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Three Hundred Beers

A weblog of one chap's attempt to try every one of the 300 beers covered in roger protz's classic book "300 beers to try before you die" without dying first., a visit to cantillon brewery.

For the beer lover, no trip to Belgium is complete without a visit to the venerable Cantillon brewery, home to some of the world’s most famous Lambics and Gueuzes, sour beers that are certainly an acquired taste, but have the tendency to make serious beer geeks rhapsodise for days.

Ask brewers at the height of their profession, such as Evin O’Riordain of London’s The Kernel , who they’re inspired by, and the answer is Cantillon.

And so it was that a beautiful spring afternoon saw 300 Beers make something of a pilgrimage to 56, Rue Gheude in Brussels. Here’s the brewery itself, complete with matching van:

Cantillon Brewery

The brewery appears closed at first glance, but be brave and open the door, and you step into a time capsule full of evocative sights, sounds and, in particular, smells. Cantillon have been on this site since 1900, and it shows in the accumulated dust and cobwebs. The brewery remains resolutely family-owned, and brewing methods and equipment are virtually unchanged in generations.

You pay a few euros for the visit, including a self-guided tour and samples of two beers. After a brief orientation you’re handed a detailed pamphlet which explains the workings and history of the brewery, and then you’re left to wander around at your leisure.

You can take all the time you want, and even—as I did—go around twice if you wish. I was lucky enough to have the entire brewery to myself, apart from a couple of Cantillon workers manning the bottling line, and another chap studiously washing kegs. The latter task is perhaps one of the least glamorous yet most vital parts of any brewery’s operations.

The brewing process begins with the mash tun, where malted barley, wheat and steaming water are combined to make wort, a thick, porridgy stew full of fermentable sugars and other tasty goodness:

The Cantillon Mash Tun

After being separated from the spent grain—known locally as “Draff”, which is used as animal feed—the resulting wort is pumped upstairs to the copper kettle, where it’s boiled with aged hops to sterilise and condense it, and to fill it with delicious hop resins:

The Cantillon Copper

After several hours of boiling, the wort is pumped up to the attic, where it’s left to cool overnight in a giant copper tray called a “coolship”. This is a crucial and unique part of the Cantillon process, as the attic is open to the elements, allowing the wort to become inoculated with wild yeast from the Brussels air. No yeast is added manually, and the wild yeast is what’s behind the distinctive sour flavour.

The Cantillon Coolship

The next day, the cool, yeasty wort is drained into the stainless steel fermenter where, over several days, the sugars are turned into alcohol by those magic little yeast bugs, and the liquid starts to resemble beer.

The Cantillon Fermenter

I can’t for the life of me figure out how they got that wooden cart up into the attic.

Once fermented, the beer is transferred to decades-old wooden barrels and left to bide its time in the barrel store, where it is aged for up to three years before bottling. The smell in here is fantastic:

The Cantillon Barrel Store

The barrel ageing produces a still, wine-like beer named Lambic, which is the base of all Cantillon products. You’ll have to come to the brewery to try it, though, as almost all of the Lambic is used to make Gueuze. This is a blend of one, two and three year-old Lambics, which are then refermented in the bottle in the brewery’s cellars to become the beers that are sold to the public.

Given the amount of time the beer needs in the barrel and subsequently in the bottle before it is ready, the biggest limiting factor to Cantillon’s output is storage space. The whole place is packed floor to ceiling with dusty bottles laid down. Every nook and cranny is utilised.

Bottles of Saint-Lamvinus in storage at Cantillon

Finally, to the bar for a tasting. Visitors are given a taste of the still Lambic fresh from the barrel (left), and then allowed to choose a further beer to sample. I opted for the Kriek , a Gueuze in which sour cherries have been soaked for around six months, and then bought myself a glass of the classic Gueuze (right):

The Tasting Rooms at Cantillon Brewery, Brussels

The Lambic is reminiscent of a high quality apple juice, albeit an unsweetened one made from sour apples, while the effervescent classic Gueuze is full of zesty grapefruit flavours.

If that isn’t enough sour beer for you, the brewery will happily sell you individual bottles or whole cases to take away with you, at prices significantly lower than you’ll find Cantillon products elsewhere, if you can find them at all. All told, a visit to Cantillon is a fascinating experience and quite a treat for the beer lover.

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Home » Europe » Belgium » Cantillon Brewery in Brussels Offers a Tour Like No Other

Cantillon Brewery in Brussels Offers a Tour Like No Other

By Author Laura Longwell

Posted on Last updated: October 10, 2021

Cantillon Brewery is not your typical brewery. In a neighborhood outside the historic center, you’re greeted like a friend in this antique place. There is no walled-off, sterile brewing area, no stainless steel showpiece tasting room with fancy tap handles spouting pumpkin ale. They don’t ask you to check your bag. Instead, when you step into Cantillon Brewery in Brussels, Belgium , what you see are lots of enthusiastic Belgian beer lovers in the midst of a working brewery having the time of their lives.

Bottles and crates of beer

To be fair, the other thing we noticed when we arrived for our tour of Cantillon Brewery is that it’s a bit…dirty. That’s to be expected in a 100-year-old building. But it’s also on purpose and a large part of what makes Cantillon great.

Unlike other breweries using specific, controlled strains of brewer’s yeast, Cantillon spontaneously ferments in the open with wild yeast to make its traditional lambic beer. They’ve been doing it just this way for over a century.

Brewing equipment for gueuze beer

Founded in 1900, Cantillon was one of more than 100 breweries in Brussels when it began, but it is the only one that’s still around from that time. Its longevity is due to the popularity of its gueuze , a sour and acidic blend of one-, two-, and three-year-old lambics that is aged in oak casks. Three years might sound like a long time to wait for beer, and it is, especially by American standards. But with over 100 years of history and a rabidly loyal fan base, Cantillon is clearly doing everything right.

Barrel of beer aging at Cantillon Brewery in Brussels

Cantillon Brewery Tour

The sense of history and commitment to making a world-class product was clear as we toured the brewing and bottling facilities. Like many other things at Cantillon Brewery, the tour is unexpected. There was no guide to shuttle us from the masher to the fermentation tanks to the bottling line. Instead, our guide was an artfully-written, detailed 15-page guide and our own two feet. Yes, tours at one of the world’s most renowned breweries are self-guided through the middle of the working facility.

Brewing and bottling equipment

As we walked by the grain crushing machine and by the giant masher, employees went about their daily work around us. We saw the space where the grain is stored and the massive coolingship (like a giant, shallow pan) where the wort is exposed to the open air of Brussels coming through the wooden slats. We saw the boilers, visited the bottling area, and walked through the cellars where the Cantillon beer rests. Nowhere did we see signs warning us not to touch this or not to step there.

Along the way, we got an in-depth education on Cantillon’s process for making their unique, complex brews as well as an understanding of lambic brewing and fruit beer production. And we got to do it all at our own pace and unencumbered by a tour group.

Bottles of beer and glasses at Brasserie Cantillon in Brussels, Belgium

After our half-hour tour, we made our way to the bar and tasting area. Two complimentary tastings come with the tour, but there are a number of bottles to choose from, too. We opted for the classic gueuze and the kriek, a sour cherry lambic that’s also pretty popular in Belgium. For lambic aficionados, these are the height of excellence.

As we sat, we listened to other visitors talking about how visiting Cantillon was a dream come true. They bought as much as they could carry and then some. One gentleman from the US told us he comes to Belgium every five months, mostly to stock up on gueuze. It was a lambic love fest.

Glass of gueuze lambic at Cantillon Brewery

A visit to Cantillon Brewery is like nothing else we’ve experienced in our travels to wineries, distilleries, and breweries around the world. It’s as open and relaxed as it can be, sticking with tradition in its open vats and scattered spiderwebs. It’s also proof that there is not only charm but sometimes greatness in the old ways of doing things. With its creaky floorboards, thin layer of dust, and generations of expertise, Cantillon Brewery continues to push the envelope of exceptional beer.

How to Get to Cantillon

Cantillion Brewery and Brussels Museum of the Gueuze is located at 56 Rue Gheude in the Anderlecht municipality in Brussels. The brewery is about a 20-minute walk southwest from Grand Place or a 7-minute walk from Brussels Midi train station. The Clemenceau metro station and several tram stops are also nearby.

cantillon brewery visit

Laura Longwell is an award-winning travel blogger and photographer. Since founding Travel Addicts in 2008, she has written hundreds of articles that help over 3 million people a year get the most out of their travel. In that time, she has visited nearly 60 countries on 5 continents, often returning to favorite destinations over and over again. She has a deep love of history, uncovering unexpected attractions, and trying all the good food a place has to offer.

In addition to Travel Addicts, Laura runs a site about her hometown of Philadelphia—Guide to Philly—which chronicles unique things to do and places to see around southeastern Pennsylvania. Her travel tips and advice appear across the web.

Cantillon Brewery in Brussels Offers a Tour Like No Other

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Friday 29th of September 2017

Oh, this looks like a great tour! The Belgians know how to do it, right?

cantillon brewery visit

Cantillon Brewery - Brussels Museum of the Gueuze

This family brewery where Lambic, Gueuze, Faro and Kriek are made and where nothing has changed since 1900 when it was founded, welcomes you and invites you to discover a fabulous world. Beers, tools and brewing process are still the same as in the beginning. Red copper containers, barrels, some of them more than 100 years old, and walls of bottles constitute the scenery for your visit.

Location: Gheudestraat, 56, 1070 Anderlecht

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Breweries Cantillon in Anderlecht Bruxelles

Brewery Anderlecht, Bruxelles, 1070

About Cantillon

Open the door of the 56 rue Gheude. Cantillon ? That’s the time machine. You’ll leave the modern civilization, goodbye to the noise, goodbye to the world.

"But where are we ?", you will ask yourself. Well, you are in a family brewery where Lambic, Gueuze, Faro and Kriek are made and where nothing has changed since 1900 when it was founded. The Van Roy-Cantillon family welcomes you and invites you to discover a fabulous world. Beers, tools and brewing process are still the same as in the beginning.

Red copper containers, barrels, some of them more than 100 years old, and walls of bottles constitute the scenery for your visit.

Maybe you’ll be lucky to see the brewing or the bottling, maybe you ’ll see how barrels are cleaned or how fruit beers are made in summer. Maybe you’ll be lucky to see the brewing or the bottling, maybe you ’ll see how barrels are cleaned or how fruit beers are made in summer. Anyway, you’ll be able to taste a real traditional Gueuze-Lambic and if you would like to know more about the Kriek or the Framboise, just ask the brewer.

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Cantillon Brewery and Brussels Museum of the Gueuze

Cantillon brewery

This legendary Cantillon Brewery (Brasserie Cantillon), which has been operating for over 100 years, is famous for its unique brewing methods and deliciously sour beers. In this article, we will take a closer look at the history and flavors of Cantillon Brewery, and provide you with some tips for planning your visit.

Discover the History and Flavors of famous Beers

Cantillon Lou Pepe Framboise 2008

Cantillon Brewery was founded in 1900 by Paul Cantillon, and it has been run by the same family ever since. The brewery is located in Anderlecht, a district in Brussels, and it is one of the few remaining traditional lambic breweries in the world. The brewery produces a range of sour beers, including gueuze, kriek, and framboise, which are made using a process called spontaneous fermentation. This involves exposing the beer to wild yeast and bacteria in the air, resulting in a tart, complex flavor profile.

Visitors to Cantillon Brewery can take a tour of the facilities, which includes a visit to the brew house, the barrel room, and the bottling line. The tour also includes a tasting of several Cantillon beers, which is a great way to experience the unique flavors of these sour beers. In addition, the brewery has a small museum that showcases the history of lambic brewing, as well as a gift shop where you can purchase bottles of Cantillon beer to take home with you.

Front of Cantillon Brewery

Plan Your Visit to the Legendary Brewery

If you are planning a visit to Cantillon Brewery, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, the brewery is located a bit outside of the city center, but it is easily accessible by public transportation. Second, be prepared for a unique beer-drinking experience (tasting is included in the ticket) – Cantillon beers are quite different from your typical lagers or ales, but they are definitely worth trying if you are a fan of sour beers.

Getting There

The brewery is located outside of the Brussels city center but it is only 5 minute walk from Brussels Midi (South) station with Train and Metro.

Hours and Fees

Open on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday from 10AM to 4PM

Closed on Wednesday, Sunday and public holidays

Individual Visits Adults: €8, Seniors 65+ (with ID): €8, Students (Full-time with ID): €8, Young adults and Children (14 and under): Free,

Guided tour Available on Saturday. Online booking is required. Adults: € 12.00 Children (under 14 years old): Free

about 1.5 hour.

Dogs are not allowed in the brewery.

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Founded in 1900, the pioneering Cantillon was long the only active brewery in Brussels. While there has been a recent revival in the local brewing scene, it remains the only operational lambic brewery, and a visit is an absolute must – indeed the brewery and its on-site museum were included in the book “1,000 Places to See Before You Die.”

Besides lambic, you can enjoy traditional beers like gueuze and kriek, admire the historic brewing equipment on a tour, or even attend a public brewing session to see the action firsthand.

Recent visitors said they enjoyed exploring Cantillon Brewery, viewing the old-school brewing paraphernalia and indulging in some tastings. While many praised the self-guided and guided tours as fascinating, others mentioned that you don’t have to take the tour to visit the relaxed bar. While the location of the brewery is a little out of the way, and struck some reviewers as a bit gritty, the verdict was that it was still well worth the trip.

How to get to Cantillon Brewery

Located in the commune of Anderlecht, about 2 miles west of the city center, the Cantillon Brewery is most easily reached by taking metro lines 2 or 6 to Clemenceau station.

Hours and Tickets

The brewery welcomes visitors (no reservations needed) for one-hour self-guided tours every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m; the tours cost 8 euros (about $8.50) per adult. Guided tours (online reservation required), which span 90 minutes, take place on Saturdays and cost 12 euros (about $13) per person. Kids age 13 and younger can take both tours for free; guided and self-guided tours also include beer tastings.

For more information, check out the  Cantillon Brewery website .

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#1 Grand-Place

A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Grand-Place sits in the heart of Brussels and is renowned for its many Gothic and Baroque-style buildings. Delightfully ornate guildhouses line the square, which is home to the dramatic City Hall and Maison du Roi  (which houses the Brussels City Museum), both of which are open to the public. At Christmas, enjoy the Winter Wonders sound and light show at night along with a massive Christmas tree, and every August, admire an enormous carpet made of flowers  on the Grand-Place.

Travelers love the Grand-Place for its stunning architecture. Recent reviewers suggested visiting during the day to admire the architectural details of the buildings, and at night to soak up the vibrant atmosphere that takes over the square. Because of its popular, the Grand-Place is a magnet for crowds – a common complaint among visitors – but if you time your visit for a weekday or early in the morning on a weekend, it'll be less hectic. Be aware that the bars and restaurants around here tout inflated prices, according to past travelers, but arguably it is worth the investment to enjoy the stunning setting.

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Brewery Cantillon, Brussels Image

Brewery Cantillon, Brussels

Discover the authenticity of brewery cantillon in anderlecht, brussels.

If you're a beer enthusiast looking for an authentic brewing experience, look no further than Brewery Cantillon in Anderlecht, Brussels. This small, traditional family brewery has been brewing exclusively lambic beers since its founding in 1900. With its rich history, unique brewing process, and delicious beers, Brewery Cantillon is a must-visit destination for beer lovers.

A Historical Gem

Brewery Cantillon holds a significant place in Brussels' brewing heritage. Founded by Paul Cantillon and his wife, Marie Troch, the brewery has remained operational for over a century. It is the only brewery in Brussels that has withstood the test of time, making it a true historical gem.

Unchanged Brewing Process

One of the most fascinating aspects of Brewery Cantillon is that its beers, tools, and brewing process have remained unchanged since its inception. When you step into the brewery, you'll be transported back in time to the early 20th century. The traditional lambic style beers are spontaneously fermented in open-topped attic-mounted vats called coolships. The beers are then aged in oak or chestnut, blended from different batches and ages, and finally bottle-conditioned for a year. This dedication to tradition is what sets Brewery Cantillon apart from modern breweries.

Fun Facts and Unique Offerings

Did you know that half of Brewery Cantillon's production is gueuze? Gueuze is a type of lambic beer that is blended from different vintages, resulting in a complex and tart flavor profile. Additionally, once a year, Brewery Cantillon produces a batch of kriek, a fruit-flavored lambic beer. The brewery fills empty casks with various fruits and macerates them for three months before adding young lambic to initiate fermentation. The result is a delightful and refreshing beer with a hint of fruitiness.

Explore the Brussels Gueuze Museum

Adjacent to the brewery is the Brussels Gueuze Museum, a non-profit organization founded in 1978. The museum was established to preserve and promote the brewing tradition of spontaneous-fermentation beers, which were considered old-fashioned at the time. The museum offers guided tours, exhibitions, and public brewing sessions, allowing visitors to delve deeper into the history and culture of lambic beers.

Plan Your Visit

Brewery Cantillon welcomes visitors to experience its rich brewing heritage. The brewery is open for visits, and you can even become a member of the Brussels Gueuze Museum to further support their mission. It's important to note that the brewery has specific closing days throughout the year, so it's advisable to check their schedule before planning your visit.

Brewery Cantillon in Anderlecht, Brussels, is a hidden gem for beer enthusiasts seeking an authentic brewing experience. With its unchanged brewing process, unique offerings, and historical significance, this family-owned brewery offers a glimpse into the rich brewing heritage of Brussels. Don't miss the opportunity to explore the Brussels Gueuze Museum and immerse yourself in the fascinating world of lambic beers. Plan your visit and prepare to be captivated by the authenticity of Brewery Cantillon.

Memlingstraat 1, 1070 Brussels

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11 Things You Should Know About Cantillon

Need To Know

11 Things You Should Know About Cantillon

words: Cat Wolinski

Published: April 5, 2019

Cantillon (pronounced can-tea-on) is something of a miracle. The Brussels-based brewery helped popularize spontaneously fermented wild beers called lambics , and blended lambics called gueuze.

Its beer was once near extinction, but today is among the rarest and most revered liquids in the world. If you’re lucky enough to lift Cantillon to your lips, you’ll be sipping history. Here are 11 things you should know about the legendary Belgian brewer and blender.

Cantillon is a family name.

The company was founded by Paul Cantillon and Marie Troch in 1900. In 1937, their sons Robert and Marcel joined the business. Shortly thereafter, both brothers departed for World War II. After the war, with sales in decline, Robert sold his portion of the business to Marcel. Soon, Marcel wanted out, too. Marcel’s daughter, Claude, saved the family business. Her husband, Jean-Pierre Van Roy, took over the brewery in the early 1970s. Their son, Jean Van Roy, is Cantillon’s current owner and brewmaster.

Cantillon is a liquid time machine.

To make its fruited lambics, Cantillon blends spontaneously fermented sour ale aged an average of 20 months with fresh fruit. It sits for two to three months, then is blended with one-year-old lambic, then aged in oak barrels. When cherries are added, it’s called kriek, the Dutch word for “cherry.” When raspberries are added, it’s called framboise, the French word for “raspberry.” Cantillon has also produced lambics with other fruits, such as apricots and red currants.

To make its gueuze, Cantillon blends lambics aged between one and three years, then lets the liquid rest in bottles for an average of a year.

The brewery is a museum.

Cantillon is both a fully operational brewery and gueuze museum. Behind its wide wooden doors are well-worn wood floors and creaky steps, criss-crossing rafters, and rows of barrels. Century-old copper equipment glints in the soft light, and glass bottles await their fills of lambic and gueuze. The museum portion of the brewery was founded in 1978, when then-owner Jean-Pierre Van Roy sought to preserve the brewery’s traditions — and its bank account. According to Cantillon, Van Roy’s objective was to save Cantillon from bankruptcy. It’s hard to believe now, when Cantillon is among the world’s most sought-after beers.

For more than three decades, it didn’t brew beer.

Cantillon brewed its first batch of beer in 1938. For the first 37 years, it was a blendery. A blendery, or blending house , is a business that finishes, blends, packages, and sells lambic and gueuze using wort made by other producers. Similar to blending wine or whiskey , or finishing cheese, blending houses were common in Belgium and still exist today.

It has its own holiday.

Zwanze Day, named after a beer of the same name, originated in 2008. It has since become a worldwide celebration. Each year, a select few bars around the world are granted kegs of the special Zwanze Day beer and serve it at exceedingly popular events to those in the know.

It’s a liquid picnic.

Cantillon is traditionally served in a wicker basket, with the bottle lying sideways. The idea here is akin to resting sparkling wine on lees: It keeps the yeast and other materials within the liquid from being agitated, and ideally keeps them out of your glass (although some drinkers don’t mind a little probiotic boost).

It sometimes comes in a bag, Franzia-style.

Some bars in Belgium get their Cantillon direct from the source, in plastic packaging akin to that used in boxed wine.

Its beer is a prized possession.

You can easily find Cantillon on draft — on draft! — in Belgium, and bars and shops around the world sell bottles for just a few euros. In the U.S., however, Cantillon is a rare gem. If you can find it at all, it can cost a minimum of $30 and upwards of $100 per 750-milliliter bottle.

It made coolships cool.

Cantillon is famous for its coolship , a copper vessel used to “rest” and cool wort and introduce wild yeast and microbes before beer ferments. It inspired U.S. breweries like Allagash to incorporate coolship fermentation into their own wild beer production.

It’s gruesome and glamorous.

Those of us lucky enough to visit Cantillon know something slightly unappetizing about this beautiful beer: It’s dirty. Really dirty. Spiderwebs drape between barrels, and bungs bubble with sticky liquid that catches (and preserves) tiny flies. It’s all completely intentional — the brewer doesn’t want to disturb the natural environment.

Cantillon wants you to stop and smell the Rosé de Gambrinus .

Gracefully scrawled on a barrel head at the Cantillon brewery is the phrase, “Le temps ne respecte pas ce qui se fait sans lui.” It translates, roughly, to “time does not respect what is done without it.” Cantillon takes its time, and should you encounter it, we think you should, too.

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No trip to Belgium is complete without experiencing the Belgian beer culture. The best place in Brussels to take a look at beer history is the Cantillon Brewery. Even as a non beer drinker, it’s a fascinating place to visit. One of the things that makes Cantillon so special, is that it has hardly changed since it opened its doors in 1900, (including the dust and cobweds!) The second unique aspect of Cantillon, is the spontaneous fermentation of its tart Lambic beers. Beer really is in the air around Brussels! Cantillon beers are 100% organic and come in a variety of styles and flavours, from traditional Lambic and Faro beer to the tart cherry beer, Kriek. Tours take place every day in multiple languages and, if you’re lucky, your visit could coincide with brewing or bottling days.

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cantillon brewery visit

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  1. Belgium: Visit the Cantillon Brewery in Brussels

    cantillon brewery visit

  2. Cantillon Brewery in Brussels, Belgium

    cantillon brewery visit

  3. Brew Wales: A visit to Cantillon Brewery

    cantillon brewery visit

  4. Brew Wales: A visit to Cantillon Brewery

    cantillon brewery visit

  5. Brew Wales: A visit to Cantillon Brewery

    cantillon brewery visit

  6. Cantillon Brewery (Brussel)

    cantillon brewery visit


  1. B-MEG visit the Amanos23Breeder Thanks Cantillon Poultry Supply 🐓🐓🐓

  2. Erecting Coppertail Brewery HD

  3. Cantillon's Essay on Economics chapter 12 13

  4. Cantillon's Essay on Economic Theory 1-9

  5. Cantillon's Essay on Economics

  6. The Cantillon Brewery Tour and 3 Fonteinen Event


  1. Cantillon

    Practical Information. Brasserie Cantillon/Brussels Museum of the Gueuze. rue Gheude 56 - 1070 Brussels (Anderlecht) tel +32 2 520 28 91. [email protected]. Business hours: M/Tu/Th/Fr/Sa: Visits and drinks from 10AM to 4PM (shop open till 5PM) Closed on Wednesday, Sunday and public holidays. Dogs are not allowed in the brewery.

  2. Cantillon

    Cantillon Brewery/Brussels Museum of the Gueuze - rue Gheude 56 - 1070 Brussels Brewery: +32 2 521 49 28 [email protected] Visits: +32 2 521 49 28 or +32 2 520 28 91 [email protected]. Business hours: M/Tu/Th/Fr/Sa: Visits and drinks from 10AM to 4PM (shop open till 5PM) Closed on Wednesday, Sunday and public holidays ... Visit our Shop!

  3. Cantillon Brewery

    About. Discover the fabulous family brewery of the Cantillon Brewery, where Lambic, Gueuze and Kriek have been made since 1900. Also home to the Brussels museum of the Gueuze. Open from Monday till Saturday, except on Wednesday, from 10:00AM. Last entrance at 04:00PM (we close at 05:00PM) Duration: < 1 hour.

  4. A Visit to Cantillon Brewery

    Cantillon have been on this site since 1900, and it shows in the accumulated dust and cobwebs. The brewery remains resolutely family-owned, and brewing methods and equipment are virtually unchanged in generations. You pay a few euros for the visit, including a self-guided tour and samples of two beers. After a brief orientation you're handed ...

  5. Cantillon Brewery in Brussels, Belgium: A Unique Tour

    Cantillion Brewery and Brussels Museum of the Gueuze is located at 56 Rue Gheude in the Anderlecht municipality in Brussels. The brewery is about a 20-minute walk southwest from Grand Place or a 7-minute walk from Brussels Midi train station. The Clemenceau metro station and several tram stops are also nearby. Laura Longwell.

  6. Cantillon Brewery

    Beers, tools and brewing process are still the same as in the beginning. Red copper containers, barrels, some of them more than 100 years old, and walls of bottles constitute the scenery for your visit. Cantillon Brewery - Brussels Museum of the Gueuze. Location: Gheudestraat, 56, 1070 Anderlecht

  7. Cantillon

    The Van Roy-Cantillon family welcomes you and invites you to discover a fabulous world. Beers, tools and brewing process are still the same as in the beginning. Red copper containers, barrels, some of them more than 100 years old, and walls of bottles constitute the scenery for your visit.

  8. Cantillon Brewery and Brussels Museum of the Gueuze

    Cantillon Brewery was founded in 1900 by Paul Cantillon, and it has been run by the same family ever since. The brewery is located in Anderlecht, a district in Brussels, and it is one of the few remaining traditional lambic breweries in the world. ... If you are planning a visit to Cantillon Brewery, there are a few things you should keep in ...

  9. Cantillon (brewery)

    The brewery was founded in 1900 by Paul Cantillon, whose father was also a brewer, and his wife, Marie Troch. [1] As of 2011, the owner is Jean-Pierre van Roy, the fourth-generation brewer at Cantillon. [2] Since launch, the only major change has been a shift to organic ingredients in 1999. [3] Cantillon was one of more than one hundred operating breweries in Brussels when founded, and was the ...

  10. Cantillon Brewery Reviews

    Cantillon Brewery is ranked #17 out of 20 things to do in Brussels. See pictures and our review of Cantillon Brewery. ... it remains the only operational lambic brewery, and a visit is an absolute ...

  11. Visit Brewery Cantillon, Brussels in Brussels

    This small, traditional family brewery has been brewing exclusively lambic beers since its founding in 1900. With its rich history, unique brewing process, and delicious beers, Brewery Cantillon is a must-visit destination for beer lovers. A Historical Gem. Brewery Cantillon holds a significant place in Brussels' brewing heritage.

  12. Cantillon

    Cantillon's traditions and processes go back 120 years. If you can't go to Brussels and visit the brewery, definitely put it on your bucket list. As far as getting a taste of the world's best Lambics, Cantillon beers are, to say the least, hard to find in American liquor stores.

  13. Cantillon Brewery

    10:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Write a review. About. Discover the fabulous family brewery of the Cantillon Brewery, where Lambic, Gueuze and Kriek have been made since 1900. Also home to the Brussels museum of the Gueuze. Open from Monday till Saturday, except on Wednesday, from 10:00AM. Last entrance at 04:00PM (we close at 05:00PM)

  14. 11 Things You Should Know About Cantillon

    The brewery is a museum. Cantillon is both a fully operational brewery and gueuze museum. ... Those of us lucky enough to visit Cantillon know something slightly unappetizing about this beautiful ...

  15. Review of Cantillon Brewery

    No trip to Belgium is complete without experiencing the Belgian beer culture. The best place in Brussels to take a look at beer history is the Cantillon Brewery. Even as a non beer drinker, it's a fascinating place to visit. One of the things that makes Cantillon so special, is that it has hardly changed since it opened its doors in 1900, (including the dust and cobweds!)

  16. Cantillon Brewery, Musee Bruxellois de la Gueuze, Belgium

    Cantillon Brewery As this is only about a 10 minute walk from the Eurostar terminal it makes a great way to spend time between connections. You get to see a working brewery in action and more importantly sample some of the fine Belgian beers.

  17. The 11 best Yekaterinburg, Russia breweries and craft beer

    Freshest craft beer in Russia! A fan from Moscow and visit all their branches, now having a cold one in their hometown. Best craft beer and wonderful staff! ... With access to the dungeons of the Chekist town for a fee (680 per person, group from 2000). I liked the beer cocktail based on dark beer, quail egg and a mountain of cinnamon extremely ...

  18. THE BEST Yekaterinburg Breweries (Updated 2024)

    Soi Rambuttri Jungle Jim's Playland T.J. Maxx Plaza y Mercado Santo Tomás Antique Alley Texas Candy Cane Lane Zrmanja Cape Coast Castle Myakka River State Park The Dome Golden Island of Krk from Rijeka 3-Hour ATV jhoraji Adventure in Punta Cana Tokyo 6hr Private Tour with Government-Licensed Guide Varenna/Bellano/Lierna to/from Milan Malpensa Apt (private transfer) Hidden Speakeasy Tour in ...

  19. GROTT BREWERY BAR, Yekaterinburg

    Grott Brewery Bar, Yekaterinburg: See 158 unbiased reviews of Grott Brewery Bar, rated 4.5 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #18 of 1,709 restaurants in Yekaterinburg.

  20. Lion Pride Brewery

    Приятно. Earned the Pale as the Moon (Level 6) badge! Explore Lion Pride Brewery from Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast on Untappd. Find ratings, reviews, and where to find beers from this brewery.