Seja bem vindo ao Morgado Lusitano

Se está a pensar numa oferta em segurança e num espaço em exclusivo para o almoço de Natal da sua empresa, ou naquela reunião anual de amigos ou família que acontece nesta época festiva, encontrou a solução: a Quinta do Morgado Lusitano, a apenas 20 minutos de Lisboa, estamos à sua espera .

- Exclusividade e requinte; - Variedade de espaços para o seu evento; - Um leque variado de opções com aperitivos, pratos tradicionais e sobremesas.

Não perca mais tempo a procurar, entre em contacto connosco! Estamos a sua espera. Feliz Natal!

Fique alojado numa das nossas habitações, todas elas com dois quartos e sala de estar com lareira, ficando perto das áreas comuns da propriedade, tais como as boxes dos nossos maravilhosos Cavalos Lusitanos, biblioteca, piscina ao ar livre e jardins com vista ímpar sobre o Rio Tejo.

Através das suas Férias Equestres, o Morgado Lusitano promove a beleza e o excelente temperamento do Cavalo Lusitano.

Aqui poderá ver e aprender equitação ao mais alto nível, sob olhar atento de instrutores experientes e de provas dadas no meio.

As Férias Equestres do Morgado Lusitano oferecem uma experiência única de aprendizagem, pois disponibilizam ao grande público cavalos treinados a um nível que raramente está disponível na esmagadora maioria das escolas de equitação.

Entre os diversos movimentos ensinados pelos instrutores encontram-se Espádua a dentro (shoulder in), Cedência à Perna (halfpass), Galope invertido (counter canter), Passagens de mão (flying lead changes), Passo Espanhol (Spanish walk), Pirueta, Piaffe e Passage, entre outros!

Acaba de descobrir um local onde entendemos o seu desejo de atingir um nível mais elevado, ensinado à maneira clássica. Para tornar a sua estadia ainda mais memorável, convidamo-lo a ficar alojado dentro da Quinta, disfrutando da maravilhosa paisagem sobre o Rio Tejo.

Conheça em vídeo o Morgado Lusitano e a nossa oferta para as suas Férias Equestres.

Aprecie os nossos cavalos, conheça os nossos instrutores e pessoal, veja as nossas instalações e oiça alguns dos testemunhos de clientes que nos escolhem para aumentar os seus conhecimentos técnicos de dressage.

Serviços e preços

Duas sugestões de pacotes possibilidade de efectuar estadia com duração à medida., pacote de 7 noites.

Sete noites de alojamento em regime de pensão completa (bebidas não incluídas) e treze aulas de equitação (duas aulas partilhadas por dia) supervisionadas pelos nossos mestres equitadores.

1 visita de meio-dia à Escola Portuguesa de Arte Equestre e/ou evento equestre similar.

Up-grade gratuito de 1 aula partilhada para privada.

Época alta - Início de Março a final de Novembro

  • Cavaleiro Individual: 2.065,00€
  • Cavaleiros a partilhar quarto duplo: 1.925,00€
  • Acompanhante (sem aulas): 950,00€

Época baixa - Início de Dezembro a final de Fevereiro

  • Cavaleiro Individual: 1.905,00€
  • Cavaleiros a partilhar quarto duplo: 1.765,00€
  • Acompanhante (sem aulas): 810,00€

Pacote de 4 noites

Quatro noites de alojamento em regime de pensão completa (bebidas não incluídas) e oito aulas de equitação (duas aulas partilhadas por dia) supervisionadas pelos nossos mestres equitadores.

  • Cavaleiro Individual: 1.240,00€
  • Cavaleiros a partilhar quarto duplo: 1.160,00€
  • Acompanhante (sem aulas): 560,00€
  • Cavaleiro Individual: 1.160,00€
  • Cavaleiros a partilhar quarto duplo: 1.080,00€
  • Acompanhante (sem aulas): 480,00€

Serviços Opcionais / Adicionais > Aulas adicionais partilhadas - 75 € (1h - dependendo da disponibilidade) > Aulas Privadas – 100 € (45m) > Aulas sem alojamento no Morgado Lusitano – 75 € > Passeio a cavalo em Floresta de Sobreiros (Cork Trail Forest) - 80 € > Passeio a cavalo nas colinas do Morgado Lusitano -50 € > Visita à Escola Portuguesa de Arte Equestre para assistir a sessão de treinos e Experiência de Pastel de Belém - 60 € por pessoa (incluído na nossa oferta de uma semana); > Aula de rédeas longas - 75 € > Aula de Equitação de Trabalho – (Working Equitation Lesson -shared or private) - 75 or 100 € (45m - depending on slot availability at the arena); > Master Class Lesson - 100 € Outros com parceiros externos > Sessões de Fotografia (durante a aula ou de exterior) – Pacote de 6 fotografias - 95 €; Package Plus - 6 fotografias de exterior + 6 fotografias durante a aula - 140 € > Massagem – Relaxante, Desportiva, Ayurvédica (1hora, no quarto) - 80 €; > Experiência de Prova de Vinhos numa Quinta próxima - Mínimo de duas pessoas (transporte não incluído); > Transporte / Transferes / Visitas Guiadas em toda a região e País; Todos estes serviços dependem da disponibilidade dos prestadores, arena, cavalos.  Possibilidade de incluir transporte desde aeroporto (cerca de 15/20 minutos) – 40 € por percurso;

Os preços são por pessoa. As aulas são limitadas a dois cavaleiros por aula (salvo excepção). Possibilidade de aumentar os dias de estadia e/ou marcar aulas suplementares.

Aguardamos o seu contacto

Utilize os contactos em baixo para nos colocar as questões que entenda acerca do nosso serviço.

  • Quinta da Portela. Cabeço da Rosa - EN 116. 2615-365 Alverca do Ribatejo. Portugal
  • Telefone: +351 21 993 65 20 | Whatsapp: +351 939 936 522
  • [email protected]
  • Visite-nos no Facebook

* Todos os campos são necessários. Responderemos ao seu pedido com a máxima brevidade possível.

Como chegar

Direções desde Lisboa:

  • Circule na Autoestrada A1 em direção ao Porto
  • Tome a saída para ALVERCA (sem portagem)
  • Vire à direita em direção a BUCELAS
  • Siga os sinais em direção a BUCELAS/MAFRA (N116)
  • Procure o sinal para a nossa entrada à sua esquerda

© Morgado Lusitano . Todos os direitos reservados

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morgado lusitano rural tourism

Riding with confidence at Morgado Lusitano

Composit Morgado Lusitano

A simple arch at the entrance of Morgado Lusitano, a horse stud farm near Lisbon, divides the ordinary from the extraordinary. Crossing the arch is entering a world where Lusitano horses are treated as if they were the offsprings of Pegasus. These beautiful animals exude joy as they trot with elegance and vigor in a field that overlooks the marshes of the Tagus river.

The estate attracts horseback riders from all over the world. They stay in traditional country houses, enjoy their meals in the manor house, and ride twice a day under the tutelage of a group of top instructors.

Just before lunch, we met several riders who were drinking an aperitif in the library. They were all fans of Lusitanos, the Portuguese horse breed known for its intelligence and docile temperament. And they were eager to talk about their experiences at Morgado: the beauty of the farm, the quality of the food and wine and, most of all, the amazing horses and superb instruction.

“Three days here feel like a long vacation,” said one of the guests smiling, “I forget everything except the desire to ride in harmony with my horse. I go back recharged and renewed.”

The 18th century estate is run by Alexandre d’Orey, the heir of an aristocratic family. He takes great pride in his ability to match each rider with the perfect horse. “What is your teaching method?” we asked. “We teach riders how to communicate with the horse using hand and leg gestures with sensitivity and skill. After they master the basics, we instill in our riders the confidence they need to be relaxed on top of the horse. Confidence is crucial because riding is like praying, you have to believe to make it work.”

Click here for the Morgado Lusitano website. 

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  • The Lines of Torres
  • BIG TRAIL – GR 30
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Morgado Lusitano

At the Morgado Lusitano, you can enjoy high quality riding lessons on marvellous Lusitanian horses.

Situated in Quinta da Portela, an estate dating from the 18th century and built on the orders of the Marquis de Castelo Melhor, Count of Ribeira Grande and major landowner in the region, it is in the heart of the Bucelas vineyards, near the forts at Serra da Aguieira. It has suites with fireplaces near the library, open air swimming pool and gardens. With an unrivalled view over the Tagus, you can stay and enjoy an equestrian holiday with riding lessons of the highest standard on magnificent Lusitanian horses.

11Morgado Lusitano

Quinta da Portela. Cabeço da Rosa – EN 116. 2615-365 Alverca do Ribatejo.

Telephone: (+351) 21 993 65 20

Email: [email protected]



by Kirsti Lindfors

Discovering Morgado Lusitano

morgado lusitano rural tourism

Photo: Afonso Bordallo Rodrigues; Stallion: Quefito

If I remember correctly, it was in 2010 that a stable mate was thinking out loud, that a Portuguese trainer, Rodrigo Matos, was coming to Finland and she’d love to go with the horse she was riding at our stable but she has neither a horse transport vehicle of any kind nor the required kind of driver’s license. My daughter had moved to France to study, so I had time and I really missed our weekend travels to competitions and trainings. Our horse truck was in France, but I said if I get some friend to lend me a truck, I’d be happy to drive her.

My daughter is a show-jumper and jumping has been more my thing too. I cannot say that I had ever taken dressage lessons by then, I’d call them flat work or basic riding lessons. So, I sat in the indoor arena audience at the Matos dressage training in total awe: can you train like this too?

I googled Rodrigo Matos and found Morgado Lusitano. I started following Morgado Lusitano on Facebook not to lose the contact. For the next seven years – yes, seven (7) years – I tried to find time in my busy work-horse life-social life calendar to go visit. Then came September 2017 and it looked like instead of spending an over-worked month wrapping up one project while ramping up a new project, I could actually even take a few days off in between projects. I’d already checked availability with the Commercial Director Henrique Santos and was looking for flights when my daughter called me and said she’s exhausted and needs a break. I suggested she come with me to Morgado Lusitano and she accepted without hesitation. Perfect! Mommy-daughter quality time with horses!

We arrived on a morning flight. Had just time to change clothes and hee-o-hop off to our first lesson. We arrive at the arena where grooms had already brought two beautiful horses for us. As we get closer to them my daughter whispers to me: “Mommy, they have dressage saddles. I’ve never sat in a dressage saddle”. My response: “Right, did I forget to tell you this is a dressage riding place?”. Then I notice and this I state out loud so that the instructor is also informed: “They have a curb in their mouth. We’ve never ridden with a curb.” I had actually not stopped to really think where I was going. I hadn’t thought that a) we’ll be riding stallions and b) they use a curb.

The first lesson was a fantastic experience even if I was so afraid to disturb the stallion and have him buck me into orbit, I rode so badly, I was ashamed. I got to taste piaffe, passage and Spanish walk, so I was on top of my world. I got so much to take home with me and to think about from all the lessons we rode during our one week stay.

Everything else was just perfect during our visit too. We spent time in between lessons by the pool reading books and talking about life. There is no restaurant, the meals are served like a family gathering – healthy, tasty Portuguese home cooking. It was fun to meet the other guests from all around the world over a meal and talk horses – what else. The personnel – office, kitchen, stable, trainers – are all super nice. I don’t know how they train their brain to always remember your name and something about you that makes you feel so welcome and at home. And the entire estate carries so much history, it feels a privilege to be able to spend time there.

Isn’t it funny that for seven years I didn’t find time to go visit Morgado Lusitano, but the experience was so powerful that I have made time into my calendar to visit three times per year since then? I’ve visited together with a friend, I took my trainer from Finland there, my trainer got her trainees to come, so last month we were a group of nine ladies, but I’ve also gone all alone to offer myself some empowering me-time.

Finns will understand what I mean when I say that the feeling I have when the taxi turns onto the side road that leads to the Morgado Lusitano gates is the same feeling Finns have when, after a tough week at work, they arrive at their summer house. Soul repairing!

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Yellowpages portugal

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  • » Morgado Lusitano, Rural Tourism

Morgado Lusitano, Rural Tourism - Alverca Do Ribatejo

Morgado lusitano -

Site do Morgado Lusitano

As Férias Equestres do Morgado Lusitano oferecem uma experiência única de aprendizagem, pois disponibilizam ao grande público cavalos treinados a um nível que raramente está disponível na esmagadora maioria das escolas de equitação.

Entre os diversos movimentos ensinados pelos instrutores encontram-se Espádua a dentro (shoulder in), Cedência à Perna (halfpass), Galope invertido (counter canter), Passagens de mão (flying lead changes), Passo Espanhol (Spanish walk), Pirueta, Piaffe e Passage, entre outros!

Acaba de descobrir um local onde entendemos o seu desejo de atingir um nível mais elevado, ensinado à maneira clássica. Para tornar a sua estadia ainda mais memorável, convidamo-lo a ficar alojado dentro da Quinta, disfrutando da maravilhosa paisagem sobre o Rio Tejo.

Contact Morgado Lusitano, Rural Tourism

Estrada Nacional 116, Quinta Da Portela, Cabeço Da Rosa, Alverca Do Ribatejo, Lisboa, Portugal

  • Best Horse riding school in portugal

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⚐: Estrada Nacional 116, Quinta Da Portela, Cabeço Da Rosa, Alverca Do Ribatejo, Lisboa, Portugal

Alverca do Ribatejo, Portugal

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  • - Central Portugal-Costa de Prata
  • - Alverca do Ribatejo
  • - Morgado Lusitano

Lusitano Horse Riding holidays for everyone at Morgado Lusitano in Alverca do Ribatejo, Portugal!

Morgado Lusitano in Alverca do Ribatejo / Central Portugal-Costa de Prata

Throughout the day, MORGADO LUSITANO reveals the beauty and majesty of Lusitano Horse Riding and Classical Dressage. Newbie & Advanced Riders accepted

Europe > portugal > central portugal-costa de prata > alverca do ribatejo, surroundings, additional information about the area, freetime activities, nearby / on the property, not more than a 15 min. drive away, not more than a 90 min. drive away.

Property photo 2

General description:

Amenities/equipment of the riding facility.

  • Riding Hall-Indoor Arena
  • Riding facility
  • Shower facilities for Horses
  • Gastronomy available
  • Riding area / bridle-path

Details of the Riding area

More details of the property.

  • Horses for guests available
  • Riding lessons - Riding classes
  • Short Term stays (2-5 days)
  • Weekend stays
  • Long Term stays
  • Family Trips
  • Honeymoon Packages
  • accommodation for Non-Riders too
  • Reduction for Non-Riders
  • Evening program

Additional Animals on the property

  • with horses for rent
  • by the hour rides

Traditional portuguese Noble House right next to the riding stables!

Rates of the horses for rent, rates riding classes, e-mail address: inquiry.


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Morgado Lusitano, Rural Tourism

Morgado lusitano, rural tourism reviews.

Minha parceira teve uma aula de aniversário, que experiência. Ela adorou. Ela era como uma criança de 12 anos com seu primeiro pônei novo novamente. Os cavalos são espetaculares, a localização era espetacular, a instrução era espetacular e o ambiente, as boas-vindas e a comida eram espetaculares. Uma experiência que nunca vou esquecer. (e eu nem ando)! Obrigado.

Lugar estupendo, com vista extraordinária sobre a lezíria ribatejana. Ideal para descansar e cavalgar.

O meu filho gosta muito das aulas a cavalo. A professora é muito atenciosa e simpática. Os animais muito bem tratados. Vista fantástica.

Envolvência muito agradável entre gastronomia, enologia, História, uma paisagem deslumbrante e companhia equestre

A minha mensagem é. Que foi uma experiência maravilhosa sr pedro uma joia de menino. Se veio ao site tentar perceber se é bom.sim muitttttttttttooooooo bom recomendo.tudo óptimo

Fiz uma pequena surpresa de aniversário a minha filha e amigas neste sítio em dezembro de 2019. Adoraram! Nós pais também fomos mimados com a oferta de um vinho da zona para degustação enquanto decorria a atividade. Sítio de uma beleza rara, cavalos lindíssimos. Recomendo.

Ambiente acolhedor e familiar. Óptimo para miudos e graudos que gostem de Cavalos e Natureza. Vista deslumbrante sobre o Tejo

Adorei, uma quinta com muito animação, boa natureza, belíssima vistas, cavalos lusitanos tudo muito bom para passar um dia em cheio. Serviços de mesas espectáculos bons menus e bons preços. Recomendo para quem gosta e é perto de Lisboa. © 2019 - 2024

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Active Riding Trips

Portugal’s Classical Dressage Program

  • Jan - Feb - Mar - Apr - May - Jun - Jul - Aug - Sep - Oct - Nov - Dec
  • All Meals Included

Ride Overview

Coralie Baldrey has been offering exceptional dressage training to riders of all levels for the past ten years. In 2015, she teamed up with Monte Velho, a distinguished Lusitano breeding and premier guesthouse operator, to make this experience even better. As the head trainer at Monte Velho, she is the crux of the energetic and creative team of trainers that result in many people going back each year to continue their training. Riders find her established training model, and that which is the guideline for the entire training team who coach you, to embody an easy style of teaching with clearly communicated concepts. Combined with the well trained horses a week here allows riders to make large strides in their development upon their return home.

A graduate of the famed Cadre Noir in Saumur, France, Coralie has a talent for working collaboratively with both horse and rider to help bring out the innate talent of each. Under her tutelage, the client trainers Nuno Neves, Bernardo Neves and Lorena Souza specialize in reaching riders at any level and helping them advance their riding by better communication with their horses. The horses are pure bred Lusitanos and they are trained through Grand Prix level. As a breeding operation, Monte Velho has several internationally recognized competitive dressage horses and recently, were honored with the chance to cover some Andalusions, bringing the breed even more depth and talent.  On some weeks, guests may have the chance to observe Coralie training resident rider Joao Torrao, a member of the Portuguese Olympic Dressage team.

The Monte Velho stud farm, which is your base for the week, is located in the Alentejo region of Portugal, an easy car ride from Lisbon. Monte Velho Stud Farm is famous both nationally and internationally for their breeding program of Lusitano horses. It is a common sight to see many of their progeny in the highest circles of competition in both Europe, Brazil and elsewhere.

The accommodation dates back to the Roman era and has been carfully and luxuiously added on to over the years. The entire structure is designed for comfort, maintaining integrity to the local roots and to showcase the wonderful views of the countryside. You will find your room to be comfortable, clean and tranquil – a perfect place to hone your dressage skills and then relax when not riding. Additionally, all meals are made and served on premise.

Your riding each day is tailored to your personal goals. Additionally, depending on the program you choose, exciting and scenic trail rides in the countryside are also available.

Whichever program you choose, the trainers and their team of willing and fun Lusitanos will give you a vacation to remember for a lifetime.  We also offer a 3N/3D program.

2024 High Season: March 31-June 29, Sept. 1-Nov. 2, Dec, 22-31 2024 Mid Season:  Feb. 23-March 30, June 30-Aug. 31, Nov. 3-30 2024 Low Season:  Jan. 1-Feb. 24, Dec. 1-21

2025 High Season: Jan. 1-4, March 30-June 28. Aug. 31-Nov. 15, Dec. 28-31 2025 Mid Season: Feb. 23-March 29, June 29-Aug. 30, Nov. 16-29 2025 Low Season: Jan. 5-Feb. 22, Nov. 30-Dec. 27

Program I: Dressage Lessons and Trail Riding: 2024 High Season: $2,705.00 USD (Single Supplement:  $605.00 USD) 2024 Mid Season: $2,305.00 USD (Single Supplement: $455.00 USD) 2024 Low Season: $2,120.00 USD (Single Supplement: $340.00 USD)

2025 High Season: $2,910.00 USD (Single Supplement:  $680.00 USD) 2025 Mid Season: $2,445.00 USD (Single Supplement: $530.00 USD) 2025 Low Season: $2,255.00 USD (Single Supplement: $455.00 USD) This program features one dressage lesson in the morning and a 1.5 hour trail ride in the afternoon. It is designed for riders that feel comfortable at all paces.

Program II: Intensive Dressage Lessons: 2024 High Season: $3,005.00 USD (Single Supplement:  $605.00 USD) 2024 Mid Season: $2,610.00 USD (Single Supplement: $455.00 USD) 2024 Low Season: $2,420.00 USD (Single Supplement: $340.00 USD)

2025 High Season: $3,215.00 USD (Single Supplement:  $680.00 USD) 2025 Mid Season: $2,750.00 USD (Single Supplement: $530.00 USD) 2025 Low Season: $2,560.00 USD (Single Supplement: $455.00 USD) This program features two lessons in dressage: one in the morning and another in the afternoon. One afternoon lesson will be substituted by a trail ride. This program is designed for any level.

Program III: Dressage Light: 2024 High Season: $2,260.00 USD (Single Supplement: $605.00 USD) 2024 Mid Season: $1,995.00 USD (Single Supplement: $455.00 USD) 2024 Low Season: $1,805.00 USD (Single Supplement: $340.00 USD)

2025 High Season: $2,470.00 USD (Single Supplement:  $680.00 USD) 2025 Mid Season: $2,130.00 USD (Single Supplement: $530.00 USD) 2025 Low Season: $1,940.00 USD (Single Supplement: $455.00 USD) This program features one hour dressage lesson daily. It is designed for any level rider.

Program IV: Trail Riding: 2024 High Season: $2,325.00 USD (Single Supplement: $605.00 USD) 2024 Mid Season: $1,930.00 USD (Single Supplement: $455.00 USD) 2024 Low Season: $1,740.00 USD (Single Supplement: $340.00 USD)

2025 High Season: $2,535.00 USD (Single Supplement:  $680.00 USD) 2025 Mid Season: $2,070.00 USD (Single Supplement: $530.00 USD) 2025 Low Season: $1,880.00 USD (Single Supplement: $455.00 USD) Trail rides (2 per day) are conducted at a leisurely pace but there are places for ample trotting and cantering. Trail rides are conducted to the level of the lowest rider.

Rooms are all Premium grade, based on availability. The following weekly deduction in price applies if choosing a standard room: High and Mid Season: $105.00USD Low Season: $150.00USD

Non-Rider (must share a room): 2024 High Season:  $1,445.00 USD 2024 Mid Season:   $1,295.00 USD 2024 Low Season:   $1,110.00 USD

2025 High Season:  $1,650.00 USD 2025 Mid Season:   $1,440.00 USD 2025 Low Season:   $1,250.00 USD

  • 6 nights accommodation
  • 5 days of riding
  • Wine with meals
  • Horse and all tack
  • Instruction/Guiding services
  • All local taxes

Not Included

  • Travel Insurance
  • Drinks outside of meals
  • Airport transfers to/from the farm
  • Gratuities at the end of your stay


Sample Week of Training at Monte Velho

Ride Reviews

We had a wonderful time at Monte Velho! We both enjoyed the trail rise and the lessons. We both worked on communicating clearly to the variety of horses we rode. Dianne worked on sitting straight up and shortening her reins and cantering. I worked on getting The horses collected and straight. On the last day I asked to learn the half pass, and was successful in all 3 gaits, which was great!

Then the instructor asked if I’d like to try a passage and piaffe!! Naturally, I said, ” sure!!! It was exceptionally exciting and fun.

Also, the facility was wonderful, as was the food. The only negative was that the weather was hot – in the mid nineties! Overall, we had fantastic time, and will highly recommend it to others!

My third time in this fabulous resort and again it did not disappoint me. Although only 1.5 hrs away from Lisbon, you are in a totally different world: absolutely peaceful and stunning family owned location with horses to dream of. The instructors are top notch – all of them active Grand Prix riders. Add the design accommodation and the home made fresh, seasonal cuisine from the region and you have all the ingredients for a truly relaxing and unforgettable vacation. It also helps that you are not far away from Unesco World Heritage sites (e.g. Evora) and other places worthy to visit should you wish for a change of scenery.

John & Annie P.

The trip to Monte Velho was a great experience, one that we might repeat in the future, and one that we would recommend to friends.

We were impressed by practically all aspects of the trip. The rooms at MV are excellent. The cuisine is based on local ingredients and calibrated to suit busy days riding. It is terrific that the family’s own red and rose wines are offered with the meals. The staff, led by Diogo, are extremely helpful, and language is rarely, if ever, a problem. Diogo himself is always patient in trying to accommodate changes in schedules and special requests — we cannot remember how many times he re-did the riding schedule to fit in with special requirements.

When it comes to the riding experience, the Lusitano horses are high-level and well trained. Again, the team at MV tries its level best to suit the horse to the rider and to make a favorite horse available. Lessons are intense and trail rides relaxing. Some of the great experiences are riding for one and a half hours without leaving the property, trekking through water, and trying a canter across open fields.

Coralie is very much about competitive dressage and the German method of riding and Joao is an amazing, thoughtful guide to classical (and competition) dressage, and so all worked out well for us.

We had a great time, and would certainly consider taking a vacation at MV in the future.

The word that most comes to mind about the horses ant training I received from Coralie and Cendrine is IMPECCABLE!!! I learned a great deal and they both are eager to help you get it right in a very friendly and professional way and never lose patience with you. My seat and in hand lessons with Cendrine were excellent !! I hope to go back next year!!

I didn’t have cell phone service but was glad of it , really. It might be a good idea to let people know this might occur and to be prepared to buy a SIM card upon arrival.(for people who really rely on cell phone service. Also, I’d recommend people get a rental car at the airport. One can be rented for the same amount as using Tiago and they would still have the freedom. Tiago was wonderful, but there were a couple of times I would have liked to have one. I was reluctant to get one because I didn’t know what the driving, signs etc would be like. I could easily make out the road signs and the traffic was not really heavy.

I had a Wonderful time!!

Coralie is quite amazing- a great rider, a great teacher, and a great administrator- she runs a terrific program. The horses are quite wonderful, as are her grooms, sister Sandrine and friend/employee Michaela. We’re doing lessons in the am and riding out in the afternoon; we just got back from a short but fun ride up to the Castelo, but our other afternoon rides have been more extensive and really beautiful. We have different horses in the am and pm.

In the morning I’m riding a sweet anglo-lusitano mare, very sensitive and forward who is teaching me a lot, and an ex- bull fighting guy on the trail rides, nice enough. Leonor is riding a wonderful Lusitano stallion in the afternoon and she has pretty much fallen in love with him.

Arriolos is fun- we’re in the middle of the carpet festival and will probably bring a couple of them home- they are very beautiful. The Pousada is beautiful and the chapel is a real gem. If I had had my druthers however, I think it would have been nicer to stay in a guest house and eat more meals in the cafes and restaurants in town. The food at the pousada is not bad; it’s just a little bit monotonous. And the local cafes etc. have really good and interesting food. You might think about offering a package option with a guest house instead of the Pousada for those more inclined to be adventurous and not needing a really fancy hotel.

But keep Coralie whatever you do!

WOW!!!! I had such a great experience! Coralie was more than I expected. Her sister and staff we very welcoming and friendly. I got so much out of each ride. The horses were great and I will be looking at the breed when it comes time for my next horse.

We are planning to go back possibly in October. Mom really enjoyed her rides as well and wants to do it again. I got to ride Coralie’s Grand Prix horse and thought that I had died and gone to heaven! Lol. I had a lot of fun too, which was awesome.

I had a fantastic time with Coralie, Vasco, and her students. She’s really a fantastic fantastic teacher and I really wished I could stay longer. One week was NOT enough!

We have already recommended going there to several people because she is the first person ever to give lessons that really made sense, yet were very simply laid out in plain language.

The only only thing we would do different is the meal plan with the hotel. The hotel was beautiful and we had a room where we could see the riding school. However, the meals were HUGE. By Wednesday we were having lunch and dinner in the town with Coralie and staff where the meals were smaller, and less formal.

Now I’m just hoping to arrange some of my personal affairs so I can rebook to go back to Coralie’s!

We had a most fantastic time. Coralie and her working student, Marcus were wonderful. The horses were the best so far and I felt like we left with a lot of new ideas and my trainer was most impressed that “I found my outside rein in Portugal.”

One of the highlights of our trip was that we opted to forego a lesson and went to watch Coralie’s lesson with Daniel Pinto, the trainer for the WEG Portugese team. He trained her and was so supportive and then we also got to watch him work her stallion. I then watched him on TV at the WEG so it was fun to point and say I’d met him. He was very cordial, answered our questions and was very complimentary of Coralie’s training methods. He implied that he thought she and her stallion would be qualifiers for the Olympics in 2016.

Needless to say everything was all we expected and more.

We had a wonderful time at Monte Velho. The facility is beautiful; food was great and the pool, jacuzzi and sauna were wonderful. The horses are very nice and the instructors were very good. We would both go back again. Thanks for all of your help!

B. Lazaroni

Thank you for checking in – I am having the time of my life!!! The people here are wonderful, the instruction excellent, the lesson horses superb, the food delicious, the rooms comfortable and the scenery beautiful! I don’t think I’ve ever had such a wonderful vacation!

I would only recommend one thing, when independent women like ourselves tell you they’re taking the train from Lisbon to Evora, tell them DONT DO IT!!! Lol The ticket desk failed to inform us that there were several changes of trains along the way. Our first leg came to its end and the conductor kicked us (politely) off the train! Fortunately, Rita at Monte Velho immediately arranged for a taxi the take us to Monte Velho, so no harm, no foul. But we’ve learned our lesson!

Otherwise it has been splendid!

A. Brookfield

My trip to Monte Velho with Active Riding Trips was an unforgettable experience. Stacey made my last-minute planning a breeze, and checked in with me while I was away. At Monte Velho, the riding was spectacular, the horses well-cared for, and the property absolutely breathtaking. All our instructors were knowledgeable and structured our lessons so I felt that I made progress in each one. I highly recommend Active Riding Trips to anyone who wants to go on an equestrian adventure.

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