6 Examples: How to Write a Perfect Proposal Letter (Step-by-Step)

By Editorial Team on November 8, 2023 — 14 minutes to read

  • Understanding Proposal Letters Part 1
  • Structuring Your Proposal Letter Part 2
  • Key Elements of a Proposal Letter Part 3
  • Step-By-Step Guide to Writing a Proposal Letter Part 4
  • How to Write a Business Proposal Letter (Example) Part 5
  • How to Write a Job Proposal Letter (Example) Part 6
  • How to Write an Academic Proposal Letter (Example) Part 7
  • Successful Business Proposal Email Example Part 8
  • Example of a Proposal Letter for a Marketing Project Part 9
  • Effective Job Proposal Email Example Part 10

Part 1 Understanding Proposal Letters

A proposal letter is a written document sent to a potential client, employer, or partner, outlining your proposed idea, project, or plan. It aims to persuade the recipient to consider your proposal and take action on it.

To begin with, think of the end goal. Identify what you want to achieve with your proposal letter. This could be anything from securing a contract to obtaining funding for a project. Having a clear objective in mind helps you create a compelling document.

Next, research your target audience. Understand the recipient’s needs, preferences, and potential pain points. Tailor your letter to demonstrate how it addresses their specific requirements boosting your chances of success.

Now, let’s discuss the structure of a proposal letter. Generally, it follows a simple layout:

  • Salutation : Start with a formal greeting, addressing the recipient by their full name or title.
  • Introduction : Introduce the purpose of your letter, highlighting the central theme of your proposal.
  • Body : Explain your proposal in detail, including benefits, costs, timeline, and any other vital information.
  • Conclusion : Summarize the key points and request for a follow-up meeting or discussion.
  • Closing : End with a courteous sign-off, such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards.”

Part 2 Structuring Your Proposal Letter

Starting with a strong introduction.

Begin your proposal letter with a friendly, professional tone that captures your reader’s attention. Introduce yourself and your organization, briefly explaining your background and experience. Connect with your reader by showing that you understand their needs and goals. Make sure you mention the purpose of your proposal and the solution you want to offer with confidence.

Proposing Your Idea

After laying the groundwork, dive into the details of your proposal. Explain what your solution or idea is and how it addresses the needs and goals mentioned earlier. Make sure to highlight the key benefits, focusing on what’s in it for your reader. Be specific and use facts, figures, and examples to support your claims. Keep your paragraphs organized and use bullet points or bold text to emphasize important information.

For example:

  • Benefit 1: Reduction in production costs by 30%
  • Benefit 2: Improved customer satisfaction
  • Benefit 3: Streamlined workflow processes

This will help your reader easily understand and remember the main points of your proposal.

Ending with a Perfect Conclusion

End your proposal letter on a positive note, summarizing the main benefits and advantages of your idea. Reiterate your enthusiasm and commitment to providing the best solution possible. Offer your assistance in answering any questions or addressing concerns your reader might have. Finish with a call-to-action, such as setting up a meeting or signing a contract, and provide your contact information so they can easily get in touch with you.

Part 3 Key Elements of a Proposal Letter

Clear objective.

A successful proposal letter begins with a clear objective. When writing your letter, make sure to state the purpose of the proposal in a concise and straightforward manner. This helps the reader understand what you want to achieve and the solution you’re providing. Avoid using jargon or complex language, as it can be confusing and might lead the reader to misunderstand the core message.

Specific Details

Providing specific details is important to make your proposal letter more persuasive. This includes outlining the scope of work, timeframe, and estimated costs for the project. You should also highlight any unique aspects of your proposal that set it apart from competitors or alternative solutions.

For example, if you’re proposing a marketing campaign, you could outline the target audience, marketing channels you’ll use, content creation, and metrics for success. By providing specifics, you demonstrate that you’ve put thought into the project and have a well-planned approach, instilling confidence in the reader that you are the right choice.

Compelling Reasoning

Your proposal letter should include compelling reasoning for why the recipient should choose your solution. This can include:

  • Demonstrating your expertise and experience in the field
  • Explaining the benefits of your proposed solution
  • Sharing success stories and testimonials from past clients or projects
  • Outlining how your proposal aligns with the recipient’s goals and needs

For example, continuing with the marketing campaign proposal, you could discuss how your experience in handling similar projects has led to significant increases in sales and brand recognition for your clients. Also, you might explain how your approach aligns with the recipient’s target demographics or business objectives to strengthen your case.

Part 4 Step-By-Step Guide to Writing a Proposal Letter

  • Start by addressing the recipient with their professional title and full name.
  • In the first paragraph, state the purpose of your letter and summarize your proposal briefly. Make sure to highlight the key benefits of your proposal for the recipient or their organization.
  • In the next few paragraphs, provide details about your proposed project or partnership, such as your objectives, timelines, and expected outcomes. Also, showcase your competence and experience by mentioning relevant achievements or past collaborations.
  • When closing the letter, express gratitude for their time and consideration. Offer to provide further information or answer any questions they may have.
  • Lastly, include your full name, title, contact information, and signature.

Choosing the Right Format

Make sure your letter is in the right format to make it look professional. You will typically use a business letter format, which includes:

  • Your contact information
  • The recipient’s contact information
  • Subject line (optional)
  • Body of the letter

[Contact Details]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

Re: [Proposal subject]

[Body of the letter]

[Your Name]

Setting the Tone

Maintain a friendly yet professional tone throughout your proposal letter. Be polite and respectful, addressing the recipient by their full name, and using “please” and “thank you” when appropriate. Keep the language conversational but clear, so your reader can easily understand your proposal. Stay away from overly technical terms or jargon, unless it is necessary and you’re sure your recipient will understand it.

Drafting the Body

Begin by providing an overview of the problem or need your proposal is addressing. Clearly explain the issue and why it’s important to solve it. Next, describe your proposed solution in detail, outlining your plan and how it will benefit the recipient. Be specific and realistic in your description; for example, if you’re proposing a project with a timeline and budget, include concrete figures and dates.

Break down your proposal into smaller sections, using separate paragraphs or even bullet points if helpful. This makes it easier for your reader to follow your argument and understand the various aspects of your proposal. Here’s a quick outline of what you should cover in the body of your proposal letter:

  • Problem/need introduction
  • Proposed solution
  • Benefits of the solution
  • Timeline and budget (if applicable)
  • Your qualifications (why you’re the right choice to carry out the proposal)
  • A call to action (how they can take the next step)

Proofreading Carefully

Before sending your proposal letter, take the time to thoroughly proofread it for errors in grammar, spelling, and formatting. Ensuring that your letter is polished and error-free shows the recipient that you take your proposal seriously and are committed to quality in your work. If possible, ask a colleague or friend to review your letter as well since a fresh set of eyes can often catch errors that you might have missed.

Part 5 How to Write a Business Proposal Letter (Example)

When writing a business proposal letter, your goal is to present your ideas or services in a way that’s compelling and clear. Business proposal letters can be sent to potential clients, partners, or investors. Here are some tips for writing an effective business proposal letter:

  • Start with a brief introduction of your company and its offerings.
  • Highlight the benefits of your product or service, focusing on the value it will bring to the recipient.
  • Be specific about costs, timelines, and any other relevant information.
  • Use clear, concise language, and avoid using jargon or overly technical terms.
  • Close the letter by mentioning next steps, such as arranging a meeting or following up with further information.
Subject: New Collaboration Opportunity with [Your Company Name] Dear [Recipient’s Name], I’m reaching out on behalf of [Your Company Name] to discuss an exciting opportunity for collaboration. Our team has developed an innovative marketing strategy that could greatly benefit your company by increasing your customer acquisition rate by 20% within the next six months. […] We look forward to the possibility of working together and will be in touch shortly to schedule a meeting to discuss further details.

Part 6 How to Write a Job Proposal Letter (Example)

Job proposal letters are typically written by job seekers looking to create their own position within a company or to highlight their unique skills and experience. These letters should be concise, persuasive, and tailored to the specific company and its needs. Here are some key points to include:

  • Briefly mention your background and skills relevant to the position.
  • Describe how your unique abilities can positively impact the organization.
  • Offer specific examples of how you can contribute to the company’s goals and objectives.
  • End with a call to action, offering to provide more information or meet to discuss the opportunity further.
Subject: Job Proposal for Social Media Manager at [Company] Dear [Recipient’s Name], As an experienced social media professional, I am excited by the opportunity to bring my skills and expertise to [Company]. Based on my research of your current online presence, I believe I can contribute to increasing your brand awareness and engagement through a tailored social media strategy. […] I would appreciate the opportunity to further discuss how my background and passion for social media can contribute to [Company]’s growth and success. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience.

Part 7 How to Write an Academic Proposal Letter (Example)

Academic proposal letters are typically written by students or researchers seeking funding or approval for a research project. These letters should be well-organized, clear, and focused on the proposed project’s objectives and potential benefits. Consider the following when working on your academic proposal letter:

  • Introduce the main research question or hypothesis.
  • Provide a brief overview of the project’s methodology and work plan.
  • Describe the expected outcomes and significance of the research.
  • Include information about the project’s potential impact on the field and broader society.
Subject: Research Proposal for Study on the Effects of Mindfulness-Based Interventions Dear [Recipient’s Name], I am writing to propose a research project investigating the effects of mindfulness-based interventions on individuals suffering from chronic stress. The primary aim of the study will be to determine the overall efficacy of these interventions in reducing stress levels and improving overall mental wellbeing.
[…] I am confident that the results of this research will contribute significantly to our understanding of the relationship between mindfulness and mental health.

Part 8 Successful Business Proposal Email Example

Imagine you own a marketing agency, and you’d like to help a local business grow their social media presence. Start by addressing the recipient’s pain points, such as limited engagement on their platforms. Then, briefly introduce your agency and express excitement about working together:

Subject: Boost Your Social Media Engagement with Our Expertise

We’ve noticed that your business has a strong online presence, but engagement on your social media channels seems to be underwhelming. Our team at [Your Agency’s Name] can help you turn this around and maximize your audience interaction.

With our tailored social media marketing strategies, we’ve helped numerous clients increase their online engagement by an average of 65%. Our approach focuses on:

– Identifying and targeting your ideal customers – Creating high-quality, engaging content – Enhancing brand image and authority

We would love to discuss this opportunity further and provide you with a detailed plan on how we can work together to elevate your social media presence.

Looking forward to hearing from you, [Your Full Name] [Your Agency’s Name] [Contact Details]

Part 9 Example of a Proposal Letter for a Marketing Project

I’m excited to present our idea for boosting sales at ABC Company through a targeted marketing campaign.

As we discussed in our previous meeting, the sales figures have plateaued over the past year. Our marketing team has analyzed the situation and developed a strategy to increase brand awareness and boost sales. The campaign will focus on social media, email marketing, and online advertisements.

By implementing this project, we expect the following results:

– Enhanced brand visibility – Increased customer engagement – A 20% rise in sales within six months

The total cost for the marketing campaign is $10,000. This includes creative design, copywriting, ad placements, and performance monitoring. We propose a six-month timeline for the project, starting in December.

I would be delighted to discuss the proposal in more detail or provide further information as needed. Please let me know your availability, and I’ll schedule a follow-up meeting at your convenience.

Thank you for considering our proposal. I look forward to working together on this exciting project.

Best regards, [Name]

Keep in mind that proposal letters vary in length and detail depending on the project’s size and complexity. Always customize your letter to fit the specific requirements and expectations of the recipient.

Part 10 Effective Job Proposal Email Example

Now, let’s say you’re a freelance graphic designer aiming to work with a company that recently launched a new product. Start by expressing your intentions and introduce your expertise. Showcase your experience and services offered related to their needs:

Subject: Elevate Your New Product Launch with Professional Graphic Design Services

Hello [Recipient’s Name],

I recently came across your new product launch, and I believe your marketing materials could benefit from some professional graphic design enhancements. As an experienced graphic designer, I’d like to offer my services to help elevate your visual presentation and attract more customers.

With over five years of experience in the industry, I can create compelling designs for:

– Product packaging – Promotional materials (e.g., brochures, banners, posters) – Social media graphics – Website elements

Please find my online portfolio attached, showcasing my diverse design styles and previous projects. I’m confident that my skills and expertise can significantly contribute to your product’s success in the market.

If you’re interested, kindly reach out to me to discuss further details and pricing.

Best regards, [Your Full Name] [Contact Details]

Frequently Asked Questions

1. what are the key components to include in a proposal letter.

A well-crafted proposal letter should include the following key components:

  • Opening Statement: Start with a concise and informative introduction that grabs the reader’s attention.
  • Background Information: Provide necessary context to help your reader understand the problem or opportunity.
  • Proposed Solution: Outline your proposed solution, including your unique selling points or innovative approach.
  • Timeline and Budget: Give a brief overview of the estimated project duration and budget required.
  • Call to Action: End with a call to action, inviting the reader to take the next step, whether it’s to request more information, schedule a meeting, or approve the proposal.

2. Can you share some tips on making a proposal letter persuasive?

To make your proposal letter persuasive, consider these tips:

  • Use clear and concise language to effectively communicate your ideas.
  • Focus on the benefits that the reader will gain from your proposal, emphasizing the value you bring.
  • Include specific examples, case studies, or testimonials to back up your claims.
  • Address any potential objections or concerns the reader may have and provide appropriate solutions.

3. What’s the best way to structure a proposal letter for a research project?

A research proposal letter should generally include the following structure:

  • Introduction: Provide a brief overview of your research topic and its significance.
  • Background and Literature Review: Summarize relevant research and demonstrate your expertise in the field.
  • Research Questions and Objectives: Clearly state your research questions and the expected outcomes.
  • Methodology: Explain your research approach and the techniques you will use.
  • Expected Results: Provide an idea of the anticipated results and their significance.
  • Timeline and Budget: Outline the project timeline and the funding required.

4. How do I create an effective business proposal letter for a potential client?

To create an effective business proposal letter, follow these steps:

  • Start with a strong opening that captures the client’s attention.
  • Clearly state the problem or opportunity your proposal addresses.
  • Present your proposed solution, focusing on its unique and beneficial aspects.
  • Provide evidence of your expertise and past successes, such as case studies or testimonials.
  • Detail any necessary resources, deliverables, and a realistic timeline.
  • End with a compelling call to action, inviting the client to take the next step.

5. In what order should I present my ideas when writing a proposal letter step by step?

When writing your proposal letter, present your ideas in a logical order that flows well for the reader. A typical order could include:

  • Opening Statement: Grab the reader’s attention and introduce your proposal.
  • Background Information: Provide relevant context to help your audience understand the issue or opportunity.
  • Proposed Solution: Detail your unique and compelling solution to the problem.
  • Evidence and Support: Showcase your expertise, past successes, and any supporting data.
  • Timeline and Budget: Give an overview of the project’s duration and required funding.
  • Call to Action: Conclude with a strong call to action that encourages the reader to move forward.
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Home » Letters » Request Letters » Site Visit Permission Letter – Sample Request Letter for Site Visit Permission

Site Visit Permission Letter – Sample Request Letter for Site Visit Permission

visit proposal letter sample

Table of Contents:

  • Sample Letter

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From, __________ __________ __________ (Sender’s Details)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

To, __________ __________ __________ (Recipient Details)

Subject: Request for site visit permission

Dear Sir/ Madam,

In reference to your invitation for bids/ tender for___________ (project detail), we request you kindly allow us to visit the site to better understand the scope of work.

If possible, we would like to visit site on____________ (date) at ___________ (time).

Me and my colleagues _________ (name 1) and_______ (name 2) shall be visiting the site for above mentioned work. We would request you to kindly arrange the necessary permission/ gate pass for us.

Thanking you in advance.

Regards, _________ (Your name) _________ (Designation)

Live Preview

The Live Assistant feature is represented by a real-time preview functionality. Here’s how to use it:

  • Start Typing: Enter your letter content in the "Letter Input" textarea.
  • Live Preview: As you type, the content of your letter will be displayed in the "Live Preview" section below the textarea. This feature converts newline characters in the textarea into <br> tags in HTML for better readability.

The letter writing editor allows you to start with predefined templates for drafting your letters:

  • Choose a Template: Click one of the template buttons ("Start with Sample Template 1", "Start with Sample Template 2", or "Start with Sample Template 3").
  • Auto-Fill Textarea: The chosen template's content will automatically fill the textarea, which you can then modify or use as is.

Click the "Download Letter" button after composing your letter. This triggers a download of a file containing the content of your letter.

Click the "Share via Email" button after composing your letter. Your default email client will open a new message window with the subject "Sharing My Draft Letter" and the content of your letter in the body.

Click the "Share via WhatsApp" button after you've composed your letter. Your default browser will open a new tab prompting you to send the letter as a message to a contact on WhatsApp.

If you want to copy the text of your letter to the clipboard:

  • Copy to Clipboard: Click the "Copy to Clipboard" button after composing your letter.
  • Paste Anywhere: You can then paste the copied text anywhere you need, such as into another application or document.

For printing the letter directly from the browser:

  • Print Letter: Click the "Print Letter" button after composing your letter.
  • Print Preview: A new browser window will open showing your letter formatted for printing.
  • Print: Use the print dialog in the browser to complete printing.
  • Requesting permission ensures that the visit is conducted in a structured and organized manner, respecting any security or access protocols in place at the site.
  • The letter should include the purpose of the visit, proposed date and time, the names of individuals attending, and any specific requirements such as gate passes or permissions.
  • It's advisable to send the request with sufficient notice to allow the recipient to make necessary arrangements. Aim for at least a few days' notice, depending on the urgency of the visit.
  • If there are any questions or concerns, the designated contact person or project manager mentioned in the invitation for bids/tender can be contacted for clarification or assistance.
  • If the proposed date and time are not suitable, it's polite to offer alternative options for the visit or to inquire about the recipient's availability to reschedule.

Incoming Search Terms:

  • sample request letter for site visit permission
  • site visit request permission

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Cover Image for How to Write a Proposal Letter [Samples Included]

How to Write a Proposal Letter [Samples Included]

Madiha Rizvi

Writing a convincing and converting proposal letter is not a piece of cake and requires paying attention to detail. What appears like a simple task takes up more thought-provoking ideas than you can imagine if you don’t have any proposal letter sample! 

Apart from writing a tailored introduction about yourself, you have to opt for a similar approach to define your company, the goals and objectives for the project, and how it could benefit your potential client. Here’s an example to let you think deeply… imagine you have a brilliant idea to save your boss thousands of dollars in revenue – what do you do? 

Do you simply approach them and present your idea? Or do you prepare a proposal letter mentioning all about the idea, how it will be achieved, and how much will it cost your boss?  

If you’ve been in business for too long, you would know the right answer by now. So, if you’re in the same process and currently searching for proposal letter examples to start your draft, here’s a step-by-step guide. Keep reading to become a pro at writing proposal letters and converting clients like never before. 

What is a Proposal Letter? 

Unlike other documents, a proposal letter is a professional letter focused on highlighting and communicating ideas to the client. The document is more than a discussion of your company – it involves end-to-end details about the solution, the steps required to achieve the results, and how much finance will go into the project. 

Considering the nature of the letter, it can be written for various purposes, such as a proposal letter for a partnership, an interior design project, a professional service, a sales project, and so on. 

Results-Proven Tips to Write a Proposal Letter that Converts!

A proposal letter follows specific criteria to ensure everything is included in the letter. Leaving anything behind can weaken your case in front of the potential client. Here are some tried and tested steps that ensure to give results. 

  • Talk About Yourself and Your Company

After formal greetings, the first step is to introduce yourself and your company to the client. Regardless of it being direct and simple, you can use creativity to keep the reader interested. Instead of using basic terms, use adjectives to hook your client.  

For instance:

Instead of writing, ‘We’re a construction company,’ you can write, ‘We’re the 3 rd biggest construction company with $14.4 billion in revenue in 2022.’ Obviously, use it only if it’s true! 

It’s a simple sentence but subtly highlights your achievements in the opening statement. Once you have briefly introduced your company and yourself, mention why you’re writing the proposal letter so the client knows what they are diving into. 

  • Write About Your Goals & Objectives for the Project 

The second step of writing a successful proposal letter is to mention the list of objectives for the project. Once you’re clear about the objectives, make a separate heading to discuss your long-term and short-term goals. 

Under the short-term goals, talk about the small steps you need to take to achieve results. Don’t forget to mention the timeline with each goal to clearly tell the client how long it will take for you to complete the task. Follow the same process for the long-term goals to send a clear message to the potential client. 

For example, instead of writing ‘we’ll use the loan to increase production,’ write ‘we will use the loan to increase the production capacity by 70% by installing new machines and adding more employees to the team.’

In short – be concise and specific with what you want to achieve for the client. It’s one of the basic errors that many people make in their proposal letters. 

  • What Sets Your Company Apart? 

This paragraph of the proposal is all about convincing the client of your previous achievements, successes, and examples of doing something similar for other clients. Talk about your special skills and values that set you apart from all other companies. 

If you have worked for a similar industry as your client, then mention it as a direct experience in the field. In short, the better you highlight your skills and achievements, the more you will be able to convince your client. 

  • Evaluating Results Over Time 

visit proposal letter sample

Don’t just make big promises in your proposal; inform the client how you will achieve these results over time. And that is only possible with constant scrutiny and evaluation of the progress through robust measures. 

Here are some ideas to evaluate progress with time. 

  • What machines will you install to increase the company’s productivity?
  • Which employees are you planning to recruit? 
  • How will you measure the results of new results? Will you use reports or will you conduct meetings every week to discuss the future? 
  • Which metrics will you use to measure the success of the new methods? 
  • How will you inform employees of the new changes? 

You have to paint a picture in your client’s mind. Answer their queries before the question appears in their mind, so there’s no hurdle for you to win the project. 

  • Briefly Discuss the Budget 

Now that you have mentioned what will go into the project, it’s time to discuss the financials to achieve the results. Instead of giving one big number, give a full breakdown of how much will go into each project step. 

Here’s an example to give you an idea. 

Use this example to break down the cost of your project appropriately. Remember that no cost is too little or too big to add to the table. You can only quote an approximate figure if you’ve thoroughly researched the market. Asking to tame the budget in the future can shatter your client’s trust in you, so it’s best to take your time while drafting the budget.  

  • Write a Strong Closing Paragraph! 

The last part of the letter is a closing paragraph, which can be called a CTA (Call-to-Action) – the last effort to lure your client. Try to make it sound strong and compelling so your customer thinks twice before giving up on your offer. 

  • Provide Your Contact Information 

Once you have given all details, it’s time to conclude your proposal with your company’s contact information. Be approachable on the number and email to not miss out on anything from your client. It’s a necessary part of your letter, so don’t skip it.  

General Template of a Proposal Letter 

Here’s a quick look at how a template is written and what goes in which paragraph. 

[Your Name]

[Company’s Name]

[Your Address]

[Recipient’s Name]

[Recipient’s Company]

[Recipient’s Mailing Address]

[Give a brief introduction of your company and yourself along with the goal of the proposal in the first paragraph – refer to tip #1 of writing a proposal letter]

[Discuss the goals and objectives for the project in the second paragraph, along with mentioning how you will achieve results – refer to tip #2 of writing a proposal letter]

[Highlight your achievements, skills, and expertise to convince the client to give you the project – refer to tip #3 of writing a proposal letter]

[Talk about how you will measure the success of the project over time – refer to tip #4 of writing a proposal letter]

[Write a breakdown of the financials required to complete the project within a given time period – refer to tip #5 of writing a proposal letter]

[Start with thanking the client and add closing remarks to conclude the proposal. In the end, give your contact details – refer to tips #6 and 7 of writing a proposal letter]


Samples of Proposal Letters to Help You Bring Clients 

If you’re still confused about writing a proposal letter, then here’s a traditional format you need to follow to write a proposal letter. It does not include the specific mention of the company and client’s name, but make sure to include it in yours in the sections specified above.

Dear Sir/Madam, 

Our Pest Control Services Inc. team loved the opportunity to offer you our termite-proofing services. We sat with our experts last week to discuss the future of the project, and here’s a detailed overview of our action plan to ensure the safety and hygiene of your office(s). 

On 19 th July, we discussed the concerns of termites spreading all over your office, which is now a great problem for employees. We further discussed how it has compromised the hygiene of the space and is harmful to employees. To cater to this, we have come up with a list of chemicals that we will use to fumigate the space and identify the root cause of the issue to eliminate the problem completely. 

Our objective is to fumigate the space and then insert the chemical by drilling 4-inch long holes at the root of walls to achieve 100% results. We will use XYZ chemicals that are not only environmentally friendly but give 99.99% results each time. We will vacate the office of all items to let chemicals spread everywhere and protect employees from any health risks. For the best results, the office will stay closed for at least 2 days to kill termites from every corner. 

We have used the same technique for one of the biggest sugar mills, where we used the specified chemical and applied the drilling technique to kill the termite. We have used the same method for almost all our termite-proofing clients and have achieved 99.99% results each time. In all cases, the problem did not occur again for at least 10 years. 

We estimate a budget of $8,000 for a project of this caliber. We expect the initial deposit of $3,000 to buy chemicals and machinery to start the project. The rest of the payment is expected after the project. 

If you would like to move forward with our proposal, feel free to reach out to us through email or phone number. We’re more than happy to assist you in clearing your space of all unhygienic elements to make your office a safe and secure space for your employees. 

Kindly review our proposal and direct all your recommendations and specific needs to us at [email] or [phone number]. 


Dear Sir/Madam,

I, [XYZ], the Chief Marketing Officer at the [ABC Company], am writing this proposal for future collaborations to help you improve the sales of your new product line. 

We’re an advertising agency with over 15 years of experience under our belt. We’ve worked with some of the top companies in several industries, including retail, oil & gas, logistics, and others, to help clients succeed through robust marketing and advertising techniques in less than a year. 

Our goals to help your new product line reach your target audience are: 

  • Spend 50% of the budget on social media marketing to reach more customers and spread awareness of new products 
  • Set up small kiosks in malls for live testing to address customers’ concerns and build trust with the audience 
  • Use 20% of the budget to put billboards on busy roads to scale up the product’s hype among people 

We have used similar marketing techniques for  [ABC Company] and [XYZ Company], which resulted in 30% more customer awareness and a 60% whooping increase in sales in the first quarter. 

We plan on measuring the success of our actions by calculating the online traffic and keeping track of social media metrics for the future. 

If you agree to our proposed plan, then feel free to direct any inquiries to us through email or chat. We’re more than happy to take your business to the next level. Please reach us at this [email] and [number] for future correspondence. 


Respected Sir/Madam, 

With immense pleasure, I would like to inform you about the new idea I have been working on for a long time. After thorough research, budgeting, and planning, I am ready to present it to you.

There’s a detailed fact sheet highlighting all factors related to achieving the goals in the long term.

For the whole project, I would need an investment of about $200,000 to get started with the whole idea and achieve the results within the set timeframe. 

Please let us know your concerns or questions regarding the proposal through chat or email. 

Additional Examples of Proposal Letters for Inspiration

If you’re still confused about writing proposal letters, then here are some additional examples for inspiration.

Have You Considered Using Software to Write Engaging and Compelling Proposal Letters? 

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visit proposal letter sample

Permission Letter For Industrial Visit

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]

[Name of Recipient]


[Company/Organization Name]

Subject: Request for Permission for Industrial Visit

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. My name is [Your Name], and I am writing on behalf of [Name of Institution/College/University]. I am currently enrolled in the [Course/Program Name], and our group of [Number of Students] students is very interested in gaining practical insights into the operations of an esteemed organization like [Company/Organization Name].

We are planning to organize an industrial visit to your facility to understand the real-world applications of the concepts we have learned in our coursework. The visit is scheduled for [Preferred Date(s)] and is expected to last for approximately [Duration] hours. We anticipate that the visit will take place on [Company/Organization Address].

The purpose of this visit is to get a firsthand experience of the industry's working environment, processes, and technologies. We believe that observing the day-to-day operations and interacting with professionals like yourselves will provide invaluable learning opportunities for us. It will help us bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical applications, thus enhancing our understanding of the subject.

We assure you that this visit will be strictly educational, and we will adhere to all safety regulations and guidelines laid down by your company. We are open to any restrictions or requirements you may have, and we will make sure to follow them diligently.

We kindly request you to grant us permission to visit your facility on the specified date. Your support and cooperation in organizing this industrial visit would mean a lot to us. Please let us know if there are any formalities or procedures that we need to fulfill before the visit.

Thank you for considering our request. We are eagerly looking forward to your positive response. If you need any further information or have any questions, please feel free to contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address].

Looking forward to a favorable response.

[Your Designation (if applicable)]

[Name of Institution/College/University]

visit proposal letter sample

The Number 1 Letter Writing Website in the world

Permission Letter For Industrial Visit

Last Updated On March 18, 2020 By Letter Writing

A permission letter for an industrial visit is a formal request to the authorities of the company to allow students to visit. It is used to notify the relevant people of the intention to visit and why the industrial visit is important. This is a formal document that a company can use to make arrangements for receiving visitors on a particular day. It also gives other details of the expectations and outcomes of the visit.

Tips for writing a permission letter for industrial visit

  • Introduce your school to the relevant authority
  • Mention precisely the purpose of the industrial visit
  • Describe how the visit relates to the curriculum
  • Give the number of students and teacher who will attend
  • Mention other relevant details like the students’ grade
  • Inquire about things like insurance for the students

Permission Letter For Industrial Visit Templates

Are you a teacher and you wish to take your students for an industrial visit? Here is a permission letter for industrial visit and sample letters that you can use to craft a professional request letter.


Date (date on which letter is written)



Dear _________________,

On behalf of ____________ school where I serve as the  ____________, I wish to request for permission to conduct an industrial visit at your company ____________. Our school is reputed at providing quality education in the various  courses in ____________ (location).

We wish to undertake an industrial visit at your company on ____________ (date) ____________ (time)  to acquire practical knowledge in ____________. Our academic curriculum focuses on engaging students in practical experiences to observe the implementation of what they are taught in school. We believe that your company will give our students relevant knowledge during this visit.

A group of ____________ students in ____________ year and ____________ faculty members intend to participate in this industrial visit. Kindly make arrangements for a tour in the relevant departments in your company.

Please allow us to conduct an industrial visit to your company and meet your skilled employee. Kindly contact us on ____________ if there are other requirements for the visit.

Thank you in advance.

Yours faithfully,


Date :_________(date on which the letter is written)

Subject: Permission Letter

Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. ___________(Name),

I am writing this letter on behalf of the ________ (Department) as the _________ (Designation) at __________ (Name of school/college), seeking your permission to conduct an industrial visit to your company, _________ (Name of Company) on ________ (Date), ________ (Day). ________ (Name of School/College) is a well-reputed educational institution in ________ (Location).

There would be _____ (Number of visitors) visitors, including ____ faculty members. Being students of _________ (Subject of study), this visit would help in better understanding of various concepts. The purpose of this visit is ________ (State purpose). We intend to take a round of the entire industry and show the tasks handled in different departments of our students.

Kindly grant us permission for the industrial visit and make the necessary arrangements for the same. We look forward to a positive reply from your side.

Thanking You,

Yours Sincerely,

___________ (Name)

___________ (Designation)

Permission Letter For Industrial Visit Samples

Is it your first time to plan for an industrial visit for your students? Check out a permission letter for an industrial visit that you can customize to write a good letter to the relevant authorities of a company.

Kathryn Gallegos,

Odenton University

9756 High St.

Odenton, MD 21113

United States

Date:____________ (Date on which letter is written)

Jeannette Spears,

Wethersfield Tea Factory

78 Oak Meadow Circle

Wethersfield, CT 06109

Sub; Permission letter for industrial visit

Dear Ms. Spears,

I hereby write this letter on behalf of the faculty of food processing in Odenton University as the faculty head. I wish to request permission to conduct an industry visit in your company Wethersfield Tea Factory on 11 th March 2020. 

Odenton is an esteemed university in Maryland, United States at providing quality education to students in various subjects including Food Processing and Safety. The group visiting your company includes 40 third-year students and four faculty members. 

The purpose of this visit is to engage students in practical experience in the processing of food and packaging as this is part of the curriculum. We hope to learn about all the levels of production and the food safety measures taken at each stage.

Please get back to us with a response and any requirement needed [email protected] . Kindly grant us permission to conduct an industrial visit to your company.

Thank you. 

Kathryn Gallegos

Jay Pritchett,

Associate Professor, Amel College of Engineering, New York.

Date: 16th November 2016

Grace Simons,

General Manager, CKL Industries, New York. Subject: Permission Letter

Dear Ms. Simons,

I am writing this letter on behalf of the Department as an Associate Professor at Amel College of Engineering, New York, seeking your permission to conduct an industrial visit to your company, CKL Industries, on 25 November 2016, Friday. Amel College of Engineering is a well-reputed educational institution located in New York, famed for its infrastructure, faculty, and alumni. We have produced many prominent individuals in the field.

The group would be thirty-two visitors, including two faculty members. Being students of engineering, this visit would help in a better understanding of various concepts. The purpose of this visit is to enhance the students’ knowledge and provide them with a proper understanding of the functioning of the industry. We intend to take a round of the entire industry and show the tasks handled in different departments of our students.

Jay Pritchett Amel College of Engineering

Permission Letter For Industrial Visit Email Formats

Companies require education institutions to make requests for industrial visits. Check out our free permission letter for an industrial visit in an email format that will get you started with writing the letter.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hereby write this letter to seek permission to conduct an industrial visit in your company Cytonn Real Estate based in New York, United States on 7 th April 2020 at 9 am. I am a lecturer at Manchester University with the faculty of Built Environment and Development. We wish to visit your company to get an insight into operation in real-life situations.

A group of 50 students in the first and second year and three faculty staff will take this industrial visit. Our curriculum entails training students on real estate development and management. The purpose of this visit is to give the students a practical understanding of what is done in real life. We also intend to take a tour of all the departments of your company and learn about their roles.

We hope that you will allow us to take this industrial visit with our students. This will be a great opportunity for the students to understand the practical implementation of what they are taught in class. Please let us know if there any requirements that need to be met to conduct the visit.

We look forward to your permission to conduct the visit.

Kind regards,

Francesca Gentry

When organizing an industrial visit to a company, it is important to request permission before visiting. This will enable the relevant authorities to prepare your visit and inform you of any requirements before the visit. 

In such a letter, you should give details of the students intending to visit, the purpose of the visit and how it is relevant to the curriculum. The letter should demonstrate politeness and professionalism.

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  • Copyright Permission Letter
  • Permission Giving Letter
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How to Write a Letter Requesting a Visit

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visit proposal letter sample

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The first step in arranging to visit a center recognized in your specialty is a letter requesting permission.

Whether you are planning to work there, to ask for a fellowship, or to simply pay a short informal visit to a center of excellence, you will have to get in touch with the hospital and obtain their approval. Bear in mind that most likely they will not know anything about you; they may have heard of your chief of surgery, if he or she is well known in the field and may know something basic about your country or even your city, … but that's all. With a single letter, you have to overcome possible misperceptions about your level of expertise, your intentions, or even your city of origin.

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Reina Sofia University Hospital Serv. Radiología, Córdoba, 14005, Spain

Ramón Ribes

Cardiovascular Surgery Department, Hospital Regional Universitario Carlos Haya, Málaga, Spain

Pedro J. Aranda

C/ Mossèn Cinto Verdaguer 19, 2-7, Sentmenat, 08181, Spain

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© 2009 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

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(2009). How to Write a Letter Requesting a Visit. In: Ribes, R., Aranda, P.J., Giba, J. (eds) Surgical English. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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Industrial Visit Permission Letter: 4 Templates

Industrial visits are good when you are trying to learn in-depth how industries work and how they carry on their day-to-day work successfully and with complete perfection.

You gain practical knowledge of industries as you get a chance to have a closer look at them via an industrial visit. But in order to go for one, you require the necessary permission from the concerned authorities or individuals.

I have written a nice sample letter, looking at which you will be able to frame your own without any issues.

Template: 1

Table of Contents

Industrial Visit Permission Letter

(Name of the sender)

(Designation of the respective person)

(Name of the address)

Subject- letter of permission for industrial visit

Respected madam/sir,

This letter is to inform you that I (mention your name) student of (mention the name of the college or name of the institution) would like to tell you that our college or institution has decided to go on an industrial visit for the (mention any specific topic or title).

This is a great opportunity for all the students to learn something new, and through this industrial visit, we will be able to get a chance to become familiar with the industrial norms.

This industrial visit will help us to learn about the basics of industry work, and through this way, it will increase our industrial knowledge. 

The college or the institution has decided to go on this industrial visit on (mention date and time) to (mention the name of the place).

So, I would like to request you to please grant me permission so that I can also join this industrial visit along with my batch mates.

I am very much excited about this visit. I believe this will help me grow my industrial knowledge. I believe from this industrial visit; I will get a chance to explore myself more.

Kindly accept my letter and permit me to go on the industrial visit to (mention the name of the place)

Thank you so much in advance. I hope you will accept my request. I will be highly obliged to you.

Thanking you

Download Template : ( pdf, docs, ODT, RTF, txt, HTML, Epub, Etc )

Template: 2

[Your Name] [Your Position/Title] [Company/Organization Name] [Company/Organization Address] [City, State, ZIP] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Position/Title] [School/College/Institution Name] [School/College/Institution Address] [City, State, ZIP]

Subject: Permission for Industrial Visit

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to seek your permission for an industrial visit to our esteemed [Company/Organization Name]. We believe that this visit will provide a valuable learning opportunity for the students of [School/College/Institution Name] and enhance their understanding of practical applications in [relevant industry or field].

We understand the importance of practical exposure and firsthand experience in complementing theoretical knowledge. An industrial visit to our facility will enable students to witness the inner workings of a real-world industrial environment, interact with industry professionals, and gain insights into the various processes and technologies employed in our operations.

Details of the proposed visit are as follows:

Date: [Date of the visit] Time: [Start time] to [End time] Number of Students: [Number of students participating] Accompanying Faculty/Staff: [Names of accompanying faculty/staff] Transportation: [Specify if transportation will be arranged by the school/college/institution or if students will arrange their own transportation]

During the visit, our team will provide a guided tour of our facility, highlighting key aspects of our operations and sharing knowledge and experiences related to our industry. We will also organize interactive sessions, allowing students to ask questions and engage in discussions to enhance their understanding of the industry.

We assure you that utmost care will be taken to ensure the safety and security of the students during their visit. Our facility adheres to all necessary safety protocols, and we will provide appropriate safety equipment and guidance throughout the visit. If required, we can also provide a copy of our safety guidelines and protocols for your reference.

To facilitate the visit, we kindly request you to provide us with the necessary approvals and permissions from the concerned authorities at your school/college/institution. We are also open to any specific requirements or guidelines you may have for such visits, and we will make every effort to accommodate them.

We believe that this industrial visit will be a valuable educational experience for the students, providing them with practical insights and inspiring them to pursue careers in [relevant industry or field]. We look forward to hosting the students of [School/College/Institution Name] and contributing to their educational journey.

Please feel free to contact me at [Phone Number] or [Email Address] if you require any further information or have any specific queries regarding the visit. We appreciate your consideration and support in making this industrial visit a success.

Thank you for your attention, and we eagerly await your positive response.

Yours sincerely,

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Rahul Panchal

“Business, marketing, and blogging – these three words describe me the best. I am the founder of Burban Branding and Media, and a self-taught marketer with 10 years of experience. My passion lies in helping startups enhance their business through marketing, HR, leadership, and finance. I am on a mission to assist businesses in achieving their goals.”

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How to write a business trip proposal.

A man sitting at a table with a window view of a cityscape writes a business trip proposal on his laptop.

Learn how to write a business trip proposal that will get approved quickly so you can organize and confirm company-related travel.

There are many reasons to take business trips. You can attend conferences, visit other company locations, or just go on a team-building retreat. Of course, you won’t be going anywhere without your company’s approval. That’s where learning how to write a business trip proposal comes in.

What’s a business trip proposal?

A business trip proposal is a document designed to convince management to let employees leave the office for work-related travel and to cover all (or at least most) of the travel expenses.

This proposal is essential because it opens the door for an opportunity to network with new and old clients and potentially reach new markets. The business travel proposal sets clear expectations for management and all who are traveling to set the trip off on the right foot and ensure everyone is on the same page.

What to include in a business travel proposal.

If a business is going to pay for an employee’s trip, there needs to be a good reason. That’s why it’s important to include all the trip details (plus a little persuasion) so the company can determine if it’s worth the investment.

Be sure to include at least the following information in your business trip proposal:

  • Reasons for attending
  • Destination and dates
  • Names of company attendees
  • Detailed itinerary
  • Expenses, including hotel, airfare, rental cars, meals, and more

If you make a strong enough case, management will sign off on the business trip proposal so that you can finalize travel plans for yourself and your colleagues.

3 steps to writing a business trip proposal.

To create a business trip proposal, you need to take the following steps — choose potential business travel accommodations, create a business trip itinerary, and finally write your proposal.

1. Choose potential business travel accommodations.

When choosing accommodations, you should consider the price and convenience of the location. You should prioritize accommodations that are close to where your travel destination is rather than a deluxe resort stay. Keep in mind local events, holidays, and other occurrences that may increase traffic during your stay.

2. Create a business trip itinerary.

Include as much detail as possible to help plans run smoothly and ensure that you are in control of your schedule. Any dates, times, transportation details, addresses of the accommodations, and reservations should be included. Leave time for potential traffic delays, traveling, and general breaks in between events.

3. Keep your business travel proposal short.

When creating your business travel proposal, you should include plenty of details while keeping information concise. Business leaders are booked with meetings and tasks all day, so use a simple format with a font that is easy to read. Support your proposal about why this trip is essential to business success with examples and stats, if possible.

Make your business trip proposal approval ready.

To make sure there aren’t any miscommunications down the road, you should aim to get a signature on any business trip proposal. Once signed, it means you have the approval needed to not just propose the trip but also confirm the details.

To make it easy to approve business trip proposals, use e-signature software like Adobe Acrobat. Your manager can add their legal signature with the click of a button right from their computer or nearly any mobile device.

Explore what more you can do with Acrobat to make creating and approving business trip proposals fast and easy.

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Sample Permission Letter Format for Industrial Visit

Sample Permission Letter Format for Industrial Visit

[As the name implies, a permission letter for an industrial visit is written to request permission for an industrial visit as part of the educational system. It is used to notify the appropriate people of the intention to visit and the importance of the industrial visit. A permission letter for an industrial visit is a formal request to the company’s authorities to permit students to visit. This is a formal document that a business can use to make plans for receiving visitors on a specific day. It also includes information about the specific time schedule so that the relevant industry can make the necessary preparations.]

Sender/Your Name…

Job Position/Principal…

Date: DD/MM/YY (date on which letter is written)

Receiver name…

Job Designation…

Company name and address…


Dear (Sir/Name),

On behalf of (Institute name) where I serve as the (Job Position), I wish to request for permission to conduct an industrial visit at your company (Name). (Describe in your words). Our (school/college/institute) is reputed at providing quality education in the various courses in (location). (Describe all about the situation).

We wish to undertake an industrial visit at your company on (date) and (time) to acquire practical knowledge in (Specific subject area). (Explain your requirements). Our academic curriculum focuses on engaging students in practical experiences to observe the implementation of what they are taught in (Institute). (Describe on related curriculum).We believe that your company will give our students relevant knowledge during this visit.

A group of (Subject and department Name) students in (Related year) year and faculty members intend to participate in this industrial visit. (Name of selected teachers and students’ name). Kindly make arrangements for a tour in the relevant departments in your company.

Please allow us to conduct an industrial visit to your company and meet your skilled employee. (Cordially describe your greetings and expectation). Kindly contact us on (Contact info.)  if there are other requirements for the visit.

Thank you in advance.

Yours faithfully,

Institute Name…

Contact Info. and Signature…

Another Format, [Email Format]

TO: Receiver Mail address, [email protected]

From: Sender mail address, [email protected]

Subject: Permission Letter

Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs.  (Name),

I am writing this letter on behalf of the (Department name) as the (Job Designation) at (Name of school/college), seeking your permission to conduct an industrial visit to your company, (Name of Company) on (Date), (Day). (Describe in your words). (Name of School/College) is a well-reputed educational institution in (Location). (Describe all about the situation).

There would be (Number of visitors) visitors, (Name of selected teachers and students’ name) including faculty members. Being students of (Subject of study), this visit would help in better understanding of various concepts. (Describe on related curriculum). The purpose of this visit is (State purpose). We intend to take a round of the entire industry and show the tasks handled in different departments of our students. (Specific subject area).

Kindly grant us permission for the industrial visit and make the necessary arrangements for the same. (Cordially describe your greetings and expectation). We look forward to a positive reply from your side.

Thanking You,

Yours Sincerely,

Contact Info…

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Emails for Proposal Submissions: 4 Methods With Samples

You’ve written all the essential sections for your proposal. The design looks great. Now…all you need to do is craft the perfect email to submit your proposal to your prospective client.

But, writer’s block is settling in. You’re not quite sure what to write in your proposal submission email.

Don’t fret. To help you cross this task off your to-do list, we’ve rounded up 4 unique methods for writing proposal submission emails . Plus, we’ve got email samples for each method.

All you have to do is copy and paste your favorite email sample and customize it to your needs. Let’s do this!

Proposal emails graphic

Why your proposal submission email matters

If you have experience writing proposals, you know that your executive summary is important. It sets the tone for the rest of your proposal and clarifies why the prospect should invest time reading it in detail.

But here’s the thing: the submission email comes first. 🤫Don’t tell your cover letter we told you so, but the email is the real first impression.

When prospective clients receive the submission email, it encourages them to view your proposal in its entirety.

To be effective, the email should be:

On brand - Every part of your client experience should be on brand, including this email. For different companies, that might mean using formal language, straight-to-the point messaging, or tons of emojis. Just make sure the email is true to your brand style.

Professional - Potential clients will judge the grammar, formatting, appearance, and language of your email to help them decide whether or not they trust you enough to do business with you, so now is not the time for sloppiness. Always proofread your emails.

Purposeful - Don’t stuff this email with unnecessary information or requests. Make sure that every line serves a purpose. If it doesn’t cut it. If your email is too long or complicated, it will be a big turn-off.

Keep these tips in mind when crafting your email, no matter which of the writing methods below you ultimately choose.

4 methods for writing proposal submission emails [with samples]

So how do you write an email to deliver your proposal?

Try one of these 4 unique email-writing methods:

Short and sweet

Full executive summary

Mini executive summary

Assume the sale

Use the one that best matches your company and industry. Then, add your unique brand style and prospect details, and hit that send button!

Method 1: Short and sweet

First up, let’s dive into the simplest of all our email-writing methods.

This email acknowledges the fact that your prospective client probably just wants to read your proposal , not a long, fluffy email. So, this email is kept short and sweet. It serves as a notification and a quick request for the reader’s attention. Nothing more, nothing less.

Sample email

Here’s an example email using this writing method:

Subject line: Partnership marketing proposal Hi Name, I enjoyed our conversation and I look forward to helping you grow your business through strategic, aligned partnerships with the right companies, associations, and influencers in your industry. I prepared a proposal based on your needs and our solution here: {link} Let’s schedule some time early next week to review any questions you might have and move this forward with next steps. Don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions in the meantime, {Your Signature}

Method 2: Full executive summary

Our next method is a lot more robust. Geoffrey James, a contributing editor for Inc., says every salesperson should master the proposal submission email.

He recommends this 7-point template to guide your writing:

Statement of gratitude (1 sentence)

Problem definition and financial impact (1-2 sentences)

Desired outcome (1-2 sentences)

Proposed solution (2-5 sentences)

Proposed price (1 sentence)

Risk reduction (1-2 sentences)

Next step (1 sentence)

With this method, you’re essentially re-purposing your cover letter for your submission email.

Here’s an example email using Geoffrey’s method:

Subject line: Software development proposal Hi Name, Thank you for giving me the opportunity to submit a proposal for your new startup. The school sports club management niche has not yet been digitized and you have the opportunity to be the first SaaS player in this space. If you don’t get to market quickly, you could lose out on this first-mover advantage. You need to take your product to market in under 6 months, and we expect to meet that deadline. I propose a small product team of two senior-level engineers, one product manager, one DevOps engineer, and one QA tester. My business team will provide strategic direction to ensure that this product team performs at a high level and stays on track with the product roadmap. The cost will be $30,000 per month, with a total expected investment of $180,000 (6 months) to develop your MVP and go to market. After this initial development, the ongoing monthly cost will be lower depending on how aggressively you want to add advanced features. To ensure that the MVP meets user needs, we will start by developing a prototype and conducting user testing with 10 target users. After product validation, we will begin development. Please read the proposal in its entirety. You can find it here: {link} If you’d like us to kickoff prototyping next month, I’ll need the signed proposal and a deposit of $30,000 by March 15th. Let’s speak later this week to go over any questions you might have and move this forward with next steps. I’ll send you an invite. {Your Signature}

Method 3: Mini executive summary

This method is inspired by Geoffrey’s 7-point template above—except that it’s a condensed version.

Instead of writing one or more sentences for all of his 7 points, you cover just 3 or 4 of those points.

The benefit of this email method is that it offers context and clarity, without being unnecessarily long.

After all, you probably don’t need to submit a super-long email with your proposal. You just need to encourage the prospect to give it a read.

We recommend you share your gratitude for being able to submit a proposal, describe their pain points or the desired outcome, and detail your proposed solution. However, you can mix and match any of the 7 points from Method 2 to craft an email that is contextualized, yet brief.

This type of proposal works well for financial aid appeal letters as these emails are not so short, and not so lengthy. Precise, to-the-point, and drives results.

For this example email, we’re including the following points: gratitude, desired outcome, proposed solution, and next step.

Subject line: Proposal ready for review Hi Name, Our team at Acme Architects is honored that you’ve given us the opportunity to submit a proposal for your dream cabin. We know how important it is that this cabin provides memories for your family to enjoy for decades to come. To achieve your goals, we’re proposing our standard package, which includes surveying, architectural renderings, design revisions, and streamlined collaboration with your engineer and building team. Please take a moment to review the proposal here: {link} Once the proposal is signed, our team will get to work immediately on the land survey. In the meantime, let's get some time on the calendar to review the proposal together and I can answer any questions. {Your Signature}

Method 4: Assume the sale

With this method, pretend like you’re writing to a new client who’s being onboarded—instead of trying to sell your services.

Most sellers know the “assume the sale” trick . Here’s how it works: you talk (or write) as if the prospect has already said yes. Your easy confidence in winning the deal helps convince them that you’re the one for the job.

This technique is frequently used on sales calls. A sales representative might say something like, “ Let’s make sure to set up a training session on this feature. Our head of education, Samantha, is really great. Your team is going to love her. What month would you like to schedule that ?” The seller is putting the prospective client in the mindset of having already said yes to the deal.

You can use this little sales trick in your proposal submission emails as well. You might hone in specifically on the next steps and not mention much else. Or you might include some details on the first few phases of the project.

Keep in mind that this trick can be effective for small businesses, but if your prospective client is a large organization, you might come across as clueless if you assume that decision-makers are already on board. So, use this method with caution. Find ways to mention onboarding and service details without being overly presumptuous.

Here’s a sample email using this method:

Subject line: Let’s get started! Hi Name, I’m looking forward to working together. You can find the proposal based on our conversation here: {link} Next week, we’ll kick things off with a 90-minute strategy session. I can’t wait for you to meet our chief brand strategist. She’s a gem and very excited about this project! Then we’ll dive straight into customer and market research, and your new brand will be ready for you by May 1st. Can’t wait! {Your Signature}

Must-have email templates when submitting proposals

When writing a professional email, it’s wise not to start from scratch. The proposal submission is an essential part of the sales process, and you want to get it right.

Before sending your sales proposal, consider using these great email templates. They’re available inside of Proposify , our platform designed for sending, tracking, and closing proposals.

Email template for sending the proposal

We’re big believers that for many companies and industries, sales emails should be kept simple.

This proposal email doesn’t include pain points or value propositions. It simply asks the prospective client to take a look at the proposal and let the sender know if they have any questions.

Screenshot of email template for sending a proposal

Let this template be a reminder: you don’t have to dress up your proposal with a complicated email. You can choose to let your proposal shine instead (and take pomp and circumstance out of the picture).

Automated follow-up email template to close the deal

Before you submit your proposal, you should set up at least one automated follow-up email . Not only will this save you time, but follow-up email automation also boosts proposal closing rates by 50% on average .

Use our reminder email template as an example. It kicks things off with a simple opening paragraph: “Do you have any questions on the proposal? I’m happy to adjust the terms to meet your needs.”

Screenshot of an email template for a proposal reminder

Automated thank-you email template

The thank-you email serves as one of the initial elements in your client experience.

You should use automation to send the thank-you email, because you want the client to feel good about their decision to work with you. If they sign the proposal while you’re away from your desk, automation ensures that you’re responding to their decision without delay.

You can use this email to cover important onboarding steps, such as filling out a questionnaire or booking a kickoff meeting. Or, you can simply deliver a copy of the signed proposal and let your client know you will be in touch with them as soon as possible to begin the onboarding process.

Proposify offers automated thank-you emails within our platform. This template uses simple, positive language like, “Thank you for accepting our proposal. We’re excited to get started and we’ll be in touch ASAP with next steps.”

Screenshot of a template for a thankyou for accepting a proposal email

With Proposify, you can edit any of our email templates or create your own templates for a variety of use cases.

Get proposal templates and automated emails with Proposify

To send beautiful proposals and submission emails in a snap, you need proposal software .

Proposify includes both proposal templates and email templates to save you time and create consistency for your sales team. Our software also offers analytics features so you can check which prospective clients have viewed your proposal and how often. This data will help you craft custom follow-up emails based on each client’s level of interest (or lack thereof). You can also track average viewing and closing rates to set goals for improving your sales stats.

And for the cherry on top, emails sent with Proposify enjoy an average open rate of 90.5% , so you can be sure that your emails are getting through to your prospects.

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How to close the deal faster

4 Tips That Will Make Any Proposal More Likely to Close

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36+ SAMPLE Field Trip Proposal in PDF | MS Word | Google Docs | Apple Pages

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Travel and Tours Proposal Template

Easily customize this travel and tours proposal template and send it online to impress your clients and get more proposals signed.

The original language of this template is English, but you can always use the translated text.


Prepared For Ms. Kristi Frey

Prospero team

[email protected]

Are you looking for the most exciting travel and tour vacations for you and your family? Look no further. Let [Company Name] arrange an adventure beyond your wildest dreams with various activities, attractions, and excursions for the entire family. Enjoy a Safari Adventure with the younger children or White-Water Rafting with the older ones. We offer activities for those 65 years and older. So, whether you are an amateur or experienced, no matter what your family enjoys, we have it for you!

Your family’s satisfaction is our number one priority, and here is why: 1. We offer high-end, efficient, quality customer service 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Hours may vary depending on the holidays. 2. We take pride in honesty and integrity in all we do. We believe in correcting and taking ownership of problems seen and unseen. 3. Our staff members depict a friendly and courteous environment from the beginning to the ending of your stay. In addition, they make sure we offer hospitality beyond exceptional. 4. Our staff is well-trained in meeting the needs of your family’s desire. From the culinary staff to the staff paramedic, our team is well-trained to handle most situations. 5. Our job is to make sure you and your family have a stress-free vacation. The staff can make sure you have that and nothing less. 6. Any questions, concerns, or comments – we are available at any time of the day by phone or simply by coming to the concierge’s desk, and we can address your concerns immediately. 7. No one is more excited than we are when it comes to planning the ultimate travel and tour vacation for you and your family. However, we aim to make sure we are prepared to curb the enthusiasm of the entire family.

What Our Clients Say About Us

The previous project [Company Name] has done are: [Client 1]  – Many customers enjoyed the friendly and carefree travel across the world. One customer stated, “I will book another trip to Iceland. I never knew traveling the world could be so fun.” [Client 2]  – There is no place like home, and sometimes taking a vacation is just like being at home. We have prided ourselves on offering One Tank Trips for families to explore their hometowns and the surrounding cities. One of our families enjoyed a Staycation in New Orleans. They commented by saying, “It feels good to be able to enjoy a staycation. It is not always about getting on an airplane to go to another state. My vacation was planned hassle-free. I can’t wait to plan another staycation.” [Client 3] – People love the idea of getting on an airplane to visit somewhere new, and we love helping them plan that trip. We assist the customer from the East Coast to the West Coast in planning their next vacation. A return customer stated, “I experience the same friendly greeting every time I book a vacation. [Company Name] is the only company I book my vacation through.”

We understand that all families are not the same; this is why we can tailor adventures according to the families’ size, age range, and capabilities. However, we want to make sure everyone can participate as a family. All adventures include a Safari Adventure, Scavenger Hunt, Horseback Riding, and S’mores by the Campfire with the option of at least one of the following (depending on the package) Ziplining, White Water Rafting, Swimming with the Dolphins, Hiking, Kayaking, Snorkeling, or Island Adventure. Amenities are complimentary breakfast each morning and dinner (based on the number of nights staying), Unlimited pool, workout room, and conference room access. Dry cleaning and laundry facilities are available.

Assuming that we have all necessary materials ready, here are the suggested milestones:

Do you have any questions? Take your time, review this agreement, and if you want to make any changes, I will be happy to answer any questions regarding this proposal Our next step is to meet via WebEx, Skype, Zoom, or telephone to discuss the milestone goals and payment. You can reach me on my phone at 555-555-5555.

1. All prices are subjected to changes and priced as the starting prices. 2. Package price varies according to the number of additional people added. For example, family Excursion Packages include [$] – [$] for each different person. The Family Reunion Packages include [$] – [$] for each other family member over 20 people. 3. Additional adventures added to the packages start ranging from [$] – [$] per person. 4. Airfare is not included but can be worked out in the packages. 5. Some adventures do have age restrictions. 6. Check-in is at 2:00 PM, and check-out is at 11:30 AM. All fees are due at the time of booking unless paid monthly. Then a 25% down payment is due at the time of booking, which is non-refundable. 7. Cancellations are to be done seven days before arrival day unless an extreme emergency occurs, and then documentation is needed for proof. Any cancellations after seven days of arrival will lose payment made up to 50%.


Ms. Kristi Frey


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  1. 6 Examples: How to Write a Perfect Proposal Letter (Step-by-Step)

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  2. Visit Request Letter

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  3. How to Write a Proposal Letter (With Template and Example)

    State your purpose for the proposal. Define your goals and objectives. Highlight what sets you apart. Briefly discuss the budget and how funds will be used. Finish with a call to action and request a follow-up. Close the letter and provide contact details. Related: 5 Steps for Great Business Writing. 1.

  4. Site Visit Permission Letter

    How to Use Live Assistant. The Live Assistant feature is represented by a real-time preview functionality. Here's how to use it: Start Typing: Enter your letter content in the "Letter Input" textarea. Live Preview: As you type, the content of your letter will be displayed in the "Live Preview" section below the textarea. This feature converts newline characters in the textarea into <br> tags ...

  5. How to Write a Proposal Letter [Samples Included]

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  6. Sample Permission Letter to Visit a Museum (Email Examples)

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  7. How to Write a Proposal Letter for Any Use Case [+ Templates]

    Your signature. As you're writing, do your best to match the style and tone you've chosen, but you can always tweak it to perfection as you edit. 5. Proofread before you send. The proposal letter is your first impression. Get it right, and there's a good chance the recipient will read your proposal.

  8. Permission Letter For Industrial Visit

    The visit is scheduled for [Preferred Date(s)] and is expected to last for approximately [Duration] hours. We anticipate that the visit will take place on [Company/Organization Address]. The purpose of this visit is to get a firsthand experience of the industry's working environment, processes, and technologies.

  9. Permission Letter for Industrial Visit

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  13. How To Write a Business Proposal Letter (With Template)

    Start with a captivating introduction. Identify the client's problems. Outline how your company can resolve the problem. Address client objections. Proofread before sending. 1. Format the letter. Choose the correct format based on the type of business proposal letter you are writing.

  14. How To Write a Business Proposal Letter (With Examples)

    1. Create a business header. Write your contact information at the top of the letter followed by the date. Then add the contact information of the recipient. If you're sending an email proposal, you'll use a subject line with your name and general purpose instead of a business header. 2.

  15. PDF Sample Site Visit Invitation Letter

    I will be following up with your scheduler in the next few days to schedule a day. and time for the visit. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate. to contact me at [ ENTER PHONE] or email [ENTER EMAIL ADDRESS]. Thanks in advance for your consideration of my request. Sincerely, XXX.

  16. Industrial Visit Permission Letter: 4 Templates

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  18. Sample Permission Letter Format for Industrial Visit

    I am writing this letter on behalf of the (Department name) as the (Job Designation) at (Name of school/college), seeking your permission to conduct an industrial visit to your company, (Name of Company) on (Date), (Day). (Describe in your words). (Name of School/College) is a well-reputed educational institution in (Location).

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  23. Travel and Tours Proposal Template Sample Example

    4. Our staff is well-trained in meeting the needs of your family's desire. From the culinary staff to the staff paramedic, our team is well-trained to handle most situations. 5. Our job is to make sure you and your family have a stress-free vacation. The staff can make sure you have that and nothing less. 6.

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