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Via Agostino Gioia, 43

70054 Giovinazzo

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Giovinazzo Map and Travel Guide

Visit the perfect fishing village in puglia in the off season.

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Are you looking for the Italian fishing village experience? Giovinazzo in springtime before the tourists make it into a party town might be the ideal destination, my experience suggests.

Each morning, upon rising I walked a short distance to the little fishing port which takes a rectangular divot out of the old town of Giovinazzo. Despite rising early, I couldn't beat the boats just coming in, bobbing in the protected waters, their owners busy with the morning's catch.

govinazzo octupus slapping

Cats prowled the lungomare . Old men gossiped and took note of the fishermen's luck. Older men stood in the old boats, mending nets. At the mouth of the little port, the rhythmic slap of octupus on the rocks began . There would be tender, fresh octupus at the restaurants that evening.

One morning I leaned over and saw a very expensive boat with two sport fishermen with all the latest gear pull alongside one of the scruffy fishing boats. After a short negotiation, a good part of the morning's catch changed boats. What a way to fish!

By the time I'd made my little stroll of the port the sun was begining to warm the air; it was late april and already warm. I peeled off my sweater and sauntered over to the bar for a coffee and pastry. The little bars were plentiful, there was a different one for each day if I'd wanted it.

Yes, come in springtime and Giovinazzo becomes one of those vacation paradises you've read about in very old books. They don't exist any more, of course. But there's always Giovinazzo, which hides its off-season tranquility under a thick blanket of drunken summer partying.

There's a lot to do in little Giovinazzo. Its history starts before the Romans and it was a major location for monasteries. There are no shortage of churches, with their ancient art. But if you run out of things you like to do, you're on the train line that runs along the coast from Bologna. Other compelling towns in Puglia like Trani , Molfetta, and Bari are very short train hops away. Giovinazzo makes a great hub for a vacation in Puglia.

Map of Giovinazzo

Getting your bearings.

The area to the west of the port, Porto di Giovinazzo, is the old town. The dotted lines represent the typical narrow streets residents can drive in.

Outside the map, to the south, is the train station. There's a nice bar across the street from it if you have to wait for a train.

The town "center" is the Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, the elongated triangle on the map where the label "Giovinazzo" is (zoom in to lose it). The north side of the square is lined with cafes, and the whole town does their evening walk, the passeggiata , around this square and the interesting fountain in the center of it. It's the place to come in the evenings.

Where to Stay

My strong suggestion is the fabulous Saint Martin Hotel Giovinazzo . It's on the waterfront and its roof terrace looks out over the sea and the city. There's even a Roman wall that forms part of the lower terrace outside the bar (see the pictures below). It's filled with artifacts and it's had a very tasteful restoration. If you don't stay there, at least stop in and have a drink at the bar. It's worth it, no matter how much the drink costs, believe me.

If you're searching for a seaside house, you might find  Giovinazzo historic puglia seafront stone house with patio to your liking.

Festivals in Giovinazzo

If you're really into the off season, Giovinazzo celebrates Il falo di Sant'Antonio by lighting a fire and feasting afterwards. The festival is held in January, around the 17th. In Italy, Saint Antonio is patron saint of butchers, domestic animals, basketmakers,and gravediggers and also known as healer of the plague and the "fuoco di Sant'Antonio" (shingles).

Around Easter there are Settimana Santa events and in summer there are all sorts of events for the tourists.

In December Giovinazzo celebrates the season with displays of home made manger scenes, presepi artiganali .

We had a great dinner our first night in Giovinazzo at Ristorante Pizzaria Al Cantegallo , marked on the map. This is the place where you absolutely must talk to your waiter and tell him you want to try local specialties, and let him recommend a course of action. The restaurant preserves its own vegetables and has good sources of local cheeses. Gluten-free is available, and so are artisinal beers. Closed Wednesday. Telephone: 080 394 1104

The same owner owns Le Sirenuse , right in the port at P. Porto nr. 32 and the place to eat seafood. The owner is passionate about wine, and will recommend a good one to go with the food.

The ambiance of Il Duca in Piazza Benedettine is fabulous, the place is a "risto-pub" where you can go for a light meal with beer or wine or a cocktail (it's also an "american bar") and listen to music on weekends. Tel. 3480321695.

Where to Go from Giovinazzo

Bari is a wonderful town to visit, and it's just a very short train ride down the Adriatic coast from Giovinazzo. Traini is beautiful, just up the coast. The towns along the Via Traiana , if you prefer small towns like Giovinazzo, would do quite nicely for a little exploration of this part of Puglia. Part of hidden Puglia is Conversano and the towns around it, including Putignano, which has the oldest carnival celebration in europe and some fantastic clay whistles .

Pictures of Giovinazzo

Perhaps these pictures will ignite your off-season travel lust. They were taken in late April. Shirt-sleve weather in the day, cool in the evenings.

Giovinazzo: Chiesa di San Domenico

giovinazzo picture

Giovinazzo: Cathedral from the Roof Terrace of the Palazzo Ducale

giovinazzo cathedral

Giovinazzo: Fishing Boats in the Harbor

boats in giovinazzo harbor

Giovinazzo: The Harbor at Sunset

giovinazzo harbor sunset

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Bo.Ra Travel S.n.c. di Boccassini Maria Teresa e Ranieri Anna Lis A



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Bo.Ra Travel S.n.c. di Boccassini Maria Teresa e Ranieri Anna Lis A si trova in Via Gioia Agostino, 43 - 70054 Giovinazzo (BA)

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bo.ra travel giovinazzo

Beautiful Puglia

Beautiful Puglia

Where your journey begins

Giovinazzo and its charming fishing port

Hi, i’m viviana and this is my hometown | #pugliabyme.

If you are planning to spend some time in Puglia , my hometown Giovinazzo could be a nice stop to add to your list, while visiting the Bari Land . Located few kilometres North from Bari , Giovinazzo is a charming peninsula surrounded by the blue Adriatic sea, with the characteristic old town set within sturdy walls, which enclose a number of architectural beauties.

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Being one of the first places in Puglia to be converted to Christianity, Giovinazzo is rich in churches. Those that are definitely worth a visit are the Church of St. Mary of Constantinople , St. Charles Church , the Church of Santa Maria del Carmine , the Church of St. John the Baptist , the Church of the Holy Spirit , the Church of San Lorenzo and Church of Santa Maria degli Angeli .

Among other architectural treasures, in Giovinazzo there are numerous aristocratic palaces such as De Ritiis Palace , the Episcopal Palace , the Lupis Palace , the Monastery of the Benedictine Sisters and the Court of Sagarriga Visconti .

Finally, you should dedicate some time to relax and chill out at the Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II , characterized by rich gardens and a monumental fountain built in local stone and bronze. This square is the heart of the town and a meeting point for all the locals. From the Piazza, if you move towards the Marina , you will notice the bastion, called the Aragonese Tower , and numerous fishing boats that, at dusk, return with their catch.

All around the territory of Giovinazzo there are numerous towers and the one that I love above all, for its simplicity and impressive high, is the Vedetta sul Mediterraneo (the Watchtower of the Mediterranean), built for the military, where you can admire a breath-taking view of the city!

Giovinazzo’s Cuisine: the specialties of the area

Giovinazzo is also known as the “ City of the Olive Oil “, because of the cultivation of olive trees that occupies most of the agricultural area. In fact, another construction that characterizes the territory is the palmento , millstones of traditional water mills that crushed the olives to produce oil. In Giovinazzo there are still many in good condition. Indeed, the typical cuisine is based on local products and, in particular, on olive oil. A traditional dish is the favetta e cicorie (mashed fava beans accompanied by boiled chicory). In the city there are also many restaurants where you can taste and enjoy the fresh fish.

Events not to miss

Festivals, fairs, sporting, religious and cultural events cheer Giovinazzo throughout the entire year. The Corteo Storico (Historical Parade) of Giovinazzo is a tradition that is well worth seeing. I highly recommend it! It takes place every year on the Saturday before the 19th of August, when the Patron Saint is celebrated. It’s organized by the Pro Loco (the local tourist office) and evokes two important historical events of the past. In this parade more than 150 people in costume participate, walking along the street, accompanied by trumpets and roll of drums, and preceded by flag bearers of a well-known folk group from Salento.

Speaking of traditions, another impressive event is the Bonfires of Saint Anthony in January. Each neighbour will arrange their own bonfire and visitors will get the chance to move from one bonfire to another tasting local dishes, such as olives and beans, cooked in the traditional pignate , accompanied by a glass of local wine and good music.

To the youngsters it is dedicated the Giovinazzo Rock Festival , one of the biggest free rock festival of Puglia. Now in its 14th edition, it has hosted famous singers and special guests such as Caparezza, the Apres La Classe, Giuliano Palma and many others. Finally, among the other religious festivals, do not miss Holy Week at Easter and the “craft cribs” on display during Christmas holidays.

What to see in the area

Giovinazzo is only 18 km from Bari and is located on the coastal railway line, so it is very easy to take a train and visit the surrounding towns by the sea. Of course, by car you can explore the inland cities too. Given the short distance, if you have little time, I would recommend you stopping to Trani , Molfetta and Bari .

Text and photos by Viviana Pagano

Alberobello and the uniqueness of Trulli

Best things to do in bari, best towns in puglia – borghi piú belli d´italia.

THE BEST Day Trips from Giovinazzo

Day trips from giovinazzo.

  • Giovinazzo to Alberobello
  • Giovinazzo to Trani
  • Giovinazzo to Andria
  • Giovinazzo to Matera
  • Up to 1 hour
  • 1 to 4 hours
  • 4 hours to 1 day
  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 2.0 of 5 bubbles & up
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bo.ra travel giovinazzo

1. Tour of Matera and Altamura

bo.ra travel giovinazzo

2. Historic Center Of Bari, Locorotondo, Alberobello And Polignano

bo.ra travel giovinazzo

3. Tour on the Via dei Templari: Trani, Castel del Monte and Garagnone

bo.ra travel giovinazzo

4. Tour of Castel Del Monte, Trani and Molfetta

Keep the fun going with other experiences in the area.

bo.ra travel giovinazzo

Full Day Tour by Car and Walking among the Apulian Beauties

bo.ra travel giovinazzo

Unesco Tour from Bari: Guided Visit to Alberobello and Matera

bo.ra travel giovinazzo

Visit Alberobello & Matera: Private or shared tour from Bari

bo.ra travel giovinazzo

Alberobello, Monopoli Polignano Small-Group Guided Tour from Bari

bo.ra travel giovinazzo

Day tour by car and on foot among the Apulian beauties of Matera

bo.ra travel giovinazzo

Ostuni, Cisternino and Polignano Small-Group Day Trip from Bari

bo.ra travel giovinazzo

Unesco Tour from Polignano: Guided tour of Alberobello and Matera

bo.ra travel giovinazzo

Alberobello, Martina Franca and Locorotondo Day Trip from Bari

bo.ra travel giovinazzo

Visit Ostuni, Locorotondo, Polignano: Private or shared tour

bo.ra travel giovinazzo

From Bari: Visit Polignano a Mare with street food tour

bo.ra travel giovinazzo

Alberobello, Castellana Caves and Polignano Day Trip from Bari

bo.ra travel giovinazzo

Day Cruise by Sailboat - Route: Bari and its coastline

bo.ra travel giovinazzo

Matera and Altamura Small-Group Day Trip from Bari

bo.ra travel giovinazzo

Tremiti Islands from Vieste Ferry and Boat Tour of the Islands

bo.ra travel giovinazzo

Ostuni, Cisternino and Locorotondo tour lasting 8 hours

bo.ra travel giovinazzo

3 or 5 Hours Private Boat Rental with Skipper and Aperitif

bo.ra travel giovinazzo

Private day on a boat with aperitif on the Gargano coast

bo.ra travel giovinazzo

Day tour aboard a Fiat 500 Alberobello

bo.ra travel giovinazzo

Tour with transfer From Bari to Matera

bo.ra travel giovinazzo

Trani, Wine Tasting, and Castel Del Monte tour from Bari or Ostuni

bo.ra travel giovinazzo

Excursion to Alberobello and Matera departing from Bari

bo.ra travel giovinazzo

Tour of LOCOROTONDO and ALBEROBELLO departing from Bari

bo.ra travel giovinazzo

Bari and Matera private tour to discover history and tradition

bo.ra travel giovinazzo

Matera Day Trip from Bari

bo.ra travel giovinazzo

Shore Excursion from Bari Port to Matera Sassi and Alberobello Trulli

bo.ra travel giovinazzo

From Bari: Full day tour to Polignano a Mare and Alberobello

  • Tour of Matera and Altamura
  • Historic Center Of Bari, Locorotondo, Alberobello And Polignano
  • Tour of Castel Del Monte, Trani and Molfetta


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  4. Giovinazzo, village in Puglia: things to do

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  6. Visitare Giovinazzo: una passeggiata tra borgo e mare

    bo.ra travel giovinazzo


  1. Bo.Ra. Travel

    Bo.Ra. Travel - Agenzia Viaggi Giovinazzo, Giovinazzo. 622 likes · 2 talking about this · 18 were here. Agenzia Viaggi a Giovinazzo - Organizzazione viaggi, crociere, gite, biglietteria aerea,...

  2. BoRa Travel

    BoRa Travel - Agenzia Viaggi Giovinazzo, Giovinazzo. 1,198 likes · 1 talking about this · 20 were here. Agenzia Viaggi a Giovinazzo - Organizzazione Viaggi, Crociere, Gite. Biglietteria Aerea,...

  3. Bo.Ra Travel S.N.C. Di Boccassini Maria Teresa E R Snc, Giovinazzo, Via

    Bo.Ra Travel è un'agenzia di viaggi e turismo situata nella pittoresca città di Giovinazzo, a pochi passi dalla Via Agostino Gioia. Fondata dalla società di Boccassini Maria Teresa E R Snc, la nostra agenzia offre una vasta gamma di servizi di viaggio personalizzati, progettati per soddisfare le esigenze dei nostri clienti.


    Bo.ra Travel in Giovinazzo, reviews by real people. Yelp is a fun and easy way to find, recommend and talk about what's great and not so great in Giovinazzo and beyond.

  5. Bo.Ra. Travel

    Bo.Ra. Travel - Agenzia Viaggi Giovinazzo, Giovinazzo. 563 curtidas · 13 falando sobre isso. Agenzia Viaggi a Giovinazzo - Organizzazione viaggi, crociere, gite, biglietteria aerea, biglietteri

  6. Bo.Ra. Travel

    Bo.Ra. Travel - Agenzia Viaggi Giovinazzo, Giovinazzo. 573 gillar · 16 pratar om detta · 1 har varit här. Agenzia Viaggi a Giovinazzo - Organizzazione viaggi, crociere, gite, biglietteria aerea,...

  7. Bo.Ra. Travel

    Bo.Ra. Travel - Agenzia Viaggi Giovinazzo, Giovinazzo, 573 gostos · 12 falam sobre isto · 1 esteve aqui. Agenzia Viaggi a Giovinazzo - Organizzazione viaggi, crociere, gite, biglietteria aerea,...

  8. Bo.Ra. Travel

    Bo.Ra. Travel - Agenzia Viaggi Giovinazzo, Giovinazzo. 561 Me gusta · 25 personas están hablando de esto. Agenzia Viaggi a Giovinazzo - Organizzazione viaggi, crociere, gite, biglietteria aerea,...

  9. Bo.Ra. Travel

    Bo.Ra. Travel - Agenzia Viaggi Giovinazzo, Giovinazzo. 529 mentions J'aime · 9 en parlent. Agenzia Viaggi a Giovinazzo - Organizzazione viaggi, crociere, gite, biglietteria aerea, biglietteri

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    Bo.Ra. Travel - Agenzia Viaggi Giovinazzo, Giovinazzo. 539 tykkäystä · 11 puhuu tästä. Agenzia Viaggi a Giovinazzo - Organizzazione viaggi, crociere, gite, biglietteria aerea, biglietteri


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  12. Giovinazzo Travel Guide

    My strong suggestion is the fabulous Saint Martin Hotel Giovinazzo. It's on the waterfront and its roof terrace looks out over the sea and the city. There's even a Roman wall that forms part of the lower terrace outside the bar (see the pictures below). It's filled with artifacts and it's had a very tasteful restoration.

  13. Bo.Ra Travel S.n.c. di Boccassini Maria Teresa e Ranieri Anna Lis A

    Bo.Ra Travel S.n.c. di Boccassini Maria Teresa e Ranieri Anna Lis A si trova in Via Gioia Agostino, 43 - 70054 Giovinazzo (BA) Come posso contattare al telefono Bo.Ra Travel S.n.c. di Boccassini Maria Teresa e Ranieri Anna Lis A?

  14. Bo.Ra. Travel

    Bo.Ra. Travel - Agenzia Viaggi Giovinazzo, Giovinazzo. 555 de aprecieri · 20 discută despre asta. Agenzia Viaggi a Giovinazzo - Organizzazione viaggi, crociere, gite, biglietteria aerea, biglietteri

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    Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for BO.RA TRAVEL SAS DI BOCCASSINI MARIA TERESA of GIOVINAZZO, BARI. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet.

  18. ᐅ Orari di apertura „Bo.Ra. Travel"

    Oraridiapertura24 » Orari di apertura a Giovinazzo » Turismo e Viaggi a Giovinazzo » Bo.Ra. Travel Indirizzo Bo.Ra. Travel a Giovinazzo Aggiornato il: 03.06.2023 | 0 Bewertungen | Vota ora! Via Agostino Gioia 43 70054 Giovinazzo Dettagli di contatto 0803948491 ...

  19. Giovinazzo and its charming fishing port

    Giovinazzo is only 18 km from Bari and is located on the coastal railway line, so it is very easy to take a train and visit the surrounding towns by the sea. Of course, by car you can explore the inland cities too. Given the short distance, if you have little time, I would recommend you stopping to Trani , Molfetta and Bari.

  20. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Giovinazzo

    3 Days Private and Guided Tour In the footsteps of Lolita Lobosco. 1. Bus Tours. from. $1,310. per group (up to 4) Historic Center Of Bari, Locorotondo, Alberobello And Polignano. 3. Historical Tours.

  21. THE BEST Day Trips from Giovinazzo (UPDATED 2024)

    Giovinazzo is a great travel destination with a lot to do and see, but sometimes you need to get away and explore the surrounding areas. Book the best day trips from Giovinazzo, Italy directly on Tripadvisor and take the stress out of planning. Read 16,590 traveler reviews and view photos of different trips from Giovinazzo to various destinations. Find day trips to take today or this coming ...

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    Bora Travel & Tours, Tirana. Mi piace: 84.136 · 19 persone ne parlano · 16 persone sono state qui. Paketa Turiske. Udhetime ne grup. Pushime verore & dimrore. Bileta avioni, autobusi dhe trageti....

  23. The italian village of Giovinazzo, Bari in Apulia, Italy

    Nestled in the blue Adriatic Sea, Giovinazzo (or Scevenàzze, in the local dialect) is a charming medieval town that boasts a history spanning thousands of years. A hidden treasure of the province of Bari, it reflects all the authenticity of Puglia while keeping the charm of its past intact. A plunge into the past.