters are quite cold and for the last two years, Darjeeling has witnessed mild snowfall in the months of December.

Yes, it is advised to carry woollen clothes even during the summer. At least a windproof jacket should be taken. The weather is highly unpredictable in Darjeeling. If it rains, the weather suddenly becomes very chilly.

Darjeeling is a sleepy little hill town. While there are bars and pubs in Darjeeling, but the town usually sleeps by 11pm.

Yes, there are sufficient ATMs in Darjeeling. There is an SBI ATM at the Mall. Also, most of the shops accept debit and credit cards these days.

Golden Tips and Nathmulls are the best places to buy authentic Darjeeling tea. Both shops are located at the Mall.

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Local Package Tours In Darjeeling

What to expect.

darjeeling tourism point

3-Point Tour of Darjeeling

Kanchenjunga From Tiger Hill

5-Point Tour of Darjeeling

Japanese Temple Darjeeling

7-Point Tour of Darjeeling

Clouded Leopard Darjeeling Zoo

2-Point: Rock Garden & Gangamaya Park

darjeeling tourism point

Mixed Points Tour of Darjeeling

  • Japanese Temple & Peace Pagoda 
  • Himalayan Mountaineering Institute, Darjeeling Zoo and Bengal Natural History Museum 
  • Darjeeling Ropeway 
  • Tenzing & Gombu Rock 
  • Tibetan Refugee Self Help Center 
  • Rangeet Valley Tea Garden 
  • Happy Valley Tea Estate 
  • Rock Garden & Ganga Maya Park can also be combined at an additional charge. Tour timings would change accordingly. 

How to take the local tours

Rates/fares for darjeeling local tours.

  • The rates given below are indicative and can vary depending on demand.  
  • The tour charges do not cover any admission fees or cost of food. 
  • The rates from the Tour Operators would be higher than taxi rates, but you can expect a vehicle in good condition and a driver more professional and friendly in nature. 
  • Larger taxis below means vehicles like Tata Sumo and not Luxury  Vehicles like Innova or Scorpio. 
  • 3-point tour covering Tiger Hill, Ghoom Monastery and Batasia Loop: Costs Rs. 2,000 by small private taxi, Rs. 2,500 by Tata Sumo. 
  • 7-Point tour (4 hours): Rs. 2,500 in small taxi, Rs. 3,000 in larger taxi like Tata Sumo. 
  • Mixed Point tour  (7 hours): Costs Rs. 3,500 in small taxi, Rs. 4,000 in larger taxi. 
  • 5-Point tour (3 hours): Costs Rs. 1,800 in small taxi, Rs. 2,200 in large taxi. 
  • Rock Garden/Ganga Maya (half day) is Rs. 2,500 in small taxi, Rs. 3,000 in large taxi. 
  • Most of the above local tours of Darjeeling will cost Rs. 300/- per person in a shared vehicle. 

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    2 km. from city center 17 out of 31. Places To Visit in Darjeeling. Highlights: Avlokiteshvara Statue, Frescoes and Murals, C (Read More) Dali Monastery, also known as Druk Sangag Choling Monastery, stands majestically on the slopes of Darjeeling, a testament to the rich Tibetan Buddhist heritage in the region.

  5. Best 25 Places to Visit in Darjeeling

    One of the top tourist attractions in Darjeeling is the Tiger Hill, which is the highest point in the region. It stands at an elevation of 2,590 meters overlooking the spur of the snowcapped mountain ranges of the Eastern Himalaya.

  6. Ultimate Darjeeling Travel Guide

    Here I have discussed some of the must-visit tourist attractions in Darjeeling. 1. Tiger Hill. I personally feel that a Darjeeling trip can never be completed without watching the sunrise at Tiger Hill. Located at the highest point in Darjeeling at an altitude of 2,590 m, Tiger Hill is located about 11 km from Darjeeling town.

  7. 35 Places to Visit in Darjeeling, Tourist Places & Attractions

    Places to Visit in Darjeeling: Find best tourist places in Darjeeling, attractions, sightseeing tours, & traveler reviews for a perfect holiday. ... Tiger Hill: This highest point of Darjeeling located at 8482 metres is famous for offering views of Mount Everest and Mount Kanchenjunga together as well as rivers like Teesta, Mahananda, Mechi ...

  8. 26 Scenic Tourist Places In Darjeeling You Must Visit In 2024

    The 2024 list of 26 best tourist places in Darjeeling gives a snapshot of the mighty Himalayan ranges, the winding walking tracks & the beautiful valleys. ... Location: West Point, Darjeeling, West Bengal 734102 Don't miss: Panoramic birds eye view of Darjeeling including Kanchenjunga from the summit of the Pagoda.

  9. Darjeeling Tourism

    A complete Travel & Tourism Guide of Darjeeling & surrounding areas with accommodations, restaurants, places, tours, activities, people, culture, history, life and more. ... While most tourists go for the 3-Point, 7-point or Mixed-Point sightseeing tours offered by the local taxi drivers and tour operators, there are some great tours and hikes ...

  10. Darjeeling Tourist Places You Must Visit

    Located at the highest point in Darjeeling area, Tiger Hill is best known for the dazzling sunrise view of the Kanchenjunga and the snow covered peaks of the entire eastern Himalayan range. On a clear day you can even see the mount Everest from here. Tiger Hill is located 11kms from the Darjeeling Town and takes about 40 minutes to reach by car.

  11. 15 Best Things to Do in Darjeeling and Much More

    10. Ride the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway. By far the most popular tourist attraction in the area is the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, also known as the Toy Train. As an official UNESCO World Heritage Site, the iconic railway was completed in 1881 and rushes through the gorgeous scenery of the Eastern Himalayas.

  12. 20 Updated Things To Do In Darjeeling (with photos) On A 2023 Trip!

    Darjeeling Blossoms Eco-Tourism - Live Close To Nature; Khambuhang Nature Holiday Camp - Enjoy Cottage Camping; 1. Teesta - Go River Rafting ... Location: West Point, Darjeeling, West Bengal 734102 Cost: NA Timimgs: 4.30 AM - 7 PM. Suggested Read: Wildlife In Darjeeling. 10. Batasia Loop - Explore The War Memorial.

  13. 28 Top Tourist Places to Visit in Darjeeling

    At a distance of 11 km from Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Station, Tiger Hill is a sunrise viewpoint in Darjeeling. It is the highest point in Darjeeling and among the most picturesque places to visit in Darjeeling. Tiger Hill stands at an altitude of 2,590 m overlooking the spur of the snow-capped mountain ranges of the Eastern Himalayas.

  14. Darjeeling Tourism (West Bengal) (2024)

    Darjeeling Tourism: A Complete Guide To Tourist Attractions, Top Activities, Essential Experiences, Accessibility, And Optimal Visiting Times For Darjeeling ... View Point/Nature Attraction. Tiger Hill. 2063 reviews. Zoological Park. Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park. 1173 reviews. Tourist attraction, Architectural Landmark.

  15. Darjeeling Tourism (2024)

    Get the best Information about Darjeeling Tourism. Get travel guides and plan your trip to Darjeeling with tour packages, places to visit, sightseeing, hotels, and reviews by other travellers ... You can be back to your hotel by 8:00 AM. Relax for a while. Later head off for the 7-point local tour which takes about 4 hours and covers Zoological ...

  16. Top 10 Places To Visit In Darjeeling

    Located near Chowrarasta square, Observatory Hill is a famous view point and tourist attraction in Darjeeling. The location is famous for its magnificent views of Kanchendzonga and the ancient temple dedicated to Mahakaal or Lord Shiva. 6. Batasia Loop. Photo by Sathya7189, CC BY-SA 3.0. Batasia Loop can be visited when the famous 'Toy Train ...

  17. The Ultimate Guide to Darjeeling Tourism » Inside Darjeeling

    Darjeeling is derived from the Tibetan words 'Dorje' which means thunderbolt and 'linga' meaning place or land, hence together 'the land of the thunderbolt' Due to political unrest, development in Darjeeling was stagnated back by almost 30 years.Tourism in Darjeeling largely happened due to British settlement in India. On 1st February 1835, the 'Sikkim-Patti' ceded their ...

  18. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Darjeeling

    Things to Do in Darjeeling, India: See Tripadvisor's 62,962 traveler reviews and photos of Darjeeling tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in May. We have reviews of the best places to see in Darjeeling. ... The Road Forks (3 Point & Mix Point). 1. 4WD Tours. from . $117. per group (up to 8) A Full Day Tour Of Darjeeling. 1.

  19. 15 Tourist Places Near Darjeeling that You Must Include in Darjeeling Tour

    Kurseong; one of the best places to visit in Darjeeling again. Kurseong is around 31.5 Km away from the town of Darjeeling and it takes an hour and a half to reach Kurseong by car. It is quieter in comparison to other towns and districts located near Darjeeling. It sits at an altitude of 1458 metres above sea level.

  20. Darjeeling Tourism (2024) > Weather, Things To Do, Hotels & More

    Darjeeling Tourism has 3-point, 7-point and mixed point sightseeing tours offered by car operators. A sightseeing tour in Darjeeling typically costs between Rs 1200 to Rs 3500 depending on the car and the number of places you visit. If you want to take a Darjeeling toy train joy ride, it is priced at Rs 1,065 per head. ...

  21. Darjeeling Itinerary

    Go for the early morning 3-point tour which covers famous sunrise from Tiger Hill, Old Ghoom Monastery and Batasia Loop where the toy train takes a dramatic loop and negotiates an altitude of 140ft. ... Dear Raj, You are very prompt to reply. I am reaching Darjeeling Tourist Lodge on 30.05.2013 at 12:30pm and leaving on 02.06.2013 at 9:30am. My ...

  22. Sikkim Tourism: Everything You Need To Know

    The altitude across Sikkim varies widely and ranges from the lowest elevation of 280m (920ft) to the highest point of Kanchenjunga peak which lies at the border of Sikkim and Nepal and at an altitude of 8,586m (28,169ft). Altitude of the capital Gangtok is 5,410ft. Zig Zag Route in East Sikkim near Zuluk.

  23. Local Package Tours In Darjeeling

    5-Point Tour of Darjeeling. Usual timing: Half Day, 9am-12noon / 2pm-5pm. There are five points or sightseeing attractions covered in about three hours. All the sites are within short driving distance. If you are taking a shared vehicle or a taxi, you can choose to go either in the first half or in the second half.