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Bad Trip à la Weed : Que Faire ?

13 mars 2024

Bad Trip à la Weed : Que Faire ?

Le cannabis est une substance qui, bien que souvent associée à la détente et au bien-être, peut parfois entraîner des expériences moins agréables, communément appelées "bad trips". Ces épisodes peuvent être particulièrement angoissants, surtout pour ceux qui ne savent pas comment réagir. Les symptômes peuvent inclure de l'anxiété, des nausées, une augmentation du rythme cardiaque, des palpitations, des tremblements, et dans certains cas, des hallucinations[3]. Comprendre comment gérer ces symptômes peut grandement aider à surmonter l'expérience.

Conseils pour Gérer un Bad Trip

Bad Trip à la Weed : Que Faire ?

Comprendre comment gérer ces symptômes peut grandement aider à surmonter l'expérience. voici des conseils pour gérer les bads trip

1. Reconnaître la Situation

Il est crucial de reconnaître que vous êtes en train de vivre un bad trip. Rappelez-vous que les sensations désagréables sont temporaires et principalement dues à la surconsommation de THC[1].

2. Créer un Environnement Sécurisant

Trouvez un endroit calme et confortable. Un environnement familier et rassurant peut aider à diminuer l'anxiété et les sensations de panique[3].

3. Respirer Profondément

La respiration profonde et contrôlée peut aider à calmer le système nerveux et à réduire l'anxiété[3].

4. Hydrater et Manger Léger

Boire de l'eau et manger quelque chose de léger peut aider à atténuer les nausées et à stabiliser le corps[3].

5. Distraire l'Esprit

Écouter de la musique douce, regarder un film apaisant ou pratiquer une activité relaxante peut aider à détourner l'attention des sensations désagréables[3].

6. Parler à Quelqu'un

Si possible, parlez à un ami de confiance ou à un membre de la famille. Le simple fait de partager ce que vous ressentez peut être incroyablement rassurant[3].

7. Éviter de Consommer Davantage

Ne consommez pas davantage de cannabis dans l'espoir d'atténuer les effets du bad trip. Cela pourrait aggraver la situation[5].

8. Considérer le CBD

Le CBD, un autre cannabinoïde présent dans le cannabis, peut avoir des effets anxiolytiques. Consommer des produits à base de CBD peut aider à contrebalancer certains effets du THC[7].

Vivre un bad trip à la suite de la consommation de cannabis peut être une expérience intimidante, mais il est important de se rappeler que ces sensations sont temporaires. En suivant les conseils ci-dessus, vous pouvez aider à atténuer les symptômes et à traverser cette expérience plus confortablement. Si les symptômes persistent ou sont particulièrement sévères, n'hésitez pas à consulter un professionnel de la santé.

**Q : Combien de temps dure un bad trip ?** R : Un bad trip peut durer plusieurs heures, en fonction de la quantité de cannabis consommée et de la réaction individuelle[3]. **Q : Peut-on faire un bad trip avec n'importe quelle sorte de cannabis ?** R : Oui, un bad trip peut survenir avec n'importe quelle sorte de cannabis, surtout si la teneur en THC est élevée[6]. **Q : Que faire si les symptômes ne s'améliorent pas ?** R : Si les symptômes sont sévères ou ne s'améliorent pas, il est important de consulter un professionnel de la santé ou de contacter une ligne d'assistance comme SAMHSA's National Helpline[2]. **Q : Le bad trip peut-il laisser des séquelles ?** R : Dans de rares cas, un bad trip peut laisser des séquelles psychologiques. Si vous ressentez des symptômes persistants après l'expérience, consultez un professionnel de la santé[3]. Citations: [1] https://www.newsweed.fr/cannabis/crise-blanche-cannabis/ [2] https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helpline [3] https://www.passeportsante.net/fr/Actualites/Dossiers/Fiche.aspx?doc=bad-trip-definition [4] https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Bwt9QnIbHbY [5] https://www.gov.mb.ca/health/cannabis/experiences.html [6] https://www.sante.fr/peut-faire-un-bad-trip-avec-du-cannabis [7] https://www.drogues-info-service.fr/Vos-Questions-Nos-Reponses/temoignage-bad-trip-au-cannabis-synthese [8] https://www.government.nl/topics/controlled-cannabis-supply-chain-experiment/leaflet-cannabis-hash-and-weed [9] https://www.zamnesia.fr/blog-quest-ce-bad-trip-sous-cannabis-n2578 [10] https://nida.nih.gov/publications/drugfacts/cannabis-marijuana [11] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23906840/ [13] https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugs-medication/cannabis/health-effects/effects.html [14] https://www.drogues-info-service.fr/Actualites/3-choses-essentielles-a-savoir-pour-faire-passer-un-bad-trip [15] https://www.goodrx.com/well-being/substance-use/how-to-get-unhigh [16] https://www.therecoveryvillage.com/teen-addiction/what-is-a-bad-trip/ [18] https://www.royalqueenseeds.fr/blog-bad-trip-au-cannabis-ce-que-cest-et-comment-le-prevenir-n717 [19] https://www.childrenscolorado.org/conditions-and-advice/conditions-and-symptoms/conditions/acute-marijuana-intoxication/ [20] https://www.cleanrecoverycenters.com/how-to-stop-a-bad-high/

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manual prevent bad trip cannabis

  • Risk reduction

Manual to Prevent (or Relieve) a Bad Cannabis Trip

D. Civantos

  • Anyone can suffer a bad cannabis trip.
  • And while it is possible to control some factors that can result in a bad trip, it's not a bad idea to know how to proceed, in case you still fail to avert it.
  • Breathe, calm down and relax until the psychedelic episode passes. Those should be your top priorities.
  • But the solution is rife with nuances, which we will explain here.

Because everyone is unique, the effects people experience when using cannabis in its different forms are equally so, even in that least pleasant variant of them all: the "bad trip," also known as a "freak-out," "bad high," "downer" or "bad scene." Whatever one calls it, it´s is a psychedelic crisis that can entail a wide range of symptoms.

Some think the experience of a bad trip is a rookie mistake produced by errors like not drinking enough water, or simply the clumsiness of beginners just getting started. However, even the most seasoned cannabis consumers can suffer a bad trip on grass. In fact, it may be due to something entirely circumstantial, like one's mood when consuming, being influenced by the people you're with, the music you're listening to, or even the kind of light in the room.

Such is the variability when it comes to trips that not even the amount consumed seems to be definitive: while some attribute bad trips to the consumption of a dose that is too large, due to the high percentage of THC current cannabis strains pack, there are others who identify them as stemming from small doses too. In the latter case the amount of cannabis consumed would have a relatively weak effect, making possible some psychological resistance by the body to the trip affecting it. Thus, it is clear that even when an effort is made to control all these factors, it is still something unpredictable that can surprise anyone .

A bad trip can also be triggered, for example, by using marijuana contaminated with traces of pesticides or fertilisers, although the studies performed on the subject involve more questions than answers, and do not explain the risk in detail or in a quantifiable way.

Finally, we must bear in mind that cannabis, when ingested, has much more intense and long-lasting effects than when it is inhaled , so neophytes who eat foods containing marijuana are vulnerable to bad trips. Science has an explanation: when cannabis is eaten, rather than being smoked or vaporised, the liver breaks down THC into a new compound, called 11-hydroxy-THC.

bad trip weed que faire

This metabolite is more potent than THC and crosses the blood-brain barrier more easily, producing more psychedelic effects in the brain. For people who are just starting out, marijuana candies or light teas could be a simple way to consume cannabis safely while they are still learning how it affects their bodies.

In terms of symptoms , there is no clinical diagnosis of "cannabis psychosis." It is possible for these symptoms to appear and escalate, featuring a snowball effect. Perhaps there is someone around you who you first notice is silent and withdrawn. These signs grow and grow, and can lead to an anxiety crisis and episodes characterised by fear and paranoia.

Thus, the consumer who experiences a bad trip may notice that he loses control, as it affects his notions of time and space. There are extreme cases in which one ceases to be aware of himself or his body parts, and he can even have slight hallucinations. All this is mixed with related physical symptoms; anxiety, without going any further, which could cause problems breathing problems, or tachycardia.

However, you should not panic: having such a negative experience is rare. While it is relatively common to experience a specific moment of anxiety, or abnormal visual perceptions , only if these are prolonged or potentially serious do they require the consumer or those accompanying him to take action.

How do you prevent it?

Given the variety of factors that can come into play to produce bad trips, there is little one can do to prevent them . However, there is a little recipe that should make it possible to reduce the chances of suffering this experience.

It all has to do with controlling your surroundings as much as possible. Thus, it is advisable to be in a familiar and quiet place surrounded by people one trusts, and that will not stress him , in any case. Under such conditions it is difficult for the situation to get out of control, and any negative experience will probably have only short-term effects. In addition, being in good health, physically and mentally, can be key to preventing a bad trip, as dizziness and paling skin has a lot to do with one's blood pressure.

If your body still responds to marijuana consumption with one of these psychedelic crises, there are ways to control the bad trip to keep it from becoming truly serious. Both you and those around you can follow a series of recommendations to minimise symptoms.

First of all, the most important thing is to avoid panicking when you notice the first signs that something is wrong. Trying to stay calm is key. Popular culture, along with the personal opinions of users in various Internet forums, have produced a long list of tips, ranging from the consumption of sugary products , such as Coca-Cola, to the use of medications, like aspirin , which allegedly counteract the effects of a bad trip.

bad trip weed que faire

However, you should simply try to relax . Breathe easy, inhaling through the mouth, and exhale slowly, relaxing each and every one of your muscles, and wait for the bad trip to pass and for its effects to fade. These should be your main objectives. You can also act as you would if suffering a drop in blood pressure, with a manoeuvre that few employ when a bad trip hits: elevate your legs. The "sugar crash theory" to explain the causes of a bad trip does not identify its true origins or offer a corresponding remedy to address it.

To deal with it the best thing to do, at first, is to focus on peace and calm around us. Do not listen to music or watch television to clear the mind. In this way it will be easier for you to focus on relaxing your body. Once you have done so you can put on some music that is calming, or familiar, or even a movie that you like.

A change of scenery is also a good idea: if you're indoors, going outside helps, and vice versa. Anything that distracts you from your thoughts at the time is also helpful. Doing some stretching? Having some green tea to relax? Go right ahead. Maybe a juice? Fantastic. Hydration is an important factor to minimise the effect. All this, while keeping in mind that the best thing you can do is try to chat with a friend, who can take over the reins of the conversation and soothe you.

How can you help?

Other times you won´t be the one in trouble. Rather, you'll be with a friend who is on a bad trip after consuming cannabis. In this case it is also a good idea to know what to do to help him out and make the experience more bearable.

bad trip weed que faire

To begin with, don't repeat obvious things like "calm down." Talking is a good idea, but ask specific questions, such as what the person is feeling at the time, or if he can distinguish a particular part of his body. All this, without forgetting that when we are with someone in this situation we have to be patient and understanding .

Also, it is very useful is to remind the "traveller" about what he has consumed. This will allow him to realise that what is going on is just one of the possible effects of what he has taken , and that it is a just a question of time before everything returns to normal.

Finally, in this conversation it is helpful to discuss things that allow the user to reconnect with reality . For example, telling him what time it is may serve to mitigate the distortion of time that he could be experiencing.

In any case, both for the traveller and the companion who is a witness to his friend's psychedelic crisis, it is important to always keep in mind that, though it may involve a tachycardia, exacerbated by anxiety, it is always an experience whose intensity will vary depending on our ability to control it : breathe, calm down and wait for the bad trip to pass. It always does. And, remember that, like many other things in life, everyone is different; just because something is not pleasant for one person does not mean that it cannot be a safe and pleasant experience for others.

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How to Prevent a Bad Cannabis Trip

How to Prevent a Bad Cannabis Trip

People use cannabis for infinite reasons. They offer endless explanations, only some of which are true. People will say they use cannabis as a therapy for medical problems. Others look forward to an occasional relaxing chill.

Cannabis works differently than other mind-altering inebriants. It does not heighten experience like cocaine, nor does it obliterate reality like heroin. Cannabis offers escape and distraction from daily physical and mental stressors. A cannabis high depends on the individual’s brain and body specifics and the user's choice of cannabis strain. The experience may alter mood, increase clarity, trigger spatial disorientation, and heighten sense experience.

However, some users want to go further; they want to see how far the cannabis trip can take them. They want to sense paranoia and may want to touch the edge of schizophrenia. A “bad cannabis trip” can take you there, whether you pursue the experience intentionally or unintentionally. Users and their friends should know how to prevent a bad cannabis trip.

How to recognize a bad cannabis trip!

You can have a lousy cannabis event even if you use a mild strain. So much depends on an individual’s genetics, physical condition, and mental predisposition. No two cannabis users respond to the same cannabis strain in the same way. However, you or your user friends could be riding a bad trip if the following signs are present:

Delusions or hallucinations

Extreme mental anxiety and physical agitation

A frightening sense of paranoia

Increased heart rate

Pale complexion

Shortness of breath

Sudden fluctuation in blood pressure

Trembling, shaking, and cramping

Vomiting and upset stomach

There is no scientific evidence that cannabis kills − although a bad trip can kill if you are also operating a motor vehicle. Still, some cannabis users do not know how to handle their bad trips.

What is the problem?

The THC content in cannabis positively influences the nervous system by binding to neurotransmitters. It will restore the normal flow of neural messages that have been upset by pain, inflammation, disease, stress, and more. Cannabis users may benefit from this restoration and rejuvenation.

However, the THC content may agitate those same neural cells adding anxiety to the experience in some cannabis users. The THC percentage may exceed the user's level of tolerance, in adverse social conditions, too heavily or too frequently in a short time, or with alcohol in social circumstances that provide no support.

5 keys to prevent a bad cannabis trip!

If you intend to use cannabis in any form, you should learn what to expect. You should know what to avoid and how to handle a bad trip, just as you should know when to stop drinking and take responsibility for your actions. Here are five keys to preventing a bad cannabis trip:

Get your head straight.

At its best, cannabis will “normalize” your state of mind. If your head is stressed and emotions suppressed, the cannabis will magnify those influences. The advice then is to approach cannabis use with some stability if you want to optimize a pleasant experience.

You can infer that you invite an agitating experience when you use cannabis while angry, upset, or depressed. Cannabis may reduce this mindset with a mild experience, but it can heighten the negative leaving you confused, disoriented, and fearful.

Logically, it would be best if you used it when you are in a good mood, comfortable with your surroundings, and free from external pressures. Conversely, if you use cannabis to escape from significant stress, you are likely to bring those negatives on the trip with you.

Know what you are using.

Virgin users often experience agitation on their first cannabis experience because they do not know what to expect. They over- or under-estimate the expectation, so they are suckers for the worst effects.

All users must understand the influences triggered by cannabis biochemistry. They must investigate what THC and CBD can do. Depending on their experience, they can shop for cannabis strains with a preferred content and ratio.

Only experience will test your level of tolerance. With a bit of research, you can identify the strain that will provide mild euphoria and creative clarity. You may also find the strain that lifts your mood and prompts giggles and chatter. Or you may discover the cannabis that will push you towards paranoia and total escape.

Use with friends.

Using cannabis alone poses some risks. Social isolation can prove damaging if use alone becomes chronic. There is a social aspect to cannabis use that encourages use with others who share your conversation, munchies, and good humor. For example, a cannabis joint is designed for sharing.

Consuming cannabis alone poses a considerable risk for first-time users. Every consumer experience is unique, so that users may need coaching or comfort in their individual experience. Using cannabis among friends in the same mood and environment helps improve your mindset.

Avoid high-potency cannabis strains.

Many cannabis strains contain high levels of THC, more commonly than in the past. Taking too much THC in any form will challenge your level of tolerance. It may be processed relatively safely in time, but it requires building that level with measured repeated use.

Too much THC or too much THC in too short a time almost guarantees a bad trip. The legalization of cannabis has introduced accurate labeling of products which provides consumers with independently tested ingredients.

Choose the method of consumption carefully.

Discussions of cannabis consumption often assume the use involves smoking joints. Smoking a spliff as if it were a cigarette increases the dose of any strain. Smokers should take one or two drags on a joint before setting it aside or passing it to another. The effects take just a few moments, allowing the smoker to enjoy and assess the reaction. Pacing the inhalation effectively distributes the dose.

This need-to-dose applies to other methods of consumption. Dabbing and water pipes, for instance, purify the intake, thereby increasing the potency. Moreover, the significant risk in edibles follows the temptation to eat too much or too many in rapid sequence. Because edibles process more slowly, the flavors encourage users to try some more because they do not feel the effects immediately.

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Bad trip, un blanc ou blanchette, trop défoncé

Image recréant un plant de cannabis humain, frappant une personne devant lui.

Cela nous est arrivé à tous, vous commencez à fumer du cannabis et quand vous réalisez que vous avez un « trou vert », et maintenant vous ne pouvez plus revenir en arrière, n’est-ce pas ? Dans cet article, nous allons voir pourquoi le cannabis a beaucoup d’effet sur nous , que faire quand on obtient un blanc ou un bad trip , et surtout comment l’éviter pour que cela ne se reproduise plus.

⭐ Qu’est-ce qu’un blanc ?

On l’appelle blanc, trou vert (trou noir serait par l´effet de l´alcool), crise blanche , ou d’autres synonymes, à la sensation de malaise ou à l’inconfort général que l’on ressent lorsque l’ on fume trop de cannabis. Son vrai nom est hypotension orthostatique , mais le moment venu, vous ne vous souviendrez sûrement pas des détails techniques, nous continuerons donc à l’appeler blanc,bad trip ou malaise, ce qui est plus facile à retenir.

Image du protagoniste du film Scream au milieu d'un voile blanc causé par la consommation excessive de cannabis*.

⛳ Symptômes d’un blanc

  • Malaise : La première chose que vous ressentez est que vous ne vous sentez pas bien, sensations désagréables auxquelles vous ne vous attendez pas car cela vous apporte normalement un bien-être.
  • Vertiges : Dans de nombreux cas, nous constatons un léger vertige qui ne nous permet pas de nous concentrer clairement, les mouvements deviennent plus lents, et il semble que le sol bouge.
  • Anxiété : C’est l’un des symptômes les plus courants, causé par la boucle mentale dans laquelle nous entrons lorsque nous percevons que nous avons fumé des joints. Il est curieux de voir comment le cannabis calme normalement l’anxiété mais en excès il peut provoquer l’effet inverse.
  • Transpiration : La transpiration de manière incontrôlable est un autre des symptômes qui vous donne un bad trip, et c’est parce que votre température corporelle augmente et que la transpiration due à la sueur est la façon dont nous devons la réguler.
  • Panique : Le cerveau peut être notre meilleur allié, mais dans certains cas il peut aussi devenir notre pire ennemi, comme cela arrive lorsqu’il vous donne un trou vert. Il est inévitable de penser au mal dans ces moments-là, au point de traverser une peur ou une panique incontrôlable à propos de ce qui peut arriver.
  • Confusion : A ce moment-là vous ne savez pas très bien ce qui vous arrive ou quoi faire, vous ne pouvez pas penser clairement, et tout devient confus. D’un point de vue normal, vous pouvez voir à quel point une situation est facile à contrôler, mais je vous assure qu’à ce moment-là, il n’est pas facile de contrôler vos pensées.
  • Paranoïa : Comme la panique, la paranoïa vient de la boucle psychologique que nous créons lorsque nous nous sentons mal et ne savons pas comment nous allons continuer. Il est difficile de contrôler cette sensation à ce moment-là, c’est comme un mauvais trip de champignons mais avec moins d’intensité.
  • Tremblements : L’un des symptômes physiques du blanc que l’on peut observer le plus rapidement sont les tremblements subis par la personne qui en souffre, qui dans de nombreux cas sont totalement incontrôlables.
  • Tachycardie : Au fur et à mesure que nous tombons malades, le cœur commence à pomper avec une plus grande intensité, au point d’avoir une tachycardie et de se sentir plus accéléré que normalement.
  • Nausées : La sensation d’inconfort augmente généralement si des mesures ne sont pas prises, il est donc normal que des nausées et même des maux de ventre apparaissent.
  • Vomissements : Dans de nombreux cas, la blancheur se termine par des vomissements inévitables, et il faut dire que même si c’est mauvais, cela peut être le meilleur moyen de mettre fin à l’inconfort causé par la consommation excessive de beuh: En muchos casos el blancazo acaba en vomitona inevitable, y hay que decir que aunque se pasa mal, puede ser la mejor forma de acabar con el malestar provocado por el exceso de consumo de yerba.

✨Pourquoi ressentons-nous un bad trip ?

Il peut y avoir plusieurs raisons, mais cela se produit généralement chez les personnes ayant une faible tolérance au THC , car ceux d’entre nous qui sont très habitués à consommer du cannabis ne souffrent généralement jamais de crise blanche. Mais il peut aussi arriver qu’un jour votre corps attrape mal et que vous remarquiez l’effet beaucoup plus puissant, car vous avez peu mangé, votre tension artérielle est un peu basse, ou vous en consommez trop en peu de temps.

L’ idée de fumer des joints se produit également lorsque nous changeons de variété, même lorsque nous passons d’une consommation puissante à une moins forte. La raison en est la tolérance dont nous avons parlé précédemment, car le corps s’habitue à un profil cannabinoïde et de terpènes spécifique et lorsque nous commençons à fumer une nouvelle génétique, nous pouvons le ressentir beaucoup plus qu’après plusieurs jours de consommation.

Mais les raisons les plus courantes pour lesquelles vous faites une blanchette, sont généralement le mélange de cannabis avec de l’alcool ou d’autres drogues , la consommation au soleil, la chaleur ou l’humidité, la fatigue ou le manque de sommeil . Le décor est également très important, c’est-à-dire l’environnement dans lequel vous vous trouvez, car si c’est un endroit connu où vous êtes à l’aise, ou que vous êtes avec des personnes de confiance, il est plus difficile que le malaise apparaisse.

Tous ces symptômes sont causés par l’ effet des cannabinoïdes dans notre corps, car lorsqu’ils pénètrent dans notre circulation sanguine et atteignent le système cardiovasculaire, ils provoquent une forte diminution de la pression artérielle , réduisant considérablement l’irrigation qui atteint notre cerveau.

➕ Que faire si vous subissez une blanchette ?

Si vous êtes seul et que vous remarquez que vous allez souffrir un bad trip ou un blanc, il est préférable d’arrêter de consommer immédiatement et de boire de l’eau et/ou quelque chose de sucré , car le sucre vous aidera à réduire l’excès de cannabis. Un jus, un chocolat, ou les typiques Munchies que nous mangeons lorsque la faim nous frappe après avoir fumé, peuvent être la solution qui améliore votre état à ce moment-là.

Si vous êtes avec un collègue et que vous remarquez qu´il va faire une blanchette, ne vous moquez pas de lui, car cela peut accentuer son malaise. La meilleure chose que vous puissiez faire est de l’aider à s’asseoir ou à s’allonger , et s’il ne vomit pas ou n’a pas la nausée, donnez-lui de l’eau ou quelque chose de sucré, comme si c’était pour vous. Si vous le voyez très chaud ou en sueur, il vaut mieux l’emmener dans un endroit frais, l’air de la rue peut l’aider à calmer son état, sinon, il vaut mieux rester à ses côtés, le laissant dans une position confortable jusqu’à ce tout passe.

En revanche, si le collègue a envie de vomir, l’idéal est de ne rien lui donner à manger, car cela peut le mettre mal à l’aise dans cette situation. Dans ce cas, il faut le coucher sur le côté pour l’empêcher de s’étouffer avec son propre vomi comme cela est arrivé à Jimmy Hendrix, et le laisser en observation un moment pour voir comment il évolue. Restez à ses côtés pour qu’il sache qu’il n’est pas seul, car il peut avoir besoin de vous à tout moment.

🚀 Comment éviter un bad trip ?

Le mieux est d’apprendre à se connaître, de savoir dans quelles situations peut la consommation de cannabis nous faire sentir mal et de les éviter. Comme je vous le disais au début de cet article, les personnes qui ont une forte tolérance au cannabis ne souffrent généralement pas de blancs, mais il vaut quand même mieux savoir comment l’éviter, prenez note:

  • Évitez la consommation à jeun : il y a des gens très stoners qui, la première chose qu’ils font en sortant du lit est de rouler un joint, le “wake and bake” que les “stoners” américains appellent. Cela peut être un peu dangereux, car fumer à jeun peut augmenter les effets du THC.
  • Ne fumez pas trop souvent : En Espagne, nous appelons cela “dog-face smoking”, et certaines personnes fument comme si c’était la dernière fois qu’elles le faisaient, ou comme si on allait leur prendre le joint. Lorsque vous fumez, il est facile de remarquer l’effet du cannabis, mais si vous le faites trop rapidement, vous pouvez en abuser sans vous en rendre compte.
  • Ne pas consommer en plein soleil ou dans des endroits très chauds : La chaleur provoque une baisse de la tension artérielle, qui ajoutée à l’effet du cannabis peut même vous faire perdre connaissance. Cela doit également être pris en compte lorsque nous faisons de l’exercice physique ou que notre température corporelle est supérieure à la normale.
  • Ne pas mélanger avec de l’alcool ou d’autres drogues : Il arrive très souvent que les gens combinent l’usage du cannabis avec celui d’autres drogues, et cela peut être très dangereux. En mélangeant des substances stimulantes avec d’autres dépresseurs du système nerveux central, nous avons tendance à consommer plus car l’une inhibe l’autre, et il est facile de s’effondrer.
  • Restez hydraté : Cela semble idiot, mais la déshydratation est l’une des principales raisons pour lesquelles vous pouvez faire une blanchette après avoir fumé des joints. Un bon moyen d’éviter le bad trip causé par la marijuana est de boire des jus ou des boissons gazeuses, car en même temps que vous vous hydratez, vous laissez des réserves de sucre.
  • Éviter de consommer dans des situations inconfortables : Il y a des moments où nous devons faire une activité qui génère de l’insécurité, et nous avons tendance à penser que si nous fumons nous les gérerons mieux ou plus sereinement. Parfois, cela peut fonctionner, mais bien d’autres fois, cela a l’effet inverse, car le high accentue notre insécurité

Infographie qui recrée la meilleure façon de consommer du cannabis et de ne pas souffrir de pâleurs ou de blancheurs*.


Parfois, le malaise est inévitable, mais la plupart du temps, il est causé par une consommation inappropriée de cannabis , soit par excès, soit en consommant à un moment, à un endroit ou avec la mauvaise compagnie. Le plus important est de se rappeler que dans le pire des cas, cela ne fera que causer un mauvais moment, mais cela passera , surtout si vous tenez compte de ce que vous avez lu dans ce post, qu’il serait bon de partager pour que cela n’arrive pas à vos amis.

🎯 Foire aux questions

Combien de temps dure un blanc .

Cette question est posée par de nombreuses personnes, et la vérité est qu’elle n’a pas de réponse spécifique, car chaque personne est affectée d’une manière différente. En règle générale, cela ne dure pas plus de 3 heures , et si vous le pouvez, la meilleure chose à faire est de vous allonger un moment et d’attendre que cela passe. Si vous souhaitez réduire ce temps ou vous débarrasser de la mauvaise sensation de malaise, l’idéal est de prendre du sucre comme nous l’avons vu précédemment, il est donc conseillé d’avoir les grignotines à proximité lorsque vous allez en consommer au cas où.

Comment se débarrasser de la fumette ?

Cette weed était si riche que vous en avez accidentellement abusé, et maintenant ? Dans ces cas, il n’est pas conseillé de prendre des anxiolytiques ou des tranquillisants , car la combinaison avec du cannabis peut causer un problème plus important. Il n’est pas non plus nécessaire d’aller à l’hôpital pour se faire laver l’estomac, rappelez-vous qu’une surdose de THC ne sera jamais grave comme ce serait le cas avec d’autres médicaments. Si vous n’avez pas l’estomac affecté, il est préférable de boire de l’eau, du jus ou des boissons gazeuses, de vous hydrater et d’ajouter du sucre à votre circulation sanguine, et de sortir pour vous donner de l’air frais afin que l’effet de la fumette passe le plus tôt possible. que possible.

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What Is a Bad Cannabis Trip (And How to Prevent It)

33 million people across the United States use weed on a regular basis to relax, chill out, and have a great time. Others reap the benefits of its medicinal purposes while some prefer to use it to enhance a new experience. Whatever you use it for, marijuana has been a crowd-pleaser for years – in fact, it dates all the way back to 500 BC !

But every now and then a user will experience a dreaded bad weed trip. This experience is far from relaxing and it certainly won’t chill you out. Whether you’re trying weed for the first time or have been using it for years, you aren’t immune to this experience.

Want to know more about how to recognize the signs of a bad weed trip and find out how to avoid one? Then you’re in the right place! Read on to find out everything you need to know about keeping your high a positive one.

What Happens When You Have a Bad Weed Trip? 

Having a bad marijuana trip can be an extremely stressful experience. It goes against the chilled out effects that most people associate with this drug. And this can really take you by surprise.

There are several different ways that a bad trip can affect someone.

Often it manifests itself in feelings of increased anxiety or paranoia. You may find yourself confused by your surroundings and suspicious of the people around you.

For example, if you’re in public you might start worrying that everyone around you  knows  that you’re high. In reality, even if they do, they probably won’t care. But while on a bad trip, you’ll struggle to shake this feeling.

A bad high can also manifest itself physically. You may experience numbness in your face and arms. Or you may find yourself sweating more than normal, short of breath, and pale in the face.

These kinds of symptoms can be very alarming but they don’t mean anything bad is happening inside you. It’s just another way that your anxiety shows itself.

So why can a perfectly normal weed session turn from fun and games to anything but?

What Causes a Bad Weed Trip?

A bad trip can happen to anyone and happens when you have a bad reaction to weed. But there are several factors that may increase your chances of suffering from one.

Feeling nervous or anxious before you take weed plays a big role. You don’t just have to feel anxious about taking weed, it could be about anything in your life. This means you’re already vulnerable to feelings of anxiety or paranoia.

But your physical health can play a part as well. If you’re dehydrated or sleep-deprived your body is not at its strongest. This means you may be more likely to experience a bad trip.

Where you take your weed can also have an effect. It can be really fun trying weed, say at your friend’s house, but if you do it somewhere you don’t feel comfortable this can leave you susceptible to having a bad trip.

If your environment is overstimulating this can also bombard your weed-brain and lead to a downward spiral.

Finally, the type of cannabis you use can have a big impact on the type of trip you have. You can experience a bad trip on any type of marijuana strain, but things like edibles can create a more potent high. And this also means they may create a more potent bad high.

What Can You Do to Avoid a Bad High?

Bad highs often feel like they come from nowhere, but there are a few things you can do to prep yourself that might help you avoid them. 

One of the most important things to do, whenever you take in weed, is to ensure that you feel comfortable. This means only enjoying your weed in places that you feel comfortable and being around people that make you feel comfortable. It might even be wise to arrange a safe space to go to if your high goes south.

You should also make sure that you eat properly and stay hydrated when you’re high. This might not seem like the most important thing, but it will keep your blood sugar up and ensure you have a great time throughout your high.

Knowing your limits is also absolutely key when consuming weed. If you’re trying something for the first time don’t go overboard. There’s nothing worse than feeling too high to function and this can send people spiraling fast.

What Should You Do During a Bad High?

As we’ve already mentioned, sometimes it’s hard to control when a bad high can happen, but there are things that you can do during one to help yourself ride it out.

Firstly, remove yourself from a situation. Take yourself to a quiet place where you feel comfortable and remove any unnecessary stimulation. It might be tempting to watch TV or listen to music, but in some cases, this can actually make a bad high worse. Taking it slow and resting is your best bet.

Get yourself something sugary to bring your blood sugar level up. Soda, candy bars, or some cookies will all do the trick here.

Water, drink lots of water!

As your high starts to pass, try taking yourself outside for some air to help clear your head. You may want to take a friend with you to make sure you feel secure on your wander.

It’s important to try and remember that a bad high will pass. Keep repeating this to yourself and you’ll get through just fine.

Don’t Let a Bad High Put You Off a Good Time!

Experiencing a bad weed trip can be a daunting experience but it can happen to the best of us so don’t let it put you off from enjoying your weed. For more help making the most of your cannabis experience in Las Vegas , check out our tips for new ReLeaf visitors . Here’s all the info you need to enjoy recreational weed in Las Vegas, stress-free.

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  • 2244 Paradise Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89104
  • (702) 209-2400
  • Monday - Sunday: 8AM - 12AM

Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age and older. Paradise Wellness Center LLC RD138 | D138

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 This site is intended for adults who are of the legal age to purchase cannabis in their jurisdiction. By entering this site, you confirm that you are at least 21 years old (or of legal age in your jurisdiction), and agree to our website’s terms and conditions. If you are not of legal age, please do not enter this site.

What is a cannabis 'bad trip', how to avoid it and how to get out of it

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Cannabis is often associated with the pleasant “high” that it can provide, most often with a feeling of relaxation, good mood or the urge to laugh for nothing. However, there are times when the experience is far from pleasant. So what do you do if things go wrong? To answer that question, we'll explain the different forms of consumption, what symptoms characterize an unpleasant experience, how to prevent it and how to end a 'bad trip' of cannabis. 

With the presence of Cannareporter in the Boom Festival , an event where the reduction of harm related to substance consumption plays a crucial role, through the drug-checking service of the Kosmicare , it is pertinent to alert our readers, especially the younger ones, to the adverse effects that can result from the use of cannabis.

All cannabis lovers have experienced, at least once in their lives, a trip nasty cannabis. The paranoia is at its worst and you want so badly to get out of trip , but it won't stop for the next few hours. You're basically in your worst nightmare and you can't get out of it.   For an inexperienced user, such an event can be traumatizing. And at worst, it can lead to the wrong impression of what the cannabis experience can be like, or even a complete aversion to it.  

But it doesn't have to be that way. the bad ones trips of cannabis are both preventable and treatable. In this article, we intend to equip you with the knowledge to mitigate the situation in the best possible way and deal with it effectively, in case something bad happens to you. trip of cannabis.  

What can cause a bad trip of cannabis?

A negative experience with cannabis can be the result of many factors. To give you an idea of ​​how different types of consumption methods, as well as the environment itself, can affect your cannabis consumption experience, let's go deeper into the subject.  

Use of edibles

Everyone undoubtedly knows the legendary rapper Snoop Dogg, who after Cheech and Chong is possibly the biggest name in cannabis when it comes to famous personalities. Well then, for someone who claims to consume around 81 blunts a day, the famous rapper tries to avoid the consumption of edibles , because according to him “the edibles don't have any off button". If you basically spend most of your day smoking cannabis, this might be something to consider.  

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Many cannabis users, both newbies and those with more experience, end up committing, with some frequency, a very basic mistake: ingesting  too much in a short period of time, instead of waiting long enough for the effects of the edible start to make themselves felt. We recommend that we all never be too zealous when it comes to edibles , especially if they are “newbies” in this type of consumption. From our own experience, we have seen too many cases where the consumption of edibles ended up in a less pleasant experience. Thus, we recommend starting small and waiting at least two to three hours before eating more.

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So that you have more or less an idea, the amount of THC present in a single dab , that is, simply one inhalation, will be more or less the equivalent of consuming a whole joint, in a shroud like king size , all at once, without any interruption.  

For those who have never tried one dab , or even for those who have already tried it, get ready, because your endocannabinoid system will be heavily flooded with THC, which, in turn, can cause slightly more unpleasant sensations, even for the most experienced smokers. Here, too, the dosage plays a big role.  

Varieties with high levels of THC

Ask any old-school cannabis user about potency and they'll tell you that today's cannabis is much stronger than it used to be, which is completely true. In the 70s, 80s and even in the 90s, THC levels did not exceed 10% to 15%, or, at the highest of the maximums, the 20% already in the 90s. Nowadays, there are varieties that can reach 25% to 30% of THC. These are the ones that can incapacitate a less experienced user in an instant.  

Although, obviously, THC is not the only substance that defines the “high” in cannabis consumption, it turns out to be the most significant; therefore, higher levels of the substance are more likely to cause an unpleasant experience.  

Mental State

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Social context

Similar to mental state, social context also plays a role in the outcome of your cannabis experience. If you're with a group of close friends you trust, with good music and good vibes all around, you're likely to have a good experience.   Likewise, being in a chaotic environment, with people you don't know, can trigger uncomfortable emotions. Some people feel much more anxious when this happens, while others lose their grip on reality. And that can be a scary situation.  

What are the symptoms of a bad trip of cannabis?

Although we've already described some of the effects more lightly, let's now look at the various symptoms and sensations that one can experience during a bad trip of cannabis. In addition to the typical dry mouth or some spatial and temporal dissociation, which may even be frequent, other more exacerbated symptoms may appear in some cases and in some people. 

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Cannabis use can sometimes make people think too much. The mind and body reach higher levels of anxiety, while trying to understand whether or not the person next to you, in a public place, noticed your altered state. This can lead to the next symptom, panic, which makes the whole experience even more distressing.  

Panic attacks  

Panic attacks are indeed a frightening experience. They can cause irregular breathing, which results in shortness of breath, high anxiety, rapid heartbeat and even fainting. All of this occurs while stressful or intrusive scenarios replay over and over in your head. Cannabis can both increase and cause these symptoms in some people.  

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Although cannabis-related hallucinations are rare and have nothing to do with those experienced with psychedelic substance use, they can occur – especially with edibles . Often, those who try high doses of THC the first few times may experience what they consider to be auditory and/or visual hallucinations. This can be something that less savvy consumers in particular can be quite alarmed about.  

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Anyone who has had a bad cannabis trip is familiar with the dizzying spell it initiates. It seems the world around you is spinning faster. Imagine being on a roller coaster nightmare. Many dizzy spells happen to novice smokers, who have already ingested much more than they should. But even in the most experienced consumers, this can also happen as a result of taking a dab or even a bongada bigger than you can handle.

Physical malaise and vomiting

Dizziness is one of a number of potentially distressing physical sensations during a bad weed trip, but you can also sweat profusely, experience stomach discomfort, vomit or have a rapid heart rate. Some people also experience episodes of tremors and numbness.  

How to recover/overcome a bad trip of cannabis?

How long can these bad experiences last? This is something that can vary greatly from person to person. If consumption has been done through the more traditional method, smoking, or even vaping, these sensations can last between 1 and 2 hours, but if it has been through the consumption of edibles , or ingested, these effects may last up to 8 hours or even longer, depending on the dose. That said, these unpleasant symptoms, as a rule, decrease in intensity over time, and may even disappear completely even before the "high" ends.

The good thing about a bad cannabis experience is that it's not exactly life-threatening, at least as far as the possibility of a fatal overdose is concerned. Often, it's about remembering that you're under the influence of a psychotropic substance and simply doing your best to relax and let it go. However, as many people may not yet know, here are some useful tips in case you find yourself in a less pleasant situation when using cannabis.  

Breathe and try to calm down

While this is easier said than done, the key here is to shift your attention to something that is more calming, or at least distracting from the situation you find yourself in. A good way to do this is to change where you are. If possible, take a short walk outside or find a quiet, relaxing place to sit for a while. You'll be surprised what a simple change of location can do for your condition in the event of a bad trip of cannabis.  

Stay hydrated

Not only can drinking water help alleviate the dry mouth feeling that cannabis tends to cause, but it will also make the “high” less catastrophic. Mixing alcohol is also a very bad idea, as it will only aggravate the symptoms. When in doubt, moisturize!  

Breathe calmly and deeply

People who go through episodes of paranoia often forget to breathe properly, which is what often leads them down the dark path of invasive or anxious thoughts, which end up turning into a panic attack.  

If you feel that cannabis is making you panic, immediately try to regulate your breathing. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly until you feel calmer. It may take some practice and persistence to develop this habit, but once you do, you'll be able to cut through the cannabis-induced panic before it takes over your entire body in earnest.  

bad trip weed que faire

Listen to music you like  

A good song can do a lot for your current mood. And listening to music you don't like can bring out the worst feelings. If you think you're about to get into trouble trip , try to put on some of your favorite songs that make you more comfortable, in a good mood and calm. Watching a movie or a comic series is also an excellent option. 

Eat something sweet

Eating something sweet, be it cakes, sweets or fruit, will raise blood sugar and divert your senses, especially if it is one of your favorite delicacies and delicacies, it is possible to turn an unpleasant situation around and feel good again. There are also those who say that chocolate or lemon help to reduce the 'high'. 

How to avoid a bad trip of cannabis?

As they say, prevention is better than cure, and with that in mind, here are some ways to avoid a bad cannabis experience.  

Consume small doses

One of the first pieces of advice you'll hear when trying cannabis, or even any other type of drug, for the first time, and regardless of the method of consumption chosen, is the old “start low and go slow”. O i.e. start slow and take it easy. Because just like eating a meal, we must eat slowly and not eat too much or too quickly, or you will quickly feel full.  

If you want to avoid a bad experience in cannabis consumption, you should follow the same ideology and send one breath at a time, in case consumption is done in the more traditional methods of smoking and/or vaping. With regard to edible, for example, start with smaller portions and wait at least two to three hours before repeating the dose, as the effects are only felt after digestion has taken place.  

Avoid using cannabis if you feel low

As we mentioned before, your pre-consumption mental and emotional state will affect the outcome of your experience. As such, avoid consuming if you are feeling low, irritable, or just not well in general. Don't waste your stock on a bad experience. After all, cannabis consumption is mostly about generating good experiences and moments and not the other way around. Therefore, consuming to run the risk of feeling worse is not advisable.  

Put yourself in a good environment  

When we talk about a good environment, we mean a comfortable place, with friends you trust, good music and a vibe fun and relaxing. Avoid places that prevent you from truly relaxing and making the most of the whole experience.  

Surround yourself with people you trust and enjoy being with.

bad trip weed que faire

With reference to the previous point, it pays to be among people you trust and with whom you feel comfortable. Whether it's your family or friends, make sure you have the right people with you.  

When you lack sleep, you feel more grumpy and unable to function properly. And if you also smoke while in this state, you may have a less pleasant experience. So make sure you've had your good dose of rest, especially before a cannabis session with friends.  

In the end, everything will be fine...

Whatever the reason and reason that led you to have a bad experience with cannabis, you can rest assured: in the end everything will return to normal! It is necessary to take into account that living a bad trip of cannabis does not mean that it will become something recurrent every time cannabis is consumed, not least because, as we explained in this article, there are several factors inherent to which this can happen. Even the most savvy consumers are bound to have a less than positive experience.  

However, if you want to minimize the risk of having a bad trip with cannabis, you can always consider these suggestions as ways to prevent this from happening. And, of course, for you to maintain a good, healthy and positive relationship with this plant.  


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João Xabregas

  • João Xabregas https://cannareporter.eu/author/joaoxabregas/ Canada: Study shows that using cannabis reduces methamphetamine consumption
  • João Xabregas https://cannareporter.eu/author/joaoxabregas/ Study reveals that legalization of cannabis does not increase consumption of other substances
  • João Xabregas https://cannareporter.eu/author/joaoxabregas/ Cannabinoids reveal promising results in the treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder
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Experiencing a Bad Trip? Try These 10 Remedies

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The vast majority of marijuana users enjoy their high. For many, it is a period of introspection. For others, it is a time when they can release their stress and have fun times with friends. However, there are occasions where the experience is unpleasant or even unsettling.

Regular users will likely experience at least one bad trip in their lives. If it happens to you, don’t panic. We offer ten ways to help you deal with it.

What is a ‘Bad’ High?

It is best described as a negative reaction to using marijuana. The drug heightens your thoughts and feelings. If you’re already in a good place, being high can often be a delightful experience. You could feel more energized, creative, and happy.

However, if you’re feeling anxious, nervous, or paranoid, marijuana can exacerbate it. According to Doctor Lester Grinspoon, a bad high  is effectively a form of a panic attack or anxiety.

It can happen for a variety of reasons. You could have a bad reaction to the cannabis because it is of poor quality, or else you’re not used to consuming it. There is also a chance that the setting is all wrong. For instance, you smoke a joint and remember that you have an exam the next day that you’re unprepared for. All of a sudden, anxiety and stress rear their ugly head.

This is why people on a bad trip have symptoms like an increased heart rate and shortness of breath.

How Do I Know I’m Having a Bad Weed Trip?

If you don’t already know, you’ve probably never had one. There are numerous possible symptoms, including:

  • Shortness of breath.
  • Excessive sweating.
  • The room feels like it is spinning.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • A sudden inexplicable feeling of fear, anxiety, or paranoia.
  • Burning eyes.
  • Extreme dry mouth.
  • Lack of mobility, energy, and enthusiasm.
  • Trembling or shaking.
  • Elevated heart rate.

The best way to avoid a bad marijuana trip  is to be sensible with the potency and dosage. If you are a novice, try a tiny amount to see how it affects you. If you are an experienced user, don’t suddenly decide to overdo it one night.

How to Avoid a Bad High

Regardless of the symptoms, know that you WILL get through this bad cannabis experience. Please think about this even when you feel anxious and have a racing heart. The following tips on avoiding a bad  high  could help you reduce the symptoms of a bad trip. If one of these doesn’t work, you have the option to try a different tip. What works for one person won’t necessarily work for another.

1 – Eat Some Food & Hydrate

Ideally, you will drink plenty of water before you use cannabis. Also, using marijuana on an empty stomach can lead to problems. If you feel nauseous, you may not want to eat something, but it is often the first step towards feeling better. After drinking one or two glasses of water, see if you can stomach a light snack.

Many cannabis users claim that foods high in carbohydrates and fat help take the edge off their high. However, such stories are anecdotal with little scientific evidence.

2 – Take B Vitamins and Calcium

The eight B vitamins all help convert food into energy in the human body. For example, Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, breaks down drugs and fats. In theory, a large dose of B vitamins could help get the cannabis effect out of your system. Calcium could also potentially counteract


THC’s effects in the blood. However, once again, there is little scientific research to back up such claims.

3 – Drink Natural Juices

Fruit juice provides you with a combination of sugar and liquid. If nothing else, it will provide hydration and help with any dryness in the mouth. You also have the option of eating fruits such as lemons, limes, strawberries, and watermelons. Lemons, in particular, could prove very useful as they contain compounds such as the terpene, limonene.


There is a belief that limonene has a calming effect on the body. It could also reduce some of the intoxicating effects of THC.

4 – Have a Cold Shower

Once you have adequately hydrated yourself, the next step is to have a cold shower. The cold water could help reduce your rapid heart rate. It could also decrease your body temperature, preserve oxygen, and conserve energy.

5 – Use CBD Strains Instead

When all else fails, fall back on the other well-known cannabinoid in marijuana, cannabidiol. Better known as CBD, cannabidiol doesn’t cause an intoxicating high and could counteract the effects of the THC in your weed. An increasing level of research suggests that CBD could have anti-anxiety effects. Therefore, it may do the trick as you try to get through your bad experience.


There are strains such as Charlotte’s Web, known for having a very high CBD content with minimal THC. If in doubt, only use CBD  that comes from the industrial hemp plant. Legally, hemp must contain less than 0.3% THC. Ideally, you will use a vaporizer because it will provide you with the fastest effects.

6 – Try Black Pepper

Remember, symptoms of a bad trip could result in anxiety and paranoia. There is a suggestion that eating or sniffing a little black pepper could help combat these issues. If you elect to sniff the pepper, DO NOT inhale it! You WILL be sorry if you do. Another option is to chew on a couple of peppercorns.

In this case, there is a little science involved. A  study  published in the British Journal of Pharmacology in 2011 discovered something interesting. The researchers found that caryophyllene is a strong selective antagonist of the CB2 receptors in the endocannabinoid system. It potentially enhances THC’s sedating effects and could calm you down. Pepper is high in caryophyllene.

7 – Listen to Some Nice, Calming Music

It is essential that you don’t panic during a bad trip, or else you’ll make things even worse! Although it will seem difficult, you need to relax. Find a quiet place to lie down and calm your body and mind.

Breathing exercises are useful, as is the process of listening to calm music. Ideally, you’ll pick songs that you know the words to so you can sing along and keep your mind focused. You may find yourself getting drowsy and potentially falling asleep.

8 – Go for a Walk

You may not feel like it, but going for a walk could be just the ticket towards helping you feel better. The fresh air could do wonders for clearing your head. Meanwhile, the physical activity will get the blood pumping and speed up the body’s metabolization of THC. Make sure you remain within your neighborhood to avoid getting lost! Also, if you have hallucinations, it is best to remain indoors.

9 – Cuddle a Pet

If you have a pet, now is the time to cuddle it. There are well-known health benefits associated with owning a pet. Spending a few minutes with your furry friend could help reduce your blood pressure and lower your heart rate. The process may also help you relax and feel better. If you don’t have a pet, go online and find some funny pet videos. We’re serious here!

10 – Talk to a Friend

Spending time in the company of a good friend can also help the time pass quicker. As is the case with #9, you might feel more chilled out. You also have someone on hand in case the bad trip takes a frightening turn.

If nothing else, try to find some way to distract yourself while the high lasts. This could involve playing video games or watching comedies on TV.

How Long Does a Bad High Last?

A lot depends on the methods of consumption. If you smoked the cannabis, your high might only last 2-3 hours. If you used an edible , it could last for up to eight hours, depending on how much you used. You might also feel some lingering effects for a few more hours. However, the worst of it is over by then.

Final Thoughts on Counteracting a Bad Marijuana Trip

One thing to remember when you have a bad trip on cannabis is that you can’t overdose. Make sure you hydrate and try to stomach some food if nothing else. Then you can consider trying one or more of the above tips to help take the edge off the high. Next time, use less cannabis or perhaps try a strain with a lower level of THC or a higher amount of CBD.

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Leaf Nation

Can You Trip on Weed?


Written by Fraser Horton


Medically Reviewed by Jason Crawford

Article Last Updated on December 25, 2022

While there haven’t been cases of cannabis overdoses, a lot of people have ended up in an emergency room as a result of increased cannabis use or combining weed with other drugs. Consuming higher doses of weed may also produce side effects such as the munchies, dry mouth, dry eyes, increased heart rate, effects on your mental health (triggering paranoia or schizophrenia in people who have a predisposition for it), and increased blood pressure – which is why first time users should take lower amounts.

This is why some users, besides having questions like how many hits does it take to get high and how to get the most out of your weed , also wonder whether smoking weed can get you tripping – which is the focus of this particular article.

So let’s get down to answering the question of how cannabis use can affect you, and whether it can make you trip.

The 411 on Bad Trips

As we’ve previously stated, consuming cannabis can cause a wide array of effects because of the presence of cannabinoids like tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). It can cause users to feel ecstatic and euphoric, but also relaxed and calm. However, smoking weed combined with other substances, going overboard with the edibles, or consuming more than you can tolerate can make you uncomfortable, anxious, and paranoid. But can it give you the effects of an acid trip?

Tripping is connected to the effects people get from consuming hallucinogens. They’re psychoactive drugs which change our perception and affect our senses. The most common ones include magic mushrooms, LSD, ecstasy, and other hallucinogens. 

When users come down from consuming psychedelics, they can experience a lot of different effects on their mental and spiritual well-being, especially when mixing weed with mushrooms, LSD, or MDMA.

Weed on its own can have hallucinogenic effects when consumed in high doses. However, pairing it with a psychedelic experience like an acid trip may affect your brain chemistry up to a point where you wouldn’t like the after-effects, so let’s figure out why people do this.

The Effects of Psychedelics

Tripping can be a positive or a negative experience, depending on the user. Some people have an insightful and relaxed experience while consuming psychedelics, while others can feel stressed out or anxious. It all depends on:

  • The level of preparation;
  • Your previous experience with hallucinogens;
  • Your current mood and environment;
  • Your mental and physical condition.

This is all true for people who have consumed psychedelics, but can you trip as a result of smoking weed?

Can You Trip on Cannabis?

Cannabis can amplify all our internal feelings, thoughts, and emotions. Therefore, people who are in a bad mental place can feel even worse after consuming weed. You can easily end up feeling anxious, paranoid, or nervous, especially if you’ve been feeling stressed out prior to smoking weed.

Does Cannabis Affect Us Similar to Psychedelics?

Even though a lot of people assume that weed acts as a psychedelic, the truth is that it acts in a different way compared to psychedelics such as DMT, LSD, psilocybin, and mescaline. 

Psychedelics induce intense and long-lasting visions as well as distorted perceptions by interfering with the serotonin in the brain. 

Smoking weed, on the other hand, produces a high by affecting the endocannabinoid system. THC and CBD bind to the CB1 and CB2 endocannabinoid receptors in the brain and mainly THC produces its psychoactive effects which are different from the effects that you get from consuming mushrooms. However, some people believe that consuming edibles is similar to having a psychedelic experience, but weed doesn’t act in the same way as true psychedelics.

Can You Have a Bad Trip on Cannabis?

There are a lot of factors that can result in you having a bad trip or a bad reaction to cannabis, and we’ll go over the most common ones below:

  • High potency strains in high doses (too much THC in your system is the fastest road to a bad trip, so if you’ve bought a strain with high THC levels from your local dispensary, make sure you start with a low dose).
  • Consuming edibles as a first-time user (edibles can be an overwhelming experience even for seasoned cannabis users, but especially for beginners, so if you’re a beginner, maybe start with smoking or vaping).
  • Dabbing (similar to consuming edibles, dabbing gives your body highly concentrated levels of THC, so make sure you don’t overdo it).
  • Your current state of mind (weed works by intensifying all our feelings and emotions, so if you’re feeling down, cannabis may worsen those feelings).

What Can You Expect From a Bad Cannabis Trip?

While there aren’t any records on cannabis overdoses, users have experienced some of the following symptoms while having a bad trip:

  • Hallucinations;
  • Anxiety or paranoia;
  • Physical sensations, including sweating, increased heart rate, stomach discomfort, numbness, and others.

On the other hand, some users who have a predisposition for mental health conditions such as psychosis or schizophrenia can trigger these conditions as a result of marijuana use.

Finally, whatever effects you may be feeling, you need to remember that they aren’t permanent. If you’ve been smoking weed, you can expect the effects to wear off after 1-2 hours, while metabolizing cannabis and ending the high from edibles can take between 6-8 hours. 

How To Prevent a Bad Cannabis Trip?

The most common reasons why people experience bad trips from weed are often a result of a bad mental state or consuming too much weed. To prevent this you can:

  • Only smoke weed when you’re in a good state of mind which will reduce the chances of having a bad experience.
  • Choose your surroundings well by smoking where you feel relaxed in order to promote good vibes when you get high.
  • Always start with a low dose and slowly increase over time if you haven’t felt any effects after a while.

Final Thoughts and Stopping a Bad Cannabis Trip

While experienced users know more about their tolerance levels compared to beginners, they too can end up on a bad cannabis trip. If you’ve consumed too much weed either as a newbie or as a seasoned marijuana user and you’re having a bad trip, you can:

  • Reassure yourself that the effects will end soon, so you have nothing to worry about;
  • Try doing some breathing techniques to calm yourself down;
  • Go out for a walk and breathe some fresh air which will clear your head and speed up the metabolization of THC;
  • Consume some CBD to take the edge off the high;
  • Drink herbal tea like rosemary or lemon balm to calm your body.

And remember, you have nothing to fear since a bad trip is just a lesson on how you should smoke (and how much weed as you can tolerate) next time.

bad trip weed que faire

A passionate advocate for the benefits of cannabis. Fraser Horton, who has a background in botany and a strong love of nature, has spent years researching how cannabis affects the body and mind. He established Leaf Nation in 2020, where he has devoted himself to educating people about the legalisation of marijuana and its safe and responsible use. Fraser is committed to highlighting cannabis’ potential for improving wellness and working to dispel the stigma associated with its use.

The information presented on this page is provided as a public service to aid in education and is derived from sources believed to be reliable. Readers are responsible for making their own assessment of the topics discussed here. In no event shall Leaf Nation be held reliable for any injury, loss or damage that could happen if using or abusing drugs.

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The information presented on this site is provided as a public service to aid in education and is derived from sources believed to be reliable. Readers are responsible for making their own assessment of the topics discussed here. In no event shall Leaf Nation be held reliable for any injury, loss or damage that could happen if using or abusing drugs.

More than a bad trip: Experts warn about the risk of cannabis-induced psychosis

Er visits in ontario for cannabis-related psychosis rose 220% from 2014-21: study.

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When Kalpit Sharma started smoking cannabis, he thought it was just part of "living his life" as a university student. After all, he had been told that the drug was relatively harmless.

That all changed in the summer of 2021, when he started hearing voices in his head.

"I would bike around, and the chain of the bike, it came off. And I thought that I could speak to birds, and birds were telling me how to put the chain back on," said Sharma, who was studying at York University in Toronto at the time.

Those voices are known as auditory hallucinations — a hallmark of psychosis. When they became more frequent and insistent, he went to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health for an assessment.

Sharma was shocked when he was told that he had been exhibiting signs of psychosis — and eventually he was diagnosed with schizophrenia.

"The ground slipped beneath my feet," he told White Coat, Black Art host Dr. Brian Goldman. "I'm going to be looked at differently. I'm going to be separated from society. I'm not going to be my parents' Kalpit ever again."

  • 5 years of legal cannabis: fewer charges, many hospitalizations and more than a few questions

Sharma, who is now 23, said that after consulting with physicians, he believes his heavy smoking of high-THC cannabis contributed to his psychosis and schizophrenia. Now he urges consumers to educate themselves as increasingly potent cannabis products become commercially available in Canada.

Researchers are also sounding the alarm that, while casual cannabis use isn't harmful for most people, possible connections are being found between using cannabis products with high-potency THC (tetrahydrocannabinol, the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis) and harmful health effects, particularly among young men.

"I think that people remain unaware of this connection between cannabis use and potential risk of chronic psychotic disorders," said Dr. Daniel Myran, a researcher with the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute and a family physician.

Portrait photo of an adult caucasian male wearing a grey suit jacket and white shirt with slightly open collar.

According to Health Canada's 2023 Cannabis Survey , 21 per cent of 16-to-19-year-olds who use cannabis use it daily or almost daily. In the 20-to-24-year-old group, that number goes up to 23 per cent.

In 2023, Myran co-authored two studies looking into the connection between cannabis and psychosis . They found a 220 per cent increase in emergency room visits in Ontario for cannabis-induced psychosis between 2014 and 2021 — with the number rising from about 400 people to about 1,400 over that seven-year period.

  • The razzle-dazzle days of Canada's cannabis industry are over as pot industry faces downturn

"For men aged 14 to 24, the risk of developing schizophrenia rises to over 40 per cent within three years" of showing up in an ER for cannabis-induced psychosis, he said.

Myran was also lead author of a separate study released in early February that found 27.5 per cent of people who visited an emergency room for cannabis use developed an anxiety disorder for the first time within three years.

Not your grandfather's weed

Starting in 2020, Sharma's cannabis consumption "skyrocketed" — when he and everyone else were inside because of pandemic lockdowns. But it was also shortly after more, and stronger, products became available in Ontario's cannabis shops.

"I was doing, let's say, half of a joint in 2018. That bumped up to, like, three or four joints in a day in 2020, 2021," he said.

In 2018, the same year the sale of cannabis became legal in Canada, licensed cannabis stores in Ontario could sell only dried flower, cannabis seeds and some oils, Myran said. In 2020, the number of stores allowed to open expanded, and newer products like gummies — some with much higher THC content — hit store shelves.

A hand handing a marijuana joint to another hand.

"The cannabis industry calls it cannabis 2.0. What these products are is just increasingly processed cannabis," Myran said.

Even without getting into edibles, nearly all cannabis today is much stronger than it was even a decade ago.

"It's been around for centuries. True enough. But the product that we're using today that's available to our youth and young adults into the population today is completely different than even what it was 10, 15 years ago," said Dr. Philip Tibbo, a professor and director of research in the department of psychiatry at Dalhousie University in Halifax.

bad trip weed que faire

Naturally occurring cannabis plants contain one to two per cent THC; genetically modified plants are cultivated to boost the percentage. From the 1960s to the '80s, you might encounter cannabis with anywhere from one to five per cent THC.

Today, the amount in plants is much higher, and commercially available processed products can contain 20 per cent THC or more.

Those higher-THC products enticed Sharma as he smoked more products to chase higher highs. He was also drawn to products with humorous names, like a strain called Black Widow, since it reminded him of the Marvel character.

  • The pros, cons and unknowns of legal cannabis in Canada 3 years later

After his diagnosis, Sharma initially tried cognitive behavioural therapy, but he declined an anti-psychotic medication, Abilify, recommended by doctors out of fear of the stigma.

Soon after he had his worst psychotic episode, at a family wedding in India.

"I didn't follow through with it, but I was close to self-harm," he said.

bad trip weed que faire

Cannabis use and hospitalizations up 5 years after legalization, researchers say

When cannabis was first legalized, some labels on packages included warnings that regular use "can increase the risk of psychosis and schizophrenia." They were phased out in April 2019.

Health Canada told CBC News that the labels were changed to "refresh messaging to make it more reflective of population-level guidance," and included consultations with scientific experts and the public.

Health Canada does have warnings  online to "avoid cannabis completely" if you're at risk of psychosis or schizophrenia.

Ottawa researcher Myran said it was a mistake to do so and that those warnings should be put back. "I think Canadians have a right to know about this association, about this link," he said.

What to know about high-THC cannabis

Today, Sharma is working on managing his psychosis with therapy, medication — and laughter, when he performs onstage as a standup comedian.

"I was confused what to do with my life. So people told me to listen to my inner voice. And now I have schizophrenia," he begins his routine.

He's also working as a strategic adviser for the Cannabis and Psychosis Project, an online resource created by the Schizophrenia Society of Canada.

Two packages of cannabis-infused gummies are seen in front of six individual yellow and green gummies.

Sharma said he hopes his story can encourage people to take the time to research cannabis instead of lighting up and possibly putting themselves at risk — and to always start with something with a low amount of THC.

Like any other product, Dalhousie University's Tibbo said, it's always better to be an informed consumer.

He said it's important to understand that today's cannabis products are often stronger and act differently than a joint passed around in a basement in the '70s.

  • Cannabis use sending more pregnant Canadians to hospital, new study finds

Edibles take longer to kick in, for example. So if people want an immediate high, they risk eating too many too fast and getting hit harder.

If you're the parent of a youth who's thinking of trying cannabis for the first time, it's also important to know how to broach the topic, Tibbo said.

"Although difficult for parents, sometimes, [you should] be able to know how to ask those questions in kind of a non-judgmental way that will allow you to have a conversation with your child — versus that child, you know, kind of putting up the wall and not having that conversation."

Interviews produced by Jennifer Warren and Sameer Chhabra

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How To Avoid & Prevent A Bad Cannabis Trip

How To Avoid & Prevent A Bad Cannabis Trip

How do you get a bad trip in the first place, what does it feel like to have a bad trip, how to prevent a bad cannabis trip, how long does it last, how can you cut a bad cannabis trip short.

It’s the weekend, and you and your buddies decide to stay in at yours to binge-watch on conspiracy theory documentaries. As they all sprawled across the couch, one unearths out a tray full of brownies with a lazy grin on their face.

One brownie and 40 minutes in ‘The Family: It’s Not About Faith, It’s About Power’ on Netflix, you start to grow impatient that nothing has kicked off yet and so you consume another brownie.

Then, out of nowhere, the whole room is spinning, and you are struggling to contain this horrible dreaded feeling spreading across your chest. This carries on so intensely that you find yourself convincing one of your mates to call the ambulance as you have a heart attack.

Does this sound familiar to you? This means that you have experienced a lousy cannabis trip that can be incredibly uncomfortable and sometimes even traumatising to individuals.

In this article, we will explain how to prevent a bad trip when you are having one, and what you should do to prevent them from happening again.

Table of Contents.

  • You smoked too many hits in a short amount of time
  • You consumed cannabis concentrate for the first time
  • You ate an edible and were too impatient to feel its effects, so you ate another
  • You miscalculated the dose making homemade edibles
  • You consumed cannabis from a third-party not knowing how much amount of THC is in it
  • You weren’t in the right headspace/environment to be in
  • Shortness of breath
  • Irregular heart beat levels
  • Claustrophobia (the feeling of being trapped in your body)
  • Extreme, sudden feelings of dread

In other cases, some many experience

  • Cold sweats and clamminess
  • Shaky limbs and hands

Picture of bad cannabis trip

The best way to avoid a lousy cannabis trip is to understand and check the THC potency and dosage you are consuming. If you are making edibles, check out this Edibles Dosage Calculator.

If you’re vaping/ smoking, don’t feel obliged to repeatedly take a hit when it’s your turn or smoking the whole joint in one go. Have a breather and wait for at least 20 minutes before having your next puff.

Wait at least for an hour and half after you consumed your last edible.

It depends on the person and how much cannabis has been consumed. Some last for an hour, while some experience it for half a day.

Picture of bad cannabis trip

Be in a positive and calm environment . This can be in your room where you are comfortable, your best friend’s house, or curl up next to your dog on the couch. This will help as you’ll be less likely to freak out in a familiar setting.

Buddy up ! Be with a friend/partner (best case scenario would be a sober one) you trust. They’re the best anchor to bring you back to reality and calm the paranoia you feel.

If you are in a crowded party, try to calm yourself by leaving the area . The best thing to do is focus on being as calm as possible, which means not listening to music or surrounding yourself with noisy people.

Hydrate your body to reduce the high . You are probably experiencing severe cottonmouth (dryness of the mouth) without even realising it. Drink fruit juice or a sugary drink, splash some water on your face or use eye drops.

Take a step outside to breathe in the fresh air . The wind slapping in your face may help you jolt your senses together and feel slightly sober. Bonus points if you can feel the sunshine on a warm day!

Watch cute/wholesome videos on Youtube to cheer yourself up . Take your mind off of the fact that you are experiencing an abnormal amount of anxiety and fear. As long as you distract yourself with a friend watching goofy videos, the bad trip will quickly pass.

Sleep it off . Forget this bad trip even happened in the first place! If the dizziness wears off, you will find yourself relaxed on your bed to drift off to the next day.

Author's Bio Image Constance Williams

Constance Williams

Constance is a medical journalist that critically analyses and reports on how Australia can benefit from the cannabis industry in the future.

Disclaimer: Cannabis Place are not doctors and we recommend consulting health professionals for accurate information. This site may contain information regarding drugs. This medicinal cannabis content is designed for an 18+ audience. Click here for our full disclaimer

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    Si vous êtes seul et que vous remarquez que vous allez souffrir un bad trip ou un blanc, il est préférable d'arrêter de consommer immédiatement et de boire de l'eau et/ou quelque chose de sucré, car le sucre vous aidera à réduire l'excès de cannabis. Un jus, un chocolat, ou les typiques Munchies que nous mangeons lorsque la faim ...

  11. What Is a Bad Cannabis Trip (And How to Prevent It)

    33 million people across the United States use weed on a regular basis to relax, chill out, and have a great time. Others reap the benefits of its medicinal purposes while some prefer to use it to enhance a new experience. Whatever you use it for, marijuana has been a crowd-pleaser for years - in fact, it dates all the way back to 500 BC!. But every now and then a user will experience a ...

  12. What is a cannabis 'bad trip', how to avoid it and how to get out of it

    O dabbing is a relatively new method of cannabis consumption that involves the vaporization of cannabis concentrates - substances containing around 50% to 90% THC - and where a device called dabbing rig, which turns out to be a kind of bong for this purpose. This is very different from normal flowers which contain around 30% THC at most.

  13. Bad Trip on Weed? Our Guide on What To Do

    You need to try and tell yourself this is only temporary. It will pass in a relatively short while. If you feel the bad trip coming, excuse yourself from the crowd and find somewhere quiet to sit. Sweet things may help. Get yourself a sugary drink like a soda and put it down your neck.

  14. 5 Home Remedies to Combat a Bad Weed Trip

    2 - Take B Vitamins and Calcium. The eight B vitamins all help convert food into energy in the human body. For example, Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, breaks down drugs and fats. In theory, a large dose of B vitamins could help get the cannabis effect out of your system. Calcium could also potentially counteract.

  15. Can You Trip on Weed?

    The 411 on Bad Trips. As we've previously stated, consuming cannabis can cause a wide array of effects because of the presence of cannabinoids like tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). It can cause users to feel ecstatic and euphoric, but also relaxed and calm. However, smoking weed combined with other substances, going overboard ...

  16. Cannabis Edibles: How To Fix A Bad Trip

    Cannabis edibles are potent, take a while to kick in, and last a lot longer than smoked cannabis. For most people, this is not a problem — edibles are fun. But once in a while, you or your friend may experience a bad trip. In that case, you must learn to recognize the symptoms of a bad trip and how to sober up fast.

  17. 3 choses essentielles à savoir pour faire passer un bad trip

    Ce que vous pouvez faire : Reprenez un rythme de vie équilibré : mangez correctement, dormez suffisamment, adoptez des horaires réguliers. Acceptez les « crises » . Après un bad trip c'est normal d'avoir des sensations bizarres, comme si vous étiez de nouveau sous les effets de la drogue.

  18. More than a bad trip: Experts warn about the risk of cannabis-induced

    According to Health Canada's 2023 Cannabis Survey, 21 per cent of 16-to-19-year-olds who use cannabis use it daily or almost daily. In the 20-to-24-year-old group, that number goes up to 23 per ...

  19. Bad Cannabis Trip: What It Is and How To Prevent It

    A bad trip from smoking weed will last around 1-2 hours. However, your body's response will likely reduce this time frame. If you start to become agitated and afraid, high levels of adrenaline and other hormones will sober you up sooner. Bad edible trips last a lot longer, between 6-8 hours, depending on the dose.

  20. How To Avoid & Prevent A Bad Cannabis Trip

    How to prevent a bad cannabis trip? The best way to avoid a lousy cannabis trip is to understand and check the THC potency and dosage you are consuming. If you are making edibles, check out this Edibles Dosage Calculator. If you're vaping/ smoking, don't feel obliged to repeatedly take a hit when it's your turn or smoking the whole joint ...

  21. Qu'est-Ce Qu'un Bad Trip Et Que Peut-On Y Faire ?

    Connues sous le terme de « bad trip », ces expériences se définissent dans les grandes lignes par des sensations de peur, de panique, de paranoïa et de dépersonnalisation. Il est possible d'y ressentir des changements soudains et extrêmes de l'humeur, des hallucinations terrifiantes et une sensation que le temps est figé.

  22. How do I prevent getting a "bad trip" when smoking ...

    It's not super common, and other drugs are usually also involved to develop these disorders. Weed has been smoked longer than alcohol has been around, the earliest signs of alcohol being made being around 7000 BC and the earliest signs of weed being smoked was 8000 BC. Weed really ain't that bad, and no one's ever died off weed alone

  23. STORYTIME : MON PREMIER BAD TRIP (Buvez de l'eau !)

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