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  • Personal care

The Best Water Flossers

Nancy Redd

By Nancy Redd

Nancy Redd is a writer who covers health and grooming. She has tested dozens of hair dryers, toothbrushes, and pairs of period underwear.

Water flossers, also known as oral irrigators, cost a lot more up-front than string floss. And they can still be pretty uncomfortable to use—get ready to drool. Also, there’s no clear evidence that they’re superior to traditional floss. Yet some people really like the way the water jets feel between their teeth, and some find it’s easier to work with a wand than a piece of string. Of the 14 models we’ve tested, we recommend the Waterpik Ion , a compact traditional water flosser with a cordless charging base. It cleans mouths thoroughly and takes up less counter space than most of its competitors.

Everything we recommend

travel electric flosser

Waterpik Ion

Customizable, cordless charging.

This countertop flosser made our mouths feel the cleanest, and it can operate cordlessly (between the unit and the wall), which saves a ton of counter space.

Buying Options

travel electric flosser

Waterpik Aquarius Professional

Just as effective, but bulkier.

This model cleans just as well as our pick, and it has the same warranty and 10 pressure settings. But it’s slightly larger, and it requires an outlet and more counter space.

travel electric flosser

Philips Sonicare Power Flosser 3000 Cordless

Powerful and portable.

This handheld, battery-operated cordless model is powerful and more portable than our countertop picks.

Budget pick

travel electric flosser

Waterpik Cordless Express

Smaller tank, non-rechargeable batteries.

Another portable, handheld model, this flosser requires AA batteries and more-frequent refilling when compared with our other cordless pick.

How we picked

A larger tank allows you to floss longer without having to refill.

Some models are bulkier than others, which can make a difference on already crowded countertops.

Models that run on batteries (either rechargeable or replaceable) can be helpful when there’s no convenient outlet near your sink.

Customizing the pressure of your water stream can make your flossing experience more enjoyable and comfortable.

Testers unanimously chose the Waterpik Ion as the best countertop water flosser both in terms of cleaning and saving counter space. It tied with our runner-up pick, the Waterpik Aquarius Professional , for being the “most likely to deliver that ‘just left the dentist’ feeling.” But the Ion’s unique cordless charging base is a significant upgrade because it successfully mitigates one of the biggest hurdles we’ve had with traditional water flossers: needing an outlet near your countertop. (A cord connects the flossing device to the countertop water tank.)

The Ion has 10 pressure settings and comes with multiple tips of different stream widths. So you should be able to dial in a setting with the mix of comfort and effectiveness you prefer. This model also comes with a three-year warranty, which is as long as we’ve seen.

The Waterpik Aquarius Professional cleans mouths just as well as the Ion, and it has the same 10 pressure settings and three-year warranty. This model does, however, require more counter space than most flossers, and it needs to be plugged in while you use it. Even so, we found it easy to use and clean, like the Ion. The Aquarius Professional is the only one of our picks that comes with a “massage” setting, which emits pulses of water.

If you’d like to use a water flosser in places other than at the sink (such as in the shower), consider the Philips Sonicare Power Flosser 3000 Cordless . It’s a portable, cordless flosser that’s as powerful as our other picks. Unlike its countertop counterparts (which feature large water reservoirs and handheld sprayers), this battery-operated flosser combines the sprayer with a single-use reservoir, for an all-in-one, handheld experience. Plus, this model fits in a bathroom drawer (or a suitcase) between uses.

The Waterpik Cordless Express is the best cordless water flosser under $50 we’ve tested. Its reservoir is a lot smaller than that on the Power Flosser 3000 Cordless (5 ounces versus 8), and it produces a less powerful stream, but it gets the job done—for half the price of the Power Flosser 3000 Cordless.

The research

Why you should trust us, who this is for, how we picked and tested, our pick: waterpik ion, runner-up: waterpik aquarius professional, also great: philips sonicare power flosser 3000 cordless, budget pick: waterpik cordless express, other good water flossers, the competition.

We spoke with Jessica Hilburg , then associate dean for clinical affairs at NYU College of Dentistry and now a clinical associate at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine, and Ruchi Sahota , a dentist in Fremont, California, who serves as a media spokesperson for the American Dental Association (ADA). We also spoke with Chhaju Ram Goyal, co-founder and director of All Sum Research Center (an independent research lab in Canada that tests oral-health-care products), whose name is on much of the scientific research related to water flossers (though, that research was paid for and designed by none other than Waterpik).

If you won’t or can’t use dental floss , and you don’t mind spending some cash on a device that might break or get disastrously moldy, consider a water flosser.

Water flossers are an alternative (or an addition) to string floss. They don’t require the same dexterity that string floss does (though you still need fine-motor skills). They can make it easier to clean around braces . And they are arguably more fun to use than string floss.

But they’re also pricier, bulkier, and fussier. Even using a generous 18 inches of string per floss —which allows you to use a new section of string for each tooth—you’ll go through under $10 worth of floss per year. By contrast, the least expensive water flossers cost about $40. Plus, you’ll need to clean your water flosser from time to time, but string floss is maintenance-free.

Only your own dentist can tell you whether a water flosser is the best choice for your oral hygiene, according to the dentists we spoke with. “Everyone’s teeth are different, everyone’s gums are different,” Ruchi Sahota , a dentist in Fremont, California, said. If you embark on a water-flosser experiment, get feedback from your dentist about how well it’s working.

By and large, it’s unclear how water flossers compare to regular string floss in terms of cleaning. Water flossers that bear a seal from the American Dental Association (ADA) have been evaluated by the organization and are shown to clean teeth better than a toothbrush alone. However, the ADA doesn’t compare water flossing to string flossing. (The ADA isn’t entirely independent of companies that sell dental goods: Member companies pay the organization a fee to evaluate their products. The ADA designs and controls the evaluations itself, though.)  There’s a paper arguing that water flossers are superior to string floss . But the research was funded and overseen by Waterpik. Thus, we’re skeptical of the results, even though the journal the paper appeared in is peer reviewed by an editorial board of dentists.

Actually, the evidence that even string flossing improves overall oral health isn’t of great quality . But the ADA recommends some sort of daily flossing, and the experts we spoke with likened interdental cleaning to any other routine hygiene step. “There might not be a study, but most people would agree that taking a shower is a good thing,” said Jessica Hilburg, who at the time of our interview was associate dean for clinical affairs at NYU College of Dentistry. Sahota likened it to cleaning out any of the little crevices on your body, like your belly button.

All of the water flossers we tested for this guide.

There are dozens upon dozens of water flossers available. Over five years of testing these devices, we’ve considered a mix of countertop and portable, corded and cordless models in a variety of sizes, favoring those with the most favorable customer reviews and/or the ADA Seal of Acceptance .

We pinpointed the features that will have the biggest impact on what it’s like to use a particular water flosser:

  • Tank size: Many flossers don’t hold enough water to work through your whole mouth. Having a larger tank can be nice because it allows you to focus on any trouble spots (like a stubborn fleck of popcorn) or do a touch-up without having to refill.
  • Power source: Some flossers need to be plugged into the wall during use, and some are cordless. Some cordless models have a built-in rechargeable battery; others run on replaceable batteries.
  • Counter space: Some models take up a bit more space than an electric toothbrush, whereas others need as much room as a couple of rolls of toilet paper.
  • Settings: The more you can adjust the water stream, the better you can adjust the flosser’s feel to your exact preferences.
  • Tips: All water flossers shoot water out of a removable tip, allowing multiple people in a household to use the same device without sharing germs. Some models have holsters for multiple tips, while others have no storage. Some come with a range of tips that vary the stream width, though not all of these are useful.

No matter which model you pick, buy a water flosser only if it’s under warranty. Across the category, water flossers tend to fail easily: They can leak, wane in strength, or simply give up the ghost. Our picks have earned fewer customer complaints than the competition. But your best option is to buy something with a long warranty (two or three years is typical), and be prepared to file a claim if needed.

We rotated through our selection of finalist flossers for several weeks (the experience of using them was so satisfying and novel that one tester water-flossed upwards of four times a day). We are continuing to test them over the long term.

An Waterpik Ion, our best water flosser pick.

The Waterpik Ion is the best countertop water flosser. It cleans mouths thoroughly, and it is highly adjustable. And, thanks to its cordless charging base, the Ion can be used in all types of bathrooms—regardless of whether there’s an outlet nearby. The removable charging cord can be stored anywhere and brought out every few weeks to recharge the flosser. The Ion features a strong, steady water stream. And it has a larger-than-average, 26-ounce water tank (with a wide, easy-to-refill mouth), which holds enough water to floss between each tooth and then some.

Like many Waterpik countertop flossers, the Ion has 10 pressure settings, so you can find the perfect water-stream strength. This model also comes with six tips that offer different stream widths. But unlike other flossers, the Ion has a magnetized handle cradle, which makes it easier to store the handle and the cord that connects it to the reservoir compactly.

The Ion takes up less counter space than other countertop flossers we’ve considered, including our runner-up pick, the Waterpik Aquarius Professional . Because with the Ion you’re not tied to an outlet, you can move the device wherever on the counter you prefer.

As with most flossers that produce a constant flow of water, you’ll have to learn how to artfully drool while using the Ion.

A close up of the Waterpik Ion flosser's cord that is neatly wrapped on it's the base.

The Ion is one of the easiest water flossers to refill after each use or so (a requirement of all flossers) and to wipe out regularly: It has a wide, dishwasher-safe reservoir that is easily removed and that doesn’t have any hard-to-reach nooks and crannies. The tank lid attaches to the unit and flips up, so there’s nothing to set aside while you fill and clean the tank. It holds around 90 seconds’ worth of water, which gives you plenty of time (and then some) to floss your entire mouth. One tester found they could do a quick floss in about 30 seconds; if they spent more than a minute, their teeth felt fantastically clean.

The Ion comes in two colors (black and white) and is warrantied for three years.

Flaws but not dealbreakers

Although Waterpik claims the Ion can last for a month between charges, we needed to recharge the device every three weeks or so when water flossing every day. Even so, we found this model to be a worthwhile upgrade over having to keep a countertop flosser plugged in at all times in order to run it.

There’s no place to store the included extra tips, so if that is more important to you than cordless charging, consider our runner-up pick, the Aquarius Professional .

Like most water flossers, the Ion is slightly noisy (similar to electric razors and many bathroom electronics), but not terribly so.

Because of its continuous stream, the Ion (like all of our picks) involves a learning curve. That stream means your mouth fills up with water pretty quickly. You’ll either have to pause to spit several times during a flossing session or learn to let it dribble out (even the official Waterpik literature features an image of a person straight-up drooling ). And if you pull the nozzle out of your mouth too quickly, you’ll send water spraying across the bathroom.

The Waterpik Aquarius Water Flosser, shown on a purple background.

If plugging in is not an issue, the Waterpik Aquarius Professional is a solid water flosser that offers a similar experience to that of our pick, the Ion . The Aquarius made our mouths feel totally clean, thanks to its strong, continuous stream (which is similar to the Ion’s). This model also ties with the Ion for having the most stream pressure settings and tips of all the flossers we tested. So the Aquarius Professional gives you the best chance of finding the pressure, pulse, and stream size that feels good to you.

With the Aquarius Professional, there’s no charging system or batteries to contend with because it plugs into the wall via a 4-foot electrical cord. (Though, unlike the Ion, this model must remain plugged in to operate.) Although there are more reports of it breaking down or becoming caked with mold than we’d like , in five years of research and long-term testing, we’ve found the Aquarius Professional to be a reliable device.

Though the Aquarius Professional is not quite as easy to clean as the Ion, it does have a wide, dishwasher-safe reservoir that holds plenty of water for at least a single flossing session. This model, in part due to the bulky cord, takes up more counter space than our other picks. As with all of our picks, with the Aquarius Professional you’ll be drooling a lot because of the constant water flow. Unlike our other picks, this model has two modes (for a regular “floss” stream or a “massage” mode, which shoots pulses of water), and it comes with seven different tips (same as the Ion).

The floss mode delivers a continuous stream of water, which we found to be the most effective for cleaning. On the strongest setting, it actually made one of our tester’s gums bleed, possibly because they were not used to flossing. Some water-flosser manuals acknowledge a week or two of bleeding as part of the “training period,” when your gums get used to being power-washed.

The massage mode is a pulsing stream. This mode also felt like it cleaned well, and it filled our mouths with water at a slower rate, which in turn made for less awkward drooling. The massage mode could be helpful for folks who prefer a gentler stream.

The Aquarius Professional comes with seven basic tips offering five different types of water streams (though you probably wouldn’t use most of them on a regular basis). Unlike the Ion, this model has a spot next to the tank to store tips; this is handy if you want to share the flosser with family members or switch between a couple of tips yourself. The curly cord that connects the handle to the tank is about 33 inches long, an inch shorter than the Ion’s.

All of the different head options that the Aquarius comes with arrayed on a clean wood surface.

Like the Ion, the Aquarius Professional comes with a three-year warranty. It is available in four colors: black, white, blue, and gray.

Our also great pick, the Philips Sonicare Power Flosser 3000 Cordless standing up against a purple background.

A cordless water flosser can be a useful tool for both portability and space-saving purposes. The best one we’ve tested is the Philips Sonicare Power Flosser 3000 Cordless . It is, as one reviewer called it, “like a power washer for your teeth .”

Because it’s an all-in-one device, with the water reservoir attached to the handheld sprayer, this model is much wider and heavier to hold than our other picks. When they are filled with water, cordless water flossers, including this one, can weigh more than a pound—versus the single ounce of most countertop flosser handles. (If you have hand-grip issues, a cordless water flosser may not be right for you.)

However, the Power Flosser 3000 Cordless has an impressively strong water stream to rival those of countertop flossers, and it offers an extremely pleasant and versatile flossing experience. And unlike our countertop picks, this one is fully waterproof—you can use it in the shower. We found this extremely helpful both for remembering to floss and for limiting cleanup (what better place to drool on oneself than in the shower?).

The Power Flosser 3000 has a rechargeable battery (and comes with a USB-C charging cord). And it can hold a lot more water than most cordless flossers (over 8 ounces), so most people won’t have to refill during a single flossing session. It holds enough water or mouthwash (or other antibacterial solutions) for almost an entire minute of spray (give or take 10 seconds, depending upon your settings); this is usually enough to complete a single floss.

The Power Flosser 3000 comes with two nozzles, has two flossing modes (“clean” and “deep clean”), and has three stream intensities, which our testers enjoyed tooling with. It comes in three colors (white, black, mint green).

As with those of our other picks, this model’s water reservoir can go in the dishwasher; weekly cleaning is recommended.

The Power Flosser 3000 Cordless comes with a two-year warranty (our two countertop picks have three-year warranties).

The Waterpik Cordless Express Water Flosser shown on a purple background.

The Waterpik Cordless Express is a great flosser under $50. But, unlike our other cordless flosser pick, the water tank on this model requires refilling mid-floss.

With just two settings and a single stream intensity, the Cordless Express is much simpler than our other picks. It holds enough water or mouthwash (or other antibacterial solutions) for 30 seconds of spray, which is generally not enough to complete a full floss. It’s easy to fill, however, so you can be back to drooling in mere seconds (especially when flossing in the shower ).

The Cordless Express uses three AA batteries, instead of plugging into the wall with a charging cord, so you’ll want to have extra batteries on hand (or use rechargeable ones ). Removing and replacing the batteries is an easy process, as is cleaning the device. And, as with our other picks, this model’s water reservoir can go in the dishwasher; weekly cleaning is recommended.

This model comes with two tips—like our cordless pick from Philips Sonicare. But the Cordless Express is compatible with all other Waterpik tips.

This flosser’s body has a useful grip pattern, to help you avoid dropping the device. But people with smaller hands may have difficulty holding its 5-inch circumference, which is much more unwieldy than the comparatively slim Power Flosser 3000 Cordless.

The Cordless Express has a one-year warranty (much shorter than that of our other picks), and it comes in white or black.

If you can’t find the regular Waterpik Ion in stock: Consider the rechargeable Waterpik Ion Professional . This model has the same 5.5-inch footprint and 34-inch flosser cord as our pick , the Ion, but it holds 20 ounces of water (instead of 22 ounces).

If you’re looking for a traditional corded water flosser for a child, or for an adult with smaller hands or dexterity issues:   Waterpik’s Water Flosser For Kids may be a worthy compact option. Its neon green coloring isn’t exactly subtle, but this flosser has the same per-minute pulses and flow rate as our picks. However, its highest pressure option is lower than that of our picks (80 psi versus 100 psi). And this model also offers only 60 seconds of flossing capacity (our picks offer 90 seconds) and a shorter warranty (two years versus three). We found this flosser’s smaller, thinner handle easy to grip, but it does not have a rotating tip option or an on/off switch. Since this one is meant to be refilled after every use, it does not come with a lid.

Countertop water flossers

The reservoir of the Philips Sonicare Power Flosser 5000 holds less water than that of our top pick, and it’s more expensive.

In our experience, the Waterpik Ultra cleans just as well as the Ion and the Aquarius Professional. But its lid isn’t attached to the tank (which is less preferable for regular maintenance).

We found combination water flossers and electric toothbrushes like Waterpik’s Complete Care 5.0  to be less appealing than using our water flosser pick and electric toothbrush pick separately.

We didn’t test the Waterpik Sidekick Water Flosser , despite its pluses. We like that this corded model is smaller than other countertop Waterpiks, can fit in a small travel case, and looks quite nice (especially the black-and-copper model ). But, unfortunately, it comes with only one tip, which cannot be changed (making it a little gross for use by multiple people). Also, it has just five pressure settings, and, at the time of publication, the Sidekick was nearly double the price of the Aquarius.

The Waterpik Classic Professional Water Flosser , which we also did not test, is similar in function and size to our top pick and costs a bit less. But it has only six pressure settings and comes with just two styles of tips. There’s also no cover on the tank lid.

Cordless water flossers

The cordless Oral-B Water Flosser Advanced ’s reservoir holds less water than we needed for a single test flossing session. Because this model produces a lower pressure water stream than our pick, in our experience it felt less effective when compared with the Philips Sonicare Power Flosser 3000 Cordless and the Waterpik Cordless Express.

The Panasonic EW-DJ10-W Oral Irrigator is a well-reviewed water flosser. But due to its collapsible design, it tends to stay damp for a while, which, well, dampens the overall experience. It also looks and feels a little cheaper than the Cordless Express, despite being the same price. It has a two-year warranty.

We found two other cordless offerings from Waterpik, the Waterpik Cordless Freedom and the Waterpik Cordless Advanced Water Flosser , that are bulkier and less enjoyable to use than the Power Flosser 3000 Cordless and the Cordless Express.

The Burst Water Flosser has an especially strong water stream, but it holds less water than our budget pick.

Quip’s Rechargeable Cordless Water Flosser has the same capacity and number of settings as our budget pick, but is more expensive.

The Aquasonic Aqua Flosser is overall more cumbersome to use when compared with our picks.

Shannon Palus contributed reporting in 2018.

This article was edited by Tracy Vence and Kalee Thompson.

Jessica Hilburg, associate dean for clinical affairs at NYU College of Dentistry , phone interview , September 25, 2018

Ruchi Sahota, dentist and media spokesperson for the American Dental Association , phone interview , October 15, 2018

Chhaju Ram Goyal, BDS, director at All Sum Research Center , phone interview , October 16, 2018

Federal Government, ADA Emphasize Importance of Flossing and Interdental Cleaners , American Dental Association , August 4, 2016

Meet your guide

travel electric flosser

Nancy Redd is a senior staff writer covering health and grooming at Wirecutter. She is a GLAAD Award–nominated on-air host and a New York Times best-selling author. Her latest nonfiction book, The Real Body Manual , is a visual health and wellness guide for young adults of all genders. Her other books include Bedtime Bonnet and Pregnancy, OMG!

Further reading

Our picks for electric toothbrushes, the Oral-B Pro 1000 and the Philips Sonicare 4100, shown alongside floss and a glass of water.

The Best Electric Toothbrush

by Nancy Redd

After more than 100 hours of research and considering nearly every model available, we think the Oral-B Pro 1000 is the best rechargeable electric toothbrush.

Small Bathroom Ideas

Small Bathroom Ideas

by Alex Arpaia and Dorie Chevlen

After 20 hours researching dozens of organizing solutions, we recommend these items to maximize storage and keep small bathrooms clutter-free.

A Philips Sonicare 4100 electric toothbrush with a black handle and white brush head.

Most People Don’t Need This Fancy Toothbrush Feature. But I Do.

by Phillip Zminda

My dentist told me I’m brushing so hard that my gums are receding. My toothbrush’s pressure sensor is teaching me to brush right and keeping my gums healthy.

Illustration of a person tangled with dental floss

If You Hate Floss, It’s Okay to Try These Alternatives

by Sarah Witman

Experts with the ADA and the CDC told us five things to try if you hate regular floss—and what you should avoid.

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Best Portable Water Flosser: Top 5 Cordless and Rechargeable

Natalie Asmussen

The best portable water flosser will help you keep your gums and teeth clean between your dental checkups. There are many water flossers to choose from, so we've come up with a list of our top five picks, according to common customer needs.

Keep reading to see why and how we've rated the best Waterpik portable flossers. Before we continue with our cordless water flosser reviews, if you're short on time, you can have a look at the table below for a quick summary.

Table of contents

  • 1 What to look for in a cordless water flosser
  • 2 Best overall: cariPRO water flosser
  • 3 Best travel Waterpik: Waterpik WP-560 Cordless Advanced water flosser
  • 4 Best coverage: Philips Cordless Power Flosser 3000
  • 5 Best for braces: Panasonic Professional Water Flosser for Braces
  • 6 Best budget: Nicwell Oral Irrigator
  • 7 Water flosser basics
  • 8 Conclusion

What to look for in a cordless water flosser

Flossing time.

Your portable water flosser should let you floss for about 45 seconds before running out of water. That's not to say that's how long you should floss for — in fact, many brands recommend flossing for one minute with a water flosser.

However, it would seem that most reputable water flosser brands have settled on 45 seconds of flossing as the sweet spot for not having a tiny reservoir that you have to fill up every 10 seconds, to one that is too bulky to handle comfortably.

45 seconds of flossing means the reservoir holds a little over 5 oz of water or around 155 ml.

waterpik cordless plus waterflosser black

It may not seem like a big deal at first, but unlike a countertop water flosser, which has a petite nozzle, a cordless water flosser has to carry its tank around with it, which can be quite heavy and bulky if designed poorly.

It should be easy and comfortable to grip and hold for at least one minute, or you're not going to want to floss. Words like ‘non-slip,' and ‘ergonomic' should come to mind during your search.

Battery life

If you want to bring your flosser with you on vacation, or you don't plan on having it plugged in all of the time, you'll want it to have a battery that lasts at least a couple of weeks. The battery range for portable water flossers tends to be from two weeks to one month.

Travel design

Some cordless water flossers come with travel cases or bags, so you can easily back them with you when you're on the go. Furthermore, some have a more compact design and a sleeker charging base — these are all things to look for if you'd like to travel with your flosser. As we mentioned above, a longer battery life is ideal for trips.

Best overall: cariPRO water flosser

Our top pick for best overall water flosser is the cariPRO . It is designed for all of your needs — whether you are always on the go with business trips, or you are looking for a flosser to use at home.

travel water pic

It's also designed with different oral health needs in mind, like gum disease, people with prostheses, braces wearers, or those who just want to take better care of their mouths.

What's more, it goes beyond everything you should look for in a portable water flosser (mentioned above):

  • Flossing time: The cariPRO has a reservoir that holds 155 ml of water, for 45 seconds of non-stop flossing
  • Grip: It has an ergonomic design with a slim grip, designed with soft-touch material
  • Battery life: This flosser lasts a whopping 28 days on a single charge (plus it charges in just 5 hours)
  • Travel: The cariPRO's extra-long battery life and compact design make it ideal for taking it with you on-the-go

This flosser also has the following stand-out features:

  • 3 modes: Normal, soft, and pulse
  • Waterproof design: Use it in the shower or bath
  • 4 floss tops: Standard, Orthodontic, Brush (implants, crowns, and bridges) Pocket (periodontal pockets and furcations)

You can order the cariPRO now risk-free with a 60-day trial . That means you can use it for two months, and if you don't like it, you can return it for a full refund.

Best travel Waterpik: Waterpik WP-560 Cordless Advanced water flosser

Waterpik is one of the biggest names in the water flosser game, and the Waterpik Cordless Advanced WP-560 model has various features that make it another good choice.

travel electric flosser

It's topping our list as the best cordless Waterpik for taking with you on your trips because it is compatible with global voltage and it comes with a storage case for the flossing tips, a special water plug, and a micro-fiber travel bag, so you can pack it away neatly in your bags.

This Waterpik cordless water flosser is accepted by the American Dental Association and uses a combination of water pulsations and pressure to clean between teeth and along the gumline.

The highlights of this Waterpik rechargeable water flosser are:

  • Fast charging: The charger connects magnetically and charges in just 4 hours, with an LED light indicating when it's finished
  • Travel-friendly: It is compatible with global voltage and comes with a micro-fiber travel water flosser bag, tip storage case, and water plug
  • 3 settings: Customize the water pressure for maximum clean and comfort
  • Flossing time: The reservoir holds 7 ounces for 45 seconds of non-stop flossing
  • 4 tips: 2 Classic Jet Tips, 1 Orthodontic Tip, and 1 Plaque Seeker Tip

Best coverage: Philips Cordless Power Flosser 3000

The Philips Cordless 3000 features a unique design wherein four wider streams of water come out of the tip, as opposed to the thinner stream that most flossers have. This, combined with pulse wave technology, offers greater coverage with less movement, plus a gentler feel on your gums.

This flosser is also designed to be especially quiet when you floss, so you don't wake anybody up, and it has an extra-large reservoir for a cordless water flosser, so you can floss for a full minute without stopping.

travel electric flosser

The main features of the Philips water flosser are:

  • Quad Stream: 4 wide streams of water form an X to cover more surface area
  • Whisper quiet: Let you floss without waking or disturbing anyone else
  • Pulse-wave technology: Gentle on your gums and guides you from tooth to tooth
  • Extra-large reservoir: Lets you floss for 60 seconds without stopping
  • 2 modes: Clean and deep clean for that extra oompf
  • 2 nozzles: You can mix it up between Quad Stream and Standard

Best for braces: Panasonic Professional Water Flosser for Braces

As it is clear by the product name, the Panasonic Professional Water Flosser for Braces is designed to be the best water flosser for braces. That's because it features a 2-in-1 design, with two heads:

travel electric flosser

  • Tuft brush: This head features a tufted brush that delivers a stream of water while at the same time scrubbing away plaque to remove more debris and plaque from under and around wires and brackets
  • Water jet nozzle: This head features a spout that lets you clean along the gumline, ensuring you evacuate any remaining debris from your gum pockets

You can also choose from three settings — a high-pressure water jet, a pulsating stream of water mixed with air, or a softer mode for gentle gum stimulation. Plus, it features an ergonomic design that is comfortable to hold, and it's compact so you can take it with you on vacation.

Best budget: Nicwell Oral Irrigator

At under $40, the Nicwell Oral Irrigator is our top budget pick. It may go easy on your wallet, but it's still tough on plaque, with 1,400 – 1,800 water pulses per minute, removing deeply tucked away debris, massaging gums, and promoting healthy blood circulation.

waterpik flosser cordless

The Nicwell doesn't have quite as many features as some of the more premium options mentioned above, but it still has some great additions that will help keep your teeth and gums clean:

  • 4 pressure settings: Choose from normal, soft, pulse, and custom
  • Ergonomic handle : An ergonomic grip with a gentle slope makes it comfortable to hold
  • Waterproof : Take it with you in the shower or bath — no problem!
  • Multiple tips: It comes with 3 standard tips, so the family can floss, plus an ortho tip and a tongue scraper

Water flosser basics

Before you buy a water flosser, there are a couple of things you should know, like the advantages of using a water flosser, as well as how it fits into your oral hygiene routine. You should also be clear on the differences between a countertop and a cordless flosser, so you can make the best decision for your lifestyle and needs.

Pros and cons of using a water flosser

Can a water flosser replace flossing.

A water flosser is not meant to be a replacement for flossing your teeth with traditional dental floss. Instead, it is meant to supplement your regular flossing routine. That being said, there are some dentists who give patients with special circumstances the go-ahead to use a water flosser instead of regular dental floss, like if they have braces, or if they have especially sensitive gums.

And — you didn't read this here — but, if it's between you never flossing and you using a water flosser regularly, then a water flosser will certainly do a good job helping to keep your gums and teeth healthy between your dental checkups. Studies have shown that water flossing is as effective as regular flossing at removing plaque from teeth.

In the video below, a dental hygienist explains how to use a water flosser and why she recommends that her patients use them.

Countertop vs cordless water flosser

Both countertop and cordless water flossers will do an equally good job cleaning your teeth and gums. However, if you have the countertop space available, and you're not looking for a water flosser to take with you when you travel, then you may find that a countertop model is more comfortable.

That's because the handle is lighter and easier to hold, plus the reservoir is much larger, so you don't have to stop mid-floss to refill it. A countertop model might also have additional features, like more pressure settings and timers.

However, cordless water flossers have a sleeker, more minimalist appeal, and they don't need to be plugged in to work, so they don't require a bathroom with an electric socket.

water flosser rechargeable

You have a lot of options when you're looking for a handheld water flosser. Here's a summary of our top picks for the best rechargeable water flosser:

  • Best Waterpik portable overall: cariPRO water flosser
  • Best travel water flosser: WaterPik Cordless Advanced WP-560
  • Best cordless water pick for coverage: Phillips Cordless 3000
  • Best Waterpik cordless for braces: Panasonic Professional Water Flosser for Braces
  • Best cheap portable Waterpik: Nicwell Oral Irrigator

We hope you choose the best one for your needs so you can start taking better care of your gums and teeth now.

What is the best cordless water flosser to buy?

Our top pick for a cordless water flosser is the cariPRO water flosser . It features three modes — normal, soft, and pulse — for personalized flossing, and specialized tips based on your needs.

What is the best cordless water flosser on the market?

We think that the cariPRO water flosser made by Smile Brilliant is the best portable Waterpik water flosser. It has specialty flossing tips for braces, implants, and more, and modes for customization.

NIH: Comparison between water flosser and regular floss in the efficacy of plaque removal in patients after single use . Consulted 4th November 2022.

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The Best Travel Water Flosser

Looking for full-sized water flossers? Check our top picks that we reviewed in October 2023.

travel electric flosser

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travel electric flosser

Our Picks For The Top Travel Water Flossers

1. aquasonic battery powered quiet travel water flosser, 2. koovon gentle interchangeable tips travel water flosser, 3. oralfree smart diy travel water flosser, 4. smiledirectclub anti-plaque battery powered travel water flosser, 5. h2ofloss usb long-lasting travel water flosser, 6. zerhunt long lasting travel water flosser, 7. yafex battery powered compact travel water flosser, 8. waterpik clinically proven travel water flosser, 9. yafex cordless collapsible travel water flosser & sinus rinse, 10. panasonic pulsing travel water flosser.

Aquasonic Battery Powered Quiet Travel Water Flosser

Battery Powered Quiet Travel Water Flosser

Available in white or black, this water flosser is battery-powered, so you don't have to worry about any annoying cords. It comes with four tips and does an excellent job of cleaning around braces without any pain. The flosser can run a full 5 hours on just one charge.

Removes Plaque This water flosser features a 2-minute timer and three available treatment modes.

KOOVON Gentle Interchangeable Tips Travel Water Flosser

Gentle Interchangeable Tips Travel Water Flosser

This travel water flosser is portable and comes neatly organized inside a handy carry bag. It offers four cleaning modes, including one to clear out your sinuses. Since five replacement tips are included with your purchase, you'll find the set lasts a long time.

Convenient Carrying Case Typical travel water flossers use silicone tubes, which can breed bacteria; however, this model defeats that problem using a stainless steel tube.

Oralfree Smart DIY Travel Water Flosser

Smart DIY Travel Water Flosser

check retailer price

Improve your gum health with this portable water flosser. It's easily charged in a car, at home or anywhere around the world, as long as you have a power bank. The flosser is easy to use and offers four pressure modes for soft cleanings, deep cleanings and massages.

Multiple Color Options You'll find this water flosser comes in a choice of black or pink.

SmileDirectClub Anti-Plaque Battery Powered Travel Water Flosser


Anti-plaque battery powered travel water flosser.

Since this travel water flosser has a compact foldable design, it's perfect for business and family trips. The flosser is battery-powered, so you don't have to worry about plugging it into an outlet. It comes with three pressure modes and an extra jet tip to get your teeth, gums and braces clean and free of food debris and bacteria.

Extremely Effective This travel water flosser is 50 percent more effective than traditional floss or dental picks.

Buying Guide

Brushing alone won’t get rid of all of the food particles and bacteria lurking in and around your teeth. According to the U.S. News & World Report, only 30% of Americans use dental floss daily after brushing. If you’re looking to improve your oral health, but find using dental floss difficult and time-consuming, consider using a water flosser instead. There are plenty of travel-friendly models on the market that you can even take with you when you go on a business trip or family vacation.

travel electric flosser

Look for a travel water flosser that is lightweight and compact, so you’ll be able to toss it in your carry-on bag. Some models are fully collapsible. The upper portion of these flossers is able to slide down into the handle when not in use.

Next, you’ll need to check the capacity of the rechargeable lithium battery. Believe it or not, but there are actually travel water flossers that reach a full charge in just a few hours. This charge will then last for up to 40 days, depending on the model you select. Some models also come with a USB cable and UL certification charger adapter, which is handy if you don’t want to wait for the battery to recharge.

travel electric flosser

Review the available water pressure settings on the travel water flosser. While some models only have a choice between two pressure types, others have as many as six. There are even models in the market with a DIY mode. These allow you to adjust the water pressure until it matches your comfort level.

Check the capacity of the water tank. One with a 300 milliliter is ideal, as this will allow you to complete a full mouth flossing without having to stop and refill the tank. It’s also helpful if the tank has a wide opening, as this will make the unit easy to clean. Otherwise limescale and bacteria will build up in the tank.

Consider the water flosser’s nozzle. Some models come with one simple nozzle that rotates a full 360 degrees, which allows you to reach every area of your mouth, while others have interchangeable nozzle heads.

travel electric flosser

Determine whether there are any extras that make one travel water flosser stand out from another. There are models that come with a car charger, while other models offer a built-in timer that shuts off after 2 minutes of use. There are even flossers that are waterproof inside and out, so consumers can use them in the shower.

What to Look For

  • It’s important to schedule a routine cleaning of your travel water flosser. You can do this after returning home from your trip or stick to a once per month cleaning. Start off removing the flosser’s water tank and clean it using your dishwasher. Fill the water tank with 8 ounces of water and 1 tablespoon of white distilled vinegar and return it to the flosser. Run this mixture through the flosser to clean out the internal parts. Dump any remaining solution out of the water tank, rinse it clean and fill it back up with water. Run the water through the flosser to remove any traces of the previous solution. Wipe down the outside of the water flosser using a soapy dishrag and soak any nozzles in either hydrogen peroxide or vinegar.
  • When using the water flosser, you may want to close your lips to prevent splashing.
  • Since travel water flossers have different water capacities, varying jet nozzles and charge times, they come in different price ranges. The Waterpik Cordless Travel Water Flosser is affordably priced. You’ll pay the most for models that have a large water reservoir, two charging options and a 360-degree rotatable nozzle.

Travel Water Flosser Rankings

H2ofloss USB Long-Lasting Travel Water Flosser

More to Explore

Water flossers are sometimes referred to as oral irrigators. They were first created by a Colorado dentist named Gerald Moyer and a hydraulic engineer by the name of John Mattingly (who happened to be Moyer’s patient) back in 1962. Moyer was looking for a way to help his patients improve their oral health. Since the water flosser was created, it has undergone many studies, all of which had positive results.

Using a water flosser has proven effective in reducing inflammation and bleeding, as well as cutting down on plaque and bacteria levels. This is true even in patients who suffer from diabetes, gingivitis and periodontitis. If you’re looking to improve upon your oral health, a water flosser is the way to go.

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Best Water Flossers of 2024

Adding a water flosser to your dental hygiene routine can help keep your teeth clean by removing food particles and bacteria. As Dr. Steven Barefoot, DDS, clinical leader at DentaQuest, explains, “Water flossers work by emitting a jet of water under pressure through a narrow tip or nozzle. The water jet is directed between the teeth to dislodge debris and food particles from that space.”

If you’re searching for the best water flossers for your needs, we’ve highlighted some of the top countertop and cordless models below.

Table of Contents

  • Best Water Flossers
  • Things To Consider When Buying
  • How We Chose

Waterpik Aquarius Water Flosser  »

Waterpik Aquarius Water Flosser

10 pressure settings

Comes with seven flosser tips

Large-capacity water tank

Difficult to pack for travel

Not cordless

The Waterpik Aquarius Water Flosser earns the top slot on our list. With 10 pressure settings, users can adjust the flow of water to match their comfort level and oral health needs. This flosser’s tank boasts the largest capacity of all the models on our list – it can hold 22 ounces of water, which is enough to allow for at least 90 seconds of flossing. This means most users won’t need to pause to refill the tank during a flossing session.

Waterpik includes seven flossing tips with each purchase: three Classic jet tips, one Orthodontic tip, one Pik Pocket tip, one Plaque Seeker tip, and one water flosser Stationary Toothbrush tip. With the 360-degree rotating handle, you’ll be able to find the ideal angle to clean your entire mouth with the tip you select.

To help users pace their flossing and ensure they cover all the areas in their mouth, the flosser offers a 30-second pacer and a one-minute timer. This is a corded model, so you won’t need to worry about recharging a battery. However, this means that it won’t be as easy to travel with as more portable options. Choose from four colors to coordinate with your bathroom’s decor : white, black, modern gray, and classic blue.

Aquasonic Aqua Flosser Standard  »

Aquasonic Aqua Flosser Standard

Relatively inexpensive

Compact size

Comes with four flosser tips

Limited pressure settings

Small-capacity water tank

With its retail price of about $50, the Aquasonic Aqua Flosser Standard is significantly more affordable than the other models on our list. This cordless flosser features a rechargeable lithium-ion battery, so you don’t need to be tied down to an outlet to use it. The battery can last up to a few weeks and takes just a few hours to fully charge. (The manufacturer recommends charging it overnight, however.) Its portable, battery-powered design makes it a suitable option for travel. A travel bag is included with each purchase to make packing easier.

Four flosser tips are included. Each has a colored base, allowing family members sharing the flosser to have their own easily identifiable tip. As a more budget-friendly pick, this flosser doesn’t offer all the bells and whistles you’ll find with more expensive options. It only has three pressure settings (Normal, Soft, and Pulse), and the water tank has a limited capacity of about 5 ounces of water, meaning you’ll likely need to refill it at least once to complete each flossing session.

Waterpik Cordless Advanced 2.0 Water Flosser  »

Waterpik Cordless Advanced 2.0 Water Flosser

Battery lasts for up to four weeks

Comes with travel bag

Tip rotates 360 degrees

Low-capacity water tank

Only three pressure settings

The Waterpik Cordless Advanced 2.0 Water Flosser offers a compact and portable design, making it a suitable choice for those who travel or have limited counter space in their bathroom. It’s powered by a rechargeable lithium-ion battery that can last up to four weeks of flossing. When the battery needs to charge, Waterpik’s rapid magnetic charging system gets the job done in just four hours. A microfiber travel bag is included with each purchase.

This flosser offers a waterproof design, so you can even multitask and clean your teeth while showering. It offers three pressure settings and has a 7-ounce water reservoir, which allows for 45 seconds of continuous flossing. Each purchase comes with two Classic jet tips, one Orthodontic tip, and one Plaque Seeker tip to meet the varying needs of each user.

MySmile Cordless Advanced OLED Water Flosser  »

MySmile Cordless Advanced OLED Water Flosser

Includes travel pouch

Rotating nozzle

Comes with eight tips

No pause button

Pack the MySmile Cordless Advanced OLED Water Flosser in your suitcase or carry-on for your next adventure or work trip. This portable, cordless flosser is compact and comes with a travel pouch, making it easy to bring with you wherever you go. On a full charge, the battery lasts up to 20 days – you may not even need to charge it when you’re away! When the battery does need to be charged, simply connect the included USB-C charging cable to a computer or power bank.

The MySmile Cordless Advanced OLED Water Flosser has five cleaning modes to help users find the most comfortable setting for their teeth. The modes include Strong, Normal, Soft, Pulse, and Child. With its 11.83-ounce water tank, this model has the largest reservoir of the cordless models on our list. Each purchase comes with eight replacement jet tips, including two classic tips, one classic high-pressure tip, one classic low-pressure tip, one plaque seeker tip, one orthodontic tip, one pik pocket tip, and one tongue cleaner tip. Four different color options are available for this model: black, white, gray, and rose gold.

Philips Sonicare Power Flosser 7000  »

Philips Sonicare Power Flosser 7000

10 pressure intensities

Disperses X-shaped streams of water for better coverage

Uses Pulse Wave technology for gentle flossing

Only comes with three nozzles

The Philips Sonicare Power Flosser 7000 is ideal for those looking for the most premium flossing experience. With 10 different intensity levels, users can adjust the pressure to match their comfort preferences. Beyond the different intensity levels, this flosser offers four flossing modes for an even more customized experience: Clean, Deep Clean, Sensitive, and Massage.

The unique tip design of the Sonicare Power Flosser 7000 helps users deep-clean their teeth and gum lines. The flosser uses Pulse Wave technology, delivering gentle water pulses to help you target each area of your smile. Instead of the water coming straight out in a single stream, the Quad Stream tip allows four streams of water to shoot out in an X-shape. With this flow, you can remove more bacteria and food from your teeth. Each purchase includes three nozzles and a nozzle storage case.

The Bottom Line

“Getting a water flosser can be incredibly helpful to those who have plaque and tartar problems because it can get to areas more comfortably than using string floss,” says Dr. Fadi Swaida, DDS, a dentist at Bond Street Dental in Toronto, Canada. However, while many users can benefit from a water flosser, each person’s needs are unique and may be better suited to different models. We chose the Waterpik Aquarius Water Flosser as our top choice because of its high-capacity water tank, multiple pressure settings, and general ease of use. As you consider your specific needs, you may decide another option on our list is a better fit for you.

Things To Consider When Buying Water Flossers

Dimensions: “Choose a water flosser that will conveniently fit your countertop, will be easily accessible, and will support the size of the water reservoir that is needed,” says Barefoot. Each manufacturer should provide the dimensions for its products, which you can compare against the available space on your bathroom counter. As you assess where the flosser will fit in your space, don’t forget to consider outlet placement if you’re looking at a corded model.

If you prefer a portable flosser, you’ll still want to look at the dimensions to ensure it’ll fit inside your suitcase or carry-on bag. The dimensions of a portable water flosser can also impact how easy it’ll be to hold. While wall units feature a separate, thin cleaning wand, portable models have an all-in-one design, meaning the part you hold is wider. If you have small hands, some models may be too wide to comfortably hold, so comparing dimensions will be important to keep the flosser easy to use.

Tank Size: “The tank size of the water flosser is important because it determines how much water can be held before needing a refill,” says Dr. Irina Kessler, DDS, a cosmetic dentist at New York Family Dental Arts. She explains, “When flossing for longer periods, it is best to use a larger tank where there can be fewer refills.”

Some models with a larger tank (around 20 ounces) make it possible to floss for 90 seconds or longer at a time, eliminating the need to add more water within a given session. If the tank doesn’t have a large capacity, you’ll need to interrupt your flossing session to refill the water. This can be tedious and adds to the total time that you’ll be running the flosser.

Keep in mind that units with a larger-capacity tank are also likely to have a larger footprint, meaning they’ll take up more space on a counter. A larger-capacity model on a portable water flosser will make the unit heavier, especially when the tank is full. You’ll have to weigh your priorities to make the best decision for your needs and preferences.

Power Source: As you look for a new water flosser, you’ll notice there are countertop plug-in models and battery-powered options. There are benefits and drawbacks to each, but, ultimately, your personal preferences and needs can guide you in choosing the best type for you.

Water flossers that plug into the wall often offer more modes and settings than handheld models. You’ll also likely – but not necessarily – be able to exercise greater control over the intensity to find the ideal pressure for your teeth. While the overall units will be heavier, the wand on a countertop model is generally lighter and easier to hold and maneuver around your mouth. Countertop models also tend to have a larger water reservoir, meaning you’ll be able to floss without needing to interrupt your session to refill the water.

Cordless models, on the other hand, are more portable. They could be a better fit for individuals who travel frequently and want to bring their water flosser with them more easily. Compact in size, they won’t take up as much counter space, making them a better fit for small bathrooms. Barefoot also points out that “you may not have a convenient outlet to use and sometimes cord management is an issue, so a battery-powered flosser could be an attractive option." However, you need to consider battery life and how often the flosser needs to be charged. This will vary between manufacturers, so be sure to check the product specifications.  

Pressure Settings: “The most important thing to consider when buying a water flosser is getting one with adjustable pressure settings,” says Swaida. He explains, “Comfort is key and those with sensitive teeth will want more gentle settings." The number of pressure settings and intensity levels varies. Generally speaking, cordless models offer fewer settings than countertop options. Many of these models have between three and five intensity levels, while countertop plug-in models can have as many as 10.

If you haven’t used a water flosser before, many experts advise starting at a low-pressure setting before working up to higher pressures (if your teeth and gums will tolerate them). When the flosser you choose has multiple pressure settings, it makes it easier to find the one most comfortable for you.  

Nozzle Options: According to Swaida, ”Another key element of picking out the right water flosser is getting one with a fully equipped set of nozzles." He explains, “This will allow you to change how the flosser directs water to specific areas of your mouth and that could be important when getting to back teeth versus front teeth."

Classic jet tips are the nozzle types you’re most likely to find across different models. This tip delivers a strong flow of water to your teeth and the spaces between them, working to dislodge particles and remove plaque and bacteria. While some flossers only come with classic jet nozzles, others may come with options to suit a range of users and needs. For example, orthodontic tips are designed to be used by individuals with braces. The brush tip works around the brackets of the braces to effectively clean between teeth. Some other tip types you might see include periodontal tips, plaque seeker tips, and tongue cleaner tips.  

Warranty: Comparing the warranties offered by different manufacturers can be helpful when looking for the best water flosser. “A warranty provides assurance and protection against potential malfunctions or problems with the device. I would say to look for a water flosser with a warranty as that will give you peace of mind if any problems occur,” explains Kessler. The warranty offered can vary between manufacturers and even their specific water flossers. Some models may only have a one-year warranty (or even shorter), while others may come with a warranty of three years or more.

How We Chose the Best Water Flossers

Dr. Steven Barefoot , the clinical leader at DentaQuest; Dr. Fadi Swaida, a dentist at Bond Street Dental ; and Dr. Irina Kessler, a cosmetic dentist at New York Family Dental Arts , shared their expert tips and recommendations to help us put together this list of the best water flossers. In addition to considering their input, we’ve aimed to include a range of options to match the varying budgets, spaces, and preferences of our readers.


A regular contributor to U.S. News 360 Reviews, Deirdre Mundorf , the author of this piece, has written about a range of home and health topics, including the best blue-light blocking glasses , water bottles , and compression socks . Deirdre’s work has also been featured in various other online publications, such as Bob Vila, USA Today, and Discover Magazine.

Dr. Swaida explains, “Flossers work by directing pressured water to crevices, gumline areas, and into areas that can be hard to get to using string floss.” Like string floss, the pressured water loosens and removes food stuck between the teeth. The water can also minimize plaque buildup by removing bacteria on or around the teeth.

Water flossers are designed to be used in conjunction with regular tooth brushing and flossing. They aren’t a replacement for either of these teeth-cleaning methods.

To use a water flosser, begin by filling the tank with warm water. Secure the tip to the flosser’s handle and position the flosser in front of your teeth. Turn the machine on and start cleaning between the teeth in the back of your mouth. As you slowly move the flosser around your mouth, be sure to also clean around the gum line and the backs of your teeth. The water from the flosser is pressurized, and because it comes out so strongly, it’s likely to splash around and make a bit of a mess, so you’ll want to lean over the sink to keep yourself and the counter as dry as possible.

Keeping your water flosser clean is important. Fortunately, it’s a relatively simple process, but you should still check the manufacturer's recommendations before beginning. Keep the exterior of the tank clean and free of dust and debris by wiping it with a damp towel . After cleaning the exterior, clean the interior of the tank. You may either hand-wash it with a gentle dish soap and warm water or clean it in the dishwasher (if allowed by the manufacturer).

In addition to cleaning the tank, you’ll want to clean the flosser wand and tip. Fill the tank with warm water and 2 tablespoons of distilled white vinegar. Turn the flosser on to run the cleaning solution through the wand, holding it over the sink. Rinse the components by filling the tank with plain water and running it through again. The tip can be cleaned by soaking it in water and distilled white vinegar (a 2-to-1 ratio). After soaking for five to 10 minutes, rinse the tip thoroughly. You should also replace the tip every three to six months to maintain appropriate water pressure and hygiene.

While the terms water flosser and water pik are sometimes used interchangeably, Waterpik is the name of a specific brand, while water flosser describes a type of product. Waterpik is just one type of water flosser.

The lifespan of a water flosser will vary based on the brand, how often it’s used, how it’s cared for and maintained, and other features. Most should last a minimum of one to two years, but many will last longer.

The tips for your water flosser should be replaced at least every six months if not every three months. Replacing these regularly is important for maintaining proper hygiene, just as you should replace your toothbrush every three months. Moreover, replacing the tips also helps maintain the appropriate water pressure. As minerals build up in old tips, it can decrease the pressure and, thus, the overall effectiveness of the flosser.

To get the most out of your water flosser and ensure that your teeth and gum line are properly cleaned, aim to use it for about two minutes once to twice per day.

“Some people find it easier to use a water flosser than to use dental floss,” says Dr. Barefoot. He explains, “This is true for people who have tried to floss regularly but lack the manual dexterity for traditional flossing to be successful.” Dr. Swaida adds that some “prefer water flossers over string floss because it is a more pleasant experience and water flossing doesn't cause gums with gingivitis to bleed like string flossing."

While using a water flosser may be a more pleasant experience, it shouldn’t replace using string floss. Dr. Barefoot explains that using a water flosser after traditional flossing will deliver the best oral health results. He says, “The floss removes or disrupts the disease-causing biofilm, and the water flosser removes any remnants from the space between the teeth.”

You should always consult with your dentist for recommendations for your specific oral health needs. That said, many dentists do recommend water flossers. Dr. Swaida says, “As a dentist, I can say that I do recommend water flossing but not necessarily over string flossing. Both achieve the same result of removing plaque and tartar but water flossing tends to encourage better oral care because it is more enjoyable. People who have a water flosser tend to floss daily while those who use string floss tend to avoid it.”

Similarly, Dr. Kessler says, “Water flossers should be used in conjunction with a traditional floss. First, floss everything stuck between your teeth, use the water floss, and then brush your teeth. I don’t recommend using a water flosser instead of traditional flossing, there’s no trick to eliminate traditional flossing.”

“A water flosser is an excellent way to keep teeth and braces clean and some patients use one after every meal to ensure that food debris is kept out of all the crevices that come with braces,” says Dr. Swaida. Some water flosser manufacturers offer special orthodontic tips for individuals with braces. Dr. Swaida notes that “You should use more gentle pressure” when using a water flosser with braces. He adds, “Those with braces may still need to use a string flosser to be sure every part of their braces remains clean.”

About Our Team

Deirdre Mundorf

Deirdre Mundorf


Marlo Jappen Porto

Marlo Jappen Porto

U.S. News 360 Reviews takes an unbiased approach to our recommendations. When you use our links to buy products, we may earn a commission but that in no way affects our editorial independence.

Every product is independently selected by (obsessive) editors. Things you buy through our links may earn us a commission.

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The 7 Very Best Water Flossers

“this brand is to water flossers what kleenex is to tissues.”.

Portrait of Arielle Avila

In this article

  • Best overall
  • Best compact countertop
  • Best cordless
  • Best for travel
  • Best that’s also a toothbrush
  • Best for kids and sensitive gums

A couple of years ago, I purchased my first cordless water flosser for the convenience of using it in the shower. It was much easier to add to my daily routine and much harder to skip on those days I was feeling especially lazy. Since taking on this story and becoming more of a water-flosser devotee, I’ve wondered if the compact version is still the best, especially with options ranging from countertop flossers to others that double as toothbrushes . So I spoke with dentists about their picks for the best water flossers that fit varying needs and budgets, and I tested models myself.

When shopping for one, the one thing to look for is the American Dental Association (ADA)’s seal of acceptance . “Using a water flosser with the seal of acceptance has been proven to be as effective, if not more effective, than traditional flossing at removing plaque between teeth,” says Dr. Jill Lasky of Lasky Pediatric Dental in Studio City, California. While Waterpik used to be the only brand on our list, other brands like Sonicare and Quip have recently gotten the stamp of approval from the ADA. Still, Waterpik is so ubiquitous that the brand “is to water flossers what Kleenex is to tissues,” says Brooklyn-based dentist Dr. Elliot Eskenazi .

Before we get to our expert-recommended water flossers, here’s a little instruction on how to use one, since there’s a bit of a learning curve, dentist Dr. Samantha Rawdin says. “You want to close your lips slightly around the tip and lean over the sink so water doesn’t go everywhere,” she says. “Then you’ll want to direct the tip down toward the gums and go in a scalloped motion along the gumline of each tooth on both the inside and outside.” Dr. Elisa Mello of NYC Smile Design also emphasizes water flossing at night, when there’s reduced salivary flow, to prevent bacteria from feeding off anything left in your mouth.

Now that you’re all set with the proper technique, read on to learn more about the criteria we considered and the best water flossers, from countertop models to travel-friendly options.

What we’re looking for

Pressure settings.

Multiple pressure settings are an important feature, because gum sensitivity and the spaces between people’s teeth can vary so much. The settings are based on different levels of water pressure, which is measured in psi. Each machine has a different pressure range, with most starting at 10 psi and going up as high as 100 psi. “You want really strong water power to push as much food and debris off of the tooth structure as possible,” says Dr. Pia Lieb, founder of Cosmetic Dentistry Center NYC . The larger the range, and the more settings there are, the more flexibility you have if you’re not sure yet what your teeth can handle or if multiple household members are sharing the same machine.

Countertop vs. cordless

Contrary to most modern pieces of technology, the preference when it comes to water flossers is actually for a non-portable plug-in model that sits on your countertop. Dr. Siama Muhammad of Brooklyn Oak Dental Care prefers the corded version “because it’s more powerful.” It obviously has its cons, though. You can’t travel with it; it takes up a lot of countertop space; and you can’t use it in the shower. Personally, I prefer a compact model, since I have limited space, and I like the convenience of using it in the shower. They’re also lighter and easier to hold, which makes them great for people with dexterity issues. The downside with cordless models is that they may not have as many pressure settings or power as the corded models.

Water-tank size

The size of the water tank is also something to consider. Running your water flosser long enough to get in between each tooth requires a lot of water, and it’s ideal if you don’t have to fill it up before you finish. This requires a significantly large water tank. Countertop models shine again here, because they are large and bulky but hold more water than a cordless version you can take anywhere. The largest tank on our list has a 22-ounce capacity, and that holds enough water to run for 90 seconds.

Built-in timer

Since water flossing is akin to regular flossing, there’s no ADA-recommended time like there is with brushing your teeth. It’s more about technique and getting in between each tooth, no matter how long that takes. That being said, Waterpik, the industry standard, recommends using it for one minute. Some models have a built-in timer, while others frankly don’t have water tanks large enough to run longer than the recommended time, and those you can turn on and off on your own.

Rotating tip

In addition to multiple attachments, some water flossers also have a 360-degree rotating tip. This allows you to reach every part of your mouth with ease. With a stationary tip, you’ll have to do your best to angle the flosser in various directions.

Best water flosser overall

Waterpik Aquarius Water Flosser 662

Pressure settings: ten settings | Countertop or cordless: Countertop | Water-tank size: 22 ounces | Timer: one-minute timer with 30-second pacer | Rotating tip: 360-degree tip

The Waterpik Aquarius was recommended by six dentists I spoke to. When I tested it for myself, I was put off by the amount of counter space it takes up since I have a fairly small sink. But if that’s not an issue for you or if you’re willing to sacrifice some space, there are plenty of reasons the Aquarius is a clear standout. The large 22-ounce water tank and timer made my experience a lot easier than using more compact Waterpiks. I never had to refill the tank in the middle of flossing, since it allows water to run for up to 90 seconds. And I never doubted if I had flossed long enough with the Waterpik-recommended one-minute timer. I also found it extremely easy to maneuver since its tip is made with 360-degree rotation and the water control is right on the handle. While my gums aren’t particularly sensitive, the Aquarius’s lowest setting is extremely gentle for those who do have sensitivities. And its highest setting has a lot of power, which I knew could blast away any lingering plaque.

Dr. Leib notes it has the strongest engine on the market, which you want to push as much food and debris off of teeth as possible, and its ten pressure settings range from ten to 100 psi. I only used the classic tip during my testing, and the set comes with two more replacement classic tips as well as four other specialty tips, including ones specifically for people with braces, periodontal pockets, and other hardware that can be hard to clean around, making it a great option for anyone with dental work. The handle rotation also provides greater accessibility to those hard-to-reach places.

travel electric flosser

Best compact countertop water flosser

Waterpik Nano Plus Water Flosser

Pressure settings: five settings | Countertop or cordless: Countertop | Water-tank size: 15 ounces | Timer: No timer | Rotating tip: No 360-degree tip

Think of this model as the mini-Aquarius. It’s still a corded countertop model, meaning it’s powerful, but it doesn’t take up as much room as the option above. “It’s smaller and it’s quite user-friendly,” says Dr. Rozenberg. “It’s ideal for small bathrooms, especially in the city.” The Nano Plus doesn’t have all the same specs as the Aquarius, though. It’s got half the number of pressure settings but with a similar psi range from 10 to 80, so there is still a lot of room for personalization. It has a smaller water tank, but it still holds enough for a 60-second run time — which will be a good indicator because this model does not have a built-in timer. It also doesn’t rotate, but it does come with a replacement tip, one for braces, and one for implants and other restorative work to help you navigate even better.

Best cordless water flosser

Waterpik Cordless Advanced Water Flosser

Pressure settings: three settings | Countertop or cordless: Cordless | Water-tank size: 7 ounces | Timer: No timer | Rotating tip: 360-degree tip

If you’re really tight on counter space, this compact cordless model is a space saver . I use one while showering and store it under the sink, where its small base — measuring just under three inches — takes up little room. The only downside may be that to get more counter space, you sacrifice a large tank. The seven-ounce container holds enough for only 45 seconds of flossing, so you may have to refill before you finish. (I rarely have to, but on the occasions I do, I just fill it back up while showering.) It’s also important to note that its three pressure settings range between 45 and 75 psi, so it’s more limited than the best overall pick and other flossers on this list.

Three experts I spoke to recommended it as well. Dr. Rashmi Ambewadikar of Astoria Smiles Pediatric Dentistry likes that it’s compact and rechargeable and has easy-to-find replacement tips. Dr. Chern adds it’s a very easy-to-hold model for people with dexterity issues. It’s also a great option for travel since it weighs less than a pound, comes with a travel bag and case for its four tips, and has a battery life that’s one of the best on the market, says Dr. Greg Grobmyer , a certified dental surgeon.

Best water flosser for travel

Waterpik Cordless Slide Water Flosser

Pressure settings: three settings | Countertop or cordless: Cordless | Water-tank size: 7 ounces | Timer: No timer | Rotating tip: No 360-degree tip

Waterpik’s newest addition — the Cordless Slide — is even more travel friendly than the Cordless Advanced. As its name suggests, you can slide part of the base down into the tank, decreasing its height by about half. (Just be sure the tank is completely empty when you do so.) When I tried packing it in my Dopp kit , it took up even less space than the Cordless Advanced flosser, especially after I removed the tip and stored it in a bag. It has the same tank size and battery life as the above model and comes with a USB-C–to–USB-A cable for recharging. The only other main difference is its pressure settings. There’s a bit of a learning curve to change settings since this model has only one button; you just quickly press it twice to switch. And the three pressure settings range between 50 and 80 psi, instead of 45 and 75.

travel electric flosser

Best water flosser (that’s also a toothbrush)

Waterpik Sonic-Fusion 2.0 Professional Flossing Toothbrush

Pressure settings: ten settings | Countertop or cordless: Countertop | Water-tank size: 16 ounces | Timer: two-minute timer with 30-second pacer | Rotating tip: No 360-degree tip

Another way to clear off some counter space is to combine your brushing and flossing into one device so you don’t have to set up both a Waterpik and electric toothbrush . The Waterpik Sonic-Fusion combines a water flosser and sonic toothbrush. The brush head has soft bristles as well as a hole for pressurized water to stream out of. The flosser has ten different pressure settings ranging from 10 to 100 psi just like the Aquarius; the 16-ounce tank holds enough water for 60 seconds of flossing; and while it’s a countertop model, the brush detaches and can be used on the go. The built-in two-minute timer is for the toothbrush function, which has two different speed settings. If the combination seems like a lot, “This product switches from brushing to flossing to both,” says Dr. Jacqueline Fulop-Goodling, an orthodontist at New York’s Dr. Smiles. She adds, “It removes the harmful bacteria and debris deep between teeth and below the gumline that traditional brushing and dental floss can’t reach.” Fulop-Goodling is one of nine experts who recommended it. Dr. Mello uses it herself and tells us it’s one of the best ways to keep your teeth clean in between dentist appointments.

Best less expensive water flosser (that’s also a toothbrush)

Waterpik Complete Care 5.0 Flosser + Sonic Toothbrush System

Pressure settings: ten settings | Countertop or cordless: Countertop | Water-tank size: 22 ounces | Timer: two-minute timer with 30-second pacer | Rotating tip: No 360-degree tip

If you’re looking to save some money, Dr. Mello recommends this two-in-one from Waterpik for a little over $100. While the Sonic-Fusion is a brush–water flosser combo in one head, this model separates the devices while maintaining many of the same controls and features. The flosser has ten different pressure settings, ranging from 10 to 100 psi, and the toothbrush has three sonic modes (one more than the Sonic-Fusion). The 22-ounce tank holds enough water to run for 90 seconds. However, unlike other flossers, this one doesn’t have a built-in timer.

Best water flosser for kids and adults with sensitive gums

Waterpik Countertop Water Flosser for Kids WP-260

Pressure settings: three settings | Countertop or cordless: Countertop | Water-tank size: 15 ounces | Timer: No timer | Rotating tip: No 360-degree tip

Several dentists recommend this bright-green water flosser for kids because of its gentleness — there is always the danger (especially for children) of using a water flosser at too high an intensity, which can be damaging to young and sensitive gum tissue. Dr. Alexandra Brennan of Children’s Dental Associates in New London, Connecticut, says she likes Waterpik’s water flosser for kids, because it’s designed with a lower-intensity dial, so users of any age don’t end up injuring their gum tissue. She notes that the Waterpik for kids comes in fun colors and with a handful of different stickers, so you can decorate it. “They make it kid-friendly in hopes that kids and teens will actually use it,” Dr. Brennan says. It’s especially helpful for cleaning plaque from under wires and around brackets, which is essential for keeping the teeth and gums healthy. “Flossing with floss can feel like a chore and can be very time-consuming with orthodontic appliances, so children can get unmotivated to floss, and water flossers are a great alternative to floss during this time,” says Dr. Ambewadikar. Dr. Grobmyer adds that a water flosser can be useful for children who are fussy about brushing their teeth: “Water flossers can make this tedious activity more appealing and engaging for kids and teens.”

Some more water flossers we’ve written about

Waterpik Complete Care Water Flosser and Sonic Toothbrush

Our experts

• Dr. Rashmi Ambewadikar, pediatric dentist at Astoria Smiles Pediatric Dentistry • Dr. Alexandra Brennan, diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry and dentist at Children’s Dental Associates • Dr. Inna Chern, owner of New York General Dentistry • Dr. Elliot Eskenazi, general and cosmetic dentist • Dr. Jacqueline Fulop-Goodling, orthodontist at New York’s Dr. Smiles • Dr. Greg Grobmyer, DDS and public speaker  • Dr. Jill Lasky, founder of Lasky Pediatric Dental • Dr. Pia Lieb, founder of Cosmetic Dentistry Center NYC • Dr. Elisa Mello, owner of  NYC Smile Design • Dr. Siama Muhammad, owner of Brooklyn Oak Dental Care • Dr. Samantha Rawdin, dentist • Dr. Irina Sinensky, founder of Dental House

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The 8 Best Water Flossers for That After-the-Dentist Feeling

We tested flossers from Waterpik, Philips Sonicare, and more—these are the only ones we recommend

travel electric flosser

Brian T. Luong, DMD, is an orthodontist at Anaheim Hills Orthodontics and Santa Ana Orthodontics and Chief Dental Officer at Become Aligners.

travel electric flosser

Rich Scherr is an updates strategist and fact checker for Dotdash Meredith brands, including Health and Verywell. He is a seasoned financial and technology journalist who served as editor-in-chief of the Potomac Tech Wire for nearly two decades, and is a regular contributor to the sports pages of The Baltimore Sun. He has also been a news editor for America Online and has contributed to the Associated Press and The Washington Post.

travel electric flosser

In This Article

  • Our Top Picks

Our Testing Process

The experts, what to know about water flossers, more water flossers to consider.

Health / Joy Kim

Water flossers are small powered devices that rely on pressure to direct a stream of water around the gum line and between the teeth. This blasts away plaque and other build-ups that can cause inflammation, gum disease, and cavities. If you have gingivitis, wear braces or aligners, or simply have trouble with the fine motor manipulation of weaving dental floss between your teeth, water flossers are extremely helpful tools. According to the experts we spoke to, they remove more bacteria-causing plaque than string floss alone and are also highly effective tools for maintaining oral health.

We tested 14 different water flossers from brands like Waterpik and Aquasonic for effectiveness, ease of use, settings, and overall value. The best ones were uncomplicated, comfortable to hold, and had a big enough water tank to last through one full session. We also had an orthodontist on our Medical Expert Board review this article for medical and scientific accuracy.

What to Look for in a Water Flosser

  • Size : Before committing to a water flosser, consider how much counter space you can devote to it. If you don't have a lot of room, a cordless or more travel-friendly option might be better than a corded one with a large reservoir. The same goes for if you plan to take your water flosser with you when you're away from home; a smaller option will be easier to pack.
  • Reservoir Tank : This is the source of water for the pressurized stream that comes out of the nozzle. A large and removable water reservoir makes it easier for people to use the water flosser regularly. However, larger tanks take up more counter space and are not cordless.
  • Nozzles : Water flossers come with various nozzle options to cater to different users. The classic jet tip is the most commonly used and recommended. However, specialized tips can be useful when used appropriately. The orthodontic tip flexes around brackets, the periodontal tip delivers medication, and the plaque tip is useful for crowns and implants.
  • Pressure Settings : Water flossers have different speed and strength settings. It's recommended to start on the lowest setting and gradually increase it over time. The best pressure setting is the one that's most comfortable and beneficial for you. If you have sensitive teeth or gums, make sure the flosser has a gentle "low" pressure setting. Using a setting that is too high can cause a sore mouth and sensitivity.
  • Ergonomics : Make sure you like how the water flosser feels in your hand. Many of our testers noticed when a product was easy to hold or had an ergonomic, well-balanced handle. Since fitting the nozzle into the hard-to-reach places of your mouth can be awkward, you need a flosser that maneuvers smoothly as you twist and turn it around.
  • Alerts & Timers : Some water flossers, like the Waterpik, include auto timers to let you know how long you've been flossing. Most of these products are set to alert you at the one- or two-minute mark, which is a good guideline for how long you should floss in a given session.

Best Overall

Aquasonic aqua flosser.

  • Effectiveness 5 /5
  • Ease of Use 5 /5
  • Settings 5 /5
  • Overall Value 5 /5

Why We Like It

This Aquasonic Aqua Flosser is our best overall because it impressed us with its easy-to-operate on-off switch and how simple it was to toggle between settings mid-use . That's because ergonomics—how comfortable the water flosser is to hold and operate—is so important, and that's just one area where this Aquasonic model really excels. We think it is well designed, with a nice shape to the handle.

When it comes to separating good water flossers from great water flossers, pressure settings and reservoir size are important factors. While it only has three settings (fewer than some of the more expensive options on our list), they are effective and get the job done . The pulse mode, in particular, was one of our favorites—it did an excellent job getting gunk out from in between our teeth.

To get a thorough clean, you need a flosser with a large enough tank that won't require refilling or cut your session short before you can reach every nook and cranny of your mouth. We are incredibly impressed with the tank size on the Aquasonic chiefly because it is a cordless design —typically, cordless models sacrifice tank size to be compact enough to handle. Plus, we found the tank easy to fill. Finding a cordless water flosser that's high-powered and has a tank long enough to last through an entire cleaning session is a tall order. And at this price, we don't think you can do better.

It's Worth Noting

  • This isn't the fanciest water flosser available, so you should keep reading if you want something with more advanced settings.

Product Details

  • Dimensions : 3 x 4 x 10 inches
  • Reservoir Size : 150 mL
  • Pressure Settings : 3
  • Attachment Nozzles : 4
  • Extra Features : Includes travel pouch

Health / Tamara Staples

Best Budget

H2ofloss water flosser.

  • Effectiveness 4.5 /5

We chose the H2ofloss Water Flosser Portable as our best budget pick because, frankly, we were surprised this flosser doesn't cost more, considering how versatile and functional it is. Where some more affordable flossers offer only the bare necessities, this one features five pressure settings, from low to super high, and includes six tips: two jet tips, an orthodontic tip, a tongue cleaner, a periodontal tip, and a toothbrush tip.

We found that the H2ofloss was intuitive and easy to figure out , even without a clear set of step-by-step instructions; it has a clean and practical design . This flosser is also effective at cleaning teeth and stores a good amount of water, especially for a portable unit. Our entire mouth felt clean after use, but we did struggle to find the right intensity—the higher settings were a bit too strong and splashed excess water everywhere.

All in all, this is a budget-friendly pick that would be great for beginners . It doesn't include many extraneous pieces or accessories, but the variety you get in terms of pressure settings and nozzle choice elevates this affordable option beyond other less-expensive competitors.

  • The high pressure modes might be too intense for some people.
  • Dimensions : 2.3 x 3 x 8.6 inches
  • Reservoir Size : 300 mL
  • Pressure Settings : 5
  • Attachment Nozzles : 6
  • Extra Features : None

Best Waterpik

Waterpik aquarius water flosser.

We found the  Waterpik Aquarius  a solid flosser, not too complicated or too simplistic, with a long-lasting water tank that allowed us to get all the gunk out of our teeth without feeling rushed. We found it superbly effective because our teeth felt spotlessly clean after using it, even when we opted for the lower, more gentle settings.

One of the toughest things about using a water flosser, if you have braces, is that it can be hard to manipulate, especially for kids who might have trouble managing a larger-size flosser. But we think the Aquarius's smaller handle would be perfect for kids (or those with smaller hands, in general).

We were impressed with the settings on the Aquarius, too. It features ten pressure settings, which are adjustable on the flosser base, a timer that alerts you after both 30 and 60 seconds of use, and seven nozzle tips for different purposes (or family members). If you want a countertop water flosser with a long-lasting reservoir and don't mind sticking close to the sink while you floss, the Aquarius is a standout from Waterpik.

  • The cord connecting the flosser to the reservoir is noticeably short; it made using the handle a little more difficult.
  • Dimensions : 10.8 x 5.25 x 6 inches
  • Reservoir Size : 22 ounces
  • Pressure Settings : 10
  • Attachment Nozzles : 7
  • Extra Features : Built-in timer

Best Cordless

Waterpik cordless plus water flosser.

If you've never used a water flosser before and aren't sure if it's right for you, a basic cordless option is the best way to experiment with a flosser without the commitment of a more complicated unit. The  Waterpik Cordless Advanced  is our pick for best cordless —and we think its lightweight, minimalist design is great, especially for newbies.

We found the reservoir easy to fill, and the water lasted much longer than the 45 seconds indicated on the package. We also like that it was easy to set up the product, and using it is very intuitive. However, with only three pressure settings, the Waterpik Cordless Advanced doesn't offer a highly customized experience (and it costs more than some models with ten settings, like the Turewell). It did a decent job cleaning our teeth—in some tests, we felt like our teeth were thoroughly cleaned after a minute, while in others, we noticed some residue and thought there was a little too much water to manage in our mouths. While it might be too simplistic for some, we recommend the Waterpik Cordless Advanced for first-time users and anyone concerned that string floss alone isn't providing enough benefit to their oral care routine.

  • You won't find any special or standout features here; this is a basic flosser that simply gets the job done.
  • Dimensions : 11.65 x 2.7 x 3.8 inches
  • Reservoir Size : 7 ounces
  • Extra Features : Travel pouch

Best Portable

Mysmile cordless oral irrigator.

  • Ease of Use 4 /5

We found the MySmile to be a uniquely user-friendly experience, thanks to its digital design and travel-friendly features. Throw in a free travel pouch, and you get a water flosser perfect for stashing in a bag or suitcase and taking it with you wherever you're going.

Although the MySmile is battery-powered and compact, it still manages to include a 350-milliliter tank, which is the largest of all the cordless flossers we tested. That means you get more use out of the flosser before needing to refill but for roughly the same size and cost as other flossers featured here.

We appreciated the digital features of the MySmile, which made the operation much easier: We can see the water temperature, pressure settings, and battery life at a glance, elevating the appearance and the actual usage of the flosser beyond some others we tried. We also like the variety of nozzle attachments , especially the one with the bristle brush; using it felt like brushing and flossing at the same time.

One area where the MySmile came up a little short was the ease of use; we found changing the pressure settings to be a little confusing and weren't sure whether to use the "soft" setting or the "child" setting for the lowest pressure. But this didn't affect how well the MySmile worked—it gave us that "totally clean" feeling, and the digital design truly heightened our experience in testing.

  • You may need to play around a little with the settings until you find one that works best for you.
  • Dimensions : Not listed
  • Reservoir Size : 350 ml
  • Attachment Nozzles : 8

Best Electric Toothbrush-Water Flosser Combo

Waterpik sonic fusion toothbrush & flosser combo.

  • Effectiveness 4 /5
  • Overall Value 4 /5

As an electric toothbrush and flosser in one, the Sonic Fusion 2.0 allows you to brush, floss,  or  do both at the same time—and we found it super easy to toggle back and forth between settings, making it a clear choice for best electric toothbrush-water flosser combo .

The unit features a large reservoir but is still compact, a rarity in countertop flossing units. It's downright sleek and is designed to look nice on your bathroom counter , in addition to being a solid water flosser.

The Fusion doesn't just look good, either: We found it both effective and easy to use . Whether we're using the pik flosser or the toothbrush (or both), the Sonic Fusion left our mouths feeling instantly clean, as if they had just had their teeth scrubbed by a professional .

We also like that the interface is simple to navigate, with a dial to control the pressure setting to specific levels and more convenient handheld-based controls to adjust function settings when switching from brushing to flossing. If you don't have time to mess around with an entirely separate oral care device, the Sonic Fusion performs both functions well and saves time.

  • Because of the combination brush-flosser, you won't get any nozzle variety with this model.
  • Dimensions : 10.9 x 5.25 x 6 inches
  • Reservoir Size : 16 ounces
  • Attachment Nozzles : 2
  • Extra Features : Built-in timer, travel case, recharge indicator

Best with Additional Nozzles

Turewell water dental flosser.

  • Effectiveness 3.9 /5

The Turewell Water Flosser earned our pick for best with additional nozzles because it includes three jet nozzles and five issue-specific nozzles. But more importantly, we found that the flosser head was small enough to access hard-to-reach areas—which means you can utilize all those fancy nozzle heads in every part of your mouth, maximizing your oral health routine .

All of the various nozzles do require some fiddling as you change them out, so it's not as straightforward to use as some of our other picks, like the Waterpik Aquarius. Meanwhile, the unit's pressure settings are a standout —we like that it only features an on/off button and a pressure setting dial, which makes it easy and intuitive to operate.

We also really appreciated that the pressure dial was able to zero in on precise pressure settings most other wet flossers are unable to. This makes the Turewell suitable for people with sensitive teeth and gums who might otherwise find the standard pressure settings of a flosser too intense for their liking. If you're looking for a more affordable alternative to a pricey water flosser and a thorough clean that's gentle enough for sensitive teeth and gums, the Turewell has the right combination of settings and nozzles to meet your needs.

  • Attaching the nozzles can be tricky, so if you're planning to use a variety, you'll need some skill and patience.
  • Dimensions : 8.7 x 6.2 x 5.1 inches
  • Reservoir Size : 600 mL

Best for Braces

Philips sonicare power flosser 5000.

  • Ease of Use 4.5 /5

We found the Philips Sonicare Power Flosser 5000 to be the best pick for those with braces because it was extremely efficient in cleaning our entire mouth thoroughly. Our test came after indulging in some nachos, and we were pleased to find that our mouths felt completely clean afterward.

The setup process was straightforward. We started by plugging in the base, followed by filling the reservoir. The lid is attached easily and secured well. The instructions provided were clear and helpfully included guidance for cleaning with braces , which we appreciated. This model boasts a 'Clean' and 'Deep Clean' mode, complemented by ten intensity settings , making it versatile for different cleaning needs. We found it very easy to switch between pressure settings as needed.

The Philips Sonicare Power Flosser 5000 delivers a very effective whole-mouth clean . Considering its effectiveness, we believe the price point of $99 is justified. Its compact size and light weight make it an appealing choice for an effective, space-saving water flosser .

  • Despite its impressive range of intensity settings, some users might find even the lowest setting to be too powerful or intense, especially if they have sensitive gums or are new to water flossing.
  • Dimensions : 5.32 x 5.91 x 9.92 inches
  • Reservoir Size : 550 mL
  • Attachment Nozzles : 3
  • Extra Features : Magnetic dock w/auto shut-off

We tested 14 water flossers in the Health Lab to determine the best ones to add to your oral care routine. We're also testing these water flossers at home so that we can rate their performance over weeks and months of daily use. When testing water flossers in our Lab, we found that features like reservoir size, pressure settings, nozzle attachments, and how much space it will (or won't) take up on your bathroom sink are all important factors. The best ones were uncomplicated, comfortable to hold, and had a big enough water tank to last through one full session. We've rated each device for the following attributes:

  • Ease of Use and Settings : We set up each device, filled the tanks with water according to the manufacturer's instructions, and evaluated the different tips and pressure settings, familiarizing ourselves with how it maneuvers around our teeth.
  • Effectiveness: We set a one-minute timer for consistency and used each device to clean near the gumline and between our teeth. We noted how well each water flosser removed debris and plaque from their teeth, whether it left anything behind, how it handled in hard-to-reach places, how easy the different settings were to navigate, and how quickly the device ran through water in the tank.
  • Overall Value: Water flossers that left our mouths with that "just left the dentist" feeling of cleanliness rated high on our list, along with products that featured larger reservoir tanks, multiple pressure settings, and simple designs free of confusing assembly steps or instructions. Products that didn't make our list of recommendations missed the mark on one or more attributes: They were too awkward or clumsy to use, didn't offer enough variable pressure, or simply weren't worth their higher price point compared to similar flossers.

In addition to testing 14 models from the top brands, we also spoke with dentists and oral hygiene experts, including:

  • Michele Bishop , DDS, founder and owner of Ingram Hills Dental in San Antonio, Texas, and the co-host of the YouTube Channel Tipsy Tooth Talk
  • Ghias Jabbour , DDS, owner of Blanco Crossing Dental in San Antonio, Texas

How Water Flossers Work

Water flossers use a small motor to send a pressurized stream of water through a nozzle at your teeth and gum s. In doing so, they can remove plaque and bacteria sticking to the hard-to-reach places in your mouth, like along your gum line and between your teeth, that regular dental floss may not be able to.

They are especially useful if you have orthodontics such as braces (and might not be able to floss in between archwires and around brackets), if you have crowns or bridges, if you have gingivitis and need to take extra good care of your gums, and people who can't manipulate dental floss effectively because of conditions such as arthritis.

Water Flosser Safety

Waterpiks and water flossers cannot damage the teeth or the gums , per Dr. Bishop, since water alone can't damage the structure of your tooth. They can cause mild irritation at first, but that's often normal. According to Dr. Bishop, some individuals may notice some bleeding similar to flossing when first using a water flosser, especially if the tissue is inflamed or diseased. As the biofilm and plaque causing the inflammation decrease, the bleeding should also.

We also tested these water flossers but ultimately decided not to include them in our list of recommendations. They fell short in our test when it came to technology, features, and functionality:

  • Waterpik Nano Plus : Our tester thought this flosser was small and compact, with a sizable reservoir, but for the cost, we prefer some other options from Waterpik.
  • Waterpik Cordless Express : This powerful flosser is nearly ready to use out of the box. It has two settings, which would work fine for someone who needs a lot of intensity—our testers noted that the lowest setting is still pretty strong.
  • Waterpik ION Professional : The Ion is sleek, compact, and easy to use, but we weren't as impressed with its quality. The nozzle attachment fell off mid-use, and our tester struggled to reassemble it correctly.
  • Waterpik Cordless Pearl : We found the Pearl is better for travel than everyday use. Our tester noted that it was messy to use along the front teeth, and the attachment needed re-inserting a few times.

Sarah Bradley has been a freelance writer since 2017, tackling health commerce articles, product reviews, and shopping guides on everything from dry skin moisturizers and wart removers to menstrual cups and toothbrushes for braces. She has personally tested electric toothbrushes and water flossers, so knows what makes a good product stand out from a great one (and really, really wants to tell you about it).

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14 Best water flossers 2024 Tried and tested by GQ's editors

The 14 best water flossers for squeaky-clean, jet-washed teeth: Tried and tested by GQ's editors

By Owen Gough and Esat Dedezade

Take oral hygiene into high gear with the best water flossers, tried and tested by GQ's grooming editors.

For those of us unfortunate enough to have spent time in the dentist chair recently, there's likely one thing they told you to work on and that's flossing. We all hate it, but there's no denying the benefits of clearing out the gunk between your teeth, spaces that even the most adept electric toothbrushes simply cannot reach. But the old combo of sawing some fluoride thread or interdental brushes along your gums are over (although they are still effective and recommended). For those who’d rather have something more convenient though, we've entered the era of electric-power. Welcome to a future that now includes the best water flossers.

Wielding the dexterity and power of an electric jet stream, powerful tools like cordless flossers blast warm water into those hard-to-reach areas with all manner of different pressure settings to give you that squeaky-clean smile that'll make your hygienist proud. Even just a cursory water flow blast along your gum line and between your teeth can make all the difference to your oral health, combatting bad breath, gingivitis and a build-up of dental plaque that can damage your teeth and send you to an expensive and painful trip to the dentist. Grinning with excitement? Good. We've rounded up our favourite water flossers below to help guide you towards your dream oral cleansing.

What's the best water flosser in 2024?

Image may contain: Bottle, and Appliance

Waterpik Waterflosser Cordless Plus

Like any bit of specialist grooming kit, it's easy to just throw money at a flosser by opting for the most expensive model going – especially if you want to keep your teeth in great shape for the long run. Thankfully, Waterpik's Waterflosser Cordless Plus is proof that you can get a great wireless model, with plenty of oomph behind it, for an affordable price. It might look like some scary bit of kit you find on your dentist's table, but it'll treat your gums as though they're royalty. And isn't that what you're here for?

Image may contain: Appliance, Mixer, and Blender

Waterpik Whitening Water Flosser

Its corded nature might throw a spanner in the works when travelling, but Waterpik's socket-powered water flosser is mighty powerful, with the added benefit of having built-in support for whitening tablets. Claiming to restore your teeth's natural whiteness in just four weeks, it comfortably kills two birds with one stone.

Image may contain: Bottle, Tool, Brush, and Toothbrush

Fairywill Water Flosser

Fairwill's bundle serves up a cordless water flosser with a capacious 300ml tank, along with a generous selection of eight extra tips. It comes with a USB charging cable for convenience too, with different colour options to suit your taste. For £25, you'll struggle to find better value for money.

  • Best cordless water flosser: Panasonic EW1511, £120 £80 at
  • Best water flosser for sensitive gums: Oral-B Aquacare 6 Pro-Expert, £125 £57 at
  • Best whitening water flosser: Waterpik Nano Plus, £75 £50 at
  • Best travel water flosser: Waterpik Cordless Advanced, £120 £75 at

Skip to: How we test the best water flossers | What is a water flosser? | What are the benefits of water flossers? | Do dentists recommend water flossers? | How do you use a water flosser? | Can I not just floss regularly? | What should I look for when buying a water flosser? | Are water flossers worth it? | Tips for using a water flosser | Can water flossers damage your teeth and gums? | What are the best grooming tools?

How we test the best water flossers

Our expert testers have opted to include water flossers that we've personally tested wherever possible, especially those from particularly well-regarded brands such as Waterpik, Philips and Oral-B. That means using them as part of their daily dental care routine and assessing their ergonomics, power and plaque-eliminating performance. We assessed the overall value of the device and how well they performed in their tooth-cleaning duties, from the number of cleaning modes, how many attachment heads (like periodontal tips or flat cone heads for a wider spray) come as standard, and the water tank capacity. We've also awarded merit for models that come with a travel bag or travel case to maintain that wonderful smile when travelling abroad. Some products which we've been unable to test as of yet have also been included, based on their general reviews and specifications.

What is a water flosser?

So what are these magical cleaning machines? While they look similar to a toothbrush, a water flosser utilises high-powered water streams to blast plaque and dirt from in between your teeth. The thin blast of water acts as a gentler, more efficient way to ensure a total tooth clean and is a solid option if your teeth are a bit crooked and you struggle to get on with regular flossing every morning. Simply fill up the basin with enough water, turn it on and then press the button to shoot the jet in between each tooth. Some will have the ability to add countertop fluoride to your water or have different strength settings for those with more sensitive gums.

A water flosser can go a long way to helping to maintain a cleaner, healthier mouth, but should always be used in tandem with a quality toothbrush and toothpaste –preferably of the electric variety– to get the best results.

What are the benefits of water flossers?

The narrative on flossing and how regularly you ought to be doing it has been conflicting, but pretty much any dentist worth their jar of lollipops agrees that some form of daily interdental brushing or flossing is essential. Especially if you want to avoid any future dental work because of gum disease, gingivitis and sensitive teeth.

If you’re lacking in space between your teeth, flossing is especially necessary for eradicating plaque in areas your toothbrush simply won't reach in your twice-daily two minutes in front of the bathroom mirror. That’s because brushing will only target the front and back of your gnashers, neglecting the harder-to-reach sides. Left uncleaned, this can lead to plaque build-up and, in turn, oral health ailments such as gum disease.

And if the floss you usually use is causing you toothaches at home, then a water flosser can take a lot of the stress away from that whole process, with a high-pressure cleaning experience overall and the ability to quickly whip around your mouth and blast away those loose bits without digging your fingers into your gums. We know it’s yet one more thing to place next to your toothbrush and toothpaste on the bathroom sink, but trust us when we say you’ll thank us for it.

Do dentists recommend water flossers?

Similarly to how the best electric toothbrushes are touted as the easier and more efficient way to keep your teeth clean, the main appeal of a water flosser, or oral irrigator as it is sometimes known, is its convenience. Water flossers are particularly well suited to anyone undergoing orthodontic work involving attachments on their teeth, such as fixed braces or Invisalign, for whom normal flossing is particularly difficult.

There's also less chance of you doing any self-inflicted damage to your gums, with a kinder stream of water that isn't as brash as you chisel away with some string. For dentist-approved results, some suggest using both traditional floss and water flossers to dislodge food particles, then rinse away plaque, as the latter won’t replicate the scraping motion of the former.

How do you use a water flosser?

The most important thing to remember when using a water flosser is to always place the classic jet tip inside your mouth before turning it on to avoid any splash-related incidents in the bathroom.

Water flossers shoot out a thin, pressurised stream of water between the teeth, most coming with various pressure settings to tweak the force with which it comes out, so it's good to find your favourite and stick with it – just be patient and find the one that feels natural.

Similarly, water temperature is a variable that will alter the irrigation experience, lukewarm being recommended so as not to cause any unnecessary discomfort. A minute a day will do the trick, which isn't all that much to ask after a two-minute brush, and the good ones will shut off for you thanks to built-in timers. Your job will be to angle the flosser head between each tooth to blast away debris you might have tucked between your teeth, taking time to ensure you clear out as much as possible without pressuring your gums too much.

Many water flossers are cordless models for convenience, with rechargeable batteries, decent battery life, different tips, extra features, adjustable water pressure and a water reservoir for convenience. With proper use, they can be an incredibly helpful tool that can supplement string floss, helping to remove plaque and ensuring a healthier gum line.

Can I not just floss regularly?

Of course you can. In fact, you definitely should at least be flossing regularly if you don't want to disappoint the dentist. Flossing does an excellent job of clearing out any plaque form between your teeth, and any nylon string coated in fluoride will do the job for you. The only thing a water flosser does is level up your cleaning capabilities with a strong blast of water. If you'd prefer to continue struggling with manual options, then be our guest, but these devices alleviate a lot of the elbow grease that goes into making your pearlys nice and white.

What should I look for when buying a water flosser?

Most water flossers have several settings to help alleviate some of the gum-related pain you might experience when using one. For example, it might have a few modes that cater to sensitive gums, a deeper, more pressurised clean and then a standard mode somewhere in between. This is worth paying attention to if you're keen to avoid uncomfortable cleaning, as the jet of water that releases from the device can catch you off guard with its strength.

All flossers come with a water tank to draw resources from, but some are larger than others. You want a decent reservoir to guarantee you clean your entire mouth in one go rather than topping up mid-wash, but that all depends on how thorough you are with getting right into the corners. In most cases, you'll see anywhere up to 200ml which should be plenty for your twice-daily routine.

Top options are play nice with several tips that offer a slightly unique cleaning method depending on if you've got braces, close-grouped teeth or have trouble angling the device around your mouth. Thinner nozzles allow for more precision if your tooth gaps are narrower, while there are wider flat nozzles that deliver a wider blase of water to get right behind metalwork on teeth for a complete clean.

Yep, yet another thing that will hog your wall socket. Water flossers run on a rechargeable battery, but some have more stamina than others, which can be frustrating if you're taking them on holiday or you've already got a plethora of gadgets taking up space at the plug. Some will be USB-charged, which simplifies things, as you can plug it into your laptop or a portable charger. Overall, you want to look for a device that lasts at least half an hour, as that should be more than enough to see you through a week's worth of flossing. However, others can go the distance, lasting over a few hours, which is our preferred length.

Are water flossers worth it?

As usual, this answer is largely down to your budget and personal preferences, but we'd say a dedicated device to get right in between your teeth is always going to be your best bet for a properly clean gob. Flossing string is cheap and readily available at your local pharmacy but does require a fair amount of elbow grease on your part, and can often be tricky to slide between crooked teeth or get right into the grooves at the back of your mouth.

A water flosser is inevitably a larger initial cost, but the effort you save from clicking a button and simply pointing the thing where you want it to clean is far more simple over your twice-daily routine. Throughout our testing, we've found our mouth to be healthier and feel cleaner, with small bits of debris slipping out from around the gums where we hadn't been able to clear it with our Oral-B electric toothbrush.

For our money, the water flosser simplifies the process, makes it easier to do a good job with your routine, and is a lot kinder to your gums if you happen to suffer from sensitive teeth. Our dentist is also thrilled with our efforts, which has got to be worth something.

Tips for using a water flosser

As you'd expect, shoving a high-powered stream of pressurised water in your mouth and have disastrous consequences if you're not thoroughly prepared for the initial experience, so allow us to help you get used to the process. In all situations, we'd recommend filling the tank with fresh water from the tap. Some models have soluble fresheners that can be added to the water, or even UV cleansing lights but you should always begin with clean, fresh water.

Next, select your preferred setting. For those with sensitive gums, go for a gentler mode that might pulse slowly or have a constant, low-pressure stream that won't irritate. We'd also recommend you lean right over the sink and keep your mouth open –we cannot understate how shocking it is when your mouth suddenly fills with water and you end up dribbling it all out. The jet of water will blast through the gaps in your teeth and collect in your mouth, but let it drain out into the sink and move methodically around your mouth, focussing on each tooth and behind them for a proper clean. Once finished, pop it back on charge ready for next time.

Can water flossers damage your teeth or gums?

Life may have taught you that sticking electric devices in your gob is likely going to do some damage, but in this particular case, there's nothing to fear. Water flossers are specifically designed to take care of your gums and teeth without causing any damage, unless you're purposefully ramming it around in there.

You may find that on the first use, your gums aren't used to the power of a water flosser and so they may bleed a little bit, especially if you lacked the commitment to floss with string. However, once your mouth is used to the process, you shouldn't notice any damage or pain and will go a long way to fixing a lot of the sensitivity issues you may have experienced before.

What are the best grooming tools?

As a modern man, it's time you took your grooming routine into your own hands. No matter whether you need a tidy and trim of your facial fuzz, a cut down on the mop, or healthier skin with some top moisturiser, you really should take care of yourself and start looking after your own well-being –think of it as a new year's resolution for 2024.

But how do you begin? We're glad you asked, as we have a guide for pretty much any major grooming concern you may have, and we're happy to point you in the right direction to help you get all the answers you might need.

Check out our expert guide to the best beard trimmers , hair clippers , electric toothbrushes , body hair trimmers , nose and ear hair trimmers , moisturisers for your complete morning routine.

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Shop GQ's edit of the best water flossers for 2024…

Waterpik nano plus.

travel electric flosser

Why we liked it: Compact design | Generous tank capacity What we didn't like: Not as suitable for travelling as smaller rechargeable models

  • Cleaning modes: 3 - Low, Medium, High
  • Cordless: Yes
  • Capacity: 444ml
  • Extra tips: 4
  • USB charging: No (UK 2-pin shaver)
  • Battery capacity: N/A (corded)

The Nano Plus fills a rather clever niche in the world of water flossers. While it requires to be plugged in during use, it’s far more compact than most corded flossers, making it more than suitable for small bathroom counters. You could also take it away with you, though it’s probably best suited to checked-in luggage, as it’ll still take up more space than a portable water flosser.

The upside though, is that it has a far larger tank than any portable water flosser, and is more powerful to boot. This means no refilling mid-floss, while the food in between your teeth won’t stand a chance. It’s minuscule enough to leave out, though it’s also more than suitable for popping into under-sink cupboards when not in use. Clever stuff.

Oral-B Aquacare 6 Pro

travel electric flosser

Why we liked it: Micro-fine bubble tech | Six cleaning modes What we didn't like: Expensive | No USB charging | small water tank | Considered “weak”

  • Cleaning modes: 6 modes and 3 pressure settings
  • Capacity: 145ml
  • Extra tips: 2
  • USB charging: Charging station
  • Battery capacity: 3 hours

Oral-B’s entry focuses on a more gentle approach, removing food between teeth, gums and braces without irritating. It does this by utilising the company's Oxyjet Technology, which enriches the stream of water with micro-fine bubbles of air. This not only makes the resulting stream less irritable to sensitive gums, but it also improves the cleaning power. Win-win.

It has a large selection of different cleaning modes too, with six different modes and three intensity settings to help you dial in your perfect clean. There's also an On-Demand mode, which lets you have greater control of the stream, letting you release the water jet only when you need it. In other words, a manual mode. Fully cordless for easy manoeuvrability and compact enough for chucking into a suitcase, it's got plenty going for it.

A few Amazon reviewers knock this model off as being too gentle, mind, so while it’s great for those worried about their very sensitive teeth, you might want a more powerful model if you’re an experienced user. Its water tank capacity isn't the largest around either, even by cordless water flosser standards. Still, it fills the niche of cleaning your teeth without causing irritation, making it a worthy contender on our list.

Why we liked it: Huge water capacity | Range of tips | Subscription to teeth-whitening tabs What we didn't like: Expensive | Bulky

  • Cleaning modes: 10 pressure settings
  • Cordless: No
  • Capacity: 650ml
  • USB charging: UK 2-Pin shaver socket charge
  • Battery capacity: 4 weeks

It may not look like the sexiest-looking flosser, but this Waterpik model might be the kit you need for a classic Hollywood smile. With all the plaque-eradicating benefits of a traditional flosser, this water flosser comes with ten power settings to adjust to your liking, a cavernous tank capacity, and replaceable tips, including one that best seeks out plaque and one suited to orthodontic attachments, making it versatile enough for every smile. In other words, whether you've got crowns, braces, or any other form of dental accessory, you should be able to get a deep clean regardless of whatever mouth hardware you happen to be rocking.

The headline feature, however, is its whitening capability. Flip the lid on the handle and insert one of Waterpik's whitening tablets (refills cost £9.99 for a month's supply) and that java habit that has long yellowed your teeth will soon be a distant memory. Used over a month, our teeth were much closer to their natural whiteness than they were before Pret's bottomless coffee initiative, plus it leaves your mouth minty-fresh post-brush. Best of all, you'll get a pack of 30 tablets in the box to try them out for yourself, without having to snap them up separately.

It's an exceptionally bulky bit of kit to store somewhere in your bathroom, but if you have a notably capacious cabinet or countertop, you won't find much better.

Nicwell Cordless Water Flosser

Image may contain Bottle Tool Brush and Toothbrush

Why we liked it: USB-charging | Generous number of extra tips What we didn't like: Design won’t suit everyone

  • Cleaning modes: 4 - Normal, Soft, Pulse, Custom
  • Capacity: 200ml
  • Extra tips: 5
  • USB charging: USB-A recharge
  • Battery capacity: Up to 21 days

It’s not always the best idea to grab unknown brands from Amazon purely because they’re more affordable than the competition. But in the case of water flossers, there’s no reason not to save a hefty amount of cash for practically the same performance as a more well-known brand. This offering from Nicwell is one such example. At comfortably under £40 even when not on offer, it’s a veritable steal if you can catch it on a discount day.

Your cash nets you a very respectable water flosser, complete with a total of five jet tips for different flossing experiences, and one even takes care of tongue cleaning for an added dash of oral hygiene. A 200ml capacity water tank is pretty decent in the portable flosser category, and USB charging is also on the cards, making it a cinch to charge without faffing around with proprietary cables. It’s a USB-A port, mind, but you should still have plenty of those types of chargers lying around for a good few years yet.

Sure the design is a little basic compared to some more expensive offerings, but there’s very little to complain about at this price — especially with a respectable 21-day battery life.

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Waterpik Cordless Plus

travel electric flosser

Why we liked it: Generous selection of tips | Two-year warranty What we didn't like: No USB charging

  • Cleaning modes: 2 - Sensitive gum and deep clean
  • Capacity: 207ml
  • USB charging: UK 2-Pin Charger, rapid charge
  • Battery capacity: Up to two weeks (4 hours)

This Waterpik cordless model does a supremely thorough job of cleaning between the gums and ridding them of unwanted bacteria. While it’s a fairly chunky beast to wrap your mitts around, refilling and charging the thing is easy enough – with a top-up from the tap delivering about 45 seconds of flossing time. Also included is a rechargeable battery, along with a handy array of four tips for interdental cleaning, including an orthodontic tip for braces should you be embracing the Invisalign life right now. Other tips include a standard jet tip for everyday use, along with a plaque-seeker tip for targeting pesky areas. There's even a tongue-cleaner tip if you're really after a thorough, full-mouth clean.

Mercifully for those of us who have a bathroom stacked with grooming gadgets, the Cordless Plus' has a three-pin UK plug charger so that you can top its stamina wherever you please. We would have, however, liked to see a USB cable instead, as the convenience of cable sharing is hard to argue against. If you're already familiar with the painful feeling of losing a charging cable for important grooming gear, this will hit you harder than most. That niggle aside, as flossers go, this one delivers obvious results without much fuss, with convenient cordless operation making it an ideal travel companion too.

Spotlight Oral Care

travel electric flosser

Why we liked it: Water sterilising UV light | Large water tank | Range of cleaning tips What we didn't like: Expensive without any discounts | Most powerful mode is potentially a bit too much

  • Cleaning modes: 3 - Gentle / clean / pulse
  • Capacity: 400ml
  • USB charging: USB-C recharge
  • Battery capacity: 2 weeks

If you're aiming to earn brownie points from your dentist, why not grab a flosser that boasts a dentistry-inspired design? While it may not be as sleek and compact as other models, its averagely larger tank is a real winner, providing a full minute of cleaning time. We argue that the squeaky-clean feeling from using this device is highly addictive and ideal for beginners getting to grips (quite literally) with the motions of water flossing. The oscillating nozzle, in particular, is a dream machine for reaching those awkward crevices and angles we all love to loathe (and great for that half-asleep clean too).Most impressively, its UV feature sterilises the water, eliminating any harmful bacteria effortlessly and adding a cool touch to your countertop. In simple terms, if you're seeking a flosser that's not too labour-intensive, you'll be delighted by its simple yet dynamic design. With three different settings, you have more control over the flossing power, which is particularly great for those who need more positive reinforcement from their dentist regarding their gums. It just gets the job done right.

Waterpik Cordless Advanced

travel electric flosser

Why we liked it: Magnetic charger | Quiet | Four additional tips | A great travel option What we didn't like: No USB charging | Expensive | Middling water tank capacity

  • Cleaning modes: 3
  • USB charging: Yes - 4-hour magnetic quick charge
  • Battery capacity: 4 hours

On the high end of the water-flosser spectrum is Waterpik’s Cordless Advanced, a complete dental cleaning device that comes with a steep price but is well-equipped for your twice-daily brushing routine. We love the magnetic charger clip that can be slotted onto any USB plug for a quick top-up in a rapid four hours. It’s got plenty of settings ranging from full-blast down to a gentle rinse and it comes with four tips that you can rotate out for ease of use. The tank capacity is reasonable but will run out in around 45 seconds if you have it at full capacity, but that strongest setting does wonders for clearing away dirt.

For the money, you get a travel plug and storage bag to keep it separate from your clothes on your travels, and it's fully waterproof so you can have a quick clean as you scrub in the shower.

Auiei Cordless Water Flosser

Why we liked it: Sleek black/chrome design | USB-C charging What we didn't like: Takes 4-6 hours to reach a full charge

  • Cleaning modes: 5 - Strong, Normal, Soft, Pulse, Child
  • Capacity: 300ml
  • USB charging: Yes
  • Battery capacity: 1,500mAh

While Auiei might sound like the sort of noise you'd make after stubbing your little toe on the corner of a coffee table, this water flosser has made our list for entirely different reasons. Its main draw is the asking price, which is substantially lower than many of its rivals, even when not on offer. USB-C charging is another major win, as is its handsome black/chrome accent finish. It doesn't offer quite as many tips as some of the competition, but it should fit the bill for most people without making a hefty dent in their funds, which is always a plus in our books.

Coslus Codless Water Flosser

Image may contain Cutlery Fork Bottle Smoke Pipe Cosmetics and Perfume

Why we liked it: Affordable price | 30-day battery life What we didn't like: No USB charging cable

  • Cleaning modes: 3 - Normal, Soft, Massage
  • USB charging: No
  • Battery capacity: Info N/A

This water flosser throws in five tips for sharing with other users, with some of them designed for specific use cases such as cleaning in between braces — a task that can prove to be tricky without the right equipment. A variety of pressure modes cater for different sensitivities, while a 300ml water capacity should be more than enough for all but the most intense cleaning sessions. And while it lacks USB charging, a three-hour charge provides enough juice for up to 21 days, letting you thoroughly clean between your teeth away from home, even if you've forgotten to pack the charging cable.

Panasonic EW1511

travel electric flosser

Why we liked it: Sleek design | Ultrasonic nozzle | Fast recharge time What we didn't like: No USB charging | Low usage time

  • Cleaning modes: 3 modes and 5 pressure settings
  • USB charging: UK 2 pin, 100-240 V1 hour full charge
  • Battery capacity: 10 minutes

Panasonic’s offering is pricey but still cheaper than some of the super high-end offerings on our list. It's able to serve up some of the most versatile functionality around, from forcing out food debris caught between teeth, in addition to flushing away floating plaque in periodontal pockets. That last bit is particularly important if you're keen on avoiding unpleasant dental issues further down the line. After all, no one wants a reason to go to the dentist, no matter how good their chat is.

One of its snazziest features is its powerful water jet which promises to get the job done with ultrasonic tech, thanks to the clever use of air bubbles. These microbubbles make up part of the water stream and have been proven to more effectively remove debris than traditional nozzles. this is particularly important if you're suffering from plaque stuck to the surface of your teeth, with up to 1,600 pulses per minute available to clean things up.

It might lack USB charging, but it makes up for it with a handy charging station that makes topping up the battery pack a breeze. Throw in its reasonably large 200ml water tank, and you've got yourself a premium water flosser that won't rinse your funds.

Waterpik Cordless Select

travel electric flosser

Why we liked it: USB charging | Large tank capacity What we didn't like: Expensive

  • Cleaning modes: 2 pressure settings
  • USB charging: Yes - 4-hour rapid charge

Versatility is key with this portable flosser. It’s waterproof and cordless, making it ideal for use in the shower (for the uninitiated: water-flossing is a messy business). Its powerful jet blasts are strong enough to blast away plaque and food debris, but it still promises not to harm your gums in the process. On the contrary, it actually massages and stimulates them, improving circulation and gum health, promising up to 50 per cent more effective results than using regular string floss alone.

In the box, you'll find a selection of different tips, one of which is specially designed for tackling braces — a traditionally tricky challenge that plagues regular flossing. Its generous capacity water tank offers 45 seconds worth of water in one continuous use, so you've got plenty of time to play with it while learning the best technique to make it count. Best of all? You can charge the thing via USB, although we wouldn't recommend plugging it into your laptop. Stick to a dedicated wall charger for a faster juice-up experience, and enjoy the convenience of cordless operation. It's got a two-year warranty as well, for additional peace of mind if something that's not your fault goes haywire.

Philips Sonicare Cordless Power Flosser 3000

travel electric flosser

Why we liked it: Sleek looks | USB-C rechargeable | Quad Stream tip | Massive water tank What we didn't like: Expensive

  • Cleaning modes: 2 Deep clean and everyday clean - three speed intensities
  • Capacity:  250ml
  • USB charging: USB-C charging
  • Battery capacity: 14 days (5 hours)

The Philips Sonicare Cordless Power Flosser 3000 is designed for people who often forget to floss (AKA, pretty much all of us). One of the best-looking water flossers around thanks to its unique shape, it has the power to back it up too. A high-performance jet tip nozzle amplifies the power of the air and micro-droplet technology hitting between the teeth, for a flossing experience that feels incredibly formidable at blasting away cavities. Best of all, it's USB-C rechargeable, letting you use the same cable as your other tech for an easier, more streamlined life.

One of its standout features is its Quad Stream tip, which is a fancy way of saying that four streams of water can shoot out of a single hole. The benefit of this method is that you can cover a larger area between your teeth and along the gum line in a shorter space of time. The end result is a faster, deeper clean, compared to more basic flossers and traditional string floss. A handy Deep Clean mode also has built-in pulses which guide you from tooth to tooth with regularly timed pulse intervals, letting you use up your water tank in the most efficient manner possible. And if you fancy an extra helping of freshness, try filling the reservoir in the handle with mouthwash, rather than water.

travel electric flosser

Why we liked it: Minimalist design | USB-C charging What we didn't like: No micro-bubble tech

  • Cleaning modes: 5 - Intensive, Standard, Gentle, Pulse, On demand
  • Battery capacity: Up to 4 weeks

Let's face it, by name and by nature, there's nothing all that sexy about an oral irrigator. So why do we find ourselves so weirdly attracted to the Oclean W10? Well, because it's a far cry from the clinical-looking dental torture devices out there. Boasting a slick build that's available in a range of delightful hues (including pastel pink and green), its minimalist design is enhanced by a built-in handle, which makes it more comfortable during use.

Despite being a much more portable option than most, the 200ml water tank offers plenty of space for a comfortable clean without feeling rushed. Looks aside, there are plenty of features to applaud here, including five distinct flossing modes which range in power and intensity, depending on how sensitive your gums are. These include a conventional dental floss mode, in addition to gum massaging programmes, while its 200ml water tank can also hold mouthwash to sterilise and freshen up your breath in the process.

Four different tips are included with different specialities in mind, including removing debris from braces, general cleaning, and even one that's designed to spruce up your tongue for a totally clean mouth. As with other rivals, there's a two-year warranty included, which is particularly handy if you're worried about going off-piste with your brand choice. £60 £50. At &

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Best water flossers and Waterpiks for cleaner, healthier teeth and gums

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After testing each water flosser, we used ordinary tape floss to find out if the job was done properly

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Making the switch to an electric toothbrush is one of the easiest ways to improve your oral hygiene. But you may find regular flossing a tricky habit to keep up. Traditional dental floss can also be hard to use correctly, especially if you wear braces or have crowns, and it’s non-biodegradable so it’s not a great choice for the environment . That’s where water flossers come in.

Also known as oral irrigators, water flossers spray a high-pressure jet of water between your teeth to clean the spaces that brushing misses, and remove food and bacteria. This helps to keep plaque at bay, reduce the risk of cavities, help prevent gum disease, fight bad breath and, in some cases, whiten teeth .

“Water flossers can be a great option for people who have trouble flossing by hand,” says Dr Rhona Eskander, dentist, co-founder of Parla and owner of Chelsea Dental Clinic . “People who have had dental work that makes flossing difficult – like braces or permanent or fixed bridges – might also like to try water flossers.”

Although they can take a little getting used to initially, it’s best to only switch on the device once the tip is inside your mouth, then keep it at a 90-degree angle to the gum line as you go and always lean over the sink as it can be messy.

They come with a refillable water tank so you can spray as you work from the back teeth to the front and may include extra features such as a massage feature for healthy gums, variable pressure settings and even a tongue scraper. It’s worth looking for a flosser that comes with an orthodontic tip too if you wear a brace or gentler settings or dedicated heads if you have implants, crowns or sensitive teeth.

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How we tested the best water flosser

We used these water flossers one at a time over several weeks, using each once a day on consecutive days. We considered how easy each was to use, how clean our teeth looked and felt and any extra features the water flosser offered. We also flossed our teeth with ordinary tape floss after use to check how effective the water flosser had been. These are the ones that came out on top.

The best water flossers for 2024 are:

  • Best water flosser overall – Philips sonicare cordless power flosser 3000: £79.99,
  • Best water flosser for travelling – Spotlight oral care water flosser: £63.19,
  • Best water flosser for whitening teeth – Waterpik whitening water flosser: £119.99,
  • Best water flosser for healthy gums – Panasonic rechargeable oral irrigator with ultrasonic technology EW1511: £79.99,

Philips sonicare cordless power flosser 3000

Philips sonicare water flosser.png

  • Best : Water flosser overall
  • Reservoir capacity : 250ml
  • Number of water pressure settings : Five
  • Battery life : Two weeks
  • 360 degree rotating nozzle
  • Comes with travel kit
  • Expensive at full price

This was the priciest water flosser we tested but we really noticed the difference. The relatively slim handle meant it was also one of the easiest to use, even though it still had a fairly decent 250ml reservoir which lasted around a minute before needing an easy refill.

Once we got the hang of flossing, this was almost enough time to manage our whole mouth thanks to a nozzle that rotates 360 degrees and pulse wave technology that guides the device from tooth to tooth in Deep Clean mode. When using the quad stream nozzle, we could finish cleaning even faster as the flow is separated into four water jets, which cover more surface area between teeth in less time. Just keep your mouth closed while you do it or you’ll get an unexpected soaking.

There are three intensity settings and two flossing modes and even the standard clean mode left our mouth feeling super-fresh, visibly dislodging any food particles trapped between teeth. The device comes with a travel bag, power adaptor and a USB charging cable so you won’t be able to charge it in your bathroom, but our battery showed no sign of fading even after nearly two weeks of daily use.

Our one grumble is that, for the price, we would’ve loved a tongue scraper included as well as the quad stream and standard nozzle. Still, our mouth has never felt cleaner.

Spotlight oral care water flosser

Spotlight oral care water flosser.png

  • Best : For travelling
  • Reservoir capacity : 190ml
  • Number of water pressure settings : Three
  • Battery life : 30 minutes
  • Compact, space-saving design
  • 360-degree rotating head
  • Smaller reservoir

Space is always tight in a bathroom cupboard so it makes sense to choose the most compact water flosser you can find. Developed by dentists Dr Lisa and Dr Vanessa Creaven, this dinky device was one of the smallest and most portable we tested, and is cordless and rechargeable just like an electric toothbrush making it one of the few flossers small enough to take on holiday.

Its water tank is fairly easy to fill and has a 190ml capacity, but we did have to refill this more than once during cleaning. There are three operating modes – normal, soft and pulse – which is useful so you can build up from the gentlest setting when you first start using it. We especially liked the 360 degree rotating nozzle which really made us feel like we were getting into every nook and cranny, and our mouth felt sparkling clean afterwards.

The device also comes with four different tips so you can really adapt this flosser for your needs and these include a classic jet tip, an orthodontic spray tip, a periodontal pocket sprinkler and even a tongue scraper for a full mouth makeover.

Waterpik cordless plus water flosser

Waterpik cordless plus water flosser.png

  • Best : Water flosser for newbies
  • Reservoir capacity : 210ml
  • Number of water pressure settings : Two
  • Battery life : N/A
  • Compact design
  • Average-size reservoir

Waterpik are the world’s best-selling water flosser brand and therefore know a thing or two about keeping your teeth clean. The brand claims that its flossers are scientifically proven to be more than 50 per cent effective than traditional dental floss for improving gum health and remove up to 99.9 per cent of plaque from treated areas.

And this cordless and rechargeable flosser certainly feels like it’s getting the job done. It has a 360 degree rotating head and four tips – classic jet, orthodontic tip, plaque seeker tip and tongue cleaner. There are just two pressure controls but the lowest setting is perfect for sensitive gums or those trying water flossing for the first time, without being too weedy. The non-slip grip makes it easy to hold when wet and it’s straightforward to operate without too many gizmos to complicate matters.

Our only grumble is the 210ml water capacity needs refilling around every 45 seconds, but we liked the fact this kept the flosser compact. You can even add a small amount of mouthwash to the water for minty freshness, making this an all-around great buy for anyone new to water flossing.

Waterpik whitening water flosser

Waterpik whitening water flosser.png

  • Best : Water flosser for whitening teeth
  • Reservoir capacity : 651ml
  • Number of water pressure settings : 10
  • Whitening tablets help restore natural whiteness
  • Large reservoir lasts a whole flossing session
  • Takes up more space

This whitening water flosser delivers a double whammy when it comes to keeping your teeth and gums in tip-top condition. As well as water flossing, this clever device whitens as it works, with Waterpik claiming it removes an additional 25 per cent of stains versus brushing alone.

Simply pop one of the included fresh mint whitening tablets into the flip-top tablet compartment and floss as normal – we definitely thought our teeth looked a little brighter after a couple of weeks of use. When the initial supply of 30 tablets runs out, it can then be used as an ordinary water flosser although replacement tablets can be bought whenever you need a whitening boost.

It’s an excellent flosser even without the additional tablets with a choice of ten pressure settings – though start low if you’re new to water flossing as the higher ones are quite forceful. It comes with four tips including two jet tips, so it could even be shared between a couple if needed. That’s handy as the separate reservoir – attached by a cord to the device – does take up quite a bit of space on a bathroom shelf, although this means the water lasts for a whole flossing session without needing to be refilled. It’s definitely not one you’ll be able to travel with though.

Panasonic rechargeable oral irrigator with ultrasonic technology EW1511

Panasonic portable oral irrigator with ultrasonic technology EW1511W511.png

  • Best : For healthy gums
  • Reservoir capacity : 200ml
  • Decent sized tank
  • Great for braces users

Our teeth felt so clean after using this Panasonic flosser just once that we’re certain we beamed at everyone we met. The Ultrasonic technology works a treat, with increased water jet speed that generates water vapour bubbles on the surface of the teeth to amp up the cleaning power. This also helps clean sensitive periodontal pockets to target plaque left after brushing and gently stimulates gums for an all-around healthier mouth. It can be used on orthodontic braces and bridges too.

The device doesn’t feel too hulking to manoeuvre when it’s in the mouth either. The slimmer top half of the cordless flosser makes it comfortable to hold, although it still has a decent 200ml water tank. This lasts around 60 seconds on the level 5 water pressure setting but we did need to refill once during cleaning. Otherwise, it’s a fuss-free addition to any nightly routine as it charges in just one hour and remembers your last chosen water flow strength so is ready to go whenever you are.

Fairywill electric toothbrush + cordless oral irrigator water flosser

Fairywill electric toothbrush + cordles oral irrigator water flosser.png

  • Best : Combined water flosser and toothbrush
  • Reservoir capacity : 300ml
  • Battery life : 30 days
  • Large water tank
  • Comes with electric toothbrush

Not sure you’ll stick to water flossing? Give it a go without blowing the budget by trying this fantastically priced flosser from Fairywill and even if you don’t keep it up, at least you’ll have a decent new toothbrush.

However, we were suitably impressed with the results from the flosser for the price. Though it’s fairly chunky to hold, it comes with a large 300ml capacity water tank for uninterrupted use and three operational modes with LED indication including a massage mode. Impressively, four classic tips – and four replacement toothbrush heads – are included in the box, although anyone with braces or a lot of dental work would be better off choosing a flosser that comes with alternative heads.

Also, be aware that both the toothbrush and flosser are charged with the included USB cable rather than a traditional shaving socket, so both will need to be charged outside the bathroom.

The verdict: Water flossers

For maximum cleaning power in moments, the Philips sonicare cordless power flosser 3000 is unbeatable and got our teeth noticeably cleaner and faster. If colour is a concern, try the Waterpik whitening water flosser instead to do two jobs in one and keep those pearly whites sparkling.

Time to up your brushing game? Check out the best electric toothbrushes in 2024

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The 5 Best Water Flossers Based On Rigorous Testing

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A water flosser, also known as an oral irrigator or a Waterpik (which is actually a brand name), is a bathroom countertop appliance that shoots a concentrated stream of water at your teeth and gums to remove food remnants and plaque. After 2 weeks of testing 12 different water flossers, I found that the best water flosser overall is the Philips Sonicare Power Flosser 3000. For brand purists, the Waterpik Aquarius Professional was the best Waterpik (you can also get the near-identical Waterpik Aquarius , which comes with a few less features). If you want the best portable water flosser, I recommend the Quip Rechargeable Cordless Water Flosser . And if you’re looking to spend a bit less, go with the Waterpik Ultra for the best value water flosser.

These are the four best water flossers after weeks of testing.

Here are the best water flossers I found after weeks of testing:

  • Best Water Flosser Overall: Philips Sonicare Power Flosser 3000
  • The Best Overall Waterpik-Brand Water Flosser: Waterpik Aquarius Water Flosser
  • The Best Upgrade Waterpik: Waterpik Aquarius Professional Water Flosser
  • The Best Portable Water Flosser: Quip Rechargeable Water Flosser
  • The Best Value Waterpik: Waterpik Ultra Water Flosser

If you feel guilty when your dentist asks about your flossing habits, or you find traditional floss too fiddly or uncomfortable to use, then a water flosser may be for you. They’re great for folks with orthodontics who want to get in between all the nooks and crannies of their braces, and people with limited grip strength who may struggle with small pieces of floss. However, there’s still debate about how effective water flossers are. They’re more expensive than traditional floss, they are often loud and they take up precious space in your bathroom. But a lot of people prefer them to traditional floss—and any oral hygiene tool that you’re going to use consistently is better than one that you won’t.

To read more about the winners, check out my Philips Sonicare Power Flosser 3000 review and Waterpik Aquarius review. And if you’re looking for the best electric toothbrush to go with your flosser, Forbes Vetted recommends the Oral-B Pro 1000 Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush.

The Best Water Flosser Overall

Shh, it's quieter than a waterpik, philips sonicare power flosser 3000.

Dimensions: 5.4 x 4 x 11 inches | Capacity: 19 fluid ounces | Warranty: 2 years | Power levels: 10

Best for:  

  • Those who want the quietest water flosser they can find
  • Lots of pressure settings

Skip if:  

  • Space is tight in your bathroom
  • You want to refill the water reservoir as infrequently as possible

After two weeks of testing water flossers, I found that for most people, the best option is the Philips Sonicare Power Flosser 3000 . Most water flossers do a comparable job of cleaning your mouth, with similar pressure levels, ergonomics and general usability. But the Power Flosser 3000 stood out because it’s notably quieter than any other model. And that matters when you’re holding something next to your head for the recommended twice-daily sessions for the foreseeable future. It’s also easy to use, has a large enough reservoir and has 10 pressure settings to choose from.

Choosing between water flossers can feel like much of a muchness. Most of them look all but identical, regardless of brand. They’re white rectangles with a water reservoir at the top and a pick attached via hose, and they take up just a bit too much space in your bathroom. The Philips Sonicare Power Flosser 3000 hits all the beats of a great water flosser: The reservoir is large enough to last you multiple uses per day, it’s easy to fill up with more water when you need to and the controls are eminently straightforward.

The Philips Sonicare Power Flosser 3000 is easy to use, and has a large enough reservoir that ... [+] doesn't take too much space on the counter.

What separates the Philips Sonicare Power Flosser 3000 from every other countertop water flosser I tested is that it runs notably quieter than the competition. Part of this is due to a fundamental difference in how it uses its water pump. With a Waterpik, the pump activates as soon as you turn on the base of the device, even if you’re not actively shooting water at your gumline. With the Power Flosser 3000, the pump activates only when you press the button on the handle, which is usually only when it’s in your mouth. This means less ambient noise while you’re not actively water flossing. And even when the pump is going, it’s quieter than most other water flossers, especially on the lower pressure settings.

Water flossers work by shooting a concentrated stream of water at your gum line. Here, you can see ... [+] the Philips Sonicare Power Flosser 3000 in action.

Philips Sonicare water flossers have built-in timers that give you a 1-second break every 15 seconds, so that if you’re trying to floss for a specific amount of time, you can know to move to a different area of your mouth. For those who don’t like that feature, it can be disabled by holding the on/off button and the mode button together for five seconds.

Water flossing left my mouth feeling decidedly cleaner. The tool excelled at clearing food remnants that were wedged in there—if you’ve ever had a popcorn kernel or seed really cemented into the crenulations of your teeth, a water flosser is definitely the best thing for clearing it out. But as with manual flossing, you still need to do it regularly. Like most of the healthcare items in my bathroom, it was easy to ignore after the initial glow wore off.

There are some reports in user reviews of units breaking down, or of hoses leaking. These reports are common across many, if not all, water flossers—and are found in anything that pumps water, if we’re being honest. Ask people with aquariums. The Power Flosser 3000 comes with a 2-year warranty, which should cover these issues.

Unlike many Waterpiks I tested, the Power Flosser 3000 doesn’t allow you to rotate the tip in place to get the perfect angle of approach. This can be handy if you like having the tip angled a specific way from your grip, say for getting behind your molars. However, the handle was small and nimble enough that this didn’t give me any problems.

One word of caution: The plug on this model is short and wide, and it may block other plugs, depending on how they’re configured in your bathroom.

Philips Sonicare is the only brand other than Waterpik that currently has the ADA seal on its products, marking their safety.

The 2024 Forbes Vetted Best Product Awards are here: Explore our 150 top-recommended items across categories after extensive research and testing.

The Best Overall Waterpik-Brand Water Flosser

Costs less for a few less features, waterpik aquarius professional water flosser.

Dimensions: 4.7 x 3.8 x 10.35 inches | Capacity: 22 fluid ounces | Warranty: 3 years | Power levels: 10

Best for: 

  • People who want a basic, Waterpik-branded water flosser
  • Waterpik’s generous 3-year warranty
  • You want a storage case for extra tips
  • You want LED indicators on your water flosser

The Best Upgrade Waterpik

For brand loyalists.

Dimensions: 5.5 x 4.5 x 11.25 inches | Capacity: 22 fluid ounces | Warranty: 3 years | Power levels: 10

  • People who want lots of included tips
  • A generous 3-year warranty
  • You want to stick with Waterpik
  • Space is at a premium
  • You don’t want to disturb your roommate or your partner 

If you want to stick with the best-known brand for water flossers, the Waterpik Aquarius Professional is the best upgrade Waterpik you can get. It has a 22-ounce reservoir (compared to the Power Flosser 3000’s 19-ounce reservoir) and comes with seven tips, in a variety of shapes as well as a few repeats of the standard ones. It even has a handy little compartment next to the reservoir that holds two tips when they’re not in use, so you don’t have them floating around a drawer alongside a disused emery board and ancient bar of soap. Also in its favor is that it has a knurled pressure control knob, which is easy to maneuver when your hands inevitably get wet from the business of water flossing. If you want a slightly more basic model that costs a bit less, the Waterpik Aquarius is nearly identical—it just doesn’t have a tip storage case or LED indicators.

The Waterpik Aquarius, the best Waterpik, has an easy-to-use design and a handy storage space for ... [+] extra tips.

But it’s impossible to overstate the difference in volume between the Waterpik Aquarius Professional and the Philips Sonicare Power Flosser 3000. The most common complaint for the Waterpik in user reviews is just how loud it is. The desire to avoid being stuck in a small, echoey bathroom with a machine that sounds like a tiny jackhammer is definitely enough to point most people to the Power Flosser 3000.

Waterpik backs up the Aquarius Professional with a three-year warranty, the longest I found in this category after weeks of research and testing. Waterpik, like Philips Sonicare, has the ADA seal on many of its products.

The Best Portable Water Flosser

Compact and cordless, quip rechargeable water flosser.

Dimensions: 1.8 x 2.5 x 10.5 inches | Capacity: 5 fluid ounces | Warranty: 1 year | Power levels: 2

  • Throwing in your bag on the way out the door
  • People who want a second water flosser for traveling

Skip if: 

  • You want to fine-tune your water pressure

If you’re hitting the road, the best portable water flosser to throw into your bag is the Quip Rechargeable Cordless Water Flosser . The design is a simple, easy-to-use cylinder, half of which is the reservoir. With fewer buttons, knobs, protrusions or switches than almost any other water flosser, the whole thing is compact and packable. You just pop off the tip, stash it in the (empty) reservoir and you’re ready to go. It charges using a proprietary USB cable, which means that while you will need to bring an extra cable along, at least it plugs into the same charging brick as most other gadgets you likely own. I tested the metal version, but this flosser also comes in a more affordable plastic version .

Cordless and compact, the Quip Rechargeable Cordless Water Flosser is the best portable water ... [+] flosser.

Quip claims that this water flosser will last up to 8 weeks on a single charge if you use it on gentle mode. On the downside, the Quip has only two pressure modes, which is common for travel and portable flossers—most of the ones I tested either had two or three pressure settings. Countertop water flossers usually have around 10, giving more fine-grained control to the pressure, rather than just maximum and minimum. The difference between the two levels is indicated by a single LED that’s either blue or white. I found myself forgetting if it was on high or low before I started flossing, and I would be surprised by a much stronger stream in my mouth than I was expecting (for the record, white is low and blue is high).

The smooth cylindrical body also lacks any ridges or ergonomic concessions, so it could be tricky to hold when wet or if you have issues with grip strength. And though it’s water resistant, it’s not waterproof, so don’t take it into the shower.

The Quip doesn’t have the ADA Seal of Acceptance, which is a mark of safety from the American Dental Association, but the brand said it’s seeking it at time of publication.

The Best Value Waterpik

A more affordable flosser, waterpik ultra water flosser.

Dimensions: 5.5 x 4.5 x 10.25 inches | Capacity: 22 fluid ounces | Warranty: 3 years | Power levels: 10

  • Those who want a budget-friendly countertop water flosser
  • Families that will share one machine
  • Flossers who want to store multiple tips
  • You want a quieter option

For around $60, the Waterpik Ultra offers a great combination of features, plus a large 22-ounce reservoir, an attractive blobject look and large, easy-to-use controls. It has one feature that’s not even found on higher-end Waterpiks, and that’s a compartment above the reservoir that can hold four extra tips, either for your family or as a place to stash a variety of different tips. However, like most Waterpiks, it’s loud. I also found the hose that connects the handle to the base often didn’t want to coil back neatly, requiring a bit of attention to get it to sit nicely in its caddy.

The Waterpik Ultra has a handy storage for extra tips that even more expensive Waterpik models don't ... [+] have.

Parenting Playbook: What You Need To Get Ready For Preschool

Best folding electric bikes: dynamic, portable rides for small spaces, other water flossers i tested, other great water flossers.

Waterpik Cordless Revive : This flosser (along with its sibling models, the Cordless Express and Cordless Freedom , which are almost identical) is a decent, affordable cordless option. My primary complaint was that these water flossers have only a single small port to fill their reservoirs, making them hard to fill, whereas most other water flossers let you pull off the reservoir entirely and fill it through the top. Plus, it was more awkward to move the single slider, which controlled both the on/off setting and the pressure level, compared to the buttons on other models I tested.

Waterpik Cordless Advanced : This flosser has a fascinating magnetic charger, like a MagSafe but for your bathroom. I liked that it has three power levels and extremely good ergonomics. While it still feels strong enough to clean your teeth, its maximum setting was lower than the highest on most other versions—something to keep in mind if you want the highest possible pressure. Plus the water reservoir is held in place by a sliding lock that was more fiddly and annoying to take on and off than other water flossers I tested.

Philips Sonicare Cordless Power Flosser 3000 : I like that this flosser has three power levels and a clear reservoir that’s easy to fill. However, it’s loud, and I wish it had some material for extra grip, like you see on other higher-end cordless water flossers.

Smile Direct Club Space Saver Countertop Flosser : This model has a number of useful features—it can be disassembled to fit into a compact carrying format, it includes a carrying case, it’s affordable and it has suction cups on the base to help it remain in place. But it’s tricky to frequently disassemble and reassemble, and it is occasionally leak-prone. You also need to be very sure it’s dry when you’re stashing it away to prevent anything untoward from growing. And it’s a small annoyance, but it uses aging micro-USB technology for charging. Smile Direct Club water flossers also don’t have the ADA seal.

Water Flossers That Weren’t So Great

Waterpik Ion Professional : This flosser was so overwhelmingly loud that I was astonished such a small machine could create such a racket. On high settings, the handle felt like it was going to shoot out of my hand.

Waterpik Nano Plus: You can invert the reservoir and use it as a cover for the base with this flosser’s intriguing design. But when you use it normally, there’s no cover for the top of the reservoir—and there’s far too much stuff flying around bathroom air to have an open vessel of liquid that’s going to go into your mouth.

Panasonic Water Flosser EWDJ10A: This is a great idea executed terribly. This portable flosser collapses into its own reservoir for easy transportation. But it’s annoying and difficult to open and close, it has a little cavity to store the flosser’s tip in while in transit, but it’s difficult to stow the head in there as it’s an odd shape, and the controls are too stiff considering they’re damp a lot of the time.

Panasonic Water Flosser EW1511W : I was impressed that this held enough water for more than a minute of use (more than most portable models), even on high power, but the opaque reservoir means you never know quite how much water is left until you run out.

How I Tested The Best Water Flossers

Water flossers work by shooting a concentrated, high-pressure stream of water in order to clean plaque and food remnants off your teeth. Think of it like a pressure washer, but for your gums. Much like traditional floss, water flossers are a tool you use in addition to brushing, rather than as a replacement. But unlike standard floss, a water flosser gets into areas of your gums that are easy to miss while brushing.

Most water flossers are plug-in countertop appliances with a sizable water reservoir, which is connected to a small handle via a hose. From the base station, you can select a pressure setting. You aim the flosser using the handle, and water shoots out through a replaceable tip. But you’ll also find many travel and cordless versions, where a small reservoir is built into the handle of the device. These take up much less space, but they can be used only in short spurts before they run dry. They also tend to have fewer pressure settings.

I focused on features that most directly affect how you’re going to use a water flosser in the day to day. How much space do they take up? Are they comfortable to hold? How loud are they? Do they need to be refilled frequently? I also considered how many pressure settings they had—as well as how strong the highest setting was, and how gentle the lowest. Having more settings allows you to dial in the correct amount of pressure for your teeth and gums.

I tested water flossers by using them on my own teeth, as well as spraying dried powdered peanut ... [+] butter off of a set of dentures.

There were several nice-to-have features I also considered. These included swiveling tips, which are handy if you want to angle the water stream a specific way based on how you hold the flosser. I also gave bonus points to flossers that came with extra tips (for family members, or for replacement down the line), though you can always buy those after the fact.

Beyond trying out all the water flossers individually, I also timed how long cordless and portable ones took to empty their reservoirs. Most sources suggest using a flosser for a minute, so if you have to refill halfway through, that’s a major drawback. To see how effective a water flosser would be at cleaning teeth schmutz, I used the stickiest, hardest-to-clean material I could find: peanut butter powder. When this stuff dries, it’s like concrete. This test showed how well the water flossers could get into the crags and crannies of a set of artificial teeth.

Most companies sell tips in a myriad of different shapes that are specifically designed for different tasks, like the Philips Sonicare Quad Stream or the Waterpik Tongue Cleaner . Most of the tips were identical to each other, and I tested all the flossers using the standard tip.

The learning curve on a water flosser can be steep, and the first couple times you use one will doubtless be dramatic—if not traumatic. They dispense water at very high pressure, and that water has to go somewhere, ideally out of your mouth and into the sink. But just as frequently, you may find that it’s dribbled all down your front, and onto the countertops and bathroom mirror—at least until you get the hang of it. Start with water that’s too cold, and you’re in for aching teeth; start with the pressure too high, and you can very easily draw blood. After testing these over a couple weeks, I recommend using lukewarm water and the lowest pressure setting you can, and go from there.

How To Pick A Water Flosser

Before investing in a water flosser, think about whether you want to use this tool over traditional floss. For this piece, I interviewed Dr. Sally Cram, a periodontist and American Dental Association (ADA) spokesperson, and Dr. Flavia Pirih, the UCLA chair of periodontics. Both Dr. Pirih and Dr. Cram agreed that for certain people there are distinct advantages to these machines, but that most people can get by with regular floss. Water flossers are generally bulky, expensive (compared to traditional dental floss), messy to use and loud, plus they need to be cleaned regularly. But if you hate to floss or have braces or grip trouble, they’re extremely useful. And if having a small appliance staring at you on your bathroom counter makes you more likely to use it than a small container of floss tucked into a drawer, then that’s reason enough in itself.

Dr. Cram pointed out that a water flosser is “effective for people that maybe have bad manual dexterity or arthritis, older people, kids that have braces or adults that have braces. But it can also be for someone that has bigger spaces between their teeth or a very small mouth, making flossing or using something else in between not as easy to do and not as effective.” However, she cautioned, you should always consult your dentist before using a device like a water flosser. She also emphasized that what really matters for oral health is cleaning between your teeth daily, whether with floss or one of these machines.

A water flosser may be best for people with orthodontics, or who have a hard time gripping floss. ... [+] These tools do require refilling and cleaning.

Dr. Pirih also told me that traditional flossing is ”the gold standard” for oral hygiene, and that while water flossers are better than nothing, and good for people who specifically need them, there’s little high-quality research to demonstrate their superiority over regular floss. As she points out, “The vast majority of research papers have been supported by the companies themselves, and the journals they’re published in are questionable.”

Both periodontists pointed out the importance of looking for devices that carry the American Dental Association Seal of Acceptance , which Dr. Cram (an ADA spokesperson) explained was “put in place to basically evaluate the safety and efficacy of over-the-counter dental products.” Dr. Pirih echoed that this was a good mark of knowing a device has been tested and is safe to use. However, at the time of publication, the only companies that have this seal are Waterpik and Philips Sonicare—though Quip has other products that have the seal, and told me it’s in the process of seeking the seal for its water flosser, the brand doesn’t have a timeline for getting it at time of publication.

When you’re staring at a wall of water flossers at a big-box store or browsing online, there are a couple of things that may sway you in one direction or another. Do you want a full-size version or a portable, cordless one?

Full-size water flossers take up a larger amount of space on your bathroom counter and have a long cord that attaches to a handle. They tend to have more (and more granular) pressure settings, plus a large reservoir that you’ll need to refill less often, sometimes only every several days.

A cordless or portable water flosser will be smaller, and some are as small as an electric toothbrush. These will also have a much smaller reservoir, which means that they will need to be refilled between every use. They also have fewer pressure settings, often only two or three, and you’ll need to remember to charge them. Some use AA or AAA batteries, some USB and some proprietary chargers.

My Expertise

I’m a service journalist with almost 15 years of experience writing and editing product reviews. I’ve written for Wirecutter, the Wall Street Journal and Consumer Reports, among other outlets. I’ve covered everything from cameras to fashion to beauty to pets, and I’ve even written about my love of manual toothbrushes over electric . For this piece, I interviewed Dr. Sally Cram, a periodontist and American Dental Association (ADA) spokesperson, and Dr. Flavia Pirih, the UCLA chair of periodontics, to learn what makes the best water flossers.

How Do I Clean My Water Flosser?

This varies from model to model, so consult the manual for your particular water flosser. Generally speaking, at least once a week you’ll want to clean the reservoir with soapy water, wipe down the base unit and rinse the tips. You can also run water with a small amount of white vinegar through the system in order to clean out the pump itself. If you’re storing the water flosser for any length of time, make sure it’s clean and dry, and put it somewhere away from the light and elements.

How Long Should I Water Floss For?

Unlike brushing and flossing, there’s no universally agreed-upon length to use water floss for. Dr. Cram suggests however long it takes you to trace around each tooth, inside and out—around 30 seconds to a minute. This matches with many of the manufacturers, which often suggest 30 seconds for your upper teeth and 30 seconds for your lower.

What Pressure Setting Should I Use?

Because pressure settings aren’t standardized across different models, this can be hard to judge. Waterpik lists the pressure range in PSI for various models on its website, however this didn’t always line up with what I found in my testing. In general, as with brushing your teeth, you should use the most gentle version of a tool that you can, which means starting on the lowest setting (with lukewarm water) and working up from there. Dr. Cram suggests starting on a gentle setting, then seeing what your dentist says on your next cleaning before turning it up.

How Often Should I Replace My Water Flosser Head?

Recommendations vary among manufacturers, but every 6 months seems to be the average. However, replace them sooner if they become damaged or blocked—and make sure every person using a water flosser has their own head rather than sharing them.

Tim Barribeau

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This Dentist-approved Portable Water Flosser Is ‘Great for Travel’ and Only $35 at Amazon

Shoppers even swear they will “not travel without it.”

travel electric flosser

Travel + Leisure / Reese Herrington

Oral care never wanes in importance, even when you’re on vacation. However, many of us will pack up our electric toothbrush and a container of floss into our toiletry bags and call it a day. But what if we told you there was a way to bring a more complete oral care routine on the go with you in the form of a product that’s as small as the palm of your hand?

If you’ve been intrigued by the idea of a water pick but don’t want to throw down the big bucks on a piece of equipment that solely lives in your bathroom at home, the Synhope Mini Cordless Water Flosser is currently on sale at Amazon for as little as $35. Once you travel with this portable cleaner you’ll never want to be without it again. 

To buy: , $35 (originally $50)

This compact, cordless water pick is designed with a small tank and foldable nozzle, making it well-equipped to throw into your carry-on bag and take with you on the go. But despite its small size, this flosser still offers a high pulse water pressure to conveniently and effectively floss your teeth without creating the waste of a more traditional floss. This method will not cause your gums to bleed, and even removes up to 99.9 percent of plaque for an overall deeper clean and improved gum health.

Three clean modes (soft, pulse, and strong) are available to meet your oral care needs, and a low-noise design is great for subtle use in the evening as you get ready for bed and are sharing a hotel room. The body of the flosser is also leakproof for a worry-free travel experience, and boasts an impressive battery life of 30 days, fully charging in just four hours. That’s right — if you charge it before your trip, that's one less cord you need to stuff into your toiletry bag. 

Even dentists are a fan of this packable water pick, with one Amazon shopper sharing that they “got this because my dentist recommended it” and admitted that their “teeth certainly feel cleaner” with regular use. Meanwhile, another person explained that they have been “working in the dental field for 33 years” and “definitely recommend this one” because it’s “super compact” and “gets in between your teeth well.” 

And for travel purposes, customers have revealed that they “will not travel without it no matter how short or long” their trip is. In fact, one shopper even shared that it “works as [well] as my full-size water pick,” and is “great for travel.” 

If you’re going to invest in a water flosser, you want to select one that’s actually going to last and customers swear by Synhope’s to get the job done. Take it from this shopper who shared that they have “been using it for over a year” while “traveling the world” and their “mouth doesn’t feel clean without it.” Another customer added that it was “one of the best purchases I made this year,” noting that they have “had it for months” before even needing to charge it once. 

Heading off on vacation doesn’t mean you need to leave your entire oral care routine behind, and the Synhope Mini Cordless Water Flosser makes it so much easier to properly clean your teeth, even when you’re miles from home. The compact design occupies minimal space in your toiletry bag, and an impressive battery life ensures you can leave the extra chargers at home. Manual flossing will soon be a thing of the past, so grab this ultra-portable water pick while it’s on sale at Amazon for just $35 today.

At the time of publishing, the price started at $35. 

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13 Best Electric Power Flossers for Travel

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  • 13 Best Electric Power Flossers…

13 Best Electric Power Flossers For Travel

Maintaining your oral health is an important routine, especially when traveling. You’ll never know whom you’re going to meet and talk to. So, it’s better to keep your teeth and gums clean for a neat first impression. To do this effectively, you need to use an electric power flosser.

The electric power flosser has a special tip to spray water or air between the teeth and gums. It provides better cleaning compared to more traditional tools like regular dental floss. However, there are some important factors to consider before you get an electric power flosser for your next trip.

How to Choose Best Electric Power Flosser for Travel

Whenever you buy a product, try to choose one that suits your personal needs. You certainly don’t want your hard-earned cash to be wasted, right? With this in mind, here are some variables you should consider before you decide to buy the electric power flosser.

Cleaning System

As we mentioned earlier, an electric power flosser can use either air or water spraying system. Regarding effectiveness, a water flosser may be more efficient but less portable. On the other hand, an air flosser works by mixing air with water or mouthwash. This made it less powerful, but easier to carry around. Depending on how you plan to travel, choose the one that best suits your needs.


When it comes to portability, a water flosser may not be a great option. That’s because it must be connected to a water reservoir using a hose. In other words, it’s not easy to remove and install. Meanwhile, air flosser is more practical because it has its own water compartment.

But that is not always the case, because nowadays there are many cordless electric power flossers you can choose from. They’re easier to transport, although they’re quite large because they need room to store significant amounts of water. On that note, size plays a huge part when it comes to portability. Think about the space you’ll have to spare, especially if you also need to carry your beard trimmer or hairdryer with you.


If traveling on a budget is what you’re planning, choose an electric power flosser that’s compatible with your electric toothbrush charger. It’s not that hard to find a pair of an electric toothbrush and a flosser that come from the same brand. Therefore, you may want to buy a matching set to save on expenses.

Panasonic EW-DJ10-A Oral Irrigator

This superior product should be able to clean your teeth in less than 30 seconds. That’s because the Panasonic EW-DJ10-A Oral Irrigator has water jet technology with three pressure settings. Pick jet mode for full pressure, helping to remove large food debris. Meanwhile, the regular mode will be effective for smaller particles. Lastly, there’s a soft mode for those with sensitive teeth.

This battery-powered device has a small design, making it not only very powerful but also portable. Easy to use anywhere, perfect for working out at the gym, or going on a trip. Taking care of your oral health has never been this comfortable!

What We Love

The compact design makes it easy to use anywhere.

  • Water jet with three pressure settings
  • Compact and cordless design
  • 5.5oz water reservoir
  • Waterproof body
  • In jet mode, it can drain the battery quickly

travel electric flosser

Nicefeel Cordless Water Flosser Teeth Cleaner

This electric power flosser is lightweight, making it travel-friendly. What’s more, the 300ml water reservoir is easy to fill. You can also change the tips easily. In short, there isn’t anything to complain about from the Nicefeel Cordless Water Flosser Teeth Cleaner .

With pressures up to 100PSI, preventing bad breath or bleeding gums feel effortless. On the other hand, for those with sensitive teeth, this flosser has three modes for deep cleaning: normal, gentle, and pulse. Other features include a 360-degree rotatable nozzle, USB charging cable, and adapter.

A small oral care tool suitable for the whole family.

  • Removable 300ml water reservoir
  • Three cleaning modes with memory function
  • Rotatable nozzle
  • The battery doesn’t hold the charge for long

Waterpik Power Flosser

Those who often travel to remote places may find it difficult to find products for sensitive teeth. Therefore, it’s highly recommended to bring an electric power flosser such as the Waterpik Power Flosser . It has a flexible nylon tip that slides gently between the teeth and gums.

The good thing is, this device does not use water at all. You can comfortably clean your mouth with 10,000 strokes per minute from the tip. If you’re looking for an ergonomic flosser that’s worth the price, don’t hesitate to pick this product whenever you can!

Does not use water, perfect for backpacking.

  • Flexible nylon tip
  • No water required
  • Replaceable battery
  • Small and compact
  • The tip has no cover

Philips Sonicare AirFloss (CU)

Catching a flight tends to rush you. As a result, you often skip your oral health routine. But did you know that you can save a lot of time with a reliable tool like the Philips Sonicare AirFloss ?

Fill the reservoir with mouthwash or water and orient the nozzle to clean all food debris. Look in the mirror and you’ll see that you have clean, brilliant teeth. This entire routine will only take 30 seconds! What’s more, Philips also promises 5 times better results than traditional toothbrushes.

Simple flosser that works well and is easy to use.

  • Cleans mouth thoroughly in 60 seconds
  • Two nozzles, nozzle storage container, mouthwash, and travel charger are included
  • ADA approved
  • Two-year warranty
  • The nozzle is a little less tight

Mornwell Rechargeable Oral Irrigator

Using this flosser is guaranteed to be hassle-free. That’s because Mornwell Rechargeable Oral Irrigator has a large water reservoir with a capacity of 300 ml. You don’t have to bother refilling many times in one session.

Regarding portability, this flosser is lightweight and cordless. Therefore, you won’t find it difficult to use it at any hotel, homestay, or inn. It’s perfect for a traveler, especially with added features like 14 hours of battery life, waterproof protection, and three pressure settings with memory function.

The water reservoir is quite large, making the mouth cleaning process even more comfortable.

  • 300ml water reservoir
  • Three different pressure settings
  • Cordless design
  • Waterproof protection
  • Battery life up to 14 hours
  • The resulting pressure may be too much for some people

Real Aim Water Flosser

Talking about a flosser that the whole family can use, Real Aim Water Flosser is definitely worth considering. This product comes with three different pressure settings: Normal for every day, Soft for sensitive gums, and Pulse for massage. It also has a rotatable nozzle that effectively reaches hard spots.

For portability, this electric power flosser runs on a rechargeable Li-ion battery. In other words, a USB cable is not needed to operate the flosser. Furthermore, the design is ergonomic, making it comfortable to hold. If you’re looking for something that’s compact and works great, look no further!

Water jet flosser with a rotatable nozzle.

  • Ergonomic design
  • Rechargeable battery
  • 6.8oz water reservoir
  • Three pressure settings with memory function
  • A thorough cleaning may take 3-4 refills

Anjou Water Flosser (404)

Deeper cleaning requires more pressure. And with a range of 30-120PSI, you’re guaranteed to get it using Anjou Water Flosser . Not only that, but this electric power flosser also has three different cleaning modes and IPX7 waterproof protection. Seems like there’s nothing this one device can’t do.

Tired of having to keep refilling the water reservoir? Don’t worry, because Anjou has a 300ml tank. Plus, you can take them off easily for cleaning. If that weren’t enough, this product also offers a long battery life (15 days standby time on a single charge) and a warranty of up to 24 months.

Enough pressure to do deep cleaning.

  • Deep cleaning for teeth and gums
  • Portable design
  • Standby time is up to 15 days
  • Three different cleaning modes
  • IPX7 waterproof coating
  • The normal setting may be a little painful for some people

Voom Sonic Monsoon Water Flosser

At first glance, this flosser may not seem so sophisticated. But make no mistake, whatever other electric power flossers can do, Voom Sonic Monsoon can too. For instance, you’ll get standard features such as three pressure settings, a water jet, and a rechargeable battery.

In addition, there’s a water reservoir with a capacity of 200ml. Not as big as other similar products, but on the plus side, you don’t need much space to store it. Claimed to clean better than manual floss, this budget flosser is too good to miss out.

It’s simple, works effectively, and is good value for money.

  • Cordless flosser
  • 200ml capacity water reservoir
  • There’s no mention of waterproof protection

Cremax Professional Water Flosser (404)

Instead of three, this electric power flosser will give you four different pressure settings. How great is that! It’s no wonder that Cremax Professional Water Flosser claims to be able to clean up to 99 percent of plaque from teeth and gums. All thanks to the five water jets that they included in this little beast.

This flosser is also suitable when traveling to difficult terrain. That’s because the body is protected by an IPX7 waterproof coating which ensures there will be no leaks. In addition, there’s a water reservoir with a capacity of 320ml embedded in its tiny body. On that note, make sure to include the Cremax Professional Water Flosser in your travel bag for this weekend trip.

Five water jets that promise a deep and thorough cleaning.

  • Four pressure settings
  • Five water jets
  • 320ml water reservoir
  • 2000mAh rechargeable battery
  • FDA Certified
  • Short battery life

Atmoko Portable Oral Irrigator (404)

Similar to other electric power flossers, Atmoko Portable Oral Irrigator has a water reservoir with a capacity of 300 ml. This should be more than enough for one deep cleaning session. Moreover, this device has three pressure settings for sensitive teeth.

Speaking of convenience, this product is equipped with IPX7 waterproof protection. Guaranteed no leaks and you can even use it while showering. So convenient! Other features include a 1400mAh lithium battery, a detachable water reservoir, and an additional travel case.

It retains enough water for proper deep cleaning.

  • Detachable and rotatable jet tip
  • 30-100PSI pulse
  • Filter tube
  • The jet tip is not tight enough for some

Visitor Water Flosser (CU)

This gorgeous flosser comes with a slim and sleek design. It also features a water jet with 30-90PSI and 1600 pulses per minute. Deep cleaning won’t be a problem, because every corner of your teeth and gums can be reached easily using Visitor Water Flosser .

Other than that, its 120ml water reservoir promises 30 seconds of water flow, which should be enough for one cleaning session. In addition, this flosser runs on a 1500mAh rechargeable battery, making it more convenient. Its claimed to be able to provide up to two weeks of battery life.

Beautiful design and fits easily into a small pouch.

  • Three cleaning modes
  • Water jet with 30-90psi and 1600 pulse per minute
  • IPX7 waterproof
  • Rechargeable 1500mAh battery
  • Replaceable nozzle
  • The on button is hard to press

Vinmori Cordless Water Flosser

The flosser comes with a pulse-modulation technology, which promises up to 90 percent plaque removal. It also has a compact design, making it easy to carry when traveling or working out at the gym. For those who have sensitive teeth, this flosser offers three cleaning modes. If it hurts, you can always use a low setting to make it more comfortable.

Vinmori Water Flosser already has IPX7 waterproof protection. Other features worth mentioning include a replaceable nozzle, USB charging cable, microfiber travel pouch, and a multilingual user guide.

It’s small but works really well.

  • Three cleaning settings
  • 1400mAh lithium battery
  • 120 days warranty
  • The water tank is sometimes difficult to close tightly

Waterpik Sonic-Fusion

This ADA approved product is a combined flosser and toothbrush in a single package. With a press of a button, the Waterpik Sonic-Fusion is ready to brush and floss or both, on the go. If you prefer to travel conveniently, this is your best option.

With 10 different pressure settings, this product is suitable for even the most sensitive teeth. Even better, it also promises up to 60 seconds of flossing time, thanks to its 10oz water reservoir. Without a doubt, this electric power flosser is one of the best you can get out there.

Toothbrush and flosser in a single, compact package.

  • Combination of toothbrush and flosser
  • Come with two replaceable brush heads
  • 10 different water pressure settings
  • 14oz water reservoir
  • It may be difficult to determine the right setting

Author:  Craig Connors

As a travel enthusiast and experienced adventurer, I have spent years exploring the world and discovering hidden gems in every corner of the globe. From backpacking through Europe to trekking in the Himalayas, I have chased my passion for travel and embraced every opportunity to learn about different cultures and ways of life. Now, as a travel writer and website author, I channel my love of exploration into creating informative and inspiring content for fellow travelers. Whether you're planning a solo trip to a remote destination or seeking family-friendly activities in a bustling city, I am dedicated to providing you with the tools and knowledge you need to make the most of your journey. With a keen eye for detail and a love of storytelling, I bring each destination to life through vivid descriptions and engaging narratives, highlighting the unique experiences and attractions that make each place so special. So join me on this journey of discovery, and let's explore the world together!

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The best water flossers for a dentist-like clean

Take the faff out of flossing with the GHI's top-rated gadgets

best water flossers

While flossing should be regarded as just as important as brushing itself, it's an extra job that can get neglected. However, electric water flossers, much like electric toothbrushes decades ago, are revolutionising the market, helping to take the faff out of flossing. Alongside teeth whitening kits , they're becoming a must-have on bathroom shelves.

That’s because flossing is the best way to dislodge the little bits of food that lurk in those hard-to-reach places, preventing plaque build-up and helping to keep your pearly whites looking bright for longer. It can also help reduce bad breath and gum inflammation, and who doesn’t want that?

As with any gadget, it can be hard to know which one is right for you. So, the Good Housekeeping Institute put a range of market-leading models through their paces — you'll find a quick guide to the best ones below, but read on for more detail.

Best water flossers 2024

Spotlight Water Flosser with UV Steriliser

Joint best water flosser

Spotlight water flosser with uv steriliser.

Philips Sonicare Cordless Power Flosser 3000

Philips Sonicare Cordless Power Flosser 3000

H2ofloss Water Flosser

Best value water flosser

H2ofloss water flosser.

Binefia Portable Oral Irrigator

Best for sensitive teeth

Binefia portable oral irrigator.

Waterpik Ultra Cordless Water Jet Flosser WP450

Best water flosser for braces

Waterpik ultra cordless water jet flosser wp450, do dentists recommend using a water flosser.

Anything that helps people clean interdentally (between the teeth and gums) at home is a good thing from your dentist's perspective. “Water flossers are a brilliant addition to interdental cleaning and can even be used with mouthwash (or diluted mouthwash) in them to give antibacterial action between the teeth and gums,” says Harley Street dentist Dr Richard Marques .

“An estimated 40% of tooth surface is between the teeth, so cleaning this way is very important for gum and dental health,” he adds. Although it's important to note that water flossing should be used to supplement your current dental routine. Don’t worry, though, you don’t need to brush, water floss and manually floss each day (phew!), but it’s good practice to keep manually flossing when you can.

“Nothing can fully replace the mechanical action of floss (or interdental brushes), so we still recommend doing this occasionally,” Dr Richard explains.

Do water flossers really help?

Water flossers are a great way to improve your overall dental hygiene.

“They help to clear plaque and food debris and reduce gingival (gum) bleeding,” Dr Richard says. They can also help you reach difficult areas, including the back of your mouth and behind braces or fixed retainers.

How we test water flossers

Our panel blind tested a range of market-leading water flossers over a two-week period. They assessed how easy the flosser was to use, as well as commenting on its design and overall performance.

At the GHI , our experts used the VISIA image analysis machine to assess how effective the water flossers were at removing plaque and food deposits on the buccal surfaces of the teeth.

Images were analysed by dental health professional Farah Karim who visually graded the difference in the appearance of our panellists' teeth before and after using the water flosser. In the lab, our experts also checked noise level, weight, size and run-time (i.e. how long the water tank lasted without needing to be refilled).

Score 83/100

This super-powerful brush gave what our testers described as a “dentist quality” clean. It features a hydro gravity ball, allowing it to continuously spray water, whatever angle you hold it at. The flosser's speedy charging and unique UV sterilisation mode, which removes potentially harmful bacteria from the water, also won points with the panel.

This flosser has the largest water tank of all the models on test, and it's also bigger than Spotlight’s previous model. This means you won't have to refill halfway through flossing — bonus — although some testers found it made it a little harder to hold.

Key specifications

This is another stellar gadget loved by our testers. With a smaller tank than the Spotlight flosser, the panel found this one was easy to fill up and use. They also liked that it has six different settings, allowing them to select the perfect pressure for them.

Panellists also said it was easy to angle around their mouths to get to those hard-to-reach areas and dislodge any leftover debris post-brushing.

Score 77/100

Holding enough water for a full minute of flossing, this was a big tick for our testers, who all said their teeth felt cleaner after using it. And despite its low price tag, it still comes with a “gravity ball” at the end of the tube, which ensures water comes out of the flosser no matter which direction it's pointed in — so you can reach all the nooks and crannies easily.

Some testers found the buttons to be awkwardly placed, but it's a minor quibble for the price.

If you suffer from sensitive teeth, don't assume water flossing isn't for you. The Binefia has been especially designed for sensitive teeth with a ‘soft’ setting that it claims it's so gentle even children can use it.

Aside from its sensitivity claims, the panel found the machine easy to grip and control and it lasted “long enough to do the whole mouth without refilling.” It also comes with a handy travel bag to keep all the attachments together.

Score 72/100

For anyone who has braces or fixed retainers that sit behind the teeth, you'll know that flossing isn't easy, or always successful. But the Waterpik Cordless Plus won praise for both from our panel and in the lab, where it was the most effective at removing plaque and food deposits on the buccal surfaces of the teeth.

The panel also liked the fact it's cordless and has a compact design but said this meant they had to refill it halfway through flossing, which lost it some points.

How to use a water flosser

best hairdryers

You can use a water flosser before or after brushing. Used before, it can help to loosen leftover food, making it easier to remove when you brush or use manual floss. When used afterwards, it can help wash away debris stuck in those hard to reach spots.

Follow the instructions for your particular model, but as a general guide:

  • Fill the water tank with lukewarm water from the tap.
  • Leaning over the sink and starting on the lowest pressure, place the tip of the flosser in your mouth at a 90-degree angle to your teeth. Hold it slightly away from your teeth and gums rather than directly against them.
  • Close your lips slightly to prevent spray and then turn the flosser on, allowing the water to drain out into the sink as you go.
  • If you feel you need more pressure, adjust the settings according to preference.
  • Working from tooth to tooth, aim the tip at the gum line and target the areas between the teeth. The whole process should take around two minutes.
  • After every use, make sure you empty and rinse the water tank.

Final verdict: Which is the best water flosser?

Our joint winner, the Spotlight Water Flosser will give you a professional dentist-level clean at home, thanks to its powerful brush and generous water tank.

But if you’re looking for something more affordable, the H2ofloss water flosser costs less than £30 and delivered a deep clean on test.

If you have braces or wear a fixed retainer, this Waterpik model is a great option for removing plaque from those hard-to-reach spots.

Why should you trust the Good Housekeeping Institute?

We’ve been testing products for over 100 years at the Good Housekeeping Institute – from mattresses and shampoos to hair dryers and treadmills – so we know what we’re looking for when it comes to analysing performance.

For our water flosser tests, we used a specialist VISIA image analyser to assess how effectively each model removed plaque. As well as relying on detailed feedback from our home testers, we also worked with dental health professional Farah Karim , to analyse the difference in panellists’ teeth in their before and after images.

Our team are also experts in their fields. Nora Merik , the lead tester for water flossers, has a master’s degree in cosmetic science and has tested hundreds of dental hygiene products in the lab. Senior Beauty Writer Florence Reeves-White has years of experience in the industry, writing about skincare, haircare and beauty tools.

Headshot of Florence Reeves-White

Florence is our Senior Beauty Writer, specialising in expert-tested beauty and grooming reviews — from toothbrushes to the latest skincare launches. She’s committed to sharing recommendations for products that truly work and make people feel confident and healthy. Prior to this she was at Tropic Skincare, where she worked closely with biochemists in the lab, delving into the functions of each fresh, natural ingredient and conveying its efficacy to her audience in easy-to-digest terms. 

With over five years’ experience in beauty and health journalism, Florence has written for ELLE , Women’s Fitness , Sister Magazine, National Geographic Traveller and many more, with a strong sustainability angle thread through much of her work.

When she isn’t packing for a trip away, working out, eating out or reading up on retinol serums, you’ll probably find her experimenting with her film camera and building her portfolio of portraits. Florence’s photography can be found at , her Instagram is @florencereeveswhite and her twitter is @floreadsnwrites

Headshot of Madeleine Evans

Madeleine is our Lifestyle Writer, specialising in expert-tested reviews and round-ups on the latest beauty Beauty and Health & Wellness products. From skincare to protein powders, Maddie is committed to providing honest and helpful reviews to help guide readers to the best product for them. Maddie has a BA in English Literature and Language, which stemmed from her lifelong interest in reading and writing. She started her post graduate life at Hearst UK within a marketing capacity, which quickly turned into a desire to fulfil a writing career.

When she is not writing about the latest expert reviewed products, you can find her rifling through vintage shops or car boots, reading a print magazine, or capturing portraits on her film camera.

Headshot of Nora Merik

Nora is our Beauty and Grooming Tester and has a master's degree in cosmetic science. She is using her expert knowledge of product development, formulation, product evaluation and market research to test a wide range of hair and beauty products in the beauty labs for Good Housekeeping, Women’s Health, ELLE, Men’s Health. In the lab she uses a variety of methods such as the Diastron, The Multi Skin Test Centre, The VISIA Complexion Analyser to test anything from hydration, skin barrier function, pore size and more. 

preview for Good Housekeeping Beauty

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  • Beauty & Health
  • Dental Care
  • Water Flossers

Best Electric Flossers for Professional Oral Care at Home

Best Pick

360° rotating tips allow you to clean even back teeth with the maximum convenience.

The device works somewhat noisily.  

Effective and easy to use, the Waterpik WP-660 is what you need to take proper care of your oral cavity in the comfort of your home.

Philips Sonicare AirFloss (HX8211/03) Rechargeable Electric Flosser

Impressive battery life (up to 3 weeks on a full charge) enables you to take the Philips electric flosser along on long trips.

Only one nozzle is included in the kit. 

Choose this electric dental flosser from Philips, and your visits to a dentist will become less frequent. 

Reasonable Price

12 multifunctional tips give you a chance to take care of your teeth and gumline as well as your tongue and nose.

The "On/Off" button location might seem a bit inconvenient.

This capacious stationary H2ofloss HF-8 is all you need at hand to let all your family members take due care of their oral health.

ToiletTree Products Poseidon Inductive Rechargeable Oral Irrigator with Charging Cradle

A perfect flosser that you can travel with. Due to the fact that it can be powered from any 100-240 V socket, you will not have problems finding the power source for it in a foreign country. 

Tank capacity leaves something to be desired. 

If you often travel, taking care of your teeth will be effortless even on the road with the ToiletTree Products Poseidon flosser at hand. 

Panasonic EW-DJ10-A Portable Dental Water Flosser

The device features 2 speeds, which makes it well suitable even for children and people with sensitive gums.

The upper part might sink into the bottom one as the water is used. 

Being compact and functional as it is, the Panasonic EW-DJ10-A will become your reliable assistant in a daily oral care routine. 

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Review of Waterpik Aquarius (WP-660) Ultra Professional Water Flosser

Waterpik Aquarius (WP-660)

Family choice.

Designed especially for home use, the Waterpik Aquarius WP-660 boasts a water tank with the capacity of 650 ml which eliminates the need of refilling it too often. The On/off water control button on the handle and the LED mode indicators facilitate the use of the device. In relation to performance, the Waterpik electric flosser works in two modes - floss and hydro-pulse message, enabling users not only to remove food debris stuck between their teeth but also to improve blood circulation in the gums. Don’t overlook 10 pressure settings that allow each family member to choose the intensity of brushing that suits him or her best. The model comes with 7 water flosser tips that extend its functionality greatly. Finally, take notice of a 1-minute timer with a 30-second pacer that makes the use of this flosser even more convenient. 

  • A big number of tips and settings makes the Waterpik WP-660 a great choice for the whole family;
  • Ergonomic design facilitates the use;
  • Rotating tips allow you to clean hard-to-reach places effortlessly.

Review of Waterpik Aquarius (WP-660) Ultra Professional Water Flosser

Additional Info


Number of speeds

Waterpik Aquarius (WP-660): 10

Philips Sonicare AirFloss (HX8211/03): 1

H2ofloss Water Dental Flosser HF-8: 6

ToiletTree Products Poseidon: 3

Panasonic EW-DJ10-A: 2

What customers say about this product


Product Dimentions


Waterpik Aquarius (WP-660)

Philips Sonicare AirFloss (HX8211/03)

Portable helper.

If you want to take proper care of your oral cavity with the maximum convenience, the Sonicare AirFloss model from Philips is definitely what you need. It uses air and micro-droplet technology that effectively removes plaque and bacteria between your teeth as well as from implants, veneer, and brackets. Being a portable model, it has an integrated water reservoir with the capacity sufficient for a couple uses. The device runs on a rechargeable battery and boasts an impressive battery life. It can work for up to 3 weeks on a single charge, and the battery life indicator will tell you when it’s time to feed the battery.

  • Ensures better gum health in 2 weeks of regular use;
  • Ergonomic handle and non-slip grip add to usability.

Review of Philips Sonicare AirFloss (HX8211/03) Rechargeable Electric Flosser

User Manual     Manufacturer

Waterpik Aquarius (WP-660): 10.35 in.

Philips Sonicare AirFloss (HX8211/03): 9.2 in.

H2ofloss Water Dental Flosser HF-8: 10.2 in.

ToiletTree Products Poseidon: 10.5 in.

Panasonic EW-DJ10-A: 8.6 in.

Philips Sonicare AirFloss (HX8211/03)

H2ofloss Water Dental Flosser HF-8

The electric dental flosser from H2ofloss is all about effectiveness and usability. This stationary model is equipped with an 800-ml water tank that is more than enough for use of several people. Moreover, the reservoir is removable, so refilling it is as easy as anything. The package contains 12 tips, including tongue and nasal attachments, allowing you to bring your daily oral care to a much more professional level. The nozzles that you don't use regularly can be stored in a special built-in compartment in the flosser. We'd also like to draw your attention to a thoughtful flosser's design. There's only one control button for adjusting the water jet which is located right at your fingerprints and easy to press. The flosser itself is made to be waterproof and suitable for use in the shower/bath.

  • Reasonable price-quality ratio;
  • Due to quiet operation, you can use it early in the morning or late at night with no fear of waking up your family.

Review of H2ofloss Water Dental Flosser HF-8 Quiet Design(50db) With 12 Multifunctional Tips Countertop Dental Oral Irrigator for Family

Number of tips

Waterpik Aquarius (WP-660): 7

H2ofloss Water Dental Flosser HF-8: 12

ToiletTree Products Poseidon: 2

Panasonic EW-DJ10-A: 1

H2ofloss Water Dental Flosser HF-8

ToiletTree Products Poseidon

The best electric flosser to take to go.

At the first sight, the Poseidon oral irrigator from ToiletTree Products looks almost identical to hundreds of other portable electric flossers presented on the market. However, on closer investigation, you will notice some of the features that distinguish it from the rivals. For one, this Poseidon irrigator works from a universal voltage and hence, can be charged from any 100-240 V socket. This also allows you to take it along on trips when going abroad. For two, unlike many others, this device works in three models, which allows you to choose best suitable intensity level in relation to the sensitiveness of your gums and teeth. As for convenience features, you will find a wide opening on the back of the irrigator for hassle-free tank filling, while a special release tip button will make it easier for you to remove nozzle after each use. 

  • Available in several colors;
  • Made of BPA-free plastic.

Review of ToiletTree Products Poseidon Inductive Rechargeable Oral Irrigator with Charging Cradle

Waterpik Aquarius (WP-660): 4.7 in.

Philips Sonicare AirFloss (HX8211/03): 3.3 in.

H2ofloss Water Dental Flosser HF-8: 8.4 in.

ToiletTree Products Poseidon: 2.5 in.

Panasonic EW-DJ10-A: 2.7 in.

ToiletTree Products Poseidon

Panasonic EW-DJ10-A

Take care of your teeth wherever you are.

If you’re looking for a compact yet powerful electric water flosser, you’ll hardly find a better model than the Panasonic EW-DJ10-A. Despite its small size, this flosser produces amazing 1600 pulses per minute, allowing users to remove hard plaque and harmful bacteria from the gumline and teeth in virtually no time. The device operates at two speeds - high and low, enabling its use by the majority of users including children and people with sensitive gums. The Panasonic EW-DJ10-A boasts a quality overall build. It has a collapsible design and a special storage place for the tips when they aren't in use.  The flosser runs on 2 AA batteries which, unfortunately, don't come in the set, so, make sure to buy them separately in advance.  

  • With 2 additional AA batteries at hand, this Panasonic electric flosser will never run out of power;
  • Waterproof body.

Review of Panasonic EW-DJ10-A Portable Dental Water Flosser

Waterpik Aquarius (WP-660): 1.46 pounds

Philips Sonicare AirFloss (HX8211/03): 0.8 pounds

H2ofloss Water Dental Flosser HF-8: 4.14 pounds

ToiletTree Products Poseidon: 1 pounds

Panasonic EW-DJ10-A: 0.46 pounds

Panasonic EW-DJ10-A

What is an Electric Flosser?

It’s been clinically proven that using a toothbrush alone isn’t enough to remove plaque and bacteria built between teeth and along the gumline. For this very reason, an electric flosser has been invented. As opposed to common dental flossers, it’s easier to use. You only need to choose a necessary tip, mode, pressure and then activate the item. Once you do it, a powerful water jet will do the rest for you. With this device at hand, taking care of oral cavity will be a less time-taking and much more enjoyable procedure. Today, the market is overwhelmed with a variety of different models of electric flossers - battery-powered, rechargeable, portable and stationary units; there are many of them, but we hope our review will help you find the one that you've been looking for.

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H2ofloss Water Dental Flosser HF-8

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travel electric flosser

Banish germs and other food particles with this $35 AquaSonic electric water flosser!

L et's be honest. A lot of us probably don't floss enough, even after our dentists reprimand us to keep up with that habit. If you want to improve your oral health without the ordeal of manually flossing, look no further than this  electric water flosser . 

Designed to keep your pearly whites and gums healthy and free of food particles and plaque, the AquaSonic Aqua Flosser can easily help you boost your oral care game. Now, it's on sale for only $34.99 (reg. $59)!

Bye, bye regular floss. Using FreshJet technology, the AquaSonic water flosser  gently cleans your mouth and gums with a precise water stream . Can't reach the furthest corners of your mouth? Its 360° rotating nozzle helps you get every section to ensure an all-around floss.

You can customize your flossing experience with its three flossing modes and the five specialized jet tips, which include:

  • 2 Standard Tips
  • 1 Periodontal Tip
  • 1 Orthodontic Tip
  • 1 Tongue Scraper Tip

The AquaSonic's removable water tank makes this manual flossing alternative super easy to use and clean, while thewaterproof design provides extra peace of mind if the water flosser falls into the sink or shower. Its cordless design is also convenient, letting you floss just about anywhere without being tethered to an outlet!

When you're done, just stick your AquaSonic water flosser in the hygienic travel bag. This allows you to bring your oral care with you even when you're traveling. Low on battery? The included USB charger can help you get those juices flowing once again.

Don't just take our word for it. ranked the AquaSonice one of the eight best water flossers and wrote, "This Aquasonic Aqua Flosser is our best overall because it impressed us with its easy-to-operate on-off switch and how simple it was to toggle between settings mid-use." Sounds like a ringing endorsement to us.

Give your mouth much-needed TLC by upgrading your flossing routine to the  cordless and rechargeable AquaSonic Aqua Flosser , which comes with five specialized tips, a USB charger, and a travel bag for just $34.99.

  StackSocial prices subject to change.

See  other items in the shop .

The post Banish germs and other food particles with this $35 AquaSonic electric water flosser! appeared first on Boing Boing .

Banish germs and other food particles with this $35 AquaSonic electric water flosser!


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    Waterpik Power Flosser. 11. Those who often travel to remote places may find it difficult to find products for sensitive teeth. Therefore, it's highly recommended to bring an electric power flosser such as the Waterpik Power Flosser.It has a flexible nylon tip that slides gently between the teeth and gums.

  18. The best countertop and cordless water flossers for 2024

    The lack of a travel case is a shame, but not a reason to overlook the C2. ... The Sonic Fusion 2.0 Professional is the 2nd generation of Waterpik's flossing toothbrush; it is a water flosser and electric toothbrush combined into one handle. It is an improvement on the original, but we are still not won over. Having a totally separate electric ...

  19. Best water flossers 2024 UK, tested by experts

    Pecham Portable Water Flosser. Now 13% Off. £26 at Amazon £34 at Score 78/100. If you're after something affordable and simple to use, this Pecham flosser ticks both boxes. It scored ...

  20. Water Flossers, Complete Care Combos, Sonic-Fusion™

    4.4 of 5 (48) ( STW-03W027 ) Sensonic ™ Electric Toothbrush. Product Details. Compare. Shop our selection of cordless and countertop water flossers, Complete Care water flosser + electric toothbrush combinations, and Sonic-Fusion™ flossing toothbrushes at Waterpik™.

  21. Electric Toothbrush With Flosser

    Professional Flossing Toothbrush, Electric Toothbrush and Water Flosser Combo 3 in 1 Cordless Advanced Water Dental Flosser Water flosser Toothbrush-Whiter Teeth & Healthier Gums. 3. 300+ bought in past month. $9999($99.99/Count) Save $20.00 with coupon. FREE delivery Tue, Jun 11.

  22. 5 Best Electric Flossers Reviews of 2023

    360° rotating tips allow you to clean even back teeth with the maximum convenience. The device works somewhat noisily. Effective and easy to use, the Waterpik WP-660 is what you need to take proper care of your oral cavity in the comfort of your home. Philips Sonicare AirFloss (HX8211/03) Rechargeable Electric Flosser.

  23. Banish germs and other food particles with this $35 AquaSonic electric

    Give your mouth much-needed TLC by upgrading your flossing routine to the cordless and rechargeable AquaSonic Aqua Flosser, which comes with five specialized tips, a USB charger, and a travel bag ...

  24. Water Dental for Teeth Cleaning and Flossing, Water Flosser Electric

    This item: Water Dental for Teeth Cleaning and Flossing, Water Flosser Electric Cordless, Water Flosser for Braces for Kids Travel, 5 Cleaning Modes 8 Jet Tips $25.99 $ 25 . 99 ($25.99/Count) Sold by joyhealth and ships from Amazon Fulfillment.

  25. Electric Flosser

    Electric Flosser, Voraiya®Electric Flosser for Teeth, Gum Stimulator, Tongue Scraper/Cleaner, Electric Flossers for Adults & Kids, Electric Flosser Starter kit (50PC Floss Heads) ... Electric Toothbrush and flosser Combo, Water Flosser for Travel and Home (White) 4.4 out of 5 stars. 26. 300+ bought in past month. Limited time deal. $79.98 $ 79 ...