Folding space

If one could fold space in order to travel vast distances relatively fast, how far could one travel, and in what time frame? What effects would the travel have on our bodies and what would a person see if they looked out the window?

We live in a universe that has three space dimensions (as far as we know) and one time dimension. But to make my answer to your question easier to understand, let us pretend the space of our universe has only two dimensions, like a piece of paper, but a piece of paper billions of light-years across. Imagine two points (call them A and B) a hundred light-years apart on that huge piece of paper. Something travelling on the surface of the paper at the speed of light would take a hundred years to get from A to B. But suppose we bend or fold the paper over so that the points A and B touch. Then there is a "short cut" from A to B that has zero length --- or at least a very small length. Taking that short cut would not take a hundred years, but maybe only an instant --- or at least a very short time.

Could the space of our universe fold over like that so that points that are far apart on the paper touch? One cannot rule that out. But even if such a thing could happen, there is the question of how to take the "short cut". It would require what is called a "Minkowski wormhole" (a kind of bridge in space) to connect the two points A and B. The laws of gravity, as written down by Einstein, allow Minkowski wormholes to exist, but ONLY if there exists some kind of matter whose energy and momentum is unlike that of any kind of matter ever seen and extremely unlikely to exist in the real world. For this reason, physicists think that travel great distances by "folding space" is highly unlikely to be possible.

But suppose it were possible. There would be no limit to how far one could travel in space in almost an instant. But even stranger, one could also travel backwards in time, because a wormhole (if they such things existed) could connect a point A at one time to a point B that was at an earlier time. That is, one could travel anywhere in space and time. That means you could get somewhere before you even departed! As to what would happen to our bodies in the process, I do not know exactly. It would depend on the size of the wormhole. The gravitational effects inside the wormhole would probably be immense and destroy a human being going through.

Fortunately, such things are almost certainly not allowed by the laws of physics.

-Stephen Barr

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Is NASA Actually Working On a Warp Drive?

Hyperspace, here we come!

wormhole, conceptual illustration

  • The Alcubierre drive uses a huge amount of energy to make a sort of fold-like pocket dimension.
  • This technology is extremely far off , but thinking about it, experts say, could lead to breakthroughs .

Is NASA really working on . . . a warp drive ? An internal feasibility report suggests the agency might be, or at least that the idea of traveling through folded space is part of the NASA interstellar spaceflight menu.

The space agency isn’t building an engine that can approach the speed of light—yet. In the report, advanced propulsion physicist Harold "Sonny" White, PhD, now of Limitless Space , resolves a major paradox in the leading theoretical model for superluminal (faster than the speed of light) travel, what’s known as an Alcubierre warp drive.

The colloquial term “warp drive” comes from science fiction, most famously Star Trek. The faster-​than-light warp drive of the Federation works by colliding matter and antimatter and converting the explosive energy to propulsion. The show suggests that this extraordinary power alone pushes the ship at faster-than-light speeds.

The Alcubierre drive, first proposed by theoretical physicist Miguel Alcubierre, conforms to Einstein’s theory of general relativity to achieve superluminal travel. It works a bit like the classic “tablecloth and dishes” party trick: The spaceship sits atop the tablecloth of spacetime, the drive pulls the fabric around it, and the ship is situated in a new place relative to the fabric.

Alcubierre describes spacetime expanding on one side of the ship and contracting on the other, thanks to an enormous amount of energy and a requisite amount of exotic matter—in this case, negative energy. Alcubierre's theory creates a kind of pocket in spacetime where a spaceship can operate outside of physics. He insists the requirement for exotic matter is not implausible within quantum mechanics.

The paradox holding back an Alcubierre, in addition to limitations like a lack of negative energy density, is that the direction of a spacecraft is arbitrary when the drive is used—there’s no steering it. Sci-fi has solved this paradox with “stable wormholes,” but NASA can’t fly a deus ex machina to Alpha Centauri.

nasa warp drive paper

So White suggests a different paradigm in his report. Instead of a stationary spacecraft engaging the Alcubierre drive from a stopped position, White explains, “In this modified concept, the spacecraft departs earth, establishes an initial subluminal velocity, then initiates the field. The field’s boost acts on the initial velocity as a scalar multiplier, resulting in a much higher apparent speed.” The ship would use a rolling start as a directional cue.

In 2011, White conducted a field sensitivity analysis on Alcubierre’s model to see if he could shake loose any new insights. He found that Alcubierre’s original drive creates a relatively weak field, with negative vacuum energy on the side of the craft being pushed through a fold in spacetime. By making a more robust field, White says, “you could reduce the strain on spacetime so the amount of energy the trick takes to work is significantly reduced. Think metric ton as opposed to Jupiter.”

White suggests the proving ground for warp speed could be closer to home than the nearest stars. If scientists can make the so-called “negative mass” required for an Alcubierre drive, even a tiny example could be deployed within Earth’s atmosphere. “[T]he idea of a warp drive may have some fruitful domestic applications ‘subluminally,’ allowing it to be matured before it is engaged as a true interstellar drive system,” he explains.

An early example could drastically increase speed and reliability of carrying payloads into space. Using a small “beginner” warp drive, White suggests, will give scientists something to iterate as they grow the technology.

Headshot of Caroline Delbert

Caroline Delbert is a writer, avid reader, and contributing editor at Pop Mech. She's also an enthusiast of just about everything. Her favorite topics include nuclear energy, cosmology, math of everyday things, and the philosophy of it all. 

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Einstein was right: space and time bend

Under his name in the Oxford English Dictionary is the simple definition: genius. Yet for decades physicists have been asking the question: did Albert Einstein get it wrong? After half a century, seven cancellations and $700m, a mission to test his theory about the universe has finally confirmed that the man was a mastermind - or at least half proved it.

The early results from Gravity Probe B, one of Nasa's most complicated satellites, confirmed yesterday 'to a precision of better than 1 per cent' the assertion Einstein made 90 years ago - that an object such as the Earth does indeed distort the fabric of space and time.

But this - what is referred to as the 'geodetic' effect - is only half of the theory. The other, 'frame-dragging', stated that as the world spins it drags the fabric of the universe behind it.

Francis Everitt, the Stanford University professor who has devoted his life to investigating Einstein's theory of relativity, told scientists at the American Physical Society it would be another eight months before he could measure the 'frame-dragging' effect precisely.

'Understanding the details is a bit like an archeological dig,' said William Bencze, programme manager for the mission. 'A scientist starts with a bulldozer, follows with a shovel, then finally uses dental picks and toothbrushes to clear the dust away. We're passing out the toothbrushes now.'

The Gravity Probe B project was conceived in the late 1950s but suffered decades of delays while other scientists ran tests corroborating Einstein's theory. It was Everitt's determination that stopped it being cancelled. The joint mission between Nasa and Stanford University uses four of the most perfect spheres - ultra precise gyroscopes - to detect minute distortions in the fabric of the universe. Everitt's aim was to prove to the highest precision yet if Einstein was correct in the way he described gravity.

According to Einstein, in the same way that a large ball placed on a elasticated cloth stretches the fabric and causes it to sag, so planets and stars warp space-time. A marble moving along the sagging cloth will be drawn towards the ball, as the Earth is to the Sun, but not fall into it as long as it keeps moving at speed. Gravity, argued Einstein, was not an attractive force between bodies as had been previously thought.

Few scientists need the final results, which will be revealed in December, to convince them of Einstein's genius. 'From the most esoteric aspects of time dilation through to the beautiful and simple equation, e=mc2, the vast bulk of Einstein's ideas about the universe are standing up to the test of time,' said Robert Massey, from the Royal Astronomical Society.

He said the mission was 'legitimate science' to test a theory and confirm its brilliance, but others have criticised the costs and length of the study, claiming that what was announced had already been shown. Sir Martin Rees, the Astronomer Royal, said the announcement would 'fork no lightning'.

The theory explained

When Einstein wrote his general theory of relativity in 1915, he found a new way to describe gravity . It was not a force, as Sir Isaac Newton had supposed, but a consequence of the distortion of space and time , conceived together in his theory as 'space-time'. Any object distorts the fabric of space-time and the bigger it is, the greater the effect.

Just as a bowling ball placed on a trampoline stretches the fabric and causes it to sag, so planets and stars warp space-time - a phenomenon known as the 'geodetic effect' . A marble moving along the trampoline will be drawn inexorably towards the ball.

Thus the planets orbiting the Sun are not being pulled by the Sun; they are following the curved space-time deformation caused by the Sun. The reason the planets never fall into the Sun is because of the speed at which they are travelling.

According to the theory, matter and energy distort space-time, curving it around themselves. 'Frame dragging' theoretically occurs when the rotation of a large body 'twists' nearby space and time. It is this second part of Einstein's theory that the Nasa mission has yet to corroborate.

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Space travel played a major role in the evolution and expansion of humanity throughout the known universe . Two forms of space travel existed: faster than light space travel , and conventional space travel .

  • 1 Faster than light travel
  • 2.1 Space Travel Calculator
  • 4 References
  • 5 Behind the Scenes

Faster than light travel [ ]


Supposed early draft for Jodorowsky´s Dune

For several thousand years, faster than light travel ( FTL travel or space-folding ) was conducted exclusively by the Spacing Guild , using Spacefolder vessels piloted by Guild navigators that folded space-time and moved almost immeasurable distances in the blink of the eye.

This form of travel, while extremely expensive, was also not safe as one in ten ships that used space folding engine disappeared, at least during the early years of the technology's use before the advent of Navigators . It was utilized for both commercial and military purposes. Space-folding made use of two key factors:

  • The folding of space-time, which was accomplished by the practical application of the Holtzman Effect .
  • The plotting of a safe course through folded space by a Guild Navigator , who used prescient planning induced by vast amounts of the Spice Melange .

Eventually, at some point between the fall of the Atreides Empire and the discovery of the Dar-es-Balat hoard, Ixian navigation machines broke the guild monopoly on foldspace by providing a means of safely navigating foldspace without a navigator. [1] [2]

Conventional space travel [ ]

The old FTL conventional space travel was used mainly for travel within the confines of a star system (not for interstellar travel). However, before the discovery of the new faster-than-light travel method, it was also used for long-distance space travel. The old method was described as "outracing photons". Even after space-folding became the primary means of interstellar travel, many Imperial warships still kept their old FTL drives as an alternative to the much faster but less reliable Holtzmann engines.

A calculation for velocities obtainable with old FTL conventional space travel can be made from the book "The Butlerian Jihad" by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson. Before the Battle of Earth , the unified Armada is stated to have gathered at Salusa Secundus . This planet is stated in this wikipedia to be located in the  Gamma Waiping system which is about 130.8 light-years form Earth , again according to this wikipedia.  In the book "The Butlerian Jihad"  Xavier Harkonnen states that the Armada takes over a month to reach Earth while traveling at its maximum sustainable speed.  Using terrestrial time periods (days, weeks, months) for simplicity's sake, we get 1,591.4 c for a month, 1,136.72 c for six weeks, and 795.7 c for two months ( c being equal to the speed of light).

Space Travel Calculator [ ]

Space Travel Calculator: In the realm of modern astrophysics and space exploration, understanding the time and resources required for interstellar and interplanetary journeys is crucial. The Space Travel Calculator is a novel tool that provides enthusiasts and researchers alike with valuable insights into potential travel times between various celestial bodies, taking into account several complex variables. This digital utility not only demystifies the vastness of space travel but also fosters a deeper appreciation for the challenges of space exploration. For detailed computations and insights, visit the calculator here: Space Travel Calculator

See also [ ]

  • Spice Melange
  • Holtzman Effect

References [ ]

  • ↑ God Emperor of Dune
  • ↑ Heretics of Dune

Behind the Scenes [ ]

The connection between faster than light travel and the Holtzman Effect is not explicitly mentioned by Frank Herbert . It is a connection made in the prequel novels by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson .

In the ' Legends of Dune ' trilogy, the pair describe the time shortly before and during the discovery of space-folding. In these works the discovery of space-folding is attributed to Norma Cenva , who goes on to become the first prescient folded space navigator. Prior to this, although described in 'The Machine Crusade' as "outracing the old faster than light method", vessels still took weeks or months to cross between even the closest stars.

  • 1 Paul Atreides
  • 2 Leto Atreides II
  • 3 Kwisatz Haderach
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  • Travel Packing

The Best Ways to Pack Clothes for Travel: Rolling, Bundling & More

Last Updated: December 9, 2023 Fact Checked

Rolling Clothes

Wrapping clothes in a bundle, packing shoes, expert q&a.

This article was co-authored by Archana Ramamoorthy, MS and by wikiHow staff writer, Johnathan Fuentes . Archana Ramamoorthy is the Chief Technology Officer, North America at Workday. In 2019, she went on a three-month sabbatical from her work and solo traveled throughout Southeast Asia. She is a product ninja, security advocate, and on a quest to enable more inclusion in the tech industry. Archana received her BS from SRM University and MS from Duke University and has been working in product management for over 8 years. There are 14 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 537,657 times.

Got a big trip coming up? You better start packing! But before you do, you might be wondering: what’s the best way to fold your clothes so they fit in your bag and stay wrinkle-free? Savvy travelers like you have been asking this for ages—and luckily, we’ve got the answers. This article covers a few simple methods for packing clothes for travel. Keep reading to learn how to roll your clothes to prevent wrinkles, how to bundle items to fit neatly in your bag, and how to pack shoes to keep your clothes clean and your suitcase light.

Things You Should Know

  • Roll your clothes instead of folding them to reduce wrinkles and save space. When you reach your destination, hang the clothes to prevent wrinkles.
  • Bundle your clothes by first filling a small pouch with socks. Spread your clothes out flat, put the pouch in the middle, and wrap items around it to form a large bundle.
  • Wear your heaviest shoes, and pack other heavy pairs at the bottom of your suitcase. Place shoes in bags to keep them separate from your clothes.

Step 1 Roll casual clothes and synthetic fabrics to avoid wrinkles and save space.

  • Rolling isn’t recommended for items made from natural fabrics, like cotton or silk, since they’re likely to wrinkle.
  • Some prefer to vacuum pack their rolled clothes to save even more space. However, this produces bad wrinkles.
  • Store delicate items like lingerie and stockings in mesh laundry bags. That way, an airport inspector can see inside the mesh bag without handling these items.
  • Place rolled pajamas and a few pairs of underwear in an accessible spot, like the top of your bag, so you can access them easily when you get to your destination.
  • Use this method to roll dress pants as well.
  • As you roll, press and slide your hands across the fabric to smooth out any wrinkles.
  • Place your rolled T-shirts together in a plastic zip bag. This makes them easier to find when you’re unpacking and prevents them from getting mixed up with other clothing items.
  • Button up dress shirts before rolling them, including collar and cuff buttons.
  • Rolling works best for skirts made with synthetic fabrics like nylon or polyester, since these are wrinkle-resistant.

Step 6 Rolling dresses:

  • Fold your dress in thirds so that it looks like a narrow strip of fabric, then roll it up.
  • If you have an extra fold of fabric at the end of the roll, you can wrap this fabric around the roll to keep everything in place.
  • For instance, to roll a silk blouse, place the blouse in a plastic drycleaning bag and lay it on a flat surface. Fold the sleeves inward and gently roll the blouse from top to bottom.
  • Fold and roll the plastic as if it were part of the item.
  • Roll these items gently to avoid wrinkling. Some wrinkling may still be noticeable when you unpack.

Step 1 Fill an 8-inch (20cm) pouch with soft items like socks, and set it aside.

  • You can also fill the pouch with underwear or swimsuits.
  • If you don’t have a pouch, fold a towel or small blanket into an 8-inch (20 cm) wide pillow shape.
  • Repeat this process for other jackets and tops, alternating each layer’s orientation.
  • Start with the heaviest items first, like jackets and button-down shirts.
  • Add short-sleeve tops after layering your long-sleeves. Don’t layer T-shirts yet—those will come later.
  • When you finish stacking your pants, the pile will have a “+” shape with the pants in one orientation and the tops at 90 degrees to the pants.
  • Make the top third of each sweater overlap with the top third of the sweater below it.
  • Skip this step if you aren’t packing sweaters. Just make sure the next layer is perpendicular to the one below it.
  • Your stack of clothes may get pretty high at this stage. Layer each item carefully to prevent the pile from falling over.
  • Wrap each item tightly as you go. The tighter the wrap, the smaller the bundle will be.
  • For long-sleeved items like shirts and sweaters, fold the sleeves into an “X” pattern over the top of the bundle.
  • The last layer will be your heaviest item, like a jacket or thick hoodie.

Step 7 Place your bundle in a bag or suitcase.

  • While bundle packing is very efficient and helps prevent wrinkles, it takes a bit more time to pack.
  • Bundling also makes it harder for your bag to be inspected by airport security. If your bag is opened for inspection, your bundle may get undone.
  • Unpacking your clothes also makes it easier to find specific items while you’re on vacation. No one wants to dig through a suitcase for a single shirt.
  • Only pack the shoes you’ll really need for your trip. Bringing too many will make your bag heavy and leave less room for other items.
  • Avoid packing big, heavy shoes unless you know you’ll need them, such as for a hiking trip.
  • Conserve space by packing each pair with their tops facing each other, with one shoe turned 180 degrees so that they fit together like a yin-yang symbol.
  • Avoid packing shoes without bags, especially in the same suitcase as your clothes.

Step 3 Stuff your shoes with socks to save space in your bag.

  • Avoid doing this with dress shoes, heels, or expensive shoes. Fill these with tissue paper or wood shoe blocks to help maintain their shape.

Step 4 Pack heavier shoes at the bottom of your bag.

  • If you’re packing a backpack , place heavier items like shoes in the middle of your bag, not the bottom. This keeps your backpack’s center of gravity near your torso, making it easier to carry.

Archana Ramamoorthy, MS

  • If you’re checking luggage on a plane, bring a separate carry-on bag with 1-2 days’ worth of clothes, plus all essentials like medicine, toiletries, and travel documents. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 1
  • If items get wrinkled in your bag, you can remove the wrinkles without an iron by hanging your items in a bathroom and running a hot shower. The steam will smooth out the wrinkles. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 1
  • If you’re traveling with another person, divide both of your belongings between both bags. That way you’ll each have some of your belongings if one bag goes missing. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

travel by folding space

  • Avoid using rubber bands to keep rolled items tightly packed. They will leave visible lines or creases in your items. Use plastic bags or packing cubes instead. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0
  • If possible, avoid bringing heavy clothing. Layer your clothes to stay warm and wear thermal underwear in colder climates. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0
  • Use caution when lifting heavy bags. Rolling and bundling help you fit more items in one bag, which could make it weigh more. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 1

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Archana Ramamoorthy, MS

To fold your clothes for travel, start by putting bulky items like shoes at the bottom of your suitcase, using the inside of your shoes as storage space for socks or other small items. Then, since rolled-up clothes take up less space than traditional folding, fold pants and skirts in half lengthwise, then roll them up, starting at the cuff and smoothing the fabric as you roll. Fold shirts by laying them face down, folding the sleeves in, then rolling down from the top. Since bulky items like winter jackets can be a little tricky, use a rubber band to secure them after you roll. For tips on how to minimize wrinkles, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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We Can't Alter The Flow of Time But, According to Physics, We Can Bend It

Time travel is much more than a dream. it's science..

generalfmv/Adobe Stock

Traveling in Time

Most of us have dreamed of traveling through time, backward or forwards, faster than those around us. And surprisingly, recent work has shown us that time travel is far more than just a dream. In fact, a number of researchers have explored, and are currently exploring, the legitimacy of time travel. While they haven't quite gotten to the point where they are able to time travel themselves—these researchers  have found some concrete science backing it up.

This past June, I met with  James Beacham , a particle physicist at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), at Brain Bar Budapest, a festival focused on the future, to talk about the ways in which time travel has enraptured humanity and discuss both the logistical and technical potential of time travel.

Beacham began by outlining the ways that, according to Einstein's theories, time travel is technically possible through a number of different methods.

One proposed method of time travel is via wormholes. “We know that space can be bent. If space can be bent by, say, gravity, then spacetime can be bent," Beacham said. To clarify, space is the three-dimensional body in which all things in the universe move. Spacetime, however, is the combined concepts of space and time into a four-dimensional continuum. You may have even seen spacetime portrayed as a fabric , manipulated by energy. If spacetime can be bent, Beacham continued, it's theoretically possible that time can be bent.

Making Time Travel A Reality

This concept of bending spacetime  sprung from Einstein’s theory of General Relativity , which introduced the idea that  wormholes could, in theory, act as a bridge between two points  that would otherwise be very distant. Because of spacetime's flexibility, a wormhole could link two different points in its fabric.

Recently, evidence for this theory has moved beyond the strictly theoretical.   A couple of years ago, scientists  built what they described as a "wormhole." Their model, however, created a portal for magnetic fields. As  Smithsonian outlined, "if another magnetic field travels through the wormhole, it appears to leave space altogether, only showing up at either end."

So it doesn't exactly teleport particles (or people) across spacetime, but it does highlight the continual advances that are being made in our ability to manipulate the various fundamental forces in our universe, and ultimately, the manipulation of this force is an important step towards creating a simplified wormhole that would allow us to send electromagnetic waves through an invisible tunnel. Perhaps, one day, we will be able to manipulate spacetime in a similar manner.

So while wormholes remain theoretically possible and important steps are being made, wormholes in spacetime, specifically, have yet to be observed or created.

Another potential method of time travel is time dilation. Einstein's theories predicted that time passes differently throughout the universe. We now know this to be true— clocks tick slower on the International Space Station (ISS) than they do here on Earth, for example. This happens because time moves slower for objects that are near strong gravitational fields (such as Earth) than for objects further from these fields, like the ISS.  

So by spending time off Earth's surface and returning at a later point, a human could, in a sense, fast forward through time. If you could get close to a black hole, because there are such strong gravitational forces in the vicinity, time would slow to a mesmerizing degree. Thousands of Earth-years might pass by while only a few seconds tick by near a supermassive black hole.

Time dilation also comes into play where speed is concerned. If we were to, say, travel at 95% of the speed of light, time would slow down dramatically. So again, thousands of Earth-years could pass by in what the traveler experiences as just a few moments.

And this is just the beginning, as there are a number of different ways in which we could make time travel into a reality. Scientists from various disciplines are investigating different methods for us to make more dramatic jumps through time, l ike using circulating light beams,  which can be created through the use of gamma and magnetic fields to twist space and cause time to be twisted. Other methods include  quantum tunneling and hypothetical cosmic strings.

Of course, just because something is theoretically possible doesn't mean it's technically feasible. At least, not yet. We can't make wormholes, and we can't travel near the speed of light. But there is hope that we could achieve these things in the very near future. "We could possibly address things about time travel and understand the basic nature of time with the research that we do now. Or at least, in the next 50 to 100 years," Beacham said.

Yet, we must acknowledge the possibility that moving back and forth through time may be contrary to the laws of physics . Still, that doesn't mean we shouldn't try.  As Stephen Hawking famously wrote in his autobiography , "Even if it turns out that time travel is impossible, it is important that we understand why it is impossible."

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Is space folding a good method of space travel (if it is for real)


By Lekgolo555 February 10, 2007 in Astronomy and Cosmology

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Is folding space (or wormholes) a good method of space travel; that is if it actually exists or is a theory that people except?

I remember on a history channel show about space travel, that there was something called "rosen bridges" or wormholes that were everywhere in einstein's theories. Apparently they're tunnels of folded space making the distance very short.

Is this even possible? If so wouldnt it take a long time to actually fold the space anyways because in order to fold it, the two points would still have to travel the same long distance just to get to the position where they are now folded?


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The idea of folding space is real, and it works mathematically. The problem is that we have no mechanism to fold space itself... which is something I couldn't even begin to imagine how we would do.

I think that one idea is that space (and time) may already be folded, and we have to figure out a way to tunnel through it.

I don't know that much about this area, but it's all VERY theoretical.


They have a few ideas about how to do it but they are FAR beyond the technological powers of even most Sci-Fi races. usually has something to do with 2 rings of neutron star matter that are 2AU in radius being spun near the speed of light. not the easiest of tasks. then theres the negative energy, we don't have a clue about that one.

  • 2 weeks later...


The film "Event Horizon" is about folding space, its a good film but it would put anybody off ever trying to travel that way.

  • 2 years later...


The theory of folding space is quite real. To answer the original question about the distance being the same even when folded I have added a picture (art not my strong point) to help show the general idea.

The neutron star idea is the closest we have but there is also the idea using super black holes which do in effect bend space/time already. It is by far all theory of course but also some think very possible as space/time is being bent naturally everywhere.

Bend space.jpg


every object folds the space but nothing have enough power to make a worm hole

Merged post follows:

to make a wormhole you have to make two holes and that means u have to go where u want to go before using hole

every object folds the space but nothing have enough power to make a worm hole Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged to make a wormhole you have to make two holes and that means u have to go where u want to go before using hole

Not sure what your getting at there. It has already been theorised that wormholes could be abundant in the universe if there was exotic matter (matter with negative mass/energy). Being able to detect or travel through a wormhole is another matter as, when these form they most likely close immediately.

There is also the theory behind black/white holes being a form of wormhole.


The only thing I can say is that it could be possible, otherwise we wouldn't have came up with this theory. Any thing that the mind can dream up should always be treated with respect, For example 110 yrs ago we thought flight was impossible, Unless it is proven wrong .It might be possible

For example 110 yrs ago we thought flight was impossible,
no we didn't. we seen birds flying, we had gliders etc. the only novelty the wright brothers brought to the table was a powersource that could drive the plane forward enough to lift the plane AND the power source.

Sorry for my lack of knowledge about flight ,but I think I made the point concerning the question that was asked.Anyway, insane_alien, thanks for the

That's a little harsh and could of been better as it's not quite true.

Hot air balloons were the first sustained 'flight' in 1783. Gliders came a little later in 1804 which were only a model (not taking into account Da Vinci).

Then the first actual take off but not sustained flight happened in around 1874. And then in 1890 Clement Ader’s Eole was the first 'powered flight'.

The Wright brothers came later famed for 'sustained powered flight'.

Sorry to bring it up in such detail but if you put someone down then I always say do it with facts.

Not sure what your getting at there. It has already been theorised that wormholes could be abundant in the universe if there was exotic matter (matter with negative mass/energy). Being able to detect or travel through a wormhole is another matter as, when these form they most likely close immediately. There is also the theory behind black/white holes being a form of wormhole.
its simple to go anywhere you have to dig two holes enterance and exit so to make a wormhole we need 2 holes so two high gravity forces get it?

Do I get it? holes enterance and exit

I can spell entrance correctly for a start. Your argument has nothing to back it up apart from you blustering. Please don't go toe to toe with me. You will lose. Your argument has no substance and has the attitude of a 2 year old punching and screaming because they MUST be right as they shouted the loudest and longest.



the traditional representation of 3-d space and time and how it warps due to gravity is to envision a flat plane; gravity is symbolized by depressions in this plane; (for example, throw a ball onto a stretched sheet; the depression it makes will "attract" other items you place onto the sheet).

a Black hole is theorized to form a one way ticket to a bubble of space that the black hole has captured. perhaps it even breaks off completely; like a bubble.

a wormhole, on the other hand, is like a vortex; it could be formed by any number of disturbances. Consider water currents and eddies and how they intermingle and occasionally form small vortexes; this is similar to how a wormhole forms. One side forms semi-randomly due to gravitational anomolies, and the other side "snakes" from that point through space outside our universe; eventually rejoining our universe at some possibly far off point. The concept is simple; while perhaps the space in our universe from the entrance to the exit might be several million light-years, the stretch of the wormhole could distort the space within it to be a much shorter distance; perhaps less than 100 light years.

It is at this point I must contest the common visual depiction of worm-holes in TV and movies. Now, obviously, nobody really knows what it looks like. But theoretically, you are moving outside the known universe; there are no stars there; I would supposition that you would only see a bright light in two directions: the entrance, and the exit. the entrance light is formed by light being sucked into the wormhole; the exit light is the same. (this is under the assumption that such spacial anomalies would be insensitive to "direction of travel" which makes sense.

Now, going by this, it would be unnecessary to have "two" worm hole entry points. Although it is feasible that a second wormhole might intercept the first outside the universe, but that's just head-ache-inducing to fathom.

the traditional representation of 3-d space and time and how it warps due to gravity is to envision a flat plane; gravity is symbolized by depressions in this plane; (for example, throw a ball onto a stretched sheet; the depression it makes will "attract" other items you place onto the sheet).   a Black hole is theorized to form a one way ticket to a bubble of space that the black hole has captured. perhaps it even breaks off completely; like a bubble.   a wormhole, on the other hand, is like a vortex; it could be formed by any number of disturbances. Consider water currents and eddies and how they intermingle and occasionally form small vortexes; this is similar to how a wormhole forms. One side forms semi-randomly due to gravitational anomolies, and the other side "snakes" from that point through space outside our universe; eventually rejoining our universe at some possibly far off point. The concept is simple; while perhaps the space in our universe from the entrance to the exit might be several million light-years, the stretch of the wormhole could distort the space within it to be a much shorter distance; perhaps less than 100 light years.   It is at this point I must contest the common visual depiction of worm-holes in TV and movies. Now, obviously, nobody really knows what it looks like. But theoretically, you are moving outside the known universe; there are no stars there; I would supposition that you would only see a bright light in two directions: the entrance, and the exit. the entrance light is formed by light being sucked into the wormhole; the exit light is the same. (this is under the assumption that such spacial anomalies would be insensitive to "direction of travel" which makes sense.   Now, going by this, it would be unnecessary to have "two" worm hole entry points. Although it is feasible that a second wormhole might intercept the first outside the universe, but that's just head-ache-inducing to fathom.

now imagine a copper stick and you want to fold it so 1 st you add 1 magnet to up side and to create a conflict you add another magnet at left site but imagine that these magnets have 1 polar they are like planets. so if they are so strong they can attract each other and folds the stick.

so the worm holes works this way but at that stick there may be lot of magnets so there maybe lot of holes.

on the other hand in theory if u want to go exact place with your hole at space you have to put 2 high gravity stars. to attarct and fold the space. but it is ipmposible cuz there are tons of hşgh gravity areas like black holes if so strong they attract each and we have a labirent.

i hope i can explain what i think cuz my english is not that good.

Leader Bee

the traditional representation of 3-d space and time and how it warps due to gravity is to envision a flat plane; gravity is symbolized by depressions in this plane; (for example, throw a ball onto a stretched sheet; the depression it makes will "attract" other items you place onto the sheet).  

I have always been somewhat confused by this representation of gravity folding/bending space. I can see why it is commonly represented as such because it is simpler to visualise but the problem I have with it is that Space-Time has length, width and depth.

If this is the case it would not be as simple as a depression appearing in sheet, rather the sheet of space-time would be wrapped around gravity and I have a hard time visualising a volume bending rather than an area.

Does anyone have any links with pictures or can explain how this works so I may understand it in a 3d sense rather than the more common 2 dimensional plane?

I have an image here for you. Hope it's what you were looking for. Borrowed off the web.


your image from google images supports me isnt it?

Not quite what I was looking for, but thanks. That is just a 2 dimensional plane that has been folded as with the below picture. How I understand space-time is that it works in 4 dimensions so am struggling to see how it bends around an object in 3 dimensions. rather than creating just an impression under a gravitational object

I suppose what I am asking is if there are any representations of the below that show spacetime in 3D instead of on one plane.

Not quite what I was looking for, but thanks. That is just a 2 dimensional plane that has been folded as with the below picture. How I understand space-time is that it works in 4 dimensions so am struggling to see how it bends around an object in 3 dimensions. rather than creating just an impression under a gravitational object   I suppose what I am asking is if there are any representations of the below that show spacetime in 3D instead of on one plane.  

that pic is absolutaley wrong

To answer the original question about the image. I have never seen a true representation of how space/time is effected in 4 dimensions or even 3 for that matter. If something is effected in all three dimensions then the image would just be a sphere within a sphere as every dimension is effected.
cuz u think so touchable .
Again finding myself wondering what you are saying and/or meaning??


my english limited sorry

Ok that explains it. No problem

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travel by folding space

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Fold the Page, Fold the Space

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"Look," said Ford, "I'll show you." He grabbed a napkin off the table and fumbled with it. "Look," he said again, "imagine this napkin, right, as the temporal Universe, right? And this spoon as a transactional mode in the matter curve." It took him a while to say this last part, and Arthur hated to interrupt him. "That's the spoon I was eating with," he said. — The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

A character explains Time Travel , Faster-Than-Light Travel , Teleportation , or wormholes by folding a sheet of paper (or something similar) in half to illustrate the theory of an Einstein-Rosen Bridge. Usually they indicate two points at opposite ends of the sheet, then fold the sheet so that the points touch. If they really want to get their audience's attention, they might create their metaphorical wormhole by stabbing a pen through the two points.

Truth in Television : the piece of paper explanation has become so ubiquitous that it turns up in many real-world scientific explanations of wormholes and space/time.

Sub-Trope of Layman's Terms and Phlebotinum Analogy . See also Currency Conspiracy , where folding a dollar bill can be used as "proof" of The Conspiracy .

    open/close all folders 

  • Doraemon: The Record of Nobita : Spaceblazer has the spaceship belonging to Ropporu and Chammy unexpectedly having their back hatch connecting to the floorboards of Nobita's bedroom after Ropporu tried escaping the Garutite Corporation's mooks via hyperspace. As Nobita tried pondering the concept of hyperspace travel, Ropporu rolls a piece of A4 to demonstrate how it works. Nobita, being The Ditz , then questions if the galaxy's indeed made of paper, how much paper would it take to create an actual universe . (cue Ropporu doing a Face Fault )
  • A variation in Rocketship Voyager . While explaining various theories of Faster-Than-Light Travel to Tom Paris, B'Elanna Torres uses a slide rule to demonstrate folding space instead of a paper and pencil, and a bubble of alcohol floating in zero-gravity (from a squeeze-tube of illicit moonshine ) to demonstrate a warp bubble.
  • In Agent Carter: Phantom Pain , Sue Storm uses this to demonstrate an Einstein-Rosen Bridge to Peggy and her associates. She only demonstrates creating a bridge from Los Angeles to New York, however, and elaborates that Cassandra Romulus' plans don't seem to have an actual destination at the other end of the tunnel. She also coins the term "wormhole" during her explanation.
  • Happens in Déjà Vu (2006) when Doug demands a Layman's Terms explanation for how the scientists established a live feed connection to a timeline four days in the past. Denny holds up a blank sheet of paper and then folds it to explain how they folded space and time to create a wormhole into the past.
  • In Event Horizon , the ship's designer William Weir ( Sam Neill ), demonstrates the concept with the centerfold page from a magazine.
  • On the way to the wormhole in Interstellar , Romilly does some exposition talk to explain the wormhole idea to Cooper. Interestingly, the movie refers to the hole as a sphere rather than a tunnel, which is scientifically correct. Romilly: So they say you want to go from here, to there. [holds up a blank sheet] But this is too far. So a wormhole bends space like this so you can take a shortcut through a higher dimension. [folds paper and pierces it with a pen] Okay so, to show that, they've turned three-dimensional space into two dimensions, which turns a wormhole in two dimensions: a circle. What's a circle in three dimensions? Cooper: A sphere. Romilly: Exactly. A spherical hole.
  • Jane tears a page out of the book she wrote in Thor: Love and Thunder and folds it to demonstrate how wormholes work. For bonus points, she asks the man she's explaining it to if he's seen Event Horizon and Interstellar .
  • In the My Teacher Is an Alien series, a random alien explains the ship's movement using a noodle-like alien food. The book also makes a point that said alien knows the general theory but can't explain the mechanics of how it works, because he's not actually an engineer, much as how most people have only a vague idea of how an internal combustion engine works.
  • Subverted in The Restaurant at the End of the Universe , in which Ford Prefect starts with a napkin, and subsequently completely fails to explain to Arthur Dent why Milliways is protected from the destruction of the Universe.
  • In The Wheel of Time , Rand uses this with a cloth to explain his method of Thinking Up Portals to a female channeler. Since the Mars and Venus Gender Contrast is hard-coded into the magic system, she's quite disturbed by the notion of distorting and puncturing the fabric of reality, while he's equally confused by her own method of somehow turning the destination and origin points into the same location.
  • In A Wrinkle in Time , the protagonists are shown an ant walking across a cloth, how it has to travel such a far distance to get from one side to the other. But, by folding the cloth so that the two ends are right beside each other, the ant can travel the whole distance by only going a few steps. This demonstration is where the title of the book comes from.
  • Skeleton Crew : Not physically demonstrated but the analogy is made in "Mrs Todd's Shortcut". Homer discovers evidence that Mrs Todd's shortcuts are taking fewer miles than are in a straight line between the trip origin and its destination, something that would be impossible in reality. Mrs. Todd compares the shortcuts to folding a map to bring two points closer together, suggesting she has discovered a warped version of reality, akin to a wormhole.
  • The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet features a crew of space travelers whose job is to construct wormholes, or tunnels, for intergalactic travel in a story set in a somewhat unified galaxy. These tunnels allow the public to travel from space to space in a way that's akin to an average commute, maintaining the consistency of time despite the actual speed of light between spaces. Newcomer ship clerk Rosemary Harper gets a crash-course on how tunneling works from ship mechanic and resident Cloudcuckoolander Kizzy Shao, who begins by using her porridge and the space above it as an example of the distance their ship travels to "punch" a hole within the fabric of space. She's about to launch a blueberry across the counter with a spoon when she remembers she "can't fold porridge", and uses a much more foldable napkin instead. It plays out pretty much similarly with all the other examples, though emphasis is made on the work involved in keeping the sublayer (the "space" between space) from ripping apart after they've punched two holes through space. Kizzy: (Holds up clean napkin, gripping the two opposite corners) Okay. You know the big grid-like spheres surrounding tunnel openings? [...] Those are containment cages. They keep space from ripping open any farther than we want to. You have to have one cage on each end of the tunnel. (Gestures with the corners of the napkin) So if we've got one cage at this end, and another cage at this end, we've got to construct a tunnel that effectively makes it so that this - (Stretches the corners far apart from one another) - is the same thing as this. (Brings the corners together) Rosemary: (Frowns) Okay, so, the cages are light-years apart. They're not in the same place. But...they behave as if they were in the same space? Kizzy: Pretty much. It's like a doorway connecting two rooms, only the rooms are on opposite sides of town . Rosemary: So the only place the distance between those two points has been changed is...within the tunnel? Kizzy: (Grins) Physics is a bitch, right?
  • In Robert A. Heinlein 's Starman Jones , a character explains the "anomalies" that allow for interstellar travel by folding another character's scarf (which conveniently even has a stylized picture of the Solar System on it, allowing him to talk about the difference it makes in traveling from "Mars" to "Jupiter" with or without the scarf folded over).
  • In The Ballad of Black Tom , Suydam's explanation for going Outside is: Imagine a cotton ball stuck to a strip of adhesive tape. Now imagine crumpling the tape, so that many different points touch the same cotton ball. The ball represents the room we're in.
  • In Halo: First Strike , slipspace is described by marking two points in a sheet of paper and scrunching it into a ball to shorten the distance.
  • Although not used in the show itself, the Series Bible for Battlestar Galactica (2003) describes folding the corners of a tablecloth together to explain how FTL works in the setting.
  • In Quantum Leap Sam uses the term "string theory" to explain his leaping. Imagine your life as a piece of string, with one end (birth) and the other end (death). If you ball the string up , every day of your life touches every other day out of order, so you can jump from one to another, therefore time-travelling within your own lifetime.
  • Mentioned in the Stargate SG-1 episode " Enigma ". When Daniel takes Omoc outside to send a FTL transmission to the Nox , he asks Omoc to explain how his message can cross interstellar distances in an instant. At first reluctant (due to the Tollan rule about not giving technology to younger races), Omoc takes a branch and bends it, so that the ends touch, explaining that the distances seem to be far away, until you merge the points together (paraphrasing). Daniel assumes he's talking about space folding, causing Omoc to shake his head in disappointment and shut up on the subject.
  • In Episode 5 of Stranger Things , the science teacher uses this method to explain to our kid heroes how they could create a doorway to the "Upside Down" dimension. He takes a paper plate, folds it and pierces it with a pen.
  • In Dark (2017) , the inventor Tannhaus uses a rolled-up sheet of paper to demonstrate time travel via wormhole to a visitor.
  • In Lighthouse: The Dark Being , Dr. Jeremiah Krick used his titular lighthouse to create a portal device. His theory follows this trope to the letter, but when he gets it working, it instead creates a portal to a Parallel Universe , which he perceives as his portal crumpling a second sheet of paper against ours.
  • One episode of The Fairly Oddparents made this literal, the show being about Reality Warper fairies and all. Namely, Timmy wishes the family RV could get to Canada faster , and his fairies dutifully make the North American continent fold up accordingly.
  • Phineas and Ferb : In the series finale "The Last Day of Summer", Candace and Doofenshmirtz accidentally trap the world in a "Groundhog Day" Loop and notice that the day gets shorter with every loop, erasing parts of the world in the process. Baljeet explains this phenomenon using a paper towel. He uses a hook to rip a strand from the paper towel, representing the disruption in the time-space continuum, and keeps ripping the paper shorter and shorter until nothing is left. His conclusion is that, left untreated, the time loop will eventually whittle down the universe into nothingness.
  • As noted above, in the Interstellar example, space being three-dimensional instead of two-dimensional means that if wormholes existed things would be more complicated, them being spherical and tunneling through an extra dimension—and that the similar comparison of a black hole with the funnel caused by something heavy put in an elastic sheet is a simplification; it being also a sphere. Better not to think too much about it .

Video Example(s):

Stranger things - mr. clarke.

Mr. Clarke explains the Upside-Down to his students... at a funeral.

Example of: Cool Teacher

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travel by folding space

Expert Tips For Space-Saving Folding Hacks

Expert Tips For Space-Saving Folding Hacks

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Imagine being able to fit twice as many clothes in your closet without sacrificing organization or accessibility. Imagine opening up your linen closet to find neatly folded towels and sheets that take up half the space they used to.

With these space-saving folding hacks, you’ll learn how to streamline your living spaces while still maintaining a sense of order and beauty. Get ready to unlock the potential of every nook and cranny in your home with these game-changing folding techniques!

This article will guide you through thirteen expert space-saving folding hacks that transform the way you organize.


  • Fold clothes using the KonMari method to fit more into your drawers and see everything easily.
  • Use vertical space in closets and drawers by “filing” folded items upright to save room.
  • Roll clothes, especially for travel, to save suitcase space and prevent wrinkles.
  • Try folding hacks that have two uses, like a bench that is also a storage box.
  • Keep folded items neat with organizers, labels, and dividers in your home.

Benefits of Space-Saving Folding Hacks

Watch the tutorial.

TITLE: 7 Compact Ways To Fold Clothes

BY: OrgaNatic

Easy And Innovative Towel Folding Techniques

Space-saving folding hacks are an efficient way to save storage space, reduce clutter, and maximize small spaces in your home. By utilizing these techniques, you can organize and store your belongings more effectively.

Saves storage space

Folding clothes the right way lets you put more in your drawers and closets. Imagine making neat, tight bundles of your shirts, pants, and sweaters. You can stand them up like files in a cabinet.

This trick makes it easy to see all your clothes at once. No more digging to find that favorite tee!

Rolling your outfits is another smart move for space-saving. It works great for socks, underwear, and even jeans. Rolls take up less room than folded stacks, so you can fit more in every drawer or shelf.

Simple Steps For Neat And Accessible Drawer Organization

Plus, this helps keep everything looking tidy and organized without taking up extra room.

Reduces clutter

By using space-saving folding hacks, you can reduce clutter in your home. Neatly folded and efficiently stored clothes create more space in your closet or drawers, making it easier to find what you need.

When traveling, compactly folded clothes can also help keep your suitcase organized and prevent items from getting wrinkled, reducing the chaos that often comes with packing. Implementing these expert tips and tricks will not only save space but also contribute to a more organized and tidy living environment.

Incorporating efficient folding methods and storage solutions into your daily routine can lead to a clutter-free home. Maximizing wardrobe space with creative clothing organization techniques ensures that everything is neat and easily accessible.

Maximizes small spaces

What Are the Best Folding Techniques For Workout Clothes?

To maximize small spaces, try the KonMari method of folding clothes. This technique involves folding clothes into neat little bundles and standing them up or “filing” them vertically in drawers.

This not only saves a considerable amount of space but also allows for easy visibility of all your clothes, making it easier to find what you need without creating a mess. By utilizing vertical storage and efficient clothing organization, you can make the most of your limited space while keeping everything neat and tidy.

Another way to maximize small spaces is by considering foldable furniture and decor. These creative DIY projects can provide efficient space-saving solutions for smaller living areas, allowing you to optimize every inch of your home.

Room by Room Folding Hacks

TITLE: How To Fold Your Clothes To Save Space

Transform your bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living room, and home office with these space-saving folding hacks. From neatly folded clothes to organized linens and towels – learn how to maximize the storage space in every room of your home.

In your bedroom, you can use space-saving folding hacks to make the most of your storage. Here are some expert tips for optimizing space in your bedroom:

  • Use the KonMari method to fold and organize clothes, maximizing storage space and keeping items neat and accessible.
  • Utilize vertical space by filing folded clothes in drawers or using hanging organizers to free up shelf and floor space.
  • Implement dual-purpose folding hacks by using ottomans or benches with storage compartments for both seating and clothing storage.
  • Create foldable decor, such as wall-mounted folding desks or collapsible bedside tables, to optimize space when not in use.
  • Explore space-saving DIY projects like foldable furniture, such as a murphy bed or a foldable desk, to maximize floor space in small bedrooms.
  • Pack efficiently for travel by using packing cubes and rolling garments to minimize wrinkles and maximize suitcase space.
  • Keep your bedroom clutter-free by utilizing clever space-saving storage solutions, such as under-bed storage containers or hanging shoe organizers for accessories.

In your bathroom, space-saving folding hacks can make a big difference in keeping things organized and tidy. Here’s how:

  • Utilize the KonMari method to fold towels and linens for efficient storage, maximizing closet or cabinet space.
  • Use vertical storage solutions such as hanging organizers or shelves to keep toiletries and cleaning supplies neatly folded and easily accessible.
  • Employ dual-purpose folding hacks by using decorative baskets or bins to store neatly folded towels while adding a touch of style to your bathroom decor.
  • Organize smaller items like hand towels, washcloths, and personal care products using foldable storage containers or dividers within drawers.
  • When packing for travel, employ efficient folding techniques to save space in your luggage while keeping toiletries and clothing neatly organized.

In the kitchen, space-saving folding hacks can be a game-changer. Here are some expert tips:

  • Utilize the KonMari method to fold kitchen towels and clothes in neat rectangles for efficient storage.
  • Fold aprons and linens using vertical storage techniques to maximize your cupboard space.
  • Use dual-purpose folding hacks by turning dish towels into pot holders or placemats to save space and reduce clutter.
  • Organize reusable grocery bags by folding them into compact triangles, making them easily accessible for your next trip to the store.
  • Employ creative DIY folding projects like foldable cloth napkins or placemats for both practical use and easy storage.

Living room

Maximize space in your living room with these expert folding hacks:

  • Utilize vertical space by folding and stacking blankets and throwing them neatly on a shelf or in decorative baskets, creating a cozy atmosphere while saving space.
  • Apply the KonMari method to fold and arrange throw pillow covers and small decorative textiles, optimizing storage and maintaining a tidy living room.
  • Incorporate dual-purpose folding hacks by using ottomans or coffee tables with built-in storage to neatly fold and store extra blankets, pillows, or magazines, keeping the living room clutter-free.
  • Implement creative DIY folding projects by creating foldable furniture such as ottomans that open to reveal hidden storage compartments, providing both functionality and space-saving solutions for small living rooms.

Home office

Why Should You Learn Travel-Friendly Folding Techniques?

Neat and organized folding techniques can also be applied to items in your home office space, maximizing storage and minimizing clutter.

  • Utilize the KonMari method to fold office linens and fabric items such as tablecloths and napkins, allowing for more efficient use of storage space.
  • Apply folding techniques to different items, such as documents, files, and papers, to keep them tidy and easily accessible.
  • Make use of vertical space by neatly folding and stacking reference materials, books, or magazines on shelves or in storage bins.
  • When packing for business trips or conferences, utilize space-saving packing tips to ensure efficient use of luggage space.
  • Incorporate dual-purpose folding hacks by using decorative storage boxes or baskets that also serve as stylish organizational tools in your home office.
  • Implement organization hacks for folded items like stationery or crafting supplies to keep them orderly and easy to find when needed.

Expert Tips and Tricks

Tips and tricks

Discover the KonMari method of folding for a more organized space, learn various folding techniques for different items, and find out how to make use of vertical space for efficient storage.

You’ll also get packing tips for travel , dual-purpose folding hacks, and organization hacks for your folded items.

KonMari method

The KonMari method is an efficient way to declutter and organize your clothes. By folding items into neat, compact shapes, you save space and keep everything tidy. This technique involves treating each piece of clothing with care and respect and folding them in a way that maintains their shape while maximizing storage space.

Why Should You Use Proper Folding Techniques For Clothes?

It’s a simple yet effective strategy for keeping your closet organized and making the most out of small spaces. Implementing the KonMari method can help you optimize your wardrobe and simplify your daily routine.

This innovative approach to folding not only saves space but also makes it easier to find what you need quickly. The vertical filing of clothes allows for easy visibility of all items at once, ensuring nothing gets buried or forgotten at the back of drawers.

Folding techniques for different items

To fold t-shirts, lay them flat, fold the sleeves in, and then fold it in half vertically. For jeans, fold one leg over the other, then fold them in half. When folding sweaters, lay them face down and fold each arm back before folding them in half.

Utilizing vertical space

Maximize your storage space by utilizing vertical space when folding clothes. Instead of stacking clothes in piles, try standing them up or “filing” them vertically in drawers. This method saves space and makes it easier to see all your clothes at a glance, eliminating the need to rummage through stacks.

Fun And Easy Folding Techniques For Kids' Clothes

Vertical clothing storage not only saves space but also keeps your clothes organized and easily accessible. By implementing this simple yet effective technique , you can create more room in your closets and drawers while ensuring that every piece of clothing is visible and within reach whenever you need it.

Packing tips for travel

When packing for travel, rolling your clothes instead of folding them can save space and reduce wrinkles.

Dual-purpose folding hacks

Want to make the most of your space-saving folding hacks? Try these dual-purpose folding hacks:

  • Use a hanging organizer with multiple pockets to not only store clothes but also shoes, accessories, or even small household items like cleaning supplies.
  • Fold towels in a way that allows them to be decorative accents in your bathroom, serving both as functional linens and stylish decor.
  • Utilize collapsible storage bins for organizing folded clothes, which can also double as makeshift nightstands or small tables in bedrooms or living rooms.
  • Create a foldable ironing board that can be easily stored and turned into an additional surface for folding clothes when needed.
  • Maximize closet space by using foldable fabric storage cubes that can serve as both organizers and extra seating in your bedroom or living room.

Organization hacks for folded items

  • Use drawer dividers to separate different types of folded items, such as socks, underwear, and T-shirts, keeping them organized and easy to find.
  • Label folded item categories with clear tags or labels to quickly identify what’s inside each drawer or storage container.
  • Utilize stackable bins or baskets to neatly store folded items on shelves or in closets, maximizing vertical space and keeping everything accessible.
  • Install shelf dividers to keep stacks of folded items from toppling over and creating a mess in your closet or on your shelves.
  • Employ the use of vacuum-sealed bags for seasonal clothing or linens, reducing their volume and freeing up valuable storage space.
  • Invest in collapsible fabric storage cubes that can be easily folded and stored when not in use, offering flexible organization solutions for various items.
  • Consider using hanging organizers with multiple compartments for smaller folded items like scarves, belts, or handkerchiefs to keep them tidy and visible.
  • Implement a color-coded system for organizing folded items within drawers or on shelves, making it easier to locate specific items quickly.
  • Try using under-bed storage containers for neatly folded out-of-season clothing or extra linens, effectively utilizing underutilized space in your home.

Creative DIY Folding Projects


Discover innovative ways to create foldable furniture, space-saving storage solutions, and decorative items that can be easily folded and stored when not in use. Read on to explore these creative DIY folding projects and start optimizing your living space today!

Foldable furniture

Creative Folding Techniques For A Clutter-Free Closet

Get ready to maximize your space with these foldable furniture ideas :

  • Utilize foldable tables and chairs for versatile seating and dining options.
  • Invest in a foldable bed or sofa bed for guests or small living spaces.
  • Consider a foldable desk or wall-mounted workspace for compact home offices.
  • Explore folding shelves or bookcases for customizable storage solutions.
  • Look into collapsible wardrobes or clothing racks for convenient extra closet space.
  • Try a foldable ottoman with hidden storage for dual-purpose functionality.

Space-saving storage solutions

To make the most of your space, use multi-functional furniture. For example, consider a bed with built-in drawers or a coffee table that doubles as storage. Utilizing vertical space can also save room; install floating shelves or hang organizers on the back of doors. Use vacuum-sealed bags to compress and store seasonal clothing items. Rolling clothes instead of folding saves space and minimizes wrinkles. Employ clear storage containers to easily identify and access items without creating clutter. Vertical clothing storage systems help maximize closet space and keep garments tidy and organized. Folding clothes efficiently is essential for both home storage and travel, so consider investing in techniques suited for each purpose.

Foldable decor

Decorating your home with foldable items can maximize space and add a touch of creativity to your living areas. Here are some ideas:

  • Foldable Wall Shelves: These versatile shelves can be easily folded away when not in use, saving space and providing storage options.
  • Origami-Inspired Wall Art: Create stunning geometric wall art that can be folded and unfolded to change the look of a room.
  • Foldable Plant Stands: Save space by using plant stands that can be folded when not in use or easily moved around.
  • Accordion Room Dividers: Use foldable dividers to create separate spaces within a room, then fold them away for more open space.
  • Foldable Table Sets: Ideal for small spaces, these tables can be neatly folded and stored when not in use, maximizing the available space.
  • Paper Lanterns: Add a touch of elegance to any room with delicate paper lanterns that can be easily folded and put away when needed.

Conclusion and final thoughts

In conclusion, space-saving folding hacks offer practical solutions for maximizing storage in every room. These expert tips and tricks can transform the way you organize and store your belongings, making the most of even the smallest spaces.

4 Easy Ways To Fold Bulky Winter Clothing

From clothes folding techniques to creative DIY projects, implementing these hacks can bring efficiency and order to your home. By adopting these strategies, you can declutter and optimize your living areas while maintaining a neat and tidy environment.

Start incorporating these expert tips today to experience the benefits of efficient, space-saving folding.

frequently asked questions, faq

1. What are space-saving folding hacks?

Space-saving folding hacks are expert tips that help you fold clothes in a way that saves room.

2. How can I keep my clothes neat and tidy while traveling?

You can pack your clothes neatly by using travel packing tips and space-saving techniques to fold them efficiently.

3. Are there special ways to fold clothes for small spaces?

What Are the Best Folding Techniques for Efficient Clothes Care?

Yes, there are specific clothes-folding hacks and techniques designed to optimize space in small areas.

4. How do I organize my clothing better with these tips?

Using the 13 expert tips will teach you how to fold your clothes neatly for tidy storage and help organize them better.

5. Can these folding tips make packing easier?

Certainly! Folding tips not only make your suitcase tidy but also allow you to pack more by folding clothes for travel in an efficient way.

About the author

travel by folding space

Jamaldeen enjoys reading, cleaning, and technology. He’s always interested in discovering new ways to keep himself and his surroundings clean in the least amount of time and on a tight budget. He will love to share with you a bunch of great tips and tricks for keeping your surroundings and yourself clean!

travel by folding space

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Nasa lays out how spacex will refuel starships in low-earth orbit, "the fundamental flow mechanism is the pressure delta across the umbilical.".

Stephen Clark - Apr 30, 2024 12:19 am UTC

Artist's illustration of two Starships docked belly-to-belly in orbit.

Some time next year, NASA believes SpaceX will be ready to link two Starships in orbit for an ambitious refueling demonstration, a technical feat that will put the Moon within reach.

SpaceX is under contract with NASA to supply two human-rated Starships for the first two astronaut landings on the Moon through the agency's Artemis program, which aims to return people to the lunar surface for the first time since 1972. The first of these landings, on NASA's Artemis III mission, is currently targeted for 2026, although this is widely viewed as an ambitious schedule.

Last year, NASA awarded a contract to Blue Origin to develop its own human-rated Blue Moon lunar lander, giving Artemis managers two options for follow-on missions.

Designers of both landers were future-minded. They designed Starship and Blue Moon for refueling in space. This means they can eventually be reused for multiple missions, and ultimately, could take advantage of propellants produced from resources on the Moon or Mars.

Amit Kshatriya, who leads the "Moon to Mars" program within NASA's exploration division, outlined SpaceX's plan to do this in a meeting with a committee of the NASA Advisory Council on Friday. He said the Starship test program is gaining momentum, with the next test flight from SpaceX's Starbase launch site in South Texas expected by the end of May.

"Production is not the issue," Kshatriya said. "They're rolling cores out. The engines are flowing into the factory. That is not the issue. The issue is it is a significant development challenge to do what they’re trying to do ... We have to get on top of this propellant transfer problem. It is the right problem to try and solve. We're trying to build a blueprint for deep space exploration."

Road map to refueling

Before getting to the Moon, SpaceX and Blue Origin must master the technologies and techniques required for in-space refueling. Right now, SpaceX is scheduled to attempt the first demonstration of a large-scale propellant transfer between two Starships in orbit next year.

There will be at least several more Starship test flights before then. During the most recent Starship test flight in March , SpaceX conducted a cryogenic propellant transfer test between two tanks inside the vehicle. This tank-to-tank transfer of liquid oxygen was part of a demonstration supported with NASA funding. Agency officials said this demonstration would allow engineers to learn more about how the fluid behaves in a low-gravity environment.

Kshatriya said that while engineers are still analyzing the results of the cryogenic transfer demonstration, the test on the March Starship flight "was successful by all accounts."

"That milestone is behind them," he said Friday. Now, SpaceX will move out with more Starship test flights. The next launch will try to check off a few more capabilities SpaceX didn't demonstrate on the March test flight.

These will include a precise landing of Starship's Super Heavy booster in the Gulf of Mexico, which is necessary before SpaceX tries to land the booster back at its launch pad in Texas. Another objective will likely be the restart of a single Raptor engine on Starship in flight, which SpaceX didn't accomplish on the March flight due to unexpected roll rates on the vehicle as it coasted through space. Achieving an in-orbit engine restart—necessary to guide Starship toward a controlled reentry—is a prerequisite for future launches into a stable higher orbit, where the ship could loiter for hours, days, or weeks to deploy satellites and attempt refueling.

In the long run, SpaceX wants to ramp up the Starship launch cadence to many daily flights from multiple launch sites. To achieve that goal, SpaceX plans to recover and rapidly reuse Starships and Super Heavy boosters, building on expertise from the partially reusable Falcon 9 rocket. Elon Musk, SpaceX's founder and CEO, is keen on reusing ships and boosters as soon as possible . Earlier this month, Musk said he is optimistic SpaceX can recover a Super Heavy booster in Texas later this year and land a Starship back in Texas sometime next year.

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Boeing is on the verge of launching astronauts aboard new capsule, the latest entry to space travel

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — After years of delays and stumbles, Boeing is finally poised to launch astronauts to the International Space Station for NASA.

It’s the first flight of Boeing’s Starliner capsule with a crew on board, a pair of NASA pilots who will check out the spacecraft during the test drive and a weeklong stay at the space station.

NASA turned to U.S. companies for astronaut rides after the space shuttles were retired. Elon Musk’s SpaceX has made nine taxi trips for NASA since 2020, while Boeing has managed only a pair of unoccupied test flights.

Boeing program manager Mark Nappi wishes Starliner was further along. “There’s no doubt about that, but we’re here now.”

The company’s long-awaited astronaut demo is slated for liftoff Monday night.

Provided this tryout goes well, NASA will alternate between Boeing and SpaceX to get astronauts to and from the space station.

A look at the newest ride and its shakedown cruise:


White with black and blue trim, Boeing’s Starliner capsule is about 10 feet (3 meters) tall and 15 feet (4.5 meters) in diameter. It can fit up to seven people, though NASA crews typically will number four. The company settled on the name Starliner nearly a decade ago, a twist on the name of Boeing’s early Stratoliner and the current Dreamliner.

No one was aboard Boeing’s two previous Starliner test flights. The first, in 2019, was hit with software trouble so severe that its empty capsule couldn’t reach the station until the second try in 2022. Then last summer, weak parachutes and flammable tape cropped up that needed to be fixed or removed.

Veteran NASA astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams are retired Navy captains who spent months aboard the space station years ago. They joined the test flight after the original crew bowed out as the delays piled up. Wilmore, 61, is a former combat pilot from Mount Juliet, Tennessee, and Williams, 58, is a helicopter pilot from Needham, Massachusetts. The duo have been involved in the capsule’s development and insist Starliner is ready for prime time, otherwise they would not strap in for the launch.

“We’re not putting our heads in the sand,” Williams told The Associated Press. “Sure, Boeing has had its problems. But we are the QA (quality assurance). Our eyes are on the spacecraft.”


Starliner will blast off on United Launch Alliance’s Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station. It will be the first time astronauts ride an Atlas since NASA’s Project Mercury, starting with John Glenn when he became the first American to orbit the Earth in 1962. Sixty-two years later, this will be the 100th launch of the Atlas V, which is used to hoist satellites as well as spacecraft.

“We’re super careful with every mission. We’re super, duper, duper careful” with human missions, said Tory Bruno, CEO of ULA, a joint venture of Boeing and Lockheed Martin.

Starliner should reach the space station in roughly 26 hours. The seven station residents will have their eyes peeled on the approaching capsule. The arrival of a new vehicle is “a really big deal. You leave nothing to chance,” NASA astronaut Michael Barratt told the AP from orbit. Starliner will remain docked for eight days, undergoing checkouts before landing in New Mexico or elsewhere in the American West.


Both companies’ capsules are designed to be autonomous and reusable. This Starliner is the same one that made the first test flight in 2019. Unlike the SpaceX Dragons, Starliner has traditional hand controls and switches alongside touchscreens and, according to the astronauts, is more like NASA’s Orion capsules for moon missions. Wilmore and Williams briefly will take manual control to wring out the systems on their way to the space station.

NASA gave Boeing, a longtime space contractor, more than $4 billion to develop the capsule, while SpaceX got $2.6 billion. SpaceX already was in the station delivery business and merely refashioned its cargo capsule for crew. While SpaceX uses the boss’ Teslas to get astronauts to the launch pad, Boeing will use a more traditional “astrovan” equipped with a video screen that Wilmore said will be playing “Top Gun: Maverick.”

One big difference at flight’s end: Starliner lands on the ground with cushioning airbags, while Dragon splashes into the sea.

Boeing is committed to six Starliner trips for NASA after this one, which will take the company to the station’s planned end in 2030. Boeing’s Nappi is reluctant to discuss other potential customers until this inaugural crew flight is over. But the company has said a fifth seat will be available to private clients. SpaceX periodically sells seats to tycoons and even countries eager to get their citizens to the station for a couple weeks.

Coming soon: Sierra Space’s mini shuttle, Dream Chaser, which will deliver cargo to the station later this year or next, before accepting passengers.

The Associated Press Health and Science Department receives support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Science and Educational Media Group. The AP is solely responsible for all content.

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The 24 Best Travel Tote Bags for Your Next Big Trip

Whether it's your only bag or a carry-on supplement, a travel tote will take your packing game to the next level.

travel tote bags

Every item on this page was chosen by a Town & Country editor. We may earn commission on some of the items you choose to buy.

Medium Metro Tote Deluxe

T&C Tried and True

Medium metro tote deluxe.

Catalina Deluxe Tote

Separate Compartment for Organization

Lo & sons catalina deluxe tote.

Easy Travel Tote

Luxurious Essential

Cuyana easy travel tote.

Packable Tote Bag

Folds Small for Easy Packing

Lululemon packable tote bag.

Large Le Pliage Tote

Classic Tote

Longchamp large le pliage tote.

Travel Duffel Bag with USB Charging Port

Everyday to Travel Tote

Etronik travel duffel bag with usb charging port.

The ReNew Transit Weekender

Minimalist and Functional

The renew transit weekender.

Travel Tote Bag

Bargain Bag

Bluboon travel tote bag.

The Shopper Tote

Madewell The Shopper Tote

Boat and Tote

Heavy Lifter

Boat and tote.

Whatever your travel needs for the season ahead, odds are that a good tote can make your packing life more organized, and less stressful—honestly, what more could you hope for? With that in mind, we've scoured the internet for the more durable, functional travel totes for every type of traveler, from the serial overpacker to the organization fiend. Here, our favorite finds for all of your journeys.

Perpetually trying to find space in your carry-on for one last thing? Meet what one T&C editor calls, "the personal item of every overpacker's dream." Featuring five exterior pockets, plus six on the interior and an detachably pouch, it will keep all of your travel essentials organized while it's sturdy-yet-lightweight construction makes it easy to tuck in "just in case" items to your hearts desire without overwhelming your arms.

The cushy, reinforced straps are easy on the shoulders, but it also has a detachable crossbody strap and a built-in sleeve to slip over the handle of your luggage if you don't feel like toting. It also comes in four sizes (we're fond of the medium for it's ability to hold oodles of stuff while still slipping neatly beneath the seat in front of you on a plane) and a seasonally-refreshed roster of more than a dozen shades, making it as stylish as it is functional.

Lo & Sons Catalina Deluxe Tote

For the "a place for everything and everything in its place" traveler, this tote has you covered with a zippered bottom pocket that's perfect for separating out toiletries or dirty shoes from the rest of your haul (an interior panel also allows you to open the bottom compartment fully, if you're craving a deeper bag.)

Available in recycled poly or sturdy canvas, at 15" x 14" x 7", it qualifies as a personal item for most airlines and has a handy luggage sleeve to pair with your suitcase. For those looking for larger options, it comes in four additional sizes as well.

Cuyana bags are a favorite of T&C editors and royals alike ( Meghan Markle is a big fan ) for their timelessly stylish silhouettes, buttery soft leather, and effortless functionality. This, their latest launch, is made specifically with travel in mind.

Crafted with lightweight, durable pebbled leather (currently available in four colorways) it offers ample interior space (a 37L volume, to be precise) plus two large pockets, a phone slip, and a key clip, as well as snaps for Cuyana devotees who want to mix in their System Flap Bag or System Zipper Pouch .

If you're more of a "shop when you get there" traveler, this bag brings the souvenir space without taking up lots of room in your primary bag. Water-repellant and roomy (it holds 32L by volume) it features rugged shoulder straps, plus an extra strap that lets it slip over the handle of roller luggage, and can fold into its own exterior pouch when not in use to make a tidy, handheld bundle.

Some things are classic for a reason. Case in point: this timeless Longchamp tote; just ask T&C 's associate shopping editor, Sophie Dweck, who's been carrying hers for over a decade . Made from sleek, easy-to-clean nylon that comes in a cornucopia of colors, it features a simple, spacious interior and strong leather straps that ensure it can stand up to anything your travels throw at it, and look good doing it.

Looking for a tote that's as useful in your day-to-day as it is when you're far away? This multi-use tote has racked up thousands of five-star reviews on Amazon for its versatility. A separate, vented shoe compartment makes it as friendly to gym sessions as beach trips, while its multiple pockets keep essentials organized. It also includes a luggage strap and a USB charging port so you can plug in your tech without rummaging through your bag for your battery pack, and comes in two sizes and almost 30 shades so it will match your travel style.

One reviewer writes: "I must say, it exceeded my expectations in every way! This bag is the perfect blend of style and functionality, making it a must-have for any woman on the go."

Type-A packers, take note: this 100% recycled polyester is all about options. Its four colorways can be worn crossbody, carried in hand, or over the shoulder, and include a zippered exterior pocket, a luggage sleeve, two water bottle holders, and a padded laptop sleeve—all with Everlane's signature modern minimalist vibe.

Available in 20 colorways and textures, this canvas tote features a luggage sleeve that also doubles as a tech pouch so your gadgets will always be at the ready. The sturdy construction and bargain price tag have made it a hit with reviewers, who site its roomy 16.5" x 9" x 14" size and comfort.

One reviewer writes: "I am so happy with this purchase! Reasonable price, large main compartment, and a few zip compartments to organize smaller items. Bag fits perfectly under airline seat, even when stuffed FULL. It stayed in place when I had it on top of my roller bag, and I noticed the shape of it kept it from making everything tip forward (which happened with my previous bag)."

For a travel bag that you can use as a purse all trip, this simple Madewell leather tote brings a perfect mix of style and space (12.75" x 12.75" x 7.5".) It even comes with an interior strap that allows you to change the shape, and doubles as a keyring.

True L.L. Bean lovers know that the brand's classic Boat and Tote bag is hard to beat—after all, it's been one of their signature styles since 1944. Crafted from rugged cotton canvas, it's tested to hold up to 500 pounds, so no matter how much you manage to overpack, this bag is guaranteed to take it on. And with four sizes and two interior lengths to choose from, as well as a dozen colors, there's a perfect one for all your needs.

Caraa Studio Tote

Studio Tote

Whether you prefer a classic tote style or a backpack, this Italian leather bag gives you the best of both worlds. Along with the usual amenities (a slew of pockets, adjustable straps) it also has a collapsible waterproof shoe pocket for those days your travel plans call for a quick change.

More: The 18 Best Carry-On Travel Backpacks for Easy, Breezy Packing

Béis The Convertible Weekend Bag

The Convertible Weekend Bag

This tote brings two-for-one power with a removable bottom compartment that can be used as is, or as a separate packing cube. Easy to clean polyester and polyurethane make it a cinch to keep looking like new, with a built-in luggage sleeve and removable laptop sleeve give it plenty of function for that rush through TSA.

Tumi Voyageur Just in Case Packable Nylon Tote

Voyageur Just in Case Packable Nylon Tote

Some people pack an extra suitcase when traveling abroad. We propose this packable Tumi tote instead. It folds out to an impressive 8" x 14" x 8 size when fully opened and weighs less than a pound, so you can shop to your heart's content while getting those passport stamps.

More: The 13 Best Luggage Brands for Every Type of Traveler

Carhartt Legacy Tote East/West

Carhartt Legacy Tote East/West

Built to work hard, this water-repelling polyester Carhartt bag is tough enough to handle all of your travel adventures. It includes two exterior pockets as well as an interior divider and pockets, so it's and functional on the inside as it is on the outside.

One reviewer writes: "Even better than expected! I used it as my personal item for a trip to Mexico…placed my purse, tablet, magazines, etc inside…lots of pockets! Hides dirt, wipes off easily, very well made."

Revive Nylon Large Tote

Revive Nylon Large Tote

Available in five-shades, this nylon tote (made with fabric crafted from 27 recycled water bottles with recycled leather trim) has jumbo exterior slip pockets (plus three interior pockets and a keyring) and a built-in padded laptop sleeve to match its roomy interior with organization.

One reviewer writes: "Great color, roomy, lots of pockets to keep things organized and easy to locate. Perfect for work and travel. Very happy with it."

Dagne Dover Jemi Tote

Jemi Tote

Want a travel tote that makes a style statement? Bring your puffer coat style to your bag with this versatile, vegan tote made from recycled plastic water bottles. At less than a pound and half (it holds 16.2 L volume), it's super lightweight, and has two sets of comfy handles—one for hand-held use and one for shoulder use—plus a luggage sleeve, so it's great no matter your travel style.

Naghedi Jet Setter Small Tote

Naghedi Jet Setter Small Tote

Fully lined, basket-woven neoprene brings beautiful texture to this travel tote, making it ideal for those situations when you have to go straight from the plane to an event. It also has a zip closure and zippered interior pocket to ensure that your stuff stays in place even on the wildest travel days.

Scout Travel Bag Large

Travel Bag Large

You want all of the weight in your travel bag to be from your must-haves, not from the bag itself. This colorful version from Scout (it comes in half a dozen colors and patterns) is a featherlight 1 pound, yet can hold up to 65 pounds of your gear, and can fold flat when not in use. It also comes with a zipper pocket and reinforced bottom so everything you pack stays comfortable where you want it.

Barbour Medium Travel Explorer Leather Tote Bag

Medium Travel Explorer Leather Tote Bag

The biggest name in waxed cotton jackets brings their British heritage sensibility to travel with this luxe 100% leather tote. Measuring 17.72'' x 14.96'', it comes with sturdy top handles and an adjustable shoulder strap for comfortable carrying.

More: The 13 Best Luxury Luggage for Traveling in Style

WONHOX Large Travel Tote Bag

Large Travel Tote Bag

This waterproof travel tote features a luggage sleeve, three interior pockets, including a special compartment to separate wet and dry items (looking at you, still-damp swimsuit) and four external pockets, as well as a zip-open expansion on the bottom so your bag can be as big, or small, as you need.

One reviewer writes : "Schlepped this bag all over Europe and it holds a surprising amount of stuff! The little expander area on the bottom really helped me squeeze in a few extra souvenirs. The trolley sleeve is a MUST from now on. It hooks on to your roller suitcase so easily and is sturdy! I was throwing my baggage up on the train, in and out of taxis and through many airports easy peasy."

Headshot of Lauren Hubbard

Lauren Hubbard is a freelance writer and Town & Country contributor who covers beauty, shopping, entertainment, travel, home decor, wine, and cocktails.

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Boeing is on the verge of launching astronauts aboard new capsule, the latest entry to space travel

Boeing's Starliner capsule atop an Atlas V rocket is rolled out to the launch pad at Space Launch Complex 41, Saturday, May 4, 2024, in Cape Canaveral, Fla. NASA astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams will launch aboard to the International Space Station, scheduled for liftoff on May 6, 2024. (AP Photo/Terry Renna)

Boeing’s Starliner capsule atop an Atlas V rocket is rolled out to the launch pad at Space Launch Complex 41, Saturday, May 4, 2024, in Cape Canaveral, Fla. NASA astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams will launch aboard to the International Space Station, scheduled for liftoff on May 6, 2024. (AP Photo/Terry Renna)

NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test astronauts Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore exit the Neil A. Armstrong Operations and Checkout Building at the agency’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida during a mission dress rehearsal on Friday, April 26, 2024. The first flight of Boeing’s Starliner capsule with a crew on board is scheduled for Monday, May 6, 2024. (Frank Micheaux/NASA via AP)

Boeing Crew Flight Test crew members Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore work in the Boeing Starliner simulator at the Johnson Space Center in Houston on Nov. 3, 2022. The first flight of Boeing’s Starliner capsule with a crew on board is scheduled for Monday, May 6, 2024. (NASA/Robert Markowitz)

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CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — After years of delays and stumbles, Boeing is finally poised to launch astronauts to the International Space Station for NASA.

It’s the first flight of Boeing’s Starliner capsule with a crew on board, a pair of NASA pilots who will check out the spacecraft during the test drive and a weeklong stay at the space station.

NASA turned to U.S. companies for astronaut rides after the space shuttles were retired. Elon Musk’s SpaceX has made nine taxi trips for NASA since 2020, while Boeing has managed only a pair of unoccupied test flights.

Boeing program manager Mark Nappi wishes Starliner was further along. “There’s no doubt about that, but we’re here now.”

The company’s long-awaited astronaut demo is slated for liftoff Monday night.

Provided this tryout goes well, NASA will alternate between Boeing and SpaceX to get astronauts to and from the space station.

A look at the newest ride and its shakedown cruise:

NASA's Boeing Crew Flight Test astronauts Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore exit the Neil A. Armstrong Operations and Checkout Building at the agency's Kennedy Space Center in Florida during a mission dress rehearsal on Friday, April 26, 2024. The first flight of Boeing’s Starliner capsule with a crew on board is scheduled for Monday, May 6, 2024. (Frank Micheaux/NASA via AP)

NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test astronauts Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore exit the Neil A. Armstrong Operations and Checkout Building at the agency’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida during a mission dress rehearsal on Friday, April 26, 2024. (Frank Micheaux/NASA via AP)


White with black and blue trim, Boeing’s Starliner capsule is about 10 feet (3 meters) tall and 15 feet (4.5 meters) in diameter. It can fit up to seven people, though NASA crews typically will number four. The company settled on the name Starliner nearly a decade ago, a twist on the name of Boeing’s early Stratoliner and the current Dreamliner.

No one was aboard Boeing’s two previous Starliner test flights. The first, in 2019, was hit with software trouble so severe that its empty capsule couldn’t reach the station until the second try in 2022. Then last summer, weak parachutes and flammable tape cropped up that needed to be fixed or removed.

In this photo released by Xinhua News Agency, workers open up the capsule of the Shenzhou-17 manned spaceship after it lands successfully at the Dongfeng landing site in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Tuesday, April 30, 2024. China's Shenzhou-17 spacecraft returned to Earth Tuesday, carrying three astronauts who have completed a six-month mission aboard the country's orbiting space station. (Lian Zhen/Xinhua via AP)

Veteran NASA astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams are retired Navy captains who spent months aboard the space station years ago. They joined the test flight after the original crew bowed out as the delays piled up. Wilmore, 61, is a former combat pilot from Mount Juliet, Tennessee, and Williams, 58, is a helicopter pilot from Needham, Massachusetts. The duo have been involved in the capsule’s development and insist Starliner is ready for prime time, otherwise they would not strap in for the launch.

“We’re not putting our heads in the sand,” Williams told The Associated Press. “Sure, Boeing has had its problems. But we are the QA (quality assurance). Our eyes are on the spacecraft.”

Boeing Crew Flight Test crew members Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore work in the Boeing Starliner simulator at the Johnson Space Center in Houston on Nov. 3, 2022. The first flight of Boeing’s Starliner capsule with a crew on board is scheduled for Monday, May 6, 2024. (NASA/Robert Markowitz)


Starliner will blast off on United Launch Alliance’s Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station. It will be the first time astronauts ride an Atlas since NASA’s Project Mercury, starting with John Glenn when he became the first American to orbit the Earth in 1962. Sixty-two years later, this will be the 100th launch of the Atlas V, which is used to hoist satellites as well as spacecraft.

“We’re super careful with every mission. We’re super, duper, duper careful” with human missions, said Tory Bruno, CEO of ULA, a joint venture of Boeing and Lockheed Martin.

Starliner should reach the space station in roughly 26 hours. The seven station residents will have their eyes peeled on the approaching capsule. The arrival of a new vehicle is “a really big deal. You leave nothing to chance,” NASA astronaut Michael Barratt told the AP from orbit. Starliner will remain docked for eight days, undergoing checkouts before landing in New Mexico or elsewhere in the American West.


Both companies’ capsules are designed to be autonomous and reusable. This Starliner is the same one that made the first test flight in 2019. Unlike the SpaceX Dragons, Starliner has traditional hand controls and switches alongside touchscreens and, according to the astronauts, is more like NASA’s Orion capsules for moon missions. Wilmore and Williams briefly will take manual control to wring out the systems on their way to the space station.

NASA gave Boeing, a longtime space contractor, more than $4 billion to develop the capsule, while SpaceX got $2.6 billion. SpaceX already was in the station delivery business and merely refashioned its cargo capsule for crew. While SpaceX uses the boss’ Teslas to get astronauts to the launch pad, Boeing will use a more traditional “astrovan” equipped with a video screen that Wilmore said will be playing “Top Gun: Maverick.”

One big difference at flight’s end: Starliner lands on the ground with cushioning airbags, while Dragon splashes into the sea.

Boeing is committed to six Starliner trips for NASA after this one, which will take the company to the station’s planned end in 2030. Boeing’s Nappi is reluctant to discuss other potential customers until this inaugural crew flight is over. But the company has said a fifth seat will be available to private clients. SpaceX periodically sells seats to tycoons and even countries eager to get their citizens to the station for a couple weeks.

Coming soon: Sierra Space’s mini shuttle, Dream Chaser, which will deliver cargo to the station later this year or next, before accepting passengers.

The Associated Press Health and Science Department receives support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Science and Educational Media Group. The AP is solely responsible for all content.

travel by folding space

Ellen Ochoa, SDSU graduate and first Latina to travel in space, awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom

President Joe Biden awards the nation's highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, to Ellen Ochoa.

The La Mesa native also was the first Hispanic director of NASA’s Johnson Space Center

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Astronaut Ellen Ochoa, the San Diego State University graduate who became the first Latina to fly in space, was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Biden during a ceremony at the White House.

The La Mesa native was one of 19 people to be recognized Friday with the nation’s highest civilian honor, which is given to those who have made major contributions in areas ranging from world peace to improving the prosperity and values of the United States.

The other living and deceased recipients included such prominent figures as former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, television pioneer Phil Donahue and civil rights activist Medgar Evers, who was honored posthumously.

Biden said Ochoa’s four flights aboard the space shuttle helped lead to “a whole new age of space exploration, improving what it means for every generation to dream to reach for the stars, and get there.”

Ochoa graduated from Grossmont High School in El Cajon in 1975, then enrolled at SDSU, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in physics. She went on to earn a master’s and a doctorate in engineering at Stanford.

President Joe Biden awards the nation's highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, to Michelle Yeoh during a ceremony in the East Room of the White House, Friday, May 3, 2024, in Washington. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)


Biden awards the Medal of Freedom to Nancy Pelosi, Medgar Evers, Michelle Yeoh and 15 others

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, slain civil rights activist Medgar Evers and actor Michelle Yeoh are among a diverse group of 19 people who have received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Joe Biden

May 3, 2024

She had an early love of science but didn’t always envision where it would take her.

“I mean, it was the summer right after I finished elementary school when Apollo 11 astronauts landed on the moon,” Ochoa told the San Diego Union-Tribune in 2020.

“Of course the whole country was watching, and it was amazing — but you know, honestly, I just could not conceive of that as a career,” she said.

Her attitude changed. In 1985, she applied for entrance to NASA’s elite astronaut corps. She didn’t get in then, but she was accepted in 1990 and became an astronaut one year later.

She was on a path to fame. In April 1993, Ochoa soared into orbit aboard the shuttle Discovery, becoming the first Latina to travel in space. She made three more shuttle flights, two of which involved visits to the International Space Station. Ochoa logged nearly 1,000 hours in space, a feat achieved by few space explorers.

That wasn’t the end of her career. In 2013, she was named director of NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, the home of Mission Control. Ochoa was the center’s first Hispanic director, a position she held until she retired from the space agency in 2018.

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  25. Boeing is on the verge of launching astronauts aboard new capsule, the

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  28. Boeing set to launch astronauts for NASA in new capsule

    Wilmore and Williams briefly will take manual control to wring out the systems on their way to the space station. NASA gave Boeing, a longtime space contractor, more than $4 billion to develop the capsule, while SpaceX got $2.6 billion. SpaceX already was in the station delivery business and merely refashioned its cargo capsule for crew.

  29. Ellen Ochoa, SDSU graduate and first Latina to travel in space, awarded

    In April 1993, Ochoa soared into orbit aboard the shuttle Discovery, becoming the first Latina to travel in space. She made three more shuttle flights, two of which involved visits to the ...

  30. Solar Orbiter Captures Hairy View Of Sun's Surface

    Travel. Climate. Now Playing. The Surface Of The Sun Looks … Furry? 00:43. Next Up. Groundbreaking Discovery Off Mexico 00:46. Security Camera Films Flood Creeping Into Home 00:39.